#absentee parents tw
ellie-jcnes · 1 year
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Name: Eleanor “Ellie” Jones
Age: 31
Occupation: Waitress at Dolly's Diner
Pronouns & Gender: Cis woman, she/her
Faceclaim: Greta Onieogou
Neighborhood: Eastside
TWs: bad parenting, absentee parents, homelessness, pregnancy
Work hard, play hard. That’s what Ellie’s mother used to always say to her when she was a child. That she worked hard, two jobs most of the time, so that they could enjoy life. Well someone must have forgotten to tell Harriet Jones that she was supposed to be playing too because there was nothing in that woman’s world except for work. It was just Ellie and her mother growing up and she never really heard much about her father except that he didn’t want anything to do with his daughter and that was enough for her to know that she didn’t really have a parent who wanted her all that much but she always liked to imagine that he was some important country music star or a producer or something, someone who might someday come back for her. He never did.
It wasn’t that her mother didn’t love her, she was sure that in her own way she did. But she wasn’t the mom who baked cookies or took her kid to soccer practice after school or let her have sleepovers with her friends at the house. Harriet wasn’t the mom who would hold her kid when she was crying and tell her things were gonna be okay, or kiss her goodnight and tell her “I love you”. No, Harriet was the kind of mother who always made sure her daughter had food, clothes, and a safe place to live, but aside from that, she was on her own. It always felt a bit like her mom resented her and Ellie learned to be seen and not heard as much as possible because of it.
The day that Ellie turned 18 her mom kicked her out of the house and said “Good luck, don’t turn out like me.” before she left town and never came back. With no job and nowhere to go, Ellie was terrified. She slept in her car for two months until she was able to find a job at Dolly’s Diner washing dishes. There was nothing to fall back on for a girl with no family to speak of, so she relied on help from her friends to keep her afloat. One day when things were better, she made sure to pay everyone back for their kindness. Twelve years later Ellie still works at Dolly’s but at least now she’s a waitress and the tips help her survive.
Ellie has always been someone who mostly kept to herself because she didn’t want to get too attached to anyone. At least until she met Andy, anyway. He was sweet and charming and made her feel like she wasn’t a waste of his time the way other people tended to. He’d been her favorite customer at the diner for a while before he asked her out and he always made her feel like he saw her for who she was, even when Ellie was still trying to figure that out for herself. She hardly knew who she was so how could anyone else see that? But he did. He saw her and he knew her and that was perfect. All good things must come to an end in her life though and when she got pregnant, things got much harder than she expected them to. Andy wasn’t ready to be a dad and even though she wasn’t ready for parenthood either, Ellie knew she had no choice. But Andy did, and he chose the same one her father did, he left.
When Avery was born, that was when Ellie came alive. Her whole world contained in one little body in her arms. She’d always been terrified that she would end up like her mother, pregnant and alone, which she had, but unlike Harriet Jones, Ellie loved her little girl more than life itself and knew she would do anything and everything to protect that child. She loved being a mother more than anything else in her life.
Five years passed in the blink of an eye and not much has changed in Ellie’s life. Andy never came back to meet his daughter and Ellie never lets her little girl think that she isn’t worth his love. If anything, he isn’t worth hers. She lives paycheck to paycheck and their little two bedroom house in Eastside isn’t all that nice or safe but it’s theirs and that has to be enough for her.
Ellie has a tabby cat named Hashbrown, Avery named him and she can’t just rename him to something that isn’t dumb.
There are very few people in Ellie’s life who really know her and that’s by design. She doesn’t want to open up her heart to anyone else who might leave her.
Avery is a very smart and creative five year old little girl who can often be found sitting in Dolly’s with her mama while Ellie works. Babysitters are expensive.
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betterfettered · 10 months
Ok but imagine if the Mc they got was religious.
Like daily prayers, church going. Pretty much full fledged christian ending up in devildom with literal demons.
•Religious!mc who devoted their life to christ getting railed by the demon bros (especially lucifer).
•Religious!mc who was saving themself for marriage can no longer do so after her nights with the boys.
•Religious!mc who wore a cross necklace clutching it around her neck as they get railed from behind.
•Religious mc! who prays for forgiveness after begging for more the night before.
(I’m sorry but corruption kink is top teir + first time doing something like this so idk if it’s like worded correctly)
Anonnamin this ask gels so well with another one that I got about a super sweet MC from my moon anon!
Alright, but imagine this. A cute little reader who is just SUCH a softie Like, they are the type to help old ladies cross the street, volunteer at soup kitchens, work at a bakery, always give the brothers random little gifts that remind them of them, and just wholesome stuff like that. But the poor bby always blames themselves for any problems, like they are such a little ball of sunshine who is always blaming themselves, it's quite sad actually. Like they are always trying to brighten everyone's day and smiling, but if someone even slightly raises their tone at reader, reader will start tearing up and apologizing. They are just such a sweet little thing, and like the entire school absolutely loves them and a lot of people see reader like a little sibling figure. Because of this the brothers absolutely love this innocent cute little reader who only wants to make everyone feel happy and loved, but then their are all the other students at school stealing away reader's attention and protecting reader when they see how obsessive and possessive the brothers are. (Reader has no clue though lol, absentee parental figures gang, don't know what healthy love is ✌) (If the brothers get born mad at reader, reader will cry and isolate themselves because "they aren't enough for them" and "they probably don't wanna deal with me right now", and just close themselves off) Moon anon 🌙
I'm gonna combine the two of them together into an ask about a super saintly MC. 🧚🏿 If you feel like there was something I missed feel free to send in another ask~
It's killing me to imagine a terrified religious!MC waking up and meeting real life villains from the bible LOOOOOL literally wakes up, is introduced to The Actual Lucifer, passes back out again hahahahahha
I mention a trans girl with a dick in this, I don't know if that needs a warning. If you read this and appreciate the warning, please let me know somehow. Otherwise I'm not going to mention this kind of thing again.
(Gn!reader x AMAB!yandere, please let me know if reader is gendered)(noncon)(violence against reader)(gaslighting)(exhibitionism)(drugging)(plus size reader 💖🫡)(blasphemy, but you knew that LOLOL)(18+ readers only please, mdni)(Please let me know if I am missing a TW)[This is fetish content and rape and abuse are disgusting and inexcusable in real life.]
Yandere!Lucifer would soon feel pretty protective over an MC like this, especially because he thinks you're so foolish easily taken advantage of. He would also appreciate how obedient you are, it's so much easier than needing to tell his brothers to do or not do things over and over again. In a sense, he would protect you from things that he would do to you himself: he's not going to let concerned students at RAD take up all of your time because he himself is going to take up all of your time. He's not going to let other people order you around but he certainly is going to order you around. Most importantly, he won't let other people force you to live your life one way or another because you will be living life to his exact specifications.
I think on the other hand that he'd be kind of personally offended by your brand of religiousness. It intrinsically paints him as a bad guy and makes his reasoning out to be unjustified which, even if it weren't a sore spot, contradicts what he likes to believe about himself. I think his real cruelty streak would start to show around how he dismisses your beliefs. The first time you earn yourself a bad punishment from him, he'll be determined to hurt and violate you in ways that you would not have been able to imagine before, shoving toys into you that are way, way too big for only your first time, putting chained clamps on your nipples and tugging them until you are hoarse from screaming, forcing orgasm upon orgasm onto you until you it only hurts, paddling you until you're shaking. He'll ask why your God isn't helping you, but no answer you give him will be the right one (earning a larger toy or maybe another paddle): the real answer is because you like what he's doing to you, it's what you've always wanted, and your God knows that.
Yandere!Mammon would be sooo bad with this kind of MC LOL He's such a scammer that he would completely take you for all you're worth. You'd both end up broke and in trouble because of him LOLLL He has a hard time admitting when he's done something shitty, so he might allow you to blame yourself for things quite a bit, maybe even use your low self esteem to guilt you for spending time with other people at school vying for your attention (I'll circle back to this).
I don't think he'd have it on him to outright force himself on you because you're so innocent and sweet. Instead, he'll probably slip a double dose of an aphrodisiac into a snack he serves you and wait for you to come onto him. Imagine always wearing a religious robe and, after being drugged, hurriedly yanking it up in a daze so you can dumbly grind on Mammon's thigh and grab his wrists so you can rub his hands all over your body because you have no idea what to actually do about being horny LOL After he fucks you until you're satisfied, he'll let you think that the entire thing was your idea all along. If you get way too torn up about your sinful thoughts and behavior he might grudgingly admit that maybe you ate something strange. Circling back to the above, he is happy to take advantage of your guilt and naivete but he does have a kernel of morals deep down.
Yandere!Leviathan would be obsessed with your purity and good heartedness. I don't even want to mention her in this context because she is a child but honestly your personality would align with a lot of the kinds of things he likes about Ruri-chan. It's the ideal magical girl: chipper, sweet, always trying to help others etc. He'd be quietly obsessed with your religious behavior: you might be praying and then look up and see him watching you, or when you are helping people with things in public he follows you around and tries to help, too.
Unfortunately, the more he becomes obsessed with your purity, the more dirty thinking about you sexually will become to him, which means it makes him all the hornier LOL You'll start to notice him staring at your body and giving you lingering touches on your legs and shoulders. When he finally can't take it any more, he will want to shield you from the corruption as much as possible. He'll sneak into your room at night with a blindfold, tie it over your eyes and tell you to just go back to sleep. Obviously you wouldn't be able to sleep through someone taking your virginity, so he'll just try to soothe you as you cry even though he's fucking you way too hard because of his inexperience. You feel dirty and bruised once he's done with you, but rather than comfort you, he'll apologize by insulting himself and saying how awful and wicked he is and how you deserve better. You are always inclined to blame yourself, so even though you still feel his handprints all over you and the weird slipperiness between your legs makes you feel disgusting, you'll tell him it's not his fault and wonder what you must have done to provoke him. Levi is one of those people who says "I am a bad person anyway so might as well do it again", so expect the nightly visits to continue. You'll spend them clutching a cross as tightly as you can and praying, sadly unaware that that is only turning him on more.
Yandere!Satan wants to study you like an academic subject and needs to know everything about you that there is to know, so he'd be very very interested in your religion since it's such a big part of who you are. He also doesn't have as much experience with the celestial realm as the other brothers, so is more open to hearing about what is in your Bible since he doesn't have his own beliefs about it. You would literally be doing "Bible study and chill" with him where he listens to you talk about God and read scripture, and you would be so pleased when he seems like maybe he is thinking about converting. After all, to you helping him see the Lord's light is one of the kindest, sweetest things you can do.
That's why when the "and chill" part comes in you would feel so shocked and betrayed. You're sitting on his lap, reading pages out loud to him when you feel his teeth latch onto your neck and his tongue move back and forth over the sensitive skin while he gropes you. Maybe you're confused about his intention, so you ask what he's doing while he pins you face down by your shoulders, pulling your ass up and against him. You'd be confused and trying to explain that this isn't pious at all when he tells you he doesn't believe any of that shit at all and never did, and the shock would be so deep you don't even cry while he pulls your clothes off and throws your Bible to the floor carelessly like it's trash. Like Lucifer, he's the type to ask something like where it says in your scriptures that you should cum all over his face while he gives you head, or to slap you and actually quote Bible passages about meekness to you when you try to resist, asking if you really even believe what you read to him.
Yandere!Asmodeus is going to think how innocent you are is so cute and try to corrupt you immediately. Imagine you have baked some cookies, and you are going to give them out. He'll offer to go with you and then right before you step into the classroom he'll catch you by your waist, pulling your soft body back towards him until his arms are smushing your stomach. Asmo will whisper with his lips against your ear that every one of these people who is vying for your attention because you're so sweet actually just wants to be the first one to breed you, that when you hand them cookies they just think about fucking every hole you have. He'll ask what hole you'd use for which person until you struggle to get out of his arms and run away.
But even when you're gone, you can't help but think of his question every time you hand out a cookie, or in gym when a girl tries to talk to you and you can see her cock through her pants you can't help but think you want to take her in your mouth because it would hurt anywhere else. It's embarrassing and flustering and makes you want to be by yourself, which is a perfect time for Asmo to come and find you, to yank your robe up and point out how aroused you are. He'll narrate what's happening to your body, explaining it's totally natural to feel that way when you want to have sex, and asking who you saw that made you so horny.
He'll do this as long as he needs to until you are begging him to help you with this feeling between your legs that's driving you crazy and makes it hard to sit still in class. When you apologize to god before begging him to fuck you, he'll tell you that there's no need to. God gave you these feelings so you could act on them. He wants you to feel pleasure.
Yandere!Beel would be annoyed with how you let anyone who wants your attention have it, and he'd dislike how you always trust your god to keep you safe instead of him. God lets bad things happen all the time, so in his mind thats a ridiculous system. Whenever he sees you clutching your cross or praying, he will demand to know what it is you're asking for and try to give it to you himself. He thinks religion and your cross is a distraction from your relationship to him, especially since he's met all the people you're talking about and none of them are that special to him. If he wants your attention, he just cuts in to where you are and demands it, even if that means picking you up and carrying you away.
Yan!Beel will always fuck you when his libido outpaces his sense of control, but when he hears you praying he'll be enraged. You don't need that stuff! He'll try to rip your cross off of your neck, but the chain is too strong so he ends up choking you by it. You'd better say that all you need is him, to calm him down. Otherwise, expect him to yank you around by the chain like its a leash, pounding you so hard that you can't catch your breath to pray or beg him to stop. After he cums he'll just jam him fingers into you, stroking you with his other hand until you say what you want.
Listen I love Yandere!Belphie being insane as much as the next cockwhore, but I think he would actually be really, really kind to an MC like this. He went to the human world often to meet new kinds of people since he loves learning about them, so he'd be really comforted by how sweet and gentle you are while also loving how you hold him while he naps and let him tuck his cold feet under you all the time. He likes your prayers because they put him to sleep and give him good dreams.
What would make him snap is the constant attention to other people. He's often waiting for you in bed, so waiting hours and hours just to find out you've been with other people would drive him absolutely crazy. You might be tutoring a few other students and he comes in, seizing you by your hair and slamming your head down onto a desk. You squirm and plead for him to stop, but he'd still rip your clothes off and fuck you in front of them so they know that you are his. Even while you're sobbing he'll say (loud so they can all hear) that he can feel you clenching down on him, so you must love it. You'd turn your head to ask the other demons for help and see most of them with their hands in their pants and their eyes smoldering with lust. The fact that you'd be in so much pain losing your virginity in front of a crowd that you struggle like crazy and pray to be saved just makes the show more interesting.
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bumblesimagines · 14 days
The Howards
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: After secretly meeting and hooking up, Jules is ready to take things to the next level and meet the Howards as (Y/N)'s official girlfriend.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
CW/TW: Mildly offensive/insensitive comment toward Jules
His fingers drummed against the steering wheel anxiously, his mind able to brush away the worried thoughts swirling around. No matter how much his mother prodded and questioned, he'd never brought a girl home before. Not with a family like his. Absentee addict father, an alcoholic mother, one wallflower-type sister, and another one who was famous at school for having her nudes spread around every few months. They were hardly the picture of a perfect family, much less a functional one. 
But Jules was... different. Stubborn, at the very least.
She'd sprung the idea onto him one night and practically pleaded to meet his family officially. She knew his sisters from school, Lexi through Rue and Cassie through Kat, but she hardly ever spoke to them one-on-one and she'd never seen his mother up close before. The idea of bringing a girl home to his slurring mother and likely weeping sister barely sounded appealing, but Jules batted her pretty blue eyes at him and he gave in. 
"Do you think she'll like me?" Jules asked from her spot in the passenger seat, head tilted toward the window to watch the houses pass by. 
"Your mom." Jules clarified. "Rue says she's really nice. I'm just worried that..." She trailed off, her fingertip circling her knee exposed through her ripped jeans. Her lips twisted, a nervous tic he first noticed when they talked about their feelings.
"Mom isn't a bigot if that's what you're worried about. She might... ask something that feels offensive, though, like about sex or some shit. She's got no filter, especially when she's drunk, and she's drunk... from the time she wakes up to the time she falls asleep." (Y/N) told her, glancing at her when she blew a raspberry and sighed heavily. Jules nodded weakly and took a deep inhale, tearing her eyes away from the window to look at his house through the windshield. 
"Do I look okay?" Jules asked breathlessly as the car pulled into the driveway, dragging her blonde and blue-tinted hair over her shoulders to run her fingers through it. "I feel like I should've brought something like- like, I don't know, muffins? I-I've never actually met anyone's parents before. Or- well, I have, but not like this, you know? Maybe-"
"Jules." (Y/N) turned the key and the soft rumbling of the car ceased, stopping the radio and AC along with it. He chuckled at her and reached out to grab her hand, tenderly squeezing her cool skin and rubbing comforting circles with his thumb. Jules met his gaze and exhaled through her nose, mustering a nervous smile for him. 
"Sorry." She whispered sheepishly. 
"You'll be fine, I promise. My mom doesn't bite. The most you'll have to deal with is her drunk ramblings and stories, I swear." (Y/N) released her hand to pull out the key, swinging open the car door and hopping out. The car beeped with the locks and (Y/N) faced his house, praying to whatever deity above that everything went well. Jules rounded the car and curled her long arms around his, leaning her cheek against his shoulder. 
The inside of the Howard Residence smelled like pasta, and (Y/N)'s stomach softly rumbled. He closed the door with a nudge from his foot and locked it, the sound bringing his mitten-wearing mother out from the kitchen. She looked the same as always. Her makeup seemed slightly smudged, likely from rubbing her eyes without thinking, and her hair remained tousled and semi-unkept. Suze smiled at the sight of them.
"You must be the lucky girl! Jules, right? I'm Suze." She approached them, still wearing the mittens, and gave her a welcoming hug. She stepped back, playfully smacking the mitten against (Y/N)'s arm and winking. "You've got yourself a pretty girl, huh?" Jules giggled bashfully at that, the nerves beginning to leave her body. (Y/N) tried to ease away the tension in his body but found himself unable to as they followed Suze into the kitchen where Lexi collected some plates and cutlery. 
"Hi, Jules!" Lexi smiled politely. 
"Hey, Lexi." Jules gave a small wave, eyes trailing over their kitchen before falling back on the two Howards. Suze poured the pasta and meatballs into a more appropriate bowl, adding some more sauce to it and stirring it around to mix everything. She glanced over her shoulder at them, keeping that same smile on her face. 
"You know, I was shocked when (Y/N) told me he was bringing a girl home for dinner. I mean, I expected it from Cassie, that girl talks about a new boy every month, but (Y/N)? God, about time, honestly. I was starting to worry he was going to become like- like a priest, or something. Or, like, one of those guys, you know the ones who shave their heads?"
"Monks?" Lexi's features scrunched up in confusion as she searched one of the cabinets for cups. (Y/N) inhaled deeply, eyes squeezing shut for a moment. Here we go. The show has officially started. 
"Yeah, yeah, those guys! Not that there's anything wrong with 'em, of course." Suze laughed, slipping the mittens off her hands and placing them aside. She immediately reached for what was likely her eighth cup of the day and took a sip of the wine, humming softly and licking her lips. "I'm so glad the day has come. And with you, Jules. You seem like such a lovely girl. I hear you're friends with Rue, too. That's nice."
Jules smiled. "Thank you. And, yeah, Rue's like my best friend."
"Good, good. She needs more of those." Suze sighed, raking her fingers through her hair and clearing her throat before she looked at them with a smile. "Well, I'm glad to have you here, Jules. At least we know (Y/N) won't be becoming a teen dad anytime soon, thank the lord." 
"Mom." Lexi and (Y/N) hissed simultaneously and shared an exasperated look. Jules blinked at Suze, lips forming silent words as her brows knitted. 
"What?" Suze huffed softly, jutting out her lips when Lexi rolled her eyes and scoffed softly, her big brown eyes turning to Jules and softening. Lexi smiled at her again, motioning to the cups on the counter with a slight pleading look. Jules took the hint and broke away from (Y/N)'s side, gingerly collecting the glass cups and following Lexi to the dining room. (Y/N) cut the distance, snatching the cup from his mother's hand before she could sip from it again, and tossed the contents into the sink. 
"Would it kill you to be sober for one day?"
"I paid for that wine, I get to decide how it's used. Now, excuse me if I'd like to enjoy myself after finding out my son has a secret girlfriend and he's just now introducing her to his family." Suze scowled and snatched the cup right back only to slam it down on the counter to pick up the bowl of pasta instead. (Y/N) rubbed his fingers into the bridge of his nose, feeling his mother brush past him to enter the dining room. 
"Sorry about her." Lexi sighed when she entered the kitchen, folding her arms over her stomach. He picked up Cassie and Jules's voices in the dining room, chatting about one thing and the other. Lexi's lips pursed and he arched a brow at her. "Listen, I... I think Jules is a cool girl and all but... Rue really likes her. Like, really likes her. Gia thinks she's in love. What do you think's gonna happen when Rue finds out you've been seeing Jules in secret this whole time?"
"Rue is none of my concern, Lexi. She's had plenty of time to do something about her feelings, just like you. Jules will tell her when she thinks it's the right time. The only person who can stop Rue from relapsing is Rue, okay?" (Y/N) reached for the lonesome salad bowl and picked it up, turning on his heel to round the corner into the dining room. 
"Hey," Cassie greeted him, groaning when he tousled her hair in return. Jules smiled widely, her eyes flickering between them before they followed him until he settled down beside them. Lexi and Suze re-entered the kitchen, both holding vastly different drink options. Lexi set down some cola cans while Suze happily set down a wine bottle. 
"Alright, sweet peas, I hope you enjoy." Suze chirped, sitting in her seat and immediately pouring herself a new cup of wine. She lifted it up toward Jules with a friendly, drunken smile. "Welcome to the family, honey."
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bloodynereid · 1 year
maybe like one with karen and reader where its like the one you did for warren but like how karen and readers relationship was while living with the six. ohhh or like you could do the beach scene with karen and maybe its just karen and reader or like they also tag along with graham and the blondie. lmao im dying for more karen fics
Echoes of Pain & Love
pairings: karen sirko x fem! reader & karen sirko x graham dunne (for plot purposes)
a/n: hiii anon! hopefully this is up to standards cause i really enjoyed writing this fic - even if it is really sad (i'm sorry about that btw). i didn't add the second part of the request cause i didn't feel like it fit in naturally with the story if that makes sense. i love writing for karen (we are in desperate need of more karen fics) so i hope you enjoy this. used a different perspective with billy on this one cause i thought it would be interesting to look into that avenue of family ties. also i promise my next karen fic will be fluffy instead of the whirlwind that this is.
tw: drug addiction, mentions of cigarettes, swearing, religious trauma (slightly mentioned), abortion, pregnancy, period typical homophobia mentions, mafia mentions (? honestly it's like a comedy point so not really a tw), angst angst angst, kissing, drinking, rehab mentions, mental health problems kind of mentioned, overdose
description: the rise of the biggest band in the world and the cloud of pain and love that surrounds a particular member and the love of her life.
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Y/N Dunne: Hi? Is this on? Okay yeah great. We ready to start?
You were born in a small town called Hazelwood, Pittsburgh. Around 2 minutes before your twin, Billy. From that moment on you two were inseparable so when he wanted to learn guitar, you also learned guitar. When you took up your strange art hobby, he also started bringing a sketchbook everywhere along with him. So when your little brother Graham convinced him to join his little band, Billy also dragged you along with him.
You took the band almost as seriously as Billy, even if you still had some aspirations for going to university (which you never told Billy). Over the years until little Graham graduated high school you guys didn’t practice as much as you practiced the year after graduation. After each session your fingers were stinging and calluses upon calluses started to form.
You guys were playing gigs upon gigs and it was going incredibly well. Until you had to play a wedding, a wedding where your father was in attendance.
“Billy, Y/N what the hell? Are you guys okay?” You had rushed after Billy when you noticed that the creep dancing with the girl ages younger than him was your father. Currently you were holding your twin in your arms as unbridled rage filled your very being. You could feel that same rage radiating off Billy.
“You noticed the creep with the combover?”
“He’s our dad.” You responded, that made Billy unwarp himself from your arms and go thundering back into the wedding. You quickly followed him in and stood by his side as he confronted your father before smashing his guitar and storming off.
“Do you remember me?” You asked your absentee father after Graham punched him and walked off.
“Of course, girl. You have grown into quite a beaut huh?” A grossed out look overtook your face before you kneed that stupid little man right in the balls. As he kneeled over in pain you took the opportunity to spit on him and walk off in the direction of your brothers.
Warren: Y/N was and still is a badass. Never and I mean never underestimate that woman.
After that incident, life calmed down a bit. Practice continued and Camila appeared in your life after somehow Billy miraculously whisked her off her feet at a laundromat. You were happy to have another girl around and you would constantly tease Billy about how in love he was with her.
“You are such a softie!”
“I am not!” Billy had just gotten back from the dinner with Camila’s parents and he had found you watching tv and painting your nails in the living room with Graham napping on the other side of the couch.
“You know when you find someone I’ll be reminding you of these moments.”
“Shut up!” You threw the pillow that Graham had his head on towards Billy’s face which caused Graham to violently wake up to find his grown up siblings having a pillow fight in the middle of the living room.
Y/N: The night we opened for the Winters… right. Fuck that was night we all met Karen. *strained laughter* Graham was so in love with her. Oh! And Chuck right yeah that’s how I became the bassist. Billy nearly gave it to Eddie.
Chuck had basically rushed back inside his house, probably intimidated by all the very judgemental looks you all were giving him. Who would leave the band just like that? And to go into fucking dentistry?
“Okay how the hell are we going to play next week?” You asked as you stamped out your cigarette harshly.
“Eddie, you're going to have to be on bass.” Billy said with his usual commanding tone.
“Like hell I will.” Eddie responded with a scoff.
“Look we need-”
“I can do it.” You piped up, Eddie and Billy’s fights never ended well; it was as if a cloud of tension just permanently lived between them.
“What?” Your twin turned to you with a confused look on his face.
“Well I worked on the bass lines with Chuck cause he’s a mediocre player anyways so I pretty much know them front to back. Plus we don’t really need another rhythm guitarist anyways.”
“You sure?”
“Positive. You guys want to come over to practice at our house? I’m pretty sure mom went out with some of her friends.”
“Sounds good.”
Y/N: I was lying about those bass lines by the way but someone needed to diffuse that situation.
Eddie: Fucking hell Y/N was a saving grace that day. She always was when the band was still together. I think it’s cause she knew Billy the best. They had this way of communicating that was downright creepy. Twin telepathy and all that crap.
The day you opened for the Winters started with cramping fingers and a slight tickle in your throat. You had barely been sleeping. Billy always called you a perfectionist and it was probably the worst trait to have when you were trying to prepare for the biggest night of your life. Then you saw… her.
The venue for one was stunning and huge. But what really lit up the place was the blonde on the keyboard. She was like an angel. So deeply entranced in the music and so fucking confident.
Men never really interested you. Sure they were attractive in the objective sense but whenever you thought of who you wanted to walk down the aisle for it was always a woman you envisioned. It had been like that since childhood. What made it worse was the church. Your mother wasn’t particularly religious but you always went to church on Sundays and the priest always spoke about homosexuals being part of the devil’s work.
You thought you needed to be fixed. Which is why you had tried throughout high school to date men or rather boys. But it never worked out. Whenever they got too close to kissing you you ended it with them or got Billy to help.
After that you just stopped trying to pursue that idea and just decided to live for the rest of your life alone. Or… with a woman if you ever found her. But living in Hazelwood, Pittsburgh had its challenges in that department. You would become the town pariah if you told the wrong person. And… you had no idea how to even start to mention it to your brothers.
But she was like an angel. Radiant under the stage lighting.
“Ooo somebody’s in love.” Oh fuck. You quickly spun around trying to see if Warren’s voice was directed at you but thankfully it wasn’t. Instead it was to your little brother who was staring at… her. Your heart clenched and your grip on your bass case tightened. The sharp pain sent through your aching fingers brought you back down to Earth. Of course she would never go for a girl, hell she’s probably straight. You briskly walked away from the pair and through the backstage door.
If you had turned around you would have noticed the girl’s eyes staring at you as you disappeared behind the swinging doors.
Y/N: I think I played okay that night. I mean the atmosphere was electric and I guess you could say that it was the night that marked the beginning of everything.
Billy: Y/N was incredible that night. She always downgrades her playing skills but it was as if she was born to play guitar. And no I’m not just saying that because she’s my twin.
Karen: I was stunned by Y/N when I first saw her play. When she told me, years later, that she had learnt all those riffs in less than a week I was blown away.
Y/N: Anyways after that night we headed off to the city of angels. Fucking Rod Reyes somehow convinced us. And well Billy also miraculously got Cami to follow us. Still don’t know how my imbecilic twin did it.
You were all gathered at one of the numerous LA diners as Graham made the phone call. The phone to that stunning woman that your brother (and you) had a big crush on. Her name was Karen. Karen Sirko.
You passed the cigarette you were sharing with Warren back to him as you watched your youngest brother flounder on the phone as he tried to talk to the supposed woman of his your his dreams.
“Look, just pass me the phone.” You said as you got up and took the phone from his slightly sweaty hands. Ignoring his protests you spoke into the receiver.
“Hi Karen. This Y/N Dunne.”
“Hi… Y/N Dunne. The bass player right?” Her silky British voice filled the phone and a slight shiver ran down your back.
“That would be me. Anyways what my idiotic little brother was trying to say-”
“Hey!” You heard Graham protest in the background.
“How would you like to join the band?”
“Oh bloody hell it’s burning. Guys it’s burning.”
“Sorry about that. Minor kitchen emergency.”
“You’re all good. So… what do you say?”
“To what?”
“Joining the band.”
“In Pittsburgh?”
“We’re actually in LA now. Gigs are lined up and we have a house in Laurel Canyon.”
“Hmm what do you think?”
“What do I think about what?” You asked as you leaned against the phone booth as everyone stared at you with anticipation, Graham most of all.
“Do you think it’s worth it?”
“You’re asking the wrong person. My mother always called my brother and I dreamers.”
“Hmm… you know what, yes. Send me the address and I’ll see you then.” Karen hung up the phone and you replaced it in the phone booth before turning around.
“We have a new member of the band!”
Y/N: I remember during those months that I had the strangest assortment of jobs. I worked at a movie theater, a bakery, an ice cream parlor, in a record store and I even think that I might have accidentally been working at a front for a mafia business. That was the secretarial job and it was the one I kept the longest. Employers let just say didn’t particularly like me. At least the mafia did so you know. That definitely says something about me. I had the secretarial job when Karen finally arrived.
You had had a very long and grueling day at the office dealing with a strangely large amount of angry Italian men. But you got through it and you finally came home… bearing the gifts that Warren and your twin always loved. Two slices of apple tart from your boss's mother who always appreciated giving them to you since he had a specific dislike of apples but a fear of his mother.
“Honeys I’m home!” You walked into the living room to find Graham, Warren and Eddie battling each other with the random things, a daily occurrence.
“Ooo did you get the apple thing?”
“Of course.”
“You are truly an angel sent from heaven.” Warren gave you a forehead kiss before he whisked away the white box in your hands.
“Yeah yeah.” You moved to go to your room which was quite literally the size of a broom closet but at least you had a bed. Even if it was crammed on top of a bunk with a desk under it. After you had changed out of your formal wear and into a button down and shorts. You slid into the living room with your pair of fluffy socks and snatched the blunt out of Eddie’s hands.
“Oh shush I had to deal with a mob of angry Italians, this is the least you can do.” You slumped down on one of the couches and took a long hit that instantly relaxed your tired muscles.
“I don’t know how you’ve even held this job down for so long.” Eddie said as you passed the blunt back to him.
“No idea. It’s a fucking miracle.” You grabbed a random magazine from the pile and started to flick through the photos of really attractive supermodels.
“How many jobs did you have before this, remind me?”
“Probably like 20.” Graham said as he took a seat next to you.
“Fuck off.” You answered back as you blindly tried to kick him. “At least I tried to go get a job while the rest of you just idle around here like lazy dogs.”
“She does have a point there.” That was a new voice, you perked up and took a peak over your magazine as Karen took a seat on the couch in front of you and held out a glass of wine.
“Thanks. So are we ordering in or…”
“Nope, Billy and Warren said they were going to cook something.” That made you spin around and look at her with a horrified look on your face.
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
“No? Cami went to process some of her film a bit ago and they just volunte-”
“Oh fuck.” You quickly handed her the wine and threw the magazine on the couch before basically flying into the kitchen. Trying to salvage whatever disaster the boys had decided to cook up. Some kind of alien monster most likely.
Y/N: *laughing* Those were some good months. I actually miss those days a lot. I guess everything changed after Billy met Teddy Price at a supermarket. Weird coincidence but I swear on my life that it happened. Well I’m actually trusting Billy’s word on this so who knows?
Graham: Y/N was really happy in those months. I mean she was always happy. Like a ball of fire and positivity.
Karen: I got to know everyone a lot more due to how close we were living together. Y/N and I bonded as well but she mostly avoided me. Probably because of work. She was really busy, even with gigs. Cami and Y/N were basically the ones getting the extra money we needed to pull through each month.
Y/N: Karen said I was avoiding her? I mean… maybe I was. It was a weird time for me. It was also the time I met Daisy. Oh she didn’t tell you? Yeah I met Daisy ages before she joined the band.
Daisy: Y/N told you we met earlier than expected? Well she’s only telling the truth. Y/N was a truly kind hearted soul, she actually was there the night I first played for a live audience.
The girl on stage, Daisy Jones, was absolutely dazzling. You almost felt like a kindred flame was lit up in your heart. So of course you decided to come up to her with a glass of whiskey and a smile.
“Hi sorry to bother you but I just have to say you have an incredible voice.”
“Aww thank you darling. I’m Daisy by the way.”
“Y/N.” The rest of the night was spent around a bottle of whiskey and you also got to meet Simone. The three of you created a comfortable atmosphere around you and so over the painful months of trying to get Teddy to produce the band you kept in touch with the duo. Going out for drinks when none of you were playing gigs or recording.
Y/N: Like I said those were some good months. But I guess every good thing has to come to an end. *A sad smile appears on your face and you turn your face from the camera to quickly wipe your eyes.*
Graham was obviously enamored with Karen. Everyone saw it, everyone knew except for her. Your heart stung every single time he sent her that puppy eyed look. How could you be jealous of your brother?! It’s not like someone as beautiful as her would ever go for someone like you.
You bitterly took another sip of your drink when you felt a presence next to you. Carefully turning your head you were surprised to see Billy. It was his night after all. The night of his wedding. Really you couldn’t believe it.
“Hey? You okay?”
“Yeah.” He most definitely wasn’t and you had an inkling as to why, so you just leaned your head on his shoulder and gave him a one armed hug.
“Just know I will always love you okay. Through thick and thin. I’m your twin so you sure as hell are never getting rid of me.” He let out a wet chuckle before burrowing his face in your hair and giving you a squeeze back.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be a father.”
“You’re going to be a good one, Billy. I’ll make sure of that and Cami will make sure of that.”
“I don’t deserve either of you.”
“Nope don’t you go on saying that Mr. Dunne.” He laughed before pulling away from you and taking a swig of his beer.
“Do you want to be the kid’s godmother?”
“What?!” You looked up at him with widened eyes and a surprised expression on your face.
“Well I kind of talked it over with Cami and well we want you to be the godmother.”
“I’m already going to be the aunt though.”
“So should I tell her you said no…”
“Oh shut up Billy of course I’m saying yes.” You both laughed and he hugged you again. Harder this time.
“It’s all going to be fine.” You said into his shirt, trying to reassure your anxious twin.
“I believe you.”
Y/N: *silence as you anxiously pick your nails* Umm the tour right. I think that was more of the tour from hell. I was basically watching my brother destroy himself and his family. And I was powerless to stop it. So when you feel powerless what do you think we did back then? I took up pills. A secret little habit no one ever knew about.
You carefully tucked Billy into his bed after throwing the groupies out of his room and throwing out all the empty beer bottles. The remnants of cocaine were also swept onto the floor, and just as you were about to close the door you heard a voice.
“Yeah Billy?”
“Uh… thanks.”
“Anytime.” You said with a sad smile as a tear ran down your face before closing the hotel door.
“Fuckkkk.” You slumped down against the door and buried your face in your hands. It was this exact same routine. Over and over and over again. What were you going to tell Cami? Would you ever tell her?
“Hey you okay?” You heard that British accent that never failed to make you feel butterflies in your stomach, even if you sat devastated in a random hotel.
“Fine. You?” Quickly wiping away the remnants of tears and standing up so you were at eye level with Karen.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, Karen. No need to worry about me. Have you settled in okay?”
“Right yeah everything is great. I was just about to go for a smoke on the roof care to join me?”
“Sure sounds good.” You dusted off your hands and followed Karen up onto the roof before lighting up one of your cigs.
“Okay now tell me the truth. How are you really feeling?” She asked after an awkward beat of silence.
“Conflicted I guess.”
“About the whole Billy thing?”
“Yeah he’s my brother but… I hate seeing him like this. I don’t know. Shit… this is such a messed up situation isn’t it?”
“It really is. Now just stop thinking about it and watch the stars. That always does the trick with me.”
“Thanks Karen.”
“Anytime.” She sent you a comforting smile and you laid your head in her lap. That constant weight on your shoulders already dissipating by just being around her.
Y/N: A few more shows in Cami came to visit. It was a surprise and honestly I’m pretty sure she knew something was up. I met up with her when I went to do my nightly check up on Billy since I had been at the record store all day.
Camila: I would never blame Y/N for what was going on with Billy. I think she was the one who at least didn’t let him slip off the deep end but I wish she had told me about it.
You didn’t know about Cami’s trip so when you went to check up on Billy suddenly the door swung open and a very pregnant Camila stormed out.
“Cami?” You asked in a strained voice.
“Y/N hey.”
“Look I’m so fucking sorry. I tried to get him to tell you or I would have called-”
“No no I get it. You’re his twin, you will always try to protect him. I gave him an ultimatum.”
“I’m assuming you’re letting him fuck around until the kid is born right?”
“I’ll try to make sure he gets better okay?”
“That isn’t-”
“No it is. Now come here. Let me hug my favorite sister in law.” You enveloped Cami in a hug and smoothed your hands across her back as she started sobbing into your shoulder.
“It’s going to be okay. Shhh, it’s all going to be fine. When is your flight?”
“Tomorrow morning.”
“How about you come stay with me until then? That way you don’t have to see Billy or pay for another room.”
“Yeah that sounds good.”
Y/N: Those shows were a disaster. Billy was getting worse and I had no way to stop it. I didn’t try to take away his drugs or the fucking groupies. The one time I tried… no okay he doesn’t even know about that. So the day Julia was born, that wonderful little bundle of joy, Teddy got Billy into rehab. And I became Jules’ godmother. I thought everything was going to get better after that and it did for a while. For everyone else.
Billy: I came out of rehab and I quit the band. I think Graham and Y/N were the only ones who understood why. Y/N got the brunt of my addiction though. She was like a shining beacon but I never realized how much it had affected her…
Y/N: I wasn’t fine.
That stupid green monster called jealousy invaded your veins each time you saw him with her. You should be happy for your brother but it was the complete opposite. Warren was even questioning you as to why he never saw you with anyone, you only brushed off those questions by telling him to fuck off.
Pill numbers were multiplying by the day and as you sat in the recording studio waiting for whatever miracle Teddy thought would save your band you could almost feel the chemicals moving through your blood. You took another swing from the coffee cup in your hand to try and distract yourself from how big Karen’s smile was as she looked at Graham.
Falling for a straight girl. What an fucking cliche.
“Can I get a glass of milk and a whiskey? Or just a whiskey if you don’t have milk. Or just milk if you don’t have whiskey?” Now that was a familiar voice. You perked up from your little alcove in the recording room to see that chaotic ball of pure energy which belonged to one of your best friends. Daisy Jones was in the house.
“DAISY JONES? Do my eyes deceive me?” You rushed up and enveloped her in your arms. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming?”
“Well I didn’t know until last night.”
“You look incredible, I love this shirt.” She smiled and did a little twirl to show off the buttondown.
“Stop, now you look absolutely stunning. Where did you manage to find a coat like this?”
Karen: I remember feeling a strange kind of anger the day we met Daisy Jones. It wasn’t directed at her, it’s just… I don’t think it really clicked that Y/N had a life outside the one I saw her in.
Graham: It wasn’t really a surprise, Y/N was friends with everyone. Did she tell you about that mafia thing?
“You guys done with this little reunion cause we need to get on with it.”
“Stop being such an asshole Billy. But yeah we should probably get this show on the road.” You made your way into the soundbooth with the rest of the band after giving Daisy one more squeeze and a comforting smile.
“So how do you know Daisy?” Karen whispered in your ear, making you jump. She was way closer than you had anticipated.
“Oh I went to one of her shows. We got to know each other after, that’s how I met Simone as well. Where do you think I disappear off to all these nights?” That response elicited a slightly guilty look on Karen’s face.
“I always thought you were in your room. I guess I’ve just never seen you sneak out.” Wow, you hadn’t realized how good you had gotten at hiding your little bad habits.
“Hmm.” You hummed back and then turned to look at your brother and Daisy, nervously picking at your nails. Oh god why did you tell Karen that. She now thinks you’re some kind of crazy party girl.
The rest of the recording session was kind of a mess. You suddenly realized why you had been so entranced by Daisy when you first met her. She reminded you so much of your twin. You had felt that instant connection because you had the same connection with Billy. Their personalities bashed against each other because they fit so well together.
Y/N: I think we all noticed the Daisy and Billy thing. But I was just scared. I was scared for Billy and for Daisy. I care for them so so much but I don’t think I could have predicted what all came next. I had an inkling though. And that is what scared me.
You had joined Karen when she basically dragged you to go to the record store with her. Ever since your admission about your nights out it seemed as if she wanted to spend more and more time with you. Not that you minded.
You stood next to her as you sifted through the rows of different music selections. You weren’t particularly looking for anything but were looking out for some new stuff. It was always interesting to hear new sounds when suddenly you heard the girl at the till.
“Is this the one with ‘Look At Us Now’?” You exchanged glances with Karen with giddy smiles starting to paint your faces. No fucking way.
“Oh shoot I don’t think I have enough.” Karen was about to pull out some money but you stilled her hand by grabbing her wrist. Winking at her you grabbed a 5 dollar bill from your jacket pocket and put it on top of the record. Your record.
“Oh thanks.”
“No problem.” You linked arms with Karen before heading out of the store letting out giggles.
You took a seat next to Julia as you fed her little pieces of food whilst cooing at her. Billy was once again complaining about the song and Cami was trying to calm him down.
“Has anyone looked through the mail recently?”
“Oh fuck sorry I meant to sift through those last night. Mia culpa and all that.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Karen sent you a soft smile before her face turned to shock as she stared at the envelopes. “Does anyone know what these are?”
“No way.” You quickly snatched the letter that was addressed to you from her hands and started dancing around the kitchen. “Look Jules, aunty has got some money now.”
Y/N: The first thing I bought… Karen tried to get me to buy stock. But no… I umm I bought a motorcycle.
Graham: Okay so one thing you need to know about my sister is that she has like zero self preservation.
Y/N: Graham said that?! Oh that little shit. That isn’t true. I got a helmet too. That bike basically became my baby.
You were sitting out on the balcony after Billy and Cami moved out. Which meant you could finally do drugs freely, well not that freely but that’s beside the point. You were lying on the floor staring at the stars as Warren went on and on about how he and the canyon were connected. It was strangely funny in your drugged out state that you burst out laughing. Pills and psychedelics might not have been the best combination.
In your defense you thought you were about to go to bed so you took a combination of sleeping and pain pills but then Karen dragged you upstairs to try out whatever this thing was. And all in all you were having a great time until it happened.
You peaked through your fingers to see Karen’s hand on Graham’s chest. It was just against his heart. Like she was metaphorically holding his heart in her hand but in that moment it felt like it was your heart that she had just crushed into a pulp.
So you just closed your eyes and let the drugs overtake your senses. Letting them all wash away that pain of heartbreak.
Y/N: Hawaii was incredible. Billy was an asshole. And Daisy shined. I think that’s about all I can remember from that time. *a tight smile appears on your face* People never notice things until they come to the surface. I hid things very well for a long time.
Cami had invited you to the housewarming party and when you were having a catch up with Daisy in her hotel’s pool you realized she was too. You hadn’t told her about the whole being a lesbian thing, not that you didn’t trust her but you didn’t want her to treat you differently. You were just scared of what she would see in you even if she had fully accepted Simone.
Simone had gone to New York because of a woman. Simone who was the only person who knew you liked women. Simone the glue that held Daisy together. You both missed her deeply and that is why you were hanging out with Daisy at the pool.
So on the night of the housewarming, Daisy’s arms were wrapped around your waist with a pineapple balancing in your lap as you sped through the streets of LA until you arrived at the house.
Daisy was the first to hop off before taking off her helmet and handing it to you. You did the same and took the keys out of the ignition before following Daisy inside. You weaved through the crowds with her arm around your shoulders when Cami spotted the two of you.
“Daisy you came! And with Y/N. Now this is a strange development.”
“You didn’t mention me before? I am offended.”
“Well it’s not my fault it’s so hard to describe someone so radiant. I’m going to go check up on Billy. It’s good to see you, Cami.”
“We need to see each other more often Y/N. Jules has been missing you.”
“Oh I bet.” You gave her a smile before bounding over and enveloping Billy in a bear hug. “How is my favorite twin doing?”
“Hi Y/N, it’s good to see you too. What’s got you so energetic today?”
“Wow I can’t just be excited to see my brother?” In reality, you had sneaked some of Daisy’s cocaine stash while she was in the bathroom. It was your first time on the drug and you suddenly realized how Billy got addicted to this stuff. You hadn’t felt this good in ages.
“No no that’s not at all what I’ve been saying. How have you been?”
“Good. I’ve missed having you and Cami around.”
“No you haven’t.” He said with a conspiratorial smile on his face.
“We haven’t been separated before Billy before I miss having my twin around.” That second the mask slipped, the mask that said I’m fine.
“I umm I’m going to get myself a drink. See you later Billy.” You slipped out of his grasp and grabbed a glass of whiskey and made your way to the living room where you saw Graham flirting with some blonde. Okay now that is a strange development. You took a seat next to a confused looking Karen on one of the couches.
“You okay?”
“Oh hey you came.”
“That I did. So what’s going on?”
“Did you know that Graham was in love with me?” That made you spit out the remaining whiskey in your mouth.
“What?” You said after coughing for a solid minute.
“Graham told me he wanted to be with me.”
“And you said?”
“No obviously.”
“Oh okay.” That stupid sentence shouldn’t have made you fill up with hope but it did.
“So you don’t have any comments?”
“I mean what do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know.”
“Right I umm I’m going to leave you alone then.”
You spent the night at Cami and Billy’s house, they had already set out the spare room for you since Billy didn’t want you driving on that vehicle of death as he liked to call it in the middle of the night.
Y/N: The first day that we were officially Daisy Jones & The Six couldn’t have started anymore disastrously. I was finally starting to cut back on pills because after the cocaine inci-
Interviewer: Sorry to interrupt but uh what was the cocaine incident?
Y/N: *a pained look overcame your face* I don’t think you want to hear about this.
Interviewer: I want to know it all.
Y/N: Right so I guess you will be the second person to ever know the story about the cocaine incident. The first was the doctor who found me overdosing in a park. It had become a habit to swipe Daisy’s coke stash. So on that night I had been adventurous and took a little more than usual. That ended up with me on a park bench with foam coming out of my mouth. Mark found me after a shift, he basically revived me by throwing me in a lake and getting me to his house. There he was able to flush the drugs from my system. I made him promise the next morning to never tell anyone and that was that. I don’t remember much of the encounter but I stopped the majority of the drugs after that.
Interviewer: I’m sorr-
Y/N: *with tears rolling down your face* Don’t be sorry. I’m alive and yeah it was probably not a good idea to not have told anyone but I was one of those people who didn’t believe in weaknesses. Anyways, I was kind of going through a big withdrawal period during that first session. Teddy was a fucking saviour as always and got Daisy and Billy to go write a song. I spent my day cruising around the streets of LA on my bike trying to fight off a killer migraine.
You arrived home before Warren and Eddie did and what greeted you was the sounds of moaning. So you quickly slipped into the back and took a peek into the living room. The sight on the couch made your heart split in two. Karen and your brother…
You soundlessly turned and closed the backdoor before quickly wiping the tears that started to form at the sight of Warren and Eddie.
“Where have you two been all day?”
“We could ask you the same question.”
“Well I was at the garage for a bit and then I went to the hills and cruised around. And by the popcorn I’m guessing you went to see Rollerball again.”
“Damn right sister.” You laughed and followed them inside when you heard the phone ringing.
“Is anyone going to get that?” You asked as you walked into the living room, looking at Karen and Graham who looked very disheveled. 
“Uh yeah.”
Y/N: That was the first time we heard Let Me Down Easy. And it was incredible… but Daisy and Billy. They realized that connection. And that hug at the end of the session. Well it said it all.
Interviewer: So did you notice anything different about Y/N around the time you recorded Aurora?
Billy: Uh not really? I was kind of immersed in the writing process of it all. Why? Did she say something?
Graham: She was more reserved I guess. I barely saw her other than in recording sessions and at home. I was kind of busy too with uh I guess you could call it love.
Karen: Yeah she was avoiding me. I wanted to be around her a bunch but Graham was giving me something I always wanted. And she was more tired. Like almost lethargic.
Warren: Not really? She spent a lot more time with me though. We discussed movies a lot together.
Eddie: She looked exhausted a lot of the time. Wait, why are you asking this?
Y/N: I was mentally drained during that time. I was avoiding Karen and Graham because of obvious reasons. I tried to date a few guys. That was a bad time. Me and men don’t go well together but uh I was grieving a lot and on top of that I was heartbroken. I wasn’t in the greatest place and it kind of fucked with me.
Daisy: I wasn’t spending as much time with Y/N as I probably should have been.
Y/N: After the album was finished and everyone went their separate ways, I went to a rehab center in Switzerland. The only person who knew was Teddy. I was an insanely secretive person but I needed to have someone know where I was. Teddy was like a father to me and he helped with everything.
Billy: I kind of freaked when I realized that no one knew where either Daisy or my sister were. Teddy had no idea where Daisy was but he told me Y/N went on a trip. That she would be back in a month and she was. But she was different. I think that was when I realized how fucking miserable she must have been while I was trying to deal with all my shit.
Y/N: Rehab was the best thing I could have ever done. I went back home and I moved out to this little apartment which was next to this secret beach. I finally felt so much better. I remember that day when I came to collect all my shit from my old room. I had bought a mustang when I left the airport. My beloved car.
You took a deep breath before cutting the ignition of your car and stepping into the house that held so many memories. So much heartbreak.
“Y/N holy shit you’re back.” Warren grabbed you and pulled you into a bear hug which everyone quickly joined once they realized who had stepped through their front door.
“Where the hell have you been?” Karen asked as she looked at you with a deep worry in her eyes.
“I uh went to rehab.” Their shocked faces made you burst out laughing. “Oh god I needed that, it has been a somber few days.”
“Why did you even go to rehab?”
“I needed to go away and get shit straightened out. Now how have all of you been?” You spent the rest of the afternoon catching up and drinking ginger beer while everyone drank regular alcohol. When you broke the news that you were going to move out it didn’t really faze anyone since Warren had basically permanently moved into his houseboat. That crush you had for Karen was still there but you were happy for your little brother. Wow, you could finally say that truthfully in your head.
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice.” Karen said as she helped you pack up some of your valuables.
“Notice what?”
“How much you were struggling.”
“Karen, it’s okay. Plus I know you were busy having a boyfriend.” You forced out a smile before placing another one of your numerous trinkets into your suitcase.
“How did you know?” Karen had an almost guilty look on her face that made you look at her with a confused expression.
“I’ve known for ages. I’m not as clueless as the other idiots.”
“And how do you feel about it?”
“Well I’m happy for you of course. Graham really likes you.”
“Is that it?”
“What else do you want me to say?”
“I… thanks.”
“No problem. Thanks for helping with packing.” After all that was finished you put everything in the trunk with the help of Warren.
“When the hell did you get a Mustang?”
“Well I needed an extra car since my bike wouldn’t hold all my stuff. I got her this morning.”
“I always did appreciate your taste in cars.” You both laughed and exchanged a hug.
“Take care of yourself Warren. I’ll see you at the meeting on Monday.”
“You too. You heading home?”
“Nah I’m going to check in with Billy first.”
“Okay. Bye Y/N.”
“Bye Warren.” You waved at the group who had collected at the front porch before speeding off in the direction of your twin’s house.
You stood in front of the door before finally having the courage to knock. The door was immediately swung open by Camila.
“Oh my god you’re here. Billy get down here!” Cami yelled into the house before grabbing you and squeezing you into a hug.
“Are you okay? Teddy said you were on a trip but we were worried.” All of a sudden Billy appeared at the door carrying Julia and having the most relieved smile on his face.
“Oh Y/N. Come here.”
“Yes, come in. I’ll get you some tea.” Billy put down Jules before he enveloped you in that familiar embrace. God you had missed him. Julia came over and hugged your leg, making you laugh as you picked her up.
“Hey there Jules. You’ve gotten so big.”
“Where were you?” Billy asked as you took a seat on the couch as Julia nestled into your chest.
“Switzerland. I wanted to tell you but I really didn’t want to disappoint you, Billy.”
“What do you mean?”
“I had to go to rehab. I know I should have talked to you-”
“No no, I get it. I’m so fucking sorry I wasn’t there for you. You deserve someone better than me as a brother. Cause I sure as hell don’t deserve you.”
“Shut up, Billy. You’re my twin and I’ll love you to the ends of the earth.”
The rest of the night was spent in tears and laughs. You finally spent some much needed time with your other half. Being a twin meant you had a companion for life but it hadn’t felt like that for a while.
Y/N: I spent most of the tour around Billy. We shared the separate bus with Graham but he usually ended up staying over at Daisy’s bus. And Nicky well Nicky was a horrible fucking person and I noticed how much of a hold he had over Daisy. I felt powerless all over again. I tried to talk to her about it but she wouldn’t listen to anyone. I understood that feeling. I was that person only a few months ago.
Daisy: Y/N and Billy tried. Y/N tried to help so much that now that I think back on it she might have been the only thing keeping me from really surrendering myself to Nicky.
Y/N: Billy found her overdosed in the bathroom one night. That kind of changed everything for Daisy. Oh and Karen and Graham became official.
You were snuggled up next to Billy as you watched a random movie. Ginger beer was sitting in front of you and popcorn littered the bus's couch. You had spent the past few nights crying yourself to sleep. As if that would change the fact that Karen was in love with your little brother.
Then the bus’s door unlocked and in walked Daisy Jones. You felt Billy instantly perk up and shut off the tv. Billy Dunne was in love with Daisy Jones and you were powerless to do anything. Billy couldn’t admit it to himself but you knew the truth. You had known the man since the second he was born. 
“Would it be okay if I slept here tonight?”
“Of course Daisy. I’ll leave you guys to it.” You gave your brother a quick nudge before disappearing into the bunk section. Snuggled under the covers you drifted off into dreamland with the sound of their intermingling voices in the background.
Y/N: When Teddy nearly died, it felt like the world stopped. I even went to a chapel. I couldn’t have him leave us just yet.
You were kneeling in one of the pews of the hospital chapel. Praying and just begging God to let him live. You would do anything if you could just have him back.
When you got the news that he was going to be fine, you went into the room before Billy did. He understood the importance of that to you.
“Hey old man. I’m glad you’re not dead yet.”
“You ain’t getting rid of me that easily.” That was when Teddy noticed your tear tracks. “ Oh sweetheart.”
“Can’t have you dying on me okay?”
“I won’t. I promise you.”
Y/N: Pittsburgh never felt like a home to me. LA had become that. At least I didn’t feel judged in every corner of the town. But I missed my mother.
The night before you were meant to leave for Pittsburgh you heard a soft knock on your hotel room door. Rising from your position on the bed, you threw your journal and pen back into the covers and padded over to the door. And there stood Karen. As beautiful as ever but with tears running down her face.
“Kare? What’s going on?” She looked into your eyes and suddenly you knew. Oh she was pregnant.
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” She visibly brightened a little before she delved into your arms and you held her through the night. Selfishly feeling happy that she was spending the night in your arms instead of your brother’s.
You awkwardly sat at the edge of your mother’s backyard. Taking sips of a glass of lemonade as you leaned your head on Karen’s shoulder.
“What’s going on?” You saw Cami walk up to the both of you with a concerned look on her face. You twisted your head to look up at Karen as she gave Cami a sad smile. Cami’s face morphed into something concerned before she gave you both a hug.
“I’m sorry.”
“Hey I’ll leave you two to discuss for a bit, okay?”
“Yeah I’ll see you later honey.” Karen’s little nickname for you made your heart flutter as you gave them both a smile before making your way to where Billy was talking to Chuck. The fucking dentist. You put your hands over your twin’s eyes and leaned next to his head.
“Guess who?” You asked, trying to deepen your voice as much as possible.
“Hmm I don’t know. Who could it be? I’m thinking it’s Y/N.”
“Spoilsport. Hey Chuck.” You made your way to stand next to Billy as he let out a chuckle at your childish antics.
“Hey Y/N. You look good.”
“Why thank you. I’m wearing Dior.” You gave him a slightly cutting smile before taking another sip of lemonade.
Warren: Y/N could be incredibly cutthroat when she wanted to. One of the best things about her.
Y/N: The Pittsburgh show went well. It was weird being home again. But the crowd was insane and Daisy and Billy well… they were Daisy and Billy.
The next morning after the show you went to the clinic with Cami and Karen. You held her hand during the procedure and gave her a comforting smile throughout it. She didn’t want pity or sadness and you knew that. You were always going to be there for her. Even if it was only as a friend.
Y/N: In all honesty, I thought everything was going great. Obviously I could see the tension between Daisy and Billy, I was literally living with them. I felt like a third wheel a lot of the time.
You could feel the palpable tension in the air as you played through the set. Billy looked heartbroken but also fucking elated, Daisy looked like she was having the time of her life, Eddie had a black eye, Graham couldn’t even look at Karen, Karen looked devastated but she kept sneaking glances your way, Warren looked like well Warren looked normal and you just did what you normally did, you observed. You mostly observed Karen because she looked really fucking hot in that outfit.
Then the set ended. Billy ran off to chase Camila and Daisy kept on singing. You knew it was the end. So before you went backstage you looked out onto the crowd one last time and sent them a kiss with a sad smile.
You were packing up your guitar when you felt a warm hand on your shoulder. You turned around to see Karen. In all her glory with a bright smile on her face.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this. I’m sorry it took so long for me to realize it.” Then she pulled you into a kiss. A kiss that reminded you of all of the things you had gone through since the start of the band. A kiss that felt like that pulsating crowd. A kiss that felt like pure unadulterated love.
“Wow Karen Sirko I didn’t know you had that in you.”
“Well Y/N Dunne I can’t wait to live out life with you.” You laughed before grabbing her and pulling her into a deeper kiss than before.
Daisy watched on as one of her favorite people in the world finally got her happy ending. And she felt calm for the first time in a while.
Karen: I wasn’t being completely honest with Graham for our entire relationship. I was literally in love with his sister throughout most of it but I didn’t know that I was. Until that night she just held me while I cried about being pregnant.
Y/N: *entwining your hand with Karen’s as the camera pans to allow you into frame* Karen is the only person I could ever imagine a life with. We live out in the mountains and I became a writer. And this incredible woman right here makes some of the best music out there.
Karen: Now you’re exaggerating.
Y/N: Shh I’m having a moment. So yeah Jules that’s how this whole thing has come to pass. I wouldn’t have changed one bit, it all led me to being with this beautiful woman whom I love with my entire being.
Julia: You know I think you’re like one of the coolest people ever right?
Y/N: Aww I love you so much kid. You’re definitely one of my favorite nieces, don’t tell Graham’s kids. *the camera cuts as you and Karen let out loud laughs*
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taglist: @yesshewrites1
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Promises. Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader. *FLUFFY ANGST*
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Summary: Eddie’s wife is pregnant with their first child. While cuddling with her, he reflects on the type of dad he wants and doesn’t want to be. 
Word count: 837
TW: Mentions of pregnancy. Mention of throwing up (nobody actually throws up. It’s just mentioned). Eddie talking about his parents (sad home life). A little bit of fluffy angst, but it ends fluffy I promise.
Eddie couldn’t help but watch his wife from the bed as she washed her face clean in the bathroom. His gaze fell to her growing belly that was on the sink counter, a smile spreading across his face as the sight.
She turns the light off to the bathroom, walking back into their bedroom as she yawns, climbing into bed with her husband.
Eddie immediately shimmies down the bed to rest his head on her belly, giving the bump kisses through her shirt. “How’s she hanging today?” He asks, rubbing the sides of her belly.
“She’s a pain in my ass.” She jokes, rubbing her hands through his dark hair, untangling some knots. “Kicking me when she’s mad, which makes me have to pee every 3 seconds. I got tacos for lunch, and then threw them up 10 minutes later because someone doesn’t like the grease.”
Eddie chuckles softly. “Already fighting with mom? You’re supposed to be nice to her, remember?” He directs the question to his unborn daughter.
“The only thing she lets me eat without getting sick is ice cream, and bread.”
“She’s just like you already. Loves ice cream like her mom.” Eddie takes her hand and kisses her wrist. “I love you. Both of you.”
She smiles down at him, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. “We love you too, Eds. You’ve been so patient with me, even when I’m being a grumpy bitch.”
“You’re not grumpy. Just uncomfortable. Besides, I promised you I would be here every single step of the way, I wasn’t kidding.” He says, playing with her wedding ring. “I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I wasn't going to be like my father and I meant it.”
Even though they had been together for almost 5 years, married for almost 1 year, it wasn’t often Eddie talked about his parents, but more specifically his dad. She could count on one hand how many times he talked about him.
“My dad was so in and out when my mom was pregnant with me, just coming and going whenever he wanted. And then in and out of jail my whole childhood.” He wasn’t looking at her while he spoke about his absent father, somehow feeling ashamed and embarrassed, like it was his fault. “I promised myself if I ever had kids, I was going to be the best dad ever. That I would be there for my girl when she was going through the pregnancy.”
“Well guess what, you are the best soon to be dad, and best husband I could ever ask for.”
Eddie finally looked up at her, his big doe eyes filling with tears. “I know I said this before and even after we got married, but you know I’m never going to treat you the way my dad did my mom, right? I’m never going to hurt you.” His voice strained in the last sentence.
She takes her thumb and wipes a tear away from his cheek, cradling his stubbly face. “I know, baby. I know you would never hurt me. Just because you and your dad share DNA, doesn’t mean you’re going to turn out like him.”
He nods his head, leaning into her hand. “Never want to be like him.” He whispers, almost as if he was telling himself instead of her.
“You’re here with me, you’re not locked up in prison, you’re already doing better than your dad. I’m not going to worry about you being an absentee dad. What I am going to worry about is you not letting me hold the baby once she’s born, you’re going to hog her.”
Eddie grins ear to ear before kissing her belly. “Yeah I’ll make sure she’s a total daddy’s girl. You don’t have a chance.” He laughs.
“We’ll just have to try for a little boy so he can be a momma’s boy.”
“And what’s going to happen if I only know how to make girls? We’ll just have a house full of girls.”
She giggles at the horrified face he makes. “One of them has to like me more than you.” She jokes.
“No, see, I already know this one is going to be wrapped around my finger. I can’t even tell you no, what makes you think I’m going to tell someone that is half of me, no?”
“Oh, so I’m going to be the bad guy?” She laughs, her belly bouncing.
Eddie chuckles, “Yup. You’re going to be the hard ass. I’ll be the one to save them and take them out for ice cream after. Sorry babe.” He says with a bright smile on his face.
“Can I ask you for a favor?”
“Can we go get ice cream?” She asks in a sweet voice, knowing he couldn’t say no to her in that tone. “The baby wants it.”
Eddie chuckles, rubbing the sides of her belly. “Well if the baby wants it, who am I to tell her no? Let’s go, you two.”
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svfttachi · 10 months
Hello!! I recently just got into Kuroko no basket so I would like to put in a request😄. Can I get a Kise x stoic reader who is a new student at Kaijou. I hope I'm doing this right😅 but anyways I hope you have a nice day and thank you💜💜
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wc — 2.0k
type — kise ryouta x gn!reader
tw — n/a
✎ this request was so cute like... i couldn't stop writing and went a little overboard. i hope you enjoy it, and i appreciate everybody's patience with me as i deal with life and personal things behind the scenes.
◃ to knb writings
Small things that should generate some kind of response or emotion never came upon your own face. With a rough childhood full of distrust, absentee parents, and inability to form lasting and meaningful relationships, you naturally grew unfazed to whatever may come onto your path. In fact, you tread through life without the need to socialize with others or care enough to express your inner feelings. It just wasn’t important to go through things that only brought hardship onto yourself.
However, you never expected to have your whole perspective on life to be changed in one day at your new school.
Walking into the building was much like any other normal day for you except that you were immediately greeted by plenty of students, all of whom were upperclassmen happily celebrating the arrival of the fresh batch of underclassmen. You were bombarded by many smiling faces, colorful gifts, and even a couple of friendly hugs from the other students, yet none of that could change the bored expression on your face.
With your class schedule and locker assignment printed on the paper in your hand, you haphazardly made your way towards the hallway where your locker was supposed to be. However, upon arriving in the hallway, you found a couple of students in a group standing right where your locker should be. A composed manner in your step brought you closer to the group, and you signaled the one closest to you by poking his shoulder with your finger.
In an instant, the student turned around, forcing his yellowish-blonde hair to swish along with his turning head. His caramel, brown eyes were on full display along with a typical, smiley face.
Just as his mouth opened to ask a question, you started first, speaking in an annoyed tone, “You and your buddies are standing in front of my locker.”
The boy’s face immediately twisted into a confused expression, and his head turned to look over at his friends who all had a similar expression pressed on their faces.
“Well? Are you going to move, or not?” your patience growing thin within you as your eyebrows furrowed. The boy scratched the back of his head and nodded, speaking a little off guard, “Uh… yeah, sure. Let’s go someplace else guys.”
Your eyes watched everyone within the group make the space in front of your locker available, allowing you to walk up to it. Unbeknownst to you, pondering, caramel eyes captured your figure as you were shoving the copious amounts of enormous gifts into the small space of your locker.
Whispers inched towards the blonde haired boy’s ears, specifically about the strange way you didn’t go all insane when seeing their friend’s face like all the other students do. When it came to the attention he got in school, Kise Ryouta would fully indulge himself into it, going from taking pictures to signing his modeling magazines. There was never a time where he wasn’t the center of attention anywhere, yet today, the lack of attention from a student he’s never seen was enough to peak his curiosity.
“Kise, you coming?” one of his friends called out from down the hall. Pushing the thought to the back of his mind, Kise turned to nod in response, “Yeah, coming.”
He jogged a little to reach his friends and was quickly sucked into whatever the topic of the conversation was, all while reminiscing the brief moment between the two of you.
Apart from the dread that comes with school and doing work for you, the weather outside was perfect for a lovely lunch break spent outdoors. As soon as the bell signaling the beginning of the lunch period sounded, you rushed out of the hallway and towards the open, green area that rested along the side of the school where the gymnasiums were located. You found an unoccupied bench directly in front of one of the gymnasium doors and underneath the cover of the paved walkway towards it, and you sat down, crossing your leg over the other.
You pulled out your lunch from within your bag and immediately started to soothe the ache in your stomach from the amount of angry growling it has sounded throughout the day. The first bite into your self-made lunch was the most relaxing bite of food in a while, and you were glad that the weather also complied with this idea if yours.
Indulging in your food made you unaware of the side doors from where you came opening and closing, allowing a lonesome boy to come out. Kise ran a hand through his hair as he glanced out at the clearing where many people were sitting and enjoying their lunch. That’s when his caramel, brown eyes landed upon your figure. It wasn’t entirely clear that you were enjoying your food, but from the sight of your head bobbing up and down as if you were jamming to a song, Kise knew that you must be having something delicious for lunch.
The interaction that the two of you shared this morning made its way back into Kise’s mind. Your laid back, stoic expression was intriguing him by the minute, and it didn’t stop him from beginning to walk over to where you were seated.
At the sound of light footsteps, you glanced up from your lunch, allowing your eyes to land upon Kise’s form heading close to you.
“This bench is occupied,” you stated, stuffing another piece of your food in your mouth. The eye contact between the two of you was so strong that Kise felt a shiver run down his spine. Kise began to scratch the back of his head as the nerves were getting to him. “I–I can see that. Must be some good food you got there,” Kise responded.
As much as you were plain in facial expressions, you weren’t a heartless person. Without a doubt in your mind, you held your container up to Kise, forcing his eyes to crisscross due to how close it was to him. “You can try it if you’d like. I made it myself,” you offered.
“Are you sure?” Kise asked cautiously. It was as if he lost the ability to talk to people with how different you were acting towards him. “It’s up to you. I don’t mind it,” you said, still holding the container out in front of him.
Kise nodded and grabbed one of the rice balls inside. You lowered the container back down and grabbed a cracker from the container, but your eyes never left Kise as he tasted the rice ball you made from scratch. He covered his mouth with his hand as he chewed, a trick he learned to avoid unappealing paparazzi pictures. You watched his caramel eyes widen and look inside the rice ball to catch a glimpse of the filling.
“Wow, this is one of the best rice balls I’ve ever had,” Kise exclaimed, continuing to mutter wow as he ate.
For the first time in a long time, your chest ached a new, but pleasant, kind of ache as your heart fluttered. A fiery blush rose in color within your cheeks, and your face changed ever so slightly to adjust to the newfound emotion bubbling within you. It felt different to have some attention geared towards you, let alone a silly, little compliment about the deliciousness of your homemade food.
“I was tempted to say that this could be beat by this one place I go with my friends, but no, this one takes the cake,” Kise continued. To be honest, whatever he had said after the compliment he gave you went through one ear and out the other, but it still made you give the boy the lightest of smiles, one that no one has the right to see. “By the way, I never caught your name. I bet it’s as beautiful as this rice ball,” Kise said, lifting the food in his hand a little higher.
“I–It’s L/N Y/N,” you stuttered. Yes… stuttered because for some reason, the first boy you ever met at this new school was doing things to you that would have not cracked you one bit.
Your eyes caught a pretty smile from the blonde boy before he added, “I knew it was a pretty name. Kise Ryouta.”
Kise stuck his hand out in front of you, and it took a second for you to realize it’s there before you shook it.
“Do you mind if I take a seat next to you?” he asked after your hand left the softness of his. “Um… go ahead,” you mumbled, trying to recompose yourself after momentarily turning into a completely different person.
Kise shrugged his backpack off of his shoulders and dropped it onto the ground next to yours before taking a seat beside you. He happily sat there munching on his rice ball, yet it still made you feel warmer on the inside than when you first arrived at school.
“You know… my friend would absolutely love having these rice balls. He’s a big foodie like I’m talking about the fact that he snacks every second of every day,” Kise mentioned, looking over at you with a bright look on his face. Slowly, the light smile from before reappeared on your face as you spoke up, “Oh really? I’m a pretty big foodie myself, and nobody I know can beat me in those eating competitions.”
Kise held a hand up and furrowed his brows jokingly, “Please. My friend could beat you in an eating competition any day!”
You shook your head and continued to eat the remnants of your food left in the container. “We’ll have to see about that,” you mumbled.
Soon, the bell for the next class period rang, prompting you to pack up your lunch box into your backpack. As you stood up from your spot on the bench, Kise grabbed hold of both of your backpacks as you straightened your uniform. Kise held your backpack in front of you, and it felt so natural to take it from him yet the blush decided to peek in once again.
“It was nice meeting you, Kise. Thank you for sitting with me for lunch,” you said, waving at the boy before turning around to walk away.
Kise couldn’t contain the smile that was showing on his face. Not once did you ask about his professional life as a model, and it was like you genuinely didn’t know a single thing about him. If you were intriguing him before, he was definitely lovestruck now, especially since you make such delicious food.
Just as you were about to head into the main building for class, Kise quickly realized something small but meaningful if he wanted to keep this connection with you. He brought his backpack in front of him to dig through it in the hopes he’d find a paper and pen. With only a pen in his hand, Kise ran towards the door, shoving many people out of the way but not without muttering little apologies.
“Y/N-cchi!” Kise shouted from the doorway. His eyes locked onto your figure that was turning around at the mention of the strange pronunciation of your name.
Your own eyes watched Kise practically fall a couple of times as he was coming up to you. Once he arrived, he was barely out of breath, holding out the pen in his hand.
“Do you have a piece of paper I can borrow?” Kise questioned. You found it strange how he looked slightly disheveled over asking you for paper which of course you didn’t have.
“No, sorr– Wait, Kise!”
Kise wasted no time in yanking your hand towards himself. He clicked the pen in his hand and began to write in the palm of your hand, making you question his actions. With the masterpiece of sloppy handwriting stamped in the palm of your hand, Kise clicked the pen once more and curled your fingers over what he wrote.
“See you later, Y/N-cchi!”
With that, he left you confused in the middle of the hallway, and all you saw was his blonde hair leaving around a corner. You looked down at your wrist and uncurled your fingers to find a phone number along with a message.
rice balls for tomorrow, too pls?
And just like that, a light chuckle came out of your mouth as a result of the many happy thoughts circling your mind… all thanks to the smile on the blonde haired boy’s face.
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navigation ✧. ┊rules
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summer-blues-stuff · 8 months
Some batfam fanfic recommendations for you to enjoy-
“ or, How Tim Drake Found A Family, Became A Photojournalist, Learned To Love Coffee, and Grew Up, not necessarily in that order.
Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you.
Alfred and Jason disagree, and get Dick and Bruce involved in figuring out their weird nextdoor neighbor kid’s life. Everything goes uphill from there.”
One my favourites, i reread this every month it’s a classic time drake centric fic in which he joins the batfam early.
I, ___________________________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”).
The bats have a sex pollen release form. Because of course they do.
Such a good, funny and goofy fic. 10/10 would recommend. The only issue with this is it isn’t long enough.
A classic of the genre, so witty in its humour- 10/10.
The morning Tim runs out of things to give, he can feel in his chest. It’s a hollowness; a feeling that if someone rapped their fist against his ribcage, he would ring like a drum. It’s a lightness; the same lightness he felt in that hot, sandy desert in Iraq when he thought he was going to die. Sometimes, everything going wrong is a comfort; at least when you hit rock bottom you know you’re done falling.
To heal your inner gifted burnout child.
Tim splits his pants at a charity gala. To say that he’s expecting merciless teasing from his brothers is an understatement.
What he gets is… not that?
This is so stupid i love it so much.
“Why not?” Jason asked, looking put out, “We stole Damian from him”
“We didn’t steal Damian”, Dick refuted, while the youngest of their family snorted, “Fool. As if grandfather wouldn’t increase security after you purloined me right under his nose”
Or, Bruce would like for one breakfast- just one, singular breakfast with his kids- to not be preceded by, filled with or result in complete and utter chaos
Tired single dad brucie
Tam insists Tim isn't okay, and gives him a task — to reach out for help. Tim would rather do, well, anything else. But it can’t hurt to try, right?
(Spoiler Alert: Yes, yes it can. So much. So, so much.)
My only two tags for this was holy fucking shit and sobbing so do with that what you will
The pieces were starting to click into place, aligning to create a deeply disturbing picture.
“Are you seriously saying you’ll become a missing person and fake your death for this stupid homecoming plan?” Jason interrupted, his voice full of as much judgmental incredulity as possible.
The kid’s eyes skated back over to him, his face twitching into a brief frown. “What? No.” A pause. “I mean, we could do that instead, if you wanted. But to fool Batman I’d need facial reconstruction surgery and new papers and it would all have to be untraceable—,” he broke off with a scoff, shaking his head slightly.
“No, it’s just smarter and more cost-efficient to do it for real.”
Tim learns about Jason Todd's return, does some research on the Lazarus Pit, and realizes that there might be a way to solve multiple problems all at once: removing himself from the picture.
For some strange reason, the Red Hood doesn't seem keen on cooperating.
Imagine being so unhinged that the person hellbent on murdering you is concerned.
Jason: 🧍‍♂️ 🗡️
Tim: 🙄🫥
Jason: …
Unfinished fic though.
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krueger4eva · 9 months
Top 12 LGBT Horror Characters
11. Deena Johnson (played by Kiana Madeira) from the Fear Street trilogy
TW: death, murder
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*spoilers for Fear Street: 1994, Fear Street: 1978, and Fear Street: 1666*
Based on R.L. Stine’s iconic teen horror novel series, Netflix’s Fear Street Trilogy tells the story of a rivalry between two neighboring towns that spans across centuries: the upper-class Sunnyvale and the impoverished Shadyside. Since the 1600s, Sunnydale has thrived with wealth, a safe community, and an impeccable reputation. Meanwhile, if you live in Shadyside, you are at risk of residing in squalor, having your property vandalized, or being murdered by someone close to you.
School band drummer Deena can vouch for this. Living with an alcoholic absentee father, having to be responsible for herself and her brother Josh, and having to grow up in “the murder capital of the United States” has led her to adopt a jaded exterior to mask her emotional vulnerabilities.
Now, let me be honest here. Despite her having an interesting character background, I did not like Deena for the first half of Fear Street: 1994, but it is not for the reasons above.
The reason I could barely tolerate Deena is that she acted so entitled to her ex-girlfriend, Samantha. For some reason, she is heartbroken over Sam dating someone else, even though DEENA broke up with her. In addition, the reason she broke up Sam is because Sam and her family moved from Shadyside to Sunnyvale.
Deena! Sam’s parents made the decision to move, not Sam. As a child, she had no say in the matter!
Finally, to quote Sam in the movie, “I am half an hour away”. To which Deena replies, “It might as well be the goddamn moon”. Ugh…
At that moment, I was thinking Sam deserved a better girlfriend than Deena.
Now, I can discuss why I began to like Deena more throughout the trilogy.
Despite her prickly behavior, she was determined, resourceful, and loyal to her loved ones. In order to save her brother, her girlfriend, and her town from destruction, Deena led the mission to defeat the undead corpses of past Shadyside killers and uncover the secrets behind the infamous curse.
The moments with her brother Josh were especially endearing and heartwarming without being too saccharine. These new dangerous circumstances forced them to rely on each other more than ever on a goal greater than themselves.
Deena even became a better girlfriend to Sam as she risks danger at every turn and goes through the ends of the Earth to save her life.
With the help of the spirit of Sarah Fier, Deena breaks the centuries-long curse on Shadyside and shares Fier’s story to clear her name.
Over the course of a few days, Deena evolved from high school band geek to an unexpected hometown heroine.
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iloveprettyboysblog · 2 years
I debated with myself if I was going to even post this but here's Part Two of Devour 💙💙
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TW: age gap (keeping it legal, but the female character is older). JJ's abusive, absentee father. Angst. Smut. Minors DNI 🚫
Devour Part Two
I watch as JJ walks towards me down the hallway and my stomach feels like a fish flopping on dry land. JJ Is gorgeous, sexy and very smart. Not to mention that he's a smart ass and a natural flirt. But he's one of my best friends since the fourth grade. I want him to be my boyfriend, but it's not meant to be, something's a girl just knows. She might not like it, but deep down she knows.
"Hey, Kie." JJ meets me with his flirty smile, the one that makes his dimples pop. My name is Kiara Carrera. My friends call me Kie. My parents picked my name from some character on a TV show. Thanks again scriptwriters of the nineties.
"Hey you." I hug my books to my chest and move out of the way of the student masses. "Did you have a good first day?" JJ shrugs and says "Pretty much the same ol, same ol. I bet you had a better day."
I'm on the honor roll, where JJ could be if he'd just take it more seriously. "It's definitely going to be difficult this year. The teacher's have upped their game."
"If anyone could do it, it's you." I love basking in JJ's scant attention. "So what's going on tonight?" "John B's picking me up tonight and we're going to the game." "No homework?" "Don't be such a drag, Kie." He smiles at me and my heart skips a beat.
"You laid eyes on the new teacher?" His smile is wide. "Seen her? I have her. In the academic sense. World history. " I saw her in the cafeteria, where every man in the joint leered at her while she walked in to buy iced tea. "Please don't make a joke about taking a tour of her body. "
"Kie, I'm shocked that you would even think that about me, like i'm that shallow and insensitive." He widens his blue eyes, trying to act innocent. "I don't need to have the entire tour, just the highlights. "
I slug him in the arm. "You're gross, JJ." Then as an after thought I add, "I think that she looks cheap." I know that I'm being mean but she shouldn't show off her body.
"She's hot and she knows it. Not your typical teacher for high school." I feel my face turn beet red. I know that he doesn't mean it but I take it to mean that I'm not hot. "She's supposed to teach us, JJ. Not look hot."
JJ shrugs. "She can't do both?" I'm digging a deeper hole for myself that I don't know how to climb out of. Mercifully, JJ changes the subject. "You coming to the football game tonight?"
"Probably," that makes JJ's cocky grin appear and I melt internally. He slings his arm around me and says "You better sit with me and the boys."
"I'll be going with Jemma and Tiffany. " JJ shrugs and says "The more the merrier, right?" I nod and JJ says "Glad that's settled." JJ pulls his arm from around my shoulder and I can sense that our time together is coming to an end. At least for today.
I long for the hot summer days and the long summer nights when I could spend all of my time with him. Now my weekends are spent working in my parents' restaurant.
"I'm gone," he says. I watch him walk away down the empty hallway and I realize that I missed my ride. I know that my mom won't pick up if I call her. She doesn't like that all of my spare time is spent with JJ, John B and Pope.
I pull my phone out of my bag and call up Jemma. She picks up on the second ring and says that she'll be there in 15. I sit outside and wait for her to pull up. I sit on the bench and read up about conservation.
I hate being 15. Too young to drive without a parent in the car with me. I refuse to take the school bus. I sit and wait and think about JJ. Just add him to the list of things that I can't have.
I think that the saying is never let them see you sweat. It's all that I can think about as they filter into my classroom. New faces look at each other, they ignore my presence and all of the hard work that I put into making my classroom appear warm and friendly. I check them over as they file in: tall, short, pretty, plain, shy, loud, teases, all feeling their youth and vitality. They don't know what they have and I envy them. I'm drawn to them. I want what they have.
I became a teacher because I felt like I could make a difference in students lives. I know that it seems simple. But it's them, the students, who have made a difference in my life. I watch a girl slide into a seat in the front row. She appears to be studious, eager to learn and get good grades.
All the way in the back of the classroom, a group of big, unruly boys sit down. I can tell that they hate school as they hunch over their desks. Some falling asleep, boredom or lack of sleep. First period classes always drag on. They come alive at night. And so do I.
The bell rings and I make the introductions, begin talking about world history ancient and modern. I can feel their eyes on me, drinking me in, their expressions vary. Most of them in disbelief. I hear somebody mutter under their breath, "Is she for real?" It's what I've come to expect. I can see that I've made an impression on a few of the students. They won't forget me,I have no doubt. I ask for volunteers to distribute the textbooks. A few of them fall over themselves to help.
I stand in front of my desk with my ankles crossed. The old desk feels rough against my hands. Not like the desk at the last school I taught at. A private school on Figure Eight. The desk was smooth and sleek, dark with age and prestige. I ask a couple of questions to the eager faces. They sit in silence, staring. My moral sinks. Ordinary. They're all ordinary.
I hear a voice. Typical smart ass answer that makes a couple of students laugh. He's beautiful. Blond hair, blue eyes, dimples. I can tell that he's stuck in that awkward in between stage of youth and impending adulthood. In this instant, I know. It's a gift, being able to read them. I stare at him and the room begins to recede. He sits in the warmth of the fading sun and suddenly it's clear to me. He's the one.
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infraaa · 1 year
『here we go guys! SNOWY DRIVE is here! Just some brief context, if anyone is familiar with Twisted Wonderland, this series is loosely based off of the overblots. This will be one of my largest projects yet! Let me know if you want to see more of these, and let’s give a round of applause to @m00re-devi1s for the idea! 👏👏👏』
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affogato cookie x gn!reader
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 • • • ❥❥❥
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐖𝐎 • • •
tw // narcissitic parenting, domestic abuse, emotional incest, implied absentee parents, abortion, implied mature themes cw // affogato, latte, and espresso are siblings in this series. This stems from my own headcanons that I posted sometime ago.
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It was still snowing— heavily. However that didn’t stop Affogato and the gang, no no no.
Affogato knew how to get around in bastardly cold weather, whether rain, hail, sleet or snow. He had modified his car just enough for it to be able to withstand the wintery pressure. Yet he felt unsure… driving alongside his partner, brother and sister, and a few friends from the Tower of Sweet Chaos he worked alongside. You had been pressing him for a vacation, to get away from it all and to go have some relaxing fun somewhere. Of course, eventually he caved to your cries after you managed to rack up a following. He had this cabin in the north that used to belong to his mother, a snowy Christmas cabin where Affogato, Latte, and Espresso grew up. It was on the outskirts of the wintery coffee village, some ways away from the Licorice Sea. Chillhop music emanated from his radio, as Licorice had fallen asleep some time after they took off. Red Velvet sat next to the sleeping necromancer, looking out the window as they drove out at the wintery roads and trees. You sat next to Espresso and Latte, who were both reading books that they had brought with them, clearing their throats every so often with the turn of either every off white or pristine page. You have fallen asleep on Espresso’s shoulder before long, it was just too warm and cozy not to, and hell Espresso always smelled so good— of coffee and old books, and he always wore this clean smelling cologne that had hints of vanilla in it that made you drool at times.
It was definitely one hell of a drive, it took you lot four hours to get from point A to your destination. When you all did arrive however, it was truly a sight to behold. Sure it looked a little run down due to no one living in it for so long, but before your take off, you and Affogato had temporary services started, and you both cleaned the shit out of that house. “Damn, you plowed the crap out of the driveways.” Licorice muttered. “I know, I told him not to but of course, he didn’t listen.” Affogato laughed at you, walking up on the wooden front porch that was semi laden with ice. “You forgot to put salt on the porch, silly. Come on, it’s cold.” Affogato unlocked the front door to unleash a torrent of warmth, which greeted the lot of you with open arms, it was like a big hug from your mother. Red Velvet ran in the cabin with quite the frenzy, “Bathroom.” Espresso pointed over to his left, “turn right it’ll be the first door you come across.” The crimson general nodded and ran off. “Well, get settled. Espresso and Latte, show y/n, Licorice, and Red Velvet around the cabin.” They both nodded at their older brother’s orders, and waited for Red Velvet to finish up. The gang was led around by the younger siblings as Affogato and you straightened out the small dining area that the cabin had. It was very rustic— like the house had been established a long time ago. The table and chairs matched, slightly worn due to use, and the cushions on the seat were impressioned permanently. You looked over to Affogato, who had walked through to the kitchen to set up plates, glass and tableware. While he was doing that, you got the crockpot together along with the things needed for your dinner.
Affogato set down a group of spoons on a folded set of paper towels and then looked over at the table in the dining area. He started getting this familiar feeling in his stomach, however it shocked him at first, considering he hasn’t felt it in a while. He started to have a vision… a vision of something he never wished he’d see again.
Affogato, Latte, and Espresso were all sitting at the kitchen table, looking up to their mother. She blinked at the three of them before clearing her throat, a deep, yet clear and stern voice emanating from her throat as she spoke. “Okay. I am your mother, and since I am your mother, I am automatically equipped with an internal polygraph test inside of me. So I will ask the three of you a question, and I shall determine whether or not I believe there’s deception. Let’s start with my baby, Espresso. Espresso, what have you done today?” The young espresso fixed his bulky glasses and smiled, “I dusted the furniture down and helped Latte with the laundry! I also studied for my upcoming exams.” The tall woman nodded, fixing her platinum blonde hair, the darker brown streaks at the top falling beautifully down her head. “No deception detected, Latte?”
Latte put her hands on the table and looked at her mother for a second before speaking, “I did the laundry, folded it and put it away, prepped the table for dinner, cleaned the bathroom, all of our rooms, and the living room.” Their mother looked somewhat impressed, cracking a smile at Latte before nodding. “We don’t usually get this far,” she muttered happily to herself, “No deception detected.” “Why would I lie to you, mama?” Latte asked with an innocent smile, which made Espresso huff in annoyance. “Moving on lastly to the eldest, Affogato?” He smirked, before raising a hand to quickly move his matching platinum and chocolate brown bangs away from his face before speaking.
“I did the dishes, straightened the couch, took the dogs out, made dinner, cut the grass, front and back, plus the neighbor’s grass, paid the electric and phone bills, prepped our lunches for tomorrow morning, made sure our outfits for school were pressed and assessed, did my homework, helped Espresso with his, and… I believe that’s it.”
His mother took a second to analyze all that Affogato had told her before crossing her arms, which made the young boy confused. “…I believe there’s more.” She countered. “Deception. Affogato, what all have you done?” He swallowed before clearing his throat, remembering to keep calm, “took the trash out, brought the recycle back, refilled the food and water bowls for the dogs, and I brought back all of your mail and organized it in the drawer.” “Affogato, deception. I know there’s something you’re not telling me.” Latte and Espresso looked to their older brother in confusion and in shock. He did mostly everything that day in the house, what could he not have done? Everything else that could have been done was already done by someone else, plus he did the bulk of it all. But there was something that he had been hiding from her… something he knew she wouldn’t like. “I… I found a girl, mama. I started talking to a girl.” 
She widened her eyes in half laden shock, before rolling her eyes and putting a few fingers to her temples. “Affogato?” He sighed, his attention switching over to Latte, who was elbowing his side and mouthing out the words, ‘just come out with it.’ He looked back up to his already disappointed mother, and put his hands on the table. “And I… invited her to the house.” This made her SNAP, and SLAM down on the dining room table which made Latte and Espresso jump in their seats. “Y’all didn’t do anything now did you?!” “No, mama!” She looked over to her younger children, who looked back to her in fear. “He didn’t! I swear mama, he didn’t!” Latte shook, sending a rivlet of relief through Affogato’s body. A minute passed, one that seemed like an hour, when finally their mother straightened up, cleared her throat once more, and looked Affogato straight in the eye. “…we shall talk about this at a later date, capeesh?” He nodded quickly, so as to not disturb her again. “Yes mama.”
The sun set that night, and after Espresso and Latte were tucked in neatly in their cozy beds, Affogato on the other hand would go into another unraveling nightmare that would be the pointless scolding of his mother. Something so little, so minor, could be taken as a travesty, and as she yelled at her confused, lonely son in an attempt to straighten him over to something as minuscule as talking to and hanging out with a girl, one from his class even, he stared blankly into space.
“What did I tell you, boy?! You are not to socialize with females, do you want a child!?”
“No, mama!”
“Then you should know that you could disgrace our family by doing that! One mustn’t go where one shouldn’t tread, do you understand that?”
“Yes, mama!”
“Be responsible and be a role model to your brother and sister, they don’t need you running the streets hot like an escort. You’re better than that, yet you do these things all the time, why can’t you be like your siblings?! They’re so obedient! Yet you have the audacity to lash out at my authority to do things such as this on a repetitive basis. First it was the fighting, the suspensions from school, the ridicule towards our family name and now you’re out here fucking GALAVANTING? You know I raised you better than this, so ACT. LIKE IT!”
Suddenly, the young man before you caught his breath, as though he was winded from running a marathon. He caught the silverware in his hand before it could slip from his thin fingers, and he looked at you in relief. “Oh… hey, y/n.” He stammered, clearing his throat out from his stupor, “I’m sorry about that, I wasn’t ignoring you, I was just… deep in thought is all.” You cracked a smile and pat his cheek lightly in reassurance, causing him to gawk at you slightly. You were so quick to forgive, and he loved that about you. “I was gonna ask you if you wanted me to prepare any of the drinks for dinner.” He looked at the glasses stacked up in your hands, and swept his hair from his eyes in a rushed manner, clearing off some of the accumulated sweat from his forehead. “No, no… no you don’t have to… I’ll do it.” You nodded after a few seconds before putting a hand to his back, looking at him in his off white feline eyes you could tell something was off. Something wasn’t right. His forehead was moist and his face flush. Concern laid on your brow for just the slightest moment as you looked at your boyfriend. “Are you okay?--“ “Yes. I’m fine.” You let go of his back and looked at him for another second before taking the glasses back from off the counter and walking off to set them on the coasters on the table. He watched you awkwardly before going back to what he was doing, following you in with the rest of the supplies for the table.
Dinner was done, and everyone was called down to the dining room to eat. At first, Licorice was hesitant to eat because he hasn’t had Affogato’s cooking before. He sat at the table and looked at Red Velvet, who sat next to him, as well as everyone else currently seated. “Listen, I… I’ve never had his cooking before so can one of y’all try it first?” Latte prepared the bowls and sat them down on each saucer that everyone had in front of them, and with a smile, she set down Licorice’s bowl, making him grimace. “Are you implying that my brother may have done something to the soup?” He looked at the blonde cookie and nodded. Red Velvet suddenly started to chuckle under his breath.  “Come on now, quit being a baby and try his food.” “Nah,” “Licorice I swear to god don’t embarrass me.” “I’ll let you know that Affogato had made us dinner in our youth growing up plenty of times,” Espresso interrupted, “and even afterward. And I can assure you, his food is edible.” You and Affogato found your seats at the table, and looked to Licorice, the whole dining room now coated in an awkward silence. Everyone’s eyes pointed to the necromancer, driving him to taste the food hesitantly, which then afterward, everyone else started eating. “Mm..” Red Velvet hummed as he swallowed. “I remember Affogato used to make jambalaya all the time in the winter. He always had a penchant for home cooking.” Latte commented, causing Affogato to smile, sipping his drink. “Is that what this is?” Licorice asked, with a confirming nod from Affogato. 
They then finished eating, with Latte and Espresso opting to do the dishes and clean up. Everyone else, having full stomachs, either hung out in the family room or went to their quarters to rest for the night. Affogato however had different plans. While you slept, late in the night with everyone else gone to bed, he walked around the cabin aimlessly. He looked tired, but he just couldn’t find it in him to go to sleep. He itched at his skin and turned a corner back into the family room for what seemed like the fourth time. Walking out into the middle of the room he looked up at a picture that hung from the wall right next to the television. Even in the dark he could still tell who was in the golden frame— his grandmother. He walked up to the picture on the wall and aligned it so that it was straight, leaving his left hand on the bottom corner. His hand started to shake slightly, looking back over his shoulder to the couch behind him.
“So… your older brother has had the jarring possibility of conjuring up a child.” His mother walked around the living room, straightening her robes. Latte and Espresso sat on the couch in front of their mother as she paced, shocked yet somewhat not as surprised as you think they would be. “He did what now?” Latte asked, leaning forward slightly in place. Espresso hung his head, dark brown bangs falling over onto his face. “What happened?” Latte asked again. “You know I handled him already. Why can’t your older brother just… why can’t he just listen to me?” “Mama… I feel like he’s lonely. You never let us around Affogato to begin with, let alone speak to him.” Espresso countered, causing his mother to stare back at him, almost ominously. She grabbed a chair from over on the side of the room and sat in front of her two younger children, crossing her legs. Looking at both of them, she smirked, and adjusted her bangs. “Oh I know. As a matter of fact I am very well aware of the fact that you both go behind me and interact with him anyway despite me wanting to protect you both from corruption…” Espresso and Latte both looked at each other, then back at their mother who’s smirk only got taller. “I’m starting to suspect that you all knew about Affogato’s slip up before I did.”
Meanwhile, Affogato sat with his back against his bedroom door, his knees tucked under his chin. He was listening to the conversation that his mother was having with his brother and sister. He felt betrayal coarse through his body when he heard Espresso tell their mother that Latte knew about it, but he didn’t, leading her to ask him how he knew that she knew. After a moment of silence, Affogato quickly moved over from his door to his bed, looking out of his window into the backyard. He was grounded, arrested away from the outside world until further notice. But he thought he could get away… just this once. He unlocked his window, slender fingers turning the knobs, allowing the window to be lifted open. Oh, but there was a screen on the window! He would have to climb out of the top. Suddenly, footsteps could be heard coming towards his room. Quickly, he closed and locked his window back, just in time for his mother to walk in, seeing her eldest look back at her with a hand still on one of the notches. She raised her brow and looked at him with a smile, taking an extension cord out of the pocket of her robe.
“Mama… I-“ “Shut up.” He slowly lowered his hand and moved closer off of the bed, eyeing his opened front door, opened just enough for him to probably underhand his mother and run. However, she shut the door and walked towards her son, taking the extension cord and placing it around his neck, like a scarf. “You have two options,” his mother started darkly, “you can either A, come with me to the clinic tomorrow morning where you will be tested for any venereal diseases from whatever slut you fucked, and then we can take a visit to a urologist and set you up to be clipped… and the baby eighty sixed when the time comes…” taking the extension cord, she took that and wrapped around her own neck before twisting her son around so that he was bent over on the bed. “Or… you can take this ass beating, which regardless of which option you pick, you will be getting one anyway, and then we can take you to court to start the child support process. Now at the age of sixteen, I really don’t think you would want to be a teenage father, unable to support and or even possibly care for that spawn you conjured, since you can’t seem to pull out.”
Espresso and Latte walked outside of the cabin. They couldn’t bear to hear their eldest brother muffle his own screams of pain. They sat on the porch for a good twenty minutes or so, before going back inside to see that their mother had gone to bed. Quickly scurrying like kittens to their eldest brother’s room, and they could feel a lingering darkness still in the air. Latte softly knocked on the door. “GO AWAY!” She heard Affogato yell out. On the other side of the door, there sat a beaten Affogato with red marks on his back, his shirt torn off of him as it sat ripped on the floor. He cried into his pillow from the pain. From the other side of the door, Affogato opened his bloodshot eyes to hear Latte mutter out, “we love you,” before walking off.
He got a mandatory vasectomy the following week. He remembered having to sit at the dining table, at the sofa, his bed, anywhere really in discomfort and pain for what he felt like was the longest time. Shame coated his brain and his thoughts… at the very thought of him never being able to produce a child… even if he genuinely wanted one.
Standing motionless, Affogato then felt a bubbling in his stomach. He rushed over to the kitchen to get a glass of water, chugging it down before feeling the urge to choke. He rushed to the bathroom where he got sick. Waking you up, you walked to the bathroom to find Affogato heaving in the toilet. Sitting beside him, you held his hair, and at the end, he hugged you, trying so very hard to hold tears back. He had told you that it was probably the jambalaya that made his stomach upset, abnormally upset… like he contracted some kind of stomach bug. You nodded… still unsure of whether or not to believe him. After a second to collect himself, he brushed his teeth with another glass of water, and finally went to bed.
Birds chirped bright and early the next morning as coffee was being brewed for the gang. Affogato entered the kitchen and gave his sister a hug, something she hasn’t had in a long time. She hugged him back with a sleepy chuckle, handing him his coffee. “I didn’t know whether or not you put sugar or milk in your coffee.” He smiled, setting his coffee back down on the counter and opened the fridge, taking out a bottle of coffee creamer. “Cream.” “In other words, liquid calories-“ “in other words Espresso, mind your business.” With a laugh from the younger man, he sipped his black, strong as hell coffee with a cocky look in his brown eyes. “By the way,” Espresso continued, taking some waffles out of the freezer, “wait a second I was gonna make pancakes-“ “No. Waffles.” Espresso countered Latte as she interrupted him mid sentence. “Anywho,” he spoke as Latte went to gather the stuff she needed to make breakfast anyway, “You threw up last night, something wrong?” So he heard him. Shit. Affogato took another drink of his coffee, now laden with AlmondJoy flavored coffee creamer, he shook his head. “You sure?” “What’s going on?” Latte asked, turning her head from the kitchen stove to look at her older brother in question. “He wasn’t feeling too good last night.” You walked in the kitchen and kissed Affogato on the cheek. “Now come on, we have to prepare breakfast and discuss our plans for the day.” Affogato put his hands together, as they were abnormally cold. He followed you back into the living room where he would sit his coffee down on the small table beside the couch and resume his morning routine.
Once again in the dining room, everyone was eating chocolate chip pancakes with either coffee or tea. “Our plans. What are they?” Licorice asked, taking a sip of his tea. “The runes of the Coffee Tribe are just a little ways away. We can walk around there and do some sightseeing. There’s also a small town up the street some miles, we can do some strip shopping.” Latte suggested happily. “Sounds good to me.” Red Velvet said, swallowing down his pancakes. “Man chill red velvet for real, scarfing down pancakes like it’s an Arby’s sandwich-“ “you’re not that much better princess.” Red Velvet countered, “that’s why don’t ever go out on dates, ‘cuz no one would wanna take your triflin’ ass out anywhere.”
No one would wanna take your triflin’ ass out anywhere.
“Affogato, please wait! She’s sorry-“
“Ah… dude?” Licorice snapped his finger in front of Affogato, who had appeared to have lost his train of thought and began to stare off into space again. “Oh! I’m sorry,” he muttered, cracking a smile. “Tired.”
Getting ready, packing the car up, they all make their way to this shopping center that Latte brought up. Espresso was sitting in the front passenger seat this time as he looked over at Affogato, who was driving once again but with a different look in his eye. He almost looked as though he was lost in his head behind the wheel, all the while having a dead look in his eye– no glimmer, no shine, just dead focus on the road and shallow rooted breathing. Espresso took out his phone and pulled up to text Latte, who was sitting in the back. A text tone could be heard in the midst of the soft music coming from the car radio. She looked at it.
Espresso – Today 10:49
『Hey, have you noticed that Affo has been acting out recently?』
Putting her phone on silent so that no one would get nosey, her rounded nails tapped softly on her phone screen as she responded to Espresso’s text after a second of thought. To be true, both of Affogato’s siblings have noticed that he has been behaving a little off ever since they arrived. However, as she slightly hesitated to press the blue arrow at the end of the message bar, she took a breath, nodded to herself, then sent her text. His phone vibrated–
latte bby – Today 10:51
『Yes… as a matter of fact, he's been acting weird even before we came here. He called me before he left his home supposedly to talk to me. He was nervous about going back to the cabin. He may be having flashbacks of our childhood. I would keep an eye on him, considering he has been feeling spacey for a bit, and him getting sick in the young hours of the morning out of nowhere… a tell tale sign. He’s definitely hiding something that he can’t hide from me.』
He looked back at his brother after reading her text with a little more of this newfound concern in his eyes. “You okay?” Espresso suddenly asked, in the midst of his worry. It took Affogato a second to respond clearly, nodding in the dead musical silence before muttering his confirmation.
Espresso – Today 10:55
『Yeah. There’s something wrong.』
They make it to the shopping center not too long later, and everyone takes a second to group up. Surprisingly, you wanted to walk around with Licorice and Red Velvet to free roam on your own. Admiring your sense of bravery, Latte accepts your decision but asks that you have your location on so that she or her brothers can find you in case you get lost. As you three venture out in the shopping center, gripping the scarf on your neck and holding it to your face for some kind of comfort against the wind, they go into a store that they find to be interesting because they had a winter sale going on. Licorice wraps his scarf around his shoulder, being overcome by the sudden wave of heat overwhelming him. You were looking at coats with Licorice while Red Velvet walked off to explore the store. You felt the necromancer tap your shoulder. “Hey, have you noticed that Affogato has been acting off?” He whispered, causing you to look up at him. “He’s probably just drowsy. He did get sick last night though. Something about the jambalaya, why?” He pulled out a coat that he found on the rack and started looking at the dark faux fur on it, attracting him, “I don’t know, I mean like… he’s been very spacey, ya know? Like… like Red Velvet told me about the fact that he had also seen that he has been acting off. Especially with this morning. Like he asked me if he normally acts like that I was like, no? I on’t know really. But I was wondering if you knew what was wrong with him.” A moment went by, you gave an honest thought about what Licorice had said, but despite what he had said, you didn’t want to bother the thought. If Affogato says he's okay, why pester him about how he's feeling if he's only going to say the same thing every time?
“I mean… if he says he’s fine, he’s fine I’m not gonna push him, but if I see something concerning, yeah, I’m going to confront him on it.” “Understandable but hey, you know…” You started walking around the store with him as he gestures to different aisles, giving you a coat he found, “Hey I think you’d like this one but anyway,” he said, gathering up some beanies for himself, “uh…” after gathering his beanies he turns you to face him. “Licorice. What-” “Listen to me. Come to the bathroom with me.”
“The… the bathroom?”
“Yes, just come on. Put your things on that chair over there and come with me into the bathroom. “Don’t ask why, just come on.”
“But, but why though?”
“Oh my god come OOOOONUH-”
You were quite honestly dragged over to the unisex bathroom by the wrist, putting your stuff down on the bench by the door as he pulled you in and locked the door. “Listen. I eavesdropped on a conversation that he, Espresso and Latte had in the wee hours in the morning, talkin’ about… ah… about his childhood or whatever, and like how he’s been feeling disoriented and shit, but he doesn’t want to talk to you about it out of fear that he will worry you. But like… I think there's something else behind this shit and I know there's something else going on.” You put the toilet seat down and sat on the toilet, with him kneeling on the ground in front of you, putting his pale boney hands to your shins for leverage and balance. “We’re back in the Dark Cacao Kingdom basically, and I don’t know whether or not you know about his past here, but his reputation isn't as squeaky clean as you think it is.”
He then goes on to say that Affogato has a past filled with lies and usurpations, all in an attempt to gain what he wants. Of course, you knew all of this because it made headlines in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, yet you never actually knew that it was him all along. “You know what he also… he also has had a colorful childhood. He was like, this close,” he nearly pinched his thumb and index finger together, “this close, to having a baby at age fifteen. He was very promiscuous, and he still is. He has like at least four ex girlfriends that have all had similar stories about why they had broken it off with him talking about, oh, he’s a cheater, he’s a liar, he’s irresponsible, a narcissist just like his mom and of course it was his mom I mean look. Affogato is the perfect scapegoat in disguise, Espresso is the golden baby that could do no harm and Latte may as well be a missing case considering the fact that she was barely acknowledged by her mom, I mean like… I don’t honestly understand why you’re dating him like–” you suddenly put a hand up to get him to stop running, and cleared your throat, silencing the light echo of his voice reverberating off the floors and walls of the small bathroom.
“If you’re trying to come onto me, Lico,” “what?” He looked at you and smacked his lips, cringing slightly, “No… no, no that’s not what this is, I’m trying to tell you that he’s filled with red flags, he’s a literal snake, he’s a conniving fatal snake that will take wants from you without hesitation and will hurt you in the process with no remorse. He’s not a good man, hell even Pomegranate has said that she wouldn’t date him even if she wasn't gay or if she had this burning crush on Red Velvet’s mom. Hell he even let Dark Choco go at his own dad and he just let him freeze out and left him to die, and honestly I don’t think you need someone like that.” You sat on the toilet in shock, the things that Licorice had told you sent you into a state of awe, how did he get this information? You put your hand to your chest and looked at Licorice with concern laden in your eyes. “So…” you started, trying so very hard to put the pieces together. While this information kinda did make sense, Licorice was known to dramatize and exaggerate things to make people believe his word. Unsure of whether or not to believe him, especially about the fact that you still didn’t know where he got this info from, or even elaborated on the conversation that he supposedly heard, you tilted your head in confusion. “Is what you’re saying true?” “I… yes of course it– eugh?” There was a knocking on the bathroom door, interrupting Licorice in his sentence.
“Ah… Ocupado!”
“It’s Red you fucker.”
“Ah shit.”
He got up and went to go unlock and open the door. “Eh?” “The fuck are you lot doing I was looking for you both like an idiot.” Red Velvet had a coat in his crossed arms, clearly unhappy. “Look I was trying to talk to them about Affogato and how bad he is for them, please back me up.” “How did you even know all that information anyways Lico?” You asked, tugging on the sleeve of his thick coat. He looked at you again and started to stutter out his words, “Well, you see I–” “I told him.” Red Velvet suddenly cut Licorice off. “What?” You asked, turning your attention over to Red Velvet. “Yeah, I told him. Affogato sometimes vents to me, and I met this watcher one day while I was venturing out with the army that day, I saw one of the watchers, and she was asking me to help her in her cause to persuade the king that Affogato had lied on her name to send her to exile to, quote on quote, get her out of the way. All the other information I learned about his childhood came through Espresso when he was asking me if I saw Affogato’s weird behavior.”
Suddenly, the puzzle pieces came together… it started to make sense. You personally knew Caramel Arrow Cookie, she would often come to the village that you would camp out at to share rations with the common folk to make sure that the cookies that were hungry had something to eat. Putting a finger to your lip, you looked back to Red Velvet, who you felt as though you could trust a little more than Licorice, and you nodded, saying you would process all of this information and attempt to piece it together on your own. “Heeey, give me some credit here y/n, I was the one that told you everything!” “Whatever, they know now, come on.” Red Velvet let you walk out, looking at the necromancer with an annoyed look on his face. “Uuuuggghhhh…. Fine.” He then walked out of the bathroom, with you and the three of you then headed over to checkout with your items.
From across the lot you see Affogato with his brother and sister weaving through stores. Walking out of the store with a bag and coffee in hand, you both briefly made eye contact with each other, although on your end you could feel this hot feeling of tension building up in your chest.It almost felt like a raging tornado, destroying everything in its path. You sighed and walked off with Red Velvet and Licorice in the opposite direction. You could feel your boyfriend’s eyes on the back of your head as you walked off. Latte stopped for a second, pulling at Espresso’s hand. They both looked at each other and then back at Affogato, who was in a state of space yet again. Latte then slowly walked up to her older brother and tapped his shoulder. Shaking it off was the hardest thing to do– you wanted to just run up to him and start pouring your eyes out.
Lunch came around, and the lot of you headed to this corner cafe in the shopping center. Affogato ordered for you out of desperation and beckoned you to sit next to him. Despite your inner pleas to do so, your body begging you to just swallow your pain to make him happy, Red Velvet’s and Licorice’s words from earlier echoed in your head like a melody on replay. You sat next to Red Velvet instead. The air around the table in the normally bustling cafe around this time was tense and heavy, to you at least. Affogato also knew that something was wrong, the way to approach you about it however… he didn’t know what to do, considering for the past forty five minutes you’ve been avoiding him like the bubonic plague. Licorice finally took his seat next to you, to your left, with his drink, and cleared his throat.
“So…” he started, taking a sip of his drink, “where did everyone go?” Latte looked to her older brother, sullied, then looked back to Licorice. “I went to this cute little bookstore with Espresso. We picked up some books that may be relevant to our research in coffee magic,  and Affogato found this witch’s parlor. I believe he picked up some more candles, stones maybe…” Affogato nodded in approval. “Where did you go?” Espresso asked you, looking at you calmly with what looked like his fifth cup of coffee in hand. “We went to a few clothing boutiques and got some winter clothes. I guess we underestimated the cold winds here, haha..” “Yeah, I hate being cold.” Licorice added, “This coat is nice and warm though! And inexpensive too.” Espresso took a drink of his coffee and looked at Licorice nonchalantly. “And… what kind of work do you do, exactly?” Licorice’s eyes took to a prideful glimmer. “Well, outside of being the most distinguished necromancer imaginable, I am one of the lead vocalists in a group called B.A.D 4. Featuring yours truly, Red Velvet, one of my underlings, and Poison Mushroom.”
Espresso and Latte both burst out in laughter, causing a dark cast to form over Red Velvet Cookie’s face. He put his red and white striped hand to his forehead, a soft groan coming from the crimson general. “Hey! D-Don’t laugh! We are truly exceptional performers, tell ‘em Red! Tell them!” “We only make money off of sales and commissions we do, what's the point in calling ourselves a band if we aren’t even an official group?” “And you make the most money anyways Red Velvet considering the fact that you are our main source of PR for some reason.” You scoffed, poking Red Velvet’s cheek. “I could give a few reasons why!~” “Hey! Y/n cookie! Don’t forget about me! I made this group possible here!” 
While you, Licorice, and Red Velvet argued over who got the most PR for their alleged KPOP group, Affogato looked at you longingly as it seemed that your mood had changed because of Licorice lighting the mood of the table up. Many questions start to fire up in his head.
What happened back there when Licorice was with them?
Is there something I don’t know about?
Did he do something to them?
Do they like Licorice more than me..?
From across the room, he saw his mother wearing the most elegant dress he had ever seen– perfect purple decals and contrasting white and black decor on the sleeves, golden headdresses that would make even the fairest consorts look dolled up. She straightened her lipstick in the mirror and blended her lips together, blending out the dark color seamlessly. Next to her stood his youngest brother. She turned to him and twirled herself, letting her dress parasol around her legs gracefully as she wore a sweet smile. “Espresso, honey, do I look good?” She asked sweetly. He nodded, straightening out the bottom curls of her dark hair that fell to her back, “good, good. Tonight is the big night after all, honey. I  hope I can truly make this one happy. I’ve been trying now for a while and… hopefully we can make it to the next level for you.”
Why is she telling him this information? He doesn’t need to know about her rendezvous with other men.
But he’s young, he doesn’t exactly know what his mother is doing. “You know me and your father used to do this all the time while I was pregnant with you. He would take me out to all of these elegant high dollar dates, spend money on me, make me feel lavish and expensive, like I was the baddest bitch on the streets with the finest clothes and the finest jewelry… I loved how he made me feel like a queen, don’t you honey?” “Mhm, he also treated us well when he was around. Now Latte just calls him a jerk and kicks the birthday cards he sends us around her room until they find their way into her wastebin.” She giggled and turned to him once more, away from the mirror and kneeled down to the young Espresso, her soft hands finding their way to his shoulders covered by his black silk pajamas. With a smile and the correction of his collar, she sighed. “Well… your father was nothing but a dollar sign, baby. That’s all he was. He can stay with that whore for all I care. After all, you are the only companion I will ever need. Your first love and your only love.”
Why doesn’t she love me like that?
Of course, the young Affogato didn’t exactly know really what his mother had for her youngest child at the time, but he knew that the way she would treat him at times would be wrong. Nevertheless, he has always wanted love or any kind of recognition from his mother that wasn’t negative. She got on him for everything, or often disregards all the work he does if she finds something that isn’t up to par with her sets of amazingly high standards. But Espresso wouldn’t even have to do anything and he would always end up being her little baby, the golden child that could never do any harm or wrong… the sweet boy. It made Affogato sick to his stomach.
“Now, remember the rules, you are to be in bed by nine o’clock. No more than that honey, okay?” With a nod from the little boy and a kiss to his forehead, she stood back up and turned the bathroom light off. “Mommy loves you.” “I love you too mom! Have fun!” She started to walk towards the living room, getting her purse and heading for the door, when her eldest blocked her path from getting a good grasp on the doorknob to leave. They both stood and looked each other in the eye for a few seconds before his mother glared down at her eldest. “What are you doing?” She asked, quite annoyed with a scoff. “Who is he?”
Affogato, Latte, and Espresso’s biological father had left them a long time ago. Growing up without a father was difficult, especially since he, in his mother’s eyes, was the only man that treated her right, despite not giving a damn about his offspring after Espresso was born. That being said, he was a “good father”… up until the third kid. Ever since then their mother has practically coached their children into thinking that their father was a bad person, all because he had left her for another woman, which made her as his ex wife, quite bitter.
“I asked you who the man is.” Affogato repeated. His mother scoffed again. “Can I not go out to see people, is that what this is?” Affogato furled his brow in confusion as his hand quickly went for the doorknob again before his mother could snatch at it, “No, that's not what I-” “Oh so I’m seeing a man now? Well, according to my son, I can’t do that? Listen boy, I’m a grown woman. I don't need to explain myself to you, nor do I need to explain to you who this man is.” She moved to try and push him away from the door, but his posture proved to be solid. “Well, you keep bringing him into the house in the dead hours of the morning waking us all up. The three of us, not just me, want to know who he is–” “My baby and Latte can know who he is if they want to meet him. You on the other hand–” “SPEAKING OF.” He boomed over his mother as she spoke, making her eyes widen. 
“Why do you keep telling Espresso about these things? He doesn’t need to know about your love life, let alone who you bring home, anything about your divorce that happened three years ago, he doesn’t need to know anything about that, he’s seven. With that he’s–”
“Boy, who the HELL do YOU think you’re talking to?!”
“He’s your SON! MY. BROTHER, MAMA! He’s NOT. YOU’RE. MAN.”
S  M  A  C  K– – – – !
Espresso was standing nearby around a corner, watching his older brother lash out at their mother, before she delivered a harsh smack to his cheek. He covered his mouth with his stuffed owl as his large brown eyes widened. Taking her son by the collar of his shirt, she picked him up and dragged him away from the door, threw him onto the floor, and left without another word, slamming the door on her way out. Espresso looked at the front door and saw that next to it, the blinds were closed and covered by the curtains that hung up. He ran over to Affogato and kneeled down next to him, putting his owl down. “Affogato?” He asked softly. He looked up to his younger brother with pain in his eyes, and disgust laden in his body. “Hug.” Espresso hugged Affogato as he sat motionless on the floor. A part of him wanted to shove him away, another part wanted to accept the hug, hug him so tight and bawl like a baby. “Are you okay?” He asked again, getting only silence as an answer and the new sniffles coming from his older brother. Looking down at his older brother, who then tried to hide his face from him, he saw that he was crying through thick cream and dark brown bangs. “I love you, bub.”
Bub… it had been a while since he had called him that.
Affogato hugged Espresso back, busting out into a full on bawl into his shoulder.
Fingers snapped in Affogato’s ear, Latte put her arm up around his shoulder and with a light smile, she wiped the drool off his chin. “Honey, yoo hoo? Earthbread to Affogato, over?” Latte jokingly said, trying to get him out of another one of his stupors. He lightly shook his head and looked around to see Latte sitting next to him with a cup of water. “You were out for a while, here. I got this for you.” He looked at the stillness of the water, thin ice cubes dancing around in the cool plastic cup. He slowly took it, giving a nod as thanks, before he went to drink it though, he saw you right in front of him with your hand on his knee. This made him feel so overwhelmed that he felt like he could feel the hair follicles in his head itch at his scalp.
They eventually left the shopping center and made their way back to the cabin.
That night, Affogato found himself knocking at Espresso’s door. With a soft click of the lock, the door cracked open. “Huh?” “I need to talk to you and Latte in the kitchen.”
The trio grouped up, sitting at the kitchen table. Latte lightly tapped her pearl fingertips on the soft wood. “So… for a start, I just wanted to apologize for all of my nonsensical dizzy spells today and yesterday.” Espresso nodded. “You're okay sweetie. But I’m curious as to what has been bugging you.” “Is it just the fact that we’re back at the cabin?” Espresso added to Latte’s curiosity. Swallowing a lump in his throat, Affogato put a hand up under his chin, his other hand holding his forearm. He nodded, and looked down at the soft indents, the lines in the wood, and all the nooks and marks left over by years of use. “That’s a large part of it, yes,” “But normally Y/n is glued to you. I expected them to run to you upon seeing you like they usually do. But they didn’t this time.” Affogato looked up at Espresso, who was adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “How did you know that’s what I was going to say?” “I had a feeling.” He smirked smugly, causing Affogato to roll his eyes. “Anyways, you’re nervous about Y/n Cookie?” With a nod, Espresso chortled under his breath. “I honestly don’t see why.” “Espresso!” Latte nudged at her younger brother’s stomach with her elbow. “Be a little more sympathetic, he’s already feeling vulnerable! Listen dear,” Latte started, taking hold of her elder brother’s sleeve, dragging his arm down and taking his hand in her own, “I’m sure that they wanted some space for a bit. I definitely don’t think that Licorice came onto them in any way, nor do I believe that he has any feelings for them. I don’t think he would just take her from you.” He nodded, seeming to agree with her. “I would talk to them. Don’t pry, just see what went on while they were with Red Velvet and Licorice back there. Maybe inquire if he said anything to them. It can’t hurt, can it?” He nodded again, distancing his hand away from Latte’s. Fixing his sleeves, he looked at Espresso, who just nodded in turn. “Just trust me. Talk to them. Communication is important, you taught us that.” She smiled softly at him, her hazelnut brown eyes glimmering. With another nod, he headed off back to his room before thanking her with a hug goodnight.
You were already passed out in bed when he walked back over. He sat down at his side of the bed and looked at your sleeping form, your peaceful face, how your chest slowly rose and sank– the purest form of tranquility illuminated by soft moonlight seeping through the curtains he used to wrap himself in as a child. He smiled softly, tucking himself in and with bringing a hand to your cheek, he soon fell into a deep slumber, awaiting the next day.
The next… agonizing… day.
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withbitterness · 9 months
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if you’re hearing ARE YOU SATISFIED? by MARINA playing, you have to know SHERRI LOWE (SHE/HER; CISFEMALE) is near by! the THIRTY year old ACTRESS has been in denver for, like, SIX MONTHS. they’re known to be quite RUTHLESS, but being DRIVEN seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble CARLSON YOUNG. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those GOLD STARS, UNFINISHED CONVERSATIONS, SHARP TEETH vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RIVER NORTH ART DISTRICT long enough!
timeline. | credits. | wanted plots. | relationships. | nav. | playlist | pinterest.
name: sherri lowe
birthday: november 2, 1992 (30, scorpio!)
birthplace: philadelphia, pennsylvania
current residence: river north art district, artist alley apartments
gender: cis woman // she/her
orientation: closeted bisexual
occupation: actress / broadway star (in the making)
vocal type: mezzo-soprano (vc: taylor louderman)
face: carlson young
alts: anya taylor-joy, samara weaving, anya chalotra, brianne howey, lily james
tw: foster care, drug addiction, abandonment, repressed sexuality
from the mun: hi guys! I go by jess, I'm 26, she/her, from the EST timezone, and I’m really excited to be here! I’ll post a plot call on discord later, but also wanted to state on here for those who might not be in the discord that if you’re up for plotting and wanna plot with my girl, feel free to give this a like and I’ll hit you up!
philadelphia (1992-2010).
born and raised in philly with an absentee father and a struggling addict of a mother. desperate, broke, and thoroughly addicted, at six, sherri’s mother put sherri in foster care. promises were made to return when wealth and sobriety were secured. they were not kept. 
relatively stable foster care placements moving forward. stayed with a successful yet young single woman til the age of 13, when she was placed back in the system after her foster mother got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity out of the country and took it. placed with middle aged couple after that til she graduated. they were nice. warm. enough.  
the trauma caked into her home life issues was never really dealt with by sherri. she found an outlet for it instead: theatre. she fell in love with movie musicals at an early age, but her love only grew when she started performing in stage productions. she eventually developed a goal: to be a star on broadway. and that goal became her driving factor.
deal with the trauma of having a problematic mother you loved give you up? nah, work your ass off to get the starring role in your school’s spring musical. deal with the fact that your second mother figure also left you behind instead of adopting you and taking you along with her on her travel opportunity? why do that when she had after school jobs to get done if she wanted to get anywhere after graduation! 
sherri hustled her way through life, focusing on her goal and her future career while everything else fell to the wayside. sure, she had friends and boyfriends and went to parties and the like, but that was always secondary to her main focus. theatre came first.
new york (2010-2022).
by the time graduation came around, sherri had landed a shitty nyc job, booked a shitty apartment in queens, and had bid her foster parents goodbye. sherri threw herself into her work, positive her raw talent, looks, and hustle would get her to her dream in no time.
that didn’t happen.
for the next decade, sherri found herself in a cycle of either being unemployed or only landing ensemble and supporting roles in off-off broadway, off-broadway, and broadway shows. (full run down listed in her timeline & credits!) to make it more insulting, it wasn’t a linear cycle. she could go from a supporting role in a broadway show to an ensemble position in an off-broadway one to being unemployed (on stage) for years! the unconditional attention that thrilled her when she was her hometown’s star and sure to get leads only provided to make her more jealous and desperate when faced with equal competition. a lead role on a proper broadway stage seemed to be more and more out of her grasp.
in 2021, though, she thought she had made a big break. a new revival of rodgers and hammerstein's cinderella was coming to broadway. and sherri - when auditioning for the role of ella - ended up getting cast as ella’s understudy along with cast as a swing for a stepsister. this was the closest she’d been to getting on broadway as a lead, and she nearly burst with excitement at her prospects. granted, getting understudy wasn’t choice, but sherri figured that she’d likely get the lead when the star’s limited contract was up, and she’d probably get to star a few times when the star got sick or needed vocal rest or what have you - she could be patient. she’d waited this long.
she never got promoted. the show only ran for a year, leaving sherri to watch this ONE star have the health of a fucking horse from the sidelines. sure, once a week on wednesdays she took the lead so the lead actress could get vocal rest, and she was put in for the stepsister role frequently enough, but thats shit compared to being a proper lead.
when the show closed, she returned to broadway unemployment (and a waitress lifestyle) once again, brewing in bitterness and also Sexual Angst because of an event that occurred between the lead and sherri at the show’s cast party (see wanted connection: The Cinderella Incident). sherri was on a bitter, biting warpath with everyone she came into contact with for the next month.
meanwhile, she went back to work at her usual waitress gig. when she was not working on stage or screen, she worked as a waitress at a fictional diner called Starlight, a fictionalized knock-off of Ellen’s Stardust, it paid well and she got to sing to audiences all day, so she dealt with the tackiness of it all. 
recent developments and colorado (2023—).
she found work again at the start of this year in a limited run of an off-off broadway play called “out of gas on lovers leap,” in which she played one of the two leads, myst. sherri was at a low. she loved the play and could relate to her character, but hated the step down it was for her in status. the show itself only ran for a month. 
at it while she was at this low that sherri received a peculiar job opportunity from her agent: a starring role in a new television show currently in development called Curtains! It's a children's television show that draws inspiration largely from The Fresh Beat Band, following a group of fictional Broadway hopefuls who teach kids social lessons through song and dance featuring a theater backdrop.
five years earlier, sherri would have turned the role down outright. hell, a year ago she would have. it's a humiliating proposal. but with minimal prospects and her 30th birthday just behind her, sherri ultimately decided to accept the offer, if nothing else than for the networking opportunities it could provide her.
which brings her to coloardo. the show shoots out of colorado at an independent studio. the job pays her well enough that she doesn't need to maintain a secondary job just yet. she lives in the artist alley apartments in the rino district. and every day she has to go to work and sing a child's tune, she wants to stab someone. she's fine.  
+ driven, daring, blunt, adventurous, passionate, independent, adaptable
- jaundiced, ruthless, desperate, selfish, competitive, vain, biting
stray inspirations.
aspirations: sharpay evans (hsm), tonya harding (i,tonya), robin scherbatsky (himym), rachel berry (glee).
insecurities: olivia mossbacher (the white lotus), lizzie saltzman (legacies), lauren cooper (faking it),  bonnie plunkett (mom).
sexuality: petra solano (jane the virgin), nina sayers (black swan) quinn fabray (glee).
common themes.
second choice. sherri has a thing about being second choice. think the attitudes of caroline forbes or (better) lizzie saltzman towards their counterparts of elena gilbert and hope mikaelson, but not as blatant or vocal about it. her insecurities stem from her mother, who massively fucked her over by raising her for six years before giving her away. it was a fatal blow to her image of her self worth and self esteem (”why wasn’t I enough?”), that was only exacerbated by her first foster mother also giving her up, as well as her constant failures at earning roles of rank in her career. this has also led her to develop a need for attention, probably one reason why stardom appealed to her so much.
repression. because of her lackings in her professional and familial life, she has controlled her romantic life with an iron fist, but like, a chill iron fist, because her social and romantic life has always been on the back burner. however, every development in her romantic life has been controlled. when her friends started getting boyfriends in middle school, she picked one up with ease. when they started having sex in high school, so did she. because she did not care about this arena in her life, she had no doubts or fears in navigating it. she found picking up the (to her, limited) nuances of men to be easy, and thus never stressed in this arena. her romantic life was easy. until it wasn’t. during her time in new york, sherri experienced something of a sexual awakening with a woman that scared her shitless at the absolute chaos it would bring down on her life (see: The Cinderella Incident WC). it's not internalized homophobia, but rather a severe fear of a loss of control. the circumstances around her sexual awakening have allowed her to write it off, and her own need for control and simplicity in one area of her life has enabled her to return to the status quo (re: heterosexuality), and not acknowledge this at all.
envy. generally, sherri appears quite confident. in reality, she is! at least, until she sees someone do something better than she does, or earn something she wanted, or have something she doesn’t but thinks she should have. then the envy kicks in. she can feel this envy towards people she considers below her in status or above her, and in both instances these feels are accompanied by acts of pettiness and feeling the need to prove herself. also, if possible, her trying to take said object of envy for herself. consider olivia in the white lotus, trying to steal kai away when she finds out paula is secretly hooking up with him. that’s sherri; she’d do that if given the opportunity. she’s the desperate sort, lowkey, and when coupled with her envy and the sinking sense of her own failures, she’s willing to do just about anything to further her career or prove (to herself?) that she can succeed somewhere.
obsessed artist. at a young age sherri set her sights on greatness through theatre and she has spent her life working towards this goal. it stands above all else. in her craft, she aims for excellence. she’s a workaholic. she’s career-oriented. she has and will continue to put work above all else, and in a way this is her detriment. socially, she has made no real connections because she was always willing to throw it away if an opportunity arises to better her career. additionally, it is relevant to note that comparatively, sherri is successful. compared to others trying to break it on broadway, sherri has made it. it took her a couple years, but once she started booking shows, she’s been booked and busy (sans two one year gaps of nothing, rip). she’s been on the broadway stage as a member of the principal cast, she’s starred and performed on a number of different stages of different rank. she has played opposite of big names, is mutuals with them on social media - even now, she’s set to lead a new children's television show. other people in her position would be happy with the success they’ve had. but to sherri, it’s all a failure. her goal is to star in a broadway musical as the lead, and until that happens, all her other work is moot. 
wanted plots. 
sherri has lived in colorado for 6 month and in nyc for the last 12 years! I have both a wanted connections tag and a page (that I poured a lot of energy into so pls give it a look 😅 👉👈), and I'm open to any and all connections for her! wanted plots page. & wanted tag.
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poorsadorphanposting · 5 months
This is an RP blog for the DoL AU of my OCs Edin and Esmee Koizumi! Run by @degrees-of-fuck the thing the myth the absentee.
TW for weird quasi-incestuous bullshit in general as well as creepy and self destructive behaviour / TW parental pseudocest under the cut. TW morgan basically. It's not anywhere else so that one can be skipped over.
Esmee: She/Her ||| Edin: He with people they don't trust, They with people they do. (They pref.)
Major canon character relationship under cut for useful info just in case, but any and all interactions are welcome!
Not necessary reading, but it's here and might inspire some interactions idk.
SYDNEY: Sydney and the twins were Sunday School Buddies growing up - and Sydney was, I think, the first person the twins felt comfortable actually talking to after being left in doltown. They're still friends now, but they've never been able to hang out as much as they'd like. I think Sydney is as concerned with Esmee's recent changes in demeanor as Edin is.
BAILEY: Oh, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey... Bailey's kinda all they have at this point lol. Thing-like-family wise anyway. Edin constantly clamors to keep Bailey in a good mood so they won't be hurt while they're spending most of their time at the orphanage. I think Bailey wants to fucking punt them. Esmee hates Bailey, but wants their Attention and proof that she Exists to them, in some way.
LEIGHTON: OH BOY. They both haaaaaate Leighton. Leighton was Esmee's first kiss and kind of kickstarted her downward spiral a bit. As petty revenge for how uncomfortable Leighton makes her, she has taken to acting like the two of them are a MARRIED COUPLE. And is extremely annoying with it. Edin naturally despises Leighton for all this, paired with the Sydney stuff, but is also too terrified of them to act out or say much. Sometimes, Edin goes to detention in Esmee's place on the sneaky. This doesn't go well for them. Also in game, the same instance where Leighton took her first kiss, Esmee somehow managed to make Leighton cum in their pants by doing? Nothing? I wasn't even trying to get the achievement it just happened. My theory is either magic cum spell, or Leighton enjoys the sound of her sobs so much they just climaxed on the spot.
WHITNEY: Whitney probably bullies Edin relentlessly, though not necessarily sexually. They're just a sad nerd that's fun to push around. This makes the whole wanting to bang their twin sister thing awkward. As for Whitney and Esmee, they get into fights a LOT. I think even when they're dating, it's a pretty deranged dynamic. (Not affectionless tho <3 I did make that comic where Whitney takes psychic damage over Esmee's Demented Torture Porn Only Fans lmao) They both suck so so much. ... OH YEAH thing that happened/happens in game that's fun to reference: Esmee lost her oral virginity ingame to transguy Whitney's Strap but already had S mouth skill somehow, so her very first time sucking dick, she made him cum so hard he CRIED. In front of Leighton. the game didn't acknowledge it but it described him as Sobbing. She also somehow manages to make them cum in their pants Constantly in game it's so so funny. Use this info how you will. ((Based on this, the Leighton thing + at LEAST one other insane incident, my friends and I have started joking abt her having a fucking Cum Spell))
AVERY: Avery initially went for Esmee (dances, flirts, lets him hit it) but then Esmee proceeded to be her irritating, scene causing, threat to humanity self, so they went for her clone instead. Edin probably isn't a favourite of Avery's since they stutter a lot and are terrified of sex, but they ARE cute, easily manipulated and have their funny little music thing. Now Esmee pops Avery's tires and films them and is generally making a special effort to ruin their life.
BRIAR: Edin doesn't know who Briar is or what Esmee's main job is. All they know is that she constantly comes back in the wee hours, exhausted and looking like a MESS. They hate this. Esmee works for Briar most nights when she's not off treasure-hunting. One of the few people she actually takes semi-seriously, I think. She's a good dancer, soaks up horrendous damage like nobody's business and loves attention, but thus far has been stubborn about keeping her technical virginity.
MORGAN: Um. Esmee uh. So after being abandoned by her parents, the whole 'being relentlessly pursued by a violent and possessive maniac that claims her to be their daughter and refuses to let her go' thing she encountered while in the sewers kind of. Scratched a certain itch in Esmee. Yeah.
KYLAR: LOL Esmee and Kylar are uh. Allies I guess. I wouldn't say friends necessarily, but allies. Esmee helps Kylar with the creepshots and the intel gathering and general wingmannery in exchange for various demented favours. Edin used to feel bad for Kylar and wanted to talk to them, but these days they have a petty grudge against them. Same obsessive crush :/)
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alexanderharveywright · 10 months
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name: Alexander Harvey Wright (Alex, Lex, Al, Xander)
age / dob: 35 | April 20th 1988
species: Witch (aura reading, telekinesis, healing, teleportation)
hometown: Lunar Cove, Rhode Island
current residence: Downtown Lunar Cove
occupation: Film Director Artist & Coven Advisor
family: Caleb Wright (brother) + other half-siblings.
notable connections: Poppy Reed (Friend, Lover, Coven's Supreme, It's complicated) , (view wanted connections below ⬇️ )
Taurus ☀️ Gemini 🌙 Libra ⬆️
Coven Members - Anyone in the coven would know Alex as the Advisor of 1 year.
All Witches - Alex has tried to reach out to every witch in the city. He believes in the unity the coven brings, and has likely tried to recruit your muse.
Other Town Leaders - Alex has served as advisor to the coven for 1 year and would know other local leaders.
Locals to Lunar Cove - Alex lived in LC from birth til age 18 (1988-2006) I would love old school friends, former neighbors, and other pivotal adolescent connections
Residents of Downtown Lunar Cove - Alex lives in Downtown, close to the coven HQ, and he's certainly involved within his neighborhood.
Artists - If your muse is involved in the arts of any kind they could've met Alex at a local art event.
Other - Should nothing work for you and / or your muse, please let me know and I'd be happy to brainstorm something for us. :)
1988 - Born 4/20.
1991 - Parents Divorced. Alex starts kindergarten.
1993 - Parents remarry and have other children.
1998 - Two more of Alex's sisters are born.
2006 - Alex graduates from highschool.
2010 - Alex graduates from college.
2010-2014 - "The Lost Years"
2015 - Alex returns to Lunar Cove
2019 - Alex calls off his engagement to his fiancé and buys his home.
2022 - Alex accepts the position as Advisor to the Coven
2023 - Present Day
Alex has a dog. She's a husky named Aurora.
Alex has lost count of how many tattoos he has.
TW: Divorce, Drugs, Alcohol, Infidelity, OverDose, Death, Cancer
As Aphrodite announced her return from the underworld with the promising green of Spring, a baby boy was born in Lunar Cove, Rhode Island; Alexander Harvey Wright. When he was only three years old his parents divorced. Later in life, this would come as no surprise to Alex as his father had been married before and after his mother. He was an absentee parent at his best. Now, a grown man, he doesn't hate his father, but he certainly doesn't see much good in him aside from the checks he cuts.
After his parents' divorce, Alex's mother and father both remarried and had more children. He was raised in Lunar Cove with his mother, step father, and three sisters. Alex saw his father and other half siblings on occasion, as they would visit Lunar Cove from time to time. Except for a brother who was human.
From a young age, he was a gifted witch and found the confines of the magically protected town reassuring as he stepped into his power. Aura reading came first. A gift that served him well over the years, allowing him to see others in such a real and vulnerable way. Then came healing, an important skill for a boy who sometimes acted first and thought second. In a fight with one of his sisters, Alex discovered he was a telekinetic, too. His fourth and final gift came when he joined the town's coven. Ironically, it was the one that would later make him leave it. In a meditative state, a practice he had adapted in his early teens to learn to control his emotions (read: magic), Alex teleported. A gush of wind made him aware of his change in scenery, and when his eyes opened he no longer sat in his bedroom but atop Lunar Cove's water tower.
With highschool and his hometown in the rear view, Alex studied film at a university in New York. It was just a few town hops from where he grew up, but a whole new world of discoveries. During his sophomore year he wrote a screenplay that, the following summer, he directed. For his work on the film, he was nominated for an oscar but lost. It didn't shake Alex's determination to keep creating, rather it inspired him to try again. His second nomination came shortly after he finished undergrad. It was an unexpected win. Alex never imagined, especially at a mere twenty-two, that he'd win an oscar. His elation somewhat short lived as his father's praise lasted all of one second before he had to mention one of Alex's siblings who'd accomplished something else even more spectacular.
Eventually, Alex stopped trying to prove himself to anyone but himself, and suddenly everything about his life seemed to get a whole lot easier. He gave into hedonism like never before, indulging his every whim and desire and allowing it to inspire him to create however and whatever he wished. It was the launching point for his career, and for many years Alex never stopped to rest. When he wasn't working as a director he was creating via some other medium, be that painting a new lover, or forging the curves of an old one from memory into clay. His productivity stopped only for darker debauchery; illicit drugs, alcohol, and potions fueled many a days on end benders. Experiences he used to keep his creative fuse lit.
During that time in his life, Alex did a lot of things he later would come to regret. His heart even less loyal than the body he put in bed next to a different body nearly every night. Not the kind of son any mother would be proud of, yet alone one like his with three daughters. His illicit affairs weren't his only shame, though no one knew the latter. During what he now just calls 'the lost years', a friend overdosed in front of him, and he couldn't just watch him die. So, Alex healed him; a human man. Unaware of his friend's gifts, even after he saved his life.
The accident scared him enough to sober up some, and for a moment he considered returning home to Lunar Cove. It was never his intention to be away for so long, he was close to his family there, but it was hard to resist the lure of adventure. Eventually, Alex took up a semi-permanent residence in New York when he started dating an actress from one of his films. Their life was good there. He enjoyed himself just enough not to be his family's shame, but something was calling him home, and it refused to stop until he listened.
It certainly wasn't the homecoming he'd imagined. His sisters and their mother gathered around the kitchen table of his childhood home. She was sick. The matriarch of their family; the glue. A wise woman with all the worlds answer who could sooth any care or worry with just a look. She had cancer, and the prognosis was terminal. A reality Alex struggled with for many reasons. A talented healer and absolutely useless to save his own mother. He despised himself for awhile. Loathed the limits of his magic, and the greediness of his wandering soul that kept him away for many years he could've had with his mom. Alex threw himself into his practice, focusing on magic to distract him from the inevitable.
Before she passed he proposed to his girlfriend. His mother gave him her ring from her marriage to his father, but Alex chose to buy something instead. Even then, deep down, he knew she wasn't the one. After his mom died, Alex broke off the engagement. He didn't love her like he should. The dream of marriage, of a family, weren't dreams he had with her. She was devastated, and in his villainy he felt relieved.
The return of Poppy Reed to Lunar Cove occurred some months before the engagement formally ended. She haunted him like a petulant ghost until the moment his conscience relieved him of the guilt of infidelity. A reunion that did not sooth the ache of grief within him. Though, nothing would. He'd carry it with him every day until, in time, he grew used to its weight.
Art and magic, arguably a medium that was one in the same, had always been a welcome distraction. Alexander leaned into both as he stared into the future with no direction but an openness for what fate would allow.
In downtown Lunar Cove, close to the coven headquarters, Alexander purchased a three floor tall and skinny where he could live and work. A studio for his passions on the first floor, a three bedroom living space on the second, and an attic to practice his craft up top. The extra rooms were for guests, siblings, or whoever needed it. He did what he could to support his community, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise to him when he was nominated to complete the trials for supreme. It was a title, a responsibility, a weight on his head that Alex didn't want. Yet, he accepted the challenge and gave his all. Only to be forgone at the end by the ancestors when they chose Poppy. A choice he supported from the very start, and not just because it meant he didn't have to be the supreme.
Reluctantly, he accepted his new Supreme's request to serve as advisor to the coven. A role that came with a weight and responsibility of its own, though he never envied the differences in the heaviness of their crowns.
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jamesxbennett · 2 years
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Full name: James Cillian Bennett Nickname(s): J (by his younger sister), Badass Bennett (by Atlas, a friend in Colorado), JB (by his unit the Army, a nickname they used to tease him with) Age: 35 Birthday: August 22, 1987 Hometown: West Roxbury, Boston, MA
Languages spoken: English, Spanish, ASL, some Pashto and Dari Accent: Typical standard American accent Smells like: Typical Old Spice deodorant
Family: Deborah Maria Bennett née Walker [Mother - deceased], Michael Joseph Bennett [Father - estranged], Amelia Bennett [sister], Rey Skywalker Bennett [dog and buddy]
Relationship status: Single
More under the cut!
Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Blue Height: 6'0
Occupation: Professor of Literature and History at NYU Neighborhood: West Village, Lower Manhattan Time in New York: Just a couple of weeks
MBTI: ISTJ Positives: Resilient, friendly, goofy, caring Negatives: Reclusive, overbearing at times, stubborn, sometimes lives in denial, self-deprecating to a fault, doesn’t trust other easily
Defining traits: That bright smile; always whistling what seems to be a crooner tune but it's probably Guns 'N Roses or AC/DC; at a park, he's most definitely the guy conversing with his dog; always has a coffee and book in hand; at a party, he’s easily spotted as the guy not drinking as he doesn’t drink at all due to his mother’s history
Scars: Random small scars scattered on his right chest and part of his right arm from explosive shrapnel; a slanted slash on his back on the left side about 10 inches in length from a knife; not a scar but his jaw is permanently dislocated because of (TW: abuse) the beating his father gave
Pets: Rey, a golden retriever named after the Star Wars character
Bio: [TW: Alcoholism, abandonment, death, abuse]
The very first thing James Bennett learned in life was that he had no one else to rely on but himself.  Born on August 22, 1987 to parents who seemed to want nothing to do with him,  James quickly learned how to be self-dependent. His mom was too busy guzzling down whichever drink she fancied that day and his dad was always working and  never home. It was a bit of a rude awakening for a  four-year-old James to realize that the norm was for parents to pick their kids up from kindergarten and not to walk home by themselves.
When his sister, Amelia, arrived, he already had his hands full trying to  survive on his own, but he never once thought Amelia was a burden. True to their nature, their parents didn't much care for his sister as well, and it fell on the elder Bennett to take care of her. As the years went on, they became inseparable. He was her J, and she, his Kiddo. As far as they were concerned, they were the Dynamic Duo, and nothing could stop them.
Despite having absentee parents, James excelled in his studies. Because their dad kept the money for himself and their mother wasted it all on alcohol, James had to find ways to earn for him and Amelia, and he found a way to capitalize on his intelligence by doing other students' homework for a fee.
One day in his freshman year, he was called out of class. His father couldn't be contacted, unsurprisingly, so it was James who got the news that his mother had gotten in a car accident—and died on the spot. Any notion that the traumatic event would bring him and Amelia closer to their father was dashed immediately. Despite being an alcoholic, she was still their mother, and they had to process the grief by themselves as their father did what he did best: he worked.
Nearing the end of his senior year, James' "homework business" was discovered and he was expelled. His father came home  that night and turned violent, beating James up and calling him a screw-up and a failure. Despite trying to protect himself, his father almost beat him to within an inch of his life. Amelia got in between them and suffered injuries of her own, but if it wasn't for her, James would most certainly have died.
The two of them decided to run away, but now on their own, James felt the weight of responsibility even more on his shoulders. He decided to do the difficult thing and join the Army to be able to provide for Amelia, not knowing it would cause a big rift in their relationship. Even when he returned four years later, their relationship was never the same.
A recluse his entire life, it was only in the Army where he began to form friendships. It was also here that he met Sophia, a fellow soldier in his unit. Despite the rules, the two quickly fell in love, but the both were determined to keep their relationship a secret until after they  had finished their service. The two were already planning their lives after the Army until Sophia died in an ambush on a routine patrol, just a month before they were set to go home.
James was devastated, but the thinking of having to go through everything all on his own was strong in him and he decided to pursue a Master's Degree when he got back while also getting a job as a teacher. He moved to Colorado after he was offered a position as a professor there, all while trying to push down the trauma and pain he had experienced while in the Army.
During his time in Colorado, he made a number of new friends, something he never thought possible outside of the Army, who helped him heal from some of things he'd been ignoring. Amelia also followed him there, and though it was difficult, the two reconciled. James also met Dylan, and despite being unsure at first, he fell for her. Sadly, the relationship wouldn't last. It was an amicable split but it hurt nonetheless. Not wanting to repeat the past, he decided to face his feelings and deal with them, though the temptation to run was strong, especially since it was at this time that Amelia had already left for New York.
It was a few moths after that he was surprised to find Amelia on his doorstep, crushed and grieving from a breakup with Ant. She stayed with him for a few weeks, and after she regaled him with her (mis)adventures in NYC, the thought of possibly moving on from Colorado was piqued. A few months after Amelia returned to the Big Apple, James would pack his suitcases and follow his sister there.
Now a professor at NYU, James wonders if there's still such a thing as a "fresh start" for someone like him. The verdict is still in on that.
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himbeauxs · 2 years
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texas “tex” tagliaferro  🍺
tw: death of a family member, drug dealing, absentee parents, poverty “the one who got away” / except he came right tf back / recently inherited no left turns aka his uncle’s shitty bar (and 40k of back loans lmao) after said uncle’s death / one of like 12 kids honestly w an extremely ugly middle child energy / better than his dad until he’s not / trying to be good (to himself, to his wife) ft. generational trauma / his fancy architecture degree is screaming lmao / you know what i like about rich kids? nothin’  🍺
needs: bartenders and staff at no left turns pls; town drunks to hate him when he cuts them off; an o.c. inspired friend group where he’s the ryan atwood; honestly shithead friends from the wrong side of the tracks - idk did the gallaghers have friends???; tbh give me a couple guys he knew when he dealt behind the bar; respectable folk to be friends w now that he’s back in town w his wife except he’s not respectable IDK HE’S RLY VERY OPEN FOR LOTS!!
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edensexile · 3 months
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Headcanon time: Caregiver Burnout- a long headcanon of the separation. tw: depression mention
While I do believe there is a bigger plan in the works between Lilith and Heaven (whether she is upstairs voluntary or not); I do believe the separation of Lucifer and Lilith was a mutual if reluctant decision.
You are free to disagree with me, but out of the pair Lilith played the most active role in ruling their people. Prior to her seven year absence, Lilith loved her people. They weren't 'quite' her children. No, no. Charlie will always be her ultimate love. She was fond of them though. However, Sinners are greedy, grasping and always wanting more.
So the few times Lilith had direct contact with Sinners, even the Overlord Sinners; she'd go into the conversation or interaction with the best of intentions. Only to be asked for things. For her to interfere or 'fix' whatever current problem was going on. She'd...do her best. However, Hell is structured the way it is because there are billions upon billions of souls.
She can't help everyone. And even as Hell Royalty her power can only extend so far without meddling in the affairs of the Overlords.
Of course the biggest ask was always: Stop the Exterminations. Something that was out of her control.
Also, Lucifer's assumed depression state came prior to their separation. He'd put up a brave front for Charlie and for her; but Lilith wasn't fooled. She did her best as the love of his life to try to pull him out of it. She'd do all his favorite things, tell his favorite, most corny dad jokes. When he'd shutter himself off from her and Charlie, it felt there was nothing she could do.
Lilith knew it wasn't 'him' not loving either her or their daughter anymore, but she couldn't fix it, either with magic or through talking it out.
She'd get frustrated. Angry. Lose herself to the point of forgetfulness because her mind was always whirling on how to change the situation.
It weighted so heavily on her as a being, as a person; that Charlie essentially had absentee parents at points of her formative years. That's why, when there was a break in the clouds; like her father showing young Charlie all of the ducks he had made, are things that stick in Charlie's mind the most. Not the loneliness, the isolation of her parents being more occupied with their own problems.
After coming out of the fog, Lilith came to realize something had to change. She couldn't watch her husband sprial, shut out, then emerge again with renewed vigor...only for the process to start again.
She couldn't on top of running the Kingdom of Hell. On top of taking care of Charlie. She was thoroughly wrung out.
The meeting of them separating was full of tears, breaking both of their hearts. It was most difficult decision Lilith could make, but once separated she had broken the cycle of frustration. guilt remained since she had left Lucifer to sort himself out as best he could; but she couldn't simply abandon their daughter nor Hell.
Charlie deserved an attentive parents, if not two. Hell's tiered structure could ideally operate itself, but there were still tasks only Lilith could do. If she neglected anything, the Overlords, the Sins or Sinners themselves would start seeing the cracks.
Thus, Lilith felt the temporary separation was necessary so she could focus and re-center. However, once Charlie was grown up, she was left without an 'excuse' to avoid talking to Lucifer again. She...put it off. Burying herself in work for the people of Hell.
However, her avoiding the talk made things worse. Lucifer would reach out, attempt to contact her. And she desperately wanted to reconnect, but it was also painful. A throbbing wound that refused to mend over her heart. Could she go through that cycle again? Of him being so lively, attentive and affectionate; only for him to lock himself away, to deny her even the chance to talk things out.
Then, Heaven stepped into the picture.
Lilith vanished. Leaving her daughter in charge of 'observing' the Extermination.
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