#The gratitude i feel is immeasurable
nekomortiz · 6 months
I was wondering why my fnaf stuff was suddenly getting attention, and then i saw THIS!! 😭 ♥️
The VA's at @supershadicx250 did such a wonderful job!! Seeing all the comments (of ppl laughing at Moon not being able to feel his legs) really gave me such a boost of serotonin 🥺🥺♥️♥️♥️
PLEASE go subscribe to supershadicx250 !! They're Comic dubs are so good and they really are just super talented!!!
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psalmsofpsychosis · 29 days
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Batman Black & White: The Lesson × Life Doesn't Frighten Me by Maya Angelou
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miamicommune · 4 months
flatmate now buys bread n tells me i can have as much as i like im 🥺
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buckttommy · 1 month
If nothing else, the main takeaway from all this information Oliver has shared the past few days should be that a lot of people fought like hell to tell our stories—queer stories. Queer people fought like hell behind the scenes on the front lines of a power-struggle we weren't even fully aware of, and the level of gratitude I feel toward those folks is immeasurable.
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tainsan · 8 months
misfits X
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⇥ pairing: ot8 ateez x fem! reader
⇥ warnings: anxiety, depression, mentions of suicide, mentions of death, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of abuse, heavy emotions
⇥ word count: 10.5k
⇥ a/n: i have been gone for a very long time, i am so sorry to all of you who have been patiently waiting ;-; i've been very sick and unmotivated to write so it has been hard to keep up with the story.
⇢ masterlist ⇠
previous chapter ⇠ ⇢ next chapter
It has been mere days since the shocking revelation that your so-called friends from high school are not only alive but also present in your life once more. The grief that consumed you when they left, tearing at your heartstrings, seems to be the dominant emotion that courses through your veins. The rollercoaster of emotions leaves you stumbling, struggling to find solid ground amidst the chaos.
In the wake of their return, you have found refuge in Jisung's company. Thankfully, he managed to scavenge up some of your clothes from his messy wardrobe, sparing you the agony of stepping foot into the shared house that now carries a weight of dread. His kind gesture offers a small hint of comfort in an otherwise turbulent existence.
Despite your better judgement, you have been avoiding your lectures, terribly aware that Mingi awaits you outside your classroom, desperate to offer his apologies. The thought of facing the other members of Ateez, their familiar faces and the flood of memories they bring, fills you with an overwhelming sense of fragility. The mere prospect threatens to further unravel the fragile threads of your sanity.
Now, as Monday arrives, you know you have to summon the strength to go to class, as the lecture holds significant importance. In your heart, you would definitely pass by it all, preferring to remain cocooned in the solace of your (Jisung’s) bed, shielded from the harsh glare of reality and the potential encounter with the eight men you are struggling to avoid. Their lies, like menacing vines, consume you from within, gnawing at your fragile state of mind.
Thoughts race incessantly through your mind as you gaze into the mirror, meticulously adjusting your hair for what feels like the thousandth time. The act itself seems almost trivial in the grand scheme of things, a futile attempt to regain a semblance of control in a world that feels increasingly chaotic. Deep down, you question why you even bother to fuss over your appearance, knowing all too well that if you were to cross paths with one of your roommates, instinct would drive you to run in the opposite direction.
Despite the turmoil that has engulfed you, an internal battle rages within your soul. You yearn to harbour resentment and despise them for the pain they have caused, yet the magnetic pull of attraction, love, and sympathy overrides your every attempt to sever the ties that bind. The conflicting emotions leave you entangled in a web of emotional turmoil, struggling to make sense of it all.
“Are you almost ready?” Jisung’s voice sounds from outside of the bathroom door. In these past few days, Jisung has become an unwavering presence by your side, recognizing the delicate state of your emotions and the potential for a downward spiral into a deep, depressive abyss. He understands the fragility of your heart during such times, and he remains vigilant, refusing to leave you alone even for a moment. His solid support serves as a lifeline, anchoring you amidst the tumultuous storm raging within.
Not only Jisung, but Minho as well, has stepped up in caring for you with meticulous attention. Their devoted care feels overwhelming at times, as they anticipate your needs and comfort you through the darkest moments. Their steady presence and genuine concern provide a sense of solace amidst the chaos that engulfs your heart. Though you might initially find their efforts to be over the top, your gratitude swells within you, recognizing the immeasurable comfort they offer as they surround you with love and understanding.
Stepping out of the bathroom, you meekly smile at Jisung, who gives you a warm smile in return. Walking closer to you, he rests his hands on your shoulders, straightening out your oversized t-shirt that belongs to your best friend.
"You look amazing," Jisung's voice whispers softly, like a gentle breeze caressing your weary soul. His words carry a sense of warmth and tenderness, creating a serene haven where you can momentarily find rest from the turbulent storm within. You absorb his words; a flicker of a smile graces your lips. The genuine care and kindness reflected in his eyes and words offer a reprieve from the storm of emotions that swirl within. It is a gentle reminder that amidst the chaos, you are seen, cherished, and valued.
The morning sun casts its golden glow upon the bustling streets as you and Jisung embark on your walk to campus. An air of tension hangs heavily around you, evident in the way your steps falter and your gaze remains fixated on the ground. Anxiety tugs at your every nerve, as you dread the mere possibility of encountering even one of your roommates, the very individuals you have been actively avoiding for the past few days.
Approaching the school grounds, your heart lurches in your chest, threatening to escape its confines. Eyes darting around anxiously, scanning the surroundings in a desperate attempt to avoid any potential encounters. But fate, it seems, has a different plan in store.
Amidst the crowd of students, your gaze locks onto a familiar face - Jongho. Panic courses through your veins, urging you to flee from his impending presence. With a quick, desperate glance at Jisung, you silently implore for his support, hoping that you can slip away unnoticed.
But fate, it seems, has a cruel sense of timing. Before the two of you can make your escape, Jongho spots you, his eyes widening with recognition. Determination etches lines upon his face as he closes the distance between you, a sense of urgency in his stride.
Heart pounding in your chest, breath catching in your throat, as you brace yourself for the conversation you have been desperately trying to avoid. Jisung, ever the pillar of support, remains steadfast at your side, offering a calm presence amidst the whirlwind of emotions. Yet, you can't help but feel a mix of fear and curiosity as Jongho approaches. A whirlpool of thoughts churns within your mind, unsure of what Jongho might want to say and how it may impact the delicate balance you have been trying to maintain. The world seems to slow down as Jongho draws nearer, his voice calling out your name in desperation, catching the attention of curious onlookers.
Jongho comes closer to you and Jisung, a pang of concern grips your heart. Even from a distance, you can discern the telltale signs of exhaustion etched upon his features. His eye bags, once barely noticeable, now seem to protrude beneath his weary eyes. The paleness of his complexion accentuates the prominence of his cheekbones, a stark reminder of the toll recent events has taken on him.
A wave of empathy washes over you, accompanied by a deep ache within your chest. It becomes painfully clear that Jongho's fatigue extends beyond the realms of mere sleep deprivation. The visible indicators hint at a deeper struggle, one that transcends the boundaries of physical weariness. The realisation dawns upon you with a heavy weight — he has likely neglected his own well-being, rejecting the basic needs of nutrition and rest.
Jongho nears, you find yourself torn between the desire to hold onto your guarded stance and the instinctual urge to offer him comfort. With these thoughts swirling within you, you brace yourself for the conversation that awaits.
Instinctively, Jisung pushes you behind him, covering you from the sudden attention of people walking past. When Jongho reaches the two of you, before he can utter a single word, Jisung speaks for you.
"Jongho, please leave us alone," Jisung's voice rings out, his tone not harsh, but laced with a trace of resentment. Yet, as he takes in the hurt and desperation etched upon Jongho's face, a subtle shift occurs within him. The hardness in his eyes softens, and a glimmer of empathy flickers in the depths of his gaze. As he locks eyes with Jongho, Jisung senses a shared burden, the weight of regret and remorse. Though he had harboured slight anger, witnessing Jongho's sorrow evokes a sense of compassion within him.
In Jisung's gaze, there is a flicker of understanding. While he may not fully forgive or forget, he sees the layers of Jongho's struggle, the internal conflict that mirrors your own. It is in this moment, amidst the tangled emotions and unspoken truths, that Jisung hesitates, a hint of compassion softening the edges of his heart.
“Please can I speak with her?” Jongho’s voice is soft and the traces of hurt, and grief are evident in his voice, cutting through your heart.
“That is for ____ to decide.” Jisung replies, encouraging you to speak, knowing Jongho will not leave until he hears it from you.
Emerging from behind Jisung's protective stance, your eyes meet Jongho's, and in that electrifying moment, the world around you fades into insignificance. The image of Jongho, once perceived through a lens of set notions and distant encounters, undergoes an intense transformation before your eyes.
Gone is the label of the rough boy you initially encountered during tutoring sessions, replaced by a sudden flood of memories and shared moments. Unveiling the true heart of Jongho that had remained concealed until now. You recall his endearing shyness, the gentle laughter that would escape his lips as he blended seamlessly with his group of friends. The image of him occupying that familiar spot on that damn brown couch, a constant presence in your shared space, is etched into your memory with startling clarity.
The realisation washes over you like a bittersweet wave, leaving you both captivated and shaken. The complexities of Jongho's character, once overlooked or overshadowed, now come into focus with an overwhelming sense of resonance. It is as if you are peering beneath the surface, uncovering a fragile soul who, like you, is also grappling with his own demons.
“Please, ___. Just come home and let us explain everything.” Jongho exclaims, quietly, his voice almost breaking under the weight of the situation.
Caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions, you find yourself locked in a silent battle within your own mind. The weight of the decision to step foot in the house once more hangs heavily upon you, tugging at the fragile threads of your resolve. Each part of you wrestles with its own desires, yearning for resolution yet wary of the vulnerabilities it may expose.
One part of you longs for answers, craving the closure that can only come from hearing their explanations. Years of unanswered questions echo through the corridors of your thoughts, begging to be heard, to be acknowledged. The alluring possibility of understanding their motivations, of finding relief in their words, beckons to you like a siren's call. Yet, another part of you hesitates, wary of the profound impact their presence may have on you. Stepping foot back into the house could unravel the defences you have carefully constructed, blurring the boundaries between forgiveness and vulnerability. Their mere presence, with all its comforting familiarity, threatens to lure you into the embrace of forgiveness.
The struggle within you intensifies, an intricate dance between the desire for closure and the fear of falling back into old patterns. The decision carries immense weight, one that requires a delicate balance between self-preservation and the pursuit of understanding. As you weigh the consequences of your choice, the echoes of their absence reverberate within you. The house, once a sanctuary, now stands as a threshold that divides your past and your future.
In this moment of contemplation, you find solace in acknowledging the significance of your own growth. You recognize the power that lies within you to navigate this maze of emotions, to determine what is truly best for your well-being. Whether you choose to step foot back into the house or forge a new path forward, it is your strength and resilience that will guide you towards the resolution you seek. Even if you get the closure you desperately need, there is no saying you have to forgive them.
All you do is nod at Jongho, before turning away, with Jisung to walk to your class.
As the weight of the moment settles upon Jongho, it seems to hover in a state of suspended bliss. The heaviness that once consumed the atmosphere dissipates, replaced by an ethereal lightness that dances in the air. Emotions, once chaotic and burdened, now give way to a sense of hope and possibility.
In that decisive moment, you chose to open the door to hearing them out, to grant them the opportunity to share their truths. It is not a guarantee of forgiveness, nor does it absolve the pain of the past, but it signifies a willingness to explore the possibility of a shared future. By extending this invitation, you offer them a lifeline—a chance to keep you in their lives.
For them, this realisation dawns upon them with a poignant clarity. Through the trials and tribulations of the past few years, they have come to understand the significance of your presence in their lives. The understanding that they have a chance, however slight, to keep you by their side fills them with a renewed determination. They understand that it will require effort, growth, and vulnerability on their part to earn back your trust. But they are willing to embark on that journey, guided by the profound realisation that your existence in their lives is an irreplaceable source of joy and comfort where they can find nowhere else.
The hands of the clock slowly inch towards the final moments of your last class, time seems to stretch into an eternity. Each passing minute feels like a lifetime, the weight of the impending encounter with the boys growing heavier with each tick. The room feels suffocating, as if it plots to delay your agony, amplifying the anticipation that swirls within.
The professor's words echo in the background, lost in a haze of restless thoughts. Your mind races, contemplating the choices that lie before you. Should you muster the courage to face the boys, to honour your commitment to at least listen to what they have to say? Or should you succumb to the temptation of avoidance, prolonging the inevitable moment of confrontation?
In this moment of contemplation, the weight of your decision bears down upon you. The prospect of returning to the house, confronting the boys, feels like crossing an unstable path fraught with uncertainty. A part of you yearns to retreat, to shield yourself from the potential pain and vulnerability that lie ahead. It whispers enticingly, urging you to continue ignoring them, maintaining the safety of distance. Yet, you find yourself drawn to the unsaid promise you made to Jongho. The mere act of indicating your willingness to listen, to provide them with an opportunity to express themselves, tugs at your sense of integrity. It is a test of your strength and resilience, a reminder that you have the capacity to confront the complexities of the situation head-on.
As the final words of the professor hang in the air, the moment of truth draws near. You take a deep breath, grounding yourself in the knowledge that this choice holds the power to shape the path of your journey. The path ahead may be uncertain and scattered with challenges, but your willingness to at least hear them out serves as a witness to your unwavering spirit. With resolve in your heart, you gather your belongings and prepare to face what lies ahead. The weight of your decision lingers in the air, mingling with the fear and hope that swirl within you. As you step out of the classroom, the path stretches before you, beckoning you to embrace the unknown, to confront the boys and the truth that awaits within the walls of the house.
Walking down the well-known street, the familiarity of the surroundings adds a bittersweet tinge to your journey. Each twist and turn feels etched into your memory, the winding roads leading you closer to the house that now holds a complicated mix of emotions. Despite the hesitation that grips your heart, you navigate the route almost instinctively, the path fixed into your consciousness.
The daylight begins to vanish, casting long shadows along the familiar streets, you know that the time draws near for all eight of your roommates to gather in the house. The anticipation weighs upon you, the knowledge of their presence amplifying the nervous flutter in your chest. The prospect of confronting them, of delving into the depths of their shared secrets, feels like tiptoeing upon a fragile precipice.
Approaching the house, the nerves intensify, your fingers fidgeting restlessly. Doubt clouds your mind, tempting you to turn back, to postpone the conversation for another day. Deep within, a sense of fairness emerges, reminding you that they too have carried the burden of hidden truths for far too long.
Acknowledging the pain that they have endured, the empathy within your heart stirs. It becomes clear that it would be unfair to keep them waiting, to prolong the revelation that hangs in the air like a heavy blanket. With this understanding, you brace yourself, reminding yourself of the importance of confronting the truth, no matter how difficult or frightening it may be.
The fear and anticipation intertwine as you stand outside the house, its walls holding secrets that have shattered the foundation of trust. In this moment, you confront the choice between fleeting comfort and the pursuit of resolution. The weight of your decision hangs palpably in the air.
Summoning your strength, you take a deep breath, grounding yourself in the understanding that this conversation is an essential step towards healing. With your heart pounding in your chest, you push your key into the lock and open the door, stepping into the threshold of truth, ready to confront the tangled web of secrets that has bound you all together.
Stepping inside the house, a disquieting stillness envelops the familiar space, casting strangeness over the once vibrant home. The silence hangs heavy in the air, an eerie contrast to the usual symphony of sounds that greeted you upon entering. There was no Hongjoong engrossed in his favourite television show, no wild laughter or heated exchanges from upstairs, no uproar of gaming frustrations echoing through the halls. It feels as if the very essence of life has been sucked out of the walls, leaving behind a detectable tension and an unspoken grief.
The sudden absence of the usual noise, the absence of the positive vibrations that always greet you, sends a jolt of unease through your being. It hits you like a punch to the gut, a stark reminder that something is missing. The once comforting and lively atmosphere has been replaced with a ghostly silence that creeps around every corner, coating the walls with a layer of sombre tension.
Standing frozen in the hallway, you take a moment to steady your racing heart, attempting to calm the tears that threaten to overflow. The weight of the situation settles heavily upon your shoulders, pressing down on your chest, and you can't help but feel an overwhelming heaviness seep into all of your nerves.
Summoning your determination, you continue on your path towards the kitchen, a glimmer of hope guiding your steps. It is there, in the heart of the house, that you anticipate finding at least one familiar face. As you approach the kitchen door, a mix of apprehension and curiosity courses through your veins.
Peeking your head around the doorframe, your eyes widen as they meet the gaze of eight pairs of shocked eyes fixated on you. The burden of their collective surprise hangs in the air, their gaze evidence to the significance of your arrival. Amidst the sea of bewildered expressions, you lock eyes with Jongho, and in that moment, his grateful smile speaks volumes. It is a silent acknowledgement, a wordless exchange of gratitude for upholding your promise to listen, even amidst the uncertainty and fear.
In the middle of the tense silence, a glimmer of connection flickers. It is a fragile thread that links you to these individuals, a reminder that, no matter the pain and secrets that have plagued you all, there is still a bond that is held, even though it is fragile and close to absolute deterioration, it is still there. With a deep breath, you step further into the kitchen, ready to face the uncharted territory of conversations and revelations that lie ahead.
With each unsteady step that carries you closer to the kitchen island, a collective sense of uncertainty radiates from the eight figures gathered there. Their eyes, filled with a mixture of disbelief and hope, fixate upon you as you navigate the space between you. The empty seat beside Yeosang and San beckons, a silent invitation that holds comfort for your legs that are having a difficult time keeping you steady.
Your gaze sweeps across the faces gathered around the kitchen island, a wave of emotion washes over you. Each face bears the unmistakable marks of weariness and exhaustion, mirroring the expression you witnessed on Jongho's face earlier. The toll of sleepless nights and the weight of the situation are etched upon their features, an unspoken testament to the impact it has had on each of them. A mixture of sadness and relief floods your heart as you realise that you are not alone in your heavy burden. The sight of their tired eyes and the fatigue carved upon their faces serves as a bittersweet reassurance. It signifies that you are not the sole bearer of the pain and turmoil that has enveloped your shared lives.
You settle into the vacant chair. In this suspended moment, the depth of their anticipation is mirrored in your own hesitant presence.
Amidst the collective hush, a voice breaks through the stillness, trembling with raw emotion. It is San, meekly calling out your name, his voice laced with tears and the influence of sleepless nights spent tormented by his own thoughts. His words carry the weight of prayers answered, a great relief washing over him as he utters your name. The tears that well in the corners of his eyes bear witness to the depth of his feelings, the feeling of uncertainty and longing finally finding release. It is an indication of the immense magnitude of your presence, a ray of hope that pierces through the darkness that has consumed them all.
San's voice lingers in the air, the collective tension begins to give way to an unspoken understanding. In this hushed atmosphere, time seems to stand still, as if the universe itself holds its breath. The conversations that will follow, the revelations and vulnerabilities that will be shared, hold the potential to reshape the very fabric of your shared existence. With a blend of anticipation, trepidation, and hope, you brace yourself for the words that are threatening to spill out of your mouth.
“So,” you begin, and you visibly notice how the men around you hold their breaths, “I would like some answers, please.”
The silent exchange among the eight men speaks volumes, their eyes shifting from one another as they grapple with the weight of their collective emotions. The question lingers in the air, a wordless plea for guidance on who should step forward, who should bear the burden of answering the questions that weigh heavily on your heart.
San, Mingi, and Wooyoung wish to lend their voices to the conversation, to offer their words and share the depths of their own emotions. Yet, their throats feel constricted, choked by the overwhelming surge of emotions that threaten to spill forth. Their gaze flits between their companions, seeking solace and support amidst the tangled web of feelings that entwines them.
Among this silent deliberation, the focus gravitates towards Seonghwa and Hongjoong, their presence commanding attention. Their eyes meet yours, and you can discern the shimmering tears that cling to the edge of Seonghwa's gaze, mirroring the pain that echoes within your own heart.
Yet, it is Hongjoong's visage that strikes you with a profound sense of shock. The once playful, teasing glimmer in his eyes is replaced by a heartbroken expression that etches lines of sorrow upon his face. The stark contrast between his usual demeanour and the raw vulnerability that now radiates from him leaves you breathless. It is as if you are witnessing the unmasking of a side that has long been concealed, revealing the depth of his own pain and remorse.
“Ask us anything, we will answer truthfully.” Hongjoong says, his voice carrying its familiar authority, yet laced with a tenderness that wraps around you like a comforting embrace. His words hold a weight of sincerity, a genuine desire to be heard and understood. It's as if the sharp edges that once defined his voice have been softened, replaced by a warmth that melts the barriers between you.
You are not sure where to start, your words feeling as if they are stuck in your throat, you start with the most obvious question, even though it sounds absolutely absurd the second it leaves your mouth.
“It is you, right? KQ Fellaz?” you question, looking between each male.
With a collective display of understanding and respect, each of the men nods in response to your question. Their movements are deliberate, their expressions conveying a sense of sincerity and truth. The certainty of their response is evident, and you feel a surge of belief coursing through your veins. At that moment, there is no need for further questions or doubts. Their shared conviction and the earnestness in their eyes have already solidified your trust.
A heavy silence blankets the room, its weight suffocating your attempts to vocalise the question that weighs heavily on your heart. Despite the thoughts swirling within your mind, the words seem to escape you, slipping through your fingers like whispers carried away by the wind. You search for the right combination of words to give voice to your deepest inquiries, but they remain just out of reach, shrouded in the shadows of your thoughts. The intensity of your desire to ask the question on the tip of tongue is palpable, yet the silence persists. Gathering all of the courage in your body, you ask the very question that has been bugging your mind for years now.
“Why did you leave?” Your question hangs in the room like a weighty presence, casting a palpable tension that lingers in the air. The collective hearts of the men are gripped by this inquiry, their own emotions entwined with the weight of what was said. You can feel the tears beginning to well in the corners of your eyes, yet you desperately hold them back. Needing to stay strong in this moment that defines your future.
The weight of silence extends on, Hongjoong's thoughtful pause stretching longer than you anticipated. You can sense the inner workings of his mind, the gears turning as he searches for the words that would bear the weight of their sudden disappearance and the pain you've endured alone. Each passing second amplifies the intensity of the moment, heightening your anticipation for his response.
When his voice finally breaks the stillness, his words carry a weight that transcends the physical realm. They hold a depth of emotion that reverberates through the space, a profound sense of responsibility and remorse. The heaviness in his tone resonates with the burden he has carried, the knowledge of the pain you have endured, and the weight of their choice to vanish from your life.
"It was the only way we could protect you," Hongjoong's voice emerges, laden with a mix of sincerity, regret, and a touch of vulnerability. His words, like boulders rolling off his chest, reveal the heavy burden that has rested upon his heart all these years. It is a confession that unveils the depth of their sacrifice, the lengths they went to shield you from an unknown danger.
The impact of his words lands like an earthquake, shaking the foundation of your understanding and leaving you grappling with a multitude of emotions. The mixture of relief and frustration swirl within you, wrestling for dominance. Relief that they had acted out of concern for your well-being, but also frustration at the immense pain and loneliness you endured in their absence.
Hongjoong's admission floats in the air, the gravity of his words resonating in the profound silence that follows. The room is filled with the weight of unspoken emotions, the recognition of their sacrifice, and the bittersweet revelation that their actions were driven by love, even at the cost of their own presence in your life.
Holding back the tears that are threatening to fall, you gather up the words to reply to his statement, “can you please elaborate?” Your voice is soft, yet the harsh emotions are easily detectable by the way your tone shakes and fumbles.
Taking a deep breath, Hongjoong replies once again. “We don’t want to scare you.”
“Please,” you breathe out, your tone exasperated, begging for answers, “please tell me, I’m done with secrets.”
Hongjoong meticulously observes both you and his friends, carefully gauging the situation. He takes a moment to assess your broken state, fully aware that rebuilding your trust is of utmost importance. With a deep breath, he knows he must share the truth with you.
“Dae’s friends, along with people we have never even met before, started threatening us.” Hongjoong pauses as he sees the first tear fall from your eyes, furrowing his eyebrows, he continues, “at first, we didn’t care. We could take care of ourselves, stand up for ourselves. They didn’t like that we did not react to their threats.”
As you nod, the weight of the words settles heavily upon you, causing a pang of pain. Yet, with sheer determination, you push through the discomfort and resolve to keep listening, knowing that facing the truth is crucial for your growth and understanding.
“We tried to keep you unknown to them, but one of them found out about you. They said they were going to hurt you, destroy you, the same way they destroyed us.”
Shock and anguish wash over your face, betraying the emotions swirling within. Tears well up, cascading down your cheeks as your heart tightens with pain. Despite the overwhelming emotions, you find a glimmer of clarity as the truth penetrates your consciousness. Bit by bit, the pieces of the puzzle start falling into place, shedding light on their actions and intentions. The newfound understanding begins to bring a sense of coherence to the tumultuous situation, even if it doesn't immediately ease the pain in your heart.
“They told us to leave, or they would…” Hongjoong's hands tremble as he desperately clings to the edge of the counter, seeking physical support to steady his emotional turmoil. The mere thought of any harm coming to you becomes an unbearable weight on his shoulders, overwhelming him with a sense of protectiveness and concern. His eyes reflect the depth of his emotions, a mix of fear, remorse, and a fierce determination to shield you from any further pain or hardship. “They said they would kill you, or they would tear your life apart. At first we thought we could protect you, but we ended up deciding it would be better if we were not in your life.”
As the truth sinks in and the weight of it all bears down upon you, your world crumbles into fragments, and your heart shatters into pieces once again. The pain is immense, as if it's not the first time you've experienced heartbreak, but a recurring nightmare that persists relentlessly. The hurt runs deep, touching upon old wounds and scars, amplifying the anguish you feel in this moment. It's an emotional vortex that engulfs you entirely, leaving you feeling vulnerable and utterly devastated.
Tears fall freely from your eyes as you let the information sink in. Even though the ordeal transpired years ago, the fear of the possible situation scratches at your heart and breaks you down. Both San and Yeosang long to pull you into their arms upon seeing you slowly break down again, wishing to cradle you in their embrace, yet they remain still.
“What?” You manage to get out, your voice trembling.
“They can’t hurt you now. Never again.” Seonghwa is quick with his words, desperate to reach out and offer comfort.
The room falls into an uneasy and heavy silence, as the tension and disbelief hang thick in the air. The boys, overwhelmed with remorse and regret, yearn for you to break the silence, to hear your thoughts and feelings, and to find some solace in knowing how to proceed from this point onward. They long to hear your voice, hoping that your words can help ease their troubled minds, even if just a little. Each of them carries a mix of emotions, their faces reflecting a mixture of anxiety, hope, and the desire to make amends for the pain they have caused. With a trembling voice, you finally muster the courage to break the heavy silence.
“Why couldn't you tell me that? You guys just disappeared when I needed you.” Your confession pours forth, baring the raw emotions that have been bottled up inside.
The boys’ hearts break as they come to terms with the hurt they have caused you. The weight of their actions, coupled with the impact on your trust and emotions, is now laid bare before them. Remorse and regret fill their hearts, and the realisation of the consequences of their choice’s dawns upon them.
In this poignant moment, your question lingers, hanging in the air, and it echoes in their minds. The burden of seeking redemption and finding a way to mend what has been broken now rests heavily upon their shoulders.
Yunho's heart threatens to shatter under the weight of emotions, a surge of rage unexpectedly rises within him, overpowering the pain he's experiencing. The intensity of his anger eclipses the ache, becoming a fierce and agitated storm within. His emotions collide, leaving him torn between heartbreak and fury, struggling to make sense of the conflicting feelings that now consume him.
“We needed you too. You disappeared for a whole week after that happened then suddenly appeared to play hero with Seonghwa then left again? Where were you ____?” Yunho’s voice rising, his emotions getting the better of him.
“Didn't you guys ever think to ask?” You question the tall man sitting diagonal to you, your voice starting to match his volume.
“We couldn't find you, of course we didn’t ask. What do you even mean by that?”
“Didn't you think to ask why I was on that rooftop? Why didn’t I see you for weeks?”
“What is it then? What is so difficult for you that you ignored us when we needed you so badly?”
“Yunho.” You bellow, your voice bouncing off the walls and silencing the accusatory man in front of you. “Have you a single bone of remorse in your body?”
As he goes to retort, you cut him off, not knowing if you can stand another word of his accusations.
“If you want to know so fucking badly.” You draw in a deep, shaky breath, trying to steady yourself in the midst of the overwhelming emotions. Your hands instinctively find their place on the counter in front of you, seeking a physical anchor to regain some sense of balance. “After it all started. I didn't disappear because I believed those horrendous rumours, I saw you guys as my best friends. For fucks sake, I knew you, I know you. Do you think I would ever believe that in a million years?”
They breathe out in relief. It appears as if you never believed the rumours, causing what feels like years of torment to be lifted off their chests. Yet something seems to still be resting on your chest, so they continue listening. Yunho feels his heart lighten up, yet being caught in the rage of the moment, he seems to not be able to bite back his tongue.
“What is it then huh? What's your amazing reason?”
Your heart shatters into countless pieces as you come to the painful realisation that the only way for Yunho and the others to believe you is to share the truth, just as they have bravely done. The weight of this understanding presses upon you, knowing that they deserve an explanation for the hurt and confusion they have endured.
“My brother died a few weeks before I met Seonghwa.”
Yunho’s eyebrows furrow, the recognition of your confession from a while ago resurfacing his memory. When he doesn’t speak, you continue, “my father couldn’t bear with losing his precious son, that he resulted in alcohol and using me as a punching bag to get rid of his anger.”
As each of the males listens to your words, their breath catches in their throats, the gravity of the situation hitting them hard. The profound urge to shield and safeguard you intensifies, almost suffocating in its intensity, as they can't bear the mere thought of you being hurt.
Among them, Jongho, with a gentle and caring voice, softly calls out your name, trying to anchor you in the present moment. He sees your emotions threatening to overwhelm your mind, and he wants to be there for you, to provide a sense of support and comfort in this tumultuous time. His concern shines through his eyes, as he reaches out emotionally, hoping to be a stabilising presence amidst the tempest of feelings swirling around you.
“Then I met you guys, and everything started to seem alright. I finally had people to rely on, to love.”
The men surrounding you feel their hearts soften as you make your heartfelt admission. Your vulnerability and sincerity touch something deep within them, evoking a genuine sense of empathy and understanding. Their cheeks flush with warmth, a mix of emotions swirling within them, as they take in your tender words.
“When the rumour first started, when Seonghwa and I ran home from school that one day,”
Seonghwa feels his heart warm up remembering the tender hug you shared in front of the warehouse that day, yet he feels it becoming colder as he realises there is more to your story.
“When I got home, I found my dead mother . Pretty damn important if you ask me. Try watching the only person who actually cared about you slip away before your own eyes.”
The tension in the room escalates upon hearing your reason. The answers circulating in their heads slowly getting answered.
“My own father couldn't last a day without tormenting me because he was convinced, I was the reason of my brother’s death when the only thing my brother was doing was protecting me for fucks sake.”
Despite witnessing your friends' emotions shift into overwhelming guilt, your determination remains resolute. Even as your heart continues to shatter into pieces, you recognize the importance of them knowing the truth. You understand that the path to healing and reconciliation requires the painful truth to be laid bare, no matter how difficult it may be for both you and them.
“He didn't turn up to my mother's funeral and I had to bury her by myself. Those weeks I prayed that someone would come and find me, but nobody did. I understand that you had your own problems, but did you really care that little about me as to not even think where I was?”
“____, that's unfair.” Yunho manages to say, his throat tightening as he regrets the rage that he suddenly laid on you.
“I went up to that damn rooftop because I was going to do it.” You almost yell, “I was going to kill myself because I couldn’t live like that anymore. I wanted to finally feel like I had one choice with how my life pans out.”
When the truth slowly dawns upon them, the hearts of the men collectively break, realising the reasons behind your actions and the extreme pain you must have endured. The focus on protecting you from outside threats now shifts to the realisation that they should have been protecting you from yourself. The weight of their guilt becomes almost suffocating as they comprehend that their actions, or lack thereof, played a role in the events that unfolded.
Seonghwa's heart, in particular, feels like it's being crushed under his own emotions. The fog of the extreme day he experienced clears, and he can now see the significance of the signs he missed and the opportunity he could have taken to intervene. The regret and remorse threaten to overwhelm him, and he struggles to find the words to express the pain he feels for not being there when you needed him the most.
“Every day I am carrying the grief of three people, and it is constantly tearing me apart. I know you have your struggles but don’t forget you are not the only people in the world carrying heavy shit on your back, Yunho." As your words spill forth, your grip tightens on the counter, seeking balance and control. Avoiding direct eye contact, you release the pain and frustration that has been pent up within you.
When you finally gather the strength to meet the gaze of the men around you, the sight of their broken eyes and hearts pierces through your own emotional turmoil. In that crucial moment, a realisation washes over you like a tidal wave. Their intentions were not born out of spite but rather a result of profound misunderstanding. Their guilt and remorse become palpable, and you sense the genuine remorse they carry for their misjudgements.
"I'm sorry for leaving you guys." you speak out, feeling as if it was something your entire being needed to say, to release the wires that have been wrapped around your heart for years.
"____," Mingi calls out, the weight of your words heavy on his heart. Anxiety threatening to swallow him whole.
“We are sorry too. Sincerely.” Hongjoong says, the weight on his heart feeling as if it is slowly being lifted and you can tell Hongjoong speaks for all of the men around you.
The room remains quiet for a while, Yeosang reaching his arm up to rest a comforting hand on your shoulder, he caresses your arm gently with his thumb, hoping it will give you some form of support. Tears are being split from each man, the fact that you would ever cause harm to yourself makes their entire world spin and crash around them, the mere thought of losing you breaking their souls in two.
"I have another question." you speak out, breaking the silence, you are still curious about one more thing. 
“Of course.” Seonghwa replies, his own heart also becoming lighter upon hearing your apology.
"Why did you pretend like you didn't know me, for years?" you ask, needing to know why they introduced themselves into your life so late, when you have been in the same school for almost three years.
"We didn't know it was you either." Seonghwa says, his voice soft yet comforting. meaning behind his words, “not until recently.”
"What do you mean?" 
"Well, you do live under a rock ____." Wooyoung exclaims, a joking tone behind his voice lifting the tension of the room ever so slightly.
The tension in the room begins to ease as the men around you witness your response to the joking statement. They are relieved to see that you take it in stride, and a subtle, knowing smile starts to play at the corners of your lips. The shared moment of light-heartedness provides a much-needed reprieve from the emotional intensity that had filled the air just moments before.
"It was fine the first year, we ignored everyone because we didn’t really want to make friends, people paid attention to us because we are somewhat good looking," Hongjoong says, and you can barely believe he called them 'somewhat' good-looking, "someone must have recognised us or started another rumour, that made us look like the bad boys, I guess. We could only play into the narrative."
"We know how to defend ourselves, there is no such thing as bullying in college, so we just carried on as we were." Yeosang adds on, “we were so focused on ourselves and school that we never noticed that you were right in front of us.”
"Then how did you find out it was me?"
“We had a feeling you wanted to come to this college.” Jongho explains, “you told us in high school this was your first choice.”
“You remember that?” You question, confused as to how they would remember such a small detail.
“One of the reasons we came to this college was in hopes of finding you.” Mingi adds, the tender expression of his face leaving your heart racing.
"Just when we thought you weren’t here, you appeared at the cafe where I work." Wooyoung explains, feeling it was his time to contribute, "I didn't recognise you at first, you have physically changed a lot." You furrow your eyebrows at the confession. That makes sense why he was still foreign to you when you were a frequent visitor those few months ago. Distantly recalling how Wooyoung seemed uninterested and never once spared a look in the eyes does explain as to why he would not recognise you.
"Then you appeared at The Treasure." Mingi speaks up, the anxious feeling slowly fading in his chest as he surveys the way you are positively taking information. “That’s when we knew it was you.”
You vaguely recall the name belonging to the brand-new bar near campus that you and Jisung frequently visited after its opening. You nod in recognition before Mingi continues speaking.
"That's our bar." He explains, and the statement makes your curiosity peak sky high.
"What do you mean?" 
"We opened the bar ourselves. with the help of Hongjoong's mother of course. It helps us make money for rent and tuition.” Jongho explains.
You find yourself utterly gobsmacked by the revelation that the young individuals have managed to run a successful small business. The sheer accomplishment of their entrepreneurial attempt impresses you greatly. Their determination and hard work shine through, leaving you in awe of what they have achieved at such a young age.
As the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, you begin to understand why there were nights when one or two of them would leave late and return in the early hours of the morning. It suddenly becomes clear that they were dedicating themselves to their business, putting in long hours and hard work to make it thrive.
The fact that they never shared this with you before now surprises you, but it also fills you with admiration for their humility and modesty. Despite their success, they remained humble and focused on maintaining their friendships and connections, not letting their achievements define them.
"So, you saw me there? If I have changed so much, how did you know it was me?" 
"I was the one who made your drinks for you and Jisung the first time you went." Mingi explains his job working as a bartender every so often. "I wasn't sure of it at first, yet I heard you laugh. I can recognise your laugh from anywhere.”
The sudden confession reaches your ears making your heart leap within your chest, causing it to race uncontrollably. The unexpected revelation catches you off guard, and you feel a rush of emotions coursing through you. Your cheeks flush, and the heat rises to your face, betraying the intensity of your feelings.
"We didn't know how to proceed though. We knew it was a risk to involve you back with us, given our reputation. but we just needed you back, in any way possible." Jongho speaks this time, his voice is hoarse, so much he has to clear his throat.
"In the creepiest way possible, we tried to find out some stuff about you." Yeosang explains. When you nod at them to continue, not worrying too much about them researching you.
“When we found out you were doing tutoring sessions, we decided to attend one to see if it was truly you.” San explains from by your side, his voice steady.
“Not all of us agreed to it at first,” Wooyoung adds, and you can feel him heavily indicating towards Yunho standing near him.
With a nod of understanding, you acknowledge his words.
“You didn’t actually need the sessions, did you?” you ask, being curious since the tutoring about how smart Jongho and San were. It didn’t make sense to you that they needed help with their studies.
“Not exactly,” San replies, and you can't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and amusement. His small smile and the playful tone in his voice create a lightness in the air, and a chuckle escapes your throat, relieving some of the tension that had built up.
“We don’t even take calculus.” Jongho says, almost laughing at his own confession.
The atmosphere around you begins to shift, transforming from the intensity of earlier moments to a more relaxed and enjoyable one. There's a sense of camaraderie in this shared moment of humour, a connection that goes beyond the weight of emotions that had been present before.
“I still don’t understand how I didn’t recognise you guys.”
"It could be the trauma." Yunho finally speaks after being silent for a while, the others look at him hoping he has a valid point to his argument. "Trauma has weird ways of messing with your mind. You went through months of psychological and emotional trauma back then, and they both have a possibility of resulting in memory loss. Your brain may have suppressed the memories as a protective mechanism to stop you from feeling the painful emotions associated with the traumatic events. Along with the belief of us being dead, your mind may have temporarily erased us from your memories in order to protect your well-being. When you saw Danny at the store it may have kick-started your memories." 
As Yunho provides the detailed explanation, you can't help but give him an awfully confused look. The level of knowledge and understanding he displays surprises you, leaving you curious about how he has acquired such specific information on such a subject.
He chuckles slightly before lifting his hand, "Psychology major." 
As you nod in understanding, you acknowledge that there are still gaps in your knowledge about the boys' lives, particularly when it comes to their academic pursuits. This realisation prompts you to feel a sense of curiosity and eagerness to learn more about their individual journeys and areas of interest.
Taking a deep breath, you gather your courage to address the question that has been bothering you since that day in the kitchen. You're aware that asking this question might reveal that you accidentally overheard their conversation, but you believe that open communication is essential for a strong and honest friendship.
With a hint of nervousness, you decide that it's best to be upfront and candid. You express your desire to clear the air and ask about the conversation you unintentionally walked in on last week. You assure them that you didn't mean to intrude, but you want to understand the context of what you heard to avoid any misunderstandings.
In this moment of vulnerability, you hope that they will appreciate your honesty and understand that your intentions were never to invade their privacy.
“Last week, before we went to the furniture store,” you pause, remembering the events that transpired that day.
Hongjoong notices the turmoil in your eyes and softly calls your name, grounding you in the moment. Encouraged by his support, you find the strength to ask the question that has been bothering you. His presence helps ease the tension, allowing you to speak openly and seek the answers you need.
“I didn’t intend to eavesdrop that morning, but on my way to the kitchen I heard you say you were offering me some sort of a proposition.”
Observing the reactions of the men around you, you can sense the weight of your question settling heavily upon them. Their breaths seem to catch, and their eyes widen with a mix of understanding and bewilderment. It becomes evident that the proposition you asked about holds more significance than you initially anticipated, catching them off guard and leaving them unsure of how to respond.
In the brief moment of silence, you notice the unspoken communication among them as they exchange glances. Even Hongjoong, known for his rock-solid composure, seems to falter, revealing the gravity of your question and the complexity of the emotions it has stirred within them.
It becomes clear that this is a topic that requires careful consideration and thought. They may not have expected such a direct inquiry, and it's apparent that they need time to process their feelings and find the right words to respond. As the weight of the situation lingers in the air, you remain patient, knowing that genuine and honest responses take time to formulate.
You watch as the attention gravitates again to Hongjoong, the seven other men silently begging him to give an explanation that doesn’t tear you away from them.
“That’s not really for now,” Hongjoong manages to say after clearing his throat.
"I don't want to pry or make anyone uncomfortable, but I'm quite curious about it. It seemed significant; I'd be grateful to know what it's about. To put my mind at ease.”
Hongjoong looks at his seven friends, briefly locking eyes with each of them, receiving a nod of acknowledgement and permission in return. However, when his gaze meets Yunho's, it lingers a moment longer, yet when accompanied by a reassuring smile he finally turns back to you, and to your relief, he continues with his explanation.
“We don’t want to lose you again.” He begins.
Upon the confession, your heart begins to race, and you find yourself engulfed in a flood of emotions. Love and attraction surge through you like a tidal wave, overwhelming your senses. It's a powerful and unexpected rush, leaving you momentarily breathless as you process the depth of your feelings.
Hongjoong continues speaking, “We have thought of many ways to keep you in our life, yet only two seemed reasonable.”
“What would those be?” You question, curiosity filling your entire being.
“We already did one of them,” Wooyoung says this time, “asking you to move in with us.”
Nodding, you process the information slowly in your mind before speaking, “and the other?”
“If you…” Hongjoong stumbles on his words, his voice shaky “we don’t want to lose you again.”
“Hongjoong.” Your voice is tender, trying to reach him and calm down the nerves he is suddenly feeling. “it’s okay.”
“If we asked you to be, like, with us. What would you say?” Seonghwa takes over for his friend. You hear breaths catch in the boy’s throats, a deep exhale from someone else upon hearing the words.
The sudden question hangs in the air and confusion swirls within you, accompanied by a storm of intrusive thoughts. You find yourself grappling with the idea that their feelings may extend beyond friendship, but your mind is quick to dismiss such a notion. You believe that they couldn't possibly mean it that way, that they must only see you as a friend.
The uncertainty weighs heavily on your heart, causing doubt and self-doubt to creep in. You begin to question your worth and wonder why anyone would see you in a romantic light. The belief that they couldn't feel the same way as you do takes hold, overshadowing any possibility of reciprocated feelings.
As the internal battle rages, you might feel a mix of emotions – confusion, fear, and a desire to protect yourself from potential disappointment. The idea of them seeing you as more than a friend feels like a dream, one that seems too far-fetched to be true.
“I am with you now. What do you mean?” You manage to say, pushing aside the ridiculous thoughts of being with just one of them.
Hongjoong takes in a deep breath before gaining his composure, he speaks with a strong voice, finding confidence in his words, “With us. You be ours; we be yours. We all belong to each other.”
With furrowed eyebrows, uncertainty clouds your mind as you contemplate his insinuations, questioning whether they align with the dreams you've harboured. The notion of any one of your friends reciprocating your feelings seems unlikely, let alone all of them. A rapid heartbeat betrays your inner turmoil, anxiety welling up within you. You fear this might be a cruel jest aimed at exploiting your emotions, and it leaves you vulnerable and on edge. Glancing around, you see the kind and tender gazes of the men around you, softening the edge to your sudden nerves.
“I don’t understand.”
“We understand it may sound strange, but we have talked about this a lot recently, four years ago too.” Seonghwa speaks, his voice its usual softness, “we have loved you, for years ___, all of us, we love each other, and now you are back in our lives we can’t bear to lose you again.”
The words of confession gently caress your ears, and a storm of emotions surge through you, causing your heart to beat impossibly fast. It's a whirlwind of feelings, as if your world is both crashing down and miraculously mending at the same time. The vulnerability in his voice makes the moment all the more precious, and you can't help but feel deeply moved.
The revelation that they reciprocate your feelings brings an overwhelming sense of euphoria, unlike anything you've ever experienced before. It's a blissful realisation that the men you admire so much, men so remarkably handsome, compassionate, and kind, could hold such deep affection for you. In this moment, you find yourself floating in a surreal dream, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur.
A rush of gratitude washes over you, grateful for the connection you share you’re your friends. Their presence in your life has always been a source of joy, but now it takes on a whole new level of significance. The bonds between you feel strengthened, as if destiny had woven its threads to bring you all together.
Yet, amid the euphoria, a tinge of disbelief lingers. You never imagined that the object of your admiration would harbour the same feelings for you. Doubt whispers at the edges of your mind, questioning if this could all be too good to be true. But as you glance into their eyes, sincerity and warmth reflected back at you, those doubts begin to fade like distant echoes.
“This isn’t a joke, right?”
Each of the men furrow their eyebrows, not believing you would ask such a thing.
“We would never joke about something like this, ___.” Wooyoung says, managing to finally find the words to contribute to the situation.
“You like, love me? You question, not being able to understand or grasp the circumstances unfolding in front of you, there’s no way that they would like you, right?
As each man nods once again, you can see the mixture of determination and fear in their eyes. They are desperate to convince you of the sincerity of their feelings, but at the same time, they are terrified of the possible rejection they might face from you. Their hearts are pounding with anxiety, unsure of what words you might say in response to their confessions.
In this moment, you realise the vulnerable position they have placed themselves in and the courage it took for them to open up to you. You understand the significance of your response and the potential impact it could have on your relationships with each of them.
“I’m sorry but, Yunho, I thought you hated me?” You point your question at the tall male who is now bright red in the face.
“I never hated you." he begins, looking down at his hands, "I was scared of letting you in again. All these years I thought the reason you left was because you believed the rumours.” He explains, embarrassed at himself for thinking in such a way when now it is evident there was another reason. He continues, “we can talk about it, us two, when you are ready. I deserve you a proper apology.” 
Yunho’s words hit you hard, along with the dejected expression on his face,  it makes it somewhat feel like he has already apologised. 
As you take in the emotions swirling around the room, you feel a sense of responsibility to handle this situation with care and honesty. The trust they have placed in you deserves to be honoured, regardless of the outcome.
“Would it not feel weird for you guys to have the same partner?”
“Yeosang and I have kind of done it before.” Yunho speaks once again, turning your attention to him, you see the pained expression lining his features, “it didn’t work out… but we want to try with you.”
Around you, you can feel the boy's expression lift, as if Yunho has given some sort of hidden permission. They are ecstatic that Yunho wants to try, after denying it so many times over the years. The fact Yeosang and Yunho were broken after the previous attempt, and they are still willing to try again with you leaves a profound impact on your heart. It's evident that their emotions run deep, and their commitment to giving it another shot speaks volumes about their feelings for you.
As you observe their vulnerability and dedication, you begin to entertain the possibility that they might genuinely love you. Their actions show that they are willing to invest in the relationship despite the challenges and uncertainties that may arise.
“There is no one we trust more than each other, and you.” Mingi adds, meaning to make you believe their true feelings.
“Can I think about it, please? It is quite a big decision.” You manage to say, desperately attempting to calm the raging thoughts racing through your mind.
Around you, you can sense an unmistakable trace of disappointment emanating from those around you. However, despite their apparent dismay, they make a concerted effort to conceal their emotions, evidently not wanting to burden you with any negative feelings. It doesn’t mean you have said no, yet they recognise that the answer may take a while to surface, leaving them on edge.
“Of course, take all the time you need.” Hongjoong says, smiling warmly at you, lifting the sudden tension, “dinner is at seven, please join us?”
Smiling back, you feel your heart lively, “I won’t miss it.”
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pedrithink · 1 year
prenuptial (2) ✩ kylian mbappé
summary: you and kylian are getting married and the subject of the prenuptial agreement comes into play, but kylian is not so sure about this.
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[part 1]
"Your mother has scheduled it for 9:30 tomorrow morning, okay?" You run your hand in a light caress over Kylian's head.
Confusion takes over Kylian's expression. "Hm? What?"
"Stop tripping and pay attention to the things I tell you." You let out a playful chuckle as you pout. "The prenup. We're signing it tomorrow."
Kylian bites his lower lip lightly and tries not to let it show, but he has so much to tell you right now. He doesn't quite know what to do and feels he needs to get it out of his head.
A warning immediately pops into his head to try to get this worry out of his mind and he mentally marks of thinking more about it and having an exact way to talk to you about everything that has been haunting his mind.
"Yeah, sure." Kylian's half-forced smile leaves you confused and you move closer to leave a light caress on his face.
"What? You've been scattered since we talked about this." Your frown frowns, you really can't understand what is going on in Kylian's head. "If it's about me being upset, relax, Kylian. I told you, it's more than fine with me."
Kylian lets out a frustrated sigh. "No, love. It's not that, it's just..." He runs his hand across his face. It's crazy how the frustration of not knowing what to say to you hits him like an avalanche. "I don't know."
"Don't dwell on it too much." You hold his hands to try to pass on a little more confidence about the situation. "It's going to be okay, it's material things and that's not important to me."
You know it's not easy for Kylian, you understand how he must be feeling and you don't blame him for having this relapse of "fear." But, nothing will be able to bring that feeling of upset upon you because of this arrangement.
For Kylian, there already comes the issue that you have shared years of your life with him and he has shared years of his life with you. You were and are present in his life every day, giving your immeasurable support and your constant consolation, always finding ways to make him feel better when he loses a game or always celebrating when he brings a world cup to his country.
It's just a form of gratitude. You deserve it too, you deserve the money that comes along with it.
"It's all right, love. Just a worry I need to put out of my mind." Kylian smiles weakly as he pulls you into a hug. "I love you. Immeasurably."
The whisper of an "I love you" that comes out of his lips makes Kylian's heart expand with so much love and you can only concentrate on hugging him tighter and tighter.
You spend the entire morning together, doing your daily chores and some leisure activities all together to try to make up for the homesickness that hits you when you go through a busy work week.
At night, Kylian takes advantage of your tiredness and takes care to go to another room when he sees that you have fallen asleep. He really feels lost and doesn't quite know how to rearrange his thoughts, so it's inevitable when he hits the button to call his mother.
"Kylian?" Fayza's voice is heard along with the sound of some voices in the background of the call. "Y a-t-il un problème?” (Is there a problem?)
Kylian frowns. "Bonjour, maman. Tu es occupée?” (Hi, mom. Are you busy?)
"Non, ce sont juste des amis d'Ethan qui sont venus aujourd'hui. (No, it's just some of Ethan's friends who came over today.)” She lets out a giggle and Kylian hears a few footsteps until they stop. “Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Tu n'es pas du genre à appeler beaucoup à cette heure-ci. Il s'est passé quelque chose?” (What's up? You're not one to call much at this hour. Did something happen?)
Kylian's thumb rests on his lips and he tries to resist the urge to bite his fingernail from so much anxiety. There are so many thoughts and feelings that he can't control himself.
"Que faites-vous quand vous avez l'impression qu'une chose est juste, mais que trop de gens vous en font douter?” (What do you do when you feel like one thing is right, but too many people make you doubt it?) He fires off the question, without even giving him a chance to assimilate.
"Hm...right." Fayza gasps, and the confusion is palpable in her voice. "Je te dirais de suivre ton cœur et ton intuition, je sais que ça fait cliché, mais ils savent déjà ce que tu veux vraiment. Tout le reste est secondaire.” (I would tell you to follow what your heart and intuition say, I know that sounds cliché, but they already know what you really want. Everything else is secondary.)
Kylian shakes his head positively and for a moment forgets that his mother cannot see him. "Mais pourquoi? Tu ne vas pas me dire ce qui te passe par la tête?” (But why? Aren't you going to tell me what's going through your mind?)
"Tu le sauras demain, maman. Merci pour le conseil.” (You'll find out tomorrow, Mom. Thanks for the advice.)
Kylian says goodbye to Fayza briefly, and in his heart it is clearly imprinted that he is going to follow the script the way he always wanted.
Soon, he goes to bed and when morning comes, he is awakened by her sudden movement around the room. When you see Kylian with his eyes ajar, you smile and approach the bed to caress his face lightly.
"Hey, love. Get up, it’s almost 9:00." Kylian purrs at the cuddling you do and tries not to fall asleep again, but suddenly he sits up in bed and leaves a light kiss on your lips, then gets up to get ready.
He wants to end this situation as soon as possible and let peace reign in his mind.
One minute he is getting ready and the next you are in front of the place to sign the whole agreement.
Kylian can't hide his anxiety and you can only get more and more confused, not knowing what to do to get any insecurity out of his head.
With his leg shaking and the pen in his hands, Kylian can't hold it in. "I don't want to do that."
You and Fayza stare at each other in confusion as Kylian drops the pen on top of the paper. "I don't want to sign that paper."
Fayza directs her gaze at him and as a mother, attends to the way he seems totally sincere about it. "What do you mean by that, Kylian?"
"Kylian stop fooling around, just sign it." You let out a nervous laugh and poke at his leg with your foot. The fear of Fayza thinking you influenced this scares you a little.
"No, I don't want to. You fought for that money too and when we get married I want you to have the peace of mind that my money is yours too." Kylian takes a stand and lays out everything that has been troubling his mind these days. "Mom, she is everything to me. When I told you that night that I was going to marry her. I meant that I want to 100% commit and share everything of myself with her. I mean it in the emotional and financial sense."
Fayza shakes her head as she faces Kylian. "I know you and my father have given everything for me, but I don't want to sign this and feel bad for not giving the trust of something I am most sure of in this world." Kylian directs his gaze to you. "I know that you and I are forever, okay? I know that. But, if something goes wrong, I want to make sure that you will have a life full of tranquility and without having to kill yourself for it."
After Kylian speaks all that has tormented him, you have your eyes watering and Fayza a little smile on her face.
"Fine by me." Fayza's reaction makes Kylian's eyes widen and you are surprised too. He thought it would be a little difficult to convince her. "I'm sure you two are forever, you're made for each other."
Kylian shakes his head positively and tries to hold back a smile, but turns to you and holds your hands. "Ky, are you sure?"
The uncertainty in your voice makes his heart hook. "That is the second most certain thing I am in life, my love."
"Second?" Confusion hits all sides of your mind and your face can't hide the expression. "What would be the first?"
"That I want to spend the rest of my life by your side."
646 notes · View notes
xx-vergil-xx · 4 months
thank you
thank you to everyone who read this fic — who left comments and kudos and even simply opened the first chapter and went “huh. alright then”. thank you to the artists who found something in it worth painting and drawing and making, thank you for the songs you have sent me, thank you for the wrath/grief/enthusiasm you have enriched my inbox and my life with. there were times in this fic where my life was not so good, and then there was you, and it was all a little better. i have never in my life written something this hefty, nor this truly involved — i wasn’t sure i could. now i know i can! there is always the next thing. i think that’s beautiful. and it gives me a feeling i can’t express to know that my particular manner of assembling language has gone and touched other lives and left gentle impressions — this is a privilege i can’t even begin to express my gratitude for, and it is all thanks to you, right there, reading
if you read this story once, or halfway, or four times, or just the first paragraph, you have given me the most immeasurable gifts: your time, your thought, your eyes over my words. i am surpassing honored. i am so so stupid lucky. i’m really glad i settled in to watch this show that year and a half ago <3
thank you for reading <3 <3 <3 xoxo
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miguelswifey04 · 10 months
wait a riff off of the universal POC household experience:
miguel is helping gabi with her math hw (who’s STRUGGLING, she did not get the STEM genes) and he’s desperately trying not release his inner dad because he’s trying to break the cycle of children crying due to their dads getting mad at them for not being able to do math.
YES THIS!! but my moms too because my mom literally made me break down 😭
miguel o’hara and gabriella o’hara
breaking the cycle of being emotionally abusive to your children while helping them with their homework.
it was heartwarming yet slightly challenging situation as he assisted gabriella with her math homework. he understood her struggles and empathized with the frustration she felt, but he was determined to break the cycle of parental pressure and children's tears. with a patient and gentle demeanor, miguel leaned over gabriella’s desk, his eyes scanning the equations and numbers she was wrestling with. “alright, let's take this step by step. don’t worry, mija, math can certainly be a bit tricky at times, but with some practice and a positive mindset, you'll get the hang of it."
gabriella sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. she felt a sense of relief knowing that miguel wasn't going to lose his temper over her difficulties. “thanks, papa. it just feels like my brain isn't wired for this stuff. i feel so dumb."
miguel shook his head, his face filled with sincerity and encouragement. “hey now love, none of that negative talk. you’re not dumb, gabriella. everyone has their strengths, and we all learn differently. it just takes a little extra effort sometimes, but i know you can do it." miguel guided his daughter through the problems, breaking them down into more manageable parts. he utilized different teaching techniques, ensuring he tailored his approach to her specific way of understanding.
in moments where gabriella’s frustration threatened to overtake her, miguel provided encouraging words, reminding her of her potential. “remember, we're not aiming for perfection here. progress and understanding are what matter. take a deep breath, you've got this."time ticked away as they persevered through the math problems. there were a few struggles, a couple of incorrect answers, but miguel smiled reassuringly after each challenge, showing gabriella that mistakes were merely part of the learning process.
as they finally wrapped up the last problem, gabriella looked up at miguel, a mix of relief and gratitude in her eyes. "thank you, papa. i couldn't have done it without your patience and support. you really helped me understand this."miguel beamed, proud of gabriella for persevering and pushing through the difficulties. “you did the hard work yourself, gabriella. i was just here to guide you. remember, math is just one aspect of your incredible journey. your worth is not defined by numbers. you are intelligent, creative, and capable in so many ways."
gabriella's face brightened with a newfound confidence as she internalized her dad’s words. she felt a sense of empowerment, knowing that her worth extended far beyond her struggles with math. in that moment, miguel knew he had succeeded in breaking the cycle of pressure and anger that had haunted his own childhood. he filled the room with a warmth that radiated a genuine love and understanding, reminding his own daughter that her worth was immeasurable.
a/n: dad miguel 🔛🔝(of me)
tags 🏷️!! @kairiscorner @meeom @obi-mom-kenobi @sabcandoit @emiemiemiii @astro1bloom
192 notes · View notes
goldenempyrean · 7 months
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〚 Notes - Wow... Hi. It's been a while. I'm slowly getting back into writing so please bear with me while I make my comeback :,) My title wouldn't fit normally so it's looking a little funky but we move on. I tried my best so please ignore any grammar errors. This is a long one so buckle in, I'd love feedback on this too :D 〛
〚 Pairing - Supercorp 〛
〚 Summary - The 5 times Lena was taken care of and and the one time she returned the favour. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 9160 (...wow)〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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Kara stood in front of the full-length mirror in her warm, cosy apartment, admiring the reflection of the elegant gown she had chosen to wear for the evening. She adjusted the deep blue silk fabric, ensuring it cascaded gracefully around her, hugging her in all the right places. The gown had a classic yet modern feel, with a slight train that would glide across the floor as she moved. She couldn't help but smile as she remembered the way Lena's face had lit up when she’d watched Kara try it on at the boutique a few weeks prior. She’d loved that dress on her. Blue truly was her colour. 
As Kara gazed at herself in the mirror, her heart fluttered with excitement. Tonight was no ordinary event; it was Lena Luthor's company gala, and she was honoured to be Lena's date. She was so proud of the work her girlfriend and her company had achieved over the past year – not only had they completed groundbreaking research, leading the world into its future in technology but the individual hardworking efforts of every employee themselves wasn’t something to be taken lightly. They all deserved this, and everyone was thankful that they’d have the whole night to celebrate their achievements with the people who had worked so hard to reach them. Looking back to her reflection the blonde turned her attention to her hair, which was effortlessly styled in loose waves that cascaded down her shoulders. The soft curls framed her face beautifully, accentuating her radiant blue eyes. She knew that Lena had a soft spot for her hair, often playfully running her fingers through it. 
With a final glance back in the mirror, Kara grabbed her shawl and her purse and headed out the door. Her heart raced with anticipation as she made her way to L-Corp. After a short journey in the sleek black car Lena had pre-called for her (much to her gratitude, flying comfortably definitely wasn’t possible in this dress) Kara arrived. She made her way inside, and the sight inside that greeted her was beyond breathtaking. The main lobby had been transformed into a stunning wonderland of twinkling lights and elegant decor. It didn’t take long before she spotted Lena at the centre of the room, radiant in her own gown, an emerald green that perfectly complemented her dark hair and striking eyes. She was beautiful and Kara felt her heart swell with immeasurable love. 
Lena welcomed Kara with a warm embrace and a gentle kiss. "You look absolutely stunning Kar’," The CEO whispered, her fingers brushing against Kara's cheek. Kara blushed, her cheeks flushing pink, “I’m so glad you came.” 
Kara's smile grew even wider as she looked into Lena's eyes. "I wouldn't miss this for anything sweetie. You've worked so hard, and I'm incredibly proud of you." She leaned in for another sweet kiss, the soft warmth of Lena's lips pressing against her own. 
As they separated from their kiss, Kara couldn't help but feel as though something was off about Lena's demeanour. Her girlfriend's usually confident posture seemed just a touch more guarded, and her smile, though genuine, held a hint of weariness behind its show. 
"Is everything okay, love?" Kara asked, her concern evident in her voice. "You look a little worn down, have you been getting enough sleep?” The Kyrptonian asked, holding Lena’s cheeks in her hands. 
Lena's eyes darted around the room for a moment, as if checking that outside person was eavesdropping on their conversation. "I'm fine, Kara. It's just been a long week with all the prep going on for the gala plus we've been grinding to finish some projects. It's just been a busy week that's all." 
But despite her insistence, Kara couldn't shake off the nagging inkling that something else was going on. She knew Lena, and this wasn't just tiredness from a long week. She knew what her girlfriend was like when tired by now, she’d seen it all too many times. This was different. Tired Lena was a sleepy, clingy mess. This wasn’t it. There was something hiding in Lena's voice, a subtle vulnerability, something Kara hadn't heard before. 
“Oh, excuse me a moment.” Lena’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts as she returned to reality. 
“Of course, darling.” Kara murmured and softly kissed her cheek for a moment before stepping aside to allow Lena to slide away to greet one of the businesses' partners who’d made a move to approach her, Kara shot Lena a final look of question to which the ravenette nodded as if to say she was fine but as Kara walked away she made a mental note to keep an eye on her regardless of her insistence. 
Kara decided to head to the bar for a moment. She knew Lena needed some space to handle her business partners, and she didn't want to add to her stress. The gala attendees mingled around the bar, clinking glasses and chatting animatedly. 
She found an open spot by the bar and ordered a glass of champagne for herself. It wasn't like she could get drunk, but it still helped to fit in. As Kara sipped on her drink, she couldn't help but watch Lena from afar, smiling as she realised just how lucky she was to be here alongside her. Lena was a natural in social situations, despite her introverted tendencies. Her girlfriend had ability to put people at ease, making them feel important and valued, just another thing Kara loved about her. She moved through the crowd with grace and charisma, engaging in conversations that seemed effortless. It wasn't just Lena's beauty that captivated the Kyrptonian, but just the way she carried herself so professionally. 
She was truly a force to be reckoned with. The blonde found herself lost as she continued to watch over her girlfriend, she was lost in her own thoughts when she saw Lena subtly crinkle her nose, her breath hitched once before her head ducked down slightly. It was a small, almost imperceptible gesture to anyone not paying attention, but it happened three times in quick succession, and she clearly saw Lena apologise for the outburst to which whomever she was speaking too reached into a purse, handing her an unlabelled packet which the CEO quickly accepted, tucking it into her pocket before continuing her conservation. Now that caught her attention. 
Kara couldn't help but furrow her brows as she observed Lena's unusual behaviour. She knew that something was up, and to say she was concerned was an understatement. Lena wasn't an open person when they'd first met and every now and then Kara had to remind her that she can be vulnerable with her - that she wouldn’t ever judge her for it. It was something they were working on so she continued to watch her from a distance, not wanting to intrude but also not willing to let the issue slide. 
As Lena excused herself from the conversation, Kara discreetly made her way closer to her girlfriend. She approached Lena with a warm smile, trying to act casual while keeping her voice low. "Is everything okay, love?" she asked, concern etched in her voice. 
The CEO looked slightly surprised to see Kara by her side so suddenly but quickly composed herself. "Of course, darling," she replied, her smile returning, though it seemed a bit forced. "Just some business matters to attend to, you know how it is at these events." The Luthor smiled down at her girlfriend before turning her head away to discreetly sniffle behind her wrist, attempting to pass the action off as her looking over the attendees. But that did little to combat the fact the blonde had super hearing and quite clearly saw through the attempt. Kara bit back the urge to sigh and discreetly took Lena's hand before whispering, “Do you want to go get some fresh air for a moment? It’s a little stuffy in here.” She added, hoping it would encourage her to take her up on the offer. 
In truth she was more grateful for the excuse to leave the crowd so the two made their way out through the grand doors and into the cool night air. In the softer, more natural lighting, her concern deepened. Lena's usually vibrant complexion had turned ashen, and her eyes held a behind them. Kara's keen eyes couldn't miss the pallor of her girlfriend's face. The poor thing looked exhausted. 
The contrast between the gala's warmth and the chilly evening sent a rolling shiver down her spine. The CEO attempted to conceal her discomfort, but she couldn't help the way her body tensed against the cold. Just as Kara reached out to run her arm over her girlfriend’s goosebump covered one, Lena drew in a sharp breath, taking a step away before ducking into her elbow. 
“Hih! Hih-Hh’tshoo!” 
Her sneeze had been much less restricted and restrained then her earlier ones and judging by the small wet sniffles that Lena didn’t hold back afterwards it must’ve been a relief. 
The Kryptonian couldn't hide the worry in her eyes as Lena sneezed so suddenly. It was a clear indicator that her girlfriend was not feeling well. She quickly took off her shawl and gently draped it over Lena's shoulders. 
"Bless you, sweetheart, you don't look well. Is there something you're not telling me?" Kara asked, her voice filled with concern as she led her girlfriend to a nearby bench. 
Lena let out a soft, defeated sigh, her facade crumbling. "I didn't want to ruin the evening.” She sniffled in defeat, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the packet from earlier, which Kara now realised had been tissues. She blew her nose quietly before letting her head fall onto her girlfriend’s shoulder. 
"You don't have to worry about that, sweetheart. You haven’t ruined a thing, I’m just sorry you haven’t been able to enjoy your night.” Kara murmured, taking the ravenette’s hand in her home, “How about we head back inside. I don’t want you getting a chill. I’ll get you something warm to drink too.” She helped Lena to her feet, supporting her as they made their way back into the gala. 
They found a cosy, secluded corner with a plush couch. Kara arranged the shawl around Lena and made sure she was comfortable. The Luthor leaned into her girlfriend’s warmth, and the blonde hero couldn't help but stroke her girlfriend's hair soothingly. The rest of the evening passed in a hazed blur of conversations, laughter, and the occasional gentle sniffle coming from Lena. Kara had also fetched a hot cup of tea for her, hoping it would alleviate some of the discomfort from the soreness in her throat and they sat together for the rest of their time there, Kara occasionally stealing a moment to press a comforting kiss to her girlfriend’s now warmer forehead. 
Despite not feeling her best, Lena had to admit that being in Kara's embrace made her evening much better. Her CEO persona melted away, revealing a vulnerable woman who simply needed her girlfriend's care and love. 
As the gala wound down, Lena's condition didn't seem to improve. She had been sneezing intermittently, and her energy was waning rapidly. Kara couldn't bear to see her like this, knowing she needed rest and care. With a concerned glance, she leaned in close to Lena and whispered, "I think it's time to head home, my love. You need some good rest." 
Lena nodded weakly, leaning against Kara for support. They said their goodbyes to the remaining guests and made their way to the exit. Kara hailed a cab, and they settled inside, Lena shivering slightly as the cold evening air hit her. Kara wrapped her arms around her, providing warmth and comfort. 
During the car ride, Lena's eyelids grew heavy, and she let out a soft yawn. Kara couldn't help but smile at her girlfriend's adorable sleepiness. She gently stroked Lena's hair and whispered, "Just a little while longer, sweetheart. We'll be home soon." 
When they arrived at their apartment, Kara gently woke Lena, who blinked her eyes open sleepily. "We're home, sweetheart," Kara whispered, helping her girlfriend out of the cab. 
Taking her hand, she guided Lena into their apartment, and as soon as they were inside, she could see how pale and tired Lena appeared. The night had taken its toll on her, and it was clear she needed to finally get some rest. 
"Let's get you comfortable, my love," Kara said, leading her into their bedroom. where she carefully helped her girlfriend out of her elegant dress which she hung neatly on the back of the door before turning back to help her girlfriend change into a soft pair of pyjamas, to which Kara couldn't help but smile at how adorable Lena looked in them - even when under the weather she still found a way to be gorgeous, "You look so cute like this Le', but let's get you into bed, hm?" 
Lena sniffled and nodded as she climbed into their bed, yet despite the thick covers now surrounding her, the Luthor still shivered a little as she tried to settle down, watching as Kara headed to their bathroom. She must've fallen asleep somewhere in between because by the time Lena had stirred awake again, the small bedside table beside her had some new additions. Tissues, water and a small tub of VapoRub. 
"You're awake baby?" Kara couldn't hide her surprise as came back into the room and saw her girlfriend's open eyes, she'd expected her to stay asleep until morning but at least she could check her temperature without having to worry about disturbing her now, but she still asked anyway, “Can I check that temperature of yours sweetie?” 
After the thermometer beeped, Kara read the result. "A little fever, my love, not too bad. Do you wanna head back to sleep sweetie? I’d bet it’d do you some good." 
Lena gave a weak smile, her voice a soft, raspy whisper, “’m too stuffy to sleep.” 
"I’ve got you love." Kara smiled as she reassured her, pulling a chair close to their bed. She picked up the tub of VapoRub and gently began applying a small amount to Lena's exposed chest. The mentholated scent filled the room, offering some relief to her congestion. 
Lena sighed in relief as the soothing balm's vapours began to clear her up a little. She snuggled deeper under the covers, feeling the warmth of her loving girlfriend by her side. "You're amazing, Kara," Lena murmured, her sleepy voice still hoarse but the gratitude behind it was clear. 
“Just rest love, I’ll be right here when you wake up, okay?” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too silly, now get some sleep sweetheart.” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚ 
Sometimes Kara’s comfort came in different ways too. For example, that time Kara had fumbled with her keys at the door to her apartment, finally inserting the right one into the lock. She’d forgotten to pick up the draft of a recent report that morning and had popped home during her lunch hour to grab it. But as her wrist went to turn the lock, the wooden door simply slipped right open, letting the light from the hall flood inside the dark apartment.  
What? Did someone break in while she was away? She had locked that door before she left earlier, she was certain she did. And it wasn’t dark when she’d left earlier either, the blonde specifically remembered opening the curtains wide, smiling at the city as she always did. 
“Hello?” She called out hesitantly, to no response. Kara's heart pounded in her chest as she cautiously stepped inside, she removed her glasses, her X-ray vision allowing her to see through the darkness. She could make out the familiar silhouette of her cozy living room, but something wasn't right. She spotted a figure on her couch, nestled under a blazer. and her heart skipped a beat when she realized who it was. 
Kara's mind raced with a mix of confusion and concern. Lena was supposed to be at work at this hour, not curled up on her couch. She approached her girlfriend quietly, her super senses picking up on the soft, irregular sounds of muffled sobbing. 
"Lena?" Kara whispered gently, her heart aching at the sight of her girlfriend in distress, “Honey, what are you doing here? I thought you were at work.” 
Lena flinched and slowly turned her head, her eyes squinting against the sudden intrusion of light. Her face was pale, and her eyes were rimmed with red, clearly indicating that something was definitely wrong. 
"Kar’?" The Luthor’s frail voice quivered, and her hand went to her temple as a soft, muffled moan escaped her lips, causing her girlfriend’s heart ache for her in response. 
Kara rushed to her side, concern overriding the strange circumstances of the unlocked door. She gently pulled Lena into her arms and whispered soothingly, "It's okay, baby, I'm here now. What happened sweetheart?" 
Lena leaned into Kara's embrace, her body trembling. "Migraine," she managed to whisper, her words laced with pain as she screwed her eyes closed once more. 
“Okay sweetheart, you don’t need to talk loudly, okay? Just whisper as quietly as you can, I’ll always hear you.” Kara murmured quietly, taking care not to make any unnecessary noise as she pressed the softest kiss she could to her girlfriend’s temple before taking off the blazer she had been using as a makeshift blanket, “Bed?” The blonde asked quietly, no more words were needed. 
Kara gently scooped Lena into her arms, cradling her carefully, and carried her to the bedroom, being overly mindful not to jostle her girlfriend as she carefully lowered her down into the bed, kissing her cheek before heading to her closet, pulling out something heavy from the very back. “Here honey, do you want heavy grey?” She asked, already knowing the answer, 
“Heavy grey” was in referral to a large, dark grey, weighted blanket they’d bought after Alex had introduced them to the wonder. Despite only finding out about them recently, it had quickly become their go blanket to whenever either of them wanted some deep, felt comfort. Lena made the smallest movement she could, a faint nod to which the soft blanket was laid over her, wrapping around her body like a constant hug. Sometimes, when her girlfriend was away saving the city, Lena would curl up in it and pretend to be in Kara’s arms, but of course, that was something she’d never admit. But she didn’t need to pretend. She had the real thing right there with her. 
“Do you need a trashcan love?” The Kryptonian checked, knowing how nauseous these things could make a person, luckily it seemed the answer was no, and Kara murmured something softly before gently sliding into bed beside her girlfriend, smiling fondly when the ravenette moved over ever so slightly, allowing her head to rest on her girlfriend’s thigh. 
After some time, Lena's breathing evened out, and Kara could tell that she had fallen asleep, finally being able to escape the clutches of her headache. She smiled down at her girlfriend, feeling grateful to be able to provide comfort in this way. It was safe to say neither of them went back to work that day. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚ 
The next time came only a few months later. Lena had meant to get her flu jab. Honestly, she had. It just slipped her mind that’s all, she would’ve gone out to get it that weekend – probably. But it didn’t matter now, she was already suffering the consequences of her actions. 
It had started innocently enough, a slight runny nose during her morning investors meeting. Nothing a few discreet sniffles couldn’t take care of. However, as the people sat around the large table droned out about budgets and finances she couldn’t quite keep still. Subtle aches' had her fidgeting in her usually comfy chair as she both tried to listen and get herself settled. 
Lena glanced up to the clock, someone wishing the hands to turn faster. Only half an hour left at least. She’d be sure to tell Jess to turn the heating on, despite feeling small beads of sweat run down her back, she couldn’t suppress the small shivers which ran up her spine and throughout her body. 
“Miss Luthor, what’s your opinion on the matter?” A direct voice pulled her from a daze she hadn’t realised she’d fallen into. To say she was unfocused was an understatement. 
“Sorry, could you repeat-,” She stopped, her breath hitching through her words as she turned to the side and sneezed into her elbow, not that it did much to quell the buzzing sensation in her sinuses. Lena sniffled against her index finger before excusing herself, “Excuse me, sorry, can you repeat that for me?” 
The man repeated himself and Lena nodded, looking down at the notebook in front of sat on the table in front of her only to be met with the blank untouched pages. She’d definitely have to catch up on her notes later. Still, to her credit. She still managed to get give a sophisticated answer, one that seemed to satisfy the table at least - even if it was half croaked. 
Luckily for her the meeting finally ended soon enough. Lena quickly gathered her belongings, her head throbbing as if a marching band was playing inside her skull. Once the participants had filtered out from the room, she allowed herself go stand. Only she may have been a little ambitious as the sudden change in vertigo made the room spin, her whole-body swaying as she gripped the table to steady herself.  
“Get yourself together woman.” The Luthor mumbled to herself after a particularly rough cough made her whimper slightly at the way it tore the back of her throat. The way back to her office was a struggle, every slow step igniting her aching joints before she finally reached the privacy of her office - allowing herself to sit less than gracefully back down behind her desk. 
Why did she feel like this? She was fine a few hours ago, it all just came on so fast- her jumbled thoughts finally clicked together as her blurry vision caught sight of the crumpled up health flyer sitting neatly at the top of her trash can. “Get vaccinated today and save yourself the misery tomorrow!” It read. Well. Crap. 
Kara had told her weeks ago to get it, even Alex had reminded her at their last game night. God, her brain, well, her whole life had just been so cluttered recently. It had completely slipped her mind entirely and now here she was, her head throbbing and joints aching as she coughed raspily. Completely paying the price for her negligence. 
Lena mumbled to herself as rubbed her temples in a futile attempt to ease her pounding headache. Her office was too bright, the lights stinging her eyes, and she groaned softly, cursing her forgetfulness once more. 
She had so much to do today. Her schedule was busy for the whole week infact, just as it had been for the weeks prior. That was just so much to do and- oh god and there was that board of directors video call this afternoon! She’d forgotten all about it. Again! Shit, she’d nowhere near gotten herself prepared for it. 
“Miss Luthor?” 
Not to mention how much paperwork she’d be receiving on top of everything, it felt as if almost the world had it out for her today. Why did her life have to be so busy all the time, at all hours at the day? 
“Miss Luthor.” 
Wait, was day was it again? She was sure there was something else she needed to do, something urgent which demanded her upmost attention-  
The CEO felt herself jump a little at the stern voice of her assistant. When did she get here? Had she been standing there with her arms crossed for long? She could feel her concerned eyes visibly scanning over her hunched form. 
“Sorry Jess,” Lena mumbled an apology before raspily clearing her throat with a short cough as she leant back into her chair following the action with a heavy sigh, “I was in my own world there for a moment. Do you need something?” 
“Miss Danvers is here for your interview.” 
Shit. That was it. Kara had asked her weeks ago if she’d make some on-record comments in order to attempt to ease the city’s worries over the thread of Lex. Not only that, the interview gave time for the two to spend privately together. Lena couldn’t remember the last time she’d spent the night somewhere other than hauled up in her office or hiding down in her lab. Truthfully, she’d been hoping to make it up to her girlfriend. 
“Give me a minute? Then send her in.” Lena punctuated herself with a rough cough, one which had her gripping the edge of her desk to support herself. 
“Miss Luthor, are you up-“ 
“Send her in.” 
Lena slouched back in her chair, her vision still slightly blurry, and her head pounding as if a drumline were practicing inside her skull. Jess hesitated for a moment, clearly concerned, but she nodded and left the room to fetch Kara. 
The CEO sniffled, trying to clear her congested nose. Her throat felt raw, and each cough sent a shiver down her spine. She had wanted to make this interview with Kara special, to show her how much she appreciated her support and love. Now, all she could think about was how she must look right about now. 
She didn’t have much time to ponder on that fact however as the wide door to her office swung open, incoming the human personification of sunshine herself. 
“Lena!” Kara said with genuine worry in her voice. She rushed over to her girlfriend's side, abandoning her notebook and placing a hand on her forehead to check for a fever, “I knew I heard your breathing from outside the door, you sound awful sweetheart.” 
“I’m fine Kara.” The Luthor rasped, her voice cracking as she spluttered against her sore throat, shakily reaching to accept the glass of water her girlfriend had used her super speed to get, “We should get your interview done.” 
“No, you’re not Lena. I know fevers, and I know that voice. The interview can wait, you my love, are sick.” Kara sighed, letting her soft hand move down her cheek to cup the feverishly mumbling CEO’s face. 
“Mm’yes, you are.” Kara cooed, leaning down before gently blowing a small stream of cold air just above Lena’s forehead, resulting in an insufferable sigh of relief from the feverish woman. The cold air felt wonderful against her hot skin, “Is that a bit better for you my sweet?” 
Lena closed her eyes for a moment, nodding slightly. She savoured the cool breeze which offered her a brief respite from the feverish heat coursing through her body. 
“I should’ve gotten that flu-shot Kar’, I should’ve listened to you, I shouldn’t have stayed at work so-“ 
“Lena, Lena, sweetheart,” Kara cut her off by softly kissing her cheek, looking into her eyes lovingly, “I know.” 
The Luthor murmured something that if it weren’t for her superhearing Kara would’ve been able to hear before her face screwed up in discomfort, her congested breath hitching before she turned to sneeze into her shoulder, whining at the sharp pain the action caused. 
She sniffled, running the edge of her suit to the underside of her nose, “S’cuse me. I’m sorry, God that’s gross.” She grimaced, looking down at her sleeve. 
But Kara wasn’t disgusted. She simply handed her a tissue as she softly shook her head. “You can apologise for lots of things baby, anything you want. But sickness is not one of those, this isn’t your fault. Not one bit. Look at me love.” She tilted up her CEO so that her tired eyes could meet her own, “You do not have to apologise here, we’re gonna get you home and I’m gonna take care of you, okay? 
Lena nodded, trying her best to remain awake despite the need to give into her exhaustion looming over her head, “I have other meetings today Kar’, I can't just go home. Not in the middle of the day.” 
“That’s not how it works sweetheart,” Kara gently wiped away a tear that had formed in the corner of Lena's eye, “Baby you can barely hold your head up right now, you’re in no condition to be working. If this us the flu then you’re only going to feel worse as time passes, you need to be at home where I can take care of you.” 
Lena sighed, her resistance crumbling under Kara's love. Deep down she knew her girlfriend was right, she always was, but the weight of her responsibilities was always a burden she found hard to let go of. Especially with the weight of her reputation leaning on her every move. 
"Fine,” She sighed, finally giving in before spluttering into a rough sounding cough, “I can't even think straight. But I have that board of directors' video call later. What am I going to do about that?" 
Kara smiled reassuringly, her blue eyes filled with warmth and determination. "I already told Jess to reschedule when I heard your breathing outside. She’s going to free up the week for you.” 
Lena leaned into Kara's touch, finally into her fatigue, "You’re amazing Kara, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” 
Kara gently kissed her forehead. "You'll never have to find out, my love. Now, let's get you home and start taking care of you. I've got chicken soup, a warm blanket, and all the love in the world waiting for you." 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚ 
The next year Lena had gotten her vaccine though, she’d learnt her lesson well and truly but even still, it didn’t come without its drawbacks.  
“There, we go. All done.” The nurse tending to her had smiled as she pressed a cotton swap to Lena’s arm, quickly covering the area with a plaster, “Expect some slight tenderness and potentially an elevated temperature for the next day or so but other than that you should be fine. You’re free to go now Miss Luthor.” 
‘Light soreness’ yeah fucking right. Lena groaned to herself as she groggily woke up in her girlfriend’s the next morning, wincing at her throbbing arm as she pushed herself to sit upright.  She could hear Kara humming from the kitchen, presumably making a start on breakfast as the CEO rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times, trying to shake off the grogginess that clung to her. The room was still dimly lit, and her arm felt heavy and achy. She reached over with her good arm to grab her phone, checking the time. It was still fairly early. Enough time to take a shower before work at least. 
As she swung her legs over the side of the bed, she suddenly felt a shiver run down her spine. She was probably running a temperature, just as the nurse had warned her, she though, finally noticing how her thin shirt was uncomfortably clinging to her skin, already damp in places.  
Wobbling slightly, she made her way to the bathroom, her steps unsteady as she glanced at herself in the mirror. Her slightly paler than normal skin was laced with small beads of sweat. Her face crinkled up into a grimace at her reflection. Lena sighed before she peeled off her damp shirt and stepped into the shower, turning it on and letting the water fall over her. 
Lena stood under the warm spray of the shower, the water cascading over her body, offering some comfort against the growing discomfort in her arm and the fever that was creeping up on her. She couldn't help but shiver, despite the soothing heat of the water, her body's response to the elevated temperature.  
As she let the water flow over her, Lena felt an unusual heaviness in her limbs. It was as if the warmth of the shower was making her drowsy. The soap slipped from her fingers as she tried to lather up, her movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated. Lena's eyelids began to flutter closed, and she had to shake her head to stay awake. 
The fever was taking hold of her, and the exhaustion that came with it was making itself known. She leaned against the shower wall for support, her head feeling like it was filled with cotton, her vision becoming a bit hazy. Lena hurried up and finished her shower as quickly as she could manage, trying her best to ignore the spreading deep aches travelling down her arms as she did so. The warm water did little to alleviate her chills so with a defeated sigh, the Luthor stepped out of the shower and herself in a towel before heading back to the bedroom, her movements slow and unsteady. 
The Luthor sighed to herself before opening her wardrobe. All her suits and fancy shirts were hung neatly on the rail and the mirror on the back of her closet door made her groan inwardly. Her once pale cheeks now had developed a rosy flush that extended down to her neck and chest, contrasting with her slightly clammy skin. Not only that, but she could also quite clearly see a bruise forming where she had been injected. 
She considered the possibilities. Could she call in sick? The very thought of it made her cringe. She knew she had a demanding schedule at L-Corp, important meetings, and projects that required her attention, but right now, the thought of going to work was unbearable. Lena's normally sharp mind felt foggy, and her limbs weighed a ton. She leaned on the closet door for support, trying to gather her thoughts. But when the beginning of a headache forming behind her temples made itself known the Luthor finally dropped her shoulders in defeat as she gave into the urge to stay home, turning away from her closet and heading over to pull on some cosy pyjamas from Kara’s own drawer. The soft fabric was a welcome relief against her sensitive skin. 
As she padded slowly into the kitchen, Lena was greeted by the sight of Kara expertly plating up their breakfast. The aroma of freshly cooked food teased her senses, making her stomach grumble. However, it was the sight of her girlfriend, dressed in one of Lena's shirts that was comically oversized on her, that brought a genuine smile to her face.  
Hesitating for just a moment, Lena approached Kara from behind and wrapped her arms around her, resting her head against the back of Kara's shoulder. "Mmm, what's cooking, darling?" Lena murmured; her voice noticeably weaker than usual. She felt a pang of guilt for the inconvenience she was causing, but the warmth of Kara's body against hers was too inviting to resist. 
Kara turned her head slightly, her lips curving into a gentle smile as she continued to plate their breakfast, “Blueberry pancakes and bacon, thought I’d give you a little treat to make you feel a little better.”    “How did you-” Lena began, her face wearing a confused look. 
“You forget I have super hearing babe; I know all the little noises you make when you’re not quite feeling 100% and you forget I know you. The last time you got vaccinated it hit you pretty hard, I figured this one wouldn’t be kind either.” Kara explained with a smile before she turned around with two plates in hand, sliding them onto their small kitchen island. 
“Thank you.” Lena murmured quietly, quickly kissing her girlfriend’s cheek as she sat herself down on a stool, “I’m gonna stay home today.” 
Kara nodded and couldn’t help but return the gesture, "That’s a smart decision love, I’m proud of you for choosing too. We can't have you going to work feeling like this, can we?" Kara watching her girlfriend take a small bite of her bacon before she raised a gentle hand to her forehead to check her temperature. "You're definitely running a fever pumpkin. I think it's a 'stay in and cuddle’ kind of day for you today, sweetie." 
“I know you don’t like it princess, I know, but you need to take it anyway for me darling.” 
Lena glanced up at Kara with a soft smile. "You always know how to take care of me, don't you?" 
Kara chuckled softly, brushing a few strands of Lena's hair away from her face. "Of course, sweetheart. You're my number one priority. Now, let's enjoy breakfast, and then we can spend the day here, cuddled up together. I'll make sure you're feeling better by the end of the day." 
Lena's smile grew as she picked up a piece of bacon and fed it to Kara, the simple act of being cared for and pampered by her girlfriend making her feel a little better already. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚ 
Sometimes though, Lena needed Kara even when she didn’t know it herself. Lena Luthor, the shunned daughter of the Luthor household, the CEO of L-Corp and National City’s own personal underserving scapegoat was criminally overworked – like always. 
Last week, there had been a city-wide emergency revolving a chemical leak coming which has been framed to look like it had originated at L-Corp. Of course, it hadn’t, The DEO had managed to track down and apprehend the real culprit but much to the heartbreak of Kara, the unchanging media had forced their resident Luthor to bore the blame. 
Lena hadn’t taken it well. Well, who could blame her? The Luthor had claimed she needed some space at the beginning of the week before she had disappeared down to her private lab. But now it was Wednesday and Kara’s small inkling of worry was beginning to grow. She knew Lena often needed private time to process her feelings, but this was different. She hadn’t been home all week, opting to sleep in her lab, and deep-down Kara knew the meals she’d been bringing to the lab more than likely sat untouched in their tupperware containers. So, the blonde decided enough was enough, if Lena wasn’t going to look after herself, then she would simply have to do it for her. 
Lena's dedication to her work was admirable, but this was different – it felt like a retreat, a withdrawal from the world and so unable to resist any longer, Kara made her way to L-Corp, her super-speed making the journey swift. Walking down the pristine corridors, it wasn’t hard to miss the stolen worried glances the other employees had been sending the blonde as she approached the doors to Lena’s lab and she couldn’t help but worry if anyone else had tried to talk some sense into her girlfriend and in return had been on the receiving end of a less than polite lecture about letting her work in peace.  
Kara hesitated for a moment before gently pushing open the heavy lab door. The sterile smell of chemicals and the hum of machinery greeted her as she stepped inside. The lab was dimly lit, with various screens and monitors displaying complex data. In the centre of the room, Lena hunched over a worktable, her dark hair pulled back into a messy bun. As she suspected, her meals sat in the exact spot Kara had left them, the only source of nutrition her girlfriend appeared to have had was the seemingly forgotten half eaten granola bar sat amongst her work. 
"Baby?" Kara called softly, trying not to startle her. Lena looked up, her eyes bloodshot and fatigue evident on her face. The lines of stress seemed to have etched themselves deeper into her features. 
"Kar’?" Lena's voice was strained, and she forced a weak smile. "What- Why are you here?” 
Kara stepped closer; her blue eyes filled deep with worry. "Lena, it's been days. You can't live on granola bars and caffeine. You need rest, proper meals, and some fresh air. Staying in here, like this. It isn’t good for you sweetheart.” 
Lena huffed, looking back at her work. "I can't afford to rest, Kara. Not now. Not when there's so much at stake. Not when the world blames me for things I didn't do." 
Kara sighed, her concern deepening. "Lena, you can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You're human, just like the rest of us. You need to take care of yourself too." 
Lena glanced back at Kara, her expression a mix of exhaustion and gratitude. "I know, but it's hard to convince the world of that when all they see is the Luthor name." 
Kara walked over to Lena, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to convince anyone right now. Let me take care of you. Come on, let's go sit somewhere more comfortable than these lab stools, hm?” 
The Luthor seemed to hesitate for a moment but after a second, she finally nodded. Kara guided her over to a comfortable sofa in the corner of the lab. Lena sank down onto it, the weariness evident in every movement. Kara fetched a blanket from a nearby shelf and draped it over her. 
Lena leaned into Kara's touch, her eyelids growing heavy. "You didn't have to come for me, Kara. I can handle myself.” 
"I know you can, but I will always for come for you Le’. Always." The blonde murmured with a soft smile. "You're my person, Lena. And right now, my person needs to rest. You’re exhausted sweetheart, c’mon, close those eyes for me darling.” 
As Lena did as she was told and closed her eyes, Kara sat down next to her, letting her girlfriend rest against her. The hum of the lab equipment became a distant background noise as Kara gently stroked Lena's hair as the exhausted women finally allowed herself to slip into a peaceful sleep. Maybe taking her home right away would’ve been more comfortable for the two of them but right now, Kara was just content to hold her close, protecting her girlfriend from the rest of the world.  
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚ 
It wasn’t always Lena who sometimes needed a little bit of care though. Sometimes Supergirl herself needed to be taken into her girlfriend’s arms and be doted over.  
The city of National City had been enjoying a relatively peaceful week Kara had enjoyed a fairly quiet week, successfully thwarted a few minor threats here and there all whilst diligently finishing up her latest CatCo report, ready to be published the following week. It was mundanity of the week that had left her so taken aback when at half 2 in the morning, Kara’s phone rang out, waking up the two previously sleeping women. 
“mm’ who is it?” Came the groggy mumble of Lena as she slowly rolled over, eyes closing reflectively as the bright light from the phone screen bore into her eyes. 
“Hello? Alex? What-” Kara answered sleepily before her whole demeanour shifted and she shot up out of bed, using her superspeed to change into her suit before Lena had even had the chance to ask what had gone on. 
“There’s been a breakout at the DEO, they need all the help they can get, they're low on agents as it is.” Kara kissed Lena on the forehead before pulling the ruffled side of the blankets where she’d been previously led back to cover her girlfriend, “I’ll be home when I can. Go back to sleep sweetheart. I’ll call you as soon as we get things under control. I love you.” 
Kara zoomed out of the apartment window, leaving behind a gust of wind that ruffled Lena's hair and left behind the scent of Kara's favourite vanilla-scented shampoo. Lena lay in bed for a moment, staring at the ceiling, before a deep sigh escaped her lips. It wasn't the first time Kara had been called away in the middle of the night to deal with a crisis, but it never got easier. 
The DEO facility was in chaos when Kara arrived. Alarms blared, and agents rushed in all directions. Without hesitation, she joined the efforts to subdue the escaped prisoner who had been currently hellbent on smashing through every single security door needed to reach the outside world. 
As the two fought, Kara's eyes glowed with determination as she confronted the escapee, her heat vision ready to contain the threat. her strength and speed gave her an edge. However, in the heat of the moment she ignored her growing weakness and forced herself to go beyond her limit, the thought of this creature being unleashed onto the city was something she couldn’t allow and would stop by any means possible. 
Focusing intensely, Kara unleashed a powerful burst of heat vision. The energy surged with an intensity that was far beyond what she had intended. The force not only incapacitated the escaped prisoner but also overloaded Kara's own Kryptonian abilities. In a blinding flash, she felt a sudden weakness overtaking her. As the red glow faded from her eyes, panic set in. Kara stumbled backward, clutching her head, as she realised the ramifications of her mistake. The once invincible Supergirl now felt strangely mortal. The room seemed to spin, and she staggered back, relying on a nearby table for support she regathered her bearing. 
Soon the room was crowded with agents, apprehending the creature, taking them back down to a more secure cell until they investigated the root of this escape. Once the immediate threat was contained, Alex rushed to Kara's side, concern etched across her face. "Kara, are you okay?" she asked, guiding her sister to a nearby chair. 
Kara shook her head, feeling disoriented and weak. "I- I don’t know," she admitted, rubbing her temples as if trying to alleviate the sudden headache that had overtaken her. "I think I overused my heat vision." 
J'onn approached, his worried eyes studying Kara carefully. "Your powers might need some time to recharge. You've exerted yourself beyond your usual limits," he explained, his voice a calm reassurance in the chaos of the DEO headquarters, which amongst the chaos of the evening was a much-welcomed sound. 
"I need to get back out there, the agents might need help with-" Kara insisted, attempting to stand. However, her legs felt like jelly, and she stumbled, nearly falling if not for Alex's quick reflexes. 
"Kara, you're in no condition to fight. Let the DEO handle the rest. We'll update you if anything comes up," Alex said firmly, helping Kara back into the chair with a no-nonsense sort of expression smothering her face, "You need to rest." 
Kara reluctantly nodded; it wasn’t like she could argue much anyway. Maybe she could’ve persuaded any other agents but not J’onn and especially not Alex. As she sat there, surrounded by concerned faces, a wave of fatigue washed over her. The adrenaline that had fuelled her actions was replaced by a heavy weariness which settled deep into her joints. 
"I'll take her home," Alex declared, giving the Director a nod. "We'll regroup tomorrow." 
Back at their apartment, Lena wasn’t asleep. How could she? Not when that pit of unrelenting nerves that seemed to shift around in the pit of stomach, keeping her up with worried scenarios of what could happen. When the door creaked open, Lena practically leaped off the couch. Her eyes widened at the sight of Alex supporting Kara, whose usually vibrant and confident demeanour was replaced by exhaustion and fatique.Lena rushed forward, concern etched on her face as she quickly took hold of Kara. 
"What happened?" 
"She overexerted herself during the DEO mission. Her powers need time to recharge," Alex explained, shifting Kara’s weight onto Lena so she could support her fully, “Solar flared.” 
Kara managed a weak smile, “I’m okay.” 
Lena shook her head as she wrapped an arm around Kara’s waist before looking over at Alex for confirmation, "Is she okay?” She asked, the dripping worry in her voice clear. 
"Just tired. I'll be fine after some rest," Kara assured, squeezing Lena's hand reassuringly. 
Alex shot Lena a sympathetic look. "She needs to rest. She’s solar flared before but keep an eye on her, okay? Her power’s typically return in a few days." 
Lena nodded, her worries feeling a little more eased, “Okay. I’ve got her.” 
As Alex left, Lena turned her attention back to Kara. "Come on sweet girl, let's get you to bed," she said gently, helping Kara stand. The two made their way to the bedroom, and Lena tucked Kara in, her touch soft and comforting against the Kyptonian’s now sensitive skin. 
"I'm sorry," Kara mumbled, her eyes still carrying the weight of guilt behind their teary gaze. 
Lena brushed a strand of hair from Kara's forehead. "Hey, it's okay. You do incredible things every day. Everyone has their limits; you just don’t seem to know when yours are. You just need to rest, and your powers will be back soon enough, okay?” 
"Sleep now darling. I'll be right here when you wake up," Lena whispered as she pressed a soft kiss down to Kara’s temple. 
The next morning, Kara woke up feeling groggy. The events of the previous night seemed like a distant dream, and for a moment, she wondered if it had all been some kind of strange hallucination. However, the reality set in as she felt the lingering weakness in her limbs.  
Lena was already up, bustling around the kitchen, preparing breakfast. Kara watched her for a moment, appreciating the way the morning light caught Lena's hair, casting a soft glow around her. Lena turned and caught Kara's gaze, a smile playing on her lips. 
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Lena greeted, walking over to sit on the edge of the bed. 
"Morning," Kara replied, her voice still husky from sleep. She attempted to sit up, but a wave of dizziness hit her, and she sank back into the pillows. 
Lena's concern flared up again. "Hey, take it easy. You're still recovering." 
Kara nodded, grateful for Lena's care. "I just feel a little off," she admitted, attempting a smile. 
Lena's expression softened. "Well, you did save the day last night. It's only fair that you get some rest now. I made your favourite breakfast for you; it's on the table." 
Kara's eyes brightened at the mention of food. Despite seeming somewhat dulled, the aroma coming over from the kitchen was enticing and the smell of awaiting pancakes was undeniable. The ravenette helped her sit up and supported her as they made their way to the dining table, kindly setting down a plate of pancakes in front of her girlfriend. 
Kara's stomach rumbled at the sight of the pancakes. Lena had a talent for making comfort food that seemed to have healing properties all on its own. As she took a bite, she couldn't help but appreciate the mix of flavors dancing on her taste buds. 
"These are amazing," Kara mumbled between bites, offering Lena a grateful smile. 
Lena chuckled, a warm sound that filled the room. "Well, I figured you needed something hearty after last night's heroics. And don't worry, I made enough for you to have seconds." 
As they continued to eat, Lena couldn't help but notice Kara's occasional sniffles and the way she discreetly rubbed at her nose. Lena arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Are you sure you're not coming down with something? You seem a bit sniffly which isn’t like you at all darling.” 
Kara's eyes widened at the question, and she quickly shook her head to deny it, "No, no, I'm fine. It's probably just residual effects from the solar flare.” Of course she knew that wasn’t quite true. Those deep muscle aches, throbbing temples are sore throat didn’t usually come at the loss of her powers what would good would it do letting Lena know that? She was worried enough for her as it was, nevermind adding this to it. 
As Kara took another bite of the pancakes, a sudden tickle in her nose caught her by surprise. Before she could react, she sneezed loudly, the sound echoing through the quiet apartment. Lena blinked; her surprise evident. "Bless you," she said, a bemused smile playing on her lips. "Was that the first time I've heard you sneeze?" 
“I suppose it was.” Kara shrugged, desperate to change the subject. 
"You're not getting sick, are you, sweetheart?" Lena asked again, as she looked into Kara’s eyes through her furrowed brows. 
Kara chuckled weakly, "No way, Kryptonians don't get sick. I don’t get sick.” She fibbed. She knew she’d been sick before but that was way before she met Lena, and it hadn’t ever happened again. That was just a freak incident. A onetime thing... Right? “Besides Le’ when have you ever seen me sick? Never.” 
“Exactly...” Lena mumbled with concern as she put down her own food to cup her girlfriend’s pale cheeks, shaking her head at the subtle heat she felt radiating from them, “You’re a little warm.” She sighed before getting up and shuffling off towards their bathroom much to the disheartenment of Kara who’d tried to call her back to finish her food. 
Lena returned from the bathroom with a thermometer in hand, a determined expression on her face. Kara, still sitting at the table, sighed internally. She knew Lena well enough to anticipate her stubbornness, there was no way of getting out of this. 
"Lena, really, I don't need you to take my temperature. I'm fine," Kara insisted though it fell on deaf ears. 
The Luthor only raised an eyebrow in return, holding the device in her hand. "Humour me, Kara. It won't take long." 
Kara sighed, resigning herself as she opened her mouth, allowing Lena to place the thermometer under her tongue. Lena sat down beside her; eyes fixed on the small device as it measured Kara's temperature. 
The seconds ticked by, and Kara couldn't help but fidget under Lena's watchful gaze. Lena, however, remained silent, her focus unwavering. Finally, the thermometer beeped, and she pulled it out, reading the display, “I knew it.” 
“I’m not feverish.” The blonde mumbled in defeat, sniffling against the back of her hand. There really wasn’t much point trying to be discreet now. 
“Who are you disagreeing with pumpkin? Me or the thermometer?” Lena narrowed her eyes playfully, knowing that Kara couldn’t argue against both. 
“Stupid DEO germs...” Kara mustered a weak smile as she felt Lena press a soft kiss onto her cheek in return, "You're taking care of me now, huh?" 
Lena chuckled, her fingers tracing light patterns on the back of Kara's hand. "It's about time, isn't it? Besides, you're always taking care of everyone else. Now it’s my turn." 
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missrosiesworld · 5 months
Heart's Tender Whisper
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Dear love,
In the quiet hours of the night, as I sit to pen down these words, my heart is filled with an emotion so profound and pure, it's almost surreal. You've become the melody that plays in the silence of my existence, a gentle tune that soothes and enlivens my soul.
From the moment our paths crossed, you've ignited a warmth in me that I never knew existed. Your laughter, a sweet symphony, echoes in the chambers of my heart, and your smile, radiant as the dawn, lights up my darkest days.
With you, I've discovered a world of emotions I never thought I could feel. Each day with you is a journey into the depths of joy and serenity, a discovery of feelings that were once alien to me. Your kindness has not only touched my heart but has transformed me in ways I'm still learning to understand.
I find myself captivated by the smallest details about you – the sparkle in your eyes when you speak of your passions, the grace in your movements, the laughter that seems to make the world a brighter place. In these details, I find endless reasons to fall deeper in love with you.
Please know, my affection for you is as genuine as it is deep. You are an extraordinary person who has left an indelible mark on my life. My gratitude for having you in my life is immeasurable, and I treasure every moment we share.
With all the love my heart can hold,
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kingstonromcom · 1 year
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Shadows of Trust // Bruce Wayne
Summary: Batman, bruised and battered from a night of protecting Gotham, seeks solace and treatment for his injuries from the reader. Unbeknownst to the reader, Batman harbors romantic feelings, while the reader remains oblivious to his secret identity. As they tend to Batman's wounds, a bond of trust deepens, and the flicker of a hidden affection lingers in the shadows.
Pronouns used: none
The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a dim glow over the rooftops of Gotham City. Batman, the elusive protector of the darkened streets, returned to the Batcave with a heavy heart and a broken body. His vigilant efforts to keep Gotham safe had taken their toll, leaving him bruised and wounded.
In search of solace and care, Batman found himself seeking refuge in an unexpected place. The caped crusader arrived at a small apartment tucked away in a quiet neighborhood, where you, the reader, unknowingly held the key to his heart. You had become his confidant, a steadfast presence in his life, providing support and solace whenever he needed it.
As Batman knocked on your door, you opened it with a mix of surprise and concern etched upon your face. "Batman? What happened? Please, come in," you urged, stepping aside to allow him entry.
He moved with a calculated grace, wincing with every step, his pain masked by the shadows of the cowl he wore. Batman's piercing gaze met yours, and for a brief moment, you saw vulnerability and trust in those masked eyes.
"I've had a difficult night," Batman admitted, his voice gravelly from the night's battles. "I need your assistance, if you're willing."
Without hesitation, you guided Batman into the apartment, your concern growing as you took in the visible signs of his injuries. "Of course, Batman. You can rely on me. Let me help you."
He nodded silently, a rare display of vulnerability as he removed his cape and utility belt, revealing the damaged body beneath. His strong physique, now marred by wounds acquired during his relentless fight for justice, was a testament to his sacrifices.
As you fetched a first aid kit, your eyes roamed over his battered form. The severity of his injuries brought forth a surge of determination to help alleviate his pain and aid in his recovery. Unbeknownst to you, beneath the mask and armor stood a hero who held you in his thoughts, his heart yearning for a connection that went beyond the mask.
With careful hands, you began treating Batman's wounds, offering gentle comfort and unwavering support. Each touch conveyed a sense of trust and understanding, nurturing a bond that went beyond the realms of friendship. In the flickering light, secrets danced between you, veiled by the guise of anonymity.
Batman watched you with a mixture of gratitude and longing, his hidden affections simmering beneath his stoic facade. The trust he had placed in you extended beyond the battlefield, for in your presence, he found solace and a yearning for something more.
"You've always been there for me," Batman whispered, his voice laced with unspoken emotions. "Your support and compassion are immeasurable."
As your gaze met his, a subtle tension hung in the air, a palpable connection that neither of you could deny. In the depths of his concealed heart, Batman wrestled with the desire to reveal his true identity, to bridge the gap between the hero and the man he truly was.
"I care deeply for you," Batman confessed, his voice a barely audible murmur. "But the shadows must protect what lies beneath."
You felt a surge of inexplicable emotion, an unspoken understanding of the depth of his words. Though the truth
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sneaker-hotwife · 7 months
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As I pour my heart into these words, I want to express my overflowing love and gratitude for the incredible journey we are embarking on together. It fills me with immeasurable joy to witness your pleasure and satisfaction with a boyfriend who can fulfill your deepest desires. The happiness that radiates from you is a constant reminder of the love we share.
In this exciting chapter, I want to let you know how much I adore and appreciate the moments when you grace your legs with the allure of tan pantyhose. The sight of your silky hosiery ignites a fire within me, and I am captivated by the sensuality it exudes. The sheer fabric hugs your legs so perfectly, and it brings me immense pleasure to caress and pamper your feet, enveloped in the softness of those enchanting stockings.
Our connection in those intimate moments goes beyond words. It is a celebration of our unique bond, a testament to the love and desire that flows between us. The joy and happiness I feel in those instances are unparalleled, and I cherish every opportunity to express my love for you through this shared passion.
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kenmascat · 11 months
jiang cheng's role and involvement in the burial mounds siege against wei wuxian and how he is directly responsible for it, a mini thread :
quotes from the unedited mdzs translation by exiled rebel translations which clearly state he was the very reason behind the burial mounds siege success to kill wei wuxian
chapter 1, prologue
“But, if not for Jiang Cheng making a plan that aimed at Wei WuXian’s weaknesses, the siege might not have succeeded. Should I remind you folks of the item that Wei WuXian possesses? Did you forget about the day that three thousand skilled cultivators were completely annihilated?”
chapter 43 -
After a moment of silence, Wei WuXian asked again, “What else have you heard?”
Wen Ning whispered, “Sect Leader Jiang, Jiang Cheng, brought a siege upon the Burial Mounds. And he killed you.”
Wei WuXian, “I’ll have to clarify this one. He didn’t kill me. I died from a backfire.”
(note how he doesn't defend the statement that jc brought the siege upon burial mounds, but only about the fact that he didn't directly kill him)
Chapter 68 -
Back then, during the first siege of Burial Mound, Jin GuangShan led the LanlingJin Sect, while Jiang Cheng led the YunmengJiang Sect; Lan QiRen led the GusuLan Sect, while Nie MingJue led the QingheNie Sect. The former two were the main forces, the latter two could’ve gone without. Now, the LanlingJin Sect’s leader hadn’t arrived at, having only sent people for the GusuLan Sect to command; the GusuLan Sect was still led by Lan QiRen; Nie HuaiSang replaced his brother’s position, shrunken within the crowd, his face still full of ‘I don’t know about anything’, ‘I don’t want to do anything’, and ‘I’m just here for the numbers’.
Chapter 104 -
(In the GuanYin temple scene, JGY himself says that if not for jc, things wouldn't have become what they were, implying he was a main factor behind the burial mounds siege)
Jin GuangYao wasn't swayed, continu- ing with a smile, "... Back then, the Lan- lingJin Sect, the QingheNie Sect, and the Gusulan Sect had already finished fighting over the biggest share. The rest co- uld only get some small shrimps. You, on the other hand, had just rebuilt Lotus Pier and behind you was the YiLing Patriarch, Wei WuXian, the danger of whom was immeasurable. Do you think the other sects would like to see a young sect leader who was so advantaged? Luckily, you didn't seem to be on good terms with your shixiong, and since everyone thought there was an opportunity, of course they'd add fuels to your fire if they could. No matter what, to weaken the YunmengJiang Sect was to stren- gthen themselves. Sect Leader Jiang, if only your attitude towards your shixiong was just a bit better, showing everyone that your bond was too strong to be bro- ken for them to have a chance, or if you exhibited just a bit more tolerance after what happened, things wouldn't have become what they were. Oh, speaking of it, you were also a main force of the siege at Burial Mound..."
all this clearly indicates Jiang Cheng played as the main force at the siege at burial mound against wei wuxian. If there's anything else I missed please feel free to add in.
Edit (22nd July 23')
adding this comment by @jiangchenganalysis
a great addition to the post, thankyou so much.
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Another addition by me :
In ch72 (EXR translation)
wei wuxian finds that wens are being put in concentration camps, and that wen ning died, after learning about this he attacks the guards and frees the wens from them.
Following up, in the next chapter, there is a meeting at jinlintai with many sect leaders and people present, wei wuxian's topic is brought up and how he attacked the guards Jin's question Jiang Cheng who was present there about it, he apologized and said wwx's actions were too much and said they (wwx and jc) owe them for helping them during the sunshot campaign.
Then there is this -
Nie MingJue, “You owe them gratitude? Isn’t the QishanWen Sect the ones who caused the YunmengJiang Sect’s annihilation?”
Within these few years, Jiang Cheng insisted on working late into the night every day. That day, just as he decided to rest early, he had to rush to Koi Tower overnight because of the thundering news. He’d been suppressing some anger under his fatigue since the beginning. With his natural competitiveness, he was already quite agitated since he had to apologize to other people. When he heard Nie MingJue mention the incident of his sect again, hatred sprouted within him.
The hatred was directed at not only everyone who was seated in this room, but also Wei WuXian.
During this meeting be never once defended wei wuxian (only lan wangji and mianmian did) and he agreed with Jgy when he was badmouthing wei wuxian.
This also shows that he did not step in at a crucial time where everyone was against wei wuxian and all the hostility lead to the nightless city massacre as well which lead to wei wuxian dying eventually
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aconflagrationofmyown · 8 months
Sarge vibes -Elaine & Jesse
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oh it’s an unaccountable thing, that rush of gratitude and relief when your first born is laid on your breast. violent love surges after it quick as a tidal wave as a tiny hand still covered in your blood pats your skin to learn you from the outside this time, the only person who’s ever done it opposite from all others. it’s immeasurable the strength that frail little being gives you, to push once more, to bring out another life after it, a twin to reunite the Trinity.
“My son” Elaine acknowledged the gift through the agony, her sweaty forehead against his fuzzy one, watching his brave little face take in the lights and sounds and pain of this life she’d given him with a wonder that steeled her as she braced and pushed again. his face still inspired that in her.
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…Jesse cuts himself off, jabbing himself in the eyes with thumb and forefinger, wiping away the sentence with the salt. He looks so much like Elaine when he pinches the bridge of his nose that Elvis aches. Here's his son, with his face and build and blue eyes, but his fire is all Elaine. His Laney. His Tink, his rock, his wife.
"You gotta let mama go, daddy. You gotta let mama rest." And Jesse is the one who looks worn, looks so, so tired. It's a twisted fun house mirror of Elaine: suddenly he can see just how exhausted she's been, for so long he doesn't want to remember.
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“We made that!” Elaine hisses excitedly in his ear through the tempo of Abba blaring as Elvis watches Jesse move among his wedding guests with the same giddy pride that Elaine feels.
He grins and leans back on her as she nuzzles his cheek, arms stretched to wrap him in a hug. “We sure did. And he’s a married man.” he whispers with awe at the idea that he’s lived to see an entire dream play out. One he harbored as a young and hopeful idiot with more want than sense. God’s been good, kinder than He had any business being to sinners like him. “And he’s marryin’ a good’un.”
Elaine squeezes him harder and he can feel the sense of accomplishment radiating off her, like they’re a King and his Queen leaned to the side of the dance floor surveying their kingdom come. “I wonder,” she murmurs, “how many firstborns have saved their families like he’s done.”
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alohastyles-x · 1 year
Can you do 'I used to think love would be burning red but it's golden like daylight' with druig from eternals?
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Daylight - druig
I used to think love would be burning red | But it’s golden like Daylight.
note: this is a part of my Cruel Summer (Marvel's Version) Project, running all summer long. Listen... this may not be what you were looking for, but after I got this idea, I couldn't not write it, and honeslty almost made this a mini-series ... oops. This one took me so long, and I'm so sorry! I just had to make this perfect as a gift to all my Druig babies after leaving you guys high and dry- so this is for all of you who got me this far with my Druig fame here on tumblr <3 <3 my gratitude is immeasurable.
wordcount: 3.3k
trope / pairing: druig x Fem Reader , fluff with slight angst
warnings: slight angst because you cannot escape the druig angst here
Materslist | Marvel Masterlist | Cruel Summer (Marvel's Version) Masterlist |
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It was a dreary afternoon. The clouds hung low, threatening to spill any second. A deep rumble echoed off the buildings, as a light flash shone through the gray. The storm was rolling in, but with it brought an unexpected energy in the air. 
You were walking down the streets of the city, eyeing the sky. You were still five minutes away from your destination, and were praying silently you’d make it in time before the rain drenched the streets. 
Suddenly, a low growl sounded behind you, causing you to stop dead in your tracks. Turning, you came face to face with a creature you had never seen before. Eyes wide, you froze, staring at the blue and gold creature, its muscles flexing as it stood, breathing heavy. It almost looked mechanical, yet made of tissue at the same time. Easily, it was the scariest being you had ever seen. 
Stumbling backwards, you tripped over the curb, landing flat on your ass. You were trembling, fear overtaking you as the creature moved closer and closer. 
A shot of golden light flew from the sky, right into the creature sending it flying through the air. A man followed the golden beam, responsible for it penetrating through the air. You were about to scream, but a wave of calm washed over you.
You turned your head, coming face to face with a man. He had a golden haze around him, and his hand was outstretched towards you. 
“It’s okay,” his voice was deep, and thick with an accent you didn’t recognize. He sounded distant, as if you were underwater and he was above the surface, shouting. A buzz humming through your head made it difficult to hear the commotion going on around you. 
As if emerging from water, the second you placed your hand in his, his voice became clear and the haze dissipated, until it only glowed behind him. He had dark, ocean blue eyes that peered quizzically at you. 
“What’s your name?” He asked, his voice gentle yet gruff. 
“y/n,” you responded softly. His eyes flickered with golden specks, and a sense of peace flooded your mind once more. 
You knew it was him, from the second his powers touched your thoughts. He didn’t hide that it was him, something compelling him to let you trust him fully. 
In a blink, his powers were gone, leaving a warm fuzzy feeling over your memories. He smiled slightly, as he looked at you in a different light. 
“y/n. I like the sound of that. I’m Druig,” he said. 
The golden haze faded around him, and you were consciously aware of the world again. You turned around, still holding onto his hand as you looked for the creature. 
“It’s gone now, you don’t have to worry.” He said, knowing instantly what you were searching for.
“Druig!” You heard a voice say in the distance. It belonged to a pretty tall woman, with long dark hair. She radiated with a sweet, feminine energy, as she held herself gently. 
He nodded his head to her- a silent communication passing between the two of them. Somehow you knew. He had to go. 
But you didn’t want to let go, and he knew that too. 
“I’ll be back.” He had said, placing a soft kiss to your hand before he let go. 
You watched as he walked with grace over to the dark-haired woman. There was something about the two of them, and the one flying in the air earlier, that felt… ethereal to you; as if they were gods. You shook your head, laughing quietly at the idea. 
“You know what we have to do…” Sersi whispered to Druig as he approached her. She had a solemn look on her face. She too hated this just as much as he did. 
“I know,” Druig sighed. He hated that Arishem had tasked them with this new part of their mission: testing any human who came in contact with the Deviants. Arishem wanted reports from Ajak on how the humans responded, but none of the eternals were sure why- Ajak never said. 
“I know, I hate it too,” Sersi said, feeling Druig’s uneasiness. He looked at her with a sad smile, and turned back around to face you. You were right where he left you, stuck in the daze he left you in. Something about you was different. He felt so guilty for having control of your mind right now. It made him nauseous. 
Nonetheless, he stood tall, his hands placed behind his back as he walked up to you. You greeted him with a bright, naive smile. Poor thing, he thought to himself, as he offered you a gentle smile. 
“Come with me,” he whispered, extending his hand to reach yours. You took it, grateful for the kindness of this man. 
A golden light flashed before your eyes, your head instantly feeling woozy as if you were traveling at a high speed through space. A warm air hit you with a force, knocking you back- or at least that’s what it felt like. You couldn’t see a damn thing. Is this what blacking out felt like? You had briefly thought to yourself, before you fell forward into Druigs' open arms. 
“There’s nothing here,” A woman’s voice said. It was deep, the hint of an accent lingering. She had tan skin, and long black hair. 
“I told you. There is no point in doing all of this still.” The voice was Druigs. He was frustrated, his tone giving him away. 
“Guys…” Sersi said, her eyes darting to where you laid, your eyes beginning to flutter open. An oxygen mask was placed over your mouth and nose, helping you breathe better. There was a bright exam light over you, and you laid on a hard surface. You shifted, and a ruffling of paper gave away it was a doctor table set up. 
Your head was pounding, and the light began to get brighter as your head throbbed. A pained moan escaped your lips, growing as intense as the metaphorical knife in your skull. 
The next second you were screaming, the sound muffled slightly by the oxygen mask. You tried to move, to take the damned thing off, only to discover you were strapped down on the exam table. Panic began to kick in, as you thrashed about. 
Druig stood next to the table, grimacing as he watched you writhe in a pain he could easily take away. His hand reached out against his command, willing to help. 
“Druig, no.” Ikaris said sternly. 
“You’re not the one in charge.” Druig snapped back, daggers in his eyes as he stared at the eternal he hated the most. If he could kill Ikaris- which he could in an instant if Ajak allowed it, he would in a heartbeat. 
“Well someone has to be!” Ikaris shouted, looking amongst the group. Ajak glared at him, as he blatantly undermined her. 
“Ikaris that’s enough. Druig, you do what you have to do. Ease her pain, but don’t mess with her mind. We still need it.” 
Druig glared at her now, but reached his hand out to grip yours. He let his power flow through him into you, easing the nerves in your body to feel nothing. He watched as your body thrashed, only to settle a few minutes later. The fear didn’t leave your eyes though, making his heart break. 
He didn’t want this. He didn’t care if Arishem ordered it or not, it was utter bullshit. Everyone knew exactly how he felt, some sharing the same sentiment like Sersi and Makkari- who was currently hiding, unable to witness the torture.  
Ajak was currently meddling more in your mind, searching for any trace of the Deviant in you. Druig could feel her power pulsating next to his, making him hot with anger. Sersi glanced over at him as he twitched, knowing he was about 2 seconds away from breaking. 
“Ajak, perhaps there’s another way,” Sersi started, trying desperately to mend the situation. Ajak only continued, humming softly to herself. Druig rolled his neck. He could only stand the feel of her power next to his for so long. 
If Druig loved anything it was control- and no one could really blame him. His entire power was focused around it, controlling himself, the voices, the minds of others. The feeling and knowledge of not being in control took a toll on him. 
“Ajak…,” Sersi warned, a hint of pleading in her voice. 
“There, I’m done. She’s all clear. Druig, you know what to do now,” Ajak pulled back, the emptiness of her power a relief against Druig’s. A collective sigh was heard in the room, but Druig was still hot with anger. He knew what came next- erasing your memories. Which meant erasing that you met him.
Something selfish awoke in him, as he looked down at your figure. Your eyes were now closed, as he pulled you into a deep sleep. He didn’t want you to wake up and no longer know him. He wanted to know you, and to show you that he wasn’t terrifying, that he wasn’t to be feared the way you feared him moments ago. 
Druig only nodded his head toward Ajak, as a plan began to emerge in his head. 
Moonlight bathed the Domo, its light illuminating the inside of the ship, casting long shadows along the walls and hallways. Druig had slipped out of his room, clad in his armor. He moved as silently as he could to where they held the subjects. It was a smaller room at the back of the ship. Due to its size, Ajak had the good sense to only take one to two subjects at a time- especially considering barely any humans actually had contact with the Deviants. 
His eyes grazed upon your sleeping body, the rise and fall of your breaths the only evidence of your slumber from behind. Druig let his power flow through the room, golden streams of lights latching themselves into your mind, a soft lullaby playing to keep you asleep as he lifted you into his arms off the cot. 
This was his plan- to escape with you to wherever your heart desired to go. He just hoped you didn’t hate him once you came to. His eyes fell to your closed ones as he slithered through the halls to the ships transport area. Anticipating a smooth exit, Druig became a little too careless with his steps as he grew closer and closer to the end of the hall. 
It was only the soft breaths of Ikaris that stilled Druig’s steps, making him weary of rounding the final corner. He swore under his breath, calculating his next move. He most certainly couldn’t fight holding your body, and the floor was not an ideal place to rest you… however, he didn’t want to have to escape back through the Domo to gather you again after he defeated Ikaris. 
“I know you’re there Druig,” Ikaris’s disembodied voice sounded from the room. Druig sighed, shifting your body in his arms as he laid you gently against the entrance of the transport room, before walking into where Ikarris stood. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure,” Druig asked, sneering as he took in Ikaris in his full armor sood before him. 
“If you think I don’t know what you are up to, then you are dumber than I thought.” Ikaris was careful with his words- careful in the sense that he wanted to rile Druig, just not too much that would call attention. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Where is she?” The question was curt, and loud as Ikaris held Druig’s gaze. He was determined to protect you from the madman Ikaris had become of late. He was unrecognizable as he stood before Druig now, his eyes bloodthirsty, twitching. 
Druig took two steps closer, coming mere inches from Ikaris’ face. His eyes grew hazy with red as his anger overtook him. Ikaris flinched ever so slightly, knowing none of them knew the true limit of Druig’s power, as he always held back. 
None of them knew of the dark swirling thoughts he kept at bay, encouraging him to do dark and devious things. Baiting him with every snide look and every snarky comment made by his teammates- Ikaris specifically were the voices’ favorite to tempt Druig with. 
And now, he was contemplating giving in. 
“Don’t make me ask again,” Ikaris sneered. After a pause he continued with an unmatched ferocity, “where is the girl?”. 
“I thought you weren’t asking again.” A smirked danced across Druigs face, but was soon wiped from his lips as Ikaris’s fist came in contact with his jaw. 
Now he had done it. 
The floodgates opened in Druig’s mind, the voices spilling out into the air as dark spiraling shadows, captivating Ikaris’ attention. Druig’s eyes were golden, clearly in command of the disembodied voices, hanging low in the air as they slithered towards Ikaris. He buckled at the sound, crawling backwards as he tried to escape. 
“Wha-” Ikaris was cut off as the shadows entered his gaping mouth, filling his head with the dark thoughts that once plagued Druigs. When the last of the shadows had filled Ikaris’s head, he stood, his eyes reflecting the gold in Druigs. 
“Go back into your chambers. Do not wake until dawn, and speak nothing of what happened to the girl or to me.” The command was simple, but effective, as Ikaris nodded curtly. He turned, walking militantly back to his chambers deep in the Domo. 
By now, you had awakened at the sounds of the shadows. You were peering out gently behind the wall, staring fearfully at the man who now stood solemn in the room. 
He caught your attention and his face softened instantly as he saw you sulk back behind the wall. 
“Do not be afraid,” Druig whispered, moving gently to the doorway. “It’s still me.” 
You moved forward just an inch, to peer back at the man you had once had such an intense attachment too. That bond was still there, pulling you towards him, the specks of gold in his eyes were alluring. 
Standing, you walked slowly towards him, as he held his arms out. 
“Wha- what is happening?” You asked, your voice hoarse from being unconscious for so long. 
“I am rescuing you.” Druig said simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
You reached your hand out to gently touch his, tracing the lines along his hands. 
“What did you do to that man?” 
“I did what I had to to ensure your safety. And I would do it over and over again if it meant you were safe and out of harm's way.” 
“But… why?” You were perplexed by these sentiments. This man before you was a god, and you were just… well, you.
“Because I will never let another soul so much as look at you the wrong way, without ensuring they will be met with endless mental torment.” His fingers grazed your chin, making you meet his eye. 
“We can run away, start a new village, and rule over them together- if that is what you wish. Or, we can return to the city, back to your life as it was before.” 
You paused, trying to recall memories of a past life, where you were apparently from. 
“I don’t think I remember what my life was like before,” you admitted. Anger flickered in his eyes as he knew Ikaris had some part in this. He caressed your chin, up to your cheek, before tracing your lips with the gentle tips of his fingers. 
“Then we’ll run until we find a place where you feel the safest and the happiest.” 
You only nodded, taking his hand, and following him blindly into this new world. 
Luscious green leaves filled the landscape, the dark brown of the tree stumps a mere accent to the canopies that were so full, there was not a hint of sky shining through them. The forest bed was soft, still in the quiet. The atmosphere was still as well, a low blue-gray fog rolling in from the lake that lay just up ahead. 
Brown lodges sat amongst the trees, carved out of the very same wood. Villagers sat in and around the lodges, many of them chatting about what was to come of their day, scouring down the breakfast their loved ones made for them. The hum of chatter was the only sound among the stillness. 
Druig sat at the head of the table in his lodge, sucking on a strawberry. You were at his side, enjoying the breakfast he had made for you. It consisted of all your favorite fruits and nuts, all hand picked by him. 
For many who ruled over villages, it was the man who was doted on by his partner. But not here. No, here, you were the ruler, and Druig was merely your loyal lover, kneeling beside you always. He was submissive in every way to you, but dominant to those in the village, becoming something they feared. No one could deny his love and affection for you though. 
“Do you have any plans today, love?” You asked him, reaching gently for his hand. He turned his attention to you, shaking his head. 
“I wondered if you wanted to head down to the lake with me today. It’s so hot out, I figured it would be nice to take a swim.” 
“Like, right now?” He asked, setting down the strawberry he had. 
“Uh,” you paused to think about it, but Druig smiled devilishly as he shot out of his chair. You eyed him suspiciously, before he threw your chair back, gripped your waist, and slung you over his shoulder. You shrieked, hitting his back as he took off out of the lodge. 
Giggles echoed off the trees as you gave in, letting him carry you down to the shoreline. His own laughter could be heard, spreading a smile to the villagers faces. They couldn’t help but smile watching as their rulers ran off into the morning light. 
“Druig! I’m going to fall!” You shouted, gripping his shoulders tightly as he tripped over a stone. 
“I got ya’,” he called out, his hands only becoming firmer on your hips, sending a wave of pleasure through your body. You could already feel the crescent moon marks from his nails make its way past the thin fabric of our dress. 
You heard the splash of water before you felt the water being submerged over your body, as Druig ran into the lake. His hands didn’t let go of you entirely, as you slipped from his shoulder into the murky darkness of the waters below. It was refreshing, the cold water lapping at your skin as you broke the surface. 
“That was mean!” You shouted, but grateful for the plunge, as you now felt more awake. Druig only smirked as he lowered himself fully in the water, coming mere inches from your face. 
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” He whispered, pulling you even closer to him. 
“Only every day,” you giggled. His lips found yours, moving gently against yours. The kiss was passionate, hungry, as if he had not just finished eating breakfast minutes ago. 
The warmth of the sunlight hit your face as it broke over the horizon, causing Druig to pull back. He turned his attention to the daybreak, watching in awe as the sun bathed the lake and the forest beyond in its morning glory. 
“You know, a long time ago, I used to think love was a lot like the color red. Passionate, and fiery to the point where it burns,” Druig rambled, turning back to face you. “But I couldn’t have been more wrong.” 
“What is love then?” You ask, eager to hear how his mind works, constantly comparing one thing to another. 
“It is warm and refreshing. Bright and glorious.” He paused, contemplating. You waited patiently. 
“It’s daylight.” 
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| Feedback is greatly appreciated |
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avpdcultureis · 4 months
Avpd culture is having SO much money anxiety. I cant look at restaurant bulls without feeling sick i cant listen to my parents talk about money I feel so immeasurably guilty i cant fucking stand knowing that i cost money to keep alive i hate knowing that everything i do costs money and a lot of it bc im going to go to college in the near future and im not ready im not going to be able to stand in a freshman dorm room and keep my lunch inside of my stomach i wont be able to think about the probably 40+ thousand dollars thats going to be spent PER YEAR towards my education without wanting to fucking rip my skin off. I feel like such a spoiled fucking brat for being able to afford luxuries that others cant i feel like theyre so wasted on me i know its not my fault and you can't win in a capitalist system but i still feel like its my fault and im being ungrateful when i try my best to be thankful for everything i have and to understand the sheer sacrifice my parents make and i show my gratitude at every chance i get but the guilt is insane i cant escape the guilt. I know itll get worse when im on my own and have my own career and i pay for everything. Its like im not meant to survive. Im sorry if this is a long one, watching a show about rich people being spoiled arrogant insanely disrespectful assholes makes me think im no different and i deserve to suffer
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