#Silly fluffy whump stuff
fluffypotatey · 3 months
When I started LMK, like. just last month actually, I was ELATED to see Wukong like that was a fluffy silly monkey!! Like ain't no wayyyy they're just gonna introduce him like "yeah so I met THE monkey king and told me I was his successor and then I never saw him again?" shows who thought of doing that always changed their mind, so hooray! reoccuring character! I know nobody sees Wukong as a dad but I think of JTTW where he's the communal grandfather of all monkeys and like. I like me a Monkey King whose a KING and not a Monkey Jester looking out for his family of monkies on the mountain. im soft. he's like alone in his species. give him a monkey family. give me a good leader. he loves them SO MUCH. anyways. he's so squishy too like when MK was all "whaaat? but you're so cute and cheeky!" and Wukong was all "I KNOW" im crying, also when he was gushing over the bunnies on the moon. the line about "dorky mortals" what a goofball. but ooh the GOOD STUFF like when his voice goes all deep and growly when he's actually serious and angry like YES WRECK SOME STUFF UP. protective Swk is so good, and when he crashed onto the ship whumped out to hell and back OOH that was good too, so yum yum, and reminded me a ton of my old fav bc the whole "lying/pretending to be chill and relax kind of guy when you're actually doing Secret Important Business" is 100% his thing, but this time it actually gets revealed to the others lol. but yeah that aspect of Wukong is so fun because I can write so many tactical schemes with him. I love how they dragged him out of retirement to still be cool and active. "You should have stayed buried." had me on the edge of my seat as one of the first Things Are About To Get Real moments. Its also neat how sometimes his dialogue shows slivers of his Great Sage Wisdom Style of Speaking coming out. I went to rewatch that ep and also forgot how much of a stupid cartoon villain Macky was there lmao, I was hoping they wouldn't send him blasting off like team rocket every episode, at least that's started to change as of S4 XD I wonder if the theories about the journey failing hold any merit, stuff like "Wukong is not the loner he pretends to be" and all the other itty bitty behavioral clues are so fun to dig into.
HE IS SUCH A GOOFBALL 😍😍😍 i love this monkey man so much like you don’t even know 🤧
up until s2 i had been waiting to see swk really fuck shit up bc he is one of the most op characters ever written and he’s such a fun guy in general, so to see him go from teasing DBK to THREATENING LBD WAS SO GOOD!!!!
i am also a firm grandpa swk believer because yeah i’m not a big fan on labeling swk as a father figure (especially to MK) but if i had to place a familial label then i dub thee Grandpappy™️ Monkey King. he’s lived long enough to earn this title (also i think swk even calls himself grandpa to his subjects in jttw but i may have heard that wrong) but i also wouldn’t say no to Distant Uncle™️
but yeah, swk <3 he’s my little guy 🥰 my special murder boy 🥰 my precious “consumed by past regrets that span over centuries” guy 🥰 my “i have lived for a long, long time” immortal
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writeblrdirectory · 1 year
NAME: Feline17ff
PRONOUNS: she/her
USERNAME/URL: heroes-villains-side-blog
SHORT BIO: I'm new to writing and writeblr. I don't read or write dark whump, smut, romance or too much angst. I do reblog or write the occasional fluffy piece where a character has a crush but it'll all be PG and played for humor or smiles. My favorite genres are comedy-mystery, fairytale retellings and, of course, heroes and villains! I have lots of ideas and no one big solo WIP. My writeblr blog started off as me just reblogging heroes and villains stuff, then turned to me having a villainous alter ego: Codex The Charming! I mostly just want to improve my writing and laugh and smile at the sweet and silly things my characters do.
Writeblr Intro
WHO I'D LIKE TO CONNECT WITH: Other writers who'll help me improve my writing <3
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skyward-floored · 2 years
what are all your wips? not asking to post the excerpts themselves but like. what fics are you working on / plan to do? if you dont mind sharing your secret plans…… :)
I don’t mind at all! I love talking about my fics/wips, thanks for asking!!!
Prepare yourself for a BIG LIST of fics, some of which that have been half-published, and also some that haven’t yet seen the light of day :)
The Twilight Turns — true form au! Midna gets her true form back WAY earlier than in canon, and this leads to both her and Link catching quite a few feelings. The next chapter is sort of on pause until I get around to playing the part I’m at in-game.
Royal Castletown Wedding — a fic that started as a joke post, I stole the plot of a my little pony episode and lu-ified it. If you think it is just fluffy silliness than you are wrong. I’ve hit the climax, and there’s only a few chapters left of this one!
Brethren in a Cradle — *gently holds* my very special multichap fic I haven’t updated in months (I’M SORRY) about Wild, as well as the rest of the chain, stumbling across a baby and having no other options, take him with them. Warriors had snuck his way into the focus as well. The next chapter IS being worked on, just verrrry slowly. This fic means a lot to me and I’m NOT giving up on it.
Up in Arms — Warriors loses an arm during the war, and struggles immensely with coming to terms with it. Fortunately he ends up with 8 other heroes who are more than willing to help. First chapter of this is up, the second and third (fourth?) chapters are in progress.
The Many Courses of Love — a fic exploring all the different relationships of the Links after their adventures, a chapter per game. This one isn’t lu, (it’s actually connected to my own Link’s meet thing) but I’m very attached to it. Next couple chapters are being worked on, but aren’t very close to finished XD
Unnamed Time & Legend fic — angst/whump/hurt/comfort o-rama. This one is a continuation of a whumptober I wrote in 2021, but it can honestly stand on its own. Everyone, especially Time and Legend, has a Bad Time. A specific secret is also revealed. Planning on finishing this one entirely and releasing the couple chapters it has on a schedule.
Unnamed breath of the wild aftermath/Dark Link fic — a multichap I’ve had cooking for years, after the events of botw the Yiga decide revenge is due, and steal some of Link’s blood to make a copy of him to kill him. Except they don’t account for Zelda’s magic accidentally getting mixed up in there, and they make... a pretty sweet guy who has no clue what’s going on. The first chapter of this is done actually, but I don’t want to post it because the rest is... nowhere near done in any way XD
Incredibles au main story — the entire dang movie as an lu fic, I’m chipping away at it when I can! Not ready to be published yet, but I’m working on it :)
Incredibles au Hyrule backstory — this one is close to being done, it’s about how Hyrule ended up with the rest of the boys
Unnamed Warriors and Hyrule fic — the traveler and captain couldn’t be more unalike, but it turns out they’re connected by much more than they previously thought. This one is on the back burner, but I work on it occasionally. Thinkin it’ll be one of those 5 + 1 fics the kids do.
Unnamed Warriors and Mask/Time fic — traitor angst babeyyyyy! I’m stuck on this one, don’t know when it’ll be done.
Fic for Tellie — (yes that’s the working title) set in her palace au, it’s almost done :)
Courage of Ages — aaauuuggghh my own Link’s meet au thing, it’s been on the back burner as well, but I love it so and love questions about it. It’ll be publishable someday...
Tri Force Heroes oneshot collection — a bunch of oneshots about Tri force heroes, plus post-game backstory stuff with my versions of these guys :)
Assorted requests sitting in my inbox from ages ago — *sweating* ages ago I asked for some fic ideas, several of which are... still sitting in my inbox, unanswered. I’ve barely worked on them, but I’ll do them eventually!
There’s a few more not on this list, but they’re either self-indulgent things I’ll never publish, ideas that are barely formed or I haven’t started writing as of yet, or fics I started but didn’t continue and haven’t touched in months.
Anyways whew, I think that’s it! I’m always willing to answer questions about all of these, so don’t be shy!
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starlit-bawka · 6 months
20 Questions For Fanfic Writers!
No way I got tagged by the really awesome @h4mm132l1c3, and ill tag a couple of other people too probably
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
Currently I've got 59 things on AO3!! There are a couple more on my long-defunct wattpad though, and I've got a bunch of December whump I need to catch up on too so there will be more
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
72,774!! Wow!!! And like...90% of that is oneshots! Go me!
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Currently writing for DSMP and QSMP the most atm :O I also write for the PJO fandom, Homestuck, and DR on occasion, too. I get very tempted to write for Stardew Valley and Scott Pilgrim, and I have been. More than tempted to write CareBears stuff too. I'm in deep chat
4: Top five fics by kudos?
(Un)Lifetime Achievement Award, Take Your Secret Son to Work Day, Las Nevadas and the Frozen Fox, Alone I Began, and Of Lost Gods!
5: Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
For the most part yeah! I don't get too too much interaction and I just get!! So excited when I get comments! I love seeing what people say and I love to respond! But sometimes I don't, often cause I don't know what to say lol
6: What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm,,,good question! Probably Why Do I Cry? or maybe Famous Last Words? Gone are the Joys I Knew? I don't really know! I write a lot of sort of mopey sad fics ig LMAO
7: What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
mmmmmmm,,,,not sure for this, either! My Fundy Fluff Week stuff is all supposed to be sorta fluffy which is probably happy
8: Do you get hate on fics?
Not hate, per say, but comments on the accuracy of my characters, which kinda stabbed my ego a bit lol. It was a nice comment! But the way it was worded was so ouchie!
9: Do you write smut?
I've. Been tempted. As of right now I haven't, though!
10: Do you write crossovers?
Another one of me being tempted!! I haven't yet but I LOOOOVE to read them and so I'd love to write one sometime. (We aren't counting my old VLD Steven Universe au.)
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so! Fingers crossed it hasn't happened lol I doubt it would
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! But if someone were to want to, I would say go ahead! Just send it to me so I can see :D sounds so cool!
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Very recently was my first time doing a proper co-write/collab, which I did with my lovely friend Seven! I would love to do more they're so fun (and probably one of the only ways I'll easily end up writing a multichap KEKW)
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
ouuuuu ive got a lot of pairings I really really cherish. Jercy my beloved, uhhh Valgrace is so silly, I like to consider myself one of The Kamuegi writers ever, and Pumpkinduo kind of holds an insanely special place in my heart
15: What's the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
(Un)Lifetime Achievement Award as sad as it sounds. I love it so much and I'm so insanely proud of it and I love the story but there's soooo much planned and the person I was planning it with hasn't spoken to me in a while. I have hope that I'll finish it someday! Or at least get another two chapters out!
16: What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhh,,,,I don't. actually know! I do a lot of flowery sentences ig? and I think I'm pretty good at angst and similar things
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Making (and completing) multichap fics, getting ideas to write, finding the motivation to write, and I am definitely bad at planning things out in advance
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it pretty sparingly in the past, because I want to incorporate other languages and loooove language, but don't know any of them very well aside from English. But I try to do a lot of research before I add something in, and am 100% open and insistent that someone correct me if I messed up, or if there's another way to go about saying what I'm trying to say, or just to tell me more!
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Never published because I was a kid and it was. So Bad but !!! It was actually for the Minecraft Roleplay series Mary and Dad's Minecraft Adventure (MADMA) back around 2011-2013. I've been in mcrp hell for. a LONG time jesus christ
20: Favorite fic you've ever written?
ohhhh good question. Fullbury Records is very special to me and I'm ALWAYS thinking of what to add to that series, and (Un)Lifetime Achievement Award ofc is also very special to me. I think Heart to Heart is going places once I get back to writing the next chapter, too But I'm also veeeerrry proud of Famous Last Words, and it's very special to me as a projection piece LMAO
Tag time!!
@dyke420-69 @sparrowsong07 and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it lolol be sure to tag me so I can see :D
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 years
Marty and Artie
A/N: Huge shoutout to @mashmaiden and @glenncoco4 for being the best detectives and keepers of all the knowledge of this fandom. 
Fandom: NCIS LA
Characters: Marty Deeks, Kensi Blye, Nell Jones
Kensi had lived in LA for a long time, but she couldn’t ever remember being quite this hot. Sweat trickled down the back of her neck even in the air conditioned taco truck, making her grey t-shirt stick to her back. 
She could hear Deeks in her ear, chatting it up with whoever would stop long enough to listen. He was in full Artie get-up today, out on a street corner in the blazing sun as they waited for Davis Kelleher to leave his office building and head off to a clandestine meeting with some arms dealers. It had been several hours and at this point Kensi was becoming convinced their suspect had called everything off because of the heat. International terrorism could wait for a day without a high of one hundred and ten. 
“Does the air go any cooler?” Nell grumbled, fumbling around with the dashboard.
Sam and Callen were out of town for a training so she’d come along as backup for the day, leaving Beale solo in Ops, which he’d made clear he wasn’t a fan of. But Nell was thrilled to have a little freedom and she  and Kensi had spent the first few hours of their little stakeout enjoying one another’s company, talking about their respective partners, life, and the new Thai place that had opened up last week.
But things had gone a little quiet in the last thirty minutes as the heat continued to skyrocket and air quality warnings popped up all over their screens. 
“That’s as cool as it gets,” Kensi said, wiping her forehead. 
“Well that sucks.” Nell pushed back a strand of sweaty hair and stuck her face in front of the vent. “Good lord it’s hot.”
“Record high for LA in like a hundred years.” Kensi reached in the glove box for a fake take out menu and began fanning herself.
“I don’t know why I even showered this morning,” Nell said as she frowned at her damp blouse.
Kensi touched her comm. “Deeks how you doing out there?”
He turned toward the hidden camera on the truck and gave her a thumbs up. She felt bad. Artie’s getup wasn’t comfortable and he had to be absolutely dying in this heat. She watched as a homeless man Deeks had talked to earlier, she thought maybe his name was Nick, shuffled over and began talking with her partner.
Kensi checked her watch. “Eric any movement from the offices inside?”
“Negative,” Eric said. “He’s been in there all day.”
“I don’t know.” Kensi looked at Nell. “I think maybe we should call it for today. Try again tomorrow. Nobody’s going out in this heat if they can help it.”
She hated to leave an op unfinished but there was no point in sticking around if the meet had been cancelled. Nell nodded. “I’ll start packing it up.”
“Deeks did you hear that?” Kensi asked. “We’re heading out.”
She saw him nod and heard him continue his conversation with Nick, her heart melting just a little bit as he patiently listened to the other man’s advice, which was all a repeat of an hour earlier. Her husband was such a good man.
“Over on Hollywood, that bakery? They’ll give you free water for your dog,” Nick said.
“That’s good to know man, thanks,” Deeks told him.
“They don’t even mind. They just give it to you.”
“I appreciate it.”
“You ever been over there before?”
“No I haven’t but I’ll definitely…“ 
Kensi looked up at the screen when she heard Deeks trail off, eyes searching the area for any sign of a problem. “You okay?” Nick asked.
Deeks’ breathing was loud over the comms. “Yeah, I…I think…”
Kensi keyed her comm. “Deeks? You good?”
He put a hand to his head and collapsed to the ground. Kensi scrambled out of her seat. “Nell!”
Nell looked up at the screen. “Oh my god!”
Kensi jumped out of the van and ran across the street, dropping to her knees by her partner. “Deeks! Baby!” She cupped his face in her hands. “Hey, wake up!”
“Kens what do you need?” Nell asked.
“Call 911. And then get anything cold we’ve got in the van. I think it’s heatstroke.” She started pulling off bits of Artie garb in an attempt to cool Deeks off. His skin was extremely hot and dry, and when she reached for his wrist she found his pulse extremely fast. 
She looked up to see Nick holding out a bottle of water. “You gotta cool him down.”
“Thank you,” Kensi said gratefully. She cracked the seal and gently poured it onto Deeks’ face and neck as Nell returned with a few more semi-cool bottles. “This is all we’ve got,” she said. “Paramedics are on their way.”
“Okay good.”
Deeks’ eyes fluttered and Kensi put a hand on his shoulder to keep him still. “Hey, you’re okay,” she said.
He blinked several times, trying to focus. “What…?”
“You passed out,” Kensi said. “Just stay still all right? Help is coming.”
“‘mokay,” he said, struggling to sit up.
“No, no, no,” she put a hand on his face as Nell moved closer to help her keep him down. “No you’re not. Just breathe. Nell hand me those bottles.”
She tucked one underneath each of his armpits and cracked open a third. “Try and drink a little of this,” she directed, helping him hold up his head so he could take a few sips.
Sirens came screaming around the corner and Kensi winced internally. The chances they’d just blown this op were pretty high, but she couldn’t worry about that now. Deeks was her priority, always. 
He gradually seemed to come back to himself as the paramedics jumped out and began an IV, removing Kensi’s makeshift icepacks and adding their own. “I don’t know,” Deeks said several minutes later when he was finally more upright. “One minute I was up and then I was down.”
“Your heart rate and blood pressure are still really high so we’re going to take you in,” the medic told him.
“No, that’s, I don’t need—“
“He’ll go,” Kensi told the medic, giving her husband a warning glare. “I’m his wife, can I go with him?”
“Yeah you can ride up front.”
“I’ll go take care of things back…home,” Nell said.
Kensi nodded gratefully, getting to her feet as they got Deeks up and into the ambulance.
He threw up once during the drive, but by the time they reached the hospital he seemed almost back to normal, his face less red, his speech no longer slurred and confused. Kensi felt the hard ball of worry in her gut dissipate as he began to joke with the nurses and doctors, his Deeks charm alive and well.
“So did I blow the op?” he asked when they finally had a second alone together.
“That doesn’t matter,” Kensi said. “What matters is you being all right. Why didn’t you say anything? We could have pulled you out.”
“I didn’t realize how bad it was. I was just talking to Nick and everything went dark and then I saw your beautiful face looking down at me.” He looked at her with wide, sappy eyes.
“Do not try and charm your way out of this Martin Deeks,” she said. “I am not happy with you right now.”
“C’mon babe! It’s not a big deal.”
“Oh it’s not? How about I call your mother and tell her why you aren’t coming into the bar tonight? Do you think she’ll agree it’s not a big deal?”
“Kensi no,” he said in horror. “You cannot call my mom.”
She held up her phone threateningly. “Then behave and do what the doctors tell you to. Otherwise I leave Mama B is going to be over here before I even hang up the phone.”
“Okay, okay!” Deeks held up his hands in surrender.
“Thank you.” She put her phone away, then sighed, brushing away a stray curl from his forehead. “You really scared me babe.”
He caught her hand, locking his fingers with hers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know. Just don’t do it again. Maybe we need to retire Artie. That outfit has way too many layers for this kind of heat.”
“Hey, don’t blame Artie for this! He’s just out there living his best life on the streets. He can’t help it that the heat index caused me to pass out.”
Kensi raised her eyebrows. “You know that Artie’s not real right? It’s just you in a disguise?”
“He’s a part of me Kensi,” Deeks said, a dramatically wounded expression on his face. “And he always will be.” She rolled her eyes and extricated her hand. “Yeah, you’re better now. I’m going to go check in with Nell.” 
“Our bond is special! You can’t take that away from us!” Deeks called as she left the room.
“My husband,” Kensi said to a surprised nurse who was walking by. “There’s no cure for him.”
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arofili · 3 years
I love reading what you write! It's always such good, easy writing no matter what it's about! Do you have any Russingon fic recs? I'm new to Ao3 and still figuring it all out.
Aww thank you so much <3 <3 that means a lot! and YES I have lots of Russingon fic recs! These are all taken from my bookmarks and I know there are other great fics out there, but these are ones that I have saved and come back to frequently!
(I’m also going to plug my Russingon fics bc I write them a lot and I’m pretty proud of some of those works!)
Blessed Hands Will Break Me by @absynthe--minded - WIP currently at 139k, lots of worldbuilding, from Fingon’s discovery of Maedhros’ capture to the Mereth Aderthad - Absynthe is an amazing Russingon writer, absolutely check her stuff out!
“whoso list to hunt” by vauquelin (elftrash) - 3k oneshot, post-Angband, 1st person Fingon POV - another incredible writer
“Old Pains” by @zealouswerewolfcollector​ - ficlet, post-reembodiment, Maedhros is unsure of reality
Did My Heart Love Till Now? by @absynthe--minded​ (with art by @felixwhetsel​ !) - 5k, Years of the Trees, masquerade shenanigans <3
“stay thy mind, and all the rest” by @mc-dude​ - 25k oneshot, get together, Fingon visits Maedhros in Himring, the ANGST and LONGING gahhhh !!!
“commit (to the bit)” by vauquelin (elftrash) - 4k oneshot, Years of the Trees, FAKE DATING FOR WORLD PEACE, this author has a GIFT for prose and the subtlety of interpersonal interaction
“cliffs of fall” by @arrivisting - 3k oneshot, nonlinear narrative but generally focused on post-reembodiment reunion with Complicated Feelings - another author with a truly inspiring talent for prose, I reread the wedding scene in this fic at least once a week and it never fails to make me emo
In Equal Measure by @siphilemon - WIP currently at 108k, time-travel fix-it, bullet point fic, not just Russingon but they’re the ones who time traveled and anyway their parts make me go insane
Your colors by @elesianne - 2 chapters, 3k total, Years of the Trees and then Beleriand, gift-giving and anniversaries and dirty talk, so tender and loving, Elle’s Russingon always hits me right in the heart <3
“Like the old season” by Tyelperintal - 1.8k oneshot, post-Angband, Maedhros and Fingon take a walk in the woods, super sweet
“Gifts of the Heart” by @wren-of-the-woods - 10k oneshot, Years of the Trees, really lovely get-together fic, gift-giving, just super sweet and fun
Our Houses Bound Together by @senalishia and @z-h-i-e - 5 chapters, 17.2k total, arranged marriage AU!!, mutual pining, lots of drama, very fun
“just one safe place” by sunflower_diode - 2.1k oneshot, post-Angband, homoerotic haircutting
“All About Your Heart” and its sequel “At Last Broke Silence, And The Ice” by @admirablemonster - first fic is 2k, second is 8k, modern AU ft. aspec Fingon and genderfluid Maedhros!!!, get together, family drama, ice angst <3
Life after Death by Sylanna - WIP currently at 69k, Fingon-centric post-reembodiment fic, slow moving and contemplative, the author is truly the sweetest person ever
What Is Wrought Between Us by @nikosheba - 90k series (with plenty of smut too), complete, canon compliant, ranges from the Years of the Trees all the way to after the Dagor Dagorath, a truly incredible work
“Kindness” by justonelastdance - 1.6k oneshot, Maedhros in a fucked up mental state post-Angband, hurt/comfort - this author writes a lot of Maedhros whump so if you like this check out their other stuff too (this one is just my favorite)
and under the cut, some smut recs....
smut recs
In a Jeweled Crown by @absynthe--minded - 3 chapters, 12k, complete, Fingon’s coronation and the aftermath - this one still makes me go nuts every time I read it
Reconnecting by nyromes - a series with 2 parts, 9k total, first time post-Angband + first time Maedhros bottoms post-Angband
“Bright Defiance” (1.7k) and its companion fic “Very Good” (800 word ficlet) by @edgeoflight - two oneshots, Fingon coaxes Maedhros’ story out of him post-Angband + some PWP - these are some of my favorites, I come back to them frequently
“all your perfect imperfections” by @stormxpadme - 1.8k oneshot, stumpfucking, I’m biased bc this was written for me but I do love it very much, Himring era
“These Games We Play” by @edgeoflight - 1.7k oneshot, the original stumpfucking fic, Himring era
A Surprise At Home by Findecutie and MayGlenn - 25k of pwp, Years of the Trees, newlyweds, crossdressing - part of the much longer Russ and Finno Verse but this was my intro to that verse and it’s good on its own!
“Fuath” by yeaka - 3k oneshot, first time, some truly disturbing manipulation by Melkor but the Russingon here fucking destroys me ;-;
“Rozanne” by yeaka - 2.8k oneshot, Maedhros recovering from Angband, I once saw someone use the phrase “lovingly described blowjobs” and that’s basically this fic
“Sleeve” by yeaka - 2.4k oneshot, trans!Maedhros, Years of the Trees, Fëanor invents the condom for Maedhros and Russingon are incredibly eager to try it out, they’re SO IN LOVE here it gets me every time
Passion and Anxious Care by LiveOakWithMoss - 12.5k total, 2 fic series, modern AU, oh my god they were roommates, get together and then first time, this is another one I return to frequently - this author is/was a BNF a few years ago but hasn’t been active recently
“For nimble thought can jump both sea and land” by TheLionInMyBed - 2.2k oneshot, palantiri foolishness that leads to video sex basically, Beleriand era - another BNF who is/was buds with LiveOakWithMoss
Treat me soft but touch me cool by LiveOakWithMoss and TheLionInMyBed - 4 chapters, 18k total, swoon kink/medical kink, relationship difficulties that are resolved, Beleriand era with a final chapter post-reembodiment, love this one
“Enthroned” by @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe - 4.5k oneshot, throne sex, fealty kink, King Fingon era
“A Disgrace to the House of Finwë” by @edgeoflight - 2.3k oneshot, get together/first time, Years of the Trees, they’re just super sweet together <3
“What Happens in Himring” by teasoni - 3.4k oneshot, reunion sex, Himring era, fealty kink, this fic is tagged “finally some dicks get sucked!!!!!!” and I think about that tag every time I write a Russingon blowjob jdkfhdkj
“a light in darkness, hope in woe” by @admirablemonster - 4k oneshot, trans!Maedhros, surprise baby Gil-galad in the middle of the Bragollach
“A lord and his prince” by @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe - 3.1k oneshot, early Beleriand era, reunion sex, super sweet and fluffy
“Made of Lava” by @edgeoflight - 2.1k oneshot, Years of the Trees, tender get-together fic with a kind of silly premise
Bend, bruise, beg by LiveOakWithMoss - 5 chapters, 13k total, part of a larger modern AU but tbh I haven’t read the main fic in that verse and this absolutely stands on its own, Maedhros discovering his kinks, chapters 2 (first time) and 4 (butt plug shenanigans) are my favorites
“in a field of stars” by Nacht - 3.4k oneshot, Years of the Trees, first time/get together, the writing style here is really unique and sticks with me
“a sword once sheathed” by @mc-dude - 3.5k oneshot, Beleriand era, reunion sex, the amount of horny longing is truly astonishing
Of Flight and Freedom by @admirablemonster - 2 chapters, 6.6k total, wingfic/wing kink, first time/get together, the Rescue and its aftermath
“Thorns” by yeaka - 2k oneshot, post-Angband, Maedhros with lousy self-worth, Fingon who punishes him with love, bondage
The Ice Between by angrymermaids (who has a tumblr but I don’t remember the url oops) - 7 chapters, 33.5k total, Beleriand era, piecing their relationship back together / trying to get back to being intimate, focus on Fingon and his trauma from the Ice
“much too tall for a boyfriend” by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor - 4.7k oneshot, fem!Maedhros x budding-transmasc!Fingon, Years of the Trees, I think about this fic ALL THE TIME I kind of want to write a sequel to it sjfdhdkjh
“the beat of your heart as my hand touches your skin” by @admirablemonster - 5.3k oneshot, part of the Elves in Pon Farr series, Years of the Trees, heat fic/mating cycles, first time/get together, Maedhros’ first heat catches him by surprise while on a camping trip with Fingon, accidental soulbond
“Beneath the Blanketing White” by @nikosheba - 2.3k oneshot, Himring era, pwp, cameo from little Gil-galad at the end
“What I Am (When I’m With You)” by @thatfeanorian - 5k oneshot, part of a larger modern AU, married fluff, Fingon with baby Gil, ends with some lovely smut, this was written for me so AGAIN I’m biased but I do very much love this one
“open your body and soul to me” by @the-quiet-fire-of-defiance - 2.3k oneshot, Years of the Trees, trans!Maedhros, pregnancy, exhibitionism, sex toys, they’re so in love that it drives me crazy, I can’t stop thinking about this fic djfhkjd
“Like the Golden Fire in Your Eyes” by @sianascera - 3.8k oneshot, Years of the Trees, Maedhros invents nipple piercings, extremely fun <3
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Coming Home - River and Luke
CW: inexperienced caretaker, vampirism, blood, implied past abuse, self-blame, police mention 
[Other thing]
River placed him on the couch as softly as possible, but could still see the shift in his breathing. They stood back, trying to give him some space and put their head back on straight.
They didn’t know what on earth they were supposed to do.
Every fiber of them screamed to called the police, but they just couldn’t. How were they supposed to explain what happened. They shook their head, trying to imagine that conversation.
“Yes officer, I was just buying my regular blood supply from a random man when I heard someone crying in the closet. So of course I broke the man’s wrist and kidnapped them. Oh yeah, and I’m a vampire.”
They sighed pushing back their dark coiled hair from their forehead. Yeah, that would go over great. The boy shivered, and they pulled themself back to the present. He needed help, but they didn’t know what to do.
In a moment blankness, they opened their laptop and frantically searched first aid steps. A few result popped up immediately, and they started to go through them.
1.       Recognize the emergency.   Does someone look like they’re in trouble?   If so, ask them, “Are you OK?”
River whined confusedly and looked back up to the figure on the couch. They opened their mouth, nothing but a little squeak coming out. He was barely conscious, bleeding, trembling and scared out of his mind. It looked like an emergency to them.
“Are you okay?” they asked, voice cracking with nerves. He didn’t respond. Their face flushed with embarrassment. Of course he couldn’t answer. They took a deep breath and looked at the next step.
2.       Call emergency services if necessary.
Their green eyes slid past that one. That needed to be the last resort.
3.       Assess the situation. How do they need help?
Slowly, River put down the laptop and ventured closer to the young man. He was pale, shallow breaths slowly puffing out of his chest. There were some cuts across his face, and even River could tell they weren’t clean. His hair was dirty and greasy, unkept around his head. His skin was dirty, too. River reached a hand out, then drew it back. He was still conscious, barely, and they didn’t want to scare him.
“I’m sorry. I, I have to touch you to see what I can do. I’m sorry – I’m sorry.”
They tried again, lifting up the ragged t-shirt he was wearing. He whimpered and tried to roll away, making River jump back.
“Sorry! Sorry!”
He didn’t respond again, and even with the small peak River could tell he needed more help. There were ginormous bruises on the crooks of both elbows, more on his chest it seemed like. Slowly as they could, the started to lift the shirt again, and this time it seemed like he was too weak to fight them.
They tried to keep their emotions locked away, but they couldn’t help but sniff. He was covered in bruises and cuts, every single rib visible to their eyes. He was still breathing very shallowly, eyes fluttered closed.
River dropped the shirt and wandered back to their computer.
4.       Administer basic first aid if necessary
They nodded. They could do that. They had a first aid kit – somewhere.
“I’ll be right back,” they said, walking backwards out of the room. They bolted to the bathroom, tearing under the sink apart. They were sure their mom had given them one when they first moved it. It was kinda old, but at least it would still have band aids and gauze and stuff like that.
Finally getting their fingers on the old blue plastic box, they stood. They looked up, still a little confused to not see their own reflection. They were still new to this; to all of this. The accident had only been about a month or two ago, and even though they knew, it was still kinda hard to accept.
A thought hit them and they almost dropped the box. They had been ordering from Arthur since the accident. They were too scared to try and hunt, they never wanted to hurt someone else. But they had. They had hurt someone else; and now he was lying on their couch. River did this to him. Not with their own fists, but they had paid someone else to do it which was just as bad.
Tears dripped down their eyes as they made their way back to the living room. They had always cried at the drop of a hat, but this one was bad. It was a horrible guilt that soured their stomach and clamped around their heart. They wanted to help, they wanted to make things better but they just didn’t know what to do.
After reading the back of the cleaning wipes, they ripped the packet open and started to clean the small cuts on his face. He reacted a bit, flinching, but not pulling away from them. They went slowly, trying to talk to him as they went. They ended up talking about their neighbor’s new dog. It was very fluffy and friendly, and River hoped it would be a nice distraction for him.
They finished up on his face and applied the bandages – little pastel ones with stars – and moved onto his neck. The sight of the IV wound stirred something in them. They assumed it was disgust. They cleaned the site best they could, blinking tears down their face as they saw the fang marks, too. When they pulled the cloth away, it was dirtied and red.
They stopped, staring at it. It was light in their hand, as light as any single use wipe could be, yet they couldn’t pull their eyes away from it. They were staring at it, entranced by it.
It wasn’t disgust they felt; it was hunger.
River screamed and dropped it, falling backwards to crawl away. No, no nonono! They didn’t, they never, no! They hid behind the armchair, trying to calm their breathing. They hadn’t been around fresh blood since they were turned, opting to buy it. They didn’t know it was going to be this strong.
The young man whimpered, drawing their attention back to him. Right, him. Shakely, the left their defensive spot and crept back over. They ignored the wipe of the floor (it was easier now that it had touched the ground).
Feeling a bit silly but also rather ingenious, they used a pair of disposable earplugs to plug their nose before continuing. It helped dull the scent so they could patch him up. He didn’t seem like he was doing any better, just covered in band aids. River whimpered and went back to their laptop.
How to help with blood loss
They scanned the results, clicking through some of the links. Water? Iron? Vitamin C? River paused. Vitamin C, orange juice. They had orange juice! They stood grabbing a plastic cup from the kitchen and filling a few inches with orange juice.
They helped the young man sit up, cupping the back of his head to help in drink. He was still conscious enough, able to drink the liquid easily.
“Hey, there you go,” River tried, brushing back his hair again. He shivered, and looked up at them for the first time. He had dark brown eyes, scared and tired. They tried to smile, but they knew their guilt was written all over their face.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise.”
He closed his eyes and took another breath, seemingly falling asleep.
River put the cup in the sink and stood in the middle of the kitchen, unsure what to do now.
tag tag tag tag @unicornscotty @lave-whump @cupcakes-and-pain @dollophead-merlin @starnight-whump @thehopelessopus @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpzone @divia237 @whole-and-apart-and-between
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verfound · 3 years
WIPWed: Festering Edition: 6/9/21: 5 Things Luka Regrets Telling Dingo
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@chrwrites @nerdypanda3126 & Nonny...I wish I had more to give y'all than this. 😂
I literally only have a scattering of notes. (A lot of the Dingo Files are ideas that got spitballed in the Disco, turned into plunnies, and I jotted down conversations/notes/etc to get back to later. I haven't actually gotten to all of them yet, though. I should start picking away at some of these...)
This one is the story of when Luka got his wisdom teeth out. 😁 Bloods suggested something, and it got me thinking of those videos of people post-surgery? Where they're so doped out they just go nutty? He stupidly asks Dingo to go with him (bc if you've had your wisdom teeth out you know you're not driving yourself home), and Dingo films the whole thing. Or maybe Bri - I'm thinking Luka's so doped out Dingo's having trouble with him & calls in reinforcements. 😂
It starts with silly and stupid stuff, like "I slept with a stuffed loch ness monster named Norbert until I was ten, Ding. TEN." Nothing too incriminating, but still stuff a good bestie knows is blackmail/wedding speech material. But it spirals. I'm still kicking this part around, but it ends up being a massive Love Confession. "Marinette is amazing. I am going to marry the shit out of her someday." But I'm kicking around the idea still that maybe this is pre-relationship, when she's with someone else (maybe Adrien, maybe just Someone Else), and Ding's like "...mate I thought you were over this oh shit?" "...oh right ok then I guess I'm gonna marry the shit outta fifty hamsters someday."
Because y'all know by now I can't just keep things light and fluffy I guess. Gotta whump it up a little. 😂
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Hello! Im Aki, the runner of this Legend of Zelda roleplay blog. I wanted to make this introductory post to set ground rules and give the basics of my oc! Im new to this business, so feel free to send me an ask about my oc or to start a roleplay!
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Ground Rules
No NSFW! I am an asexual minor who is very much uncomfortable when that kind of thing comes from no where! And i dont want it anyways!
Keep cursing down in asks/responses, please! I understand and am okay with it if it matches the situation or character, but excessive cursing makes me uncomfy.
Don't be pushy or such in my inbox! I want to take this a few threads at a time or else I'll get overwhelmed. And I have a life outside of Tumblr!
For roleplay
Smaller responses are fine, but they need to be more than a few sentences! And preferably, send me a dm or in your ask let me know the premise for the interaction! I do roleplay best knowing what's happening!
If you're sending a rp starter, please state somewhere that you are!
Interaction with characters not set in the general botw area is completely fine! Villains, heros, ocs, whatever.
I'm great with whump, fluff, hurt/comfort, and just silly interactions!
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Character Introduction
Name: Lyss/Link
Age: 15
Race: Gerudo-Hylian
Pronouns: She, He, They (changes; genderqueer)
Ability: they're able to change their appearance to look like more masculine/feminine/androgynous (not really important for rp tho, i guess)
Key items: Sheika Slate, hero's outfit, gerudo outfit
Languages: Hylian, Gerudo, sign for both and Rito but ptefers to use a mix of all three when signing.
Story line stuff
Lyss is the hero from 10,000 years before the events of Calamity. They're the hero that sealed Ganon under the Castle of Hyrule, and was there for the development of the guardians and divine beasts. However, due to a series of accidents, they accidentally threw themself into the future (to botw's time, post Calamity while Link is running around the Great Plateau). Needless to say, it was quite a culture shock to them. So they're running around Hyrule while trying to figure stuff out! Sometime they'll run into the feral child that is Wild (botw Link), but that's for later.
They have dark, fluffy red hair that is often in a ponytail and is rather tall due to their gerudo heritage. Roughly a head taller than Wild, and has a good build. They lost Fi and the Master Sword somewhere along their travel to the future, so they have to rely on the Gerudo and Guardian swords they had on them and whatever else they can find. They also have burn scars from Malace from their fight with Ganon in their own time on the right side of their face from their eye down. They can still see.
If you'd like to roleplay or just ask questions, feel free! My asks are open and ready!
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Working My Way Back To You 11/11
Killian gets captured. When Emma finally rescues him, he’s traumatized and nearly broken from the torture he endured. Thankfully Emma is close at hand to help him through it.
Heavy on the hurt/comfort, with some whump because I couldn’t help myself lol
A/N: And with that, my first multi-chapter fic is complete! I hope this ending is satisfying to you, some light and fluffy stuff to leave you feeling good after the angst and misery of earlier chapters lol 
Thank you all so much for your support and your kind comments - every one of them brings a smile to my face. And I still cannot believe this story got over 100 kudos before I even posted this final chapter.
Unbetad as always so mistakes are all mine.
Tagging @cocohook38 as requested.
Read this chapter on AO3 
Working My Way Back To You
Epilogue: Recovery
The weatherman’s knowledge of the weather so many days in advance is impressive. The conditions are perfect, the sun shining warmly but not too warmly, and enough wind to carry the ship smoothly out to sea with the tide. Exactly as predicted. As promised, Killian takes them out far enough that the sky and the water are all that be seen in any direction, giving instructions to Emma and Henry who are having a bit of a debate over which of them should be titled first mate - not that either of them really care, of course, it’s just a running joke at this point, the ‘argument’ interspersed with laughter and a lot of quotes and references Killian doesn’t get.
“Alright, calm down,” Killian orders, tossing a grin their way because he doesn’t mean it, “I don’t tolerate fighting amongst my crew.”
He loves hearing them laugh. When he joins them on the main deck for the picnic lunch Emma has brought, his heart feels even lighter. Henry talks almost constantly these days, whether he has food in his mouth or not – much to Emma’s eternal consternation.
“Killian, say something,” she insists, when Killian just keeps snickering about all the crumbs Henry keeps accidentally spitting out, “Tell him that’s bad form or whatever.”
“That’s bad form,” he says obediently, and he refrains from adding the or whatever, though he gives Henry a wink in full view of Emma which makes her roll her eyes.
“You two are just as bad as each other.”
“Sorry, love, in future I shall endeavor to set a better standard for your boy,” Killian says, with a bit more gravity than the situation requires.
Because he means it. He only wants the best for his family. Bloody hell, he’ll never get used to that thought – Killian’s family. He has a family. He never thought he’d be so lucky. As if she senses the emotional turn of his thoughts, Emma gives his cheek a chaste kiss that makes Henry dramatically cover his eyes with a sound of feigned repulsion, and the situation immediately regains its playful ambiance.
They spend hours out there on the water, just appreciating the sense of camaraderie and of freedom.
“We should sail away some day,” Henry says, looking almost longingly at the horizon, where sea and sky meet in a barely discernible seam, “For a vacation, you know, spend a few days at sea. Just for fun.”
“Got a taste for the pirate life, have you?” Killian teases.
“Maybe,” he says, a bit shyly, like he’s admitting something big, “I just want to know what it’s like, I guess. Being out there, just sailing around.”
“There’s a lot more to being a pirate than just sailing around.” And hell if Killian isn’t thinking of some of those things right now, not all of them pleasant and even less of them suited for Henry’s young ears.
“I know that,” Henry says, a bit of that teenage attitude coming out, “But I don’t think mom would approve of the other pirate stuff.”
They both spare a glance at Emma who is lazing on their picnic blanket on the deck, appreciating the sun. She might even be asleep. Killian feels a bit of guilt, for he suspects she’s tired from helping him deal with his nightmares, though she’d never admit it.
“Aye, that’s probably true. Well, let’s see about getting that vacation organized, shall we?”
When they finally sail back into Storybrooke’s harbor, the sun is getting quite low and the temperature is dropping. It’s a combined effort to get the Jolly Roger tucked back into her berth, helped along by the ship’s own enchantments as always, and Killian gives her a grateful pat before going ashore.
“She’s a good ship,” Emma says, her hand finding his as they walk along the dock, Henry’s attention firmly on his phone as he wanders ahead of them.
“Aye, that she is.” He can’t help the pride in his voice, both for his ship and for the fact that Emma has remembered to correctly refer to the Jolly as she.
“Thank you for taking us out. It was a good day.”
“For me as well. Let’s not wait too long before we do it again, alright?”
She squeezes his hand a little tighter as she smiles at him, the setting sun casting her face in a beautiful light. Gods, he loves her so intensely it almost hurts. There is so much he wants to show her. And Henry as well. So many plans for their future together.
“Yeah, that was awesome,” Henry interjects like he’s almost forgotten to say it, his strides shortening to allow them to catch up, “Thanks, Killian.”
His hug catches Killian by surprise, but it’s just surprise that makes him hesitate, makes him gasp a quiet oh before he returns Henry’s embrace. Some time ago the sudden movement and unexpected touch would have alarmed him, sent his mind racing away into his memories. The way Emma’s hand has come up to rest against his back, bracing him, says she knows it as well. But he’s okay. This is okay.
“It was my pleasure,” he says, “We make quite the sailing crew,” and Henry disengages from the hug, grinning at him.
“I still think I-”
“Alright, fine,” Emma interrupts with a grin of her own, knowing what Henry is going to say because they’ve been having this mock dispute for weeks, “You can be first mate. But I’m the Pirate King.”
Killian tilts his head a little, eyebrows lifting, feeling rather perplexed at Emma’s comment. It’s probably another modern world reference, he thinks.
“Pirate King? I can’t say I’ve bestowed such a title on any of my crew before. And shouldn’t it be Pirate Queen, in your case?”
“Oh, yeah, we haven’t got to that movie yet,” Henry says, confirming Killian’s thought, “It’s on the list, though. Hey, mom, can we watch it tonight? Killian’s already seen the first two.”
Emma’s still got her hand against his lower back. He can feel the warmth from it now, somehow creeping through his clothing, through the layers of leather and cloth to settle against his skin. She glances up at him searchingly, checking his wellbeing, ensuring he’s okay with Henry’s plan before she agrees. Sometimes he’s too on edge by the end of the day to sit still, or too drained from fighting his own mind. But Killian can’t imagine a better ending to this perfect day than curled up on the couch with his family, making fun of a probably silly movie about make-believe pirates, and he gives a barely perceptible nod.
“Okay,” Emma says with a smile, “Movie night it is.”
Her hand slips back into Killian’s as they walk back to her vessel – her car, Killian mentally corrects himself. And he thinks for probably the hundredth time today that he’s so bloody fortunate to have found such a place in the world, so surrounded by love and support.
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March Ado About Nothing
Series Summary - A series of one-shots and  drabbles written based off of prompts posted in the TSS Fanworks Collective server. The goal is to take traditional whump prompts and fill them in the least-angsty way possible every day through March.
A note that though some of these fills are written bait and switch style (written in a way you think is going in one direction but reveals it to be the opposite towards the end) they are all written in a fluffy or silly style with very little, if any at all, actual angst.
Day 2: Stuff Your Secrets
Summary: Stuffed animals are good and normal to have no matter what age you are- except for Remus. Logan quickly fixes that line of thinking.
Prompts: "Please, no more!, Extreme Weather, *Dirty Secret*      
Ships: platonic intrulogical (Logan & Remus)
Warnings: mild angst, guilt for having stuffed animals. Let me know if there are!
General taglist (ask to be added or removed): @/janus-is-an-adorable-snek-boi  @/im-an-anxious-wreck  (in an effort to not flood your inboxes I’m only tagging in the first part ^-^)
WC: 1235
Stuffed animals, with all their innocence and connection to childlike wonder and imagination, weren’t usually something that was defined as a dirty secret someone would desperately try to hide away at all costs. Having stuffed animals was normal and useful to mental health: they were soft and plushy and you could cuddle them for comfort, they were amazing to grip onto when one was sick or in pain and, if you didn’t want to feel odd talking to yourself to work out one idea or other, you could always prop them up as a makeshift audience to listen to you infodump for hours and they would never get annoyed!
So no, stuffed animals themselves weren’t the problem, nor was having them as a fully grown and “mature” adult. The problem came because the owner was Remus, and Remus had come to learn that if he had something it was automatically thought to be something gross or dangerous or disturbing- especially if that’s not what it looked lille from the outside. He was the one that would play stupid pranks of showing someone something rather cute but have it open its mouth to reveal several jaws and a tentacle, or give someone a teddy bear the melted into foul smelling ooze when they held it. Do this enough times and be repressed for a decade or two to boot and you have a reputation that- while fair in its own right if he really thought about it- make having things that were actually innocent in nature a bit problematic if he didn’t want to be scrutinized within an inch of his life.
And so, his dirty secret remained hidden even from Janus, who Remus knew would never make fun of him or judge him for something so trivial but years of hiding made him skittish anyway. The irony of intrusive thoughts hiding something definitely wasn’t lost on him but he only shook the thought away as he continued shoving his well worn friends into a drawer in the closet while shooting a look at the clock. Logan would be coming in any minute now to help him organize a few of his projects that still needed fine tuning if he was going to show his brother any time soon; even though their relationship was still a little rocky...especially after knocking him out for an entire episode and some hateful words were said by the lighter side, they had both scraped up enough indignant reluctance to apologize and begin working together- however tentatively- on a couple different things to test the waters. And Remus wasn’t worried about it all! A second opinion from someone as observant and down to earth as Logan was never hurt was all.
He had just finished shoving everything closed and willing the closet to stay shut when there was a knock at the door. Grinning wide he sank in directly behind the logical side and opened the door from behind, making the other stiffen and then roll his eyes at Remus before walking into the room, immediately going for the desk and paying no attention to the slightly disappointed pout Remus was sporting over not getting a bigger reaction. He knew Logan was just as dramatic as any other side, he just had to find a sweet spot- maybe he’d steal his jam at some point. Appearing on top of the desk he gestured to a few notebooks strewn around.
“It’s a lot so buckle in! I haven’t had an outlet for my ideas in years!”
Logan peered at him from over his glasses. “So long as nothing is explicitly pornographic or sadistic in nature I’m willing to bet most of these will be harmless enough to include somewhere in future projects.” Screwing his mouth to the side Remus simply bounced in place, never having been able to sit still for very long especially when things were quiet. Thankfully Logan didn’t seem to mind, simply skimming through various sketchbooks and notebooks and placing flashcards to mark certain spots for whatever it was he was looking for. He jolted in surprise as something cold and gooey was pressed into his hands, looking up as Logan took his hand away and resumed his task.
“To fidget with if you like, I know sitting quietly can’t be easy but I appreciate your patience.”
Blinking in surprise Remus began idly stretching the goop around, the bright green slime enveloping his hand and sticking in a way that was oddly very pleasing as a tactile stim. He’d have to make more of this at some point and see if he could bathe in it; surely Roman wouldn’t mind one of their lakes turned into slime as long as it was for creativity's sake. He was so engrossed in the wonderful new thing he held in his hands that he didn’t hear the closet food creaking until it was too late, the overstuffed doors bursting open and spilling various items out onto the floor, multiple phallic shapes and odd body pillows were the least of his worries as he watched all of the stuffed animals he had shoved away spill out into the open in all their cute, fluffy glory. His chest constricted painfully as he shot a panicked look to Logan who was regarding the plushies waily as if they would come to life and maul him at any moment- which, while as in character as that might be- for some reason he couldn’t bear the thought of them being perceived that way.
“They’re safe I swear! Just stuffed animals I uh- there’s nothing- I just like-” His throat refused to cooperate and he was left gaping stupidly as Logan set the notebook down and stood up. “No, please!”
Remus reached out for Logan, knowing what he was pleading with him for but suddenly very aware of his racing thoughts telling him to make sure he wouldn’t get into trouble- what if he told Patton, or took them away because he wasn’t meant to have them? Or-
“I’ll be right back Remus. I promise, I’m just going to get mine.”
His? He was gone before Remus could question it as he ripped and pulled and mashed the goop in his hands nervously, wishing the other had left him with more of an explanation. He didn’t have long to wait however as Logan came back in with an armload of...something that was prompt laid on his bed. As he came closer he realized they were stuffed animals- Logan’s he guessed from the teddy bear adorned with a tie and a snail with a lab coat. But there was also a well worn fluffy purple dog, a calico cat with galaxy print for spots and a stegosaurus with a rainbow scale print on it. He looked back to Logan who smiled warmly.
“You don’t have to keep them a secret, Remus, at least not for me. I’d be a hypocrite to judge you and I’m very willing to bet the other’s would be as well.”
“Bet you my bug collection!” Remus shouted before he could think. Logan pulled a face. “I’m not trading you again- last time you didn’t say they spit acid and my desk was ruined.”
Cackling he twitched a finger and the toys were back on his bed where they belonged, though he did sneak a small squid plush in with Logan’s- as thanks.
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dirkgentle · 5 years
dghda fic rec thingie !! 
Listen, I still don’t know how any of this works, but I must - MUST - recommend the works of the ever so talented @superhiro ( who happens to be my girlfriend, by the way, shh just let me brag for a hot sec ), because I can absolutely never get enough of Sarah’s writing! To say her characterisation is flawless would be an understatement, and to call her language merely brilliant an insult, and no, I am not biased, thank you very much! I’m not much of a fanfiction reader, for reasons of time management, easily computer-screen-triggered headaches, trying to avoid subconsciously copying the ideas of another writer, and being quite protective of certain character portrayals, but I’ve adored @superhiro‘s fics since well before we got together. She writes a flawless Todd and a marvellous Dirk and manages to pull off every single supporting character in so effortless a fashion I’m often left completely bewildered by her talent, so --- long story short, go read her stuff! 
It's Late And I Can't Help But Need You 3908 words, very fluffy, sweet as sugar, Brotzly.  Dirk finds himself struggling to fall asleep and decides that there is only one remedy in the world that could possibly help him -- to show up at Todd Brotzman’s flat in  the middle of the night and also snog him silly. Please read this if you’ve always wanted a sweetness-induced cavity. Love confessions, cuddles and exclusive kissing privileges, what more could you want? :)  Even If You Cannot Hear My Voice 62794 words (holy shit, man. holy shit), Brotzly, hurt/comfort, cw for character death (though at least it’s temporary ...) and a certain amount of emotional and physical whump, but also, I have been promised, lots of fluffiness to make up for it.  The fic that has killed me just as efficiently as it’s killed ... well, I don’t want to put out any spoilers. Fact is, if you like suspense, cases gone terribly wrong, desperate not-quite-boyfriends ready to sacrifice everything for each other, hurt (lots of hurt. lots and lots of hurt. these words will personally break into your bedroom and stab you about a bazillion times.), horrible separations, Todd Brotzman nearly losing his mind (again), love defeating even the greatest enemy, and suitably dramatic reunions, then this should be your go-to to get you through the winter months. Please note that I have not yet finished reading this fic because I’m a wimp and have only so many tears to shed, but perhaps you’ll prove yourself a stronger person.  How to Work Through Sticky Situations (Both Figurative and Literal) 3366 words, Brotzly, light-hearted and silly, lots of fluff and actual sweetness, definitely good for a bit of a chuckle after the above fic ripped out your heart !!  This was written for last year’s spook fest and I’ve re-read it several times, because it’s simply one of the dumbest, but also most gorgeous little ficlets in the world. So cute it’s going to haunt you regularly even a year later. I don’t want to give too much away, but I am going to tell you this much: Todd Brotzman. Dirk Gently. Thirty pies. What could go wrong? Everything.  What it Means to Love You 9812 words (ridiculous, given that this was supposed to be a short one), Brotzly, demon hamsters, love confessions, amazingness.  Written for the DGHDA Valentine’s thingie, this amazing fic is dedicated to ... oh, modesty forbids me from saying it, but this story certainly holds a special little place in my heart. Todd finds himself faced with the problem of having fallen in love with his best friend (maybe. probably. definitely? come on, buzzfeed quizzes would never lie to you), and obviously, the epitome of emotional stuntedness and dorky awkwardness ensues. It takes a lot of fretting, frantic conversations, demonic rodents, dark magic and a brush with death, before ... pffft. As if I’m going to tell you. Go read for yourself. 
TLDR; Sarah is fantastic, and she also writes a more-canon-than-canon Todd over at @protectiveforce, and if you’re not reading her stuff and following her, clearly you need a wake-up call. This is it. 💛💛💛
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anglophile-rin · 4 years
don’t trope me into this
tagged by @royedsasoei . Yay! Thanks! I love getting tagged in things and it never happens for any of those stupid Facebook ones, which makes you def top ten loves of my life ❤️❤️
However, the universe has once again asked the bisexual to choose things, and we all know how that goes...
Rules: Bold whichever trope you like the most (or hate the least if you’re not a huge fan of either) of the following pairs: 
Slow burn or Love at first sight? 
Ok, hear me out. So, like, Klaus lands his ass in Vietnam, tilts his head at the hot sleepy guy, and it's just "Oh no, he's pretty."
Dean stabs Castiel in the chest and again, "Oh no, he's pretty."
So, I guess what I mean is, I love a crush at first sight. But then slowly burn away at that love, my friends. Make me hurt with your need to JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY.
Fake dating or secret dating?
Gimme the danger! Gimme the sneaky, sexy stuff! But also, gimme the secret dating that's not really a secret so much as, they just never bothered to tell anyone and everyone's just really confused.
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers or enemies to friends to lovers? 
Maybe it's because I'm married to my best friend, maybe it's because my gay little heart realized 15 years too late that it was both gay and also had been in love with my high school best friend, but it just pleases me, damnit.
Oh no there’s only one bed or long distance correspondence?
Longing and phone calls and emails and texts (all fun to write, too, which helps) and whining pitifully to your siblings and friends and driving them bonkers. Yup. Hits the spot.
hurt/comfort or amnesia?
Whump has been in my soul since I had my first crush at two years old. Do you know how much little me delighted in Luke Skywalker having his hand cut off?? It was indecent. Add comfort from a loved one? I'm set.
Fantasy au or modern au? 
Both are great, but I have to really be in the mood for a fantasy AU. Modern is just so clean and easy.
mutual pining or domestic bliss? 
Can I say both?? I want them to pine and then I want them to have babies, DAMNIT.
smut or fluff?
Damnit. Both! I want both! Give me fluffy smut! Give me smutty fluff! Tenderly fuck and then cuddle, god DAMNIT.
But, if it must be one without the other, I suppose I'd have to go fluff. Though I get WAY more embarrassed reading a good fluff in public... 😬
canon-compliant or fix-it?
Listen. There is this thing called bury your gays, and I am not about that life. So I almost have to read fix-it just as a matter of necessity. But it has to be as canon-compliant as possible while fixing it.
Reincarnation or character death?
So, when I was young I watched a Disney Channel movie called Susie Q (I think) and the girl totally dies in the past (I think??) but then the guy sees basically her exactly in the future and first my little self was all "Woo! Her heart will go on!" but soon after I was like "Wait, that's kind of shitty, isn't it? Poor girl just being used as a replacement for a self she doesn't even remember." So, give me death. Plus, damn that grieving...
But if you're gonna reincarnate, you gotta reincarnate both of them again and again spanning centuries.
one-shot or multi-chapter?
The longer the better. Give me it ALL. 
kid fic or road trip?
I am SO SOFT for my favs being parents. SO SOFT. The kids have to be written well, which can be a chore, but kids. Do it.
sci-fi au or magic au?
Solely because I have read way more magic AU than sci-fi AU. Though I'm ready this SWU fix now....oh man....
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage?
Arranged marriage totally belongs in either enemies to lovers or arranged marriage to the wrong person. Some Romeo, Juliet and Paris shit up in here. Accidental marriage? That is pure of heart and dumb of ass and I am HERE for it, always. 
Time travel or isolated together?
This being said time travel involving Mr. David Katz will win out every time.
But yeah. Get snowed in, get trapped in an elevator, get lost in the woods, I think we're alone now.
High school romance or middle-aged romance?
I love a good high school AU, I really do. So much angst, and soft, younger versions of my favs. But that being said, middle-aged. Yes. Grown ass men (let's be real, I almost always read the gay boys) feeling like teenagers? Complications of adult life? Gimme gimme gimme.
body swap or genderbend? 
You did it. You offered the bisexual a choice and made her choose "neither." The only time I really can do genderbend is when it's temporary.
Angst or crack?
I can't do crack. I just can't. It's just...too silly. Too cringey.
Even if I could, though, I live for the angst. It feeds me.
Apocalyptic or mundane? 
Listen, shit is stressful enough. Just be in love, would you?
But apocalyptic can totally be fun, too...
tagging @frecklesandsuspenders @swiftseptember and anyone else who may want to do this! 
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bosstoaster · 6 years
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Shiro-Centric Gen Fluff, WAFF, and Humor
I’m not all soul-crushing angst.  If you’re looking for no-ship content of Shiro resting, laughing, and otherwise having a good time, this list is for you.  Bolded fics are series which have lots of fluff or hurmor, to save me from having to link every single one.
I apologize for the length, but read mores break, both on mobile and if something happens.  Just hit J to skip it if this isn’t your bag.
Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts Based in the verse by @butteredonions​, mostly centered around Hufflepuff Shiro and his friends.  Ranges from the first train ride into Hogwarts to his seventh year as Hogwarts Champion.  All of them are lighter in tone, but the fluffy cake goes to Don’t Take No Sorcery, the first in the series. Some are also Hunk-centric, but Shiro always plays a large part.
Krypto the Voltron Dog "krypto the amazing space-pup. the bestest space-pup of all" -Butteredonions
On a mission, Shiro finds a dog. An Earth dog.
Spades to Start When you teach an Altean how to play poker, they'll want to play a game-
And that will just end poorly.
Quit Playing Games Lance makes a deck of Uno cards.  It goes as well as expected.  (Based loosely on the set of rules/situation from Achievement Hunter)
Get What You Need "Shiro taught me everything I know about being a pilot."  A look back at the beginning.
Don’t Let’s Start Adjacent While the main series has more angst themes in the first entry and towards the end, the adjacent entries is fluffy enough to be worth a mention.  These are not part of the main universe’s continuity, but are in character.  You do need to read part one to read the rest, but then there are options.  Note that one of these (at the time of writing) is ship, but most are gen.
The Mane Event Shiro and Ryou are de-aged by Castle Malfunction (tm). It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a pride to keep the twins entertained.
Repeat After Me The end of February is coming up, and both of the twins have strong ideas of how it should be spent
Kiss From a Rose 5 times Shiro got kisses from the team, and one time he returned them.  (Second to last part is whump-ish, but there’s still mostly fluff)
Isn’t There a White Knight Kink Meme Fill: "In the first episode, Lance says that Shiro is his hero. But Shiro is still just a guy in his mid twenties, and we've seen him join in on silly stuff ("Blam blam blam!").  So what I want is five times Lance sees Shiro do dorky, ridiculous things, and one time he realizes he'd still follow this dork to Hell and back."
C'mon, as if I could pass that up.
Gunna Go Far, Kid Shiro finds himself in the body of a six year old. Again.  He's not any more happy about it.  (A follow up to Your Grace is Wasted)
The Melting Milky Way Shiro returns, but he has questions. How well did the team manage while he was gone?  He doesn't get the answer he wanted.  Post S2
Take Only What You Need By now, the team knows that if it's anything less than debilitating, Shiro won't admit to being sick.  But they help anyway.  
Playing With Your Food Shiro did not sign up for this grocery shopping trip.
Baby, You’ll Be Famous Lance tries to convince the team to take a selfie with him.  It goes as well as you'd expect.
Give Them Shelter Have some freakin' gen fluff, you goddamn animals.
Listen to the Rhythm of your Heart Kink Meme Fill:  "As leader of team Voltron, Shiro has to share a ceremonial drink with the leader of an alien town/village. Problem is, it turns out that what is more or less just a slightly soothing tea to these aliens is like the most potent alcohol ever to humans.And now the Black Paladin, leader of team Voltron, is drunk off his ass.[...]"  
Alternate Title: Your Grace is Wasted II: Alcoholic Boogaloo
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What's up, we had a month of whump, send in some silly fluffy stuff!
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Multichapter Fic Masterlist
Links to all series and chapters below the cut. If you’d like to be tagged in one or all series or put on the general taglist, feel free to send an ask or message! The only thing I ask when you’re tagged is that you reblog.
Dee Little Snake
Series Summary -  Janus uses age regression as a way to destress but has little control over it whenever he grows upset. Trying to keep a secret like that can be hard when you’re only four years old, and thus family bonding ensues in a way nobody expected, least of all Deceit.
March Ado About Nothing
Series Summary - A series of one-shots and  drabbles written based off of prompts posted in the TSS Fanworks Collective server. The goal is to take traditional whump prompts and fill them in the least-angsty way possible every day through March.
A note that though some of these fills are written bait and switch style (written in a way you think is going in one direction but reveals it to be the opposite towards the end) they are all written in a fluffy or silly style with very little, if any at all, actual angst.
When Our Hands Next Meet
Series Summary: Made for Analogical Week. Soulmates are given memories of their past lives when their hands touch. For Virgil and Logan, each memory is happier than the last.  A beautiful piece of art accompanies all of the stories made by @birdsongisland. They are tagged in each of the stories as well with links leading to each piece they illustrated. They also beta read each of the chapters so a huge thank you again to them!
Dee Little Snake
Chapter 1: A Little Upset A mishap with a thermos leads Janus’ secret to come spilling out to someone he had kept it from for years.   wc: 3039
Chapter 2: All Bottled Up Janus finally gets his best friend back.   wc:2391
Chapter 3: Carrots and Cuddles  Virgil and Dee are compromised by carrots; it turns out better than either of them thought it could.    wc: 1846
Chapter 4: Safe at Night  Patton can't sleep and Dee doesn't want to, so Logan offers a solution to fix at least one of their problems.     wc: 2358
Chapter 5: Deserving of Comfort  Janus has been avoiding the others for a couple of days. When he finally emerges for a simple lunch and gets caught by Patton the results are better than he was expecting.     wc: 1708
Chapter 6: A Storm in Purple and Blue  Dee wakes up small in the middle of thunderstorm but thankfully Logan and Virgil are there to make it better. wc: 1295
March Ado About Nothing
Hold Me Close:  Roman doesn't want to let go of Virgil. Virgil doesn't really mind.  Prompts: Branding, Car Accident, *Failed Escape*  wc: 590    
Stuff Your Secrets:  Stuffed animals are good and normal to have no matter what age you are- except for Remus. Logan quickly fixes that line of thinking.  Prompts: "Please, no more!, Extreme Weather, *Dirty Secret*  wc: 1235
Blind and Silenced:  Roman does something stupid, but it earns him affection so who is he to complain?  Prompts: Punctured, Kidnapped, *Blinded*  wc: 504
A Nice family Outing:  It was always nice for Janus and Patton to get out of their house and take the twins somewhere they could play and scream without disturbing the neighbors...again.  Prompts: *Stabbing*, Rescues, Adverse Reaction  wc: 850
Incoherent But Still In Love:  Remus takes Nyquil and becomes a bit loopy as a result, unwittingly throwing off Logan's plans for the time being.  Prompts: *Poisoned/Drugged*, Shackled, Science Gone Wrong  wc: 733
You Look Pretty:  Remus buys Virgil a dog collar on a whim purely for the aesthetic. Virgil absolutely loves it despite the weird looks it gets him.  Prompts: *Collared*, Stitches, Shot  wc: 559
To Make the Broken New:  After much begging from Roman and Virgil, Logan and Patton decide to make fixing up the old treehouse they find one day into a summer project.  Prompts: Burned, *Broken Down*, Blackmail   wc: 881
April Fools Month:  Logan wonders why Virgil is acting off, until he sees Remus and remembers it's April.  Prompts: Power Outage, Possession, *Paranoia*  wc: 941
An Exception:  Janus never thought he'd grow to love an infection.  Prompts: Concussion, Silenced, *Infection*  wc: 532
Just Leave Me:  When Roman can no longer go on, Patton is there to defend his honor.  Prompts: *Left For Dead*, Altered States, Falling  wc: 809
Song of Grief:  Virgil takes time off for a concert of a lifetime, but when they cancel at the last minute nothing can console him. That is, until Janus offers a solution. Prompts: Wound Reveal/Secret Injury, *Grief*, "Run!"  wc: 620
Care For Me:  Roman gets a paper cut and Janus could care less. Enter Patton. Prompts: Broken Trust/Betrayal, Torture, *Accident*  wc: 473
You’re Sweeter:  Logan and Virgil go comping. Logan just can't stop admiring Virg- the view. Prompts: Blurred Vision, Wrongfully Accused, *Fire* wc: 592
Keep Them Safe:  Virgil has three amazing kids he swears to keep safe. Remus often tests his limits. Prompts: "Pick Who Dies", *Manhandled*, Defiance wc: 1197
When Our Hands Next Meet
Chapter 1: Did You Forget?    Logan plans a surprise for Virgil on their anniversary, only to receive one instead.  wc: 1320
Chapter 2: The Lines Trace Back to You   Logan and Virgil share a quiet moment away from their ship as Logan tells stories with the stars.  wc: 1348
Chapter 3: Lay With Me     Having a soulbond means sharing dreams- and nightmares. Logan and Virgil comfort each other with hopes for their future.    wc: 2109
Chapter 4: Bite Me     Logan has been searching for something he lost for centuries. Despite hiccups along the way he eventually ends up with something even better.   wc: 438
Chapter 5: We’ll Meet in the Middle     Virgil didn’t know what he had been expecting when he asked for a tutor to help with his studies, but it definitely wasn’t who could kick flip a skateboard without even looking down and also happened to be his soulmate.   wc: 1539
Chapter 6: Mirror Our Past With A Better Future    Virgil didn’t know how he had gotten so lucky being able to work with Logan in stars tailoring shop. All he knew is Logan made him feel beautiful, inside and out. wc: 1918
Chapter 7: I Remember   In a nostalgic museum of their own creation, Virgil feels as content as he ever has living out lifetime after lifetime with Logan. wc: 1787
All of these stories can also  be found on AO3!
If you’d like to be tagged for either of these works or any of my writing in general please let me know!
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