mycupofrum · 8 months
Prongsfoot Week 2023
DAY 2 - New to Prongsfoot Week: What Headcanons do you have for this ship? IE, things like, James made the first move or Sirius got James into crosswords. Anything really.
These are in random order but here are some of my HCs.
Sirius falls for James first, or at least acknowledges his feelings first. He doesn’t tell James because of the fear of losing the friendship. This goes on for ages. Years.
James goes from one day thinking Sirius is just his best friend to then realising Sirius is so beautiful and handsome at the same time and he’s the best person I know and always makes me feel so good and kinda hot and flustered and oh god I think I’m in love with him the next day. Just like that. And James is as subtle as a bludger with his romantic feelings as he first tries to keep them from Sirius for like a day or max a week to avoid ruining their friendship. When Sirius demands to know why James is acting so weird around him, James just blurts out, ”I fancy you,” and it’s the start of an akward love confession where he rambles on about how long it took him to realise and he understands if Sirius doesn’t feel the same and so on… And Sirius just stares until he kisses James mid-sentence.
For the sake of Harry being born I’m fine with Jily happening but I think they would divorce sooner or later because they were so young when they got together. James would then realise he’s always wanted Sirius. (Or it leads to Jilypad – but we are here for Prongsfoot now.) And Sirius has waited oh so patiently, maybe had some unsuccessful relationships that never worked out because no one can be like James, but he’s definitely not thinking about James anymore, he’s accepted he can’t have him… But then a blushing James just stares at him, at his lips, and Sirius continues to explain about some magical theory and something something – but why is James still staring at his lips so intensively?
James and Sirius do, in fact, need to study. But they both learn things quickly and ask each other questions randomly in between a normal conversation like it’s a trivia game (but only when alone or with Remus and Peter). They love to give the appearance to others as if they don’t really need to do much to get good grades.
Sirius loves it when James strokes his hair when it’s just the two of them behind closed curtains and Sirius can rest his head on James’s chest and listen to his heartbeat. He can finally let his guard down and receive all that love James has within and is so willing to share. It feels miraculous that he chose Sirius while they were on the train all those years ago but then again, maybe Sirius's heart also chose James the minute he grinned at Sirius.
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solitaire-sol · 8 months
Prongsfoot Week 2023 - Day 3
Favorite Canon/Potentially Canon Moment
I couldn't choose so here are multiple moments, I hope that's okay!
⌘ Sirius running away to James. I mean, yes, to the Potters in general, but let's be honest, he couldn't take his family anymore, he had to have known that he was cutting ties with everything he'd had until that point, and the only place Sirius could think to go was to James, who I initially thought would be furious at the Blacks for pushing Sirius to this before I realized that obviously his only priority at that point would be Sirius. I imagine Sirius arriving, soaking wet because of course the weather was at its most dramatic, initially trying to play it off before James wraps him up in a hug, and since Sirius is already drenched it takes him a while to realize that James is crying. Sirius is initially confused as to why James is crying, then is confused because he's crying, and then Sirius finally gets to let it all out because James is here and he won't let Sirius shoulder these burdens alone.
⌘ The time in which Sirius lives with the Potters; I think he visited James and his parents over the years, but this would be when Sirius really gets to see what it's like to live with a loving family, akin to Harry going to stay with the Weasleys. I can see Sirius rooming with James for the first few days, possibly definitely sharing a bed, because he's so shaken up; a few days in, Euphemia gently suggests that Sirius might like his privacy and Sirius moves into a guest room, but he still winds up in James' room more often than not because the guest room is cozy but James' room feels like home. Feelings may Awaken, but James wouldn't make a move because he doesn't want to do anything while Sirius is vulnerable, and Sirius wouldn't do anything because James is already doing so much for him and Sirius doesn't want to take advantage of his kindness.
⌘ Sirius getting his flat. James and Sirius having feelings about Sirius leaving the Potters and getting his own place. Sirius showing James around and being all It's not much so I have just the one bedroom but you can still stay over, we can share like always, no big deal. James does stay over, helping Sirius move in, and it kind of feels domestic, like it's theirs, because James cooks a bit and shows Sirius how to do basic chores and it's just the two of them, and they snuggle up in bed at the end of the day and think Yeah, I could do this forever. and then they go to sleep without telling each other because they are dumb idiot boys who should just kiss alreadyyyy unless they do bc we have no proof otherwise
⌘ Their interactions in SWM: I've always read the exchange about the Snitch as not just James' willingness to accede to Sirius but the way Sirius reacts to anything else drawing James' attention. It's noted that Lily and her friends are there and James keeps glancing that way as he plays with the Snitch and musses up his hair; meanwhile, Sirius is bored and James isn't paying attention to him, he's showing off with that dumb Snitch for Wormtail and some girl who doesn't even get him. When Sirius' usual tactic of 'look bored until James picks up on that and Does Something About It' fails, he outright demands James' attention and James obliges.
⌘ The follow-up when Harry talks to Sirius and Remus about SWM, and they briefly forget that they're supposed to be responsible adults counseling a clearly distraught teenager in favor of fanboying over James. Yeah, Sirius, I'm sure you forgot how James used to mess up his hair. why aren't there more fics where sirius and remus both want james and not wolf-star + james i mean sirius > james < remus
⌘ The prequel short story, which is honestly just a few stylistic changes and a good snogging session away from being Prongsfoot fanfic. Sirius and James tearing around the city on Sirius' motorcycle, all matchy-matchy with their Order shirts, smirking and grinning and messing with Muggle cops and taking out Death Eaters (with identical fluid movements!) before flying off into the night, presumably to do more badassery, or get wasted on firewhiskey and congratulate each other on a job well done and 'celebrate' the victory, if you know what i mean
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roalinda · 8 months
☆Prongsfoot Week 2023 - Day 1☆
What are the first 5 things that pop to mind when you think about Prongsfoot?
Private and co-dependent 
Call them friends, brothers, lovers, it doesn't matter. They are soul mates. They are a puzzle with only two pieces. There are no intruders allowed. There is no space for another in the special thing they have. Yes, they are friends with others and have social relationships, but nothing can ever come close to what they have. No one dares, because it is impossible.
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?” 
"You, My Queen." 
"Snow White, My Queen."
Right? Wrong. 
Forget the old fairytale. The fairest of them all is Sirius Black, with his marble cheekbones and haughty expression, shiny teeth between smirking lips and satin hair, too bright to look at, too wild to tame. Vicious and sarcastic Sirius Black, the one who thrives in danger and smoke. 
The fairest of them all is James Potter, with his mischievous eyes and laughing mouth, honey and hazel shining in his irises behind the glasses like the sweetest caramel, too fast on the broom and too proud on the ground. Cruel and pitiless James Potter, the one who runs riot in exuberance and grey games.
But it doesn't matter, neither to James nor to Sirius. To them what matters is that one's reflection is the other's face, that one's voice is the other's silence. What matters is for them to be in touch and fill the unwelcomed distances. 
They are sick in the head and the heart for each other. People call it unhealthy but to them not being like that is unhealthy.
They make sense. 
In all honesty, I have never understood why prongsfoot is not a popular pairing in HP fandom. 
They make the perfect sense and any logical mind can see their potential. It's not even a possibility, it's a reality that has the strongest evidence. 
Do you want a tragic love story? 
Do you want shenanigans? 
Here, I present you prongsfoot on a silver platter. They are practically canon without the need to change in characterization or how they look. They are a perfect duo and a unique power couple.
Love, love and more love
They love each other and are in love with each other, in both senses. It's something exclusive to them, so unconditional and deep that buries them down within. They are each other's poison and medicine. They are drowned in profound sensations, breathing those in and out.
Bonnie and Clyde 
Yes, you read it right. Prongsfoot is a ride or die and until the end pairing. Make them protagonists or antagonists, heroes or villains, it won't make any difference. They are a pair of mischievous geniuses, each handsome on their own way who are blind to the others but themselves, be it romantic or platonic.
Trust and open admittance 
James - literally put his and Lily's life in Sirius' hands - Potter and Sirius - It's been fourteen years and still a day doesn't go by I don't miss your dad - Black.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 8 months
Prongsfoot Week
Day 2: What Headcanons do you have for this ship?  IE, things like, James made the first move or Sirius got James into crosswords.  Anything really.
HC 1-James makes the first moves in general, but Sirius is the one who guides him towards these moves. I see James as similarly oblivious as Harry, in a way that it always takes him a bit to decode social interactions that involve him. James, for example, may have been the one to lean in for their first kiss first, but Sirius was the one staring blatantly and meaningfully at James’ mouth. James may have been the one to ask whether they are ‘boyfriends’ now, but Sirius was the one loudly insisting that he’s an exclusive kind of person and sees trips to the astronomy towers as dates. James may have been the one to propose, but Sirius was the one who left open jewellery catalogues and who dragged James into a jewellery store under the guise of ‘needing new earrings’ and ‘aren’t these matching rings cute, Prongs?’.
James is not aware of this. Sirius, similarly, will never admit that he’s giving James hints. He’s good at acting surprised by James’ spontaneity.
HC 2-Lily calls Sirius a ‘lucky bastard’ on numerous occasions, because when she finally admitted to herself that James is cute and asked him out on a date, James only talked about Sirius. Of course Sirius snatches the handsome Head Boy and Quidditch captain right from under her nose, without said handsome Head Boy and Quidditch captain even noticing that he’s been snatched up. Bastard.
HC 3-James loves it when Sirius is dressed in fancy wizard robes. Sirius would look good in a potato sack (obviously), but those robes make him look very stern and powerful and James just loves that. Sirius also likes it when James is all dressed up, but he prefers James naked.
HC 4-They were each other’s first friend. James grew up very isolated without any other children around, and Sirius as a child only got along well with Bellatrix out of all his cousins—who, being older and being mean, treated him like vaguely annoying puppy most of the time and therefore wasn’t a friend but more of a terrifying older sister. It’s sheer luck and stubbornness that J&S never outgrew each other and even ended up in a romantic relationship.
HC 5-Most of the school was convinced they were betrothed prior to Hogwarts. Neither the Potters nor the Blacks ever refuted this—Regulus and Narcissa actually believed Orion, Walburga, Fleamont, and Euphemia had struck some kind of deal until Sirius shared with them that he and James were finally dating. It’s still a source of great confusion in wizarding Britain. Lily still calls James an ‘attempting adulterer’, to Sirius’ amusement.
(Extra HC-Peter and Remus did a choreographed dance at Prongsfoot wedding. Severus took many, many pictures.)
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groundzero-v · 8 months
What Headcanons do you have for this ship?  IE, things like, James made the first move or Sirius got James into crosswords.  Anything really.
James' parents adore Sirius (and are secretly waiting for the wedding invitations)
Padfoot only ever lets James pet him (and he loves it and often demands his pets from him) but is incredibly unimpressed whenever someone else tries it
Padfoot's favorite thing ever is James' scent and he loves to cuddle up to him or brush against him - he's more obviously tactile as a dog than he is as human
they are both brilliant and love to bounce off each other magical theories, new spells or their new uses. It can be really hard for others to follow their discussions when they get like that because of the way they just seems to get each other while Remus just stares lost somewhere at point n. 2.
Sirius likes Quidditch, but because of James' love for it he has come to care more for it than he ever would on his own. He'd joined James when he went for the tryouts after some serious persuasion from James ('But Pads, how cool would it be if we were both on the team? Just imagine it! Don't you want to spend more time with me? I know you do, come on -'). He also now gets to hit things with a bat which he immensely enjoys.
I also hc that Sirius has three biggest absolute weaknesses: James in his quidditch gear, James ruffling his hair, James' smile
James' biggest weakness is probably Sirius' eyes, but he's also incredibly fascinated with his hair and thinks about touching it more than he maybe should
They love to go running together through the Forest in their animagi forms, just sprinting across the grass and chasing each other
I'm also not saying they both have competency kink but...(they absolutely do)
Sirius is slightly taller than James while James is the one with more muscles - both secretly love it
Sirius sleeps in James' old quidditch jersey. When he first sees him like that, James' brain just stops. Straight up doesn't work for a few moments. Sirius has a similiar reaction when he much later lends James his favorite leather jacket (he immediately regrets it and also thinks it's the best decision he ever made)
Sirius loves to be touched by James and finds it incredibly grounding and comforting, but James usually has to be the one to reach out first - be it resting against each other in the Common room, brushing shoulders during breakfast or leaning on him before quidditch practice
Sirius can be both reserved and full of emotions! I like to imagine other people find him harder to read and he's reserved with those who doesn't know (and often he also doesn't care) but he can also be full of fire and excitement - he only gets really vulnerable with James though because he trusts him above everyone
James is more openly vocal about his love for Sirius, friendship-pining stage or after. Though Sirius tends to drop a sincere sentence out of nowhere that absolutely destroys James and leaves him a mess.
James is incredibly salty over the other Blacks and ready to confront them any second
They're both incredibly protective of each other. They know the other is more than capable but even so they both feel this burning desire to protect each other and take revenge
I think they'd both love to get married really young. They would also make so many people sob and lightly chuckle at their wedding wovs
Sirius gets really possesive when drunk. James not so secretly revels in it (and also dies a little bit - a lot - when it happens for the first time)
@prongsfootweekarchive @jmagnabo92
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padfootastic · 8 months
Day 2 - Prongsfoot Week 2023
What’s your favorite type of Prongsfoot Story?  And if you’ve written it - link it?
oooof okay. very very repetitive, perhaps even boring, answer.
1. outsider pov.
i know, i know, everyone is fed up of me saying the exact same thing every time but i just!!! can’t get over it!!! these two are so ripe for random people being baffled/awed/horrified by their relationship 😭 i love an outside-in perspective on how they are bc for them, everything is routine, it’s just how things are. it’s only when u pan the camera out that u realise no, they’re the exception not the norm.
i’ve written one—from remus’ pov. this one from lily’s pov kinda also counts. id put both of them in the qpp side of things tho tbh.
2. omegaverse
spicing it up a lil this time ;) even tho i’ve not read many, i’m just. a sucker for this universe and omega sirius with alpha james will have my heart always <3
3. genderbent j/s
id blame dani and our arranged marriage fic for this but to be fair, i’ve always loved genderbending. keeping true to the characters while making such a broad change is just. delicious. and i love it when m/f friendships r transgressive n u just know prongsfoot will be exactly that. there’s a fic (two?) where jamie and sirius r bestfs and they still sneak into each others dorms/beds and act basically the same and it’s the best. i love it.
4. james coming back to life
i’m very sure that every single person who has this in their answers today is in this position bc of em and their wonderful fic and i’m not an exception but gosh, what a top tier trope. james coming back, being all protective and righteous and ready to fight for sirius in a way no one has done before. it’s just. exquisite. the perfect mix of angst and maybe age gap and love.
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siriuslystarbucks · 8 months
Prongsfoot Week Day 1: What are the first 5 things that pop to mind when you think about Prongsfoot?
I made the joke that the first 5 things I think about when it comes to them is "Love" in flashing neon lights of various colors.
Tumblr media
Soulmates! It doesn't matter what universe or time they find themselves in, they're going to end up in each other's lives.
Inseparable- The quote lives in my head rent-free. It is the basis of me shipping James/Sirius, and I can't help but think about it. Even after McGonagall thinks that Sirius betrayed James (unfathomable), she still thinks of them as a matched set. They're together! No matter what the situation, they're together, and it's how they belong.
Friends- Friends to Lovers is baked into this ship, and beyond that, no matter what else is happening in their romantic life, they're friends. Sirius and James are friends before they are anything else
Private- Nothing about them screams secret, but they are private. Whatever is actually going on in their relationship, other people don't know about it. People think they know, because James and Sirius are loud and popular and have all the attention, but they're soft with each other and no one else gets to see that. The comfort, the quiet conversations, these are things they constantly have, but nobody else gets to see it.
Love, Love, Love!!! I gave 4 other answers, but it all boils down to how much they love each other!!!!!! It doesn't matter what kind of love people think is happening or what stage they're at with their relationship, they love each other. Literally anything else could be happening to them or their relationship, but it would always be true that they love each other.
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siriuslyasorceress · 8 months
Prongsfoot Week 2023 - Day 7
Life has been unexpectedly busy and I missed the past few days, so here is some verly light smut as apology.
The scene is part of a flashback for the story I am working on, so it's connected to the snippet I posted a while back.
Day 7: Write/Draw/anything for this ship.
“You have been on the broom for too long,” Sirius chides as James walks into the changing room after his shower. He is wearing his boxers already, because Sirius is not entirely wrong, the insides of his legs feel sore and chaffed and the thought of them rubbing against each other without fabric in-between makes him grimace.
“No such thing,” he says lightly, because he would go back onto that broom in a heartbeat if someone asked him, all pain forgotten.
He receives an all-suffering eyeroll in response.
“Oh yeah,” Sirius says, challenge in his words and his eyes, his hand stretching out to lightly trace his fingers along the inner side of James’ thigh. A sharp hiss escapes him, it burns, but oh Merlin does it feel good to feel Sirius’ fingers like that. He bites down the inside of his cheek hard.
Sirius eyes him for a moment, elegant eyebrow raised in assessment.
“Sit down, captain,” he then says softly, eyes locked onto the red of his thighs. James feels like he is ready to die as he drops onto the bench, legs having gone too soft to support him. 
Sirius kneels down in front of him. The pose is so familiar it shoots warmth into James’ face, and he forces himself to think about a plethora of unpleasant things to keep calm. It would be wrong to show that kind of reaction, they don’t do this anymore and it feels unfair to Lily. He is grateful Sirius’ attention is fixed on the bag next to him, fishing out a tub of healing balm.
His movements are slow and deliberate as he opens the tub and sinks his fingers into it. James is so transfixed by the view, the glint of the silver rings, he can barely hold back a whimper. Then, Sirius’ steely eyes find his own before the fall onto his legs and he starts carefully rubbing circles into James’ aching thighs. This time, the dreaded groan escapes him and he hopes Sirius takes it as a sign of pain and nothing else, because this part of their story is done, even when James so much wishes it weren’t so. He closes his eyes in a sorry attempt to regain his composure.
They don’t stay closed for long, because he is weak, and he can’t miss the view Sirius is presenting, the rare submissiveness in his posture, his eyes following the movement of his hands as they rub in the cooling balm that is providing James with so much relieve and pleasure.
The desire to have Sirius’ eyes meet his own again is bigger than the voice of reason in his head. “Supernova,” he breathes out, because he just can’t help himself. The reaction to the name is immediate, Sirius’ head snaps up, pupils wide enough to hide almost all silver, and James only now see the red tint on his cheeks, previously hidden by his hair. His eyes travel to Sirius’ lips, those sinful, kissable lips. They are parted already, so ready to be kissed silly.
James’ fingers move on their own accord, colliding gently with Sirius’ chin, meaning to guide him closer, all consequences be damned. Sirius moves toward him, the familiar line of his neck stretching to meet him.
“Oi, is that you Potter?!” a familiar voice shouts from outside the changing room and Sirius jumps to his feet quicker than James’ eyes can follow. James wants to shout in frustration when he sees the guarded expression re-entering his face. He doesn’t have time to say anything before Benyi fucking Fenwick continues, “For Merlin’s sake, the Gryffindor training ended half an hour ago, you can’t overrun into the Ravenclaw training all the time. I’m opening the door and I don’t give a fuck if you are starkers.”
He follows suit to his threat and charms the door open. James crosses his arms, staring daggers at the Ravenclaw. “Honestly Potter, you-,” he notices Sirius then, and his annoyed face morphs into a grin. “Oh, not you too, Sirius! Not even your pretty face can stop my training session.” he laughs before pulling Sirius into a kiss. The kiss that was supposed to be James’.
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nyaightlight · 8 months
Prongsfoot Week 2023
Day 3: Favorite Canon/Potentially Canon moment - IE, something like Sirius comforting James after the DADA OWL and Lily’s reaction or (even though it’s platonic) the moment James asked Sirius to be Harry’s godfather.
For me it’s gotta be Sirius going to stay with the Potters after leaving Grimmauld Place.
It says a lot that Sirius felt safe going to James and the Potter family for help. This one fact just proves how much trust and love they have in each other, and there’s still so much we don’t know about their time together there.
What went on behind those closed doors? What did they learn? How did they act? What was the relationship between James’ parents and Sirius like?
It’s also my headcanon that it’s during Sirius’ time with the Potters that James and his own feeling are realized. Whether they act on them immediately is another thing, because Sirius is surely still processing everything and they’re both establishing their new normal (of course their ‘normal’ is probably easy since it’s Them™) but it’s definitely a catalyst.
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jmagnabo92 · 8 months
Prongsfoot Week 2023 - Day 7
Day 7: Write/Draw/anything for this ship.
After Sirius goes to live with James and his parents, James struggles with wanting to be with him and feeling like Sirius would only say yes because he has no other options and nowhere to go.
James couldn't be happier this summer since Sirius came to visit them.  He's finally safe from his family and James can spend every minute with him.  Including sharing his bed with him since he and Sirius are used to sharing everything.
         Of course, that was before James realized how hot Sirius is.  Before he started having feelings for Sirius, dreaming of naughty things he’d like to do with Sirius, and waking up hard cuddled up next to Sirius.  
         The fact is that James wanted nothing more than to ask Sirius out.  The two of them together would be like magic, but unfortunately, he felt like it wouldn’t be fair to Sirius since Sirius would probably feel some sort of obligation to be with him given that he had nowhere else to go.  Thus, James needs to keep these feelings to himself.  
         He wouldn’t want to pressure Sirius after all…
         Sirius doesn’t get it.  He knows that he’s attractive – all those birds that constantly ask him out are proof of that – so, why is it so hard to get James to ask him out?  Why is James suddenly so shy about who he wants to be with?  
         Sirius isn’t being cocky here, he knows that without a doubt James is attracted to him – muttering in his sleep about Sirius, waking up to a wet spot or a hard James nestled into his arse … it was obvious.  
         Given that James already knew that Sirius could fly either way, it’s not like he should be worried about Sirius not being game for getting together.  So, it brings him back to why.  Why isn’t James asking him out or making a move?  Is there something that he needs to do to get his attention?
         He could certainly think of a few things…
         James is sure that Sirius is trying to torture him.  It’s probably unintentional since he doesn’t know about James’ feelings, but torturing him, nonetheless.  The way he was extra affectionate, the way he was dressed in muggle shorts and nothing else, and the way he kept teasing about different blokes in their year that he could possibly date now that he’s out of his suffocating family home… all of it just had James wanting to confess – me, date me!  But no, he couldn’t, it wouldn’t be right.  
         So, instead, he suffers in silence as Sirius, practically laying on him, goes on and on about the freedom of being who is and getting to be with anyone he wants.  From the sounds of it, Sirius pretty much wants to date the entire school, and all James can think about that is that … why can’t Sirius be into him?  It would make this so much easier.  
         “You know, maybe we should talk about our summer work?”
         “You want to talk about homework?” Sirius asks, incredulously.  “We don’t even know what our O.W.L.s are yet.”
         “Oh please, like we didn’t get all Os,” James counters.  “We’re not exactly going to struggle to get into the classes of our choices.”
         Sirius shrugs.  “I suppose, but it’s summer – shouldn’t we do something more fun?”
         “Like what?”
         “Well, your parents helped me buy my motorbike, maybe we could test her out?”
         “Test her out?”
         “Yeah, like take her for a ride.”
         James shrugs.  Nothing sexy about a bike, right?  “I suppose.”
         This was it; Sirius was sure.  A ride on the bike, pressed up against him, a romantic picnic under the stars... the perfect recipe to get James to admit his feelings.  Effie and Fleamont had been quite sure it would be exactly what James would need to get him to admit that he wants to be with Sirius.  
         It’s going to work … it has to.  
         He smiles when James comes out to join him on the bike.  
         “Ready to go?” Sirius questions.  
         “Er, how am I supposed to… get on.”
         “Just swing your leg over behind me and hold onto my middle.”
         It doesn’t seem that hard to Sirius, but James looks hesitant.  
         “What’s wrong?”
         “I – I can’t do this,” James states, before turning around and heading for the door. 
         Surprised, but always quick on his feet.  Sirius goes chasing after him.  He reaches him in seconds and grabs his hand, which James quickly takes back.  Jarred by the suddenness, Sirius asks, “What’s the matter with you?”
         “I – I can’t do this anymore, Sirius.”
         “Do what?”
         James is looking so embarrassed.  “I – it’s hard to be… close to you.”
         “Since when?”
         James opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water and just sits on the steps of their porch.  “I’ve been trying to be good, you know?  I don’t want to take advantage of you, but Merlin, you aren’t making this fancy of you any easier.”
         Sirius can’t help his confusion.  Where did taking advantage come into play?
         “Did you ever think that maybe the reason it’s been so difficult to fancy me is because you should absolutely be enjoying your fancy of me?  And you know, tell me you fancy me?”
         “I’ve wanted to, but – but it wouldn’t be right.”
         “Why not?”
         “Because you wouldn’t have anywhere to go – it would be like taking advantage of you because you can’t leave and – and would have nowhere to go if I mess this up.”
         Sirius chuckles.  “James, I would never be with you just because I have nowhere else to go and I wouldn’t have to because I know your parents wouldn’t kick me out.  We already talked about it.”
         James looks completely confused.  “What?”
         “Yeah, see, I figured you had a thing for me, and I have a thing for you so I sort of asked your parents their thoughts because I was worried that they might kick me out, and they told me that they would never do that and that they’re thrilled or would be if we got together.  They even helped me plan a date.”
         “A – a date?” James questions.  “You – wait, you – you fancy me?”
         Sirius can’t hide his laugh.  “Of course I do.  Why do you think I’ve strutting around half-naked and all over you all the time?”
         James huffs.  “So, you were torturing me?”
         “I wouldn’t call it torture.”
         “What would you call it, then?”
         “I’d call it blatantly trying to get my best mate to realize that he should ask me out because I’m hot and he knows it,” Sirius replies.  “Unfortunately, you’re very dense, therefore, James, would you like to go out with me?”
         James hums and looks him up and down.  “You just called me dense in the same sentence that you’re asking me out?”
         Sirius gives him a grin, waiting for the inevitable yes.  
         Rather than answer verbally, James pulls him forward and gives him a kiss.  He tastes like honey and tea, and it’s absolutely delightful.  
         Unfortunately, it ends too soon.  
         James leans back and puts his forehead against Sirius’ forehead.  “I suppose I should say yes, but I kind of make you suffer a bit.”
         Sirius laughs.  “That’s as good as a yes.”
         “I suppose it is.”  James smiles.  “Now, tell me about this date you planned with my parents.”
         Sirius hums.  “Why don’t I show you instead?  It’ll be our first date.”
         “Sounds brilliant.”
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mycupofrum · 7 months
Prongsfoot Week 2023
DAY 7 – Write/Draw/anything for this ship.
Finally managed to sit down and write this.
Title: Fashion
Pairing: James/Sirius
Rating: T (/somewhere between T and M)
Word count: 2k.
Summary: Sirius Black and James Potter meet for the first time at a photoshoot for an underwear ad.
Link: read on AO3
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solitaire-sol · 8 months
Prongsfoot Week 2023 - Day 2
What Headcanons do you have for this ship? IE, things like, James made the first move or Sirius got James into crosswords. Anything really.
I definitely got carried away with this one, but...
⌘ James was Sirius' first friend; Sirius was James' first real friend.
⌘ I HC James as short until the growth spurt that puts him at slightly shorter than Sirius, so until then the taller-than-average Sirius hones his Potter Protection Instinct because James may be tiny but will still go at bigger/older Slytherins. Sirius is a little disappointed when James gets taller, and secretly gratified that James still has to look up at him a bit.
⌘ They start sharing a bed early in First Year because James has never been away from his parents for so long; he pokes his head through Sirius' curtains, sees he's awake and declares he's going to stay because Sirius obviously needs the comfort. Sirius has been lying awake, staring at the canopy, thinking about how his parents will react to his Sorting, so he scoffs but lets James stay. They both sleep very well and continue to share beds for the rest of their time at Hogwarts.
⌘ Sirius is noticeably cool to the touch, to the point that James initially thought he was sick or something, much to Sirius' confusion. James runs hot, and they both love snuggling under the blankets on a cold night.
⌘ Sirius was initially startled by James' tactile nature, then kind of disappointed and a little huffy when he realizes James is like that with everyone; when James figures out what's bothering Sirius, he ups the physicality with Sirius so Sirius knows he's special. It becomes common to see Sirius with his head in James' lap, or James sitting between Sirius' legs and leaning back against him, or constantly touching each other or each other's clothes, like holding onto a sleeve/scarf/belt. They want to know where the other is at all times, ideally by physically confirming it.
☾ Bonus Moonchaser HC: James is especially tactile with Remus as it gets closer to the full moon, going full mother-hen (checking his temperature forehead-to-forehead, stroking his hair, massages if he's achy before/after) and while Sirius never says anything, he can't help getting a little sulky/snippy because he secretly suspects Remus is playing it up. He kind of is, because it's the only time Remus can get more of James' attention than Sirius.
⌘ They sit next to each other at meals and in class, whenever they're able, so they can hold hands under the table. This starts before anything romantic, so James can support Sirius when he gets another Howler from his mother and Sirius can reel James in when he's having trouble focusing in class. When there's no table, they improvise, like sharing a blanket at a Quidditch match and holding hands under it. It's not because they're embarrassed, it's just a private thing that's just for them.
⌘ Sirius initially starts calling James 'Jamie' because James' parents call him Jem or Jemmy, and James gets horribly embarrassed when Sirius reads it in a letter from Euphemia and starts using it; he forbids Sirius from calling him Jemmy, so Jamie is Sirius' "compromise." James starts calling Sirius 'Siri' in an attempt to annoy him back, but Sirius just shrugs it off because James can't say it in any way that doesn't sound affectionate. No-one else uses these nicknames.
⌘ They both love to give each other gifts: James' varies wildly, all types and price-points, anything he thinks will make Sirius laugh or smile or roll his eyes and pretend he's not charmed. Sirius' gifts are more carefully chosen and usually more expensive because he goes for quality. Sirius also likes giving James things he can wear, which James does, because Sirius likes seeing James wearing them.
⌘ Sirius realizes his feelings are romantic first and has a thousand reasons why he shouldn't tell James, first and foremost being that Sirius Has Issues and doesn't want to inflict them on James; Sirius can lash out verbally when he feels hurt or vulnerable and he's terrified of doing real damage to James, who can brush off most things but can be terribly vulnerable and sometimes insecure where Sirius is concerned. It takes some time before James can convince Sirius that he's willing to accept said Issues and that they can deal with them together.
⌘ James takes much longer to recognize his feelings as romantic because their friendship is already romantic in so many ways; he's actually capable of hiding his feelings well because restrained-James-in-love isn't much different from normal-James-with-his-best-friend. If James is pining, it's because he knows Sirius could have anyone he wants and has no qualms about going after what he wants, and he hasn't gone after James yet, so he must not want James. James doesn't want to be one more person who puts their expectations on Sirius, so he's willing and able to be Just Friends.
⌘ When they get together, it's either completely easy and natural or comes only after pining and angst and tears and self-loathing because they shouldn't be asking for more than what they have, which is so wonderful and perfect and it'd be selfish to want anything more.
⌘ James is openly sentimental, though negative emotions are different, something to keep to himself so he doesn't worry anyone; it becomes a huge relief when he realizes that Sirius won't judge him for it, despite Sirius usually being happy to jab at everyone's weakpoints, even those of friends. Sirius is cool and aloof on the outside, but on the inside he's gushing about how happy James makes him and how brilliant James was in that duel and how amazing James' arse looks in his Quidditch kit. The difference in communication styles leads to early problems when Sirius doesn't say it aloud, so James isn't sure if he's reading Sirius right or just hearing what he wants to hear; Sirius initially doesn't know how James could not know how much Sirius adores him, but starts verbalizing more, quietly murmuring you were great out there or I absolutely adore you into James' ear at appropriate/random times. It makes James melt.
⌘ James is rebel-curious, lol, he likes bending the rules but doesn't want to disappoint his parents with "bad habits" like smoking and drinking, so Sirius technically starts them off but knows James is interested and just needs a nudge as an 'excuse'-- He never pushes for anything if he doesn't think James doesn't want to try it, which includes sex and kinks later in life. It also gives Sirius a bit of a thrill because he never completely stops seeing James as 'the golden boy,' so James smoking/talking dirty/etc will always be a turn-on. Once James finds out he's more than happy to lean into it
⌘ Sirius starts thinking about getting a tattoo, then James suggests they get matching ones, which makes Sirius' heart almost explode because James is doing something transgressive and it's permanent and they're going to be linked forever. The first tattoos are small and easily-hidden, but they like to touch/kiss each other's, even after they both get more (Sirius gets a lot more, of course).
⌘ Sirius and James spark so many sexual awakenings, separately and together. There were definitely rumors about how close they were and more than a few people fantasized about having both together. I HC Sirius as not dating/sleeping around because he's extremely selective and has a very high self-worth; he doesn't think much of other people in general. When he does get involved with others, it's usually in reaction to James being in a relationship/trying to deal with his feelings for James, and in those relationships Sirius always holds back emotionally/has to be the dominant party because he only trusts James enough for that to change.
⌘ James has a somewhat old-fashioned view of love and sex due to his elderly parents, so while he likes when people flirt with/admire him, his 'dates' tend to be more like hang-outs. He's still a teenage boy, though, which leads to James and Sirius being each other's firsts: First kiss, first handjob, ect. James doesn't like anyone else enough to consider them and Sirius hates the idea of anyone else touching James like that, especially for his first time, because what if they're not good at it or hurt him or-- No, it's best that James comes to Sirius, what are best friends for?
⌘ Sirius drinks heavily when he's stressed or sad or otherwise Having Feelings, but only in private; James is a very social person and a very social drinker, and he can go from being pleasantly tipsy to a friendly drunk to a casually slutty drunk without really realizing it. Part of the reason Sirius barely drinks in public is because he's keeping an eye on James. Sometimes drunk!James gets clingy/handsy with Sirius and it kind of drives Sirius insane, because he's sure it's just because James is drunk and not because James' subconscious is trying to get them together.
⌘ James is neither jealous nor possessive because, lovingly spoiled as he is, he hasn't ever been denied anything or had to worry about losing it; he never considers that he might lose Sirius as a friend, and he never worries about someone seducing Sirius away after they're together because no-one has the power to make Sirius do what he doesn't want to. James does get insecure, because he knows Sirius can lose interest easily and it takes a long time for Sirius to convince James that he doesn't have to worry about that, Sirius can't ever get bored with James.
⌘ Sirius isn't jealous but is possessive, both before and after he and James get together. There's not much that matters to Sirius, certainly not anything that matters as much as James, and he's going to hang onto James come Hell or high water: While usually not overt, he makes his claim known, platonic or otherwise. This is why he and Lily don't get along until after Hogwarts: Sirius would dislike someone for "stealing" his best friend even if there weren't romantic feelings involved. He and Lily are also more alike than they first seem, so naturally they clash over James.
⌘ They're both spoiled rich kids, but James knows how to cook and do chores the Muggle way because his parents made sure he did, in a 'appreciate how good you have it' way. Both of James' parents like cooking so he becomes surprisingly good at it, and he likes to cook for Sirius because Sirius appreciates it so much.
⌘ They're both well-versed in the usual manners and traditions of an aristocratic pureblood, but the Potters let James have fun with it while the Blacks stressed achievement for the sake of prestige; Sirius is better, technically, but he doesn't enjoy it until James. Dancing is only fun when James is in his arms (and vice-versa), the piano is only worth playing again because James is entranced by it, languages are only interesting when James gushes over how amazing Sirius sounds, they should go traveling together so Sirius can show off!
⌘ If Voldemort/Jily doesn't happen, they do travel and are blissfully happy, but James wants to settle down and have a family (surrogacy or mpreg) while Sirius is hesitant. He says it's because he doesn't want to be tied down, but it has a lot to do with his family: He knows happy families exist because he's seen the Potters, and he thinks James would be an amazing father, and Sirius is afraid that he'd ruin that due to his own family background. This is one of the few sticking points where they're initially really at loggerheads, because Sirius can't bring himself to be completely honest about why he's hesitant so James thinks Sirius just doesn't want a family with him. They eventually work it out, of course.
⌘ In AUs with mpreg, James is always the one who carries any kids, be it Harry or OC offspring; he loves being pregnant, he knows Sirius doesn't like the idea of being pregnant himself, and he loves how doting Sirius is during and after the pregnancy. Their children call James 'Dad' and Sirius 'Papa.'
⌘ I HC James as having a successful pro Quidditch career before suffering a near-fatal injury as he approaches potential retirement age; it scares Sirius enough, and maybe James if they already have kids, that James agrees to retire. He could become a manager/coach/commentator, but he might become a stay-at-home dad just as easily, especially if they'd been holding off on having kids. James would thrive in this role, raising the kids and gardening and making friends with neighborhood housewives and old biddies and local kids. He'd want to give Sirius the loving, happy home he never had when they were younger, and give their children the same kind of happiness he knew growing up.
⌘ For a canon/canon-adjacent HC: Sirius modifies his motorcycle to have a sidecar as soon as they find out Harry's on the way, so he and James can take baby Harry out on the bike.
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roalinda · 8 months
☆ Prongsfoot Week 2023 - Day 2☆
What’s your favorite type of Prongsfoot Story?  And if you’ve written it - link it?
Oh, the unfairness of this question. Give me all the prongsfoot in the world and I shall happily nom on them. But if we are talking about tropes, there are some that I am very fond of. 
James lives/ is presumed dead/ comes back AU
I am a tragedy/angst lover in general but this AU contains both angst and happy ending so I'm quite fond of it. Sirius' heavy emotional burden through the years and then James appearing back in his life delights me like nothing else, not because - Oh! James is back, now let them chuu chuu! - but because of the emotional overload and shock and the bittersweet guilt and melancholy plus the vast happiness. This AU has so much potential and now we are at it, let me tell you that @gracelesslady23 has a wonderful work in this AU which if we are lucky she may re-upload it. 😭 I have written one on this trope as well, which was for age gap fest. I've uploaded the first chapter of Heaven and decided to complete it then post it. Thankfully it is nearly finished. ♡
Hanahaki AU
I can't tell you how much I love this trope. Sadly the only Hanahaki works in prongsfoot are mine Stardust and love me cancerously (your body is my coffin) and @cami-chats 's. Feel free to link me if you know more. 
Time travel/Time loop ( fix-it )
A chance for James not to be killed? A chance for love? Count me in. 
Accidental marriage/Fake dating
This is such a delight, I live for their pretending which those two dorks don't even realise is not pretending. 😂
First Order/war AU
Not going to lie, I am not fond of the lightening era. Most characters in it are boring to me. First war however is very interesting.
Red light district AU
Hooker James Potter, my beloved. 🔥😘
Honourable mention: 
I was not a big fan of this AU but @jaskierswolf and @fiendishfyre changed my opinion with their omega James. I like it now if written well. 🤔
There are other things I love in prongsfoot which are not exactly tropes, but their mentality and emotions. Their obsessive possessive behaviour, their unhinged head and sick heart when it comes to each other and how they are protective of each other. The way they are cruel together, it always intrigues me. I have written some microfics on it and have a work on progress in my drafts as well.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 8 months
Prongsfoot Week
Day 6: Thoughts for this Ship?
Who cooks?
James cooks. 100%. He enjoys cooking and used to do it with his parents, so now he does the cooking at home.
Sirius, by contrast, would probably find a way to burn water (and then make it a science experiment)
Who’s the messiest? The cleanest?
Sirius is the cleanest. He likes things tidy, and he likes to tidy; he likes things organised, and he likes to organise. He also really enjoys cleaning things, and he tends to be the one to do the dishes.
James leaves things EVERYWHERE. He uses a million and one things while cooking. Sirius doesn’t mind because he likes cleaning it up.
Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?
Sirius. James can barely put a key into the ignition. Sirius likes to tinker with explosive materials.
Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
Both! They wave a wand and it’s fixed. Magic is… magic.
Who buys the groceries?
They do it together :) James gets everything and Sirius trails after him with the shopping basket.
Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?
They pay every other time: one time James pays, the other time Sirius does. Their finances are shared anyway, but the gesture is what matters here!! They tend to order an equal amount of food, and they both have dessert.
Would they go to the beach?
Yes. Sirius may burn to a crisp and will be under an umbrella at all times. He’s also slathered in sun cream (or a charm, if that exists). James basks in the sun and wants to play mermaids.
Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t?
They both know how to swim. James is better at it: he was taught by his parents during the summers. Sirius was taught sparingly, as the Blacks do not enjoy being bit nude. James started to give him extra lessons after Sirius ran away.
Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?
They’re both multilingual, because of their childhood education.
Any pets? Or plants?
Padfoot is enough pet >:( no more pets needed. James has a cactus though.
Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?
Both!! Preferably together, because it ‘saves water’ (it doesn’t). Bubbles are a must for the relaxing baths.
Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
James is bad with silence. Sirius isn’t, not really, but he’s nothing if not a James Pleaser so he does successfully manage to fill silences. James talks the most and Sirius the least, but it’s a close thing.
Who stays up late? Who sleeps the most? Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?
James conks out at nine usually, while Sirius is a bit of an insomniac and, if he does fall asleep, falls asleep late. James sleeps the most, but he’s a light sleeper; Sirius needs to be woken up with a cannon ball.
Who is the highest maintenance? Does the other mind?
Sirius is high maintenance, in the sense that he’s a bit insecure sometimes. James is easy to please where Sirius is concerned, and he doesn’t mind that Sirius needs assurances of love and devotion sometimes.
Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?
They decide with each other. They’re an equal partnership and can’t help but discuss potential holiday at length. James, without fail, wants a cultural hiking holiday; Sirius wants to go tropical, despite the fact that he isn’t built for heat.
How often do they have sex, if at all?
Whenever they’re in the mood! So sometimes multiple times a day, sometimes only once a week. They just like to be with each other and sex is only one part of being with each other.
Who brings ideas? Who initiates?
Both equally!
Any kinks they clash on?
Oddest place they’d have sex?
On a broom. It was very dangerous and James never wants to do it again. Sirius does.
Favourite positions?
Cowgirl (boy?) and a very sticky missionary, because they’re both really clingy.
Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?
Switches. They enjoy both positions.
Genital headcanons?
I’ve honestly never thought about. Smaller, larger, slight curve or perfectly straight—it doesn’t really matter to me lol.
Favourite erogenous zones?
For James it’s the thighs and chest, for Sirius it’s the hips and the neck.
Quickest turn ons? Immediate turn offs?
No turn offs for either of them!! Quickest turn ons for Sirius is when James is all sweaty from practice, and for James is when Sirius is mean to people.
First to orgasm? Last to orgasm? Who comes the most? Does someone ever end up unfinished?
This honestly depends on what they’re doing, who’s on top, who’s got the other’s dick in their mouth, etc. If they’re on top the one to bottom tends to be the first to orgasm. One of them does end up unfinished sometimes: during a quickie, and interruption, or a revoke of consent. For the latter neither of them really mind it.
Favourite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?
Whispering ‘I love you’ against a jaw, moaning ‘you’re incredible’, saying ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you’. Sirius likes to press his forehead against James’ clavicle and just breathe him in, clutch him close. James nuzzles and sighs contentedly.
How are their afterglows?
Calm, sticky, and cuddly. They’ll talk a bit about everything and nothing, or they’ll have a good nap. Lots of slow kisses.
Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
James is, surprisingly, rather quiet, and so is Sirius. This is mainly because they grew up with old (fashioned) parents who are kind if prudish. They do try to make each other louder by demanding that they ‘want to hear’ the other, but they often revert to being really quiet out of habit.
Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed?
Lights ON. Prolonged eye-contact. No embarrassment. They are in each other’s pockets to a disgusting degree and literally do not feel any awkwardness. One of them could produce a long fart and they’d still be all mushy mushy.
Open or closed relationship? Do they sometimes share?
They’re open to sharing, but they’re also rather jealous so they’d rather not. Lily is one of the few people they’re both okay with.
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groundzero-v · 8 months
What type of story that you like to Read and/or Write for this ship?
I'm absolutely in love with stories that have long mutual pining. It's my everything. As for characterisation, I really love when they're both incredibly capable and brave but easily become a mess when it comes to the other. Facing danger? Easy. James facing danger? Sirius is about to go off and kill a dude. (And vice versa of course)
Also stories when their friendship is treated as something precious and important are so beautiful. Sure, they're in love but they're also best friends.
I also really adore canon divergence fics because while I love angst, I mostly need to have my happy endings too. I really enjoy stories that have some interesting plots. Stories about James coming back and being the support Sirius desperately needs and more than deserves are pure gold - @gracelesslady23 has an absolutely amazing one in the works that will hopefully someday be put up again 🥰
I also love the idea of stories where Marauders are the ones to fight Voldemort, especially when it starts during their school years. A shameless self-plug (but it's actually full of shame) - I'm trying to write that story right now. I've always found the concept of them against Voldemort and the time of the First war so fascinating and cool and I wanted to write a story like that for ages.
I mostly prefer longfics but recently I've been also really enjoying microfics @prongsfoot-microfic. They're so cute and capture emotions well
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padfootastic · 8 months
Day 1 - Prongsfoot Week 2023
massive thanks to the lovely Jen for organising another wonderful event for us!!! you're the best <3
What are the first 5 things that pop to mind when you think about Prongsfoot?
oooh okay, okay, not as easy as u think, this one. because the only thing that pops into mind when i think about pf is like. cacophonous screaming. incoherence. a teenage fangirl running around a room, arms waving madly, mind lost in the obsession. im uh. a bit unhinged for j&s, if u couldnt tell so far lol. but i'll try.
soulmates. in every world, they're connected to each other and they'll find each other. it's a comforting thought precisely because of how tragic canon j/s is.
unattainable. both of individually, and together, are so far out of most people's leagues its not even funny. they're an intimidatingly attractive couple, and they're almost always in the middle of an inside joke that no one else understands. their friendship is inherently exclusionary and it doesnt bother them at all
affectionate beyond belief. gosh they're a public menace. in any decent society, they'd get locked up for obscenity and 'offending sensibilities' and 'outraging the modesty of people' etc etc bc theyre SO all over each other all the time. its a problem.
jigsaw puzzle. they fit like one, filling in each other's cracks perfectly. at any given time, they're what the other needs, and both consciously and subconsciously at that. seeing them together is a treat bc they're so in sync its almost unreal. even...magical, one could say ;)
larger than life. they're not. a real couple ykno? its not a relationship you'd want in reality, nor does it make sense for that to happen. it's fantastical and amazing and not constrained by practical concerns. u dont have to worry yourself with minor issues bc these two are just. *that* intertwined. i dont know how to explain this one properly haha but just know, they're not a relatable couple nor do they try to be.
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