#Really Rad robot
Okay it’s 3am and I have to be at my first day of work at my new job in seven hours.. but I just had a THOUGHT.
So hear me out- Jay can control electricity. Obviously.
But has anyone else considered the idea of him being able to basically mind control other people?? Or hack their bodies?? Since humans literally run on electrical impulses??
Now I know Nya can’t draw the water out of his lungs, but that doesn’t mean that using your element inside someone else’s body is impossible. Maybe that’s just confined to other elemental masters. And of course I haven’t seen DR yet (two episodes away from finishing Crystallized!! I’ll have caught up with DR by this time next week for certain), but I’ve heard a lot of discussion about Jay coming back as a villain in S2… can you imagine how absolutely batshit of a villain Jay concept would be if he came back and just mind controlled people?? And it would totally tie into his cult leader antics as well (I’m still so sad that the League of Jays was pretty much abandoned after the first couple episodes… it was such a funny concept and could’ve actually been used for some fantastic plot/character development … but… alas :( )
Anyway. Basically all that to say I just got smacked in the face with a new Villain Jay idea and I’m soooo going to start using him for fic stuff. Maybe I’ll even tie it in to the AU concept I’ve been working on for a while.. maybe..
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bokatan · 7 months
Mercy 🔮
[ future scene ask ] @fuzzydreamin
I keep playing around with this post-game idea for Mercy where she stays in the Commonwealth, rather than wandering off like she normally does after a few months, & having her set up some sort of clinic for specialized services. She'd obviously offer standard medical care(albeit more ghoul-centric than other Commonwealth medical providers), medical supplies, chems, and she'd get into medical implants and probably some induced mutations as well.
I also think it'd be fun to let her play around with syringers at some point, and letting her make new experimental darts and maybe even offering those for sale when she decides they're consistent enough. She'd drag Reed, and potentially a few others, into doing field trials for those since her vision and long distance aim aren't the greatest.
I'm including a few screenshots here since I've been exploring potential locations where she could set up shop like this, and of course she's going to have all kinds of herbs and whatnot growing in the surrounding area/greenhouse/etc so she has a reliable source of supplies. These are from the Coastal Cottage build where I made this sick ass fungi cave under the house
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One of these days there will be a cool pop song that sounds sorta like that one lady but not quite, just a little better even. And it'll come out that it was secretly written by an AI, and just like that everybody is cool with it.
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novelconcepts · 5 months
Another year, another absurd amount of books read (296, because if I wasn't reading or writing this year, my brain was on fire). I was asked again for my top books of the year, so here we go: 2023's top 10, in no particular order.
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This was the first book I read of the year--literally, vacated the hangout with my wife and sibling-in-laws to sit on their couch upstairs and eat through it. Do you love The Fall of the House of Usher, but wish for a nonbinary protagonist and a lot more mushrooms? This is the book for you! (T. Kingfisher is fucking rad, I made a concerted effort to only list ONE of her books on here, but honorable mention goes to The Twisted Ones for fucking me upppp.)
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A gay, post-apocolyptic Pinocchio retelling involving copious robots, found family elements, and a cool-ass treehouse. Klune always hits for me with his unrepentant queer family dynamics and sense of humor. Honorable mention to the first two in the Green Creek series (although that's got a lot more...adult elements in among the werewolves, you've been warned).
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I thiiiink I found this through The Homo Schedule podcast (PSA: if you missed out on Jasmin Savoy Brown and Liv Hewson doing a podcast together, now you know better), and it wrecked my shit. Tons of trigger warnings, as this is a memoir about abuse within a queer relationship, but it's so beautifully written. I personally suggest listening to the audiobook first, then standing anxiously behind someone at a book warehouse sale, hoping they'll set down the only paperback copy so you can swipe it.
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A fantastical-historical reimagining in which the KKK is filled with literal monsters, and Black women are resistance fighters armed to take them out. Visceral and intense, and truly an excellent horror story.
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Just. Such a soft time travel story about a daughter and her father and cherishing the time you get with loved ones. I was thoroughly unprepared for how lovely I found this one. It's very kind.
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Spooky house, take-no-shit redhead, protective sibling elements, bisexual recluse with a sword who really just needs a nap. I haven't found a Harrow book yet I haven't slapped five stars on. She's so good at character and atmosphere, and I'm always surprised at how fast her stories race by.
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The whole Daevabad trilogy (of which this is the first book) is just magical. A girl from the mortal world finds herself embroiled with the centuries-long prejudices and wars of djinn in a fantastical city. It's one of the rare stories of its kind that does have a love triangle, but doesn't feel like a love triangle; it's far less interested in the insufferable "who gets picked" than it is in the actual horrors these people are both perpetrating and coping with. It's an intoxicating ride.
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Fuck You, TERFS: the book. Given that fact, there's obviously quite a lot of transphobia to deal with, but it's very clear that those people are wrong, and it's a super-engaging (and super-oh-god-what-comes-next) witchy time populated with queer, protective, interesting characters I'm excited to see again in the follow-up.
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Have you ever wanted a haunted house story with visceral imagery and a rather lovely twist? Gailey has you covered. As much as I enjoyed The Echo Wife, I think I actually loved this one more, and it makes me so excited to see what else they've got up their sleeve.
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One of my final reads for the year, when I was just churning through hardcovers at the speed of sound. I love this book. I recognize it won't be for everyone, but it takes so much of what I love about IT (one of my all-time favorite books, despite its flaws) and twists it through the lens of an author who escaped the Mormon church. It's horrific, it's fantastically abstract in places, it explores childhood and memory, imagination and abuse, and almost every character is queer. It's a great "I simply cannot sleep until I've finished" read.
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ifearzombies · 1 year
Headcanons about Living in the HOL
1- [x]
2- [x]
3- [x]
Now for more!
- You have suggested therapy to the brothers. A lot. They still haven’t agreed, but you’re going to keep trying because even with you doing all you do FUCKING HELL do these boys have trauma to deal with.
- You’ve gone down and visited Lilith’s memorial in the basement a several times. You talk to her and occasionally lay a flower on her ‘grave’ and thank her for helping you in the small ways she’s been able to.
- You hired an artist to make a family portrait and have everyone in it; even Lilith. It hangs in the living room over the fireplace.
- You’ve grown to... tolerate Solomon’s cooking. You’ve told him point blank that the food isn’t really edible. You’ve told him he’s terrible at cooking. But it’s in one ear and out the other. It normally goes as such:      MC: “Solomon. Honey. I love you. But your cooking is rancid!”      Solomon: “You love me?!” 8D “Let me make you dinner!”
- Diavolo has plans for you to eventually teach at RAD. Mostly to teach about Earth history and cultures; which has led to you studying extra hard and wondering why Solomon isn’t going to be helping you teach since he’s lived through history. But Diavolo’s plan is for him to teach ancient languages.
- You spend some nights at the palace every month. The brothers always get jealous when you go. Especially when you come back with a tell-tale limp. Or being carried back home.
- You were sadly at ground zero when Luke snuck into Asmo’s room and his innocence became lost since Asmo had porn of himself playing on his laptop and was ‘enjoying’ it (because of course he faps to videos of himself). You tried to stop the little angel but he’s like an actual child and darts the moment you blink. Simeon was outraged, but you pointed out that Luke didn’t knock. Asmo was glad you stuck up for him because he was certain he was headed for a bath of holy water otherwise. It took Luke a month before he could stand to be around Asmo again. It took longer for Luke to look at him again.
- Since Satan is not allowed to have a real cat (not that Satan cares as he has at least 10 ‘hidden’ ones), Mammon bought him a realistic robot cat for his room. Satan nearly cried tears of joy. Satan did cry when a book-a-lance fell and broke it. Lucifer replaced it so that Satan didn’t start destroying stuff once the sadness went away.
- Lucifer knows about the cats. He lets Satan think it’s a secret so that Satan won’t try to get an amount that would be noticeable. You found this out when you went to bring Lucifer some coffee and found him petting one of Satan’s cats. You were sworn to secrecy.
- You tried edible underwear with Beel once. And only once. He accidentally bit your thigh and you have small scars from the indents of his teeth. He felt awful about it, still does, and anytime he’s between your legs for fun he kisses the scars in apology. Also he found the rest of the edible underwear you’d intended to use with others and ate them like a snack. You’ve decided to not bother with them anymore.
- Belphie and Satan ask you to every Anti-Lucifer League meeting. If you don’t attend, they email you the minutes of their meeting to see if you wanna join in in pranks.
- Despite your bedroom lock being enchanted, Diavolo can and has waltzed into your room and started cuddling you. Barbatos chastizes him every time as he comes in with him, but it still happens.
- You have shown Simeon the movie ‘Sister Act’. It’s now his favorite movie. You two sometimes sing ‘Ave Maria’ together, stomping and clapping the beat. Luke joins in when he can.
-You had a custom plush made for Levi of his goldfish. He cried tears of joy and it now sits in a glass case in his room.
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brucewaynehater101 · 9 days
i'm not sure how much you know about fnaf but there are a couple au's relating to that i keep throwing around in my head involving tim.
tim, terrified of animatronics which he's seen get stuffed with dead bodies or used to actively murder children, gets caught by older cousins/friends/secret third option and put into an animatronic's mouth, which bites down and crushes his skull. he recovers with the help of the drake's friend william who owned the restaurant (and is the murderer killing children), but suffers night terrors. the drakes then offer to take him to the circus that's in town as per recommendation from their therapist and we all know how that goes.
now tim's triple traumatized and the drakes ask the help of william to take care of how tim's behaving, and he constructs the plot of fnaf 4, with giant haunting robots attacking him in his bedroom, to experiment around with tim while his parents are outside of the country, and any time he tries telling them the truth they chock it up to trauma.
eventually, william, as per fnaf lore, gets killed in a confrontation of the ghosts of the children he killed, stuffed in a golden bunny suit. without him the robots that haunt him are still active, but without william around there's nothing stopping him from leaving the house, encouraging his stalking habits and allowing him to see batman and robin in action. he becomes obsessed with them and he becomes robin and red robin and what not.
then he finds out that william is still alive in the suit, and is killing nightguards and experimenting with the other dead children, and he tries to stop him, first going to an underground storage facility to enact the plot of fnaf sister location, where at the end his internal organs get scooped out and his empty body used as a husk for the robots in the facility to escape.
eventually, tim's body decays and they leave, but tim is still alive somehow. now tim is undead, and is working on deconstructing the robots and ending the legacy of william, freeing the souls in the process. the entire time, the bats being ignorant to what he's doing until he kills himself in a fire with everything related to fazbear, william, and the robots.
i prefer the bats, and other heroes or villains, being there while the robots from the facility (ennard), leave red robin/tim drake's body. the cutscene from the game is 8 bit, but in essence he starts shaking, his eyes go black, his jaw unhinges and he falls flat to the floor as the entity leaves his body. he gets up eventually, but when could change the story alot.
i know some parts are vague but idk how much fnaf lore you know and it's an interesting idea even without full knowledge of the story of the fnaf games. just tim having an extreme traumatic experience as a child, viewing batman and robin's ability to overcome their experiences by working together and keeping gotham safe and thinking more highly of them because he associates them with freedom and nights of peace even though he doesn't sleep.
this is getting really long BUT every time bruce sends tim home tim has to face actual nightmare creatures trying to kill him with more broken or hurt limbs than he would have otherwise. and bruce just doesn't notice.
Fuck. I really don't know much about FNAF lore, so this was a bit of a wild ride (in a good way!). The only exposure I've had to FNAF is playing what I think was the first game (though I couldn't live past the second night) and one MHA fic. The fic was a very very interesting concept of Midoriya, before he went to UA, getting trapped in a virtual world by someone's quirk. He basically had to complete 7 horror games as if he was living through them. One of the games was FNAF (and the animatronics gain consciousness. It's freaky). I didn't finish the fic, but the concept was rad as hell.
I haven't read it, but there are also some FNAF fics with Tim and John Constantine.
I love how much your AU is torturing poor Tim. He doesn't get a break when he's done with Robin. He's got to continuously deal with all this shit and traumatize his family with the way he dies. I'm a little lost on the exact timeline here, but I'm vibing with the ideas
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each of my URLs have an little story behind it.... indulge if you are interested
nauticalradical: i was really interested in sea life and noticed my powerful connection to water things at this time in my life. nautical beings were super cool, super rad, to me. the -ical endings together sounded nice to me
geocashier: my oc was a robot specifically programmed to be a retail worker, mostly put at the cashier. idk where the Geo came from, sounded cool
schizofunny: RECENTLY DIAGNOSED. play on the PH in -phrenia being the EF sound. trying to destigmatize schizophrenia being something scary for the people on the Other end of a schizophrenic person. also i was on a funny streak
puppymush: obsessed with results from google and youtube when you would search "puppy mush". aww so cutes small dogs eating solid food for the first time is always ridiculously endearing. allso dog fursona and Mush could be interpretted as another word for Gruel
horrorofthebeast: was just obsessed with saying this phrase to myself at the time and badass name
ipodtouch-free: virus laden ad love phase, but also a filler url for new account. a very short lived url i dont think anyone remembers
whitetippedtail: i made a lyric about a dog with a white tipped tail and had a lot of thinking about its symbolism to me, also short lived
spoolofthreat: play on words of the phrase "spool of thread", i made this phrase up when thinking of a new password i had to make for my work schedule login which requires us to make a brand new password every 3 months.
wolf1999loveatfirstbite: i've had this phrase bouncing around in my head during one of my "random phrases my brain is obsessed with repeating over and over again bc it sounds rlly nice". inspired by early internet username handles in which the number meant something like year of birth or favorite number. love at first bite should go without saying its a play on words of another phrase "love at first site" but its wolves and wolves love biting. wolves bc i like them
if you cared i love you, if you didnt care i love all haters for real. keep on truckin, haters <3
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k4pp4-8 · 5 days
Is there anything you wished the Show Ok. Ko Lets Be Heroes focused more on? Whether it be a character, relationship, arc, villain ect?
1. FIRST OF ALL I REALLY wish they had more time to focus on the big reveal because I waited since season for them to talk about the whole POINT situation and when they finally DO reveal laserblast's identity it's completely rushed. This is such an emotional plot line for MULTIPLE characters yet we only see a fraction of it! LIKE PLEEAAAAASE I WANT TO SEE MORE OF HOW THIS AFFECTED CAROL!!! What she went through is so tragic, she lost her love, her dream, her friends, AND she had to raise the child of her dead lover alone. And yet she stayed strong through all of it and became the best mom ever. (Carol I love you plz marry me)
ALSO I WILL NEVER GET OVER THE FACT THAT WE DON'T SEE GAR'S REACTION TO THE REVEAL!! He literally blamed himself for laserblast's death, who was his teammate, his best friend's lover AND K.O's father. Just imagine how he felt like knowing K.O looked up to him as a father figure while thinking it's his fault K.O doesn't have a dad???
And also every other POINT member's lives were immensly affected by laserblast's death, like Rippy roo who dedicated years of her life trying to find a way to bring him back or Greyman trying to make a hero people could look up to or Foxtail still holding a grudge against Gar for what happened. I reaaally wanna know how they would react to knowing not only their friend is alive but he is also a successful villain.
2. Another thing I REALLY wanted to see was Rad and Dendy's relationship actually being explored! I used to think her "obsession" with Rad was nothing more than a gag but I saw that there was supposed to be an episode explaining that "she looked up to Rad because he's unashamed of who he is even though he comes from he considered as unusual family background." AND IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!! I think that would've been an amazing way to explore both of their characters.
Also it's pretty ironic because Rad IS ashamed of who he is! Since day one he's been hiding things he loves and acting like a jerk to cover up his insecurities. I think Dendy telling him she looks up to him would've encouraged him to change the way he acts just like in the "Radical rescue" episode, when he tells K.O he doesn't want him to imitate his bad behavior.
I REALLYYY wish we had more moments of vulnerabilty with them. Pretty much every single one of their scene is comedic and, while I do ADORE the comedy, I still wish they were taken more seriously. Like their whole situation is really tragic in many ways yet it's completely ignored. I know it's a mostly light hearted show but the boxbots are never given a genuine moment that felt like their feelings were taken seriously. It's probably just me who's wayyyy too attached to them but my favorite moments are when we get to see the more "human" side of them. Like when they act like an actual family, playing board games, having dinner together, hanging out, or bickering like siblings
I wish they explored how being robots affects them and the way everyone treats them. It's like robots are not considered like "real people" to some degree. We already know that in the okko universe being a certain species will change the way people perceive you and treat you (ie aliens and kappas) and it's shown to be a bad thing when it happens to Rad and Dendy, but when the bots are treated badly it's always seen as a joke and brushed bc you know , they're robots so who cares. There's like an implication that all robots are inherently bad because they're robots, K.O even said Mr.logic was "one of the good ones" implying he's just an exception (also it's crazy that he actually said that sentence and no one batted an eye)
And finally the ONE thing I really REEAALLYYY wanted to see more of is *drum rolls* LORD COWBOY DARRELL (who could've seen that coming)
LISTEN THERE WAS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH POTENTIAL THERE IT ACTUALLY MAKES ME CRAZY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WISH I WAS EXAGGERATING!!! Like for the first time we actually see boxman suffer the consequences of his actions, his kids FINALLY stand up to him after being treated like crap 24/7 and then he's forgiven in episode two??? And we don't even see how this affects the other bots!! Like Raymond and Shannon also loved boxman but they seemingly didn't hesitate to side with Darrell over him. I wish they explored how they chose their brother over their father who they were absolutely devoted to since birth.
I was actually disappointed to see Darrell forgive him SO easily and all the character development he could've had was thrown out the window in two seconds!!!! We actually get a glimpse of Darrell's potential but it's all forgotten as soon as Boxman becomes the boss again
I loved seeing Darrell actually fight back for once because he is one of the characters who gets mistreated the MOST by the whole cast. Half of his scenes are just him getting beat up and insulted, he's always treated like an idiot or a joke character so it was incredibly satisfying to see him actually stand up for himself and take charge. Like yeah he is goofy as hell and very immature and I love that about him! But when he became Lord Cowboy Darrell we actually got to see a whole new side of him. He was cunning and smart and resourceful and it KILLS me that we never got see that side of him again. I wish people aknowledged how competent and mature he can be instead of treating him like an actual child. I actually hate how infantilized he is sometimes
Anyway I could go on and on and on forever about the boxbots but that's just a few things i wish the show focused more on, there's probably more but I can't remember them rn
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kazumist · 1 year
masterpost / timestamps don't matter
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you always found the arcade a fun place to bond in.
but what you didn’t expect is to find the arcade even more fun when you’re with scaramouche of all people.
scaramouche, the guy you've had some childish rivalry with ever since the first year of high school, when you met. scaramouche, the guy who cannot bring himself to order at mcdonald’s by himself that one time when you all went out to eat. scaramouche, the idiot who proposed this supposedly “fake dating” idea in the first place (is there even a point in continuing this fake relationship when his fans don’t even give a damn at this point? him meeting granny was surely enough as well). 
scaramouche, the one who’s trying stupidly hard to get this plushie in the claw machine right now.
“we can just play something else, you know.”
he ignores your remark and inserts yet another coin into the machine, starting a new attempt at getting the korilakkuma plushie. it’s all dumb, really. seeing him try this hard for a plushie that surely he isn’t going to find any use for (unless he was actually collecting plushies). so why is he even wasting his time here?
“why are you so persis—”
you didn’t continue your sentence as you saw the robotic hand have the plushie in its hold. neither of you uttered a word, as both of your eyes followed as the hand dragged itself towards the big hole on the left, and it successfully let go of it down the hole.
scaramouche bends down to take his prize, still not saying anything. 
“are you happy now?” you tease him; it’s not everyday you see him try so hard just for one plushie after all.
however, your playful demeanor vanishes when he hands it over. “for you,” he finally says something—although it wasn’t something you expected.
“i said it’s for you. don’t act as if you weren’t giving glances towards this claw machine earlier while we were playing hockey.”
speechless is an understatement for what you’re currently feeling. you stopped functioning as a whole, especially when you finally had the korilakkuma plush in your hands. but you were surprised that you still managed to thank him despite that.
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what happens when scaramouche, your rival since the first year of highschool, had some annoying admirers on his back? easy—he (fake) dates you to shoo them off. nothing can possibly go wrong with faking a relationship with the guy you hate, right?
spoiler: apparently, a lot can go wrong.
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taglist (open): @niiheng @yinyinggie @ilyuu @veekoko @motherscrustytoenailclippings @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @akairaindrops @kichiyoshi @lxkeeeee @user11918163805279 @sketcheeee @yukiipc @kyouzki @quokkatss @ynverse @yuyumaru @danhenglovebot @sheep-from-rad @gekkow @aeongiies @scararaw @beriiov @thenightsflower @simpforsubmissivemen @sakurapeach @akxtagawaxryxn0sxke @naheana @supernova25 @mitsu-moshi @yelleloww @kiyomi-hoku @kazemiya @theblueblub @lazy-sanns @kazuuhhaaaa @sukunasrealgf @alatusorrow @ahnneyong @bubiblossom @d4y-dr3am3r @featuredtofu @dappledstars @surgeonsofazeroy
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vintagerpg · 2 months
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It gets better for me with The Ninth World Guidebook (2015). It’s a lot more cohesive and approachable, I think, even if this is an expansion of the setting material in the main book, not a restatement. It reminds me a lot of the Glorantha Guide in the way the presentation is giving me slices of history, culture and social systems all at the same time in relatively digestible chunks.
The art is starting to really come together for me here. A lot of folks loooove the Numenera art. I don’t dislike it at all, but it doesn’t bowl me over or make my brain crackle the way other game art can. Here, though, some stuff does get me! Love that red knight. Some of the landscapes really work here. Some still don’t though, like the weird floating mask things. Stuff like that seems too random and takes me out. But then the weird folk who hunt humans are pretty rad, and well designed — they look unsettlingly alien.
I’m starting to find the fusion of science and fantasy more appealing here too. This one I am almost certain is symptom of just increasingly familiarity. Initially, I thought the tech seemed too…I dunno, New Agey? I have a hard time nailing this down. It still feels…violet. But I am OK with it. I’ve really come to like the robot designs.
But I dunno, am I sold on this? I’m not sure. I doooooo kind of want to read the proper Cypher System rules. I’m not going to rush out or anything — I still have Invisible Sun to attempt to comprehend — but if we cross paths, I might pick it up…
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kitsune-oji · 7 months
Mission Accomplished
Another fic I had in my notes and thought I'd repost! Can't remember what I called it the first time around so it got a new title
Mephisto & Regressed!Mc (they/you)
Word count: 1'699
Warnings/Tags: positive Age Regression, regressor Mc, involuntary regression in public spaces, fluff, Mephisto is a bit tsundere?, Diavolo & co know about Mc's regression
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You yawned, trying to be discreet about it while you continued watching your teacher talk. Really, you should be paying attention but you found that to be harder with every moment passing.
If only you weren't so tired and so incredibly comfortable at RAD. By now, the school, no, academy had basically become a second home to you. But it was also filled with so many stressors.
Of course, the at the House of Lamentation you had to fight for time alone as well and the constant attention and fights from the brothers stressed you out but at least you knew them and got comfortable with them. Here, there were so many people you didn't really know, a good portion being demons who didn't particularly like you either, just for being human.
Then there was the need to cram information into your head lesson after lesson, group projects, tests, presentations-
It was really no wonder you sometimes couldn't keep yourself from regressing on campus. Fortunately, the brothers knew about your age regression and always kept an eye out for you. If you did end up going tiny, there was usually always someone there to take care of you, to excuse you from the lesson and take you elsewhere. Somewhere you could stay and play until you slipped out of your headspace again.
It was sort of embarrassing that there was a corner for you to play in Diavolo's Office but oh well, it was nice having them all support and care for you so much.
That was, usually. Right now, there was nobody around you for once. A rare occurrence but possible nonetheless.
It wasn't like you couldn't navigate and survive the RAD hallways on your own but when you felt yourself gently slipping into your headspace, a low simmering panic gripped you. Desperately, you tried to stay big, blinking rapidly and shaking your head but it was of no help.
It was one of those times when you couldn't control it at all. Had something triggered it? You didn't notice anything that could have but sometimes you don't understand why your brain reacts the way it does.
Anyway, you had to figure out what to do. There were lots of other students in the halls, you were undercover now, they couldn't know you're actually tiny. Your mission was to get somewhere safe without anyone finding out you're not big right now.
Alright, you nodded your head sharply only once, determined to succeed.
It was strange walking like this, so tall, your limbs feeling kind of lanky and clumsy in their movements. You tried to take control of them as best you could but a part of you was worried you looked weird in the way you walked. Did you look like a robot? Maybe, maybe not.
Your lips pursed but then you noticed and quickly tried to stop, pressing them together instead. Subtly, you looked around, seeing a door that wasn't like the others. It looked kind of similar to the one heading into Dia's office and with a spring in your step, you quickly walked over to it, happy to find it opening easily.
In one swift movement, you walked in confidently and closed the door, stopping in your tracks while looking at it. Mission accomplished!
Your facade fell like a heavy cloak from your shoulders, a big grin stretching your lips and a giggle as clear as the sound of bells ringing out. You did it! You really did it!
Euphoric, you turned around, just to see another wall in front of you. No, not a wall, a chest.
Slowly, your gaze wandered up to the face of the person standing in front of you. Tan skin, purple hair, looking a bit haughty... You've seen him a few times before. Mephio-hm mephispophe- no, whatever, Mephi.
He looked a bit scary standing so close and looking down at you in what you guessed was disapproval? Sometimes you guessed expressions wrong but you thought you were probably right this time.
Your hands clasped behind your back, you rocked on the palms of your feet, pressing them together just like your lips again. Should you say something?
"What are you doing in here? Do you know how rude it is to just barge in without even knocking?"
Ah, right. You didn't think anyone was in here but Lucifer did say knocking is important.
"'m sorry..", you mumbled, trying to rub your feet together. It proved a bit difficult with your shoes in the way.
Since you were looking to the side, you couldn't see the frown on Mephisto's face deepen. He was sure you were behaving strangely, the few times he had seen or even interacted with you, you hadn't behaved like a child but now..
"Never mind that now, what are you doing here?"
Mephisto sighed and relaxed slightly. There was no reason to stay mad at something he couldn't change right now. Rather, there were much more pressing matters, such as your behavior and sudden appearance in the RAD newspaper office. You should be glad he was the only one here right now.
"A mission!", you exclaimed much to the demon's surprise, "Gotta get away from people outside cuz they can't know I'm-"
Gasping, you clasped your hands in front of your mouth as your eyes widened. You had almost just told on yourself! The mission wasn't successful at all! He had seen you when you weren't acting big!
But why was that bad again? Mephisto didn't seem dangerous or angry or put off by you, so it should be ok, right?
While you were thinking, he watched your facial expressions change with your thoughts. You really had no filter when you were regressed, it seemed.
Yet Mephisto didn't know the reason for your strange behavior and only watched on in curiosity. The more he saw, the more he was sure that you acted like a child.
Unrestrained, honest, pure. The demon had to admit it was kind of cute, no matter how strange the situation was.
"Can't know what?", he asked after a while, eyes following your hands as they lowered and you fiddled with your fingers, unconsciously pulling at your skin.
Without thinking about it, Mephisto took your hands in his and stopped you from further pulling on your skin, his tone reprimanding when he told you to stop it before you accidently hurt yourself. But apparently he sounded too mean because the next thing he knew, your bottom lips started wobbling and tears gathered in your eyes as your shoulders started to shake.
Eyes wide, the demon let go of your hands and apologised, ushering you further into the room and to one of the couches, asking if he could touch you to soothe you. He had meant to maybe rub your back but instead you sobbed and threw your arms around him in response.
A bit overwhelmed, Mephisto shushed you and rubbed your back until you calmed down, handing you a tissue when you finally let go of him. Though it was surprising, he couldn't really say that he minded.
Was that how he found himself walking with you towards Lord Diavolo's office? You held his hand and walked funnily, making strange sounds the whole way there.
He had asked you if you wanted to go somewhere else, since he had no idea what to do with you right now and thought he heard wrongly at first.
"T' Dia!", you had said, throwing Mephisto off completely.
"You mean Lord Diavolo?"
"Yea, Dia!"
Your open palms flew through the air in your excitement. Since going to him meant play time, of course you wanted to go there, surely Mephi must know that, right?
But of course he didn't know, how could he? Still, Mephisto agreed to accompany you to the prince's office on school grounds.
Part of him was glad that class was currently in session and nobody but the two of them roamed the halls. Hell forbid someone saw him with the human exchange student, while they were acting strangely at that.
Though no matter what Mephisto thought, he started treating you as you were acting. Like a child.
There wasn't much thought behind it, it was almost instinctual in the way he made sure you didn't trip and held your hand without complaint. Perhaps this was the the effects of a curse? That was the only reasonable explanation he could come up with.
Until you arrived at Diavolo's office and you let go of his hand to run up to the future demon King with no warning. Instead of confusion however, Diavolo responded with laughter as he quickly stood up to catch you in his arms and spin you around to lessen the impact of your tackle hug.
To him, it was clear that you were regressed. After the many times he had looked after you, it was no surprise. But Mephisto only seemed more confused than before.
For now, Diavolo ignored his questions and set up the play mat and toys with a flick of his wrist. They flew from the cabinets and found their places neatly, only to be disturbed by your hands the moments Diavolo gently set you down.
Normally, he would have let you explain it yourself but Mephisto wouldn't leave until he understood what was happening and since he had already seen you like this anyway..
After the short but precise explanation Diavolo gave him, Mephisto looked back at you.
He watched the way you looked entertained by stacking smooth wooden blocks on top of each other, trying to make the tallest tower but failing again and again. Sometimes, you even destroyed it yourself, sounds of delight leaving you as you clapped your hands.
Not a curse then, just the wonders of the human brain.
Thinking about it, he wouldn't mind taking care of you again, though vehemently denied it when Diavolo asked. Judging by his laugh however, Mephisto hadn't fooled him at all.
Still, if you came to the Rad newspaper club again while in this state of mind, Mephisto would be sure to help you out.
Just because Diavolo would want him to, of course- !
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maspers · 9 months
Bionicle is weird yall
Okay so let's talk Bionicle. The Lego action figures with surprisingly deep lore and themes, and basically one of the coolest things to ever exist. You either love Bionicle or have not read Bionicle.
Who's your favorite? Mine has got to be Kopaka. For various reasons, including his general competence throughout the whole story. He's just pretty rad.
Now, you might be surprised I like Kopaka, since all things considered he's kind of a prick. He snarks at basically everything that enters his line of sight, and largely acts kind of stuck up due to his (admittedly justified) belief that he's the smartest person around. He spends the entire story fed up with everything else. He is completely and utterly convinced that he is the only sane person in the entire universe, and that nothing in the entirety of Mata Nui is behaving in a logical and rational way.
But see, here's the thing: all of that bluster about being the only rational thing around is complete bullcrap and lies, and here's why:
Kopaka, like all the original six Toa, is an amnesiac. He popped out of a magic canister in the ground and basically has no backstory to speak of since before he woke up he essentially didn't exist. And we know he's not a possible exception to this since, unlike the other Toa, he's the one we actually see it happen to. He has legit no idea who he is until Nuju tells him. What this means is simple: KOPAKA HAS NO FRAME OF REFERENCE. You can't judge something to be insane if you have not experienced sanity. Nothing is "irrational" in the abstract, you need context. Most people have extremely well-developed context obtained by living, but since Kopaka had not yet lived until he woke up he has NONE OF THAT.
And even if he did, he'd still be a massive hypocrite. Sure, the Matoran society and the Makuta are kind of weird, but Kopaka is a TOA, and Toa are a whole new kettle of craziness. Kopaka is a magic space warrior robot with the power to control the very concept of THIS STUFF IS COLD. His face is a magic mask that grants him X-ray vision and then gets even more powers later on. He can physically combine with other Toa to create a weird mega fusion Toa. Heck, after his first upgrade his primary weapon was skis. SKIS. He basically shapeshifts into a new body every time he goes somewhere else. And, as noted before, he legit just popped out of the ground one day, which makes him and his sibling Toa objectively weirder than all other Toa ever, since all the rest are transformed Matoran. Kopaka's entire existence is really freaking weird. He has no legs to stand on in his "I am the only rational being in the universe" belief. So where the heck did he get it from?
The simple answer: Mata Nui himself. When designing the Toa to act as a sort of internal anti-virus for all the weird garbage in his system, Mata Nui decided "You know what let's make the Ice one a prick who thinks he's sane" and somehow that idea perpetuated to the very end of the design process. The only reason Kopaka has to deal with everything else seeming completely bonkers to him is because Mata Nui, massive benevolent Troll that he is, *made him that way*. I bet when Kopaka finally made it to Bara Magna he was probably internally extremely relieved, because now he could judge the Agori by comparing them to the Matoran and vice versa instead of judging the Matoran on no actual justification whatsoever.
TLDR Kopaka is my favorite Bionicle because the entire premise of his personality is absurd and he probably spent the entire plot trying to internally justify it. Also ice powers go brrrrr
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thewildsophia · 4 months
OK KO, Let's be Heroes!//KO x Older Sibling!Reader
A/N: I can't believe this hasn't been written before omg. I had the thought of an older sibling reader to KO rolling around in my head while watching the series and was shocked to find no fanfics with the premise. So I did it myself.
NOTE: The Reader's powers are basically Portgas D. Ace's from One Piece. If you aren't familiar, I've attached a few gifs to give you an idea of what it's like.
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Word Count: 2026
"Read More Link" placed due to length.
So I can’t think of a realistic way for Reader to be a biological older sibling to KO considering the timeline of what happened.
Soooooooo…You took on the role of KO’s older sibling, even though you’re not related by blood.
[Insert tragic backstory here] and Carol had found you when you were a young teenager wandering about without a home to go to. When she found that out about you, she couldn’t in good conscience leave you alone, so she…adopted you basically. There wasn’t any paperwork involved so you just unofficially become her second child.
Carol was SHOOK when she found out about your superpower (and that’s putting it lightly, she was freaking out--).
It happened when she failed to light the fire underneath her stove a few days after you came to live with her and KO. Not thinking much about it, you held your finger up and lit the fire yourself. When she turned and saw the small fire burning on the tip of your finger she freaked tf out thinking you were hurt. 
A one-hour explanation later, she was now on board as to what power you have: You’re made out of fire and can set other things on fire just by looking at them. You even showed her some of your moves the next day faaaaar away from anything flammable. 
Carol encouraged you to become a hero and with her help you eventually did. You became a decently high-ranking hero at a young age, clocking in at level 6. 
There were a LOT of companies trying and failing to recruit you, but you chose to stay home with Carol and KO (no Carol is NOT crying-).
KO was quite young when you were “adopted,” being around 3 or 4 at the time. Because of that, he always assumed that you were his older sibling by blood and it wasn’t until one day between ages 6 to 11 that Carol told him the truth.
My boy was shocked, but it didn’t change anything between your dynamic. 
In fact, you became even more of an inspiration to him on his path to becoming a hero!
You helped Carol a lot at the fitness dojo until Carol got KO a job at Gar’s, to which Carol also had you hired to keep an eye on KO. Not that she didn’t trust him, she just knew that he could get in over his head sometimes and wanted to have someone be there to protect him. 
Talking about Gar’s, Rad and Enid absolutely ADORE you. You’re the unofficial manager appointed by them truly because you are a few levels higher than them. 
At first, when they heard they were getting two new coworkers, they didn’t think much of it. You and KO seemed nice enough so they didn’t mind having you around. 
It’s not until the Darell robot for the day comes busting into the plaza that their opinion changes. 
Just ask KO is about to get absolutely decked by Darell, you zoomed onto the scene in a blaze of fire and punched the bot, setting it on fire while also hitting it with enough force to send it back to Boxmore with KO nestled into your other arm. 
“Nobody ever touched my little brother.” You muttered under your breath while wrapping KO into your arms further to soothe him. You walk past a stunned Rad and Enid as you enter the store and get back to work.
That day, Rad and Enid also became your younger siblings. Pestering you with questions like “How did you get so strong?” and “Where did you get that power from?” Considering you’re a year or two older and much stronger you embraced the title with honor.
You actually became a little bit of a local celebrity after working at Gar’s for a while. People, locals really, would occasionally come in a ask to take a picture with you. Abashed, you said yes every time because you really couldn’t say no. Real Magic Skeleton even has a picture of you on his site with a small bio (You blushed so hard when you found out you thought you were gonna explode).
Speaking of which, KO LOVES to flaunt you around and hype you up, much to your embarrassment. He says stuff like, “Look at my cool amazingly strong older sibling!” and “My older sibling could beat up your older sibling!” 
KO means well, but he embarrasses the shit out of you.
MAD PROTECTIVE. If Carol is protective then you are on another level entirely. If someone even says something mean about KO it’s on sight. People learned very quickly that you are KO’s older sibling and that you will not hesitate to DIE to protect him (KO prays that it never comes to that).
I could see a rude customer coming in and harassing KO about Cob knows what and you just come up behind them and punch them out of the store. When Mr. Gar confronted you about it, you held your ground and stated proudly what you had done. He was honestly surprised at your resolve and didn’t punish you at all, saying “You should stick up for yourself and the ones you love.”
Lord Boxman even became a little weary about attacking the plaza knowing that you worked there and you are a pretty strong defender. That doesn’t stop him, of course, but he does strategize to combat you better.
Professor Venomous encourages Boxman to capture you and “convert” you to villainy since your power is something that could be very useful to them. You’ve heard people throughout your life make comments about how “villainous” your power is, but you never let it get to your head since you know who you are and that’s all that matters. 
Taking. Naps. Together. Seriously, if KO ever doses off during one of his shifts, you’re quick to follow him. You’ll scoop him up into your arms and sit down somewhere in the corner and fall asleep with him. Rad and Enid think it’s absolutely adorable and have several pictures of you two.
Rad and Enid will even join your cuddle pile in the break room when time permits (or when they make the time themselves).
KO will even occasionally crawl into your bed at home and sleep with you there. He says that your bed is more comfortable than his, but you really know he gets lonely sometimes.
Piggyback rides! KO loves to lounge on your shoulders and back and will often hang off of you as he does with Rad. 
You’re also just used to the feeling of holding/carrying KO that it sometimes feels weird when you haven’t for a while.
When you met TKO for the first time you kinda panicked like many of the other plaza members. It was an especially stressful time in your life (and probably much more for Carol).
TKO wasn’t that fond of you either which made everything 10x harder to deal with. He didn’t actively dislike you, it was more like he wanted nothing to do with you.
Once KO came out of that initial swap between himself and TKO, you didn’t really think much about it. 
When he mentioned some “Shadowy Figure” though you immediately began to do as much research as you could on the guy, you were determined to beat the crap out of this guy (if not kill him-).
Listening to KO cry into your and Carol’s arms blabbering about, “I’m so sorry!” and “I don’t know what he did to me!” You honestly thought this man had touched KO (I know I’m not the only one…right??). It took a lot of coaxing, but you eventually managed to understand what happened when KO told you the full story.
It’s not until Dendy begins to monitor KO and TKO that you start to give his alter much thought. You encourage KO to pursue research into his darker ego, assuming he’s okay with it of course, and offer to be someone he can talk to about it if he isn’t comfortable talking to anyone else about it. 
During some of these talks, you open up about yourself a bit to KO to make him feel better and let him know that the negative emotions he feels are normal. 
During some of the more intimate conversations, you tell him how you used to hurt people and even kill at times before Carol took you in.
KO doesn’t believe you at first. How could someone so kind and loving have killed in their life? You use that to help you explain that good people do bad things sometimes, but that doesn’t make them a bad person. 
You teach him that TKO isn’t something that he should be ashamed of and cage up in the back of his mind, but could instead be someone to rely on in times of need.
He feels a lot better after you tell him all of this.
Hugging and holding KO close to you during nights when he feels really bad about himself. Where he doubts his ability to become a good hero and to be able to harness TKO’s powers. 
You’d rock him back in forth in his bed while quietly soothing him over his crying. He asked you not to tell Mommy and you promised him that he had your word.
I could honestly see Reader lying to cover up KO’s tracks. Like KO is caught doing something he absolutely should not be doing and instead of immediately admitting fault, you would come up with some realistic yet unfeasible lie that only works about 50% of the time.
KO loves to spar with you! He learned most of his physical skills from you, stuff like punching, jumping, kicking, and all that fun stuff. You’ve never used your fire powers against him though.
There was one incident where Boxmore accidentally found out what your weakness is, that being water. A Shannon bot had thrown you into the little kiddie pool Rad and Enid had set up before the attack started.
When you jumped out of the pool soaking wet and unable to start a fire, the stupid sibling trio laughed and mocked you. Enid was quick to come in with a kick to Raymond’s head and you soon found your footing.
Boxmore learned that day not to underestimate you as even without your powers you’re still a physically strong hero.
However, it would seem that Boxman and Professor Venomous stored that data about you since some of the bots they send are equipped with water guns. You’ve gotten pretty good at dodging them, so that’s kinda cool.
You do remember one time after KO had gotten a handle over TKO where you had been drenched with a bucket of water and right as you were about to get socked by Raymond, KO had pushed you out of the way and dodged the punch himself.
You had never been more proud of KO than in that moment and you made that known to him after the fight. You ran up to him and cradled him in your arms talking about how proud you were and that he was becoming such a fine hero (that last one got him to blush a little).
Rad and Enid definitely took a picture of this and then proceeded to print out a copy and put it in the break room.
When you and KO found out that your mom was dating Mr. Gar, you both were a little unsure about how you felt. When Rad and Enid asked about it, they asked the two of you together and then asked you separately. 
Seeing as you’re the older sibling they thought that you would have had a better idea of how you feel about the whole arrangement and were bummed out when they realized that you really didn’t know how you felt. 
After the date you four hosted for Carol and Mr. Gar, both you and KO see how happy Mr. Gar makes your mom and decide that if she’s happy then you’re happy as well.
KO is honestly one of the best younger brothers you could ever ask for. He’s kind and selfless and wants to help others when he can. And in return, you are the best older sibling that KO could ever ask for.
Sorry the format looks off in some places, Tumblr just makes booty juice decisions like limiting the character limit per block to 4096 words...
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xannador · 8 months
Where did the idea for (h)Armless come from?
oooof.... good question. Originally I just wanted to see Chai fight all 3 KEM0N0 robots at once. Because that'd be totally fuckin rad.
But I also had a desire to see what would happen if Chai got nerfed? And then I had the idea to combine HFR with genres that, on first glance, wouldn't fit it. (thriller/horror) The contrast was very enticing to me.
Not to mention the fact that Chai was invincible in the game kinda stood out to me (Especially when he and Korsica both ended up in the same explosion but only Korsica got shredded like a wet paper napkin while Chai didn't have a scratch) And I was like "Nah, that won't do."
Oh, and I had also just watched the original Jurassic Park movie and I thought the scene with the raptors in the basement and kitchen was really cool. I took some inspiration from that, as well as Little Nightmares II.
I guess Mostly (h)Armless is kind of an amalgamation of all these different little ideas. I just wrote it as I went. More than anything I just wanted to have some fun making a comic again cause I had been in a hole for almost a year at the time. Just draw, don't think. I'm glad I did because it's really helped me. Even if the project has gotten... a little out of hand. It went from 42 pages to about 60... Just 22 left to go now haha... (please send help)
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sirfrogsworth · 5 months
What 90s band was/is your favorite that people would be surprised by?
It probably wasn't surprising at the time, but I *loved* Creed and even went to one of their concerts.
Eventually Scott Stapp kind of went off the rails and a lot of music snobs decreed Creed was lame.
They were Nickelback before Nickelback. My good friend who worked at Guitar Center and let me play with pedals during his entire shift would always make fun of me for liking Creed.
The thing I loved about Creed was actually Mark Tremonti and his infectious riffs and licks and solos. I was just learning how to play guitar and his playing was complicated enough to be challenging but not so complicated that I couldn't learn it. I mean, I love Polyphia but Tim is a robot and there are only a handful of people that can play his stuff. So I really appreciate when there is cool music that is a little more accessible to the noobs.
And that opening guitar part to Higher with that little...
chunka-chunk cha-chunka chunk
That was like the coolest thing I ever heard. Djent wasn't even a word yet.
I think Mark was able to escape that Creed stigma and create some rad music with Alter Bridge (which the music snobs seem to like much better). So I'm happy he's found continued success.
But I still love their music unironically. I went to college in Kansas City for about 3 months when I was 18. As I was getting sicker and sicker I would shut myself inside a one room apartment in KC. I would get so lonely on the weekends. So I started driving back and forth to St. Louis to see my parents and friends back home. It was about a 5 hour drive and I would listen to Creed CDs during those long, depressing trips.
And whenever I'm feeling nostalgic I still put them in my Spotify rotation every once in a while.
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willowcrowned · 2 years
the thing about Star Wars is that like. it said “these things slap and are cool as hell” and backflipped off a building, confident that it was right (and it was) but like… subsequent people in the universe can’t really explore like. droid rights. because Luke skywalker and obi wan Kenobi owned droids and they were sweet and it was cool as hell. the Jedi were cool with doing mind tricks on random guys in The Movies which was fun and cool and therefore cannot be deconstructed heavily
it makes me so mad. it makes me SO MAD. star wars is cool it’s composed primarily of cool things. spaceship? cool. silly robots? even cooler. LASER SWORDS??? fucking rad as HELL. and yet. and YET. we are not allowed to make sense of a single bit of it because not a single bit of it was ever supposed to make sense. the rule of cool makes and breaks star wars in the same breath. it’s genius and evil and i hate it and love it. it’s going to kill me.
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