#I have a lot of Medical Field Idealization I think if I was able to Process better I would have a Doctorate
kakusu-shipping · 1 year
2 and 11 for your Mario S/I!!
Thankyou very much for asking!!!!!
My Mario S/I ref can be found Here and Info Here
2. How similar is your s/i to you? Are they a carbon copy, completely different or a mix of the two?
A lot of my S/Is are just straight me with a little idealization and a little warping due to just the nature of growing up somewhere different.
For my Mario S/I, he's a lot smarter than me, which isn't to say irl me is dumb, just not very good at retaining information, or using it to further a conclusion. My Mario S/I is, and is also very passionate about learning about the new world he lands in. (I like to think if I got isekaied I would be too but who knows)
He shares my special interest in Mushrooms, a lot of my taste in games, Bulling as a Love Language, Generally Chill Go with the Flow personality type, Fear of Bees, and a handful of other small traits that I don't wanna list too long.
He handles a bad situation way better than me. Like I said he's better at rationalizing and drawing conclusions, he's a lot more calm in a high stakes situation, good at talking something down, and reacting quickly to chaos.
For example in the events that'd be eventually rewritten as Paper Mario, Emile was the one to throw Luigi out of the castle, as he hung behind to find Toadsworth. He talks Bowser into instead of shoving him in the prison in his own castle to instead let him stay in his own room is the castle, and spends the rest of the game slowly sneaking all the trapped Toads out of said prison and back to his room until Mario storms the castle and saves them. I could never do all that, but he could, because he's cool under pressure and smooth with his words.
Side note this is also how my Mario S/I gets top surgery; He takes a very neutral stance to most schemes Bowser does, so when he was brought to Bowser for sneaking around the castle, and learned he had the Star Rod, he asked if he could get a wish, sense that's what the thing's for anyway. Bowser agreed as long as it wasn't something stupid like "I wish Mario had the power to defeat Bowser". "I wish for Top Surgery" is considered a Selfish wish by the Star Spirits and would never be granted, but Bowser did it, cause why not. He loves a selfish wish and is very Trans Rights
11. Does you s/i have one outfit they're always seen in or multiple?
He does have multiple outfits! Like Mario and Luigi he has all kinds of fits for different activities, not sports he doesn't do those, but like, Casual Wear and such. I actually drew us in a bunch of outfits you can see Here!
Though also like Mario and Luigi, I do typically just stick him in the Overalls look, for consistency sake. Either that or the basic Sona outfit of Big Orange Sweater
Oh! But actually a while ago I drew him in a few of my favorite Power Ups from the Main Series, I never posted it cause the image was more long than wide, and the sketches were pretty Eh in my opinion, but I'll post them now just for the sake of putting out all my art, even the stuff I'm not the proudest of.
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The main concepts are his eyes and freckles change color to match the power ups, though he doesn't use them all that often sense he's an Adviser and not typically in any kind of direct line.
#Thankyou for asking#Long post#oh wait now I have to give it the#Emile's Arts#tag#aaaaaaaaugh man#Sorry this got so long this is PEAK brainrot as I've shown#I love you Bee Suit you're so cute and also I Hate you Bee Suit the buzzing hurts me so physically#A LOT of my S/Is are either Me but able to Fully use their Brains or Me but Able to lift a truck with one arm#That's it that's the self insert a good 90% of the time#I have a lot of Medical Field Idealization I think if I was able to Process better I would have a Doctorate#But because I'm kinda pea brained and have poor processing and struggle to retain information I can't#Also getting a Doctorate is VERY expensive??? I could never#So a good portion of my S/Is are Doctors in some way or another#Some gender of Mad Scientist#This will include this S/I he may not actually be a Doctor per say but he could he's very smart#Again I'm not irl stupid or nothin just really reeeeeeeeally slow#And they don't like that in public school how dare you struggle to memorize 9 subjects at once#Anyway!!!!#Thanks again for asking!!!!!#I looooooooove talking about my Mario S/I right now!!! It's a lot of fun!!!!!#ngl when I first made him despite it being the Mario Movie that pushed me to do it#I'd completely forgotten the Power Mechanic from the main games#fdkgjfdjgkfd I don't play the platformers I'm BAD AT THEM#VERY SLOW!! BAD HAND EYE COORDINATION!!! dfgjfdgdkfjgk#It took a different friend with a Mario S/I posting their S/I with power ups to remind me that was a thing
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so much on Ficino & Plato & Sex
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your daily Marsilio blogging continues, this time with the gentle reminder of the deep misogyny of most homoerotic anything in the medieval and early modern period (among other times as well).
At the same time, I appreciate Marsilio being like: Fuck this, we can do the Petrarchan model of Ideal Love too. Just watch me and Giovanni yearn for twenty years.
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I do appreciate that in the whole of Ficino's writing he rarely, if ever, refers to sex between men as sinful. He uses terms of disgraceful, filthy, worthy of disgust, ugliness etc. but he uses those terms equally for heterosexual sex conducted for pleasure alone with no intention of making the babies. Corporality on the whole - in all its forms - is the problem. (And the contemporary medical hang-ups around the expulsion of semen aside.)
But it's still not sinful, it just makes it harder to climb the ladder of love to salvation. Some might think this a small thing (he still reads it as bad!) but there's a huge gulf of difference between a priest from 1478 saying X is disgraceful but never using the language of sin around it.
Granted, Ficino doesn't harp too much on sin in general. I would be very curious to go back in time, get him a little wine drunk, and ask him his actual, not-Church approved views.
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Ficino loves trying to reconcile everything through Plato. Marsilio "What if We Applied Plato to This Situation??" Ficino.
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The desire/beauty thing - you can just see his struggle in trying to make it all work and never quite succeeding. It's one of the many things he and Pico debated with great animation. Pico was anti-the physical desire part of Ficino's formula while Ficino believed salvation/finding Philosophic Truth (i.e., God) required it.
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I do really love Ficino's broadly positive read on humanity. He always goes in with a: People Are Good approach to a situation.
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I love this little caveats he gives in his writings. The bit: "Love, even when mixed with an inderior appetite [for sex], does not cease meanwhile to raise the soul as far as it is able."
Giovanni having a panic about the state of their souls as they lie about in the grass and Ficino thinking fast on how to assuage him. "Umm, look, this isn't ideal, and we really should try harder to resist. But ... uh... Love is Good. Right? Our Love is Good and holds no Evil, correct?'
Giovanni, 'Yes, that is correct.'
Ficino, 'Great, so because our Love is Good and our Souls naturally desire Truth and Love is always working to help raise our souls up to Truth - even when we uhhhhh slip up, shall we say--'
Giovanni, 'We purposefully went into a remote field to commit sodomy. This wasn't an accidental slip up, Marsilio. You even checked to make sure you had time enough after this to confess and seek absolution so you can say mass on Sunday.'
Ficino, 'Slipped up. Could have happened to anyone. Anyway, even when that happens Love is still raising our souls up as far as it is able. So what I'm saying is, don't worry about it.'
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the knots this man will tie himself in to try and make it ok to accidentally, whoopsie daisy, sleep with men. That full quote from him on how homosexual consorting (sex, that is what he means quite literally) is part of spiritual procreation is really something else.
I also think the caveat he includes of "of course, naturally, when you're horny you should go to your wife to make sure you're doing sex Properly" is doing a lot of interesting work there.
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"Giovanni and I loving each other is necessary for OUR PHYSICAL HEALTH OK??"
Technically, he's not wrong. In the sense that being able to openly and honestly love/be loved by who it is you desire - regardless their gender - is incredibly important to mental health which impacts physical health.
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mess! mess! mess!
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this is super interesting. That Ficino was attempting to figure out how to guide people through reciprocal love in a world where that wasn't normal to navigate.
All of Ficino's back and forth on sex, desire, beauty, love is just so telling of how much he wanted to resolve the issue and how knotted everything was for him (and he wasn't alone, obviously).
ok I'm done inundating everyone for now.
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funky-astrologer · 1 year
Midheaven Persona Chart Reading 💫🌻
Hi friends! I have a special post for you today. I recently did a persona chart reading for a cool gal and I really enjoyed the reading and felt that it included lots of insight into Midheaven persona charts so I asked if I could put it up for you guys. I hope this gives insight into how you can read your own! 🦋
Thnk you @sayaliii for letting me feature your Midheaven persona chart and reading💖🌸💖💫
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So, to begin with I see a stellium in the 6th house and it’s in the sign of Aries. To me, this speaks to a profession that involves taking the lead, being a force for positive change, and being in a position that involves more responsibility. The 6th house tells us about our health, our daily habits, our routines as well as how we are when we are acting in service to others. This stellium involves the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and the North Node—and that indicates that in those areas I just mentioned, you will experience success. This can relate to the medical field in a technical sense. On a broader level, this indicates someone who really strives for excellence and seeks to be the best at what they do. With the Sun conjunct the North Node and the chart ruler (Venus), I would say that this is an individual who might bring a sense of satisfaction and joy to those they interact with as it relates to the career. With the ability to become and act as a role model, someone who others admire and exemplify. Any profession that allows the native to express creativity (Venus) as well will be wonderful. Moreover, with the chart ruler being Venus, and making this conjunction to the Sun/NN, values will be of paramount importance to the native. A career that allows the native to be totally authentic to their beliefs, values, and their own individuality is the ideal career for them. As the 6th house is also the house of service, in whatever manner the native is able to lead by example and truly connect with others on a personal level (Venus), they will eventually find their destined career path (North Node). I use the term destined because the North Node is in the middle of this conjunction, it unites both your own individuality (Sun) and what you value in others (Venus). It’s a rather beautiful alliance of planets—especially as it relates to the career path, is signifies ease and authenticity. Keep in mind that the Midheaven not only provides insight into our career path, but also about who we strive to become. This triple conjunction in the 6th (house of health), to me indicates that the native will always be improving. At first, it may seem like results aren't easily seen at the start of the journey—and this can be due to Mars (action & results) being conjunct Neptune (illusion). However, despite this conjunction, the native is destined to learn how to improve and be an example to others of how they can also be better--and we see this with this conjunction and the 6th house conjunction. When you take this conjunction (Mars-Neptune) for what it is, there are limitless possibilities in terms of career. This energy can be brought out with any career I feel. As Aries is the self-starter of the zodiac, there are no predetermined paths here. It’s whatever you want it to be, and whatever you make it. Sure, some gifts will always express themselves better in certain areas, but the North Node conjunct the Sun & Venus indicates that the native will find a way that works perfectly. The native is quite literally destined to become the best version of themselves when it comes to this aspect of the chart (Midheaven). So, no matter what career path the native decides, they will find the best path for them. I think this is even more certain because Jupiter is in the 12th house—a beautiful placement of divine guidance and assistance. It is retrograde so this indicates that this energy will barely be noticeable in the natives own eyes. Things might happen in the journey that seem to align in the most perfectly unusual way, yet it won’t seem like it’s anything other than luck. Which it is right? But with Jupiter, this speaks to a luck that is granted, not spontaneous at all. It is a shining light of benevolence from the gods or universe —however you wish to call it.
Jupiter is in the sign of Libra which indicates that the natives luck and abundance can be experienced through personal relationships too. It’s the kind of luck that comes from knowing the right person, knowing how to act, knowing how to socialize and network--all very helpful matters pertaining to the Midheaven. Again, this energy is retrograde and it’s in the 12th, it’ll be even more unconscious for the native but nonetheless present. It’s a matter of discernment and knowing when to tap into this energy, and when to save it for later (intuition is also a matter of the 12th house). This can be a default method that helps the native know when to take an opportunity and when to pass it up. Jupiter also is making a trine to that Mars-Neptune conjunction I mentioned. This indicates that a motivating force will be a dedication and desire to give back and share the natives gifts with others. This is a lovely aspect, it can also be unconscious and the native may not be entirely aware of it at first, it’ll likely take a bit of comfortability in the career path before feeling ready. This energy is about being able to inspire others and share with them your innate gifts (Jupiter in 12th). This energy can be taken advantage of so it's important to be careful with these 12th house aspects . Again, discernment is a powerful tool. Allow yourself to give back and be a positive, motivating force for others to find their way, but don’t give your own power away in the process. You’ll know when this energy is present. You’ll have an innate desire to guide others and sometimes it could be that you yourself need guidance. The lesson is to not give power away by providing to others what you could be providing yourself.
This chart also reveals a 7th house Taurus Moon. The placement of the Moon in this chart represents the needs and innate desires of the individual as it relates to the career path! So, in this case, the Moon is exalted in Taurus and is extra comfortable, and it expresses itself very fluidly and consistently. There is a need for a career that allows you to move toward long-term security in a consistent manner. You will likely enjoy having close, personal working relationships as well and be a very supportive person to work with. With a Taurus Moon, you need consistency, comfort, and security. Saturn is in the sign of Cancer in the 9th house and this placement indicates where the natives main struggles will be. This is also where you might face the most setbacks in terms of career, and long term legacy. The native may struggle initially with being close to family in terms of location and beliefs as well. Perhaps, the native will want something entirely unknown to their family. This will appear to put a strain on the relationship with those closest to the native, but in the end, a deeper and more personal meaning will be found. The 9th house is where we find meaning in our lives and how we process taking on new perspectives and beliefs about life. For the native, it may be comfortable to just remain with the current belief system and way of perceiving the world, but this will be tested (Saturn). Saturn also makes a square aspect to the Sun, and this indicates that there will need to be a shift in the way the native relates to others. As I mentioned earlier, the natives gifts will lie in how they relate to others (North Node conjunct Venus in 6th). Saturn here makes it so that it won’t be easy and it will take some challenging of your own personal beliefs. In fact, I think that finding a mentor or life coach would be very helpful for the native, it’s not necessary but if the opportunity ever came, it would prove successful for the native. The native may even become a life coach, as these aspects and placements are very indicative of a profession close to that (Aries, 6th house conjunction; Saturn 9th house).
I want to mention the angles as well, specifically the 1st house (ascendant) and the 10th house (midheaven). The two most telling things here are the modality and the degree in my opinion. So, being in a cardinal modality indicates that the approach to career is very focused on being productive and taking a starter approach. Moreover, with the 29th degree being the degree of finality, it indicates that the native will really be eager to start and finish any projects they take on and any work that they do. It will be an innate urge to make sure that there are no loose ends in terms of work. This can be rather stressful if not approached appropriately, it really comes down to management of skills, which is why a life coach or mentor could be helpful. Another term for this degree I like to say is “kill or be killed.” Its essence is about closing a chapter so you can evolve, and this can be a difficult task. Remember to stay authentic (North Node conjunct Sun). Find a way to balance (Libra ascendant) out all these energies in a way that you personally will find successful. The Mars in Aquarius indicates that already the native will take on a more innovative, unique approach to getting things done. This will without a doubt inspire others and more so it will inspire the native. I feel like the lesson is always authenticity haha, the universe rewards it. Truly. With a Libra ascendant, you will be able to connect with others even more and this will go a long way if you ever would want to become a life coach or do something that involves being of service to others.
I hope this gave you guys some insight into how to read a Midheaven persona chart and things to look for. Please feel free to leave questions, comments, your own insights and any feedback you deem helpful. I offer these readings for free if you are interested!💫
-Shi (personachartsblog) 
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rgenvs3000f23 · 7 months
Blog 10
Describe your personal ethic as you develop as a nature interpreter. What beliefs do you bring? What responsibilities do you have? What approaches are most suitable for you as an individual?
Hey! For our final blog post, we were asked to write about our personal ethic as we develop as nature interpreters.
I’m currently in my final year of university, and I’m beginning to look for jobs. And for the first time in my life, I’m looking for career jobs, instead of part-time of summer positions. So needless to say I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what jobs I ideally want, what jobs I’m willing to do, and what jobs I’m not willing to do. Our course readings for this week mentioned a fear of a desk job being a potential motivating factor for pursuing a career related to environmental interpretation. That one did admittedly resonate with me a bit. My last job was more or less of a desk job, where I worked as a research assistant in a lab. And even though, on paper, it was closer to what I want to do as a career, I didn’t enjoy it very much. I missed working in the service industry, I missed the high-energy, social atmosphere, I missed getting to work with my hands and see the results right in front of me. Spending most of my working hours not only indoors, but in a dim lab staring at a laptop just made me irritable. So I’d love to find a job in the sciences that’s more hands-on and active, but I’ve realized I’d happily move away from research if I can’t find a job in that field that lets me move around.
Every week or so I get an email from the university describing job opportunities. It hasn’t been very useful in finding jobs, but it sure has been useful in helping me figure out exactly what place/companies/fields I am not willing to work for. There’s always plenty of decently paying opportunities working for mega-corporations like PepsiCo, and the like, as well as their countless subsidiaries. I know now that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I worked for a place like that. I would much rather go just about anywhere else, including back to the service industry. I might have a less prestigious career, but I care about having a job that I enjoy doing and that I see as important. During my last job, it was difficult to get up and go to the lab in the morning when I couldn’t really see the effects and importance of the research that was being done. I know that whatever I end up doing, it needs to be relatively active, and even better if I get to spend time outdoors as part of it. As long as I’m still able to spend my free time outside, that much is negotiable.
I wanted to go into more details about my beliefs/motivations/self-assigned responsibilities. First, the rather apparent role of nature in mental health and our current culture around it. Not that I have enough space to go into all of my thoughts on that, but I’d like to include a few of them here. One, on mental health being treated like an individual problem, when it really should be recognized as a systemic one. Even if people admit that it’s systemic, the “solutions” and treatments that are currently popular tend to be highly individual. Take mood-regulating medication, go to eternal therapy, isolate yourself from others in the name of self-improvement. In general, mental health has been both commercialized and capitalized upon. Like I mentioned, I don’t have the adequate space to go through my thoughts on the systemic causes of mental lack-of-wellness. But as I’m sure many of us are aware, spending time outside and spending time with other people (or even both at the same time!) have been shown time and time again to be beneficial to human well-being. Honestly, I don’t think we need more research in that area. We already know, and as much as I like numbers, more statistics aren’t going to save us.
So for me personally, all that means that I don’t want to have a job that drags down the health of other people, or my own. I would love to have a job that helps remove some of the barriers that have been put up between nature and people, which I don’t think should belong in different categories in the first place. But an important caveat for me is that I don’t want my career to be a constant fight. I’m quite tired of war analogies. There’s less of a point in destroying something if there’s nothing better to work towards. I don’t want to dedicate my life to fighting climate change, because I’ll make myself miserable and make everyone around me a little less happy. That’s not to say I don’t care, but I do think that a bunch of sad and lonely people aren’t going to bring about much positive change. Like the video with David Suzuki and Richard Louv mentioned (I think it was Richard Louv who mentioned it), it’s hard to make change if people don’t have any sort of positive idea of a future to look forwards to.
So to summarize as neatly as I can: If I end up doing something related to nature interpretation, I want it to get people excited and help people feel more connected to the world around them.
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Picture: One of the Arboretum gardens after a snowstorm
On the same note as working towards something rather than solely working against, I have a book recommendation for anyone looking for a sci-fi story with a positive outlook: Monk and Robot by Becky Chambers (and its sequel)
Thanks for reading!
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
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What Music Actually Does For Your Mood (And Your Love Life)
Those sex playlists actually set the mood in more ways than one.
Kiarra Sylvester
May. 04, 2022 11:29AM EST
I’m far from someone who has an ear for music, still, I’ve always gotten so excited about music! It’s the way that music has the ability to carry you back to a moment in time. I always, always listen to lyrics, as I like to be able to relate to my music more often than not. (The exception here is the thug anthems.) Whether it be that summer jam that serves as the soundtrack throughout the season or a sexy, down on your knees, begging tune that makes you think of the time you were about to risk it all on love (hello, ‘80s and ‘90s). 
Music evokes emotion regardless of how hard we may try to repress it. It’s one of the most powerful art mediums we have to date. And though I’m aware of how I feel when I listen to certain songs, I often wonder how music impacts us day to day plus how it has the ability to improve the sex we’re having. Those sexy playlistsactually set the mood in more ways than one. If you have a sex playlist, here’s what type of vibe you’re creating, and if not, here’s why you should get on top of it. 
Of course, I’m no expert, so we chatted with Dr. Shay Thomas, a licensed marriage and family therapist based in Atlanta, to further understand the four benefits of music, from daily life to the bedroom (or wherever you like to take your hot sex).
1. Therapeutic
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Long workday? A new partner who you haven’t completely become familiar with yet? You probably need to get out of your head. Good news! According to Dr. Thomas, music has the ability to transmit us into a mindful, meditative state. She adds, “It is not only shown to reduce anxiety and improve mood as a general therapeutic technique but it is also used in the medical field to help patients with chronic pain.”
2. Release
I’ve said this before and it’s now been confirmed by an expert, that music can be a powerful catalyst for emotional release. “Music evokes strong emotion, as we reflect on powerful memories," Dr. Thomas says. "Music prompts movement, which helps release negative energy and relieve stress. Music makes us dance, cry, and literally release endorphins, which according to research is the brain's natural pain reliever.”
3. Intimacy
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If you are looking to really create a powerful bond, music might help signal just that. On a basic level music evokes pleasure from its listener due to the dopamine listening to music releases. Thus, science has found that music can improve your sex life, as well as your physical and emotional satisfaction during intimate experiences. “It enhances the experience, emotionally and physically. It intensifies our connection. That's why we feel a natural high at concerts," Dr. Thomas explains. 
4. Arousal
According to Dr. Thomas, “Music during sex sparks passion and creativity. As we vibe with the beat, it guides our rhythm/pace. We can also get lost in the lyrics, which helps us escape our inhibitions. Music during sex (and in general) amplifies our arousal and intensifies our connection to the person and to the experience.” This makes a lot of sense, especially because music can often serve as the initiator of sex, setting the stage and the mood.
Next time you’re looking to have a romantic evening, turn the tunes on immediately and see how the whole vibe improves. Start with low music over dinner instead of turning the TV on immediately (something we’ve become far too accustomed to). I’d say this is especially ideal for new partners because it reduces some of that getting-to-know-you tension. Still, it’s equally beneficial to all pairs. 
And if you are unsure about the music to add to your playlist, all platforms allow you to search for keywords and I have no doubt that you’ll be able to find something under “Soulful sex playlist.” 
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beloved-death · 5 months
Starting a Family Headcanon Answers, since I lost the asks.”
Number: How many children does your muse want?
Mason considers 2-3 ideal, he is not opposed to a single child but he feels that multiple children make an ideal family. As for more... well if it happens it happens he knows that having a lot of kids is a massive burden on everyone.
Adopt: Does your muse want to adopt, or do they want to have children naturally? Both?
Mason has no issues with adoption but he is very much the old man and easily prefers biological kids. He also would not make a good adoptive parent as busy as he is.
Single: How would your muse feel about being a single parent? Would they be able to take care of a child on their own? How would that work?
Being a single parent is not an option but if such a crisis were to happen the children would have an entire staff to care for them.
Want: Does your muse want children? Why or why not?
He had children in his mortal life, but now? He doesn’t know...
Capable: Do you think your muse is capable of caring for a child? Why/Why not?
Maybe once they get past their toddler years maybe. Before that? No, not at all. Not only is he busy but he is entirely unqualified.
Chores: How does your muse prefer to divide the housework?
The staff takes care of most housework, otherwise Harmony does most of the cleaning while the more difficult tasks are done by him.
Outing: What sorts of things does your muse like to do with their kids outside of the house?
Taking them to the theatre, proper restaurants, field trips, and for rides. Things like that.
Emergency: How is your muse in an emergency? Are they calm? Panicked?
Depends on the emergency, injuries are effortless as mason does not panic, illnesses are a call to a doctor and a flight to a medical facility if necessary. The child would never go missing, Mason would be able to sense them. 
Diaper: Has your muse ever changed a diaper before? Are they good at it?
NOPE and considering the requirements for speed and dexterity they would be good at it.
Entertain: Is your muse good at entertaining children? How do they go about doing it?
Not at all, Mason pretty much never interacted with kids and has no knowledge on the subject. All of that would be under harmony’s purview.
Tantrum: How does your muse deal with tantrums? In public?
He does not deal with it in public. He cannot exactly use magic to silence the child but he is certainly not going to let himself be embarrassed. The child would be forced to be on their best behavior at formal events, besides there will be plenty of other vampires and servants to adore the child. 
Parent: What type of parent does your muse consider themself?
A glorified bank account and a warm body.
Bedtime: Does your muse read their child to sleep? Are there any other bedtime routines they have?
Yes actually, though it would largely be poetry and old songs. 
Treat: How does your muse reward their child? Candy / Toys / etc.?
Rewarding children doesn’t make sense to Mason. Why would you have a reward as an incentive if they will normally receive gifts from their parents regardless?
Destress: What’s your muse way to destress after a long day?
Cold glass of liquid or blood, a quiet room, and something to read or a record to play.
Scrapbook: Does your muse like to keep record of their kids, or are they more ‘live in the moment’ type?
Within the library there will be several volumes containing moments of life. One day memories will fade but the pictures and entries will remain.
Cuddle: Is there designated cuddle time for your muse and their child, or is it more unprompted?
Unprompted. Doesn’t happen often as Mason is not the most affectionate parent.
Mess: How does your muse handle a mess that your child has made?
Teaches them how to clean it, and then cleans it or has a member of staff clean it.
Lullaby: Does your muse sing lullabies to their kids, or do they just put on CDs?
Lullabies, CDs are cheating.
Daycare: Does your muse prefer to bring their child to a public daycare, or do they hire someone they trust to watch them?
No daycare at all, children’s rooms and similar things are the only options. Other than Harmony’s family the child is only ever left with staff.  
Date: How often does your muse get a date?
Considering he is married, he does not. But when he was single it would be whenever he desired.
Playtime: Does your muse enjoy playing with their kids or do they simply observe them as they play?
More often the latter. It cannot be stated enough that he has no experience with kids.
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waitinglistbooks · 7 months
The Origins of Political Order, From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution
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For a few years now, I’ve been leaning on reading more about Sociology, Politics, History of Nations and, eventually, the name of Francis Fukuyama came up. Fukuyama is an American writer and political theorist. He studied at the Cornell University and Political Sciences at Harvard. He is currently a fellow at the Stanford University. Fukuyama has also worked for the U.S. Department of State, having specialized in Middle East affairs, and, later, to deal with European Political and Military affairs. In short, he has an enviable curriculum and a lot of experience in the field of politics.
When I was listening to a podcast I caught his name, and put him on my “books to read” waiting list, and was only expecting to actually get to it in a while. However, the Universe had other plans and in one of my many visits to bookshops, I found one of his books just asking me to take it. And so, I did. “The Origins of Political Order” was the book. It’s a fairly dated book (from 2012), and it’s the first volume of a set of 2 (the second one being “Political Order and Political Decay”).  I couldn’t wait, and started reading it straight away – my other ongoing books were not happy…
It took me awhile to get through it because it’s such a dense book. Dense in the sense that every sentence is pertinent information. I usually underline passages, expressions, sentences in books, but on this one I just couldn’t. Everything is relevant and thought provoking.
In this first volume, Fukuyama goes through the origins of human relations and society since the primitive times up to the eve of the French Revolution. Not being his own view and systematization of history, he does it in a very neat way, starting with China, then going to India, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and finally Europe, to explain how institutions are built and how the different social groups interact and make or destroy social organizations. I learned a lot with this book, as my base education is medical science, so I never got to go so thoroughly into history, Rule of Law, Social Movements, the Parliament, etc. It was so interesting to have a view on how the rule of law came about, how the different societies organized themselves, and how government and society interact with each other and how they, in Fukuyama’s point of view, can create strong or weak absolutists states, or democracies. I was also enlightened with regards on how the geography influences the culture and the way the government can control, or not control its people, and consequently, build states. Very, very interesting, and even if only a point of view on the facts, still food for thought.
I found the writing of Fukuyama very easy to read. Yes, this is textbook level, and yes, I am not that person that gets tired when reading thick, dense texts, but I would still think that, for the interested mind, this a very good recommendation.
I cannot go into specifics as the context is important, and I wouldn’t be able to, even if I wanted to but, if you want to learn more on how states, and political institutions come about, and to have a wider point of view on how things came to be, this is the ideal book to start.
“Samuel Huntington has suggested if the rallying cry of the English Parliament was “no taxation without representation”, today’s slogan ought to be “no representation without taxation”, since it is the latter that best incentivizes political participation.”
“The Origins of Political Order, From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution” written by Francis Fukuyama, Profile Books Ltd, UK, 2012 ISBN: 9781846682575
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talenlee · 7 months
MTG: TransMoremers, Part 1
In my ongoing war on Universes Beyond I Personally Find Tedious, nobody has spoken to me. I have faced no backlash and contend with no enemies of my opinions. I am in no way called upon to defend myself because people, largely, seem to be okay with just, you know, having their own opinions on things and not being particularly bothered if they don’t agree with my opinions. Nonetheless, if I wanted to imagine some kind of straw opposition for this behaviour of mine, this bold and daring take that the huge pile of Dr Who cards make Dr Who look bad, then I might imagine them to say:
Well, what about the Transformers cards? You like those.
It’s true! I do! And I think they also have a real challenge to get made into Universes Within. Not that I don’t really look forward to it – I’m imagining haunted Kaladeshi machinery with a ghost inside them, because wouldn’t they look sick? Or maybe things like ghost trains from Innistrad? I suppose if you were into complete over used hack material, they could be from New Phyrexia, the rebirthing of a new life out of the remnants of a metal world.
Point is, there’s a lot of interesting ways to make ‘vehicles with personalities that change shape.’ Could be really cool!
Anyway, these cards all excite me and invite me to make things that feel like they’re interesting game entities in the context of Magic: The Gathering and not just evocation of childhood nostalgia. Now part of that is that the cards are complicated and I don’t know if they’re actually good at what they do.  I intended to actually make deck article for each of them that struck me as interesting, but that’s a lot of time spent between articles about each deck. Instead of a full rundown for each one then, I want to provide a sort of first impression for how these cards work and what I think I’d use them for.
There are fifteen of these cards, and I’ve already talked about two – Starscream and Soundwave. Let’s talk about some of the rest, then!
I think that Prowl, Stoic Strategist‘s ability should be used on your own stuff. The actual mechanic, where you can use it to get rid of people’s stuff, is mostly interesting for clearing out commanders (because then you draw a card when they cast it again) but not as a general removal. But if you use it with your own creatures, ideally cheap ones, you can use Prowl to re-cast creatures for value.
What I’d Look For: Ways to keep Prowl attacking, like giving him flying or shadow or protection.  
Examples: Guardian of Faith, Resolute Reinforcements, Abzan Falconer
Ratchet, Field Medic transforms when you gain life, bringing back an artefact, and transforms back when you sacrifice a nontoken artefact. This seems a pretty simple engine; two mana to get Ratchet out, then sacrificing an artefact to transform him. He flips back to his robot form, and if you gain life, he returns a card from the bin flipped face up.  This means if, for example, you play a Potion of Healing, and it draws you a card. Then you spend 1 mana and tap-sac it; Ratchet sees an artefact die, and flips up to his robot form. You gain 3 life, as that ability resolves, and he flips back down again, returning the potion to the battlefield, drawing you a card. This means every turn you can gain 3 life and draw a card.
What I’d Look For: Cheap reusable arifacts that sacrifice on command, things that benefit from lifegain, and ways to protect Ratchet.
Examples: Tinker’s Tote, Dungeoneer’s Pack, Candy Trail, Bottle Gnomes and Potion of Healing
That ability of Jetfire, Ingenious Scientist’s, to turn +1/+1 counters into mana, feels like it should be able to be something broken. Somehow. It can be spent on mana costs for abilities, it can be spent to pay extra costs like Ward, and it can be spent to cast artefact spells. But also, he is a 6 power flier for a reasonably cheap price, but also… that’s… it?
Honestly, I think the thing that’s most interesting about Jetfire is the way he becomes a non-creature off-turn, so he can enable a deck that does sweepers off-turn. Which uh, blue doesn’t have a lot of.
That ability though, it feels like it’s something so weirdly breakable but I cannot begin to see a way to do it. Like nothing sustains itself. I think it’s because I don’t want to build Jetfire in a way that means he auto-combos or wins the game with a single card combination and therefore, you want to always make that happen. Those kinds of commander decks are boring.
What I’d Look For: Something interesting to do with the munching of counters off Jetfire. Proliferation and Incubation seem the best place to start.
Examples: Corruption of Towashi, Chrome Host Seedshark, Viral Drake? That seems wildly inappropriate for the kind of guy Jetfire is.
Blitzwing, Cruel Tormentor is cheaper to get out as a vehicle, and then he presents you with a choice. You can use him with instant-speed wrath effects by if he gets indestructible, or he gets through (probably) with flying. That’s neat but it very much makes him feel like a commander who wants to get through for commander damage. On the other hand, he then wants to pull someone’s life down individually, and worse, his robot mode doesn’t have any evasion.
Blitzwing’s weird man? If he did any one of those three things he’d probably make sense, or if he leeched everyone for life, he’d make more sense? But that’s I think, partly, his point: Blitzwing isn’t here to smash everyone, he’s not smooth, he’s not reliable. You can’t build a deck efficiently to do any of the three things, which means he’s going to want to do a little bit of everything.
I think that means that Blitzwing wants to be a stompy deck. Blitzwing is going to play off the top of the deck, and that’s going to be value and good stuff. It seems a place for a deck that’s all about favourite black cards, ways of bleeding your opponents slow and steady.
What I’d Look For: Favourite black cards, value cards, cards that can be flexible.
Examples:  Kokusho the Evening Star, Grey Merchant of Asphodel, Rankle, Master of Pranks, Liliana, Death’s Majesty
Uh, so Slicer, Hired Muscle is like, a really well known, competitive CEDH aggressive deck. He works with damage doublers, triplers and all that kind of stuff. I don’t want to go over this because if you just build Slicer in the most obvious way, he’s a super aggressive, quick deck that beats everyone down fast, and usually commander-kills at least one player on the way out the door.
Yeah, just do that if you want to use Slicer.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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ofvaporex · 2 years
3, 7, 11, 19, 26 (Ratchet Deets Pls!)
And Ratchet deets you shall GET!
3. Describe your muse’s ideal holiday.
Ratchet's ideal holiday is just time spent with friends and loved ones. He's something of a homebody and really doesn't care too much about traveling. Being able to stay in, surrounded by the people he cares about, enjoying some laughter and storytelling and good sweet grade energon, passing around treats and sweets?
He's just happiest surrounded by the people he loves. He doesn't need to go anywhere to get that. He can go to Swerve's or up to the observation deck and enjoy all the comforts of a holiday without ever leaving what he considers his home.
7. Describe how your muse greets others.
It fully depends on the person. More recently, if it's people he likes, friends or family or loved ones, it's usually with a handshake, gripped wrists, or a hardy pat on the back. All smiles, all warm greetings, wanting to make sure they know without a doubt that he cares about them and they mean something in his life. He's lost too many people not to at this point.
If it's someone he doesn't like or is more neutral towards? His greetings lean heavily towards the professional. Slight nod, saying their name by means of acknowledgement.
Someone he hates? He'd rather not greet them at all, preferring to outright ignore them.
11. Is your muse good or bad at learning new things?
Ratchet tends towards being an inversion of "can't teach an old dog new tricks." He's tried hard to keep up on medical advances as he's gotten older, and it's kept him a lot more sharp than one might suspect, even when considering things like information creep.
It has extended somewhat into other parts of his life as well. He isn't bad at picking up new skills, and is currently learning to knit. Med school and years of learning on the fly have made him far more accepting towards the missteps involved in learning something new than one might think.
He does tend to be hard on himself for messing up things he should know, though.
19. How does your muse sit? Do they take up space, or keep to themselves?
He's honestly prone to taking up space. This is a mech who's used to finding any flat surface with space to try to catch a few scant moments of recharge in the middle of aerial bombardments and campaigns that felt like they would last forever. If asked, he'll immediately pull in on himself to make room, but for the most part he just sort of... lounges.
I think it largely comes from the fact that space was so dear in field hospitals that he just sort of takes advantage of it now that he has the opportunity to do so.
26. What is the first thing your muse does in the mornings? Bonus: Describe their morning routine.
By and large, Ratchet is a creature of habit. He still maintains a similar morning routine to back before the war, and even in the early days when things still worked on something similar to a schedule. He's up very early to stretch, then he takes a run through the washracks, and after that he gets his morning ration so he can take his medication.
Often times, he doesn't even think about not needing to be up at the crack of dawn since he retired until after he's up and moving around. One of these days he'll try to sleep in, but he seems to run largely on an internal clock.
Even when sharing a berth with someone, he's very often the first one up and moving.
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•°. *࿐
“clear out, I’ll take care of these guys.”
spinner and compress sent you quick, timid looks before nodding and running away, leaving you alone with the army of d-list heroes and sidekicks.
almost alone.
“the fuck are you talkin’ about?” a raspy voice said, their presence appearing behind you as soon as your other two teammates vanished. “you can’t take out all these guys.”
your gaze remained fixated on the heroes in front of you. “losing one of us is better than losing three, dabi.”
“yeah, no shit.” dabi growled. “but it’s ideal to lose none. and the only way we’re doing that is if you got backup.”
“just go.” you said. “i can take them.”
“are you deaf?” he asked. “i just said you can’t.”
“well, i think you’re being pessimistic.”
“yeah?” you nodded. “well, I think you’re being a fucking masochist.”
“don’t remember you ever having a problem with that before.” you quipped.
you didn’t have to turn around to be able to tell dabi was glaring at you. “clear out, t’ll take them.” he said.
“no, i-”
“as lieutenant of the meta liberation army, i’m ordering you to clear out. understand?” he interrupted.
it was hard to argue with that, but you turned around to meet his cold glare and tried anyways.
“spinner and compress are valuable. spinner’s got all for one’s gift and compress is the only one of us besides that creep-fuck of a doctor who actually has medical knowledge.” you said. “they’re important, so i have to keep them safe.”
“are you really trying to play martyr right now? jesus fucking christ.”
“i’m not playing anything, i’m being logical. the logical thing to do is sacrifice myself to keep the rest of you safe so you guys can win this war.”
“sounds a lot like a martyr to me? what’s next, you expect us to build you a shrine?”
“i’m not gonna fucking die, dabi.” you snarled. “the heroes aren’t gonna kill me.”
“tell that to twice.”
you rolled your eyes. “you see hawks anywhere? ‘cause I don’t. just a bunch of sidekicks and wannabes. they couldn’t kill me if they wanted to.”
“so you’re gonna rot the rest of your life in tartarus?”
you shrugged. “you’ll break me out when you win.”
dabi kissed his teeth. “i’m not here for the long haul, either.”
“‘s exactly why i gotta do it. you’ve got a fight to win. a dad to kill or whatever. shigaraki’s gonna take the little all might kid, toga’s gonna avenge twice, and i’ve already gone over spinner and compress...”
“i can incinerate this entire field in a fuckin’ second.”
“please, you’re withering away by the minute.” you poked his scarred chest. “don’t waste your power on these nobodies.”
he said nothing, but you continued.
“you’ve gotta reason to stay, dabi. i don’t. so fuck off and save my ass when your deadbeat dad’s in hell, ‘kay?”
“fuckin’ fine.” he huffed. “don’t let ‘em fuck up your face. it’s your only redeeming quality.”
you smiled. “got it, lieutenant.”
he covered his obvious discontent with your deal with his staple monotonous glare and walked away, leaving you defenseless in the heart of the war.
it didn’t take long for you to get overwhelmed by the of heroes and succumb to their power. as you laid face-down in the dirt, a pair of quirk-canceling cuffs being locked on your sore wrists, you met a pair of blue eyes in the distance. 
you prayed he didn’t see the blood on your face.
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
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What Music Actually Does For Your Mood (And Your Love Life)
Those sex playlists actually set the mood in more ways than one.
Kiarra Sylvester
May. 04, 2022 11:29AM EST
I’m far from someone who has an ear for music, still, I’ve always gotten so excited about music! It’s the way that music has the ability to carry you back to a moment in time. I always, always listen to lyrics, as I like to be able to relate to my music more often than not. (The exception here is the thug anthems.) Whether it be that summer jam that serves as the soundtrack throughout the season or a sexy, down on your knees, begging tune that makes you think of the time you were about to risk it all on love (hello, ‘80s and ‘90s). 
Music evokes emotion regardless of how hard we may try to repress it. It’s one of the most powerful art mediums we have to date. And though I’m aware of how I feel when I listen to certain songs, I often wonder how music impacts us day to day plus how it has the ability to improve the sex we’re having. Those sexy playlistsactually set the mood in more ways than one. If you have a sex playlist, here’s what type of vibe you’re creating, and if not, here’s why you should get on top of it. 
Of course, I’m no expert, so we chatted with Dr. Shay Thomas, a licensed marriage and family therapist based in Atlanta, to further understand the four benefits of music, from daily life to the bedroom (or wherever you like to take your hot sex).
1. Therapeutic
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Long workday? A new partner who you haven’t completely become familiar with yet? You probably need to get out of your head. Good news! According to Dr. Thomas, music has the ability to transmit us into a mindful, meditative state. She adds, “It is not only shown to reduce anxiety and improve mood as a general therapeutic technique but it is also used in the medical field to help patients with chronic pain.”
2. Release
I’ve said this before and it’s now been confirmed by an expert, that music can be a powerful catalyst for emotional release. “Music evokes strong emotion, as we reflect on powerful memories," Dr. Thomas says. "Music prompts movement, which helps release negative energy and relieve stress. Music makes us dance, cry, and literally release endorphins, which according to research is the brain's natural pain reliever.”
3. Intimacy
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If you are looking to really create a powerful bond, music might help signal just that. On a basic level music evokes pleasure from its listener due to the dopamine listening to music releases. Thus, science has found that music can improve your sex life, as well as your physical and emotional satisfaction during intimate experiences. “It enhances the experience, emotionally and physically. It intensifies our connection. That's why we feel a natural high at concerts," Dr. Thomas explains. 
4. Arousal
According to Dr. Thomas, “Music during sex sparks passion and creativity. As we vibe with the beat, it guides our rhythm/pace. We can also get lost in the lyrics, which helps us escape our inhibitions. Music during sex (and in general) amplifies our arousal and intensifies our connection to the person and to the experience.” This makes a lot of sense, especially because music can often serve as the initiator of sex, setting the stage and the mood.
Next time you’re looking to have a romantic evening, turn the tunes on immediately and see how the whole vibe improves. Start with low music over dinner instead of turning the TV on immediately (something we’ve become far too accustomed to). I’d say this is especially ideal for new partners because it reduces some of that getting-to-know-you tension. Still, it’s equally beneficial to all pairs. 
And if you are unsure about the music to add to your playlist, all platforms allow you to search for keywords and I have no doubt that you’ll be able to find something under “Soulful sex playlist.” 
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blackmaylovesfries · 3 years
China line - It could be worse
Words: 1219
Sinopse: Seventeen Hybrid AU - Since the second adoption, Jun took upon himself to make sure all the new guys felt safe and comfortable. Even the most wild one.
Notices: Not so good English. I am needing my china line as they are away for now ;-;
Solo stories’ destiny // Buy me a Coffee
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“Are you in position, Alpha bird?”
“I hate this name on so many levels, I told you to not call me that, Junhui.” The cute cat hybrid just giggled when he heard his new friend’s voice over the walkie talkie. “Why are we doing this again?”
“Well, you were complaining that you were bored, so I thought it would be fun to trail behind Y/n while she works.” The hybrids were just a few meters apart, so Jun could see Minghao’s eyes rolling just as well as the other could see his smile getting bigger and more mischievous. “Come on, it’s not like you have anything else to do.”
That’s how the hyper cat hybrid was able to convince the bird one to follow you like two secret agents around the center as you did your daily tasks. It was their luck that you didn’t have field trips that day, but that does not mean you were just in your office. No… That day you were going around enough to the boys following you had a hard time keeping your pace all the time.
First, you helped the medic team with some hybrids that didn’t want to cooperate. Most of your morning was spended at the medic bay, where Jun and Minghao saw you joking and convincing unknown hybrids that no one there would hurt them. Although the wild hybrid hated humans, he could see the genuine care those professionals had in their eyes when they looked after his fellows. He couldn’t even put any faults in your behavior, which crossed the little hybrid enough so his mischievous friend was tempted to let out a laugh.
“You know, Y/n said I should give you time but I think you just need a little push.” The tall one put his head on the skinny one’s shoulder, ignoring the way his body tensed with the contact. “Some people need to have the heart forced open a little before they can do it themselves.” The8 just shaked his head as his friend’s insights still surprised him every single time.
“Come on, she’s moving.” The bird hybrid didn’t want the other to notice how his words affected him. Until then, they had only made jokes and commented on what they were seeing… It was rare to Jun say something deep like that. The feline turned his eye to your form, that was leaving the bay just to be stopped by Youngjae at the door.
“He did what!?” Jun flinched as you screamed. Minghao looked at him, a little worried, but the boy just smiled at him.
“I just don’t like when she screams. Let’s go, we’re losing her.” He didn’t elaborate, rather pulled Minghao to the direction where you had run to. The wild one knew that everyone there had their own scars but to see that even one of the most cheerful hybrids could not be healed yet made Minghao think… Maybe he did need to observe more before judging the situation.
As he thought about that, he and his friend arrived where you were. A small corridor at the dormitory's side in the complex. There they saw Youngjae and you lecturing a duo of canine hybrids. It seemed that they were fighting and it was quite the fight by the bruises and scratches on their bodies. You were saying something about expelling them.
“She’s lying, you know?” Jun had a smile on his face that made The8 narrow his eyes. “She would never throw someone out there. She’s saying that so they learn to behave but if they really can’t adapt, she is just going to send them to reserves created to receive hybrids who are more animals than humans. They take good care of them there and there’s no need to be what the humans call ‘civilized’, although everywhere has rules.”
“I had been at one of those… Most really are the ideal home for those types.” Minghao had traveled around a lot and was quite curious. Just like he didn’t accept being adopted without thinking about all the options, he would never save his fellow hybrids and give them no place to go. But it still surprised him that this center would also think about those kinds of reserves.
They then observed as the duo nodded their heads at you and Youngjae before turning around and going to the cafeteria. Just as you were ready to go searching for your dear hybrids to eat lunch, Hyuk, an employee from the adoption setor ran to you. You almost cried and Jun almost let out a huge laugh. Before leaving with the newcomer, you whispered something to Youngjae, who nodded and turned around walking in the direction of the hiding hybrids while you went with Hyuk.
“Y/n said that she can't have lunch with you guys today, if you guys want to keep following her it’s okay but don’t play too much and forget to eat, okay?” The human said when he stopped beside the two.
"Damned!" Jun hitted his thigh. “I thought that with Minghao with me I wouldn’t get caught that easily.” That made the human laugh and the other hybrid look at him, confused.
“Jun has that habit of following Y/n whenever he’s bored.” Youngjae explained, laughing again. “You can have a hybrid with a lot of skills but you are still you, Junhui. Even I who don’t go much to the field could perceive you. Now, run or you’ll lose her trail.” He waved to the hybrids and continued his way to somewhere neither of them cared.
That made your hybrids move. They had to run a little before seeing you and Hyuk but Jun nor The8 noticed that the second was actually enjoying their little adventure at this point. They saw you entering the adoption part of the complex, quickly following you inside. Neither had ever been at this part of the center so everything was new to the duo.
Their eyes were studying the new environment, looking through the glasses where some young hybrids were playing and having their meals. They also could see where you went. A sort of commercial counter separated you and Hyuk from Leo and Ravi, who Jun already knew, who were holding a really angry guy.
“Okay.” You were actually stressed at that moment, which means no patience to deal with that kind of human. “Now, either you go away and never come back alone or I shoot you and drag you out of here.” You pointed the revolver to the guy’s leg, he stopped struggling.
“You can’t do it! I’ll denunce you to the police! I'm a paying tax citizen, you can’t do it with me!” You narrowed your eyes before laughing.
“Try me.” You removed the safety pin and smiled. That made the guy freeze before taking off for good. You sighed while your coworkers started to laugh. “Yes, keep laughing. Just remember that you guys now need to call Jonghyun so he can know what’s coming for him.” This made the men freeze too. They all growl as you turn to the duo behind you. “So, can we have lunch now? I’m starving.”
Jun was still processing your change of demeanors so he didn’t answer you immediately and almost lost The8’s involuntary giggles.
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Hello everyone! How are you?? I hope everyone is okay and healthy!
First chapter of today!!!! 1/2
Tag: @mimisxs ; @moonmin-miya ; @naminalati ; @woohoney ; @notpatriciararw ; @amber-thumbs ; @skylions-den ; @snowballbear ; @restless-nights-thoughts ; @haoareu ; @killcomet​ ; @un-ravellyn - If you want to be tagged, answer the first link at the beggining of this post.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 3 years
Then & Now (Ethan x MC)
Summary: A particularly difficult case forces Ethan to confront a blast from his past
A/N: This popped into my head and I had too much fun writing it. I will loosely incorporate some of the themes from book 3 and make them better, but this is mostly an AU.
A/N 2: Yes I’m writing another multipart fic while actively ignoring my others. The muses spoke and I had no choice in the matter. Enjoy!
“Would you like some more coffee, Dr. Ramsey?”
Whatever line he was reading in his textbook blurs as does his vision. Ethan looks up at the face of the newest member of the team, a young resident, Isabelle. He takes the cup, not missing the way her eyes light up as he does so. What is it with residents and their incessant need to kiss-ass and be people pleasers?
“Thank you, Dr. Proctor.”
“Of course! I figured we’d need all the caffeine we could get our hands on with this case.”
Ethan doesn’t respond with words, only offering the young woman a hum in acknowledgement. Instead his eyes land on his coworker, Harper Emery. “Harper, has your team been able to come up with anything new?”
“Nothing,” Harper replies with a resigned sigh.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“I’ve run as many tests, MRIs and CT scans as I could, and none of them came back with anything conclusive. We’re officially back to square one.”
Ethan hasn’t been this stumped in years. A week ago, a patient came to Edenbrook after waking up without being able to feel anything from the waist down. A young, relatively healthy 25 year old with no extraordinary medical history, no recent reports of any TBI, nothing. He assumed with Harper–one of the nation’s greatest neurosurgeons–on the case, that this would be a simple fix.
As painful as it is to admit, he’s wrong.
They’ve gotten nowhere with the case, they’ve made no progress, and to make matters worse, he has Leland Bloom and the board breathing down his neck because it’s been years since the team has spent more than a week on a case, so a week with no news reflects poorly on them—on him, as the team’s leader specifically.
The last member of the team, Tobias, clears his throat. “Did he ever mention getting into a fight? Maybe he took a hit to the head, and just doesn’t want to admit it?”
“Maybe, but like I said, none of the CT scans or MRIs showed me anything out of the norm,” Harper says. “I can always ask him again.”
“That’d be ideal–”
Ethan’s sentence is cut off as the door to their office is thrown open, and in walks Leland. “Hello, team!”
The most senior members of the team stay silent, but Isabelle gives a slight wave. “Hello, Mr. Bloom.”
“Dr. Proctor,” Leland greets in turn. “Nice to know at least one of you has manners.”
Ethan checks the time on his watch. “What are you doing here, Bloom?”
“Last time I checked, I owned this entire building and I didn’t need to ask your permission to be here.”
“We’re nearing midnight,” Ethan adds. “What are you still doing here, and not at home? I’m sure Mrs. Bloom would enjoy seeing you.”
Leland ignores the mention of his wife Caroline, pretending like she wasn’t mentioned at all. “I just stopped by your patient’s room to see how he was doing. And then I decided to drop by to check in with you guys. Are there any updates on the Miller case?”
“I’m not discussing patient information with you,” Ethan says.
“Well, I am your boss.”
“And until you go to medical school, graduate, become a doctor at this hospital, and join in on this case, I don’t have to tell you anything. You may own this hospital, but I do not have to discuss my patients with you.”
“Okay, so you guys have no new information,” Leland concludes.
Ethan pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance, this conversation giving him a headache even though it just started. “We were actually in the middle of a brainstorming session before we were interrupted, so if we could have some privacy again, that would be much appreciated.”
Ethan’s tone causes Leland to drop the veneer of kindness, the smile dropping from his face only for a second before he catches it. He looks away and sniffs haughtily. “Fine. I’ll check in with the patient tomorrow for a status update, since it’s clear I won’t be getting it from my employees. Thankfully, his father and I go way back.”
“I can’t stop the patient from divulging his own information.”
Leland glances around the room one more time, his gaze lingering on Ethan a bit longer than it does on the other occupants. “Goodnight, doctors.”
Once Leland leaves, Harper turns towards Ethan. “You act like it would literally kill you to be nice to him.”
“Be nice for what? Bloom thinks we owe him undying loyalty and infinite ass kissing because he bought the hospital. He’s pulled a lot of nonsense since moving into this position, but he’s not worth breaking any laws over. My patients deserve their privacy.”
“And I agree, but the extra hostility isn’t needed. The last thing we need is World War 3 with you and Bloom tearing down the hospital. Just be nice.”
“Okay, are we getting back to work or calling it a night?”
The rest of the team glances around each other. Pulling an all-nighter with Ethan while he’s in a foul mood sounds like a nightmare.
“We’re calling it a night.”
Ethan ends up falling asleep in the office, finally dozing off around 5 o'clock in the morning, surrounded by a mountain of books and the harsh light of his computer screen. The sleep is short lived though as the sound of his pager wakes him up.
He jumps up with a start, and checks the time on his watch before checking his pager. He only managed to get two hours of sleep, but he can’t dwell on that. The page is a 911 alert to his patient’s room.
He takes off to the 4th floor where his patient is housed, thankful that the early morning hour means the hospital is not yet flooded with people.
Isabelle, Harper, and a nurse are already in the room when Ethan finally makes it. “What’s going on?”
“He had a seizure,” Harper explains.
“How long did it last?”
“Around 50 seconds. We administered lorazepam into his IV.”
“Could this be a new symptom?” Valencia asks. “Or something else entirely?”
Harper shrugs. “I don’t know, but I’m going to take him down to radiology for another CT scan. Hopefully this next one can actually yield some results.”
Ethan nods. “That sounds like a plan. In the meantime, Dr. Proctor, add seizures onto the list of symptoms to broaden our search criteria. Maybe that’ll help.”
“We’ll reconvene when Tobias comes in and once we get the new CT scans back.”
There’s a knock at the door and Ethan bristles when Leland’s loud voice calls out to him. “Dr. Ramsey, can I speak to you out in the hallway?”
“With all due respect, I’d rather not.”
“It wasn’t a request, doctor. Hallway, now.”
Ethan shoots Harper a look, and she gives him a quick sympathy smile before he and Leland step out into the hallway.
They move a few feet away from the patient’s door, out of earshot before Leland lays into Ethan. “How in the hell is the patient actually managing to get worse under your care?”
The question actually takes Ethan aback. “You can’t possibly be saying his condition is my fault?”
“I’m saying he’s been here for a week now, and he’s no better off than where he was. You don’t have any information to give him or his family. Do you know how many phone calls my assistant has had to field because they want to get him transferred to a different facility?”
“We are giving him the best care possible, Leland. Just because you and his father belong to the same country club or whatever, does not mean there’ll be some instant diagnosis or treatment that he can buy...or steal. We need to do our due diligence.”
Leland is smart enough to know when a dig is being lobbed in his direction. His eyes narrow. “What are you trying to say, Ethan?”
“Exactly what I just did. Besides, why do you have such a vested interest in my team and what we do? I’m sure you have other businesses and people to micromanage these days.”
“You guys don’t make me any money yet remain my biggest cost. The least you can do is be efficient and answer my questions when I ask.”
“And like I told you last night, I know you own this place. You never let me forget it. But you buying this hospital does not mean I am here at your beck and call, now does it mean I have to be governed under anything that isn’t set forth by the American Medical Association. Now, me team is the best this hospital and this city have to offer, so back up and let us do our jobs.”
“You guys are the best?” Leland chuckles humorlessly. “Act like it. Or I’ll find someone else who can.”
The threat causes Ethan to pause. “What does that mean?”
“You heard me loud and clear, Dr. Ramsey. Loud and clear.”
“You idiot! Why on earth would you get into a fight with Bloom in the middle of a hallway?”
Ethan doesn’t try to school his bored expression as Tobias paces the entire length of the office, huffing and puffing as he does so.
“I didn’t get into a fight with him,” Ethan amends. “It was an exchange of words.”
“A loud exchange of words,” Harper adds. “In front of our patient’s room, might I add.”
“I had plans for this day to be productive, but the minute that man opens his mouth, I just–”
“We get it, you don’t like him,” Tobias interjects.
“Disliking Leland is an understatement.”
Isabelle stays silent, unable to find a good place to cut in, despite having questions. Ethan’s dislike of Leland Bloom is the hospital’s worst kept secret, but the contention has always been passive aggressive at best. And as a second year resident, she doesn’t have any background knowledge on why the relationship is the way that it is.
“I don’t like him either, but you don’t see me needling him in front of the nurse’s station!”
“Sure Leland is...obnoxious at times, but I don’t understand any of it,” Isabelle says, finally speaking up. Ethan looks at her as if he’s just now remembering that she’s been in the room the entire time. “What happened that caused this much animosity?”
Leland’s kidney disease wasn’t a major secret. Most medical personnel that worked at Edenbrook and the larger Boston area remember the huge media blitz, and all of the pomp and circumstance surrounding his hospitalization early last year. And the official story is Leland got a kidney from a family member who wished to keep their identity a secret from the public, and everyone ate it up.
Only a handful of people know the truth. That a few well placed phone calls and dollars exchanged got Leland to the top of the donor list within a day, stealing a second chance from the true person at the top of the list: a 14 year old girl.
“So long as there is breath in my body, Leland Bloom and his ilk will never get an ounce of respect from me, and I’ll just leave it at that,” Ethan says cooly. “And that’s all you need to know, Dr. Proctor.”
“I’m just saying man, Bloom is petty,” Tobias adds. “Men like him, who think the rest of us should bow at their feet, don’t take kindly to getting told off, especially in public. Underneath the billions is a tiny ass, fragile ego. Can you just keep a low profile and be quiet for the next day or two, so Bloom doesn’t dismantle this team?”
“I’ll be as cordial as Bloom is,” is what Ethan settles upon. “Nothing more, nothing less.”
The only thing that can rival Ethan’s intelligence is his stubbornness. Tobias knows it’s the best he’s going to get out of Ethan, so he relents. “Okay.”
“Good. Now can we get back to work and stop talking about Bloom?”
His team nods and Ethan sighs in relief.. They still have a chance to turn things around and actually have a good day.
They fall into a productive routine, tossing around different theories, sharing research and narrowing down ideas. Too bad that only lasts for about half an hour before there’s a knock at the office door. A few seconds later, Naveen pokes his head in.
Ethan smiles because part of him was expecting Leland to show up again. “Naveen, this is a nice surprise! Don’t tell me you’re ready to get back in the saddle.”
Naveen laughs good-naturedly at his mentee. “Not quite.”
“Well what brings you down here?”
“I wanted to talk to you for a second, Ethan,” Naveen says.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes. It’s not about me, it’s work related. Team related news, that I wanted to tell you personally,” Naveen explains, fully entering the office. “Is there any way I could steal you for a few minutes?”
“If it involves the team, I think we can have the conversation here. Is this about my...spirited discussion with Leland?”
“No, it’s about the case you’re working on.”
“Now I know we don’t usually work on cases for this long, and we’re working on it.”
“I know. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Leland has some concerns about how long it’s taking you guys to treat this patient, and he told me that he wants to outsource some extra help to speed things along.”
“No thank you.”
“He’s already made phone calls. I’m just here to give you a heads up about who he picked.”
“A heads up?” Ethan scoffs and rolls his eyes. Who on earth could Leland think of reaching out to that Ethan would need a warning about? “Who is he asking for? Mendoza from MK? Catherine Morgan from Stanford? The Boogeyman?”
“I don’t think I’ve reached Boogeyman levels of infamy. Well, at least not yet.”
The voice makes the hair on the back of Ethan’s neck stand up. It’s a voice he hasn’t heard in close to three years, one that he thought he’d never hear again.
His eyes snap up, locking with the large brown ones staring back at him, and all of the breath leaves his lungs at once. The last time he looked into these eyes, they weren’t full of humor like they are now, but pure fire. His chest constricts, inhaling suddenly the most difficult task in the world.
The entire room goes silent, everyone watching as Ethan and the woman stay locked in their staring contest. Isabelle’s eyes dart back and forth, hoping someone can clue her into what’s going on, but Naveen, Harper and Tobias offer zero assistance.
Isabelle takes the quiet time to appraise the stranger. She’s petite, almost a foot shorter than Ethan even with her sky high Jimmy Choos on. The second thing that catches her attention is the mess of dark curly hair spilling over her shoulders, and the amused smirk on her face, like a cat that got the canary.
The woman breaks eye contact with Ethan to look past his shoulder. “Harper, Tobias, hello. Long time no see.”
When he regains the ability to speak, Ethan grits out, “Naomi, what on earth are you doing here?”
“I got an interesting call from Leland Bloom this morning, saying that the diagnostics team was in dire need of some assistance on a particularly difficult case. Within the hour, his private helicopter was picking me up.”
Ethan takes a sterling’s breath and silently counts to 3 before talking again. “I’m not working with you.”
“You don’t have a choice. Not unless you quit.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
Naomi rolls her eyes. “Drama was never a good look on you, darling, I was always better suited for it.” She turns her attention to the young resident gawking at her, turning on her megawatt smile. “You’re new. I don’t know you.”
“Um, n-no you don't. I’m Dr. Isabelle Proctor.”
“Isabelle,” Naomi repeats slowly, letting it roll off of her tongue. “What a pretty name.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m Dr. Naomi Ramsey.”
The last name catches her attention. Her eyes flicker over to Ethan’s face, catching the way his jaw ticks as female Dr. Ramsey talks.
“I can see the wheels turning in your head as I talk, so I’ll clear things up for you right quick,” Naomi continues. “No, the last name thing isn’t a coincidence. I’m Ethan’s ex-wife." She sticks out a hand for Isabelle to shake. "Nice to meet you.”
Tags: @openheartfanfics @mvalentine @choicesaddict5 @professorkingslay @maurine07 @aka-calliope @bluebellot @whimsicallywayward15 @blossomanarchy @takemyopenheart @jamespotterthefirst @fanmantrashcan @whatchique @ao719 @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @the-pale-goddess @writinghereandthere @ramseyandrys @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramseyx @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune @edith-eggs1 @cecilecontrera @thatysn @bellcat2010 @blainehellyes @junehiratas @choices-love-affair @openheart12 @desmaranj @nazario-sayeed @aestheticartsx @ruinedbypixels @nooruleman @rookie-ramsey @uneravine @choicest
112 notes · View notes
wizzycore · 2 years
- does your wizard travel alone or with a group?
- what kind of wand do they have? what does it say about their fighting styles?
- what is one song you associate with your wizard?
- have they trained into any other classes? why?
- how does the death of their parents tie into their personality?
- would they ever trade the life of a pirate for something else?
- have any of your pirates and wizards met each other?
(Returning the favor lol <3)
hii!! im going 2 answer for all my wizards :'D
- does your wizard travel alone or with a group?
kieran: yes, always! he's quite the support, in more than just school configuration. emotional support, blade support, etc. he prefers to be the rubber duckie to people's "exploding monsters" problem.
keller: alone, mostly. he can handle it himself. whenever he gets grouped up with people, something ends up going wrong. call it bad luck, or being stubborn as all hell. 🤷‍♂️. hes a solo king
sestiva: lone wolf foreva..... its not that she hates groups is that she thinks doing stuff alone is cooler... also she likes being able to think by herself!
delaney: shes tried both, and she's good at both! she prefers groups, just a bit, because they allow her to be lazy. (yeah, sure, ill hop on your mount and mindlessly kill whenever ever u say, hee hee). also, unlike keller, she's way better socially, so.
kestrel: she prefers group. its hard out here for a solo life wizard :(. also, she gets lonely. no matter how she gripes about being a field medic to dummies, she still gets sad whenever she has to go it alone.
carlos: prefers group, but the dice falls mostly towards him going solo. empryea was like crack the way he was almost always in a group. buddies keep him sane ❤
- what kind of wand do they have? what does it say about their fighting styles?
kieran: his go-to's are floating books or grimoires! in a pinch, though, he won't say no to a regular old staff. books are easiest, though -- reading a passage out that he's designated to summon the creature or item he wishes, letting the energy gather in his hands touching the page, in his head and throat, before casting through even recitation is SO og dnd wizard. he writes so much more down in his spell wand than spells, too -- the only way it still functions as a wand is because of how neat he is about it, LMAO
keller: he hasn't settled into a favorite type of wand yet. so far, if it's creepy, he'll use it.
kestrel: her go-to wand is a hand-me-down from carlos -- a shimmering bow. carlos never took to the precision and power needed to just cast, and seemed to fizzle much more often on it. but kestrel finds bow casting easy! and a great work-out. although, the biggest motivation for her, guiltily enough, is not in finding the best focus, but in the fact that the bow is so pretty....
carlos: he's been using basically the same wand for years! he gets attached easy to stuff like wands and gear. its a little ukelele/guitar thing! it essentially just makes spell casting really easy for him. for a couple of years, he didn't know chords or anything musical: he just knew that strumming the guitar, feeling it in his hands, and responding emotionally accordingly to what he heard created the spell he needed to cast. but nowadays, all grown up and a bit more buckled down, he puts more thought into how he casts, and he actually knows how to play! so he could technically wonderwall your ass back to hell if he so decided, heh
sestiva + delaney also haven't settled on types -- delaney loves sharp or martial weapons a lot, though, while sestiva likes much more artifact-like or less-weapon-y weapons.
the last question has already been answered for carlos! and i have no answers for everybody else yet.
for pirate:
- how does the death of their parents tie into their personality?
wehhhh, well, beau would never admit it, but the event affected basically everything. its the whole reason why their ideal career is now pit fighter -- why beau became a pirate in the first place. not necessarily in imitation of them, but as a consequence of their death. it made them materialistic and overly attached to things like their first, antique rifle (from their dad), and made them more happy go lucky, if only to avoid having to face the whole business internally ever again.
- would they ever trade the life of a pirate for something else?
maybe being a renowned dueler or pit fighter! anything that has to do with scrapping and being super famous for it....
- have they trained into any other classes? why?
nope! not yet.
and to the last question: nope! itd give beau a straight heart attack if yes, though. :( magic freaks.
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candyopala · 3 years
Stuck in his ways, Chapter 7
Chapter Summary:  Y/N and Obito have to get around the awkwardness of the events from that night, and what better to help with that then team seven in all its glory?
Words: 2.3k
Please like or reblog if you enjoy, check my rules for requests too! My dms are also open if you want to chat or anything else. 
After spending a whole day on the hospital, Obito heads home for some well-deserved sleep. It is only on the next day, on his way to the field, that he starts properly processing what happened that night with Y/N. Her bandaging him up with a weird look in her eyes, him crying in front of her… the warmth he felt when she held his hand. Why did he do that in front of her anyway? They barely know each other, she teases him to no end, but he can’t help to already feel close to her, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. 
The way she held him…. He hasn’t felt this way since long ago, he felt accepted in an intimate way, he felt genuine companionship with her. Obito feels bad when he remembers too the reason for that whole situation, he wanted to get rid of the girl; he wanted to make her go away without giving her a chance. 
I’ve been so blind, shutting her off like that…
Without knowing anything about his failures and only knowing that ugly side he shows to everyone, she still helped him through a tough time. He can’t help but feel his heart flutter with embarrassment, he didn’t even give her much of a chance. She might not be from Konoha, but there’s still good in her. He needs to take his mission with her more seriously.
He walks down the market streets, instinctively analyzing every single action that happens around him, seeing the faces of the people going up and down the roadway busy with their things. It’s not long before he spots four familiar figures walking down the street together: team seven. Naruto and Sakura discuss loudly about a matter Obito doesn’t bother try rearing, followed by Sasuke and Kakashi tagging along. Obito tries to say hi to Kakashi, only to be attacked by a running Naruto that throws himself onto him with all his force: 
“Big bro Obito!”
“Hey! Calm down now! It’s only seven a.m. for Kami’s sake!” He scolds while laughing aloud and hugging the thirteen-year-old back
“I’m learning something new, you have to come see it! Are you busy?”
“I’m going to the training grounds, I can’t Naruto, sorry”
“Come on! Train with us!”
“Hey Naruto, stop bothering Obito, all right? He’s busy” Kakashi tries to intervene in Obito’s sake
“Huh… actually…” 
Obito’s mind starts functioning, he does need to teach some new stuff to Sasuke and bringing Y/N along would be good for her training. He decides to join them, he actually feels deep down the need to introduce her to new people, to get her more settled into the village. 
“I guess I’ll come along. There’s someone I want you guys to meet”
“Oh, is it her?” Naruto says with a devilish sparkle in his eyes.
“Her? Are you dating?” Sakura jumps up, immediately invested into the conversation.
“Finally” Sasuke also joins to make it all worse.
“Guys, calm down…” Kakashi once again tries to save his friend from his hyperactive trio “He’s just training a new member of the village”
A collective “oh” is heard from the two in disappointment. Great, now even the kids are invested in his love life. Obito tells them a little bit more about her on the way to the field, and he notices that even Kakashi seems a little bit more enthusiastic than normal. 
When they reach the training grounds, he finds Y/N laying back on a tree, with a surprised look on her face when she sees the kids. Obito tries to introduce them, but they end up introducing themselves, with a hyperactive Naruto leading the presentations followed by his teammates and his teacher. 
“Nice to meet you guys! Are we training together today?”
“Yup” Obito tries to say in the middle of Naruto’s ramblings 
“How’s your arm?” She asks him back in the midst of it, a bit of what seems worry flashes her eyes, only to be quickly concealed with a look to the side.
“Oh, feeling like new. Some medical ninjutsu quickly solved it.” He states as he gets more embarrassed by the minute, once the memory of their shared companionship floods his mind. He needs to try to actually be nicer to her. 
Meanwhile, Sakura flies a sly meaning smile in Obito’s direction, to his utter desperation. Watching the whole scene develop, Kakashi once again intervenes, trying to get to the subject of training. 
“So, Y/N, dumbi- ahem, Obito told me you need some help with discovering your chakra nature. Coincidentally, that’s what I’m currently doing with the kids, so we could help you with that”
“That would be great, thanks guys! Out of curiosity, what horrible things did my mentor say about me?” 
“Only the most terrible embarrassing things I found on your file” Obito teases back in a flash, without doing much thinking, letting himself play around a little.
“Oh then I should tell you friend about your new nickna-“
“Let’s start training, shall we?” He interrupts her before she can say it, since letting Kakashi know about that would be the end of him.
Kakashi started trying to teach Y/N a couple of techniques, teaching her to concentrate her chakra and showing her the right hand signs. Obito also explained about the ideal state of mind each element requires, the type of energy each one of them consumes. 
Raiton was immediately out of question, and despite her special punch technique, doton seemed to drain too much of her energy, as well as suiton. She was able to produce a small amount of katon, only achieving smaller jutsu still due to the immense amount of chakra these require, so the fireball jutsu was out of question. 
Futton was their last attempt and the one they were more successful with. She could produce wind with her running speed, creating vacuum spots, using the element in a less concentrated way than the rasengan requires, since she is still inexperienced with chakra concentration at that level. 
Obito was actually pleased with today’s developments; he thinks that she can become even stronger by actually doing jutsu in battle. Naruto was also overjoyed to learn that his new village mate had the same main element as himself, showing her his still developing rasengan, proud of his own training and giving her some tips. 
Obito let the pair talking and went to oversee Kakashi and Sasuke, now training his chidori technique. His little cousin had also developed a lot, and was now opening up to be a wonderful kid thanks to Naruto and Sakura’s insistence on their friendship, and Itachi’s efforts to make him socialize more. 
He then also let them train and sat down together with Sakura, who was watching her colleagues train too, while she herself studied some medical ninjutsu books. The small girl looked at him with curiosity, noting the different expression on her sensei’s friend, who was usually much more uptight and serious. With that knowing look again, she simply stated: 
“Mr. Obito, your main element is katon, right?”
“Yes Sakura, why?”
“Ah nothing, I was just wondering… katon is compatible with futton, right?”
“Yes, both can be used together to create more powerful jutsu”
 “So… we could say that you and Y/N are compatible”
Obito’s eye goes wide with the way the girl says it. Both of them know she is not talking about just jutsu here. The implication of what she said makes him go as red as a pepper. 
“N-no Sakura, she is my colleague, we are just that.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about sir, excuse me.”
The girl gets up and runs into Naruto and Y/N’s direction, winking back at Obito on her way. 
 The team gathers up for lunch, Y/N sits beside Obito’s friend Kakashi, opposite to her mentor, who sat in front of her. She avoided his eye contact, still feeling a little inappropriate for her behavior that night. She fears that what happened was too intimate for her own comfort, that she should not try to get that close to him. She should be his teammate, nothing else. She must ignore that pull that she feels from him, that desperate need she feels to talk to him about why he was crying that night. 
She tries to strike up conversation with the ninja beside her, and he is very receptive, if not for his general lack of energy and relaxed demeanor. She sees a small little orange book protruding from his pocket, is that what she thinks it is? It is! The greatest book series of all time! 
“Hey, is that Icha Icha?”
“Yes it is! I just picked up the latest volume!” he immediately assumes a whole different behavior, now fully invested in the conversation.
“What chapter are you on? Did you reach chapter 37 yet?”
“No, and no spoilers, please! I dying to know what she will do when she finds out about that thing”
“Dude, trust me, it’s going to be awesome”
They both strike up conversation about it for a couple of minutes, Y/N talks excitedly about the romance’s structure and how she finds it poetic in a way. They both discuss the general plots, praising the author despite Naruto’s loud complaints about him being a total pervert. 
When she finally looks at Obito’s direction, she sees the jonin hunched forward, with an unimpressed look on his face, matching Sasuke’s that also seems to be bothered by the subject matter.
“Great, another one, they will talk about it forever” The young Uchiha comments.
“I don’t know what you guys see in this stupid book anyway” The oldest complements.
“He didn’t even give it a try; can you believe it, Y/N?” Kakashi teases in response.
“Sacrilegious! How could he say such things?” She retorts with fake shock.
“Shut up, you two perverts.” Obito says with a scorn forming on his lips, something he usually does that Y/N is starting to find extremely fun and… endearing? 
Y/N, Kakashi and the kids laugh at his little tantrum, and later even himself. He is acting different today, more open, with a more lighthearted attitude, a lot less uptight and grumpy. Y/N feels a little happy knowing that he is feeling better, but she quickly shuts off the realization. 
Concentrate on what’s important here. 
They quickly fall back into training, with Y/N sitting back due to her extreme exertion during the chakra nature tests. After he has finished with his portion of the training with Kakashi and Obito, Naruto joins her. They sit together observing Obito discussing the fireball jutsu with Sasuke, Y/N can’t help but notice the proud look on her teammate’s face when his little cousin does a perfect ball of fire, making her let out a small smile. He’s not so cynical after all.  
Naruto begins to talk about how he needs to be as strong as his father is, and Y/N learns that he is, in fact, son of the Hokage. He talks and explains a lot about the village and also talks about how his mom is always bothering him to make his bed in the morning. The kid is all over the place until he focuses on the subject of Obito. 
He begins to tell her about how he is like a big brother for him and how he taught him his most deadly jutsu, something about a sexy jutsu, and how he is cool even if he has no girlfriend. Y/N, being the innocent thing she is, prods him for more embarrassing details about her mentor. 
“One time he got stuck in the sexy woman form and Jiraya followed him around the village for a day! He had to hide from the pervert in the sewers! And once he choked with candy in the middle of a jonin reunion, Kakashi told me that”
Y/N cannot help but bust out in laughter at the image that forms in her mind, not being able to breathe while the kid continues to spill out embarrassing stories about the Uchiha. Naruto is suddenly stopped when Sakura lands a punch on top of his head, screaming in annoyance with her teammate’s attitude: 
“Stop ruining everything!”
What she meant with that remains a mystery to Y/N. The discussion has to be separated by a tired Kakashi, holding Sakura back with all his force. Y/N is caught off guard by Obito’s presence by her side. 
He helps her get up, giving his gloved hand in support. She accepts it, steading herself up. 
“So, that’s all for today, sewer boy?”
“He told you about that, huh?”
“Of course he did”
“Yup, that’s all for today. Let’s head home”
“Let’s? I didn’t know you had moved into my broom closet, Obito”
“You know I’m not letting you walk around exhausted like that, Y/N”
The change in his tone scares her. He sounds serious, almost protective, and he calling her name like that sends shivers down her spine, in a not so bad way. He also didn’t call her a dumbass, is that an improvement? 
She once again insists on walking by herself, but he insists on it so much that she eventually gives up and lets him accompany her. They discuss her new technique possibilities on most of the way, only for the subject to change as they reach her apartment. 
“So, what did you think about them?”
“They’re nice kids, all of them seem to look up to you, Naruto especially”
“He’s a good kid, they are all like family to me”
Y/N agrees with her head, thinking to herself about the word family. She once had one, but lost them very early on. Moreover, once she found another person she could call that, she lost them too. The memories flood her mind, making her face go serious and eyes to go foggy. 
“Take good care of them Obito, what you have here is… amazing”
“I will, I promised that long ago”
They reach her door, saying their goodbyes quickly. As Y/N closes her door, Obito calling her name again interrupts her.
“Oh! Y/N! I forgot; we have an important meeting with the Hokage tomorrow at ten in the morning. We will be heading out for our first mission, be ready”
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
Mafia!SF9's reaction: dying (?) when saving
A/N: Amazing huh, as always, thank you for this request
Read more here~~
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You and him trained at the same time as one another, displaying hardiness, endurance, team work, sacrifice and other traits judged to be essential for leadership
You spared on many occasions but never spoke apart from giving each other feedback and honest criticism
Such a good pairing that your superiors considered letting you two work together but the plan never made it through, they had already had other plans for you
Far into the future, the two of you have already settled into leading your groups when you stumble onto Youngbin in a civilian area
You have been living there for quite some time, having shifted only recently but Youngbin's apparently been here to for some weeks and to trail someone.
You meet him in an open store, lined with books, magazines for travel and snacks, in the dead heat of the summer and the owner moving around.
The next time you meet him, he accidentally bumps into your shoulder sending your stuff to the ground which when you pick up, he uses one to disarm the person who is following him
Moments later, you trace back your steps to find your missing item and out of pure curiosity do you find yourself witnessing the mysterious figure about to commit a violent action.
Youngbin has this look on his face, alerting you that he is not the same, scared and ready-to-plead person that he used to be at the academy
When you save him, the both of you fend off the attacker and send him packing to your superiors, in turn you receive benefits for his hard work and your last minute effort to save him
He takes you to this place he found out about earlier, it's completely nature, untouched by humans because of how it is sealed from the outside world, people are only allowed to marvel at it. He shows it to you as a sign of his gratitude.
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Initially the person that none of your superiors thought would not make the cut but his display of determination, endurance to grow and willingness to change to be the best changed their mind which is why he eventually joins your team.
His readiness to ease tough situations and have fun with others makes him the perfect candidate to be a friend with, he's not the type to easily give comfort though.
This is because he's a kind soul but doesn't necessarily know how to properly express it which is why the members go with him to have fun because he knows how to lift a mood.
His advice is all hay-wire with random mumbles but his actions dictate what he's been trying to say all this time.
Secretly vibes to girl group songs during your breaks, what a guy~
When he's in danger, he reacts quickly because he's trained too but the individuals agility and strength throws him off, along with other people that have ganged up on him.
He keeps his cool, fighting with the agenda to get out of this place as quickly as possible and he almost succeeds, if he isn't brutally dragged back inside.
You and the rest of you team members help him and take what you need
He's injured, not life-threatening and you are impressed, he thanks you as he sits on the hospital bed but you reject his thanks by saying that it was all him, he managed to save himself all the way.
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Unsure of what he's supposed to do at first, you have to delegate tasks, responsibilities and he messes up but he is good at adapting to situations so he's quick on his feet and is able to think of solutions.
This makes him reliable and dependable since he is also great at comforting the others, his sweet nature allows people to easily warm up to him and share their troubles. A great listener and excellent contributor to the team, you appreciate him a lot because of it
A team player so his lack of ambition thwarts his concern for the members, he is completely fine with unsuccessfully completing a mission as long as the members are safe. Unlike the other SF9 members, he sees it as two options and will choose either one whereas the others will try and achieve both.
Supposed to meet the escape team on the other side, an external factor causes you to stay behind with him although he insists that he will be fine, you know that he fears the idea of being solitary.
He makes jokes to lighten the atmosphere and when it is time to move, he follows your orders as he has always trusted your instincts as team leader
He is immediately the best the person to be stuck with because of his variety of specialised skills that will contribute to any situation.
When you save him, he does the same for you too, not out of favour but as a responsibility that the two of you have to look out for one another as team members and also because of the situation you are in.
He'll show you physical affections as a way of saying sorry that he was not careful enough and that you could have almost died as you saved him, an example would be a short hug and when you are running, he'll hold your hand and tug your along
Dawon I Lee Sanghyuk:
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He was the last person to join the group and although shy at first, he's grateful for the others since they managed to bring him out of his shell
Is playful and teasing when off duty and makes it a point to tease you, is the main reason why the trauma is less significant as a group, responsibility may be equally divided but his light-hearted spirit ensures that you can complete the mission with the same characteristic.
Is very serious during missions and his ability to lead the team through tough situations- with his instillation of hope and strategical tactics, is the reason why you would choose him to be the leader in your place.
One thing that unnerves you about him is how he falters when he's shocked, he stills when on a mission but the dangerous environment leaves him at great risk.
You realise it's full play when you're tipped off and send Sanghyuk alone to the hotel room but he freezes upon seeing the long-past wounded individual, despite your team's best efforts to bring him out of his trance-like state, nothing changes.
That's when you run up flights of stairs to save him, you get there moments before he's about to pass away from strangulation as the stranger behind him makes extreme effort to achieve his goal of secrecy.
After that, you make sure to train his response by sending to training lessons again but this time, his heart rate is going to be normal no matter who or what he encounters.
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Your personal assistant, can and will fight if and when required.
Very talented in the field but switched to assisting after a traumatic event with his previous group, they all survived but he could not compartmentalise what had happened so he left
Praised for his immense talent and often had the responsibilities of scouring targets and/or engaging with them in order to gather information
Is actually much more awkward than his first impression, mainly because everyone's first impression of him is based off his looks
His persuasiveness helped him encounter and secure targets making him ideal
Is the cook of the group when they were stuck somewhere, did it automatically and was not afraid to put anyone in their place if a fight broke out but never mixed the two
Spoke to his members and confided in their worries so that by soothing theirs, he would also soothe his.
Was ambitious to complete missions, looks out for himself a little more than he does for others which his superiors like and encourage but you have mixed feelings about it.
When you save him, he reconsiders his priorities during missions but you know that he had every right to look out for himself in a situation as dangerous as this so he has no obligation to change.
Is visibly shaken even after, you can see the fear in his eyes hidden with the idea that he is still alive and won't be encountering these situations as easily because of his current job as your assistant.
Is reprimanded and almost suspended by your superiors because had he almost failed his job, neither of you would be alive, strives to change after that
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Reliable as a team member but insists that he should work alone and after convincing your superiors, they allow him to work in a remote, rural part of a country.
Your team is also stationed there but is working on a different mission, you knew that there would someone working alone towards one goal that your superiors need to achieve
You bought up the obvious considerable risks associated with a mission assigned in such a way, including whether the individual would pull through with their results
You choose not to doubt though, meeting him just before the dense forests that have been reconstructed to accommodate the growing population
He's immediately more interested in the suffering of the animals, telling you that they don't have sufficient water, food and space to live and you nod, preoccupied.
You ask him to take a look and he has to put this little animal that he's petting for the last twenty-five minutes down to start concentrating when he sees the absolute chaos
Fights with vengeance, he's angry that they have taken away the animal's nature and you sigh when you have to save him
He's overwhelmed with pain, the struggle of fighting multiple figures and not running into some big cat to become it's next meal
You help, are also wounded in the process so he helps you patch it up and carries your limping self to the medics. Comes back to check up on you and give his thanks.
You get just a little bit closer and from then on, it's just luck whether he's assigned to your team or not
Yoo Taeyang:
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He's capable, tolerant of other people and does not easily lose his temper as compared to the initial reviews you received from his pervious superiors. However, he does easily misunderstand.
That is why he sometimes look as if he is forever annoyed with his furrowed eyebrows or pursed lips
Fun-loving guy, somewhat introverted so it takes time for him to get to properly know the team. Is also objective to your leadership even if everyone else seems to follow along exactly what you say and this is something you appreciate because you like the engagement.
When he trusts you enough, he won't question your orders but will ask for elaboration if any is needed, also the person you ask to sum up everything you have said, his memory is amazing like that
He's got exceptional fighting skills and the talent to predict the opponent's moves, was the same reason he earned a promotion despite his slight inability to work with others.
Very rarely comes to you with problems, often comes when he has the solution as well, similar to a report
Never lies so you can expect to hear the only and complete truth from him, says things as they are not as they should be so is reliable and dependant.
Usually the two of you spar, so if the opportunity arises in the field, you are able to fight together and once, you prevent his torso from being slashed.
He is surprised but quickly recovers and expresses his gratitude after it.
It's just work after all
Hwiyoung I Kim Youngkyun:
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Puts in that little extra effort to make sure that the team's spirit is uplifted, like the the mood maker
Is easy to speak too and seek comfort from, when you were just a new group and you told him the truth about how you felt being the leader, he gave you some advice but feeling that it may have been too much, he ended it with, ''Just go for it.''.
A real sweet guy, for example, opens the door and lets people by, basically operates by the principle that you should people how you want to be treated, also goes for showing care or displaying kindness.
He's wounded in the leg, he's clutching it to try and stop the bleeding but he's down, the pain is so overwhelming that he's thinking how anyone could get up and run away and for a second, he even contemplates that this could be the end.
It's when you save him from the situation, let him lean on you till you find the medics, stay with him in the hospital and check up on him that he's going to put in all the effort he can to watch your back.
You tell to ease up and that's it is no big deal, because in line with his personality, you know that he would do the same
The two of you grow much, much closer after that
He no longer feels awkward to confide in his team leader and that's how you spend the end of your mission together after he almost dies, drinking beer and watching the stars in the night
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Chani panics, freezes as a result of the fear that had almost instigated his worst nightmares.
He's close to breaking down but rather than something simple like a single emotion or characteristics, he is conflicted. He knows that you are safe but his mind can not comprehend what you just did for him.
He's thinking that the your actions are multiple, behaviour complex, feeling safe amongst the unsafe environment because he knows that he can go home.
He's in shock, he's laying on the ground, kicked there, propping himself on his elbows after experiencing such massive fear that he would die.
You walk towards him, he wants to cry, for you to comfort him and tell him that you've got him but he doesn't say anything, he keeps this guard that when he stops along the way, he holds your hand and tells you thank you.
''There's nothing- I mean, I don't... What just happened was, thank you'' he says, fumbling for the correct words, wanting to attribute the success of his living to you.
But that was when he was a novice and you were teaching him the tricks of the trade.
Now he is much more confident, he knows how to compartmentalise and is frequently remarked as one of the best soldiers on and off duty.
He even saves you once, save is a stretch because he played a part and when you thanked him, he said that it was nothing compared to what you once did.
He was so cool about it that you teased him all the way till you dropped him to his house.
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