#also I think part of the reason HC seems to like this quote so much is because his god said it first
hey! i've been thinking, how would team 141 react to an autistic reader suddenly making sounds? like a meow or a hiss, without them even realizing they produced that sound because it was completely automatic?
i really wanted to see this because i just whistle out of nowhere and i never realize it unless i get lectured for whistling at an inappropriate time for example Dx
141 headcanons
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I too make random noises at times, mine is quoting memes or noises I hear lmao.
John Price
Price would notice pretty quickly, but I can’t imagine him honestly saying anything about it since it doesn’t bother anyone. He might say something if your noises end up being distracting during mission though, but he doesn’t mean it in any bad way.
He isn’t likely to join you in your noises, but hearing you does make him smile softly whenever he does, as it means your by his side and feel safe enough to not feel the need to mask around him. It makes Price feel good that you are just yourself.
He finds it cute, because its something so you that he can’t help but love it. It becomes a quirk of yours that he associates with you as a whole.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Gaz, like Price, doesn’t really mind or care all that much. Oh, you’re meowing? Cool, you’re hissing? Rad. Gaz seems like the type to give you nicknames based on the noises you make, not in a bad way of course, but because he thinks they’re special to you as a person.
You don’t get it when he starts calling you chatterbox, and before you know it everyone on base calls you Chatterbox as your callsign. Its first when Gaz explains the reason to you that it strikes you.  Of course, you’d be embarrassed but Gaz makes sure you aren’t, as he loves you and anything special about you.
He might start making noises alongside you, but he does it fully on purpose, unlike Ghost he cant help it. He just likes having something with you, and he thinks its funny how if he joins in you start making many more noises.
John “Soap” MacTavish
Soap would ask you about it after a while, as he doesn’t get why you make noises. When you look confused as you don’t realize you’ve been doing it, he explains all the meowing and hissing. When you get extremely embarrassed and apologize, he just tilts his head in confusion cuz why apologize? It was cute.
After you explain it to him, he’s like “ooooh, okay, cool” and he just lets you continue as you have in the past. Soap doesn’t mind it, unless its during an important mission, but that’s for your mututal safety for the most part, so he doesn’t mean to be mean when he tells you to be quiet during missions.
He makes noises with you, on purpose in the beginning but at some point, it becomes habit and he doesn’t realize he’s meowing alongside you until afterwards. Calls you animal-based nicknames and has a different one each day, he makes a game out of it.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
I shall drop my hc that Simon is autistic in here again, so whilst he doesn’t make noises, as he’s trained that out of himself, he has other quirks. He tends to stim with his hands or chew on his lip or nails, so he doesn’t judge you for your quirks.
Being around you might honestly start making Simon verbal stim too, like you’ll meow and he meows back on instinct. Neither of you notice you guys are doing it, until Soap starts joining in over comms when you two have been meowing for the past 20 minutes.
He thinks its nice and comforting that he’s not the only autistic person on the team, and he’s almost a little jealous but also proud that you can be yourself without having the need to hide yourself like he feels he does.
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habaaa · 9 months
I don't know if it's a good time, but I wanna share some things I've found about Franklin, they're so interesting and overall chill like him.
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Disclaimer: These are official! You can search more at gta.fandom.com, also in little missions, voice clips, and also in hangouts Franklin can have with different characters.
1. He sleeps 8 hours a day:
According to a little observation, when you save the game by putting the characters to sleep it also advances their time, for each character there is a certain sleep cycle. Michael sleeps 6 hours, which is little, Trevor being Trevor puts him to a 12-hour sleep, which sounds good, but it's too much, finally, Franklin sleeps 8 hours, which is necessary.
2. He (maybe) is musical:
There is not so much detail about this, but if we analyze his room (in both houses) he has a guitar, mixer, radio, speaker, and more (there's A LOT of music-related stuff in his room in his and Aunt Denise's house).
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2. He has three favorite radio stations:
These are Radio Los Santos, West Coast Classics, and The Lab, each one ofc has their genre:
Radio LS:
Genre: Contemporary Hip-Hop.
Alternative Hip-Hop
Cloud Rap
Conscious Hip-Hop
Contemporary Hip-Hop
Dirty Rap
Gangsta Rap
Mumble Rap
West Coast Classic:
Genre: Classic Hip-Hop
Old School Hip-Hop
West Coast Hip-Hop
East Coast Hip-Hop
Southern Hip-Hop
Alternative Hip-Hop
Comedy Hip-Hop
Conscious Hip-Hop
Political Hip-Hop
Gangsta Rap
Golden Age Hip-Hop
Hardcore Hip-Hop
The Lab:
Genre: Hip-Hop
Gangsta Rap
Pop Rap
3. He may be a Christian?
In the second mission, Franklin got with Michael, this one says sarcastically a vesicle from the Bible "It's a foolish man who builds his house in sand, baby" to which Franklin answers "I don't think my boy Matthew was thinking trucks when he wrote that shit."
4. He's the only one who uses lockpins:
When you take or steal cars with Trevor or Michael, it will always result in a broken window, but with Franklin, this doesn't happen since he uses lockpins.
5. He may like the sky view (Not official, just a thought):
This is just a speculation of different pictures you see in Franklin's page in gta.fandom.com, some of those are Franklin admiring the sky (especially at night) and the city in his Vinewood mansion, but honestly, who wouldn't?
Edit: He does, in one of his switch scenes you can see him using the telescope of his mansion.
6. (NSFW!) He (Probably) lost his virginity to Tonya at 13 years old:
Yeah, strong right? When you hear these two speaking to each other in little missions with Tonya, she revels that she and Franklin had, yk a moment, in the back of Burger Shot, however, Franklin denies it and says they didn't do anything serious.
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7. He cannot play tennis:
You can play tennis with Michael, Trevor's a fan of it, and there's no reason behind of why Franklin can't play tennis (This can be used for like headcanon idk why).
8. Both him and Michael are know to smoke cigarettes:
At Franklin's mansion, you seem to find lots of ashtrays along with Redwood cigarettes scattered on tables.
9. His email address:
His e-mail address is [email protected] (I hc than he likes being called Frankie, idk why).
10. He exists:
Not irl, but the fandom (not all of them) tends to forget him, and it's very sad, he's so cool and precious.
11. He seems to be more compassionate towards animals:
For this one, I'll use the information straight from the gta.fandom.com page, since it's better and more detailed.
"Of the three protagonists, Franklin appears to have the most compassion for animals, possibly because he is the only main character to have a pet. When he runs over a wild animal, he usually responds with compassionate quotes, such as: "Sorry, little dude!" or "Watch out, little dude!" whereas Michael usually responds with sarcasm and Trevor with dark humor."
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Anyway, that's all from my part, I'll try to post more content abt him and Lamar, I think they're such interesting characters, wish there was more content abt both of them.
Tysm for reading, bye :)
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riptidesblog · 8 days
If I rewrote/fixed plot holes in Ninjago Pilots:
They're actually not that bad for a beginning,but I would change a few things:
-I'll not question blacksmith being a career that could provide for two teens,but the fact that Kai seems to be a bad one does not sit right with me.Especially since the issue with the curled sword was not his impatience but the size of the water bucket used(I think)
-Wu being "I told you so,useless" to Kai after Nya is captured.Replace that with sympathy maybe? It would make sense as Wu knows what it's like to lose a family member and is wise enough to understand that Kai is distraught
-Give better reasoning for trusting the map to Ray than Wu fearing his death bc knowing the lore we have now,Wu is likely to outlive him.It could be that monastery was obviously a bad choice and Wu didn't want the weapons lost forever bc they're needed for the prophecy and with most of the past generation of ems either gone or not entirely trustworthy(earth em before Lilly was a traitor during the serpentine wars,then rejoined the alliance,damaging Wu's trust in him and Lilly herself was young and going out on adventures making her unavailable; Libber is missing,Ice em is either dead or missing to Wu's knowledge and etc)
-Personal hc for where Cole,Jay and Zane were during Kai's training is that on the journey to monastery Wu messaged them without Kai noticing,sending them away with a task.Once Kai mastered the course he called the 3 back without warning them about Kai
-Jay's "We're saving a girl?Is she hot?" line.The first part along with their reaction to Kai implies the 3 didn't know anything about Smith-Jiang siblings.Including age.On the one hand,that's creepy.Jay is just lucky that Nya's not too much younger.On the other,it might be in character for Jay to say something without thinking.If we're keeping it then have Jay say it later when there is a possibility that Kai or Wu informed them of the situation and the details.
-Show Kai warming up to the team more and more
-Establish the disastrous consequences of Tornado of Creation bc the only bad thing to happen from that in all the show was Lloyd being taken out by a door and that was just a coincidence.Not only will it give more detail,but also explain why ninja don't use it all the time
-Nya quoting Ray despite not remembering much about her parents.Let's assume Kai told her about it
-Wu's plan.What was the point of taking the sword to the Underworld if the other three weapons would be brought to the same place? That moment needs to be thought through
-Wu's 'death'.He was not a fallen warrior bitter with defeat,so there's no reason for him to go to the Underworld with the sword of fire and he did not turn into a skulkin.To fix this and previous point,let's say he got trapped on the other side of the volcano with the entrance to the Underworld and sword of fire has been with him bc he obtained it during the battle.He did not die yet
-Flame.Other 3 dragons didn't need to be woken up to protect their weapons(Rocky took some time tho).My personal hc is that the other 3 woke up immediately bc they sensed the humans and the skulkin.Flame however living so close to Underworld has his senses for the skulkin and similar dark forces(like Garmadon's Oni heritage) muted and the only others present in the Fire Temple were Kai,Nya and Wu,who all have dragon heritage
-Dragon saddles should not exist at this point in the show(I know it's to sell toys,but still)
-Jaya hug and Ignacians enthusiasm/cheering. Just don't include it at all,Jay and Nya are strangers at this point and Ignacians have no idea what's going on.Instead show them being confused and afraid of dragons and Jay maybe introducing himself to Nya
-Garmadon and Wu need to refer to each-other by smth other than just brother.It's repetitive and kinda unrealistic(no matter how old,siblings are siblings).This goes for the whole show
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nightmareishomophobic · 3 months
Hi! I'm gonna try to break down the (canon and not?) Lore of NM is homophobic!
(TW for internalized and external homophobia and transphobia!)
Nightmare is a closeted gay man. Who suffers with EXTREME internalized homophobia. (From what I think, there's a good chance the villagers were NOT accepting of gay people, so NM has always been in the closet.)
(His brother however, is pansexual! There's a good chance after NM found out, he got even more jealous, but that's not important right now nor has supporting evidence!)
Dust working under NM, has been questioning her identity ever since she received a trans flag. Slowly coming to terms that, she is, a lady. Unfortunately as we've seen in a previous post, NM found out about the flag and yelled at her.
This, also proves NM is canonically a hypocrite. As he's previously stated (via a letter shown to us) that he supposedly doesn't care what his team are or aren't, as long as they still work for him.
Also, when Killer was asked, quote, "🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❓️" He replied with a simple yes! This could mean, possibly, one of three things.
He's both trans and well, not straight.
He's in support of the LGBTQ+.
He is questioning his gender and orientation.
Either way, he along with the rest of NMs employees, appear to be pro-LGBTQ+ and even all part of it.
Going back to Dust, the sewn trans flag on her hoodie, along with possibly fake eyelashes? (I'm choosing to HC she got them from enby Lust) it looks like she's now canonically Transfem in the UTQV! (Note it's possible the HomophobeNMverse(?) and UTQV could be separate things, I'm not sure how you feel about it lol.)
We've also seen past NM, also known as passive. As normal, the bullying deeply effected him, but he isn't homophobic there, in fact, it's possible CURRENT NM isn't all that homophobic. He's said multiple times, he's 'just spreading negativity' and it looks like he's projecting more than anything. (Also the lie detector said so. When asked if he was REALLY homophobic, it flagged as untruthful!)
So lore— I believe, the main reason he has such bad internalize homophobia, comes from the bullying he endeared, and the things the villagers said about OTHER gay people—Causing him to remain quiet about his own identity. Now corrupted, he's projecting all his hurt, anger, and sadness.
Dust is trans fem, we also know Papyrus is an Ally, as in an older photo—It's implied Papyrus is suggesting to murder NM because he's a transphobe.
There might also be a chance that one of them (Most likely Dust, Killer, and or NM even.) Is a regressor. As we've seen they definitely have heard of it, and both Dust and Killer had a good understanding. It's not often someone knows about the community without having some attachments. However, this has no Canon evidence yet. And it's possible they're just Allys, which is super cool too! <3
Also, flowey has made multiple appearances and claimed to be gay. Meaning he's canonically gay in the HomophobeNMverse as well.
Another thing, NM doesn't like being threatened. Multiple times he's reacted with aggression if someone challenged him. I'm going to guess this also boils down to the bullying.
Also, he can break the forth wall. Seen when his creator was drawing, and he started yelling at it. (Fae don't deserve that, NM, you jerk-)
However, he seems a lot more tolerate of his own team? My guess, is he's either:
Has a teeny, tiny, soft spot in his cold heart for them.
Doesn't think it's worth the effort.
All these save for the first one, has supporting evidence.
We don't know too much about Horror, save for the fact that he HATES milk before cereal.
Cross, appears to not be a Canon team member. It's certainly possible he'll come in later, but as of right now? He's not in the equation.
ANNDD with all that said! Everyone seems to have the ability to have hearts in their blush—It's adorable.
Sorry for such a long ask! I'm sure there's typos, I'm suspected dyslexic and apologize! Hope you're having a good day, and love your art! You're super funny, and nice!
(I'll try make more stuff with horror. @hernameishorror can message me and help me. Lol :3( also Cross is not canonly in the bad sanses)
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grimbluesins · 1 year
din djarin shouldn’t be in a relationship
and here’s why
i’m just gonna put it out there: i think bo-katan/din djarin shippers are reaching.
they’re basically never intimate beyond good friends in the show? i literally saw a tiktok saying how bo was concerned about djarin when he was first going to help nevarro in the pirate raid and how that was cute. like romance-cute.
that’s also just friend things.
the other part was just them sitting with their arms touching.
jesus christ. PLEASE chill out allos for once oh my god.
also read an article about how djarin, bo, and the armorer would be a cool power throuple. now idk but that seems kinda weird.
the armorer is more like an… almost motherly figure to djarin. she’s likely way older than him (based on context clues from the show, i’d guess her age to be in her early-mid 60s), and again, BO IS MORE LIKE A FRIEND. bo and the armorer? i can see that, sure. but din has the vibe of a teenager compared to those two very jaded (and older) women. idk i think it would be kind of weird. i much enjoy him being a single dad running around the galaxy with his wizard goblin toddler.
the only piece of evidence actually supporting this is the “these are the reasons i serve you lady kryze” quote. but again, that definitely feels really disconnected from romance. the way he said it was no different from basically any other line, leading me to believe he literally just wants to help her as a friend. bo’s got a whole new planet to rebuild and rule after all.
as an aro-ace dude myself, i really enjoy good ships. but fans need to learn to leave some characters alone. smh. can we have this ONE GUY PLEASE.
often times, i will hc a certain character as aro-ace (shadow the hedgehog, batman, and gray fullbuster come to mind) but still enjoy a certain pairing. din djarin is one of the few characters who i absolutely do not want to see in a romantic or sexual relationship.
so, allo fans: i understand the ship zone. but please leave some guys alone for the sanity of your aspec friends.
not to mention, in the finale, he literally was just a single dad watching over his kid playing in the yard. he never ended up with anyone. not bo, not the armorer, not luke or boba, nobody. it was just him and his silly wizard goblin toddler. as it should be. stop forcing allonormativity on everything.
tl;dr, leave din djarin to the aspecs.
🧡💛🤍🩵💙 🖤🩶🤍💜 💚💛🤍🩶🖤
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caitie-likes-talking · 11 months
Jonathan headcanons bc I’m so mentally ill abt him
appearance headcanons
freckle Jonathan is SO real to me. his face is covered with them and he only gets more every time he’s in the sun
he’s the guy who’s hair is crazy curly as a kid but once he goes through puberty it’s suddenly super straight
he looks way more like his mom than his dad
i hc that after the mansion fight w dio he has actually remaining burns (idc if that doesnt comply w canon!! i do what i want!!)
tan Jonathan REAL! my out in the sun king
relationship headcanons
While I do think he’s an “every single love language ever” kinda guy, I think his main one is words of affirmation. Definitely can’t go a day without gushing abt how much he loves Erina and Speedwagon (also jonerinawagon polycule real)
speaking of which, bisexual jonathan is extremely real 2 me.
he loves doing any boring task for someone he cares about. folding laundry for erina is basically heaven for him
he proposed to erina by the tree w their initials carved into it bc i said so
uses horrible archaeologist pick up lines on his baes (for ex: hey babe, are you an ancient artifact? bc i wanna date you!)
just overall horrible at flirting when he's actually trying to be flirtatious. endearingly cringe, if u will
stresses out every time erina is on her period. she's getting princess treatment and it slightly pisses her off bc she's capable of still doing things but jonathan insists on her staying in bed all week
modern au headcanons
he's the kind of person who's just naturally decent at most things, so even when he's never played a game, he'll end in 2nd or 1st place. for example: bowling, minigolf, darts, and pool. he's comically bad at twister tho
he LOVES movies and once he watches a new one he's quoting it every two seconds and is just a little too upset if they other person doesn't recognize it
I interpret him as autistic (I’ve made a whole video abt his autistic traits in canon lmfaoo)
a real sweater and bomber jacket kinda guy. he has fun funky sweaters w silly patterns on them for sure
collects shoes. idk he just seems like the guy who has so many pairs of shoes for absolutely no reason. he's got every color of the rainbow in his shoe bin
volunteers at a museum part time. great w the kids and loves infodumping to these like middle-schoolers about some artifact.
horrible at reading tone over text. has misinterpreted lots of passive aggressive texts from erina as positive. (she has since learned to either use tone tags or the angry emoji to make her point more clear. the emoji is more effective every time)
has smoked weed before and every time he does its obvious that hes high as balls but he always thinks hes being sneaky abt it
cheated off of erina in high school to pass some classes. its his darkest secret and if anyone ever finds out he will like explode on the spot
also was super popular in high school but didn't realize, as he was too used to being a loser (12yr jonathan is a friendless loser no matter the universe)
im so insane i love him
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Although the two couldn’t move, they were already at each other’s throats, and did not realize the way they addressed each other had already went from “your general”, “my general” to “you”, “me”, and because they were overly aggravated, they completely did not notice if they were exposing something, and only now did they come around. Xie Lian had long stopped talking.
Nan Feng and Fu Yao both whipped their heads over to look in Xie Lian’s direction, and saw Xie Lian had silently flipped on the silk bed, turning over and only showing them his back.
“Um…I saw nothing. I meant, I didn’t hear anything.”
4: Perfect solution from Xie Lian here, 10/10, his reaction never fails to make me laugh. The equivalent to, "Don't mind me! I'm not here!" and then he proceeds to say, and I quote, "Are you two going to keep going?" LIKE HE 'S JUST CHILLING-
On that note though, I must say, the Xianle quartet just kinda fascinates me in the funniest way possible.
Throughout book 1, Feng Xin (FX) and Mu Qing (MQ) are pretending to be Nan Feng and Fu Yao respectively to Hua Cheng (HC) and Xie Lian (XL). HC is pretending to be San Lang to XL specifically but keeps it up in front of FX and MQ because it annoys them and gives him license to hang out with XL for no reason. HC sees through FX and MQ and they both see through him. XL sees through all 3 of them but just decided not to tell anyone for a bit. HC and XL make it clear they know who the other is in book 1 itself and are pretty chill about it. Then they both proceed to spend up until the end of book 3 pretending not to know Nan Feng and Fu Yao are actually FX and MQ. XL still calls HC San Lang and it annoys FX and MQ to no end because it seems overly close. And then there's that time HC pretends to be Lang Ying and XL tricks him into revealing himself by convincing him to write an establishment plaque for his shrine (one of my favourite parts of book 3, they're so funny and gay).
The fact that XL can see through all the other 3 no matter what (partially because he's pretty perceptive but also, they're really not even trying to hide themselves are they) but just chooses to bide his time with his realisations is just so funny to me; and then meanwhile you've got FX and MQ thinking they're so smart and worrying about their disguises XL saw through within the first half of book 1 and just decided to humour them. I would feel a bit bad if FX and MQ really tried but come on. Nan Feng??? That's literally the Nan from Nan Yang (his title) and the Feng from Feng Xin. Bruh. If you're going to act, talk, interact and pretty much look exactly the same as your godly counterparts, then fine but you should've seen this coming. XL not deigning to say anything is just hilarious though.
To summarise: Just-- it's PERFECT-
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ringdabel · 5 months
How I think the DK crew would use Twitter/X!! (PARTE 1)
The DK crew is the strawhats! These are just some random hcs I have while staying up pass my bedtime!
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The type of guy to post the most random things known to man kind, whenever he thinks of something or do something, he’ll post just for funsies
Might forgot he had a Twitter/X account until someone talked abt it or remind him of it
His username would be something with food, being the future pirate king and his name! Like maybe @THEKINGOFTHEPIRATES
His pfp is a badly taken photo of himself or his bounty and the header is either food or his crew
Thinks KYS means Keep Yourself Safe (DO NOT LET HIM POST ANYTHING)
He follows every single person on his crew along with his friends and siblings!
His Twitter/X feat is full of food, anything related to pirates and bugs
Occasionally posts photos of himself with the crew, Sanji’s food, BUGS!!! All of them are blurry, badly taken and potentially meme material 😭
Did an ASMR video of him abt to chew on Nami’s precious shoes (he is dead)
Sometimes posts photos of his beautifully drawn pictures of crayons on papers (he did his best, I’m so proud of him)
Captions on his posts are like this :
Typos a lot, he relies on autocorrect ☠️
In an argument he would definitely use “L + RATIO + STUPID + YOUR RONG”
Says yes to emojis! He would use 🤣😂😁😆😭😡😜☹️😭😱 to express his emotions
But I also think he would use Emoticons too. especially “XD”, he’s kind of the both kind of guy
Always comments on his crews posts! Often to Sanji, “SANJI IM HUNGRYYYY!!!!”
Whenever he types something on his phone or received a comment or text, he’d always read it out loud.
Retweets whatever he thinks is cool (he doesn’t even know what retweeting IS but he thinks it’s pretty cool so he did it anyway)
Follows back anyone that follows him (a habit)
Most likely to get scammed by a bot 😭
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Barely uses it tbh, he doesn’t feel the need to post or use it (Too busy napping and training)
If he does posts then it’s usually smth relating to swords (or he’s lost again and trying to get some help-)
Kinda like Luffy sometimes, he’ll post something random about what he’s thinking or what he’s doing for no reason
Often comments and roasts Sanji’s posts. whatever the French cook posts, he will find a way to argue with him ☠️
Follows his captain and the crew and his goth fam
His feat is full of swords, men training, men sweating, maybe booze and even goth related fashion (after 2 years, the goth fam infected his fashion style)
Has some troubles understanding some gen Z slangs and memes
Sniper king🪃 @GodUssop
Omg you slay queen, go girl, you slayed frfr!!!
💬 🔁 💟
Roronoa Zoro @User737828dhhwsuw272
What the hell are you talking about
💬 🔁 💟
NEVER uses emojis or emoticons, he thinks it’s unnecessary (he’s too cool for that it seems)
Doesn’t rlly know how to use the app like at all, someone help this moss head
Like I mentioned up there, he didn’t even change his user or anything, maybe he’ll change it in the future but meh not now
His pfp is probably just a photo of himself that is taken by anyone in the crew (probably Ussop) or the default one
Doesn’t usually retweet, like or anything, he’s kinda just there to see and scroll or just comment something (He would like Chopper’s posts tho, brother behavior and Luffy as well ofc).
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Uses it pretty often but not as much as instagram
Posts selfies of herself, her with the girls, desserts that Sanji made for her, her in outfits, make up stuff, just alot of photos of herself (Ussop is usually the one taking photos for her!)
Her feat is MONEY, pretty clothes, pretty girls, heels, make up stuff, skin care tips, motivational quotes
Follows the crew , Vivi 💙,some celebrities and fashion designers
Often likes posts from Vivi and Robin
She definitely has a LOT of followers full of mostly men (you already know the reason)
Never rlly follows back unless she knows the person irl (unlike a certain monkey man) and blocks quite a lot of users
Scammed? Nah, SHES the scammer
Loves gossiping with Ussop and Robin about some recent Twitter/X drama
Every posts of hers are full of hashtags and most of them have ✨ in it :
“Shopping w/ The Girls! 🛍💄💖✨ Ft. @NicoRobin @NefertariVivi #girlsnight”
And then add a bunch of hashtags that relates to girls shopping and besties (I’m too lazy to type all of them out 💔)
Shares some of her opinions online
If she ever gets into an argument or a debate, she would win with how strong and girl bossy she is 🔥🔥🔥
Her user would be smth like “CatburglarNami”
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uses it only for “Stuff”
Occasionally posts pics of his cooked meals!!! Would also add the recipes and tutorial below
The first to follow Nami and like, retweet and comment on all of her posts (the same thing goes to Robin as well 🙏)
His feat is full of photos of women, Nami and Robin’s selfies or photos, cooking, food, beautiful scenery, (secretly) photos of men, daily reminders, romantic quotes
Oh and some guys as well
Has urges to block a certain idiot moss headed swordsman
Would use the romantic text font when writing captions (and to women as well)
Retweets and quotes all the posts of women with hearts, praises, cringy stuff like that (Zoro usually roasts him in the replies)
Has to deal with Luffy’s constant “SANJIII FOOODDDD” on every single posts
Blocks the germa family (Except for Reiju), men
Would definitely get a virus by a bot that’s sent him “Stuff” (baited and caught right away, caught lacking, SIMPING)
Sometimes posts something abt his daily lives and photos of beautiful sceneries
His user is probably “Mrprince”.
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tboymagnus · 7 months
Fuck it we ball thinking about Chev and how him ending but with Emma makes me tear my eyes out lmao. I hc him as aromantic and like I know it's not canon but he's expressed how he doesn't want romance and sees it as unnecessary and like for aro people in particular (and ace but this is a more romantic context) others say, "Oh you just haven't found the right person yet," and that's basically what happens in Chev's route. It's not outright said but it's basically the premise. Essentially Emma meets Chevalier and is scared of him at first yadayadayada Clavis makes her deliver thing I forgot the name of and then if I remember properly they were talking and it gets to the topic of romance (because of course it does) and he says something along the lines of, "I don't see the need for romantic relations because it clouds a king's judgment and I don't see it as necessary," and yeah that could just be seen as him wanting to be a perfect king and stuff but that shouldn't just cross a prince's mind you know? (Sadly i dont have the screenshots) So as his route progresses and Emma develops romantic feelings for Chev blah blah blah he opens up to her and shows his true colors. Now don't get me wrong I loved those part and the one at the soldier graves is one that comes to mind immediately. Once again I don't have the screenshots for some reason I suppose I'll just playthrough his route a third time I get the chance and edit if I even remember but anyways it was talking about how he doesn't remember names of people he doesn't see as important but he remembers the soldier's names BECAUSE of the fact that they were important to Rhodolite (if that's how you spell it lmao) and thus important to him. Back to the topic at hand they get closer and honestly I'm here for that. He's not as on guard and you can tell that he IS human and stuff and I feel like a close platonic relationship is perfect for that but alas it's an otome and at the end of the route they get together and even if it doesn't seem like it, it follows the trope of quote unquote, "finding the right person," and I hate that so fucking much!!! There could have been such great rep in my opinion if cybird had done that! Now that I've lost steam for continuing this I feel that I've sufficiently gotten my point across and would just like to say some things. First of all I'm not saying that Chevalier HAS to be aromantic in your own personal canon nor am i ingoring the canon if you're a stickler it's just that I'm so very passionate about this and would like to have it out somewhere. Second of all I'm not saying I hate your for shipping yourself/your oc with him I think oc x canon if great if like none of the fanfics are doing that for you and it's great for creativity imo! Thirdly even if you don't hc him as aromantic you still can't look me in the eyes and tell me he's straight./j
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Just thought that these screenshots I actually DO have would be nice to share. In the end this is just me ranting about my favorite guy and if this pisses you off despite the fact that I'm not forcing you to have this hc you can (disrespectfully) fuck off. I just really want to see more aromantic and aroace rep in general because it genuinely makes me so happy and if you have a problem with that you can leave. Uh anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk. Also tagging my friend cause she wanted to see it! We love talking about this lol @perfectlyuniqueperfection
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fullmetalpotterhead · 2 years
Chapter 120, XL says:
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Then chapter 179 HC says:
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And then in chapter 238 HC says:
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el-los-world · 2 years
Alrighty, here I am with more Darkiplier headcanons (bc I am a shameless Darkiplier apologist) that have been living in my mind, head, and brain rent free 24/7, 365.
Again, if I am wrong about ANY of this, please don't hesitate to correct me. These are just wee little ideas I'm spewing here.
OK, so @markiplier stated in his ADWM breakdown stream how he was the fucking WORST. He was just fucking AWFUL. He was a social manipulator because of that, right? And while I do think that is true, I also have a feeling that part of the reason why he social manipulates you is because it's a defense mechanism (Well, on Damien's part, anyway. Celine does it bc that's just how she is, me thinks. Hence the "don't trust the seer" in WKM.) He's already been fucked over once. He's not allowing that shit to happen to him ever again, if he can help it. If anyone was gonna be fucking people over, it was gonna be him. He's done being a victim. As Damien once said "I'm tired of being a pawn in everybody's game."
Whatever you want Darkiplier to be to you, he will be it (this most likely goes hand-in-hand with his manipulation, to an extent. Hence the "if dinner is what you want, then I can provide..." in ADWM.) Actor!Mark obviously wants him to be the villain, so clearly, he's going to play that part, and play it exceptionally well. But with me, he seems a lot more like an anti-hero. It fits him so well, in my eyes. No, I'll admit, he's not some prince charming in shining armor, but he's not the full antagonist here, either. He's a perfect little mixture of both, to me (again, this could be me just being a complete Darkiplier apologist here. Don't quote me on this, please. )
Here's an extra bonus HC I have for Wilford, Dark, and Eric Derekson.
Wilford and Dark adopt him and raise him as their own. Dark tries his hardest to be the responsible and stern (but not too stern/abusive) parent. Meanwhile Wilford is the "Cool Parent™️." Dark and Wilford are both so protective of him. Actually, scratch that, all of the egos (even Googleplier and Actor!Mark) are protective with this sweet baby boy. The second Derek starts being a douche towards Eric (or really just be in the same room with Eric just to make him feel uncomfortable, or starts looking at him funny), everyone grabs the nearest object to just fucking PUMMEL or SHOOT the fucking dick with.
Dark and Eric spend time together by having coffee/tea and sitting in the library together while listening to soft music. It helps With poor Eric's nerves and anxiety, lets him relax for a while, as well as his medication, which both remind him to do frequently. Wilford spoils the FUCK out of him by taking him on shopping sprees, a movie, or even grabbing him a bite to eat, and such. It is pretty much the only time you see him being truly happy.
If there's anybody that could honestly trust Dark to not manipulate them, it's Eric and Wilford. Wilford because of their history, Eric because he has honestly done nothing wrong. He's precious. He's truly and purely innocent, and it tears Dark's heart to see what he's been through. He can't go through with it.
They're happy, but dear Lord, they are such a dysfunctional hot mess. But make no mistake, as long as he is with them, he's acknowledged, he's appreciated, he's validated, he's cared for, he's loved.
Now remember, I may be wrong about all of these things. I'm not Markiplier. I don't have any anecdotal details for these characters, and if I did, it's bc Mark told me, and I would not tell Jack shit unless Mark told me it was OK to leak this info out.
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ruinaimagines · 2 years
Can you do headcanon of Der freischütz being partner with the employee he really trust with, like being best friend?
Mist man! Unless that wispy appearance is more solid or fire-like? Either way, here you go with some hcs. Hope you enjoy, and thank you for your request!
Der Freischütz with an Employee Partner/Best Friend:
In Der Freischütz’s flavor text it does say that he doesn’t remember anything positive, but I’m going to say that doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t experience it. I think it’s more that he no longer knows the word and classifications for what he defines as positive, rather than incapability to feel it.
It’s a rare thing, few and far between, but he knows it’s not negative, he knows it’s not a bad feeling. It’s like fondness, but he doesn’t know that it’s called that, so instead it’s just sort of this vague ‘not negative’ feeling.
He may not feel as strong of emotions as before, but it’s not as though they’re all gone. I just think that they’re very stifled, and mellowed out. A big part of this contributes to his patient and calm personality.
He’s not one to underestimate or irritate, but it will take a lot to actually get him annoyed. Not that I recommend trying. It’s equally disrespectful and dangerous to attempt something like that.
I believe that he’d grow some form of ‘attachment’ to employees who frequently visit him and respect his boundaries. I put attachment in quotes, because he doesn’t really know it’s that, it just feels like he’s more inclined to listen to them and learn more about them.
He’s actually a bit stubborn. Unlike some of the other silent abnormalities, he just straight up ignores people sometimes. If he doesn’t know them enough yet, or it’s just a topic he couldn’t be bothered to care about he will just sort of check out.
It’s not like anyone’s gonna be able to tell the difference anyways. He always remains in the same still, quiet, observing pose unless he’s using his gun. Though you might get an idea on how he feels about you depending on if you get a good or bad result.
I think he’d also be particularly interested in someone who had also been the reason for why they had lost certain loved ones. It doesn’t necessarily mean the loved ones had to have died, but perhaps they got angry and left because of your own fault.
While not the same, I think he could relate and connect a bit between how his own selfishness has led to the situation he’s in at the moment. I think he’d also find it a bit interesting that you’re so openly discussing this. Many people hide behind their mistakes, not bring them up as a talking point.
Honestly even if it isn’t something to do with losing someone you cared about, just bringing up a mistake in general that you made and being upfront about how it was your fault and how you intend to improve may interest him.
You’ll know you’re doing something right when he gives you his E.G.O gift. Shortly after, management assigns you to the appropriate gear and weapon, and you’re able to come into the containment room and share your matching outfit in all its glory!
Even if he isn’t the most responsive you don’t take it as an insult, you weren’t expecting some giant reaction.
I think that he may hand out his hand and motion towards your weapon at some point. It sort of comes out of nowhere and you need to take a minute to realize he’s pointing at your gun, but when you do you hand it over.
He lifts it up to inspect it, seeming to compare it to his own weapon in both size and similarity to design. He’s careful with it, and it’s honestly quite similar to his own besides a part or two and some alterations in color choice. That, and the fact it is much shorter.
Before he hands you your weapon back I think he’d actually let you take hold of his own. Compared to you it’s extremely long, and you couldn’t really see yourself actually using it functionally on the battlefield, but it’s an honor that he’d let you hold onto it in the first place.
I think this would be one of the biggest indicators of trust he has for you. That weapon is extremely powerful to take hold of, and his prized possession, so if he’s letting you see it then he definitely has some form of favor towards you.
While he eventually swaps the weapons back, taking his own and giving you yours, I don’t think that would be the end of the surprising and almost uncharacteristic actions he has to offer.
Lobotomy Corporation surely offers some form of training before an agent is given an E.G.O weapon of varying types. It would be reckless to send someone out who doesn’t even know the potential and danger they have within their hands after all. But I still think Der Freischütz would offer his own form of ‘training’.
By this I mean that he would help you with your position and method of holding the weapon. He’d do this by holding you in place and helping raise the rifle and your limbs to the correct areas they go.
And it actually helps out! Even if you weren’t bad beforehand, taking advice from the abnormality that the E.G.O was actually sourced from helps quite a lot. It may be a bit of a gradual process, but it pays off.
I think it’s obvious to everyone at this point except himself that you’re the favorite. I mean between the offers to help that haven’t been observed with anyone else, and you in general just getting a better reaction from him than anyone else, it’s clear where his preference lies.
If ever you’re in danger from a breached abnormality and nearing a critical state, you notice that there just coincidentally happens to be a blue portal that opens up and a bullet that shoots through your enemy.
Much to the manager’s dismay his cliphoth counter seems to conveniently lower whenever you could use some help. From this, there just happens to be a luckily positioned bullet that passes through and hits whatever is harassing you at the moment.
This wouldn’t be such a bad thing if he didn’t have a general disregard for the other employees. While you are spared, he has killed clerks and agents in the process as the magic bullet passes through the hallways.
I’m assuming that because he has the ability to summon a portal exactly where you request in the game that he has some form of omnipotent overview of the facility. Enough to know vaguely what’s going on at least.
You’ll thank him for the help, but also probably bring up how he should try not to hit the other workers. He does not take note of this and continues doing it anyway.
Besides this though you’ve noticed you can actually ask him manually to help too. Maybe it’s not you in danger, but a friend of yours. He’s willing to comply as long as you give him the details with really no cost at all. There’s no energy consumed from it, it’s just something of his own volition.
I don’t know to what extent the portal-like magic he has functions, if he can use it as a means of transport himself, or if it’s something that purely serves useful for his rifle. That said, I believe Der Freischütz would be willing to show you any other ways he used it if you asked nicely.
Even if it’s not something that can be utilized or useful to you, it’s still a mythical sight with the electric blue color it lights up.
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tacit-semantics · 2 years
Ok so people seemed to like my ocd dirk post (found here) and it’s a perfectly respectable 6:30 in the evening so I don’t have an excuse but I DO have a few more ideas (I’ve been having a go of it lately) so I’m gonna put some here. As a warning, this strays more into headcanon territory than the other one, and probably won’t make sense without the context of that first post. Also, to reiterate: cw for in depth descriptions of compulsive behaviors regarding scrupulosity (moral), violent intrusive thoughts (alluded to, non-graphic), and contamination, as well as mentions of self harm and pica. Moreso than the other post I am going to stress that if you are prone to picking up obsessions or compulsions through reading about them, then I would skip out on this one.
-obligatory disclaimer: I am only an expert on my own experiences. While these headcanons draw from those, there are some key differences (which I will not be disclosing for reasons of personal privacy), and it is important to note that ocd can look very different depending on the person. That said, let’s jump in!
- so for context, a common-ish way for morality compulsions to manifest is in researching what makes a good person vs a bad one. While I don’t think that Dirk’s interest in philosophy started as a compulsion, I definitely think that it- much like everything else- gets roped into it in that he turns to texts that explicitly deal with morality and its limits in a more exclusive and (of course) obsessive way than he might have otherwise. He also strikes me as someone who has a good enough memory to turn these texts over and over in his head even when he can’t outright access them
-this gets upsetting in that it’s a bastardization of something you enjoy by something else that’s dominating your life in an extreme and overtly negative fashion. Lots of very complex, complicated feelings in that visiting these texts/ideas would still serve as a form of relief for him, but it would be in a way that honestly feels a little like mockery. As in, the co-opting of a hobby by a compulsion would inevitably lead to lots of shame in the attempt to engage with that hobby even if you're actually trying to do it for fun, or have done it for fun in the past.
-a difficulty I’ve found in this same vein is that sometimes material that doesn’t trigger you at the time comes back to bite you months later, especially if you’ve got a decent memory for it. In terms of reading as i've mentioned it here, that might be like guilt for having read it in the first place or immediately conflating actions in the text with things that you have done (or in some cases haven’t), just general confusing boundary blur stuff. I can see that being an issue with him too.
-splinters time!! Hal often makes mention often of his existence specifically as a machine in the same way that dirk makes direct reference to himself as ‘a stone cold motherfucker’ (quoting from memory please excuse if I’m a little off). A good chunk of dirks splinters are robots of some sort, and some- like brobot- serve as something that is intended, at least in part, to enact controlled- this is key- violence. Now, keeping in mind that I’m approaching dirk with the hc that he has moral obsessions w/violent intrusive thoughts, and that people who fall under this category are-to sum it up- afraid of losing control, we get:
- my personal favorite set of headcanons, in which dirk develops a fear of strong emotion as it leads to impulse and impulsive people do stupid things. He then immediately connects this fear to physicality because there are some parts of your body that you inevitably cannot control- if you are hungry you might get angry, there are physical effects of stress, the physical effects of guilt, there’s a lot- and so turns to creating these robot versions of himself in an attempt to mitigate and control not only his emotion but also their attached physical responses. In doing so, he attempts to create a version of himself wherein that capacity for both violence and emotion is completely under his control. It’s also important to note that this does not work. Think brobot ripping out his heart- that’s not exactly logical, emotionless behavior, now is it?
- I love this one. It forces him to confront his own humanity, and thus imperfection; as well as the fact that there are some things- on a fundamental level- that you just can’t change. I mean this in the nature/nurture sense, but also in that like. He’s gonna have to breathe. His neurons fire, his neurons misfire, things go right and things go wrong. There’s a lot going on in homestuck in terms of permanence and physicality; sometimes, you just have to accept things as they are, and then of course accept that those same things might someday change. Again, it’s a control thing
-also, i imagine this line of thinking takes place like a solid couple of years after he started exhibiting full-blown symptomatic behavior which is why it’s a completely disordered and What the Fuck way of thinking. I’d like to reiterate: this is a very intense set of feelings that you are sitting with constantly, in one way or another, and in this case dirk is smack in the middle of his developmental years. Trying to navigate identity development is difficult enough; trying to do navigate identity development when you’re doubting everything down to the way your neurons fire off is near impossible. Shit gets weird.
-ok this one’s just straight projection and also not ocd (there is an overlap! Sometimes. Not always.) but. Pica. Also, I have a personal curiosity in regards to how this would be dealt with, as it’s potentially very dangerous for a good number of reasons and again: there’s not much to fall back on here in terms of like medical assistance. There’s the matter of his being god tier of course, but that doesn’t prevent physical damage, and there are plenty possible complications. This is a lot of questions and very few solutions. Sorry about that
-another fun one: it’s common enough for people with ocd to equate thought directly with action. Dirk’s enough of an overachiever that I like to think he starts equating OTHER people’s actions directly with his own. Starts off small enough, like someone he’s close to does something not great (not terrible; just normal human mistakes) and he’s like fuck ok gotta go back through my memories and see if I contributed to that and then this escalated of course and like a year later he’s feeling guilty for things a hypothetical character in a thought experiment he read about two years ago did.
-of course this denies the actual people he’s thinking about their autonomy, or at least in direct relation in regards to how he thinks about them. Right back to the self-fulfilling prophecy
-I made direct mention of this in a semi coherent meta post (found here but like at your own risk) but in canon dirk seems to trust his actions more than anyone else’s, but doubts his motives, which basically just sums up everything. Hm.
-this is some more overt projection, but I was heavily influenced by my having consistent, unrestricted internet access from a very young age, which is to say that while my obsessions did not originate with my gaining access to the internet, it was instrumental in shaping them into what I’ve ended up at now. Dirk’s in a similar situation in terms of the internet, moreso in that he can’t just up and walk away- it’s literally his only connection with humanity. A warped one, granted, because the internet highlights and encourages extremes, which isn't great in this particular context. There’s a lot there, but it’s a… very complex topic that I’ll probably make a third part for if the urge strikes
-to wrap it up: while I sincerely doubt it was intended, there’s a lot to be said about the concept of splintering as exhibited by dirk as an allegory for ocd, as for many people it facilitates an intense separation from the self. There’s you, your thoughts, you-and-your-thoughts (this is different), your actions, your memories, so on, so on. This isn't the only interpretation, of course- I’ve seen lots of other good ones, DID, NPD, BPD, but I am much less qualified to comment on those so I’m just standing off to the side and waving in enthusiastic encouragement- but if nothing else its one that ive found a lot of comfort in and on that I hope other people might to, so. That’s all I’ve got.
-well, as good a place as any. Thanks for reading ocd dirk hour 2: this time it’s personal. Last time it was also personal. If you read the meta I linked to, you will find that that is personal as well. There is a theme here. With any luck, the inevitable ocd dirk hour 3 will feature a celebrity cameo. This will not be personal, but that’s just business.
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exclamaquest · 2 years
Hey! I was curious because I’ve seen she/her chihiro posts on your blog. Why do you head canon chihiro as a girl? No hate at all it just seems like a pretty big chunk of their character is about being a guy and disliking being feminine or seen as such. Really not trying to argue just curious about the hc!
totally willing to explain!
It's gonna be under the cut, since it's a little long. Sorry about that!
Note: If any of this phrasing seems laced with malintent or otherwise meanspirited in the slightest, that is not my intention!
The first thing I need to point out is that it's not headcanoning her as a girl, it's recognizing the fact that she is absolutely coded as a trans woman in the text. as i am TME myself, I'm going to point you to some resources by trans women in addition to my answer:
here's a good post summing a lot up and here's a carrd that explains it more! Here is another great article that's got a really good perspective. I'd highly recommend reading all three because, again, they are written by trans women, and as much as I can do my best to explain, it's honestly better to hear it directly from those affected.
In response to your point about her arc: Her arc isn't about masculinity itself, or about gender. It's very specifically about strength, including the strength to be yourself. To quote the first link:
"It’s true that Chihiro’s gender come about as a result of feeling inferior about her masculinity and hiding herself away to avoid being bullied by cis men for her lack of masculinity. This is an extremely common thing among young trans women. Cis men typically don’t start wearing dresses or changing their name when they’re afraid of their masculinity, in fact in most cases it’s the opposite. They generally only do wear dresses when they do feel confident in their masculinity."
With this said, it's also important to point out that part of the fallacy of saying that she must be a cis man because she "wants to be manly" is playing into Chihiro's own flaws. One of her major problems is internally associating "strength" with "masculinity", when a major message in her arc is that Chihiro is more than strong enough already without being masculine.
In fact, a contributing reason to Mondo killing her is because she was already stronger than him without being masculine. The game goes to lengths to show that her way of thinking is flawed and that she's more than strong enough already, and quite frankly, coming out of the game with the message that strength DOES in fact equal masculinity (which is where Chihiro tripped up) does a disservice to her character, her message, and her arc as a whole.
Also, it's very clear that Chihiro is a trans woman written specifically from the perspective of a transphobic cis man. If the author sees all trans women as insecure cis men, he will write a trans woman as an insecure cis man (which is very clearly what happened with Chihiro). Nearly everything about her arc and character is highly reflective of being transgender--down to her death and how it's handled being a trans person's worst nightmare.
It's important to note that she is very specifically portrayed in a transmisogynistic light. Her death, the way she was outed, and the tropes she play into all reflect transmisogynistic threads found in fiction the world over. You can't just wave that away by seeing her as transmasc or as a cis guy, and it's disrespectful to do so, to say the least.
Hopefully this clears things up for you! Let me know if there's anything else you need explained and I can totally point you in the direction of more resources.
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Crushing on You (HCs) | BNHA
Request: First of All, i love your navigation its really unique :) Then mhhh what i wanted to request are just some headcanons about shoto (and other characters u like) in which they get really soft zu their crush or s/o, just some fluffy things that come to your mind when u think about it uwu !and dont stress yourself with anseering this request, take ur time! 
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anime  |  character(s):   bnha |  todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki
word count: 1.9k+
a/n: thank you anon, it took me a really long time to make my current navigation; glad you liked it! sorry for the delay, i’ve been trying to squeeze in writing time between my work schedules and finally managed to complete this as well. Whew! i expanded a little more on your requests while trying not to go off-track hahah! also, i really want to add more characters but time could allow me to write for these two. hope you like my take on how they would behave regarding their crushes! i kinda rushed through this piece so the sentences may not string well together hahah and there may be some errors; it’s not beta-ed.
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How did he find out about his crush on you?
Shouto is as smart as a pile of bricks when it comes to anything that isn’t…well, hero stuff? So when he harbored special feelings for you at the start, he wasn’t aware of that. Completely oblivious and hilariously dense about it.
The first few times his heart raced and his cheeks grew warm in your presence, he didn’t make the connection between these and you. He went to see the doctor thinking there was something wrong with his heart and was the reason why his face would feel warm. Nights before his appointment at the hospital, he couldn’t sleep.
It turned out that everything was fine; his heart is perfectly healthy. So the next thing he thought, making a connection to you - is he allergic to you? Or did you have some sort of secondary quirk you kept secret?
Often, he found his eyes gravitating to you, like you were some kind of magnet. You were the first thought he wakes up to and the last before he went to sleep. There were times he felt oddly possessive of you when you talked with the guys.
Despite all these, none of these made him realize his feelings for you. He passed them off as curiosity since you were the only one who made him feel strange.
He only found out why when he shared his suspicion about you  - is he allergic to you? Or did you have some sort of secondary quirk you kept secret? - with Midoriya, particularly the latter. 
How does Shouto behave around you after his realization? All the years growing up the way he did, having a crush on someone was foreign and bizarre to him. Knowing only quirk-related and hero whatnots with limited social interactions in his maturation years, he was…afraid. Afraid of his own feelings for you. He has no idea what to do and couldn’t face you without accidentally coming off as ‘curt and cold’ to you. He avoided you like you were the plague; he couldn’t help it - he felt like he could combust into flames (lol) from how much you made him blush.
You had always enjoyed Shouto’s company and admired his talents as a hero, sharing an amicable connection with him despite not being in his circle with Midoriya and the rest. You liked him. Liked him too much. 
So when he was suddenly blunt and cold to you + very obviously avoiding you, your heart broke. 
The day you confronted him out of frustration and with a broken heart, he realized how wrong he was to act like this.
>> a short fic based on the paragraphs above is coming soon!
He didn’t want to hurt you because of his own fears. He apologized to you but decided to keep his feelings for you a secret from you - the last thing you two needed a distraction like this when you should be focusing on forging your paths as heroes.
As he promised, he suppressed his feelings and maintained (struggled to) the way he was with you; simply friends.
But he definitely has a soft spot for you. 
He has developed an overprotective streak for you; his eyes were always on you. 
   he’s always the first to react if you were in danger. And if there were any stimulation exercises with the class, he would be adamant about staying near you, asking whoever who is on your team to switch with him (of course, without you knowing)
He is very attentive about what you liked or disliked. Taking notes in his head like it was his duty. 
   there was a time when he overheard a discussion between the girls and you, gushing about the types of clothes you girls like to see on a guy. Taking interest in what you like, he eavesdropped and heard you like pullovers on guys. And on the very next day, he bought himself a few, of course using his Endeavor’s credit card, and wore them as soon as they were ready to worn.
He takes very good care of you and is always concern. Too concerned for a mere friend. He is always there to catch you in case you fall.
menstrual cramps?    one day, he walked into the lounge of Class 1-A dormitory and found you clutching onto your stomach, obviously in discomfort and pain despite already taken a pain killer for your cramps. You desperately needed a heat pad to help ease the shit your uterus had to put you through every month.
at first he had thought about using his fire quirk to help you but quickly scratch that idea because he knew he didn’t have that kind of control to not hurt you by accident. The only solution is to get you a water bottle of warm water which loses its temperature pretty quickly. from then, he made it his goal to obtain superb control over his fire quirk, even to the extent of asking Endeavor for help in refining his control just for you. So that the next month when you had to go through the same pain, he was ready to use his fire quirk to relieve your discomfort.
fever?    shouto caught onto news that you caught a bad cold and were down with a high fever. You laid in the darkness of your room, feeling feverish and your body was burning up. that day, he spent the whole night in your room, tending to you the best he could. Pressed his hand to your burning forehead, ice quirk activated; cool enough to make you sigh but not too cold to freeze you by accident - having only used his ice side growing up, his control is excellent. somehow he ended up holding you, cuddling your feverish head to his body on your bed, regularly activating his ice side to keep his body cool. 
When he thinks about his future after graduation, he always include you. In fact, you are part of a much, much bigger picture in the future he envisioned.
it is in his plan to confess to you after graduation. he already knew enough about you, having paid attention and staying near you throughout after he found out that you were special to him. over time, his crush on you wasn’t as simple anymore. Something stronger and more permanent was beginning to bloom in his heart as he continued to safeguard you and watch over you like a silent guardian.
Get ready to adopt he name ‘Todoroki’ in the future ‘cause he’s pretty determined to take things further with you. First, his girlfriend and of course his wife and the mother of his children. 
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How did he find out about his crush on you?
I would like start Bakugou’s part right off the bat by saying that the expression you see in the heading^ made for him is exactly how he would react once he realized he has a crush on you. 
Bakugou here looks like he is in disbelief (as if having such feelings was absurd), bewildered and irked.  Yes, damn right he will be irked. He finds harboring such feelings for you or in fact, anyone unnecessary, ridiculous and stupid. He didn’t have time for such a thing.
Bakugou isn’t as dense as Shouto about this sort of things; if he did find his heart pounding around you, he’s sharp enough to know that you had an effect on him and suspect that he has feelings for you, but this doesn’t mean he is going to acknowledge it. He would dismiss it quickly and move on to more important stuff like his goals.  One day, he grew really jealous and extremely irritated when he saw two seniors hitting on you while he was on his way to class after lunch with Kirishima and Denki. Surprisingly, he handled the situation pretty calmly despite how irritated he is. He walked forward, speeding up ahead of Kirishima and Denki and smoothly tugged you away from the persistent upperclassmen with a firm but gentle grip around your bicep. 
From that incident,  Kirishima and (sorry Kirishima is probably pretty dense about this sort of things but of course no one could beat Shouto in this area lol)  Denki being a rather perceptive guy when it came to matters of the heart, was quick to pick up on Bakugou’s crush on you. Bakugou kind of grudgingly acknowledge his feelings for you that day. Was it because his friends being pushy, constantly teasing him about it? Or was it witnessing that upsetting scene you were in? 
Maybe both? But that did not mean he was going to act on it. He is still pretty stubborn about remaining unbothered about this “useless, pointless sentiment”, quoted Bakugou pretty often to his friends. How does Bakugou behave around you? Bakugou Katsuki is a freaking kuudere - i.e.  a character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical. They may seem very emotionless on the outside, but on the inside they’re very caring — at least when it comes to the ones they love.  Though he deems his feelings for you a “useless, pointless sentiment”, it has become a second nature to him to worry about you regardless of how adamant he is about “not giving a fuck about you” as he had gruffly said to shut his friends up. 
He becomes subtlysoft!Bakugou around you. 
  he is rather toned-down and mature when it comes to you. his explosive (haha) temperament is milder and he exhibits bits of gentlemen traits around you.
  his brash, rough voice softens when he talks to you without him realizing. He is more patient and calmer around you than the rest of his classmates or even his closest friends like Kirishima. he rarely yells at you and addresses you by your name, and not insults he typically used on others e.g. extras, nerd, idiot. 
He is protective.
  he is always quick on his feet in getting you out of sticky situations most of the time. tied to being subtlysoft!Bakugou in my previous point (duh), he demonstrated his ability to be cool-headed and efficient when he got you out of the situation with the two upperclassmen. 
  sometimes if he could in stimulation exercises, he would be try to get you to come along whenever he went on his own way with Kirishima and Denki.
“stay close.” he would mutter in a grudging gruff tone as he bashfully tug you along, away from the rest of the class as we all know he always do in the canon.
He is rather thoughtful and considerate when it’s you.
  once you didn’t turn up for school and he kept glancing over at your empty desk, concerned. he found out that you were down with a bad cold and was being taken care of by Recovery Girl in the infantry. Exams were just two weeks away so he secretly took down notes for you.
When you recovered, he made fun of Kirishima’s “shitty grades” and somehow managed to get Kirishima to start a study session with you included; his main motive was so he could help you catch up without you learning about his true intentions. (kuudere much, Bakugou  -__-)
you are a priority, and eventually a goal as well.
  as bakugou matures alongside you and Class 1A through the years, he will gradually accept that life isn’t only about hero stuff, being number one or putting that stupid nerd Izuku in his fucking place.  (i love midoriya okay, this is just bakugou being bakugou hahah) Or at least he didn’t want his life to be merely about all that. You were also his goal, in fact, one of his biggest goals. He isn’t exactly a big fan of screeching little spawns of the devils but he could live with it if they were part of a future with you.
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oswinsdolma · 3 years
Proving all the Knights of the Round Table have magic part 3: Elyan
I've seen quite a few people headcanon Elyan with magic before, and it's definitely one of the more popular magic!knights hcs, so I apologise if I accidentally hijack anyone else's points xx
The most obvious indicator of this is the fact that Elyan leaves Camelot a year before Merlin arrives. This is about the same age Morgana's magic shows itself, so it would be natural to assume he left because he began showing signs of being a warlock, Camelot's laws being what they are.
It is also implied that Elyan left fairly abruptly, with Gwen having no idea where he went. He may have left in a hurry because somebody might have noticed him, and not told Gwen or Tom for fear of putting them in danger.
Perhaps in a darker note, he didn't say where he was going because he was ashamed of his magic and didn't think his family would accept him.
Gwen says that "[Elyan] always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time". Maybe accidents happen around him because he had trouble controlling his magic and found it increasingly difficult to cover for. This could be another indicator as to why he left.
Elyan didn't return to Camelot even for his father's funeral, and while he expresses his guilt, he doesn't give sufficient reason why: the reason? He may not be able to tell Gwen because he was still scared to return with magic.
When Gwen reveals her relationship with Arthur, Elyan is skeptical, and maybe even a little panicked. After all, would your sister falling in love with someone with the power to set you ablaze not be a terrifying concept to anyone with magic? But when Arthur comes to rescue them and proves himself to be slightly less of a prat than he may think, he tentatively agrees to return home, though I suspect this is mainly for Gwen's sake.
When the immortal army invades Camelot, Elyan manages to stay hidden and fight off some soldiers. Note that he is the only one of the group within Camelot with no Knights' training, which begs the question: how did he manage to escape? The answer could very well lie with magic.
Again, in The Darkest Hour, he is one of two knights that survived the meeting with Morgana. He is one of the more inexperienced knights as well, which suggests that he may have aided himself magically in the fight.
When faced with a seemingly unbeatable threat, Elyan says to Arthur: "tomorrow, we fight in your name, sure. For freedom and justice in this land." Now there is a lot to unpack here, but if we break it down, firstly there is the fact that Elyan places is emphasis on "your" when addressing Arthur. He has previously made a statement about the Pendragon crest, but in this moment, it seems that he cares more about Arthur than this. This is clearly indicative of the fierce bond between Arthur and the core knights, but it could be more than that: the emphasis of "your" is specific to Arthur, but perhaps more importantly, it is an exclusion of Uther. In his time, Arthur has made mistakes, but he has generally been more sympathetic towards magic than his father, and this may be Elyan's subtle way of acknowledging that.
In addition, the words: "for freedom and justice in this land" could just be in reference for Arthur's abilities as king, but this is a deep speech and one would assume it has a deeper meaning. Freedom and justice are two things that have not been afforded to those with magic for a long time. Uther's twisted "justice" involved executing anyone who disagreed with him and anyone who could be vaguely affiliated with sorcery. As for freedom, Arthur has created a fairer kingdom than his father, but magic users still live in fear. Combined with the earlier stress of "your", this is indicative that Elyan too believes that Arthur may one day come to bring peace to anyone who is born with magic.
This last point also has the implications that Elyan knows of the Once and Future King and surrounding prophecies. Though he is described as a troublemaker by Gwen before he comes to Camelot, he keeps his head relatively low upon arrival. Perhaps in the time he spent travelling, he sought help from magical communities, e.g. the druids, who helped him control his powers. This would also explain his vagueness about his whereabouts and lack of contact during the years he was missing.
I could go on about this quote but we'll leave it there for now.
Before he is overtaken by the power of the Lamia, Elyan is vocal in standing up for Merlin. This could be because he knows what it is like to be shunned by society. Magic could be a reason for that. (Also I fully believe that the only reason the Lamia didn't try and take over Merlin was because she was scared of the extent of his magic, not just because he had magic.)(and the merthur reasons when I'm in the mood)
Then Elyan falls sick, before the others begin to show symptoms. Maybe the Lamia sensed some magic and decided he was more trouble than he was worth.
Elyan was not raised by druids, and does not have the same powers as Merlin so wouldn't have sensed the power of the shrine, at least not too strongly. When he first sees the spirit though, he is genuinely sympathetic, even before the murderous intent takes hold.
In the Dark Tower, Elyan is consumed by his need to find Gwen, convinced that he is to blame for her capture. This could be survivor's guilt (and to an extent, probably is), but it is equally probable that Elyan believes that he should have used his magic to protect her.
Going off on a slight tangent here, the theme of "I have magic so it must have a purpose" within warlocks/sorcerers in the show is a) not a healthy mindset and b) uncomfortably common. Elyan may have latched onto the idea that he must use his magic to protect Gwen to convince himself to stay in Camelot, and with that conprmino, he began to fall apart. His behaviour is almost identical to Merlin's fervour regarding Arthur at this point, and it's fairly disturbing that these characters adopt this mindset that is Not Good For Their Mental Heath, Please Get Some Therapy.
Elyan dies. It's heartbreaking, and he does so trying to save his sister. But what is interesting is his funeral. When most main characters die, they are given a funeral in Camelot, e.g. Uther, Lancelot (the first time). But then Freya and Shade!Lanceot (and later Arthur) are set to rest in the Lake of Avalon. The difference between the two is that the lake funerals were arranged by Merlin, and those laid to rest there can somehow be affiliated with magic.
Now I'm not saying that Merlin knew about Elyan's magic, because sometimes he can be really not very perceptive about that (though it's always fun when fics cheerily toss that out the window because it's fun goddamnit-), but I don't believe he was entirely oblivious. Think about it: there are two of Arthur's closest friends canonically hiding magic from him and it's fairly probable that they'll pick up on Elyan's magic at some point. Even if it's just little things like his sympathies with magic or gentle arguments about the way mages are treated. There are so many avenues to explore with this it's overwhelming-
I also think Elyan may have picked up on Merlin's magic later in the series: the point of realisation was probably when Merlin rescued him during his time being possessed by the drowned druid boy, upon which he says: "you know, Merlin, you're much braver than you look." This is the first time Merlin has revealed his more BAMF side to Elyan, and in this moment, something unspoken passes between them. If not mutual understanding, it is at least Elyan realising what Merlin does beneath his carefree exterior, and despite the possession, I think he acquires a lot of new respect for his friend.
(also are we going to ignore that the lake funeral implies that it was arranged by Merlin. How close were they and what stuff did we miss out on behind the scenes for him to be trusted with this?? I need to know)
Elyan and Mordred have a friendship in series 5. If the earlier headcanon about Elyan learning to control his magic with druids is true, perhaps he may have recognised Mordred from his time there. They probably didn't acknowledge it much, but it created a bond between them.
And now for the mythological context!!
Of all the Knights of the Round Table, Elyan's backstory is perhaps the most estranged from the original legend (of course all of them are fairly disconnected *flashbacks to pope-gwaine* but Elyan's is w a c k y)
As a consequence, there is little to draw on for behind-the-scenes evidence of magic.
Elyan, or Helayn, was another Knight whose origins stem from France (the Vulgate Cycle, I think, though he could have surfaced earlier). He is said to have joined Lancelot in exile after his affair of 'courtly love' with Guinevere (go and look up this concept- it gets convoluted in the myths but is really interesting in terms of both origin and content). Anyway, his exile here could represent the time he spent out of Camelot before his appearance in s3, and relates to hiding from harsh laws, particularly if we regard Lancelot and Guinevere's relationship in the same way as we do in the Vulgate Cycle (basically keep the context with the appropriate work and it sort of makes sense)
I appreciate this seems a little like grasping at straws but that's literature I suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In the legends, Elyan is nephew to another of Arthur's knights, Sir Sagramore. This knight is less famous than some, but at one point, he embarks on a quest to find the fay. The fay are closely linked with the she, and perhaps also live on Avalon, somewhere mortals are only supposed to see moments before death. Perhaps Elyan can be associated with this magic?
In reality, there is little written of Elyan and no prose or poetry dedicated to him so it's quite hard to find stuff about him.
Also legend!Elyan is heir to the throne of Constantinople, which just goes to prove how widespread and deeply convoluted the mythos is.
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