#The Moja
strawberryoverlord · 6 months
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im wanting to get a tattoo of the Moja mini robo and traced over one of the panels for it, decided to share with the world! repost, get a matching tattoo, website decor, or whatevs, no credit necessary because it's literally Q Hayashida's art
my only stipulation is if you make this a sticker or a charm: i want one
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motylekaaany · 12 days
,,Najgrubsza osoba to..."
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c4ntsavethatsh1t · 1 month
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gowno1232137 · 19 days
Życie gdyby można było łatwiej spalać kcal
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butterflyspacemiya · 3 months
2.MNIEJSZE ubrania,
3.dokladki,ktore beda ci nakladac,
4.zmuszanie cie do jedzenia,
5.pytania jak schudlas,
6.nie spodziewane teksty kierujace w twoja strone np. „chudzinka”,
8.bedziesz mogla sie pokazac w czyms odkrywajacym,
9.beda ci ZAZDROSCIC,
10.bedziesz lepsza od innych,
11.twoja waga bedzie najmniejsza waga w grupie znajomych,
12.kazdy bedzie zwracal uwage na twoje WYCHUDZONE CIALO,
13.bedziesz jadla przy innych gdy inni beda tobie ZAZDROSCIC tego,ze JESZ a JESTES chuda,
14.dawne ubrania beda z ciebie SPADAC,
15.bedziesz mogla nazwac sie MOTYLKIEM,
16.BEDZIESZ idealna,
17.beda patrzec na CIEBIE z LEPSZEJ perspektywy,
18.USIADZIESZ komus na kolana bez obaw,ze jestes tlusta jak hipopotam,
19.ktos cie UNIESIE bez problemu,
20.kazdy bedzie komplementowal twoje WYCHUDZONE CIALO,
21.bedziesz kims WIECEJ niz chuda dziewczyna,
22.kazdy ci bedzie ZAZDROSCIL wagi,
23. beda cie WYPYTYWALI o wage,
25.beda sie ciebie pytac czy cos JESZ.
(kierowane do mnie)
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gasien1czka · 1 month
~ Wszystkie motylki/gąsieniczki aktywne na maj lub czerwiec reblogujcie!!!! :3 dam wam obsa!<3 ~
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karmelizowanyowoc · 3 months
Reblog = zero napadów i waga leci tylko w dół..⬇️
Ana wszystko widzi kochanie😉
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44motylekxblog · 20 days
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xshellokitty · 3 months
Wyobraź sobie jaka zadowolona dziś będziesz gdy nic nie zjesz, Ana przede wszystkim :)
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Twoje nogi mogłyby być takie chude.
Twój brzuch mógłby być taki płaski..
Twoje ciało mogłoby być takie piękne...
Ale TY wolałaś żreć ;)
(kierowane do mnie)
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butterflyontheleash · 3 months
I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve
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sztansescheadache · 6 months
i believe that “the peasants” and “1670” coming out in the same year is a peak of polish cultural reassurance
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xaanaa · 9 months
˗ˋ 𐀔 Motylki
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octaviaa3 · 4 months
Moja ulana morda o 2 w nocy patrzącą na jakąś ładną i chudą laskę w dc
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shellsweet · 5 months
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We strike hard & fade away into the night.🌙
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turrondeluxe · 11 months
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Know peace
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