#also ‘it’s just the crate I’m kicking’
dindjarindiaries · 2 days
In Peace, There Is Love
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summary: Months after Tantiss in the peacefulness of Pabu, you find it impossible to ignore the feelings you’ve always had for Hunter.
pairing: hunter (the bad batch) x reader
tags: friends to lovers, references to trauma, confessions, fluff with light angst
note: This is inspired by a prompt request from @ladysw01—thank you!
rating: T
word count: 2.846k
main masterlist • hunter masterlist
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It was hard not to catch the warm chuckle that tumbled from Hunter’s lips from further down the dock. You looked up from where you’d been watching your feet kick up beads of water to see him smiling and nodding as he engaged in conversation with one of the fishers he was helping. The breeze coming off the water rustled through his hair that was beginning to curl thanks to the island’s humidity.
But what really caught your breath were the golden flecks in his brown gaze as his stare found yours for a moment, his eyes creasing as he returned the smile you hadn’t realized you were wearing.
He focused back on the crates he was lifting, and you couldn’t look away. You still hadn’t gotten used to seeing him so much more relaxed, having long since exchanged his tactical clothes for those more fit for island life. It let his skin breathe, and for you, well… it meant the scenery was only getting even better on this beautiful island.
“You should tell him.”
Crosshair’s cool tone startled you, making your head snap towards him. He was sitting next to you on the edge of the dock, smirking as he set a new toothpick between his lips. Island life had started to change Crosshair for the better, too, from his slowly growing hair to his relaxed attire. He was definitely becoming more like himself again, the man you had known back before the end of the war.
You blinked a few times to silence the musings in your mind and focus on his words. When you did, your eyes widened at him. “What?”
Crosshair huffed and gestured with his eyes behind you. “Hunter.”
You glanced over your shoulder, catching Hunter’s gaze again before he looked away. Your heart told you the flush in his cheeks was for you, but your rational mind reminded you of the activity he was doing in the hot sun. “Tell him what?”
When you looked back at Crosshair, you were met with a raised eyebrow, and he had even plucked the toothpick between the fingers on his left hand. “Sunny.” He set the toothpick back down. “You know what I’m talking about.”
You sighed in defeat, tucking your hands underneath your thighs and setting your gaze back on the water again. “I don’t know, Crosshair. That’s probably not a good idea.”
You paused to listen to the droplets of water splatter around your feet as you sifted through your thoughts. “We’ve all found such peace here. Everything is perfect just as it is. If I’m honest with him, and I’m wrong…” you shook your head, “I would feel horrible ruining that peace.”
Crosshair snickered. “You’re not gonna be wrong.”
You furrowed your brow. “What makes you so sure?”
Crosshair said nothing at first, though his gaze yet again gestured to Hunter behind you. His voice lowered even more as he spoke to you. “He’s been staring at you ever since I sat down.”
You shrugged, even as a smile started to tug at the corners of your lips. “Well, I was staring at him too, to be fair. Maybe he thinks something’s wrong.”
Crosshair shook his head. “You’re helpless.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I’m not!” You crossed your arms and lowered your stare as you searched for a response. “I’m just… careful.”
Crosshair chuckled. “Sounds like something Hunter would say.” You huffed and jostled his shoulder with your own. He kept his smirk. “You’ve been ‘careful’ for years.” You shot him a look, but he continued before you could say anything. “I didn’t need to be here for all of them to know that.”
“You sure are talkative today.”
“Don’t get used to it.” Crosshair’s features returned to his usual severity. “Listen. We’re all at peace, but we’re also all living with a lot of regrets. There’s an absence that’s… heavily felt.” He paused, and you were right there with him. No one had gotten the chance to say goodbye to him, but Crosshair especially. “Do you really want to add another regret to that list?”
You focused on the water again and took a deep breath. It was maddening how right he was. “You’re too much like him sometimes, you know.” Your tone was playful, despite the unspoken sadness of your words.
“Oh, I’m being much nicer about it than he would’ve been.” Crosshair was smiling even if you could still spot the dullness that sat within his gaze for a moment. He then stood, and you were pleased to see that he was getting used to pushing off his left hand. Crosshair raised his brow at you before he walked off. “The longer you wait, Sunny, the harder it’s gonna be. Trust me.”
You heaved another breath as you heard him walk off. Your gaze fell to the water, but this time, you watched it gently ripple over your feet. Crosshair had made it sound so easy to do, as if you hadn’t been mulling over these feelings for years—just like he had said. At least the war, jobs, and brief fight against the Empire had kept you busy enough to make it less of a priority. Now, it was even harder to hide it.
“Hey, Sunny!” You smiled before you even looked up at Omega, who was taking Crosshair’s previous place beside you with a bowl of fruits in her hand. “I brought you a snack.”
You beamed as you took one from the bowl. “Thanks, Megs.”
The two of you ate a few bites in pleasant silence together until Omega was ready to speak again. “You’ve sure taken an interest in the water today.” She wrinkled her brow, unsure. “Or the fish.”
You laughed and shook your head. “No, I’ve just been thinking.”
Omega’s gaze became more curious. “About what?”
You stayed silent, though the guilty smile that started to stretch on your lips gave you away.
Omega let out a quiet yet joyful gasp. “Is today the day?”
You sighed and closed your eyes. “I don’t know. Crosshair’s trying to talk me into it.”
Omega playfully rolled her eyes at you. “Of course you’ll do it when it’s Crosshair.”
You chuckled and set a hand on Omega’s shoulder. “No offense, Megs, but I’m a lot more scared of him than I am of you.” You stole a look at Crosshair, your brow furrowing as you realized he was talking to Hunter. “He’d actually do something to me if I didn’t take his advice.”
Omega’s eyes narrowed. “And you think I won’t?”
There was some kind of mischief in her gaze that you didn’t like. You lifted your hands in surrender as she set the bowl of fruit aside. “What are you scheming?”
Omega looked beyond you, catching someone’s gaze before she nodded and set her attention back on you. “Sorry, Sunny, but you’re gonna want to hold your breath.”
The apology came just before Omega’s leg wrapped around yours and gave it a hard tug. At the same time, her arm gave you a subtle shove, but it was just enough to set you off balance. You slipped off the edge and fell into the bright blue water, disrupting its peaceful surface with a splash that was no doubt much bigger than the ones your feet had been making before.
As soon as you resurfaced, you coughed a few times, having failed to heed Omega’s instructions. You wiped your eyes before you found her, her expression masterfully crafted into one of genuine surprise as she played her part. But she wasn’t alone.
Hunter already had a hand outstretched to you. “You okay?”
You nodded, taking his hand and letting him pull you back up onto the dock with ease. He kept a hand on your back as you coughed a few more times. Hunter only leaned away to accept a towel one of the fishers had handed him, and he was quick to ease it over your shoulders.
“Got a little close to the water there, Sunny.” Hunter’s tone was laced with amusement, but you didn’t miss the concern hiding there, either.
“Yeah,” you responded, your voice slightly hoarse as you narrowed your eyes at Omega. “You can thank Omega for that.”
Omega was so good at acting you nearly felt bad at the way her brow furrowed in genuine worry and regret. “I didn’t think you’d actually try to get that close! I’m sorry, Sunny.”
You smiled at her. You could never stay mad at her for long. “It’s okay.”
Once your breathing was even again, Hunter helped you to stand, despite the fact you didn’t really need his assistance. You beamed as he set his hand on your back again and gestured with his head towards the island. “C’mon. Let’s get you some dry clothes.”
You nodded, letting him lead you away. You spared a look over your shoulder to find Crosshair and Omega, who smirked and waved at you respectively as you walked away. You shook your head at them and faced forward. They were becoming a seriously troublesome duo, even worse than her and Wrecker.
Hunter started to lead you to the stone stairs, but you composed yourself with a careful breath and spoke up. “Can we take the scenic route?” Hunter turned to you and raised an eyebrow. Your stare gestured to the sand. “Along the shore?”
It wasn’t hard to convince him. Hunter smiled and nodded, using his hand on your back to steer you towards the shore. You looked down in shyness, composing your thoughts as you did so. This was such an impractical route to take, and yet Hunter hadn’t hesitated in saying yes. Maybe Crosshair had been right, after all.
But one of you was going to have to be brave enough to speak up, and Crosshair and Omega had deliberately given you this opportunity to do it.
Hunter walked between you and the water, no doubt on the lookout for threats even as he studied you. His gaze was warmer than the sun on your skin. His voice, however, was softer than ever as he spoke. “Sunny?”
You met his stare and let it relax you. “Yeah?”
There was a knit in his brow as he brought himself closer to your side. His voice lowered even more than before. “Your heart is beating really fast right now.”
You laughed and broke your gaze, nodding as you watched your feet tread over the sand. “There’s no hiding from you, is there?”
Hunter’s arm brushed yours. “You don’t ever have to hide from me.”
You beamed and met his stare again. “I know.” You released a steady exhale and looked beyond him for a moment, studying the gentle crashing of the waves on the shore. “That’s why I think it’s time I finally tell you something.”
Hunter softened before his own gaze fell to his feet. There was no mistaking the flush on his cheeks that time, even with the tattooed side facing you. “I have something to tell you, too.”
You slowed your pace. It would have been impossible for him to miss the skip in your heartbeat as you processed his words. “Yeah?”
Hunter stopped, turning to face you fully as he nodded. “Yeah.”
You searched his eyes, watching the golden flecks grow even with his silhouette casting them in a shadow. “Should I go first?”
Hunter was clearly giving you the same assessment. “If you want.”
“I think you already know what I’m gonna say.”
“I’d really like to hear you say it.”
You chuckled and looked down in shyness once again. Hunter’s hand rose to your chin, gently easing your head back up to face him again. He offered you a small smile and a nod.
“You can do it.”
You, however, were utterly lost in him. With the sun at his back, it was as if there was an angelic kind of glow around him, highlighting the curling ends of his hair that were either falling out of his bandana or resting on his neck. His brown gaze was so utterly devoted to you that you forgot anything except the words you managed to form on your tongue. “You’re so handsome.”
Hunter’s eyes widened in surprise before he let out a huff of sweet disbelief. His stare broke away from yours as he looked to the side for a moment, and his jaw circled as he found the faith to face you again. “Is that really what you wanted to say?”
“I had to tell you that first.”
His gaze flickered to your lips. “Did you?”
You nodded.
He was getting closer, and you didn’t stop him. “What else?”
You hummed, a substitution for words that wouldn’t come. He knew. Of course he knew, and you did, too.
“You said you had to tell me that first.” Hunter stopped when his forehead was just about to meet yours, his brow raising before he went on. “What’s the second thing?”
It was your turn to steal a look at his lips. “I’m not really good at explaining.” The corners of your mouth began to rise in a sly smile, one that was hopefully more confident than the incessant pounding of your heart against your chest. “Can I just show you instead?”
Hunter nodded, and that was all it took. The longing and tension of countless years came over you, bringing your hand to the back of his neck and closing the distance that had been standing between the two of you for way too long.
It was impossible to make sense of anything around you the moment your lips met his. He was sweeter and softer than you could have ever imagined, especially as he drew you in closer with a firm yet respectful grasp on your waist. Both your arms clasped around his neck, keeping him as close as you could have him. After all these years of unnecessary distance, you weren’t taking the chance of keeping any space between you.
But then a voice managed to break through your blissful ignorance, whooping with the same amount of joy that was burning your chest. “Yes!”
You and Hunter broke apart and turned your heads to find the source of it. Omega was covering Wrecker’s mouth with his hand as she stood between him and Crosshair on one of the nearby stone staircases, allowing themselves a clear view of the two of you.
It was impossible to stay serious. You laughed and hid your face in Hunter’s chest, and he used his hand to welcome you there as he chuckled with you. It seemed like you two weren’t the only ones who were seeking this relief, after all.
“Let me guess.” You grinned at the mere thought of it and lifted your head to face him again. “Crosshair?”
Hunter nodded before his stare flickered to the three of them. “Omega?”
You lifted your brow. “And Crosshair.”
“Both?” Hunter gave his head a fond shake. “They’ve really outdone themselves.”
You shot them a look over your shoulder. “We really need to stop letting them spend so much time together.”
Hunter reached a new conclusion as his brow furrowed. He gave you a concerned once-over. “Did she push you in?”
You had to keep yourself from laughing for the sake of his genuine worry as you nodded. “Does that surprise you?”
Hunter tightened his jaw, despite the new light of amusement in his eyes, as he looked off to Omega and raised his voice. “Omega!”
Omega’s squeal echoed off the stones as you looked to see her running off with Batcher. Crosshair and Wrecker followed, though they didn’t match her quick pace. You laughed before you shivered as the cool ocean breeze rippled across your wet clothes. “So, about those dry clothes?”
Hunter amusement was traded for severity as he nodded and settled into his caretaker self. “Yeah, we’ll get a move on.” He stole one more breathtaking kiss that felt so much more natural than you could’ve ever expected before he reached for your hand. “No more scenic routes.”
You giggled and nodded to agree. “Unless…” You swung your hands between you.
Hunter gave you a warm look. “Special occasions.” He gently pulled you closer and used his free hand to tighten the towel that was still around your shoulders. “This is an emergency.”
You gave your eyes a roll, despite the way his genuine protectiness warmed your entire being. Crosshair had, of course, been right before: nothing was as sweet as embracing this truth and abandoning all regret. Now, you would never have to imagine a life without having him the way you’ve been wanting for so long.
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main masterlist • hunter masterlist
hunter tag list: @zenrobbins0021 @cw80831 @yunggoblin @maddiedrmr @molmcb
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hacked-wtsdz · 2 years
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season 1, episode 1
season 6, episode 1
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soft-mafia · 9 months
Can we have where the S/O was sketching Captain Buggy in secret, because she has a thing for him and she didn't want him and the crew to know about it. Until she lost it until the crew took a glimpse while laughing; they figured that she had a crush on the captain. She hid in the Crow's Nest in shame until Buggy finds her, after hearing what she's been doing in secret
Crush [Buggy x Reader]
warning: fem reader, nude drawing descriptions
a/n: this is such a cute idea😭😭 also this is me coded bc I low key draw Buggy half naked sometimes
part 2
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Y/n was sitting in one of the crow’s nests on the Big Top, hunched over her sketchbook, scribbling out another fantasy she had of Buggy.
Yeah, it was weird drawing her own captain half naked with a visible happy trail but— was she hurting anybody? No, of course not, besides nobody had to see these drawings except her. Y/n was beginning to get a little flustered sketching out the muscles, defining them.
She had a little smile on her face, but it was all interrupted by Buggy calling everybody down to the deck. Y/n left her sketchbook up there without thinking and quickly climbed down.
A while later after they had to make a pit stop somewhere to stock up on food, Y/n was carrying crates of meat when she heard some other crew mates snickering and giggling. She wondered what the hell was so funny, so she glanced over— but then a look of horror washed over her face.
“What a pervert!!” One of the men said, flipping through the pages, “Do you think she joined the crew just to get a piece of Captain Buggy?” Another man laughed. “Awww she has a little crush on him.” Another one said before they all burst into laughter.
Oh my god?! Is that my sketch book?! She nearly dropped the crate, so she quickly set it down and ran back onto the ship, panicking and feeling humiliated. Oh god.. this was awful, what if they show the captain?! He’s gonna kick me out of the crew!! This is so embarrassing I’m gonna throw myself off the ship, I can’t do this!!
Y/n hid in the crows nest, curled up in a ball, crying into her knees from embarrassment.
“Hey Captain!! Take a look at this!!”
Buggy’s attention was directed over to the group of men with Y/n’s sketch book, “Huh? What is it?” Buggy grunted and snatched it out of the man’s hands. His eyes went wide and nearly popped out of his skull when he saw the sketches.
Why was he such a hunk?! Damn he wish he looked like this, is this how people saw him? If it was then this was an absolute win. “WHO DID THIS?!” Buggy shouted, “WHO’S SICK JOKE WAS THIS?!” There were so many pages!! Who even had time to do all of this?!
“That girl, Y/n. I think she has a little crush on you, captain.” One of the pirates jokingly cooed, which made Buggy’s face go even redder.
Y/n could hear Buggy screaming from where she was, it made her curl up and want to die even more, “Ugghh!! Why did I have to leave that fucking book up here?!” She cried to herself. “Y/N!!! WHAT IS THIS?!” Buggy said once he got back onto the ship. Y/n sniffled, peeking over the side of the crow’s nest as she looked down at Buggy, “I’m sorry captain! I-I didn’t mean to..” oh god how could this situation get any worse.
“DIDN’T MEAN TO?!” Buggy took another look at the drawings. Damn he was hot, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘DIDN’T MEAN TO’?!”
Y/n hid in the crow’s nest again, crying harder. He was going to kick her off the crew.. she knew it.
Upon her cries, Buggy sighed and decided to climb up to where she was. “Cmon-.. don’t- don’t cry.” He kneeled down and gently patted her head, he looked back at the sketchbook, still amazed with how handsome he was.. “These are really good..!” He flipped to another page which was just him.. completely naked, his eyes went wide again. That fucking penis was bigger than his, why was it was so vascular!! He cleared his throat and closed the book, handing it back to Y/n, “You really captured my likeness.” He giggled, his cheeks redder than a tomato, “Maybe you can.. draw me.. maybe a bit more buffer, taller? Just a suggestion..” he coughed again.
Y/n took her book back and sniffled, “Y-You’re not gonna kick me off the crew? You’re not mad?” She couldn’t even look up at him.
“What? Why would I do that? It’s kind of a stupid reason to kick someone off..” Buggy laughed and sat beside of her, “Of course I’m not mad. But.. am I really that hot?” He chuckled softly, making Y/n even more flustered. “Maybe I can model for you sometime eh?” He joked, but then kind of regretted it.. no way did he look as hunky as those drawings.
Y/n hid her face into her sketch book, “This is so embarrassing..” she whined, “They’re never gonna let me live this down.” She could still hear the sounds of those crew mates laughing.. it made her internally recoil.
“Yeah.. not a chance.” Buggy laughed, then patted her back, “But hey, if you ever want the real thing, you can come to me whenever you want.” He grinned, winking at her.
Her face went red again and she hid it further into her book.
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Just curious in the prison AU how did the character yk react when being arrested? I’ve seen a few videos and some people like yk resist arrest or like make it difficult for the cops to load them into the car and others just kinda let it happen? I’m just curious on how much of a struggle did the cops have when trying to arrest the proxy’s/pastas
I like to think the proxies got raided, so I'm going to take some inspo from my Insane Asylum AU
Maybe Toby left a piece of evidence that led the cops right to them. For this mission, the Proxies were staying in a motel. It was the middle of the night, Toby's watching lord knows what, Hoodie's looking at some photographs he took of the victims, and Masky's smoking outside. But, as Masky's smoking, he sees bunch of cop cars in the distance. He'd run inside and tell them that they gotta leave now.
However, they got caught. Hoodie would probably be the most willing. Hoodie's the most logical of the group and he knows damn well that he isn't going to get away unless they all have a plan. He'd have the most annoyed look on his face but he wouldn't do anything.
Toby almost gotta away. Toby's had so many run ins with the cops, starting back when he was a late teenager. He would've gotten away to if his tics didn't start to act up like crazy. He'd be screaming, maybe bite a cop or two, they wouldn't definitely put a muzzle on him because he'd been sent to jail before, as mentioned in Part 1.
Masky is similar to Hoodie where he's more so annoyed then anything. But, I can see him being extremely paranoid about what the Operator and Slenderman are going to react, not even Kate has gotten caught and she works alone. He'd curse out the cops, but during the car ride, he'd be mumbling to himself, and maybe even have a panic attack.
Now to everyone else!
Ben, Jeff, and EJ were also caught together. They were all hanging out in a cabin where Jeff killing the current residents. However, Jeff had left a piece of evidence at one of his old crime scenes that led the cops to them.
EJ was dissecting one of the people Jeff killed with Ben looming over him, smoking a blunt while asking him hundreds of questions. Jeff would come over and now all of them are looming over this dead guy's body, his stomach cut open with his kidneys ripped out.
I just wanna note that these guys were the hardest to find because they're not always together, EJ eats the evidence, Ben's killings rarely leave a mark on the real world, and Jeff is good at what he does.
When the door got kicked in, the cops stared at the three in horror.
Since Ben was high as hell, he'd start laughing while saying they were fucked. Might I add, if Ben wasn't high, the three of them deadass could've escaped no problem because the cabin had a TV.
Ben was caught first and he'd be laughing, yelling "Fuck the police" while spitting on the floor. The most unserious motherfucker.
EJ killed a good chunk of the cops, but then his hunger kicked in. He ended up eating a cop, but he was able to get knocked out because of it.
Jeff got carried away and got knocked out as well.
Liu's arrest was actually recorded on live TV.
After going on a minor killing spree in a city he was in, he was seen in the background of some guy's livestream.
Liu's identity was roughly unknown by the police, and they had a few sketches of what he might look like, and unfortunately for him, they had one that was really close.
When Liu realized he was being followed by a helicopter and a few police cars, he booked it. The entire chase was live, and in broad daylight too.
He ended up cornering himself after he ran into an abandoned building. When he realized he was caught, he just sat down and waited for the cops to catch up.
When the cops walked in, they saw him sitting on top of a crate, his head facing the floor as he spinned a knife in his hand, humming a lullaby to pass the time. Tbh with you, he let himself get caught. When Jeff found out, he was so fucking pissed off. When he saw him enter the inmates ward, he yelled and playfully hit him for 30 minutes straight, Liu couldn't care less tho.
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bonthefuckjourx · 4 months
Lucifer x Sinner!reader (Hazbin Hotel)
   SUMMARY: You wake up in Hell and realize you didn't make the cut into Heaven. You never did anything evil, but never believed in God. You wanted to live life by your own morals. Little did you know a group of hazbins would take you in and show you more kindness than anyone on Earth ever did. Then you met someone you never thought you would, Lucifer, the King of Hell. Then you did something you never thought you would, make a deal with the devil.
Word Count: 3300k+
A/N: I am so excited to give you guys this chapter! I feel like we are actually moving now. I've been wanting to write this non-stop, so hoping another update will be out tomorrow. In the meantime, happy reading!!
CHAPTER THREE: I Did Something Bad
“I can’t believe he just kicked us out like that! I mean who the fuck does he think he is?”
Charlie was pacing back and forth in her office back at the hotel. The meeting went less than ideal as Heaven wasn’t forthcoming on her idea. Not only did they rudely kick us out and fling her papers everywhere, but they also increased the Extermination date. It put you on edge how much the angels enjoyed it. You spent the last extermination boarded up in a crate for the entire day. The screams of sinners and the laughter of the angels haunted you in your sleep.
            “I mean it makes sense that the first man alive was this egotistical asshole. “
You mentioned that quite a few men on Earth were like that as well. Of course, you were brushed off as Charlie wasn’t paying attention to anything but her own mumbling. After a few minutes Vaggie came into the office and you decided Charlie didn’t need you anymore for moral support. You closed the door behind you as you made your way up to your room. It had been a long day and all you wanted was to wrap up in your warm comforter. As you walked into your room you noticed a certain friend, Angel Dust, sitting on your bed waiting for you. His head perked up as you walked towards him.
            “Y/n you are not going to believe this. He sang to me, and of course I was upset, but he sang to me. No one has cared even to ever do that for me. Afterwards he was so understanding, and we took a walk together. I mean it’s like we’re practically dating.”
            Angel Dust wrung his hands has he watched you sit next to him on your bed.
            “Did you guys’ kiss at all?”
            “Well, no, but y/n I was so nervous, and for once this is something I want to work out. I can’t afford to mess it up.” He was nervous as he looked to you for support.
            “That’s a good thing. It means you really care. I’m glad you want to take things slow for once, it’ll be good for the both of you.” Your hand gripped his shoulder as you tried to comfort him.
            “Thanks y/n. I guess I just wanted confirmation that I’m doing the right thing. I really like him.”
            “I know you do. It’ll all work out I promise.” You laid back on your bed, closing your eyes briefly. It wasn’t long before he spoke up.
            “So how was your date with the King of Hell?” You opened your eyes, glaring daggers at him. In turn he was smirking at you expecting a response.
            “It wasn’t a date, and you know it. “
            “Well practically, right? You went over to his house, that’s close enough. Did ya do anything? Tell me how big the King’s cock-“
            “Angel Dust! Nothing even happened! We had some snacks and something to drink and we talked.”
            “You. Talked?” He looked at you as if he didn’t believe you. Perhaps he knew you too well by now. You caved in.
            “Well, we did talk, but he also touched my face again and when he looked into my eyes I just couldn’t look away and then next thing I know he’s leaning me over the couch and he’s kissing me and oh my god he just touched me, Angel. Something like that has never happened to me before. It left so different, so alive. It was like his magic was all around, intoxicating me.” You spoke with your hands as well trying to have him understand just how much everything was. You dropped your hands to your sides as you stared at the ceiling, waiting for a response.
            “That’s amazing y/n, but if you ever tell the story to someone else, I advise you to leave out the part where you mention his rival. I’m pretty sure he would be less than happy to hear God’s name coming off your lips rather than his.” A blush overcame your face as you thought of saying his name repeatedly in desperation. It’s horrible just how much he ended up in your thoughts. It’s even worse most of those thoughts are less than clean.
            “Angel, I don’t even know what to do. It’s like he’s a drug to me. Something about it feels so wrong, but so very right. I mean he’s Charlie’s dad, and Charlie also has a mom. Not to mention Lucifer is how many centuries old? I was only 21 when I died. I feel like we could never actually work out. We have so many differences, but there is the trouble between Heaven and Hell. Not to mention we are trying to rehabilitate into Heaven, right? I don’t know if I even want to at this point.” Tears welled up in your eyes at all the impossibilities.
            “Maybe you should take it slow then, like me and Husk. Just be friends.”
After Angel left you sat in your bed for a long while. Tears came and they went and eventually you even wrote a bit in your journal. Being friends made sense even though every part of you wanted more. It would be best to be friends until this whole thing with Heaven blew over. If you could convince yourself that you were just friends with him, then maybe you could convince Charlie this was a one-time thing. Speaking of which, you needed to stand up and actually go see her. Ten minutes later you found yourself in front of her bedroom door. You knocked waiting for her to open. Almost immediately it opened, making you wonder if the Morningstars had some more magic up their sleeves than you knew about.
            “Y/n. Hey come in.”
            “Sorry for not coming to you after we came back. I was emotionally tapped out.” You walked inside as she ushered you over to a sitting area she had. A small couch was on one side as a cushioned hair was on the other.
            “It’s okay I understand. However, you might want to explain what exactly is happening between you and my father.” She sat down on the chair leaving the small couch to you. As you set down you rubbed your sweaty hands on your thighs. Charlie looked at you expectantly.
            “Well as you know I really can’t go outside. It’s one of my fears after my death and I just go into panic mode. A couple of weeks ago when he visited the hotel, he found me near a balcony. I admitted to my fear, and he offered to help me overcome it. He brought me to his study. It has these huge windows that look over the city and in a way it helped. I asked him if he would help me with going outside in the future and he said he would. That’s how we ended up traveling together to the embassy today.”
            “That much I gathered but thank you for confiding in me. I understand it takes courage to bring up fears. You still didn’t explain to me, how do I put it, how my father became disheveled.” You looked away from her, baring an awkward smile, hugging your sides. She waited when you were ready.
            “Yes that… He teleported me to his mansion first. There was time so we talked, and one thing led to another. I don’t plan to continue these actions. I do want to become friends with him, but right now it’s too messy. Not to mention he’s your father and had a wife at some point I gather?...” You looked at her with a grimace hoping to not bring up hard feelings. Charlie didn’t seem to mind.
            “Oh that? They haven’t been together for most of my life. I do think it is a great idea you visit these feelings later. I’m all for following your heart, but for one we’re talking about rehabilitant you to Heaven! Not to mention he is my father and if anything does happen in the future, please encourage him to leave me out of it.”
You both ended up laughing together, satisfied with your talk. Your conversation turned to other things and before you knew it you two were chatting about anything and everything. Just like it used to be. There was a reason she chooses you to help her around the hotel. You shared very similar aspirations as her. The only difference was you were not hell born, although sometimes you wished you were. Sinners could not leave the ring of pride, not to mention hell born often thought less of sinners. They could be powerful yes, but sinners could only reproduce if they had a hell born. Many of them didn’t want to touch sinners. It was an afterlife, but it was apparently meant to be a punishment. Many things in the city weren’t there to make sinner’s lives easier.
Eventually you left to retire to your room as you both were becoming tired. You changed into your pajamas and plaited your hair for bed. Your cell phone rang then and as you glanced at it on your vanity you realized it was from Luci. You nearly fell out of your chair. The rings continued as you thought of what to say. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and answered the call.
“Hi Luci.”
“Hey y/n. I know it’s late, but I just wanted to hear your voice. I’m sure you know; the nights are the longest.” He sounded tired and sadness tinged his words. You picked up your phone and ventured over to your bed. Laying down you set your phone on your chest as you stared at the ceiling listening to his voice.
“Yea I know about that all too well.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, Luci.”
“Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try you make everything worse?”
“Do I really make everything worse?”
“You helped make me feel better. Didn’t you?”
“I suppose.”
“Then no, you don’t make everything worse.” He let out a small sigh. There was silence for a long time. The only thing you could hear was his breathing trying to keep it together.
“It just feels like it. For centuries I’ve been stuck down here because I tried to give humanity free will. I tried to give them this gift to create and invent and live their lives in amazing, beautiful ways. But it backfired. They snatched what I gave them and threw it down the gutter.” He was speaking behind broken words at this point. The emotion in his voice threatening to break it.
“Luci that’s not your fault. You were doing something good. It’s not your fault the others didn’t agree.”
“Then there’s also Lilith. I thought we had something good. We had Charlie, a real family y/n, and then she left.” His voice wavered with every word. It was heartbreaking.
“I’m sorry she left, but you have Charlie and look at all the good she is doing. You made her for the better. “
“Yea I guess my daughter is pretty amazing.”
“I don’t know much about you and Lilith splitting, but anyone would be wrong to leave you. You deserve happiness even at your worst.”
“Thank you, y/n.”
“You’re welcome.”
You both sat there listening to each other’s breaths. Waiting for the other to break the silence once again. He spoke up first.
“Can I ask you something else?”
“Can I give you a nickname? Like you gave me mine, Luci.” Your heart pounded in your chest. Friends can give each other nicknames, right?
“Seems only fair,” you spoke softly with a smile on your face.
“Duckling. Just like my best creation.”
“I love it.” Your heart was full, but ached at what you knew you needed to explain.
“Luci, can I ask you something?”
“Of course, my Duckling.” He sounded suave, confidence now in his voice.
“I need us to be just friends.” He sucked in a breath holding it across the line. There was silence for quite a while.
“I understand.” His voice was low now and cut off. The emotion gone. Had he become accustomed to shutting people out?
“Luci it’s not like that. I like you and I loved the time we spent together it’s just too fast. We barely know each other and there is turmoil between Hell and Heaven. I know it must be more than the extermination and I’m worried it’s going to be worse before it is better. Plus, the whole thing with Charlie, it’s a mess. But you’re my mess, together we’re this horrible pile of sin and lost hope. Just wait for me Luci, that’s all I ask of you.”
“Then I’ll be here waiting. Friends can still use nicknames, right?”
“And talk over the phone late at night?”
“Then tell me, what was Earth like?”
With that you and Luci talked for hours about anything and everything. From your music preferences to politics to even how high school was for you. He loved learning anything about humans. Thanks to him you all now could choose and oh how many choices did you have. You’re pretty sure any hobby you could think of you tried at least once. You told him about the instruments you played and art pieces you made. People you dated and people you hated. History was always so very interesting to you, and you relayed it to him in detail. Eventually it landed on the topic of religion and how Christianity seems more like a cult now then anything. He told you it had always been that way.
As the hours of the night ticked on, it became a good amount past midnight. You both were tired, but reeling on the energy you both gave each other. It was so nice to have someone to talk to again and bullshit with. He made you laugh, and he listened so very well. You would also ask him questions and you loved listening to his voice. This late at night it was a bit hoarse and husky as he spoke in a lower tone. He was tired that much was evident in his voice, but he also gave off other emotions. Those of adoration and love and home. Eventually his questions made an interesting turn towards your creative writing.
“So let me get this straight. People would write stories about fictional characters and then people like you would write completely different stories based on those characters?”
“Pretty much.”
“What did you write about?”
“Well of course it was mainly romance. I was such a sucker for fantasy romance. I wish I could get my hands on some here in Hell.”
“Romance. Interesting maybe I could give you some pointers here and there for another story. Totally platonic though.” You laughed out loud at the mischievous devil.
“That’s just like no homo.” You couldn’t stop laughing it was that bad.
“Just like what now.”
“I’ll tell you the story another time.”
“Alright Duckling. Let’s hear more about these stories. Come on I’m so interested!”
“Quite honestly these stories would be romance, and a good romance story needs to feel real. A.K.A most of them had sex. There’s something so carnal and intimate to it.”
“You know one of these days you’ll have to write me a story for me to read. I really want to see the genius at work.”
“Well, what do you want the story to be about?”
“I could just show you.”
“Now, now Luci. We’re friends, remember? You could just tell me.” He chuckled across the line and a blush crossed your face at your boldness. You are just friends! Friends can talk about these things, right? If you stay away from being physical with him it all should work out. You hoped.
“My story would start with a certain fallen angel and a beautiful sinner from his land.”
“That’s a good start. What else?”
“Well, he’d take her out to dinner, buy them an expensive bottle of wine to share, and chat about their daily happenings. As dinner would continue, he would stare into her beautiful eyes as he would knead her thigh under the table. She’d laugh and play it off with a blush crossing her face. At one point he would bring her hand up to his lips, kiss it, and tell her to slip off her panties. Hesitantly she would take them off, handing it to him under the table where he would hide them in his pocket.” His voice was laced with lust and made you tremble deep inside. Your deepest fantasies were coming to life with the sound of his words.
“And maybe on the way home this fallen angel would spread his wings and fly her across the city. She would hold onto him and whisper sweet nothings into his ears. When he would land, she would run her hands along his wings, daring him to keep them open.”
You could hear him struggling to keep it together on the other line. A small whimper left his mouth, and you wondered what he was doing. Wondered if you should do the same.
“He’d bring her inside, throwing her on his bed, taking in her beautiful form. His fingers would snap, burning off her clothing in angelic light. He’d use his tongue and lick over her neck and her breasts. Paying close attention to her nipples rolling them in his mouth. He’d kiss her deeply, running his tongue against her lips and nipping at her. His hands would run along her thighs, leaving little marks as his claws dug at her skin. She would be marked as his.”
Your breaths were matching his as you moved your own fingers to his imaginations. Soft moans rolled from both of your lips as you continued the story.
“She would wrap her arms around his neck, biting at the soft flesh there. She’d let him do whatever he wanted to her, and she left her legs open for his taking. She’d whimper and moan as he moved down towards her warmth gasping as he delved in. His tongue would roll between her folds, flicking up and down. Two of his fingers would explore and find the perfect spot and she would melt underneath his touch.”
“He’d take control then lifting her up from the bed. They’d find the nearest wall, pushing her up against it. He’d kiss her deeply as he lined up his shaft to her entrance. They would find a rhythm as she would wrap her legs around him. He would become undone. He would slow down and ease up, then increase speed and deepen the intimacy. At the end he would kiss her, mumbling intoxicating words as he wrapped his arms around her. She would hold onto him as if he was the air she needed to breathe. They would come together then, breathes slowing down as they listened to each other’s heart beating.”
In the end there was very little for you two to say. You were just friends but committed a dangerous sin. Neither of you cared but didn’t dare admit to it.
“Are we finished?” The man on the phone asked not wanting to face their consequences.
“I am, Luci.” You could swear you heard him let out a sigh of relief.
“Then that’s all that matters.” You rolled your eyes. This man never thought about himself.
“Are you as well?”
“When it comes to you, I don’t think I could ever have a different answer.”
Shortly after you two said your goodbyes, finally sated. An unspoken truth held in the air; you both knew nothing would ever be the same. You were spiraling down a fate you were afraid to face. You made a deal with the devil how could you think you would ever make it out alive.
For he was your Savior.
And you had a lot to repent.
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helenvader · 3 months
I am not that thrilled about the football plot of Unseen Academicals, but there are so many gems in the book. Here we have Lord Veterinary 🤣 who did his homework on the subject at hand so well that it makes everybody speechless (no news), and the last part is just... glorious.
At which point someone tried to slap Vetinari on the back. It happened with remarkable speed and ended possibly even faster than it began, with Vetinari still seated in his chair with his beer mug in one hand and the man’s wrist gripped tightly at head height. He let go and said, ‘Can I help you, sir?’
‘You’re that Lord Veterinary, ain’t ya? I seed you on them postage stamps.’
Ridcully glanced up. Some of Lord Vetinari’s clerks were briskly heading towards them, along with some of the slurred speaker’s friends, who could be defined at this point as people who were slightly more sober than he was and right now were sobering up very, very fast, because when you have just slapped a tyrant on the back you need all the friends you can get. Vetinari nodded at his gentlemen, who evaporated back into the crowd, and then he snapped his fingers at one of the waiters.
‘A chair here, please, for my new friend.’
‘Are you sure?’ said Ridcully, as a chair was pushed under the man who, by happy coincidence, was falling backwards in any case.
‘I mean,’ said the man, ‘everary one saysh you’re a bit of a wnacker, but I saysh you’re awright over thish football fing. ’Sno future in jus’ shlogging away. I should know, I got kicked inna head quite a few times.’
‘Really?’ said Lord Vetinari.
‘And what is your name?’
‘Swithin, shir,’ said the man.
‘Any other name, by any chance?’ said Vetinari.
‘Dustworthy,’ he said. He raised a finger in a kind of salute. ‘Captain, the Cockbill Boars.’
‘Ah, you aren’t having a good season,’ said Vetinari. ‘You need fresh blood in the squad, especially since Jimmy Wilkins got put into the Tanty after eating someone’s nose. Naphill walked all over you because you lost your backbone when both of the Pinchpenny brothers were taken to the Lady Sybil, and you’ve been stuck down in the mud for three seasons. Okay, everyone says that Harry Capstick is making a very good showing since you bought him from Treacle Mine Tuesday for two crates of Winkle’s Old Peculiar and a sack of pork scratchings, which is not bad for a man with a wooden leg, but there’s never anyone in support.’
A circle of silence spread outwards from Vetinari and the swaying Swithin. Ridcully’s mouth had dropped open and Henry’s brandy glass remained half empty, an unusual occurrence for a glass that’s been in the hands of a wizard for more than fifteen seconds.
‘Also, I’m hearing that your pies are leaving a lot to be desired, such as dead, cooked, organic content,’ continued Vetinari. ‘Can’t get the Shove behind you when the pies are seen to walk about.’
‘My ladsh,’ said Swithin, ‘are the besht there ish. It’sh not their fault they’re up againsht better people. They never getsh a chance to play shomeone they can beat. They alwaysh gives it one hundred and twenty pershent and you can’t give more than that. Anyhow, how come you know all this shtuff ? It’s not like we’re big in the league.’
‘Oh, I take an interest,’ said Vetinari. ‘I believe that football is a lot like life.’
‘There ish that, shir, there ish that. You does your besht and then shomeone kicksh you inna fork.’
‘Then I strongly advise you to take an interest in our new football,’ said Vetinari, ‘which will be about speed, skill and thinking.’
‘Oh, yeah, right, I can do all them,’ said Swithin, at which point he fell off his chair.
‘Does this poor man have any friends here?’ said Vetinari, turning to the crowd.
There was some diffidence among them concerning whether or not it was a good idea to be friends with Swithin at this point.
Vetinari raised his voice: ‘I would just like a couple of people to take him back to his home. I would like them to put him to bed and see that no trouble comes to him. Perhaps they ought to stay with him until morning too, because he just might try to commit suicide when he wakes up.’
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brianwashere · 11 months
Hi! I’m not sure if you’re still taking requests but if you are, can I ask for one, Batfam x vigilante!male!reader. The reader is a teen (younger than Tim and older than Damian). He’s like super smart and knows martial arts and is a total badass. The bat family has been trying to catch him for a year now. The reader just stopped a drug dealing, near the docks and was about to go back to patrolling but nightwing and Robin show up. They fight for a bit and robin kicks the reader in the water. The reader is exhausted too and passes out. Nightwing sees the reader not coming back up and dives in and rescues him. They take him back to the bat cave, put him in like a cell and the batfam starts questioning him. They find out he’s a kid and a orphan and ALSO knows who they are, bruce decides to adopt him (the reader and Robin not wanting that) but Bruce says something like since the readers just a kid and he already knows their identity, might as well adopt him and keep a eye on him. Thank youuuuu, I hope you can do this! Sorry if it’s a bit much <3
YIPPEE!!! First req in a long time :DD I had to churn this out in like two days so sorry if it feels rushed!
Ahahaha ignore that it’s 1:40 am
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from DC**
Pairing: Batfam x male!teen!vigilante!Reader
Genre: found family
Summary: go to req
Tw: brief mention of blood, almost drowning, mention of drugs and drug rings
It’s Called: Freefall
Being a vigilante in Gotham was easy. Easy if you were professionally trained in combat. Easy if you had the money to get every little convenient device you wanted.
Neither of which you were.
Both of which Batman and his posee of underlings were.
Sure you’d picked up what you could being on the street, fending for yourself, sneaking into dojos and boxing gyms to observe and practice later yourself. But in the end, you were just some kid trying to make your way in the vigilante scene. Which led you to the situation you were in currently.
You were crouched on top of two metal shipping crates staring down at the drug deal soon to take place. You squinted through the mixture of darkness and heavy rain. A new drug had recently hit Gotham’s streets and you intended to get your answers and drop the contraband by the police station.
You saw the seller take his position. You readied yourself but waited until the buyer showed up. You needed to be sure they actually had the drugs before you went down guns blazing, cracking skulls and kicking ass.
As soon as you saw the drugs leave the jacket you were on them, jumping from your hiding spot onto the seller, tackling him to the ground. The man yelped in surprise and pain while the buyer started running. You spared the buyer a glance, grunting in annoyance.
“Get the hell off of me you freak!” The seller yelled as you kneeled on his arms and back, pinning him to the ground and grabbing the dropped bag of substances. You sighed as he struggled under you.
“Where’d you get this?” You demanded, increasing the pressure on his back.
“None of your business!” He spat.
“Look, buddy. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The hard way involves dangling from Wayne enterprises.” You said through grit teeth.
The man seemed to pale at the threat of heights.
“A-a ring leader…we just call him the boss. I swear that’s all I know!” He practically screamed.
“God what a cliché…” You grumbled to yourself, landing a swift blow to his head and knocking him out. You stood up and stretched, groaning.
‘Jesus—my back hurts.’
You brought the bag down to inspect it before shrugging and shoving it into your backpack. You’ll deal with it on the way home. You glanced back down at the unconscious drug hustler.
“Not your day today, buddy.” You said shaking your head.
Then you heard an abnormal sound in the white noise of the rain. A hard thunk on metal. You stilled. Were they really here? Had they searched for you specifically or did they get the same tip as you?
You tensed, preparing. Someone landed behind you and you whipped around to face them.
‘This is fine. I can handle him…. No. No I definitely can’t. Ok this is fine this is ok.’
“Ready to finally come quietly?” Nightwing flashed a smile.
You returned it with malice. “Never in a million years, boy wonder.” You laughed to yourself.
His smile faltered and he just shrugged.
“Well you brought this upon yourself.” He said and another person jumped down behind you.
You snapped your head in their direction.
‘Robin. The pipsqueak. Great.’
You backed away slowly from both of them, your eyes glancing back and forth between them. They both move at you suddenly. You jump back and dodge one attack from Robin, simultaneously throwing yourself into Nightwing—luckily it caused him to fumble. Your back hit the ground and you grunted in pain. Robin ran at you and you kicked him away from you.
The little caped rat was launched back, skidding to his knees before getting back into an offensive stance. You scrambled to your feet, taking a defensive position. You grit your teeth and glared at him, prepared.
The fight went on for what felt like hours, especially in a two against one.
You spat on the ground; your muscles ached. You saw the flash of red on the asphalt before the rain washed it away. That distracted you enough for Robin to kick you off the dock into the frigid water below.
The water swamped you all at once. The cold seemed to knock all the warmth from your body. You panicked as you sank further and further down, you were so tired. You just wanted to rest. You kicked and flapped your arms desperately but you didn’t feel in control of them. You couldn’t hold your breath anymore. The darkness pulled your mind further from consciousness and you passed out.
C’mon, Nightwing.” Robin said to the dark haired man who was staring into the water.
“He’s not coming up.” Nightwing responded.
Robin looked at his brother and raised an eyebrow.
“So?” He asked indifferently.
“He’s in trouble.” Nightwing seemed to have made a decision in that answer.
“What does it—.”
Robin was cut off by Nightwint diving into the water.
“Dammit, Grayson!” Robin yelled after Nightwing.
About a minute later, Nightwing emerged.
“You’re an absolute idiot.” Robin spat at Nightwing, helping him back onto the docks with the young vigilante in his arms.
“He was gunna die.” Nightwing retorted.
“Great.” Robin started sarcastically. “Now, since you’ve saved him, you can drop him here and let the cops deal with him.”
“We’re not doing that, Robin.” Nightwing responded, tiredly.
“I don’t like what you’re suggesting.” Robin growled.
“Suggested? I didn’t even say anything.” Nightwing chuckled some.
“You’re implying we take him back to the cave.”
“He could have answers.”
“He’s a cretin. Not even worth the trouble.” Robin grumbled.
“Always glad to hear your opinions.” Nightwing said sarcastically, already heading back towards the Batcave.
Robin rolled his eyes and reluctantly followed.
You opened your eyes to blaring lights above you.
‘God, what time is it?’
You rolled over to try and shield your eyes from the light.
You rubbed your eyes. You felt no mask. Fear spiked your heart. Memory of the drug pickup and fighting two of Batman’s sidekicks and passing out in the water flooded your brain all at once. You shot up and realized you were in a cell.
‘Oh no no no no no no—‘
You quickly stood up and stumbled. You managed to catch yourself on a glass wall.
“He’s awake, circus clown!“
You looked up to see the Red Hood pushing himself off a wall, looking very tired. Your eyes adjusted to the light as he walked to the front of the cell. No point in hiding your face, they’ve all probably seen it. Nightwing joined him, looking a little too pleased for your liking.
“The man himself gunna show up or did he leave his favorite to do his biding for him?” Red Hood asked. However, there didn’t seem to be much bite behind his words.
“I’ve been here, Red Hood.” Batman himself emerged from the shadows with Robin appearing from behind him like a lost puppy. A very…angry puppy.
Red Hood startled some at the sudden appearance, but recovered quickly. The gun wielding vigilante seemed to curse something at Batman but you couldn’t hear.
“Let’s not delay this anymore.” Batman spoke.
You swallowed. His gaze pierced through chest and saw right through you.
‘Start what?’
“What’s your name?” Batman’s voice was gruff.
“Like hell I’d—“ You started.
“Yo! Red Robin!” Red Hood called to the other other Robin somewhere out of your view.
Your full name, alias, and address was listed within the second. Your heart fell to your stomach and crawled back up again. Nausea punched your gut.
“Tell us all you know about the drugs and the ring relating to them.” Batman’s tone wasn’t aggressive, but you weren’t fooled. This was a command.
“Dunno anything…” You slurred out. Christ, you hurt everywhere.
“I don’t believe you.” He responded.
You rolled your eyes. Sure, you were lying but you just wanted to go home. To nap. Oh my god a nap sounded great right now.
“They call it amethyst. It’s a narcotic. It’s new but sweeping the streets fast. That’s all I know.” You grit out.
“Where are your parents, kid?” Batman asked.
“Don’t you know, since you apparently know everything?” You growled at him.
“I do. I just want confirmation from you.” He responded calmly.
“Six feet under at Gotham Cemetery. You can take up my behavioral issues with them. I’m sure they’d be overjoyed to hear about them.” You told him sarcastically.
Batman was quiet, thinking. Robin suddenly seemed to catch onto something.
“No! No! You’re not going to—!” He yelled.
Batman approached the cell and slipped off his cowl. Your eyes widened. You tried to speak but you couldn’t.
“You’re too young to be on your own. You’re younger than my second youngest. How’d you like to live with me and my family?”
You shook your head from you stunned state.
“What!” You gaped.
Both you and Robin exclaimed in unison. Batman—who was apparently Bruce Wayne, by the way—smiled some.
“Seems it’s that or foster care.” He said, seeming to not even consider the possibility of putting you in foster care.
“You’ll fit right in.” Bruce Wayne seemed to find it amusing.
He typed a code into the keypad and the door opened. You blinked and stepped out hesitantly. The other three sidekicks were watching you. One with muted excitement, one with indifference, and one with outrage.
“I’ll get Alfred to set up a room for you. I’m sure you’re tired.” Bruce Wayne said.
Your head was still reeling. Sleep? That sounded more excellent than anything else you could be offered. You sighed. You shouldn’t start composing yet. You just got unofficially adopted by the richest man in the city. Things could be worse, right?
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 6 months
🗡️ Something Dread, Something Red: Chapter Five
Something Dread, Something Red: Stuck in a proposal to a Marine Commodore, you escape minutes before your wedding in one last ditch effort to avoid getting married to a tyrant. Barely making it to the port of your town, you stumble across a ship just starting to leave and beg for passage off the island. You fail to notice that the people you beg for help, are pirates.
Warnings: NOT EDITED.
To Note: “Red Haired” Shanks x FemReader
Word Count: ~2.9k
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2 Weeks Later
You woke to the gentle sway of the ship, happy to find that the storm that had ravaged the sea the last three days had finally gone. Choppy waters were not pleasant on the stomach. You had learned that in the first few days on board the ship, but the nausea hadn’t taken away from the absolute beauty of the sea. Rolling onto your back, you stared at the ceiling of the cabin and wondered what you would be doing on this day.
It had already taken you a great amount of effort in arguing with the crew to help around the ship so you didn’t feel like you were freeloading off their backs. You’d already stolen Shanks bed from him. A nonnegotiable point he reminded you of every time you brought it up, much to the scowl he found rather adorable. You were his guest, and a lady, on board his ship. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t sneak into Lucky’s kitchen and help out.
Sighing to yourself, you sat up in bed and swung your legs over the side of the hanging bed. You wiggled your toes and looked at the worn bandages Hongo had wrapped around your feet. The healing nicks and cuts were stating to itch terribly, and you were contemplating asking Hongo how long they needed to remain. You were pretty sure that he wouldn’t be happy if you just ripped the bandages off by yourself. So you reached for the makeshift boots and pulled them on by the sides.
You kicked out your feet while reaching for the hair tie Benn had given you, lay. Even with your hair now neatly resting around your shoulders (Benn had neatened up the strands so they weren’t off sided and terrible looking), you pulled it back into a ponytail to keep it from catching on any of the equipment on the ship. So after you did just that, you slipped from the hanging bed and rubbed your shoulder. It too, had started to itch. You’d ask Hongo to look at it later
Of course you probably should ask Shanks, as he was the one to last see it and know if it was healing as it should… but you had been trying your best not to bother him or the crew with their daily routines. You’d already intruded as it were. Well like you had in the past week, you planned on heading to the kitchen to help Lucky out with breakfast for the crew. It was the least you felt you could do. So you trotted towards the door of the cabin and slipped out.
It was still pretty early, and some of the crew were asleep in the same spots they had been drinking the prior nights. Liquor bottles littered the deck. You picked up a couple empty bottles on your way to the kitchen, holding them against your chest while wondering how they could drink this much and still function. Oh well, it wasn’t like you were the one drinking, you’d leave the mystery of curing a hangover to the professionals. Dropping the empty bottles into a crate full of other empty liquor bottles, you stepped into the kitchen which already smelled heavily of breakfast. Lucky glanced up at you.
“One of these days we’re gonna teach you the fine art of sleeping in.” He rumbled, flipping several stacks of sausages. “Ain’t no one telling you to get up at the crack of dawn.”
“It’s habit,” You shrugged in your defense. “Besides, I’ve been getting surprisingly good sleep the last few days… I think being allowed to eat is helping. Also, I’m not hunger over… what can I do to help?”
Lucky wanted to argue with you that you were a guest an no guest on this ship would be put to work… but it had become quite clear that you wouldn’t take no for an answer. For a noble lady you were quite insistent. So Lucky gestured to the eggs he had yet to crack with the spatula he held.
“Haven’t gotten around to fixin’ the eggs yet,” He spoke, shifting the sausages on the flat top around. “You can start with them and whip them up. The men usually have em’ scrambled, easiest to fix large amounts that way.”
“I am half convinced you all are bottomless pits,” You commented, moving to the eggs. Now, you might be severely lacking in cooking, but you had spent a lot of time watching Lucky Roux cook to learn some basics. Like how to crack an egg without getting shell in it or how to chop vegetables, he’d even slowed down peeling carrots so you could see how to do it without cutting yourself. Every member of the Red Haired Pirates was a true gentleman through and through.
It was impossible to count the number of eggs in front of you and you weren’t going to bother counting them. You just got to cracking them in the large bowl set out in front of you. Tap. Crack. Plop. Tap. Crack. Plop. Your nose wrinkled when a piece of a shell decided to drop into the bowl and you had to go digging for it. It didn’t make you squeamish, but it did slow things down because the damn thing kept moving around! After the fifth time you let out a curse beneath your breath (that you’d picked up from the men despite their efforts to not curse around a gentle lady such as you), Lucky eyed you.
“What’d the eggs do to you?” He commented half heartedly. You huffed indignantly and moved onto the next egg, cracking it against the side of the large bowl a little harder than necessary.
“Not break nicely,” You retorted beneath your breath before clearing your throat. “Little bits of shells continually fall despite my efforts to maintain that they do not. My apologies if I miss picking them out.” Lucky blinked at your switch to such formal language, then reminded himself to yell at the crew to watch their mouths better and shrugged.
“Pretty sure the men’ll eat it so fast they won’t even notice, sides’, it’s extra calcium.”
“Well I prefer my eggs not crunchy,” You muttered dryly as Lucky went back to flipping sausage. Soon the entire kitchen began to smell like bacon and you knew that any second the drunkards would wander in drooling and moaning of their terrible headache. So you finished cracking the eggs and cleaned up the remaining shells before beginning the task of beating the eggs up.
It was an awkward job for you as the bowl was big and there were many eggs to beat, and you were still thin and frail from your mother’s strict diet. It often amazed you how easily the men on the ship could lift things like they were made of feathers, or climb up high onto the masts and wrangle the sails, or even Lucky effortless mixing up a giant pot of soup. You couldn’t help the flickers of jealousy that ran through your body.
One day. One day you were going to be strong. Maybe not like them, but you’d be able to hold your own.
Grabbing a cleaning rag, you began wiping down the space you’d been cracking eggs and had gotten egg on. You certainly hadn’t been the neatest or cleanest, but you’d gotten the job done and could crack an egg. So you could theoretically feed yourself when you were on your own, not that you had experience in actually cooking eggs but it was a far cry from where you started. You’d never had to fix your own meals before, but Lucky was taking the time humor your unasked questions and curiosity.
Just as you were picking up a few used cooking utensils, you heard the sound on incoming feet. Two weeks on board the Red Force had given you enough time to pick up on the different footsteps of the crew. Your ear told you that you needed to immediately abandon helping Lucky. Throwing the rag across the kitchen, you scurried over to the counter opposite Lucky and plastered an innocent look upon your face.
Shanks walked into the kitchen, face tired and hand rubbing his eyes. He still looked half asleep, but the moment his eyes caught sight of your frame he straightened up and looked at you closer. Lucky hadn’t put you to work, had he? You blinked at him, your lashes fluttering around innocent eyes framed by lavender.
“You’re up early, Aria,” He commented, further moving into the kitchen and reaching for a glass. “Thought I told you to sleep as long a you want. You are our guest.” Shanks didn’t miss the face you made at his repeated reference that you were a guest.
“I’m up because I wish to be, captain,” You replied eloquently while Shanks filled his glass with water. “Besides, I’ve never felt more rested and I didn’t spent the night drinking.” At your mention of the previous night indulgence in spirits, Shanks winced, remembering that he was hungover. Your beauty always managed to distract him, even from a headache. Shanks pinched his nose and resisted groaning.
“Aye, and I suggest that you keep it that way, madam,” You watched the red haired man grimace before taking a sip of water. “As much as I love a good drink can’t say I enjoy what comes afterwards.”
“And yet you still drink,” You teased the hungover pirate. “I’m beginning to think you are glutton for punishment.”
“No, just a man that enjoys life on the sea,” Shanks replied, enjoying the teasing hint of a smirk on your lips. Before he found himself staring at you, Shanks turned to Lucky and took a deep whiff of the cooking sausage and bacon. The cook had just begun to scramble the copies amounts of eggs on the flat top. “That smells divine, Luck. The men’ll be happy that you got a head start on the food.”
Lucky couldn’t help but eye you, and you questioned whether or not he’d rat you out to the captain. But rather than tattle, Lucky just shrugged and waved his spatula around.
“Grub’ll be up in a minute, wouldn’t be surprised if the crew began nosying into the kitchen.” Lucky said, stirring up the heap of cooking eggs. “Better get your plate now, little lady, before they converge on it.”
“We’re not animals,” Shanks grumbled, leaning back against a counter and massaging his aching forehead.
“Perhaps not but when you are hungry, just about,” You slipped in with a huff and roll of your eyes. As Lucky slipped a piece of sausage onto your plate followed by a dollop of scrambled eggs, Shanks gulped down the rest of his water and watched you carefully. He wasn’t blind to your sneakings, but you were very good at covering your tracks regarding your insistence of helping around the ship. Growing up with a mother like yours he figured you had long since learned how to tread quietly and move in the shadows. Useful skills but a pity that someone like you had learned them.
No doubt you had a hand in this mornings breakfast, there was no way Lucky would have been table to focus on cooking the meat and crack the amount of eggs it took to feed the men. You were a noble lady and a guest upon his ship,  but if you went out of your way to sneak around to help Shanks wouldn’t impede you.
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You had eaten your food and washed your plate before making your way up onto the deck to enjoy the sea breeze. Before eating breakfast the men had cleaned up empty bottles from the previous night of drinking. Now while you were standing next to the wheel of the Red Force, you drew your fingers along intricate details carved into wood. The Red Force was by no means a new ship, wood was worn smooth and the sails were sun bleached. But you could also see the care and attention the crew gave the ship.
Metal fixtures were rust free and polished until they shone, there were no places of rotting or weak wood, and it was clean. Not to say that you had any experience with ships before, the Red Force was the first ship you had ever stepped on, but there was no clutter of netting or rope, and everything had its place. You never thought that pirates could be so disciplined with their ship.
“Not that you’ve had experience with pirates before,” You muttered to yourself, trailing your fingers up the steering wheel to brush one of the handles. By far the steering wheel was the most worn and smooth wood on the ship. Just stroking your fingertip along the wood indicated the usage.
“I’m going to take a guess that you’ve never been on a ship like the Red Force before,” At Shanks’ voice, you turned your head to the nearby staircase. He was leaning against the railing, shirt fluttering in the breeze and not eating like the rest of the crew.
“More like I’ve never been on a ship period,” You corrected him, drawing your fingers back from the steering wheel. “This is my first time on a ship, and first time off Kuri Island. Actually, I’ve never even been off the Bonn Manor grounds.” Your words should have been shocking to Shanks, but they weren’t. You were the daughter of a prominent noble family and raised exactly how your mother wanted you. What did surprise him, was that you managed to get yourself to the harbor without having left the grounds of your home.
“Do you miss it?” He asked, slowly closer and watching your body language. You were relaxed, at peace, a sight he was glad to see. But in your eyes still brewed unease.
“If I never see another chestnut in my life, I will die a very happy woman.” You huffed out, nose scrunching. “No, I don’t miss it. I’ve never had this much freedom in my life before and I don’t want to lose that. Sea sickness aside, I like the breeze and watching the water.”
“I can agree with you there,” Shanks came to a stop on the opposite side of the large steering wheel. “Sea sickness is a tough ailment to have, it get’s better the longer your on the water but even the best sailors still get sick time to time.”
“I’ll take being sea sick on occasion if it means I can be free like this,” You murmured, looking out at the churning waves with fondness. Shanks had no doubts that you would bear terrible sea sickness just to be on the water. “I’ll probably have the easiest time avoiding behind caught by my parents if I stuck to being on a ship rather than on land. It would be prudent of me to acquire my own ship.” Shanks couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Forgive me for asking, but do you have the faintest clue how to sail and navigate Aria?” He asked you, his eyebrow raised in inquisition. You pursed your lips, knowing he had a point, but that wouldn’t stop you.
“Not exactly, but I’ve read plenty of books from my father’s library when my mother was out. I will learn somehow.” Of that he had no doubt, but the quality of teaching was just as important as the material and Shanks had a feeling that you might seek help from someone  with ill intentions.
“Come here,” He spoke, stepping in front of the wheel but leaving enough room for you. You raised your own eyebrow at him but did as he asked. Standing in front of the red haired man, you blinked when he pointed to faded marks carved into the rail in front of the wheel. “The first thing you need to know about sailing is the sides of your ship for navigation purposes. We don’t use left or right.”
“Starboard and port, right?” You spoke up, remembering the book you had flipped through on a rainy afternoon after tea time. Looking over your shoulder, you saw a small smile on Shanks’ lips. “Don’t smile at me yet, I don’t remember which is which.” This time he laughed.
“Knowing that we don’t use left and right already puts you ahead of beginners,” Shanks told you before gesturing to the P and the S carved into wood. “Port is the left side of the ship, starboard is right. Bow is front, stern is back.”
“And I see someone needed a reminder,” you said, leaning forward to look at the faded letters.
“Not everyone get’s the hang of it right away, it’s better to have it written down so we don’t get mixed up.”
“Something tells me that it doesn’t help navigating the Grand Line.”
“The Grand Line is no place for a lady such as yourself, get that thought out of your mind,” Shanks told you, his voice and tone serious.
“How do you even know what I am thinking?” He reached up and gently knocked his knuckles against your forehead.
“I can see your thoughts though your eyes, Aria, the Grand Line is dangerous. Even for me.”
“It wasn’t a bad idea,” You muttered to yourself, running your fingers over the wheel yet again.
“No it was a terrible idea,” Shanks corrected, making sure that you were looking him in the eyes. “No entertaining the Grand Line, no thinking about the Grand Line, no planning the Grand Line. Got it?”
“Has anyone ever told you that you are bossy?” You questioned, fully understanding Shanks’ whole Grand Line Bad spiel.The man placed his hand on the wheel and stared insistently at you.
“Yes?” He enunciated.
“Quite so, Grand Line bad, Blues good.”
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Date Published: 12/7/23
Last Edit: 12/7/23
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phantom-dc · 1 year
Dad Hood - part 9
Nightwing was grappling all over the city. He was looking everywhere for Danny. If he had been a normal kid, this was difficult enough, but Danny could fly, and really fast too!
‘Please tell me he didn’t fly all the way to Egypt!’
Why had he’d been so stupid! Of course a 5 year old would wander off! Why didn’t he put a tracker on the kid, that would’ve been so much smarter. As Dick was lamenting his mistakes in his head, his comms turned on and he got a message in the group chat.
‘I just got an alert from Arkham. There has been a breakout, and a few heavy-hitters got out. Be on guard, guys. I’m not sure yet who has and hasn’t escaped.’
This did not ease Dicks worries one bit. Thanking Barbara for the message, he made up his mind. If he hadn’t found Danny within the hour he would alert the other Bats. Even though he had promised Jason he wouldn’t tell anyone about Danny, and Tim blackmailed him, if it came to that he would rather Danny be safe and Jason be angry then Danny be dead and Jason be furious.
After a few more minutes, Dick was almost ready to give up. Right as he grabs his communicator to call in a missing meta, he spots a glow. Dropping down into the alley, he finds Danny.
‘Danny! Thank god I found you!’
‘Hi uncle Dick! I found a kitty, but he won’t come out! Will you help me?’
Danny was hunched over near a crate. Sure enough, a white cat was hiding underneath the crate, hissing up a storm.
‘Danny, I told you not to leave the park! Why didn’t you listen to me?’
Nightwing got closer, putting his hand on Danny’s shoulder. While the gesture was to calm Danny, in truth it was more for Nightwings sake.
‘I’m sorry, uncle Dick. I just wanted to be friends with the kitty…’
Danny looked a bit down. He was obviously feeling guilty for making his uncle worry so much.
‘It’s alright, buddy. Just promise me you won’t run off again, ok? I don’t want anything to happen to my favorite nephew!’
Suddenly Nightwing heard a voice behind him, the last one he wanted to hear at that moment.
‘Your favorite nephew? Well, I’d love to meet the latest Bat-brat!’
Before Nightwing could react, a smoke bomb that smelled very sweet made him fall asleep. In his last moment awake, Dick saw Danny try to shake him awake as the Joker reached out to grab Danny.
When Nightwing wakes up a few hours later, he is momentarily confused. Sitting up, he notices he is in an alley. He tries to remember what happened. He was looking for Danny, who he found in this alley. But then, Joker had appeared. Standing up a bit too quickly, Nightwing looks around. He needs to figure out where Joker took Danny! He needs to-
‘Good morning, uncle Dick! Look! Me and the kitty are friends now!’
Nightwing head turns immediately to the voice. There is Danny, standing next to him, cradling the sleeping cat. The poor thing had also been knocked out by the smoke.
‘Wait, Danny. Why didn’t you fall asleep?’
Dick was confused. Why had the smoke no effect on Danny?
‘Oh! The smoke made my head hurt, so I stopped breathing! Is the smoke the reason why Mrs. Kitty is still sleeping too?’ Danny asked innocently.
Nightwing sighs in relief. His instincts kick back in. Joker might still be around. He immediately picks Danny up and takes him to the roof, but no too far. You never know with Joker, he might’ve strapped a bomb on Danny that would go off after leaving a certain area! After checking Danny over head-to-toe, and after being assured that Danny didn’t eat or drink anything that the mean clown gave him, Nightwing had felt it safe to bring Danny back to the appartement. On the way, Nightwing reported that he had been attacked by the Joker, but that he got away. He didn’t say a word about Danny, but Batman needs to know that Joker is on the loose. As Nightwing climbs back into the window, he asks Danny again just to be certain.
‘Ok Danny, just to be sure. The mean clown didn’t give you anything? No food, no drink, no gifts? Nothing?’
‘No uncle Dick. Even if he had, I wouldn’t have taken it. I hate clowns! They are always mean!’
Grateful that things had ended up fine, Dick didn’t notice the large, red helmeted man standing in the appartement.
‘Dickie, what do you mean by: the mean clown?’
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goosewriting · 1 year
Purple 13 but Leo is the one saying it to reader? I think the irony of Leo being the one to tell the reader to be serious would be funny (in an angsty kinda way lol)
When in doubt, use a one-liner (rottmnt Leo x reader)
prompt 13: “You almost died and you’re making jokes?”
summary: even after being flung through the air, reader still has jokes. Leo is not amused.
relationship: Rise!Leo x GN reader
warnings: canon-like violence, turtles vs. foot clan, mention of reader getting hurt but nothing graphic
word count: ~970
A/N: i slightly changed the dialogue prompt to fit better. this one was really fun to write lol 
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
– – – 
Leo cursed under his breath at the current situation. You had begged him several times to tag along for patrol with the guys. Every time he had said no, because of how dangerous it was. It gave him much more peace of mind knowing you were at a safe place to come back to after patrol than having you with them, where a fight could break out at any moment. 
He reprimanded himself mentally for having given in on you earlier that day and letting you come along. He just couldn’t resist your begging puppy eyes. Your happy face when he had finally budged was almost worth it, if it wasn’t for the current events. Right now you were crouching behind some wooden crates, hiding from the Foot soldiers. They had crossed paths with the turtle brothers and a fight at a construction site had erupted.
Shooting glances in your direction every so often that it almost cost him a punch in the face, Leo tried to keep tabs on you as well as kick some serious butt. In the corner of his eye he could see a Foot soldier being launched by one of his brothers through the air.
You were also regretting tagging along now. Not so much because of the fight in itself but more so because of you not being able to support the brothers. You had no knowledge of martial arts and the like, and you felt like you were being a burden to Leo right now, as well as a liability. The last thing you wanted was for a Foot soldier to find you and hold you hostage or something, hence why you were trying to hide. And up until now, your presence seemed to have gone unnoticed by the enemy.
That is, until an unconscious ninja from the opposing team came crashing down on the stack of crates. You shrieked in surprise, throwing yourself back so as to not be crushed under the now cracked wood pieces.
“You okay?!” Leo asked before using his sword to teleport behind a Foot member and throwing a punch.
“Yeah, I’m fine!” you answered from where you now sat, very exposed. 
Looking around frantically for a new hiding spot, you saw that the Foot was being cornered back by the turtle brothers, and were very likely about to retreat. You held still where you sat. Maybe if I don’t move, they won’t see me, you thought. 
In immediate retrospect, that was a dumb thought.
The Foot Lieutenant, now climbing up on a crane and thus gaining a higher viewpoint, made eye contact with you, and you felt how you froze on the spot. 
“Get them!” he ordered in a raspy voice, his arm extended and finger pointing at you. 
You heard someone call your name, but you felt like a deer in headlights, watching the remaining Foot members starting to move towards you. 
“Run!” you heard the voice call again; it was Donnie. He picked you up with one of his metal spider arms and gave you a light push away from them. 
Stumbling forward, you found your balance and dashed across the dusty ground. Where to, you didn’t exactly know. You turned around and saw the turtle brothers hold off the Foot soldiers from coming nearer, except for one that sneaked around the group and was about to attack Leo from behind, who was approaching you to ask if you were okay. With his back to the enemy, Leo didn’t see him. 
Your legs moved faster than your brain. With a “Watch out!” you pushed Leo out of the way, taking the full blow of the Foot soldier’s kick into your side which was meant for the turtle. The force sent you flying and you crashed into a pile of sand with a grunt. Better than the pile of pebbles, you thought to yourself with a grimace, seeing other building materials around you which would have been much more painful to land in.
Leo called your name with panic in his voice, quickly dealing with the Foot member that had kicked you, and came running to where you inelegantly lied in the dirt. 
“Are you out of your mind?!” he asked you angrily, and you felt like it was a rhetorical question. “What were you thinking?”
You tried sitting up but winced at the sharp pain in your abdomen, and plopped back down onto the sand. Leo’s eyes darted back and forth on your body, not sure what to do first. He turned around and saw that his brothers had dealt with the rest of the Foot, who were now retreating, and allowed himself to relax a bit at that. At least they were dealt with. 
Turning back to you and sheathing his sword he sighed deeply. Now the anger in his voice and eyes were gone, replaced by worry.
“Can you stand? Are you hurt anywhere?” he asked, his hands roaming over you, not sure where to hold on to help you up.
You lifted your arm to cover your face with your forearm. 
“I think there’s something wrong with my eyes” you said with a groan.
“Did you get sand in them?” Leo asked with almost mother-like worry, and reached up to remove your arm so he could see your face. Instead of pain or a squint, he was met with a smirk on your face.
“Because I can’t get them off you” you said and gave him your best seductive wink you could muster given your aching state.
You had never seen Leo make such a deadpan face, and you heard Mikey and Raph chuckling behind him.
“You could have died and you’re making jokes?” Leo said incredulously, unsure how to feel at the moment.
“Learned from the best” you said and double finger-gunned him. 
A/N: alternatively, reader could have ended up saying: “Heh, I guess you could say… I fell for you.” lol
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] @hearteyedracoon, @koalaray, @maribatshipper, @whygz
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kyberblade · 7 months
Bring You Back (Din x Reader) - Back To You Halloween AU
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A/N: You all can blame @fordo-kixed-rex for this. She asked me, “What would happen if there was an AU where the reader in BTY went Darkside?” And I said how dare you here’s what would happen and it went from there. I’ve been sitting on this for months. It’s been torture. The name is based off of a song that just clicked for it, Bring You Back by Gold Brother, LIIV and if you want extra emotional damage, put it on repeat while you read. I am not advising this for health and safety reasons. I’m not to be held responsible for any turmoil this may cause. You do so at your own peril.
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Summary: The Darkside is always a temptation, even at the best of times…. What would happen if you ended up slipping further and further down a dark path? ….A path they couldn’t follow?
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. I know. I’m confusing. Welcome to my brain. Part of the Back To You Universe, so you’ll be kinda confused if you read it on its own, bc spoilers, but it can be read as a stand alone if you want. (Idk where exactly it takes place, but I know it’s after Part 19, sometime before or during TBoBF timeline that will be coming up in the sequel Close To Home.) Mando’a. Arguing. Mentions of saga typical violence. (See how frustratingly vague I was there?) It ends on a brighter note, don’t worry. It’s not all gloom and doom. I couldn’t do that to them. ……or could I? 😈
Word count: 2,326 (I know. What even is this drivel?)
Thank you to @fordo-kixed-rex for the idea and seeing this through from start to finish. And @littlemisspascal and @what-the-heckin-heck for flailing on this with me as it developed. I really appreciate you guys. You make me smile a lot. 😁
Also, stay tuned at the end for some kick ass art by @fordo-kixed-rex. 👀 (You’re not prepared. I’m telling you now. Buckle up, children.)
It had been little things, at first. Just small things he’d normally not think twice about, but they started to make him take a closer look. 
The way you’d look at an enemy.
At him.
His son.
It was icy, glazed over, and distant, yet fiery and ruthless all at the same time. It painted those under its gaze in shades of fear. 
Of disdain.
With something close to death.
Din hated that last thought, but he’d been around enough of that in his life to know what it looked like. He knew death intimately. It was a close acquaintance. He’d brushed up against it time and time again, and each time it would kiss his cheek with a promised, soon, as he whispered back, not today.
He wouldn’t pretend to know the workings of the Force. It was still a mystery to him. But he knew you.
And this wasn’t it.
This was something else.
You were shadows. Shadows of what you were. Of yourself. A shell. Something wasn’t right. But like always, Din felt like he was looking at a sun when he’d stare at you for too long, so he could never look long enough to tell exactly what was off. He’d only get lingering impressions, spotted vision that left him open and vulnerable.
A rattled crate here. A broken box there.
A common thief just after a few credits left clutching their throat as the life was choked out of them by an unseen hand; their wide eyes peering over your shoulder, pleading with him through his visor for just an ounce of mercy, an ounce of forgiveness from this…. Hell they had found themselves in.
But what could he do?
It had been made clear time and time again you didn’t listen when he told you what to do. In fact, you came to resent it. I am not a tooka, you would say, he remembered fondly, smiling down at the painting in his hands.
He’d bought it for you once upon a time. A token. A promise. Though unspoken, it was his vow at the time to always make it back to you. Then it had been used as a threat against him, against you, that had propelled this whole adventure into motion. Until….
Now he looked at the painting that once symbolized home, a dream, and he saw…. A void. Nothing.
He sighed.
If this was the path you truly chose, then he had to choose his own. For the good of the child. Himself. And for you.
He’d confront you somewhere private. Some backwater planet. You’d always wanted to see somewhere green…. He just wished he’d gotten around to it sooner. Maybe then…. Maybe then you’d be happy about this visit, instead of what he expected, which was anger at him.
But he couldn’t keep waiting.
Couldn’t keep putting it off.
Din turned toward the ramp with another sigh. He knew this would break your heart.
He knew because his was already breaking.
Normal POV
You looked around at the towering trees, smiling. Off in the distance between mighty boughs, a flicker of light…. Then another…. And another…. “Fireflies!” Despite your voice going up several octaves in excitement, you kept it hushed, hoping to not scare off the insects. But it turned out you didn’t need to worry about your voice, because as soon as you started toward them, they scattered, despite being a whole ships distance away from you.
Cocking your head, you tried to move towards another batch, but they too suddenly disappeared, scattering like the sparks of a dying fire.
Your brows narrowed in confusion as you came to a stop. They’d always swarmed to you, swirling around you in a cloud of light and energy, never had they run from you.
“That’s weird.”
“Maybe they sense it, too.”
You whirled around at Din’s low modulated voice. Once again he’d been able to sneak up on you, not a single bootfall down the ramp giving him away.
Smiling bemusedly at him, you settled your weight easily, head tipping back in question. “What do you mean?” You asked after a moment, turning to give him your full attention.
“Your powers, mesh’la. They’ve changed you.” His voice was low, pained. He stayed near the bottom of the ramp, his weight shifting slightly before he planted his feet and stood resolute, a sigh shrugging his shoulders gently before he went on. “At first I thought that was just the Jedi way, what do I know?” You chuckled softly. “But things have gotten worse. You’re…. You’re different.”
You scoffed, arms coming across your chest as your hip cocked out to the side, head tilting slightly with a sarcastic smirk. “You’re right. What do you know?” The words practically sneered from your lips, and you regretted them the moment they spilled, but you didn’t make a move to take them back.
It was like something had taken over your body, your motions…. Nothing felt entirely like your own, but it also felt so right down to your very bones. It made you shudder slightly at the contradiction warring inside your mind. 
Ignoring your slight, Din went on, his weight shifted to one leg. “Fine. Explain it to me.”
Arms going wide, you began to gesture as you spoke, voice raising with each word. “I’m doing this to protect the two of you, Din! I was useless before! Now I’m-“
“Now you’re what?”
“Strong.” Your brow furrowed as you stared up at his visor bravely. Holding his gaze, you never once wavered under its unforgiving stare. “Now I can help.”
“Really?” Din nearly chuckled, gesturing vaguely back toward the ship. “Because Grogu is so scared of you,” he dropped his arm, leaning in closer to you, his voice lowered, “he won’t leave the ship.”
“That’s not-“ you turned around in a circle and realized the kid wasn’t there. “Where is he, Din? You’re hiding him aren’t you? To prove a point.” Looking around once again, you let out an emotionless chuckle. “You stashed him in the bunk, didn’t you?” You started up the ramp. “I told you not to-“
You stopped in your tracks, staring blankly ahead toward the opening of the Crest, not really seeing anything in front of you but the white hot anger that began to brew just under your skin. “Excuse me?” If your words were any quieter, you’d not have heard them yourself. Turning to him, you arched a brow.
He stared at you in silence for only a moment before he spoke in a soft, but firm, voice. “Until you sort this out, don’t go back on the ship.”
With a scoff in disbelief, you shifted your weight to your other hip, one hand coming to rest there, and rolled your eyes. “It’s my home, Din.” You chuckled again, your tone still dry and mirthless. “What are you talking about?”
He walked past you up the ramp, turning once he was at the top and hesitantly lifting his hand onto the lever. “Until you sort this out, until you get back to…. You…. It’s not.” His visor fixed squarely on you, Din’s fingers rolled in a procession of indecision along the spine of the metal gripped tightly in his hand, his gloves creaking with the effort in the silence. You stared right back. Met him ounce for ounce. Until…. He pulled down and closed the ramp.
Stumbling backwards as the ship lifted a few feet off the ground, the ramp beginning to close, you fell to the ground with a thump , landing flat on your back. The wind knocked out of you as you stared up at the shrinking form of the Crest, an anger you’d never felt before consumed you, and you reached out one hand, crying out in anguish as you held the ship firmly in place. 
Whether it was a cry of pain, emotional or physical, fear, maybe even frustration, you didn’t know. All you knew was you couldn’t let them leave, and whatever it was boiled up and out of your throat as you watched the ship struggle against your hold. The metal moaned and groaned against your pull, the trees surrounding it bowing and bending in the wind from the engines. Limbs began to catch fire from the flames as Din hit the accelerators to try and break free from the phantom grip, but it was no use. 
Somehow you made it to your feet, one hand extended to keep the ship held still, tree limbs doused in flames falling to the forest floor with loud thuds all around you. With your other hand, you reached for your saber, not really sure why, but suddenly it was in your hand and ignited as you made your way toward the viewport of the ship.
Stalking around the corner, you stopped short when you saw your reflection in the transparisteel - your eyes had gone yellow and your saber - it had started to bleed. Red streaks were oozing down from the tip, tainting the once brilliant purple glow of balance with the bright red of hate. 
Blinking rapidly and shaking your head as you released the ship, you disengaged the blade and threw it to the ground, staring at it as if it had bit you while Din brought the ship back down with a thunk. 
The blaze of the fallen branches painted the reflective hull of the Crest in an eerie glow, shadows dancing all around as you curled in on yourself, staring at your saber where it had landed on the forest floor.
Din lowered the ramp and stomped down to you, getting in your face, but didn’t touch you. A deep enough breath would be all it would take to close the distance. You had to crane your neck back to hold the gaze of his visor, your face about to crumble under its weight this time. It’s the first time he’s seen you flinch in a long while. Looking at your reflection in his visor, you see your eyes are back to normal, but that settled next to nothing in your gut. “Let us go, mesh’la.”
“No. I won’t.” Then quieter. “I can’t.”
Din sighed, and you almost smiled at the borderline normal response from the Mandalorian. “Why not?”
Eyes fluttering shut, you willed yourself not to cry. “Because without the two of you, I’ll completely break. And when that happens….. when that happens, you’ll never get me back.” Making your way the few steps to the bottom of the ramp, you sat on it, still looking up at your warped reflection in his visor. It was fitting. Your eyes may be back to normal, but your face…. Your face looked twisted and broken. Exactly how you felt. “I’ll never get back to you.”
Shooting up in the small confines of the bunk space of the Crest, you took a sharp breath. Eyes darting all over, familiar blinking lights winking at you in greeting, the thunk under the cargo hold saying hello, and the soft snores of Grogu sawing steadily away in the background….
You jumped as strong, warm arms wound around your waist, the comforting press of a familiar chest leaning into your spine, the prickle of facial hair tickled your shoulder where it softly came to rest as gentle breaths puffed against your cheek….
“Mesh’la….?” A deep voice hummed in question.
A voice you’d know anywhere.
Vocoder or not.
“Sorry,” you breathed. “Bad dream.” Huffing out a laugh, you shook your head gently. “Bad dream.”
“Wanna talk about it?” He sounded like he was already halfway back asleep.
Turning your head to look at his profile in the low light of the bunk, you smiled softly as your eyes flicked over his face. “No, cyare.” Reaching a hand up to cup his cheek, you pulled him into you for a soft kiss. “Thank you. I’ll be fine. Nuhoy.” (“Beloved.”) (“Sleep.”)
As he pulled you back down toward the bedroll with him, your face melted into something a bit more contemplative.
It hadn’t been just a dream.
It had been a warning.
Slipping from the bunk once Din’s breaths had evened out, you walked over to where your belt hung by the fresher. Taking the saber from the belt, you glanced over to the open bunk, your expression tight, and closed the door with a wave of your hand.
Dismantling it down to the kyber inside, you breathed a sigh of relief when the crystal winked at you in the low light, unblemished. It’s purple hue completely unmarred from the ugly red it’d had in your dream.
After you reassembled the hilt, you ignited the blade and relaxed your shoulders further when the cargo hold was illuminated in the soft purple glow.
You stared at the blade for a moment, getting lost in the sea of silence hyperspace surrounded you with.
Be mindful, little one.
I sense much fear in you….
“Not right now, kyber blade,” you mumbled to yourself as you addressed the saber. “Now it’s time for sleep. Not time for voices.” Disengaging the blade, you clipped it back to your belt before making your way back into the bunk. “I couldn’t get a blue crystal. Or green. No. I had to get a wise ass purple one. The universe is testing me. Literally.”
Luke had told you to be careful, as well.
Maybe you needed to listen.
But this was a problem for the morning.
For now, you needed to do nothing but settle into the arms of your Mandalorian and rest.
But come morning…. Come morning, things were going to happen.
And you knew you would do whatever you needed to do to protect your family, your aliit.
Your clan of three.
Whatever it took, no matter how far you had to go….
You would always find a way to bring them back to you.
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(Click here for just the art in its own post.)
Tags To Come!
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daughterofthequeen · 9 months
The Last Moments of Solace
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Pairings: Ezra Bridger x reader
Request: I saw that your request are open and I was hoping that you could write an Ezra Bridger (season 4) x reader?? Maybe fluff and smutty?? Maybe reader can be also a Jedi of his age? For the plot…mhhh…maybe something based on episode 6 (season 4) or episode 17 (season 3)?
Warnings: Suggestive content cus I don’t write smut yet, yet, fluff, kissing, groans, moans, the overuse of comma’s
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write lately, and I’m so excited to start. And this request just reopened my Ezra hyper-fixation. And I’ve been wanting to write my first series too, I just haven’t figure out which one of the characters I’m currently invested in, to do it on first. You just made the choice harder Anon, you’re no help😫!!! (nahhh I’m just kidding I love you for this, I forgot how much I loved my first Star Wars crush🥰🧡) Ezra had 11 year old me giggling and kicking my feet every Monday night before I had to go to bed 🤭. So I chose episode 6 of season 4 but I couldn’t find a way how to incorporate the reader into the show that I liked so, it’s taking place in episode 7 so technically it’s still based on episode 6. This is my first time doing suggestive too btw and I’m very nervous so cut me some slack pleassse🧡
How did we get here?!
This was only meant to be a recon mission. But no, Sabine just had to get the data recorder and the hyperdrive. Which is good use for the rebellion, but it still doesn’t stop me from wanting a easy day. Next thing I know there’s cats, Thrawn, a wolf, troopers, me and Ezra falling over crates, then us jumping into the newly designed TIE that Sabine hijacked. Which was a nice touch may I add. Well it was, until we found out it had a kill switch that we barley got out of alive. And that lead to us on top of a nice loth wolf, that only me and Ezra could remember since Sabine fainted and didn’t wake back up until we got back to the hideout. Yeah, it was a lot.
The Next Day
Currently me, Ezra, Zeb, and Jai were collecting the hyperdrive, well trying to anyway we couldn’t find where we left it.
“Hurry up.” Ezra told Zeb after he lifted up his mask to his scout trooper uniform. Identical to the ones Jai and I were wearing.
“Where’s the hyperdrive?” Zeb asked looking around the rocks.
“Over here somewhere.” Ezra replied. “Jai keep watch.”
“Over here somewhere? All these rocks look the same!” Zeb whispered frustratedly
“It was dark and we just crashed, we didn’t have time to make a map!” I whispered just as frustrated, sassily putting my hand on my hip. Suddenly we heard the meowing of a white loth cat, like the one from last night sitting on top of a rock.
“Hey, when in doubt follow the loth-cat.” Ezra said while smirking, causing me to lightly chuckle.
“You’re kidding right?” Zeb asked hesitantly as we walked towards it. “You and your loth-cats.” Zeb told Ezra as they moved the rock revealing the hyperdrive. As they started moving the hyperdrive, a small empire ship flew over us towards the crash sight, and I got a strong feeling that we had to hurry, to speed up the pace I grabbed a hold of the back of the hyperdrive to help them move it onto the trailer.
“Uh, Ezra, we have to problem.” Jai called while he was looking into his binoculars.
“What is that?” I asked while walking up beside Jai.
“I don’t know, and I don’t think I want to know.” Jai responded.
Ezra turned to Zeb. “We’ll draw them away, you get the hyperdrive out of here.” He said as me, him, and Jai, closed our helmets and started walking towards the weird bounty hunter looking guy who was using all four of his limbs to run.
“Just let me blast it.” Jai said anxiously, on the left side of Ezra while I was on the right.
“It’s ok, I can get us out of this.” Ezra said in an unsure tone.
“You don’t sound too confident about that blue.” I said also feeling his unease.
Ezra let out a breathily chuckle at the nostalgic nickname that he remembers you giving him back when you both first met.
“Yeah well, I know you have my back no matter what.” He said. Hearing his smirk under his helmet, I can’t help but smirk too.
“No doubt.” He has no idea how right he is, I would do anything for him. But our small moment was cut short when the assassin made it to us, sniffing?
“LS-3226, LS-3227, and LS-3228, reporting. We’ve checked out this area and found nothing. Should we continue our search?” Ezra once again sounds unsure, but this time it’s understandable given this guy is up close sniffing his armor. Jai slowly raises his blaster, ready to shoot but I try to discreetly raise my hand to tell him to wait so, he wouldn’t blow our cover.
“No.” Is all the bounty hunter said before turning the opposite direction then quickly turning back around swinging at Ezra to catch him off guard, but Ezra was able to dodge and punch him instead until the hunter was able to trap Ezra with his legs, and that’s when me and Jai let loose with our blasters. Though the hunter was extremely fast as he dodged and our stray bullets were landing all around Ezra.
“Don’t shoot me, shoot him! Blast it!”
“I’m trying, I’m trying!” “What do you think we’re trying to do blue?!” I yelled back and the hunter was quickly running towards us and quickly dodging our shots so, I lifted up my helmet and force pushed him into a boulder as soon as he made a jump for Jai.
“Jedi.” The bounty hunter stated as Governor Pryce made it use and recognized or faces immediately.
“It’s Bridger and (L/n), blast them!” Pryce ordered.
As shots were coming towards us, me and Ezra took out our lightsabers and started blocking blast. Then the three of us jumped on our speeders.
“How many of them are back there?” Ezra asked then I turned around to check. “More than enough! Let’s try to loose them in there” I replied pointing to the sea of rocks, as I seen the bounty hunter coming towards us with a disrupter and I quickly took out my lightsaber and blocked him.
“Can’t this thing go faster?” I said already tired of this assassin guy.
“Hold him there. Just hold him there!” I looked to see why, just in time to see Jai in front of us going in between two rocks and understood Ezra’s idea. The hunter caught on and turned off from us to keep from crashing. That’s when the troopers behind started firing, but Ezra was able to dodge them. I seen a overhead we were speeding towards and took out a bomb and threw it. Causing the large rock to explode and block the troopers. But the hunter was moving to fast to stop so he sped up making it over the piles of rocks and I took my shot hitting the speeders engine causing it to explode and the assassin jumped off just in time to grasp onto a rock before he could fall, and glared at us. I smirked, then looked forward to see Ezra do his signature two-fingered salute and we sped off to the campsite.
We made it back skidding to a stop and seen Kanan walking towards us. “Good job, looks like our hyperdrive problem is solved.” Kanan said as we got off the speeders.
“Yeeeah well, you know how one problem usually leads to another?” Ezra asked Kanan
“Yeeah?” Kanan question in an annoyed tone knowing where Ezra was going with that question.
“We have another, and its small, creepy, and very dangerous!” I explained dramatically as we started walking towards everyone else.
Jai, Ezra, and I went to change back into our regular clothes, while everyone else was discussing the plan. Just as I was finished fixing my shirt, I felt two arms wrap around me and a nice sensation on my neck. I smiled knowing it was Ezra due to the affection and me sensing him as he was walking towards me. I sighed in relief, finally able to let my muscles release their tension even if it’s only for a minute. I closed my eyes and rested all of my weight into him taking a deep breath, lazily looking over my shoulder as he moved up from kissing my neck to my cheek. I giggled lightly and turned my body slightly to meet my lips with his and the deep soft groan he let out drove me crazy. I ran my fingers through his short soft hair, causing him to groan again, this time a lot stronger, precisely why I did it. I moved my hands down to rest them on top of his, that had started massaging my hips bringing out a soft moan from me. I released his lips and opened my eyes to see his lips chasing after mine to reconnect them. I leaned back still trying to catch my breath, but eventually I gave back in as he knew I would.
“You okay?” He asked while our lips were still pressed together continuously trying claim each others, I almost didn’t hear him.
“Mhm.” Is all I could reply back, but I knew better, when it came to my well-being mumbled answers are never accepted, especially after a mission but with his soft lips intertwined with mine I couldn’t focus. He pulled away causing me to whine and turn around completely wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him back down to me, but he wasn’t having it.
“(Y/n)” was all he said, I opened my eyes and responded back with a sigh.
“I’m fine, Ezra.” He frowned as if he didn’t believe me. “I promise.” I reassured him bringing my hands up to his face gently rubbing the permanent scar on his left cheek. He sighed and leaned into my touch, then leaned back down to capture my lips again. His hands started moving under my shirt, thumbs starting to rub my stomach. Enjoying the sensational buzz it was bringing me, I reached down to the waist of his pants to start unbuttoning them, until we heard someone clearing their throat and we jumped apart from each other. It was Hera. A strong heat immediately went to my cheeks, as I hurriedly fixed my shirt and smiled like everything was normal, awkwardly seeing Ezra out the corner of my eye quickly rebutting and zipping his pants back up before quickly turning around with the same smile.
“Hera! Heyyyy! What’s up?!” I say trying to act casual, but that was way out the window. I could tell with her with the way she was standing. Arms crossed with her hip poking out to the side with a small smirk on her face. I looked up at Ezra to see him turning red as he looked up somewhere over Hera that I couldn’t pinpoint.
“I came to check on you guys, and to see if you wanted to see how Sabine was coming along with the hyperdrive, but I can see you two are already preoccupied.” Hera stated
“Oh no, we weren’t doing anything important, come on let’s go.” I said trying to move pass the awkward moment missing the way Ezra head swung to me with a offended frown on his face.
We made it to the ship Sabine was working on. “How’s it going?” Hera called out.
“Well it wasn’t easy but I got it patched in. Still I give it a 50/50 chance of working.” Sabine explained.
“I’ll have to live with 50/50.” Hera responded back, when I felt Ezra’s dread and turned towards him and seen what he was looking at.
“Oh no.” He whispered. “We’re out of time!”
We quickly finished packing up a speeder-car with the supplies to send with Jai, to our allies.
“We’ll hold off the Empire until you’re clear, we’ll signal rendezvous coordinates later.” Ryder tells Jai
“And if we don’t hear from you?” Jai asked worriedly
“You will.” Ezra reassured him.
“Alright Bridger, good luck.” Jai said then sped off.
We all got ready to defend Hera for her take off, lining up behind some empty crates. I looked over to Sabine after seeing her move out the corner of my eye, seeing her looking at something behind us. I turned to see Hera and Kanan kissing. I smirked still a little shocked. “It’s about time.” I said as we all got ready to defend ourselves.
“We won’t stand long against those tanks.” Zeb stated
“We have that transport and a bike.” Ryder explained until the transport was blown up.
“How many can we get on a bike?” Zeb asked and I playfully rolled my eyes at the question. Until I hear a wolf howling and felt Ezra nudge my arm.
“There! That’s our way out.” He told everyone as continued to stare at the wolf that helped us last night.
“Loth-wolves?” Ryder questioned
“Look they helped us before, we should follow them.” Ezra told Ryder still a little unsure.
“Are you serious?”
“Do you know the way out?!” Ezra asked the wolf who immediately started running in a opposite direction after his question.
“Come on.” Ezra said grabbing my wrist and running to catch up with the wolves.
“Kanan?” Sabine asked worriedly.
“Seems like the best idea we got, let’s go.” He replied breathlessly
“This is good, when it gets strange like this, it’s a good thing.” Zeb reassured Ryder.
“How have you people stayed alive so long?!” Ryder yelled following everyone else.
We all were running after the wolves. Well Ezra was, we were following him.
“Ezra wait up!” Zeb called out which he ignored
“Ezra!” Sabine yelled this time.
“I don’t want to lose them, come on!” Ezra finally replied starting to run after them again, but stopped suddenly seeing the wolves all laying down, lowly growling as everyone else caught up.
“Hold it, stay back.” Ezra warned
“Why have they stopped?” Kanan asked
“I don’t know.” Ezra replied as he started walking towards the white wolf who seemed to be the leader of the three.
“Ezra, wait!” I whispered trying to reach for him but he dodged me.
He walked up to the white wolf slightly crouched and carefully talking to it.
“There is a way out of here, isn’t there?”
“You wanted us to follow you, didn’t you?”
“What are you waiting for?” All these questions Ezra was asking and the only reply the wolf gave was looking up at Kanan. Which made me uncomfortable.
“Kanan? Kanan it’s looking-”
“-At me I know.” He cut Ezra off and walked up to the white wolf. “What does it want?” He asked, that’s when the wolves got up and walked into a cave.
“I guess they were waiting for you.” I said as I walked up to them.
We all walked down into the cave, Sabine turned on her flag light looking at cave drawings.
“There are images here of people, people following a wolf.”
“I guess we’re not the first ones.” Zeb said
“Hold on. Shut your light off.” Ezra told Sabine. We were in complete darkness all we could see was the wolves eyes and listening to the wolves still lowly growling.
“What now, Ezra?” Kanan asked
“I’m not sure.”
“There wasn’t a picture of wolves eating those people was there?” Zeb whispered to Sabine.
All of a sudden the cave started shaking, dust and rocks falling, proving the cave wasn’t going to last long. The wolves looked up growling louder.
“The Empire’s bombing the mountains.” Ryder stated
“We’ve gotta get out of here!” Ezra stated turning seeing the white wolf tail in his face, and looking up to see the wolf nod.
“Everyone join hands.” Grabbing a hold of the wolf tail.
“Ezra?” I said unsure.
“Just do it!”
“The cave is going to collapse.” Zeb stated.
“There’s no way out of here.” Ryder said
“That we know of.” Kanan said trying to reassure everyone.
As we walked deeper into the cave a bright blue glowing light started to appear similar to hyperspace when we walked into it. Next thing I know, we’re all waking up in a cave, but it’s a totally different one.
“Where in blazes are we?” Zeb asked shocked
“Let’s find out.” Ezra said walking outside, the rest of us following.
Sabine came up with a data pad. “Uh, you’re not going to believe this. We were in the northern hemisphere, now we’re in the southern hemisphere. Somehow we’ve moved halfway across the planet.”
“Huh.” I said seeing the wolves go back into the cave with Kanan, so me and Ezra followed.
“Kanan?” I called out making sure he was ok.
“Look around, tell me what you guys see.” Kanan told us.
“This place reminds me of the Jedi temple here on Lothal.” Ezra stated as I walked to the pictures on the walls.
“The walls are telling a story. There are people coming down from the sky, I think they might be Jedi.” I told Kanan.
“There’s a message here for us.” Kanan said.
“What, because we’re Jedi?” I asked confused.
“Dume.” The wolf said.
“What does that mean? The wolf said it before.” Ezra asked.
Kanan took off his mask, shock on his face.
“Dume is my name. Caleb Dume is the name I was born with.” Kanan told us placing his hand in the wolf’s head.
“How does the wolf know that?” I asked even more confused than before.
“It has a deep connection to the force, to the energy of this planet.”
“Don’t all living things?” Ezra asked.
“This is different. More focused. Like it has a purpose.”
“And we’re apart of it?” I said starting understand in a way.
“I’m getting the feeling building the TIE defender isn’t the worst thing the Empire is doing here. There’s something else, something more sinister.” Kanan stated worriedly.
“Dume.” The wolf said while backing up into the shadow disappearing. And as the sunlight made its way further into the cave revealing that nothing was there but a wall with a picture on it, and a crack through the middle of it.
“So? All the paths are coming together, right?” Era asked
“Yeah, I’m just not sure if we’re going to like where they lead.”
“Do we ever?” I said sarcastically causing Kanan to scoff in amusement .
“No and yes.”
“I wonder if Hera made it.” Ezra said worriedly causing me to wonder as well.
“I know she did.” Kanan reassured us, he then placed his hands on our shoulders and walked outside with everyone else, and we followed.
Sorry this took me so long anon. I wasn’t sure if I liked this or not. I’ve edited this too many times, but you’ve waited long enough. Just let me if you like it and if not, I’ll try to edit it to how you like. Thank you for requesting anon! I hope enjoy!
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rhenuvee · 1 year
All Weather Beauty [Kazuha x reader]
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A/N: Are we all in agreement that drunk Kazuha was the best thing that happened in 2.8? CAN I GET AN AMEN (esp in EN)..you can clearly see how long I’ve been holding onto this draft for 
Warnings: reader has hair, cliche trope(?), drunk(?) Kazu, Kazuha being a simp for you + cheeky (ooc? but then what are you doing here if not for that?)
Genre: Fluff | pining
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
“(Y/n), you dropped this.” It was a windy day, also known as not a good day to be out delivering letters and holding a crate full of groceries and ingredients. As if that wasn’t already an inconvenience, the voice happened to come from the wandering samurai Kazuha. 
You remember first meeting Kazuha. You made a delivery to the Crux, and they pulled you aside from your duties and take a break by watching another of her championship-festival things. After watching for a few minutes, you noticed there was a bright scarlet colour in the corner of your eye, almost like it was wanting you to notice it. Then you saw him. His head turning ever so slowly towards your direction as he sat atop a large rock nearby. You stared helplessly as his eyes found yours, and then he smiled- oh you were definitely in trouble.
A while later, during a mini break the boy with Inazuman looking clothes approached you and introduced himself, and you did the same. You both mostly asked about Inazuma since you’ve never been there. He politely asked what you did, and when you told him it wasn’t much compared to him, he chuckled and dismissed it saying he was just a “mere wanderer”. “Mere wanderer” your butt. 
The worst part was, though you made light jokes about your ordinary life, he seemed so genuine in reassuring you that he found you quite interesting. It’s just a compliment, you had to mentally tell yourself... but the gentle tone of voice he used- it made you feel much different. Ever since then, whenever you passed by you’d say hello, but most of that time the “hello” would become a whole hangout day with him.
“Oh! Kazuha hi! Thanks for picking that up!” you say hurriedly. You curse yourself for not fixing your wind-blown self before running into him. 
“No worries. Where are you off to?” he asks.
“Deliveries again. Right now I’m heading to Bubu Pharmacy to pick of some medicine for someone at Qingce Village.” 
“I see.” he says as he hands you back the piece of paper that fell out.
“Sorry I probably look a little silly with how the weather is right now.” you say sweat-dropping as you try using your knee to kick the crate to hold it better.
“No worries, that happens to me when I’m on Beidou’s ship.” he smiles reassuring you. There was a small silence until he gestured to you. “May I?” 
You thought he was going to fix the papers in your satchel for you, but instead his hand went towards your scarf and wrapped it around your neck better. Then he reached to your head and smoothed the bunches of hair that flew the wrong way in the wind. Before you could utter out any words as a result of his unintentional flustering, he makes you short circuit even more.
“If you’re not busy after that, I was wondering if you’d like to accompany me and have a meal together later today? I can also bring my zither, I think I can play that song finally.” he asks. Sometimes you wonder how he can ask these things without a hint of nerves in his expression. You however- yeah...
“Oh! Yeah! Of course!” you say a little too excitedly. You’re more in awe that he asked you that in the first place. 
“Great, I’ll see you then.” he says giving a wave and walking off into the distance. With your heart beating super fast, you suddenly felt like you could make all the deliveries within a minute. 
“You’ve been playing that zither quite a bit this past week.” Beidou says approaching Kazuha while on the Alcor. Kazuha hums in response, one leg dangling from where he was sitting.
“Yes, I’ve been wanting to show my friend this instrument. They’ve asked me about it, so I want to play a song for them as well.” he says watching himself pluck the strings.
“Hmm. This friend you keep speaking of... you seem to be seeing them a lot.” inquired Beidou. From her perspective, it seemed that every week Kazuha was doing a little show-and-tell for this friend. How to make music by blowing on a leaf, making his special dish he called “All Weather Beauty”, and now the zither.
“They’re a very kind-hearted person. I enjoy their presence, it makes me feel warm, like when I start adventuring to a new place.” Kazuha says almost absentmindedly while still plucking the strings. Beidou immediately smirks when he says this, and it feels as Kazuha could see it from the corner of his eye, as he finally looked up from the instrument.
“So you like them.” she says with emphasis on the “like” in order for him to know exactly what she’s referring to. Kazuha was about to stutter out an answer, but quickly stopped himself and sighed. Nothing gets past Captain Beidou. He’s embarrassed to admit the romantic feelings for the first time in front of someone. Beidou is also older than him, so he does feel a little shy.
“I- yes...” he manages to get out. He says this quietly while closing his eyes, not wanting to look at Beidou in the eye straight away. 
“Well Romeo, armed with your zither, some poetic words and a nice sunset view from a cliff near the harbour, nows your chance!” Beidou says teasingly, though she does mean it seriously. Kazuha chuckles awkwardly, groaning at Beidou’s words.
“I’m not sure if they like me in that way.” he says in a neutral tone, but he felt nervous on the inside. Even Beidou is surprised at this, and her eyes become wide for a second. Kazuha’s personality was always the opposite: calm, collected. She realizes that it’s serious- not that it never was, but she could see in Kazuha’s eyes he was showing his vulnerability, which made her confirm that he truly admires this person. 
Unfortunately, Beidou starts having doubts herself. She usually doesn’t deal with romantic things herself. How do you find out if the other person likes you or not? She hopes he can somehow draw inspiration from her words of encouragement instead.
“Hey, Kazuha you’re a great guy you know?” she says softheartedly while approaching him closer. “I’m sure they’ll appreciate your gestures. And look- the important thing is you have a good time right?” Kazuha smiles, his heart calming down from Beidou’s reassurance. “Besides, if you really wanted to tell them you like them but couldn’t- you could just drink one of those cocktails!” Beidou laughs while Kazuha facepalms... and she’s back, he thinks. 
Xinyan ended up telling Beidou about their journey to the islands, and how she ran into him in the first place... and the fruity cocktail part which made tears roll down her eyes. Kazuha sighs, and stands up to start taking his leave to meet up with you.
“Thank you Beidou.”
You wait for Kazuha on a beach where you could still see the city. He arrives waving to you with one hand, and carrying his zither in the other. 
“Hi Kazuha!” you say ushering him to sit on the blanket you brought to sit upon the sand and grass. He smiles and sits down. 
“Hi (y/n).” he greets. 
You both continue catching up with each other, describing in great detail of your adventures and interesting stories while sharing a meal. He played the zither as promised. You’ve never heard a song on the zither before, so it was cool hearing something new. And of course, Kazuha never fails to impress you.
“That was beautiful Kazuha.” you say after he finishes the song.
“Thank you. I’m glad you liked it.” he says. There was a brief moment in which you were staring at each other, but then you quickly turned away due to hide your embarrassment. “I’m a little thirsty, but I forgot to bring drinks. Would you like me to get some?” he asks. 
“That’d be nice, thank you.” you replied. He nods and gets up to go get drinks for you both. You exhale- finally being able to breathe after having one flustering moment after the other. But you couldn’t deny that you were having a great time with Kazuha. You loved the times when you bumped into him in Liyue, but now you got to sit down and properly talk and enjoy food and music.
“I’m back.” he announces handing you your drink. “Sorry if I took a long time, but I tried being quick so I took something off from Beidou.” 
“It’s ok, I’m not picky with drinks.” you say. With that, you both quench your thirst by sipping the fruit drink. It was sweet but not overpowering. You put the bottle beside you then looked out into the distance of the sea. 
“(Y-Y/n)...?” Kazuha calls. Except you come to realize that something’s off.
“Kazuha are you oka-” he interrupts your question as his head falls on your shoulder with a thump and you put both your hands on the side of his arms to steady himself. This answered your question well enough. 
“(Y/nnn)...” he slurs as his half-lidded eyes look into your own. He’s drunk, you panic. Wait- but the drinks weren’t alcoholic you thought. At least yours wasn’t. It didn’t have that sting that alcohol usually had. But now that you think about it his could have been different... he did say it was from Beidou after all so it could’ve gotten mixed up. 
“Um Kazuha...” your thoughts are frantic as you think of what to do. You didn’t really have any water to help, so you thought carrying him to the dock near where The Alcor was. Hopefully Beidou or someone you knew would be nearby. “Let’s get you up.” you say grabbing his arm and wrapping it around your shoulder.
“Mmn- moreeee...” he says reaching in the direction of the drink. You had to carry him away as he kept spouting nonsense. You had no idea Kazuha would become this type of drunk. However you couldn’t deny it was kind of cute. “(Y/nnnn)... so prettyyy...” he giggles dragging a figure attempting to boop your nose, but missing and booping your cheek instead. 
“I like you...” Kazuha has been saying just about everything in your book of things you’d never think he’d say. But this in particular made your heart stop. They say drunk words were sober thoughts, but you couldn’t help but think it would be too good to be true. “So so so so so so soooo much...” 
“If you weren’t tipsy I’d probably accept that... because I like you too.” you whisper to yourself getting quieter.
“...really?” Kazuha slurs. You whip your head to Kazuha, surprised that he heard you. However you were relieved that maybe he wasn’t thinking clearly since he was busy admiring a pebble on the ground. You chuckle a little for being able to have a conversation for this long with a drunk person.
“Y-yeah...” you finally sigh. The dock was finally coming into view.
“...” You feel the weight on your shoulder disappear and you stop walking to turn to look Kazuha in the eye. Kazuha’s expression changes, from a once clumsy and doe-eyed to now smiling awkwardly.
“I’m not tipsy.” 
You go wide-eyed, instantly having a million thoughts running through your mind. You could tell that he was not joking and indeed not tipsy, making you get hot from the embarrassment since you basically confessed. “And I like you too.”
“K-Kazuha!” you exclaim flinching a little. He chuckles apologetically, then extending out his hand towards you- a familiar gesture. But this time you don’t misunderstand it. 
“May I?” he whispers cupping your cheek and slowly getting closer towards you. You give a small nod before he finally closes the gap and you both slot your lips together. You were so close to Kazuha, you could smell his faint scent of the breeze. This was your first time kissing someone- and with Kazuha. Each little smooch made your heart race faster and faster.
Your noses bumped accidentally and you could feel Kazuha giggle a little from the slight vibrations, making you flustered and detaching yourself from him. You both catch your breath before laughing to ease the tension. 
“I sincerely apologize (y/n). I didn’t mean to startle you but I got nervous and I ended up following a crazy idea Beidou had. But I meant what I said, I do like you a lot.” Kazuha confesses. 
“I like you too!” you blurt out, not knowing how to respond.
“Yes, I figured.” he chuckles as you facepalm immediately coming to realization that you already said that. 
“I’ll see you around (y/n).” he says keeping eye contact with you as he takes your hand and kisses your knuckles. 
He was a mere wanderer, but maybe he could stay in Liyue for a bit longer. Besides, after the stunt he just pulled he does feel like he owes you another date. 
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Alternatively titled: Kazuha challenges Alhaitham for his Oscar fanonically
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erisenyo · 9 months
Your jetko is KILLING me. "I hate the way that I don’t hate you," OR "don't trust me," for these two idiots.
For this prompt game! (And also this one!)
(Can be read along with this and this and this)
Familiar is a word with many meanings, Zuko knows.
There’s familiar, as in the way they’ve been traveling in a direction Zuko can admit is both purposeful and known and has been for a few days now.
There’s familiar, the reflexive wariness Zuko feels after being in the Earth Kingdom on his own during the war when Jet takes him toward a little town to resupply while the rest of the Freedom Fighters set up camp for the night.
There’s familiar, the assurance Jet gives him that the town knows the Freedom Fighters.
And then there’s familiar, the way Zuko trails Jet into the general store and hears him greet the shopkeeper with a drawled, “Hello, Mei Lin, beautiful as ever, I see,” and she glances up, pretty and tough in a way that makes Zuko’s stomach drop, and Jet leans against the counter and says, “Miss me, gorgeous?” and Zuko feels himself go still.
“What do you need this time, Jet?” Mei Lin asks, crossing her arms. “You know I won’t take your credit.”
“Beautiful, you wound me,” Jet pouts, somehow managing to still smirk as he does it. “You know I have coin.” He cocks his head. “The question is, do you have…”
Zuko feels like he’s watching it all from a distance. Like it’s a play, one he's already seen before. Jet leaning against the counter. Cocking his hip and smirking. Flexing and stretching. Chewing on that wheatgrass and glancing through his lashes and doing things Zuko recognizes and burns to see.
“And who’s this?” Mei Lin asks, eyes flicking over Zuko in a cool, impersonal once-over. “Another stray?”
“Lee?” Jet doesn't even look over. “He’s just—"
“No one,” Zuko snaps over top of him, the words grinding out hard and rough before he even realizes he’s going to say them, his knuckles aching where his fists are clenched down at his sides as Jet finally glances back over his shoulder, surprised. Mei Lin raises an unimpressed eyebrow.
“He’s just a friend,” Jet finishes after a beat, still watching Zuko, curious. Mei Lin’s other eyebrow ticks up.
“Ah,” she says, knowing.
“Now I didn’t say that, beautiful, did I?” Jet drawls still without taking his gaze off Zuko, leaning back against the counter now so he can fully face Zuko, his body lazy and languid in its sprawl and his eyes watchful.
Mei Lin gives Jet a dry look, then tilts her head toward Zuko. “You didn’t have to,” she says, grabbing up her list and heading into the back to gather up their purchases.
“You hear that, babe?” Jet smirks as he pushes off the counter like he doesn't have bones, expression teasing and distantly amused as he saunters over, “I think you’re a little obvious.”
“I’m obvious,” Zuko growls, inner fire flaring with— “I’m—”
“What,” Jet interrupts, running a finger down Zuko's chest, pouting in mock hurt. “You don’t trust me, babe?”
Zuko glares at him, then over his shoulder at Mei Lin as she quietly sets a sack of rice flour on the counter, Mei Lin meeting his eyes with a cool kind of indifference before she heads into the back again. He transfers his glare back to Jet who is smirking and pressing on Zuko's solar plexus over his lightning scar and all affected nonchalance and—
“I do,” Zuko snarls like a challenge, wanting to shove Jet, to push him, to punch him, to break that fucking pretend-it-doesn’t-matter smirk right of his space, wanting— “And you know what, I think you got this one all on your own, Jet,” he spits, turning on his heel and wondering if he imagined the flash of surprise on Jet’s face. “I’ll meet you outside.”
“You trust me, huh,” Jet says later as he finds Zuko with annoying ease in the alley Zuko ducked into for the shade and the quiet and mostly for the privacy to glare and kick things and generally be petulant like he never allows himself to be in public anymore.
Zuko glowers from where he’s sitting on one of the crates that was too sturdy to break apart and tries to reach for the thin shred of calm he’s managed to regain for whatever goading Jet's clearly about to do.
"Trust," Jet repeats like he's trying out the word, smirking at Zuko. “That mean you’re not going to kiss me to see if you taste someone else on my lips?”
Zuko hisses, fire lashing in his chest because he fucking wants nothing more right now than to grab Jet by the back of the neck and make him remember exactly whose name he was choking out last night, and Jet is fucking still smirking at him like he knows it, tossing the expression over his shoulder as he crouches down to busy himself distributing their purchases between their two packs, testing weight and tying ties and abruptly saying, almost diffident, “You shouldn’t, you know.”
Zuko slashes him a sideways glance, not in the mood. “Kiss you?”
“Trust me,” Jet corrects as he ties off the pack, glancing up, his expression neutral enough for Zuko to pause on the sharp edge of his anger.
“No?” Zuko asks after a long moment, forcing himself to take a steady, even breath. “Why not?”
Zuko half expects something over the top outrageous and flirty, but Jet just chews on his wheatgrass a moment, looking at him, fingers tapping against his pack before he finally says, “I can’t give you what you need, Zuko.”
Zuko…didn't expect to hear that. “What makes you think you know what I need?” he asks, slow, half expecting a joke.
“Oh, babe,” Jet smirks as easy as sliding on a mask, giving him a lazy once over and uncoiling to his feet to saunter into Zuko’s space, reminding Zuko of nine years ago but for the first time not in a good way, “I know plenty of what you need.”
“Yeah?” Zuko asks, half-wary as he lets Jet crowd him back until he has to spread his legs to make room and brace his hands on the crate behind him. “What, then?”
“You want,” Jet whispers, leaning in to say the words soft and sultry against his unscarred ear, “To stop—” hands sliding up Zuko’s ribs. “—holding yourself—” thumbs teasing at his nipples in punctuation. “—back.”
Zuko sucks in a hard breath, shuddering at the unexpectedness of it before he can catch himself. His inner fire wrenches with want and he squeezes his eyes shut, gripping the edge of the crate in a desperate attempt to ground himself. He instinctively reaches for all the patterns of calm, calm, calm he spent so long banging into his head, hitching halfway into the stare of a breath control pattern and eyes snapping open to stare at Jet from a few inches away, Jet's gaze looking back knowing and so unsettlingly, uncomfortably understanding.
“I—” Zuko tries, mouth suddenly dry, “That’s not—I’m supposed to—”  
“You want to cut free,” Jet murmurs almost gently, watching Zuko’s face as he steps forward between Zuko’s thighs. “You want to scream.” Hands sliding down his sides. “You want to slam doors in all their faces,” Jet continues, voice suddenly going hard, low and near vibrating with intensity as he climbs up to straddle him, “And you want to tell them all to go fuck themselves.”
Zuko grabs Jet’s hands as they dip toward the tie of his pants. “You don’t—you don’t—you…”
“You want it,” Jet says hot and intense into his ear before suddenly sitting back on Zuko’s thighs, head cocking almost coy. “And there’s no need to wait, babe,” he purrs, licking his lips as he stares at Zuko’s hands tight around his wrists before meeting Zuko’s gaze. “We can start right now,” he murmurs, sinking his hips against Zuko’s lap in clear invitation and for a moment Zuko can only stare, frozen, feeling his inner flame burning wild and high, his heart pounding, his limbs nearly buzzing with something so close to adrenaline-exhilaration that it might as well be the same thing.
“Or,” Jet says after a moment, head cocking the other way when Zuko doesn’t move, “I can always—”
Zuko darts up, grabbing onto Jet’s hair and yanking him down and biting the side of his neck before he even registers the impulse, sucking with more force than finesse as Jet sucks in a surprised breath. Then he shoves Jet away just as suddenly, Jet’s gasp turning into a grunt of surprise as he goes right off the edge of the crate, barely making his feet before Zuko lunges forward to set his hands on Jet’s shoulders and shoves again, the sound of Jet's knees hitting the hard-packed dirt shuddering through him in the sudden silence.
“We can start now,” Zuko rasps out, shaky and wild and openly wanting like he never hears himself, something strange thrilling in his chest at the sound and then again as Jet half-laughs, reaching up to touch the already reddening mark on his neck, expression something between delighted and incredulous.
“You’re a quick learner, babe,” Jet breathes, grinning up at him feral and hungry and reaching for Zuko’s pants. “No better time than now.”
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reverie-verse · 1 year
Love Triangle Or Not (Four)- Pt 3
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Here are the other parts
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Anon Request Prompt: Y/N is a trainer (very well known for her badassness) She just came back from a mission; she gets a little jelly that Tris and Four had gotten closer. There’s some feelings but on who’s end? Four asks Y/N to help Tris. Being the amazing person she is, she agrees to help, but in the process she gets hurt. After the mission ends she returns home only to have an argument with Four. Leads to late night confessions  
I’m also making Y/N a Divergent but in secret. 
A couple things, this is ridiculously long, I put it in parts and I am releasing them all at the same time because it makes sense okay. Cooooooollll I hope you enjoy. 
Established something between Tris and Four. 
P.S This is extremely action packed and its about the only action packed sequence so have fun reading it and also be very much warned.
My Requests are Open
After that you three had spent hours formulating a plan running through different outcomes to see which was more efficient. You had prepared your tools and items as you headed out of the Dauntless. By now Tris would be taking her test, unfortunately she was quick with it so your time frame was short. In all black your assassin suit tight against your body, you had a hood covering your head and a half mask covering your mouth and nose. Your eyes being the source of all your expressions. Your weapons strapped to your thighs and hip, your black boots set and ready. Lucky for you, your boots made it easy to stay quiet. You had made it to Erudites building crouching down hiding behind the dock ports. Transport vehicles awaited its precious cargo. 
You hid behind two massive cargo boxes peeking around the corner eyeing the guards. You were running out of time. Checking your watch the clock was ticking. You waited till each soldier and erudite were not in sight slipping onto one of the transports. You reached into your pocket pulling out a tiny explosive placing it under the vehicle. On your last vehicle your watch beeped. Your time was out. You needed to get inside quickly. By now the soldiers were coming back with the Erudite transporters. You hop over the loading dock and into the warehouse. You had pressed the button on your watch causing all the tiny bombs to explode popping the back tires blowing the inside up. Screams and yelling were heard calling for backup. The air filled with smoke allowing you to run through. Some men had seen you, they charged at you. You run pulling the knife out from your thigh and you slide under the man’s arm as he swings his fist at you. You threw your knife at the man running towards you and your opponent hitting him in the shoulder causing him to fall. Your opponent behind you turned back around lunging for you. His pair arms wrapped around your waist pulling you back. 
Planting both feet on the ground you reached behind you wrapping an arm around his neck. You used your hips to toss him onto the floor knocking the air out of his chest. You lifted your leg kicking him in the face rendering him unconscious. The other man whom you had thrown the knife at, had pulled out the weapon from his shoulder. He ran towards you swinging his other arm back and forth. You ducked and dodged standing in the side of him; His arm swung again using both hands and you stopped his wrists from going any further. You took one hand in yours, bending it downwards, you placed your other hand on his elbow pushing up at the same time. He dropped the knife scream as his bones broke. You let go quickly, taking this as your chance to hit him in the throat kicking his knees out at the same time, then pushing him off the loading dock into a stack of wooden crates.
You picked your blade up off the ground shoving it back in its sheath. You made your way to the entrance of the building, the alarms blasting through the speakers. You stopped at the doors when you saw that a group of Dauntless soldiers guarded it. They waited for you as they held up their guns and pointed them in your direction. You slowly placed your hands behind your back pulling out a set of tiny devices. At the ready the men inched forward, you waited, another step, wait, another step, now! You pressed the button on the middle as you flung the explosives at the group. They each went off one by one as they tased each guard. You run through the building's entrance making your way to the top. 
As you entered The chaotic building you headed for the serum room. But by the time you had gotten there it was too late. Sure you blew up half the trucks but the rest still made it out. You stopped in your tracks, Tris stands in the middle of the room. Four is standing next to Jeanin. A voice calls out to you. “ Y/N?!” It was Eric’s voice. Anger flashed across his face. 
“ Eric” You warned. 
“ Stand down Y/N” Eric begins to circle you. Knowing full well that you never planned to back down from his dominance. You never have. 
“You know I can’t do that Eric.” 
“No, of course you can’t. But I sure as hell plan on taking you down.”
“ You and I both know that’s not gonna happen” 
Eric chuckles “ We’ll see about that” 
Eric runs towards you, you decide to meet him halfway. You aimed for his middle section throwing your shoulder into his stomach, he was able to take the blow grabbing you as well and tossing you away from him. He threw you over the table making you crash into everything then sliding off of it. Your hood falls off your head only leaving your mask on. You coughed stumbling as you tried to stand up. Less then a few strides Eric made his way to you spearing you through a glass wall shattering it. You both roll and tumble on the ground. As groaned in pain rolling over you and Eric made eye contact. You both waited until you both broke out into a run again Eric snarling along the way, you both went in for a hit, the momentum knocking you both back. You both circled each other, off in the distance screams were heard along with people running. Neither of you paid much attention.  Eric lifted his fist aiming for a punch, you stepped back using the palm of your hand to block it. You used your other hand pushing your palm into his chest pushing him back just a tab. In the same second you turn to the side, extending your leg out kicking him in the chest, he stumbles back not able to catch a second. 
You run up lifting your knee to aim for his chest again, he dodges the move, taking the opportunity to nail you in the side. He grabbed your hair from behind, bringing you back to him. You planted your feet on the ground shoulder width apart as he bent you back, pivoted to your left, turning so that you were facing him, one hand resting under his elbow joint the other on the hand that held your hair. You push up on his elbow then grab the hand that held your hair, making the palm of his hand face upward, you popped his joint forcing him to let go. Eric screams in pain…The fight had only just begun.
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keirawantstocry · 5 months
I saw the witch one you wrote and I NEED more qtubbo fantasy au fics
whether its medieval or witches or pirates or whatever
Even morning crew in general would be so cool
Anon you probably dont know this but i wrote a decently big pirate au fic in one of my other fandoms so this is literally my forte 
The tang of salt water air rushed Tubbo in the face as he stared out over the wide sea from atop the quarterdeck. The sunlight beamed down on his tanning sunburnt skin. The sun and sea were addictive, like a drug straight through his system. He took a deep breath in before heading back down to the underside of the ship. The hatch to the inside creaked like a bitch but it still worked well enough. Soon he was surrounded by the crates of treasure and other various shit they had been stealing from ships the past few days. There in the corner was his first mate, Fit. His typical wooden arm had been replaced with a metal one for their days on the seas. Below him was the crouching, shaking figure of their boyfriend. 
Tubbo crouched beside him and placed an arm around him which he immediately leaned into with a content sigh. “Hey, Pac, how are you doing?” 
“I hate the sea.” 
“We know,” Fit said with a sympathetic look. “We’ll get you back to land soon okay? We have enough loot from this journey to last us years and years.” 
“You also did offer to come with us,” Tubbo mentioned as Fit shot him a mean look. 
“I know,” Pac said with dejection clear in his voice. “I'm sorry I can't handle it.” 
“Hey, no,” Tubbo and Fit said nearly simultaneously as Fit joined Tubbo, crouching on the floor. 
“You're doing your best,” Tubbo soothed. 
“And we are very proud of you,” Fit added. A cannon shot echoed from up above and Fit and Tubbo exchanged a glance. “I got it,” Fit said. He kissed the top of Pac's head. “I'm gonna go kick some ass. Tubbo's got you now.” 
He strode off while Tubbo repositioned to hold Pac closer who leaned into him easily, arms winding around Tubbo's waist. “Am I a burden?” he asked suddenly. 
Tubbo’s eyes widened in shock. “No, of course not dude. I love having you here. I really do. I just wish it didn’t have to make you miserable. I wish you could see and understand the beauty I see in the sea so you don’t have to be upset down here. I’m not disappointed in you because of that. You can’t control your fears.” 
Pac hummed in agreement. “Okay.” He finally lifted his head up to kiss him lightly on the underside of his jaw. “Thank you.” 
“Anytime, king.”
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