#aang and katara drabble
vamp-stamp-fics · 6 days
Jet hates his face. He can't stand to look at it. He always looks away from mirrors when he's in the bathroom or ignores his reflection completely whenever he walks past water.
He doesn't believe he's ugly, no far from it. Jet knows he's not from the way girls smile shyly whenever he talks to them. The way they giggle with flustered faces whenever they're in his presence. Smellerbee always rolls her eyes whenever he indulges a little in flirting with girls whenever they pass in a town.
No, Jet hates his face because he looks just like his mother.
His beautiful, caring mother. The one that would always kiss him goodnight after telling him stories of spirits or star-crossed lovers. She was a hopeless romantic jet remembers that. His mother who would coddle him and rock her in his lap after he came home crying, another one of the village boys picking on him for how small he was. Jet used to be quite scrawny and weak if his freedom fighters could believe that.
His mother, the one that protected him from the seething hot flames the best she could the day the fire nation came to their village. while his father did his best to hold the soldiers off. And when he failed to do so, held jet tight to her as she told him to run as far as he could and to never look back. Even promising him she'd be right behind him.
He didn't keep the promise of not looking back as Jet heard the wailing screams of his mother dying. Tears blurring his view of her as the last thing he saw of her was her eyes. Only to see her killer on a Komodo Rhino in front of him with a hatred he'd never seen before.
So now jet covers mirrors. And if he can't do that, he breaks them. Letting the glass shatter as his fist covers in blood. Not only does jet hate that he looks like his mother, but he has the same hatred in his eyes as her killer. Hatred for the fire nation and what it did to him, to his own people and others.
And the thought of the only reminisce jet has left of his mother being tarnished by seeing her face with hatred in her eyes, would kill him sooner than what was to become of him in ba sing se.
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tachiha3 · 9 months
Spirits! She was amazing. From her cute laugh to her pretty eyes to the way her nose scrunches up. She's breathtaking!
"Nga rang la ga khi"
She looks at him curiously. "What does that mean?"
He smiles. "Nalligivagit."
I'm very sorry if the terms aren't accurate. I looked through various sources and they said the same thing. Please correct me if I'm wrong. (♡˙︶˙♡)
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northerngoshawk · 2 years
stabby stab stab.
also torture.
protecting you
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.2k
The rough sackcloth was suddenly ripped from his head, and Aang found himself in a dungeon.
Well, he assumed it was a dungeon, what with the small, dank enclosure, the brick walls that pressed down on them, the flickering orange-red flames that danced on the slim torchwood, the glint of chains attached to the walls.
He grunted as someone was shoved in right next to him, and the clank of armor sounded as two feet appeared in his vision. Moments later, the sackcloth was ripped from the person's head. Aang turned to see a dark mane of hair framing ice-cold eyes and lips twisted in a snarl.
His heart sank.
Katara's eyes flicked wildly about, as though trying to take in everything. When her eyes landed on him, they immediately widened. "Aang," she gasped. A flurry of emotions flashed on her face—relief, regret, worry, fear, horror, and more, too many for him to count.
Aang leaned in, lowering his voice so the guards wouldn't overhear. "They didn't hurt you, did they?"
Katara slowly shook her head, although there was still that look of fear and horror on her face as she looked at him.
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skittlezzzishere · 3 months
"Hello, Zuko here."
Mentally face palming at his introduction, you step towards him.
"You know Zuko, Katara wont be happy when she finds out you're trying to join us. And she'll probably kill me if she finds out I'm here with you." You point out, "Not to mention the time you stole her necklace, kidnapped Aang, tried killing us at least-"
"Okay! I get it! No need to remind me of the past...." He interrupts.
"Zuko, the past was a few months ago."
Groaning, he hides his face in his hands.
You place a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, even if they dont want you, I know you're trying to change. I'll try to convince them."
He looks up at you, "How are you gonna do that?"
Shrugging, you looked down at him, "I mean, you did save me from being kidnapped from Zhao, maybe I could bring that up to them."
"That's only one thing!"
"You still saved me with that infamous ponytail era-"
He gives you a glare that makes you shut up, hands moving up in mock surrender.
"I don't think they'll want me there..."
Squating down to be face to face with him, you give him a look of determination. "I know they'll want you. Aang doesnt even have a fire bending teacher, and no one else can teach him because I only know the basics! They'll have to accept you, even if they dont want you."
"Was that supposed to make me feel better?"
"Did it work?"
"You did what!?" Katara yelled.
"I'm just saying he could help Aang!"
"You're just trying to help yourself so you can learn fire bending!" She huffed.
Aang was trying to defuse the situation, Sokka was confused why you went to see Zuko, and Toph just enjoyed listening to Katara's anger when it wasnt directed towards her.
"Well, Katara....She is right, I do need a fire bending teacher." Aang breaks in.
"Are we just going to forget and leave behind the fact how hes tried to kill us multiple times!?"
"He's trying to change, Katara!"
She crosses her arms, "What if he's just using you? What if you're only siding with him just because you're both Fire Nation?" She spits.
Hands growing flames, you took her bait. Throwing fire at her.
Aang stops the fire bending with his staff, giving you a look of disapproval.
"I get what your trying to do, (Y/n). But you need to be careful."
Huffing in irritation, you turn away, burn marks being left on the ground of the temple where you stormed off to Zuko's camp.
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ok-boomerang · 26 days
if those two don't kill each other, Sokka might lend a hand
a zutara drabble
HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO MY DEAREST @hneyteacup. I wrote a birthday drabble inspired by one of your faves, SPUFFY. I however have never seen Buffy and in fact I just found out the fate of Spuffy approximately 30 seconds ago lol, BUT STILL, this drabble is inspired by them, for you 💕 HBD!!!! ILY!
The others might buy Zuko’s little transformation, but not Katara.
She knows exactly how sympathetic he can make his sorry life seem, all in the pursuit of Fire Nation supremacy.
So that’s why she’s been interrogating Zuko in his room for the past 15 minutes. She’s made him promise he won’t fire bend at her, and she did not feel a tinge of regret when he frowned and said he would never, sounding almost hurt.
Even so, Katara stands at the ready in front of him, hands sheathed in water just in case Zuko decides to break her rule.
“So you’re telling me you saw the soldiers that were following us back in Fire Fountain City. And yet you can’t describe them?” she asks, voice dripping with disdain.
Zuko groans and rolls his eyes, almost as if this was nothing more than an annoying hassle for him rather than the serious interrogation it was. He waits a beat, staring angrily at the floor, before he lifts his head to meet her eyes.
“Well, they were human,” he says, voice annoyingly sweet. “Two legs. Two arms.”
Katara scowls.
“They were wearing helmets,” Zuko says in exasperation. “Am I supposed to be able to recognize soldiers by the way they walk?”
At this point, Sokka enters with a steaming cup of tea. He takes one look between the two—the scowl on the prince’s face and the murderous intent on Katara’s, and mutters, “Not sure you know what you’re doing, sis.”
At this, Katara transfers her glare to her brother, though he only rolls his eyes too.
Katara huffs and takes the tea that Sokka brought, silently dismissing him. Sokka sends what seems to be an apologetic look (traitor!) to Zuko before wordlessly exiting.
“It’s about time,” says Zuko when Katara hands him the mug of tea. “Hope he got it warm enough, since you’re forbidding me from bending.”
Katara ignores him. “How did you even get here?” she snaps, hoping that asking this question for the umpteenth time will expose how he’d been following them for weeks (which was likely!) or how he’d kidnapped some of their friends to get their location (even more likely!).
“I told you; I stole a war balloon and followed you from Caldera.” He takes a sip of his tea and sighs. “I’m done. Let me talk to Aang.”
“Not yet! I’m not done!”
Zuko purses his lips but doesn’t argue any longer.
“How did you break into the North Pole?” Katara finally asks.
Really? Zuko’s expression seems to ask.
For some reason, he smirks at her. “Hmm, I’m not sure.”
“Tell me.”
“I’m trying to remember,” he says, putting down his tea to make a show of tapping his chin. “It was very traumatic.”
“How long are you going to pull this crap?”
“How long are you going to keep me prisoner in my own room?”
Katara sniffs. “I’m not leaving you alone until you tell me something worthwhile.” Until he proves to her that allowing him to stay here will have some sort of benefit.
“Fine,” Zuko says, lying back and stretching out on his bed. One arm holds his head up as he watches Katara over his nose. “We can stay here all day and all night, with you—what did you call it?—interrogating me.” He smirks again, the crooked expression on his face downright infuriating.
Katara abruptly changes tactics, crossing her arms and stepping toward him, the water falling from her hands in large splashes that she ignores. “You know what, I don’t think you want me to leave you alone,” she says slowly, her lip curling in satisfaction. “I’m the only one who will talk to you, anyway.”
Zuko’s smirk falls, and Katara feels a little flame of triumph in her chest roar to life.
“Right, I don’t want you to leave me alone,” he parrots, the bite back in his voice. “I definitely want to be constantly reminded how much you hate me.”
Katara does not feel another twinge of regret. She does not push anything away.
Instead, she falls to her knees with a mocking gasp.
“Does his highness require better accommodations?” she says, her voice warbling. “Better amenities?”
“Katara—” Zuko says, unamused.
“An innocent victim to burn, perhaps?”
“Katara, please—” Zuko says, voice more serious. But she keeps going.
“Do you require a maiden before you cooperate?” she taunts, crawling toward him and exposing her neck. “What about me? Will I do?”
At this point, Zuko is exhaling smoke, but he’s not bending. She wonders how far she can goad him. She crawls closer until she’s at the edge of his bed and mockingly reaching toward him.
“Please, your highness, what must we do to please you?!” she all but shrieks, vaguely feeling like she would make a great actress as Zuko slowly shakes his head, as if to say What did I do to deserve this?
Well, she can think of a lot of things!
Just when she thinks of naming all those things to Zuko, she suddenly hears the swish of a cloak behind her and the sound of wood hitting the ground. Her and Zuko both turn toward the noise, to see Aang, a confused smile on his face, his ears a little pink, and his glider in his hand.
“Um—Katara—I think I’ll talk to Zuko now,” says Aang slowly, eying her strangely. She’s about to ask what’s up with him before she realizes her arms are sprawled beseechingly toward Zuko, her body half on his bed and half on the ground.
“Right, yes!” she says, getting up daintily and wiping her tunic with her hands as if what she’d been doing was perfectly normal. “I’ll just be—”
Inexplicably, she looks back to Zuko, who is also watching her, bemused.
“Bye!” she squeaks to the room with a hurried wave.
She’s talking to Aang, of course. Not Zuko.
Definitely not Zuko.
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riseswiththesun · 19 days
tell me what you really feel
mini drabble/ficlet based off this comic by @mayskalih! i saw her first hc about this and had wanted to write something but then she did the comic and i literally got up and wrote this sksks so thank you for the brainrot LOL
not sure when the canon time frame of this would be I kinda made it vague, so you can imagine it how you want tbh lol, I kinda imagine them a bit older, so like canon divergence/post canon
ao3 link
word count: 2.5k
title inspired by lyrics from the song like or like like by miniature tigers
He hates to admit how much the words sting when Sokka says them. 
Zuko feels like he did as a child; the way he feels is almost petulant, wanting something he knows he cannot have. The way feelings he can't quite discern—anger, jealousy, sadness, bitterness, perhaps, he isn't sure, and he doesn't even really want to know—pool at the bottom of his stomach, leaving him uneasy. But he knows all of this is so painfully trivial, pathetic even, how such a nonsensical word almost sends him into a downward spiral of emotions.
But Sokka only confirmed what he’s expected—what he’s known. 
He’s seen the way that the two of them smile at each other, the way she seems almost happier, lighter, brighter, around Aang—something he would be foolish to think she would ever be around him. And so even though he’s been clinging to their few brief moments of amicability, the few moments of vulnerability, and the few brief touches that he’s clung onto more than he likes to admit, he knows his place. He’s grateful for the forgiveness he’s been granted, and that, albeit unfortunately, will just have to be enough.
Zukko never wanted to come to terms with these feelings—if that’s what they even are. He’s tried to tuck them into the back of his mind, being content with where they currently remained—something he didn’t want to grapple with. But now, the painstaking realization has hit him that his feelings are large and grand, knowing that it’s more than just admiration or maybe even something as menial as a crush. He cares, feelings that feel large and grand in a way that he can’t quite comprehend. But he knows that he likes how he feels understood, and he likes how he feels that he’s not someone who’s broken, and he likes that he feels that he is someone who is capable of doing good things—of making a change, of becoming good again. And even aside from that, he likes that she is all things good, that she is hope, that she is someone who deserves better—which is something that he knows that he is not.
So because he cares, he allows for the upturn of his own lips as he watches the two of them, the sun casting down glowing rays—something almost out of a picture, and he thinks to himself: this is what she deserves, what she wants.
And because he cares, cares in a way that it aches in the deepest swells of his chest, he turns to Sokka, nodding in agreeance, the same smile on his face as he speaks.
“You’re right, Sokka,” he says almost breathily, forbidding any sort of indication of the affliction that hangs low in his throat to show in his voice. “We should help them.”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆
Katara feels a shift—something is off. 
It feels harmless at first; she doesn’t think much of it. It starts with Sokka’s calculated glances towards her, almost as if he has some sort of intention behind his stares. He has the same look on his face when he talks about war plans or whenever he’s discussing something concerning logistics—he’s plotting, but she doesn’t know what. 
She sees the way he and Zuko share mutual looks, almost as if it’s something they’re in on together. It felt harmless at first, the way they’re insistent on certain things, guiding her to certain parts of the camp, directing her to do certain tasks that normally they wouldn’t have her do, but then it crosses into a certain territory where it raises flags, and she knows that something’s off, but she can’t quite figure out what.
It makes the energy within the camp feel strained—she can tell that Sokka is being sneaky, like he’s hiding something from her, or maybe even all of them, which only floods her with additional anxiety—something she already feels she has enough of, and doesn’t need more of at a time like this; Toph is indifferent as always; Suki constantly looks as if she’s worried, almost as if she knows what’s going on, but refuses to say much of anything; Aang tries to keep spirits up, acting as he always does, which that much she can appreciate, her one small semblance of normalcy; but then there’s Zuko, who she doesn’t know how to describe his behavior, but all she knows is his is the person’s behaviors whose bothers her the most. 
She hates that once she finally found herself comfortable with him, almost seeking him out, almost desiring to be near him, he’s decided he no longer wants to be near her, taking every opportunity to push her away. Every instance in which she attempted to even talk to him, whether it be for something small, or even when she tries to seek out his assistance, he’s quick to call someone in replacement of him.
Katara huffs to herself, feeling exasperated by everything that’s been going on the last few days. Part of her feels like she’s being dramatic, something everyone wouldn’t hesitate to tell her, but she knows that something is wrong, and she hates that it bothers her so much. 
She finds herself roaming aimlessly around their campsite, searching for some form of respite, anything at this to put her mind at her ease. She sees Aang and Zuko sitting and talking, prompting her to try and join them, hoping talking with them could jog her spirits even the smallest bit knowing the two of them are two people that as of lately, are the only ones who she feels like understand her most.
“Hey,” Katara calls out as she approaches them, a smile on her face, “Can I join you guys?” She takes a seat before they can even answer, assuming she’ll receive an eventual yes. She somewhat receives one in the form of Aang’s returned grin, but Zuko’s body stiffens at the sight of her. The smile she saw from afar has been replaced by a face she once deemed as cold—an expression she didn’t associate e 
“U-uh,” he hesitates, quickly standing up. “I-I gotta go…” Walking away before the two of them can question his reasonings for leaving.
Aang and Katara share confused glances, before both their eyes follow Zuko to the other side of their camp, joining Sokka in whatever it is he seems to be doing. Aang gives her a shrug before he continues the conversation, but Katara no longer has any interest in talking, her mood seemingly gone sour.
But most of all, she hates the feeling in her chest, something almost like a tear in her heart, that occurred the second that Zuko left, taking all the air in her lungs with him.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆
Zuko concludes that solitude is the best course of action. 
He knows that he’s doing the right thing, the honorable one even, but it doesn’t make it any more bearable. He almost wishes that he felt the petty rage and jealousy that he felt with Mai—anger, at least, is an easier concept to grapple with. 
But he finds that whatever this is, he can only take in strides, the gravity of his feelings being a harsh reality that he’s been forced to come to terms with. Each time Zuko aids in this plan of theirs, he knows it’s for a greater purpose, one that he would put above his own desires and feelings (something that the Zuko before would have never considered), so he continues, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. 
Though despite being someone who's changed, valuing those who he cares about, it’s in his innate being as a person to at times, wallow. So he concludes that solitude is in fact the best course of action. Because in isolation, there he can bask in his emotions without fear of being questioned; there is nobody to judge his seemingly childish tantrums, when all of it just feels so unfair, and why him; but most of all, there he can live in the bliss in  knowing he’s the only one who knows just how much his feelings have amounted to, and just how much he may have fucked up in allowing them to get to that point. 
So he keeps to himself in the moments that he can, doing whatever tasks he can alone, cherishing the few moments of privacy he gets to wrestle with his emotions. He clings to whatever noises around him, hoping they can somehow bring him back to earth, but it’s normally much to no avail—the crackle of the fire and the buzzing of insects in the night sky only provide cursory background noise to the never ending state of chaos of his mind. 
In Zuko's mind, he feels as though there’s a constant influx of emotions, so much so that he almost doesn’t feel smaller hands against his back, jolting him out of his thoughts, stopping him in his tracks. 
“Hey, Zuko,” a voice that could belong to nobody other than Katara calls out from behind him. He feels his body stiffen at her touch, no longer used to the close contact, even in the few instances it had occurred. Zuko turns to face her, her face showing clear signs of displeasure, but before Zuko can even question why, she keeps talking. “Why are you avoiding me?” She asks, anger, or maybe even hurt, Zuko thinks, hanging in her voice. 
His eyes go wide, but he quickly tries to regain his composure, not wanting to raise any sort of concern. He thinks to what he’s done for the entirety of the week whenever Katara’s had any sort of issue, knowing there’s a better solution than him to her problems. 
“Let me go get Aang…” He says gently, trying not to make matters worse. 
Her face scrunches at this, releasing out a huff—she’s upset. Zuko tries to think of what he could’ve done to upset her, all he’s done since they’ve made amends is try his hardest to do right by her, and he feels like he constantly keeps coming up short, only confirming what he’s known for so long—she deserves better. 
“You’re not going anywhere—you don’t need to get Aang, this has nothing to do with him,” she starts, closing the distance between them. Zuko can see the telltale signs of her anger, the face she makes when she’s fed up with all of them, when they’ve pushed her buttons too hard, or worn her patience too thin—the furrow between her brows, the narrow of her eyes, the rosiness in her cheeks, the exasperation in her voice. “What’s wrong, Zuko? Why are you avoiding me? Why is it that every time I try to talk to you or ask for your help, you suddenly call Aang or leave?” She asks angrily, before her voice gets quiet, as if she’s nervous to finish the rest of her sentence, “Did I… do something?” 
Zuko didn’t think there was a feeling that felt worse than how he already did, but the look on Katara’s face, one that had just been filled with anger, that now holds so much hurt, is enough to make him fess up to the whole ruse—he doesn’t want to leave any room for misinterpretation. 
“I-I wanted to help you and Aang!” He blurts out. “Sokka told me you liked each other, so we’ve… been trying to help you two. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea but… that’s why I’ve been doing that, for you two.”
Her face twists, this time not in anger, but what he thinks is annoyance. Katara lets out a pained huff, pinching her nose and closing her eyes, almost as if she had to take a moment to process his words. 
“You two are idiots,” she sighs. 
This time, it’s Zuko's turn for his face to scrunch up, but for him, rather than anger or annoyance, it’s in confusion. He raises his brows, leaning against the wall behind him, “What?”
Katara steps closer, cutting the distance between them from arm’s length to inches away in just a few seconds. She leans in, pressing her hands against the stone wall behind him for support. Their faces are so close he can feel her breath tickling his cheek, he feels his heart racing and his palms growing sweaty, the result of too many emotions and her presence alone. 
“Zuko, I don’t like Aang…” She says. “I like you.”
He blinks at her, feeling dumbfounded. The words hang in the air, almost as if they’re waiting for Zuko to take them and physically make himself process them, screaming at him to comprehend the gravity of what she means, but Katara, instead, does it for him, giving him no time for things like insecurity or misunderstanding. She closes the distance between them, pressing her lips onto his. 
At first, Zuko feels his body tense—one too many shocking proclamations have occurred, leaving him incapable of processing things at a normal rate. By the time his mind has finally processed her words, I like you, his body finally has caught up to reality, taking him out of the state of limbo he’s since been existing in—those few seconds between before and after her profession—he feels Katara pull away, just after he’d finally become accustomed to the way her lips felt against his. 
He feels his cheeks flush, seeing the way she looks at him, waiting for his response. Her eyes have a look in them, softness almost, something akin to hope, Zuko thinks. They stare at one another, at a loss for words, both too scared to break the silence between them, the only sound their bated breaths and the drumming of their heartbeats. 
Zuko has never been the best at emotions or words, he thinks the best course of action in this scenario is just doing. So this time, it’s Zuko who leans forward, cupping her cheek affectionately before pressing his lips onto hers with a confidence he didn’t know that he had in himself. 
And though Zuko isn’t perfect, and he still has so much to learn, so much growing to still do, maybe he is deserving of good things, and there are people who are capable of seeing the good in him too. He thinks that maybe later they can talk more about their feelings and specifics and whatever other misunderstandings may have occurred, but for now, he enjoys the way she feels underneath his touch, a feeling he wants to tattoo in his memory, a moment like this he will remember forever. 
All the feelings of self doubt and insecurity and the little voices that scream inside him, you aren’t enough, begin to dissipate with every little press of her mouth against his. It feels sweet and it feels new and it feels like the good in life that he’s been searching for. 
When he finally pulls away, he looks at her, admiring how the fire casts a glow on her face, her cheeks rosy, and her lips plush. Her eyes sparkle, and Zuko never realized, or at least he’s never allowed himself to admit just how beautiful she really is. 
He feels a warmth settle inside him, the corners of his lips upturning. And there’s more that he wants to say, but his mind, always an influx of emotions, albeit this time, positive ones, settles on: “I like you too, Katara.”
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“ Run, don't look back. ”
Don’t ask me why she’s in the street, ive been up working all night and wanted to get the rough idea on paper lol
Drabble based on when Yakone was taken out and Lin’s like 8ish??
The city was loud, louder than she’s ever heard it before.
People running and screaming down the streets. They pushed and pulled to get where they wanted to go.
Lin watched with wide eyes as she saw what everyone was running from.
She stood frozen in the street as the sea of people moved past her, the fight growing ever closer. She watched as her mother was brought to the ground and stopped moving, Aunt Katara got hit hard and skidded off down a side road.
Uncle Sokka was helping Uncle Aang fight the bloodbender, the fight moved closer and closer until the sound of the bending was too loud and Lin had to cover her ears.
“Uncle Aang!” She cried tears filling her eyes. She was scared, so scared and she didn’t know what to do, Toph still wasn’t moving on the ground and now Uncle Sokka had stopped moving too.
At her cry both men looked to her and she realized that might have been a bad idea to draw attention to herself.
Yakone lifted his hand towards her and horrible pain filled her body as the blood started to rush in her ears, but in a split second it was gone and uncle Aang had the bloodbenders arm behind his back.
“Run, Linny! Don’t look back!” Aang yelled and then his tattoos started to glow, his eyes turned a glowing blue and his voice echoed with hundreds of voices. Lin all but tripped over her own feet as she scrambled back. She’s never seen his eyes glow like that! He looked angry, angrier than she’s ever seen him and that scared her even more.
Lin turned and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, not daring to look back.
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24hlevi · 2 months
𝒜𝓋𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑒 ℒ𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒜𝒾𝓇𝒷𝑒𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 ℳ𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉
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note: i do write for the live action as well, but they will all be placed together here
requests are open
Last Updated: 3/10/2024
Who I Write For:
- Aang (platonic only)
- Sokka
- Katara
- Zuko
ꨄ Dating Modern!Zuko ꨄ hcs ; gn!reader ; fluff
- Toph
- Azula
- Suki
ꨄ Drowsy ꨄ drabble ; gn!reader ; fluff
→ prompt: "aw, did you miss me?" from my 2.5k event
ꨄ Kiss The Girl! ꨄ drabble ; gn!reader ; fluff
→ how the first kiss went with suki
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pokiona · 10 months
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fandoms that I will write for, I mostly do head cannons and would do drabbles too
!requests are open!
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South Park
- stan marsh
- kenny mccormick
- kyle brofloski
- butters*
- miguel ohara
- miles morales
- peter b parker
- spider noir*
Atla + tlok
- korra*
- aang*
- katara*
- zuko
- azula
[more soon..]
i won’t be doing smut
requests are open and welcomed!!
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gaybananabread · 4 months
🍌300 Fruit Shop "Drabbles"🍌
♡Thank you to everyone who participated in this! I had a lot of fun with all these, and might do another Fruit Shop thing in the future! Hopefully all these links work lol♡
(Fruit Shop info)
Cheater! - lee!Sokka, lers!Katara, Toph, Aang
Fandom= Avatar: The Last Airbender
Summary: Sokka is being more of a brat than usual. Katara decides to teach him a lesson, the others joining in to help.
Guilty Comforts - switches!Gwen, Hobie
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Summary: Gwen is struggling with her self-image, the negative thoughts creeping in as she stresses out. Hobie has the perfect way to help, and while it cheers her up, things don’t exactly go how he expects them to.
Burned Treats - lee!Mikey, lers!Raph, Leo, Donnie
Fandom= Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Summary: Mikey tries making a treat for his bros, but things don't go as planned, bumming him out. The boys quickly notice and, after a quick wrestling match and some questions, manage to get their baby bro back into his high spirits.
Anxious Thoughts - lee!Pomni, ler!Kinger
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Pomni is having an anxiety attack due to circus craziness. Kinger invites her into his pillow fort to calm down, showing her she can still have a laugh in their insane circumstances.
Good Book - lee!Satan, ler!Lucifer
Fandom= Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Summary: Satan becomes engrossed in a new novel, locking himself in his room all day. He forgets about everything else as time flies, accidentally ignoring his duties and MC. Lucifer gives him a reminder he won’t soon forget.
So Rude! - lee!Jax, ler!Ragatha
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Jax is being a total brat, sassing and picking on all the other characters. Ragatha has enough, giving him a lesson on manners he won’t soon forget.
Impressive? - lee!Gender Neutral Reader, ler!Miguel
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: You’ve been taking unnecessary risks on missions, trying to show off and impress a certain Spider-Man. It has the opposite effect, only worrying the man and making him question you. After you joke around and play off the danger, he uses a special tactic to make sure you learn your lesson.
Full Plate - lee!Miles, ler!Hobie
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Miles is falling behind due to his duties as Spider-Man and majorly stressing out about it. Hobie helps him calm down, as well as adding a special twist to make sure he's all cheered up.
A Better Fight - lee!Alex, ler!Magnus
Fandom= Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Summary: During one of the Hotel’s fights to the death, Alex and Magnus slip away for some calm. Unfortunately for the son of Frey, Alex got geared up for the fight and is feeling antsy. He offers another kind of fight, and while it’s not what Alex had in mind, it was certainly a laugh.
Sassy Bird - lee!Hawks, lers!Dabi, Twice, Toga
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: Hawks is sassing his fellow LoV members, collectively pissing everyone off. While some more violent methods are suggested, the most interested trio finds a way to get back at the birdie without injuring their “asset.” 
Grouchy "Old" Man - lee!Miguel, lers!Peter B., brief Mayday
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Peter brings Mayday to the base for the twenty-millionth time, letting her wander around Miguel’s office. Turns out the beefcake is her favorite thing to climb on. When the young spider girl reminds him of one of Miguel’s quirks, Peter makes sure the grumpy old man has a laugh. 
Pillow Fort Comfort - switches!Gangle, Kinger
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Gangle's comedy mask is broken once again, upsetting her and leading her to seek comfort. Kinger helps her out, and while his silly method does work, he soon learns just how effective it is.
Jax is Bored, Now it's Your Problem - lee!Pomni, ler!Jax
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Pomni is still getting used to the circus, anxious and uneasy in the new environment. Jax is bored enough to help out, though he does it in his own annoying way.
Bug Pizza - lee!Jax, ler!Ragatha
Fandom= The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Jax leaves Ragatha a “special” present in her room, trying to annoy the rag doll. He succeeds, though it backfires in a way he never could’ve expected. All he has to do is apologize…but where’s the fun in that?
Watch What You Take - lee!Denki, lers!Bakugou, Kirishima
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: Denki swipes one of Kirishima’s favorite hoodies, which just so happens to be Bakugou’s best blanket. To “avenge” the red head and get the jacket back, Baku uses a special method of persuasion on the electric hero. Kiri decides to help, playing a good cop role.
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survivalove · 2 months
to the anon who brought up the-badger-mole wahfjdhdjddhhd same same same. there are lots of shitty z*tara shippers on twitter and on here but none have made me as enraged as they have. before i blocked them a while back i stumbled upon one of their modern au drabbles that was like. all about aang being this weird shitty Nice Guy™ who forces a kiss on katara when she and zuko fight and it just made me feel so sick like bruh. then i realized that's literally all they talk about, enough that they have a community all about it. transactionally nice aang and abusive mai. they claim it's fun to hate characters but they just look like a miserable piece of shit who watched atlalok muted with their eyes taped shut.
the only thing that makes me feel better about it is that they have their face as their icon on twitter and i can imagine their hate boner for aang (and mai) is because their hairline's so high they look like they're going bald too 🥰
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flameohotwife · 1 year
potential prompt idea: kataang star-gazing in the South Pole 😌
A short drabble for you, my friend! Also on ao3:
Peace in the Starlight
“It’s so quiet out here tonight,” Katara whispered, leaning against Aang for warmth. The absence of the wind was almost unnerving, especially with her husband around. She snuggled in closer and Aang rubbed his hands up and down her arms as they leaned back against the snow of their hut in the Southern Water Tribe.
Aang hummed in agreement. “It is quiet, but maybe it feels extra quiet to us because it’s been such a loud day and this is the first bit of peace we’ve felt in hours.”
Katara chuckled. Loud was an understatement. They’d spent much of the day flying on Appa, and had made the terrible discovery that Kya was getting her two-year molars and that she experienced motion-sickness on long flights. Kya had flown on Appa many times before in her young life without issue, but only for an hour or two at once. Unfortunately, this trip from Air Temple Island to the South Pole was much, much longer than that. 
Kya wailed the entire day. Not quite two yet, it was all just too much for her little body to process. Katara could tell Aang felt terrible, but there wasn’t much they could do. They needed to get South for her father’s retirement celebration, and both of them had been caught up in Republic City for too long to take a ship. Not that a ship would have necessarily been better, Katara thought.
Poor Bumi had tried to cheer her up to no avail, before deciding to spend his time reading or hanging over the edge of the saddle to talk with Aang on Appa’s head. But even he got sick of the noise after a while and, like most nine-year-olds, began to complain himself.
“How much longer?” he’d whined, pressing his hands against his ears in attempt to block out the auditory assault. 
“Still a couple more hours, Boom. I’m sorry,” Aang said. 
“UGH!” Bumi yelled at the sky. Those last couple hours had been filled with Kya’s screams, sickness, and Bumi’s near-constant grumbling, while Momo chittered nervously about their shoulders. 
Now, though, it was quiet. So quiet that their ears were almost ringing with it. They’d arrived in time for dinner, which Kya obviously refused to eat. Aang took her and gave her a soothing bath and put her down for bed while Katara and Bumi caught up with Hakoda, Sokka, Gran Gran and Pakku. Much later, once everyone was finally in bed, Aang and Katara escaped to recuperate and decompress. Together. 
They sat in that silence for a while, relishing it.
“The stars are beautiful, though,” Katara said eventually. They always seemed brighter in the South Pole than in Republic City, but they were particularly spectacular tonight. The universe seemed to twinkle in chorus above them, soothing her frazzled nerves. 
She felt Aang’s head tilt down towards her, and she angled her neck to peer back up at him. She grinned, already knowing what he was going to say. 
“Not as beautiful as you,” he said, leaning down even more to press a soft, sweet kiss to her lips. She sighed through her nose, losing herself in the comfort of him.
“You’re so cheesy,” she teased when he eventually pulled back, but her wide smile gave her away.
“Yeah, but you love me,” Aang said, cocking his head and donning a smirk of his own.
“Mmmmmm, that I do,” Katara breathed, lips so close to his she could feel the warm clouds of breath that escaped. “I love you, too, Sweetie,” Aang replied. Then he closed the miniscule distance between them to capture her in another kiss, erasing the hardships and exhaustion of the day. Maybe the stars weren’t brighter here. Maybe it was just the love she felt in this moment that made everything around her sparkle just a bit more. Whatever it was, she wanted to hold on tight and never let go.
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northerngoshawk · 2 years
Kataang: Kiss 22 (20)
Rating: G-T
Word Count: 13k
There are so many ways to show love to a soulmate. These are just 20 ways Katara and Aang do so through kisses. Drabble series. Features everything from fluff to angst and even a pinch of spiciness! Based upon the artwork series drawn by lanjunlazy on Instagram and Tumblr. One drabble for each artwork.
read on ao3 or ffn
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skittlezzzishere · 3 months
I do allow:
Platonic and Romantic relationships
Female x Female
Male x Male
Any Gender x GN
Male x Female
I will NOT do:
Yandere situations
Adult x Child romance
Suggestive situations
Character x Character
Other than that feel free to ask!
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So I have an Azula centric oneshot idea which is very weird and absurd, even awful but i want to share with you guys for learning what you think about it. İt's a plot i choose for the Azula Drabbles and Oneshots collection but if you're interested you can s use it.(which everybody gonna hate this plot I'm sure since it's really awkward)
So I'm thinking of a game specialized for firebenders but azula would change that rule to no bending. İ haven't decided all the rules since i hate all the ideas came up to my mind but I'm still working on it and trying to not doing it very childish or mature. Like a game for 13+ audience. İt's a team game and all the teams consist of two players. Teams would be Azula-Zuko, Katara-Aang and Sokka-Toph
Gaang tried to fight against Azula but she won because she was waiting for them and used some traps to catch them. İt's a bending special traps, for example katara can't use water because Azula blocked her bending ability with an wolfbat poison she added Katara's bending water while fighting with her. Which makes Katara's aura unbalanced and she can't can't use her bending until using an antidote, she don't have to use antidote but that way she can't bend water 72-80 hours. But of course they don't know this because it's a fact Azula learned from a royal poison expert(ozai requested it and he even let the expert use non-lethal poisons on her for immunity) and it's not a common fact. Like it's actually normal to not know it. And Azula refuse to give them antidote if one of them leaves.
Azula threatened the gaang while she fight with them, she said Tohoku-one of the Earth Kingdom citys i made up- is under an invasion and it started now. She acts like they're the reason of this occupation and wouldn't let them go until she take what she wants.
The deal is if Azula wins, she gains a trip to the sprit world which she has some future plans for it, but if gaang wins, she will say stop to Tohoku occupation. So with this antidote thing and stopping occupation things make deal seem more acceptable.
Either way Azula wins or lose, she will gain something that can be useful for her future plans. Even if she not wins something because she lost the deal, at least she had chance to using and improving her poison making skill which she's not using since a little kid.
İt's not actually in a season but i guess i can use early episodes of season 3, Mai and Ty Lee won't be around since Azula wanted it to be a sister-brother bonding activity and she needs them for taking information about one of her future plans. So Mai and Ty Lee is in city and they try to reach secret archive.(it includes all fire lord's yearly summary's and Azula thinks she can use it to finishing this war) She don't want to spend time with searching some secret archive that doesn't know is it real or not and she also wants to spend time with his brother. She really cares about him but she can't admit it.
Zuko will be a part of Azula's team, not gaang. Azula actually cares about him because he defended her against Ozai after coming back and Azula start to think maybe Zu-Zu is not so bad as she thought. And she won't admit but she miss teasing with Zuko like the time when they're kids. And of course she also thinks he would be an important ally because enemy Zuko really annoys him. Also she has a little regret for not helping him while banishing thing. She is not a heartless monster and she knows it's her mom's fault, not his. And burning his face in all their people is even crossed Azula's line.
And of course Zuko don't know her plans, he just think she's trying to catch the Avatar but surely he suspect Azula's planning something. Just Azula is so good at covering her secrets.
İt's supposed to be an easy with little plot oneshot but it turned into some short story.
İ hope i can explain it what I'm thinking about and thanks for all of your ideas! İ normally don't ask too many questions about plot because I'm always think it's more easy and fun to write what you think at moment. But since I'm trying to be a better writer, i started planning and editing stuff.
Please if you have any questions about this oneshot's AU ask it and I'll answer all of it. I'm having a really important exam on 17-18 June-i'm preparing this exam since last year- and i may not be able to write a lot, it's been 4.100 words but it's waits for writing. İf any of you guys have any ideas to improve this plot or fixing plot holes, please let me know.
Also if anyone's interested with writing this weird thing then i would love to read it!
This is the part where i stopped writing.
"I really just want to talk. And I'm here with only good intentions. The best option you have is listening to me."
Azula slightly waves her hand in the air, then she speaks one last time.
"Or I'll make sure they know this situation happens because of the Avatar. İt's all your choice."
The waterbender pauses for a while to consider her options, knowing if she doesn't make a quick decision, the entire team will be captured because of her. Without the bending and weakened by the poison, she'll only becomes a burden to her team. She sighs deeply before speaking in an exasperated tone, it must make her feel helpless to think about the possibility of not being able to waterbend again.
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whisperedgiggles · 2 years
Ear Gliding (Lee!Aang, Ler!sokka)
A short little drabble for the lovely @ticklishfanart! I hope you enjoy it!
Also on Ao3!
Sokka finally got it. He finally understood why kings, leaders, and generals seemed so drained when meeting the public. He’d fought crazy firebenders and guys with exploding foreheads, traveled the continent, survived the allure of cactus juice--so yeah, he’d been through some intense adventures and trials. But there was something about shaking hands and kissing babies that just sucked the life out of him. It wasn’t even that he didn’t enjoy it, to the contrary, being a hero felt great, and he loved the attention. But as he lay there, sprawled out on a surprisingly comfortable cot in a little village where he and Aang had recently finished kissing every single hand and shaking every single baby in sight…wait no that wasn’t right...where was he going with that? Oh yes right, completely exhausted. Maybe he had time for a little nap before dinner…just a tiny one--
“Hey, uh, Sokka? Can I talk to you for a moment??”
Sokka blinked back into half-consciousness at Aang’s voice and turned to see the monk sitting on the other cot in the small hut, looking at him with big nervous eyes. When had he even gotten there? Had Sokka already fallen asleep?
“Uh, yeah Aang, yeah, what’s up?”
Aang hesitated before letting out a quiet sigh. 
“I don’t know if I’m good at this part.”
Oh, one of these talks. Sokka had gotten used to the place he ended up playing in Aang’s life, often offering advice to the younger guy. He was something like an older brother, but maybe more intense because of the constantly-being-in-life-or-death-situations-together bit. Hmm. Older blood brother? Wait no that was too intense. Hmm…he’d come back to it.
“What? What are you talking about, what part?”
“I don’t know…I just…I hadn’t thought about what would happen after we defeated Ozai. There’s so much more to do, Katara is helping your tribe, Zuko is trying to reform the Fire nation, I want to help them, and there are so many little things that I should also be doing as the Avatar, I don’t know, maybe I…”
Whoa, Aang had really big ears. How had Sokka never noticed that before, after all this time? Sure, they’d been busy, but still, how--oh wait, Aang was talking. Crap, he wasn't usually this tired when Aang came for advice. Gotta catch up, what’s he even talking about---
“...Ozai was the easy part.”  Aang finished whatever he was saying with a sigh before falling back onto the cot dramatically.
Sokka took a second to collect himself before dragging his exhaustion-stiff body to his feet and over to sit next to Aang.
“Hey, buddy, it’s alright. It’s a lot I get it. Maybe you should take a little time to relax you know? Do some kid stuff.”
“I don’t think I can do kid stuff anymore, Sokka. People are counting on me.” 
“Weeeell…uh…I’m counting on you to…take care of yourself! Yeah!”
Aang sighed. “Sure, but I don’t want to just abandon the world again, people needed me for 100 years, I have a lot to make up for even still, and I--GAHH! Aha, S-Sokka what are you doing?”
What? What was he doing? Sokka looked around for a moment before realizing that in his vaguely coherent state he’d been absently tracing Aang’s ear. Aang giggled and swatted gently at his hand. 
“Oh sorry, I just noticed how, uh, how big your ears are.”
“Sorry they’re just…do you think you could use them to glide with?”
Aang sat up and looked over at him for a moment, clearly perplexed at the turn the conversation had taken, until something seemed to dawn on him.
“Oh…Oh! Oh, you’re like, really tired! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to complain to you when you were trying to rest I--”
“Wait Aang, are your ears like, ticklish?”
“What? I mean uh, yeah kind of, but--Gahahaha! Wait Sokka--” 
Sokka had gone back in, tracing Aang’s earlobes with spider-light touches, poking at his friend’s neck too for good measure.
“Whoa…I didn’t know you were so ticklish…”
“What are you tahhlking about ahah, you guys, ti-hihihickle me all the time--AHHH SOKKA!” 
Sokka had started poking at Aang’s sides, which unfortunately for him were left exposed by his sash. Aang lost it when he felt Sokka’s alarmingly nimble fingers pinch and squeeze his ribs, and tried to curl into a little ball, pulling his legs up to protect his stomach. However, Sokka simply grabbed one of Aang’s bare feet and started to trace his sole, deftly dodging Aang’s attempts to protect himself with his other foot. 
Aang finally got himself together enough to detangle himself from Sokka’s grip, rolling himself to the meek safety of the other end of the cot. He took a moment to gather his composure and huffed the last of the giggles out of his lungs. 
“Sorry Aang,” Sokka started suddenly realizing that he may have picked the wrong approach, “I was just trying to--”
“No no, it’s okay! I appreciate it, trying to cheer me up, get my mind off things.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, “But I don’t think you can just tickle all of my problems away.”
“Well one; we haven’t tried,“ Sokka playfully wiggled his eyebrows in Aang’s direction, and smirked as Aand chuckled and rolled his eyes in response, “and two; maybe not. But I’d like to point out that part of the whole reason Ozai had to go was that he was making everyone miserable. And ruining the world. And you know…if we can’t enjoy ourselves even after he’s gone it basically means he’s actually still in power.”
Aang was starting to regret convincing Sokka to read more philosophy. 
“Okay fair, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have to deal with my responsibilities--”
“Never said that. But just because you have responsibilities doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy what you’ve done and the wonders of life and all that. Balance remember?”
Aang sat with that in silence for a few beats before nodding slowly. 
“Right. You’re right. Ahh! I’m sorry that was stupid, I got caught up in my head. ”
“It happens.” Sokka stood up and stretched, finally accepting that his nap was over. 
“Y’know,” he continued, “It’s a shame Katara isn’t around, she’s much better at being the stressed one than you are.” 
“Honestly. But I don’t want her to be stressed either, I want her to be happy and relaxed and--Ahh! Sokka nohohoho!” Aang squeaked as Sokka was back at work squeezing his sides. 
“Nope! Not going there again, and I’m not going to let you start gushing about how much you love my sister! No sir!”
“I ahahaha, I wasn’t gushing, gahahaha, I’m sorrryyyy!” And maybe he was, but he was leaning into Sokka as he begged, which was, as Sokka noted, the opposite of trying to escape. So he kept the game going and filling the hut--the whole village really, with the bubbling sound of Aang’s laughter. Finally, an incredibly pleasant (and very awkward) young lady came to retrieve them for dinner.
For the rest of the trip, Sokka would pounce like a rabid Owl-wolf whenever Aang let his thoughts start to spiral again. Aang didn’t complain, in fact, it occurred to Sokka one night that Aang had started trying to get tickled on purpose. Hmm. Maybe he would test that theory.
After some proper rest of course.
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