boundbymemories · 2 years
Athena just gently pats Erichthonios…
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If it was before the events of the Pandaemonium, he'd be delighted. Right now? He still can't bring himself to hate his mom, no matter what, and just accepts the patting... not entirely sure how to feel about the whole thing. Why can't he just ignore the happiness he feels in seeing her again? "...thank you, mother."
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its-hai-time · 9 months
hi i have had turnabout light brainrot for the past like 2 days but specifically about the concept of a soundtrack for it bc i am absolutely obsessed with video game osts so i am going to unload all my thoughts. i'd imagine the song for klavier's apartment is really empty and just doesn't have much going on. would fit how he is just. really alone there. also it's in c minor. idk i just think every depressing song in c minor sounds good. i don't know any other locations the case would include, but i'm still playing around with what klavier's jail cell theme might be. athena's is a music box version of her theme and trucy's is a slower/sadder remix of her's, so i've tried slowing down guilty love. unfortunately the music production team is amazing and it still sounds very peppy at .25 speed, and just doesn't fit the vibe at all. so i thought maybe it would instead be guitar's serenade or the gavinners • twilight gig. both are absolutely GORGEOUS themes that i would love to see reused, and both come from cases where he lost someone important to him (daryan went to jail and his law mentor died). even just incorporating elements of those songs into a different new theme created for the turnabout would give me psychic damage and make me pass away instantly from how happy i would be. an acoustic guitar with some reverb would fit extremely well too, and i'm always one for throwing mallet percussion into everything and anything, so i can see it having a marimba or vibraphone as well. additionally, given this isn't just an added case to another game and is rather a whole new game, apollo's theme would get an update like it does every game. 2013 had this beautiful electric guitar section, and 2016 had what i think is a synth solo that was absolutely amazing. i think it would be really cool if this version included the bell bits that were in the orchestra and 2013 versions of the theme!! also the 2013 version's ending is honestly my favorite of all time, so it would be neat if it included something similar to that. honestly even if you never listen to another theme from dual destinies PLEASE listen to apollo's theme it's so good i force everyone i meet to listen to it. i have so much more i could say but i'm just now realizing how long i've already made this so i'm gonna stop now. sorry i am a massive game music nerd and love your comic lol. super excited for part 13, but remember to take your time and not feel pressured to release it before you think it's ready.
the thought that someone can have actual brainrot for my work is amazing aaaaah. Anyways I'm LOVING these music ideas, especially for Klavier's apartment, you'd expect it to be pretty over the top for the rock star himself; but he really doesn't live in his apartment that much, it's kind of a lonely place when you look around at it. A slower, understated score fits much better to show how empty the place is. Anyways I've never played past aa4 so I'll be checking out those apollo themes soon I guess lol.
anon if you wanna message me with your musical score brainrot I'm literally so open. I always love opportunities to talk about the game au as a whole rather than just the one case everyone knows.
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bookishjules · 8 months
hyello! it's the mark of athena anon (who's no longer anon heh)! coming in to announce that after like, a month i've managed to finish the book! you were right, near the end it gets better than at the start. once they finally get to rome it's a lot more fun to read imo. i now do think i actually finished it at some point in the past bc i remembered that at the end percy and annabeth fell to hell. it's either that or richard did so well on the foreshadowing that i predicted what would happen. anyways i'm glad i got over this hurdle so i can read the rest of the series! thanks for pulling me through it!!
AAAAAH CONGRATS BABE wowow that's so exciting 🤸‍♀️ even if you had finished it previously, it's the thought that counts right? and the thought was that you hadn't and that this would be an accomplishment-- and so it very much IS!! hehe
i'm so glad you agreed with me about it getting better toward the end and i didn't just stear you way off and make you resent me for lying to you lol annabeth's quest in moa?? literally my favorite part of the entire fucking series. she's such a badass fr plus we get leo saving the day down in the tunnels and the jasper bday picnic and percabeth's little lunch date and ugh <333
anyway i digress.. if you still want to keep me updated as you make your way through the rest of the series, please do!! i will never get tired of experiencing these books for the first time again through other people hehe
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fioras-resolve · 9 months
as i've been replaying dual destinies, i've been thinking about its aesthetic shift to 3D. i have a lot of thoughts about 3D game aesthetics, but what it comes down to here is asking "would this animation work better in 2D?" and honestly? the art team sure did know how to take advantage of smoother animations, camera control, and three-dimensional movement. something like yuri cosmos spinning in his segway would have taken a ludicrous amount of spritework for a single visual gag, but in 3D it's just about rotating the model. a lot of full body movement like that can be done more freely now. being able to have ted tonate intricately put together and take apart a bomb, that would be *so* hard to do in 2D, and it's still hard in 3D too, but they pulled it off! even though choppier movement works better for a lot of animations, there's a good few where the smoothness really works, like on blackquill, athena, and hugh. there's a lot of visual gags that would be an absolute nightmare to do in 2D, but we get to see them here! but we do still miss out on a bit of the exaggerated human charm of hand-drawn or pixel art. like, stylization in 3D is incredibly fucking difficult, and requires a load of good tech and personnel. ace attorney is and has always been a budget production, so a bit of that would inevitably get lost. but it gets pretty close! it can do the thing sometimes! and it leans into 3D's strengths when it can. aaaaah, game development is so fascinating!
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matan4il · 1 year
It's me again!! Hope you're having a wonderful week lovely and more importantly...looking after yourself? How is your hiatus going so far? I am still working my way through every meta post you've created and I spotted something interesting in your 518 Buddie Meta when it comes to Buck or Eddie asking each other if they're hungry after big saves. It made me think of Buffy (I'm def showing my age now!) and when we were introduced to Faith in S3. Whilst talking about slaying to the Scooby Gang, she says "isn't is crazy how slaying just always makes you hungry and horny?" I'm probably reaching here... but it made me think of our boys and how they can't give us the "this makes us horny..." so we get the "are you hungry?" alternative.... That's my two cents worth for a Sunday afternoon! :D xoxo
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Awww, Sooz, my darling! *hugs you tons* Thank you for asking, I'm okay, I'm trying to balance work and medical appointments. How are you doing, gorgeous? I hope you're having a great hiatus so far!
Aaaaah, I'm so happy you're still going strong with the meta posts! XD Sincerely, nothing makes me as happy as getting likes or reblogs from old posts, and knowing that they live on.
OMG, I did not expect the horny connection, I may or may not have spit water all over my computer screen. ;p I don't think you're reaching that far! The thing is, I do think food in the world of 911 represents home, family and love, like when Bobby cooks for his team as a way of showing them his love. And while that's all very fluffy, but not necessarily horny, that 'food as a part of sexy playfulness' aspect exists on the show as well. Again, to take an example from Bobby as a way of showing it's a more universal thing, I can point out his and Athena's sexy times includes him draped in nothing but an apron... So absolutely, food is also connected to that. And as the 518 meta points out, there are numerous times that connect Buck, Eddie and food on both the domesticity level and the sexy one. We have Eddie wanting to go grab some food with Buck in 201 and 313 after a call, very much like "we survived this, all of my senses are aroused, let's go do something about it" as well as the 309 flirty scene happening in the kitchen, of all places...
Thank you again, sending you endless love, hon! And of course, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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starcrossedjedis · 1 year
my little greek mythology obsessed brain saw your Thea and Odysseus posts and went !!! anyway. I was wondering if you were going to include the characters of Penelope and Telemachus in their story / if you do do you have any plans for their characterizations?
Aaaaah thank you for sending this ❤️
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So, of course there will be mention of Penelope and Telemachus throughout the story - Zeus teases Athena about her "sudden interest" in a man who's only goal seems to be to return to his wife and Odysseus frequently talks about them - but they probably won't get their own POVs.
I won't do anything super drastic in terms of "oh but I have a different ship so now the other woman/family needs to go"
It will mostly be a case of "it's been a hella long time and life goes on" - yes, there still is the famous element of Penelope not getting remarried, but is it because she misses her beloved husband so much or is she simply content with her role as regent and mother to the future king of Ithaca? Is she sick with longing for the man who left so long ago or is she simply preoccupied with making sure that the kingdom thrives and that its future king will be fit to rule when the time comes?
And Odysseus canonically already is a little bit of a slut even though his whole goal is to return home to his family and kingdom. Maybe for him it is about discovering what he really wants to be in the wake of this war. He was barely a man when he left and then the war made up everything about the man he became, but who does he want to be? And who does he need to be? Does Ithaca really need the king who was gone for so long? Are Penelope and him still the people they used to be or are they just holding on to a memory, because this is what sustained them for so long even though it has nothing to do with the people they are now?
And that's that on that, at least from where I am standing rn planning wise 🤗
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athena-children · 3 years
Athena children be like-
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lohaku · 4 years
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My submissions for @speakeasyzine !
It was a lovely experience working with so many amazing artists and writers from all around the world, and I am in love with the theme ! I’m so glad I got to be part of the team, Ace Attorney is a fandom really dear to me :)
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landofanimes · 5 years
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Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac article on Japanese magazine Figure Oh, July 2019
Photos by Trevor at 聖鬥士星矢 大博物館
(the full article has a couple more pages in it)
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rawrzimon · 7 years
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I had the absolute honor of commissioning @needapotion for an updated look of my OC Athena.  This is her Halamshiral look and she looks fierce as fuck. She is amazing to commission and so easy to work with! I highly highly recommend her. :) Thank you again!
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anonymousgeekhere · 2 years
What’s your opinion on the iliad cast? Gods and mortals
Hector: I think my thoughts on him are obvious lol. My true love (after Apollo) he’s just so good! Hehe not gonna go in detail it will be long
Paris: Originally wasnt a very big fan of him but after learning more about him (and his effeminate aspect), I have mixed feelings. Like I like him but some stuff he does is like
Aeneas: We didn’t see him for much, I was intrigued by his fate thing, then I read the Aeneid and now I’m sick of him
Sarpedon: I’m more interested in the impact than him cuz like. Zeus contemplating saving him which would go against Fate? Very interesting…
Achilles: So I like him as a character not a person. I think his story and arc is very intriguing but like. he killed and mutilated a child. In the kid’s dad’s temple. like. Much as I find his arc about shifting between divine and beast and ultimately realizing he’s human and cannot reject society interesting af I just cannot like him
Patroclus: Wish there was more about him! He seemed very interesting and strong, not the uwu kawaii boy I thought he was
Odysseus: Yoooo I fucking love this guy he’s so funny and clever let’s fucking gooo
Diomedes: On his own I dont care for him much, tho I feel bad about how Athena manipulated him he’s pretty great when he teams up with Odysseus, book 10 was wicked awesome
Aias: Stronk man goes brrrr
Menelaus: Really cool guy, wanna see more content about him cuz he seems so conflicted and betrayed aww
Agamemnon: Someone shoot him. Please
Helen: FUCKING QUEEN I already loved her and then I found out more about her and aaaaah she’s so good
Andromache: Aaaahhh I love her she deserved so much better
Cassandra: Would’ve loved to see more of her, her story is interesting
Penelope (I know she‘s from the odyssey but shhhh): YO SHES A QUEEN TOO she really outsmarted Odysseus she and him are OTP how she so big brain
Hecuba: She won me over when she begged Hector not to go fight Achilles
Priam: Interesting guy, wanna know more about him and why he seems to only care for Hector (trauma response after losing so many kids?)
Apollo: I won’t dump here cuz you all know about that already. I really enjoyed seeing a darker, more divine aspect of Apollo. Really changed my perspective on him (which is an essay in of itself) and appreciate him a lot more and see him as more nuanced and complex
Artemis: We didn’t see much of her! But I can’t believe she got bitch slapped by Hera
Leto: So badass omfg
Hermes: Really pleasantly surprised by how kind he was to Priam. Loved seeing him as the “kind god”
Zeus: I’ve softened to him and really like to see how his position as a king makes him have to take harsh decisions. Fate makes me wonder how much control he really has
Hera: Badassssss. I really loved seeing her so manipulative and clever, it was really fun
Ares: I hate how Homer wrote him! Made him seem so pathetic and had everyone bully him
Athena: Ngl especially after writing my essay I don’t really like Athena? She’s manipulative but not in the fun Hera way
Aphrodite: My opinion on her dropped a little because of that one scene in book 3 where she forces Helen to sleep with Paris
Poseidon: He’s much more serious and scary than I thought, really awed by his sheer power
Hephaestus: Hate how everyone bullies him but damn does he make some cool stuff
Thetis: She’s such a good mom??? I wanna know more about her, like how she ended up married to Peleus
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zae82 · 3 years
Avengers Mt Olympus IV
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Zeus & Hera (Steve & Nat), the King and Queen of Mt Olympus😍. The shield is his Aegis.
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Lord of the Underworld Hades and his bride Persephone (Bucky & Wanda). Bucky Barnes is meant to be Hades, so freaking broody and melancholic.
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They’re the perfect MCU Hades and Persephone. I always loved that Hades had a garden planted for Persephone because she missed the flowers from above.
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Tony Stark as Poseidon, Lord of the Seas, cause you know he’s petty AF and can be a vengeful god.
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Pepper Potts as Demeter. Goddess of the Harvest.
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The twins, Artemis and Apollo. Captain Marvel is best as Artemis of all the MCU ladies. And Sam Wilson the Falcon, he always fly so close to the sun as Apollo.
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Thor as Hephaestus. Because Hammer…
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Peter Parker as Dionysus. He’s always the fun one.
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Bruce Banner as Hermes. Don’t kill the Messenger Yo…
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We got Sarah Rogers as Athena since she’s Daddy’s Girl and Cap’s favourite. Yelena Belova looking so Badass as Nike. Nike and Athena go together. Aaaaah… my warrior goddesses 😍😍James Rogers and his bride Ava as Ares and Aphrodite.
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osakaso5 · 3 years
Everyday Splendor in Olympus Town: Season 3
Episode 1: Athena
Episode Index
Athena: ......... This presence...
Ares: There you are, Athena! I'm finally gonna defeat you!
Orpheus: ...Or so he says. Prepare yourself.
Athena: Ugh... Not this again. You pester me every single day.
Athena: What is it this time, Ares? I thought I told you over and  over not to cause trouble.
Ares: I'll only stop if you step down as the president of the student council and grovel before me, the king  of delinquents!
Athena: Ugh... There's no reasoning with you. I'm busy, so allow me to excuse myself.
Orpheus: Oh dear. It appears President Athena is running with his tail between his legs.
Ares: Not on my watch! I won't let a coward who runs from a fight to be the student council president.
Ares: Aren't you ashamed to suck up to people so much, just because you're weak?
Orpheus: For a supposed leader, you don't seem very capable.
Athena: Clearly, someone's been spreading lies and slander about me. How exactly do you think I've been "sucking up" to people?
Ares: What? Are you saying you don't remember?
Ares: Just this morning, you looked after that brat who got lost, then you found something on the street and took it to the police box, then you picked up trash by the wayside, and in gym class, you carried that injured kid to the infirmary!
Athena: ...Just so we're on the same page, you're trying to insult me, right? Because it doesn't sound like you are.
Ares: ......? What's that supposed to mean? Obviously I'd never say anything nice about you.
Ares: Orpheus, explain so even this dork can understand.
Orpheus: Fine... Simply put, all your good deeds seem like nothing more than a tactic to curry favor with others.
Orpheus: Honestly, think of how I felt, having to stake you out with Ares all morning...
Athena: I've never heard a more ridiculous accusation...
Ares: Stop trying to butter people up and just fight me fair and square!
Ares: Once I beat you, I'll be the ruler of this school!
Athena: .......!
Athena: Taking out your weapon at the school gates!? How stupid can you be!? You could've hurt someone by accident!
Ares: Heh! You're just scared that a teacher might see us!
Athena: That's not what I said! Please, put that sword away..!
Ares: Only if you admit defeat!
Athena: Ugh... You're ridiculously strong, as always..!
Athena: Orpheus! Don't just stand there, stop him!
Orpheus: Easier said than done... Boss isn't exactly amenable to reason.
Orpheus: On top of that, there's a rakugo show I'd like to see today, so I must get going soon...
Orpheus: Boss, can you take care of this in 5 minutes or less?
Ares: Huh!? No way! I'm planning to give this guy a nice, long pummeling today!
Athena: .......!
Ares: Oh. Ahaha! Finally ready to fight me for real, are you?
Athena: Very well. I didn't get much of a workout during gym class, so I'll use you as a training dummy instead.
Athena: I'll stop you so quickly that no one will have a chance of being hurt.
Ares: Hmph, as if I’m gonna  lose to you!
Athena: Don't be so sure yet..!
Athena & Ares: ......!
Orpheus: You're surprisingly hot-headed for a prim and proper student council president.
Athena: Sorry, did you say something..!?
Ares: Hey, I'm the one you should be paying attention to!
Athena: Oh please, I could block your blows with my eyes closed!
Ares: Yeah, well, every swing of your lance is lighter than the kitten I pet this morning.  
Athena: Hah! You still haven't noticed that I'm only using 5% of my strength?
Ares: I'm using 3% of mine!
Athena: Well then I'm using 1%.
Ares: Well then I'm using 0%!
Athena: Do you not realize how little 0% would be? I guess you really are stupid.
Ares: Huh!? Am not! Quit being so smug!
Orpheus: Alright. Your 5 minutes are up.
Ares: Shut up! I can still keep going!
Orpheus: ...Haah. But at this rate, the sun will be down by the time you're finished.
Ares: The sun isn't the boss of me!
Orpheus: ...What to do... I suppose I have no choice but to stop you by force.
Orpheus: ...Ahem.
Orpheus: Aaaaah!!!
Athena & Ares: .......!!!
Ares: Quit yelling! You scared the crap out of me!
Orpheus: L-look over there, both of you!
Athena: What is it?
Orpheus: I saw a pale silhouette inside the school just now...
Ares: A pale silhouette..?
Athena: I'm not seeing anything.
Orpheus: I-it was there, I swear..!
Ares: What was?
Orpheus: A ghost!
Ares: !!!!! A g-g-g-g-ghost..!?
Athena: I've never heard of any ghosts in our school.
Orpheus: You haven't heard the rumors? People have been whispering of a ghastly apparition in our halls.
Orpheus: Most sightings I've heard of happened after school, once  most students had already left.
Ares: H-hmph... So what if there's a ghost!?
Orpheus: Don't you get it?
Orpheus: Hunting down the ghost so everyone can come to school safely is exactly the kind of thing the true leader of this school would do.
Orpheus: If you accomplish that, you'll be crowned king of this school,  even if you don't beat President Athena.
Athena: Don't be ridiculous. There's no such thing as ghosts... Hmm?
Athena: Ares..? You seem to be shaking, is everything alright..?
Ares: I-I-I'm not shaking!
Athena: No, you very obviously are. You wouldn't happen to be afraid of the ghost, would you?
Ares: ...As if!
Ares: I'm a god! Of course I'm not afraid of some g-ghost!
Ares: I'll defeat you AND that thing..! In fact, I'll go take care of it right now,  just you watch..! 
Orpheus: Ah, you're full of energy as always, Boss.
Athena: He just looked scared to me.
Orpheus: I’m sure the trembling was from excitement, not fear.
Orpheus: But I must get going now. My rakugo show is about to begin.
Athena: Right... No, wait! What about Ares!?
Athena: Ugh... I just hope he doesn't get himself into trouble. ...I have a bad feeling about this. 
Translator’s notes..? 
Athena = Iori
Ares = Tamaki
Orpheus = Minami
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The DA Y/N OC Hunger Games Part 8
Part 1 | Part 7 || Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
Round 8 time! Round 8 time! Ring ding ding! Ring ding ding! It's time for round 8! And hey! Look at that! That's the number of contestants we have left in this little game of ours! What a coincidence! We really are getting down to the wire here aren't we? Well, soon we shall have even less people to worry about! So without further ado, let the round begin!
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William tries to kill Dylan ( @the-mirror-realm ), but Dylan's knight armor diverts the blow!
RUDE! First Mark, and now you too, Will? I expect better out of you! You two really are becoming birds of a feather aren't you? Well, at least Dylan's armor keeps them safe from your murderous asses!
Athena (Pre-WKM) ( @withjust-a-bite )'s lifeless body writhes with maggots.
Lovely. Just lovely to hear. I definitely needed to hear that! Thanks, game! Also second round in a row where Athena (Pre-WKM) is seen rotting, body full o’ maggots.
Seth ( @who-killed-the-da ) calls arcane fury down on Veridia ( @ask-the-femaleda ), their ancient scepter beaming with an inner rage. For a second, nothing happens. Veridia ( @queenaxyn ) opens her mouth to say something, then starts peeling away, layer by layer.
Oof. Woof. Woofy oof. Oofy woof? Veridia's mun demanded that she do something interesting and... Well... That's certainly an interesting way to die! Gotta hand it to you Seth, that is a creative and yet slightly horrifying way for you to have killed someone! Thanks for the terrible mental images and nightmares! Looks like even vibing with Daffodil could do nothing to stop Seth from doing some murder immediately afterwards! Ah. Such a shame.
Dylan ( @indic0lite ) stands proudly in their knight armor. Daffodil ( @shattered-da ) is being adorable as always. Gray ( @without-celine ) looks around maniacally, seething. (Actor) Mark wonders about the future. Celine reloads her shotgun, just in case. 
Huh. Well. This party of people hanging out together, chilling, not doing anything is certainly an interesting one... Can Dylan just be standing over Mark like, "You tried to stab me and failed! Hah! Take that!" ... Please...? Just. Gotta. Really rub it in the bastard's face. Alright. Yeah. You're right. That's probably not what's happening. It's not really in Dylan's character to do something like that. But least I can always hope, right...? So Daffodil's still vibing over in the corner like usual. Looks like Gray is just really REALLY upset that they didn't get to kill anyone this round! Heh. Amusing. Or maybe they're just mad about having to sit next to the actor. Speaking of... It looks like the Actor is being introspective for once. Interesting... Didn't think he knew how to do that. And Celine... Well, she's being Celine. That's about what I expect out of her. Please shoot your ex in the face, Celine! He’s right. THERE! Sitting next to you! Please blast his face off!
So that was a quick round! One more contestant down, dead, and gone. In fact, it was so short that guess what!?! Today's part is a double feature! So strap in buddy! It's time for round 9 as well!
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The pile of flesh that used to be Y/N ( @dormats-town ) writhes with maggots.
Nice. I hope you enjoy the mental image, Town! Whispers your child is DEAD! DEAD I tell you!
Celine creeps up behind Gray ( @luckyloto / @spect-era ) and shoots them point-blank with her shotgun!
Oooooh! Aaaaah! The betrayal! Half of you getting shot in the face by your own sister! If they ever do actually find Celine, this is obviously what's gonna go down, right? But just... Brutal. Brutal, brutal fratricide. To be fair, someone had to stop Gray before they killed actually everyone, right? They've just been rampaging like a rabid dog! Three dead! Someone had to put them down! And who better than Celine?! With a shotgun! Yeah... All things considered, Celine with a shotgun is probably one of the few people remaining who could take down a crazed Gray... The one best suited to do the job out of our remaining contestants, certainly. Still brutal tho.
(Actor) Mark is only looking out for himself. Daffodil ( @shattered-da ) wearing leather scraps is a sight to behold.
Mark. Always looking out for himself and only himself. AND WHAT A SHAME TOO! If Mark would stop doing that for just a second and turn his head a little to the right, he would see Daffodil in their fabulous leather outfit! His loss, I suppose.
Are you kidding? Seth ( @narratorcryptii​ ) just found a flamethrower! See if anyone gets in their way now!
Uhhhhh... Uh oh. So... I think that Seth has officially beaten Dylan in terms of having an OP inventory... Just.. Jesus Christ... WHO DECIDED TO GIVE MX. 4 KILLS A FLAMETHROWER! Well... Let's see if someone, anyone, can stop Seth now... Better tread lightly with them... O.O (Seth’s really out here living like, “Who needs defense when you have a fuckin' FLAMETHROWER!?”)
Dylan ( @the-mirror-realm​ ) gathers ammo for their slingshot.
Yeah. That's gonna help you soooo much with going against the MOTHERFUCKING FLAMETHROWER! I'm glad that you're preparing for the future, Dylan. I'm just not over Seth's find...
William feels strong enough to handle anything.
Yeah. Sure you are. You have a foe who has a flamethrower and an ex with a shotgun in this forest with you. Meanwhile what do you have? You have squat! That’s what! Good. Fucking. Luck with taking them on! Somehow I don't think your muscles are enough to stop bullets or to keep you from BEING SET ON FIRE!? Appreciate your optimism tho!
So. Exciting stuff, huh!? Two more dead. 6 contestants remaining. Right at the end here SOME people are getting incredibly lucky with their item drops! At least we don't have to deal with any rampaging beasts running about anymore...? At least not in the way of contestants that is. But that's all for today, folks! Next time! Part 9! Including rounds 10 and 11! How exciting. So until next time... BYEEEEEE!
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justmesofi · 3 years
Why the pjo fans read the HOO series (although it's really good):
The Last Olympian: Uuuu. A new Percy Jackson series. What is this?
The Son of Neptune: Omg. THERE IS PERCY. OMG. I wanna read about him. I missed him soo much. *fangirl heart attack*
The Mark of Athena: FINALLY. Percabeth. I'M SO EXCITED. *screaming in the pillow*
The House of Hades: Percy and Annabeth.... AAAAAH. Rick Riordan how can I hate you and love you at the same time...?? *fitfully hugging the book*
The Blood of Olympus: Omg. The last book. The last fight. Omg. *shouting like a greek warrior* GAIA DIE IN HELL
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 S3 EP17
• Jealous eddie strikes again
• Of course buck knows how to land a hot air balloon
• Oh no what is hen hiding, I'm suspicious
• Costco card flirting is where it's at
• Michael better be healthy he does not deserve to die
• The serial rapist storyline is giving me more criminal minds vibes
• Its fucking stupid that victim statements have to be made in the room with the criminal
• ...that man is cute...michael are you looking?...
• Aaaaah cute, michael he's a doctor! They're trapped in an elevator now this is a trope I can get behind
• Man made a tinfoil hat to keep warm I love it
• My step-dad came in and judged the fact they were playing vanilla ice (a guy was stuck in a freezer it was appropriate)
• Michael and this guy are so cute they're both pretty bad at flirting and its adorable I love it and now Michael definitely has to live because i need to see them dating
• Oh no is athena about to be kidnapped?
• Never let the door shut behind you
• Everyone being able to hear athena being attacked was horrible (and reminded me of hotch on the phone with hayley)
• I really thought bobby was gonna chop that guy with his axe
• Michael ran away from his boo!
• I feel like hens secret is her talking to a doctor because she wants to start medical school
• Karen and chim drunk on the couch, chim is the best hype man, squad goals
• The powerless theme is just a bit too strong
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