#PR romance
mafaldaknows · 5 months
If we’re seeing it, it’s a show. And this one is especially stupid.
Found in the comments 😆💀⚰️🤭:
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Funny tale (kinda). I got a Netflix notification for a new movie, I watched the trailer and at the end, in the credits, displays "Eleanor Tomlinson" as an actress... haha wasn't a terror movie but gave me chills 🤣.
P.s. A day closer to #AllOfThoseVoices 💙
She’s a well known actress, I think! Very pretty, too. As the DMA song goes, Life Is A Game of Changing.
Addendum: my random thought.
Sofie Nyvang is obviously young, a bit new to to the game, somewhat head-over-heels with the idea of being instantly famous.
But the game is so obvious at this point. Anyone could diagram it.
Louis and Sofie were papped for the specific information that Louis was seeing a girl— he was “off the table.” She could have been any non-celebrity girl, an attractive female to fill in a space. In fact, Louis was waiting for her to do the pap walk.
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The Mirror reported the Eleanor and Louis split on 6 Jan 23.
The Nyvang rumors started 14 Feb 2023. Pap photos were taken on 15 Feb.
So Louis was single for about one month… out of the last 7.5 years. One month of no female companionship.
If we are to believe this Tiktokker, the Nyvang photos were not passed around tabloid sites for bids. They were meant to be seen by the One Direction fandom to “spread organically,” via fans. A few days later, it was reported in Page Six, and some outlets mention that he has a son with Briana Jungwirths, named Freddie Reign (Eonline, sportskeeda).
It’s interesting that Louis felt the pressure to present a new female face as soon as Faith In The Future promo was done, and before his world tour started. The fact is that Louis valued releasing this information for publicity purposes more than he values a semblance of privacy. The real question is why.
A friend says:
Why it couldn’t be a 28-year-old session musician instead of a 22-year-old influencer .... sigh. But here is where I think LTHQ’s and Louis’ full appreciation for fandom demographics and dynamics becomes clear — I hope I’m wrong, but they tend to view fandom as devoted teenagers who want to be social media famous, dating Louis, and wearing matching concert t-shirts. So they present a 22-year-old influencer. Louis sees his sisters in his fandom. He thinks Sofie is aspirational for us.
Does Louis think of his fandom as replicas of his influencer sisters?
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whereisyourheadkathryn · 11 months
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So, someone else here has already pointed out that the first letter of each word in Aziraphale’s playlists spells out “Ineffable”. Now I am delighted I can add that the first letter in Crowley’s spells out “Tempting”.
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cosmophoriia · 1 month
"behind the cameras" : streamer x influencer prompts. 𝜗𝜚
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ღ request from: @inlovewithpandora. streamer/influencer prompts — both characters are popular and they decide to start dating behind the scenes and keep their relationship private so they can enjoy it and maybe later on they pop out and their fans go crazy.
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"when we do tell people we’re dating, they’ll freak out."
character b waking up from a nap, wanting character’s a touch and forgets that a is streaming and only notices when they climb into a’s lap.
^ “is that [name]?!”
character a planning to get food and goes to ask b what they want and forget that b is doing a video.
^ “you want anything, im about to go buy some food?” “yes i can go for some food.”
^ b forgetting to edit that part out and people are going crazy in the comments.
character a making a secret account to comment under b’s post to not cause suspicion.
character b watching a’s stream and gifts subs and commenting, “loving the stream.”
^ character a smiles so much at the comment that people are now questioning it in chat.
character b not knowing that character a is streaming and walks in.
^ “hey babe, i missed y…” “oh shit, i didn’t know you were streaming.”
^ “wait i know that voice.” “are we just skipping over the fact that they said “babe” or is it just me that heard that.”
character a tells chat that they have a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner and chat doesn’t believe them.
^ “yes they’re real.” character a laughs as they try to catch up with chat.
character a and b manage to keep their relationship a secret and they make a stream, bringing their relationship to the public.
character a invite character b to play games on twitch and everyone is loving the chemistry they have together.
character b rates character's a outfits for their youtube channel and has to remember not to say anything crazy so people don't know they're dating.
character b is worried about keeping the relationship a secret and character a reassures them that they will tell the people when they're ready.
character b gets jealous when seeing people shipping character a with another streamer and is moody for the rest of the day until a questions what's wrong and reassures them that they are the only one they want.
character c accidentally outs their relationship unintentionally and character a and b wakes up to a lot of notifications and make a video of why they hid their relationship.
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anxious-bisexual-0 · 28 days
These spot the difference games are getting harder and harder
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infamous-if · 8 months
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Posted a short Seven x Avina drabble (in Avina's POV) in a new series I'd like to call An Unlikely Friendship. Available for both tiers!
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unladyboss · 17 days
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starry-bi-sky · 8 months
one of the funnier things that's happened to me while playing Baldur's Gate was that in Act 2 I still hadn't romanced anyone because I slept through the tiefling party, but I still wanted to romance a companion. And when I took a long rest I was disappointed to see that no one had anything to say to me, so I went to go talk to Withers. And upon starting the conversation the first thing he says to me is basically "why are you single".
Which, okay, damn old man. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed but also it's not like it was on PURPOSE. I wanted to romance Gale because he's charming, but no dice despite having 100 approval. I was not having much luck.
So after finishing up the conversation and having no one else I needed to speak to, I decide to go and take a long rest and finish up the day. Bam. Immediately upon long resting I get Wyll's romance cutscene where he asks us to dance.
Funniest chain of coincidences in this game so far. I like to imagine that Wyll overheard the conversation and, having been pining quietly, decided to shoot his shot. And it worked.
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jojotier · 7 months
watching "i'm in love with the villainess" and highkey did not expect to get hit in the face with "the protagonist is a gay woman who not only talks candidly about being a gay woman but also expresses that even in this otome world which is handpicked to give her romance she doesn't expect the girl she loves to love her back because she's been conditioned for her entire life to view her love life as "other" so she's fully prepared to get crumbs if it just means getting near her"
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booktineus · 1 year
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Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood
Love, Theoretically has usurped The Love Hypothesis as my favourite Ali Hazelwood book. Let’s see if I can articulate why 😅
Like all of Hazelwood’s books, I found this incredibly easy to read. I flew through it, finishing it in a day or two (instead of sticking to the readalong schedule oops). It’s got the same humour, science references (which I loved because I like science, though I’m bad at physics), and some fun character cameos and Easter eggs.
I need to take a moment of appreciation for the side characters! Millicent is a riot; Greg is precious and deserves to be protected at all costs. I wish they (and Cece with her mysterious Kirk) had more page time.
My two favourite things about Love, Theoretically were Elsie’s growth and Jack.
Elsie is a people pleaser who adapts herself to whatever she thinks people want her to be, even when it’s detrimental to her life. I related to those aspects of her personality WAY more than I thought I would 🫣 It was empowering to see Elsie find a person she could truly be herself with and learn to speak up for what she wants and desires.
Now, Jack! Where do we find our own Jack? 😍 He was so supportive while also knowing exactly how to push and encourage Elsie to step out of her comfort zone and speak up. He’s also the definition of the “he falls first” trope and I admire he was willing to step back and wait for Elsie to be ready. Their opposites-attract relationship might just be my favourite of all Hazelwood’s couples.
Thank you, Hachette Australia, for sending me a copy of this one as part of a Tandem Collective readalong.
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mafaldaknows · 9 months
LOL I'm sorry but can we not? It's what they want us to think - that this is all real and they're genuinely fucking. Timmy looked "comfortable" cause he was high as a kite and at a Beyonce concert. Not cause he was with her. And if he's so comfortable with her why didn't they just "come out" like a normal couple? Why play all these PR games for months? Doesn't make sense unless it's ALL staged. What happened to the charmie fandom where some are actually buying into this latest sham? It's just like all the others and will likely be over soon.
Hello, Anon:
While I can’t speak for the fandom, please allow me to clarify my thoughts on the matter, lest you think I’m someone who’s buying what they’re selling.
To me this alliance looks like a calculated PR campaign for a specific purpose precisely due to all the evidence that shows that it’s been obviously staged to manipulate popular opinion about the principals involved. If he’s high while doing it and enjoying himself with her at a Beyoncé concert, that’s their business, I suppose.
But there’s no getting around the fact that they’ve made their business everyone else’s business by broadcasting it with clockwork regularity to the media, to make sure that everyone makes it their business to notice their business.
Despite how unrelentingly one-sided the PR for this relationship has been (and what authentic relationships have PR to advertise it?) both of them have enjoyed the benefit of their names circulating in the press for months now, coincidentally (or not) at a time when promos for movie projects for one of them are not allowed due to the SAG-AFTRA strike, and the other desperately needs an public image makeover ahead of new product launches.
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It makes sense, given their ambitions: it’s all business, all the time. Now, more than ever.
I don’t think anyone outside of this small circle of players has enough information to determine if this romance is authentic or if we’re all being played. Perhaps it’s possible that both things can be true at the same time.
Only time or Tim will tell.
Thanks for your comment. 😁❤️
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audreyrosebooks · 2 years
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💀 For centuries, Death has only known the Work, the reaping and administrating of souls. Their routine is disrupted when a mortal named Zelda refuses to die and offers Death her hand instead.
With great befuddlement, Death accepts.
Husband and wife have little in common. Death is grim (ha!) and work-oriented, perplexed by the intricacies of relationships. Zelda is beautiful and can do no wrong. (She’s also quite good at hijacking blurbs.) As Death and Zelda navigate their unconventional marriage, the affection between them grows, resulting in a relationship that is as sweet as it is whimsical.🌹
🌹 HOW ZELDA MARRIED DEATH is a low-plot novella that mixes fantasy, romance and comedy. Perfect for a quick, sweet and funny read!
🌹Yo can buy the ebook and the paperback NOW on Amazon.
🌹 Watch the lovely book trailer here!
🌹 You can also add the book to Goodreads!
🌹 Content warnings: Death is obviously a theme that is present throughout the story, generally treated lightly. Sexual content is fade to black but discussed a fair amount.
🌹 Reviews & Ratings are appreciated, as are reblogs & shares!  ❤️
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
All things considered - much as I love EIlistraee - the Vhaeraunite player in me is incensed that my only options are Lolthite drow or "Seldarine" drow.
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liliallowed · 3 months
lili smash or pass:
tall dust: pass
short dust: platonic smash
buff dust: smash (not really. I'd fucking die)
skinny dust: platonic smash
snake dust: smash (worth dying)
every other dust: platonic smash
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Our Fine Novelist Richard E. La Motte Is Making His Books Buzz Through Media Outlets With This Special Author Spotlight and Featured Article Seen On CNBC, Newsbreak, & Many Others. . .
Our Fine Novelist Richard E. La Motte Is Making His Books Buzz Through Media Outlets With This Special Author Spotlight and Featured Article Seen On CNBC, Newsbreak, & Many Others. . .
Author Spotlight & Interview with California Author Richard E. LaMotte Author Richard E. LaMotte With His Book The Song of Ramon and MariaPhoto byBookBuzz Richard E. LaMotte is an accomplished author and writer. Now retired from the film and motion picture industry, Richard is devoting his time to his love of stories and spending time with his wife Patricia in Valencia, California. His newest…
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unladyboss · 17 days
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