#ahhh thank you to the mods for running this!!
charmandabear · 2 days
hii this is the anon that asked about the tav mod, thank you for your answer!! it was the romance scenes that had me a little worried given the amount of touching lol, so i really really appreciate that you checked that specifically! 💕💕
Ahhh, you're so welcome! I also had a lot of questions about it, which is why I wanted to basically speedrun his romance in my current run. And uhhhhhhhhh
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The selected pictures are what I took in that scene alone. So I'm gonna be posting a tonnnnnnnnnn from it. Keep a look out. Here's another sneak peek 👀
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loquaciousquark · 6 months
hi! i’ve been a fan of your writing since da2 and i’m so glad you’re playing bg3 now too. it’s been really interesting following your play throughs and character choices and how that ties in with your fic. i know you went with the choice to have astarion kill tav when he firsts bites her because it’s hilarious and i always want to do that, but i think i’d miss the scene after with the whole camp (and all the approval for defending him lol) and ahhhh i just don’t know! if you feel like it, i was wondering if you would talk more about your HCs around that choice and what to you makes it worth losing the morning after scene with everyone because i feel like it’s such an important group moment but… i want to punch him for killing me and also kind of slow things down with him so we stay just reluctant but oddly compelled allies for longer
Ahhh, what a fabulous question! Thank you so very much for this handcrafted opportunity to sit you down at my kitchen table with a cup of coffee and trap you for the next three and a half hours.
So the first bite scene ending in Tav's death wasn't actually intentional! I started playing BG3 in a three-person MP team with @eponymous-rose and @mystery-moose, and it so happened that my character (Tavish Gale, already ironclad) was the one who came across the boar and triggered the bite scene that night. By pure chance I rolled two natural ones on both those checks, and when it cut to the next morning and Tav was outright DEAD, we couldn't stop laughing! We had no idea what to expect or what the consequences would be, and when I switched to a SP campaign so I could horrifically binge this game like the gremlin I am, I felt compelled to recreate that glorious, character-defining moment.
However, as you note, that does mean you miss out on that lovely post-feed conversation where everyone says they're okay with him. On the other hand, you get that absolutely flat read of "Oh no. Something terrible happened here. :|" and then you get to punch him, so, you know, basically equal losses on either path. I know you get a ton of approval points after with the survival track, but I'm finding I'm not hurting for approval even in early game (I actually had to go and mod his approval 15 points lower about halfway through Act 1 this run because I was triggering his romance scene too early ahead of the party).
I actually need to probably sit down and write out the details of what happens here, but I do think a couple things take place. I know for sure that Tav fails the checks & doesn't fight it because she gets sucked into the feeling of relaxation and lethargy and the sense that nothing matters anymore. She spends most of Acts 1 & 2 fairly certain they're going to die any day, so why not live life to the fullest and do whatever you want in the moment without thinking about the consequences? If she's going to go out early anyway, why not to a relatively painless vampire bite instead of the agony of ceremorphosis? She probably realizes she's dying in those last seconds, but it's very much a "finally" instead of "oh no," so it's not really any skin off her nose.
I'm almost certain Astarion is shocked out of his mind when her heart stops. I don't think he realizes what's happened until he sits back and she's ice-cold and smiling, and his first instinct is to run off into the dark ASAP before everyone else wakes up and shanks him. Except because this happens IN THE MIDDLE OF CAMP, LARIAN, I think someone sees the whole thing go down and realizes Astarion didn't mean to do it and Tav was a brick-thick idiot who leaned all the way into her own death.
On pondering, I kind of think it was Shadowheart, who is utterly disgusted with both of them but who also knows she can bring Tav back with a scroll and does so without much drama. She'd be the kind of person to see what was going on, but who doesn't care enough to intervene or go "hey everything okay over here I can't help but notice you're engaging in some risky behavior", but who also wouldn't leap to TIME TO KILL ASTARION the moment it went too far.
I think Tav wakes up with a raging headache, and now that there are suddenly consequences she can't immediately brush off, she gets embarrassed and mad. Cue the punch, the argument, and probably everyone else waking up in the aftermath. Lae'zel initially wants to boot him from the group, I think, but Tav's anger burns out pretty quick (and she's pretty aware of her own failures to stop him), and she points out that if they're going to saddle themselves with Wyll's, Gale's, and her own baggage, it'd be pretty hypocritical to dump Astarion over his. So we still get some defense of him to the group, and I think Karlach (and probably Wyll, and honestly maybe Shadowheart who saw his fear) would be onboard with keeping him around pretty quickly. Promises never to do it again, keep your teeth to yourself, etc.
Astarion I think spends this entire conversation very, very scared and doing everything he can to hide it. I think he's completely overwhelmed by euphorically feeding on a thinking creature for the first time and then completely horrified by killing her - not because he likes her but because what if this is why Cazador commanded us not to, what if I can't control myself on my own without his compulsion, what if I really am the beast he's always said. He's panicking from the outrageous swings of emotion and talking really quickly and trying to put up a bold front, but inside he's about half a hair from snapping off into the woods and never coming back.
I think it's the punch that kind of shocks him out of the spiral, and then Tav then defending him to the group helps him flip into the "well obviously I deserve to stay and in fact to kick me out of the group would be not only stupid, but deadly" mode long enough to get through the night. He tries to put on the usual devil-may-care indifference, even though everyone can see through it, and they have a tense few days where everyone's pretending everything is fine even though it's really, really not.
Astarion & Tav are also avoiding each other religiously here, until something happens in a battle (the harpies, I think) and one of them gets injured because of that avoidance. That night, Tav stakes him to the ground and makes them talk about it. I think this is where she says she's not actually averse to him feeding on her and in fact asks him to do it that night - to get them both over the hump of what happened the first time. Astarion needs to feed without fear & she needs to not get swept up in the lethargy, and if he's going to get back to the sneering equilibrium he ought to have in the first and second acts, he needs to be successful at this and he needs to feel like he's won, or at least like he has an edge over her again. She's a little transparent about wanting to be bled in part to help him get back to this position of control, and in part because she does like forgetting the weight of reality, and in part because, again, they're gonna die in like twelve hours, surely, so who cares?
Anyway, it goes as well as it can for the two of them, even if they're both a little prickly throughout, and by the end they're a lot more comfortably back in that manipulative space they prefer. From there it moves on compliantly with canon into the party leadup (Loviatar and such) and then the party itself, and then progresses as scheduled with the rest of the game.
Ahh, it's so fun to think about these kinds of things. I'll continue to ponder, but I think this is either it for them or very close. Thank you so much for asking and for letting me ruminate! <3
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aventurine-official · 1 month
I haven't met anyone quite like you, Mr Aventurine. You've got an interesting personality, and pretty eyes.
[A young man with messy white and red hair, quite like Topaz. He has goggles on, a right stud piercing and a curious gaze. He hums, his words almost sounding like a song.]
(GANG WELCOME MY OC!! he's a sculptor from Penacony and contributes as a well known artist...) 🍓
“Mm, is that so~?”
*The blonde smiles bemusedly, fixing his gaze on the very pretty boy in front of him. Such lovely hair— it briefly reminds him of a coworker of his.*
“Interesting personality? Oh, that makes me wonder of just what sort of stories people tell about me— I don’t believe we’ve met personally…” *Aventurine runs his tongue languidly along his bottom lip, looking up at the other seductively.* “But you seem to be just the type of person I’d be interested in getting to know~”
*The gambler giggles at the compliment.* “Thank you~ Many people notice them most definitely, but it isn’t often people can properly appreciate their beauty…”
“They’re usually associated with far less desirable things.”
(Ooc: Ahhh yay another oc!!! He seems so interesting fjdjfjfjjf I’d love to know more about him!!! My Aven is clearly interested in him too djdjdj I’m so sorry. I can’t control the gay ~ Mod Minie)
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blackjackkent · 3 months
You may not have completely figured out who Rakha is yet, but she's fantastic.
The dynamic she has with Lae'zel is great, and I hope it keeps up along the same lines. Rakha charging at a mind flayer, no thoughts just rage and wild surge, while Lae'zel quickly reassesses her role in this partnership as 'the person who does what needs doing while the enemy is distracted' is pure gold.
And honestly? It would be less fun if she was actually a barbarian. There's something hilarious and very character-defining about a sorcerer (squishy. Back-line fighter. My BG1 sorcerer started with a whole 4 HP) who charges at any opponent who pisses her off with no consideration for her actual build.
Love how completely you're running with the 'no memories' thing, to the point where she doesn't seem to know what an orc is, or that she is one. Combine that with the hints of nerdiness so far and I feel like she's gonna have a lot of fun learning about... Literally everything, actually.
Looking forward to how this plays out.
Ahhh, this was such a sweet and unexpected message, thank you! I really appreciate the commentary. :D It has proved to be odd starting over after how deeply I was in Hector's head, so hearing the feedback on the new story is very appreciated. <3
I am enjoying her too! Big change from Hec, lol; very different inner voice. I def plan to continue exploring her relationship with Lae'zel because I too got a kick out of how it's ended up starting off. And yeah, playing her as a completely blank slate is VERY interesting/challenging - pretty much everything is a learning experience.
I'm pretty sure iirc that she has 7HP and I think most of it was gone by the time Lae'zel got to the transponder. 😂 Sorcerer is a trip. The wild magic surges seem like theyre going to add great chaos as well; @zenjestrr suggested me a mod that brings the full d100 table of possible effects that I'll likely end up using at some point in the run.
Ty again for your thoughts; really means a lot. <3
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lavendel081 · 7 months
I was wondering if you play stardew with any mods? I've been looking into them and I was just wondering -if you happen to play with them- what mods you use/recommend? PS: Also I wanted to just add that I'm really happy for you and proud of you for making your art into a webtoon! It's kind of always been something I've wanted to do when I have the time and assets for it, and I really just admire that someone I'm acquainted with has done something so cool!
I usually play on Switch (When I play at all), but I did play a heavily modded version on PC every once in a while. What I def recommend is getting Expanded and or Ridgeside Village if you want more content. There are also many nice Mods that add more dialogue for characters (I always go heavy on the Seb ones hehe) and also seasonal clothing (I think Expanded comes with it but there are also other ones??) SVE is also still updating, so while you wait for 1.6., SVE 1.15? is also coming? (Not that versed on it, just taking in info from friends hehe) Other than that...I recently found a AI Mod that lets you talk to villagers through the Chat which seemed kinda fun! When you already went through all the dialogue and have nothing more to do, it's nice to give it a try. I also like to use small mods like no Fence decay because that's annoying, or Grass even in Winter. Just small Life Quality Mods!! Oh and the one where you can skip the fishing mini game, because even though I like it, I don't wanna redo it each time.
Hope you find some that make your game experience more fun!!!! AND ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH AHHH THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!! My brainrot still runs very deep, so I'll keep making lots and lots of stuff! I was working on the Haley episode but now I got distracted with the R18 Manga hahaha. But soon I'll come back!! I'm happy I get to tell Eris story more properly through the webtoon, so I'm so grateful for each and everyone who takes the time to read it.
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itstimetoduell · 2 years
Asdfghjkl I hope this is a reader insert blog bc if it is I'm very excited!! If this prompt is inspiring for either of you, could we get something where Yami develops feelings for Yugi's friend (the reader) and his yandere urges starts spreading to Yugi, or maybe Yami tries to convince Yugi to give into his own yandere feelings for the reader, I just love the idea of Yami kinda "corrupting" Yugi and the reader getting caught up in it, ya know? If this doesn't inspire either of you, feel free to just give some general Yandere headcanons or something, I'm okay with anything! Thanks in advance!
-💙 anon~
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Yami corrupting Yugi
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Warnings: small mention of stalking (?), Small implication of NSFW, murder,
Notes: no because I LITERALLY LOVE THIS IDEA?? LIKE AHHH I imagine Yami would do this, so thank you so much for requesting! ❤️❤️ Also yes this is a reader insert blog! And it’s also a character x character blog too!^^
Updated notes:
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG?!?! I had this biggest writers block EVER but finally it's done 💀💀
Made by: Mod Yugi, with the help of Mod Yami
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It was late at night, Yugi was just laying on his bed doing his usual thing, stalking your social media of course! He felt Yami's presence also staring at his phone. All was good until he saw it, the photo that shattered his heart into millions of pieces, the photo of you and your significant other.
Yugi felt so many things run through his head at once, he couldn't think straight. His stomach started to hurt, next thing he knew he was sobbing into a pillow, he dreaded the day you'd get a significant other who was someone other than him, he had a feeling that this was bound to happen eventually, but why does it hurt so much?
After a few minutes it was quiet, with Yugi occasionally sniffling from his crying, after a few seconds, Yami broke the silence.
"Crying won't fix anything, Yugi."
Yugi looked over at him "W-what did you just say.." he said, wiping tears off his face. "You heard me, you're really going to sit here and cry and let this happen?" Yami said, staring at Yugi and the pillow he still held tightly. "Well.. what can I do?! She looks so much happier with them!" He started, "way happier then she is with me.." he mumbled, looking down at the pillow he was sobbing into. "There is something you can do, Yugi." Yami said, smirking, "Get rid of the issue."
Yugi stared at him confused, he had a feeling about what he meant by "the issue" but.. he didn't mean- "..what do you mean..?" He hesitantly asked, "I believe you know exactly what I mean, Yugi." Yami said, so it was Yugi's suspicion.. "Yami.. I can't! I can't hurt someone! You know how I hate fighting and violence!-" Yugi started to ramble, as much as he wanted to hurt the "issue", he couldn't, especially with how short he is.. Yami got close to Yugi and whispered, "Well I can." Yugi stared at him puzzled, followed by a "..huh?" Yami sighed, "Do you want Y/N to be with someone who could hurt her?" Yugi shot up in a panic at the thought of someone hurting you, "No! Never!" he yelled, "Then we need to fix it, I know they're a horrible person, and I know you know that too." Yami said sternly, "Besides, why would you feel bad for someone who would hurt Y/N?" He asked, Yugi looked down again, and thought for a moment before sighing, "I guess you're right.." Yami smiled, "I'm always right."
Yami then took control, he quietly went down the stairs, not to wake up his grandpa, he went to the kitchen quietly, grabbing a large kitchen knife, Yugi started to panic, "Y-Yami! What are you going to do with that?!" Yami smirked, "Yugi, this is how you deal with that issue." Yugi was scared, but he trusted Yami, but he didn't know he'd do this.. he quietly made his way out the door, "Where are we going?" Yugi asked, but Yami didn't reply. He just walked with his head down, clenching the knife hard, Yugi debated on asking if he was okay, was he also upset about the whole ordeal? Only god knows what he'd do with that knife..
Yugi was confused, he didn't recognize this path, where are they going? What were they gonna do there? "..Yami.. what are we doing here?" Yami seemed to snap out of his anger, as he went to the window of the house and looked inside. "Look, that's why we're here." Yami said in anger, Yugi went blank, he just stared through the window, anger boiling inside him, it’s been a long time ever since he felt this way. Even Yami couldn't believe what he saw, they both stared into the window and saw Y/N and that menace doing.. well.. spicy activities.
Now, Yami knew what he was doing, making Yugi look through the window, purposely making him mad, and possibly driving him to "deal with the issue", but he wasn't expecting this, not at all, but he knows he can use this to his advantage. They both sat there, waiting for the two "love birds" to be done, once they both stopped, that was Yami's que.
He allowed Yugi to take control, next thing Yugi knew, he was standing outside the window, knife clenched in hand. He jumped at the sight, nearly dropping the knife, "Yugi, calm down!" Yami scolded, whispering so they wouldn't be heard. "Now, what you're going to do is look inside until you see Y/N leave." Yami instructed. Yugi hesitatingly nodded, he carefully looked through the window, and after many minutes of worry of being seen and Yami having to snap him out of his fantasies with you, you finally got up to another room and he heard the shower running, now was his que.
"Yugi, now." Yami instructed.
In one swift motion, he opened the window and jumped into the room. He saw that menace who took his Y/N, "Who the fuck are you?!" They screamed, Yugi just glared at them, raising the knife clenched in his hands. "Do it Yugi, kill them." He swore he heard Yami say, and he did just that. In one quick motion to the stomach, they were dead on the bed.
Yugi smiled at his work, he at first had doubts, but that did release some anger he had, a lot actually. He felt Yami was proud of him also, "Good job Yugi, I'll take it from here." He said, taking control. They were both surprised Y/N didn't hear anything, but that was a good thing, especially now that "the issue" is gone.
..until they heard the door creak open..
Yami turned around slowly, seeing a frightened Y/N, "..What did you do.." you stuttered out, he slowly approached you, trying to not seem as frightening as you made him out to be. No matter how much he tried you knew one thing, you had to run.
You swiftly turned around and ran, you didn't exactly have an escape plan, maybe the front door? Yeah, that'd work.
The house seemed so much bigger than before, the front door seemed so much farther now, every turn and step was filled with adrenaline, it was almost hard to control.
Yami nearly didn't make it, until Yugi took control, he was able to jump on you just in time. You screamed and thrashed in his grip, you nearly had one of your wrists out of his hands until Yami took control again, what's with this man and constantly switching?! Due to his strength, he was able to knock you out and he carefully picked you up.
"And that Yugi, is how you take care of "the issue"."
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jcjenson-official · 20 days
Not a question, just a comment that I love your roleplay responses! They sound like things our favorite fictional Hyper Conglomerate cooperation would say! Just saying that I love your work!
Mod response:
AHHH THANK YOU!! I really try my hardest to mix seriousness with humor, but also staying in character XD. I also love running this blog and responding, so keep them coming!
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wastelandhell · 2 years
Sorry if this question is too broad or imposing but I'm trying to get into modding Fallout 4 for the first time, mostly to make armor skins. What're the best tutorials? I've tried searching online but a lot of the tutorials are outdated. (Would also love to know how to bash existing skins together though modelling my own would be fun too). Again sorry for this ask I'm just so lost about how to get into modding lol.
Ahhh do not apologize for asking me about modding fallout. I could talk about the guts of this stupid game all day ahhh
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modding grip^
Unfortunately I...don't know any good tutorials. I think a lot of Fo4 modders came over already knowing skyrim or FNV. Most of what I know is based on outdated guides, old loverslab threads, my existing graphic design knowledge, and trial-and-error. I think armour is the best place to start because there are so many tools available (thanks tittymodders!), and you don't have to worry about needing 3DS Max for collisions or animations.
This is the only modding tutorial I've ever watched. It's old, but good to show you a proper workflow and how to set up your files. They use creation kit, but if you're just making armour its way easier to use xEdit. I don't even have the ck installed, I do everything in xEdit.
This is an excellent guide to outfit conversions. It gets pretty in depth, but you really don't need to bother with the dismemberment section if it's just for you. It's for FG reduced but you can use it as a general guide for weighting anything for any body and getting your modded outfit game ready.
Texture edits and outfit conversions are where I started and are probably the easiest. The best thing to do is just poke around mods you like and see how they do it.
Some tools:
xEdit: Plugin editor for creation engine games. If you're doing any kind of modding you should learn how to use this. Esl-flagging, running complex sorter, making bashed patches and making your own compatibility patches are skills you need if you want to run a heavily modded game.
Icestorms texture toolbox: the best texture tool, i use the "batch processing" tab at the end to convert .png (no alpha) and .tga (alpha) files to .dds.
Nvidia texture tools exporter: lets you open .dds file in photoshop with the alpha channel intact. You don't need a nvidia card, I'm all team red. Don't bother using this to export unless you have to, its slow as fuck.
Sagethumbs: Gives .dds files thumbnails in windows explorer.
IrfanView: For quickly viewing texture files without launching photoshop. Also an excellent general image viewer.
Bethesda Archive Extractor: Crack open those .ba2 files and get to the goods.
Material Editor: What it says on the tin, lets you edit Fo4 and Fo76 material files. These are like containers that have the paths to all your textures and how they are to be shaded to attach to .nif files.
NifSkope: View and edit .nif files. Dev 7 is the recommended, but Dev 8 can open Fo76 meshes if you want to backport those.
Outfit Studio: Even if you don't use body replacers, this is an incredible tool for editing and weighting meshes. If you're making armour you need this. This is also where I make most of my mashups: you can pull parts from different outfits, slap them together, and export them quickly and easily.
Blender: It's free and it works. Learning to navigate this is going to be your biggest hurdle but it's worth it, trust me. Thankfully blender has a huge community and hundreds of tutorials. This is where I make my hi poly models and do all my retopo/uvs. I also prefer to use blender to edit meshes because it has more robust editing tools.
PyNifly: What I use to import/export .nif files from blender.
Fo4 is made in the 2013 version of 3DS Max and the havok content tools but i haven't bothered to pirate that yet. You don't need it for armour anyways.
I'm sorry this is so long and rambly. If you have a more specific question I might be more helpful ha.
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ladywren7 · 1 year
If It's Not You It's Not Anyone
By LadyWren7
Rating: General Audiences
Summary/Notes: I am SO beyond excited to be a mod for this fantastic ship week ahh!! I am incredibly thankful for my fellow mods and we can't wait to see what more you all have in store!!
For @sabezraweek November 15th prompt: More Than Friends
They had barely gotten away this time. Troopers had charged from all directions and yet Ezra still managed to get them out of there. Sabine was forever thankful for his presence.
Now they were running through the pouring rain of the late night with no knowledge of where they were going.
It didn't matter. She had said. As long as they never catch us there.
After a mile or so they decided they were far enough and settled beneath a tree for at least some shelter.
"I'll comm Hera." He stated, Sabine smirked.
Ezra whipped out his comm and shortly after, he yelped and threw it.
"Kriffing thing shocked me!" He shouted, shuffling away I surprise.
Sabine began laughing. "Don't you know comms don't work when they're wet?"
He gave an honest shrug. "Apparently not."
She playfully shoved him and laughed some more. He grinned, her laugh was precious to him.
Once her laughing ceased she rested her back against the tree and folded her arms over her stomach. She sighed. "I guess we're stuck here for now until the rest find us."
They decided to talk while they waited. Talked about training, what they'd been up to, and even some gossip they'd heard around the base. After a while they came to a comfortable silence and the rain carried on the calm mood.
The sky was a dark cobalt that engulfed not only the stars, but the atmosphere around them as well, as if it was in the air they breathed.
Though the sky was absolutely stunning, Ezra knew full well what he found more beautiful.
He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when Sabine spoke.
"It's blue hour." She observed, looking out to the rain and the bright stars that were slowly fading to blue. Ezra secretly cursed them for disappearing, how dare they take the lovely sparkle from her eyes.
"I don't think I've ever seen a blue hour." He responded before he'd seem suspicious.
"Well I'm glad I could be here for your first one," she raised a knee up to her chest and rested her arms on it. "It's too beautiful to be seen alone."
"You really love blue huh?" He leaned against the tree on his elbow and smirked.
Sabine turned with a surprised, yet playful look. With a small shake of the head she resumed staring at the sky. "I love all colors. But..."
A few seconds passed before she spoke again. "Blue is special to me."
His teasing grin disappeared, leaving his raised brow. "Why?"
Her eyes met the ground before a small grin formed on her lips. "It reminds me of you."
Ezra had to do a double take at what she said. "...Really?" He asked in a soft voice, an attempt to conceal his inner excitement.
"Mhm." She hummed more timidly than she intended to.
"And thanks, by the way."
Though it only lasted for a second or two, what she said had completely thrown him off, leaving him confused at her question. "For what?"
She almost laughed. "Getting us out of there, remember?"
He faceplamed with a nervous smile. "Oh, yeah. It was nothing." When he looked up again she had left her spot next to him.
Looking forward he spotted her not too far, standing under the blue sky. "What are you doing out there?" He almost shouted over the white noise of the rain.
She looked over to him from where she stood and shrugged. "I mean we're already wet, why not?" With that her eyes closed and she titled her head upward.
"I-" He couldn't argue with that one. Not with the reasoning, but especially not the way she relaxed under the rain's soft touch, the way he just wanted to hold her under it and tell her everything he's ever kept secret.
"Kriff it." He pushed himself off the ground and joined her. It felt satisfying, almost relieving to stand there next to her as they felt the cool rain on their faces and heard the soft sound of it around them.
"This," Sabine said just above a whisper. "Is what feeling alive is like."
Ezra opened his eyes and turned to her. Gazing at her then, in that moment, made him feel alive, too. All of a sudden he couldn't suppress his words in any longer.
"Sabine I like you." He blurted out before almost slapping his hand over his mouth.
Did he actually say that out loud? Ooohhh kriff. He couldn't breathe. Was he getting red? No no no no no-
The Mandalorian was too stunned to speak. Did he just- did he just say what she'd always secretly wanted to hear? Did he just make her most hidden of fantasies a reality? This was too good to be true... right?
It had to be, She thought. She didn't deserve this, she didn't deserve him. After the terrible weapons she'd made and horrible things she'd done, it was impossible.
But the thing was, when she was with him, or even just thinking of him, she didn't feel that way. She didn't have flashbacks, she didn't feel guilty and undeserving. She felt brave, appreciated, and valid. He lifted her up in ways many people in her life had failed to, and that was just it. Before Ezra, she had no one to support her, her passions, her life decisions. Yes, she had the rest of the crew but they weren't her age, and she was more hesitant to open up to them.
But when he came along, everything changed. Since then they'd been through so much together. They'd laughed together, cried together, been on countless missions together, and even almost died together. Sure, maybe she didn't need someone to have her back but maybe she wanted someone. And maybe, just maybe, she deserved someone.
So for him to be saying this right now meant the galaxy to her.
She saw him getting red and begin fidgeting "I-I mean if you don't that's fine- I'm so sorry, oh my stars-"
She placed a hand on his shoulder. "No," She said calmly. "It's okay."
He paused. "O-Oh."
She looked past his nervous expression to his lips and leaned in closer, which he let her, until there were only mere particles of air between them.
His breath hitched when she stopped.
"Can I just..." She whispered.
He was in the middle of quickly nodding when she pulled his face in and kissed him. Suddenly they were the only ones in the galaxy. The universe became desolate apart from them, the rain, and the cobalt sky it fell from. In that moment nothing else mattered, not the empire, not their pasts, just them.
When they parted Sabine grinned to herself before looking up at him. "I like you too, Ezra."
He was breathless. "Wow, okay."
She laughed at his nervousness for a moment before opening her mouth to say something when the blinding lights of the ghost shone upon them.
It was time to go.
Sabine took one last look at him before running into the ship. A few moments later, he followed. Into the ghost, and out of the friend zone.
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diaborodevil · 10 months
Planet speed beginning of the war
Sabrehorn: who wants to die first come at me with the spilling of your blood there will be justice
Deadlock: yeah what he said
Blurr: what your saying doesn’t make sense here this is a safe area for both bots and cons
Deadlock: then why aren’t there any decepticons here only Autobots enjoying themselves
Blurr: welp I’m going to have to deal with these two
Bumblebee: no no no that is not a good idea
Cliffjumper: your asking for it
Blurr: someone has to do something I’m going to fight for my home you two start evacuating people this will get messy
(So then a battle commenced between blurr and sabrehorn Blurr using speed and a home field advantage while sabrehorn used pure pure strength and swordsmanship until Blurr grabbed one of sabrehorns blades and)
Blurr: not so chatty now without a head huh
Sabrehorn: that hasn’t stopped me yet
Blurr: what how how are you alive
Sabrehorn: let’s just say I know a good surgeon good at giving advanced mods like how my shell is immune to cosmic rust
Blurr: what does that have to do with this
Sabrehorn: check your hands
Blurr: ah ahhh ahhhhhh
Sabrehorn: I may look like a boisterous idiot but I’m a tricky swordsman that sword is my killing tool same one I’m gonna use on this place
Blurr: your hurting both bots and cons if you do that
Sabrehorn: I’ll hurt way more bots a worthy sacrifice a grand sacrifice
*shing* *skrunnnch*
Sabrehorn: didn’t you know war means sacrifice deadlock you are truly caught in your ideals if you think war doesn’t me sacrifice you truly are masters inferior student
Sabrehorn: welp my fun is ruined you can keep that blade literal backstabber how are you holding up
Blurr: uh uhhh ahhhhhhhhh
Sabrehorn: pretty bad but cureable
*shing* *shunk*
Sabrehorn: now he’s dead
Bumblebee and Cliffjumper: nooooo
Sabrehorn: I’ll just put this back and if you wish to not die run while there’s still time including you deadlock
And so con and bot alike ran away as planet speed slowly rusted away bot and con alike both died to the rust until eventually planet speed completely shattered gone
Bumblebee: so what’s your name
It’s deadlock
Cliffjumper: so you stabbed your comrade
Deadlock: he lied to me told me we were on virtuous mission not a slaughter fest
Cliffjumper: so what are gonna do
Deadlock: I’ll become an Autobot fight for a new cause
Bumblebee: so you gonna stick with deadlock as a name
No call me drift
And so we will now be in the start of the beginning of the war
Sabrehorn: *gasp* you didn’t have to wait so long to grab me
Knockout: I’m sorry it’s just that my coat needed to buffed anyway how did your mission go
Sabrehorn: good except that the coward deadlock ran master said he has promise but I don’t see it
Knockout: well atleast your augments seem to be working
Sabrehorn: yeah they really are something thanks
Knockout: oh do thank me I merely implanted them thank there creator
Shockwave: that doesn’t matter he’s merely a test subject a stepping stone to my true project before my lab was taken
Knockout: what were you working on
Shockwave: something that will completely change this war
Welp that’s that for today any questions comment it
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Lizzie: Some people are like slinkies.
Sparklez: What?
Lizzie: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Sparklez: Please don't push Torquedawg down the stairs.
Lizzie, pushing Torquedawg down the stairs: Too late.
Ahhh, thanks for the submission, anon, but this quote already exists almost verbatim on the blog:
I appreciate you taking the time to send this in, though! and i'm glad other people can see something like this happening somewhere in the mcsm-verse dpodfhsofj
~ Mod Rainy
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ideal-and-consultant · 7 months
I am so, so thrilled to see you back. Thank you for running this blog.
Ahhh thank you ^^ And yep~ I'm back, and hopefully I will be to keep this blog running~ - Mod Apple
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aventurine-official · 2 months
okay but how mnay blogs do you run i keep seeing you almost everywhere 😭 i admire the dedication on running a lot of blogs
(Ooc: I run 21 rp blogs and have a prompt blog and a writeblr as well!
Ahhh thank you thank you! I manage, usually my blogs are active at different times and some are less active than others, so everything works out.
The muse I'm most known for in the Star Rail fandom is Aven, ofc! But I do rp for Genshin and a few other fandoms too.
I hope you're well, anon! ~ Mod Minie)
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castles-in-the-eyre · 2 years
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my two illustrations (+ one bonus chibi R!) for the @takemyhandexr big bang ♥️💚
I worked with @frhog, who wrote an incredible fic, Hearts and Spare Parts!! it's a Heartsmith AU & you all should absolutely check it out ->
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packetofsuga · 3 years
Kiss of Death - Corpse Fic
Prompt: “He’s a bad kisser” 
Backstory: Y/N is a streamer and secretly dating Corpse, not even their friends know. Other than Dave, of course. They’re playing proximity chat among us with Valkyrae, Toast, Sykkuno, Pewdiepie, JackSepticeye, Pokimane, Ludwig, and Dave (boyinaband). 
Genre: Fluff + humor 
Content warning: Light swearing
Word Count: 1631
A/N: Okay. First of all, writing an author’s note really threw me back to my Wattpad days but, anyway. I just wanna say feel free to send little prompt requests in my ask box for fics. I won’t write smut, I know I have for kpop artists in the past and I may write smut again in the future but for now, it’s a hard no for all fics. I will write mainly for Corpse Husband, Valkyrae, BTS, and Dream Catcher. Possibly other YouTubers or kpop groups just ask and I’ll let you know! I also will write for some book fandoms, I can’t list all of them so again just ask, please. I’ll get to requests whenever I can so please be patient while waiting. 
Until then please enjoy the random prompts I’ve found that I thought would be cute :) 
Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction
You were playing among us with your friends and your boyfriend, as usual. The only difference was you were using the proximity chat mod which you had never done before. Because you guys were using that mod every time Corpse got imposter he was doing his “kiss of death” thing. 
As you loaded into the game you saw the word crewmate pop up on your screen. Everyone started joking about being a crewmate or imposter and you chuckled to yourself. “I am just a crewmate doing crewmate things. I am doing keys, because I am just a crewmate.” You stated while walking over to the keys task, knowing that you don’t even have keys this round. 
“Y/N’s faking keyyysss.” Poki called. 
“She’s just reminding everyone to fake keys, guys, everyone fake keys right now,” Sean said, moving his character on top of yours in front of keys. The was a chorus of agreements as almost everyone did the same. Once that was done you split off from the group. 
“Guys… I think it’s Poki, she didn’t fake keys.” You said to your chat, laughing to yourself. You went around doing your tasks. You came across Sykkuno in O2, “Hey Sykkuno, whatcha doing?”
He paused in the doorway of the tree room, “Oh! hi Y/N. I’m uh just doing my tasks.” 
You cleared the trash shoot, “Oh yeah? Just a crewmate doing crewmate things?” 
Sykkuno giggled, “Uh, yep. Just doing crewmate things. Hey, you- you wanna stand on this vent with me?” 
You hesitated, knowing there’s absolutely no way for you to figure out if Sykkuno is just being himself or is actually the imposter, “I- You know what yes I would love to Sykkuno.” You walked into the tree room.
“Oh- really? That… Was very enthusiastic.” The two of you walked onto the vent by the tree, stacking on top of each other, “You’re not the imposter, right? You’re not gonna kill me. 
“Oh, of course not, Sykkuno. I mean, you know, maybe.” You love making yourself look extra suspicious to him because that’s how he plays, “Here. I’ll click the spot where the kill button is and we’ll see what happens, okay?” 
“Oh, Jesus-” He gasped. 
You clicked the spot on the screen, “Hear me clicking?” You both laughed.
“Uh yeah I do, that means it can’t be you huh?” He said, “Here I’ll do it too.”  
You yelped a little as the body reported screen came up, scaring you. 
“I thought I just fucking died.” You said, trying to calm your breathing.
“Honestly, me too.” Sykkuno said, “There’s so many people dead.” 
Poki reported the body and the screen showed that Toast, Sean, and Dave were dead, “So Rae and I just walked up on Toast’s body. And I don’t think it’s Rae, I’ve been with her for a good chunk of this round.” 
“Soo it could be both of you.” You pointed out. 
“Why are you susing me right now??” Poki exclaimed. 
“You didn’t fake keys!” You yelled. 
“She’s right!” Pewds yelled, remembering that from the beginning of the round, “What the fuck, Poki?” 
Corpse laughed, “That’s a little sus Imane.” 
Poki laughed, “I can’t believe I’m getting sussed cause I didn’t fake a task.” 
“Anyways, I think it’s Rae and Poki. It definitely couldn’t have been Sykkuno, we were chilling on a vent.” You stated. Corpse hummed to himself. 
Sykkuno vouched for you, “Yep that’s true. And we did a foolproof test so it’s not either of us.” 
“What was the test?” Lud asked 
“Well, we both clicked the kill button and neither of us are dead, so.” Sykkuno pointed out. 
“You clicked the kill button?” Rae asked, “Wait, so you’re both imposters? You clearly can’t kill each other if you’re imposters.” 
You sighed, “I don’t know why Sykkuno had to say it like that but we clicked where the kill button should’ve been and nothing happened. So it’s not us.” 
“So there’s two pairs.” Corpse mused to himself. 
Pewds brought his mic really close to his mouth, “Get ‘em out of here.” 
You yelled over him, “Hold on hold on, it’s seven we can’t vote on seven. Kind of sus that you’re pushing to vote on seven.” 
“I’m not sus you’re sus.” He declared.
“Let’s skip, I’m gonna stay with Sykkuno and protect him.” Lud announced as the ‘I voted’ sticker popped up next to his name. Everyone started voting to skip. 
“If Ludwig dies it’s Sykkuno.” Pewds concluded as the timer ran out. 
“What???” Sykkuno wailed. You quickly ran to go to Lab on your own, afraid of Rae and Poki. 
Rae walked behind you into Lab, “ Ahhh- Hi please don’t kill me.” 
“No no no I would never,” Rae said, making her voice sound sarcastic on purpose as you guys walked into decontamination. You started to scream dramatically. 
“Heeeeeeelp. Heeeeellppp! She’s gonna kill me.” You pushed your character into the door to specimen, desperately waiting for it to open.  Once it finally did you rushed down into specimen and she ran after you. You ran around specimen with her chasing after you.
“Stop running. Y/N. Y/N! Hey- Stop running!” She yelled after you.
“Nooooo.” Corpse walked into specimen from the bottom and stood off to the side watching the two of you, “Coooorpse, protect me.” You yelled. He moved his character between you and Rae. 
“Yeah, uh, of course. I’ll protect you don’t worry.” He said. Rae stopped in front of him. 
“I said I wasn’t gonna kill you Y/N.” She insisted. 
You fake cried a little, “You didn’t say you couldn’t kill me though! Corpse, please. Wait-” You realized Corpse could 100% be the imposter right now, “Corpse… It’s not you is it?” 
“No no, I’m gonna protect you.” He promised. 
“....Does that mean it’s you but you’re gonna kill Rae to protect me?” You asked. They both laughed and Rae backed away from Corpse. 
“She knows too much Corpse, she knows too much!” Rae yelled. You started to scream for help again and run around. 
“Hey hey hey, relax.” Corpse said, following you. You ran towards bottom decontamination, getting stuck at the door again, “Don’t worry. Y/N, shhh. It’s okay, just-” He made a smooching noise and the kill animation popped up on your screen. 
You let out a shriek. “I can’t believe- Well, hi chat.” You giggled and started reading the chat again, “‘You got a kiss from Corpse, how do you feel?’ He’s a really bad kisser, guys. I mean it, did you see that? He kissed me and then STABBED me. An awful kisser.” You shook your head. A body was reported and the meeting screen popped up. They discussed yours and Poki’s death Corpse and Rae vouching for each other and Lud and Sykkuno vouching for each other, leaving Pewds the only one without an alibi and got him voted out. The defeat scream popped up showing Rae and Corpse as the imposters. 
Corpse POV
Before joining the lobby again he decided to read chat for a second and talk to his fans. “I’m sorry I can’t really look at chat that much while we’re doing this mod it’s just hard cause everyone can hear you, you know.” He read through the recent super-chats, thanking people as he went. He quickly scanned the rest of the chat. People were spamming that Y/N had called him a bad kisser, “Wait- she- Y/N said what??” He joined the lobby, “Y/N what the fuck?” 
“What’d I do??” Y/N questioned.
“Did you really tell your chat I’m a bad kisser? Why are you lyyyying?”  
“I-” The whole group started gasping and talking over each other, “I meant in the game! You- everyone shut up oh my god please-” 
“Okay okay okay, let her talk guys. Try and talk your way out of this Y/N.” Corpse chuckled. 
“Okay, before I get myself into a scandal. In-game, before you killed me, you gave me a little kiss. Then my chat was like how do you feel and I was like you know what, that was an awful kiss I died from it.” 
“Ohhh, that makes sense.” Corpse said. 
“Wait!” Rae interrupted, “What else would she have to go off of other than in-game?…” There was a long silence. 
Corpse was the one to break the silence. “You know what, gamer bladder. Bathroom break.” Everyone laughed and reluctantly agreed. 
You tried to stay calm and talk to your chat about any other topic but your chat was going insane speculating about you and Corpse. 
Corpse came into the room and you quickly held up one finger off-camera to tell him to wait a second. 
“Uh, hold on just a second guys.” You muted your headphones and took them off. You started to work on turning your webcam off but he reached over and grabbed the arm of your chair, rolling it towards him. 
You squealed, “Corpse! What are you doing?”
“I’m a bad kisser, huh? I’m a bad kisser?” He started peppering your face with kisses. You giggled. He planted his hands on the armrests of your chair, practically trapping you in place. He raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk plastered on his lips, “Hmm?” 
You cupped his face and kissed him. He started to pull you closer to him but you pulled back, “No, you’re not a bad kisser, baby. You’re the best kisser.” He kissed you again and then went back to his filming room. You slid your chair back to your computer, pretending as if nothing happened. You put your headphones back on and scanned the chat. There were a couple of people being like we saw that hand but you ignored it and continued playing.
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kazububs-archived · 2 years
Hello there. Congratulations on 100 followers ^^
For the event, I chose Mikey #1. Feeling angsty today :}
Take care!
Manjiro "Mikey" Sano - Prompt #1 "I wish that I was enough." warnings: angst with hurt/comfort, mentions of blood/injury, gn!reader
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The light seeps into the room as Mikey flicks on the bathroom light, coming home early in the morning from Bonten headquarters. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, shivering as the blankets are thrown back. The sink runs as Mikey hunches over it, running busted knuckles under it.
"Mikey? Baby?" Soaking him in, you can tell work has been brutal on him lately. Dark circles under his eyes, skin seeming paler than usual, you could tell he's starting to spiral. "Hey love." You muse gently grabbing his hands, inspecting his bruised hands.
Sighing you grab a first aid kit under the sink, and start disinfecting the scratches. Mikey had yet to say a word, eyes following your movements as you patch him up. He could feel the anxiety pool in his stomach.
Your voice seemed so distant to him, your warm touch making his breath hitch as your hand gently cups his face. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He seemed so distant, like he wasn't really here with you.
Mikey's eyes flick to lock with yours, not noticing that he is crying until the tears break his lash line and streak down his face. Your thumb drags over his cheek, "I'm here, just breath." His breath hitches, as you take his hand, leading him to sit down on the bed. "Why?" He mumbled out, and if you weren't listening you would have missed it. "What's on your mind. I'm here I promise, talk to me Mikey." Sometimes its better to let him talk on his own time.
After a few minutes his breathing calmed down, meeting your eyes you could see the doubt and pain swimming in them. "Why do you stay? You know of all the things I've done. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone who can actually make you happy!" His voice raised after every word, but you know he isn't mad at you, but himself.
"I know all that you've done, but I still choose to love you. And I always will love you Mikey." His eye brows scrunch as hands clench in his lap, "You shouldn't love someone like me, I love you so much, and fuck! I'd do anything for you! I wish that I was enough." The tears start to flow again as he collapses into your arms, "I just wished that I could be enough for you." Carding through his stark white hair, "You are enough Mikey, you always will be enough for me."
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Ahhh I hope you liked this! I'm sorry it's not straight angst, if you want me to redo it please let me know! But thank you so much for your request, please feel free to request more! <3
~ Mod Bubs
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