drzibs · 8 months
i really thought michael sheen couldnt play a character more unhinged than a narcissistic psychopath whos killed 23 people but. suddenly roland blum waltzes on screen high as balls and yelling at the person beneath his vanity to not use their teeth i am CLUTCHING MY PEARLS
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chelseasdagger · 4 months
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scottstiles · 2 years
i simply think that people who have good and interesting things to say should be allowed to speak and be listened to for as long as they want to talk and those who don’t like it should just go somewhere else like who ASKED you for your opinion certainly not that person.
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rayvern-sheep · 7 months
The ultimate indicator that you pass as a guy in the UK is when men stop calling you “love”
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15ktherapy · 1 year
I said I’d drive all the way to Dallas like I can fawking drive I CANT DRIIIIVEEEEE ENOW WHATA AM I SUPSOOWDD TO DO
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ghosts-bandwagon · 10 months
hi yes i’ve been craving cod content but writer’s block sucks so
can i get some headcanons for soap , ghost , and könig [seperate] w/ a gn!reader who generally acts cold and stoic but the second they’re alone or when they see something that catches their interest , they get really giddy ?
thank youuuuu
Simon ‘Ghost’
He absolutely loved seeing that spark in your eyes
The moment your eyes locked onto the limited edition art book for your favorite game, you were a goner
He saw the way you gingerly picked it up like you were going to break it and his heart melted
You were radiating excitement, clearly biting your tongue to keep yourself from bursting
So he decided to be the best boyfriend and ask you about it, and he was floored at how much you knew
You went on about how they took inspiration from different artists from different time periods and even listed the pieces they used, pulling them up on your phone to show him
Only going into further detail on the inspiration behind those art pieces, he was amazed by how much you knew about art
Your knowledge seemed endless and the excitement and awe in your voice was infectious
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
You’re never gonna live it down sweetheart
You both were driving home when a commercial on the radio came on announcing your favorite band, you gasped so hard it scared the shit out of him and he slammed the brakes
Then you quickly apologized and explained what happened, Johnny couldn’t stop laughing, despite your breathless giggles telling him to shut up
When you got home, Johnny bought the tickets and asked you to tell him everything about the band
You wasted no time putting together a playlist of their songs by order of your most to least favorite, even going so far as to explain why they’re your favorite and how they became your favorite
Your smile could light up the sky, he felt like he was right there with you when you recounted the first time you heard the songs and how you were feeling
Now that he knows this band is a catalyst for that enchanting side of you, he’ll do everything he can to bring it out of you
He lives for the sparkle in your eyes and the excitement in your voice, it’s addictive
God he lives for those moments
Ever since that first time he saw you get so excited when you two walked past the pastry shop, he decided he only ever wanted to see that look on you forever
So he makes it a point to take you to different bakeries a few times a month, just so he can see that sparkle in your eyes
He’d ask you about the different pastries, where they come from, how they’re made, what are some different flavor combinations you’d recommend, he wants to know it all
And he’s watching you explain it all the whole time, chin resting on his palm, hearts in his eyes as you answer his questions diligently
He almost worries that you’re not breathing when you go into detail about why the egg custard pastry is such a valued desert in Portugal
God he loves seeing you get so excited, he loves the joy in your eyes, and he loves hearing all your knowledge, he could listen to you forever if you asked him to
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moonstruckme · 5 months
I was wondering if you could write a poly!marauders with a reader who gets insecure about her dislikes (degrading, bjs, and rough stuff) during sex and feels guilty after sex bc she feels gross.
Thank youuuuu:3 pls ignore if your uncomfy
Hi, thanks for requesting! I feel like this came out a bit awkward but I tried and I hope you like it :)
cw: smut mdni, discussion (but not portrayal) of blowjobs and degradation, shame around sex
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
You’re becoming genuinely worried that Remus and Sirius are going to break the bed. 
Both of them are cursing like sailors, Sirius’ voice climbing higher as Remus rocks both him and you with his thrusting. The bed lurches back and forth, your body jiggling with the movement, and James laughs, dipping down to kiss at the spot beneath your ear. 
“Doing alright, angel?” 
You swallow. “Yeah. Bit worried about the bed. You?” 
He picks his head up to give you a smile, seraphim with a flirtatious edge. “Also worried about the bed, but it’ll go out in style. Personally, I’m doing fantastic.”
You return his grin, and James presses his lips to yours. Lingering, mushy kisses that feel like they’re drawing something out of you as he pumps into you slowly. His hand stokes up and down your side the way he knows you like, grounding you while you arch up into him, affection and pleasure melding in your core until your walls are gripping him with something akin to desperation. The feeling grows steadily, James’ voice becoming hoarse as he spews sweet words and encouragements that get swallowed up by your eager mouth until you both break apart into a thousand shining pieces. 
James’ forehead lands on yours, both of you panting softly into the inch of space between you. His large palm continues to soothe over the now sweat-slick skin of your waist. You realize, distantly, that the sound and movement from the other side of the bed has ceased. Sirius and Remus must have finished before you (by some miracle, the bed seems intact), you’re not sure how long ago. It’s not unusual. You always take longer. 
Sweat and cum cool in your crevices, and a familiar remorse takes root somewhere in your chest, spreading towards your gut. You shut your eyes. You want to clean this up like it never happened. 
“Hey sweetheart, how are we feeling?” James reads your change in mood instantly. His question is painfully gentle as he picks his head up, giving you the bit of space he knows you need. 
“Okay,” you say. 
“Want to have a shower?” Sirius leans over to give your knee a squeeze. His tone carries the dulled worry of routine. “Might make you feel better.” 
You nod. Remus helps you up while James peels his condom off, throwing it in the waste bin. You can’t all fit comfortably in the shower, but you squeeze in anyway, your boyfriends terribly kind as you all clean off, checking in with you periodically. Your smile comes a bit easier, the easy affection between you softening your contrition like it always does. They relax as you do. Soon you feel clean and new, all wrapped up in steam and the love you wonder if you’ll ever be good enough to deserve. 
It’s not until after you’ve toweled off and are sitting on the bed in your pajamas, watching Sirius do his skincare routine, that a different kind of guilt begins to eat at you. 
“Sorry I always make this so difficult,” you blurt.
Sirius looks over at you from the bathroom, foaming cleanser half rinsed off his face. Beside him, James pauses with floss held up in front of him. 
“Uh, what’s difficult?” James asks you. 
“Just, everytime we have sex,” you look down at your hands, hearing the soft shuffle of pages as Remus sets down his book beside you, “you guys do so much to accommodate me.” 
“That’s typically how sex works.” Sirius rolls his eyes, tossing you a smile to mitigate it. 
You return his smile wryly. “You know what I mean,” you say softly. 
“No, come on.” Remus scoots closer until his shoulder is touching yours. “What do you mean, love?” 
You shrug, self-conscious. “Like, how you have to take care of me after because I get weird. And during, I never give blowjobs even though you guys have no problem doing anything for me, and you can’t go as rough with me as you like to. I’m sure it’s frustrating.” 
“Not really, no.” Remus says, and you startle at his matter-of-fact tone. “Anything else?” 
You hesitate. “Well, I hear the stuff you and Siri say to each other. You never say any of that to me, and you know I won’t say it to you.” 
“Yes, James doesn’t like degradation either.” Remus leans back against the headboard, looking thoughtful. “Is that all?” 
“I…” You’d been expecting a bigger reaction, not this almost bored response. “I guess that’s all I can think of right now, yeah.” 
“Well, let us know if you think of any more, because all of that’s just preference, dove.” Remus gives you a kind look, almost pitying. “None of it makes you difficult.” 
You sigh, leaning back beside him. Remus’ hand comes up to stroke your hair. “I just mean that I want you all to be able to do whatever you want to,” you say. “I don’t mean to be so…finicky.” 
“You’re not finicky,” Sirius laughs, coming out of the bathroom. He crawls right over you on the bed, stretching out like a cat and laying down with his head on your lap. “Everyone has preferences. It’d only be weird if you didn’t.” 
“But what about your preferences?” You’re nearly bickering now, frustrated with them for intentionally missing your point. 
“Have you ever thought about the idea that maybe we don’t all like it rough all of the time?” He raises an eyebrow up at you, teasing. James finishes in the bathroom and comes to lean against the doorway, watching the three of you. “If I wanted my hair pulled every time, gorgeous, I don’t think I’d have any hair left.” 
His joking coaxes a smile from you, but it’s tinged with bemusement. Really, you hadn’t thought about it that way. You’d just assumed that anytime they have sex with you, it’s a small sacrifice on their part. They drew the short stick that day. Like he can read your thoughts, Sirius grins. 
“Anyway, know what I like most?” 
“You’re going to hate it,” he warns. 
You almost want to laugh, but you narrow your stare on him. “Go on.” 
“Knowing that we’re making you feel good.” 
A derisive snort leaves you before he’s even finished the sentence. You roll your eyes. “You’re right, that’s awful.” 
“It’s the truth, though.” James holds his hand up beside him. “Scout’s honor.” 
“Were you ever in boy scouts?” Remus asks quietly, almost to himself. Sirius shakes his head in your lap, but shrugs like that’s not really relevant. 
“Honestly, sweetheart, you make it sound like being with you is some kind of chore,” James says, ignoring them both. “Do you think you’re the only one who can say if you don’t like something?” You blink in surprise, but he goes on. “If we weren’t having a good time, we would tell you. Promise.” 
“Scout’s honor,” Remus mimics from beside you. “You’re not the only one who likes to be treated gently, dove. The rest of us might go back-and-forth sometimes, but we all have things we don’t like, alright? It’s no burden to do what’s going to be nice for you, and like Sirius said, making it nice for you is part of the fun.” 
“A big part,” Sirius agrees. 
“Okay,” you say, softening a bit. “Okay, but what about after? None of the rest of you need to be coddled.” 
“How do you figure?” James asks interestedly. “Sirius is the biggest pillow princess I ever saw. He needs to be carried out of bed after, or have you never noticed?” 
“Oi, you try being thrown around like you two do to me and see how you feel after!” Sirius glowers. “Dollface, you get it, right?” 
You laugh, because you don’t, that’s the point, but Remus speaks again before you can tell him so. “Sweetheart, we all have our things we need afterward. And yeah, I think we all hope that someday you don’t feel so bad about yourself right after, but we’re happy to take care of you anyway.” 
You scrutinize him, looking for a lie in his placid features. “Really? You don’t mind?” 
“Yeah, really, idiot.” Sirius pinches meanly at your stomach. “You’re our baby, of course we don’t mind. Stop asking silly questions.” 
“Let her ask what she wants, twat,” James says, starting towards the bed, and Remus gives Sirius’ thigh a reprimanding flick with his middle finger. It doesn’t look very hard, but Sirius squawks in protest and glares at him anyway. “Nobody minds taking care of you, angel,” James goes on, scooching into bed beside you. “That’s what we do, right? You’ve never complained about taking care of us.” 
“I guess,” you give in, laying your head on his shoulder. 
James rests his cheek atop your hair in return. You can feel the movement of his jaw as he speaks. “We’re all allowed to like what we like,” he vows, then lowers his voice conspiratorily. “But you and I are on the right side of things, sweetheart. The things those two say to each other are depraved.”
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millerscoffee · 9 months
heat lightning
6.5k | sub!joel miller x f!reader
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gif credit: @jdmorganz
rating: 18+ MDNI
warning: NO OUTBREAK. established relationship, no age gap – up to you for joel's age but he has creaky knees so..., sub!joel, bratty!joel??, mommy kink, rope kink, dom/sub dirty talk, joel whimperin' n whinin', gagging, choking, slapping, spitting, edging (m receiving), oral (f receiving - face riding), piv (unprotected), praise kink (good boy, etc.), pet names (pet, baby boy, honey, etc.), a touch of humiliation/degradation kink (spoiler: a moment of cock shaming – every body is a lovely body!), size kink (he still got that thang tho), we walk by breeding ave., sickly sweet aftercare, lingerie. dude if i missed it - it's probably in here! no use of y/n
A/N: thank u to the sweet anon (u know who u are) who requested this almost a month ago. i hope it was worth the wait! love youuuuu!!! ♡
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Joel liked having his way.  Shocking.
This concept drew you to him, not only because you enjoyed being told what to do (every now and then), but even more that you wanted to challenge why he needed things to be his way in the first place.
You’ve been with Joel long enough now to know the mix of events that made him who he was.  Nights and days where he felt insecure for exposing all there was to him, but he was willing to fish it out of him to you.
Only to you.
Tonight wasn’t unlike a handful of nights the two of you shared since being together and unraveling Joel’s vulnerability.  It was beautiful, and in moments of softness, it was easy to reflect on how far he’d come.  But, right now?  You’re a little preoccupied.
It started earlier tonight.  Joel refused to wear contacts for the fourth time in a week, and forgot his glasses just as much.
And guess who had to remind him?  You!  Of course!  Every. Single. Time.
To wear his glasses, or put his contacts in.  But the week was busy at work – Tommy gone off again.  Or at least, this was his excuse.  More and more excuses poured throughout the week until it was a mere grunt at your suggestion.
Your knuckles blanching until you just gave up entirely. “Ah, fuck,” you hear from the kitchen, the view of Joel rubbing his eyes not long after the sound.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Joel,” words are sharp and you clench your teeth.  It catches Joel off guard at first, his head shooting up to meet your cold stare.  And before he can make an attempt to straighten you out, you stand up – rushing to the kitchen.  “I tell you this at least twice a fucking week.  ‘Joel, wear your glasses.  Joel, have you put your contacts in today?’  you know why your eyes hurt so fucking much?  Because you don’t listen to me, and I’m sick of it.”
“You know it’s been a rough week,” Joel’s tyrannical now, his jaw setting – ticking forward.
“Oh, I’m sorry – did I give you permission to speak?” you raise an eyebrow waiting for a reaction, but instead you witness the shift of his hips and the drop of his gaze.
He feels the energetic shift as much as you do, and seems into it.  The hitch in his breath gave him away.
“No, ma’am.”
“Bedroom.  Now.  Swear to god, if you make me repeat myself.”
So he goes and you follow.  And you bring a dining chair with you.
Placing it down, you go to the closet to grab some clothes before turning your heel to face a man whose cock shouldn’t be so fucking hard from getting your last nerve.
“I’m going to change, and you are going to sit on this chair.  Naked.  Do I need to repeat myself?”
Joel beseeches you silently with his dark stare and a steadfast shake of his head, “No, ma’am.”
You don’t respond because you don’t have to and usher yourself to the bathroom – door shuts behind you and you slip into something more dominating.
“Darlin’, it’s a little tight,”  Joel rattles now, his strength to hold back waning.  The rope that curled around the strong arches of his wrists tug harshly as it found tautness from behind the chair.
His wrists and ankles tied with knots that Joel taught you how to tie long ago.
The chair at the foot of the bed.
Feet planted firmly on the ground, you peer over him, changed into laced lingerie with leather accents. Red.  Cinched at the waist, your tits bloom out from the cups — daring to spill but never do.  You feel sexy, and you feel in control.  And fuck, you look so good.  Joel knows it, the way he sops you up just by his eyes.
He’s shorter than you like this, but his body still takes up so much space, and it’s intoxicating to observe Joel in such a submissive position in his sturdy frame.
“Is Darlin’ my name?” voice flat, you prop yourself up on the edge of the chair – tilting your head to scan over his body.  You take your time with each part of him.  Because his wrists are tied, yes, but you look down at the rest of him, completely stripped for you.  His hips jolt involuntarily, pathetically really, all from your words and you really watch between his legs.  The head of his cock pulsing with blush, weeping against his stomach and thigh as it arches.  And he twitches at your gaze.
“Oh, he likes that,” you remark condescendingly, and on any other day you’d be eager to wrap your lips around him.  To suck him until his toes curled and your name slipped through the air from his rough, but blissed out voice.  But tonight was about taking the lead, teaching a lesson.  Taking him how you wanted because you could.  And maybe because you loved him and wanted him to experience – to just experience without the expectation of being in command.
“Now, tell me,” you start, teasing the tops of your fingernails grazing the length of his thigh slowly – humming in approval, his body shuddering, his grunts fill the air, “what’s my name, Joel?”
“M-mommy,” the word scorches his cheeks, causing him to bite into his bottom lip and his eyes squeeze shut, precum beading to the tip.  His head hangs in unbearable arousal, chin lifting to catch your eyes.  The soft brown of his eyes, full of desire and willingness to do anything for you.  Anything… except doing what he’s told when he’s stubborn.  Your core aches when you squeeze your thighs together for relief, but you don’t falter.
“Mommy!” a fake gasp, you lean over to pat him on the cheek before smacking the skin ten percent harder, “That’s right!  Good boy!”
And that wrecks him, sends his hips flying off the seat as much as he can, but you’re quick to shove them down.  “Ah, ah, ah.  Not so fast, Mommy’s not done with you yet,” your fingers curl under his chin, coaxing him to look at you.
“How can you make me feel good, pet?  Let’s use our words,” you lean down enough for him to see your tits pushed together like this and the look on his face– god, you’d bottle it.  His brows wilted upwards, lips parting, and they’re so wet, so inviting, you want to kiss them for hours.  The right toy for you to use in pursuit of getting yourself off.
“I—I c’n use my mouth.  I wanna.  Wanna be good t’ya, mama,” and he’s almost begging.  He’s so close, you can tell he’s trying.  It’s just that, he’s distracted–  wants to devour you whole without having to ask, not like this.  He’s still not used to saying the things you so easily offer him on any other day.
“You wanna be good to me,” you repeat mockingly, tongue darting to one side of your cheek, “That’s too bad.  We’re not doing that yet, you still need to learn your lesson.  Gotta make sure you know who’s in charge, don’t we, darlin’?”
You don’t let him answer before you sit back at the edge of the bed, your legs spread as they relax against the mattress.  You watch Joel, how his head won’t look at you directly – not even if he wants to.  He feels too shy, too ashamed for not listening to you, and honestly you’re sick of it because you look fucking hot.
So you clap your hand at his chin lightly, “Miller.  Right here.”
Joel’s jaw clenches, and those deep eyes take their precious time to rake their gaze over you.
“Is that how you act when a gorgeous lady’s in front of you?”
Joel lifts his brows first, then his eyes, “No, baby– I’m sorr–”
“Not my name.”
You see Joel’s mandible flutter again in frustration now because yes, you’re grinding his gears, but the vulnerability makes him uncomfortable, and he grits out, “No, mommy.  I’m. Sorry.”
“You’re on thin fucking ice Joel,” your arms cross over your chest, leaning forward to make eye contact, and though it makes your tits raise, your body language says it all: last chance.
That seems to make him reroute his stubbornnesses because he’s back to open expressions and spread thighs – thick as his cock that weeps pitifully against his abdomen and thigh.
“Yes, ma’am.”
If you were to admit it to yourself, you’re distracted.  His cock looks so good, throbbing like that – bobbing with each twitch as his balls tighten along with it and he’s so perfectly thick your mouth waters, but it is not about making his ego feel good tonight.  Not yet, anyway.  He must understand this behaviour is unacceptable.  Just when you think about caving, you’re reminded of how fucking obstinate he’s been and you get annoyed – dominant, all over again.
“Here’s how tonight's gonna go.  I’m gonna touch myself, use your mouth, and if you’re good, I’ll ride your pathetic excuse of a cock.  Sound good?”  you flash a sardonic grin cutting him off when his mouth opens, “Good!  Now shut the fuck up.”
It shouldn’t make him hard and it shouldn’t make slick gather between your legs, but of course it does because you’re both insatiable when it comes to each other.  Fueling a fire that can’t be tamed anyway, you unfurl in front of him – one palm against the lush duvet while the other trails in front of you, through the lace of your panties.  You squeeze your thighs together again, spreading your mess and there’s a wicked grin on your face because you know he knows just how it feels to have those thighs squeezing around his head.  To make that messy pussy of yours glide over his features.  And the damp fabric emits subtle sloshes from just how turned on you are by this.  You love the opportunity to have the upperhand.
Joel, he looks rabid, eyes unable to move from your core while the sweetest sounds fall out of your mouth.  Like a hypnotising trick from the circling of your clothed folds – a magician’s secret.  His stare is so animalistic you almost want to egg him on like a dog: this what you want, boy?  But you’ve got him right where you want him, and you don’t want to take him anywhere else.
“It feels good, Joel,” you confirm with no pornographic moans.  Rather a solid melody to your tone.  Grounded in your power.  You want Joel to know you can make yourself feel good without him, despite it being very much because of him.  “Better than you can make me feel.”
And Joel can’t take it anymore – he can’t stand it when you lie to him.  He’s seen you with him.  How you blossom under his touch until your thighs are shaking all on their own.  Seen drool spill from the corners of your mouth as you take and take and take from him, slurred praises floating from your needy throat.
“That ain’t fuckin’ true,” he growls like a caged animal, hips squirming into the chair, and you stop pleasing yourself – wrist frozen as the pressure on your clit becomes lighter, eyes narrow.
“Did I let you fucking speak?”  Question rhetorical, you slip your scanty panties off and wad them up before prying his mouth open and shoving them, crotch-side first, inside to mute any more rebukes.  The taste of your sex coats his tongue and his moans are muffled, eyes roll back for a fleeting moment – as if he forgot what he was even saying to begin with.  His wrists slightly turning colour from the resistance against the rope.  Hog heaven, you can hear the southern phrase drawl from his lips without the words.
“And what?  You think you can make me feel better than I can?  You really think that?” Joel finally smartens up when he realises you’re naked from the waist down and can see the slick against the seams of your thighs while your legs are apart – how turned on you are by keeping him on a line, and god the air is thick.  His eyelids droop to the sound of your voice, the scent and taste of you overcoming him as a piteous nod is given to you.  Poor baby.
It should irk you, the fact that he believes he knows your body better than you do, but it rakes the coals instead.  It’s in that he’s so eager to show you how he can get you there – makes you curious, your pussy tingles in anticipation, pulse rises.
“If I let you go, are you going to be compliant?  Because if you think you’re in control, you’re wrong and I need to know you’ll be a good boy for me.  Will you be a good boy for mommy if I tell you what to do?”
The strained pleas from the fabric and emphatic nods give you reason to follow through with your promise.  And he looks like he means it, like you’ve worn him down to submit to you fully without restraint.  You can tell he’s in pain from how hard he is.  Like he’s being edged without even touching him.  His hands must be numb, his body could tremble at the slightest touch.
It’s enough for you to waltz behind him.  You loosen the rope, ghosting your hands over the other typically warm set and despite them being tingly – he can still feel you.  His breath hitches, the slopes of his shoulders are so gorgeous from behind.  The muscles of his back taut as they flex, their silent entreat for relief.  “It’s okay,” you whisper, now that you can’t see him, you feel more inclined to be forgiving.
The arousal is a constant build between the two of you.  When you let his wrists loose, he doesn’t move.  Just rolls his knuckles into fists, bringing blood and oxygen back to the extremities.  He’s good on his word, and makes that known when you untie his ankles.  He’s giving it up to you – totally conceding, and moreover adores this side of you.  He knows he’s the only one you could ever be this assertive with because the relationship you have creates room for it.  Both of you feel safe.  His teeth tighten around your panties when you come back around to him, and you cup your small hand, comparatively, to the side of Joel’s neck.
“You good little thing.  Got mama so proud,” pushing his curls back, you pull the spit-soaked garment from between his teeth and he’s beaming, nudging his cheek against your touch hungrily.  “Go lie on the bed, honey.”
His joints creak from age when he does, having sat there for what felt like an eternity but he does exactly as you say: nothing more, nothing less.  Hums softly to himself at the feeling of being able to lie flat on his back because it feels so good, and in the brief moment it’s there without a role – your adoration for him, the gentle quirks that make him so delectable.  He deserves to sit back like this, to let his brain just take rather than supply.
However impatient he may be in the process of submission.
“You are doing so well, Joel.  I know you have a pristine mouth too, don’t you?  Are you gonna show me your tongue?”  Getting onto the bed, you walk on your knees as this newly obedient Joel sticks out his tongue flat for you to float over.  Your throat dries at that, how perfect he can be for you like this.  A smirk comes over your features, “Much better with your tongue out than running it all the time,” and you swear you see Joel’s teeth creep up in a similar smile, but you’re busy straddling his waist with your ass facing his chest to notice.
His strong nose bumps against your clit when you bracket his head.  Sipping the air abrasively, your body seizes at the sensation.  Clearly more sensitive than your confident words let on, but that’s just the thing – you are confident and extremely horny and you can admit it.  So you give in, purring deliciously when you lower over his mouth until you’re sitting completely on his face.
“Love using this mouth for my cunt,” fingers tangle through the strands of his hair and you use it to roll your hips frantically, yet methodically, against the heat of his wet mouth.  His tongue hits your folds succinctly, on purpose, and even though you haven’t allowed him to touch you, his movements are so precise it’s as if he’s rolling your hips for you.
“Fuck, you’re swimming in it now,” you groan, neck thrown back before leaning your neck over to the side to watch his eyes flutter shut – the slight shake of his achy jaw, the sweat at the top of his hairline.  He’s putting in the work to take it, even when he feels like giving up.
The squelching of your juices has you in your own trance, and though you would wait for his cock to give into the prickling at the pit of your belly, you decide to go give in to what you want in the moment – to orgasm right here, right now.  All over Joel’s face.
Pulling the top of your pubic bone, your clit exposes to the plush of lips beneath you.  “Suck.”  The instruction is simple compared to the stir of fireworks that he sets off inside you.  Because he does what you say, and how you say it, instantly.  Joel’s eyes roll back alongside his muffled, but satisfied moans that vibrate against the bundle of nerves he’s taking his time to satisfy.  Wet suction sounds fill the room when the air breaks off, his tongue swirling right underneath the hood of you and you break out in a sweat from how impossibly good he is at this.
“Y-you’re so good for mommy,” you sound wrecked, Joel looks up at you when he catches just how gone you are.  Loving to see you take what you want from him, using his mouth to pleasure yourself.  You rock deeply, your hands knead over your lace-covered tits and when you look down at him again, he can’t keep his eyes off of you.  Eating you like he worships you, and you’re certain he does.
But using him meant not warning him when you were close.
So it comes as no surprise, the influx of low, masculine, ached groans from beneath you when your body responds to its pleasure.  Your fingernails dig into your fists as you shudder and moan above him, the lightning rising from your core to your limbs in a matter of seconds – and in waves.  You lean forward, catching yourself at the headboard and let out a slight chuckle at the comedown.  The two of you surfacing in between this power dynamic.  “Shit.”
That’s short lived under your ruling, however, and you slide off of him – getting your bearings.  Joel stays still, his mouth vivid pink to match his cheeks, beard and lips sheened with your slick.  The look in his eye shows his constraint, his need for something and when you pluck your gaze down his body.  His beautiful cock straining against his abdomen, a pool of precum greets you.
“This?”  You raise both eyebrows, pointing between his legs, “This needs touchin’?”
“Please,” fuck, he sounds ruined – consumed with lust and need for anything you can give him.  He’s really begging now, not the bullshit he tried to deliver you in the beginning.
“Okay, baby,” you coo, “You’re so good for me, gonna make you feel so good.”  When you finally, finally acknowledge his cock, his abdomen jolts though you barely touch his sides.  You laugh through your nose briefly, “That bad, darlin’?”  His head sways ‘yes’ against the pillow before saying it, and you waste no more time in your pursuit to obliterate him now.
So you straddle him.  Right at his waist, angling above where his twitching cock lies.  You can feel the heat radiate off the both of you.  Your core pulsing from your orgasm, wet from slick and spit.  You have some wits about you now that you came, and it aids you in authorising the next step – the step that has every nerve at the edge of its seat for Joel.
Joel’s body.  The taut skin, the hair down his arms and across the landscape of his chest down his middle.  Your own body fills with anticipation when you anchor your hips further down until your folds are greeted by the underside of his length and it’s unhurried when you both shudder in response.
“Sh-shit, shit, darlin’–mama,” he inhales sharply, those words transitioning to whimpers when you glide your hips over his cock back and forth with intention – applying more pressure with each pass.
“Yeah, you like that?”
Joel’s tongue skates over his bottom lip as he nods frantically, and you still yourself.
“Nuh uh.  Words, tell me.  Need to hear you say it, Joel.”
“F-feels so good, honey.  Feels like my kinda paradise.”
Or at least that’s what you are pretty sure you hear.  It’s rushed from his feverish breaths, but he’s doing his best.  Wants to make an impression that he is committed to giving in.  It’s when his eyes slip shut do you lean your body over him, tilting his chin, you wrap one hand around his throat though it doesn’t quite reach around to completion.
“You beautiful man. Keep your eyes on me, yeah?”
Joel blinks them open to see your hooded eyes above him, unable to hide just how in awe he is.
“Y’look gorgeous, mama,” and shit– you feel your cunt clench around the absence of him at that.  At how candid and altruistic his words are in the moment.
“You’re one to talk,” you run the tops of your fingers against his beard, hips languid.  “Stay right here.  My good boy.  M’gonna take this big fucking cock.  That’s right, isn’t it?  Make you know for certain who it belongs to.”
And he loves hearing you talk about him like this.  Looks so serene as you sit upright, peeling the rest of your layers off until you’re both naked and he looks like he desperately wants to touch you, but you give him a stern look – not yet.  Not until I take you myself.
Reaching behind, you press the head of his cock at your entrance and hiss at the instant stretch.  Not working yourself up with his fingers shows when you envelop him like this, and you can feel him digging his heels into the bed from just how you feel around the head of him.
The sound of him whining is symphonic to your ears.
“Shhhh, you can take it.”  The role reversal makes you shiver, your wet sex moving down a little more before you pull up, popping off of him completely and his hips stammer trying to follow you, but he soon realises the edge you’re bringing him to.
He’s greeted with your sinister smile.
“What, honey?”  You lean over him, forcing his chin up, you deliver a slap to his cheek before sliding down his cock again – working him up and down, then off again.
His bottom lip trembles and puffs.  He’s losing his cool, hands ghosting your hips because he knows better than to touch you like this.  Not when he’s so close to getting what he wants.  The heat, the fucking heat from them – you shake.
“P-p, mama, mmngh,” his whimpers put you in a daze.  How he feels so good he can’t even form a proper sentence.  Your free hand claws at his chest while the other at your front edges him – rocking against the underside of him again.  Minutes feel like hours when you rile him up like this, and you know you look a mess too.  Fucked out, nipples peaked and you catch his gaze on them – his hunger for you extends through the room leaving heat on your skin as it radiates, the energy bouncing off from this tantric experience.  The eye contact is insane: Joel’s pupils dilated, eager against the constant spasm of his cock against your messy folds.
All humidity, sweat, and sex make their presence irrevocably known.
You’re slipping.
But you muster one last discipline, leaning down so your tits graze against his chest.  You brush your nose against his, insisting his precum spreads against your entrance.  He grunts, teeth together, hips grinding as best as he can without breeding you into your submission.  And fuck, you’d almost allow it.
 “Should’ve worn your fucking glasses.”  You whisper against his lips, your clit brushing against the coarse hairs of his lower abdomen, and it’s exactly then does he spill over his breaking point.
“I’ll wear them, I’ll wear them!” And, fuck, Joel sounds pained – he sounds sorry, and he sounds desperate.  “Please!  Please just let me come, mama.  I wanna paint ya up so good, honey.  P-please, mama!  I’ll get fuckin’ lasik – please, just lemme in that perfect pussy!”
That’s the green light.
Placing him back inside, your hips grind on him shallowly.  Both hands tighten around his throat, albeit a bit looser than the one fist he’d have around your neck – but it seems to do the trick and you buzz in satisfaction before a choked moan fills your lungs: the sound he’s been craving.  Your body giving in, doing what it does.  It’s nature, after all, giving into these feelings.  “Fucking take this cunt.  Fill mommy up, yeah?  You wanna make me a real mama, baby?  C’mon, let go for me.  You can let go, you can move.”
It’s a lightswitch.  It’s flipping a breaker, giving Joel such permission.
You yelp when he tosses you off of him.  Onto your back, he’s on his knees within a blink – gripping your thighs, he pries you apart before his cock spears inside you with little remorse, and “Oh-my god – your cock!” you scream.  It’s exactly what you need now.  You nod through knitted brows, praises fill the space between you.  You take his chin between your thumb and pointer, one arm around his shoulders you pry his lips apart to transfer spit right inside his mouth.  Your tongue glides over his and he drinks straight from the source.  You can feel his Adam's apple wobble as it swallows what you’re giving him underneath the pad of your thumb.  “That’s it, that’s a good boy,” you mutter sloppily from the rutting of his deviant hips.
Gravity’s against you when you spit in his mouth again, getting some of it on your chin and nose, but fuck, you don’t care.  You want it filthy like this with your head half off the bed, his fingers plucking your nipples as it ripples pleasure down your center.  “I’m doin’ okay, mama?  This whatcha need?”  This sly fucker.  “S-s’perfect!”  The requirement of reassurance fastens you in the leadership role you assumed in the beginning, and you’re so fucking thrilled Joel’s your partner.  How he can deliver you mindblowing thrusts, yet still look at you through his lashes like he’s the softest motherfucker on the planet.  A gleam of pride in his eyes and at the corner of his lips when he hears your juices be tapped in a fast tempo by his heavy balls.  Like giving you pleasure is the pearl he longs to hold for dear life itself in his capable hands.
Of course, he circles your clit for good measure.  Of course he would.  Little shit.  It works like a charm.
He knows your body, said it himself.  How it operates, how to take you there.  And you’re panting, hips lift to be greeted by his thrusts all the way to the base of your stomach – achieving the spongy spot only Joel can reach.
You feel it happen like a coiling, a buildup of thin air and then all at once: immense pleasure.  It snaps, your body convulsing around his cock, core fluttering as your moans get higher, and you think he’d slow down, but it makes him work harder.  You try to keep your eyes on him, but it’s just no use, he’s too good at his job.  “F-fuckin’, mmngh,” you can’t get out much else, but you’re soaking his cock – what else could possibly be said?  Your tits bounce to his thrusts and you can tell this is it for him.  He’s been so proficient at keeping it together all this time.  Your eyes pop open then, lips wet, you tug for him to come closer.  You don’t fucking care that his sweat sticks to your shoulder when he buries his forehead against your neck.
Joel keeps his whimpers close to your ear.  His moans of your name, his passion for this feeling – all of it, right against you.  Like a secret, like a prayer and you’re the divine goddess in every moment of reverence.
“Can’t last,” he drawls, a coherent sentence flows through him for a moment and you nod, mouth brushing against the red of his neck.  “Give it to me, Joel.”  Lips dance at his pulsepoint as the contact bounces from his thrusts, and you can hear his heart thud from outside his body.  It floods you, the sawing of his cock inside, the swelling sensation against your walls.  Tugging his hair, you pull him back just enough to see his faded eyes, “Give me every drop, baby boy.  Come for mommy.”
His lips attempt to make contact with yours, but really all he can do is breathe heavily into your mouth and it’s dizzying, being each other’s oxygen.  “S-s… so p-perf–,” he tries, he really tries in making the words connect, but even his core feels shaky from his forearms on either side of your head.  You snake your hands around his throat once more, and that’s fucking it.
Joel’s sounds are a mix of the low grunts you know, tailending with particular whimpers that leave you moaning back to him like a call to each other.  Holy fuck, you’ve never heard him make that sound before.  And he’s good on his promise – coating your inside sticky with his substance, your own vibrational tone is low in your throat as you hum in approval.  Until he rides it out.  Until his pleasure turns sensitive and his hips come to an end.
“Oh, baby,” you praise, delicate hands leaving his throat, you pet his back – warm and masculine and rippled with muscles that he attained from his work.  He’s out of breath, and you both laugh at it, pressing tender kisses to his nose and lips.
“Might fuckin’ die at this rate.”
“Well, at least we had a good run.”
It feels empty when Joel pulls out of you, his lanky body shakes the bed when he gracefully thwacks onto the mattress beside you.
A flawless response.  Mmmng, indeed.
You stretch your arms overhead, facilitating a yawn in the process.
And you don’t ignore the way it feels to have his cum spill out of you.  Hot and sticky and where it’s meant to be.
“Stay there,” you whisper, rolling onto your side, “You did so good.  I’m so proud of you, baby.”  You even speak differently now – tender and light, peppering kisses all over his tired face in satisfaction.  Slipping up to your feet, you go to the adjoined bathroom and run the bath.  Putting a couple of drops of your favourite essential oil to make the sensual experience last in the afterglow.  You peek your head out from the bathroom door when it’s ready and give him a gentle look of compassion.  “It’s ready.”
Joel grunts when he propels all of his upper body strength to sit up in one go.  You can’t get enough of him.  The way he looks – sleepy and fucked, arms thick and shoulders broad.  You have both earned this bath, even if it’s crowded.  He sinks in, and you get in front of him, and honestly you both close your eyes for a long while.  Exhausted, used.  He wraps his arms around the front of your shoulders, and it’s regulatory to your nervous system.
“I really am sorry,” he finally gruffs, wide palms cater to your shoulders as you melt and sink into the bathwater with him.  “This week’s been… it don’t matter.  You tell me ‘bout my eyes all the time, and I never listen.  I will, I promise.  I didn’t mean t’make your life harder.”
You frown at the last bit, turning in the water so your chest is against his.  Drops spill out the tub when you do.
“You never make my life harder, Joel.”
“Seems like it,” and you can tell he’s not saying it to play the victim.  He’s vulnerable and feels safe enough to share this shame with you.  “Seems like I end up fuckin’ somethin’ up.”
No.  You won’t be having any of that.
Taking his cheeks between your hands, you shake your head in tandem with your words.  “Not even close, do you understand?”  Sternly, you keep his eyes poured into yours.  “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.  I mean it.  You make everyday brighter.  Even when you’re a royal pain in my ass.”
You both join in with laughter before you rest your warmed cheek to the hairs on his chest.  “I swear.”
Joel’s throat vibrates to the tune of your last words, and fingers comb through your hair, leaving you both to flutter your eyes shut in the all-too-small bathtub.
“Okay, I believe you.  But only ‘cuz I’m a pain in your ass.” 
You take in his warmth, so much as sniffing at his words, and it feels good to be connected like this after those moments of taking matters into your own hands.  It feels good for both of you to be unarmed to each other without consequence.
When it's time for you to get out, you dry off before holding out a towel to wrap around him and you lean up, pressing your lips to his – both naked and comfortable.  Basking in the aftermath – the scene you two created in the bedroom you transition into.  Your eyes scan over the bed: the unkept version of sheets, pillows haphazardly thrown together and you individually slip your clothes on.  It feels nice to have a soft fabric cloak over your skin, his t-shirt fitting easily from the worn material.  Joel takes your hand in one of his, the dining chair in the other.  You look back at the room before flipping the light off.  At least for a moment, you’re both pretty tired and will work around the mess soon.
Then there's the kitchen.  Where it started.  But you don’t feel the same aggravation creep up as it did before.  Instead, Joel wraps his arms protectively around you when you rise to your tiptoes to grab a couple of mugs from the cupboard.  It feels like slipping into a warm pool, and you never want to leave.  He is more enchanting than the tub could ever be.
“Hot liquid for my man?”
“Y’could just say tea, I ain’t gonna gag, you know?”
You snicker, turning the kettle on and closing your eyes as his chin tucks at the crease of your neck, not so sure he means it.  Coffee?  Yes.  A blend of chamomile and lavender?  You weren’t so sure.  But he doesn't turn his nose up when you press the teabag to him, so you sneak a kiss and you plop one bag in each cup.
“I dunno, you might gag,” a knowing smirk grows at the side of your cheek that Joel’s at and you mercifully knock temples, as if your brain waves could send each other the memories you have from tonight.  Everything primal and raw, all for the both of you.
“No more gaggin’ tonight,” there’s a laugh in Joel’s words and you scratch his beard idly as you pour your hot drinks when it’s time.  “That’s alright, baby boy.  Mama can handle a little bit of gagging if it means you’re taking.”
“You better watch it,” smile behind his voice, his nose nudges the edge of your jaw and a shudder draws out a small purr from deep in your chest – especially because you know there’s not an ounce of a menacing tone behind the threat.
“I’m not doing anything,” the grin transfers to your face and you turn to face him, arms wrapping around his shoulders because you can and he pulls you up until your feet leave the ground.  It’s a stretch that feels good, your heart’s content.
“Yeah, you’re just so good.  You’ve forgotten what it’s like to be bad unlike us common folk.”
And that makes your cheeks rush with blood because you know it’s only a matter of time before the tables turn.  Before you’re caught doing something Joel has told you thousands of times to do or don’t, and he has you in some precarious position to drive you back to the version of your best self.
Still, it’s funny, and you nose against the column of his neck – all sweat still mixed with the bathwater and something so innately, masculinely, Joel Miller.  “Not too good, just clever.  I get away with a lot more than you think, old man.”
“Easy.”  His tone shifts all too easily into a warning, his hips pinning you to the edge of the countertop.  Your eyes widen before you press your index finger to his lips, shushing him.
“Relax,” you pet his shoulders, before leaning up to kiss his eyelids, “I like that you’re an old, senile man I can swindle.”
“Goddamn, you’re at record time in attempting to prove just how misbehaved y’really are.”
Finishing the tea, you hand his mug off with a nonchalant shrug.
“I learn from the best, I guess.”
You wait a beat.
“So… lasik, huh?”
Joel practically chokes on his beverage.  “Uhhh…,”
“Great!  I’ll book the appointment tomorrow!”
You won’t (probably), but the look on his face is priceless.
“Yeah, yeah.”  That makes Joel smile eventually, his rough hand cupping the side of your face before planting a dichotomously tender kiss to your forehead, and you are steadfast to reciprocate the affection.
The only thing that matters, anyway.
No matter all the hardships, the restless nights.  It’s this.  It’s delivering Joel to his knees as he worships you, then securing him with a warm cup of liquids in the form of tea, bath, the undulating nature of your arms in their energetic vibrations when they find his frame.
You would take care of him.  You would catch him.
Like how rivers bend and rush to oceans:
Everything leads back to him.
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taglist: @cool-iguana @livingdeadmaria @sinfulrock @jasminedragoon @alloftheboysivelovedbefore @nobodycanseeinsidemysoul @scarletthefierce @pedritoferg - comment to be added, and please let me know if i missed you!
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answer2jeff · 8 months
ready for another lie?
// carmen berzatto x reader
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song: Diet Mountain Dew.
pairings: nyc chef!carmen x journalist!reader
mdni!! i'm not responsible for your media consumption.
warnings: smutty smut, VERY DETAILED, fem!reader, oral and fingering (f!recieving), porn with plot, drinking, cursing, kinda subby carmy, praise kink, alludes to piv but it doesn't happen, complete and utter filth, i'm giving the people what they want don't look at me!!!
essentially a prequel, 1 year before the start of season 1 of The Bear.
"Fuck youuuuu! It's Friday, loosen up!" A groggy voice yelled from across the bar, cursing you for declining another drink.
You watched your friends flirt with the bartender over the course of 2 rounds of shots; causing harmless fuckery with the several guys who tried flattering them. You were actually bored for once. It made you sick.
You waited for something, anything else to impress you. You tried convincing yourself you didn't have to leave, that your friends wanted you here, and that nights like these were "good for your soul," but there seemed to be no hope.
"Just two vodka tonics. Oh, and a white Negroni. Uh, yes— yes, thank you." You caught a blonde curl from the stool next to you in the corner of your peripheral vision, and you dared to turn your head. You were met by the sight of an oddly familiar guy—and then it hit you like a semi truck.
The man you wrote your final thesis on "the senses creating art," about. Food & Wines best new chef, as of late.
You'd spent an entire year and a half traveling the world (after finally making a name for yourself as a journalist, and snagging a place in Food & Wines top writers) and interviewing the faces of all forms of modern art, representing one of each of the 5 senses.
Casey French, a fragrance designer as the face of "smell." Christopher Knowles, a fashion designer who specialized in optical wear as the face of "sight."
The list went on, until it ended at Carmen Berzatto, on "taste," just 6 months ago. It was September now, and you almost forgot about the 2 and a half hours you took from your day to sit down and talk to him in that studio. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you felt the pores in your palms release a nervous sweat.
You blinked rapidly, wondering if you were really seeing him— out of all the other Friday nights, when he could've visited all the other bars. But he chose this Friday, at this bar, next to you. You needed to say something.
"I'll take a Negroni too, actually. And you can just close out my tab for tonight." You handed the bartender your card after you anxiously fished it out of your wallet, trying to seem completely oblivious to Carmen's stare. Carmen clenched his teeth, his eyebrows raised in surprise as he kept his gaze focused on you.
"Holy shit! Is that—" A slightly younger man nearly yelped while he inappropriately pointed at you, quickly being shut down by his peer, and being told to "shut the fuck up," but Carmen stayed silent. He was dumbfounded at the sight of you.
"Uh, hi. Funny seeing you here," you croaked, swallowing hard when you realized how much of a horrible excuse of a "hello," that was. Carmen didn't seem to mind, dragging his head out of the clouds and smiling back at you as he received his glass.
"Oh my god, yeah. Wow, I— it's good to see you."
Carmen glanced down at your drink, watching you trace your fingertip around the rim of the short glass. He gazed at your fresh manicure, the beautifully layered rings on your fingers, the diamonds on your wrists, the black dress with a slit that exposed your leg up to your mid-thigh. Carmen always thought you looked nice, only being used to your blazers and gorgeous vintage pants that he was a little jealous of, but this was different.
And as if you weren't already anxious enough, Carmen's "friends" immediately arose from their stools and made their way to an empty table, leaving the two of you alone again. Just looking at him and his clean suit and tie made you nervous, especially with the ink on his hands still visible.
"Good to see you too, Carmen," you smiled, cheeks aching as you tried desperately to hide your excitement. Admittedly, you admired him. That wasn't new. But that feeling in your stomach, that aching, yearning feeling was.
"I don't usually do these things," Carmen mumbled, taking a sip from his glass and licking his lips.
"Me neither. It's kinda— I don't know, icky."
You knew Carmen avoided big gatherings like this, but they were usually tolerable thanks to people who "knew him" enough to let him hang around their groups in silence while they practically screamed at each other. But his free time just never seemed to align with anyone else worth talking to... until tonight.
"Icky. Couldn't have worded it better," Carmen tried not to laugh at your expense, keeping his tongue between his teeth as both of you fought back a smile.
"You get it! God, anyway—how've you been?" You inched closer to him, resting your chin in your palm as your elbows were propped up on the counter. You made sure to keep your stare on him and only him, glancing from his nose, to his lips, and back into his eyes. You knew exactly what you were doing, and it was too late to stop now.
Carmen paused, his mouth gaping open slightly as he thought of what he could possibly say to convey that he could be doing better, without completely ruining the mood. He sucked his teeth as he took a deep breath, his eyes glued to the floor until he finally looked at you again.
"Alright, I guess. Managing. How're you?"
"Managing. But really though. Like, has anything changed?"
Carmen thought about your question, realizing how much he seemed to relax tonight—while simultaneously being the most nervous he'd ever been outside of work in the last year. Was it being out and public after a long week? Was it the fact that he still felt so stupid for not getting your actual number, and instead only having access to your business email which was provided by your agent? Was it the smell of your perfume? Was it just you?
"Uh... yeah. Yeah, I guess some things have changed."
He couldn't help but awe at the way you did your hair and your makeup that night, appreciating the tiny details your jewelry and purse of choice added to the look. He hardly ever thought twice about the attractive women he'd run into; making small talk and watching them get bored with his interests.
But now you were here; his fantasies, his desires were here, right next to him; wearing a dress that flattered your cleavage and cinched you at the waist, black heels that tapped against the footrest of the barstool. It made his head foggy, and he couldn't even wrap his head around the encounter.
After finishing your Negroni's over the course of 3 separate conversations that left you with a cramp in your side and your cheeks hurting from smiling—basically hitting it off like you were actual friends, you decided to pull the classic...
"You wanna get out of here?"
Two successful, somewhat well known adults in their lines of work were allowed to be human, right? They were allowed to share deep belly laughs with someone they didn't originally plan to see outside of a work setting, right?
Wrong. It was unprofessional, inappropriate, unwarranted: everything you promised you'd never be around him.
Carmen knew this.
But he was eye-fucking you in that goddamn interview. His tattooed hands rubbing against his thighs as he sat in front of you in the white light of that studio, his gentle voice contradicting his large, almost intimidating arms—it was all you could think about when you wrote your thesis. And now you were gonna be alone with him.
And despite his worries, despite the nervous sweat beading on his forehead, despite his growing anticipation when he admired your figure like a horny teenager, Carmen agreed. The smirk on your face and your manicured nails in between your pearly white teeth was convincing enough. He knew it was risky, given the fact that you still wrote for Food & Wine every couple of months: being more than capable of ruining his career with one wrong, but so right move.
"Yeah, actually."
Unprofessional, inappropriate, unwarranted.
Fuck it.
Carmen closed his tab, gently helping you down from the barstool by your hand. You held your purse close to you while waving a shy goodbye to your friends, who were drunkenly squealing in excitement for you. Carmen's peers seemed to be out of sight; therefore, out of mind. You felt your cheeks go hot, every part of your body tingling. Neither of you knew where you were going. Just not here, and not with everyone else.
He couldn't even think about the fact that he would be back in the glowing white light of the kitchen that following Monday, and you completely forgot about the paper you had to start by Sunday night. And it was way too late to care about any of that now.
You decided your apartment was best.
"Fuck.." Carmen grunted under his breath, his eyes hooded while he felt his pants tighten against his throbbing length. He spread his legs wider as you palmed him, trying to ease some of his tension. You hovered over him as he lied down, sprawled out on your leather couch. His hands were clawing at anything he could reach; your hair, your thighs, the straps of your dress until he pulled it down to your hips, and finally the clasp of your bra.
His bare chest heaved, red and covered in sweat. His dress shirt, tie, and jacket were somewhere in the mess of your apartment. He was honestly too desperate to care.
"You okay with me takin' this off?" Carmen whispered as he cupped your cheek, keeping his fingers prepared to unclip your bra with your permission. He admired every inch of your flushed face as he waited for answer.
"Mhm," you soothed him as your hand moved up and unbuttoned his pants the second your lips moved onto his. Saliva pooled in your mouths with every kiss, turning into a sloppy mess of tongue and teeth. Carmen struggled, but eventually tossed your bra onto the living room floor, his mouth just centimeters away from yours as he exhaled heavy breaths.
You sat up straight, pulling Carmen up by his shoulders and smashing your lips back into his. He pulled sway to breathe, taking it upon himself to peel the rest of your dress off. His tattooed hands gently caressed your plush thighs, his calloused fingers sliding under the hem of your lace underwear. He practically worshiped you like this, planting open mouthed kisses along your jawline and neck.
Carmen needed to hear you, feel you, taste you.
"I wanna taste you, if–if that's alright," he placed one last kiss of gratitude on collarbone before he looked up at you through lust-blown, half-lid eyes.
Your entire body began to heat up again, and Carmen's words went straight to your needy cunt. You could feel yourself dripping through your panties while you put a hand over your mouth in embarrassment, nodding frantically.
"Please," you begged, a mixture of a moan and a silent cry escaping. Carmen's hands detached from your thighs, your hips writhing up from the loss of contact. Without another word, he nodded his head, letting his hands travel down your hips as he got down on his knees in front of you.
Carmen took a shaky breath, glancing from your pleading eyes and back down to your bottom half. He hesitated, choosing to plant one more line of kisses from your tits down to your navel before giving you one last look for permission. He put his hand between your inner thighs, asking you to spread further. You blinked slowly while he peeled your panties off of you, wondering if he would notice how wet you already were.
Unprofessional, inappropriate, unwarranted.
Carmen licked his lips, admiring the sight of your puffy slit in hesitation. With your body sprawled out in front of him, your pretty face looking down at him...how could he not eat you out right on that leather couch?
"I've got you, baby," Carmen cooed, his eyes wide as he nearly drooled over the glossy puddle in your underwear. He gently placed your calves over his shoulders, his calloused hands scooping the underside of your thighs.
Carmens wet tongue licked a bold stripe from your hole up to your soaked clit, not a drop of your arousal going to waste. You grew impatient, the kitten licks he gave your sensitive bundle of nerves driving you mad.
"C'mon, Carmy, I—" You whined, pleading that he'd pick up the pace. Carmen decided not to hold back, giving your throbbing clit aggressive sucks that he'd later soothe with slow, flat-tongued licks.
You bit down on your hand while the other entangled in his hair to muffle the sinful noises you made. Carmen felt his stomach turn at the sound of his name falling from your gaping mouth.
Carmen took note of how much you loved his tongue diving into your weeping hole, earning whimpers and cries of "please," and "oh, fuck, Carmen." He groaned into your pussy when you caught a grip on his hair, placing his head even deeper between your thighs. He moved his hands from your thighs and up to your waist—forcing your jerky hips down on the couch. He wanted to make sure you didn't miss a single bit of pleasure.
"Can I.. uh, can I try something?" He stammered, picking his head up with his chin shiny with your liquids as his hand crept back down, prying between your folds. Carmen needed to keep every part of him busy so he wouldn't have to focus on the aching bulge, already leaking precum in his boxers. He felt his thighs clench as he fucking whimpered beneath you.
"S–sure.." You nodded frantically again, tossing your head back as Carmen carefully inserted a digit into your core. You whimpered in slight discomfort as he stretched you out, which he immediately reassured softly.
"Shhh... you're alright. Jus–just relax f'me, yeah?"
Carmen waited until you whined again; his fingers started at an agonizingly slow pace until he heard your moans getting a little too quiet for his liking. He picked his pace up, sliding another thick finger into your hole and ramming into your g-spot. He hesitated, afraid to hurt you—but you quickly dismissed his worries when you urged him that you needed more. Carmen aligned his tongue back with your pussy, sucking hard before comforting your desire with lapping at your clit.
"Oh my god, Carmen," you felt that familiar knot in your stomach, your grip in his hair tightening while your moans grew louder and louder. You didn't care if your neighbors could hear you through the thin walls of your apartment. You didn't even think about what this would look like the morning after—because none of it mattered. Not with Carmen's head between your thighs.
Carmen could tell you were close, prioritizing your pleasure before he could even register how badly he wanted to cum into his boxers. He couldn't help but buck his hips forward, begging for friction while every noise you made just inched him closer to his release... but he needed this to last.
"You close? Let me take care 'f you," he mumbled, breathing heavily against your pussy while he tried his best to stay still. It sent shockwaves through your body, and you tried desperately not to scream his name.
"So... so close.. Fuck, it's too much," your useless protest was cut short by a loud moan, muffled by the sweaty palm of your hand. Your heart pounded in your head as your walls clenched around Carmen's fingers. You weren't used to anything feeling this good in months.
"C'mon baby, you can handle it. You're alright. You're doing so good. Takin' my fingers so fuckin' good," Carmen's raspy voice comforted you. His tongue finally came back to relieve you, his fingers slowing down so as to not overstimulate you, as much as he wanted to.
"Carmy!" Your eyes screwed shut as your thighs shook. You chased your high, practically grinding into his face as his nose bumped your clit while his fingers remained at work.
"Jesus..." You panted, grunting in disappointment when you felt Carmen slide his fingers out of you. He licked them clean while your eyes were screwed shut as you tried to recollect yourself. Carmen planted a kiss on your temple the second he sat back up onto the couch, pulling you into his lap by your waist. You felt his erection against your crotch, his already sticky mess combining with your wetness yet again.
"You okay?" Carmen cupped your cheek, pushing any sweaty strands of hair out of your face. And just when he thought he couldn't have felt more proud of you, he melted into the feeling of your lips against his.
You didn't know if you'd ever see him again, you didn't know if this night would magically become niche hot gossip within your respective groups; all you knew was that you wanted him. His lust blown eyes on you, his hands gripping your waist as he bent you over your kitchen counter and fucked you dumb, the sound of sex echoing through your apartment.
Maybe some other Friday night.
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daughterofthebitch · 5 months
𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖸 𝖣𝖮𝖭'𝖳 𝖪𝖭𝖮𝖶 𝖠𝖡𝖮𝖴𝖳 𝖴𝖲 — Charlie Bushnell fanfic (parts of instagram and chat au)
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liked by gwendolineuniverse, masonalexanderpark, momonatamada, and others
ellarue Tempus Frangit ⏳️ Thank youuuuu ladyyyyy for the photos @gwendolineuniverse
↳ See comments
masonalexanderpark Beautiful as always <33 Do you know who will also think this? TOMM, let me go show him the true face of his little sister
↳ ellarue show... show and you will see where your makeup ends up.
↳ masonalexanderpark IT WAS A JOKE ELLA, YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU HONEY <33
↳ ellarue UHUMMMMMMM ME TOO <33
gwendolineuniverse You're welcome dear, they look really pretty, but with a model like that it's hard not to.
↳ ellarue Don't talk like that or you will kill a delulu🤭🤭 (I'M THE DELULU)
↳ momonatamada She can't take it, a beautiful married woman appears, and she is like this 🥺🥺
↳ ellarue SHUT UP KKKKKKKKKKKKKK I HATE YOU GUYS, please ignore them Gwen <33
↳ gwendolineuniverse It's fine dear 🤭
momonatamada I wanted to get out of the banality of saying that "you're beautiful", but you as Delirium are another level
↳ xochitl.gomez I remember when she tried on the wig for the first time, she freaked out thinking it would look ugly for the role, like... GIRL, HAVE YOU EVER LOOKED IN THE MIRROR?
↳ ellarue I promise, you are the bestiess I could ask for (It doesn't even look like I wanted to kill you two seconds ago)
↳ xochitl.gomez I love the aesthetic of us being like, FUCK YOU BITCH <33
↳ ellarue @Netflix I NEVER SAID THAT!!!!!!!!!!
user1 Qual a chance de eu e Delírio nos casarmos? (What are the chances of me and Delirio getting married?)
↳ user2 Talvez no dia que ela estiver sã? (Maybe the day she's mentally healthy?)
↳ user1 Merda! (Shit!)
I throw my cell phone on the bed laughing, I loved it when the comments turned into complete chaos.
The weather today was very good for sleeping, the problem is that, at the moment, I'm having an insomnia crisis. My insomnia attacks always intensify when I'm working on something important, but I always try to ignore them. And that's exactly why at 00:37 I'm scrolling through Instagram, even though I wake up in 5 hours and a few minutes.
My cell phone vibrates at my side, easily gaining my attention. Who could be sending messages at this time? Did something go wrong? I turn on the screen looking for information and then...
"iamcharliebushnell liked your post"
Ah... it was nothing important... Starting to reassure myself again, I go to the profile of the person who liked my photo, something I do whenever I have time. And wait, does Mo follow him? He looks a little familiar to me.
My interest in the profile becomes sudden, or maybe it's just sleep starting to speak louder. Browsing the account I find photos from the end of 2023 that make me understand the reason for the familiarity. He is Luke, like Luke Castellan in the Percy Jackson series, aka one of my biggest crushes in the series (if we don't count Clarisse).
There was just one problem... When we are in the sleep stage, we don't think very well what to do. Or sometimes we don't even think about it. And that's my excuse for liking a photo of him from months ago.
To make my situation worse the next day, I felt my eyes finally get heavy, sleep would consume me and I could finally have a night of peace. Or that's what I thought. I fell asleep a few minutes after that.
I woke up quickly with the alarm, also who wouldn't wake up when they have Momona and Xochitl screaming in their ear. Yes, they made a personalized audio for me to use with an alarm, that's why I love my girls.
I pick up my phone, seeing that its battery is empty, great, I forgot to put it on charge last night. I walk to the bathroom and continue with my standard routine.
On the way to the film set I was finally able to turn on my cell phone to check the news and the thousands of notifications from my friends didn't seem like a good thing...
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Hey darlingsss, this is the first episode of this fanfic, I hope you like it <33 As it is the first chapter, it was a little shorter than the others and more stationary, as it is just to introduce the protagonist to you. I really hope you like it, really do!!!
*Spoiler: The next episode will be from Charlie's point of view.
*Obs: If you couldn't see it correctly, here's the screenshot from Instagram.
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Tag list: @siriusblacksgf @idiewhenrhythmgamesdie @taygrls @jules-loves-lukecastellan @lostinhisworld @iludidaefodida @goopoems @lucycarlisleswife @blairfox04
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lover-222 · 6 months
Injury Break (J.B)
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"hay jude bellingham que te dije!" she told him, the expression on her face was worried although her tone a bit stern.
"i have no idea what you just said but you look hot" he smiled at her while she examined his leg.
she playfully rolled her eyes, "i know it's inevitable in football but jude i worry about you every time you get hurt".
"don't worry my love, football is like that and i promise you i'll do my best and avoid getting hurt yeah?" the boy told her as he played with her hair.
she nodded and wrapped a bandage around his thigh, "que voy hacer contigo bellingham".
"no se" he replied laughing, that was one of the only phrases he remembered since it literally means i don't know.
since he was on an injury break, they had more time to be together. jude was always training and doing shoots for madrid while y/n was busy doing uni. it was nice to finally have him home for a bit, even though he was injured.
to be honest, jude was loving the treatment. she would help him walk since his leg was sore and couldn't step firmly without it hurting and aching.
she set him down on the bed lightly, "thank you my love" he said.
"you're welcome mi amor" she smiled at him then tucked him into bed.
"come here please" he told her with a visible pout on his face.
she could never say no to him when he was in a cuddling mood. besides that, he always had the puppy dog face down, he could get anything he wanted with his cute face.
"i have to finish my work, it's also due tomorrow morning i have to finish it" she told him.
"you can do it later please please please" he whined while his brown eyes gleamed.
"fineee but just because you're injured" she laughed and cuddles into his side.
"i think i need many cuddles to recover and get back on the field" he said then gave her a wink.
jude was the first one to knock out, he looked so pretty. his black eyelashes curved and his lips slightly parted. his skin glowed, y/n lightly traced his features.
she loved how soft his skin was. she believed he was hand made by god himself and his angels. the beauty that he was, truly nobody compared to him.
the boy was stubborn, he wanted to be up and moving but it wasn't recommended. y/n had gotten up later than jude, as usual since surprisingly he liked to wake up early.
"what are you doing up?! you're not supposed to be standing jude!!" she told him.
"i know i know but i woke up and i couldn't go back to sleep so i ended up making breakfast" he smiled as he set the plates down on the table.
"sit downnn, do i seriously have to baby you?" she sighed while she grabbed his hand and sat him down on one of the chairs.
"i mean i wouldn't mind, i love when you're dominant it's hot" he smirked as he placed his hands on her legs.
she shook her head and playfully slapped his cheek very lightly, "shut uppp i might have to though, the physio told you to give it time to heal but nooooo eres muy terco".
"whatever it means i am definitely not it" he sassed her.
"you're stubborn jude, it's gonna affect you if you don't settle down" she said while she placed her hands on his cheeks.
he had beautiful deep brown eyes that made her melt every single time. she kissed his lips and hugged him tightly.
"my stubborn boy, i'm serious though you need to rest" y/n told him.
he nodded and the couple proceeded to enjoy their breakfast. that afternoon was filled with cuddles, jude playing fifa and teaching y/n how to play. little did he know she was already a pro because of her brother.
"what???!!! where did you learn that from" he sat there completely stunned.
"i've been playing fifa with my brother for a long time babe, this is nothing new" she laughed at him.
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"see i told youuuuu!!!!" she laughed and jumped up and down.
"there's no fucking way i lost again" he had his hands covering his face.
"you wanna play again baby?" she chuckled at the boy who now had a slightly annoyed expression.
"no i'm done you won 8 times out of 10" he said while pouting.
"aw mi bebe, come here" she chuckled at him who was just a big baby.
jude secretly liked being babied, it was a good feeling. he also liked to be the small spoon sometimes. he laid on top of her, placing his head on her chest and his arms wrapped around her waist.
"so i'm guessing you don't want a rematch" y/n asked him.
jude looked up at her, "noooooo and let me sleep" he told her jokingly.
"you know men before used to build things, now they just sass every single time" she said playfully.
"what can i say i'm a sassy man" he said as he kissed her chest.
"eyyyy nooo" she laughed.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── a/n:
i hope y'all enjoyed reading this !!
i think jude needs a mexican gf but that's just my opinion☝️
d <3
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toecrust69 · 11 months
Hi! I’m not sure if you’re still taking requests but if you are, can I ask for one, Batfam x vigilante!male!reader (or gn, idc) The reader is a teen (younger than Tim and older than Damian). He’s like super smart and knows martial arts and is a total badass. The bat family has been trying to catch him for a year now. The reader just stopped a drug dealing, near the docks and was about to go back to patrolling but nightwing and Robin show up. They fight for a bit and robin kicks the reader in the water. The reader is exhausted too and passes out. Nightwing sees the reader not coming back up and dives in and rescues him. They take him back to the bat cave, put him in like a cell and the batfam starts questioning him. They find out he’s a kid and a orphan and ALSO knows who they are, bruce decides to adopt him (the reader and Robin not wanting that) but Bruce says something like since the readers just a kid and he already knows their identity, might as well adopt him and keep a eye on him. Thank youuuuu, I hope you can do this! Sorry if it’s a bit much <3
Super Cool Title
Tw: profanity but honestly who cares, bad writing, bad fight scenes
Authors note: don't worry about it at all! I hope u enjoy <3 Also, the reader is gender-neutral so I'm gonna try my best to not use any pronouns. Please let me know if you find any mistakes and I will fix them as soon as possible. Also, I changed some stuff up, so I hope you don't mind.
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The harsh wind hit you as you jumped from rooftop to rooftop.
You'd occasionally go down if you ever heard a noise, but so far, you haven't.
It was a quiet night.
Quiet nights weren't common in Gotham, but every time there was one, something happened by the end of it.
You didn't know if it was some sort if curse put on Gotham but you honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
You landed on a bridge overlooking a river, but you must be been too deep in thought to notice the loud thud behind you.
You did, however, hear the familiar voice of Robin behind you.
"ow," he hissed.
You whipped your head back to look at him and saw him there, on the ground, holding his knee to his chest.
You stifled a laugh as you crochet down in front of him, but still a few feet apart.
"What's wrong?" you began mockingly, "I thought Robins could fly, so why did you fall?".
"Fuck you," he hissed through gritted teeth.
You rolled your eyes and stared patiently at him, waiting for him to give up and ask for help.
He sensed your heavy gaze on him and glanced up at you.
"What" he demanded— rather aggressively might I add— but you decided to ignore it.
You pretended to pick at your nails then said; "oh, nothing much... Just waiting for you to swallow your pride and ask me for some much-needed help."
You smirked when his glare hardened, clearly annoyed.
He clearly wasn't giving up any time soon, so you decided to take manors into your own hands.
Standing up, you fished a mini med kit from your pockets and walked towards him.
He didn't seem to notice you until you were crouched down in front of him —closer this time— examining his seemingly hurt ankle.
He squirmed in your touch and yelled profanities at you as you tried to calm him down and keep him still.
"What do you think you're doing!? Let go of me you mo-"
"Shut up!" your voice was stern which seemed to help him follow your orders. "Stop moving so much— I can barely see what's wrong"
A quiet moment passed and soon you were bandaging his ankle.
"Why are you here, anyway?" you asked. "Still trying to catch me?" you teased with a smirk as you finished wrapping his ankle.
It wasn't a secret that Batman and his family had been trying to catch you for a little over a year now; there had been many articles written about the latest fight between you and Batman.
And, you guessed it, Batman never won.
*sigh*, you're just too cool for your own good...
A mischievous smirk graced his lips as he spoke, "Yes, was it too obvious?".
Before you could process what he was saying, he was launching himself at you and you were on the ground with him hovering only inches above you.
He raised his fists to punch you, but you caught it before it got the chance to.
Kicking him off of you, you stood up and watched as he struggled to do the same.
Your breaths were heavy and you brought your fists and guard down.
You couldn't help but feel bad for the kid. He was still young— younger than you. You know what it feels like to–
Suddenly, you were pushed to the ground, again, with somebody hovering atop you.
The fall was so hard that it knocked the air out of your lungs, but you still managed to crane your neck up to see who it was, only to have a hand planter on your head, twisting it back to where it once was.
"You good, Robin?" ah, you recognized that voice— it was Nightwing.
He nodded his head and pointed to his bandaged ankle. "Yes, I'm okay," he pointed at you, "This imbecile here helped me out".
With his other hand, Nightwing took both of your wrists and held them together as makeshift handcuffs.
Before you could speak, Nightwing beat you to it. "Oh, is that so?" he said mockingly, "I didn't know you had it in ya. Thanks for helping him out but we gotta take you back now."
You groaned. Not this shit again, you thought.
But you weren't going to go without a fight.
He stood up, picking you up in the process. He held you flush against his back and leaned down to whisper in your ear, "You won't escape this time".
You took this position to your advantage and turned your head to face him. Before he could react, you swept your tongue over his cheek.
He stumbled back in disgust and touched his cheek with his hand. He glanced down at his hand in disgust and you took the opportunity to high kick him in the face.
He stumbled back into the ground with a groan and held his now broken and bloody nose.
You turned to face Robin who was now standing up, ready to fight.
He launched himself at you once again but you punched him in the face before he could reach you.
Dumbass, you thought.
He fell to the ground, clearly embarrassed, and you circled him before speaking.
"Say, Robin, was you falling and getting hurt all part of your plan to —unsuccessfully— catch me again?" you taunted.
His glare hardened on you but then glanced behind you.
You didn't think much of it until you realized that he was starting at something behind you.
You couldn't even turn your head fully before you felt somebody hit your back, causing you to stumble forwards.
But you fought yourself before you could fall (again), and turned to face the culprit.
There you saw Nightwing again, in a fighting position.
Fuck not agai-
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by another fight between both Nightwing and Robin.
You might've been strong when fighting with one of them, but not with two of them.
The whole thing was a blur, but all you know is that you somehow ended up tumbling down the bridge rather ungracefully.
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Panting, Dick turned to Damian and saskef if he was okay.
"You good?"
"Yes", he responded through labored breaths. "Now all we have to do is bring them back and hope we don't end up getting our asses beat again".
"yeah, you gotta admit they're pretty good."
Damian nodded reluctantly in response. He glanced down at the water and then asked "Why haven't they come up yet?"
He shook his head mindlessly, still trying to catch his breath, when he realized–
"Holy shit where are they!?"
Dick frantically looked down at the water, Damian following suit.
They stared in horror as tiny air bubbles made their way up to the surface.
Before Damian could, Dick dove down into the water to get you.
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The last thing you remember before blacking out was Robin— aka Damian— kicking you into the water with Nightwing— aka Dick— by his side.
Yeah, that's right, you know their identity.
You had to admit it took you a while to figure it out, but when you did, you honestly weren't that surprised.
What did surprise you, however, was how quickly you found Superman's identity.
That and how he hid it.
God, the people of Gotham can be so stupid sentimes
I mean— he had the money and the family, so why not?
Anyways, that's not important.
What is important, however, was for you to get out of here.
You had woken up about five minutes ago, but you made no move to show it.
You tried your best to gather some information on where and how you got here.
But that was easier said than done when you were put in the hospital room that was boarded off from the rest of what you assumed to be the Batcave.
Suddenly, the door opened and you heard two heavy footsteps enter the room, along with a light one.
"How do you find them?" a deep voice, who you assumed was Bruce, asked.
"This little demon spawn here kicked them into the water and they passed out", Dick explained.
"Hey!" Damian hissed. "I already said I was sorry", his voice sounded lower and a bit guilty than before.
Bruce only hummed, stepping closer to you and it took everything in you not to freak out.
He reached his hand out to brush a strand of hair from your face and you internally thanked him because that strand had been tickling and annoying you since you woke up.
"Well, they're something" he started plainly and they simply hummed in response.
The door opened and another set of step walked in.
"What did you find on them?" Bruce asked the mystery person.
"Well, they live in an orphanage not too far from here. Actually, its the same one Dick grew up in." his voice was tired, deep, and familiar... Ah! Tim, aka Red Robin
He continued, "Their mom and dad died a couple years ago in a car accident driving and left an inheritance of 3,000 dollars that they will get once they turn 18. Oh! And I think they know our identity"
What? How the fuck did he-
"How the fuck do you know that?!" Damian asked, earning a light slap from Bruce.
"Language!" he demanded and you could practically hear him rolling his eyes.
"Oh, because they've been awake this whole time and they have a whole Google slide about us."
Your eyes snapped open and everybody turned to look at you.
An awkward beat passed when Dick finally broke the this atmosphere.
"I knew that".
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You stood in front of the Batcomputer, arms crossed over your chest, as you watched the chaos fold right in front of you.
You changed out the hospital gown and borrowed one of Tims's old shirts that fit you like a glove.
Everybody was screaming at one another and all you did was lean back and quietly munch away on one of alfreds cookies.
His cookies were delicious and you'd gladly sell your soul for the recipe.
Speaking of Alfred, he walked up beside you with a tiny metal tray holding more cookies and gestured at you to take some more.
You gladly accepted with a small 'thank you' and he was on his way.
Jason had arrived not that long ago when he heard that they finally caught you.
He was mainly arguing with Damian and Bruce but you honestly didn't care all that much.
All you could focus on were the damn cookies.
What did catch your attention, however, was Bruce's next words.
"Why don't I just adopt them!? They already know our identity and they'd make a great addition to the family and team!" he screamed.
"Hell no" you and Damian screeched at the same time while everybody else kept quiet.
You briefly glanced at Damian only for him to look around the now quite room.
They seemed to be considering it.
Damian let out a sarcastic and breathy laugh. "There's no fucking way you're actually considering this, Father", he muttered under his breath but still loud enough for everybody to hear.
His voice was almost as small as he felt.
"For once, I agree with him" you said, pointing at him.
"Aw, look, they're both already getting along like siblings." Jadon pointed at you, "I'm gonna call you demon spawn 2.0" Jason teased and smirked.
You and Damian both snapped your heads at him and gave him the coldest glare you could muster at the same time.
Usually, Jason wouldve cowered away in fear but he was too busy laughing his ass off at the resemblance.
You both rolled your eyes and turned back to face Bruce and the others. At the same time without realizing it.
Some of them were holding back laughter while the rest had their mouth open in shock.
Damian tilted his head and you asked, "What?".
They shook their heads and went back to what they were talking about.
"Well, I don't see why not" Cass started from her spot on the table. "They already know our identity —like you said —and we could always train them to be better".
Everybody else nodded in agreement except for you and Damian, who stared in shock.
"I can't belive this-!"
"You can't be serious-!"
You and Damian spoke at the same time, causing both of you to snap your head ad glare at one another before turning your head again.
Bruce brought up a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and sighed in annoyance.
He muttered random words under his breath for a moment as everybody stared at him in confusion.
He eventually snapped his head up and finally spoke; "It's final," he pointed at you, "you're getting adopted," he pointed and Damian, "and you two are getting along"
You both stared at him for a brief second, disbelief written all over your face as you began protesting rather loudly.
Bruce finally snapped and turned to look at you both. "I said it's final! You can't change my mind!" His voice was stern, and a bit scary, so you stayed quiet.
He sighed in relief once you actually shut up.
He turned his back to face you, muttering to himself again.
You leaned over to Damian and whispered, "does he do that often?".
Damian leaned in a bit too and answered, "yeah, but don't worry, you'll get used to it".
You nodded absently and straightedge your back again when Bruce turned to look at you two again
"See!" He gestured at you two, "you're already getting along well. Jason was right, now stop whining." He began walking away.
They're already making me grow white hairs, he thought
Jason dramatically gasped at his words and followed behind him. "What was that!?"
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Finally! Im done! I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I love writing this. I'm really proud of how this turned out and I'm honestly kinda surprised that I managed to finish this quickly
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Okay, okay s/o being part of Itto's gang and Sara is constantly annoyed by the shenningans.
(Genshin Impact) Sara's S/O being part of Itto's gang
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Sara regrets many things in her life. The people she wronged during the Vision Hunt Decree. The arrests she made.
And the biggest regret of all, falling in love with a dumbass of immeasurable magnitude.
Whenever they were with her alone, S/O was the sweetest person she had ever met.
They didn't care about who she was supposed to be, they loved her for her. Not as a general, or a daughter of the Kujou family, just Sara.
S/O was always so polite and courteous with her, never failing to put a smile on her face.
But the moment they were with Itto?
Sara had received news of a disturbance from the Arataki Gang, specifically demanding for her presence.
She showed up, ready to throw a couple of morons into a holding cell until she saw S/O alongside Itto, and 2 other members wearing-
(Sara) "By the Shogun, what the hell are you wearing?"
They were all wearing matching red and white striped uniforms, with fake mustaches and straw hats.
(S/O) "Back me up boys!" ahem "I may not always love youuuuu-~"
(S/O) "-God-
(Itto) "-God-!"
Their voices were completely out of harmony, and grating to the ears.
Worst of all, it was drawing attention, and everyone was beginning to connect the dots.
S/O had gotten the gang to provide backup vocals for a love song, for her.
(Sara) "Cease this racket at once, or I will throw you into the cells myself! This is a public area, you can't just start bursting into song like this!"
(S/O) "Aw, do you not like the song?-"
Sara shut her eyes as she felt her cheeks intensify in heat.
(Sara) "Do not change the subject on me, S/O!"
She had half a mind to smite them where they stood. Honestly, she was pretty close to doing so.
(Itto) "Ah come on, no one sings better than the Arataki Quartet! Right guys?"
(Arataki Gang Member 1) "Yeah!"
(Arataki Gang Member 2) "Dang right, boss!"
(S/O) "No one's better than us!"
S/O was involved in Beetle fighting, specifically making sure to call theirs "Sara" too.
If it wasn't for Shinobu's help, S/O and Itto would have been smacked upside the head by Sara more times than she could count.
And Archons above, S/O argues so loudly about her wings!
(S/O) "No, I won't let Sara make you fly off! Stop asking, man!"
(Itto) "Whaat?! Come on bro, just ONE flight is all I'm asking!"
(S/O) "Those wings are MINE! Back off!"
(Sara) "I'm standing right here! And they're mine, S/O."
(S/O) "Aw come on, I've seen you smile when you let me nap on your wi-"
(Sara) "S-SHUT UP! Don't go announcing that to the entire world!"
(Itto) "Bleh! TMI, nevermind, don't want it!"
Honestly, Sara has no idea how she fell in love with this idiot.
...But she couldn't deny that it did make her feel happy at times.
(Itto) "Goood, S/O never shuts up about you!"
(Shinobu) "Boss, not exactly a good idea to insult S/O to her face."
(Itto) "Psh, it's not exactly false either!"
(Sara) "R-Really?"
(Itto) "GOD yeah! They keep goin' on and on about how sweet you are, it's like, DUDE! I KNOW! YOU SAID IT LIKE, FIVE TIMES NOW!"
Sara lets a small smile escape her lips before clearing her throat.
(Sara) "Hmph. I'll talk to them."
(Itto) "Please do, I'm gonna jump off a cliff the next time they start gushing about you!"
Itto walked off, leaving Shinobu and Sara alone.
(Shinobu) "...So you're going to kill them for gushing aloud how much they love you, right?"
(Sara) "Probably."
Shinobu chuckled, her mask muffling her voice.
(Sara) "I just wish they could express their love in ways that didn't make my veins burst in anger."
(Shinobu) "Psh, we both know you secretly love it."
(Sara) "I do not."
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more than a song ~ alex turner
word count: 2937
request?: yes!
“hi lovely! i wanted to request an alex turner x reader. just something based off of the song you’re so dark by arctic monkeys. he’s been friends with you for a while but a side comment from his girlfriend (something just like she doesn’t get how they’re just friends) and it’s just snaps into place. ig just him writing the song and moments of them together. maybeeeee him jacking off imagining her on all fours 👀. something like that! thank youuuuu”
description: in which he starts by writing a song about his best friend who is much different than him, and it turns into something more
pairing: alex turner x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (male masturbation), kind of cheating since alex is imagining the reader and not his girlfriend (who will be a made up character, not his real girlfriend louise), also the reader doesn’t really know what alex was doing so idk take that into consideration? idk these warnings are a mess now
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It all started with a comment his girlfriend, Cheryl, made.
“She’s so dark. How are you two friends?”
They had just left a night out with Alex’s bandmates and his best friend, (Y/N). It was the first time the two women had met, which Alex was hoping would go well since both of them meant so much to him. They had just barley left the bar when Cheryl made the comment.
It amused him so much that he couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Why do you say that?”
Cheryl gave Alex a look. “Really?”
He stopped walking so he could turn to face her. “I’m serious. What do you mean she’s dark?”
“Alex...she talked for nearly an hour about HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe.”
Alex waited, expecting her to explain why that was a bad thing. When she didn’t, he said, “Yeah, those are her favorite authors.”
“They’re very depressing authors.”
Alex shrugged. “I’ve never read any of their stuff.”
Cheryl closed her eyes and sighed. “She’s got a very dark personality, Alex. Like murder of crows follow her around, Addams family’s long lost member dark. It’s just weird to me that you’re her friend when she’s so depressing.”
“Hey, you may think that, but she’s still my best friend. I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t insult her like that.”
Cheryl crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. “Maybe I should be questioning your friendship with her in different ways.”
It was safe to say the night did not go as planned. Alex brought Cheryl home in a tense silence. He gave her a chaste kiss on her cheek before she got out without a word, slamming her door shut behind her.
The night had definitely left a slight strain on their relationship. Cheryl had decided that she hated (Y/N) just because of this idea she had that Alex and (Y/N) had romantic feelings for one another, but Alex refused to end his friendship with her when that wasn’t true at all, and when he had known (Y/N) for so much longer than Cheryl. So, even though they decided to continue their relationship, it wasn’t exactly smooth sailing.
But Cheryl’s comment about (Y/N)’s personality stuck in Alex’s mind. He had never noticed a “darkness” to his best friend. She was just (Y/N), the person Alex had known since they were kids. But now he was thinking about the things she liked, and the way she acted and just her general personality. He found himself humming to himself around his apartment; a melody at first, but eventually lyrics started forming in his mind.
“You got your HP Lovecraft. Your Edgar Allan Poe.”
He quickly rushed to his work desk to scribble down the lyrics as they came to his head.
“You got your unkind ravens, and your murder of crows.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he thought of Cheryl’s comment about (Y/N) being like a murder of crows. What Cheryl didn’t know was that (Y/N) had a tattoo along the backside of her left shoulder that was a flock of black birds. They weren’t distinguishable birds, but she often said it was a murder of crows since they were black birds. Cheryl would probably have lost her mind if (Y/N) was wearing anything that would’ve showed off that tattoo.
Thinking of Cheryl caused his mind to wander to the turmoil of their relationship. He looked down at the verse and chorus he had written about (Y/N) and thought about the fact that he was in the process of writing a song for his best friend when he had never had thought about writing one for Cheryl at all since they started dating. Maybe Cheryl was right to think Alex felt stronger feelings than friendship for (Y/N).
He shook his head. No, that’s not it. She’s my best friend since we were kids, and I’ve only known Cheryl for a few months. That’s all it is.
“I know you’re nothing like mine, cause she’s walking on sunshine. And your love would tear us apart.”
Alex was at his desk for nearly an hour putting the song together. He had two full verses and a rough outline for the chorus, but it still needed something more. He was toying around with more lyrics when he started writing, “You watch Italian horror and you listen to the scores. Leather-clad and spike collar, I want you down on all fours.”
“Whoa,” he muttered to himself. “Where the fuck did that come from?”
But now that he had written it, he couldn’t help but picture (Y/N) doing exactly what he had written: on his bed, down on all fours, her ass in the air.
He shook his head. “No,” he scolded himself. “No, stop. This is wrong.”
But he couldn’t stop. He closed his eyes and the image was embedded into his eyelids. He felt himself straining against his jeans as he imagined himself knelt behind her, looking down at her ass in the wear, wearing only a pair of lacy black underwear.
He groaned as he palmed himself through his jeans. The desire was far too strong to ignore. He had to take care of this, otherwise he knew he’d have a nasty ache between his legs that he would not be able to get rid of.
Just one time, he thought. Then I’ll never think of her like this again.
Alex unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them and his boxers down to his knees. His dick was hard as a rock and angry red. He hissed as the cool air touched the sensitive area. He spit on his hand and wrapped his hand around the base. His head tipped back as a moan erupted from his throat.
He closed his eyes and the image of (Y/N) appeared again. Her face buried into the pillow beneath her, moans muffled by the fabric of the pillow. Alex’s dick plunging in and out of her tight pussy, her ass bouncing every time his hips collided with it. He imagined that her moans were as pretty as her regular voice was. Picturing that pretty voice moaning his name caused his dick to twitch in his hand.
The wet sounds of his hand stroking his dick mixed with his heavy breathing and moans filled the room. His mind drifted from having her bent over in front of him to having her sat on his lap in the very chair where he was sat. He imagined (Y/N), still just in a matching lingerie set, pulling him away from his songwriting so she could climb up onto his lap and straddle him. He imagined her pulling the fabric of her panties to the side, a string of arousal connecting her needy hole and the underwear. He could almost feel the warm, wetness of her walls as she sunk herself down onto him, and her lips on his neck as she started to ride him.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “God, that feels so good.”
His desire to have her grew, even though he knew he never would. She was his best friend. There was no way she felt this way for him, too. And he definitely was not going to risk their friendship by bringing these feelings up to her. More than anything, (Y/N) was his friend and he wasn’t about to lose her all together. For now, the only way he’d have her would be in his imagination, and he was more than okay with that.
Behind his closed eyes he could see (Y/N)’s perfect tits bouncing in his face. He squeezed the base of his dick a little tighter as his jerking motions became quicker, almost more desperate. He could feel his high creeping up on him, and he was desperately trying to chase it.
In his mind, (Y/N) was leaning into his ear. In a sexy, sultry voice, he pictured her whispering, “Cum for me, Alex.”
And that was all he needed to go tumbling over the edge. He called out her name into his empty apartment as his hot cum spilled over his hand, lap, and some on his shirt. He mentally cursed to himself for not preparing more for the mess, but physically he felt incapable of fixing it. He let his head rest on the back of the chair as he breathed heavily. When he opened his eyes to finally face reality, he was looking up at the ceiling instead of at (Y/N)’s beautiful face.
There was a slight ringing in his ears as the blood flow from his brain to his dick finally went down. It was loud enough that he almost didn’t hear his phone vibrating on the desk and took him a moment to realize someone was trying to call him. He reached out with his clean hand to look at the caller ID, and his heart skipped a beat when (Y/N)’s name and face popped up on his screen.
Against his better judgement, Alex answered. “Hello?”
“Where the fuck are you?” (Y/N) asked, a joking tone in her voice. “I’ve sent you, like, five text messages.”
Alex pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at the lockscreen to see that (Y/N) had in fact tried to text him.
“Hey fucker, what are you doing?”
“Hello? Alex?”
“Quick wanking off and answer me.” (That one both made him laugh and made his heart pound harder against his chest.)
“Listen, can I come over? I wanted to talk about something.”
“I really hope the reason you’re not answering is not what I think.”
“Sorry, I was - uh - I was busy writing,” he said. It wasn’t entirely a lie. “I got really into it and had my phone on silent. Didn’t even know you were texting me. What’s going on? Is everything alright?”
“Well, I’m currently parked outside your place. Can I come in to talk about it?”
He felt his blood run cold. (Y/N) was outside his place right now trying to come in to talk to him, meanwhile he was sat at his work desk with cum over himself after jerking off to the thought of her.
This truly could not be any worse.
“Yeah! Yeah, just give me a second,” he said, quickly trying to figure out a solution to this.
“Alex, I’ve known you for years, you do not have to tidy the place up for me,” (Y/N) said.
“I know, I just need to...I just have to do something before you come in. Give me a second.”
He hung up before (Y/N) could protest any further. He quickly took off his already cum-stained shirt and used it to wipe off his hand and the area around his dick. He threw the shirt with the rest of his dirty clothes, tucked himself back into his jeans, and found a new shirt to put on. Just as he was pulling the shirt over his head, the doorbell started ringing. He quickly raced to his front door and threw it open to reveal (Y/N) stood there.
“Are you done whatever you had to do?” she asked, but pushed past him before he could answer.
“Come on in, make yourself at home,” he teased as he followed her in.
“I always do,” she said with a smirk. “You’re lucky I respect your privacy enough that I didn’t just get that hidden spare key and barge in here before I called.”
Very, very lucky for that, actually.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” he asked her as they reached his living room. “Your texts sounded serious.”
(Y/N) sighed and flopped down onto his couch. Alex sat across from her, leaving a decent amount of space between them. His mind was still reeling from the mental images from earlier that he wasn’t sure if he trusted himself to be so close to (Y/N) right now.
But she seemed very troubled, which was very concerning to him. (Y/N) always talked to him when something was wrong, but very rarely did she physically come over to his place to talk about something. He knew whatever it was had to be very serious for her to show up so suddenly like this.
“I ran into Cheryl at the store just now,” she said, looking down at her lap. “And...well...I know she doesn’t like me. I’m not stupid. I know there’s a reason she doesn’t come out anymore when she knows I’m there, and our brief run ins since we first met always include a glare whenever she sees me. Don’t even try to deny it, Alex.”
He wasn’t going to, but his mouth had been open to speak. He wasn’t even sure what he would’ve said, so he closed his mouth again and allowed her to go on.
“I saw her and decided just to try and avoid her. I expected her to do the same. There was really no reason for her to approach me when it was just her, so I thought. But she came right up to me in the middle of an aisle and she...well, the best way to describe it is she went off on a tirade about not liking me and how she wishes you would just stop being friends with me, and even told me that I should be the one to end our friendship so that she didn’t have to stress about me and you anymore.”
Alex’s hands balled into fists on his lap. He couldn’t believe Cheryl would really go up to (Y/N) like that when he wasn’t around. Like (Y/N), he figured that Cheryl would’ve just walked the other way and left her alone since she disliked her so much. But to go up to his best friend in a public and to go as far as telling her to stop being friends with him for the sake of a relationship that wasn’t even a month in was further than he ever expected her to go.
“I thought you weren’t responding because she got to you first,” (Y/N) continued. “I thought she was going to come to you with some made up bullshit saying that I was the one who attacked her or something.”
“I haven’t heard from her,” Alex said. “I guess she’s waiting till whenever I see her next.”
“Listen, I’m sorry that I’m causing this strain on your relationship - ”
Alex reached out to take (Y/N)’s hand to cut her off. The contact sent a spark through him, but he tried his best to ignore it.
“You’re not the one causing any strain to my relationship. Cheryl is. She’s the one who is feeling so insecure about our relationship that she has to go as far as calling you down to the dirt while I’m not around. I’ve tried everything to assure her there’s nothing to worry about between us, but it’s not enough for her. I think...I don’t think I can continue this relationship with her. Especially not after what you told me.”
(Y/N) looked down at their joined hands. In a soft voice she said, “She’s a fucking bitch.”
Alex smiled and chuckled softly. (Y/N) did as well, and eventually, they were both laughing at her comment.
When the laughter died down silence fell over them. Neither one of them knew how to break it, but they didn’t really feel like they had to. Silence always felt comfortable between the two of them. They never felt like they had to speak if they didn’t want to. They could just sit like this for hours and it would be fine.
But their hands were still joined together. (Y/N) was tracing circles in the back of his hand with her thumb, almost absentmindedly. He liked the feeling of her hand against his. He never wanted to let go of her.
“You said you were writing when I came?” she finally asked, looking up at him. “Anything good?”
“Oh, um, I think so? I haven’t really put it together properly. It’s just a couple verses and a chorus that I have to finish.”
“Can I hear it? Or see what you have written, at least?”
His face burned at the question. He knew he was definitely blushing by the way that a confused look creeped on (Y/N)’s face. How did he show her this song, which was clearly about her and included a line about wanting to fuck her, and not absolutely ruin their friendship in this moment?
“I-I guess, if-if you wanted to,” he stuttered. “But, um...it’s...it’s a little embarrassing because...well, you were my muse for it.”
Her face seemed to brighten. “Really? You were writing about me?”
“Yeah. There’s some lyrics...well, you’d know it was about you the song is released so I guess there’s no getting around it, there’s some lyrics that are a bit...more than friendly.”
And there it was. There was no taking it back.
He watched her face, trying to gauge what her reaction to that revelation would be. She was just looking at him for a moment, as if registering his words, before a smirk crept across her face.
“Then show me,” she told him, her voice low and sultry the exact same way it had been in his imagination.
And Alex swore he had never been more excited than in that moment.
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mochacafee · 7 months
You had just gotten home at 4, and as you slipped your bonnet on to take a nap, your best friend Imani facetimed you.
“What do you want”? You questioned her with a bit of an attitude considering she’s currently keeping you from your nap.
Damn, what's your problem”? She questioned
“Maybe cause you keeping me from my after-work nap”. You state
“Ohhhh my bad my bad, but are you going to Jeans party tonight”? She asked you
“Uhhh, ima be real, I deadass forgot he had a party tonight”. You say
“Girl it’s Holloween how did you manage to forget that”? She asks
“Ion even know fr” you say back
“You got ya costume already or nah”? She questioned
“Nah but I can make it work”. You uttered
“Girl get up and show me your costume so you not going out here looken raggedy”. She states
You get up and show her the costume you partially homemade
“Oooooo the ass finna be assing n the titties finna be tittyingggg”! She exclaimed
“I knowwww, thank youuuuu”! You say
“Alr well Imma let you go n sleep but be ready at 8 cause thats when im finna get you”. She tells you.
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You finished doing your hair n makeup and you checked your phone to see the time, 7:55. You then got a call and saw it was Imani. You grab your jacket and purse and walk out the house. You see her car and open the passenger side door. 
“Heyyy stinkkkk”! you say as you enter the car.
Hey booo! She says back.
“Ooo you look cute, catwoman I see”. You state
“Yuppp, n in ya bunny girl era I see”. She says
“Ohh…. shut up”. You say
You both begin to laugh and turn up the music
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You guys get to the party and all you hear is Come Through and Chill By Miguel, J. Cole Salaam Remi. Y'all get out the car and  walk into the house. You see people dancing, drinking, and smoking as the door is opened by the one and only Eren Jaeger. 
“Heyyy ma, hey y/n”. Eren said with a smile on his face.
“Hii love” Imani said as she walked in and gave him a hug and a kiss.
Eren moved his hands down to her waist and began to pull her closer.
“Hey Eren it's good to see you but can i atleast get inside the damn building? ''. You say as you move past the two love birds.
You walk into the party and you're all he sees. 
“Who is that”? He turned and asked Sasha next to him.
“Who, you mean Imani you know that's Erens girl right?” she asked him with a questioning look on her face. 
“No dumbass, the girl in the bunny costume.” he says with an offended look on his face.
“Ohhhh that's Y/N, you’ve never seen her around campus before?” she asked Connie.
“Nah, but do you know if she gotta man?” she asked
“Damn you haven’t even spoken to the girl yet and you already want to get in her pants?” sash asked
“Nah not like that.” he stated.
Once you walked in you immediately noticed your homegirl Sasha talking to a partiula;y good looking man. He was in black cargo pants with an all black t-shirt. He had some black boots on and a white ghostface mask strapped to the side of his head. Due to the tightness of his t-shirt you could see his muscular arms and abs peeking through. You could also see the tattoos littered over his neck, arms and hands. He had brown/greyish eyes and a grown out buzz cut. He sat on the couch, one arm on the couch, not behind Sasha and the other one holding his phone whilst manspreading. You ended up walking over to the pair to hey hello.
“Hey Sasha.” you say while you walk over to stand in front of her. 
Hey Y/n this is Connie, Connie this Y/N.” she says as she stands up to give you a hug.
“She sits back down and you guys just start talking. Sasha ends up leaving to go to the kitchen to get a snack and some drinks, but you and Connie just keep the conversation going. He ends up asking you if you wanna go smoke and you say yes. Before you leave you go over to tell imani where you are going, who you are with and explain to her what Connie's car looked like if anything happened to you. He told you what it looked like so you could tell Imani. You guys walk outside to his all black BMW. he opens the door for you and closes it and then gets into the driver's seat.
“You want the aux ma?” he asks
“Ma?” you question
“Oh shit my bad my bad, i always ask my mom if she wants aux when she gets in my car. I'm sorry if I made you feel weird or anything like that.”. He states.
(Nigga you know damn well..)
“You didn’t make me feel weird but you did make me feel something.” you mumble.
“Repeat that one more time f’ me?” he questions
“Nothing nothing.” you say
“Whatever you say.” he says
You end up connecting to his car and playing some music. He rolls the blunt, n licks the paper and lights. He takes one long nice hit and you can’t help but admire the way he looks as he tilts his head up. 
“What you think im fine or something?” he asks you
“Nahhh chill out yo I just met you.” you say a little embarrassed considering he caught you staring at him.
“Mhm.” he says.
You guys end up smoking and just talking for a while. You were telling him this story about how you almost lost your aunt's dog while dog sitting. Connie didn’tt know what was wrong with him. Maybe it was some of the drinks he had earlier or the weed in his system now but he wanted to kiss you so bad. He moved his seat back rescind it a bit. He ended up looking at you with these eyes. The only word that could be used to the describe how he looked at you was longingly. He flattened the blunt, leaned over to you and kissed you. This action took you by surprise but you weren’t complaining. You moved your head forward to deepen the kiss. Connie moved his hand from your check down to your through but didn’t squeeze just placed it there. You ended up moving fro you seat to sitting on his lap, a good that he reclined his seat back. You put your hands on the back of his neck and he moved his hands to your waist and lighting gripping your ass. You slowly but surely began grinding on him as yall kissed. 
“Fuck ma.” he said inbetween kisses.
You stopped the kissing and looked Connie right in his eyes, panting but before you even said anything Connie spoke first.
“So whatchu wanna do Ma cause you got me be hard over here n I can feel you getting wet.” he plainly stated. 
Connie didn’t know what had gotten into him, he was never this forward but it had to be the weed. 
“I think you know what I wanna do Connie.” you say with a smile on your face
“Alright then, get in the back”. He says
Once you hopped in the backseat and he got back there too it was over. Connie was kissing all over you vigorously. Nothing compared to the sweet and sensual kisses he gave you before. He kissed down your lips to your neck to the top of your tits. He looked at you, asking if it was ok to pull your costume down and you nodded and gave him the go ahead. He pulled your costume and began licking and sucking all over your tits. He moved to your right nipple and stuck it in his mouth and began to suck and lightly nibble on it. He took his left hand and began teasing your other nipple. You couldn't even control yourself from moaning. You were in shock of how good he was making you feel and all he was doing was playing with some tities. He then pulled the rest of your costume off and began to kiss down your tits and on to your chubby stomach. He pulled the rest of the costume off and the tights so the only thing you had on were the bunny ears and your panties. He moved his way down and began kissing in between your thighs. He gave you another look of questioning and you gave him the go ahead. He pulled your panties off and gave your wet pussy soft kitten licks.
“Can you stop teasing me alreadyyyyy.” you moan out mid-sentence as you feel a wet muscle enter you. Connie was going absolutely feral on your pussy, swapping between using his tongue and his fingers. You had truly never felt any oral like this, EVER. You moved your hand down to grab the back of his neck and you began to grind on his face. The way this man was eating you out was like a man who had been starved for days. 
“C-conieeeee, im closeeeee”. You moan out.
“Go ahead mami, cum for me”. He states.
“I- i can’t it's too muchh Connie pleasee slow downnn”. You  say breathlessly
“You can do it mami, go ahead, that’s my girl. Such a good girl for me yea, go ahead good girls get to come”. He praises.
After a few torturous but pleasurable moments he pulls an orgasm out of you. You couldn't even form words just noises. 
“You did so good for me mami, yea that's it just breathe baby”. He coos.
Once you catch your breath you go down towards his sweats and begin to pull them down.
“Nha nah nah whatchu doing ma”? He questions
“What do you mean I'm returning the favor”? You ask
“Nah nah this is all about you tonight ma, let me take care of you”. He says as he pushes you on your back.
He pushes you down and begins to kiss you. He sits back and takes off his sweatpants and his boxers. Connie's 8 incher springs free from his boxers. No wonder his last name is Springer. He was a nice tan color and had a light pink tip with precum leaking out. He had a good length and was real wide. You were positive you could drive a damn jeep in your pussy after he was done with you. Your eyes go from his eyes to dick dick and but up to his eyes with a fear stricken look. 
“Don’t worry ma I think I did enough prep and I think you can handle it.”. He states. 
Can you do that for me, pretty girl”? He questions.
“Yea I'll try”. You say still trying to figure out how all of that is going to fit inside of you.
“I'm gonna go inch by inch okay mami”? He questions.
You nod your head yes.
“I need a verbal response mami”. He states.
“Yes”. you say still scared of his sheer size.
He adds the tip in and does exactly what he said he would. Inch.by.inch. He was a cocky little fucker when he was doing it too, painstakingly slow. Even though he prepped you, you still felt like it wasn’t enough. You were pushing and clawing at his stomach trying to push him out due to the pain.
“Aht aht no running ma, you gon take every last inch of this dick.”. He coos with a smirk on his face.
“Connie pleaseeeee”. You moan out.
He was pounding you so hard like it was nobody's business with his mushroom tip kissing your cervix.  No other man would be able to fit his cock inside of you comfortably due to the fact that he was molding you so well. His strokes her hard, fast and ruthless.
“Fuckkk mamaiiiii, I hope *huff* you know that I'm never *huff* ever letting you go *huff* after this fuckkkk”. He says to you. 
“Connie I'm close, oh my god I'm so close”. You basically scream.
You're clawing at his back so hard you know for a fact that there will be marks on his back tomorrow. 
“Wait for me mama wait for me”. He breathes out.
Connie starts thrusting into you faster and faster because he didn't wanna make his pretty girl wait too long.
“I'm close mami, where you want it”. He questions.
“I-inside, i want it inside. You maon you.
“Are you on the pill? He questions.
Quite frankly Connie wasn't ready for a child and he didn’t know if you were either and he didn’t want to stick you with a child you both probably weren’t ready for.
“Yea yea yea yea I'm on the pill it's fine i just want it inside pleaseee”. You main out.
“Fuck cum with me mami fuck fuck fuck fuckkk.” he says as releases his nut into you.
You just experience that most mind blowing orgasm ever and then to feel him nut inside of you gives you a feeling of utmost euphoria. You couldn’t even form sentences or move due to everything that had just happened.
“Are you ok ma”? He asks but you couldn’t even respond due to being so fucked out. He went into his trunk to grab some spare wipes, water and snacks he had just in case. He wipes you down while you were asleep and waited for you to wake up to give you the water and snacks. You both got dressed and it turns out that the party was still going on, but you knew that you needed to get home. You walked back inside with Connie and walked up to Imani and told her that you wanted to go home. Yall said yall’s goodbyes and went home. You showered, brushed your teeth etc, and went to sleep only to remember that you never got his number.
Please please pleaseeee write to me with any comments about how I can write better, its deadass ma first post.
Credits to @k1ssyoursister for the borders
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softspiderling · 2 years
five kisses | j.h.s.
requested by @novagreen04: hi! thank you for answering last time :D got a request that might be more specific this time. if you haven't written this for our man hangman yet, i'd appreciate if you'd write headcanons abt what's it like kissing him (on diffrent occasions, like when he comes home from deployment kisses, goodnight/ goodmorning kisses, etc) thank youuuuu💓💓💓💓💓
summary: five kisses with Jake
pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader
warnings: none
word count: 2,3k
author's note: the fact that this started as a mini-fic, too... enjoy!
first kiss
“I really had fun today,” you told Jake as you stood in front of your door. Even though he had dropped you off right in front of your building, Jake had insisted on walking you to your door, to make sure you got home safe. 
“Me too,” Jake drawled, leaning against the wall with his shoulder. “I am glad we finally got around to go out.”
“That’s on you. You’re always gone for work, and I know it’s different times now, but I prefer to have my first date in real life instead of virtually,” you pointed out and Jake gasped in mock, touching his chest.
“I clearly remember asking you out multiple times after you moved in and every time you turned me down.”
“Well, I didn’t think you were serious.”
Jake smiled at you, his eyes gleaming. “I could tell. But I am glad you gave me a chance.”
“Me too.”
“Good night,” Jake said softly, leaning in, pressing a soft kiss on your… Cheek?
Stunned, you stuttered out a good night, before unlocking your door, letting it fall shut behind you. You generally didn’t kiss on the first date, but this date with Jake went exceptionally well. It’d be stupid to say that you were disappointed that he hadn’t kissed you, but you were. Sighing, you kicked your shoes off and hung your purse on the coat rack, when someone knocked on your front door incessantly. 
You opened the door warily, your eyes widening in surprise.
“Jake? Did you forget something?”
“Yes, I forgot to do this.”
Jake grabbed you by the neck gently, pulling you in for a kiss and even though you initially squawked in surprise, you soon melted into his arms, kissing him back.
2. good night kiss
The shower was running when you got to Jake’s, hanging his spare key in its place before moving to the living room. You were extremely cranky, your day was long and you didn’t even had time to go home to grab a change of clothes before heading to Jake. You’d have to wake up earlier tomorrow to go home to change.
Dragging yourself to the living room, you pulled out the stack of papers from your bag, putting them on the coffee table. The water in the bathroom was turned off, and you heard the door opening.
“Babe, is that you?”
“No, I am a robber who used your spare key and now makes themselves feel at home while you’re showering.
Jake raised an eyebrow at you when he walked in the living, a towel slung around his waist. Immediately, you regretted your words.
“I’m sorry. I’m just so tired. Today was a crap day and I didn’t even have enough time to grab a change of clothes,” you sighed, rubbing your forehead and Jake stepped closer, pressing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Come on, let’s go to bed hm?”
“I can’t, I still have a bunch of papers to grade.”
Jake took your hand and you half-heartedly tried to stay put, not really wanting to grade them. 
“Come on, your kids will understand. You barely look awake enough to get through one paper, let alone a stack of ‘em.”
You followed Jake to the bedroom, sitting down on the bed while he dried himself off, before handing you an old t-shirt of his to sleep in. While he got changed, you didn’t even have the energy to watch, you were that tired. Instead, you slipped into his shirt, folded your clothes neatly and put them on the dresser, crawling into the bed. Jake immediately followed suit, wrapping his arms around you from behind. 
“What if we found a place a little bit closer to school, hm? You wouldn’t have to go home before work every morning and it’d just take a bit of stress off of your shoulders,” he suggested quietly. 
Raising a brow, you turned around in his arms, looking at him. “We? As in, you want us to find a place together?”
“That’s the plan, yeah.”
“I didn’t realize we’re at that stage already.”
Jake chuckled, brushing the stray hair out of your face. “I’ve pretty much been at this stage ever since I met you. I’m in this for the long run, sweets. Aren’t you?”
Smiling, you tucked your face in the crook of his neck. 
“Okay,” you mumbled into his skin and Jake’s body rumbled as he laughed. 
“Get your face out of there, I didn’t understand a word. 
Pulling back, you looked up at him, somewhat shyly. “I said okay. Let’s do it.”
“Yeah,” you said, leaning in to kiss him softly. Humming into the kiss, Jake tangled his hand into your hair, before breaking the kiss. 
“Sleep tight, sweets.”
3. reunion kiss
Nervously, you played with your necklace, constantly checking the time. Jake had texted you that he was on his way from the airport. You would’ve picked him up, but the airport was 3 hours away, and that was just one way, so Jake assured you he’d grab a cab instead of making you drive all the way out there. 
It was a little after six and Jake left the airport around three, so he must be home any second. This was Jake’s first time coming home from deployment since you moved in together and it was important to you that the apartment was clean, cozy and that dinner was in the oven. When you heard the keys jangle at the front door, you jumped up, opening the door. 
Jake raised his eyebrows, before his face melted into a relief smile. 
“Hi sweets.”
“Jake,” you breathed out, throwing your arms around his neck. He stumbled a bit, but he dropped his duffel bag to the floor to embrace you, sighing softly. Even though he had assured you that this detachment wasn’t anything dangerous, you had been worried sick and counted down the days until he had returned home. 
“I missed you,” he said quietly into your hair and you bit back a sob, which immediately alarmed him. “Hey, hey, don’t cry.”
Holding you at an arm's length, he gently wiped the tears off your cheek with his thumb and you only laughed wetly. “Sorry, I don’t even know why I’m crying.”
Jake only smiled fondly at you, before leaning down to give a soft kiss. It wasn’t one of your best kisses, that was fair, given the tears and all. But that was okay, all that mattered was that Jake was finally back in your arms.
“Welcome home.”
4. good morning kiss
On the morning of your birthday, you stirred awake earlier than usual. Blindly, you reached for Jake, only to find a cold, empty bed. That was weird. As you sat up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. It wasn’t even eight yet. 
Maybe he was out for a run. 
Padding to the kitchen barefooted, you grabbed yourself a glass of water, glancing out of the window. It was a nice day out and even though the sun hasn’t risen quite yet, the sky was clear. When you saw Jake’s car pull in the parking lot, you furrowed your brows in confusion. Well, clearly he wasn’t out on a run. You watched him for a second, your eyes nearly bugging out of your head when he grabbed a huge bouquet of flowers from the back seat.
Obviously, you were in the middle of ruining his surprise, so you put your glass into the dishwasher and booked it back to the bedroom, crawling under the covers. A few minutes later, you could hear the front door open and shut. Then, tinkering in the kitchen. Soon, a smell of bacon and pancakes filled the apartment and you pressed your lips together gleefully, your entire chest warming. 
You weren’t sure how long you were waiting until footsteps came towards the bedroom, the door creaking open. Your eyes were shut, waiting for something, anything, and then:
“How long have you been awake?”
Peeking an eye open, you saw Jake standing in the doorway, the flower bouquet in a vase on a tray of breakfast food. Your cheeks flushed.
“How’d you know I was awake?”
Jake gave you a look and carefully set down the tray on the bed next to you. Cupping your cheek, he smiled fondly at you. 
“It’s cuz you always snore a little when you’re asleep. Happy birthday, baby.”
Leaning in, he kissed you softly and you melted against him, kissing him back. He had a hint o f coffee on his lips and he tasted like home.
5. make up kiss
Scrubbing at the table furiously, you glared at it like it had personally offended you. You didn’t even stop until the surface basically reflected your face back at you, it was that clean. Heading back to the kitchen, you tossed the rag in the sink before getting started with putting the dry dishes away. When you heard keys turn in the door, you tensed, however choosing not to greet Jake, keeping your attention on the dishes.
“Hi baby, what’re doing up so late?” Jake asked, toeing his shoes off before joining you in the kitchen. It was obvious that he had completely forgotten about it, which made it even worse. You had sat across from your friends like an idiot for half an hour, texting and calling him countless times. And here he was, acting like nothing had happened, obviously just coming from the bar. 
“Cleaning,” you replied curtly. Jake raised an eyebrow, eyeing you carefully, leaning against the counter.
“I can see that… Do you want to do anything for dinner or have already eaten?” he then wanted to know, leaning over to kiss you, but you turned your head so his lips met your cheek instead.
“... Are you mad at me?”
“No, why would I be mad at you? It’s not like you forgot something.”
Jake glanced between you and the cupboard, in which you placed the coffee mugs just a tad too aggressively, before his eyes fell to the calendar. 
dinner with ash + rob!
“Oh fuck, that was today?”
You ignored him, and Jake groaned, running his hands through his hair. He started explaining himself, how work was insane and how all the squadron wanted to do was to get a drink after work and how he hadn’t planned on staying for long.
"You could have just called me."
At that, you whirled around angrily, fumes basically coming out of your ears. 
“Are you kidding me, Jake?” you snapped and Jake took a few steps back, his eyes wide. “I texted you 50 times, I called you over and over again and you didn’t pick up! You knew how important this dinner was to me, and you couldn’t even think to check the calendar in the morning before work, OR check your phone when you decided to stay out drinking after work?”
Storming into the bedroom, you opened up the closet, with Jake hot on your heels.
“I know. Baby, I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah, and what good is that to me now, Jake?” You asked, before dumping a blanket in his arms, that you’d just pulled out of the closet. 
“Good night.”
You shut the door in his face, before letting out a long sigh, leaning against it. Hearing Jake exhaling deeply from the other side, his steps then retreated into the living room. God, you were so mad at him. 
A few hours later, it was nearing three am and you still couldn’t fall asleep. You knew it was partly because Jake was spending the night on the couch and partly because you hated going to bed angry. But there was no way in hell that you’d call him to bed. You startled when there was a gentle knock on the door. 
“Are you still up?” 
Jake’s voice sounded muffled through the door and you contemplated acting asleep. 
“Can I come in?”
“... Yes.”
The door creaked open slowly and Jake stepped in, looking… Kind of miserable. His hair was ruffled, the blanket was draped over his shoulder, as he closed the door behind him. Jake got on the bed slowly, as if not to startle you, taking your hands in his when you sat up. 
“I’m really sorry for forgetting dinner with your friends. I should’ve remembered, and I definitely should have at least looked at my phone.”
Blinking at him, you glowered a bit, before lying back down, pulling the blanket over your shoulders. Jake didn’t move for a second, before he snuck under the blanket, curling around you. He leaned his forehead against yours and gently kissed you on the lips, before pressing another kiss on your hand. 
+ 1 bonus “last” kiss
Peeking around the corner, you made sure no one lingered in the hallway before you booked it to the backyard, as silently as you could. Your dress was swirling against the carpeted floor and with a push of the door, you were standing in the courtyard, where Jake was waiting for you. He looked so handsome. 
“Hi!” you whispered and he wrapped his arms around you, twirling you around for a bit. His cheeks were red and the smile on his face was so bright, it competed with the sun in the sky. 
“You look absolutely breathtaking, baby,” he whispered and you straightened the buttons of his gray suit jacket. 
“You look very handsome, too babe. But I still think you should’ve worn your dress-whites.”
He gave you a look, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “I told you, I wanted to marry you as Jake Seresin, not as Lieutenant Jake “Hangman” Seresin. This is me, baby.”
Rolling your eyes fondly, you leaned up to kiss him, your hands around his neck. Jake kissed you back, stealing all the air from your lungs, before he pulled away, beaming at you. 
“I can’t believe that the next time we kiss, we’ll be husband and wife.”
“Well, you better believe it.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you guys!” 
Javy was standing in the door, glaring at the soon-to-be married couple, looking absolutely furious. 
“Everyone is looking for you! I can’t believe you’re late to your own wedding!”
With a laugh, you and Jake ran back inside, with Javy ushering you to go faster, to finally start the ceremony that would officially make you Mr. and Mrs. Seresin.
🏷️list: @luckyladycreator2 // @idiomaticpunk // @littlebadariell
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