#all of you are amazinggggg
soaptaculart · 1 year
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Preview of the sticker sheet I designed for @aasiblingszine !! 💙💛 Preorders are currently OPEN until March 15th! You can grab this and lots of other goodies, plus the wonderful amazing heartwarming heartwrenching zine itself at https://aasiblingszine.bigcartel.com/ !!
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islanddboyy · 1 year
i am not so calmly losing my shit over watching and dreaming
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silencervalkyrie · 3 months
multi fic idea: you write several fics of your otp, different stories, different universes even....but they're all connected. Your otp is bound together through space and time and the last fic has them meeting again but having the feeling that they already know each other. And in fact, they do.
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owlnsfwsstuff · 9 months
. 100% if his cock is robotic ozzie hooked fizz up with the goods it vibrates, extends and has all the notches on it to hit right spots
.fizzarolli is a major dirty talker " oh you like that slut you like my cock you dirty whore~♡"
. He uses his extendo arms to tie you up or roughly use you like a flesh light
. He loves biting with his sharp teeth this jester will leave a sexy mark
.fizz likes to embaress you during sex he finds it adorable and funny and turns him on
.he definitely wants to do threesomes with you him and ozzie seeing how much they can stuff you and the cream pies would be amazinggggg
.fizz has no room for judgment anything you wanna try hes down for he wants to know all your dirty little fantasy's
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. Ozzie loves when you moan for him he's all about it "mm sweet noises while you choke on me~"
.ausmodeus both spit and cum is definitely ambrosia one kiss and you're already horny
.Ozzie is definitely a switch if you like taking the lead you'll see no complaints from him and if you're feeling subby he defined will take control
. His little heads on the side of his hair(?) He loves using them in sex he will eat you out while each head attacks your nipples
.being hes 15ft tall he would use you as a human flesh light
.Ozzie is the king of lust but also he's the king of aftercare anything you need or want he will bring you or do for you cuddling you saying how good you where
.hes so good at everything its crazy hes willing to try anything once that is if you can find something he hasn't done before
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saintwrld · 1 year
Money and Love
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pairing: shuri x black fem!reader
theme: Daddy Panther meets her lovely sugar baby.
summary: as if life wasn't rainbows and butterflies enough for you, it just got a little more complicated. you try to survive but a certain panther graciously offers her hand to you.
warnings: lots of brand names bc i can, innocent!reader,  panther!shuri, reader's protective and toxic parents, possessive!shuri, cocky!shuri, slight smut, thigh riding, praise kink (from Shuri)
word count: 8.7k words (just walk with me y’all)
translations: sthandwa - love, entle - pretty/beautiful, nkosazana - princess
saints's notes: hello everyone! the lovely @playgurlxoxo came up with this amazinggggg idea so i decided to attempt it 🤭. This is for my people who love a good sugar daddy/sugar baby trope so I hope i reach some people standards. also, can you tell that i love wizkid? no? great!
hope you enjoy!
edit: it took me WEEKS to finish it so y'all better like it! also if there are typos, ignore them!!
taglist: @taiiunknown , @playgurlxoxo, @abenomeiiii, @pinkwright, @verachii, @vampzxi, @izrinmabel1 , @marsology, @inmyheadimobsessed , @heejayy , @prettymrswright , @pantherheart, @sapphicvqmpires, @sariiwritingg, @mbakuetshurisprincess, @zayswriting.
Picking at the warm vegetables on your plate with the food, you listened to your parents converse about your study timetable and how it would need to be adjusted now that your aunt is coming to visit soon.
"I'm telling ya, her grades will be intact whether Melissa is here or not. What you do need to control is your raggedy little sister and she's going to behave in my house. My daughter will graduate from that university with my money in the bank." Your father snapped at your mother the moment she mentioned her younger sister.
Looking at the ticking clock on the wall and seeing the hands hit 2:45. Growing up, that would be your three hour warning mark to finish up any homework and take your ass right to bed to wake up at the crack of dawn because your father wanted you to study. Your friends were your books and maybe your two neighbours, Leilani and Justine.
"I told you, Marcus. You better respect my sister when she gets here. You acting like you the only person contributing money into this home. I work too damn hard to not be given credit." Your mother scoffed, stuffing a mini potato in her mouth as she rolled her eyes at your dad.
He simply sighed, looking at you with the same anger that he held for your mother. The moment you were born, he knew you would inherit everything from your mom and he loathed that. Your mom never told him that she was having a girl and that only pushed him to raise you to be his carbon copy with smarts and it confused you as a child. You cooped yourself up and became 'their precious little angel', staying away from everything the normal kids were doing.
I mean, you only got a phone after your 18th birthday and it only stopped being monitored months ago, giving you freedom to try and find yourself. However, you never gave yourself a chance to explore your personality. You even do college online because of what your parents taught you which is to stay away from people because they all have bad intentions.
"Y/n, take that phone of yours and go outside to take a walk. We need this to be a conversation for grown people." He ordered, immediately making you stand up and take your plate to clean it up. After stepping out of the kitchen, you quickly walked to your room to get changed. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you looked pretty decent with a light pink knit sweater with a pair of jeans with air force ones.
Heading to the front door, you heard your mother's booming voice from the dining room. "Don't go anywhere near some boys. You already look like a target for them." Rolling your eyes, you took the spare house keys and slammed the door shut as you stood on the porch. You could hear the complaints from your parents but you could care less about anything they have to say.
Your current mood was caused by a realisation you had earlier. You have no money neither do you have any financial freedom. There are things you wish you could do but you knew your parents held you back but they're right, the world wasn't a safe place even if they are superheros protecting the universe.
Shaking your head out of your thoughts, you gently knocked on the oakwood door, feeling your hands trembling. As the door opened, her deep ginger hair peeked through the door and a grin was painted her face as she recognised who was at her doorstep.
"Hey neighbour!" Your good friend and neighbour Leilani, greeted you enthusiastically with her arms open, ready to hug you. You accepted the hug and let go once she invited you inside her home.
"Hey Lei..."  You trailed off, admiring her house. It was the complete opposite of what yours was because of the multiple plants adorning her walls and windows along with the vibrant colours of her furniture and how different objects were shaped differently, definitely reflecting her calm yet energetic nature.
Seeing them stop in their tracks in their emerald green kitchen, she turned back to face you with a concerned look on their face. "Nope, I will not allow you to be sad in my house. What's wrong?" Lani ran back to your side and gestured for you to sit on the large couch facing the huge tv.
"It's just," you started, plopping down on the soft couch. "I feel so...weird. People my age are doing things that would put my parents in a coma. I understand why they do what they do but it would be nice to do something for myself for once, y'know?" You whined. All your friend did was nod.
"Look, you probably don't wanna hear this but you need to start doing shit for yourself." She replied, seeing you physically cringe at the curse word. "This friendship is the most independent thing you have going for you. Hell, you even do college online because they asked you to." Leilani turned to face you completely.
"My question to you is what do you want for yourself? And don't even think of mentioning your weird ass parents." She commented, making you cut your eyes at her at the subtle insult directed to your parents.
What do you actually want for yourself? First thing that comes to your mind is freedom but you couldn't betray your parents like that. They sacrificed so much for you but if you think about clearly, the insults and bullying from them was unnecessary because you did everything they asked of you. You couldn't go to school because they wanted you to stay home. You couldn't find your own fashion sense because they claimed it was that of whorish behaviour when behind their backs, you gawked at the gorgeous women who were independent and rich on the one app you were allowed to have, Pinterest.
You envied those women. You hated how they could dress freely as they wanted to, you hated how they spent their money on beautiful bags, vacations and diamonds. You hated the smiles on their faces when holding the expensive bag with the shortest mini skirt on. You hated how you wanted to be just like them. You wanted to be a luxurious babe who had as many shoes as there were diamonds on her cuban link.
And oh, how you wanted to be loved. How you want to show off the flowers you had randomly gotten from your significant other. How you wanted to film your reaction to receiving your dream car. How you wanted to keep your relationship private from the world. And most definitely how you wanted to be treated like a princess both physically and sexually. You knew you had no experience in anything involving things that were in the bedroom. The only way you could express such was reading erotic books in the library far from home but then again, you couldn't bring yourself to read past kisses.
You wanted to be rich. You wanted to be loved. You wanted to be happy. You wanted to be free.
You just didn't know where to start.
"I want to do whatever I want." You answered, seeing a smile spread across Leilani's face. She motioned her hand for you to continue. "I want to be able to go out and be social. I wanna form friendships and relationships. I want to be free, Lani." You expressed, feeling tears prick your eyes at the realisation of your dreams.
Leilani stood up and reached her hand out to you. "Wanna start now?" She smirked. Your small smile dropped from your face along with your shoulders.
"I can't," You hesitated. "I don't have anything. They took my whole allowance and put it in my dad's pocket to go towards the church." You explained. Lani's smile widened even more. She took out her phone to text someone. "That's okay, Justine and I have been waiting for this day."
"Waiting? What are you talking about?" You said, still sitting. You were too scared to stand around in people's houses, your parents said it was rude.
"We are taking you to rebel against your parents. Just give them a bit of a heart attack when we get back." She smirked, aggressively typing her phone. You couldn't even respond because you were so shocked. Justine and Leilani were the wildest people you knew, constantly experimenting with tattoos, piercings and all sorts of clothing.
Maybe this is what you needed in order to start your journey into freedom.
The sun was beaming in your face as you sat in the passenger seat of Justine's car, driving down roads that had shops you'd only dreamt of buying from. The bass of the music had the windows slightly vibrating and your two friends sang along loudly to some rappers who you obviously weren't familiar with. Drake and 21 something. Yeah, that sounded about right.
You couldn't help but bop your head along as the beat of the song was hitting against your chest, the melody slowly becoming one of your favourite sounds.
As the song was coming to an end, Justine lowered the volume. "How you feel about piercings?" She questioned, coming to a halt at the red light. You turned your head to show her the frightened look on your face when you heard what sounded like revving from the car next door. Looking at it from your side, it looked matte black with tinted windows. However, you couldn't tell what it was because Justine was fangirling over it.
Slumping back in your seat as it sped away, your friends started discussing it. "Ayo, wasn't that a Mansory?!" Leilani exclaimed from the back seat. "I just know that shit cost a good couple millions." Justine smiled and sped up a little to catch up with the car but it was too far. Holding on to the handle on the car and gripping onto the seatbelt felt like the safest thing to do.
"Man, I love doing that. Anyway, y/n. You ain't answer the question." Justine changed the topic so quickly, you couldn't feel yourself nod, seeing the wide smiles on their faces.
Parallel parking her car in a few seconds seemed effortless as Justine parked in front of a edgy looking parlour, 'V's Secret'. "Okay! Now y/n, remember to enjoy yourself. It's okay to be nervous and if you need anything, just call us. Just don't forget what we discussed." Lani said, leaning forward and looking at me. I nodded and took a deep breath.
"Uh thanks guys. I guess I-i'll see you guys later." You stuttered, clutching onto the small purse Leilani gave you since you didn't have any and you were too scared to go back home anyway so you just agreed to go with your friends.
You got out the car and waved to your overly excited friends who slowly drove off as they watched you step onto the pavement. This would be your first step into your new life, one that wouldn't be controlled by your parents. You surprisingly agreed to their plan of roaming around and window shop, getting food by yourself and anything else you could do with the money they had given you to 'jumpstart your new life' as they said.
Eventually facing the tattoo and piercing shop and taking another deep breath, you enter with fake confidence, gaining the courage to speak to someone, anyone than your friends and parents.
Exiting the shop, you wiped the last of your tears as you held a smile on your face. Grabbing your old, barely functioning phone from the purse, you looked at yourself and admired your nose piercing. It may have been small but you absolutely loved it. So much so that you hadn't been paying attention to where you were going. As if time was slowing down, you collided with someone else and watched your phone fall out of your hands, falling apart as it hit the floor.
Muttering out a few apologies, you kneeled down to collect your absolutely destroyed phone and saw a tattooed and ring-clad hand enter your vision. Looking to the side of the hand, you could see a bright orange bag with blue straps, with you immediately recognising it as 'Louis Vuitton'.
You couldn't pinpoint where you had seen the tattoos on the person's hand but they seemed extremely familiar. "No, please forgive me. I wasn't focused." A low, slightly deep accented voice assured. The accent. It all started to click for you on who exactly you bumped into. Lifting your head to look at the woman, you internally freaked out.
Queen Shuri of Wakanda. The Black Panther was in your presence, helping you. This is the same woman who you had to do an extensive project on in order to get the highest grade for your class. This was the woman who you were incredibly intimidated by whenever she would make eye contact with the camera whenever you were watching her interviews. This was one of the wealthiest and smartest people on earth. She was also what your peers would call your 'gay awakening'. She was one of the most powerful people in the world and she's helping you.
She stood up at the same time as you and the height difference was evident as she towered over you. Looking at the hand extended to you held your phone, it was definitely not going to work after that fall. Still holding an apologetic look on her face, Shuri covered the phone with her hand and held eye contact with you.
"Again, I feel absolutely terrible. Do you mind if we could go replace it?" Shuri suggested. Finally snapping out of it, you furrowed your eyebrows. "O-oh I can't make you do that. I-it's okay, Your Majesty." You hesitated to decline. From the minimal reports you had on the woman in front of you, you knew she didn't take no for an answer.
Her eyes slightly lowered and she tilted her head a little, still keeping the eye contact. You couldn't even feel her taking the phone from your hand. "I insist." She smirked and you felt a drop in your stomach as you could see a glimpse of something  gold resting on her teeth.
"Okay." You whispered as she nodded and held your hand in one hand and the LV bag in the other. She began walking slowly in order for you to match her pace. "If I may ask, what is your name?" She spoke up as she still held your hand. She knew very well that people could see her and immediately recognise her but no one dared to question it.
Giving yourself a chance to observe her, you noticed that she wore a black compression shirt with black cargos paired with sneakers that looked to be from Nike. The cuban link rested on her collarbones shone brightly as the sun reflected on the diamonds. Her earrings were matching with the beaded bracelet on her wrist and on the other sat a silver and gold watch with a dark green face.
"It's Y/n, Your Majesty." You muttered, feeling the eyes on you as you walked with Shuri. You two looked completely different from each other and you knew that. She looked powerful, holding her head high and not being bothered by the stares but you, however, were an anxious mess. Today was going to be simple with you just doing one or two things that were out of your comfort zone but to be walking with royalty was just out of this world.
If your parents caught wind of this, you would be in trouble. Worse than what you could ever imagine.
Seeing Shuri slow down her pace made you halt your steps as you stopped by a car. A car that you somewhat recognised as the one that Justine and Leilani were screaming over. It was truly beautiful when it's parked in front of you. The sharp edges of the design fit Shuri and her current vibe. The car was huge and looked expensive. Shuri watched as you gawked at the car, fascinated by you. The sense of innocence you carried and how you had spoken to her as if you had feared her.
She did not want you to be afraid of her and her status however the innocent look in your eyes sparked something within her. How she wanted to protect you and keep you all to herself because the world would be far too cruel to you. The way you just are boosts her ego to a level she didn't even know existed. She wanted to spoil you with all the money she had. She couldn't get you to be with her yet so she'd lure you in with something that clearly caught your attention very quickly: money.
She unlocked the car and immediately opened the car door for you to which you thanked her as you entered the car that smelt like heaven. The scents of vanilla, sandalwood and a hint of chocolate hit your nose in the most pleasant way. Looking at the rest of the car, you noticed that the stitching on the seats was yellow with the logo replaced with a panther and there were stars on the roof. The dash of the car was black with a hints that you're inside a Lamborghini. Not just any, a customised version for the queen of Wakanda.
She entered the car very quietly, making sure to not startle you during your observation. You watched as her tattooed hand lifted the lever and press 'start', hearing the car roar as she got ready to drive, fastening her seatbelt and her reaching over to fasten yours. Her face was inches away from yours, smelling her perfume and looking at her neck tattoos, drove you crazy. The same feeling you had when you looked at her the first time definitely increased because of her kind gesture. You unconsciously clenched your thighs together, seeing her subtly smirk at you.
"Your name is beautiful. May I apologise once again for your phone." Shuri mentioned, seeing you shake your head in disagreement. "Seriously, there's no need to. I was at fault mostly because I wasn't looking, Panther." You assured, immediately slapping your hand over your mouth as you looked away from her.
Panther?! Why did you call her that?!
"So I'm guessing we're on nickname basis already? I haven't even gotten the chance to introduce myself, sthandwa." She teased, turning the steering wheel to finally drive into the main road. "I-I know that." You muttered making the woman next to you chuckle.
"Can I?" She asked, with you immediately nodding your head. She took note of your eagerness around her. How cute.
"I'm Queen Shuri of Wakanda and also the Black Panther. Do you mind telling me about yourself?" She suggested to which you turned to face her. How were you going to do this? You couldn't reveal your entire life story to her but then again, she's the only person you've met outside of your neighbourhood. You felt protected with Shuri.
"I'm..y/n and I'm a broke college student who just recently got a nose piercing." You said and she looked at you. Looking into your eyes then nose then lips and back to your eyes again. "The piercing suits you." She complimented you and you couldn't help but blush at her words. "Thank you." You whispered as you hid behind your sweater paw.
As if time sped up, the car had stopped and Shuri was climbing out of it to open the door for you once again. You looked at your surroundings once you stepped outside and it was the Apple Store. Knowing how expensive the phones and accessories were, you immediately turned to plead with Shuri to not enter but she gave you a look, lowered eyes with a teasing smile that definitely shut you up.
Walking into the store, you noticed it was empty with employees standing around, gawking at the two of you. Shuri stopped at a particular table with the latest phones on display. Looking at her confused, she pointed to the phones. "Choose the one you want, entle." She smirked. You shook your head slightly, placing your hand on hers. "Shuri, I can't. This is too expensive-"
"I don't take no for an answer, nkosazana. Please, be my guest and choose other things if you want." She looked around the shop and you saw how the workers literally looked away if she faced them. As you looked back at the phones, Shuri went to the employees to introduce herself to every single one of them, displaying her kindness. As much as she has power, she would never want anyone to be scared of her.
Tapping her Kimoyo beads onto the machine and hearing a ping, the employee bagged up your items and gave them to you as Shuri gave you a smile, displaying her grillz. Holding your hand as you two walked out of the store, she greeted everyone goodbye to which they responded back enthusiastically.
You placed the bag in the back seat and entered the passenger seat once again. You felt hot. You kept fanning yourself and using your sweater as a fan. You knew it was because of Shuri. The way she spoke to the employees, the way she held your waist when you had wandered to get a cheaper phone but she wouldn't allow it, wanting you to have what you desired. The way she smiled at you when she was talking to other people. The look she gave you when you thanked her as they rang up your items.
She started driving towards the direction of where you met her. "Would you like a change of clothes? I noticed it in the store." She smiled. "I couldn't possibly do that to you. What you spent on me is more than enough and I'm forever grateful." You gestured to the bag sitting in the backseat.
"Y/n. I truly don't mind doing it all over again. Is that okay with you, sthandwa?" She turned to face you as she stopped at a red light, lifting your chin slightly with a finger. Looking into her eyes, you could tell she was serious.
You pondered over what she just said to you. "So, you are suggesting that you wanna continue spending money on me? Why?" You questioned and she gave a cheeky smile.
"Why not?" She responded and continued driving. You slouched down into the passenger seat in disbelief. Was this going to get you in trouble? Looking at Shuri for some sort of clarification that this is actually happening, you noticed the way she drove. Effortlessly driving with one hand whilst the other is relaxed, ready to shift the Lamborghini into sport mode and in that moment, it made your attraction to her more obvious even though you thought you were being discreet.
Your increased heartbeat heightened her panther senses greatly. Shuri could see you shyly turn away from her whenever she made eye contact with you and she definitely saw the way your face brightened up every time you would see stores like Gucci or Chanel as you two drove past them.
"But.." You sighed, not sure whether to say anything to Shuri or not but there was a sense of comfort you felt with her and it urged you to tell her. It was also for your own good as you kept thinking back to your parents and what they would think of your actions.
"Mhm?" She hummed.
"It's just that...my parents aren't very..nice people. They won't accept any of this, they don't even want me going outside the house! How am I gonna hide these gifts? Oh my goodness, how am I gonna get home?!" You panicked. You've said too much and now, Shuri's going to judge you. Your parents always warned you about talking too much.
You tried breathing in and out, trying to calm your mind clouded with negative thoughts, insults your mom would hurl at you for easily getting into someone's car and how your father would lock you inside your room for even staying out this long.
You had been so out of it, you didn't realise that Shuri had stopped the car on the side of the road and was on your side of the car in seconds. She opened your car door and immediately held your face in her hands. "Hey hey, it's okay, it's okay." Shuri whispered as she tried to look into your eyes which were flowing with tears. You wrapped your arms around her neck as you melted into her touch. Shuri's scent had filled your nose, easing your nerves as your tears slowed down.
"Please look at me, entle." She pleaded. Lifting your head with embarrassment, you looked into her beautiful dark eyes that held sincerity and..adoration. "How about this? Let's go shopping for anything you want. Would that make you happy?" Shuri suggested and you looked at her with wide eyes again.
"You would do that for me?" You asked and you swore you saw Shuri's eyes darken as she stared into yours. "In a heartbeat, sthandwa." And that right there confirmed that you were now her sugar baby.
Stumbling onto Leilani's porch with multiple shopping bags, you knocked and waited for your neighbour to answer her door. Shuri was standing next to you, hoping to help you inside. The pretty Lamborghini was sitting in front of Leilani's house to not get you in trouble which you were most definitely in.
Looking over at your home, you noticed the lights were still on but you kept seeing figures in your room. It was probably your parents doing an 'inspection' as they call it where they check for anything that seems out of your character, such as you writing anything other than school work or even a fictional book.
Even though Shuri tried her best to calm you down throughout the day, you couldn't help but panic. You disrespected your parents. You completely disobeyed them and you knew you were in for it. They would most likely lock you up in your room however, there was a part of you that didn't care. You were happy. Even if this was the only day you would ever be free, you got to spend it with Shuri who you were forever grateful for.
Oh, Shuri. You trusted her with everything you had. How you finally voiced your feelings about your parents and how you realised that you weren't like other people your age. Shuri knew you hadn't recognised your sheltered-ness away from the world yet you yearned to be out there and completely change your perspective on life to that of a rich and free woman. She wanted to be the one to do that for you. To show you how fun life can be, to corrupt you a little, to make you feel good and to spoil you rotten.
Before you could lift another finger to knock on the door again, it swung open and revealed Leilani, wearing the same outfit as earlier and barely focusing on the people in front of her and shouting at whoever was in the living room.
"Yeah yeah, just scroll through the shows Justine! I think it's- Oh my god, y/n! You're alive! How'd you..get..here?" Lani's speech trailed off completely as she let go of your face and stared at who was standing next to you with utter surprise.
"Uh-I-uh" She stammered. She never does that. Hearing commotion from the front door, Justine also made her way there only for her to be shocked just like Leilani. "Is this real?" Justine whispered to you whilst looking at Shuri. "It is very much real however I do have to leave now. It was nice to meet you..." Shuri began, trailing off by asking for their names.
"Leilani!" "Justine!" They both shouted, making Shuri smile. "I'm Shuri. Just making sure that Y/n gets home safely. Have a good rest of your evening," She introduced herself then turned to you. "Sthandwa, I'll see you tomorrow." She kissed your forehead and waved at your starstruck friends as she walked to her car, revving it as she drove down the street.
You turned back to your friends with a smile on your face and they immediately dragged you and the shopping bags inside before screaming their lungs out. "Was that the fucking Queen of Wakanda?!" "She was on my damn porch!" Leilani looked at you and that's when you knew you were in for a long night with your friends.
"Girl, we said a nose piercing, not half of Beyoncé's closet!" Justine picked up the bags and looked at the labels. "Bitch. She's got Gucci, Chanel, Rick Owens, Ysl, Balmain, Burberry, Dior and is that...is that Valentino?!" Leilani joined Justine in looking at the 13 bags sprawled out on the floor.
"Wait a damn minute. Shuri bought all this for you?" Justine asked you and looked into your eyes. You instantly started feeling bad. "Oh, was she not supposed to? I can call her and tell her to take them back-" "NO!" Your friends simultaneously shouted, causing you to flinch at the noise. "Sorry, what we meant to say was that these are your things. Queen Shuri bought them for you so you don't have to return them, okay?" Leilani then explained and you nodded.
"Do you wanna tell us about your day? After getting the piercing, what happened?" Justine asked as she led you guys to the living room couch. "Oh! I dropped my phone and she offered to buy me a new one and so she did and bought me other things from the Apple Store. Then I had a little panic attack but she helped a lot then took me out for lunch then we went shopping. Can you believe all she had to do was walk in and the stores would stay open for us? She then offered to do this again and she's seeing me again tomorrow." You rambled.
Taking a deep breath, you calmed yourself down and looked to your friends who were still in shock. "Dude, she basically asked you to be her sugar baby." Now, you were a little confused. "What's that?" You asked.  "In hindsight, you get paid by someone to spend time with them and in return, they spoil you with whatever you want." Leilani explained, causing you to stay silent.
Would that be a problem for Shuri if anyone found out?
"Anyways! Let's go choose an outfit for you! Did she say you could be comfortable?" Justine stood up and questioned. "She just said to be myself and wear whatever I want." You answered making their smiles grow larger.
Adding the glue to your false eyelashes, Leilani gently stuck the natural-looking minks on. Opening your eyes, you looked at yourself in the mirror, you admired what you saw. It was still your face, just with a little makeup on, the girls giving you a natural look. Your hair was styled so beautifully, Leilani creating the long braid effortlessly with two curls in front of your face.
The dark green khaki mini skirt was pleated with ease, the colour scheme working nicely as your white knit sweater looked effortlessly put together with platform Rick Owen sneakers gracing your feet. The Dior earrings were exposed due to your hairstyle which also didn't hide the cuban link you had on. You loved Shuri's one so she decided to get you your own.
"Ah! You look so pretty!" Justine complimented you and you had the biggest grin on your face. You felt beautiful and that made you happy. Just the whole day had you feeling amazing. After bonding with your friends and them fawning over your clothes and your new lifestyle, you went back home empty handed and said to your parents that you went to the library and they believed you. You finally lied to them and it felt good. Doesn't mean you're going to did it all the time but it felt good.
This morning, they had decided to leave the house to you for the weekend as they're leaving for a church event and they knew you had a paper due soon (that you've already completed). You immediately informed your friends and they made it their mission to get you ready for tonight.
Picking up your new phone from Leilani's vanity, you noticed a notification from Shuri and that she was 10 minutes away from your location however she sent that message ten minutes ago. Your eyes widened and you rushed to look outside the bedroom window to see a g wagon and Shuri leaning against it. The panther could feel you looking at her from the window and she smiled at you, making you squeal as you grabbed your mini Lady Dior bag.
Before opening the front door, you looked back to your friends to give them both hugs as goodbyes before making your way out of the door to meet Shuri. Leilani shouted her supportive words as she leaned on her porch, as if she's watching her child leave to go on a date.
"Hiii!" You elongated the greeting towards the panther who sported a toothy grin, reaching her hand out to you to be held. Observing her, you noticed you both went a familiar route with your outfit. Shuri looked casual with a red Diesel sweater and black cargo, finished off with red nike dunks. You noticed that you both wore the chain and it made your heart jump. "Hello Y/n. Did you say bye to your friends?" She asked and you nodded. She nodded as well and opened the car door for you, struggling to get into the large car and eventually using the step of the car.
The trip to your destination was unfamiliar however, Shuri was dedicated to making you feel comfortable and decided to play a bit of music but kept it soft enough to keep conversation with you. Driving into the entrance of the restaurant, you were absolutely mesmerised by the exterior of it all. It looked like an luxury hotel with a valet in front and you were so excited to even step foot in such a place. Putting your focus back in front of you, a forest green Rolls Royce Cullinan entered your vision and you were absolutely stunned, looking to Shuri who was smiling at your reaction.
"Remember I was talking about it yesterday? I didn't think it existed! It's so pretty!" You gushed at the car once again. Shuri had noticed your fascination with cars as you spent the afternoon with her yesterday and how you had pointed out the Cullinan because of its stature and its design. You also pointed out that you knew how to drive but your parents basically forbid you from driving in case you ever thought of leaving them. Shuri kept the information and changed the subject as she noticed your mood change at the subject of your living situation.
"I wonder if the owner just bought it because it looks brand new." You thought out loud, seeing the car reverse-park into the space next to Shuri's g wagon. You wondered why she didn't use the valet workers to park the car but you brushed it off as she helped you out of the car.
"Is this a contract?" You asked after you swallowed the last of your pasta al forno. Shuri nodded before speaking. "It's to set rules for this arrangement before we continue with it. Just read through it then tell me what you think." She said, taking a sip of her cocktail as she looked at you. Although you had changed your look for this date, she found you absolutely stunning. She adored how your eyes lit up at anything that interested you and how you took a deep breath whenever entering a new place as if you're reassuring yourself that you're actually doing something. And your smile. How she wished she could engrave the image of your smile in her mind. It lit up every room you walked and it made Shuri's heart melt everytime. How you cling to her arm at the slightest stare people give you two as if you feel safe with her and she loved it. She hadn't told anyone about you as if you were too good to be true.
You leaned your head closer to the single piece of paper, reading every word in your mind unless you had questions for her. " 'According to your availability, you can accompany me to Wakanda and possibly any other event.' Are you sure?" You asked the panther. She placed her fork down and nodded. "You could ask anytime to join me and I will fly you out if you're not with me. However, you won't be using any airplanes most of the time." Shuri stated and the sheer thought of travelling with her made you rub your thighs together. Just being around her made you feel things you've never felt before and you needed some sort of release.
Reading over the financial aspect of the contract, it stated that you would be getting your own bank account and on each meeting you have with her, you would get ten thousand dollars every single time. You audibly gasped when you read that. Lifting your head to make eye contact with Shuri, she gave you the smallest smirk, clearly amused by your stunned expression.
"What's wrong, sthandwa?" She asked, "Is it too little? We can discuss the price." The royal suggested, knowing all too well what she was doing. "Too litt- Your majesty, this is way more than enough. What am I gonna do with so much?" You pondered, continuously looking back at the contract in front of you.
"Whatever your heart desires. And please, don't be afraid to ask me for anything that you want. I want to do this for you, okay?" Shuri held her hand out to you on the table and you hurriedly put yours on top. You couldn't come up with any words for her. This was something that could happen in your wildest dreams and it was right in front of you.
"Read the rest of the contract then let me know your thoughts." Shuri took a sip of her drink again and you couldn't help but looking at her throat as the drink went down. Everything about Shuri right now made your body tingle however you couldn't voice that to her, you didn't want to think of her touching you yet or how your underwear was getting damp at the thought of her caressing your body with her tattooed hands.
"Y/n?" Shuri called out to you. You perked your head up once again. "Huh? Oh! T-the contract yes" You stuttered, internally panicking that she caught you zoned out. You could only imagine what she would say if she knew what you were thinking about.
"Are you okay, entle? Are you nervous?" When asking the second question, Shuri's tone dropped slightly, giving you shivers down your spine. Shaking your head at her and deciding to focus on the paper in front of you, it shows that you've reached the physical section of it. The contract stated that there would be sexual contact within the arrangement but only when you are comfortable enough to begin with it. Reading the sentence caused your face to heat up more than before and it caught the attention of Shuri who just smirked to herself. It had also stated that if it there were to be any romantic feelings involved, to not be afraid to act upon them. "Romantic?" You muttered. "It's normal for people to gain a romantic connection. If it so happens within this arrangement, there won't be an issue." Shuri answered. You took in her words and felt a pull in your stomach that felt pleasurable.
"I see you're near the end. Would you like me to adjust anything for you?" She asked, batting her pretty eyes at you as if she wasn't the cause of your lower body...issues. You gave a slight nod. "Um, I know i-i'll be comfortable with it but I only have one question for you. Is it okay if someone like...you were to have an arrangement with me like this?" You pondered. Was this even allowed?
"Y/n. As much as I don't want to sound like a narcissist, I am the queen of Wakanda and I'm allowed to have my own fun at times." Shuri expressed to you. All you could do was nod at the panther's words of subtle cockiness. You had more that you wanted to say but your body betrayed you as you released the slightest of a whimper. You were holding the hem of your skirt tightly, avoiding all eye contact with Shuri as you were filled with embarrassment.
Shuri looked at you with amusement, seeing you folding so quickly at her words. As much as she wanted to take you right then and there, she refrained because she knew she had a surprise planned for you. "Look at you, all flustered. Just from my words, nkosazana?" Shuri commented, leaning against the chair as she observed you.
She couldn't wait any longer. She needed to do something for you, anything to see you all over her. Calling her name out loud when you-
"Come with me, baby. I have something for you." The panther rose to her feet, going over to your side of the table to help you up. Keeping the eye contact between the two of you, she took your hand and began to lead you out of the private seating of the restaurant.
"Wait Shuri. What about dinner?" You looked back at the table to see your empty plates left there. "I had already payed for everything before I picked you up." She commented, giving a nod and smile to the waiter who entered the section to clear out the table. People in the restaurant weren't afraid to stare at the royal and the girl with her but seeing Shuri hold herself up with confidence was the hottest thing you've ever seen, her giving acknowledgment to the employees only.
Walking out of the restaurant and onto the walkway to the parking lot, she wrapped her arm around you to keep you as close to her as she could. Reaching her G-wagon, you grew confused as you turned to her only for her to have an object in her hand that wasn't there before.
You looked at the beautiful Rolls Royce once again, seeing the RR statue lift from the hood of the car. The car's lights blinked once and you were a little scared that the owner of the car would see two people just standing in front of it. Shuri took your hand again and placed the object in your hand, looking down to see car keys with the logo of the forest green beauty.
Realising what was going on, you snapped your head towards the royal who had the most beautiful smile on her face as she watched your reaction to her gift. "You got me my dream car?" You whispered as you stepped closer to her, inhaling her addicting scent.
"For when I'm not around and you just feel like getting out of the house." Shuri said, looking into your eyes seeing the slightest hint of tears brimming. You wrapped your arms around her waist, bringing her even closer to you. She reciprocated the hug and it was a silent moment between the two of you, something that will never be forgotten.
She lightly tapped your lower back, causing you to lift your head to look up at her without letting go of the hug. "Let's go see inside. I added a few touches to make it special for you." Shuri mentioned, turning both of your bodies towards the car whilst keeping her arm around you. "Thank you." You whispered to her and leaned close her face to give a kiss on the cheek, already missing the feeling of your lips.
Running towards your brand new car, you opened the driver's door and hopped in with the door closing by itself. The seat was adjusted for you and you held onto the steering wheel with the silver stitching. Looking across the dashboard, it was as if marble had been placed there above the compartment area. Studying the seats, they had the same stitching as the steering wheel and the seat head had your name in cursive instead of the classic RR. The backseat of the vehicle had two gifts, one from Hermes and one from cartier with the prettiest bouquet of flowers behind them. Finally looking up the ceiling, you noticed the infamous stars on the ceiling. Looking at Shuri sitting comfortably in the passenger seat, you felt the feeling from the restaurant come back as you see Shuri gazing at you.
"Entle," She called out, with you responding with a hum as you looked anywhere else but at her piercing gaze. "Look at me." She commanded. Giving yourself the courage to, you met her eyes that had seemed to darken.
She patted her thigh, encouraging you to climb over to her side of the car. You lifted your legs over the middle of the car, hovering over the thigh she had tapped. Reaching for your hips, she held them and slowly brought you down to completely sit on her. You whimpered at the contact your core made with the material of her pants. "Do you want me to make you feel better?" She taunted, Shuri had gotten wrapped around her finger. She had barely touched you and you had only sat on yet you could feel your release as she spoke those words.
You hurriedly nodded, holding her shoulders for support to get you ready. "I need words, my love." "Yes, please Shuri." You pleaded. You were on the verge of tears at this point and the royal had barely lifted a finger. Dragging her hands up your thighs, they landed on your ass, slightly grabbing onto the flesh causing you to lean forward. The gaps erupted from you quickly as your underwear dampened even further.
Holding the space between your ass and your hips, Shuri slowly guided you as she rocked you back and forth making you release stutterted moans. "Let me hear, mama. I wanna hear that sweet voice." She praised, making the slick from your core travel onto her pants. "Oh my-" You cut yourself off, unable to form words when you felt her hand creep into your underwear, slowly massaging your clit.
"Please, panther." You moaned out, rocking a little more faster to chase your release. Shuri looked at your fucked out face as she lightly touched you. She began laying kisses on your exposed neck, careful to not make any marks. Kissing up your jaw until she reached your face, she looked at your parted lips before leaning in to bite your lower lip. You whined at the action, feeling the familiar pull in your stomach.
Finally placing her lips on yours, she gently guided you into the kiss, holding your face in her hands. You continued to chase your orgasm while focusing on the kiss. Occasionally pulling away to give you pecks, she kissed you again with you feeling the curls of her hair brush against your face. Indulging in her lips, Shuri sped up her movements on your clit as you felt your legs begin to slightly shake, knowing you were finally getting the release you've been craving.
Releasing a loud moan when your orgasm has washed over, you panted and looked at Shuri in a dazed state. "You did such a good job, sthandwa. C'mere." She praised once again, pushing you closer to her by the arch of your back. She pecked your lips then held your hips to keep you steady on her thigh.
"Are you up for lunch tomorrow?" She suggested and you nodded, blushing at the thought of what just transpired. "We leave for Paris in the late morning then." She finalised, making you widen your eyes. "What? Isn't Paris at least 16 hours away from here?" You asked the royal who seemed to find your confusion amusing.
"Now that you're with me, you'll experience things a little differently. France is a 3 hour flight on the Talon ship. And don't even bother packing, we'll buy things that side, okay?" Shuri smiled, seeing your stunned expression.
That's when you knew that your life had changed forever.
Bonus scene!
"Y/n! Get yo ass down here!" You heard your father's shrill voice scream at the top of his lungs. Rolling your eyes, you made your way downstairs holding the Hermes Kelly bag that Shuri had bought for you on your first date.
Hearing your mother gasp loudly as you ascended down the stairs was enough to suck the air out of the room. You looked down to your outfit and saw the reason for her dramatics. Your maxi dress had cut outs on the sides of it along with the plunging neckline showing off your chest. Not to mention the dress fitting your body tightly. The Burberry cap had covered the top of your head which held beautiful goddess braids.
Your parents had stayed at the church event and eventually travelled with the church for a few more days before coming home to find a Rolls Royce sitting in their driveway. Thinking that it was probably a neighbour, they had thought nothing of it, assuming you were at the library once again. Returning home at the crack ass of dawn from your spontaneous Paris trip with Shuri, you hadn't shown face to your parents until the next morning which is right now.
"Who's goddamn Rolls is that outside my house?! I asked that man across the street and he said it's not his. Why is it here?" He yelled out, noticing you hadn't flinched at his tone. Giving him a bored look, you answered. "It's mine. Now if you excuse me, I have to go somewhere." Walking towards the front door, you heard your mom screaming. "Who bought you such an expensive car and why the hell are you dressed like that, young lady?!"
Opening the door, you walked out and before closing it completely, "Someone will come pick up my things later on today. Bye!" You shut the door and ran to your car, immediately starting. Hearing your phone buzz as you begin to drive, you asked Siri to display it on your screen in the car.
Panther 🤍
How do you feel about coming to Wakanda with me? :)
hope you enjoyed!
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gretagerwigsmuse · 2 years
and even when we’re wrong in every way, we come out the other side okay [part 1/2]
Summary: in which lieutenant commander bradshaw has a thing for smart girls - and maybe ones who hate his guts on principle. a lie by omission is still a lie after all and bradley never exactly told you what he did for work...
OR you take on the us military industrial complex one hinge date at a time...well sort of
Pairing: Rooster x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+, explicit language, explicit sexual content (oral (m receiving), vaginal fingering, p in v, and slight dom/sub and praise and rank kink elements), idk basically she’s a bit of a brat? and he likes it? it’s kind of filthy, but it’s supposed to be kind of funny and a little silly?
A/N: thanks to everyone who liked the sneak peek and provided such positive feedback! but i really have to give a shout out to my buddy sol (desertsagecelestial) for being the absolute best sounding board with this fic! definitely check out her wip, it’s amazinggggg. anyway, enjoy! (9.9k) Part 1.5
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Bradley previously hadn’t had much luck on Hinge, but after Phoenix had taken charge of his profile, specifically his picture selection, he had been doing a lot better. That being said, however, you were still the first girl he had actually met up with to go on a date. 
Hangman had initially scoffed at the notion of Bradley’s Hinge date that night - god, Bradshaw you’re hopeless, don’t you know all the easy ones are on Tinder? - but had quickly changed his tune once Bradley had shown him your profile. 
She seems smarter than you was all he had said and Bradley wasn’t so cocky as to not take it as a compliment. Plus, he liked smart girls. There was something about them. It didn’t hurt that the ones he had come across were always a little prissy, a little spoiled - a little uptight. 
A little bratty.
You both originally bonded over going to UVA - albeit with quite a few years between your graduating classes. You worked for one of the Big Four accounting firms and had a job title that Bradley didn’t quite understand except for the fact that it sounded important. You both traveled a lot for work, were newly settled in the area and randomly New England Patriots fans. 
Over the last few days, you had been texting frequently, starting off the day with your Wordle scores and a fun fact. It was cheesy and a little nerdy, but you were a big trivia fan - and San Diego County Barstool Trivia Champion - and Bradley had wanted to impress you. It was important that he impressed you.
Before heading out for training every morning, he’d try to find some new fact to stump you. His were always a bit nerdy, more random, while yours were always a bit more serious. Yesterday’s had been the tiny pocket in jeans was made for a pocket watch, while yours had been there are over 7100 islands in the Philippines. 
Thankfully, the date was going well - really well, actually. You both loved history and had studied political science at UVA. Bradley couldn’t believe you’d had some of the same professors, even graduating eight years apart. 
And he couldn’t stop the smile from creeping across his face when he got you to admit - begrudgingly - that you had been a Tri-Delta. Because of course you had been. All the smart, rich girls had been. And well, if one thing had been consistent over the years, it was Bradley’s taste in women. 
That being said, he had been absolutely bowled over when you had shown up, pretty little sundress and all, looking even more beautiful than the pictures on your profile. 
More to the point, though, he liked you and it appeared that you liked him too if the way you readily laughed at his jokes and kept brushing your knees against his under the bar top were any indication.
But it was about an hour into your date when the trouble started. Or well, maybe not trouble. A development, he supposed. 
A minor divergence of opinion, really. 
Nothing major.
“So, what’s with the bar?” you asked, looking around, a teasing smile on your face. Bradley cocked his head. “I mean, is it just me or is like every naval officer within a forty mile radius here?”
He shrugged. “Oh, uhh my friends and I like it. It’s right near the base and we normally come after training. It’s not too fussy, I guess, so I thought it would be good for a first date. Low key and all that?”
Maybe he had misjudged picking the Hard Deck. It wasn’t exactly the finest establishment in San Diego County, but the drinks were good and you had mentioned Coronado a couple times over text, so Bradley had thought it would be convenient for you. 
In fact, to offset the location, he had even worn a pale blue oxford, unbuttoned but with a plain white t-shirt underneath. You seemed like the kind of girl who would have appreciated the effort. At least that’s what he had gleaned from your Hinge profile.
“Oh.” That wasn’t a good ‘oh.’ You even leaned back on your barstool. “You’re in the military?”
Bradley chose his next words very carefully, mindful that there definitely seemed to be a wrong answer here and he was about to give it. 
“Yeah, a naval aviator,” he nodded, trying to sound casual, “is that going to be a problem?”
You shrugged and took a sip of your margarita before licking some of the salt off the rim. Bradley watched, captivated, despite the fact that you had just insulted him indirectly. 
“I mean, I understand that we need a military - to a certain extent, at least. But I’m kind of against the whole US Military Industrial Complex thing? Like the US alone spends more on defense than the next nine countries combined. And the cost of one of those planes you fly could probably feed the entire New York City public school system’s worth of kids three meals a day for at least - well, I’m pretty shit at math, but I’d say at least five years -” 
Holy shit. You were - oh, fuck. Before he really thought it through, Bradley went to interrupt you. “- I mean, when you put it -”
“- Plus, the whole imperialism, white man’s burden, manifest destiny bullshit you all like to spout out like Uncle Sam’s got your dick in his mouth. It’s a bit much.”
Bradley scoffed. He couldn’t help it. In all his years of being in the Navy, he’d never once had this sort of reaction. It was - oddly stirring, actually - finding out the woman he had envisioned every night before he’d fallen asleep the last few nights apparently now hated his guts.
“I get what you’re saying - to an extent,” he reiterated once he saw your pleased smile, “but the military still does a lot of good outside of combat zones.”
You laughed, but it lacked any humor. “Sure, taking advantage of impressionable kids with the promise of free college - that they probably won’t actually take advantage of because going back to school when you’re older than ninety-nine percent of your classmates isn’t daunting at all, to say nothing of the exploitation of foreign nations to further stock the US’ natural resource coffers - is a great business model?”
He ignored you and nodded towards your margarita. “Want another drink?”
“Only if you put it on Uncle Sam’s dime.”
“So, do you just regularly lie to women?”
You were both on drink number two and the awkwardness of your earlier outburst hasn’t quite dissipated yet. The sexual tension on the other hand? If Bradley had thought it was high earlier, it was stratospheric now.
“What’re you talking about?” He hadn’t lied to you, to his knowledge, at least. 
You crossed your ankles and clasped your hands in your lap. “On your profile, you didn’t mention anywhere that you were in the military? A lie by omission is still a lie.”
And you didn’t mention how much of a brat you were. 
Bradley shifted on his barstool and subtly readjusted his jeans. “I’m not in the habit of lying to women…”
You scoffed. “Well, how do women normally react when you tell them you fly around in a $65M plane all day?” He’d never really thought about it. “Is it like a puck-bunny thing?”
“Or whatever the military equivalent of a puck-bunny is?”
It was a tag chaser, but Bradley wasn’t about to tell you that. Not when he was imagining you wearing nothing but his dog tags, splayed out on his bed, while his tongue lapped against your dripping wet cunt - 
“- Some women like it, sure.”
You cocked an eyebrow. “And you like that?” 
Bradley shrugged. It was nice sometimes, but it definitely got a little old, all those guys and girls imagining playing the good little house-spouse waiting for him at home with dinner on the table, two kids and a dog running in the yard. That was more Hangman’s thing, anyway. Lately, Bradley had liked his partners with a little more spark, a little more fire, a little more substance. 
A little more like you.
“It has its benefits sometimes.”
It seemed like you couldn’t hold back the bark of laughter that burst out of your mouth. But just as suddenly as you‘d started, you’d stopped. You rolled your shoulders back and then flipped your hair over one of them, giggling in an exaggerated manner. 
“Hmmm like this? Oh, Captain Bradshaw, please take me for a ride in your big, big plane? Is there any way I can thank you for defending our country? No, sir, it’s just the cockpit is so big and I don’t know if I’ll be able to manage it. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of on leave. Yeah, I bet you just love that, captain,” you bit out the honorific.
“If you’re gonna be a brat about it, at least get my title right, sweetheart,” he snapped, the first time all night. He shoved his knee in between your legs, widening the space between your thighs just slightly. “It’s Lieutenant Commander.”
“Oh, my apologies.” You shifted on your barstool and crossed your legs at your ankles, looking like the textbook definition of prim and proper. “You’ll have to excuse me, lieutenant commander, all this new information I’m learning about you has left me feeling a bit…overwhelmed.”
Bradley hooked his foot around your barstool and dragged it even closer to him. You let out a squeak and had to brace yourself by holding onto his shoulders. 
And then it was like everything else in the Hard Deck had faded to the background: the jukebox playing Al Green’s Tired of Being Alone, the clack of billiard balls in the back corner, the King’s game on the TV above the bar. All Bradley could focus on was you - the slight rise and fall of your chest, the way your breasts were straining against the deep V of your dress, the smell of your floral perfume, and how your eyes widened at your sudden proximity.
And that was when he knew. Knew as well as the sun was going to rise tomorrow morning that you were going to fuck that night.
He hadn’t planned on sleeping with you on the first date. In fact, it really hadn’t even crossed his mind. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. But Bradley never fucked on the first date. Long gone were the one night stands he had indulged in during his twenties. He wanted someone who was smart, who put him in his place, who he could laugh with and have a real conversation. 
Someone like you - military prejudice aside. And yeah, you made some…interesting points and he agreed with some of them. But, for now, Bradley wanted to see how far you both could take this before either of you snapped. 
“You have any more questions for me, sweetheart?” He dragged his fingertips down your arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “Don’t like the thought of you being too - what was it again - overwhelmed?”
You let out a little whimper and then shook yourself slightly, seemingly stepping out of a trance. 
“Hmmm have you ever taken a girl for a ride in that stupid plane of yours to get her to sleep with you? Seems like misappropriating government property would be right up your alley - lieutenant commander.”
He clicked his tongue and leaned back. “Can’t say I have. Bit of a stickler for the rules.”
“Somehow I doubt that,” you teased. “Do you have one of those nicknames - no wait, what are they called? Callsigns? Do you have one of those callsigns?”
Your legs were pressed tightly together, crossed at the ankles. He had a sudden desire to thrust his knee in between them again. It had been impossible to ignore the fire that had sparked in your eyes the last time he had done it. 
In response to your question, Bradley hesitated, already knowing you were going to tease him even more. “Rooster.”
“Like the chicken?” You tilted your head. “Or is it a cock? I can never tell?”
“Why? You wanna see it?”
You rolled your eyes and knocked back the rest of your margarita, making a point to keep eye contact with him as you licked the salt off the rim - again. Fucking minx.
“I’ll be back, get me another.”
And without a word from Bradley, you spun around on your barstool, giving him the slightest glimpse of your ass when your dress rode up, and set off towards the bathroom at the back of the bar.
He sat there for a moment, his mouth slightly gapped open in - shock, awe, arousal? Because holy shit. The past twenty minutes or so had been some of the most sexually charged of his life thus far. There were times when he could have sworn one of you was going to leave - or worse, grab the other by the back of the neck and start dry humping against the bar.
“What the fuck did you say to her?” Phoenix hissed in Bradley’s ear, snapping him out of his daydream. 
He startled and then gestured wildly. “It was going fine for a while and then I told her I was in the Navy and she started going on about defense budgets and misappropriating government property and Uncle Sam sucking my dick - I don’t know, Phoenix!”
She snorted and then seemed to realize he wasn’t kidding. “Oh my god - wait, we need to tell Bagman -”
“- Don’t you fucking dare -”
She ignored him and went on her tiptoes to lean over Bradley. “- Bagman, get over here,” she shouted.
Surprisingly, and without comment at the unfortunate nickname, Hangman came over towards the two of them. “What’s wrong, Bradshaw scare the poor girl off already? Probably escaping out the bathroom window as we speak.”
Bradley flipped him off, but it lacked any heat. He also signaled for Jimmy to get him another margarita and old fashioned then to close out his tab. 
“She doesn’t like the military.”
Hangman whistled. “Tough, I’ve dealt with that before and trust me, it never ends well. Cut your losses and block her.”
But Bradley didn’t want to do that. His losses did not want to be cut - at all. He wanted to see how that smart mouth of yours looked wrapped around his cock. Or how prettily you sighed as he lapped at your sopping wet cunt. If you laughed easily or thought he was a good singer. If you wanted to try that new restaurant that opened in Gaslamp with him. 
Fuck. He wanted you - desperately. And worse than that, he liked you. Liked how smart you were, liked your sense of humor, liked you. And some part of him felt bad for setting you up. 
Because he hadn’t told you he was in the Navy. It wasn’t that he purposely didn’t tell you, he just hadn’t. And you were right, a lie by omission was still a lie. 
So, yeah. You were probably a little validated in your ire. But god, if it wasn’t one of the hottest things Bradley had ever seen. Who knew a woman reading him for filth would be such a turn on?
“Nah,” Phoenix patted him on the back like you would a child who had just lost their first little league game, “I have a feeling Rooster’s going to see this one through.”
Jimmy brought over a fresh margarita for you and an old fashioned for Bradley and also left the check. He gave Bradley an encouraging smile and Bradley was glad Penny hadn’t been there to see - well, see whatever the fuck was going on with you and him. Because Penny would tell Mav and Mav would go all fatherly on him and tell him to be respectful towards girls, no matter your difference of opinion. He sighed.
“It’s like I still want to impress her - she just doesn’t -”
“- Want to be impressed by you?” Bradley nodded. “Do you actually like her or do you just like the challenge?”
“The challenge, obviously,” Hangman scoffed, “girl sounds like a bitch - guess she could be kinda hot, if she cut out that whole type a, stick up her ass shit -”
Bradley clenched his jaw and muttered: “- Fuck off, don’t be an ass.”
“Oh that’s right,” Hangman nudged Phoenix like she was in on it, though she looked almost as pissed off as Bradley, “girls like that have always been Rooster here’s kryptonite. Do you think that stems from your mommy or daddy issues?”
Just as he was about to go off on Hangman, Bradley noticed Phoenix’s eyes widened at something over his shoulder and he instinctively knew it was you. Fuck. He really hoped you hadn’t heard what Hangman had said. 
“Just fuck off,” he muttered to both Hangman and Phoenix before you could get any closer. Phoenix sent a small, but kind smile your way, while Hangman just rolled his eyes and then they were gone. 
You were quiet as you approached the bar, a timid smile on your face. 
“Your buddies trying to get you to ditch me?” Your voice sounded softer, shy for the first time all night. “They scared I’m going to brainwash you or something? Make you drink my liberal tears?”
Bradley genuinely laughed and got a brief smile out of you. “Nah, they were more worried about me being too hard on you, at least my friend Natasha was - here,” he held his hand out to help you get back on the barstool. 
You ducked your head as you muttered out a thanks. For the first time since your date had started, the conversation wasn’t flowing and the two of you sat side by side in silence having a couple sips of your drinks. Bradley kept thinking over what Hangman had said and hoped you hadn’t been able to hear him as you approached. Meanwhile, you rolled the tiny straw between your fingers as you took a sip of your margarita, thinking something over if the little crinkle between your brow was any indication.
You had definitely heard what Hangman had said about you. But that didn’t mean it was what Bradley had thought about you. He missed the you from earlier in the evening - the one who got the Wordle right in two tries that morning and relentlessly bragged about it, the one who he had made laugh so hard tears had sprang from your eyes when he told you about his run in with an old woman at the grocery store last week, the one whose entire face lit up when talking about something you were passionate about.
Sure, he liked arguing with you - and he was pretty sure you did too - but he didn’t want you to think this was a joke to him or anything like that.
Bradley took his eyes off the King’s game he wasn’t really watching on the TV above the bar and turned his body towards you. He said your name and lightly nudged your shoulder. Slowly, you turned your head, though not your body, to face him. 
“Sorry about Hangman - Jake, that is. He’s not exactly who I’d go to for dating advice - pretty sure he hasn’t made a girl cum in about five years - something about seeing this girl for a couple months until they found out they were distant cousins or something?” 
It wasn’t true - at least Bradley didn’t think so - but he got a small smile and slightly amused head shake out of you. 
“Regardless of all of this, you shouldn’t have had to hear that, especially since I don’t -”
You fully turned to face him. “- Listen, Bradley,” you said a moment later, “I got dressed up for this, wore cute underwear, and even got a wax, so if this was a - a joke or if you don’t see this going forward in any way or - god, if you don’t even want to - look, I can just leave and we can pretend -”
“- No. We’re leaving.” He didn’t recognize his own voice. It was deep, commanding - dominant. And all you could do was lick your lips. “Now.”
With a smile on your face, you let him take you by your elbow and guide - read drag - you towards the exit, barely stopping to allow you to grab your clutch off the bar top. Knowing Hangman and Phoenix were no doubt watching the entire series of events unfold, Bradley threw his middle finger up over his shoulder, and then let the door close firmly behind his back. 
It was quiet in the parking lot, just the hum of the chatter and music from inside the bar echoing across the pavement. Bradley held your hand as he walked to his car in the back corner of the lot. You approached the Bronco and leaned your back against it casually. 
“So, what now?” You crossed your arms over your chest, inadvertently pushing your breasts together. “You gonna take me against the side of your truck like a big strong boy? Put me in my place?” 
He took a step towards you, then another. He could feel the heat pouring off your body and watched the slight rise and fall of your chest. 
“No, I’m gonna take you home and fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk straight in the morning, that sound good, sweetheart?” You nodded dumbly. “And for the record, it’s not a truck, it’s a Bronco.”
You giggled. It was cute and so out of place considering what Bradley had just said to you. God, you were cute. More than cute. 
“Fine, as long as you don’t take us on the 405 to Brentwood…”
Bradley barked out a laugh at your joke. “You think you’re funny, don’t you?”
“I doubt my charm is what got me all the way here.” You placed your hands on his chest. He couldn’t tell if you were going to push him away or pull him closer. 
“You’d be surprised…” he muttered. 
And then, before he could overthink it, Bradley leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. For all his thoughts earlier in the evening, the kiss was surprisingly tender. You tasted like lime and tequila and smelled like summer. 
His hands dug into your hips, pulling you even closer and you let out a gasp - a perfect, breathy, little gasp against him when he pressed himself against your core. Your arms wound themselves around his neck and he in turn picked you up slightly and leveraged you against the door of the Bronco with his weight. You yelped at the action.
“Ooof - that was - god.” You cut yourself off as Bradley started peppering kisses down your neck, behind your ear, across your jawline. Meanwhile, your own hands were sliding under the collar of his t-shirt and oxford, digging your nails into his shoulders.
“Now, sweetheart,” he says the term of endearment teasingly, “when you went to the bathroom earlier, you were gone for a while. Thought maybe you got lost or were busy with something else…”
You scoffed. “Please, I was trying to see if I could pick the lock on the bathroom window.”
“Whatever you have to tell yourself.” He started inching his hands up your thighs, higher and higher until he could feel the warmth radiating off you. Your legs wrapped around his waist on their own accord, leaving your barely clothed core pressed against the fly of his jeans. “But I bet if I slipped my hands underneath that cute underwear you mentioned earlier, I’d find this pussy soaking wet, hmmm? Lemme make it up to you? All those nasty things that bastard said about you - you know I didn’t agree with a single one, hmm?”
“I know - ohh,” you cried out as one of Bradley’s fingers slipped into your already dripping wet cunt, “god, f-fuck, Bradley.”
He clicked his tongue. “Uh uh uh, that’s Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw to you.” Even in the early throes of pleasure, you managed to glare at him. “Now, you gonna take my fingers like a good girl or not?”
You whimpered when he added a second, then a third. The stretch felt so good and you rolled your hips so he could get even deeper. You were panting against his neck, your feet barely touching the ground as Bradley fucked you with his fingers while his thumb circled your clit. Your breasts were heaving and straining against the fabric of your dress and he could only imagine what they would look like if you were bouncing on his cock.
“Who knew you were such a little slut? Fucking yourself on my fingers in a bar parking lot…”
“Bradley, I - ahhh, ahh - fuck, I hate you.” The words lacked any force behind them due to the moan you let out. 
“Careful, sweetheart. I could make a real mess out of this pretty little dress of yours.” You found yourself nodding along, anything to keep him talking and keep his fingers inside you. 
Bradley could feel you clenching around his fingers, which were buried all the way to his knuckles and absolutely slick with your cum. Fuck. Imagine if you weren’t so blissed out getting finger fucked and you could talk back at him? This time he let out a groan. 
Maybe later.
“Bra-Bradley, I -” you cut yourself off with a moan that turned into a pitiful whimper. Your walls were tightening around him and he knew you were close. Fuck, he couldn’t wait to sneak a taste later. 
With a final thrust of his fingers and a pinch to your clit, you came apart for him with a blissed out cry, tensing and then relaxing against him.
“Shh, shh, that’s a good girl, yeah? Such a good girl for me.” Your body was trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm and you tucked your head into his neck, breathing in deeply. Your lips grazed a sensitive stretch of skin on his neck and he hissed. 
“Come on, look at me…” Bradley said quietly, but firmly. 
Once you lifted your head up, eyes wide and cheeks flushed, Bradley removed his fingers - carefully, so as to not make a mess of your pretty little dress. You whined at the loss, your pussy still clenching at nothing. He briefly brushed his fingertips across your lips to give you a taste of yourself, before he put both fingers in his own mouth and groaned. 
You watched, transfixed, as he took them out with a resounding pop. “Fuck, sweetheart, you taste so good - here, open up.”
You did as he asked and instinctively started sucking on his fingers. He noticed you subtly rubbing your thighs together and applied the slightest bit of pressure with his other hand, which was on your shoulder and inching closer to your collarbone and neck. 
Eventually, you had to breathe and Bradley pulled his now clean fingers out. 
“Good girl. Now why don’t we head home before you really make a mess?” You nodded and gave him a bashful smile. God, you were so fucking perfect - which reminded him - “but first, I want those soaking wet panties of yours before we get in the car.”
The entire drive to his house was agony. Pure fucking agony. Bradley hadn’t been this tightly wound since his first deployment. Beside him, you appeared relatively unaffected, probably still experiencing the after effects of your orgasm, and were drawing invisible circles on your knee with your left hand. Your nails were painted bright red and looked sinful against your skin. 
Suddenly, the Bronco hit a bump in the road and you both slightly jolted off your seats. You let out whimper, while Bradley was reminded of the white lace underwear shoved in his back pocket. He couldn’t wait to get another whiff of them. 
The two of you rolled up to a stoplight, giving Bradley an opportunity to really look at you. The hand that had once been drawing circles on your knee was slowly inching higher up your thigh before it disappeared underneath the tiered skirt of your dress. You turned your head to look at him, a coy look on your face.
“Are we almost there? I thought you pilots drove as fast as you flew…”
He smirked, glad your spark was back. (Not that he didn’t like the little submissive display you’d put on in the parking lot.) “Almost there - don’t fucking tease me.”
With that, he swatted at the hand currently underneath your dress skirt. You pulled it back with a pout. “But Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw, I’m wetter than the Middle East before you and your little buddies purged it of oil.”
At that, Bradley barked out a laugh and the light changed. He was still chuckling as he passed through the intersection. “I’ll give you that one.”
You preened. “Plenty more where that came from - don’t forget I still don’t like you…” You both knew that wasn’t exactly true, but Bradley wasn’t going to say anything to the contrary. 
A few moments later, the Bronco practically rolled into his driveway on two wheels. Thankfully, Bradley had left the porch light on so the house wasn’t entirely dark. You looked at the house critically and he desperately wanted you to like it. 
It was important to him that you liked it.
The three bedroom, craftsman house had been built in the 1930s, but had been renovated before Bradley had bought it when his official transfer to North Island had gone through a couple months ago. It was set back a good distance from the tree lined street and had a nice lawn that laid way to a wide-set front porch. You were probably used to the manses dotting the streets of Coronado or Del Mar, but Bradley liked the tree lined streets and sense of community he had found in South Park.
“It’s nice, Bradley,” you said with a smile, sincere for the first time in awhile. 
“Thanks.” He ducked his head, not wanting you to see how happy he was at your meager compliment. “Now come on, sweetheart.” 
Without another word from you, he slid you across the bench seat and into his arms and then opened the door and got out of the car. You sat there, a little thrown and Bradley sighed. “Well, if I have to do everything…”
“Wha - oh my - Bradley!” you squeaked in surprise, as he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. He chuckled and shut the door with his hip. “You - you oafish man! If you don’t put me down I’ll - I’ll -”
“- You’ll what?” He smacked your bare ass as he walked up the front steps and headed over to the front door. “Sweetheart, I don’t really think you’re in the position to be making demands.”
In turn, you smacked his back. “And you would know all about that - making demands. Hostage negotiations, CIA blacksites - mmmhh!”
He slapped you again and felt his cock twitch when you moaned. God, you had such a smart little mouth on you. 
“Alright, now you gotta be quiet unless you want all my neighbors to see you like this - ass out, marked red by my hands. Is that what you want?”
“Good girl.” You wiggled your ass and this time it was Bradley’s turn to moan. “Come on, let’s get you inside.”
He fished his house keys out of his pants - accidentally grazing his hand against the pocket holding your panties first - and then unlocked the door. He kicked it shut and locked it, then turned on the light on the hall table before he even contemplated putting you down. It felt like you were trying to turn your head around or at least pick it up, probably to get a look at the place. Eventually, and with another smack on the ass, Bradley put you down. 
Your chest was heaving and your hair was all over the place. You quickly tried to fix your hair in the mirror hanging above the hall table while Bradley threw his wallet and keys into a bowl on the same table and toed off his shoes. He briefly glanced at you in the mirror when his eyes fell on something reflecting light on the mantle in his living room - his gold plaque from the uranium enrichment mission was proudly perched for all to see. 
Including you.
Bradley could already hear the teasing comments coming - what’s that? a participation award? - and resolved to distract you before you caught a glimpse at it. Luckily, you were both horny as fuck, so it wasn’t exactly hard to think of a distraction. 
He slipped behind you and brushed your hair over one shoulder and started pressing featherlight kisses down your neck, keeping eye contact with you in the mirror the entire time. You leaned back against his chest and sighed, before you turned around and pulled him in for a kiss. He could have sworn he could still taste your sweetness from earlier when you’d sucked his fingers clean, but that may have just been wishful thinking. 
Slowly, and without breaking your frantic kiss, he walked the two of you through the house and towards his bedroom. He only stubbed his toe once and you laughed against his lips when you let out a grunt of pain.
“Watch it, lieutenant. Thought you had your sea legs?”
He chose to ignore your comment and turned on another light, creating a soft glow in his bedroom. You took off his oxford, throwing it onto the chair holding other various button downs and Hawaiian shirts in the corner. Your hands slid underneath his white t-shirt, roving over his abs, dragging your short, but sharp nails across the skin. He groaned.
“Navy’s good for one thing, I guess,” you muttered against Bradley’s neck while your hands ran over his body. 
He pushed you back slightly, so you fell onto the bed, propped up by your elbows. “Only one thing?”
You spread your legs, fully taking advantage of the fact that you didn’t have any underwear on. In fact, it was still in Bradley’s back pocket and there it would stay. “Well, that might not be not true. I bet you probably get loads of discounts and shit like that - wait do you have a J Crew discount? I can only imagine there’s nothing like getting rewarded for colonizing and exploiting half the world fuck - Bradley!”
You cried out when he grabbed your legs and pulled you to the edge of his bed. He’d perfectly positioned himself between your legs, leaving your absolutely glistening cunt on full display. Bradley would be - admittedly - shocked if there wasn’t a puddle of slick on the passenger seat of his car right now. You bit your lip, no doubt thinking you knew what he was going to do next.
But instead, he tightened his grip around your ankles and then let go of them a moment later, so you were sitting up perfectly on the edge of the bed. 
“Awww, sweetheart. You didn’t think I was gonna go down on you with that stunt you played in the car, did you? Only good girls get their pussy eaten.”
You whined and Bradley figured you would’ve stomped your foot too had you been able. “Tell me - tell me how to be a good girl? I want to be a good girl for you.”
Oh fuck him. He’d come in his pants like a twelve year old if he didn’t hurry this along.
“Get on your knees.”
You didn’t have to be told twice and sunk to the floor in front of him. Your bare ass was resting on the backs of your feet while your dress fanned prettily over your knees. 
He clicked his tongue. “While that does make for a pretty picture, I believe I said on your knees, sweetheart.”
“Sorry, lieutenant commander.” Your eyes were wide as you peered up at him and Bradley hoped you’d try and keep eye contact with him the entire time you had his cock in your mouth. 
“Good girl.” He cupped your cheek and then swept your hair out of the way and untied the ribbon holding your open-back dress together. 
Though your dress didn’t quite fall down right away, it did gape open to your shoulders and was easy to slide off the rest of the way. The ruffles and fabric bunched at your hips due to your kneeling position, leaving your breasts on full display. 
“So pretty.” You ducked your head, but he tipped your chin back up so you had to look at him. “Knew you were hiding something under that pretty dress.”
You bit your lip, a genuine smile flitting across your face. “I bought it special for you - for our date.”
“Then I’ll try my best not to ruin it. Maybe I’ll aim for those gorgeous tits of yours instead.”
With slightly tremulous hands, you unbuttoned Bradley’s jeans and then dragged your index finger - with the fucking red nail polish - along the zipper. His cock practically jumped at your touch and he held back a groan. God, he was going to finish way too fucking quickly. Probably another thing you’d tease him about. (Oddly, that didn’t help him, if anything it turned him on even more.)
You pulled the zipper slowly and then started to pull Bradley’s jeans off, but he got impatient and did it himself. His cock was already erect in his boxer briefs and you just stared at it, a wicked smile on your face, for a moment before tilting your head up. 
“Got to say, I’m a little disappointed. Thought for sure you’d have American flag boxers on.” You reached out to palm him over the soft fabric and Bradley couldn’t help but buck his hips into your hand. “Somebody’s eager.”
“Well, not everyone got taken care of in a parking lot…” He forgot the rest of his sentence because you had just slipped his boxer briefs off and his cock sprang out.
You licked your lips and peered up at him. “Bet you’re the pride of the Navy with this.” You leaned in and blew a stream of air on him and then pressed a light kiss to the tip. Bradley shuddered. You swirled your tongue around his cock, making sure to flick your tongue along the underside. He then gently guided himself into your mouth and you salivated more around him. He moaned - deep and guttural - as you fully took him in your mouth, while your head bobbed up and down. Of course you were good at giving head. Of course.
“Glad to know that smart mouth has other uses.”
You moaned and Bradley quickly realized the futility of his plan to try and last longer. He groaned and his shoulders sagged in pleasure as you worked him, hands doing what your mouth wasn’t able to as you grasped the top of his shaft and balls. 
At one point, you changed tactics and hollowed out your cheeks and sucked. Bradley couldn’t help but bring his hand around the back of your head and buck his hips, getting faster and harder with each passing thrust.
“That’s a good girl, you’re taking me so good, sweetheart.”
The praise spurred you on, your enthusiasm only getting better with every passing second and Bradley felt that tell-tale tugging in his gut that he was close. It was like you had something to prove - you took him deeper, your hands became more skilled and dexterous, your moans more sinful, your eyes wide and eager as you peered up at him.
“Fuck, I’m so - close. I’m gonna cum.” Bradley said your name and your hands dug into his thighs. “If you don’t tell me otherwise, I’m gonna cum in that pretty mouth of yours.”
You pulled back just enough to say: “Please, just wanna take care of you.”
And that did it. With a final thrust of his hips into your sweet mouth, he spilled himself inside you. Like a good girl, you swallowed everything he gave you. Every last drop. You looked so proud of yourself.
You wiped at your mouth with the back of your hand and slowly rose from your knees. You were completely naked, your dress pooled down at your feet and he couldn’t resist roving his eyes up and down your body. God, you were so gorgeous.  
You were both breathing heavily, but he didn’t hesitate before grabbing your chin and kissing you deeply, tasting himself on your tongue. When he eventually pulled away, your eyes met, and he rested his forehead against yours.
“Fuck me, Bradley - please?” 
You said his name. Not lieutenant commander or asshole or some other slightly condescending moniker. You said Bradley. As in you wanted him - the guy who had originally asked you out. The one you had tried so hard to impress all those days and nights spent texting. 
And who was he to say no to that? 
He grabbed you by the hand and laid you down on the bed, your hair fanning out on the crisp white pillowcases and sheets he had put on freshly that morning. You sighed as you burrowed your face in the sheets. “Kiss me.”
Who was he to refuse you? But instead of pressing his lips to your own, he went lower and wrapped his mouth around your breasts which had taunted him all evening, always straining to break free of that gorgeous dress now thrown on his floor somewhere. You arched your back to grant him better access and then wrapped your leg around his hip, digging your ankle into his ass.
His dick was hard again, pressed against your wetness, reminding him that he hadn’t touched you there since you had been in the parking lot. God, it seemed like hours ago. 
“Bradley,” you sighed as he kissed down your stomach to right below your belly button. “Need you inside me - now.”
He groaned. “You gotta be patient, sweetheart. Wanna take my time with you now.” You whined, clearly not liking that answer. Bradley slid his hand between your bodies and started playing with your clit. You sighed and he then slid one finger into you, then another, crooking them both as he dragged them down your walls. He could tell the teasing was driving you crazy, but he kept at it, bringing you closer to your release and then pulling back before you could find it.
“Please,” you whimpered sometime later. It was a simple, one word response, but it proved to be his undoing. 
Bradley slid his hand down to his cock, pumping it a couple times before he lined himself up and slid into you. You both moaned at the contact and Bradley started to find a rhythm that would suit the two of you. It took some direction from you both, but you eventually figured it out.
“How ‘bout you tell me more things you hate about me?”
You turned your head into the pillows, muffling a moan as Bradley snapped his hips to meet yours. “Ahhhhh, That Hawaiian shirt on your chair is - is abso-lutely h-heinous -”
“- Not like that.” He pulled one of your legs over his shoulder and you keened, loving the new angle. His dick plowed into you relentlessly and Bradley savored every thrust, loving the way your cunt tightened around him each time.
You grabbed his shoulders, bringing the two of you chest to chest, so you could pull him in for a kiss. It was frantic and hot, all teeth and sighs against each other. The feel on your breasts against his chest was another sensation he didn’t want to miss out on any longer. Fuck, you had gorgeous tits. The perfect size for him. Bradley pulled his head back, but didn’t slow his pace.
“Want my girl on top, want those gorgeous tits in my face as I fuck her.” 
Your back arched at his words and before you could say anything, he flipped the two of you over so now you were on top. “Ohhhhh,” you sighed as you took his cock to the hilt before you started riding him in earnest. 
You pushed your hair back and smiled down at him wickedly. “Do you know how many,” you started, seemingly just remembering his comment from earlier, “CO2 emissions that - fuck, Bradley, right there - that stupid fucking plane of yours emits ev - everyday? Fucking des-troy-ing the environment - ahhh,” you broke off with a sigh.
“No, tell me?” Your breasts were bouncing right in front of his face and Bradley reached out to grab one with his right hand, keeping the left firmly on your hip. He pinched your nipple and you keened. 
“I - I can’t remem -” you panted, “- it’s a - ahhh, fuck - it’s a lot.” 
The absolutely blissed out expression on your face made him groan. “God, look at you now, all cock dumb for me. What happened to that smart girl from before?”
You took a moment to gain your thoughts. “She wasn’t getting fucked so good back then.”
“So good, huh?”
“Bradley.” Your head was thrown back in ecstasy, but you still managed to get another question out. “How did you vote in the last three presidential elections?” He slowed his pace and you glanced down at him. “Wait, are you registered to vote?”
Bradley actually paused, fully in possession of his faculties. “You know, I don’t think I changed my registration over yet from Virginia -”
“- So help me fucking god, Bradley, I will jump off your dick right now if you -”
 “- Obama.” Thrust. Moan. Pull Back. “Clinton.” Thrust. Moan. Pull Back. “And then Biden.” Thrust. Moan. Pull back.
“Good boy,” you just managed to get out before Bradley really felt himself losing control. 
He wanted to - no, he needed to finish inside of you. He couldn’t bear the thought of flipping you over and pulling out, only to spend himself all over your stomach - seemed like a waste. Neither of you had the forethought to get a condom out of his nightstand.
“Are you on the pill?”
“IUD,” you barely got out, “Can’t have any of your military brats running around now, can I?”
Thank fuck. He wanted to come inside you so badly. Fill you up and then watch his cum drip out of you. God, he was so close. He just wanted to flip you over again, so this time you were on your back.
“Gotta wait a couple more dates before we start talking about kids, sweetheart - god, it’s like your cunt was made for me -”
“- Jesus fuck, Bradley! Just come inside me before I -” The most beautiful moan he had ever heard interrupted what was sure to be another diatribe of yours. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck -”
And then it was like nothing he had ever experienced before. With one final thrust, his orgasm crashed through him and he spent himself inside you. A moment later, you followed, your body briefly tensing and then you came with a cry. 
You collapsed against his chest, spent - the two of you a sweaty mess of limbs and slick between your thighs as you both rode out the aftershocks. You glanced up at him, resting your chin on his chest, and gave him a look of pure adoration. 
“There’s my good girl,” he said, getting a winning smile out of you. Somehow, you managed to pull yourself up and give him a kiss, less heated than the previous ones you had shared, but no less meaningful, before you rolled over onto Bradley’s other side and slipped under the top sheet. 
You both laid there, side by side, chests rising and falling heavily. Fuck. Neither of you knew what to say - if there even was something to say. It had never been like that with anyone else - ever. 
“I still don’t like that you’re in the military,” you said, not turning to face him. 
The matter of fact way you said it made Bradley chuckle, which then turned into a proper laugh and you soon joined in.
“Sorry,” you said through your laughter, “just had to make sure that was clear.”
“And I’ll just try to forget you asked me who I voted for in the last election while I was literally inside you.” You groaned and hid underneath the sheet. “Just so you know, that was my honest answer. You can look up my voting record if you really want.”
You peeked your head out from under the sheet. “And you’ll promise to change your registration to California?”
Bradley chuckled. “I’ll go this week.” 
“Good.” You smiled shyly at him and then propped yourself up onto your left elbow, peering at him curiously. “So, how do we really feel about the stache?” You brought your finger up to his mouth and dragged it across his mustache and then to his lips. 
Bradley leaned back on his elbows and glared at you. “We like the stache…”
“Okay, sure, sure.” You scrunched your nose and tilted your head back and forth a couple times. “For now.”
“You’ll change your mind after riding my face.”
You pulled the bedsheet up higher on your chest, but tangled your legs with his. “Planning another round already, huh?” 
He kissed your nose. “You know us military guys, ready with a moment’s notice.” You yawned. “Or maybe not…”
“Sorry,” you started sitting up, “I was busy all week with that project I mentioned.” He nodded, remembering the couple times you had brought it up earlier in the week via text. “And didn’t get much sleep. Anyway, I guess I should get going…”
Despite his best efforts, his face fell. “Oh. Right, yeah.”
“Yeah…” But you didn’t move. “This was -”
He scooted over towards you and laid his hand on your thigh. “ - You can stay here tonight - I mean, if you want to? Like by the time you get an Uber and then get back to your place - you’ll be out like an hour of sleep already.”
You glanced around the room and bit your lip. “I don’t know - I figured you didn’t - I mean, I don’t know if you want -” you cut yourself off, seemingly not wanting to say anything more for the moment.
“It’s no big, really.” You still seemed unsure and Bradley hoped he didn’t sound too eager. 
“Okay - yeah.”
You nodded. “Cool. Uhh is it okay if I just use the bathroom…”
Bradley nodded readily. “Yeah, uhh, it’s down the hall, second door on the right.”
“Cool.” You tiptoed over to the leather and oak chair in the corner that held Bradley’s mountain of shirts. You grabbed the button down he had worn earlier that evening and threw it on, quickly fastening the middle two buttons. “I’ll just,” you thumbed over your shoulder and scampered out of the room.
“I’ll be here,” Bradley said to the empty room. 
Saturday mornings were one of Bradley’s favorite times of the week. He allowed himself to sleep in a little later - nothing crazy, just nine o’clock - and then prepared himself a well balanced breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast with one of those fancy cold brew coffees he had finally figured out how to make. 
He so rarely allowed himself that time during the week - the ability to ‘just do’ and not over think everything. To do whatever he wanted. But that Saturday morning was different. 
Because that Saturday you were there.
His arm was thrown over your stomach, leaving you close, but not too close to him. You slept on your back, while he slept on his side. Your sheets had barely moved during the night, still wrapped tightly around your breasts, while Bradley’s were half kicked to the end of the bed and half bunched between the two of you.
There were a smattering of bite marks across your neck and chest and Bradley wondered how the rest of your body under the sheet had fared. He stretched slightly, hoping not to wake you yet and felt a pleasing ache in his thighs. Beside him, he watched you shift slightly in your sleep and twitch your nose. He quickly shut his eyes, knowing you were waking up and didn’t want to be caught staring. 
You let out a blissful sigh and burrowed yourself into the pillows on your side of the bed. As you stretched, your leg grazed against Bradley’s and you let out a little gasp and quickly yanked it away. 
Figuring that was a good excuse to wake up, he rolled over to face you and let out a little groan of his own, but didn’t open his eyes yet. 
“Morning,” he rasped as he opened his eyes. You were staring at him, looking like a deer in headlights. “How’d you sleep?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but didn’t say anything for a moment. “Uhh, fine - thanks.” You cleared your throat. “Do you know what time it is?”
Bradley rolled over to glance at the old fashioned alarm clock on his mid century modern nightstand. “Just after nine. Do you want -”
“- Oh. I guess I should head out then…”
He tried not to look too disappointed. “Oh, yeah.” He sat up in bed, leaning against the pillows piled up against his headboard. “Uhhh, I think your clothes are over there.”
You slipped out of bed, taking the top sheet with you to preserve your modesty he imagined, and made your way to the foot of the bed where your dress had wound up last night. You managed to put it on without letting the sheet slip and swept your hair out of the way to tie the ribbon at the back that Bradley had loved undoing hours ago. 
Once you finished, you looked around the rest of the room, but avoided eye contact with him. He had a feeling he knew what you were looking for - your underwear.
He cleared his throat. “Uhh, it’s in my jeans. The back pocket.”
You went over to the pile of his own clothes on the floor and picked up his jeans, finding your white lace underwear in the back pocket, like he had said. For some reason, Bradley glanced away while you slipped them on. He turned back around and gave you a small smile, but found that you were already staring at him, an unreadable expression on your face. You shook yourself out of whatever trance you had been in and made your way over towards his side of the bed. You cleared your throat before speaking.  
“Look, I’m sorry, Bradley. But I don’t know if I see this as a long term thing?” You leaned down to give him a kiss on the forehead. It was only slightly condescending. “But if you ever want to ever want to fuck again, let me know?”
And before he could even get out a response, you were gone, a trail of perfume in your wake and Bradley was half hard again. He leaned back against his headboard and let out a deep sigh. 
He had thought you’d both come to some sort of truce last night. You’d slept over for fuck’s sake. Was it so out of the realm of possibility that you would want to see him again? And for more than just sex at that? For a moment he just sat there, staring at his hands clasped on top of his duvet. Was this how every girl felt after Hangman did the ol’ two pump dump on them? It made him rethink every date or one night stand he’d had in the last fifteen or so years - was this how it felt to be ghosted? Wasn’t that what people were calling it now? God, it was fucking shitty -
Suddenly, there was a commotion coming from the hallway and Bradley belatedly realized he hadn’t heard the front door close. The sound of sandals slapping on the hardwood echoed through the house and you suddenly burst through his bedroom door, a giddy smile on your face. 
“Oh my god, your face!” You giggled, looking downright gleeful. 
The realization that he had just been had - mercilessly, truly he would never live it down - just hit Bradley. 
“You think you’re funny, don’t you?” He tried to keep a straight face, but couldn’t hide his smile or the relief he had felt. 
You smiled in turn, looking carefree and beautiful with your messy morning hair and post sex glow. You took a couple steps towards him and the bed and he reached out to absentmindedly finger the hem of your dress. 
“I think we’ve established that I’m actually hilarious.”
“Tell me a joke then - come on, right now. Tell me a joke?”
You tapped your index finger on your chin - once, twice. “Hmmmm, what about the fact that you work -”
“- For the Navy?” he finished with you. You nodded, that giddy smile back on your face. “Not your best, but we can work on that.”
“You know, I’ve been thinking…”
“Smart girl.” 
You hummed in response and leaned forward to play with his hair, pulling it slightly at the roots. “So you’ve told me. But I’ve been thinking, have you ever thought about a career change?”
Bradley sighed, humoring you. “Can’t say I have, but what do you have in mind, sweetheart?”
“Well, I think I could proudly fuck an astronaut - oh my god, Bradley!” You let out a shriek when he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you onto the bed next to him. 
He leaned over you, propped up on his right elbow. “An astronaut, huh?” 
You nodded, now laying flat on your back. “Unlike your obnoxious friend from last night -”
“- Bagman,” he purposely gave you the wrong name, hoping it would stick and you’d earnestly call Hangman that to his face the next time you saw him.
“Bagman,” you repeated, “right, well, unlike Bagman from last night, you’re actually very intelligent.”
“Oh, I’m very intelligent, huh?”
You ignored him. “You already fly in that death trap plane and can handle all the g-force so the astronaut training programs shouldn’t be - don’t look at me like that, all surprised I know what g-force is, I’m not an idiot.”
Bradley couldn’t help but smile. “Sorry, sorry. Go on.”
“And -” you sat up in your excitement, “- now this is the most important thing - you won’t be actively contributing to the exploitation of foreign nations by exporting their natural resources for the benefit of the US economy.”
You looked so pleased with yourself that Bradley couldn’t help the proud smile from stretching across his face. “How about I think about it? That good with you?”
“That would be nice…” you tried to sound nonchalant about it, but he could tell you were pleased. “And what do you want in return?”
He scoffed in mock outrage and sat up beside you. “Me? Want something in return? Never?” You shot him an amused look. “Hmm, how about this?” He grabbed your hand and played with your fingers. “You go out with me again?”
A smile crept across your face and you ducked your head. “I think that’s a fair trade - provided I get to pick what we do?”
“Oh, of course,” he said with mock solemnity. 
“Then I accept.” 
You gave him a quick peek on the lips, but Bradley pulled you back in for a deeper kiss. You responded in kind, leaning into him and pressing your body against his. He wasn’t entirely sure how serious you were about this whole astronaut thing - he doubted you were - but he was committed to making this work between the two of you. 
If your thoughts on the military were that important to you, then you and Bradley would work something out together. He wasn’t about to give up on this just yet. He wrapped his hands around your hips, right at the top of your ass, and you squirmed against him, never breaking your kiss. For a moment, he let himself get lost in a daydream with you, of him going off to space and you - hold on just a minute...
He pulled his lips away from yours. “- Wait, wait - it’s not okay for me to exploit foreign nations, but it’s okay for me to potentially colonize space?”
You straddled his waist, barely moving your lips away from his neck as you gave a reply. “Shh, shh, we can work out the details later…”
[Part 1.5] [Part 2.1]
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I have a request for ya! Just thought of this (sorry for the long entry 🫣)
what if Reader has been harboring a MAJOR crush on Eddie forever, and maybe they're friends, maybe not, maybe just acquaintances, I'll leave that up to you, but the Reader is this stereotypical shy, quiet, nerd girl who loves fantasy novels and (though no one would guess it just by looking at her) heavy metal and D&D and she's always been way too scared to tell Eddie how she feels (and she also knows he has a crush on Chrissy Cunningham and how could she ever compete with the Queen of Hawkins High? The Perfect Girl?). But then one day a group of bullies (maybe Carver and his Goons, maybe somebody else, again, I'll leave that up to you) somehow get a hold of her diary and read out the entry where she talks about how much she's in love with Eddie, out loud in the cafeteria during Lunch! Eddie's there, Chrissy's there, Reader is there, everyone, all of their friends are there, and of course the Reader is MORTIFIED and takes off running and hides somewhere else before anyone can say anything.
How it ends I will leave up to you 🙌 (but preferably fluffy 👀)
Vulnerability (Eddie X GN Reader)
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Ehehe I’ve been writing this all morning and I love this request so much! *The diary entries are in bold italics. Also this was typed on mobile, so sorry for any typos!!
The entire table erupted into cheers as they won the battle and finished the campaign. You smiled, glancing over your book and grinned even wider as they congratulated each other. You were tucked away in the corner, engrossed in the plot of your latest novel. You’d only pretended to read in the past half hour because you had been trying to pay attention to what was going on at the table.
You and Gareth had been friends since childhood and went everywhere together. You often watched the Hellfire campaigns, but had been trying to finish up your book since it was due back soon.
“So, what did you think of my campaign?”
Your heart jolted in your chest and you pretended to find a place to stop in the story before looking up to see Eddie hovering over you. Eyes widening, you tried to laugh normally, but it just came out strangled. He patted your back, concerned, while you begged whatever higher power was listening to just take you away. Tears leaked from your eyes and you glanced to him to see he was waiting expectantly.
“It was really good, Eddie.”
He flushed and rocked on his heels.
“Your storytelling was so creative and I had no idea that side character was going to have such a big role!”
He flourished under your praise and sat beside you, rambling eagerly about his strategy and how he was inspired for the campaign.
In short, I absolutely have a crush on Eddie Munson.
You groaned and flopped your head down on the table. The library was especially quiet before school and was often the place you divulged your most private thoughts to your diary. The five-minute warning bell rang and you scooped up all your things and dashed off to class, not realizing the diary had slipped out of your grip.
The day passed in a blur. Tests were coming up for all your classes and you could barely keep all the information straight in your head. You huffed as you sat down at the lunch table and pulled your book out. Gareth sat next to you and opened his mouth to say something, but you waved a hand dismissively.
“Just a few minutes, Gare. Almost done.”
The last few pages flew by before you closed the book with a thud.
“Good?” He asked.
“Amazinggggg,” you sang back.
Your table descened into a mess of conversation that stopped abruptly the moment Jason Carver walked up to you. Encountering Jason was never a good thing, especially up close.
He smiled at you, sending shivers down your spine. He waved a familiar small blue book at you. “I think this is yours.”
Your eyes grew as you turned to dig in your bag, confirming what you already knew. You turned back to him, face heating with embarrassment. “Give it back, Jason.”
His grin turned more antagonistic as you stood up and reached for your diary. He held it above your hands, opening it to the most recent entry.
“Ahem, everybody? Can I have your attention?”
You bristled as everyone turned your way, hands balling into fists at your side. Of course nobody could miss what stupid Jason Carver had to say.
Gareth stood and held out a hand for your book. “Hey, man. Just give it back to her.”
Jason pointed a finger into his chest, moving him back. “Hang on a minute, nerd. Gotta read something real quick.”
You darted around the table and surged toward Jason, groaning as you slammed against two of his goons that had stepped into your path. It was too late. Tears pooled in your eyes as he started to read, exposing your heart to the world.
He cleared his throat before starting in. You had written snippets of campaigns you would run if you were a DM and he skimmed over them, reading the romantic bits aloud and laughing cruelly as he continued to flip.
“Boring, boring. Yadda yadda. Oh! Here we go. This looks good.”
He slowly turned to Eddie, his grin spreading wider. Eddie glanced to you, confused and your stomach lurched as he started reading. This whole time he’d been working toward this grand finale of embarrassment and damn, it was working.
“Eddie is by far the cutest guy I know. He’s always so nice to me. I don’t have many friends and he has always been so welcoming. Ugh. Skip the gooey stuff. Aha! In short, I absolutely have a crush on Eddie Munson. How sweet, the freak and the lonely loser!”
By this time, you’d practically melted into the floor. You snatched your bag up and turned to Gareth. He saw your face crumple and started to rise, but you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“I’ll see you later.”
The words came out in a rasp and you took off before you allowed yourself to breakdown. You burst through the library door, startling the librarian who shot up from her seat.
She tilted her head in concern and motioned for you to come behind the desk. She opened the door to her office, which you sped into, dropping your book on her desk as you went. She guided you to the small couch in her office and quickly brought you a cup of hot chocolate before stepping back out to the media desk and closing the door behind her.
You curled up against the cushions and sobbed, barely able to take sips of your drink. Your afternoon teachers would just have to wait to see you until Monday. Or maybe never if you decided to move out of the country.
You woke a while later, low voices murmuring outside the door.
“Have you seen her? I know she comes here a decent bit.”
“Mmm. Nope. Haven’t seen her since this morning,” the librarian retorted.
You pulled one of the blinds down to see Eddie standing across the counter. His eyes flicked to yours, drawn by the motion and you gasped, letting the blinds snap shut.
You began gathering your courage to step out. Meanwhile, Eddie’s mouth curled into an amused smirk. He spoke slightly louder, ensuring you could hear him.
“Alright, well if you see her, let her know I got her diary back from that jerk.”
You opened the door and poked your head out, bag slung over your shoulder. You looked to the librarian and nodded at her.
“I’m okay. Thanks for the hot chocolate. I’ll be back for more books next week.”
You offered her a grateful smile, which she promptly returned, patting your shoulder kindly. You stepped around the desk, arms crossed protectively over your chest as you looked into Eddie’s eyes. A gasp slipped out as you noticed his swollen split lip. “Hi,” you mumbled.
“Hello,” his voice lit with a smile. “Walk with me?”
You nodded and turned, brushing past him as he held the door open for you.
“Need a ride?”
“Probably,” you sighed.
It was just late enough in the day that all the buses were gone for the day, student parking lot almost emptied out.
He strolled at an easy pace beside you and you kept your eyes lowered, determined not to acknowledge the cafeteria incident. He paused right outside his van on the passenger side and pulled your blue book out from under his arm, passing it to you before he pulled the door open for you. You searched for a way to say thank you, I’m sorry, and never bring this up again, but instead gaped when you saw the other book he was holding.
“Why are you reading that book? I just turned it in.”
“Well. I thought it could help my campaigns.”
You turned away, embarrassed. He reached for your arm, taking hold of it gently.
“No no I’m not teasing you. I really liked your campaign ideas and thought that if you could write something like that after reading this, then maybe I could too.”
Your heart fluttered and you bit back a smile as you climbed into the van. Eddie shut the door once you were in and circled around to the other side, climbed in and started up the van.
The drive started off quiet until you couldn’t handle it anymore and blurted out, “I’m sorry!”
He chuckled, “What are you sorry for?”
“I just… I know he’s not above embarrassing people, but I feel like his main target was probably you, so I’m sorry. I know you like Chrissy and-“
You were cut off by him laughing and you shrank back into the seat. You trembled with frustration before saying, “Alright. If you’re gonna laugh at me, let me out. Stop the car.”
He rolled to a stop on the side of the road and you reached down for your seatbelt. He caught your hand in his and your breath halted in your throat, eyes tentatively rising to meet his. His bangs had grown a bit longer, landing right above his eyes. Your hand twitched, wanting to brush them aside. He squeezed your hand and your eyes drifted back to his.
“I like Chrissy. As a person. She’s very kind and we knew each other when we were younger. But I haven’t liked anyone else in a long time. No one besides you.”
Your thumb brushed his palm as your brain processed his words.
“Me? You like me?”
“That would be what I said, yes.”
“But why? Why didn’t you say anything before now?”
“Why didn’t you?” He grinned as you blushed under his gaze. “I didn’t say anything because you’re Gareth’s best friend. He really cares about you. And about Hellfire. I didn’t want to start anything between us that could get messed up and make things awkward for him.”
You smiled at his consideration for your friend. Your diary poked at your side from where you’d tucked it next to you in the seat.
“Can I read something to you? Jason read a lot but somehow missed the best parts.”
He nodded enthusiastically and his eyes lit up as you opened your diary, stopping when you found the entry you were searching for. You kept holding hands, shivering when his rings brushed over your skin.
“Today was a bad day. I didn’t do so well on a test and the bus was late and it was pouring down rain. When it finally got there, Eddie ran up behind me and held his vest over my head until I got on. It happened so fast, I’m surprised I remember it. But I’ll never forget looking out the window and seeing him standing there in the rain. His fingers were hooked into the collar of his vest and it was slung over his shoulder. God, he looks good in the rain.”
You blushed but continued flipping to the next entry and began again, emboldened.
“Today I realized that my crush on Eddie isn’t just because he’s cute and kind to me. He’s good to everyone. It sucks seeing people mess with him. He’s somehow gotten so amazing at laughing it off and continuing about his day. He defends the kids in Hellfire. He takes care of everyone. I just wish he had someone to take care of him. I wish he knew how special he is.”
You closed the diary, your finger still tucked in. Fingers tenderly slid under your chin and lifted your face. He was waiting for you, his sweet smile already painted across his face. He groaned and blew out a puff of air.
“I wanna kiss you so bad, but could I take you out first? Where do you wanna go?”
You thought for a moment. “Well, I like ice cream.”
“Ice cream it is, then! Cone-gratulations on being the cutest person in Hawkins!”
“Oh, my God, Eddie.”
He snorted and your laughed filled the car as it started down the road again. He turned the volume up, one of his tapes in the player, and hit the dashboard in excitement when he caught you singing along.
“No way, you know this song?”
“I started listening because of you and as it turns out, I like metal music.”
“You are absolutely perfect.”
He pulled your joined hands to his mouth, kissing yours, careful of his injury. He set your hand down gently in your lap and his hand curled around your knee, determined to keep you close.
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Hcs for greasers with a GN!goth s/o who moved to town, and everyone, both greasers and socials are afraid of them, because everyone thinks they’re a “witch”
<twinning with @sadie-bug345 btw go check out her blog it’s amazinggggg here’s the link to her hc for this>
Ponyboy Curtis
-he was definitely afraid of you at first, and he 10/10 believed you could actually brew potions but also secretly thought you were cool and interesting
-he was SUPER intimidated by you
-but one day got enough courage to approach you when you were reading under a tree and found out that you were pretty chill and not yk a witch (he does ask tho, just it case)
-Y’all hit off and you showed him some of your music which he actually liked!
-eventually you guys started dating n stuff which was only surprising to those who didn’t know Pony that well
-you go on library/reading + music dates a lot
-Not a lot of Socs mess with him now that he’s always with his witch
-Fr no Socs mess with him he has such a scary dog privilege with you
-matching bandanas + belts
Johnny Cade
-he’s so in love with alt people honestly
-didn’t believe you were a witch and knew weirdos get a bad rap
-he wasn’t scared of you because he thought you were a witch, He was just scared to actually go up and talk to you
-he kind of always admired you from afar cuz yall had a similar vibe and you went to the lot a lot (hehe)
-One day after a long pep talk in the mirror he got the courage to go up and talk to you
-you guys really got along and started dating!
-when you first chatted he admired one of your best rings and you just gave it to him
-(he hasn’t taken it off since istg)
-you did his eyeliner one time and it looked SOOOO GOOD
-10/10 he does matching rings n belts and sometimes small makeup with you
-you guys are v cute together and honestly make so much sense, you’re also his scary dog privledge
Sodapop Curtis
-he saw you and was like ohhhh that’s why they call them a witch
-honestly surprised he liked you bc you aren’t usually his type but opposites attract yk
-he finds your style exotic and so different from his own it opens up his world
-you meet buying snacks at his gas station and he does his usual charming boy personality, suprised when you don’t respond to his flirtation and roll your eyes
-after lots of him flirting and you rejecting (more playfully over time) he finally manages to get you on a date with him
-you guys actually hit it off rlly well
-you guys are like golden retriever x black cat and compliment eachother soooo well
-tbh people saw it coming because yk opposites attract
-he tries to copy ur makeup one time and it did NOT end well 😭💅
-yall turn heads fr
Darry Curtis
-he didn’t necessarily wary of you because of the rumors, he’s just a traditionalist and not rlly used to seeing different people
-so when you come into town you rock his world
-one day your walking along just minding your own business when he grabs your arm and is like “wait” as if he isn’t stopping you from literally moving
-“so uh, what with the, uh, getup?”
“Idk man I just like to dress this way….”
-you guys start talking and actually become good friends
-after a few months he asks you out
-you guys are a pretty stable couple, and ponyboy definitely thinks of you as his rlly cool older sister
-I think yall are the most surprising
-he’s the most likely to change his wardrobe to match yours, def goes all out. Like not tooo far but he changes all his outfits to be vaguely goth
Dallas Winston
-was he a little (a lot) scared of you because of the rumors? Hell yes. Was he going to show that? Hell no.
-probs approached you on a dare or some shit 💀
-made a rude remark or joke so you slapped him and he was kinda surprised such a quiet thing could leave his face that red
-he was kinda in love with that ngl and loved your spunk
-he bothered you everyday after that
-back and fourth after much banter (enemies to lovers energy)
-he managed to actually get you to go on a date with him
-people are SO scared when they see yall walking down the streets yall are sooo intimidating together fr
-matching belts and rings
Two Bit Matthews
-you guys probs met in the back of the classroom
-he made some joke like “Damn, how’d you get out of your coffin this mornin’?!
-to which you responded with an eye roll and a chuckle
-you guys actually end up cracking jokes the whole period and laughing a little too loud
-he finally asks you out and you say yes
-you guys go out and make fun of Socs together and have a grand time
-you guys kind of started dating a bit immaturely, but you actually get to something that’s a lot more mature and have really deep conversations, you kind of ground him, and he kind of bring the humor out of you a bit
-he def takes advantage of the fact people are scared of you and you both jumpscare people and just have so much fun
-best Halloween couple fs
-overall pretty solid
-matching shirts
Steve Randle
-he probably heard the rumors and thought they were stupid and he was the least phased by your look
-I mean don’t get me wrong he liked it but he wasn’t gonna tell you that right away
-you don’t like eachother at first but after you start talking you start to appreciate eachother
-he asks you out and you say yes
-you guys are sooo cute n iconic
-you sometimes play music out loud when he fixes cars and just vibe together
-the EGO boost he gets from your compliments on his style
-he wears matching rings and shirts with you
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jsuli · 1 year
random jake sully headcanons
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genuinely not joking when i say i had to bite into my duvet and drag it around the place like a dog to stop myself from moaning at 2 in the morning all because sam Worthington is worthy of this pussy <3
-deffo took Spanish in school - imagine how hot he sounds speaking spanish with his fucking voice...
-raised by a single mom, has that vibe
-feels more comfortable around women, not in a romantic way but he just feels more relaxed and free to talk around women since he was raised by just his mom and only really had female friends growing up
-had loads of tattoos, which we kinda see human jake has in the movie, but i hc he had loads of shitty stick n pokes, he was kinda sad that he had to leave behind all his tattoos on his human body
-fidgets with his hands alot, also a big nail biter
-veryy flexible [found this out when i was banging him btw]
-no but really, i feel like his mom put him in gymnastics as a kid cus hed never stop moving and always needed to be doing something
-does that slutty little head tilt alot - just his bimbo-y wide eyes and his empty little head tilted to the side while he looks at you confused, poor bby <3
-himbo jake <3
-jakes not afraid to moan like a whore - his moans are loud and higher pitched than his speaking voice, from breathy moans to literal shrieks, this man does not give 2 farts how loud he is
-amazinggggg with his fingers and mouth, whether that be for jerking cock or sucking the skin off your clit
-human jake was a slut [not that thats bad], idc what anyone says he pulled bitches of all genders even without a working dick - thats how good he is with his hands and mouth <3
-had some interesting experience in the marines xx [finally learned how to suck dick without biting the mickey off some poor fella]
-ive said this before and ill say it again, the na'vi can pur and jake purs like a little hussey. gets so blissed out while fucking you he just goes brain dead and grins dopely, his eyes fluttering closed as the deep vibrations of his purs add to the sensory overload of him pounding you hard <3
sorry im a fucking slag
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linked-maze · 2 months
happy birthday ! ur comic has such a cool premise and i love all the art along with the story!! wishing you all the best :)
(yes i am probably early but time zones say it’s the 3rd for me.)
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low quality hyrule says happy birthday too.
AAAAAAAAA!!!!! Thank you so muchhhh!!!!! ;0;
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discoveredreality · 4 months
intro post <3
don't mind me editing this like every single day lol
my dm's and askbox is always open if u want to talk <3
anons are welcome too <3
also if u want to make new friends i am right here pls say hi im fucking lonely😭
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BELOVED MOOTS <33333 (everyone is tagging them and this is fun)
this in no particular order just whoever pops up on my dash or smth idk. not every moots just the ones i actually know lol. ok so
@im-just-here4853 my vent buddy omg we just vent to each other i love her so much idk what i would do without her <33
@the-gay-skeleton-in-ur-closet THEY'RE THE BEST OMGGGGG and they're nice and cool and shit <333333 i'm quoting myself it's fine AND LIKE SO NICE AND GOOFY AND EVERYTHING OMG
@cubemagnet somene i met on a random post and now we occasionally team up to correct grammar lol 🤓🤓🤓 anyways she's amazing :D and everything she says is so iconic like isjflsrijglruhglsuglijrsg
@book-girl4eva SHE'S AMAZINGGGGG. IT'S SO EASY TO GOOF AROUND W HER I LOVE IT. SHE ALWAYS SLAYS HARD. EVERYTHING ABOUT HER SLAYS. idk if you'll see this but this is for u pookie <3
@mil-pinterest-sss-here-i-am ??? questioning why we're moots. but he's literally so nice. literally will be my therapist and help me w maths because that shit is impossible 😭
@dandelionflowery omg literally so kind and everything all the time. so fun fun reading their fics and doing shit together omg
@sweetwarmcookies16 omgg klgdhjdlgjlklghj literally so sweet and so fun to talk to. also literally love playing stardew valley (hopefully we get a chance) and minecraft together :D
idk brain isnt braining ill add ppl as i go along
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about me
i'm ari. she/her. nicknames welcome. go wild. dude/bro/girl/literally anything is also fine. i use 'lol' and '<3' too much. straight probably idk. and cis. minor. literally the biggest procrastinator and so disorganised. i dare u to find someone worse than me. i'm indian but i live in australia. bengali/punjabi. band kid. pinterest is here. PLEASE DM ME IF U WANT TO. I NEED FRIENDS
personality/star sign or whatever
according to the mbti test here i am an istp-t. i am also a cancer. i found out my sun, moon and rising signs and the marauders version and i wrote it down and lost it so then i redid it and i lost it again so i can't bother at this point someone help me :(
time zone
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) i think??
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my music taste
i love taylor swift, conan gray, olivia rodrigo, lana del rey, sabrina carpenter and i'm probably forgetting some. also love bollywood music.
favourite books and authors
i love reading and i'm usually a really fast reader lol. i love harry potter (fuck jkr tho), kotlc, chetan bhagat books, the twisted series, shatter me, simon vs the homo sapiens agenda and love simon, the book thief, the inheritance games, agggtm, all of karen m. mcmanus's books, the divergent series, lorien legacies, the selection, radio silence, solitaire, powerless and a bunch of other books.
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idk the usual?? if u think ppl arent valid or you're literally an asshole. honestly you all can go get stuffed. idgaf
tag games and shit
yes you can absolutely tag me. i love tag games and chain asks. sometimes i may not get to doing it but i usually will and it makes me so happy when i'm tagged lol
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i don't post that much original stuff so i don't really have mulitple tags for my posts. anything or any shitposting or thoughts will be tagged #ari's shit. for asks it's #ari gets an ask?
i'm literally obsessed with drarry but i'm mostly part of the marauders fandom. i'm starting to make my way through all of the marauders fics. i love love love hermitcraft. i'm an ethogirl literally who doesn't love etho?? also into the life series. and kinda sometimes also empires. i literally love six of crows so much like omg. i love kotlc sm. (team foster-keefe forever!) i'm low-key in love with keefe sencen cause omg.
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all the above photos are not mine, i got them off of pintrest.
my profile pic is obviously from the makowka picrew here
the beautiful dividers are linked here. these are by @saradika-graphics she is a literal star these dividers are so good
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justmystyles · 11 months
hiii i was lowkey being my delulu self and have a request!! since the daylight mv literally just came out imagine plus size reader being one of the backround circus women and the both of them just being all cutesy!! like harry being all cheery for her over the stunts or stuff like that.
also love love love your writing!! its amazinggggg!!!
Lights, Camera, Action
read my other work here
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 2k
summary: what was supposed to be just another job becomes the start of something new.
a/n: so i'm not great at being on the ball with the topical requests, it's all about the tour ending right now, and here i come rolling in with a daylight fic. at this rate, i'll get to my end of tour fics by the time Harry gets back. 🤣
any who, thank you so much for sending this ask, my friend! i hope you like what i did with your idea!
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @lexiecamposv @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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You were seated on the ground stretching as you talked with the other girls, wondering what the day would hold for you. You had been hired as a background performer in Harry Styles’s new music video, and you weren’t quite sure what to expect. 
You arrived at a makeshift circus camp, animals and various other performers scattered about. Immediately ushered to the wardrobe trailer where you were fitted for your costume, a baby blue bejeweled leotard with a matching feather tail. While the wardrobe team made their slight alterations, you moved on to hair and makeup where your hair was set in loose curls, the front pieces pulled back. And the makeup artist piled on blue eyeshadow, and a thick cat eye, finishing the look with a bright red lip. 
And now, here you were, preparing for your first shot. With your legs extended in front of you and bent into a front fold, you heard someone clearing their throat. Assuming it was the director, you rushed to stand. “Sorry, I was just doing some last minute str–” Your words die on your tongue when you find yourself face to face with Harry himself. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, I just wanted to introduce myself.” He said with a smile as he extended his hand. “I’m Harry.” 
“Hi Harry, I’m Y/N.” When your hands touched, it was as if everyone around you disappeared. You had never felt like that before. 
You suddenly remembered you were at work, and needed to maintain your professionalism. You reluctantly pulled your hand away, your eyes flitting to the ground. With your eyes locked on your sliver boots, you didn’t notice the dreamy look in Harry’s eyes as he studied your features. 
The rest of the dancers stepped in to introduce themselves to Harry. You moved back allowing them their moment, but you couldn’t help but notice that his gaze would travel your way often.
After the last introduction, he was just about to say something to you, but was called away by the director to start shooting. He smiled at you once more, and made his way to the strong man setup. You and the rest of your group were lead off to the side so that you were out of frame, and you watched as Harry started filming his first scenes. 
When he was finished, he made his way back to you and your group as the crew moved on to solo shots of some of the other background performers. The other girls were telling him how wonderfully he did, and trying to engage him in conversation. He thanked them for their kind words, but walked past them to get to you.
“How’d I do?” He asked, leaning against one of the trailers. 
“You looked good.” You closed your eyes in embarrassment, realizing what you had said. “I mean, you did good… er, well. You did well.” You immediately covered your face with your hand. 
Harry chuckled at your flustered state. “Thanks,” he leaned down, speaking softly in your ear. “For both compliments.” 
Before you could say anything else, the girls were calling you over to get ready for your scenes. While you were grateful that you wouldn’t have a chance to embarrass you further, you were disappointed to have to walk away. 
They started by shooting each of the girls individually, having you stand on a small riser and dance to the track. As each of the girls took their turns, you saw that Harry was being brought into a few of the takes, and you were starting to get nervous. This was your job, you hadn’t been nervous in years, but there was something about having Harry there that gave you butterflies. 
You were the last of the dancers to go. You stepped up to the riser, and Harry was standing there waiting for you. “Saved the best for last I see,” he said with a grin as he offered you his hand to help you step up onto the platform. 
You smile shyly, thanking him for the gesture, and stepping up preparing yourself for your solos. Taking a deep breath, trying to push out the thought that all eyes, including Harry's, were on you. 
The director had Harry step out so that they could take some shots of you first, allowing them to get an idea for how you moved. This would help Harry understand the best ways to move and interact with you. 
The music kicked on, and the director called action. In that moment, you let the music take over, and began to move to the beat, using some of your best moves. Your eyes traveled briefly off to the side and saw Harry watching on intently, often cheering or whistling when you’d pull out a particularly difficult move. 
After you did a few takes on your own, and a couple more with Harry, who was more than happy to jump in. You found him interacting with you more than he had with the other dancers, so much so that the director had to tell him to focus less on you, and more on the camera. You noticed a faint blush in his cheeks when he was called out. 
The director called cut on your final take with Harry, and he helped you step down off the podium. “You were great, you’re an incredible dancer.” He gushed. 
“For my size, I know.”
Harry furrowed his brow. “For anyone.” 
“Sorry,” you shrugged. “That’s usually the second half of the complement, I assumed that’s where you were going.” 
“It’s not a compliment if someone says it like that.” He tells you, you shrug again. “You’re an incredible dancer. Period.” 
It was your turn to blush. “Thanks,” you mumbled. 
“Anytime. Hey, I have to go do a couple of shots over there,” he signaled to the area on the other side of the set. “Do you want to come watch? I did hang around and watch your takes.”
You giggled at the goofy expression on his face. “Sure, sounds fun.” 
As the day went on, you tagged along with Harry as he did different shots around the set. He had even pulled you into a couple with him. At one point, Harry did a quick wardrobe change into a yellow jumpsuit. 
When he returned, he went straight for you doing a dramatic spin and pose for you. “What do you think?” 
You gave him an appraising look, eyes traveling from head to toe. You rubbed your index finger and thumb over your chin as if you were deep in thought. “I suppose it will be fine.”
He burst out into laughter. “High praise.” 
After a couple of shots, you and the other dancers were called back for another scene with Harry. The premise was that he was walking past your group, who were rehearsing, and it turns into a chase scene as he tries to escape the clamoring women.
Before long, the director was calling a wrap on your group. Harry took a moment with each of the dancers, thanking them for their time and taking a few pictures, each of them returning to wardrobe to change and head out until it was just you and Harry.
“Thank you so much for this opportunity, Harry. Today has been a lot of fun.”
“Then I think you should stay.” He said, your eyes going wide at the invitation. “If you want to, I mean.” 
“Am I allowed to do that?” You ask, sure you would just be in the way if you outstayed your welcome. 
Harry shrugged. “It’s my video, if I want you to stay then you can stay.” He studied your face, noticing that you seemed conflicted. “Come on, it will be fun. I’m about to take a crash course in horseback riding, and then we could grab some lunch.” 
“Have you ever ridden a horse before?” He shakes his head. “Wow, so this quite literally could be a crash course.” 
He chuckled, his expression quickly growing serious. “Wait, can you crash a horse?” 
“I guess we’ll find out.” You state plainly. 
His expression grew hopeful at your words. “So you’ll stay?”   
“I’ll stay,” you tell him. “I just need to go change really quick.” 
“I do too, I’ll walk with you to wardrobe.” 
The two of you made your way to the wardrobe trailers, and changed. You also took the opportunity to remove the caked on makeup that had been done earlier in the day, and throw your hair into a quick ponytail. 
Harry met you just outside the trailers, his eyes going wide when he saw you. “Yeah, me without makeup, pretty terrifying.” You joke. 
“No, you’re beautiful actually.” He said. “Why do you do that?” You give him a questioning look. “You speak down about yourself a lot. Especially when I compliment you.”
Your face contorts, feeling a little uncomfortable at being called out. “I don’t know, I guess I’m just not used to genuine compliments.” 
Harry smiled and flung his arm around your shoulder. “Well stick with me kid, I’ve got plenty for you.” 
The rest of the day seemed like a dream, you were by Harry’s side practically the whole time. You laughed and joked together as he took his brief riding lesson. You enjoyed lunch together, just the two of you, where you spent some time getting to know each other. And then after lunch, you stood off on the sidelines as he continued filming. He would have you watch playbacks with him and ask your opinions, genuinely interested in your answers and feedback. 
Before you knew it, they were calling a wrap on the video. Harry asked you to meet him in his trailer, as he wanted to take some time to go around thanking the crew. You obliged, and headed back to the production area, making your way to Harry’s trailer, where you took a seat and scrolled through your phone as you waited. 
When you heard the door open, you looked up to see Harry saying a couple more goodbyes before stepping into the trailer. He smiled the second he saw you. “You stayed.”
“You asked me to.”
“I know,” he shrugged, taking a seat beside you. “But I left you here for a bit longer than I planned, I was afraid you would have given up on me.” He studied your face briefly, building up the courage for his next question. “So listen, I’m only in town for a few more days, but I uh… I would like to take you out on a date before I go.” 
You smiled through your shock. Sure, you guys had been having a great time together, but you had heard how flirty he was by nature, so you just assumed it was a friendly thing. “I would like that a lot, actually.” 
“Excellent!” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to you. “Here, give me your number and I’ll give you a call tomorrow to set something up.” 
You smiled softly at him as you took his phone, your fingers brushing ever so slightly at the hand off. After entering your number, you hand the phone back to him. 
“Great.” He smiled. “I’ve gotta go change into my regular clothes real quick. If you don’t mind hanging out for another minute, I could walk you to your car.” 
“Sure,” You reply. He smiled, and the two of you sat silently for a moment. You notice some kind of conflict in Harry’s expression, but you’re unsure why. “Were you going to change now, or…” You say, snapping him out of his thoughts. 
“Yeah, right. Sorry.” He stood up and started walking to the back of the trailer. He stopped when he got to the door and paused for a minute. Without warning, he turned around, walking back up to you and leaning down, placing a chaste kiss on your lips. “Sorry,” he said bashfully. “I’ve been thinking about doing that most of the day. I guess I let my intrusive thoughts win.” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, waiting for your reply. 
“No, it’s fine. You’re fine.” You stutter, taken aback by the kiss. “It was nice.” 
Harry broke into a wide grin before rushing back to the other side of the trailer to finally change. As you waited, you sat there with a dreamy smile on your face, thinking about how this was the best job you’d ever been booked on.  
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holly-the-trash-writer · 11 months
Matt Smith x Singer/Actress!Reader
Told through Instagram posts
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Liked by y/nfan and 4,687 others
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mattfan So jealous she's acting alongside Matt 😭😭😭
y/nn. More Y/n content!!!! They're gonna look so cute together 😍😍😍
drwhovian She won't be as good as past companions. She can't act 💀💀
everything.y/n Keep your wrong opinions to yourself thnx
your.album.name SHE'S ACTING AGAIN 😭❤️
y/nstan A new album and a tv show in one year. She's spoiling us
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Liked by yourinstagram and 30,643 others
bbcdoctorwho Introducing The Doctor and Nancy 💙
We all want to give Y/n Y/L/n a huge welcome to the Doctor Who cast.
You're go-go-going to be brilliant!
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Liked by mattsmith, florencepugh and 302,584 others
yourinstagram 💙Nancy Sutton reporting for Tardis duty💙
I'm still in a dream. I used to watch Doctor Who every weekend growing up. It was a huge part of my family and my childhood and now I get to be in the show ❤️ My heart could explode right now!
Thank you to Steven for even considering me for the role!
To Matt, you are an amazing actor and Doctor. I couldn't ask for anyone better to act beside and I won't let you down.
I cannot wait to run across the universe with you.
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florencepugh *Tardis Noise*
y/n 👽
your.album.name She left no crumbs ☠️
mattsmith You're going to be great darling
Liked by yourinstagram
the.y/n.diaries DARLING. The dating rumours start now
y/n.is.mother He really said ✨️darling✨️
user543 He's English. They call everyone darling. YALL CHILLL
drwhofan the 60s look is SO GOOD 😍
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Liked by matt.y/n.endgame and 13,843 others
Y/n L/n and Matt Smith have shook up the Doctor Who franchise in more ways than one. Fans have noticed their intense chemistry in front of the camera but has their chemistry made it off camera?
Earlier this week, the co-stars looked very cosy at the Brit Awards, and sources say they were seen leaving together at the end of the night.
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everything.y/n OH MY GOD IT'S HAPPENING
matt.y/n.endgame STAY CALM
drwhovian she's too young for him. Gold digger 💀💀
y/n.is.life dude. Shut up. If they're happy leave them alone.
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Liked by steph753 and 3,975 others
View all 542 comments
user754 where does she find the time. MY GOD
y/n.stan86 This is her era.
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Liked by yourinstagram, bbcdoctorwho and 84,964 others
celebnews Doctor Who co-stars fuel romance rumours during their photoshoot in Venice. The two have been filming for the past year and a half and during this time the romance rumours have only grown.
During the shoot, the two were pictured in a close moment where Y/n brushed Matt's hair, and then Matt placed his arm over her.
On screen their characters have a slow burning romance story but in real life the romance seems to be blossoming fast.
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nancy.sutton134 YES YES YES @everything.y/n
mattsimp Theyre so f*in cute!!!!
y/n4life I hope they're happy. They're such a power couple.
y/ndeservesit God. Sad, she can't be left alone.
celebtea These ppl clutching at straws. Its a PHOTOSHOOT!
yourinstagram75 LET US HAVE THIS
y/n.sutton Y/N LIKED IT!!!! THATS PROOF 4 ME
Liked by 567 others
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Liked by mattsmith, bbcdoctorwho and 102,754 others
yourinstagram I'll be the universe, and you'll be N.A.S.A 🌌
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tomholland2013 Someone call a doctor
yourinstagram I'm sick 🤭
Liked by mattsmith
bbcdoctorwho 💙
sadiesink_ what a lyric 😍😍
everything.y/n WE KNEW IT
matt.y/n.endgame LOOK HOW HAPPY THEY BOTH LOOK!!!!! 😭😭😭
yourinstagram.queen A lyric from her new song and a relationship confirmation. Deceased💀
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Liked by yourinstagram, karengillan and 93,864 others
mattsmith Run with me forever, Nancy
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secretlytranced · 2 months
Wouldn't it be delightful to... just brush your tits against the door frame as you walk thru. To "smooth your shirt" over them. To fuss with your bra strap, if only to give things a little bounce. Be mindful of your breasts. So soft. So sensitive. So Heavy. Tempting you to just... stroke that nipple a bit. Just a bit. Just imagine it and breathe deeply, and feel how good it feels to feel-up your own breasts. Close your eyes, and imagine this isn't because of all the hours of corrupting influence. This is normal. You aren't being corrupted. Your tits have always been like that. Needy. Up front. Getting you into trouble.
so normal yeahhh mmm fuckk they feel amazinggggg
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mishwanders · 10 months
UR BLOG IS AMAZINGGGGG, i hope u are well! Are u takin request? If u are, may u please do a little ficlet of the chain with a fashion designer reader? If u cant, thats ok! I wish u best of wishes and u are amazing! Dont u forget that u are perfect the way u are 😊
Thank you! I’m going rabid over this request because I like crocheting clothes and I’ve actually thought about what I would want to make for each of them 😂 you could say that this is, Time-ly (bad joke Ik).
AN+Warnings: N/A, safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost.
“Uh, whose is this?” Wind asked, holding up a red embroidered handkerchief. “Wild?”
Wild eyed the small cloth from his spot at the cooking pot and shook his head. “Not mine. Legends maybe?”
“Not mine either. It looks like it has your name on it in the corner. Are you sure your sister didn’t place that into your bag before you left?” Legend asked, settled in the ground, leaning against the log.
Wind shook his head. “No, I haven’t seen it ‘till now.”
“Speaking of mysterious things - I found the hole in my shirt patched up with a new embroidered piece. Looks brand new.” Sky mentioned
“Are the Minish sneaking stuff into our bags? I found a new tunic in my bag that fits like a glove and has a pretty design. I’m afraid to ruin it, it’s so nice.” Hyrule chimed in.
“It’s possible, but I find it unlikely. I think it take at least three Minish to hold a needle, no less more to actually embroider something like Wind’s ‘kerchief.” Four commented
“Then who’s been sneaking new things into our stuff?” Warriors asked
You sat on your own spot, biting down on your lip to keep from snickering. You had been the culprit of mending and making new things you’d new the liked or needed, a minor assistance in your journey together. Plus, you liked making things for others and seeing the surprise on their face when they saw it. You were hoping that your hidden deeds would stay that way, but wolfie was standing by Wind, sniffing at the handkerchief and picking up on your scent.
Dang it!
At least the dog couldn’t speak. He couldn’t give you away that easily. However, his state in your direction could have easily been a dead hive away. You patted the spot beside you and the dog made his way closer. You gently scratched behind his ear, trying to divert the attention away from you by praising Wolfie instead. “Aaawww such a good boy!”
However, the actions were not missed by a Time. He sat next to you, gently bumping your shoulder. “I don’t think the culprit has gotten into everyone’s things, mine hasn’t been touched yet. What about yours?”
You narrowed your eyes at him for a split second, knowing he was trying to bait and corner you.
“As a master of fact, I do.” You replied, picking up your bag from the ground to start digging through it. The only problem was though, is that Time quickly snatched it from you and held it.
You scoffed at him, scrambling to try and get it back. “Hey!”
Time kept his hand out on your shoulder keeping you pushed back as he allowed Wolfie to sniff the bag. “Same scent?”
Wolfie nodded. Dang it…
You were then pelted with a plethora of questions like small deku nuts pelting away at you. “Okay! Okay! Yes, it was me the whole time - but I wanted to make stuff for you and make sure your stuff still looks nice. Can’t have the hero’s running around all the Hyrule’s looking raggedy with loose threads and huge holes in their breeches or tunics.”
“Why hide it?” Warriors asked
“I like to see people surprised by the gifts I make them and I don’t really care for credit.” You replied
“Well, for what it’s worth, thank you. The new design on my tunic looks quite nice.” Four commented
You smiled sheepishly. “Don’t mention it.”
“Anyone you haven’t hit yet with your secret yet?” Wild asked
You pointed at Time. “Him and Twilight.”
“Saving the best for last I see. Have anything special planned?” Time asked with a cheeky grin.
You folded your arms. “Maybe, but there’s no way in the Depths that your finding out before it’s done.”
“Oh yeah? Wolfie, fetch.” He commanded, tossing it into the dogs mouth.
Your eyes went wide as you realized what was about to happen, seeing Wolfie’s tail wagging wildly. You knew the wolf was gonna take it directly to Twilight. “Wolfie…”
He took off running around camp with you chasing right after him. The others laughed at how easily Wolfie evaded you and each attempt you made at grabbing the bag. “Oh come on! Give it back.”
“Not until you tell us what you have planned.” Time chuckled.
“You’re insufferable old man! I’m not telling you - you have to wait!” You replied, sounding rather winded with the chase.
“Could you at least tell us what you have planned for the Rancher?” Time asked
You groaned, giving into his request seeing as how Twilight was not here. “I have plans to make him a new waist belt to replace his torn Ordanian one. Happy?”
Time smiled. “Very.”
Wolfie sat down and held the bag up to you. You took hold of it, eyeing the wolf. “You give it back without making me play tug-o-war I’ll make you a toy.”
Wolfie liked the sound of that, so he dropped it into your hand. You snatched it and held the bag close you it’s chest before narrowing your eyes at time. “You’re getting the scratchiest pair of wool underwear I can make for that.”
The others laughed and Time chuckled at your small threat.
“Looking forward to it.”
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mingisaddctn · 9 months
hiii 😋😋 i just wanted to say that you are my fav writer tbh and i love your writing style. YOURE SO AMAZINGGGGG
i wanted to request a yunho smut based off the song body party by ciara? maybe the reader showing him how much they love him or something 😭 i’ve been dying for smtg like thissss..
if you don’t take requests like this i understanddd buttt other than that ilysm and your posts make my day LMAO
omg thank you so so so much ;-; this is too sweet im dying, im so glad you like my writing style. also ive been having yunho brainrot lately so im gonna try a lil something here for you
even though he had the height to be a scary human pole, you couldn't see him in a way other than a giant baby. yunho had this thing about him, a feeling, a pheromone, something that brought you closer to his sweetest self, and made you want to nestle yourself in his scent, engulfed in his being.
oh, you loved him. and you loved him bad — that's why you were milking him dry with your mouth.
kneeling in between his muscular thighs, the ones where your fingernails dug themselves into, you lowered your head over and over on his cock, feeling every little vein on the tip of your tongue, saliva pooling around the corners of your lips and falling to your chin. your jaw almost fell asleep, but the way he laid, hands behind him into the sheets of your shared bed as his head was thrown back, and you could only stare at his adam's apple bobbing from the grunts that left his body with full force.
your pretty, sweet, whiny boy.
he was your whole world, and you were his, and the best way to let him know about that was to be on top of him, taking every last drop of cum like a hungry devil, in a greed of pure sin.
"please" he placed his palm on your cheek, cupping your face and guiding your mouth off of him, leaving a trail of saliva behind. his eyes were two chocolaty irises that stared at you with utter devotion. "I need to be inside you."
and his wish were your orders. you stood from where you were kneeling, with the help of his arms and lowered your panties, sitting on his damp boxers—with the mixture of precum and your drool—and lowered yourself on him, arms holding his neck so dearly, so scared of leaving a mark on his perfectness.
he moaned, mouth open against yours and eyes burning into your mind. no thoughts to be perceived, just the two of you enjoying the moment, feeling pleasure out of this world, fucked out and fucked dumb.
rolling your hips with the help of his big hands, you moaned loud, not minding anything other than the need to bear him all, to lead him to his glory. yunho grabbed your body, enveloping you into a tight embrace, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he helped your moves by pounding upwards.
your motions were made out of pure desperation that turned into primal urges, connecting with the side of your mind that you could never access if it wasn't when you were fucking yourself on his cock, drooling with eyes rolling to the back of your head.
"I love you" you whimpered and babbled and sang into his ear. "I love you—I love you"
he kept on pounding, moans becoming groans and burning against his throat.
"I love you" he moaned back, his words slurred against your skin, but engraving themselves like a thick tattoo, so you wouldn't ever forget.
he was reaching his finishing point when his movements became sharper and you dove into the scent of his sweat mixed with the faint cologne, everything that made him smell like him, leaving the imprint of his wholeness in you, claiming you in every way he could.
his teeth nursed themselves into the skin of your neck, not hard enough to draw blood, but just the right amount to let any wandering eye see who you belonged to. with a deep groan, and the rumbling of his chest trembling against yours, you felt his thighs twitching, and he came into your walls, feeding them what they truly needed all this time.
the only way you could show how much you loved him, was if he allowed you by loving you even more. if it was ever possible at all.
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