#What do you like about him in canon? What would you have liked to see?
works-of-heart · 15 hours
Hi there, no shade to your art or anything as you seem like a decent artist, but your e/ucien art is really cringe. You know that Elain is physically repulsed by him, right? Drawing her and Lucien together is borderline r*pe and S/A at best. I don't understand why you e/ucien and gwy*riel shippers like drawing porn of noncon characters. It's really disgusting and harmful to the whole community.
Elriel is the only consensual couple, so I can understand the art of them. But even as you e/uciens like to point out Lucien is an S/A victim too, right? So it's not good to ship him and draw him practically r*ping Elain. I just find it odd of all these standards you guys hold yourselves to because it's your "ship". It's clear you don't even care about the character's needs or wants.
As I've stated, no shade you clearly have some talent. It's just a shame to see that go to waste drawing unsavory scenes between nonconsenting characters for your ship. I think your skills would be much better utilized drawing elriel instead. We have a great community of extremely talented artists, and the best part is our ship is cannon and consenting! We really do have it all!
Have a lovely day 😘
Hi anon!
Thanks for stopping by and enjoying my work! =3
I think you might have missed the point of fanart, so allow me to explain.
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I am a fan of Elain and Lucien, so I will draw them. I can draw them in AU, in canon text, in fanon, in whatever manner I want. They are CANON mates, which is more than I can say for your ship. You go on about how they had an ALMOST kiss, but they didn't. Az calls their meeting a mistake then leaves to ignore her while he spends time with Gwyn and gets a spark in his chest thinking about her eyes lighting up with joy.
You say "no shade" to my work, but then say I'm drawing SA and I'm harming the community, and insult my ship. I fail to see how drawing mates in an intimate setting is harming anyone. Sounds like someone just doesn't like the fact that their ship ended in a BC and is paving the way for Elain and Lucien to be together.
Artist/writers will draw/write what they want to, and shouldn't feel shamed or bullied into doing something they don't want to, because you think your ship is morally superior. It's not. Az rejected Elain then fucked off, Elain isn't even shedding a tear over it. She handed back the necklace just as she did TT. Not looking back.
You enjoy your ship with your artists. I quite like mine very much, and I know come their book, we'll have even more canon to draw inspiration from. Until then I, and all the other writers and artists who support Gwynriel and Elucien will have fun with our fan works!
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messiahzzz · 1 day
You’re one of the most annoying people on this site. And that really says A LOT because WOW! Shut the Fuck up about Gale wanting to be a father or not. He never says that he doesn’t want to be one. You projecting things onto him doesn’t make it Canon.
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on a serious note: i’m certainly not the one that continuously brings up this topic unprompted. i personally really don’t understand the entire controversy around the topic or why fandom feels the need to rehash this conversation almost weekly. i truly believe that there’s nothing more of value to learn from it, to address, or add to it… yet fandom won’t let it rest.
to once again clarify: what i mean by “gale wanting to be a father isn’t canon” is that there is no evidence/neither hints anywhere in any of the dialogue that support the contrary. characters like h*lsin, w*ll and la*’zel have entire adoption subplots. all of them mention their children explicitly during the epilogue:
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narrator: *your soul warms thinking of lily aurora ravengard, your adopted daughter. a treasure of a girl, found at the entrance of the open hand temple - one grey eye, one brown.* w*ll: ah, the girl could melt the staunchest heart. she might even have brought a smile to old withers' face! w*ll: but tonight is for us - and lily's only four months of age, besides. i promise, the temple will keep her in good care.
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player: and our little hatchling? is he safe? la*'zel: of course. i have complete trust in our newest allies. xan is in fine hands tonight. la*'zel: what a wonder he is. he will be a fine warrior, if he chooses. or a poet, or an explorer, or a scholar.
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h*lsin: being away from it... i cannot help but worry how they will fare in our absence. player: we'll be back before they know it. h*lsin: i hope so. the children shall miss their bedtime tale tonight - though perhaps i can glean a few new stories from our friends here, to make up for it.
even shad*wh*art has a line where she briefly mentions that children might be a possibility for her in the future.
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shad*wh*art: and i get to see my parents almost every day - i need to make every moment with them count, after so much was stolen from us. but they're doing well, [...] shad*wh*art: who knows? perhaps they'll have grandchildren before long.
gale in comparison? he has none of that. he remains childfree during the entirety of the game + epilogue. in fact, his line in the epilogue that addresses the topic of grandkids is this one:
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tara: this is why mrs. dekarios and i will be waiting an eternity more for grandchildren. nodecontext: self-pitying gale: psst! shoo, tara. nodecontext: shooing away tara like one would a naughty cat.
i already wrote a post about this entire discourse here [x] but to repeat myself once more: all of the dialogue that vaguely addresses the topic of children in any way in regards to gale are these snippets
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player: gale… how would you feel about having another person in our relationship? gale: what, like a child? i’m not quite sure i’d consider myself father material, plus our current lifestyle isn’t exactly what i’d call settled…
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gale, upon spotting oliver during their game of hide and seek: ah, i have you! just a shame i don’t want you.
gale treating the children the group comes across with respect isn’t an indicator either. this is a courtesy gale extends to everyone he meets. he’s a character that approves of a protagonist who systematically commits good deeds. whether it’s sparing animals, helping without compensation in mind, or aiding children. wanting children to be cared for… and you know… for them not to die is common etiquette that every adult should extend to a child in need. those are not “dad goals!!!” it’s quite literally just basic human decency. gale is genuinely kind and caring to everyone he meets, there is no reason why this also wouldn’t apply to children.
i often see fandom mention his encounter with mol at last light and how excited he is to talk to her. which i think greatly misinterprets the context of the scenario since he didn’t have much of a reaction to mol before either — gale is ecstatic about lanceboard. again evident by his reaction to the party finding the life-sized board during the wyrmway trials, and how he immediately offers to give tav pointers. explaining different approaches to them in enthusiastic detail if they allow him to. the man just really likes lanceboard… as well as being the smartest person in the room.
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gale: ah, lanceboard! why, this might just be the highlight of our misadventures to date.
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gale: lanceboard happens to be a game with which i have more than a passing familiarity. might i offer a suggestion? nodecontext: gale's a badass lanceboard player, anticipating showing off
if you want to headcanon your tav and gale raising a big family together that is more than fine and no one is stopping you. whatever you want to happen to these two after the storyline of the game is up to your respective fantasies. no one is policing you on what you should do with your own character. go wild and create whatever fan content you wish, no justification required.
yet once again, as there is no mention in canon anywhere — neither in the main game nor the epilogue — that this is something gale would ever want (whether that may mean immediately or somewhere down the line) gale wanting to be a father remains a headcanon. while gale being childfree is explicitly shown in the game, in strict comparison to other companions that either have children by the end of the game or voice the desire to (eventually) have them.
my personal preferences are of no relevance here whatsoever. i care about accurate and correct characterization and will point out inconsistencies/false information no matter the topic. i, for one, want to appreciate these characters in the way they're written, not how i ideally want them to be.
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On simplifying Akechi
My brain was ridden with these ideas people have about Akechi that piss me off a little. Mostly ones that say he is "just crazy" or "just hates Joker." There's countless metaposts countering these arguments (and they are absolutely wonderful) but I often wonder WHY simplifying Akechi down is so appealing, even to people who are fans of his character. I can't say I've never been immune to simplifications of his character either, and I feel like that's important to admit. I don't even think it's necessarily a bad thing, but I was wondering about that why question.
TW: Discussions of mental health and child abuse
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Source: A high schooler's holiday from the P5 Comic Anthology (read it here!)
I do think it's hard for all of the little things Akechi's character builds upon to be conveyed through a single playthrough. If you go in blind or don't finish his confidant, you may only get that surface level exploration of his character. Base Akechi is flashy and still gets the point across that it needs to: he's a foil to Joker and the PTs. However, by missing out on his social links and special events, you miss cultural, relationship, and personal context.
Many words have been said about the translation, particularly in the engine room, being faulty in areas. But some people still don't understand that Akechi's plan isn't to kill Shido, even when the text makes that clear. There's also this scene with Shido, which reads more as an exposition dump in a long section of the game most players will either tune out or skip. Not everything you see will always stick in your head, and Persona is a LONG game. I feel like it's easy to forget people just... forget canon sometimes. It's easier to put these details aside and say Akechi isn't affected by the system he's raised in. But the reality is, you miss what Lavenza says about Akechi's role, you miss that one exposition scene, and you miss the confidant: you believe Akechi had much more autonomy than was actually true. In conversations I've had with people IRL about Persona, 2/3 either skipped or did not finish Akechi's confidant. It isn't improbable, playtimes can range from 100-300 hours, most playthroughs take weeks. People will forget things. It isn't a maybe, it WILL happen.
When the game feeds you so much information, it's also easier to take what the characters say at face value. Doing this with Akechi will bite your ass. Those words in Rank 8 are directly expanded upon in No More What Ifs, the engine room, and 2/2. Maruki and Morgana confirm Akechi doesn't hate Joker, but you never hear Akechi say it himself. To me the game beats you over the head with this information (as the game has a tendency to do for certain situations), but I've also been in the rabbit hole for over a year now.
There's also this idea that recognizing that Akechi was set up by Yaldabaoth, his upbringing, and Shido means that all the venom is taken away from his actions. That isn't true, and Akechi holds to that in third semester. He doesn't give himself any grace for the situation he landed in, wanting to take accountability for it when it is undone without his consent. Akechi is by no means a perfect victim, and he doesn't believe that either. Recognizing that he had no choice, it was either homelessness and neglect or the plan he conjured himself only brings to light the tragedy of his situation, not whether his actions were morally incorrect. He wanted his father to be in his life, and he wanted his father to suffer. He wanted to have someone like Ren in his life, and he couldn't have someone like Ren because his plan would be jeopardized. It's a series of choices, some of which are forced upon him, some of which he chooses himself. That is an important distinction to make.
There's also this idea that Akechi is 'just crazy,' or never suffered from abuse or events that affected him long term. That he doesn't suffer from unspecified mental health conditions or trauma, and chose everything with a clear mind. When someone brings up this argument, it's usually in response to people talking about his life experiences. That somehow, the existence of trauma or a condition is an excuse for whatever he did. There's a double standard here: Akechi is someone who suffers from a condition that makes him 'plain crazy', simplifying his entire motivation and role in the story, while also removing him from the context of his mother, Shido, and his experience with the foster system. Actually interacting with these facets of his character brings to light the challenging things the story asks you to think about when it comes to Akechi: Is he a victim? Is he like the Phantom Thieves? What about his situation informed his choices? Interacting with this requires effort and an actual acknowledgement about what it means to be someone that suffers from trauma. Calling him 'plain crazy' not only is in disservice of textual analysis, but more importantly incorrect (and frankly, it falls straight into ableist tropes about mental health).
Sometimes internet debates/discourse lead to simplification, even just random headcanons may lead to simplification. That isn't always bad. There are many ways to say what I said here in fewer words. I, unfortunately, am not skilled enough to do that. But some of these simplifications lead to entirely incorrect judgements about a character, or even about mental health issues. When that happens, I wish people would learn to reflect about what that means when they interact with a piece of media. Or even with other people.
tldr: people should learn to say they just don't like things instead of coming up with excuses that make no sense. basically
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animeomegas · 2 days
There’s a tik tok trend where people refer to their partner as their spouse (when they’re in the bf gf stage) to see their reaction and I think this would just be too cute with the Naruto boys monarch😫😩 the alpha referring to the omegas as their husband to other ppl even when they’re dating 😫
Awww, so cute! I think they'd all have funny reactions haha. Here are my thoughts, Queen <3
If you referred to them as your husband before marriage:
Where's my ring? Where's my ring? Give me my ring then. Give it! Let's get married now, why wait, let's go: Naruto, Shikamaru, Lee, (non-massacre) Itachi
*Existential crisis*: Sasuke, Kankuro, Kakashi
Is this a hint?? Am I supposed to propose?? Did they mean to say it? Did they say it because it was easier? Panic, panic, panic: Shino, Yamato
Eh, you probably just wanted to say the more simple thing and move on. It helps people take your relationship more seriously, whatever: Kiba, Haku, Shisui (makes a flirty joke about it though)
Is a normal person, so he feels warm, maybe fantasises about what it'll be like when you do get married, but knows that it doesn't mean you have to get married right then and there: Chouji
Tingling nerves and anticipation. He WILL take this as meaning you're going to propose soon. If you don't propose within 3 months of saying this, he will be SAD: Neji
Assumes you said it by mistake. Corrects you: Gaara, Sai
WHAT?! Husband... ah, sdjfdjfhgdjfgsdfhg: Iruka, also Lee
Don't call him that: (canon) Itachi
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wickjump · 2 days
Hey how do you think the sans AUs would act like if they had hair.
Like who would dye it , what haircut , how often would they wash it and stuff.
i’m choosing to go for ‘human au’ on this one because skeletons with hair isn’t something i want to think about for long. mind you these are my hcs and everyone is allowed to have their own interpretation of characters! this is just how i view them. i still enjoy other human designs for them tho and arent really that picky with anything really.
error’s hair by all logic should be in awful condition because of the years without caring for his hair in the anti void but his body seems to be in a sort of stasis. oh well, to hell with all logic. i love both long dreads and braids on him and i’m always unable to pick so either or, no preference. i adore both interpretations equally. definitely blue hair, at least at the ends. maybe it’s dyed, maybe the antivoid gave him blue hair, who knows. he doesn’t remember.
ink. this is heavily inspired by a design i found on tiktok (by hlebna11) that i enjoy the concept of. long thin white hair, a good bit below waist length. he’s dyed his hair plenty times before but it all seems to fade out completely after a week or two no matter what dye he uses. his hair gets in the way of a lot/is dipped in paint/gets caught on things, but he refuses to cut it. thankfully once it hit his ‘below waist length’ it stopped growing out. (edit: by inspired by, i mean exclusively the hair part, not the skin tone! i was unaware he was canonically poc, and the design mentioned shows him as white. whitewashing is a bad thing and i did not mean to support a design featuring that!!)
dream and nightmare both have long hair. dream’s is thick and wavy golden (i don’t mean blonde, i mean actually unnaturally bright gold colored), while nightmare’s is thin and straight. nightmare’s hair would be more like dream if he wasn’t ‘corrupted’, and it was more of a curly darkish purple when he was younger than pure black like it is now. his hair is also much longer than dream’s, reaching down to near hip length while dream’s hair is like. middle of ribcage length. dream puts his hair up a lot, nightmare doesn’t. for some reason, nm’s hair never gets tangled. like at all. lucky mf
cross had short hair most of his life because it was the royal guard standard, but over time at nightmare’s without those rules, he grew it out a bit. not too much, less than shoulder length, but it's still visibly longer and more full. his hair is naturally white because xgaster had a theme going on, possibly with a black underside. he’s huge on ‘keeping it natural’, as in not dying it, but nobody believes his hair is naturally those colors.
(100% inspired by crixcrocz on tiktok you have my favorite human design for killer ever) killer’s hair is about shoulder length and the cut looks like it was done in complete darkness with a chainsaw. not much else to say here. it’s uneven and always ruffled. who let him cut his own hair. he also has that ramona style ‘two strands in the front that are longer than the rest of the hair’ thing going on. he’d dye it if dyeing it didn’t require bleaching it, which he doesn’t want to put in the effort of doing.
now for dust. i am physically incapable of imagining dust in any way other than junipers-insects’ design for him?? i’m in love with it. so that’s what i forever see him as in ‘human form’. im far from picky with designs for him tho, i've seen a lot of cool ones.
classic’s got short dreads i’m sorry i don’t make the rules. i really don’t. while i love the idea of him dyeing it he’d be way too lazy to. also this ain’t about him but classic papyrus would likely have short hair with shaved sides. you know the style. he probably also has ‘cool guy’ shaved into said sides. or flames. either that or he's got cornrows. sans does his hair
geno’s got classic’s same hair because they’re the same guy, except it’s gone pure white in the save screen because he has a theme to keep up. he jokes that he’s gone grey due to stress and i wouldn't doubt it. i also like to think his hair is longer but that "wouldn't make sense" because "his body doesn't function normally when in the save screen" or whatever so SIGH i guess he has short hair (lame)
fell is similar to classic but his dreads are longer, a little bit more than shoulder length i’d say? he puts his hair up in a ponytail a lot. there's this one human design i love for him but i cannot find it which is killing me.
swap on the other hand has short curled hair. on the hair scale i’d say it’s 3a? 3b? it’s above shoulder length but it goes below his chin. he showers like twice a day so 30% of the time you see him his hair is wet. his hair is thick too so it takes forever to dry which annoys him (me fr). i like both white and black and brown hair for him so i have no preference for color between those three. he probably dyed it blue for a while for sake of color scheme but didn't like it much. i've also seen good designs for him where he's got ginger hair too.
fresh’s hair i imagine the same as his actual human design so there’s not much in that regard for him. greaser’s hair is the same as well. i don't have many thoughts for them because their hair has already been ingrained into my mind for years
horror has thin hair due to malnutrition. like it’s really not healthy at all. it used to be much fuller and shorter years ago, but time and starvation both do numbers. his hair reaches halfway down his humerus and is often knotted or tangled, he just doesn’t care much for it compared to other things.
reaper has long straight dark gray hair that goes down to his waist. geno (or rt!tori, or whoever you ship him with/hc him to be close with in general) likes to mess with it and put it in different styles. reaper lets him because it’s fun to see him so concentrated on something.
i’m so torn on lust. honestly i’ve never seen a bad hairstyle on him, he can pull off literally anything so i don’t mind what hairstyle he has nor do i have a preference. in fact, he probably switches styles all the time, so there’s no definitive one he uses the most. his hair is def dyed purple/pink/teal at the ends. he probably also uses that hair glitter spray on it
btw i am in fact white so if i messed up with any of the poc hairstyle descriptions PLS PLS PLS let me know!!!
i also don't really imagine any of them with facial hair because i don’t like facial hair i’m too lesbian for that. stubble is fine. they got arm/leg/other such hair too when applicable but i personally just do not like big ol beards/mustaches. that's just my personal preference with that one no shame in having facial hair or enjoying it it’s just not my thing ^^;
ok yeah that’s all :33
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Regret & Rememberance || Grieving!Ghost
Rating: M + DDNE Words: 2.9K~ Pairing: Gravekeeper!Reader x Grieving!Ghost CW: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT., death, child death, mourning/grief, canon 09 ghost backstory, dissociation, cemetery/graveyard, graves/headstones. Tags: you/your pronouns, gn!reader, angst, flower language/symbolism, hurt/comfort, platonic relationship. Summary: A hobby of yours causes you to cross paths with an undead man. a/n: for those who care about flower meanings, like me... ;)
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You started volunteering at one of the local cemeteries after putting in a request with the town hall.
It was a simple thing, really. You were just providing extra help to the ground's keepers who did little else but mow the grass, trim the trees and bushes, and blast away leaves and dirt from the headstones and pathways with a hose.
You bought your own supplies with the help of a small voucher the town hall provided you, and then you went and cleaned the headstones at the cemetery.
You quite liked doing it. You always liked cleaning and polishing things until they were squeaky clean. And so, you'd carefully remove moss and overgrowth, and wash the engraved lettering in the old graves, and, sometimes, out of your own dime, you'd use a small paint brush and a little jar of enamel paint to fill in the lettering and make it readable again.
It was a passion project for you; you enjoyed seeing the graves come back to their original (or as close as you could get it) state, and even read up on funeral/cemetery/work/life records at the town hall to find out who was who.
It was peaceful, almost therapeutic. You tended to pick the times when you knew the cemetery would be mostly empty and you'd go row-by-row, eyeing the older graves and seeking out the ones that need caring.
It was during one of those times that you saw him for the first time.
As you meandered about, carrying a small caddie of cleaning supplies in one hand, and pulling the hood of your waterproof parka over your head with the other, you notice him.
It was a very lazy Saturday afternoon. Wintertime, Christmas had been just three days before. The sun was hidden behind dark clouds, giving the cemetery and even darker and gloomier atmosphere, the rain showering down over the entire city of Manchester.
He was tall, so, so tall, and with shoulders so wide and arms so thick, even below the hoodie he's wearing... And yet he looked so small, as he looked on at the graves at his feet...
You knew those graves, you'd memorized the majority. It was the Riley family. A really big tragedy, a recent one, just the year before, on Christmas Eve. The news had said the house burned down because of a faulty heater, and killed everyone, including a little boy.
You settled at a grave not far from him and regarded the man with knitted brows, trying to sneak a glance under his hoodie, maybe catch his eye, and offer him a smile and some courage... But underneath, he might was well have been a void.
The dark clouds and atmosphere only made it that his face was nearly completely shrouded in darkness, and the dark scarf wrapped around his neck and hiked up to cover his nose and mouth certainly didn't help.
You knelt by the grave you were going to clean and began removing the cleaning supplies from your caddie, grabbing a small bench scraper so you could remove the moss growing on the front face of the grave.
But before you began, you couldn't help but sneak a glance at the man again. He must have felt watched, however, because he turned his head toward you and from underneath his hood, all you saw were a few short blonde hairs peeking out.
You tried to do exactly what you intended, offering him a small smile and a nod... And then turned away to properly working, trying to give him space, or respect... You tried. Really. But... something about him... In less than a minute, you looked over again.
And he was gone without a trace. Looking around, you saw no tall, dark figures speed-walking away.
For some reason, a chill went down your spine when you noticed you were alone again... Almost like he had been a ghost, a figure of your imagination...
You saw him a lot more times after that. Or, at least, you were pretty sure it was a Him. Or, at least, you were pretty sure it was a Him.
You'd arrive and he'd already be there, almost like he timed it perfectly every time.
Never a word exchanged, though you looked at him from a distance and, sometimes, he looked at you too.
He'd always leave a small flower arrangement between the center two graves. Purple hyacinths, white chrysanthemums, and black dahlias.
And then he'd leave not long after you arrived.
Sometimes you wondered if you being there made him leave... If he wanted to avoid being there when you were, to avoid being stared at. But you couldn't help yourself from staring.
Truth be told, you'd go long weeks without seeing him, but he'd always come back...
And when he did come back, he'd come pay the graves a visit multiple times a week for a few weeks...
Whenever he wasn't there, you dared to venture toward the grave and gaze upon, especially right after he had left... And you'd pay you respects to the family buried there...
Sitting in the public library attached to the town hall, you carefully combed through the cemetery records of the last year, with a hot tea beside you.
Riley. There it is.
Obituary notices for five members of the same family, on the same date.
Joanna Riley, née Pearson, aged 57. Thomas Riley, aged 33. Beth Riley, aged 32. Joseph Riley, aged 4. and Simon Riley, aged 37.
Two mothers, and their three sons. An innocent child in the middle of it all. All killed by an accidental fire, with a starting point on a faulty heater, right before an important holiday.
Their obituaries said that Joanna had worked in a textile factory for most of her life, Thomas was a cook at a restaurant, Beth was an esthetician and Simon was a... soldier.
You looked at the pictures attached to the obituary, of each of them... So alive, so... free. Pictures taken from Facebook profiles or school records, in Joseph's case... All of them with big happy smiles...
Joanna had big eye bags, but she had wrinkles in the corners of her blue eyes, and deep smile lines, like she'd spent a lifetime laughing... Her hair was dark and matched her sons'.
Thomas was thin, and prominent cheekbones and a dip in the cheeks themselves, as well as deep eyebags with bulging eyes, but a surprisingly pleasant smile on his face.
Beth's picture showed that her nose tended to scrunch whenever she smiled, her blonde hair tied back into a bun and a fringe falling over her blue eyes.
Little Joseph had a toothy grin and was wearing a school uniform, his brown hair swept to the side by a comb and his blue eyes sparkling... You found your lip trembling at the thought that, perhaps, that was his first day of kindergarten picture...
And, lord, Simon Riley... He was halfway through winking when the picture was taken. He had the warmest brown eyes and the smuggest little smirk on his lips as he held Joseph in his arms, whose face had been partially cropped out of the frame, but clearly was mirroring his uncle, while holding a little teddy bear with a blue bow around its neck.
It made you sad, to see those pictures. Sadder than when you researched all the other graves' you've cleaned. Many of them included children too... But something... something about those kind faces...
You couldn't help but wonder who he was.
Maybe a family friend?
A distant cousin?
Maybe someone from Beth's side of the family, since she's a blonde and the stranger is too?
You hadn't dared approach him, striking a conversation but you were so full of questions.
Was it wrong to be so curious about a stranger who's only at the funeral to mourn and pay respects? (Definitely.)
You wanted to ask him everything.
Who is he?
Why does he come visit at the worst times and days, when it's rainy and dark, and empty?
Why does he disappear so often for weeks at a time?
Why does he keep coming back?
Someone had to pay for the funeral arrangements, after all... Maybe it was him. Maybe he's family.
Why else would he casually drop £200 worth of arrangements on the graves every time he comes?
Truth be told, you hadn't seen him in nearly two months. It was the longest it'd gone since coming to visit.
Around Christmas of the following year, and he hadn't come to see the graves... and you knew that for certain. Not only did you not cross paths with him, but there were no flowers at the graves.
Could it perhaps be that he's trying to move on?
Or maybe something happened to him?
You hated to think of the possibility that the stranger could've given up, moved away, or died himself.
Worse, it made your heart ache...
So you made a choice. One of those times before you went in to clean another grave, you stopped by the florist around the corner.
Dropping nearly as much money as he usually did in a gigantic arrangement, a couple of candles, you wobbled into the cemetery again.
Simon Ghost sat on his bed in the shitty flat he was renting from a nice old lady who didn't ask too many questions.
It was barely a flat, more so a cramped tin of sardines that the council allowed to be called a 'studio' because it had enough space to fit a bed, a counter, fridge and stove, and had an attached bathroom.
He had just gotten clearance from the military hospital to be able to walk around without his crutches and just his cast boot, and good thing too.
Christmas had been days ago and he hadn't gone to visit the graves just yet... he could feel the need to see them scratching in the back of his head, trying to get out, digging into his bowns..
After succeeding in tying the laces on his regular boot, he pushed himself up to his feet, a bit shaky and unsure as he attempted to shift his weight around.
But, after succeeding, he wobbled over to his small wardrobe, grabbing his usual hoodie and scarf combo, pulling them on.
He pondered about opening a window to air out the flat, the scent of hair bleach and chemicals still lingering in the air... But he decided against it.
He left the flat and locked the door, then carefully limped his way to the bus stop beside his block of flats.
It was already getting dark when he made it to the cemetery and past the gate, carefully limping his way to the graves.
He looked around the graveyard with narrowed eyes, seeking you out. He wondered if you were around, if you were also looking for him, or if you didn't even notice he had been gone.
Had he still been Simon, he would've already gone up to you, struck up a conversation... and he would now too, joke about how he'd been 'slacking off', mutter some nonsense of 'working hard/hardly working'...
And yet he wasn't Simon.
'Simon' was buried in the grave he was going to now visit and, unlike the rest of the Riley family, he was getting no pity.
Not like mum, Beth, Tommy and Joseph... And yet no one but Ghost was ever there to pity them, to mourn them. And once he was gone, no one would even remember them.
They deserved better than what they got. They didn't what happened to them. They didn't deserve a death that gruesome...
And t was thanks to Simon that they were dead in the first place. He didn't deserve any pity.
Ghost would not mourn Simon. Ever.
And yet, as he approached the graves, the large arrangement he always brought with him, tucked under his arm, Ghost stopped in his tracks.
A beautiful light arrangement sat in the same exact spot he usually placed his own... right between Tommy's and mum's headstones. It was light and feminine and... cute. A stark difference to his own, dark and moody.
He crouched in front of the graves, setting aside his own arrangement and, very carefully so, running a trembling hand over the petals of the flowers. Fresh, not just from the recent rain, but from being a recent addition. Maybe only a day or two old.
A mix of pink and white carnations, an overwhelming amount of baby's breath, and some kind of herb stems wrapped around them.
Carefully, Ghost plucked one of the stems of the herb and brought it up to his nose to smell it. The scent of chemicals from his hair bleach didn't make identifying the scent any easier, but, after a moment, he realized it was rosemary.
Rising to his feet and looking around once more, Ghost sought you out again, trying to find the sight of you hunched over, scrubbing away at one headstone or another. No sign of you.
Looking down at the graves again, his eyes got drawn to something out of the corner of his eye. A small statue that had not been bought by him, leaning against Beth and Joseph's shared grave.
A brown ceramic teddy bear... with a baby blue ribbon around his neck.
Just like the one he'd bought in a Poundland when coming back from deployment, in a hurry, after Tommy had called him to let him know Beth had gone into labour... not wanting to show up empty-handed at the hospital.
It had become Joseph's favourite toy, he'd sleep holding it, would drag it along behind him as he learned to walk, and would take it to kindergarten every day.
"Fuck..." Ghost hissed as he fell to his knees in front of the graves, his fingers digging into the wet grass and his eyes closing as his whole form was racked by sobs.
You didn't know how long he'd been there. But he was soaking wet, dripping all over, on his hands and knees, hiccuping and crying at the foot of the graves.
You noted the way his leg was in a cast inside a black boot, which helped ease your worries that he hadn't given up on coming, he'd just been unable to for a while.
Swallowing your fear, you bounded up to him, holding your umbrella protectively over the two of you as you stopped by his side.
He looked the smallest you'd ever seen him...
Taking a deep breath, you slowly crouched beside him and placed a hand on his broad shoulder, feeling him shudder, his breath hitching, audible even through the wind and the aggressive pitter-patter of the rain on your umbrella.
"Breathe... It's okay..." You murmured as you looked at him. "Breathe."
The man took a deep, ragged breath, shuddering with each one, his arms, impossibly strong, trembling and struggling to hold him above the grass which was now essentially more mud than grass.
"I'm sorry if I overstepped." You murmured and tilted your head so you could peek below his hoodie, to check on him.
Bad choice on your part, because only then did you notice that his scarf had been loosened by him, to allow him to breathe, revealing his face.
He was deformed, badly so. His cheeks were hollow and cut through by a jagged Glasgow smile, and his skin so red and blemished, you'd think he had been burned alive at one point in his life.
Those were no ordinary scars... from a small injury, or an accident... They were too precise, not random... Those were... inflicted on him.
He didn't reply, nor did he try to cover his face or turn away, he just shuddered more, hiccuping and sniffling amidst his tears.
"I hadn't seen you in a while..." You told him gently. "I was... worried that you'd never come back." You admitted. "So... I figured I should look after them for you."
He gulped, audibly so, deep in his throat. For a while he didn't speak though his lips pushed and pulled like he was chewing on his cheek, looking for how to answer.
"Thank you." He murmured, his voice gruff and raspy, the words sounding like they had been eating away at him, gnawing at his bones.
"Do you... want me to toss it all out?" You asked slowly, watching as he thrashed his head side to side and sniffled again, hissing through clenched teeth.
"N-No..." He replied and took a hulking breath, like it was the most difficult thing he'd ever done.
"Okay..." You added and nodded solemnly. "Want me to help you up... because of your foot?" You offered.
"No... I've got it." He added with a nod and swallowed the lump in his throat as he closed his hands into fists to keep himself from lying on the dirt.
You paused and looked between him and the graves. "I'll leave you be, then..." You replied and turned to collect your cleaning supply caddie from the path beside you...
Only for one of his hands to suddenly catch your bicep and stop you, which caused you to freeze. "Stay..." He pleaded as you slowly turned to face him again.
His face was turned toward you as well. His eyes were red and swollen from crying, his nose had a deviated septum, and his whole face was riddled with scars and blemishes...
And yet those brown eyebrows of his... and those brown eyes... the way they stared at you... Sorrowful, afraid, hurt but... warm... You remembered seeing them, in that fucking obituary notice months ago...
You were looking a dead man right in the eyes.
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typicalopposite · 16 hours
Ok but 🤭 what if… (now stay with me, I know this is gonna be a reach ok? And maybe this is debunked somewhere in canon and I just missed the scene) what if Christopher doesn’t know Bucks name is Evan. He’s just a kid right? It’s not like he’s around for formal things where it would EVER come up. And I know he’s a teen now but let’s just say for shits and giggles it has just NEVER come up.
Buck tells him about Tommy, and Chris is stoked because these are the two coolest people he knows next to his dad and they are dating?! This is awesome!!
Until the next time he sees Tommy which just so happens to be because Tommy tagged along while Buck is watching Christopher for Eddie and he overhears Tommy on the phone with… idk Chimney while Bucks in the bathroom or wherever… stay with me.
“Yeah, I can’t wait to take Evan there on our date next week…”
And like.. what the heck, Tommy?! Chris can’t even believe what he’s hearing… how dare this man cheat on his Buck?! Is he insane?! Buck is amazing and he just looks so happy with Tommy. He is gonna be crushed!
And then he has the audacity to quickly end the call with a whisper of you heard nothing to Christopher when Buck comes back.
Christopher is fuming but he has to bite his tongue until his dad gets back and they leave— and then it quickly turns into a very heated Christopher pacing back and forth in the living room in front of Eddie (who is seated on the couch and doesn’t know whether he’s about to laugh at the misunderstanding or cry at how much Chris loves Buck)
Eddie does his best to explain things earning him an exasperated “What do you mean his real name isn’t Buck?!”
And at least now they aren’t having to plan a hit on Tommy… plus this is going to make for a hilarious dinner story their next shift…
(This got away from me and maybe it will become an actual one shot later, but I just think it would be a hilariously adorable misunderstanding)
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lovelybrooke · 2 days
i just need to know, who do you think in twst would love cuddling the most? just need to hear any of your thoughts on this very important issue at hand.
my personal theories include: leona… no explanation needed and azul because he liked being in his little octo-pot so imagine he would love having you wrap your entire body around him. those are the only ones i can think of 😭😭
It's actually kinda cool that you sent this ask since yesterday I was experiencing the worst leg pain of my life and all I wanted to do was lay in my bed and do nothing.
more thoughts under the cut
All the beats boys love cuddling, even thought they have different levels of embarrassment when it comes to initiating it. Leona, of course, has so shame, and will cuddle with you whenever and where ever he wants. He doesn't really care if you want to lay with him, you bring him comfort, so you have to deal with it. He's very much a hug you a never let you go type of person, so you'll be with him until your whole body is tingly. Even if you complain, he won't let up until he's forced to.
Ruggie is a very shy cuddler, even if your close friends, he sees it as intimate an act. Though, deep down, he very much loves being close to the people he cares for. I think once he cuddles with you once, he's no longer is embarrassed, and will come to you whenever he's overworked. I also imagine he more of a talker while cuddling, unlike Leona and Jack who are sleep cuddlers.
Jack is kinda a mixture of the two. He's embarrassed about cuddling you, but once he does, he never lets you go. I know you didn't ask, but the first years definitely fall for you first, and so I imagine that for Jack, cuddling means a lot more. Group hangouts at Ramshackle are common, so when you're watching movies or studying and you get a little tired, he doesn't know what to do when you lay your head on his shoulder. He eventually gets more comfortable as time goes on and grows to love cuddling with you. I think he secretly likes being cuddled, but if you mention his tail wagging he goes back to being embarrassed.
Now Azul is a different case. Azul is someone who craves intimacy, but is too prideful to ask for it from anyone. I think after his overblot, he takes a lot more time to express his wants and needs in healthy ways, and so I could see you cuddling him when times get really rough. That's the thing with Azul, he likes being cuddled but he also likes engulfing his entire self around you. It makes him feel like you two are stuck together, like you can't leave.
Now here are characters I think like to cuddle:
Malleus loves being near you, so he loves cuddling with you of course. I read a fic not to long ago about how Malleus would love sleepovers, and I feel like that's basically canon. He loves being close to his Child of Man, but I don't believe he knows much about cuddling, so don't expect him to be perfect. He learns quickly, so now anytime you both don't have classes he wants to cuddle with you. The only downside is he's so tall, so that might be a problem.
I think Floyd is also a fan of cuddling. Much like Leona he doesn't care when and where, if he wants to cuddle with you he's gonna cuddle with you. He is also a yapper when cuddling, he doesn't shut up. Unless you fall asleep, he'll find a million different things to talk to you about bacause he doesn't like the silence. He is a good cuddler though, surprisingly soft and comforting for someone who is so chaotic.
There are probably others, but these are the only ones I could thing of right now.
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captainmera · 14 hours
Ahoy Captain! Question about ttocw if you haven't answered it already: how far into the toh timeline do you plan to write into ttocw?
I ask because you've laid down such an immensely intriguing foundation for each Witte-character, and like watching a sculptor take their chisel to the stone, we can already start to see how the various influences in Philip's life shapes him into the Belos we see in canon. BUT there's still the Phillip who outlives Caleb and Evelyn, the Phillip that meets Luz. Will you write that Phillip, too (even tho technically it's not longer a tale of Caleb W.)? It would be so fascinating to see how you portray his frame of mind at that stage, but if you feel it doesn't fit with the story, I would understand too
I wanted to get to the point of when Caleb leaves the final time.
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Meaning he's gone back and forth a few times.
It could be that Evelyn stayed in the HR and Caleb never visited the DR until when he's Spirited away thru the portal. OR he's visited a few times, and then either thought he'd be back or decided he wouldn't go back.
In my version he's gone back and forth, he knows the DR, he likes it there, and due to *events* he decides to leave for good. And I want to write what builds up to him making that decision. Its a very "noooo, I mean I get it, it makes sense youd think that and do that, but nooooooo"
There are a couple of unanswered things in regards to gravesfield and the wittebros. And Evelyn visiting.
The show is LITTERED with breadcrumbs of intended story that never got any closure.
In TOH, it shows that they're both being lured into the realm of a witch. For example.
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But I think that's just referring to that Caleb was "taken" and Philip followed, but that they both knew Evelyn.
The depiction of their ages, and their age gap, has been very inconsistent throughout the show. But I think it's safe to say they settled on this:
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Being the most accurate, as this is when the creators solidified the actual gravesfield folklore tale about them. So the meta here is that the crew knows what their ages are, and even if the contemporary citizens of gravesfield doesn't - its a cartoon and they're showing us the information they have finalised.
At some point they hunt Evelyn, or at least "the dangerous witch", so I imagine that Evelyn visiting probably suddenly gave them a real physical person to try hunt down and pin all of the town's previous witchcraft on.
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I want to write about how the imaginary threat of hysteria suddenly gets real cause. Suddenly, it's a game of who-done-it.
And if you've read my *down memory lane comic*, you might have a hunch that Philip finds out its Evelyn. And thinks Caleb is bewitched, etc.
There's also this mystery, yeah? The portal Caleb runs through is not the same as the one at the graveyard.
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It does resemble the one they come through tho. So there's two portals that connect with the same arch in the demon realm. Or the old HR portal got a reconstruction by someone who added the Gravesfield bird symbol.
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And yes, the owl door goes to the SUITCASE. And the suitcase door has an eye of a Titan. But the bird motifs makes e think of the one-eyed owl inside the owl house.
We know Belos at least made blueprints of the suitcase door. But he mightve just tried to replicate it.
I think once Caleb crosses over for the last time. I'm not sure if I'll continue it or I'd I'm full of ideas. As it looks r/n, I think I've got a lot to write for it as us anyway with Caleb and Evelyn going from friends-to-lovers.
And as that happens, Philip has his own sub-story and arc going on, all then cultivating into the climax the way that it does. The brothers part ways. Reunite, etc.
So I think it's best for me not to make promises where I put the end pin. It's supposed to be fun and a good writing exercise. :,)
But yes,I've got some breadcrumb milestones I want/need to check off.
The courthouse on fire being one too lol.
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matan4il · 2 days
911 ep 706 first watch reactions
Buck and Eddie setting up the bachelor party are so funny. They're married to a degree that the bride and groom can only aspire to one day achieve. And Madney are raising a kid together! Then again, so are Buddie, and have been since day 2... (day 1 is forever Buck ogling Eddie at the station, and Eddie strutting his stuff for him, with Buck's now canonically jealou-traction being the, ummm, lubricant)
Oh, Tommy just arrived, Buck and him have done nothing but hug, and Eddie's already bringing on the jealousy jealou-traction. IDK what is the etiquette about bringing your date to a bachelor party, but what's the rule about bringing your hubby who's jealous of your bf?
Oh, and an extra jab at Buck bringing Tommy officially as his date to the wedding. I love me a jealous Eddie. My dude, your closet is shaking so hard, it's about to push you out of itself if you don't make the move already.
Okay, in all seriousness, Tommy not dressing like the 80's, Buck showing that he really cared about that silly party theme, Eddie rolling with it, the two of them being dressed more as a couple than the actual guys dating, Buddie seeing things so much in the same way (down to both seeing themselves as the same character from Miami Vice) while Buck and Tommy are totally out of sync... I love that Tommy is there to help Buck figure himself out, but also, this is the stuff that will forever keep me shipping Buddie.
I know the flashback is mainly to show that the bachelor party is Buck's idea, and goes against Chim's wishes, but Eddie suggests the couple costume? And Buck was so readily on board? Even when he knew Tommy would also be invited? This is my house catching fire, while I sit here, mumbling to myself how fine it all is...
Okay, everyone leaving the bachelor party, even the guy Buck is dating, while Eddie stays, sure is something. And by "something" I mean "a couple." That's a couple. That's Buck's partner in everything, even dumb ass 80's costumes and failed bachelor parties, he's the one who jumps in whatever stupid plan Buck comes up with, and stays to deal with the mess.
LOL And then we got some REAL mess. Again, dumb Buck idea, and Eddie just rolling with it. Making it worse even, by suggesting how to take the party (made up of people who don't even know the groom) to Chimney. These two deserve each other. XD
Buck was behind Eddie while his shirt was being torn? Presumably helping with the tearing? That's it, 911 does not want me to make it to the end of the season with my sanity intact. I guess it's good that I'm not even trying...
I'm glad there was a representation of Chim and Kevin, and a Korean tradition, I just hope it was a truthful one. (do we have Korean viewers in our midst to chime in on this?)
Maddie using her 911 skills to find and help Chim is pretty badass (and a nice gender reversal of the 'damsel in distress needing to be saved a sec before her wedding' tale). Love it!
Maddie and Chim looked so happy during their wedding. Honestly, at the end of the day, my little hopelessly romantic heart doesn't need more than that. <3
Awwww, the Buck and Tommy kiss was nice. I think the most important part of it is we got to see Buck for the first time daring to kiss another guy, rather than wait to be kissed. I may bbe a Buddie shipper, but I think this r/s is important to Buck as well, to his ability to find what he wants, to not be scared of it, to not wait for others to want him as was the case with all the women he'd dated, but rather figure out what he wants in a certain moment, and that it's okay for him to go get it.
(I still don't think Tommy is Buck's endgame, though. Much as his probably my fave Buck r/s so far other than Eddie. Tommy not being there for Buck when the bachelor party flunked, him not being there at the wedding itself, to share this significant moment with Buck, being almost incidental to Buck's coming out to his colleagues and parents, other than being a gay that was obviously kissed by Buck just a short while ago... Again, just not the stuff great love stories are made of)
Hen going, "Finally!" to Karen was funny and cute. Everyone (almost) just smiling at Buck's coming out was nice. But the way his mom reacted in particular felt more realistic, and made me wish that at least with his parents, who we know he has a strained r/s with, the should would have allowed this to be more explored. Hopefully in a future ep if not now.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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arschbiene · 2 days
Idk if someone ask this to you before but do you think gilbert is albino?
Unpopular opinion, but I do not HC him as Albino. Cut for length.
Albinism is more than coloring in human beings, it comes with a host of other complications such as eye issues and skin vulnerabilities. While people with Albinism are typically healthy and live normal lives, I think we all know that warfare means you are out in the sun and elements and I just think that would be very difficult for someone with Albinism and make him particularly vulnerable, so if you're gonna do it, I think that good representation is realistic representation and these challenges should be woven into the fabric of his character.
Petty, but one of my pet peeves is having to reading excessive epithets in fanfic and 'The Albino' has become a kneejerk for me. I think it's a sign of writing that needs to mature and grow and often can be an instant backspace for me. The main reason is that I do not think that people should be pared down to their disabilities, I find it robs people of their personhood. I feel the same way of things like "The dwarf/little person", "The amputee" etc. Someone's condition or appearance really ought not to be the choice when we need an epithet. If you find you are heavily using epithets in your fanfic, you may need to work on the fluidity of your style to avoid over-use/over-reliance.
I have worked over 7 years with the disabled and mentally ill community and I think there needs to be more understanding of how to approach disabilities with sensitivity and awareness. If you really want to lean into the albinism head canon you need to do your research, including hearing out voices of those in the community and learn about the objectification/romanticization of disability and educate yourself on biases and pitfalls you have. Of the top of my head, Stella Young has a lot of ted talks jumping into the issue that you can use as a spring board.
Last but not least, I don't think due to recent coloring shifts from himaruya that was his intentions, he has gotten more gray/ashy blonde in official art work and his eyes are losing their red hue with the introduction of a blue splash he has been favoring recently. We haven't seen official colored piece from himaruya in a hot minute and he is so inconsistent in general with hair colors and eye colors so I do not think it's confirmed canon at all. I do think his looks are striking/unusual as he references it one time in the canon strips that he'd be recognizable due to his appearance while pointing at his eyes/face but yeah! It's up to interpretation until otherwise indicated.
I personally just do not see him that way but like I always say, the fun part of hetalia is that no one is right and wrong. My only point is that if you do it, make sure you are coming from a place of knowledge! But in general otherwise, do what you want, life is short <3
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aboveweirdest · 2 days
Trigun Fics
Here I have compiled all my fav Trigun fics, from smutty, heart wrenching, fluffy, and everything in-between.
Special shoutout to the YAT Discord for providing so many of these (and writing some)
Mind the ratings, read the tags, you get the drill
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kindergarten crush by jumpinginmuddypuddles - Vashwood, G, kindergarten teacher!Vash and Wolfwood whose little brother (Livio) is in Vash's class
proximity by corvidrogue - Vashwood, T, Touch-starved Vash has trouble accepting physical affection from anyone but Wolfwood
Strap the Wing to Me, Death Trap Clad Happily by Rayawastaken -Mashwood, T, pure 100% hurt/comfort centered around Vash's wings and general eldritch horror-ness, super cute
Purring by Wordsy - Mashwood, T, Vash purrs
in the afterglow of an isolated heart by the14thmusician - Vashwood, T, touch-starved Vash and his relationship with touch
i am a diamond on the inside (just add the pressure) by sascake - Vashwood, T, soulmate tattoos
not to me, not if it's you by tickyicky - Vashwood, T, hurt/comfort after trimax ch 38
your touch, your glance, your hand by procrastinatingbookworm - Mashwood, T, much needed comfort for Wolfwood
you can spend all your love making time by Anonymous- Vashwood, M, Post-Trimax fix it (this is my new canon)
white pony by tagteamme - Vashwood, M, vampires and demons (but still on Gunsmoke)
Make it to Daybreak by hypermoyashi - Vashwood, M, Demon Slayer AU
In the Next Life by orcelito - Vashwood, M, post-Trimax time travel (fix it?) AU
End Racism in the OTW | wild horses couldn't drag me away by littleghost - Vashwood, M, Wolfwood's POV of End Racism in the OTW | a kind heart to haunt (E)
so i'll sing to the grave (put you back together) by desertblooms - Vashwood, E, Wolfwood doesn't feel worthy to touch Vash, Vash shows him that's not true
Playing for Keeps by jaybirddraws (simplestorange) - Vashwood, E, Vash "I Can Fix Him" The Stampede
la petite mort by babeyxiao and expertfool - Vashwood, E, Trimax, (look this is just straight smut involving a gun. If you're not into that i would highly advise you do not read this. If you are tho..... it did something to my brain chemistry for sure)
Trillium and Ivy by ShastaFirecracker - Vashwood, E, funeral director!ww/garden center!vash
Only a Man by Anonymous - Vashwood, E, read this for Wolfwood begging
you'll never get enough by tagteamme - Vashwood, E, boxer/gym AU
Within Us An Orchard by plumtoad - Vashwood, E, vash is a sad plant boi and Wolfwood cheers him up feat. fruit
Amarillo Sky by just_a_lil_shipmate - Vashwood, E, cowboy/angel AU
i’m here in search of your glory (there’s been a million before me) by sascake - Vashwood, E, post-trimax fix it feat. Wolfwood's entire orphanage
Every Rose by magisterpavus - Vashwood, E, vampire vibes but make it plant
Your Beauty Never, Ever Scared Me by Sacramental_Wine - Vashwood, E, Wolf shifter!Wolfwood (if you've ever seen Wolf's Rain it's like that)
if you were church (I’d get on my knees) by iokanaan - Vashwood, E, actual priest Wolfwood, feat. trimax Vashwood as guardian angels (i have no excuse for this one but it goes really hard)
someone to last your whole life by catchatter - Vashwood, E, post-trimax fix it with deep attention to the realities of mourning and what it means to have mourned someone who is no longer dead (genuinely one of the most beautiful things I have ever read)
to control against the pull by catchatter - Vashwood, E, A/B/O, "Wolfwood tries to help out the bro and gets consumed with The Longing"
CAUSE OF DEATH (See instructions and examples) by neatrogenous - Vashwood, E, post-Trimax fix it but Vash runs faster than the flash from every single Emotion he's ever had (body horror warning for the first chapter)
Gun Barrel Red Hot by varelsen - Vashwood, E, it's a fucking plant heat deal, with it
you put me on and said I was your favorite by halfdemonvash - Vashwood, E, Wolfwood wears Vash's jacket and Vash has Feelings about that
Strange Powers by tenshinokorin - Vashwood, E, they accidentally get high and fuck about it (i laughed my ass off reading this, pls, it's so good)
when your stitch comes loose by starkilling - Vashwood, E, Vashwood's relationship with Vash's wings
End Racism in the OTW | a kind heart to haunt by littleghost - Vashwood, E, cowboy/western AU
you tear down my reason by halfdemonvash - Vashwood, E, .... trimaxVashwood/stampedeVashwood, yeah it's selfcest i'm not sorry about it
Bind Your Faith in Scars and Tape by just_a_lil_shipmate - Vashwood, E, College AU
hold my name between your teeth (sip on the sound of my voice) by just_a_lil_shipmate - Vashwood, E, required coffeeshop AU
blood in the badlands by eviscerates - Vashwood, E, Vampire!Vash/Vampire hunter!Wolfwood on Gunsmoke
the sun is warm (i miss your smile) by mor (mornin) - Vashwood, E, also Vamp!Vash/Vamp hunter!Wolfwood but this time modern AU
you're a canary (i'm a coal mine) by PotatoButt - Vashwood, E, Modern AU, Zoo keeper!Vash/Orphanage Worker!Wolfwood
The Lighthouse by EloFromMars - Vashwood, E, Lighthouse guy!Wolfwood/Eldritch horror!Vash, legitimate lovecraftian level eldritch horror but like.... Vash is still a baby girl
try my hardest (if you ask me to) by nbagenda - Vashwood, E, the team stays at Ship 3 and Wolfwood has Feelings about everything being so clean (and so much gay panic about Vash), this one uses he/they interchangeably for Vash which I really really love
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if you scrolled this far down, you're so fucking gay, i love you
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Ok this is my first time requesting but, what about the characters reacting to MC choosing the evil route and to absorb the ancient magic?
WARNING: angst, canon death
All the power Isadora stored found its rightful place, inside MC. The chaos of the final battle settled to an eerie silence. MC had never felt such clarity. The magic truly was nothing to fear. It was theirs to wield. To control. The very fabric of reality bent to their will. This wasn't a bad thing. No. Everything was going to be just fine.
ELEAZAR FIG: He can barely breath as he watches MC fight to control the magic around them. He couldn't reach out to them. He feared they wouldn't listen if he could at that point anyway. He watched the red ink like magic enter MC. He saw their eyes... What had they become? "I'm sorry I...failed you...M-..." Death claims him in his final moment of sorrow.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He's taken aback by MC's sudden insistence about curing Anne. They went from "I'm not even sure I can do what Isadora did" to "I CAN CURE ANNE" overnight. They seem manic, wide eyed and a bit... unhinged. He would be thrilled to hear this but MC's sudden shift in energy has him unsettled. Besides, Anne isn't in Feldcroft anymore and Ominis isn't speaking to him. He's not sure what to do.
OMINIS GAUNT: He regrets letting it slip that he was in contact with Anne. MC is now demanding to see her. They don't sound themselves. Their very presence feels "off". He can't quite explain it. He starts avoiding them as well. Not that it seems to help, he discovers his dorm has been raided. Letters to and from Anne stolen.
ANNE SALLOW: She's in a quiet cottage far south of Hogwarts valley. She's alone, trying to find peace, when there is a sudden knock at the door. She raises her wand. She's not expecting visitors. She hears a familiar voice on the other side. "MC? What are you doing here? How did you find me?"
MC enters and politely closes the door behind them. They look at her with a smile that should seem friendly, but there is malicious intent in their eyes. "Stay back!" She tries to shout but the curse surges with pain and she grabs her side. While she's distracted MC wordlessly expells her wand and taps their own wand to her chest.
She sits at the table next to the fire. There is no pain. Yet, there is no relief. No joy. Nothing...
IMELDA REYES: MC isn't challenging her to race anymore. They seemed to have lost all interest in competing. Even when she instigates them, they just smile at her with this really unsettling smile and say it's a waste. They had "bigger plans" whatever that means. She always knew they were a bit weird, but this was completely out of character.
NATSAI ONAI: MC suddenly didn't seem like the person she thought she knew. They would ask her if she was still in pain from the crusiotus curse and seem way too interested in "taking her pain away". She didn't understand why they suddenly seemed so obsessed with her pain. Then the questions became inappropriate, asking about her emotional pain. Like when she lost her father. She's less interested in being around them after that, but she keeps seeing MC out of the corner of her eye.
GARRETH WEASLEY: MC seemed strangely distant since the goblin attack. He would try to involve them in more of his experiments, like they used to, but they refuse every time. Then they would get rude that they had "real magic" to perform, not "alchemical party tricks". He's not sure what he had done to offend them, but he's sorely disappointed that he lost what he thought was a friend.
LEANDER PREWETT: He hears whispers. Rumors that MC is behaving differently. He can see it too, even from a distance. MC destroying things for fun, having no regard for any school work or activities, casting spells that seem WAY too strong for any fifth year. He decides to just steer clear.
AMIT THAKKAR: He's been hearing MC talking to themselves, muttering about change. Change that didn't sound like anything good. If he asked, they'd just tell him "You'll see". They're being cryptic and creepy and he doesn't like it. He doesn't even see them in class anymore. He doesn't know where he'll see them again, but he jumps every time they seem to appear out of nowhere.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's so far out of the loop that he doesn't understand what's going on. He knows about the goblin attack, everyone does, but MC is suddenly acting like a crazy person? Hogwarts favorite person to talk about seems to be cracking. Shame. He liked them.
POPPY SWEETING: She notices that even the beasts are acting differently around MC. They seem frightened. They can sense something is very wrong with MC. She tries to gently broach the subject and MC nearly takes her head off with defensive rage, their eyes flashing red. Then their mood rapidly shifts to apologize. She backs away. Stay away from her.
MC: They'll all see. I am the answer. I am the truth. I am the end AND the new beginning. There is no good or evil, only power.
They'll all see
They'll all see
T̴̢̘̀h̸̛̟͔͆͠ẻ̴̠̀͝y̵͕͂̾'̶̝͈͇͒͐l̴̜̙͛̈́̇l̸̲̳̻̉̇͛ ̸̤͓͓͝ã̷̠̪ḷ̶̡̀̆̆l̵̗͓̅̓̋ ̴̜̣̏s̸̨̈̆̅ë̷͓́e̶͍͇͐͌͝
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blazinghotfoggynights · 12 hours
What is with all the fighting?
BuckTommy vs Buddie is going to be a pay per view octagon situation if this continues.
How is everyone fighting about things that have not happened? Why is there a budding ship war?
This is why fandom can't have nice things.
Can anyone provide a reasonable and rational explanation for this madness? Can both sides not see the writers have set this up to go one of a million different ways and no one except the people working on the show know where it is going?
I could argue how both sides could be probable and even support the most farfetched "tinhat theories" with actual canonical scenes, lines, and hints.
How the hell are fans arguing over which "endgame" is the right one? We don't get a say. Minear and his crew are firmly in control and unless you are going to argue with him, what is the point? (BTW, don't do that! For the love everything, if you are one of those who goes after the producers, writers, and actors, can I just say you give fandom as a whole a bad name and ask you to stop! Geez!)
A part of me thinks ABC and the showrunners are doing all this to fuel debates and dissent which will increase interest and send the already sky-high ratings through the roof this season and ensure at least several more seasons to come. Guess what? It's working.
Can we all agree that Buck, who didn't just turn bi one day but has been bi all his life and didn't know it, has definitely looked at and flirted with Eddie, Eddie and women have a weird dynamic, Eddie has definitely eyef****d his best friend more than once, Buck and Tommy are definitely having naked fun times (since Tommy is a beast, I think we know who is getting their back blown out), and no one has a clue about the direction the writers will take Tommy in?
Imho, in some more than platonic way, which we can spend hours debating, Tommy was/is into Eddie, Tommy is into Buck, Buck was/is into Eddie, Buck is into Tommy, and Eddie was/is into Buck. Eddie has canonically stated he is not into Tommy, so I am going to go with it because in six seasons, Tommy is the only person Eddie has stated he is not interested in.
If I were in that writer's room, I would be suggesting so much mess it would make Jerry Springer look like Sunday school. (Sue me. I love drama in my shows and movies. Not in my life, though. Definitely not.)
Now, can we all chill the hell out and see where this FICTIONAL story about FICTIONAL characters goes?
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i-m-art-ix · 2 days
Ninjago headcanons just FSM family
(Sorry for my English but it is not my native language)
Lloyd discovered one day that if he just calls Wu uncle he can get out of any trouble (because Wu adores his nephew), which he often uses to his advantage, for example, when he was still a child, he would often approach Wu and ask for various things, and if Wu did not agree, he would simply say "Okay, Uncle Wu" in the saddest voice he could, which made Wu immediately change his mind and agree. As Lloyd got older he stopped using it as much but still does it sometimes. Best of all, everyone is aware of this except Wu himself, so if the ninja want to do something and know that Wu won't agree, they send Lloyd to "convince" Wu.
FSM was a teenage parent, I'm mean in season 15 it was said that when he came to ninjago he was still a child and as we know hybrids age differently so I'm sure when he created Wu and Garmadon (I don't give a damn that this man had a woman, I just don't see it) he was still a teenager and mentally he could have been about 18-20 years old.
I'm sure FSM tried to be a good parent but didn't know what to do, apart from the fact that he was still a teenager at the time, this man never had any idea what a healthy family should look like, he literally was a child soldier and had to choose between dragons and Oni and I suspect that neither the dragons or the Oni were not very nice to him and they probably didn't have much affection for him. And unfortunately it was visible, but he loved his sons (and he certainly loves his grandson).
So screw the canon, Wu never loved Misako, he didn't like her at first (because he claimed she was stealing his brother because Garmadon only talked about her), later he started liking her and then they became good friends.
So when I said that Wu doesn't love Misako, I mean that Wu is gay, no really look at the teenage version of him, he can't be straight.
I am sure that Wu was the creator of many fashion trends, considering that back then there was not much fashion and Wu had the power to create, he had to create many clothes that no one had ever seen before. Many of these clothes were very sexy and revealed a lot of things.
Due to the way Wu dressed, many men stared at him and flirted with him, which of course neither Garmadon or their father not liked, that's why they never sent Wu to the city alone, someone always went with him and whenever a man tried to hit on him he got a death glare from Garmadon or FSM (which must have been terrifying, as if God himself wants to kill you because you thought in a erotic way about his son and also Garmadon who is the essence of destruction and intends to rip out your organs for looking at his younger brother).
FSM loves his grandson, the guy literally gave him his golden power without a second thought and even let him choose between life and death, he must adore Lloyd.
Before the events of Season 1, when Lloyd was expelled from school and wandered the streets, FSM was his guardian angel. He made sure Lloyd didn't hurt himself, and when he did something to himself, he simply accelerated his regeneration with his divine powers, when Lloyd had nothing to eat, he directed him to places where food could be easily obtained. In episode 1 of season 1, when Lloyd gets to the tomb, he falls over perfectly to avoid being hypnotized and the leader of the snakes hypnotized himself, it not way that this kid failed perfectly, I'm actually sure that his grandfather helped him
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irkimatsu · 2 days
Something tells me that Overlord Husk would 100% be a sugar daddy who loves spoiling his S/O. Like Husk probably has a lot of money from gambling I know that man is loaded. He just wants to snuggle his S/O and tell them how amazing they look in all the expensive things he’s bought them. At the same time he listens to you and respects your boundaries. Okay maybe not a sugar daddy but like a very rich cat demon boyfriend.
I know that probably isn’t true in canon he was apathetic to the souls he owned considering he’d deal them with other Overlords but dammit let me dream!
- sparkling heart anon 💖
Oh, anon, you have no idea how much I adore Overlord Husk as a sugar daddy. I don't even see why it should need to contradict canon too badly, actually! Yes, he was mostly apathetic to the souls he owned and gambled. He wouldn't have been able to gain as much power as he did if he saw those souls as people. I think he'd occasionally have those moments where something in him cracks as he realizes what he's doing, gambling off souls to god-knows-who like fucking cattle, but he has to turn that part of his brain off in order to get any work done. Thinking about that too hard will irreparably break his psyche. (He can have that break after his fall, when he's lying alone at night with nothing else to think about besides what he'd spent so many years doing.)
But then he meets you. Maybe you walk into the casino looking to make a deal with him in exchange for work, or maybe he wins you from a much more sadistic Overlord. He lays his eyes on you, and he immediately knows you're something special, like a valuable jewel, something he'd be foolish to gamble away like nothing. He immediately sets to making your new life with him comfortable, spoiling you with presents and trips, keeping you on his arm at Overlord events and making sure everyone knows you're his precious lucky charm and that he will do anything to keep you safe. Others have suggested he bet you in exchange for untold riches and power, anything he could possibly desire; but what could be worth losing you? Even worse, what could be worth ever putting you in harm's way? (If Valentino even thinks about you, Husk will kill him and make it painful.) He's so proud of you, not just for your looks, but for your talents and who you are as a person. He adores you. If your relationship with him becomes sexual, he eventually starts seeing his dancers and other clients less and less. Why sleep with them when he can have you? He wouldn't pressure you into any sort of physical affection, of course, but god does he love spoiling you physically as well as monetarily. (After he gives you a present, thank him with a kiss and an "I love it, daddy!" The man will melt into a puddle.)
He falls in love with you eventually. Love was the last thing on his mind when he took you on as his spoiled little pet, but those feelings soon sneak up on him, and once he acknowledges them he can't see how he was supposed to not fall in love with you. Out of everything he's gained as an Overlord, you're the best thing that's happened to him. He'll do anything to keep you by his side, happy and safe and loved...
...but what happens when everything starts to fall apart? He starts losing money and souls just as quickly as he earned them. He becomes more reclusive, sitting out of events when he can afford to. He gambles more than ever, desperate to get back on top, but he only ends up losing more and more. He's trying to hide how dire things are getting from you, but the surprise presents have mostly stopped, aside from the occasional bouquet or jewelry that you know didn't cost that much. And you're not judging him for that, it's about the thought and not the money... but what changed?
You soon find him hunched over his desk, looking over papers informing him of overdue debts and the dire consequences should he not pay up. They aren't just threatening him, but they're threatening you, something he would have never told you until you accidentally saw one of the letters on his desk...
He'll protect you, he promises, he'll make the money, he'll never let them hurt you...
...but would you feel safer if he let you go? They'd have no reason to hurt you if you weren't tied to him anymore...
He can't imagine why you wouldn't want to go. He's not the rich, powerful fat cat whose lap of luxury you used to live in. Here he sits in his trashed study, surrounded by debt paperwork and bottles of liquor, clothes and fur disheveled, eyes puffy from the rage-crying fit that led you to check on him in the first place. How could you still love him like this?
Climb into his lap and let him hold you. Let him cry it out. And most importantly, let him know you're not leaving, that it was never about the money, that you love him...
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