#and i was NOT disappointed
hugsohugs-side · 1 year
fun fact: when meta knight misses a target in ninja dojo he pouts like a goddamn baby
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callsignsnix · 1 year
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forever... your loving mother
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Me, not crying through Shanks leaving Luffy, Vivi saying goodbye to the crew, Sanji's starvation, Nami's rescue, Zoros devotion, Choppers backstory/voice acting, The Death of The Merry, ect. : ...
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not pictured:
me: how d’you figure, buddy?
her: well cos you’re a boy,, and,, and you said you have a boyfriend. so you’re gay!! :D
me,, on the verge of tears: thats exactly right good job bud
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kazbiter · 1 year
not even a succession girly but kendall saying to stewy "there's nothing he wouldn't have used against me" and then them staring at each other in heavily charged silence was all I needed to see i'm with u kenstewy nation I see ur vision
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bedpolls · 3 months
Tuvok? ,’:)) (Star Trek)
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Please reblog for a larger sample size.
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house-of-mirrors · 10 months
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@oliluhackle this can't be left in the tags on this post I'm YELLING
Fellow FL memelords get on this. Which judgement do we think this is.
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feathersandthorns · 1 year
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Welcome to the Owl Family!
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ooey-gooey-angel · 9 months
woag. begging everyone to go watch Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog right now. go do it. It is literally amazing. that was probably the best 45 minutes of my day
YouTube link if anyone's interested Here
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convexicalcrow · 10 months
also things i want to Art one day: - joe's canyon poems - the end poem
i have, like, a stupidly large big fat journal that i'm filling with all kinds of stuff over the next 8 or so years (it's a decade-long project, and we've done two years now), and I think those would be lovely additions to the book.
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loguetowns · 8 months
Hi! I got into the One Piece fandom bc of OPLA and fell in love with OPLA Zoro lol. I then checked out the anime and found your animanga Zoro fics and they’re so cute, I’ve loved reading them :)
Would love to know your thoughts on OPLA too!
in the iconic words of lola tung, oh my goodness i love this question!!
firstly, i hope you've been having fun exploring the world of one piece!! i feel like getting into a new fandom can be so overwhelming sometimes. with that said, i am absolutely tickled that my fics have been feeding your zoro crush ♡
as for my opinions on opla, was it the most artful masterpiece in the world? no. but did it set out to do everything it wanted to do? yes. did it make me wholly content and leave my heart full? absolutely!!
i'm gonna add my detailed thoughts below (bc there's so many lol) but i will say that i think it was a success!
i'm not sure what the general animanga fandom's thoughts were on opla but for myself, i tried going into it with as little comparison/expectation from the original material as possible and i think that's why i liked it so much. i remember reading that the team's two goals were to honor existing fandom and also bring one piece to a new audience, and they totally did that!!
on the production itself, i think the team did the best with the budget they were given. it's a netflix show, not a hollywood production. certain effects and post-production weren't flawless, but i can 100% appreciate where they chose to spend their money. the choice to focus on character design and setting helped to bring the world of one piece to life in a way where it doesn't feel corny seeing it as a live action, ya kno?
storytelling wise, i can understand why they chose to keep what they kept and where they took out material/story. the essence of each arc was kept and the fact that they were able to introduce new plot and keep the core story intact within 8 episodes was a huge win.
it's funny because syrup village and baratie are two arcs that i don't care for but i adored them in opla. i also didn't even realize until after i finished watching that the buggy arc was so different from the original but i think that speaks to how well it was done!
i also like that they brought in this little side story of coby, garp and the marines. coby was an effective tool to explain the world of op to newer audience members, and the dichotomy between good vs. bad and whether lawful = good was set up really well in a short series because you had this marine subplot.
and then, of course, the characters ♡ the cast of opla has my whole fucking heart fr!! i already knew i was going to love mackenyu!zoro as soon as i saw his concept photos. but what surprised me was how much i fell in love with opla!sanji and usopp! they are so delightfully adorable and i have big crushes on them now.
the other standout thing for me is that i think the cast did a wonderful job at capturing the east blue crew's initial innocence and wonder. after following the strawhats for so long, i forget how much they've grown since the beginning. like, they really were just a bunch of teen dreamers who were given permission to be free by this weird kid in a strawhat.
for me, i don't see it as the opla competing with the animanga, but rather it's another version of the same story that i can love as much as the original ♡
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subway-tolkien · 2 years
u sure the problem isn’t gonna be izzy stans harassing the creators when izzy doesn’t inexplicably become the main protagonist and love interest of the show bc I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be that
Okay, extrapolating from your ask I’m guessing you are irritated that Blorbo X is enjoying a popularity surge, while you prefer Blorbo Y. It’s not fair that Blorbo X is getting attention that rightfully belongs to Blorbo Y, because Blorbo Y is morally superior in every way. Even worse: Blorbo X is evil, and evil characters are bad characters and the people who like them are also bad. So, you've decided the constructive response is to hate Blorbo X and Blorbo X’s fans for “stealing” the spotlight from Blorbo Y, and the way to do that is with online bullying and snotty, anonymous asks aiming for inflammatory but falling short and landing firmly in cringe.
That’s my theory, anyway, because I felt the same about Krycek being more popular than Mulder for a while, when I was fourteen. I didn't bully people because I wasn't raised like that, but I sure resented them, for no real reason, until I grew out of it and moved on.
At any rate, here's a little remedial lesson in storytelling: the purpose of a villain is to supply conflict to the plot by opposing the hero(s). Villains are also compelling because good villains are complicated people with their own set of morals and motives. For some folks, they are just as interested in the villain’s arc as they are in the hero’s. Additionally, some people enjoy villains more than the heroes or side-characters, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Punishing other fans for enjoying the same show because they focus on a different facet of it than you do is, in a word, stupid. In thirty years of fandom, I’ve never understood the need to target, harass, and bully internet strangers—and the cast and crew of the show!—because of a difference of opinion regarding fictional characters that do not exist. 
This is not unique to OFMD; this behavior is a cancer on every fandom it touches and has gotten so much worse over the last ten years that I barely recognize modern fandom anymore, but OFMD is the latest victim of entitled fan behavior, blind ego, and a distinct lack of critical thinking skills, so I'm focusing on it right now.
I don't know anyone who thinks Stede will be replaced by Izzy as the protagonist of OFMD; you're exaggerating in an effort to antagonize me/other people, but you just sound impossibly young and, frankly, very boring. You really don't warrant a reply, but I seem to have Opinions on this subject and since you felt the need to share yours, you get to enjoy mine. 🎉
Anyway, I've no dog in this fight. I like Izzy as a villain just as I like Ed and Stede as the heroes, and the Revenge crew as the supporting ensemble. I trust David et al to know what's best for their own show. I wish everybody could. I don't care what characters people like or why, I care what characters I like and why. I read the fic I enjoy, I look at the fanart I like. I make good use of filters and blocking. I also know how to scroll past things I don't want to see. What other people like about the show has no effect on what I like about the show, because I don't take other people's opinions of the show personally. Their opinions have nothing to do with me.
Let people like what they like, and step back and analyze why you resent the opinions of one segment of a broader fandom to the point where it threatens your enjoyment of the show enough to drive you to attack strangers on the internet and harass an actor for just doing his job.
We are all on the same boat, heading in the same direction. Stop trying to sink it.
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loving-elvis · 1 year
God, I love Agent Elvis. How am I getting the hots for an animated character lol?!
Well, one thing I know for sure is that you aren't alone in feeling that way, hon! I must say that the animation in the series is beautiful! So vibrant and colorful, and it certainly seems like a comic book -
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And then of course you have the main character himself, which, I gotta say, they did a damn good job capturing him. From those blue eyes to his jawline to that fabulous hair and to the world-famous pout (and the dimples! They got his dimples!)
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I can certainly understand, and know that you aren't alone, hon! I'm personally waiting for more people to discover it and the man himself! 💖
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paperluigi64 · 4 months
visited lincoln park zoo today! the lions were out and about and no joke there was a pair of them that honest to god Fucked right in front of the glass in plain view LMAO
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homeless-ghost-71 · 4 months
Getting shipped off to the North Pole by the chocolate cartel is crazy
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islanddboyy · 1 year
i am not so calmly losing my shit over watching and dreaming
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