#a 2 only when quidditch is involved
oflights · 4 months
The latest Star Splitter made me cry so thanks. Also, your Ron is my favorite Ron of all time and I can't stop thinking about him dancing with the elves. That's all have a good night.
LOL you're welcome?? 😌
i love ron. ron is my actual favorite. if you ever read one of my fics and hate ron, you'll know that is an imposter posting things in my stead.
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Why do u ship drarry? (no hate btw just curious)
Thanks for the ask! I actually have a whole list of why lol, but for the sake of your sanity, I’ll just summarize it:
1: Enemies-to-lovers fucking hits hard. Forbidden love is also a nice trope.
2: They fight like an old married couple. (please get the reference.)
3: They’re both very invested in each other's life. For better or for worse, both Harry and Draco are often really concerned about what the other one is doing. They both take turns being really involved in one another’s business. 
4: Draco wants to prove himself and he always craves Harry’s attention. His jealousy is shown consciously but yet subconsciously, it’s the need for Harry’s attention. Draco’s jealousy of Harry makes him obsessed. And well, Harry is canonically obsessed with Draco.
5: S e x u a l. T e n s i o n What? Who said that? (Harry and Draco are rivals, and rivalry is hot. The heat between them can be taken as sexual tension and can even lead to it.)
6: Subtext: “‘typical’ said Harry darkly. ‘Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy.’” - We never want to make a fool of ourselves in front of our crushes. 
“Malfoy bent down to examine a shelf full of skulls. ‘everyone thinks he’s so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick-‘ ‘You have told me this at least a dozen times already.’ Said Mr. Malfoy, with a quelling look at his son.” -I mean this speaks for itself.
"’Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?’" said a voice Harry had no trouble recognizing. He straightened, and came face-to-face with Draco Malfoy.” - No trouble recognizing? You don’t say…
‘Besides, if it makes you feel any better, Malfoy is staying over for the holidays.’  - yes i know the context but still
“Malfoy stood on one side, the sunlight gleaming on his white-blond head. He caught Harry’s eyes and smirked.” - I’m sorry, this is so funny to me, why does Harry describe his arch nemesis like this? Lol
“Harry lay curled uncomfortably under the cloak to ensure that every inch of him remained hidden, and watched Pansy the sleek blond hair off Malfoy’s forehead, smirking as she did so, as though anyone would have loved to have been in her place.” - Harry would have loved to be in her place.
“His whole body revealed with his legs still curled absurdly into the cramped kneeling position. He couldn’t move a muscle; he could only gaze up at Malfoy, who smiled broadly.” - This without context 😭
“You’re getting a bit obsessed with Malfoy, Harry, I mean thinking of missing a match just to follow him…” - I mean…
“Harry, however, had never been less interested in quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.” - An actual quote from the book.
 “Harry did not sleep well that night. He lay awake for what felt like hours, wondering how Malfoy was using the Room of Requirements… Harry's mind worked feverishly and his dreams, when he finally fell asleep, were broken and disturbed by images of Malfoy.” - This is getting out of hand…
“‘what?’ Said Harry wheeling around to stare at her ‘He’s ill? What’s wrong with him?’” - Sounds like he cares lol
“Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly that It hurt.” - 💀💀💀
So to wrap this up: They’re rich, they’re hot, and they’re gay, so what’s not to love? So there you have it, a couple of reasons why I ship Drarry! 
Thanks for the ask btw! ILYSM!!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
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pooks · 3 months
time to nag about my headcanon "Percy has Seer powers" and why that is a great idea
first of all, a little clarification; this isn't common knowledge to the younger siblings. only Arthur, Molly, Bill and Charlie knows. they kept this secret after Fabian and Gideon Prewett died
this implies that they died to protect Percy, who was just this tiny toddler who had absolutely no control over what he could See
the result is to keep his Seer powers secret
some background info; Percy's Seer powers is a rare gift that is apparently passed down from the Black side
Cedrella, aka their paternal grandmother, had it and has taught Percy how to use and control it. that's why Percy had a more closer bond to his granny than the rest of the family.
Arthur did not inherit it, but one of his brothers did. unfortunately, his poor brother is dead (it's not Billius, but someone else cause Arthur had three brothers accourding to the wiki) because he rather die than to let himself being caught by Voldemort and used as a tool.
while he doesn't understand Seer powers too well, Arthur respects it and is trying to be supportive for Percy.
also at a later point, Percy had 1 Bad Incident™ involving his Seer powers and it slightly traumatised him enough to not try to use it again
he takes divination in his third year for two reasons; 1, he also want to achieve 12 NEWTS like Bill. 2, he wants to understand his weird future-seeing power.
Oliver, his roommate (oh my god they were roommates) finds out by accident and keeps nagging him about the future Quidditch match results. Percy refuses cause that's SPOILERS
Percy can look far into the future, but he settles for the fun stuff
he occassionally makes references to memes and vines
his siblings doesn't understand them at all
at least until they're all adults with families in the future
and they be like "YOU KNEW"
and Percy just smiles innocently even though he absolutely isn't
Harry and Hermione aren't safe from Percy's Seer Shenanigans either
everytime Hermione is working with a crossword, Percy's eyes flashes green for a moment and when he opens his mouth, Hermione hits him with a pillow cause he was about to reveal the answer
Harry asked Percy once if his Seer powers was why Fudge promoted him. Percy simply smiled and said "yes, that was the reason. but the idiot didn't realized that i tricked him all the time and sent him on a wild goose chase."
aaaaand some Ministry shitshow stuff;
ofc Percy would be petty af once he figured out Fudge only wanted him because of his Seer powers. which means the fucker looked at the classified information in his personell file. Percy is obvs mad about that, but it's too late to tell his family about it and he decides to be an absolute menace about it without being caught
"getting caught means that you weren't smart enough to get an escape plan"
Percy takes full offense of being treated like a tool instead of a human with rights
he burns several draft-ups for the "updated law for underage magic" because they're fucking awful and he knows the bastard wants to ruin Harry's education. that also means he would ruin his baby siblings' educations.
he also burnt the suggestion papers about giving Azkaban prisoners the dementor's kiss without trial.
the law suggestions about banning human rights for werewolves, wizard hybrids and squibs also got BURNT INTO ASHES
Percy: I decide the future now. >:)
Scrimgeour makes an early bird appearence cause Fudge can't find the law suggestions anymore and he was the idiot to not keep copies.
after investigating privately, Scrimgeour finds out that Percy burnt them up and this madlad explains why.
suddenly Scrimgeour fully supports Percy and says his late uncles would be proud. bonus: Scrimgeour simply says to Fudge that he can't find things that may be gone forever, it's sadly "lost media" now.
Percy, getting the idea from the twints, orders dragon fertilizer (it's dragon dung lol) subscription from norway's dragon research center and sanctuary and sends it to Umbridge, using her forged signature
he's careful to not get caught, so he looks into the future (a bit at the time, though)
feel free to add some of your own ideas/suggestions/headcanon about Seer!Percy Weasley :)
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still-blue-sky · 2 years
She’s My Type
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Summary: Regulus is the living definition of ‘you can look but you can’t touch’. He constantly shuts down any advances from the many girls at Hogwarts who tried to seduce him and one day his friend Evan Rosier asks him what exactly is his type of girl and if she even exists? Only one girl comes to mind and it’s her.
Pairing: Regulus Black x Female! Reader
Word Count: 5K
Warning: Nothing really there’s just a good amount of making out at the end
A/n: Regulus and the reader are in their 6th year at Hogwarts btw. I hope you like it ! If you’d like to request me something don’t be shy :)
Regulus Black was handsome, there was no denying that. He was a great student, he was the seeker on the Slytherin’s quidditch team, he loved to read, and on the rare occasion he had a beautiful smile that made you weak in the knees. He had this aura of mystery about him since only a handful of people had the chance to get to know him on a personal level, but this only added to the determination of many students at Hogwarts, both boy and girl, to become the exception to his long list of people who were turned down by him. Many have tried, didn’t matter if you were a Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor he always politely refused any advances that came his and this morning was no different.
Regulus was sitting at the Slytherin table quietly enjoying his breakfast while his close friend Evan Rosier was going on about how they’re going to demolish the Gryffindor team at tomorrow’s game. He was about to go over the all the plays and moves he had practiced the other day until he stopped mid sentence and a sly smile came through as his eyes shifted behind Regulus. A shy Hufflepuff girl was making her way towards the pair, nervously playing with the sleeve of her sweater before plastering a smile on her face as she finally reached Regulus.
-“Hi Regulus, sorry to bother you during breakfast but I was wondering if you would want to Hogsmade together this weekend with me?” She sounded hopeful, knowing that her chances were low with the untouchable Regulus Black. He looked up, shooting a glare towards his friend who was enjoying the scene in front of him.
-“It’s Mindy right?” He asked and when she nodded he coughed awkwardly before continuing” Thanks for the invitation but I’m not planning on going to Hogsmade this weekend I was planning on getting a head start on my homework…alone”
-“Oh okay…We’ll have a nice morning I guess” she said sadly before turning away from the dark haired boy and walking towards her friends who were all waiting to see if she had succeeded or not.
-“Why exactly do you turn down every girl ? I mean I can understand some but you have said no to every single invitation since year 2 what gives?” Evan asked. Regulus let out a sigh, this wasn’t the first time he had been asked this question and it certainly wont be the last.
-“I’m just not interested in the people who have asked me that’s all. Why would I go on a date with someone if I’m not into them it would just be a waste of time for both parties involved” he explained before taking another bite of his breakfast.
-“Okay so who is interesting enough to catch the eyes of the elusive Regulus Black?”
Evan had been asking himself this question for years now, trying to figure out what kind of girl Regulus would be interested in. He had gathered a few guesses over the years of knowing him. He figured she would have to share his love for novels and reading that was a given, he would probably enjoy someone who could keep up with his wittiness and sarcasm but that was all he had gathered, the rest was always a 50/50 chance since Regulus never mentioned any interest in any girl so it was hard to try narrow it down.
-“I should head to class I want to ask Professor Slughorn a few questions before class starts” he said before gathering his things, hoping that Evan would drop the topic of conversation.
-“Oh come on Reggie you gotta give me something! Anything ! What’s your type of girl?” He asked but got no answer as Regulus made his way to class.
This isn’t over Evan thought to himself before turning his attention the poor Slytherin boys who sat next to him to talk his ear off about how he’s going to win the next quidditch game.
As Regulus made his way to his potions class he ran his hand through him messy curls, patting down any unwanted strays. He wanted to look good, he always put a bit more effort in his appearance when he knew she was going to be in his class. You see, Regulus had lied when he said he was heading to class early to ask Professor Slughorn some questions. The real reason he wanted to get there early was because he knew Y/n always arrived early to her classes. He smiled lightly at the feeling of nervousness that always came when he thought of her.
They had been partnered together for their potion class this year and that was how Regulus met the only girl to have ever make him feel flustered by a simple smile. He was blown away by her wittiness and how she was always quick to reply to his sarcasm with her own, something he wasn’t used to with his friends who often just rolled their eyes at his sarcastic responses. He felt challenged by her intellect that kept him on his toes and even though they would sometimes bicker about who was right there was never any real anger or annoyance which he appreciated. Her beauty was undeniable, a small smile from her made his heart flutter, her laugh was contagious and he always swelled up with pride whenever he was the cause of it. However her eyes were his favourite thing to look at, well second favourite but he couldn’t exactly look at her lips during the whole conversation without seeming a bit creepy. Still, it didn’t mean he didn’t let his gaze wonder to her plump licks wishing he could just bend down and pull her closer to him before kissing her passionately. No her eyes were beautiful, the always shinned a bit brighter whenever she spoke of a new novel she was currently reader or they had a small fire in them whenever she felt challenged but the way she looked at him was what sealed the deal for him. They were gentle and kind hearted just like the way she presented herself. He was used to people looking at him in want or fear because of his last name but she held no judgement or ulterior motive behind hers, they were always true to how was she feeling. 
Once he arrived to class he was happy to see you sitting at the desk you both shared, too busy reading your book to realize that you were no longer alone. Your hair was down and some loose strands of hair framed your delicate face while you subconsciously played around with the end of your silver and blue tie.
-”Still reading the same book from last week I see? I’m surprised you haven’t already finished it yet” he said making his presence known to you before taking his seat next to you. You let out a small giggle at the hint of sarcasm that was laced in his voice.
-”Yes well I didn’t have much time to read this week since my potions partner slacked off on our project so out of the kindness of my heart I had to correct the many many errors he made leaving me with little to no time to read my wonderful book” she replied, marking the page she was at before discarding it to the edge of the desk and turn her body slightly towards the handsome Slytherin boy who always made her heart race whenever she saw him. 
-”How kind of you” 
-”I know I’m just that type of person I guess, but I don’t do it for the recognition I do it for the people” she dramatically said making Regulus laugh. He always appreciated how easy it was with her, it just clicked without any effort needed. He noticed she had a fallen eyelash on her cheek and before he could stop himself he reached over and gently brushed it off her cheek, he felt her suck in her breath as he looked at her. He was taller than her so he was practically towering over her and he couldn’t stop himself by letting his eyes flicker from her eyes that started up at him in chock to her lips that seemed to be begging him to kiss her. His hand was still on her cheek, his fingertips were cold against the warmth of her soft skin. They stood there for a few moments, neither of them breaking eye contact or making a move until Y/N realized who this was in front of her. This was Regulus Black, the guy who was known for turning down every girl who has ever tried to date him so why would she be any different. A frown made it’s way on her face before looking away making Regulus retract his hand from her cheek and snapping him out of his daze. He sat back down missing the warmth of her skin and looked at her noticing the change in emotion that had washed over her. He cleared his throat beforeHe sat back down before speaking up
-”Sorry you had an eyelash on your cheek” he said quietly.
-”It’s okay. Thank you” she replied but her voice was not the joyful one he had heard before, this one was more monotone and apprehensive.
Soon enough class started and they were no longer alone for Regulus to ask her if she was alright, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. During the whole class they barely spoke to one another, not from Regulus’s lack of trying. He tried joking around like they had the previous class but Y/N didn’t respond with her usual witty replies she only gave him a polite smile and got back to work. Regulus was confused and worried. The last thing he wanted was to ruin the friendship they had built over time and the though of her hating him for making her uncomfortable didn’t sit right with him. He decided to wait until class ended to try and talk to her and clear the air up but before he even got the chance Y/N stood up and grabbed her things, quickly leaving the class and Regulus behind.
You idiot! You just had to wipe off her eyelash yourself you couldn’t have just told her and let her do it herself. he thought to himself. He had no idea what to do and he was left to try and figure it out on his own since he hadn’t told anyone of his crush on Y/N. 
Evan! Evan has gone out with loads of girl he would be able to help me figure out where I went wrong! Oh god, I have to tell Evan Rosier about Y/N... He groaned at the thought but nevertheless he made his way to the Slytherin common room after grabbing his things knowing that he liked to there during his free periods.
He was relieved to have found his friend laying on the emerald green couch reading about herbology, probably for his class. He made his way to the couch thanking that most of the Slytherins had class at the moment or were at the library leaving the two alone. 
-”Hey Reggi!  How’s it goi-” Evan started but was quickly cut off by a semi frantic Regulus who just wanted answers and solutions to his problem.
-”Y/N Y/LN “ he blurted out. “Y/N Y/LN is my type of girl and I need your help” he added not wanting to waste time. He looked at his friend’s chocked expression as the information slowly settled in. I mean he was right about the smarts and reading so he felt quite triumphant about that but on top of it all his best friend was coming to him of all people for help. He was on cloud 9.
-”Not bad Regulus she’s pretty but she always was too smart for me I mean most of the Ravenclaws are but thats besides the point. How may I be of service my child” Evan said, using a old wise voice near the end to try and calm down his friend who’s leg had been bouncing nervously since he sat down.
Regulus told him everything that happened during class, never missing a chance to talk about how wonderful she is or how beautiful she looked in class as he got side tracked which Evan often had to bring him back on track until finally he explained the whole situation.
-”My friend I am no woman but I am slightly trained in the art of a mind of a women so let me try and break this down to what I think might of happened in her head while you were too busy day dreaming of kissing her instead of actually doing it like the idiot you are” 
-”Oye no need to be rude Rosier” 
-”Do you want my help or not Black?” Evan asked already knowing the answer but enjoyed being the smart one of the two for once. Regulus nodded and signaled him to continue.
-“Regulus you twat you have literally never shown any interest and I mean ANY interest in a girl and all of a sudden you’re out here caressing a girls cheek for a freaking eyelash! Don’t be daft and think for a second. If you were her and she was the one with a record of rejecting any and all girls don’t you think it would get your hopes up only to remind yourself that the chances aren’t even slim to none its none point blank. She likes you and you’re not exactly what they call a relationship type of guy as in you’ve never been in one or wanted one for all these years” Evan expressed, the annoyance in his voice apparent as if it was the most obvious thing. Regulus groaned and shoved his face into his hand and let himself how he could make things right with you. On the other hand Evan might be totally wrong and you don’t reciprocate his feelings and are only annoyed by his forwardness but he wanted to try. He needed to try.
-“I’ll see you later I have to go” Regulus said giving his friend a grateful smile to let him know that he appreciates all he’s done because when all is said is and done out of all their friends Evan was his closest friend.
-“Hey do me a favour and ask Y/N if her friend Margaret is interested in anyone at the moment!” 
Regulus laughed, waving a hand as a goodbye before making his way towards the great hall thinking that maybe you had gone down to eat dinner with your friends. He was disappointed to see that you were missing from the Ravenclaw table where you usually sat. He gathered the courage to walk towards your friends not caring that they would probably gossip it all the way back to not only the ears of his sweet Y/N but also to the rest of the school saying that the unobtainable Regulus was searching for a particular Ravenclaw student. Unfortunately, they had no answer to give him but one of them did not miss a chance to compliment him on his win from last week’s quidditch game. He simply brushed her off and thanked them for their time and wondered where you could be. The library! She must be there -Regulus thought to himself knowing how much you liked to read there on your spare time. However, once he made it you were once again nowhere in sight, but he did manage to spot one of your friends who was sitting at a table not too far.
-“Hey Margaret do you know where Y/N is ?” he asked hoping she had a answer and that he wouldn’t have to go on a wild goose chase to find you. The blue eyed Ravenclaw looked up from her homework, visibly annoyed by the fact that this boy was interrupting her work. 
-“What’s it to you?” she asked and he could tell by the look on her face that Y/n had probably mentioned something about him and what had happened earlier today in class. 
-“Just tell me where she is Margaret come on “ it was now his turn to have annoying laced in voice not caring about formality.
-“How about you tell me what you want to tell her and I’ll pass the message along? “She told him and he understood why you both were friends. You both had the same challenging look but yours was much nicer and all he wanted was for you to look at him that way in anyway really as long as it wasn’t in sadness or indifference.
-“How about you tell me where she is and I’ll tell her myself” he gridded through his teeth. He was getting impatient and so was she but none of them were letting up and he had to give it to her, she was a loyal friend.
-“Why would I do that you give her enough false hope as it is. I’m sure it can wait until your next class” he said turning back to her homework hoping that he got the message that she wasn’t going to spill the location. Good luck Evan you’re going to need it with this one bud he thought but then his brain repeated the words false hope, and he felt his heart ache and skip a beat at the same time even if it was impossible. He was upset that she felt that he was playing around with her emotions but at the same time he felt hopeful that maybe for once his idiotic friend was right and that Y/N liked him back.
-“It was never meant to be taken as false hope okay? I didn’t even know she felt that way about me until my friend told me that she possibly felt the same way so please Margaret tell me where Y/N is so I can tell her myself” his tone had softened and his heart raced as the girl let out a sigh and shot him a glare, almost like a warning that he was on thin ice with her.
-“Your friend is smarter then you are that’s for sure” she started, she looked at him and Regulus could tell she was debating giving up Y/N’s whereabouts or not.
-“His name is Evan Rosier if you’re ever interested “he added, knowing this could help his friend out the way he had helped Regulus. 
-“Astronomy tower” she simply said, a light blush on her cheeks was almost missed by Regulus by how quick she turned around and got back to work, shielding her face by leaning it up against her hand.
-“Thank you Margaret” he said loudly, earning a few ‘shhh’ from other students but he didn’t care he quickly walked out of the library before sprinting to the Astronomy Tower where Y/N was hiding. 
He was out of breath, but it was understandable he had run around the school right before and now he had to walk up over a thousand stairs. He felt his adrenaline pushing him to get there faster and he mentally cursed whoever decided to cast a spell that disabled his ability to simply aparate to the top of the stairs. Soon enough, he took one last step until he was face to face with the wooden that stood between him and you. He took a deep breath, calming himself before stumbling in there like a fool. Once he was satisfied with his breathing and his hand shook just a bit less than it did before he opened the door and there you were. You were deep in thought, leaning against the railing as you took in the site of the school grounds and the beauty of the changing colors of the leaves since it was now fall. There was a cold gust of wind that made you shiver and pull you robe closer to your body in hopes of gathering more warmth. You heard the door open and turned her head, thinking it would be Margaret but there stood Regulus looking at you with adoration not that you noticed. You were still in the headspace that the boy that stood before you could never return the feelings that you had developed for him over time. 
-“Regulus what are you doing here?” she asked him, now facing him completely.
-“I never wanted to give you false hope Y/N” he said, not caring that he didn’t answer her question he just didn’t want to waste any more time tonight, he wanted to know how you felt about him. 
-“What are you talking about” Y/N asked but suddenly her conversation with Margaret from before had popped into her head. Y/N had told her how she thought she getting her hopes up for nothing when it came to Regulus and Margaret had been the only one she had spoken to about her feeling for Regulus so she knew this was coming from her.
-“God dammit Margaret” she muttered lowly, rolling her eyes before looking back at Regulus only to realize he was still looking at her. She felt her cheeks heat up and thankfully the cold wind was a logical explanation as to why her cheeks glowed a even brighter shade of pink than before. She looked away, too flustered to say anything until it dawned on her that he now knows that she has feeling for him or at least thinks she does. She now felt mortified and kept her gaze down to her shoes. 
-“Y/N please look at me, love” Regulus pleaded, hating the way she suddenly became cold and shut off like she did in class. He started to walk closer to her wanting to be close to her. Even with his pleas, she kept her eyes to the ground until pair of black oxford shoes came into vision and two soft fingertips found their way under her chin and pushed her face upwards to meet his hazel green eyes that seemed worried for her. She once again found herself looking up at the tall handsome Slytherin who towered over her like he did before in class.
-“Say something, anything love just talk to me.” He asked again, glad that she kept her gaze onto him instead of the floor, but he wanted more. He wanted her to say it because he needed to hear it so it could be real. 
-“Regulus please stop” she whispered, her eyes were sad. She liked being close to him this way, she craved it. They were inches apart, his warm breath was hitting her cheeks, his fingers now gripping her chin in place to make sure she didn’t look away and she could feel her knees get weak with the way he was looking at her. But she couldn’t take it if this was all as a concerned friend and nothing else. She had to separate her feelings from him before she fell for him even more. Regulus had a similar feeling, in which case he loved having her this close to him, to be able to feel her skin even if it was the smallest amount, it drove him wild. 
-“Why” His gaze was intense and she felt herself gulp as she let out a shaky breath before letting the truth come out knowing he wouldn’t let it go until she did.
-“Because you don’t like me like that and that’s fine but you need to stop acting like this for me to be able to get over you” she whispered, she could feel her eyes water as she closed them waiting for him to turn her down like he did with all the others. 
She expected him to take a step back and leave her out in the cold again, but he never did. In fact, he did the complete opposite. She couldn’t see him, but he was smiling down at her, enjoying the fact that she had admitted to it. He looked at her lips before bending down a bit to meet her height, the fingers that were once on her chin now moving to her cheek cupping it gently before he pressed a soft kiss against Y/N’s lips. Her eye’s opened in shock but soon they closed once again as she relished the feeling of his lips against hers. She kissed him back, her hand flying up to grab his wrist to make sure he kept his hand against her cheek. He pulled away, rubbing soft circles against her cheek as the other tucked a strand of hair that had fallen onto her back behind her ear. 
-“I like you too, I always have” he whispered lovingly. She smiled up at him, taking a moment to appreciate every freckle that painted his face, the way his eyes crinkled as he smiled back at her, indescribable happiness filled his heart and it was all thanks to you. You had his heart and there was no way he was ever taking it back. He missed the feeling of his lips on hers, and now that he’s tasted them there was no way he was going to miss out on them ever again.
Before he could take action, his tie was gently yanked down as Y/N place her lips onto his having also missed the feeling of them against hers. This kiss was more passionate then the first as Y/N wrapped her arms around Regulus’s neck pulling him down even further as she tried to meet him halfway by going on her tippy toes. She smiled as she felt his arms wrap around her waist pulling her flush against his hard toned chest, the hand that was once gently caressing her cheek had now made its way to the back of her neck hold her close against him. He turned his head gently and his tongue playfully glided against her bottom lip. She knew what he wanted and she was more than willing but a boost of confidence told her to bite down on his bottom lip and pull on it breaking the kiss. She kept her eyes onto his as he looked surprised and let a quiet groan slip out. She let go of her hold on his now swollen lip and a wicked smile appeared, she loved the sound she made him make and she would do anything to hear it again and wondered what else she could get out of him. Regulus on the other hand was quick to retaliate and pulled her back in for a kiss but this time took a few step back toward the wall Y/N following him, not wanting to lose the feeling of him. Once he felt the wall against his heel he quickly turned her around and shoved her up against the cold stone wall, she let out a gasp as her back arched against the wall and into Regulus who was loving every second of it. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. She tugged on his hair harshly earning herself another sweet groan from her lover. 
-“Say you’ll be mine” he demanded, breaking the kiss making Y/N let out a small whimper from the loss of contact as both of them tried to catch they’re breath. She looked at him, a challenging look was waiting for him as he started at her awaiting her answer.
-“I don’t know Reg, there’s a lot of other guys that have asked and I want to make the logical choice, naturally” she smirked seeing his eyes grow a shade darker as she mentioned other boys. 
-“I guess you’re right its only natural that you want the best” he replied and enjoyed the look of shock at his words, telling him that she wasn’t expecting him to agree. He brought his face closer to hers, his lips ghosting over hers.
-“So tell me out loud the pros and cons of each boy and I’m sure we can make the best decision together” he said moving to place a long kiss on her cheek. Y/N decided to continue the game and tried to think of a reply but before she could say it she felt his lips kiss down her jawline down to her neck where they started to nibble at her sensitive skin. The new feeling made her tilt her head back, giving him more access as she bit her lip. After a few seconds of silence, she felt his lips leave her neck and she now let out a fully audible whine.
-“Come on love we haven’t got all night what are the pros and cons” Regulus taunted her. He loved seeing her like this, he loved seeing that her feeling of neediness was because of him, her swollen lips were because of him, her irregular breathing and the new marking on her neck were from him and no one else.
-“There’s only one con, they’re not you so will you stop being a smug twat and snog me” Y/N replied knowing she had lost the fight but she didn’t care she just wanted to snog him was that too much to ask for.
-“Not until you say it” 
-“I’m yours Reg” she whispered and he smiled at her before locking lips once more. Her fingers were running through his hair and his were making its way down to her ass giving it a tight squeeze, making her moan. As much as he wanted to continue kissing her for hours he knew that he wanted their first time to be special because she deserved nothing but the best and he was determined to give it to her. He slowly pulled away, placing one last chaste kiss on her lips. 
-“I was so sure you didn’t feel the same since you refused all the other ones “she said quietly pressing her forehead against his.
-“I didn’t want to waste my time with them when I knew I had nothing to give them” 
-“What do you mean nothing to give them”
-“Y/N it must be obvious by now, my heart belongs to you and no one else. It belonged to you since the day we sat next to each other in class” he told her and placed a loving kiss against her forehead knowing that now when someone asked him what his type was he would simply say Y/N LN/N.
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ginnyw-potter · 1 month
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Fuck, my enemy
8K words total Explicit
Harry and Ginny hate each other and only tolerate each other for the Weasley's sake. Coming from different houses, going up against each other in Quidditch and other incidents has their rivalry blown out of proportion. When they open a mysterious box during Ron and Hermione's move, they need to have a 'true hate's kiss' to break the curse they are under.
This is based on a post I saw about reverse trope writing prompts where true hate's kiss was mentioned.
Chapter 1/2 (full chapter on AO3)
Harry looked at Ron incredulously. “What do you mean? I said I’d help you move but that didn’t involve being tortured by my worst enemy!”
“You’re being a little dramatic,” Ron said with an unimpressed tone. “Voldemort used to be your worst enemy.”
Harry nodded. “Yes, and since he’s dead, she’s now number one.”
“Morning!” his worst enemy greeted cheerily from the door, walking past boxes and up to them. Her expression fell as she came to stand beside him. “Potter.”
Harry looked back at Ron. “I don’t want to be in a room longer with her than I need to.”
“Guess what, you need to.” He turned to her. “Ginny, you’re up with Harry in the attic.”
Her jaw dropped. “You’re joking?”
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gracexthoughts · 2 months
of violent delights chap 18
beginning of the end
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Euphemia’s POV 
15 june 1996 
Hi, how’s your summer going? I’ve been thinking about you
20 june 1996 
I hope you are well. 
5 july 1996 
Would you call me needy if I asked what the coffee cup and cigarette meant? 
16 july 1996
I figured you’d have written at least once. If you’re still concerned about what you said that night, you shouldn’t be. I don’t care about any of that shit, Matt. And I can’t just pretend none of it happened and I don't want to pretend. 
25 july 1996
Was one night all you wanted all along? Just another notch on your belt? 
17 august 1996 
I scan the shelves in front of me as I try to decide what to make for dinner tonight. There’s a small corner shop at the end of the block Harry and I live on where I do most of our shopping. I sigh, picking ingredients out for some pasta and move towards the check out queue, pulling my muggle money out as I wait in the long queue. The radio plays softly through the store and my mind drifts to Mattheo Riddle, as it often does when I allow my mind to wander for more than a minute. When I left Hogwarts, three months ago, I had hoped to hear from Mattheo but I’ve gotten nothing. Not a single letter, note, anything all summer and I can’t help the bitterness that’s been creeping into my heart over the summer. 
I tell myself I shouldn’t be surprised; that Mattheo Riddle, the infamous Slytherin Casanova, has never slept with the same girl twice and I was never going to be any different. But we were different, or at least I thought we were. Maybe that was naive of me to assume. Maybe Fred and George were right. 
Mattheo’s POV
10 june 1996 
Have you settled into your new apartment yet? I hope it’s everything you hoped it would be. You deserve to be happy. 
19 june 1998 
Saw in the prophet that Sirius Black was spotted in a muggle town. It wasn’t near you, was it? I hope you are safe… 
2 july 1996 
I dreamt about you last night. 
13 july 1996
How have you invaded every tiny part of my brain? It's maddening, princess, really. I think I’m going mad. 
30 july 1996
I’m sorry I haven’t written. I’m not great with words, especially when it involves emotions. The amount of letters I’ve started and thrown out is ridiculous. I miss you. Is that crazy? I can’t remember the last time I missed anyone. Although you’re not just anyone are you? 
14 august 1996
I set my quill down with a sigh, resisting the urge to rub my eyes with my ink stained hands as I stare down at the finished sketch; Euphemia Potter looks back up at me from the page, a mischievous smile on her lips. My sketchbook is as filled with her as my head is. All my hand has produced this summer is her. Her face partially covered by her hair as it blows in the wind, her smoking a cigarette in the Astronomy Tower, her in class listening studiously to a lecture, the way her face lights up when she smiles, the way she looked after we kissed, the way she looked under me and sleeping the next morning. Her face is all I see when I close my eyes and with every page I fill with her I hope it takes her out of my head but it doesn’t. It's just her all the time and I think it will drive me insane. 
24 august 1996
Draco, Elladora and I follow behind the adults as we make our way up the seemingly endless amount of stairs of the Quidditch World Cup Stadium. Mr. Malfoy managed to get us all personally invited to watch the match from the Minister’s box at the very top of the stadium, which Draco has been bragging about relentlessly. Finally we reach the top box, my legs infinitely thankful, and as I step around Ella the sight makes my heart skip a beat. Sitting in the front row of the box is nearly an entire row of redheads but the only one I care about is Mia. Her long red hair is pulled up into a ponytail and she’s decked out in green for the Irish. She chats amicably with the Weasley sitting next to her who I remember slightly from my first year at Hogwarts but can’t recall his name and my attention is pulled from her as Mr. Malfoy greets the Minister of Magic. 
“I don’t think you’ve met my wife, Narcissa? Or our son, Draco?” Mr. Malfoy says, pushing Draco forward to greet the Minister. “And this is our ward, Elladora. She’s Narcissa’s niece.” 
“How do you do? How do you do?” Fudge greets them, smiling and bowing. 
“And this is Medusa, my sister, and her son, Mattheo,” Mr. Malfoy adds, gesturing down to my mother and me. 
“Ah, yes of course. How do you do?” I see the realization in Fudge’s eyes of what Mr. Malfoy left out-- our surname-- as he shakes my hand and bows politely to my mother. 
At my name, however, Mia turns around and our eyes lock for a moment and I feel like the world has been upside down for the last three months and it's right side up again. “Hey princess,” I mouth to her but all she does is smile politely and turn back around. My jaw clenches as I watch her laugh at something one of the Weasley Twins says and she continues to face forward, not looking my way. 
“Seems like the princess moved on,” Ella mutters in my ear, clearly pleased. 
“Shut up,” I glare at her out of the corner of my eye, moving to sit in my seat. Mr. Malfoy talks a few moments longer, clear distaste in his expression that the Weasleys managed seats in the Minister’s box and that they brought Granger; he always has been a stuck up git, although the rest of our group isn’t much better. 
I spend much of the match distracted by Mia, everytime she cheered and or reacted to the match, my gut twisted horribly anytime she touches or laughs or looks at anyone who isn’t me. And it isn't until the very end, when she stands up to leave once the match has ended, do her green eyes land on me again. We share a brief glance but too soon her eyes leave mine and I’m left feeling lost again. Does she regret what happened? I stew in my own bitter air as we follow the crowd down the endless stairs and back onto solid ground. 
“Who was that lovely girl?” My mother whispers to me as we begin the walk back to our campsite. 
“Who?” I ask innocently, watching where I’m stepping as we traipse through the dark. 
“The one you couldn’t take your eyes off of. You barely watched the match, darling,” Mum pries further. 
“I watched the match,” I grumble. 
“Hm, so who is she?” 
“Mia… Mia Potter,” I relent finally, avoiding my mother’s gaze. Most people would be surprised that she doesn’t know but, being a Riddle is still very taboo in this world, even more so for my mother than me, so Mum doesn’t venture outside much except her small social circle. 
“Oh, well. With her hair I assumed she was a Weasley but I guess her mother did have red hair as well,” my mother says casually and I turn my head to look at her. 
“You knew the Potters?” I ask. 
“Of course, we overlapped a few years at Hogwarts as well, her parents and I. And the Potters were a pureblood family before James married Lily. My father worked with Fleamont at the Ministry. Mia, you called her? Well Fleamont would have been her grandfather. Do you like her?” my mother says easily, as if I didn’t just admit to being close with one of the two people responsible for her husband’s death. I look at her with raised eyebrows and she laughs slightly at me. “I’m not your father, dear. While I may prefer you to find a nice pureblood girl to settle down with eventually, I won’t force you into anything. You’ve never done anything unless it was what you wanted.” 
“Woah, who said anything about settling down?” I balk, my feet stop walking of their own volition but my mother just laughs, turning to face me. 
“Mothers think about that kind of stuff. Besides, you’ve never told me about any other girl before so I assume this Mia is special,” she says, tilting her head at me. 
“She’s too good for me…She deserves someone better than me,” I say after a long moment, looking down at my shoes. 
“Then be better,” my mother says softly, reaching out to cup my chin and lift my head so I’m looking at her dark gray eyes. My mum and I look nothing alike; she has the white hair and gray eyes of a Malfoy, but I inherited my father’s looks: his dark hair and dark eyes and tainted soul. “If you really care for her, then work to deserve her, if that’s what you want.” 
“You don’t think it's a bad idea? A Riddle and a Potter?” I ask slowly, searching my mum’s eyes.
“I don’t know if it is or not,” she admits, releasing my chin, “but I do know that love is stronger than all other kinds of magic.” She smiles at me softly, patting my cheek before nodding towards where the Malfoys and Ella are still walking ahead of us. “Let’s go and tomorrow, you can tell me all about her.” 
Euphemia’s POV 
“There’s no one like Krum!” Ron exclaims, standing up on a chair so he’s taller while the Twins dance around him clad in their green gear. “He’s like a bird the way he rides the wind! He’s not just an athlete. He’s an artist!” 
“I think you’re in love, Ron!” Ginny calls, laughing next to me on the couch in our bigger-on-the-inside-tent along with Hermione on the other side of Ginny. 
“Victor, I love you! Victor I doooo!” The twins start singing and Harry, Ginny and I join in, “When we’re apart my heart beats only for YOUUUU!” Ginny, Hermione and I fall to bits laughing as the Twins and Ron start wrestling and Harry backs up several feet to avoid being swung at. Although he accidentally falls straight into Charlie’s lap, sending us all into further hysterics. I’m grateful for my friends, or family as they often feel like. Seeing Mattheo rattled me more than I thought it would after three months of not hearing from him. Even with all the anger at his silence, seeing him again made me feel like I’d been lost all summer and finally found my way back home. 
“Stop it! Stop it!” Mr. Weasley yells at the boys, running back into the tent as screaming echoes from outside. 
“Sounds like the Irish are having a party,” Bill chuckles, looking towards the entrance of the tent. 
“It’s not the Irish, we need to leave!” Mr. Weasley says urgently. 
“What? Why?” I ask, standing along with everyone else. Mr. Weasley doesn’t respond, just begins pushing us all out of the tent. As we stumble outside, heat of fires hits us as tents burn not a few rows behind us, people running at top speed all around us, and at the center of all the chaos, is a crowd of wizards with hooded cloaks and skull masks obscuring their features, and above them are four floating people struggling against invisible bonds, the wizards under them holding their wands straight up, controlling the figures above like some sick marionette show. Everything is chaos and fire and screaming. As a green light flashes in front of the crowd, I recognize the faces of the Muggle groundskeeper who we had paid for our tent spot and I assume the rest is his family. The sight makes me sick. 
“Get to the woods, hide and I’ll find you later! And stick together! Bill, Charlie, Percy, you’re with me! Mia, Fred, George, everyone else is your responsibility. Go! RUN!” Mr. Weasley shouts over the screams before the four older Weasley’s run toward the masked crowd. 
“C’mon! We gotta go!” I yell to the others, grabbing Harry’s hand, and Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I all begin sprinting with the rest of the crowd towards the woods. Fred, George and I with our wands in hand, just in case, as we push through the crowd which is getting tighter and tighter. My hand slips away from Harry’s and I call out to him, but his voice is still behind me so I keep moving. 
After what seems like forever, we stumble into the tree line, panting and sweaty. I trip on a tree branch and fall straight into George who manages to catch me and help me stand back upright. I turn and see Fred, Ginny, Ron and Hermione. “Where’s Harry?” I ask the two urgently. They look around, fear growing on their faces as they look around. “Harry!” I yell, panic taking over my body. 
“Mia, I’m sure he’s fine, we’ll find-” Fred starts but I don’t stick around to listen as I take off back towards the campsite at top speeds and I run back through the forest and crowds of people. 
“Harry!” I shout over and over, searching everywhere for my brother, as tents burn and smolder around me, but I don’t see the crowd of masked wizards anymore. As I near where our own campsite had been, I start panicking even further. I stop and look around me, nothing but smoldering and smoking tents as far as I can see. “Harry!!” I shout, loudly as possible, tears threatening to obscure my vision. 
“Mia?” I suddenly hear and I whip around to see Harry emerge from behind a tent. I gasp and we run to each other, colliding roughly. I grab at his face and shoulders and arms frantically checking for burns or blood. 
“Are you okay? What happened? Why didn’t you follow us?” 
“I don’t know, I got separated and fell down and got knocked out I think, I don’t-” Harry starts explaining but his eyes suddenly land on something over my shoulder and I turn to see a man kicking over something laying in the embers before looking up at the sky and raising his wand. I push Harry slightly behind a tent and follow suit, looking through a burned hole to watch the man. He mutters something I don’t quite catch and green shoots out of his wand and into the sky. A skull and snake, seemingly made out of green light, appears in the sky and Harry groans beside me, his hand shooting up to touch his lighting bolt scar. I watch the sky, illuminated green by the Dark Mark; something I’ve only ever read about and very much hoped I’d never see in person and fear grips me. Movement pulls my eyes away and I look back through the hole in the burned tent to see the man who cast the Mark coming straight for us. 
“Harry, I need you to run,” I whisper, not taking my eyes off the man. 
“What?” he groans, his voice sounding pained. 
“Go, run into the woods and find the others. I’ll be right behind you,” I whisper frantically and I watch as the man raises his wand in our direction. “Protego!” I shout, casting a shield charm as a curse shoots from the man’s wand. “GO!” I yell to my brother but he doesn’t move, just pulls out his own wand and casts Explelliarmus over the tent, but the man deflects it. I stand and shoot another curse over the tent. The man stumbles back slightly as it hits him, causing his wand arm to turn numb and he watches me carefully before turning and running in the other direction. 
I drop back down to my knees and cradle my brother’s face in my hands. “Are you okay? Does your scar hurt?” But before he can answer, voices echo over the landscape and there’s a blinding series of flashes over Harry’s and my heads. 
“Stop! Stop!” Calls Mr. Weasley, running towards us quickly, Charlie in his wake. “Harry, Mia, what are you doing here? Are you alright?” 
“Which of you conjured it?!” A cold voice inquires and Mr. Crouch pushes his way past Mr. Weasley and points his wand at Harry and I. “Which of you did it? Do not lie!” 
“You think we did this?” I cry indignantly. 
“You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!” Crouch responds. 
“This is the Potters! I don’t think they’re like-” Charlie scoffs but Mr. Weasley raises a hand to cut him off. 
“They’re just kids, Barty!” Mr. Weasley tries reasoning with the man. “Where did the Mark come from, Mia?” 
“A man,” I shrug, explaining how I found Harry and saw the man and everything that happened before they showed up. 
“What did he look like?” One of the other Ministry officials asks. 
“I didn’t see his face, it's too dark,” I say helplessly. “I’m sorry.” 
2 september 1996
I’ve had nightmares about the Dark Mark nearly every night since the World Cup mixing in with the usual visions I’ve grown used to over the years. Last night was a particularly nasty one but what worries me more than anything, is Harry’s scar hurting him. He confessed the morning after the World Cup that he'd woken up from a dream about Voldemort a few nights previous and had woken up with the pain in his forehead. 
Our curse scars have always baffled me. Our matching lighting bolt looking scars are so strange they confound even Dumbledore. At the end of Harry’s first year, and his run in with Voldemort and Professor Quirell, we explained to the Headmaster that Harry’s scar had been paining him for weeks but mine has never hurt at all. Dumbledore didn’t have an explanation and since then, Harry’s scar has only ever hurt when near Voldemort, or his ghost, so the return of the pains is a terrifying idea. Remus, who I wrote to the next morning, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley all say not to worry, that Harry and I are safe and protected but the fear still hides in the back of my mind. 
I sigh, shouldering my bag as I push my way out of the library where I spent my afternoon free period, a perk of fewer N.E.W.T. level classes. The sun shines through the windows, lighting up the corridor with warm golden light. Even with all the terrifying things, being back at Hogwarts is lovely. Dumbledore announced at the Welcome Feast last night that two international schools will be joining us around Halloween for something called the TriWizard Tournament which has sent the whole school into an excited frenzy. 
I turn the corner of the hall, making my way back to Gryffindor Tower, but I run right into someone standing right behind the turn. “Oof, I’m sorry!” I exclaim, looking up from a green Slytherin tie at my eye level to the deep warm brown eyes of Mattheo Riddle and my heart skips a beat. I forgot how good he looks in his uniform, bloody hell. Mattheo stands there in all his glory, dark curls perfectly tousled, his tie loose around his neck and his shirt sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms, veins standing out on the back of his hands that I can still feel on my waist if I think hard enough.   
“Careful, Princess,” he smirks easily, like no time has passed since the last time we spoke. 
“Sorry,” I mutter, dropping his gaze and kneeling to gather the textbook I dropped but Mattheo beats me too and holds it out of my reach, that stupid cocky smile that I like so much on that stupidly perfect face. “Can I have my book, please?” 
“Not until you tell me why you’re avoiding me,” he says, still holding the book out of my reach. 
“I-I’m just busy,” I stutter. 
“Mia, c’mon, it’s the start of the year. How busy can you be? You barely acknowledged me at the World Cup and you brushed me off on the train yesterday and you can barely even look at me right now. What’s going on? Is it what happened after the World Cup? Do you think I had something to do with that?” He asks, hurt shining in his eyes and I blink, realizing that no it did not occur to me for a moment to suspect him. 
“What? No, I- Should I? Did you?” I ask, searching his eyes as he sighs, dropping his arm to his side, the textbook smacking against his leg. 
“No! Not at all! You know I hate that kind of shit-” 
“Well then why did you bring it up?” I ask, getting frustrated, trying to snatch my textbook from his hands but he pulls it back again. 
“Because it's the only reason I can think of that would make you avoid me,” Mattheo says, turning to pin me against the wall causing memories of him pressing me against my dorm room door. “So if it’s not that then what is it?” 
“Maybe the fact that we slept together and you snuck out in the middle of the night and then I didn’t hear from you all summer!” I finally snap and his face falls as my words hit him. 
“Oh, Mia-” 
“If all you wanted was one night you could’ve just said! Not string me along all term and make me feel like an id-” I’m cut off as Mattheo presses a kiss to my lips and effectively melting all the bitterness and anger away, infuriatingly quickly. “You can’t just kiss… me and expect… everything to be okay… again,” I say in between his kisses.
“I’m sorry,” he says eventually, reaching up to brush a piece of my hair behind my ear. I snuck out because I didn’t want to get caught coming out of your room and I didn’t want to wake you up so early. I didn’t want any rumors to get around before we had a chance to talk and I tried to write, I did, but I’m shit at it really. Words aren’t my thing but I tried and I thought about you all the time. Shit, I filled an entire sketchbook with you but I’m-” 
“What?” I breathe out in bewilderment at his confession. He looks at me sheepishly, which is something I never thought I’d say about Mattheo Riddle. 
“Well I’m shit at words but I can draw, you know that, and pretty much all I drew this summer was you,” he says, his cheeks tinting slightly pink. 
“Can I see it?” I ask, reaching out to place my palm on his chest. Mattheo smiles slightly and nods. 
“Anything for you, princess. Does that mean you forgive me?” 
“If you give me my book back,” I respond with a smirk. 
“Hm, how about this?” He says, mischievously, taking a step back. “I’ll give you your book back, if you let me walk you to wherever you’re going.” 
“You’re an idiot,” I laugh and shake my head as I take a step forward and press a quick kiss to his lips. I pull away and he has the biggest grin on his face. 
“Do we have a deal?” 
“Yes, fine whatever,” I laugh. 
“After you, Princess,” Mattheo gestures his arm out in an exaggerated move and I laugh, feeling significantly better than 15 minutes ago. 
a/n; welcome to Goblet of Fire year!!I changed the Trace rules a little btw so basically after you turn 18/finish OWLs, you are allowed to practice magic at home but the Trace stays on you so the Ministry can ensure responsibility (kind of like the restrictions when you first get your driver’s license in the US) and then once you graduate Hogwarts at 20, the trace is lifted fully. 
also ive always imagined harry and mia’s scars to look like actual bolts of lighting or the kinds of scars people get who have actually been struck by lightning and not like the scar in the movies. Idk ive just always thought that was a cooler concept
taglist; @purplegardenwhispers @somethingswiftandstyles @weasleyreidstyles @mayamonroem @girlbooklover555 @stxrszurzolo o @abaker74
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tackytigerfic · 8 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @lettersbyelise. loved reading yours here!
How many works do you have on ao3?
63 under my tacky account and I think 2 under my brasstacks account.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
On my tacky account: 358,302.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only HP so far (plus, inexplicably, one Witcher fic even though i wasn't even really into the show let alone in the fandom). I have an idea for a Steve x Eddie fic (stranger things) and an F1 fic (i don't know the fandom or the real life people at all but I am obsessed with the writing of @boxboxlewis and have, fatally, had An Idea for a galex fic as a result. pray for tacky, i can't afford another hyperfixation, the one i have is bad enough). but they will probably never get written, alas. i barely get my drarry stuff done!
4.. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I never check my stats - i don't have them blocked or anything, it just doesn't occur to me. I also think it's a really unhelpful way of judging the merits of a fic. Fandom is supposed to be fun, and a fic can be great in many different ways for many different people, and none of that can accurately be conveyed by how many hearts people leave. That said, I appreciate every reader i get so much - I never ever imagined people would read my fics so each person who does gets a whole lotta love from me. However for the purposes of this ask i did go into my stats section to have a look and here we go, it might be a surprising one as i suspect Modern Love is probably my most recced:
If It Takes All Night: quick oneshot i wrote for Lock Down Fest, forced bonding, quidditch buddies, friends to lovers.
A Lick and a Promise: My first long fic, a case fic involving an auror/unspeakable team who go undercover as Hogwarts professors to solve a crime at the school. oh and they also happen to be fuckbuddies already.
Modern Love: My own favourite, also my longest fic (so far, mwahaha). Muggle world Draco, depressed Harry learns to love himself and falls in love with Draco along the way.
Through the Window, Clear Skies: 1.4k of love story. so fond of this one as it's the first fic i wrote where i felt like i had finally clicked stylistically. it was the start of me learning to write in my own style rather than trying to emulate the fics i loved to read.
And One to Play: Gosh, i actually do not really remember what this is about. auror partners? Harry loves clothes in this one i remember. And it's about weather magic. I was so proud of this one when i wrote it and really learned a lot at the start of my fic writing journey.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Just like Elise, I would love to but I fell massively behind after Modern Love posted and never got my momentum back. I am currently about 3 years behind though i do try to reply whenever i can. i absolutely treasure comments and i really miss interacting with readers. at the moment it's a choice between writing new stuff and replying to comments. i also never ever mind when an author doesn't reply to my comments so i figure people will allow me the same grace.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Some people might say it's Last Offices as that's MCD, but my own choice would be The Quiver of a Heartstring because of the sheer hopelessness of it. Depends on your particular flavour of angst i think.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics are cheerful, I suppose Modern Love as there are two follow up fics so you get to see them happy in both of those, as well as in the epilogue?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not much that anyone tells me about! Someone did feature one of my fics (ironically, the one with most kudos) on some horrible mean-spirited blog about crap mary-sues, which was probably the most out-and-out horrid thing i've come across. i wasn't upset by it, but i did think it was a surprisingly shitty thing to do about anyone's fics! I also had someone leave me very very long comments on one of my fics asking me to explain why I made Harry so mean, and then went on reddit and posted some long posts about the same thing (naming the fics they had a problem with, including mine). bizarre! i have never had out and out hate comments, thankfully. just the usual WELL ACKSHULLY type "concrit" that really just means "i didn't like how you did this, so i'm going to let you know in detail about it". to which i say, off you fuck, buddy, and learn some self-awareness. and brush up on your grasp of fandom etiquette while you're at it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes i do, not necessarily all the time and sometimes it's more M or T rated hints. I read fic for the romance and sex is part of that. and i write what i want to read.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No i don't, though after chats with my resident F1 expert @sweet-s0rr0w I wondered about writing a racing AU where one of them crashes and ends up in a fiery inferno but walks out of it. only they've come back wrong.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of, i would absolutely hate that though.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
earlier fics yes, but now i ask that people not translate my fics. this is because if i need to delete all my works off AO3 at any point, i would prefer to have them all in one place to scrub them. i know it doesn't work like that but it's just one of those irrational worries i have and it gives me the illusion of control!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Body Electric with @shealwaysreads which is a Drarry bodyswap. And Dreaming Skies with @sweet-s0rr0w which was the Dron dragon-tamer getting together fic of my dreams. love a collab, what a privilege to get to work with such talented people!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Drarry absolutely 100% no questions asked. I've never had another ship and never will. my brain just isn't made that way. it's a pain but it is what it is.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
None, i have quite a few WIPs but I feel like I could go back to any of them at some point. I'd never say never on a fic tbh. if i started writing it, i had a reason. some WIPs i have from years back are: quidditch fic where Draco buys the team Harry plays for, Master of Death Harry fic where he is reckless after the war and Draco dies due to trying to keep up with him, and Harry has to go get him back... umm political fic about a corrupt Ministry where Dudley has a magical baby and Harry and Draco take the kiddo (and Dudley!) and go on the run. i probably have more that i've forgotten.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Not being disingenuous but it's harder for me to appreciate my strengths as I tend to be too immersed in my own writing to have any distance. I think maybe, going by what people have said, I am able to capture a mood? And i write love in a loving way.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
From my own perspective, my weaknesses are being too slow (it takes me ages to write anything), inability to focus for long, and not being a good plotter.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Yeah, I think that's fine! i'm not sure what this question refers to tbh 🤔😂 I mean, if it works in the story then it works. I have never done it myself other than in Our Little Life which is a multiverse fic where Harry gets visions of multiple other lives with Draco through space and time. In it they speak Middle English, Latin, Irish... i think that's all?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. i actually wrote an angsty Draco x Ron oneshot YEARS ago (it was called Take This Longing and i went by perfidia back then and i can see the link on the wayback machine but the fic itself is lost sadly.. or actually that might be a good thing) but then I never wrote anything at all ever again until i started writing fic in 2019. i have never been in another fandom and i don't think i ever will. i don't know why i've imprinted so hard on these two idiots but here we are. I have also started writing original work in recent years, again not something i ever imagined doing but it's lovely and satisfying in different ways to the way fic writing is! so i feel very lucky tbh.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Probably Modern Love. It is exactly the fic i wanted it to be, and people who read it seem to get what I wanted to give. and you can't say fairer than that.
Tagging @blamebrampton @boxboxlewis @citrusses @epitomereally @maesterchill @mintawasalreadytaken @porcelainheart3 @shealwaysreads @skeptiquewrites @sweet-s0rr0w @teacup-tai if you fancy it! and anyone who wants to play.
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charmsandtealeaves · 9 months
Detention With a Difference
Written for Blackevans BFF Week, Day 2: Family Woes.
Sirius keeps winding up in detention. Lily has an alternative suggestion for venting her friend's frustrations that don't involve costing Gryffindor the House Cup.
Read it on AO3 or below the cut. Words: 527
“I hear you’ve managed to land yourself in detention again.” Lily scolded over dinner. “You’ve been assigned lines under my supervision. As if I didn’t have plans to study this evening.”
Sirius shrugged, continuing to shovel mashed potatoes into his gob. “Merlin forbid you have to put some effort into that shiny prefect badge of yours aye, Evans?”
“What did you do this time?” she asked.
“Regulus was running his mouth so I shut it,” he replied tersely. “Langlock jinx. Let’s see the little shit spew his blood purity tripe with his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.”
Lily rolled her eyes but smiled at him all the same. After dinner Sirius made to march up the stairs towards the usual classroom in which he had to carry out line-writing detentions (arguably the most lenient kind of detention Professor McGonagall ever set), when Lily grabbed him by the elbow.
“Oh no you don’t. Come on, we're going outside.”
Sirius cocked his head at her. “Uhhh… Evans, detention remember?” 
“I know. I’ve changed it. We’re going down to the training grounds.”
Sirius followed, utterly confused as he was. What the ruddy hell was she playing at? Lily steered him towards the quidditch supply sheds and unlocked them, pulling out a pair of beaters bats and eye goggles. “Hate to break it to you Evans but the school banned corporal punishment several years back, so beating me into submission is off the cards.” he smirked. “The bat’s for you dickhead.” she replied, shoving one of each item into his hand. “You need a better way of dealing with your frustration at Regulus than jinxing him in the corridor in front of professors. Not only do I not wish to spend my evenings supervising your arse, but I would like to win the house cup. You constantly losing us house points isn’t exactly in line with that.” 
With a flick of her wand Lily conjured a set of pedestals, each with a stone bust atop of it. One that looked strikingly similar to his brother Regulus, and the other more feminine with a long neck and jaw. Lily pulled the goggles down over her eyes, twirling her own bat in a smooth circular motion, before gripping the handle in both hands and taking a violent swing. The bat connected with the female bust smashing it to pieces, sending dust and debris flying. Sirius took a few steps back to avoid being struck. 
“Bloody hell, Evans!” He shouted. 
She gestured to the remaining bust as she reparo’d her own. “Your turn. Hit Regulus.” 
Sirius donned the protective eyewear and swung. The force of the impact and the satisfying crack as the stone splintered relieved some of the tension that had built in his shoulders. Lily repaired his bust. They repeated the motions again and again, smashing bust after bust until Sirius was sweating, sore and covered in a layer of dust. He wiped his brow with the back of his sleeve. 
“I’d say that’ll do for now.” Lily panted. “Next time, just smash his face in down here yeah? Much more cathartic than writing lines.”
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Hello ladies and gentlethems, guess who is back?
You know who should be a ship? Lily and Marlene. Like omgg they'll be THE couple. Ok not the IT couple cause in my mind that will always be marylily. But like the couple that no one saw coming but it makes so much sense and they're ruling the world now.
1) It starts off with Lily going to watch her practice (but nope she will never admit it she is just there to read mhmm)
2) OHH for the sake of dumb oblivious sapphics, (a lil love note to @her-midas-touch ) Lily thinks she is only going to the practice to watch James cause duhh all his flirting is finally starting to sink in or something but omg why is Marls flirting with me. Oh wait- she flirts with everyone. BUT WHY AM I GETTING AFFECTED BY THISS REMUS HEEELLPPPP
3) I think once her initial crisis is dealt with, Lily will start flirting back (which will in turn send Marlene into a crisis of her own cause omfg how to respond when someone that isn't Sirius flirts back sjndsjdkfnjd). I'm so dam sure that Lily will rope Mary and Remus into helping her get Marlene to admit she likes her too
4) Their dates would be so cliché but like thats the best part. Think riding in the same broom and watching the sunset in the clouds, sitting in the library and Marls watching as Lily gets excited and over focused interchangeably over books, ohh they would so go to Madame Puddifoots just to like beat the heternormalcy of it all.
5) Lily would absolutely lose it when Marlene wears a suit. But then, Lily wears one and Marls is dead. She is deceased. Slay in Peace gurl
6) Late night swims and wild flower bouquets and books with dog earred pages that open to silly doodles and kisses to joined hands and secretive smiles across the table and Lily wearing Marls's quidditch uniform and Marlene wearing Lily's hair tie in her wrist. That's them.
7) Their ship name would be something like... I actually have no idea what the hell my brain is empty halp
LILYLENE/FIRELILY!!!!!! they have my entire heart fr
1) absolutely. that girl would rather die than admit that she's there for marlene (or anyone for that matter. she has a reputation after all)
2) so real of her. dumb oblivious sapphics have my entire heart btw. she would be freaking out at first bc how could she let james get to her like that??? oh god, she's so much better than this (she is, but she doesn't know that yet). her running to remus is so real of her. moonflower supremacy
3) oh absolutely. marlene had the biggest gay panic ever over it
also, yes. lily gets everyone involved (with the exception of james who would tell marlene the second he gets drunk bc he would feel bad about keeping a secret from his "sister")
4) hejsbs9eh9b I NEED a fic of them just going on cute dates :(
5) lily thinks she's entered heaven or something (she has). marlene knows that she has
6) it so is. it absolutely is
7) I will stand by firelily 🤧
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soup-of-the-daisies · 10 months
Prongsfoot Week
Day 2: What Headcanons do you have for this ship?  IE, things like, James made the first move or Sirius got James into crosswords.  Anything really.
HC 1-James makes the first moves in general, but Sirius is the one who guides him towards these moves. I see James as similarly oblivious as Harry, in a way that it always takes him a bit to decode social interactions that involve him. James, for example, may have been the one to lean in for their first kiss first, but Sirius was the one staring blatantly and meaningfully at James’ mouth. James may have been the one to ask whether they are ‘boyfriends’ now, but Sirius was the one loudly insisting that he’s an exclusive kind of person and sees trips to the astronomy towers as dates. James may have been the one to propose, but Sirius was the one who left open jewellery catalogues and who dragged James into a jewellery store under the guise of ‘needing new earrings’ and ‘aren’t these matching rings cute, Prongs?’.
James is not aware of this. Sirius, similarly, will never admit that he’s giving James hints. He’s good at acting surprised by James’ spontaneity.
HC 2-Lily calls Sirius a ‘lucky bastard’ on numerous occasions, because when she finally admitted to herself that James is cute and asked him out on a date, James only talked about Sirius. Of course Sirius snatches the handsome Head Boy and Quidditch captain right from under her nose, without said handsome Head Boy and Quidditch captain even noticing that he’s been snatched up. Bastard.
HC 3-James loves it when Sirius is dressed in fancy wizard robes. Sirius would look good in a potato sack (obviously), but those robes make him look very stern and powerful and James just loves that. Sirius also likes it when James is all dressed up, but he prefers James naked.
HC 4-They were each other’s first friend. James grew up very isolated without any other children around, and Sirius as a child only got along well with Bellatrix out of all his cousins—who, being older and being mean, treated him like vaguely annoying puppy most of the time and therefore wasn’t a friend but more of a terrifying older sister. It’s sheer luck and stubbornness that J&S never outgrew each other and even ended up in a romantic relationship.
HC 5-Most of the school was convinced they were betrothed prior to Hogwarts. Neither the Potters nor the Blacks ever refuted this—Regulus and Narcissa actually believed Orion, Walburga, Fleamont, and Euphemia had struck some kind of deal until Sirius shared with them that he and James were finally dating. It’s still a source of great confusion in wizarding Britain. Lily still calls James an ‘attempting adulterer’, to Sirius’ amusement.
(Extra HC-Peter and Remus did a choreographed dance at Prongsfoot wedding. Severus took many, many pictures.)
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i thought you always knew
summary: three times remus tried to tell sirius he was his and the one time sirius finally understood
contents + warnings: mild swearing, wolfstar fluff followed by heavy wolfstar angst. truly hope you're ready for some pain with this one because writing it was like ripping my heart out okay
2,467 words
based on this post by @regulusblacksworld
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“Moony!” Sirius called, grinning at his sandy-haired friend. Remus couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face as a very intoxicated Sirius reached for him. “We won, Moons.” Sirius slurred. “We really won out there today.”
“You played very well.” Remus said.
"I played like a god." Sirius corrected. Remus shook his head, laughing as Sirius threw an arm around his shoulder. "The Gryffindor quidditch cup champions!" Sirius said for the tenth time that night. He was so close to Remus their cheeks were practically pressed together. Sirius smelled of sweat and booze, but Remus didn't mind.
"Oi, McKinnon!" Sirius shouted. "You owe me that drinking game!"
So Remus let Sirius go, watching him wind his way through the crowd to where Marlene waited with a hand on one hip. She was one of the few people who could ever keep up with Sirius's drunken antics, let alone outdo him.
As far as Remus could tell, this particular drinking game involved spinning around very quickly without falling over, with the loser taking a shot every time they fell. Remus could also tell that Sirius was bad at this game.
After only a few rounds, all of which he'd lost, Sirius found his way back to Remus, stumbling every few steps. "Moony, I think I need some air." He said, looking a little green.
“Woah there, I think you do too. Let’s get you outside.” Remus said, ushering his friend out of the hot, noisy house. They were greeted by a cool breeze and the far off sound of frogs. Remus breathed it in, but Sirius barely made it outside before he was hurling into a nearby bush.
Remus hurried to pull his long dark hair away from his face, gathering it back and gently holding it at the nape of Sirius’s neck while his friend caught his breath.
“That was gross. I’m sorry.” Sirius mumbled.
"It's okay." Remus said, and meant it.
“You’re so nice to me, Moony. Why are you always so nice to me?” Sirius asked.
Remus tucked a stray piece of hair behind his friend's ear, knowing Sirius wouldn’t remember any of this come morning. Maybe that was why he let his thumb linger on the corner of the dark-haired boy’s jaw before answering, “Because I care about you, Pads.”
“Why?” Sirius pressed.
“Do I need a reason?”
Sirius looked so taken aback it was as though the idea had never occurred to him. Remus’s heart clenched when he realized that maybe it really hadn’t– maybe Sirius had truly spent his whole life seeing tenderness as something to be exchanged for a price.
It was this thought that made him grip the sleeve of Sirius’s leather jacket and say intently, “I care about you because you are my friend. You are good. You’re funny, and smart, and beautiful, and brave. I care about you because– Well, I just do.”
"Thanks, Moons." Sirius said. After a moment, he asked, “You think I’m beautiful?” He was acting like it was the first time anyone had ever described him that way.
Remus dared a glance at his friend, expecting him to be smirking. He was taken aback to find Sirius looking back at him with wide, uncertain eyes.
Remus cursed his foolish heart for the way it lurched. Cursed himself for speaking so freely. All he said was, "Everyone does."
Sirius huffed out a laugh. "I don't care about what everyone thinks. A strange silence fell between the two friends. “You’re a good person, Moons.” Sirius said quietly after awhile. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
"You know I always will." Remus said quietly.
"Hey, Sirius, I found that necklace you were looking for!" Remus called across the dormitory.
"Oh, did you?" his friend called back from where he was getting ready in the bathroom.
Unsure of what propelled him, Remus found himself crossing the length of the room and tapping the half-open door. Sirius hadn't closed it all the way; he never did, always preferring to talk to his friends whilst getting dressed and brushing his teeth.
Sirius pulled the door open. Remus was all too aware of the blush that spread across his face as he took in the sight of Sirius, shirtless with his pants slightly open and unzipped, revealing the waistband of his plaid boxers. His black hair was piled into a loose knot atop his head, secured by his wand, and an eyeliner pencil protruded from his lips.
Remus was glad Sirius was turning back to look at himself in the mirror, saying as he did so, "I can't get my liner right. Put that necklace on me while I finish, would 'ya?"
"Uhh, m'hm." Remus said weakly. He moved to stand behind Sirius so he could loop the silver chain around his neck.
When he clasped the necklace, he could feel Sirius's skin, warm, so warm, below his fingertips. And for just a moment, his fingertips were against that warmth, adjusting the necklace so the clasp was centered. He looked up to find Sirius's eyes already trained on him in the mirror. Remus felt his entire spine tighten as he held Sirius's gaze. His hands tingled where they'd touched Sirius's neck.
"Thanks Moony." Sirius said. For a moment Remus thought he saw something like desire on his friend's face, but decided he must have imagined it because Sirius was already turning his attention back to his eyeliner. It was all he could do to not stare as Sirius's lips parted, his mouth falling open in concentration.
The silver pawprint charm on his necklace swung slightly as he moved, drawing Remus's attention to where it dangled a few inches below his collarbones.
"Enjoying the view?" Sirius asked. His voice sounded raw, but when Remus hurriedly looked back up at him, that typical lazy Sirius Black smirk was plastered across his face.
Remus followed suit, putting on a stony expression to mask the truth of the matter. "As if." He said, relieved to hear the feigned disinterest carried through in his tone.
It had been a few years since he'd had a full moon this bad, Remus thought as he curled into himself, hugging his knees in the silence of the Shrieking Shack. The change had hurt more than usual this time, and it felt as though he'd been absent from his human body for days. The house was freezing and Remus shivered even as he pulled his cloak tighter around himself.
"Remus?" Sirius's concerned voice echoed in the stairwell. "Where are you?"
"Here. I'm in here." Remus said, forcing the words out through chattering teeth.
Footsteps, then the sound of the door creaking open as Sirius entered. "Fuck. Somehow it's colder in here than it is outside." He said. "Remus?"
Remus looked over to find Sirius lugging in a pile of wood, his chin tucked atop it to keep all of the logs from falling to the ground.
Remus knew he must've looked like shit, the way Sirius's eyes widened slightly upon seeing him. But to his credit, Sirius kept his tone light. "I remembered that there was a manky old fireplace in here. Thought you might be cold– I mean, I didn't think you'd be this cold, but still. Thought we could get a little fire going, warm things up a bit."
Remus could only offer him a shaky nod. Sirius dumped the pile of wood unceremoniously to the floor. Remus closed his eyes, vaguely aware of Sirius using magic to stack the logs in the small fireplace. Even with his eyes closed, Remus could see the room brighten as the fire took hold.
Slowly, very slowly, the room began to warm. Sirius beckoned Remus over to sit beside the fire. He made his way over. When the fire didn't immediately stop his body from shaking, Sirius took his jacket off, draping it around Remus's shoulders. It smelled of him– leather and smoke and something earthy underneath it all.
"Thanks." Remus said, offering Sirius a weak smile before turning to gaze at the flames that flickered inside the fireplace.
"Are you hurt?"
Remus shook his head. "Just tired."
He swore he must have been holding his breath as he felt Sirius place a hand on the side of his head, gently guiding him so he was resting against his shoulder.
"Rest." Sirius said quietly.
As soon as Sirius said it, it was easy for Remus to relax the tense muscles in his shoulders. His eyes fluttered closed as he leaned against Sirius's warm, sturdy figure. "Thank you." He breathed.
"I'm just looking after you the way you always look out for me." Sirius said simply, and Remus could hear the smile in his voice.
"It's just us tonight Moony." Sirius said as soon as he opened the door to find his friend on the doorstep. They were both wearing headbands adorned with antlers, a small Halloween joke they'd planned to play on James.
Remus just grinned at Sirius, reaching out to flick one of his antlers. "I know. Too bad James and Harry are under the weather, but it's their loss, really. Maybe we can take some candy to them tomorrow. For now though, I brought you a present."
"You did, huh?" Sirius asked, cocking his head.
Remus pulled a bottle of firewhiskey from the brown paper sack in his hands.
"So naughty." Sirius said, returning his mischievous smile. He stepped aside to let Remus enter the small apartment. "You know how I get when I drink that stuff."
"I do know, that's why I brought it." Remus countered.
They were only one drink in each when the stag appeared, composed of glowing blue lines and James's panicked voice. "He's coming. I don't know how, but I– Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run!"
And then the patronus vanished.
Remus felt his blood run cold. Sirius had shot to his feet the minute he heard how frantic James sounded. "I have to go– we have to help–" Sirius's face was pale and his eyes darted around the apartment as if there was an answer hiding in a corner. "I'm not the secret keeper, not anymore, who–" Sirius asked, his words tumbling out in a rush.
"Peter." Remus breathed. "It was Peter." It had to have been.
"I'll kill him." Sirius said darkly. "Remus, you go– go get help. Dumbledore, get Dumbledore. He'll listen to you. He's our best chance right now. I'll go to their house, I'll get them away, get them out of there."
"I'm coming with you." Remus said, but even as the words left his mouth he knew Sirius was right. Of the marauders, he'd always been the best at talking to Dumbledore.
"Go. Please." Sirius said, voice desperate.
As soon as Remus nodded, Sirius disapparated with a 'pop'. Remus did the same, his breaths shaky as he appeared outside the gates of Hogwarts. It was Minerva McGonagall who met him in the entrance of the school.
"Remus, what is it, what's happened?" She asked upon seeing his pale face.
"Dumbledore– need to see– Dumbledore." He managed.
Minerva's face was drawn up in concern as she said, "He's not here. He–"
But Remus didn't wait for the rest, merely staggered back down the steps away from the school.
He was too late. He knew it even before he apparated to the Potters' house. Deep down, he'd known it the moment he'd heard the panic in the voice that came from James's stag patronus. But still he went, just to be sure. The door to their house hung open and the acidic taste of dark magic stuck to the very air around him. A strangled cry left him.
Sirius. Sirius. Where was Sirius?
It was the only thought in his mind as he once again disapparated. He found himself on a street he'd never visited before. Something was wrong, he could feel it the moment he looked around. Distantly, he heard the sound of shouting followed by a thunderous crashing sound.
Remus ran toward the noise, not caring for his safety. Not caring anything about anything beyond the name looping in his head, Sirius Sirius Sirius.
He was covered in blood when Remus found him. The fragments of what looked like a finger were grasped tightly in his hand. When he saw Remus standing at the other end of the alleyway, Sirius loosed a short, manic laugh. "I got him. I got him, Moony." His expression was frenzied, glazed by the shock of the night's events.
"Sirius, come with me, right now. Please." Remus said, trying to keep his voice even.
But he was too late. Again. For the second time that night, Remus had failed his friends.
Someone put a hand on Remus's shoulder, pushing him aside. "Out of the way, sir. Stand aside." An official sounding voice said. Remus glanced around. Aurors and ministry workers surrounded the alleyway on either side.
Sirius fell silent as two aurors grabbed him by the arms, pulling him down the alleyway, toward Remus, and toward the awaiting ministry vehicle.
"Please–" Remus said, not really knowing what he was pleading for, or even who the plea was directed at. But he said it again anyway. "Please."
And then Sirius was there, being pulled away. Remus let them take him as far as the curb before he said, "Wait! Please– please, just let me– give me a moment with him. Please."
Sirius was sitting in the backseat of the vehicle, staring straight ahead, looking at nothing. As Remus approached, he noted how badly his friend's hands were trembling.
"Sirius, I'm so sorry. I'm going to fix this, okay? I'll fix this, I promise. Sirius, would you look at me, please?"
Sirius didn't move, just kept staring blankly ahead. Something fractured in Remus's chest. He had to say it. Had to say it in case this was the last time he ever had the chance.
"Sirius, I need you to know. I need to tell you– I'm yours. I've always been yours. Even if– Even if you were never mine, not even for a moment, it's okay. I was always yours."
Something in his words seemed to bring Sirius back to earth, because Remus looked up to find Sirius staring at him, pain and sadness and grief etched across his face. "You were mine?" He whispered, disbelieving.
Remus reached for his hand, their fingertips barely grazing before one of the ministry officials was pulling him backwards. "That's enough." the auror said coldly, eyeing Remus with suspicion before turning to close the door, shutting Sirius inside.
And just like that, Sirius was gone. James was gone. Lily, and Marlene, and the Prewetts, and even Peter– they were all gone.
And Remus was left alone.
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birdylion · 1 year
Half the posts that turn up when you search tumblr for "quadball" are from people who say that they have never played the sport and take great delight in mocking it for its recent change from "quidditch" to "quadball", most of them saying something along the lines of "it doesn't matter if they change the name, the sport was still originally invented by JKR and she's bad and therefor nobody should play it".
It's such an obvious example of what happens 1. when people who don't know anything about a topic still have strong opinions on it, and 2. when people care more about being "on the right side" of things than actually looking into the thing.
Quadball is (with Ultimate Frisbee I think) one of the very few team sports that allows trans players to play as their stated gender, no questions asked. It allows nonbinary players to play as nonbinary. It is a mixed gender, explicitly gender inclusive sport that tries to write its rules in such a way that this works in practice, not just in theory.
So. If you care about trans people more than about being on the right side, then quadball, as it exists in our world, is a good sport, no matter its origins. If you just want something to hate, then by all means, throw one of the two or maybe three sports that are radically inclusive under the bus. But don't think you're doing anyone any favours except your own feeling of self-righteousness.
Quadball was the only sport available to me where I could play as male before I went through the (long and arduous) official procedures. All the teams I know try their best to be welcoming to and safe for trans (including nonbinary) players. In times when just existing in public was a fight, my team had my back and was one of the few spaces where I could just exist as myself, no questions asked, no need to prove my gender to anyone. This is what the people involved in it are doing with it. Either listen to us or shut up.
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chericherixo · 5 months
She's Yours, You're Mine part three [fluff]
Draco x Fem!Reader
Draco is arranged to marry Astoria, but all he's ever wanted is you.
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Words: 1074 Contains: confessions, cheating (?)
Notes: all characters are 18+, reader's house is not specified yet.
A week later
You sat in potions, actively tapping your foot as others walked in. Draco was in this class with you, and you hadn't seen him since the almost-kiss in the greenhouses. Although, you weren't sure that he was actually leaning in to kiss you or if you were just imagining it, but you freaked out and ran out, not wanting to think about him cheating on Astoria. Arranged or not, they were in a relationship.
Everyone took their places at their cauldrons while the professor went over a few things and set the class loose to practice Veritaserum.
It was only a few moments into work time before Draco walked in nervously. We locked eyes then quickly looked away from each other.
"Ah! Mr. Malfoy. Nice of you to join us. If you'd take your place by ms. y/l/n, you can get started on the Veritaserum potion. Let me know when you are finished." The Professor spoke and Draco nodded. He set his bag down and turned the fire on his cauldron.
You two worked without looking at each other once, two embarrassed. Though, it didn't mean Draco wanted to look at you any less. He ached to look at you, to touch you again, even in just a hug. He felt horrible after you had left him, and all the warmth he felt ran off with you. He was worried he had messed things up, moving too fast or assuming you felt the same.
You turned to grab ingredients from the pantry and he took this as he opportunity to talk to you alone. He followed you in, "Y/n?"
You turned to look at him, remorse filling your eyes, "Draco, I'm sorry-"
"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you in that position and I really don't want you to hate me. I just wanted to talk to you and I guess I wasn't feeling the best and-"
"Draco. It's ok." You nodded, "It's not your fault. I would've kissed you but.. Astoria. You two are together, and I don't want to get involved in that.."
"Believe me, if I could get her away from me I would but- she's always around me, and yet she still treats me like shit-" He cut himself off, "I wish I could love her, I really do, but I'll never look at her like I look at you." He admitted and looked down at the floor.
You were stunned, not expecting him to have such an infatuation with you after all these years.
"I- I can't do this right now.. um- can we talk after class? Somewhere alone? Before someone else comes in here." Your mouth stays open and he walks out, leaving you to finish gathering the ingredients you came for, though you could barely remember what they were.
After class
Draco waited outside the classroom while you gathered your things. When you were ready, you both walked silently by each other, down onto the open Hogwarts grounds, just outside the quidditch pitch.
When he was sure there was nobody else around, he spoke up. "Y/n, I know I'm being stupid right now, but I need you to know that I wasn't intending to run into you that night, I was just trying to clear my head and- I usually go to the greenhouses to do that."
"I really wanted to kiss you." You said softly, "But I don't know you anymore.. what's your favorite hobby?"
He was surprised at the turn of topics, but didn't mind it. That's what he loved about you. You had an ability to make anyone feel comfortable. "Um- I don't really know. I haven't had much free time lately."
"Well there has to be something."
He tried to think. Any moment he had was spent on school work, and if not that, then pleasing his fiancee with shopping sprees or staring out windows. Rather sad the more he thought about it.
"I really can't think of anything." A saddened look spread across your face as he admitted this, and you tried to think of something for him.
"Do you remember when we used to explore around those old catacombs in Feldcroft? And how excited we got when we'd find old bones." He smiled at the memory,
"Yea, I do."
"Or when you tried to teach me to skip stones across the black lake. I finally learned you know." You exclaimed and smiled proudly, "I learned the summer before 5th year, I was determined to beat your record."
You both walked in silence for a little longer before he stopped and turned to you. "I desperately want to be around you. All the time. And I don't know why, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we stopped talking. I wanted to find a way to make it up to you, but you were always with some other guy or buried in a book studying or with your friends- I didn't know how to get into your life again without Astoria or even my parents finding out because merlin knows they find out about everything happening in this school."
"Shit-" You kissed him. So suddenly, so unprovoked, his eyes were wide before he sunk into the kiss and brought his hands to your waist. You felt the emotion in the way he kissed back and the longing finally being released. He pulled you closer as the kiss became more passionate. You pulled away for a moment to get some air.
"We shouldn't do this but-" Another kiss, "nobody has to know.." You continued to make out before realizing just how out in the open the two of you were. "We should get back."
"Yea- yea, we should."
"Meet here tomorrow though?" you questioned quietly and Draco smiled widely,
"Of course." He nodded.
This would become a daily thing between you two, and as cheesy as it was, you'd meet up behind the pitch and make out after class. Nobody would have to know, and you were able to rekindle the relationship you two had, but romantically.
He hadn't felt this much contentment or freedom in years, and he had you to thank for that. Everything seemed just a little warmer, and suddenly the days didn't seem so slow. He stopped crying and made an effort in his classes again.
Everything was okay again, just as long as Astoria didn't find out.
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Jily Microfic — May Prompt 2: Mourning
This @jilymicrofics piece is a continuation of this piece here, but can also be read on its own.
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May 1976
At only 16 years old, Lily Evans had already done a lot of mourning for such a short life. She’d mourned her lovely nana — a tiny, wizened Welshwoman with a mop of red hair like hers — for almost half a decade. Her mother for two years that April. And as the war waged on, she found herself mourning more and more the faceless muggles and muggleborns unfairly swept up in its changing winds.
But she’d never mourned a friendship before. It made it all the more strange that this friendship wasn’t even over yet.
But it would be soon, wouldn’t it? If it weren’t Severus’ friends and their unforgivable actions that tore them apart, then what she’d done with Potter last weekend certainly would. Severus would never forgive her, and she wasn’t even sure she’d want to be forgiven. She certainly didn’t forgive him. Not after everything he’d said and hadn’t done.
But her heart still froze every time she saw James. Her mind racing. Was now the moment he chose to reveal what happened between them?
The fact that no one seemed to be wise to it — not even Sirius Black! — made it all the more terrifying. What was he planning? Was he going to ruin it?
“Evans,” Potter called after her that Friday afternoon before Potions. “Can I talk to you? In private, maybe?”
This was it. Her world officially ruined.
He led her to an empty classroom near the laboratories. She sat facing him atop a desk, the position all to familiar to the last time they’d been alone together.
“I—,” he began, pulling a hand through his hair. “How have you been?”
“Fine, thanks,” she replied as coolly as she was able.
“Yeah, well, that’s good. Um—” He paused, and she pondered for a short moment why his voice seemed so much deeper than usual. “Listen. About last weekend.”
“What about it?”
She flicked her own dark red hair back, pleased with her composure, despite the nerves tingling within her palms. James gaped, dumbfounded.
“Well, you know, we…”
Lily took a deep breath. He wasn’t going to make it easy.
“Look. I don’t know what you have planned, but if you’re going to go and rant about it to the whole school, can you just get it over and done with?”
“What?” he interrupted, deep voice all but abandoned. “I— I’m not planning to do that!”
“Really?” Lily raised a sceptical eyebrow.
“Really. I— well, that was kind of private, wasn’t it? I don’t think you got blabbing about stuff like that.”
Lily blinked, a bit taken aback by the answer. She felt exactly that way too, of course — that these sorts of affairs should be dealt with in private, amongst only those who were involved; she’d just never expected arrogant, self-absorbed James Potter to feel the same.
Or perhaps he felt embarrassed about her? He’d snogged — more than snogged really, if she were being honest — swotty Lily Evans when he was close to black-out drunk. It probably wouldn’t be much for the image of a pureblood quidditch star.
Somehow this thought made her feel even worse.
“Right…” she said after a moment. “So, we won’t mention this to anyone?”
“No. Not a soul. You have my word.”
He smiled shyly at her, a rare image, his eyelashes fluttering just slightly.
“Great. Well, thanks, Potter.” She pushed on the desk to hoist herself off, desperate to be anywhere but there.
“Wait.” James held his hand out, looking for a moment like he might hold her shoulder, but evidently changing his mind at the last minute. “I have something for you.
“What?” she queried, perhaps a little more harsh than intended.
“I remember you said you were looking for harebells for your Potion’s project the other day.”
“Yes, I am, but they’re not in bloom on the grounds yet, so….”
“Well,” he said, picking out a small potted plant from the large inner pocket of his robes. “My mum grows them, so…”
He held it out to her.
“I— why?”
He shrugged.
“Why not? I just remembered, is all.” He put another hand through his already messy hair. “Do keep it though. Can’t really send it back.”
“Oh… ok. Thanks, Potter.”
“You’re welcome, Evans. I hope it helps!”
And with that he spun on his heal and headed out the door to their next class.
Lily sat there for a moment admiring the plant — its dainty purple petals reminded her of the fairies from her children’s books — until she realised it was the longest she’d gone without mourning Severus in quite some time.
It was something. Perhaps a sign that this too shall pass. If only it hadn’t stopped.
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kirke-is-my-name · 1 year
Was listening to the song To Build a Home and it made me realize two things. This will be a long one and a sad one
1- It’s the song I would use as a recap of Sebastian’s life from when he was with his parents and Anne to him meeting Ominis and later the MC. It shows how progressively he always had people with him and he has a home. Be it Feldcroft or Hogwarts he built it, only to tear it down in the very end. The very end of the song has the sort of climax only to end in a sober note yet again. To me that’s just how his 5th year ended. It started off strong only to end with him practically losing everything. He is just a boy who wants his old life back with his sister, he wanted a nice home but he failed to realize he had what he wanted the whole time.
2- If Seb found the Mirror of Erised, what would show up? I know how Dumbledore saw Grindelwald and Ron saw his family cheering him as he held the quidditch cup and was head boy. So with that we all remember that the Mirror of Erised shows the looker their deepest desire. So what is Sebastian’s deepest desire? I think at first it would be a healthy Anne, but after killing his uncle? It would change to show him surrounded by the friends and family he lost because he got too involved with the dark arts. I do believe if he found the mirror he would spend hours looking at what it shows. Just because it would be him realizing he had everything he wanted but now he has nothing at all. Just some old dusty mirror showing him what could of been real or even possible at one point in time.
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smokypavlova2002 · 10 months
The Lost Daughter
A Y/N Malfoy story
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Chapter 2 - A Hogwarts Mystery
Word count - 1.2k
Warnings: None
At the first dinner of the academic year, Y/N notices some strange looks directed her way. But it's not just Snape and Dumbledore who are acting odd, Draco seems to be behaving strangely too. The gang are determined to find out why...
Y/N pushed the now lukewarm food around her plate, not paying any attention to the conversation happening around her as she perched at the end of the Slytherin table. She glanced up the large clock hanging above the teachers table, urging the minute hand to move quicker. Students were required to eat at their house tables during mealtimes, and Y/N was eager to join the Gryffindor table for a long awaited catch-up with her friends at the end of dinner.
She was currently seated next to Draco and his two stooges Crabbe and Goyle, the three of them engaged in a deep conversation which involved slagging off players from the Gryffindor quidditch team and discussing current rumours surrounding the upcoming season.
Although her friends were from other houses, Y/N Malfoy was proud to be a Slytherin, and proud in her own right. She knew that her qualities as an individual were what allowed her to thrive in Slytherin; she was ambitious, resourceful, confident and loyal, and she took pride in these qualities. Her adoptive parents were only pleased that another Malfoy name could be added to the list of Slytherin alumni, they didn’t actually care about her achievements as an individual.
Y/N couldn’t understand why Slytherin house had such a reputation for attracting dark wizards and witches, when she knew she had a pure heart herself. It was true that one of the qualities of a Slytherin was cunningness, but this was surely a skill that could be used for good if possessed by a moral person?
Sometimes Y/N wondered if her real parents had been students at Hogwarts themselves, and if they had been, what house had they belonged to? Perhaps they too had been Slytherin students, and she had inherited their skills and attributes.
Deciding she had had enough to eat, Y/N unceremoniously dropped her fork on her half empty plate and looked up, scanning the hall with her eyes. Her gaze landed on teachers table, immediately making eye contact with her Head of House, the formidable Professor Snape. He looked at her with intensity, his stare piercing and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. It was almost as if he was trying to decide something about her, attempting to form a judgement.
Snape then leaned to his left, nudging the arm of the Headmaster Professor Dumbledore to gain his attention, drawing him away from his previous task of using his spoon to scrape every last bit of ice cream from out of his bowl. The two huddled together, conversing in what seemed like hushed tones, occasionally sending weary glances in Y/N’s direction.
Whatever they were discussing, Y/N knew it was about her. But why would they be talking about her? As far as Y/N was concerned, she worked hard to stay out of everyone’s radar, always keeping out of trouble and drawing no unnecessary attention to herself.
The way Snape and Dumbledore kept looking at her with an expression of concern, perhaps even caution, reminded her of the day she arrived at Hogwarts as a first year. When the sorting hat had announced loudly to the Great Hall that she was to be a Slytherin, Y/N didn’t miss the flicker off fear evident in Dumbledore’s eyes. It was hidden behind the friendly smile he wore on his lips as he shook her hand and directed her towards the Slytherin table, but his eyes gave away his true sentiments. It haunted Y/N to this day.
After dinner had been eaten and Dumbledore’s customary welcome speech delivered, Y/N found herself seated at the Gryffindor table in the centre of the hall, catching up with Hermione, Ron and Harry. The four of them were discussing how they had each spent their summer, not that Y/N had much to say on her part. Ron had just finished telling a rather amusing story about a prank himself and his brothers, Fred and George, had played on their older brother Percy, in which they had hidden puking pastels among his usual bag of pear drops.
‘How was your summer, Y/N?’ asked Ron with a wink, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye as the group’s laughter died down. Y/N rolled her eyes with a small smile, taking notice of Ron’s obvious teasing.
‘Insufferable as usual’ she said with a sigh. ‘I spent most of it in my room. Not that it’s a bad thing, I’d rather spend the day reading and practicing spells than in the company of my parents. They barely talk to me when we are together anymore, its awkward.’
Hermione leaned across the table to sympathetically pat Y/N on her shoulder. ‘How come it’s been so bad lately? I mean, it’s not like they’ve ever been the most doting parents anyway, but don’t you find it strange the way they’re treating you?’
‘It is strange’ replied Y/N. ‘But it’s not just them, Draco’s been acting weird lately too’.
At this comment, Harry sat up, his interest obviously peaked by Y/N’s comments about Draco. He turned to face her fully, placing down the bloodied cloth he had been holding to his nose all evening. Apparently he had tripped during his walk from Hogwarts station to the castle grounds, and broken his nose in the process.
‘Weird how?’ Enquired Harry, prompting Y/N to elaborate on her suggestion that Draco had been acting more odd than usual.
‘He’s much quieter, much more aggressive. Draco has always been a dick, but now he just seems irritable all the time. I think he might be suffering somehow.’
The group turned slowly to look at Draco, who appeared to be sitting amongst his friends, or rather followers, at the Slytherin table. He clearly wasn’t paying attention to the conversation happening around him, instead there was a far away look in his eyes as if lost in thought. It was obvious that something was troubling him.
Harry grumbled in discontent as he turned back to the group, picking up his dirtied handkerchief and returning it to his swollen face. ‘There’s something going on with him, and I’m determined to find out what. I don’t trust him’.
From the other side of the table, Hermione groaned in exasperation, throwing up her arms. ‘Don’t go getting yourself into more trouble Harry! Can’t we just have one normal year at Hogwarts where nothing goes wrong?’
Harry chuckled quietly, his voice muffled by the cloth. ‘You know that’s not possible, Hermione. It’s not how we operate!’ He exclaimed, gesturing to the group. The four of them laughed quietly, half in amusement, half in agreeance.
As the evening continued, the group began to disperse, each making their excuses and heading off to bed before the first day of lessons tomorrow. As Y/N began to rise from the table, Harry discreetly tugged on her sleeve, causing her to sit back down beside him, this time closer.
‘Meet me on the third-floor corridor at midnight’ He whispered into her ear, his warm breath hitting her neck and sending shivers down her spine. Harry let go of Y/N’s arm and stood up from his seat at the table, wishing her a goodnight before turning to leave the hall.
Y/N smiled softly to herself as she watched Harry’s retreating form. The butterflies fluttered wildly in her stomach.
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