#withers: heyo why are you single
starry-bi-sky · 8 months
one of the funnier things that's happened to me while playing Baldur's Gate was that in Act 2 I still hadn't romanced anyone because I slept through the tiefling party, but I still wanted to romance a companion. And when I took a long rest I was disappointed to see that no one had anything to say to me, so I went to go talk to Withers. And upon starting the conversation the first thing he says to me is basically "why are you single".
Which, okay, damn old man. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed but also it's not like it was on PURPOSE. I wanted to romance Gale because he's charming, but no dice despite having 100 approval. I was not having much luck.
So after finishing up the conversation and having no one else I needed to speak to, I decide to go and take a long rest and finish up the day. Bam. Immediately upon long resting I get Wyll's romance cutscene where he asks us to dance.
Funniest chain of coincidences in this game so far. I like to imagine that Wyll overheard the conversation and, having been pining quietly, decided to shoot his shot. And it worked.
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safertokiss · 4 years
Don’t Call Me Doctor - Part 2
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A/N: Heyo party people! Ok this is part 2 of DCMD and I’m super excited for you guys to read it. I’m so happy I finally decided to give in to my urge to write cause it’s so much fun! Thank you guys for all the support of the first part. Enjoy:)❤️
Category: Fluff and Angst and Smut
Word Count: 2.2k
The moment she walked through those doors I knew I was a fucking goner.
Her beauty was indescribable. Unmatchable. Unattainable.
She was dangerous. All she had to do was enter the building and I was already wrapped around her finger. Dangerous.
Even though the bullpen was bustling and filled with chaos at the time, the unmistakable creak of the front door rang clear in my ears. Glancing away from my work momentarily, my eyes were immediately drawn to her. I mean how could they not be? One look in her direction and it was clear she was nervous. She looked flustered, her face was flushed, but strangely enough there was a hint of a smile upon it. Even in her frenzied state, her beauty knocked the wind out of my chest. Who the hell is this girl?
As she surveyed the hectic room, I noticed her head perk up at whatever or whoever it was that she had located. Following her line of sight I was met with Hotch. Oh so she’s here for him, maybe a family member or friend.
Wait. Wait wait wait wait.
Remembering the conversation Hotch had had with us recently about a new recruit to the team, I was able to answer my own question. Oh god she’s the new recruit.
This is bad. This is really, REALLY bad.
I couldn’t go through this again, it simply wasn’t an option for me. My heart could not handle anymore pain, a pain that would surely accompany this girl if I let her in. Too much had happened in my life already at such a young age, from missing my chance with JJ to losing the one somewhat serious relationship I had ever had. Like I said, she’s dangerous. I had only been aware of her existence for a couple of minutes and I already knew that she possessed the key to unlocking my withered heart. However, she also wielded the axe that would run me through in a split second.
I knew in that moment that, as much as it pained me, I couldn’t let her have the chance. I had to take away her power over me before she was even aware she yielded it.
Looking back in the direction of my enchantress, I noticed her and Hotch had moved from their original spot and were now walking towards the center of the room. Towards the rest of the team. Towards me. Quickly, in order to avoid making eye contact I ducked my head down and pretended to work away at the papers sprawled in front of me.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see the others shaking from excitement at meeting our newest agent and I didn’t blame them. It wasn’t often we got new blood around here. Certainly none of them had taken my breath away like she did.
I was aware of how rude it was for me to not join in on the welcome party, but I was still struggling to breathe correctly from the brief glance I got of her. From my position at my desk I was close enough to hear the conversations being held, well enough at least to hear her be introduced to the team.
Y/N Y/L/N.
It fit her perfectly. A beautiful name for a gorgeous woman. While the others were busy meeting our newest member, I decided I just had to hear how her name rolled off my tongue, even if just this once. In the most quiet voice I could muster up, I released my own personal curse from my lips.
Fuck. It just felt so right. It was as if she had been given that name just so at one point in life I’d be able to shout it out for the entire world to hear. Why did the universe hate me so much?
I had gotten so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I hadn’t noticed the woman plaguing my mind had already taken a seat at the desk next to mine. It wasn’t until she sputtered out an overly enthusiastic greeting directed towards me that I realized she was there.
“Hi I’m Y/N Y/L/N! Nice to meet you Dr. Reid.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Immediately as the words started pouring from her lips I felt my body tense. Suddenly I understood the allure of sirens. How a voice could be so enticing to reel in unsuspecting sailors on the sea. I understood their choice of action. But when she called me Dr. Reid. Fuck. That should simply be illegal. Hearing her use my title awakened something deep inside of me that I had been trying to suppress since the moment she waltzed through the door. It also awakened something below my waist, my body twitching as a result. Stop it Spencer. You can’t let this happen, you need to push through it. Make her stay away.
I must have been sitting there speechless for too long because before I knew it she was at it again.
“Sorry if I scared you! I’m not the most socially adept individual. I couldn’t help but notice that-“
Put a stop to this Spencer. Make her stay away.
“You’re rambling.” Fuck that was rude.
“Pardon me Dr. Reid?”
Holy fuck if I hear her call me that one more time I don’t think there’s anything in the world strong enough to prevent me from ripping her clothes off and taking her right here on my desk. Spencer stop! Make her stay far away from you.
“You were rambling. Thought you’d like to know. And it’s Spencer.” I am such a dick. But I had no choice. Letting her into my heart would only leave the both of us in shambles, longing for the pieces to be put back together. Deciding it wouldn’t hurt, I accompanied my rude remark with a slight glance in her direction. Yeah that was a big mistake. Even if it only lasted a split second, I could clearly see the hurt plaguing her beautiful orbs, a hurt that was caused by yours truly. Wow this fucking sucks.
“Oh...ok”, she replied before turning her attention back to her files in front of her.
I really wish I didn’t have to treat her like that, but it was the only option that left us both unscathed. Returning to the task at hand, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander and imagine a life alongside the enchantress sitting next to me.
Maybe in a world where I wasn’t so fucked up.
Ok remember when I said this sucked? Yeah it was worse than I could’ve ever imagined. It had been about three months since Y/N had started working with us and I spent the majority of that time running away from her. She’d walk in, I’d briskly walk out before cracking. She’d wave at me and I’d have to look away before imploding on the spot.
The worst part of this whole ordeal was that it was obvious that she had a thing for me. The amount of times I had caught her staring at my hands or for some reason my hair while she was trying to be subtle, was a number almost too large to keep track of. I’d be trying to mind my own business and block her out of my thoughts, when I’d catch her biting her lip, lost in thought, while her eyes raked my body. It was getting to be too much to handle.
Most of the time while we were at the round table discussing cases she would take the seat next to mine, much to my dismay. Her close proximity always acted as a ticking time bomb to my poor, defenseless body, usually eliciting reactions not suitable for a work environment. Following nearly every meeting I’d hightail it out of the room straight to the bathroom. And while she probably assumed I was just trying to avoid her, the reality was much more humiliating.
What had she turned me into? I felt like a horny teenager all of the time. What would my friends think if they knew I had to run to the bathroom to take care of my arousal almost every other day? It was so embarrassing, but only she could provoke such a reaction from me.
As often as my bathroom escapades took place, I had become a pro at suppressing my true feelings for her. For some reason, however, my attempts to make her stay away triggered the opposite response on her end. I can’t even explain the amount of pain that filled my chest everytime I had to reject her offers to get together and spend time together outside of work. I had even stopped going out with the unit because I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself around her, usually coming up some lame excuse about having work to catch up on.
I had no idea what to do. I wanted her so bad.
I felt like I was in my own personal purgatory that had absolutely no escape in sight. All I had to do to set myself free was reach out and touch the ethereal being in front of me and express the feelings I harbored for her. But I still refused to consider that an option.
Not only was she keeping my mind occupied at work, I couldn’t make it through a single night without seeing her beautiful face. While the dreams had started off pretty neutral and innocent, they quickly progressed into territory that shouldn’t have been accessible. I truly felt like a teenager again with the amount of wet dreams I had been having to deal with. I just couldn’t help myself. Her body was amazing. It was physically impossible for me to not picture myself ramming her into my desk or bending her over the round table, making her scream my name for all of D.C. to hear.
God it was getting harder and harder to ignore her. What was stopping me from grabbing her wrist, pulling her into an empty office and destroying her on every surface available. I had to do something or figure out a way to push those thoughts away.
“Hey pretty boy! Get over here!”
I swiveled in my chair to seek out Morgan, spotting him across the bull pen. Sighing quietly, I made my way over to my friend, trying to mask the internal conflict occurring between my brain and my heart.
“What can I do for you Morgan?”
“You gonna tell me what’s going on between you and Y/L/N?” Shit. Fuck. I thought it wasn’t noticeable. Play it cool Spencer.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me pretty boy.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lies. All lies.
“Reid, come on man. It’s not really hard to notice that something is off between you two. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you interact with her outside of a case and you’re the kid who’s known to ramble to anyone within a five mile radius, nevermind the girl who sits next to you everyday. Did something happen?”
“No...no. Nothing happened and quite frankly I seriously don’t think it’s any of your business to question me about who I do and do not converse with, ok?”
“Geez! Calm down buddy. I’m sorry, ok. I won’t bring it up again.” I once again felt like the biggest dick in the world watching him walk away from where we had been standing. Recognizing that there was nothing I could do about it now, I made my way back to my desk, noticing that Y/N had returned from her lunch break.
After sitting down and working for a bit, I couldn’t help myself. The urge to look at the object of my affections was just too damn insistent. Glancing up at her, I was instantly entranced by the goddess in front of me. She was busy scribbling away at whatever was laid out in front of her, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her face. She was biting her lip in what I would assume was a way to help her concentrate, but all it did was stir things inside of me. Ok this was getting ridiculous.
It was crazy how even the simplest of things, like her eyes crinkling at the corners when she smiled or the way she licked her lips like it was going out of style, would instantly prevent my mind from functioning correctly and make the world around me dissolve until all that existed anymore was her. God those eyes. So intricately designed that even the most beautiful gods and goddesses would be jealous.
Fuck. She was looking at me. She saw me staring directly at her.
As fast as I possibly could, I ducked my head down and cleared my throat, deciding to play it off and pretend like nothing had just happened. Except that that was kind of hard to do when my body decided to say “fuck you” and turned into a goddamn tomato within seconds. Oh god why did I do that? How was I going to get myself out of this already complicated situation? This was bad. This was really bad. Three months of rejections and cold responses down the drain with one stupid, meaningful glance in her direction.
To be continued...
Tag list: @hopebaker @pastathighs @psychedellic-phase @gloryekaterina @sleepysnapesnake
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fallen--lilith · 3 years
Fate Chapter 4
Trigger Warning/Needles and mention of drowning I just want to apologize that Vegeta isn't in this much so far. It's not like this will only be a 13 chapter story... I think. It might be off since I'm the oldest in the family and never had tortuous older brothers ( I feel like the brother being the youngest is whole other type of assholes??) Not to mention we don't know who Kakarot really is? So just as super preface he's like an asshole but still really goofy. Think America from Hetalia. ( only way to describe it) Also fuck staying with lyrics to a song for chapter lyrics.
Word Count: 1527
Chapter 4: Take Care of Yourself (TW/Needles)
"100 credits? Last time it was only 40!" Peppa yelled as she slammed her fists on the medical stall's counter. "I should--"
"Yeah well, the ingredients for the medicine are getting hard to come by and I can't survive on the few weaklings that require this junk. So you can pay up or go die in an alleyway way. I don't care." The stall owner said as he held out the payment slot.
"This is bullshit." She said, but she desperately needed the shots. She could feel herself already withering away from the inside out. The female saiyan migraine was growing worse and arguing over price wasn't really helping anyone. It wouldn't have been too bad if ground control could have done their job and figured out where they could have landed beforehand. This was a predetermined stop after all.
She reluctantly placed the cracked scanner lense in the slot and paid for the medicine. The owner smiled and handed her the kit. "Have a nice day" he said when she snatched it out of his hands and shoved it in her tote bag.
She then met up with her sister who was just now finishing buying some fancy meat for dinner as per tradition.
"Hey, I thought you were going to wait, so I could pay." Peppa huffed as she took Sutal's tote bag also, so Sutal could carry the meat.
"Oh well, your pay was cut and you were taking too long. " the older sister replied.
"Oh well, the damn stall over charged me for the kit and wouldn't back down." Peppa groaned. The two started walking. "Most outposts charge at most 50 credits. It's probably some dumb tax The Elite decided on to cut out the weaklings or some shit."
"Does Prince Gag-eta know how much it costs to even keep you alive? Maybe you should be mates with him just to get fre--OW!" Sutal rubbed her arm where Peppa had punched her as best as she could.
Peppa's face was burning red with embarrassment. She shifted the two tote bags more comfortably. "I don't need help from that idiot. Once I figure out how to surpass Raditz without him crying I'll be fine. Besides, just because we're friends doesn't mean we'll end up as mates." Nothing in her voice sounded convincing.
"Yeah, and that's why you've started putting your hair up in a ponytail huh sissy? Because your friend looks at every woman that does this new trend? " Sutal smiled wider. Peppa couldn't answer because no matter what, it would have been taken the wrong way.
"I swear the dispensary gets farther than everytime we come to visit." Peppa changed the topic. There was a four way path and Peppa had to stop and think which way the dispensary was. Sutal then took the lead and went right.
"How can you forget which way every time? We've walked this way a thousand times as kids." Sutal commented, though she lightly laughed and remembered what the scientists suggested to jog her sister's memory. "Remember racing with Raditz and Kakarot to see father first when he landed? The winner got to ride his shoulders."
Peppa clenched her fist tightly around a tote strap. It was hard for her to pull that memory but it sounded very...similar. But she was remembering…. That's good. "And the losers clung to his arms or leg right? The ol' man carried us like it was nothing all the way. What a sight it must have been..."
They continue to reminisce, well more so Sutal than Peppa, til they arrived at an meat dispensary for the Saiyan army. "Mother, We're home!" They said at the same time as they bowed in sync. If there was one thing everyone loved was seeing the Saiyan twins in sync so well.
"Girls!" Gine turned and took off her gloves and gave them a big hug. "I've been getting a little worried since it was getting late...Peppa! What happened to your face? Who do I-"
Peppa blushed. "Don't worry. I already took care of them and the swelling had already gone down. Kakarot is supposed to bring me something to help with it. "
"We also got dinner for tonight since most of us are going to be home." Sutal added. "We're going to head home afterwards to get this bad boy to cook."
"Both of you are too nice!" Gine smiled with stars in her eyes.
“My, my, the both of you have grown quite big and strong, just like your father. Time flies so fast doesn't it, Gine? " An older Saiyan woman joined them. She was heavier than the mother, but twice as sweet. Gine let go of her daughters and they bowed to the woman.
Gine rubbed their heads. " I know right? I don't know what's scarier. Seeing your kids leave the planet never to be seen again or thinking they'd come back with a potential mate." The older women laugh.
After some more small talk, the daughters made their way their to their childhood home. The best way one could describe Bardock and Gine's house is homely, yet cramped. There wasn't much décor as a typical Saiyan home, but military medals from all the members growing up were proudly displayed.
Sutal began preparing the meat as Peppa got out her medicine kit and laid it out on the kitchen table. 3 different shots every month and the kit only lasts 7 months. What they did exactly was confusing to her. It had something to do with proteins and keeping her solid? All she was certain of was that if she missed a month, she came down with a terrible fever.
She tied the medicinal band around her left arm and used her teeth to tighten it enough to cut off circulation. After tapping the inside of her elbow to find a vein, she injected her first shot. Injection hurt like hell but she didn't make a single peep.
"What was it like… being separated into orange goo? Is it like drowning?" Sutal asked as she prepared the meat. She hated needles just like her younger brother, so starting the cooking was a good distraction, but she also hated the silence.
Peppa took the band off and flexed her muscles to get the first serum pumped into her system. "It's hard to describe because downing…your brain is connected to your body. AND there's that primal fight to survive even if you can't make it…and it's easy for someone to pull you out." She looked at her hand and flexed it in and out of a fist.
"This is like...being a great ape but deeper. You're alone with your thoughts but you're in nothingness. No body, no physical limitations, you come back as if you're born yesterday health wise. You, yourself have to pull your soul out of the sea of life... it all depends on how selfish you want to be. I wonder if it's the same for the prince though when he's in great ape form...I heard being able to control Oozaru takes a lot of trai-" Peppa pondered as she put the band back on and began getting ready for the second shot.
“Heyo! What smells great? It's making me-"Kakarot burst through as he always does. However he wasn't expecting his sisters to be home before him but rather Gine. Peppa also had just so happened to finish administering her second and was holding it in the air. It took the coronal one look of the needle for the color his face to to drain... Before he could utter another word the tall Saiyan slumped to the ground, passed out.
Peppa doesn't quite remember, but Sutal once told her as a kid that while she was sleeping Kakarot had somehow made little rings on Peppa's skin with an alien fish. When Peppa woke up, Kakarot told her how she was going to grow mushrooms in those spots. She nearly scrubbed her skin off til Gine stopped her.
Peppa dragged him to the living area and little by little got him on the couch while Sutal cut off a few pieces of meat to add to an epsom salt mixture. Both were crackling like witches during their tasks. However, Peppa cut short and got real quiet. Sutal was so caught up she didn't realize she was the only one laughing now coming out of the kitchen with the flask.
"I wish I had a recording of that. I've never seen him fall so fast." Sutal said as she entered the living room. She stopped in her tracks when she saw who had also just come home.
There stood their father, Bardock in the living room with a disapproving look on his face. "What are you two up to now?"
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