#Schwann cells
bpod-bpod · 4 months
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Clear to Mend
Schwann cells, the support cells of the peripheral nervous system, normally aid repair of injured nerves but become senescent with ageing and chronic nerve loss from damage or disease. Clearing these senescent Schwann cells improves nerve regeneration
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Andrés Fuentes‐Flores and colleagues
Center for Integrative Biology, Faculty of Sciences Universidad Mayor Santiago Chile
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in EMBO Molecular Medicine, October 2023
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teachersource · 1 year
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Theodor Schwann was born on December 7, 1810. A German physician and physiologist, his most significant contribution to biology is considered to be the extension of cell theory to animals. Other contributions include the discovery of Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system, the discovery and study of pepsin, the discovery of the organic nature of yeast, and the invention of the term “metabolism”. Schwann’s idea of the cell as a fundamental, active unit then can be seen as foundational to the development of microbiology as “a rigorously lawful science”.
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science-lover33 · 8 months
Delving Deeper into Neuron Anatomy and Brain Functionality (Part 2)
Welcome back, Tumblr enthusiasts! In Part 1, we took our first steps into the neuron and brain universe. Now, let's journey further into their astonishing anatomy and intricate physiology. 🌌💡
Now that we've dived even deeper into the neuron's inner workings and explored more brain regions, I hope you're as captivated as I am by the wonders of neuroscience. Continue to feed your curiosity and stay tuned for more brainy adventures! 🧠
Neuron Anatomy (Continued)
Myelin Sheath: Wrapped around many axons, this fatty insulating layer is like the neuron's protective armor. It speeds up the transmission of electrical signals by allowing them to "jump" from one gap in the myelin sheath, called the Nodes of Ranvier, to the next. Think of it as a high-speed neural highway.
Schwann Cells and Oligodendrocytes: These specialized cells produce the myelin sheath. In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), Schwann cells individually wrap around axons. In the central nervous system (CNS), oligodendrocytes extend processes to multiple axons, forming myelin sheaths around them.
Sensory and Motor Neurons: Neurons aren't one-size-fits-all; they come in different shapes and sizes. Sensory neurons (afferent) bring sensory information from your body and surroundings to your brain and spinal cord. Motor neurons (efferent) carry commands from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands, allowing you to move and react.
Neuron Physiology (Continued)
Neurotransmitters: These chemical messengers are the key to communication between neurons. When an action potential reaches the axon terminals, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synapse. These molecules bind to receptors on the neighboring neuron, initiating or inhibiting a new electrical signal, depending on the neurotransmitter type.
Synaptic Plasticity: Neurons can change the strength of their connections through a phenomenon called synaptic plasticity. This allows us to adapt and learn. Two important types include long-term potentiation (LTP), which strengthens synapses, and long-term depression (LTD), which weakens them.
Brain Functionality (Continued)
Thalamus: Often called the "relay station," the thalamus acts as a switchboard, directing sensory information (except for smell) to the appropriate regions of the cerebral cortex for further processing.
Hypothalamus: This small but mighty structure regulates many essential functions, including hunger, thirst, body temperature, and the body's internal clock (circadian rhythms).
Frontal Cortex: Located in the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex, this region is responsible for higher cognitive functions like decision-making, planning, reasoning, and personality.
Temporal Lobes: These are crucial for auditory processing and memory. The hippocampus, nestled deep within the temporal lobes, is essential for forming new memories.
Purves, D., et al. (2017). "Neuroscience." Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessell, T. M. (2012). "Principles of Neural Science." McGraw-Hill Education.
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fangsforthevenom · 6 months
another incredibly niche poll but i’m curious :3 my favorite’s the astrocyte for obvious reasons
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science-sculpt · 3 months
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A Journey Through the History of Cells
A world smaller than a raindrop, yet bustling with activity like a miniature city. Welcome to the incredible universe of the cell, the fundamental unit of life! The cell might seem microscopic, but its history stretches back eons and holds stories as vast as the galaxies. Today, we embark on a voyage through time, delving into the fascinating discoveries that shaped our understanding of these minuscule marvels.
The First Glimpse: Unveiling the "Cells", Our journey begins in 1665, where Robert Hooke, wielding an early compound microscope, peered into the intricate world of cork. He observed box-like structures, resembling the rooms monks inhabited, and christened them "cells." While he couldn't fathom their true nature, Hooke had opened a window into a hidden universe.
From Cork to Critters: Expanding the Cellular Realm: Another pioneer, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, soon pushed the boundaries further. His improved microscopes unveiled a teeming microcosm of single-celled organisms, like the "animalcules" (protozoa) he described in 1674. This marked the realization that life existed beyond visible forms, its very foundation laid in these intricate units.
The Cell Theory Takes Shape: Unifying Principles Emerge: Fast forward to the 19th century, where the stage was set for a defining moment. Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, inspired by countless observations, proposed the cell theory in 1839. This groundbreaking concept established three fundamental principles:All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function in living organisms. All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
This unifying theory laid the cornerstone for modern cell biology, revolutionizing our understanding of life.
With the cell theory established, curiosity shifted inwards. The nucleus, discovered by Robert Brown in 1833, became the focus. Further advancements in microscopy revealed a bustling metropolis within each cell, teeming with specialized structures called organelles, each with its unique function. The 20th century saw a whirlwind of discoveries. Rudolf Virchow solidified the third tenet of the cell theory with his famous dictum, "omnis cellula e cellula" (all cells come from cells), while Louis Pasteur challenged spontaneous generation, further solidifying the cell's central role.
The human body has trillions of cells, more than all the stars in our Milky Way galaxy and you're constantly replacing cells shedding about 30,000 skin cells every minute!! You're a bustling metropolis of trillions of tiny workers, all working together to keep you going. The knowledge gained from countless studies of cells propelled medical breakthroughs. The identification of chromosomes and genes within cells paved the way for genetics, opening doors to understanding diseases and developing treatments. Cell therapies and regenerative medicine offer glimpses into a future where damaged cells can be repaired or replaced. As we stand at the threshold of the 21st century, the exploration of cells continues. Advanced microscopes like electron microscopes and confocal laser scanning microscopes offer unprecedented views into the cellular world. CRISPR technology allows us to edit genes within cells, holding immense potential for treating genetic diseases.
As we delve deeper, the mysteries of the cell unfold, revealing its adaptability, complexity, and beauty. This tiny titan, once just a glimpse through a primitive lens, holds the key to understanding life itself. The journey through the history of cells is a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity, and it's a journey that continues, offering endless possibilities for the future.
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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hiranospiercing · 1 year
i am sorry to make you all go through this but have you ever experienced sitting in a botany class, going through the cell theory and thinking about how matthias schleiden was a depressed lawyer who was in the middle of an existential crisis and had tried to attempt suicide decided to change his profession and soon developed a ginormous amount of love for plants and cats and started working on the cell theory in the laboratory of johannes müller where, oh my god, he met theodor schwann and how theodor helped him formulate this theory by asking him to expand his area of research and include both animals and plants and how they worked over something so significant together and how they became really good friends and maybe, maybe, hear me out, they might have fallen for each other, after all creating something so significant together is rather an intimate experience for scientists, thinking about how schwann and schleiden were probably boyfriends but schleiden being some body who was little bit of a coward decided to end their relationship because the german society had been very bigoted about homosexuality in the early,mid-nineteenth century, thinking about how schleiden got married and divorced twice because how could he ever fall for a woman, thinking about how schwann never married anyone and perhaps died loving schleiden, man i love botany lessons
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actino-man · 1 year
Vestibular Schwannoma is known as benign category of tumor also named as Acoustic Neuroma. Actually it is a schwann cell derived tumor and mostly found in vestibular region of eighth cranial nerve. These are generally slow growing tumors and unilateral in more than 90 % of cases, presenting in left and right side equally. Progressive hearing loss is the most common symptom which will lead us to diagnosis.
STEREOTACTIC RADIATION SURGERY (SRS) is a most possible first line treatment in patients with newly diagnosed small to medium sized vestibular Schwannomas, no significant brainstem compression, and reasonably well preserved hearing. SRS is suitable choice for patients who desires preservation of neurological function (cochlear, facial nerve) and High rate of tumor growth control.
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vavaclasses · 5 days
Neural Control and Coordination: A Comprehensive Guide for Class 11 Students
Neural control and coordination are fundamental aspects of the human body's functioning, orchestrating complex processes ranging from basic reflexes to intricate cognitive functions. In Class 11 Biology Neural Control and Coordination, understanding the nervous system's structure, functioning, and coordination mechanisms is crucial for gaining insights into physiological processes and behavioral responses. Let's delve into a detailed study of neural control and coordination:
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1. Introduction to Neural Control and Coordination:
The nervous system comprises the central nervous system (CNS), consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), comprising nerves and ganglia.
Neurons are the functional units of the nervous system, transmitting electrochemical signals to coordinate various bodily functions.
2. Structure of Neurons:
Neurons consist of a cell body (soma), dendrites, and an axon.
Dendrites receive signals from other neurons, while the axon transmits signals to other neurons or effector organs.
Myelin sheath, formed by Schwann cells, insulates the axon and facilitates faster signal transmission.
3. Generation and Conduction of Nerve Impulses:
Nerve impulses, or action potentials, are generated due to changes in membrane potential across neurons.
Resting membrane potential, action potential threshold, depolarization, repolarization, and hyperpolarization are key concepts in understanding nerve impulse generation.
Action potentials propagate along the axon through a process called saltatory conduction.
4. Synaptic Transmission:
Synapses are junctions between neurons or between neurons and effector cells.
Neurotransmitters released from the presynaptic neuron bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, leading to excitatory or inhibitory responses.
Reuptake, enzymatic degradation, and diffusion are mechanisms for neurotransmitter clearance.
5. Central Nervous System:
The brain is the control center of the nervous system, responsible for processing sensory information, initiating motor responses, and regulating higher cognitive functions.
The spinal cord serves as a pathway for sensory and motor signals between the brain and the rest of the body.
6. Peripheral Nervous System:
The PNS comprises sensory (afferent) neurons that transmit sensory information to the CNS and motor (efferent) neurons that convey motor commands from the CNS to muscles and glands.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates involuntary bodily functions such as heartbeat, digestion, and respiration.
7. Reflex Action and Reflex Arc:
Reflex actions are rapid, involuntary responses to stimuli that help maintain homeostasis and protect the body from harm.
The reflex arc involves a receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron (in some cases), motor neuron, and effector organ.
8. Sense Organs and Sensory Pathways:
Sense organs, including the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin, detect various stimuli such as light, sound, odor, taste, and touch.
Sensory pathways transmit sensory information from receptors to the brain for processing and interpretation.
9. Hormonal Regulation and Coordination:
Alongside neural control, hormonal regulation plays a vital role in coordinating physiological processes.
Endocrine glands secrete hormones into the bloodstream, which act on target organs to regulate metabolism, growth, reproduction, and other functions.
10. Disorders of the Nervous System:
Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and stroke can impair neural function and coordination.
Understanding the etiology, symptoms, and management of these disorders is essential for healthcare professionals and individuals affected by them.
11. Conclusion:
Neural control and coordination are intricate processes that underpin all aspects of human physiology and behavior.
A thorough understanding of the nervous system's structure, function, and regulatory mechanisms is essential for students pursuing careers in biology, medicine, psychology, and related fields.
In conclusion, neural control and coordination form the backbone of physiological regulation and behavioral responses in organisms. Through a comprehensive understanding of the nervous system's structure, functioning, and coordination mechanisms, Class 11 students can gain profound insights into the complexities of biological systems and their adaptive responses to environmental stimuli.
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bpod-bpod · 6 months
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Schwann’s Way Forward
Growing myelinating Schwann cells – cells of the nervous system that insulate neurons with a fatty coating called myelin – and neurons together in a dish is a common technique in the neuroscience lab for studying eg. repair after nerve injury. Here, a new co-culture method incorporating microfluidic chambers that enables the different cell types to be separately manipulated, reveals Schwann cells break up, ingest and clear debris
Read the published research paper here
Image from work by Clara Mutschler and colleagues
John Van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Journal of Cell Science, September 2023
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friendtutor · 22 days
🔬 Cell Discovery & Theory:
- Coined by Robert Hooke
- Cell theory proposed by Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow
- Living organisms made of cells, new cells from existing ones
🔬 Microscopy
- Compound & electron microscopes used
- Staining for visualization
🔍 Cell Structure
- Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, organelles
- Differences: unicellular vs. multicellular, prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic
🔄 Cell Cycle:
- Division for growth & repair
- Nucleus controls metabolic activities, passes genetic info
⚙️ Cell Organelles:
- Mitochondria, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi bodies, plastids, centrosomes
🌱🐾 Plant vs. Animal Cells:
- Differences in size, presence of cell wall, plastids, vacuoles
🔬 Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells:
- Prokaryotes lack organized nucleus, eukaryotes have one
- Examples: bacteria vs. plants, animals
🔄 Cell Division:
- Vital for growth, repair, and renewal
- Daughter cells formed through nucleus and cytoplasm division
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maclee547832 · 2 months
What are the types, causes, symptoms, and treatment of spinal tumours?
Spinal tumors can form anywhere in and along your spinal column, which includes your vertebrae, spinal cord, and the tissues surrounding your spinal cord. Let’s explore the intricacies of spinal tumors based on expert insights:
1. Types of Spinal Tumors:
Intramedullary tumors: These originate within the spinal cord itself. Examples include astrocytomas and ependymomas.Extramedullary tumors: These develop outside the spinal cord. They include: Schwannomas: Arising from Schwann cells, which wrap around nerve fibers.Meningiomas: Arising from the meninges (the protective coverings of the brain and spinal cord).Metastatic tumors: These result from cancer spreading to the spine from other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system.
2. Causes and Risk Factors:
The exact causes of spinal tumors remain elusive, but several risk factors may increase susceptibility: Genetic predispositionExposure to ionizing radiationImmune system disordersMetastatic tumors often originate from cancers elsewhere in the body, eventually reaching the spine.
3. Symptoms:
Symptoms vary based on tumor location, size, and growth rate: Persistent back or neck painWeakness or numbness in limbsDifficulty walkingLoss of bowel or bladder controlProgressive neurological deficitsEarly detection is crucial to prevent complications.
4. Treatment Options:
Treatment involves a multidisciplinary approach: Surgical resection: Removal of the tumor.Radiation therapy: Targeted radiation to shrink or destroy the tumor.Chemotherapy: Medications to treat cancer.Targeted therapy: Specific drugs targeting tumor cells.Supportive care: Alleviating symptoms and improving quality of life.
5. Thank you for sharing the expert insights from Dr. Shrey Jain. His emphasis on personalized care and comprehensive treatment strategies is crucial for patients dealing with spinal tumors. It’s heartening to know that skilled professionals like Dr. Jain are dedicated to optimizing patient outcomes and restoring spinal function through advanced surgical techniques and innovative technologies.
6. Indeed, spinal tumors present challenges, but early detection and timely intervention can make a significant difference. Collaborating with experts like Dr. Jain empowers individuals to face their spinal tumor journey with confidence and resilience, ultimately reclaiming their health and well-being.
7. If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask!Dr Shrey jain – Best Neuro Surgeon in Delhi
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sciencestyled · 6 months
Marooned Among the Microbes: A Rollicking Rendition of Cell Theory with Robinson Crusoe
Ahoy there, distinguished shipmates of this literary vessel! Pray, lend me your ear—or rather, your eyes—for I, Robinson Crusoe, once a castaway of considerable renown, now find myself marooned anew amidst a sea of knowledge, navigating the minuscule marvels of cell theory. You see, in much the same manner as I stumbled upon that desolate isle, I’ve chanced upon the world of these tiny entities, a discovery as unexpected as it is enlightening.
Let’s hoist the sails and set forth on this microscopic odyssey, shall we? You must understand, cells are the very fabric of life, much like the tattered canvas I once fashioned into a makeshift shelter. They are the smallest units of life, teeming and bustling like the inhabitants of a populous city, though they reside in a world undetected by the naked eye. Robert Hooke, a fellow with a keen eye, first spied these tiny chambers in 1665, peering through his primitive microscope as though it were a spyglass revealing distant shores.
Imagine my surprise, like my first encounter with the footprint on the sand, upon learning that each living organism is a veritable archipelago of cells! Much as my solitary island was part of a greater world, so too are these cells part of a huge biological landscape. The concept of cell theory, crystallized by scholars Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann in the 19th century, posits that all living things are composed of these cells and that the cell is the basic unit of life.
But what, you might ask, makes up these microscopic marvels? Similar to my own rudimentary abode, each cell is a self-contained unit, complete with all the necessities of life. There’s the cell membrane, a sturdy barrier like the walls of my shelter, guarding the cell from the outside world. Within, the cytoplasm ebbs and flows, a bustling marketplace of cellular activity. And the nucleus, ah! The nucleus is the master of the cell, much like my own rule over my island domain, directing the activities of its microscopic dwelling.
In nature, cells replicate through a process called cell division, like how I might have split a coconut to multiply my sustenance. This process ensures the continuity of life, an unending cycle of birth and rebirth, mirroring the endless ebb and flow of the tides that once governed my days.
So, beloved fellow castaways, as I once chronicled my solitary sojourn on that remote isle, I now invite you to join me in exploring the world of cell theory. Fear not the complexity of this microscopic terrain, for I shall be your guide, translating the scientific jargon into the vernacular of a seasoned, albeit somewhat out-of-touch, castaway. Together, we shall unravel the mysteries of life at its most fundamental, one cell at a time.
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Cell Biology: Exploring the Fundamental Units of Life
Cell biology, often referred to as cytology, is a branch of biology that delves into the intricate world of cells—the fundamental units of life. The study of cells has unlocked the mysteries of life's processes, from the simplest single-celled organisms to complex multicellular organisms like humans. In this exploration of cell biology, we will delve into the structure, function, and significance of cells, shedding light on the remarkable world that lies within our bodies and the natural world around us.
The Basics of Cell Biology
Cells are the building blocks of life, and cell biology seeks to understand their composition, structure, and functions. At its core, cell biology aims to answer fundamental questions about the nature of life and how organisms function at the cellular level.
The Cell Theory
Cell biology is rooted in the Cell Theory, a foundational concept that has guided our understanding of life for centuries. The Cell Theory consists of three key principles:
All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.
All cells arise from pre-existing cells through cell division.
These principles, formulated by scientists such as Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow in the 19th century, revolutionized our perception of life and laid the groundwork for modern cell biology.
The Structure of Cells
Cells come in various shapes and sizes, and their structures are tailored to their functions. Nevertheless, all cells share some common components and organelles that play critical roles in their activities
Cell Membrane
The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is the outermost boundary of a cell. It acts as a selectively permeable barrier, regulating the passage of substances in and out of the cell. The cell membrane is composed of a lipid bilayer embedded with proteins, providing structural integrity and facilitating communication between cells.
Inside the cell membrane lies the cytoplasm, a semi-fluid medium that contains various organelles and cellular structures. Many essential metabolic reactions occur in the cytoplasm, making it a vital part of the cell's machinery.
In eukaryotic cells, such as those found in plants, animals, and fungi, the nucleus is the central control center. It houses the cell's genetic material in the form of DNA, which is organized into chromosomes. The nucleus controls cellular activities by directing the synthesis of proteins and other molecules through a process called transcription.
Organelles are specialized structures within the cell that perform specific functions. Some of the most notable organelles include:
Mitochondria: Known as the "powerhouses" of the cell, mitochondria generate energy through a process called cellular respiration.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): The ER is involved in protein synthesis and lipid metabolism. It comes in two forms—rough ER (studded with ribosomes) and smooth ER (lacks ribosomes).
Golgi Apparatus: This organelle modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids for transport within or outside the cell.
Lysosomes: Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris, playing a crucial role in cellular recycling.
Ribosomes: These tiny structures are responsible for protein synthesis. Some ribosomes are free in the cytoplasm, while others are attached to the rough ER.
Peroxisomes: Peroxisomes are involved in detoxification processes and the breakdown of fatty acids.
The cytoskeleton is a network of protein filaments that provides structural support to the cell and plays a role in cell division and intracellular transport. It consists of three main components: microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.
Cell Functions
Cells perform a wide range of functions that are essential for the survival and functioning of organisms. These functions can be broadly categorized as follows:
Metabolism encompasses all the chemical reactions that occur within a cell. These reactions involve the breakdown of nutrients to generate energy (catabolism) and the synthesis of molecules necessary for cell growth and repair (anabolism). Cellular respiration, for example, is a fundamental metabolic process that occurs in mitochondria, where glucose is converted into energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
Cells reproduce through a process called cell division. In unicellular organisms, such as bacteria, cell division is a means of reproduction. In multicellular organisms, cell division is essential for growth, tissue repair, and replacing old or damaged cells.
HomeostasisCells maintain internal stability, or homeostasis, by regulating various physiological parameters. For instance, they control the concentration of ions, gases, and nutrients to ensure that the internal environment remains suitable for cellular processes.
Cells communicate with each other through chemical signals. Signaling molecules, such as hormones, neurotransmitters, and growth factors, enable cells to coordinate their activities and respond to external cues. This communication is vital for processes like development, immune response, and maintaining tissue integrity.
Significance of Cell Biology
Understanding cell biology has profound implications for various fields, including medicine, genetics, biotechnology, and environmental science. Here are some key areas where cell biology plays a crucial role:
Cell biology is foundational to the field of medicine. It provides insights into the causes of diseases, the development of treatments, and the study of how drugs interact with cells. For example, cancer research heavily relies on understanding the abnormal behavior of cells and the genetic mutations that lead to uncontrolled cell division.
Cell biology and genetics are intimately connected. The study of cells allows us to explore the mechanisms of inheritance, gene expression, and genetic disorders. Advances in cell biology have enabled breakthroughs in gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9, which hold the potential to treat genetic diseases.
Cell culture techniques, which involve growing cells outside of the body, are essential in biotechnology. These techniques are used to produce recombinant proteins, develop vaccines, and conduct drug testing. Cell biology is the foundation of bioprocessing and the production of biopharmaceuticals.
Environmental Science
Understanding how cells respond to environmental changes is crucial for environmental science. Cell biology helps us comprehend the impact of pollutants, climate change, and other stressors on organisms at the cellular level. It is also instrumental in the study of biodiversity and ecosystem health.
The Future of Cell Biology
As technology advances, so does our ability to explore the intricacies of cells. Emerging techniques like single-cell genomics, super-resolution microscopy, and organoid culture are pushing the boundaries of our understanding. Additionally, the integration of cell biology with fields like artificial intelligence and nanotechnology holds promise for groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.
In conclusion, cell biology is a captivating field that unveils the mysteries of life at its most basic level—the cell. From its inception with the Cell Theory to its current role in advancing medicine, genetics, biotechnology, and environmental science, cell biology continues to shape our understanding of life and inspire discoveries that benefit humanity. As we delve deeper into the fascinating world of cells, we can anticipate even more exciting revelations and applications in the future.
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afactaday · 8 months
#863: there are two types of cell that add the insulative myelin to neurons: in the central nervous system (CNS), you find oligodendrocytes *while in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), there are *Schwann cells. both are glial cells, and both carry out myelination. they multiply very quickly from progenitor cells and then differentiate (there are multiple types of oligodendrocytes/Schwann cells). the cells then wrap around the axon many times, a bit like a raw croissant. oligodendrocytes wildly extend out arms (pioneer processes :P ), poking until it finds a neuron, then it grows along and around the neuron, coating it in myelin. however, Schwann cells wrap themselves around the axon (so one cell per sheath), and twist again and again and again, often forming a hundred very thin layers of myelination.
why two glial cells tho? on the one hand, oligodendrocytes are able to myelinate dozens of internodal periods at a time, while you need one Schwann cell per mm. this is perfect for the CNS because it's a lot denser. on the other hand, Schwann cells are able to sustain the axon, keeping it healthy, while the thicker wrappings (because each cell is devoted to the internodal period) are better for the PNS because it's in the extremities and the saltatory action (the name for the process i talked about yesterday) can occur more quickly, good for long distances.
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nursingscience · 9 months
Anatomy & Physiology Nervous System
What are six types of neuroglial cells?
Oligodendrocyte, Schwann cell, Ependymal cell, Microglia, Satellite cell and Astrocyte (fibrous & protoplasmic)
The glial cells are 10 times more abundant than neurons in our brain. The types are :
1. Oligodendrocyte
2. Schwann cell
3. Ependymal cell
4. Microglia
5. Satellite cell
6. Fibrous astrocyte & Protoplasmic astrocyte.
Diagram shows the types of neuroglia :
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