juminsmysticmc · 2 years
Hello! May I request Saeyoung developing a crush on reader who wears gothic type clothing and rides a motorcycle (I miss riding ;^; )
Saeyoung x Gothic Girl riding a motorcycle
hey! I hope you can ride soon again your motorcycle and are happy with my writing because I honestly had no idea ;) I used an inspiration on google for MC’s clothes
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As if your lips captivated Saeyoung’s eyes, he couldn’t do anything but stare at you. Your painted black lips gave him the urge to touch them and press his lips on yours. To stroke the dark, black hair that seemed so fluffy but also so straight. The red-haired man’s heart skipped a beat when he realized that the feelings he developed over chat were real. He was in love and fell even harder when he saw you.
You smiled. The end of your lips went up and your eyes were shining as you looked just so happy to see him. He gulped. Did you always look so beautiful? The past few days he lived with you, he was constantly mean and hard on you and now that his mind was put at ease for a bit, he realized how much precious time he lost with you.
,,Are you a goth?’’ he asked you as if the two of you didn’t talk at all in those days. You laughed. This time you closed your eyes and when your laughter died down and you stopped laughing, you stroked the pink and black skirt you were wearing. ,,Just because my make-up is dark and I wear goth tights?’’ you asked him. Looking at the mirror next to you, you took a good look at the jewelry you were wearing.
You touched your neck with your index finger and Saeyoung had to confess that he had never seen a finger with such a beautiful nail painting. ,,I like the style, yes. But enough now, let’s go. We need to save someone, don’t we?’’ you said and walked past him. Saeyoung inhaled your sweet scent as you walked past him and was about to open the door to his car when you literally ignored his gesture and instead put on your helmet.
Saeyoung observed you for a few seconds. When you then, however, went on your motorcycle, he spoke up. ,,I thought we were going together?’’ he mumbled. ,,We are. Lead the way, cutie boy. I will follow you till the end of the world, let’s go,’’ you smiled. And once again his heart skipped a beat. Yes, this must have been love, he thought, as a big smile was left on his lips while starting his car.
09.08.2022 // 22:32 MEST
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onlyseokmins · 10 months
YOOSUNG???? HE GOT UR ASS TOO? bro in like 2017 i was in love with that mf
just had the startling recollection of how long mysme's been out it feels like just yesterday that I was playing it </3 but yeah omg i think zen was my first unprompted route and then i went for yoosung and etc jfsdkjf i won a raffle to get a shit ton of free hourglasses n was so excited like i was in so deep hahaha
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77seven7777 · 6 months
that there was god seven, choi saeyong.
ok 👍
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Plz MAKE yandere 707 x reader who loves him even if he is a crazy yandere hacker
Yandere 707/ Luciel/ Saeyong Choi
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Oh yes…
Well 707 would have some complicated feelings about this.
At first he believes that he has no right to be happy.
Because of this he would try to stay away from you…
but yeah it doesn't really work
So the next step is kidnapping.
707 would know everything about you.
Or so he thought…
But this thing would come as a complete surprise
A bit of a happy surprise.
Even if he is worried about you in the beginning.
707 knows that this is not normal behavior.
But this is better for him.
It's nicer if you don't fight back.
Because this way 707 can convince himself that he deserves something good.
And that this is really a good relationship.
He's still overprotective.
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shxtodxroki · 8 months
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚎!
Summary: Saeyoung manages to convince you to join him in going through a haunted corn maze during the Halloween season. Then, as if the attraction itself isn’t spooky enough for you, he decides to prank you a bit and give you a fright of his own making as well.
Flufftober Day 6 Prompt: Corn Maze
Warnings: Swearing, reader playfully smacks Saeyoung once (not hard at all), reader is described as scared of a haunted corn maze attraction
Pairing: 707 (Saeyoung Choi) x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Check out my full Flufftober masterlist here!
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Your hands tremble slightly in your boyfriend’s strong hold, hoping he doesn’t notice the sweatiness of your palms as you stare at the slowly shortening line in front of you. And even if he does, you reason that it’s all his fault for bringing you here in the first place, his adorable begging face just too persuasive for you to resist. So really, it’s his fault entirely that he's in this position now, and he doesn’t get to complain about how nervous you are now when he was the one who brought you here in the first place.
“See babe?! Listen to the sound of those screams!” Saeyoung turns to you excitedly as distant screams echo from the corn maze attraction in front of you, his face lighting up while your blood runs cold in comparison. “This is one of the best Halloween attractions in the whole city, it’s gonna be a blast!”
You wish you could share your boyfriend’s clear eagerness and excitement with him, you really do. You know that you’ll ultimately be able to handle the attraction even if you are scared, and you’ll probably come out of it happy that you went in the end. But right now, as you slowly inch closer and closer to the front of the line and entrance to the attraction, the anxiety emanating off of your body is palpable to all around you as you squeeze his warm hand tightly in your own to help ground your fretting mind.
“...Hey, no need to be so nervous, babe.” Saeyoung continues in a slightly softer voice when you don’t respond, noticing how tense you are. “I told you, I’m right here. I used to be a big scary hacker, so I’ve seen way worse than whatever this place has in store for us. I’ll protect you, I promise.” He grins, squeezing your hand back as he teases you to try and lighten up your mood. You instantly lean into his touch, wrapping your hands around his arm and holding him close as the two of you take one step further, only about five spaces away from the front of the line now. 
“Y-yeah, okay…” You nod, your voice a bit shaky as you press yourself into him. He laughs as you bring him closer and closer to you, though he doesn’t object in the slightest, always one to enjoy physical touch with his lover. 
Realistically, you know you have no reason to be this nervous. Most of the stress is coming from the fact that this is your first time at this attraction, so you have no clue what to expect or just how frightening the scares will be. And the actors aren’t allowed to touch you at all, that much Saeyoung made sure of beforehand to ensure that your personal boundaries wouldn’t be crossed. But there was still a sea of unknown variables swimming within the haunted corn maze, and because of that, you were unable to hold back the jitters throughout your body as you clung to your boyfriend as a lifeline.
A mere ten minutes later, after listening to Saeyong’s various attempts to take your mind off of the scares you know are near in your future, you find yourself at the front of the line as you practically shake in your winter shoes and wait for the attendant at the entrance to let you into the maze. It’s big, meaning that once you go in there, you have no clue how long you’ll be lost amongst the stalks as you try to find your way out. With scares around every corner, of course. You can’t seem to make yourself forget about that part, no matter how hard you try.
“Alright, you two are all set to head in! Have fun!” The attendant’s smile is bright and friendly in contrast to your pitiful, wobbly one, and Saeyoung squeezes your hand tightly once more as he leads the way into the maze. 
“Let me be in front, babe. They can scare me first, I don’t care. Just try not to act too scared if you can, or they’ll go extra hard on you.” His willingness to go ahead of you, to protect you from danger even when it’s only imaginary, makes your heart beat just a tad faster, and calms you down the slightest bit as your feet hesitantly lead you behind him into the maze of nightmares you had been dreading all evening.
As expected, the first scare actor of the evening meets you two with an equally theatrical and sinister grin the second you turn a corner, instantly meeting a dead end and sinking your faith in your boyfriend’s navigation abilities very early on in this adventure. The actor, dressed as a zombie with a pitchfork, sneakily drew all too close to you as Saeyoung tried to block you from his sight. He didn’t say much after his initial startling shriek, simply leering at the two of you as you backed away to go down another route in the labyrinth the two of you had (somewhat) willingly walked into.
Saeyoung seems to be at least a bit luckier this time in his choice of a new route, hastily pulling you through a long stretch that thankfully doesn’t end the moment it begins. The walk still isn’t barren of the advertised frights though, as two girls dressed in similar zombie attire pop out from within the walls lined with corn, giggling and shrieking at the two of you as you squeeze on to your boyfriend for dear life. Even as your heart rate picks up and your anxiety levels spike, though, your mind easily recognizes that you’re not truly in danger as Saeyoung attempts to make quick, friendly conversation with the girls before rushing off towards the next corner of the maze. You’re quickly beginning to realize that this isn’t quite so bad, and that being scared in an environment like this where you know nothing is real can actually be quite fun.
Saeyoung notices the slow change in your attitude as the two of you make your way through several twists and turns within the maze, though he doesn’t say anything about it at first. He merely smiles to himself as he feels the way you squeeze onto his bicep less and less each time another actor pops out from some hidden location to give you a scare, and he feels his heart swell a bit when you even begin to tease him with a grin of your own for constantly leading the two of you to dead ends and begin to make a few of the choices on where to turn for yourself.
This change of heart of yours also leads Saeyoung to a rather sneaky decision, though. Now that you seem more at ease with the frights this corn maze offers, and seem to have fun with the prospect of being scared, he can’t help but want to do a little scaring of his own as a plan quickly begins to hatch in his overworked brain, firing on all cylinders for such a simple task.
It takes a while for him to put his plan into action, as he waits for you to take charge once more and attempt to lead him around another corner after too many dead ends on his accord. A distant scream from another far-off patron of the maze eventually manages to momentarily distract you, as Saeyoung pretends to drop his phone, his hand slipping from yours while his body simultaneously blends and melts into the surrounding corn stalks. He’s not going far, of course. He’s just going to keep an eye on you from within the corn, making sure you don’t get too genuinely scared without him by your side as he waits for the perfect moment to strike.
Your unease immediately grows a significant amount the moment you notice your boyfriend’s absence, eyes frantically darting around for him as the teasing tone in your voice immediately drops. “Saeyoung?” You call out for him, voice sounding shaky but not genuinely scared enough for him to call off the prank. You wait for a few moments, hoping he’ll return to you from wherever he’s gotten himself lost, but when a full minute passes with no response from him, you hesitantly begin to push forward through the maze yourself. Your steps are much lighter and smaller than before, eyes vigilant around every turn and corner as you hope in vain that Saeyoung will at least be waiting for you at the end of the maze when you make it out despite his poor directional skills.
And luckily for him, it doesn’t take long for opportunity to strike for the man in the maze, his hair and yours raising as the sound of a chainsaw suddenly whirs through the air and begins nearing closer and closer to you who stands frozen up in realization. The most terrifying part of any haunted attraction was now staring you straight in the face as it ran towards you, and you let out the loudest shriek of the evening so far as the (chainless, for safety purposes of course) chainsaw was aggressively thrust uncomfortably close to your face.
Saeyoung eagerly watches this interaction, biding his time and waiting around the nearest corner as he watches for the events he knows will play out. And they do, just as he predicted.
With the chainsaw inching closer and closer to your skin (though you knew it would never actually touch you) you sprint faster than ever in the opposite direction, only to let out an even louder shriek than before as a pair of arms emerges from the abyss within the corn and tackles you to the ground, a hand pressing against the back of your head to protect you as you both fall. Your heart beats a mile a minute and you feel genuine fear strike through your being for the smallest moment, before catching a glimpse of bright auburn hair in front of your eyes as your jaw falls open in shock. “Saeyoung?” You ask in confusion, before your brows furrow up in an annoyed glare as you’re met with the sight of your boyfriend’s signature glasses and bashful smirk.
“You asshole!” Your fear vanishes in an instant, melding into annoyance as you gently smack his arm. “You scared the shit out of me!”
“That was kinda the point, babe.” He teases in response, accepting your hit graciously as he stands up before offering you a hand in aid. You nearly refuse to take it out of principle, though it’s clear you’re not actually mad at him as you fight off a slight grin while taking his hand and standing up beside him. His arm instantly moves to wrap around your waist once you’re standing strong once more, pressing a quick peck to your cheek in remorse. “I’m sorry for scaring you though, babe. Don’t worry, you’re safe with me once more.”
You cling on to him tighter than before through the rest of the maze as retribution for his prank, practically attached at the hip as the two of you face jump scares and staged horrors throughout the remainder of the maze. All in all, it takes you about an hour to get through the entire attraction from beginning to end, as you eventually take the reigns and lead the two of you successfully through the labyrinth of stalks while pointedly ignoring any of Saeyoung’s navigation suggestions. And once the two of you are finally freed from the maze of terror, Saeyoung treats you to a shared candy apple, his kisses tasting like sugar as he thanks you for indulging him in his dream holiday date.
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Request - Anonymous said: hello! for flufftober, please consider writing something for gojou (jjk), saeyoung (mysme) or keigo (bnha) ):
A/N: Ahhh I’m so excited to be posting my first piece of writing on here for Mystic Messenger! I actually have another MM/707 writing that I was working on before Flufftober but haven’t quite finished yet, and I know I’m way late to the game so idk how big the fandom is on here any more, but I just got into it this past summer so I was really excited to get to write for some of these characters for this event! :D This entire event has been so much fun for me so far so I hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am, because I honestly haven’t had this much fun and excitement while writing in a long time! My requests are also currently open, so if you have a request feel free to send it my way!
Taglist: @flufftober
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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oh my god, saeyoung with unrestricted free time. he's going to create SO MANY THINGS. saeran and MC come home to find him in the living room surrounded by nuts and bolts and scraps of metal and empty bags of HBC and cans of phd pepper. he proudly presents a mostly finished robot. it's the fourth one this week
You know that neither GE Saeran nor MC is going to be upset about that. It shows progress. Saeyong is comfortable enough to spend all his time doing what he loves. He loves creating things to help others. This is why his dream was to make a toy shop for children when we're faced with his dream sequence in his After Ending. This is part of his heart that's been unable to dream for over a decade. If you see him in a pile of nuts, bolts, and screws?
Don't say a word. Just see how his creative process takes over and he starts mumbling to himself about how he could add more features to this robot. Do you even know how many gardening robots he thought of to help Saeran? How many household robots could help you out in a pinch? Don't even get started on the ones he offered to make the rest of the RFA.
My God, he's happy, healthy, and in need of a shower because he's covered in oil and grease again.
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seoulxsinners · 6 months
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Hoeseok (Chanyeol)
Minseok (chen)
Jisoo (Baekhyun)
Minho (Suho)
Joongki (Sehun)
Saeyong (D.O)
Minsoo (Xuimin)
keep in mind this would not be their main verse
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idolpyre · 1 year
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⠀ ⠀★ @adoranoia sacrificed an offering : [  drape  ]  sender  drapes  their  arm  around  receiver’s  shoulders // saeyoung is very touchy w/ friends so like. c'mere new bestie /lh
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minjun is no stranger to the likes of skinship, having been the older brother of two much younger siblings and then the eldest among a group of rowdy boys — needless to say, he's used to being treated as a human jungle gym. he doesn't shy away from it, or at least he wouldn't usually.
but things are different now, minjun's always on edge even when things seem safe. will they ever really be safe again ? the feeling of being watched at all times lays over him like a stuffy blanket, suffocating him in the little downtime the survivor has on his side.
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when saeyong drapes an arm over his shoulder, the idol practically jumps out of his skin, fight or flight activated almost immediately. though he does relax almost immediately, his blood continues to thrum beneath his veins with fried nerves. ❝ jesus, you scared me ! ❞ minjun places his hand over his chest, offering the other survivor a toothy grin.
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k0kichiimagines · 1 year
been thinking so mucu about the choi twins cg, will it be both of them? young saeran studying saeyongs stuff with saeyoung in the agency? that mint eye hacking school thing and saeyoung at university ? them when theyre young? saeyoung studying and saeran watching? saeyoung teaching saeran how to write as children or something ? an AU with them at school ? so many ideas im so excited
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skrollan · 3 years
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This is a MysticMessenger Ray&707 Mod for Stardew Valley. (I made this for a friend during lockdown last year an never uploaded it) It is not complete yet, some sprites from the tilesheets are not included (like shanes 8 heart event) and i’m still working on the beach sprites and portraits. So i guess i’m going to update this someday. Find it on NexusMods here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8222 And please let me know if anything is not working correctly.
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zealousfanprunewolf · 3 years
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Lol why didn't I see this before?!?!?!?!😂😂😂
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tirameiisu · 3 years
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seven as onceler! a doodle request from instagram🥰
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shxtodxroki · 9 months
Flufftober Reminder!
Hi everyone. just a reminder to send characters that you want to see me write about if I do Flufftober from any of these fandoms! :D
My Hero Academia (Already received a request for Keigo/Hawks for Flufftober)
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen (Already received a request for Gojo for Flufftober)
Saiki K
Attack on Titan
Obey Me!
Mystic Messenger (Already received a request for V and Saeyong for Flufftober)
I'll probably send out a reminder like this for the next few days, until I can get a decent amount of characters listed out :D
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I had a thought abt a potential beginning of a Mysme/Obey Me crossover! Mc is in Saeyong's route and in the middle of Unknown grabbing us and trying to take us, BAM! We get dragged to the Devildom, accidentally bringing along Unknown for the ride! Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue?!
I know it's not what you asked but I wrote a SE Saeran x Mammon oneshot. As in, he gets dragged into the Devildom about a year after the final view of the Secret Ending engagement party for Saeyoung and MC. But, you're suggesting instead of 2 exchange students from the human realm, Diavolo actually summons you and Unknown at the same time.
Which means it's you, Solomon, and Unknown. God, Saeyoung would rip everyone limb from limb to get his way into the Devildom... he will not leave you two down there without him. That's not even a thing for hilarity's sake to imagine, he will destroy realms until he finds you and I don't want to be any Avatar of Sin facing off against Saeyoung Choi.
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sthey05 · 3 years
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tebechai · 4 years
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Saeran be like ah yes, me and my dumb cat siblings 
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