#They really inspired me to doodle after WEEKS of not
shanicetjn · 1 year
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I promised a dood of a dude for the peeps on Twitter. <3
Doodled - 11 January 2023
Just really wanted to draw this earring from Disney Dreamlight Valley:
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deathberi · 4 months
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quick drawing smth something of the best collab eveeerrrrrr 😭😭😭
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polyo-nym-y · 1 month
Bon Appétit~
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Alastor x Female!Reader
| Warnings: 18+ content. MDNI!! ooc Alastor, established relationship(kinda), quick smut with no plot, biting, blood, cunnilingus, fingering, hair tugging etc |
[Part 2 <3]
Hello, I’m Nym! This is my first time posting my writing ever!
This horny little community has me so inspired I couldn’t help but write something small. (4,666 words to be exact ;3 tried to get the funny devil number).
Also fair warning I wrote this a bit intoxicated so I apologize if it’s poorly written. But I hope you heathens enjoy it nonetheless <3
Alastor retired to his tower as soon as the sky turned to a dark burgundy. He sat on his bench in front of his radio equipment. Fountain pen in hand and eagerly doodling away with a calm smile. Coat retired to its stand and his sleeves rolled to his elbows. Finding these late nights to be rare moments when he could allow himself to relax.
Though both his pen and music paused as he heard the trap door rustle behind him. “Hm?” Amused, he set his pen down and sits up from the bench. Coming around to the hatch he stood right beside it. A deep inhale taken as his grin grew recognizing the familiar smell of you. Bending at his hips as one hand swiftly opened the door. The other hand held out to offer assistance to his surprise guest.
The sudden opening of the hatch earned a gasp from you. Nearly losing your grip on the metal bars that you climbed up. You blinked at the hand offered to you before smiling and accepting the help eagerly.
“Now what do I owe this pleasure?” His usual cheery showman tone buzzed in your ears. With ease, he helped pull you up through the trap door, kicking it closed after. His eyes curiously noted the wicker basket you held in your other arm. “Well no wonder you had difficulty coming in!”
You chuckled nervously as he immediately points out the basket you brought. But what else did you expect? It’s Alastor, perceptive as ever. “The climb wasn’t so hard but by the time I had reached the door I was pretty tired…” you admitted with a glance running up his unusually relaxed form. His grin somehow managed to only make your own smile increase. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything important. I couldn't sleep and thought I could just drop in and say hello!" You watched as one of his brows rose, earning an audible swallow from you. "Well, actually, I haven’t seen much of you today... or this week really. So I was honestly getting a bit curious about what you've been up to.” You wiggled the basket to him before setting it down on a small side table. “This is my apology for bargin’ on in.”
“Like always I appreciate your honesty, dear.” He folded his arms behind his back as he followed you to the table. With your back turned to him he took the time to slowly look you up and down. Noting the sweet white nightgown you wore that ended right above your knees. Your hair was tied back in a loose bun and you were wearing your slippers. All of this told him you really were in bed before deciding to come to him. His thoughts hesitated when he watched you open the basket. Pulling out a glass decanter of whisky and two matching cups to go with it.
You turned to face him, jumping slightly when you realized he had moved so close to you. With a laugh you waved him off. “Why don’t you put on some tunes for us, yeah?”
A staticky hum left him as he watched you for a few more seconds. He’d nod softly before spinning on his heels to do as you requested. One hand manually turning the music back on while the other subtly snapped behind his back. The music loud enough to just barely cover the sound of the hatch door locking.
He leaned against the desk of his radio station and watched you again. His grin soft as he couldn’t help but relax even more with the jazz on. “So! You really don’t have anything you wanted to talk about? Truly just stopping by to see what I’m doing ?” He pushed, teasingly.
You poured each other a glass before approaching him with his. He nodded in thanks as he took it from you. “Ha ha! No...” You stood in front of him with both hands nervously around your cup. His pointed questioning had you avoiding eye contact as you downed the small drink in one gulp. Fighting to not contort your face from the bitter taste.
He couldn’t help but laugh into his glass as he brought it up to his lips. “Really?” You caught his piercing gaze that was sent over the cup, before you watched him take a sip. “Because a nice glass of rye, jazz and sweet company.” He stares into his glass before flicking his gaze down to you again. “I really can’t help but feel like you’re trying to sweeten me up~”
The look he sent down had heat quickly washing over your body. Feeling the warmth settle on your cheeks and between your hips. He was teasing you but he didn’t seem upset by your presence. That thought seemed to encourage you, though you definitely needed another drink before you spilled your guts.
A nervous smile being sent to him as you put your finger up. “One- one moment.” You quickly approached the decanter where you left it on the side table. Your cup was filled with just a shot as you quickly knocked it back.
He finished his own drink before mindlessly setting the empty cup on the desk behind him. His smile stretched into a wide grin as he watched you desperately try to gain some liquid courage. He could easily help you right now, as he had an assumption on what this was about. There was no denying the odd connection the two of you had developed during your time here. Unfortunately, he was thoroughly enjoying watching you squirm and he was a very patient man when it came to torture.
Which is exactly what this felt like to you, torture. Staring into the empty cup for only a moment longer before leaving it on the table with the basket. You took rushed steps back up to Alastor as you shot your gaze up to meet his.
“Go on, darling, speak your mind.” He encouraged you with a shit eating grin. Your embarrassment and nervousness began to twist and settle in your stomach.
“I…” you slowly started, watching him tilt his head. Your gaze quickly shot to the side as the rest of your words came out rushed. “I would like to touch you-“
His brows shot to his hairline as he stiffened. He knew your intentions were along these lines. However, the sudden bluntness still caught him off guard.
A nauseating silence settled between the two of you, save for the jazz that still played in the background. You began regretting saying anything as your mouth opened to try and form words. You wanted to take it back with every fiber of your being. Eyes still glued to anywhere that wasn’t him. “I-uh wait no. I don’t mean like that- well I wouldn’t mind but- what I mean is- look you don’t have to say anything I know it’s a strong no and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable but I just needed to be honest-“
Alastors eyes never left you as he watched your reactions carefully. You never could lie to him and when you did it was never for long and never done well. So he knew your intentions were pure and your words were genuine. Usually, he wouldn’t even bother thinking it over. It never seemed of any interest to him in all his prior years of living and death. However, with you? He found himself weighing his options. Because he also wanted to touch you. He wanted to invade your personal space more than he would usually. You were different to him, it was apparent since day one.
“Alright.” he watched you snap your gaze up to him so suddenly he could’ve sworn he heard your neck crack. Shock written over your features as he pushed himself off from leaning against the desk.
“Wait, what?” You asked stunned as your eyes followed his movements. His body shifted slightly to the bench right beside him, smoothly lowering to sit.
“I’m giving you permission, my dear.” After making himself comfortable he motioned you to come closer. Obediently, you shuffled slowly up to him as he spoke again. “Although we will need to discuss terms first.”
You stopped a foot from his seated form. “Terms?” You questioned half listening. You were more focused on greedily taking in his relaxed state. Shamelessly appreciating the sight of him, no doubt thanks to the two drinks. Your eyes were on his lap, scanning down his exposed forearms and stopping on his large hands that ended with sharp red tips.
“Yes, darling, terms.” He noticed your eyes on other parts of him. Slightly bothered you weren't focused on what he was saying. His hand you were staring at quickly snapped at you and gestured to look up at him. “You didn’t think I’d give you such an honor without getting something in return, did you?” His words were laced with venomous mockery.
With your eyes now held with his you hesitated to speak. Feeling your cheeks start to burn more. “I didn’t.. expect to get to at all, so…” your words were so quiet and uncertain. His ears flicked atop his head as he tried to hear you clearly over the music.
“Speak up, dear, you must use your words properly if we are going to do this.” He leaned back into the bench as he glanced you up and down. Allowing you to deliciously simmer in your own embarrassment. “My terms are rather simple. If I allow you to touch me-“ he placed a hand against his chest. “Then it’s only fair I get to touch you too, right my dear?” Dramatically his hand flicked from his chest to gesture to you. Palm being held out for you to accept. “Deal?”
You swallowed dryly as you stared at his large hand. “You want to touch me?” Eyes flicking between his black palm and his red half-lidded gaze. “And we get like.. free roam? Touch.. anywhere?” The mere thought of having his hands on you had you pressing your thighs together. In this moment, you would let him do anything he wanted to you without hesitation. What you were really worried about was his comfort. If you were to upset him by making him uncomfortable, you’d want to die, again.
A static heavy chuckle was forced from him. The fingers on his outstretched hand flexed impatiently. “I wouldn’t say it’s a want from me.” He lied. “Rather so, curiosity? Yes, let's call it curiosity.” Even now he was going to ensure he had the upper hand. “But if you don't want me touching you and you’d rather just chinning*..” his offered hand curled his fingers in and then withdrew to his lap. “No skin off my nose, dear.”
Physically witnessing his hand draw back had panic rising in you. Like this rare opportunity was about to be lost forever. He watched amused as your eyes widened and you stumbled forward slightly with the force in which you spoke. “NO-“ you both cringed at the sudden rise in volume. “No- I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t want you to- it’s quite the opposite actually..”
He watched you shuffle closer until your knees hit his. Again, he noticed your gaze lingered on other parts of him rather than his eyes. “Then spill. What do you want?”
You chewed nervously on your bottom lip. “I.. I want your touch on me, Alastor. More than my want to touch you. You’d turn Hell into Heaven if I could only have your attention on me..” His smile widened when you finally raised your eyes to meet his again. “But I’m worried about upsetting you, Alastor. Having permission to freely touch you seems…too good to be true? And to hear you intend to touch me as well? Whether it’s a want or just curiosity I could care less. Fuck, Al, I’ll feed that curiosity however you want.”
A genuine and loud laugh rumbled from his chest. “Oh ho! what a desperate and pathetic display you are giving me.” He cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes on you. “What can I say? I suppose I’m feeling rather charitable tonight.” Slowly he leaned forward, his hands sliding down his thighs. His fingers gently wrap around your wrists. Watching carefully for any resistance to his touch. “And I promise, Mon Cher, I’ll let you know if I don’t like something. So you needn’t worry about upsetting me.” Truthfully, he’d be quick to wrench your hands away from any area he didn’t like. “You’ll do the same for me, right?”
With a sneaky smirk he brought your hands to his face. Gently grazing his lips across your knuckles. You couldn’t stop the shiver that ran down your spine as you watched him breathlessly. To his surprise though you shook your head no. “I won’t need to.”
A sadistic glint shined in his ruby eyes as he smirked against your hands. The gentle kindness he planned on showing you began to slip. “Oh? Is that so?” A sudden yank of your wrists had you falling into his chest. His warm hands glided down from your wrists to help guide your knees on either side of him. He fussed with your positioning until he was satisfied with your thighs straddling his lap. Taking a gleeful glance at your flustered expression and rigid body. “You sound so certain. What if I wanted to eat you whole? What would you say then?”
He leaned back into the bench as he observed you intently. Heat settled over your entire body as you stiffly fidgeted on top of him. Embarrassed, you didn’t want to rest your full weight on him. But his hands had a firm grip on your hips, pressing you down ever so slightly to keep you in place.
Sweaty hands hesitantly came to rest on his chest, fingers gently crawling up to the top of his shoulders. “What would I say?” your words slipped from your lips like a whisper. Your desire and need for him outweighed your nerves drastically. His hands squeezed the flesh at your hips when he felt you finally relax into him. Entranced, he watched a soft smile settle on your face before you spoke. “Bon Appétit.”
Chest heaving, nostrils flaring and eyes like a hungry animal. With those words, something snapped in him. It quite literally took everything in him in that moment to not simply swallow you whole right then and there.
His jaw clenched as a loud static began to swarm around the two of you. He felt his mouth water as he swallowed, having to clear the excess saliva that pooled around his tongue. Savor her, he repeated in his head, you must savor your meal. The buzzing static overtook the music completely until it disappeared with a loud pop, earning a flinch from you. His mouth opened with a purr “Merci.”.
Your breath hitched as he leaned down to close the space between you two. His warm lips ghosted across your own, so close yet so far. Every coherent thought you once had was muddled and drowned. The unexpected intimacy that Alastor was giving you had your heart hammering against your ribs. In that moment you decided firmly, you’d completely give in to him and this desire.
One hand of his shifted from your hip and up your side. Talons trailing up until his fingers laced in your hair, pulling the tie that held it up. As you felt your hair fall freely you tried to close the space between you completely. Lips hungrily wanting to capture his.
He was quick, however, as the hand that remained at the back of your head tightened its grip. Fingers firmly tugging at the roots to guide your head back. A desperate whine leaving you as he forced your lips away from his. “What happened to both of us getting to touch? Or is kissing off limits?” You asked half joking as he dipped his head to place a soft kiss under your jaw. His lips settled comfortably on your now exposed throat as he inhaled deeply.
“You are touching, mon cher. A lot more than anyone else has.” He reminded you with a smirk against your flesh. You felt his lips part as warm breath ghosted the vulnerable skin of your throat. Your fingers trailed further up from his shoulders and up the back of his neck. You shuddered against him as his warm tongue licked a wet strip up. “I wonder, do you taste as delicious as you smell?”
“Al-“ you let out a sharp yelp as you feel a hot stinging pain begin to bloom on your shoulder. Instinctively, with your fingers in his hair, you tried to yank his head away much like he did to you. But he refused to be removed from his tasty meal. He let a low growl out with his lips still suctioned to you, a warning. You hadn’t expected him to literally taste you but it was foolish of you to expect anything less from a cannibal.
Your thoughts began to fog as you felt him suck the blood from your wound. His cock twitched beneath you as if the blood he drank from you went straight to his groin. Any previous intentions on partaking on your end of the deal was long gone. You couldn’t care less about where your hands were. The only thing that mattered now was that his hands remained on you.
You bit your lip trying to hold in the small yelps in pain as he attacked the wound he made. Prodding and poking trying to coerce as much blood as he could without literally tearing a chunk from you.
Desperately, needing more than just his feasting mouth, you rolled your hips against his. You stuttered your movements as he sunk his teeth deeper into you in response. Another whimper left your parted lips as his name tumbled out like a prayer. “Alastor-“
He sighed through his nose, having to will himself to release your tasty flesh. Slowly blinking his eyes open as he lifted up with a suctioned pop. Leaning back to take in the beautiful sight of your bloody and bruised shoulder. He watches closely as beads of red quickly begin to pool and drip over your collar bone. Bleeding into the pure white of your nightgown.
“Beautiful, Mon Cher, absolutely beautiful.” His lips parted to show a bloody grin. His eyes were glazed over as if the taste of you was more intoxicating than the drink he had a moment ago. “You did so good.” You felt his grip in your hair loosen as his fingers brushed through. With his now free hand he began to smear the blood on your shoulder, earning a wince from you. “I think you deserve a reward, don’t you?” His hand cupped your cheek and you could feel your blood sticking your flesh to his, like glue. He pulled at your bottom lip with his thumb as he brought his face close to yours again. “Do you want a taste?”
Before you could even begin frantically nodding, he already captured your lips in his. Pulling back just enough to use his thumb to wrench your mouth open. You gave him no resistance as he dove back in. His tongue eagerly exploring the entirety of your mouth. Spreading the taste of your own blood.
He swallowed a muffled moan as both hands slipped to your hips. Fingers digging into clothed flesh as he grinded you into him. “See?” His lips parted from yours with a pink tinged dribble of saliva connecting you to him. “Delicious, aren’t you?”
Quickly, you licked the bloody spittle on his lips. “If I say yes will you-“ a moan interrupted your sentence as his hands continued to grind you against his hardened cock. “-f-fuck please just fucking touch me-“
“I am touching you, mon cher.” His hands slowed to grind on him at an agonizing pace. The friction slick as you fully drenched your panties and began to seep into the front of his pants. “Remember, use your words.”
“Alastor, p-please-“ your words trembled as you tried to retain some sense of composure. But the teasing feeling of him beneath his pants was going to drive you insane. With a shaky breath you leaned away from him. One hand grasping the hem of your nightgown and yanking it up to your chest. Your other hand sliding fingers under the hem of your underwear to pull them down ever so slightly. His gaze shooting down immediately to take in the erotic sight of your pubic hair barely poking out. “Please just eat me already.”
“How could I say no when you’re pleading so sweetly?” In a blink of an eye he had his hands holding you against him. With a chuckle he stood from the bench, his hands cupping your ass to carry you with him. Your own hands quickly grab his shoulders to keep yourself from falling.
You’re swung around as you hear crashing behind you. Alastors shadow-y tendrils quickly swiping his desk clear in order to make space for you. A gasp leaving you as your back is dropped onto the hard surface with a thud. His hands holding your legs at his hips by the pits of your knees. His taller frame towering over you as you lay sprawled under him.
The grin that spread across his face had you squirming. His warm hands pull you by your legs until your ass is completely off the desk. With only your upper half resting against the hardwood, your stomach does flips, feeling like you’ll fall. But his hold on you is firm as he lowers to his knees. Effortlessly, your legs are settled over his shoulders. You’re practically panting in anticipation as you feel him chuckle against your inner thighs. “Nervous, dear? You’re shaking.”
“Shut up-“ A groan is ripped through clenched teeth as he sinks his teeth into the plump flesh of your right thigh. Hissing, you latch your hand into his hair. He gave no reaction to your grip as he enjoys lapping at the new wound. One of his hands sliding up to give your ass a good squeeze.
You hadn’t realized you were clenching your eyes closed until they flew open. Your back arching off the desk as your breathing hitched. The feeling of his warm tongue running up your clothed slit had you feeling sparks. The blood on his tongue seeped into the already damp fabric, adding another stain to you. “F-Fuck- Jesus Christ-“ he ran his tongue up again slowly, ending with a nice flick to your clit.
“Careful, if you moan other men’s names I’ll become rather jealous.” He hummed against your left thigh as he weaseled a hand between your legs. Sharp talons grabbing hold of the fabric of your underwear and tearing it enough to freely expose his meal.
It was a struggle keeping your eyes opened as you leaned your head forward. Freezing, as you were met with Alastors gaze sent over your exposed sex. He was watching you intently as he brought his face closer to your aching core. “I-I think I’d like to see you jealous.”
“I’m sure you would, you naughty thing.” Finally, without anything blocking his touch, you felt him lap his wet muscle up between your folds. A wispy moan leaves your lips as you remove your hand from his hair. Fingers reaching back to ground yourself against whatever you could on his desk.
The taste of you saturated over his taste buds as a pleased groan rumbled in his chest. His hands wrap around your upper thighs in order to hold you in place. His eyes flicked up trying to see what he could of your reactions. He gave up rather quickly though, losing himself to you fully now.
The juxtaposition of his agonizing teasing now being replaced with determined hunger was almost overstimulating. You couldn’t stop the shake in your legs as he twisted his tongue inside of you. The unnatural length of it reached further than you expected.
His name tumbled from your lips so sweetly it only made him crave your taste more. Fingers digging into your hips as he pressed his face deeper into you. Suffocating himself on your scent as his tongue twisted and flicked inside. When his nose pressed against your clit he felt your walls clench. A cheeky smirk forming against your lower lips. A shudder ran down your spine when you felt his tongue slip out from you. But you didn’t feel empty for long as he easily slipped a finger into you, a second quickly following. You felt yourself forgetting how to breathe as he ruthlessly pumped his fingers into your heat. Erotic squelching filled the small space of his radio room. You hadn’t realized until now that the music was off, ensuring he could hear every sound your body offered him.
His tongue lazily licked your juice from his lips as his eyes flickered between wanting to peer at your face and wanting to watch your sweet pussy taking his fingers so well. “Good girl. Such a good girl, my dear.” You were a moaning mess, unable to respond any other way to his praises.
Your entire body tensed as he brought his lips back to your needy cunt. His mouth suctioned around your sensitive clit. Tongue swiping and flicking, assaulting the bundle of nerves. His fingers stopped their pumping as he pressed as deep into you as he could, fingers bending and focusing on a specific spot. He hummed casually as if he wasn’t making you see stars.
Your body lurched forward as both hands flew to grip his hair. “F-FUCK- A-Ah fuck.” He felt your walls clench around his fingers, cock twitching knowing he had you on that cliff. “So close- please p-please-“
“Hm? Wanting to cum already?” His tone was patronizing as he lifted his mouth from you. A whiny sound coming from you as that build up dimmed slightly, keeping you just before that edge. “I’ll allow it. Only if you’re a good girl and say my name as you cum, understand?”
“Y-Yes- just please-please please-“ Another pleased hum rumbled from him as he lowered back to your sopping heat. His lips suctioned around your clit once more, continuing to stimulate both spots. It only took a moment longer and you finally reached your peak. “ALASTOR-“ A pathetic mewl ripped from your throat as it crashed over you in waves. Every muscle in your body tensed, walls clenching and twitching around his fingers as he helped you through your orgasm. His mouth popping off of you as he wore a wide smirk, lips and chin glistening from the mixture of you and his own saliva.
His fingers didn’t stop massaging your walls until he felt your body relax. Only then did he slip his digits out to greedily lick them clean. His tongue finds its way back to the bite on your thigh. Lapping at the wound while it was still weeping blood. “Thank you for such a delicious meal, my dear.” He would purr as you were still trying to catch your breath. Shifting he moved your legs off from his shoulders in order to stand back up. His warm hands wrapping your legs around his waist as he stepped forward leaning into you. He helps lift you up just enough to scooch you fully on the desk once more. Your eyes lazily watch him loom back over you as you try to sit up on your elbows. His smile devious as he slips his red talons under his suspenders, slowly slinking them off of his shoulders as he purred down to you. “What do you say, darling, are you ready for dessert?”
And you then knew that your night was far from over…
*Chinning: 20s slang meaning ‘talking’.
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kissforyouu · 9 months
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pairing : jungkook x reader
genre : college boy!jungkook , fwb , so much fluff , situationship , confusing relationship
warning : angst , strong language , smoking , masturbation , use of weed and drugs , getting high , lots of kisses🤭 , oral sex ( f recieving ) , doggy , unprotected sex , situationships. (trigger warning😓)
Inspired by Cardigan - Taylor Swift
> read pt. 1 here
It's been about three weeks since Jungkook had left my door. I try, but I still can't make up my mind with the fact that it's all over. It's even harder, because Jungkook was always apart of my daily routine. We'd go get our groceries together, drop eachother by our respective classes, study together, hangout and so much more. It's not just the fucking, or the kissing, he was also my best friend. Losing my bestfriend was even worse. Sometimes I'd wonder how it would've been if we never had sex. Would we still be friends? Best friends? Would it have been better? It would have been better, I think. Maybe. Or maybe not. I don't fucking know.
Or maybe we'd just be strangers and I would've never gotten to experience this love from him? Or maybe—it wasn't even love. Well, obviously, it wasn't. He made it clear. Very clear.
Although it's been a week, Jungkook has never tried to contact me. It hurts, but whatever. Clearly he's enjoying his time though, judging by his instagram stories. Party after party. I always see him either drinking or going out with his friends on social media. Okay. I might be stalking him on social media. But hey, it's not exactly stalking when the information is public and accessible to anyone, right? So, I'm not stalking. I'm only making use of my rights as someone using social media.
It's whatever. Jungkook's whatever. I'll move on. Of course, I will. It's nothing a bit of journaling and music can't fix, right? Yeah.
I hum to my music, continuing to write on my journal. This was my way of letting all my feelings out. I'd journal, write and doodle about it. It was calm, and it also helped me open up and learn more about myself. I liked it.
I continued to write...
I still want him. I want him so so much. I really hate to admit that, but I do. I don't know what's gotten over me. I have to make up my mind, I really really do. Jungkook proved to me that I was nothing but some fuck, but why can't I think the same? It's slowly driving me insane. In addition to that, I really really really really fucking hate the fact that I'd go back to him in a heartbeat if I could.
I let out a sigh, closing the journal. This is what I've been doing for the past three weeks. It's stupid, really, we weren't even fucking dating! I keep thinking about that, and it's driving me crazy. Whatever. I placed my journal and headphones back on my table, then getting back on my bed. Covering myself with my soft pink sheets, I made myself comfortable enough to fall asleep.
I hated this so much.
Everywhere I looked, it always reminded me of Jungkook. I hated how every corner of my room had some sort of memory attached to him. Whether it was just him holding one of my belongings, standing in a specific area, or him just doing something—it always reminded me of him.
The worst was my bed. Everytime I got on it, I just couldn't help but think of all the things we did on it. I couldn't help but think of the places his hands touched me, the feeling of his lips on my skin, or the feeling of his cock going in and out of me. I hated this because sometimes—sometimes! Just sometimes I'd feel myself getting hot down there.
I hate to admit this but—
"Mm..." a whimper leaves my mouth at the feeling of my fingers pressing onto my clothed clit. All that thinking got me wet. I slowly drag my fingers up and down, caressing my folds. I imagine it's his fingers, Jungkook's, teasing my folds slowly.
What would he do right now? He'd subtly touch me everywhere to get me soaking wet.
My other hand reaches down to my left breast, rubbing my nipple through the material. A few seconds later, the material of my top was now discarded on the bed. I continue to rub my nipple slowly, just the way he would. My other hand was caressing my thighs slowly, letting my fingertips subtly touch the surface of my skin. I gather a good amount of spit in my mouth, then bringing my fingers to my lips, then my nipples. I spread the liquid all around my nipple, flicking it too.
A heavy breath is heard, my fingers creeping inside my panties this time. It was a new sensation. I never masturbated. I didn't need to. I had Jungkook.
A small whimper echoes within my mouth as my fingers come in contact with my folds, spreading the arousal around. Shit, I was so wet. Not as much I was whenever I was around him though. I gather some of the arousal, rubbing my clit with it next. I moan, continuing to rub myself. It felt awfully good. I imagine it's him. His fingers teasing and rubbing my clit while his face was squished in between my tits. That's how it'd usually go.
An embarrassingly whiny moan slips past my mouth at my thoughts, fuck I want him so bad. I continue to rub myself faster, my back now arched a little. I rub my bud in the motion of an 8, hoping for a release. It feels good, but not that good.
I then run my middle and ring fingers up and down my folds. I imagine it's his tongue, sliding up and down on me as he savours the taste. "So good..." I hum. I retreat my fingers back to my clit, rubbing it again. About a minute later of continuous rubbing, heavy breaths and small whines, I slowly feel my high approaching. I squeeze my eyes shut, imagining it's him, as my body shudders.
I don't rub myself further, stopping myself right there. I was now sensitive down there. I didn't cum. Fuck, this is annoying.
Groaning, my body sits back up on the bed. I put back all my clothes on, pee and get right back to bed. This was unsuccessful and very annoying. Embarrassing, too. What have I done? Fuck, really, Y/n? Over Jungkook. Yes, Over Jungkook.
Okay, just sleep it off. I tell myself, trying to convince myself that what I had done just now was totally not embarrassing.
I groan at the sound of my annoying alarm beeping on my nightstand. "Fuck you", I turn the alarm off, groaning once more as I roll off the bed. I grab my phone, my eyes still blurry, and then— FUCK. IT WAS 12PM. MY CLASSES START AT 11AM. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. I rise up from the bed, running to my bathroom. I have to make this very quick. I grab the toothbrush and get in the shower, washing my body while brushing my teeth. 5 minutes later, I run out of the bathroom to open my closet. I throw a pair of jeans and a hoodie before quickly putting them. I don't bother to style my hair or to eat, I just grab my bag and laptop before running out of my dorm. Mina, my roommate, didn't even wake me up. Where even is she? I didn't see her coming back home yesterday? Whatever.
I speed walk to my class that's already started one hour ago. Shit, hopefully the teacher doesn't give me a bad grade or note this down. I had a record of being one of the top 10 students in each class I took. I wouldn't want to drop it because of something so careless and small.
I hesitantly walk inside the door, my foot taking small nervous steps. The teacher looks at me, her eyebrow raising up to a confused look on her face. "Y/n, you're late" She taps her pointer finger on her chin repeatedly.
Bringing my lip in between my teeth, I nod my head in return. "Uh, I'm so sorry, Ms. Kim"
"Any particular reason you got late, Y/n?" She asks.
Oh yeah, I miss my ex - ex best friend - ex talking stage - ex fuck buddy— or whatever, and then I rubbed one out for him and passed out on the bed right after.
"Um, just overslept"
"Ah, pity. As a punishment, stay after class and help out the librarian please. New stack of books incoming!"
I press my lips into a thin line, nodding. It's not like I have another choice.
"Yes, madam."
She giggles in return, then directs me to my seat.
Another hour has passed, the bell has rung. After class. A groan echoes out of me as I rise up from my seat, clutching onto my bag. My friend looks at me, then giggles before patting my shoulder twice in hopes of comforting me a little. She leaves the room.
"Y/n, I hope I see you tomorrow on time. You're a good student, don't lose that reputation." Ms. Kim flashes a bland smile as she exits the classroom. Shrugging, I walk out of the classroom as well, heading to the library.
"Hi, Ms. Kent! I wave at the librarian.
"Y/n, isn't it? Ms. Kim informed me about you." She responds as she adjusts her glasses.
I nod my head back at her, my hands holding on to eachother at the back.
"Great! You can help me by taking out that stack of books and putting them inside this box" She hands me a big cardboard box.
I take it as I walk to the book shelf she pointed at. I turn around to look at the librarian, desperately hoping that she'd come help me out. But no, nevemind. She was on her chair, legs resting on top of her table as she took a nap. Okay, fine, take your rest. She probably deserves it, anyway.
I turn back, my hands now on my hips. "Good luck, y/n" my eyes scan the big shelf.
I start by taking out the books at the lowest layer, then gradually making my way to the top. "Hmm..." I hum, looking around the library for a tool. In order to reach the top, I needed something to get on. As I scan the room, my eyes land on the small tool in a corner. "Ah!"
Getting on the stool, my spread out my arms in order to balance myself. I grab a few books, then slowly lowering myself down to the box to drop the books. It's a bit of a risky task. I could break a limb. "Good", words of relief leave my mouth. I repeat the process, slowly and watching each of my steps.
I bend down to drop another book then lift myself back up, my feet doing a 60° degree again to align myself perfectly in front of the shelf. I grab one of the last few books on the shelf, turning around to drop it into the box. Uh, oh. There we go. I fall to the ground with a yelp. I lost my balance. Groaning, I close my eyes. Maybe I'll just lay here for a few minutes till the pain goes away. It really hurts though, I rub my hip and waist area. I'll apply some balm when I get back to my dorm.
I want to drown myself in a river.
I know that voice better than anyone else's. What the fuck is he doing here.
In the other hand, it felt really nice hearing my name coming out of his mouth. I missed his voice.
I gulp at the feeling of two fingers patting my shoulder. I don't want to open my eyes because I know I'll come eye to eye with the person I seriously do not wanting to be talking to right now. But I do it anyway.
"Y-you good?" He stutters.
I nod, slowly raising myself up. I flinch, wincing at the sudden jolt of pain on my lower back. My hand grips onto the closest shelf as I slowly lift myself back up on my feet. Jungkook offers me his hand for support, but I deny it. I just want to walk away.
I walk past him with the now full cardboard box, ignoring the stabbing pain I'm feeling. Lifting this is so hard, fuck, especially with my now broken back. Broken is probably an exaggeration, but whatever.
I place the box in the small room right next to the library that's filled with stacks of books and other material. I'm done!
I go back inside the library to grab my bag and other items. As I put my pair of glasses inside the bag, I feel the soft honey-like voice from before say my name again.
"Y/n" I'm done.
Ignoring him would be too immature and would cause even more problems. So it's better to say something, right? Totally not because I want to talk with him, maybe, kind of.
"Jungkook." I gulp.
"Let me talk to you." Oh.
"Us" Oh.
"There's nothing to talk about us, Jungkook."
"Yes, there is."
"No, there isn't. You made it clear."
"Jesus, Y/n. Can we move on from that, please?"
I scoff. "Fuck, no."
His hand immediately catches my wrist just when I try to walk away.
"Please, let me make it up to you—
"Jungkook. No."
I make it very clear to him that I don't want anything with him anymore. Maybe I do. But maybe I'm scared to get hurt again. Doesn't matter.
I pull my wrist away from his grip. I don't look back but walk straight out of the library.
If you wanted to talk to me and make things right, you should've done it two weeks ago.
Stepping into the safe space of my dorm, I sigh, plopping myself on the bean bag. My fingers go through my hair, softly caressing it and massaging my scalp. Shamelessly, my mind drifts away to the moment where Jungkook's fingers were tangled in betweens my locks, massaging my scalp and stroking my head. Or the times where he would fist my hair, using it to guide my head up and down while I choked on his dick. Unconsciously, my thighs rub against eachother just a little to bring me back to my senses. I look around my room, cheeks flushed and embarrassed. I can't be doing this again, god no.
Deciding to make myself a cup of ramen, I make my way to my little kitchen. I add boiling water to the cup, waiting for the noodles to be ready. Now back on my sofa with my noodles, I was so so ready to dig those chopsticks in and take a bite on my noodles. But my phone suddenly dings, the screen showing a message. It was Jungkook. What, Jungkook? Why's he messaging me? Oh fuck, was it about early? I gulp, reaching down to the coffee table to grab my phone.
jungoogie💌: haiiiii😆😁😁
jungoogie💌: Y/NNNNN!!!! ansehwr mem
My eyebrow slightly raises at the texts, noticing how messy and chaotic they were. Is he was drunk? I began typing my reply.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
No, what.
I immediately press the call option then and there after reading the message of him saying he was going to take another gummy. What was wrong with him?
The call answered fast, the first thing I hear being him giggling.
My name is heard in a slurred speech, a set of small giggles being heard once again after.
"Jungkook? Where are you?"
He hums into the phone, then small wet kissy noises being heard after. Is he kissing his phone?
"Miss you...so much..."
My heart warms up at his words. I know I shouldn't let it affect me, but I felt the same. It's been weeks since I had last seen Jungkook, and I've wanted nothing more than to be in his arms and hold. I clear my voice a bit before speaking again.
"I miss you too. Can you tell me where you are, please?"
I need to make sure where he is. Back before I met him, he used to go around the street and get high for fun with Yugyeom. I stopped him later on. But he's back at it again, I guess.
"You do?!" His voice suddenly escalates from tired and slurred to hype pitched and excited. He is being so adorable right now.
"Baby, I...miss you too!" Jungkook groans, then a small thud is heard. I hear Jungkook sigh, sounding very relaxed and calm.
"Mm, are you in your dorm?"
Jungkook hums in confirmation. And just at that, I get up from my bed before walking out the door. I cannot let him get even more high. Even more so, who knows what else he'll do in there.
"Jungkook, keep talking"
"Can I sing?"
"Vintage tee, brand new phone, high heels on..."
He knew I liked that song. He's doing this on purpose. As he continues to serenade me, I slowly make my way upto his dorm. We weren't allowed to be here. One of the rules in our university was that no one of the opposite gender should be seen at another's dorm. That's a rule me and Jungkook had broken way before. He was always there in my dorm. I'm surprised he was never caught.
Too lost in Jungkook's voice, I forget that I was already near his dorm. Snapping back to reality, I hesitantly ask Jungkook to stop singing.
"Kook, open your door. I'm there."
I'm sure of this, right? Yeah, yeah I am.
"Oh?" His singing stops, his voice switching to a more confused tone. Next, I hear small sounds, then thuds on the floor as they got closer and closer.
The door shoots open in a hurried manner, his eyes falling onto mine. But his eyes are not the thing I'm looking at, it's the weed roll in his hand. I look back at him, my eyebrows now furrowed.
"When did you start smoking again?" I cross my arms against my chest.
Jungkook rolls his eyes, bringing the blunt upto his mouth to inhale some.
"A few days after we stopped talking" He admits. He looks guilty, but I try to ignore it. I was still mad at him. For everything. In addition, about this too.
Jungkook angles his body to the side, making space for me to walk in. I walk past his body towards his room.
Once I enter, I let out a small gasp at the state of his room. It was so fucking messy. Clothes here and there on the floor, his books scattered across his table alongside empty cans of frizzy drinks and empty ramen cups, bed fully messy and sheets on the floor included.
"What the fuck happened here?" I ask, concern flowing through me.
I feel his hand snake around my waist, cold fingertips giving me chills as they traced my belly. My body instinctively leans back into his, my back pressed against his chest. Jungkook's sighs into my neck, the tip of his nose caressing my collarbones.
"Missed you..." He was holding me so tight that I almost couldn't breathe. He was holding me so tight as if it's the last time he'll ever be able to do so.
I don't say anything else while I lead the both of us to the top of his bed. Jungkook doesn't allow me to move much, caging me in between his body and the bed right away. I lay flat as his body settles in between my legs. I run my fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp.
Jungkook takes one look at me, then another inhale from his weed roll. I forget he even had it.
He blows the smoke away, eyes still on mine, staring into the deep the corners of my eyes. Suddenly, I start coughing, my hand on my chest as I tried to calm down my breathing. The smoke was making me cough.
Jungkook sits on the bed, alerted as he starts to mutter sorrys over and over.
"Fuck, fuck, I'm sorry, baby"
His hand rubs up and down my back in a soothing manner in an attempt to calm me down. It works, of course. My breathing slows down to my normal pace. Jungkook looks at his blunt, getting up from the bed before taking one last inhale then throwing it in the bin.
He groans, now inside his bathroom. I hear the sound of the water running down.
The light is turned off again as Jungkook exits the bathroom. He looks at me sitting on his bed. This time he notices the outline of my breasts, clearly visible from the thin material of the shirt I was wearing. His eyes trail down my body, from the outline of my breasts to my nipples, then my waist.
"No bra?" Jungkook breaks the silence.
I shook my head, pushing my shoulders back so I could lean against the headboard. And also that my tits were even more visible to him, but I don't want to admit to it. I watch Jungkook's eyes shift from my face to my tits. He walks towards the bed and gets on it.
Sitting on the bed right in front of me, Jungkook sighs, gripping onto my thigh before pulling me towards him so that I'm laying flat on the bed.
We lock our eyes together, our breathing suddenly syncing in as Jungkook hooks onto the edge of my shirt. He looks at me, for approval.
Fuck, how could I not? I've been wanting to feel him so bad.
I nod, gulping.
He raises the shirt upwards, exposing my tummy. Jungkook leans down to place a few kisses all over it. He continues to kiss my tummy in circles, causing me to let out a few giggles at the ticklish feeling here and there. And each time I did, he would raise up his head to look at me, his eyes big and sparkling.
Jungkook moves the shirt more upwards, my tits now out and bare as the end of the shirt laid right over them.
His hands immediately fly to cup my breasts, holding them. He sighs.
"So warm..."
Jungkook crawls further, so that his head is laying on my breasts. He nuzzles himself deeper, cheek pressed against my chest and hands groping my breasts. I watch him attentively, finding this moment comforting.
He slowly turns around to look at me, and this time, I notice how his eyes are half lidded, reddish with veins visible. It's from all that weed and gummies. Jungkook says nothing though, he just looks at me in awe, but also guilt.
I glide my thumb over his cheekbone, stroking it. Jungkook leans in to my touch, then colliding his lips and my palm, small smooch noises being heard after.
This is nice. I want to have this everyday.
He proceeds kiss my fingers, trailing them up wrists to my arms, then collarbone, my throat and upto my face. I close my eyes, focusing on the feeling of his soft thin lips on me and the small smooch sounds they create. Right then, he kisses both of my closed eyelids, then nose, cheeks, chin. The only area left were my lips. My eyes open to look at him.
His breath was fanning against my lips. We were inches away from kissing.
Jungkook cracks up a small giggle,
"I think you sobered me up a little."
He pulls away to sit up on the bed again.
No, kiss me. I want you to kiss me.
I clutch onto his shirt, pulling him back to me. Jungkook was surprised, his hand gripping onto my arm for support. I lean in to peck his lips once. I pull away, my lashes batting as I stare at him.
Jungkook looked shocked. He shouldn't be, I just let him kiss me all over. His expressions change, turning into a more soft and relaxed look on his face. His big eyes stare back at me as he leans in, going for another kiss.
The kiss feels passionate, deep and so — real. It feel real.
Jungkook's eyebrows furrow, head tilting to the side to deepen the kiss more. Our lips move against eachother so perfectly. The kiss wasn't rough, neither was is soft. It was perfect, filled with longing and love.
He settles his legs down next to my thighs, caging my body. I grab his hand, holding it with both my hands to my heart. I'm sure he could feel how fast my heart was beating. He whimpers, sending vibrations through my mouth. The kiss was getting sloppy and air was running out. But we continued kissing. I missed his lips so much. His soft lips against mine, moving in a synchronised rhythm. Even our breathing was synchronised.
After one final smooch, I pull away with a gasp in a serious need of air. My head arches onto the pillow, hair messy and arm thrown over my head as I catched breath.
I lower my eyes down to look at Jungkook, who was looking at me as if I was the only thing that mattered to him. If I could, I'd hit replay and live this moment over and over again.
He cups my face, squishing my cheeks while he left small pecks all over my upper and lower lip. My lips turn into an uncontrollable smile, so big and bright. He continued to peck my lips, teeth even, then my cheeks.
I don't know what is making him do this, is it the weed and gummies he took earlier or is it actually him.
"Mmmm..." I whine once he pulls away.
There is so much tension in the room right now. But nothing sexual, I don't want to fuck him right now. Maybe later. But not now.
Everything we did right now obviously meant we had to talk about it later. Especially about Jungkook's behaviour. The drugs, the weed, the messy room, calling me. Everything. Would I go back to him after this? Yeah.
There is an awkward silence again, and Jungkook looks like he wants to say something so bad. I can say that because he keep tugging onto his lower lip with his teeth, nibbling on it constantly. For a moment, he opens his mouth, ready to say something but closes it again. My eyebrow raises. Patting Jungkook's cheek,
"Say it." I tell him.
"I love you."
Jungkook whispers, audible enough for me to hear. Audible enough to send me into euphoria. Audible enough to make me fucking forget everything for a moment.
I don't say anything back for a few seconds. Jungkook looks relaxed and relieved, maybe glad that he finally said it. Before I could say anything back, he covers my mouth with his hand.
"Don't say anything, please. I don't want to hear it yet. Let's just go to sleep and talk in the morning."
Jungkook lays down on the bed right next to me, his arm wrapping around my waist. His big eyes sparkle, looking directly into mine.
I don't say anything back just like he wants, but I wrap my arms around his torso, pulling him closer to me. I don't know whether it was the weather or something else, but Jungkook felt so warm. The atmosphere around us as well. Everything felt warm and comfortable. Nuzzling my face further into his chest, I hum, comfortable as fuck. My heart skips a beat once I feel his fingers on my head. He run them through my hair, massaging my scalp and patting my head. Fuck, I missed this so much.
I soothe into his touch, my body weight now entirely on him. As my eyes get even more drowsy, I let myself fall asleep in his embrace.
Before even realising, the morning had come already. What did make us realise that was Jungkook's alarm going off.
Jungkook groans, rolling over to the other side to turn his alarm off. When he turns around, he finds my back facing him fully. I had shifted while sleeping. Jungkook giggles, his arm pulling me back to him as my back collides with his hard chest. He thinks of going back to sleep again, but too late, the alarm had already woken me up. Just when Jungkook presses his head onto my shoulder, I pull his hair away so that his head is back on the pillow.
"I'm awake"
"Don't care" Jungkook murmers.
"Fucking hell..." He groans.
He rubs his eyes open. Jungkook yawns again, then going back to lay his head on my back.
"My head hurts" he sighs.
"Probably because of the things you did last night. Maybe I could give you a massage?"
Jungkook's eyes lit up at the suggestion. Eagerly, he nods his head already sitting up on the bed.
"Take your shirt off and lay on your stomach"
Jungkook can't help but crack up a small laugh at my comment while I tilt my head to the side, clearly confused.
"Nothing" He grins.
"No, say it"
—"Say it." - "I love you" —
"It's just that it's usually me who says it you know, cause, when we have sex..." he giggles again.
I look at him, grinning back. Grabbing the pillow, I hit his back with it. Jungkook pokes his tongue, looking at the outline of my nipples through my shirt when I stretch my arms up to hit him. He snorts at the hit, then taking his shirt off before throwing it on the ground.
I get on top of his back once he lays down.
I take my time to admire his naked back, sculptured to perfect. It was so perfect and built. You could tell that he worked out just by the side of his back.
I begin with his shoulders, gently massaging them to ease the tension out. He hums as I continue massage his shoulders now increasing the pressure. I move down to his arms, squeezing them and sort of punching them to relax them. Jungkook's eyebrows raise up,eyes closed as he nods his head in approval. I then press onto his bones, circling them from time to time as I switch in between squeezing his muscles to massaging his bones.
I loved the feel of his muscles. Touching them felt so nice. I loved it when I felt him relax at the pleasure of my hands massaging him. I take a moment to admire his back again, running my hand up and down his back. Unknowingly, my nails begin to scratch his back. He lets out a long moan at the soothing feeling.
I giggle, leaning down to press a small kiss behind his neck. I get no reaction back from him, so I continue to trail kisses down his back. Jungkook shifts a little in his position, groaning a little.
"Jungkook, turn around" I whisper.
I get off of him for a brief moment so that Jungkook could lay on his back before getting back on top of him again. Now that my clothed pussy was pressed onto his growing buldge, I grip onto his shoulders to massage him more. He moans at the feeling, head thrown back.
"Here, baby?"
His eyebrow is raised because of the tone of my voice—flirty— and the nickname I used on him. I never called him baby. Ever.
"What's up with you?" He asks.
I immediately give in not being to control myself more, I dive in for a kiss. Jungkook understands how I'm feeling, smirking into the kiss while his hands sneakily slide up my legs and inside my shorts. He palms my ass cheeks, rubbing his palm over them. My arms lay on around his head, caging it, as both our mouths working on eachother's. My tongue licks his lower lip, a smile forming on my lips slowly. I feel his hands leave the inside of my shorts to slap both my cheeks, a cocky laugh coming from him next. Jungkook then hooks onto the waistband of my shorts, pulling them down upto my ankles. My ass was now bare and out.
I go back in for a kiss, arching my back as well. I whimper into the kiss once Jungkook sneaks his way into my mouth with his tongue, at the same time — his fingers touching my pussy. I could imagine his smirk right now. Fuck. I feel the tip of his fingers teasingly tracing along my folds teasingly. To spite me up even more, he inserts the very tip of his fingers in, but nothing more. I grunt, trying to grind myself back on his fingers. I was begging for some friction. Jungkook's fingers leave my pussy, only to be back with a small slap on it.
I groan into his mouth, letting him take over me with his godly tongue. His middle finger touches my bud, pressing onto it while my pussy clenches on absolutely nothing. It was so fucking embarrassing but I was dripping wet for him.
Jungkook pulls out of the kiss, now beginning to trail kisses all over my neck. He starts with the side of my neck, then down to my collarbone and back up on my neck again. He nibbles on a spot near my throat, biting it here and there to create a hickey. Jungkook licks over the small purple bruise forming, to then kiss it over and over again. He begins to repeat the process all over on several areas on my neck and collarbones. Meanwhile, I melt onto his touches, just letting him continue kissing and biting me all over. But while being too caught on the moment, I feel his fingers begin to slowly rub my bud. A long moan leaves me as my back arches even more. I'm pretty sure I looked like a fucking cat who was stretching.
"Turn around. Want this pretty pussy on my face" He pats my bud.
Shit, I was so turned on.
Immediately, I turn around, my ass now in front of Jungkook's face. I feel his hands on my cheeks, squeezing them and feeling them all over as he slaps it a few times.
"Sit on my face"
I felt myself clench around nothing.
I turn my upper body around to make sure I won't hurt him, I slowly lift my thighs up to sit on his face. I wasn't exactly putting my whole body weight onto him, more like hovering over him.
"Sit" He commands.
"No, you'll be crushed and my thighs are too big. This is good enough"
I hear him sigh. Next thing I know I feel his hands on my thighs, bringing me down so that my ass was entirely on his face and thighs around his neck and shoulder. My entire body weight was on him.
"I'm not dying, see?" He scoffs.
I whine in defeat, nodding to his words.
Jungkook begins by swiping his tongue up for a long stripe on my pussy, then going in again. He repeats the process, but much rougher, with his nose pressing onto my flesh. Meanwhile, his hands rub and squeeze my thighs, delivering a few slaps here and there. I lean forward a little balance myself out, but suddenly jolt at the feeling of his tongue entering my pussy.
"Shit!" I moan.
Gripping onto his shoulders for support, my back arched and pussy on his face. His face was smothered all over my dripping cunt.
"Baby, you're so wet. This pussy must've missed me, huh?" I feel his thumb dipping in to gather arousal. Jungkook sucks on his thumb, pulling it out again to enter two fingers in my hole at once.
"Fuck!" I wasn't even stretched out to begin with.
He kisses my clit, lips softly sucking on it while his fingers went in and out of me slowly. So slow, that it felt like he was just caressing my wet folds. His teeth gently tucks on my clit to pull on it a little, earning a long moan from me return. He sighs into my pussy, groaning right after, sending vibrations through me adding even more pleasure.
Shit, this was heaven.
He was so mindful with what he was doing. He knew where to touch me, where to kiss, how to tease me and make me like it. He knew my body so fucking well, better than I ever could.
Jungkook pulls out both of his fingers to replace them with his tongue. I feel his tongue swiping through my folds, gulping down all of my juices. His room was filled with nothing but my filthy moans and his slurping noises.
His tongue enters my gaping hole, making my eyes roll back in pleasure. Shit. He saves me no mercy, trusting his tongue in and out of my pussy. Fuck, I was so turned on. I could feel my slick dripping down to his face, smothering it all over.
Panting, I close my eyes just to open them a few seconds later, my eyes immediately landing on the fat dent in his pants. His cock was prominent and big, standing tall even in his quite tight pants. I want to have it. I look beneath me at the man who was currently eating me out like a starved man, biting my lip at the erotic sight.
I groan a little, moving my hips at the same pace as his tongue.
"Jungkook, I want you in my mouth!" I cry out.
He doesn't respond, continuing to eat me out. His finger was now pressed onto my bud, circling it. I whine, desperately wanting a response from him.
Still no response. I then grip onto his shoulders with my hands, leaning forward. I crawl my way over his body, my face right in front of his cock now. I hear Jungkook groan at the lack of my pussy on his face. I turn my upper body around to look at him, giggling at him. Sticking my tongue out playfully, I turn back around only to get dragged back to Jungkook by his arm.
My back collides with his chest, a series of giggles and laughs leaving us. I throw my head back, still laughing, as Jungkook holds both my hands tightly to my chest while not letting go.
He presses his cheek onto my neck, whispering things.
"You want me dick? Yeah, you're gonna get it"
He easily turns my body around so that I was laying on my stomach again. Jungkook now gets on the bed, on top of me as both his thighs are caging mine. He pats my ass cheeks with both his hands while I got myself back up so that my ass was displayed to him clearly with easy access (doggy style). Jungkook releases his breaths, fondling with my ass cheeks, slapping it a few times.
"I could do this all day everyday" He comments.
"Jungkook, I missed you" my voice cracks.
He scoffs. "You missed me or you missed this dick?" He slaps my cheeks again.
I whine, sighing afterwards.
"Both" Jungkook laughs, almost mockingly.
"Wonder how you got yourself off without me, hm? Did you use your hands? Were you even able to make yourself cum?"
I could feel that cocky smirk behind me.
"S-shut up, just fuck me" I could feel the heat in my cheeks growing more each second.
"Did you cum?"
Jungkook hums, fingers inching towards my pussy.
"You want me to touch you here and make you cum?" His fingers circle my wet clit.
"Mmm-hm" my voice sounds more relaxed, but desperate.
"Here? Touch you like this, baby?" He then pinches my clit and twists it, earning a whiny whimper from me. I was so fucking wet and each touch he gives me got me dripping even more. After, I feel his hand palming my pussy, juices smothering all over his hand while he rubbed my clit painfully slowly.
A long whine leaves me, back arching even more. Fuck.
"Jungkook, p—please... please"
I was a big fucking mess and Jungkook loved it so much.
"No more, please... Just fuck me, mm!"
My hair was messy and all over, head buried into the pillow while Jungkook's hand worked slowly on my pussy. He lets out a little laugh, stopping his movement on me. I don't feel his hand on me no longer, but not even a second later, I gasp at the feeling of the tip of his cock pressed onto my folds.
"Shit, Jungkook" I cuss.
"You're on birth control?"
We were too fucking horny to even care at this point.
He glides the tip along my folds, coating it nicely with my slick. I hear him pumping himself a few times — not that he wasn't hard enough, fuck his cock was standing so fucking tall — but to bet my slick all over. He aligns himself with my hole once again, patting my ass afterwards.
"You ready?"
"Just put it in!"
He thrusts himself in rough, a big wet noise echoing through the room.
"Fucking hell, baby, you're dripping"
Jungkook begins from just grinding his cock into me while being inside, then gradually increasing his pace. He then stops for a moment to pull his cock out for a second to slam it back in a rough pace. He never stops, repeating the same process over. The sound of his thighs clapping into the back of my thighs echoes through his room alongside the wet mushy noises my pussy made.
"S—shit, so good, taking this cock so well, baby"
He repeatedly slaps both my ass cheeks mid process, enjoying this moment to the max. My whole upper body had collapsed to the bed already, and it was the pillow that Jungkook placed under my stomach that was holding me up.
I was this close to passing out. My mouth was open, saliva spilling to the pillow while he continues to drill into my pussy.
Jungkook leans forward to press his chest onto my back, hands enveloping my breasts to flick and pinch my nipples.
He circles his hips in circular motions, just to pull out and slam back again inside.
I was such a moaning mess.
"Mm, mm, mm! Y-you fuck me so well!" I scream out.
"Oh, baby" He groans.
I feel myself clenching around him repeatedly, about to cum.
"J–jungkook, cumming!"
His thrusts slow down a little but he picks it back up, slopping but fast as he fucks me through my high. I feel my pussy clenching around him tightly, making the man behind me cuss and moan as I finally released all over his cock. Panting, I moan into the pillow as Jungkook kept going on.
His lips leave a few kisses on my back, his thrusts getting sloppier as he went on.
He lets out a long moan, finally releasing myself in my pussy.
"Shit, shit, shit—" a series of moans and cusses leave his mouth.
We both lay there, breathing synchronised and fast. Jungkook then slowly lifts himself off of my body, slipping himself out.
"You look fucked out, baby" He laughs.
"Of course, I would be. You just fucked me rough and I'm stuffed with your cum" I respond.
He puckers his lips, leaning down to place small kisses all over my face.
"Ah, my babyyy. Tired?" I could tell he was teasing me from the little baby voice he's using on me.
I turn my head to the other side, a smile forming on my face, completely forgetting about the fact that I was filled with his cum to the brim.
I feel his hand on my head, fingers twirling my curls at the end. He then holds my chin, gently, moving my face so that I'd face him.
His nose scrunched, Jungkook smiles wide before leaning down to place a soft peck on my puckered lips.
"Cute" He mumbles, and I swear my heart just did a flip.
"Let's get you cleaned"
We both were now on his bed again, cuddled up against eachother after a nice shower together. Both our classes start around 2pm, thankfully, and it was about 9am right now so we had a plenty of time left to just be in eachother's presence. I still had so many questions to ask Jungkook regarding yesterday. But not right now, I wanted to enjoy this moment.
I was currently laying in his arms, my head resting on his hard chest and both arms securely wrapped around my body while we watched whatever show that was on the TV. From time to time, he would lean forward to press a kiss onto my body or just talk about the show we were watching.
"I honestly don't like her character. She's so...ugh" I comment on the TV show, my face scrunch up in disgust.
Jungkook just hums, hand massaging my scalp. He seemed to be out of space a little. Deep in thought. Wonder what he was thinking about. Eh, I could think of a few possibilities.
"Jungkook?" I pat his cheek.
He hums in response, glancing at me.
"You good?"
"Mm, just — ah, yesterday, you know. I'm sorry, baby"
"No, it's okay. I'm sorry about earlier, though"
"Baby, there is nothing for you to be sorry for, okay? In that case, it's me who should say sorry for anything. I really did care about you right from the start it's just that...I didn't want to admit it, you know? I didn't know whether I was ready for a relationship or not. I know in that way, I was leading you on and I'm sorry for that. But I truly did enjoy and care for you from the bottom of my heart. I just kept trying to convince myself that I didn't want anything else from you..."
I listen silently. He continues...
"...And also, I'm sorry about the café. But we weren't anything to begin with. You were the only girl I talked with throughout the whole time I was sort of seeing you. But after the incident, I started to realise how much of a fucking douche I was to you. But the more realising I did, the more I realised how much I actually cared about you. And that's when I started taking all the gummies and weed again because I needed something to get my frustration off on. But I also worked hard to stop using them because of you. That's when I realised I was in love with you. I was so fucking in love with you that I started to dig up old unhealthy coping mechanisms to cope again which I stopped doing solely because you told me to do so. I felt back because I felt as if I was betraying you but I had already betrayed you so what was the point, I thought. I tried to go to parties to find girls to release my stress but non of them were you so I'd end up disgusted and leave. I'm so fucking sorry, I became a mess"
He stops talking, releasing a sigh. We stay in silence for about 10 seconds before I break it.
"Jungkook, it's alright. I'm glad you told me and everything is fine now, hm? Thank you for telling me. I understand your side and I also forgive you. I'll help you clean your room. I'll help you with everything. And I can't give you an answer for your confession right now, okay? But we can definitely go on a date" I smile, tilting my head to the side.
Jungkook squeals out of happiness, pulling me into his embrace.
"Thank you so much, baby. Take all your time and thank you so much." He responds, the shaking of his voice from earlier now nowhere to be heard.
He leans down to place a kiss on the top of my head, pulling me closer into his embrace while we continued to watch TV.
Maybe this is for the best. This feels right. And I want this. Yeah.
"I like this" I say
"I like you"
I know you'd miss me once the thrill expired, and you'd be standing in my front porch light. And I knew you'd come back to me.
a/n : hii sorry this took a while to post 😭🙏🏽 i been busyyyy. thank you soo much for reading and hope you liked it :)
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lordsukunas · 2 months
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“i think forever would be nice with you.”
synop. kunigami wants to be with you for life.
tags. fem!reader (called ma’am once), fluff fluff fluff, uh a bit of angst if u really really really squint, reader is a tease and kind of a pessimist (or maybe a realistic idk up to u), kunigami is head over heels, dont ask when this would happen in canon bc idk, not proofread
note. ngl im tired asf... if this is incoherent, im sorry. the ending is vv awkward, mb. uhhhh man idk what else to say kunigami is the sweetest boy alive. this is inspired by one of those timtok slideshows, the one thing that app has done good forme
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you flop back on the sand, chest heaving up and down from trying (and failing) to race kunigami. sweat rolls down the side of your face and neck, and you can feel the gritty sand clinging to your bare feet and legs.
“tired?” he plops down on the sand beside you and reaches for your hand. his larger, thicker fingers intertwine with yours, and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, as if to comfort you after your shameful loss.
“very,” you huff out. your lungs burn as you gulp down air. “how do you— how do you do this every week?”
he shrugs. “habit. started when i was kid, found it fun, so i kept doing it. helps me stay in shape whenever i don’t wanna go to the gym or just need some time alone.”
his free finger doodles the face of a polar bear in the sand. you smile — it’s cute how he knows how to draw that from memory.
your eyes roll to look at him. his face is shiny with sweat, and the pale moonlight softens his features, giving kunigami almost a boyish look.
there’s no one else here. just you, kunigami, and the sounds of the waves lapping against each other and the shore. the beach is clean, too. not a crumpled beer can or a plastic wrapper in sight.
“does anyone else even know this place exists?” there’s that familiar teasing lilt in your voice, but he knows you’re serious.
he scratches the back of his head. “nah. i mean, there’s the occasional fisherman or maybe some elderly couple, but i don’t think anyone our age knows about this.”
a pause, and the warm breeze blows across your skin, dusting the sand away.
you grin. “so you’re just gonna gatekeep this for eternity, huh?”
“what? no!” you can practically feel his cheeks heating up from here. “i didn’t wanna ruin it by bringing the wrong people here, y’know? they might trash it or somethin’.”
“and what if i trash it?”
“you won’t.” kunigami’s reply is instant, the words shooting out of his mouth and into the night’s atmosphere. “you’re special.”
whatever goofy reply you had on your tongue instantly melts, and you’re pretty sure your heart skips a beat or two. how can he say such romantic things so... so casually?
“i, uh...” he sighs and goes back to tracing shapes in the sand, his hand still holding on tightly to yours. “you wouldn’t do something like that. even if you did, i’ll be right there to clean it up.”
you push yourself up so that you’re sitting criss-cross. your entire body is facing him now. “but what if we break up? or you move away?”
“i won’t. we won’t.”
your brows knit together. “rensuke, you don’t know that.”
something is bound to happen. something always happens. nothing good lasts forever, right? he’s in blue lock, dedicating weeks at a time to train and play in tournaments to be the world’s best striker — at some point, he’s going to have to choose. you or his football career.
even to yourself, you sound pessimistic. but you just have to be honest with yourself. life isn’t a fairytale, despite kunigami being your knight in shining armor.
“i want forever with you.”
his gaze meets yours, determination burning in auburn irises. “i’m not gonna sit here and lie to you or be embarrassed about it, ‘cause it’s true.”
you blink, and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of your lungs.
kunigami, your boyfriend of two years, wants forever with you.
it’s ridiculous, fantastical, a hundred other synonymous terms. both of you are seventeen — you have decades and decades ahead of you to decide when you want and who you’re going to spend forever with.
and he chose you.
his adam’s apple bobs, but his gaze doesn’t waver. “do you want forever with me?” his grip on your hand tightens.
you don’t have to think about it. there’s nothing to think about it. it’s dumb and unrealistic, sure, but when has kunigami ever broken a promise? when has he ever lied to you?
it doesn’t take decades of being together to know that kunigami loves you with all of his heart, and you love him just the same.
your lips curl into a smile, and you can’t tell whether your vision is getting blurry from happy or sad tears. “i want forever with you.”
“okay.” he adjusts himself so that, now, both of you are facing each other. his shins touch yours, and his other hand grabs yours.
“‘okay’? that’s it? after you basically just proposed to me?” you raise an eyebrow. “with no ring, either! you could’ve gotten me a ring pop.”
kunigami chuckles, the tension seeping out of his bulky form. “sorry. i’ll get you a ring pop on the way back.”
“two ring pops, actually, and they better be the right flavor.”
“yes, ma’am.”
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jiggydinoart · 9 months
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Slivv Dancing Doodle
After seeing this pic, my brain wanted me to draw this good cute from an artist I follow, @boomartist , so I did! I dunno if she dances, but heh. Gotta draw when the inspiration comes and I have not really drawn much in weeks.
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Secret Romantic (Grell Sutcliff x gn!artist!Reader)
A/N: I’m still pretty new to black butler but this woman has been living in my head rent-free for the past few weeks, which fortunately has given me a bit of inspiration to write a fic :> hope u like it and i hope it isn’t too ooc.
Summary: You were not really known to be a hopeless romantic, unlike your flamboyant companion. However, she wasn’t expecting to see a different side of you on the night you dropped your sketchbook nearby…
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In the midst of another work-filled night, you quickly flipped through the to-die list one last time. “I think that’s about everyone tonight.” You let out a sigh of relief in unison with the red reaper in front of you, “What a night. I’m so glad that Phantomhive got this case closed rather quickly.” A bit of awkward silence passed until you heard a few quiet giggles, which made you turn to your friend who’s green irises were swinging left and right to each picture she had in her hands.
“Grell, are you listening?!” You raised your voice enough for her to let out a yelp as if she was a frightened puppy. “‘Bassy’ caught your eye again?” You scoff. “Come on, can you blame me? He was ever so graceful, how could I not take a photo or fourty~? Especially when he was wearing that ridiculously handsome suit~!” She dreamily sighs and you do nothing but roll your eyes. You never liked demons, always thought they were a hassle to deal with. It didn’t make it any better that a certain demon butler just so happened to steal the doting heart of the woman who stole yours.
“Well, I’ll head off now so you can have your little fun, I suppose. See you at work, my lady.” You greeted nonchalantly as you quickly jumped out of the scene using your reaper agility. Before Grell could glue her eyes back to the photos, she heard a thud nearby, finding a familiar book on the stone ground. It was the sketchbook you always brought around during work to draw on whenever you had a bit of time on your hands. She remembered the times you refused to show her your artworks, hiding the pages against your chest as a faint but cute blush creeped onto your cheeks.
It seemed that curiosity killed the cat (much to Sebastian’s dismay) as Grell approached the sketchbook with a smirk, letting go of her precious photos for the time being…
“Let’s see what you’ve been hiding from me, darling.” She mutters to herself as she slowly flips through the sketchbook, admiring every image. There’s a sketch of the town you recently visited in the view from a tall building, doodles of a couple of dresses you saw from a store window, and other random things. You were quite talented, she thought, curious if you happened to have a doodle of dear Bassy as well~ It only took a couple minutes until she flipped through a page that caught her off guard.
Several doodles of the red reaper herself were presented to her, some smiling, some frowning, some drawings ended down to her head or bust and there were a couple of full body drawings as well. She flipped through more pages and found herself again. There was one drawing where she was wearing a beautiful dress and another where she and you dancing together, she was wearing the same dress while you wore your own outfit with a similar design. It was like an illustration from a fairytale book, the you in the sketch revealed a big smile that your colleagues don’t often see on you in real life.
The next page had sketches of her in other fancy outfits, the page after that had sketches of her doing her signature pose, the page after that was a drawing of you and her, hand in hand and looking at each other fondly while the moonlight illuminated your figures. She didn’t realize you were so observant over her. It was a bit unsettling, but it also felt endearing to her that you put in so much effort into capturing her beauty on paper. Her mind was filled with different thoughts, the memories of you and her training, laughing, smiling and spending time together all those years ago up till now. She couldn’t deny that it made her heart flutter.
Meanwhile, you were panicking in your room trying to find that lost sketchbook, worried that Grell had caught it first. You dejectedly rushed to your door only to find said reaper in front of your doorstep, causing you to stumble backwards. “Gah! G-Grell, what are y-you doing here..?” Your heart was pounding as you looked over to her hand which was holding very thing you were looking for over the past several minutes. Grell chuckled a bit as she handed it back to you. “Darling, I never thought you felt this way about me~” She stepped closer with a smile.
“I-I’m sorry, I can explain-“ “No, I’m sorry for pulling on your heartstrings like that, my dear.” Grell’s eyes softened as she apologized. “The drawings are gorgeous as well. I didn’t know you were such a romantic~!” She smirked and you huff your cheeks, “I guess you just rubbed off on me, my lady.”
“No worries, it’s cute.” Her smile grew as she watched your cheeks flush and eyes widen. “Aww, look at your cheeks! They’re covered in such an adorable shade of red~” She failed to supress a cheeky giggle. “Stop teasing me!” You quickly protest before she held out a hand to you.
“Heh, well I must admit, you were always dear to me, darling. I guess I was too occupied with my own obsessions to realize it sooner… But since you seem to be interested in a dance, may I take your hand tonight~?” She stated flirtatiously, causing your cheeks to grow hotter. You were a lot less experienced in the world of love compared to the reaper in front of you, causing you to hesitate taking her offer…
But then again, who are you to refuse a lovely lady such as Grell Sutcliff~?
A/N: i need sleep. why must motivation show up during midnight T_T anyways hope u like it :P
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anpanbun · 9 days
Nearly Forgotten
(An AU of @liloinkoink's Lamplight AU..... inspired by that one tumblr post about ancient tattoos and forgotten gods)
It was after school and young Martyn was on a mission. He stood on his tip toes to reach up, and, with all the gentleness he could, shifted the right rabbit ear of the antenna the slightest bit further along. The staticky noise of the TV faded as his favorite channel sharpened into view. However, instead of his favorite after school cartoon, something that would forever change his life came onto the screen.
Martyn wasn't an anthropologist, he was maybe the furthest thing from it. A prospective radio host finishing his broadcasting degree, but, when he was a child, one documentary forever sparked his interests beyond that. The documentary was about ancient humans and societies, which should have been torturously boring to a small child. Instead, he was drawn in by the whole program. In particular the story of a mummy found in the Alps with a unique tattoo.
The tattoo was on the mummy's chest, over his heart, eight lines in a starburst pattern and four squiggles in the middle. The program had claimed it was used for some sort of ritualistic purpose.
Little Martyn didn't think much of it at the time beyond the pattern being cool, but over the decade or so after he found that the design had stuck with him.
In school it was what he doodled in the corners of his homework. It was the pattern he looked for in noise. When he was bored it was the thing he looked up.
So it only made sense that in the fall, after his first internship in university gave him a little extra cash jingling in his pocket, Martyn found himself outside a tattoo parlor.
And now, a week later, he's staring at the starburst and squiggles first tattooed on the chest of a man thousands of years ago.
"This looks perfect. Thank you so much, man!" Martyn fist bumped the artist, a man, with some of the coolest hair and tattoos Martyn had ever seen, named BigB.
"Not a problem, just remember the care instructions I told you before we started and it should be healed up in no time."
When B had said "no time" he hadn't been joking. It being fully healed in a couple of days felt almost too fast, but maybe that's just how it worked?
As he was examining the healed tattoo in the morning light of his bathroom, he got the sudden feeling that something was off. He couldn't put his finger on it, but if he'd looked closer it was almost like it was easier to see the tattoo in the mirror than it should have been with the bright morning light streaming in from the window behind him. Almost like the tattoo was faintly glowing.
Martyn was very fortunate that the old apartment he rented had a gas stove. It had taken him a while to adjust to using it, but recently he had finally gotten the hang of it. Water boiled quick, nothing ever boiled over or burned, and he managed to cook everything to perfection.
It was early winter when something noticeably changed. The first bad snow fall of the season was expected to roll in, so his friend Jimmy and Jimmy's roommate Tango, who rented an actual house with a woodburning fireplace, invited him to stay over.
"Thanks again for letting me crash here, Tim."
"It's no problem Martyn! What kind of friend would I be if I let my buddy freeze to death in his apartment!"
They were sitting in front of the fireplace enjoying the extra warmth. The power was still on thankfully, but the snow was really picking up outside.
Tango was in the middle of a story from his engineering class when, out of the corner of his eye, Martyn swore he saw a form flicker in the fire, a hand reaching out.
His head snapped to the fire, his voice sounded startled, especially when he saw it was still there, "Do you guys seen that?"
Tango and Jimmy followed his line of sight. The moment their eyes met the fireplace, the hand melded back into the rest of the flames.
"See what?" Tango asked.
"The flames, they looked- they looked like a hand," the moment he had started the sentence Martyn realized that what he saw would sound insane, "so.... I thought you guys might have seen the optical illusion too? But I guess you missed it?"
"Huh guess we did, that sucks! It must have looked cool!" Jimmy answered.
The conversation moved on after that, and eventually Tango and Jimmy retired to their rooms. The both of them wanted to take advantage of the power being on a little longer to sleep in their own beds while they could.
Martyn sat in front of the fireplace for a while longer on his own. His knees were curled up to his chest and his head rested on them. He was looking out the glass patio doors into the swirling snow.
It was in the quiet moment alone that it reappeared. Martyn noticed the firelight in the peripheries of his vision brighten significantly, so he turned his head. That's when he saw it again, the hand, made of fire but reaching out to him.
Maybe it was stupidity, maybe he was tired, maybe it was some of the million of other excuses he could make up. The truth was, though, that something came over him, he was enthralled by the flames. Looking at them made a warm feeling rise in his chest.
He reached his own hand out to meet the fire.
Jimmy's door opened with a creak, shockingly loud in the bated breath silence that had been there before. Martyn snapped his hand back.
"Oh good, you're still up, I think the power finally went out," Jimmy said as he flopped onto the sofa behind Martyn, "it started getting cold in my room."
Tango joined them not long after saying the same thing, and the three settled in to sleep.
Martyn kept a close eye on the fire until he finally fell asleep. The warmth of the fire outside and in his chest finally lulling him to sleep. His mind replaying over and over again the moments before Jimmy had opened his door.
Martyn's hand had met the fire's, his hand had met and it hadn't burned.
After that realization Martyn did the thing any sane person would do. He went camping.
He waited a week or so, of course, for the snow to melt, but he went camping.
Because where else was he going to get a bonfire?
Staring at the towering flames in front of him, Martyn only then took the moment to consider if this was actually a good idea, but only a moment. He needed to know.
A warmth in his chest had slowly risen up as he had built the fire, from excitement or nerves or anticipation he guessed. It didn't take long though. Within 30 minutes or so of the fire reaching its full height, the hand reappeared for the third time. This time Martyn didn't hesitate, the instant he saw the hand reach out of the wall of flame he lunged towards it.
Like they had that night, the flames of the hand licked at his skin as they met. He couldn't help but laugh because he had been right. The flames fully consumed his hand but he only felt a warm tickle. The warmth in his chest condensed into a warm ball right over his heart, right where his ancient tattoo rested.
He was too busy being amazed to react in time when the flames, seemingly no longer content with just brushing up against him, tightened around his hand and pulled. He floundered, suddenly the warm feeling he had felt like a burning brand over his heart. He tried to pull away, but the fire overpowered him and the last thing he saw was bright white light as the entirety of Martyn was pulled into the bonfire.
The white light faded after a moment, Martyn blinked away the lingering spots. A bit delayed, but his body continued the reaction it had been doing before and he tried to take a step back.
He was stopped though and finally he looked forward to where the fire had been.
In front of him, in place of the fire, was a man. The man's hand was wrapped around Martyn's in the same way the flames had been, holding him still.
The man had a wide, wolfish smile, and wild brown hair. He had some sort of animal ears, wolf maybe, Martyn thought. What stood out most though, were his eyes. They were the blue of the hottest flames a fire can have. They were mesmerizing.
"Hello Martyn," the man said, "I am Ren! I am finally able to speak with you, my only acolyte. My savior."
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jun-hug · 1 year
dream team art school! au
Doodles that inspired me to write a little drabble fic :)
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ꕤ • ꕤ • ꕤ
This was Georges biggest project,
okay maybe biggest project this semester... or last 2 months, either way the assignment occupied boys attention for couple last weeks, especially this week. That's why his two best friends were so eager to meet up, it felt like they haven't seen him in so long yet they go to same university. When brunette texted on their group chat asking for a hand with a photoshoot he haven't even blinked an eye before they eagerly agreed.
What's even more exciting, boys haven't seen George's project yet! The oldest kept it a secret to "prevent the leaks" because apart from it being his assignment it was also an entry to one of his most ambitious fashion competitions. The fashion awards of all US fine arts universities. He had high hopes for it.
"Alright I'm almost ready, remember to put the ISO to 200, I borrowed those lights for a reason!” Georges words were a little muffled but still understandable as he worked on setting his design as perfectly as it could get.
"Got it Gogs, come on we don't have a whole day!” they did, their classes finished at 11am today and it was Friday so they were free for the next days. Sapnap was just eager to see the boys creation, after all he put all his heart into it, like he does to all his projects. "Actually we do" Dream interjected, youngest only glared at him knowing damn well he's as impatient considering constant taps on his thigh.
"Yeah Sap idiot, we have all day.. but you're right, it's better if the light from outside is still at it's best." he finally emerged from behind the wardrobe curtain. Okay. The boys were stunned it's not that George usually doesn't look like goddess himself - that's far from truth actually. It's just that this time they're seeing his art mixed with all his grace and beauty. Sapnap manages to whisper little "Oh god" only for Dream to hear, as the tallest boy starts "You-”
The baby blue glowy shirt, ornamented with flowered embroidery makes his face look soft, bringing out his strawberry cheeks and eyes hinted with a bit of peachy shadow. It all contrasts, yet fits without fault with a long, red, mermaid cut skirt. It's flowy, the material decorated with blue beads in the shape of hearts- And oh-
Dream gasps, Sapnap inhales loudly. Fishnets, George is wearing fishnets and the cut in the thigh is so high it shows his left leg fully. good christ, they are so down bad. Sapnap eyes Dream and They can really just see how both of them are fully raspberry blown faces.
They are both hot. red.
And The brunet who's the one and only cause is clearly oblivious to their reaction as he innocently asks "so how does it look?", makes a gesture with hands showing of the sleeves and frills on the skirt.
"I- you, it's well, George, it's so beautiful you look amazing." Dream exhaled eyes still on him, almost not blinking.
"George it truly is gleaming - I mean the colour palette for this one??? Ms Chevreu will loose her shit when she sees this! You actually are so skilled holy smokes” Sapnap added still admiring his friend's piece.
"awe thank you! I hope she looses her shit to be honest that would be funny, she's into reds recently so I think she will" boy snickered, his cheeks visibly tinted, not only from blush he applied couple minutes ago.
"alright!" he clapped his hands "time for shoot!"
Youngest set the light, while dark blond took photos to fill the entire SIM card folder. Taking that George was /very/ photogenic it was easy to catch the best shots, it's almost like he looks perfect in all of them. George is perfect tho, Dream thinks.
"Okay I think we're done, I took pictures from every side I think" Dream announced as George stretched "gods yes please my back is starting to hurt so bad" as to emphasize that he popped his bones ”ew George don't do that” Sapnap made a face.
"what do you mean you are the worst back popper I've met. Hearing only a scoff in response from other boy George's half lidded eyes closed for a little while.
"He's meditating guys!” Dream squeeked in one of his mocking voices, George giggled "he's died!"
"Okay, that's it I'm checking the photos!" Sapnap yanked the camera from the tallest's hands and plopped on one of the puff poufs. "Hey be careful you goose! this camera only cost me 5 and a half months of cafeshop money!” Dream hurried with scolding
George got up slowly and joined the youngest, soon enough all three of them were slumped on floor, brit in the middle looking and commenting on photos. "Hey guys.." brunet started, causing Dream and Sapnap turning to him.
"yeah?" dark brunette asked.
"thank you... for supporting me, like not only this time but at all" he turned his eyes from both pairs of theirs. Then he cupped each cheek and gave it a short kiss.
Boys blushed, all three of them.
"Yeah no problem Gogs, we'll always be your biggest fans" Sapnap breathed out.
"Always" Dream repeated.
And if for the rest of the day boys only watched movies all cuddled up on couch, snacking on anything they found in brunets kitchen, that was on them.
thank you for reading ♡
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ladycibia · 2 years
LadyCibia I absolutely adore all your chibi art, especially your chibi Witcher series! Your recent art with the book versions of the characters made me so happy because the Witcher books have less of a fandom online than the Netflix show and the games so I love when people make art/meta/fic, etc. about them. What were your favorite scenes/parts of the books?
What a lovely message, thank you very much!! ; v ; 💛💛💛 I'm so happy you're enjoying them! Let me offer you a silly doodle inspired by my favourite short story and then I'll answer your question under the cut X3
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The first thing that came to my mind after reading your question was Dandelion charming his way into Brokilon Forest to find Geralt, so of course there's that. Then, if we're talking about the main plot (so from Blood of Elves to Lady of the Lake), my favourite scenes are basically all the ones featuring Geralt's hansa, ahah! But if I had to pick one, the fish soup chapter is probably my favourite. I'd also like to mention Dandelion and Yennefer's short exchange at the beginning of Blood of Elves (if I remember correctly?) and Ciri's training in Kaer Morhen, which, unfortunately, it's one of the reasons The Witcher Season 2 was a disappointment to me ;;
Main plot aside, I really appreciate short stories and "Monster of the Week" episodes, so I had a great time reading the first two books (especially because I love fairy tales and their twisted versions...despite the fact that some of them are already quite twisted on their own) and I really enjoyed Season of Storms! As you can see, my favourite short story is A Little Sacrifice, its ending always gets me (but I could read and re-read them all again and again without getting tired). I've recently bought the comic book adaptation of A Grain of Truth and I really hope more short stories will get adapted in the future!
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otaku553 · 10 months
How goes the fma x albedo fic? I hope that doesn't sound pushy, I'm genuinely curious. And in that vein, do you have any little drabbles you may have written or want to write? Especially with your recent kny ocs/yourself and your siblings. That'd be super fun to read about! Your art AND your writing is so freaking good, the moment I see you've posted something new on your blog I'm clicking it so fast. Same with your ao3 account ❤️
Thank you for the kind words!!! Currently not working on any fics, since I just came out of 10 weeks of summer research where my days began at 8 am and ended at 9 pm for probably less than minimum wage hahaha (doing research is a Bit Sad but I get a whole month to relax before classes start again so thank goodness for that)
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I do however!!! Have a lot of plans!!! If you’re interested you can read more below!
Plans include but are not limited to:
Finally working on Homuncular Nature again!! I definitely do have a lot of plans and cool scenes playing out in my head for the next chapter, it’ll just come down to when I actually put pen to paper (or stylus to iPad) to actually organize and write them all. The road block I think is that I have seen neither Albedo nor fmab very recently and all my concrete ideas are for around the 30 episode mark for fmab, the turning point with the first actual confrontation against father and the subsequent Briggs arc.
Rewriting Ten Thousand Maple Leaves! A lot of people have been very kind but I think I missed the mark with my first chapter to be honest. My writing has gotten a lot wordier and less succinct, which feels like I’m filling a chapter more with fluff and unnecessary description than actual content. I think I also dislike how I characterized Sanemi and how quickly Kazuha was willing to agree with things. Writing both of them is kind of a difficult challenge tbh! I think in rewriting it I want to give back to Kazuha more of his vagrant role in the games, where he is avoiding the law for reasons somewhat out of his control.
Ebisu siblings content! I think it might be fun to try having them interact with more of the canon characters in kny but I also think there’s some value in a complete sort of outsider point of view when inserting characters into a piece of media. I feel like whenever I see self inserts I see a lot of ocs making themselves indispensable and making meaningful relationships with existing characters that way and that’s totally valid! That’s a lot of what I do for crossovers as well. I think when it comes to my own ocs though, I want them to feel grounded in some form and the reality of it is that none of the characters I make based on myself or real people are that impressive or remarkable. But I also think there’s a lot of value in showing smaller scale things outside of the main interactions and plot to show that even though we aren’t remarkable, we still have our own meaningful connections and ideologies and stories :) in the end the Ebisu siblings are a lot more visual though so I may just continue making doodles and art without writing anything haha
Kirby & Meta Knight ageswap AU: I was mostly doing this on my ask-gikabi sideblog in short form comics, but I lost sight of what I wanted to do after making the discord and starting to interact with some of the people who followed it. I think a lot of people are inspired and have their own very cool ideas that I wanted to take into account but then eventually it was no longer my story or the story I wanted to tell, which is why I’m thinking of restarting it as a fic. This one is still in very rough idea stage though, I have honestly no clue how I’m even going to begin organizing it
Yanfei ace attorney crossover: this one’s just pure crack lmao I would definitely write it as crack taken seriously but I think this is fun to explore just for small ideas that pop up every now and then, i.e. yanfei is semi-immortal because she’s half adeptus so it would be Really Funny to me if she showed up in dgs era, got her attorney’s license, went into hiding after it became obvious that she wasn’t aging, and then re-emerged after rebranding herself as her own daughter or granddaughter. That, and I have a lot of fun imagining someone as pragmatic as yanfei trying to get through the sheer chaos of aa despite being otherworldly
Continuing winter weather advisory: I got to a really good point in that fic and was rereading it today like,,, damn I wrote that? And it would be fun to see where I planned on going with it so I do want to also try working on that a bit if I can
Kazuha & Kunikuzushi role swap au: this is something I posted about a Long While ago but it’s an idea I continue to be fascinated with :) I especially enjoy how these two characters could have had completely different roles and personalities depending on how their pasts happened (with wanderer being so nice and turning so bitter and kazuha growing up so spoiled (for lack of a better word) and turning out so weary and yet kind
Link click and mha crossover: this one is honestly just a very recent idea but I think it would be fun to make a drabble on how lightime photo studio would be able to continue operating even in another world and the trouble they might get into for illegal quirk usage and what using cheng xiaoshi’s powers in a world where being able to tell the future is canonically possible would entail
I have!! So many ideas!! And not enough time or motivation to actually write any of them most of the time :’)
But I’m very glad to hear that you enjoy them and look forward to my posts!! :D I really hope I can work on some of these over the last month of summer vacation that I have :)
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magicratfingers · 4 months
I look forward to your D20 doodle along every week tbh. They’re so good
Thank you! Checking out all the art & reactions to an episode really is the coffee & dessert after a big meal. D20 has a lot of really talented and gifted artists sharing their work.
The doodle-alongs are p important to me! Always had the (gnawing, consuming, frustrating) desire to draw but never had subject matter that inspired me enough to share until D20 (Aabria's in particular)
For me, I started doodling with the ep as a way of taking notes for "real drawings" and then it became fun to just.. share the doodles. It’s been great to find my style that way. Like, how do I draw when I’m just having fun? Do I really need to make anything 'more serious' than that? What kind of moments really tickle me? Like, maybe it's okay that I can't shade or render musculature. Maybe it's enough that I can capture the energy
I recommend it!
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wambsgansshoelaces · 6 months
Live A Little
Tabitha Hayes x fem!Reader
Summary: life is short. might as well live it.
inspired by this ask from lovely anon! there isn’t exactly a plot, I just made it fluffy. enjoy and let me know what you think x
Word Count: 2.549k
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If anything, your life was boring. Nothing exciting ever happened to you, and if you were being honest, you were becoming borderline depressed from the lack of interaction in your day to day life. The lines between boredom and excruciating loneliness were staring to blur.
Today, you find yourself sitting in a café. You liked to do work in this shop in particular, the environment light and airy. When you felt yourself beginning to be unable to bear the now perennial suffocation of your worsening depression, you came here, and it all disappeared for an all-too-short while. You liked leaving small doodles and thank you notes on napkins for the overworked baristas. You knew what it was like to need a little relief. You were happy to provide it.
You’re absentmindedly stirring a spoon around in your cup when she sits down across from you. She’s gorgeous, you think. Her hair sits just above her shoulders in beautiful little curls, her eyes twinkling with something you can’t place.
“Hi,” she says, holding eye contact.
“Hi,” you say back carefully.
“I know this is weird,” she tells you, “but I’m trying to branch out more in life. I’m trying not to miss anything special. And you look like fun.” She extends her hand out to you. “I’m Tabitha.”
You quietly murmur your own name back. “Do you do this often? Whatever… this is?”
She shrugs. “Just trying to live a little.”
“What brought you here?” You push the pastry you got with your coffee towards her, and she gives you a small, dazzling smile. Your deadened insides come back to life, as if she was breathing your soul back into you.
She takes a small bite, thinking about her next words. “Needed a breather from my jackass boyfriend.”
As quickly as your spirits hit a record high, they come crashing back down. “Oh?”
“I dunno. He’s… he’s weird, but in a good way, but sometimes not?” She takes another bite. “Just, lately, he’s getting in my nerves. Leaving clothes around the apartment, not spending that much time with me. It’s whatever, though. Que sera sera, eh?”
You take a sip of your coffee. “You’re certainly handling it better than I would.”
She shrugs. “Life’s short. I shouldn’t be wasting my time on tiny things.”
“You don’t think loving someone is serious?” You don’t break her gaze.
She chews on her bottom lip. “I mean, I do. I kind of just… don’t think our relationship is like that.”
You purse your lips. “Sounds like you’re both just fucking around. Pardon my French,” you add lamely.
“Enough about me. What do you do for work?” she asks, changing the subject. You decide not to press her- you’d just met, after all.
You tell her, and she asks questions, genuinely interested. You’re happy to have someone to talk to after such a long time of radio silence.
“I think I do what I do just because I love it so much,” you tell her truthfully. “Even though everything else is shitty, I’m doing what I’m passionate about, so how can I really complain?”
“That’s… really respectable.” She’s finished the pastry, brushing the crumbs from her soft, pink tinged lips. “I could learn a thing or two from you.”
You finish your coffee, an awkward silence lingering.
“Could I get your number? I think we’d be good friends,” she murmurs, soft smile gracing her face. You slide her your phone, and she types in her number. “I’ll text you,” she says, grinning.
You look down at the new contact saved.
tabs <3 ੈ✩‧₊˚
Tabitha texts you the next morning, asking if you can hang out. It starts a chain reaction, the two of you becoming inseparable over the next few weeks.
You go out to eat, out for more coffee, and even to a museum. You’d walked around arm in arm, making fun of the modern ‘art’ on display, gaping at the Renaissance exhibit, giggling with each other at a family of ducks passing by outside.
You get closer as the months leak away from you, and that tingling you’d felt in your chest when you’d first met morphed into a raging tightening of anxiety and awe every time you saw her. Despite the color she brought to your grayscale world, deep down, you knew nothing would happen. For one, you didn’t know if she was even into girls, and two, she had an entire boyfriend to worry about.
As you both got closer, you learned more of her relationship with Roman. You’re both lying on her couch as she complains.
“I feel like he doesn’t take anything seriously,” she tells you. “Like… I’m just in a relationship with him for his own entertainment.”
“Being completely honest, Tabs?” You look over at her.
“I think you’re in the relationship for the same reason.”
You both just stare at each other for a moment. You know you’re right. She was only with him because he could entertain her- you can tell clearly from the way she talks about and acts around him.
“What, because I think he’s fun?”
“Tabitha,” you chide. “You shouldn’t be in a relationship just to ‘have fun’. Besides , you think *being with him is fun, not his actual personality. Don’t you think life’s be better when you’re loving someone?”
Her eyes never leave yours. “What do you mean?”
“Love is what makes the world go round, isn’t it?”
“Whatever. But you get the point. Life’s better when you’re in love.”
“Have you been in love before?” she asks, shifting so that she’s leaning in towards you.
You take a moment to think. “Yes, but no. It only ever counts if it’s reciprocated, right?”
“But you’ve loved someone before?”
“Plenty of times.”
“And? Is it worth it? Does it make life worth living?”
You sigh. “I wish it’d gone well enough for me to tell you. But based off what I see, what I hope to feel,” you say quietly, “it’s worth everything.”
“How do you know? If you’re in love, I mean?”
“As cliche as it is, you just know.” You lean back into the couch. “And I’m sure you don’t have it with Roman.”
She snorts. “Oh, come on. We’re both perfectly happy together.”
You make a face at her. “But are you? Even if you are, that doesn’t mean you love each other. Whenever you talk about him, Your face is just… the same. He also never does anything for you. Where are the flowers, the romantic dates? Hell, you don’t even fuck, let alone ‘make love’.”
Tabitha’s face sours. “Why so critical? I’m happy, so what’s it matter?”
“I’m just saying you deserve more.”
“I didn’t ask for your opinion,” she says hotly.
“God, Tabitha. I was just saying.”
She gets up from the couch, leaving you all by yourself. ੈ✩‧₊˚
After your disagreement, she doesn’t speak to you for a while. You text, you call, nothing. You’re not sure why she’s upset with you. You don’t think you said anything out of line. Regardless, it stings more than it should when she stops speaking with you. It’s like a piece of your heart was ripped out of your chest, your feelings needlessly hurt.
You decide to leave her be. You don’t want to push her even farther away.
The next few days, you don’t hear a thing from her. You don’t bother reaching out anymore. You’ve already tried.
To your dismay, you can’t get her off your mind. Anything pretty reminds you of her. There’s a stray cardigan of hers strewn on your couch. She hasn’t bothered to come back and pick it up.
You’re lounging on the couch, watching TV when a banging sounds from your front door. Begrudgingly, you open it, finding Tabitha on the other side.
“I broke up with him,” is the first thing she says to you.
You pause. “I didn’t mean to ruin your relationship,” you say back, voice quiet. “I should’ve kept quiet, I-”
“No,” she insists. “I overreacted. I overreacted because you were right. He gave me nothing. The entire relationship was meaningless.”
You stay silent for another moment. “What brought this on?”
“Like I said,” she begins, “you were right. Life’s better when you love. I didn’t love him, I didn’t even want to love him.” You both just stand there, staring at each other. “It’s really horrible, but ever since I saw you sitting in that cafe, I’ve wanted to love you.”
You can’t bring yourself to say anything.
“The entire period I was with him, after you. I… couldn’t get you off of my mind. You’re so… you just make me feel things. Things I haven’t felt before. Things I definitely didn’t feel with Roman. Fuck, I don’t know what I’m saying. You’re just so pretty and so much fun and I want to learn to love you.”
You step forward and press a gentle kiss to her lips. After a moment, she takes your face in her hands, kissing you with a new fervor and pushing you back into your apartment. ੈ✩‧₊˚
You watch as Tabitha raises a flute of champagne to her reddened lips, her delicate throat constricting lightly when she swallows.
She’d brought you to a work gala as your date. You couldn’t stave off the electric feeling whenever her eyes rake over your body.
She raises the flute at you in a mock cheers. “Something in my teeth?” she asks cheekily.
“No. You look perfect,” you answer truthfully. She raises her eyebrows at you and takes another sip.
“Do I really?”
“You’re gorgeous, Tab. As always.”
She shifts so that her hip is touching yours as she peers out at the crowd, smirking. “You should say more nice things.”
“Tabitha, you’re the prettiest fucking woman I’ve ever seen.”
“You flatter me.” She kisses you gently, her lips lingering before she pulls away. “I should be flattering you.”
Your arm snakes around her waist, your hand settling on her bare hip. You pull her flush against you, and her hand comes to sit on the side of your neck, holding her to you. Her dress is skintight, the back completely cut out, leaving part of her hips exposed. The deep emerald of her dress brings out her eyes, makes her skin glow. She’s a fucking vision, and you make sure to tell her every time you can. But that doesn’t mean you don’t want the pretty words, too.
“Go ahead, then.” You smile at her. “Flatter me.”
You both walk, ignoring the invasive stares other guests give you. “Well,” she begins, trailing off to think. “Your ass is perfect. The way your hips fill out your dress is fucking perfect. Every single curve makes me want to drool… Shall I go on?” she asks dramatically.
“Please do.” Your hand leaves her hip, instead reaching for hers. She happily laces your fingers together.
“Your face is straight out of one of my dreams. You’re a dreamboat, baby, you hear?”
You laugh, in turn making her laugh.
The two of you spend the rest of the night giggling at the ridiculous attire of people who have way too much fucking money. ੈ✩‧₊˚
You’re back at the cafe where you first met, staring at each other with stupid grins pasted on your faces. You both know why Tabitha invited you back here. But neither of you felt like ruining the moment.
“So,” she starts, unable to suppress her grin. “I want us to be exclusive.”
“I’m being promoted from fuck buddy!”
She laughs, burying her face in her hands. “Stop! I’m serious!”
You don’t take your eyes off of her, affection evident in your gaze. “Say the actual words, Tabby.”
“I want to be your girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend? Be my girlfriend.”
You lean across the table, giving her a kiss on the lips. “‘Course I will.”
“I got you something,” she tells you giddily, rooting around in her purse. She takes out a small paper packet and slides it across the table to you. You take it, sliding out a small brass house key.
You’re unable to contain your smile the next time you glance up at her.
The entire walk back to her apartment, you grip each other's hands, moving quickly. She throws her front door open, dragging you inside. The second you’re inside her bedroom, your hands are at her hips, hers cupping your jaw, and you’re pushing her down into her- now your -bed.
You kiss up her neck, savoring every sound that falls from her lips. Every whimper, every moan, you memorize.
The next morning, she’s curled up against you, her head buried in the crook of her neck. Her breath fans across your skin, warm and soft. Her hair is splayed out behind her, and when you wake up, you think that it looks just as good as it did when you fell asleep. You press a soft kiss to her hairline, trying not to wake her up.
Subconsciously, she tightens her grip on you. Your hand smoothes up her spine, your fingers going to stroke at the nape of her neck. She shivers at your touch, making a quiet, contented noise.
You have no idea how you got here. It feels like the two of you had just met, and she had just been complaining about her shitty boyfriend and her shitty relationship, and you were yearning for something you thought you never could have. And yet here she was, in the end, wrapped in your arms.
You feel her lips brush against your neck. “Good morning, baby.”
“Hi, Tabby.” You kiss her forehead, smiling softly to yourself.
“This is probably way too early,” she says groggily, “but I’ve known you for ages, and I fuckin’ love you.”
You are so excited for the rest of your life. ੈ✩‧₊˚
When the day finally comes, you’re doing your best not to cry your makeup off. Your veil runs down your back and onto the floor, and your dress could not have been more perfect.
You control your breathing, smoothing out the fabric of your dress. You smile at yourself in the mirror, tearing up. You made it. You finally fucking made it.
When you see Tabitha, it takes all your will to not break down into happy sobs. She’s tearing up, lips quivering, eyes watering. Her veil is fashionably short, her dress clinging to her hips and bust, cascading into a long train, the fabric pooling on the polished marble.
You reach out to her, and her hand is immediately clasped in yours. You both squeal at each other, feeling like you’ve died and gone to heaven.
“Look at you,” Tabitha coos, encouraging you to give her a little spin. “So fucking gorgeous.”
“Anything for you, Tabs,” you murmur quietly. Your hands slide down her corset, thumbs stroking her sides affectionately. “So pretty. So, so pretty. I love you so much.”
She grins at you, her lips perfectly painted, full and plump. She fixes a stray strand of your hair, her gaze saturated with nothing but pure adoration.
You’ve never felt more elated than the moment when she slips that perfect fucking ring onto your finger, both of you crying, both of you so madly in love.
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russeliarat · 7 months
Yall wanna see some misc HMSW stuff I've been doodling over the past few weeks? Too bad you're seeing them anyway.
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Instinct and Desire, the fusions of Heart and Mind and Heart and Soul respectively. I actually drew these a bit ago but I redraw them today and made a Soul and Mind fusion called Morality, but couldn't find the images on my phone so I'll take the photos tomorrow at some point and post it individually then.
Here's a dumb doodle I did of Desire a while back:
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Misc doodles with varying inspiration. The Soul and Heart is the top right corner are based on the two outfits for Frank from Rocky Horror Picture Show, the Chonny in the bottom left is pose practice from Shut Up You're Stupid mv (the part at the end where he start swaying), the top left is a Heart inspired by something I found on Pinterest that I got to practice feathers, mild body horror, and posing, and the bottom right corner Mind and Heart are pose + expression practice with outfits I mixed together from Pinterest.
Yes the Mind doodle in the bottom right is my favourite.
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Drone bee Mind. Not really much to say other than 'what if I gave him four arms and a cunty outfit'. I just liked the idea of insect designs.
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For the SCP AU on tumblr and CJFS that I've become obsessed with. (Made by starry_hologram, sorry tagging won't work on mobile fsr) I've had a recent obsession with SCP Foundation in general and this basically latched onto both my special interests. I've been playing with the idea of Simon not being as entirely human as everyone thought and him having this uncanny-ness to him that no one can pinpoint. I elaborate further on sketches below, but I'm putting them at the end of the post since it's very horror themed. Me when SCP leans way into a very good setting for every kind of horror imaginable (I am not sleeping tonight after the scroll through Pinterest, you can find anything on there if you know how to get to it :'D)
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Staying true to my roots and putting Heart in ballgown of a dress. Got lazy and only gave him one wing though, I had plans to put the other two in dresses but Heart's long ass skirt made me leave it. I used silver and purple metallic gel pens to add dimension but you can't really see it in a photo ngl.
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For my partner's comfort AU! Jellyjash as we call him. Put him in the beach fit coz it suits the vibe.
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Not really HMSW but this is the design I've been using for the past 8 or 9 months for the Haiku/HitS love interest, of whom I call Venus. I've been practicing drawing people with more weight lately, I'm tweaking how I draw Venus' proportions atm.
Here's the horror stuff for Simon:
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spmcomic · 1 month
What made you wanna create your comic?
to be honest, it was a combination of things!
the reason i made the first scene is because it had been a long time since i worked on an art piece, and i wanted to spend a school break creating designs for blumiere and timpani and draw a short comic with the two of them interacting. i already had everything i needed with memory 1, so i drew a few drafts of the characters, a few one- or two-panel sketches of the pair and the father character, a few thumbnails, and then put together the three-page scene.
one of my friends commented on the post on deviantart and said "great work, can't wait for the next one!" at which point i said "oh this was just a one-off, i'm not going to draw more."
we can see where that got me.
by next week, i had a notebook full of doodles, concepts for the rest of the gang, more interactions, and little plot lines. some of the mini comics were five pages long and covered the characters discussing their relationships, their backstories… stuff that looks very different in the final comic.
i guess i just ended up having a lot to say! a month later, i had a basic plot outline- a list of questions and their answers. three months later (during arc 3-ish), i had the first draft of a complete script with all the moments i wanted to include, and i committed to pursuing that plot line. six months later (during arc 4), i had an idea that i REALLY needed to share, and i rewrote all of my notes and put all of my ideas in a defined order with a set number of scenes (about 300) to make sure i could take every step necessary to get there.
i'm excited to draw every scene along the way. every page has something i love in it. this comic is a joy to create and i want to show you guys what i've been thinking about. it's been with me through a lot of rough patches in my life. it's my favorite thing that i've made, and even after six and a half years i still feel really good about the direction we're going to go in. i have a complete third draft of the script with about 276 scenes and i'm happy with it.
i found other fan works i've read over the years very inspiring… i think two major fics that found their way into my work were blue sky (portal 2) (webcomic here!!) and handplates (undertale). when i read that stuff, i think to myself "i want to make something that good and satisfying, i want to make more things like this." so i work my hardest to make stories like those.
anyway, if you got this far, thank you for hearing me out. i'm glad that the comic has resonated with a few people. your kind comments and interesting and fun questions help keep me going when i get discouraged. i know my story doesn't have much shipping in it or anything, but i wanted to tell this exact story with these exact characters and that's what i'm gonna do. i'm grateful to have anyone along for the ride, and i'm so happy that i've gotten to meet everyone i've met, and make friends along the way.
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encrucijada · 4 months
oc kiss week, prompt: sunrise persy & annie (perséfone)
My neck hurt from sleeping in the backseat of the car. I expected to see nighttime when looking out the window but the sky was getting light, pink and lilac, there was that chill of dawn in the air. I cranked down the window to stick out my head and breathe in the atmosphere, listen to the dogs barking faraway, look at the shadows cast by trees and spy the last of the lampposts that refused to rest.
You were sitting on the hood of the car still, but the guitar was now on the driver’s seat, the morning was quiet aside from the birds waking up with the sun.
I leaned over the handbrake to reach the windshield and tap my knuckles on it. You leaned and looked at me, my butterfly pins holding back your hair. The circular sunglasses stumbled from the top of your head and you cursed too loud for the still hour, hurrying to catch them while also keeping the wind from blowing away the pages of your notebook.
“Morning, sleepy,” you said.
“What are we still doing here?”
“I was chasing inspiration, next thing I knew sun was coming up. Knew you’d wake up eventually.”
I opened the door and climbed straight into the cold morning. Fixing my shirt and scratching at the line of my waist where my jeans had bitten uncomfortably into my skin. The angels were curled up on the room, heaps of light and feathers, mine blinking and staring with the eyes on its wings. There were others, strays, perching on the lamppost cables with the pigeons and grackles and sparrows. Twinkling like wind chimes, like altar bells.
You offered me a hand to climb onto the hood. “So you’ve been up all night?”
“More or less.”
“Any luck?”
You studied the words on the page, chewing the cap of the pen worse than it already was. “Definitely not.”
I offered my hand this time, you passed the pages and handed the notebook on a blank one, then gave me the pen without the chewed cap. I looked at the silhouettes of the angels on the tall cables and scratched at the paper with the pen, less drawing and more scribbling the suggestion of images.
“Wanna get breakfast?” you asked.
“We gotta wait at least an hour or two for anything good to be open.”
“I could use that to sleep, then.”
You leaned your head on my shoulder to look at the drawing. Those are birds, you said, and those are angels. If it wasn’t such a task you would ask me to paint every spot in the city and every city that had angels, just so you could see them as I saw them.
“Where are they now?” You looked around and I pointed behind us, to the roof of the car. Where your angel had woken too and now both it and my own were taking in the morning as we were. “What are they doing?”
“Enjoying… this, I guess.” I gestured around us, the sky bluer than lemonade pink now.
You hummed, sliding down against the windshield. Legs in ripped jeans stretched over the nose of the car, like you were on a lounge chair at the pool. The pins on your jacket clicked against each other when you hugged it close. I liked the cold, I liked it on my bare shoulders and my bare ankles, on my face, going sharp through my nose.
“It is nice,” you said, and closed your eyes. “We can stay until you’re done drawing.”
We needed to get back, but I wasn’t anymore mindful or responsible than you were. I liked these picturesque moments probably the most out of all of us. I would pick staying until the morning stopped feeling so personal, until the world truly woke up, until I had to admit we really had to return before they worried. I pressed a kiss to the top of your head and copied the way you were lounging against the windshield, you tapped your dirty trainer against mine (rubber toes covered in doodles made with permanent marker), I smiled and put my head on your shoulder to finish the drawing after you returned the kindness with a kiss on my cheek.
“Wake me, please,” you said. Head on top of mine.
“I will.”
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