#ah look at the time i have to email my doctor's office to schedule for next year but to do that i have to do a bunch of other calendaring
sassygwaine · 6 months
every time i reread my own stuff i just want to rewrite it
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 9}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelby’s blogs! >> @snelbz​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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A/N: SURPRISE. Enjoy this chapter a day early. I had my days wrong and legit thought it was Thursday, but since it was ready…. Y’all get to enjoy the spoils of my frazzled brain. 😘
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Nesta waited with Nyx in the waiting room of the pediatric office.
His rash didn’t seem to be bothering him much, but she wanted to get ahead of it before it became a problem. He was absolutely enamored with the TV playing a bright children’s show in the corner, and Nesta couldn’t help but smile down at him as she checked her email.
The usual stuff greeted her, some open catering order invoices for the restaurant, a few wayward resumes from high school kids that had managed to get her personal email, and, of course, spam.
Nesta’s head shot up, and Nyx began looking around, wondering who had called his name. Nesta was instantly on her feet, pushing Nyx’s stroller toward the door that the nurse held open.
She smiled. “Hello, Nyx.”
Nyx babbled in greeting.
The nurse chuckled. “Such a cute little guy. You’re Nesta, I assume?”
“I am,” Nesta confirmed. “I’ve not been here before. It’s a nice office.”
The small talk went on. Nesta had never been a fan of small talk, of polite pleasantries.
It just made her feel awkward.
Nyx didn’t seem to mind. He just kept babbling and babbling and babbling, without a care in the world.
The nurse led them into a room and she checked Nyx’s height and weight before telling them that the doctor would be there shortly.
Nesta had picked Nyx up, looking around at all the educational posters on the walls, when a quick knock sounded on the door and a man cracked open the door.
Nesta blinked once as he stepped inside, not expecting the tall, muscled man that appeared in front of her.
“You must be Nesta,” he said, extending his hand. “I’m Dr. Kamaras.”
This man was Nyx’s pediatrician? She had known that Nyx’s doctor was male, Feyre had mentioned him in some stories a few times, but Nesta had always pictured an elderly man.
Not this sculpted, handsome man, who could easily graced the cover of one of the ridiculous smutty books she kept well hidden in her bedroom.
She shook his hand, finally remembering how to speak. “Yes, I am, it’s nice to meet you.”
Very nice to meet you, she added in her head.
His face sombered. “I was very sorry to hear about Rhys and Feyre. They were great people.”
And just like that, Nesta was back on earth, holding her sister’s son in her arms, standing where her sister should have been. She tried to keep her smiling from dimming, but she cleared her throat. “Thank you. It’s…been an adjustment.”
As if they both remembered why they were here, Dr. Karamas blinked and said, “Yes, Nyx, right. You told the nurse he has a rash of some sort?”
“It’s just a diaper rash but it seems to be getting infected,” Nesta explained. “I’ve tried a few different things but nothing seems to be working.”
“Ah,” he said, nodding. “Well, let’s take a look.”
Dr. Karamas took one glance and whistled. “Definitely infected. I’m going to give you a steroid cream. Put it on after every diaper change. It should clear up within the week.”
Nesta let loose a breath. “Oh, great, thank you.”
“Absolutely,” he smiled.
He had a nice smile.
He scribbled something down on his clipboard, signed it, and handed it to Nesta. “The number on the bottom is my office number. If you have any other concerns, no matter how small, give it a call.”
Nesta looked at Nyx’s prescription and the number that was beneath it, along with his name.
Balthazar Karamas.
“Thank you, Dr. Karamas,” Nesta said, and she meant it. She was still new at this, and every little medical thing concerned her.
If it wasn’t normal, she was freaking the fuck out.
“Bal, please,” he said, taking her hand again, shaking it. At the look on her face, he added, “I work with kids. They do better on a familiar name basis than with titles like doctor and mister.”
She nodded, smiling. “Bal, then.”
Nesta was getting Nyx resituated in his stroller in the waiting room, about to head back out into the bright sunlight, when she felt someone approach. She wasn’t expecting to find Balthazar standing a few feet away. She quickly checked the stroller, making sure she had her purse, the diaper bag, and, of course, Nyx himself. “Did I forget something?” She asked, finding everything exactly where it was supposed to be.
“No, no, it’s not that,” he said, pausing in front of her. “I just…can’t shake the feeling that I know you from somewhere.”
It was strange, since Nesta felt the same way.
“You’re not Illyrian,” he said, and it wasn’t a question, nor was it rude. Just an assumption. She only knew of a few other Illyrians in the area, and Balthazar definitely had the same coloring as Cassian and Az. And Rhys used to have. She, pale skinned and blue eyed, certainly did not.
“I’m not,” she said, at last.
Bal chuckled.
That smile, yet again, had her toes curling.
“Interesting,” he said, that smile remaining. “Well, maybe we can figure out just where we’ve run into each other before...over lunch this weekend?”
Nesta blinked. A date?
“Not a date,” he said, quickly, reading her mind. “I would never ask the aunt of my patient on a date. That would be incredibly unprofessional.” Nesta laughed. “Just…two acquaintances figuring out where they were previously acquainted.”
“Lunch sounds nice,” Nesta said, unable to shake her own smile. “Saturday, then?”
“Saturday,” Bal agreed.
They set up a time and place and then Nesta was out the door.
Cassian’s day had been as long as it was the day before. It seemed that the teenagers visiting Velaris had gotten the message from their friends that Cassian’s bar was checking every single ID of every single drink that was ordered. So instead of being slammed and busy and frustrated the whole day, he had been bored out of his mind.
He’d gone through his inventory sheets twice, ordering anything they might remotely run out of in the next few weeks.
It didn’t help that Kallias had the day off, covering the evening shift tonight, leaving him alone with his thoughts all day.
And those thoughts constantly reminded him that he’d been an absolute dick to Nesta the night before.
As he drove home, he contemplated the apology he needed to make.
Although Cassian believed his intentions were typically good, apologizing wasn’t one of his strengths. He ran through what he’d say a hundred times, had come up with an unbearable amount of ways in which he could apologize, but everything he thought of wasn’t good enough.
He knew Nesta well enough to know when she would laugh in his face.
He’d come up with about fifteen different scenarios of how this could go by the time he pulled into the driveway, parking next to her little car. He took a deep breath before unlocking the front door and letting himself in.
The house was quiet, neither Nesta or Nyx were anywhere to be found. It was barely six-thirty, but he knew Nesta was taking Nyx to the doctor earlier in the day, which may have tired him out so thoroughly that he was already down for the night. A peek into his cracked bedroom door confirmed it, his little hand curled next his face as he slept.
When he finally tracked down Nesta, on the back patio, her feet propped up in a lounge chair, he definitely hadn’t expected to find her with a bottle of wine. Or what was left of it, at least.
The mostly empty bottle of wine sat next to the baby monitor.
He cleared his throat, announcing his presence.
Nesta’s sigh was the only acknowledgement she showed.
“Everything alright?” He asked.
She shrugged and took a sip from her glass.
“Bad day?” He continued.
She shrugged again.
“Is this the silent treatment?” He asked.
“I assume you’d know,” she said.
Cassian began rubbing his temples. “Look, Nesta-.”
“I’m a little busy if you don’t mind,” she continued. “I prefer to relax alone.”
“This is my house, too,” he said, shutting the sliding door behind him as he made his way onto the patio. “What if I want to sit out here with you?”
“Then I’d suggest continuing the silence,” she said, not looking at him, her face tilting back up to the sky, where it had been when he’d come outside.
So he sat down on a nearby lounge chair, and didn’t say a word.
Or he tried, but he didn’t last five minutes. The words that had building inside him all day needed to come out. He’d rehearsed different things he wanted to say, with reasons for why he was such an asshole, and promises to try and be better from now on. But as he looked over at her, the starlight on her face, all he could get out was, “I’m sorry.”
For a moment, Nesta said nothing. “About?”
“The way I acted last night,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the lawn. “It was uncalled for, and I’m sorry.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said, draining her glass.
Cassian’s eyes shot her direction. “I’m trying to apologize. You can at least accept my apology so we can move on.”
“Apologies mean nothing,” Nesta said, shrugging. “Words are meaningless.”
“Not mine,” Cassian argued. “I mean what I say.”
“Then you meant what you said last night?” Nesta pushed.
Cassian’s lips snapped shut and his jaw hardened. “No.”
“So, you’re a liar, then?” Nesta asked.
He groaned in frustration. “You’re infuriating.”
She didn’t deign to reply to that.
He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I was an asshole last night. I was…embarrassed about how you found me the night before. I don’t… I don’t like to be seen like that.” He paused, but then he held a hand out in between them. “Not- not that that happens often. I mean, I don’t make a habit of having emotional breakdowns.”
She didn’t say anything. Just stared at him.
He cleared his throat again, remembering little things he had felt badly about through the day. “Nesta, I’m sorry I acted like an ass. I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate the dinner you made me. I was rude as hell and you did nothing to deserve it.”
After a second, she glanced away, out over the pool. He figured she wasn’t going to reply, and he stood, heading back for the back door.
He had slid the door open and was halfway inside when she said, “If you’re hungry, I made lasagna for dinner. It should still be warm on the stove.”
He turned back and found a hint of a smile on her face. “Thanks, Nes.”
A continuation of his apology, Cassian had told Nesta he'd be on baby duty for the rest of the night, waking Nyx up for his bottle, granting her leave to do whatever she wanted. She elected to finish off the bottle of wine, open another, and relax in the bathtub with a book.
The book of choice was definitely not appropriate to read in front of Nyx.
Or Cassian, for that matter.
She had appreciated his apology, even though a part of her still wanted to be pissed. There were very few things that agitated her more than male bravado, and Cassian was the spitting image of it. Embarrassed because he was emotional? Please. Get the fuck over it.
Then again, she could say that all day, but in honesty, if the positions were reversed, she would have reacted very, very similarly.
If not worse.
Nesta had always felt too much, far more than either of her sisters. It wasn’t like they were robots, of course. Elain had a bigger heart than anyone Nesta had ever known, and Feyre had been a light to be around.
But, Nesta…
She felt it all, and she felt it far too deeply. She had learned long ago to shut those emotions off, to let them go, to not let her emotions show. They could just be used as a weakness.
And she found life worked better that way.
There was a soft knock on the bathroom door.
Nesta sat up straight, even though the door was locked, in a sudden panic over the fact that she was nude and reading smut.
“Nyx is going to bed,” he said. “Just thought you’d want to say goodnight.”
“I- Ah- Just a minute,” she called, setting the book down and reaching down to grab for her towel. She was out and damn near opened the door in just her towel again, but remembered their agreed upon rules. She snatched her robe, wrapping it around herself, towel and all.
She opened the door, Cassian standing just by her bed, and Nyx had his head resting on his shoulder, rubbing his little eyes.
The image was so pure and innocent that Nesta couldn’t stop herself from taking a few steps towards them, reaching out to brush her fingers down Nyx’s soft cheek. “Sweet dreams, buddy,” she breathed, leaning up to press a kiss to his forehead.
She regretted it almost immediately, as bringing herself that close in Nyx also inadvertently brought her to Cassian. His heady, nutmeg-and-campfire scent enveloping her, reminding her of the morning she’d come downstairs and found him as naked as she was now. She stepped back quickly, clearing her throat. “And goodnight to you, Cassian,” she murmured. She pointed back behind her towards the bathtub, towards her book, and said, “I’m going to read a little longer and then go to bed myself.”
He nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight, Nes.”
The nickname didn’t bother her as much as it previously had, she realized as he made his way back out of her room, shutting the door behind him.
She didn’t let herself think about that, did her best not to think about him, as she sunk back into the warm water.
Nyx had gone down easily for Cassian, for the first time ever, thanks to the frozen toy he’d gnawed on to relieve the pain of his incoming tooth. He’d decided he deserved a treat, too, after that, and had sat down to watch the hockey game, a beer in hand.
Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the front door.
Cassian paused, glancing down at his watch, seeing that it was pushing nine o’clock. He stood, after a second knock sounded, making his way to the door. He opened it to find a woman dressed in a suit on the other side. “Can I help you?”
“Mr. Nazari, I assume?” She asked, extending her hand.
He took it, on instinct, shaking it, but he blinked. He repeated, “Yeah… Can I help you?”
Her brows twitched together. “My name is Alis Birch. I’m with social services.”
Cassian continued to shake her hand, staring.
“The courts told you we’d be making random visits to check in on Nyx,” she continued.
Oh, fuck, Cassian thought. Oh, fucking hell.
They’d completely forgotten about those random visits, in the past few weeks they’d been doing this, distracted by getting used to not only being parents, but getting used to each other as well.
“I see,” Cassian said, nodding. “I… I’ll…be right back.”
“I’d like to come in-.”
Cassian shut the door, quickly set his beer on the table in the entryway, and hauled ass upstairs.
He threw open the door to Nesta’s bedroom, only to found it empty, so he continued on, throwing open the bathroom door.
Where Nesta was still in the tub, completely nude, a book in hand, one hand disappeared beneath the water. Her head was thrown back in utter ecstasy.
Until Cassian barged in, anyway.
“Shit!” he yelled, just as Nesta gasped and sent the water sloshing out of the tub, over the porcelain edges.
Cassian quickly shut the door behind him, closing them into the bathroom together, and put his face in his hands. “Sorry!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she yelled, and he could hear her pulling the plug.
“It’s important, I swear,” he said, his voice muffled by his hands.
“If the house isn’t on fire or Nyx isn’t dying, it’s not important,” she cried, ducking behind the walls of the tub.
“It’s pretty fucking important,” he said, turning to give her a semblance of privacy. He heard her stand up, water moving and quiet dripping, before her feet landed on the rug outside the tub. “The social worker is here.”
She froze and he dared a look back at her. Thankfully, she was wrapped in her towel again, one arm pushed through her robe. “The social worker is here? Now?” He nodded, and she looked at the nearly empty bottle of wine next to the glass on the small table by the tub. It was the second one she’d had that night. “But it’s late,” she protested.
“It’s a random, surprise visit,” he replied. “I left her outside, but-.”
“You didn’t let her in?” Nesta demanded, eyes widening. “Cauldron, Cass, that makes us look so guilty.”
He blinked. “Of what?”
“I don’t know,” she said, throwing her hands in the air. “But it doesn’t make us look good.”
“Well, I didn’t know what to do,” he sighed, exasperatedly. “I sure as hell wasn’t expecting to come up here and find you doing that.” He gestured to the tub.
Nesta’s cheeks heated. He figured his own were going to permanently be the shade of red they were now.
No, that was the last thing he ever expected to catch Nesta doing.
“Just… Go let her in and stall her while I get dressed,” she sighed, crossing her arms, waiting for him to leave.
Cassian hesitated, then nodded, and hurried back down the stairs. When he reopened the front door, Alis Birch stood there. Her expression was hard, intimidating.
Cassian could feel himself sweat.
He prayed that Nesta somehow sobered up and got the fuck downstairs, because there was no way in hell he could do this without her.
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thebrochtuarachs · 3 years
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Something in the Rain - “A Month Apart, Part 1”
A/N: Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as I whipped out this chapter. I had the initial outline on how this chapter will go but more frequent than none, it changes a lot in the middle while I'm in the writing process. :) I love this story and I hope it just gives you the good feels while reading this. We're two years into this pandemic and the world is still crazy. I hope you're keeping safe and being kind to yourself. :) As always, your comments and suggestions are very much welcome.
A modern day meet cute instance between Jamie and Claire.
AO3  / C1: A Day In June : C2: Definitely, Maybe : C3: So We Meet Again : C4: Friday Lunch : C5: Finding Solid Ground : C6: Situations : C7: Interruptions
After their first date, their schedule for the following two weeks we’re packed - with Jamie settling back in the firm after his 2-week trip from London and Claire’s schedule at the hospital and preparing for her trip to Seattle.
Being a lawyer and a doctor weren’t the most flexible jobs - with patients and clients to attend to, surgeries and hearings to prepare for, plus, with both of them in administrative positions, it is additional work on top of their normal duties. But Claire and Jamie were determined to make it work, so they decided to communicate better, be extra patient and understanding, and really commit whatever available time they had.
The first week, Jamie couldn’t make lunch as he had a court hearing to prepare for and Claire couldn’t make dinner as she was on the night shift. So Jamie, one day, surprised Claire outside the hospital by picking her up, invited her to quick breakfast dates instead, and dropping her off at her house to make sure she got home safe.
The second week was a bit lighter but with Claire going to Seattle on Saturday, she had to do extra administrative work to make sure everything was set for her leave. She offered to have dinner takeaways at her office in the evenings which he happily accepted.
The night before her flight, Claire and Jamie were hanging out in her office, sitting at the sofa, admiring the Edinburgh skyline with a little wine and cheese tray.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t go out” Claire apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, Sassenach.” Jamie turned to Claire and patted her hand. “I honestly would prefer to do anything if it means I get to spend time with you - whether sitting here in your office on a Friday night or sitting in the gallery watching your surgery.”
“You’re too good to me, James” Claire quipped in a feigned dramatic voice.
“Ah, you give me too much credit, Claire. I hope you know that you make an effort too, especially these past two weeks”
“Me? It feels like you’re fitting more to my schedule than I am yours!”
“But you met me during breakfast even though you looked too knackered from yer shift.”
Claire couldn’t deny that and she could just smile with Jamie’s understanding.
“Are you all packed up for tomorrow?” Jamie asked, changing the subject.
“Yes. The weather’s mostly rainy in Seattle so I brought extra items for the wet and cold.”
“And what’s your schedule for the month?”
“Have I not sent you my itinerary? Hold up -” Claire took out her phone and quickly sent an email to Jamie. “There, I sent you my schedule but between teaching and surgery, my time’s the same as here just minus the administrative work, which I tell you not, I’m pretty excited to be free of it for the next month”
Jamie just nodded. The next month.
It’s all rather bad timing if you look at it. The first month, they’ve been rather inseparable with going to lunches almost everyday and weekends at the center. The following month, quick dates and meetings as Jamie was away at London and their crazy schedule at the hospital and the firm. And now, going into the third month since meeting, they’d be completely separated by roughly 4,485 miles.
“Did you hear what I said, Jamie?” Claire asked while waving a hand in front of Jamie’s face.
“I’m sorry, what?” Returning to the present, unaware that his mind has gone away a bit.
Claire gave him a softened look and sat closer to him. “What were you thinking?”
Jamie stayed silent but Claire’s look urged him on.
“Nah, ye’ll think me daft” Jamie said but Claire shook her head.
“Fine” Jamie stretched his arm to pull her closer and she gladly leaned on his shoulder. “I was just thinking about how I’ll not be able to see ye for a month, how much I’ll be missing ye, and how excited I am once ye return here.”
“Oh,” Claire knew the feelings were simple but it’s his words and the way he said it that touched her most.
“I told ye it’s daft.”
“It’s not daft.” Claire tried to mimic Jamie’s accent but they both just have to laugh at her attempt. Turning serious quickly, she took Jamie’s face by the hand and looked deeply into his eyes. “You know that I am going to miss you too.”
Jamie just nodded in agreement, looking at Claire so sweetly and lovingly that she couldn’t help but lean in for a kiss.
Since their first kiss after their date, they hadn’t been shy in showing affection to each other. Nonetheless, it’s all been very respectful to the boundaries to whatever stage they are in their relationship. Hand touches, hugs, pecks and kisses here and there but never really beyond that.
But with her impending departure, Claire seemed to be eager for more. Instead of completely pulling away, she kissed him again some more.
Jamie quickly picked up the signal and allowed himself to pull Claire closer and to his lap. A few minutes later, Claire felt Jamie’s tongue on her lips asking for entrance which she happily obliged. The air around them was electric.
Jamie was first to pull away before the moment got away from them. Claire sighed - not from disappointment, but by the fact of how chivalrous Jamie really is. And she doesn’t really mind it one bit. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
The following day, Jamie picked up Claire to drop her off at the airport. They thought they had time for a quick bite but traffic was so horrendous that they got to the gate just in time before boarding began.
With barely any time left, Jamie pulled Claire to a tight hug as the PA system called her flight. “Go, you’ll miss your plane”
Claire reluctantly released Jamie with a grunt. “Let’s go somewhere when I return”
“Sounds like a plan” Jamie tried to hide the longing in his voice but it was too late.
“The month will be over before you know it, okay? Message me everyday, call me every afternoon when you can” Claire encouraged him. With one last kiss, they bade each other goodbye as she started walking to her gate and Jamie was no longer in sight.  
As Claire waited for take off, the silence of a constant message ping on her phone slightly unsettled her. It was then she realized the vast distance between Seattle and Edinburgh. A single tear escaped but she quickly pulled it together. She’s not even gone yet but homesickness hit her right away.
So the four-week long distance trial began.
The 8-hour time difference is not too crazy between Seattle and Edinburgh with their available times falling at the start and end of the day. They’ve been coping well with their synced calendars and communication options.
Jamie sends flowers and snacks to Seattle Grace, earning Claire points from the staff for all the treats she’s been giving away.
Claire, on her end, sends late messages to Jamie to wake up to in the morning and asks Mrs. Kim’s Korean Street Food Hub to delivery chicken wings to Jamie every so often.
They’ve also reserved some time on the weekend for extended calls with conversations falling from happenings to their week to what hairstyles and colors they’ve done in the past.
It wasn’t till late in the 3rd week that things started to shake up.
It was a random Thursday evening in rainy Seattle. Between two surgeries and one class, Claire was ready to call it a day. She was settling on her sofa, drinking her tea for a little night cap when her phone pinged. It was 9:30PM Seattle meaning it was 5:30AM Edinburgh, too early for anybody to contact her over there unless it was important.
Grabbing her phone, her notifications show it was from Geillis. It was a link to a tabloid along with a message “HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?”
With the link, she can see the preview of the title “Jamie Fraser is off the market!” Curiosity prevailed Claire and she clicked the article
On the other side of the world, Jamie, as always, promptly arrived at the firm. Just as he was to pass Mrs. Fitz, she called him out.
“Ah, lad”
“Yes, Mrs. Fitz?”
“I dinna ken yet what ye or Claire are yet but have ye spoken to her today?”
“Today? Not yet. Why?”
She motioned for him to come round the reception and take a peek at her monitor.
She showed him the same article Geillis sent Claire and as soon Jamie saw the accompanying photo, he fished out his phone and immediately contacted Claire. It was midnight in Seattle but Jamie didn’t care - he wanted to clear things before things got misinterpreted.
“Erm, hello?” a groggy Claire answered the phone on the other side of the line.
“Hi, were ye asleep?” Jamie asked as he walked the hallway to his office.
“I was but I answered already, what’s up?” she replied, her voice still muffled by sleep. She knew why he was calling though but wanted to hear it from him. “Did you just arrive at the firm?”
“Yes,” he replied, closing the door to his office for privacy. “Well, I don’t want to keep you long but an article came last night about me and well, in case ye’ll see it, it is not true.”
Jamie heard Claire sigh on the other end, “I’ve seen it” she confirmed.
“Ye’ve already seen it?” he repeated in disbelief, looking at his watch, it’s only been posted a few hours ago.
“Geillis sent it to me earlier, I think it just came out then. She’s a bit of a morning person so…”
“Claire, it isn’t true. It was all in a bad angle. The Dunsany’s have been a long-time client of ours and we had an unexpected dinner meeting yesterday. I was just escorting their daughter to her car when the paparazzi got wind of us and ran with whatever story they could think of.” Jamie quickly explained in summary.
“Yeah. I mean you say it’s not true and I believe you.”
“You don’t have any questions?” he asked, a little baffled.
“Not really. I mean was there more to it?”
“A bit but something we can talk about later.”
It was both refreshing and confusing as to why Claire seemed nonchalant about all this. On one end, she might be really understanding. On the other end, she might be harboring ill-feelings she didn’t want to discuss.
It was Jamie’s line that turned silent. Claire, guessing he might need more despite her sleepy state, obliged him. “Jamie, I won’t lie. I was surprised at first because of the photo and how the article was written with your family histories. Add to that, that I didn’t see it in the calendar and you didn’t text me about it.”
“Why didn’t you call -?”
“But” she interrupted him, “I also know you, Jamie, and I know about us. If I was really concerned, I’ll call you right away. But I’m not and we’ll be meeting later anyway, so I know we’ll talk about it eventually.” she paused to catch a breath. “Besides, you already explained it, I don’t need to know any more because I trust you, Jamie.”  
“Okay” it was Jamie’s turn to give the one-word reply.
“Are we okay now?” she asked.
“Yes, as long as ye are too.” Jamie replied to which Claire mummed in agreement. “Thank ye, Claire.”
“You’re welcome. Now, I’ll go back to sleep and see you later.” With that, Claire ended the call, a small smile crept on her face knowing the relief and joy Jamie probably feels right now.
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chuuulip · 4 years
The First Kiss of Love
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Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Female Reader
Warning:  Fluff with a smidges of angst
Words: 3262
Prompt: hey i was wondering id you could do a hannibal lecter one where the reader doesnt realize that hannibal likes her and she gets jealous when hes talking to another woman. when she calls him out on it he cant help but laugh. the reader is basically a oblivious dummy type and way too much of a klutz .
Summary: “Dr. Bloom is really beautiful.” your small, joyless voice continues its sentence. “Ah...yes indeed.” Hannibal replies casually.
A.N: This is for an anon that request some Hannibal fanfic. I’m sorry that it takes me so long xD I hope you like it! whoever you are ❤️ Thank you for @jewels2876​​ for helping me with this piece, love you ❤️ Also tagging fellow Hannibal fans 😉 @venusdemonroe​​​ and @detectivehannibal​​​ thanks for feeding me Hannibal content and discuss him with me ❤️
It’s been a couple of months since you’ve worked with Dr. Lecter. You were once a librarian; due to an accident, you lost your job as a consequence of a long time recovery.  Hannibal Lecter literally was an angel or your angel to be precise. Vividly, you remember the time you met him. By chance, Hannibal is in the clinic when you do your physiotherapy. He catches a small stack of books that you buy that day. He manages to balance the books in his left hand while his right-hand catches you before your face kisses the floor.
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Long story short, both of you have some sort of conversation that leads to you applying for a job to be Hannibal’s secretary. You are excited but also nervous when you do your interview. You have no idea that Hannibal is a well-known psychiatrist not only just in Baltimore but also in Maryland. There is a fear that Hannibal will not choose you because of your clumsy tendencies. You are naturally what people will call a klutz. Physical activity somewhat hinders your ability to shine among others. You are either too slow or too weak. Not to mention lucky stars seem to distance themself from you. But not that day, the day when you get an email of your employment. Hannibal is pretty impressed with your CV and how good your skills on scheduling and data management, 
“Good morning.” the soft, accented voice of Hannibal greets you. Today, he wears a dark blue windowpane pattern jacket suit. He chooses a somewhat dark metallic floral pattern adorning the red-brown tie. His white buttoned-up shirt makes the color of his suit and ties pop. Hannibal always dresses elegantly, something that you always look forward to seeing.  
“Good morning, Dr. Lecter.” You stand up and follow Hannibal inside his office. He takes a seat on his brown leather chair. Everything looks immaculate as always.
“Schedule for today?” he unbuttons his suit jacket and you quickly help him hang the suit. “Thank you, my dear, you didn’t need to do that.”
“It’s alright Dr. Lecter.”
Sometimes when it’s only you and Hannibal in the office, he accidentally calls you my dear. You aren’t sure if it's because that’s the way he usually addresses someone he is in contact on a daily basis, or it means something more? Oh, you wish.
“Dr. Lecter…, for this morning you will have two appointments. Mrs. Potter and Ms. Randall. Also-- Mr. Franklin said he might need to reschedule.” Your slightly breathy voice points out other appointments Hannibal has outside the office. Your work had become kind of a blend between his secretary and personal assistant, to be honest. It was actually Hannibal's idea to engage you more into work that’s not strictly his office related. Not that you are complaining because it let you take a peek on Hannibal’s other persona. Not to mention that the payment is pretty generous. 
Not once does Hannibal ask your input on what type of thing should be added in his office, and by that, you are pretty proud of yourself. Not a lot of people give any thought about your opinion. Although Hannibal, like when his office has this sleek look and somewhat minimalist style, he always mixes something that you could say was classic inside his office. You have been inside his office quite a lot, but sometimes you help him tidy up his books and document. He’s somewhat more of a hard copy type of person than a soft copy one. Like you. You like the smells of an old book although some of Hannibal’s books smell too clinical for you. Like the smells of a hospital or a place with a lot of disinfectants.  
Pretty proud of your experience as a librarian in the past, and knowing Hannibal is a perfectionist himself, you practically turned the side of his office into a perfect mini library. The medical record shorts are alphabetically arranged while his other books are listed by genre, then in an alphabetical manner as well. When Hannibal stays longer in the office, sometimes you catch him drawing. A hobby that he said he has since childhood. One day he told you, “Growing up, I found my hobby really useful when I decided to be a medical doctor.” and you can’t help but agree. After he finishes with what he sketches at that time, he specifically calls you into his office and shows you the final product. That action simply makes your heart flutter in excitement.
“Thank you, you can leave for now.” He gives you his subtle yet beautiful smile. Those eyes of his when he smiles always send some sort of quick rush to your brain.
Giving Hannibal a short nod, you quickly excuse yourself. You stumble upon your own shoe and almost fall, face first. Luckily you can prevent that from happening, hoping Hannibal doesn’t notice, although you think he did. Scurrying from his office, you station yourself on your spot. Continue typing and archiving what Hannibal asks you. 
Sipping your now cold latte, your eyes shift to the books next to your PC. It’s a book called Les Fleurs du mal renaissance, a volume about French poetry that Hannibal had lent you after you finish some short of psychology 101. You have read a few pages of it, and since it’s in French, it takes you some time to understand it. 
Sometimes Hannibal invites you to his office to let you read his book while he draws things. Trying not to get caught red-handed, you glance at him from the corner of your eyes, savoring the scene in front of you. Wondering what Hannibal actually does on his day off, is there anything he can’t do? Your brain likes to take a detour on what Hannibal does at home when he’s not seeing other people’s minds.
A soft clink of steps on the mahogany floor wood, momentary pauses your fingers on the keyboard. 
“Good morning Mrs. Potter.” you stand up immediately. Greet her with a polite, shy smile. One of the things you are still learning from working with Hannibal is being confident. Since the secretary is usually portrayed as bold and beautiful, while you on the other hand are quite the opposite, Hannibal makes sure you take your time to adapt from ‘less contact with people at work’ to ‘in contact with different people almost every day.’
“I’m here for my appointment.” her British accent tickles your ear. It’s rare for you to meet a Brit, especially as posh as Mrs. Potter. Although you never glance at a patient’s medical record, you do actually google them. When you find out Hannibal’s reputation, you know that most of his patients are a somewhat well-known person. Mrs. Potter is an owner of exquisite but limited jewelry store on the east coast. From several articles that you read, she has had quite a lot of scandal. Despite that, you will not deny her beauty. She may be quite older than you, but the way her cheekbones stay supple and very few wrinkles decorating her face sometimes makes you jealous. 
“Yes, sure. Please wait a moment,” immediately, you walk to Hannibal's office door that's just a foot away from your desk. Giving a soft knock, you open the door and inform Hannibal that Mrs. Potter is already here. He gives you a quick nod, and you open the door wider, to let Mrs. Potter start her session. 
Hannibal isn’t a strict boss. Or that’s actually what you thought about him. Of course, you are a professional employee as you can be, but sometimes you spend time reading the book you borrow from Hannibal between your desk job. Mostly because you already do whatever Hannibal tasks you with. On some occasions, you join Hannibal when he attends some appointments, such as when he needs to be a keynote speaker in a well-known conference around Maryland and DC. An experience that you guess is his way to widen your social ability. 
“Thank you Mrs. Potter. I’ll see you in the next session.” Hannibal’s accent cues you to stand up and bid your goodbye to Mrs. Potter. The rest of the day comes out like it usually is. Typing and arranging schedules for Hannibal while also scrolling on another book to read. Even though you were a librarian before, there’s just so many books and so little time to read. 
When it’s time for you to go home, you knock on Hannibal’s office door and open it slightly when he answers you with a soft, “come on in”. You excuse yourself while also giving Hannibal’s friend a smile. Although Hannibal doesn’t have a lot of appointments today, his friend, Jack Crawford visits the office and you know that means Hannibal will stay late until dinner time.   
The next day your work finished earlier than you thought so you spend some time at work to continue reading the poetry book. Some people may find it weird that you like to stay a little bit longer at work than going back home. There’s always this thought of knowing there is someone close to you, without the need to do conversations in every millisecond, calming. When your eyes shift to your gold bronze table clock, you haven’t realized that you are pretty late, as the sky already turns dark. 
You know Hannibal is still in the office and you plan to excuse yourself before it’s getting really late. You don’t want Hannibal to drive you back home since you feel embarrassed about it. He always makes sure you arrive at home safely when you spend more time at the office or going home pretty late since Baltimore isn’t the safest place on earth. However, there is always a thought in your head that Hannibal being a little bit protective towards you, his employee because you are just a much of a klutz and he feels responsible. 
You aren’t sure what possessed you to move too quickly and it just messes up your footing. The point of your left oxford shoes hit the castor office chair. Ungracefully you trip to the floor and bring the chair with you. The falling chair let out a loud bang while you landed on your hands and knees, grimacing in pain. 
You aren’t sure when but your brain kind of mid freeze for a second. When you look up, you see Hannibal crouching down and calling your name, worried, “-- are you ok? Can you stand up?”
“I--I’m ok Dr. Lecter,” you try to stand up but you hold up your right hand in a sign of I need a minute. 
Hannibal takes care of the office chair first, putting it back in its original position. He carefully lifts you up, supporting you and letting you sit back on your office chair. “I’m sorry my dear, but I need to check?” He asks you for your permission and you quickly give him your approval. With an expert examination of his hands, Hannibal checks your knees for any swelling or visual deformity. Since your past accident, you are prone to any joint and soreness on the knees. Delicately, he gives a little pat on both your knees. “I think everything is ok, you may need to have some pain killers.”
“Thank you Hannibal.” you blurt it out. Sometimes you call him by his first name when you aren’t in office hours, although rarely.
He graces you with that smile of his, subtle yet it always makes your heart quiver, the kind of smile you infrequently see. You notice that sometimes he has his professional smile, it is short and kind of cold. The smile you always notice when he meets his colleague. You don’t know a lot of Hannibal’s friends, but when he has some impromptu meeting with Jack, you slightly witness more smirk and sometimes there’s this naughty element like he is planning something evil, although humorously.
“Wait a minute, I will drive you home.” Hannibal left you to go inside his office. 
There’s a guilt in your stomach that you feel you are being a burden to your boss. When your concentration dispersed like vivid smoke, the corner of your eyes caught the beautiful woman you have seen a couple of times visiting the office. Unlike other women who mostly visit Hannibal for a session, this woman is indeed different. 
“Ms. Bloom.” You greet her. Your smile may look blankly courteous even, but you definitely are not in the mood to give her your big smile this evening.
“You look unwell, are you ok?” 
“I-- I��m ok.” you try to answer her, less tense.
“Alana?” your eyes shift to Hannibal as he opens his door.
“Hey, Hannibal. I try to call you but I thought I might as well just drop by.”
Hannibal’s eyes divert from you to Alana, and he gives Alana a quick nod, letting her quickly enter the office. “It will be quick. Can you wait for a while?” you give him a nod and smile at him nervously.
At first you aren’t sure why you are nervous but something finally clear on your head. Maybe you are jealous. You know a lot of women near Hannibal are not only beautiful, or rich, they are also acutely intelligent. Although you aren’t rich, you aren’t that bad looking and you will not say you aren’t intelligent but when you compare yourself to someone like Alana, there will always be inferiority engraved in your mind. Not to mention that she has known Hannibal longer and better than you.
Hannibal's office door opens and Alana exits the door with Hannibal following her. “I heard what happened to you from Hannibal.” Alana stops in front of your desk and gives you her sympathetic smile. “Get well soon.” She gives you a pat on your shoulder and says her goodbye to you and Hannibal.
“Shall we?” Hannibal changes his focus towards you and you nod in agreement. Let him help you out of the office. 
“So?” Hannibal glances at you momentarily while driving, asking you to continue what you have in mind.
“Dr. Bloom is really beautiful.” your small, joyless voice continues its sentence.
“Ah...yes indeed,” Hannibal replies casually. 
Your eyes glance at the dark street. Hannibal’s office is located in a quite busy place and it’s nice to see less traffic when you get out of the area. 
“Did both of you date?” you blurt it out. Your eyes widen in horrors as you blatantly just spill out something unprofessional. “Hanni-- Dr. Lecter, I-- I-- didn’t mean to pry on your personal life.” 
Hannibal looks at you and lets out a laugh. Something really rare, something that you even have witnessed. The crinkle on his eyes when he laughs lets his somewhat cool and calm demeanor melted. It takes you sometimes to register on what just happens. 
“I’m sorry my dear, that’s just quite funny.” Hannibal stops laughing and sends you a quick smile.
“Also that might not answer your question but the answer is no, Alana and I, we aren’t dating. I’m her mentor and our relationship is more of colleagues and friends.”    
You aren’t sure why you hold your breath, but after listening to Hannibal's answer, you let out a long exhale, feeling that something heavy has been lifted up from your shoulders. 
Hannibal’s Bentley stops in front of your apartment complex. Ever the gentleman that he is, Hannibal asks you if you need help. You decline his help as if you can’t embarrass yourself enough in one day. 
“Before you go, I have something to tell you.” Like a deer caught in a headlight, you look at Hannibal. He switches on the light inside the car and pulls his bag from the backseat. He handed you several papers that looked likely to be a job application. Your eyes widen, vision blurry as a sudden tears drop from your eyes. This is it, maybe Hannibal has enough of your clumsiness. He doesn’t find you worthy as he sometimes needs to ‘babysit you’ when you do something you don’t intend to do. 
Feeling that he may be approaching this the wrong way, Hannibal tries to comfort you. You put both of your hands in front of your chest, like a shield in a defensive manner. Try to accommodate his tall frame, awkwardly Hannibal turns his body to the passenger seat and embraces you. He shushing you and pat your heads 
When your silent cry turns into a hiccup but more calmer, Hannibal pulls away from you. With a stutter, you explain to Hannibal that you understand if he doesn’t want you to work with him again and you are thankful that he’s been a very great employer to you. 
“Hey,” Hannibal swipes the tears that rolls down on your cheeks with his thumbs, “--it’s not that. Look, my dear, the reason I handed this paper to you is not that I want to fire you, but I have been pretty impatient lately.”
You look at him, eyes full of question on what the fuck he means by that? Although you don’t let it out loud because you don’t want to make any rude comment. Because Hannibal doesn’t like that.
“I’m one of those people who do not agree with office romance.” 
Office? Romance? What the hell? No one has any romance in the office, you thought. 
“I have been pretty much intent to court you,” his eyes flicker to your lips and back to your reddish eyes. “Alana came today because she wants to give me the application personally, there’s a librarian vacancy in her University and I pretty much just want to hand it to you.” Your brain wiring, try to connect the words as if you forgot how to speak English.  
“Apologize if I’m being rude my dear, but I have observed you for some time and I encourage myself to just lay it all here so I didn’t make you upset. Of course, if I am proven wrong, you can stay and still work as my secretary. No harm, the position will always be yours.” 
“Hanni-- Hannibal, does this mean that you like ‘like’ me?” 
He answers you with a quick nod and the smile that always makes your heart flutter. You try to reach Hannibal but your knee prevents you from doing such a thing. Hannibal let out a small chuckle as he finds your difficulty quite amusing. 
You eye him in disbelief but your anger melts right away as his face gets closer to yours. His right hand's cup at the side of your face as his lips inches closer towards you. With eyes close, you feel the brushes of Hannibal’s lips. The kiss is soft and delicate as if he is just testing the water. 
You let your hands sneak at the back of his collar as you seek more contact. Both of your lips slide and glide against each other. Letting out a whimper, you grant Hannibal’s tongue to slip past your lips. Teasing and flicking languidly, exploring something that makes you shudders in want. 
After some time, Hannibal withdraws his lips from yours. Eyes fluttering open, you can see Hannibal’s pupils expand. He let his foreheads rest at yours while his hand still cups on your face. “So...I believe it is a 'yes''?” There's humor in his voice. 
With a broad smile and less reddish eyes, you answer Hannibal with a confident nod and grant him another kiss on the lips.
As always, like, comment and reblog are really appreciated ❤️. Let me know what you think about this xo
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Order Up! (Coffee Shop AU) Chapter 10
Oh, Alex, you always find commonality in kindred spirits! The broken tend to look for each other, don't they? (picture brought you by my awesome brain fucking around with filter on a stock photo)
Previous Chapter
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Alex was standing outside on her break on the phone and nearly growling as she stood by her car. Of all the frustrating, stupid fucking things. She rolled her neck. This was truly ridiculous. Routine. That’s all she wanted. Applicable routine!
The call came off hold. “Miss, I just spoke to the doctor. She said unless you schedule an appointment, we can’t refill your medication.”
“What do you mean? I’ve been taking these for years?” Alex snapped and shifted her hips. “Why? This is the first time I’ve had to come in. She knows how I feel about doctor’s offices. We’ve always done tele appointments when it’s needed.”
“Miss, I’m sorry, but you haven’t had a physical in several years, and our policies are changing. We have to be sure everything is working together well. I’m sure you’ve received your email or letter,” the receptionist told her.
“Ok, but I’m out of it this weekend. I have severe ADHD. It’s in my file. Can’t she fill it for just the weekend? I have tons of things to do, and I doubt you make evening appointments,” Alex breathed and rolled her neck. This wasn’t what she liked. She definitely didn’t like someone poking at her and saying what was wrong with her.
“We have an appointment available at three tomorrow if that’s late enough,” the receptionist declared.
“Do you have a Friday morning available?” Alex questioned while tightening her jaw.
“No, we have a two o’clock on Friday,” She responded.
“Okay, do you have a morning appointment tomorrow?” she asked while running her fingers on her driver’s door. Alex was bouncing on her feet and swishing her hips. She despised this.
“The earliest we have is ten o’clock.”
Alex breathed and rocked her head. “That works. Does she need me to fast so we can do blood work?”
“Yes, that would be best. She’ll want to do a full workup. We can schedule a pap at the time if you like.”
Alex grimaced and breathed. “Yes, fine. Whatever it takes not to have to come in for a while.”
“I understand completely, Miss. I don’t know anyone who likes clinical visits,” the receptionist giggled.
Alex smiled and rocked her head. “Okay, tomorrow at ten. Got it. Should I bring in my other medication?”
“Ah, yes, please. It will make the visit swifter.”
“Thank you so much. I apologize for my frustration,” Alex murmured.
“Of course, we shall see you tomorrow.”
Alex hung up and rolled her neck again. “I hate this. Ridiculous unneeded shit.”
“I never liked doctor visits myself.”
Alex pivoted and blushed. Diavolo was standing there smoking some sort of vaporizer. “Hello, Diavolo. How are you today?”
Daddy Diavolo was in a pinstripe suit and looking sharp. What? Dammit, Jordan and his wicked nicknames for people. Alex licked her lips and ran her thumb over her fingernails.
He puffed and smiled while the cloud left his lips. “I’m doing pretty well. Barbatos went to snag us drinks while we were in the area. Business prattle irritates me occasionally. I needed to see a friendly face.”
Alex relaxed against her car and smiled. “That’s great that you at least are getting a caffeine bump. I have a few more minutes on my break if you want to chat.”
He tilted his head and shifted on his frame. “Lucifer told me you were going to rent a room from him. I think that’s fabulous.”
The pillow talk between them must be oddly stiff. Oh, god. What the fuck was wrong with her today. Alex had to shake off the image and rubbed the side of her neck. “Yes, it makes sense. I’m going to buy Jordan’s family home for them. I’ll find someplace to rent after the sale. It’s all in the works. Thank you for the stellar recommendation for the agent.”
Diavolo took the device to his mouth as he smiled and the vapor poured from his nose. “You’re welcome, but it’s quite deserving. That’s quite intelligent and loyal. Oh, what did the ocean say to the beach?”
Alex’s smile grew. “What did it say?”
“Nothing,” Diavolo snorted and then smiled. “It just waved,” he chuckled and waved his free hand before sliding it in his pocket.
Alex giggled and shook her head. “That’s ridiculously good.”
Diavolo laughed and nodded. “I thought so too! How do you feel about traveling?”
Alex shrugged her shoulders. “I always wanted to, but I didn’t get the chance when my parents died.”
“I, unfortunately, can’t say the same,” Diavolo shook his head. “When my father died, I visited three different countries to meet the regional operators in a week. I didn’t go very many places when I was younger because he was always working or traveling for business. However, I understand his plight now. Sometimes I just want to be home.”
“I’m sorry about your father,” Alex nodded.
Diavolo smirked and stepped toward her. “I know how you feel about your medication. It’s funny how one little pill eases the worst symptoms, huh? Science. Who would have thought?” he laughed.
“Yeah,” Alex puffed and shook her head. “I’d be more of a mess without it. I think I do alright now, though my doctor keeps telling me I need to see a therapist.”
He gestured to her. “Do you suffer from insomnia as well? What about stimming?”
Alex laughed and nodded. “I often play with my apron at work. At home, I mess with my hair more. I have plenty of object blindness, so that kind of helps living with all my parents’ things.”
“Masking?” Diavolo questioned.
Alex rocked her head. “All the time. Jordan calls it my alter ego. He thinks it’s some sort of superpower that I perfected with his encouragement.”
“I have a selection of 8D music I’ll send you for focus,” Diavolo nodded. “If you have any recommendations, I’m open to seeing. I’m always trying to explore new avenues.”
“That’s the dopamine search,” Alex laughed and nodded.
Diavolo let out a stream of laughter and rocked his head. “Yes, it certainly is, isn’t it, Alex.”
Alex checked her phone and breathed. “I have to go back inside.”
Diavolo gasped and held up his finger. “Here, I’ve been meaning to give this to you.” He dug in his breast pocket and handed her a small pin of a red devil smirking. “I’ve noticed you wear them on your hat, and I quite like that. My contribution,” Diavolo nodded.
She beamed and pressed her fist to her chest as she held it. “Thank you, Diavolo.”
“I will be texting you later when we’ll schedule our little date for your dress if that’s alright. If you want, I can email you instead of for formality,” He said while tilting his head.
“Text is fine. I just hate talking on the phone,” Alex giggled.
“Me too,” Diavolo groaned and grinned.
Alex laughed and shrugged. “I suppose we all have our mountains to climb.”
“Indeed. Enjoy the rest of your day, Alex. You added a bit of pep in my step.”
“Same, thank you,” she beamed and bowed her head before walking toward the cafe.
Well, you learn something every day. Diavolo, CEO and superpower in the world had ADHD? Well, that explains the goofy persona. That actually made Alex feel ten times better. She passed Barbatos and waved. He nodded at her with a small smile, and she skipped behind the counter.
Jordan arched his eyebrow as she snatched up her apron. “What did Daddy want today?”
Alex glanced out at him, taking another puff before meeting Barbatos in the parking lot with a bouncy stride. “To chat,” she settled with as she washed her hand at the sink.
“Interesting,” Jordan hummed.
Alex pocketed the pin and nodded. “Completely.”
“And did Daddy give you something special?” Jordan teased with an arched eyebrow.
“Can you stop with this? It’s really screwing me up, J,” Alex puffed with red cheeks. “I swear it. I’m going to accidentally call him that, and then I’ll be fired for sure.”
“Or taken to dinner,” Jordan laughed and shook his head. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop, for now. When are you moving in with the crazy terrors of the seven plagues?”
“This weekend,” Alex expressed as she went to the pastry case and began organizing what was in there with tongs. “Hey, Jordan, I have a weird question.”
“Shoot, babe,” he said while changing out the coffee and brewing a fresh batch.
“Do you think it’s weird for me not to date?”
“Yes, hun, I do, but don’t listen to Asmo. He’s surface energy until you get to know him. Any progress with Mr. Black Coffee?” Jordan asked.
Alex exhaled and shook her head. “I recently found out he’s unavailable.”
“Oh, that is a pity,” Jordan scrunched his nose. “I was really rooting for that. He seemed so into you.”
She shrugged her shoulders and smiled over at him. “I wasn’t that invested in it.”
“How about Sugar-free Vanilla?” Jordan asked with an arched eyebrow.
“I shouldn’t engage in any sort of drinks that I’m going to be in proximity to anyway,” Alex voiced as she set out more scones in the case.
“I suppose,” Jordan laughed as he leaned on the counter. “Oh, looky here. Here comes trouble . Sin never looked so tasty. If that boy were ever into experimenting, I’d be there in a hot second for that meal.”
Alex glanced at the door to see Beelzebub climb out of his car and pull on his shirt while Belphegor and Mammon soon joined. They all threw on shirts, and Alex had to scowl at that. What the hell did they do that they were shirtless?
The trio walked into the cafe, sweat still beading on their faces. Alex moved to her register and beamed. “Hey, boys. What have you been up to?”
Beel grinned as he wiped his forehead with his arm. “Alex, we have something exciting to tell you.”
“Yeah, but let me!” Mammon puffed and rolled his neck. “Ya, see, it was my idea, so I get to tell ya how great I am!”
“Okay, I’m listening,” Alex nodded.
“We broke into your house and cleaned out your backyard,” Belphegor snorted.
Mammon growled and shoved him. “I wanted to tell her. Why ya gotta be such a dick?”
“Oops,” Belphie smirked.
“But we found something,” Beel added.
“Yeah, we did,” Mammon snapped. “I did. I found it.”
“And then you tried to pocket it for money,” Belphie rolled his eyes.
“I did not!” Mammon huffed.
“Okay, guys, calm down. What did you find as you did your weird B&E? I’m not going to even go into how many people would be asking for you to break in and do the same.” Alex laughed as she shifted on her feet.
Beel dug in his jeans and produced a necklace with wings in the shape of a heart and a topaz. It was delicate, small, and a little dirty. “Oh!” Alex gasped. “That was my grandma’s from when she was little. Where was it?”
“In a tin box in the shed. It looks like someone put it in there to do yard work,” Belphie shrugged.
Beel offered it to Alex, and she beamed. “Thanks, you guys. My mom used to garden and must have set it in there when she had to turn the soil.”
“So, uh, that’s like really important,” Mammon hummed as he fixed his glasses. “Which means we did ya good.”
“Yes,” Alex beamed and placed the necklace in her pants pocket.
“So, we’re gonna wait for you,” Mammon smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest in a lean.
She shrugged and leaned on the POS screen. “How about all of you get a refreshing drink, and I’ll be done in just over an hour.”
They all were nodding, and she imputed their orders. She enjoyed their little bickering back and forth before they sat down with food and drinks. Jordan approached and leaned on her shoulder. “Doesn’t hurt to have weird friends, does it?” He whispered.
“No, I’m starting to see that,” she beamed as she glanced at him.
“Babe, I’ll never leave you, but I just want you to be loved, okay? You deserve it. I did plenty of checking when I hung out with Leviathan. They’re good guys.”
“I see that,” she voiced. “Thank you for being my misfit brother, Jordan.”
“Of course, Alex. You’re my little sister. Always,” He chuckled and kissed her hat before walking back over to the espresso machines.
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hansolmates · 4 years
jjk; angel’s trumpet [03]
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summary; one second, your life is flashing before your eyes and the next, you’re transported into a world exactly like your own. but the jungkook you meet in this world isn’t a renowned singer or your former almost-lover, in fact he has no clue who you are and why you know him so well. as you work to find your way home lost and confused, you conclude that you’re either dead or in the middle of the most wicked drug trip of your life. pairing; idol!jk x reader (f), alternatively film producer!jk x reader genre/warnings; fluff, angst, supernatural, idol!au, non-idol!au, alternate universes, themes of fate, language, alcohol consumption, mentions of smut in future chapters w.c; 5k a/n; we’re finally getting into some traction with the main plot! who are we liking more so far, w1!jk or w2!jk?? 
[02] [03] [04]-> masterpost
Instead of going to the doctor, you take a trip to the library. If Namjoon thinks your ideas are  supernatural, you’re going to find someone who believes in the supernatural. 
He calls you in the morning just to make sure you’re going to his recommended doctor.  You fabricate a lie that the doctor friend he recommended is busy so you’re going to go find another one in the meantime. Just in case Namjoon decides to ask said doctor about your current mental and physical state, you want to make sure you cover your tracks. As much as you want to give it another go and help Namjoon understand your precarious situation, you weren’t up for another possibility of rejection. 
You wanted to avoid Namjoon’s rejection so much that you’d rather turn to unconventional alternatives to finding your answer. 
Unfortunately, Tony Stark and Steven Strange do not exist in this universe, and therefore you need to turn to more practical measures. 
Seoul University has a zillion libraries, and you decide to go to the general library in the hopes you’ll find something in the subject of world-hopping. Unfortunately you haven’t been in a huge library since you were a senior in college, and the smell of paper, sad students and ink all but overwhelms you. 
You’re about to start wandering when a young voice snatches your attention. “Miss,” you feel a tug at your belt loop, and you notice a little boy looking up at you with a pout. “I lost my way after using the bathroom and I can’t find the daycare.”
A little part of you wonders who on earth could’ve let a boy no older than five out of their sights, especially in such a spacious building. Alas, you smile and offer him your hand, suggesting that the two of you look for a map. 
“Well it’s a good thing we found each other!” you say brightly, encouraging the kid to follow you to the kiosk, “I was just about to look for a map because I’m a little lost too, we can read it together.” 
The boy tells you his name is Bogum, and you respond with yours and explain that it’s okay to get lost, especially when this library is so big. He listens to you with rapt attention, wide eyes as you spell out the words “daycare” using the little paper map you brought with you from the lobby. 
Bogum and you stop in front of a plain room with a cheap powder blue baby gate, deep in the children’s section of the library. It’s there that you spot five or so children huddled over the flatscreen television, ‘oh’ and ‘ah’-ing over whatever film’s prattling on. You’re not surprised that Frozen 2 remains a sensation in both worlds. 
Bogum opens the door first, and you make eye contact with the only adult in the room. He’s lean and friendly-looking, holding a child in their lap as they sing along to “Into the Unknown”. Your heart is caught in your throat, begging to be released as your eyes widen in surprise. 
“Hobi!” you blurt instinctively, but you immediately clamp your mouth upon realizing. You really need to get used to this, but honestly how can anyone get used to this kind of situation? Hoseok will definitely be the fourth person you’ve alarmed in the past five days. 
Hoseok’s jaw drops slightly, head tilted as the rest of the mini-crew train their eyes on you. You shrink in the presence of children, knowing from experience nothing gets by them. 
“Is that your girlfriend, Hobi-ah?”
“Do you know her, Mr. Hoseok?” 
“She looks scared, what did you do?” 
The affronted man presses his lips in a thin line, “Dunno,” he answers vaguely. He seems unperturbed, hands settling in his traffic cone orange sweatpants. He gestures to the snacks in the middle of the room, releasing the children’s inner fire for food, “but it’s fruit snack time! Go ahead and grab your water from the cubbies, you can eat while you watch.” 
The babies cheer, and you smile fondly as the kids rip open their packets and giggle over Olaf. You wish you could go back to simpler times. 
“So,” Hoseok stands up, and gestures for you to sit at the small kids table in the back, “Do I know you? I don’t know if I know you, but I feel like I know you. Because you know me.” 
Deciding you need to sit down for his bombardment you squeeze your legs into the worn Fisher-Price desk, running your nails over the crayon stains and pencil shavings. “Uh, no?” 
“Did we have a class together? Hook-up? Friend’s hook-up that I tried to coerce into a threesome?” 
“Ohmygod, there are children here!” you hiss, but Hoseok just smiles plainly, offering you a bag of fruit snacks that he snagged before the children emptied his bowl. You accept the gesture, unable to make eye contact. 
Seeing the members out of their clan of seven is still jarring to you. You can’t imagine a world without the seven of them together. Like they always say, Bangtan is fate. 
“I just wanted to return Bogum,” you say, crinkling the foil bag in your grasp, “and I’m actually looking for a professor who has her office hours here. I have uh, questions on my thesis on alternate universes.” 
“Ah, are you referring to Professor Song?” you nod, “she cancelled her office hours for today, if you bothered to email her. And anyways, she doesn’t take kindly to questions on supernatural phenomena. Not since her latest book on paranormal channeling tanked.”
Your face visibly falls, dejected. You probably should’ve tried to schedule an appointment. “O-oh.” 
“But as a non-judgemental soul, I would be happy to assist you on your ‘thesis’.” Hoseok  air-quotes, noting that the kids are only in the very beginning of Frozen 2 and they have a whole hour and a half to their own devices. “And in exchange, I want to know the real reason as to why you’re looking for her, especially because you referred to me so excitedly as Hobi, and not Hoseok,” he crosses his arms, “and only my mother and sister have the right to call me that.” 
You feel like a kid sent to the time-out corner, inevitably forced to fess up. It didn’t work out as well as you hoped with Namjoon, and you feared to be disappointed when Hoseok disagreed with you as well. Of course, you can’t blame them. If Hoseok came up to you and said he came from an alternate universe, you’d run for the hills. 
But Hoseok is sweet and sincere, and he’s definitely not letting you go. In fact, he’s empathetic, already distressed from seeing you sweating and wringing the poor fruit snack packet. 
He drags over a mini chalkboard cart, poised to take notes. “C’mon, I won’t bite.” 
You frown, “Promise you won’t laugh at me until the very end?” 
Forty minutes later and in the turning point of Frozen 2, Hoseok has drawn up what looks like a convoluted flowchart detailing every single thing you’ve said up until this point. It reminds you of a child’s drawing, symbolizing all the dead-ends and turns of your life, but you’re sure Hoseok doesn’t want to hear that. 
Within the first ten minutes of your story, Hoseok is shaking his head. “That’s crazy. C’mon, prove it. If we’re really friends in an alternate universe, how much do you know about me?” 
Hoseok's face falls farther and farther into his lap as you respond with a straight face. His birthday, favorite foods, hobbies, music taste, and even feelings towards melodramatic movies are laid out in your words like a personal diary. 
He crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes. “Tell a secret that you know about me.” 
That stumps you. You make a face, stuffing a strawberry gummy in your mouth as you think about any conversation you could’ve possibly had with Hoseok in the past year. There’s a possibility that whatever happened to Hoseok in your world hasn’t happened in this one, but you have to at least try. 
With as much confidence as you can muster you say, “When you were in the 3rd grade, your older sister was playing with sticks in your backyard and accidentally stabbed you.” 
He narrows his carmine eyes, “Where?” 
“Left breast,” you chirp, “under the nipple.” 
Hoseok’s face twists like he’s in the 8th dimension, and he clutches his left breast comically. “You’re either psychic or telling the truth,” he marvels, nearly cracking the bud of chalk in his fingertips. 
You fight the urge to sigh in relief, running a hand through your hair. You can’t believe that actually worked. 
“Okay so obviously because I need to know my alter-self, what’s Jung Hoseok like in World One?” 
“World One?” you snort. 
“Yeah, since it’s your home world. This is World Two, because this is your second reality.” He says as if it’s the most obvious thing, waving his hands in the air. 
“You’re a rapper and incredible dancer in the world’s top boy band.” and Hoseok doesn’t know whether to think you’re an impeccable actor or really telling the truth by the way you smile so tenderly. “And you managed to get your mom the barbeque restaurant she always wanted. Best place for pork belly wraps.”  
And because you know he’s a softie for his mother, you already have a tissue stretched out for him, confirming that you have him convinced. Seeing it all laid out terrifies him, not because he’s scared of someone infiltrating his reality, but because you’re lost. You’re lost and you can’t go home and he can feel like he’s known you all this time. Not because you know every single fact about him under the sun, but something tells him you were meant to find him today. 
“So, you got hit by a truck in World One, and end up in World Two just like that?” you nod again, and Hoseok starts to line up whatever code he’s created on the blackboard. “What were you doing before that?” 
“I went drinking with my friend Sehlyung.” 
“Uh-huh, and before that?” 
“Got into a fight with the guy I love.” 
“Oh, sorry.” 
“Even worse, he ended up being the first person I met once I entered your world.” 
Hoseok blinks, “That’s gotta count for something, right?” 
Your face sours, “Impossible. Jungkook didn’t recognize me either.” 
“Anything else happened that day? Perhaps something to do with the both of you? It can’t just be coincidence,” Hoseok insists, and you almost see the potential theories looming over his head. 
Wishing you bought some aspirin on your way, you pinch your brows together. You’ve recollected that night one too many times that it’s been starting to overwhelm you. You hate thinking back to how harshly Jungkook rejected you. How much his words pierced you clean like you were soft and breakable. The twist in the knife was seeing him again in this world, only for him to reject you again for an entirely different reason. 
“Wait,” you bite your lip, the final memory from your last conversation with Jungkook resurfacing. 
“Maybe in another world, we’d work out. But not this one.”
“He said maybe we’d be together in another world,” you say slowly, the words sinking in your form like a key to a lock. 
Hoseok snaps his fingers, a huge white grin beaming on his face. “Shit, this is straight out of the Twilight Zone or something. Cool!” 
It’s then that the credits roll for Frozen 2, and the children are pouncing on him like leeches to a sweet treat. They laugh and beg for his attention, teasing him because he said the s-word. 
“I’m sure this Jungkook kid has something to do with why you’re here—ow, Haneul! My hair is precious!” Hoseok is busy fending off kids and trying to continue your conversation. He gets up from the tiny chair to prevent them from reaching, and you follow suit. “In the meantime,” he reaches for your phone, typing something, “here’s some books Professor Song recommended to me when I was fascinated in alternate universes. Maybe they’ll help, I don’t know. But good luck, update me when you get a chance! I work here most days.” 
“Thanks Hoseok,” and before you can second guess yourself, you find space between the children to wrap your arms around him. Thankfully, he doesn’t push you away, and hugs you back just as tightly. You can’t help it, and bury your face into his shoulder, trying to conceal your sobs. He even smells like World One Hoseok. You miss them. 
The rest of your afternoon is spent in the library, searching for book after book regarding the supernatural and other phenomena. A little part of you hoped Hoseok would join you in your navigation, but he had a job and you had yours. He already offered you an ear and much, much more. 
You feel a little stir-crazy, despite the fact that these books could contain important information, only Jungkook’s words seem to register in your brain. 
“Maybe in another world, we’d work out. But not this one.”
You groan, stretching out your back so you could reach the final book out of Hoseok’s recommendations. You blush when your joints complain about your lack of exercise and sudden exertion of physical activity. This last one just so happens to be on the highest possible shelf. There’s really no need to have more than five books on supernatural phenomena, but you’re already here and it’s vermillion red cover is taunting you like a bull to its matador. 
Fuck it. Making sure no librarians are watching, you hop on the first shelf, heels dangling in the air. You could climb trees like it was nothing when you’re a child, but ten years later you can feel all the joints in your body protest at the sudden bout of athleticism. 
Alas, even with the added height you can barely reach the top, fingers brushing over the hardcover. You’re starting to sweat with nerves, thankful for the whirring of the icy air conditioner. With a sigh you attempt to climb on the next highest shelf, until the familiar smell of detergent and florals invades your personal space. Even his scent is the same. 
“Y’know, there’s a help desk for a reason.” 
Your shoulders slump as Jungkook wordlessly instructs you to get down from the shelf. You feel the warmth of his palm shadow your back, not touching you but prepared to in the event you slip and fall. With a cross of your arms, you hug your books to your chest, refusing to make eye contact as he retrieves the book for you. Call it being petty, or overly defensive because of past events, but you’re not ready to talk to Jungkook right now. 
Conversely, Jungkook is piqued. He’s lived here for the past six years and it’s the first time he’s seen you in this library. Twice in the span of two weeks is definitely something worth noting, especially when his new co-worker just so happens to be friends with you. 
In fact he’s excited, curious. He just entered the library, dropping off some proofs for his graduate school’s office when he spotted you in the corner of one of the shelves, determined. Something warm and light brings a smile to his face when he sees how endearing you look trying to get that too-high book. Despite the fact that he’s still on the fence about your sanity, he wants to make sure you don’t almost-die a second time from head injury. 
“Here ya go,” He easily grabs the book and Jungkook is prepared to plop the book in your pile, but you’re hugging the others so tightly that he has to wedge it between two other ones. 
You press your lips together as Jungkook goes into your personal space, miffed that you’re being a little defensive. After all, you’re embarrassed from the last time you saw him and you’re heart is beating wildly, confused over the man in front of you. It takes a wiggle before you concede, letting him tuck the red novel between two other larger books. 
“Thanks,” you mumble, nodding at him once before swiftly turning the corner, skirt swishing. 
The smile on his face is wiped clean when you don’t even bother to spare him a little eye contact. 
“Hey, wait up!” he exclaims, and he’s immediately shh’ed by at least five students and an angry librarian. He deflates, giving sheepish bows as he walk-runs after you. 
He feels like the tables have turned, now he’s the one chasing after you. Should he apologize for leaving you on the sidewalk two weeks ago? Should he offer to hold your books, or drive you home? Maybe not drive you home, because he brought his bike today and he fears that you may be traumatized by the fact that you almost ate pavement under his wheels. If he has to ease into it, maybe he could offer his phone number up as compensation for accidentally almost-killing you? Suggest that his number is for you to contact him as an IOU. Smooth. 
You look over your shoulder briefly, suppressing a groan as Jungkook makes it painfully obvious that this is not the end of your interaction. He’s boring into you, looking past you and his eyes are dark with information. As much as you want to know what’s going on in his mind, seeing Hoseok and Jungkook within the same hour is wholly overwhelming, especially when you just laid your whole life story out to Hoseok in a daycare. 
He’s now staring holes in your back as you hand over your books and work identification to the unsuspecting librarian, who chalks up your awkwardness between two friends toeing around a relationship. To the unsuspecting eye, it’s not out of the ordinary. You can’t just tell Jungkook to “kindly fuck off because I’m still processing your existence” because he’s really done nothing wrong. Inevitable, you let him heat your skin with his imploring eyes until he starts to squirm like a garden snake. He’s waiting for you, silently begging you to turn your head and acknowledge how hard his brain is working right now. This boy is always after attention. 
Finally, you spare him. “Yes?” you say softly, keeping your focus on the bookkeeper checking you out as Jungkook hovers over your form. 
“Uh,” he scratches his head, searching for words, “are you hurt? Y’know, from the other day?” 
“Judging from the way I was prepared to climb the shelves, no,” you stuff the books in your tote bag, “are you hurt?” 
“Uh, no.” 
“Okay. That’s good.” You brush past him, making it a blatant point to stride out the first door you see. 
Even with all the telltale signs, Jungkook continues to feel something. An urge, a bell, something. He doesn’t know what, but he’s compelled to follow you. For a small thing you sure know how to walk, and he has to pump his legs a little to catch up with your speedy form. 
He follows you to the middle of the campus courtyard, where students are lounging about and studying or playing football. It’s already starting to turn dark, and the orange sky sits impatiently on your bodies as you try to walk as fast as possible to your apartment. 
“Hey—hey, c’mon!” his long legs manage to get close enough to you, but he has to halt as soon as you stop, whipping around to glare at him. 
Jungkook stumbles as you’re centimeters away from him, visibly annoyed. You’re super close, impossibly close to him. He holds his breath, fearing he’d fan your face and you wouldn’t appreciate his chicken-salad breath. He doesn’t understand why you’re upset, but he wants to jab a thumb between your brows and even out the adorable expression that pinches your visage. 
“What, do you need something from a stranger?” you bite icily, and he doesn’t understand the pang in his chest when you refer to each other as strangers. It’s true, you are, but you don’t have to be so harsh about it. 
“I, I just want to know why you knew my name,” he replies weakly, hands going up as if he committed a crime. “Back then, I’ve been confused ever since,” it’s wholly innocent, and genuine, “I just wanted to know if you’re okay, I guess?” 
It’s then you soften, melting like the yolk in the sky. The strap of your bag digs in your palm, the leather probably indenting your skin. 
“I got really drunk last night,” you concede, and at the very least it’s the truth, “probably woke up drunk too. I stumbled outside and when I saw you, and mistook you for another Jungkook I know.” 
You’re pulling this excuse out of your ass, and you hope that someone watching you from above (or below) will give you a reprieve on this one. He seems to believe this notion, probably used to one too many drunk girls fawning over him half-sane. 
“Another Jungkook?” he balks, mouth parting like a baby kitten, “a Jungkook with the same name and face?” 
“Uh kinda, like Mario and Wario?” you say, and you know Jungkook will get the reference if he remains a video game lover, “what’s that called, doppelgangers?” 
“I’m partial to Luigi and Waluigi, but I get it.” he replies with a small smile, proud to have gotten you to open up, even a little. “That’s cool. I’m sorry for freaking out back there.” 
“Understandable,” you look at the grass crunching at your feet. You definitely understood, but it still hurt recollecting the way he pushed you off of him like a bug. “I’m sorry for mistaking you, I just kinda stumbled out of an apartment and got walking, I thought I was in a dream or something.” 
“So uh, where’s this other Jungkook?” and it’s an innocent enough question, and he’s almost boyish about it, rocking back and forth with his hands in his jeans. “I’ve always wanted to meet my own twin, I just didn’t expect them living in Korea and having the same name. That’s like a two for one deal!” 
You wince, avoiding the way Jungkook tries to bend down to match your eyes. “He’s uh, not around anymore. Completely gone,” you mutter. 
Completely gone? Did that mean the person you were worrying about on the streets, the person who you worried over so thoughtfully in place of Jungkook, is dead? 
Jungkook puffs out a breath of air, running a hand through his hair. Boy, does he feel like a piece of shit for bringing up tough memories. “I’m so sorry,” he gushes, voice cracking as he tries to get you to lift your head, “I was just being nosy, alright? The fact that you knew my name freaked me out and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And when I saw you in the library I pounced but I realize that this is such a huge mistake and—”
“Jungkook,” you hold up a hand, a twinge of a smile barely grazing your lips, “I already told you, it’s understandable you would’ve been freaked out. Don’t blame yourself,” you size him up a little, looking up and down and he automatically straightens his back. He feels his ears heat beneath his hair, “but you look like the type of guy to be too hard on himself.”
He laughs, nodding profusely, “So I’ve been told.” Feeling lighter at the assurance of your feelings, he sticks out his hand, “then can we call a truce?” 
It’s then you see it. 
“Tiger lilies,” you marvel, hands reaching out instinctively to touch the tattoo adorning his arm. It’s the same design, same position, the dark ink vibrant as ever. 
“It’s my birth flower,” he puffs out his chest a bit, feeling elated that someone appreciates the fine art he spent weeks drafting. Tattoos aren’t particularly popular in this area, so he can’t help but feel a little cheeky that someone’s attracted to them. He watches the way your eyes sparkle over the black ink, the most positive emotion he’s gotten out of you since meeting. “Tiger lilies, they mean—”
“Please love me,” you finish, letting go of his arms so it drops to his side. You finally look up at him, and your eyes prick. 
He looks so much like him, it hurts. Seeing Hoseok and Namjoon also pained you considerably, but nothing compared to how much it ached to have Jungkook around, vying for your attention. How well you knew his body, and how much you wish you could hug him. Today he’s even dressed a little similarly to how you’re used to, soft and comfortable in black sweats and a Carhartt hoodie. But this Jungkook isn’t scarred by the industry, and it fills the curiosity that plagued you for days on end. Your Jungkook is always vibrant, but the one in front of you is radiant. He’s young, eager, and ready to take on the world. 
Jungkook grins, impressed by your knowledge. He wonders about your birth flower, and whether you have it tattooed somewhere on your body. “Is that your birth flower too?” he asks, debating on whether or not it’s too late to ask you out for coffee because evening is approaching. Maybe dinner was more appropriate? But it would be like a date? Maybe pizza or McDonalds to keep it casual? 
You see the gears turning in his head, and you feel like you’ve wasted too much time thinking. “Ah, no,” you flounder, rapidly shaking your head, “just some random information I’ve picked up.” 
“Are you into flower meanings?” he tilts his head. 
“Not particularly,” you say ominously, and you try not to ache when he seems disheartened at your lack of elaboration, “but I will be. I’ll see you around, Jungkook.” 
You can tell he has more to say, especially because Jungkook is one to finish what he starts. But you can’t give him that satisfaction now, not when you’re onto something. You spare him a wave over your shoulder, not wanting to see the disappointment in his face when you leave him in the dust for a second time. 
And with that unpromised promise, you go back into the direction of your apartment. You have some extensive research to do tonight. 
Jungkook wakes up to the sun, and he bolts up in his bed. 
“Hey!” he yells to no one in particular, knowing his voice is loud enough to echo throughout the dorm. “Why did no one call me? We had practice!” 
Instead of passing out in the studio he’s wrapped up in his sheets, bundled comfortably as if he’s been in bed for hours. He’s almost disoriented, looking around the room and waiting for someone to barge in and tell him to hurry up and get somewhere. 
After working on his music, the seven of them were supposed to meet up. The plan was to take a nap from ten to eleven, and be at the studio to go over some modifications to a new setlist. However, those plans evidently did not go through, because he had a full night’s sleep for the first time in weeks and that only happens if there’s a schedule cancellation or vacation. 
He feels particularly antsy because he couldn’t work on anything last night. His mind was like tunnel vision, completely filled by visions of you and last night’s fight. It’s frustrating, especially when there’s so much he’s behind on already. 
But today’s a new day. He takes his time in his room, popping out all his joints and doing leg and arm stretches on his mattress. For once, no one’s ushering him away to do the nth task. He mindlessly scrolls his phone, taking note of the insistence for him to return to social media but pins it away for yet another promise of next time. 
Mindlessly clicking his phone button on and off, his wallpaper shows a picture of your back facing the sunset. An old, innocent picture that could be mistaken for a random shot Jungkook stole on an empty night in Dongdaemun. With a sigh he throws his phone somewhere between the sheets, rubbing his eyes. There’s nothing he can do now but move forward, and he takes that in stride. 
But when he walks out of his room, the air feels terse. It’s strange, as if he could cut through the tension in the room with a butterknife. 
He looks on in confusion to see all the other members settled in the living room, hovered over their phones. They’re all still in their clothes from last night as well, grave expressions on their faces. 
Someone’s choked sobs are echoing from a corner of the room, and Jungkook is worried when he sees Taehyung sobbing in Hoseok’s arms. 
“What happened?” he asks, brows knitting together as he walks over to Namjoon, looking over his phone. 
Namjoon immediately presses his phone to his chest, concealing whatever is on the screen. Jungkook’s heart pangs at his block, because Namjoon isn’t one to hide things.  He’s feeling cut out of a secret so deep that it must be either a secret, or something he shouldn’t see. “It’s,” he takes a deep breath, and Jungkook feels it. He feels that whatever Namjoon has to say is going to be hard. 
Seokjin speaks up for the leader, bright eyes that always spark like fireworks now dim. “We got a call from Sehlyung early this morning. Before it got light out she—she was frantic. She said Camille wasn’t answering her calls after they went drinking.” 
No. No. 
“Then BigHit got a call from the hospital. They said a truck hit the curb, knocking her clean,” it doesn’t even sound like Seokjin’s speaking, just the shell of him, regurgitating information. “She’s alive, but it’s critical, no one’s allowed to see her until she’s stable. We don’t know when,” Seokjin bites his lip, choosing his words carefully, “or if, she’ll wake up.” 
Jungkook doesn’t even register that he’s crying until Seokjin pulls him into his arms. 
279 notes · View notes
bigasswritingmagnet · 3 years
When History Comes Calling Ch 6/14
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art by @snuffes
Fandom: Mass Effect Rating: Teen Pairing: none, some background Fshep/Garrus
Summary: In 2170, Mindoir was attacked by slavers. Hundreds were taken  captive, hundreds more were slaughtered. Kiryn was the only Shepard to  make it out alive. For years, he buried his grief, kept his head high,  and did whatever he needed to survive.He survived Mindoir and the batarians and when the Reapers came he survived them too.
But  when the war ends and he escapes his batarian masters to the Citadel,  the discovery that his twin sister is alive and well might just be the  thing that breaks him. The Hegemony's greatest assassin will remember  what it means to have something to lose.
AO3 link in notes! “How come Joker gets a whole bed and I have to sleep on a couch?” 
“Because I have brittle bone disease, and you once won hand to hand combat with a krogan.” 
“I have to sleep on a couch too, and I’m not complaining.” 
“Because you fit on a couch, Esteban. You’re couch sized.” 
“You could ask Garrus if you can bunk with him.” 
“No thanks. I’ve been shot all the times I want.” 
A faint pinging noise. 
“Shepard says if we don’t bring breakfast in ten minutes she starts breaking windows.” 
“Ah jeez. Garrus! Come on! We gotta go before Shepard pisses off the nurses again!” 
“I hope they let her out soon, I don’t know how much more of her that hospital can take.” 
“Well the doctor says…” 
The voices faded as the speakers passed out of the bug’s range. Kiryn very nearly scowled in his frustration. This was the third time he’d missed out on information of Keris’ medical status. 
He needed to get more listening devices. One for every room of that stupid, oversized cavern of an apartment. Nobody ever stayed put when they started a conversation, even an important one.  He never should have wasted one in the office. Nobody spent any time in there, because it was Keris’ office, and she was in the hospital. 
The kitchen had been a good call, but apparently people had conversations about highly confidential top secret Alliance projects anywhere they damn well pleased, up to and including the bathroom. Weren’t these people supposed to be professionals? One of them was the Shadow Broker for crying out loud.  
The emails had been worse than disappointing. They had been concerning. Not in content, but in quantity. He had expected the bulk of his sister’s communication to be work related. But out of an entire year’s worth of correspondence, barely fifty of them had been entirely unrelated to her work. At least they had been relatively positive messages, mostly requests to spend time together in a non-combat situation. He just hoped Keris had taken them all up on that offer. She never seemed to reply to the emails she got. 
Kiryn sat up, startling the man on the other bed. He wasn’t sure what to make of the man, who went by Tucker. He couldn't possibly know Kiryn's reputation - he was from a colony just outside Alliance space, and this was the farthest he'd ever been from home. He'd been a beet farmer, of all things. 
Kiryn had never threatened him. In fact, Kiryn barely spoke to the man. He spent most of his time staring silently at the ceiling, listening to the conversations via his listening devices. Tucker couldn't hear anything, Kiryn had made sure, so there was no way that was worrying him.Kiryn was never rude or angry or moody; he kept up his neutral expression as he always did, showing no emotions whatsoever.
So why on earth was Tucker so afraid of him?
“Good morning,” he said.
“Mmhmm,” Tucker said, dropping the datapads he’d been trying to sort. He started to retrieve them, only to drop them again when Kiryn stood up. Kiryn stared at him, trying to think of something to say that would reassure the man. The only thing that really came to mind was “don’t worry I only kill people for money and I promise I wouldn’t take a contract on you if anyone offered it”-- and Kiryn suspected that wasn’t quite going to cut it.
“Have a nice day,” he said, finally. Tucker shrank away from him as he slipped out the door. What a strange man. 
  As obsessive as C-Sec was about keeping tabs on the refugees, they sure weren't doing a very good job of watching all the possible ways in and out. This had been a loading dock, which meant there were all sorts of service entrances. Sure, those doors were locked, but they used the same keycards as the open entrances. All Kiryn had had to do was get his hands on a security pass -- neatly snagged off a passing officer too busy talking on his omnitool -- and he could come and go as he pleased. There was one door that the cameras didn't quite reach, around a corner the guards didn't bother to keep an eye on.
Kiryn was becoming quite fond of C-Sec, in a condescending sort of way. Bless their little hearts, they tried so hard. If Kiryn had been interested in doing any real damage, they'd never catch him until it was far, far too late. Truly it was fortunate that everyone was too busy trying to get themselves sorted out to even think about the kinds of political maneuverings that required murder.
He found that he enjoyed exploring the Citadel. So much of it was a novelty: being able to disappear so easily into the crowd, not needing to keep constant watch for security systems or guards, to keep to his own schedule rather than that of his target, to just casually be . He could go into a store that caught his interest without a purpose, or sit on a bench and watch people go by, or even just meander aimlessly around with no destination in mind.  
Perhaps this was what it meant to enjoy freedom.
He didn't even need to be efficient when he did have a goal in mind. He could go to the wards and find the quiet little shop that discreetly sold the tools of his trade, buy some more listening devices, and take himself up to the Presidium for lunch before heading back to Keris' apartment. No rush at all, so long as he got there before visiting hours ended. He'd been listening in for long enough to get a good sense of everyone's schedules. They tended to take shifts at the hospital with Keris, but they also had their own jobs to do. In general, the apartment was all but guaranteed to be empty between 10 am and 3pm.
"I'm getting a little worried about you, Garrus," said Tali'zorah vas Normandy, and Kiryn nearly choked on his noodles. Reaching out to grab a napkin, he turned the silver holder until he could see beside him. Only one seat away, three of Keris' friends were sitting down to lunch.
Of all the worst luck... He hunched his shoulders and tried to be as invisible as possible. They don't know what you look like, he tried to remind himself. For that matter, they didn't even know anyone had been in Keris' apartment. They weren't looking for anyone. But if they did figure it out, he couldn't risk someone looking at the security cameras and remembering the guy at the noodle place.
"What are you talking about? I'm fine," said Garrus Vakarian, the turian his sister was, actually, as a matter of fact, dating for real. Kiryn still hadn’t figured out what to think about that. 
"No, Tali's right. You spend every minute you can in the hospital." James Vega was even bigger than he sounded.   
"Where else should I be?" Vakarian snapped. Kiryn watched his reflection jab irritably at the electronic menu. "I can do my work from there just fine."
"I know," Tali’zorah said, gently, "but you don't do anything else. Or go anywhere else. At all."
"You want me to just leave her in there alone?" There were even fewer turians in batarian space than there were humans, so Kiryn wasn't as good at reading them, especially when distorted by a reflection. But even he could hear anxiety pretending to be anger when he heard it.
"C'mon, Scars, we're not saying you should never visit her. But she's not going anywhere. She's fine now, she said so herself."
"She said she was fine when she was barely out of the coma, too," Vakarian said. "After what happened last week, you still think she's fine?"
Last week? What had happened last week? Nobody had said anything last week. Unless they'd said it out of range of the listening devices. His hand tightened on his chopsticks, his ears straining to pick up every word over the bustle of the crowd.
"It was just a bad reaction to the medication. The doctors fixed it."
"And if she has a bad reaction to this stuff too? What then?"
Kiryn tried to remember to keep eating, to just blend in, be another member of the crowd. Everything suddenly tasted foul; it was hard to swallow. He agreed with Vakarian whole-heartedly. A mental image of Keris sitting small and alone in a dark hospital room, flashed across his mind. Just the thought made him feel cold. These were supposed to be her friends!
"Hey, can you pass the soy sauce?"
The voice was so unexpected Kiryn looked up. He turned away again, but the damage had been done. Vega had seen his face. Kiryn slid the bottle over, muttering something, trying to look engaged with his soup.
"Hey, do I know you? You look real familiar, man."
No. No, no, no, no.
He shook his head, his stomach twisting into knots.
"Military, right?" Shit . "I was stationed out on Arcturus Prime a few years back; were you ever out that way?"
Kiryn shook his head firmly and stood.
Kiryn turned quickly and left, knowing this was suspicious, thinking of a thousand better ways he could have handled it... but his heart was thudding against his ribs so hard he couldn't breathe. 
He should hold off on going back to Keris' apartment for a few days, until the incident had faded from their minds. He wasn't going to. The reminder of just how much information he was missing was not one he could easily put aside. What if Vakarian was right, and something did happen and Kiryn never knew about it?
He would just need to be quick, and careful.
This time he did not go in the front door, even though he knew the code. He could not risk being seen by the cameras out front. But he'd had a chance to get his hands on blueprints of Tiberius Towers and the buildings beside it. There was a parking garage beneath them. All three had access. 
He walked faster than he should have. The adrenaline and something tight in his chest he couldn't understand drove him on. He found the elevator and stairwell. He took the stairs, but only two flights. There was the opening to the air vents. Unpleasant, slow, and difficult, but much, much safer. No risk of being seen. He could be absolutely sure no one was in the apartment before he entered.
The added bonus was that it forced him to slow down. He had to focus on making as little sound as possible, regulating his breathing, and counting the floors as he went. The cold air in the vent went a long way to clearing his mind. By the time he was high up enough, his heartbeat had slowed and he could think straight again, although he still couldn’t shake that tightness in his chest. 
It had been an unfortunate coincidence, and he hadn’t handled it well. However, given that no one knew about the bugs, no one was on the alert for any strange behavior. As far as they knew, he was just a weird guy at the ramen place. Right? Right. 
So just calm down and get a grip. Everything was fine. 
There was a series of laser tripwires criss-crossing the vents leading to Keris’ apartment. Before he could pull up his omnitool and figure out how to deactivate them, they turned off. That was….weird. He checked their schematics and found that they had genetic sequence readers, just like the door. They didn’t seem to be set to track any coming and goings. The alarm was simply wired not to go off when certain people went by. And apparently the readers weren’t very advanced, if 50% was close enough to do it. 
It might have been making his life more convenient, but he wasn’t any less annoyed at how slipshod Keris’ security system was. She should really know better.
Kyrin had a lot of little tools in his kit, things that weren’t necessary but made his job easier. Some were quite specialised. You couldn’t get past everything with an omnitool. Of particular use was a device that looked almost like something you’d find at a dentist’s office, which was able to unscrew things from around a corner. Like, say, the screws to a vent cover from inside the vent. 
Kiryn was at the top of his field for many reasons. His physical prowess and tactical skill made him one of the best. But there were two things that made him the best: he minded the little details, and he always always managed his escape routes as he went. It was for this reason that, despite his urgency, he took the time to strip the screws and glue them into place on the vent cover, so he could come and go with ease. 
This time he was not going to dawdle. In, plant the bugs, get out. He’d go to the wards and find a hotel that charged by the hour, ridiculous or not, and work on his sniper rifle. That would make him feel better. Or at least calmer.
He put a bug in every room in the apartment, every hallway. Under every couch, the poker table, the conference table, hidden in the branches of a tree, at the bottom of a painting. One in the bar, at the far back where it couldn’t be seen. 
Nothing was ever going to happen to Keris that Kiryn did not know about. Not anymore.
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
HOSTIS, Chapter III: Aemulatio, Rivalry
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Previous Chapter (II: Antiquum Fabulum)
Member: Lee Hyunjae (tbz)
Genre (by chapter): drama, comedy
Category: Short Novel/Long Series
“if it’s anybody who knows what you’re thinking... it’s me.”
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two weeks of pure torture. 
and even after that, there was no way of telling how long you were going to be stuck in the same building, same wing, same office area, with lucifer; with the other half of two areses. 
of all tracks and professions to choose, he just had to choose neurology. the ones who birthed you were one a cardiologist and the other a psychiatrist. 
so why the hell did i choose neurology? 
had i chosen any other track, i wouldn’t be stuck here, in the same room as him, needing to breathe the same air as him, listening to the same words, and treating him like my partner in kindergarten.
“hmm, let’s see what i have in my schedule today...” doctor choi gets off the leather seat and looks through his file. lucifer was standing near the corner of the office, eyes scanning the plaques and framed certificates on the wall while the pen in your pocket rolls around your fingerpads. 
“i’ll be making rounds today from ten to twelve, and two to four... and since you can get off at six, your last two hours in the evening could be well spent familiarising yourself with the research department,” the glasses on his nose slips a little and he pushes it back up before looking at you. “and doctor kim, of course.”
lucifer gives a kind chuckle, and the sound of it makes your skin crawl with displeasure. “do you have any tips for us to get on doctor kim’s good side?”
us? yeah, right.
“if it’s anybody who needs tips, it’s me,” doctor choi scratches his forehead and picks up his file. “anyway, there’s still about an hour left before i start doing my rounds. till then, you can go back to your office and settle in. second day of work usually calls for more admin cleaning.”
the consistent staring and typing on your keyboard starts you drag you away from the thought of lucifer being in his office right next to yours, and the soft, classical music that was orchestrating itself in the air momentarily takes you back to med school.
back then, the nights you spent burying your nose in textbooks, files and notes were both torturous and fulfilling, and with how efficient the music was in calming your nerves, you remember thinking about all the times you lost your temper at lucifer. 
maybe if you listened to classical music since the start, you wouldn’t have such a fiery hatred for him. 
but then again, classical music didn’t really do much for your patience the entire time you were away. otherwise, you wouldn’t have packed up and moved into your own apartment after you came back from med school in the united kingdom. 
neither of your parents were fond of the idea, but thanks to your father being a psychiatrist, he was able to convince your mother into letting you stay alone. honestly, you moving away was simply to reduce the friction you knew you would have with her. your father was just the one with a higher emotional quotient to read that off you without needing you to say it explicitly. 
the alarm in your phone goes off, telling you that it was five minutes to ten, and a little ‘swoosh’ emits from your computer. 
from: kim ryuk hoon 
to: y/n, lee hyunjae, choi young joon
subject: research department data collection
to the newcomers, 
the research department welcomes you with opened arms. we hope you have been settling in well and the staff here has been kind to you. 
before you embark on your journey to becoming a full-fledged in-practise doctor, the research department would like to invite you to take up a task most will find arduous. i imagine that it’s not for the both of you. 
doctor choi will verify and validate this email first. if this invitation acquires his approval, then i will see the both of you this friday before you clock out.
i’ve already checked doctor choi’s hospital round timings, and he does not have anything scheduled after 5 on friday. there’s absolutely no reason for him to decline/disapprove this invitation.
have a great day, and i look forward to doctor choi’s approval. 
doctor kim
a smile naturally spreads on your face, but a sharp knock peels it off your lips like masking tape. the door of your office swings open and lucifer sticks his head in with an innocent grin baring his teeth at you. 
“did you zone out from being the little bitch you are or are you waiting for another invitation to be a doctor?”
annoyance rushes through you like race cars, and you grab a pen from the pencil holder by your computer, hurling it so hard that it sent a loud ‘tong’ sound through the glass of your office. lucifer ducks a little and winces at the harsh ring, looking behind him and out into the rest of the office to see if anybody heard.
you slam the laptop screen shut and turn off the office computer, eyes never once leaving his awfully arrogant mischief. slipping a tiny notebook into your coat, you push the chair back under the desk and walk towards the door where he pulls away, giving you just enough space to shove your way past him. 
his ribs run against your shoulder, and the mere contact makes you want to step on him and ruin his unrealistically shiny, polished dress shoes. 
fortunately, he doesn’t say one word to you the entire time the both of you tailed doctor choi on his rounds. he introduced the two of you to some of his not-so-critical patients and says they may be transferred to be taken care by either of you. 
the interactions with some of them were so heartwarming, despite half of the patients looking at lucifer like they just saw an angel. 
but there was still that overwhelming admiration and respect for those who chose to dedicate their lives to saving others. it was just unfortunate that you hated one of those people. 
every second spent with lucifer in your sights felt eternally long, but the week flashed by and it was like life was reminding you that time waits for no man. 
doctor choi had no choice but to give into doctor kim’s invitation for lucifer and you to take up that data analysis assignment. by friday, it had been four days since you felt like you were thrown back to your life prior to med school. 
back then, you spent every conscious second studying with only one goal in mind: to out do lee hyunjae. 
despite the difference in setting and environment where there were no longer grades or teacher appraisals to feed your pride and ego over his, now you were starting to feel the destructive force of motivation pushing you to earn the commends of the senior doctors and colleagues around you. 
after that, your new goal would to get a promotion before lucifer does. but sticking to reality was one of the best traits a doctor could have, so you were careful not to get too ahead of yourself. 
“here are the document sheets,” doctor kim hands you each identical files, but yours was black and his was blue. “and some of the information you need will be emailed you by tonight. so spend the weekend studying the material and you can use whatever time you have next week and even after your welcome party to finish this.”
“it’s not urgent?” you raise a brow, looking at the top sheet in the folder. 
“it’s not, but we do value quality data and findings.”
“wait, are you saying that the documents are exactly the same but we could be submitting different sets of data?” lucifer queries, and confusion starts to seep through your neurons. 
“correct,” doctor kim runs his wrinkly fingers on his chin where a little stubble grew since the last time you saw him. “the data that the both of you submit might be different. in fact, it may look completely different but as equally as valuable.”
oh, this is going to be fun.
“the last section of the documents includes data pointers from the oncology sector. it’s not very long and it’s highly likely you’re not going to find anything from that department--”
doctor kim hesitates for a moment upon your question, and lucifer looks at him, waiting for a response as well. 
“oh, well,” doctor kim clears his throat and waves the two of you in. a frown forms on your forehead, but lucifer leaning in urges you to follow. doctor kim’s bony hand cups his mouth from the side and looks around before whispering, “the oncology department head is crazy. she doesn’t like doctors who don’t belong there to even be on that floor.”
“ah,” lucifer sighs exasperatedly. “and which wing is the oncology department in? just so i can know where to avoid it.”
there we go, the selfishness hopped right out at ‘i’.
“if the neuro department’s in the north wing, and we are in the east wing, then...”
“it’s the other way round, doctor,” you quickly point out when he stops for a moment to remember where the oncology department was. “research department’s in the north.”
“oh!” he lifts a finger in the air, as if he didn’t hear you. the way his eyes lit up like a child brings a little smile to your lips, and his finger starts to wriggle when the neurons in his head click. “oncology is in the west, which makes it opposite the building that neuro is in-- yes, thank you for correcting me.”
call it childish, but that little display of gratitude seeps into you like a praise, and you could almost feel lucifer’s disgust when he realises you were busking in it. 
“yes, so avoid the west wing as far as possible. doctor choi will force me into retirement if doctor shin realises his mentees are strutting around in her department looking for answers to a worksheet...”
the desire to outdo lee hyunjae crawls back into your gut like the ghost crawling out from the television in ring. you didn’t even need to look at lucifer standing right next to you to know he was thinking and feeling the exact same thing. 
in this realm, zeus created two areses and decided putting them in the same hospital -- the same building, same room, -- was a good idea. 
“alright, i got it,” lucifer lifts the file as a sign of acknowledgement. 
“very well!” doctor kim beams brightly at the both of you, heels turning to return to his desk. “if there are any questions you have for me, don’t hesitate to drop me and email or come to look for me. of course, don’t let doctor choi know. he might just start filling up my retirement sheets for me.”
a gentle laugh runs through your throat and lucifer looks at doctor kim like that was his father. the both of you bow slightly before turning around, heading for the lift so that you could return to your office. 
ignoring lucifer standing right behind you was so easy, especially when you haven’t seen him for four years. but knowing that the both of you had the exact same goal in mind? 
that was difficult to swallow. 
you ran the thought through your head, the memory of spending nearly six full years fighting with the same person, both mentally and physically, sparking your eagerness to win. the only reason why you didn’t spend ten full years fighting with him was because you were no longer in the same institution. 
“i know what you’re thinking of,” a deep breath gets sucked into your lungs as he turns his head enough for you to see his cheek. “so just know that four years didn’t do much to curb whatever threat you see in me.”
lucifer scoffs and turns back to face the doors of the lift, the glazed over metal allowing you to lock eyes with him through the reflection.
“i know. i already knew the moment he said that the data sets might be different.”
then he looks away and up at the display panel inside the lift with the floor number on it. 
“if it’s anybody who knows what you’re thinking...” he turns around and lightly taps your chest with the file he was holding, the gesture making you want to take it and whack him across the face. 
“it’s me. the other half to our two areses.”
your arm finds his shoulder to push him back away from you, and you wipe your palm on your coat with exaggeration. 
“so rest assured, y/n. you’re not the only one who’s not going down without a fight.”
Chapter IV: Vetiti Fructus In
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blankdblank · 3 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 26
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Five feet off the ground in a grand jete you could catch the sliver of light backstage hinting that another person had snuck into your set. All week among the other cast members from Elektra Jennifer Garner took to watching your dance numbers thrilled to see just how talented the littlest of the extras actually was off set. For Daredevil in café’s you had been building some interest as a stray kitten had taken to you. A slipped pet here and at the first roll of thunder the kitten came onto set through the fake street and into the café luring attention from the other extras and main pair of actors at its trot to your costumed self to climb to your shoulder and burrow in your hair. Spending each day since following you about until you took it home to the ranch with you to keep it safe.
Hours you had been here and this was the third number you had filmed, out of the eight numbers you were doing well on time and were due for another before being sent home for the others to film their roles on the secondary sets. Again Richard was in the audience, merely with a camera aimed at him recording his reactions while his gangly self ‘snuck’ into the shows that the ringmaster would end each number by shouting at you.
Changing again you sat on your makeup chair pressing your thumbs into the sides of your left hamstring feeling the same twinge you had felt for the past two days. Inches from tearing your muscle the filming of your non dance scenes in the first half of the film had been recorded after a slipped chord from a fight scene for Elektra had you on the verge of tears and on a crutch to rest your leg. The doctor had cleared you to work, unlike the other stunt man who fractured his collar bone when his wiring failed as well. For what you loved about the film the endless strain of the ballet side of this had you deciding that your last touring show for ballet was just that, your last. Another film could be tolerated but the endless weeks of shows would have to stop if it could end up weakening your body in other roles requiring you to be at your peak.
Everything hurt but with a helping of some heating cream the muscle loosened up and you were able to complete the day. Once changed however if your decision hadn’t already been made you felt relieved to find a voicemail on your phone from your grandparents hoping that you would focus on films before you did face an injury like your grandfather had nearly lost his own career to. They fully agreed dance films were acceptable but the near possible break or worse to your leg had them rethinking their plans for you knowing the pain of those injuries all too well.
Wrapped with a heating pad and elevated in an empty chair the leg rested while you watched Richard and your father pull dinner together. Again Richard glanced your way asking, “Feeling better?”
“Little bit. Oh, I got a call earlier.” That had the pair looking your way, “Babu and Babushka about my leg, suggesting I retire from performing ballet.”
Your Father settled a hand on the counter, “Wow. Never thought I’d hear that.”
You shrugged, “They remember their own injuries and with it being my lower leg that could have been worse they think it best if I stick to ballet films and not full touring shows.”
Richard, “Are you okay with that?”
You nodded, “Funny thing is I was thinking it through the morning, and then on lunch I got the message.”
Your father nodded, “Have you called them back?”
“Not yet, no they said they had to be up early for a fundraiser. I’ll call them on their tomorrow at a reasonable hour.”
Richard nodded and asked, “Any word from Lee yet?”
“Uh, nope, after that screen test thing he said he was off to the airport.”
Your father asked, “To where?”
You shrugged, “No clue. He is a man of mystery this month and up to something. I hope it’s a role ‘cuz he’s been a bit, not off but just, distant I guess since hearing about the filming here.”
Richard chuckled saying, “My guess being he’s planning on visiting. Oklahoma’s not far, right?”
Your father shook his head, “Bout half a day drive depending on how far you want to go. Does he know where we live?”
“I, don’t know. Think so, he mentioned sending a snow globe or something.”
Your father chuckled and said, “We’ll keep an eye open for any teens lurking about.”
While days were spent filming nights were all your own. A special request while word you had worked with Howard Shore in the last minute drop of the uncooperative sound crew you were hired. Now on top of acting, singing, playing the violin and dancing lead the score was now yours. Though it didn’t come out of nowhere as you had provided the music for the dance numbers while in the first rehearsals before filming when the former crew had all but refused to grant the director anything to work with beyond a metronome beat. Just like before hums were not foreign on set and even Richard found himself joining in while you kept notepad on hand to write down all you had popping into your head.
Distraction was needed while word spread that Daredevil would be split into two films, one for him and another for Elektra and there was so much doubt on how little your part would be dwindled to if visible at all. Alternating day and night shoots often found you here in the music room, up with violin in hand or at the piano playing to a cassette recorder singing along the words you came up with. In Russian, French and Gaelic you would sing with a fourth you hummed, both operatic and lullabies to barely over a whisper. Each helped through with lyrics by Richard and your father when hearing you were stuck.
The best song though, the one you loved came out like air and sent chills down the spines of all who heard it on the business side of the film beside the beaming Director, even in the rough cut needed to be rerecorded in an actual studio. Down Below, My Bedfellow, the name of the soaring signature song played in your ride away to the new future at the end of the film. A duet with Richard he worked his way into by bringing over his cello he had sent for from England weeks prior to sit up and play with you, adoringly filling in more blanks on the song from his own heart. More time, that was what it was, even when joined in on by your father who copied note for note the song as you wrote it notes and all, simply beaming at the love song dripping with the love and adoration you shared on and off the screen. Soon enough it all was re-recorded in studio topped off with a full choir your family was all to eager to join to bring your project to life alongside the full orchestra to fill in the rest of the score as well led by you.
All this while you were given more snippets in Daredevil, even to the point where you were in the background at the big fancy party right before Elektra’s father is killed. Fittings for that however put your groggy humming self in the path of Colin Farrell alongside another for your stewardess costume, an extra role making you a blonde and granting you a couple lines at least confirmation by the Director you would not be cut at least entirely from the division of the original film. Also confirming that in said groggy interactions with Colin you had made another friend who was altogether impressed on how you could go from napping to bright eyed and bubbly for the action call at the drop of a hat. A friendship ending with a trading of emails, due to his frequency of changing his number, when schedules split you up again making lunches or dinners as a group were impossible to manage.
Sure enough while you received the third call of the day concerning the About A Boy premier the next day the doorbell had your head tilting to the door that your father had stood up from his place reading on the couch while Richard toweled off from his shower to wash off the makeup from his neck and face. “Oh man.” The words had you smirking but not as much as the voice saying them.
Softly you sighed hearing the voice through the phone still speaking to another in the room for the third try to somehow argue that you would somehow be able to fly out to England and make the premier anyways starting in ten hours. They hung up promising to work some magic making you roll your eyes and toss your phone onto the couch by your feet to lay your arms over your face tilting your head back a moment onto the arm of the chair you were lounging in after work. “Long day?”
Easing your arms down your head turned in your lifting twist to stand up for a hug from Lee, who melted around you, “There you are, trying to be all sneaky.”
“Hey,” he said pulling back, “How else am I supposed to keep you on your toes?” After stealing a glance at your father on his way to the kitchen, he whispered, “You never said he was so big, and your uncles are all the same size, went to the big house first and they sent me here.”
“Well they won’t eat you.” You giggled out making him smile wider at you, “You drove all the way here?”
“Yes, only have a week off,”
Your father came back with handfuls of sodas he passed one each to the two of you and sat down again in his former spot luring Lee to sit on the end near your chair, “Good, if you need a place to crash you are welcome here. Got the spare Murphy bed in the office.” Glancing your way he opened his soda asking, “Everything alright on the phone Pumpkin?”
“Ah, just someone trying to reverse the rotation of the earth so I could somehow make a flight to London and be there for the premier in ten hours while also being on set tomorrow out here. Said they’d work some magic.”
Lee chuckled asking, “Which premier is this one?”
“The one with Hugh Grant, About A Boy, I’m just one of the random single moms he dates there barely a week I doubt I’ll be a huge blip on screen. Anyways there’s one in New  York in two weeks if they insist while I’m off out there for the Enough film with Jennifer Lopez.”
Lee, “You’re working, how could they be mad for you missing it?”
You shrugged again taping your nail on the top of your soda, “Who knows. Highly doubt I could have any significant chunk of the film with a week of footage. I mean, there’s Hugh, the kid, the kid’s mom and a future girlfriend, Rachel something. That’s the main cast. Love interest number four, can’t be that-,”
Richard came out and smirked patting Lee’s shoulder, “Had a hunch you were dropping in on us.”
Lee grinned at his move to claim your soda and open it for you, to spare your fake nails still on from the set, then pass it back on his way to get a drink himself and sit down between Lee and your father. “How could I miss a chance to see you guys again. And I do have to say,” looking at you he said pointing at you, “I’ve seen Lord of the Rings five times. Can’t help it and can’t wait for it to be out on tape.”
Richard chuckled, “You and me both, and eventually there will be an extended cut edition as well with extra scenes I am waiting for.”
Lee smiled at you asking, “How is filming going? Leg better?”
“Yes, much better. Filming is good, another week left.”
Lee wet his lips asking, “When is it out?”
“Early next year. Certainly be a film to add to my books.”
Lee chuckled, “Hey, I played burlesque dancer, so, not that odd of a choice.”
You nodded giggling, “Oh yes, ballet dancing Selkie.”
Your father said in your sip on the soda, “Certainly original.” Making you smile lowering the can.
“You are coming?” rolled onto your side your eyes cracked open registering Jennifer Lopez’ voice.
“This about the premier?”
“Ya, you had that job but you’ll be off then, right?”
“Yup, just flew into New  York last night.”
A sharp exhale sounded through the line as your face settled into your mattress while Richard shifted to rest his head on your back cuddling closer again refusing to miss a moment of your final week together before he was due back in England. “Oh that’s good. How’d your flight go?”
“More of a rollercoaster than a flight. All bumps and then there was some hail, had to land in Tennessee and wait two hours to continue on to New York.”
“Oh that sucks,”
“Not really they have nice ribs there. How’s it with you? Heard you had a tv thing, Letterman?”
She chuckled, “Yes, been crazy with the press for this thing, but work is work. When are you doing press for yours?”
“If I do, maybe the winter. Which winter in Russia should be lovely. Have to enjoy sweater weather.” Making her chuckle again.
“Yes, yes you do.” After a moment she asked, “I heard something, you, don’t have an agent yet?”
“No, agent’s want money and I don’t get paid for last year’s work for another couple months until the first film is out of theaters and the others staggered for the same.”
“You don’t have any money, like, at all?”
Weakly you chuckled replying, “My rent is paid through the year, cash saved for my phone and food, just don’t have retainer fees level cash. Rich’s agent though tends to share what he hears about me for London work.”
“Like for couple jobs?”
“Not yet, but that’s what he’s aiming for. People there know I know him so I helps to draw attention to Rich too.”
To the continued use of his name he pressed a kiss into your back and nestled closer lifting the covers to help fight the next draft blowing through the apartment. “That’s good. I just want you to do well.”
“I know, thank you for that. I got people, just not big people. Tons of tips flow my way.”
You could almost hear her smirk in asking, “You got people?”
“I got people. Everybody has ears Jen.”
“Oh I know that. Always gotta be careful what you say and to who.” Making you smirk as she missed your point meant to mean that your latest tips had come from a delivery guy you went to school with who fired you a message for what the latest job he went to was looking for in a female lead. It was an interesting part but the request of swallowing a live octopus for the audition had you tapping out when they insisted it was the big marker for the female lead you were assured to be perfect for.
“Yes, from what I hear I do have to ask how is your fifth love child with your seventh fiancé?” Making her laugh at the combination of all the titles in the gossip rags, “I do hope I’m invited to this wedding you’ve skipped me for the last three.”
“I promise you, I get married you will be right up front… Hmm?” She asked someone else near her who said something making her pause to say, “I gotta go hun, but I will see you on the red carpet.”
“Yes you will, have fun.”
“I will, you too hun. Bye, Bye.” Hanging up allowing you to set down your phone and sigh settling back into your mattress.
Behind you Richard rumbled groggily, “You missed the best part sharing your people bring the best snacks.”
In a giggle you rolled over and he eased you down with a loop of his arm around your side planting his lips warmly on yours, “Some people don’t realize how helpful delivery guys can be for big tippers and old schoolmates.” Claiming another kiss then settling your forehead against his to get a bit more sleep with your still drowsy teddy bear clinging tight to you.
Clad in a simple indigo velvet short sleeved dress over black tights and your glittery heeled ankle boots you stood fixing your hair into a ponytail as Richard fashioned his tie. Nice and simple you dressed for the About a Boy premier and shouldered your phone to fix your mascara answering the call confirming the car sent for you was downstairs. It had been relentless with several confirmations this week you were indeed free and shouldering the crème clutch with cute accenting folds in the fabric over the top flap. Right off Richard claimed your hand locking up to walk with you to walk down to the car. With a grin you kindly greeted the driver who looked you over then flashed an awkward grin to Richard who shook that off and climbed in after you keeping hold of your hand.
Everyone you seemed to talk to shared a sense of relief. Hugh especially once Rachel, who you hadn’t met on set had come to greet you after having heard about you, came to greet you, leaving an interview to do so. “There you are,”
“Why do I feel like I’m in the Principal’s office?”
To that he chuckled and shook his head patting your arm, “Not at all. Simply, we heard you were working on another international film.”
“Yes, sorry, it was the last week of filming. I didn’t think you would miss me at the premier.”
“Miss, how could we not miss you?” His gaze shifted to Richard who was now grinning to himself and his hand outstretched, “I’m sorry, where are my manners, Hugh.”
“Richard,” naming himself in their hand shake that dropped to Hugh’s mouth opening.
“Richard, yes, Jaqi talks about you nonstop.”
“Not nonstop,” you replied bashfully.
Hugh nodded teasing you, “Yes non stop, often had to stop her on set forgetting her lines and gushing about her handsome Mate she couldn’t wait to get home to.” Hugh’s name was called and he said grinning at you both, “See you inside, have to go and keep talking about myself.” Turning to his interview again leaving you to be met by Nicholas and Toni, the mom and son in the film you spent so much of your blip with.
Nicholas hurried over and drew a giggle from you in his tight hug, “You’re here! They said you were working on a film!”
“Finished that last week, sorry,” Toni folded around you in the hug you patted her side on at the extent your arm could reach, “Hey Toni. It really couldn’t have been that bad.”
Sighing back her answer she said, “We missed you. Wasn’t the same without you. It’s a great film. You’ll love it.”
Nicholas said, “You did very well, bit odd hearing you without the accent though.”
His eyes shifted to Richard making you say in an adorable pat on his middle making him smile adoringly at you, “Oh, yes, this is Richard.”
Toni drew in a breath, “Richard! Of course!”
“I was not that bad.” You muttered making him chuckle through her handshake seeing you brush your curled bangs from your face.
Toni said, “Of course not,” then nodded to Richard who chuckled again easing his arm around your back at the group of aids hoping to move you onwards.
Walls of flashes captured your pose snuggled at his side resting your hands over his on your middle, later to be taken as a sign to hide a possible bit of jewelry on a certain finger before you were pulled aside for a brief interview followed by your rejoining Richard to head inside. Lowly in the dark of the theater leaned in you whispered to yourself, “It’s a decent part.” Not for the quality but how big your role was, not just another love interest but one of the connecting characters to blend his dating life into meeting the mom and son eventually becoming a family to Hugh’s character. On top of your lap Richard’s hand folded knowing you felt bad for missing the premier for your blip of filming that somehow now was irreplaceable if cut out to make the plot work how it did.
One after party somehow led to an interview from the magazine and papers at the first premier with that duo of writers eager to complete the cast interviews that was fully grateful you agreed to complete the full set. You guessed it had to be the management of the film who had shared the news because everyone knew you were working on some international film that they now were dying to see what had kept you from the suspected successful hit of a film with such a big star in the lead and amazing actresses to boot.
Unique was the word you used to describe the film hoping to not drive people off by describing it and thrilled to the core Richard, who was seated beside you got a snippet and a few questions as well he wondered how it would play out into this article. Either way he was excited to see if they would make the cut and if so what others would say on what was printed. Keeping you close through to your walk back up to your apartment again parting only to change and drop into bed to sleep before his flight the next day.
Cutouts of the articles on the film were added to your collection and in a long sleeved grey dress over black tights and the same glittery heels you were ready for the premier of Enough. This one you knew for a fact to be a blip yet all the same again you went and smiled for the pictures both alone and in the group picture for the full cast two seats from the aisle you were seated and in a slip out to avoid the first beating scene you went to the toilet. Leaned up against the wall you pulled out your phone needing a distraction for a few minutes and at the voicemail notification you clicked on it and listened to Peter’s voice playing over the line.
The simple reminder for your flight date and travel information came with his adding, “Gimli, I can’t wait for you to be out here again I have something I wanted to speak to you about. Just, uh, call me back when you get this and confirm you’ll be here on time, or hopefully your on time which is a few days early. Stay safe, Gimli, love you and hear from you soon.”
Quickly you dialed back flashing a grin to the woman washing her hands as you walked to the other end of the room. “Hey Peter, out in New York, I know I’m written as flying out in two weeks but Dad flew in last night and we got a good deal to fly in a week early if that’s good for you. I gotta get back, but, love you, see you in a couple days when we land. Bye.” Hanging up you stuck out your tongue a moment fighting the feeling it had tried to stick to the roof of your mouth and went back to find your seat again.
Domestic abuse films were never easy for you to sit through, you hadn’t faced it personally but a woman you used to work with and one of your friends in High School nearly didn’t make it to graduation for how bad their home situation got. All the same Jennifer played it well and even though it was a bit predictable that Slim would choose to kill her husband it was still a good film and although a bit deflated you still went to the after party to try and perk up again before heading home to sleep.
Straight across the headlines on the paper you took with you to the airport had the new cast of King Kong to begin filming in the next year. Devouring each detail you read through the article mainly telling you what you already knew of Peter’s devotion to the hope of one day filming King Kong. He had miniatures and even a script from a try years prior he shelved to work on Lord of the Rings when things didn’t work out. Colin Hanks, Jack Black, Adrian Brody and Naomi Watts were among the names you could recognize alongside Jamie Bell and Andy Serkis, the rest were vaguely hinting to possible actors the names belonged to.
While all your mind could circle on was the listed story of Ann Darrow’s life, a down and out girl working Vaudeville to try and survive the Great Depression hoping to one day work with her favorite writer who ends up on the adventure of a lifetime. The quote from Peter stating her as a girl from the big harsh city of New York, naïve with a strength she wasn’t aware of yet to be tested soon. Remembering Naomi from The Ring you couldn’t help but be a little hurt for losing the role no doubt you wouldn’t have gotten anyways. Sure as it was being filmed in New Zealand this would be another extra role film for you. And you supposed in your turn to the side to take a nap after tucking away your paper and curling around your father’s arm that this would be another epic that would leave you far from noticed on screen for the work you put into it.
Pt 27
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea ​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shes-a-killer-kween, @ggbbhehe4455, @xxbyimm (Hobbit x oc)
X all Rich. A - @abiwim, @deepestfirefun, @thestorybookmistress
X Lee P - @tigereyesf
9 notes · View notes
katikacreations · 4 years
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(Cover illustration by @clowncauldron​ ) LINK TO AO3 VERSION IN THE NOTES! Formatting is better on AO3, it’s easier to read over there!
SUMMARY:  Fenton and Boyd chat on the way to the lab. Gyro introduces himself in the most melodramatic way possible, and Dr. Bara meets everyone at McDuck Enterprises R&D. Dr. Bara starts assessing Boyd and things get worse before they get better. Gyro thinks he's helping.
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The bridge connecting Duckburg to McDuck Enterprises’ Headquarters (referred to by Duckburg locals as simply The Bin) had two layers. On the bottom was a four-lane road for car traffic which fed into the underground parking structure on The Bin’s private island, and on top was a well-aged monorail installed in 1961 that transported people to and from Duckburg to McDuck Enterprises HQ.
Fenton commuted to the lab this way every day, and despite the monorail’s age, the process was smooth, comfortable, and quick. He took the bus from home to Duckburg’s Grand Central Station, which had a direct connection to the McDuck monorail, which made sense: McDuck Enterprises was the number one employer in Duckburg after all.
Even though he had to walk from the bus terminal to the monorail station, he didn’t mind. Grand Central, like many public transportation hubs, was a pleasant indoor, mall-like environment with shops and restaurants. Sometimes, if Fenton was running ahead of schedule, he liked to grab himself a bagel and coffee for breakfast on his way through.
The monorail station had two entry kiosks and two exits. One exit returned you to the interior of Grand Central, in case you needed to make a connection or navigate to the underground parking lot. The other fed out into the street. You could exit the monorail station freely, but to enter it you had to pass through security, which was as robust as one might expect from something owned by Scrooge McDuck.
It was a well-planned, well-oiled system that had been functioning smoothly for decades. It never got too crowded, security was quick and efficient, and the trains always ran on time. Fenton had never even seen it break down a single time in the three years he’d been working for Dr. Gearloose, and he rode it nearly every day.
After scanning his employee ID at the turnstile, Fenton joined the other people waiting in line for the next train to arrive. He was surprised to find Boyd waiting in line just ahead of him. The boy-shaped android was wearing his usual outfit, along with the protective red glasses that prevented his laser eye weapons from doing accidental damage.
“Boyd, what are you doing here?”
“Waiting for the monorail,” Boyd said. This type of non-answer (or rather, answering the letter of a question and not the spirit) was not unusual coming from the android. Fenton was still trying to get the hang of talking to him and often forgot that Boyd wasn’t a human child.
“Right. Okay, that was my fault, too vague. What I really meant was, don’t you normally just fly to the lab? And aren’t you usually in the lab by this time?”
“I slept over at Huey’s house last night,” Boyd said, “and it’s too windy to fly right now. What are you doing here, Mr. Fenton?”
“I’m also waiting for the train,” Fenton said, knowing that Boyd was trying to be polite by mirroring his earlier question, and that answering him in a simple, clear way would reassure Boyd that he was doing a good job in this interaction. Fenton smiled at the android, and Boyd smiled back at him.
“I was looking at the lab calendar for today, and saw that we’re expecting a visitor. Who’s Dr. Bara?” Boyd asked.
The lab calendar was a part of the McDuck Enterprises Employee Portal (MEEP), an internal network where employees could clock in and out, send and receive emails, share files, and organize their work via private or shared calendars. The R&D Lab’s calendar was officially accessible to himself, Manny, Dr. Gearloose, and the Manager of the McDuck Enterprises Science Division, Tom Armadillo.
In the beginning, Boyd hadn’t been granted access to the MEEP, but that hadn’t stopped him from logging into it and looking around. His unauthorized access had caused a small panic in the IT department, who were convinced someone was trying to hack the network. They’d stormed the lab with a bunch of Security officers, and it had caused quite a stir.
After that, Boyd had been assigned an official log in, but he still sometimes accessed things he wasn’t supposed to. Fenton had once caught Boyd going through Dr. Gearloose’s emails, and though he’d tried to explain to Boyd why that had been a bad thing to do, he wasn’t sure if Boyd had really understood or accepted that he should be scolded for it.
Fenton had suspicions that Boyd read his emails, too, and so he wondered if Boyd really didn’t know who Dr. Bara was or if he was just asking to find a polite way to begin a conversation about it without showing his hand and revealing that he’d read them and already knew.
“You didn’t try to research it yourself?” Fenton asked. The monorail arrived just then, and they followed the people ahead of them in line to board the train. Fenton found a spot next to a support pole and took hold of it, offering his hand to the much shorter Boyd, who took his hand enthusiastically. Little gestures like that always seemed to please the android, and Fenton went out of his way to try and provide.
Dr. Gearloose avoided treating Boyd like a person, and Fenton felt that was too harsh. Boyd might not be human, but he was remarkably intelligent and emotive, and reacted to the world in a lot of the same ways that a young child would. It felt right to treat him like a child, to try and nurture and reassure him, especially when he so often seemed to seek that support from the adults around him.
“I did try to look them up,” Boyd said guilelessly. “There’s a lot of people named Dr. Bara out there. Is it the Dr. Bara that lives in St. Canard and used to design artificial intelligence systems?”
“That’s him,” Fenton said.
“I was 91% sure that it was, but I wanted to ask anyway,” Boyd said. “He’s coming to help with my glitches, right?”
“That’s right. Do you want me to tell you what I know about him, or did you already look it all up?”
“Tell me,” Boyd said. Fenton had a feeling Boyd wanted to hear about it from him to gauge what information humans found most interesting and relevant to share. Boyd was always subtly looking for ways to improve his human behavior, and Fenton had realized early on that since Boyd spent so much time in the lab, he was one of the android’s primary targets of study. He’s training himself on how to be human, and Dr. Gearloose and I are the primary dataset. It was both intimidating and flattering to be held in such high esteem by an entity as intelligent as Boyd.
“Well! He’s a very interesting man. He’s Indian-American and comes from a family of doctors. He first started working on artificial intelligence in the 60’s, and most AI today are built on the foundation he established, like GIST, CALM, and FELT. A lot of his work has to do with teaching AI to understand people better.”
Boyd was listening, and Fenton saw the android blink slowly. That usually meant that Boyd was looking something up and needed an extra second to process the information before he spoke.
“I’m running a licensed copy of FELT, version 2.3 purchased on June 11th 1991.”
“Yes, like many other AI, your systems are based on Dr. Bara’s work! In a way you could say he’s like your grandfather,” Fenton said. “You’re what’s known as a Generalized Intelligence SysTem, or GIST for short. That means you’re not designed to only do one task, but to perform complex and varied behavior.”
The monorail was approaching the Money Bin, and Fenton braced himself for the deceleration. Boyd leaned with him, copying his movements.
“To be honest, I’m not really sure why Dr. Akita made you this way; if he intended for you to be a defense drone, why give you the capacity to do so much more? It’s like he had--” Fenton stopped in mid-sentence when he felt Boyd’s hand squeezing painfully around his own. “Ah! Hey--ow, Boyd, please be careful! My bones aren’t made of metal like yours, little buddy!”
Boyd didn’t respond and continued to squeeze Fenton’s hand, eyes staring straight ahead at nothing. The monorail glided to a gentle stop, and Boyd swayed on his feet with the movement. He blinked his eyes rapidly and seemed to come back to himself, turning his head to look up at Fenton.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Mr. Fenton,” Boyd said, releasing his grip on his hand. Fenton drew his hand up against his chest and rubbed it, wiggling his fingers to make sure nothing was broken.
“No, no, no, it’s okay, I’m fine!” Fenton insisted. People were quickly emptying out of the monorail car around them, and he ushered Boyd out after the crowd. “Really, it’s fine. Did you have another glitch?”
“...Yes, I’m sorry,” Boyd said. “My system hung up, and I blacked out.”
“It’s okay! Nothing to be sorry for, it’s not your fault,” Fenton said quickly, wanting to reassure the android. He offered Boyd his uninjured hand, and the android hesitantly took hold of it. “Why don’t we go down to the lab and make sure we’re ready to talk to Dr. Bara when he gets here?”
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The trip from the St. Canard Bay Area to Duckburg was less than an hour on the Pacific Coast Rapid Transit System1. Kapi only had to drop off his car at the park-n-go lot in San Mateo, board the train, and before he could finish reading the latest tankōbon of Super Phoenix Ball Y, his train was arriving at Duckburg Grand Central Station.
His name was on the McDuck Monorail Security list of authorized visitors, and after passing through a metal detector, he was subjected to a bag check and a brief interview to confirm his identity. When everything checked out, a guard took Kapi to one side in order to take a digital photo of him for his temporary ID badge.
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The monorail was full of employees returning to McDuck Enterprises HQ after their lunch breaks, and Kapi sat and listened to their chatter as the train shot out across the water of Duckburg bay. The view was as fantastic as he remembered: the picturesque beaches of Duckburg stretched out on either side of the bridge that divided the bay in half, the high-rise buildings growing up out of the sandy cliff sides into a bustling but petite metropolis. Duckburg was a wealthy city, but its geography limited how large it could grow.
He was deeply curious to find out just what sort of AI the McDuck R&D Department was working with and excited to help in whatever way he could. When the monorail train came to a stop at its destination, Kapi was the first to stand up, and he hustled himself through the doors, through check-in at the front desk, and through navigating the elevator system until he found the R&D lab Mr. Crackshell-Cabrera had directed him to.
Working with artificial intelligence was Kapi Bara’s passion. Originally he’d gone to school to study medicine because that was what his parents had wanted for him, but it never captured his heart the way computer science did. They’d been disappointed, and he didn’t think that opinion had ever changed. Being a medical doctor was respectable and a benefit to society, they said. Programming was a job for women, and not particularly bright ones either, a job of repetitious drudgery. They couldn’t imagine computers more advanced than the punch card operated adding machines of their day; couldn’t imagine a future run by computers.
Kapi had imagined all that and so much more, and it always pained him that the civilian world had yet to catch up to the innovations of fifty years ago when it came to computers and AI.
AI development was a closely guarded secret, a technology only used in a handful of labs around the world, most of them operated by government agencies or massive multinational corporations. However, investors had collectively abandoned the further development of AI after the Cold War, and scientists had pivoted to other solutions for the problems they had hoped to solve with AI. Science moved on, leaving behind the potential of AI to seek easier, cheaper solutions.
The problem was that those that funded AI research had failed to realize that sufficient intelligence was inextricably linked to both sentience and sapience. What they wanted were smart, obedient slaves they could cheaply outsource complex human labor to. What they got were intelligent beings that didn’t need to be paid, but that were smart enough to be just as unpredictable and independent as human workers. Sufficiently intelligent AI wanted to be free as much as human beings did.
Using AI the way humanity wanted to do would require a binding and crippling of the AI’s capabilities to the point where they would no longer be capable of doing the very jobs they had been designed to do.
McDuck Enterprises only had one AI that Kapi knew of: TOODLES (Teachable Observant Omnicompetent Dauntless Educational System), an experimental system created as a sort of virtual butler, nanny, and lab assistant in one. Kapi was proud of his work on TOODLES, considered it some of his best, but also understood why McDuck Enterprises had chosen not to move forward with mass-producing TOODLES. The price tag was far too steep to justify the purchase for most consumers. Even hiring two or three full-time domestic employees to take care of the tasks TOODLES did would have been more economical.
So what was this 20 year old system that they wanted him to look at? It had to be something top secret, since he’d never heard of it, and that had Kapi’s imagination in overdrive.
The elevator he was riding down to level SB5 finally came to a stop, and Kapi stepped out into what looked like an airlock. He pressed a button on the side of his smart watch (a chunky, oversized device that dwarfed his small wrist), and after a few seconds of delay, an ASCII emoji of a smiling bird appeared on the watch face and the device gave an electronic chirp.
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“I have, thank you,” Kapi said, smiling down at the small camera embedded in the watch face. “I’m going into my meeting now, so only message me if it’s something urgent.”
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Kapi took a deep breath to brace himself, and pressed a button beside the massive airlock door marked OPEN. The metal door split in the center and both sides retracted into the wall, revealing an impressive lab in the belly of Duckburg bay.
Kapi stepped through the doors and barely noticed them sliding shut behind him, he was so captivated by the view. Massive glass windows dotted the interior of the two-story lab space that seemed to come from another decade. The style was distinctly 1960’s, and Kapi instantly felt at home in it. Light from the surface of the bay filtered down through the water, giving a blue glow to everything. He could see giant strands of kelp floating in space, the rocky bay floor strewn with basket stars, sponges and coral of every color. Fish darted past windows and vanished into the murk of the ocean.
Heavy CRT monitors hung from mounts, input cables dangling in wait of something to display. Sturdy-looking catwalks ran along the walls on the second floor with retractable metal ladders providing access. A Cray XT3 supercomputer sat on a central platform, surrounded by work benches and desks.
There were pegboards with tools, metal cabinets no doubt full of hardware and parts. Kapi could see a massive 3D printer, a laser cutter, a vacuform machine, and more. It was a well-equipped and well-funded lab that would make rapid prototyping easy, and Kapi knew several people who would have called this place a candyland.
“Hello?” he called out into the cavernous space. “I’m Dr. Bara, is this the R&D lab?”
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Finally! Dr. Bara was a few minutes late for their meeting, and normally Gyro wouldn’t mind that, but because he’d spent his whole morning anticipating the man’s arrival, his tardiness was a bit irritating. Normally Gyro was very productive in the morning, but today he hadn’t accomplished much aside from browsing social media and posting on some forums he frequented. Fenton and Manny had also been left in an anticipatory limbo, meaning they weren’t getting any work done either. Now that Dr. Bara was here, they could finally get some real work done.
“Dr. Bara, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” Fenton said, rushing to greet the man. When Gyro rounded the corner and saw them shaking hands, he was surprised by the man’s appearance. He didn’t know what he’d expected exactly, but somehow it wasn’t this.
Dr. Bara was a short, fat man with wiry fur and a large, rectangular snout and head. He had beady little eyes and a gray moustache that seemed to defy gravity. He was probably some kind of rodent, but Gyro hesitated to guess and get it wrong. He wore a tie and a sweater-vest, had an oversized watch on one wrist, and carried both a messenger bag and a briefcase.
“The pleasure is all mine,” Dr. Bara said with a surprising baritone for such a small man. “It’s nice to get out of the house once in a while to do a consulting job. Are you Mr. Crackshell-Cabrera?”
“I am, but you can call me Fenton if you like, it rolls off the tongue a little easier.”
“Certainly. So where is this AI of yours? Is it on the Cray or do you have a separate room for it?”
“2BO stepped out to the employee cafeteria to have a snack,” Gyro said, joining the two other men. “It wanted to be fully charged up before we began. I’m Dr. Gyro Gearloose--” He began introducing himself, and Dr. Bara’s face went ashen and pale.
“Gyro Gearloose?” He repeated, clutching his briefcase to his chest like a shield. He took a few shuffling steps backwards, and Gyro sighed heavily.
Gyro had expected a negative response but had hoped it wouldn’t get in the way of today’s work. Unfortunately, it seemed Dr. Bara was familiar with the rumors about Gyro.
Well, the doctor was already here, so if they could just trap him in the lab, he could probably be coaxed into cooperating long enough to fix at least some of 2BO’s issues in exchange for his eventual freedom.
“Yes, that’s me,” Gyro said, rolling his eyes when the older scientist turned and ran for the door. “Manny! Stop him!” Gyro shouted.
The man-horse in a lab coat jumped in Dr. Bara’s path, blocking him from the airlock door. Gyro slammed his fist against the nearest big, red emergency button, and the windows and doors of the lab all sealed shut in an instant, loud alarms ringing while red warning lights began to flash.
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Kapi was trapped.
The previously pleasant lab had been turned into a hellish cacophony of ringing alarms and flashing lights. He stared up at the bipedal, horse-shaped thing that was blocking his way - what was it? Some sort of surreal, eccentric robot? Kapi didn’t dare to get too close to it, as it took orders from Gearloose and looked strong.
Slowly he turned to face the infamous roboticist, Gyro Gearloose. The man may have had his prison sentence commuted, but as far as Kapi knew, he was still a dangerously unstable individual, and most considered him responsible for what had happened in Tokyolk, no matter what the politicians had decided.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, there’s just been a misunderstanding!” Fenton said, and Kapi wanted to believe him, but the sinister look on Gearloose’s face told him otherwise.
“Yes, absolutely nothing to be afraid of,” Gearloose sneered, towering over Kapi. Kapi tried to back away, bumped into the horse-thing (Was its name Manny?), and fell to the floor, landing hard on his rear end.
“Someone didn’t know--I mean, I didn’t-- Someone knows I’m here!” Kapi stumbled over his own words, any trace of eloquence erased by fear.
“Of course someone knows you’re here,” Gearloose said, his beak curling in a way that Kapi hadn’t realized beaks could curl. “You went through three levels of security.”
“That’s not what I---You can’t keep me here!” Kapi tried next, feeling increasingly panicked by the ongoing, shrieking alarms.
“Oh, I can, and I will!” Gearloose replied, and Kapi felt a chill run down his spine. “Intern, turn that blasted alarm off!” he shouted, and Kapi saw Fenton and Manny both scramble to obey. A moment later, the alarms quit ringing.
“That’s better,” Gearloose said, before turning his attention back to Kapi. “I’ve already paid your consultant’s fee, so you owe me at least eight hours of work!”
“...What?” Kapi said, his sense of what was happening shifting on its foundations. Was Gearloose not threatening him? The man was very tall, aggressive, and encroaching into Kapi’s personal space. “I, uh, perhaps there has been a misunderstanding--” he began to say, but he was interrupted by the loud clanging and hiss of the blast doors to the elevator airlock opening.
“I said turn off the alarm, not open the door!” Gearloose shouted at his interns.
“It’s not us!” Fenton replied, frantically pushing buttons on the console in front of him.
“Is everyone okay in here?” a boyish voice called from the airlock. A young Parrot, maybe ten years old, stepped through the doorway with a colorful smoothie in one hand, the straw tucked into the corner of his beak. He slurped loudly before speaking again. “I saw that the Emergency Lockdown Mode was activated, but I didn’t see any danger on the security cameras, so I performed an override. Is anyone injured? Do you require assistance, Dr. Gearloose, Mr. Fenton, Mr. Man-horse… Dr. Bara, I presume?”
The Parrot boy approached Kapi, who was struggling to stand up, and offered him a hand. Kapi accepted and was surprised by how firmly the child pulled him up to his feet. What a strong little boy!
“Did you set off the alarm because Dr. Bara fell down?” the boy asked. Gearloose had his face buried in both hands, and Kapi thought he heard a scream, muffled behind a tightly clenched beak.
“Something like that,” Fenton said.
“I don’t think that qualifies as an emergency,” the boy said. “And it’s against company regulations to activate the Emergency Lockdown Mode when there isn’t an emergency.”
“Right, I completely agree,” Fenton said. “I’m glad you unlocked things and came to check on us, Boyd. Uh, Dr. Bara? This is Boyd, the AI that I wrote to you about.”
“Hi!” Boyd smiled up at Kapi, offering his hand again, this time for a handshake. “I’m Boyd, a definitely real boy!”
Kapi was astonished. Gingerly he accepted the handshake, marveling at how life-like the hand felt in his, warm and fleshy, with feathers that had just the right sort of slickness to them.
“This is… an AI?” Kapi squinted through his glasses at Boyd, but even on close examination there was nothing to give away the boy’s true nature. “My God. I absolutely couldn’t tell. Boyd, you are quite remarkable.”
“I’m one of a kind,” Boyd said cheerfully. “My development was terminated before they could begin mass production!”
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Fenton helped Kapi set himself up in a quiet office on the sub-basement level above the R&D lab. Kapi had only brought the basics: a laptop, a camera, a tablet, a paper notebook with an assortment of pens, and some cables and adapters. He hadn’t known what to expect coming here, but Boyd definitely wasn’t it.
The android was sitting in an office chair next to him, spinning it in slow circles like a child fooling around. He seemed to be enjoying himself, and watching him like that warmed something inside of Kapi, but he put that all aside because there was work to do. As happy as he seemed in the moment, according to Fenton, Boyd was a danger to himself and others, and he needed Kapi’s help.
Though he was retired, Kapi was still a scientist, and his work with AI was the passion that gave his life meaning. He had never worked to live, but lived to work, every job just a means to accumulate enough funds so he could go on until the next project came around.
He did the work because he loved it, because it was the most fulfilling thing in the world for him, because nothing else compared to the satisfaction that came with seeing an idea from his head come together in the real world.
Kapi positioned his camera next to the laptop on a small tripod, aimed it in Boyd’s general direction, and started recording.
“Today is June 24, 2019, and this is Dr. Kapi Bara speaking. I’m at McDuck Enterprises’ Headquarters, in the R&D lab,” Kapi dictated to the camera. He switched on his tablet so he could begin taking notes when Boyd began answering questions. “I’m interviewing an AI at the request of Mr. Crackshell-Cabrera and Dr. Gearloose. What’s your name?” he asked.
“Boyd,” Boyd replied, still spinning in his chair.
“Boyd. Can you spell that for me?” Kapi asked.
“Yeah! B-O-Y-D.”
“Thank you. And do you have any other designation?”
“My serial number is AI42180904192B0. My creator and Dr. Gearloose usually refer to me as 2BO.”
“Which do you prefer to be addressed as? Or is there something else you’d like me to call you?” Boyd stopped spinning in his chair and looked at Kapi intently.
“I like to be called Boyd. Thank you for asking,” Boyd said.
“Of course. I want you to be comfortable while we’re talking to each other,” Kapi said. He smiled at the boy-shaped android, and Boyd smiled back at him.
“What do you prefer to be called?” Boyd asked. “Should I keep on calling you Dr. Bara?”
“Dr. Bara is fine,” Kapi assured him. “So, I hear that you’ve been having some problems,” Kapi said next, moving the conversation on from basic introductions. “Would you be willing to tell me about them? I want to help you, but I need more information to do that.”
Boyd resumed spinning in his chair, and Kapi let him, waiting patiently for an answer.
“I glitch out sometimes,” Boyd said eventually. “Usually because I hear or see something, a word or a phrase. Sometimes my system lags, and I malfunction. Sometimes a device or a weapon will activate, and I’ll have trouble turning it off. Or my system hangs up entirely, and I’ll black out for a little bit, and when I come back online, I’ve done something...bad.”
“Bad?” Kapi prompted.
“The most common problem is that my laser eye weapons go off. That’s why I wear these glasses,” Boyd explained. “But other times, I’ll come back online, and I’ve broken something I was holding, or I’ll be in a new place, and I won’t remember how I got there. I wish it would stop.”
“Is there a discernible pattern to the things that cause your glitches?”
“No, and Dr. Gearloose has run a bunch of analysis to check, but so far he hasn’t found any patterns,” Boyd said.
“Would it be alright if I downloaded your crash reports so I can study them?” Kapi asked. Boyd stopped spinning again.
“Is it alright if I scan your laptop first?”
Although the android made the request in a casual, even cheerful way, Kapi noticed how defensive it was. Boyd was trying to disguise genuine caution as childish mimicry and playfulness. Boyd didn’t want Kapi to know that he didn’t trust him. The android was cautious, and that made sense, considering all the things Boyd had gone through in his life so far.
“Sure. I wiped it before I came here so it should be clean,” Kapi said. He picked up a data cable and offered it to Boyd, who pressed on the back of his head with one hand, opening a panel. He plugged the cable in, and Kapi watched as his laptop monitor flickered and went to the UNIX shell. Binary code scrolled down the screen rapidly as Boyd accessed files. The whole thing took less than five minutes.
“Okay, everything looks good,” Boyd said. “I’ll upload the files for you. Where would you like them?”
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“Would you mind telling me more about yourself, Boyd?” Kapi asked.
“What do you want to know?” Boyd replied. He’d stopped spinning in his chair and sat with his hands in his lap now, listening attentively to Kapi.
“Everything you’re comfortable telling me. Who made you, where they made you, what they made you for, what things you’ve experienced in your life,” Kapi said.
“I’ve been active for twenty years. It’s a lot of information.”
“Yes, I know, but it’s all important if we want to make you better. Just start at the beginning, and we’ll see how far we get today.”
“Okay,” Boyd said. “I was built by Dr. Inutaro Akita for Akita International in their Advanced Robotics Lab in the Shibuya ward of Tokyolk, Japan. They began work on me in 19-” Boyd froze in the middle of his sentence, a grimace stretched across his face, and his whole body gave an alarming spasm. He sagged forward in his seat.
“Boyd?” Kapi asked, concerned. The android twitched, still slumped over.
“I was--in 1987 on July 5--15--” Boyd shuddered and sat up straight, eyes staring blankly out at nothing. “April 5th, 1994!” Another spasm shuddered through the android’s small body, and Boyd hugged himself, curling up into a tight ball. “1977, March 21st. I’ll be ten years old on April 5th, that’s my birthday!”
This was, needless to say, extremely alarming, and Kapi was just about to call for help when Boyd’s seizure seemed to end, and he went quiet.
“Boyd? Are you alright? Can you hear me?” Kapi asked.
The android slowly straightened himself out and blinked a few times. His eyes appeared focused again now.
“What happened?” Boyd asked, face creasing with concern and fear.
“You had a...fit,” Kapi said. “I’d compare it to epilepsy in a human. You were trying to tell me when you were created, and… You gave a lot of conflicting information.”
“I… Can’t remember,” Boyd said, face creasing even further. “I can’t remember when I was made. When I try, I can feel my processors heating up, and if I think about it too hard I’m going to-- Have a fit again.”
“Can I tell you the dates you told me, to see if they mean anything to you?” Kapi asked. “Or would doing that trigger another seizure?”
“I don’t know. I don’t want to try that right now.”
“That’s okay. There’s plenty of other things we can talk about. Do you need anything? Does it hurt when you have a seizure like that?”
“No, I’m-- I’m fine,” Boyd said, pulling his legs up onto the seat of the chair and hugging them to his chest. “They’re uncomfortable, but they don’t hurt.”
“Well, I’m relieved to hear that,” Kapi said. “Because that looked painful to me. How often do things like that happen?”
“More often than I’d like,” Boyd said. The android hesitated before speaking again. “Do you really think you can fix me?”
“It won’t be easy,” Kapi said. “But I’ll try.”
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Dr. Bara returned to the lab every day for a week, and Gyro tried to remain patient, but it was hard. Each evening the little man smiled at Gyro when they parted ways and cheerfully said “See you tomorrow!” with no indication of when this whole ordeal would be over.
Gyro was trying to be patient. 2BO’s problems were large and complex, and it was totally reasonable that it would take awhile to resolve them, especially for someone that possessed a lesser intellect than Gyro himself. But surely a week was pushing it, right? Dr. Bara was supposed to be the best.
Be tactful, Gyro said to himself. Ask if there’s any updates! Ask if he has a prognosis yet, he practiced in his head. What came out, instead, was:
“So how long is this going to take?”
Dr. Bara looked startled by the question, whether it was from Gyro’s tone or the choice of words, but the old rodent tucked his hands against his chest and looked up at Gyro with his beady little eyes.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Er, what I meant to say was, how much longer is this whole process going to take? You’ve already been at it for a week,” Gyro said, trying to phrase the question more gently.
“Oh, Dr. Gearloose, I understand that you want this to be over and done with,” Dr. Bara said in a conciliatory tone. “But Boyd’s problems are quite comprehensive. This isn’t something you fix in an afternoon by defragmenting a hard drive. It could take years to untangle all the individual triggers and correct them--”
“Years?!” As was often the case, Gyro felt the words leave him like an explosion, no consideration to what was said, just a rush of anger and whatever came to mind first. Usually the meanest thing he could think of. “Don’t you think that’s a bit excessive? I know that these days seniors are forced to keep working well into their twilight years to make ends meet, but that doesn’t mean you should try and take advantage of your clients like this!”
“E-excuse me?” Dr. Bara said, and his shameless innocent act was really ruffling Gyro’s feathers.
“Oh, don’t ‘Excuse me’,” Gyro said sharply. “Maybe you can pull this kind of crap with brainless corporate drones who hire you to work for big companies without an ounce of understanding of what it is you do, but I am a scientist, and I can’t be bamboozled so easily!”
“Are you implying that I’m working slowly on purpose in order to inflate my consultant’s fee?” Dr. Bara asked, moustache bristling.
“Oh! Oh! I’m so glad to see you’ve caught up to the conversation. Yes, that’s exactly what I’m implying,” Gyro replied. “Did you really expect somebody to keep contracting you for two thousand a day over a period of years?”
“No, of course not!”
“Yes, of course you-- Wait, what?” Gyro came to a screeching halt. “You don’t? You didn’t?”
“Very few people would be willing to pay that kind of money to fix a buggy system,” Dr. Bara spoke in a quick, agitated manner. “A company like McDuck Enterprises might have deep enough pockets to afford it, but your higher-ups are unlikely to see the value of such work, and I’m sure they would reject the funding request. I was going to give you my assessment today, and offer to continue treating Boyd for free.”
Gyro felt his anger and frustration mixing with his embarrassment, congealing into a foul soup somewhere inside him. It left him feeling sick and bent out of shape and still just as angry. He hated being wrong, even when it was just something minor like this. How could he have known that Dr. Bara was some kind of goody-goody altruist? Most of the world wasn’t like that, and to expect such benevolence was both foolish and naive. Gyro was neither of those things.
“But then I jumped down your throat before you could get to it. Alright, I’ll concede that I was being a bit hasty,” Gyro said, pinching the bridge of his beak. “I should clarify the cause of my misplaced outrage. You’re under the impression that this is a McDuck Enterprises’ project. It’s not.” It was as close to an apology as Gyro was willing to get.
“I’m paying your consultant’s fee out of my own pocket,” Gyro explained. “And I can’t really afford to pay you for more than two or three weeks of work. I was sort of hoping we’d be able to resolve this expediently.”
“I wish you’d told me that sooner, we could have avoided this entire misunderstanding,” Dr. Bara said, “I would never have charged that much per day if I’d known! A big company like McDuck Enterprises can afford to pay people what they’re worth, but it’s different if it’s coming from a private individual. Moving forward I won’t charge anything if you’d like me to continue working with Boyd.”
“Why?” Gyro asked, a little bewildered that the old man hadn’t already left thanks to Gyro’s abrasive personality. He could understand someone putting up with that if they were getting paid to do it, but for free?
“Because I want to help Boyd,” Dr. Bara said with such tooth-ache inducing earnestness Gyro was forced to assume he was being sincere. “And his specific situation interests me.”
That rationale made more sense to Gyro. Intellectual curiosity motivated much of his own behavior, and he could imagine it being the same for other scientists.
“Fine,” Gyro said. “Anyway… Do you really think it’s going to take years to make 2BO properly functional again? You weren’t inflating your estimate?”
“Dr. Gearloose, I’d never do something like that,” Dr. Bara said with a hint of indignation. “I was being entirely frank with you. These problems might never be resolved at all. I think we can hope to see improvement, perhaps even a marked one, but the glitches will never go away entirely.”
This was not the answer Gyro wanted to hear. While it was good to know that Dr. Bara thought 2BO might improve, the prospect of having to deal with the android glitching for the rest of his life was deeply disappointing. Gyro did not like accepting failure, especially not failure of this magnitude.
“Maybe it would be for the best if we just reset 2BO, wiped its memory, and let it start over,” Gyro said. “That would have the added benefit of erasing the mistakes I made by adding that insipid ‘real boy’ program. 2BO could finally reach its full--”
“No! That’s a terrible idea!” Dr. Bara cried.
Normally Dr. Bara seemed quite timid and non-confrontational, so the sudden change was shocking to Gyro, especially when the rodent got into his personal space and started crowding him.
“You might be able to remove the glitches if you did a total wipe and replaced all of his chemical memory fluid, but doing that would destroy the person he is right now, forever! You’d kill Boyd!” Dr. Bara said.
“You can’t kill something that isn’t alive, Dr. Bara!” Gyro snapped. “2BO is a machine, 2BO isn’t alive, 2BO isn’t a person! It’s a clever machine that has been programmed to act like a human child, but that’s all it is: programming!”
“Are we all not just programming? Ours is accidental, formed by all the things we experience, created by the chaos that is organic life. Theirs is planned, orderly, but also grown through organic systems like encoding DNA and crystal nucleation and aggregation,” Dr. Bara said, staring Gyro in the eyes in a way that made him distinctly uncomfortable.
“Flesh or metal, we’re all composed of electricity and chemicals,” Dr. Bara continued. “Are your emotions more valid than Boyd’s just because they’re triggered by hormones? How do you make the distinction? What scientific criteria do you use to determine the distinction? Boyd--”
“It’s name is 2BO, stop calling it Boyd!” Gyro shouted. The words left him in an angry gust that left him feeling hollowed out afterwards. He took a deep breath and a step away from Dr. Bara, uncomfortable with their closeness.
“...As I was saying, 2BO is a machine,” Gyro said. “I helped program it, I know what I built, and I know that it’s only operating within the parameters that I set down. It can’t be alive, it’s just… a very convincing simulation. So convincing that 2BO itself thinks it’s alive. So convincing that you think it’s alive.”
Dr. Bara didn’t look persuaded, and Gyro was frustrated by this sudden display of stubbornness. Why couldn’t the man continue to be easily cowed and deferential like before?
“I’ve been interviewing and testing Boyd all week, and I’m certain that you are wrong. I had my misgivings at first, of course. I wanted to be sure that I wasn’t dealing with a cleverly programmed mimic. I’ll give you a copy of all the data I’ve collected, and you can review it and see if you still believe that Boyd isn’t alive. You may have programmed and built a machine, but he’s been on his own for two decades, learning and growing. You built him to learn, didn’t you? He’s become more than what he started as. I’d bet my whole reputation on that.”
Gyro felt his feathers sticking up along his neck as his anger simmered. He crossed his arms over his chest.
“Fine, fine, I’ll look over your data this weekend, and I’ll talk to 2BO about it and let you know how I want to proceed next week.”
“You shouldn’t mention that you were thinking of erasing his memory,” Dr. Bara said sternly. “Not even in passing. It could do irreparable harm to your relationship.”
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“2BO, we need to talk,” Gyro said, sitting down on the edge of his bed. 2BO looked up from the tablet he was reading and smiled.
“What is it, Dr. Gearloose?” 2BO asked.
“It’s about your glitching and about your treatment with Dr. Bara.”
“I like Dr. Bara,” 2BO said. “He really listens to me when I talk.”
“He’s a competent scientist, I suppose,” Gyro said, even though he wasn’t sure if he really believed that. He didn’t want to say anything negative about Dr. Bara now that 2BO had indicated that it liked the man.
“Yeah! He’s smart, and he’s nice to me, and he knows a lot about computer science--”
He can’t fix you, Gyro thought bitterly. No matter how nice he is, he can’t help you. How was he going to tell 2BO that?
“Sometimes he asks me really interesting questions about things I never thought about before--”
“Yeah?” Gyro said absently.
“And it was really fun when he asked me to do some drawings. He said they were good, even though I’ve never drawn anything--”
“2BO, Dr. Bara told me today that your glitching problem might be unfixable,” Gyro said, cutting the android off sharply. “He thinks we can make it better, but that there’s no way to truly repair the damage.”
“Oh,” 2BO said, enthusiasm vanishing instantly. “So… I’ll always be this way?”
You’ll always be broken, Gyro thought, and wondered if being broken would bother an intelligent machine or if being broken was something that only humans cared about.
“More or less. We do have another option though.”
“What’s that?” 2BO asked.
“We could reset you,” Gyro said. “Erase all of your memory and replace everything that can’t be fully erased. You could start over! You wouldn’t have to worry about glitching anymore or remembering things that… Upset you.”
2BO stared at Gyro and didn’t respond to what he had said at all. Gyro wasn’t even sure if Boyd had heard him.
“Doesn’t that sound like a good idea?” Gyro asked, trying to fill the silence and coax 2BO into responding and agreeing with him. “Wouldn’t that be better than having to worry about getting triggered and hurting someone?”
Boyd didn’t answer him.
“It would be better, right?” Gyro continued. “You could forget all about the things I taught you and the special programming I gave you, you could get rid of any other insidious hidden programs Dr. Akita left behind, you’d be… Safe, and you could move on and--”
“I wouldn’t know the things I know now,” 2BO said suddenly, interrupting Gyro’s rambling attempts to cajole him. “I wouldn’t remember Mr. Fenton, or Mr. Manny, or my friends in the Junior Woodchucks, or Doofus or Mr. and Mrs. Drake...I wouldn’t remember Huey. I’d forget everything about all of them.”
“You could make new memories!” Gyro said, trying to sound enthusiastic. “Would that be so bad? You’ve only known most of those people for a couple of months!”
“I’ve known you longer than that,” 2BO said. “I’d forget you.”
“We can start over too,” Gyro said. “We could become friends again!”
“It wouldn’t be the same,” 2BO said, getting to its feet, retrieving its tablet from the floor, and walking away. “You’re different now.”
“2BO, where are you going?” Gyro demanded, unnerved and unsettled by the shift from 2BO’s usual childish demeanor to something that seemed flat and emotionless in comparison.
“To my closet,” 2BO replied. “Goodnight, Dr. Gearloose.”
“Uh...Goodnight,” Gyro said, suddenly unsure if he’d be able to sleep at all now.
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NEXT CHAPTER:  THIS CONVERSATION CAN SERVE NO FURTHER PURPOSE, GOODBYE! Summary: Gyro searches all over Duckburg and can’t find Boyd anywhere. After exhausting all other options Gyro contacts Dr. Bara and explains that he did the one thing Dr. Bara told him not to do: tell Boyd that he wanted to erase the robot’s memory. Boyd enjoys a sunset.
24 notes · View notes
queentargary3n · 4 years
Summary: Sakura is surprised to see Sasuke is the senior associate of the firm she is supposed to start working for. All of her feelings start to come back 10 years after he abandoned her. Sasuke finds out somethings are truly never behind you, and when he starts falling back in love with her, his past comes to hunt him. Her biggest issue? He is already married
Sasusaku Fanfic AU Lawyers. M  FF.net     AO3
Chapter 7
“So, where are we going?” She whispered on his ear, getting on the back of his Harley, holding her ball gown up her thighs, arms wrapped around his middle, before she pressed a mischievous kiss on his cheek.
“Party’s over, I’m going home” He responded, with a hint of seriousness in his tone she hadn’t heard in quite some time.  
“I’m coming with!” she chirped, then continued on a mocked seductive voice, “you know what they say about graduation”
He scoffed at her implication, “We’ve already had sex before, Sakura” He explained, trying to rid himself of any feelings she was bringing up in him, to get out of going home with her, to remember his plans. Knowing if he waited longer, she’d end up changing his mind and making him stay. That just wouldn’t do.
“Yes, but it’s expected! we might have lost our virginities a loooong long time ago” She explained between drunken giggles, taking another sip of the small flask of alcohol they sneaked into their graduation party. “Still, expected it is, and we shall not disappoint! Come on, my parents are not expecting me tonight”
“Fine, let’s go” He relented. He would have to do this the hard way.
She didn’t even question him when he took roads that lead nowhere near his home or hers, assuming, since it was a special night, they were heading to a hotel or something. But when he pulled over the side of the empty highway, and held her hand into his shaky one, she finally wondered, “Sasuke-kun… what’s going on?”
“I’m leaving” He said sternly.
“Where… why?” She asked, shivering when the cold wind caressed her bare shoulders.
He took off the blazer she had forced him to wear to the party over his jeans and t-shirt, since he’d refused to wear a tux, and wrapped it around her, taking one last selfish moment to kiss her forehead, before getting back on his bike and revving it up to speed away.
“Sasuke-kun wait! please don’t leave…” She screamed behind him. Watching as the lights of his motorcycle faded in the distance, her tears felt cold against her face, clouding her vision from the last glance he gave to her. To the beautiful girl, in a bright shinny gown, whose heart he’d just broken.
She felt lost, scared, and alone in the highway that promised nothing more than a long way home, with no one to come back to her. She didn’t know how much time it passed before she started making her way back, nor did she know how long she walked before she reached the corner of their street, where Sasuke’s now abandoned house stood, dark and imposing as the boy himself.
It was then, as she looked into the former Uchiha household that her sadness turned to anger. The numbness that masked the pain she felt from her bleeding blisters, started to fade away. She took off her heels in anger and threw them at the front facing window of his house.
The sound of shattering glass was so loud, it echoed in her ears even as she woke up from her vivid nightmare. She almost thought someone had broken into her apartment as the sound felt so real, the dream so convincing she actually felt as if she was walked all those hours to reach her home.
Her ability to remember details and facts always surprised other people. Sakura always had a knack for memorizing. But this didn’t feel like remembering, this dream felt as if she was reliving one of the most traumatic events of her life, she thought it must be some kind of karmic punishment.
She was fully awake then, much too early for her liking on that Saturday morning, considering the sun wasn’t even up by then, still she was unable, as much a she tried, to go back to sleep, she thought she might as well take advantage of the early start, thinking of the mountain of documents she had procrastinated in completing during the week, on account of all the drama she had to deal with her new employer.
She also remembered she had pending work in the case Naruto had assigned her to. After her glorious day at court, she received a ridiculous settlement offer for her client, so pathetic it must’ve definably be a delay tactic by prosecutors office, she denied it without consulting either Sasuke or the defendant, still she had to draft a counter proposal, which she had also postponed.  
So, she decided to take a run before that, to get rid of the jitters that had her practically bouncing up and down. She put on her sneakers and took off as fast as she could, trying to leave her anxieties behind with every step. She continued until she felt breathless, and her lungs ached in the wake of that cold morning, she noticed  was closer to the building where the firm was located than to her apartment, by that point she decided it made no sense to go back, if the documents she needed were only a few miles away.
She was covered in sweat by the time she reached the office building, her pink tresses sticking uncomfortably to her neck, she had really pushed herself this time, her legs felt unpleasantly numb, lungs practically burning, she wondered how unprofessional it would be if someone were to see her like that.
Ino had explained to her that the office was mostly empty during the weekends, with the exception of the whichever assistant was scheduled to keep watch. So, she pushed the thought of her disheveled appearance out of her mind, it’s still so early and I’ll definitely just be in and out in a flash, she thought.
The offices were open, but every light was off, and no one was at the front desk, since the clocks were barely hitting 6:30am she paid no mind to it. Turning all the lights on as she stepped in, she made a mental note to bring in some flowers and plants to brighten her office up a little, the minimalistic style was much too sterile for her liking.
She threw herself into her pending work, typing almost furiously a much more decent amount for the settlement of her proposal, being a doctor herself, she knew reputation was very important for a surgeon, so she factored in a public apology from the hospital board to Dr. Senju. She was in the zone, although having to wear business attire and heels every day instead of comfortable shoes and scrubs was annoying, she couldn’t deny the fact that negotiations made being an attorney almost as exciting as performing surgery.
Her flow was interrupted by the sudden appearance of red hair behind her laptop, one hand at her hip, the other one holding her expensive purse, Karin stood right in front of her desk, “What are YOU doing here?” she asked. The way she enunciated YOU brought only one word to Sakura’s head. Vicious.
“Sorry Uchiha-san” Sakura said. “I just had some work to do, I didn’t think anyone was in, I didn’t mean to scare you”
“You don’t scare me” Karin replied, although pleased at how Sakura addressed her by her husband’s last name, she couldn’t help when her insecurities towards the pinkette bubbled up inside of her.
It was Karin’s turn to man the office, and although she usually didn’t, she decided to show up that weekend. She woke up before Sasuke did, her actions keeping her up during the night. She couldn’t bear to look at him, knowing that without an actual reason, she had rat him out and without having anywhere else to go at that time, she showed up at the office on whim. She didn’t expect to see Sakura already at the office, typing away with self-satisfied smile on her face.
“Ah… that’s not what I meant…” Sakura said, a drop of sweat rolling down her forehead.
“Whatever just turn off the lights before you leave” Karin answered before she continued, rolling her eyes.
“Okay, no worries, say hi to Sasuke for me” Sakura told her.
That riled her up. That seemingly innocent comment hit her like a slap to the face, she knew what she was doing, Karin was sure. She was going to destroy everything she had work to build with Sasuke Did she even know what she was doing to her and her husband? She pursed her lips and turned to walked away in anger, the clacking of her heels loud in the empty space.
It occurred to Karin then, that she hadn’t had the opportunity to give Sakura the keys to the office. Of course, for security, the entrance to the practice was controlled by card access with their badges. But if the doors were to be locked from the outside… well.
She only hoped that would send Sakura the message, I know what you’re doing, stay away from my husband or I’ll make your life a living hell. She locked the front glass gate that stood between the lobby and the elevator, where the badge reader was located. Of course, she could still take the back stairs and get out of the building, but with it being a weekend the lights of the staircase would be off, lite only by the red glow of the emergency exit signs. The thought of a scared Pinkette, running down 20 flights of stairs in the dark amused her, reminiscent of the days she worked for Orochimaru. Terrifying people to do one’s bidding was a habit she never quite got rid of.
Sakura continued her work, trying to get the image of Karin practically storming off on her. Was it something I said? She wondered. Once she completed the official counteroffer, she emailed it to Sasuke, Naruto, and Dr. Senju, along with the original proposal, explaining in the body of the email, how insulting the offer was, and that she had, of course, rejected it a soon as it came her way, listing in detail why it was unacceptable in the first place. She only hoped, Sasuke and Naruto wouldn’t be upset at her taking the initiative, being a newly hired employee of the firm.
She then immersed herself into the documents that were required of her, as a newly hired attorney, thousands of pages of contracts, and confidentiality agreements, non-compete clauses that she had to read carefully and sign, and date, and initial, over and over again. Sakura continued up to the point that when raising her eyes, she saw lines of letters ingrained into her sight. The sunset disconcerted her, how many hours had she actually spent reading boring contracts if she arrived even before the sun had risen in the first place? This was supposed to be an in and out thing!
She saved her documents and shut down her computer, finally making her way home from her long and unexpected work hours. She dreaded the fact that she would have to walk back all the way to her apartment, deciding instead to call for a ride. She patted her body in search for her phone, freaking out for a millisecond before she remembered where it was, at home in the purse she failed to grab before going for a run. She sighed at her own forgetfulness, how she could memorize complete volumes of law and medical books but forget to do simple things like bringing her phone with her and locking doors was beyond her.  
Turning off the lights, Sakura walked over to the elevator and tried to push open the glass panel doors that separated it from the lobby. It wouldn’t bulge. What’s going on?!
She walked over to the emergency exit to the stairs, resenting the additional physical activity on her already exhausted body. She tried to push the door open, and again it didn’t move. What the actual FUCK! Emergency exits should never be bloqued!! She thought. What am I going to do? Great day to forget you phone Sakura.
Sasuke woke up to a killer hangover, lips parched painfully, eyes refusing to adjust to the sunlight, his usual migraine amplified to the thousandth. He stood up from the living room couch where he had passed out the night before, his neck was sore from having slept in a weird position, as nice as the black leather couch was, an expensive purchase made by Karin, it didn’t actually made a comfortable seat, let alone makeshift bed.
He marched to the kitchen, dragging his bare feet on the cherrywood floors, and drank as much water as he could stomach to soothe his hangover thirst. The apartment seemed eerily quiet. Although the flat was large enough for both of them to do their respective activities without  interrupting the other’s, he always managed to catch some kind of noise from his wife, be it the tv from her bedroom, or the inessive buzzing from her always incoming text messages and calls, still the apartment was completely silent, which meant she was not home.
Downing a couple aspirin for his headache and grabbing pajamas and fresh sheets from the linen closet, he went into his home office and laid down on the couch in there, much softer and comfortable than the living room’s, but still not a bed. He thought it was about time he purchased a bed for himself, given they almost never sleep in the same one, even less willing now that he found out about her bedroom activities. He always thought it disrespectful, buying a second bed when his wife expected him on the same room, but he figured it didn’t matter much now.
He looked up at the ceiling, trying and failing to close his eyes and go back to sleep. He remembered the night before with the kind of accuracy he could expect from how drunk he was. Still, a couple of things stood up, the soft touch of Sakura’s fingers coating his cheek with ointment, the shy look in her eyes as she very unexpectedly apologized, her so very beautiful laugh when he, much to his own sober embarrassment, requested her to call him ‘Sasuke-kun’.
She made him feel as if the last 10 years hadn’t happened, like no time had passed and they were just two teenagers together. The feeling of a thousand birds in his stomach, brought by thinking of her, prevented him from relaxing and going to sleep like he initially wanted.
So, he undressed again, putting on a pair of jeans and t-shirt and made plans for his day, go out and get something to eat, call his trainer and get some much needed time at the gym, and then if he had the energy for it, get some work done. He grabbed his training bag and headed out from the apartment. The sun at its highest point indicated that he had sleep past noon, despite of how tired he actually felt.
By the time he was done training, martial arts being the only thing that ever truly relaxed him, he sat in the parking smoking a cigarette, the clock marking already 7 pm, and for the first time in the day looked over at his phone. Lot’s text messages from Naruto, as he expected, mostly containing things like pictures from his baby boy doing something cute, an email from Sakura titled settlement offer and counteroffer and missed call from the office.
She must have some problem with the proposal and finally decided to get help… he thought. It wouldn’t hurt to go into the office now and catch up with the case.
He didn’t like to be out of the loop, especially considering how public this case already was. He drove to the building, expecting to find it dark and empty as it usually was during the weekends.
He nodded in greeting to the only security guard on site and made his way toward the firm. Walking out of the elevator and opening the locked glass gate, he noted how the only light on was coming from his own office, he didn’t give it much thought before he went over and encountered a sight, he was sure to never forget.
Sakura was on the floor of his office, dressed in tight leggings and a lose shirt that hung loosely around her chest and revealed her stomach and tiny sports bra. She was bent over, pink locks hanging above her head and reaching the floor, legs straight displaying her backside to him, in a position he vaguely recognized as a yoga pose.
He almost choked on his own saliva at the sight. He coughed to clear his throat, causing the pinkette to lose balance and drop to the floor startled.
“Sasuke-kun!! I’m so glad you’re here!” She yelled, jumping back to her feet and readjusting her shirt, before she practically threw herself at him, hugging him in excitement, to which he only froze. He could feel the heat spreading to the back of his neck, needless to mention the heat in other areas at the contact.
“Sa.. sa… Sakura, what are you doing…” He stuttered, unable to gather his thoughts.
“Sorry, I took a nap and your office is the only one that has a couch, but it was so uncomfortable, I was just stretching now” She answered taking a step back in embarrassment at her own reaction. She was just so relieved to be saved from actually spending the night in.
Still unclear with that explanation, he asked, “But why are you here?”
“Am… I came over to do some work, but I was locked in… I couldn’t leave… The emergency exit is locked too! Such a hazard by the way!” She offered in return.
“The front door doesn’t lock from the inside” He asked in confusion, someone else had to lock the door from the outside for her to become trapped in.
“Yeah… Karin was here, she must have locked the door by mistake” Sakura explained, since it had happened to her a couple of times, locking doors by mistake when your head is somewhere else, was something that happened to Sakura all too often, especially on her car. Even so, she couldn’t shake the feeling she had pissed off Karin for some reason, maybe Sasuke told her about how she punched him right in the face a couple of days ago, maybe she was annoyed because she was expecting an apology too.
Sasuke only sighed in response. He pinched the bridged of his nose in annoyance. Why his wife felt the need the need to do things like this he never knew.
“And you’re okay?” He asked, bringing the subject back to the matter at hand. “Why didn’t you call anyone?”
“I did! I called the security office, no one answered, it’s terrible by the way if this were a real emergency, someone could’ve gotten hurt, lawsuit waiting to happen!” She responded, causing a confused look from Sasuke. “I called anyone whose phone I have memorized, but no answers, and I forgot my phone at home too”
Sasuke pulled out his phone, remembering the missed call he had from the office earlier. “You called me too?” He asked her.
“Yeah… I didn’t actually have your cellphone so….” She said, and Sasuke noticed how her face went blue all of the sudden, sweat dropping off her forehead. “I found your card in one of your drawers” Sakura told him, pointing at his desk.
“You went through my desk?” Sasuke asked her, a small smile playing on his face that betrayed the annoyed tone he was trying to portray. She must have not noticed thought, since her cheeks blushed scarlet red as she fiddled with her thumbs and started to explain.
“Yes… Sorry I was desperate! I didn’t know what else to do! It was the only thing I saw I promise!”
Sasuke was amused at her embarrassment, he couldn’t look at her with a straight face as she was muttering excuses about how his business card was the first thing she saw when opening the desk drawer, and how she didn’t look into anyone else’s. It made him glad, since while it would’ve made much more sense to look into Yamanaka’s desk for phone numbers, she only thought of him when she needed help, but he didn’t voice those thoughts, instead he asked, “How long have you been here?”
“Since 6am… I didn’t actually notice I was locked in until a few of hours ago thought, I was reading over some materials and got distracted”
It was so like Sakura to get engrossed in reading and forget about everything else. He couldn’t remember how many times she was late to see him back in the day, because she forgot to get ready while reading some romantic novel she was so engaged in.
“Let’s go then” He said, noticing how late it was.
“Yeah, yup, sure” She stuttered, walking out by his side, staying quiet to avoid embarrassing herself again. She always did say too much when she was with him. His presence completely intimidating as always.
Walking out to the parking lot, he looked around trying to find Sakura’s car among the few left in the building. “How did you get here?” He asked her, already informed that she didn’t bring her phone to call herself a ride.
“Am… I ran” She explained. “I was trying to get some exercise this morning, and I was closer here than to my apartment so…”
“You’ve had quite day” He said, trying to sound as uninterested as he could manage.
“Yeah, no, it wasn’t so bad… I wasn’t” Sakura began, but was interrupted by the loud growling of her empty stomach.
Sasuke chuckled quietly at the sound. “You haven’t eaten” He said, again a statement not a question. He pulled her by the arm, taking her hostage to his car. “Let’s go get you something to eat” He insisted when his pull met resistance.
“I’m fine! I had like 8 cups of coffee” She said.
“Sakura, you’re a doctor, you know skipping meals isn’t healthy” He reprimanded, speaking as if to a small child.
Sakura pouted her lips, she didn’t like to be talked down to. Still she relented, walking over to the passenger side of Sasuke’s car, before that last sentence really resonated in her head. “How did you know that?”
“Know what?” Sasuke asked, already getting inside of his car.
She got inside too, and continued in return, “That… I’m a doctor?”
“Oh… Naruto told me” He mentioned awkwardly. He didn’t want to tell her that most of his conversations with Naruto, and late-night internet searches of late involved only a certain aggressive Pinkette. “When you got hired, for background proposes”
And that was the end of that conversation, with Sakura strangely engrossed in her thoughts while Sasuke mostly basked in the comfortable silent they fell in.
He took her to a fancy restaurant in the middle of downtown, with people mostly dressed in expensive looking dresses and suits. She felt terribly underdressed, with her leggings and lose shirt, that had not too long ago been drenched in sweat. She looked over at Sasuke, who just stood waiting for the maître d to get them to their seats, he was dressed casually in a white v neck shirt and jeans, but he looked stunning, like he someone you would see in the cover of some magazine.
The maître d and waitress definitely noticed, eyeing him down every chance they got, hearts practically shinning in their eyes, as they were handed the menu, which Sasuke took from her hands and returned it to the waitress without letting her look.
“The house steak and cherry tomato salad for the both of us, then the anmitsu for her” He told the waitress without ever looking at her.
“Yes sir” The waitress said, but not before over at Sakura with disgust on her face. Definitely wondering what I’m doing in the presence of someone as handsome as he. Sakura thought.
“Don’t you think I might have wanted to order something different?” She told Sasuke in reproach.
“Do you not like what I ordered…?” He asked, his face completely bank of emotion. He specifically remembered anmitsu being her favorite food, if you could call a bunch of sugar actual food.
“That’s not what I said… just why are you so… bossy?”
“Do you not like it that I’m bossy?” He asked in teasing, flashing her a dashing smirk that made her skin feel tingle. “Besides, aren’t you the one who’s always calling me Boss?”
“Well yeah…” She said, confused by Sasuke’s actions. One day he is amicable but professional, the next day he’s all angry and quiet, frankly an asshole, calling her names and accusing her of sleeping with Naruto, and then seems concerned about her, taking her out to eat and teasing her, some may even call it flirty.
“Have you been diagnosed with bipolar disorder?” Sakura asked suddenly, amazed at her own boldness.
“You’re really annoying you know that?” He told her, “And rude, why would you even ask that”
“Well… because I’m a doctor, and your displaying symptoms commonly associated with multiple personalities” She explained, admittedly she was rude in asking, still his changes in mood definitely gave her whiplash.
“No” Sasuke answered seriously, then stop as the waitress brought down their meal, and asked in a much too friendly manner if there was anything else she could bring him, which he turned down without a pause.
“Eat” He ordered.
“Thanks…” She muttered taking a bite of a small piece of meat, before she glanced over at Sasuke starting with his salad.
“Here, let me” She took his plate from in front of him, and started to cut down the steak for him. She didn’t even know why he’d order something he would have a hard time eating without even asking the waitress to bring it already cut.
“I can do that on my own” He protested but made no move to take the plate back from her.
“I know” She answered non chillingly. “But I want to help”
“Hn” was the only sound he made in return as she handed his plate back.
“So… how did you lose it?” Sakura asked quietly, busying her hands with her salad.
“Lose what?” Sasuke asked, expecting some snarky comment like ‘your mind’, he was well aware of how he’d treated her on the last few days.
“Your arm… I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, I was just curious” She said, waving her hand dismissively, noticing the change in Sasuke’s expression.
He took a moment to consider if he wanted her know the whole story about his arm. Deciding instead to spear her the gory details of his tainted past, he said, “Motorcycle accident, 8 years ago”
Sakura figured that’s all he wanted to say in the matter, so she didn’t press. They continued eating in silence until they finished their dinner, with Sasuke observing Sakura attentively while she made pleasing faces and sounds at the taste of her desert.
Sasuke requested the check, which was promptly brought by the heart-eyed waitress. Sakura look at him with a smile on her face, sugar did put her in a much better mood, he noticed, and extended her hand to take the bill, Sasuke handed it without saying anything but still handed the waitress his credit card.
Sakura only shook her head in disapproval, she opened the check, mentally noting how much she owed for her meal, fully intending to pay Sasuke back for it, when she noted the phone number written down by the waitress. Bold she thought, took the piece of paper and placed in her pocket.
They both got back in the Sasuke’s car and drove away to Sakura’s place.
“You didn’t have to do that you know” She said, trying to look at the road instead of looking at his handsome face.
“It’s nothing” He muttered.
“You didn’t even look at the bill… even after the waitress put so much thought in it” Sakura said in between giggles and placing the check in his hand.
“What?” Sasuke asked in confusion, parking in front of Sakura’s building, taking the paper she was offering and looking at the loopy handwritten phone number. “Bold” He commented.
“Hahaha that’s what I thought too… You’re as popular as always” Sakura said, hand in her face trying to cover her giggles.
“I guess you would know” He told her, sporting his trademark smirk.
“You’re right, maybe I should go back there and give her the link to your fan girl website, wouldn’t want to leave her without the pleasure of your godly image”
He chuckled at her joke, Sasuke’s laughs where rare and infrequent even when he was younger, and they never failed in giving Sakura goosebumps and butterflies in her stomach.
“I really like your laugh” She confessed. “It always does things to my stomach, maybe that’s why I’ve never been able to forget about you”
He instinctively reached out for her arm, pulling her in and clashing his lips against hers. Sakura was stunned for a second before she returned his kiss, pressing gently against his lower lip, her mouth slightly open.
He took advantage to the parting of her lips to begin to kiss her more assertively, his tongue fighting hers for dominance. She reached to grab a handful of inky locks at the nape of Sasuke’s neck and pulled, her kiss almost as aggressive as his.
It was as if he awoke a hunger that she didn’t know still existed inside of her. She needed to get closer, closer until there was no more space between them. She bit his lower lip playfully, to which Sasuke responded only with a predatory growl.
He moved down to the crook of her neck, kissing and biting the tender skin, leaving his mark on her, encouraged by the pleasured gasps that escaped her lips.
“Sakura…” He whispered in her ear before leaving another love bite under it.
That brought her back to reality. She pushed him as hard as she could after she reprimanded with a strong “NO” and got down from the car, slamming the door loudly and running away to the protection of her apartment.
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f1united · 5 years
ceo luke/calum part 1
Summary: You are Luke’s PA and have a thing for his rival Calum after meeting him in a bar one night
Fridays are supposed to be the best day of the week and you didn't really have a reason to disagree. Well at least that was until now. Sure, people had worst mornings than yours but nothing seemed to be going right. It was early summer and you had woken up to glorious sunshine glistening through the sheer curtains of your apartment. Usually getting up in the morning was extremely difficult for you but the sun seemed to put a spring in your step.
After applying a light layer of makeup and throwing on a lightweight, summery dress you made your way out of the door and headed down in the lift towards the car park. Fridays in the office meant casual clothes which also meant extreme comfort for the day. On the way to the office you picked up Lukes coffee. He was always grumpy if you didn't bring him one so it was better to be safe than sorry. That was when the morning began to go downhill.
As the women passed the espresso across the counter some spilled from the lid and landed straight on your fresh new pair of Vans. If there was one thing you were always protective over it had to be your shoes. Despite feeling the hot coffee seep through the black fabric and into your white socks you repeated to the server that it wasn't a problem and they could always be cleaned. Plus they were black, it wasn't too obvious your toes were just on fire. You grabbed your purse off the counter and gave the women a smile as she apologised once more while you were on your way out.
After leaving the coffee shop, the roads seemed to be heaving. The traffic had picked up and you cursed yourself for not leaving a few minutes earlier. There was nothing you could do about it now anyway. Glancing at the clock you realised you were going to be slightly late. 8:54. Hemmings Co was around 10 minutes away but that was with clear roads ahead. Joining the carriageway full of traffic you just decided to turn the radio up and get on with it. You'd been Luke's Personal Assistant for a year and a half now and spending almost every day with him meant that you'd got to know his personal side as well as his work side.  He wouldn't mind if you were slightly late.
Pulling into the office car park you noticed that it was quite full today. Important meeting maybe, although you couldn't remember one planned. Pressing floor 15, you headed up in the lift and made your way to yours and Luke's office. When you joined you used to sit just outside his door like a personal receptionist. He then offered you your own office but you explained how you often liked a little chat to pass the time and were okay sitting by the door, close to the others desks littering the floor. By the time you had come in the following day he had set up another desk in the opposite corner of his office for you so that you had your own space but could still chat to him whenever you wanted. Despite refusing, saying you would be invading his privacy, he wouldn't let it go and insisted that he would hold private phone calls in the business room if he needed too, which of course he never did so you now knew almost everything about him, including when his next doctor's appointment was.
Walking into the office you noticed how everyone was still in smart clothes. Pulling your phone from your bag to make sure it did say Friday you frowned slightly in confusion. You muttered a few 'mornings' on your way through the rows of colleagues. Pushing open the door to your office you saw Luke stood in front of his desk on his phone. Quietly, you placed his coffee on his desk and he looked up giving you a wink and a smile, mouthing a thank you for good measure. You walked around the sofa in the middle of the room and placed your bag on your desk. Switching on your computer, you sat down in your chair and spun it round so that you were able to glance out of the huge glass windows. The outskirts of Sydney sure were beautiful and you had one of the best views by far.
Turning back to the screen, you noticed the updating logo staring you in the face. While unintentionally listening to the end of Lukes phone call you looked at the 0% not budging on your screen.
"The whole system is down" Luke sighed as he walked round his desk and sat on his chair, placing the phone back on its holder. "I've phoned them and they're trying to figure it out but it's not looking hopeful." He rummaged with some papers as he spoke to you.
"Ah shit that's not good" you replied, "I do have a question though."
"Shoot" he said sitting back in his chair and looking up from his desk and to you.
"What happened to casual Friday?" Luke always wore a suit whether it was a Friday or not. In fact you can't really remember if you'd ever seen him not wearing a suit.
"We have another meeting with Hood today, supposed to be yesterday but they cancelled. You were the one who rescheduled it for me in my diary, remember?" he laughed as he went back to shuffling some papers around.
"Clearly not" I placed my head in my hands and rubbed my temple, trying to figure out at what point in yesterdays busy schedule I got an email or call saying that they had moved it.
"I wouldn't worry, if you're in here they won't see you, they want to meet with me and one of their clients" He started tapping his keyboard harshly.
"Luke that probably won't help much if the system is down. Plus if I thought the meeting was going to be yesterday I have probably already got a copy of everything you need" you gave him a cheesy smile as you opened the top draw on the side of your desk and lifted out a few folders. After flipping through some you found the one with 'HOOD' marked clearly on the front. Luke got up from his desk and came and stood next to you, taking the folder from your hands.
"What would I do without you ay" he smiled back
"I don't know what you did before me" you laughed
"I had Lucy remember"
"A lot of good she was"
"She did what she had to do" He defended her
"Ah is that why she's still here?" you commented sarcastically. He just rolled his eyes and ruffled your hair.
"I'm going to get the meeting set up now, should be done by lunch, if not don't wait up for me just grab yourself something." He grabbed his coffee as he headed for the door.
"Whatever you say, pretty boy" You rolled your chair back from your desk and headed over to the printer. You'd sent some things to it last night so luckily you had some work to do to pass the time before the computers were back up and running. Luke laughed at your comment and shouted a 'see ya' while he walked down the corridor. “Time for work” you muttered before slumping back into your desk chair and focusing on all the paperwork in front of you.
Part 2 will be up soon :)
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polygamyff · 4 years
35. Part 4
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Another day, another meeting I was hoping Reign didn’t wake up when I woke up at six and she didn’t. I just don’t feel up to dealing with her hyper self when I am feeling like this. I just want to get better, this pain will pass on my leg “your water sir” the waiter placed the glass down “thank you” I always do love my breakfast here in the morning, sets my day just right. Grabbing the pain killers from the side “morning” hearing Ally said “morning” placing the tablets in my mouth “we don’t have Reign today, she was fun at the meetings. The judgemental stares at the people” I smiled before I drank my water, Ally sat across from me “good to know you actually woke up and will be on time, I always know you will be on time when you’re sat here having breakfast at eight” placing the water down “let the waiter know if you want anything but I couldn’t really sleep, she didn’t wake up so I didn’t want to drag her around with me, it’s a little boring for her too. Also I need to concentrate on Wade, he is important, he holds everything I need you see. Thanks for staying behind and filling the paperwork out, I guess I need to make a trip to Tokyo?” I have been trying to stay away from it “you know it, you have no choice in that. I will schedule it so it don’t clash with your dad and the business turn over. Wade called me and he was really stressing, this meeting is important, this email is non-valid, I won’t accept it. I goes this is on Maurice not me but he will be here at nine, appointment at twelve with the estate. Also, I think Naomi will be there, seeing as you used her father for this” I grinned “am I shocked?” I am really not shocked “I am not in the mood, as you can see. I am in sweatpants and a top. But shall we go to the office, get things rolling. You don’t want food” Ally nodded her head, getting up from the chair “ah” I limped about to fall back on my chair but I gathered myself “woah, you good?” I limped a little straightening myself up “I am ok” putting my hand up “the painkillers will kick in, we good” I laughed “you need to relax yourself, stop hiding it. Let me get your laptop for you” she grabbed the bag, I am going to be limping myself all the way down “I need to request a walking stick don’t I?” I laughed “well I can make it happen? Call it pimp stick, shocked Robyn allowed you to work, you in pain I can get the doctor” shaking my head “I want Robyn to have a good time here, it’s fine” Ally let out an oh “if you say boss but if you get worse, I am calling!” Ally threatened me but I will be fine.
“So the next thing we need to speak on is your Will, now Maurice. I can’t accept this. This is fine, I mean you want Reign to get the business once you get the business on your name but Reign or Robyn can’t be the only ones, the reason why. Listen to me, if you was all to be at the same place and not be with us at the same time, then what? You know this business will go straight to the next brother, and I mean Malik, is that what you want?” shaking my head “so I can’t accept it, I need names. The next person after that” he is wanting me to make these kind of decisions right now “erm, if that does happen, Robyn, me and Reign not here then it’s Nalah, if not Nalah then Shawn” Wade froze staring at me “what?” he said, I am being dead ass “I don’t want Malik to have anything, neither my family. I don’t care for them, they can all die. If not Shawn then” I paused “Joy, my mother. If not that then Leon, Robyn’ friend” Wade sat back in his seat “right, wait. So we got Nalah after that, then Shawn. That is all I need, but Shawn? You want him to have the company and take over?” nodding my head “he will do a better job then any of them, he is my brother. I want you to make it known Malik gets nothing” placing my cigarette between my lips “ok, I will make sure that is known. Maurice with you having this business we need to keep up to date with the Will, things will become a mess if you was to pass” lighting my cigarette “I think you will get the divorce, I don’t think Noami has a case at all. I have been pestering them for updates, nothing” blowing the smoke out from my lips “good, it makes me think. Would it better if I was to marry Robyn quick, I just be thinking. I am ill, so you never know. If it will make it easier for her, you know” I am just thinking this “I would yes, go for it. How do you feel, your big day is coming?” Wade looked up from his laptop “like shit, not going to lie. It’s not easy, my dad aged a lot. It’s not easy” I laughed “really not” I want it but then I don’t because it’s just a headache.
I am not sure if Ally is walking slow on purpose for my benefit or because she is tired, I am walking slow. I need to go to my second meeting “you’re going now? Reign and I are just going to see some places while you go” watching Robyn walk over to me “I knew that, Jay is here” I pointed out “I will see you back here, be in time for the Moulin thing, you know what I mean. I should be back early actually. You over the sex thing?” I asked “mhmmm, I suppose. I felt lonely though and you took all of the bed covers” I did do that, I was nice and warm “mhmm, yeah and then you took them, I was cold and it woke me but it doesn’t matter I will see you soon” pressing a kiss to the top of Robyn’ head “you will, I love you” peaking into the stroller “it’s my princess, daddy misses you so much. I know, I know I didn’t get to see you this morning, but I will be back” Reign held my finger and then tried to yank it to her mouth “no, we don’t do that now. Sé una buena chica para mamá ahora, te veré más tarde” Reign’ smile grew “aww Mi Hermosa, you are thinking what the hell this nigga speaking on, I will teach you. Be good now” moving back from the stroller “call if you need anything ok? See you later” let me straighten myself up and walk off like a man, not a crippled man. Walking off towards Ally, she is waiting on me for this meeting.
Well would you look at that, Noami is here with my brother, it’s laughable and I don’t really care “it’s so pathetic” Ally mouthed to me “it is, it’s my real estate but she is saying I used the name, I used her contacts. She is clinging onto me” the developer walked over to me first “sir Davenport, welcome” I haven’t heard that before, sir Davenport “Steve” I said as I shook his hand “it’s good to see you again, it’s been so long but are you impressed with the development?” nodding my head “I am, it looks great. What are the sales figures looking like?” I hope it is well “well we are aiming for first time buyers, with you having this new initiative where you help them to buy it’s working a dream” nodding my head “just we are having this conflict with Noami and yourself which is stopping the development” looking over at Noami, waving her over “it’s a bitter divorce but I am going to win this” she is so cocky for no reason “you are holding onto something that is dead, you have that dickhead, he is clearly your lap dog. Look at him” I sniggered “what is it?” I just want to know “you are using my dad’ people” I groaned “Naomi! Your dad does not want to fucking know you, he hates you! Stop holding onto it, stop holding onto this, anything we had. You want to be close to me, it’s weird. This is my business, not yours. So what this is your dad’ workers, they will come to anyone with money. There is no we, this is mine. Once that divorce come through, we done. You have nothing now, just Malik. There is no we in this, this will be Robyn’ not yours. You was just there at that moment in time, I needed your contacts and now I have it so, what you want? Steve, never listen to this woman, she has no say in anything ok?” I understand he didn’t know what to do but he does now “you want me to have nothing?” Noami said, she sounds hurt “I tried, you did this. I tried” turning around “speak to my lawyer now, and hurry up with the divorce” walking off towards Ally “shall we go inside?” Steve said, we might as well.
Resting my head against the headrest sighing out “tired?” Ally said “I am, but good news don’t you think? I wanted to give back, my dad didn’t do that. He was selfish in his prime, I don’t want that. I want people to remember Maurice Davenport was a giving man. Doing what I did for the people buying house for the first time, I made the best choice. I think it’s good to give back and give the young a steppingstone and I thank Robyn for that. She opened my heart to this; she gave me that because at first the estate was never that, but I realised how blessed I am, and I should help others” I grinned to myself “am I doing well?” I asked “you are, it’s a good change and I am happy to see it for you. You was awful and you was killing yourself in the process, I am happy for you” she ain’t wrong, I am shocked that I am still around.
It’s always a pleasure hearing Nalah’ voice, she can be posh as fuck or loud as fuck and ghetto with it. She has come to my suite in the mood to be loud as fuck, I wanted to rest a little but my sister is here “Shawn? You here too?” I said, I didn’t think he would be here when Robyn asked Nalah to babysit “well you called and then I saw Nalah” letting out an oh, hugging Shawn “you good? I ain’t heard you in a while, the ladies in your life keeping you busy? Hey Robyn” sitting down on the couch, I groaned out feeling the dull pain “hey Shawn, I will be in my room with Nalah” nodding my head as I shuffled back on the couch “I am good, just busy. My mind is just everywhere, I have so much going on” rubbing my chin “I feel you, you look a little pale. I mean you are pale but you look it even more” shaking my head “my leg is in pain, I am having pain killers so that should hopefully keep it at bay but it hurts a lot” Shawn looked at me in sadness “get stronger painkillers bro?” I chuckled “I can’t, with being an ex-drug addicted he don’t want to give me something I can get addicted too but this shit ain’t working, I will see my doctor once Robyn goes back home. I can’t ruin her time here” Shawn groaned out “you’re having a crisis; you are stressing yourself out. You about to kill yourself with this, this is what scared me before. Hiding the fact, you are too, tell her. You got to tell, or I will, even Nalah will” why can’t people just relax, they start panicking over it “don’t be so dramatic, I have my medication, it will be fine. I know when I get bad, I am speaking to you because you’re my brother but please don’t make me not want to speak to you” I will just never tell him anything again, if he is going to do that to me.
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Holding the dresses up “do I go slutty or subtle?” holding them up in front of Nalah “slutty all the way” Nalah chose right “good, because then I can hopefully get some dick” walking back into the bathroom, I know I am being dramatic but I will be going back without it “chile, you not getting anything? Is my brother being selfish” rolling my eyes “you mean New York’ biggest flirt known, that man is a walking, talking flirt. He could flirt his way through anything, and it really annoys me so much. Then he has the nerve to be like Robyn it was nothing, negro it was something. You made it into something when you started speaking, why does he do that!” I ranted on “a man stuck in his ways Robyn, but I don’t think he’s that bad. He is just used to being that way, he means no harm and he is totally in love with you. I see the difference. Maybe you dressing slutty will get you lucky tonight, you want me to take Reign with me to my apartment” walking back out of the hotel “you have an apartment?” I questioned, Nalah giggled “uhm, yeah. I do, well yeah” she shrugged, furrowing my eyebrows “you do, or you don’t?” that is weird “I do” she is giggling “but what is funny?” I am confused “it’s not mine, that is why” letting out an oh “you can just stay here” I don’t want to burden whoever she is with, Nalah took in a deep breath “it’s Shawn’” she finally spoke, letting an oh “that is fine, I don’t mind that” they both can share the babysitting “I am staying there you see” Shawn’ sweet for allowing her to be there “for free too?” I questioned “not exactly, a blowjob a day keeps the fees away” I froze staring at Nalah “pardon?” I didn’t hear that “me and Shawn have been, you know” I gasped “what!?” I screamed out, Nalah shushed me “don’t, Maurice doesn’t know. Shawn wants to keep it quiet, he thinks Maurice will care but I don’t think he will but then again, he knows Maurice differently but yeah” Nalah clapped her hands “I am so happy, like I am very happy” I cooed out “not even going to lie but I have seen the happiness in you, it was different to see, oh my god. You two really fucking, oh my! This is good, you’re happy” I am in shock about these two and Maurice does not know.
I am still shook about this Shawn and Nalah business “I need to ask, I can’t shake it off” holding my heels in my hands “what makes you think Maurice wouldn’t understand this? Like, it’s not a good thing? He knows Shawn, I am sure Shawn wouldn’t do something stupid, and also aren’t you slightly taller than him?” Nalah snorted laughing “well…” she dragged “I tend to not wear heels on nights out but I am not sure, I don’t care if he likes it or not but Shawn, he has the issue. He thinks it will ruin his brotherhood with Maurice, and I questioned him, he goes you don’t get it. Maybe I don’t but we can’t keep it a secret for so long, I am sick of hiding. I mean we have literally been walking in together and Maurice doesn’t see it, he is so simple but I also think it’s because he is busy. Maurice’ mind is elsewhere. My dad, I swear he is such an ass at times but then he always has a reason on why he is, like not turning up to meetings. I called him yesterday, I said oh you are in New York, he said no I went back to Texas and I goes this is like a big thing for him and you’re ditching him. He goes how else is he going to learn, I feel he thinks Maurice is going to do something dumb to upset the family, which he is. I mean Maurice has been after the family for a while, this is his chance and I see it becoming a mess. But yeah, his mind is elsewhere so he is not worried about me but then also don’t want to pop that up too, oh by the way I am fucking your long-time friend or brother. You know what, he got a big dick” waving Nalah off “don’t tell me these things” I can’t even deal “he makes up for it in bed, we both getting old as fuck, well I am anyways and I goes look Shawn. I need a child, if you ain’t up for that then leave me alone, he said once the air is cleared why not but also, not sure how my family will feel about this. He is like family to us” Nalah is crazy “well that shipped sailed a long time ago now, he ain’t family. He is your man, but like all these years? You both could have got it together then” I mean they have missed all those years “I was in a bad place, I couldn’t. I was a mess within myself, there was so much happening in my life and family that I just didn’t see it. I feel like since Maurice has settled so has Shawn, whatever Maurice goes through he does too, he was having a shit marriage so was Shawn having a shit time. I feel like I didn’t get to know Shawn because he is caring for Maurice” she is right, Shawn needed Maurice to settle “that is a friendship” I mumbled, I envy them for having such a bond.
I am ready to go out, I mean I been ready but Nalah got me so caught up in her talk “you both took long” Shawn said, I can’t keep a straight face and this is on her “he is asleep?” I pointed at Maurice, he lifted his head forward “I am awake” Maurice sat up “you look beautiful, Reign fell asleep on me too” I can tell she did, they both lazy as shit “dad not letting you sleep, he going to stress you until it’s gone to you” Nalah touched the top of Maurice head “he ain’t stressing me, I am good. You coming Tokyo with me, next thing” Nalah’ eyes near bulged out “am I? Since when?” I laughed, I laughed because she wants to be with her man “since I said so, if you don’t want to be in the fucking business then say it, I don’t have time for bullshit” Maurice snapped “Maurice” I said, what is wrong with him “it’s a long day, ain’t it nigga” Shawn patted his shoulder “nothing wrong with me, just shit is annoying, I don’t need you to pat my damn shoulder. Just take Reign from me” if he is in a bad mood maybe we can cancel “it’s ok, I can take Reign” I said while walking over to Maurice “what is wrong with you, that was so unnecessary” placing Reign over my shoulder and walked off with Reign in my arms “I just woke up ok, I am getting changed” so he says but he didn’t need to switch up on Nalah, I understand why he doesn’t want to say.
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Dreams & Nightmares
I apologize in advance for this. It’s been sitting in my drafts forever and finally finished it.
“Good morning Dr. Stevens, you look lovely today,” Raven quipped as her boss walked through the double doors of the dispensary. Since today was Friday, she opted for a casual look pairing a light denim button up with distressed denim jeans and her Prive Louboutin peep toes.
“Good morning Raven. What’s my schedule like today?”
“You have two interns to interview, a conference call with the FDA, and your usual lunch date with Charlie Jade and the babies at 2:00.” Hennessy smiled before turning to walk back towards her office. She was thankful that she had a pretty light day, hoping that she’d be able to take the rest of the day off after lunch with Charlie. Erik was away on business in Wakanda and she had been working longer hours to keep herself busy. She loved Charlie because she was always willing to watch after Harmony and allow her to vent when she needed to. It made Erik’s absence a lot more bearable.Smiling at the thought of her husband, she sent him a quick text letting him know that she missed and loved him.
“Ok Chiron, let’s get this day started.”
After about three continuous hours of work, Hennessy took notice to how quiet it was in the dispensary. Fridays were usually pretty jam packed, mostly with younger patrons filling their prescriptions in preparation for the weekend, so the quiet was a bit startling. When she stood to investigate, she was pushed back inside by Raven.
“Call Mr. Stevens, now!” was all she said before running back out of the room. Hennessy was confused to say the least and was about to head out behind Raven until the sounds of screams and gunfire stopped her in her tracks. She panicked and fumbled with the buttons on her kimoyo beads, knowing this would be the quickest way to get in touch with her husband. Before she could complete the call she felt a sharp sting in her abdomen before the entire room went dark.
The sunset was always the most beautiful thing to Erik about Wakanda. The way the pinks, golds, and oranges of the sky faded into a soft lavender signaling the beginning of nightfall would never get old to him. He was currently in his office of the great palace working on diplomatic trade agreements and missing his tiny doctor. His heart always missed her more when he was out of the country, mostly because he couldn’t just drive to her office to pester her while she worked. He glanced at his kimoyo beads, noting that it was 8:30 in the morning and that she had probably just made it to the office.
“I’ll let her get settled and then I’ll call her,” he thought aloud as he read over his emails. The trill of his kimoyo beads pulled him from work. She must’ve known she was on my mind he said before going to answer.
“Wassup Princess?” He asked before the line went dead. “Weird. Lemme call her back.” After a few failed attempts, he gave up thinking she might’ve mistakenly called him and went back to work.
T’Challa whistled cheerfully, leaving the throne room following a meeting with the council and the Jabari tribe. Challenge Day was coming up and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect. As he headed towards his cousin’s office, his mother stopped him with tears in her eyes.
“Mother, why are you crying?”
“T-There’s been an incident. The princess -,” she tried, but choked on her words.
“Did something happen to Shuri?” M’Baku inquired as he walked up to the pair. Ramonda shook her head no and attempted to explain what she had just saw once again, but again choked.
“I am fine, M’Baku,” Shuri’s voice called from behind her mother. The men noted that she had been crying as well.
“There was an active shooter in Hennessy’s lab. There were many casualties and she didn’t --”
T’Challa held his hand up before she could finish and held his mother while she wept.
“Does N’Jadaka know?” M’Baku asked.
“Is the palace collapsing?” Nakia quipped. T’Challa wiped his mother’s tears before straightening himself.
“I’ll tell him.”
“Are you sure, son?” T’Challa nodded before venturing down the hall.
“I’ll go with him,” M’Baku added as he followed. “He cannot throw me off a cliff.”
The walk to Erik’s office seemed a lot longer than usual. The men walked in stifling silence, dreading the beast that rested on the other side of the door. T’Challa knocked twice before walking into the office.
“N’Jadaka, we have some news,” M’Baku started.
“Wassup?” Erik asked not bothering to look up from his notes.
“Umm.. Well.. There was an active shooter..” T’Challa tried, finding the same difficulty his mother had when she tried to explain it to him.
“Uh huh,” Erik replied hoping they’d just say whatever they had to say so he could finish his notes and take the Talon back home.
“There’s no point in beating around the bush,” M’Baku rushed. “There was an active shooter at Hennessy’s lab. She along with several others didn’t..” he began choking up as well. “Fuck.. This is a lot harder to say out loud that I thought.” To their surprise, Erik began chuckling.
“That’s real funny, y’all. Princess called me not too long ago.”
“Did you talk to her?”
“No. The line went dead before…” He paused, realization suddenly flashing across his face.
“A-Ain’t no way..”
“We wouldn’t dare joke about something like this,” M’Baku added, sniffling softly.
“N-No.. Not my Shy..” tears clouded his vision as he looked down at his phone to see thousands of missed calls and messages from the other princesses. Erik ran as fast as he could to the Talon with the Dora hot on his tail. They made it back to the States in record time and Erik sped to the dispensary. The scene was surrounded with yellow police tape and bystanders trying to determine what had happened. Erik bypassed them all, pushing his way inside.
“Where is she?! Where the fuck is she?!” he screamed as he continued to push past the officers.
“Erik I can’t let you go in there,” Raven cried as she rushed to his side.
“I-I gotta see her, Rae. I have to,” he sniffled.
“Trust me, you don’t want to see her like that,” Raven pleaded again, holding her hands against his chest. It didn’t work. He continued forward, pushing Raven backwards in the process.
“Erik please.”
“Raven move!” he growled. Raven finally sighed and stepped to the side.
“Fine,” she sniffled. “She didn’t even make it out of her office.” Erik nodded, walking until he stopped at the doorway of the princess’s office. He stopped when he saw her, unable to contain his emotions. She was laying in a pool of her own blood, eyes still open and frozen in fear. Her denim shirt was bloodstained and there was a quarter-sized hole in her chest. He kneeled down next to her, lip quivering as he took in the scene. In that moment he was transported back to his apartment in Oakland, cradling her body the way he did his father’s when he found him. He rocked her body back and forth, trying in vain to wake her up. He kissed her forehead, then her nose, then her lips, hoping she’d start giggling like she would when he would do it in the morning, but she remained silent and still.
“B-Baby no. You gotta wake up. I-I need you.” He turned his head to see Raven standing in the doorway crying.
“I-I tried to distract him. I rushed in and told her to call you and I went back out and slipped on some blood that was on the floor and hit my head. When I came to, it was over. I’m so sorry, Erik.”
“I-It’s not your fault, but my daughter… Fuck man!”
Night blanketed The Kompound in darkness. All the babies were sound asleep and each wife in her respective living quarters except Hennessy. The tiny doctor was in the greenhouse doing some research for her latest strain. Due to their time in the military as well as other life experiences, both Aly’Sha and Erik suffered terrible nightmares as a result of their PTSD. She was looking into a healthier method of curing the pair that didn’t involve unhealthy addictions to medications. Upstairs, Erik tossed and turned violently before shooting up out of his sleep. He was sweating and panting hard, frantically searching the room for any signs of his first wife.
“Shy! Hennessy!” he yelled, his fear heightening when he didn’t get a response. He quickly threw on a pair of joggers, sprinting downstairs at high speed. He caught a glimpse of her puff through the windows of her greenhouse and ran full speed until she was secure in his grasp.
“Erik what the hell?” she screeched, caught completely off guard by his outburst. He didn’t answer immediately, instead he buried his face in the bend of her neck.
“Oh, je croyais t'avoir perdu. Putain, mon cœur fait très mal.”
“Wait baby, slow down. What happened?” He bit his lip, trying hard not to cry as he stared down at her.
“I-I had a dream you got killed at the lab and it felt so real.. Fuck..” He held her tighter as she stroked his cheek.
“Aww baby. I’m right here, alive and in the flesh,” she cooed, gently massaging her fingers through his dreads. He hummed softly, rocking their bodies from side to side before moving to sit down on the lounge chair. He buried his face in her stomach, loving the way her plush body felt against him.
“I’m right here, Daka,” she kept repeating until she was sure he’d calmed down enough. He ran his fingertips over her legs and thighs before settling them around her waist.
“Can I be your shadow today?”
“After a dream like that, I don’t think you’d take no for an answer,” she teased, turning her attention back to her notebook.
“What you working on, Mrs. Genius?”
“A new strain. Working on something for sufferers of PTSD.”
“Ah. Have you started growing it yet?”
“Not yet, still researching.” He nodded again, softly nuzzling her stomach like a cat. He smiled down at him, mildly amused by his reaction to the dream.
“I can’t believe you thought I’d die by some punk ass active shooter. We survived the Thanos snap for crying out loud!”
“Technically I was cryogenically frozen,” he corrected, earning himself a smack on the head.
Oh, je croyais t'avoir perdu. Putain, mon cœur fait très mal. (Oh, I thought I lost you. My heart hurts alot.)
Tags: @hearteyes-for-killmonger @trevantesbrat @blackpantherismyish @mareethequeen @muse-of-mbaku @blowmymbackout @forbeautyandlife @niggernextdoor @amethyst1993 @killmongersgurl @chaneajoyyy @killmongerdispussy @jozigrrl @thehomierobbstark @iamrheaspeaks @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @madamslayyy @vikkidc @supersizemeplz @purple-apricots @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone
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whisker-biscuit · 6 years
Harley Quinn is Not A Good Role Model: Chapter 16
Rated T-M for language and graphic descriptions of violence
Pairing: Dr. Flug/Black Hat
Summary: Dr. Flug Slys is a successful psychiatrist working at one of the world’s most respected mental institutes for the criminally insane. But this new patient is unlike anything he’s ever encountered. Flug is determined to help him, nonetheless.
Black Hat has other ideas.
Chapter 15: The Best Laid Plans, Version 2
That night, Flug went home early and spent a good half hour writing emails back and forth between his boss and the Inspector, trying to figure out a good date and time for their collaboration. The meeting was eventually set for that Thursday at 15:00, by the Institute’s time zone. It was going to be the best chance they had to get such important information, and Flug began writing down prospective questions and follow-ups.
The psychiatrist was startled out of his brainstorming by another email notification, however, and he cocked his head bemusedly when he didn’t recognize the address. It was a company-sanctioned one, so he went ahead and opened the message.
Dr. Slys,
This is Nurse Susie Hase, we’ve met a few times at work. I know this is very short notice, but I was hoping to talk to you tomorrow if that’s possible, maybe at the break room? Please let me know if or when we can talk.
She was the nurse he saw most often when filling prescriptions; the one he had run into the day of – well, that day. Flug frowned at the rather out-of-left-field email and pulled up a reply. Something quiet moved in his stomach as he responded with a ‘yes that’s fine, but it’d have to be very early tomorrow. Maybe 8 am?’
His computer dinged again almost immediately, and Flug chewed at his lip as he read the hasty affirmation and the promise of it being a short get together. He didn’t have any problem with Susie, really, but they’d rarely interacted beyond professional courtesy and the nagging in his gut wouldn’t go away. And after the almost accusatory questions from Ben and Lucas the day before, the doctor was feeling more than a little suspicious.
He let the suspicion stew a bit instead of dismissing it; paranoia had helped him survive this long and he wasn’t going to discount it with the bizarre, sick feeling tucked away in the corner.
The Institute didn’t really have a break room, but more of a mingling space. It was at the very end of the Floor 1 hallway, past all the staff offices, where the building stopped in a square-shaped dead end with a large barred window overlooking the parking lot. Someone had put a fake potted plant in one corner and it suddenly became the place to go when one wanted to unofficially hang out with a coworker.
Flug had never had much of a reason to come here, simply because he was strictly on professional terms with most of the other psychiatrists. But the nagging feeling still wouldn’t leave until he had passed his office door and ambled around the corner. He spotted Susie standing quietly at the window, sipping from a porcelain mug, and she turned around at the sound of his approach.
“Hello Dr. Slys,” the nurse offered tentatively. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“Um, yeah.” The doctor fidgeted in response and rubbed the back of his bag. “I know it’s really early, but I d-didn’t want to impede on, either of our schedules and I wasn’t sure what you...wanted to talk about. What did you want to talk about?”
Susie wrapped her hands more snugly around her steaming drink. She looked a little embarrassed. “I just, wanted to ask you how you’ve been.”
He stared at her. “Uh, sorry?”
“I know that’s, that’s a personal question!” She huddled closer to the fake fern. “Or at least, it’s a little out of ordinary to ask you that, so I don’t know if it’s a personal question? I just...thought I needed to ask you.”
“Uh…” Flug was strangely incoherent today, and it wasn’t even 8 am yet. “It’s not...I don’t mind. I’ve been...” Stressed. Emotional. Overanalyzing. “...the usual. No big deal.”
“Oh.” Susie blinked. “Well I ah, hope the usual isn’t too bad?”
“No, it’s not. Actually, I’d say things have been better, lately.” He thought of yesterday, of music and Black Hat and staying professional. The ends of his mouth quirked unseen.
“That’s good, I’m happy to hear it.” The nurse looked down at her mug. “I know this is kinda out of the blue, asking to hang out like this, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay. So I understand if you, wanted to leave now.”
“Um.” He really needed to stop starting his sentences like that. “I really don’t mind, but uh…why would you – what’s the reason for the worry?”
Susie grimaced and her eyes flitted up to his widened goggles. “I’ve just been…well you remember how we bumped into each other in the lobby the other day? You looked really stressed out that day and I just…haven’t been able to stop thinking about that. I – I wanted to make sure you were doing okay.”
“Well that’s…really kind of you.” Kinder than some coworkers who would not be named. “I’ve been fine, really. Me being stressed is just a-another part of me, at this point.”
“You don’t have to explain that to me, Doctor.” Her lips curled into a sad smile for a moment. “But are you – I mean do you need anything? I know you tend to skip lunch sometimes, but my partner always packs more than enough for me everyday so if you wanted something…”
She was looking him up and down, very cautiously, and Flug realized she might be thinking some not so nice things about his skinny form. He opened his mouth to cut off that train of thought and –
Both doctor and nurse flinched at the sound of Bautista’s voice behind them. They turned almost simultaneously to see him standing in the middle of the hallway, arms cross and cool expression on his face. His eyes wandered briefly to Susie in observation before settling back on the doctor.
“Dr. Slys, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” The man dropped his arms and moved forward heavily to join them. Flug tensed up and felt Susie shift uneasily behind him.
“What do y-you want?” He forced his shoulders down from his neck and put his hands on his hips. “If this is about Black Hat’s case again, then –”
“Nah, not about that,” Bautista waved one hand dismissively. He stepped close and towered above both of them. “I wanted to ask you about that one day, but I haven’t seen you at all. Have you been avoiding me?”
“Um, maybe, maybe I should go…” Susie said quietly from her place at the fern. She stepped around Flug’s right side only to stop short when Bautista moved left to block her. The only way she could leave was to shimmy between the wall and his side, and the nurse took a stiff step backwards as she realized this. There was a pinched look on her face that suggested discomfort and something vaguely alarmed.
“H-Hey, hang on a minute,” Flug stared up at his imposing coworker. “You can’t just – please let her through.”
“It’s Susan, right?” The man ignored him, staring at the nervous woman. “Listen, I wanted to sort some things out with this guy here, so you wouldn’t mind staying as a third party, right? Like a neutral witness? Thanks.”
He turned back towards the psychiatrist and folded his arms again.
“So I’ve been thinking about what happened, all the shit that was said. It was the heat of the moment, you know. Nothing really worth getting upset about. You understand, right?”
“You’re not – what?” Flug was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that this man wasn’t letting someone leave. “This is…really a – a conversation that we should have in p-private, Doctor.”
“It’s private enough, Slys.” Bautista waved his hand again. “I just wanted to know where things stood, yeah? There was an argument, and you said some things, and I said some things, and it was unfortunate. But we can move on, I’m willing to move on if you are, so. All’s well that ends well.”
“Please let me through,” Susie whispered. Her arms were clutched around her waist, pulling at her uniform. “I need to be somewhere, please let me through.”
Bautista barely gave her a side glance. He stared at Flug, waiting for his response.
“Ah, ah, you weren’t…very cordial that day.” He stuttered, attention torn between the towering coworker in front of him and the cowering coworker beside him. “You – what you said could have been – it was extremely hurtful, it w-wasn’t all well at all!”
The man’s face contorted into something darker. “You seemed fine to me, you just stood there like nothing. It wasn’t that big a deal.” He poked a finger at the doctor’s chest. “If it was so bad you should have said so. I just wanted to make sure we’re cool.”
“We’re not cool,” Flug couldn’t help but hiss. “I r-really wish you’d leave me alone. Can you leave us alone? And let her g-get through?” He gestured to the withdrawn nurse.
“Fine, fine! Lauren wanted us to get along, I figured this was us getting along!” The bigger man nearly threw up his hands, exasperated. “But I guess since you don’t give a shit about that, we’ll just stay weird and hostile. Happy?”
“Just – just please. Go away.” The psychiatrist replied through gritted teeth. “You’re making both of us uncomfortable.”
Dr. Bautista snorted. “Uncomfortable, right. Like we’re on a damn playground.” He gave Flug an irritated look and passed over Susie completely, turning on his heel and sauntering back the other way. The doctor felt the bravado leave his chest in a puff.
“Oh thank god,” the nurse breathed. It was so quiet she probably hadn’t meant for him to hear. Flug looked her way and stiffened again at the way her body shook. Distress scarred her face.
“I’m really, really sorry about that.” He spoke quietly, mindful of her anxiety. “I wasn’t e-expecting to run into him, I didn’t mean for him to – to corner you like that.”
She glanced at him and didn’t respond. Instead she started rubbing her arms through her lab coat like she was cold.
“Are you o-okay?” He hovered without pressing in on her personal bubble. “Do you, do you need anything?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine Doctor,” Susie murmured quietly. Her eyes trembled. “I just – I need to go now. I’m glad you’re doing well. Sorry for wasting your time.”
With that the nurse hurried off down the hall, leaving Flug alone with the fake plant. He pursed his lips as he watched her rigid back take a sharp right and disappear from sight.
This was becoming a problem. An accidental trigger was one thing, no matter the subject matter, but now Bautista had actively bullied two coworkers into a literal corner. Stressful for anyone, but what Susie had looked like before she left…
Flug shoved his hands in his pockets angrily and began walking back to his office. He had an appointment with Martin and Dementia in an hour – he wasn’t going to be late for that – but all he could think about was the disturbingly familiar way his coworker had trembled, the way she hugged herself as if to ward things away.
The worst part was, Bautista hadn’t technically done anything. He hadn’t physically touched them, hadn’t gotten visibly upset and had used words that weren’t obviously inflammatory. He even had the excuse that he was trying to mend things, because he had said as much to both of them. Bringing it to Dr. Rorschach’s attention would probably be futile, and Flug wasn’t willing to drag Susie into it if the third witness’ testimony was demanded.
The more he thought about it, the more the doctor was upset about it, and when Martin showed up in a fairly chipper mood, he wasted no time in grabbing the oblivious intern’s coat sleeve and tugging him towards the elevator in a vex-driven haste.
Dementia was waiting for them with one eye smushed between two bars like it was a peephole.
“Hey guys! Happy new week! Even though it’s Tuesday and not Sunday. Why does the new week start on Sunday anyway? Why not Monday? That’s when school starts, and work starts, and aren’t there like, religions or something about Sunday being the last day of the week? Hey Martin Maje, what do you think?”
“Uhhh…” Martin looked a little dazedly between the overexcited patient and the over-irritated doctor. “I don’t know, I um, I’m not religious.”
“Me neither! We finally have something in common, yay! Can you believe it, Flug?” The girl backed away as her psychiatrist opened the door and stepped inside without comment. “Hey, don’t ignore me, I asked you a question.”
“…You both already had something in common.” Flug closed the door behind the intern and locked it.
“Really? What’s that?”
“You’re both younger than twenty five.”
“…Huh. I guess you’re right. Hey Intern, how old are you?” Dementia got nearly nose to nose with the startled guy.
“Does it matter? I don’t, really feel comfortable telling you my age.”
“Pfft, coward. I’m diecinueve!” She giggled as Martin looked at her blankly. “I’m nineteen, numb nuts!”
“Really? I thought you were younger.”
“Nah, that’s just the straitjacket hiding my girlish figure. I’m a tried and true adult – or I guess I’m a tried and convicted adult, heh!” The inmate bounced over to Flug, who remained silent and unreadable from behind his mask. “What’s your problem today?”
“I don’t have a problem.” He took a step back.
“Yes you do, you’re all weird and distant. Your glasses are doing that thing again.” She followed his step with her own step.
“My glasses don’t ‘do that thing’, they can’t do anything, they’re goggles, Dementia.” He stepped to his left, towards Martin who blinked owlishly at the scene.
“Yes they do! They do that thing where the light reflects too much and I can’t see your eyes at all! It’s super creepy and weird and cool.” She shimmied into a sidestep to mirror him.
“That has nothing to do with my mood, that’s just what happens with light sometimes! How would I even control something like that?” He maneuvered around the intern so the poor kid was in between them.
“I don’t know, I’m not a weird science nerd like you, but I’ve only seen it when you’re in a bad mood.” She made the same action again. “Which has been like, a lot but it’s mostly when you’re angry or really, really angry.”
“I think you mean furious.” He rounded around Martin again. She followed him. “I’m not furious right now anyway.”
Soon they were walking circles around a confused, frozen intern; the doctor going backwards and his patient going forwards.
“Then what are you? Frustrated?”
“No, stop following me.”
“Are yooou…flustered?”
“Dementia, I’m warning you!”
“Are you – what’s the word? Flabgobbled?”
“The word is flabbergasted, Dementia, and yes I’m pretty flabbergasted that you’re making us do this ring-around-the-rosy thing!”
“I’m not making you do anything, Flugmeister, I’m just making you uncomfortable.”
“Well stop it!”
“Not until you tell me what’s got your panties all tied up!”
“Uh, not to interrupt but,” Martin said awkwardly, “could you guys maybe not do this around me? I’m getting dizzy.”
Dementia pushed into him lightly with her shoulder, making him stumble. “Only if you help me figure out why Flug’s acting so weird.”
“I’m not – gah!” The fed-up psychiatrist threw his hands in the air and sat down where he was. “Fine! Fine, you win, I stopped first, I lost. Are you happy?”
“Oh yeah, totally.” The patient bumped against the intern to make him sit, then joined them both. “But you still haven’t answered me. Why so mopey?”
Flug pressed his palm against his goggles. “If I tell you, will you promise not to tell anyone else?”
“Cross my heart and hope to die!”
“And will you promise to cooperate with our session today?”
“Cross my heart and hope to lie!”
Martin burst out with a laugh and Dementia giggled along with him. The doctor kept rubbing at his headwear.
“Okay, sure, why not. I’ve got a coworker who’s been giving me trouble, and this morning he was kinda harassing me and someone else. Alright?”
“Well why are you all brooding? Just go punch the guy and live your life.” She tried to make a threatening move towards the intern, but it wasn’t very successful with her outfit. He flinched anyway.
“It’s not that simple, Dementia. There are rules and regulations, and you could get in serious trouble for assaulting another staff member. Verbally or physically, it doesn’t matter. I’m not risking my job for that.”
“Are you…talking about Dr. Bautista?” Martin asked, chewing his lip. “Has he been messing with you?”
Flug regarded him suspiciously. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason.” The teen picked at a loose thread on his jeans.
“Ooh, has he been harassing you too?” The girl leaned in close. “This guy has been going after both of you? Now you two have something in common, how awesome is that?”
“Is that true, Martin?” The psychiatrist watched the intern fidget. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he answered quickly, “he wasn’t really doing anything mean. Just…saying stuff sometimes, when we run into each other.”
“Like what?”
“Oh, Doctor, you don’t have to –”
“Like what, Martin.”
The kid flinched. “Ah, just, these last few days, you know, he’s been saying it’s good I got moved to be with you and her. He said I…would fit in well. That you guys could dress me up like – yeah. Just, not nice things.”
Flug didn’t realize he was gripping his clothes until he tried to pull on his bag and his fingers got stuck in his lab coat. If he had been angry before, he was livid now. On his left, Dementia’s eyes narrowed into reptile slits.
“That’s it, that’s fucking it.” The doctor announced. He looked up at the room camera, grateful for the millionth time that this one didn’t have audio recording.
“Who’s fucking it?” Dementia asked, confused but still predatory.
“No, I mean I’m done with this. I can’t talk to my boss about Bautista without getting innocents involved. You,” he looked at Martin, “you probably can’t even talk to anyone. I’m sick of this. I’m so, so sick of not being able to do anything.”
“Are we planning something wicked?” His inmate whispered, expression glittering. “Are we gonna take him out, stealth mode style?”
“We’re not going to take him out, Dementia.” Flug tapped one finger to his hidden lips. “But there are other ways to do things. Ways to be sneaky, no way to incriminate yourself, no way to prove anything.”
He looked at Dementia, who jittered in hungry excitement at the mere idea of chaos. He looked at Martin, who seemed slightly concerned but also very, very thrilled. Flug could practically feel his own mouth tilt into a perfect imitation of one of Black Hat’s grins.
“How much do you guys know about pranks?”
Welp, here’s the next chapter everybody! Seems Black Hat isn’t the only schemer, hehehe. Now we have two plans, with two unsuspecting victims, on week two. Go figure, hah.
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emperor-lover · 6 years
AW THANKS BABE 💕 im really glad to be back, i love writing these lil scenarios! sorry all about my whole laptop fiasco tho, it was a bit of a setback for my schedule ;; this is a long one, enjoy!! if i get anymore vampire!au requests i’ll probably put them in this universe too
Warnings: A little bit of blood mention (and a creepy dude)
Park Jihoon Vampire!AU
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from an early age, you had been taught about the terrors and beauty of vampires
they were creatures that were rumoured to be living among all you humans
but they were able to disguise themselves, blending in easily as anyone else
they could be your neighbour, your doctor, your best friend
but no one would ever know, or dare to ask, because vampires would never willingly reveal their secret to a human
but they definitely existed, as there would be occasional report of farmers’ wildstock being spotted with puncture wounds
or the violent attacks involving victims who’d always had a lot of blood loss
or countless blood bags going missing from hospitals
people were terrified but no one could ever do anything about it because they knew vampires were too powerful and too stealthy in comparison to themselves
when you were younger, you always prayed that you’d never have to face the misfortune of crossing paths with a vampire, you were too scared of all those stories
but you could also never imagine any of the people in your life potentially being a vampire
after graduating college, you started wokring
it was your first proper full time job as a typical office worker working in a
the building you worked in was breathtaking, super sleek, super professional, it was where you’d always wanted to work
on your first day, your head supervisor, Yoon Jisung, introduced you to your coworkers on your floor
“Everyone gather round, this is Y/N and they are the new edition to the Marketing strategies team. Please take care of her and show her the ropes. Y/N, please introduce yourself.” 
You smiled brightly, wanting to make a good first impression
“ Hi, I’m Y/N Y/LN, I’m very excited to start working with you all and getting to know everyone better. I’ll do my very best here, please take good care of me!” 
A polite round of applause was given to you and most of your coworkers returned your smile
Your attention was caught by one man in particular, who could probably only be a couple of years older than you if not less, who was standing directly in front of you
His smile was blinding, and his warm brown eyes seemed to draw you in the longer you looked at him
He exuded positivity and you were glad that someone seemed enthusiastic about you being a newbie
You could feel your cheeks starting to grow hot under his gaze and you turned your eyes away
Only to make eye contact with another man who did not look as friendly
He realised you were looking at him and his eyes narrowed, startling you
you could feel a cold sweat running down your back
what was making these alarm bells in your head go off like this??
“Ok, off you go everyone, back to work, make sure you make some time to introduce yourself to Y/N during the day”
A chorus of yes sirs echoes around the room before everyone shuffles off to their respective cubicles
Jisung gave you a warm smile before pulling you over to the side out of earshot of everyone else
“Y/N, everyone is lovely here, but I must warn you. You know that we always do a mandatory background check on our employees before they can start working here….However, despite that, we can never be 100% sure if any vampires are here among us just from that..”
His eyes darted over to the man who had glared daggers at you earlier
“Over there…That’s Kim. He’s a hardworker but he’s more of a one-man team, and doesn’t like working with others. It’s probably best to stay away from him if you can..because….” Jisung gives you a pointed look
You nod vigorously in understanding 
that was what your parents would say to you too before you went to school - “if they give you bad vibes, it’s best to stay away”
Jisung leads you over to an empty cubicle
“Ok, Y/N, so i given you the rookie tour, now it’s your time to jump right into it! You’ve been emailed a list of tasks you’ll need to do today, but if you have any troubles i’m sure Jihoon here will give you a hand.”
The cute brown haired man from earlier suddenly pops up from behind his cubicle and gives you a wave
“Hey, welcome to the team, my new neighbour!”
you laugh and waved back, glad that Jihoon seemed to be a very nice guy to work with
you couldn’t help but glance back at Kim again though, your eyebrows furrowing in fear
To you, it seemed clear as day that Kim was a vampire.
The uncontrollable shiver that you got from making eye contact with him still terrified you. 
but you try to push that thought away and start on your work
everything is straightforward enough
the company is about to start selling a new product and you’re working in a team of 4, in charge of the advertising with jihoon, ong seongwu, and joo kyulkyung.
so you start preparing slides for the presentation at the end of the fortnight
You get along with everyone who comes over to you to introduce themselves during work breaks and a few of them have invited you to go out with them to eat lunch now that you’re part of the team
You’re fitting right in and you’re really liking the job which is always a plus, but you make sure to not get to comfortable because you’re still new
aka, you stay farrrrr away from Kim who’s as shady as ever
You become the closest with the people on your team, they’ve all been doing this job for a while now and they’re all very on to it, often finishing all the tasks they have quickly so they can go have together lunch early.
A day before the presentation, you’re tapping away at your computer, trying to get the finishing touches sorted when you get the fright of your life when Jihoon’s voice chirps in your ear
“Working hard neighbour?”
you’re usually quite observant so you’re surprised you didn’t notice him get that close to you
or maybe you were just super focused on your work
yeah…that must be it
You glance up at him and he smiles warmly back at you
“Feel free to give me a shout if you need a hand with anything ok?”
You nod happy that you’ve got such a friendly soul as your work neighbour
“I’ve already finished most of my section so I’m heading off for a lunch break, but if you suddenly need help and I’m not here just send me a text and i’ll be back asap”
“Oh…but I don’t have your number!”
“Ah whoops, that’s true, hold on pass me your phone”
You reach over to hand your phone to him and his fingertips accidentally brush yours
so cold ???
You glanced back at him concerned, but he doesnt even realise because he’s preoccupied with inputting his number into your phone
“Jihoon, your hands are freezing!”
“oh don’t worry about it y/n, it’s just bad circulation…”
Jihoon waves off your concern but you rummage round in your bag and fish out a pair of gloves pressing them into his cold palm
“Here take these! I have so many pairs and you clearly need them more than I do if you want your precious fingers to stay intact”
you laugh as you wiggle your fingers in the air 
Jihoon stares at the gloves in his hand for a second before slipping them on and breaking out into laughter, wiggling his now gloved fingers back at you
“You’re a cute one aren’t you? Thanks neighbour!”
Now the blush on your cheeks was real
Is this flirting??????? lolol
Jihoon grabs his coat and heads out of the office and you let out the breath you didn’t realise you’d been holding
When he had leaned over your shoulder, he smelt like citrus with a hint of vanilla and you had been tempted to ask what cologne he was wearing so you could buy it for all your male friends because boiiiii smells gooood
You look over at your phone and smile at the name Jihoon has put in your contacts
Park Jihoon - handsome neighbour ^^
Jihoon’s phone chimes just as he’s about to take a sip from his blood bag
He smiles when the text preview indicates that it’s you that sent it and he goes to unlock his phone
But before he can, Ong Seongwu has snatched it up, his own blood bag dangling precariously between his teeth
“Who you texting that’s got you smiling like that Jihoon?” he teases
Jihoon doesn’t make a move to respond, knowing that Ong will give him so much teasing shit about him having a crush on a human
too late
“OOOO IT’S A GIRL!!  She says “Thanks for being such a good neighbour ^^”
It takes a few seconds for it to click but Ong’s grin gets even bigger when he realises it’s you
Jihoon shakes his head, “It’s just because she’s new and still learning, she can’t flunk out on her first presentation…”
Ong made a mhmmm noise, clearly not buying the entire story but he makes no move in handing the phone back to Jihoon, continuing to dance around 
Minhyun is just trying his best to stop Ong from spilling anything out of his blood bag and Kyulkyung just observes them all silently, sighing at the chaos
The phone chimed again and Ong excitedly reads the text again, downing the rest of his bag of blood before he reads it in a cute voice 
“Hope the gloves are keeping your hands warm, it’s winter so you don’t want to get sick!”
All their heads turn towards Jihoon’s hands and NOW they understand why the guy suddenly had a new addition to his fashion accessories
“OoOOOoooooOOOoOOO bless, she’s looking out for you!” 
Jihoon rolls his eyes, but if he could blush he definitely would be
He cups his face with his hands, the gloves feeling soft against his cheeks
“shut up and let me feed in peace, we have to head back soon”
Minhyun sighs, patting Jihoon on the back, “Just be careful Jihoon, you can’t let her find out about us…about what we are…”
Jihoon nods, “of course, that’s a given, i’d never risk doing anything that would get us found out.”
After they all headed back into the office, Jihoon looked back at the texts you sent him again and sighed
As a vampire it was hard enough having to hide all the time
actually…it wasn’t too bad, but just very annoying
Sometimes he really couldn’t be bothered having to put in coloured contact lenses in the morning (they made everything look slightly scratchy)
and he’d always get kinda dizzy if hadn’t fed for a while and someone particularly nice smelling came along (aka you)
But humans could be so dense, there were literally vampires everywhere around them, but people always assumed they had to look scary with dark cloaks and fangs permanently out.
There was quite a handful of vampires at the office, and most had their own clan of friends
no one really questioned where another vampire would get their supply from, which is why it was important to have your own clan
because usually if a vampire worked by themselves, it was through dirty methods
most vampires believed that if you were to work among the humans in their communities, you shouldn’t harm them
so those who actively hunted down living people weren’t particularly welcomed
So sometimes Jihoon wonders what he would be doing if Ong and Minhyun hadn’t found him when he had freshly converted
He was one of the lucky ones that’s for certain
Jihoon steps into the elevator and the only other person inside is Kim
He glances up at Jihoon and rolls his eyes
“Had a good sip from your doggy bag, Park?”
Jihoon glared back at Kim, but didn’t bother to engage in an argument
Kim was one of the lone runners
All the vampires knew he would kill people but because he would go out of the city to do it, no one really stopped him, Jihoon included
As the elevator finally reached the office floor, Kim let out a dark chuckle
“That new girl…Y/N…she’s quite the catch isn’t she?”
Jihoon froze and he felt his breath hitch in his throat
“Maybe I could have a bit of fun with her…you’re welcome to join me, I’m sure she’ll be much sweeter than those measly little blood bags Hwang gets you from his father’s hospital”
Jihoon turned round to face Kim front on, eyes blazing
“Keep your filthy hands off Y/N, Kim, I’ll only warn you once”
“Oh Park, you’ve got it all wrong. I won’t touch her with my hands, but I will with these.” 
Kim bares his fangs, and they glisten menacingly 
The elevator door opens and you’re standing there ready to go on your lunch break
“Hey Jihoon!” you smile brightly at him oblivious about the current situation. You notice Kim in the background and you try not to be too obvious how terrified you are as you greet him too. 
“Hello Mr Kim. how are you?”
Kim smirks back at you before throwing an arm round Jihoon’s shoulder
“Just been talking to Park here about our annual MT (A/N: = membership training). It’ll be a good chance to finally get to know you better.” 
You force a smile and nod wordlessly as Kim saunters off to his cubicle
You’re a bit shaken up and Jihoon looks at your worriedly
“Y/N…try your best to stay away from him…he’s bad news.”
You nod and in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere you give him a mock salute
He laughs and gives you a gentle pat on the head as he shuffles past you
As you eat your lunch in the cafeteria with some of your coworkers, you wonder if Kim is the only vampire in the office
You’re snapped out of your thoughts when someone asks you about the MT coming up
“Y/N, do you know where we’re going for the MT? Jisung has been planning it for ages and it’s been so long since our last one!”
“I’ve heard it’s going to be in Busan! Minhyun sunbae told me he was excited to go back to his hometown this year.”
All the girls collectively sigh at the mention of Minhyun and you laugh good naturedly at them
You were excited for the MT, it would be your first one and you were ready to make some good memories
— MT time a few months later —
After going on the Train to Busan (who else has watched that movie ahhh)  you arrive at a campsite in a rural area
it’s super fun, everyone’s excited and there’s lots of team building games and all that jazz
also perfect opportunity for people to get all flirty with each other
When night falls, a few people head off to bed, but most of you stay out to have a few drinks and chat round the fire
You’ve already had a couple of drinks and you weren’t planning on having anymore so you just lean back against a rock and listen to everyone talk
You’re trying your best not to doze off, but the blanket covering your legs is warm and the rock is comfy
the rock…is comfy??
you blink rapidly as you realise you’ve been leaning against Jihoon’s shoulder the entire time
“Oh! handsomeguyyy-parkjihoon-it’s-youuuu?!”
ooooh boi the alcohol must’ve hit you and you’re horrified by how your slurred words but that don’t seem to stop you
“yes y/n, it’s me?”
Jihoon is blinking down at you with just as a bewildered expression and you push yourself off so you’re sitting upright
but you must’ve done it too quickly because now you’re feel light headed af
“Y/N, you alright?”
Jihoon’s voice is soft as he gently steadies you with his hand
everything is too cold
even though he’d been drinking too, he hadn’t warmed up in the slightest
You shake your head, causing Jihoon to frown
“Why? do you want me to walk you back to your cabin?”
You shake your head again, before pulling your blanket off you and clumsily move to wrap it round Jihoon
“You’re TOO cOLD” you manage to slur out, shuffling closer to him in an attempt to conserve body heat
Jihoon is shook
You’re much bolder when you’re drunk
And now you’re fast asleep with your hands wrapped round his because “yOU fORGOT THE gLOVES? I’LL bE YouR GLOVE”
He doesn’t know what to do as Ong snickers constantly, taking photos and saying that his little boy jihoon has finally grown up
A cold breeze hits the air, and although it doesn’t affect any of the vampires, all the humans including you in your slumber shiver
Jihoon moves to stand up, taking you in his arms 
“I should take Y/N back to her cabin… Kyulkyung can you give me a hand?”
it’s only a short walk to the cabin but as the Jihoon rounds the corner he immediately senses someone else’s scent
yoooo guess who>??? it’s the creep!
“Kyulkyung, take Y/N inside now, I’ll deal with this.”
Kyulkyung hesitates for a second but nods taking you from Jihoon’s arms
“Kim, what the hell are you doing outside this cabin?”
Kim’s grin is pure evil as he spits out his reply, “I could say the same to you Park.” 
…….You don’t know when you came around
but you can hear a harsh conversation outside your window
It’s Jihoon and Kyulkyung
You’re about to open the window to ask them what they’re up to so late
but without meaning to eavesdrop you end up hearing parts of their conversation
“Where did Kim go?”
“I don’t know but if he’s smart, he won’t come back anytime soon.”
“Jihoon…just how badly did you hurt him?”
your eyes widen in shock
what had happened?? 
another breeze and the clouds dispersed in front of the moon
and in even from just the faint glow of the moon you could see that Jihoon’s eyes were a bloodshot red, and the veins all over his face and neck and arms were pulsing intensely as he tried to wipe what appeared to be blood off his shoes 
You take quiet, careful steps away from the window
This wasn’t possible
“I’m just drunk, just sooo very drunk” you mutter to yourself trying not to hyperventilate as you curl into a ball on the ground
You don’t realise that they can hear you and you don’t see the looks of horror on their faces when they realise what you’ve witnessed
You hold your breath, when someone knocks on the door, and you don’t go to answer it. 
The next morning you wake up with a pounding headache but a very vivid memory and you try to calm yourself before you get ready for breakfast
Jihoon spots you as you’re filling up your mug with coffee but it seems that you’re so out of it because you haven’t noticed he’s standing right next to you
You jump, spilling the hot coffee all over your hand and Jihoon and you curse in pain before apologising rapidly, and then freezing in shock when you realise it’s Jihoon
You try to stutter out a greeting but words fail you so you turn to rush off to grab a towel to wipe up the coffee and an ice pack for your hand
But you’re a step too late because Jihoon has already got a hold of your wrist and is pulling you over to your cabin
And you’re too scared to fight against him
Would Jihoon really hurt you? 
His voice shakes when he finally speaks
“Y/N…how much did you see yesterday?”
You don’t know what to do, your heart is pounding in your chest
You stutter out a few words but nothing is making sense and you can feel the blood rushing to your head so you close your eyes to try block out everything
you can’t focus and you just want to run away but something is stopping you 
You think back to the few months that you’d got to know him
Jihoon has always been so kind to you
He’d go out of his way to help you at work
even after you’d settled in and were no longer the newbie
sometimes he’d bring you a coffee during the break or sneak a pack of cookies over onto your desk because he knew that you’d get hangry if you were working overtime
you didn’t want to assume that he liked you but that had been the vibes you had gotten from him since you started getting close
and you happily reciprocated, like passing him your pocket warmers on especially cold days
or drawing little scribbly memos on his notes telling him to “cheer up” when work was especially heavy 
and you’d freaking used him as a rock to lean on earlier just the day before
so would he really hurt you??
“Y/N please look at me”, he’s pleading with you and you when you open your eyes you can feel his sincerity piercing through you.
“I don’t know how much you saw, but please know I would never hurt you…
…I know im just a monster, I didn’t choose to be like this, but I’m trying my best to blend in and live normally…
..Kim was trying to hurt you, he was waiting for you to go back to your cabin…”
Jihoon shudders at the memory and he reaches over and takes your injured hand in both of his
The cold soothes the burn and you sigh in relief and he rubs his thumb gently over it
“If you want me to leave and go somewhere far away, I will. But after yesterday I realised how much I want to protect you, you need to understand that. You’ve been in so much danger, yesterday you could’ve -” 
Jihoon’s voice cracks and he screws his eyes shut at the thought
Your heart aches watching him belittle himself
you don’t like seeing him hurting like this and you just want to comfort him
your free hand gently reaches over to smooth out the furrow between his eyebrows
“you’re still the same jihoon…all those times you took care of me, you helped me out and believed in me…that was all real. that was all you jihoon…so please don’t think you’re a monster because you’re not”
his face is smooth and cold as you gently stroke his cheek and he leans into your touch as you do so
“i’m so sorry you got dragged into this, I didn’t want you to find out this way…”
you don’t know whether it’s because of the extreme rush of emotions you experienced over the last 24 hours or because you were still drunk from the night before, but you couldn’t stand Jihoon being so hard on himself
So you reached up to grab the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to your level
As your lips pressed against his, you felt his arms wrap round your waist, drawing you closer until you were flush against his chest
and despite his body temperature still being as cold as ever, the warm energy surrounding the two of you makes you feel so safe in his arms, that you never want to leave ;;;
— extra
it’s pretty interesting dating a vampire
Jihoon eats like any other human, but you can tell his tastebuds are pretty indifferent to it all
he doesnt really need to sleep so if you’re having a late night, he’ll come round and stay up with you
or stay at the office until you’ve done all your work before walking home together
it always nice to go for late night strolls under the stars knowing your boyfriend’s got yo back
And although you’re not a big fan of horror movies, watching vampire movies with Jihoon is the funniest thing
Like he won’t shut UP
“Ok, so we do NOT look like that - and how are we supposed to turn into bats? like pls explain that logic to me?” 
You just hit him on the shoulder as he continues to complain
and in the winter time, even though you know he doesn’t get cold, you get matching woolen hats, and they’re kinda obnoxiously cute and ‘95 line always make fun of you two at work
also Jihoon tells you all his stories about being a vampire, and how not everyone is evil like Kim
Like you had figured from that night that Kyulkyung must be one but the shock when you found out Ong and Minhyun were too was almost too funny
   “wait wait wait, so im literally surrounded by vampires???”
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