#north supreme kai
fireboos99 · 1 month
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I literally do not have anything smart to say here, this drawing literally only happened because my siblings were telling me I should post my brainrot doodles on here, and my anxiety-ridden ass couldn't do it, and decided the only solution was to spend days (read: the entire latter end of April) working on a proper drawing because "if I'm going to post anything on tumblr, it better be a full-ass drawing"
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monochrome-night · 2 years
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let's sail away
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unboundpower · 10 days
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The tragedy of Zamasu once being quite innocent and pure, and that leading to him going down the path he did...
He was, and still is, a young adult kai who hasn't experienced the millennia of being both an observer and a creator that an elder like Gowasu has. Additionally, he carried a lot of love for mortals before becoming his disciple. Carried a lot of preconceptions about mortals and what being a kai truly meant as well. Since he was deliberately chosen to be the newest North Kai of his universe, Zamasu believed that the role alone taught him everything he would ever need to know. Becoming a Supreme Kai would just elevate that to new heights.
But, he was humbled in a sense. Observing hundreds of inhabited planets across the entire universe showed him that the mortal realm wasn't as peachy as he thought. Violence and suffering were widespread. Thousands of races harmed and subjugated their own, or traveled to other planets as invaders; the reasons always boiling down to the pursuit of power and control. While physical strength was a thematic concept present in countless races across the galaxies, this was not right in his eyes. It disgusted him.
What disgusted him more was Gowasu's apathy towards it all, allowing mortals to do what they wished out of the belief they would always behave how they were naturally intended to. Even when his lack of action as the Supreme Kai, in accordance with working with their Destroyer Rumsshi, was clearly off-setting the universe's balance (*coughcough* the Mortal Level being a thing n' whatnot-).
It's unfortunate that Zamasu's anger and frustration were the biggest contributors to he becoming hateful of mortals, deeming them to be betrayers of the gods' gifts & inherently corrupted. Though of course that would be the case, when foolish gods like Gowasu obviously intended on them being corrupted. Zamasu refused to stand for it. The universe was meant to be a beautiful place, filled with continuously developing civilizations on thriving planets where mortals could one day find true peace in their fleeting lifespans. If all mortal life needed to be cleansed so planets could be reset, and HE had to be the one true creator to spearhead the universe's balance, then so be it.
The domino that set off the severe chain reaction was Goku (at least in one timeline) meeting Zamasu, and besting him in a spar that the kai was more or less forced into. If he didn't truly loathe mortals and wasn't fully set on his plan before then, he sure did and was after that.
[There's a weird time loop involved with Goku first meeting Zamasu because of Goku Black, but Zamasu meeting Goku and learning of his existence is what leads to Goku Black, buuuut that's neither here nor there. I hate most paradoxes in media because they're typically used in lame ways, and with DB having a canon multiverse-multitimeline, it's even worse.]
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
Turns out that Freeza knowing about Majin Buu in Resurrection F wasn't as random as we thought. There's actually a connection between Freeza's people and Majin Buu in the original manga.
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Dragon Ball chapter 445 shows what appears to be a deceased Freeza race member when the Supreme Kai is talking about the planets that were once devastated by Majin Buu thousands of years ago.
Then, in Resurrection F (the movie and the saga) Freeza has knowledge of Majin Buu.
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Perhaps, the stories of Majin Buu's terror were passed down from generation to generation and this is how King Cold & then Freeza knew of Majin Buu. 🤔
So, it appears that Toriyama used this manga only scene of a Freeza Race member who was slain by Majin Buu as retroactive connective tissue in order to explain why Freeza knew of Majin Buu in the Resurrection F story.
Just something I noticed. I haven't heard anyone point this out yet, so I thought I should share this with y'all.
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For some reason, in DBZ EP 219, the anime inserts a scene with planets blowing up instead of a scene of a deceased Freeza Race member.
This is the overlooked third Freeza race member shown in the main series. Freeza, King Cold, and then this unnamed ancient member of the Freeza race.
I dont take issue with Freeza and King Cold having knowledge of Majin Buu & Lord Beerus. The Galactic Patrol had knowledge of both, so it makes sense for the Cold/Freeza Empire to know as well. Aliens who had contact with Buu or Beerus would know of them too and spread legends about them. Furthermore, only certain groups of those aliens would know how truthful those legends in fact were.
I theorize that Freeza's race likely hail from a part of the universe far far away from Earth. Since the Tortoise is the Celestial Emblem of the North cosmic direction, and the North Galaxy of Dragon Ball is home of the Turtle School... I THEORIZE that Emperor Freeza's people might have hailed from South Galaxy. This theory of mine is due to the Celestial Emblem's Red Bird of the South cosmic direction is associated with Imperial power, knowledge, & is often depicted to be at odds with the Dragon (ect, ect). But, this is simply speculation on my part. Maybe we will find out one day.
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
Top 10 Dragon Ball Villains
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Number 1. Cell - Cell is a Perfect villain. He’s got the traits of 3 main villains (Piccolo, Vegeta, & Frieza), along with some Goku elements in the mix, and it makes sense when you remember that he’s an android with the cells of the universes strongest fighters. Also he’s got the ability to absorb people, can perfectly copy techniques that would take years to learn, has quite the suave and charming personality in his perfect form, is extremely funny and snarky sometimes, is terrifying a lot of the time, and overall Cell was designed to be the endgame villain of Z, before Toriyama was asked to write the Buu Saga. Also he’s the SECOND villain from Z to be brought into Super, excluding Buu, only that time he’s now this Shin Godzilla inspired monstrosity with the appearance of his second form. Even in THAT state he was frightening! He’s on the same level as Frieza, but is held back by the fact that he was basically an endgame type of villain put in a penultimate setting. Still, he was and is the PERFECT, Non-Frieza, Dragon Ball villain from the get so in terms of concept and execution.
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Number 2. Frieza - What else is there to say about this douchebag that hasn’t been said already? Frieza is one of the most terrifying, entitled, ruthless, fake, genocidal, petty, vile, legitimately racist, and unapologetically evil villains to ever roam fiction, and yet he is still entertaining as all hell. Every word he utters is either filled with malice or sleezy, and when karma hits him in the face it’s all well deserved. God this bastard is a great hateable villain.
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Number 3. Zamasu/Goku Black - Cheers to the first villain that ACTUALLY sees himself as the hero in this series. Zamasu is a pompous asshole of a Supreme Kai with a god complex that stole Goku’s body in the future, and is hellbent on eradicating all mortals with the help of an immortal alternate timeline version of himself. At first he was Universe 10′s North Kai, meaning that he was watching mortals from afar, before becoming the apprentice of the Supreme Kai, Gowasu. However he wholeheartedly believes that mortals will always be violent savages who only exist to destroy, and the only reason why he became Gowasu’s apprentice was to change that. However after finding out about the existence of Goku, it didn’t take long for the growing darkness in his heart to drive him to come up with the idea to steal Goku’s body and create the “Zero Mortal Plan.” Zamasu himself acts very formal and humble, but he’s self-righteous and is preachy as all hell, both in the main timeline and the alternate future. Then there’s Goku Black, a self righteous prick of a god, and utter lunatic who enjoys the thrill of the fight, and the bloodshed that comes with it, played by none other than Goku’s english and japanese voice actors. And finally there’s Merged Zamasu, the fusion between Goku Black and the alternate Zamasu, and Zamasu’s truest self. A genocidal, self righteous, mad deity willing to do anything to ensure that his twisted sense of justice prevails. So in spite having a diabolos ex-machina ending to his arc, Zamasu is on the same level as Frieza and Cell.
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Number 4. Demigra (Xenoverse & Heroes) - I wasn’t big on him at first, but I realized that this guy was a good antagonist for Xenoverse & Heroes. Sure he only appears midway through the story, but he makes up for that by being quite the threat. Demigra was the former Supreme Kai of Time, before getting booted out of his position for some shady shit, and landing in the place that would soon become the Demon Realm. In short, he’s basically some kind of REAL Demon God, a true Satan figure, unlike Dabura and King Piccolo. So he continues to go on raiding the Time Nest, before being sealed away, but the more distortions in history happened, the closer he became to being free. Heck even while imprisoned, he could summon mirages of himself to alter history by corrupting allies like Piccolo, powering up foes like Buu, or straight up trying to piss off and control The God of Destruction! Oh and did I forget to mention that he revels in every bit of torment he causes, so he truly lives up to being a devil in that part. If you think he sounds like some Dragon Quest, Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy, or Fire Emblem villain, I wouldn’t blame you, but I think that’s what makes him stand out compared to other villains in the series. In short, Demigra is offputting at first, but that nature makes him stand out in a pretty good way. It’s such a shame he’s not in the mainline series.
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Number 5. Vegeta (Saiyan Saga) - Vegeta was at his best in Z, ESPECIALLY when he was the main villain of the Saiyan Saga. That arrogance, that persistence, that pride in being a living weapon, and the fear factor he brought to the table is truly unforgettable. God I miss having legit Saiyans as cruel as hell villains.
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Number 6. Broly (DBS) - The Non-Canon Z Broly was a pyschotic jock, and an okay villain who was motivated by an infant crying and being stabbed by King Vegeta. The canonical version of the character however is a lot less of a kill happy sadist and more of a gentle soul with the body and power of 50 nukes that he has no control over. He’s not truly a bad guy, but he was still a main antagonist, mostly because his horrid ass father, Paragus ordered him to fight Goku and Vegeta, and Frieza cause him to snap twice in the same day. Plus when he snaps and rages, he SNAPS AND RAGES LIKE A WILD ANIMAL. Sure he was only a villain for like one movie, but his time as an out of control weapon is still great. Congrats Toriyama on making a weak ass non-canon villain into one of Super’s best antagonists.
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Number 7. Piccolo (OG Dragon Ball) - Before Piccolo was the team dad and the braincell of the Z Fighters, he was the Demon King Piccolo, the evil half of the namekian, Kami, and Goku’s greatest foe. He was terrifying at times, but he also had this level of theatircality to him. Also, in terms of “Big Bad Satan” Archetypes, as King Piccolo, he was pretty good. After he’s offed by a kid Goku. However King Piccolo spat out an egg at the a few seconds before he died, and a few years later we get to King Piccolo’s reborn self, simply named Piccolo Jr, a younger and stronger copy of himself with his soul and memories intact, who’s out get revenge on Goku. And after being defeated for the second time, they became rivals, a few years later in Z they team up against Raditz, Piccolo takes in Gohan, and the rest of his well written redemption arc is histoy.
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Number 8. Beerus - He’s a cat destroyer god with the personality of a cat, how was he NOT a good villain? He only eats, sleeps, blows up planets, and acts like an ass. Like this guy tried to blow up earth after his pudding got eaten by Majin Buu! Sure he’s not an active villain, and he’s currently on Goku and the Z-Fighers side, but let’s be glad it’s staying that way.
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Number 9. Cooler - He’s basically Frieza’s pompus, envious, and slightly insecure older brother. Literally anything one could say about Frieza can qualify to Cooler, however there’s noticeable differences, outside of the more masculine appearance. He’s less got less of a faux politeness, actually inspires loyalty in his soldiers, and is a lot more pragmatic in general. However, just like his brother, he falls into similar traps.
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Number 10. Android 21/Vomi - Ah yes, this bitch. Android 21 was the main villain of Fighterz, and a pretty damn good one. She’s kinda like a mix between Majin Buu and Launch from the OG series, with some scientist elements sprinkled inbetween. By that I mean she’s got two different personalities, a calm and collected scientist with some semblance of a heart, and a literal pyschotic power hungry monster that can absorb people by turning them into sweets. Out of all the modern DB villains, she’s one of the better ones. Oh, she also is designed after Dr Gero’s wife, Yomi.
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kaioshin-kai · 8 months
sobbing at Daisy
please write more about Zamasu and his little princess ;o;
I will! I actually owe fan fiction requests from like 3 months ago.
Maybe this will interest you, anon.
I will eventually write about North Kai Zamasu:
-Some shots of his childhood here and there.
-How he lived his life. With Daisy.
-Explain what regular kais do while writing his life as a north kai.
-Explain the differences between pain fruit shinjins and golden fruit shinjins. How it gave him internal struggles.
-Angst. I headcanon that Zamasu has NPD and autism. In one part, I will write conflict.
-The day where things brighten up greatly; the day where he's promoted to being an apprentice to his Supreme Kai. Something he couldn't believe at first because he hatched from the plain fruit
-The final bits will also foreshadow the future or something
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It sounds like something really big but it's like... prolly just done within a few days LOL... i just need the mood for this but if it's done, it's done. I will also design U10's South kai, East kai, and West kai.
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neenack · 16 days
Lmao I'm a little confused about the kaioshin story after reading fandom.com and the likes of wikipedia. Kai (regular apple and golden apple) are born from the fruit of the World Tree and seem to go to different schools to learn????? And there are 5 kaios, 4 of which rule the sides of the world in the galaxy, the fifth is the kaioshin and they oversee their universe.
I'm now wondering where the “world tree” itself is and how the kaioshins end up in their universes? From what I understand, before Buu's attack, Shin had a semblance of a family of 4 and they all kept track of the quadrants of the universe. After Buu, Shin was left all alone and he became the kaioshin of his universe?????
Hey anon, thanks for sending me an ask! I've never gotten one of these before so this should be fun! 😄
Already, you make me feel like a Kaioshin expert, but I just recently caught up with Dragon Ball and discovered who they were, so I'm kinda in the same boat as you lol
To answer your questions, yeah, there was a Kai for each quadrant of Universe 7 (North, South, East, West) as well as a Dai Kaioshin/Grand Supreme Kai. Shin pretty much became the de facto Kaioshin/Supreme Kai of his universe after Buu's attack in the Kai world.
Apparently, all the information about Kai being born from the fruit of the World Tree and then going to school, etc. originates from supplementary material that had an interview with Toriyama in it as far as I know. I don't think any of it has found its way into the main canon but as it stands, the only facts(?) we know about the Kais are just words of god and haven't been fully confirmed. There's a chance Daima could expand on Kai lore, but there's still so much we don't know about it yet. It's too early to say but fingers crossed!
This is pretty much what I presume is on the wiki already, but here's a translation of the guidebook that has the info on the Kais, the World Tree, and the interview with Toriyama. I hope that helps! ^^
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 031
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When Jaco and Bulma team up, anything could happen!   (Narrator: Nothing happened.)
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Let’s try to go over Bulma’s plan here.  The upcoming Destroyer Invitational Tournament will decide who gets control over the Super Dragon Balls.  If Champa wins, he plans to wish for the Earth of Universe 7 to switch places with the dead Earth of Universe 6.  If Beerus wins... who knows?  But Bulma doesn’t want to find out.  Since Champa is the God of Destruction from U6, Bulma believes that there’s a second set of Super Dragon Balls in Universe 7.  So she aims to track them down and use them to undo any destructive wishes Beerus or Champa might have in mind. 
To do this, she needs a radar powerful enough to detect the Super Dragon Balls, and she also needs to take it to the center of the universe, where she can use the radar’s range will be as effective as possible.  So she calls in Jaco to take her there.  Except Jaco works for the Galactic Patrol.  Their ships aren’t designed to cover the vast distances from one galaxy to another.  They only operate inside of the one galaxy they’re in. 
Okay, a couple things.  First, I like that this detail is acknowledged in the story.  A lot of sci-fi/space fantasy franchises fail to recognize just how big space is.  Well, specifically, I’m thinking of DC and Marvel Comics.  The Green Lantern Corps divided the universe into 3600 sectors, then assigned a handful of GL’s to patrol each one, and somehow seven or eight of them always wind up sticking close to one planet in one galaxy in one sector.   If I remember right, their headquarters is located at the center of the universe, and Hal Jordan just zips back and forth like it’s no big deal. He also constantly runs into colleagues from other sectors, but, again, space is huge.  Aside from staff meetings on Oa, you would expect him to live out his entire lifespan without ever seeing a Green Lantern from another space sector.  Meanwhile, all of Marvel’s big intergalactic powers rule over entire galaxies.  The Skrulls have the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Kree have theirs and the Shi’ar have theirs.  I’ve lost track of all that lore, so maybe Marvel introduced some shitty new aliens called the Dipshittors to build on that concept, but the point is that the Avengers and Fantastic Four will just fly out to fight those guys whenever it’s convenient. 
Star Trek and Star Wars get it right, because those stories take place in one galaxy.  There’s like one episode where the Enterprise went to another galaxy and it was this insane thing that happened.  Maybe the new shows play with that idea more, but fuck the new Trek shows.  Scott Bakula’s dog can kiss my ass.  The point is that because those shows are confined to one galaxy, they don’t spent a lot of time talking about how impractical it is to go to a different galaxy.  It just never gets brought up. 
But that leads me to my second thing I want to talk about: Jaco seems to imply that Universe 7 is a lot bigger than we’ve heard in the past.  Maybe it’s just the dub, and I’m in no mood to go back and check the subtitles, but he talks about the multitudes of other galaxies in the universe, and how unbelievably far away it all is, and I feel like that conflicts with the cozy four-galaxy scenario introduced in Dragon Ball Z.   Earth is in the North Galaxy, overseen by the King Kai of the North, while the East, South, and West Galaxies are overseen by their own King Kais. 
Then again, I’m not sure how that was all established.  It comes up in the original Broly movie, which is mostly set in the South Galaxy, which all of the characters are able to reach without much trouble.  It also comes up in the Otherworld Tournament arc, because they have to explain who the other three Kais are. 
But I don’t know that it gets much play in the original manga.  Like, South Kai appears in the manga, and the Grand Kai is mentioned, and Kid Buu’s origin story refers to other Supreme Kais who used to work alongside Shin.  But I’d have to check to see if there’s any mention of just four galaxies.  Maybe it’s a Toei invention. 
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Anyway, Jaco suggests an alternative: Visit the world of Master Zuno and ask him about the Super Dragon Balls.  I don’t see how that solves anything, though.  Zuno’s gimmick is that he knows everything, and he certainly seems to know everything, but even if he tells Bulma exactly where the Super Dragon Balls are, they could still lie far beyond the North Galaxy, and so they’re completely out of her reach.   Also, the SBD’s are the size of planets.  How was she planning to gather them all together?
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Now, most of this episode is Jaco making cracks about Bulma’s age, and Bulma beating the absolute shit out of him for it.  Also, he tries to turn the tables on her by accelerating his ship really fast, but he winds up making himself nauseous as well.  They seem to utterly despise one another, and it’s not much fun watching them interact. 
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I mean, for all intents and purposes, this episode is a direct sequel to the Jaco manga.  There’s even a flashback to the chapter where Jaco met Bulma, and she repaired his ship and flew it around Professor Omori’s island.
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But the Jaco in that story was a lot more calm and collected, more of a detached observer of humanity.  We see him here freaking out about Tights’ little sister joyriding in his ship, but I’m pretty sure he was only mildly irritated about it in the manga.  The most upset Jaco ever got in the manga was whenever that police sketch came up. 
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But now, in Dragon Ball Super, he’s become this cowardly little twerp.  At the beginning of this episode, he vents his frustrations with a little target practice, and accidentally destroys a space monument, which he tries to pin on a wanted fugitive in the area.  And that seems authentic for Jaco, but when he gets to Earth, all he does is try to find some excuse to leave, and when that doesn’t work he trades barbs with Bulma and lets her whoop his ass. 
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Which is a shame, because there was something much more humanist about the original Jaco story.  It was about how the characters grew after working together and helping one another.  Jaco’s kind of a dick, and Omori was kind of a bitter misanthrope, but they still cared about one another because their better nature overcame their anti-social tendencies. 
This episode might have tried to hearken back to that theme, but it just doesn’t happen.  When they get to Zuno’s planet, Bulma and Jaco discover there’s a seven year waiting list just to ask Zuno a question.  Then they see this red frog dude show up for his appointment, and Jaco recognizes him as the crook he heard about earlier. 
So Jaco has a choice to make.  If he arrests this guy, he can open a spot on Zuno’s schedule and skip to the front of the line.  However, bringing in this frog guy might expose his lie about the destruction of that space monument.  On the other hand, the frog dude recognizes Jaco as a space cop, but he’s waited seven years for this appointment, and he decides to just play it cool and hope Jaco doesn’t recognize him. 
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And Jaco... lets him go.  The frog dude was wanted for dine-and-dash crimes, so it’s not like he’s a violent offender or anything.  In fact, the reason he came to this planet was to ask Zuno how to dine-and-dash without getting caught.  That’s how into dine-and-dash this guy is.  For all his bluster, Jaco isn’t a model patrolman, and besides, this is his day off.  And Bulma’s mission is her problem, not his, so he doesn’t want to risk getting in trouble with his superiors over this. 
But then Bulma tells him they’ll just have to go home and take their chances on Beerus’ wish, and that spurs him into action.
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Frog dude tries to take a hostage, but Jaco defeats him with ease, and Zuno’s attendants give him an immediate audience with Zuno out of gratitude.  This s basically the climax of the episode, and it’s presented like some character developing moment for Jaco, except... it really doesn’t work.  Maybe he took action because he didn’t like the idea of letting Bulma down, or he couldn’t stand the thought of failing a mission, or something like that.  But it looks more like he was more frightened of Beerus using the Super Dragon Balls than he was of getting in trouble at work.   And that’s not much of a conflict to build your story around. 
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As for Zuno, well, he’s another alien like his attendants, only he has an even bigger head.  You have to kiss him before he’ll answer your questions.  Since Jaco’s a man, Zuno only gives him one question.  Jaco wastes it on a pointless demonstration.  He asks Zuno what Bulma’s bust size is, and he not only gives and answer, but extrapolates what Bulma’s bust size used to be before she got older.   He should have asked why the animators keep drawing Bulma’s blue jeans so weird in every episode. 
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As for Bulma, she gets three questions, because she’s a lady, and Zuno is horny, I guess.  So this is just the same gag they used thirty years ago with Master Roshi.  Bulma wastes a question asking if Zuno will answer her questions.  Then she asks him to tell her about the Super Dragon Balls, and when he’s finished, she summarizes it all and asks if she got it right, and Zuno counts that as her third question.    Bulma offers to kiss him some more, but her time is up.
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So the only useful information that came out of the whole trip was this: There’s only one set of Super Dragon Balls, which are scattered across Universes 6 and 7.  So Bulma’s plan was doomed from the start, because Champa already has most of the one set secured, and there’s no other SDB’s out there to use.  This also means that Champa must have been trespassing into Universe 7 to collect the SDB’s, since at least some of them must have been there.  But that hardly matters, since we already knew Champa had been lurking around behind the scenes.   We saw him destroy a planet, and then Beerus ran into him during the Golden Frieza battle.  Also, Beerus doesn’t care, since he plans to win the Super Dragon Balls in this tournament anyway. 
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So this was all a pointless aside.  I guess this shot of Goku copping a squat with Jaco is kind of neat.  They didn’t interact much during the Res F stuff, so this is the first indication that they’ve met.
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Also, Bulma gives Jaco some dairy products for the road, so I guess they don’t hate each other that much.
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Oh, and this is the episode where Goku and Vegeta talk about how they like their feisty, feisty wives, and Vegeta says it’s because Saiyans are genetically predisposed to this.  And Piccolo’s astonished to hear this, and I really don’t know why he, of all people, would care.
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North Carolina on Monday became the 40th state to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, the latest sign of how Republican opposition to the health measure has weakened more than a decade after President Barack Obama signed it into law.
Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, signed legislation expanding the state’s Medicaid program during a sunny afternoon ceremony on the lawn of the Executive Mansion, days after the Republican-controlled legislature gave final approval to the measure. He was surrounded by patients, advocates and some of the same Republican leaders who had previously blocked expansion in the state.
The bill will expand Medicaid to adults who make less than 138% of the federal poverty level, or about $41,000 for a family of four. State officials say the expansion will cover an estimated 600,000 people. It will take effect when the state adopts a budget, likely by June, Mr. Cooper said in an interview before the signing ceremony.
“Today is a historic step toward a healthier North Carolina,” the governor declared before signing the measure. When a reporter pressed him on when the expansion would take effect, he said, “It’s only a question of when, not if.”
It has been nearly 11 years since the Supreme Court ruled that states did not have to expand Medicaid — the government health insurance program for low-income people — under the Affordable Care Act. Nearly half the states opted out. More recently, progressives have helped to expand Medicaid in seven states — all of them with either Republican-controlled or divided governments — by putting the question directly to voters; in November, South Dakota adopted Medicaid expansion via the ballot box.
But getting Republican elected officials to abandon their opposition to expanding the program has not been easy. The last state where a Republican-controlled legislature voted to expand Medicaid was Virginia, in 2018. The governor at the time was a Democrat, Ralph Northam.
The battle over Medicaid has been particularly intense in North Carolina. Supporters of expansion conducted hundreds of “Moral Mondays” protests at the State Capitol. In 2014, the Republican mayor of a town that lost its hospital walked all the way to Washington to build support for expansion.
Monday’s bill signing leaves just 10 states — all with divided or Republican leadership, and most of them in the South — that have yet to expand Medicaid. Advocates say they now have their sights set on Alabama, where Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican, can expand her state’s program with her own authority.
In North Carolina, there are various reasons for Republicans’ recent change of heart. Much of the opposition in the state and elsewhere has been both ideological and partisan — a reflection of Republicans’ deep distaste for Mr. Obama. But it is now clear that the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, is here to stay. Republicans in Washington have been unable to repeal the law and appear to have largely given up fighting it, helping to pave the way for expansion in North Carolina.
“The argument that this is somehow an endorsement of Obamacare is losing a lot of political currency, even among conservatives,” said Frederick Isasi, the executive director of Families USA, a health care advocacy group based in Washington.
Hospitals, especially struggling rural ones, are eager for the extra revenue that Medicaid reimbursement will bring. The federal government picks up 90% of the costs of reimbursement under the expansion, and in North Carolina, hospitals will pay the other 10%. The state has revamped its Medicaid program, moving it from a fee-for-service program to one that relies on managed care — a long-sought goal of Republicans.
“This has been a long day coming, but it’s been as a result of a lot of reforms,” Tim Moore, the Speaker of the state’s House of Representatives and a Republican, said during the signing ceremony. The changes, he said, “allowed us to be in the position that we’re in today to be able to expand this coverage.”
For Mr. Cooper, who is in his second term and has been mentioned as a possible future Democratic candidate for Senate or even president, the bill signing was a significant victory. He sought to expand Medicaid when he first took office in 2017, and Republicans sued in federal court to stop him from doing it.
The push for expansion picked up steam last year, when the state’s House and Senate approved separate measures. But the two chambers were unable to reconcile differences.
The signing ceremony on Monday was at turns poignant and celebratory. Cassandra Brooks, who operates Little Believer’s Academy, a day care center in the Raleigh area, choked back tears as she recalled two of her teachers who had died, she said, because they could not afford health care.
“They were excellent early childhood teachers who didn’t have health insurance and passed away due to preventable health conditions,” she said. She cast the expansion measure as a boon to small businesses that operate on thin margins and cannot afford to offer their employees coverage.
“Here’s to Medicaid expansion in North Carolina,” she said. “Here’s to supporting small business in North Carolina. Here’s to continued growth in North Carolina. I believe in North Carolina.”
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frostyduo · 5 months
°Hmmmmm.... I think i do understand. That sure is an odd game, isn't it? Hm... I would have included myself as option, but not sure if it is even allowed...
And including likes of Goku is simple, as he will be tossed at kill...
There arent many i know from the seventh, yet alone sixth, but i think i know.
Sin, marry, kill
Supreme kai Shin, Whis, Sheldon. Tho... i think he nowadays uses different name... He must be the north kai of seventh.°
(OOC: I headcanon king kai being named Sheldon since... no name)
Frieza: Mmm….I can’t say I’m a fan of these options….
Frost: Hmm. I guess I’d say….sin Whis, marry Shin, and kill King Kai.
Frieza: That was fast.
Frost: It wasn’t hard to think about. Shin is the little Kai with the mohawk, right? He seems easy enough to get along with if we were married. And Whis….well, I can’t deny he has a pretty face, and might possibly have years of experience in the sheets. And I’d only kill King Kai strictly because I have no desire to do the other two options with him.
Frieza: Huh. When explained like that….it seems entirely logical. I think I’d go the same way actually.
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staerplatinum · 1 year
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And today is Fuwa's turn! The reference of this one was the Sleeping Beauty by Louis Sussman-Hellborn, I thought it was perfect for Fuwa since how bored from his job he is
Description under the cut!
Lord Fuwa, current Supreme Kai or God of Creation of the Sixth Universe. Upon finding this abandoned throne representing his universe's symbol, Lord Fuwa was surprised of finding it on the North Kai's planet. He decided to take the throne for himself, and it is said the statue was sculpted by the North Kai during one of his visits, but Lord Fuwa had fallen asleep for a month. It is said the throne is a rival to the most comfortable seat of the Seventh Universe.
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bigchampa · 1 month
After that random attendant.
We have the four directional supreme Kais.
First up is north or Lyra. A long haired very busty Kai who is constantly bugged for milk by her GOD. It tastes like apple cider.
Definitely one of Champa's favorites for that reason. Sometimes, he'd drink it straight from the source because of how addicting it is.
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monochrome-night · 2 years
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well aren't you kids a handful!
( the children are very hyper and playful)
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unboundpower · 21 days
General World Core & Kai Info
Some of this is official information I'm repeating, otherwise it's headcanons. They might seem scattered or w/e, just jotting down thoughts.
World Core, the homeworld of all Core People, dwells in Other World. It's similar to the Sacred World of the Kai, in that it's a large planet that has its own environments and ecosystems.
Core People are their technical race name, though they are called and call one another "Kai" far more often. The largest settlement of them on World Core is one city that's primarily composed of educational facilities with housing for young Kai, with cabins and other structures of Kai living on their own or in small groups scattered around its outskirts. Their community has a fairly placid, easygoing lifestyle, with the most excitement coming from how martial arts are practiced as (predominantly) a sport. *Note: The exact nature of Kai society on World Core may vary based on the universe, if one wants to include DBS' expanded setting.
On World Core, Kai are born via being initially grown as apple-like fruits by an assortment of colossal trees called "Kaiju", which possess magical attributes. As the Kaiju are effectively where Kai come from, and without them the race would go extinct (which would throw the cosmos into utter chaos via no new lifeforms or planets being created), they are deemed immensely sacred and are fiercely safeguarded - though many Kai believe them to be indestructible. Just in case more trees are eventually needed for whatever reason, there are seeds of Kaiju that are kept in secret locations across World Core and the Sacred World of the Kai.
Though the exact times vary, Kaiju are extremely slow to produce new Kai. One fruit can take up to five billion years to reach maturity. However, if there is a sudden large loss of Kai life, the Kaiju will respond in a sentient-like fashion via growing new fruit at a much faster rate.
The fruit grown by the Kaiju, once it's mature, are carefully harvested by Kaiju attendants and kept in the named Nursery Garden while they slowly morph to resemble a Kai's general body type. If a Kai is born from a rare golden fruit, they will immediately undergo special tutelage and training to become a Supreme Kai - who have the power of creation. If there is already an active one, they'll either be assigned as their attendant or responsibilities will be divided up between them. Otherwise, children are educated on the Kai's language and their general way of life as a divine race, before they reach an older age where they'll effectively leave schooling and assist in their society in someway.
Should one Kai be selected by higher-ups to become an Observer, a Kai who watches over a specific quadrant of the mortal universe (North Kai, South Kai, etc), they'll undergo appropriate schooling for the role and are educated on what the Supreme Kai generally do, as they'll be working alongside them like underlings. If a Supreme Kai sees promise in them, they can take an Observer on as an apprentice for the Supreme Kai status, and bestow upon them the power of creation.
While Kai aren't immortal and can die from severe injuries, malnutrition, dehydration, or from illness, they require little to get by and have extremely long lifespans. One can live for a billion years or longer. Because of this and the combination of new Kai normally not being born quickly, there usually aren't many Kai that are alive all at one time. The largest population number that World Core has ever reached was no larger than 90, with around 80% of inhabitants being thousands of years old.
Kai have no mammalian, reptilian, or bird-based reproductive organs. They have no perceivable genitalia, and are incapable of producing offspring themselves naturally. Sex as a concept many mortals know is foreign to their way of life, though romance is somewhat more of a thing with romantic relationships between Kai existing, but they aren't common / everyday occurrences. When it comes to gender, many identify however they please.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“Japan Planning the Seizure of Jehol Province,” Brantford Expositor. January 7, 1933. Page 1. ---- By James A Mills, Associated Press Correspondent ---- CHANGCHUN, Manchuria, Jan. 7 — (AP) — Activities of Chinese troops will determine how soon Japanese occupation of the Mongolian province of Jehol will begin it was disclosed here to-day at the Japanese army headquarters. 
EXPECT OFFENSIVE Military leaders indicated that It was planned to begin the drive no earlier that late February but that a Chinese "offensive” may cause the Japanese to act sooner. They said Marshal Chang Hsiao-Llang, North China war lord, was continuing to mass large fences in the province, former summer playground of Chinese emperors. ALLEGE PLOT At the same time the army headquarters made a sensational disclosure of an alleged Chinese plot to assassinate General Nobuyoshi Muto, Japan’s supreme representative in Manchuria, which it said was responsible Iidirectly for the outbreak of the three-day battle this week at Shanhaikwan. 
It accused the highest Chinese authority in the north, Marshal Chang himself, of financing the scheme which allegedly included the killing of other powers in the Japanese-fostered Manchukuo government in Manchuria. The Japanese headquarters asserted a Korean, Kigyo son, member of the alleged terrorist organisation commissioned to carry out the plot, was captured at Tientsin and was being transported to Changchun just before the Shanhaikwan battle started Sunday.
RESCUE TRIED Chinese tried to rescue him at Changli, southwest of Shanhaikwan, the Japanese said, and failing, in this later threw three bombs in the Japanese police headquarters at Shanhaikwan on the Manchurian border. This provoked the Shanhaikwan battle. (Chinese military leaders accused the Japanese of placing the bombs themselves). 
The Japanese said money raised in Canada, the United States, and other countries here Chinese were residents was forwarded to Marshal Chang and used to finance the scheme.
Russians and Japanese Communists were reported among the conspirators.
UNOFFICIAL WAR SHANGHAI, China, Jan. 7— (AP)— Spread of an unofficial war between Japan and China in northern China was regarded in foreign circles to-day as an imminent possibility. 
It was estimated that at least 6000 Japanese troops now were concentrated at Shanhaikwan, China’s northern railway terminal, which the Japanese captured early this week and Chinese were reported rushing reinforcements to Chinwangtao, the port of the Yellow Sea, 10 miles westward.
Telegrams were pouring in on the Nationalist Government at Nanking from various war lords throughout China asking for orders to march against the Japanese. Among these were Tsai Ting-Kai, who commanded the 19th route army which defended Shanghai Province against the Japanese last February. 
Chinese leaders here declared they were determined to defend the province of Jehol against the anticipated Japanese drive to bring that territory within the Manchukuo boundary. They said a further Japanese advance either northwestward in that direction from Shanhaikwan or further southward toward Tientsin and Peiping would be resisted.
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topreviewin · 7 months
By Gary areas and Linley Sanders | related Press WASHINGTON — for most People in america, the Republican disorder with ground company into the U.S. home to a halt as two conflicts trend overseas and a spending plan crisis looms in the home is feeding into a longer-term pessimism in regards to the nation’s core establishments. The insufficient belief expands beyond Congress, with present polling performed both pre and post the leadership meltdown finding mistrust in sets from the process of law to planned faith. The GOP inner bickering that for almost three months has actually remaining open the speaker’s place — 2nd lined up towards the presidency — is extensively viewed as the newest indicator of deep issues with the nation’s bedrock establishments. “They’re holding up the people’s business because they’re so dysfunctional,” stated Christopher Lauff, 57, of Fargo, North Dakota. Part of this company, he stated, is approving cash for Ukraine to carry on its fight Russia’s intrusion, some thing he claims fundamentally assists the U.S. — a spot President Joe Biden exhausted Thursday during an Oval workplace target. “We’re usually the knight in shining armor, but we can’t be that now,” stated Lauff, a Democrat. The disdain for Congress is merely one location in which People in america state they have been dropping belief. Numerous polls state the bad emotions feature a loss in self-confidence or fascination with establishments such planned faith, policing, the Supreme legal, also banking. “Trust in institutions has deteriorated substantially,” stated Kay Schlozman, teacher of governmental research at Boston university. Schlozman stated she feels in federal government and also the things it offers, such nationwide security and use of medical care, but “I also can very much understand why the American people can be cynical about government.” The chaos in the home and also the national instance against Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez of brand new Jersey, that is dealing with prices for bribery, tv show that both significant functions tend to be adding to the dour perspective. The Home happens to be without a permanent frontrunner since very early October after a little cadre of right-wing Republicans forced on a part of one's own celebration, then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Subsequent tries to change him failed. “That is an example of exactly the kind of thing that I would say can’t foster trust of government among the American people — the multiple votes, the fractiousness within parties, of people being personally ambitious and not being willing to compromise,” Schlozman stated. About half grownups (53percent) state they will have “hardly any confidence at all” into the folks working Congress, based on a poll from related Press-NORC Center for Public matters analysis which was performed in October. That’s in accordance with 49percent whom stated that in March. Simply 3percent have actually a lot of self-confidence in Congress, practically unchanged from March. About 4 in 10 grownups (39percent) have actually extremely little self-confidence into the executive part associated with the authorities, weighed against 44percent in March. Many Republicans (56percent) have actually lower levels of self-confidence into the executive part — that is supervised by a part associated with the opposing celebration, Democrat Joe Biden — weighed against simply 20percent of Democrats. About a 3rd of grownups (36percent) state they will have extremely little self-confidence into the conservative-majority Supreme legal, a figure with remained constant lately. The polling reinforces that Democrats are far more most likely than Republicans to state their particular self-confidence into the Supreme legal is reduced. Ebony People in america are far more most likely than People in america in general, in addition to much more likely than white or Hispanic grownups, to possess extremely little self-confidence into the nation’s greatest courtroom. One-third of U.
S. grownups (33percent) continue steadily to have lower levels of self-confidence into the Justice division, with Republicans having less self-confidence than Democrats. This comes as previous President Donald Trump rails from the division after becoming faced with mishandling categorized papers and tries to overturn the 2020 election outcomes. Rick Cartelli, 63, a health care worker in Rocky Hill, Connecticut, whom identifies as a completely independent, stated he could be satisfied with their neighborhood and local government nevertheless the existing environment, particularly the chaos on Capitol Hill, has actually destroyed just what small self-confidence he previously for the reason that establishment. “What is happening now is not good for the country at all,” he stated. Cartelli in addition stated he has got small self-confidence into the executive part, mentioning just what he claims tend to be “mental lapses” by Biden that “are only probably going to become more and more pronounced.” Multiple AP-NORC polls from earlier in the day in 2010 unearthed that the dearth of self-confidence is pervading, dispersing to planned faith, the government’s cleverness gathering and diplomatic companies, in addition to finance institutions. Somewhat under one half (45percent) in a research from AP-NORC and Robert F. Kennedy Human liberties stated they will have minimum self-confidence that press is stating the news headlines totally, precisely and relatively. Views on army had been well, in just 17percent saying they will have extremely little self-confidence on it. Kathleen Kersey, a 32-year-old medical care employee in Brunswick, Georgia, that is a Republican, stated she's small self-confidence in virtually any associated with the national organizations, including Congress, but has actually even more for establishments nearer to residence. She is an admirer of Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, whom she stated is a moral guy. “There’s only so much one person can do, and just with all the evil, it’s hard to have confidence in anything really, even the churches because everything works together as one,” she stated. Confidence in the united kingdom’s foundational establishments has actually ebbed and flowed typically, though there’s already been a long-term downward trend since at the least the 1970s. Rely upon federal government waned into the age of Watergate and also the Pentagon Papers before you make a small data recovery during Ronald Reagan’s presidency into the 1980s — despite Reagan’s popular statement that nine many terrifying terms into the English language had been: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” David Bateman, an associate at work teacher of federal government at Cornell University, stated the tea party movement during previous President Barack Obama’s term ended up being the start of a steadier decrease in self-confidence, since mentioned in polling from Gallup. But Bateman feels the essential severe issue in recent years happens to be Trump’s lies in regards to the 2020 election, despite a large number of process of law rejecting their statements and numerous audits and reviews into the move says in which he disputed their reduction. “The biggest threat to trust in institutions was the Trump campaign’s refusal to concede the election and insistence that they had won,” and a big section associated with the Republicans in Congress going combined with the claim into the official certification procedure, Bateman stated. “That validated the idea that the whole institutional system is rigged, which it isn’t,” he stated. He stated a typical example of the fallout may be the Republican assault on Justice division, such as the FBI. The “weaponization” associated with the FBI happens to be a battle weep for Republicans whom keep it's focused conservatives and who're incensed in the numerous investigations of Trump. Applicants vying against Trump for Republican presidential nomination said they'd fire FBI Director Chris Wray.
Distrust associated with the FBI had always been the purview of Democrats, specially those conscious of municipal rights-era tracking. “If you told me in 2000 that Republicans are going to be saying you can’t trust the FBI, I would have been shocked,” Bateman stated. “Going after the FBI has been a real ratcheting up of distrust.” The related Press obtains assistance from a few exclusive fundamentals to improve its explanatory protection of elections and democracy. See more info on AP’s democracy effort right here. The AP is entirely in charge of all-content. #People in america #faith #institutions #sliding #years #chaos #Congress #isnt #helping
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