#That's it that's the self insert a good 90% of the time
kakusu-shipping · 1 year
2 and 11 for your Mario S/I!!
Thankyou very much for asking!!!!!
My Mario S/I ref can be found Here and Info Here
2. How similar is your s/i to you? Are they a carbon copy, completely different or a mix of the two?
A lot of my S/Is are just straight me with a little idealization and a little warping due to just the nature of growing up somewhere different.
For my Mario S/I, he's a lot smarter than me, which isn't to say irl me is dumb, just not very good at retaining information, or using it to further a conclusion. My Mario S/I is, and is also very passionate about learning about the new world he lands in. (I like to think if I got isekaied I would be too but who knows)
He shares my special interest in Mushrooms, a lot of my taste in games, Bulling as a Love Language, Generally Chill Go with the Flow personality type, Fear of Bees, and a handful of other small traits that I don't wanna list too long.
He handles a bad situation way better than me. Like I said he's better at rationalizing and drawing conclusions, he's a lot more calm in a high stakes situation, good at talking something down, and reacting quickly to chaos.
For example in the events that'd be eventually rewritten as Paper Mario, Emile was the one to throw Luigi out of the castle, as he hung behind to find Toadsworth. He talks Bowser into instead of shoving him in the prison in his own castle to instead let him stay in his own room is the castle, and spends the rest of the game slowly sneaking all the trapped Toads out of said prison and back to his room until Mario storms the castle and saves them. I could never do all that, but he could, because he's cool under pressure and smooth with his words.
Side note this is also how my Mario S/I gets top surgery; He takes a very neutral stance to most schemes Bowser does, so when he was brought to Bowser for sneaking around the castle, and learned he had the Star Rod, he asked if he could get a wish, sense that's what the thing's for anyway. Bowser agreed as long as it wasn't something stupid like "I wish Mario had the power to defeat Bowser". "I wish for Top Surgery" is considered a Selfish wish by the Star Spirits and would never be granted, but Bowser did it, cause why not. He loves a selfish wish and is very Trans Rights
11. Does you s/i have one outfit they're always seen in or multiple?
He does have multiple outfits! Like Mario and Luigi he has all kinds of fits for different activities, not sports he doesn't do those, but like, Casual Wear and such. I actually drew us in a bunch of outfits you can see Here!
Though also like Mario and Luigi, I do typically just stick him in the Overalls look, for consistency sake. Either that or the basic Sona outfit of Big Orange Sweater
Oh! But actually a while ago I drew him in a few of my favorite Power Ups from the Main Series, I never posted it cause the image was more long than wide, and the sketches were pretty Eh in my opinion, but I'll post them now just for the sake of putting out all my art, even the stuff I'm not the proudest of.
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The main concepts are his eyes and freckles change color to match the power ups, though he doesn't use them all that often sense he's an Adviser and not typically in any kind of direct line.
#Thankyou for asking#Long post#oh wait now I have to give it the#Emile's Arts#tag#aaaaaaaaugh man#Sorry this got so long this is PEAK brainrot as I've shown#I love you Bee Suit you're so cute and also I Hate you Bee Suit the buzzing hurts me so physically#A LOT of my S/Is are either Me but able to Fully use their Brains or Me but Able to lift a truck with one arm#That's it that's the self insert a good 90% of the time#I have a lot of Medical Field Idealization I think if I was able to Process better I would have a Doctorate#But because I'm kinda pea brained and have poor processing and struggle to retain information I can't#Also getting a Doctorate is VERY expensive??? I could never#So a good portion of my S/Is are Doctors in some way or another#Some gender of Mad Scientist#This will include this S/I he may not actually be a Doctor per say but he could he's very smart#Again I'm not irl stupid or nothin just really reeeeeeeeally slow#And they don't like that in public school how dare you struggle to memorize 9 subjects at once#Anyway!!!!#Thanks again for asking!!!!!#I looooooooove talking about my Mario S/I right now!!! It's a lot of fun!!!!!#ngl when I first made him despite it being the Mario Movie that pushed me to do it#I'd completely forgotten the Power Mechanic from the main games#fdkgjfdjgkfd I don't play the platformers I'm BAD AT THEM#VERY SLOW!! BAD HAND EYE COORDINATION!!! dfgjfdgdkfjgk#It took a different friend with a Mario S/I posting their S/I with power ups to remind me that was a thing
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lovecolibri · 1 year
"It's like eating rice cakes" that description is soooo accurate and has me on the floor lmao 6A IS indeed dry af I can literally visualize the styrofoam taste lmaoooo
It's just sooooo lacking in substance. And it's really extra frustrating because the set up for some delicious and deep moments were like, RIGHT there! Even in s5 we had things like the perfect set up for Eddie having to listen to his firefam be in danger and unable to help, and Buck having some deep conversations with Bobby about Eddie and reinforcing their father/son bond. So then, when Bobby was in danger, the emotional beat with someone like Chim or Eddie telling Buck to relax because Bobby was going to be okay would actually land and would have given Bobby something to do as well. But s6 had SUCH potential with the blimp crash, with Buck being allowed to make a choice for himself instead of just having to react after someone else makes the choices, with Bobby having things about Wendall all season leading up to 6x09, with Madney's love story coming back together and healing ON SCREEN, with Buck/Bobby having that father/son dynamic back, with Buck's storyline being intertwined and influenced by Chris and Eddie's/Henren and Denny's/Madney and Jee's (for serious SO many opportunities), with the Eddie and Chim dynamic, with the Chim getting abducted while Maddie listened to that and then Buck putting himself in danger to save him, just....it's all RIGHT THERE. The emotional beats are so big it takes WORK for the show to completely miss them so hard.
This is why I'm always tagging things asking Tim to come back. Completely outside of the Buddie of it all, he was SO good at telling stories, bringing multiple plotlines together and having multiple plots for different characters running at once, not dragging things out more than needed, and just a general cohesiveness to everything, especially in regards to the emergencies helping push existing arcs along instead of just feeling like filler to take up time. He was also REALLY good at pacing and emotional balance between dramatics and fun as well as making sure that the characters, storylines, and emergencies/victimes were treated with respect and with heart.
We know for a fact that Tim was the one making Kristen include those intimate conversations so they happened on screen and those moments really held a lot of the heart and depth of the show. It's become really clear with 6a how badly those are missing now that there isn't the excuse of main characters being missing.
Take out the depth and heart of the show, and it looses what made it special, what made it stand out from other shows, and what made it resonate with such a wide audience. The fact that every social media has seen people mentioning the show feeling off/boring/filler/not the same really says that it's not just a handful of Buddie fans being needlessly picky. I know casual viewers and evey they are telling me they're bored and miss how the show used to be. And it's pretty clear where the issue is coming from because WHEN the cast gets their moments to shine they are still knocking those moments out of the park.
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aura-can-draw · 1 year
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nihilistem · 9 months
adhd study affirmations + tips to stray from discouragement by a stem student with adhd.
you’re not always going to be consistent. you’re not always going to be motivated. you’re not always going to be efficient. and that is okay.
edit : thank you so much to whoever blazed this post. It means the world to me.
and the fact that you even got this far is an accomplishment in and of itself. In this line of work, people aren’t always the kindest to neurodivergent people especially since our symptoms can often hinder our performance academically.
if you’re good to go after reading the above, I’ve also made a post regarding adhd study tips that I haven’t seen anywhere else. (Part 2 is here!) But, if you’re burned out like me, feel free to keep reading.
honestly, these might serve a bit more as reminders because they’re kinda simple but even I needed this, so, here we go.
do not seek advice from anyone neurotypical unless it genuinely helps you. I cannot tell you the amount of time and tears I could have saved if I just considered the fact that just because popular self-improvement tips or study techniques didn’t work for me, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid or useless. It simply means our brains isn’t motivated by the same things neurotypical ones are, and therefore a lot of popular self-improvement videos or study tips aren’t going to work for you because 90% of the time, they’re not designed to work for neurodivergent people. So if you’d like to seek help in this area, look for tips and videos that ARE for neurodivergent people.
you might experience burnout a lot more than others. again, that is fine. if this doesn’t apply to you, great! Feel free to skip to the next tip/affirmation. If this does apply to you, read this carefully; if you’ve had any sort of streak in studying right now, chances are you know at least a portion of your studies were led purely on interest, curiosity or even novelty, as these are what keep us engaged in our studies. Knowing this, it is natural for you to experience burnout more frequently than others due to the possible hyperfixations that have been forming around your work. If you get burned out, please remember to take a break for a day and make sure it is efficient. Like your studies, your breaks are the key to having efficient study sessions in the future. So please treat yourself, especially if you’ve been working extra hard!
do not admire studious fictional characters unless it genuinely helps you or they too are neurodivergent. I know this technically could have been thrown in with tip number 1 but I felt like this tip alone is so important, because nowadays I see a lot of study tips with the title, ‘how to study like (insert studious fictional character here)’ and when I look at the post it kinda repeats the same few study tips I see all the time like ‘stay organized’ or ‘time block your day’ and I feel like admiring fictional characters who do things that don’t work for you can be damaging for your mental health, because we’re already told by neurotypical people all around us that we’re slow or lazy just because we don’t do things the way they do, and I think idolizing neurotypical people that make us feel bad at the end of the day just further promotes that kind of toxic thinking.
expect that a routine/schedule/technique that has been working for a while now may not continue to work in the future. things will always have to be new for us to be interested or engaged, that being said, if you expect this in the future you won’t be frustrated with yourself because you already had this in mind. It doesn’t mean you’re not smart. It doesn’t mean you’re lazy. It doesn’t mean you’re useless. It just means that you’ve done what you could, and now it’s time to move on to another routine/schedule/technique.
keep doing the things you love alongside work. I find that because our symptoms may cause us to fall behind on our studies, we tend to neglect our other needs as human beings just to make up for the fact that we simply do not learn or pick things up the same way neurotypical people do. Your hobbies and interests need to be part of your day, just as your studies do, even if you may take longer to learn things or remember important concepts in your studies. Neglecting your hobbies or interests can lead to even more frequent burn outs and even a relapse in depression and anxiety, so please take care of yourself and recognize that you need and deserve these things just as much as anyone else.
regularly discover what works for you on your own. here’s the thing; neurodivergent or not, no two brains work the same. Of course it is good to try out advice or tips you find online because they’re backed up by experience, but they’re backed up by that person’s experience with working with their own brain. So naturally, you need to find what works with your brain. Be open to trying everything, even the tips that are discouraged like listening to lyrical music while studying. That was the only way I learnt that this tip actually does help me at times, even when many people have said that it negatively affects your focus.
that’s all I have right now guys, I think I’m experiencing burn out or probably falling back into depression again so more than anything this also served as a reminder for me, but I really hope it also helped you guys nonetheless.
As always, tell me if you guys would like more posts like these and I’ll be happy to make more <33 please take care of yourself guys, and remember that your studies is just one aspect of your life. There are other aspects that need your care and attention too.
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vintagegeekculture · 3 months
"The Ayla Descent Theory" of Mary Sues
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"Children of the Earth," Luis Royo.
After the success of Jean M. Auel's stone age novel Clan of the Cave Bear, there was a very lengthy trend in the publishing world of stone age adventure novels aimed at women that lasted for a decade and only really fizzled out in the early 2000s. After all, "Ayla," the name of the main character of these books, was one of the top baby names of 1987.
The target audience for these books were weird midwestern aunts....you know, the Mists of Avalon and the Mercedes Lackey/Valdemar audience. Therefore, the Clan of the Cave Bear imitators also featured things of interest to the weird aunt audience: Scotland, redhaired women with sharp tongues, commanding wolves, Ireland, Feminism, riding herds of wild horses bareback in scenic locations, Wicca, matriarchial religions, swimming with dolphins....but above all else, American Indians (a culture this audience finds interesting, as anyone who has seen the home decor of a typical weird midwestern aunt can attest), with many novels set in Ice Age America, like Children of the Dawn, Reindeer Moon and the First Americans. Decades later, this audience would form the core fandom for Game of Thrones, and the character of Khaleesi Targaryen in particular.
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These books almost assuredly still have a place of honor on the book shelf of the weirdest woman at your job.
Nearly all of these imitators have two of Clan of the Cave Bear's defining traits: 1) a supremely beautiful, usually blonde athletic and statuesque main character over 5'11" who does not realize that she is so beautiful and desirable, who is good at a variety of different skills and is friendly with animals like hawks, dolphins, or horses, and 2) a love triangle between this aforementioned blond but innocent Venus and two bodybuilder muscular he-men cave hunks, one of whom is a blonde guy with long rock star hair (it was the 80s), and the other being a buff black guy with dreadlocks (or otherwise ethnic in some way).
The heroine usually picks the blonde guy in the end, but the audience usually picks the ethnic guy.
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In the late 90s and early 2000s, in the broader culture of fandom, it was fashionable to dump on "Mary Sues" (indulgent wish-fulfillment author personas in fanfiction) and the people who wrote them. Accusations of creating a Mary Sue approached a kind of hysteria. Even at the time, when everyone else was getting swept up in this, I thought that getting mad about aunties writing fanfiction showed a loss of perspective, and was a bit silly. Thankfully, we've benefitted from moral evolution: the consensus in fandom now is that writing aspirational characters is a harmless activity that tests a young writer's creative muscles, like the half-Vulcan pretty new ensign on the Enterprise that Kirk and Spock both fall in love with, or a new archer girl who Legolas falls in love with joining the Fellowship. This hate walked hand in hand with insecurities, in the exact same way that people worried about their appearance or concerned with their weight are often cruel to fat people, and there were frequent tests if this or that character in your writing was a Mary Sue.
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There was a running joke in this 2000s culture of anti-self insertion called the "Ayla Descent Theory of Mary Sues." The joke was that Mary Sues came into existence because Ayla, the beautiful, athletic heroine of the Clan of the Cave Bear novels, was the ancestor of their entire lineage, as the first known Mary Sue to ever exist in the historical record, described as being a statuesque blonde who did everything right and was always at the center of love triangles, and who changed human history.
According to the running joke, Mary Sues everywhere were descended from Ayla from Clan of the Cave Bear, and she was the first to exist, and Ayla was the explanation of where all the Enterprise's new ensigns main characters fall in love with come from.
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pastelpinkkadan · 21 days
My most blunt, controversial ACOTAR opinions. Nothing is safe, nothing is sacred. Mind the tags for your own peace of mind please.
P.S.: Absolutely not directed at any other blog/person specifically. Just general fandom/shippers.
Gwyn is not that important of a character. She is a secondary character whose main purpose in the story was to be Nesta’s friend. She has no connection to any overarching plot. She could literally never be seen again in the books and all the main plot points would still work.
People have inflated Gwyn’s character and importance solely because they ship her with Azriel. And they ship her with Azriel because 1. She is the only other single female character (besides Elain) that he has interacted with. 2. Gwyn is enough of a blank slate for people to project/self insert themselves into and thereby romance themselves with Azriel 3. Gwyn has only been shown in a positive light, with only positive personality traits (good friend and can wield a sword) so there’s no REAL controversy on her character/personality. Because there’s not enough to actually have any controversy.
If Gwyn was actually that important, Emerie would also be as important, if not more so. But 90% of time Emerie is forgotten by the fandom. Even to the point that the theory of an Illyrian plot is somehow given to Az and Gwyn, rather than Emerie. The two people that, arguably, have the least skin in the game concerning that theory. And the reason Emerie is this pushed out of her own potential story line is because she isn’t shipped with Azriel or another Fae male.
If there was no Bonus Chapter Gw*nriel would not exist. Or at the VERY least, it would be acknowledged as the crackship that it is. Because outside of the BC, there is nothing in the main ACOSF to accurately ship them to the degree that the fandom does. Elriel, however, still has several books where canon scenes have taken place. The BC is absolutely not needed to show that Elriel have feelings for each other, we already knew.
“Well Elain gave by TruthTeller, so Elriel isn’t end game!” Is one of the stupidest reaches I’ve seen. TruthTeller was always, OBVIOUSLY, meant to be something lent to Elain for the war. It wasn’t a permanent gift, and Az didn���t say it was. He said he wouldn’t use it TODAY, implying he would expect to use it again in the future. Imagine -
“Well Gwyn gave back the books Nesta recommended to her, so they obviously aren’t friends.”
Thats what y’all sound like. It’s just purposely misinterpreting things in a scene that obviously aren’t there for the sake of your ship. It’s disingenuous and not at all the win you think it is.
You cannot call Azriel an incel/fuck boy for Elain and then ship him with Gwyn in the same breath. If he’s all those things with Elain, he’ll be the same for Gwyn. She is not magically going to make him “better” or a gentleman. Actually, he’s already a gentleman. He just didn’t have sexual thoughts about Gwyn and y’all can’t stand it.
Same vein, but if Azriel had had those sexual thoughts in the BC about anyone else besides Elain there would have been no issue/debate.
If a Gw*nriel book did somehow happen, it would 1000% be for fan service/peer pressure. No previous books have set it up, even the main story in ACOSF. Elriel has been setting up since book 2. It makes sense. Anyone who says it doesn’t just doesn’t want it to happen, mostly because they don’t like Elain. And that’s also mostly because they can’t see themselves in Elain, so they lash out.
Saying Elriels are delusional is the wildest thing, because Elriels have the most canon scenes spread throughout the books, Elain and Azriel have interacted with each other positively the most and the longest, and they are the only potential couple that actually bluntly like each other. They exist outside of misinterpreted bonus chapters and “what if” theories with no real backing.
Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, part of the Elain hate IS misogyny. The amount of hate this character receives, compared to what she has actually done in the series, is entirely undeserving. She has received the same level of hate, if not more, than Tamlin, any of the ACOTAR villains, and Nesta, who is still a very controversial character. And for what? Liking Azriel, and not wielding a sword while doing it, apparently.
Elain liking flowers does not determine who she’ll end up with. For fucks sake we didn’t know Nesta liked to read smut or was great dancer until her book. And neither of those things determined her partner. It’s just what she likes. Same with Elain.
The idea that Nesta will leave Cassian and make her own court is stupid.
Being anti-ACOSF but Pro-Nesta is a streeeeeetch, because all of Nesta’s actual good character development came from ACOSF. Like, did you like that she was angry and unhealed before? Because that’s where she would still be without all that happened in ACOSF.
People don’t understand the intervention that HAD to happen with Nesta in ACOSF. And I would even venture to say that most people against it have never HAD to have a real intervention with someone to that level. The level of, go to rehab/therapy or you are not allowed to be in my house/take up my resources. Because you will not get better on your own, you will only hurt yourself or others and I won’t enable you anymore. It’s a difficult decision that but often it is NECESSARY. Speaking as someone with several addict family members.
All the theories about an El*cien plot line are completely focused on Lucien, and ignore everything built up with Elain. It’s always about Lucien figuring out his heritage, becoming some High Lord of one of the courts, or something with the Band of Exiles. Elain doesn’t have to be involved for any of that to happen. She’s pushed to the side in her own romantic story line. Nothing about her Seer powers, or the fact that she’s apparently been gaining spy abilities, or her place at the Night Court.
Lucien fans make me hate Lucien more than Lucien ever could.
The poor Lulu mindset can die.
While we’re at it, the theory that Elain likes Lucien so much that she avoids him is also stupid. That makes no sense. She loses her boldness around. She got better WHEN HE LEFT. All of Elain’s most powerful moments are when Lucien isn’t around. And that says something.
People cling to 1st book Lucien so much, but he has not been that way SINCE book 1.
Tamlin already got a redemption arc when he brought Rhys back to life. He doesn’t need another one, and he certainly doesn’t need a full book.
The Tamlin/Elain ship is stupid and only benefits Tamlin, not Elain. Once again placing Elain to the side of her own romance, much like El*cien.
If you hate everyone in the IC, you don’t actually like ACOTAR. They’re the majority of the books, including half of ACOSF. And it’s actually really stupid to hate the IC and still pretend you’re an ACOTAR fan. Because, again, the IC is the MAJORITY of ACOTAR. Please read something you actually like.
If you hate the entire main story and main characters of ACOTAR, but like one or two characters, you don’t like ACOTAR. You see yourself in a character, and want the story to reflect what YOU want to happen to that character (ie, yourself), and can’t handle that it didn’t. You don’t actually like the ACOTAR series. Again, maybe it’s time to read something else.
3 Acherons x 3 Bat Boys isn’t cliche. It’s a pattern. It’s a literary motif. It’s a theme. It is a pattern that SJM has naturally set up, the fact that you can see and assume that Elriel would be apart of that just means you can recognize basic literary devices in a fantasy novel. Which is the POINT.
I have no intention of debating anything. I’m just stating my opinions on my blog, like everyone else gets to do. So take that as you will.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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writingonleaves · 3 months
understated, overwhelming (life is always best when you're around) - nico hischier
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pairing: nico hischier x self insert gender neutral reader
warnings: swearing, fluff, nothing much else!
title: "float" by HARBOUR
word count: 3.6k
author's note: hi hi hi!! tried something out of my comfort zone with a self insert reader. also tried my absolute best with a gender neutral reader but if i made a glaring mistake somewhere, please call me out! this is my entry for @callsign-denmark 's Luck of The Puck Fic Exchange written for @selfindulgentpoorlywritten !! andi, i'm so sorry this is a bit late but hope you enjoy this little piece as much as i enjoyed writing it (:
You consider yourself a pretty nice person. 
You try to do your day job well, even if your supervisor drives you nuts from time to time. You call your mom every week, even if she thinks it should be more. You always help your elderly neighbor with their groceries if you happen to be outside at the same time. You foster dogs, mainly because your family has been doing it since you were young. 
But right now, as music is booming through the walls that is most definitely not the music you have softly playing on your speaker, you’re not feeling very nice. It had been a tiring day at work and all you want to do is snuggle up in your bed with a book. Whatever rap music is playing through the walls from your neighbor isn’t helping. 
You’re debating about whether you should say something. Firstly, you’re 90% sure it’s coming from the apartment across from you whose inhabitant you actually have seen the least. It’s not like you’re stalking your neighbors, but after living here for over two years now, you’re familiar with the faces. The only thing you know about the person who lives in 1708 is that there are two of them and that they look related. But that’s not even a sure fact.
All you know is right now, they’re getting on your last nerve. 
You scratch behind Boba’s ears, the Jack Russell Terrier you’re currently fostering, and pat his head before you decide that you have to go say something. You gain some courage before opening your front door. 
Turns out, you don’t even have to knock on your neighbors’ door. More accurately, it’s already open as a guy around your age, maybe a bit younger, says goodbye to the guy you’re almost positive lives there. Both the guys’ eyes slide to you and you fight the urge to shrink. 
“Hi,” the guy with his hand on the doorknob says, not unkindly. “Can I help you?”
You blink, “Hi. Listen, I really don’t want to be a bitch, but could you turn your music down? It’s a weeknight and I have to work in the morning.”
To his credit, his eyes widen apologetically. “Shit, yeah, of course. Sorry. I didn’t realize it was so loud. We’re about to wrap up anyways.” You wave him off as he sticks his hand out. “I don’t know if we’ve met. I’m Jack.”
You offer your name with a tight-lipped smile before shifting your eyes towards the other guy, floppy hair almost covering the amused glint in his eyes. He’s been leaning against the wall this whole time and he’s really fucking cute. “And you are?”
“Nico,” he nods with a shake of your hand. “I’m also sorry about the noise on behalf of Jack, even though I don’t live here.”
“It’s fine,” you hear Boba’s paws trotting on the hardwood floor and you stick your foot out to prevent him from running out. “Well, it’s nice to meet you both.”
Jack’s eyes trail down to Boba, who's looking at the two new voices with curious eyes. “And who’s this?”
You hold in a sigh, picking up Boba in your arms so he doesn’t start running down the hallway. “This is Boba. You can pet him if you’d like. He loves people.” Jack needs no further invitation and reaches to scratch behind his ears. Nico is a bit more hesitant, but the grin threatening to spill out of his lips has you softening. 
After more pets, Jack apologizes again and you bid them goodnight, ushering Boba back inside and turning off your lights. You hear no music, thank goodness, as you climb into bed.
A few weeks later you’re waiting for the elevator after a walk with Gretchen, a golden retriever who drives you nuts, when Nico runs in just as it closes. You don’t expect him to remember you, but he does, saying your name softly paired with a nod. 
He gestures towards Gretchen, who’s nipping about at your feet. “That’s not Boba, is it?”
“No, it’s not,” you say. “This is Gretchen. Boba got adopted last week.” He opens his mouth but you beat him to it. “I foster dogs. None of them are mine. Just, you know, giving them a home when they need it before they find their permanent home.”
“That’s very sweet of you.”
You shrug, because it’s not that big of a deal. To you, at least. “My family did it growing up, still does. So it’s a part of me now, I guess.” You switch the topic. “What are you up to on this sunny Saturday?”
“I, uh, working, I guess.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What do you do?”
Nico clears his throat and now you’re intrigued. “I play hockey. Professionally. That’s how I know Jack, actually. And his roommate, who’s also his brother. We’re all teammates.”
You squint a bit, eyes scanning over Nico’s face before nodding slowly. “That somehow makes sense. That would explain the weird hours.”
“You keep track of Jack’s in and outs?”
“Considering I didn’t even know his name until the night we all met, no,” you snort as you both step into the elevator. “I just hear their door open and close at weird times. So, working today?"
“Yeah. We have a game tonight.”
“Gotcha.” You press the button for ‘17,’ not expecting Nico to lean over and press ‘21’ himself. 
He must see your confusion. “I also live in this building,” he explains. 
You blink. “How long?”
“A little over a year now, but as you figured out, it’s weird hours.”
A beautiful man like him has been living in the same building as you for that long and you haven’t ever run into him? 
You nod, watching the handsome man bend down and coo at Gretchen, who licks his hand, that traitor. You did notice the first time you met him that he was really cute, but you were also really tired and cranky because of the noise. But here in the daylight, with a black beanie tossed over his hair and kindness in his eyes? 
You need to get out of this elevator fast before you say something stupid. 
Luckily, the pinging sound lets you know you’ve arrived on your floor. You give the leash a gentle hug before trying to give Nico a genuine smile. “Good luck at your game tonight.”
You rush out before there's even a chance for him to reply, Gretchen trotting along happily beside you. 
Something that sounds an awful lot like a smoke alarm going off greets you as you’re walking down the hallway to your place after work. It’s coming from Jack’s apartment, causing you to snort. You decide to knock on the door to make sure everything is alright. 
It’s not Jack or his brother you have yet to meet yet who opens the door, but Nico. Over his shoulder, you see someone who looks a lot like Jack fanning a pillow. You do hear Jack cursing and you can’t help but chuckle. 
“Hi,” you say, amused. “You don’t live here.”
“Ouch.” He teases back. “That’s no way to treat a neighbor.”
“I think it’s quite nice of me to check up on my neighbor when I hear their smoke alarm going off, actually,” you shoot back. The playfulness in your voice surprises even you, but there’s something about the brown-haired man that makes you immediately comfortable. You feel like you’ve known him for years, even though you really don’t know anything about him. And you don’t count the things you had found when you searched “jack nico new jersey hockey” after you ran into Nico in the elevator.
(Finding out that you live across from one of the seemingly most skilled players in the NHL and that you also met the captain, another highly-skilled player, was a moment that had your head spinning. You had to shut down your laptop and play with Boba afterwards to get yourself togetherr)
The alarm stops beeping and Jack’s head pokes up behind Nico’s shoulder. “Hi neighbor!”
You can’t help but laugh at his boyishness. “Hey Jack.”
“Everything alright?”
“I think I should be asking you that question. I’m just coming back from work and I heard the alarm.”
Jack grimaced, casting a look back into his apartment. “Yeah, I don’t think dinner will be salvageable but that’s alright.”
“No it’s not,” the guy you presume is Jack’s brother grumbles. 
Jack whacks him across the stomach. “Shut up. This is Luke, my younger brother.”
You nod with a smile. “Nice to meet you, Luke.” An idea pops in your mind. “I was gonna try a new lasagna recipe today. Do you three wanna come over in a bit?”
“You don’t need to do that,” Nico assures. 
But you wave him away. “I never proportion my shit right anyways, so you’d actually all be doing me a favor. It shouldn’t take too long either.”
“Nico’s right,” Jack says. “That’s a really nice offer, but-”
“I won’t set off the smoke alarm,” you sing playfully. That seems to do it, as they laugh. They still seem hesitant, so you compromise. “How about this? Got any vegetable dishes up your sleeve?”
Jack brightens up. “I was gonna make a greek salad as a side before we almost burnt down the apartment.”
You beam. “Perfect. You guys can go make that while I get started on the lasagna.”
Before you can turn on your heel, Nico pipes up. “I can help you with the lasagna, if you want?” He casts a look at Jack and Luke. “I don’t wanna be around in case they somehow mess up the salad.”
The brothers start protesting as you laugh, slightly nervous at the prospect of spending some decent alone time with Nico. “Sure. It’ll probably go a bit faster with a set of extra hands.”
With that, Jack and Luke head back to their place while you fiddle with the key to yours, feeling Nico’s presence behind you. You push open the door and kick off your shoes as he does the same. He surveys your apartment as you hang up your coat. You pat yourself on the back for actually cleaning it yesterday rather than flopping in bed like you had initially wanted to. 
As you start gathering ingredients, you let Nico explore, his eyes darting around your living space. You wonder what he thinks about the pictures you have on your wall of your family and friends, half expecting him to ask about them. But he keeps quiet as you turn on the stove, meandering over and waiting for instructions. 
He’s a good sous chef, all things considered. Not that lasagna is particularly a hard recipe, but there’s something quite intimate about cooking with someone you barely know. Though, as you’re cooking, you tell Nico about your job, your background, how you didn’t necessarily think you’d end up in Jersey but that you’re happy to be here anyways. In turn, he tells you about his family, Switzerland and hockey, though you can tell he purposefully glazes over the latter. Judging from the basic research you’ve done — and whatever praises your hockey-loving cousin drawled on about over the phone yesterday — you immediately conclude that Nico is humble, always turning the conversation back to you. 
It’s quite lovely, even if unexpected. The lasagna is almost done by the time Jack and Luke knock on your door. 
For a few brief moments, you panic, wondering why you thought this was a good idea. What do you have in common with three pro-hockey players? But that panic quickly dissipates, Luke seeing the tiny Ohio State magnet on your fridge (your uncle’s, not yours) and immediately lightheartedly trash talking you as Jack and Nico take over setting up the table and plates. 
You close your front door that night with three new numbers in your phone and an unofficial promise from you to catch a game in person sometime. 
You love Gretchen, you really do, but damn, she’s a lot of work. 
You’re lucky that your job has flexible hours, because Gretchen’s barking would probably drive your neighbors insane if she was left alone in your apartment all day. She’s starting to drive you insane. 
Somehow, she was well behaved at the outdoor market you went to today, so you give her a few treats to nibble on as you go back downstairs to grab everything else. As you’re shutting the door of your car, a bag slips out of your grasp and everything spills out, causing you to groan. 
“You alright there?”
You look up from where you’re bending down to grab your things to see Nico briskly walking over from his car, an amused look on his face. You chuckle a bit. “Yeah. This bag decided just to crap out on me. Luckily, there’s nothing really breakable in there.”
He picks up some bath bombs and a loofah in minor confusion. The furrow in his eyebrows is kinda adorable. “What’s this for?”
“One of my coworkers is about to get married so all of us pitched in to get some spa products. I volunteered to put it together to make a gift basket of sorts.”
He hums, swinging the now-filled bag over his shoulder and walking alongside you as you head into the building. “That’s really nice of you. And a good idea for a gift too.”
“Yeah. To be fair, the spa stuff wasn’t necessarily my idea. I just had time to buy them today and I have a knack for making pretty baskets.”
“I should take some notes,” Nico says. “I have a couple friends back in Switzerland getting married soon and need to get them gifts.”
“You wanna come up and help me put it together?”
Nico visibility hesitates as you two wait for the elevator. “I don’t want to intrude in your plans.”
“I have no plans,” you deadpan. “It’s a Sunday. I’m surprised I even got myself to go to the market today.”
He laughs. “Well, in that case…” he presses the button for your floor, but not his. “Any dogs you got in your home right now?”
“Still Gretchen,” you say. “She’s being extra bitchy today though, so sorry in advance for all the barking.” You guys walk into your apartment, and Gretchen barks once before perching her head, begging for pets. Nico gives them to her and she curls up against him. You snort. “Oh, I see how it is, Gretch. You see a cute boy and suddenly you’re well behaved?”
Nico looks up from where he’s crouched to pet Gretchen. “You think I’m cute?” Oh. Shit. You just glare at him as he smirks, nodding at your bags. “What else are you putting in the basket?”
“A bunch of soaps, a really fluffy bathrobe one of our other coworkers found on Amazon, some candles, these facemasks I ordered from Korea…all the good stuff.”
He watches as you take out the empty basket, some wrapping paper, and a few colorful ribbons. You honestly don’t consider yourself very crafty, but after doing a few gift boxes like this in your life, this is something that you pride yourself in doing decently well. 
“Can you reach into the drawer across from the sink and hand me the scissors, please?” You ask. Nico abides, sliding the scissors across the counter. 
“I think the same, by the way.”
You blink, measuring out the length of the ribbons correctly. “Hm?”
“I think you’re cute too.”
It takes all your control to cut the ribbon carefully before looking up at him. You see him swallow, confident with a hint of hesitation. You look down and try to steady your hands. “Well, depending on how good you are at cutting wrapping paper, I might have to keep you around.”
“Helping you out with dinner that night wasn’t enough?”
“The real test is seeing if you know how to wrap gifts.”
“I don’t.”
You can’t help but snort. “Figures.”
“So, what?” You look up to see Nico giving you a look that makes your stomach flip. He tilts his head to the side, trying to find something in your face. You’re not sure what. “You’re gonna kick me out?”
One side of your lips quirk up as Gretchen barks. “I guess I’ll keep you around.”
You and Nico become fast friends. To be honest, it’s not like you see each other all the time, with your normal work schedule and his abnormal one. But more often than not, when Nico asks if you’re around, you usually are. It starts with more homecooked dinners, which turns into trying new restaurants because it’s more reasonable to go with someone else so you can order more at a time, which turns into you seeing some new event happening or shop opening up and thumbing over to your text thread with him asking him if he wants to join. Nine times out of ten, unless he’s on a road trip, he’s free. 
Sometimes Jack and Luke join. Most times they don’t. You’re not offended. Jack and Luke are a bit younger and have their own friends. They remind you of your younger cousins.
The thing is, you just enjoy Nico’s company. You learn about his goals, his insecurities, the things that bring him joy. He’s kind, considerate and so incredibly interesting. You feel so comfortable around him, whether you’re yapping away about childhood stories or in silence walking around the streets of Newark. 
When you finally take up your neighbors’ offer to go to a Devils game after many nagging texts for the Hughes brothers, Nico knocks on your door within minutes, unexpectedly pulling you into a tight hug. You’re taken aback, but his dimpled smile is worth it. 
You take one of your closest friends and have a wonderful time. You’re not much of a hockey fan, but your friend is, happy to talk you through icings and delayed penalties and offsides. Your eyes track 43 and 86 as your friend raves about the “Hughes skating.” But most of the time, you’re eyeing the one with the 13 and the C, who takes a deep breath before every face off. 
For your first game, it’s a fun one, a nail biter that ends in a 4-2 win against the Minnesota Wild. You shoot Jack, Luke and Nico all a text congratulating them on a good game.
It’s when you’re in bed that night do you really thumb through their replies, Nico’s simple heart emoji making you fall asleep with a smile. 
Besides being a nice person, you also consider yourself to have a decent memory. 
Until there’s a knock on your door that has you confused. You put down your tea, petting Moose, the dalmatian you’ve been looking after recently, as you walk to the door. 
Nico looks so cozy, a black Kith sweatshirt with a beanie over his hair. He blinks at you. You blink back. 
“Hi,” you say, amused even if a bit confused. “What’s up? Did we have plans tonight?”
“No, well, not pre-planned.” Nico bends down to pet Moose, who he met yesterday when you guys went to a new coffee shop. “You busy?”
“And what if I was?”
“You’d cancel for me anyways,” he teases. 
And the thing is, he’s right. You sigh playfully. “Fine. Gimme a few minutes to get dressed.”
Nico grabs the leash off the hook. “Moose is coming too.”
He flicks his hand. “Go get dressed.”
“Bossy,” you comment, before walking to your bedroom. 
It turns out your plans are a newly opened dog park that you’ve heard about but haven’t gotten the chance to check out. Moose is immediately excited, and your heart does something funny when you see Nico calm him down so he doesn’t run anyone over. Nico told you he hadn't grown up with dogs, but you wouldn’t know with how gentle he is with every dog you’ve fostered during your friendship thus far. 
After playing with Moose for a bit, he collapses on the grass, allowing you and Nico to sit and also relax. 
“You look happy.”
You turn to Nico with a smile. “I am.”
“Good. All I want is for you to be happy.”
You swallow and take a deep breath. “Nico.”
“You can’t just say things like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” you whisper. You swear the space between you both has decreased. 
“Because what?”
You huff. “Are you really gonna make me say it?”
You roll your eyes fondly, staring down at the grass for a few seconds before looking into his eyes again. “You can’t say things like that because then you’ll make me believe that I have a chance to be with you. To be more than friends.”
“And why is that so hard to believe?”
“What?” You ask. 
“Is it such a hard thing to believe?” Nico asks gently. His cologne is filling your senses now and you’re so overwhelmed. “The chance to be with you would be an honor.”
“You’re fucking with me.”
He chuckles, “I’m not.” He leans in to place a chaste kiss on your cheek and you kinda wanna die. “So, what do you say? Wanna give it a shot?”
“Are you sure?”
“Never been sure of anything more in my life.” His confidence is back and it makes you wanna kiss him silly. 
You take his hand and squeeze it in yours. “Okay.”
“Okay, yeah. Let’s give it a shot. On one condition though.”
“You’re helping me with all these dogs. I still don’t know how you got Gretchen to like you. She barely liked me.”
Nico laughs loudly. It makes you grin. “What can I say? I must be special.”
You bite your lip. Yeah. He really is. 
You watch as Moose suddenly has energy again and trots between you two, licking Nico’s face. He scrunches his nose in delight and you feel like the sun is suddenly shining brighter. 
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hylaversicolor · 8 months
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many of him
snake eater 1 + 2 (age 20): self explanatory. military buzzcut. parade dress. scarf. with and without beret, for funsies. iconic.
portable ops (age 26): i drew him once before in this outfit but i think he was doing three piece suits throughout the latter half of the 60s and into the early 70s. and he kept the sides of his head shaved but started growing out the top part a little. i know portable ops isn’t technically canon but i think that he definitely killed the DCI to get the other half of the legacy for zero. pomade era!
les enfants terribles project (age 28): baby’s first facial hair. in my mind this was around the time he first got into drugs because the situation was so stressful and also it was the 70s.
early 9 yr gap (30s): i don’t have a specific timeframe for this but the point of this entry and the next are to juxtapose what his hair looks like when he takes care of it and what it looks like when he just lets it grow out and get awful. in my head if he were to style his hair in any of the upcoming entries it would have those swoopy wavy 70s curls just like here.
soviet invasion of afghanistan (age 35): i think this is where he first started getting Bad. he makes a few references to the invasion in the mgsv tapes and he just sounds so sick and tired of it.
1982 (age 38): i just stuck this in for my own personal enjoyment but in my mind he let his hair get so long and ratty and nasty before finally hacking it all off with kitchen shears over the sink just before mgsv. (insert post: love this character. love to see them at the lowest point in their life)
phantom pain (age 40): i think all instances of the scarf are the same one he’s had since the 60s. he takes good care of his clothing
foxhound 199X (50s): to be honest i have NO idea what ocelot was doing in the 90s. hopefully he got clean. i think it would be funny if he stopped by foxhound every so often moonlighting as like a horseback riding instructor or something. kaz would love that i’m sure
shadow moses (61): in my mind his hair is curled so beautifully in mgs1, it just is to me
stealing ray (63): i think it would be funny if liquid made him pierce his ears. i love giving him a braid when i draw mgs2 ocelot i KNOW he doesn’t have one but in my mind he does
guns of the patriots (70): no red in his outfit tragic. also i think he straightened his hair for this game. slay?
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little-miss-vader · 11 months
Masterlist & Navigation
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Hey there! I’m Crow (she/her) and I thought it was about time to start a Masterlist :)
⚝ This is an 18+ blog! Minors please don’t interact or I’ll hex you.
⚝ My inbox is open for requests but I cannot promise I will get to it quickly. I read everything y’all send, especially requests so don’t be discouraged if I don’t publicly respond!
⚝ I also love making friends. Dm me or shoot me something fun in my inbox :)
⚝ I have a list of what I’m comfortable writing below so you don’t have to inbox me or dm me to ask unless what you’re looking for isn’t on the list!
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What I do/do not write!
Characters I am open to writing for:
The number of stars out of 5 represent how willing I am to write them
⚝ ⚝ ⚝ ⚝ ⚝ Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
⚝ ⚝ ⚝ Obi-Wan Kenobi
⚝ ⚝ ⚝ ⚝ The Mandolorian/Din Djarin
⚝ ⚝ Padmé Amidala
⚝ ⚝ ⚝ Kylo Ren
⚝ ⚝ ⚝ ⚝ Poe Dameron
⚝ ⚝ ⚝ ⚝ The 501st boys
⚝ ⚝ ⚝ Commander Cody
⚝ ⚝ Commander Wolfe
If you don’t see a character but have a good enough request, I might bend the rules and write the character! It never hurts to ask :)
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I will be categorizing this by colour, green meaning I will absolutely write it, yellow meaning the circumstances might differ me from writing it, red meaning I will absolutely not be writing it.
⚝ Bdsm
⚝ Daddy/Mommy kink
⚝ Breath Play
⚝ Mutual Pining
⚝ Knifeplay
⚝ Breeding Kink
⚝ Infidelity Kink
⚝ Corruption Kink
⚝ Enemies to Lovers
⚝ Forceplay (As in The Force, not coercion/rape)
⚝ Age Gaps (I’ll only write age gaps if both are consenting adults)
⚝ Normal stuff is my jam. Fluff, angst, romance, regular ass smut. The green isn’t as important because I’m okay with writing almost 90% of kinks and tropes. Yellow and red however, are mostly what I made this list for.
⚝ Polyamory (I’m not polyamorous and idk how it works so I don’t feel entirely comfortable writing about it as it might not be accurate/correct.)
⚝ Saberplay
⚝ Dubcon/Noncon (the only time I’ll write it is if there is consent beforehand)
⚝ Bloodplay
⚝ Ships (idk not a fan. I like writing reader inserts. I might make an exception for AniDala)
⚝ Anal (I personally just can’t get behind it but I understand the allure.)
⚝ Incest of any kind (step-cest included)
⚝ Rape
⚝ Piss/Scat
⚝ Omegaverse
⚝ Suicide
⚝ Self-Harm
⚝ Eating Disorders (I honestly tend to keep mental illnesses out of my writing for the most part, I like my fantasy worlds to be an escape, not a reminder)
⚝ Age Play (Age gaps are different, I’m fine with those. I will not however sexualize or romanticize infantilism)
⚝ ObiKin (I mean it)
⚝ AniSoka (Do not ever ask me for this I actually might block you.)
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Character Lists!
Anakin Skywalker
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One Shots/Series:
Dueling Fates: Pt.1 & Pt.2
His Best Girl
Maker, Save The Queen
As You Wish
Gentle Hands
Ask Nicely (Hayden Christensen, if I write more for him I’ll give him his own section lol)
Driven to You (Anakin AU)
Unbreakable Bonds Pt. 1
Songs that remind me of Anakin are all under the tag #anakins playlist
There are more drabbles but they’re scattered around, I’ll add them in when I have time 🫶🏼
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tmntheadcanons · 1 year
tmnt 2003 Michelangelo headcanons
Mikey talks to himself when he's alone. He'll either have a full on conversation with himself or he'll narrate what he's doing like he's being interviewed for a tv show. Like when he's cooking he'll be like "So folks you're gonna wanna fold not stir your batter." or like "Now for this part you're gonna need to use some hand mixers, these are a great set my brother Don found them in the garbage."
There's like a sweet old lady who has her own cooking show and Mikey worships her like he has all her cook books and if he's in a cooking bind he'll be like "What would betty do?". He just talks about her like they're old friends he'll be like "Yeah this is a new recipe. Betty told me to use cream instead of milk"
Or he'll be like "What are we making tonight? Let's ask Betty" and open up his cookbook
For tv shows Mikey will watch just about anything he has no standards. I like to think that when they first got the tv set up, they only had like free-to-air channels and Mikey just likes having something on the tv. Like he'll be watching the shopping channel and just be like "omg that's so tacky"
Like he'll be yelling at the tv and everyone will be like wow what's mikey watching? and it's the shopping channel
One day he was left unsupervised and actually called cause he didn't know you needed a credit card and he'll be mad about that for the rest of his life cause he was gonna buy like a fancy toaster or something (and then he complained to donnie about it so donnie modified the toaster for him)
Also he's memorized most of the commercials jingles and he sings them constantly and everyone hates him for it.
Mikey writes and draws his own super hero comics in a big notebook and it's an ongoing story he's had for years. He's got like a self insert turtle-titan main character and he's created cameos for all his brothers too. Splinter is the mentor, Leo is the leader of like the superhero force, Donnie is his sidekick and he made Raph the damsel in distress out of spite.
But he's a pretty good artist. And I feel like he would be good at music too. Like he has an old keyboard in his room he likes to just mess around with. Nothing too fancy but sometimes he'll just play little jingles on it. Or 90% of the time it's him mashing the sound effects.
But april also plays piano and when she's there she'll show him a few little songs like she taught him heart and soul and they'll play that together.
Mikey is a couch hog if you sit beside him he is gonna put his feet on you. Like he'll be laying on the couch and he'll move his feet so someone can sit and then he'll put them right back down on top of them. And you can shove him off but he'll just stick them right back. Him and Raph go through this cycle every time they sit together.
Mikey collects human accessories like he's got a bunch of hats and sunglasses and necklaces. I feel like he would like to accessorize.
Mikey has a highlighter orange beach shirt with flamingos and palm trees and he's obsessed.
Also he has one of those tacky ab aprons he refuses to get rid of.
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brechtian · 6 months
(Mostly Signed!! YA + Sanderson) books I own and am extremely willing to sell for cheaper than average listings bc I don’t want them anymore. a lot are hardcovers (heads up most are signed but some include personalization with my name sorry. if ur name is Ella congrats tho). All are very very good quality or like new bc I was delicate with my books when I was younger (prices are for the lot of every book described in a listing and all are negotiable!)
Six of crows & crooked kingdom (1st/1st) both signed - $90 + shipping
Shadow & bone (hc) and siege & storm (pb) both signed and original covers - $75 + shipping
divergent books, all signed with inscriptions - $100 + shipping
mistborn second gen (wax and wayne), bands of mourning is a signed 1st/1st, alloy of law is a used 1st/1st, shadows of self is a used 1st/1st. $150 + shipping SOLD
Alloy of law 1st/1st former library copy - $45 + shipping
Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson trilogy, firefight & calamity 1st eds hardcovers; steelheart just paperback. $35 + shipping SOLD
hardcover signed copies of first dragonsteel editions of legion and legion: skin deep by Sanderson, rare - $75 + shipping SOLD
Darkest minds trilogy + companion novel, first two books signed, all except first book hardcover - $80 + shipping
All of lunar chronicles and fairest signed; cress, winter, & fairest are hardcovers and 1st/1sts as well. Winter has an exclusive stamp. All include personalizations “To Ella” - $125 + shipping
heartless and renegades by meyer signed hardcover 1st/1sts with inscriptions - $50 + shipping
First five books & companion novel for throne of glass, all first ed hardbacks except the first one I believe. Queen of shadows is signed and has the empire of storms signature tour stamp, empire of storms is signed, and heir of fire has the empire of storms tour stamp. Lot is $500 + shipping, individual book prices vary. SOLD
First two acotar books with original covers, both hardbacks. Acotar is first printing. Acomaf is a special signed first edition/printing with a page insert declaring its special binding, first edition status, & signature. Together $250 + shipping SOLD
Literally the entire The Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney none are signed but I own all fucking thirteen and the companion book in original covers, mix of paperback & hardback - $100 + shipping
Grave mercy (paperback) & mortal heart (hardcover) both signed - $45 + shipping
The Entire selection trilogy & sequel trilogy all signed. Sequel trilogy are all hardbacks, original trilogy paperbacks. - $185 + shipping
Boys I loved before trilogy + summer I turned pretty, all signed except for always and forever Lara Jean. Mix of hardcover and paperback. - $100 + shipping
Anna and the French kiss trilogy, last two books are signed, all paperback and the colored cityscape covers - $50 + shipping
Everything everything by Nicola yoon signed paperback + sun is also a star signed hardcover - $95 + shipping
Unsigned lot of 5 rainbow Rowell books, four of which are hardbacks; carry on & landline are 1st/1sts - $95 + shipping
Ember in the ashes first three books by sabaa tahir, first two signed paperbacks; third one unsigned hardcover - $60 + shipping
Brandon Mull: signed hardcover holographic copy of the first beyonders book, all the fablehaven books (all paperback mix of new and old covers, but all are signed except book 5, and book 1 is double signed.), and signed hardcover first ed of dragonwatch - $110 + shipping
Not signed but I do own the entire Artemis fowl series minus the time paradox: $70 + shipping (mixed paper and hardback)
Daughter of smoke and bone trilogy by Laini Taylor all signed paperbacks in original covers - $125
Scythe & thunderhead, thunderhead is signed - $60 + shipping
Original pjo covers all paperback, the lightning thief and battle of the labyrinth are signed SOLD for $200
I also have pjo hardcover the ultimate guide with the holo cover and all of the trading cards like new and demigod diaries both 1st/1sts! - $60 + shipping
Heroes of Olympus series original covers, son of Neptune is signed. Last four books in the series are all hardcover 1st/1sts. - $125 + shipping SOLD
Pjo greek gods and Greek heroes hardcover. Heroes is signed by Rick and John Rocco, both first editions - $100 + shipping
Kane chronicle trilogy original covers, serpents shadow is 1st/1st hardcover, other 2 paperbacks - $40
Illuminae files trilogy first two books signed, all three books hardcover first editions - $200
Way of Kings signed hardback like new/unread - $100 + shipping
Hardcover signed copy of Oathbringer - $130 + shipping
Well of Ascension signed hardcover like new - $150 SOLD
Elantris signed no printing number - $150 SOLD
Warbreaker signed and inscribed w/ my name, former library copy - $95
Arcanum Unbounded signed hardcover first edition - $150 + shipping SOLD
Rhythm of War 1st/1st SOLD
Okay um there’s more but these r the main listings for now, see my reblog with the more comprehensive Sanderson listings if you are interested in his signed books (I have a lot!).
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oharaslove · 12 days
word count: 995 warnings: Miguel x fem!reader. Fluff? Family time summary: Argentina v.s Mexico football (soccer) game with Miguel, Gabi and reader (Argentinian origin) This is really self insert, ahaha First one! Hope you enjoy!!
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“Mooom, the game is about to start! Hurry up!” your daughter shouted at the top of her lungs,  “Si amor, o ¿tienes miedo de perder?” Miguel said with a stupid smirk in his face while he passed right by you to go sit in front of the TV next to Gabi. You couldn’t believe the audacity of this man, as IF Mexico would win against Argentina. You just gave him a death stare and proceeded to finish up the snack plate, laughing to yourself. 
What are we, in a parallel dimension?. Every football (soccer) game was the same in this family. When Mexico played against Argentina the house became a war zone. Probably you are to blame, it is known that Argentinians have a very strong passion for sports, but obviously, the favourite sport of all is football (soccer). You just couldn’t believe that even though Gabi was born in Nueva York to a half Mexican dad and a half Argentinian mom, she was the definition of an Argentinian when it came to choosing a side and teasing her dad. 
The funniest thing of it all was that, when you were pregnant, Miguel was sure Gabi was going to take his side, because she was going to be “daddy’s little girl”. Don’t get me wrong, she totally is, but he really didn’t take into account the Argentinian DNA. “Mamaaa…”.
Your train of thought was interrupted by a really annoyed Gabi standing in the doorway, tapping her foot on the floor, crossing her arms and with a really obvious upset look in her face. Yeah…, you also sometimes forget that she is just like you.  At least she was wearing the Argentinian jersey you got her. “Ya voy amor, I am just finishing the snacks”, “I don’t want snacks mom, I want to watch the game!, Let’s goo!” I just like that she went and jumped on the couch next to Miguel, who couldn’t hide his grin. 
You finished the plate as fast as you could to join your husband and daughter, just as the Mexican anthem was playing. You set the snacks on the little table in front of the couch and decided to sit on the small couch next to the big one. If you sit next to Gabi and Miguel you know that you’ll make his life a living hell for the 90 minutes the match lasts. Miguel gave you a small pout, clearly offended that you didn’t want to cuddle with him, but it was quickly replaced with a knowing smile. 
Since the first match you watched together, he knows you can’t sit still. You are really passionate about the things you love, and that is something Miguel adores of you. Even though sometimes it bites him in the ass, cause you also love teasing him A LOT, something that Gabi picked up on. He was hoping this game could end in a draw, he couldn’t stand another night of Gabi and you laughing at him. 
“Ya empieza, ya empieza” Gabi excitedly squealed. You and Miguel stared lovingly at her. She loved watching the games to then copy some plays with her team. She was the best for a reason. 
Thirty minutes went by, not a goal in sight, even though there were good chances for both teams. You had to bite your tongue to not cuss in front of Gabi. The thing you didn’t want Gabi to get at his young age was your bad vocabulary while watching your team. At half time, everything was peaceful. One thing you agreed with Miguel was that you wouldn’t snicker at each other while the game wasn’t on. Gabi didn’t follow the rule so much though…
“Vamos a ganar papá” “Yeah, sure mija, México ganará. And I am going to win our little bet” “Miguel! You betted with our daughter!? Really!?” You said half annoyed and half laughing at him. He knows he can’t bet with you because he always loses. “It is a friendly bet, if Argentina wins she gets ice cream and if we win, I get cuddles with my girls” your husband explained shrugging. You laughed out loud, you can’t believe this guy. He is so cute. 
In no time, the second time started. Argentina started really well until… “GOOLL” Gabi shouted, facing her dad and celebrating. You were laughing so hard you couldn’t even celebrate. Gabi was jumping on Miguel repeatedly teasing him non stop, while he was trying to pretend he was annoyed, but in reality, every now and then, you could see a smile on his lips. Obviously he likes to win, but there is nothing he loves more than seeing the two loves of his life laughing and enjoying themselves. 
After that, Gabi couldn’t sit back down, she was too excited, without mentioning that there were other goals. Soon after, the game was finished. Miguel lost the bet. He crossed his arms and pouted in the cutest way possible. Gabi still was jumping around and saying all the amazing plays she couldn’t wait to try in football (soccer) practice tomorrow, so she didn’t notice when Miguel suddenly rosed up from the couch and grabbed her. She squealed in surprise, but soon broke into a fit of laughter when Miguel started kissing her all over her face. “Noo, daddy, this wasn’t the deal” she said between laughs, almost out of breath. 
Watching that scene you couldn’t help but smile. You know that you chose the perfect husband, and Gabi is lucky to have the most awesome father. He is always so attentive. It always warms your heart how much he takes care of you and your daughter. You hoped he had enough love in his heart to make space for one more, but you will tell him the news later on. For now, you’ll live with this victory and the craziness of only one child while watching football (soccer). Hopefully for Miguel, the next one cheers for Mexico. 
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Well, I honestly hate this. But it is the first one, so I will try to improve.
I basically got this idea because the Copa América is just around the corner and I am super excited ahaha.
But anyway, I just wanted to get something out to get the flow of things. I hope that the next one shots are better, so I can go full out in the first series!!
Comments are appreciated (for whatever, correcting grammar or telling me that I suck). Love youuu!!
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brydeswhale · 2 months
A list of characters that seem to only exist as accessories to other characters, even to their biggest “fans”:
Julian Bashir: even the best Julian centric story seems to get derailed half the time into a series of “make him worthy” escapades that are basically the author turning him into what amounts to a toy for Garak to play with. It’s worth noting these stories rarely have Garak, who canonically was a member of the space gestapo, having to grow as a person for Julian. No, Julian committed the sin of being annoying in the 90s and now he must forever repent and be good enough for a guy that should probably be serving ten life sentences in the space Hague.
Sansa Stark: when people aren’t shitting on Sansa for having the temerity to be an artsy eleven year old who doesn’t like her avatar being killed for a crime she didn’t commit and also not liking being assaulted, insulted, and forced to leave a cool place she likes, they’re turning her into a key chain for Tyrion Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Jon Snow, or any other blob of sludge masquerading as a sad man in Westeros. That’s if you’re lucky, as a lot of authors scoop her clean and wear her hollowed out skin as their self insert.
Ian Gallagher. Yet another “not good enough” character. While Gallagher is hardly perfect, the ableism in the fandom is disturbing enough that I wound up leaving it and not finishing the series. Ian is castigated regularly for not being a good, submissive little man for an abusive jackass who regularly assaults or abuses him. Fun.
Carlos Reyes. ACAB and all that, but Reyes in fandom seems to exist solely to be an emotional support boyfriend for TK. This is no surprise, since any attempt to leave that role often results in fans pitching gigantic fits that can likely be seen from space.
Scott McCall. When Scott isn’t being called everything but a child of god by a racist, toxic subset of the Teen Wolf fandom, he’s a cute little toy for Stiles or whatever other white character the author decided to use as a self insert that day. The fandom takes a lot of pleasure in turning Scott into a series of racist Latino stereotypes, often while still claiming that they aren’t racist and Scott is white, anyhow.
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
TPC: Joshua's beery good compromise
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Full series
Pairing: joshua x afab store clerk!reader
Genre: smut, some humor
Word count: 2.6k
tags: embarrassed josh, hungover josh, fingering, public sex, breakroom sex, spontaneous hookup (this is not realistic lets be soo fucking fr), praise kink
Summary: Josh's job is getting beers for the party but meets a cute convenience worker and sees if he can get a good bargain with a tempting offer.
author note: this was fun and exciting to write, especially the jokes i made. those were pretty self-indulgent
tag list: @iwouldbangchan @1uvlywon @just-here-to-read-01 @candidupped
Joshua’s plan was to go to the closest liquor store, convenience store, hell even pharmacy to get a couple of sick packs of whatever to satisfy the wheat cravings of whoever would enjoy a beer at the party–a likely chance of 90% of them–all while getting over his hangover from yesterday’s party. He didn't bother doing his hair or putting on something particularly fashionable or eye-catching, but maybe he should’ve considering the cashier up front was the sexiest head and torso he’s ever seen working retail. He can only imagine how they would be bottom-down if they were gorgeous top-up.
His teeth dig at his bottom lip, waiting last in line behind five to six people, agonizingly getting closer to the end of his gatherer journey. In the meantime, he could observe the unbothered expression on your face, seeing you complete the bare minimums of your job: swiping, scanning, ID checking, and the occasional hair toss to get strays to sway from your eyes. Before he knew it, it was his turn, figuring it was at least it was nice while it lasted.
You don’t look up to meet his eyes and instead bore ahead of him like a 10-yard stare. He places the merchandise on the counter in front of you, and you sigh, thinking to yourself it’s another unhinged frat part from the college town a few streets over. “ID, sir.”
He plucks it from his leather wallet, tattered with age and poor maintenance, handing the plastic over to you for validation. You retrieve it, briefly brushing against his burly fingertips, you examine it in a quick scope, checking the date of birth and stopping at the photo. You’re pleasantly surprised by a handsome face. You ascend your gaze, seeing the identification matching perfectly with its owner, just slightly rougher around the edges in much more casual clothing.
You clear your throat, trying not to let the doe-shape of his eyes throw you for a loop, or the curve of cupid’s bow let your mind wander on how they’d feel against your skin, maybe burning with every touch. You bite the inside of your cheek, handing it back to him, his hand that made contact with yours once already feels different the second time around, almost electrifying.
Joshua sighs, inserting the card into the chip reader. You watch the screen try processing the card but sees the opposite happen. “It declined.”
He doesn’t pay mind the first time and reattempts the application, only for it to repeat. His eyes shoot open the second time, he examines the card for him and sees it’s past his expiration date, remembering that he left the new version at his dorm. “Shit.”
He looks through his wallet for cash; a lone ten-dollar bill occupies the sleeve and he looks up sheepishly. “Is there a payment plan or something?”
You raise a brow at him in confusion. “No.”
He grows a deeper shade of red as he looks deeper in his pockets for something, anything, only for them to come up empty. “I’m not broke I swear.”
“Are you going to pay or not, Sir?”
He rests the balls of his palms on the counter in frustration, cursing at himself for being so ill-prepared, embarrassing himself in front of the hot checkout person. He finally runs a hand through his hair and nods at himself, coming to terms with the inconvenience, barely meeting your eyes. “I can’t pay, sorry.”
When he’s about to leave, you feel the sense of pity anchor in your stomach and you stop him. “Hey, so you planned on buying a lot of beer, and it’d be a hassle to put it all back.”
“I can help put it back.”
You shrug, “I’ll just pick up the tab.”
He blinks back at you in surprise. “What? You can't do that.”
“Of course, I can.”
“I mean you shouldn’t.”
You side grin. “You’d just owe me. Come closer.”
He does as you ask. Your upper body leans forward, merely inches away from his face, his eyes shooting up at the proximity. You reach over for the phone in his pocket and pull back, typing your number in and letting your phone ring at the incoming call. “Now I can call you forever, and you can’t avoid me.”
“That’s until I change my number.”
“You won’t. You don’t even have money for beer.”
He snickers. “Touché, but I do have an offer that might work out.”
There is not much offered in his words, but his tone does all the work. His eyes lock with you daringly, yet somewhat hopeful. He leans over and spiders his hand over the counter, a single digit brushing against your knuckle. You quirk a brow, a quiet laugh leaves your lips and you notice a temping smile on his. He tilts his head, practically beckoning at you in this subtle graceful way that isn’t too much but gets his point across.
“What kind of offer is that? Joshua.” You just happened to catch his name from his ID, whatever.
“Depends, if you’re interested. Y/n.” And he can read name tags.
Besides the pop music playing from the store speakers, it was quiet and he was the only customer in sight. In your experience, these were the hours of the dead since weekend nights are most typically when people go out to drink rather than buy it from a store unless they were like Joshua, you guess. If he was responsible, he’d buy it in the morning or the afternoon, way before the party, not trying to sleep his way get some mid-grade beer. 
“In what world do you think your offer would help me?”
“You haven’t looked away from me the moment you saw me. That counts for something.”
Maybe it did, and more than you’d admit to a measly stranger, but this stranger was cute, dare you say hot. As if your impulses take over, you become highly aware of the fact there are no cameras in the backroom and a whole array of security inside that you could watch the store without worrying about leaving your station unattended. Not to mention the oversize t-shirt drowning Joshua’s torso but hung around his shoulders in a sexy, relaxed way that reveals the sliver of his collarbone.
Fuck it.
You come up around the register, making sure you locked it, and tug him by the wrist to lead him to the door with an ‘employees only’ sign. You press him into a wall, observing him through a closer lens as he does the same before you seal your mouth over him. It’s far from slow, producing fever quickly and effectively. His hand goes to squeeze your ass through your tight jeans and man is it glorious. The denim was thin and flexible, and the flesh of your ass bounces in his hands gratifyingly. 
He pushes himself from the wall, tucking your legs briefly to his side until you’re sitting on the breakroom table, his body between your legs, and his hands now exploring the shape of your build. You sense his impatience, eyes glancing down at his lap to find his groin poking through low-rise jeans. You’re just as impatient, taking off his shirt without an ounce of remorse and–shit.
You pant against his sculpted chest only now realizing the thick girth of his upper arms as well as the curvature of his firm pectorals. It all leads down to the rather too perfect abdomen–resembling a shiny honey-glazed set of Hawaiian rolls–-that could make the cover of Playgirl magazine, that is if playgirl was still around. Maybe sports illustrated?
“Happy you took my offer?” He teases, taking your hand and tensing over the center.
You have the wit to answer but are too preoccupied with the deep dent of his abs, your digit now trailing over his prominent pelvic bone–he was smooth everywhere, just too edible–until you settle against his erection. It twitches at your contact, having you impulsively squeeze its shape, to which he gasps, slithering closer. “It’s not a stress ball. Take it out for me.”
You smile, just a small one, before deciding to unbutton and zip down his pants, hearing the fabric hit the ground. A delectable wet spot stamps the front of his briefs and your tongue creeps out of your mouth to wet them. Your finger of the waistband and tuck underneath his balls, his shaft naturally falling in your grasp. It’s weighted, long, and hard as a rock in between your fingers and it just made him all the more delicious of a breakroom snack.
“You’re so hard, I hardly even touched you.” You glaze over at his eyes before he collects your lips. He swallows your moans, feeling your hand pump his cock clenching around his girth, and he grunts between breaths. Your legs trap around him, pressing him closer, and you feel the tug of his teeth on your lips.
“There’s not much touching needed because I knew all I wanted to do when I saw you was to fill you up with my cock.”
A hum vibrates in your throat, arm slinging over his neck, and you force him to rest his forehead on yours. His wish sounded incredibly promising. “Already? In the five minutes, we’ve known each other?”
“I normally know what I want and I’m never wrong.”
He helps you take care of your jeans, kicking them aside along with his, and let his hands find solace underneath your shirt. You raise your arms to slide the material off and out of your way, and you press against his chest, feeling the stiff peaks of both your nipples carve out a ticklish flush on your skin.
You muffle your moans into his shoulders as he nibbles on the skin of your neck, his hand freely goes to find your arousal that seeps through your thin underwear. He tigs them off finally, wetting his fingers in his mouth before feeling through your wet folds. Two digits rub skillfully against your pulsing core, feeling how you clutch around nothing and he welcomes himself inside when your hips twitch in his direction.
Pride settles in his stomach hearing you say his name in the form of moans, his heart practically pouncing in unadulterated excitement. He was going to make this fuck something you would especially be grateful for. God, were you wet and malleable in his hands. A free arm grabs a ball of your flesh, plunging his enclosed fingers harder into your core, hips impulsively thrusts into the air, desperate to have the gorgeous pussy suffocating his cock.
“God, you feel fucking good around my fingers,” he rotates them, seeing your stomach tense at the sensation only to push out in the most incomprehensively addictive way, “I need to you feel good at everything I do for you. I won’t have a single regret fucking you senseless.”
His words, heavy and daunting, were something you would’ve pushed aside, but given the circumstances, you ate them like you were starved on a deserted island, begging to get a taste of his sweet cock even if it’s just for a second. “I need you. Really fucking bad.”
You feel his smile against your skin, burning into the thin skin of your lips, he tastes you from his fingers, rich and sweet. It's only a second he's away to grab a condom from his wallet and cover himself. Oh, that he has but not other forms of payment?
“Really? You want me? You promise you can take me?”
You can’t promise a damn thing from the look of his cock in his already larger-than-life hands but you nod anyway, anticipating his vacancy as he aligns himself to your entrance. You pivot the thought of Joshua’s large cock about to be inside you by reconnecting with his lips, his tongue, invading the inside of your mouth in a frenzy. It was soft yet wet. Hot yet comforting. Dirty yet safe. It was a nice distraction.
He takes his time before he’s inside you, parting your legs to spread you, rubbing his cock on the line of your slit. You bit his lip, fingers digging into his scalp, and it's only time before plunges himself inside and meets your fluttering walls. You gasp, the expected stretch initially surprises you but you melt hopelessly in his grasp as you find yourself adjusting to his size, meeting him only halfway, but that’s all he needs. 
God, did you feel perfect around his cock. “You’re so fucking–shit–”
You rest your hand on either of his shoulders as he pounds into you. Shutting his eyes, he’s taking the moment to appreciate his lack of tact to allow him to be in such a situation. Nothing like an unorthodox but civil compromise.
“Mmh, Joshua…You’re fucking me so good…”
You meant it. You can barely hold yourself together with your body so full. Your hands filled wth tingle take hold of the table beneath you, your back arching in anguish at how good he feels fucking you with promise.
He speaks between his grunts, forming words the best he could. “I…meant it…I will have no regrets…God, you’re fucking perfect.”
He takes your spread legs and plants them on either side of his head, your pussy squeezes around him, and he feels his patience depleting rather quickly. Obscenities became a second language for him at this point. His hand hovers above your pussy, thumb finding your clit, and drawing circling it in a way he hopes he’s right.
“Fuck, yes…”
Indeed he was right.
His hips move faster, his other hand takes a squeeze at your side, feel how soft and plush and heavenly it was to have your body as close to him as it was. He bites his lips, an impish moan submerging, “Fuck, not yet, not when you haven’t.”
As if he wasn’t embarrassed enough, your presence made him deduce to one of a teenager. A weak, horny teenager that has whacked off enough times to know how quickly he’s about to come and he’d be damned if that was to happen before he’d get a taste to see how you say his name in a moan as your wave of arousal overtake you. He slows his pace, rolling his hips with ease, pushing deep enough to unknowingly hit your spot of enlightenment, which you quickly alert him of. “Oh, right there, yes, please, keep going.”
Finally, a sense of accomplishment (despite him congratulating himself a million times while pounding you like a jackhammer earlier), he takes your advice and repeats the move. More mumbles of appraisals on your end. You held the back of your thighs in grit, the warmth of his skin stinging as they made an impact with yours. You moan a “yes Joshua” with every “like that,” or “feel good,” and yes you meant every word of it.
Your legs give out when your pleasure is hit hard, not ever caring who hears you on the other end of the door. You gasp your loud breaths, heaving your chest, and Joshua thoroughly savors them, a wet, loud moan lingering in his throat. He leaves you with a last set of thrusts, emptying himself to the sensation of your warmth, your decadent scent, and the ghost of lips on his before it replaces with your actual lips. His cock still pulsating inside you, a squeak of desperation escapes the corner of his lips, and he brushes tendrils of your hair out of your beautiful face.
“Well, fuck. Um, thank you?”
You let out an airy laugh, shoving him off just slightly before briefly scanning the cameras, seeing nothing, nobody, not even a hair out of place. You blink back at the screens in amazement. “Wow, it’s like I wasn’t even gone.”
Joshua hums, reconnecting with your body, “Then, I’m sure nobody would mind me thanking you just a bit longer. Well, nobody except your manager.”
You offer him a crooked grin. “Oh, sweet boy. I am the manager.”
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not-poignant · 6 days
Hi Pia! I’m trying my hand at writing and wanted to ask for some advice if you have the time and energy! I’ve been struggling to make my characters diverse in their opinions, introspections and worldviews without them seeming cliched. I find they read like superficially deviated iterations of myself and carry my own voice. How do you create believable characters that are very different from each other? (This is something I think you do very well). Do you have any advice or inspirations for authentically stepping into their shoes so to say? Much love
Hi anon!
I've written about characterisation before!
Check out this advice I've written on how to write and differentiate dialogue post, and start here. A lot of the things you need to differentiate dialogue also help build your character, but character voice is the most immediate way to have characters sounding different and therefore also feeling different as an experience to write and read. There's exercises here, and things to consider when building a dialogue reference for a character!
Then read this post I wrote on the Cafe Game and do this exercise with characters you're struggling most to develop. The Cafe Game gives you a breakdown of body language, social responses, motivations, comfort in public, food preferences, dialogue, etc. all from a single written exercise. This will help you go deeper and make sure you're choosing things different to you (if you want to!) It can sometimes help to do the Cafe Game for yourself first so you've got a sheet to compare other character sheets to and be like 'oh shit we're doing 90% of the same things, time to change some things up.' (Self insert isn't bad, but it's good to know a) when you're doing it and b) make sure not every character is a self insert).
These two things combined will help give you enough tools to really make great headway with character differentiation! And also help you really get stuck into your characters, even minor ones.
A final piece of advice is to remember that all of your characters have different motivations from each other. They will all have different strengths and weaknesses. Some of those things might be shared, but ultimately, when 6 people join together in a crew for example, they usually have slightly or hugely different reasons and motivations for doing so. Keeping that in mind can also help, but I find that dialogue work is an area most folks need practice, simply because they've never thought much about it before! It's also - and I'm biased - one of the most fun things to think about, so start with the first two posts I've linked anon!
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here-but-forgotten · 2 years
Some more rambles
explicit rambles, poly! ghostface, Billy Loomis + Stu Macher, female reader, a little bit of self author insert. Mentions of murder.
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( ʘ‿ʘ ) rambles | scream ‘96 | pt. 2
Uh oh brain don’t stop. Closer to fic concepts/plots.
Knowing about your bf’s little hobby; knowing Billy and stu are ghost face and letting them do it. Asking to be at one of the kills- being with “friends” as you watch them get harassed with phone calls and chased. Hiding and the others think you’ve died or been knocked out as you watch your boyfriends work. Them finishing their job and finding you- dry humping against you through their costumes as they stay dressed, only being able to differentiate by heights. Taking you back to your place- you threes alibi- and having their multiple rounded way with you.
I wanna brat tame stu. He’d be so cute getting punished for being a little too terrorizing at school and doing it on purpose so you would bend him over a bed or desk and spank him. If Billy helps it becomes stu being edged for hours and being forced to watch you and Billy. Billy would spank him to and leave more distinct handprints from his force.
Stu would love if you rode him while he sits up a bit, like against his headboard or couch; if he cums and you keep riding him through it, he gets teary eyed and whiny but doesn’t stop. He lets you overstimulate him into practically a puppy. He’s hugging and clutching into you while whimpering into your ear and neck. If Billy finds the two of you like this, its all downhill for stu; his position changed into laying down, his legs up and pressed against his chest by your legs, Billy coming from behind you and fucking stu in time with your movements. Sometimes stu will explicitly ask the two of you to fuck him like this until he passes out if he’s been particularly antsy.
On that note, Billy has a similar antsy scene when he’ll ask you, stu, or both, to rim him and suck him off until he’s whiny and clingy. Massive praise and soft words kink. He’s always a bit shy and aloof when this one begins but when he’s halfway to his first orgasm he’s a sweet boy all over again.
If they somehow get a hold of a wand vibrator, they’re gonna be terrible together and with you. Stu is sadistic enough to grab you, encourage you to fight back, then tie you down to a bed with the vibrator placed right on your clit- and then fucking leave!! It’s the 90’s they’re still corded!! The thing isn’t gonna turn itself off!!! Good luck- they’re gonna go kill someone and be on a killing high when they come back and see you whining, bound, and perfectly messily wet. Hope you can handle it :)
Billy just really likes being fingered, either by you or stu or both sometimes. Sometimes he gets greedy and it’s one step away from being fisting. He likes being submissive sometimes but only to you and Stu.
Stu made a joke about how if there’s an extra partner now that one person could suck his shaft and the other could suck his balls. He was promptly overstimulated in a record 3 minutes.
my 4”11 ass- stu likes mating press for both of you. Size kink. Billy is already a bit smaller than him but stu gets a weird rush from him being pressed under him.
I wanna wear the right clothes to just show enough of me sometimes to bother them; wearing a top that fits fine until I bend over to get something and they can see my tits. Wearing a skirt that’s fine until I sit down/bend over and it rides up. Wearing a long shirt that one of them will be able to kneel in front of me and be covered up by the skirt.
100% self indulgent: sweater-wearing art academic gf who doesn’t look like they belong in woodsboro at all. Sweaters, long skirts, bootie heels, knitted leggings. A little too into academics and reading. Helps with their plan logistics.
that’s all!! feel free to use any as inspiration/writing, if you’d like me to write, or if you’d like to thirst with me!! be good!!
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