#Vimshottari Dasha
cosmicpuzzle · 5 months
Which Mahadasha each rising sign must be cautious?
Mahadasha means major period in Vedic terms. Maha means big and Dasha means the state of life. So, at each point of your life a certain planet rules your life (depending on the Moon's Nakshatra at time of birth)
Aries Rising: You must be careful in Mars period of 7 years since it rules 8th house. Mercury period of 17 years may also give some troubles as it is 6th lord.
Taurus Rising: You must be careful in Jupiter period of 16 years although Jupiter can give large gains in its period too.
Gemini Rising: You must be careful in Mars period of 7 years since it rules 6th and 11th house. Saturn period of 19 years can be difficult too since Saturn rules 8th house.
Cancer Rising: Jupiter period, it rules 6th house but if well placed can give professional growth. Saturn period of 19 years can be difficult as it rules 7th and 8th house.
Leo Rising: Saturn period since it rules 6th and 7th house. Jupiter period can be mixed too as it rules 8th house.
Virgo Rising: Mars period as it rules 3rd and 8th house. Saturn period can be mixed.
Libra Rising: Venus period can be difficult as it rules 1st and 8th. Mars can be difficult as it rules 2nd and 7th.
Scorpio Rising: Mercury is most difficult period of 17 years as it rules 8th.
Sagittarius Rising: Moon can be difficult ruling 8th.
Capricorn Rising: Sun period of 6 year can be difficult ruling 8th. Moon can be difficult too ruling 7th house.
Aquarius Rising: Moon period of 10 years can be difficult and even Mercury can be difficult ruling 8th.
Pisces Rising: Venus period of 20 years is most difficult and even Saturn period of 19 years.
Comment on your current Dasha and your experience.
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astrovaidya-blog · 9 months
The Cosmic Clock: Understanding Vimshottari Dasha
The Vimshottari Dasha is a fundamental concept in Vedic astrology, representing a 120-year cycle of planetary periods. It assigns different planetary rulerships to specific periods of a person's life, influencing events and experiences. This ancient astrological system provides insights into the ebb and flow of one's destiny, helping astrologers make predictions and guide individuals in their life journey.
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theastrotree · 2 months
Vimshottari Mahadasha Prediction Life Report
Discovering the intricacies of your life’s journey can be an enlightening experience. The Vimshottari Dasha System of Maharishi Parasara offers profound insights into the various phases of your life, guiding you towards a path of fulfillment and success. In this comprehensive life report, we delve into the mystical realms of Vimshottari Mahadasha Prediction, leveraging the expertise of esteemed…
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saptrishisastro · 10 months
Exploring Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology
Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) astrology stands as a testament to human innovation and the timeless quest for understanding the cosmos. Its focus on zodiac subdivisions, the sub-lord system, and mathematical precision exemplify a profound attempt to unravel the mysteries of existence. While astrology's efficacy remains a subject of discourse, the systematic and inventive approach of KP astrology undoubtedly merits consideration and exploration by those intrigued by the profound interplay between the celestial and the terrestrial. https://saptarashi.blogspot.com/2023/08/exploring-krishnamurti-paddhati-kp.html
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libbee · 2 years
Astro observations (October 2022: part 1)
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Sun in aries in 1st house (aries ascendant+sun in 1st house) men make YouTube videos as a hobby. They are also egoistic and self centered in a materialistic way.
Saturn in 9th house is the hallmark of PhD scholar. These natives always have a higher education degree and stay in college for a long time.
Saturn in 9th house natives also are born into super religious family but when they grow up they become atheists and start to explore their own philosophy.
Moon in 3rd house natives love to text, talk on phone call a lot. You can find them chatting with someone most hours of their day.
Sun in aries natives especially men are prone to be fuckboys and date many girls by way of manipulation. Most of the girls are in young age because these men are attracted to physical looks. They show a sense of entitlement too when it comes to dating young girls without any remorse for what they do. It also happens that they act this way to feel masculine because of their moms being very controlling and infantilizing them. So they use girls to feel powerful and strong. This is the case of immature ones btw. A mature aries native man plays sports to feel strong and powerful. Instead of using girls, he uses physical activities like sports to be competitive and ego boost.
Immature Aries natives men also use girls for ego boost and not really for emotional connection or partnership. They date many girls for attention and ego boost. Scorpio girls can be perfect target for them because these girls give doormat people pleasing energy. These girls can be codependendent that Aries men like as being "needed" as a hero.
Sun in 12th house natives have an unavailable father owing to his work or personality or death. But these natives have an imagination of their father figure in their head that they tend to idealize. Despite father being absent they don't really worry about it because emotionally they feel connected to an ideal father figure.
Sun in 12th house natives also grow up in a large household, usually a big house with riches and resources. A comfort childhood although absent father. They have a rich imagination life too.
Moon in 8th house natives in whichever sign are prone to self realize and enlighten in their lives. When they discover the impact of their mother's behaviour and that their mother had personality disorder/emotional instability. These natives also carry the learned behaviours from their mother unconsciously. They will reach self awareness and change themselves during the time period of the dispositor of 8th house.
How to see which area of your life will be active with astro? Check out the Vimshottari dasha chart. Any good website is fine. Whichever planet is running its Mahadasha--find in your birth chart where its sign is placed. For eg, if you're running mercury mahadasha, check out which houses are occupied by Gemini and Virgo. Now, which planets are placed in these houses? Check out the signs of these planets and in which house they are placed. You can then check out antardasha as well. And so on.
Sun in 7th house natives lack self esteem. They cant stand being alone. Always needing to be around others and especially being in romantic relationship. In the early days of dating, they will attract narcissists in their life, especially if the 1st house is empty too. Then they will mature and find self esteem. Even then they will attract self centered partners but there will not be ego clashes because natives have matured already.
Sun in 7th house natives find themselves through reflection in other people. They don't know who they are until they project their own unconscious personality traits on other people and see what clicks with them.
Sun in 7th house or 10th house are a good position for public service career.
Saturn in 8th house can be a really sad placement. Being a karmic planet in a karmic house is a combination that leads to delays, hardships, poor quality of life, emotional stagnant, fear of occult, fear of transformation, ageing faster than usual, prolonged disease, sudden life transformations.
All moon in 8th house natives can unite for psychological studies, spiritual insights and being perceptive of emotions. They do really like to talk about psychological topics with their peers.
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astromancy-divinare · 3 months
Is there a way to use astrology to find out what age you’ll meet your soulmate? By any chance. Or is that not possible?
You can use Vimshottari Dashas to narrow down the time period of when you might meet your future spouse!
We meet many soulmates throughout our lives; they can be romantic partners, platonic friends and even family members.
In Vedic astrology Vimshottari Dashas are a predictive technique used to narrow down the timing of events. They consists of planetary periods in a person’s life that are ruled by one planet for several years; this is considered the main period and it’s called Mahadasha. Within that main period there are 9 sub-periods featuring the 7 traditional planets including Rahu (the North Node) and Ketu (the South Node). Sub-periods are called Antardasha.
Depending on what planetary main period and sub-period you’re in will determine which houses in your natal chart are being activated and therefore can tell you what kind of events you may experience.
For example, the Mahadasha (main period) and/or the Antardasha (sub-period) of your 7th house lord or planets in the 7th house can tell you when you might get married.
Vimshottari Dashas online calculators offer ascendant based dashas and moon based dashas. The difference between the two are:
• Ascendant based dashas reflect physical/external changes
• Moon based dashas reflect emotional/internal changes
Most Vedic astrologers will primarily use moon based dashas, but I have seen for myself that both are accurate.
It’s important to not only check your Ascendant based dasha and your Moon based dasha for when the lord of your 7th house’s dasha will be running BUT ALSO the lord of your 7th house in your D9 Navamsa chart.
If it gets too confusing for you, I offer affordable Future Spouse readings that discuss:
Your tropical natal chart
Your sidereal natal chart
Your Upapada Lagna
Your D9 Navamsa chart
Your Vimshottari Dashas when you are most likely going to meet and marry your future spouse
Just DM me if you’re interested in a ✨Future Spouse✨ reading 🥰
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moontrinemars · 2 years
a Few Notes on Writers and Storytelling in Vedic Astrology - and how to use that in your own chart!
Researched for my use, published for your reference. Disclaimer in bio. I use Sidereal placements but suggest checking both.
✒️ Ardra has massive connections to Gothic fiction. Mary Shelley (Frankenstein) and Lord Byron (romantic poetry) both had Ardra Ascendants, with Shelley also having Ardra Saturn and Indu Lagna. Charlotte Bronte (Jane Eyre) had an Ardra Mars and Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights) had an Ardra moon.
📖 This makes sense! Ardra is the Star of Sorrow. It is also called the Star of Oppression. The Vimshottari Dasha says Ardra can be connected to condemnation and sacrifice. It is ruled by the Howling God, Rudra, born crying for he had no name. He was the god of Destructive Storms and Thunder, and also the Lord of Wild Animals and Medicines. This aligns with many common Gothic motifs!
📖 As a result, Gothic fiction can be an amazing introspective dive for Ardra natives... if they aren't too afraid to see their own wounds reflected back at them. Like Frankenstein's monster, Ardra natives often end up rejecting or being rejected by their "creators" - whether that's their families or their gods. Catherine and Heathcliff and their tragedy will speak to the wild Ardra native's inclination to lash out or run away out of fear of being trapped or abandoned. Etc!
✒️ You can look at an author's D5 for common threads in their popular works. For example, D5 Mars in its own sign or house is common for suspense and noir authors, as is prominent Scorpio. Both of these things are true for Agatha Christie (Hercule Poirot books and other mystery novels), Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes series), and Truman Capote (In Cold Blood)!
📖 If you are a creator, you can look to it for inspiration, or use it to analyze your works for patterns you never even noticed! For example, I also write original fiction in my own time. My D5 Ascendant is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, and faith, fate, and the divine are common themes. My D5 sun is 6th house Taurus and my works usually explore one on one relationships with lots of dialogue. Venus, my D5 sun's sign ruler, is in the 12th and Scorpio and the plots typically involve secrets, mysteries, and the link between life and death. Etc. etc. etc.
📖 Even if you don't consider yourself a creator, you can use your D5 to look at the creators that helped shape you! For example, my D5 has a Mula Ascendant and a triple conjunction in Bharani under 1º, and my favorite author as a child, Cornelia Funke, has Bharani Mars and a Venus/Saturn conjunction in Mula under 2º in her D1. I also loved Peter and Wendy, and on top of us sharing D1 Ardra Risings, J. M. Barrie has his D1 sun in Krittika, same as my D5 Jupiter.
✒️ Fairy tales are usually associated with Punarvasu, Hasta, and Revati. Hans Christian Anderson (The Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc.) had Punarvasu Rahu, Hasta Saturn, and Revati Sun and Mercury. J. M. Barrie (Peter and Wendy, later iterations known as Peter Pan) had Punarvasu Jupiter, its ruling planet, in the 1st and D10 Hasta Ascendant and Pluto. Hans Grimm (Grimm's Fairy Tales) had Hasta Moon, which is its ruling planet, and Revati Rahu.
📖 Punarvasu is the Star of Renewal. It prospers the greatest only after experiencing failure - a common theme in fairy tales. There is a Rags to Riches element to this nakshatra, or the reverse. It's not a romantic nakshatra but it is well suited to travel. I personally associate it with The Emperor's New Clothes, The Lost Princess, and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
📖 Hasta is the Hand, which has more than one meaning. This nakshatra puts what you want in your hands, but there is also a connection to palmistry, fate, and magic. These natives have the quick wit and mystical audacity that gives characters in fairy tales the happiest endings. They're also willing to 'take with both hands'. I associate this nakshatra with Jack and the Beanstalk, Rumpelstilskin, and The Seven Ravens.
📖 Revati is the Star of Wealth, because they find what has been lost or overlooked and appreciate it appropriately. They are at their best when they act as guides, or as guardians, to those who need them. I associate them with The Blue Bird, The Frog Prince, and Thumbelina.
Hope this was useful, thanks for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to message, ask, or reply ♡
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cosmicpuzzle · 10 months
Difficult Dasha Bhuktis: (Major/minor periods)
Venus/Saturn, Saturn/Venus
Venus/Rahu, Rahu/Venus
Mars/Mercury, Mercury/Mars
Sun/Rahu, Rahu/Sun
Moon/Rahu, Rahu/Moon
Saturn/Moon, Moon/Saturn
Rahu/Saturn, Saturn/Rahu
Jupiter/Rahu, Jupiter/Venus
Above concept is vimshottari Dasha
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Hello, I want to ask you how did you reconcile between different nakshatras and placements in Dhruva Galactic Center Ayanamsa from Lahiri?
I recently decided to change my ayanamsa from True Chitra to True Revati/Dhruva Galactic Center because I felt like it resonated more with both my own natal chart and those of my loved ones.
However, I like to research on public figures and seeing so many placements change really affects both astro physiognomy, themes in a person's life, etc. It really surprises me and makes me consider how nakshatras really do manifest in a person in a whole new way.
While I find Dhruva Galactic Center more accurate with vimshottari dasha periods and house placements than Lahiri ever was, it is still a huge transition for me to reconcile with the change in my Moon nakshatra.
Did you deal with these same struggles and what fully convinced you that Dhruva Galactic Center ayanamsa was the right one to use?
I wonder if we're talking about the same Ayanamsa. I use the one in Kala Astrology software designed by Ernst Wilhelm, it's called middle of Mula Galactic Center. If you look through my posts, you will find a case study how incredibly spot on this has been in my celebrity research, topping everything else for accuracy.
Personally, I also went through a Moon Nakshatra change, although not everyone I researched does, and it was life-changing. I never related to my Moon Nakshatra before that, and thought there was something wrong with me. The fact that my Ascendant and Sun had the same rulership as my supposed Moon Nakshatra didn't help because I was confusing my Moon with my Sun and Rising. So in my case I welcomed the change as it was an eye opener not just for research but also for my self understanding.
Researching the Nakshatras and learning theory is the first step, but you have to also FEEL it work in your life. You have to understand its energy and experience it. If you're just mentally attached to an idea, you're not really resonating with the Nakshatra.
What also helps is looking at Nakshatra rulership. I never resonated with my Moon Nakshatra being ruled by Jupiter, because my life was just too hard. When the rulership changed to Saturn, it all made sense.
The Moon rulership in your chart is particularly obvious, because the Sun manifests more in our later adult life, particularly in our 50s, so it takes time to even see it work and you're most probably not gonna make a correct judgement. But the Moon is with us since infancy. It's impossible to miss. So you're gonna relate to it very strongly and see how events unfold in your youth, by aspect and sign. That, plus the mythology of the Nakshatra should make it clear.
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earth-psyche · 1 year
Vedic Astrology Pt.2
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➡️The Planets and their Time Period
In Vedic astrology, their is a concept of MAHADASHA which means the period of time that a planet is going to be active in a person's horoscope. The active planet shows its effects in the native's life for that time period and in whichever house that planet is in house also activates. This mahadasha is only found in vedic type horoscope.💯
So in this post we will talk about the time duration of each planet along with the order they follow(their arrival one after other.)🐿️
Note:- Vimshottari Dasha is said to be of 120 years.
1. Sun- 6 years (fame, fortune)☀️
2. Moon- 10 years (emotions, feeling)🌙
3. Mars- 7 years (passion, aggression)🔥
4. Rahu- 18 years (desires, ambitions)💭
5. Jupiter- 16 years (blessings, expansion)✈️
6. Saturn- 19 years (lessons, restrictions)🌱
7. Mercury- 17 years (interaction, logic)🧠
8. Ketu- 7 years (spirituality, let go)😇
9. Venus- 20 years (beauty, money)🤑
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Thats all for today, for more posts as such, stay in touch...ilysm💕
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Ketu & Rahu and Time
In Vedic Astrology, the Vimshottari dasha system has been developed, which allows you to determine when the energies of the planets will manifest in a person’s life. Ketu and Rahu also have their own place in this system. The main period of Rahu lasts 18 years. It is believed that he can bring a very big take-off in his period if he is well-located, but if a person is strongly attached to acquisitions and is very proud of it, then at the end of the period Rahu can take everything. Rahu is the planet of illusion and intoxication, and in case of defeat in their periods and sub-periods, a person may meet with deceit or with a strong desire for forbidden foods and deeds.
Each planet governs a specific season of the year. Rahu along with Saturn governs the peak of Winter and falls between December and February in the Northern Hemisphere.
Vedic Astrology divides the year into 2 parts Uttarayana (Northern path of the Sun from Capricorn to Gemini - from December 22 to June 21) and Dakshinayan (South path of the Sun from Cancer to Sagittarius - from June 21 to December 22). It is believed that demigods and divine qualities are strongest during the Solar Northern Path, while demons and demonic qualities are strongest during the Solar Southern Path. Thus Rahu, like other malefics, is more powerful during Dakshinayana.
During the month, Rahu is most powerful on the days when the Moon passes the nakshatras ruled by Rahu - Ardra (Gemini), Swati (Libra), and Shatabhisha (Aquarius).
The month between two full moons is divided into 30 tithi or lunar days. These 30 days are divided among themselves into 15 days of the growing and 15 days of the waning moon. It is believed that Rahu correlates with the 8 lunar days of the waxing and waning moon, but some astrologers write that the 5 lunar day also belongs to him, because. it is on these tithes that snake worship takes place.
The days of the week associated with Rahu are Wednesday and Saturday, as Rahu is friendly to Mercury and Saturn.
During the day, the energies of Rahu are strongest during sunset and for 2 hours after it. Also, the energies of Rahu are strong at night. People born at this time often feel the influence of Rahu most strongly in their lives.
In people who are strongly influenced by Rahu, intuition and creativity are greatly aggravated at night.
Also during each day, there is a time of Rahu or Rahu-kalam in which the influence of the node is very strong. This time is considered unfavorable for important conversations or the beginning of the business since Rahu misleads the mind of a person and makes him unable to adequately perceive the surrounding reality.
Age from 42 to 47 years is attributed to Rahu. At this time, Rahu manifests in its entirety. At this time, many things change in people's lives, what exactly will change depends on the position of Rahu in the person's horoscope. Starting from the age of 69, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu increase their influence on a person.
Also, important years are the time when Rahu and Ketu transit through their position in the natal chart at the time of birth. This happens once every 18 years. And therefore, the periods from 18-19, 37-38, 56-57, and 75-76 years are very important for a person. At this time, internal transformations take place, and consciousness changes.
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houseofbrat · 1 year
When you have time, would you consider doing a post on the astrological aspects on how W&G might not agree on how monarchy needs to operate? I'm more curious about the comparisons between the generations like between Elizabeth and Charles, Charles and William, and William and George. Definitely every generation thinks they can do better than the last one but you must've seen some astrological aspects that point towards some upheaval?
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Well, here we go on a basic compare and contrast of the 10th houses of British monarchs from Edward VII to the future, which includes William and little George.
Edward VII
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He has a Sagittarius lagna/ascendant with Mars & Saturn conjunct in the 1st house. The 10th house/career is Virgo with the Moon & Venus conjunct. (Venus is at its maximum debilitation.) The 10th house ruler, Mercury, is in the 12th house conjunct Jupiter, the 1st lord.
Two things to note about this 10th house:
With the 10th lord in a dusthana (the 12th house in this case), he has a Dur Yoga, which is often associated with "falls" from power. He never ran his (Vimshottari) Mercury dasha/time period, which is why it didn't come to fruition in any way.
He has an Amala Yoga from the lagna/ascendant. He has both Venus & the Moon in the 10th house. It's a very favorable yoga to have in the 10th house even though Venus is debilitated. There's a positive influence on the house of career, even though it is somewhat weak.
George V
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George V has a Pisces lagna/ascendant with the first house ruler, Jupiter in the 10th house in its own sign, Sagittarius.
A benefic (Jupiter) in the 10th house is another Amala Yoga, and this one is far stronger than his father's.
Jupiter in its own sign (Sagittarius) and in a kendra/angle is one of the Mahapurusha (great person) yogas, specifically Hamsa Yoga.
Edward VII (the abdicator)
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Capricorn lagna with 10th lord Venus in the 5th house in its own sign, Taurus, and conjunct Jupiter, the 3rd & 12th lord. Although Venus is in its own sign, it is weak at less than one degree, but placed in the 5th house, the house of royalty.
Only Mars aspects the 10th house.
George VI
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Libra lagna with Venus & Saturn in the 1st house. Jupiter exalted in the 10th house in Capricorn. 10th ruler, Moon, is in Scorpio, debilitated, but receives correction as its conjunct Mars, ruler of Scorpio.
There are five Mahapurusha yogas; King George VI has three of them from the lagna: Hamsa Yoga, Malavya Yoga, and Shasha Yoga. If you consider Chandra/Moon lagna/ascendant, then he also has Ruchaka Yoga.
Jupiter exalted in the 10th house is Amala Yoga.
Saturn, yogakaraka (4th & 5th ruler) for Libra ascendant aspects the 10th house and is exalted in the 1st house
Some very strong placements from the ascendant.
Queen Elizabeth II
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Another Sagittarius ascendant. 10th ruler Mercury is debilitated in Pisces/4th house yet aspects the 10th house.
Ascendant ruler Jupiter is debilitated in the 2nd house/Capricorn but aspects the 10th house.
Thus, the 10th house has two benefic planets aspecting it.
From Chandra (Moon) lagna (ascendant) QEII has an exalted Sun in the 10th house (Aries) and Ruchaka Yoga in the 7th house, as Mars is exalted in Capricorn.
From Surya (Sun) lagna, she has Ruchaka Yoga in the 10th house.
The 10th house is stronger from the Moon & Sun lagnas/ascendants.
Charles III
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Cancer ascendant.
Ascendant ruler Moon is located in the 10th house conjunct Rahu (north node) as he was born close to a lunar eclipse. This is another Amala Yoga; although, it is afflicted by the nodes.
10th ruler Mars is located in the 5th house in its own sign, which is a favorable placement.
The 10th house is also aspected by two natural benefics--Mercury & Jupiter.
Prince William
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Sagittarius ascendant.
10th ruler Mercury is placed in the 6th house of struggle and conjunct the 6th house ruler, Venus. This is a Dur Yoga due to the 10th ruler being placed in a dusthana, which is an adverse placement. As mentioned under Edward VII, Dur Yoga is associated with "falls" from power.
The 10th house contains two natural malefic planets--Mars & Saturn. This is a highly contentious conjunction. Saturn in the 10th house is a classic placement for a "downfall" unless Saturn rules good houses, which it does not for a Sagittarius ascendant.
There are no benefic aspects to the 10th house either from the ascendant or alternate ascendants from the Sun or Moon.
Prince George
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Scorpio lagna.
The Sun, the 10th ruler, is in the 9th house (Cancer) and aspected by the 9th ruler, the Moon. [This is raja/king yoga for Scorpio lagna.]
An un-afflicted Venus in the 10th house giving Amala Yoga.
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So...to get back to the questions asked above.
The notion of William & George not agreeing on how to run the monarchy isn't my statement, it was someone else's. George won't turn 18 until 2031. He'll still have military service and university after that; although, he'll become The Duke of Cornwall before he turns 19. George won't turn 25 until 2038, and by then he'll already have seen his father's failures as monarch.
That said, George does have his Venus in Magha nakshatra in Leo. Magha nakshatra is symbolized by a throne room, and the deity that rules it is The Pitris, aka the deified ancestors. That to me says a more "traditional" approach to monarchy.
In case it's not obvious by now, there's one chart above that doesn't really fit in with any of the others, and I'm not talking about David, aka Edward VIII. David at least had his 10th house ruler in the 5th house, which is a placement for royalty. William doesn't even have that.
William has a chart of a highly contentious person. It's not about how contentious world events or politics are during the time of these monarchs' reigns because George V and George VI lived through very contentious times.
William's chart would be fine if he was an engineer or a corporate accountant. However, he's not either one of those. For a (future) British monarch, William's chart, particularly his 10th house, is TRASH.
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kubrickscube · 1 year
I'm curious, what's zodiacal releasing? You mentioned it on your recent astro post and was wondering about it
oh god
You're the first person to ask about ZR, but my gosh I don't know if I can explain this without making myself bleed out of my nose. ZR is an ancient time-lord technique. Annual protections are one of them. Circumambulations are also one of them. Vimshottari Dasha is similar to ZR as well.
Basically, ZR is a book about your life. But instead of it having paragraphs of your daily life (Transits), it tells you the climax of it immediately.
If you're trying to read your ZR, follow your lot of Fortune (health), Spirit (career), or Eros (relationships) modality. You will also need to know the sect of your chart (Night or Day chart).
I know I didn't answer your question thoroughly, but this is pretty advanced. I still have trouble when reading mine.
Thanks for the ask!
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libbee · 2 years
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Trying to use astrology to predict longetivity and death of someone. This is really controversial and hard to predict. Perhaps someone with gifted intuition can predict something like this but using just astrology is not a good idea. Astrology cannot tell how long someone will live or when they will die. For eg, contrary to popular belief that saturn in 8th house gives very long life, i have seen many natives passing in their middle ages. Similarly, all inner planets in 8th house have reputation of giving long lives but this is not the case. Sigmund Freud with moon in 8th house taurus died at 83 while Steve Jobs with moon in 8th house pisces died at 56. It was truly my mistake to use astrology for such taboo thing and to try to become God. In Vimshottari dasha chart, a lot of times such mahadasha, antardasha align that may generate paranoia that the native may pass away in that time period but no it doesnt work like that in every time period. In hindsight, when the native has already passed, perhaps it is possible to see in which time period they did pass and attribute that to it but it is risk of cognitive bias and there is no mental work involved. So, i think that it is very hard if not impossible to predict death from astrology. Anyway astrology must not be used for such sadistic purposes. Make the most out of each day you have. No person born will go back alive. One famous astrologer in India Bejan Daruwala passed away in corona period when he himself was doing predictions on corona. How ironic! I have seen astrologers predicting that such person will be alive for next 5 years and it is just a bad time period currently, but the native passed away within one month only. This kind of thing breaks my faith in astro and also makes the whole thing rather scary. I promised myself not to do something like this again in my astro studies. I refrain from doing death predictions.
Trying to read zodiac sign predictions to predict what will hapoen in coming month, year. This was when i was new to astro. I was born in June so my zodiac is Gemini. I used to read Gemini predictions for the coming month and year on random astro websites and blindly trusted it too. I remember preparing for exam and reading prediction that coming month will be good for students blah blah.. guess what? I failed that exam. This was rather stupid thing to do and i totally deserved what i got. 12 zodiac signs is not real astrology. Real astrology is the birth chart, time period of planets, perhaps tarot is also linked to it. But pop astrology and predictions are pure gibberish and commercial money making business. If you want to know how your coming week or month or year will be, take out your birth chart, use a reputed website to create vimshottari dasha chart, take out tarot and use your own energy and mind to come up with possible predictions. It also helps to keep a journal of each planetary time period and what happened during that time in your life so that in future you can use that journal to come up with probably future telling for your personal life path. Trying to predict fortune and success from astro alone is again a gamble. You have to trust in your skills and knowledge and practice. Dont repeat the mistake i did of blindly relying on astro to know my exam result.
Zodiac sign compatibility. This is funny but i used to see the birthday of my crush and match his zodiac sign with mine, read random gibberish on websites and thought "nah, we are not compatible, or nah i dont like this zodiac sign, or nah this zodiac sign is too superficial for me.." Couple astrology is only done with birth charts and nothing else. It takes mental effort to match compatibility. On top of that, friendship, values, personalities and willingness to be in relationship are all factors that are not within your control. You can also not tell when someone is being deceptive, lying, faking until you learn people skills and to read personalities. There is just no shortcuts in relationships.
Consuming a lot of youtube content to know astrology. Astrology has basic foundation that you can read in book and some trustworthy websites. There is nothing else to know. Watching random videos for short term gratification and sembalance that i am learning something or being productive is just not it. Astrology is personal tool. Everybody will have different language to say the same thing. Once you have read the basics, have trust in it and do not change your foundation just because someone else said so.
Astrology should not be put on a pedestal. Astrology is valid and gives answers to questions of life but it is just that - a tool, a subject, a field of knowledge. Dont make it your whole life. Dont worship it. Dont make it your whole personality. Dont use it too much that you lose your sanity. Life is meant to live not to figure out. The more you figure out, the more you will see how much is unknown and yet to be explored. You dont have enough years in your life to explore everything that is unconscious.
The only person you need to look up to is yourself. If you cannot tell the answers, i doubt anyone else can. I use to spend a lot of time watching oracle live streams, using random websites of psychics. Use your judgment to discern between money making business and genuine knowledge. Occult world is not devoid of sociopaths who simply want to make money at someone else's expense and being the nature of occult so abstract, it is easy to exploit people in terms of relationship issues, career issues, mental health issues, health issues. We cannot even blame the victim because in that vulnerable time period they are looking at all possible options to fix their problems. We learn from our mistakes only.
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santoschristos · 2 years
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SHATABHISHA Nakshatra Science of Light and the Nakshatra card tending to one’s impulses situated between 6°40” – 20°00” sidereal Aquarius Rashi ruling planet – Saturn Vimshottari dasha lord - Rahu symbolized by an empty circle presiding deity – Varuna – Ruler of the Invisible, God of Underground Water/Sky
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Lord Varuna - The Vedic God of the Oceans
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divyaastro-ashram · 13 days
Jaimini's Sutras: A Unique System of Astrological Prediction
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Have you ever wondered if there's a way to understand life's twists and turns with more clarity? Jyotish, also known as Indian astrology, offers a rich tapestry of systems for just that. Among them, Jaimini's Sutras stand out for their unique approach to astrological prediction. Developed by the sage Jaimini, this system offers a powerful and practical lens to analyze your birth chart and glean valuable insights into your life path.
Unveiling the Core Principles
Karakams for Focused Analysis
Jaimini's Sutras move beyond the traditional planetary influences by emphasizing specific Karakams (significators). These Karakams act like powerful lenses, focusing on specific areas of life.  Some important Karakams include Atma Karaka (soul significator), Putra Karaka (progeny significator), and Rajya Karaka (significator of status). Analyzing the placement and strength of these Karakams in your birth chart can reveal a wealth of information about your inherent talents, potential for success in various aspects of life, and the path towards fulfilling your soul's purpose.
Arudha Lagna: Public Image and Social Standing
Unlike the Lagna (ascendant) that signifies your core self, Jaimini places high importance on Arudha Lagna. This point is situated directly opposite the Lagna in your birth chart. Arudha Lagna is considered an indicator of your public image, social standing, and reputation. A strong and well-placed Arudha Lagna suggests the ability to command respect and recognition in your chosen field.
Upapada Lagna: Unveiling Relationships
Jyotish traditionally uses the 7th house to understand relationships and marriage. Jaimini's Sutras introduce the concept of Upapada Lagna, a specific point derived from the 12th house. This Lagna acts as a window into the nature of your partnerships, both personal and professional. Analyzing Upapada Lagna, along with its placement and planetary influences can shed light on the potential timing for marriage and the qualities you seek in a partner.
Beyond the Basics: Unveiling Jaimini's Secrets
For those seeking a deeper understanding, Jaimini's Sutras offer a treasure trove of knowledge beyond the foundational principles.  One intriguing concept is Chara Dasha, a unique system, unlike the widely used Vimshottari Dasha. Chara Dasha utilizes the order of zodiac signs in your birth chart to predict major life shifts. Each zodiac sign's period influences specific areas based on its inherent qualities. For example, the fiery Aries period might indicate advancements in career or leadership opportunities, while the introspective Virgo period might be a time for personal growth and learning.
Jaimini's system also takes a distinct approach to planetary aspects compared to other Jyotish systems. Instead of focusing on interactions between planets, it emphasizes aspects formed by the signs themselves. These aspects influence the strength and expression of Karakas placed within them. For instance, a beneficial aspect on your Atma Karaka Karakamsa could signify a clear path towards fulfilling your soul's purpose, while a challenging aspect might indicate obstacles that need to be overcome.
Jaimini's Sutras extend beyond mere prediction, offering valuable insights for choosing auspicious moments for important endeavours. By analyzing the Karakas and Chara Dasha, a qualified astrologer in Kolkata can determine favourable timings for starting a business, embarking on a journey, or making crucial decisions. This can be particularly helpful for individuals undertaking ventures that require a strong foundation for success.
Deciphering Karakas
● Atma Karaka (Soul Significator): Understanding the Atma Karaka unveils the deepest desires of the soul and its karmic journey. By analyzing its placement and aspects, astrologers gain profound insights into an individual's purpose in this lifetime.
● Rajya Karaka (Significator of Status): This Karakamsa reveals one's potential for leadership, authority, and social prominence. Delving into its significance allows astrologers to forecast career advancements and societal contributions with greater accuracy.
● Putra Karaka (Progeny Significator): Analyzing Putra Karaka provides invaluable insights into family dynamics, fertility issues, and the nature of offspring. It helps individuals understand their parental instincts and responsibilities.
Unveiling Chara Dasha Dynamics
● Sequential Sign Periods: Chara Dasha operates on the principle of sequentially moving through the zodiac signs, each sign representing a specific period in one's life. This unique approach offers a fresh perspective on timing major life events, including career milestones, relationships, and spiritual growth.
● Dasha Lord Dynamics: The ruling planet of each sign period, known as the Dasha Lord, plays a significant role in shaping experiences and opportunities during that time. Understanding the qualities and influences of these planetary rulers enhances predictive accuracy.
Harnessing Jaimini Aspects for Insight
● Sign-Based Aspects: Jaimini's Sutras focus on aspects formed by the signs themselves rather than planetary positions. These sign-based aspects reveal hidden connections and influences between different areas of life, enriching the interpretation of Karakamsas and planetary placements.
● Strength and Weakness Analysis: By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of these sign-based aspects, astrologers gain a deeper understanding of an individual's character traits, potential challenges, and areas of growth.
Practical Applications for Astrology Practice
● Electional Astrology (Hora): Jaimini's principles guide astrologers in selecting auspicious moments for important endeavours, such as starting a business, getting married, or undertaking a journey. This application enhances the effectiveness of astrology in guiding life decisions.
● Psychological Insights: Beyond predictive accuracy, Jaimini's Sutras offer profound psychological insights into human nature and behaviour. Astrologers can use this knowledge to facilitate personal growth, healing, and self-awareness in their clients.
Integrating Jaimini's Wisdom into Practice
● Holistic Approach: Integrating Jaimini's teachings with traditional astrology systems creates a comprehensive framework for chart analysis. This holistic approach allows astrologers to provide more nuanced and insightful consultations to clients.
● Continued Learning: Mastery of Jaimini's Sutras requires dedication and ongoing study. Astrologers in Kolkata and beyond can deepen their understanding through workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs led by experienced practitioners.
 Exploring these deeper aspects of Jaimini's Sutras unlocks hidden wisdom within astrology, empowering practitioners to offer transformative guidance and insights to their clients.
Unveiling Your Potential: Practical Applications
Jaimini's Sutras are not just about predicting the future; they can be a powerful tool for self-understanding. Analyzing your Karakamsas reveals your inherent strengths and weaknesses, guiding you towards areas where you can excel. Understanding the Chara Dasha cycles can equip you to navigate upcoming challenges and periods of opportunity with greater awareness. For instance, recognizing a forthcoming period influenced by the assertive Mars might be a good time to take the initiative in your career, while a period influenced by the diplomatic Venus might be more favourable for building partnerships.
The Path Forward
Remember, mastering Jaimini's Sutras requires dedication and guidance from a qualified teacher. Often, it's studied alongside other Jyotish systems like Parashari astrology for a more comprehensive understanding. While Jaimini's predictions can be powerful, they should be used as guidance, not absolute certainty.  Ultimately, your actions and choices shape your destiny. By delving into Jaimini's Sutras, you unlock a unique and dynamic approach to Jyotish, empowering you to navigate life's journey with greater self-awareness, informed decision-making, and a deeper sense of purpose. 
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