#Wedding Photographer Henley
typicalopposite · 5 days
Clipboard proposal (turned clipboard wedding I guess) part 3.3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.1 | Part 3.2 | AO3
(Getting sappy on both sides of the alter with this one)
If they thought Clipboard!Buck was bad… Clipboard!Buckette is ten times worse! She is efficient and no nonsense and will absolutely not take no for an answer. Something goes wrong, never fear big sister is here… At least that’s what Chimney and Hen teasingly say each time she swoops in to come up with a solution to every problem they run into.
When they realize the only way to get everyone there is to have it at a beach in California, she shrugs and makes the necessary changes. “Yeah well fireflies don’t exactly live here, Maddie…” Chimney says when he sees she still has that incorporated in the set up.
“Then I guess I’ll have to bring in the 118 with strobe lights strapped to their butts,” she deadpans. When Chimney doesn’t respond she pulls out the postcard and taps her pen to it. “Magical dream wedding, Chim.”
He supposes he can’t blame her too much. Each time Buck’s face lights up when a little bit more of it comes together., all the micromanaging, seems worth it. And if that includes strapping a strobe light to his butts and running circles around the grooms when the day comes… it’s a small price, right?
Slowly but surely Maddie gets it together. The spot is reserved on a private beautiful beach, the catering is scheduled, photographers booked, chairs and tables and decorations ready to be set up. She sits with a Buck and goes through the checklist. “Wow, Mads…” he says softly. “It’s perfect— it’s really going to be perfect!”
“You think?” She asks, going through everything once more. “Everything is just like you wanted, right?”
Buck takes her hand and smiles. “Everything is better,” he says. “There’s just… one more thing.” Maddie takes out her pen ready to write down his request. Buck laughs, “All I I need for this is a yes or no.” He swallows; he knows he shouldn’t be — he know she will probably be honored by what he’s going to ask — but he is nervous to ask anyway. “All my life the biggest constant in my life… has been you. Even when I was mad at you, and thought you had abandoned me… you were still rooting for me.”
Maddie laughs, she has to or she’s going to cry. “That’s what big sisters are for…”
Buck squeezes her hand and shakes his head. “Yeah but you have always been more than just my big sister. You’ve been a friend, and- and you’ve been a parent…” he clears his throat before he starts crying. “Anyway… I know we had decided to just skip the walk, but Tommy actually told me he wants it— wants me to walk down to him.”
And that is enough to have Maddie clutching at her chest, her bottom lip poking out and she is desperately trying to hold it together. “That is so sweet oh my god.”
Buck feels a blush creeping up. “I know, he’s a big sap,” he laughs. “So… I already talked to mom and dad about this, and they are completely on board—” he takes a deep breath and clutches Maddie’s hand. “—with you walking me down the aisle.”
Chimney’s involvement in the wedding is a lot less hectic. He wasn’t lying when he said he was taking on the bachelor party.
He doesn’t bring it up much because he knows it’s still a sore spot for Buck. But he has plans and it is going to be epic.
And said plans include giving Buckaroo the themed party he had so desperately wanted to throw Chimney. He has already talked to everyone invited, they all agreed to participate this time. (“Hey I participated last time!” Eddie had argued)
And if Chimney plans to be just a little petty with it by making the theme classic movies, so everyone can talk in famous quotes Buck won’t understand… just for the fun of it… that’s between Chimney and Buck’s clipboard.
“So who are you going as?” Chimney asks Tommy; it has been a while since the two got to go out, just the two of them, for beers. “And don’t say some guy in a Henley!”
Tommy nearly spits out his beer; “He told you about that.”
“More like he pouted for weeks about that, yes.”
“Well, I didn’t realize how serious he was about it… not until I got there anyway.” Tommy sighs and takes another sip of his beer; they sit quietly for a while. “He really gives everything his all.”
“That why you let him make all the wedding decisions?”
Tommy shrugs. “As long as I get to marry him in the end that’s all I care about.”
“Maddie says you haven’t chosen anyone for your side of the wedding party. Not even a best man.”
Another shrug. “Don’t really have anyone to ask that’s not already involved in the wedding. I— uh— I was going to ask— well, you actually, but—”
“What?! But nothing! Heck yeah I’d do it!” Chimney says face lighting up.
“I was getting a little upset you hadn’t asked to be honest,” Chimney laughs. “What more does a guy have to do beyond save your life. I’d be honored, man.”
Tommy looks a little misty eyed, he isn’t exactly sure what to say so he settles for; “Thanks Howie.”
Chimney smiles. “So how about the terminator?”
“I actually do a pretty good terminator.” Tommy laughs, and takes another sip of his beer.
(Ok there! Part three is done! And *whew* I didn’t mean for it to be so long! But next I guess is the Wedding. Maybe I can keep it short and sweet and figure it out before they are canonically married!)
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theroyalsims · 1 year
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It’s official! Alice and Kenji walked out of the Grand Palace as man and wife!
Their Imperial Majesties Emperor Kenji and his new wife and newly-minted “Empress Alexandra” tied the knot in a modified and modernised royal wedding ceremony. 
Originally, Shang Simlan royal weddings last for three days, including the pre and post-wedding festivities. The main ceremony is officiated by the High Priest of the Church of Shang Simla, and the bride, the groom, and their guest wear traditional Shang Simlan garb. However, Kenji and Alice’s wedding ditched the traditional robes. Alice was shown wearing a champagne-coloured dress sans the typical veil royal brides tend to wear. Kenji, meanwhile, looked dapper in his tux. 
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(Above: The couple tied the knot at the Grand Palace, pictured above.)
The decision to not wear traditional Shang Simlan outfits was reportedly due to the backlash that the Palace received when it shared photos of Kenji, Alice, and Princess Hanna during the most recent Plum Harvest Festival. While majority of the locals found the photo to be quite lovely, especially since it was the first time Alice was photographed wearing the traditional royal dress, quite a few people did complain that it was improper for a Westerner - a blonde and blue-eyed foreign Princess - to wear royal robes when she was not yet a legitimate member of the Imperial Family. Some even claimed that it was a form of cultural appropriation, because it seemed like Alice was wearing it as a “costume” like a common tourist.
The subject of cultural appropriation is a heated topic in Shang Simla nowadays, especially following the release of a certain pop star’s music video. The video shows the singer wearing an altered low-cut and mini-skirt version of a traditional Shang Simlan dress while dancing seductively. The artist has been declared a persona non grata in Shang Simla, and both the song and the music video has been banned in the country. 
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(Above: The Shang Simlan Palace received flak over this photo which showed then-Princess Alice wearing traditional royal robes.)
While we missed out on the traditional dresses, Alice and Kenji did stick to some of the traditions. They were wed by the High Priest, and took part in the exchange of cups, where the bride and the groom pour each other a cup of rice wine as a symbol of devotion. The couple also walked under the Arch of the Generals. Twelve soldiers, each representing all the provinces of Shang Simla, formed a sabre arch which Alice and Kenji walked under. The tradition is reportedly done to show the provinces’ continued loyalty and allegiance to the Emperor and Empress. Also, a post-wedding banquet will be held tomorrow before the couple will be sent off to their honeymoon. 
The foreign guests included the King and Queen of Arendahl, The Queen of Sulani, The Crown Princess of Tartosa, The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Glimmerbrook, and Henley’s Grand Duke and Duchess. As for the bride’s family, her two daughters and their husbands were all in attendance, but the little ones were notably absent. Queen Emilia, of course, was present, with Prince Jacques and Crown Princess Anya in tow. Prince Leonard was reportedly too ill to fly abroad and attend. 
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(Above: Two royal families united by love. [L-R, back row: Prince Jacques, PM Khari Chegeya, The Duke of Fjord, Princess Mikka, an Prince Chan; front row: Crown Princess Anya, Queen Emilia, Olivia Dorsey-Chegeya, The Duchess of Fjord, Empress Alexandra, Emperor Kenji, Princess Hanna, Princess Haneul, and Princess Rojie)
For the groom’s part, the Dowager Empress was reportedly present during the ceremony, but skipped the photos. The ageing matriarch of the Shang Simlan Imperial Family has been in-and-out of the hospital this past year and even had to undergo emergency surgery over the holidays. However, Kenji’s sisters were present. Kenji’s elder sisters, Princesses Mikka and Haneul, were in attendance, as well as his youngest sister, Princess Rojie, who came with her husband, Prince Chan. Of course, Princess Hanna, Emperor Kenji’s only child, was also present for her dad’s big day. The little royal looked beautiful in a powder blue floral coat. 
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(Above: Here comes the bride, all dressed in...NOT white. Empress Alexandra wore a simple yet beautiful dress which perfectly highlighted the breathtaking tiara she wore for the occasion.)
The bride looked beautiful in a vintage-inspired, champagne coloured dress. As expected, no veil was worn (considering this is the bride’s second wedding), but we did get a tiara debut! The new Empress wore an impressive diamond and ruby tiara straight from the Shang Simlan royal vaults. It was the perfect “topper” to her elaborate updo! We’re hoping to see more of this sparkler soon because it’s such a stunning piece! The bride also carried a bouquet of red Shang Simlan tulips, interspersed with Brindleton blossoms as a nod to her home country.
The Shang Simlan Imperial court earlier announced that the former “Princess Alice” (whose full name is Alexandra Olivia Caroline) will be styled as Her Imperial Majesty The Empress Alexandra of Shang Simla. Her daughters, Olivia and Emily, will not be receiving any courtesy titles. 
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Who would’ve thought that The Queen’s little sister, poor old Princess Alice, would one day be an Empress!? We’re sure she’ll do wonderfully!
Congratulations to the happy couple! 
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
The Perfect Play
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,318
Summary: You and Bucky are part of the bridal party at Nat and Sam’s wedding, it’s been a busy couple of days leading up to it...Bucky started playing dirty so it’s time for payback. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club continuation of drunk drabbles and the sexy prompt below from @buckys-henley Thank you and I hope you like it! Thank you all for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: Fluffy fun, LOTS of teasing, light dirty talk, foul play in the best way, implied smut ;) AND BUCKY IN A BOW TIE! 
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Your phone dings with another text from Bucky, this time a goofy selfie with Sam in the background looking disgruntled. You can’t get over him in his tux, the bow tie sitting perfectly at the base of his long and muscular neck and his hair perfectly styled. “Fuck,” you breathe out.
Nat raises a perfectly arched brow, “you ok over there?” You look up, suddenly feeling too warm, “I’m fine, thanks, excited to see the boys.” She rolls her eyes but smiles, “ok ladies, let’s get this dress on.” You and Peggy successfully get Nat into her dress and she looks perfect. With one last check to everyone’s appearance you’re ushered out to the hallway, the first note of music making your heart skip a beat as you watch Peggy start walking.
When your turn comes you take a deep breath and place your heeled toe onto the runner, at first focusing on putting one foot in front of the other but then you lock eyes with Bucky and everything else melts away. Bucky’s tongue darts out to wet his lips as he gives you a once over, finally settling his heated gaze back on your face.
You make it up the small steps and stand in front of Peggy, dragging your eyes from Bucky to see Nat coming down the aisle toward Sam. It doesn’t last long, his stare like a blanket of heat over your body and when you look back his way he mouths, “you look incredible.” You smile and blow him a small kiss, letting your own eyes wander down his torso and long legs, hoping no one can see you squeeze your thighs together.
After the ceremony you’re pulled into a whirlwind of photos, greetings and smiles, only getting to talk to Bucky in some fleeting moments. You haven’t seen him for almost two whole days, having spent most of the day and night with Nat and the girls. Between his borderline sexting last night and this morning, you’re feeling some sort of way and decide it’s time for payback.
The photographer asks the wedding party to get together for some group shots and when you get yourself close to him he leans down to whisper, “I thought you weren’t supposed to look more beautiful than the bride.” You give him a coy smile, tracing your hand along his jaw and pretending to fix his bow tie. “Thanks baby, I do love this dress. And…” you pause, lightly brushing your lips to his, “it’s really comfortable, especially since I don’t have underwear on.”
You pull away and get into position, smiling smugly when you hear him groan next to you. They snap a bunch of photos and you have to split up again, throwing him a wave over your shoulder as you saunter off with an extra sway to your hips. Your phone buzzes in your small bag and you pull it out quickly, gasping at his words, ‘you better behave baby girl, or I’ll fuck that sassiness right out of you.’
Cocktail hour arrives and you’re famished so you fill a small plate with food and grab a glass of wine. Bucky slides up next to you, his own plate in hand, “hey beautiful.” You bring the glass to your lips, eyeing him over the rim while you take a sip, “hey handsome, I’m starved.” Grabbing a bite, you bring it to your mouth, moaning over the taste and tracing your tongue over your lips. “Delicious.”
Bucky’s eyes are dark as he watches you, “yea I bet.” He takes a bite of his own, some sauce dripping onto his chin. You take a finger and swipe if off, bringing it to your lips to suck it clean. “You’re asking for it aren’t you?” With another sip of wine, you shrug your shoulders and crowd him against the table. “Asking for what Buck?”
Your chest is pressed to his and your hand slips inside his tux jacket. His hand settles on your lower back and he lightly drags his fingers back and forth over your bare skin. Your fingertips dance along the waistband of his pants and you carefully press your hips into his crotch. Neither of you have said a word but you can feel the heat of his skin through the material of his tux, the front becoming tighter by the second.
He finally breaks the tension, “don’t tease me doll face, we have a long night ahead of us.” Thankful for your heels you kiss along his jaw to his lips, lingering for a moment in a soft touch, “mmm I’m looking forward to it.” With that, you catch Peggy’s attention and head in her direction, bending over to ‘fix’ the strap of your shoe. You twirl around with a smile, grinning wider when he discreetly adjusts himself in his pants.
The reception is in full swing and you’re seated with Steve, Peggy and the rest of the group. Your hand rests on Bucky’s thigh and you gently massage the thick muscle. His legs are spread wide under the table and you easily move your hand up and down his leg. As you slowly inch upward, Bucky closes his legs in a warning, but it doesn’t deter you, your hand already close enough to brush a finger over his crotch.
He sucks in a loud breath and you giggle into your glass. “You ok, Buck?” Steve asks, eyeing him warily. “Fine, I’m fine, thanks,” he mutters, grabbing your wrist. His cock throbs beneath your fingers and you shift closer to him, your voice husky, “are you having a good time baby?” He growls low, sending a shiver down your spine and it only fuels you on.
“I’m going to grab some more wine, anyone else want?” Pulling your hand free you walk to the bar and lean against it, getting the bartenders attention. Suddenly, Bucky’s large body presses against your back and you can feel how hard he is. “Do you see what you’re doing to me? I’ve been hard since you walked down the aisle.”
You softly suck on the skin of his neck, not caring if anyone sees, “I love it.” You turn your head to retrieve your drink and his lips close around the shell of your ear, “I know you do and you’re gonna love when I punish you for it even more.” With a wicked smile you rub your ass along the bulge in his pants and stroll back to the table.
With Peggy in tow you head to the bathroom to freshen up. When you return Bucky is standing at the far end of the hall talking with Clint. You make your way over and say hi, running your hand down Bucky’s chest, “what are you guys doing hiding over here?” Clint explains he needed a break from the Science Bros before leaving you two alone to get another drink.
You turn around in Bucky’s arms and bring your fingers to his lips, pushing them slowly open and watching his eyes widen when he tastes you. Sucking on them hard he closes his eyes, swirling his tongue around before releasing them with a moan. “Fucking hell, baby girl. You are in so much trouble.”
His fingers close around your wrist and he draws you into his chest, his lips devouring yours in a searing kiss. When you finally come up for air, he nips the swollen flesh, tracing over it with his tongue. Covering your body with his, he hides you from the wedding guests as his thick fingers part the silky fabric of your dress. He spreads your legs, collecting your arousal and circling your clit. Your head goes dizzy and falls to the crook of his neck, your breath hot on his skin. He abruptly pulls away and gives you one last scorching look before adjusting his bow tie and walking away.
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @buckys-minty-breath @bucky-on-my-mind @buckstaybucky @buckosawrus @breezy1415 @buckys-henley @chuuulip​ @addikted-2-dopamine​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @ikaris-whore​ @imgaril-lindru​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @survivor-reborn​ @lookiamtrying​ @loricameback​ @lokilvrr​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @mushyjellybeans​ @lorilane33​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @yansi1923​
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theawkwardterrier · 2 years
WIP game: Muscle Memory
This is actually the only WIP I'm actively working on right now, which is why it was last on the list. It's an Outlander AU (sorry if you stumbled into that one!) with the premise that Jamie and Claire are living a perfectly normal modern AU life - married, in love, expecting a baby - until Claire is in an accident which leaves her with a gap in her memory spanning their entire relationship, as well as a prematurely delivered baby whose other parent is a stranger.
(It's pretty angsty. Sweet sometimes, but lots of angst.)
Here's a pretty non-spoilery bit from chapter 2:
There must be a light switch for the room, but she doesn’t look for it; it’s still bright enough outside for her to see, although far closer to sunset than noon. Instead she settles herself on the loveseat, curling her legs carefully up onto the cushion. The arm seems a ready-made cradle for her head. There is no sound but her own inhales and exhales through her nose, barely noticeable, as she sits surrounded by green within, looking out on the green of their garden.
A spill of artificial light across the grass interrupts her peace, and she follows it with only her eyes, watching as Jamie steps out of a building tucked into the corner, about the size of a large garage. He stretches - up, then wide, arms encompassing, then up again - before he strips off his henley.
It was obvious to her from the first time she saw him that he was attractive, but she hadn’t thought that he was her type; his brawn was so different from Frank’s professorial leanness, his bold features and apparent good looks nothing at all like the more subdued appearance she had been used to, that she was comforted by. By the heat that bolts unexpectedly through her, she had been wrong to make assumptions about what else she might like.
She doesn’t think Jamie has noticed her watching, and she knows that she should look away from the muscles of his arms and chest that his shirt had only hinted at before - he thinks he’s alone, after all, unobserved in his own home. But when he turns back to switch off the lights and close the doors, she sees the scars deeply apparent across his back, and she can’t look away.
The marks are clear despite the distance, deep, ranging furrows in his skin, for all that they’ve knitted and flattened with age. She can’t begin to imagine how they were made except that it must have been terribly painful. The thought of what he must have gone through flashes beside her heart before she can stop it.
It’s only when she sees that he is walking toward her, shirt slung over his shoulder as he strides across the grass, when she realizes that he probably lets himself into and out of the house using the door in this room, that she gets quickly to her feet. She calculates that she won’t be able to get back into the kitchen and look suitably innocent, but she doesn’t want him to think she was spying. Stepping lightly, she goes to examine the bookshelf.
It is mostly filled with textbooks and medical journals, with some smaller plants placed here and there. But on one shelf, around the height of her gaze if she sat in the desk chair, are a pair of photographs in simple black frames.
One is obviously a wedding photo, she would know that even if she didn’t recognize the dress from the picture in the upstairs hall, but it isn’t formal or carefully posed at all. She and Jamie are standing with a couple she doesn’t recognize - a short, dark-haired woman and a sandy-haired man around Claire’s height - all of them laughing, the background fairy-lit and filled with people. For a moment, the thought of her courthouse wedding with Frank crosses her mind: how she had considered it so whirlwind and romantic, his uncharacteristic, spur of the moment plan, just the two of them after only weeks of living together. How she had missed Uncle Lamb but the idea had never crossed her mind that she could have something like this, all these people coming to celebrate with her, to be her family or welcome her into Jamie’s.
She sets the image down hastily, picking up the other instead, although she regrets it a moment later, because this one…
Her head is on Jamie’s shoulder, face gentle in sleep, as his cheek presses into her hair, eyes resting closed. Technically, the lighting and composition are fairly dreadful, but it is such a peaceful image that she can’t turn away.
Memeity meme meme
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armoricaroyalty · 3 years
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Big lunch or bundle of joy? Bloating or baby? 7 royal experts weigh in
Oh baby! King Andre’s youngest son, 20-year-old Prince Jacques, was photographed with his longtime girlfriend, Vivienne Meijer, at a market in Breizh’s historical district. Prince Jacques looked fresh and casual in a loose-fitting white henley, but Vivienne was positively glowing in a black skater dress.
The 20-year-old is just as famous for her iconoclastic dress sense as she is for her purple lipstick, but lately, she’s been favoring billowy blouses and swingy skirts. The sudden change in silhouette has us wondering.....is there a new prince or princess on the way?
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The Prince and the pauper!
Jacques and Vivienne met five years ago at the elite Elton Academy, where two generations of Armorican royalty have learned reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. Miss Meijer, whose middle-class parents are rumored to have taken out massive loans to fund their daughter’s education, was reportedly a poor student and “really antisocial,” according to a former classmate.
Her royal beau must not mind (she must have been offering something besides looks, intellect, and personality...) because the couple have been together ever since, and may now be expecting their first child together.
There’s just one small problem...Prince Jacques isn’t married to Vivienne Meijer. They’re not even engaged.
It’s all just rumors for now, but while we wait on official confirmation, we surveyed seven royal experts about what to expect in the coming months. Will Jacques and Vivienne be rushing to the altar? Can a baby born out of wedlock inherit a royal title? 85% of our experts say the answers “depend” on the circumstances, but royal etiquette expert Catarina Lynx was eager to chime in:
The King’s sister, Princess Olivia, welcomed a baby girl just five months after her surprise marriage to her former bodyguard. Times have changed, but the royal family are staunch traditionalists. If the Prince and his girlfriend are expecting, the public can expect a wedding announcement any day now!
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deans-baby-momma · 3 years
Truth or Dare-Part 5/20
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Summary: The Winchester sibling trio has been through so much in the last decade. From the night of their parents’ 30th wedding anniversary party where Sam and Dean eased Y/N from her innocence to Sam becoming a happily married lawyer with a kickass nurse of wife to the three of them now living in the same town they grew up in under the same roof where each of them came of age.  Y/N is a working mother of three,  her days spent helping the townsfolk make proper and suitable financial decisions while bustling about escorting her two oldest to school and her youngest, Mary Ellen, to daycare; Dean’s garage is the premiere body shop for classic restorations and  car maintenance; people from other state’s bring their vehicles to them to be repaired. Business at Winchester Wheels  is booming; Sam is the legal council for Winchester Wheels and has been since he moved back home almost 5 years ago. He has his work cut out for him dealing with the people Dean pisses off and threatens to sue the garage on at least a monthly basis.
After one lust-filled night, the siblings become more than family.  They become lovers. The three of them, together and separately.
One big loving family.
So when Y/N’s boss calls for her to take a much needed vacation, the six of them hit the road. What will happen? Will it bring them closer together or break them apart?
W/C: 1243
Warnings:  fluff
After the shenanigans at the cafe and RJ’s insistent revelation, the six Winchesters loaded into the rental vehicle and got back on the road.
“Where to first?” Sam asks, looking at a map on his phone. 
“First stop, Dodge City!” Dean exclaims happily but frowns when he is met with groans. “What?”
“Dude, that is like your fantasy sabbatical,” Sam says, looking over his shoulder at Y/N to see her nodding in agreement. “You love everything to do with the Wild West. Me and Y/N, not so much. The kids are going to be so bored!”
Dean huffs and sighs. “Well just so you know, they have a zoo and a water park that I had planned to take everyone to. Do you want to just cross that off the list?”
Y/N could tell Dean had gotten his feelings hurt at their disregard for his agenda. She scooted forward in her seat and put her arms around his seat and onto his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I’m sure we’ll enjoy Dodge City.”
“Don’t knock it until you try it,” Dean responds and bends his head to kiss her hand. “We’re going to get there just in time for the 5:00 mock showdown between Wild Bill and Davis Tutt. You know Wild Bill got lucky Tutt was such a bad shot. It took ol’ Bill a few seconds longer to steady his gun. Worked out though, because he shot his opponent right in the heart!”
Y/N could tell from the tone of his voice and the slight change of pitch that Dean was excited to be able to witness such a remarkable, albeit remade, event in history. She felt bad about their initial reaction.
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“Oh my god! Did you see that?” Dean remarks as they walk away from the stage of the mock gun battle. “Bill was the fastest draw in the land.” Dean pretends to pull a gun from a holster on his side and makes a pistol with his finger and thumbs, “shooting” left and right; mimicking the sound of shots by blowing air out of his puckered lips. 
Y/N shakes her head as she carries a sleepy Mary Ellen on her lap as RJ holds his uncle’s hand and Izabella holds her father’s non-gun one. As they walk down the street of the city decorated to look like an Old West town, they each take in the sights from the displays of the attire of times gone by. 
She can not imagine having to wear such drab and concealing garb that the women wore back then. Added to the fact that they were usually also squeezed into a corset that was two sizes too small and Y/N wonders how they ever got anything done, much less felt like populating the world.
She looks at one of the pictures that is hanging on the wall. The Vandall Family were photographed in front of what Y/N assumed was their homestead. The husband and wife and their 13 kids were all lined up from tallest to shortest. The woman was also holding an infant in her arms so that made 14 times she had taken off all those layers and laid with her husband to get pregnant. Unfathomable to Y/N!
Back at the hotel they had gotten rooms at, she places Mary Ellen in the provided crib and closes the door to the adjoining room. Izabella and RJ are in the adults’ room with Sam and Dean watching cartoons so Y/N decides to take a shower while the baby naps.
As she is rinsing her hair, she hears the door open and feels a presence enter the room. She waits and just a few seconds later, Dean’s head pops around the curtain.
“What a lovely view,” he says as he eyes her up and down. “So sexy,” he continues with a smirk on his face. “And all mine.”
“Uh huh. What do you want?” Y/N asks, trying to act nonchalant, that the fact that Dean is ogling her naked form is not turning her on. But sure enough she feels the first of the tingles in her pussy as he licks his lips.
“Sammy said he would watch the kids so we can go out,” Dean tells her, his eyes still trailing up and down her body. “So Y/N, wanna go on a date with me?”
Y/N stops what she’s doing and looks at her brother. An actual date? One where they can be the couple they want to be; hold hands and kiss? A date where they don’t have to worry about who sees them together?! The thought of that alone gets her blood pumping and her heart beat rushing.
“Yea,” she answers delighted and anxious.
“Okay. Well, dress up little lady because I am taking you out on the town!” Dean imitates a cowboy as his smile stretches across his face. He winks and blows her a kiss before disappearing. She hears the bathroom door click shut and she waits until she is sure Dean is back in the other room before she squeals.
Their first date. The first time they can go out and be a couple. She hurriedly finishes washing before turning the water off and stepping out of the tub, wrapping the fluffy hotel towel around her. 
She’s going on a date, her first official date. Ever!
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Knowing this is a special occasion, even if it is just for her, Y/N takes the extra time to style her hair the way she wants it and picks out the best blouse she had packed, pairing it with a pair of black trousers and her slip on booties. 
She even puts on makeup, using the barely-ever-used eyeshadow palette to create a smoky eye effect. She tops that off with a thin layer of mascara and some blush on her cheeks. Looking in the mirror, the reflection shown back to her is of a full-grown woman and not the half-grown kid she was so used to seeing when she looked at herself. 
Looking at her reflection, she now knows how she attracted both Dean and Sam because even she will admit with the way her clothes fit and her hair and makeup on point, she was beautiful and sexy. 
She briefly wonders what Dean’s reaction will be and doesn’t have to wait long to find out. The sound of the key in the door draws her attention and she looks over as Dean walks in. He is dressed up also. 
He is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, with no holes or snags in them, a cinnamon colored henley under a multi-colored flannel, the colors distressed and faded. The jeans were tight around his thick thighs and groin, leaving little to the imagination. Y/N could melt into the floor right there.
“Hot damn,” Dean exclaims as he takes Y/N in. “I am one helluva lucky son of a bitch. You are gorgeous, baby girl.”
“Thanks, handsome. You look mighty fine yourself.”
“Ready to paint this town?”
“As I’ll ever be,” she answers with a smile.
Dean places his palm on the bottom of her back as they walk down the street heading to, what Y/N is sure, some cafe that serves lukewarm coffee, cold pie and has dirty ashtrays on each table. 
Imagine her surprise when  Dean directs her to the exact opposite of her assumption.
A/N: If your username is marked through, it’s because Tumblr wouldn’t allow me to tag you. Sorry. 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @spnbaby-67 @tftumblin @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @deanwanddamons @onethirstyunicorn @supraveng @deandreamernp
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mama-tumblz · 5 years
What are the points of contrast?
I’ve been sitting on this one.  Sorry anon.  But it’s safe to answer now because the first chapter of that playbook has been written.  If they scramble to come out with more at this point it’s just going to look even faker.  I was just referring to two things that should go together but don’t.  If this...then that.  
The way Cait snuggled with Sam in the early days bts.  She’s a cuddler and takes some comfort and strength from hugging.  Back then the antis explained that away by saying that actors are just different than we are, freer with their bodies.  She’s touchy feely.  Even though things have by necessity been toned down she still reaches out to touch Sam without thinking.  Yet she doesn’t touch her fiancé/husband like that.  Or at all if she can help it.   Point of contrast.
The way she looks at Sam, or rather the way she doesn’t look at the maestro.  The antis will say that they are private and save their PDA for their alone time.  Yet she looks at Sam with those heart eyes and only Sam.  Not David or Duncan or Josh or Graham or Cesar or any other guy.  Just Sam.  And between two people in love there is bound to be a moment of eye contact, a shared smile, a loving glance, something.  It’s how we ended up in this mess.  But she only has those moments with Sam and not her beloved?  Point of contrast.
Maestro is shy.  Too shy to sit for a photographer to get a decent photo for the engagement announcement, so they use a year old shot from an industry event. Yet not too shy to schmooze on the red carpet among the stars or to clamp Sam in that brohug when it was needed to set up Sam and Cait’s evening.  By the time the Henley affair came along and the wedding was being planted he wasn’t shy at all.  Point of contrast.
She wants privacy for her wedding?  Understandable.  So don’t then with the two bit journos and the dropped innuendo leading in but crickets since.  Silence up to and a classy picture with a simple statement afterwards would have shut this down.  Yet nothing.  No names named, no telling pictures from the day, nothing but Cait and a goat.  Point of contrast.
There are a million more and they are the reasons I ship on.  I’m pissed at whatever entity it is that drives this donkey cart but mostly just sad and embarrassed for Cait, and Sam too.  She’s a classy lady.  The public that doesn’t question this don’t see her then as someone who deserves a decent engagement picture? a tasteful engagement announcement? and a classy wedding day? not to mention a classy groom?    Instead what the world sees are old pictures from one of her flat hair days when she looks sick and horrified, plastered all over tabloids where you’d expect to read next about the UFO that landed in a backwoods trailer park.  And every time another tasteful celebrity wedding announcement or statement comes out they look just a little more cheesy.  That wedding scenario, and that odd little nail biting man, were not chosen to boost Caits’ career.  They were chosen to hang in the air and feed the Googlers who feared that Jamie and Claire might be a real thing.  
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hockeytext3 · 3 years
Laser Treatments Ukteeth Whitening Costs" Laser Treatments Uk.
Led Laser Teeth Whitening Light Mouth Tray Detox Smile Oral Gel Hi Tooth White.
Mild Whitening Gel Formula Decreases Danger Of Level Of Sensitivity!
Seasoned Oral Experts.
Effective Teeth Whitening By Qualified, Experienced Specialists For A Brighter, Whiter Smile.
The Globes Finest Carrying Out Whitening Treatments.
How Long Will The Therapy Last?
The major energetic component in bleach is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide in focus of 6-16%. In some of our practices, we provide an in-surgery treatment which takes about an hour as well as can brighten your smile quickly, so if you are seeking a quick fix, this could be it. We'll chat this through carefully during your appointment before any kind of treatment begins. Completion result is obviously impacted by your specific starting point however many individuals see a substantial renovation.
How long do teeth whitening kits last?
It can last from a few months to up to 3 years – it varies from person to person. The whitening effect won't last as long if you smoke or drink red wine, tea or coffee, which can all stain your teeth.
We have actually presented a number of methods to maintain you safe, take a look to find out more. For your ease we offer clients the ability to book visits online. We use Zoom & Enlighten Whitening Expert Tooth Whitening, because we comprehend exactly how important your smile is. Then, the service having the whitening compound is repainted on your teeth. Teeth whitening treatments make use of either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to bleach out discolorations on your tooth enamel.
Beautiful Skin Day Spa Serves as a Daytime Retreat - Centralia Chronicle
Beautiful Skin Day Spa Serves as a Daytime Retreat.
Posted: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 23:46:00 GMT [source]
The whitening methods will certainly vary for everybody, depending upon the kind of discolor and where it is located. At Perfect Smile, we understand just how essential your smile is and also the effect a brighter, whiter smile can carry your life. In order to work lawfully as well as safely in the UK all oral professionals must be signed up with us. Trainees and students Here you will find recommendations as well as support to help you plan for an occupation in dental care. Abroad Registration Exam The Abroad enrollment examination is a test that overseas certified dental professionals have to come on order to sign up with the GDC. Enrollment allows dental practitioners to practice dentistry unsupervised in the UK. Hereafter time, your dental professional will assess the result, determine if you need any type of more treatment, and also take a final photograph.
Led Laser Teeth Whitening Light Mouth Tray Detoxification Smile Oral Gel Hi Tooth White.
The goal is to achieve your maximum natural whiteness rather than a great white. The majority of clients appropriate for tooth-whitening therapy including those with extreme food, drink or tobacco discolorations. We advise against the treatment if you are expectant or breast feeding. " Exceptional dental technique !! Extremely pleasant, effective and also specialist. Everything is clearly discussed and they might do no more to make one feel comfortable." Teeth lose their all-natural colour for many reasons, yet the major root causes of teeth looking yellow are food and beverage, oral hygiene and age. If https://www.ultimawhite.co.uk/whitening/henley-on-thames/oxfordshire/ are desiring for a whiter smile, we at Walkden Dental & Implant Center in Worsley can make it a truth. Cosmetic Dentistry At Brite we provide the finest of cosmetic oral treatments.
The gel contains an item called hydrogen peroxide, which saturates into the teeth and breaks down the discolorations utilizing oxygen, to whiten your teeth. In our experience the most effective whitening system on the marketplace with the benefit of the residence system as well as the power of in surgical procedure treatment with marginal to no sensitivity. Inform Full gives one of the most efficient results with the lowest concentration. Lightening procedures transform the all-natural colour of your teeth, generally transforming them anywhere from 4-5 tones lighter.
Usually we lose 10% of brightness a year, however the amount of dark food products you eat will certainly influence your security. We suggest that accomplish periodic 'top-up' treatments to aid maintain your brightness. Some clients may experience level of sensitivity from hot and cold beverages after treatment.
Gentle Whitening Gel Formula Lowers Threat Of Sensitivity!
Teeth Whitening Products Market Covid-19 Impact Analysis, Trends and Forecasts to 2027 | P&G, Colgate Palmolive, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson - Factory Gate
Teeth Whitening Products Market Covid-19 Impact Analysis, Trends and Forecasts to 2027 | P&G, Colgate Palmolive, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson.
Posted: Sat, 02 Jan 2021 08:57:00 GMT [source]
They are just efficient if held in the mouth for more than 5 mins and also also then, the maximum focus that they can legally hold is as low as 0.1% active element! If made use of as suggested above, they might aid to maintain the color of whitened teeth. Whitening representatives usually function best when they are permitted to soak over extended periods and also we discover that residence packages achieve their goals 99% of the time. It will certainly not provide you far better outcomes, however obtains you white without the trouble in a solitary session.
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Skilled Oral Experts.
To insert the tray, gently tap it to adapt the sides to your teeth. Our modern-day as well as well-equipped technique in Canford Health is devoted to the stipulation of excellent quality oral care. If you're thinking about a whiter smile, call the Rawtenstall group on today or fill in our contact us kind below.
Does charcoal really whiten your teeth?
laser teeth whitening banbury such as ultimawhite in toothpaste may help remove surface stains on your teeth. Charcoal is mildly abrasive and is also able to absorb surface stains to some degree. There is no evidence, though, that it has any effect on stains below a tooth's enamel, or that it has a natural whitening effect.
If you are thinking about Teeth Whitening, please ask your dental expert for additional details regarding dangers, benefits and also viability. Going to a Hygienist can also assist you accomplish a brighter, incredibly tidy smile. Please ask your dental expert concerning how therapy with the Hygienist can benefit you. The top-up treatment is perfect for a person that has had their teeth whitened previously and wish to top up the results preferably yearly. It is a risk-free as well as efficient means to offer your smile a healthy radiance and also to get rid of staining, discolouration or monotony.
Reliable Teeth Whitening By Certified, Experienced Experts For A Brighter, Whiter Smile.
Our dental professionals will certainly after that reveal you just how to apply the tooth whitening gel and explain how long they ought to be put on for.
You can also take this opportunity to listen to your selection of songs.
Before any kind of tooth whitening can be provided, our dental practitioner will require to check the health of your teeth and also gums.
Whether you want to add a glimmer to your smile for your wedding day or excellent your seek service meetings, whitening is straightforward, cost effective and risk-free.
Tooth whitening is secure offering you utilize an accepted brand name suggested by a qualified dentist.
Our teeth whitening systems vary from incorporated day spa and also home teeth whitening treatment system or residence teeth whitening system.
At The Smile Health Spa, Stockton, we only use teeth whitening therapies which are clinically safe and also give the most effective results.
These trays can hurt your periodontals, soft cells and might not be able to lighten your teeth uniformly if in any way as a result of bad fit and one size fits all standard tray. Most of our individuals do have directly, healthy teeth, but have actually observed discolouration taking place.
This can take place because of age, routines such as smoking, and also eating as well as drinking food that can stain our teeth, such as red wine, tea and also curries. COVID SECURE - Our practice continues to be OPEN and also welcoming individuals.
After that on the 15th day you require to see your dental practitioner for the second treatment, which takes just 40 minutes. Evo-white and Tooth Product are stuffed filled with the latest research study leading innovation offering exceptional dental healthcare benefits. Follow your dental expert's guidelines as well as teeth will certainly whiten beyond any kind of various other system. As professional orthodontists, we are able to use a wide variety of choices for your teeth correcting demands.
Home lightening is a different technique that progressively creates a brighter smile throughout a couple of weeks. It utilizes a reduced focus of the chemical whitening representative which will provide you much longer long lasting outcomes with very little threat of trauma to soft tissue.
Teeth whitening is a treatment that requires numerous applications. But, with the convenience of having the devices in the house, in addition to the specialist guidance from your Rawtenstall Dental practitioner, suggests that it is much easier to suit and around your life.
The Globes Best Doing Whitening Therapies.
This procedure makes use of the Zoom professional whitening system and also normally takes 2 hrs. As one of North Ireland's leading oral practices we offer the most recent techniques as criterion.
2 weeks after your dental practitioner supplies your Enlighten Whitening trays. These are thin and also comfy as well as must be worn in bed for 14 evenings.
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tereramos4582-blog · 5 years
Call to enquire on 07730 032220 It was such an honour to be asked to be the photographer for this lovely couple’s wedding vow renewal ceremony at the stunning Landmark Hotel – a long-time family favourite spot for afternoon tea – in the heart of London’s Marylebone district.
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donwong1257-blog · 5 years
Call 07730 032220 to reserve your date for 2019 and 2020 onwards.
We see your wedding day as a series of stories to be told - a look, a meeting between old friends, a detail that sums up the effort and thought that you've put into you big day. Central to this is an understanding of people - watching and knowing when those special moments are going to occur. These are what make your wedding photographs unique.
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katymacsupernatural · 6 years
Second Thoughts
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader AU
Word Count: 1600
Written For: @spnaubingo
Square Filled: Photographer AU
Warnings: none
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This moment should have been all about you. Nothing but happiness and excitement for the future. To show how much you were in love with your fiance. You were currently waiting in the photographer’s office, getting ready to meet him and plan your engagement photos. Hopefully talking him into taking your marriage photos as well.
Your fiance sat at your side, never once looking up from his phone, never once checking to make sure you were okay. It was usually how he was, and you had gotten used to it. But today, on what you considered an important appointment, you had hoped for a little more support.
The door opened, and in walked the most mesmerizing man you had ever seen. Dressed in a pair of dark gray jeans, along with a green henley and leather jacket, he looked nothing like the photographer you had expected. Much more like the bad boy every girl had to look at twice. With his jade colored eyes, and plump lips, you felt your throat go dry, your hands clasped tightly together in your lap. Reminding yourself that you were here because you were getting married. And that a man like him wouldn’t even look your way to begin with.
“The names Jensen,” he spoke up, his voice just as amazing as the rest of him. Knowing that it was natural to realize how handsome a person was, you turned to your fiance, hoping he would speak up. But he was still glancing down at his phone, leaving you to discuss details.
“My name’s Y/N, and this is Hunter. You came highly referenced.”
“I like my job, and I do it well,” he answered simply. Not boastful, just matter of fact as his gaze swept over you, raising an eyebrow as your fiance continued to ignore him. “Can you tell me a little bit about your ideas?”
“I’d like…,” you started, just as Hunter stood up, surprising all of you.
“I’ve got to go. They need me at work. You can finish this, can’t you sweetheart?” Hunter asked, leaning over and ghosting his lips across your cheek before leaving without an answer. Both you and Jensen watched him leave before Jensen cleared his throat.
“Is he always like that?” He asked.
“Sometimes,” you admitted. “Most of the time. His work is very important to him, and he’s not very good at meeting new people.”
Leaning forward until his vibrant green eyes were dangerously close to yours, Jensen’s tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. “Listen, I see a lot of engaged couples. It comes with the gig. But a woman like you...why are you with a guy like him?”
“I know he’s a good catch, but we’ve known each other for a long time,” you muttered, blushing furiously.
“Sweetheart, that’s not what I meant. I meant he’s out of your league. You’re gorgeous, and I can see you have a kind heart already. I’m not telling you what to do, but I think you deserve better.”
“And I think it’s none of your business,” you muttered, feeling exposed, but at the same time flattered.
“Sorry!” He threw his hands in the air, standing up and moving around the desk, settling in his expensive looking leather chair. “I’m just trying to be helpful!”
“If you’re trying to be helpful, how about we plan my engagement pictures?” You suggested. “Or I heard there’s this really nice lady who does photos as well.”
“You don’t want Janet,” he muttered. “She chops off half of the picture. No imagination whatsoever.”  Reaching over, he open this leather book, pushing it your way. There were samples of engagement photos along with stunning wedding photos, and you knew immediately that this is the person you wanted taking pictures. His eye for detail, along with an eye for creativity made the pictures pop.
“These are stunning,” you whispered, carefully turning the pages. “You did a great job.”
“Thank you. I take pride in my work,” he answered.
“So would you be able to take our pictures?” You asked him, pushing the book back towards him.
“According to your email, you need the engagement pictures done this weekend, and your wedding photos taken in three months.”
“I know it’s short notice, but it was the only date available at the venue,” you spoke quickly, having this disappointed feeling that he was going to say no.
“I understand, and I accept,” he told you. “I’d really like a chance to take your pictures. As long as Hunter will be a willing participate?”
“He will. He’s just stressed right now,” you said, even though you weren’t sure you really believed the excuses that you continued to use.
“So, you were hoping to get your pictures taken at the overlook, is that right?” He asked, and you nodded. “Saturday, six in the morning we’ll meet up there. Don’t wear green.”
“So early?”
“That’s the best lighting. That or late evening, but I have plans,” he explained.
“Six in the morning it is,” you agreed, shaking his hand. The feel of his callused hand in yours sent sparks through your system, creating butterflies in your stomach. He held on longer than normal, his gaze searching deep into your own.
“I can’t wait to see you again,” he spoke softly, and you blushed once again.
3 Days Later
Tossing yet another outfit onto your bed, you knew you were running out of time. It took twenty minutes to get to the overlook, and you hadn’t even gotten dressed yet. Finally you settled on your new, extremely soft maroon sweater. It hugged your curves, but didn’t leave you feeling too exposed. Pairing it with a pair of slim jeans and your tall leather boots, you grabbed your purse just as your phone buzzed.
It was a message from Hunter, apologizing that he would be running late and he would meet you up there. Rolling your eyes, you climbed into your car, trying to ignore the little surge of excitement at getting to see Jensen once again.
Humming along to the radio, you made your way to the lookout just as the sun barely started to peak over the mountains. Jensen was already parked there, sitting on the hood of his car, still wearing that broken in leather jacket of his. “There you are!” He exclaimed, dramatically leaning over to peer in your car. “And the elusive Hunter?”
“He’s on his way,” you sighed. “Maybe we could go over spots, and stuff before he gets here?”
“Sure. But Y/N, he does realize how important this day is, right?” Jensen asked, standing up and reaching towards you before dropping his hand.
“I thought so,” you spoke softly, realizing that maybe you didn’t know Hunter as well as you had thought. “I know he’s been…,”
“Yeah, you said he’s been stressed lately. But this is engagement photos. He should by your side every step of the way for this.”
“Can we please just do this?” You asked, hating all the doubts he was putting into your head.
“Of course. You’re the paying customer. I’m just the lowly photographer,” he muttered, showing you his fancy camera.
Without Hunter with you, there wasn’t much you could do. But Jensen was kind, showing you different places you could stand, different ways he would place you. A half an hour went by, and you could tell Jensen was getting anxious to get started. Reaching into your pocket, you pulled out your phone, dialing Hunter’s phone number. “Hello?” He asked, sounding annoyed.
“Hunter, where are you?” You asked, standing back by your car. Jensen stayed by his, trying to give you space.
“Y/N, I’m sorry, but today’s not looking good. I’ve been called in to the office,” he started to say, making your heart plummet.
“But Hunter, we had this planned. You knew it was coming up, and you promised nothing would get in the way,” you pleaded, but all you heard was a sigh in response. “Hunter, I don’t know if we’ll be able to reschedule.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry. But I won’t be able to make it. Try and reschedule, or we’ll figure something out,” he insisted before hanging up the phone.
Staring at it for a moment, you turned to Jensen, trying to keep the tears from falling. You had been so looking forward to today. “I’m sorry to waste your time.”
“Y/N, it’s not your fault,” he insisted, coming over and placing his hand on your shoulder. “I know things happen, but maybe this is a sign. Maybe you should postpone this wedding.”
“I can’t,” you whispered. “His parents...and mine, they’re both looking forward to this. They’ve wanted this for a long time. I can’t postpone it.”
“Y/N, listen to yourself. You keep talking about what everyone else wants. But what about you? Do you want this marriage?” He asked you as a tear slipped down your cheek.
“I did,” you spoke the words so softly you weren’t sure he heard them. And it was true. At the beginning you had wanted this marriage more than anything. But now, with Hunter in the missing, you weren’t sure if it was the right thing anymore. Especially with Jensen’s reasons echoing in your mind.
Read Part 2
Dean/Jensen Tags:@acreativelydifferentlove @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278 @anokhi07 @aubreystilinski @bebravekeeponfighting @brindz30 @colette2537 @crusadedean @darthshreydar @deanwinchesters-impala67-deacti @haelyn @horsegirly99 @ikeneasul11 @its-not-a-tulpa @just-another-winchester @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @librarygeekery @msimpala67 @love-charmer-sketch @ria132love @ruprecht0420 @shadowhunter7 @sizzlingbearpolice @sleep-silent-angel @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @torn-and-frayed @wonderfulworldofwinchester 
Forever Tags(CLOSED):
@16wiishes @4401lnc @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @anspgene @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bemyqueenofdarkness @bohowitch @buckysmetalgoddamnarm @bumber-car-s @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @camelotandastronauts @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @emmazach @emilicious-7 @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280 @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @herbologystudent252 @heyitscam99 @highfunctioning-soiciopath @hms-fangirl @hobby27 @ichooseeternalplaces @imboredsueme @internationalmusicteacher @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @leanbeankeane @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @luciferslucille @maui137 @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @nanie5 @natashacamillaus @newtospnfandom @offbeatsilhouette @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @ronja-uebrick @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @smoothdogsgirl @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman @sunskittlex @starry-chaos @superbadassnatural @thebikiniinspector @theflameontheinside @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tina8009 @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @walkslikesummeractslikerain @whimsicalrobots @wildlandfox @winchesterbrothers-inc @winchesterxtwo @winchester-writes @worldwidehansum @zombiewerewolfqueen
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evansc-photo · 6 years
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#TheHenley @thehenleygolf #henleyinarden #love #couple #couplegoals #fashion #beautiful #photographer #lovequotes 👰• http://www.WeddingsByEvans.co.uk/ • #blogger #weddingphotography #wedding #follow4follow #like4like #happy #Pink #picoftheday #instafollow #happiness #bridetobe #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #engaged #bride #follow #bestfriends #bridal (at Henley Golf Club)
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dynowrites · 6 years
Is vampire! Sunny like still a detective? In both the reader or barisi one? Can he go out in the sun? How often does he have to feed? Is he still a softe sweet boy? Does he still wear his rocking suits?
Barisi: He is still a detective so he still wears the rocking suits. He can go out into the sun and for the feeding? He can go around two or three weeks without feeding but he does get very snippy and hangry. He is still a soft boi, too.
Reader: Hmmm… because I have played with the idea that Sonny’s a photographer, let’s say that’s what he does. He has a little studio and does all types of pictures: weddings, birthday parties, prom, graduation, etc. Like the Barisi one, he can go out in the sun but he prefers being out at night. The night life is what Sonny lives for. He feeds pretty often but most of the time it’s just for fun. Sonny gets a rush off feeding and usually will go home to take care of his problem. It is rare he’ll sleep with someone he feeds off but he’ll still do it. Sonny is more hardcore in this AU, he can be a softy from time to time but he’s been alone so long, in and out of relationship that it’s hard for him to trust. As for the suits, he only wears them from time to time. More casual attire is how he rolls. The Henley’s, flannels. I mean, sometimes he is a messy eater when in a mood so who wants to get those nice suits covered in blood?
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honestgrins · 6 years
Mini drabble: Klaus saw Caroline kissing a girl in a party at the beginning of fall semester so he thought she likes girls. Caroline is dropping hints after hints that she likes him but he doesn't understand :)
“Wait, do you like me?” Klaus’s ear flushed a bright red, and Caroline thought it was the cutest thing she’d ever seen. Considering she had been ogling him for the entire semester, that was saying something. “You never made a move.”
And she had tried, dropping hints during their reporting shifts together (and study breaks over coffee, and happy hour drinks, and the odd party) that she was available and interested. When Klaus was assigned as her photographer for their print journalism class, Caroline sent smug looks to everyone seeming particularly downcast that the hot foreign exchange student wouldn’t be in easy reach. For them, anyway.
Caroline had been looking forward to hearing just what that accent sounded like in a more intimate setting. Since Tyler ditched her last-minute to transfer to some mountain school, Caroline was more than happy to have a fling with Klaus and the way his eyes seemed to follow her. 
But it never happened. He would flirt, tease, argue, and blush…with nothing more satisfying to follow up. No dates, no hookups, just frustrated tension. At least, until he casually shared that she would have been his ideal date for his brother’s upcoming wedding.
His fingers combed through his hair nervously as he stared at the photo they were editing together. “At the start, I didn’t think you were single,” Klaus admitted, glancing at her briefly. 
“I wasn’t,” she shrugged, “but my boyfriend took off without telling me, and I insisted upon the change in status.”
Clearing his throat, Klaus nodded. “And then, at the welcome party…” He trailed off, and Caroline’s eyes went huge.
“I didn’t realize you were at that party.” The J-school seniors always threw a crazy blowout for the start of the school year, and Caroline had been determined to get over Tyler in a big way. “That must mean you saw me with Kat.”
“Katherine Pierce has never been quite so friendly with me, love,” he joked, thankfully glossing over the more detailed reminder of her very public, very satisfying hookup. “I just assumed that you weren’t interested in…me.”
Holding back a giggle, Caroline let her hand drift down his arm, plucking at the worn Henley. “Oh, I am,” she clarified. “And Kat’s hot and she was totally on board for rebound sex, which was great.”
A noise rumbled from Klaus’s chest, she would almost call it a growl. With a sweet smile, Caroline leaned in to press a kiss at the corner of his lips. “But I’m betting sex with you would be pretty great, too. Better even, if you wanted to take me to dinner first, let me pull out all the stops for a proper date.”
Klaus chased her lips as she pulled away, his breath warming the air between them. “I think I can manage that,” he murmured, finally closing the distance.
Prompts are open for mini-drabble requests!
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welldresseddadblog · 6 years
Welcome to the 13th instalment of the “Garmsman Dozen” question and answer session. The response so far has been tremendous. Did you miss earlier ones? There are links at the end of the page.
This week we welcome to the Garmsman Dozen Christopher Laverty from Great Britain!
Who are you, where do you live and what interests you?
Christopher Laverty. York, UK. 40 years old.
Author of book Fashion in Film, broadcaster, creator of website Clothes on Film and costume consultant.
Twitter: @clothesonfilm, Instagram: @lordlaverty, @christopherlaverty, Facebook: @clothesonfilm.
I enjoy movies, decent TV, clothes, clothes in movies, clothes in decent TV, bourbon, pipe smoking, cigars (preferably Cuban), cocktail making, cycling, running and twirling my moustache.
Thinking back to your childhood, what were your most memorable or favourite clothes?
Honestly, I don’t remember much of my childhood. Controversially I don’t many of us really do, we just piece together memories from what we’re told and photographs. With that in mind, I’ll go to my late teenage years when I first remember becoming interested in clothes. It was the mid-late 1990s so a lot of pale, shapeless denim jeans worn way too long with thick, oversized shirts and suede Kickers. This is probably why I gravitated toward the vintage scene which at this time was big on 1970s retro revival. My favourite buy was a tan leather trench coat, probably from the late 1970s, made in Egypt with a Selfridges label. It was immaculate. I purchased for £25 from Covent Garden market and still have it today. I don’t wear the coat much as it’s a little on the nose these days and verging on dress up, but at least it still fits! I do come from a family interested in clothes, particularly my dad. I was born to older parents (they are in their late eighties now) and with an older brother (now 60) and sister (53). I was spoilt rotten. Apparently, I even had a tailored coat, which to a working-class family is quite a fancy thing. My appreciation of clothes comes from understanding how they are made, their design, influences and appropriateness to the era. This is all born in me I think.
How would you describe your style today, and what are your influences?
It’s one of two things depending on my mood, time of year, facial hair and hairstyle: 1) denim and workwear, Edwardian influenced to 1930s OR 2) 1970s lounge with flared three-piece suits. I like to change things up because I get bored easily. It does have to be a specific look though – I have to feel that it ticks certain boxes, although saying that I do loathe the idea of sticking rigidly to eras or historical accuracy. My main influence for the 70’s is television programmes such as The Persuaders! and The Professionals and films such as Fear is the Key and Carlito’s Way. For workwear, it’s more print-based influences, like old photographs of miners and ranchers, but also films like The First Great Train Robbery and There Will Be Blood. I pull from wherever I like, really. Again, it’s not rigid; I’m not a re-enactor, I’m just someone who enjoys a period-specific feel to their dress.
How do you think others would describe your style and garments, do you get any reaction from friends and random strangers?
Totally, though a lot of that comes from random moustache admirers/hecklers. I don’t mind, so long as it’s polite. People will always point out what is different and, if I’m honest, I get a kick out of it. I think my friends just list random people they consider could be associated with my look – I’ve had everything from Shaft to a Spitfire pilot. It’s all good fun unless you choose to be offended (which I don’t because life is far too short to be cross and moaning all the time).
When looking for clothes, what factors play into your selections?
Need, mainly. I don’t really seek out any clothing unless I’m specifically short on something, like a henley t-shirt or new pair of boots. Most clothes come to me, in that I might stumble across a charity shop find or somebody acquires a shirt or whatever they think I’d like. I don’t really pay full price for anything. For example, I bought some suede chukka boots by Alfred Sargent last year, but only because they were offered to me by a friend who’d found them (in immaculate condition I might add) in a charity shop. I certainly didn’t need the boots but I’ll not turn my nose up at a bargain. I love clothes, though my wardrobe is actually quite capsule. I think there’s nothing worse than just buying willy-nilly and ending up with so much gear you can hardly store it all. This actually diminishes sartorial creativity in my view.
When putting together an outfit combination, do you spend a lot of time considering it?
Not really. I think I know what works and just go with that. I’ll plan more if it’s an occasion outfit but for every day I just grab what I like depending on the weather. Putting together an ensemble can be fun, but I do think if you take too long it becomes fussy and convoluted. If in doubt, take it out.
Most garmsmen will have a few “grail items” in their collection. Not to out you, but if your house is burning, which garments do you grab?
Probably my RM Williams boots. They are Craftsman Yearling, the finest boot RM Williams make in my opinion and they work with almost any outfit. I purchased on eBay nearly a decade ago for about £100. The leather is cracking a tad now but I couldn’t be without them. That said, I wouldn’t burn alive for them either so this better be a fairly mild fire we’re talking about here.
Photo by Ben Bentley
Are you budget-conscious or spendthrift? Are you a single-shot shopper, or go large and buy bulk? Where are you on slow-fashion and buying less?
I’m not spendthrift, even less so if I’m buying for others. If something fits and looks great and I can afford it and need it, I’ll buy it. I do like things that are in a sale or reduced though – it just feels more fun to make that purchase. In this respect, I wish I could support more artisan brands but they are just too rich for my blood. The sad thing is I know that the guys running these places and making these clothes and footwear are just getting by as is. If I was rich I’d probably shop with an eye toward supporting homegrown brands, but as things stand whoever can give me what I want for the best possible price is going to get my money.
Having a large collection of clothes can lead to changing outfit on a daily basis, but if you were going to wear a single outfit the next two weeks, what would it be?
My go to is probably a green ribbed cotton henley (from H&M), Marlboro leather and canvas braces (charity shop), Levi LVC 1878 jeans (eBay) and my RM Williams boots. This outfit suits just about every occasion, unless you want me attending your wedding or something. It’s comfortable to travel, work, socialise and chill in. Simple but effective in my opinion.
What would you never wear?
That’s a tough one. Basically, anything that looks awful on me, so very baggy trousers or jeans (I’m a short-ass), super-tight muscle tees (they are hilarious even if you have the body) and chunky hi-top trainers (love them on other people but I look like a failed hip-hop artist). Oh and baseball caps. Every time I put one on I look like I’m dying of some disease.
Photo by David Wade
What are your best tips for buying?
If you’re talking specifically about buying for my look, either workwear or 70’s inspired, then I’d say eBay, charity shops and vintage fairs. Got to be patient though and realise that, in the main, if you’ve found a bargain, someone else has too. People know their stuff a lot more these days so everyone has their eye out. For basics, I find H&M hard to beat. It’s not the highest quality and sometimes their stores are saturated with desperately on-trend crap, but in general, for easy tees and shirts, they are a goldmine (plus have lots of year-round sales).
Do you have a dream garment you’d love to own?
A few years ago I would have said a Savile Row suit but I think I desired one for the wrong reasons. It was a case of wanting to say I’ve had a suit cut on Savile Row rather than wanting the garment itself. I must admit I have always hankered after a beautifully tailored flared leg suit from the 1970s. I have a couple of off-the-peg examples but I’d love one bespoke. Suits of this era with that distinctive cut, the high waist, flared leg, high double vents and pagoda shoulder are not impossibly hard to find, though ones made from high-quality wool suiting are. Also, I’m a sucker for LVC Levi. I’d buy most of it just to hang on my wall and salivate over.
Anyone that buys clothes will have made mistakes, what is your most memorable bad buy?
Loads! When I used to buy more and think later I grabbed many a mistake. Possibly my worst was a pair of loose Abercrombie & Fitch jeans, from eBay if I remember correctly. Not sure what look I was going for. LA surfer, possibly? Or maybe just asshole. Either way, unsurprisingly, they didn’t work.
Do you have any style icons, historic or current?
Most of the looks I covet are from films so were put together by costume designers rather than the stars in question. Then again, stars and icons had stylists back in the day and they have stylists now. Cary Grant always nailed it. James Coburn could rock the Ivy. Nowadays Sebastian Stan constantly looks interesting without going too bananas (he has a brilliant stylist and an easy to dress bod too, mind). My elderly dad has a wonderfully open love of bright colour, which I admire and is daring for a former market trader from the East End of London. ‘Be more like him’ I often think.
Who are your favourite Instagram profiles?
What you mean apart from @Welldresseddad??? 😉 I like all the sartorial based accounts I follow. Two, in particular, indulge my passion for high-end workwear denim that I can’t afford: @kingchung501 and @vorstenbos. Anyone who doesn’t take it all too seriously, basically.
How do you think trends such as denim and heritage style will evolve and survive? What will be the next big thing?
I think more and more people will get into making their own clothes. We are not there yet, and I certainly don’t presently have the skills, but big picture I feel this will get easier and easier to do in our own home. Sustainability is a big trend and not going anywhere – and really it can’t afford to. Denim especially will go down this route. Like I said we are a way off, but with current textile innovations and online communities, it is coming.
Thank you!
Thank you for your Garmsman Chris!
Photo by David Wade
Did you miss the first Garmsman Dozens?
Jon from Great Britain
Shaun from Scotland
Klaus from Germany
Roland from Italy
Daniel from Sweden
Enoch from the USA
Even from Norway
Kris from Belgium
Michael from Great Britain
Liam from Great Britain
Lee from Great Britain
Iain from Great Britain
Michael from Italy
PS: If you have suggestions for participants, let me know. Or have your mother suggest you, if you’re a bit keen to suggest yourself. My email is WellDressedDad (@) gmail.com
  The Garmsman Dozen #14: Chris from Great Britain Welcome to the 13th instalment of the "Garmsman Dozen" question and answer session. The response so far has been tremendous.
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gooddame · 7 years
A Rosy Thorn In My Side Part 2
This is a follow up of A Rosy Thorn In My Side, title courtesy of @austennerdita2533 and story for the lovely and kind @kickassfu who encourage me to make it as long as humanly possible.
*Still surly and fluffy, maybe one or two cuss word*
Present day
Klaus rubbed at his face in annoyance as he scuttled through the home his family was allowed to live on in the Forbes estate off the side of the gardens. That morning had been a righteous mess, he thought as he undid the rest of the buttons on his dress shirt failing at keeping the images of Caroline in a distraught state from just being near him. Just when he thought he would have a moment of peace he opened his bedroom door to find his brother scouring his sketchbook as he sat on his bed.
“Kol, get out of my room,” he forcibly suggested to his younger brother no longer able to keep the aggravation from his tone as he was able to with the press.
“I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss me brother,” Kol mused as he shut the leather cover of the book and set it aside on the nightstand.
Klaus prepared himself for what felt like an aneurysm, “And why on earth would that be?” he inquired as he removed his shirt and shoved out of the shoes that had been sent over for him to wear.
His brother chuckled as he found his way off of the bed that didn’t belong to him, “Because I’ve just found the receipt for the secret car you plan on using to escape your wedding,” his brother taunted as procured the white form from his pocket,.
Klaus snatched the sheet from his brother’s hand, “That was not for your eyes,” he grit out as he pulled on one of his older Henley’s hanging off of a chair.
Kol observed him with amusement, “Neither was Princess Caroline’s lady in waiting but I still bedded her on the first night she was here,” Kol thought out loud thinking of the first time he set eyes on Bonnie.
The last thing Klaus wanted to be reminded of was the time both Caroline and Bonnie had arrived after this morning’s wedding announcement. He’d spent the last six years recovering from that night, both of them. The kingdom had struggled a great deal to silence the media’s murmurs that the woman he had been with that night was her. A secret he still held even when questioned by the king himself and the only thing that had saved them both was that Caroline had done two things, told the truth and dyed her hair blonde once again.
“Get out,” he hissed pausing only to place a hand on his brother’s chest gripping his shirt, “And if you value your life,” he warned with a withering look.
“Oi Nik,” Kol groaned as he fought himself out of his older brother’s grasp only to be saved by their sister who happened to be walking by with mild interest.
“He’s worse than usual,” Rebekah stated as she leaned herself against the doorway of Klaus’ bedroom smiling at the dour looks of her brother’s faces.
Klaus looked from one sibling to the other, “Will you both bloody stop with the smiles?” he whined as he crossed the room reaching for his sketchpad.
Kol laughed as he escaped the bedroom leaving Klaus with his younger sister who seemed to watch him with an air of grace that could be mistaken for snobbery, “You’re being an insufferable twat,” she told him reminding him of what Caroline had said when they were together last.
“I suppose that’s fair,” he muttered as he ripped out the pages filled with Caroline’s face out uncaring of what his sister might think about it as he flicked on the fireplace.
“You always laughed about how I loved too easily,” she muttered reaching for the door knob, “Are you so far gone for this princess?” she asked softly.
The question gave him pause, “No, Bekah,” he sighed, “I’m simply trying to get through this whole fiasco with a clear head,” he assured her with a wave of dismissal.
“Sorry dear brother,” she sighed as she went to close the door behind herself, “I can’t help you there,” he heard her say as he started burning the pages to ash.
Mikael well and truly was supernatural if he could curse him from the grave like this, cursed to marry the woman he loved while she loathed him. When he had first found out that Caroline was betrothed it had felt like a stake to the heart, a dagger reopening old wounds. To his surprise he was the groom, Mikael had ensured it over time, with Finn in the clergy and Elijah having married early, it left Klaus as Mikael’s only viable option.
He watched the last of the pages flourish as ash before he set himself down at his desk reaching inside the drawer for the one thing he’d allowed himself to keep. Tattered and yellowed from time was the receipt from the nightclub, the only thing that was real, kept the memory of her lips, her yes, the delicate feel of her skin under her jacket be more than that of fantasy. He remembered Mikael had raged the morning after pulling him from his bed and knocking him straight into the wall.
“Another whore,” he’d growled, it was first and only time Klaus had hit back.
Flashback/morning after
Caroline returned to the castle dead on her feet after having left Klaus behind in the bar careful at every angle she parked the old truck in the garage just where it was before. With a moment’s pause Caroline decided to remove the keyring to keep as a memory before setting the keys back. She slipped back through her windows, her sheets having been hidden all this time thanks to the rose bushes that were nearly glued to the threshold.
Little thought was given to how he would come back here, how he had come to be here, and if she would ever see him again. Caroline hadn’t allowed such thoughts to penetrate her as she stripped out of her leather jacket and jeans before tugging at her bed sheets and pulling them through the window. Deciding against tossing them on the bed she shoved the duvet over and snuggled inside until her whole body heated in delight.  She smiled feeling sleep sweep over her as she thought about ruffled brown curls under her fingertips and perfect pink swollen lips sighing in satisfaction when darkness consumed her. The sun had been most unfriendly to her a few hours later as she rolled over on her plush bed snuggling into her pillow when her name was called from her common room.
“Caroline,” her father’s voice resounded as he pushed open the door of her bedroom startling her awake in his fury.
She sat up quickly sensing the tension rolling off of her father in waves, her hands wiping away whatever sleep she had lingering in her eyes as she replied, “Yes father,” in a half-exhausted tone.
Bill threw the newspaper in his hand at the duvet, his eyes like lasers as she reached for the stack her eyes landing on the front page photograph. “What is this?” he asked sharply as dread filled her.
Caroline’s eyes were glued to the photo, her red waves partially covering her face and his perfect jaw line dong it’s best to cover the rest, “A newspaper,” she muttered as she read the headline, ‘Heartbreak Mikaelson, At It Again’, “What’s going on?”
The bedroom door opened more primly than before, her mother stepping into the room with a distressed look and another newspaper, “This,” her father cried.
The headline was different she noted and the photo was from another angle, “Niklaus?” she read aloud admiring the picture that had her hands on his waist.
“Is it you or someone who looks like you?” Her mother tested breaking the eye contest Caroline and her father were currently competing in.
“Does it matter if no one can prove it,” she asked feeling trapped in her own bedroom much like when she was a child, the need to escape making her hands twitch.
“I’ve asked for Niklaus to join us for breakfast and no one has found him,” her father’s voice turned in her ears as he shouted, “Is he hiding in here?”
“What,” Caroline cried dumbfounded at the accusation her father had flung at her, “No,” she told him as she grasped desperately for her robe.
“Scour the rooms,” he demanded as guards loitered her bedroom defiling it as they search for a man that would not be found here.
“You’re not going to find anyone,” Caroline exclaimed as she managed to loop a knot through her robe so she could stand as they searched under her bed, “This is insane!”
Her father crossed the room to grip her arm as he pressed her for answers, “Is this you,” his words cut, his grip intensified as he wore her down.
“Yes,” she hissed pulling herself free of his grasp before anyone could question the strain of her answer or the beguiling tears forming in her eyes.
“Bill, stop,” she heard her mother say far too late as she clutched her arm, rubbing softly at the red marks forming as the guards cleared her most private space.
Bill turned his attention to his wife, “I knew sending her to America was a bad idea but I had to listen to you,” he shouted shocking both women.
“Your wife,” Liz reminded him as if he had forgotten as Caroline sunk further into the back wall closest to her, “A former commoner, or is it that you still see me as one?”
“Shit,” Caroline muttered practically reliving her worst childhood memory, the one that had sent her to America at the age of 12, her parents sucked.
Present day / A week later                
Caroline felt her hands shaking as she set down her curling wand not willing to risk burning herself over a simple case of nerves. At least that was what she told herself as Bonnie reentered her bedroom with a magnificent look on her face that was tarnished when she saw the look of panic in Caroline’s eyes.
“I’m freaking out Bonnie,” she admitted as Bonnie rushed across the room, “I need your help, my mom is going crazy planning this wedding that apparently is now in a week. Did you know that?”
“Whoa, Care, breathe,” Bonnie pleaded as she sat next to her friend on her bench near the vanity hugging her, “You’re mom is like right behind me.”
Like magic her bedroom door opened and Caroline wondered how she ever got any privacy, “Caroline, I’d like a word,” Liz entreated without leaving room to say no.
“Just a minute, mother,” the Princess sighed as she gave Bonnie one last affectionate squeeze before letting her go in order to stand.
“I’ll be outside,” her best friend dismissed herself giving Caroline a thumbs up from behind her mother.
Caroline felt her heart warm, Bonnie with all her brains and beauty had never left her side in the last six years since she’d convinced her to move to the castle with her. They had faced a lot of hurdles together since the first day of middle school when they met and in many ways the brunette was her sibling, her sister. Lost in the memories of their shared childhood Caroline hadn’t noticed her mother had come to stand by her side near the window.
“I know you’re not happy,” Liz began making Caroline believe there was some hope for their relationship after all as she reached for her, “But your country,” her mother continued and Caroline deflated, “I appreciate what you are doing.”
The Princess nodded, “Which is exactly why I am going through with it,” she insisted with a generic grin, “Even if he is,” she started to bite out.
“Caroline,” her mother warned as the door to her bedroom swung open once more revealing her best friend perfect face, sometimes Bonnie was the only reason she was sane.
“Simply a lovely human being,” Caroline finished just as pleasantly as her royal etiquette would allow even when Bonnie snickered obviously aware of whom they were discussing.
“I was just going to ask if you were still going to go on that walk with me later,” she inquired gently as she clung to the door still fairly uncomfortable around Caroline’s mother.
“Yeah Bon, I promise,” she assured her with a quick smile noting the look of disapproval on her mother’s face.
“It’s yes,” her mother corrected looking more at Bonnie than at Caroline so she made a face behind her mother back in order to make Bonnie laugh instead of tremble in her mother’s wake.
“Yes,” she corrected herself when her mother looked back at her as if sensing she was up to something but finding nothing amiss.
Liz waited for Bonnie to wave goodbye before she address her daughter once more, “Caroline, I know you two have history but Niklaus,” she pressed quietly.
Caroline huffed without meaning to, “Klaus, he prefers Klaus,” she corrected her mother as she took to pacing the floor in an unladylike fashion that clearly displayed her nerves.
“Niklaus,” her mother pressed on purposely missing her correction, “Will be here later to see you,” she revealed surprising Caroline and also reminding her that her mother never really came around just to ask how she was.
Caroline stopped in her tracks listening to her mother, “I do hope he can join you for some, amiable photos for the press on your walk,” she suggested moderately.
“Of course mother,” Caroline replied as primly as possible.
AN: Hopefully tomorrow I will post the follow up of this chapter. Please enjoy and happy reading!
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