#Spencer Reid mlm
mvndfvelds · 3 months
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☆ dating spencer reid but make it mlm !!
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reidsdimples · 16 days
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Spence falling for a boy the first time 🩷💜💙
I imagine he was confused at first because he’s an inexperienced lil bean but then he falls hard 🥰
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elainiisms · 2 years
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every day i wake up and mourn my losses
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gaypirate420 · 2 months
That feeling when you want a comfort fluffy fic about your comfort character but all you find is smut.
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samsshitfics · 1 year
Overworked and in love.
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Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) X Male Reader
A/N: Happy pride month! Yay! we're illegal in America!!! How fun!
CW/TW: Reader comforts burnt out Spencer, that's it I think, anyway
Word count: 393 words
There had been a particularly rough case lately, one that everyone on the BAU was stressing about. Especially Spencer. He had been up for days, and was very tired, as evidenced by his constant spewing of facts like a fountain. Nobody could tell that the poor man was overworked and overwhelmed, except for (Reader), he knew that Spencer was having a very hard time, so he decided to help a bit. Morgan was sitting at his desk on the phone and sweet-talking Garcia into giving him information. "Thank you, sweetheart, you're a doll. I see a little lovin' coming your way later." If Garcia can't see the wink, she surely hears it. "Yo, Morgan!" (M/N) called from his desk. Morgan got up and walked over to him. "Yeah, what's up?" "Do you know if Spence has been okay lately? He seems to be struggling with this case and I'm worried about him." (M/N) looks over at his intelligent boyfriend, who has delved into the case file, even though he's reviewed it millions of times. "He's your boyfriend, go talk to him." Morgan nudges the S/C male and walks away. Later that day when (M/N) and Spencer arrive at their apartment, the H/C man has already concocted a plan in his scheming brain. Spencer sits on the couch with a sigh, setting his briefcase down on the rickety Ikea coffee table. He opens the briefcase, pulls out the case file, and scans it as if he doesn't know it like the back of his hand. "oh no you don't." (M/N) scolds. "What?" Spencer asks, confused. "You've been working hard enough, you're overwhelming yourself. Take a cuddle break with me, sleep, eat, shower." (M/N) closes the file and the briefcase. Spencer smiles tiredly at his wonderful boyfriend. "Alright, can we get takeout? Or pizza?" "Of course, Spence." (M/N) kisses spencers forehead and rubs his back while embracing him in the tightest hug in the world. "I'll go run a bath for you and order pizza, okay? Pepperoni?" Spencer nods and looks up at the taller man with a smile, he proudly states "I love you." "I love you more, Spence." (M/N) smiles and calls the pizza place while running a bath for Spencer. The rest of the night is spent cuddling, movie-watching, kissing, and eating pizza.
The end
A/N:I hope you guys enjoy this. Sorry If it's bad, it's my first fic.
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cumulo-stratus · 10 months
Spencer Reid x fencer!Reader
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Male!reader
Description: reader is a fencer and is competing in the 2023 mens saber nationals and spencer invites the team to cheer on his boyfriend. (Could be read as ftm) (Also spencer is like low key autistic in this)
CW: slight swearing
A/N: i am a saber fencer, and i have been for years lol, so dont worry abt any mistakes in technique although its not gonna be accurate of an official tournament because it just makes more sense for the plot. (but if yall have any questions feel free to ask in the comments!), and tbh this fic is completely self indulgent lol, bc i couldn’t find anything like this so i decided to make my own :)
3rd person POV:
The days was finally here, after months of training and practicing for hours every week. There were so many nights Spencer had seen you walk through the door so tired and sore that you coud barely stand too many times to count. But it was all worth it, because today, Y/N Y/L/N was competing for wold champion.
Spencer decided to surprise his boyfriend by showing up with the whole team, decked out in French flags, showing their pride for him and his team. Y/Ns first semi-final bout was starting soon, and spencer was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he and his friends filed into the reserved seats for people related to the fencers. Spencer starts rocking in his seat and Derek looks over at him and says “hey pretty boy, you seem pretty excited, but you’re gonna fall out of your seat if you keep rocking like that!” With a wink. Spencer looks down shyly and says “Sorry, im just excited for his first bout.”
“Dont worry about it genius, im just teasing.” Derek responds. Then Rossi speaks up with “Am I the only one who’s confused as hell on what a bout is?” Small laughs erupted from the team at Rossis comment. Spencers eyes light up as he gets ready to tell him all about what he learned in his research of fencing. “A bout is combat between two fencers in competition. When score is not kept, friendly combat between two fencers is referred to as an assault. A single bout can go to 5, or 15 depending on the situation.” Spencer stated as if he was citing a book, because he probably was.
Finally the lights over the audience dimmed and the lights come over the strip. And then the 4 fencers came out of the back in their whites with blades and masks raised in the air. When Y/N finally comes out last, the entire team cheers and yells and whistles at the top of their lungs, even though the team got a few weird looks for their enthusiasm they didn’t care. And when Spencer and Y/N made eye contact Y/N blew him a little kiss, and spencer practically melted. “Ooh! Looks like pretty boy over here's got heart eyes for his little boyfriend!” Said Derek teasingly and spencer gets even more flustered. But theyre conversation is cut off as the first 2 fencers come out onto the strip, and the team got excited looking for your French flag patch and imposing Ukrainian coach who they’d heard a lot about from Spencer, (who’d in turn heard from you) but failed to find it, and they realized since there was 4 semi finalists there would be at least 1 bout without you in it. But the profilers still watched the bout intently, amazed at the ref calling points for seemingly simultaneous touches, with spencer explaining what the refs thought processes most likely was as they watched. And finally the bout came to a close with the Hungarian Aron Szilagyi losing 15-12. And then came out Y/N, ready for his first bout of the day. He was facing Ziad El-Sissy from Egypt. After about 10 minutes of hard fencing the score was 14-14. And after a small break and talking to his coach, Y/N walked back up to his en garde line and shook his arms out and took a deep breath in before going to en garde position. "En garde! Prêt! Allé!" And you burst forward convincing your opponent that your were going to attack, so in return they lunged forward with a double advance lunge. But you knew that's what he was going to do, so you made him fall short with a couple retreats before pushing him to end of the strip and striking with a quick and strong lunge to the chest. The crowd went wild at your attack and the referee called the point, " attack touché, point!" With their left arm raised towards you. You had won the bout and you were so happy. After meeting with your coach taking a water break and watching the next bout, it was your turn again. This was your chance to win, and become the national champion. The team went wild when they recognized the familiar patch on the young mans knickers and the imposing Ukrainian man standing off to the side. Y/N was facing Sandro Bazadze from Georgia. At first he was losing, bad. You could see spencer and the rest of the team sitting quietly watching in the hopes that the score would improve. It was currently 10-4 and you were down, but slowly you started gaining back points. A feint attack here, a quick sharp attack in the middle, a long attack down the strip with a sharp lunge to finish it off. And suddenly the score was 13-12, you. And with every point you won, spencer and his friends cheered louder.
The score was 14-13 and you just needed one more point, the audience fell silent as the ref called, “en garde, prêt, Allé!” And you sped forward with your arm starting to extend, and then you pounced into a lunge and the referee called halt, to the crowd it looked like a Simultaneous. But as soon as you heard the word you stopped and immediately came closer to the edge of the raised strip where the referee was standing slightly below you, your mask off to the side, discarded and forgotten in anticipation for the call. And as you and your opponent discussed with he referee, spencer began to wring his fingers so tight it was hard to tell if any blood was getting to them, he seemed more nervous than you. But finally the referee took a step back and announced “attack, touche, point!” With their arm raised above their head to their left. That was your side, it was your point. Spencer jumped up and start he’d cheering loudly with the rest of the crowd as you jumped and started crying tears of joy as you hugged your opponent who you’d known from your old days at junior Olympics. Spencer could believe it, he was so happy for you that the muscles in his jaw hurt from smiling so big.
Spencer's POV:
I had watched the medal ceremony and I couldn't wait to see Y/N. I decided to meet him in the locker room area before he went out and got crowded by people. I just wanted a moment alone with him and I was gonna get it.
when I walked into the room y/ns back was turned to me while he took off his lemme (pronounced le-may) and all that remained where his whites. I walked up behind him quietly and hugged his waist while snuggling my head into his neck despite his sweatiness
y/ns POV:
I felt arms snake around my waist and immediately knew it was Spencer. "Bonjour mon Cherie. Qu'est ce que tu fais ici? Tu n'as pas besoin de m'embrasser au fait, je suis très en sueur Chérie." (Hello my darling, what are you doing here? You don't have to hug me by the way, I'm very sweaty.) I said with a smile in my mother tongue as I was to tired to remember speak in English. But Spencer didn't mind, he knew French anyways. "Ça c'est bon mon amour, Tu as fait un incroyable, et tu mérites un câlin" (it's okay my love, you did amazing and you deserve a hug) Spencer responded while turning me around and unzipping my jacket for me. I kissed him and mumbled a "merci" as he pulled it off my shoulders and folded it up to put in my bag. After placing down the carefully folded jacket he lifted his head and placed his lips on mine. I could smell the faint scent of coffee and the paint he had used to draw the flag on his face. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance as our lips danced together in sync as our tongues danced to their own tune, we were making out.
(Back with the team)
"What is taking them so loong?! I have a figurine of them fencing I had specially made!" Complained Garcia as she held up the figurine that had yet to be given to y/n. "mama it's a couple in a locker room what do you think they were doing?" Derek said with a sly smirk. "Ughhh I don't need that image in my head right now!" Replied the technical analyst just as y/n and Spencer walked up to them continuing their conversation in french forgetting about the language barrier between them and the rest of the team. "Ce dernier point était incroyable cependant!"(that last point was incredible though!) spencer said. "Je sais! Je pensais que j'allais le perdre!" (I know! I thought that I was going to lose it!) you responded. Hotch cleared his throat loudly and looked at the young pair. You both looked at each other looking like they just been caught. “Déso- sorry!” (Sor-) you apologize. Morgan just shakes his head and chuckles. Finally Rossi speaks up, “well it seams like congratulations are in order.” And starts to make his way over to Y/N for a hug but gets stopped partway there. Y/N put his hands out in the universal signal for stop, and said “thanks for the congratulations but i think everyone should stay at least a couple feet away cus i am stinky! I dont wanna kill anyone’s noses”
“That didnt seem to stop pretty boy over here” said Derek with a smirk gesturing to his mussed up hair and smudged face paint. Both spencers and Y/Ns face turned bright red as the rest of the team laughed at the teasing.
(Small time skip)
After lots of congratulations, good jobs, high fives, and handshakes from the team The group started walking out to their cars after deciding to meet up at a pizza place for celebratory dinner afterwards and Y/N decided to lean on his boyfriends shoulder after his knees buckled multiple times in just a few minutes (istg this happens to me all time after fencing and especially after tournaments). When they got to the car and sat down with he bag in the back, Y/N fell asleep almost as soon as he sat down. Spencer looked over at his boyfriend and admired him in his candid state. “World champion…” mumbled spencer to himself with a small smile, he was just so proud of y/n. And spencer thought about that the whole ride back to the hotel.
The end… :)
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rabidwordjumbles · 10 months
I’ll be like ‘I don’t have a type’ but I do. I do have a type .and that type is intellectual but a little silly men.
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artcake · 1 year
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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spencer reid & luke alvez + soft boyfriends in purple for @andiebeaword
[pom’s garden party]
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spentfromspence · 4 months
Super shitty drabble I made about Spencer’s addiction to get rid of my writers block ‼️
“Please, please Derek!” Spencer said looking up at Derek, although Derek didn’t meet his eyes. He couldn't. “Man, you don’t know what you're doing to me, I need it! Derek, please, I fucking need it, man!” Spencer rested his head against his co-worker's knee, snot, tears, and saliva soaking into his jeans.
Derek glanced down at the sobbing mess of a man, he scoffed and rolled his eyes. He shook his leg lightly in an attempt to shake Spencer off of him.
“Spencer, get off of me. This is pathetic and you know it.” Spencer stumbled backwards, holding himself up with his hands. “This isn’t you man. You never swear, and you sure as hell don’t beg.” Derek ran a hand down his face.
Spencer switched his position to sit on his knees. He trembled uncontrollably and his tears still hadn't stopped. He reached a hand up to his elbow and began to itch with his index finger. His finger dug into the bruised skin making Spencer wince in pain. Isn’t that what he was after? Pain? All the drugs do is hurt. It hurts Derek, it hurts the rest of his friends, it hurts him. But Spencer needed it. He thought he did anyway.
“Derek…Please. I need it, you don't get it. Just- just one more dose, then I’ll quit, I promise.” Spencer whispered, his fingers still digging at his elbow. He could feel a wetness around his fingers, blood he assumed.
Derek scoffed again still looking down at Spencer. “You and I both know that’s not true. You won’t quit, you're an addict Spencer. Save your lies because I’m not going to buy them.” He watched as Spencer breathed so heavily it seemed as if he wasn’t getting any air at all.
Spencer took a final deep breath, he couldn’t think anymore, not without Dilaudid. He raised to his feet and looked Derek in the eyes. Spencer’s eyes were wide and his pupils were dilated. His face was red and hot heavy breaths escaped his lips. Derek took a step back from the younger, he was starting to worry. He had never seen Spencer so…out of it.
“F-fuck you, Derek!” Spencer began to shout, he was hesitant and stumbled over his words but that only made him angrier. “You don’t know shit! Seriously, calling me pathetic? Who do you think you are!? You’re in my house, taking my drugs, and for what!? Why are you doing this Derek? I was fine before you came here.” Spencer shouted and he wiped a hand across his face ridding it of sweat, snot, and tears. He kept eye contact with Derek, something that was also out of character for the doctor.
“Kid, I’m doing this because I care about you. No good friend is going to just let you do drugs.” Derek sighed, he watched as Spencer finally broke eye contact, his face softened, anger no longer present in his body language other than his visible balled fists, which Derek viewed as a minor threat.
There was a long moment of silence. The only sounds were sniffles and the birds that continued to sing outside Spencer’s window. Spencer took a deep breath in and then exhaled before speaking.
“I-” He started but stopped just as quickly before starting again. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry you had to see me this way, Derek. You’re right, I am pathetic.” Spencer laughed sadly.
“That’s not what I said.” Derek muttered.
“What?” Spencer’s small laughs died down and he raised his head to look at Derek.
“That’s not what I said. I never said you were pathetic, I said this is pathetic.” He said, making a gesture with his hands to imply the whole situation was pathetic.
“Oh. Okay then.” Spencer mumbled under his breath. His eyes were fixated on Derek's pocket, he could see the outline of the vials. He sighed and fidgeted with his hands. “Derek-” His sentence was cut short by Derek.
“Shut it, kid.” Derek wasn’t asking and Spencer knew that, although Derek didn’t sound as mean as he did earlier, he sounded tired. Spencer didn’t say another word.
Derek wrapped an arm around Spencer’s shoulder and led him to the bathroom. Spencer stood in the corner silently as Derek turned on the shower and ran warm water.
“Have a shower, you’ll feel more comfortable once you have.” Derek said as he slipped past Spencer out the door. Spencer nodded, even though Derek had already left the room. He would feel a bit better. His fingertips were bloody from his elbow, his hair was sticking to his forehead and neck from how much he had been sweating, and his ribs hurt from how harshly he was sobbing before.
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spencerspecifics · 1 year
Hi! I just read your pride fanfiction and it's so cool! I was wondering if you maybe would like to write Moreid Penemily fanfic where Morgan and Prentiss go to the florist to buy flowers for their significant ones, but they obivously had no idea about flowers while Penelope and Spencer care about it a lot.
Have a great day!
This is the sweetest ask I’ve ever received omg of course you can get that!! I love getting requests thank you so much for asking❤️
Sort of TW /// there's flashbacks to a child abduction case the team was working, also Garcia is mad at Prentiss (and Morgan is just worried about picking the wrong flowers lol)
Morgan and Prentiss were similar, almost too similar- they were both leaders within the team, strong willed, and not scared of saying what they thought.
They were driving forces in the team, they did their jobs and they did them damn well. They were both confident in their jobs, but sadly, that’s where both of their confident aspects ended.
When it came to relationships, Emily and Derek were also too similar- they were nervous disasters. They didn’t know how to act, what to do or say- they practically had to dare each other to get themselves to ask out their respective crushes. They couldn’t bring themselves to do it without the other pushing them along, urging them to do it.
So, it should have been no shock when Derek pulled open the door to the small flower shop Spencer raved about so much- and saw Prentiss standing awkwardly to the side, scanning the example flowers splayed out on the small table next to her like she actually understood anything about floristry.
Morgan couldn’t help but shake his head; of course, Spencer was always telling Garcia about his favorite things- she probably fell in love with this flower shop, too.
“Well, well, look who we have here.” Derek joked as he walked towards Prentiss, she barely looked up at him, instead still scanning the flowers as she spoke; “I don’t wanna hear it. This is Penelope’s new favorite place, and I’m doing my girlfriend duties.”
“Funny, I’m doing the same thing myself.” Derek replied, “You’re doing girlfriend duties?” Prentiss shot back, Derek ignored her, instead turning back around, towards the front of the shop to look at the flowers they had displayed up front.
He was still standing next to her, however, so he spoke up again; “What’re you getting Garcia flowers for?” “I can’t just get her flowers?” Prentiss sniped, clearly something was putting her on edge, and now Derek had to know what.
“Pump the brakes, Em.” He told her, she looked down towards her feet, then looking at the small table, before looking back towards him.
“She’s mad at me.” Was all Emily said, before turning her back towards him, looking at the displays hanging nearby on the wall. Derek decided to leave her at that, at least for now. He knew why Garcia was mad.
“How long are you going to stay here for?” Reid asked Garcia curiously, sat next to her in her den of computers and fun little figurines surrounding her. Spencer had ended up burning the midnight oil yet again, and decided it was better to spend that time with Garcia, rather than be alone in the dark emptiness of the bullpen.
Penelope had finished her work hours ago, but was refusing to go back home- back to her shared apartment with Emily, because she was mad, she was fuming, she was frustrated, and she was close to being heart broken, even if that was dramatic to say; that’s how she felt.
“I don’t know.” Garcia said simply, clicking on another youtube video of kittens being adorable. She needed to focus on something simple right now, something sweet, something that didn’t make her feel like she was going to cry and hyperventilate at the same time.
Spencer stayed quiet, sitting in the desk chair next to her as he flipped through the manilla file folders in his lap. Boring case work, it could be done by anyone on the team- and it didn’t need to be done that exact day, it wasn’t due to be turned into Hotch for a while. So Spencer left it on his lap, shutting the folder as quick as he had opened.
“You know, everyone does stuff like what Emily did-“ he started up again, trying his best to reason with Penelope about the events that had transpired that day, but she wasn’t going to hear it, she was deciding to tune him out; turning the volume up on the youtube video, watching kittens chase fake mice and play with feathers on strings. It was cute, it was sweet, it wasn’t upsetting.
Reid took that as his cue to be quiet, at least for now.
Derek had left Prentiss to her own devices within the small flower shop, going to the other side of the store to give her some distance, and to peruse the many kinds of flowers and small knick knacks they had for sale.
It made sense why Spencer loved this shop, why he raved about it; firstly, it was small, it was quiet, it was simple. It wasn’t flashy in decor, rather letting the flowers for sale be the decorations to fill up the store. Not to mention the soft classical radio station that was playing through the small speakers by the cashiers desk- which also doubled as a bouquet making table.
It was small, it was a small slice of art that Derek could picture Spencer walking down, looking at the beautiful flowers lining the shop on small tables and hanging on the walls. Spencer loved beautiful things, and he was the most beautiful person Morgan knew.
Which is why Derek was struggling on what to get Reid, he wanted to get his boyfriend something as beautiful as him, something he would love. Morgan knew realistically that Spencer would be happy with almost any kind of gift, but Morgan wasn’t listening to his painfully boring realistic side. He was listening to his romantic side, the side that wanted to buy Reid the Smithsonian Museum, the side of himself that wanted to build his boyfriend a greenhouse; so they could finally start on that home garden Spencer wanted so badly.
Derek wanted to do something to make Spencer happy, because the case they had dealt with today ended badly- worse than normal. It had taken a toll on everyone, Garcia, Prentiss, Reid, himself, Hotch, and even J.J. and Rossi.
It was rare a case hurt them as much as this one had, but every once and a while, there needs to be a fresh cut alongside the healing and fading scars. Something to bring them back to the painful reality of life.
It was a child abduction case, those always hit the team the worst. Whether there was a personal connection to the team members or not, it was hard when an innocent soul gets taken away.
Thankfully, the team was able to recover the missing child, a seven year old girl named Savannah Rogers. The team was quick to figure out this was the abductors first, so there were errors, there were mistakes. There were holes in the plotline the team could poke through and reach into, to find the necessary answers.
It came at a price, though, it always did.
"She likes colorful things." Derek spoke under his breath as he passed by Prentiss, she didn't turn around (though she clearly heard him as her eyes darted his way for a moment), still staring at the racks of freshly made bouquets and wreaths that had yet to be bought. Derek didn't say anymore past that, instead just standing next to her, staring at the same floral arrangements.
He needed something as pretty as his boy, would Reid like roses? Or would he think that's too cliché? Derek wasn't totally sure. It had to be just right for Spencer. Maybe a mix of roses with something leafy would be best.
"You know what you're getting Reid?" Emily asked him, her voice quieter than normal. It was clear the stress of the situation was getting to her, it hurt Derek's heart to see her like that.
He shook his head simply, "Nah, I'm not sure. What about you?" Emily drew a breath in, "I don't think any amount of flowers will make her forgive me." She said, a shaky laugh coming out after, as if the humor was to make the situation normal. But none of this was normal.
"Em, you did what you had to do. She needed our help. Garcia knows that, she's just upset because she was worried sick."
Emily just nodded, a signal that meant ‘I hope you’re right’. Derek knew he was, it was just going to take Penelope a second to breathe, to calm down; to understand why Prentiss put herself in harms way. To understand why Prentiss almost got shot just a few hours earlier.
The specifics of a child abduction case always boil down into two ways; either the child is taken from a place of safety (school, home, etc.), or is taken while in transportation from one place to the next (walking home from school, taking the bus).
For the case of Savannah Rogers, it was the former. She was playing in her front yard with her barbies when she was seemingly snatched.
Her mother was inside on a phone call, she had just stepped away from watching Savannah for a minute to answer the phone- and when she looked back, her daughter was nowhere to be seen.
The team figured out quickly who could’ve done it, the school nurse from Savannah’s elementary school- the nurse had recently been fired due to allegations of verbal abuse from the students themselves. The fact the feds weren’t involved sooner was the most surprising thing, the nurse was a walking poster boy for someone who shouldn’t be working in a school. But somehow, he had the job for some time.
The nurses name was Daniel Blake, he was an unsub with narcissistic personality disorder- he was raised off grid by his mother who had a narcissistic personality as well, and a belief that society was doomed from the start. So, he was raised with the belief life was better away from everyone- he was raised in a cabin, then escaped away for his college career.
He was seemingly normal, until his mother died a few weeks earlier. It was common to see an unsub stable, normal- not exhibiting any terrible ideology. But then, there’s always that trigger- something that shoves them over that edge they’ve been precariously balancing on for far too long.
His mothers death reminded him of the way he was raised, he was convinced he needed to take a child and raise them the same. Savannah Rogers just happened to be the closest to where he was.
Spencer and Garcia were sat in silence yet again, Reid had no reason to leave and Garcia simply refused to. She didn’t want to see Emily.
“I almost lost her, Spencer.” Was all Garcia mustered up to say, before looking down from her computer monitor- instead just staring directly at her keyboard.
Spencer didn’t react right away, he wasn’t sure what to say. He took a deep breath in before speaking, “Morgan and I argue about this too.”
Garcia looked up from her keyboard to shoot Reid a sideways glance, her way of saying ‘go on’. So, he did.
“We don’t argue about you and Emily,” he stuttered over that obvious clarification, “but we argue when the other shoves themselves in the way of danger. Him and I have almost died too many times, every time we go out into the field I do have a part of myself that asks; ‘what if this is the last time I’ll see him?’. And it scares me.” Spencer paused, swallowing some of his rambling down, not all of what he was feeling and sharing was helpful. He was just vocalizing his fear.
He continued on after a second, “I don’t want to lose him- he’s my everything you know, he’s-“ Spencer’s voice started to crack in the way that only cracks when you’re close to expelling your emotions way too publicly. He took a breath again, deciding to redirect where his story was going.
“But I also know that, he’ll always be okay. I trust him to do his job, and that’s the difference between being boyfriends and co-workers. I have to trust my co-worker, Derek, to do his job right. And I have to trust my boyfriend, Derek, to come home every night like he promised he would. And he trusts me to do the same.”
Reid stopped talking after that, going back down to staring at the manilla file folders on his lap.
The team had cornered Daniel Blake in a warehouse set to be demolished towards the outskirts of town, Savannah was with him, locked in a giant crate meant for a large dog. His whole plan wasn’t well thought out, was he going to raise this little girl in a warehouse? It didn’t matter in the end.
The team got to him, like they always did with unsubs. The one thing the team wasn’t aware of was that he had a pistol in his inner jacket pocket- and while Prentiss moved towards the dog crate to get Savannah out, Daniel made a move.
He grabbed out his pistol and was trying to aim at the dog crate that Savannah was in- if he couldn’t have her, he didn’t want anyone to. The only thing stopping Savannah Rogers from being dead right then and there was the fact J.J. had shouted out at Emily to cover the crate, which she did instinctively.
The bullet missed the crate, but it hit Prentiss in the bullet proof vest, right in between her shoulder blades. If she wasn’t wearing the vest, she’d be dead.
After that, Derek tackled him to the ground and made sure he had no other weapons. Savannah was then returned to her family, and the team made their way back to the police station. Case closed, almost.
Penelope was in the teams ear, monitoring the whole ordeal when she heard J.J. yell at Emily to cover, and the gunfire going off. Then she couldn’t hear anything, her heartbeat was drowning out any words that were being said. She was petrified.
EMTs checked out Savannah and Prentiss, Savannah was in shock and had a few minor injuries, but nothing too stressful. Thankfully the same could also be said for Emily, she felt the bullet push through the fabric of the vest when she was shot, the bullet barely stopped before slowly pushing up against the more inner layers of the vest.
It was a sharp pain, it would leave a bruise, it knocked the wind out of her for a second. But she was alive, she was okay.
That’s what Morgan told Garcia through the earpiece as soon as he got Daniel Blake in the back of a cop car. He just kept saying it, “Garcia, she’s okay. EMTs are looking at her now, she’s okay.”
Whether Penelope fully heard him by that point, he wasn’t sure.
“It’s just hard. I feel like I’m the odd one out, I’m not at the scene with you guys. I’m a million miles away.” Garcia spoke through a shaky breath to Spencer.
“I can’t see what happens, unless you strap a camera to your face and send me live feed. I’m scared every time you guys go out there, that something bad is gonna happen. And I’ll be the only one left.” She said, her voice hushed and shaky still.
Spencer stayed quiet for a moment, the only thing heard in the office was the kitten videos still playing on Garcia’s monitor, and the distant clicking of the clock on the wall.
“You’re never going to be alone. I know our line of work is a lot, and it is. But we can handle it. We’re as prepared as can be, and the truth is we could get hurt just the same walking down the road. We could get hit by a tornado, or a drive by-“ Reid kept going on, Garcia looked down at her keyboard before looking at Reid.
“Bad things can happen to us anywhere.” Spencer stated simply, watching Garcia’s tired, bloodshot, and teary eyes staring at him. “But we’re never alone out there. We protect each other. And you- you protect us!” Spencer spoke with a tone of energy. He had a strong point coming and he knew it, but Garcia didn’t. She scoffed, blinked, and didn’t say anything more. A cue that Spencer can continue.
“You protect us just as much as we protect each other, you get us the information we need, you contact everyone we can possibly need for a case. We’re nothing without you. It doesn’t matter how far away you are, you have our backs, too.”
Penelope sniffled, a small smile tugging on her lips.
“Thank you,” she said, her voice cracking. Spencer nodded, he could tell she was tired, as was he.
The shop was closing soon, Prentiss knew it, Morgan knew it, and the old woman sat up behind the counter, reading a thick old dusty book knew it too.
“Are you two stuck on what to get?” The old woman asked, looking over the top of her book to give Morgan and Prentiss a glance.
“Just a bit,” Derek admitted suavely to her, he knew Emily wasn’t really in the mood to talk so he took lead on this conversation. “I’m getting a gift for my boyfriend.” boyfriend, boyfriend, Spencer was his boyfriend. No matter how many times Derek got to call him his, he still never got over it. He never got over the excitement, the happiness, the rush of ‘oh my god, I get to date him?’. It was an amazing feeling every time.
The old woman nodded, “Do you know what kind of flowers he likes?” She asked, setting her thick book down on the table in front of her. Derek thought back for a moment, every time he’s seen Spencer bring flowers home from the shop they weren’t big bouquets. There was a lot of greenery, a lot of whites and yellows, natural earthy tones. Nothing flashy or bright.
“He always has a lot of green in the bouquets he gets,” the woman nodded as she listened, hopping off of her stool and going around the cashier counter to Morgan to show him the collection of flowers she thought would match that.
“I’m also thinking roses, though. Is that cliche?” He asked her, she smiled happily, “Not at all, dear. Roses symbolize love. Are you thinking the standard red, or would you like to look at our other colors?”
Derek nodded yes, excitedly, he felt like he was finally figuring out what to get his pretty boy, and it was going to be just as pretty as him. The woman whisked off to the back room to get the freshest roses they had, assuring him and Emily that she’d be right back.
Emily had stayed silent through the entire interaction, staring at the wreaths lining the wall. Derek noticed, it was his job to notice.
“Prentiss, I know you’re dealing with a lot. But one thing at a time, alright? Slow your mind down, all you can do right now is get her flowers.” Emily nodded, she understood that. She knew that was true, she was just nervous and tired and frustrated. She wanted to do the right thing, and she had. It just came at a price.
“I know,” she nodded again, “I know.” “So, what flowers are you thinking for Penelope?” Derek asked her, trying to move her forward.
“I might have to follow your lead and see about the roses.” Emily replied, a small (not entirely truthful) smile forming on her face. She decided to follow Morgan’s lead. Flowers first, everything else later.
Spencer and Garcia left the bureau building together, “You want a ride home?” Spencer asked her as he dug his car keys out of his messenger bag, Penelope nodded. “I’d like that.”
So, they drove in amicable silence, the radio in Reid’s car was switched to a pop station for Garcia, and she appreciated that. She hummed lowly to the songs playing through. But past that, no words were said.
Spencer rolled his vehicle to a stop outside of Garcia and Emily’s shared apartment, “Do you want me to walk you up?” He asked her, already reaching to undo his seatbelt. Penelope shook her head, causing Reid to stop.
“No, thank you though. What you said meant a lot. I love ya, Spencer.” She said, reaching forward over the center console to embrace him in a hug, Spencer smiled and did the same, hugging her back tightly.
“Of course. It’s gonna be okay. You just have to talk to her.” Spencer told her, they were still in a tight embrace, and Garcia nodded. “I know. I won’t be scared.” She mumbled, pulling back from the hug after a moment.
Spencer smiled, “That’s good, you shouldn’t be. You love her, that’s all that matters.” Penelope smiled softly back, thinking back to Prentiss, how much she loved her- how much she loved being with her, kissing her, talking to her. Just being with her. She loved it. She knew Spencer was right.
All Garcia did was say a final ‘thank you’ before unbuckling, grabbing her purse and exiting the car, shutting the passenger door behind her. Reid waited until she disappeared into her apartment building to drive away, and then he started his journey home.
Spencer hadn’t thought much of the day, other than the obligatory obvious that the child abduction case had put everyone on edge- Garcia and Prentiss especially, and for good reason.
Spencer was a bit foggy in his mind as he pulled into the drive way of Derek and his’ home. The fog in his mind was for a few factors, the post stress feeling of finishing a high stakes case, and also that it was just late and he was so, utterly exhausted. He let out a small yawn as he put the car in park, he noted that Derek’s car was already parked in his usual spot- hopefully his boyfriend hadn’t been waiting up for him, he’d feel terrible depriving him of his sleep. He knew Morgan was just as tired as him.
Spencer exited his car, locking it quickly and walking up the front stoop, fumbling with his keys to get the right one to unlock the front door. He got the right key after a moment, slid it into the lock, and opened the door. He pushed it open, shutting it quickly behind him. He tried to shut the door as quietly as he could, but the hinges squeaked at a volume a bit too loud for Reid’s taste. Spencer cringed at the noise, hoping it wouldn’t wake Derek up.
The hallway lights were on in their home, not an uncommon occurrence, as their work schedules were always so bizarre that they usually ended up working late nights; at home or in a hotel somewhere across the nation.
Spencer made his way inside, setting his messenger bag down on the kitchen table, and stood in a moment of silence. God, today was a lot. And Penelope being so worried about Emily, it reminded him of his anxieties, his fears, his worries about himself and Derek. He knew they couldn’t catch every unsub always. He knew some unsubs would shoot their way out of dealing with cops. He knew people got hurt in their line of work.
He was terrified that it would catch up to him and his boyfriend one day. And that the happiness and love and hope they shared would be smashed. Spencer let out a deep sigh, he couldn’t keep thinking about this all and run his mind in circles. Spencer walked over to the cupboard where their glasses were stored, opening it and grabbing a glass, then going to the tap and filling it with water.
It was then that he heard footsteps, coming from down the hall to the kitchen.
“Pretty boy?” Derek’s voice called out, before he turned into the kitchen. He was still in his work clothes, and smiling excitedly as he had his hands behind his back, as if he was hiding something.
Spencer smiled softly at him, taking a sip of his water, “Hey,” he took note of Derek’s preppy demeanor this late in the evening, he immediately knew his boyfriend had been up to something. “What’s going on?” He asked curiously.
“Close your eyes.” Derek said, his grin somehow splitting even wider as he spoke. Seeing his boyfriend somehow so full of joy, this late in the day, after all the bad they had seen; it made Spencer smile. So Spencer nodded, setting his glass down next to him on the counter, putting his hands over his eyes.
Reid heard his boyfriend stepping closer, and some kind of rustling he couldn’t correctly identify.
“Open your eyes, baby.” Derek said, Reid put his hands down, blinking his eyes open to see what was in front of him.
It was Derek holding a bouquet out in front of him, it had daisy’s, white and yellow roses, a bit of baby’s breath, as well as lots of greenery and leaves.
“Derek, is- is this for me?” Reid asked, he already knew the answer as Derek wordlessly handed him the bouquet, and Spencer started examining it further.
“I wanted to get you something special,” Derek started explaining bashfully, “you mentioned that flower shop around the corner, so I checked it out and I got some help from the old lady behind the counter. I wasn’t sure what to get you, do you like it?”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling, he mentioned that flower shop in passing to his boyfriend once or twice, and Morgan remembered. And it was a perfect bouquet, some people would’ve disliked the amount of leaves or usage of daisy’s or whatever the hell else- but to Spencer, it was perfect. It was beautiful.
“I-“ Reid’s voice cracked in a way he hadn’t meant it to. He was feeling overwhelmed, overemotional. “I love it. I love you.” He said, he felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes as he looked up to meet Derek’s gaze.
“Baby, are you alright?” Morgan asked him carefully, stepping forward. Reid nodded, “I was just with Garcia- she was so nervous about Emily. It just got me thinking, about us and our work.” Derek nodded wordlessly, taking the bouquet from Spencer and setting it down on the counter, before pulling his boyfriend into a soft embrace. Spencer melted into the feeling.
“It’s never going to be easy. But it’s worth it to me, I love you and our work, baby. I love you so much.” Morgan said, emphasizing his words by giving Reid a small squeeze. Spencer smiled softly, pulling back to make eye contact with Morgan again before leaning forward, giving him a small kiss on the lips.
Spencer stepped back out of the hug, picking the bouquet off the counter. He couldn’t stop staring at it.
“This is beautiful.” Spencer said absentmindedly as he looked around for a vase to put the flowers into.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Morgan complimented, Spencer felt the heat rush to his cheeks as he smiled. He located a vase in a nearby cupboard, moving back over to the sink to fill it up with some water.
“I was sat in that flower shop for, like, an hour. Baby I kept running around in circles.” Derek continued on, “I knew you’d like anything I got you, but-“ he smiled awkwardly. Spencer had this way of getting Derek stupidly romantic, he just wanted to do everything he could to make Reid as happy as possible. He couldn’t get over how damn lucky he was to have this genius in his life.
Spencer eyed him as he unwrapped the flowers from the wrapping, setting them up in the vase. Derek continued; “I wanted to get something as pretty and as perfect as you, Spencer.”
Spencer melted at that, he knew Morgan was usually so confident in his choices. The thought of his boyfriend confusedly wandering around the flower shop, looking for just the right flowers for him, to express his love; it made Spencer feel blessed.
“Just knowing you went out of your way to do this, it’s…” Spencer smiled softly, looking back and forth between the bouquet and his incredible partner.
“It’s amazing.”
Penelope had gotten up to her apartment, entering quickly and locking the door behind her. A majority of the lights in the apartment were still off, indicating that Prentiss was still out, wherever she was.
Garcia went through the apartment, turning on their lamps and lighting a few candles to help her de-stress from the days events. She decided to clear her mind by taking a shower, heading into the shared bedroom and grabbing clothes out of her dresser, before heading down the hall to the bathroom.
She shut the door softly, turning on the shower and undressing slowly as she waited for it to heat up.
After she showered, she was going to wait for Emily to get home so they could talk.
Prentiss entered their apartment not long after Penelope had, Emily had stopped from the flower shop to get a box of chocolates for her girlfriend before finally heading home. Prentiss heard the water running in the bathroom, and figured Garcia was in there showering.
She decided to wait in their bedroom, chocolates and flowers sitting in her lap as she waited, sitting on the edge of the bed eagerly. She felt terrible, she hadn’t meant to worry her girlfriend so much, but she knew she hadn’t had the foresight to think of Penelope when she made her choice to stand in between the little girl and the bullet.
It was noble, sure. But it was incredibly stupid.
Garcia finished showering quickly, she stepped out of the shower and changed into the clothes she had brought with her into the bathroom.
It was a matching pajama set, that ironically enough was a gift from Emily. It was covered in small hearts with arrows through them. It was a Valentine’s Day surprise, and the other part of the surprise was that Prentiss had an identical set. Emily usually wasn’t one for showy displays of affection, she was a private and simple person. She would joke and tease to show her love, but she knew Garcia wasn’t like that and enjoyed honest, sentimental gifts.
Penelope smiled at the pajamas, thinking back to the gift and how much it meant to her- how much it still means to her.
Penelope stepped out of the bathroom, towel still wrapped around her hair to help it dry as she made her way back to the bedroom.
The bedroom door opened, Prentiss watched as Garcia entered- but Garcia didn’t see Emily right away, instead making her way to the small closet and putting the clothes she was wearing into her hamper.
Garcia then turned around, and that’s when she saw Emily, and it was a surprise, as Garcia almost practically jumped.
“You- Oh! Emily! God.” she sighed, clearly taken off guard.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you, I,” Emily started, taking the chocolates and flowers out of her lap and setting them down on the bed next to her as she got up to be closer to Garcia.
“I’m sorry love, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She repeated, Garcia huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, you did.” She said with a small pout on her face.
“Can we- can we talk?” Emily asked carefully. Last she had seen Garcia, she was mad, couldn’t even look at her. She didn’t want to end up sleeping on the couch tonight, she wanted to work this out. To her surprise, Penelope nodded slowly.
“I’m sorry, Pen..” Garcia said nothing as she stood and listened to Emily, Prentiss gestured for her to take a seat on the bed next to her. Garcia obliged and sat down.
“I know it’s scary when we go into the field, because anything can happen. And I hate myself for not thinking ahead and my actions hurting you, that’s the last thing I want to do. You matter so, so much to me.”
Silence sat over them both for a moment. Emily wanted to reach forward and hold Penelope’s hand, but she didn’t want to push it. Garcia sniffed, the sound breaking through the silence.
“I know you didn’t intend to hurt me, Em. I know a little girl’s life was on the line. I just- it is scary, it just is!” She said, exasperatedly. Not sure what else to say or how else to phrase her thoughts.
Emily decided to push it, reaching forward to hold her girlfriends hand between her own. “This job is hard. It’s bad at times. But it’s where I met you, and it’s where we fell in love. It’s the one job we know we’re good at.” Prentiss spoke softly.
Garcia nodded as she look down, putting her other hand on top of Emily’s. She smiled softly. “I’m sorry. I’m not mad, I get scared is all… you know with my family, they just were gone one day and-“
Garcia’s voice cracked a little, the emotions were still incredibly raw. “I just don’t want to lose you.” Emily nodded. She didn’t want to lose her either.
“I will always come back to you, in this life- in the next. I will fight anyone who stands between us, I love you, and I hope you know that. I would do anything to see you and be with you.” Prentiss said as she squeezed Penelope’s hands tightly. Garcia knew she wasn’t messing around with what she said. Emily was fiercely loyal, she stood by every word she ever spoke.
Penelope smiled, “You saved a little girl’s life today,” she looked up to meet Emily’s gaze.
“I’m really proud of you.”
The chocolates and flowers quickly became an afterthought for Emily, as her and Garcia relieved each other of their anxieties and reminded the other how much they loved each other. It was only when Penelope stood up from the bed to take the towel off of her hair that she saw them on the other side of the bed.
“Oh- are those, are those for me?” Emily looked back, remembering the gifts and grabbing them.
“Yes! They are! I- I know that flower shop you like so much… I had some help getting these, I wasn’t sure what you’d like.” Prentiss explained, offering the flowers to Garcia first so she could look them over.
Penelope smiled excitedly as she took them from her, looking them over, there were white and red roses, baby’s breath, and some blue bells. It was gorgeous.
“Do you… like it?” Emily asked apprehensively as she stood up. She knew it was dumb, but her and Morgan really were out of their elements in that flower shop. And as much as the kind older woman helping them reassured them that their partners would love it, she was scared. This gift had to be perfect for Penelope. And she knew Derek shared a similar thought for Spencer.
Penelope couldn’t stop her beaming smile, “Love, they’re perfect.” She set them down on the dresser next to her and leaned in to give Emily a sweet kiss on the lips. Emily smiled, grateful that she was able to help mend this wound between her and Garcia. She couldn’t survive if she didn’t have her in her life, Penelope was everything.
Prentiss wrapped her arms around Garcia, holding her in a loose hug for a while. Penelope didn’t mind as she rested her head on Emily’s shoulder, sighing contently.
“Thank you.”
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tobias-hankel · 2 years
Do you have any fic recs with spencer ( preferably mlm ) and phone sex? I'd love to read more of those!! it's such a good concept with so little content :O
Oh, I have plenty of recs! These summaries are basically all NSFW so I'll just list the word count and ship.
Cyber by wagamama_hime - Moreid - 71k
Bachelor Parties by noisey_burlesque_peach - Moreid - 4.1k
Seduction by Rivermoon1970 (dom Spencer) - Hotchreid - 5.5k
Telephone by Ahmose_Inarus (part of a series but can be read alone) - Hotchreid - 1.9k
Dial S for Spencer by spinner33 - Hotchreid - 6k
Still Mine by Highway58 - Hotchreid, some Ralvez - 2.8k
Screen Time by goldenboyspence - Moreid - 2.1k
Correspondence by KatyTheInspiredWorkaholic - Hotchreid - 110k
When Spencer is horny by dumpsiteforfics - Hotchreid - 2k
Alpha, Please, Pick up the Phone! by goobzoop - (omegaverse) - Hotchreid - 2.2k
I have more but hopefully you like some of these to start out with!
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that-fruitier-emo · 2 months
I'm actually kind of relieved my grandparents are leaving, my home screens are getting harder and harder to explain.
No extremely religious grandmother, I will NOT be explaining why my home screen is covered in sexy men.
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friendly-reject · 2 years
Yes very Inclusive
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Why is it that when I read 'LGBTQ+ friendly' posts it's always centred towards skinny rose lipped girls who occasionally send a slight wink at another girl like-
now no hate on people who are like that but COME ON I wanna smash a cute girl too than make out with an adorable guy while also wearing something other than a skirt and no top 😭🤚
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds-Gray Asexual and Biromantic
Requested by Anon
Status: Alive
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gothmushroomie · 9 months
I wanna start a fanfiction but I’m rusty if y’all have idea you want written lemme know I wanna dabble to get back in the groove
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