#The music is great but not one of the “best”
lindsaylohansrighttoe · 12 hours
Things to do instead of eating.
1. Strip all your bed sheets and wash them.
2. Do some dusting around your place.
3. Clean out your computer of unwanted files by doing a disk clean-up and a disk defragment. Your computer will run better and faster.
4. Get a couple programs called Ad-Aware, plus Spybot Search and Destroy and scan for adware components. You don't want that stuff on your computer.
5. Do a free online virus scan to make sure your computer clean if you have one.
6. Check online for security updates for your software. Better safe than sorry.
7. Exercise, exercise, exercise. It's good for you, keeps you fit and moving burning unwanted calories.
8. Listen to upbeat music and dance around.
9. Watch TV, but place the remote control far away. This makes you get up when you want to change channel, ect.
10. if your sitting, twitch your leg. Might as well burn calories while you sit down too.
11. Play a musical instrument.
12. Design your own thinspirational or pro-ana site. It's actually quite time consuming, fun and it teaches you a skill.
13. Find songs that relate to ana/mia.
14. Burn a thinspirational cd.
15. Make a list of your goals and how/when you want to have them acheived by.
16. Try out a new hair style.
17. Exfoliate your body. (Must have very warm shower for this to open your pores.)
18. Give yourself a make-over.
19. Have a cool shower.
20. Go through the song section and download the songs, then burn your own thinspirational CD.
21. Keep checking back into my blog!!
22. Do an online research of your favorite musician, and join any Yahoo groups that might be around on this musician.
23. If you don't already get a Yahoo account and enjoy the benefits like free e-mail account, messanger, groups, games, ect.
24. Get AOL instant messenger, then chat with others.
25. Unsure about a piece of information reguarding weight loss / metabolic rate, ect.? Do an online research to make sure your information is as accurate as possible.
26. Make your own journal, writing down goals - food eaten - calories burned - weight lost - thinspiration pics - motivational things, and such.
27. Brush your teeth. Get a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste set and use it often. A clean minty mouth can make the thought of eating less attractive. Also, if you brush after every meal and every supposed meal, it's less obvious whether you've eaten or not.
28. Take a shower. Hot steamy water can suppress the appetite, in me at least, and paying close attention to your body will serve to remind you exactly why you're losing weight in the first place. If you feel clean you may not want to "dirty" yourself with food.
29. Fidget, take up a new hobby, find something to focus on. Find something with which to distract your hands and / or mouth. Chewing gum works for many people, but check for calories. Sewing or stringing beads is good, detail-oriented and monotonous. Keep yourself occupied.
30. Exercise. Find something you love to do and do it. If, like me, you're too self-conscious to exercise where people can see, then do it when you're alone at home or in a locked room or other safe place. Make it interesting. The best I've found? Dancing. Find music you love, cover the windows up, and don't even think about what you may look like since there's nobody to see. It's a lot of fun, and it helps you get more familiar with your body as well.
31. Find triggering pictures. You have internet access, I know you do. When you feel like eating, pick an actress or model that you think is particularly beautiful and search for pictures of them ... or for pictures of people you find particularly ugly and fat. It's a slow, involving process and for me at least a great way to avoid eating.
32. Take a nap. A lot of people think they're hungry when really they're just tired. Also, drink water, since thirst can make you think you're hungry as well.
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greensagephase · 2 days
Nonviolent Communication Head Canons (Platonic Roommate Edition)
Pairings: Spider-Man!Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman!Reader Word Count: 1.6k A/N: Based on my fic Nonviolent Communication, here are some platonic roommate head canons of Miguel and reader, whose apartment building caught on fire and led her to move in with Miguel (temporarily, unfortunately for both of them). You don't need to read the fic to read this! Masterlist
Thank you for reading!! ❤️
Routines and things Miguel loves about living with you (mans wishes you’d stay longer)
★ You learn each other’s routines quickly, and by quickly, I really mean it. You know what time the other wakes up, when you start your night routine, when or how you do your laundry, etc. It doesn't take very long for you to get used to each other and your routines, it just clicks and makes sense.
★ I head canon that Miguel is not a morning person, and you quickly find that out, which is fine to you regardless of whether you’re a morning person or not. You enjoy the silence while you both drink coffee before heading out to do your things.
★ Talking about coffee in the morning, you’ve both made who makes the coffee first a silent competition. Whoever makes it that morning, wins. Miguel takes it seriously but only because he likes to make the gesture of making you coffee (one of his love languages is acts of service).
★ Another one on coffee (For my readers, are we surprised here? Coffee makes an appearance in like every chapter lol), Miguel makes cafe de olla more often because you live with him. Sometimes (let’s be real, all the time), your love for it is what makes Miguel head to the kitchen and start making it. Sometimes he tells you he's going to make it if you're there with him (he tends to make it more on the evenings) and when you're not, it's a surprise for you. At those times, when you're somewhere else within the penthouse, the scent reaches and lures you to the kitchen. This always amuses Miguel! On rare occasions when you don’t show up to the kitchen because you don't catch scent of it, Miguel goes and finds you to give you a mug. Sometimes he brings pan dulce along!
★ On pan dulce, Miguel finds himself buying it more often. He always buys your favorite and makes sure it’s the most fresh.
★ He buys pan dulce so much more often that the people at the store already know what kind he usually buys. They wonder if he has a special someone because he always buys for two and he always looks so concentrated on picking the best bread. Of course, they don’t ask him but they have a guess he does.
★ Coming home, Miguel really appreciates (loves) arriving to the penthouse and finding you there. The penthouse used to be a place Miguel didn’t like much. He found it cold, foreign, and empty. Nothing like a home. However, that has changed little by little because of the new memories he’s made with you and also because of your temporary stay with him. He really enjoys seeing the lights on, music sometimes playing, mundane sounds coming from the kitchen, etc. The penthouse feels like a home, and it brings great peace and comfort to Miguel.
★ You try not to leave your belongings around, partly to avoid making it look cluttered and because you like an organized place but also because you’re respectful of Miguel’s home. However, Miguel likes seeing your things laying around like your jewelry or hair accessories. If you use hair ties/scrunchies, he likes to look at them and sometimes plays a bit with them (kitty behavior), just admiring them in a way. Again, it’s comforting to Miguel to know you’re there at the penthouse with him and seeing these little reminders of your existence and stay at the penthouse, warms him up!
Cooking and Baking Head Canons
★ Miguel loves cooking for you! He always thinks about what meals to cook ahead of time and now that you’re living with him temporarily, he takes the chance and cooks for you as much as he can before you start trying to cook as well because you don’t want Miguel to feel like cooking has fallen entirely on him. Miguel wouldn't mind though, I think we know that already (iykyk). And not because your cooking is bad, but again because Miguel is big on acts of service and this is a way for him to express that he cares about you. Plus, the man knows his way around the kitchen!
★ If you're reading the fic, then you know about burritos de tinga. Miguel makes them more often now that you're living with him because he knows you love them! If you don’t know how to make them and you’ve asked how, Miguel has shown you!
★ On some evenings, you cook together! It’s a really great time for bonding and you talk about the day or sometimes talk about memories from your past. You both work very well in the kitchen, as if you’ve done it your whole lives! 👀
★ Sometimes (or maybe a lot, depending on you) peppers are used for the cooking and often times you find yourselves in coughing fits (iykyk about the peppers) because of it! After your coughing fits, you usually glance at each other and try not to laugh about it. It’s like, your little inside joke!
★ Miguel doesn’t bake but you do! You bake treats at least once a week and Miguel always looks forward to it! He loves your baking (he has a sweet tooth)!! And you equally love baking for Miguel and seeing his happy expressions while he munches on cookies, a slice of cake or pie, etc. It brings you happiness to bake for someone else other than yourself, just like how you used to bake for your Peter (deceased boyfriend) and you.
★ After cooking, you usually split up the task of cleaning. You finish quicker if you work together! There are times when either of you make the call to clean the mess yourselves, especially when the dinner is a bit more intricate and it’s cooked by one of you alone. It's your way of showing care for each other!
★ Miguel didn’t want you to do this, still doesn’t, but you both clean the penthouse together. You split up tasks! Miguel always tries to give you the least hard ones whether because of the labor or because he finds them to be “dirtier” tasks, even when you say you don't mind. Random Miguel head canon: He definitely uses Fabuloso, the lavender one.
★ You've both created a shared playlist of your “cleaning” songs and you better bet, Miguel definitely has the señora songs. Lyla plays it for you guys!
★ Some evenings, you hang out in the living room together, and other nights, you give each other space in different parts of the penthouse, respecting that you both may need some alone time.
★ Since you moved in, Miguel has begun to read more. It's always being one of his hobbies but over the last few years since he discovered the multiverse he hasn't read much, on top of the fact that it reminded him of Gabriella since he used to read with and to her. However, seeing you reading on some evenings has inspired him to start reading again!
★ On the topic of books, since you read more often, you tend to finish more books than he does. Miguel has begun to ask your review on the book once you’re done. If it’s a positive review and something that sounds like he’d enjoy reading, he has Lyla add it to a digital TBR.
★ When you hang out together in the evenings, sometimes you both fall asleep on your respective couches, across from each other. Lyla pops up sometimes to see what’s going on, or to report something to Miguel only to find you both sleeping with the TV on with a telenovela playing. If you read part 15, then you know what Lyla thinks about that! She's read research on a theory that suggests people sleep better when their loved ones are around. 🤭
★ You have movie nights! It turns out you really enjoy the movies from Miguel’s universe, so every few nights you guys pull up whatever the version of Netflix, Hulu, etc is in Miguel's universe. There's snacks included, of course!
★ Some nights, you stay up late either watching something on TV or just talking. Time just seems to fly by when you’re with each other! It's like, you're in your own little world!🥺
★ Music! On some nights you both simply sit in the living room and listen to music from Miguel’s record player, the one you gifted him for Christmas. You continue to share music with each other like you have in the past!
Random Ones
★ You sneak snacks to each other, even when you’re both in different areas of the penthouse. You’re both respectful of each other’s alone time so you always just slide it over, or place it on the nearest surface as a little “here’s something for you.”
★ Miguel learns about all your hobbies! He already knows of a few but living with you means he also gets to see you unwind and take time to actually engage in those hobbies, and any new ones you may be trying out. He really enjoys seeing you have fun and take that time to nurture your interests! It's led him to think of his own, at least the old ones he used to enjoy, and considering starting them again!
★ Sometimes you leave little sticky notes around the kitchen and Miguel always loves finding them.
★ Your friendship has deepened since you moved in! It feels like neither of you hold back much from sharing what’s on your mind with each other anymore, any walls between you have fallen down. Miguel is especially more open and playful!
★ If you know how to drive, Miguel has told you about his vehicle and where the keys are just in case you need to go somewhere! He tells you about the flying feature and even demonstrates!
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Thank you for reading!! ❤️🫶🏼
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 days
Can I ask Yandere Miguel with an S/o who isn’t interested in him at all, but who’s in love with his brother Gabriel?
Half-Way to True Love
You don't think this was supposed to be a friendly platonic lunch.
The more you ate the very expensive food at the expensive table with the expensive view, smelling his expensive cologne across the table, the slower you chewed in nervousness and realization. Has he been trying to impress you the whole time?
You finished your mouthful of nicely flavored and smooth mashed potatoes and looked up at Miguel. He was already staring down at you with that look in his eyes. Love. Something you didn't feel for him but you know he felt for you. You tried to ignore your mind and attempted to convince yourself it couldn't be what you thought it was.
"How's the food?"
You nod silently and put down your fork to pick up your glass of champagne. "It's pretty good. I like it a lot." His shoulders relax and he finally cuts his first piece of steak. "That's good. The first time I came here, I knew it would be a great place for a date."
Date echoed through your head. Your face immediately dropped into one of disappointment. Miguel has honestly been pushing you to the edge for longer than a month. Constant pleas and begs to be with you in ways you didn't enjoy and even though this was one of his most tamest attempt, this was enough to get you to snap. "Miguel." He looked up at you and saw your face, his own dropping at your reaction.
"Why did you bring me here?" His face also set into one of stone as he put down his fork and knife. "Well, I wanted to do something nice for the both of us. I know both of us are equally tired from the constant piles of work we have to finish at Alchemax, I know you juggle a lot of tasks after work and you could definitely use a break like me. So, I took it upon myself to bring you here as a way-"
You look both ways around the restaurant to make sure no one was watching before leaning over to hiss at him quietly, yet the most angry you've been this entire week. "I told you a million fucking time's I'm not into you, Miguel!! I keep telling you constantly, I. don't. want. you. I don't want to date you, I don't want your money, I don't want your time, I don't want any fucking thing from you." You pick up your purse and furiously dig around for your wallet so you can hopefully just pay and leave. "You're so fucking lucky I don't toss my plate in your fucking face, Jesus."
As surprised he was of your outburst, he knew every reason and then some for why you don't want to be with him. "Why do you want Gabriel?" You look up at him in confusion and frustration. "I'm not doing this with you right now." Where the hell is your wallet??? "Why do you want my brother? What does he have that I don't? I have everything he doesn't, but you continue running to him like he's the best thing you could ever ask for."
"He's the 'best thing I could ever ask for' because he doesn't try to trick me into dating him, doesn't follow me when I leave work, doesn't stalk me, doesn't interrogate me on every single action I make and doesn't annoy the shit out of me."
You give up once you realize Miguel might have stolen it again. He does this every time he takes you to lunch so you don't find a way to leave. Not without talking to him first. "Give me my wallet." He purses his lips. "No." "This is why."
"Please, just let me-" "You've done enough. Just please give me my wallet before I scream."
He shakes his head. "You wouldn't." You raise your eyebrows.
A silents is born. Just the sound of soft clattering from forks meeting plates fills the air. The soft music does nothing to calm you.
Finally, Miguel sighs and takes it out of his pocket and sets it on the table. As soon as you grab it, he sets his hand over yours.
You look up at him and he gives you a desperate look.
".......have a good night."
The cycle is bound to repeat tomorrow.
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blegh-110 · 2 days
i. "i was enchanted to meet you" | Sam Monroe
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Pairing: older brother's bestfriend!Sam x fem!reader
Summary: Older brother’s best friend! Sam Monroe who you really got to know when you were 15 and he was 17.
Warnings: None
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: This is chapter II of this series where I am using songs from Speak Now, enjoy!
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Your sophomore year of high school was great.
One reason being that you had finally made a friend who was in three of your classes; geometry, honors english, and P.E.. 
The second reason being that Sam was in your very last class of the day, introduction to art. 
Neither of you were artists, or even good drawers. But that was what made your time together so fun. There wasn’t a day that went by where you two didn’t make fun of each other’s drawings. 
“Sam! It’s supposed to be an orange!” You laughed with tears in your eyes as you stared at your poorly done drawing of a peeled orange half. 
“(Y/N), it looks like a vagina.” He covered his mouth with his hand as he tried, very badly, to hide his laughter. 
And because of your constant noise-making, and talking, and interruptions, the teacher decided to move Sam across the room. But that had made it almost worse. You couldn’t even look at him from your seat because the situation was just too funny, you would have to look away before you’d burst out laughing. And as soon as class was dismissed and the two of you would leave the classroom, there was nothing holding back the bottled up amusement anymore and you both would walk out of school with tears in your eyes. 
It all happened so often that you didn’t want to stop your enjoyment and go home. And neither did Sam, you guessed. Instead of leaving you and driving back to his own house, he began driving you home and dropping you off. Which then turned to driving you home and hanging around the house after you bravely asked if he wanted to come inside for a little bit. And it got to the point where he automatically turned his car off when he parked on the street, having already set his mind on spending more time with you. But this didn’t happen every single day. 
There were times when you had to send him home. It wasn’t for anything serious, in fact, you wanted nothing more than to spend more time with him. But there were days where you had a big test coming up or tons of homework to finish or an essay due the next day, and you knew you would get none of it done if Sam was in the house. 
“Sam, get out!” You giggled as you lightly pushed him to the front door, your fingertips burning at the touch of his back.
“Alright, fine. But what am I supposed to do?” 
“I don’t know, go hang out with your other friend?” You clearly hinted at your older brother, ready to close the door and start your essay that was due the next day. It was your fault really. You had a whole week to finish it, but you kept pushing it aside because you wanted to be with Sam instead. So your whole school day was spent outlining and finding evidence with any spare time you had, and just generally stressing out. 
“He’s at football practice though.”
“Then just watch.”
“But it’s boring.”  
You gave him a pointed look. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said while leaning in for a hug then leaving.
One thing you quickly learned about Sam was that he was actually quite attentive and affectionate. He always knew when an exam was coming up for you because of the way you became less talkative and more isolated as the date got closer. He didn’t want to bring that observation up to you though because what would that do? So he did the best he could to make those few days just a little bit better for you. Which included buying you study snacks on your way home, keeping quiet in your art class and instead listening to music together, and sometimes helping you study if you let him. You didn’t notice it at first, too caught up with the thought that you might fail the exam. But when you did eventually catch on you somehow fell even more in love with Sam. 
And the one thing about him that made it harder to breathe was his need for physical touch. Whenever he saw you at school he was quick to leave his friends and greet you with a hug and ask how you’re doing. In your shared art class he was always shoulder to shoulder with you. If he thought you were too far from him, he’d hook his fingers underneath your seat and pull your chair right to him. When the two of you would walk home, his arm would always wrap around your shoulder and pull you close to him. If he saw you walking to class he was happy to take your books and walk you there with a hand on your back. And when it was just the two of you at your house watching a movie, he’d lean his entire body on yours and take a nap. 
You wanted so badly to return those affections. You wanted to wrap your arms around him, you wanted to match his excitement when he saw you in the halls, but it felt impossible for you. And you knew that Sam wouldn't mind, but you just weren’t very good at showing affection the way he did. 
You also learned that he was a bit… possessive and protective of his stuff. He was asked a few times by other students if they could borrow his drawing supplies, or even the brushes provided by the classroom, and he always, meanly, said no. Or when you constantly witnessed him smack your brother's hand away from his bag of chips. 
“Sam, c’mon, I didn’t eat anything for breakfast and I didn’t bring my lunch!” Your brother exclaimed while trying again to steal Sam’s food.
“Get away from me.” He grumbled with smiley fries in his mouth,  
“You’re never this way with my sister.” 
Which was true. He was always sharing his stuff with you. Whether it was food or letting you keep his pencil because you couldn’t find your own, and it was always the pink Paper Mate ones. He was also always offering or making you take some of whatever snack he had. 
“Here, have it.” And he gave you the last oreos he had bought from the cafeteria. 
And there was a time when you were paired up for a project with the boy who took you to the dance in your eighth grade year, the one who you let copy your homework. When you first heard your name with his own you wanted the ground to swallow you, but then he surprisingly brought the whole situation up and apologized for it. And you couldn’t hold a grudge if you wanted to, it happened two years ago and he seemed good now. So you forgave and forgot and the two of you planned to get the assignment started during lunch in the library. Unfortunately, Sam wasn’t as forgiving as you were.
“Didn’t he make you cry? Why don’t you tell the teacher you just don’t want to be partners with him?” He asked while opening his car door for you. 
“Sam, it’s okay! He said he was sorry and it’s not like I’m hanging out with him.” He scoffed at the last part then closed it after you had gotten in. 
“You better not because I’m not over it.”
“Did he take you to the dance?”
“No, but I was the one who saw how upset you were. Hated seeing you like that. I just don’t want him to think that this could be a second chance or something.”
“I appreciate your concern, I really do. But it’s not going beyond a school project, I promise.”
“Okay, but if he tries something, you tell me first.” You rolled your eyes with a smile and nodded your head. You didn’t dare tell him but you felt more than just appreciative, you felt cherished and looked after when he got this way, which wasn’t the first time. And each talk left you wanting him even more. 
And the last bit of his personality that you learned was his introvertness, which again, surprised you. Especially since your brother was actually a pretty sociable person. Like you, Sam was not one to see a large crowd and want to partake in it. The only difference between the two of you was that when you were put in a situation where you were surrounded by a lot of people, your heart would quicken and your hands would get sweaty. You were nervous to talk to other people and felt like you had to. But with Sam, he simply didn’t care to talk to them, he didn’t want to and he made that very clear. 
“Fuck that.” He said when the both of you saw that the school Market was taking place in the courtyard. The market took place for a week, and it was where students sold their own goods. You made the mistake your freshman year of trying to walk through it and go home, but you were always stopped by another student trying to sell you something, whether it was a sticker or their homemade soap, and it was a nightmare. 
There was one time you accidentally got caught up with one of them and they just wouldn’t let you leave. They were selling some homemade body care products, soaps and bath bombs, and you gave every excuse you could to nicely shut them down.
“I don’t have enough money.”
“I really have to get home.”
“I’m not really a bath bomb person.”
“That’s okay! We’ve got lip scrubs! Here, smell these.” Then they proceeded to shove different products in your face while telling you their prices. And while giving a tight lipped smile, you felt a hand wrap around your own. You didn’t have to look to know it was Sam, thank god. 
“Hi, would you like t-”
“Nope.” And he walked away with your hand in his, telling his fellow classmates to “fuck off” as he continued to walk through the market. It felt so natural, like it was supposed to be this way. You’d never felt so comfortable with Sam like this. Before, you were always too overwhelmed by his presence and your own feelings that it became too much. But there you were, holding his hand until the two of you got to his car. 
And it all went away when he graduated. It was a terrible night for you to watch him be handed his diploma, an official sign that the friendship you had built with him was over. You were proud of him, there was no doubt about that. But as soon as the graduating class threw their hats in the air you had to bite your lip to keep your cries from coming out. There was a hollowness in your heart that swallowed any emotion you could feel. 
When the ceremony was over and you and your family went down to the field, he ran right to you and gave you a soul crushing embrace. One where it lifted you off the ground and you had to wrap your arms around him. His graduation gown burned against your cheek. It was a bitter-sweet moment. 
When you got home after a celebration dinner for your brother, you thought about your times with Sam and cried the entire night, wishing you had never met him in the first place so you could save yourself from your heartbreak.
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bingsooow · 2 days
“Shhh quiet we can’t get caught!”
Pairing: AMAB Venture x Fem reader
Warnings: Oral (fem giving) cursing
Genre: Fluff/Smut
A/N: So I came across this tweet in Twitter from the same user who inspired me to do the pizza person Venture. They have such amazing ideas and y’all should def follow the twitter @/staplesquid thank you for the ideas!!
Who told Sloan that this would be a great idea?Oh right, Y/n did. So how did they get stuck in this situation where they are body to body pressed against their best friend in between a very small alleyway with their hand over her mouth? And to top it off with police who are looking for them. Well it started earlier on that day..
Y/n was an artist. They used many different materials and techniques. Her art style changed ever so often. This point in time it was graffiti. She brought multiple cans in different colors. She researched spots in town and even asked around on online forums and eventually came across the perfect spot. However it was in one of the most crime ridden spots in the city. And with no other choice she contacted Sloan to come with her.
Sloan just finished in the shower their hair was dripping wet as the windows and the mirror was fogged up. They noticed their phone light up, quickly turning down the music they had blasting then right back up to the main volume. It was a text message. They took a quick glance at it only reading the words city and alone.
It alerted them and they quickly picked up their phone trying not to drop it in the toilet as well before opening it and reading over the text. They took a sigh of relief when they read the entire text. Y/n asked if they wanted to go to a certain part of the city together because she didn’t want to go alone. They quickly sent a text saying that they would and they would be finished getting ready.
Y/n told them to wear baggy clothing and that she had a gas mask for them. And soon enough there they were taking the number 67 bus down to the worst part of the city. They looked unsuspecting enough. Two people wearing baggy clothing, one with a larger tote bag and the other carrying yet a smaller one. Both however wearing black masks. Any normal person would think they were a couple. Eventually they got off at a stop down the street from where the location was.
It seemed to be a poverty stricken street. There were deteriorating homes and people sleeping outside. Depressing to look at. The streets were also a mess with all kinds of trash around. Sloane looked at Y/n and wondered why the hell she was bringing them out here. “So…Sketchy part of town…? Going to explain why we’re out here?” They asked not knowing what was even in her tote bag.
“You know how I mentioned I wanted to do something new with my art?” Y/n asked smiling at them. They nodded wondering what point she was getting at. “Well we’re going to do some graffiti.” She said quieter than before. Sloan was completely surprised. They didn’t expect this from her. Especially considering that graffiti was a crime in their city. They continued walking with Y/n with their heart pounding in their chest as it progressively seemed to get darker.
The two ended up at an abandoned subway. Ever since the city built new lines older ones like these got left behind to just deteriorate. Little did they know the cameras were still in tact. Walking past all the other pieces if art Y/n stopped them at a close enough blank canvas. She set down her tote bag and the cans seemed to clatter inside as she opened the zipper.
“Take this.” She tossed Sloan one of the gas masks. Making sure that they changed the masks in the dark so nobody could suspect the two. After she turned on the flashlight. Pointing it at the canvas. “So take a can and go nuts.”
They spent around an hour doing what they could all the different colors and layers. Eventually it was an outstanding piece of art that differed all the others there. While Sloan drew mini stick figures. Sloan stood back to admire the painting of what had been made. “You’re such a great artist! How did you ever think of that!?” Y/n smiled under her mask. “Oh just some inspiration.”
But their time to bask in the art was limited. They could hear police sirens in the background. Then footsteps and the sound of a radio got closer and closer. The two ran off, leaving behind the extra spray cans and the flashlight and only took the empty tote bags with them.
The police chased after the two not too close behind them but not to far as well. Sloan hadn’t felt the first rush of adrenaline in forever. They kept running and running turning corners and going any direction to loose them. Sloan then found an alleyway and pulled Y/n in there with them. Pressing their bodies right next to each other and with them covering her mouth.
And that’s how they got there. The two were slowing their breathing as the police walked down close to where they were. She almost began to panic. Sloan could feel it with how she was beginning to hyperventilate. Sloan leaned down to reach her ear. They whispered in it because the last thing they wanted was a felony for abstracting federal property. “Calm down. Hush be quiet before we get caught.” They said slowly but also almost sweet like honey.
Y/n listened to them fixing her breathing and just resting against them. But feeling how close Y/n was to them was so…addicting to them. Of course she’s sat on their lap before when needed but this was different. This was the worst time to be getting aroused but they almost couldn’t help it. They thought only for a split second how sexy it would be to do what they wanted there while also hiding out away from the police. Public indecency and defacing federal property didn’t sound like two terrible charges to them.
Sloan had to think straight. They shook their head as the gas mask rested against their neck. They must have taken it off when they ran. They were thinking about her, until she seemed to be moving against them. Knocking them out of their slight daydream. The friction Sloan was feeling made them clench their jaw just slightly. “What are you doing?!” They whispered trying not to enjoy how it felt.
“It’s just a tight squeeze. My legs are falling asleep.” She whispered back trying to get comfortable. The police footsteps getting closer. She stopped moving, feeling something rest against her. She looked back at Sloan in the darkness. “Really? Now?” She whispered to them. Sloan blushed trying not to look back at her.
“I can’t help it!” Sloan whispered. They covered her mouth once again as they heard the footsteps get closer. Walking right past them. She squirmed in front of them almost on purpose feeling how much harder them seemed to get. In Sloans mind they could only wonder what she was doing to them? Was this to tease them on purpose?
The police seemed to get only slightly farther before stopping and having a conversation. “Those damn kids. Those little fuckers do this all the time. We ain’t gonna catch one.” Said one of the officers kicking a rock into the distance. “Let’s go back to the station. They need to hurry up and demolish this piece of shit so we don’t have to keep going down here.” The other said. Eventually the footsteps and the radio chatter faded. And now it was only the two of them left.
Y/n managed to turn around to look at them. “Okay their gone we should-“ Sloan kissed her. One hand on her waist and the other on the wall to support them. Y/n was surprised but kissed them back. Once Sloan broke away they looked down at her, loosing all sense of rational thought. “No you don’t get to go just yet.”
“W-what but the cops-“ “I don’t care about the cops they’re gone now. You don’t get to do that and act all innocent.” “Do what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Very clear lie from Y/n. She knew she was lying. Something about seeing their best friend try to hold back from her is arousing to say the least. In her opinion.
“So how about I show you because you don’t know.” Sloan took her hand pressing it to the bulge that seemed to be proud in front of the cargo pants they wore. Y/n looked down at it then back up at them. “So what?” She asked almost hoping they would give her the green light to do something about it.
“Well genius, you dragged me out here, nearly got both of us a felony…a misdemeanor couldn’t hurt.” Y/n looked around it was dark, nobody would catch them but public indecency isn’t just a misdemeanor. “You mean us being put on a list?” “Oh right. Well it won’t happen if we don’t get caught. You just have to stay quiet.”
It didn’t take long for Sloan to kiss her again, this time much more passionate and deeper. Almost like they were yearning for her all this time without saying anything. But there was something else underlying in the kiss. It was hunger. Their hands first rested on her waist, however they could feel hers pulling them closer in the already cramped alleyway.
Sloan wasn’t even sure they could fully go through with anything here but anything is possible. They had to rush however, it was getting darker and darker and they wouldn’t want to miss the last bus that ran in this area. They could feel Y/n wrap her fingers around their belt loops, unbuttoning the front of their cargos and sliding it down their legs. Sloan almost was at a loss for words.
Feeling her hand palming their boxers made them sharply inhale, their head tilting back against the wall. They were too in bliss to realize that instead of her hand they felt her lips around the tip of their cock.
Each second that passed feeling Y/n take more of them down her throat, the saliva running down the side of her mouth as she looked up at them in the darkness. Sloan grabbed the top of her head squeezing her hair feeling each movement of her tongue on them.
Sloan bit their lip to prevent themselves from moaning. They didn’t want to make more noise than they were supposed to. They took sharp breath before looking down at her, their eyes almost showing how desperate they were. With each moment that passed the closer they got to their release. Almost like it was within grasp.
“Oh please I-I’m going to-“ Y/n pulled back using her hands as she heard Sloan. They couldn’t stop themselves as they came on her hands. They tried to catch their breath as she looked at the mess on her hands.
“So uh…again at my place?” Sloan asked as they walked out the abandoned station together, going back to the bus stop to wait for the next bus. “I don’t see why not.” She added smiling at them before the bus pulled up.
This came out extremely late but I had severe writers block and I had to use that time to do other hobbies. But it’s here like I said it would be!!
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estapa-edwards · 1 day
Trevor Zegras with a hairstylist reader whom is his best friend & has the biggest crush on him, he doesn’t know tho. Z always goes to the hair saloon whenever he gets dumped and gets his hair washed to relive stress & ranting about how he somehow can’t keep a relationship, but reader know Z will only go back into a relationship a few days later (full on angst, you can decide if reader & Z will be a couple or not). Thank you, love you!!
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paring: Trevor Zegras x reader
word count: 1.6k
requested? yes
warnings: use of y/n.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
Trevor Zegras, affectionately called Z by those closest to him, trudged into the small, warmly lit salon. His usually confident stride was subdued, shoulders slightly hunched, and his face was a mask of frustration and sadness. He glanced around the familiar space, taking in the comforting scent of hair products and the soft hum of conversations blending with the background music.
Y/N, his best friend and hairstylist, looked up from her station. Her heart sank at the sight of him. she had seen this scene play out too many times. Trevor was here for his routine post-breakup hair wash, a ritual that had become all too familiar over the years. Y/N had been harboring a secret crush on him for as long as she could remember, but  Trevor seemed oblivious, always lost in his own world of fleeting relationships.
"Hey, Z," Y/N greeted softly, trying to mask the concern in her voice. "Another rough one?"
Trevor sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair. "Yeah, you could say that. Mind if I get the usual? I need to clear my head."
Y/N nodded, motioning for him to take a seat at the shampoo station. As Trevor settled into the chair, Y/N prepared the water, making sure it was just the right temperature. She poured a generous amount of shampoo into her hands and began to massage it into his scalp.
Trevor closed his eyes, a look of relief washing over his face. "I don't get it, Y/N. Why can't I keep a relationship? What's wrong with me?"
Y/N's heart ached at the vulnerability in his voice. She had heard these questions before, each time feeling a pang of sympathy mixed with frustration. "There's nothing wrong with you, Z. Sometimes things just don't work out. It's not always about you."
Trevor huffed, his eyes still closed. "Maybe. But it feels like I'm the common denominator. Every time, it's the same story. I think it's going great, and then bam, it's over."
Y/N continued to work the shampoo through his hair, her fingers moving in soothing circles. "Maybe you're just picking the wrong people. Or maybe you're not ready for something serious yet."
Trevor opened his eyes, looking up at Y/N with a mix of confusion and curiosity. "What do you mean?"
Y/N hesitated, unsure if she should delve deeper. "I just mean that maybe you're not looking for the right things in a relationship. Or maybe you're not being yourself fully. Sometimes it takes time to figure out what you really want."
Trevor sighed again, leaning back into the chair. "Maybe you're right. I just... I don't know. It feels like I'm always chasing something that slips through my fingers."
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest. She wanted to tell him how she felt, how she had always been there for him, how she had seen him at his best and worst, and still cared for him deeply. But fear held them back. Fear of ruining their friendship, fear of rejection, fear of breaking the fragile balance they had maintained for so long.
Instead, she kept her thoughts to themselves, focusing on washing away his stress with each stroke. "You deserve to be happy, Z. And you'll find someone who sees you for who you really are. Just don't lose hope."
Trevor smiled faintly, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. "Thanks, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, but she forced themselves to remain calm. "That's what friends are for, right?"
--- --- --- 
The days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Each time Trevor found himself single again, he would return to the salon, seeking solace in the routine that had become his anchor. And each time, Y/N was there, listening, comforting, and silently yearning for him to see them in a different light.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Trevor walked into the salon, a familiar look of dejection on his face. Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. This time felt different, though. There was a deeper sadness in his eyes, a weariness that hadn't been there before.
"Hey, Y/N," he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Hey, Z," Y/N replied, her voice gentle. "Rough day?"
Trevor nodded, sinking into the chair at the shampoo station. "Yeah. Really rough."
Y/N began her familiar routine, her fingers moving through his hair with practiced ease. As she worked, Trevor began to talk, his voice a mix of frustration and sadness. "I thought this one was different, Y/N. I really did. But she said I was too distant, too focused on other things. She didn't think I was serious about us."
Y/N's heart ached at his words. She wanted to scream that she saw him, that she understood him in ways no one else did. But instead, she kept her voice steady. "Maybe she wasn't the right one for you, Z. Maybe she didn't see all the amazing things about you."
Trevor sighed, leaning back into the chair. "Maybe. But it just feels like I'm never enough. Like I'm always missing something."
Y/N's hands stilled for a moment before resuming her gentle motions. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Z, have you ever thought that maybe you're looking for the wrong things? Maybe what you need isn't out there, but right in front of you?"
Trevor opened his eyes, looking up at Y/N with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "What do you mean?"
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest. This was it. The moment she had been dreading and hoping for. "I mean that maybe you've been overlooking something, or someone, who cares about you more than anyone else ever could."
Trevor's eyes widened slightly, realization slowly dawning on him. "Y/N, are you saying...?"
Y/N nodded, her hands trembling slightly. "I've been your best friend for years, Z. I've seen you at your best and worst, and I've always cared about you. More than just a friend."
Trevor stared at them, his mind racing. "I... I never realized. I always thought you were just being a good friend."
Y/N smiled sadly. "I was. But it was always more than that for me. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to ruin what we have. But I can't keep pretending that I'm okay with just being your friend."
Trevor sat up, turning to face Y/N fully. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Y/N shrugged, tears welling up in her eyes. "I was scared. Scared that you wouldn't feel the same way, scared that I'd lose you. But I can't keep hiding how I feel."
Trevor reached out, taking Y/N's hand in his. "Y/N, I don't know what to say. This is a lot to take in."
Y/N nodded, squeezing his hand gently. "I know. And I don't expect you to have all the answers right now. I just needed you to know how I feel."
Trevor looked into Y/N's eyes, a myriad of emotions playing across his face. "I need time to process this, Y/N. But I promise, I won't let this ruin our friendship. You're too important to me."
Y/N smiled through her tears, relief flooding her chest. "That's all I can ask for, Z."
--- --- --- 
The days that followed were a whirlwind of emotions for both of them. Trevor found himself thinking about Y/N constantly, replaying their conversations in his mind. He had always known that Y/N was special, but he had never considered the possibility of something more between them.
As time passed, he began to see Y/N in a new light. He noticed the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, the way she always seemed to know exactly what to say to make him feel better, the way she cared for him with a depth that he had never experienced before.
One evening, as the sun set, Trevor found himself standing outside the salon, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath, gathered his courage, and walked inside. Y/N was there, as always, working on a client's hair. she looked up and smiled when she saw him, but there was a hint of uncertainty in her eyes.
"Hey, Z," Y/N greeted, her voice tentative.
"Hey, Y/N," Trevor replied, his voice steady. "Can we talk? After you're done?"
Y/N nodded, her heart racing. "Of course. Just give me a few minutes."
Once the client had left and the salon was empty, Trevor approached Y/N, his heart pounding in his chest. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, Y/N. About what you said."
Y/N's breath caught in her throat. "And?"
Trevor  took a deep breath, reaching out to take Y/N's hand in his. "And I've realized that you're right. I've been looking for something that was right in front of me all along. You."
Y/N's eyes widened, hope and disbelief mingling in her gaze. "Z, are you saying...?"
Trevor nodded, his grip on her hand tightening. "I'm saying that I care about you, Y/N. More than just a friend. I don't know what the future holds, but I want to see where this can go. With you."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she looked into Trevor's earnest gaze. "I've wanted to hear those words for so long, Z. I care about you too. More than anything."
Trevor smiled, pulling them into a tight embrace. "Then let's take this one step at a time. Together."
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atzoutlw · 3 days
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summary ; gn!reader x ateez , how ateez would treat you as your boyfriend ! all fluff, no nsfw in this hc list !
wc : 1,287 words you may not agree with the things i say, but i just want you to remember, these are my head canons and i don't expect everyone to feel the same way as i do about this. also, i know this isn't the best quality, it is the first time i've ever posted on tumblr, so i'm a little nervous and i'm trying to find something that works for me.
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kim hongjoong would love nothing more than to share his passion for music with his significant other. He'd invite you to late-night songwriting sessions, where the two of you would bounce ideas off each other. he is incredibly thoughtful and attentive to his partner's needs. whether it's leaving little love notes hidden around your room or surprising you with your favorite snacks when you're feeling down, he always goes the extra mile to make you feel special. joong is your biggest cheerleader, supporting you in everything you do. whether you're pursuing your own dreams or facing challenges, he'll be there every step of the way. he loves cuddling up with you on the couch while watching movies or stealing sweet kisses when no one's looking. he loves to wake up before you just so he can make the two of you cups of coffee and/or breakfast. he loves to make playlists for you, and probably has a hidden collection of playlists he hasn't shown to you yet!
park seonghwa is the epitome of a gentleman, he will always hold doors open for you, pull out chairs, make you feel like true royalty to show how much he cherishes you. seonghwa's touch is always gentle and reassuring, whether it's holding your hand or brushing a stray hair from your face. he enjoys taking romantic walks with you, especially during sunset, enjoying the beauty of nature and each other's company. he sets up relaxing spa nights at home, complete with face masks, candles, and soothing music, to help both of you unwind and de-stress after work. seonghwa is incredibly affectionate, often soothing you with soft kisses and warm hugs whenever you need comfort.
jeong yunho loves to tease you playfully, always keeping the mood light and fun. he knows just how to make you laugh, even on your worst days. yunho gives the best bear hugs. his hugs are warm, comforting, and make you feel safe and loved. he is incredibly supportive and always knows what to say to lift your spirits. he encourages you to chase your dreams and reassures you whenever you doubt yourself. yunho is a great listener. he pays attention to everything you say, no matter how big or small, and offers thoughtful advice and comfort. he loves having movie marathons with you, complete with snacks, cozy blankets, and commentary throughout the films. yunho loves holding your hand whenever you’re together. It’s a simple gesture, but it makes you feel connected and cherished.
kang yeosang cherishes quiet moments with you. whether you're reading together or simply enjoying each other's presence without speaking, he finds comfort in the silence. he loves taking candid photos of you, capturing your genuine expressions and moments. his camera roll is filled with pictures of you in various moods and settings. yeosang is subtle in his displays of affection. he often brushes his fingers against yours, gives soft kisses on your forehead, and wraps his arm around your shoulders when you're sitting together. his gifts are always thoughtful and meaningful. he remembers small details about your likes and dislikes and surprises you with things that hold special significance. yeosang leaves little handwritten notes for you to find, whether it's in your bag, on your desk, or next to your pillow. these notes often contain sweet messages or inside jokes. yeosang is perfectly happy spending a cozy day at home with you, binge-watching your favorite shows, playing video games, or just cuddling on the couch. ( these days are, by far, his favorites ). yeosang also loves sharing his favorite music with you. he'll create playlists that remind him of you or that he thinks you'll enjoy.
choi san is full of playful energy. he loves to joke around and tease you in a light-hearted way, making every moment together fun and lively. he loves surprising you with unexpected visits, whether it's showing up at your work with lunch or arriving at your doorstep with your favorite treat. san is very affectionate and isn’t shy about showing it. he’s always holding your hand, giving you hugs, and sneaking kisses, making you feel loved and adored. he enjoys working out with you, motivating you to push your limits while making the experience fun and rewarding. san loves having deep, meaningful conversations late into the night, sharing dreams, fears, and everything in between. he’s your number one cheerleader, supporting you in everything you do and always encouraging you to follow your dreams. if you’re not together, he never fails to send you sweet goodnight texts, reminding you how much he cares.
song mingi gives the best hugs—warm, tight, and full of affection. his hugs can instantly make you feel safe and loved. he loves making you laugh with his goofy antics and playful personality. whether it's funny faces, silly dances, or witty jokes, mingi always knows how to bring a smile to your face. he is very protective of you. he always looks out for your well-being and ensures you're safe, whether you're out in public or just feeling down. mingi loves to tease you in a lighthearted, fun way. his teasing is always affectionate and never crosses the line, making you laugh and feel closer to him. mingi sends you sweet and sometimes silly texts throughout the day to let you know he's thinking of you, making you feel cherished even when you're apart. ( stuff like "work is boring, i wanna be with you :(" ). he often engages in playful wrestling matches with you, enjoying the physical closeness and the laughter that comes with it. he gives genuine and thoughtful compliments, always noticing the little things about you and making you feel appreciated.
jung wooyoung is incredibly affectionate, always finding ways to touch you—holding hands, hugging, and giving you sweet kisses throughout the day. wooyoung enjoys cooking with you and often tries new recipes. he’s a great cook and loves impressing you with his culinary skills. wooyoung has a keen sense of fashion and loves giving you style advice. he often suggests outfits and enjoys shopping with you. he’s a master of planning surprise dates, taking you to new and exciting places or setting up romantic evenings at home. he’s a big fan of cuddling and loves snuggling up with you on the couch or in bed. he makes you feel warm and secure. he enjoys having fun fashion shows at home, trying on different outfits and giving you a mini runway performance. wooyoung loves taking photos of you and with you, capturing beautiful moments and creating lasting memories. wooyoung has a variety of sweet and funny nicknames for you, always calling you something that makes you smile.
choi jongho is naturally protective. he always makes sure you're safe and comfortable, whether you’re out together or apart. despite his strong exterior, jongho has a gentle and caring demeanor. his hugs are warm and comforting, and he always knows how to make you feel secure. he values quality time and loves spending it with you, whether it's watching movies, going for walks, or simply talking for hours. jongho loves surprising you with thoughtful gestures, like bringing you coffee in the morning or leaving sweet treats for you to find. jongho likes working out and would love having you as his workout partner, encouraging and motivating you while keeping it fun. he loves holding your hand, whether you’re walking down the street or sitting together, finding simple ways to stay connected. he loves learning about your interests and hobbies, making an effort to engage with the things you’re passionate about. jongho is fiercely loyal and committed, making sure you know that he’s always there for you, and won't ever leave, no matter what.
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─ perm tag list ; @nikoshiftscom @platinumsarcasm @otter-pebbles @discordchic
this tag list is open so feel free to request to be added!
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enchant - @jegulus-microfic - words: 433
Regulus wears the war silently. The claws and the teeth of the inferi. The Dark Mark on his forearm. The Sectumsempra across his neck. They are not trophies. They are not scars. They are memories of what was. Reminders of what could have been. Jarring against his pale, perfect skin. And James wants to kiss them away. Soothe him with warmth. Melt the pain and the darkness and the cold, which he had reached into the very depths of their lives.
Regulus is radiant in muted light of the fireplace, which spits embers onto the hearthrug. He pads barefoot across the lounge, carrying a mug of tea in both hands, to sit in the squishy arm chair he has claimed as his own. Feet tucked under him as he always does. Thick book in his lap.
He curls up like a cat, all silky liquid, in the heat and the glow of the fire which makes him look warmer, the colours of him richer than usual. And in those moments, James cannot breathe for how huge everything inside him feels. How it threatens to consume him, devour him whole, and raise him up, up, up, high. Because how this could possibly be real: that they are here and Regulus is his? What being above deigned to bless him in such a way?
James crosses the room, leans down, whispers by Regulus's ear, ‘Dance with me, you look beautiful tonight.’
‘Tonight,’ Regulus repeats, raises an eyebrow and glances sidelong at James.
‘Always,’ James says. He pulls Regulus to his feet. Regulus, who yelps and hits James for spilling his tea onto his book and his favourite armchair.
Regulus is fussing angrily when James slips his arms around him, kisses his nose, kisses his lips, kisses his neck. Moves, sways them in time to the music. Because James has always wanted to do this, to dance in the firelight with the person he loves more than anyone else in the world.
‘Really?’ Regulus deadpans.
‘Hush. Humour me.’ James turns them and then slips one hand under Regulus’s shirt to stroke the smooth skin of his back. ‘It’s romantic, dancing by the fireplace.’
‘Dancing? I was trained by the best dance instructors in Great Britain. This is not dancing.’ Regulus is trying to look unimpressed. Annoyed, even. But he’s smiling. The softest smile reserved only for James. He turns, leans his forehead against James, whispers against his skin like he is trying to mark him. A mark that James will wear like a trophy, with pride.
‘I love you.’
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jeffffffffest · 2 days
JeFFFFFFFFest 2024 Gift Exchange
This exchange is for fanworks based on Jeff Satur’s music videos and related media.
‘Related media’ includes characters such as the rain god from Jeff’s Halloween fan art Instagram post, or the fallen angel from Call Me by Fire. A resource list with links to media will be available in the Discord server (link to join).
While all Jeffs may be used as visual/auditory/character inspiration, characters from acting roles (KinnPorsche, He She It, Ingredients) are not the focus of this event. Crossovers such as Kim/Sunshine are in the spirit of the event, but a direct KinnPorsche fanwork is not.
Is it because of all of the Jeffs possibly named Jeff? Is it because that’s how we’re feeling after each new release (F!)? Is it because they represent all of the Fun Fabulous Fanworks we’ll be creating? Yes. (There are eight Fs for Space Shuttle No. 8, if you care.)
This exchange is open to all types of fanworks, including text, visual art, audio, and video. The sign-up form will prompt you to list which types of fanworks you’d like to offer and receive. Everyone will be matched with a recipient who meets their fanwork types and prompts as closely as possible. Assignments will remain private until the collection is revealed, so please keep that information secret from your recipient!
You are only required to create one fanwork, in the medium of your choosing. If your recipient requests visual art or written text, you can choose which type of fanwork to create based on their prompts and what inspires you the most. If you’re inspired to create multiple fanworks, that’s a bonus, but not expected or required.
Once assignments are sent out, a channel will be opened in the Discord server for people to share their prompts if they choose. You’re welcome to create additional fanworks as 'treats' based on those prompts and submit them to the AO3 collection. There’s no limit to how many prompts you can fill or how many works you can create!
After the reveal, there will be a 'remix round' for fanworks inspired by the posted exchange works. This is a free-for-all where anything goes! You can make fanvids inspired by art, record podfics of written works, or anything else that inspires you. You can opt out of or limit your participation in this round with a permission statement.
Both the 'treat' and 'remix' rounds are completely optional, and as such we encourage you to create anything, no matter how small or how unfamiliar you are with that form of fanwork! This is a great place for fanworks like moodboards, fanmixes/playlists, and anything else that doesn't fit in the main gift exchange. Of course, large prompt fills are also welcome!
Please bring complaints or concerns privately to the exchange mods; we're here to help make this a positive experience for everyone! A complaint form (anonymous by choice) can be found here, or feel free to reach out to a mod on discord or tumblr. Respect all DNWs (including requests for no NSFW content) and include appropriate content warnings in posts and discussions; when in doubt, at a minimum, AO3 warnings should always be tagged/warned, or talk to a mod if you're unsure. To ensure that artist credit is always appropriately given, the use of AI and/or gifting AI-generated content is strictly prohibited.
Bigotry and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Respect and be mindful of all fellow community members.
If you have questions for your recipient or about the exchange in general, please contact one of the mod team. If you need to drop out for any reason, please let the mods know as soon as possible. Your moderators for this event are @airgiodslv, @mousydentist, and @shubaka (on discord and tumblr).*
*To the best of our knowledge, none of the mods are secretly Jeff.
Sign-ups:  June 1-20
Assignments Out:  June 23
Check-in: July 21
Deadline:  August 4
Pinch-hits:  August 5-11
Reveal:  August 12
Remix round: August 12-25
For the most up to date information, please refer to this blog (posts tagged #logistics) and/or join our discord server. Also, we're aware that things happen! We want to make this event as fun as possible, so if you ever feel overwhelmed, please talk to a mod at any time about an extended timeline or enlisting a pinch-hitter. The pinch-hitters have from August 5-11, so please let us know ASAP if you need support.
Our AO3 collection is here. Links to fics and posts made on other sites (eg, tumblr, twitter, archive.org) will be reblogged/cross-posted to this blog. If you don't want your gift to be on tumblr, please reach out to a mod ASAP so we can make other arrangements.
Sign-up Form
The sign-up form can be found here! Reminder that sign-ups will be open until June 20th.
Happy Jeff-ing everyone! 🪐
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g-xix · 1 day
💢Gone, Gone / iloveyou | ChrisMD
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Highschool AU ChrisMD x Reader! Summary: Sharing the sadness that comes with your best friend, first love, absolute world, leaving you <3 (tw: mildly cringe if u dont deep it) Wordcount: 1.8k
The familiar blonde tumbled onto the grassy spot besides you, joining you in lying flat on the tall hill, letting the lush green grass tickle the back of his neck - breathing in the crisp Spring-nearly-Summer air that dried the fixture-sweat off of the back of his neck, orange-y sunset panorama painting his pale skin a gorgeous tan that he'd undeniably develop as the summer rolled in.
His chest heaved, up and away from the earth, his lungs filling with swathes of delicious air - still warm from the sunny day - and yet refreshing and grounding with it's cooler, nightly undertones.
He could help but let his head lazily roll to the side, eyes brushing over your features - the way your lips slightly parted, hands folded over your stomach peacefully - eyes glittering in the golden sunset hues.
"How'd your game go?" As if the silent melody of the peaceful evening wasn't enough, your mellifluous voice was metaphoric music to Chris' ears.
"Great," He breathed, lying back and enjoying the peace. "Scored a last minute, won the game."
"What a hero you are." You smiled, your sarcasm earning a playful bump. "Good for you, keep it up and Mourinho will be on your doorstep in no time."
That earned a snort from Chris, making your little heart bloom at moments like these.
As end-of-year exam stresses faded away and days stretched out as Summer approached, days filled with laze and autonomy clouded your vision, and provoked urges of doing absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing with your favourite person, though.
Your hand was lifted slightly, before it was blanketed underneath Chris' warm palm, his digits threading through yours and painting a smile on your lips as your own fingers held his - the thumb that oh so gently ran over the velvety back of your hand bringing delicate butterflies stirring in your stomach.
It made your heart ache knowing your childhood best friend, love interest, eye-candy boy was leaving next Summer though.
To great London. To pursue that YouTube career, his footballing goals - heck, he could even follow the biology route in University if he really wanted. He'd made it so clear he was rearing to go, nothing was holding his excitement back, and it made all energy in your body sink when you were reminded he'd be leaving. But you couldn't tell that to him - hold him back. No, you'd silently let him know that you were already mourning his loss even whilst he was still here - but you'd never verbally made any statements. You weren't gonna hold your starboy back.
"We're gonna spend this Summer together, right?" You let your gaze turn to meet Chris' soothing blue eyes, the mere sight of them already applying soft kisses over the pain you felt filling your chest.
"What, like last Summer - and the Summer before that - and the one before that?" He questioned mockingly. "Yeah, obviously."
You scoffed at his humour, letting your head turn away again, not feeling quite as soothed by his words and instead feeling that angst within your chest multiply, dragging the feather light carelessness that Summer should've brought, transforming it into a heavy sinking feeling.
"C'mon, I'm just playing around - sorry, love," He squeezed your hand, picking up on your melancholic mentality and displaying his guilt within the apologetic tone. "...You know, I always say I can't wait to go to London - and I really am - but every so often I get some... second thought..."
That made your head roll back around, tucking your hair behind your face and cushioning your cheekbone by slipping a hand between your face and the rough, stubble-y grass that licked your skin.
"What do you mean, I was sold that you were counting down the days before you were off."
"Well, I mean, don't get my wrong I am, but..." Chris sucked in a deep breath, breaking eye contact as he confided. "I'm just scared and, well, it's kind of pathetic really..."
You watched him trail off, shutting his own eyes as he himself shut himself off, isolating those thoughts he'd hate to let out and let manifest. You couldn't bare seeing that confident, boisterous loud-mouth shut up though. Especially not from self-consciousness. 
"No, go on," Your hands had separated slightly, but yours crawled back into his, connecting him back to yourself and squeezing his hand as a gesture of presence. "Better to share it than to let it bottle up..."
"...It's... It's just..." Chris let out a deep sigh. It reminded you of the age of you two. That you weren't young teens, able to just mess around and be weird because you were still going to change and had your whole teenhood ahead of you. No, you were grown - able to make decisions for yourself now. And Chris already looked worn down from that autonomy, tired of those choices that could no longer be decided with the help of a omniscient-seeming parent. "I think the only reason I don't really want to go is because... I can't bare to leave you."
That brought a heart pang different to the pain you'd felt all those times you mourned the date Chris would leave to live in London. 
Empathy flooded your body, this sort of soothing - and yet sinking - sensation that you'd been so blind basking in your own self-pity, that you'd completely forgotten how Chris would be feeling. He was just like you - still developing that late-teen-going-adult freedom and learning to cope with that - learning to cope with the fact that he still felt like a child but had to pretend to fulfil a role of being mature and grown.
No, the heart of him wept just as much as yours at the prospect of growing up and leaving his childhood home, his childhood Isle, and his childhood best friend - which unbeknown to you - was the hardest part for him.
"Oh, Chris..." You felt succumbed by the overwhelming urges, and acted on them - turning to wrap your arm over his body, fingers clutching at the football shirt's jersey material which bunched together on the other side of his body, letting your head fall onto his chest - your inhalation allowing you to drink in that same scent he'd sworn by ever since year eight. 
Some peppermint, maybe lavender, some sort of wood-y smell... You felt your body fill with some sort of melancholic peace as your head filled with Chris' smell - his own arm wrapping around your side, sliding down your back until it comfortably sat around the lower area, against your exposed skin.
"Chris, you know..." It broke your heart, being between that rock and hard place - of course you didn't want to tell him to go. You'd never be ready to let him go, and have it your way he'd be by your side forever. But couldn't let yourself be the reason Chris never prospered and kept himself tied to this island where opportunities just didn't come knocking like they could in London. "Go, Chris. I'm not going to hold you back regardless of how much I..."
You didn't feel the lump growing in your throat until it was there, build up of confession and raw emotion that blocked your throat and clogged your words. You couldn't finish your sentence because of it though. Because you weren't going to let Chris hear you choke over your words when you wanted to let him shine, without holding him back yourself.
"You what?" Chris questioned, and you would almost hear a pleading tone within his voice, just wanting to hear what he knew you were going to say. 
Your eyes had been closed. In trembling nerves, you'd blocked all vision from the world around you. Slowly, now, you opened your eyes to look up at Chris - noticing that he was already looking down at you bittersweetly - his skin paler, milky and almost pallid looking as the healthy golden sunset had departed to introduce it's wan moon sister.
Your eyes followed the source, looking up to the sky and finding the crescent in the sky - a sliver of it's full greatness and yet still the brightest in the inky abyss above. The stars were beautiful - little burning pinpricks of gleaming white which illuminated the void with their distant galaxies. 
"Love you." You finished your sentence. Eyes finding the heart-throbbing constellation of Andromeda and Perseus in the sky as the words tumbled from your mouth.
"Please," Chris' voice was quiet as ever, barely audible and thickened with emotion as he heard those sacred words from your mouth for the first ever time. "Look at me and tell me..."
He was like a child. Inconsolable and needy, scared and alone - seeking you for solace. And who were you to deny it from him?
Your eyes turned from the stars in the sky, looking down and capturing the stars beheld in Chris' pupils, watery eyes reflecting every beautiful pinprick within the sky above.
"I love you"
Your lips trembled as you said it, but Chris' hand met your cheek so tenderly, fingers tracing over your jaw whilst his thumb pad caressed your cheek - you could almost feel all that weight and pressure built up in your head evaporating into his hand - your cheek lying and confiding against his hand, letting those fingers guide your face closer to his - sitting himself up by leaning back on his forearm - separating that gap between you and letting your lips find his.
It was affirming - having his lips silencing yours - promising everything would be alright without even saying a word. That most careful, tender, delicate kiss as though anything harder would shatter the either of you, his lips slowly eclipsing yours and melting into your touch. 
"Iloveyou, Iloveyou, Jesus fucking Christ- I can't stop saying it- I love you-"
Chris' breaths were shaky, speech broken with hands tremoring as they pushed your hair behind your shoulder, lips barely parted from yours and still kissing yours with each broken word. 
Maybe it was because he felt that cold, droplet slide down your cheek - his cheek only millimetres away as it was. Maybe that's what triggered him. Because he couldn't help himself in that moment - whispering those three words rolling through his mind like a mantra as he pressed his lips to yours frenziedly, kissing you like there wasn't a second he could miss without having his lips against yours.
And you poignantly kissed back - feeling a tear trailing down his own cheek, wet lashes brushing your own cheeks as he wrapped his arms around your waist, in some feeble, desperate way of protecting his forever, and praying he'd never truly have to say goodbye.
Little bit angsty! Little bit deep! Kinda the feels considering ik skl's ending really soon n sm people are leaving, including all the ppl I care about and even those who ik I dislike, but i'm still gna b kinda sad to see them for the last time </3
Alsoooo did smth a lil different by creating a remix of those 2 songs for reading - how do we feel about that? Is that sth you'd perchance wanna see more often? Pls lmk in comments or in my inbox, love u lots!!
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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galesdevoteewife · 3 days
Wedding asks!!! 14 and 21/28 (either or, or you can do both! they’re both about dancing) <3
✨✨Thank you my friend for spoiling me!! hehehe yes these I had given them thorough thoughts!! Imo symbolism is always a big thing in weddings so I made up tons of them LOL✨✨ 14. Rings -
Rings, yes! They looks like this.
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I adopted Ed's traditional Waterdeep wedding ring setting (in short, 1. each party contributes a ring, 2.each ring is cut in half and 3.reforged/resized into two half-and-half rings). But I replaced the half-and-half metalworking method with Mokume-gane. At the center of each ring is a small round diamond, and they had chosen colors that best represented their impression of each other. The wearer should always take good care of and maintain the ring, keeping the diamond shining to signify the importance they place on caring for their partner. The ring Gale gave was infused with raw magic. Assume he was 35 years old in BG3 (1492). He was born when the Weave was broken, and it wasn’t restored until he was 22. But he could cast magic from infancy, so my HC is that he can conduct raw magic to some extent. As the foundation of the world and his core, he chose such a ring.
Zilvera chose to forge her ring from small pieces of adamantine shaved off her beloved hand crossbows. She had an almost fetishistic attachment to these hand crossbows—she considered them reliable companions, her pride, and friends that saved her countless times. It was a tough decision for her. She knows them inside out and the change in weight does bother her greatly. 12. Music + 21. Dancing + 28. First Dance -
🕺🎻🎶All-out-Party-Hard, Tavern Music DancePartY🎵🪘💃 The only step that matters in this entire wedding is dancing! I HC a whole set of— ᔓ Dekarios family wedding traditions ᔕ They are a long-standing and large family with many traditions. Every couple picks and chooses whichever they like, but this one most important/beloved dance is the one almost everyone retains. I'll call it "Wedding Circle Dance."
First, everyone forms a circle, with the couple on opposite sides of the circle so they can look at each other the entire time.
People who are next to the couple move to the outer ring, and every other person also moves to the outer ring.
Repeat until only the couple remains.
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What's special about this dance is that the music starts slow and gradually gets faster and faster, so by the end, many people can't keep up, which makes the scene hilarious and brings laughter. Young /elder/limited mobility members are intentionally assigned to positions where they can move to the outer ring soon, ensuring nobody gets hurt.
The couple's coordination is tested, and they should strive to keep up with the dance until the very end of the song, symbolizing that they can overcome challenges together. (By the way, Gale and Zil nailed it like pros, hehe)
^ A reference of how the Wedding circle dance looks/feels like Then the music switches to a very slow, romantic tune. The couple slowly circles each other, catching their breaths. Whenever they feel ready, they may exchange vows and put the wedding rings—which hang on their necks with fine chains—onto each other.
The wedding is thus concluded. The officiant can give a speech or start the next dance.
The family loves dancing and everyone is encouraged to dance all night! Whoever wears out their shoes that night is believed to share the couple's luck and will find a great partner soon.
Other dance vibe reference:
These dances are all about having a great time together regardless of age or ability. That is the spirit of their family traditions! ♡ Wedding Prompts ♡01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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luvhockey111 · 14 hours
accidentally in love
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Based off of Accidentally in love by counting crows!!
warnings: drinking, swearing a little bit
my first piece!!! It’s not that great, just wanted something to put out and was bored this morning so decided to write this. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any requests!
Summary: Luke and y/n have known each other for as long as they can remember. What happens one summer night when y/n finds Luke awfully close to a girl? I mean they are only just friends… right?
Overview of Luke and y/n relationship
Luke and y/n have been friends since they were born; as Ellen and Julie (y/n mom) were roommates in college. By some weird coincidence Jim and Allan (y/n dad) had been childhood best friends. This has caused them to grow up across the street from each other. If you think about it, it’s destiny really. Anyways, Luke and y/n always say they are “platonic soulmates” but who are they trying to fool with the use of the word platonic? It’s definitely not any of their family members so themselves and eachother must be the ones they are trying to convince their feelings are strictly platonic..
It was a perfect boat day, the sun was warm and shining and the water was a perfect mix between cold and warm, but refreshing nonetheless. Y/n was sitting next to Luke with her legs stretched out in his lap, his hands atop them, Quinn driving, with jack, Trevor, cole and Alex fighting over who gets to wakeboard next and who gets aux. Jack happened to win both of those arguments somehow. Jack had been saying he was going to be throwing a little party tonight since it was the first week everyone was officially back at the lake. “Jack your parties always end with something bad happening” Y/n mentioned. Jack shot her a look of disbelief. “Ummm last time I checked nothing bad has ever happened to me at one of them, only the rest of you idiots”. In reality jack was right, at his first party Quinn’s girlfriend broke up with him over text. The next, Trevor broke the glass sliding door. The one last summer, the cops showed up and kicked everyone out because it was too loud but jack wasn’t around at that moment so Luke said he was in charge and ended up getting a fine. “I’m gonna bring the boat back we should start getting stuff for tonight and getting ready” Quinn told the group. A string of okays came from everyone. Y/n pov:
Right when the boat docks everyone runs off to go get ready for tonight. Luke and I go to our room- yup we share a room but I mean all best friends do… right? Our room has two full size beds but last summer we pushed them together to make a mega bed. Now it’s really no secret that I’ve been hopelessly in love with Luke for as long as I can remember. Everyone knows it. Sometimes if Luke talks about another girl or if he is talking to one and myself or anyone sees it they shoot me a look of pity. I mean it’s pathetic really, being in love with your best friend since you were legit born and not even being able to tell him. I mean we’ve done everything together our whole lives, I even went to umich for him. There’s times that I think that maybe just maybe we could be something more but every time, wannabe frat boy Luke screws it up and flirts with a girl in front of me or talks about a girl in front of me. I mean it’s not his fault- he has no idea. I was listening to some music before the door swung open and in came Luke “kit, you wanna take a shower first or should I? Or we could save water and shower together” Luke shot me a wink while wiggling his eyebrows. Kit is a nickname the three boys gave me when we were 5 because I loved cats and anytime I saw one whether it be a picture or in person I would shout kit as loud as I could. I may act like I hate it but I love it, I think of it as some form of love. “shut up Luke, you shower first get away from me.” I say while giggling and hoping my face doesn’t betray my words by getting red and hot from the blush I so desperately am trying to hide. “Whatever you say kit” he says as he comes closer to me to give me a hug. The second we hug our song starts to play. So she said, "What's the problem, baby?" What's the problem? I don't know Well, maybe I'm in love (love) Think about it every time I think about it Can't stop thinking 'bout it
The second the song starts to play Luke starts twirling me around, spinning me in his arms. Little does he know this song is literally describing my life. Ugh how I hate Luke hughes for making me feel this way. ~time skip to later that night when jacks party is in full swing~
so far jack has made me take 3 shots of some nasty tequila he’s only drinking to look cool in front of girls and other guys. I’ve had 2 seltzer’s also so far so I’m starting to feel tipsy, keep in mind I’m not much of a drinker I prefer to smoke if I’m being honest. I haven’t seen much of Luke for the past hour, which if I wasn’t tipsy I would probably be freaking out but right now I’m having a good time. Until I look over to the backyard and see some girl with her chest pressed against Luke and his arm around luke… my Luke. I could A.) go outside and cause a scene or B.) just go find some guy to flirt with. Both options aren’t great because the first one I would definitely embarrass myself and have Luke be mad at me and the second, well I’m not the best at talking to guys. Now I’m no Virgin Mary but definitely not experienced enough to be confident in talking to or hooking up with a guy. Except for one guy, Trevor. Trevor has flirted with me since the day I met him. I always flirted back to the best of my ability but in reality he knows how I feel about Luke and I know that he will never compare to Luke, but what’s the harm in trying to make Luke jealous? “heyy trev” I say while going into his side forcing his arm to go around me. “What’s up kit? You having fun? Sure sounds like it” he says with a low laugh. “I am but I need your help with something” “Anything for you kit” as those words leave his lips I feel heat rush to my face. Must be the alcohol. “Can you help me try and make Luke jealous, he’s talking to a girl outside right now and I can’t stand to watch it” I say as I can feel tears brimming my eyes. “Of course I can, you know I love to get on all of the hughes’ nerves.” He definitely has a point there. Trevor and I take two more shots for “good luck” as we go outside. I see the girl talking to Luke and she’s beautiful, beautiful like she just stepped out of vouge. My body starts to feel hot with jealousy, I turn to Trevor and he’s sitting down in an Adirondack chair by the fire so I take a seat on his lap, facing him. Trevor’s hands rest on my hips, again I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or not but Trevor is looking really good right now. Until I hear the sound of accidentally in love playing from the speakers and hear Luke come up to Trevor “Hey have you seen y/n our songs on” I turn around and all of a sudden Luke’s body tenses, fists clenched and eyes flash an emotion I’ve only seen a few times, something like anger or jealousy even, there’s no way he’s jelaous I thought.
“Oh hey Lu” I say innocently while in the background all that can be heard is
“Well, baby, I surrender To the strawberry ice cream Never ever end of all this love Well, I didn't mean to do it But there's no escaping your love, oh”
Luke grabs my arm and leads me up the stairs to our room. “What the hell do you think your doing y/n” Luke says, face red with anger. “Luke what is your problem” now I’m getting angry. Why is it okay for him to be all over other girls but I’m with one guy WHO WE KNOW and it’s a problem? “Why were you all up on Trevor’s lap like some kind of —“ he stops himself. “Some kind of what Luke? Tell me” He shoots me a look as if I am the one who just implied he was a slut. I go to try and walk out of the door when Lukes arm reaches out and grabs me. “why were you sitting on his lap you only ever sit on mine” Luke says looking defeated. Why am I starting to feel bad? “I just was talking to him and that’s how we were sitting, I don’t know Lu” “we’re you going to hook up with him?” The question lingers in the air. Was I? I mean Trevor’s hot and all but I only really have eyes for Luke but like I said Luke is never gonna happen he doesn’t even have feelings for me. “I don’t know, I mean if something happened I wasn’t gonna stop it.” Luke just dead stares at me. “You can’t hook up with Trevor, you just can’t.” “I can hook up with whoever I want to Luke”
He takes a step closer to me so now we’re only an inch apart. My body feels like it’s on fire, looking up at him with the soft glow of the moon outside he looks like an angel. Ugh What am I saying I’m supposed to be pissed at him right now. “Luke I” Within a second Luke’s lips are on mine. For a moment everything seems right, our lips fit perfectly together like a missing puzzle piece to the old puzzle you’ve had for years and you’re only missing that one piece, when finally you find it in the most blatant of spots. We pull apart and when I open my eyes Luke is smiling at me. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long kit.” He says as this thumbs are rubbing across my cheeks. “Lu can I tell you something?” “Anything.” “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago.” I say and Luke’s smile gets even bigger if that was even possible. “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago too.”
“I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love Accidentally
Come on, come on Spin a little tighter Come on, come on And the world's a little brighter Come on, come on Just get yourself inside her love I'm in love”
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oharaslove · 3 days
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HI LOVIEESS!! Hope you enjoy this preview of my first series!! For some reason I love the concept of soulmates (bwoah, some reason, I know why, but let's stay mysterious for a while, haha), so I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it and thinking about it.
word count: 900 summary: What happens when someone who believes no one can love him meets a person who only desires to love and be loved? disclaimer: All the events of this story happen after Spiderman Across the SpiderVerse (more info in Chapter 1) warnings: MiguelxSpider!Reader (also latina), soulmates, eventual smut? (still debating this, not because I don't want to, but my abilities to do so), eventual angst, fluff, injuries, talks about death (I'll update as I go on)
Also, I'll be putting songs in some Chapters, or all of them if I can find music that I find fitting (Even though I am trying to stick to Sleep Token). Anyway, the song to start it all:
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Spiderman 2099, Miguel O’hara, the leader of the SpiderSociety, one half of a whole. Nobody knows it, but he possesses an indelible mark in his body. For many, only a simple birthmark, for him, a constant reminder that there is someone out there who is his supposedly other half. The idea so stupid he stopped thinking about it, constantly at least, after he learned the truth about his biological father, Tyler Stone. 
In this Earth, in the year 2099, equal to the downfall of the “heroic age” where there were lots of superheroes, it was also the debacle of soulmates. There was an era where everyone was destined to meet the “love of their lives” and live happily ever after. Each person was assigned a match at birth, that was supposed to be their half, together being and feeling complete, represented by a distinctive mark. Only the children of soulmates could posses this “power” or destiny, or as Miguel liked to call it, a curse. 
As time went by, the people of Nueva York and all Earth-928 grew tired of waiting for that special person, and as a consequence soulmates started to disappear. For Miguel’s disgrace, Conchata and Tyler Stone were soulmates, which is part of the reason why he hates them so much. 
The mere idea of having someone destined to be with him repulsed him. He isn’t opposed to having a family, hence why he took the other Miguel’s place, but after losing Gabriella, he doesn’t trust himself. He isn’t capable of loving again, trusting someone, or so he thinks. 
There isn’t a reason why he thinks the universe (or universes) would give him someone to love him unconditionally. Miguel thinks that if his soulmate really exists, they will be like his mother and Tyler, destined to be apart, a love that never was supposed to happen, it would be a mistake, like HE is, in his mind.
Furthermore, he is Spiderman, he has a duty. Not only does he have to keep Nueva York safe, but also prevent the Multiverse from becoming shambles.  There is no time to care for someone, there is no time for love. “With great power comes great guilt”, a phrase he will never let down. He knows what he has to do, he is aware of the power he possesses. There is no time to mess around, and there is definitely not a second a day that he can waste trying to find someone who would, NO, will definitely hate him, doesn’t matter if they were bonded together or not. 
Even though he tells himself this every sleepless night, there is always a part of his heart or mind that yearns for comfort, for love, or at least, someone who can understand him. He knows it is impossible, or at the very best, improbable, given the fact that his so-called soulmate is probably only a regular human, so she will never understand, but deep in his consciousness, there is hope. Everytime he saves someone he believes he is a step closer, but there is always disappointment. So he drowns himself with work, trying to forget, trying to erase the idea that he was born to belong to someone, but instead fate gifted him with loneliness on this Earth, and in many others. 
Earth - 129
Y/n Y/Ln, the only Spiderwoman of Earth-129, the other half of a whole soul. Since you have memory, everyone has told you how important the weird shaped mark you had in your body was. It meant you had a soulmate, like almost everyone in your universe. Soulmates in your universe were sacred, as in Miguel’s, only children of soulmates could possess soulmates, but as the vast majority married and had kids with their own, most people have them. 
Obviously, your parents were each other’s soulmates, and you had the opportunity to hear how much they cared and loved each other. As you were growing up, you couldn’t wait to meet your other half, the person who was supposed to understand you like no other, to love you unconditionally. 
When you were born, unfortunately, your mother died, which caused your dad great pain. In your Earth, soulmates can feel each other’s pain and strong emotions, so your father felt how your mom slipped out of his grasp. He had hope they would leave this life together, as he didn’t know life without her, but fate had other plans. 
Even though this broke your heart, you never stopped looking for your soulmate, and your father never stopped encouraging you.
Now, in your twenties, 28 to be precise, everyone your age you know has met their soulmate. Friends, cousins, everyone!. Your friend was worried for you, he even started to think that something bad happened to your soulmate, because of the weird shape your mark has, but you still have hope. 
You’ve never been with anyone, so you don’t know how love feels, well, romantic love, but you know you have a lot to give. You can’t wait for the day you meet him. Every time you save someone during your patrols, you hope that it gets you closer to getting to know your soulmate. But you haven’t had luck yet. You only wish for your friend to be wrong, and your soulmate is somewhere on this Earth.  One of these days, you'll meet him, you feel it.
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<Chapter 1> <Masterlist>
Well, he isn’t on your Earth, is it darling?
Hope you liked it!! Let me know what you think!!
@oscarissac2099 @cupcakeinat0r @greensagephase
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annoyingttt · 22 hours
It’s a little “uh” to me that the only posts that seriously call out Stolas on his shit are #stolitz critical, #helluva boss critical or even #vivziepop critical. Because I agree completely, Stolas is full of shit and his upbringing doesn’t let him realize it, and his rich boy demeanour is what creates the chasm between him and Blitz, rather than Blitz’s personal issues that I think are less important in this situation.
Stolas is a benevolent racist who’s used to getting what he wants using his riches, Blitz is the one he was getting using his riches, and we can get his take on this situation every time he starts passionately voicing his opinion on the rich and privileged.
For some reason most stolitz posts decide to pay this aspect no mind, and the people who do concentrate on it say the writing is bad or the author is bad for making their relationship so toxic and imbalanced, but I don’t think that at all. The show DOES acknowledge this aspect of their relationship (even if most fans don’t), it’s right there if you want to see it. This is also what I thought before the recent episode, and I’m so happy that the Full Moon brought the imp butlers and privileges to the table for them, because I think it was never discussed between the two of them verbally, even though referenced by Blitz a handful of times.
And this is just the point, this is what makes their relationship compelling. I don’t even want them together necessarily, and I wouldn’t personally say that Blitz loves him, but he certainly cares in some way and is invested in this weird relationship, and he stays and tries to talk, even if only to get back at Stolas for all the humiliation (which he should, btw). But I don’t hate Stolas, his feelings are genuine, he’s just too misguided to see the full picture. None of them see it because there’s been no honest communication between them up to this point and they’ve come to build very different understandings of how it all works.
Stolas has repeatedly tried to propel the communication, which is the best thing to do to his knowledge (and he really wants to make it right), but I don’t blame Blitz for not responding to the attempts - we all saw that Stolas wasn’t quite ready to face the music because he never realised what kind of music it was, and there is no way Blitz could ever be genuine with him without bringing the class issue up.
And I think that this whole complex and interesting-to-unravel dynamic has been ENABLED by great writing and long-standing plans for character development, and the fact that the show is willing to explore it instead of just ignoring all the baggage and pushing them together is something that makes me very content and eager to see where the show takes it.
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shiqmns · 1 day
fem! reader that’s best friends with jackie and shauna (like how they are in the show + her) and then she starts going out with one of them (you can decide who) after sleeping together drunk at a party and it’s kind of weird at first for the trio and the change of dynamic but they solve it at the end
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Spare the Gory details
no crash au! & party after they qualify happens a few days after the game for my own mental sanity..
no smut but suggestive???
title from the butcher by radiohead 😉
jackie and shauna, only one word to describe them; inseparable. so when you happened to join the mix halfway through their senior year their dynamic was..off to say the least.
you had began getting closer to #6 herself, shauna shipman, you were both nerds so to say who excelled in english—she took a liking to you. now you had known that she was on the schools soccer team, however, you didn’t expect them to be that good. you realized when you had managed to catch a game after one of the longest days of school ever—swamped with homework you decided to take it to the library and that’s when you heard cheers and screams of encouragement, you being nosy as ever went down to the field (homework long forgotten i may add) and managed to catch that nail biting finals qualifying game without even realizing it.
you watch and you watch—cheering every now and then—and just as fast as it started it ended, yellowjackets won! you focus in on #6 herself, seeing how she darts down the field to #9 i mean you had known, (everyone knows) jackie and shauna were the best of friends—voted most likely to stay best friends after high school—kind of friends, it was just common knowledge.
that next week, in english class you’re sitting alone listening to whatever music not even realizing that shauna is speaking to you, “hey—would you wanna go to this party today, the clearing in the woods it’s uh—the yellowjackets celebration party—it’ll probably be lame-“ you cut her off “i’ll be there” you say with a smile—after that party let’s just say the dynamic changed between you and her, it also gave you the chance to finally meet the princess of Wiskayok, jackie taylor. the two of you hit it off instantly (whether it was her actually liking you or the fact that shauna and you were from the same pod didn’t matter) the inseparable two of them became the inseparable three of you!
one random day at lunch you hear the infamous lottie matthew’s speaking about a party at her house, yellowjacket’s and invited guests only, you of course are always an invited guest (otherwise lottie would most definitely get jumped by jackie and shauna), you all agree to go and everything is great! fun even..until shauna (who’s incredibly wasted off of milk and malibu) drags you off to the side citing it as “something about jackie—important—and something else” that’s all you could really get from her drunken slurs, you oblige and she pulls you into one of the many guest bathrooms in the matthew’s estate; and almost immediately she kisses you, you freeze up but after a moment (almost one too long) you kiss back—matching her passion and grabbing onto her waist, you kiss and kiss—running out of air you pull back and dumbfounded mutter a “what the fuck—“ before you can even think to continue shauna’s back pouncing onto you, gripping at your shirt and tugging it off—you help her get out of whatever colored flannel she’s wearing, was she even wearing one?, whatever you don’t care—everything’s moving so fast and she’s down on her knees, she’s pulling your pants down and looking up at you with those big brown doe eyes pleading with you to just let her do anything, and who are you to say no?—
so yeah, that happened. you and her haven’t spoken since you dropped her off after the party. that next english class, shauna doesn’t even show up. she’s not answering texts or calls—and neither is jackie. you think you really fucked up, until you find a note in your locker during passing period reading—in that somehow neat scribbled handwriting—that you know oh so well, “park after school-s”, well now your stomach hurts!
you obviously go to the park—you’d be dumb not to after whatever that hookup was (it was amazing—best you’ve ever had you think) and once you arrive you see #6 sitting on a bench alone. the tension in the air is thick to say the least, neither one of you wanting to talk about what happened a few nights prior but shauna eventually breaks the silence by confessing that she does in fact like you, and deep down you know that you feel the same. the hookup was a last chance to figure yourself out before she left for nationals. you both decide to think things through while she and the rest of the yellowjacket’s play in their state game.
when she comes back you both decide to give whatever this is a try and just see how it goes—promising that if it doesn’t end well that it won’t mess up the friendship between you her and jackie.
however things seem to go fine! great amazing beautifully—whatever you wanna say because shauna shipman is the best girlfriend anyone could ask for.
and yes—while it’s awkward for jackie for a few weeks, she gets over herself and used to it because she can’t stand to lose her best friends in the entire world. plus she’s actually kinda happy that shipman is getting laid now…her mood has definitely improved!
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malspinningyarns · 1 day
Random thoughts during Bridgerton season 3 rewatch, episode 3
The dream is so Mr. Darcy walking across the foggy field in the 2005 P&P
There is a editing mistake where Violet walks to Francesca twice pre and post Benedict’s comment to Gregory
Colin at Breakfast:
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Love Charlotte’s heart wig
Phillippa is so dumb. But this is why sex ed is important
Varley is so happy Penelope has a visitor and it’s Eloise
Another wrap to hide Claudia’s broken arm
No one really is going to notice Colin and Penelope unchaperoned again, aren’t they?
Colin’s coat looks dark purple in the light and Pen’s wrap has purple in it.
This is the most awkward Colin has ever been
Those are some massive antlers on that one taxidermy buck
Speaking as someone who is around a lot of taxidermy at work, you kinda just get used to it. But I see that look on Debling’s face very regularly
Debling’s WTF look the Cressida’s comment about rather being a predator than prey. 😂
There are some judgy faces from the Cowpers when Lord Cutbill talks to Francesca
Colin is in yellow, Penelope is in blue
Debling, don’t compare a woman to a dead animal (even I think their conversation is kinda cute otherwise)
The ballon is yellow and blue! (Of course it is)
I love that Dankworth is smart enough to make a double entendre and the Finches don’t get it
Colin is so down bad watching Penelope lick her fingers
Cressida is so lost at the beginning of the conversation with Debling
Penelope’s confusion at Eloise reluctantly bringing up the Great Auk and Eloise responding look of “Don’t ask” is a great moment
Penelope trying to get in on this bird conversation is me at work
I think this look is the best Colin look
Poor Colin is being bullied by these two guys
I do love Will and Alice even if I don’t fully know the purpose of their plot
I literally can’t figure out how old Lady Tilly is supposed to be
Business bitch in a sparkly suit
If I was Eloise, I also would not want to be a witness to this conversation
I love that it was the Dankworths getting interrupted that caused the balloon problem
Way to go everyone leaving Pen behind
Colin is so angry that Hawkins just gets on the balloon (and probably that Debling “saved” Pen)
Portia straight up denies Lord Hawkins in the cuntiest way. 😂
Love the suspenseful music for Cressida and Penelope’s chase to Debling
Francesca hearing he wants 8 children just smothered that relationship
Violet’s face crack realizing Marcus is Lady Danbury’s brother
The way Fran and John keeping looking at each other is very cute
Penelope using Colin’s comments about bravery to talk to Debling 😭
Debling just gave Cressida’s lemonade to Penelope, which is kinda a dick move. This man is fickle
Colin absolutely is not subtle around his mom
Colin’s head turn at that music chord is just *chef’s kiss*
I’m obsessed with the cellist’s crazy wig
So much gold in the foreground with the blue night in the background.
Colin’s going to cry watching this dance
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