mushroomwoods · 4 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better! <3
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teddybeartoji · 16 days
your hcs make me so horny LMAO
tbh you have no business being both hilarious and have the perfect amount of lewd imagination it's so perfect
and you're def one of the reasons i'm glad i don't have the body of a guy cuz then i wouldn't be able to check ur posts anytime bruh i'd get bricked up so quick
just read the kitten reader w toji lmao in case u were wandering, tho that's not the only one that's really good
also!! there's unique stuff here! to me at least, i never saw some stuff cuz i didnt search (ahem, the hybrid stuff and piss kink ones...
months ago i came to terms w the daddy kink i thought i'd never have cuz lowkey cringe and i thought i couldn't go any lower but oh well here i am.. atp i fully accepted it and i'm just enjoying the ride, going wherever you'll take me tbh 👍)
just realized maybe it's cuz it's u tho and you manage to make everything rlly hot but oh well ig i'll see sometime maybe :P
anyways have a great day i love your posts they make me smile
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AND EEEEEEEEE!!!!! I AM REALLY REALLY GLAD TO BE THE ONE TO INTRODUCE YOU TO NEW THINGS!!!! I REALLY AMM!!!!!!!! i think experimenting and just learning abt yourself is soooo much fun and that does in fact include all sorts of kinks and stuff too hehehhee:3333 AAAANNDDDD HSHDHSHDHSHD THE INFAMOUS DADDY KINK........ i was never that into it either.. like sure i could call like toji that... buuuut i'm kind of picky abt the other faves lmao ++++ the fact that..... i.... myself.... like to be called that............................... was mindblowing hdhshshshahs thank you pasi my love i would've never known that lmao that actually fucking changed my life it's insane😭😭😭😭 like it's fucking crazy how into it i am wheeewwwwwwwwww
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macaroni-rascal · 3 months
best tumblr field reporter award goes to you [insert salute emjoi that doesnt exist]
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solarisgod · 11 months
tell us more about the connections between the starwake system and the phobia personifications of the sun and the moon 👀🤲
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The Starwake System ( consisting of Micah, Mimi, Phoebus, Philos, and Phobos at the time ) met Heliophobia and Selenophobia when they were constantly moving between foster families between when they were a toddler to five years old in a half. Heliophobia and Selenophobia are the embodying Fears of the sun and the moon with their celestial lights that are part of the Afears race originated from the Void with Phobophobia, also known as The Fear Of The Fears, being their creator and overlord.
Heliophobia and Selenophobia are known to travel only where their respective lights exist. Heliophobia moves across the world in sunlight and Selenophobia in moonlight, and they usually target their victims who fear their existences, but given their consistent travelling nature, they will often wander and explore at various areas of where they are in curiosity. Although Heliophobia can be more aggressive than Selenophobia, both of them are the very few of the Afears that are not always hostile.
The first time Micah met Selenophobia first was at night when they were trying to run away from a foster family. Micah developed their most special passion for the outer space in early childhood, finding endless joy and comfort in the sky and space, with the sun and moon and stars and celestial more. When they stumbled upon Selenophobia who was at a park, even when seeing its tall, rough, and lanky body entirely covered in holes and there were strange red liquid substances always leaving from them, horns piercing through eye sockets and ribcage covering over an orb of water; Micah only saw it as the real moon and came closer to it, not once fearing it.
Micah couldn't talk when they were younger until they were over five years old, but they had shown and expressed a lot that would tell Selenophobia they weren't afraid of it; Micah wanted to be its friend. The pair even got to stargaze, which it was Micah's first time ever it got to stargaze with someone. When the foster family were able to locate Micah and tried to take them away from Selenophobia, it's when Micah became afraid, and Selenophobia was highly confused, wondering how could Micah fear what they were alike, yet not itself as something horrible and frightening.
But seeing Micah cry, petrified for the first time after an hour being with it, all because of the humans, led Selenophobia into slaughtering these people, protecting Micah. During this event, Phoebus had fronted and witnessed the murder. Although they weren't afraid of it either when they knew, after co-fronting throughout the time of Micah interacting with it, that Selenophobia wouldn't hurt them. Selenophobia, sensing that there are multiple presences in Micah's body, took Phoebus to their home and would look after them during nighttime. In the next few days, the authority took the system to a new foster family, never being able to find their missing family.
Selenophobia would always visit Micah then, with Micah looking forward to meet and interact with it. The first time they met Heliophobia was a week after meeting Selenophobia. Micah wandered too far on the beach and met Heliophobia who was hunting. Despite its burnt flesh, having tentacles in flames from back, and having a ball of fire within its ribcage; reminded of Selenophobia and thinking of Heliophobia as the sun itself, Micah tried to befriend it as well.
Heliophobia planned to make Micah afraid and eat its fear force before killing them, though Micah would encourage it to play with them, making sand castles and collecting rocks. Heliophobia had found something worth to look after Micah when they offered it some rocks to keep and give to Selenophobia if Heliophobia knew it and could give to it. Phoebus was a lot more weary with Heliophobia than Selenophobia due to its rougher nature, but when Heliophobia left Micah to continue hunting and gave them one only shiny rock it could find, Phoebus could accept it.
Throughout Micah's time of moving between foster families, Heliophobia and Selenophobia would be the ones to kill off their abusive / neglectful ones with Micah having no awareness to the murders. The authority and foster agencies still couldn't grasp why some of the families would suddenly vanish, and they couldn't interrogate Micah, so they eventually had no choice but to have to keep them in the group home before their abusive family took Micah. When this family tried to kill Micah and Phobos was formed, managing to murder them by burning the house down with the family trapped inside, Selenophobia was able to gather enough evidence of abuse towards the system and looked after Micah until the authority came over and took Micah to the foster agency to look after for a while.
Happiness wasn't the emotion the celestial Afears could have, but they were at some form of peace when they saw Micah was taken in by Maria and Caelum Everlove and they were genuinely happy for once in five in a half years. They couldn't interact with the system anymore when there were other Afears who were questioning their intentions with Micah and wished to kill them, so both Selenophobia and Heliophobia were forced to visit them less and occasionally watch them for a bit before leaving again.
In the present, Micah doesn't remember Heliophobia and Selenophobia, as Phoebus and Mimi have the most memories with them. Micah does get occasional dreams of them, and they don't really know why, but there's a feeling that tells Micah that they are real, and Micah hope that they can meet them someday, still not being afraid of what can somehow feel like home.
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matan4il · 2 years
I'm so with you if Eddie had come in the bar he wouldn't have kissed her.... My boyfriend said the same. "He could have saved himself a lot of trouble if Eddie just texted back". But I was like no we need the chaos to force Buck to make a stupid decision to build up the ending of the relationship. Otherwise Buck would have just chilled in the same spot, a warm body in his bed while living his real life with Eddie. We needed a meaningful raw conclusion or Buck would have dithered forever. I get why Oliver was so excited for the storyline and why he promoted it.
We also finally got to see him be the one to be in control of how the relationship ended. It was honestly great. So excited for next season.
Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Hope you have an amazing week and I can't wait to read your metas next season. I have a feeling we are gonna get alot of domestic Buddie content. Please some work husband jokes. I think you will have alot of good material!!
Hi lovely Nonnie!
Thank you so much for the kind belated bday wishes, it’s just... so beyond sweet of you to send them, and they honestly make my heart grow at least five sizes, probably more. Kindness always matters, but it’s been a rough two years, so it matters even more, and I hope you know just how much I appreciate this! I hope you’re having a fantastic week, and thank you for brightening mine! Also, I am sooo looking forward to celebrating s6 with you! I have no doubt that we will have more domestic Buddie coming our way. I think it’s clear by now that the domesticity of these two men and their son is a staple of 911. *HUGS*
LOL I might be stanning your bf for picking up on that truth. XD And yes, I agree with you, I’ve said before that Buck needed to get to be the one who leaves at least once, to have closure and stop being the one who always gets left behind. And yes, seeing how the r/s with Taylor was one in which he WAS unhappy during 5a, we see that from the first two scenes we get of Buck (in 501 with her and in 502 without her), yet he makes no move to change anything, and seems almost oblivious to how much he doesn’t wanna be with her (his reaction to Bobby’s talk in 510 about Bathena’s engagement should have clued you in, Buck), something had to go seriously sideways for him to be forced to let go, and realize that sometimes it is better to be alone than with the wrong person. For a guy with abandonment issues, that was never going to be easy. Speaking of s6, I’m looking forward to whether we’re gonna get to see on screen Eddie’s reaction to the news about Buck and Lucy’s kiss...
Hope you continue to have a beautiful day, hon, lots of love! xoxox
If you're looking for my ask replies, here is my ask tag! xoxox  
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enluv · 1 year
Hi! I saw ur post about work being bad, r u ok? If u don't mind me asking, what happened? also, how hv u been recently? ❤️❤️❤️
ah hello my lovely nonnie! missed you loads :) I’m gonna put a read more because it’s a bit long!
thank you for asking! I’m better now! thankfully I didn’t have to go to work today and have the day off but basically the system we use at work messed up the task I was doing and it forced me to completery redo it but I was almost done and so it made me super stressed and almost have a panic attack because it takes a long time to gather the items I needed and it was just so complicated and the people who lead us were new since our usual leads called out due to Father’s Day and they went home. it was just a really stressful situation and it made me completely late on my task and so I had to stay late to finish it and so many people had to help me so I felt like a bit of a burden and embarrassed too 😭 it was just filled with emotions + I didn’t get a break at all so it was just really chaotic and an emotional day for me!
thankfully though recently I’ve been really good, tired because of work but happy! how have you been? anything you wanna share that’s made you happy or smile lately?!
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alohastyles-x · 1 year
hey babes I know you’re getting a lot of requests so i just wanted to remind you to drink some water and sleep when you’re tired and make sure you eat today
whoever you are nonnie, i just want to thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart for this 🥹💕
i’ve gotten like 30 requests in the last 2 days, which i’m so ecstatic over ,, but of course those requests take time to write and then i just get worried i’m taking too long. it’s a vicious writing cycle lol!
i really needed this tho as i just got off work (it’s literally 12 am my time) , and am already downing my 3rd cup of soda today lol. oops. i will do better tomorrow 🩷
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chococolte · 2 years
i adore your writing SO much its so detailed and expressive its amazing like im in awe??? even the old works you reposted i love it so much?!??? if its open still id like to request sagau with ayato and thoma (and any other if you want to add someone!!) and them maybe meeting their god or being praised?
Thoma already is such a sweetheart so i can imagine how he'd melt from even the slightest bit of praise, and ayato is such a prideful man but itd be so interesting to see how he pushes that aside for his god. Absolutely adore all the sagau works youve posted so far, imagining their wholehearted devotion and love in such a way is just 👌 cant wait to read more <33333
word count. 1.1k
୨୧ — ꒰ cw. yandere, unhealthy relationships, possessive & obssessive thoughts/behaviors, religious & cult themes, sagau + cult au, g/n reader. i do not condone yanderes irl.
୨୧ — ꒰ a/n. nonnie r we about to kiss...? u know just how to make me write ur req... regardless, thank you so so much!!! i hope this is okay for you??? this is just u praising them since im working on a bigger work that'll have all my takes on the genshin men as worshipers, I hope u don't mind!!
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Ayato is a prideful man.
Raised from birth to be the clan head after his father, Ayato has always been steadfast. He has to be. He has a duty to his clan, to his sister; to protect her from the darker side of politics, the back-stabbing and infighting; to protect the ones who he cares about the most, the ones who work underneath him and the ones who have put their trust into his command.
He works because he must. He lies and deceives, and with guile he crafts webs of intricate gossamer, lying in wait for an unfortunate individual stupid enough to cross him. Ayato's pride is deliberate, molded by his hands, by the azure glow of the vision at his hip— he is sagacious and determined, mature and mighty.
It is surprising, then, how easily he crumbles when with you.
The echo of your laughter, your refulgent eyes, the steady cadence of your voice and your dulcet tones; every detail of your being enraptures him with the ease of breathing, with all of the ease of sunlight seeping through verdant glades.
Your praise, whether light or ostentatious, leaves Ayato melting in his seat. It's unlike him— unlike the tall, dignified man of cunning and wit, to be so weak and defenseless to only your words; but the tides of his heart pull regardless, drifting to the moonlight of your smile. To feel the weight of your eyes on him leaves him preening, crooning at your slightest attention.
What pride Ayato has is discarded for this brief moment of peace with you, so he can revel in the euphoria your praise alights.
Your eyes crinkle at the sides, twinkling in the dim light of your private chambers. "You did good," you say. You say it so simply he feels silly for getting so worked up, foolish for the way his cheeks burn.
A soft ember of candle wax lights your face only slightly, an orange halo coalescing behind your head. Despite the twilight, Ayato does his best to impress your visage into his mind; the rim of ethereal light cupping your head like a sunset dipping beneath the sea, the flame's reflection dancing on your skin, the light glistening in your eyes like a blanket of stars. He drills it into his head, desperate to never forget.
You stare into the candlelight for a moment, then rise to your feet. You take small, measured steps towards him, then take a spot next to his seated figure.
"I'm sorry to have called you so late at night," you whisper. Ayato keeps his expression calm, showing no emotions on his face, despite the wild rhythm of his heart in his chest. "I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to speak to you privately, otherwise. But I truly am grateful for all you've done."
Without breaking eye contact, you reach forward and cusp his cheek, rubbing your thumb over the birthmark under his lips. His skin burns like electricity runs through the current of his veins, his nerves set aflame by the kindling of your touch.
"You're so good for me. I think you deserve a reward, don't you?"
Ayato swallows thickly, then with trepidation, softly leans into your hands.
Thoma's heart beats against his ribcage with all the fury of a raging fire.
He squirms where he sits in front of you, furtively rubbing his legs together. Thoma drums his fingers on his knees in an attempt to calm himself, trying to focus on the light sound of the rapping of his knuckles.
The mere thought of being alone with you is enough to send him into a frenzy, but the reality of it makes it difficult to breathe. You had fed him compliments before, simple praise— but still, enough for him to wish the moment would last forever.
Light bores down through the diaphanous curtains of your throne room, reflecting your glistening, specular throne. Carved into the pillars that hold you up are jewels and precious stones, ingrained and polished until they shine like the sun in the sky.
You say his name in such a particular way, entirely unique to you. It sticks out in his mind, burning like a pyre. The way your lips cup together to form every syllable, the soft click of your tongue hitting against the roof of your mouth. That you know of his name at all is a kindness; that you speak it aloud, a blessing.
He grips the fabric of his pants a little tighter, digging his nails into his knees. Thoma helplessly resists the urge to kowtow before you, staying seated peacefully by your feet. You asked for him to do no more, and to imagine you ever dissatisfied with him brings him to tears.
You are his God. He wants to kiss your feet, whisper words of worship and love— but you have not asked for that. You asked for him to sit, and so he does. No more, no less, despite the yearning that aches within him.
Thoma nods his head in understanding, untrusting of his own voice. His heart trembles, drinking in your being, draped in fine silks and ornate jewelry. You are effortless in beauty and elegance; next to you, every god only stands to look like a parody of the beauteous glory of your existence.
“You're so beautiful,” you say. You reach forward and cup his cheek, and his breath hitches in his throat. Thoma’s eyes haze over with fog, but a warmth courses through him past the mist. Warmth from you, from the light you provide. Heat like an undercurrent runs through his veins and brings him back to reality. “So pretty. So good for me.”
A faint blush dances on his champagne-tinted skin, softly embracing his face and ears. Thoma looks up and meets your eyes, watching as you smile and wrinkle your eyes in a way that makes his knees weak. He's never been happier to be seated.
“I'm so proud of you.” You twirl his hair in your fingers, playing with his messy locks, ignoring the red blooming on his cheeks. Thoma bites his lip in an attempt to keep himself silent, butterflies hopelessly fluttering in his stomach.
“Please,” he murmurs. It's both a plead for you to continue and for you to stop— his heart is weak enough as it is, even without your praise. Coupled that with even the faintest of your breath against his skin, and Thoma is struggling to keep himself composed.
You laugh, whispering. “It's okay. Let me show you how proud I am of you.”
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princessbrunette · 1 month
Usually I'm not very vocal on accounts I read, just enough to let writers know I love and appreciate their work, but the hate you are getting lately is not okay princess. It's really not hard for them to scroll. I wish I could shut them all up for you. Pls do not ever feel bad or embarrassed for the things you write about unless it is hurting someone (which it is not) just want you to now ur loved <33333
:((( nonnie this is so so sweet, thank you my love <3 i usually just ignore hate but obviously sometimes it’s difficult to help yourself from retaliating (to which, the moment i set a boundary or give them the same energy they give me — i’m the bitch, ofc…) but messages like this definitely keep me sane !! thank u for ur support 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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teddybeartoji · 16 days
ur tattoos ur veins ur happy trail ur rings please dick me down i need it so bad on the desk on the bed on the floor on the
you're so cute:33333 and of course i'll dick you down since you asked soooooo nicely<3333333 i do love good manners ngl... hehehehee oke but tHANK YOUU NONNIE I LOVE YOU NONNIIEEE<3333333
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anantaru · 1 year
AHHHH uuuh idc really what others think really but for me baizhu canonically has 0 muscle and a pretty soft tummy 😭😭😭 hear me OUT !!!!! i just do NOT see any sight of beefiness in him , even in the official 2d art and doesn't it make more sense ?! bestie is like chronically ill . i know this cummunity loves sexy guys but not all genshin men should be ultra strong . we already have 2 ripped dudes and some twinks too we deserve to have someone inbetween those two . idk he's so mommy to me i love that he's big (as in tall) and soft and cute . 🥰 and so excited for his banner im going to wet myself .
omg i love this take nonnie!! 💕 thank you for sharing, also i just really love tummies on men as well and i love baizhu AAA like obviously as you said he‘s sick, so naturally we take the lead most of the times <333 though he‘ll also hold onto our thighs for the dear life of him and bottom up needily into a soft cunt <33333 he‘s so amazing and sweet, i hope he comes home i need to win the 50/50 💀 and btw guys does that mean we won‘t get baizhu birthday art because he‘s in second phase ?? 😤
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beloved-nyx · 1 month
unholy earth, you are a phenomenal writing. i found your "the b in babe stands for blood" fic, fell in love, needed more, and then proceeded to read your two other works. you are good. i await more agonizingly, lovingly.
AHHHHH thank you so much <33333 this is so sweet hehe!! I will of course make some more yandere fics, just for you nonnie <3
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matan4il · 1 month
Hello! I sent you a message a while ago. Just wanted to tell you that I saw people talking shit about you on my dash again (sorry, still don't follow you because no common fandoms), so I came to check out your blog once more. I still don't think you're a bad person. <3
Hi lovely Nonnie!
Please have no doubt that I remember you, and I am really grateful for the kind words, then and now. You don't have to follow me at all, with or without common fandoms. That's not what matters. What's truly important is how kind you have been when you absolutely did not have to be, and that you're not automatically buying into and helping to spread the antisemitic narrative that is currently putting my people in danger in so many places around the world. In fact, you said that you actively reblog moderate posts that tackle misinformation, and I think that's pretty huge. Misinformation is so destructive, you can see it when it comes to so many subjects, and sadly many of the watchdogs who were supposed to be there to keep us properly informed, have been failing us. In terms of this specific context, it has directly contributed to the steep rise in antisemitic we've been seeing unfold since Oct 7 already. And doing so in this context IS brave! I know exactly how much strength and bravery it takes to speak up for Jews once the antisemitic tidal wave is hitting. So thank you again, and know that I very much cherish you. If you ever wanna exchange a word or two, you can send me a DM, I promise I would never tell a soul who you are. I wouldn't wanna put anyone else in the line of fire because of me. Either way, I hope you're doing well! <33333
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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fxreflyes · 2 months
for the ask game:
nonny I am in awe of your musical repertoire, this is so cinematic and vibey, thank you <33333
anon me a song that matches my blog vibe :)
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chuluoyi · 3 months
Chu! Chu!
Oh my god, I love your writing so, so much! Literally makes me giggle and smile so, so wide!!
And you're going to write about Suguru???
My gosh, I'm totally going to explode and combust on the spot.
I literally can't wait xxxxxx <33333
(Please don't interpret this as me rushing you though!!! Take care of yourself and take breaks!! <3)
writing them and reading your message make me smile too!!🥹 aaah thank you so much nonnie🩵✨
yes yes i do!! it’s for his valentine special: everything i know about love—it’s about how the reader has a crush on him for so long already but she doesn’t expect him to ask her out on valentine day!🥹
awww thank you nonniee✨ hopefully i’ll be able to nail his character well🥹 and thank you for the sweet footnote!! take care of yourself too and have a lot of rest!! <33
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
I absolutely love the idea of bad boy!Aegon and good girl!reader and have decided to send you a blurb, and bonus, it'll cheer you up <33333 (basically https://www.tumblr.com/lovelykhaleesiii/715191020293423104/i-see-you-with-bad-boyaegon-with-good-girlreader?source=share bc skins is iconic lmao)
The morning breeze flowing into your open window...along with your mom calling your name.
"You're going to be late!"
You shoot up, looking around. "Why are we at my house!? Why did we come back to my house!?"
Next to you, Aegon's voice says, "because it was closer...or something."
"Aeg, you can't be here, my dad!"
Now it was Aegon's turn to freak out.
Aegon had been in your dad's office ten times already this year. And it was only October. Your dad was the headmaster of kingslanding college, and elite college that only served wealthy people, like Aegon. To say your father wasn't fond of him was an understatement. And he was pretty sure he would be twenty feet under if he found out he had taken his daughter to bed...multiple times.
"Hurry up!" You exclaim quietly.
"I'm trying!" He hisses, pulling on his pants.
Making the way downstairs, you turn to him. "Keep quiet and stay behind me."
"Yes, ma'am."
Rolling your eyes at his snarky remark, you grab his hand before pulling him down the stairs. Peaking into the kitchen, your parents were singing and dancing along to some pop song on the radio. Perfect.
Just as Aegon begins to enter the kitchen, your dad notices you first, which has him fly under the table.
"Are you okay? You look a little...peeky."
"I'm...not feeling to good. Maybe i'm sick." You then move your head to motion to Aegon. "Or something."
"Love," he turns to his wife. "Check her head again."
Your mother, with her hand raised comes up to you, putting her hand on your head.
Aegon makes a break for it into the garden and you silently sigh of relief...until your dog ambushes him and starts barking. Alerting your parents.
"Who is in the garden?!"
Your father then goes outside and Aegon is there after he calls off the dog.
"You remember Aegon from college...right?"
"Hi," Aegon replies sheepishly.
Your dad can only glare at him as Aegon leaves, his face red from embarrassment.
As the three of you go back in, your mom is all smiles. "He seemed nice!"
You try to make a break for it but your dad calls out your name in a stern tone before you can make it up a step.
"Young lady, get back here!"
please I love this concept too!!! makes me so feral, so much tension and the secrecy ughhh- eat this trope up 🥹🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗💗
thank you for this beautiful piece nonnie xx
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