#Properly link where I got the model from
bigendercreature · 3 months
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(model is one i retrieved from this link and put a edited texture of the white pumpkin model + the sparklez model onto! I then rendered it in blender cycles.)
this came to me suddenly and i Had to draw it you don’t understand
original comic by tumblr user punkitt-is-here
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rapunzelbro · 4 months
So I used to have two pet ducks named Fred and George.
Could I request Hazbin Hotel Lucifer x reader whereY/N takes him to her house to meet her two baby ducks.
Imagine You Take Lucifer To See Your New Baby Ducks
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This definitely can be a considered a part 2 of my first fanfic where he finds out you like ducks which is linked here anywho enjoy!
Masterlist Tag request
After Lucifer met you, two definitely start talking a lot more
Duck jokes were a must, and your room has been overflowing in ducks the last couple of months
You started hiding ducks around the hotel and it drives Alastor fucking crazy
Like bro is pressed about them because he knows where they came from
“Y/n if I find one more of these duck models from Lucifer I’m going to burn your entire room down”
You calling Lucifer one day out of the blue for him to hear you screaming
Bro is screaming and on his way over so fast??
He wants to meet ducks so fucking bad and honestly?? How did she get them in hell
No seriously
How did you get them in hell
Oh well that’s besides the point
He is over so quickly to the hotel and Charlie’s like
“Hi da- bye dad”
She knows why he is in a rush because she’s the one who got you the ducks in the first place
Cue you running down the hall chasing two of the absolute cutest baby ducks
“I open the door for one second!”
“Seems like someone’s having one duck of a problem”
Lucifer with his charm sweeps the two ducks in his arms and it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen
He is so in love with these two ducks instantly and would hurt anything that hurt them. He is almost in tears
“They’re named Fred and George”
He loves the name and instantly calls them Freddy and Georgie instead because he loves giving nicknames
He wants to make them clothes and little hats so badly he is basically on his hands and knees begging
Oh and he demands visitation rights asap
You definitely agree since he is apparently better at catching those fuckers angels.
He is now the ‘Almighty Duck Demon of Hell’ and you won’t call him anything else
He tells you so much about how to properly care for them and while you know, you just love to hear him ramble on about the little guys.
Just you and your two favorite things
Ducks And the Duck Demon of Hell, Lucifer
You couldn’t ask to be anywhere else right now
Taglist for Lucifer: @vendetta-ari
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naeviskz · 3 months
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genre. idol!hyunjin x model!f!reader | established relationship
words. 1.5k+ tags/warnings. angst, fluff (towards the end), smut, accusations of cheating, hj is lowkey toxic (but we love it hehe), cunnilingus, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, some mentions of crying, not proofread
this has been in my drafts for years and i finally finished it bc i was tired of seeing it LMAO. btw the position i’m referring to is this (nsfw link), i usually hate vids but this was rlly good imo.
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“i think we should take a break...” you admit, voice growing shakier as you spoke. this was never something you wish to say in a million years, you wanted this relationship to work more than anything. but you were at your wits end with everything, talking to hyunjin was like conversing with the wall, never truly grasping any of your concerns.
you noticed the cracks beginning to seep in the midst of six months of being with him. he would often be dishonest of his whereabouts, saying he was out late due to “work” but was actually out drinking at some bar with chan or something. it made no sense for him to lie about such trivial things but he does it without even thinking. this was supposed to be a lovely vacation in paris together but lately you’ve grown tired of feeling like you’re unappreciated. a break from each other might be the best solution in getting his act together once and for all.
hyunjin felt his whole body turn limp as you uttered those words. not only was he blindsided by your decision, but you never indicated before to him that you were ready to propose such a drastic idea. “but why though? don’t you think this is a bit random? i mean this came out of nowhere ___, i thought everything was good between us, why are you suddenly saying this now?” his thick, bushy brows furrowed in confusion, he wasn’t letting you off this easy and you know it.
“i just think it’s for the better right now hyune, we’re both so busy. we have a lot on our plate, especially you… and this relationship is just— it’s only putting more strain on everythi-”
“are you serious ___? do you hear yourself? i knew what i was getting myself into the day i asked you to be my girlfriend. i’m well aware that i can’t be with you 24/7, and neither can you—however, i don’t expect that anyway. all i ever wanted was to have you by my side, i want to work through the hardships with you but if you’re so willing to give up like this then… i don’t know. i don’t even know what to say to this honestly..” hyunjin couldn’t help but cut you off, once his emotions take over, all sense of logic and reasoning is thrown out the window.
he was never one to question his worth in the eyes of his partner, but you were his longest relationship, he saw you as his first and only true love. it never occurred to him that he could lose you, the possibility of this break lasting long enough to make your love fade away was a scary revelation. there had to be a way he could fix this, he couldn’t bear to be without you.
“are you seeing someone else? maybe that’s why you’ve been so distant towards me lately…” he wanted to scream for saying that out loud but at least he got it off his chest. he knows how petty it sounds but he didn’t care, he wanted you to give him answers.
“no! i’m not seeing other people, i don’t have an interest in anyone but you hyunjin. i want to do this for the sake of us, we’re clearly not where we need to be and this break could help with getting us back on track and spending time apart could be beneficial.” you try your best to articulate your words properly but he remained unconvinced, he wasn’t on board with any bit of this.
how could you even be okay with something like this? spending time away from you drove him absolutely insane, he couldn’t fathom taking a break—not from someone as important as you in his life. he just needed to remind you that the love was still there, though it may be but a dull flame, he could ignite the spark again, with the little bit of hope he had left.
the foundation of your relationship was built from shared interests, since you both are part of professions that rely heavily on looks, you refused to see each other based solely off those superficial aspects. instead you got to know each other’s minds, your core values and beliefs, what mattered to you the most. you cherished every one of those deep conversations you shared together, it was a beautiful experience, an indescribable memory that shaped your bond forever.
so why is it now that you feel this way? was he really that oblivious to everything? he should’ve done more to prevent this but now he fears it’s too late. he’s faced with the conundrum of losing you and there wasn’t much time for him to stall or ask for a chance of redemption, he couldn’t waste another second.
“fuck that,” hyunjin angrily spat, his face contorting into a look of pure disgust. “you’re not going anywhere.” he reaches out to grab your waist before you could walk away, aggressively pulling you into his chest.
no matter how much you attempt to escape his hold, he’s not letting you go in the slightest. he’s much stronger than you, could easily lift you up without breaking a sweat. there was no use in fighting, you had no choice but to give in and let this conversation go. once his lips crashed into yours, everything faded to black. as if a simple kiss was the cure-all of mending this decrepit relationship.
hyunjin’s forehead pressed against yours as he pulled away, “shhh, lye down baby,” he hushes your quiet mewls, instructing you to do as he says. “gonna make you feel so good,” his hands slid under your skirt, gently rubbing over your clothed slit “you’ll forget everything.”
* :.・゚゚・ ✿
“oh my- fuckk, hyunjin!” you cry out, almost on the verge of tears just from how skilled he is, rutting your hips upwards into his mouth as he devours you whole.
the pace of his tongue is relentless, roughly lapping up all your juices like he’s the most starved man alive. you’ve lost count at the amount of times he’s already made you come undone just from his mouth alone. your body’s buzzing with titillation, all you can do is scream and clench your pussy around nothing while he fiercely sucks on your clit.
you couldn’t stop twitching, feeling yet another orgasm approaching. your legs anchored over his shoulders, unable to think or speak coherent sentences as his face was fully buried into your dewy cunt. he relaxes his jaw a bit more, going all the way from the bottom inching further up as he comes back in contact with your puffy clit. at any given moment it feels as if your heart’s about to stop.
“hyunjin-” your heads thrown back into the pillow, digging your nails into his shoulder blades from how overly sensitive you are. “n-need to cum.. can feel it. m’so close.” it surprises you when you’re able to even express such words.
a low grunt can be heard underneath, hyunjin loves hearing you— it’s arguably the best part about going down on you. the hand that wasn’t occupied went straight to gripping a fistful of his ebony hair, continuously moaning his name so loud that you genuinely feel bad for whomever the unlucky people that got to hear this.
just when you thought it couldn’t get anymore intense, he slips 2 of his slender fingers inside, making you gasp from the overwhelming sensation. flashes of white invade your vision, violently shaking as your lips form an “o” in the throes of ecstasy. hyunjin knows your body so well that this is nothing for him, he’s got it all down to a simple science. no one knows your body like he does, and especially no one can make you cum as hard as he can.
“go ahead, make a mess for me baby,” he strongly encourages, picking up his pace as his digits fuck into you faster. “just gonna clean it up with my tongue all over again.”
your eyes roll back to the depths of oblivion, feeling an out of body experience when reaching your climax. a slew of curses leave your shaky breath, limbs trembling and faint tears stain your flushed cheeks. hyunjin slows his movements, rubbing his thumb over your clit gently to make you even more sensitive. you love the way he calls you “good girl” and how proud the look on his face becomes while you ride out your orgasm on his fingers. he doesn’t stop showering you with compliments, only ramping up his affection as he plants fleeting kisses to your thighs, hips, and tummy.
once he’s finally come back up for air you grab his face to pull him into your lips again. moaning in his mouth while getting a taste of yourself was probably the hottest thing hyunjin’s ever witnessed.
“can’t believe you’re all mine.” hyunjin whispers against you, gently massaging your aching thighs. “i love you so much baby.”
“love you too hyune.” you instantly say back, feeling more at ease now that things are somewhat back to normal.
maybe a break isn’t necessary after all, how else would you be able to have such earth shattering orgasms?
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- 完 ♡︎
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bryngmemoney · 5 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw: none
Writing in between messages!!
🪡Chapter Seven: Snacks
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Megumi turns around to see you heading in his direction. You give a wave causing him to smile and wave back. “Hey, it’s so nice to finally properly meet you!” you greeted. “Same here.”
You two continued walking until finally entering the building. “So, Gojo’s your teacher right?” he questioned. “Yeah, people think he’s annoying cause of his attitude, but personally I think it’s way better than if we had some old man yelling at us or someone who just sat there.” Megumi hummed in response. “Yeah, i get it, but after you’ve known him for so long he gets on your nerves a lot.” You smiled at him, “You know him personally?” He shrugged, “Family friend.”
You two continued your way into the small lobby entrance built into the building. Building 7 was the studio building, so there were other art majors around. Utahime’s studio was right below Gojo’s. Apparently they originally had them next to each other but Utahime begged to get swapped down a whole floor due to Gojo’s antics. Now they remodeled the room next to it to be a film studio where some of Suguru Geto’s classes take place. You know that due to running into Yuta and Sukuna on occasions.
“Can I carry that for you?” Megumi asked. Currently the elevator for the building was under repair, so you guys had made your way to the stairs. In your hand was a small tub, not really a bother to carry, it had small supplies like needles, bobbins, measuring tape, and probably other detail things you had thrown in there the night before. “Oh it’s fine, it’s not that much.” “You’ve got your bag already, i’d feel bad if I didn’t help out a little.” Granted the bag was mostly for personal things, sketchbook and a few fabric samples you had been thinking of showing to your teacher for an opinion, but deciding to give into his request you gave Megumi the okay. “Thanks I really appreciate it.” “No problem at all.”
Once you guys had walked into the room, you went to set your stuff down at a table, still a few minutes early, people were be beginning to file in. Gojo wasn’t too strict on time anyway, so some took and extra 5 to arrive. Nobara was already there, at the closest table to you, chatting with a girl you recognized as Akari, one of her models. You started to organize your things, seeing that your other friend was currently engrossed in her conversation. “Alright i’m just gonna take some measurements today, you’ll be free to go in less than an hour, shouldn’t take to long-” “Megumi!” You both turned around to see Gojo make his way towards him, throwing an arm around his shoulders. “It’s been so long kid! What’s up with that?” You suppressed a laugh at how his expression dropped, and he shrugged off Gojo’s arm. “I’m here for a fitting, please let y/n work.” In reply Gojo just laughed “Okayyy, i’ll leave you to it then!”
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“Thanks so much again Megumi, I’m glad I got see you, i’ll let you know when I need you to stop by again.” “Yeah, sure.” He thought about it for a second, and has been thinking about it since you first agreed to meet up. He had wanted to ask if maybe after your class was done you’d like to go out for lunch or something with him. Debating in his head he was about to work up the courage until your name was called. “Y/N??” Turning away from Megumi you saw Yuki standing there near the entrance of the room, though not calling too much attention to herself as everyone was moving around. “Oh, hey Yuki!” With that the blonde girl turned in your direction, holding up a plastic bag with the logo of a local gas station plastered on it. “Heyyyy! So nice to meet you! I don’t know if you’re allowed snacks in here, but I made a quick stop and got you something too. You could save it for later,” She placed her bag on the table, careful not to put it over any of your things. “I got a bunch so I’m sure there’s something you’d like in there.” With that Megumi decided it was probably his cue to head out, seeing as this was probably one of your other models that had arrived for their measuring. “I’m gonna go now, bye y/n, it was nice seeing you.” “Oh, bye Megumi, i’ll see you around!” “See you around.”
Author’s Note: chapter seven!! Yuki was fun to have enter the story, hope you guys enjoyed!!
Taglist below cut, feel free to comment or dm me to be added!!
@iridescentrays @gumimegz @maya-maya-56 @mamafly @lunavixia @swissy23 @coltsgf @m00nglad3-mp3 @etsukis @xosren @qtnfer @oengleli @harek89 @y-sabell-a @morgyyyyyyy @getolvr @liliumaraneae @k3lbade @aiieera @dancedancey @get0sfav @chuyasthighs0 @hyssoplampflickers
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armythings-love · 5 months
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I’m gonna cry… I had an entire analysis for this typed out but my wifi is shit so it refused to post😭😭 anyways, this is based off of the @ladybugout-au permanent superhero team. I decided against doing Luka’s Cadmeancio suit because I 1. Didn’t want to draw him in orange and 2. I was already pushing it with making a purple/red Neurofoxin. Only reason I made her purple is because natural coloring obviously doesn’t mean shit to the character designers if Juleka gets to be a purple red tiger. Anyways, here’s my take on their suits!
Hecattack: I wanted to diverge from the furry/bdsm influences Chat’s suit got, so I gave him looser fit pants, a hood and combat boots. His suit was lowkey inspired by Red Hood’s design because, dammit, DC may be super dark, but they know how to design characters well (something MLB could stand to learn from ಠ_ಠ) anyways, along with the hood and paneled top+cargo pants+combat boots, I gave him cat-shaped knee pads, similar to Ivan’s turtle shell knee pads. You will also notice a trend with a lot of my hero suit designs, which is fingerless gloves. Yes, this’ll take away from the cat claw thing Chat had going on, but I’m ok with that. To go with his punk/rock band aesthetic, he got combat boots with the signature cat paw steel toes. His tail is pretty much the same along with the ears. His mask is also different, covering the bottom half of his face. This also takes away from the cat sclera thing the original Chat had, but Luka isn’t a furry so… also, the mask covering his mouth alludes to his calm nature and quiet personality, not feeling the need to play around, especially during a battle,which was where the original Chat erred most often. Luka also has very expressive eyes, so I wanted to push that, like, even if he doesn’t talk much, he’s still a good communicator. Plus, when cats are hunting, they’re quiet! Which the original Chat cannot relate to!
Ladybug: ok, so her suit is still pretty basic, since I wanted to stick with he AU’s canon description of her suit. The main bodice/legs are similar to the season 4 suit after she calls on the lucky charm, but the sleeves are slightly different. I also got rid of the “reverse” polka dots cuz they just look ugly imo. Her gloves are also fingerless, since I feel like that would 1. Lend better to doing yo-yo tricks and 2. They just look better (u_u) anyways, her hair is still the same, as well as her mask. It’s pretty basic but eh…
Neurofoxin: her design is also super simple, but I also wanted to veer away from the gaudy orange normally associated with the fox miraculous. If she can make her tiger suit purple and red, I can make her fox costume reddish purple!! She’s goth, she’s not gonna walk around in *o r a n g e*. And I stand by that. Anyways, like I said her suit is relatively simple, the panels of the suit modeled after Volpina’s actually, because despite how I hate Lila and her stupid sausage link hair, her volpina suit was pretty cute. Instead of giving her a jacket w/coattails or a belt/sash to be her tail, I decided to make it her hair, cuz even in civilian form it’s pretty long. I also decided that instead of a dark grey/black to purple, I’d make the tips the same cream as her “underbelly” panel, as I wanted to incorporate the cream in more than just that singular spot. I also pulled her bang back because even if she’s goth, she still needs to be able to see properly as a superhero. Plus, I like Juleka’s eyes, and I feel like Trixx would like her to show off more. Anyways, besides the morph suit and her hair being a bit longer than normal+a different color, she has a cropped leather jacket,same color as her suit. There’s also paneling on the side/back of her thighs/back that’s a darker red/purple color. Again, to go with her rockstar/alt aesthetic, I gave her combat boots as well, though hers are knee high, plus I forgot to draw the laces, but eh. Fun fact: I headcanon the Couffaine twins as being super tall for their age, but Juleka is taller than her twin for now+her boots are heeled.
Fukiya: for Kagami’s suit, I pulled inspo from someone else’s LBO AU fanart, although I can’t remember who’s it was. Originally, I was gonna go for a suit similar to Kagami’s fencing gear, but decided to go w the suit she has now so it’d be more reminiscent of a bee. I gave her a sleeveless, cropped kimono, the bottom of which has a honeycomb pattern and an ombré going from dark yellow to black. Her obi has two layers, the bottom layer being a bright yellow and the outside layer being black. Her sleeves are similar to Queen Bee’s, but with an added black line. Her legs are completely black with the exception of her knee pads, which are a bright yellow and octogon shaped. I wanted her to look more bee-esque than Queen Bee or Vesperia (her character design is 🤢) so I gave her the yellow torso with black limbs, than made the kimono collar thick to look like a neck ruff or smth. I honestly struggled with her design a bit but it looks ok in the end so I’m happy with it :) also, Kagami is the shortest because I said so!
Heavy Matal: oh, Ivan, you absolute teddy bear of a guy. I adore the Iván of this AU, he’s so sweet, a gentle giant, so I wanted to focus on making him look slightly softer than the rest of the heroes, despite being the turtle holder. I gave him his signature cargoes, although they’re pants instead of shorts when he’s transformed, a sleeveless hoodie, and “turtle”-neck compression-esque undershirt, the sleeves long enough to be, you guessed it, fingerless gloves! The only reason Kagami is the only one with full gloves is because I wanted to giver a more serious/conservative look. Mari’s been ladybug so long she deserves to have cute, fingerless gloves! Anyways, back to Ivan! His hoodie is two toned, like a turtle’s shell, with the front being a light green. It’s patterned to look like a turtle shell underbelly, with a nice big pocket to hold whatever. He wears elbow- and knee-pads, which are shaped like little turtle shells. He wears regular Vans-style tennies, and his mask is similar to Carapace’s, except it cover the majority of the front of his face (think Kid Flash), and is colored/patterned similarly to a box turtle, with red accents along his cheekbones and his little tuft of hair is his usual blond with an ombré to that same red. (Ignore the ear I forgot to color in plz, I don’t feel like editing anymore T-T)
Ok, so that’s it for today’s character designs! I’m working on redesigning pretty much everyone’s civilian and hero costumes. I haven’t mentioned on this blog, but on pretty much every Gabe!Salt fic I’ve read, I will tell you, whoever the hell designed most of the characters in MLB, you deserve to be fired and then arrested. I’m so sorry, but there’s no way ur gonna convince me Fashion Designer™️ Marinette Dupain-Cheng walks out of her house every day, wearing ugly ass ballet flats+”denim” jeggings in that shade of pink. No way. And don’t even get me started on Gabriel’s candy-cane, red pants and duck hair headass, because omg… that man is supposed to be a world renowned Fashion Designer™️, one of the best in Paris. IN. PARIS!! No fucking way. No way. I get, you want ur characters to be simple and easily recognizable, but that doesn’t mean they have to be ugly!! And I get it, Adrien’s supposed to have a model-off-duty look, but wth are those shoes? Plus, why does he never change for his photo shoots? He’s a MODEL! I get it, you can’t even spend money to change the transformation animation to whatever the characters are actually wearing but wtf??? If you were gonna have any kid’s show where we get to see a lot of different clothes/outfits, this would be the show!! Two of the main characters are fashion designers, one of the minor antagonists is the daughter of a fashion magazine owner and your other main character is a model. IN PARIS!! A city known for its fashion and “romance”. And ur telling me you can’t add a few more outfits to the show??? That’s called lazy writing/animation.
Ugh, sorry abt that rant, but the character designs genuinely piss me off. It’s bullshit.
I digress.
I’ll be releasing the main 4 kids’ redesigns probably on the 15th!!
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shepscapades · 11 months
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I have two minds to answer this, because part of me is going 'WE GOT EM!!! WE GOT EM!!' While the other part of me is like 'oh god how do I tell them. Who’s going to tell them.' The easiest way I can explain: Tom, Ben, and Harry are not in a minecraft series together, and the lore that I have for them is not based in any actual series. HOWEVER. DON’T LET THE TRAGIC TRUTH MAKE YOU CLICK AWAY /silly so I can explain properly LMAO
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Here’s a TLDR for anyone who likes these guys and is a lil interested in them!!
Most of the lore for these three is based on an amalgamation of inside jokes, non-minecraft character trends, and general yogs minecraft world lore!
Tom was an editor (now has a YouTube channel, AngoryTom) and did behind-the-scenes minecraft prep for the Yogscast for so long that he was never really interested in any actual "main channel" series besides [Dig Site - 10 episodes] with Simon, Lewis, and Ben, and [Skyblock - 2 episodes] with Ben! Although he’s also played several npcs throughout various main channel series since he was helping run the show lol. My take on his character is that he’s a former yoglabs employee due to [YOGLABS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION] and now lives his laziest life ever in an undisclosed remote location. He’s also the demigod of death but he’ll never tell
Ben started doing main series mc content a few years ago, but hasn’t done anything mc with Tom and Harry until recently (see below)! His character is a Shark Hybrid due to [YOGLABS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION] who now lives with Tom at the same undisclosed remote location.
Harry has been an insane speedrunning minecraft legend for ages, but was never in any main series content bc he’s actually a graphic designer for the yogs. But he was part of Iskall’s twitch vault hunter event back in November, and he’s now in the [Vault Hunter Series - Ongoing] with Ben and Duncan on YouTube! <3 so there’s plenty of mc content of Harry and Ben, but not so much Tom. c!Harry has lived remote for as long as he can remember, locked in Hardcore, until…?
But again, I base their backstories on a bunch of kinda loosely connected lore dots that are half based on jokes <3
Below the read more includes: links to clips, compilations, and very brief lore explanations (though you can check my other lore drawings in Tom’s tag (#Angory Tom), Ben’s tag (#bedgar), Harry’s tag (#brryhrry) or posts that have any of them, which should be under the (#the outcast trio) tag)!
I’ve been in love with Ben and Tom as a duo forever, since the TTT (modded Trouble in Terrorist Town) days, where Ben’s player model was Left Shark, and Tom’s model was Emperor Palpatine (yes from Star Wars. I can’t stand them). But Ben and Tom have been yogs editors and Behind The Scenes guys forever, so it wasn’t until more recently that they became known personalities in the main yogscast circle (4-5 years is pretty recent in the 10+ years of yogs content timeline LMAO).
Through Warhammer streams and behind the scenes stuff, I kinda fell in love with their chemistry and idiocy, and they worked so well with the “main cast” that I just had to put them in the yogs minecraft universe, somewhere. Turns out, Tom had actually done a majority of the "behind the scenes" work for the Yoglabs series (he built a majority of the main building, did mod research and testing, was present during recordings to make sure things went well, stuff like that) so it only made sense to have his character be the Right Hand Man/ Behind The Scenes Assistant to Xephos (Lewis), the Morally Questionable Head of Yoglabs.
For anyone who’s unfamiliar with Yoglabs, it’s one of the yogs’ more famous series featuring Simon (Honeydew) and Lewis (Xephos) where they tested mods! more info can be found here!
c!Tom also ended up as a Lumian (the fanon alien space species for the yogs fandom, vaguely inspired by Star Trek Vulcans) because of a one-off joke where one of the Yogs artists drew him as a star trek commander, and I really didn’t need any further reason to make him a weird little guy LDKFJG
As far as the “demigod of death” thing goes, it felt right to give him a lore thing that vaguely coordinated with the whole “Emporer Palpatine” vibe, since that’s kinda the mc skin he’s used most recently. There’s another reason there that I don’t think I’ve properly explained, so I’ll leave the rest of that be for now ;]
Ben, on the other hand, plays a shark character in pretty much every video game he ever participates in, so shark hybrid was a pretty obvious way to go. And of course, since the duo had to be in the same place… involving Ben’s shark Hybrid-ness with yoglabs experimentation made good sense and good angst. What can I say :]
Here are the bigger lore posts I’ve made so far (in the order i posted them i believe!), explaining in a little more detail plus art to go with! :] [x] [x] [x]
Harry is kinda known as the yogscast’s token memelord? But in the ironic way. He somehow makes it genuinely hilarious idk man. His humor is very dry, witty, and sarcastic, but he’s a sweetheart and kind of a god at minecraft. I’ve been arguing since day one that this man should be in mcc but we won’t go there
There aren't many solo harry compilations, so here's a link to a Harry and Ben compilation hehe
Regarding his minecraft lore, pretty much all of it is based around the idea that he’s a god at speedrunning and hardcore Minecraft. A common consensus in yogscast minecraft lore is that respawning is actually a Yoglabs-based mechanic tied to clones and clone making. I thought it would be interesting if Harry could be tied to a hardcore element in the yogs lore purely by having Somehow slid under yoglabs’ radar. And since he was never in any main channel (aka modded) series, i usually associate him with Vanilla mechanics, and since i also view mods as a Yoglabs-related lore element, it made sense! So basically— no clones, no respawns, no mods!
except that he’s in a main channel series now. So I’ll need to find a new lore reason around that DTBJDFGHK
And his design, well… this man’s skin is straight up Mr Mime, and there’s only so much I can do with that /silly But he’s a HUGE Pokémon fan! He’s played a couple of Disaster Nuzlockes with Lydia from the yogs a year or so ago, if that’s something you’re interested in! Was a huge comfort series for me for the longest time and rly good background noise, theyre soooo good at Pokémon I promise <3
Harry does more twitch stuff (hrry on twitch) than youtube stuff, so twitch is the best place to check him out if you're interested in his solo content!
Last thing I'll say about him is that he designed and ran an original minecraft minigame called "Capture the Wool" and he and Martyn are the hosts for a few episodes i think! i dont think there's any way to explain how entertaining it is to listen to him announce the chaos of yogs members trying to play competitive minecraft LOL
Um, so. TLDR…2, These guys are basically my ocs and now I get Actual minecraft content from them which is crazy. I love them as content creators and cool guys so so much though, so! Definitely recommend listening to these idiots (affectionate) babble and ramble to each other, mc or not <3
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vhstown · 9 months
pavitr prabhakar ★ general headcanons
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content/warnings: implied/mentions of death (his parents+uncle), mentions of bullying, gayatri x pavitr, written by a coconut who is not indian PLS CORRECT ME!!
a/n: the sunny boy himself... (ugly crying) I LOVE HIM. loosely based off of the scraps of canon that i could find. maybe a little projection... (i am desi) atsv version pavitr! written at midnight and not very edited 💀
For some background, Pavitr was born in Southern India (likely Tamil Nadu or Kerala) so one of his first languages was Tamil! A village / small town boy at heart.
After his parents passed at a young age he moved to Mumbattan with his Aunt Maya and Uncle Bihm (of course) and it is very very different!!!
Obviously Pavitr has to learn Hindi and Marathi properly in order to fit in AND English my boy has to be multi-lingual from the start...
Even from early on Pavitr was bullied because he didn't fit in with the city kids. Gets called pagal Prabhakar (crazy Prabhakar — a bit like puny Parker?) and a slew of other names because of his accent, how he mixes up the languages, and the fact that he lives with his aunt and uncle rather than his parents.
Eventually by the time he's in his early teens he "assimilates" in terms of the language and culture but he's a scrawny kid so he still gets bullied... kids are ruthless bro don't you got the JEE to study for 💀
God forbid if anyone found out about his emo phase at that time... Pavitr's just getting onto social media and when he sees the emo subculture he just takes it and runs. (He stops out of embarassment when his Aunt Maya finds out why he's stealing her kajal... There are photos out there somewhere.)
Also meets Gayatri during his lil emo phase. Definitely a chill popular girl and definitely sticks up for him (it's giving Indian Forest Gump... does anyone know about that adaptation 😭)
He's a bit hesitant about Gayatri at first since the popular kids kind of dogpile on him all the time but eventually they become a little duo and he crushes HARD
Enter hopeless romantic Pavitr he is the embodiment of the song "Love Spell" by Param Pannu (Spotify link it's a BOP)
Plus you know he's in love when he admits he had an emo phase to you... in the middle of his emo phase. (Gayatri has all those pictures saved by the way.)
Then comes Mumbattan Visions Academy!! (according to the wiki that's where he goes.)
Of course we know that Pavitr is quite naturally smart so the entrance exam is no problem (RAFFLE BOY like Miles 😊😊😊)
But he is so super concerned about getting in with Gayatri so a few weeks before the exams they're studying together (doing anything but study)
My girl Gayatri is trying to help him out and he has no idea what she's saying and she's so smart and literally knows twice the amount of info you need to know so my boy Pavitr is sweating BULLETS the day before (exam is so easy he thinks he's sitting the wrong one LMAO)
Pavitr does NOT want to stay at the dorms he'll defo miss his auntie and uncle too much (and his auntie's cooking) but he begrudgingly goes anyway...
Enter NADEESH (his universe's Ned counterpart I totally just made up...)
They're roomies and Nadeesh is from Bengal and they actually bond quite easily considering they're not from Mumbattan he's a STEM boy and has a love/hate relationship with it (super smart though maybe just not at school... gadget stuff 😱)
Pavitr doesn't know a LICK of Bangla but Nadeesh teaches him some perhaps to rizz up Gayatri... (they're all vulgar or swear words or words Pavitr picked up from hearing Nadeesh's mum speak on the phone 💀)
SPEAKING OF GAYATRI yeah she's slaying school and also has a lil modelling thing going on too. STEM girlie and fashion girlie and knows multiple languages (her father knows a couple considering he's an officer)
Pavitr is a hopeless romantic but he's just hopeless when he asks her out in Bangla trying to be cool and doesn't realise he called her a whore... (he's so going to kill Nadeesh.)
She finds it HILARIOUS though and they start dating and everyone lived happily ever after and NO ANCIENT YOGI TIME MY BOY IS SPIDER-MAN NOW 🤯🤯🤯🤯
I think Pavitr's initial approach to being Spider-Man is very... impractical. Given he's just gotten his powers and gotten his naturally buff abilities and always amazing hair (yes that is part of his powers) (yes he asked the yogi for it), he's very spontaneous and disorganised. He probably has the stupidest most impractical suit and sweats like HELL in it (kind of like the one in the comics?) My boy's grades kind of take a hit and so does his little freshman year relationship with Gayatri.
My guy Nadeesh is chill though he knows instantly like Pavitr isn't subtle about it... (they're both night owls and Nadeesh is like cramming asf and Pavitr swings in without thinking and he's just like... "okay dude I have a physics exam tomorrow idgaf 😭 wait but that so cool though can I help—")
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a— Okay his Uncle Bihm dies. You know how it goes.
Gayatri breaks up with him (it's exam season and she wants to "take a break".) His uncle is dead. He's flunking school (for real this time) Emo phase 2? Maybe not...
Pavitr ends up spending a lot more time with Maya and while he's a little irrationally spiteful he learns the importance of taking care of the little family he has left. Pavitr doesn't have the privilege of that multi-generational village household he had back when he was young, or parents like the rest of his classmates. It's just him and his aunt in that little apartment, a speck in the whole of Mumbattan, the place he has to protect and call home now.
Okay that got sad real fast but HE CHERISHES HIS AUNT hence why he always makes time to have chai with her, no matter how busy he is or how emo he's feeling.
His uncle Bihm had a couple traditional pieces of clothing and Maya makes him try them on. He feels a bit silly especially since he's gotten used to pushing away his culture and mainly speaking English at his new school but then his aunt starts tearing up and he starts tearing up and "you look just like your chacha" and UGH
After a while Pavitr gets himself together and decides to design himself a new suit. He takes inspiration from a couple of his uncle's fancier pieces and also Gayatri's first advert feature (my girl is going places!!!) so his outfit has a lot of meaning to him.
We gotta go BACK for the yo-yo though y'all. I'm so certain that Gayatri had a yo-yo when they were younger and he learnt it just to impress her... SO HE HAS A YO-YO AS PART OF HIS GEAR 😱😱😱
Of course these little signs add up and Gayatri is like half-sure he's Spider-Man (but not entirely cause when she's saved in the film she's a bit taken aback when he hugs her... my girl is smart but you always got a lil uncertainty!!! Maybe she figures it out after that though...)
Obviously he flunked those exams considering he was NOT studying while he was grieving and when Gayatri checks up on him he's of course not doing the greatest despite his little comeback. However...
"I can help you review if you want?" she asks him. Pavitr's smile comes back that day.
But my boy STILL CANNOT CATCH A BREAK because Gayatri's father gets promoted to Police Captain and is suddenly very protective of his daughter
There's a lot of awkward moments where Pavitr has to play off his association with Gayatri (puts the hopeless in hopeless romantic yet again.) No, she never told him they were dating before (and those pictures are in a SAFE trust) though they're not exactly dating now.
Gayatri is pretty indifferent about it all, to be fair. She doesn't exactly care if her father finds out (and hopefully she can tell him soon) but she also doesn't want her dad to be disappointed in her considering she looks up to him a lot.
A BIT OF GAYATRI HEADCANON but I feel like she's very academically gifted but doesn't exactly want to go into STEM? Fashion is her thing and she eventually might want to go into acting (like this girl in her classes called Meera Jain... OUUU rivalry but not really they're besties I fear)
Gayatri definitely gossips and gushes to Meera Jain about Pavitr like how he gossips and gushes to Nadeesh. They both give the other contrasting advice (they're still not together... SITUATIONSHIP 💀💀💀)
It's not as bad as when Pavitr called Gayatri a whore by accident but getting together again is definitely awkward when they go to get lassi at that very overpriced store that opened up that Pavitr most definitely cannot afford (smiles and fights to pay while a part of him dies inside)
Though their relationship is stronger this time! Pavitr does still have his secret as Spider-Man, but things are looking up! Especially when he finds out that he's not the only Spider-Man (ENTER ATSV CANON STORYLINE 😱😱😱)
Endless high school antics I love this dude and his lil friends
That's it for now I think THANK YOU FOR READING!! I so wish there was more content on him but I had to take matters into my own hands...
y'all better stop sleeping on pavitr now... HES SO AHHHH I LOVE HIM YOU DONF UNDERSTAND HES THE DUDE EVER
don't talk about my other wips. or why im uploading this at midnight.
ALSO if you are desi (particularly indian) please correct me OR FEEL FREE TO ADD ON i am so whitewashed and my boy needs to be done justice
reblogs so super appreciated! if you wanna read the rest of my atsv stuff click here :p
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drjohndisco · 2 months
Evermore (Chapter 04)
( Masterlist || Ao3 Link )
Content Warnings: discussions of of grief/death, mentions of puppets, mentions of (assumed) dead parents, mentions of pregnancy.
Author's Note: These bitches gay! Good for them!
Beetle was curled up on top of the attic bed when Ruby found them. 
After the funeral they’d gotten Emma to give them a lift back to her  parent's place (it’s where they’d chosen to hold the wake), and hadn’t moved since going upstairs and lying down.
(Everything had gone to custard. The thing with Ruby, and now their dad was dead? Life truly didn’t have it in them to give her a break, it seemed.)
Then, there was a quiet knock on the door.
‘Hey.’ Ruby said, quietly. ‘May I come in?’
‘Sure.’ Beetle mumbled, not rolling over. 
Ruby wandered over and sat herself down in the space next to Beetle.
‘Don’t worry, I’m not here to say anything to you. I don’t think words are the right thing, and I’m sure you’ve heard everything everyone could possibly tell you a bajillion times over.’ Ruby said.
‘Yeah. You got that right,’ Beetle replied. ‘But, I don’t think bajillion is a real number, Red.’
‘Well, maybe it should be!’ Ruby laughed. 
Beetle sat up then, now properly looking at her.
(She was so cute when she smiled.)
‘Ruby, what are you really here for?’ Beetle asked, after a beat. ‘What have you got to tell me?’
‘I--’ Ruby mumbled. ‘I think if you'd been there. I would have kissed you instead.’ 
‘Oh? That's all you have to say? Just, oh?’ 
‘Well, it's a lot…’ Beetle sighed. ‘I mean, don't get me wrong, it's really good to know that you do - in fact - like me back---’
‘Wait….back? What do you mean, back?’ Ruby said, interrupting Beetle.
‘Rain said that the kiss brought my feelings to the forefront. Perhaps, they'd always been there? Belle, isn't going to be a problem…my feelings for you were what was confusing me.' Beetle explained.
‘Okay, well, then we can take it slow?’ Ruby asked, after a beat.
‘Yes. I’d like that.’ Beetle confirmed, taking her hands.
(Gold's Antiques Shop)
Rain was leaning against the shop walls when Belle and Rumple got there. 
(Sure, they could have picked the lock like August had taught them to, but they really couldn’t be bothered.)
‘What are you…?’ Belle asked, when she noticed them. ‘Why are you outside the shop?’
‘I’m here to arrange for Geppetto’s parents to be picked up by August. They’ve been gathering dust for a while, it’s the least I could do.’ Rain replied. ‘Would you please, let me in?’
The door to the shop then clicked open, and Belle and Rain followed behind Rumple. Abruptly they stopped, shocked, staring at the interior of the building. 
It had been completely totalled.
‘What happened here?’ Belle questioned.
‘Hook. This is why he attacked you.’ Rumple stated, stepping through the debris to make his way towards the counter. Behind him Rain walked to the stand that had the dolls on it, and picked them both up.
‘Creepy little things, aren’t you?’ Rain muttered, then paused. ‘Uh, I’m sorry, if you can hear me -- as you’re sort of my in-laws….I suppose? But, we don’t want to get into that now.’
Rain then shoved them both quickly into their bag, and turned back to look at Belle and Rumple; only to see that they were now by the opened safe and smashed counter.
Suddenly, Rumple brought his cane down on the counter - throwing away a small model ship. The glass shattered, and fell to the floor with a loud crash. Besides Rumple, Belle flinched.
‘Rain,’ Belle asked, moving closer towards them. ‘Could you please walk me back to Emma’s?’
‘Of course I can.’ Rain replied.
‘Wait, Belle!’ Rumple called out, reaching down and pulling out a gun (of all things) from the drawer under the cabinet. ‘Before you go, could you please take this?’
Seeing this, Rain grabbed the gun from him before Belle could touch it, and checked to see if the safety was off.
‘Really?’ Rain said, handing Belle the bag with the dolls in it, so they could clip the gun onto their belt. ‘She doesn’t even know what a gun is!’
‘But-’ Rumple protested. 
‘No!’ Rain stated fiercely. ‘I’m taking Belle and leaving before I cave and decide that I should shoot you with this.’
So, they took Belle’s hand and led her away from him. As the door closed behind them Rumple placed his head in his hands.
‘Bloody fairies.’ He groaned.
(Emma's House - Again)
Confident that Belle would be okay on her own upstairs, Rain plonked the dolls down on Emma’s counter (next to the salad and Archie’s memorial photo).
Emma’s house guests had gone now (after leaving various condolence cards for August and Beetle), so now it was just August, Beetle, Belle, Ruby, and Rain left. 
‘What the hell are those things?’ Emma asked.
‘Archie’s parents.’ Rain replied, deadpan. ‘I was going to give them to August, but then I thought that might be one thing too many to pile on him today.’
‘Understandable.’ Emma laughed, awkwardly. ‘He’s over there, against the couch if you want to see him.’
‘Thank you, Emma.’ Rain said, with a soft smile.
(Storybrooke Docks)
‘Oh, I am so sorry.’ Rain sighed, when they realised where exactly they’d stopped. ‘I did not think this through at all, I just wanted to get us someplace quiet.’
‘No, I think it’s quite funny really.’ August laughed. ‘It almost seems appropriate. You, bringing me to the sea, where I died, on a day like today. Like fate can’t let us go.’
‘Fuck fate!’ Rain moaned.
‘I very much agree.’ August commiserated. ‘Now, what did you want to talk to me about?’
(For a moment, Rain considered mentioning their recent positive pregnancy test, but thought better of it.)
‘Putting it simply,’ Rain replied, swinging their arms up and down. ‘I thought you needed a break.’ 
‘I certainly did, today has been a lot. Most of them being on the not-particularly-good side of things.’ August said, taking Rain’s hand in his. ‘I’m glad you’re here.’
‘Yeah, I’m just sorry it took so long.’
Elsewhere Belle was reflecting on her (rather odd) day, as she walked along the docks searching for Hook's ship. 
(So far she wasn’t having any luck.)
Behind her, in bug form, Beetle was following; ready to act as back up if Belle needed.
‘Where is it?’ She asked. 
Then her attention was caught by the sound of creaking rope. Pausing in her tracks she looked around once more, and saw some seagulls fly into view and land on something invisible.
Belle then stepped backwards and opened the sandbox to her left, taking a handful and throwing it in front of her. This action revealed a set of stairs, presumably leading onto the ship.
‘Found you.’ Belle gasped, tentatively stepping up and onto the boat. 
Reaching the end of the stairs Belle found herself in front of a wooden door, which she pushed open cautiously.
‘Hello?’ A muffled voice cried out.
‘Uh, hello?’ Belle asked. 
Beetle took this moment to circle around the room, antennae twitching. Then, they transformed back with a flash of red light and pointed to the middle of the deck.
‘How do you know?’ Belle questioned.
‘Like August said to me the other day, I can feel the vibrations.’ Beetle replied. ‘I think whomever is in here is under the floorboards.’
‘Down here!’ The voice called out again.
‘Dad?’ Beetle muttered, reaching down and opening the covering. 
Inside the space, tied up but very much alive, was Archie.
‘Oh, thank god!’ Archie celebrated.
‘Dad!’ Beetle gasped, suddenly overcome by a wave of relief. ‘You’re okay?’
‘Yes, I am.’ Archie said. ‘It’s good to see you both. Now, can you, uh,’
So, Belle took a nearby sword and cut his ropes with it. He then stood up and got out of the confined space, moving immediately towards Beetle and embracing them in a hug.
‘I’ve missed you so much.’ Archie gasped.
‘Go, find Rain.’ Belle ordered. ‘Tell them I’m here on the ship.’
‘What? You’re not going to come with me?’
Footsteps then sounded overhead, causing them to jump.
‘Go, go, go, there’s no time to argue.’
‘Dad, come on!’ Beetle said, taking hold of Archie’s arm. ‘I saw them sitting at the docks, they’re not far.’
By the time Beetle had made their way back to Hook’s ship with Rain (Archie had opted to stay behind with August for a proper reunion), Rumple had gotten there before them. 
He was looking down at the prone body of a beaten and bloody Hook, while holding a small beige rag. Belle was standing over to his left; having not moved out of fear and the shock of seeing Rumple’s sudden violence.
‘Oh, and Beetle’s here too with their friend, how fun. Come to watch me suffer, have you?’ Hook cried out weakly, shifting his gaze to them. ‘You know, I saw your mother the other day.. I wonder what she’d think about all of this?’
At this remark Beetle reached into their pants pocket and pulled out a handgun, firing two shots into the mast above Hook’s head.
‘Don’t ever mention her to me again!’ Beetle yelled. 
‘Was that really necessary?’ Rumple asked, voice steely as he turned to look at Beetle.
‘Yup.’ Beetle replied, grinning. ‘Now step away from this crime scene, or I’ll shoot you too.’
‘On what grounds?’
‘Well, there’s harassment and assault to start with..’ Rain stated, counting with their fingers before looking over to Belle. ‘Belle, do you have anything to add?’
Cautiously, Belle shook her head.
‘But what about him?’ Rumple questioned angrily. ‘Doesn’t he have to pay?’
‘Yeah, but we have to get him to a hospital first.’ Beetle replied. ‘Then we’ll think about it.’
Emma had chosen to take Rumple to the holding cells after talking to the others about what had occurred. But, since there was no way in hell Emma would have also taken Hook in her car with Rumple, that task was left up to Rain. Which, unfortunately, led to several long hours of waiting and piles of hospital paperwork. 
Now, however, they were seated in Granny’s diner alongside Archie, August and Ruby.
‘I am going to need so much therapy after this.’ Belle sighed, resting her head against Ruby’s shoulder.
‘Well, then it’s good my dad isn’t dead then, isn’t it?’ Beetle joked.
‘BEETLE!’ Rain groaned at the same time as Archie muttered ‘Really?’
‘Yeah.’ Beetle laughed. ‘You heard me, I went there.’
Rain just shook their head.
‘Good to see everyone happy again, isn’t it?’ August asked them quietly.
‘Yeah,’ Rain replied. ‘It is.’
(So why couldn't they shake the feeling that something was about to go wrong again?)
(The Outskirts Of Town)
‘Hey!’ A mechanic called out. ‘How can I help you?’
‘Just a cheap car check-up is fine.’ The man replied. ‘Now, tell me, where can I find Regina Mills?’
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hi! I was inspired by the game I saw @zablife create a few weeks ago (I can’t find the link for it, sorry!) where you send people a GIF for them to use as creative inspiration for either a blurb, headcannon, moodboard or one shot or fic whenever they choose!
This can sit in your inbox for months and months if you wish, the idea of this is just to be there for when you feel as though you need some inspiration for something creative and just want to have a bit of fun or get the brain into a creative place! Please don’t feel any pressure to use this I just thought it might be quite a nice thing to use when you’re in the mood to write but aren’t sure what!
I hope you enjoy this and have fun with it! X
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Aimee!!! Thank you so so much for sending in this beautiful gif!!!! Those eyes and that smirk, made me think of this little story 🥰♥️✨
Boys will be boys
Tommy Shelby x reader blurb
Master list
The day had been shit, Arthur wouldn’t stop getting snow and whores, John had been all over the place, and Polly and Ada did whatever the hell they pleased, taking the betting shop secretaries to a pub to prove they can have a drink as well.
But as he heard a familiar voice outside his office, and judging by the moody sound of it, his day was only starting.
Standing up from his chair, Tommy walked around his desk to pour himself a drink. The liquid burning his throat.
But nothing could compare to his wife’s mood.
“Don’t tell me to calm down Finn, if you repeat that word in my son’s presence I will wash your mouth with soap.” He heard Y/N say right before storming into his office. “I have enough with your brother swearing ten words and using one properly in a sentence.”
“I didn’t know he was hiding under the desk, sorry Y/N.” Finn looked at Tommy in an attempt to ask for forgiveness, Y/N had been like a mother to him, her sons were more like little brothers than cousins to him.
Moving his hand, he quietly asked his brother to leave. “It’s alright Finn.”
“Tommy, is not alright!”
“Care to elaborate for me, love?” He asked patiently.
Y/N didn’t usually stormed like that in his office in the middle of the day unless it was something important.
“Well, yes… you should be the one explaining to TJ’s teacher where did your son learn to say that he wants to blow snow from your cunt. Because he shouted it when his teacher asked him to do his school activity again.”
Tommy had to suppress a loud laugh as his wife took the glass of whiskey from his hand in a fluid motion, downing it in seconds, while he connected everything in his mind it must’ve been what Thomas Jr. heard uncle Finn say over the phone as he was hiding under his desk.
“Don’t laugh Thomas! Is not funny!” She was furiously serious.
Oh shit, she saw him.
Whenever she called him Thomas, he was in trouble.
For such a petite woman, she seemed to be taller when she got angry.
“Am I laughing?” He asked with his hands in front of him in an attempt of self defense.
Her little finger pointed at him. “I know that smirk.”
It was barely unnoticeable, but it was there, his eyes sparkled exposing him.
Trying to hide it from her -because she knew him too damn well-, Tommy walked around his desk, to take a seat.
“If you don’t control him, he’s going to do whatever he wants.”
“Are you still talking about TJ or Finn?”
“Both!” She exploded.
“Love… I’m sorry to break your heart, but you can’t expect TJ to be just like Charlie, TJ is a rebel by heart.”
“Why do you bring up Charlie? We’re talking about TJ.”
“‘Cause he’s your favorite.” Tommy shoot lighting the cigarette between his lips, blowing the smoke away.
She loved all her five boys equally.
“That’s non sense!”
“You punished James and TJ last week.”
“Because they told Frances she could find a husband if she wore one of my lipsticks!”
TJ and James were only eleven months apart, so they were practically like twins, Charlie on the other hand, being the oldest, he was always trying to please his father, he was constantly trying to be a role model for his brothers.
“And what about Benjamin?”
Y/N stole the remain of her husband’s cigarette, which gave him the opportunity to grab her by the waist to make her seat on his lap.
“When I asked him to finish his food he got up on the table and shouted he was a fucking Shelby, he didn’t need me to tell him to eat.”
“Well… he’s right.” Tommy admitted making a face. “Hey!” He complained when Y/N smacked him on the chest. “Boys will be boys.”
“I don’t know what bad habits Alec will learn from you and them.” He was only six months old, but she could already see him running behind his four older brothers, breaking the Christmas tree and a few dining room chairs as they chased after each other, just like TJ, James and Benjamin did two weeks ago.
But Tommy being Tommy, got a replacement right away, anything for his boys, his little gang.
“You still want to try for the girl then?” He joked, but Y/N’s head snapped to look at him, his hands already sneaking under her skirt.
“Don’t even joke about it, you only make boys and I already have five of them, six as you’re another child, my hands are full.”
Even though she said no, the pulse on her neck as he kissed her there, told him another thing.
Now there was no way he could hide the little smirk he had on his lips as his wife turned to look at him.
“Well… you see it’s funny, because after having tea with Pol this morning, she read the leaves in your cup, and she says you’re pregnant.”
Fun fact: my brothers broke the Christmas tree one year when they were kids, there you go, inspiration comes from reality 😂
Special thanks for the children sassy comments inspiration to @runnning-outof-time & @notyour-valentine ♥️✨
Tag list:
@lyarr24 @datewithgianni @runnning-outof-time @gretelshelby @cloudofdisney @lespendy @gypsy-girl-08 @onlydeadcells @esposadomd @cillmequick @stevie75 @strayrockette @the-forest-witchh @zablife @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @peakyscillian @forgottenpeakywriter @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @babaohhhriley @ange-thoughts @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @rangerelik @moral-terpitude
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 months
Hours in the Moonlight: Fairest Midnight - 2. Getting Late
Summary: Halloween was always special, because you could spend time with Vil without worrying about anyone asking questions about his cape or fangs, should they glint in the moonlight and give away his undead nature. But nights wear unsympathetically on, and for better or worse you were a person who lived their life in the light of day. 
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Fluff / Vampire AU/ romantic/ sfw
Trigger Warning: Vampire
Word Count: 1082
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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Vil was far too smug for my liking as I gradually got more tired while the night wore unsympathetically on, “All that chatter about us going out and you’re already tired.”
Despite his tone, there was a distinctly affectionate gleam in his eyes as I shot him a look, “Hey, you were sleeping all day. I was busy doing other stuff.”
His eyebrows arched in a still more amused fashion, “Such as?”
I straightened, rolling my shoulders as I glanced up at him, “Helping out Epel with moving some of the apple crates.”
Vil nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face, “Epel… He’s that boy that lives close to your apartment, right? Works at the Felmier Apple Store? Short, purple-haired, delicate face….”
I nodded, smiling slightly to myself at the description Vil gave of the young man. It wasn’t inaccurate, but… Well, Epel wouldn’t like it, to say the least. After all, he was determined to become manly as soon as possible.
I shivered, despite myself, as the wind kicked some of the fallen leaves into the air. It was Halloween though; it ought to be chilly…..
I barely got to complete a single shiver before a perfectly familiar cape fell over my shoulders, causing me to look up at the man next to me, who was frowning slightly as he adjusted the heavy fabric around my shoulders, “You should’ve worn a heavier coat.”
I grinned up at him as I grasped the edges of the cape and pulled it slightly tighter around my person, “And miss the chance to wear your fancy cape? You can’t expect me to deny myself such a pleasure, Vil.”
He snorted in response to my teasing, his eyes flicking up from his busied hands that were fastening the clasp to where my eyes were, “Perhaps not… But I can expect you to dress yourself properly.”
I rolled my eyes as he stepped back, at last finished with his work. I shifted slightly, striking a pose with my hands on my hips, “Well, how do I look?”
Vil tilted his head and crossed his arms as he scanned me, “Like someone wearing a cape that’s too big for them.”
Despite his harsh words, there was a smile on his face, half-amused and half-pleased looking as he gazed at me under the streetlights. But after a brief moment, he glanced away, looking over towards where a clock hung with a slight frown on his face, “It’s late, you should be getting home. I’m sure you have plans for tomorrow, after all.”
I nodded, sighing slightly with the motion, but agreeing with his unfortunately accurate assessment, “True that….”
I couldn’t deny that I didn’t want the evening to be over yet, but I also didn’t complain as Vil linked his arm with mine and began to walk me back down the street that would bring us back to my apartment.
“You don’t have to walk me back…..” My words were silenced by a glance from him.
“Didn't you promise me that you’d be more careful?” I shifted, letting my hand slip comfortably against his elbow, so it looked like I was being escorted back home by some poshly dressed male model.
“I did, but you’ll also need to get back before the sun comes out.” My eyes met his as I tilted my head, “You need to be careful too, you know.”
He looked away before I could see if he’d rolled his eyes and nodded, his tone one of grudging agreement, “Very well, I’ll walk you to the street your building is on, and then I’ll be on my way.”
On his way to wherever it was he called home and spent his daytime hours asleep. I had pictured him sleeping in a coffin like in those cheesy horror movies in the past, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to believe that was the case.
I also couldn’t deny I was curious, though, since Vil was ever secretive about anything to do with the vampire side of his life. 
All I knew was that the other vampires in the area either feared or respected him enough to respect his declaration that my apartment complex was officially on his turf.
Though that made it sound like vampires were gang….. But I supposed that could be true. I didn’t know much about them after all. Only that they really liked bothering me for some unknown reason that I really preferred not to ponder.
Vil’s steps slowed as we reached the street I lived on, and he turned to look at me, “I suppose this is farewell, Tater tot.” 
I glanced towards the building I would soon be entering, relieved to see it since I really was tired while also feeling a little sad. I’d enjoyed my evening out with Vil, and these little outings didn’t occur very often.
I started to tug the cape off, only for him to stop me with a gentle hand, “It’s fine, I can just get it tomorrow evening.”
His words, assuring me that he would visit tomorrow evening, brought a smile to my face, and I bobbed my head in a quick nod, “See you tomorrow then. Don’t let the bed-bugs, or coffin-bugs, bite.”
Vil snorted in amusement but stepped away. Raising his hand in farewell before turning to go. He strode down the street as if he were a famous model rather than an undead creature of the night. But that was just the way Vil was. Ever destroying others' expectations. Including mine.
I turned, toying with the edges of his cape as I took off to head back towards my own abode, only to bump into someone almost immediately.
I stumbled backwards, going wide-eyed as I looked at the other person who carefully caught me by the harm to keep me from falling, “I'm so sorry! Are you-” I trailed off as I looked at the young man, because nothing could have prepared me for what greeted me.
An incredibly handsome young man with pale purpley-blue eyes and hair that was almost pure white. He met my gaze with a stoic expression as he let go of my arm, “It’s alright; I should’ve been looking where I was going.”
With only those words, he gave me a polite head nod and continued on his way, leaving me standing there gaping like a fish on land. And here I thought I’d grown used to attractive men from spending time with Vil and Epel.
If you would like to read more:
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spinosacha · 4 months
I was thinking about Astarion and mirrors and how the vampire trait of not seeing ones own reflection is a really great metaphor of trauma come to think of it.
For Astarion being a vampire is intrinsincably linked with his traumatic past. Being turned was in itself violent and coersive and then the subsequent 200 years of slavery came.
A consequence of the assault, of becoming a vampire, is not being able to see ones reflection and we see Astarion deal with this when he is free.
We see that not being able to see himself is an uncomfortable and disorienting experience for him. Not only does it remind him “of yet another thing he lost” but it also alienates him from himself and his body. He doesn’t know what he looks like as a vampire, he can’t see the effect the assault had on him but just has to paint a picture by himself. That is until Tav (potentially) offers to be his mirror.
The thing that possibly bothers Astarion the most being hidden from him is the scars on his back. He knows something got carved in his back but he lacked agency in the situation to the extend that he didn’t even get to know what it depicted.
When Tav (potentially, again) offers to be Astarions mirror and describe/draw the scars, its a kind gesture that confuses him because he doesn’t trust people at this point. But even being vulnerable (afterall he is litterally turning his back on Tav, a prime position of being backstabbed) is worth the risk to him because he just wants to know what it says (and also later he is willing to make a deal with a devil for it as well, although that’s pretty standard Astarion).
Then we come to the drow interaction where Tav (hopefully) respects Astarions boundaries and that takes Astarion a back. Later he tells Tav that it made him realize that he was still thinking like he was Cazadors slave. He hadn’t even questioned the fact that he was ready to cross his boundaries if he were told to, before Tav put it into perspective by treating him like a normal person.
This is a scar from the abuse, just like the scars on his back, that he couldnt see without the help from another person. Astarion needed to form a connection to figure out how to heal from the abuse, he needed someone to draw out the scars and help him find out what they mean because he litteraly cant on his own and i think thats a very real portrayal of healing.
Ones perception gets really fucked after long term trauma. You don’t know whats normal behavior because it hasn’t been modeled properly to you and you learn to surpress your intuition. You stop listening to yourself because you have to surpress the parts of you that sees your circumstances as unfair because that’s how you deal with it when you can’t escape. This doesn’t just go away when you are free. You have to start recalibrating a bunch of learned beliefs, you still have the scars that need healing and you often need help just identifying them.
And the thing is this is also what we are doing when we relate to Astarions story. We try to see how our stories are similar, we use connection and comparison to find scars, to find a truth again. When we relate to Astarion we can see how the story treats him, how he is percieved by the narrative, and we only see gaps of how he percieves himself and that can give us a more objective perspective to our own situations.
This doesn’t replace having a real life Tav, to speak with real people but i think it’s still very powerful. Astarion has been impactful to a lot of people and i think he can inspire us to be as brave as him and open ourselves up to help. We got this.
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outofangband · 11 months
@nelyoslegalteam from our conversation! Unsurprisingly I got a bit distracted thinking about medical related world building which I’ll probably have to make a second post to explore in more detail 
I cannot understate how profoundly effecting the sense of unprecedentedness and lack of understanding around Míriel’s death impacts the situation
Valinor is a place without death. It is not that the elves do not know death or loss. The elves of Valinor come from a world where the dark rider and his servants steal away their kin in the night. They were hunted by monsters and shivered in the darkness. Their sisters, fathers, children and friends were taken away and transformed.
Valinor is supposed to be a safe haven from this past. Finwë brought his people here to be safe. To grow and rule and learn and flourish.
Míriel’s death is not unprecedented as death but for its location, circumstances, and aftermath.
Fëanor grows up with the loss of a parent treated as, at best, an academic or philosophical debate about mortality and survival and at worst, a source of cruel rumors with some blaming Míriel or him for her refusal to return.
Even when they mean no cruelty, their frank curiosity is damaging. They ask and they want to know…why would someone choose this? What circumstances or people could make someone choose this?
The medical aspects of this seem poorly understood by the general population of Valinor even if there are those more learned, in Lórien and similar. Míriel’s death and more importantly her choice is treated as a mystery, an anomaly, a marring.
And maybe it is in their eyes! We don’t have records of pregnancy related healthcare and psychological research in Valinor. Perhaps this was truly the first known instance of postpartum depression, exhaustion and similar phenomena.
Perhaps Míriel truly was the first person to choose Mandos instead of returning to life
We do get a sense however that these subjects, especially as they relate to death, might not be completely unspoken (certainly people are speaking about them) but they are taboo. They are the realm of speculation and stigma.
Given the fact that so much of the suffering of the elves is noted to include grief which can be fatal, and the fact that the mind-body-soul connection is so repeatedly stressed, I don’t think the issue is a complete lack of understanding or acknowledgment of mental health.
I think there is absolutely a base understanding of emotional wellbeing and lack thereof. This does not mean that the understanding or mental health in Valinor is not incomplete or flawed.
I imagine that most healthcare would involve at least some aspect of psychological care for the elves given the profound link between their mind, body and soul. Even if it’s just an added emphasis on soothing distress or an increased understanding of how psychological hurt can exacerbate physical injury and the other way around.
And I imagine that absolutely includes care during pregnancy! What little information we do have (and to be fair some of it is from LaCE which is not strictly canon) seems to support both.
But when that isn’t enough? When those feelings of emptiness or exhaustion or despair endure long after the birth?
This I think is where at least some of the issues lie.
I also think about Lórien as a place of healing where it is both a genuine sanctuary and place of rest but also by nature allows many of the issues of health and wellness to be isolated and distant. People go there to heal or recover and then they return, healed and recovered*
Community health models are not successfully being utilized in Tirion (I do actually headcanon that they are utilized by the Teleri but that’s a different post)
*Lórien is not the only place where people go for healing but it is the primary one. I headcanon there are other smaller locations similar to it and then there are just healers who can address trivial and minor accidents and injuries
Fëanor does not properly grieve. How could he grieve? There is not sufficient societal understanding of how to mourn in such a situation.
As I said, there has been loss so there have been practices of mourning but when the expectation is that Míriel will recover or return, these practices, largely created to cope with sudden disappearances with no closure or violent deaths that took place before Valinor, do not bring Fëanor much comfort.
As he grows older, his thoughts about what he wants for Míriel and what he thinks he should want, become more complicated. His understanding of some of the discussions regarding her death and his birth do as well.
Morgoth corrupts all that he touches repeats again and again to him
(Medical stuff is one of my favorite areas to write about and I want to make more world building about healing and medicine!)
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hazbincalifornia · 7 months
Round Two
Today is the first day of Blitzpreg week over on twitter! Here’s the first one for ‘Finding Out’. One Time universe, shortly after New Beginnings.
Wordcount: 780
Ao3 link
It turned out that Stolas had been right- the first time had been a lucky fluke. They’d gone at it practically every night for almost a month straight, usually a couple rounds each, but every time Stolas checked that the spell to detect conception was still working, nada.
Blitz refused to use any kind of fertility spell even after they made sure his plumbing was working properly again when the lock got taken off. That probably would mean they’d get twins or more, and while he’d accept it if they happened naturally, he wasn’t about to push his luck on that particular coin flip if he didn’t have to. (That also pretty much left Aamon out of the question for anything other than the detection spell. He had sent them a little pamphlet on what positions were supposed to be more effective, though, and the model for the lady on ‘how to most effectively plow your partner’ had giant tits to ogle, so, hey. Take the joys where he could get them.)
Yeah, sure, a month wasn’t really that long in the grand scheme of things. But night after night after night, waking up eager and still getting nothing when he’d been psyching himself up for months before this, and after long days dealt with tying up loose ends from the divorce or helping the girls adjust to living in the palace or just IMP work in general…
Fuck, they’d dealt with so much shit to get to this point, was it too much to ask for one thing going exactly the way they wanted it to?
They curled together in the bed. Blitz’s tail absently snaked around one of Stolas’s thighs as the owl’s arms wrapped around him and nuzzled the back of the imp’s neck with a soft purr rumbling between them, punctuated only by Stolas’s sleep-hoots. Getting to fall asleep to this nearly every night was something he wasn’t sure if he’d ever fully get used to, but he’d be blessed if he wasn’t gonna try.
He deserved this. Deserved Stolas’s love, deserved Loona and Octavia’s ever-growing care and acceptance of him as a father figure, deserved the crayon pictures little Stellaluna had strewn all over her room with hearts and stars around his blocky face that she called pretty.
(Maybe if he repeated it enough, he’d fully believe he was worthy of the people around him. Believe that this wasn’t some fucked-up dream that could get the rug pulled out now that he had almost everything he wanted, that he’d be chasing an eternal treadmill when it came to having a kid they could raise from the start together.)
“Daddy? Papa?” The door creaked open, and there was a slight warble as their youngest peered into the room, little fingers curling around the door. 
“What is it, sweetie?”
“I thought I heard a noise.” She paused. “I wanna make sure nobody’s gonna get you.”
His chest twisted like meat on a spit. “Nobody’ll get us tonight, sweetie. How about you come up here and you can make sure of that?” They’d already cleaned up for the night, and he missed being able to hear her breathing if he listened hard enough through the walls. She brightened at that, little claws making clicking noises on the floor before she scrambled up the bed and took Blitz’s offered hand while Stolas made a murmur and barely stirred. Red feathers snuggled against Blitz’s front as Stolas nuzzled further against his back, and Blitz could smell cherry shampoo and the sweet pine of preening oil as he drifted away.
He stirred slowly to a persistent poking motion. It reminded him of old street drunks trying to see if he was dead before robbing him stiff, and he snarled before the familiar scent sunk into his brain and he blinked his eyes open to see Stellaluna prodding at his bare stomach- right, he’d just been in sweatpants last night.
“What is it, sweetie?”
“Why’re you glowing?” She scooted back and pointed, and he jolted up so quickly that Stolas yelped, staring down at the sigil that combined Stolas’s and Aamon’s symbols with some other mumbo-jumbo. It gently hovered above his stomach, sparkling baby blue without a care in the world.
“That’s… that means daddy’s gonna have a baby.”
“It does?” Her eyes widened before she smushed her cheek against it. “Right now?”
A grin split his face, so wide it stretched the skin to the point it almost hurt, and he ruffled her hair as Stolas sat up, his own eyes practically glittering with stardust of their own before Blitz yanked them both into a hug.
“Not quite yet, but Daddy promises, you’re gonna be a great big sister.”
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jheselbraum · 3 months
They lierally weren't in a relationship. It's implied by the ganon awakening memory and her own diary and other dislogue she never actually proposed by chickened out. Why would she gasp seeing Link staring at Zelda if he was actually engaged to mipha? Media literacy dead
I just want to say congratulations to the Gravity Falls fandom. After nearly twelve years on tumblr and a truly staggering amount of blocked fans and admittedly incendiary posts on my part not a single one of you verifiably went on anon to get around a block and into my ask box. Not even that time I opened up about my personal family issues and got attacked for it by dozens of people. Everyone who got blocked stayed blocked. In fact, no one from any of the circles I post in has ever done this, hence why I'm even dignifying this ask from a pathetic individual who ships like they're an adult Harry Potter fan with a response: to commemorate the occasion.
In this time of mass exodus due to racism and transphobia from staff as well as our user data being sold to an ai model which will immediately die the moment it tries to train itself with it, it's wonderful to know that there are still parts of the true tumblr experience that I too can take part in, and that despite tumblr's waning growth and popularity, despite my own waning time on this site, when I do eventually log off for the final time I'll be able to rest easy, knowing that I truly was a part of this community... And knowing that the part of the community I primarily interacted with during the bulk of my time here, despite a brief period filled with completely untagged old man incest porn in the main character tags, never pulled this shit, and never got to the point where every third post in a given ship tag was a complaint, about random bullshit that doesn't matter and isn't actually something anyone was mad at in the first place.
Truly it would cheapen the experience, to complain about a bunch of unrelated topics, characters, and ships you don't like, in the tags of a ship that you do actually like, to the point where someone going into that tag looking for shipping content of the ship they like has to deal with a bunch of annoying crap that isn't shipping content and is rude to other people for no fucking reason.
The humble vagueblog has existed as a vital part of your fandom's existence since the beginning, dear Gravity Falls fandom, and you have used and honed the practice well. Your tags have not been infested with pages of unrelated crap from a new set of people very week who think the rest of us enjoy them spamtagging their complaints, and our tags have not been infected with people who don't like what's being posted in that tag posting in the tag anyways about how much they dislike the content of the tag they're posting in. All the porn is now tagged properly and no one is freaking out about people who don't ship their ship, not even when that ship consists of two characters who are at the same developmental stage for their respective species, and are not related to each other. As the fandom of a children's show from 2010s era tumblr you have truly exceeded all expectations. Gaze upon this ask, on this shadow of a shark beneath our little rowboat and know that I thank you, and that if and when I do eventually leave this site I will leave satisfied. Know that if there ever comes a time where I begin posting zelink content full time, I will be in hell trying to block annoying assholes all over again, because every third post in the zelink tag is made by someone like this who clearly has nothing better to do with their time than complain about a naked fish lady who is dead and does not interfere with the ships they actually like because she's not real and you don't have to include her in your fic or engage with the people who like her if you don't want to.
Because obviously the zelink ship tag is the only place one can complain about a fictional teenage dolphin with boobs being in a relationship with a fictional teenage human, and obviously a fictional dolphin with boobs is the biggest problem this fandom has so someone has to say something, it'd be rude not to tag this Voltron fandom level bullshit as zelink.
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Theory time!!!!
TADC one this time, here we go go go go on an adventure
so we know that in the circus there’s three types of characters, AI’s (Caine, the moon and sun, bubble), NPCs (candy kingdom residents, gummygoo, gloink queen), and humans (main cast). (To specify: AI’s are characters who have not been created by an outside character and are not player characters, NPC’s were created by an outside force and are not players, humans are, well, humans)
But what if our main guy Caine is a part of that last group?
Hear me out. I doubt that the technology of the time when the circus supposedly takes place (probably around 70’s-90’s) would be able to support something as powerful as an all knowing, practically all powerful AI.
We know that the way the main cast most likely got in the circus was from a headset linked to a computer, which probably either made a complete perfect replica of their brain that was placed in the game while the original was killed, or their consciousness was somehow transferred into the computer.
So what if instead of Caine being an AI created by whoever made it, he was human? What if there was a human that was hooked up to the system way before the circus was even made, which then became a part of the game?
If Caine was put it the game before the circus was even there, the original human’s consciousness could have melted into the game until it seemed like an ai. Caine could have been a human placed in when the program was nothing but a void, who then went insane so far to the point his brain practically collapsed, then rewired itself to be a part of the game, to where he basically became god once his brain had been far enough melted into the code.
after all, which would be easier; develop an entire code fo years to properly run a program, or put a perfectly working brain, one of the highest quality “computers” out there, into the game, then wait it out until it became its own AI?
The circus is shown to have quite a few glitches, with clipping, character models going wack, and abstraction if it’s a glitch in the game. These could all be the results of a brain not functioning automatically like a computer would.
then there’s the theory of the NPC models. If the only thing that made the candy kingdom was Caine, and Caine is an AI, why would he have character models below the map?
character models below the map are something developers use when making a game, in order to have the models fully ready in case one glitches, goes missing, or is messed up in some way. This way, they don’t have to recreate the entire model if it glitches, and can just replace it.
but if Caine is an ai, he wouldn’t need the character models, since he could just spawn one automatically from storage.
but if Caine was originally human, the Candy Kingdom could have been one of the first things he built, believing he needed the models under the map to avoid having to redo the model.
So, my theory? Caine is a human, who was trapped in the circus for so long that his consciousness melted into the code, rebuilt itself, and embedded itself into the code to make him into the games “ai”.
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gamergirljournalist · 8 months
From Biting Apples to Embracing Galaxies: My Switch to Samsung
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For more than a decade, I've always been using the Apple eco-system. My first modern phone was the iPhone 5 in 2012 and it lasted for a couple of years until I upgraded to the iPhone 10 in 2017 after convincing my father that my phone was dying.
The proof: this photo of my phone bricking every 20 minutes when installing a new iOS when I was in university.
As time passed, the iPhone X has survived numerous trips overseas, journalism jobs, freelancing gigs, concerts, and dating attempts. But like all tech devices, this one is about to reach its end after an incident where it wouldn't turn on properly when it was being charged.
I had two options: wait for the iPhone 15 to come out or move to Samsung. And based on the article, it's quite obvious what happened next.
One last bite of the Apple - why I love the iPhone
Moving to a Galaxy device has to be the hardest decision I've ever made. My original plan was to save $2000 for a brand new Apple product because the Apple ecosystem is pretty good. I can copy a link or photo on my phone and paste it on my Macbook. Airdrop is pretty convenient. Also, my entire family became Apple snobs ever since the release of Airpods. Also, since I moved out from home, Facetime became the most used method of communication between family members because it was instant.
Another cool feature that the iPhone has is that is very easy to customize. From having an Animal Crossing dark mode theme phone to selecting a case, the choices are ripe for the picking.
Lastly, it's just very easy to use. Unless you're planning to do some complicated stuff like jailbreaking, using an iPhone as an everyday device is very simple. Left it somewhere? Use the "Find my phone" app and annoy the heck out of those who try to steal it. Want music? Drop the file into iTunes and it will sync via iCloud. It's that versatile.
But as my phone was quickly on its final breath, as well as the cost of living crisis, waiting for the iPhone 15 was no longer a valid option anymore. So I had to say goodbye to these nifty features and swap to Samsung.
What it was like making the switch
I bought the Samsung zFlip 4 during the End of the Financial Year sale, without realising that the zFlip 5 would be released 2 months later. Big oof. The reason I got this phone is because the 512 GB model cost $1300 AUD. The case was $10 from Telstra. I got a cuter one for $100 from Caseify.
If I were to buy the iPhone 15 (or in my case, the iPhone 14 Pro), the 512 GB model would have cost me $2400 + the cost of a case and the cable for the highest speeds. In case you were unaware, the 15 models only come with USB 2 speeds. WTF?! Also, there are the MagSafe accessories like chargers, which would cost even more.
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The reason I chose to get the Samsung zFlip 4 is mostly because it's a flip phone and Samsung marketed it as "bending the laws of physics." Another reason is because of BTS. As a BTS fan, mostly a Suga stan, I learned that the K-Pop star will not hold Apple devices. I remember seeing a TikTok where a fan disguised her iPhone to look like a Samsung and the rapper was shocked until he held it on stage.
I was, however, warned about getting this Samsung model from my aunt. She told me that the battery life is bad and that Apple lasts longer. And she only uses her phone for the most basic usage - calls, text, and Facebook. But based on my experience, the battery isn't that bad… unless I use it for Pokemon Sleep.
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Transferring my data from an Apple to a Samsung device is easier said than done. For starters, it nearly took a whole day for the transfer process to be completed. Second, I needed to use a wireless charger for one of my devices because it took so long.
When it came to the user interface, while it's somewhat different, some similarities made using my new phone not that difficult. It perhaps took a week to get used to the new functions and gestures.
I also liked the new camera. It's much more vibrant in my opinion. Much better than the iPhone X if I'm being honest. And there were times I did try filming like it was an old camcorder due to its flip functionalities.
If I have a complaint, it's that my game saves (except for Pokemon Go and Sleep) aren't transferable. This means all that effort I've placed in Tiny Tower for a year and a bit is gone and I would need to start over because the game is synced to Apple's Game Center. However, all of my texts since my senior year of high school made their way to the new device. WTF?
Also, not all the apps transferred to the new device, which makes sense since some of them were discontinued. But finding the APKs for them became a challenge, especially for a photo editor that I've been using for years. Thanks to the subscription model, it's been removed from the app stores.
Final Thoughts
Swapping to Samsung was probably a good decision to make. For starters, I'm no longer bombarded by my family's group chat messages since I no longer live with them. Second, I can text my boyfriend photos through NORMAL TEXT, not Facebook and discord. The amount of memes I've missed during the earlier parts of our relationship due to device differences was a massive pain and now it's all convenient.
While it's a shame I no longer have access to Siri, adding songs to a Samsung device is much easier compared to Apple since it is basically like a hard drive.
I will miss the Apple ecosystem though. iCloud and Apple Notes are super handy. Airdrop is pretty cool. And the new iOS features in the latest system look super appealing. However, these features are something that I would rarely use. I just need a phone to play games, go on social media, take photos and videos, and make phone calls. I won't be making 3D models of my room.
Looking forward to spending the next 5 years with this Samsung device until I have to make the switch once more.
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