#absolutely disgusting homosexual behavior
binghe-malewife-goals · 11 months
Viktor wears a red cravat after becoming partners with Jayce
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im normal about this im normal about this im normal about this
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butch-reidentified · 8 months
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legitimately fucking illusory (I was going to say delusional, but yall love to call that ableism despite it having a completely legitimate non-clinical definition), OP
@ilhoonftw you are part of the problem. how can you not see that? lashing out at feminists & telling feminists not to reblog a post showing exactly why feminism is crucial is so backwards. this incident has absolutely nothing to do with gender ideology discourse, neither party in this news was trans, so ?? why exactly do you want to intentionally limit the spread of this post, when this is exactly the kind of post people need to see to wake up? how can you call yourself feminist and claim to care about violence against women when you're so concerned with feminists saying stuff you don't like on the internet that it prevents you from doing right by women and girls everywhere? what is the point? it's genuinely disgusting behavior.
by the way, seeing as you've decided to bring trans matters into this... it's the very same rhetoric these screenshots are calling out that radfems criticize from a significant portion of the modern trans community. not to mention how many trans women have openly admitted they used to be incels, or the fact incels brag about and encourage "transmaxxing." I alone have hundreds if not thousands of receipts from trans women of such confessions, of male-pattern criminality (which research shows trans women do retain even after transition) of incel behavior/rhetoric, of hyperviolent misogyny (detailed graphic rape and murder and torture fantasies).
I do not support oppression of anyone, including trans-identifying people, nor do I condone or wish harm on them. However I will not pretend the current rhetoric is utterly harmless to women & homosexual people. Why you label that hate I will never understand. This is the truth about how radfems define man and woman - it is not by genitalia. Here are a few examples proving the reality of oppression specific to the female sex.
I have many, many more links I can provide if anyone would like.
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equarretedddd · 11 months
i want to thank @normanblowup for the thoughts about this ep whitch i found a long time ago that inspired me and made me add stuff a little to it all.
TW just in case with regard to some traumatic events related to sexual (or sort of thing) experience.
everyone remembers that Dick and Rockso flashed for a second in Murderface’s gay hallucinations. in short even though these flashing images in his head are very random i think they both embody two different sides of open approximate homo-images that he saw live — one positive and the other negative.
Dick is a positive image — Murderface sees in him an attractive personality for him that he respects. he personifies the side of attraction in which deep down in the soul and subconsciously Murderface partly….. wants to believe??? Dick combines those qualities in terms of sexuality/general openness that are absolutely unattainable for Murderface but so fucking desirable. Dick is open, liberated and honest, does not hesitate to flirt and call people sweet nicknames — Murderface can only admire this level of freedom and wish to have such social mobility too (well if he does not have it then at least be next to the person who have it hehehehehh).
Dick is fully clothed but with his legs spread — Murderface respects his loyal openness as a person but is still interested in his physical/sexual mystique.
Rockso is a negative image. he embodies everything that Murderface despises and hates about homosexuality in principle and what homosexuality itself is used to consider — an abomination, debauchery, filth and sexual violence. Murderface is disgusted by Rockso's emancipation because he demonstrates it from the worst side: he shakes balls, flaunts in revealing suits and constantly lies around doped up with drugs. Murderface does not see anything worthy of imitation in Rockso's behavior — he sees only moral rot and he is disgusted by this. he doesnt even think its brutal, he can only hope that everything is not so shitty for himself. obviously, Murderface would not want to resonate with such a thing, but unfortunately, subconsciously this is what happens to him, he literally behaves the same way (this may be another reason for his internal homophobia, he does not want to behave like this but consciousness still tells him to repeat this as a possible reconstruction of trauma).
Rockso is naked and looks quite repulsive, but Murderface, even being traumatized, cannot get such an image out of his head (as usual after such crippling experiences, unfortunately, it happens).
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scattered-winter · 1 year
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in honor of s6 returning tomorrow, here's a collection of highlights from the 911 annotation doc feat. season 2 finale and tsunami arc (transcript below the cut)
hen sees a chance to make buck’s life living hell and she always takes it <3 older sibling behavior
chim: [hands buck a sledgehammer]
buck: >:D
not to be dramatic but if my brother almost walked into the shower with me absolutely ass-cheeked naked i would simply require him to give me financial compensation
buck automatically assumes maddie is talking about eddie when she says someone’s cute
sir. buddy old pal.
press f to pay respects to the new ladder truck that lasts all of like 3 episodes before blowing up
these detectives are stupid as FUCK godbless <3
damn i wish it would rain money where i am rn
a guy comes falling onto a car out of a window and my first thought is “it’s raining men hallelujah”
not the hair maggot lady. the other one.
the fact that i have to specify WHICH maggot lady it is. evil.
lmao i forget that. most 15 year olds dont have learner’s permits
i was driving farm equipment when i was 10 so im an outlier i guess
oh my god the hand on buck’s waist
[ID: a close-up screencap of eddie and buck hugging, with eddie's hand on buck's waist and buck's hands on eddie's shoulders. end ID]
do u see this shit mr krabs
[eddie] looks soooooooooooooo slutty in that white shirt oh my god
spiritual successor to the slutty black tank top
i was a different person before watching the tsunami for the first time btw. after finishing this arc i was a Changed Man.
ghlsdkjfskg this guy wanting A Sign … my brother you got a fucking tsunami
poseidon said Fuck this guy
fuck it
au where the greek gods are real
i mean we already know zeus has it out for buck and eddie
it aint much of a stretch <333
LENA <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
i think she and lucy should have met onscreen tbh
or maybe not because the sheer dyke energy would be too powerful for the show to handle
and yes i know this show has a canon lesbian couple. irrelevant <3
ghlskdjg buck’s look of absolute shock after eddie looks him in the eye and says That….bitch me too the fuck
major props to her because i could NOT do that
i’d simply say Sorry bro i just. yeah i have a uh. thing. with a guy. i gotta go. bye <3
ghslkdgj [chim] makes a quip as he’s pulling up <333 ofc he does <33333
i fucking love him btw. in case u couldnt tell.
“we’re gonna need a bigger mail truck” the way you just KNOW he’s seen jaws
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ihhfhonao3 · 9 months
Some hate I’ve gathered over the past two (2) days because I think they’d make funny copypastas. Tw for rabid ableism and transphobia because that’s just what people do on here I guess lmao
Having gender dysphoria is being delusional; you are deluded about your own body to the point where you seek to change it to conform to misogynistic stereotypes. Calling someone delusional who is, in fact, delusional, is not, in fact, ableism. Being delusional is undesirable. Being mentally ill is undesirable. Saying otherwise is ableist. Everything you listed is indicative of being delusional, besides the disabled bit. None of what you listed has anything to do with being disabled. Using the term "neurodiverse" to identify yourself is as fucking stupid as using "biodiverse" to identify a plant. The human population is neurodiverse, our planet is biodiverse. "Neurodiverse" is a term neither coined, nor used, nor sanctioned by neuroscientists. "Queer" is a slur against LGB (HOMOSEXUAL) people. It is not an identity. Being a delusional misogynistic, science-denier like all trans and "non-binary" people are, has nothing to do with being LGB. Additionally, there is no oppression that trans people face for being trans. Being a furry is disgusting, as well as delusional, and, again, has nothing to do with being LGB. No furry is oppressed; people find them disgusting bc they simply, by definition, are. I don't even really know what the fuck "otherkin" means and I don't want to. No one cares about this niche bullshit, and no one is oppressed due to their attempt to be it. Other people thinking you're stupid, misogynistic, homophobic, insane, obnoxious, and revolting isn't, in and of itself, a form of oppression. Sometimes, others think you're stupid, misogynistic, homophobic, insane, obnoxious, and revolting bc that's precisely what you are. I'm here to tell you that anyone who uses the "identities" you listed (besides being disabled), and/or believes in the ideologies connected to them; that person is stupid, misogynistic, homophobic, insane, obnoxious, and revolting. Grow the fuck up. Stop talking about LGB people, and stop including us in your larping puppyplay creepy bs. Your ahistoric delusional porn-sick behavior has nothing to do with us, and it never has.
@ihhfhonao3 tried to "call me out" by reposting my page to their blog, calling me a bigot etc. yet when I responded to their post with logic and explained that as a gay man I do not accept an ideology created by pe do John Money, they deleted my comments and responded with infantile and massochistic messages. This is so typical of the left, their hypocrisy, and their love of censorship.
I do not intend to harm any individual, however I will not hesitate to call bullshit on an ideology that is absolutely harming people. Its harming children and young people, its harming women, its harming LGB people. I have been "radicalized" by my first hand experience of narcissistic trans individuals, and my observation of the interesting correlation between governments, and corporations promotion of the "progressive" pride flag and all things trans. I absolutely believe there is a nefarious agenda.
Have there been "gender non confirming" people forever!? Absolutely. But they havent used drugs and surgery to ruin their bodies. It was only ever a very small number of people that were so non conforming as to be "cross dressing." Someone told me the other day in all seriousness that they didnt think men should wear shorts. Peoples ideas about conformity and gender are all over the map. You can wear whatever the f you want to now... just dont tell children that they need to become sterile to "be their true selves."
Yes gender separate from sex is a construct. Its a normative set of traits. However these things are not at all concrete. To conflate ones biology with the clothes one likes to wear is NORMATIVE CAPITULATION! So why are the supposed rebels perpetuating NORMATIVE STEREOTYPES!?
Its ludicrous and is evidence that these people are actually weak minded victims of a massive psychological operation fomented many decades ago. These same people will say thats just a "conspiracy theory" and yet believe that "THE PATRIARCHY MUST BE SMASHED," yet want to give children's bodies and minds over to Pharma Corp and Rockefeller medicine!?
It is a psy op.
There are autogynaphilics, and there are gay men with internalized homophobia. These are mental states of confusion. They are not lifestyles to be celebrated or something to take pride in.
These people are not part of the LGB. They are hostile to everything that LGB is. Drag queens and transvestites are not transexual. You are not born in the wrong body. You are not too "butch" to be a woman, or to "femme" to be a man. Gender separate from sex is just a concept, a lens, a made up thing like unicorns. We can talk about them, but it doesnt make them real.
This is a nuanced conversation that must occur before its all out war and were literally murdering each other in the street. Thats what the puppet masters want. They want chaos. They want us hating each other. I dont hate people, but I do hate lies. And I will stand up to lies and liars till my very last breath.
Not all people who identify as “queer” are mentally ill, but you definitely are, OP. Seek help, please, as wanting to be dehumanized and suffering from violent mood swings are very serious signs of deep disturbance. Also I don’t believe you have the “spoons” to make a phone call, let alone rip out someone’s entrails.
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papirouge · 8 months
all the christians on this app that joke about how they are nazis and think genocide and the holocaust are cool things are so unrepentant about it. its not even a "flaw" they are trying to work on or anything they are proudly proclaiming to be Christian when they know what they are doing constitutes a sin and they are unrepentant about it too. like do you think Jesus is going to be like "lol ur so based bro" when they die and go to the gates and he's showing them the ways they sin and them hurling slurs at people is brought up? like they know its a sin and do it all the time with no remorse yet call themselves Christian. They then turn around and judge others for unrepentant sins they do and say they cant be real christians or anything. Some of them are Catholic too and even by church standards the way they act is considered a sin and they still do it so its not even like they interpret the Bible in a way where they can just be like that and think certain groups of people are genetically just bad despite all of us coming from Adam and Eve or anything they just still believe in their racism and treat people bad all the time and then get on here acting like righteous judges of sin and mocking people for being sinners and talking about their disgust of certain sins while they are just openly evil like that. something about that doesnt sit right with me especially with how quick they are to bring up Biblical quotes or God's wrath when they dont seem to fear it themselves
You're absolutely right anon
That's why I think 99% of people pretending to be Christians on this website aren't truly. And inb4 "you can't decide whether someone is Christian or not!!!" I'll turn them the favor, and ask why these people feel entitled to question gay Christian faith authenticity? ....oh? Suddenly FRUITS/ACTIONS have to match with Jesus commandments? 😯 ..then they better keep that in mind before defending people spiting day after day on the face of Jesus with their attitude. Nailing him on the cross, again and again and again. There's a passage about them on the bible that I don't see talked about enough : Hebrews 6:1-8
(...). It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned
The bolded part foreseen those foolish "Christians", disgracing Jesus work, and making him a PUBLIC disgrace - see, all the people disgusted by Christianity because of the actions & behavior of those hypocrites. Believe it or not, but the image of Christians -as a collective - is extremely important. That's why I'm getting so angry when I see self ID christians acting like fools, because it will ultimately the whole body of Christ...
Countless times I talked about the hypocrisy of Christians caring about the sanctity of life ONLY when it's convenient to them and appear self righteous or opportunistically bully non believers (ex. pro choice pagans) but then turn around wishing death on people, laugh about someone death, or revel about the demise of people they deem unworthy of Love and repentance. They have an extremely selective charity and this hypocrisy will ultimately bite them in the butt. That being said, they probably believe one saved always saved (that Hebrews 4 that I just quoted contradicts) so they probably don't even conceive having to pay back their toxic behavior one day...
They make their entire personality hating on leftits, liberals, feminists, homosexuals, the government, ANYONE different or inconvenient to them, and still think they are qualified to preach the message of Jesus which is 1) love 2) repenting of our sins for the kindgom of God is getting near. They abide to none of these qualifications.
Christianism isn't about simply caring only about those we're getting along with, who look like us, think like us, etc. It's about crucifying the flesh and invoke God to entirely rewire our life. Christianism isn't supposed to confirm us in our bias - unfortunately, I feel too many people come into Christianism for that purpose (to have an excuse to bully gay, piss off liberals, etc.).
I always said Christianblr is what anti SJW was in 2014. The same brand of insufferable not like other snowflake twats seeking a lane to consistently harrass, mock and bully anyone 'other' than them
Matthew 5:46-48
If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
(I love how Jesus specifically talked about tax collectors, considering how these fake Christians HATE on taxes and look down on tax collecting bureau. That's quite insane how they don't realize they are the ones Jesus talked about in that the passage and basically says "sde, you're actually not better than them" Jesus is lowkey so cheeky, I'm obsessed)
Those people chose Christianity for the worst reason, and I'm absolutely not surprised they don't bear any fruit. I would be curious about their testimony and what evidence they have of getting the holy spirit, because from my perspective,it is pretty nonexistent whenever I stumble upon this flock of people
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Josuke & Okuyasu - Magazine
Inspired by that one fanart I can't use because I can't find the artist.
'Boys will be boys'.
We don't count the times this excuse was used to justify the hormone-driven and often stupid decisions or behaviors of male teenagers.
This applies to our two protagonists, Josuke and Okuyasu who just happened to be at that age where boys were curious about their own selves but most importantly of course, curious about the opposite sex.
They couldn't really be blamed, sexuality was a normal part of a teenager's life after all. Which may or may not imply them oogling questionable things here and there or watching specific videos, for instance.
Josuke and Okuyasu decided to feast their eyes as a part of their numerous 'bro dates' as they called them, and made it a regular thing.
Of course, they made these moments very secret. Only them could know what sinful things they were doing after school. They trusted no one else than each other and nobody should ever know about their activities.
They especially couldn't let a girl know about their shenanigans. Oh no, that would be an absolute disaster if they were to be caught red-handed by a girl from their school. They would have to carry the heavy title of 'disgusting perverts', stamped right on their foreheads for the rest of their highschool years, if not their life.
One day as they got out of school, they decided to check out the X-rated section of a local konbini, section placed strategically in the far corner of the shop, and opened some nice porn magazine for their needy eyes. As one does.
"Yoooo Josuke check this out!" Okuyasu exclaimed to his friend while pointing to one of the pages, already blushing madly and coughing up an impressed chuckle.
"Oh my god!!" Josuke whisper-yelled to his friend, trying to not catch people's attention. "That's hot! You think those boobs are real?"
They kept on drooling over pictures of sexy women in bikinis or underwear and posing suggestively for 10 more solid minutes, completely forgetting about their surroundings.
They weren't really worried about getting caught as the section they were in was pretty far away from the entrance of the store and nobody really passed by this corner of the shop anyways.
As they were in their own little fantasy world, they didn't notice a certain H/C haired female coming up behind them.
"Hey isn't that the red head girl from last time?" Josuke commented as he pointed at a certain picture.
"The one who was licking a cherry? Yeah I think so." Replied his tan best friend who started chuckling.
"Who even licks cherries like that?"
"I don't know but she can lick my cherry if you know what I'm sayin'~"
They both snorted obnoxiously and stupidly to themselves until they suddenly heard a very familiar someone right behind them.
"Hey guys! What's up!"
The boys jumped, screaming high pitched 'Eeeks' and 'Uwahs' at the sound of your sweet voice startling them into the worst heart attack they'd ever experience, threatening to cut their short lives even shorter.
Josuke nearly dropped the lewd magazine from his clammy hands and they both turned around abruptly, sweating bullets as they desperately and clumsily hid the piece of dirty evidence behind their backs.
'Oh no. God, everything but not this...' They both thought in unison, as if connected.
The last thing they could have ever expected or wanted, was seeing YOU, of all people, here out of all places and now, out of all times. They really had the worst luck. Suddenly, getting struck by thunder seemed appealing.
"O-o-oh hey Y/N-chan..." Okuyasu stuttered shakily, still sweating profusely.
"What uh... Ahem... What are you doing... here...?" Josuke continued clearing his tight throat and eyeing his best friend with rising anxiety.
The boys were silently communicating, trying to come up with anything, any excuse to either hide their shameful crime from you, or make you leave as soon as possible. They had to work their so-called 'bro-telepathy' like they never did before.
"I was passing by to get some strawberry milk, but then I recognized your hair in the distance! I'm so glad to see you!" You smiled angelically at them while showing them your little pink carton of strawberry milk like it was some prize.
You were beaming so brightly at them, they almost had to squint at your radiating light and beauty. Oh no this was bad, they were both striked by you like an arrow right through their heart.
'She.... SHE'S TOO CUTE FOR THIS WORLD!' They both screamed in their heads.
You, in particular, should never know about what they were doing. EVER. You were way too pure and too innocent for this. Who knows what your reaction would be if you discovered their lewd secrets? Would you judge them? Be disgusted by them? Never talk to them ever again? They couldn't possibly risk that.
Sadly, they were not as glad to see you here as you were to see them. You eventually asked them the oh-so-dreaded question that they wished you'd never ask.
"So, what were you boys doing? Reading manga?" You leaned over to the side slightly trying to see what they were hiding behind their backs and they both panicked.
Obviously you didn't notice the big 'R18' sign over all three of your heads and surely, you couldn't know what this part of the store was since you probably never checked it in your entire life.
In an amazingly coordinated moment, Josuke swiftly handed the magazine to Okuyasu while walking towards you, passing in front of the Jobro, the action completely hidden from your sight.
Josuke came in front of you and grabbed your shoulders, smiling big and trying to act as natural as he could.
"Aah um yes! Manga! Actually there's this one manga I wanted to show you, good thing you're here!" The pompadour-haired haafu was still obviously in utter panick, even if he tried his best to play it cool.
As Josuke was trying to deflect your attention from their guilty pleasure, Okuyasu took this advantage to turn around and scurriedly hide the magazine back in it's original shelf.
You were confused at their shady behavior and furrowed your eyebrows a little bit. You noticed Josuke was sweating and panting slightly, but your eyes traveled to Okuyasu fumbling with the magazines behind and you tried to make out what he was doing.
But Josuke wouldn't let you discover their evil plan for anything in the world, and so, he cupped both your cheeks in his large hands earning a gasp from you as he almost squished them, and turned your head back to face him.
He leaned down to your height and your eyes widened, puzzled by his spontaneous actions.
"Y/N Look at me! Look at my eyes!" He stared at you with a serious expression and you blushed at his sudden bold act and how close he was.
"J-jojo...?" You yelped as your heart was beating fast in your chest.
You were so confused as to what the hell was going on and why they were acting so weird. You knew the two could be up to some truly bizarre adventures sometimes, but that was just so strange.
Whatever they were trying to distract you from, it was working. His face was so close to yours, and his big hands were so warm, you subconsciously put your small ones over his wrists in response, face now red with blood and adrenaline.
You were beyond puzzled at everything that was happening, but you were so lost in Josuke's ocean blue eyes, you completely forgot about what Okuyasu was hiding so clumsily.
Speak of the devil, the tan male suddenly came up to you both, and Josuke released you from his grasp as his best friend made a surprisingly genius offer.
"Ohh Y/N, you didn't pay for that milk yet, right? Good, it's my treat then! Josuke, let's get some too! I'm thirsty."
The scar-faced boy casually wrapped a large arm around your shoulders and swiflty turned you around in his strong hold, effectively dragging you away from the adult section of the store, and barely letting you any time to even glance at the overly sexual display around you.
"Eh? What about that manga you wanted to show me?" You looked back at Josuke, regaining your composure slowly.
"Oh that? Never mind, it's not important anyway- Hey Okuyasu, do you want banana flavor or chocolate?" The fourth Jojo quickly changed the subject as he opened the fridge doors and picked up some drinks.
"You guys are acting so weird today..." You loved the boys, and they usually brought you into their messes, that wasn't anything new, but sometimes you really couldn't understand them. "I'll go wait in line while you guys make up your minds."
You gently patted Okuyasu's chest who almost forgot to let you go and you walked away towards the cash register.
When you were finally out of earshot, they both stared at each other, thinking of how they just dodged a bullet so big, it might as well just have been an atomic bomb.
"D-dude... That was so clutch man...." Josuke sighed, still swallowing his stress out and his best friend only shut his eyes and cringed before grabbing his drink.
"Just shut up, let's not talk about it..."
"Aaahh!!" Okuyasu let out a loud sigh of delight as he sipped his banana milk. "Man, that hit the spot."
"Yeah! Nothing better than some fresh milk in the summer. Great idea Y/N."
You three walked out of the store and headed back home, enjoying your drinks. You giggled at their over-the-top reaction and handed them your own carton.
"You guys want to try strawberry flavor?"
"Oohh~" Okuyasu gushed before smirking and taking the item from your hands. "An indirect kiss from my little Y/N! Lucky~"
Josuke gasped and snatched the drink as well, snickering when he was done. "Can't say no when she's the one who proposed huehue!"
"Well you both drank from the same straw, so technically you two kissed too!" You laughed at their priceless shocked facial expressions.
"Naah dude, no homo, no homo." Josuke patted his friend's back, reassuring him with the holy expression famous for saving countless men from potential homosexuality.
Okuyasu sighed in relief. "Yeah, no homo! Still in the bro zone, bro."
You snorted at their questionable reasoning and kept on walking when you suddenly saw two familiar faces coming towards you.
"Oh! It's Koichi and Yukako!" You waved and smiled at the couple who approached you.
"Oh hey guys, what are you doing?" The short male greeted with a smile.
"Oh nothing much, I bumped into them in the konbini." You sheepishly answered and Yukako quirked an eyebrow at the two suspicious looking males next to you.
"Really?" She feigned, still staring at them. "What were they doing without you I wonder..."
"I don't know, reading manga I think? I'm not sure, they wouldn't tell me." You tried to look between her and them and they seemed to glare at the girl as hard as she did them.
"Huh?" She scoffed and shifted her weight on one leg." I bet you guys were reading porn again. Y/N I can't believe your patience around those guys."
"HUUUHHH???" Koichi yelled in pure surprise at the revelation and you three widened your eyes.
"YOU FREAKIN- OH MY GOD SHUT UP!" Okuyasu gasped and screamed at the girl who was smirking in victory.
"W-what?" You stuttered and looked at the two visibly stressed boys. "Po-... I don't- ... What??"
"Y/N DON'T LISTEN TO HER SHE'S LYING!" Josuke guiltily tried to reason as you covered your mouth in shock.
"Well it's the truth, right? Did I hit a sensitive subject, perhaps?" The brunette chuckled cutely, infuriating your friends even more.
Josuke sprinted towards Yukako who easily hoisted her awe-struck boyfriend over her shoulder and ran for dear life, having no regrets whatsoever.
An old one. A very old fic, it hurts to read it. I'm going to go ahead and post some old stuff I wrote just to get them out of my drafts. I hope they'll be enough for my beautiful gangsters.
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the-safety-pins · 2 years
Hey i know you were getting into the conversation, but because of your implication disordered system = constant suffering, im gonna block you. I know you might see this as cowardly and laugh at me or whatever but at this point you're just speaking over someone with DID whos saying being disordered doesnt have any moral weight to it. Please think next time before you make the implication DID=always dysfunctional. It would mean a lot to me and a lot of other people with CDDs
this is fucking hilarious. not saying who sent this but i know who did, and yeah absolutely embarrassing shit here. context: they were arguing all systems were disordered and traumagenic, that everyone else was faking or wrong, no one without OSDDID could use the term “alter” or “system,” and pwOSDDID couldnt identify as singlets/not plural.
all of that’s bullshit, and i said as much.
i hope it’s clear by my usual content, but i did not imply that. i said disordered plurality causes distress, because it does, that’s what qualifies it as a disorder. a disordered system has not achieved healthy functioning, because if they did, they wouldn’t have the disorder even by the DSM’s standards. this is also conveniently ignoring i brought that up because saying fully healthy and functional plurality is a disorder would mean homosexuality would be back in the DSM too, and there’s a reason it’s not.
weird to say that acknowledging what makes something a disorder and why it matters is saying disorders are morally bad. especially to someone who is very open about having numerous disorders, including a dissociative disorder (i do not disclose which one), and being a disordered system.
(also the use of CDD here to refer to DID is violently ableist and incorrect jsyk :) thats not what CDDs are and the implications of this use? disgusting!!)
so anyway, if you’re reading this, yes, you ARE a coward, and yes, i AM laughing at you. especially because you sent a message to get the last word in before sending an anon and blocking me. this is actually legitimately pathetic and embarrassing behavior, and i’m not falling for your guilt tripping because you take every criticism of your harmful beliefs as ableism.
grow up, please. if you’re genuinely so huwt and scawed and im being such a meanie, you’re fully allowed to silently block without being this ridiculously petty about it and should have done that. but it’s not about that, and you know it isn’t. it’s about being right and not having to reconsider your beliefs. it’s about getting the last word in.
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infinitys-spirits · 3 years
I’m sorry but I just have to get this out. Gay men are absolutely capable of misogyny, even if they aren’t causing direct sexual harm to women. Even our own “TEHM allies”. How many times have you heard gay dudes complain about how “disgusting” vaginas were and how they look like cold cuts and shit. It’s gross language that we shouldn’t tolerate just because the gay man also happens to be gender critical. I’m not trying to be homophobic to them or anything, but it really rubs me the wrong way when I witness that. We should hold our male allies accountable for any misogynistic language they use against women of any orientation. It especially irks me how they talk about TIFs. I understand that sometimes they can get harassed by TIFs, but have some sympathy. Those girls are going through a hard time. They just want a relationship where they will be equal and valued. It isn’t right for them to say homophobic things or overcompensate with their own misogynistic behavior, but they’re hurting inside. Especially the heterosexual TIFs. Heterosexual relationships can be very dangerous for the women involved. These girls (most of them are fairly young it seems) are seeing how straight women in society are viewed and they’re trying to cope with it. Without a healthy outlet for their frustrations (like genuine therapy) they seek out things like yaoi and try to replicate the loving relationships depicted there. I feel sorry for them and it’s terrible that society treats them as it does. So TEHMs, have some sympathy. Call out predatory TIFs that try to force themselves into male homosexuality, but don’t insult them. Don’t degrade them. They’ll probably end up detransitioning and finding their own peace. They’re hurting, so don’t add any more unnecessary pain to their lives. Know your place. Misogyny from TEHMS ought not be tolerated within radfems circles, no matter how deplorable the target’s actions are.
Edit: There seems to be some confusion. I’m not saying DON’T call out TIFs for shitty behavior. But we should bear in mind the pain they might be feeling that is causing the shitty behavior. You’re welcome to correct them, but don’t just dismiss them as a shitty person and call it a day. I used to know a few TIFs who would say absolutely rotten things about gay men, but they eventually detransitioned and expressed to me how regretful they were of their actions. They were in pain (physical and mental) and had regrets about transitioning. Because of the cultish nature of TRA communities, they bottled up their feelings and tried to cope on doubling down on behavior that they thought was masculine and tough like they wanted to be.
Also, we still shouldn’t tolerate TEHMs in our spaces saying insulting and misogynistic things about women just because they aren’t attracted to us. TEHM allies are our guests and being accepted in radfem spaces is a privilege that we should revoke if they abuse it. All women are welcome here, even ones we disagree with. Men are on thin fucking ice from day one.
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lesbian-kyoru · 3 years
lesbian kyoru thoughts
because i’ve gotta start living up to my url sometime. so consider:
kyo. yes, my lesbian fave. and it’s just so easy to read kyo as a lesbian while changing very little about the story. have we considered how inherently queer the “monster inside you trope” is? and especially because kyo’s arc in canon is largely about learning self-acceptance, forgiveness, and self-love through falling in love with tohru, i think the true form arc serves as an excellent allegory for kyo coming to terms with her sexuality, since in both cases it’s all about tohru staying by kyo’s side unconditionally, in spite of things that kyo views as “monstrous” about herself. it’s the monster lesbian story i want please give it to me!!!!!
for this AU, i’d have kyo already out as a lesbian at the beginning of the story, in sort of an open secret way. the sohmas definitely know that kyo is a lesbian, and it’s looked down upon by the sohma clan. the notable exception would be tohru, who doesn’t know that kyo is a lesbian—and same with true form, kyo does not want tohru to find out that she’s a lesbian because she thinks that, if tohru sees this part of her that she has no control over, it will ruin everything and completely disgust tohru
along with just fitting kyo’s overwhelming lesbian vibes, i think this creates a really good dichotomy between yuki, who is the golden boy of the family and deeply closeted, and kyo, very aggressively not in the closet and the black sheep/outcast of the family. wlw mlm hostility at its finest
and now we have tohru. while kyo is already out as a lesbian, tohru is deeply closeted, deeply unaware that she’s closeted, and also just. deeply repressing that she is a lesbian djjdjdjdjdkdj. i really like having this contrast in tohru and kyo’s experiences with coming out and realizing their sexualities because i think it fits their different personalities + upbringings, and also it just would be nice to have more than one Coming Out Narrative in a single piece of media. tohru is that girl in high school who absolutely knows what being gay means, grew up around queer people (kyoko’s girl gang hello…..), her entire friend group is made up of queer people—but she’s still like no i’m just the token straight friend in the group :) until…..lmfao
this mirrors tohru’s canon arc really well because she struggles so much with repression, particularly with repressing what she considers as “ugly” parts of herself, as well as her true feelings for kyo a lot. you can also draw a really neat parallel in the way that tohru accepts kyo’s true form in a very loving, non-judgemental manner, but it’s a lot harder to accept her own “ugly” qualities. i think that makes such a perfect connection to like, she’s obviously not homophobic and accepts that kyo is a lesbian no problem! but then when she falls in love with kyo, it’s a lot harder for tohru to accept that she is also gay because of intense internalized homophobia that she’s directing at herself
also bringing up our favorite gay yuki again, something that would be super fascinating in this is AU would be how yuki still envies how kyo embodies a lot of hyper-masculine, boyish traits, which yuki feels he can’t present in the same way. in this AU, there’s another layer to yuki’s jealousy though because kyo is a girl doing that. so yuki almost resents that kyo can pull that off and innately have those qualities come so easily to her (like being more brash and confident, getting along with groups, being more typically aggressive and “boyish”), when yuki is the one who is male and feels like those traditional masculine behavior expectations should come more easily to him
this would also tie really nicely into how yuki loves tohru like a mother, where it adds another layer to kyo seeing tohru in a way that yuki can't. not only does yuki agonize over how he doesn’t love tohru romantically when heteronormativity makes him feel like he should—now, you also have kyo being able to see tohru “the way a man sees a woman” when kyo is a woman but yuki is a man, adding even more to yuki’s big bad comphet struggle
this just adds so much to yuki and kyo’s already very complicated dynamic, because now you have yuki’s internalized homophobia making him hate himself and directing that at kyo, scapegoating her as causing all of their problems with akito and the sohma clan by being out herself. meanwhile, kyo would struggle even more with eventually acknowledging that yuki isn’t the perfect, straight sohma prince that she views him as, and that hating yuki won’t fix her internalized self-hatred. all of this makes even more prominent that underlying theme of “you have everything i have ever wanted when you don’t deserve it, and i hate you but why can i not be more like you.” again, mlm wlw hostility at its finest
yes, yuki and kyo did hate-makeout once. yes, it did confirm for both of them that they are in fact homosexuals
one last thought: i know a huge facet of canon is that people of the opposite sex hugging triggers the zodiacs’ animal transformations, which is heteronormative lol. but honestly, i would keep the curse being activated by opposite sex hugs even in this AU—because i think it would be super interesting to explore how girls touching each other is a lot more socially accepted as “platonic” even when it is definitely not platonic lmao. but on the flip side of that, you can also then explore the Lesbian Experience of feeling like you’re evil and weird for thinking a girl is pretty and wanting to hold her hand, and therefore never so much as looking at a girl no matter what Ever
it’s already iconic how takaya accidentally Invoked Gay in canon by making kakeru the only friend of yuki’s that he can experience touch and physical affection from because they’re both male.....that’s gay shit.....but there are SO MANY LAYERS when you add lesbian kyoru to the mix. miss deeply closeted tohru is falling hard for kyo and slowly testing the waters with touch—brushing up against kyo, tapping on her shoulder, holding her hand….because they’re both girls and just friends right? it doesn’t mean anything because tohru is straight right? LMFAO meanwhile kyo is convinced that her crush on tohru is absolutely evil, and even though touching her wouldn’t trigger kyo’s transformation, it still terrifies her way more than touching a guy ever will
it just would be such a power move, in a story where opposite sex hugs are a magical taboo, to have your main lesbian couple not dealing with any problems because of the magical taboo that doesn’t apply to them—but because of the much more understated taboo of their queerness, coming from internalized homophobia and fears of “transforming” into something inhuman and monstrous if they ever gave into their true feelings!!!! i just!!!!! ahhhhhh LESBIANS!!!!!!
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ablaske · 2 years
Bury Your Gays trope?? In the year of our lord 2022?? Is Miss Laura even a homosexual
i'm not even sure miss girl has ever even watched a single episode of killing eve, or watched any good tv her entire life that is. I don't think she would even get access to an ao3 account because she just sucks as a writer. laura neal is my enemy first, shitty showrunner second. a disgrace. i want her arrested for anti-rainbow crimes, this is unacceptable. outrageousness. absolute disgusting behavior
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silentforestgods · 3 years
I haven’t seen anyone acknowledging it before but since I feel obliged as a Greek and because these are my gods, I would like to point out some things that have perturbed me in AC Odyssey when I recently played it. I am thankful for the game reconstructing my country as it was when it was still truly Greece (despite the game taking place during its decline), but the way the developers created the main character to behave and the dialogue towards our gods is truly disgusting. So if any polytheist, especially one who worships the Greek gods, plays through this game, please be aware of how it is and don’t take what it portrays to heart. Our gods are to be respected, just like from any other religion, and are not to be treated so poorly in a game that is supposed to be representing our ancient traditions.
One thing that I soon began noticing was that I could hardly go to any place of worship without Kassandra negatively commenting on something or saying some snide remark against the god of the place. I do not know exactly what the intention was to have the main character behave this way, but I have the nagging feeling that it was to push people away from admiring our religion too much by casting mockery upon it. One thing that was infuriating for me was how they blatantly showed disrespect and contempt towards Aphrodite, who was always a beloved goddess of the Greeks. When Kassandra enters her city, she makes the comment “Korinth: the city of pots, prostitutes, and not much else.” This comment is clearly being degrading towards our sacred practices of Aphrodite and trying to diminish the goddess in her own city. But even then, Kassandra makes another comment: “People come here to worship Aphrodite? The real beauty here is the view.” This is an incredibly disgusting and insulting comment towards our goddess and the people who wrote this dialogue should feel great shame for this. It is extremely disrespectful and I cannot stand that our culture can simply be stomped upon like this just because no-one is really taking it seriously anymore.
There is also the situation with how the game developers obviously put in homosexual characters just to manipulate gay people into buying the game (I won't even get into how they allow a child rapist to be a "gay" romance option). This is of course irritating on its own, but then they just had to put a lesbian in the Temple of Artemis. Were there supposed to be historians working on this game or not? Artemis is a Virgin Goddess, she does not ever have sex with anyone. This is how our goddess is and no, she was never attracted to women either; this is an insult to our goddess as well. And the nymphs that Artemis is described as having as her attendants? Those are actually nine-year-old nymphs, so people who make sexual comments about that need to stop. I don’t know if the people making this game were just ignorant and trying to make things more “gay” or if they purposefully wanted to insult Artemis, but either way, this is something that should not have happened. The priestesses of Artemis in ancient Greece had to take a solemn oath to remain virgins for their whole lives; the penalty of going against this was death. This is how seriously we took our deities, for going back on your vow to them was a severe crime. Artemis would not tolerate such a thing ever, so the fact that you can fuck one of her priestesses is horrible and a great insult towards this goddess who would absolutely act in wrath against this situation.
There is also the quest with the worshipper of Hermes. When Kassandra investigates and then goes to sit behind the statue of Hermes, pretending to speak for him, it makes the woman who worships him appear foolish and naïve. Afterwards, Kassandra just says to her “No gods in the caves. Only bandits stealing peoples' hopes and drachmae.” Sure, because none of our gods actually matter to these people. Other times throughout the game Kassandra will just make subtle remarks against the gods such as “The gods didn’t hear you, but I’m here.” Or when you go to the Temple of Zeus and she mocks her friend for feeling the presence of Zeus and Hera by saying that she “thought it was the wind.” These all could easily be overlooked by people, but since my gods are all beloved to me and they express great contempt towards the behaviors shown in this game, I would like to point these out so non-hellenists and beginning hellenists can know. The gods are fully deserving of respect and are not to be treated in this way. Our religion is not something childish or to be mocked. If anyone wants to make something showing our culture, whether they are atheists or not, they need to show proper respect and not treat our deities as meaningless jokes. There is more that I could go on about, but I will leave it as this and encourage people to not fall into this bad example that was portrayed.
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
medium luci
ao3 link
content warnings: homophobia, comphet, child abuse, abusive relationships
It’s rare that Susan and Neil have the same weekday off. Neil typically works five days a week and she three or four, depending who’s on staff, being that she’s only part-time. But he’d had a dentist appointment midmorning so he’d taken today off and decided to make his hours up by volunteering for a double next week.
Susan doesn’t typically care to spend any extra time alone with her husband. They have so little to talk about these days, now that he doesn’t try to butter her up or feed her honey sweet lies as much as he used to. Now that Neil doesn’t care to talk much at all unless ranting or complaining about the various things he doesn’t like, his son’s style of dress, women who sit with their legs open, cab drivers who don’t speak English. Susan doesn’t even remember the last time Neil had to take a cab but he has strong opinions on them nonetheless, and the list goes on and on.
He thankfully hasn’t done much of that today, however. He’d parked himself in front of the television after coming home from his appointment and simply nodded when Susan announced she was going out to garden. She only comes inside when she hears the phone ring and by the time she’s walking up the back steps, Neil’s already answered it.
She watches his expression change as he converses with whomever’s on the other end, nervousness fluttering in her chest as his eyes widen, then harden.
“I’ll be right there,” Neil concludes as he hangs up, turning those hard eyes onto Susan. “That was the school.”
“Oh dear…what’s Billy done this time?”
“Not Billy.” Neil shakes his head and Susan’s heart drops with the realization her husband isn’t just irritated but seething, knuckles blanched as his hands ball into tight fists. “Maxine. Did you know the Sinclairs have a girl around her age?”
“N-No, I didn’t. I’m not very familiar with them, Neil.” Susan never had much luck getting close to anyone anymore, not in the least because of Neil himself.
“Apparently Maxine is,” he declares icily. “A teacher caught her and the Sinclair girl fornicating under the bleachers.”
Susan’s heart turns to stone and sinks into her stomach.
Please, no.
Neil has very strong opinions about sexuality in general and homosexual conduct in particular, and Susan can practically feel the outrage radiating from him. It crackles in the air like the promise of a lightning storm. Neil’s fists are still clenched and his posture goes taut like it always does before he explodes.
“W-Well,” Susan begins, swallowing past the lump in her throat.
She hates herself for what she is going to say. She says it anyway.
“Well, you know where she learned that kind of b-behavior from, don’t you?”
Because if Neil is going to explode, Susan can’t stop him. But she hopes she can at least encourage the worst of it away from Max. She watches Neil’s eyes flicker and knows they’re both remembering the day they came home early from the short vacation they’d taken for their fifth anniversary, a girl and a boy sneaking out of Billy’s bedroom window, neither particularly clothed. She watches the angry bulge of the vein pulsing in his neck and knows they’re both thinking of that short young fellow with the skateboard who worked at the used car lot during the day and spent his time with Billy during the night.
“Yes, I know exactly where she learned it from. I’m picking both of them up and we’re all going to have a family discussion.”
“I should come with you.”
“No.” Neil holds up his hand. “Stay here, Susan. We’ll be back soon enough.”
Neil has gun powder in his gaze and she dares not argue. She lowers her head and steps aside when he walks past to fetch the truck keys from the hook. He stomps down the steps and slams the backdoor shut behind him.
Susan watches through the window as he gets into the truck and pulls out of the driveway, feeling dreadfully ill. She doesn’t mean what she’d said, of course. There are a number of behaviors that Max has picked up from Billy, but that isn’t one of them. If anyone is to blame, Susan supposes it’s herself for passing it along intrinsically.
She has her own secret desires locked away within the chambers of her heart. Desire she dares not confront for her own sanity, for her own safety. She’s never acted on her wants, always chose to play private games of hide and seek with them in her head instead, those insidiously innocent wishes of hers. Never spoken aloud let alone pursued those urges that flush hot beneath her skin when she finds her eyes drawn to other women’s lips, hips, breasts.  
Susan gave it to Max and unlike her, Max is brash and bold and brave. God save her, Max does what she wants to do and doesn’t care what other people think. Susan would admire her for it if it didn’t scare her to death.
Because Neil does care what other people think. He cares very much. And Susan’s seen him annoyed with Max in the past. She’s seen him frustrated with Max, displeased, exasperated. But never has she seen the silent stirring of a reign of rage to come where Max is concerned, never has she known that particular look in Neil’s eye to be directed Max’s way. She can only hope—
Oh, it’s such a despicable thing to hope for. Susan has poison in her soul, she swears she must. But Billy isn’t remotely hers and Max very much is.
* * * 
Susan doesn’t know if it was actually her remark that spurred Neil to turn the blame on Billy or if this was the conclusion he would’ve come to anyway. Neil often blames Max’s mishaps and mischiefs on Billy. Billy being the older sibling meant to lead by example. Billy being the older brother, meant to keep his younger sister out of trouble to begin with.
Her remark or Neil’s default thought process, in any case, it’s Billy he’s glaring at in the living room. Angrily dictates that Billy take off his shirt, belt in hand. Susan grabs a very pale Max’s shoulders and begins to usher her down the hall.
“Where are you taking Maxine?”
Susan freezes, mouth going dry.
Neil’s looking their way now, brow arched, stern and skeptical.
“She isn’t going to learn if she doesn’t watch, Susan,” he declares with no room for argument. “Bring her back.”
Susan swallows, hands tightening on Max’s shoulders. Something dies inside her when she turns her daughter around. She buries it silently as she’s buried so many other pieces before and avoids Max’s eyes boring into her as she marches her back to the living room. Neil motions for them to sit on the couch, sunlight glinting off the metal buckle. Billy doesn’t bother to disguise his disdain, glaring murder, nostrils flaring like an ornery bovine. Susan suspects he’ll pay for this too.
“Your behavior today was beyond inappropriate, Maxine,” Neil tells her coldly. “Unnatural, disgusting, absolutely unacceptable.”
Max squirms next to Susan, hands tucking under her thighs. She is stone faced but this close, Susan can feel her shaking.
“Now, I know it’s not all your fault. Big Brother here’s taught you—“
“I didn’t teach her shit!” Billy cuts him off, sharp and acidic. “I told her to steer clear from Sinclair, this isn’t on me!”
Neil punches his son in the stomach with all the affect of swatting a fly, once, twice. Susan flinches. Billy’s gasping, breath knocked out of him. He staggers and Neil viciously shoves him to the floor.
“She saw you with that faggot’s tongue down your throat, don’t think I don’t know! I know you, I know the kind of shit you think you can get away with behind my back!” Neil roars like thunder. “Well, now it’s my turn to teach her a thing or two! Pay attention, Maxine!”
Max stiffens beside her. She opens her mouth to protest and Susan grabs her arm, sinking her nails in. Startled, Max's eyes dart to her. Susan gives a tiny shake of the head, urging her not to speak. Max bends her elbow like a chicken wing and jerks her arm out of Susan’s grasp. Ire flares in her gaze but she holds her tongue. She does not challenge Neil as he begins beating Billy with the belt.
Susan can’t watch. She lowers her eyes to the floor. She can see the movement in the shadows, Neil’s rapid whipping of the improvised weapon and Billy’s form jolting with the blows. Susan shuts her eyes to the shadows but she can still hear it, thick, hard leather striking bare flesh.
“Don’t turn away, Maxine,” Neil barks at some point between the sounds of violence.
Billy doesn’t cry out. Eventually it’s over. Susan raises her head and cannot bear more than a glance at her stepson braced on his hands and knee. The belt now rests at Neil’s side and still, her stomach is churning.
“If there is ever a repeat of the conduct you displayed today, there will be consequences. Is that understood, Maxine?”
Max looks to Susan. Her eyes are wavering. Then they glean whatever it is they were searching for from Susan’s and harden.
“Yes,” she mumbles.
“Yes, what?”
Max clears her throat.
“Yes, sir,” she corrects, louder and clearer.
“Both of you to your rooms,” he commands. “I want both of you to reflect on your actions until it’s time for dinner.”
“Yes, sir,” Billy answers this time, climbing to his feet in the corner of Susan’s eye. She remains on the couch as her daughter rises and plods down the hall, cheeks as red as the cherry atop a sundae. Flushed as red as the welts on Billy’s back that have Susan’s stomach in ropes even though she only spares a brief glance.
Neil sets the belt aside and plops down in his armchair. “Can you get me a beer, Susan?”
She nods and rises, quietly fetching one. Pops the tab and then passes it to him before she excuses herself. In times like this, Susan wants to leave more than anything. She wants to grab Max and take her far, far away. But she can’t imagine they would get anywhere, truly.
Neil controls the finances. Susan makes less money than he does and every cent she does earn inevitably winds up under Neil’s attentive purview. In a distant, ostensible kind of way Susan understands there are shelters for women in her situation. Shelters out there, somewhere…aren’t there? For her situation?
Neil hasn’t actually put his hands on her. Not yet. Not like what he just did to Billy. Hasn’t actually done so to Max, although the threat of that unfolded in the living room in a way that could not be more crystal clear. The threat alone feels like a fist to Susan, invisible fist clenched tight around her insides and squeezing so hard she's nauseous.  
Is the threat enough? Would Susan and Max be accepted on the basis of threats alone?
Provided she could ever find such a place to begin with. Susan doesn’t have the faintest clue of where to look for what feels more like a nebulous fantasy of a sanctuary than a tangible reality. A shimmering oasis in the desert. Even if she were to locate such a place, what if it were at full capacity?
What if she and Max got turned away?
That would mean choosing between being homeless or going back to Neil. Going back to Neil after a failed escape would certainly mean him making good on all those threats of his, the ones verbal and non. The examples explicit in his words and implicit in his actions. Above all, any failed escape would certainly ensure there would be no second escape.
Susan isn’t going anywhere. And neither is Max. The very notion is abstract and distorted, floating just out of reach in a gaussian blur of a wish. Their home isn’t a good home. But it is the home they have and so, Susan will simply have to do her best to make sure Max never does anything like this again. That Max never does anything to get Neil’s attention like that, nothing to stoke the coals always smoldering in his choleric soul. That as painful as it's sure to be, Max learns to keep certain parts of herself under lock and key.
When dinner is in the oven and Neil is engrossed in his program, Susan slips off to Max’s bedroom. She knocks quietly and lets herself in. Her throat knots up at the tear tracks on her daughter’s cheeks, far more gutting than the way she bristles as Susan steps closer, the sheer hurt in her eyes.
“What do you want?”
The same things as you, Susan thinks irresistibly. And I’d go after them too, if I didn’t know better.
“I’m sorry, Max.”
Max huffs and turns away. “Whatever.”
“I am.”
“No you’re not. You’re just like Neil, you think I’m disgusting,” Max spits, hiking her legs up on the bed and hugging her knees to her chest. “You think Billy’s disgusting too, you couldn’t even look at him.”
“No, I don’t…oh, Max.” Susan swallows and lowers herself to a sit beside her on the bed, gently placing a hand on her knee. She swallows her heartbreak when Max’s eyes flash as though the touch scalds her. “Neil and I disagree about many things. This is one of them.”
“Then why didn’t you say that?” The blaze in Max’s eyes dies down, voice softening to cinders. “Why didn’t you stop him?”
“Oh, he’s so much bigger than me, Max.” Susan sags with familiar defeat. “And I— I don’t think it’s wrong, you and this girl.”
“I’m sure Lucy is lovely,” leaves Susan’s lips, this fragile whisper she dares not tempt fate to speak above. “I could never think that you’re disgusting. But I’m just me, Max, and Neil is bigger, and the world…the world too, is so much bigger than I am. You can’t— never, ever in public.”
Max’s eyes widen. Susan shifts on the bed and moves her hands, finds both of Max’s and squeezes tight.
“You cannot be open with feelings like that. You can’t take girls to your school dances, you can’t kiss them where other people could see.”
Max lets out an angry growl even as her eyes well up.
“It’s not fair!”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“That’s not good enough!”
“I know.” She knows, oh, she knows, she’s never not choking on it.
Max chews her lip, scarlet and fuming. Susan halfway expects her daughter to headbutt her or holler right in her ear until she deafens. But after a moment it’s almost as if Max can decode all the things she cannot say because her hands twist under Susan’s and intertwine their fingers.
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angrypomerianian · 3 years
asexual bakubabe! and he’s hella supportive of midoriya and todoroki’s relationship. (he doesn’t show it, but he is. he also cares about the two of them even if he won’t admit it.) mina and denki get told off, but they are good people! denki is also just taught wrong, as people aroung him have been telling him that. he gets better!
also, this is also kind of my rant fic so details may be a little messy!
izuku woke up in todoroki’s arms. he tried to get up, but he only tightened his arms even more. izuku smiled, thinking how blessed he was to have such a nice boyfriend.
a voice drifted from downstairs, “izuku, shouto, get up or your going to be late!”
his mother had walked in on them once, which was mortifying, but she was very supportive. she had burst into tears, of course, which was awkward for shouto, but after that they built a nice relationship.
after that, inko also decided to buy some earplugs. because of the... night time activities. yes, that’s what we’ll call it.
shouto slowly woke from his slumber, groaning and twisting around in the fluffy blanket. izuku patted his cheek, and his eyes opened.
“good morning, izu.” izuku giggled. that was something shouto and kacchan called him, as they were his closest friends. kacchan would never admit it but the three knew it was true.
“good morning, shouto!”
shouto sat up, groaning and stretching. he started picking up his uniform and other strewn clothes covered in a sticky substaces, if you know what i mean.
they went downstairs to be greeted by inko and plates filled with pancakes and fruit.
it was a monday, and what a beautiful day it was. the grass was green, the sky was blue, and the sun was shining. shouto and izuku were walking together, pinkies slightly touching. they’d been in a relationship for a few months, keeping it a secret as they were afraid of their opinions.
they walked into the classroom, and many students were already there. they said their hellos to uraraka and iida, sitting down in their respective seats.
katsuki entered next, giving a nod to the couple. he’d already known about their relationship because he accidently walked in on them making out.
they didn’t notice, but they heard him screach, drop a bunch of things, and fall to the floor. they looked at him, his eyes widened with shock and disgust, and they immediately thought he was homophobic.
shouto was already ready to tell him off, but katsuki interupted him, “jesus FUCK you idiots! what the fuck are you doing making out in the FUCKING LOCKER ROOM!? go to the dorm room or some shit, an a s e x u a l student is trying to FUCKING CHANGE!”
they were both surprised. they’d already known that katsuki had no sexual interests, but they were shocked by the support. of course, he found out in the worst way possible, but they had a friend (katsuki will never admit it) that supported them.
izuku impatiently waited for class to end, he wanted to go home with shouto and spend some alone time together on this beautiful day.
izuku was wrong. it was a terrible, terrible day because both denki and mina were teaming up on them.
mina giggled, “it seems like you and todoroki got closer, don’t you think?”
denki nodded, “you both are on first name basis, too.”
izuku squeaked, “we’re best friends!”
“you were best friends at the beginning of the year, too!” denki put in.
“i think it’s love!“ mina said.
iida waved his arms around, “that’s a little intrusive, mina!” commanding as ever.
mina waved a hand dismissively, “whatever, this boy needs some love! and maybe some sex while he’s at it!”
izuku squeaked, and the girls’ cheeks reddened. sero started laughing. even katsuki’s eyes wavered slightly, unfocused. “i need no such thing!” izuku wheezed.
"it's like none of you have thought about it before. come on, we're all healthy teens. sexual tension is flying, and some of it most definitely needs to be resolved!" she exclaimed, gesturing with open palms. then she looked around wildly.
denki also agreed.  "sex. mina and i have experience in the arts of knowing these things, and we are here to counsel you. you're hopeless, the lot of you." she pointed at ochaco. "you need sex." he pointed at kirishima. "you need sex." katsuki. "you need sex. teenagers need sex, adults need sex. it's a natural part of life! but you two..." denki faced izuku and shouto, grinning. “you’ve already had it, didn’t you? it was recent.”
shouto was struggling to keep his poker face, and was fuming silently next to him. they were all silent, until katsuki exploded. it wasn’t one of those loud explosions either. his facade of not paying attention was shattered, and he slowly stood up, hands banging against the table, so loud that everyone startled.
katsuki was furious. anger rolled off him in waves. "enough!" katsuki wasn’t yelling, or giving off explosions. he was hissing, but was still loud enough for everyone to hear. "stop spreading your shit. sex is not necessary. sex is not for teens. not for us anyway. sex is for love or pleasure or not at all. don't spread your lies. you're absolute perverts, we're all only 16. i don't care what you two do in your own time, but you do not poison anyone else. i already have to put up with you all enough of the time without this shitty talk. so let me tell you this, nice. and. clear." he leaned over to where mina and denki sat, wide-eyed and terrified. "you say i need sex? let me teach you something new. you've never been able to accept that I don't fucking like to be among people socially, but perhaps you'll understand this; i don't need sex. i don't need touch. i loathe it. and right now, i loathe you. now i reccomend you both leave now, before i loathe you enough to move past words."
denki and mina couldn’t move faster. the entire table was silent, and katsuki was still fuming, watching them leave. he sat back into his hair, and carded his fingers through his fair. “jesus fuck.”
he stood up, and marched the opposite direction, also taking shouto and izuku with him. they left the cafeteria, leaving the class to sit in silence.
“well, i don’t need the sex talk with my parents right now?” momo tried.
katsuki pushed them against the wall, silent and tense. shouto was stiff, fists still clenched. katsuki rubbed a hand over his face, “shit, sorry about intruding like that. they just really pissed me off.”
shouto relaxed, and so did izuku. “thank you, kacchan!” “thank you, katsuki.”
he rolled his eyes, “whatever, i need to have a talk with those two.”
he left, leaving those two alone. shouto and izuku returned to the room, where the class was looking at them. kirishima put a hand on shouto’s shoulder, “he didn’t hurt you right?”
shouto immediately scowled, “no he fucking helped us. you shouldn’t be called his best friend if you’re going to doubt him like that.”
kirishima looked shocked, just like the rest of him, and the two left the room again. they heard katsuki talking to mina and denki, scolding them harshly.
“you two are unbelievable, you know that?” denki had the deceny to look a little ashamed, but mina looked like she was confused.
“those two have been dancing around each other, do you know how annoying it is to have to listen to each others rants about how amazing they think the other is? and they were worried that you guys would put them down, finding them disgusting. i saw you spying on them, like the nosey bitches you are, and i asked you not to bring it up. you agreed, even went as far as promise me, and you had the audacity to bring it up in front of everyone?”
“b-but it was gossip!” mina tried to protest. katsuki gave her the flattest look ever.
“yeah, and they were trying to avoid it, but you fuckmunches nearly gave it away. do you understand how they must’ve felt? it was lunch time. everyone was there, and you just had to bring it up in that room. couldn’t you have waited a little and ask them privately?”
“b-but what did we disrupt talking about sex?”
“because the two of them are in a secret relationship, which was supposed to be a secret, and just like how mineta was reacting to that, people aren’t very welcoming of two genders liking each other. they were terrified that you would bring that up, and you did. if i hadn’t intervened, you would’ve spilled it, wouldn’t you?”
mina and denki looked down in shame. they wanted to say no, they wouldn’t, but it was obvious they would’ve.
“b-but they’re liking the same gender!” denki protested.
"yes, kaminari. gay. does that threaten you?" katsuki responded in monotone, although they could both see the venomous eyes . "do you not remember what i said in the cafeteria? jesus fucking christ, not everything is cut straight and narrow like you. people are a whole range of colours you know. personally, i prefer shades of grey, but it does appear that shouto and izuku prefer blue, or the rainbow, or whatever you want to colour it. homosexual, queer, gay. but maybe you're more accustomed to terms such as faggot."
shouto and izuku were in shock by the ramble that katsuki went on. he doesn’t usually talk this much, but he seemed very set on supporting them and crushing anyone who were set on otherwise.
“if you have a problem with it, i’ll need to you leave the building. i hope you learned your lesson, but like i said in the cafeteria, if i start loathing you enough then i’ll be going past words.”
denki crossly looked at katsuki, “they’re wrong.”
katsuki lost his last line of patience. he punched the wall next to him, leaving a hole in the wall. “you’re wrong.”
kaminari pass out, and mina spoke up quietly, “you’re a good friend, katsuki. going that far to support them.”
he didn’t even spare a glance at her, “you no longer have the right to use my frist name. until i say so, you’ll be addressing me as bakugou. none of those childish nicknames either.”
when aizawa and all might checked the security cameras, they were in shock of the two student’s behavior, though it was expected. what was not expected, however, was that katsuki full on supported them. when they checked the other footages, anyone who said something was then seen bulldozed by one bakugou katsuki.
they decided to hold an emergency assembly, focusing on the importance of welcoming everyone, also playing the footage clip of katsuki telling the two off.
the class was half surprised about todoroki and midoriya, but welcomed them either way. kirishima also hugged the life out of katsuki until he almost lost an arm.
that day, the only two to survived katsuki’s wrath was the couple who’d sent him a gift basket filled with spicy sauce bottles.
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skullrock · 4 years
a humble rant
on the romanticism of abuse and fetishization of gay men in the ST fandom.
H*rringrove is one of the most popular ships in this fandom, and for what? Because Steve and B*lly and deemed sexy?
It’s baffling to me how people rationalize this ship. 
On romanticism:
A lot of folks who ship this ship and are confronted about it use the excuse that “in another world” Steve could “change” B*lly. He could make him better and remove that dead outer layer to reveal a warm interior. He could take B*lly to therapy and they could be this happy little family where everyone gets along. 
I realize this is a very popular trope - the sweet character makes the cold character break and fixes them. This is fine for like... idk... characters that haven’t almost died at the other’s hands? This would work if Character A was a sweetheart and kind while Character B was crabby and distant. It doesn’t apply when Character B beats the shit out of Character A, to a degree where Character A would have died in real life. It also should not apply to characters where there was a sense of torment that was never confronted and closure never received. 
But, back to the romanticization of abusive relationships - it’s extremely unhealthy to ship to men and say “well Steve could change B*lly <3″. No, that doesn’t fall on Steve, who has been abused by B*lly in the past. It’s not anyone’s responsibility to fix someone. It’s like... wild to me that it’s widely known that entering a relationship on the basis of being able to fix someone, or staying in a relationship that’s abusive because someone has a mental illness, is not okay - but apparently it’s okay to popularize it because “two men hot”?
And these folks tag their shit that Steve needs a hug and love and you really think he’s gonna get it from B*lly, who in Runaway Max mutilated a cat? B*lly has way more issues than being an abuse survivor. 
You want Steve to be happy and in a loving and caring relationship and yet ship him with someone who has a canon history of violence, racism, misogyny, and who tried to kill him... ok!
Truly no way you can spin this ship will make it amount to anything other than two hot guys.
-You want Steve to relate to someone as an abuse/neglect survivor? Jonathan is right there
-Sexual tension (which is also made up by yall lol)? Jonathan 
-Someone to love and appreciate Steve for who he is? absolutely anyone else in his age group, holy shit
please send any other excuses my way and I will hit them like a baseball out of the ball park babey. complete home run. the ball will evaporate bc I hit it out so hard.
This leads me to:
On fetishization:
When every other reason is broken down, it leaves this - two men that are hot that shared one scene that can be slightly interpreted as homoerotic but is actually just B*lly emasculating Steve.
Look, I get it - I guess - many people ship cute men because they’re cute and that's it. Like. I understand that. 
But holy shit. Any time any other homosexual ships come up, these shippers swat it away, passionately, whole-heartedly, going so far as to call Stonathan toxic. It’s almost as if it’s unfathomable to ship anyone except two “sexy” boys and for what?? Ya’ll think B*lly is a rat boy while the Rat King, Jonathan, is standing right there. 
I know for a fact that if B*lly looked like Keith y’all would be so up in arms...! That it’s abusive and disgusting and ew Steve should be dating someone sexy </3 where’s our OC with Dacre as a face claim </3
I also can understand wanting gay representation in media but why would you headcanon and abusive, violent, misogynistic racist as gay?? Isn’t that counterproductive??
It’s really just about people thinking it’s hot for Steve and B*lly to be together because they’re deemed sexy and that’s it!! 
And there’s really nothing so and about that - it’s the fact that there are mental hoops that are jumped through to defend this ship. People will bend over backwards 15 times to make it make sense, including creating a completely new B*lly, one that is so OOC that it can genuinely be considered a completely new character. If you’re going to ship H*rringrove at least own it! Don’t create a whole new B*lly and say “no this is the same one and he’s a sweetheart remember when he tried to kill children and murder a black boy for talking to his sister who he physically and verbally abuses <3″
what it comes down to:
This ship is toxic and unintelligible and simply based purely on two men being “hot” and therefore shipped. The relationship is either written to be extremely out of character, romanticizing abuse, or is, literally, abusive. It’s also a great example of cis white teens on this hellsite who ship things that make no sense and are actually detrimental in the name of good fun.
And maybe that’s all this is - good fun. People will ship what they ship and no one really should say “hey you’re an asshole for liking this.” It just truly blows my mind, the mental gymnastics some folks go through, to rationalize this ship and apologize for B*lly and his ridiculously toxic, racist, abusive, misogynistic behavior. 
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deductry · 3 years
the rest of my thoughts on season 3 episode 1, warning: long post and i got mean.
please don’t take any of these points personally if you are a fan of this show, as a former viewer I understand what made it appealing to fans
we all eat garbage here and we shall move on
so thing i’m writing as im watching
they put so much money into this show
miss Hudson assuming homosexuality and Cracker Freeman yelling “I AM NOT GAY” is supposed to be funny apparently
Mycroft: “Watson has gone on with his life.” Sherlock: “What life? I’ve been away.”
i mean yeah, John was as useful as a freaking keychain during the previous seasons (except that 1 time he shot a guy). now is this line trying to be cocky, or is this queerbaiting, or is it self-awareness of the uselessness of Watson in this show?
sherlock holmes is eccentric but this is literally inhuman behavior.
OKAY let me fix the restaurant scene
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First of all, in every instance of Sherlock and Watson in this series, its indicated that he would have wanted Johns undivided attention for his comeback, so to me it doesn’t make sense that he interrupted the proposal. And yes, he would have been able to tell John was about to propose the second he saw him (or even before going to the restaurant), I WAS.
it’s a nice restaurant, John is obviously waiting for a date, he’s wearing new clothes, he’s been in this relationship for a while, yet he’s visibly nervous as fuck, asked Sherlock for a bottle of champagne, not wine, and there’s a bigass bulging ring box in his pocket (which he btw pulled out while Sherlock was i guess fixing his eyeliner mustache or something)
And don’t say it makes sense that he wasn’t able to tell, if he was able to do THIS ↓
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?????? god i forgot how wild the observations became once they realized they didn’t have to explain shit.
people can theorize that he interrupted it out of jealousy but we know johnlock isn’t a thing here so stop trying to use queerbaiting as an excuse
he tells Watson “i need you”..... and i’m like. what does Watson do for him???? Sherlock certainly didn’t trust him as much as he trusted Molly or Mycroft or basically everyone else. Is he even gonna apologize to John in any way? Does he care for him as a person? maybe next time we’ll find out
mary watson is acting like a johnlock fangirl for some reason
sherlock not caring for human lives or justice is kind of lame and antithetical to his character, why does he try so hard to be a dick. explaining this with mental health issues (”he’s a high-functioning sociopath”) is also really nasty and ableist against people diagnosed with sociopathy, who normally work real hard not to be perceived as assholes
mycroft and sherlock fighting over who’s the smartest one omg.... its so cringe and not in a funny way, these are two grown ass men competing for who can say more words faster
did mycroft just say “elementary”?,,im also sure the actor also wrote this episode which makes it cringier
my favorite part is probably the old guy that brings porn into john’s office, too bad john’s a fucking idiot and has learned nothing
now we have a case that looks interesting, but turns out it’s fake it’s not a real case. and when Molly asks the one valid question “why?”, the scene just ends? (edited, it was apparently put there by Anderson to tempt him which... lame)
Sherlock is hallucinating John’s voice ??
Molly is around him trying to be useful but he isn’t teaching her absolutely anything or asking her to do anything but be a fixture which i guess is what he wanted John for
speaking of John he just got kidnapped, which is awesome because it’s something for him to do
Sherlock was nice to Molly which i liked, even though he was nice in a very weirdly unattached way, where at first it seemed like they were gonna leave together then he just walks away. okay.
IT MAKES NO SENSE THAT SHERLOCK DIDN’T TELL JOHN THAT HIS DEATH WAS FAKE, it just makes him a terrible friend honestly
also john is so dumb.,..... he spent all that time with Sherlock and never learned to observe or even ask questions, not to bring Elementary into this but Joan would have figured out he was alive the second she spoke to his parents or Molly.
Watson is just sitting there asking WHAT?! WHY?! as if it’s not possible for something to be, while fucking looking at the evidence that it is. He brings absolutely nothing to the table besides his surprised face
If this Sherlock was really smart he would have gotten at least 300 people involved in this bomb case by now instead of going alone and telling John not to call the cops. what’s the point of that? get all the credit? Sherlock Holmes? wanting to be recognized as the hero? that’s disgusting.
him scaring john with the bomb isn’t funny or smart, it’s cruel even for friends
THERE’S AN OFF SWITCH ON THE BOMB? of course because that’s how bombs absolutely work no question.
scenes of him just smugly brushing off people begging him for help... wow awesome, he’s such a savage
Molly’s boyfriend is so much hotter than benny c, so the joke about him dressing like Sherlock is really funny in an unexpected way.
Lastly, the case was never solved, we have no idea who put john in that fire oh but maybe next time we might find out....
i need a shower i feel dirty
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