#also for the record I DID finish this a couple days ago
fireboos99 · 1 month
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I literally do not have anything smart to say here, this drawing literally only happened because my siblings were telling me I should post my brainrot doodles on here, and my anxiety-ridden ass couldn't do it, and decided the only solution was to spend days (read: the entire latter end of April) working on a proper drawing because "if I'm going to post anything on tumblr, it better be a full-ass drawing"
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shima-draws · 2 years
I WAS gonna do commissions today but then I saw how the weather was all dark and gloomy and the house is cozy and warm and it’s a perfect day for curling up on the couch and playing Genshin for 6 hours straight........yeah
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gatitties · 9 months
War & crack II
—Task Force 141 x young!reader
—Summary: more headcanons with your team as you being chaotic
—Warnings: none
Part One / Halloween special
yeah, I didn't finish my brainstorm and I bring more things from this sudden idea 🫣
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─ Listen, you have a lot of problems.
─ And we are not talking about your jokes about death biting your ass anymore.
─ Price's going to go bald before he retires, how the hell are you still alive today? It is a mystery to them.
─ Everyone noticed during a mission where they had to stay in a safe house for a few weeks that you had the same concentration as a fly, empty thoughts behind your eyes lost in a distant point of reality.
─ You looked like another person when you were a simple civilian, Gaz had to pull you so you wouldn't get run over a couple of times for not looking at the traffic lights.
─ Price needs to put on videos of crunchy slime or Subway Surfers so you could hear what he was saying, (Soap won't admit that it also helps him focus).
─ They discovered that you can sleep in any position, seriously, whether it's standing up, in the bathtub, your body bent in an unusual way, now they understand why you complain so much about back pain.
─ Everyone looks in silence when they give you little impulses to do stupid things, like, last time you were walking to see the area and you found a woman walking her dog, you asked her if you could pet it and when she said yes you pet the woman instead of the dog, Ghost dragged you away murmuring an apology.
─ The following days they decided that you would stay at home, they simply fed your stupidity, every time they arrived you received them with the phrase 'where have you been, loca?' while playing a wolf howl in the background.
─ Luckily it was time to return to the base, during the trip you were listening to music, despite having your headphones you had the volume so high that everyone could hear it, Soap stuck to you because he liked what you were listening, the others decided to drown out the noise with some light talk.
─ Once you returned to the base you relaxed, returning to your working state, you focused again, which relieved all.
─ One day they decided that you needed a nickname since everyone had it except you, so they began to investigate your record as a cadet and even your years in the military school.
─ You kicked and fought because you were something else a while ago, but it was inevitable to find an old report where it said that you were violent with some classmates.
─ And in your anger for probably some nonsense, you ended up biting the ankles of a guy, or a group of guys, or even one of your lieutenants...
─ Soap and Gaz cried with laughter because there was a video of what was evidenced and you looked like a rabid chihuahua attacking its worst enemy.
─ Nibbles, at least it was temporary because you didn't entirely agree with the nickname.
— Since you were now known like that, you went from friendly punches to friendly bites.
─ Once you got kidnapped and you returned to the base the next day because your captors couldn't stand having you sing old Justin Bieber songs or listening to you talk about all your obsessions, they tried to cover your mouth but you just kept making too much noise, the information was not worth it.
─ You arrived in the middle of the meeting they had to prepare the rescue, having the courage to enter the room asking who they were trying to rescuing.
─ Price casually replied that they were looking for you until he did a double take, realizing you were there.
─ You were buried in a mass of muscles after the realization.
─ When you're depressed at random times (because you don't understand how your brain works and you feel bad out of nowhere), everyone will quickly notice, like even though you're not the most talkative person all the time, you usually drop some stupid comment, but on your bad days you are simply a piece of flesh and bones that walks without knowing where it's going.
─ The first time they saw you like this they tried to do something to cheer you up, Price gave you a few days off hoping your mood wasn't due to work overload, he even wrote some of your reports.
─ Soap bought stickers and decorations to your liking to decorate your prosthesis, he also told you that he could draw you a design to have your personalized arm.
─ Gaz tried to talk to you but you just didn't want to open your mouth, he chose to just keep you silent company, maybe you hug him, you need a little physical support.
─ Ghost will leave objects scattered around knowing that you would find them, knowing that they were things that you liked or had been looking for (because the poor guy always has to pick up what you forget around the common room).
— Nothing seemed to work until a stray kitten snuck in and lit up your face, so the easy answer was any baby animal would brighten your day, it was free therapy.
— You once dyed the boys' clothes pink by accident, but at least you told them that now they could go see Barbie with you.
— You promised you'd take them to see Oppenheimer, and that's why they agreed.
— You created a group chat just to send shitpost and teach them the meme path.
— Price just leaves it on seen, Ghost has the group muted, Gaz answers from time to time and Soap is the most active, he learns fast about today's shitpost.
— You really resist the urge to trim Price's beard to make it heart-shaped.
— You use the radio to sing parts of songs when you take too long to jump into action, Price scolds you for it.
— You complain that he seems constantly in a bad mood and you open a profile for him on every dating app you know, even on Grindr.
— You found Ghost's profile browsing Tinder and Soap's profile on Grindr... you decided to use it as a weapon in case you needed any favors.
— Gaz caught you red-handed, but you made a deal and he wouldn't say anything if he can profit from the manipulation.
— You hide it like you're hiding war crimes.
— Why does Price have so many likes from single moms?
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silverfoxstole · 6 months
I don't know if anyone else has been wondering why Big Finish have been using obviously photoshopped pictures of the younger Eighth Doctor on their covers of late but I've discovered the reason: though I don't know the ins and out apparently due to rights issues BF are no longer allowed to use images from the TVM (despite having done so for nearly twenty years previously) and have to photoshop other Paul pics instead, with varying results.
Naturally, me being me, once I knew this I had to go looking for matches, didn't I? Of course I did.
First we have very obvious photos from the Dark Eyes shoot, which often results in TVM Eight with stubble; not a great look.
From the cover of Lucie Miller:
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and Doom's Day (whatever that is; I have no idea):
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Incidentally, this one may have been used again, but this time mirrored and much more heavily photoshopped, on the just-announced Sontarans vs Rutans series:
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Then there's the face taken from a bts photo dating back to the recording of Storm Warning that was spotted a little while ago on the cover of next month's In The Bleak Midwinter by @know-it-all-freak :
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And the Night of the Doctor shot that has apparently just had the collar and cravat changed for Classic Doctors: New Monsters Volume Three:
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I can't find an exact match for this one from Charlotte Pollard: The Further Adventuress but it looks similar to one used on the cover of Dark Eyes 4 so may also originate from that shoot:
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The last couple, from Audacity and The End of the Beginning respectively, are stumping me at the moment, but I'm sure BF are probably sitting on quite a few photos they've accumulated over the years and never released. If anyone else recognises them (or the one above) feel free to jump in!
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enhaheeseung · 4 days
At your service l. Heeseung
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Pairing: live in maid heeseung x rich fem reader
Warnings: age gap, crying, angst, heartbreak, I think I’ll post like three more chaps before the end I hope you all enjoy
• Masterlist
• WC: 2,127k
Finally, it was your birthday today, and heeseung had almost everything prepared.
The gifts he had gotten you still needed to be wrapped. He bought a book with writing prompts in it since you were still struggling with the continuation of your book.
He also got you something really really special and really really expensive so expensive that he’d be even more late paying off his student loans but for you it was worth it without a doubt.
He made a strawberry cake from scratch, remembering that you loved anything that included strawberries.
He smiled to himself while he worked on the final touches of your surprise in the kitchen.
It’s crazy cause just a couple months ago he didn’t know how to cook and he barely had a penny to his name and now he’s baking you cakes from start to finish and buying you luxurious jewelry.
He decided to forego the candles on the cake since you were always so conscious about your age for reasons he did not understand.
He didn’t mind the age gap, truthfully; he kind of actually liked it at first. Yeah, he was just interested in having sex with an older woman, and that’s very douchey, he’ll admit that, but now there's so much more to you than sex.
Don’t get him wrong, sex with you is amazing, perfect, absolutely marvelous, but now that he’s grown to learn more about you, everything with you is amazing, perfect, and marvelous, even the little things.
Chatting with you is fun, cuddling with you is fun, going out with you is fun, and watching you concentrate and write your book is fun. Things he never even liked doing before are now some of his favorite things to do. He loves reading books to you, and he used to hate reading. He’s usually an outdoor person, but he loves staying indoors with you. Cooking was the last thing on his list of things to do, and now he wakes up early in the morning to happily prepare breakfast for you just so he can see your eyes light up with joy.
He’s so in love that he’s doing things he would have never even dreamed of just to make you happy and give you what you deserve.
He put his whole heart into decorating the cake and the kitchen where he’d be throwing your little party later on. “You think mommy’s gonna love the surprise?” He bent down, patting Bruno on his little head.
Heeseung had dressed him up for the occasion, a blue bow tie around his neck identical to the one he was wearing.
Meanwhile, Bruno was busy trying to lick the frosting off the tip of the frosting bag. “Bad puppy,” Heeseung sighed and stood up so he could put the finishing touches on everything and make it perfect for you.
About 30 minutes later he was done everything was set up nicely and he snapped a few pictures before he gave you your gifts.
“Hee can I come down now?” You asked anxiously half nervous half excited you’d be stuck in your bed all day since morning.
Your mind drifts back to earlier when you both woke up in the morning and the soft loving touches he left on your body.
You cupped your flushed cheeks you could still feel his hands on your skin you could still remember the way felt inside you and you could still hear the sweet nothings he whispered in your ear.
That was the perfect way to start your birthday morning, and it was even more perfect when he brought you breakfast in bed.
Hints why you’ve been in bed all day he treated you like a princess and wouldn’t let you lift a single finger today.
He smiles looking in the direction of your voice. “Wait one more minute darling!” he picked up Bruno and set him on the kitchen counter making sure their bow ties were neat. “Okay you can come down!” He called to you his phone in hand so he could record your reaction and it didn’t disappoint.
You took one last step down the stairs and walked to the kitchen, turning the corner to see your whole entire dining space completely decorated with all your favorite colors there were balloons a banner that said happy birthday and then there were your two boys looking at you. “Surprise!” Heeseung said with a bright smile on his face.
“Oh my gosh,” you cupped your hands over your mouth in awe of what he had prepared just for you.
“Happy birthday, baby. I hope you love it,” he said shyly, and you ran over to him with your arms spread.
“Thank you I do love it hee so much” you kissed his cheek and looked at Bruno. “My boys are so handsome” you patted his head. “But I love you more” you said wrapping your hands around his neck kissing him properly this time.
“Hmm” he grins gripping your waist. “I’m glad baby now are you ready for the presents?” He asked rubbing your lower back softly as he ended the recording and set his phone on the counter top.
You nodded, smiling excitedly with anticipation.
“Wait here love I’m gonna go grab them from upstairs” he jogged upstairs he was so excited for you to see what he got you.
“Daddy the best, isn’t h-?” Your words were cut through when a ding on heeseung’s phone went off.
The phone lit up for a few seconds with a message and dimmed a few moments later.
Heeseung was rummaging through his drawer in search of your presents he opened the box with the piece of jewelry and when the light hit it just right it was mesmerizing.
He wanted to buy a promise ring for you, but he also didn’t want to rush into things so quickly and risk making you uncomfortable or feel pressured into anything, so he opted for something that you could still wear every day, just without the heavy commitment.
It was a custom piece a half heart made out of white gold and tiny little diamond’s with his initial on it the other half identical except it was made out of onyx and it completed the heart when put together.
He though it was a perfect idea cause now that way you both could always have a piece of each other close to your hearts.
The notifications on heeseung’s phone were nonstop, so you decided to look at them. He kept his phone unlocked, so you doubted he’d care. Plus, with as many texts coming in, it sounded urgent. You called for him upstairs, but he just responded with. “I’ll be down soon, baby,” as he was wrapping the last of your presents.
You shrugged and took a peak just to make sure everything was fine, and you wished you hadn’t.
“Bro, you’re never going to believe this.”
“Answer me!”
“Or can you not because you’re fucking your boss again?”
“When are you going to stop stringing that poor girl along just make the money and leave like you said she probably thinks you love her.”
Your hand instantly cupped your mouth and your heart was racing as you read the texts over and over again.
Your body moved in its own and you charged upstairs to confront him. “Y/n? What are you doing up here you’re gonna ruin the surprise” he chuckles turning his back so you can’t see anything just yet.
“You mean this surprise?” You hold up his phone, walking over to him, and shoving it in his face so he can read the messages and his face drops. “What the fuck is this heeseung?!” You shout on the verge of tears.
“Baby…” he looked over at you, his eyes filled with fear.
“Don’t fucking baby me. Just what is this heeseung?” He flinched from your yelling, his expression softening as he tried to think of what he should say.
“T-that’s not true, y/n. I do love you; I jus-”
“Then why is your friend talking to you about this?” Your voice gave out while you searched his eyes, hoping to find some type of answers.
“I-I,” he sighs, stumbling over his words before he decides to just tell you the truth. “In the beginning, it was true, and I know I’m wrong for that baby. I’m so-“
“Don’t” you stopped him right there that’s all you needed to hear. “And don’t call me that anymore.”
“Y/n, please just let me expl-“
“There’s no explanation, heeseung, just go,” you told him weekly and tossed the phone on his bed in disappointment. You really thought he was different turns out he’s just like the rest, but with him, it hurt just a little more than all the others.
“Y/n…” he tried to reach for you before you left.
“I said go!” His mouth was parted open for a moment and it closed as you were walking away he reached for you again but you shook his hand off and this time you turned around smacking him right across his face the loud slap echoing in the silent room.
He gasped at the sting of the slap, his eyes getting teary.
Bruno was upstairs now, barking loudly at heeseung as you both stared at each other with hurt in both of your teary eyes.
He cupped his cheek, his heart breaking in his chest as he tried to register what was even happening. This couldn’t be true. This all had to be some type of cruel, sick joke.
In the morning, you both made love and now you’re fighting.
For the first time in a long time, he was finally happy, and now this happens.
“Just get your shit and go” You left the room, Bruno walking on your trail as you went into your bedroom to try and make sense of what just happened.
Heeseung stood there speechless, swallowing the lump in his throat as hot tears trickled down his cheek.
He sat on the bed holding your necklace in his hand, clutching it tightly.
“They’re all the same, aren’t they, buddy? But you would never do that to me, huh?” You grabbed his small body, sitting him on your chest, and you didn’t even cry. You’ve been hurt too many times for that. You just stared lifelessly at the ceiling, and you knew only time would make this pain and disappointment go away.
Heeseung had slowly packed all of his things his limbs feeling heavy with every move and within an hour the room looked like how it did when he first got there.
He couldn’t believe he was actually leaving. It just didn’t feel real.
But the heavy suitcase in his left hand was enough of a sign that this was indeed real.
He knew you probably didn’t want to talk or even see his face right now, but he can’t give up on you like this.
He had to at least try.
“Y/n?” He knocks on your door softly, and you don’t respond. Resting his forehead against the wooden door, he tries to twist the knob, and he’s not surprised that it’s locked. “Please, baby, open up. I love you I love you so much. Everything you saw is true, but then I got to know you, and I just couldn’t help but fall for you. In the beginning, I was just young and dumb. I wasn’t taking life seriously, but when I met you, you were just so open and mature. You told me about your past, and I felt for you. I could see how hurt you were, and I knew you couldn’t trust people, so I wanted to take that all away. I wanted to show you what trust and love could really be like. I grew into a man you could love and be loved by, and you’re just so perfect I can’t lose you now, darling.” he waits a solid five minutes, and it’s nothing but silence other than his cries by the tenth minute with no answer he gets up off the floor grabbing his luggage and wiping his tears. “I love you, y/n,” he says one last time before walking down the staircase.
He looks back at your mansion a sad smile on his face when he saw your birthday decorations still up how could such a special day end up like this.
He leaves his spare key on the lampstand and walks out, locking the door behind him.
He walked the path downstairs a frown on his face when he saw the sunflowers that you both planted together starting to bud.
He wouldn’t be around to see them bloom or your guy's relationship.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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mythos-writes · 1 year
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Daniel Ricciardo x Gretzky! Reader
Plot: Daniel's girlfriend is an Olympian, but not in the sport that you may think... (This takes place at the end of the 2017 racing season + 2018 Winter Olympics)
Formula 1 Masterlist
Word Count: 2.1K
Warning: Swearing, Canadian slang, hockey terms, clueless Daniel and clueless drivers (except Lance)
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It was the last race in Abu Dhabi. The long-awaited race was coming into place. Before the weekend started, they all decided to go out for a grid dinner at a restaurant. As the night went on, they started to talk about their winter break plans. Many go skiing in Europe, while others make stops at home to see family. 
“Danny, what are you going to get up to?” Max asked him. 
“I’m going to go home and visit the folks, and in February I’m going to PyeongChang,” he states, everyone’s eyes falling onto him. 
“Korea? What on Earth are you going there for?” Nicko asks, finishing off his Heineken.
Daniel and (Y/N) had decided very early on to keep a private and low-key relationship. With (Y/N) showing up to the Montreal and Austalia races and him going to her most important games. But he never really discussed his relationship with the young hockey star with the other drivers. They knew he was dating someone but they didn’t know who he was dating. Daniel wanted to gush about how his girlfriend is going to the Olympics and this would be the only time he would do it until they go full public with their relationship. 
“Isn’t that where the Olympics are this year?” Valtteri asks. This started to make many of the driver's mind race.
“Daniel, why are you going to the Olympics? Are you a super athlete and you never told us?” Seb asks in a joking way.
“Oh, I wish, but I’m more of a Summer athlete than a winter one. My girlfriend is taking part in the games and I’m going to support her,” he finally reveals. Many eyebrows were lifted at the revelation. 
“Oh? We didn’t even know she was an athlete. What sport does she play?” Lewis asks, him thinking he might make a change of plans to go also. 
“She’s playing for Team Canada’s women’s hockey team,” he states, catching the two Canadian driver’s attention. 
“What’s her name, I wonder if Stroll knows her,” Alsonso jokes, causing a couple of drivers to chuckle. 
“I don’t know if you would know her, but I would think you would know her father,” he says. 
“Oh yeah, and who would that be?” Lance asks, being a little cocky. 
“Wayne Gretzky,” he replies while taking a spit of his drink. Lance’s face fell like he was just told that his girlfriend was pregnant. 
“I think you broke him, mate,” Carlos says, waving a hand in front of the Canadian’s face. 
“You’re dating (Y/N) Gretzky?! As in Wayne Gretzky’s daughter,” Lance stresses, making sure he heard the Austrailian correctly. 
“Why are you so surprised that he is dating this person's daughter?” Pierre asks, not knowing much of anything about hockey. 
“Wayne Gretzky is one of the most famous hockey players of all time. He won 4 Stanley Cups, which is the trophy that the NHL plays for. He also broke every record set for points, goals, and assists. It's like him saying he is dating Pele's daughter!" he explains, blowing away many of the drivers. 
“If that is the case, how the hell did you two meet?” Seb asks the Austrailian. 
“They came to the Montreal Race a couple of years ago, and we ended up bumping into each other. We started talking and ended up exchanging numbers; the rest is history,” he explains.
“Wow, I didn’t know you had that much game,” Max says into his drink, earning a smack from the Australian. 
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Race weekend came and went, and the travels of the drivers began. (Y/N) accompanied him to Australia to visit his family Australia, as a small vacation before all of her focus goes into the Olympics. It was one of the last days before she was going to fly back to Canada to get prepared for going to training camp. (Y/N) decided to take a step outside and enjoy the warm air.
As she sat on the deck, she was starting to feel the pressure that was being placed on her. She was ‘The Great Ones’ daughter, and Canada is a shoo-in to win gold this year. (Y/N) was so in her head that she didn’t hear the back door open, or notice someone sitting beside her. They pulled her into their body. Daniel’s cologne filled her nose, and she relaxed into his body.
“What’s going on in your head of yours?” he asked. She looked up at him a replied,” Everything.” Daniel lets out a breathy laugh, before placing a kiss on the crown of her head.
“Oh love, everything will work out in the end,” he replies.
“Yeah, I know, but what if people decide that I’m not as good enough? What if I can’t live up to the expectations of being Wayne Gretkzy’s daughter?” she spews out just some of the anxiety-filled questions. Daniel sat there for a moment, trying to formulate an answer. 
“Those are very common feelings to have. I know that these feelings are common for kids of sports stars,” he states while playing with her hair. “But do what I always say, Fuck ‘Em All.”
She looks up at him and smiles. “Thanks, Danny.” He leans down and kisses her lips. 
“Come on, let's get you back inside, it's starting to get cold out here,” he states, helping her up. 
“I love you, Danny,” “I love you too (Y/N/N)” he replies before placing a kiss against her lips. Before they could continue their moment, it was broken by a distinctive “EWWW” from a little boy. They turned to see Daniel's nephew standing at the slightly opened glass door. 
“Come here ya bugger,” Daniel says while he starts to chase the boy back inside, leaving (Y/N) behind, laughing at his antics.  
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Time flew by, and before either of them knew it, they were in Korea for the fateful Olympics. Canada breezed through the round-robin rounds. They then fought their way through the quarters and semi-finals, leading them to the long-awaited finals. The United States of America vs. Canada. The well-known rivalry goes back decades. 
(Y/N) was listening to music while she was getting warmed up. A playlist that Daniel made for her. As she was stretching, her phone pings. She sees Daniel's picture pop up. It was a text. (Y/N) opens and smiles. 
   You got this babe! Remember, Fuck Em All
“Awe, that’s so sweet!” a familiar French accent grounds her. She turns to see her friend Marie-Philip Poulin standing behind her.
“I see lover boy is taking the boyfriend role seriously today,” she states while sitting beside (Y/N).
“Yeah, he knows that I get in my head a lot when it comes to things like this,” (Y/N) states, fidgeting with her necklace that holds her hockey number and a little F1 charm. 
“You’ll do fine chérie. And if people start to question your skills, we’ll have your back to prove them wrong,” Marie-Philip says while wrapping an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders.   
“Thanks, M.P. and I know that Danny would be beside you in that defence,” she says while returning the side hug. 
“Now, come on, the game is in 30min, let's start getting out gear on.” 
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It was go time. (Y/N) had walked out onto this pad many times in the last two weeks, but tonight was different. It was for an Olympic gold medal. Marie-Philip Poulin was hyping the girls up, getting them ready to face the fierce rivals. As they skated out onto the International pad of ice, the cheers of Canadians and Americans shake the nerves a little. She looked up at the jumbotron and saw that the camera was on her dad. Daniel was sitting beside him, and they were talking. What shocked her was seeing some of the other drivers sitting beside them. 
Lewis Hamilton, Valtara Bottas, Max Verstappen, Sebastian Vettel, and Lance Stroll were sitting in the stands. They looked out of place, which made her laugh a little. She knew that if she had the TSN stream, the focus would be on her and her ‘cheer squad’. Sarah Nurse tapped her shins, getting her attention to set up for the start of the game. (Y/N) moved to the center ice for the face-off. 
As the game unfolds, the rivals play each other hard. There were hard hits and solid goals. (Y/N) scored one of the two goals for the Canadian team, and she could hear Daniel from the ice level. With the 110% effort that was brought by both teams, it lead them to a shootout. 
(Y/N) was the first shooter for Team Canada. She was getting ready to go, her nerves returning as a result. She looked up to where her squad was sitting and all she thought were Daniel's words to her. Fuck ‘Em All. She looked to the refs and gave them the nod, signalling to the refs that she was ready. The whistle blew, signalling for her to go. To (Y/N), it went deadly quiet. She blocked out all the fans, all the players yelling, everything. She skated down, went left to right, and then popped it over the blocker side of the US goalie. 
When the puck hit the back of the net, she tuned back in to hear the roar of the Canadian fans. She felt that all the weight is off her shoulders. Her work in getting Canada the win is done. But it wasn’t enough. The United States ended up getting the upper hand in the shootout and earning them the gold medal. (Y/N) felt defeated. She felt numb. 
They did the award ceremony, they consoled each other on the ice and in the changeroom. She would comfort them, just trying to be there for them. Her teammates would ask her how she was feeling and she would detour the questions. She got changed into some comfy, but still presentable, to walk out of the arena and back onto the bus to the Olympic Village. When they crawled off the bus, just wanting to get into their beds for the night, she saw Daniel and Wayne standing by the unloading spot. She gave them a small smile before walking into the open arms of her father. 
“I am so proud of you,” he says. Those words made her break. Tears started to fall and her body shakes in her father's arms. Daniel wanted to take her into his arms, but he knew that she needed it. 
“But we lost,” she murmured into her father's chest. Wayne moves her off him, so he can look at her properly. 
“It doesn’t matter that you won or lost. You went out there and showed the world how great you were. Unfortunately, shootouts are awful ways to end games, and they got the puck in more times. But you guys kept them in the game and made it such a great game. That’s what makes me proud of you,” Wayne praises. More tears fall on (Y/N)’s face, but now they were happy tears. 
“I love you, Dad,” she says, bringing him back into a big hug. “I love you to kiddo,” he replies while placing a kiss on her forehead. Reminders of when she would come off the ice upset from the game and Wayne comforting her exactly like this. 
“Now, I think someone is wanting to talk to you,” Wayne says while turning her to see a fidgety Daniel standing behind them. She giggles at his antics before thanking her dad again. Wayne walked off into the village, leaving the two love birds alone. Daniel opens his arms up, and (Y/N) falls into his arms quickly. 
“Sorry for not giving you guys the best performance,” she whispers against his Team Canada jacket. 
“Are you kidding, the boys first couldn’t believe that we were dating. Then they couldn’t believe that you had moves like this. Minus Stroll of course as you both are maple leaves,” Daniel states. Giggles erupt 
“If you’re up for it, the boys invited us to a restaurant just outside of the village and they would love to meet you. But if you’re not up for it, it is totally understandable and we can arrange something during the racing season,” he word dumps. 
“You know what, I’ve avoided meeting your fellow racers for this long, why not meet some of them properly,” she says with a smile. “And I could go for some good Korean food.” This causes Daniel to laugh. 
“Well, I’ll make sure Lewis pays then, come on,” he states while walking her towards the rental he got. 
(Y/N) felt disappointed that she didn’t get Canada the gold, but Daniel and her father made her feel that she wasn’t a failure, and she felt the most confident she had ever been.
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glcnpowell · 2 months
“Long fucking day,” Rooster mutters, clinking his glass against Phoenix’s where it sits on the bar.
“He pulled my papers.” “Why would he do that?”
Phoenix hums, nodding a little without looking over. Her eyes stay fixed on the thin napkin underneath her glass, thumb catching over the rim and pushing through the salt in a couple short, quick passes.
“Did you write me a note, Natasha?” “No. I wrote down my room number.”
Natasha snorts out a laugh, exhaling and bringing her thumb to her lips. Her tongue catches against the callus on her fingertip as she licks the salt away, quickly knocking back half of the top-shelf margarita she’d ordered in one go.
Bradley has an eyebrow raised when she finally does meet his eyes. Grinning, he tilts his head and says, “Well. Pray tell, Phoenix. What’re we drinkin’ about?”
Phoenix turns on her barstool, knees knocking against Rooster’s. She rests both hands on his thighs, squeezing his legs in reassurance as she explains, “You remember when I told you I’d hooked up with an older guy during fleet week?”
“Years ago,” Bradley nods, brows drawing together. “Yeah. I remember. You wouldn’t shut up about him for weeks. Why?”
Phoenix pats one of Rooster’s legs. “I’m very sorry for what I’m about to put you through.”
“I’m Maverick.” “Oh, I’ve heard of you.” “Good things, I hope.” “Impossible things. I’m hoping they’re all true.”
“Bradley,” Phoenix says slowly, carefully. “I hooked up with Maverick.”
Three things happen in quick succession:
Bradley’s smile drops, he breathes out a sigh, and then he proceeds to empty his glass of whiskey in one swallow.
“Please tell me you’re lying.”
Phoenix covers her mouth with her hand to hide the way she’s smirking. Judging by the narrowing of Bradley’s eyes, it doesn’t work. “Nope.”
“Natasha. Oh my god. Jesus, are you — you gave me very explicit details about that hookup.”
“I think it’s cosmic payback for all the times I’ve had to listen to you go on and on about Hangman’s perfect dick.”
“It’s not even that good,” Bradley refutes, looking away, blushing a deep red.
Phoenix sips at her margarita. “You’re a bad fucking liar.”
Bradley pinches at the bridge of his nose with two fingers. “So you fucked my godfather. What the fuck, Tash.”
“For the record, I’m still on your side,” she says, thinking back to their earlier conversation on the tarmac. “But I also think you need to know, in the interest of best friend honesty, that I’m a little swayed by his absolutely perfect —“
“If you finish that sentence, I’m getting a new best friend.”
“Like you could ever replace me,” Phoenix huffs. She waves a hand toward the bartender across the room and asks, “You want another drink?”
Bradley’s answer is immediate. “Several.”
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bad268 · 10 months
Breaking News (Part 3)
(Max Verstappen X Reader, Charles Leclerc X Ex! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 1
Requested: Nope (I had an idea, Mr. Krabs)
Chapter warnings: cheating mentioned, sex references, song referenced belongs to Natiale Jane.
Pronouns: They/them
W.C. 1672
Chapter Summary: "Seven" is released during the race week, and Y/n sees Charles for the first time since their split.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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(^Came from 2 pics on Pinterest)
<- Previous Part
It’s been months since I last saw Charles. It was not really a concern for me anymore. He can do whatever he wants, and I can do whatever I want. And what I want is to attend the race in Austin.
It was Wednesday, and we just flew in a couple of hours ago. We settled into our hotel room before Max went into the bathroom to shower before we went to dinner. Once I was dressed in a semi-fancy outfit, I decided to sit on our bed and wait for him to finish up. I had started scrolling through countless comments on my newest single, “Seven,” when Max came out of the restroom. He was wearing a black button-up and jeans, but at least it wasn’t Red Bull merch. 
“What are you looking at?” He asked, coming up to look at the comments from over my shoulder. “Is that the new song?”
“Yeah,” I chuckled lightly, leaning back into him. “They’re loving it so far.”
“Well, of course, they are,” he retorted, standing up and pushing me to lay on my back as he leaned over me. He placed a couple of small kisses around my face before placing a final one on my nose. “You wrote it. Why wouldn't they love it?”
“It was just really different from my normal songs, I don’t know,” I sighed, setting my phone to the side as I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the ends of his damp hair. “It’s also the second single for the album.”
“You haven’t even finished the album yet,” He shook his head with a laugh. “They’re your fans, liefde (love). They’ll love anything from you.”
“Doesn’t make the release any less daunting, schat (darling),” I whispered, pulling him down to kiss him. We moved in sync before ultimately needing to pull apart for air. “You ready to go?”
“Of course,” He said, lifting himself up before holding his hand out for me to stand beside him. “What kind of food are you feeling?”
Thursday is media day, so Max was off doing his own thing. It works because I had a virtual interview anyway, so I was able to hide out in Red Bull hospitality to do the interview in peace. 
“Y/n L/n, your newest song, ‘Seven,’ is smashing the charts,” They started off, “Tell us about the story behind it.”
“Honestly, I think everyone knows the story behind it,” I chuckled. “I wanted to try something new, so I continued the fuel from my last relationship to make this song. I’ve never really done something like this, but I really liked it, and I think the fans do too.”
“They certainly do!” The interviewer reassured. “The story, the beat, everything is just so catchy! It’s an amazing song! What was your favorite part about writing this song?”
“The lyrics were really fun, and I got a little help from my new boyfriend for the melody,” I admitted. The interviewer’s eyes widened as they let out a gasp, and I just smiled wider. “He was actually the one that came up with the chorus beat.”
“Did he write any of the lyrics?” They asked quickly.
“No, he left that to me. He just listened to every draft,” I laughed as I remembered something. “About a month ago, I woke him up at like two in the morning on a race day because I had a dream about the lyrics. He loved it so much, it’s now the chorus. He also was not very happy that I woke him up that day. He had to be on track at like five, and I woke him up just before his alarm.”
“That is gold,” They laughed as well. “We have some fan questions if you don’t mind. One person asks what is your favorite lyric from the song?”
“Not a lyric, but the laugh before the first chorus,” I answered after a second of thinking about it. “While recording the gap between the first verse and chorus was missing something. I tested with more lyrics, but ultimately, the laugh sounded the best.”
“The laugh does make it better,” The interviewer agreed. “Next question, has your ex or his girlfriend reached out, regarding the songs you’ve released recently?”
“No, but there was an article that announced their relationship right after I released ‘Ava’ and she stole lyrics from a fan cover as her original caption,” I remembered. “I was tagged in a fan cover of ‘Ava’ where they portrayed Ava. It was actually amazing, and I loved it! They did an amazing job, and one of the verses was ‘if he’s your man, why’s he still in my bed.’ I, personally, find it funny, but everyone likes to paint it like there’s bad blood between us,” I explained, going off on a short tangent. “Sorry, but to answer the main question, no, they have not said anything to me specifically.”
“Do you wish they did? I mean, these two very popular songs of yours are centered around them, so do you wish that they acknowledged them?”
“They did, technically,” I replied. “The fact that they announced their relationship right after I released the song and used a fan cover of my song to jab at me kinda validates that they know about it. Plus, it’s funny that his teammate loved both songs. He’s told me that he blasts them in their garage all the time.”
“Well, that’s all the time we have today,” They wrapped up, satisfied with the answer. “Thank you for your time, and we’ll look forward to the full album.”
“Thank you,” I replied with a smile as I left the call. I let out a sigh as I leaned back in my chair, laying my head back and closing my eyes to rebuild my social battery. 
“What album?” A voice asked from across the room. It was a voice I have not heard for month, causing me to immediately shoot my head up. 
“What do you mean, ‘what album?’ I’m a songwriter, Charles,” I snapped. “Did you forget that’s my job?”
“No, just,” He took a breath, trying to recollect his thoughts. He hesitates for a second as if he didn’t want to say what he was thinking before just spilling, “Is the whole album about the breakup? Are you that caught up on it?”
“I don’t know yet,” I admitted, moving to stand up and approach him. “I haven't written it yet. Might be, the fans seem to love this era. So what if it is? What are you gonna say?”
“This is defamation,” He seethed, coming up to stand chest-to-chest with me. “I could sue you for both songs.”
“I don’t name you in either of them,” I scoffed. “Ava is a basic name. I could mean anyone named Ava, not just your girlfriend. Even in interviews, I won’t answer questions if they mention your names, and my answers are always vague. You have no grounds to sue me for my success. You just want to rain on my parade. I’m climbing in popularity, and you’re not. Admit it.”
“You’re only getting popular because you’re fucking Max,” Charles replied bluntly. Behind him, I could see a door opening, but I couldn't see who it was.
“Oh, please. If anything, I get hate for fucking Max,” I laughed. “At least I’m getting satisfied. With the way you’re acting, I’d say it's been at least a month since you got laid.”
“You’re one to talk,” He tried to start before I cut him off.
“Not like it’s any of my business what you do with your girlfriend,” I said with a sly smile. “On a side note, what are you doing in here? Ferraris aren’t allowed in Red Bull hospitality, last time I checked.”
“Yeah, Charles, you should head back to your own hospitality,” Christian pressed as he was the one to walk through the door with Carlos, Max, and Daniel, who was holding Max back.
“You’ll hear from my lawyer,” Charles spat toward me before turning and walking out the doors. I just rolled my eyes and bit my tongue before I made the situation worse.
“Did I hear an album?” Carlos asks sheepishly.
“I will send a signed copy to my biggest fan once I get it written,” I teased him as Christian and Daniel ushered him out to follow his teammate. Carlos shouted back a thanks before taking off. I shook my head with a small laugh as I walked up to Max who had calmed down since Charles left. “Thank you for mentally killing a man in my honor.”
“Always,” he joked back, “I’d do anything for you. Was he serious about suing?”
“I don’t know, but it’s just going to waste his money cause I worked with my publicist to make sure they couldn’t sue for defamation,” I reassured him, cupping his cheeks and leaning our heads together as he placed his hands at my waist. “Y’know, in case you didn’t know, I love you.”
“I have loved you since we were 18,” He whispered back. My eyes widened as I took in his words.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” I gasped out.
“It was before we both thought the same things,” he chuckled. “Your music was taking off, and I was still a rookie. I remember you said that you wanted to wait until you were in a stable place in your career before you started a relationship.”
“I was like 12 when I said that!” I laughed, shocked that he actually remembered that. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I always knew I would end up with you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He jokingly took offense as he tightened his hold around my waist.
“I told all of my friends and family I would date you at some point,” I admitted lowly. He immediately began beaming at my confession. “No one believed me, but now…oh, if they saw us now.”
Next Part ->
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
🐑 Imagine Tim Bradford finishing a long shift that left him exhausted and he comes home to his boyfriend who dotes on him 💗
Tim Bradford x Male!reader
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Not only did Tim have to work his usual already long 12 hour shift today he also ended up having to work 4 hours of overtime after a bank robbery left him with a whole mess of paperwork to fill out.
It's after midnight when he finally returns home, expecting you to be fast asleep by now but to his surprise you're still up reading.
"You didn't have to wait up for me," he smiles as you approach him, greeting him with a kiss.
"I saw the bank robbery covered on the news, thought you could use some de-stressing after that fiasco," you tell him.
"De-stressing you say?" He chuckles, raising an eyebrow.
"Not like that," you laugh, "well… maybe like that if you're not too tired after you eat the take out I got for you earlier."
"Oh thank God there's food I'm starving," he says.
Most restaurants in the area closed hours ago so you had some take out delivered before then to wait in the fridge for Tim when he got home.
Tim tells you about the robbery while you heat up the food in the microwave, all four suspects had been arrested and thankfully there were no casualties as both the civilians who had been shot successfully made it out of their surgeries.
He absolutely demolishes his plate of food while you give him a shoulder rub, feeling all the tension in his muscles.
"I'm thinking this weekend since we're both off work we treat ourselves to a relaxing spa day? You know, couples massages, mud baths, a little time in a sauna?" You suggest.
"That sounds amazing," he groans as you hit a particularly tight knot in his shoulders.
"Great, I'll book it all in the morning," you reply.
"How did I get so lucky to have such an incredible boyfriend," he smiles.
"Like your sister said the first time we met, I'm a keeper," you joke, leaning down to kiss him sweetly.
"Yes you are," he says, kissing you again.
"So about that de-stressing you mentioned earlier?" You tease.
"As much as I want to I'm exhausted and on the verge of falling asleep," he admits, standing up to put his dirty dishes in the sink.
"Fair enough," you chuckle, "I'll take care of those, you go get ready for bed."
"Thanks, I love you," he says, kissing your cheek.
"Love you too babe," you say, turning the sink on to clean the dishes
A few minutes later you go to your bedroom and find Tim passed out in bed, he didn't even get his shoes off before falling asleep.
You smile to yourself at the sight and walk around to Tim's side of the bed, gently removing his shoes, socks and jeans to make him more comfortable without waking him.
Changing into your pajamas and settling into bed next to him you pull the comforter over the two of you and in his sleep Tim wraps his arm around your waist to cuddle into you.
Shortly after he starts snoring which makes you laugh and you're tempted to take your phone out to record it because Tim swears he doesn't snore but you were gonna let it slide this time after the long day he's had.
Sure you had to be up in a few short hours for your own job but staying up late was worth it just to fall asleep next to Tim.
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Jason wanting to be a dad before he finishes high school so he hunts fit the most fertile pussy he can and finds it in the pudge middle school kid who lives next door.
Soft tits and tummy, chubby cheeks, wid whips and thick ass, and the kid looks like he’s seen a celebrity when Jason starts talking to him. Perfect, easy to convince.
Maybe also depraved Bruce and dick too who’re completely fine with Jason bringing the kid over and fucking him constantly I front of them? Not that they’re necessarily into it, but the boundaries between them all and fucked, they don’t bat an eye while Jason barebacks Timmy’s pussy during family movie night, or eats him out while he’s eating his chicken nuggets, etc. Tim’s free for Jason to use whenever wherever he wants, they fuck constantly.
Tim does wind up pregnant after a couple months, and that’s about all I can think of rn
jason selecting tim as the mother of his child in the same way as his ancestors did generations ago- by choosing the plumpest little wife who would make lots of little todds that would survive the winter 😍😍😍😍😍
tim is easy and eager because he's just so amazed by the fact that jason is even talking to him so getting him to start coming over to jason's house is easy and then from there spreading tim's soft legs is a cakewalk. tim is soft and pretty and he smells like marshmallow and vanilla. his mouth is soft and his cunt is even softer, tim doesn't even care that jason came almost instantly the moment he was inside him. tim doesn't try pulling bullshit coy games like the girls at gotham academy. all the girls jason's age all tried some 'reverse psychology' bullshit where they'd treat him like shit or act like they didn't know him in front of their friends and jason wasn't about to put his baby is someone like that so he'd looked elsewhere.
older women had the tendency to see jason and try to use him as a tool to get to dick or bruce and girls his own age were clearly a bust so jason had no choice but to go younger. its not hard to figure out who in the grades below him have started their periods. the middle schools in gotham still adhere to like freak-levels of archaic and finding the record of girl's who have started menstruating based on which ones have gone to the nurse to ask for pads is easy. from there jason has his pick of the litter only that...a lot of them suck.
it's by chance that he finds tim. even though tim was their neighbor he didn't attend gotham schools, he went to boarding school out of state and had only recently returned since the semester finished early. tim was smart, he was well read (jason had snooped on his grades). he was artistic based on the small photography awards he'd won, he was well behaved given he'd never served a day of detention, not even for being tardy. he was an only child and his parents were out of the country most of the time. he'd gotten his period a year ago based on jason checking tim's credit card statement and he. was. perfect.
jason hardly needs to come up with an excuse to visit tim next door. he just knocks on the door and tim nearly trips over himself to invite him in.
it's the meeting that solidifies jason's resolve. tim is sweet as pie, he offers jason a variety of snacks and chips from what is clearly his own personal stash. there are toys in tim's room and jason recalls the notes from the school counselor on tim and how he was still clinging to 'vestiges' of childhood to cope with his social isolation because little timmy had a hard time making friends. which was good for jason because that meant his offer of 'friendship' was latched onto with the steady desperation of a sweet little thing that would do anything to keep jason.
jason had to admit it gave him a bit of a big head. the way tim stared at him with such starry eyes and reverence like he couldn't believe jason was talking to him.
tim is perfectly built for pregnancy, he's soft and plush with little tits that will perfectly fatten up with milk. it's fun fucking him. his cunt is as pudgy as the rest of him and so pink and sweet it makes jason want to bury himself in it and die. jason likes how hard he can fuck tim, how warm and soft he is. he likes that tim gasps while jason fucks him, making it easy to slip his tongue into his mouth so jason can make out with him while hammering his cock against his cervix.
when tim gets pregnant a few months after jason has started regularly fucking him jason is the happiest he's ever been. he knows that bruce won't be upset with him because bruce is pretty lax on most non-robin related things. besides bruce liked tim, he thought he was cute and that jason was very lucky to have him (though jason thought that was said with a bit of bitterness given that selina had been ignoring him lately and the most action he was getting was listening to his son fuck on the couch while a movie played).
tim being the mommy to jason's baby before he's even entered highschool <333
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the---hermit · 6 months
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My health is slowly improving, I felt much better today, and also while studying I felt myself being more focused. I haven't gone back to the very energy demanding tasks yet, but I am happy with what I done today. I am still paying close attention to what my asks of me and I am starting to feel like I should put in my 2024 goals learning to listen to what I both need and want. It's something that has been on my mind for a while, but I really struggle to verbalize my wants, sometimes even to myself and that needs to change. I feel like I always have to compromize, or avoid what I want because do I really need that? And if I decided that yes I do want and need it I then feel instantly guilty about it. For example today I really wanted to not study in the afternoon, not because I am feeling bad, but because I would have rather sat on the couch watching a tv show that studying. I couldn't bring myself to, because I already skipped studying days when I was sick a couple of days ago and have so much to do, and many other excuses. I did do my best to compromize and finish studying earlier, and tomorrow I will try to do the same. But this is someething I need to prioritize working on.
calm hobbit winter activiites and productivity:
read in the morning while I was having my tea (I am slowly getting back to having enough energy to focus on the page, so I am counting this as a big win)
daily Irish practice on duolingo (I want to do better and take the habit of always doing duolingo in the morning because I know I am more focused and I memorize things much better)
finished additing some new infos on part of my notes
practiced my presentation for Friday
started brainstorming reading goals for the next year
started working on the recording of Monday's lecture
📖: Bookshops And Bonedust by Travis Baldree
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cb97swhore · 2 years
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pairing ; christopher bang x afab reader
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summary ; you found his porn
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disclaimer : this is not an interpretation of what the chosen member (s) are like in any way, this is a work of fiction therefore it is not real. i only write for people i am comfortable with, my comfort does go out to groups that are not on my masterlist such as : ateez, monstax and others, you just need to ask if you want me to write for someone specific. if you are under 18 read at your own risk this / these piece (s) contain adult themes. such as ( alcohol, sexual activity, and just alot of sexual stuff) lowercase wording intended.
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warnings ; mutual masterbation, sub reader x dom chan, mentions of other members, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), established relationship, nicknames (baby, channie, good girl), PRAISE, PRAISE, a little degrading, alot of dialogue
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wc. 3
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you had been sitting there for the past hour just watching chan and on your phone, waiting for him to finish up this single that him, hyunjin and minho wrote and is supposably dropping in two months.
usually on saturdays chan has atleast some of the day off but not today, after dance rehearsal had finished, he came here instead of going to eat with the boys and has been sat here recording and changing things.
you had came here to give him food because you know when he is in the studio whether that be the dance studio or the recording studio all day, he forgets to eat.
you rarely see chan recently but you do get your 'good night, baby' text between 10pm and 4 am depending if he has alot on his plate. if he ever sleeps then he usually falls asleep at the studio and if not there then he only gets to your shared apartment in early mornings and leaves way too early for you to catch him.
you did see him on the regular just on a device, he doesn't really have time to 'pop a visit' or call, he would text you every now and then but you would have to wait hours for a response, because of the tour and the new album drop you only see him on youtube videos and vlives.
that's the treasure of dating an idol.
you used the food as an excuse to see him but it was also true he does forget to eat, you can't blame him it's easy to forget when you have so much on your mind.
your phone had died a couple of minutes ago so you asked chan to go on his phone as yours charged, of course he said yes and gave it to you, you put in his password 'straykids8' and it was already open on his photos, curiousity took over you and you are now scrolling through his library of photos.
most of them selfies he never posts, you scroll through the tens of selfies smiling to yourself "you're so cute" you whisper, you click off of the main album and press on the one that says 'not so straight kids' It's an album filled with videos and photos of the boys being more than friendly with each other, you can't help but giggle and scroll for a little longer.
you come off of it to go onto a different album this one named "my love <3" the album containing photos and videos of you and Chan on dates or just doing overall wholesome things together.
you press off of the albums and scroll down a little bit, you realise he hasn't got a hidden folder, "channie?" he hums in response "wheres your hidden photos?" you ask "hidden from the guys thats where, why?" he questions you as he slightly tuns in his chair.
"can i unhide them for a bit?" you ask and you see a small smirk form on his lips " you already know whats on there but sure" you look at him confused you but dismiss his words, you go into settings and turn it on, you go back to the library and go onto the hidden folder that isn't very hidden thanks to you.
you see it's nudes, but not just anyones nudes they are yours and chans, you accidentally gasp as you see them and scoll up, videos of him fucking you."chris" you call him and he turns around in his chair to look at you, you rarely call him by his english name unless he is fucking you or he is in trouble.
you show him the phone screen, it playing a video of him fucking you from behind, "told you" he says with a smile "you have so many photos and videos of us chris" you start as you cross your legs and swipe to a different video.
"at least I can hide them" he says in defence "not very well" you tease as you see his ears flare up with a red tint, "the boys could find this" you say with a smile.
"let them, maybe they'll enjoy it as much as I do" he says with a slight smirk "enjoy them?" you question as you turn the phone back to you.
"we fuck alot" you say scrolling, "not recently though" you continue, he just hums "how do you enjoy the videos chan?" you ask even though you know "show me" you finish.
you want to control chan, make him cum just by command but then you also want him to use you like his own personal sex doll. "why should I?" he asks and you uncross your legs and stand up, pulling down your grey sweat pants, you kick them off and sit down with your legs open wide.
you're sat there in lacy black underwear and Chans shirt "fuck" he whispers under his breath and you are grateful for your confidence as you sit back and lift a leg up.
your (his) shirt uncovering every thing so he has a perfect view, chan sat there palming his shorts as his eyes trail down your body from you lips to your now wet panties.
you loved when chan touch himself, you didn't know why but it was a huge turn on, you loved it a whole lot more when you were the one touching him and making him moan your name.
"touch yourself" he demands and you listen.Your middle finger finding your clothed clit as you rub it in figures of eight, soft moans ascape you as you watch Chan push harder on his cock."chan" you moan his name in a whisper so he will look at you, him a little lost with the friction he is creating in his pants.
when he does look at you, you stop rubbing your clit and stand up hooking your fingers into your panties, you turn around and pull them down slowly, bending over as you do so, you hear him grunt and you stand up straight and kick the lace off of your body. 
you kick them into the pile of forming clothes and sit on the sofa, this time putting both of you legs up so he has a this time absolutely perfect view and so will anyone who walks in, lets just hope no one does.
chans hand is already in his pants, taking his cock out, precum covering the tip but he doesn't touch it until your fingers are on you again, spreading your folds so he can see "use you left hand" he says, and you do, you bring two fingers up to your mouth and suck them in, making them wet, you take them out and start rubbing your clit.
your right hand smearing your juices, chan rubs over the tip of his cock and the precum slides down his length, you start to tease yourself with two fingers not pushing them in until he says so, "please channie" you call out, looking at him so innocently.
"do it" is all he says as he starts jerking his cock "fuck chris" you moan as you let them go in, then back out and back in again, chan hisses in responce.
"fuck y/n" he moans as he teases the tip "curl them" another demand, you do and it feels amazing, your small digits still finding the gooy spot inside you, you throw your head back, the pleasure overwhelming, your fingers have never felt this good, on you clit and or in you.
"oh fuck" you moan, hearing the rhythmical slapping of skin pick up it's pace. "channie" his name is like heven in his ears when you moan it like that, "does it feel good baby?" he knows it does, but you would feel a lot better with him inside you.
he looks at you with remorse, "your fingers are tiny compared to mine" he says in one breath, you look up at him "imagine they y- yours" you whimper as you add a third finger and move them faster, your left hand still on your clit.
you feel a knot start to form in the bottom of your stomach as you hear chans harsh breaths "look at me" he says, you pick your head up, making eye contact with him "fuck, i wish this was your hands" he says as he glances down to his dick, you know, the one that could be pounding into you and not his fist.
you moan out as you see it, the way his big hand slides up to the tip to have his thumb press on it, just to slide down to the base.
everything about that man was perfect even his cock, the perfect length and the perfect amount of girth."or your warm cunt" you feel yourself clench around your fingers "so tight" you let out as you pull your fingers out to the tip, just to push them back in, he moans at that "and just for me" he speaks with a smile.
"just for you Channie" you manage to get out before another moan slips your lips and you feel yourself getting closer to the edge. "yeah? baby, uh fuck" he moans the last bit and it completely ruins you and the tight knot rips and you let yourself come undone onto your fingers "fuck" you moan as you climax.
you continue your motions with your fingers, riding out your high "fuck, chris" you practically yell as your juices spill onto the sofa, not the first time, Chan watching your glistening core as you take you fingers out.
"suck" is all he says and your digits are in your mouth "fuck" he moans and you can tell he is trying to prolong this as far as he can, you suck your fingers clean and take them out of your mouth.
without missing a beat he says "take your shirt off" and thats exactly what you do, your shirt laying with your sweat pants, you don't have a bra on because you find them incredibly uncomfortable, "come here" he says and as you get closer to him his left hand goes to your back, pulling you in between his thighs and his lips instantly latch onto your left nipple.
you gasp at the sudden contact as he rolls the bud between his teeth, you can still hear his hand sliding up and down his cock, you moan out as he takes your hand a wraps it around his length and you instantly start to jerk it.
your fingers wraping perfectly around it, he pulls away from your boob and peppers kisses to the other side, you feel his hot breath "fuck y/n, just like that uh" he moans then starts bitting at the skin of your right boob.
you continue your hand movements until you feel him twitch in your palm, as you get to the base you squeeze it lightly and he lets out a shaky moan."get on your knees and open your mouth" he demands as he pulls away, you take your hand away from his throbbing dick and lower yourself onto your knees, using his thighs for support.
you finally get on your knees and chans left hand cups your face, his thumb running over you lips, "look so innocent, open" you open your mouth, his thumb going in and holding it open as you stick your tongue out, waiting for his cum.
he pums his cock a few times "uh fuck" he moans loudly as white ribbons of cum land on your face and chest some of it landing on your tongue.you close your mouth, swallowing the cum, you wipe some of the cum off of your right boob.
making eye contact with him you put your fingers in your mouth, your lips closing over them and a soft moan you let leave your throat as you taste him.
"fuck y/n" he moans at the sight of you as he fuck his fist, coming down from his high.
his hand stops, he takes it off of his dick, "sit on the sofa" he breaths as he reaches for the box of tissues on his desk, you get up from your position on the floor, you legs shaky from you previous orgasm.
he stands up from his seat, his pants falling to the floor, he kicks them off and his attention is back on you, he wipes his cum off your chest and face, placing the tissue on his desk.
"now I'm going to fuck you and you're going to take it like a good girl, okay" he looks down at you and all you can say is "please, I need it" and with that "all fours" he commands and you obey.
you turn around, your knees on the sofa your hand over the back, "so fucking perfect" he says as he teases your folds with the tip "such a tease" you say to him as you push your hips back to feel him.
"tease?" he questions as he rams it in fully and you let out a loud moan at the pleasant surprise, he bottoms out "fuck, so tight" you clench around him and you both moan out.
"big" is all you could get out as he starts shallowly thrusting into you "uhu, big?" he lets out a shaky moan telling you he is enjoying himself "whats big?" he asks you, knowing the answer.
"you channie, uh" you moan as he reaches your gooy spot, he hum s at you as he quickens his pase, his pelvis slamming into your ass, the noises of skin slaping, your wet cunt and both of your moans, yours the loudest thing in the room.
"you fill me up so good" you praise him and he swears he could just cum right there, but no you have to finish first.
he leans into you as his hand finds your clit "Fuck, fuck, fuck" you scream with each thrust and each circle he presses onto the swollen bud.
you grip the back of the sofa for dear life as you feel your second orgasm coming. "fuck chr-" you get half way done moaning his name as he stuffs his fingers in your mouth, you gag on the digits as he brings you up right, your back flush with his front.
"look how fucking-good you are" he thrusts inside mid sentence "letting me use this tight hole" he clarifys and your walls clench around him as you moan around his fingers, "hugging me so fucking tight" he moans as he moves his hips harder, the tip rubbing so deliciously against your g spot, you scream out, his fingers restricting your voice and he knows to do that again.
so he does "shh baby, we don't want anyone to hear" the words make your walls contract "uh fuck, you do" he moans the first bit and slowly drags out of you, just to slam back into you.
a strained moan erupting from your throat, "fuckin slut, such a pretty hole" the name mixed with the praise was all you needed to let go you curl your toes and your hand finds placement on chans hair, gripping it tightly as you cum around him.You feel Chan dick throbbing as he bucks his hips into you helping you ride out your orgasm and your new found kink "did you just? uh fuck, y/n" he moans loudly as he feels his orgasm coming, he takes his fingers out of your mouth and away from your clit, his hand are on your waist as he fucks you hard.
"Uh fuck chris" you practically yell, the over stimulation sending you into overdrive , chan is grunting and moaning as he chases his orgasm "so wet" his voice is an octive higher  as you feel warm liquid inside you and he continues his relentless pace.
after a few more thrusts he pulls out and steps back, watching both your and his cum mix and drip down your thighs. you feel a tissue press to your thigh as he cleans you up "thank you" you say as he finishes up and you sit on the sofa.
stretching as you pick up yours (his) shirt and put it on, chan already fully dressed "that was so good" he praises as he sits next to you "i needed that so bad" he says and you understand, he is always sceptical if he is doing what ever it is doing wrong but with you he knows he does it right, cause you're always satisfied and if it was really good you kinda just pass out after you cum.
"so sleepy" you say as you lay yourself down, chan decides to lay on you, hugging you tight around your waist and flipping the two of you over so you are ontop "all fucked out baby?" he says and you let out a pleased moan cause you don't want to talk.
your legs lay on each side of him on the sofa as you hug him and start to fall asleep.
you don't know how long its been but you get woken up by the door opening and a voice "chan its tim-"its hyunjins voice and he stops mid sentence as he sees you "jeonjin, its y/n" he calls the youger boy and you hear foot steps and jeonjins voice "what about he- wow" he also stops himself but he has a reaction and its sounds like a good.
"your fantasys are not as good as the real thing" hyunjin says "we shouldn't be seeing this" jeonjin the respectible (kinda) one of the two says and you lift your head and look back at them hyunjin just standing there still holding the door and jeonjin standing behind him "its okay" you say.
The more 'innocent' ones eyes widen at your words "youre still pervs though" you say and put your head back on chans chest, "just shut the door I dont care if you leave or not" you feel yourself start to drift off until you hear chans voice "just keep it quite, we are trying to sleep" you smile at that and close your eyes. 
A.N ; this is my work, if you have seen it before thats because i have changed accounts.
please show love, like, follow and repost please and thank you
Remember, i love you all and i hope you're doing okay :)
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menlove · 27 days
a) I love you I followed for mclennon brainrot and your whole blog and vibe is a blessing upon my dash b) link to fanfic you’re working on if any of it is published yet? thank you have a beautiful day
FASDFASDF i'm so glad you're enjoying the mclennon brainrot. the people enjoying it are so cool & everyone else is god's strongest soldier. BUT we don't have it published yet- the plannnn is to publish the first part tomorrow or saturday after we edit it tonight bc we finished up the first part a couple days ago!
in the Meantime there's millie's ao3 and mine! (would esp recommend your lucky break by them if you haven't read it yet it's soooo good). and if you wanna check back there in the next couple days we should have the first part up by then
BUT also in the meantime i fasdjfasdf have this i spent way way way too long on that's a goofy lil tie in to the last part which is a fix-it & they eventually release this album which totally 100% exists
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the Concept is john would've collaged the cover. (and all the cut out letters are from beatles albums/solo careers). all the songs are songs that exist as demos or like in the case of i will/if i fell they'd just be redone... except for "my john" which we went a little crazy about but it's just "yvonne's the one" by paul but in a universe where john hadn't died and it can actually be about him instead of just insanely eyebrow raising. tug of war also gets to be less depressing bc john didn't die in the middle of recording it lmao so imo paul released some other album instead of tug of war that was a lot less emotionally harrowing & releases just the song later
did i spend way too much energy and effort and thought on this? yes. but i love how it turned out so!
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sunchaserwings · 6 months
Incoming rant about The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney, and the BBC Sherlock (no major spoilers ahead I promise).
A preface before I begin; I was never a big fan of Sherlock Holmes or any adaptation of the stories. I've seen Elementary although I was very young so I only have the vaguest of memories of enjoying it, and my roommate had me watch a couple BBC Sherlock episodes when I was a tween/young teen. My mother claims she tried to get me into Sherlock Holmes but I'm rather skeptical. Anyhow, onto the story.
Back in March my boyfriend bought me the Ace Attorney games for my birthday which included the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (or Dai Gyakuten Saiban for those who are still stuck on the pre-localization names ;p). I was on my flight home from my birthday trip after I got the news my manager fired my brother while I was out of the state and figured why not, I'd start playing the first TGAA game on the flight. I'd probably enjoy myself and I couldn't sleep.
Second biggest mistake of the year (first biggest was trusting Les Schwab to do my brake job). I. Was. Hooked. I played the first case and fell in love with Kazuma instantly (he's so Zero shaped!). I played the second case and realized that calling him Zero shaped was way too accurate. We all know what happened there. Most important to this rant, I met Herlock Sholmes (more on my opinions on him later). I could barely put the game down but I had to take a break due to finding a new job and getting adjusted. I ended up finishing the game in June or July, one of the two. I finished the final case of the first game in one long 12 hour gaming session it was that good (my back didn't thank me though).
Now, the man of the hour: Herlock Sholmes. I didn't think much of him initially. He was simultaneously charming and annoying in the second case but as I played more he grew on me. I cried when the start of 1-5 happened. He clawed his way up into like the top 7 favorite characters at the time. The ending of the game with him playing his violin made me bawl my eyes out. I. Loved. This. Game.
It took a few more months to start and finish the second game. In between Adventures and Resolve I played Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, and some others so I had a healthy break. I came back to play Resolve and finished it like two months ago. It hit me in the gut just as hard as the first game did although there are a great many things I'd tweak and do differently. But Herlock Sholmes... man, he's not my favorite but he's up there underneath Kazuma and Van Zieks.
Anyhow, I finished the game but the hyperfixation had started and would not let me go. I've never been one to go out and seek fanfiction due to... personal stuff but I had a feeling I didn't want to go probe the depths of AO3 yet for fear of crying. I started a graveyard shift at my job which severely limited my ability to talk with people about stuff and also there's so many major spoilers but very few people I knew had played the game. A thought occurred to me, however. What about Sherlock Holmes audiobooks? I have an auditory processing issue which has made listening to audiobooks hard but I decided to give it a go. Perhaps it would satiate the TGAA hyperfixation hunger.
I found the ones produced by Magpie Audio, expertly narrated by Greg Wagland. Go check him out, he has over 77 videos of Sherlock Holmes audiobook recordings and all of them are a minimum of 40 minutes, often times far more. I went through over 30 hours of audiobook in a few weeks listening to these. Sherlock Holmes is such a good character and I can understand how and why he took late Victorian England by storm. And you know what the best part is?
Herlock Sholmes is the most faithful adaptation I have personally seen as a character of the original Sherlock Holmes.
They got so many of Sherlock's little idiosyncrasies right and you can tell the entire team were genuine fans of the books. I listened to Mr. Wagland's narration *and I saw 221B Baker of the games*. Especially the jack knife impaling the communications to the mantle being referenced in the game? The sheer mess of the flat? It's so good!
My roommate (whom is also a Sherlock Holmes fan) noticed my newest hyper fixation that spawned off of TGAA and that reignited his Sherlock Holmes obsession. He was a fan of the BBC Sherlock and now recognizes it was not a very great show but it's a comfort media for him nonetheless. He just dragged me into rewatching it and... okay, it's playing into a lot of inaccurate Sherlock tropes I don't like but goddamn Martin Freeman carries the whole show. I love his John Watson because it feels like a reasonable version of a modern, younger Watson. He feels real in a way. I do like the fact that even in the first episode, it's established that John and Sherlock can make each other laugh and smile just like in the books. I don't forgive them calling Sherlock a sociopath, however (speaking as someone with a brother that has been diagnosed with being a high-fuctioning sociopath). He's AuDHD to the max and deserves recognition in that department.
All of this to say, I can trace my current Sherlock hyperfixation back to Mega Man. Finding Mega Man in 4th grade led to watching the Ace Attorney anime in late 2021 which led to playing The Great Ace Attorney and that led to listening to Sherlock Holmes. I don't know why I decided to make this post but maybe I might start live blogging this shit? All in all, this is going to be a wild ride.
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elusivewildflower · 2 years
Just Another Case | Holland March x Reader
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Pairings: Holland March x F! Reader
Summary: You and Holland have been partners for the last year, solving case after ridiculous case together. Even though you’ve been mistaken as a couple countless times while working, the two of you are simply close friends. You might have feelings for him, but you’re sure he doesn’t feel the same. That is, until one particular case comes along on your laundry day, where you’re down to your last piece of clean clothing---a dress and no underwear. 
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of sex, the case is about catching a husband cheating. Mostly turns out to be pretty sweet. 
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve written or posted anything, but I hope I’ll be able to get back on track soon! Work and life has been pretty busy lately. I know in the movie Holland mentions that a “no-fault” law ended a lot of his cases like this, but let’s just say one pops up every now and then. (Because let’s be honest, even if I could divorce with no fault, I’d still like to have proof my spouse is cheating). Thank you to @ninjathrowingstork & another friend for beta-ing this for me! Based on the scene idea I had last week and the request I had sitting in my inbox by @wndawtch​.
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You press your back against the wall in your kitchen, holding the phone to your ear as your fingers twirl the cord impatiently. The line rang once, twice, and then a third time before you cursed under your breath. If he hadn’t answered by the third ring, you knew he wasn’t going to. It rang two more times before you were greeted with the familiar message of Holland’s answering machine. 
“You have reached March & Co Investigations. This machine records messages. Wait for the tone and speak clearly.” 
The answering machine beeps and you begin speaking. 
“Holland, did you forget you’re supposed to be working today? We were scheduled to meet Mrs. Jenkins at noon and you never showed.” You paused, heaving a sigh. “I swear, if you’re fully dressed and asleep in the tub again—“
The other line picked up and Holland’s groggy voice reached your ears, cutting you off. “What’s so bad about sleeping in the tub?” 
“Aside from the chance of drowning?” You asked rhetorically before continuing, “because you think that sitting in a tub full of water washes both you and what you’re wearing. Which is so not true, by the way.” 
“Oh yeah, says who?” He retorted defiantly.
“I do—and probably a lot of other people if we asked.” You responded quickly, not even waiting for Holland to come up with a response before you began speaking once more. “Get yourself dried off and ready to go. I’ll pick you up in an hour so we can actually start working—I’ve got a lead.” 
Holland gave a grumble of agreement and you slammed the receiver back onto the base to hang up. Sometimes you couldn’t understand why you had agreed to be Holland’s partner over a year ago. He had a serious drinking problem and always seemed to get himself into trouble. On the other hand, he was also extremely intelligent—one of the best private investigator’s you had ever seen on his good days—and he was quite attractive. Throw in his sob story about being a single father to a teenage daughter who lost his wife in a house fire and you were hooked. 
Not that the two of you had ever crossed over the line of being business partners and friends aside from a few flirtatious remarks, but honestly you wouldn’t mind it. You had grown rather close to the young widower and his daughter, Holly, over the last year. Hell, when Holly started her period a few months ago, she called and told you first before mentioning it to her father. You spent more time at their rental home than at your own, and you honestly lost count of the times people had mistaken you for a couple when you were on a case.
You glanced up at the clock on the wall before heaving a sigh and pushing yourself from the wall you were leaning against to call Holland. There was enough time to start a load of laundry, but it wouldn’t finish drying before you had to leave. As you rounded up the hamper from your bedroom filled to the brim with dirty clothes, you cursed yourself for not waking up earlier in the morning—and also cursed your past self for not doing laundry sooner. You had donned your last piece of clean clothing this morning before meeting Mrs. Jenkins, which was a knee-length floral dress. Its color complimented your skin tone nicely, and the deeply cut neckline made your breasts look fantastic. It wasn't exactly what you'd wear on a normal day of work---unless the day consisted of trying to catch a man cheating on his wife. Which, technically you were, but today's lead included the address of his supposed mistress. You and Holland would simply need to do a bit of a stake out to see if you could catch Mrs. Jenkins' husband coming or going from the property, and the dress was definitely not needed.
Before you knew it, an hour had ticked by. You grabbed your purse, slid your heels back on, and locked the door behind you as you exited your house. You told Holland you’d pick him up in an hour, but you only lived a few streets away and he was never ready on time, so you didn’t care that you were late. Honestly, you weren’t the best with time management either, so you were thankful you had a partner that ran late. A few minutes later, and you were pulling into March's driveway, honking your horn to announce your arrival.
About ten minutes later, Holland finally emerges from his home, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. As he climbs into the passenger seat he glances over at you, doing a double take as he realizes what you’re wearing. “What bar or club are we going to?” He questions curiously.
You shake your head as you reverse out of his driveway. “We’re not going to a bar or club.” 
Holland’s brows furrowed in confusion as he ashes his cigarette out the window. “But you’re wearing the dress.” 
You should have known he’d recognize the dress. “I have the address to the alleged mistress, we don’t need to go to a bar. We’re gonna do a stake out.” You explained.
Holland still seemed confused, a frown forming on his face as he eyed you over. “What, do you have a hot date after this or something?” 
He was clearly not letting this go, and did he seem a bit upset at the thought of you having a hot date? You had to be imagining that. 
“No, no hot date. I just felt like wearing a dress,” You gave a shrug as you lied. After criticizing his method of laundry—the thought of sitting fully dressed in a tub still made you shudder—you didn’t feel like admitting that you didn’t have anything else clean. 
Holland must’ve believed you, because he stopped badgering you with questions about it. He did, however, start asking about the case. You spent the rest of the drive filling him in on the details he missed when he overslept the meeting you had with your client.
As you pulled off to the side of the road to park, your heart dropped to your stomach. Your client neglected to mention that the mistress’s house had a seven-foot tall fence all of the way around and a gated driveway. You could feel Holland’s eyes boring into the side of your head. Ignoring him, you grabbed the binoculars from the back seats and simply exited the car. You walked up to the gate at the driveway, double checking that you had the right address. Your shoulders slumped when you realized that you were at the correct address. This was going to make capturing photos for proof of his cheating more difficult. 
You heard the passenger side door slam shut as Holland joined you. “Well, this is great.” He deadpanned, placing his hands upon his hips as he surveyed the fence. 
You sighed, nodding your head in agreement. “Yep.” 
A moment of silence passed between you until Holland broke it with a click of his tongue. “Alright, come on. I’ve got an idea.” He ushered, moving to kneel down beside the fence.
Your brows furrowed as you watched him, unsure of what he was planning. 
He noticed your look of confusion and sighed, beckoning you closer. “Come on, I’m gonna lift you up there.” 
“What?” The question tumbled out of your lips before you realized it, your heart rate rising as fear coursed through you. Holland wasn’t exactly the strongest man in the world, and he tended to be clumsy. You trusted him with a lot of things, but being capable of not dropping you wasn’t one of them. Not to mention that you ran out of clean underwear this morning and were currently going commando under your dress. You swore to yourself that this was the last time you’d ever wait so long to wash clothes.
“Well, I don’t see you lifting me, and someone needs to be able to see over the fence.” He explained as if his idea made perfect sense. Which, in fairness, it did. Except for the two things you were currently worried about; Holland dropping you and seeing up your dress. 
You remained still for a few more moments, your feet refusing to move from where you stood as you mulled over your options—or lack thereof. 
Holland rolled his eyes at you as he grew impatient. “Oh, come on.” He beckoned you again, “before someone sees us!” 
Taking a deep breath, you finally agreed. “Fine,” you began, “But do not look up my dress, Holland.” You warned him sternly, pointing a finger at him. 
Holland looked insulted. “Why would I look up your dress?” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, your finger now wagging at him. “Because I know you.” 
Holland raised his hands in surrender, dropping his insulted act. “Alright, alright, I won’t look up your dress.” 
Appeased by his answer, you close the distance between you. Holland laces his fingers together, giving you a spot to place your foot. You hold onto his shoulder as you step into his hands, and he lifts you up as he moves to stand. He lifts you a bit too high too fast and you’re suddenly scrambling to grab hold of the fence so you don’t fall. 
“Jesus! Not that high!” You scold him as you struggle to find your balance. 
Holland mutters out an apology and lowers you slightly. 
Leaning yourself against the fence, you raise your binoculars to your eyes. You scan the windows of the house, starting with the first floor. Disappointment flooded your veins as you were coming up empty-handed, that is until you panned to the last window on the second floor. A nude woman was pressed against the window getting railed from behind. You couldn’t tell by who, but you assumed it was your client’s husband. You let out a gasp. Jesus Christ. That must be nice. Just as you opened your mouth to tell Holland what you had found, you heard his voice below you. 
“Holy fuck—You’re not wearing any underwear!” 
Holland’s words caused you to release your grip on the fence in a panic, snapping your attention towards him. You find him still staring up your dress in shock, his jaw dropped open. You reach out to swat at him, shouting his name in an annoyed tone. “I told you not to look!”
Your words seemed to shake Holland out of his stupor, but your swat only backfired on you. Holland tried to dodge your hand out of instinct, which only served to make him lose his balance and send the both of you toppling to the ground. It happened so quickly you don’t even remember falling, but you definitely felt the pain of the impact. Every part of your body ached, but it didn’t feel like you had broken or sprained anything, so that was good. Your head may have been pounding from smacking the ground, but it was better than your skull being cracked open by the sidewalk. You had missed that by just a few inches, you realized as you rolled onto your side. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you lift me,” you groaned out, looking over at Holland.
Clearly, you had taken the brunt of the fall, as Holland was already sitting up and staring at you. “Why aren’t you wearing any underwear?!” He asked incredulously, ignoring your previous comment.
“It’s laundry day and I didn’t have any clean!” You admitted.
Holland shook his head unbelievingly. “Jesus Christ, I need a cigarette…” He spoke as he reached into his jacket, pulling out his lighter and a cigarette just a moment later. After pulling the first drag, he regarded you once more. This time it seemed like he was checking you for any injuries, rather than staring at you like a deer in headlights. “I’m sorry for dropping you. Are you alright?” He asked sincerely, gesturing towards you with his hand.
You nodded and moved to sit up, another groan tumbled from your lips as your body ached in protest. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” You assured him. You may wind up with several bruises and have a hard time getting out of bed tomorrow, but you’d survive. 
A comfortable silence fell between you once more as Holland smoked and you let the pounding in your head subside. After a few moments, Holland snuffed out his cigarette in the grass. “That’s why you’re wearing the dress,” he announced, having put together that you lied to him earlier. “You didn’t want to wear that, you just didn’t have anything else to wear today.” 
Your eyes snapped up from the grass to meet his as he broke the silence, but you didn’t bother giving him a response, your facial expression was enough. He was right and he knew it, you didn’t need to confirm it with words. 
“I may bathe in my clothes, but at least I always have clean underwear.” He spoke in a chastising tone that had you rolling your eyes. “So, did you see anything?” He asked after a moment, gesturing towards the binoculars that were lying on the grass. 
As you glanced at where he gestured, you remembered what you had witnessed right before Holland dropped you. “Yeah, I saw a naked woman being railed against her bedroom window.” You shrugged and continued speaking as Holland reached for the binoculars. “I couldn’t see by who, though, so we’ll just have to wait until he leaves.” 
Springing up to his feet, Holland tried his best to see over the fence, hoping to catch a glimpse of the action. It was no use, though, as he wasn’t tall enough to see over it unless he backed all of the way up into the street—and then he’d likely be hit by a car. He sighed defeatedly and turned back to you. “When does Mrs. Jenkins say her husband comes home after this?” 
You looked down at your watch, your eyes widening as you realized what time it was. 1:54 p.m. Mrs. Jenkins said her husband usually got home around 2:30 p.m. and you were about thirty minutes away from where she lived. As if on cue, you hear the sound of an engine starting up in the driveway. Your attention turns back to Holland, his blue eyes connecting with yours. “Right now.” You spoke hurriedly, rushing to get yourself up from the ground. Like the gentleman he is, Holland helped you to your feet and the two of you took off running towards your car. 
“Why is our timing always so terrible?” Holland asked exasperatedly as you ran. 
“I don’t know, but I blame you.” You replied, slamming the door shut behind you as you hopped into the car. 
Holland’s door slammed shut right after yours. “You blame me? Why?” 
You’re digging around in the backseat for your camera, not even looking at Holland as you respond. “Because you distract me,” you admit carelessly, not paying attention to the words that fall from your mouth until it’s too late. The car in the driveway is growing closer to the gate, and if it was your client’s husband that was leaving, you needed to capture a picture of it in order to be paid. As you return to your seat, fiddling with the camera to turn it on, you realize what you just said to Holland and your heart hammers in your chest. 
Holland shakes his head in disbelief. “I distract you? No, no, it’s you who distracts me.” 
Your brows furrow as you glance over at him . “How do I distract you?”
“Are you kidding me? Did you forget what happened not even fifteen minutes ago?” Holland gestures towards the spot the two of you were standing previously. “I just saw up your dress and you’re not wearing any fucking underwear! Do you know what that did to me?”
His question seemed rhetorical, or maybe you had just lost all function in your brain at the implication of his words. 
“And don’t even get me started on that dress. You look so god damn sexy in that, and I hate that you only wear it to lure married men into flirting with you for a case.” Holland admitted, only pausing long enough to suck in a breath of air before he continued. “I get so fucking jealous watching those men think they have a chance with you, and you don’t even notice!” Holland stares at you as he finishes, waiting for a response as your brain tries to wrap around what he just confessed. 
Your thoughts are running a mile a minute, trying to remember every time you’ve had to flirt with a married man for a case. Did you really not notice that Holland was jealous? Or did you just try to shrug it off because you didn’t believe he could ever feel that way for you? Your mouth suddenly feels dry at the realization, but eventually you speak. “I didn’t realize you felt that way about me….” 
“Of course I do, how couldn’t I?” Holland spoke as if he couldn’t believe you didn’t notice sooner. “You’re gorgeous, extremely smart,” he then gestured towards himself, “you put up with my bullshit, and you’re so good to Holly.” A small smile spread across his face as he spoke of his daughter. “She loves you, you know?”  
You returned his smile and nodded, leaning in closer to the center console. “Yeah, I know.” 
Holland closed the short distance between you, his face mere inches from yours as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, hesitatingly whispering his confession. “And I love you, too.” 
Gazing into his cool blue eyes, you couldn’t help the blinding smile that grew on your face. “I love you, too, Holland.” You admitted before capturing his lips. Holland’s hand rose to your neck, gripping the back of it as he locked you in a passionate kiss. His tongue prodded against your lips for entrance, but the sound of a gate opening made him pull away. 
“Mrs. Jenkin’s husband, Mrs. Jenkin’s husband!” He cried out, pointing at the car that was pulling out of the driveway right in front of you.
“Oh, shit!” You exclaimed, pulling yourself away from Holland and quickly grabbing the camera from your lap. You raised it to your eye and managed to snap a few incriminating photos of the man who matched the description of your client’s husband driving away. 
You placed the camera back into the floor of the back seat and turned towards Holland with a grin. “Well, let’s go get paid.” 
Holland leaned over, gently grabbing your jaw and pulling your lips to meet his. “As soon as the check’s in the bank, I’m taking you on a date.” He promised, his thumb softly rubbing your cheek.
“I’m looking forward to it. I’ll even buy a new dress.” You spoke softly, nuzzling your nose against his before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. 
A smirk spread across Holland’s face. “Any chance you won’t be wearing any underwear then, too?” 
You scoff and swat at his chest with a laugh. “Holland!” You shout his name in a scolding tone, turning back to face the steering wheel as you turn the keys in the ignition. 
“Well, that’s not a no….” He trails off as you start the drive back to your client’s home, eliciting a giggle from you. 
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captainnameless · 1 month
I'm having a real crap time of it and struggling with a lot of things. Any soft thoughts on Oscar or lando or max?
Honestly no expectations at all, so honestly just ignore this if you have nothing.
Also hope you are having a good day
i’m so sorry you’re going through it, wishing you lots of love! i went with Oscar since you mentioned him first.
It’s after Australia that they meet up, just the two of them. It’s a rare occasion, for whatever reason, and there’s a little bit of awkwardness without Lando as a third party.
Eventually, after a tour and some roughhousing with the dirtbakes the tension is gone and Oscar shuffles into the kitchen after a shower to get all the sand off.
Daniel turns from the kitchen island, soft smile spreading onto his face. “Yea, bud?”
“Can I have a snack?” Oscar shifting from foot to foot now, fingers playing with the bottom of his shirt that suddenly looks too big on him. “Please.” He rushes to add.
Daniel keeps the smile, nods. “Of course,” He turns slightly to face the options. “You want me to cut up some fruits? We have apples and bananas, the mango’s good.”
Oscar shyly nods and before he can answer properly Daniel goes
“Oh!” One of the kitchen drawers gets opened and Daniel snatches up a packet of animal crackers, the good ones with chocolates. He waves it about with a smirk. “I know you boys like these.”
A blush creeps up Oscar’s neck as he nods again. “They’re nice.”
“I’ll fix you up something good.” Daniel hums, pulling out a bowl and snapping the packet open, pouring a generous amount into the bowl before also grabbing an apple. “Get comfortable buddy I’ll be right with you.”
Oscar takes the cue and shuffles out off the kitchen, curls himself up on the couch and waits for Daniel to get there.
They eat their snack together, Oscar obediently eats his apple first before diving into the crackers, while Daniel eats his trail mix and own apple, resisting ruffling Oscar’s hair when he finishes his bowl and goes to walk it back to the kitchen.
When Oscar reappears, he seems to have found his giraffe plush, and is rubbing an eye. “Danny?”
It doesn’t get old, ever.
“Yea, buddy?” Daniel asks, trying to contain his endearment.
“I could use a nap.”
Daniel figures he should call the news, or record this interaction to have Lando study it, because asking for naps is usually a rare experience.
Instead, Daniel stands up, moves over to pull Oscar into his chest for a second before kissing the top of his head. “Alright bub, let’s go.”
Oscar gets to pick guest bed or Daniel’s room and unsurprisingly picks Daniel’s. When they’re cuddled up Daniel speaks quietly.
“Ya know, a couple years ago I was here with a very distraught Lando, who thought the bugs here were gonna eat him.”
Oscar looks at him, clear exhaustion on his face but eyes big and wide. “Really?”
“Hmm.” Daniel hums, brushing his hand through Oscar’s hair. “Some of the boys thought it’d be funny to play a joke on him, but Lando didn’t think it was very funny and neither did I.”
“Did they get in trouble?” Oscar asks, clutching Louie a little bit tighter.
“Yep.” Daniel nods, squeezing Oscar close. “It’s not nice when the joke isn’t funny to everyone. They were only in trouble for a little bit, no one’s ever in trouble for a long time.” He reassures while Oscar settles into him a yawn escaping him.
Oscar falls asleep shortly after and Daniel watches him for a little bit before he decides a nap doesn’t sound bad at all.
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