#Yule Sabbat
thewitchfarhan · 6 months
Yule / Winter Solstice Altar 🕯️
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helaniara · 1 year
Altar ideas for yule <3
There are many ways to decorate your altar for Yule, a holiday that is celebrated by some Wiccans and other Pagans as the winter solstice. Here are a few ideas:
Incorporate natural elements such as pine branches, holly, and mistletoe. You could also use pinecones, acorns, and other natural materials.
Add candles in colors that are associated with Yule, such as red, green, and gold. You could also use white candles to represent the winter season.
Include symbols of the season, such as a Yule log, a wreath, or a small "Christmas" tree.
Use crystals and stones that are associated with the winter solstice, such as amethyst, clear quartz, and turquoise.
Place offerings on your altar, such as incense, flowers, or food. These offerings can be given as a way to honor the gods and goddesses or to invite positive energy into your space.
Remember to use your altar as a place of focus and intention, and to decorate it in a way that feels meaningful and sacred to you.
blessed be lovelies <3
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magicol777 · 7 months
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finished project post, all the branches are clean, dry, and displayed beautifully 🌲🎀
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i think i’ll do another nature walk soon, as i have an idea for a branch with red ornaments and there are a few more spaces i could liven up 😉🌲
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the bough i’m most proud of tho is the crow branches. it makes me feel like i’m actually in the forest ngl. how are you decorating with nature this year?? comment below to spread inspiration!
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covenoftheopenmind · 1 year
Yule: Which Came First, Christmas or the Christmas Tree??
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🌲❄️Happy Yule!❄️🌲
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indiegirlcrystals · 8 months
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iridescent-witch-life · 2 months
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whimsigothwitch · 6 months
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Visited an ice sculpture festival, it was truly magical wow
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moonhedgegarden · 7 months
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cajunwitch101 · 2 years
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pr0ject-mayhem · 6 months
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bewitched-moonlight · 6 months
🎄 Blessed Yule, witches 🎄
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Winter solstice
As the winter solstice, Yule represents the darkest and longest night of the year, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness. Witches view Yule as a time of introspection, renewal, and spiritual rebirth.
In essence, Yule serves as a spiritual reminder of the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth, encouraging everyone to align themselves with the rhythms of the natural world and find spiritual meaning in the changing seasons.
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Rituals to celebrate
🕯️ Light a candle or burn a Yule log to reflect on the warmth and hope that light brings during the dark season.
🌲 Decorate your altar and your home with evergreen branches, holly, mistletoe, and other symbols of life and continuity.
❄️ Take a silent walk in nature to connect with the winter landscape.
🎁 Engage in acts of kindness or community service to share the abundance in your life.
🍲 Prepare a Yule feast and share with loved ones.
More ideas to celebrate Yule Yule Tarot spread
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beautifulvalleywitch · 5 months
Made this fun little infographic about the sabbats for my non-witchy family to join in on the celebrations! Thought I’d share the love😊❤️ Dates are for the Southern Hemisphere! (If people want I can make another one with northern hemisphere dates)
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wizardsaur · 9 months
Now that I have an informal coven, I'm hosting the equinoxes & solstices at my house. Upcoming, being Mabon.
And where one of my coveners is By-The-Book-Wiccan, the rest of us are kinda feral little weirdos. Particularly my buddy Sunny & I, because we've practiced together since we were 15.
So I'm learning to write non-denominational Ritual. Which has been an adventure. Formalizing my Craft more to fit better in a group setting. Standardizing a little, to make it easier for people who are new to the practice. Removing Deity & focusing more on natural cycles and shared values of generosity, gratitude, honesty, and kindness.
If you guys have some witchy friends & happen to be in need of non-denominational coven ritual, feel free to interact!
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1unpunishable1 · 6 months
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Blessed Yule!
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Yule, Yuletide or the winter solstice, happens usually around the 21st to the 25th (it depends for each year!) The winter solstice is a celebration of the longest night and shortest day of the year: after that, days will get longer again! It's a great time to celebrate home, family, friends, and reflect on ourselves. It also celebrates the eternal cycle of light and dark, life and death.
Crystals that are good to have for Yule are Ametrine, Orange Calcite, Ruby, Turquoise, Garnet, Bloodstone, Snowflake Obsidian and Onyx
For food, you can think of fruit (like oranges!), dried fruit, nuts, or even drink cider!
Colors that go well for Yule are, of course, red, green, white, silver and gold!
What to do for Yule
Decorate a Christmas/Yule tree. It's also a great activity if you are still in the broom closet
Bake a Yule log (the cake!), gingerbread cookies, plum pudding, or other recipes you usually make for the holidays. For example, fruit pies are always a big thing in my house during Christmas, so I also bake some for Yule!
Since Yule is a great time for reflection, make sure you take some time for that. Sit down and think about what happened in your life this year, meditate on it, try to see what was good and what was bad, and how to fix/change the latter. Do shadow work. Be grateful, make bullet points of your year's highlights. Using divination tools, like making a tarot spread about yourself/your situation, is also a great way to do that. Sometimes, it's even easier because the tool might bring up points you would've never thought of.
Have fun with family and friends! Yule is about the love and warmth around you, that also goes for the people you love.
Take a cleansing bath or shower! It's time to let go of things that you don't need anymore: and cleansing yourself helps to move on, to get rid of energies that no longer serve you. It will make some space for new things to come!
Go take a walk outside! Go appreciate the cold and how calm winter is.
Watch the sunrise and sunset. Afterall, it is the shortest day of the year, and it's nice to really see it.
With all that being said, I wish a blessed Yule to all! Take care of yourselves and have fun :)
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