ryllen · 2 months
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jade playfully using the spell of his unique magic this way
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joong-gil · 2 years
the blue-red thing that had been going on for ep 7 and ep 8 im gonna bite someone
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eggsploded · 6 months
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2x spacetime jam sesh !!!!!!!!! 🐏🐕
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qrcane · 2 months
Hey guys, things kinda suck rn and I’m sure we could all use some positivity, so I offer a carton of eggs
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dammarchy211 · 2 months
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Doubleposting today bc I totally forgot I had homestuck stuff !!!!!
Happy birthday to me and June and Jane and also Jude in my headcanon and unhappy birthday to Thomas Jefferson
Hit the beta kids with my styleification beam lol
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And my trollsona!! I am usually an no fandom-sona person at all but then I realized I could make him psychonauts themed and I caved
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shjiyemis · 5 months
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All the character design sheets completed for "The Egg Route" !
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merakiui · 5 months
You raised Good cop Bad cop twin sex
I raise good cop bad cop tako
but its just his tentacles
Mer Eggs Anon
Ps. I am not dead, just been stalking and vibing lol
MER EGGS!!! HIIII!! :D I hope you’ve been well!!
Omg good cop, bad cop tako…….. Azul who speaks so sweetly to you while his tentacles are bullying all of those sensitive spots on you. >_< squeezing and winding, keeping you perfectly trapped. It’s hard to focus on all of them at once when there are so many and they’re all doing different things, but each is drawing the filthiest of moans from you and Azul looks so pleased. He tells you you’re very beautiful like this, restrained and at his mercy, and he pets your cheek so fondly. Yet his sweet words and actions don’t align with the obscene things his tentacles are doing to you.
Perhaps he even talks about things unrelated to sex. Maybe he mentions how excited he is to share a future with you. After all, you signed your life away and the contract stipulates you shall be wed once the both of you graduate. It feels so far away and yet so close at the same time. He awaits that day impatiently. Azul details all of his dreams for married life while you’re falling apart on the tentacle that’s been fucking into you for what feels like an eternity. He babbles on and on about his hopes for children and domestic bliss and a successful business so that you and the children will want for nothing. You’re only half-listening, but that’s okay.
One day you’ll know.
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starsillys · 3 months
Sam the seanemone appreciation post
uhghhjioihhj @peachtaglia got me in a sam Kinito pet mood AUGHHHH
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hes so crasy
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Never drawing gay fish ever again
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Sometimes John's depression can get the best of them and keep him inside for quite a while just watching the screen. His friends can't seen to get to them when he's like this but they do what they can.
Happy 413!
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czarojay · 4 months
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lgbtqsmp week :D day 3: the trans/genderqueer eggs* :]
* i found out some other eggs like richas also may be genderqueer, but! found out too late, so you get these 4 :]
What is this lgbtqsmp week im doing? Well i figured since Valentines is approaching, this is my best opportunity to do this before pride month :DD Every day for a week i will post some very lgbtqsmp stuff :]
It's not any kind of organised event, just something i wanted to do <3 however, if you want to, feel free to hop onto this train :D
today is march, tomorrow's prompt is flowers!
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boylerpf · 4 months
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The “Bay Tree” egg. It was presented to the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna by her son, Emperor Nicholas II, on Easter 1911.⠀
The motif of the evergreen laurel, symbolizing immortality and glory, was not chosen by chance - that year marked 30 years since Maria Feodorovna’s accession to the Russian throne.⠀
The crown of the laurel tree is egg-shaped and consists of 325 leaves carved from Sayan jade - a stone that, due to its remarkable plastic properties, was especially loved by Carl Faberge and was used to create many of his company's masterpieces. A golden songbird is placed in the jade crown of the tree, whose mechanism was made so well that it works perfectly to this day.⠀
Empress Maria Feodorovna had a weakness for birds, and Faberge, knowing this, often supplied Easter gifts intended for her with mechanical birds. Via the Faberge Museum
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
If that were to come to pass, then I believe that it would be in Century Egg Au. For one, Jade Emperor and Queen Mother are for more involved with Wukong and his family in that au, therefore there'd be more opportunities for them to discover the truth. For another, Guanyin is their daughter's reincarnation, they know this and they know she adopted Wukong, but that mad him her ward not her son in their eyes. But even so, while midwifing it is entirely possible that Queen Mother may have noticed soemthing about Wukong's soul, some never before noticed connection to her own and to Guanyin, and whilst he was in a comatose state she may have wanted to do her own research.
It's possible, if she were to loon through Guanyin's bloodlines and reincarnations, she may discover that amongst those 31+ reincarnations before she reached enlightenment Guanyin, or rather Sonzi, had a short stint as a monkey demon. A Stone Monkey demon, whom the now know form Wukong, is capable of producing a stone egg that could potentially remain dormant for many centuries before hatching. They also know that if the pregnancy of a stone monkey has a high mortality rate, courtesy of the very monkey, she just barely saved from Diyu with her daughter's help. So if she were to look for the cause of death for this particular life of Sonzi...
Death by Egg Incubation.
Sonzi's life had ended in this reincarnation while trying to do the very same thing Wukong had just barely succeeded in. And if she were to look into the egg, well... that was quite the surprise for her and JD when she brought the news to him. It's not every day you unknowingly midwife for your own firstborn grandson. What they'll do with thsi information is still up to debate, afterall Wukong is most certainly too fragile right now to hand that sort of revelation without incident and the last thing they want is another rampaging monkey who would likely end up hurting himself in the process.
It would def be the Century Egg Au that finds it out first, especially since it's the closest Wukong has been with the royal family beyond his Orchard attendant days.
After the Monkey King managed to be stabilized after nearly dying bringing his child into the world, the Empress that midwived for him felt a creeping suspcion whenever she saw Guanyin - the reincarnation of her eldest daughter - fret over the resting demon. As if she were looking at a torn painting.
The Queen Mother asks for permission from King Yama to see her deceased children's Scrolls in order to see if any of them happened to produce offspring in their different incarnations.
Second-born Yin Wuming was obvious; she bore three dutiful sons all allied with Heaven, despite the tragedies caused by her youngest child. No other children noted.
Zhinu's scroll does not give a clear answer. She and her mortal love and their children are in a state beyond simple life or death.
But then the Queen Mother comes across the Scroll of her eldest daughter. Once her the Jade Emperor's firstborn Princess Songzi, now the Bodhisattva Guanyin - the Scroll is very thick with records of her intermitting lives. And feeling a hunch she unrolls it to take a look.
She drops the scroll to the ground at the words and image that reveals itself to her. A creature she once thought as no more than a beast smiling back at her as her dear daughter once had, her fur and hair a familiar warm orange-gold like the sunset.
"Shí Nǚ Zúzhǎng - Shíhuā - Last Matriarch of the Stone Monkey Troop of Flower Fruit Mountain
Cause of Death: Sacrificed Dao to create Stone Egg"
The section of the scroll that would normally explain any issue or surviving bloodline had been redacted - as if someone happened to have removed their name elsewhere among the Books of the Dead.
The Queen Mother collapses as the revelation kicks in.
The creature that had nearly torn Heaven asunder to ensure the safe birth of his child - had been born from her daughter's second life, a life ended by the same means to ensure the next generation.
She had just delivered her own great-grandchild and hadn't even realised it.
She runs to her husband first - her eyes inflamed with tears, joyous and guilty. The Jade Emperor can only hold his wife as she wails. How could she have been so blind!? The flames that should have killed the Monkey King could not do so, as it was her own Samadhi Fire that fueled the Furnace. The power that rained destruction upon Heaven, as terrible as it was beautiful, was her own.
The Jade Emperor is completely silent. He simply has no words.
The royal pair peak into the room where Sun Wukong rests, his mate and his cub at his side. Liu'er Mihou is haggard with worry as he sacrifices every bit of sleep and warmth to keep their child sated, the King himself resting as if he hadn't just preformed a miracle. The baby, the couples "little Heaven", blissingfully unaware of how many lives they enriched.
The demon family looking as they themselves once did when they welcomed Songzi into the world.
Even the Emperor cannot hold back the tears.
When the royal pair attempt to gain their bearings, they realise that the daugher that they had exiled so long ago for marrying a demon, had spent the last 500 years ensuring that the King's island stayed safe and undisturbed as he incubated his child. Did Tieshan know? Had she sensed a connection between them? Had Nezha - whom the monkey has always treated as a little brother?
For the first time in thousands of years, the gods feel humbled.
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twistiraki · 10 months
🎀Headcanons how Twisted Wonderland boys met you and what kind of family you'd have 🎀 Savanaclaw and Octavinelle
‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ TᗯIᔕTEᗪ ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᒪᗩᑎᗪ Characters Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Jade, Floyd x F!Reader Warnings none ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗
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🦁Leona Kingscholar
Leona first noticed Y/n's confident and strong presence at a beach party he hosted. Intrigued by her aura, he couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration when she declined his offer of a drink with a playful smile. Determined to capture her attention, he decided to play it cool and nonchalant while trying to flirt and tease her throughout the evening. Despite the rejections, he found himself irresistibly drawn to Y/n's personality and her ability to hold her ground. As the party came to an end, he mustered up the courage to approach her in person, confessing his genuine interest and desire to go out with her. To his delight, Y/n smiled and accepted his sincere invitation, and their love story began under the starry night sky. Leona and Y/n are the proud parents of one daughter, Zahra. Despite Leona's arrogance and occasional lack of effort in things that don't interest him, he dotes on Zahra with surprising tenderness and care. Y/n supports and admires Leona's incredible talent in magic, often encouraging him to teach Zahra some of his skills. They create a loving and structured environment for their daughter.
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🍩Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie was enchanted by Y/n's captivating appearance as he saw her working out at the gym. Drawn to her strength and determination, he found himself mesmerized as she handled the weights effortlessly. However, he felt a bit unsure about how to approach her, considering her confident and dominant demeanor. He admired her self-assured nature and found it appealing. One day, as he saw Y/n needing a towel, he gathered his courage and offered her one with a bashful smile. Y/n's appreciation for his gesture and smile put him at ease, allowing them to strike up a conversation that revealed a shared interest in spending time together.
Ruggie and Y/n have a full house with four rambunctious boys. Their sons, Hami, Jengo, Kondo, and Kanu, keep their home lively and energetic. While Ruggie might mainly look out for himself, he is fiercely protective of his family. Y/n's resourcefulness and quick adaptability help manage the chaos, and they all enjoy fun-filled family moments, especially during meal times. Together, they raise their sons to be adventurous and self-reliant.
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🐺Jack Howl
Jack's cold exterior softened whenever Y/n was around, and he couldn't help but be intrigued by her caring and genuine nature. At first, he tried to act aloof and distant, but his tail gave away his true feelings with every wag whenever he saw her. Despite his attempts to hide his emotions, he found himself longing for Y/n's company and the warmth she brought to the ones around her. He saw her interacting with his siblings at the school where she worked, he couldn't resist joining the conversation. Y/n's kind words about his family touched his heart, and he found himself opening up to her and asking her on a date.
Jack and Y/n have a sizable brood, consisting of five children. Their four boys, Ben, Leo, Clyde, and Felix, share their father's strong sense of justice and intelligence. The youngest addition to their family, a little girl named Rosie, brings a touch of femininity and harmony to their household. Jack's tsundere personality softens when he interacts with his children, and Y/n loves watching him be a caring and loving father.
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🐙Azul Ashengrotto Azul was convinced he was sly and smooth in his attempts to impress Y/n during a business exchange, but she saw through his facade with ease. Her sharp wit and perceptive nature impressed him, leaving him both intrigued and slightly flustered. As they continued to interact, Azul couldn't help but admire Y/n's ability to see beyond his suave exterior. Despite his attempts to cover up his attraction with “contracts”, Y/n saw the real feelings in his eyes, and her open acceptance of him made him feel captivated by her.
Azul and Y/n have a single daughter named Coral, who brings immense joy and pride to their lives. Despite Azul's calculating demeanor, he adores his daughter and ensures she experiences the best of everything. Y/n's understanding and support help Coral navigate her world with confidence and grace. They foster an environment of learning and creativity, allowing Coral to grow into a strong and independent young lady.
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🍄Jade Leech
Jade first met Y/n while seeking shelter from a thunderstorm in a cafe. Her naive and open nature intrigued him, and he decided to have a little fun by trying to get her riled up with his questions. However, he soon discovered that she was refreshingly candid and open, unafraid to share her thoughts and feelings. Her genuine and trusting personality sparked an unexpected interest in Jade, as he found her innocence both charming and endearing. As they spent more time together, Y/n's genuine nature began to soften Jade's cunning exterior, and he found himself wanting to be more open with her too about his feelings.
Jade and Y/n's family consists of two Irish twin daughters, Jerlene and Janiece. Despite Jade's manipulative nature and ulterior motives, he has a soft spot for his daughters. Y/n is not easily fooled by his schemes and keeps a watchful eye on the well-being of their children. They raise their daughters with intelligence and cunning, knowing that they will need such skills to navigate the world.
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👟Floyd Leech Floyd's quirky and eccentric behavior didn't faze Y/n when she had him as a nurse during his hospital stay. She approached her duties with confidence and kindness, taking care of him with utmost professionalism. Despite his unconventional antics, Y/n treated him with patience and understanding, and he couldn't help but feel a growing fondness for her. Over time, he brought her little rocks as tokens of appreciation for her care, and Y/n was touched by the thoughtful gesture. As they spent more time together, Y/n's presence brightened Floyd's days, and he couldn't resist sticking around her because being with her made him genuinely happy.
Floyd and Y/n have a diverse duo in their family – a son named Jason and a daughter named Marie. Floyd's mood swings and unpredictability can sometimes be challenging, but Y/n's adaptability helps maintain a stable and loving home. They encourage their children's interests and passions, creating an environment where Jason and Marie can explore and grow freely.
You can find the other parts here! Hearstlabyul Savanaclaw/Octavinelle (You are here) Scarabia/Pomefiore Ignihyde/Diasomnia
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mewguca · 5 months
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ok last one posted finally!!! The Child(tm)
Frosted Briar (FB), she/they
credits to @fauxbia for designing them and making them, pretty much!! hi jade
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strawbbfluff · 5 months
ugh FOREVER in love with the trope of a serious, reserved ler x bubbly sunshine bubblegum princess lee
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moominpopzz · 1 month
Slight blood warning!
Just a few Wonder Egg AU overdraws!!! :D
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AU explanation ^_^
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