#Stay safe and healthy and live life with a smile on your face and laughter in your hearts!!
paitentaibfoundation · 2 months
Health And Wellness
The idea of health and wellness is a distant mountain you have to conquer. It's more like building a bonfire of good habits brick by brick to light up your inner sunshine. Forget about restrictive diets and forcing yourself to the gym. True wellness whispers in the quiet moments – a steaming cup of tea a walk in the park or silly laughter with loved ones. It's about creating a routine of simple things you enjoy making you feel fantastic inside and out.
Do you feel like your life levels are on par with a sloth on a rainy day. Many of us struggle to find a balance between work, life, and that elusive feeling of "wellness." But ditch the crash diets and punishing gym routines! Health and wellness are about sprinkling tiny bursts of joy throughout your day. Imagine a vibrant garden, overflowing with life. This article will be your guide, helping you plant the seeds of healthy habits and watch your well-being blossom
Wake Up Feeling Wonderful:
Sunrise Stretch: Instead of hitting snooze, greet the sunrise with a gentle stretch or two! It's like a mini wake-up party for your body, getting your muscles moving and blood flowing. Plus, feeling the warm sun on your skin is a great way to start the day feeling positive and energized.
Breakfast Boost: The sweet cereals. Fuel your body with a colorful plate of fruits and yogurt drizzled with honey, or grab a handful of nuts and seeds - a breakfast boost to jumpstart your day with energy and a smile..
Move Your Body Have Fun:
Find Your Happy Move: Ditch the gym blues! Find your Happy Move - the activity that makes you move like a dancing dragon, not a grumpy sloth. free you inside jo, one moisture session at a time It could be dancing to your favorite tunes in your living room a nature walk that clears your head and fills your lungs with fresh air or a yoga grade that helps you unwind and de stress.
Chill Out with Deep Breaths:
Tame the Worry Monster: Stress happens to everyone but you're in control. When worries start to cloud your mind take a few deep breaths. Focus on the present moment letting go of anxieties that threaten to steal your inner sunshine.
Stay Hydrated Stay Happy:
Water:  Keep a reusable water bottle useful and sip throughout the day. You will feel new energized focused and ready to gear whatever comes your way.
Digital Detox for a Mental Getaway:
Unplug and Recharge: Take breaks from your phone and computer. Put them down for a while and reconnect with the real world around you. This digital detox allows you to appreciate the beauty of the present moment and avoid feeling overwhelmed by information overload.
Sleep Like a Rock Star:
Rest Up and Recharge: 8 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a relaxing bedtime pattern to wind down before bed. care well-rested gives you the energy you need to face each day with a smile and a positive view.
Connect with Your Tribe:
Friends and Family: Life is not signifying to be a solo act.  Erect your people the friends and family who fill your days with laughter and support. They are the ones cheering you on during sucess and infecting you when you fall.  you create a vibrant tapestry of connection that nourishes your well-being.
Gratitude: The Secret Weapon:
Appreciate the Little Things: A moment each day to value the good things in your life big or small. Being thankful for what you have boosted your pleasure and overall well-being.
5 Fitness Fun: Spark Your Body's Joy!
Exercise shouldn't be a chore! Here are 5 quick ways to turn movement into a blast:
Bodyweight Blast Off: Ditch the weights! Squats, lunges, push-ups (modified versions count!), planks, and wall sits are your rocket fuel. Do them anywhere and become a living room fitness star!
Dance Party Power Up: Blast the music and unleash your inner dancer! Burn calories and celebrate your awesomeness with wild moves (or simple grooves!). No fancy footwork is needed!
Stairway Sprint Challenge: Turn stairs into your playground! Sprint up (safely!), jog down, repeat. Become a stair-climbing champion and build leg strength while you're at it.
Nature Quest Adventure: Lace up your shoes and explore! Hiking, biking, or a brisk walk become exciting quests. Get fresh air, feel energized, and conquer the great outdoors.
Active Gaming Arena: Video games can be your allies! Many active systems let you move while you play. Turn gaming into an active adventure – exercise disguised as fun!
Bonus Tip: Small bursts add up! Aim for at least 30 minutes of fun movement most days. Let's get happy and healthy together.
This health and wellness journey isn't a rigid path with a finish line; it's a blossoming garden waiting to be nurtured. There will be days overflowing with sunshine and motivation, and others where you might stumble. progress, not perfection, is the key. Embrace the simple practices that spark joy, find your happy move, connect with your loved ones, and sprinkle moments of gratitude throughout your day. As you till these habits, watch your inner sunshine bloom, radiating outward and painting your life with vibrant well-being. So, lace up your walking shoes, put on your favorite music, and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you.
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Everyone? Something big might just be happening for me. It feels like it’s all a dream, but…it’s not.
I might have to leave Tumblr for it, but I want you all to know. From the very bottom of my heart.
This part has been so friendly and kind. I’ve met such fun and silly people in the sfw tickle community and now I feel like I have the strength to take my writing, my voice, and my life in an amazing new direction.
Thank you so much for the memories. The friendships. The gushing over cartoons and the simple gift of bringing laughter to others.
Love you all. Wishing you EVERY happiness as we pursue life’s joys, our passions, and our futures! 💚💚💚💚
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ibijau · 3 years
Oh, here's a prompt! Nie Huaisang travels back in time to ensure that Jin Guangyao stays away from the Jin sect. When he gets back, he's disturbed to find that not only is Meng Yao now his stepbrother (or has at least become a very respected disciple of the Nie sect), but is also now engaged to Lan Xichen. Cue screaming and/or fainting. But at least Minjue is still alive, right?
It was surprisingly easy to make it all happen, much to Nie Huaisang's surprise. In stories time travel was always so complicated to orchestrate, with so much to plan for... but Nie Huaisang had just done it, and it seemed to be working well.
His first stop had been to Meng Shi, shortly after the birth of her son. He could have gone back further and prevented her from ever having that son, but... but at the end of the day, he'd been impossibly fond of Meng Yao even if he'd grown to hate Jin Guangyao. The solution, then, had been to visit his mother and make sure she didn't fill her son's head with impossible dreams.
It had taken some money to get Meng Shi out of the brothel for a few days, and she'd been quite suspicious of him at first. But Nie Huaisang had been a gentleman, and she'd warmed up to him a little. She'd even given up on trying to seduce him once he'd explained that while not opposed to feminine charms on occasion, he mostly cut his sleeve. She'd acted quite sorry for him when he'd explained that actually, he'd just gotten out of a long relationship that had ended badly due to some trust issues and a the betrayal of a man they'd believed to be their friend. Meng Shi had shared a few stories as well, some her own, most her colleagues'.
By the time they'd arrived in Lanling, Nie Huaisang had become quite attached to Meng Shi, and decided he might change his plans a little, depending on what would happen in the next few days.
Meng Shi was not happy to meet other women who'd had the dubious pleasure of sharing Jin Guansghan's bed. She was even less happy to talk to them and learn that none of them, not a single one, had ever received money or attention again after he'd left them, not even those who'd had a child. One of them, the servant of a powerful family of merchants, had gone begging at the door of the Jin sect when her three years old daughter had fallen sick with something nobody understood. She'd been sent home under threats of a beating if she ever showed up again, and her daughter had died.
That had been nearly four years earlier. Jin Guangshan hadn't been sect leader yet, but he'd been his father's favourite and most spoiled son, so he would have had the power to do anything he pleased, including sending a doctor to his daughter, or having her brought into Jinlin Tai to make sure no dark spirit was attacking her. He wasn't even engaged to his wife at the time, so it was impossible to use her to excuse his lack of care. And he'd known about the child's sickness, because he'd happened to be passing by when the mother came begging for help. It was he who had ordered she be sent away, annoyed by her crying.
Meng Shi had gone paler and paler as that poor woman told her tale of sorrow, clutching her son tighter against her chest. When Nie Huaisang and her had returned to their inn, she had asked him why he'd wanted her to meet those other women.
“I just don't like what he's doing,” Nie Huaisang replied, a little embarrassed that he hadn't thought she might get curious. It was stupid of him. Meng Yao surely couldn't have gotten his brains from his father after all.
Meng Shi, sitting on her bed, rocked her infant son in her arms in silence for a moment.
“They were all weak,” she said after a while.
“Those other women. They were all weak.”
Nie Huaisang tensed, fearing that she might announce she was cut of another cloth, that she would persevere where they had given up, but Meng Shi only sighed and kissed her son's forehead.
“He picked them so they were young and would have no one to turn to. Servants and prostitutes and unwanted daughters... he picked us so we'd have no one to turn to when he'd abandon us, no one to defend our honour and force him to pay for the children he made us have. Women like us, it's our own fault for getting pregnant in the first place, isn't it?”
Nie Huaisang stared at her, and realised she was right. He'd been so busy collecting names, he hadn't paused to wonder if there had been a pattern to Jin Guangshan's actions.
“Are there any more you want me to meet?” Meng Shi asked.
“No, she was the last one.”
“Then I suppose we'll started heading back to Yunping City tomorrow. I'll have to make new plans for...”
“No, we're not going back,” Nie Huaisang announced, startling her. “It's too unfair if you go back, you deserve better. Both of you deserve better!”
She blinked a few times, and gave him an amused smile, still rocking her baby. She didn't believe him, of course. Nie Huaisang could hardly blame her for that. After her last experience with a cultivator...
But Meng Shi really did deserve better. Nevermind that in a future he hoped to have now prevented, he'd desecrated her body to get back at her son, this was a different thing. Meng Shi was not a bad person. He'd once thought her guilty of ambition at least, but after a couple weeks in her company, he realised she'd just been desperate for a chance to escape her lot in life. He couldn't really hate her for that, even if it had led to such tragedies after her death.
Nie Huaisang liked her now that he'd met her, and he couldn't condemn her and her son to a worse fate than what they'd have known without him.
He needed a plan.
He needed a smart plan.
He had a plan.
“So, I might have lied a little, you're going back to the brothel,” Nie Huaisang said, earning an unimpressed smirk. “But not for long! I'm going to try something but... would you be willing to lie about who sired your son?”
“Why not? At this point, the truth won't get me much.”
“Perfect. Then I'm going to warn my sect that I have fathered a child, and that I'm unable to care for it at the moment. I'll have to write to them but... but I know Nie zongzhu will immediately send for you. He'll probably ask after me, he hasn't seen me in nearly a decade, but I know he won't have forgotten his cousin Nie Xingyu, and he'll do what's right for my son and his mother.”
And there was no risk of the real Nie Xingyu ever returning to ruin that story, Nie Huaisang knew. His father's beloved cousin, who'd become a rogue cultivator after an argument with their grandfather, had actually died a year or two before Nie Mingjue was even born. A Night Hunt accident, one which Nie Huaisang had discovered by chance while investigating some of Jin Guangyao's crimes. But he remembered his father always hoped to see Nie Xingyu return, always speaking so highly of that cousin who had been almost a brother to him.
Nie Huaisang's father would be delighted to meet his cousin's son, and if “Nie Xingyu” asked for it he would buy Meng Shi's contract in a heartbeat. It would only be a matter of convincing sect leader Nie then, and Nie Huaisang wasn't worried about that. His father had kept all the letters his cousin used to send and read them to his sons, so Nie Huaisang was confident he could imitate his prose and handwriting, not to mention he too carried the Nie seal to mark that letter.
At worst, if it didn't work, Nie Huaisang could always find the money somewhere to buy that contract in person and try to find somewhere to leave Meng Shi, but he'd rather know that she and Meng Yao were safe and sound in the Unclean Realm.
Meng Shi, of course, looked unimpressed by his plan. She still thought he was lying, or trying to sell wonders like other men before him so they could share her bed for a reduced fee, or demand more of her than they'd paid for. Nie Huaisang didn't mind. If people's opinions of him mattered, he would have chosen a different way to avenge his brother, wouldn't he?
It took nearly a month after Nie Huaisang had brought Meng Shi back to her brother, but one morning, from the room he'd rented across the street, he saw a small group of Nie cultivators go in. His father was among them, and when they excited the building, he was carrying little Meng Yao in his arms and chatting cheerfully with Meng Shi who seemed shocked at this turn of events.
Unseen by her Nie Huaisang smiled, and went to activate the talisman that would take him back to his own time. Hopefully this would have been enough to save Nie Mingjue. And if it hadn't... well, he knew how to travel to the past now.
Nie Huaisang opened his eyes. He was in his room, and yet not. This was what used to be his room when he was young, before he became sect leader. A little smaller, a little more private, with a view on a small private garden where he kept his favourite birds. Hisroom, the one he'd always preferred, and had only abandoned in a desperate attempt to be the leader he'd thought his people would need. If he still lived in this room, then it meant Nie Huaisang wasn't sect leader.
Delighted by this apparent victory, Nie Huaisang sprung to his feet and rushed out of the room, only to run head first into someone.
He'd ran into that person enough times that he knew them instantly, even before seeing their face.
“Well someone is in a hurry,” Nie Mingjue said with a laugh.
A laugh.
Nie Mingjue was laughing. Nie Huaisang couldn't even remember the last time he'd heard his brother laugh like this. Not since the Sunshot Campaign, he thought.
“Your cousins haven't arrived yet,” said someone standing just a step behind Nie Mingjue, her voice also full of laughter. “You didn't oversleep, don't worry.”
It took all of Nie Huaisang's willpower to look away from his brother (Nie Mingjue, happy, laughing, healthy) but he managed it, because that other voice was a little too familiar.
It was odd to find Meng Shi in her fifties when just a few hours ago, Nie Huaisang had seen her in her early twenties. Her hair had turned grey, there were wrinkles on her face, and she had exchanged the bold colours she used to wear at the brothel for the muted tones the Nie sect favoured. It suited her. Growing old suited her, if only because she would never have had the chance, had Nie Huaisang not changed her fate.
“I think he's not quite awake yet,” Nie Mingjue teased when Nie Huaisang stared too long, poking his little brother in the shoulder. “But at least I don't have to drag him out of bed. Can I leave the rest to you, auntie?”
Meng Shi smiled, and assured him she'd make sure Nie Huaisang was ready for his cousins' arrival. Nie Mingjue thanked her and left. Nie Huaisang almost ran after him, suddenly needing to touch him, to hug him, to make sure this was real, that he had truly...
“Now it's finally you,” Meng Shi noted, earning a curious glance. “I've realised a few years ago that you looked oddly similar to the man who helped me. Too similar to simply count it as family resemblance. But until today, you didn't look quite right either.”
When Nie Huaisang could only blink at her, she laughed.
“I thought so. I've been wondering for years, but... you did something to change what was meant to happen, didn't you?”
“I did. I wanted... I needed to save certain people.”
“Your brother,” Meng Shi guessed.
Nie Huaisang nodded.
“And my son?”
He nodded again. “Where is he? Is he well? He learned cultivation, right?”
Meng Shi smiled proudly. “He's one of the best in his generation, people keep telling me. He's married now, and living with his husband, but they come visit often. They wanted me to come live with them in the Cloud Recesses, but it's too cold for me over there, and I like the friends I've made here in Qinghe, so I... is something wrong?”
Nie Huaisang nodded, then shook his head. “His husband?”
“A-Yao is married to Lan zongzhu,” she explained. “I would have preferred if he'd married a woman, but Lan zongzhu is a very good husband to him, and they always seem so very happy when they're together. It's all a mother can truly wish for, isn't it? To see her child settled and happy.”
Nie Huaisang said nothing.
He did not run back into his room, didn't hurriedly prepare some ink so he could draw another time travelling talisman and set things right. It was tempting, so tempting. But Nie Huaisang resisted that temptation, and forced himself to smile.
“I'm so happy for them,” he mumbled after a while, and hoped he would learn to mean it.
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stuckybarton · 3 years
Manifestation of A Happy Ending
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SUMMARY: "Everyone deserves a happy ending, even you."
CHARACTERS: Stephen Strange x Reader;
WARNINGS: Brief Description of Child Birth.
WORDS: 2,022
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One of the few things you had learned since your past and your present had collided was the world was constantly moving. Everyone would try to move on, try to better themselves. A process the might look painful on one end, and easy for some. You had it easy. Having Stephen by your side all throughout was good, being able to find the good in the world in him, in your relationship and eventual marriage as well as the child you were carrying.
Things has been going well and you found yourself visiting the compound more on a regular basis now with Stephen constantly by your side. His sling ring a good tool to use to avoid dealing with New York traffic. Being able to reconnect with your friends had been hard at first having ghosted them for a hefty amount of time, but things had been good, especially with everyone just as excited about the baby coming in a few more months.
"Have you found out about the gender?" Nat had inquired as soon as you had arrived into the common room, your husband and Wong was dealing with a mission briefing with Steve and Tony while you waited.
"Not yet." You smiled at your friend before rubbing your growing bump. Sitting by the window with your friend, it was still weird for you to come back here, knowing everything that had happened. The way you just left and never looked back. "We still haven't decided if we're going to wait until the baby is born."
Nat smiled, asking your permission, had placed her hand against your stomach. The light thump had made the two of you jump, your baby's first kick.
"Still can't convince you to name the baby Natalie?" She teased making your burst out laughing.
"Tell that to Wanda and Thor, they're already bribing me with naming the baby after them too." You giggled remembering the multiple of times you had to deal with the two when you visit. "But I'll think about it." You assured knowing the name you had in mind would sound good with a second name added to it.
"We're not mad at you for what happened, Y/N." Nat had spoke all of a sudden, surprising you with the shift of your conversation. "We're surprised that everything happened the way that it did, but we understand why you did what you had to do."
You were left in silence, it was still something you tried your best to keep to yourself. A resentment they might have towards you because of your choice, how you turned your back on all of them when your relationship with Tony ended.
Before Nat could continue on with her words, FRIDAY had called for her to the briefing as well.
"We'll talk later, I'll find someone to keep you company for a while." Nat has said with a smile leaving you all alone to your own thoughts.
It would take a while to come to terms with your choice, but as long as you had Stephen and the baby, you had nothing more you had to worry about. Rubbing your stomach again, the thump had made you smile as you started to hum against the air, hoping to calm your restless baby.
Your eyes lingered onto the windows, the well manicured lawn and the vast land of the compound. You had remembered the time where you would sit in the middle of the grass, soaking into the sunlight after being in the confinement of your former room for days on end.
"I hope I am not intruding."
Turning your head away from the window, the sight of Loki had surprised you. For the most part, you had known about the team's hesitation towards the reformed God, and the other part of you still wary of him after the last time you've seen him in person--when he and his brother had made their way to Stephen's sanctum hoping to find you. The words that he spoke that became the push you needed to this life you now live.
"No you're not, Loki." You assured the God as he has come to approach you. "How's your stay since I've last seen you?" You inquired the man.
Unlike everyone in the team, you didn't have the same resentment towards the man--knowing from Thor what had happened to him, what he had to do to survive, you try your best not to put it against him if you could. And he is a good company to have while you do your research for your book.
"I'm afraid I've lost my library companion." He responded, a ghost of a smile resting on his face. "And I think an apology is long overdue after what I've said."
One brow rose waiting for him to continue his words.
"What I had called you in Strange's Sanctum is uncalled for and I never got the chance to apologize to you."
So he did know you were in the Sanctum. Blinking you didn't really know what to say.
"Why didn't you tell Thor or Tony?" You found yourself asking after a moment.
"What for? If you truly want to be found, you wouldn't have hidden, in such a poor excuse of curtains of all things. And I do not believe that you would be happy with Stark in the long run."
"So you're favoring Stephen over Tony?" You smiled knowing the vendetta still placed on Stephen's back for what he did to Loki all those years before.
"I have said no such thing." He brushed off finally sitting besides you on the couch. "But you're more tolerable compared to the rest of the people in this compound, so your happiness is something I'd champion for."
The biggest compliment you had received from Loki and somehow you find yourself blushing at it. You held onto the man's hand.
"I think I might just name my baby after you, Loki." You teased. "Is this your plan all along?"
"Is it working?" He smirked right back, mischief twinkling his eyes.
"You have Nat, Wanda, and your brother to fight for that right." You pointed out giggling at the antics that Loki was slowly showcasing you. A rare sight as the man chooses to keep to himself most of the time. "Want to feel the baby?" You offered looking up at the man.
"Are you sure?" The man sounded so uncertain and for a while you understood where he was coming from but knowing him, knowing he wouldn't hurt you, it doesn't sound too bad to have him feel the baby too.
Hand still holding onto his own, you placed his palm on top of your stomach. Smiling as soon as his palm rested, a sudden kick had made the two of your jump for a moment. Giving him a side glance, an amazed look that rested on his face placed you more at ease.
"They like you." You pointed out with a smile.
"A mistake they'd made before they're even born." Loki muttered pulling away.
"Loki--" You warned. "You don't contradict a pregnant woman." You warned with a pointed look now focus on him. A sheepish smile now resting on his face because of it.
Before Loki could further contradict himself, the sound of a few voices approaching had the two of you looking up and the sight of your husband and Wong coming to pick you up. But the sight of Tony and Steve also with them, the smile on your face had fallen. So much for trying to avoid the man.
"Hands off the wife, Laufeyson." Your husband warned, but you rolled your eyes and smiled towards the also much annoyed Loki.
"Loki's been keeping me company." You pointed out finally standing up and approaching your husband in the process.
"Fifty bucks he's also trying to convince you to name the baby after him."
"Keep your money to yourself, Strange." You snorted wrapping an arm around his waist. You smiled beamingly at your husband before winking knowingly at Loki and the conversation they had would only be theirs to keep from now on. "Loki's been nothing but nice to me and I'm staring to like the idea of Baby Loki."
At the grimace your husband had on you couldn't help but burst into as loud fits of laughter.  Resting your head against his chest, try as the man could, it was still hard for him to keep his emotions and his sass in check. You were fine with it, happy for his antics from time to time when he wasn't getting on your nerves.
"We'll talk about our child's life choices if you do that when we get home." He muttered cradling your head as you pull back to look at him. "Say goodbye to your friend before we go."
You smiled hugging Loki, taking the man by surprise before promising to catch up with Steve if Stephen ever stops by the compound again. But for a fraction of a second, you found your attention towards Tony, the longing look on his face as he looked at you and it scared you so much. You know you wouldn't leave Stephen, after everything you had been through, but it was just sad to see the playboy so broken--because of you.
"Bye, Tony." You finally whispered before joining your husband and Wong through the portal to bring you right home to the Sanctum.
"Benedict Vincent Strange."
The name had escaped your lips as soon as the baby was born. The past thirteen hours, Stephan had been besides himself. Everything he had learned from Med School was thrown in the trash when it comes to you. The doctors had tried their best to stay as far away from him while making sure you were well accommodated.
And everything was worth it as he now held on to his son. A blend of you and him. 
Even as the past few hours had been you sobbing to the high heavens while you pushed for the baby out while you pray for their safety. Stephen was relieved to know you and the baby were safe and healthy judging from the lungs capable of screaming up a storm from the both of you. The smile had somehow found their way onto his face.
He had watched the doctors begin to clean up his son before turning his attention back to you. Leaning back against the bed, even with the fatigue and pain still painting your face, you still had this big smile watching from the sides as the nurses swaddle your son.
"He's got your eyes." Stephen pointed out with a smirk and you were quick to roll your eyes. It was just a fun little debate the two of you had while you prepared for the baby, how such discussion span and become so meaningless as all the mattered was this very sight.
A life he never thought he would be allowed to have in his life. After everything he had done--the mistake he had made, he was still allowed to have his own happy ending in the form of you who had almost fallen face first in front of him in the cafe.
"Do you ever regret it?" Stephen asked after a moment of silence passed between the two of you. "Leaving Tony behind for someone like me?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Stephen." You smiled holding onto his hands, pulling him closer to where you laid to rest. "I've got everything I could have ever wanted in my life. A decent man that loves me more than the whole multiverse combined. I've got a child that I will give my life and soul to protect and love."
It was the truth, and the smile that lingered on his face made everything alright now. There would come a time that his life would be put on the line for the sake of the world, but it was alright. It was for you and it was for your son. His own little manifestation of a happy ending.
He would want nothing more in his life.
Stephen Strange One-Shot / Series
@secretsthathauntus @delightfulheartdream @d0ct0rstrangewife @gumgum78 @supervengerslock @inas-thing
@wandering-spiritash @emmy626 @star017 @silverrmistt @broadwaybabe18
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crazylilmonster · 3 years
Part 4
-an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.-
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Note: I finished up this part in a bit of a hurry so I hope it’s not too bad, I didn’t have a chance to proof read it completely so I apologize in advance. Unfortunately I won’t be able to spare any time towards writing until the weekend so you might wait a bit longer on the part 5. I thank you all for reading and I’ll see you soon. Smooch…
Pairing: Vampire Wakasa Imaushi x (semi) shy female reader
Disclamer: This story contains vampires so there will be mentions of blood and blood sucking as well as mature themes which are not recommended for minors. If you can’t handle it or you are a minor please don’t read it and if you do it anyways please do not repeat any of the acts mentioned in the story and practice safe sex and keep your body healthy by not drinking alcohol, doing drugs or smoking because it is still growing.
Infatuation Masterlist
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His lips were on yours the moment he opened the door. His enthusiasm was something you didn’t expect especially because of the impression he left on you the first time you met him. When he let you go from a heated kiss, he eyed a smirking Draken behind you.
“What are you smirking about?” Wakasa wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest.
“Nothing. Do I need to pick her up?” He questioned.
Wakasa turned his attention to you. “Wanna stay over?”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. He wanted to sleep over like you were his girlfriend or something? “I don’t have a change of clothes.”
“You can wear mine.”
A sigh left your lips. “Sure.”
Wakasa kissed the top of your head. “You’re free for the day.” He said to Draken who nodded and left the two of you alone.
He pulled you onto the couch placing you in his lap continuing the kiss from the doorway. There was something about him which made you uneasy. He seemed so caring and kind. From the cute texts asking you if you’ve eaten, if you made it home okay or how your day was. He had nothing to gain from those interactions. Or did he?
He is a multiple centuries old vampire who was bored out of his mind with his life. He would do anything for entertainment, anything which would put a hint of thrill into his system. Was this fun for him? He had sex many times before he had it with you, you were sure of it. Was there something that made you different than everybody else?
Of course not... Why would you be different? You were just a college student selling your blood for the money. There was nothing that made you stand out or made you special.
The passionate kiss that you shared took all the oxygen you had in your body. It made you slightly push him away to get some air flow in your lungs. You were panting and so was he. However your moment got interrupted by a growl in your stomach.
You buried your head into his neck out of the embarrassment and he could feel your heated cheeks. But what genuinely surprised you was the sound that escaped Wakasa’s lips. He was laughing? Of course he was his whole body was shaking underneath you.
You quickly pulled back noticing you were right. It was such a pretty sound. Not a muffled chuckle, not some strange mix of a sigh and a laugh. Genuine laughter was leaving his lips and it had you mesmerized. You could see his perfectly straight white teeth with slightly sharpened canines. It was not a smirk, it was not one of those closed mouth smiles and you could only thank the gods for blessing you with this scene. Could this man become any more beautiful?
“Are you hungry?” He asked as his laughter quieted down.
“Yes…” You could only assume that your face was redder than a chili pepper.
“Let’s see what I got.” He smacked your ass signaling you to get up from his lap. Not hard, just enough to make you shiver.
You followed him to the kitchen like a lost puppy. You leaned on the kitchen counter as he looked through the fridge. Over his shoulder you noticed multiple blood bags and no regular food, which was understandable.
“I’ve only got junk food.” He sighed while opening a cabinet above the stove.
“Instant noodles will be fine.” You spoke up.
“Are you sure?” You nodded at his question as he reached out for a pack of instant noodles.
“You want it spicy or?” He questioned with a mocking tone in his voice.
“Yes please.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at you. “Are you sure? Because this is chili pepper.” He showed off a small packet that came with the noodles.
He proceeded to make the noodles for you. When he was finished you ate with natural expression which seemed to amaze him. “Isn’t that spicy?” He questions.
“It’s not that bad, compared to the ghost pepper this is nothing.” You mumbled.
“You had a ghost pepper?” He furrows his eyebrows.
“Yeah… It was a challenge or something like that. They separated the spice into levels from zero to six. And my friend challenged me to try the level six.” You explained.
“Let me try.”
He leaned closer to you but made no attempt to take away your chopsticks. He wants you to feed him? Your question is answered when he opens his mouth. ‘He is adorable’ you thought, especially when he started coughing because of the spice.
“How can you eat that?” He pressed the back of his palm onto his mouth.
“How can you not?” You smiled sweetly at him.
He drowned a full glass of ice cold water and yet there was a hint of blush remaining on his cheeks. Wakasa popped a caramel candy into his mouth to completely erase the heat forming on his tongue.
Because you were eating the spicy noodles did that mean he can’t kiss you anymore? Would he feel the god awful taste if your tongues met? He furrowed his eyebrows in disapproval. He actually liked kissing you. Especially the way you would take deep breaths because of the lack of oxygen. And the blush, your blush will be the death of him.
“Do you normally eat that stuff?” He questioned with a hint of disgust lingering in his eyes.
“Yeah… pretty much. I remember I begged my mom to try it when I was a kid.”
“Then why…” He mumbled to himself.
“Did you say something?”
“Give me your hand.” He ordered. You offered your non dominant hand to him and the moment you did he bit into your pointer finger. You felt the familiar pinch but no pleasure since he only licked the open wound. “Why is it so sweet?” He mumbled.
“It’s sweet?” You questioned bringing your finger towards your lips. You kitten licked your own blood and he stared at you like you were that ice glass of water he drowned within seconds after tasting the spice. “I can only taste the metallic aftertaste, like you’re sucking on a chain.” You said.
Just then you noticed his stare. He seemed hungry in a way? Does that mean he’ll drink from you directly? You glanced at your bowl noticing it was empty. “Are you hungry?” You moved the collar of T-shirt revealing your shoulder and a bra strap.
He let out a chuckle at you question. “Princess you’re more of a desert than an actual meal.” Wakasa smirked at you.
“Is that a no then?” You let go of your T-shirt.
“Don’t you know me by now? I never say no to a desert.” He pressed a kiss on your cheek.
“Are you purposely avoiding my mouth since you can’t handle the spice?” You let a slight smirk creep up on your lips.
“I didn’t say you can talk, princess.” He pressed his lips onto yours.
He wasn’t going to deepen the kiss; no way in hell is he torturing himself with that spice. But that little smirk which formed on your lips was worth all the embarrassment he experienced tonight.
Wakasa scooped you up into his arms carrying you to the bedroom. He practically threw you on the bed looking down on you like a predator would pray. He took off his shirt with such speed that it seemed like you just blinked and it was gone. He made quick work of your clothes as well only leaving you in your underwear.
“Spread your legs princess.” He ordered. With hesitation you did as you were told. “Remind me of your good spots will you?” He smirked at you.
Of course he knew all of the good spots for biting into on your body. He just had to tease you like a sadist that you assumed he was. You swallowed a lump forming in your throat. “Lips… Cheeks… Neck…” You bit into your lower lip as you felt him placing kisses on your inter things. “Collar bone… Wrists… Fingers…” You let out muffled moan as he pressed his lips onto your covered cunt. “Things and… breasts.” You sighed.
Wakasa raised his head from his previous position slightly raising his eyebrows in surprise. “I didn’t know about the last two.” He smirked. “Let me guess you didn’t want anyone biting you there, did you princess?”
You shook your head no as you felt your cheeks warming up from his words.
“Such a good girl…” His smirk grew wider.
He raised one of your legs onto his shoulder, gently placing kisses on the inner parts of your thighs. Your skin was covered with goosebumps and you were shivering like you left your house in the middle of December with no coat on. Wakasa bit into your thigh making you flinch.
The pleasure was familiar and incomparable to any type of feeling you had thus far. Eating your favorite meal or having sex with your now ex-boyfriend was barely a fragment of the pleasure you were feeling just from Wakasa’s bite.
When his teeth left your skin he looked lost for a moment. His half lidded eyes stared into a nonexistent dot on your leg as droplets of blood were falling from the tips of his fangs and oozing out of the holes he made in order to pleasure both of you.
Wakasa blinked rapidly a couple of times when he finally noticed that your blood might go to waste if he doesn’t lick all of it. With that in mind he pressed his tongue onto the falling droplet and made eye contact with you. He was staring straight in your eyes as he was licking up your inner things.
It was a beautiful sight. Seduction must have been his strong suit because no one and nothing has made you this aroused in the entirety of your life. Was it his eyes? Even if his eyes were half lidded most of the time and it seemed like he was bored there was just something about those lilac eyes making you lose your mind.
“Good girl…” He praised. “You’re waiting for permission to cum are you?”
It was that condescending look. You were sure of it. Humans were always the top of the food chain, no beast could compare to a human. Even if it was many times bigger and stronger it would fall to the hands of a human. But ever since vampires were reveled humans took a step down from the top allowing the vampires to step up and overpower them with ease.
He removed your underwear smirking at the damp spot on it. He was somewhat proud of how easily he controlled your body. Many humans would have reached their release the moment he started sucking but not you. You were his good little princess waiting for his command. And he loved every second of it.
“You want me to make you cum princess?” He questioned.
You gave him a nod with a needy hum. With that he proceeded to attack your slit with his tongue. He was merciless, sucking on your clit with such intensity that it made you arch your back from the pleasure. His canines barely crazed your skin but it added to the thrill or a fear of the sort that he might actually bite you.
He was eating you out like one of his lollipops which always somehow found a place in his mouth. He adored your taste. You were just the perfect human for him. The taste of your cunt and blood was going to drive him crazy. The way you were squirming under him made his pants even tighter than when you licked your own blood.
When he saw you tasting it all he could think about was having that pretty tongue of yours on his cock. He was going to see that tonight and there was nothing in this world that could stop him.
“I’m… go-gonna…” You stuttered through your moans.
“Aww… already?” He smirked at you “I didn’t tell you that you can cum did I?”
He adored how much control you gave him over your own body. What he hated the most in his previous partners of the more modern times was the way they acted. He was a dominant in all his relationships so far but what he deeply disliked was that many assumed he was a sadist.
Yes he will punish anyone who disobeys him but he doesn’t get a hard on from it. Never did and never will. Because of peoples assumptions many purposely disobeyed his orders in order to get punished only to cry out and scream at him that he went too far.
“P-please…” You sutured.
If he knew anything you will disobey him only by pure accident which he is willing to shrug off. But considering that you never reached your release just from his bites he knew that you would let him control your orgasms without any slip ups.
“Please what?” He shoved two of his finger into your needy entrance. “Use your big girl words.” His smirk was practically stuck on his face.
“C-can… I… ahh… C-c-cu-cum?” Your vision was blurry and all you could think about was waiting for his permission.
He hummed like he was thinking about it. “And what will I get in return if I do let you cum?”
Your squirming got worse. You were chasing that release like a mad woman. “Wh-what-ever you w-w-wan-want…” You said in between breathless moans.
“Oh…? Whatever I want? In that case…” He leaned his head closer to you. His mouth was glistening with your juices. “Cum for me princess.”
The moment he said it you finally released the pressure building up in the lower part of your stomach. You were a panting mess shaking from the pleasure.
“You’ll make me feel good too hmm…?” He questioned.
“H-how…?” You sighed.
“You’ll suck me off yeah?” He sat next to you with his back against the head board.
Your cheeks heated up from his words even more. He wants you to do what? You glanced at the growing tent in between his legs. It’s not that you mind but you weren’t really sure what to do? Your ex-boyfriend always complained how bad you were at it. It made you feel ashamed for not being really able to pleasure him. But then again it’s not like he did a great job at it either.
“Princess?” Wakasa noticed your nervous expression. “Talk to me.” He pulled you onto his lap making you squeal in surprise.
“I…” You couldn’t look him in the eye from shame.
“You’ve never done it before?” He questions.
“No… I did but…”
“Hey… if you don’t want to we don’t have to. If you do and you’re insecure I’ll guide you through it. Deal…?” He was just so kind always asking for consent when something new was in question.
“I want to…” You mumbled to yourself.
“Look at me.” He ordered
The moment when you looked up you noticed a sweet reassuring smile on his lips. He then pulled you into a kiss. Not a heated one, not a passionate one but a simple gentle press of two lips as a way to reassure you. When he moved away he seemed somewhat disappointed.
“My pretty little princess is so shy she doesn’t even want to touch me.” He was right.
Every time he would kiss you or do anything to you your hands would just awkwardly stay on your sides. It was a habit you picked up in your previous relationship. You ex-boyfriend never wanted you to touch him for whatever reason. You could never reach out to him or hold his hand.
So with his words as encouragement you cupped his cheeks with both hands pulling him into a passionate kiss. Wakasa loved your touch. Your hands were just so soft and gentle on his skin that it made him crave you even more.
You weren’t daring as he was so you didn’t even think about kissing any other part of his body except his lips or cheeks. But you were somewhat detriment to make him feel good like he made you feel. Of course you don’t have the vampire bite to make him feel exactly what you felt while the two of you were intimate.
As your kiss with him ended you lowered yourself all the way down to his crotch. You unbuttoned his pants as he observed you with the same hunger in his eyes you saw earlier. You vaguely knew what you were doing but still you could never be too sure.
His length was right in front of your face. Here goes nothing… You licked his tip and you head him suppress a moan. You were leaving kitten licks all over his tip making him let out uneven breaths and low growls from the back of his throat.
He wasn’t making you to go quicker or purposely shoving it down your throat. He let you go in your own pace which made you appreciate him even more. When you dared you took the tip of his cock into your moth licking it all over with your tongue especially over his slit. The taste was strange on your tongue but not unbearable.
He was now clenching on the sheets and biting into his lower lip to suppress the embarrassing moans form coming out. As much as he hated to admit it, it was you who made him crazy about sex recently. Yes he felt the pleasure; he’s been sucked off many times but this? It was like torture and he adored it.
You started bobbing your head up and down his length with constant glances at his face. He looked like he enjoyed it but you can never be sure. You remembered all the tips and tricks you’ve read about sex while you were with your first boyfriend. Apparently men like it when the tip touches the back of the throat. You knew that from experience since it was always forcefully shoved there when you did this. But now as daring as you became you lowered your head so much so that Wakasa could feel that he hit the back of your throat, he heard it too, you muffled gaging noise.
“Fuck!” He raised his voice. “Fuck… fuck… fuck… princess… you’ll make me cum embarrassingly early.” He said through his clenched teeth.
You lifted your head staring up at him. “And?”
“Fuck me…” He mumbled “You’ll take all my cum in that pretty mouth of yours yeah?” His hand reached out to you cupping your cheeks. “Such a pretty princess.” He smirked at you.
You continued your previous actions making him cum within the next minute. When you looked up at him you opened your mouth tongue out showing off his release in your mouth to him. The taste was three times better than your ex-boyfriends.
His eyes widened slightly. “Fuck…” He mumbled as he pulled you back on his lap. Wakasa wasted no time biting into the flesh of your neck. Because you were surprised by his sudden actions you swallowed his cum.
“Ahh…” You wined. His fangs left your skin shortly. He licked your neck all over making you even more sensitive. “Hmpf…”
“Princess…” He sighed. “Wanna fuck that pretty pussy so bad…” He sounded needy and desperate. However the rasp in his voice made you clench around nothing. “You’ll let me yeah?”
You could only nod. He always managed to convince you with ease no matter what. So as he turned both of you around you were laid on your back and he was on top of you. Again you couldn’t help but admire his beauty.
Wakasa was needier than he would normally be in these situations. Last time you two had sex he was also surprisingly ecstatic and as his erection was surrounded by your clenching walls he couldn’t help but bottom out.
“Fuck…” He buried his head into your neck where he bit you earlier, gently licking the remaining blood escaping through the wound.
He was moving his hips fairly slow to assure he wouldn’t be coming too early but he just couldn’t help it. He suddenly remembered how you were begging him to breed you when you two first met and that was the motivation to move faster.
Your wines and moans were bouncing off the walls of an expensive apartment as he kept pleasuring the both of you. Your nails were scratching his back making him let out low growls from the back of his throat.
Wakasa might have lost his mind then and there. How could he not, from your things slightly pressing against his sides to your walls clenching around his full length which was pounding into you and hitting that one spot that made your eyes roll in the back of your head.
“Imaushi…” You mumbled under your breath.
He then slammed into you and stopped in his tracks. “Wakasa…” He corrected. “Say it or I won’t let you cum.” He threatened.
“Waka…” You sighed.
“Again.” He ordered.
“Good, now keep saying it.” He kissed your lips and continued his pounding.
His name was rolling of your tongue like a prayer and he adored it. His last name sounded cute when you said it. However his name was a complete another story, to the point of making him go feral which in return made you whine even more. How was he supposed to know you moaning his name would make him act like this?
“Cum princess.” He ordered and the moment he did you felt your release washing over you as well as the familiar feeling of being filled up with his cum.
Wakasa kept his weight above you as he tried to gain his composer back. He laid down next to you with a content sigh leaving his lips. “You’re feeling alright?” He said with a hint of mockery in his tone.
“Mhm…” You mumbled as you turned to your side and noticed that your vampire employer was drenched in sweat with a sling smirk appearing on his lips.
“Fuck…” He mumbled.
“Something wrong?” You question.
“I’m hard again…”
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jostepherjoestar · 3 years
Maybe Jotaro, Risotto, Prosciutto, Bruno and Leone friendship HCs with a fem friend thats llike your generic dumbass but they are just like a soft dumbass, she is just too cute to get mad at no matter how stupid she is. So basically a smol sweet dumbass that just radiate baby energy. Like she just runs up to them saying she want to show them something cool and its just a pretty rock but she looks so happy xjsbkss 💖
Pure of heart, dumb of ass fem!friend with Jotaro, Risotto, Prosciutto, Bruno and Abbacchio HC’s
sfw // fem reader
lemme just say, reader is baby and that’s valid 🥰this is so adorably pure ugh ya done killed me anon 🥺💖✨(can very much relate tho, glad my friends put up with my dumb antics)
“Why am I friends with you again? Yare yare...” A phrase you’ll hear every time you’re hanging out with this tall bastard. He’ll tease you for being a bit of a dumbass but is incredibly drawn to how kind, sweet and absolutely thoughtful you are.
You remind him of Josuke and Okuyasu which only makes him like you even more. And the added cuteness-factor made him admit to himself he does indeed love cute things, no matter how adamantly he denies it to you.
His favourite thing to do is bring you along to the beach for field research, knowing just how wide eyed and giddy you get when you’re allowed to collect shells and rocks or even poke a jellyfish. You seem very good at spotting irregularities in your surroundings, making quite the good assistant to Dr. Kujo.
You’re even allowed to help with lab research, studying petri dishes filled with algae as you excitedly point out a very important detail he hadn’t noticed yet, too tired from working such long hours. Sometimes you’re quite the genius without even trying.
More than anything he loves the amount of lightness you bring to his life, his studies and general headspace take a large toll on him. Any relief is a welcome one.
He’ll often find himself smiling at the thought of hanging out again, staring at the collection of trinkets he keeps in a cute little Hello Kitty box you once gave him, which rests on his nightstand as a reminder that it can’t hurt to adapt your lifestyle of mindless giddy; even just the tiniest bit.
Being close friends with Risotto seems a bit impossible without being in his squad, he’s very insistent at keeping outsiders of Passione more than an arm-length away. Good thing that the stoic man is your capo, phew!
He’s apprehensive at first, not really sure why the soft round pebble you brought him reminded you of the man as he studied the mineral, admiring its softness. “It’s like you! Soft and worn down, but very sturdy and unbreakable.” smiling sweetly at him, excitedly awaiting a response.
What was this new feeling of being appreciated and cared for? Risotto’s never really experienced a friendship so pure. He’ll quietly thank you for the pebble and keeps it on his desk, staring in awe as he’s reminded of your kind words every time he spots it.
He knows the others like to tease you for not always being aware of general human knowledge, shooting them an intense glare as a warning to keep any rude comments or jokes to themselves.
Your friendship consists of him mostly listening to you, quietly taking in all the stories you divulge- so full of excitement, telling him facts you picked up somewhere; the source of these often containing varying levels of credibility. He won’t correct you though. (unless it’s something that might actually endanger you)
He values your friendship so.much. He’s not used to being treated so kindly, receiving random gifts, being praised for a job well done, having someone who doesn’t judge him in the slightest. He’ll do whatever he needs to keep you safe, from others and yourself, along with trying to return your kindness and care. (he tries his best and it’s so cute)
(you guys hold hands for safety when you’re out in the city... just saying, it’s adorable)
Prosciutto has a chronic case of “caring older brother disease”. Will need to hold himself back from tying your shoelaces for you, the man knows you can do it it yourself but it’s just taking sooo long.
Just like Risotto, you’d have to be a team member to get close to him in any way. Good thing he recruited you ;)
It’s a bit hard to make him open up about anything personal. You feel like he knows everything about you, while you barely know a thing. When he sees your pouty lip and begging gaze that is way too cute to deny, he’ll cave. Perhaps finally realising it’s alright to lean on others.
He’ll still struggle with continuing the openness, but find relief in your loyalty and understanding. The way you intently listen to his troubles, there to hold his hand if he ever needs it, it makes his heart hurt to know how sweet and gentle you are.
Will keep you and Pesci separate during missions, he’s already getting a migraine from imaging everything that could go wrong without his guidance.
For someone who’s a little more on the dense side, you make up for it in emotional intelligence. Whenever you see how stressed he tends to get, eye twitching without even realising while his shoulders hunch together in discomfort, you come over to hug him. It’s something he had to get used to, the small gesture always calming him down enough to keep going.
Does not appreciate you slipping cute trinkets in his suit pocket. Especially not after finding a snail that one time. You’ve been forbidden from leaving pocket gifts since the incident.
It concerns Bruno just how clueless you can be from time to time. That one time they almost left you behind on a busy station with no cellphone because you found a coin on the ground made him realise you need some extra supervision.
He’s not the type to hold you back from doing things that are guaranteed to result in disaster (unless it’s literally deadly), he wants you to experience the consequences of your own actions.
You do make him hold back his laughter when you try out a stupid idea you know has failed in the past, but change your methods slightly to hope for better results. And you know what? Now he’s curious too.
The man has a weird sense of humour that sometimes even surprises you. He’ll copy your habit of picking up strange trinkets or rocks and asks you to compare findings with him. Like trading marbles, he’ll barter with a smirk.
“Mhh, if you give me that cute shell and that pointy rock... I’ll give you this keychain.” His alluring offer making you question if you’re getting swindled or not. “Hey! That shell is at least worth two stickers!” He’ll heartily laugh at your reply, a mischievous smile while thinking over the trade. “Ok, two stickers and a pebble then.”
With a firm handshake the deal goes through. The rest of the gang never knows how to respond, staring in amazement as their grown-ass capo barters with their grown-ass teammate. He loves being silly with you and forgetting all the pressures of life for just a moment.
Bruno takes his time opening up to you, but finds your presence so comforting it becomes very easy to trust you. As a vital part of his team he finds it important to be able to lean on each other for support and is glad you offer him just as much trust and loyalty.
Will never admit he can’t live without you anymore. You’ve become the shining beacon of assumed happiness the man never thought existed. He knows you won’t always be go-lucky and have your own troubles and struggles but admires how you handle them.
Don’t get me wrong, he’ll still gladly tease you for your occasional (well, more like frequent) stupidity. He’ll let you know with a big huff you should smarten up; “Read a book that doesn’t have pictures in it for once.”
He’ll be the first to correct any wrong info you’ve been given, unless he thinks it’s funny. Like when Mista made you believe you needed to order dessert at Libeccio or they’ll kick you out for breaking their beloved rule. It’s only when he saw the panic in your eyes when you finished your main course one day -too full for any sweets to come- that he assured you it was a dumb joke. (he’ll put all the blame on Mista)
Abbacchio seems to tether to people who have a positive influence on him without even realising, it won’t be obvious to him, but just like with his loyalty and admiration for Bruno, he’ll make sure you know it once he finds out.
Not that it’s a bad thing, his need to cling to anything that might help him stay afloat just needs to stay healthy. You didn’t even realise your effect on him, you were too busy trying to figure out a way to turn that scowl into that smirk.
After gifting him a handmade friendship bracelet that had the shortened versions of your names spelled on it, he hugged you. So tightly it was suffocating, you were shocked since he’s never been the touchy type. “Leone! I can’t breathe...” He’ll let go after the complaint but that look on his face will never leave your memory. The face of being loved unconditionally by choice, no matter how unworthy he might think himself of it.
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
Sakyo wanted one thing. Just to be your husband and stay home with his children and have a happy life. One that he couldn't have during his Yakuza time, which is why he gave up his Yakuza life just to be with you...
So welcome in his messy and funny life of one ex-yakuza and his family.
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The blonde starred at his wristwatch, watching the hands of the wristwatch moving until his gaze looked up again. “But you will still watch over him.” He heard his boss say, as the yakuza stood up, nodding with his head, before he walked out of the building, hoping to never come back to his old life.
“When will he come? Heeey, (y/n)-saaan! Pleaseee!” You chuckled at the kid you had to babysit. “Don’t worry, he will be back in a couple of minutes. Then you can play with him, before I will cook you all something tasty.” You told the black-haired boy, patting his head, as he in return stared out of the window.
And you were right. Only a few minutes had passed by and the now ex-yakura walked through the door to nearly lose his balance. “You are late!” A sigh left Sakyo’s lips. He rolled with his eyes as he grabbed the little brat into a half-sided hug. “Did you wait too long for me, Azami?” The kid nodded with his head, now demanding to play with his dinosaur toys with the older man. “In a second… Give me just a second.” He muttered and walked into the kitchen to see you preparing the meal for the day.
“Hello, love.” Sakyo kissed your cheek, only to hear Azami’s “disgustiiiing” in the living room. “Welcome back, Sakyo. Are you now free?” Your husband nodded, telling you that he will have time for you and the brat for a long time, but got interrupted by the mentioned kid, who wanted to play a bit more before they could eat lunch.
“I just hope that you won’t regret it, Sakyo… But good to know that I can go to work, knowing that you both are safe and healthy at home.” You smiled at the blonde, who send you a smaller smile in return, while he got dragged away by the much weaker kid. “Calm down, Azami…”
Light laughter, discussions and argument over toys were heard in the living room, while the two boys could only listen to your chuckle, as you placed the food onto the table, calling them to eat and hoped that it would taste as good as your husband’s. But from now on, you had not to worry, as Sakyo gave up his work as Yakuza, to be your hausmann. He promised you, that he will do everything from now on and you knew, that he would never lie to you, after all… He was your perfect husband.
“Mh? What’s that?” Sakyo finished his Hitsumabushi, that you had cooked for those two troublemakers, who will never to learn to bring away the toys that were laying around the floors. “Oh, I made this. Did you forget the day? It’s valentine’s day.” You chuckled and pressed your lips onto his cheek. “I made them for you.” You pressed the heart-looking box into his palms, as Sakyo opened the lid of it, smelling the rich flavor of chocolate in there. “They look wonderful. I’m sorry that I have nothing for you.”, he thanked you, while he shoved Azami to the living room and told him to clean up the mess.
“Don’t worry your pretty head about it.” You had winked at him, now cleaning the dishes. “You already gave me a present and the only thing I need.” You told him. The blonde smiled at you, knowing that you meant many things that you two did. Your marriage, your love and also that he gave up his job to be by your side and help you out, while you worked at some boring office somewhere in the city, where he never had stepped a foot into the building.
“Thank you for the chocolate, my valentine.” The ex-yakuza smirked at your flushed face. “Oh, shush and go. Tomorrow you will be the one that will do all the chores, don’t you dare to forget!”
And you were right. That’s what Sakyo will do for many days in his life. In his hopefully normal life as ex-yakuza and husband.
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neoheros · 4 years
sneaking out headcanons feat. gym 3 squad ♡ — also this is all gonna be set in an au before or without the quarantine, so don’t leave your house please!! social distancing is important and people are dying!!
kuroo tetsuro
listen LISTEN
sneaking out is terrible and you should never do it because it’s dangerous and risky
and you as the woke and understanding gen z that you are definitely respected that
but , BUT , BUUUUT !
the minute your boyfriend snapped you a photo of him in his car with him rubbing his tired eyes captioned “couldn’t sleep, dreamt of u”
your morals were OUT THE WINDOW and now it was your turn >:// !!!
kuroo: i know it’s 4 am but what’re the chances you’d hop out for a quick trip to chick-fil-a 👉👈
you, purposely taking two minutes to reply: why are you still awake
kuroo, who knows you like the back of his hand: babe don’t lie to me, it’s embarrassing for the both of us x
so you agree !! because it was kuroo, the love of your life, the man you’d simp for, and he’s paying for food so hell fricken yeah
you throw on a hoodie, lock your doors, fluff up the bed to make it look like someone was sleeping in it just in case and you gently make your way towards your window
due to personal reasons, you want to pass away
you suddenly remember why you hated sneaking out and boy — the food kuroo was buying you better be worth it
the only way you were actually gonna get down from your two story house that idiotically doesn’t have a roof ledge was if you grab onto the tv satellite that latched by the sill
from your window you see kuroo’s car parked by the trash cans near your house and he’s got his windshield down signaling at you
mfer pulled out his phone from his pocket and waved as he zooms closer to your figure and he SMILED ?
you were in a dilemma?? and he had the audacity???? the fricken audacity???
kuroo, snapping you the vid he took: babe please you’re so cute you look like a tiny gremlin
you: had me in the first half, not gonna lie
it was a MOMENT for you !! but you just say what the hell and go for it anyways because you only live once apparently and sneaking out with your boyfriend at 4 am was better than sleeping
you grab onto the satellite ridge and you pray for mercy that it doesn’t make a sound or loosen up because if anyone found out you were doing this it was definitely kuroo’s ass on the line
while you’re struggling to get down, kuroo’s just in the car ??? laughing his ass off at your current state and you swear that he’s still taking photos
you get down on the cement safely and instead of him pulling up closer to your drive way naaaah he makes you walk to where he was at 😤
you, getting in the car: if i dump you by the end of tonight, just know that the only reason why i didn’t do it sooner is because i wanted food
kuroo, putting on your seatbelt: we’ll get back together in the morning, i’m not worried
so the two of you make your way to chick-fil-a, get food via drivethru and eat in the parking lot with the doors open and the windows down
he still looks very tired and before you even realize it it’s already 6 in the morning
you catch him yawn every few minutes and he always reassures you that he didn’t mind staying up this late :(
he’s baby
kuroo: lets get you home, are you gonna dump me yet?
you, kissing his cheek: no, i kinda love you
kuroo, less sleepy with a lazy smile on his face: aha simp
tsukishima kei
bro if you think he’s a goody two shoes boy who won’t ask you to sneak out at like 2 in the morning , you are so wrong
canonically, he is the most devious and logical character in the entire anime and if he wants to go out with you before the crack of dawn — he fricken will !!
he’s gonna be so sly about it too, nah, he gon make you think it’s your idea to sneak out
tsukki, texting you a tiktok of homemade shrimp rotini at 2:35 am: look what yamaguchi sent me
yamaguchi, who fell asleep three hours ago and absolutely is not in any state to send tiktoks:
so you’re there like ??????
bruv you were just tryna scroll through your twitter feed in peace, why the hell would he send you that like that’s so uncool
because now you were sleep deprived and hungry
you, close to tears: does your house in hell have a pool or
tsukishima, unnerved: i don’t like the concept of swimming
he’s gonna go on about how he didn’t realize what he did and how he’s kinda sorry for waking your hunger but you weren’t born yesterday !! you smelled BS !!
so you facetime him, ready to go off on how unsorry he is and you can already imagine the shit eating grin he must’ve had on
he answers after three rings and he’s in a MFING yellow hoodie with the dinosaur print in the middle, his hair neatly tucked and you just know that he’s got his keys on his fingertips
you, defeated: i’ve been played
tsukishima, heading out the front door: i deny all accusations
you’re not even upset though because this was a perfect opportunity to try the stability of your roof ledge and tbh? who wasn’t unreasonably hungry at 3 am
turns out climbing out your window was harder than you thought and you may or may not have gotten two new bruises on your wrist just by trying
safe to assume that you fell on your ass and since the universe has a particular hatred towards you, your boyfriend arrived at the perfect time to witness all of it
tsukishima: how are you gonna kiss me when you’re too busy kissing the ground
you, tears on your cheeks: if i wanted a bully instead of a boyfriend i would’ve SAID SO
when you get in his car, the first thing he does is ask if you’re okay though and he’s checking your wrists and hands for any scratches or bleeding because 🥺
tsukki: you’re such a clumsy idiot what the hell
tsukki, kicking down the pavement when you’re not paying attention: 💢🪓
you guys end up going to numerous places because most of the drivethrus in town were already closed
you see him get tired behind the steering wheel and you almost have the urge to offer to drive but you didn’t really feel like crashing his car any day soon so
you: lets just head to starbucks hm? get some coffee?
tsukishima, feeling bad because he knows you wanted to get food: we don’t have to
you, in love with him: if you say no i will willingly walk all the way to starbucks by myself , what , you think i won’t do it
so you guys go there and order a couple double shot espressos with a side of scones and muffins and the entire time you’re just trying not to shiver because name one starbucks you’ve been to that hasn’t been unreasonably cold huh i dare you
he notices this and he gives you his hoodie and ITS JUST THE SOFTEST THING OKAY BECAUSE HE’S COLD TOO BUT HE JUST WANTS YOU WARM
you: i knew it, you love me too huh 😌
tsukishima: unfortunately so
akaashi keiji
like he cannot be a bad boyfriend ?? it’s impossible for him to be so ?????? he’s just built that way ????
he’s the ultimate mixture of respect and self love , god was just like “let’s make this one perfect !!”
he’s DRIPPING in love each other juice and he eats kindness for breakfast so ha !
he physically cannot say no to you because he flat out adores you
( except when he feels like you’re wrong or being irrational to which he’ll politely correct you and educate you because that’s on what? that’s on having a healthy relationship ♡ )
so when you hit him up at 5:23 in the morning after a series of tiktoks that he has yet to see and react to you about, he’s kinda alarmed
but then again he’s also not ?? because let’s face it, at this point, he’s used to you spamming his inbox
the last thing you sent him two minutes ago was a text saying “bro just imagine this: you and me at a maccas drivethru with two oreo flurry’s and a box of 20 piece chicken nuggets — immaculate”
and you didn’t really expect him to reply?
it was five am and you were absolutely shit talking but when you saw his face time status go online you were just like ?????
akaashi, snapping you a pic of him under his covers with very tired eyes: it’s 5:27 am
you, sending him back a photo of you and the 2000 piece puzzle you spent the last two hours doing: that’s not a no 💅
he doesn’t reply and you’re not really upset by it because he probably just fell asleep and that was really cute to you so !!
but then two minutes later he’s facetiming you and you JUMP at the sudden ringing
he’s all tired and his voice is groggy and tight but he’s still smiling as he says “i’ll see you in ten”
YOU ARE !!!! PUMPED !!!!!
you won the boyfriend lottery , holy hell
now the only thing keeping you from seeing your man and the mcdonald’s sign was the eleven foot gap between your window and the solid concrete
you’d usually take the stairs but you just know that your mom would absolutely murder you for trying to sneak out when you should be asleep 💆‍♀️
it was either climbing out by clawing through the pipes or not being able to give akaashi a hug and you were not gonna let that second one happen
akaashi, after reading your two paragraph rant on how unnatural it was for your window to be that high: please be careful
you, haven’t slept in 32 hours: screw careful ! i embody elegance !!
in which elegance was screaming every time your pipes squeaked because dear mercy you did not want to die yet
akaashi, who just pulled up your drive way and is now seeing you almost fall to the ground:
you, on the verge of tears: please catch me
AND he does 🥺
it was a close call and he barely even made it to you when you chose to let go but HE DID ANYWAYS
you kinda fell on him rather than landing smoothly in his arms but that’s okay you were just glad you didn’t die
when you both get in his car, he just takes a hot sec to dust you off and ask if you’re okay and he’s so concerned please tell him you’re fine
he’s such a baby please i can’t believe this shit
the two of you end up in a mcdonald’s parking lot with doja cat blaring on the radio and you guys do your best to hold back your laughter as you eat
it was pretty cold and the sun was rising but honestly you couldn’t find the urge to care since the moment just felt so surreal
you: i’m sorry for waking you btw 🥺
akaashi, showing you his new lock screen which is the picture he took of you when he first saw you climb out the window:
you: i’m less sorry
bokuto koutaro
i accept no arguments, go cry about it
i literally don’t care what anyone has to say, bokuto is the only man ever ? he’s so deserving of every right on earth i’ll cry
the way that this is the third night in a row he’s stayed up til 4 am and he’s not even alarmed about it
like at this point he’s just accepted that he is nocturnal and that’s that on that !
before he actually had the idea to ask you to sneak out for him, he debated whether or not it was worth it
you needed sleep and you barely got any so when he knew you were resting he absolutely refused to message you :(
but then he also thought about how you would love to have a large dunkin iced coffee right now
and he was already getting ready for his morning fix so why not just ask harmlessly?
if you weren’t going to respond then he’d be okay with that because he knew that you were resting well
but if you were going to answer his consecutive texts with a positive reply then HE IS 🥺 over the moon
you, barely awake: can we get a venti triple shot latté instead , my caffeine tolerance is SHOT
bokuto, snapping you back within a minute: babe you are delusional if you think i’m gonna let you drink that
so it’s 5 am and your parents are in the other room asleep but you know that their jobs start pretty early so you had to get a move on
your room wasn’t that high from the ground to be honest, so you weren’t really worried about falling off
what you were worried about was how dizzy and out of depth the melatonin gummies made you because in order to fall asleep you took 3 and now that you basically forced yourself out of a self induced coma, your body was on the verge of passing away
bokuto tells you that he doesn’t mind if you’re not up for the trip and he’d just bring you back your coffee BUT NAH
you’re not a quitter 🤬 you miss your boyfriend and you are gonna do whatever it takes to spend some quality morning time with him !!!!!
so you throw on a proper outfit, make your way through your window and gently do your best to refrain from yelping every time your hand would slip from the railing that’s keeping your balance
bokuto, pulling up seeing you on your roof: you’re so strong 🥺👉👈
you, barely alive: all for you baby ❤️
he helps you get down from where you stood and he had the prettiest smile on earth i SWEAR when you immediately sank in his cold chest
he apologizes for making you sneak out like that BUT NUH UH YOU DO NOT LET HIM
he is a gift !!! and you knew how tired he must’ve been too since he kept yawning but he still took the time and energy to pick you up 🥺
he fastens your seatbelt in the car and puts the windows up because he knew that the air would get in your face and you didn’t like that
he even brought you a spare hoodie of his because he remembered how much you swooned over this particular fabric
bokuto: we’ll get you some coffee but you can sleep while i drive, ok babe?
you, trying not to cry: are you single because i really want to kiss you
bokuto, kissing your cheek: i’m dating someone i’m sorry
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bokettochild · 3 years
i've kinda always thought that legend would a beekeeper. he just looks like he'd bee one, if that makes sense. don't know, can't explain it
Honey, you can't expect that this wouldn't join Ketto's Cottagecore Collection :)
There are many things that Ravio likes about Hyrule.
Mr. Hero’s bees are not one of them.
Oh, he loves the life that the bees spread, the flowers they tend, he loves dolloping gobs of honey over his bread while Mr. Hero watches with something that is shock, concern and awe all at once. He enjoys the gentle humming that always drifts in through the windows and sets the mood for a busy day, and he likes watching Mr. Hero putter about the hives with that soft little expression on his face, a tune on his lips that the bees seem to echo in their hums.
(He also likes the silly little dances Mr. Hero will break into while he works when he thinks no one is watching).
But what he doesn’t like are the bees themselves.
Mr. Hero, unfortunately, loves them.
“Does it have to be here?” Rupee green eyes peek out from out from under his hood as he stares across the table. It’s one of those rare moments between darting across Hyrule and Lorule where Mr. Hero will stop and stay at the house for a day or two. Not that his housemate really has a choice, Mr. Hero’s leg is busted horridly, and kingdom to save or no, he can hardly limp around the house, much less tromp all over the kingdom.
“She’s fine.” Mr. Hero’s voice is softer than normal, smooth as honey as a soft expression plays over his usually scowling face, watching the bee that crawls over his hand with a fond expression as the tiny thing attends to a droplet of honey from their mid-day meal. Three or four others buzz around the hero’s head, his ears twitching ever so slightly as he tracks their motions. But still, Mr. Hero is as calm as could be as he munches some bread, violet fixed on yellow and black stripes.
Ravio himself is half a buzz away from jumping up from the table and hiding in the bed-room. “They’re bees!”
“Hush!” Mr. Hero’s face twists into a scowl, scolding but harsh. “Don’t be so loud, you’ll scare them.”
“I’ll scare them?” Seriously? Does Mr. Hero have no care for his feelings? “Mr. Hero, I don’t mind if dear come to trim your front yard. I don’t mind if birds fly in through your windows to wake you up. I don’t mind if rabbits help you work in the garden or kangaroos appear in the living room, or even if there’s a bear restocking the woodpile. But bees?” He has to fight not to raise his voice as Mr. Hero stares at him. “Why?”
“They’re harmless. And they’re just helping out.”
“They sting!” Ravio whimpers, drawing his arms close to his chest as a particularly inquisitive insect buzzes over to investigate the green eye patches of his bunny robe.
“Only monsters.” Mr. Hero’s smile is sickly sweet and utterly terrifying, and Ravio finds himself shivering at the sight of the dark clouds that flash through his doppelganger's eyes.
“Yes, well. I’m not exactly Hylian.”
Mr. Hero only snorts at that, but from that point on, Mr. Hero stopped setting out a little dish of honey on the countertop while they ate.
It is annoying that he chose to put it on the porch though.
“What are the little bumbly things?” Tune asks, staring at him with his face twisted up in confusion. “And why is everyone else scared of them?”
Ravio’s head shoots up from his bag, eyes flitting around nervously as he searches for the “bumbly things” in question, only to have the kid point out a whole nest of them perched in a tree not far from their camp, a few soldiers standing about and pointing, their idiot selves likely considering the pros and cons of raiding it.
“Bees.” He clips back, voice strained as he tries to force a smile for the youngster. “They make honey and wax and things.”
Tune frowns, silver-teal eyes flickering in thought. “I’ve never heard of bees before. I don’t think we have them on the great Sea.”
“Don’t have what on the Great Sea, kid?” Mr. Captain Hero Sir questions, and Ravio jumps in surprise when he sees the man leaning over him to look at the sailor.
“Mr. Captain Hero Sir!”
“Ravio.” The leader’s face melts into a lovely smile, bright and honest in a way it isn’t most of the time anymore. “What are you two talking about?”
“Bees.” Wind points again to the nest in the tree, and Mr. Captain Hero Sir’s face melts into a tired frown that only becomes a scowl as he spies Mask already halfway up the backside of the tree where the soldiers can’t see him.
“Bees.” Comes the tired sigh.
“Mr. Hero keeps bees.” Ravio muses. It’s been forever since he’d seen his dear friend, and it makes him worry. Is Mr. Hero eating enough? Who’s making sure he doesn’t fall asleep on the floor? Who’s keeping the house clean so he can tend the orchard? Is someone there to make sure that there’s food in the house? That trips are made to the market?
Oh heavens! Worry gnaws away in his chest. What if the soldiers have caught Mr. Hero again? What if he’s been hurt and there’s no one there to help him clean and dress the wounds?
The animals that flit over the house like something out of a fairy tale can only do so much, and blood will only scare them away, just as sure as Ravio’s startled squeaks and whimpers would.
“Hey.” A warm hand settles on his shoulder and he finds himself looking up into rich royal eyes as Mr. Captain Hero Sir stares down at him with concern. “You okay?”
“I’m worried.” He murmurs in return, fingers fiddling with the edges of his scarf. “But there’s nothing that can be done about it, not yet.” He tries for a smile, but he knows based off of his friend’s reaction that either it can’t be seen beneath his hood or that it’s not convincing. “Go get Mask, Mr. Captain Hero Sir, before he gets himself stung.”
There’s a sharp cry or three and the angry buzzing of bees and the three of them wince collectively. “Or not.” The tired captain sighs, patting his shoulder gently before darting over to the campfire and grabbing one of the discarded torches.
“Smoke calms bees down.” Ravio answers before Tune can finish asking the question. “Mr. Hero uses it when they get really fussy.”
Tune stares at him oddly, but doesn't ask.
That evening, Ravio finds himself with an armload of Mask while the kid sulks and pouts, grumbling and swearing under his breath as the merchant and captain work together to free him from his bee inflicted torture.
“Thank the goddesses you’re not allergic.” Mr. Captain Hero Sir scolds, waving his tweezers in Mask’s face while Ravio tries his hardest to focus on a stinger lodges between the kid’s fingers, fighting winces and whimpers of his own while Mask sits through the scolding and treatment with only the occasional hiss and glare.
“I’ve dealt with bees before.” Their youngest huffs petulantly.
“Wild bees?” Mr. Captain Hero Sir cocks a brow, disbelieving.
“Forest bees.” The kid rolls his eyes.
“Well then you should know by now not to mess with them.” The captain sounds, and acts, so much like a tired father that it makes Ravio smile softly.
How would Mr. Captain Hero Sir deal with Mr. Hero’s snark and sass, he wonders.
How would the captain handle yet another self-sacrificing teenager who really needs an adult, he muses that night, as two sticky pre-teens curl against the captain’s sides, the three wrapped in the man’s scarf while Mr. Captain Hero Sir strokes their blonde heads. Mask is drooling and Tune keeps twitching and snoring loudly, but the man who holds them couldn’t look more at peace.
Bright blue eyes meet his own over the campfire’s flames. “There’s room for one more.”
The snort pushes itself from him before he has a chance to stop it. “Where?”
The man smiles, shifting and pulling Mask into his lap, the kid nestles against his chest, tucking his thumb in his mouth slowly in a motion that has Ravio cooing softly while the captain laughs. “Such a grown up.” Mr. Captain Hero Sir teases softly, knowing full well the target can’t hear him, before patting the ground next to him. “Here.”
Ravio doesn’t say no. Mr. Captain Hero’s arms aren’t as warm and safe and home-like as Mr. Hero’s, but they’re nice, and it’s closer to home than he is on the opposite side of the fire. As he settles down, the captain smiles at him, face cheeky as he motions to the bowl still sitting at his knee. “Honey?”
After that night, he successfully impressed two heroes of courage with how much honey he could eat, and when the light had faded fully, Mr. Captain Hero Sir found himself with three snoring boys I his arms, each full to bursting with sweet golden honey, and each nursing more than a few stings.
When Impa made her rounds, whispering a teasing comment about going soft, the captain only shot her a grin and a playfully rude gesture, making the woman laugh.
“Bees!” Tune- no, Wind- chuckles, pointing out the hives behind the house as if he’s never seen the creatures before.
Captain hero Sir Jr. Winces, pulling away from the field as his father- brother? Snorts out knowing laughter behind them.
“Yeah.” Mr. Hero shrugs. “They help keep the orchard healthy and provide us with honey and wax. We practically need six colonies with how much honey Ravio eats.” The jab is playful but the easy smile on Mr. Hero’s face fades when he sees the uneasy way that all of the others are staring at the hives, Captain Hero Sir Jr. backing away and shaking his head slowly, soft murmurs of ‘no, no, no’ sounding as he and Wind exchange looks.
Mr. Hero crosses his arms. “You’re not all afraid of bees, are you?”
Guilty glances are exchanged between the heroes.
“To be fair,” Captain Hero Sir Jr. raises one hand, looking every inch the over-grown child that he is. “They sting.”
The simple statement has Mr. Hero blinking slowly in disbelief as the others all nod along, murmurs of agreement humming along with the bees as the vet stares in shock. “You’re all scared of bees?” A nervous shuffle spreads through the group, worsening as several of the fuzzy insects in question begin to make their way over. “Unbelievable.” Mr. Hero breathes, throwing his hands up.
“They- they sting.” Ravio reminds him, shivering as several of the creatures in question begin to land on Mr. Hero’s arms and hands, tiny les crawling along as the insects look for their favored snack in the hero’s grasp.
Mr. Hero raises a hand. “Look,” He almost sounds pleading. “Sky, pities sakes, it’s like a hummingbird!”
That seems to work on Mr. Chosen Hero, who peers forwards carefully, but none of the others are convinced.
It’s nervous glances that are thrown around the house by the heroes.
The bees followed Mr. Hero inside and even by his own admission he can’t force them back out without upsetting them, so instead he lets them hover around his ears and crawl over his fingers, an odd little expression on his face as they do so.
Ravio and the heroes give him a wide berth.
“Okay.” Mr. Traveler Hero frowns. “Is Legend being weird, or is that just me?”
“He’s always like this.” Ravio sighs, clutching his scarf in both hands and worrying the fringe he’d sewn onto this one. “You should see the lawnmowers.”
The heroes share a look. “Lawnmowers?”
“Deer.” He replies, an easy smile pulling at previously tensed features. “All sorts of forest animals really. It’s a nice help, but I can’t stand the bees.”
A giggle breaks their focus, and shocked faces whip around to where Mr. Hero is curled up in his chair, cheeks pink as bees swarm over him, buzzing happily while the vet giggles and chortles softly, muffled complaints sounding from behind his hands. “Ladies, please! I’m-” Another laugh breaks the silence, violet eyes glittering in the fading light of the kitchen as Legend reaches up to gently remove a bee from where it’s crawling over the tip of his ear.
“The vet’s ticklish.” Mr. Rancher breathes, mischief lighting a dangerous fire in his eyes as he watches Legend plead with his insect friends to leave him alone.
“Oh yes!” The mischief is echoed in Mr. Chosen Hero’s crystal blue gaze as he winks. “Very.”
Soft titters and gentle laughs sound and the rest are drawn close as the vet playfully bats away the bees, begging and pleading between laughs as buzzes that could almost be laughter sound.
One of the tiny things settles on Mr. Smithy’s nose, humming lightly as the smithy stares at t in horror before buzzing off again harmlessly.
The next morning at the breakfast table, Mr. Hero makes extra certain to close the window while Ravio sets out fresh tea and biscuits, accompanied by warmed honey.
Mr. Hero isn’t safe however, and Mr. Chosen Hero makes a point of proving how ticklish the vet can be when he gently rubs his fingers over the tips of Mr. Hero’s ears. The honey wand drizzles sweet syrup everywhere as a startled and breathy laugh sounds, his friend batting off a grinning Mr. Cosen Hero and begging for him to stop.
“Sky! Sky please! Oh golly! Dad! Stop!”
When at last the caped hero releases Mr. Hero it’s with a beaming flush over his face while the vet groans against the hardwood table, honey absolutely everywhere.
“Quite buzzy there, honeybee.” Ravio chuckles, grin spreading wider at the half-hearted scowl sent his way.
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loser-hub · 3 years
Endeavor: an attempt to achieve a goal.
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Summary: Self indulgent ficlet with a contemplative, worrisome Endeavor.
Warnings: None! Pure, unadulterated fluff.
The three remaining Todoroki children all come to a sudden realization: they hadn't seen their father at home for quite some time. Everyday when they returned they find the house quiet. They knew their father worked long hours and was rarely home but often times when they were getting ready for the day, they would hear him leave. Now however they heard nothing when they were awake and nothing when they were asleep. The new dynamic at home was welcomed by the youngest of the three while the two eldest weren't sure what to make of it, despite the new peace they were worried for his safety and well-being.
Enji would find his way to your home everyday after work, he'd set his shoes aside while you helped him remove his jacket. No words would be spoken, afraid the sound of speech would shatter the intimate moment. He'd wander over to the recliner you had bought for him and sit down, a short glass of bourbon in hand, to contemplate. The time varies. He may sit in silence from ten minutes to an hour. He'd sit alone or pull you into his large lap when you passed by. Those were the moments he'd cry. Letting the emotions he bottled up release in a torrent of self-doubt. Asking questions you didn't have the answer to but helped explain away, your fingers combing through his crimson colored hair while he hid in the crook of your neck. Often how he wondered how much suffering he had to endure for sufficient recompense, what he had to do to prove he's changed and learned from his mistakes. What he had to swear to reconcile with the people he's hurt. That's all he wanted and the longer time went on the heavier the task weighed, you tried to share the burden but this was his to resolve.
Contemplative silence accompanied with your presence was calming, grounding. Holding you in his arms he didn't feel so alone, you relied on him and that made getting out of bed worth it. Your smile was the light of his life, your laughter the fuel to his fire, the way you looked at him in soft moments the reason he kept going.
The time varied but when he felt that he had recharged enough his attention is solely on you. You've been so attentive to his needs he can only repay in kind in his own awkward and unsure way. The first on his list is to always make sure you've eaten, your health one of his top priorities so he'll ask if you have. Offering to make a meal with you or take you out, if neither of you are in the mood to socialize takeout is ordered right to your doorstep. The next nightly step is asking how your day was, letting you unload your worries and stresses onto his more than capable shoulders. He doesn't want you to keep your emotions under lock and key, knowing full well how dangerous that can be. He's not as wise as he wishes but he'll be damned if he doesn't offer you advice and even help with whatever has you down. Work to familial matters and everything in between. He wants to he relied on, to be the rock and light in your life just as you are to his. He'd do everything for you if he could but he's aware that kind of relationship can turn toxic and he wants to avoid that if possible. Though he doesn't know if any relationship with him no matter the length will stay stable. No more toxicity, no dependency and no fights. The motto he lives by throughout your relationship until its second nature. Healthy, happy and secure.
Your home becomes as cold as the Arctic whenever Enji is around. His quirk a blessing and a curse. Even when its deactivated Hellflame produces an exorbitant amount of heat, heat that when he's trying to relax and wind down makes him unbearably uncomfortable. Solution? Crank that thermostat down as it could go. Compromise? Enji pays your electric bill and he keeps you warm with snuggling. Perfect compromise. It just works.
The Number One Hero is a walking furnace, a furnace that has no qualms about you using him as a bed. Its the least he can do for putting you through the cold for his sake. Your form resting against his while a thin blanket is draped across your bodies for privacies sake as an extra layer of insulation. His hand is large, fingers thick and calloused and barely used to administrating soft touches. He tries. Hand laying at the curve of your back, his fingertips brushing across your spine, your head laying on his broad chest. The moment is serene. The occasional activation of the air conditioner breaking the quietness of the room, the whirring of the blades drowned out by the thudding heartbeat directly underneath your ear. There was something unique about sleeping with a hero, the top ranking hero at that, that made the world feel different. Feel safe. The worries of the world and the villains all melted away.
Eventually the thumping of Enji's heart and the exhaustion of the day catches up with you, lulling you to sleep without your consent. You don't realize you've fallen asleep until you're in a dream, whatever blessed reprieve from the outside world taking control of your senses. Hands play with your hair and massage the knots out of your muscles so delicately, ghosts of touches placed on your skin while the your half waits to follow you to the Dreamland.
Sleep never comes to Enji easily, never has. Even when he pushed his body to the point of falling apart he'd lay awake, staring at the ceiling, and even witnessing the sunrise once or twice before he'd fall asleep. Never for long. An hour or two at the moment. That's not the case with you. The sleep cycle he's known the majority of his life gets turned on its head in your presence, in your arms he nods off before he can stop the encroaching slumber. Part of him welcomes it with open arms and the other, the ever alert hero, needs him to stay awake. He knows he's the target of many villains and needs to be vigilant to ensure your safety. His heart clenches in despair whenever his intrusive thoughts turn down the path of losing you. Getting caught in the crossfire or kidnapped to be used against him are two possibilities that do keep him up at night, thoughts swimming of what would happen if he lost you. His ultimate failure.
He doesn't notice you've woken up until your hands are on either side of his face, cupping his cheeks and your worried voice calling out his name. Snapped back to reality he always apologizes for waking you, never accepting that you simply needed water as an answer. You must've known and felt his worry in your sleep, his teeth grind together when he gets lost in his own thoughts.
"You won't let that happen, I'll never leave you", he's always stunned silent whenever you say such things. His firstborn, his wife, his other children, his family. You have so much trust in him to give him hope like that, he'd understand if you feared the relationship with him would have the same outcome but you don't. Day-after-day building him to be better and more than he was. His large arms scoop you up and hold you close, if he didn't fear what you'd think of him he'd let a handful of tears slip. He had never known happiness this unbridled, this pure before. It defeated him every way imaginable and he wanted more, the only thing granted to him unreservedly that he'd accept. Keeping you from the cold, saving you from the villains, letting you mould him, helping him reconcile with his remaining family..
He'd endeavor through it all with you.
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alphadaddyderek · 3 years
Dude, just get out! (we both live here dumbass!) (sterek fic, smut, college au)
Stiles was initially excited to go to college. The freedom aspect of it in particular is what Stiles was the most excited about. Don’t get him wrong, he loves his dad, of course, he does. He didn’t mind living with him, he liked seeing him on a daily basis. He’s all Stiles has. Well, Stiles has Scott, but Scott is attending university in Arizona of all places. Meanwhile, Stiles is going to NYU, so, there’s not a lot of opportunities to see Scott or his father in person.
Not to fret though! Stiles was ready like Freddy to meet new people and, hopefully, make new friends along the way. That’s what college is all about. Supposedly, Stiles wouldn’t know but if all the movies are to be believed then that’s what college is all about.
He and his dad spent days driving up to NYU and then spent hours moving Stiles’ belongings into his off-campus apartment and unpacking. Stiles got a full-ride —thank god— so there’s extra money for him to be able to live in an actual, nice apartment instead of the dorms. His roommate was nowhere to be seen at the time, but that was fine with Stiles. He’d have plenty of opportunities to get to know him. Stiles’ dad left to stay in a hotel for the night because there was no way he was starting the trek back to Beacon Hills this late in the day. So, Stiles was left to his own devices in his new apartment.
Well, he was for about twenty minutes, then his roommate came back and...he’s kind of a dick.
He has a resting bitch face and he hardly likes to talk. Stiles doesn’t know if it’s because the guy doesn’t like him or if he’s just the quiet type. He’s starting to think that the guy doesn’t like him because every time Stiles starts talking he looks annoyed. The dick’s name is Derek and coincidentally, he also goes to NYU. He did tell Stiles his major, but wouldn’t tell Stiles what his favorite color was, which is just plain rude.
Anyway, Stiles isn’t going to let this Debbie downer ruin his college experience, no way!
Stiles decides the best thing to do is to just ignore him. Which is hard to do because the guy takes up so much space, like, he’s actually huge. And he always seems to be in the apartment when Stiles comes back from classes. Which is weird because, dude, don’t you have classes to go to? Nonetheless, he’s always there which means Stiles has to see him all the time and Derek can continue being an asswipe for no reason.
For example, Stiles sometimes forgets to wash the dishes —sue him!— and Derek will chew him out for it. Stiles didn’t know Derek was such a neat freak, but now that he knows he’ll leave more things laying around because Stiles can also be a dick when he wants to be. Maybe Derek should learn to be more personable, then Stiles wouldn’t have to go out of his character by doing such petty things. They’ve only been living together for about a week and a half and there’s already a turf battle going on. Stiles isn’t sure who’s going to win this battle, however, the sight of Derek tripping over one of Stiles’ shoes and the subsequent curse that flies out of his mouth makes Stiles not even care in the end.
After about a month, it's way more than just a battle. The turf battle has evolved into a war and now, no one is safe.
Derek continues being yucky and Stiles continues to do things to intentionally annoy him, except, now Derek is doing things to annoy Stiles. Like, eating all of Stiles’ Pop-Tarts or, and this is a cruel one, flushing the toilet while Stiles is in the shower. Unfortunately for Stiles, Derek buys gross ass healthy food for himself, and Stiles couldn’t choke down that food to save his life. So, what can one do to even the playing field?
Derek is sitting on the couch in the living room, watching some show about underwater caves. Stiles normally wouldn’t stick around because, despite what Derek might think, Stiles really doesn’t enjoy being talked down to by an abnormally grumpy man. This time though, Stiles sits down beside him. He can see Derek watching him from the corner of his eye, probably waiting to see what Stiles is going to do. Stiles likes to instill fear in Derek. Normally he acts like Stiles is nothing more than a bug he wants to squish under his overly expensive boot, but now? He’s worried. He should be. Stiles is going to pull out his ultimate weapon.
“So, whatcha watchin’?” Stiles asks, plastering a smile onto his face.
Derek gives him a suspicious look. “Why do you want to know?”
Stiles shrugs, smile still present. “I’m curious. This show seems interesting.”
Derek gives him an incredulous eyebrow raise, which is super insulting. Derek thinks all Stiles watches is Harry Potter, Star Wars, and superhero movies. Which is just wrong. But that’s okay. Stiles thinks all Derek watches are documentaries about how to be a functioning human in society, which, newsflash Derek, still needs working on.
A few minutes go by before Stiles decides to speak again. “So, you haven’t told me about your family.”
“That’s intentional.”
Stiles laughs. Derek thinks he can scare Stiles into leaving him alone. Unfortunately for Derek, Stiles has zero self-preservation skills.
“Come on Derek. We’re roommates. Don’t you want us to get along?”
Derek didn’t dignify that with a response —rude!— so Stiles speaks again.
“My dad is the sheriff of my hometown. Been that way for as long as I can remember. My best friend, his name is Scott, wants to be a vet. He goes to The University of Arizona. After that he’s not sure where he’ll go to get his DVM but he’s open to anything.”
Derek turns the volume up on the tv and Stiles bites his lip to stifle his laughter.
Ah, Derek. That won’t help.
“At first I was kinda skeptical about Scott becoming a vet. I mean, he’s a puppy himself, and I love him to death, but sometimes he’s ditzy. He’s a ditzy brunette. But after working at Deaton’s, Deaton is the town vet, for years he’s proved me wrong,” Stiles risks a glance at Derek and he’s scowling so hard Stiles is kind of afraid it’ll get stuck that way forever. “He and his girlfriend, Allison, are kind of having issues with long-distance but they’re high school sweethearts so I’m confident that they’ll work through it. They’re so cute together that it’s actually kinda nauseating. Like, sometimes their sappiness makes me sick to my stomach. I wonder when they’ll get ma-”
Derek abruptly stands up and walks out the room, slamming and locking his bedroom door, as if Stiles is the boogeyman who he’s trying to keep out.
Stiles snickers and grabs the remote to change the channel. Derek gets annoyed when Stiles talks, well, he shouldn’t have started this war then (it doesn’t matter that technically Stiles started it). Stiles has weaponized his ability to talk people’s ears off. So, Derek better watch out.
Hopefully, Derek won’t murder Stiles in his sleep.
Okay, so, Stiles thinks maybe this whole turf war thing is getting out of hand.
It’s been a total of 3 and a half months since they’ve been living together and Derek and Stiles are on edge around each other 24/7. Stiles has to shower around eleven o’clock at night so that Derek won’t burn him alive by flushing the toilet. Derek doesn’t have access to Stiles’ snacks anymore because Stiles hid them in the back of his closet. Derek stays in his room all day just so that Stiles won't have any opportunities to talk to him. They’re at an impasse, but Stiles has a feeling that the worst has yet to come.
A really bad feeling.
Stiles comes back from a particularly grueling day of classes to see Derek sitting on the couch...and he’s smirking.
That doesn’t bode well for Stiles.
“Hello, Stiles.”
“Uh, hey dude. Why do you look like a supervillain?”
“‘Cause I have a surprise for you.”
Yeah, that definitely didn’t sound good.
“Actually, I am a-okay. I really don’t need the surprise. I appreciate it though,” Stiles tries to make his way towards his room but Derek keeps talking.
“I normally don’t snoop through people’s things, it’s really not in my character, but after you left to go out last night, I heard some weird noises coming from your room. I was trying to ignore it at first, but after a while I went to see what it was. I was going to mention it this morning but you woke up before I did and by the time I had woken up you were already in class.”
Stiles had stopped in his tracks but he still hasn’t turned around to face Derek, because if Derek is going where Stiles thinks he’s going, Stiles is going to need to be able to book it into his bedroom as soon as possible.
Derek didn’t seem too perturbed by Stiles’ silence since he continues with his story. “Imagine my surprise when I found out that it was your laptop making that noise. Now, I wasn’t surprised by the fact that porn was playing, but what I was surprised at-”
Oh god.
“-was that the video you were watching was titled ‘bear fucks twink with huge cock’. And now I can’t help but question your hatred towards me.”
Stiles’ face is burning. He’s never been so embarrassed in his life, which is really a great feat because Stiles doesn’t get embarrassed by much. It’s not that Stiles didn’t notice Derek was hot, like, come on now, Derek is gorgeous. He’s not that much taller than Stiles but the size of his biceps? They’re easily the size of Stiles’ thigh. Derek is bigger than Stiles in every aspect.
Well, he’s not sure about every aspect. Stiles has never seen Derek’s dick outright, but he’s seen him wear sweatpants, and ooh boy, that bulge gives Stiles the impression that Derek is hung like a horse.
Stiles still hates Derek because Derek still has his asshole-ish ways. Case in point: right the fuck now. But, you can hate someone and still want to fuck them, right? Hate sex exists.
Derek is patiently waiting for Stiles to respond, and Stiles has never been good at staying silent, so it’s only a matter of time.
Stiles finally turns around to face Derek and clears his throat. “That- that means nothing. People watch shit like that all the time. Plus, you hardly qualify as a bear.”
It’s a weak excuse but, hey, Stiles is grasping at straws here.
Derek tilts his head to the side in agreement. “True, but if that was the case, why do you seem so nervous?”
Stiles can’t think of a reasonable response in time and Derek knows it.
Derek smirks again and Stiles really wants to knee him in the dick.
“Do you wanna fuck me?”
Stiles narrows his eyes at Derek. What the fuck is his endgame here? Why is he being such a dick?
Oh yeah, because Derek is a fucking asshole.
“Fine,” Stiles says through gritted teeth. “I find you attractive. I watch porn about big, hairy men fucking twinks because I want you to fuck me. Are you happy now? Jackass.”
Stiles storms into his room and slams the door. That’s a perfect example of why people can’t be pretty and nice. It’s genetically impossible.
Stiles lets out a sigh and dumps his backpack on his bed before stripping out of his clothes and getting into the shower. He stands under the spray for ten minutes, just praying to the cosmic gods out there that a black hole will appear and suck the whole human race into nothingness. After waiting for a few more minutes, and his prayers going unanswered, he washes himself then gets out to dry off. He wraps the towel around his waist and opens the door to find Derek standing outside his bathroom door. He shrieks (a very manly shriek by the way) and covers his chest with his arms, not that that’ll hide much.
“Derek, what the fuck are you doing?”
Derek’s eyes do the slowest sweep in fucking existence down Stiles’ body and Stiles feels his cheeks flush. Ugh, why are the cutest guys always assholes?
“I came to apologize. I was being a dick-”
“What else is new?” Stiles interrupts. Stiles is rewarded with another smirk.
“-and I took it too far. I’m sorry I embarrassed you.”
Stiles looks at Derek for a second. They’ve never apologized to each other when they did shit, and even though Stiles didn’t take it as far as Derek did, Stiles can’t stand here and act like he wasn’t also an asshole.
Stiles sighs. “I’m sorry too. I was also kind of a dick. Not as much as you, but still.”
Derek laughs a little, and Jesus H. Christ, how is a laugh sexy? “Apology accepted.”
Stiles holds his hand out for a handshake. Derek puts his hand in Stiles’ and they shake on their newfound not-friendship-but-also-maybe-not-complete-dicks-to-each-other-ship.
“So,” Derek starts after they drop their hands. “wanna have sex?”
Stiles might’ve actually choked on his own fucking spit, because what?
“I asked if you wanted to have sex.”
“Where is this even coming from? You hate my guts. Every time I talk you look like you’re going in for a root canal.”
Stiles is so confused, he’s also getting hornier by the minute, but right now, the confusion is outweighing the horniness.
“I don’t hate you. Yeah you talk a lot, and it was so annoying at first, sometimes it still is, but I got used to your incessant chatter.”
Stiles knows he looks dumb, his mouth is gaping and everything. “I think maybe there was something in the water because I must be high. We’ve lived together for over 3 months and you’re telling me that you actually want to have sex with me?”
Derek shrugs. “Yeah. Just because you can be kinda annoying that doesn’t mean you’re not cute. Plus, people have sex all the time, that doesn’t mean we have to, like, date or whatever.”
Stiles rolls his eyes. Derek’s so romantic, how has Stiles been able to resist jumping his bones for this long?
“You just embarrassed the hell out of me, why would I ever want to have sex with you?” Never mind the fact that Stiles definitely does want to have sex with him.
“Maybe you don’t. If not, then fine. We can just go back to how things were. If you do, then we’ll have a great time.”
Stiles is still struggling to wrap his mind around all of this. Derek wants to have sex with him? In what universe does that make sense?
Apparently in this one.
Stiles does this sort of shrug that basically portrays well, what the fuck? Okay then. “Okay. I guess this is happening then.”
Derek smirks for like the fiftieth time in thirty seconds and if Stiles was a stronger man he definitely would’ve kneed Derek in the dick, but clearly, Stiles is weak.
Very, very weak.
“My room or yours?” Derek asks.
“Mine. Since it’s right there,” Stiles points behind Derek and, lo and behold, there’s Stiles’ bed.
Grabbing Stiles’ hand in a surprisingly gentle gesture, Derek walks the three feet from the bathroom to the bed to lay Stiles down.
Derek gets on top of the bed and is sitting on his knees by Stiles’ feet. He pulls his shirt off like he’s in Magic Mike or something before throwing it onto the floor without a care in the world. Jesus, it’s like his muscles have muscles. Stiles starts feeling a little insecure about his body. He’s got muscles, but, he’s not, like, ripped like Derek is. Stiles likes to think he has somewhat of a swimmer’s body.
Looming over him like a fucking creeper, Derek stares down at Stiles. “You know, you’re very pretty.”
Stiles refuses to admit that he blushes at that because he’s not pretty. If anything he’s handsome, some may even say gorgeous.
“Can you just get on with it?” Stiles throwing a scowl in Derek’s direction.
“Bossy. I kinda like that,” he strips his sweatpants off and throws them down too. Now he’s only in a pair of gray boxer briefs and, god, Stiles wants to suck his dick so badly. Which is weird because he’s really not all that experienced with blowjobs, he’s given maybe two blowjobs in his life. Whatever, Derek has a great dick okay?
Derek tugs at the towel around Stiles’ waist. “Is this okay?”
Stiles nods and then the towel is gone, and Stiles is laid bare for Derek to gaze at his leisure. And boy does Derek gaze. He does another slow sweep down Stiles’ body, except this time it’s even more intense because now Stiles is naked.
“You’re not a virgin right?” Derek asks while rummaging through Stiles’ bedside drawer and pulling out the lube. First of all, it’s rude to go through people’s stuff! Second of all, how the hell did Derek know his lube was there? Although, where else would lube be?
“Nope. There will be no deflowering of the Stiles today. Sorry to disappoint.”
Derek shrugs before popping open the lube. “I’m not one of those weirdos who pops a boner at the thought of popping someone’s cherry.”
Stiles chuckles, like actually chuckles. Who knew Derek was even capable of being funny?
Stiles pulls his legs up and hooks his hands behind his knees. The position exposes Stiles’ hole to the extreme and it makes Stiles blush. Just because he’s not a virgin doesn’t mean that he doesn’t get nervous or embarrassed during sex.
Derek knee-walks closer to Stiles and squirts some lube onto his fingers. He puts one hand on Stiles’ right thigh while the other one gently and slowly breaches his entrance. Fuck, his fingers are thick. Thicker than Stiles’ that’s for sure. Stiles definitely isn’t shy about fingering. He fingers himself all the time, but it’s been a while since someone else’s fingers were up there. Stiles is nervous and excited about it all.
Derek doesn’t spend too much time with the one finger, quickly adding a second one and that’s when it starts feeling good. Derek’s fingers are about an inch away from his prostate and Stiles is about to curse him out until Derek presses both fingers against his prostate and Stiles has to bite his lip to stop the loud ass moan that almost escaped his mouth. Judging by the look on Derek’s face, he knows he touched Stiles’ prostate, and being the asshole that he is, he has a cocky smile on his face.
After scissoring those two fingers inside Stiles for a few minutes, Derek adds a third finger. The stretch is definitely there, but hey, Stiles likes a little pain with sex. He can be kinky sometimes.
“Okay. I’m ready, come on,” Stiles says. He was starting to get impatient. He just wants to get dicked down already, damn.
Derek gently removes his fingers and gets off the bed to pick up his sweatpants. He reaches into the pocket and retrieves a condom out. Stiles’ mouth drops.
“So you just knew I’d have sex with you?”
“I didn’t know. I just hoped.”
That smarmy little bastard.
Derek gets back in bed and, finally, removes his briefs and...
Holy mother of god.
Well, maybe not the mother of god. That’s blasphemous as fuck. But! The sentiment is the same because wow. Stiles is glad he didn’t knee him in the dick because that dick is too gorgeous to cause serious injury to. He’s not like porn star big, but it is big and long too. And it’s uncut, which Stiles has a weird sort of kink about. He loves uncut cocks. Yeah, that’s a good-looking cock right there.
Derek unwraps the condom and rolls it onto his cock. He then grabs the bottle of lube that he placed on the bed and squirts more out before slathering a generous amount onto said cock. He makes Stiles move his hands before replacing them with one of his own, the other is at the base of his cock, lining it up to Stiles’ hole.
“You ready baby?” Derek asks.
“Call me baby again and I’ll dropkick you in the throa- oh fuck.”
Of course, Derek chose when Stiles was mid-threat to start pushing his cock inside. Geez, that is seriously a big cock, even the fingering didn’t make it burn any less. Derek gently pushes his cock in deeper before pulling it out, then he pushes it in a little deeper than he did at first before pulling it back out again. He repeats that until his cock is seated all the way inside, his balls to Stiles’ ass. Then he stops and waits. There’s sweat gathering above Derek’s eyebrow and some is even rolling down his temple. Needless to say, Derek isn’t as unaffected as he’s trying to be. Which makes Stiles feel kind of great actually.
“Okay, you can move now,” Stiles informs Derek. And when Stiles says Derek goes to town, he really means that.
Derek puts his other hand behind Stiles’ left knee and pulls out all the way, not even the tip is inside, before thrusting back in. Hard.
Stiles’ breath gets forced out of him at the movement. This truly is hate sex, kinda. Derek said he didn’t hate Stiles, but he certainly doesn’t like him all that much. At least, not yet. Who knows what will stem from this. That’s something to think about when Derek isn’t pounding him into the mattress.
Derek delivers a thrust that nails Stiles’ prostate dead on and Stiles makes this super embarrassing sound, like a high-pitched keen. He knows he’s not going to live that down after this.
After that, Derek is consistent with the hard abuse on Stiles’ prostate, and Stiles is getting close to orgasm embarrassingly fast. He isn’t too sure he’ll be able to last much longer. Although, Derek doesn’t seem like he’s going to be able to either. If the grunts and groans he’s letting out are anything to go by.
“Unh, fuck. Derek-!”
“Yeah, you’re gonna come?”
Stiles frantically nods his head and grabs his own cock to start stroking himself. Derek thrusts harder if that’s even possible, and within a few seconds, Stiles is coming all over his stomach.
“Fuck, Stiles,” Derek groans and thrusts one, two, three more times before stopping with a deep, guttural moan. He almost sounds like an actual bear and Stiles can’t help the giggle that escapes him.
Derek gives him a weird look but his lip quirks up in a maybe sort of smile. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh nothing,” Stiles gives him a shit-eating grin.
And since it’s already been established that Derek is an asshole, he grinds and his cock brushes against Stiles’ oversensitive prostate causing Stiles’ whole body to convulse. He slaps Derek’s arm.
Derek pulls out and lets go of Stiles’ legs. They’re sore from being in the same position for so long but Stiles can’t even care. He’s sated and all he wants to do now is take a nap. Stiles stretches his whole body like a cat while Derek disposes of the condom.
“Okay, that was fun. If you want to annoy me, I’ll be in my room.” And with that, Derek walks out of Stiles’ room to go to his own.
Derek was definitely a dick, but Stiles could deal with him. Especially if they continue to fuck like that.
Holy (not) mother of god indeed.
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bluwails · 4 years
Ive been real inspired by @chipper-smol 's au. I find myself snickering at Ghost/feral's antic mainly because I have young siblings and in my home there is never a dull moment. Child antics are literally my life rn and I cant help but relate.
So while on a nostalgic trip i was struck with this poorly written fic. And I hope you enjoy.
No edits because we die like men!
The time for rest had asserted its hold over Hallownest again as bugs wound down from the days toils. The servants and knights had quietly excused themselves to their personal quarters and the kingsmoulds that marched dutifully down each hall had slowed to a silent pace.
The white Lady had taken in the idea to walk the palace before retiring to her personal quarters for the evening. Dryya, her most respected and loyal guard, walked quietly behind her as she stiffled a yawn much to the white lady's amusement. She had dismissed her hours ago to rest but she stubbornly stuck to her and insisted on being around to protect her on her leisurely stroll.
" Your majesty, you need not worry for me. I will-" Dryya gaped stiffling another sign of encroaching sleepiness," -be with you until you retire to your bedroom."
She still felt fascination bubble under the surface as she observed her; a warm aura seeping off of her.
As a higher being they will never need these things like rest or daily meals. But they merely adopted the actions to blend more with the society around them. Just like her dear wyrm, Things like sleep were never on the forefront of their mind. They could spend decades awake and unbothered by the need. But they made resting a habit to demonstrate that one should rest after work.
Shuffling down the halls toward her favorite veranda befor she heard an unfamiliar scuffling. It was hurried but small. Most likely a small bug.
"Behind me your majesty." Dryya hissed pulling her nail from her side her alert instantly raised. As late as it was not many would be awake, much less in the halls working so fervently.
As they turned the corner they spotted two familiar horns working quickly with a brush and bottles of ink.
It was the feral vessel.
" You cheeky Sqwib! " she screamed shocking the little vessel. Their small hand dropping the brush they'd use to vandalize the walls. "You are at it again!" Dryya huffed indignant at the vessel as she marched over, sheathing her nail, and quickly bonking them between the horns.
" Do you know how you terrified the Queen?" She growled seizing their ink colored hands. " and to top that, you dare vandalize the white palace yet again!"
"Dear knight, there is no reason to be so harsh. " the white Lady softly appealed. "The walls can be cleaned and the ink replaced but the trust from a child cannot." She calmly lectured using a branch to pet the vessel.
"You are to lenient with them my lady." She huffed releasing them. Dryya was no fan of the feral vessel. Time and time again they'd watch and suffer their pranks. Many a time her nail was stolen only for it to be returned muddy or, miraculously, bent at the tip.
She was not the only one of the five knights to have their belongings weaseled from them and returned in less then favorable conditions.
"They are just being a child Dryya." WL cooed as she slowly squatted in front of them. "Soften your heart towards them. If only for me."
The knight reluctantly huffed again as she faced away. "Praise the Queen's endless patience, you little tyrant, you are saved for now. "
The white Lady smiled warmly as she looked the small vessel over. At this time they were meant to be tucked away in bed. The schedule their father made, though strict was optimize for their healthy growth. She suspected in full that the pure vessel had curled themselves into bed without a second thought, while their sibling ran through the halls causing their daily commotion.
In all honesty, she found their outbursts charming. Each trick, prank and shenanigan they pulled continuously showed her how lively they truly were. When they'd arrived from the abyss with their sibling, she lamented at their sight. Seeing them as nothing more than walking corpses until she heard of what would honestly sound like a farce. They'd barely stepped foot into the white palace before they entered a meeting between the dreamers, with no command or reason, and unleashed the most ungodly revolting smell. Shocking and disgusting the entire gathering forcing them to vacate the room entirely.
When her wyrm ranted about them that evening on how they indignantly, stomping their tiny grub feet and blantly ignoring him, forced them to clean the entire room alongside the retainers as punishment she could not help but laugh in an odd mix of relief and joy releasing a knot in her chest she did not know she held.
Looking again to the picture on the wall it was of clearly her dear wyrm. Her giggle chimming like bells as she observed it further. It was simple and childish as but it was an accurate representation of her wyrm. His elegant crown like horns now simple zigzags, their fangs drawn large and silly, with their tongue poked out in a not very gentlemen manner. (She suspects this is how they saw their father when they ranted at them.) It was crude, hurriedly painted, and was encompassed by tiny hand marks and had all the makings of a goofy Caricature and she wished she could save it.
"I see the throws of art beckoned you from your deep sleep small one." knowing full well they did it to mess with the king again. "maybe we should have Lurien tutor you to bring out your talents?" She questioned aloud watching the vessel furiously shake their head from the corner of their eye.
"Then what brings you from bed?"
The child twisted at their fingers looking down as they snuck peeks at her face.
They signed quickly keeping their ink covered hands slightly in sight. But It obvious it was something else. It was no news to her that they held many things back from them. And the curiosity of what it could be danced in the back of her mind, but she refused to force them anymore than they'd allow.
"You know you require rest in order to grow." She purred gently as she angled her small one's mask toward her.
Their mask tilted in a way that mimicked a pouty huff. Her heart swelling at how cute they were. She could not help but poke a small amount of fun.
"So you do not wish to grow anymore?" She questioned exaggeratedly tilting her head and placing a branch to her cheek.
They seemed to freeze at the and mull the thought around in their head. To her, this was the sweetest gesture. She'd remembered when the two vessels first molted and got their bearings. Though they thought no one was watching, she caught them do a small jig in celebration of their new body. Wiggling their newly formed fingers, touching their more angled faces and observing their budding wings.
" I'd say you'd want to." She whispered calmly retrieving her handkerchief to clean them.
"How can one so small hold such large secrets?" She hummed wiping the pink ink from them.
The vessel signed, a cheeky air to them as they flexed their arms nearly rupturing her heart from cuteness alone.
"Dryya please get someone to assist in cleaning up. " with a bow Dryya reluctantly left grumbling to herself.
"Now as much as I would love for you and to stay up and get into all kinds of mischief. I would say its time for bed. " She cooed admiring their clean face.
The vessel gestured again with more emphasis.
"I see." She hmmed making a show of thinking of what to do. In reality she had an idea of what to do. Somewhere deep in her memory was a song that. She could not remember the face that sang it to her but she remembers it working nearly every time. Ushering her to sleep. "Then would you care to accompany me on the veranda?" She asked pointing to the large glass door not far behind them.
Nodding they streched their arms up towards her. Obligating the gesture she swept them up in her branches as she walked slowly to the door.
she allowed small blooms to bloom on her creating a pleasant perfume before sitting on her stool already set up outside.
The vessel signed again gesturing at themselves.
Chuckling she squeezed them close to her. "Not essentially. You are of two pale beings and void." She murred quietly; her light warming them as they sunk into her lap. "You don't really need sleep. But its good because it helps you grow." She hummed wrapping her branches around them.
They gestured wildly again wiggling their fingers above their head causing her to erupted in laughter.
"Yes." She snickered "maybe if my wyrm slept and rested more they would grow as well I will be sure to suggest it to them later." Feeling the small ones shoulders shake in signs of laughter she hugged them.
" you remind me much of him in his younger years." She thought aloud as the vessel shook their head furiously. " well the both of you refuse to sleep on time so I imagine you two are similar in that sense." She mused as the small threw a small tantrum.
"Very well, shall I sing you something to assist you to sleep?" They nodded sinking back into her lap, placing their head on her chest.
As they sat, staring out into the lush garden and flickering lumaflies below she hummed a quiet tone shutting her eyes calling upon the memory.
Her branch rubbing small circles into their child's back as her voice trilled lyrics long thought lost to her:
Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby
Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay
And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow
Bless you with love for the road that you go
May you sail far to the far fields of fortune
With diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet
And may you need never to banish misfortune
May you find kindness in all that you meet
May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
May you bring love and may you bring happiness
Be loved in return to the end of your days
Now fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you
I'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay
May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay
Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay
Loo-li, lai-lay
Only the soft breathing and the feeling their body relax and their shoulders ease indicated they drifted off.
"Sweet dreams my small one."
Thanks so much for reading. In all honesty i have only played hollowknight for about a month and half and im already so invested in the fandom. (I'm still getting my butt handed to me by ogrim. Please dungy boi stop throwing sh!t at me long enough so i can hit you. You broke all my fragile charms alreday!-🥺😢) You guys are so creative and fluffy and have no problem hurting my tender sensibilities.
For those curious the song is called sleepsong by secret garden. I used to listen to it ages ago before bed.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Kun very much felt a responsibility to protect you, so his affection would always be intended to keep you safe. He’d often squeeze you a little too hard, but you knew it always came from a place of love and concern which you adored.
Your first meeting was strange, whilst you worked backstage at the arena, Kun randomly approached you and asked if he could show you a magic trick he’d been working on. It was safe to say that the trick didn’t quite go to plan, much to his embarrassment, but you were able to look past that and get to know the person Kun.
After making an absolute fool of himself, Kun we convinced that he’d blown things, only for the two of you to get to know each other over the next few weeks. Kun learned as much about you as possible before confessing to you, he didn’t want to break his heart or yours. Once he was sure though, he found the perfect magic trick to still your heart, and best of all, make sure that he could tell you exactly how he felt about you.
The two of you loved to go out and explore on your dates, Kun hated staying indoors at the dorms like other couples did, he knew that he could keep you safe and that the two of you would be smart with your decisions. You could usually be found at a concert or a movie, even though the two of you liked to go out, you weren’t ones for physical dates or doing anything that used up too much energy. You much preferred to just sit and down chill for a while and forget about how busy everything else for you both.
Before you, Kun had never dated before, but before he did decide to enter a relationship, he did a lot of research on dating as an idol and things to look out for. As the leader, he knew the others looked up to him as an example, so he wanted to make sure that with you he showed them exactly how an idol can maintain a relationship whilst also enjoying a healthy private life too. Kun was always open with you about his fears, but together you made sure that you kept the balance at all times between work and your relationship.
The two of you weren’t a couple who argued often. You were very good at talking to each other and learnt a lot about how not to push each other’s buttons. Before Kun confessed, he made sure all about how not to anger you and what to do if you did get frustrated. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt or upset you, so he made sure that he always knew the way to solve any conflict between the two of you before it ever had the chance to get out of hand. He would always be there to diffuse a situation, no matter how angry you became, he’d always be calm and composed.
With his family so far away, it was hard for you to get to know them. So, you’d both set aside a couple of hours in your weeks to call his family and give you plenty of time to bond before you inevitable flew out to China to be able to meet them all properly. It was the perfect chance to get to know each other.
Independence was something that Kun quite enjoyed, and sometimes moving in with his heart partner made him quite nervous. It was something that he didn’t want to rush, he wanted to wait until that perfect moment came along in your relationship before finding a place that you’d both be able to call yours.
Of the two of you, Kun was the first to say, ‘I love you.’ It was one night at the end of date night, after attending his favourite band’s concert, he acted entirely on impulse and listened to his heart, barely able to keep his composure as he said it. He was terrified that he’d said too soon, until you said it back and made sure to settle all of the nerves that he had.
The boys would love to tease the mum of the group about being in a relationship, but Kun would never let their comments get to him. He didn’t tend to get jealous very often, he knew you could handle yourself, and even if he did get jealous, he always handled the situation with such maturity that no one around the two of you would have recognised his jealousy, aside from you of course. You could always tell when he was feeling jealous, one look at his eyes was it all it took for you to see how he was feeling.
He never made a secret of the fact that he loved children, that was a quality that you quickly learnt about Kun. He definitely planned on having a family in his future, but he was smart enough to know that there would definitely be a few years yet before he had to worry about such things. If there was one thing he was sure of though, it was that he saw his family starting and ending with you, that was all he ever wanted.
The sound of your laughter was exactly what Kun lived for. He never let your first meeting deter him, he’d often try again with his magic tricks and always made sure that you were the first one to see a new trick that he learnt. Whilst they didn’t always exactly go to plan, they could always be guaranteed to put a smile on your face at his expense. Whether you were laughing with him or at him, just knowing that you were laughing was enough for Kun to be happy too. He’d show you again and again until he had the trick down perfectly, which at times, could end up with weeks of laughter as he constantly failed in front of you.
As the leader, Kun didn’t give himself much time to miss you. Whilst it was hard for him, he wanted to be the one that the other members turned to when they were struggling rather than the other way round. Like with his parents, every week the two of you would always reserve a couple of hours with each other, when time zones suited, and just sit down and talk with each other. Those couple of hours were always something that the two of you could hold onto throughout the week when you were missing each other. There was no way that you’d have got through Kun being on tour if it wasn’t for that dedicated time together.
He loved to call you by sweet nicknames, “jagi” was his favourite nickname for you, he loved that it was traditional and always made him sound like a man in love rather than a boy who was still dreaming about a girl.
Kun was obsessed with your personality, he fell in love with your heart before anything else. It was the characteristics that you possessed that drew him to you and left him obsessed ever since.
P ⇴ PDA 
The two of you were quite reserved in public, you made enough of a statement to make sure that people knew you were together, but that was it. In public, Kun would always be incredibly protective of you, he’d never be able to forgive himself if he didn’t keep you safe when you were out together.
The questions you received the most from Kun searched for reassurance. He never wanted his members to see their leader crumble, but around you, he always knew that he could turn to you for that boost of support whenever it was needed or that perfect piece of advice.
You’d often receive messages throughout the day of voice notes that Kun had put together, just of his piano. He loved to show you the different melodies he was working on and get your opinion on it. Usually at the end of a note you’d hear a “hi” or “I love you” but aside from that, he wanted to make sure that you could hear first hand just how talented he was on his piano and take up the chance to show off to you just how good a player he was.
S ⇴ SEX 
These were the times when Kun was most romantic with you, he would never want to let you go. He loved the intimacy and being able to be nice and close to you. He would tend to be the dominate one, but he made the softest dom. He would be incredibly affectionate and always make sure that he put your own needs above his. As long as he made you happy then that was by far all that ever mattered to Kun.
Just like his piano notes, Kun will often text you lyrics that he’s put together to get your opinion on them before he writes them down to paper. Your opinion, and text, is always most important to him before he gets to work.
Kun loved the fact that he could start to look to a future with you. Suddenly everything that he did revolved around you, he could never make a decision without thinking about how it affected you or what you’d think about it.
When the opportunity presented itself to go away, you were both determined to head out to China so that you could finally get the chance to meet his family properly. It was something the two of you looked forward to for so long, and so did they, that it was the obvious thing to do when the time was free.
There were few times that Kun whined, you’d tend to hear it the most if something didn’t go his way at the studio or if a composition wasn’t coming together.
You’d often feel Kun kiss against your skin whenever he held you. When he spoke to you, he’d often interrupt himself by pressing kisses to you. He loved to kiss against your forehead the most, there was something so intimate for him, his hands would always brush your hair out of the way first, then he’d take a small step forwards and guide your head forward so he could kiss you exactly where he wanted to.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his best friend, the one that he wanted his forever to be with.  
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
He would never go to sleep at night without making sure that you were asleep beside him. His sense of responsibility would reappear to make sure that you were able to sleep peacefully before he began to worry about himself.
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mellowswriting · 3 years
Settled - A Sequel to The Future
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pairing || Din Djarin x fem!Reader
summary || A glimpse into domestic life with Din. 
word count || 4,238
warnings || soft smut, food consumption, pregnant reader, domestic fluff, Din Djarin is the best dad in the universe but we already knew that, Uncle Paz Vizsla bc I’m shameless
a/n ||  Listen... soft domesticity with Din was something I didn’t realized I needed in life until writing this, so I had so much fun. Thank you to the anons who sent the requests that inspired this! ​
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Translations: riduur - spouse buir - parent mesh’la - beautiful kurshi’ika - little tree cyar’ika - darling, sweetheart
It was the kind of morning people wrote poetry about, line after eloquent line about how the sun broke over the trees in brilliant streaks of orange and pink backed by the symphony of cheerful bird chatter, how the steam from your coffee mug curled through the air in a lazy pirouette, how each sip you took as you read by the open window filled you to the brim with a warm peace that rivaled any other. That kind of tranquility was something you had craved, but never thought you could actually have for yourself.
You were never more glad to be wrong.
Every promise Din made to you, he followed through on. Ma’ira was small but beautiful, covered with lush forests and dotted with turquoise colored lakes, and the second you landed on the planet you just knew. Something about it all felt right. It didn’t take long to find the home you now lived in with your riduur, an almost cottage-like home on the outskirts of town, far enough away that Din felt comfortable enough to strip away his armor more often than not.
It had been a strange adjustment. Din wasn’t used to the possibility of being so open. You weren’t used to the possibility of staying put. But the biggest adjustment of all was the swell of your stomach when you first moved into the house that the two of you had turned into a warm, happy home. Din, being the overachiever of the century, somehow managed to knock you up right on the first try. To say that the both of you were surprised would be an understatement. You expected to have more time, to be able to spend however long it took to find the absolute perfect place to settle down.
In more ways than one, you were beyond glad that your lover was such an overachiever. You would have overthought it all; which planet was the best to settle down on, whether or not the house you chose was the right one, if your town was safe enough. The kiddo growing in your belly like a weed forced you both to make a decision in a timely manner and now you had an incredible husband, a perfect daughter, and another warrior growing strong in your belly.
At two years old, Willow was a bright, vibrant little girl who also managed to create mischief anywhere her little feet could carry her. And with all of that endless bounty of toddler energy? Yeah, you needed those calm mornings as a reprieve from her energy, as much as you loved her
It was the rumble of her bare feet on the wood floors that drew you from the novel in your hands, her wild mess of brown hair the first thing you saw as she clambered in your lap. Her arms wound around your neck as she pulled you into a bear hug, practically choking the life out of you in her excitement.
“Good morning, Willow,” You said as you shifted her weight away from the swell of your belly before brushing her curls out of her face. “How about we go wake up your buir, huh? I think he’s gotten to sleep in enough this morning.”
Willow’s eyes lit up at the mention of her father and she nodded emphatically, already ready to poke at her father until he woke up like she did every morning. You made your way into your bedroom with her on your hip and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight your husband made. Din was still dead asleep, his face buried in the crook of his elbow, the stark contrast of his tan skin against the white sheets made even more striking by the sunlight flooding through the windows. Just like his daughter, his hair was a curly mess atop his head.
You gingerly set Willow down next to Din and she crawled over to kneel at his side and pry his arm away from his face. It woke him up immediately, you could tell by the slight curve of his lips despite his still closed eyes - a game he played almost every morning with his daughter. Next came the poking at his cheeks, then his eyebrows, and then his lips - where Din grabbed her hand and pretended to gobble her up.
“Papa!” Willow squealed, devolving into a fit of giggles as she tried to squirm away. “Mama, help!”
The second you leaned over to try to scoop her up, Din pulled you down onto the bed on top of him and pressed a kiss to your lips, always careful not to put pressure on your stomach. You shifted to lay next to him, propping your baby bump on his side to relieve the tension. Sat there in that bed, your husband rubbing your belly with one warm hand and your toddler jumping and tumbling around the pillows, her peals of laughter echoing off of your bedroom walls… well, it brought you more peace than any early morning sunrise or good book could ever bring you.
“Good morning, mesh’la.” Din murmured against your temple where he pressed a kiss, his voice rumbling low and sleepy. “How’s the book?”
“About halfway through, it’s a good one.” You loved the interest he took in your little hobbies. The newest book in particular was the fourth in a series Din had gotten for you. He knew you liked to read while you breastfed and was more than happy to provide you with as many books as possible. “The little one is kicking up a storm, though. He’s killing my bladder.”
Din hummed as he slid down to speak right into your belly. “Be good to your mama, little one.”
He kissed your baby bump, leaned up to kiss your lips, and then stood to stretch his arms high above his head with a strained groan. “Come on, kurshi’ika, let’s get your hair fixed.”
You smiled at the nickname, watching Din carry his little girl to the bathroom. He may be an intimidating Mandalorian, a big and bad ex-bounty hunter, but he was the softest, sweetest dad you had ever seen. With a low groan, you eased yourself onto your feet and busied yourself with preparing breakfast, and by the time Din emerged from the bathroom with Willow, you had yogurt and a pile of sliced strawberries ready for her.
Sitting down to eat meals together was something you cherished. It felt like a completely different life, back when you and Din would have to sit in separate rooms to eat to protect his creed, back when everything was so complicated. Now Din would share small bites of his own meals with Willow, he talked through mouthfuls of food hidden behind his hand, he cleared the table once all of you were finished. Yet another new side of your soulmate that you had the privilege of seeing.
It didn’t take long for Willow to finish her breakfast and ask to be let down to play. It amazed you how much energy such a small kid managed to contain, watching her zip around the living room without pausing to take a breath. You couldn’t help but laugh as Din tried to keep up with her. Not long ago, you would’ve been right there on the floor with them, but now that pregnancy had shifted your center of gravity and had your back and feet aching constantly, it was too damn hard.
While Willow was lucky to have a dad who had no qualms with crawling around on the floor with her, even he couldn’t rival her energy. Din dropped onto the couch next to you with a long drawn out sigh, watching with raised eyebrows as his daughter shot around the room.
“How does she do it?” He chuckled, shaking his head. You hummed in lieu of an answer and leaned your head against his shoulder. Just like with your first pregnancy, you were tired more often than not and Din’s warmth was like a heavy blanket that could only lure you closer to sleep. Din pulled you closer to rub your belly. “How are we going to do it? With two?”
“If we can handle bounty hunting, we can handle two kids, my love.” You murmured, your eyes falling closed as you relaxed against him.
“Bounty hunting was less scary.” Din said with a huffed laugh and yeah, he wasn’t exactly wrong. But as terrifying as parenthood could be, watching Willow grow and learn made everything worth it. You could see pieces of both of you in her; she had Din’s hair and your eyes. She had her father’s attitude and your perfected puppy-dog eyes. She had her father’s grumpy face and your laugh.
Even so, she was becoming her own person the more she grew. Every annoyed huff, every little pout, every time she jumped out from behind the couch or bed to ‘scare’ one of you, it became more glaringly obvious just how lucky you both were. The little one growing strong in your belly would only add to that luck, you just knew it. Even when your bladder was being used as a trampoline, when the exhaustion got so bad you had to nap in the middle of the day, when the nausea overwhelmed you, there was an underlying tone of luckiness.
Three quick knocks had you easing yourself off of the couch despite Din insisting he could get it. If you stayed on that couch curled up next to him any longer, you would fall asleep and you knew it. A warm rush of air flooded against you when you opened the door and you smiled brightly at the man in front of you.
“Paz! It’s good to see you!” You said as you pulled him in for a hug. “Come on in.”
The second Willow saw him, an excited cry of “Uncle Paz!” echoed through the living room as she scrambled to give him a bear hug. Paz was the one who made you realize that your husband wasn’t an anomaly among Mandalorians - you knew they cherished children, that raising them to be strong and healthy was the foundation of their culture, but you hadn’t realized just how gentle they were with the littlest ones. If anyone had told you before all of this that you would see Din Djarin and Paz Vizsla sitting on the floor and happily playing along with a tea party for a two year old and her stuffed bunnies, you would’ve laughed at the very idea.
But now it was a weekly occurrence, one that you would cherish the memories of for the rest of your life, and you couldn’t imagine life any other way.
“Are you sure she’s ready, cyar’ika?” Din murmured as he watched Willow debate which stuffed animal she should bring with her.
“I definitely think she is. Besides, Jaina and Paz are only a few miles away. If she changes her mind, we’ll go pick her up.” You rubbed his arm reassuringly. “Are you sure you’re ready?”
“Just nervous.” He grunted.
Willow’s first overnight away was something you both agreed on, but that didn’t mean neither of you were anxious about it. Paz and his wife were the only ones you trusted enough and Maker knows that they didn’t mind helping. You were all family, after all.
“She’s going to be with them while I’m in labor, she needs to be comfortable if she has to stay overnight. But we can put this off a bit longer if you want.” You offered, but he shook his head. No matter when Willow went to spend the night with her Uncle, it was going to be nerve wracking and you both knew it.
You knelt next to Willow and helped her zip up the bag she had stuffed full of toys. “Okay, Willow. Are you excited to stay with Uncle Paz and Aunt Jaina?”
Willow nodded emphatically, bouncing on her toes and struggling to keep her attention on you in her excitement, especially when she saw her dad walking over to crouch down next to her as well.
“Be a good listener for Paz, okay kurshi’ika?” Din reminded her gently and Willow nodded again before hugging him tightly. The worry on his face eased as he held her close.
“Bye, Papa.” Willow chirped before turning to hug you as well. “Bye, Mama. Bye, Baby.”
The kiss she popped against your belly choked you up and you almost wanted to wrap her up in your arms and never let her go. Oh, your sweet, precious little girl. So excited to be a big sister, already so loving to a sibling that wasn’t even born yet.
You watched her hop along after Paz and as he strapped her into the seat of his speeder, always overly cautious about the strap placement of her harness, but Paz was a quick learner. All it took was that one time of showing him exactly where the chest clip was meant to be and stressing the importance of it, and the man had it down expertly.
You expected the house to feel smaller, empty without Willow’s high peals of laughter and exhaustive energy, and while that thread of nervousness at being away from your child still held true, the idea of getting to relax with your husband without any real obligations was… nice. Different, but nice. You sat down heavily on the couch, that heavy exhaustion creeping over you to weigh down your eyelids the moment you met the cushions.
It was the feeling of Din’s hands rubbing the tension from your feet that woke you sometime later. His attention was on the television across the room, some rerun of a trashy holodrama playing at a low volume. You smiled sleepily at him. So handsome with his fluffy, unkempt hair and the stubble he hadn’t bothered shaving in the past few days. You reached out to graze his arm with your fingertips and Din smiled before he even looked away from the screen.
“How was your nap?” He asked quietly, a soft fondness on his face.
“Good,” Your voice was rough with sleep. You wiggled your toes against his hand. “This is better, though.”
Din chuckled but complied, those strong fingers of his digging into the arch of your foot and pulling a pleased hum deep from your chest. The man had hands like magic. It was something he loved to do, taking care of your body aches and tense muscles, especially when you were pregnant. He was the one who put you in that state after all. He felt it was his responsibility to take care of you, however you needed.
The tightness of your muscles slowly relaxed with each kneading pass of his fingers, his hands slowly making their way up past your ankles, working through your calves and your knees. He pressed feather light kisses to your calves as he worked his hands, shifting so he could lean over you and slowly work himself up your body. Din knew exactly what he was doing, could tell by the way your contented little hums morphed into pleasured moans.
A grin found your lips when your heady whine was met with a low, needy groan. Din nipped your inner thigh playfully and looked up at you with those bright eyes. “What do you need, Din?”
“You.” He leaned up to press his forehead to yours. “Just you.”
“You have me.” You whispered, your heart pattering faster in your chest. It had been far too long since you could just let loose with him and enjoy each other without having to think about anything other than the feel of each other’s bodies. “You always have me.”
Din kissed you, one hand propping himself up next to you and the other gripping your chin to tip your head back. A shudder rocked through you at the feeling of his tongue dipping to lick at your lips. You pulled away to pat his cheek, a breathless laugh falling from your lips.
“Not on the couch,” You said. “Take me to bed, riduur.”
Your husband helped you to your feet, ushering you ahead of him with one big hand smacking and grabbing at your ass as you laughed at his antics. Before you were showing, Din would’ve had no issue shoving you down on the bed and going to town on you, and while his touch was still firm, he was gentle. Beyond careful.
He had you stripped in no time, your shirt and shorts flung somewhere unknown and uncared for. The warmth of his hand at your waist made you shiver and press closer; the skin on skin of his chest pressed against your back was addictive, left you keening for more, for any other gentle touch he would grace you with. It was a kiss to your neck that came next, followed almost immediately by the drag of his teeth against your pulse. His fingers knotted in your hair, angling your head to give him better access to the corded muscle of your neck that he loved sinking his teeth into.
The stuttered cries he managed to pull from you were like music to Din’s ears. Every single sound you made for him… fuck, they were just as pretty as you. He pressed you forward onto your hands and knees, grinning at the way your fingers immediately curled into the sheets, and ground his clothed cock against your ass in a slow circle, relishing in the desperate cant of your hips in your search for more friction.
“So needy, cyar’ika.” Din murmured as he leaned down to kiss and lick and bite at your shoulder blades, his hand coming down to cradle your belly, feeling his child close and safe inside of you. “Such a good girl, huh? Always so good for me.”
“Please…” You arched against him with a whine, seeking his touch where you really, desperately needed it. The look you tossed at him over your shoulder was almost enough to break him. “I need you.”
Din popped the hems of his briefs with how quickly he ripped them off. He moved to kneel at the edge of the bed, ready to open you up for him, spread you out with his tongue and his fingers and let your pretty little moans soak into his ego and stroke his pride. Your foot shot out to stop him, damn near catching him in the ribs.
“Fuck, Din, I’m ready. I promise, I just need you, please -”
He eased your desperation with a hand at the base of your spine, shuddering at how much you needed him, his touch, his cock buried as deep as possible in your wet little cunt. Din’s fingers brushed your core gently, barely touching you to hear that needy whine one more time, before tracing your clit in practiced circles.
The arch of your hips deepened as you relished in the pleasure your husband sparked through your body, unable to curb the needy sounds you made. Sex with Din was always a good time, but sex with Din while you were pregnant was next fucking level. The doctor had told you it was because of higher blood flow and blah, blah, blah, but you had a sneaking suspicion that he was also just that good. You didn’t even realize you were begging at first, crying out a high, ‘please, please, please’ until you felt Din’s cock notch at your entrance, the hand he had at the base of your spine sliding down to grasp firm at your neck.
He pushed into you in one smooth, devastating stroke, not stopping until his pelvis was flush against. The groan he gave was one you heard time and time again, his voice reverent as if you were the goddess to absolve him of all of his sins, the one to save him and bring him to salvation. It broke you down and built you up in the same second, pride swelling in your chest at the pleasure you brought him, at the pleasure he brought you. Just the full feeling of his cock stretching you was enough to have you trembling beneath him, so that first slow stroke, the roll of his hips as he pulled away only to push back into you, it was devastating.
“Fuck…” Din’s head tipped back, his hips setting a steady, slow pace that still had you almost too full but still needing more. “So fucking wet for me, so ti-ight.”
You wanted to praise him, to tell him how good he felt inside of you, how his thick cock made you quiver around him, but your voice had disappeared, fizzled out with that first thrust. But you could show him. You pushed back against him to meet his thrusts, a cock drunk grin spreading across your face when Din’s pace stuttered at your enthusiasm. The muscles in your thighs and back were starting to ache with the effort of holding yourself up, but before you could find your voice well enough to tell him, he was pulling out of you despite your whined protest.
“Hush, sweet girl,” Din said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he eased you onto your side and settled behind you. “I’ve got you.”
Your leg was lifted to brace against his hip and then Din was thrusting back into you, his bare chest pressed firmly to your back. You leaned your head back against his shoulder as he slid his hand up your thigh and over your hip, desperate for the electric feeling of his practiced fingers against your clit. Instead, those teasing fingers trailed over your belly and up your ribs, leaving goosebumps in their wake to flush across your sensitive skin.
“Din…” You whined, sounding every bit like the needy, debauched little thing you felt. Din’s hand snatched yours up when you reached between your legs, only making you whine more.
“Use your words, cyar’ika.” Din murmured low in your ear. He didn’t miss the way his voice made shivers dance down your spine. “Tell me what you need.”
“T-touch me,” You managed to stutter out as you arched against him, angling your hips so that he hit even deeper and the head of his cock pressed against your g-spot. That tension ratcheted tighter in your belly and drug your desperation higher with it. “Fuck, please!”
“Only because you asked so nicely,” Din teased and finally dipped his hand between your thighs, his fingers spreading you open and gathering up your slick to circle your clit.
A loud cry ripped from your chest, your orgasm quickly approaching under Din’s touch, combined with the stuttering breaths coming from your lover. He wasn’t lost on the pleasure he brought you, the feeling of your already tight cunt tensing around him, growing more wet to ease the way for him.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” You huffed, hovering on the edge of ecstasy only driven higher with each stroke.
Din captured your ear lobe between his teeth and hissed one word. “Cum.”
You broke. Keened and trembled and gasped as he rocked you through your orgasm, only shoving his hand away when it became too much for your sensitive nerves. Three more thrusts into you and Din’s pace stuttered, his hand coming up to brace against your hip and hold you in place to bury his seed as deep as your body would allow him. You let out an exhausted, breathless chuckle - if he hadn’t already had knocked you up, that certainly would’ve done it.
The two of you took a moment. Soaked each other in as you caught your breath. Din barely moved, only shifting slightly to pull out as you whined at the loss, but he peppered lazy kisses on your shoulder in apology. In those moments, those hazy post-sex moments where you were both sweaty and sated and beyond in love, your hands wandered as did Din’s. It was almost instinctual, a need to check each other over and soothe any aches, any bites that were a tad too rough.
Din pulled at you with insistent hands, guiding you to roll over and face him so you could use his side to rest your belly on. As much as that helped to ease the ache your growing baby put on your back, it was just as much for him as it was for you. He loved supporting you, feeling you relax against his side, running his palm over your belly and tracing the stretch marks that signified all you did for him, for the children you bore and nurtured both as they grew inside of you and at your breast after their birth.
“Shower?” Din asked after an eternity of peaceful silence.
You hummed your agreement, shivering at the idea of those strong hands massaging your scalp and aching muscles. “In a minute. Just wanna feel you.”
And feel him you did. Din wasn’t the only one who loved to aimlessly trace his lover’s skin. His muscles twitched under your gentle touch, something that never failed to make you smile; he was so strong, so firm, yet a single caress was enough to have him shivering with a small delighted smile on his face.
The shower could wait. The rest of the word could wait. All you needed was Din.
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
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i’m reposting bc it’s not showing up in the tags and I’m mad about it lmao!! hope you like it!!
check out my 800 followers event!
warnings: cursing because uh. this is bakugou katsuki. and this is so long. i put so much more effort into this than into any of the others i can’t do anything if i’m in love with him i’m sorry
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Katsuki definitely did not think he would fall in love with an extra like you. In fact, he did not think he would fall in love at all.
Yet he did. Like an idiot.
You were friends with fucking Deku, of course, and almost as annoying as him. He always saw you around with him and the Half-and-Half Bastard and he promised himself he would never give you more than a glare because you simply did not deserve to be in his thoughts, and he succeeded at that
at first.
You decided to live rent-free in his mind after the Sports Festival. That was the first time he actually payed attention to you and it was safe to say he was slightly impressed
He was sure you would’ve ended up on the final battles if you hadn’t had to fight Icyhot before you got there
even then, you gave the idiot a run for his money and Katsuki was surprised with how long you held your own, getting a bunch of good hits and losing only because Todoroki was, well, Todoroki.
He respected you a bit after that
but he did not respect the way you were always plaguing his thoughts and dreams like a fucking virus of sorts
It was irritating as fuck and he wanted to kill someone over it.
Whenever he saw you his heart sped up to ten miles per minute and it made him see red with anger. He wasn’t sure what made you so important, anyway. Yes, you were powerful and somewhat pretty but still an idiot and Deku’s friend so how good could you actually be? Certainly not much
Still, there he was, thinking about you like a fucking stupid dumbass
He hated it, despised it, it made his blood boil. This was probably caused by some secondary quirk bullshit you had that no one knew about and he was tired of losing his damn time over it.
And you were always talking to him. For some god awful reason your seat was close to his and so you would ask about his day and about what he had for lunch and about his studies and a bunch of ridiculous shit he didn’t give a fuck about
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N, I don’t wanna talk to a fucking extra like you.”
“Why so grumpy, Explosion Boy?”
he obviously didn’t.
It was weirdly comforting to have someone interested in his life, if he was honest about it.
But not much. It’s not like he liked you or appreciated you in anyway, of course not. That would be absolute bullshit and he was not willing to deal with it.
Getting kidnapped by the League of Villains was one of the worst things to ever happen to him.
Even though he fought his way through survival and didn’t get hurt or anything, it was still pretty terrible and, well, with everything that happened with All Might later... It’s safe to say it didn’t leave him feeling exactly good about himself
Besides, damn Deku was the one to help him escape and it pissed him off.
Specially because you were there too and how much of an idiot did you have to be to get caught up in something like that?
Did you want to die or something? Fucking extra. It made him so mad.
And worried, too, because what if you had gotten hurt? What if something bad had happened and he couldn’t help? Not that he cared, of course, but the thought of you being anything but healthy and fine made his heart jump uncomfortably in his chest and he didn’t like it one bit.
After that, you suddenly decided you wanted to be his friend or some bullshit, and it was the most annoying thing he had ever had to go through.
Talking to him randomly during class wasn’t fucking enough for you? Did you really have to walk with him to the dorms and invite him to have lunch with you? God, you were really insufferable.
But he found himself appreciating your company, sometimes. It was nice to have someone by his side like that, even if he couldn’t stand you
And maybe the fluttering of his heart whenever you smiled wasn’t all that bad.
You suddenly became a part of the Bakusquad after inviting him to have lunch with you multiple times and being rejected all of them until Mina started inviting YOU to have lunch with THEM instead and he wasn’t sure how to react to it
Kaminari was always fucking babbling with you about something and it got on his nerves
It was still better than seeing you running around with fucking Deku though. Deku did not deserve your friendship.
Sometimes, when you are too invested in conversation with someone else during lunch, he can’t help but steal glances at you and bite back a smile.
You’re cute when you’re excited.
He slowly stops complaining about you walking him to his dorm
You keep playfully saying you do it in case someone tries to kidnap him on the way and he screams at you for it everytime, but something tells you he goes easy on you for some reason.
There’s this one time when you call Kirishima “cheap ass red rock candy”
You’re only joking around and Kirishima knows this, so he only rolls his eyes and lightly punches your shoulder
but, for the first time ever, Katsuki laughs. He tries to hold it back like he does with every smile you bring to his lips, but he can’t, and the way your eyes sparkle at the sound sends his stomach in a frenzy
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh before,” you tell him quietly while you walk towards the dorms later that day, curiously avoiding his glare as you blush. He furrows his brows. It’s not like you to do that, but his heart does sommersaults in his chest at your bashfulness and he hates it.
“So fucking what?” his voice is aggressive, but there’s a hint of warmth rising to his face.
“It’s a nice sound,” you smile ever so softly and he stops breathing for a moment, “you should laugh more.”
“Whatever,” he mutters, hiding away his own red cheeks from your questioning eyes and walking a bit faster.
After that, he tries less to bite back his laughter. It’s almost subconscious and no one comments on it, but Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, and Sero exchange knowing looks while you excitedly tell him about the last movie you watched and he grunts in acknowledgement, his full attention on you even as he avoids your eyes and stares at his lunch.
There’s this one time when you go to his room because you can’t sleep and it makes him so angry because he was already absolutely knocked out
yet he can see how much you’re fidgeting and something about the fact you came to him of all people causes his stomach to flutter, so he lets you in and listens while you tell him you’ve been having nightmares lately.
That’s the first time you ever sleep in his room, but neither of you acknowledge the way you’re holding each other when you wake up
It becomes kind of a tradition for you to go see him when you can’t sleep. He always complains about it and tells you to grow the fuck up, but lets you in anyway.
He likes to hold you while you sleep. It calms down his erratic heart and it’s nice, he figures. It’s nice to have someone to wait for, specially if that someone is you.
Katsuki tries not to think too much about what the feelings he gets when he’s next to you mean. After all, you’re still some annoying extra he couldn’t care less about, right?
It happens one cold night in the dorms’s common room.
You are just hanging out with him and the Bakusquad, watching some movie about something Katsuki doesn’t care about. He’s just looking through his social medias and ignoring all conversation going around him
You’re seated on the other couch, next to Sero, and he knows there’s a spot just on your other side, and a part of him longs to occupy it and be next to you, but he knows that’s stupid, so he stays put, even when you suddenly glance at him and smile when you notice how his eyes were already on you
He rolls his eyes and scowls, feeling his face heat up, but keeps quiet.
Then fucking Deku comes around and sits beside you. He’s obviously upset about something and Katsuki wants to kick his ass for simply being in close proximity to you
Yes, he knows you’re his friend too, but still. Deku can get fucked.
Deciding just being next to you isn’t enough, Izuku leans his head on your shoulder.
Katsuki sees fucking red. He’s ready to get up and punch his nose, but that was before you lifted your hand to play with the boy’s green hair, quietly asking him if everything was alright before you engaged in a whisper-filled conversation.
If looks could kill, Deku would’ve been dead in a second.
Kirishima is the first to notice how absolutely rageful he is.
“Hey, Bakubro, are you okay?”
“Shut the fuck up, Shitty Hair.”
He follows Katsuki’s glare and widens his eyes at the sight of you and Midoriya, smirking.
“Are you worried, Bakubro? Don’t worry, they’re just friends! She only has eyes for you!”
“I’m pretty sure I told you to shut up, didn’t I?”
“Come on, Bakubro! Your crush is definitely not in love with Midoriya, okay?”
“I don’t have a fucking crush, Shitty Hair!”
all eyes turn to his fuming figure after he screams. Izuku takes his head away from your shoulder, brows furrowing in confusion. You stare at Katsuki with concern, silently asking yourself what could have brought him to this outburst.
He groans in anger before standing up and leaving the room, unable to stay around you and fucking Deku any longer.
Mina sends you a look and you’re on your feet, telling Izuku you would be right back and running after the angry blond.
He was sitting on the stairs just outside the dorms, trying to control his own fury. You sit next to him and he scowls.
“What happened back there, Katsuki?” you question softly and his first name on your lips has him on the verge of an emotional breakdown. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he groans, looking at the ground as so to avoid your sharp eyes, “I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“Did I fucking stutter?”
You smile lightly at his manners, moving your head so you could watch him more attentively.
“Well, I heard you talk about having a crush. What about that, huh?”
He blushes immediately, scowling even harder and turning away from you so you can’t see his face, “I said I don’t have a crush, you idiot.”
You hum in acknowledgement, “that’s too bad.”
Katsuki moves his neck so fast it almost gives him whiplash, and he blushes harder when he notices how close to him you are.
“What do you fucking mean by that?”
“I wouldn’t mind you having a crush if it was on me.”
He melts on the spot, heartbeat speeding so much he can barely feel it beating.
You two stare at each other and he absolutely loves the cheeky grin on your face.
You look so pretty when you smile.
He kisses you before he can overthink it, chest fluttering at the feeling of your smile against his lips. He ends up smiling too, just a bit.
Katsuki definitely did not think he would fall in love with an extra like you. In fact, he did not think he would fall in love at all.
Yet he did, and he could begrudgingly admit it wasn’t actually that bad.
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multifandomhoodies · 3 years
Finnpoe Rec List!
There’s some really fantastic Finnpoe fics out there and I’ve been setting aside fics from my bookmarks for this for a while! These are just some of my faves, so enjoy!! 
Canon/Canon Adjacent (not AUs outside general Star Wars universe) 
“how to become the spark” by sassy_ninja (G - 49.7k
Poe Dameron, commander of the Resistance fleet, best pilot in the galaxy, hotshot trigger-happy flyboy, he's all of these things plus a little bit more. This is the story Poe Dameron, shy farmboy, doting son, idiot gay, soldier who tries his best not to be broken by the war roaring around him and most of all just a human in a galaxy which doesn't care about things like love, friendship and fear. This is how he breaks and how he begins to heal again and how he starts to learn what it means to be alive. Or Poe Dameron's life from his childhood to the end of the war.
“bathed in blue light” by delgay (M - 17.4k)
When Finn turns to his right, Poe stands beside him, looking up at Finn and giving him what might be a smirk if he weren’t too busy smiling. It’s that same smile that’s made home on his face ever since Finn said, “I’d like to see Yavin IV. If I’d be welcome.” Poe had blinked fast, but the smile came slow. “Buddy,” he’d replied, “I’m offended that you even had to ask.”
A year after the Battle of Exegol, Finn and Poe visit Yavin IV. While there, Finn struggles with the Force and his complicated relationship with Poe.
“we slept with our backs against the weather” by bogpersons (T - 8.4k)
Poe’s breaths come in stops and starts, and wheezes on the inhale and exhale. He sounds like a dying man. Finn lifts Poe’s hand to his lips, presses it there, squeezes his eye shut. Something harsh and painful swells in his chest, finds a place under his heart and pushes and pushes and pushes until Finn can barely breathe with it. You are a Human Person. Finn and Poe crash on a jungle planet. Finn struggles with himself.
“We Stan A Healthy Family Dynamic (The Kes Verse)” by AphroditesTummyRolls SERIES (Not rated, 161.7k)
Get in losers, we're giving the Star Wars Sequel cast the story they deserved-- Particularly Poe and Finn.
[Set after the events of TFA, rewrites of TLJ and neat little bits in-between. Poe deals with the aftermath Kylo Ren’s interrogation, dealing with regret and trauma, with the help of his friends and dad through a rewrite of TLJ.]
“your love will be safe with me” by incalyscent (T - 8.6k)
when finn stripped away the violence from himself, what did he have left? it was love; love; love.
“i’m yours (and suddenly you’re mine) by spacepilotprince (E - 4.3k)
Finn snorts against Poe's stomach, and it forces a ticklish laugh out of him. “Laying it on a little thick tonight, aren't you?” Finn asks as he looks up at Poe, and finds that grin he heard in his voice.
“Not the only thing that's thick,” Poe says with a smirk, glancing down between them towards Finn's cock.
“Oh, shut up,” Finn laughs, surging up to kiss him, muffling Poe's laughter. Poe runs his hands over Finn's shoulders and tips his head aside, sending Finn's mouth down his jaw and neck.
“Contact” by earthmylikeness (M - 9.9k)
Because what could Finn do but live through it? Live in the remains of his own shipwrecked mind, his badly-crossed wires. Imagine Poe’s perpetually bitten mouth on him - his wide, calloused hands on his bare chest, pulling him down and down whenever he so much as closes his eyes. 
Finn has a delayed reaction to surviving the crash.
“Best Laid Efforts” by cosmicocean (T - 3.7k) @cosmicoceanfic
In which Jessika and Temmin do their best, aren't even subtle about it, and Poe and Finn are still morons.
“Ad Pacem” by SteveTrevorsStarship (T - 1.5k) 
Finn knows war and rebellion so far. He doesn’t know peace. (Yet.)
“First Comes the Night” by coffeeinallcaps (E - 20.1k)
He doesn’t get nightmares. He doesn’t dream about the mask, the cries of the villagers, waking up in the desert with a blinding headache and his mouth filled with blood and the man who’d saved him gone, most likely dead. Instead, he just can’t sleep.
“have you heard” by peradi (Not rated, 42.1k)
"I heard FN-2187 was a Stormtrooper." 
Finn sparks a revolution.
“Doubt” by Cadoan (T - 1.4k) 
After the battle of Crait, something has changed in Poe. Poe can't sleep, and Finn goes to find him.
“Neither Here Nor There” by d8rkmessengr (T - 7.8k)
Sometimes, it felt like he wasn't really here. Sometimes, it felt like it wasn't really over. And the one person who tethered him left to finally tell Rey something. Post The Rise of Skywalker.
“How to Be a Finn” by Ayashiki (G - 111k)
In a hindsight, all of it - the stolen childhood, the crash on Jakku, Han Solo's death, even the lightsaber to the back - was easier than living in this world of invisible social clues and inside jokes, the whirlwind of this ragtag family that defied any logic, the caring, the compassion, the love. And all the while people tell him: Finn, you are so brave! Finn, you are so strong! Finn, you are so kind! Finn, thank you for saving my life! And FN-2187 looks to the stars and desperately tries to find this "Finn" everyone seems to know in himself.
“On the Other Side” by StarMaple (T - 27.2k)
Finn discovers the differences first hand between the First Order and the Resistance and establishes a space for himself on D'Qar.
“we are all stardust” by synergenic (Losseflame) (Not rated, 15.3k)
Finn wakes up. He wakes up slow, the rising tide of consciousness making him aware, firstly, of how stale his mouth tastes. Then it's the general stiffness of his body, the foreign feeling of a pillow beneath his head, the softness of the clothes he's wearing. Finn doesn't think he's ever worn clothes so soft.
“No Sleep till Brooklyn” by TheCarrot (T first chapter, second chapter E, - 10.4k)
Poe is exhausted. And not just because he hasn’t slept for more than three hours at a time in Force knows how long. Moreover it’s the 39 flights he’s run in the last 22 days and the fact Pava had gotten deathlike sick eight days ago and then they had fallen behind on a few supply runs and an emergency evacuations of some of their pathfinders and then there had been a last minute scramble to one of their allies in the mid rim with far too many TIEs to be comfortable and then- well, Poe just wants to fall over onto the floor and stay there.
“Time of the Underdog” by beeeawolf, SERIES. (G & T, 56k)
Modern times AU, Poe is a former Navy pilot who was discharged after a crash and being a POW. Finn is a university student who manages to catch Poe’s run away dog, BB-8, who’s literally everything to him.
“We Didn’t Start the Fire” by MayGlenn and cognomen (E - 10.7k)
There’s a calm that claims them all when they’re working and it’s going the way it’s supposed to; the low-level hum of concentration and focus and adrenaline that keeps them on edge without panic. The crew deploys from Idaho, a home base that they see perhaps 3 weeks out of the entire 26 week fire season, interspersed with time in camps and housing all over the country. This week, it’s California—sunny, liberal, beach lined, and on fire.
Finn's a Hotshot firefighter; Poe's the team Helitack operator. They're headed to California to fight a fire in San Jacinto; dangerous country.
“It’s Not Goodbye” by mssrj_335 (T - 25.9k)
Finn is an ex-soldier on a solo motorcycle trip across America. Poe is the mechanic in a small desert town. Poe wants to keep his secrets and Finn is running from something--or toward it--and the part for his bike is going to take at least a week to come in. What starts as a quick stop and awkward flirt devolves into a conspiratorial intrigue of a very personal nature. Lights in the desert, headaches and vague memories all point Finn to something that has Poe tied in knots. He just has no idea how far that something will take him.
“A Possibility (A Promise)” by sapphistication (T - 5.9k)
Poe, Prince of Yavin, is briefly reunited with the Resistance Fighters lead by General Leia Organa. After three years apart, he quickly finds that his affections for Finn are of a different nature than he remembers. Despite the war they find themselves in, they share a few moments of peace by the fire, filled with soft words and meaningful smiles. Time works against them, but Poe seeks a possibility and makes a promise.
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