#aaaand I don't know what else to say other than thank you!!!
kunikiiida-kuuun · 2 years
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My ideal was born when I realised a world where people died in front of me was not my ideal world.
2 years blog anniversary 💚 + 600 followers ✨
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phopollo · 5 months
No pressure if you don't want to discuss it but I am super intrigued by the RWBY Afteran AU, is there anything you can tell us about it?
Oh, yeah yeah! Sure!
So, before I say anything else;
I apologize, I don't have very much for it-- definitely no plot-- because I kind of started falling out of RWBY a little bit shortly before I started working on it, and because it was part of a contest entry I kind of just crashed and burned after I finished them haha
So! With that out of the way;
Let me first share with you just the design lineup I made because looking back at the post I can see I only shared the character drawings
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Aaaand I can tell you that while I was working on it, the piece of Alice In Wonderland I kept thinking about was the queen of hearts and the red roses
In my head, the thing that made Ruby special wasn't her silver eyes, it was being a naturally red rose-- the only red rose left (because Ruby & Yang are flower people-- Yang is a snapdragon)
And the change happened within their lifetime-- or-- I suppose, within their current ascensions
It was going to be a whole thing that Weiss and Blake didn't realize that Ruby was always red, because its been a thing with other roses to "paint themselves red"
Because red roses were excellent warriors
So it wasn't uncommon to try to be perceived as red
Weiss has vague memories of other red roses from when this ascension was young, as many were on the red king/prince's guard-- perhaps she even has memories of them teaching her things
So Weiss doesn't really take kindly to roses painting themselves red, and it's part of why when everyone initially meets she's not super fond of Ruby
I can yell you that Ruby and Yang come from the garden acre, where they've essentially been working on a farm & protecting it from any threats or harm
And Weiss obviously comes from the king's acre, where she's been on the red king/prince's personal guard
And Blake from one of the uncharted acres, but similar to the curious cat, she just vibes across every acre-- if she had a particular job, no one really knows what it was
The 4 of them came together as a team due to the rise of jabberwalker attacks-- they take on a role similar to the grim in the world of remnant that we know
I dont think they attended school for it though, Afterans hardly stay themselves ling enough to go to school for it
I was
Also toying with the idea that team RWBY was a "friendship lasting more than one lifetime" kind of deal, but
I never really settled on whether to roll with that or have it be that things were by complete chance
(Because if it was, Weiss remembering red roses from her Younger days could have TOTALLY been Ruby's previous ascension, and that could be super cool, but also, super complicated which is why I never really settled)
Oh! I can also tell you that Yang lost her arm to a jabberwalker
And that Blake can turn into a little kitty cat
In theory, Blake can do all the things the curious cat can-- she either chooses not to, or doesn't know how
I never really decided on whether they both exist or not though either :,)
Lots of undecided things and ideas I toyed with
Thank you for asking!
I haven't really thought about where any of the other characters fit into this au, but it was a lot of fun to think about again!
Maybe I'll even add a little more to it now that I know folks are interested!
This was probably a lot more of an unorganized ramble than it could/would/should have been, but what would be anything ever after if it made sense?
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🎵 Whirling in Rags, 8 AM
3. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I know for a fact there's still plenty of drugs out there."
TITUS HARDIE - "No, there aren't. Some little shit and his dad are doing speed. Boo-fucking-hoo. The stuff's probably from Jamrock."
EUGENE - "Whatever you've seen is peanuts. Look at the big picture, man. The place is a paradise -- and all thanks to Hardie boys!"
TITUS HARDIE - "Theoretically, of course. We're just talking politics here. My answer to your drug accusation is: *How dare you? Go fuck yourself!*"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Not quite yet, Mr. Hardie. There were eight sets of prints on the crime scene. There are only seven Hardie boys here."
"The eighth Hardie -- the one who's missing. She runs the thing, right?"
TITUS HARDIE - "My answer is: *fuck off*!" He takes a step closer. "Mind your own business. There is no *eighth Hardie*. I run this goddamn scene!"
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - Finally, you got something out of him. This could prove useful in the future.
ELIZABETH - "Aaaand here we go. Back to the usual." The woman sighs.
SHANKY - "I know, I know!" The little man raises his index finger excitedly. "Fattie walked on all fours. He's so fucking fat he left two sets of footprints."
FAT ANGUS - "Go fuck your mom, Dennis."
ELIZABETH - "That's more like it, boys." She turns to you. "You heard him, it was Angus on all fours. Anything else you need to know?"
Task complete: Confront Hardie boys about drug trade
+30 XP
Level up!
We've learned something. Let's go back and approach this from another angle.
2. "I want to talk about the hanging again."
TITUS HARDIE - "Again? Just get the dead guy's autograph -- since you're his biggest fan."
SHANKY - A burst of laughter in the room; the little guy is the loudest. "Good one, Titus!" he fawns.
Skipping ahead slightly...
(Address Titus.) "No, but seriously -- who calls the shots around here?"
TITUS HARDIE - "Who do you fucking think does?" He sounds more amused than angry.
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - He's so sure it's him -- but it's not that simple. There's someone above him (or beside him?) sharing the leadership. Hard to say who...
We now have a new option.
6. "It's the eighth Hardie boy. The one who's missing. The big dick."
GLEN - A moment of silence. The long haired one breaks it: "Titus, no one was thinking..."
+5 XP
AUTHORITY - That's it. There's some kind of power issue they don't want to admit -- and the missing Hardie is involved.
TITUS HARDIE - "No, no, no..." He shakes his head: "FUCK NO! The big dick is right here, asshole! You're looking at it!" He grabs his crotch. "Right fucking here!"
ELIZABETH - "Disregard the outburst, officer." She gives Titus a condescending glance. "None of the boys have any more comments on their power relations. That night they acted as one. That's all."
Back to the main hub.
3. "I talked to Joyce. The merc you hanged -- his friends are coming for you."
TITUS HARDIE - "Yeah?" He doesn't seem worried. "By friends you mean his squadmates from Krenel?"
EUGENE - "Wouldn't wanna beat up his grandma." There's snickering in the room. Some of the men put their beers down.
EMPATHY [Formidable: Success] - Titus did his best, but his men are a bit unsettled.
"Yes, they are forming some kind of *tribunal* -- and they're coming for you."
"Forget I mentioned it, it was probably nothing."
KIM KITSURAGI - "This is what happens if you take the law into your own hands. Other people start doing it too."
GLEN - "Let them come!" Blondie yells across the cafeteria. "The Hardie boys are right fucking here!"
TITUS HARDIE - "You heard the man -- right here." He points to the ground. "We're armed, we got the whole district behind us and Glen... Glen is fucking *crazy*."
ALAIN - "Yeah, a well oiled murder-machine!" He punches blondie on the shoulder.
"This Krenel is bad news. You know that, right?"
"The mercenaries are armed with automatic weapons."
"Joyce said they've gone rogue. Nobody is controlling them."
"Okay." (Conclude with a shrug.)
TITUS HARDIE - "Pft!" A spray of beer. "So were the local gangs. The fuckin' *Barmy Army* and the Madre scum. You've been out there. Seen any around?"
ALAIN - "Yeah? Where are they now, huh?" He points South. "Sent back to Madre in an airtight cargo crate."
KIM KITSURAGI - "These people are trained military professionals. Special forces, as you said. They're not a gang, or a *Barmy Army*."
TITUS HARDIE - "No, they're not. They're un-coordinated and drunk. We know more about them than you think."
2. "The mercenaries are armed with automatic weapons."
TITUS HARDIE - "We got weapons of our own." He cracks open his vest to give you a glimpse of his holster. "We got Ister 50s, Zielegers, Glen's got a nock-cannon at home..."
"Will they pierce ceramic armour?"
"Well if Glen has a *nock-cannon* at home I guess you'll be alright."
TITUS HARDIE - "I guess we're gonna see, aren't we?"
"See what? That they don't?"
"For your sake, I hope you're right."
TITUS HARDIE - "Yeah, like you've been up against ceramic armour..." He takes a sip of beer to bide his time, then tries to get the last word in.
"You haven't even seen the whole suit, right? I've seen the whole fucking thing and it didn't make him immortal."
3. "Joyce said they've gone rogue. Nobody is controlling them."
TITUS HARDIE - "Big fucking surprise..." He mutters. "They hire psycho scum, arm them to the teeth and let them loose in the city. What do you think is gonna happen?"
4. "Okay." (Conclude with a shrug.)
TITUS HARDIE - "What do you mean *okay*?" He jerks forward a bit.
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asterkiss · 7 months
“I think they bought it. We can leave now.” “No way, this was just 5 minutes and I have a reputation to uphold.”
“There is actually no downside to acting like we would be dating.” “Yes, except the part where people would think I was dating you.”
Fake Dating Prompts Modern AU where all the kids + Bill go to highschool together. Again, everything I know about American highschool is taken from movies and TV shows.
Mabel was usually rather proud of who she was. She didn't pay any mind to the whispers behind her back, nor did she let it get to her when the girls giggled and pointed in her direction. So what? She knew she was a little weird by their standards but she wasn't going to change for anyone(!) - let alone a bunch of mean classmates she wouldn't ever hang out with again after graduation.
Still, when Pacifica Northwest made needling comments regarding her love life and lack of a date to the Homecoming, Mabel may have snapped a teensy bit.
'Actually, I do have a date! And he's great and handsome and even better than your boyfriend, Pacifica!'
Urghhhh, why had she said that? Whyyyy!? She didn't have a date! Or a boyfriend! Heck, she was the furthest thing from having any kind of romantic interest after being rejected twice in the last month.
Not to mention that last comment had definitely shot her in the foot. Pacifica was dating the highschool quarterback in typical cliche fashion, and he was a beautiful hottie wrapped up in like, even more hottiness! How was she meant to top that?
Heck, there was only one guy in the entire school who was on par with that level of attractiveness. Although, he was also kind of a two-faced asshole who scared everyone.
―But hey, the alternative was letting Pacifica win.
'So, wanna go to Homecoming with me?' She offered a toothy smile, putting on her best cutesy look as she gazed upon the sight of Bill Cipher. She'd tracked him down to one of the club rooms as it turned out he was in the forensice science class. The brunette couldn't help but notice how the few others in the room were on the far side keeping their distance.
Bill stared at her with a pensive frown, eyebrows drawn together as he scrutinised her face. She couldn't help noticing his eyebrows were dark but his hair was almost platinum blond - did he dye it? She couldn't see any roots from this distance. This colour definitely made his blue eyes pop though. He'd look dreamy if he smiled but instead the guy was staring at her as if she'd grown a second head.
'Well?' she asked, tilting her head when he said nothing.
After a moment he returned his attention to the slides and forensic scope before him. 'Nah.'
Her expression dropped. Nah?
'Why not?'
'Why yes?' he quipped back without glancing her way. 'I don't even know you-' He cut himself off, casting her another curious frown. 'Right?' He seemed to be asking himself as much as her.
'Um, well not really. We haven't spoken per say-'
'Then nah. Nothing in it for me, ya can go now.' He waved her off dismissively.
Mabel huffed, not one to be easily dissuaded. She wasn't going to rejected three times in a month! 'Well, um, what if I did give you something?'
'Doubt there's anything you have that I want,' Bill drawled. 'No offense. Honestly, that's more a compliment than anything else.'
'Uh, thanks?' she replied, before returning to the topic at hand. 'And look, I'm not asking you out because I like you or anything.' Although he was defintiely attractive. 'But I sorta got myself into a predicamenet aaaand... um, well I kinda need to show up to Homecoming with you as my date to avoid schoolwide embarassment?'
Icy blue eyes wandered in her direction. 'Uh huh, and how is that my problem? Ain't my fault you talked yourself into it with the Northwest chick.'
Oh, so he did know about it? Then again, she had kinda got into it with Pacifica in a rather crowded place and neither girl had been quiet.
'If anything, it should be entertaining for a few minutes,' Bill went on with a shrug. 'Otherwise, I'm hoping the spiked punch and bribed DJ will make this thing a concotion of disaster by the time the night's over.'
She ignored his concerning statements. 'Please? It's just one night! There's no downside to us acting like we're dating for one night.'
'Yes, except the part where people think I'm dating you.'
She gaped. 'Hey, what does that mean? I'll have you know I've been called cute on several occasions!'
'Yeah you're cute,' he replied without missing a beat. 'But that begs the question why you haven't already got a date so there's obviously something up with ya if like me you're going alone. I know I'm messed up in many ways, so what's your issue?'
She flushed, partially because he'd called her cute so easily but also because he'd called her out instantly. It was also annoying that he was clearly enjoying her reaction, although she saw the same pensive look cross his face as he glanced her way.
'...Okay, okay, seriously have we met already? Have you asked me out before? Were you one of the girls I turned down in the first year?'
She opened her mouth to respond when he cut her off with a sudden yell that made her flinch in surprise.
'Wait, wait!' he yelled, looking deleriously excited as he stood up. The other students in the room jumped, looking towards them anxiously. Bill grinned, eyes wide with delight when he jabbed a finger in her direction. 'You're not- Wait, are you related to Pine Tree?'
'Pi- Dipper Pines!'
'Um... yes? He's my twin brother?' Did he know Dipper?
Bill's grin widened, splitting across his entire face. Mabel jumped when he grabbed her by the biceps, suddenly invading her personal space as they stood toe-to-toe. She swallowed, heart skipping a beat from the abrupt turn of events. 'Uhhhh....'
'Tell me, do you and your brother get on? Or is it more a case of you hating one anothers guts?' Bill said, dropping his voice to a whisper as he leaned nearer. Oh, her heart was dancing all over the place. She wasn't used to being up this close and personal with a guy. Wow, he had really good skin up close - did he use product? She should ask him―
'Hey, cm'on, answer me Shooting Star,' he said, raising one hand to flick at the dangly stars hanging from her ears.
'Yeah, we're close,' she replied, finding her voice. 'So what?'
Apparently she'd given him the correct answer because his eyes twinkled in delight. It was startling how different the boy seemed from when she'd first entered.
She was so confused right now. 'Soooooo.... about Homecoming.'
'Hm? Oh yeah, we're totally doing that.' He stepped away. 'Feel free to tell people we're dating right now if ya want.'
'Wait, really?' A pause. 'Is this something to do with me being related to Dipper?'
'Oh definitely, I'm only going out with ya cuz I reckon it'll wind him up.'
Hmmm. Mabel turned that information over in her head. Did that mean he and Dipper didn't get along then? Wasn't surprising, having only spoken to Bill for a couple of minutes she couldt definitely see how the two would butt heads.
....Oh well, she was only doing this for her own reasons that benefitted her so she couldn't really be annoyed at him for doing the same. She'd deal with Dipper and any issues that came from it later.
'Okay, cool!' Great, she'd be able to deal with Homcoming and Pacifica in one swing. Now she just had to decide on her dress. As Mabel was mulling over this new issue and turning to leave, a firm hand grasped her shoulder from behind. She turned her head to peer behind, only to find his face inches from her own as their gazes locked. She felt his lips brush against her own, chest tightening and eyes bulging wide in response.
And then there was a flash and click.
He pulled away with a chuckle, whilst Mabel blinked away the light and stood rooted to the spot. 'What just happened?'
'I'm gonna add you on Facebook so I can tag you in this,' Bill replied back, glancing down at his phone. 'Make sure you accept both, alright?'
Wait, huh?
Had they just kissed? They had, right? Their lips definitely connected.
More and more questions bounced around her mind as Mabel finally left the classroom, pulling her phone out of her pocket as it buzzed. She stared at the friend invitation from Bill Cipher.
She was beginning to wonder if she'd gotten more than she bargained for with this. It would be worth it to see the look on Pacifica's face, right?
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thisisjustmefangirling · 11 months
BBC Merlin rewatch, 1x05 : "Lancelot"
Today, we meet Lancelot !
Why doesn’t Merlin use his magic to protect himself against the griffin ? He didn't even try. Maybe he was too scared... some fics say it's because he was still recovering from being poisoned.
Aaaand from the get go we are introduced to Lancelot as a brave and selfless character, a hero willing to risk his life to save someone else.
It's nice to see Arthur and Uther out in the forest doing kingly things, checking out villages together.
"You could shame the great Arthur himself" awww Merlin you're sweet, acknowledging what a good fighter Arthur already is.
"You face the most feared of all foes, the ultimate killing machine. You face me." This much bragging and ego is giving serious Gilderoy Lockhart vibes and makes me want to laugh but Arthur actually has the skills to support his claim. He took out that Wessex guy in less than 30 seconds. The guy had two swords, and Arthur did not even use his own, he ducked, punched and kneed the guy, and voilà.
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I LOVE sword fighting scenes. Especially when they involve Arthur.
Arthur points out he's the third noble to fail the test this month and "How am I meant to defeat Camelot with rubbish like that ?" and I think it nicely sets up the idea that the knights of the Round Table will be coming from elsewhere and deep down he juges them by their skills and honor.
As another post has already pointed out, Arthur rejects the idea of Merlin becoming a knight ("I think I might be able to help") not because Merlin is not noble born but due to what he thinks Merlin lacks for the job. "Courage, fortitude, discipline"
Aaaand Merlin openly lies. "He IS a nobleman".
"Thanks Arthur. You won’t regret it". Merlin doesn’t even bother with "my lord" or "sire" or "your highness" haha.
Merlin suddenly develops a talent for forgery. Congratulations.
Geoffrey of Monmouth's eyebrows are impressive and probably fake.
Gwen highlights Merlin's kindness : "Merlin would do anything for anyone"
Gwen and Lancelot are cute together
Nice music as Merlin and Lancelot walk in the corridor
Did I mention I love to see Arthur training his knights and himself ? Cause I do.
"Lance... lot". Thanks Arthur now I imagine Philomena Cunk going "Lance A Lot" just like she said "King Arthur came a lot, didn't he ?"
Maybe you think that Arthur slapping Lancelot was a dick move; to me it shows he's fed up with nobles who think their skills are better than what they truly are. He NEEDS good fighters to defend his kingdom. "Sluggish reactions. On the battlefield, you'd be dead by now". Have you already been on the battlefield, Arthur ? I wonder.
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Lancelot shows he's tenacious by getting back up and declaring he's ready now.
I think Arthur is amused by Lancelot's eagerness to prove himself, and he likes it, and him. Look at his face... He's smirking :
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The real dick move was making Lancelot cleaning the stables.
Lancelot went straight to Merlin's room... do they sleep in the same room ?
"Your magic is not a toy, Merlin. It is not for you to use and abuse as you see fit." Ugh Gaius you're annoying.
Also Lancelot is right on the other side of the door while they talk about Merlin's magic ??? Gaius you keep berating Merlin for his use of magic, for fear he could be found out, but you are not discreet at all !
Great fight scene between Lancelot and Arthur, who seemed eager to test this newcomer.
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I love the way Bradley moves. I don't know anything about how much training he got for these fight scenes but there's a great physicality to him, his arms and shoulders seem nicely developed and used to the exercise. He hasn’t lost any of that, he was fantastic in "Vikings : Valhalla", though it felt strange to see him playing a villain.
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Arthur is in a rush to have Lancelot be tested and be knighted. He smells potential.
I love that Lancelot bested Arthur by being more clever than him and tricking him. I didn’t think it was in his nature.
Morgana eyeing Lancelot makes me laugh
Oh look, women with wimples.
Morgana looks beautiful in burgundy.
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I can't believe Arthur is staring at Morgana and Lancelot is staring at Gwen and they bond over "do you think she's beautiful?" Like... Arthur and Lancelot should have had a strong friendship on this show, aren’t they supposed to be best friends in the original texts and some of the adaptations ? I know a book in which Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot have a threesome to make sure Guinevere gets pregnant. Arthur and Lancelot were close enough for that. Of course here, Merlin is/will be Arthur's best friend... but Arthur deserves to have friends, and to have friends left after being betrayed by so many people by season 5. He was too lonely. Look, he's smiling at him here :
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"He [Lancelot] is not really my type".
"Sometimes Guinevere, I wonder if you would know what your type was if he was standing right next to you." Merlin you are standing right next to her...
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This episode is so funny for this, all the main characters are looking at someone and their looks are not returned. Arthur is looking at Morgana, who's looking at Lancelot, who's looking at Gwen, while Gwen is looking at Merlin, who is looking at Arthur and Lancelot.
This is another one of these occasions when Arthur and his knights are wearing CHAINMAIL, something you wear for PROTECTION in BATTLE, at a feast. Yes, you're knights, we get it. You're also the Prince, Arthur. Wear something fancy.
I never get tired of seeing Pierrefonds from afar.
You are wearing your fancy vest this morning Arthur, so why couldn’t you wear something similar last night ?
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Uther doesn’t need chainmail either but it could go with his paranoid personality so I'll let it slide, especially since he's wearing a nice dark... surcoat ? I love that Arthur wears bright reds and Uther and Morgana wear darker tones of red.
"How can you trust a man who's lied to you?" asks Uther, and the scene cuts to show Merlin.
Gaius and his books remind me of Giles.
The griffin attacks. Arthur leads his knights. "ON ME ! ON MEEEE". The show does a good job at establishing Arthur's skills as a fighter and leader of his knights, and his qualities such as his bravoury and sense of self-sacrifice.
I wish the show wouldn’t use so much slow motion during fight scenes...
"You said your knights were the best in the land, and you proved that today". So once again it goes to show that Arthur expects a high level of skills from his knights, but for a good reason.
Uther refusing to listen to reason even though it could cost him his son's life is sending me. Arthur will ride out against the creature because it is his duty to protect Camelot but also because his father ordered him to and he yearns for his father's approval and fears his disappointment.
"Merlin you are the only thing I care about in all this world. I would give my life for you without a thought", says Gaius, while obviously still being loyal to Uther somehow.
Arthur thinks he's been "so stupid" for believing in Lancelot and Merlin's lie. It's just the beginning...
"I need... Camelot needs" yeah Arthur just admit you like Lancelot and admire him, it's alright.
"It doesn't matter what I believe. The use of magic is not permitted".
Arthur gives Lancelot his freedom, in his father's back.
Sweet moment between Gwen and Lancelot. She might be developing her crush.
Ooooh right, Arthur and his knights were still wearing helmets that season.
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They found a good option for Arthur, because helmets and filmmaking don't really go together (unless it's The Mandalorian), and this helmet protects the head but shows enough of the actor's face to let the viewer enjoy the acting and see the character's emotions.
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"I'm failing, and if Arthur dies because I am not good enough..." Merlin's biggest fear.
How come both of Lancelot's shoulders are protected when Arthur is only protected on his right side ? ...it's purely decorative, isn’t it ?
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Oh I didn’t expect the forest scene to be so close to the castle.
That's a nice horse Lancelot has. Totally epic sequence.
Arthur is so happy Lancelot managed to kill the griffin, oooooh.
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Aw and Gaius is proud of Merlin... That's sweet. Also interesting to note he struggled to enchant a weapon now in season 1 but in the pilot he could stop time without thinking and in season 5 he can accomplish feats of magic like no one else can.
Who are these random people in the room with Uther, Arthur and the guards ? They are useless and shouldn't be here.
"He laid down his life for me ! He served with honour".
"The law is the law. The code bends for no man". "Then the code is wrong !" Arthur, my darling, I love to see you make your own conclusions and realise that your father is not right about everything. Keep turning into the great King you will be ❤️
Lancelot knows about Merlin's magic and accepts him.
Lancelot barging in to say goodbye... Dude, Arthur was fighting for you to be pardoned and reinstated as a knight. He liked you and wanted you to stay and he basically told you so. You don't have to sacrifice yourself all the damn time. Fight for what you want. You are too noble for your own good. YOU killed the griffin. You were the one who fought it and won. Merlin helped, but it doesn't mean that it is his accomplishment alone. It was team work.
Morgana's voice is softer this season than later. She and Gwen are sweet together.
Byyye Lancelot, see you later !
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Okay, my conclusions :
Merlin is learning not to mess with other people's destiny, and learning new spells.
Arthur's skills and sense of honor were nicely shown, and he wasn't very prattish in this episode
Arthur is amused by people who defy him, like Merlin or Lancelot. Let him have real friends, pleaaaase.
So many ships were created by that episode.
Lancelot is too noble for his own good and I'm afraid that's what made him a bit boring to my eyes in later seasons.
Arthur is not afraid to go against his father and stand for what is right, he did it at least twice if not three times : by telling his father in denial that he thinks Gaius is right, by freeing Lancelot behind his father's back, and by going to see his father to demand to have Lancelot pardoned and restaured as a knight.
I don't expect perfect costuming (or even historical accuracy) from this show but a tiny bit more consistency and logic wouldn't have hurt. Fan artists and fashion historians, if you ever come this way... I'll take all the art of Merlin and Arthur and Morgana in the BEST outfits.
They've really pulled the knight/chivalry card in this ep and I loved it.
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hikennosabo · 10 months
trimax vol 8 random thoughts
i feel like i'm still emotionally caught up in volume 7 lmao... but we march on! mercifully i have less to say about this one than the previous volume, but this still turned out pretty long lol. maybe i should split my posts up more...
chapter 1:
the cross in the foreground of the title page... lmao. subtle storytelling techniques.
we know legato's skill is controlling someone else's body, we've seen him do it before. however. i've been rewatching bits of stampede here and there, in which his power is more like... idk, general application telekinesis? for example, he uses his power to affect the engine on the sandsteamer. it's not that important i suppose but it's a change i'm wondering about.
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this has me wondering. what's the relationship like between humans and plants on earth? it's been brought up a few times that humans stripped the earth of its resources. so is it just as exploitative? ...does knives plan on "saving" the plants on earth, too...?
meanwhile, wolfwood... wait a sec, is this...? --IT IS!!!
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...ahem. i mean, the poor man looks exhausted and miserable. but fr i missed his stubble so much, i was sad when he showed up clean shaven way back in trimax vol 1 lol.
...aaaand then the stubble is absent again. glad to have that one panel though.
okay, wolfwood intermission over, back to the conversation between vash and knives. everyone's already said so much about it already, and i've already gone over some parts of it, so i don't think i'm really adding anything here... but i want to talk about some aspects of it that didn't really fit into my other post.
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i touched on this in my volume 7 post. vash wants to wait, knives doesn't. and this is interesting to me, because... knives isn't actually wrong here? we saw the Last Run along with knives, we've seen how badly plants are treated. vash answering "that's the way it is" seems, i don't know... passive? like, knives's actions aren't GOOD, but i think his sense of urgency is a little warranted compared to vash just wanting to... wait it out?
and as we know, the reason why humans were trying to emigrate to a new planet in the first place was BECAUSE their resources on earth had run dry. so knives isn't really wrong about that either.
also, the page has already been posted a million times, so i won't repost it again, and also i've already said this, but vash getting so emotional at the mention of tesla that he breaks out of legato's control is crazy. he already fought against legato's control to crawl his way to knives and it wasn't even the full extent of his will.
also "don't you turn away from me, knives!" ...i'm repeating myself atp but god. he just sees right through him, doesn't he.
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his ass is not listening at all. knives, honey, he's saying YOU need to look inward!!! vash can see right through you and he's telling you that you failed at truly facing your pain!!! BUT YOUR ASS IS NOT LISTENING!!
chapter 2:
and we're here with livio and wolfwood... livio's mouth doesn't really open when he talks so i can't tell when he's the one talking lol. he... didn't really say much in stampede.
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livio is huge, what the hell! why'd they twinkify him so much in stampede!
i must say, so far i haven't met a trigun character that i didn't like. (aside from like, random unimportant one-off villains that i don't care about.) but i like everyone who's been important/recurring. even characters like legato and knives, with all they've done wrong, all of their genuinely heinous actions, i still love them. i get emotional about them and think they're well-written and interesting to think about. that being said... chapel is kinda pissing me off lmao.
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^ men will literally do... whatever this is instead of going to therapy.
(also this page is giving sephiroth vibes lol... this isn't the first and won't be the last time i will make this comparison. he IS a very sephiroth-like character.)
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OH, WHAT A SIGHT FOR SORE EYES!! i didn't realize how much i missed them until they showed up... :') and yay, luida's here too!
chapter 3:
oh, even brad is back!! :) (i recently rewatched the episode of 98 where he DIES... crossing my fingers he makes it to the end of the manga lol)
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meryl... ough :( i wish we could've seen her grapple with and work through all the trauma, talk with milly about it, etc... on top of having to face the sudden apocalypse... gal's been through so much. and she hasn't been able to talk with vash about what happened, the last time they saw each other was... well, it was a rough parting, to say the least. we didn't see her journey but we see her here, on the other side. more tired than before but still moving forward, able to talk honestly about the trauma she faced, and doing what she can to help people. she is so... cool.
also knives keeps making people just Vanish Outright like what is he doing exactly? eating them?? (<- this is a joke but actually.)
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the plant memory... knives was brought to his knees by it. and his expression... ough
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two breakdowns in two volumes... uaaagh, the effect of his face splitting apart is so GOOD. although i can't tell if the plants are deliberately showing him this, or if it's more of a side effect from absorbing so many...
and yeah, thinking about ordinary people, of course they wouldn't be the ones abusing plants. they don't have the power or authority to do so, especially not at a large scale. but knives doesn't see that - or hasn't seen it until now, rather - and thinks all humans are the same. so the real solution is to dismantle the structures that allow for plant abuse.
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also i LOVE the image of ww and legato that we end the chapter on. ww gets so many cool compositions, man.
chapter 4:
OUAGH, I LOVE WOLFWOOD. legato i love you baby but you deserved to get shot. also vash using his angel arm to escape...!! i mean, it's not like he has any other weapons he CAN use, but it's still... new to see him willingly using it like this.
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I LOVE THE COMPOSITION HERE!!! IT'S SO GOOD!!! the "amen" shaped like a cross? INSANE... and livio's face being in shadow so we only see the skull mask... this panel is SO good
i don't have that much to say about the fight... it's painful to watch. i already know ww and livio's history from stampede, and i don't know how much more of it we're going to get here in the manga, but juxtaposing scenes of young livio against his current self is... all we really need to know. and i love wolfwood's prayer so much, it's just... so sincere and desperate.
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i'm absolutely flabbergasted by the level of vashwood. everything about this is so fucking romantic, holy shit.
like. just the act of shielding ww is romantic in and of itself, but. also the fact that he answered ww's prayer. and that vash has been so afraid of his own power, which he's now using to protect... ugh. and their brief banter on the page directly after this is so good.
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AND THIS IS JUST. SO GOOD. vash doesn't care about his own life, but HE CARES ABOUT WOLFWOOD!! SO MUCH!! oooggghh THE VASHWOOD OF IT ALL!!!
and then he uses his angel arm again, and it's the fanciest it's ever been... powered up with love... he has full control over it now.
but also, i already talked about this line in my other post, but knives begging vash not to go and saying "we only have each other"...i only talked about knives's feelings in that post - it's true for him. he only has vash. but vash has other people who he loves and who love him. and that love is why vash is doing what he's doing right now. maybe it's what knives was reacting to, when he touched vash with his feather... he realized he couldn't make vash stay. and that's why the end of the chapter says "it's over." just put me in the microwave already. ugh. i should've put this in my other post but i'm having Revelations in real time as i write lmao.
chapter 5:
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oh hey! this is the first appearance of the little glass vial (a little glass vial? A LITTLE GLASS VIAL!!) that tristamp ww was constantly drinking from! aka the biggest death flag known to man. i was wondering when we'd see them.
also, ww is finally being honest and telling vash about himself...! :') it's all stuff i already knew from watching stampede, but still... it's rough. and the way stamp adapted it made it even more horrific and grotesque. ww looks, idk, around 14 or so? he was robbed of some pretty important years... i think his mind has more or less caught up to his body by now, but even if he wasn't a victim of experimentation, his childhood would've been cut short either way. it was already cut short the moment he was given a gun...
JUST HOW MANY WW DEATH FAKEOUTS ARE THERE GONNA BE. YOU CAN'T FOOL ME WITH THEM. two within a few pages of each other... is anyone keeping a tally?
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VASH BLANKIE MODE!!! he even has slippies on... :') he's cozy
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also wolfwood burrito :')
AND OH, MARLON'S BACK TOO!! i didn't expect to see him again, i'm just as happy as vash that he's here, lol. so many old characters coming back! and oh, meryl... :') they haven't seen each other since that day, and maybe vash thought she never wanted to see him again... this small gesture of hers was a massive relief to him. no words needed.
chapter 6:
okay since this is a spinoff/bonus chapter how are we counting the numeration. is this chapter 51. the trigun wiki says it's 50.5 but i know the wiki sucks ass so... (not like it matters...)
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simple yet effective way of telling us roughly when this takes place - this was before he met vash. i love how this is where he got his "priest" schtick from, just... rolling with maylene's assumption and then carrying on with it lol.
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this just hurts, especially coming right after ww's flashback. his life was put on rails the moment EoM took him.
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ehhh... i don't really have that much to say about this chapter that hasn't been said already... it's an interesting look at ww pre-vash. and the villain is annoying lol
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there's a lot that can be said of this chapter and ww's views on freedom, and i think other people have already done that better than me. but this panel sums up his priorities very concisely. no regard for his own wishes, doing as he's told, going "quietly" along... it's better inside the cage.
ummmm. i'm not ready for volume 9.
15 notes · View notes
dudadragneel · 2 years
*Requests are open*
By the end of the concert, things had calmed down a bit, with Hyunjin staying on IV drips to help with dehydration. After a few minutes, the members appeared in the room, Chan being in full dad mode.
- Did he get examined?
- Yes, after Minho came down with him, he threw up a few more times, that's why they set an IV. The doctor said it's a pretty bad stomach bug.
- That explains a lot.
- How are you feeling now, Hyunjin-ah?
Minho asked with a menacing expression. You knew what he was going to say after so you tried your best to hold your laughter.
- Better. The best I felt since morning.
- Oh, yeah that's good. You know what will happen when we get home right? 20 minutes at 180 degrees in the air fryer.
- Yes, hyungnim.
The threat made everyone laugh for the first time that day. And that's exactly what happened later but, since he had caught a stomach bug, things were far from being over.
The members took about 40 minutes to change and get everything ready to return to the dorms, long enough for the IV drip to finish. The concert venue was a little far from the dorms, so the ride back would take about an hour, or two if there was traffic.
- Kids, everyone's ready? Grabbed everything?
- Yes, hyung!
- Let's go then.
You turned to Hyunjin and got up from your seat and stood out your hand.
- Can you stand?
- Yes, thanks.
He grabbed your hand, stood up, and pulled you closer for a hug.
- Oh my God you two, let's go already!
Minho said with a disgusting expression. You two couldn't help but laugh, he loved teasing both of you.
Arriving at the van, something deep inside your mind told you to sit more to the front and close to the door, because if he had a stomach bug, things could get bad again.
- Kids, is everyone here? Got everything?
- Yes!
- Alright! Back to the dorms!
The ride started and surprisingly enough, even though they had just finished a full concert, they were still full of energy. Well, it wasn't that surprising, since they were known for their chaotic energy and behavior.
They started talking about the concert, and how the performance lived up to their standards.
They wanted to turn on a life but given Hyunjin's situation and your presence, they thought it would be better not to risk it.
- Hey, Hyunjin-ah, you worked hard today. I'm proud of you.
- Thanks, hyung.
- But, next time listen to us. When you're feeling better we'll talk.
- Yes, hyung.
- But, honestly, you did really well even though you weren't feeling great.
- I didn't want to disappoint STAYs.
- We know.
All of you kept talking about the concert, the best parts, the peculiar things they saw in the audience. It had been a long time since they had this much fun.
Eventually, an important topic came up, food. They were all tired but incredibly hungry as well, and usually, after a concert, the staff would treat them to a banquet.
- So, what are we eating today?
- why don't we go with something everyone likes?
- Pizza?
- Yeah!
For a while, Hyunjin participated in the discussion, but then something deep inside of him started acting up again. The movement of the car, along with the talking was making Hyunjin feel nauseous again, the nausea was building up slowly and he tried to ignore it or deal with it but it was getting stronger.
He decided to sit back and focus his eyes on the road, being aware of the car movement usually helped with car sickness, but this wasn't the case.
You and the boys noticed he'd grown quiet and started to get worried.
- Hey, babe, what's wrong?
- Hyunjin-ah, are you okay?
Chan said putting a hand on the younger's shoulder and giving it a little squeeze.
- I'm feeling a little queasy...
- Kids, let's change the topic and quiet down for a bit.
They started talking more quietly and talked about anything else other than food. You turned your attention to the sick boy sitting beside you.
- Babe, I'm right here.
- Honey, can you hold my hand?
- Sure.
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it a little, reassuring him you were there.
He kept trying to focus on the road, since using his phone in that situation was a big no. But that wasn't working, so he closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing and your touch, as you started rubbing his hand.
It seemed to work for a while, but then the van entered a bumpy road and the car wouldn't stop jumping and each movement made Hyunjin's stomach twist and turn.
He felt cold sweat on his neck and back and a burning sensation growing stronger on his chest, he squeezed your hand even tighter, until his knuckles turned white.
-Hey, what is it?
- I really don't feel good...
He felt the contents of his stomach sloshing around and then coming up his throat and started to swallow convulsively, trying to die down the urge to vomit.
- Try to breathe, babe. I'm right here.
He just nodded to your instruction and kept on trying to breathe and swallow, but the road condition wasn't helping. The van hit a rather big bump making the car move harshly and the sudden movement sent Hyunjin's stomach over the edge.
He felt hot liquid hitting the back of his throat, and jerked forward covering his mouth. It took everything in his power to warn you.
- I'm gonna be sick-
- Chan! Pull over!
Chan quickly grabbed a hold of the situation and told the manager to pull over, thankfully they were close to a rest area.
As soon as the van stopped, Chan stormed out of the vehicle and ran to open the door on Hyunjin's side.
- Here, I've got you.
He helped Hyunjin off the van and the young boy immediately bent over the moment he was out of the van, vomit coming out of his mouth violently. He coughed before another stream came out contracting his stomach and arching his back so forcefully, he felt out of breath and swayed forward, almost falling. Thankfully Chan, was by his side to hold him, he wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's body and guided him down to his knees.
- Hey, hey, I've got you, you're safe.
He kept rubbing his back while Hyunjin continued to vomit, each wave making him even more breathless and painful.
You grabbed a water bottle from your bag and made your way to Chan and Hyunjin.
You kneeled next to Hyunjin and started rubbing his stomach as well.
- Oh babe. you're doing good. Let everything out.
Meanwhile, in the van, the boys were clearly worried for Hyunjin, they'd never seen him that sick.
- Minho-hyung, will he be okay?
- Yes. It's just a stomach bug. A nasty one.
They kept talking, some decided to scroll through their phones to distract themselves from what was happening. And then they noticed Felix had gone quiet all of a sudden.
- Hey, Felix, you good?
- I don't know...
Only after taking in his dongsaeng complexion, Minho remembered a very important detail: Felix had a really sensitive gag reflex.
- Oh shit. Felix, look at me. You're okay, alright? Changbin-ah, open the door.
Changbin did as he was told and Minho got outside the van and went immediately to Felix's side.
- Hey, Felix, look at me, alright? focus on me.
Do you have your headphones with you?
- No-I I forgot them at home...
- Kids, can someone lend me a headphone?
- Here, hyung.
- Thanks. Felix put this on.
Minho knew Felix could get sick by seeing someone else being sick or hearing the sound, hence why he asked for the headphones. Once Felix put them on, Minho checked him one more time and noticed that he was shaking a bit, so he grabbed the younger's hands and squeezed them, bringing Felix's attention somewhere else.
- Felix, you're okay. Take deep breaths and focus on the music playing on the headphones. I'm right here with you.
Felix followed Minho's instructions and closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing. He paid attention to every movement his body made as he breathed and the comforting touch from his hyung. Eventually, he was able to calm down and the eerie feeling he began to feel earlier, had gone away.
- I'm okay now, hyung. Thanks...
- No problem. But don't take off the headphones, alright?
- Okay.
On the other side of the van, Hyunjin kept throwing up, his stomach not giving him a single break. It contracted painfully, arching his back and expelling everything, making his throat hurt from all the acid.
- It hurts...
- I know babe...You'll be fine, don't worry.
But the situation was getting too much, he felt pain all over his body, and his head was now pounding from all the strain it was going through. He started to feel panicked, he felt the world spin even though he was completely still, his vision was starting to get blurry and started to shake as well.
- Y/n... I'm feeling out of breath... I feel faint.
Chan guided Hyunjin to sit on the ground and held him close to his body. You positioned yourself in front of him and grabbed his hands.
- Hey, hey, hey. Look at me, honey. Look at me.
If you start to hyperventilate now, you'll only make yourself sick again.
You started rubbing his hands in patterns and told him to follow your breathing, while Chan held him and rubbed his chest to help the younger feel calmer.
- we're right here with you. There. You're doing good, my love. Keep going.
After a few minutes following this pattern, his breathing was under control again, but the nausea persisted. Without much warning, his stomach made him lurch forward, vomit coming out of his mouth hitting the ground, and a bit on your clothes. Chan kept holding him and rubbing his chest.
- I'm sorry...
- No. Don't apologize. It's okay.
- Don't worry Hyunjin-ah.
After that wave, he was left dry heaving. You gave him some water to rinse his mouth.
- Think we go back into the van now?
- Yes...
- Can you stand?
- No... I feel dizzy...
- Alright.
Chan put Hyunjin's arm over his shoulder while wrapping his other arm around the younger's waist and carefully stood up. He stopped for a moment to make sure Hyunjin felt grounded.
- You good? Can we walk?
- Yes, hyung...
You helped Chan take Hyunjin back to the van and settle him. You both stayed with him for a while to make sure he was feeling okay before entering the van yourselves.
- Can we go back to the dorm now? Hyunjin-ah, you sure you're okay?
- Yes, hyung
- And you Felix, you good?
Minho asked getting Chan's attention.
- What happened?
Minho whispered in Chan's ear, just so he wouldn't upset Hyunjin. That's the last thing he wanted.
- Felix's gag reflex acted up while you guys were outside.
- Really? Did he get sick?
- Thankfully no. I was able to calm him down.
- Good. Thank you. Let's go back home. We need to rest.
The rest of the ride home was uneventful, Hyunjin didn't get sick again, and Felix was fine as well. But you knew Hyunjin still felt sick, you could tell from the look in his eyes it was taking everything in his power to endure the ride back home.
Arriving at the building, the manager drove the car to the garage, to give the boys and you some privacy and safety. When the car stopped, everyone got out of the van but one, Hyunjin.
- Babe, what's wrong?
- I really don't feel good...I don't think I have any strength to walk...
As he spoke you noticed how shaky and pale he was. It broke your heart to see him so vulnerable, so sad, and in pain. You just wanted your cheerful and dramatic ball of sunshine back.
Chan instructed the members to head up first and get things ready for Hyunjin, while he helped you guide the sick boy to the elevator.
- Hyunjin-ah, can you walk?
- No... I feel lightheaded...
- I'll help you, okay?
- Sorry, hyung.
- Don't apologize. Come on.
Chan wrapped his arms around Hyunjin and carefully guided him out of the van, you following behind with all of your stuff.
Before Chan began walking he waited a moment to make sure Hyunjin wasn't feeling faint.
- Can we go?
- Hm.
The boy just hummed in response. The walk from the van to the elevator wasn't long, but for Hyunjin it felt like they were crossing the country on foot. And you were walking very slowly, so as not to risk Hyunjin fainting.
But each step was a challenge, he felt as if his legs were made of jelly, and even the smallest of movements were making his stomach angry. Halfway through to the elevator, his stomach decided it had enough of the walking and sent hot liquid up his chest. He felt it hitting the back of his throat and his mouth immediately filled with sour liquid. He just tugged Chan's clothes as a warning, which the leader understood and was quick to halt the movement.
Hyunjin bent forward and didn't have enough time to get his hand away from his mouth before vomiting, so it spilled through his fingers, hitting the ground with a sickening sound.
Chan kept holding him, and rubbing his chest and you stayed by your boyfriend's side rubbing his back.
- Oh my poor babe. Let it out.
He belched and that brought up even more watery vomit, making him bend even further. And if it wasn't for Chan, Hyunjin would've already fallen.
- I've got you, don't worry. Straighten your back, Hyunjin-ah.
Chan kept rubbing his chest to help with the nausea.
After a while, he said that he felt like nothing would come up. You cleaned his hand and helped him rinse his mouth before you could reach the elevator.
When you three finally arrived at the apartment, the boys had already prepared a bath for Hyunjin.
- Hyung, the bath is ready.
- Thank you.
- And Hyunjin? Why did you take so long?
- He threw up again...
- Oh my God.
- Where are Minho and Felix?
- Apparently, Felix wasn't feeling that good, so Minho-hyung went to the bedroom with him.
- Okay. I'll check on them.
- Y/n, take Hyunjin to the bath, I'll ask Minho to help you.
- Okay.
From what the boys told Chan, Felix wasn't feeling great when they reached the dorms, so the leader went to check on him. When he got to the bedroom, he found Felix sitting on the edge of the bed with Minho by his side, rubbing the younger's nape
- Hey. Is everything okay?
- Oh, hyung! Felix's gag reflex acted up earlier and now he said he is feeling queasy.
- Minho, can you go and help y/n give Hyunjin a bath? I think you'd lighten up the mood a little.
- Yes.
- I'll stay here with Felix.
Minho exited the room leaving Felix and Chan alone.
- Hey mate, how are you feeling?
- Weird, I guess...
- Do you think you're gonna be sick?
- Not really. Well, as long as I don't see anything, no. It just feels strange, like a lingering eerie feeling in my stomach.
- Did you take anything?
- Yeah, Minho hyung gave me a nausea pill. It's starting to take effect. I guess I was just a little bit panicked.
- Well, we are all drained from the concert. Why don't we take a bath a just relax?
- Yeah. I'll just wait for Hyunjin to be settled first.
In the bathroom, you helped Hyunjin out of his clothes while Minho checked the water temperature. Fortunately, they had moved dorms and now both of their dorms had bathtubs since Hyunjin was in no state to take a bath standing up.
Minho helped him get into the bathtub and sit down.
- Are you okay?
- Hmm.
- Is the water good?
- Yes...
You decided to leave them and go get a change of clothes for Hyunjin.
- Hey, Hyunjin-ah, are you feeling okay?
- For now yes...
- I'll turn around so you can take your bath, just say something if you feel sick again.
- Alright...
After about 15 minutes, Hyunjin finished his bath without any incidents.
You opened the door to the bathroom and gave Minho the clothes you picked for Hyunjin and waited outside for them.
Minho helped Hyunjin out of the bathtub and walked out of the bathroom holding him so he wouldn't fall. At this time, his hyung's support was everything keeping him from passing out.
The bath felt heavenly because on top of smelling like vomit, he was sweaty from the concert. But at the same time, it relaxed him too much, to the point he felt like all his strength left his body, for real this time.
- Hyung...I feel dizzy...
- Okay, let's sit down.
Minho went to the living room with Hyunjin and you followed them.
The older carefully helped the boy sit down on the couch and he immediately slouched.
- How are you feeling now, babe?
- A little better, but completely drained...
- No wonder... and the nausea?
- Seems to be gone for now...
- Think you can stomach something in a while?
- Maybe...
- Okay then, I'll prepare something for you.
- Let us do the cooking, Y/n. You can go shower first.
- Are you sure? It's no problem at all for me.
- Yes. You're tired as well.
- Thank you.
You really wanted to take a bath, considering you had vomit on your clothes but at the same time, you're the one with the most energy out of everyone in that dorm, so you wanted to help. But the boys were always very caring about you so things like this made you happy.
You went to Hyunjin's bedroom to grab some of his clothes for you before heading to the bathroom, leaving the sick boy in the living room with the other members.
After a while, Felix came out of the bedroom, he was looking much calmer and his complexion was better as well. He went to Hyunjin's side and gave him a hug, which Hyunjin returned.
- I'm sorry Felix, for making you feel sick.
- Oh that! No no no, don't apologize. It's my fault for not being cautious with myself.
- And are you feeling okay now?
- Yes. And you? How are you feeling?
-  A little better. At least the nausea seems settled for now. I just feel really weak...
- Do you want to watch something?
- I don't know... I can't really trust my stomach right now... I'm afraid that all the movement might make me feel sick again...
- It's okay.
After what to Hyunjin, seemed like an eternity, you came out of the shower, wearing his clothes. He couldn't help but blush at the sight of the beautiful person in front of him, even though you've been dating for a few years, there were times he felt like he was seeing you for the first time.
He grabbed you by the waist and guided you to sit by his side and placed a kiss on your cheek.
- You look absolutely beautiful.
- Oh stop it, babe. I take it you're feeling better? For you to be all lovey-dovey
- My stomach seems settled for now...
- That's good. Thank heavens. But I'll just wait for your brothers to get themselves comfortable and then we'll talk.
- Yes.
After everyone took their baths and eaten, they all gathered in the living room to have a serious talk with Hyunjin.
- Hyunjin-ah, I wanna start by saying that you did really well today, despite not being well. However, this can not happen again. You need to listen to us and your body as well. You weren't feeling good since morning, we heard you throwing up, we asked you and you chose to tell us you were fine. I asked y/n to talk to you because I thought you'd listen to them. You got sick during rehearsal and almost got sick during the actual concert.
Can you imagine what could've happened if you'd gotten sick onstage? STAYs would get worried and that could cause panic.
- I'm really sorry, hyung. I really wanted to perform.
- We understand you but you need to think ahead, if you decide to perform while being sick, you could end up having to sit out other performances. Listen to your body, what if on top of being sick, you fainted onstage?
- I'm really really sorry for worrying you and you, y/n. I didn't want it to be like this.
- Just, listen to your hyungs next time okay? And y/n as well. We just want your well-being.
- I understand, hyung.
At this moment, Hyunjin was already crying. He didn't feel it coming, tears just fell. The thought of upsetting and worrying the members and you was practically unbearable. He began to sob and tremble and you, Chan, and Minho were quick to help.
- Hey, hey hey, breathe, Hyunjin-ah. You're gonna make yourself sick again.
Chan sit beside him and started rubbing his chest, trying to calm down the younger boy. You kept by his side holding his hand and reassuring him none of you were mad. And Minho positioned himself in front of him and tried to guide the sick boy through breathing patterns to help him calm down.
But it wasn't working, he tried to pay attention to everything all 3 of you were doing, but the crying made him swallow too much saliva and his stomach did not agree with that.
He could feel it revolting and something creeping up his chest and muffled a burp with his hand. Upon noticing this, Minho quickly grabbed a trash can and placed it underneath Hyunjin's mouth.
- Hey, if you're feeling sick you need to let it out.
He didn't want to, his throat was hurting and so was his stomach but his body did not want to keep that in. He bent forward, opening his mouth as vomit escaped from his mouth hitting the trash can with a sickening sound, making you grimace a little. Minho stood up from his position and placed a hand on Hyunjin's back gently pressing it down while you rubbed it, and Chan kept rubbing his chest.
- That's it, you're okay. We're right here with you.
All it took was a few seconds for Chan and Minho to realize Felix was close to them.
- Shit, hey Changbin-ah, take Felix to the bedroom!
- Ok!
Changbin wrapped his arms around Felix and guided the boy to his room before anything could happen.
After a few minutes, Hyunjin's stomach was empty again and left the boy gagging unproductively.
- Babe, you don't have anything on your stomach.
He just spat out thick saliva before you handed him a bottle of water to rinse his mouth.
- How are you feeling now?
- A little better, now that something came out.
- Think you take some medicine now?
- Yeah...
You have him a nausea pill, which took effect rather quickly. In about 30 minutes Hyunjin was feeling better and was even willing to watch some movies with the members. Upon noticing this, Minho gave a menacing look to the long-haired boy. You looked at him and immediately looked away, covering your mouth trying to surpass a laugh.
- Hey, Hyunjin-ah.
- Yes, hyung?
- Are you feeling better? Hm?
- Now yes.
- Ah, really? Good. That's good. You know you worried the hell out of us today, right?
- I know. I'm sorry.
- No, it's okay. But you know what we'll happen right? 20 minutes in the air fryer at 180 degrees.
- Yes, hyungnim.
You and the boys couldn't help but laugh while Minho stood there looking Hyunjin dead in the eye, which made the situation even more hilarious.
The night went on without any incidents, with you and the boys agreeing to watch a horror movie together. Everyone gathered in the living room, with mattresses, and slept there, while you slept hugging Hyunjin.
After such a tiring day, ending it with rain pouring outside and everyone together in that cozy living room, was everything all of you needed.
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byrdblood · 11 months
hey just want to say YOUR ART IS SO GOOD!!! your painting style and your chibis for your utmv toyhouse project are so so pretty QQ
Also i want to ask more about your oc Abaddon Byrd? i am so invested already just from his toyhouse preview like?? i am eyeing the project so much!! YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD TOO!!!
i love how you wrote everyone's descriptions so much... Im so curious on Abbadon's background and his powers and how he is with nightmare's group even further on other situations, like my gods their nicknames for him are great and the fact that he was just a painter at beginning by chance.. haha
i hope these werent too many questions or thoughts, i am just so excited haha, hope you have a nice day or night!!
thank you so much!! it really brightened my day finding this in my askbox omg LHDSDASHGADS don't worry at all so, im not actually sure if i want to do some kind of written story with abaddon, yet, but just in case, i'll try not to get too deep into what i'd call "spoiler" territory. HOWEVER, i can dig into some basics of his backstory for you since you didn't ask anything super specific? xD
basically, yes, abaddon was originally a mundane (that is, nonmagical) human painter living in a neutral post-pacifist au. nightmare only came across his work by chance during a raid, and, yanno, basically having had the world's shittiest year in terms of his work, he decided "fuck it, i deserve a treat", except art version. (what kind of god doesn't have an imposing self portrait in his front hall?)
given that abaddon was kidnapped coerced "hired" to actually complete a job (as opposed to, like, being hunted for sport) he had some level of immunity his first few weeks staying in the castle -- at least as long as nightmare was around to enforce it. but Abaddon's not a dumb guy, especially when it comes to people, so he figured early on that the second he delivered a passable finished project, he was gonna be killed. so, naturally, he drug it out a little, dug his heels in. and the longer he stayed there, the more the others -- especially dust and nightmare, arguably the most sensitive to these sorts of things -- came to suspect the strange properties of abaddon's soul, which, strangely enough, he himself seemed completely unaware of. this made him an interesting bauble at best, something to be picked apart and understood... but most importantly, it did buy him time.
...but, eventually, something finally happened. certain situations came to a head and abaddon was caught in the crossfire.
understandably, the situation put abaddon under a great deal of stress, not only bringing to a boiling point the family disease he didn't even know he had, but throwing him into a series of unfortunate events that would corrupt his code entirely, leading him to develop the markedly inhuman features he carries today ;) now, nightmare is no fool, of course, and if you present him with a living weapon -- especially one who seems to be holding so much resentment and misanthropism just behind their teeth -- he's going to try to capitalize on it. so regardless of abaddon's lack of LV or their piss poor physical health, apparently this new ability he developed was valuable enough for nightmare to offer him a permanent contract anyway. so now he's a permanent member all the sudden as opposed to a mildly interesting trinket the others could fuck around with for a few weeks, and to make things worse, he's human. for a group that originally called themself the bad sanses, it's just weird as shit (if nothing else!) to suddenly be incorporating this random guy. so, understandably, the guys are varying levels of chill with that.
aaaand that's the basics! if you want to know more though you're more than welcome to ask something else xD
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omi-papus · 1 year
Cal: Do you think you survived because you were alone?
The question is posed while he is sat on the edge of the counter, PDA, computer and even a… notebook? Ryley had only ever heard of them from old teachers he had at school that would sometimes say their grandparents used them. Calvin using some ungodly outdated method of note-taking because he was using the device that would normally be used for that was being used for something else, was not a surprise, but it really made him wonder how exactly he could even talk when he was that preoccupied.
Still, Ryley slurped his bowl of noodles easily, as easily as he could put into context what he said. It's not like everything always came back to the aurora crash, but it came up just often enough that they could both tell when it became the subject without explicit confirmation.
Ryley: I would have liked to save someone, as many people as possible. Everyone.
Cal: Yhea I know that.
Ryley had never expressed this before.
Cal: It's more of a practical question. A lot of survivors were paired, some in larger groups. Yet they didn't make it. So I'm wondering if you being alone affected your survival chances.
Ryley: I mean, I feel like having help would have made a few things easier, but in a way I guess that makes sense. No need to share food. No arguments. It's possible that helped.
Cal: You mean you don't know for sure?
Ryley: …
Ryley: I don't think the emperor would have talked to me if I wasn't alone. She needed to feel like she could trust someone. I wonder if any of the others ever heard her… it seems like they didn't. I… I think I might not have been able to leave the planet if I had anyone else with me. Save the emperor… released the enzyme…
Cal: I never considered the emperor. 
Ryley: No one ever does.
Cal's eyes finally left his work, although his hand still wrote in the notebook. Was he using that because he could work without looking? Whatever that was, Calvin gaze settled on Ryley, somewhat intently but seemingly sympathetic, although not in the heat of the moment pitiful way that others tended to look at him. With deeply saddened and broken expressions, right before letting the guards take him right back to the Alterra jail cell.
He appreciated the way Calvin looked at him. More than he could convey.
Cal: You ever wonder if you would have rather had someone with you, but been unable to leave?
Ryley: No, I usually don't come up with horribly fucked up hypotheticals, Cal.
He raised an eyebrow. It took a couple of seconds for him to realize that he was in fact telling the truth, and was not in fact going to start considering that idea now either. His expression changed then. It didn't quite soften, but it very well communicated his admission that he was wrong. 
Cal: You know, you don't interpret it as much as one would think you would. Even if you pretty much got divine visions from a fish. I would have believed it all meant something greater.
The notebook was left aside as the man went back to tapping on his PDA in between spurts of quick typing. Eye contact no longer in place. Ryley rest his head on his hand.
Ryley: You know, Alterra gave me a book deal about it.
Cal didn't look back, but his eyes widened.
Cal: What?
Ryley: Yhea they wanted me to write a book about the whole thing. Offered to let me do that instead of the mining labor all the inmates had to do.
Cal: Aaaand I'm assuming you weren't going to be paid for this.
Ryley: Nope. All rights to apparently even the story go to Alterra. Even if I had done it on my own, I wouldn't have gotten a cent for it, since Alterra would claim the copyright.
Cal: Thank god, I didn't study journalism then. But what, did you take it?
Ryley: I did. Beat the mines, but… man, I'm just not made for that. I got stuck so much the higher ups thought I was stalling. 
Cal: So did you actually try?
His eyes were off his work now, as well as his hands. This made him surprisingly fidgety. Calvin's attention never made him nervous. In fact, it was weirdly empowering. It made him feel like what he said mattered. It was now just the fact that he was certain that it didn't matter, that is felt like such attentiveness was wasted.
Ryley: They gave me an editor, it never seemed like I could quite give it the spin they wanted.
Cal: They wanted a feel good miracle story?
Ryley: Not quite that specific, but I'm sure they would have appreciated that way more than what I wrote.
Cal: Did you finish it?
Ryley: Wrote like ten pages. Had to start over multiple times.
Calvin's eyes dropped for a moment before coming back to him.
Cal: Do you actually have anything to say about it? The whole ordeal.
Ryley sighed. Rather deeply. He scratched his head for a moment. Unknown to him, Calvin's eyes widened slightly. It was a rare sight, to see him hesitate.
Ryley: I mean, I guess, but not for like a book.
Cal: Ok, but then… like is it not long enough?
Ryley: Nah, I'm just shit at words.
Cal: Can concur on that.
Ryley: Very funny.
Cal: Is writing really that hard?
Ryley: Not exactly??? It's more that the editor couldn't quite “relate to the experience” I wrote about.
Cal: Well, that's kind of… the point, isn't it? Most people, don't get stranded in water planets.
Ryley: No, I don't mean it quite like that. Ugh it's just…
He combed his hair back again, mulling over how much effort he should put into the next few sentences. He was not expecting to be understood. He could talk for a million years, and it still wouldn't make sense to anyone, he thought. Though, it was also hard to half ass it without making it clear that he was just stalling.
Ryley: How do you describe going through so much, and the entire time just having this knowledge that you're not reacting… like a person. That you should be crying yourself to sleep, but you're not, and at first you wonder if you feel nothing, but eventually realizing that that's not really it either, and it seems like you're just sort of… displaced in reality. Because deep down you sense that every moment what you're feeling is the wrong thing to feel.
Calvin tilted his head and borrowed his eyebrows ever so slightly.
Cal: Like you just did.
Ryley: See? Its incompre-…
It took him a second to process what he just heard.
Ryley: …
His eyes locked onto the other man almost unwillingly. Ryleys breath hitched in his throat just slightly. Words and even coherent thought evaded him for a good five seconds, over which Calvin's face got increasingly more concerned. Until suddenly it dropped its serious disposition completely, freaking Ryley out as his features began reflecting a seemingly panicked state.
Cal: Hey hey hey, don't cry man, wait. Ahg, give me a second I'll get you something, fuck, I'm sorry.
Before the other man could even manage to react, Cal had already gotten up, leaving all else behind, and walked swiftly out of the room. Ryley blinked a couple of times, only after a moment could he identify the feeling in his eyelids.
Ryley: What?
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ay-chuu · 9 months
Hii congratulations on reaching 300 followers! I would love to participate in your event. Can i request one for BSD?
Zodiac sign (gonna add my moon and rising sign too bc why not 👀): Capricorn Sun, Aquarius Moon & Gemini Rising
Hobbies: reading, dancing, playing video games, listening to music, puzzles, finding interesting shows/movies to watch, daydreaming
Phobias: the ones i can think of is thalassophobia and fear of spiders
Likes: thunderstorms, surprises, gifts, music, having fun, helping others, history, delicious food, learning new things, making others laugh, traveling, excitement
Dislikes: nosy people, being told what to do, naggers, hot weather, being forced to be somewhere or with someone i don't like, feeling stuck, conflict, routine, limitations, close-minded people, lack of freedom
Ideal male type: definitely someone with a sense of humor. someone intelligent, creative and kind. someone that accepts me for who i truly am and i'd accept them just the way they are too.
Gender/pronouns: female & she/her
Aaaand lastly, for the topic i pick the most special moment!
I hope i followed all the rules and again congratulations! ❤️
Thank you so much love, have a perfect day! 🌼😼
I match you with... (っ^▿^)💨
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The biggest reason why I matched you is that you both want to live freely and happily together in your own little safe space, away from people. This bond that holds you together is like glue and always increases your respect for each other.
Sigma likes that you are both lively and introverted. You remind him that no matter how disgusting the world is, there can always be rare angels who are like a treasure. The biggest proofs of this are that you accept each other as you are and that you always hold on to each other no matter what happens. (In other words, the biggest proof is... you <3)
Sigma may not be a very funny person, but that doesn't mean you don't laugh all the time when you're with him. You know those people who has weird acts and reactions that are hilarious, even if they're not funny in personal? Sigma is one of them. Other than that, the things you don't like are mostly common. He also hates loud people, not feeling like he belongs somewhere and feeling used. That's why you are each other's comfort person <3
Although I cannot say anything in the horoscope sense, INTJ and INFJ are compatible and passionate couples in the intellectual and intuitive sense. They generally complement each other in all kinds of harmony, both in my business life and in love.
Some moments I dreamed of for you two;
A waltz dance in the forest before sunrise, baking cookies that look like your faces together, a kiss shared with a view on top of a mountain, and smothering him with words of love under the blanket while Sigma's tears cover your shoulder <3
A special moment:
Seeing Sigma's excitement , was a rare moment for you. The way he walked around you like a dog wagging his tail and brought the chocolate chips to you the moment you asked made you giggle involuntarily.
It made you very happy to have him walk around you while you were preparing the cookie dough together. Sigma was someone who could neither get too excited nor be too happy under the living conditions he lived in.
He was used as a machine. He's like an encyclopedia. An object that is valuable only when needed.
But when he was with you, Sigma felt like he was the most important alive thing in the world, the most important being... no, the most important human to ever live. He wasn't an object to you who was ostracized, used, or treated differently than he wanted to be. Next to you he was just Sigma and your lover. Maybe that's why even a simple act like making cookies was so peaceful, happy and exciting for him. He would be one with his favorite person and his favorite food. A peaceful night spent on the couch, with cookies and maybe... milk. What else could make him happier in this cruel world? (Maybe marrying and live a future with you.....)
"Okay, my love. The cookies should bake for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, I'll clean up the kitchen. Wait for me in the living room, okay?" You said as you wiped your hands on your apron and prepared the oven.
Sigma shook his head as no, he came behind you, hugged you and kissed your neck. Oh, how he loved it when you loved him even with your smallest actions. "I'll help you, dear."
The 45 minutes had passed quickly as the two of you cleaned up the kitchen and warmed milk for the cookies. Sigma was listening to your conversation as you went to the couch together, cuddled up and enjoyed your cookies. Just you, him and the cookies. And your sweet voice.
Humanity is a very new concept for Sigma. Being able to comprehend the existence of mind and soul, and being able to feel it despite being born from a book, are not only new for Sigma, they are concepts that he cannot understand. But the only thing he understands and is sure so far is that as long as your love is with him, he will always cease to be an object. He will always be a human being <3
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walkingstackofbooks · 11 months
DS9 3x20 Improbable Cause and 3x21 The Die Is Cast thoughts (I'm re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
Shakespeare! The first mention of this Garashir-fic staple XD
Garak is so obviously flirting XD this is the exact same way Gilora was talking to Miles!
G: "I'd be more than happy to bring some by the Infirmary later this afternoon." B: "Why thank you, I'd like that." His smile!
Kira's "Garak. :/". She's just so annoyed by his existence and it shows XD 
Oh, this is where he fakes his assassination attempt!
"But who would want to kill me? A simple tailor?" Always with the tailor identity.
G: "And of course, there's always Major Kira." B: "This is serious, Garak." G: "I'm being serious. I don't think she likes me." O: "She doesn't. But if she wanted you dead, you would be." Everything about this is 👌👌
Julian is so fed up with Garak's lies, isn't he
And the moral of the boy who cried wolf is... "You should never tell the same lie twice." Of course, Garak. Sigh
"I have bad news for you. Major Kira has an airtight alibi." Garak's tight amusement at this
"What makes you think I haven't already looked thtough [your security files]?... I'm joking, of course." Needing to mollify Odo.
"Odo I -" Miles is so stunned to see Garak there XD
"They're known to be favoured by Flaxian assassins, and it just so happens a Flaxian came aboard the station just this morning." Oh, Garak is gooood
This guy, the Flaxian, is not acting innocent, he's being super slippery and suspicious - but if Garak blew up his own shop, it can't have been him? Unless he was hired by Garak, I guess...
Odo's surprise to see Garak in the shuttle XD
Okay so Garak is genuinely stunned by the other ship exploding? I'm so confused!
"Because if he did know, he'd already be spinning out an elaborate web of lies to cover up the truth." Odo knows Garak's MO too well.
"Considering those uniforms of theirs, you'd think they'd appreciate a decent tailor." XD Odo has an opinion on this?
The unusual Romulans activity, as though they're getting ready for an invasion - this is them getting ready for the Dominion attack with Train?
Another five Cardassians were assassinated? But I'm almost certain Garak faked his! 
"I am not Doctor Bashir and we are not sparring amiably over lunch." Love this outside perspective on Garak and Bashir's lunch dates.
"You blew up your own shop, Garak!" The shock on Garak's face! And Odo's pleased, "Welllll, heh heh."
Ohhh, so there was a real plot to kill Garak
"He retired some years ago. He was, I might add, the only head of the agency ever to live long enough to do so." The fact that Garak is still showing pride at Tain's accomplishment
The emotion on Garak's face seeing Mila :3
"Is there anything you need me to do while you're gone?" Oh, sweetheart!
"Eat it? You're joking." "Yes I am." Julian's fond smile coming out there <3
"Is it so hard to believe that there's one person in this galaxy who could regard me with a certain affection?" "I could believe there's one (BASHIR cough cough) but I wouldn't expect it to be someone who worked for Enabran Tain."
"Tell me, is there one person in this universe you do care for? One person who's more than just an interesting puzzle to be solved." Interesting that it would just be the one. Why do they care so much about Odo only caring about Kira, because that's what's being implied, isn't it?
Aaaand I've only just realised that this isn't just setting up for The Die Is Cast, TDIC is the next episode! I'd thought it was the end of the season for some reason ..
"Ah, Garak. It's good of you to come. It spares me the trouble of having to send someone else to kill you." ... Whoops
"Like I used to say. Always burn your bridges behind you. You never know who might be trying to follow." I always find it fascinating when aliens have a twist on an English proverb. 
"You blew up your own shop? You, my friend, are a true original."
"I never betrayed you! At least, not in my heart." The emotion!
"You'll pardon me if I appear a little startled." This episode has sure been a tough ride for Garak's emotional control...!
321 The Die Is Cast
Julian's babbling on over lunch :3
Miles trying to pretend he was listening and failing miserably XD
His soft smiles leading into a sad face at remembering Garak
"That's not entirely bad news." *hopeful eye contact*
The slow realisation it's not just one ship out there...
Garak's so happy! 
"I was good wasn't I?" Garak still needing that validation
"I've missed you too, Enabran." Very deliberate pause there
"Next thing you know we'll be crying over our lost youth." Oh that was very pointed, and you can see Garak knows it.
Dr Parmak mention - "When we get back, you should look him up." This is where all those fanfics start?
"Mila may not be around much longer." Garak's quick head turn. He's so easy to read?
"Is this a request I hear?" "Not at all! Just an observation :)" oh Garak. I guess protecting Mila is another reason you want to stay on Tain's good side.
G: "And believe me, if it were my decision, things would be-" O: "I don't believe you, Garak..." Yeah, legit
"You are imaginative, Constable, I'll grant you that. But I would suggest that you put those creative powers to better use. We would like you to share your unique insights on the Founders." Garak's trying to tell Odo to make it up, tell him anything.
"It sounds like you're hoping Tain will succeed." I mean, I can see why - the Dominion bring home would be beneficial, probably.
Eddington >:(
"I'd like permission to take the Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant and try to determine if he's still alive." No of course not. But you tried, Sisko <3
"I am not going to just abandon one of my officers." YES, Sisko, I should have known you'd not take no for an answer
"I consider this a volunteer mission, but don't volunteer yet. There's a good chance you won't be coming back." But it's still worth it to him to try to get Odo :3
Eddington is Not Enjoying This. I guess he wants to fly under Starfleet's radar and not get court martialled? I wonder why he volunteered... It would make more sense to me for him to remain on the station and get more entrenched there
Ah, so that's why Eddington came, to sabotage the mission. He IS sucking up to Starfleet
"You've turned us into sitting ducks for the Jem'Hadar!" Miles trying to attack and Sisko restraining him.
"Because I give you my word." "I make it a policy to never question the word of anyone who wears that uniform. Don't make me change that policy." Oh Sisko.... This hit harder knowing what Eddington will do
"Ohh, no, you're going to torture me, aren't you?" The sarcasm, Odo's so confident Garak can't do anything to him
"Tell me, what will happen if you can't revert to a liquid?" "I don't know." The fear in Odo's face.
"I can wait. The question is, can you?" Chills
"Major, leave the chief alone." XD
"Odo! Talk to me!" The emotionn. "Lie if you have to, but say it now!" He's saying the quiet bit out loud?!
Garak is so transparent! He cannot hide his need to keep Odo alive!
There's definitely something about Garak quoting the Shakespeare he disdained just a few days ago to Tain.
"Why are you doing this?" "Because no changeling has ever harmed another." You kind of let Odo be significantly hurt though... Like, that is a thing that just happened.
"To the Bridge, to get Tain." Odo's bewilderment, yeah we're all with you there!
"Odo, I hope you will accept my sincere apologies for all this." Always with the quest for forgiveness.
Odo's breathless, astonished "What?" as the Defiant appears! 
What a pilot! Jadzia dodging all those phases like they're nothing!
"It's good to see you again, Constable." "Likewise, Major." They are both looking at each other with heart eyes I swear.
This is very similarly shot to Odo's conversation with his Cardassian informant last episode, I like that choice. 
"Do you know what the sad part is, Odo? I'm a very good tailor." Oh, Garak.
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northsouth89 · 9 months
Canadian Girlfriend : Palaestra, Beta, et al
Palæ: I want her.
Alice: Everyone wants her, that's her job. She's wantable.
Bob: I think they're called e-girls now.
Palæ: No but I've been learning more about late 1900s American culture and she's exactly the sort we want to recruit. Well-known but forgotten. Big but niche. I want her.
Bob: And Alice, It wouldn't be correct to say that everybody wants her. Mostly teenage boys want her.
Alice: And some teenage girls?
Bob: Some, sure, but that's not her target demographic.
Palæ: So do we know where to find her? How do we get in touch with people?
Bob: I thought you knew that.
Palæ: No, I know how to touch people.
Alice: Whoa, this is getting scandalous rather quickly wouldn't you say?
Palæ: I'm a wrestler. It's not sexual.
Alice: A nude wrestler.
Palæ: That's just how it was done in my time. And it wasn't sexual for me. Sometimes it was sexual for them but hey that just means they weren't focusing and I'd have an easy win.
Alice: Never?
Palæ: Okay maybe sometimes it was hot but that's not the point. Can we not right now?
Bob: We can not, but gonna have a hard time dialing in a spirit of adolescent lust without delving into the topic at least a bit.
Palæ: I mean, yes, you're right, but why does it have to be me?
Bob: It doesn't. But you're the one who wanted to get in touch with Canadian Girlfriend Who's Hot But You Wouldn't Know Her She Goes to A Different School But She's Definitely Real. Also you're the only one in these meetings who's canonically a teenager. Aaaand you're named after a schoolyard. Work smarter not harder.
Canadian Girlfriend: Okay fine, wow, do you have to be so loud?
Bob: Palaestra, Canadian Girlfriend. Canadian Girlfriend, Palaestra.
Alice: So are you two, like, a thing?
CG: Yes, we're a thing.
Palæ: We are?
CG: Look, honey, baby darling puppy bunny. If I'm not dating you then I'm not your Canadian Girlfriend.
Alice: I wonder what other countries' versions of Canadian Girlfriend are. I mean, I wouldn't mind a French Girlfriend. How about you Bob? Japanese?
Bob: I. Umm. Huh. I don't know if I'm comfortable with this.
Canadian Girlfriend: So, Palæ, when are you gonna come visit? We can go ice fishing and skinny dipping.
Palæ: Wait, for real? That sounds like fun actually.
Alice: That sounds awful.
Palæ: I like strange things, what can I say.
CG: Have fun in France! Byeeeee!
Palæ: Huh. Okay. Well. I guess I have a girlfriend now.
Bob: She seems nice.
Alice: You mean she seems hot.
Bob: It's in the name, she has to be hot.
Alice: I prefer someone more cute than hot.
Bob: Then don't date Palæ's girlfriend.
Alice: Fine I won't.
Bob: I think we're off topic now. Palæ, anything else?
Palæ: No no, that was great. Thank you. So that's how naming works?
Bob: Yeah it's pretty straightforward once you get past how staggeringly simple it is.
Palæ: thanks. Alright, well, I guess I'll go negotiate with our new recruit.
Minimax: Hello.
Palæ: Where did the skeleton come from?
Minimax: I came from the Underworld. Hades sent me.
Palæ: Oh. Hi. How's my great uncle doing?
Minimax: Which one?
Palæ: Hades.
Minimax: He is beautiful and kind.
Palæ: Uh huh. Okay.
Alice: Looks like everyone is falling in love this episode.
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selfshippinglover · 10 months
All the s/i asks with ur Undertale s/i??? >:33
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH ANON I OWE YOU MY LIFFE RNNN QWQ,, (Just gonna copy and paste the other two answers since it was only two)
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
~As for traits? Well,. she is a soul of kindness so hopefully stuff correlating to that? Probvs cuteified too tbh cause I know I look naive to outsiders so i bet she does too
~In my inserts design I was aiming for her to be more of a side character but I think she teeters the line cause of development lol. So I'd guess she'd be taken as one of the two. She followed the skele bros around a lot, and is generally in their section. She'll also be in Hotland visiting Alphys tho <3
~I hope she's beloved but she could also just be the, "annoying love interest every story has for some reason" and I'd say that's fair.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
~Obviously there would be new dialogue options, character interactions, a whole third bedroom in the skele bros house, a side mission, aaaand different stuff per which route the player is playing
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
~Probably naivety since that happens to me irl =-='
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
~With lots of emotions, essays, silly edits, screenshots, and excitement! Just, real accurate portrayal, death fodder, or the silly <3
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you?
~haha guess just kill me off and make me being too stupid too understand shit?
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
~Alphys 1000%! Our insecurities, flaws, and interests align too well afgkjg
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
~I'm hoping fluff but every fandom has people that thrive off angst soooo. Plus, hard to resist a good, "partner dies in their arms fic" right?
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
~ Not anything special, just combining names like "CiRus" or "PapCi"
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
~Not sure? tbh I worry people would find the ship boring cause we're a lot alike
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
~Maybe Alphys or Sans sense we're besties? Tsunderplane cause I think their cute and would say so? idk really dsfkjsdg
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
~Heehee most likely friends to lovers going along with the source! More specifically, I bet there would be a lot of first confessions, pining, and/or angst involving their relationship in No Mercy timelines. (In a no mercy run she helps Alphys evacuate the citizens and is too late to save Papyrus. Instead, she ends up watching him die on Alphys lab screen :(( )
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
~Friends to Lovers
~Mutual Pining
~Endearingly Dorky
~ Insecure Love Interest
~Eh, stuff like that
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
~The hopeless romantics like myself will appreciate the the facial expressions, the descriptors, and the the general fluff of it all <3
~Dislike it for feeling shoehorned, or uninteresting most likely
~I can't see it starting debates tbh. Just like, some people are more interested than others and/or some don't care either way.(It's a background thing anyways)
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
~WE ARE THE CUTE FLUFFY SHIP EVER! THAT'S WHY!! No problems, just two mentally ill skeletons vibing and kissing sometimes <333
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
~Cici clearly excited whenever he's around
~VCi getting all nervous around
~She brings him a lot
~Idk it's everything with her tbh
~On Papyrus's end it's more subtle though. Little things like him offhandedly mentioning her unprompted in a phone call
~Saying how he wishes she was there to share something with him
~Waiting to do things until she's around
~For him it would be little text stuff
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
~I imagine it being shown over time or maybe in a slow burn kind of style? Lots of stuttering and red blush, stuff like that <33
~Strong focus on death or pining no in between gkjslgkh
~(Insert the many misconceptions with Papyrus here)
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterizations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?
~I mean, I'll be more willing to try things and be more silly in general. A bit more open with the things I usually feel insecure about sharing cause' they're viewed as childish. Really, they make me feel safe so I'd be more unabashed in everything.
~Papyrus would have a forever friend! Someone that can help with his low self-esteem and wants, hopes, and dreams!
~Won't affect the world so much. Paps and I are just seen walking together a lot and the townsfolk probably gossip(especially the bar-goers and Mettaton dkjgsd) (Did I ever mention that Alphys, Undyne, and Mettaton are dying for us to hook up? )
~I work at grillby's so he has more help and the player can talk to me there? idk lol
~I mean, there's lots that could be drawn from that considering Ci is a hacked in self insert that was added in by a human
~She has human memories but also lives with the monsters so she'll have a unque perspective on things for the time
~But idk if it would be too meta heavy??
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writingwife-83 · 2 years
Hi, just finished Attack of the Clones, tbh, had to do some googling to get my head around the finer points of the plot. I think I got it now, but still not sure about all the different names the film throws out. Hoping the answers will be in the next episode.
Darth Sidius - was that the hooded man at the end? Or is Dooku Sidius? Or will Darth Sidius be revealed later?
And who is Jedi Sifo-Dyas? Is he dead or not? And why did he commission a clone army, and without the Jedi council's knowledge? And how in Yoda wrinkle's did he pay for it without anyone noticing?
And Janga Fett - he appeared to be dealing with both sides? Are those clones early Storm Troopers?
Aaanyway, confusion aside, it started out like a detective noir movie with Obi and Ani chasing down an assassin into a club, and Obi talking to an old informant.
Ani and Padme!
Ani comes across as being a little possessive at times, he's quick to tell Padme that he dreams about her, fitting in with his slide to the Dark Side. I don't know what to make of their relationship. I am bit soft for forbidden love, especially forbidden love that blossoms after a near death experience.
It was so sad about his mom, and quite dark to see him carrying her wrapped up body into the house.
But, I loved Padme's outfits. A lot of them had a medieval, 16th cent look to them
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But most of all I loved her wedding dress. It had an Edwardian look to it, and was beautifully detailed and made
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the veil was amazing
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Ohhh boy! 😆 ok, I’ll try to move in order of what you brought up.
Yes, Sidious is the hooded man. He will definitely be revealed more later, so stay tuned for that because it’s important! I’m trying to remember at what point certain things are explained between the 2nd and 3rd movies, so I don’t want to give things away too soon, but the real deal with Sifo-Dyas is explained at some point as well. (If anyone remembers that the truth is revealed in the 2nd movie, feel free to chime in and clarify! I’ll get better at answering questions when we get into the original and sequel trilogies! 😆)
Jango Fett is a Mandalorian and bounty hunter, so he kinda just doesn’t have any particular loyalty to either side, at least not morally. His involvement is more of a business move than anything else. At least that’s how I’d describe it, without having looked into a ton about the history of the character. Also, good question/thought about the Storm Troopers…that too shall be revealed! 😉
Aaaand the infamous Anidala ship! I don’t personally hate the pairing, but for me, the age gap (which is 5 years) is a little distracting, particularly because she knew him when he was little and he’s still barely a man when the meet again later. And age aside, I also have a tough time with some of Anikan’s behavior and the fact that Padme is so incredibly mature and wise but is somehow like, ok to overlook it? I spend a lot of that movie saying in my head, “girl, don’t do it. It’s not worth it.” 😂 It also doesn’t help that the dialogue is just… 😬, but that’s a whole other topic lol. But anyway, I do also have a love of forbidden romance, so their story that can’t help but tug at my heartstrings a bit, especially knowing everything that comes next.
And Padme’s costumes! Oooh I love them so. They are probably one of the best things about the entire prequel trilogy to me. Just so fun to watch all the pretty clothing!
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, because it’s fun to see the whole saga from the perspective of someone who’s experiencing it for the first time. Hope you enjoy the third one, it’s a doozy!
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lovingcorleone · 3 years
“The Deal That Never Happened” — Sonny Corleone x Reader x Tom Hagen
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Summary: Tom and Sonny need Y/N's help to help them out.
Pairing: platonic!Sonny Corleone x Lawyer!Fem!Reader x ex!Tom Hagen
Author's note: (English is my second language.) ; First of all, I'm not a lawyer, I don't have any degree in area of law, I have no idea how these things work, but I had fun while writing it and doing some research! I don't know how did I come up with this plot ...but enjoy!
Author's note 2: Reader is Tom's ex girlfriend and events take place after Michael killed Sollozzo and McCluskey, but could not escape to Sicily. also, I was thinking about part. 2?
Warning: strong language, mentions of murder
The very original plan of the Corleone's revenge didn't turn out as one would expected. Michael Corleone did, in fact, kill both Sollozzo and McCluskey, but he was not able to catch a flight to Sicily. This was a key moment, which led to nothing but more trouble. While he was hiding, Tom and Sonny were thinking about the next step. The oldest Corleone boy wasn't entirely innocent either. Santino was guilty just as much as Michael, though he wasn't the one holding a gun. Michael, their brother was in grave danger, and that was the other reason they needed to react quickly. Violence was not an option anymore. The legal and diplomatical work of white-collared person was a necessity at that time. Luckily for them, Tom had this specific person in his mind. Y/N L/N. The greatest lawyer he ever met...and dated. When he told Sonny about his idea, he thought that Tom was joking, but eventually he changed his mind and was willing to ask her for help.
Y/N was always very busy, but never too busy to help her friend. Even though, she and Tom were not a couple anymore, she told him to always count on her when his world will fall apart. She was fully aware of an affair that recently happened with murdering Sollozzo and the police officer. She even knew that it had something to do with the Corleone family. In her field she was the best. That kind of person you really want to have on your side. Don Corleone himself once wanted to put her on his list of people he hoped that would help him one day. These people would get extra money and that was hell of a motivation. But Tom strongly disagreed with his adoptive father and said that he wanted Y/N keep far away from their family business. Don wasn't surprised by Tom's reaction, because he knew that Tom still cared about Y/N.
Their meeting held a place in their house, right in Don's office. When Y/N stepped out of a car, Sonny and Tom were already waiting for her. Tom was nervous as hell, but just like always he hid it quite nicely but not completely. Sonny smirked at Tom. „When was the last time you two saw each other?“ „Long time ago. Anyway. We're gonna talk business, so no unnecessary comments. Do you think you can do that, Sonny?“ Tom shot a glance to his brother and Sonny rolled eyes. „For a moment I thought I was hearing our father. I still don't like this idea, but it's the best thing we have now.“ When Tom saw Y/N coming to them, he immediately ran to welcome her. They politely shaked hands and Y/N gave him a faint smile. „Thank you for coming here so quickly. We- I appreciate it.“ Tom said a low voice and Y/N nodded. „Sure. No problem. I'm glad you called.“
Before falling in endless pit of awkwardness, Sonny jumped between them and welcomed her as well. „Let's go inside before this will get suspicious.“ he said with warm smile and all three disappeared behind the closed doors.
While Y/N was preparing her things, neither of Tom or Sonny dared to start a conversation. After 5 minutes, Y/N looked at Sonny, who suddenly started to feel not very cooperative. „Alright, Mr. Corleone. Take a chair and sit right in front of me. Don't ask, just do as I said. It will be more effective.“ Y/N stated as Sonny sat down with a grumpy look on his face. All of a sudden he felt less confident as usual. Their eyes met and both of them stared at each other more than it is appropriate. Y/N leaned back in big chair and put her hands on the desk in front of her. „If looks could kill.“ she smirked. Sonny frowned and Tom just quietly chuckled. „Let's take a look into your file, shall we?“ „Wait, I have a file? How's that possible?“ „Everyone who commited some kind of crime, has a file. But you have just one, because your father made sure that you have all your files destroyed. This one is considered as your first and only one, so let's act like it.“ Sonny's facial expression changed from being grumpy to being surprised to being a bit upset. He took out a cigarette from a little box and lit it. Y/N let out a sigh and opened the file. Then she looked at man in front of her with a sympathy, but it wasn't completely sincere. „You're upset, yeah, I get it. You are really someone– Don's first born.“ Sonny, well-known hothead, angrily pointed a finger at Y/N. „Watch your next words!“ „Sonny...“ Tom warned him.
After what happened to Don, Sonny was extra cautious what people were talking about his father. Y/N knew that Santino was kind of hard to work with, but she did not plan to give up on him. „Look, I'm just trying to do my job here.“ she smiled, „So..shall we get started?“ A smoke left Sonny's mouth as he nodded. Y/N started to pulling out bunch of papers from her bag and handed him a pen. „For the very start, please, uh, sign this...this..aaaand this.“ The oldest Don's son's jaw dropped a bit while looking at what he had to sign. He really thought that they are gonna just talk without doing the boring part. But still, without any more words, he signed everything. „Good, perfect! Such a nice handwriting you have.“ Y/N enthusiastically remarked while putting away signed papers. She could swear that Sonny's cheeks flushed with a pink color for a second. Tom watched them from his own desk in the office, and he felt so proud that Y/N agreed to take their case. Meanwhile, Sonny felt almost intimidated by her presence. „Ahh, sorry. I forgot about these papers...Here. I need another your signature. Just three more and we're done..for now.“ Sonny looked at Y/N like she was crazy, but signed it anyway. What else he could do. „You done? Perfect! You know, the bureaucrats...They always want their paperwork.“ Y/N giggled and shrugged her shoulders like it was normal thing. And for her it was. She loved doing her job, being a lawyer. Sonny finished his cigarette and after a few minutes of complete quietness, Y/N voice's echoed again. „Okay, listen. Let's get into your case..“ „Fucking finally.“ „Don't interupt me, Santino.“ „ ...Sorry.“ „I know what you are thinking. 'This is a mistake! I shouldn't be sitting here!' Well, they don't think that.“ she said that in high-pitched voice accompanied by wide smile on her face. Tom couldn't help but snorted and earned himself an annoyed look from Sonny, who certainly didn't find it amusing. „Thanks for the sympathy, but can we get into that case? We are kinda running out of time. I already signed those fucking papers, what more those dickheads want? I know this is a part of your job, I get it, but! Can we move on?“ the hothead miserably throwed hands into the air. Y/N eyes were fixed on him, not saying a word. She clicked her tongue and put her hands together. „Good. So you understand that I'm just doing my job here. The job you asked me to do.“ she whispered but her face was unreadable. „I was thinking. Your situation is pretty bad at the moment. But I think I have a solution of some kind. Listen, I'm here to strike a possible deal with you, but we will soon get to that part, okay?“ Sonny nodded and his eyes got a bit brighter when the part with a deal was mentioned. „Suddenly how excited you got. Wow.“ she chuckled for herself and shaked her head. „Uhm, so... How about take a look at your crime? You've been charged with Criminal Conspiracy with code 479. Okaaay. Let's see what it says here.. Yikes. Ordering and attempting a murder. But if I remember it correctly..You wanted to avenge your father, so you sent your brother, Michael Corleone, to kill Virgil Sollozzo and also police officer Mark McCluskey. Michael was supposed to make a deal. But that deal never happened. Are you following me?“ „ Yeah. I mean..all correct. So far. Continue.“ Y/N looked at Tom and he approvingly nodded. „You did what you did, and now we're having this conversation. But without Michael, because... we don't know his whereabouts. Too bad, because he was the one who killed them, not you. You only prepared it. Sounds like this is all your work. Oops.“ she raised her eyebrows, pulled her lips into a thin line and then let out a deep sigh. „Tom, are you familiar with criminal conspiracy, mostly when it comes to participation in it?“ she shot a quick glance at man sitting afar from them. He nodded. „In most states, those who have helped plan a crime but have not participated in the actual crime may be given the same sentence as the person who committed the crime himself.“ he responded and Y/N faintly smiled at his
correct answer. He did not forget these things and Y/N was genuinely happy about it. He may have been a consigliere at that time, but deep inside there was an amazing lawyer hidden in him. She stayed silent for a moment thinking about words what she was about to say and then quickly licked her lower lip. „I may or may have not a deal for you. It just depends on you. And on your cooperation.“ Sonny sat on the edge on his chair and looked into her eyes listening carefully. His anger disappeared. „Alright. What do I need to do then?“ A smug smile flashed on her lips and she shook her head. „This is not about you, Mr. Corleone.“
Silence. Sonny frowned at what she just said, but still confidently smiled like he understood. He was taken back. And Tom was too, but not as much as his brother. So far Sonny did not meet a woman that would have behavior like Y/N had. But in the end, it was her job. However, Sonny must have admitted that Y/N was super smart with lots of courage. Tom was right about her. However, Santino needed to think straight, he needed to focus. Y/N shrugged her shoulders. „Listen, if it was up to me, which is not up to me, it's up to the authorities above me, and they say that you are a criminal. But, if it was up to me...I would like your family to get out of this mess and continue living your lives.“
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c-a-e-l-a · 3 years
this is just me over-analyzing everything. probably.
Okay, so I don't really know where to begin with all this, but first let's recall this particular facet of Jamil's personality.
He represses his emotions.
In some of the Scarabia boys' personal stories — the ones I'm referring to rn being Jamil's Laboratory SR & Kalim's Ceremonial Robes SR — Jamil puts emphasis on how he "doesn't want to stand out" (he says this in one of his monologues), and at one point he even tells Kalim that the young heir deserved his spot as Scarabia's dorm leader. Aaaand if you've finished Chapter 4 of the Main Story, you'll know this isn't true.
In contrary to how he initially lead us to believe, Jamil is actually someone who wants to get the acknowledgment he deserves. He isn't someone who would be content with just being a background character. He knows he could do so much more, and thus, he hated having to be inferior to Kalim just because of their social hierarchy.
Hence, we arrive at our next question: why would Jamil lie? Disregarding how he presents himself in front of the others, why would he lie and tell HIMSELF that he doesn't want to stand out, when it's clearly not how he truly feels?
It's simple, really. It's because ever since he was younger, Jamil's feelings have always been invalidated by those around him... Notably, his parents disregarded his emotions by embedding into his mind that he must never one up Kalim — that he must understand that as a servant of the Asim household, he must never overshadow him.
And even if he loathed this, he couldn't help but subconsciously apply this way of thinking onto himself. That his emotions should never be prioritized first. That he didn't have the right to be more than what he already is, because he's a servant.
Now, now, at this point, you must be wondering how this is all related to their rooms *CRIES*, but I promise we're getting to that part! I didn't expect that into to drag on that much.
Ahem, so. Jamil's upbringing ultimately led to his habit of suppressing his emotions at any given moment. He hides his true thoughts quite well, and...this eventually caused for him to be awkward at expressing his individuality. Proof of this is how Jamil's sister has complained about how, despite their taste, the food Jamil cooks looks boring. Sure, he's an able cook, but on the design category? Not much.
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The same can be said about his room. Jamil's room — especially when compared to the rest of the cast's rooms — is relatively much more plain-looking. But it isn't because he's a boring person (Jamil's such an interesting character T^T), it's just that he sucks at expressing himself.
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Kalim's room is fancy, as you can see. However, before we proceed, let's try to deduce some stuff about Kalim and Jamil based on their rooms.
For Jamil's...we can tell that he actively plays a certain sport (basing on the shoes). We can also tell that he likes music, seeing as how he owns headphones and a boombox. That first-aid kit also indicates how he's always prepared for any possible health dangers.
Now, for Kalim's... He has a first-aid kit, too, which is understandable considering who he is. But...besides that, what else can we deduce about Kalim? Not much, right?
Jamil is the more emotionally repressed of the two, but why is it that we can tell that much about him just by looking at his room, when we can't deduce a lot from the more emotionally open Kalim's room?
When arranging things for your own room, you'd usually put the things that are most important to you in it, right? But in Kalim's case, we don't see anything like that at all. Which is odd considering how enthusiastic he is about most things, usually.
Following this line of thought, we can only infer that most of his things are in the storage room. But...why?
If he really had something that was important to him, wouldn't he at least keep them inside his own room rather than throw it in there? Like, drums for Light Music Club practice, or the magic carpet! (Actually, exclude the magic carpet, if it isn't kept in the storage room, it'd definitely just wander off somewhere)
Anyways, this is most likely just me over-analyzing things again. Hhhhhh it's all because of that JPN Twst fan who tweeted about how Kalim "keeps his things in the storage room because he doesn't want to be associated with the Asim wealth." Kinda contradictive in many ways, but it is interest-inducing, so I just had to make a pathetic excuse of an analysis for that.
If anyone has ideas to add, I'm all ears! Thanks for reading till the end~
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