#ah well i tried
i'm a day late, but to mark the occasion of AM turning ten i recorded a little acoustic cover of one of my fave songs off the album ♥️
i only recently started playing again (and learned to play this song yesterday) so it's definitely somewhat rough around the edges, but i figured i'd share it anyway just as a little tribute to my all time favourite band and the record's birthday? idk, happy birthday AM <3 🎂
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Cronus: Heard porn bots might be followving you guys again. Sorry about that. But in some good newvs i havwe been gaining many newv followvers wvho are real stunningly beautiful wvomen. Wvelcome ladies :)
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victorluvsalice · 4 months
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We've reached Spring Tuesday in the Chill Valicer Save! And, as promised, today features Victor getting HIS occult on -- along with a trip to a festival! :D But first, of course, we have to get through everyone's morning chores on the farm...
-->Started off by having Alice go and plan outfits for everybody (after recovering from getting spooked by the house making creepy noises) so I could give Shock and Surprise different collars and finally have a way to tell them apart at a glance – Shock has a purple bow tie collar, while Surprise has a normal green collar. I also gave them both a Spookfest costume – Shock is a piece of sushi, while Surprise is a gladiator. XD I also took probably more time than I really should have searching out a new shirt for Smiler’s very first everyday outfit – while I really like the pattern on the shirt I originally chose for them, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just a bit too orange to be on-brand. And as I have absolutely NO experience with recoloring clothing... I eventually settled on a yellow shirt with a light bulb on it, that I’m pretty sure Smiler unlocked at some point from somewhere. (From being part of the Bot Savants at college, perhaps?) *shrug* It was the best option I had! There are surprisingly few good yellow swatches in this game...anyway, you'll see that later!
-->With that sorted, I returned to actual gameplay, having Alice grab Encyclopedia Vampirica Vol 2 to read (she chose to do so out on the porch next to a napping Shadow -- the gang really likes sitting with their pets outside now that the weather is nicer), while Smiler finished up a mechanism at the robotics bench and then got to work on a computer chip. Victor, meanwhile, was SUPPOSED to be sleeping, but after being woken up both by the house being creepy and by Surprise yowling outside the door (Victor tried lecturing her, but she didn’t understand what she did was wrong), I decided to just get him dressed and send him into his greenhouse. Which happened to have a specter bopping around. So, once he was down there, I had him take a moment to draw a nice picture on his digital sketchpad to hand over as a present.
Except the specter took one look at the picture and was like “nope, not my style.” *sigh* Seriously, why are these little ghosties so hard to please?! Just let me know what the trick is, darn it!
-->Well, with placating the specter with gifts a no-go, I let Victor have some breakfast (leftover meatballs from the greenhouse mini fridge, om nom) before he got to work on the garden. Alice, for her part, finished up her book, played with Shadow on the porch, ran over to clean the chicken coop, recycled the garbage, and fed and petted Toothy the cowplant; Smiler, for their part, got their garden bots Bugs and Elmer tuned up because it looked like Victor REALLY needed some help in the greenhouse. Plus we haven't used the bots in a while -- gotta get them out and about more often! Once they were done, they headed into the greenhouse to unleash the bots...
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schadenfredde · 1 year
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Decided to finish a sketch I made a while back :D behold everyone's favourite desert graboid
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adelalovesmadara · 2 years
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Practicing drawing Sasuke (his face) without a reference! Took me five or so hours because I couldn't remember how to draw his hair and I kept messing up with his rinne-sharingan😓😧
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... Fuck.
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[Fight back]
[Moth makes a lunge across the table. Not very strong- the night's refreshments ensure that-
but they manage to catch a wrist.]
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So that's how it's going to be. Gotcha.
[Koro uses their other hand to grab yet another knife. This one, meant for something else, but now, you have the honor.]
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I've still got a free hand, Moth.
If you don't want Chir to go first, then how about.... Mmm...........
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Because one way or another, I'm going to get what I need.
The vessel doesn't matter, friend. It's the substance.
But don't worry, it won't hurt! Much. That's why I hoped you'd be asleep by now. Alas, it can't always go your way.
I'll just take what I must to keep me going, and then it's the start of a new era for you, mon cheri.
Your new, wonderful existence!
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So. What will it be, Moth? If you're so eager, do we start with you, or the sleeping victim on the tracks who will feel no pain? Oh, what a conundrum!
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It's time to choose.
[1- Sacrifice your arm. 2- Sacrifice Chir's.]
Your choice.
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four-color-words · 1 year
Me: hey, I think you'd like GA comics and Ollie in particular -- here's a reading list with links to make it easier
My sister: ...Em, there's seventy-something links on here
Me: that's the cool part!! this character has been around for 60+ years -- you'll never run out of stuff to enjoy! :D
Sister: ...��⁠_⁠ಠ
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electrozeistyking · 6 months
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"She's Gone"
This bad boy was started on the third of November, and finished on the seventh. In total, there are thirty panels (all of which were drawn separately).
A good chunk of N's dialogue near the end came to me after I did some improv to figure out what he should say. I have since dubbed it "N's Failure Monologue."
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archivebottles · 1 year
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been thinking about minish cap a lot recently
[IMD ID: A stylized version of Link from Legend of Zelda Minish Cap incorporating more minish-like clothing, with Ezlo looking more like a bird. Image 1 features a minish sized Link in a forest looking confused at a map. While the 2nd image features Ezlo yelling 'IDIOT' at link in a simplified chibi style. /END ID]
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gruffmcgrimedog · 2 years
it's something kinda fucked up abt not having close friends
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lucdoodle · 8 days
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was learning how to draw maskless adam
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jeeaark · 3 months
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Looking back now, kinda gotta laugh.
Greygold couldn't even convince Yurgir to join their side, so the chances of passing a persuasion check with Orpheus? Doubtful
Maybe other Tavs might still have a chance, but definitely not Greygold.
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Kon is the only one who remembers Tim. Well, Kon and some guy named Bernard.
For some reason, no one remembers Tim. At all.
Oh they remember Robin, and that's how he got Batman to actually take him seriously, but they don't remember Tim. They know that Wayne Enterprises had a CEO after Bruce, but no one remembers who he was. Gotham elites know that the Drakes had a child, but no one knows who it was.
Batman himself had just thought Kon just had a dream, maybe; until Kon asked him to name the Robin he was recorded as being with after Jason and before Damian.
Then he'd frozen.
Kal told him later that he'd just witnessed a Batman-shaped breakdown. One that only came with realizing that his mind had been compromised by an outside source.
Then the Bats were like a kicked antpile, but they weren't including Kon so.
Kon doesn't care about them.
Kon doesn't need them.
Kon needs Tim.
His best friend is missing, vanished off the face of the earth.
Bart doesn't remember Tim either, but he believes Kon. So does Cassie. So they help him by searching other cities Tim's prone to visiting.
He's scouring Gotham again, fuck you very much Batman, when he hears some guy calling at him from a rooftop.
The dude's name is Bernard, and he was Tim's boyfriend.
And he's got a theory.
And, fuck it, it's not like Kon's even got a starting point, so he agrees to cart the little chef around so they can look into it.
Meanwhile, in Nanda Parbat, Tim is imprisoned in a Gilded Cage half technology and half magic as Ra's Al Ghul uses his most recent Magical Artifact to attempt to rewrite everyone's memories, including Tim's.
If Tim isn't remembered by anyone, then there's no chance of Tim being snapped out of the false memories he's about to implant in his protégé/heir.
He's just saving Tim for last.
That way Tim won't have as much fight in him.
He didn't account for Kon for Bernard's necklaces; weird little trinkets Tim had picked up for them in a shop in Hong Kong. Weird little trinkets that actually were just as enchanted as their seller proclaimed them to be.
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slimeshade · 4 months
If you haven’t see it yet, I think you’d like slay the princess. It has a giant bird creature, multiple bird creatures even
Heh, it really has multiple bird creatures... ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
I saw some art of it once or twice, and thanks to this ask, I watched a playthrough. Have yet to know all the branching routes, but there's something I can say at least: what a beautiful story this game/visual novel has, I love it
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Have a sketchy birdy
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starrysharks · 1 month
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fox-guardian · 7 months
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[ID: A digital drawing in a vintage cartoon style of Sasha and Tim as a witch and a black cat respectively. Sasha is a tall Afro-Latina woman with curly black hair and she is wearing a purple and orange dress with a matching pointy hat and orange and black striped thigh-high socks, black slippers, as well as a black choker, round yellow earrings, and she is holding a broom. Tim is a short, stocky Latino man with purple hair a small goatee, and cat ears, and he is wearing a black bodysuit with feet paws and a tail, and a bell collar and rectangular glasses. They are both smiling and posing as if for a photo with Sasha having one hand on her hip and one leg raised, and Tim raising his hands up like paws. The colors are offset from the line-art in multiple directions and the background is off-white. end ID]
the timsasha halloween piece has arrived!! enjoy the powerful witch, miss sasha james and her familiar tim :3c
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