indigosabyss · 7 months
"This really isn't the best time for us to be dealing with a crisis." Nightwing noted, "Not with three of our most important members gone."
"Where are they? Missing in action?" Nadia asked.
"Not missing. They went to Mars, and it's a two months round trip at the least." Zatanna told them.
Kamala shook her head, "Pfft, that's nothing. Nova here can zip over and have them back in... how long?"
"Unless the planets are somehow inexplicably different in this world, two hours." Sam winked at her, before frowning, "Actually, the gravitational field on this Earth is just a little bit off, so the planets MIGHT be different. Hold on I gotta-"
He was flying off into the night sky, trailing white light behind him like a meteor.
"He'll be back." Cyclops assured them, as if this was a common occurrence.
After their debriefing was drawing to a close five minutes later, Sam came crashing back to Earth, wheezing for breath and scalding to the touch.
"There's no second Earth." He announced, terrified.
"Good grief, this again." Amadeus rolled his eyes.
"What do you mean 'second earth'?" Green Arrow asked.
"He means he's been hit on the head too many times." Amadeus explained, "There is no second Earth."
"There was one back home! I saw it, I swear!" Sam was still raving, "Why are all the other planets still here but not the other earth??? Where did it go??"
"And we sure we want to trust this guy to fly to Mars?" Rocket leaned over to whisper to Nightwing.
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scenteddelusion5 · 3 months
Hello there! I do hope you are doing well! I was wondering if I could request a Hazbin Hotel imagine with Alastor x reader? Maybe the reader works at the Hotel and has for some time but is missing her life back with the living, so she heads to the kitchen to make some comfort food. Reader is from the South like Louisiana or Mississippi and makes Jambalaya. As she is cooking and dancing around the kitchen, Alastor is drawn in by the familiar smells and sit down and lots of fluff ensues? Maybe they get together at the end? Thank you so much and have a wonderful day/night! :)
One O'Clock Dinner
Alastor x homesick fem reader
Note: I decided to just have Y/n be from New Orleans as I'm not too familiar with United States' topography. Not my greatest work but still enjoyable!
Word count: 2174
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Alastor definitely wasn't your ordinary demon. He was a ruthless overlord that concurred hell when he just arrived. His terrifying broadcasts were planted in almost everyone's memory, well except those that died when he had mysteriously disappeared. One of them was a certain demon from Louisiana.
Y/n had lived in New Orleans since she was a baby and never knew a different home until the day she died and was cast down to hell. She knew she wasn't the best person during her life but she wouldn't really consider herself so bad to be cast down to hell for eternity, a decade in purgatory maybe. Alas purgatory did not exist, so she was stuck there.
Until half a year after she arrived, she saw a news broadcast of Charlie Morningstar and her redemption program. Everyone had laughed at the princess but Y/n saw this as her chance. She made her way over and signed into the Happy Hotel.
Th Radio Demon knocked on the door only a few minutes after she had checked in.
"Alastor, darling, pleasure to be meeting you! Quite the pleasure!"
Y/n had heard whispers about him but nothing that went into detail, so she eavesdropping on Vaggie telling the story to Angel. The man seemed very dangerous. Maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea after all.
"So we're is your hotel staff?"
Charlie had agreed to take Alastor's help and now he was going around the room seeing what everyone could do.
"What about you, dear?" He had seemingly teleported right in front of Y/n, startling her.
"I-" She stumbled over her words as the Radio Demon's big red eyes were right staring at her. "-I can cook, I guess."
"Wonderful! As for the rest, I suppose I can cash in a few favours." He proceeded to summon a cat, bat like demon who became the bartender and front desk personnel, and a small cyclops demon who would take care of all the cleaning.
As much as she started to enjoy being around these people, Y/n quickly became tired as she had never been able to rest easily after landing in hell.
Before she could leave, however, the wall was blown up. A zappelin floated high on the sky. The demon inside it challenged Alastor but was easily defeated by the overlord.
She stared at the left over rubble. "I'm going to bed." Y/n swiftly left and made her way upstairs to her room.
A week went by and everywhere she went, Y/n felled someone staring at her in the shadows. She wasn't sure who nor why they were interested in her. It was making her squeezy, so much so that every time someone tried to talk to her, she jumped.
"Sorry Angel, didn't see you there!"
"Nifty! Where did you come from?"
"Oh! Husk, right just Husk."
The worst time it happened she was walking up the stairs, looking over her shoulder to search for whomever was following her. Y/n walked right into someone and almost fell from the stairs. Luckily that person caught her.
"You ought to look where you're going darling!" The Radio Demon helped her up the rest of the staircase. "Can't have our staff get hurt, you would be difficult to replace!"
"I'm sure there are other demons in hell who can cook. Besides didn’t you cook the other day?" She asked.
"Well yes, but they wouldn't be half as interesting as you!" Alastor smiled.
When Alastor had first arrived he saw her sitting there. The demon didn't seem to recognize him, sitting in her own little world. He had to admit that the girl was attractive but that wasn't what irked him, no, there was something about her.
From that day on he started observing Y/n, trying to figure out what was so special about her. He had found out she just died half a year ago. He learned about her skills and hobby's, he also had to admit that her cooking was amazing. Maybe even better than his, maybe.
The only reason the Radio Demon had kept his cooking in higher regard was because hadn't tasted any of her southern Louisianan dishes.
Alastor was watching her form the other side of the room. Y/n looked around while walking up the stairs, when she slipped. He quickly moved through the shadows and caught the girl. Her wide eyes were looking up at him. The Radio Demon couldn't get enough of them. How he wished to steal those eyes... He swiftly said his goodbye and disappeared into his room.
Why did he do that? There was no reason to intervene, but he did like the feeling of holding them... Alastor started to scold himself. Perhaps he is just hungry? He hadn't eaten demon for quite some time.
That night he went out and hunted down his victim. The first floor was empty, everyone was asleep. Alastor brought his bag of 'groceries' to the kitchen. He grabbed the left-overs of that night's dinner and mixed in the fresh meat. The mixture of his favourite food and Y/n's cooking was heavenly.
Even when his hunger was satiated, Alastor couldn't stop thinking about her. Something was definitely wrong with him. He kept think about her, her stupid smile and her jokes. The Radio Demon hadn't actually held many conversations with the girl but he had stalked observed her enough to know what kind of person she is.
Alastor knew her and yet, he craved for more. To not only be around her but to make her smile, genuinely smile, and to understand her.
Another two weeks went by and the horrible feeling of being watched only got worse. Now the spectator was even following Y/n into her room. She became more and more reserved, didn't even introduce herself when sir Pentious joined the hotel. Y/n started crying herself to sleep at night, she wished she was still alive with her family. She missed them.
Unconsciously she made her way to the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge. She was craving the food from her home and by chance she had just the right ingredients. Y/n put on her apron.
The Radio Demon was pacing around the room. Y/n hadn't been her usual charming self for the past week. She was quiet and always looking around. It made his gut wrench, what could she be so hung up about that she was crying herself to sleep?
Alastor's curiosity had grown to an obsession and he knew it. He didn't just want her to be happy, he needed her to be happy. When she wasn't, he was restless.
As the Radio Demon was weighing his options, a familiar scent attacked his nostrils. It gave him a moment of peace. He made his way down the stairs, following the smell like he was in a trance.
Someone was singing in the kitchen. He opened the door to find Y/n cooking and swaying to her own tune. For the first time in two weeks, Y/n had a smile on her face.
"And what are you cooking up at one in the morning?" Alastor looked over her shoulder. "You should be getting your beaty sleep, darling."
"I was just really craving it," Y/n explained after she got over the scare of him standing there all of a sudden. "I wasn't able to sleep."
"What are you making?"
"Just some Jambalaya." She lifted up the lid to show him. "I'm also preparing beignet's."
Alastor looked at the dough, which were waiting for the oil to heat up. "Louisianan?"
"Yeah, I'm from New Orleans." She lifted up one of the beignets and dropped it in the pan. "Learned from the best chefs in the city." The dough slowly turned a darker brown.
"That's such a coincidence! I grew up in Orleans too!" He took another whiff of the Jambalaya. "Mind if I join you?"
"If you set the table."
"It's a deal, my dear!" Alastor joked, even getting a chuckle out of the girl. The sound shot straight to his heart. Oh, how he wished his microphone had recorded it.
When the Jambalaya and the beignets were ready, the two sat down and ate VERY late dinner, or rather early breakfast. It was a surprisingly domestic scene. The two went along well.
"Yeah, I grew up in the big city too. Back then it looked a lot different though. It was overrun by secret speakeasies those were the days." He mused over the past.
"I wouldn't be able to imagine for those being illegal! Hey, what did you do to get send to hell?" Y/n so daringly asked. "I heard you were pretty powerful ever since you first got here."
"Oh well," Alastor blushed like a high school girl telling someone about their embarrassing crush, "I was a serial killer. Ate up my victims and threw their leftovers in the bayou."
Y/n spat out her drink. "Wait!" She screamed while coughing. "You are THAT Alastor. They teach about you in history classes!"
"Do they now? I suppose I was quite the man."
"I wouldn't say that," Y/n mumbled, "But it is impressive how you climbed up the ranks here in hell. I almost feel safe sitting around you." She looked at Alastor's widening smile again. "Almost."
"Why wouldn't you feel safe my dear?" Alastor questioned. "The Hazbin Hotel had both me and the princess of hell protecting it."
"I might sound... Crazy, but I feel like someone has been watching me." She looked down, even though she didn't feel the eyes on her right now. "I haven't been doing too well because of it."
The reason she hadn't been her usual self was because he was freaking her out. It all clicked now for the Radio Demon.
"Well then I have to apologise." Alastor used his shadows to move right behind her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "You see, I have been keeping an eye on you. It was not my intention to make you feel uncomfortable."
"You have been stalking me?"
"No, no my dear. Just... Observing," the Alastor corrected her.
"Tomato tomato." Y/n looked up into his terrifying, red eyes. "And why has the infamous Radio Demon been stalking me?"
"Just answer the question."
"..." He sighed, "I'm not too sure either. The only way I could describe it is you interest me."
"Well, next time you can just knock on my door. I prefer not to be watched during my cry sessions."
"Oh, but I loved hearing you sing when you thought no one was there."
The two started laughing, treating the stalkerish behaviours of Alastor as a joke.
"No but really, stop. It's creepy!"
"If the lady demands it."
The night went on long after the dinner was over. In a moment of confidence, Y/n implied that she was interested in seeing his radio tower and Alastor happily brought her there. She shuttered walking up the stairs into the little booth.
"Take a seat." Alastor pulled back the chair and when she sat down, scooted it up to the desk.
He started to explain what all the buttons and switches where for and how the antenna's send out radio waves or whatever. Y/n was only listening to half of it. The other half of her attention on Alastor's face. She had never realised how handsome the deer demon truly was. And his voice was incredibly soothing, at least for those who weren't scared of him.
His big eyes were beautiful and his wide smile was incredibly charming. Y/n's eyes drifted up to his head. His ears looked soft and fluffy, she wondered if she would ever get the chance to touch them. The antlers sticking out of his hair gave him a more manly appearance, contrasting the cute ears.
Y/n started leaning into him, getting incredibly close to his face.
"And these make sure tha-" Alastor immediately stopped talking when he turned his head and realised how close the two really were.
His nose was touching hers and he could feel her breath. Alastor's heart started pounding harder and harder, a slightly red blush decorated his face matching his attire and his eyes stared right into hers. He could only think about how beautiful she was.
Unconsciously he moved closer and closer and so did she. Until their lips touched. Y/n took this chance to deepen the kiss.
It lasted only a minute but to the two of them it felt like forever. They wished to keep going, however, they were unable to keep in their breath for that long.
As they pulled apart from one another, the realisation dawned on them. It was quiet.
They went back to their own room, neither of them dared to say a word. Perhaps it was just a fluke or perhaps this would grow out into more. Whatever Y/n was going to do about it could wait for tomorrow, it was 3 am after all and she was tired.
For the first time in weeks, Y/n fell asleep with a smile.
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narwhalandchill · 26 days
spicy take incoming but i kinda wish ppl werent so desperately attached to and protective of this moniker of Great Big Brother 100% Perfect So True And Real when it comes to childe bc honestly. he really isnt (perfect or even that good at times) and to me acknowledging the ways both he and his family (for enabling him) are in some ways kinda just. doing teucer incredibly dirty in the long term but only with the best of intentions in the short term is so much more interesting than just pretending hes a flawless brother?? like it only adds to the drama and irony of it all man like theyre rly so dysfunctional as a family unit its great. even if hoyos likely never exploring that shit in its true depth it still lives rent free in my head for sure lol
like. you rly dont have to turn ajax into some sort of unfeeling uncaring monster of a shit brother to acknowledge that he does, in fact, repeatedly make incredibly reckless and selfish choices during his SQ with teucer and in general by choosing to obstruct the truth of who he is from lil bro so completely?
like this stuff can be nuanced and coexist with his absolutely 100% genuine commitment to protecting teucers bubble of a worldview (and w the theme of childlike dreams and wishes being so prevalent in general who knows what could be cooking w that one in particular) and his loyalty and love for his family without just having to whitewash the dumb shit he does lmao
like just bc hes capable of and willing to face the potentially grave repercussions of absolute bangers (🙄🙄) like teaching an actual fucking child to consider ruin machines fun besties and 100% insta ready to fuck himself up by protecting teucer at the cost of aggravating his still-unhealed injuries from the liyue AQ when dottores abandoned lab turns out to be more lively than expected doesnt. make that choice not a very irresponsible one yall im begging 💀
like. hes the adult here . the entire situation unfolding as dangerously as it does in the factory is Absolutely all on HIM for not being able and/or willing to disappoint teucer by just . Doing the mature thing and sending him away to safety because HES gotten too attached to this idea of being his lil siblings' loyal knight and perfect brother that Always finds a way to surpass the expectations no matter the cost its a role HE wants to keep playing despite the risk
like its So obviously a pride thing for him too and thats so fucking interesting because Of how flawed and questionable the logic is!! like yes he truly cares about teucer and ensuring he has a great unforgettable time during this impromptu escapade in liyue like thats not up to debate but the point im trying to make is that the choices he makes are Still very much intertwined with his ego and overconfidence and not really based all that much on Whats Actually The Best Approach Here. he improvises a way to give teucer the best mr cyclops outing he has ever seen bc HE wants to be the one offering him that experience and ends up biting off a bit more than he can chew and he can only blame himself for that one and This Isnt Fucking Sustainable
like i dont think that makes him evil but i do think it showcases his arrogance and flaws in a very concrete way and is a part of why calling him a perfect brother or at least one without an asterix just. rubs me off wrong lmao
like idk feel free to keep calling him that if its important to u and all if u want idc (and i do to some extent get why this defensive narrative of insisting hes great no issues at all emerged bc i remember 1.1 some ppl acting like hes childcare satan for how he treats teucer lol) but. at least like . Be willing to chip in to fund the therapy teucers going to need for those lifelong trust issues in the future man 💀
Bc Thats The Other Thing. now tonia and anthon i dont consider a part of this bc at least they Know hes in the fatui and hiding the gory details of ur harbinger job from ur baby sibs is like. fair enough and reasonable. but. crafting an Entire different AU version of yourself and feeding it to your baby brother as what constitutes actual reality surely is a choice of all times like ajax ily but genuinely . What the fuck if you were real id throttle you
AND HIS FAMILY ENABLING IT THE ENTIRE TIME ITS CRAZY LIKE. As a person with multiple siblings both older n younger with some similar age gap cohorts involved. God id snitch so fucking fast i dont think ppl rly stop and think much abt how objectively horrifying this shit is from teucers long term pov 😭 in the best way obviously given its fiction like its so scrumptiously awful and dysfunctional .
(& just in general man im just so obsessed with the way ajax 14 basically broke the eggshell of his past life and emerged to rise towards his destiny drowned in the guts and gore of the place and people and community he once called home unconditionally. Bro he fucked that town UP and now his family relations will never ever be the same its so fucking Delicious. those 3 days missing and what followed are just Actually a literal fucking horror movie when you stop blindly stanning our ginger menace, forget ajax' side and take the pov of his family and morepesok in general Why Are People Not Talking About This)
like. its not that i dont understand Why this is sth childe ended up doing as i said Thats The Point. its human. teucer is the only one in the family who wasnt there during that fateful 3 days/months . Like yea anthon and tonia were prolly sheltered from most of the carnage back then too but they still Know where he was sent when he became literally uncontrollable and almost killed the neighbors (everybody & their mom loves demonizing his parents as if his demon spawn ass left them a fucking choice JFEJSJSJSKDKS) . like its at least Known.
but then theres teucer.
And like. teucers the Only one with whom ajax can even pretend to have that delusion (ha) of normalcy and a family that hasnt seen him gaze into the abyss and stare back bloodied and grinning ear to ear . like. hes the only shot childe can have at even playacting some crude imitation of normalcy before Everything and even That comes with an expiration date hes fully aware of. so theres just lies after lies after lies and the fact that even his family just. if not actively partaking in the charade then at least silently allows the entirety of it to happen to teucer whos the Only fucking one out of the loop is just..... dude its not fair on him At All
Misleading teucer THIS much is just. its fucking horrible man but i GET it. thats why its so delicious man i GET it but god its just . imagine being teucer in this situation.... thats his entire fucking World shattered once the truth comes out. Everyone close to him has been lying to him his entire time. They all knew and they let him be misled. Like sure he might be happier Now with ajax dutifully protecting that childhood dream of his but after that. Just. sit on this for a bit. after everything do we Really think teucers just going to understand why it came to be and see it as worth it???? Will he really????
yet at the same time as awfully cruel it all is its just So human!!!!! Its so human of both ajax and his family to use the innocence of the only child that was spared the aftermath of worlds best/worst 3 month abyss training camp to indulge in this flawed false reality where their third son didnt walk into the void and come back hungry for More until only the fatui could take him and even then it only spurred him on further on that path. Like its all an act and a lie and its just. Not fucking fair on teucer but hes still doing it and theyre letting him even tho they Know it wont last theyre all looking teucer in the eye every day and letting him believe like man....
like in both the entire ruin factory sequence And in general hiding the truth from teucer as extensively as childe does hes being incredibly selfish but at the same time its selfishness only rly in the way all people are when it comes to Wanting to be seen a certain way by the ones they love and care about. and thats what makes it so interesting. bc as much as the choices he makes are dubious (or like. this decision makes sense to him. a morally bisexual total omnivore ethics-wise narwhalpilled since 14 who sees exclusively in abyss shrimp colors and acts accordingly) both they and the motivations behind them are also just. So very human ones . as terrible as the implications and eventual inevitable downfall of those choices can (will) be.
like. is it not that much more fascinating to consider all the ways that childe is neither a particularly exemplary nor an egregiously bad brother just one that. Happens to be wired weird in the head and proud and flawed and with a track record of heavily suspect decision-making but that also very much genuinely loves his family man. Like i can love that about him without dismissing the fact that theres parts to how hes treating teucer that 100% can and imo rly should backfire horrifically bc. It really just is that fucked up
hes not a good brother hes Worse AMD better than that and also not alone in this like. his family is an active fucking part of this . But like still . Is he trying his best with his abyss shrimp colored vision ? Yes. Is his love genuine? Absolutely. What are the marks? 3/10 meet me in the office after class mister youre just actually horrible (affectionate) 😭
A perfect brother? Not My Ajax man 🗣🗣 and like theres SO MUCH to explore in that it makes me so sad you just. Never see any of it p much in fanworks bc we all just call him best bro and whatever and thats that like its so sad. this family is terrible horrible awful and no good and they deserve it but also didnt deserve it it was misfortune it was fate it was inevitable . justice for teucer man i need to get him in therapy asap
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So over the past few weeks, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a retelling of the OG series from Annabeth’s perspective.
I’m interested in doing this because though I loved the PJO when I was a child, as I grow older, I find myself craving more nuance from the stories and the characters than what’s already there on the page. I thought hopefully the show would fulfill me, but uhh….amazing character depth is not one of the things I’d call the show’s biggest strong suits, at least not for Annabeth.
Now, I’m aware of the “Daughter of Wisdom” series on AO3, a fanfic series that does the exact same thing. I read that fic years ago and enjoyed it; I thought at the time that the fic was well done. However, I have a lot of ideas for scenes and details that I don’t think really showed up in that fic series, and so I find myself craving to create the POV for Annabeth and certain aspects of CHB that I’ve always wanted to see. I also wanted to spend more time emphasizing emotions and growth for Annabeth in a fic like this, and actually have her challenge and address her pride, sort of like a “I’m overcoming my biggest flaw” journey. I want to write this series from a sympathetic yet honest perspective about Annabeth’s life and her traits…including the traits that are not so pretty.
And so I want input from y’all on what you think would be worth including in a fic like this, and if there’s anything from the OG books that I should change, twist, replace, remove, deepen, or add something new. Here’s a list I already have going:
- emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with Chiron and how it develops
- more emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with Grover and how they get along when Percy isn’t there. Do they talk about Percy? And what do they think of each other? Does Grover feel intimidated by Annabeth, or feel like maybe she’s not proud of him because he let her down with the Cyclops incident and Thalia getting killed? Maybe at the end of the quest in TLT, before Percy gets back from Olympus, Annabeth reassures Grover that he’s a great protector and that she doesn’t resent him at all.
- Annabeth’s view of Luke and how/why it becomes complicated; how Annabeth reconciles the objectively bad things Luke has done with her desire for his redemption
- an emphasis on Annabeth and Thalia’s relationship after Thalia returns. How has it changed, Thalia remarking on Annabeth’s growth and teasing her about her crush on Percy, Annabeth helping Thalia cope with the loss of Luke to the “dark side” and also helping Thalia cope with how much the world has changed in 5 years and how Thalia now feels so out of place, Thalia helping Annabeth cope with continuous family struggles
- an emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with other Athena children. Do they like each other? Hate each other? Are they competitive, all vying for their mom’s attention? Do they share some of Annabeth’s struggles; were their mortal parents also unimpressed about receiving a child they didn’t plan for?
- Annabeth’s relationship with other kids at camp: namely Clarisse, Silena, Beckendorf, and the Stoll Brothers (no, I don’t ship Connabeth, btw). But I also want to flesh out Katie Gardner and Pollux/Castor too.
- a proper resolution to Annabeth’s family drama that yes, recognizes how Frederick had a baby sprung on him that he didnt consent to, and how Mrs. Chase had no idea how to take care of a kid with special needs, but a resolution that also validates Annabeth’s feelings and highlights the ways in which Mr. and Mrs. Chase messed up and failed her with their poor choices.
- a new interpretation of Luke’s “did you love me”question
- An on-page apology from Annabeth to Rachel
- Annabeth’s relationship with her little brothers and how they might still try to love each other in context of their family drama, and not repeat the sins of their parents (breaking generational curses!)
- more emphasis on Annabeth and Athena’s relationship, and how Annabeth evolves from thinking her mother is this image of perfection, to realizing that Athena is just as faulty as the other gods and goddesses, and that Annabeth has a strength over Athena in that Annabeth has a bigger sense of humanity, and can change and adapt when she’s not doing something well. Annabeth can evolve in ways Athena cannot.
Anything else?
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storydays · 2 months
The Show Must Go On P1
(3rd POV)
*With Vox*
"Oh! Nifty, nice side swipe. Pentious like to see that effort." Charlie called happily. "Teamwork makes the dreamwork." replied the snake." "Train, train, train." Niffty said excitedly. The camera zoomed out to reveal the TV Overlord watching the hotel members training. 
"No fucking way! They're going to fight? Oh, my God." Vox cackled before mocking the princess on screen. "Oh, looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well. Oh Alastor, I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED!" 
*Back at the hotel*
"Oh, I wish my mom was here to see this." Charlie sighed to Vaggie. "Well, the cannibals seem ready to fight, are we?" "Fear not damsels! I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!" Pentious called, dressed as a war captain. 
"What in the hell are you supposed to be?" Vaggie asked. "General Pentious, reporting for duty. I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all." 
"Thank you, Pen." Charlie smiled as Vaggie face palmed. "What can I do to help?" Niffty asked, holding dead bugs in her hands. "I'm glad you asked, soldier. The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall. Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assult." Pentious ordered loudly.
Niffty blinked at him blankly. 
"Here, Nif." (Y/N) chuckled, kneeling to Niffty's height and handing her an angelic knife. "If you see an angel, stab it." "Ooh.."The little cyclops giggled at the knife before spotting Angel who was talking to Cherri a few feet away. "Stab! Stab! Stab!" 
"Hey,hey,hey,hey!" Angel climbed high onto the pole next to him as Cherri ran off. "Not him!" (Y/N) cried, blocking Niffty, wings widespread to hide Angel from her view. 
Niffty glared slightly before giggling and running off. 
"She's gone, tesoro. You can come down now." (Y/N) watched in amusement as Angel tapped into his stripper past and got off the pole, back flipping into his arms. "Thanks, babe." Angel kissed (Y/N)'s cheek as he got down before they walked over to the rest of the group.
"Listen up, sinners! We got 24 hours before the extermination begins. Let's get to work." Vaggie said in her drill Sargent voice.
*Back with Vox*
"Oh, they suck. They're--they're gonna die." He laughed, watching as Vaggie teach where to strike the angels, Pentious building something, and (Y/N) using his magic to summon his own warriors and weapons. 
*At the hotel*
Charlie borrowed Alastor's staff, tapping it slightly so everyone could hear her. "Hello, I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet...Cherri." Charlie smiled playfully at the pink haired cyclops. 
"Look, I can't resist a fight, okay? Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead." Cherri grinned pulling Angel down to share matching grins.
"Tomorrow, the exorcist angels will face a Hell ready to defend itself and win. " Charlie fist pumped the air. 
"Yeah! Yeah, we will! Tell 'em, baby!" Vaggie cheered loudly for her girlfriend. 'Yes. And we are--we are going to win! But in case we don't,  I want you all to know...that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means,  I know you all tried." 
Charlie looked out onto the crowd, looking proudly at her family who sent her proud looks back. "I have seen the good in all of you. And it's, I just...I love you all so much and--and live tonight however you want because--" "We're all going to die! Hahahaha!" Niffy announced loudly. 
Everyone stared at her, feeling very awkward.
"All right! Let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying!" Vaggie cheered, before realizing the mood was killed. "Drinks?" 
*Inside the hotel*
"I mean, personally, I'm excited. It's been a long time since I stabbed anyone and meant it, know what I mean?" Vaggie said to Charlie who looked mildly concerned. 
"Cheers, bitches!" Cherri exclaimed, clinking her glass against Angel, Husk and (Y/N)'s, who all grinned back. "Here's to us!" Angel smiled. "Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow." Sir Pentious said loudly, everyone cheering him on. 
On the balcony, Alastor watched them with a fond smile. "Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh Niffty?" 
Niffty was sitting on the railing next to him. "I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!" 
"Ahh, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed."
Niffty placed a roach crown on Alastor's head. "I dub thee King Roach." 
"Oh, to understand your twisted little mind."  The two began to laugh manically.
*With Angel, (Y/N) and Husk*
"Last day of afterlife, and you're not off snorting a line off some hunk's abs?" Husk asked the spider. 
"Ehh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked 'em all. 'Sides, I got my hunk right here." Angel shrugged before hanging two of his arms around (Y/N) who smiled back. "I guess you have changed." Husk smiled. 
"Hey, Charlie said live tonight however we wanted, so pour me a fresh one, and let's get to living!" Angel exclaimed, holding out his glass. Husk smirked before moving to make the two another drink.
Angel smiled down at (Y/N) who cuddled closer, wrapping his arms around 
*With Sir Pentious*
"Miss Bomb? Cherri?" He asked, taking his hat off. Vaggie pat his shoulder in silent support. 
"I want to tell you....that I...love..I'd love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead." He held his hand out for Cherri to shake, which she did, eyeing him weirdly. 
"You are....Have always been a worthy opponent. With the most brillant explosive contraptions I've ever seen." Pentious blushed. 
"Uh....thanks?" Cherri smiled, sharing a soft moment with him. 
"Please don't die tomorrow. Okay! Bye!" The flustered snake talked loudly before disappearing. 
(Y/N) and Angel appeared on either of Cherri's side. 
(Y/N) with a strawberry Daiquiri in his left right hand, Angel holding two shots in his right hands,  offering one out to Cherri. 
"Ya know, you could totally tap that." Angel smirked, clinking his glass against Cherri's.
"Tss, don't be gross." Cherri rolled her eye. 
"Cuz, you know, I hear he's got two dicks." (Y/N) muttered, tail lazily waving behind him. "Huh!" Cherri hummed, eye narrowed in thought. 
*With Charlie*
Charlie stood in front of her brother and Angel's door, looking at the photos and the LED lights the spider had strung up. There were photos of the Angel and (Y/N) doing a heart with their hands into the camera, a selfie of Charlie and Angel, a selfie of Husk and Angel in tuxedis with the caption, 'Tux Boys', and a picture of Fat Nuggets and Rocco.
Sobs escaped her throat as she started to feel her feelings. "Charlie?" Vaggie called softly. 
"Um, I'm sorry. I'm just so scared." Charlie wiped her tears and hugged herself closer. "What if we lose?" 
*With (Y/N)*
(Y/N) hummed softly as he laid in Angel's lap, three of Angel's hands playing with his hair, as his one free hand scrolled through a bridal website. "How about this one?"
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"Uh-uh. Too poofy, next."
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"Neck ruffles? What is this? The 16th century? Burn it like the witches who wore it!" (Y/N) rolled his eyes, making Angel giggle. (Y/N) stared up at the spider, smiling to himself. Angel noticed him staring and put his phone down, nuzzling the prince. 
"What are you thinking about?" (Y/N) waved his hand, and suddenly they were on the roof, and sitting under a (f/c) light show with a romantic picnic. "I figured we could end the night with a romantic surprise."
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Together the couple laid together in their swinging bed, watching the stars floating on their ceiling, (Y/N)'s wings protectively wrapped around Angel.  
"I love you, Anthony." 
"I love you, (Y/N)."
*The Next Day, in Heaven*
"Extermination Day is here, bitches!" 
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fictionalmenaremytype · 4 months
(Percy jackson ep 8 spoilers)
I'm just gonna start by saying if Disney doesn't renue this for a second season they are stupid and will have missed out on a harry Potter level phenomenon.
- Ares' cackle. I love him .
- Ares just threw him like hulk did loki
- annabeth having to hold Grover back is so important to me because he's wanting to help percy but Annabeth knows this fight is to the death and any interruption would just get Grover killed.
- Annabeth also knowing he needs to prove himself as the son of poseidon and discover who he is.
- "let's kick the son of poseidon into a puddle right near the sea" I now understand why Athena is battle strategy and Ares is just war.
- my only critique is that Percy never does any movements to show its his power (which ik this is accurate to the books) but it comes off a little like he's just calling on Poseidon to do stuff. I wished they had some sort of indicator that it was Percy like maybe a slight movement or having the water pull back from the puddle he fell in and into the sea.
- I did think the fight was a little quick tbh but it still worked.
- the way I screamed "close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes!" When he was about to show his true form.
- woooh Hades helm
- The cabin looks fuckung terrifying rn
- I haven't seen the end of credit scene yet but I'm predicting it's going to be Sally with Gabe's statue.
- Alecto just wanted to get tho boss his hat back!
- "please" "good luck on Olympus" I thought she was going to be nice but noooo she's still a bitch.
- Annabeth trying to stop Percy from going because they're friends now and she's worried for his safety. I love Leah she is AMAZING.
- "I'm done running from monsters" THAT LINE OMG THE WRITERS ROOM ATEEEE
- THE NECKLACE?? THE MUSIC?? "You're gonna need all the luck you can get." Is so sweet and so patronising she is perfect. Leah is Annabeth Chase she has cyclops powers and just embodies her!
- "how sure are we you couldn't explain everything in an email?" So relatable Grover so relatable.
- "I'm here to see Zeus." Lightning bolt on the table " I don't have an appointment"
- it is so so obvious when you know abt Luke that yes trying to recruit Percy to his side.
- can someone build this olympus on minecraft please I want to exploreee.
- zeus (rip Lance Reddick we miss you) just waiting on his throne is terrifying.
- The thrown room being in a thunder cloud has so much messaging behind it! It is pathetic fallacy at its finest.
- Zeus is scary. I don't like it. Literal goosebumps rn.
- "your family is a mess" you tell him Percy. Be his therapist
- "your forbidden son who should've never been born" "the same as your thalia" Poseidon learnt some sass I see.
- "make sure I never see this one again." Well I hate to break it to you sir but you will...a lot
- "obedience doesn't come naturally to you does it?" "No...sir." "the sea does not like to be retrained." CAUSE THE SEA DOESNT LIKE TO BE RESTRAINEDDDDD
- Percy not immediately knowing Greek is such a slept upon lart of the books because they have lessons in it.
- Poseidons smile about Sally.
- "Ares is a moron." The only thing Poseidon and Athena agree on.
- Aww they finally had father son time. Its so emotional and beautiful and its made me emotional.
- the line of applause and I'm just looking for Travis and Connor.
- The hugging is a thing.
- "an accusation against clarisse." "Without proof" annabeth has a feeling!
- honestly adding Clarisse as a traitor and using that to get Percy and Luke alone makes more sense to me given that they know someone at camp stole the bolt.
- I think now is the time to say how Charlie is amazing for Luke he's so sinister when he wants to be l.
- luke making him go through the Prophecy before he reveals and percy slowly realising why Omg chills.
- the red lighting on Luke highlighting his scar.
- luke looking like he's about to cry
- "I didn't think you'd give them to Grover." "I'm here to recruit" AH
- Is that a silhouette in the background???
- " I met your dad" THE ANGER OMG
- the fight with Ares being short is made up for by this fight. Under the fireworks? In the woods? It's stunning!!!!
- " Annabeth?" " I heard everything" I KNEW SHE HAD HER SUSPICIONS
- " He can be very very persuasive" "I'm very very stubborn"
- "Percy? That's your name?"
- I was half expecting Dionysus to do an Oprah and say " you get out and you get out"
- Annabeth saying goodbye to Thalia is so sweet
- " and then sone place called Disney World?" She's never seen a movie she's going to be so confused. "Which kind of sounds like water land but with less trying to kill you" Yeah.
- the way he smiles at her is so cute.
- "wait did I read that wrong. What am I walking into. Is there something you're supposed to do there?" "Just be a kid"
- aww Grovers searcher licence is a flower
- "but no ones ever thought to check the seas!" Nice set up Disney I see you.
- "we meet back here next year." Well you will eventually.
- THE GROUP HUG (if we get up to season 5 I expect editors to make edits of them hugging at 16 to them hugging at 12)
- The cabin and Sally <3
- "what happened?" "It's a long story."
- "no kidding kiddo it's time to wake up." So cute.
- "grandpa." "Don't call him that."
- "Don't forget to tell your mom how much you love her today." "Kronos Lord of the titans said that?" The lying and secrets has begun
- Sally divorcing gabe is much much better than her just turning him to stone because it gives the message that she now recognises her son can look after himself and now she doesn't have to protect him anymore.
- I really like how it's his own hate for percy and everything percy has that gets him killed rather than straight up homicide. It really sets the idea that people like that will find their own downfall (which is ironic bc this trope is commonly used in ancient Greek tragedies)
season one of percy jackson is stunning. It's a masterpiece even with the changes and whilst there was definitely some timing issues and the cut to black became annoying, it was very, very good. If it is renewed for another season, it has a lot of potential, and I will be very excited to see how they adapt The Sea of Monsters for screen.
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houseoftulips · 2 years
Living With… ~ Ushijima Wakatoshi
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Fem reader and ushijima in a relationship (age over 21)
Synopsis ~ here are just things it would be like living with our stoic Miracle Boy. God, I love him so much just look at this picture of him!!
Content warning ~ just a smole bit of booby and thigh loving but that’s it, just fluff, fluff, fluff
First of all, waking up next to him seeing his bed head will immediately be the highlight of your day and him seeing you will be his highlight as well. He’ll pull you in closer with giggles falling from your smile just to snuggle for a bit. Sometimes on weekends you guys fall back asleep in each other’s arms.
He actually likes being the small spoon with his arms wrapped around your waist and his face buried between your boobs. Every once in a while he’ll add an occasional love bite as you run your fingers through his olive green hair. He’d even force you on your back so he could lay on your stomach or between your thighs.
“Babe?” you softly call to him.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“You’re not uncomfortable?” you asked as you run your fingers through his scalp.
“No,” he mumbles as he kissed your inner thigh, “These are my favorite pillows.”
You guys would actually spend your rare free time in bed with him laying between your things as you both binge watch your favorite anime shows.
You love Ushijima with all your being but this man can be a little blunt with you when it comes to cleaning. He’s not necessarily a clean freak but there are ways to keep things tidy and up to his standards that aren’t hard to keep up with. (his words)
Cleaning is something he’s always kept up with since high school so he doesn’t get overwhelmed with trash, laundry, or anything of the sort when he comes home from practice or away games. Especially since he’s lived mostly alone when he wasn’t at the dorms of Shiratorizawa.
He put you on his cute little cleaning schedule he has for the week with him. Sundays mornings are for laundry and groceries, Tuesdays are for cleaning the bed sheets and towels, and Fridays are for cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. At first you were a little baffled by such a schedule because you didn’t put yourself on one.
“Honey… You don’t think it’s too much to go by that all the time?” you asked as you watched him dig under the kitchen sink to find his cleaning supplies for the bathroom.
“No? Why would I?” he asks out of curiosity as tall ass rises from the floor and hovers over you like a god damn cyclopes.
“We’ll because I’ve never done a schedule like this before. It’s so much work,” you laughed as you wrapped your arms around his waist. “We could be cuddling right now…”
A deep chuckle slips from his lips as he kissed your forehead. “I may have caught onto that a while ago but if feels strenuous to you I’ll give you a massage for completing such a task,” he smiled softly with a small hint of sarcasm.
Kisses on your forehead was something you learned that he loves doing. Yes, he can’t ever get enough of your sweet kisses on your lips but with the height gap between you two, it feels more sensual on his side, but you’re obviously not complaining. It’s also his way of comforting you and himself. He wraps his arms around your shoulders as he drowns your forehead in soft kisses and mumbles sentences consisting of “how was your day?” or “What do you need from me, baby?” or a simple, “I love you.”
He’s not too much of a cook, that’s more your thing. But that doesn’t stop him from learning or helping you out because he hates not doing something for you. He’s actually really good at cutting veggies to whatever desired size you’re looking for along with accurately measuring the ingredients. It’s also a perfect way for him to spend time with you since he’s not always home.
He has a thing for sweets but since he can’t eat too much of it because of volleyball, you make enough to last more than a week between the both of you. It’s one of his favorite reasons for coming home all happy is smelling the sweetness of whatever baked goodies you’ve made. It really makes him feel at home with you especially after coming home from away games.
Away games was something you guys fought over in the beginning when you moved in together. Before it was different because…well you weren’t living together so you were used to not being around him as it was. But as soon as you found your apartment and moved in, you guys were together all the time.
He knew that you were just missing him when you guys fought so he never let it get to him and always made sure to let you know that he’s listening to you. He was able to read you like a book most of the time and he knew how to put two and two together rather fast. So after those fights, he promised to be even more communicative than he already was to help ease the hurt you felt when he was gone. He also went out of his way to get you to come with him and his team to games out of the country. He genuinely thought it was absurd to leave you for months at a time so he took you much to your dismay.
“‘Tosh, I understand that you have to leave so don’t feel obligated to take me with you,” you said to him as you cooked dinner together.
He then looked at you like you shot him in the heart with a shotgun and a rifle at the same time. He was completely baffled at the fact you would say something like that because everything he’s done for you and will continue doing so is never out of obligation. “Why would you say such a thing,” he asked, “Its not out of obligation, you’re my girlfriend. You’re practically my wife at this point so don’t think I see you as any less than that,” he huffs as he continues to mince the mushrooms.
You smiled softly and didn’t bother to continue the conversation because deep down inside you were happy that he took you with him to those games but you wouldn’t have survived months of being apart. “You’re more than the best… I hope you know that,” you said to him.
He turns toward you to cup your cheeks as he kisses your forehead with his stoic smile. “I’ll always know that, baby,” he says as he wraps his arms around you.
And it’s true, living with him has taught you that he knows that you love him and he loves you. There were days where the both of you would sit down for a cup of coffee in the morning and just talk.
In high school, he wasn’t much of a talker but when he met you, he changed that. While he’s a bit straightforward, he makes sure he does it in a way where he doesn’t come off as an ass or as a way to start a fight. He’s obviously a lot more open to you than he is to his teammates so he actually likes to come home and rant to you about how stupid his team can be.
Baths with you are also something that’s comforting for him. It’s provided a quiet place for him as he just leans back and watches you read your book as you sit against his chest. Every once in a while, he’ll kiss your bare shoulder go let you he’s thanking you for the quality time you’re providing for him. There are even days where he’s beat to a pulp so you wash his body for him as you sit on his lap. His forehead leans against your chest as you wash his back and shoulders with his arms wrapped around your waist. You give him sweet and soft praises for making it through the long and grueling day to which he’s thankful for.
He’s so thankful for you…
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side B: Round 1
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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#cyclops# | It/they | @splatoonmaster69
CW: Eye horror (in full description)
Cycnical highschool nurse with a haircut that gets them mocked by the teenage mages they are the unwilling gaurdian of.
Volshebney Rebenok Asteroff | He/him | @splatoonmaster69
The worlds most 14 year old ever. Eats a diet of only mac and cheese. Sneaks onto a boat by stabbing it and passing out. Just. So Incredibly 14 years old
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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Oh god if the world knew what its done they would be wanted dead everywhere. This asshole. Not nearly as bad as its friends uncle but they are getting there. slowly losing one of their eyes because it wont stop causing the most fucked up weather patterns youve ever seen. no it isnt a parent yes it takes care of 3 kids no they hate all 3 children with a passion stop asking them why it keeps giving them candy. insists that it could go to a hospital any day now and become a for real doctor they just dont wanna deal with all the paperwork. cyclops is a menace to society but compared to most mages in their universe it is barely making the top 10000 worst mages list. Mages are all assholes and cyclops is a halfway decent asshole, making them just some guy compared to everyone else
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When a powerful wizard loves another powerful wizard very much, they make a chaos magic abomination in the form of a baby. This baby ends up so incredibly sheltered with the most wet kitten energy in the world. He bites so watch out, but he doesnt bite very hard. Overall the fact the most key thing about his character is that hes 14 manages to make him just enough of just some guy that im submitting him to save other just some guys from their fate
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moonflower1605 · 6 months
Chapter - 27
(Percy's POV)
Below us in the cave were Polyphemus & Grover, still in his wedding dress. Clarisse was tied up, hanging upside down over a pot of boiling water. I was half hoping to see Tyson down there, too. Even if he’d been in danger, at least I would’ve known he was alive. But there was no sign of him.
“Hmm,” Polyphemus pondered. “Eat loud mouth girl now or wait for wedding feast? What does my bride think?”
He turned to Grover, who backed up & almost tripped over his completed bridal train. “Oh, um, I’m not hungry right now, dear. Perhaps-“
“Did you say bride?” Clarisse demanded. “Who-Grover?”
Next to me, Annabeth muttered, “Shut up. She has to shut up.”
Polyphemus glowered. “What Grover?”
“The satyr!” Clarisse yelled.
“Oh!” Grover yelped. “The poor thing’s brain is boiling from that hot water. Pull her down, dear!”
Polyphemus’s eyelids narrowed over his baleful milky eye, as if he were trying to see Clarisse more clearly.
The Cyclops was an even more horrible sight than he had been in my dreams.
Partly because his rancid smell was now up close & personal. Partly because he was dressed in his wedding outfit-a crude kilt & shoulder-wrap, stitched together from baby-blue tuxedoes, as if the he’d skinned an entire wedding party.
“What satyr?” asked Polyphemus. “Satyrs are good eating. You bring me a satyr?”
“No, you big idiot!” bellowed Clarisse. “That satyr! Grover! The one in the wedding dress!”
I wanted to wring Clarisse’s neck, but it was too late. All I could do was watch as Polyphemus turned & ripped off Grover’s wedding veil-revealing his curly hair, his scruffy adolescent beard, his tiny horns.
Polyphemus breathed heavily, trying to contain his anger. “I don’t see very well,” he growled. “Not since many years ago when the other hero stabbed me in eye. But YOU’RE NO LADY CYCLOPS!”
The Cyclops grabbed Grover’s dress & tore it away. Underneath, the old Grover reappeared in his jeans & T-shirt. He yelped & ducked as the monster swiped over his head.
“Stop!” Grover pleaded. “Don’t eat me raw! I-I have a good recipe!”
I reached for my sword, but Nora said, “Wait!”
Polyphemus was hesitating, a boulder in his hand, ready to smash his would-be bride.
“Recipe?” he asked Grover.
“Oh y-yes! You don’t want to eat me raw. You’ll get E coli & botulism & all sorts of horrible things. I’ll taste much better grilled over a slow fire...with mango chutney! You could go get some mangos right now, down there in the woods. I’ll just wait here.”
The monster pondered this. My heart hammered against my ribs. I figured I’d die if I charged. But I couldn’t let the monster kill Grover.
“Grilled satyr with mango chutney,” Polyphemus mused. He looked back at Clarisse, still hanging over the pot of boiling water. “You a satyr, too?”
“No, you overgrown pile of dung!” she yelled. “I’m a girl! The daughter of Ares! Now untie me so I can rip your arms off!”
“Rip my arms off,” Polyphemus repeated.
“Let me down!”
Polyphemus snatched up Grover as if he were a wayward puppy. “Have to graze sheep now. Wedding postponed until tonight. Then we’ll eat satyr for the main course!”
“But...you’re still getting married?” Grover sounded hurt. “Who’s the bride?”
Polyphemus looked toward the boiling pot.
Clarisse made a strangled sound. “Oh, no! You can’t be serious. I’m not-“
Before Nora, Annabeth or I could do anything, Polyphemus plucked her off the rope like she was a ripe apple, & tossed her & Grover deep into the cave.
“Make yourself comfortable! I come back at sundown for big event!”
Then the Cyclops whistled, & a mixed flock of goats & sheep-smaller than the man-eaters flooded out of the cave & past their master. As they went out to the pasture, Polyphemus patted some on the back & called them by name- Beltbuster, Tammany, Lockhart, etc.
When the last sheep had waddled out, Polyphemus rolled a boulder in front of the doorway as easily as I would close a refrigerator door, shutting off the sound of Clarisse & Grover screaming inside.
“Mangoes,” Polyphemus grumbled to himself. “What are mangoes?”
He strolled off down the mountain in his baby-blue groom’s outfit, leaving us alone with a pot of boiling water & a six-ton boulder.
We tried for what seemed like hours, but it was no good. The boulder wouldn’t move. We yelled into the cracks, tapped on the rock, did everything we could think of to get a signal to Grover, but if he heard us, we couldn’t tell.
Even if by some miracle we managed to kill Polyphemus, it wouldn’t do us any good. Grover & Clarisse would die inside that sealed cave. The only way to move the rock was to have the Cyclops do it.
In total frustration, Nora & I stabbed our swords against the boulder. Sparks flew, but nothing else happened. A large rock isn’t the kind of enemy you fight with a magic sword.
Nora, Annabeth & I sat on the ridge in despair & watched the distant baby-blue shape of the Cyclops as he moved among his flocks.
He had wisely divided his animals from his man-eating sheep, putting each group on either side of the huge crevice that divided the island.
The only way across was the rope bridge, & the planks were much too far apart for sheep hooves.
We watched as Polyphemus visited his carnivorous flock on the far side.
Unfortunately, they didn’t eat him. In fact, they didn’t bother him at all.
He fed them chunks of mystery meat from a wicker basket, which only reinforced the feelings I’d been having since Circe turned me into a guinea pig- that maybe it was time I joined Grover & became a vegetarian.
“Trickery,” Annabeth decided. “We can’t beat him by force, so we’ll have to use trickery.”
“Okay,” I said. “What trick?’
“Oh, she hasn’t figured that part out yet.” Nora mumbled.
"Shut up, Nora."
“Great.” I said.
“Polyphemus will have to move the rock to let the sheep inside.” Nora said.
“At sunset,” I said. “Which is when he’ll marry Clarisse & have Grover for dinner. I’m not sure which is grosser.”
“I could get inside,” Annabeth said, “invisibly.”
“What about me?”
"And me?" Nora added.
“The sheep,” Annabeth mused. She gave us one of those sly looks that always made me wary. “How much do you guys like sheep?”
“Just don’t let go!” Annabeth said, standing invisibly somewhere off to our right. I’d crawled under a car before to change my mom’s oil, & this wasn’t too different. The sheep didn’t care.
Even the Cyclops’s smallest sheep were big enough to support my weight, & they had thick wool. I just twirled the stuff into handles for my hands, hooked my feet against the sheep’s thigh bones, and presto-I felt like a baby wallaby, riding around against the sheep’s chest, trying to keep the wool out of my mouth & my nose.
Nora had also done the same & we were silently praying we didn't get caught.
The sun was going down.
No sooner was I in position that the Cyclops roared, “Oy! Goaties! Sheepies!”
The flock dutifully began trudging back up the slopes toward the cave.
“This is it!” Annabeth whispered. “I’ll be close by. Don’t worry.”
I made a silent promise to the gods that if we survived this, I’d tell Annabeth she was a genius. The frightening thing was, I knew the gods would hold me to it.
Our sheep taxis started plodding up the hill. After a hundred yards, my hands & feet started to hurt from holding on. I gripped the sheep’s wool more tightly, & the animal made a grumbling sound.
I didn’t blame it. I wouldn’t want anybody rock climbing in my hair either. But if I didn’t hold on, I was sure I’d fall off right there in front of the monster.
“Hasenpfeffer!” the Cyclops said, patting the sheep in front of me under which Nora was.
“Widget-eh there, Widget!” Polyphemus patted my sheep & nearly knocked me to the ground.
“Putting on some extra mutton there?”
Uh-oh, I thought. Here it comes.
But Polyphemus just laughed & swatted the sheep’s rear end, propelling us forward. “Go on, fatty! Soon Polyphemus will eat you for breakfast!”
And just like that, we were in the cave.
We could see the last of the sheep coming inside. If Annabeth didn’t pull off her distraction soon...
The Cyclops was about to roll the stone back into place, when from somewhere outside Annabeth shouted, “Hello, ugly!”
Polyphemus stiffened. “Who said that?”
“Nobody!” Annabeth yelled.
That got exactly the reaction she’d been hoping for. The monster’s face turned red with rage.
“Nobody!” Polyphemus yelled back. “I remember you!”
“You’re too stupid to remember anybody,” Annabeth taunted. “Much less Nobody.”
Polyphemus bellowed furiously, grabbed the nearest boulder (which happened to be his front door) & threw it toward the sound of Annabeth’s voice. I heard the rock smash into a thousand fragments.
For a terrible moment, there was silence. Then Annabeth shouted, “You haven’t learned to throw any better, either!”
Polyphemus howled. “Come here! Let me kill you, Nobody!”
“You can’t kill Nobody, you stupid oaf,” she taunted. “Come find me!”
Polyphemus barreled down the hill toward her voice.
Now, the “Nobody” thing wouldn’t have made sense to anybody, but Nora had explained to me that it was the name Odysseus had used to trick Polyphemus centuries ago, right before he poked the Cyclops’s eye out with a large hot stick.
Nora figured Polyphemus would still have a grudge about that name, & she was right.
In his frenzy to find his old enemy, he forgot about resealing the cave entrance.
I just hoped Annabeth could stay alive and keep distracting him long enough for Nora & me to find Grover & Clarisse.
Yessss! It's a long chapter to make up for not updating for soo long...😮‍💨
Hope you guys enjoy it!😉
Until next time..👋🏻
Link to the next chapter is here.
Link to the prev chapter is here.
Take care my lovely readers.❤️
Comment, like & share.
Alice signing off.
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fandomworld9728 · 2 days
The Life of the Morningstars - Chapter 17:
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Lucifer caught both Angel and Niffty before they could hit the ground. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? He wasn't about to let some ugly, overgrown moth get away with something like this. Lucifer was pissed. There was fire running through his veins, burning the same way it did when someone hurt his baby girl. Glaring at the man in front of him, he checked on the two in his arms. Niffty seemed fine but Angel... he was bleeding.
"What makes you think you can treat him like this?!"
The room was deathly quiet as he set the two sinners behind him. Their little group standing close by. It seemed that no one had recognize him yet. Good. That just means there's no ass kissing. Nothing but true intentions.
"Oh? Now, who is this feisty beauty?"
Gross. "You don't know who I am?"
"Val. No, don't. J-Just walk away. Don't-"
Pink smoke curled around them before turning in chains and a shackle around Angel's wrist. The moth, Val, yanking him forward and to the ground. "Angel~ Shut that pretty mouth of yours. I'm busy. Now then, where were we? Oh, yes. Your name."
Lucifer didn't even try to hide his growling this time. Summoning his cane, he used the apple topper to smack the horrid man in the face and send him to the ground. Walking up to him, the omega stomped on his chest before digging his heel in. With a wave of his hand, he was back in his normal attire. Placing his hat back on his head, he let his full demon form out, the fear in the room both suffocating and energizing. 
Leaning down close to the sinner's face, he let his smile turn sharp and deadly. "Me? I'm Lucifer fucking Morningstar. Your king. And as King of Hell, there's a neat trick I'm able to do. Watch closely now."
Grabbing a hold of the pink chain, Lucifer poured some of his power into it. The chain slowly turned gold before breaking and turning into a soft leash and landing in his hand. The shocked looks on everyone's face had his smile widening. As did the shocked look on Val's face that morphed into one of pure rage. "How dare you-"
Cutting him off with a slam of his heel to the moth demon's face, effectively breaking both his sunglasses and nose, Lucifer walked over to his group. "I'm the King of Hell. All souls belong to me, and I can do whatever I please with them. So, stay down unless you wanna be nothing more than a stain on the floor, bitch." Flipping him off over his shoulder, Lucifer walked further into the club with the others to get away from ugly man bleeding on the floor.
"Holy fuck, short king! That was- I can't even... Thank you."
"No thanks necessary. I'm not going to let anyone treat any of you like that. Oh, hey Niffty. What you got there?" 
The small cyclopes had climbed onto his shoulder and showed the fluff she had stolen from the other sinner with a maniacal laugh before jumping over into Alastor's awaiting arms.
Charlie laid huddled up in a blanket on her bed. How could she face everyone now? She had failed and now they were coming to attack the hotel. Not only that but her girlfriend of three years had hidden something huge from her! They shared everything. Thoughts swirled around her head and wouldn't stop no matter what she did. Is this what her dad felt like all the time?
Speaking of her dad... It seemed like not even he could cheer her up. So, he just sat with her until she felt better. Charlie was going to have to send everyone away from the hotel, so they didn't get hurt.
"Oh, Charlie. You look an absolute mess."
And now here was Alastor. Just materializing in when all she wanted was to be left alone. She wasn't in the mood for him to try and poke and prod at her failure right now. "Ugh! Go away Alastor."
"Now, now, is that any way to act after picking a fight with all of Heaven and dooming everyone you love?"
"Okay bastard. That was a low fucking blow."
"Ignore him dad. He's just trying to get under our skin. He thinks this is funny." Turning to the radio demon, she let her hurt and anger take over. "Now leave. I have enough on my mind without hearing your sadistic idea of a joke, asshole." Laying back in bed, she rolled over and let her dad wrap his arms and wings around her. It made her feel safe and warm. Just what she needed right now.
"Who's joking?!"
"Whoa!" Jumping at the sudden appearance of the demon next to them in bed, Charlie ended up knocking the two of them to the floor, while Alastor looked amused as all Hell watching them from the bed.
"You have a captive audience downstairs waiting to hear what kind of inspiring performance you have planned next."
"Why don't you understand that I can't? How can I face them after failing them all so hard? They came here to be saved and all I gave them was more pain. I'm a disgrace of an alpha and just as bad as the cruelest Overlord in Hell. Maybe worse! At least they don't go around giving false hope." She had to get up and move. If she stayed still too long, she'd just wallow in her negative emotions for as long as possible. She'd completely shut down.
"Well, I never expected to see such a miserable display of self-loathing from you."
"Oh, fuck you, Alastor! All you do is stand there smiling while you watch us all struggle and fail. I don't know how you can enjoy all this suffering so much..."
"Just because you see a smile, don't think you know what's going on underneath. A smile is a valuable tool, my dear."
That was true. Lucifer knew for a fact that was true. He's been hiding behind smiles his entire life. But right now, all he could do was smack the sinner's hands off his daughter and lowly growl at him from behind her. He wasn't going to step in unless absolutely necessary.
Seeming no less amused by the situation, the Overlord walked a bit away from the father daughter pair while continuing on as if nothing happened. "It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control."
"But I'm not. I'm the farthest thing from in control. The person I trusted the most has been lying to me for years. Heaven refuses to listen like dad always warned me about. Even if they did, I can't prove the hotel works. Adam has an invincible Exorcist army pointed right at my doorstep, and there's nothing I can do about any of it!"
Lucifer caught her fist before it could slam into the glass. He didn't need her to hurt herself and break things in her rage.
"I know something you don't know~"
Oh no.
"Those big, scary angels are not quit as indestructible as they seem."
"What are you talking about?"
"Just that you and your band of misfits stand more of a fighting chance than you think."
"How? I'll do anything!"
"Charlie no! I taught you better than this. I know you're desperate, but you can't go rushing into something with those words. You can't ever take them back." This bastard wasn't about to give up the information willingly. Lucifer understood that how he worked but it still pissed him off to no end.
With how Alastor's smile grew, he knew he had both of the Morningstars cornered. One of them was going to give in and make a deal with him. Lucifer was going to make sure it was him. He wasn't going to let Charlie take the fall for this.
"Anything? Then let's make a deal."
"You... you want my soul?"
"Your soul? Heavens, no! All I need is one itty bitty favor. What's a favor between friends?"
"And what's important lifesaving information between friends?"
"Oh, your majesty, you wound me. Are you offering to take up this deal instead? Since we aren't friends?"
Standing in front of her father, Charlie glared at sinner. "We won't hurt anyone for you."
"Who's asking? One favor at the time of my choosing where you hurt harm no one! In return, I tell you what I know. Do we have a deal?"
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bamfdaddio · 11 months
X-Men Unabridged 1985: The Trials of Magneto and Cyclops
The X-Men, those litigious mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. We’ve been untangling that history for a while, but sometimes, you really want a more in-depth look. Interested? Then read the (un)Abridged X-Men!
(X-Men 200 - 201) - by Chris Claremont, John Romita Jr., Dan Green and Rick Leonardi
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“Ultra low power”? Fuck, Cyclops, you’re such a massive dork. (X-Men 201)
After a year of meandering storylines, Claremont kept two good plots in the chamber. Issue 200 is a big one that is meant to shake up the status quo, while issue 201 is a quiet baseball issue that then reasserts it again. One is a trial drama about the insidious nature of prejudice and how one person can be made to represent the whole group he is a part of, the other is Storm wiping the floor with a deadbeat baby daddy.
These issues are cool because they can basically be summarized as:
Magneto is right
Storm is cool 
But first, let’s reveal why you’d never want Loki to drive your Uber and drop you off at your home. 
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I love that Wolverine, of all people, is worried about papers. Also, none of the X-Men carry some money in their suits? No hidden pouch with a few dollars, two ibuprofen and a fake passport? OMG is this what let to their pouch-craze in the nineties?! (X-Men 200)
This is a very unnecessary handwave for an unnecessary complication, because there’s absolutely no time-crunch or narrative reason for the X-Men to immediately appear in Paris, other than stupidly keeping Madelyne and Scott apart. Oh, Loki. Even making mischief on a narrative level! Maybe we can blame the looming Inferno on him, eh?
There’s a trial report in progress, spilling the t on Magneto’s arrest. A journalist explains which crimes Magneto stands trial for and in passing mentions how some people think he’s just as bad a Hitler. (Which I’ve always found to be a gross comparison, considering. Yes, Magneto is racist against humans and yes, that is his flaw, but the amount of terror he’s inflicted on the world barely scratches the surface of what Hitler has wrought. He’s barely been a dictator here, and that was only for one issue.) Anyway, because of undefined reasons, the International Court has moved from the Hague to Paris. I’m guessing Paris is a more picturesque battleground.
The trial report is being observed by two rich twins whose Aryan looks are surely a coincidence.
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Amazingly, these two predate Jaime and Cersei Lannister by at least 7 years. (X-Men 200)
It’s the worst two twins in the Marvel Universe! When we met them before, they randomly put a bullet through Storm. The only thing I find unbelievable here is that someone as born-rich as Andreas would ever advocate for something as common as a guillotine. 
Meanwhile, a Soviet military installation is raided and, later, a German fighter jet is attacked. Both times, a message is left by the attackers: free magneto - the x-men. LeGasp!
To trim the cast a little, Charles shuttles the New Mutants off to Muir Isle, under the pretense that if something happens to the X-Men here, they’ll at the very least be safe. The X-Men remain in Paris, on guard, and the trial starts in one of the weirdest ways possible: with a motion to strike half of Magneto’s crimes from the record on account of being *checks notes* babified. 
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A ship of Theseus-argument? In my courtroom? It’s more likely than you think. (X-Men 200)
Amazingly, the judge grants Gabrielle’s motion, and all my watching of The Good Wife hasn’t taught me how a real judge would respond to that motion. It does make me wonder how much more badass Alicia Florrick would be if she got to smoke in the court room. 
More interesting, however, is the crowd’s response to Gabrielle. When I was a  teenager reading this, the antisemitism seemed out of place and a little too cynical, but these days, I’m not so sure. Surely, in the Marvel Universe, there’s fora and reddits where people hate Magneto not because he’s a mutant, but because he’s Jewish.
I wonder how many people hate Wiccan and Hulkling and the 'wocification' of their superheroes. Why can't they just all be white right, like Captain America, or rich, like Iron Man?
Anyway, during recess, it becomes even more evident that this trial is bringing out all the crazies:
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Misogyny, anti-mutant, xenophobic… This crowd hits it all! Good thing the good guys didn’t bring Storm. Or Iceman. (X-Men 200)
I always love how the women in Xavier’s life temper his idealism (and, eh, his trite bon mots) with cynical realism. Moira is not exactly a rose-colored glasses kind of lady, and neither is Gabrielle. I’d think she’s being a little harsh with her parents here – I don’t think anyone who died in Bergen-Belsen can be viewed as ‘lucky’ – but I’m not a camp survivor. Gabrielle gets to have all the complicated emotions about her parents she wants. 
Incidentally, I do feel more emboldened by Gabrielle’s call to arms (“don’t surrender”) than Xavier’s “nooo, that silly crowd doesn’t really mean it”.
Then, the narrative gives old Scott “till death or long distance do us part” Scummers the absolute flimsiest reason to stay in Paris, because ‘the X-Men’ attack a hospital in Magneto’s name. This time the real X-Men try and prevent it, but it is of no avail: they still end up being blamed.
On the other side of the world, Madelyne’s water breaks. Yes, she has to have her baby all on her own. Yes, Cyclops has been hanging around in Paris for like, a week, instead of jetting back home to support his wife. Yes, Cyclops is a terrible husband. Yes, that’s about to be really in character for him. 
ANYWAY! While a pro-mutant crowd is rallied outside the court house (a refreshing change), the prosecutors bring the sinking of the Russian Leningrad-submarine as evidence that Magneto is a criminal. (Back then, drowning Russians was more frowned upon.) Magneto, dramatic bitch that he is, uses this moment to claim the spotlight and the soapbox, and explains why he let himself get arrested in the first place:
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If I’d been at that judges panel, I wouldn’t have heard a word of what the silver fox with the massive upper arms was saying. Naturallement. (X-Men 200)
While I love Magneto’s reason for putting himself on trial, I dig this mostly for character development reasons. Magneto finally finishes the noble turn he’s been working on for a while. In the sixties, he was a corny villain; in the seventies, a ruthless antagonist and finally, here, he’s become an idealistic anti-hero. Of course, I don’t think his ploy will work: Magneto has long been found guilty in the court of public opinion and the crowds there don’t really do penitence.
Speaking of the public! They’re under attack! A river boat filled with attackers in robo-suits spawns on the Seine, and soon, all the X-Men are involved in a pretty scenic if expensive tour of Paris.
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Would’ve been hilarious if they had then used Colossus to ring the bells of the Notre Dame. Don’t worry about the window! A planetwide Kicktarter will fix that right up. (X-Men 200)
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Not pictured: Nightcrawler fighting someone on top of the Arc du Triomphe, Cyclops punching someone down the staircase of le Sacre Coeur en Storm kicking someone in front of the Mona Lisa. (X-Men 200)
Cyclops is the only one who figures out that this would be the perfect moment for a distraction. And it is. The twins strike in the court room, making the already muddled trial a lot more complicated. They call themselves Fenris and they wish to have their revenge on Haller, Xavier and Lensherr, but they have absolutely no problem with killing any and all humans that get in their way.
Together with a fly-by Rachel, Magneto subdues the twins and stops the hateful racist prosecutor from beaning Andrea (the female twin) in the head with a rock. Good guy Magneto! Rachel then picks up a thought from the twins: Strucker. Magneto then quickly figures out that they are the offspring of Baron Von Strucker, a nazi that a young Xavier, Haller and Lensherr took down in Israel. Magneto even absconded with a giant cache of his gold! 
While Magneto checks on Xavier, the Struckers seize that moment to bring down the walls! The Seine rushes in and washes the twins, Xavier and Magneto off into the catacombs! (Oh, right! That's another popular attraction! How could I have forgotten that one?)
The racist prosecutor says good riddance to bad rubbish, once again equating the literal fucking Nazi twins with Magneto, and the judge, who has been presented as Stern but Fair throughout, only has one appropriate response for him:
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Exhibit A in the case of: Why Judges Should Be Allowed to Slap Lawyers (X-Men 200)
The Strucker twins are washed out of the narrative, while Magneto saves Xavier. And then finally, finally, the Undefined But Serious Malady that has been sapping Xavier’s strength for the whole year after he got jumped and mutant bashed in the street is getting the best of him. Xavier lays dying.
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kiss kiss Kiss Kiss KISS KISS KISSSSSSSSS ( X-Men 200)
That’s when Lilandra and/or Editorial intervene: Editorial because they don’t want to kill off Xavier and Lilandra because she wants to save her lover and/or senses that he’s about to reconnect with his one true love. Lilandra and the Starjammers whisk away Xavier for an undetermined time of healing, leaving a bereft Magneto. He vows to keep his promise to Xavier!
Sadly, we never got the title of Magneto & the X-Men out of all this.
Instead, we check back on the X-Men when they’ve finally returned home to celebrate the fact that Madelyne has gotten a baby! I never realized I would share an opinion on babies with Wolverine, but there you have it: 
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Raise your hand if you’d swap places with Rachel in an instant, and you absolutely wouldn’t mind if Kurt used the tail. (X-Men 201)
Love the detail of Logan holding his nose when Kurt ‘ports too close.
Madelyne discusses Scott’s behaviour with Storm, rightfully angry with her husband for not coming to her side during the last few days of her pregnancy. Does Scott even love her? Storm assures her Scott does, but (basically) that he’s also super-duper repressed. (So repressed he didn’t tell his friends he had a brother for like, five years.)
Rachel, meanwhile, greets her sort-of brother. I’m not the biggest fan of Rachel, especially in this era: she’s a fatalistic dourpuss who’s either:
Terrified that the dark and terrible future where she comes from will eventually come to pass;
Depressed that this timeline is happening differently so that her existence is rendered moot.
I was expecting histrionics over the birth of baby Nathan (named after Scott’s dad, who’s currently traveling space with Scott’s surrogate dad, Xavier), but no. Refreshingly, Rachel is actually filled with joy:
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I wonder how useful telepathy would be when raising babies. Would you be able to figure out why the tyke is crying, or wouldn’t they have particularly cognizant thoughts? (X-Men 200)
Baseball intermezzo!
We briefly check in with Xavier, who is fully healed! But he can’t return to Earth, because Lilandra and the Starjammers are off in a distant corner of the universe, being pursued by Shi’ar hunters and zzz… Boring Shi’ar politics are only allowed when they barely figure into the plot and keep Xavier away from the main narrative, but that doesn’t mean I’ll actually pay attention.
If you’re wondering where Magneto is, well, the X-Men obviously have a hard time trusting him, so he’s down in the Danger Room, training the New Mutants. (Yo, X-Men, should the former villain really be training your teenage buddies unsupervised?) 
In fact, Magneto’s presence (and Xavier’s lack thereof) prompts Cyclops to tell Madelyne he can’t leave the X-Men! They need him! They need a leader! Storm? Storm can’t lead them, she doesn’t even have powers! Madelyne is basically all, are you that pathetic that you need the X-Men to need you? They’re having it out in a huge, loud fight and we’re all on Madelyne’s side. 
And then Storm, either annoyed that Cyclops called her useless or genuinely trying to help Scott move beyond his repression, interferes. 
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I would be so fucking mad with Scott that we’d be having a make-it-or-break-it fight while he’s decked out in his fucking uniform. Madelyne, you’re a saint. (X-Men 201)
I love how Ororo plays this. She even gives him one last chance to back out, but alas. Cyclops doesn’t take it and Storm kicks his ass - even without her powers. One cool move is when she uses his own arm to block his eye beams. She wins the fight by stealing his visor, showing how sometimes having powers can be a liability. (It also doesn’t help that Scott is in emotional turmoil, but that’s kind of on him. Go raise your fucking baby, Scott.)
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Yeah, Scott, everyone loves to be put second place to their partner's job. ffs (X-Men 201)
Storm is in, Scott is out. All is right with the world. I hope Scott will love his retirement and that it will be a good long time until we see him again. I hope him and Madelyne will have a very happy, normal life, somewhere in Alaska, and that–
Oh, he’s immediately shuffled off to X-Factor, where he will endure a terrible character derailment?
That’s just swell.
Up next: Nobody likes Magneto! A new spin-off! And… the (first) Mutant Massacre! *dun dun dun*
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automatonknight · 9 months
all I know abt Lisa is through osmosis from your blog and !! I am very curious could you tell me more mayhaps.. if you want....
EEK YES YES YES!!! I COULD!!!! OF COURSE I WANT I'M DELIGHTED TO!!!! it's probably gonna be rlly spoiler-y though watch out! the games also discuss difficult topics such as sexual assault, abuse etc etc. i actually don't know much about the og lisa games (the first, the painful and the joyful) beyond the scope of what i heard in hbomberguy's essay about them . the gist is that an event called "the flash" happened that caused all the women to disappear, it was also sort of apocalyptic in nature to the world in general i assume? since it looks how it looks, basically a wasteland. the first is about Lisa, who is Brad's sister if i remember correctly. it focuses on her memories and trauma of being brought up in an abusive home. the painful follows the story of Brad, who finds a baby girl, names her Buddy and takes care of her the best he can. Buddy disappears one day and he tracks her down because it's a really dangerous world, especially to her. the joyful follows Buddy herself, as she murders all the poeple who could pose a threat to her so she's safe, basically, running off what i remember. i know a bit more about the hopeful, from what i've seen it happens between the painful and joyful, although no characters from those games are really invloved, although i'm pretty sure one scene hints at the fact that Buddy was nearby. the story follows 3 losers and their boss, basically. beltboy (benny), lanks (liam), cyclops (clyde) and rodriguez, who doesn't have a stupid nickname. in non-pain runs (basically pain mode makes the game harder and it sometimes affects the endings, just as doing "joyless" runs does. joy is a drug that makes you feel nothing, so it's very effective for battles and junk, but it has its risks) rodriguez get's killed at the very beginning and the three have to find "the girl", who is rumored to be somewhere in the area, on their own. in pain mode you can recruit rodriguez when you fail to bring him gasoline. stuff mostly stays the same between routes except for events at the sportsdome, where depending on how you talk to the others as benny, different person will sustain a serious injury (and either die later on or turn into a joy mutant, if they took joy) and different person will get captured by the lovelies (they're also looking for the girl, their leader is hart and they're all assholes, basically). if rod is with you, you bail sooner and don't participate in the sports event at the dome (the prize for winning is supposed to be the girl). then again the path forks at the end, where it also depends on who survived and if you took joy. the kind of "true" ending is for joyless beltboy, who, out of all the others, isn't as obsessed with chasing the girl and is more understanding, treating her like a human being. speaking of, the girl (whose name is five i think? and she's really a grown woman runaway experiment also) actually helps you in this ending yippiee!! friends forever. there are also two bonus characters you can have in your party, yogurt master and reginald, but they aren't as tied to the story as the others. i'm worried i'm running close to the character limit here anyways here's a very cool video on the hopeful by wormgirl if you wanna watch it (it's what actually what got me into the game!)
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
X-Men 97 Episodes 1 and 2 Review
Okay! My thoughts on the new X-Men Animated series on Disney+
I'm going full on spoiler-y, so I'll put it under a cut
Okay - so over all tone/atmosphere/nostalgia stuff...
I think they did a really good job recapturing the feel of the original animated show. I'm not sure I love the throw back to the messier animation style, but it works. It's also more adult, too -- there's more explicit violence, and the adult themes are a little more present. I'm sure it was intentional because I think this is made, less for actual kids, and more for people who grew up with the original show who are now adults.
I think the second episode was stronger than the first. The first felt a lot like, not even a where are they now, but a - let's throw back to sentinels and the issues at hand. And. Meh. I've never been a fan of the sentinels. I did like the second episode kind of expanding and exploring the world more. I think it set the stage, more, for the show that they want to do....
The Introduction of Sunspot: I've never been a huge fan of the New Mutants (I'm sorry!) but his incorporation of being a young mutant new to this world worked really well. I kind of loved his attitude and his energy did exactly what it needed to!
Jubilee: Oh, she was so annoying in the original -- so it was nice to see she wasn't in this. She works for me, and I'm curious as to what they do with her - as she's the only one who didn't really get a trajectory spelled out for them.
(Also as an aside - there are new voice actors and I think they all do a really great job.)
Beast: I don't think he got much to do, either, but he was his delightful self. I really hope he continues to add a great flavor to the show.
Bishop: It's nice that he's now included -- but I wish they would have done more with him!
Morph: Was really there for all the cameos and sometimes comic relief.
It makes me super curious as to who else will show up in this show. I hope they don't try to cram everyone into this first season...
Which reminds me.... Professor X is still in the opening credits. But he died in the previous series. So.... ??
Wolverine: I'm so grateful that he wasn't front and center. I get so tired of Wolverine-centric things, and they included him very much as a team member. I still kind of eye roll the lusting after Jean thing, but one of my favorite moments is him figuring out that Jean is in labor.
Cyclops: Oh ole Cyke with all of his demons. But they made him so much more interesting than in the original series where he was so dull and dry. And they did some interesting things with this powers, so I'm curious as to where they go with this...
Jean: Look, if you guys know the original show, you know how annoying Jean Grey was. It took me really reading the comics to have an appreciation for her, because she was by far my least favorite part of the show. She just... was so useless most of the time. And I was grateful that they've made her less so here but....
The twist: OMG THAT'S ANOTHER JEAN GREY AT THE DOOR WHAT??? Look, guys, I was surprised when they had her give birth so early, but they're doing the whole Cyclops/Jean/Madilyn Pryor/baby Nathan mess and I am so here for it. I have my popcorn ready because it's such a disaster and yes, please give me all the clone drama. Because I find it hilarious. And I have no personal care about how it works out....
Storm: My girl! MY GIRL! I love Storm so much, and she really shines in this. She is so. good. And then she loses her powers, and they're doing what the original show did -- referencing the comics in a big way. There's a whole arc about Storm losing her powers (though that was during the 80s) but it was so good for her character development. I'm super curious if they're going to let Storm go through that same journey as in the comics.
And as an aside - I kind of wonder if they're going to let each of the characters (or group of characters) have their own focus? That is how the old show worked. Hmmmm....
Gambit: Is going through his 90s slutty fashion phase and I love that for him.
(More on him in a minute.)
Magneto: *side-eyes* Okay. ... Okay. They did the whole Trail of Magneto thing, and I think where they're going is interesting. it works. But there's going to be a flip at some point. I mean, y'all know that is coming.
I just... whatever. You know what I'm going to say, I will get there...
Rogue: My dear love Rogue.
I didn't love her delivering the baby -- that's not how... oh whatever. Her powers are often nebulous.
That's not what you want to hear me talk about anyway.
Okay, guys, okay.... here's my thing. I get it. I get it i get it i get it. But of all the things they've decided to resurrect from the comics -- the love triangle from hell -- the very reason I stopped comics for half a decade, i just... okay.
So. Yes. Rogue and Magneto had a fling in the comics. Once very briefly before Gambit was even created. And one very tedious time later when I decided I didn't have to read such crap and stopped reading comics all together until Rogue dumped his ass and came back to the X-Men (it's... a very long story).
I get the why here -- Rogue's story has always been her powers and controlling them and longing to touch, etc, etc. It's one of the reasons I liked her so much originally. There was a tragedy there.
I do think it's kind of weird that they retconned a previous relationship when there wasn't one in XMen TAS. But it is comics accurate. And there's a full story about Rogue figuring her shit out. I get what they're setting up here. (I mean -- unless they throw us a complete curveball and go the Age of Apocalypse time line where Magneto and Rogue are married -- but I don't think they will? If they did, I probably would let this go because I couldn't with this.)
I don't love it. I've made my peace with the fact that it is a thing that happened in the comics. And it helps that Rogue and Gambit have been happily married for the past six years (and that's a long time in comic years) and have put all of this past stuff behind them.
If the story plays out the way I'm sure it will, then I'll ultimately be fine with it. I did like the smaller moments we did get between Rogue and Gambit. There's definitely a connection there. And they're definitely pulling the whole love triangle thing with Gambit seeing stuff at the end of episode 2.
I just... don't want him to be a sad sack through the rest of the series. And I don't want Rogue's entire story to be about her relationship with two men. All of these characters deserve better than this.
But -- overall, I did like the show. I'm curious to see what they do with it. And just hope they don't try to cram too much into it - because they do have a ton of characters and a lot to service.
What did you guys think??
I may have to rethink our friendship if any of y'all are rooting for Rogue and Magneto. But <3 <3 anyway.
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magnetosfavorite · 11 months
superposition ch. 1, extended author’s notes
i’m going to be doing these for every chapter, just to give anyone who doesn’t read the comics a bit more context, and make some notes i’d like to share. this fic has been in the works for a very, VERY long time, and now i don’t have to shut up about it anymore!
first off, this fic was inspired by michael fassbender’s road to le mans show on youtube, which is incredible. all the pictures of him in his racing gear are real! his trainer being named “felipe” is a reference to felipe laser, michael’s coach, teammate and good friend — because sometimes you just gotta add a reference only you will understand.
the first song for this chapter is, predictably, superposition by young the giant. “when things fall into place, superposition…” i mean, these two meeting is kismet, right? the second one is the night we met by lord huron. ignore the sad part — this song is the tentative beginning of something. and, i mean… this is the night day they met.
the daily bugle is the publication where most mutant news comes out in the comics. trish tilby is a human reporter from the x-books — she actually works for a made up TV station, but that’s fine.
charles accidentally pulling erik’s coffee order out of his head is an homage to tough little baby telepath, where charles accidentally orders erik’s thai food without having asked what he wanted. in the same way, he doesn’t even realize he did it.
we get a light introduction to a couple of characters here:
emma frost (our dear white queen of both the comics and movies, of course — but i’ll be relying more on her comic characterization, where underneath she’s just in it for the people she loves, and terrifyingly brilliant), erik’s best friend & agent
a couple mentions of scott summers, a driver who races against erik & emma’s boyfriend (our beloved cyclops, of course.)
a one-off mention of miss lorna dane (the crown princess polaris). if you haven’t read the comics and don’t know lorna, you’ve probably seen her used as erik’s child in lots of fics. while she’s cannonically erik’s daughter, in this fic she’s not — just a badass who has erik’s same power set and incredible green hair. y’all are going to love her. :) (don’t worry, we may see dad erik yet.)
and yes, erik’s ex-team lead is brian braddock, the brilliant captain britain! i adore brian, but someone had to play that role. if you’re not a comic fan, i don’t think you need to worry much about this one.
p.s. if you’re confused about why erik’s life sucks so much right now, don’t worry, you’re supposed to be.
feel free to hit the replies or inbox if you have any questions. :-)
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alaffy · 14 days
X-Men ’97, Ep.1x02 – Mutant Liberation Begins (Spoilers)
One thing I do want to briefly mention is how much I enjoy the music in the show.  The background music for the original series, bar the main theme, was…well, let’s just say it isn’t where the money went.  The score for this show is so much better.
I’m not really going to do a full recap for this episode, more of a rundown of some of important things that happen.  I would say that episode two is probably the weakest episode of the season.  It’s still got some very powerful moments, but there’s a lot of things being set up or dealt with in this episode and due to time constraints some things are just handled too quickly or some things don’t quite work like they should.
For instance, the (almost) whole team not trusting Magneto’s motives to them having no issues with him leading the team, should have probably been more then one episode (although given the time constraints I understand why that’s not the case).
The whole conversation between Rouge and Magneto was confusing when I first watched the episode.  For those who didn’t see the original series, when Magneto first appears, none of the X-Men except Xavier know who he is.  That is made very clear in the dialogue.    So, for Magneto and Rouge to be hinting at a past relationship, it just seemed like the writers had created a huge plot hole two episodes into the new series.  Of course, the retcon is eventually explained in episode 5; but it would have been better for some explanation to have happened here. 
The main part of the story has elements from the “Trial of Magneto” comic waaay back in The Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 issue 200.  The outfit that Magneto is wearing is the one he wore at the trial (and I think for awhile in the 1980s).  There is an attack during the trial and it’s because of Magneto’s actions that Magneto ends up not being found guilty.  Magneto does become the Headmaster of Xavier’s school at the end of the comic (although in the comic, Xavier is taken away by Lilandra in order to save his life during this trial).  Nathan Summers will be born during this trial (although Cyclops will not be at the birth). 
Speaking of which, the whole Jean goes into labor thing.  I liked Wolverine’s reaction to her going into labor.  I liked the throwback to “making a car a convertible,” when she telekinetically rips off the roof of the car during labor pains.  But the whole hospital thing…I don’t get.  Or rather I feel like there’s information that’s being left out.  Because one would think that if the local hospital actually has a policy saying they won’t deliver a Mutant’s baby, wouldn’t that be something Jean’s doctor would have A) known and B) prepared for. 
Except we don’t see Jean’s doctor or there’s no mention of calling her doctor.  The only thing I can assume is that Beast was Jean’s doctor (given how the Mansion has far superior medical technology) and that Jean was planning on having the baby at home.  Of course, as Beast was dealing with the attack at the trial at the time Jean went into labor, Jean and Wolverine went to the hospital; only to find out that they wouldn’t accept her as a patient.  Of course, this would still beg the question of why, if Beast was her doctor, he wouldn’t have checked out the hospital beforehand to make sure there wouldn’t be any issues.  And, of course, this is all speculation as none of this is explained at all.   
As for the X-Ecutioner’s speech, hmmm, why does that seem so familiar? (yes, I’m being sarcastic).
Then, we have the moment where Storm is shot.  Again, this is from the comics, except it is Gyrich who is the shooter and that it was not at Magneto’s trial.  And, just like the comic, she was told it would be permanent (and actually, in the comics, she didn’t get her powers back for like three years).  Watching Storm in this moment, when she realizes she can’t use her powers, is really heartbreaking.
And the moments after, when Magneto takes everyone into the upper atmosphere is quite intense.  Had this been the original series, there wouldn’t have been any tension because there’s no way Fox Censors would let Magento drop any of those people to their death.  But with this show, I think this is the moment where I realized that there’s a distinct possibility that Marvel might let this happen.  That beyond the occasional cheesy dialogue and the soap opera moments, Marvel was taking this show dead seriously when it came to the topics of bigotry and hatred (and this was just the tip of the iceberg).  But, of course, Magneto didn’t drop them…but only because he was fully committed to honoring Xavier’s trust in him to continue Xavier’s work.  (And also because, well, it really makes the second half of the series that much stronger). 
At the end of the episode, Magneto is fully accepted as the new leader of the X-Men.  Storm decides to leave the X-Men.
Oh, and another version of Jean appears at the X-Men’s door, asking for their help. 
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itmeblog · 2 months
X-Men '97 is a full on soap opera and trying to explain the plot three episodes in has got me like
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And like, you have to understand, I'm very much a Spiderman person (At least volumes 2 - 4.2 ish, yes I'm very upset they nerfed the Black Cat arc and decided to go Peter Parker = Iron Man and maybe they fixed it but I wouldn't know.) Most of the information I know is from brief cross-overs (In one universe Parker dates Pryde for a bit) and like info dumps from the autistic community (your service is appreciated). Which means a lot of people think I'm a fan and I've held my own against a "so you're a real fan prove it" bro but, and I cannot stress this enough, I do not go here.
So I'm just sitting at the diner table trying to explain to my mother that it probably is possible to figure out how old a clone is by the proteins in their blood but probably not as fast as Beast did it and that it sounded like he was using the half-life of nuclear isotopes to do so which is questionable but might be viable. BUT none of that matters because Scott fucked the clone because he has no idea when his wife got switched out (so at least 9 months passed, THEY HAVE NOT YET EXPLAINED WHERE THE ORIGINAL GREY HAS BEEN OR WHY SHE PASSED OUT ON THE DOORSTEP) and the clone that realizes she's a clone goes all Phoenix in less than an hour and gives their baby to some bro named Sinister who gives the baby (who will become Cable, Deadpool's unwilling boy toy) a cybernetic virus that somehow turns people into ???? and kills them (somehow this was supposed to make cable invincible he wanted Grey and Scott's DNA to make a powerful li'l... weapon of war, I guess?). And they have this fight and when Pheonix is about to kill Scott, Grey reminds her that she watched her best friend get killed by a car to awaken her powers. And that there is sadness and light in the world so why not stop being evil and save the damn baby! WHICH WORKS?!?! So they save the baby but have to send it 100 years into the future (one of their friends is a stranded time traveler who can go home one time?? presumably??) where there's a cure. Oh yeah and Storm lost her powers in an assassination attempt for Magneto that took place at the UN because he was standing trial for his... y'know, terrorism?, and he wanted a clean slate as Charles (maybe dead? Possibly just off on his own adventures??) runs the X-Men, there's some Portuguese dude with the power of the sun who may be sort of dating Dazzler who is now closer to a pyrokinetic? There was a scene of Rogue draping herself off Magneto's 70s style GILF body because apparently that's a fear Gambit has. Wolverine is just sort of there?! Oh the Portuguese dude was rescued from a mutant trafficking... group(?) with sentinel technology? But like... only the arms? There's a rave.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some things but like... yeah... there's 3 episodes out so that's in like... the first hour in a half
Oh and like... obvi Cyclops and Grey's relationship is in shambles as it should be SCOTT.
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