#One thing they do have is that they are impervious to awkwardness when they are not the one who would feel embarrasssed
castingcomets · 1 year
Middle-aged man who is socially awkward and very polite who has another middle-aged socially awkward polite man visiting his house for a good conventional reason (lending tools, helping him fix the plumbing in his house, dropping off something that was borrowed, etc) and the guy whose house it is offers refreshments to be polite and the other guy accepts it to be polite and now theyre drinking beer together and since theyre both so awkward and polite they constantly put out attempts to be polite and the other reciprocates immediately in order to be polite and neither see how it’s awkward in the other because they're both awkward so they don’t know how it’s supposed to go anyway (they each use politeness as a guiding rhetoric in social situations and defer on impulse) and they end up having gay sex as a polite gesture because one thing led to another and it was the polite thing to do at every turn and the first guy doesnt want to kick the other guy out becasue thats rude so he offers to let him stay the night and the second guy doesnt want to be a burden and so he politely declines at first but he doesnt want to make it seem like he’s in a hurry to leave becasue that’s rude but the first guy doesnt want it to seem like the second guy is unwanted so he offers again but tries not to be pushy and so the second guy accepts becasue the first guy has a lovely home and has been so courteous thus far. And they embrace each other through the night to be polite
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ivycorp · 1 year
Past megop that's Very Obvious
Fighting the war when everyone included knows that their leaders are exes is a fact that most of the alive Cybertronians have come to a resigned kind of acceptance with. The tension that came with that was horrible, but at least it meant they would most likely deal with each other on sight - and when you are on a front line, the knowledge that none of those powerhouses will hunt for you was a bit of a relief.
Thus, whenever these two would end up engaged into yet another tumble, nobody would spare a glance in their direction unless one of them got silent; that usually meant one of two things:
Someone is unconscious (likely)/dead (less likely)
Someone has done something questionable and now everything got too awkward
In option 1, it usually meant a need to run, grab the fallen party and regroup. Not fun, but easy to come to terms with when it happens often enough.
In option 2 though… it was better to wait as one extracted themselves on their own from the other. Sometimes it was innocent enough - a tangle of parts, a breaking surface making both fall down into a hole, getting stuck in quicksand.
Other times, as it was increasingly more often to occur, it was not innocent at all.
That latter option seemed to be the case this time around, as everyone pointedly did not look towards the suddenly silent duo stuck on the ground - Prime having had the luck of stabbing the other through the arm, pinning Megatron down momentarily. The Decepticon leader was in the process of pulling the sword out with a snarl, when he got pinned back onto the rocky floor in a hard shove.
"Yield, Megatron," Optimus grunted out, putting all of his weight onto the other to keep him from wiggling away.
"Not a chance!" Megatron shouted, redoubling his efforts to break free. The Autobot leader sighed, tired, as he shifted his hold so one servo was now around the silver mech's throat cables.
"Don't make me repeat myself, pet, it disappoints me," Optimus warned, digits squeezing threateningly.
Megatron stilled immediately, vocaliser shorting out with a sharp yelp. The hold on his neck became less crushing as a reward - a reminder more than a restriction.
Prime pressed his advantage, registering confirmation of the real mission being completed coming over his comms, as he took a moment to take in the battlefield and decided to begin wrapping things up.
"There, you always took direction so well, thank you for being good for me here," he murmured into the silver audials, as the frame below him was noticeably picking up in temperature. Optimus hummed appreciatively at the hitch in ex-vents.
"I think it's a shame I can't just keep you like this, you always responded so beautifully when I held you by the cables here… maybe a collar would suffice instead, what do you think?" he teased, preparing to get up, as the other struggled to regain enough processing power to shove him away, fans whirring loud. 
Prime noticed the digits curling up into a fist, and figured he could buy himself a other moment to safely leave - lifting the servo from the neck cables, he leant down and bit one of them, causing Megatron to gasp in pleasure. Stunned, the warlord did not move when the blue and red mech got up, only shaking the trance when the Autobots were already retreating through the ground bridge.
The Vehicons were all looking the other way, praying that this would not be the case next time around. 
At the Autobot base, Optimus stepped to the console, impervious to the judging looks of Ratchet and the strange silence of the other bots.
"Um, Optimus… about today…" started Bulkhead, as he was working up the courage to try and address the unhealthy habit Prime has developed since the amnesiac episode; the general tension was always there, but now their otherwise level headed leader was indulging himself into it.
"Good work on the mission today, everyone," intoned the Prime, a slight smile on his face as he started typing up his report, as he tended to do.
"Yeah, sure, it was nothing, boss," agreed Bulkhead, doing his best to not get himself derailed. "But could we maybe talk a little about what happened today, and well, what was happening for the last few months?"
The soft tapping stopped, before resuming at a slower pace.
"What do you believe is happening, Bulkhead?" Prime asked, face carefully neutral, as Ratchet snapped.
"You are nearly interfacing out in the open when we fight, Optimus! Take a hold of yourself and focus on ending this blasted war!" the medic accused, shaking from anger. The Prime looked at him blankly, and then replied:
"The way I deal with Megatron is my own matter, and since we are experiencing an increase of victories, I am unlikely to change back to the less effective strategy," voice even, the typing resumed at a normal pace. Ratchet mumbled "I hate the fact that he's got a point here," as he could not resist another jab.
"Strategic decision it is then, Optimus? Nothing else? Do you think I should try my luck then, see if the slagger just likes it hard?" the medic goaded, pretending to be half-sincere about his musings. "We could catch him in the crossfire, and one of us would at least finish the job…"
The sound of a crashing console keyboard was loud.
Optimus stood very still, his digits holding fragments of now mangled pieces of equipment, as he turned his helm slowly, gaze dark, his frame suddenly seeming way taller and scarier.
Bumblebee took a step back, hiding behind Bulkhead, beeping in distress.
Prime paid no heed to that, as he focused all of his attention on Ratchet, advancing at a leisurely pace that reminded Arcee of a prowling tiger from the documentaries she saw the kids leave on the TV one time.
"You are forgetting yourself, old friend," Optimus cautioned, a vocaliser full of odd resonance; Ratchet did not move even a bit, despite the odd sharp pain the distortion he was familiar enough to identify as Prime drawing on the power of Matrix in his chest.
"You have the nerve to accuse me of this, Optimus? the medic replied, standing his ground.
The stand off continued for a while, as the Prime finally let out a sigh and shook his helm, air around him full of nearly tangible electricity.
"Your concern has been noted," he stated, frame forcefully relaxing. 
Situation momentarily handled, Optimus ignored the snarky comments muttered in his direction, as he set down to repairing the console.
Prime knew there was no chance of getting back together with Megatron, but he could not deny the intense pull that made him crave seeing the warlord open and vulnerable. He tried not to recall the rush of pleasure when they got tangled up again on Nemesis.
"Do you think I should try my luck then, see if the slagger just likes it hard?"
Ratchet’s voice rang through his mind again, as his hold on one of the pieces he was collecting off the floor nearly made him crush it to dust.
Maybe there was no future for him and Megatron, but gods forbid someone tries to touch what the Prime considered his.
Another one prompted by this post BUT also this post and that post of @paraxodicalundressing, but also this post and this post too
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cozy-and-gentle · 7 months
A Trope I Need To Happen
Our Flag Means Death really changed the game. Instead of us wondering if the two male leads would or wouldn't... they did. Every shipper's dream come to life.
But I think I can do one better. Let's take a show formatted like Supernatural, Teen Wolf, etc. Episodic. Supernatural element. Though it doesn't have to have super powers.
The dynamic that is most important to this is Tall, Dark, and Brooding (with powers) and the Sarcastic One (human). Cool? Cool. So they have that dynamic where they always end up together whether they like it or not. Solving mysteries thanks to Sarcastic's brain and TDB being able to be the muscle. TDB saving Sarcastic's ass and Sarcastic attempting to do the same.
They argue a lot. Par for the course with them. It's the perfect set up for shipping characters like this with the will-they-won't-they. We've seen this before.
But... BUT this is where I would change it.
Let's say something goes awry with the monster of the week. It's dangerous and harrowing and both characters barely make it out. They're roughed up and bruised, but alive.
But TDB didn't stick to the plan. And Sarcastic put their neck on the line for TDB - specifically when he didn't ask. So they argue. They bicker usually, sure. But this time they REALLY argue. It's heated. They're angry for the aforementioned reasons. TDB is so fucking reckless and self-sacrificial. Sarcastic thinks he's impervious and he's fucking not. TDB should have just stuck to the fucking plan like they talked about. They're in each other's faces. They're both pissed.
And just when you think one is going to swing on each other, they kiss instead.
It's rough. It's bruising. It's needy. It's urgent.
And then, one heated kiss leads to another. Until these two characters have blush-worthy sex.
Fingertips sinking into skin. Tearing at each others clothes. Shared breaths. Roughness smoothing into softness.
They fuck like they kiss. They scare and shock themselves with how badly they wanted the other. It's hot.
End episode.
And then I think this is where the interesting shift would happen.
We as the audience know that these characters shared an intimate moment. And of course they are very aware of this.
But none of the other characters are aware.
And they don't talk about it for several episodes.
The other characters notice the shift, but they can't figure out what the heck happened.
We as the audience wonder if their romp was a fever dream. It happened out of nowhere. Did it really happen? But of course it did. It's not swept under the rug. It becomes quite obvious in the way they interact with one another.
TDB and Sarcastic don't bicker as much. Even if they argue, there's no heat behind it. Or if there is the heat fizzles very quickly and it becomes awkward. They quickly remember what happened the last time they argued and neither of them know how to address it or talk about it.
Will they talk about it? Eventually. But in the meantime, we feel their tension. Their awkwardness.
And because the will-they-won't-they aspect is out of the way, we see characters that deal with the aftermath. What that means for them. Their feelings. And their slow drift what they mean to one another.
With their feelings known (since they were eager, willing participants, after all) then the focus becomes 'Well, DO they like each other?'
Arguing was easy. But this kind of intimacy is brand new to both of them.
And we get to see them slowly drift to something sweeter. When they finally do talk, just picture: TDB: I may have been hasty... Sarcastic: YOU THINK?! TDB: ... But I don't regret it at all. ...Do you? Sarcastic: .... No. And they share a lot of soft moments as they figure each other out. They touch each other a little more freely. Sarcastic is the touch-as-a-love-language type and touches TDB much more often. And TDB doesn't stop them. They take care of each other more openly. Not just when something is going on but the little things.
Getting the other's favorite food. Texting more often and finding themselves happier for it. Watching movies. Reminding each other to eat and take breaks...
Make the drift towards sex fast, but watch them slowly and openly fall in love when all is said and done.
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onelastfic · 7 months
Been reading your Raza x Nenet. Are there any Lars x Nenet interactions?
Here’s some early ones I did
Though I just want to say this now that Lars x Nenet is basically finished. It isn’t very healthy and wouldn’t last in the long scheme of things. Other than nsfw (and that’s more a hate s3x dynamic), I ain’t really feeling the ship anymore and I guess that shows in the interactions. Cynical af.
“Wow, kitten, you want to hold my hand? How awfully lewd of you.” Lars chided, teasing smirk on his face.
“We literally slept together yesterday.” Nenet blushed, already regretting asking him to do it.
“That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.”
“You are such a fucking asshole…”
“Look, last night was a mistake.” Nenet sighed, searching for her clothes.
“A sexy mistake.” Lars commented, not even to hide his nakedness as he cockily laid on the bed.
“No, just a regular mistake.” Nenet corrected. Looks like Cindy was right about her having impulse control issues.
After a night of crying and self-pity, Nenet woke up the next morning, her eyes red and puffy. She stumbled to her mirror and straightened herself up. She looked herself in the eyes, determined to rid any trace of vulnerability from her expression. Her gaze turned steely, her emotions buried deep beneath her usual, impenetrable facade. Her own voice echoing in room as she gave herself a pep talk over what happened with Lars.
"Alright, so ya let yourself fall in love a little bit, and you got your hearts broken," she muttered bitterly. "Serves you right for having feelings, dumbass! Starting now, ya are a hard, heartless goddess-in-training. Do your work, protect the world, be awesome at it, and don't waste time on shitty things like love and romance. Why hope for love when ya can have a perfectly fine and painless existence as a cynical loner? From now on, you're a robot. Beep bop boop blerp bleep."
Nenet's reflection stared back at her with an expression of manic determination. She might have let a few cracks happen but this time she’s going to fortify those walls around her heart even more, impenetrable to the vulnerabilities of love, sadness, doubt, and more. She was going to focus on her training, excel in her job, and become a supreme being impervious to stupid ass emotions. No more heartache, no more tears.
“Enough with the ghosting already, kitten. What did I even do to—”
“Are you fucking serious right now?! You were being the most egotistical, stubborn, arrogant person on the face of this earth, AND—” Nenet fired off quickly.
“Oh, get over it already! I just told you what you didn’t want to admit!” Lars yelled, getting more pissed. If she was still on about the Bruce thing, then he shouldn’t have even bothered coming over.
Nenet stood in the doorway thinking of whether she should just slam the door in Lars’ face. He obviously wasn’t gonna listen to what she had to say or try to understand, but she already knew how classic that was for Lars. Still, she had some stuff to get off her chest regarding him.
“Lars……” Nenet took a deep breath, feeling all prickly inside. She was damn well going to say this, but not for him, for herself. Uncomfortable and awkward feelings be damned. “I felt really upset when ya made that comment about my crush on Bruce. Even though I get that you were right, ya still took something that I told ya in private then just revealed in front of our friends, even after I told ya to knock it off. And ya didn’t even stop there. I felt so insulted and humiliated. Now the whole crew knows my private biz……What I’m saying is that you ruined my trust in you. I thought I could trust you with something super personal about me and you treated it like it was nothing. You weren’t even sorry despite knowing how upset I was. I can’t be in a friendship like that. I don’t WANT to be in a friendship like that. That’s just how I feel about it. I don’t plan to argue about this, and I don’t think we should be friends anymore.”
Lars just stared at Nenet wide eyed and at a loss for words. When he finally let the words sink in, he tried to say something. “Aw shit, Nenet, I didn’t—”
Nenet held her hand up. “I’m gonna stop ya right there. I don’t wanna hear it. Ya had plenty of time to mend things and ya didn’t. I don’t need your apology… especially if you’re only doing it to make yourself feel better. I’m too tired for that shit. I’m done, fucking done. Goodbye Lacerta Butterfly.” Nenet said, completely calm as she closed the front door. She let her head slump, pressing it against the cool wood of the door. She felt a lot lighter than when she first opened the door, like a big weight was finally off her shoulders.
Lars belongs to @kururu418
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formulatrash · 2 years
have you ever had to interact with more controversial drivers like mazepin? what was it like?
yeah, weirdly I actually used to speak to Nikita quite a lot cus of junior series stuff. he is (or was) an odd combination of quite sweet in an almost naiive way and with these very hard-line, ultra masculinist tendencies. I don’t mean that in like a ‘things men do’ way, I mean the Putin masculinism which is this sort of cult of being hard, impervious, dominating etc.
(I am not sure masculinism is the right word? idk what it is in english. why am I so bad at speaking the language I write in for a job)
at the end of the day, in media pen or a press conference you’re unlikely to get too much weird behaviour from them because they’re aware there are eyes on them. like, if you’re saying “well, that was a good race for you, are you confident you’ll keep your result despite the track limits warning?” then the most you might get back will be like “I think these track limits issues are bullshit that’s killing racing, it’s just policing us away from being able to make moves” etc not, idk, “death to NATO and also I hate women” 
and when they’re babies it’s. idk, I’m old? so like, not actually Nikita but quite a lot of the junior drivers could be my terrible sons so you try to be a little forgiving of them being weird or awkward or whatever. I was quite surprised by the naiive/sweet element of Nikita (if you watch F2 interviews with him it’s sort of oddly there and feels so directly opposite to knowing the guy beat Callum Ilott’s face in. 
so, yeah. bit strange really. idk, they’re all (or a lot of them) damaged children aren’t they, to paraphrase Toto Wolff. just some of them work that out to become nice adults and some of them get deservedly put on an EU sanctions list for being a turbobellend. 
in terms of other controversial ones, idk. I guess Sirotkin had a few, shall we say, blips but off-track he was always really sweet and when he did the Marrakech rookie test after losing his F1 seat he was really patient and earnest, absolutely no ego or whatever (which not all of the ex-F1 ones come to FE with)
trying to think who else is controversial now and my mind’s going blank. oh, maybe Loïc Duval? but that was mostly my controversy in that he went berserk at me in the Montreal media pen (it was a tense weekend) because of something Jack had said on the commentary, of all things. (not involving me, he’d just overheard me reassuring Jack he hadn’t said anything too bad, after Duval had had a go at him first)
first time I have ever had to seriously think ‘what the fuck do I do if a driver punches me’ - fortunately, Adam Carroll intervened.
??? I guess Andre. we seem to be friends now though, which is odd. and I mean, I guess Lucas sometimes? but Lucas is my bff, I love him. and neither of them are on any kind of Mazepin level they’re just, y’know. villain era sometimes. the Taylor Swifts of Formula E.
there’s plenty of drivers I’ve interviewed who are just incompetent or at least, not up to the standard of whatever series they’re in. I was a bit surprised that Amaury Cordeel hasn’t been punted up for the F2 media roundtable yet, given his ban looked like such a certainty - he’s a piece of work and all. properly should not have a racing license, not just because he’s a bit rubbish but off-track behaviour is hideous, including filming himself racing on public roads and DM’ing underage girls. but yeah, have yet to speak to the bloke so idk what he’s like.
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curtklingermanposts · 7 months
It's Illegal
Stop Bringing Things Up
As Christians, we know we are to forgive others; otherwise, we will not be forgiven (see Matthew 6:15). One aspect of forgiveness, which we should to take to heart, is once we tell others we forgive them; it would be illegal to brings things up again. More specifically, rub whatever transpired in their face, and use it against them. Once things have been dealt with, it’s time to let them go permanently.
Psalms 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us.
Jesus encouraged us to be merciful as our Father in Heaven is merciful (Matthew 5:38-48), therefore, it would be important to treat others as He does us. God never brings things up again, once He’s forgiven us. East never meets west, which means it’s no longer a consideration. It’s part of the New Covenant: “for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more” (Jeremiah 31:34 [see verses 31-34 for fuller context]).
For whoever needs this: Stop asking Him for forgiveness for something He has already forgiven! It’s done!
The Importance of Letting Go
Psalms 103:8-10 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. He will not always strive with us, Nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor rewarded us according to our iniquities (NASB).
Because He compassionate and gracious, He doesn’t treat us in the way we deserve. Of course, when a person is experiencing pain, or anger as the result of someone else’s offence, it can be difficult to think in those terms. Difficult; but not impossible. Naturally, the more we become like Him, the easier it gets. The more we submit to Holy Spirit, the easier it is to detach our emotions, and not take up the offence to begin with. That’s not to say we become impervious to getting hurt, but it can be greatly mitigated.
Part of it is realizing the frailty of humanity. People do things for different reasons, which makes it imperative to be empathetic, and to try to understand from where someone is coming. People think, act, react and respond differently from each other, because they are different. A simple example is everyone is raised differently than another. Even in communities with shared values have households that are unique to their neighbors. Children are disciplined differently. Some values are held in higher esteem in some homes than others. World views differ from one person to the next, at least to some degree. All of this feeds in the way we interact with one another.
Even motives can be misinterpreted based on one’s experiences and upbringing. A person could have totally benign intent behind an offending action, yet be seen by another as having malicious intent. In extreme instances, some have been taught everyone is guilty. There are individuals who might be considered socially awkward, and lack the social graces to recognize what is acceptable and what is not in some settings.
Psalms 103:13-14 Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust (NASB).
God makes room for our weaknesses; in fact, He has made provision for them -grace. Part of being compassionate is letting people off the hook. One might ask, “What about accountability?” We’ll briefly address that in a moment. Take it to personal level. Have you ever hurt someone, and experienced guilt and shame as a result? Did you find those things leave you once you found forgiveness? How easy it to move forward when your past is constantly thrown in your face? Releasing others helps them move forward, and become their better versions. Constantly reminding them of their past offence hinders their progress.
If a person doesn’t want someone to move forward, it begs the question as to whether he forgave the offender to begin with. Forgiveness does not necessarily mean the pain immediately goes away; however, without it, there is no healing. Secondly, forgiveness does not necessarily make someone trustworthy. Nonetheless, it does make room for his earning that trust back. In fact, it may help turn things around to the point where the relations morphs into what God intended it to be in the first place.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
One thing that helps overcome hurt and anger is finding God’s intent for the relationship. Asking Him for wisdom and understanding goes a long way in restoration and healing. And that’s what it’s about: relationship.
Back to the accountability thing. Two things to consider: one is becoming self-aware. In many cases, there are more than one perpetrator in a given conflict. Hmmm. There are two sides to every story. Self-awareness helps us see our part in the story, especially when we include Holy Spirit. There may be a possibility we might be the ones who need to ask for forgiveness. This part of taking personal accountability. It’s not always the other person’s fault. Humility plays a big role in being accountable.
Secondly, holding someone accountable does not necessarily mean calling them out on the carpet, so to speak. Instead of pointing the finger, and causing them to look down, point up to where they are called. “You’re better than this, God has called you to something much better. I don’t see you as a low life, I see you as a person of God.” The idea is to see them as God sees them, and encourage him or her in that direction.
God calls those things that be not as if they were (see Romans 4:17). He knows the end result, and we want to be in agreement with Him. If one decides to throw someone’s past in his or her face, one is not in agreement with God.
Matthew 18:15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
By the way, part of the forgiveness process occasionally includes talking about it, but once the talking is over, it’s over!
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
“You and your husband” that is VILE omg I am so sorry, I would rip his balls off if I ever ran into that man
My experiences with doctors have generally been pleasant but I have had one or two who are weirdos about LGBT things. One time I couldn’t see my GP so I had to see another doctor and with the problem I had he wanted to give me a quick prostate exam (I’m a guy, hello lol) to make sure it wasn’t cancer. He warned me it might be a bit uncomfortable so I awkwardly made a silly joke about how I’m gay so that kind of discomfort wasn’t entirely foreign to me, just a dumb joke
He immediately told me I should get checked for HIV. I was 16 at the time. I was also a virgin, not that it matters
My family always says it was a valid concern to bring up but idk. It’s always rubbed me the wrong way and made me afraid to bring up my sexuality to medical professionals ever since. I imagine it’s even worse for lesbians and women in general, I’m sorry :(
Oh hello 😌 ya know I genuinely didn't know any cis guys followed me
But anyway yeah I could see how that's make a 16 yo uncomfortable or feel like judgement or that it came out of nowhere, but truly he was right in doing that. When I was a teen I used to go to a local LGBTQ youth center here who did free testing all the time and you'd be shocked how many young queer people think they're impervious to STIs and are just walking around with them without knowing. So I do feel for younger you, but I also hope from here on out you can be more comfortable because he really was just being a good doctor in that instance even tho I know it did feel awkward and invasive/judgemental. Pleae do take care of yourself 💕
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Blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob. Looking for something insightful? Blob blob blob blob blob blob. Just to clarify: blob blob blob. That is as much wisdom as you shall find.
Replace every word I write with blob and you shall find the same level of enlightenment. Why do I say this? Because it’s true? Why is it true? Because it is.  I spout the absolute worst garbage that syrups its way from the back of my brain to the front of my mind.  Then why read this? For a glimpse of honesty perhaps.  In a world that denounces such a thing.  I can’t offer any original ideas or instant enlightenment.  All I can offer is my honesty.  Is that worth your time? It depends on you. Who you are, and how you see me. 
I really didn’t want to do this today, but here I am doing it nonetheless. How I wish I had something to say. But, like an awkward first date, I just have nothing to say. It’s all the same. It’s always the same. Some brief turn towards a possible happy future with friends and love and hope.  And then a return to the me that only reveals itself when me is alone. The me that is full of distrust, distaste and dissatisfaction with all people and all things. The me that writes this now.  Hello. 
I am the inside evil. The thing that thinks but never speaks. The one that places doubts and removes trust. I am the malice that creeps into your head at night and whispers how you are not good enough and never will be. How everyone will be better off without your infectious negativity.  The thing that tries to bring you down to my level, because there is no hope of raising me to yours’.  It hides away when I am around people.  But as soon as they are gone, it rears its ugly head and exudes its poison. It takes control of me and makes me spit hatred into the world.  Hatred in words; hatred in actions. It is the insidious being that strangles my hopes and punctures my dreams.  It wraps itself within the chords of my brain and tugs and pulls it into shapes that represent the worst of me. 
But it is me. I am it.  It is my foundation and it will probably be my downfall.  I can feel it now.  I can hear it. Pulsing through my head with the pain.  Am I going mad? No.  I’ve always been mad. It is only now that I am allowing the madness to pervade my consciousness.  I hate it. I attach every pejorative that I know to it, but know I am cursing only myself. 
People talk of ‘toxic’ people.  People that bring nothing good to their lives. Well, that I fear is I.  Someone has to be it, else it wouldn’t be a thing.  I feel so much hate towards this thing inside of me.  This thing that is me.  I can’t get away from it.  I can drown it in pills and cover it in positivity, but it is always there and it always comes out on top.  The more effort I put in to quelling it, the more obstreperous it becomes.  It eats me from the inside out.
I raise the question for the x-illionth time.  Is there still hope? When there is time, there is hope.  And I do have time. Time is slow and drags and drags and drags. The idea of endless pontifications is a daunting one.   was told yesterday that I need to make the effort to find reasons to live and to be happy. The honest response was not so savory. There are reasons for hope and reasons for happiness.  Reasons to be able to live a high-quality and high-quantity life despite impending blindness and impervious pain.  However, there are reasons to be sad and reasons to want an end.
An ending.  Dying. Death. Dead.  Something that you will be one day. Everyone will be. So why is it such a delicate topic?  There is an answer somewhere there, but not one that I have yet to extricate.  I am so bemused to why the idea of someone dying by means other than what was ascribed to them by fate is so silenced.  Everyone dies.  Get over it. Get used to hearing it.  Talk about it, because believe it or not life is not a brilliant experience for everyone. Here is my suppository for saying what I really want to say.  No matter how pernicious it may be. Maybe if I turn enough people against me, it will make it easier.  Vindicate me.  Prove to me that I am right and that I am the worst of humanity.  Because of the words I say. The words that you aren’t supposed to say.   
This is where I now have read back what I have written.  I see how poisonous it gets and I am about to apportion a good chunk of it to the never-was-sphere of the backspace button. 
Five hours on, and I have enjoyed a lovely meal out for my mum’s birthday.  A lot can change in a few hours. Now I can focus on staying calm about tomorrow. The day of my last resort surgery.  Probably the most significant day of my life so far.  Being hubristic, I would say that I have nothing to lose and there is a good chance I’ll be in a better situation after than I am now. Following my far more natural negative tendency, I would say that I have everything to lose. My future rests on this outcome. 
So, I approach this night that I know sleep will not find me easily. Uncertainty, anticipation, trepidation: all feelings that will keep my mind a-turning.  I would like to thank the people who have read this so far. Writing has helped me so much, knowing that I may need not suffer alone, and not all people will reject me for my honesty in the darkest time of my life. 
Just to remind anyone who somehow found themselves here: I am having surgery on both my eyes tomorrow that will pretty much dictate whether I will have vision in the future. So pretty significant for me. I know the next week will most likely be very difficult for me. I will be back, for better or for worse. Probably for the worse.  
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catrinathomas · 1 year
kids apple watch band
The Apple Watch is an extraordinary method for staying in contact with your children, however finding the right band for them can be troublesome. You need something adorable and beautiful, yet additionally solid enough to endure long periods of purpose. Luckily, there's one band that meets that large number of prerequisites: The Interlaced Circle.
Agreeableness, BREATHABILITY, AND Sturdiness The Meshed Circle is one of the most agreeable Apple Watch groups you can get your kid's wrist on. It has a smooth completion so the watch band isn't tricky or awkward during use as a result of its delicate surface. In the event that your youngster has delicate skin, they will see the value in how agreeable this band feels against their wrist consistently — particularly when contrasted with different materials.
The breathable lattice keeps the wrist ventilated and dry. This is something beneficial for youngsters, who will generally perspire more than grown-ups do. The lattice additionally makes it more agreeable than different groups, which can be blistering or tacky in warm climate. It's additionally very breathable and agreeable to wear.
The actual circle comprises of a strong nylon material that has been woven together, making a very close circle. It's the best band for dynamic children with a functioning way of life. It can endure being pulled on by little fingers, making it ideal for youngsters who are as yet figuring out how to treat their effects with care.
STRETCHABLE, LIGHTWEIGHT, AND Movable The flexibility of the Twisted Circle watch band makes it extra advantageous for youngsters with little wrists who like wearing their watches consistently. This implies it's agreeable to wear, in any event, for significant stretches of time, yet in addition adequately strong to endure through loads of mileage.
The Meshed Circle's texture piece permits it to be collapsed and concealed in a pocket or pack while occupying next to no room. It's lightweight, making it simple to haul around the entire day.
The movable lash can fit a youngster's wrist so the watch band will remain precisely where you put it while as yet feeling sufficiently adaptable so your kid doesn't feel limited by their Apple Watch consistently during exercises over the course of every day.
Simple TO CLEAN The Meshed Circle is made of sturdy nylon material that won't gather sweat like calfskin groups do so you need to stress over no out of control smells coming from the band subsequent to wearing it the entire day!
In any case, we realize kids are extremely dynamic so soil and stains on the watch band are undeniable. Beneficial thing, the Plaited Circle utilizes a nylon material that is impervious to smudges, so on the off chance that your child gets grimy at the everyday schedule practice (or any place), essentially clear it off with a clammy fabric. You can likewise wash this band manually or simply toss them in the clothes washer (delicate cycle) and they'll come out looking fresh out of the plastic new once more.
Slick AND Tomfoolery Varieties FOR Youngsters In the event that you're a parent searching for the best Apple Watch band for youngsters, look no farther than the Meshed Circle. It's quite possibly of the most upscale choice available and an incredible decision for youngsters need to wear their watches consistently.
It comes in a wide range of varieties so there's one that definite will match your child's closet best: Dark, Blue, Emerald, Pink, Record, and Purple — even ones with designs like Dusk, Nightfall, Spearmint, and Ocean Salt.
AT A Reasonable Cost You can't turn out badly with these Interlaced Circle watch groups for your children. They are reasonable and an incredible worth, particularly taking into account the top notch and sturdiness of the band. Besides, we offer a 30-day fulfillment ensure so you can have confidence that assuming anything turns out badly, we will deal with it.
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throatbass14 · 2 years
Vacuum Technology For Home-Built Gas Lasers
We measured a distance of 315 inches when the nozzle was held at a height of five feet - second only to the Gilmour - Zinc Pistol Grip is a worthwhile option. The distance the ratcheting head is away from the handle makes it a bit awkward to change the spray pattern-you basically have to put the nozzle down or hold it by the neck to change the pattern or to adjust the angle the head is set to. It turns out that the 36″ length of this wand is a bit long and awkward to use on our garden. The Bon-Aire nozzle also can be turned off by twisting it to the left or right, meaning that you’re never more than three settings away from turning the nozzle off. Whenever I explain alopecia areata to someone in real life, they usually ask me how I got it, and I say I have no idea - that while it can happen randomly to kids and teens, for adults it's often caused by stress and sometimes takes place about two to three months after a traumatic or substantial life event. The first thing we noticed when testing the Bon-Aire nozzle was just how durable it was.
F 35 Nozzle
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The Orbit - 56044 was one we wanted to try since it had a longer reach than the 15″ Relaxed Gardener we tested. So unless you have specific reach needs like those mentioned above, we’d go with a shorter hose nozzle. Most of our plants are in grow bags about 6-12″ tall, and while yes it’s still a plus you still don’t have to bend over as much to water the base of the pots with this wand, the length of this is probably more suited if you have hanging plants or other plants really out of reach deep in bushes or ground covering that you simply could not reach otherwise. Made from aircraft-grade aluminum and heavy-duty rubber, the Bon-Aire is our most durable pick. In addition to being made with “aircraft-grade aluminum,” the thick-yet-soft rubber made the nozzle essentially impervious to drops on the ground. In idropulitrice , since the Gilmour nozzle is made from metal, it can easily be recycled. Given the low cost of the Gilmour relative to other nozzles, you can go through at least two or three before spending the same amount as you would on our other top picks.
This will protect fruit buds and blossoms down to 20°F at a low dewpoint (very little moisture in the air) and under nearly windless conditions. The amount of turning is determined by the pressure difference between the combustion gasses just arriving at the edge, and the ambient air on the other side of the wall. The nozzle is very easy to twist from side to side, which makes turning the Bon-Aire on and off, as well as switching from one spray pattern to another, very easy to do. Bon-Aire claims that this “two-way shutoff system” is patented. If you’re the type to leave the hose nozzle hanging out in the yard, or under the sun, our guess is that the foam of the Orbit is more likely to crack and break over time compared to a solid handle. While not as durable as our other top picks, the Gilmour is less than half the cost and is still fairly durable. Built out of metal, the Gilmour nozzle is fairly resistant to cracks, especially when compared to garden hose nozzles built from plastics.
Boom Sprayer Nozzles
However, the locking mechanism and screw are moving parts that are fairly exposed and run the risk of jamming or otherwise degrading over time. This layer creates a viscous damping that gradually dissipates the wave structure. It's common to print your first layer at 150-200% extrusion width to give the part more surface interface with the bed. You will find a garbage can next to the toilet, that’s where you put your toilet paper. Once the power unit is out you can see two round holes in the pump housing. When choosing the best overall garden hose nozzle, we wanted an option that would appeal to the greatest number of people while also being affordable, durable, and easy to use. While some might be able to get away with a more basic garden hose nozzle, such as our other topic pick, the Gilmore, we found that the Bon-Aire Ultimate Aluminum Hose to be a compelling choice as well. If you see a site using this without our permission let us know. The design was intriguing since water can stream from the nozzle without needing to hold down or lock the handle. The nozzle also has a screw that can be tightened or loosened, depending on what spray pattern you want to lock the Gilmour into.
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fishyfod · 3 years
Reverse unpopular opinion: James Ironwood?
I absolutely love Ironwood’s character, precisely because I despise everything about him.
I’ve mentioned this a day or two ago, but when I first saw Ironwood, well - I was already a skeptic, because military man is military man and that’s enough reason to question everything about him. He’s tall, imposing, somewhat good-looking (although that original army haircut, ugh...), certainly strong.
And then he fucking speaks, and he’s the nicest person around. He’s soft-spoken, he’s trying to get a word in while the rest of Ozpin’s gang talks all over him, Glynda cuts him off to reprimand him. Honestly you want to feel bad about him, he’s only trying to do the right thing and everyone treats him like a child. His history with Glynda makes you think of a fleeing romance, lovers separated by duty. He’s shy, he’s awkward to be around, he can’t give speeches for shit.
And there’s something so charming about that in a person, you know? He’s not perfect, he’s not trying to be a god among man, he acknowledges his problems communicating with others. You feel sorry for him because maybe you were just like him too.
But here’s the scary part; he’s always been the most dangerous of Ozpin’s gang. He was ready to call for an invasion on Mount Glenn, he brought an army to peace talks, he saw his force as safety. He brought the most terrible ideas to the table, and never seems aware of their danger.
And there’s a duality to this, because his character isn’t military macho man, walking charisma and suggesting you serve justice in violence. He’s not impervious to judgement of his character, he doesn’t only show his strong front. He’s not nationalist radio 24/7, he’s not ancient general offering his wisdom.
His character is the military man, stripped down to its very core - the authoritarian view of “I know exactly what needs to be done and I know better than you”, the sweet poison in offering you to make a better person out of yourselves in enlistment, the insidiousness of taking those who were abused and molding them into soldiers, the very idea that with enough force, with enough violence, I can solve everything, I can bring peace!
It’s a new kind of danger, because he doesn’t want you to join him on his pedestal. He lowers it down and offers you a step with some kind words.
And it blew my mind when I first saw that! Like, how easy would it have been to make him a walking caricature of general, with the exact same plot beats? Everyone would’ve known he’s full of shit, we’re past the point of falling for that kind of character. But you can’t look at Ironwood’s character at first and realize he’s dangerous because he looks bad like you’d expect, he’s dangerous because his actions and words make him dangerous.
And here’s the actual scary part; it’s real. If one mask doesn’t work, we change it for another. If people can see the veneer for what it is, we can fix it. Dangerous people will always find a way to be appealing, and that’s true for the army just as well. Danger is always in actions, not appearances.
Thanks for the ask!
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Random Terios and Blue headcanons please? I love them so much!
🥺❤️🥺Ooh! Okay!🥺❤️🥺
I’m so happy that you love them! They’re my fossil weirdos and I protect them with my life! I’m doing work in the lab at the moment. I don’t know how to add a “read more” feature on mobile, so this post will be long. I’ll reblog in the future when I think of some more. I hope that you like them!
Terios “Shadow:”
Terios is young compared to the Ancients, but he’s older to the mortals. He’s around 1,500-years-old. His physical appearance looks to be between late teens/early twenties.
With this said, Terios is impervious. He is not immortal. There is a fine line drawn between the two.
Terios is very socially awkward. He hates being in large crowds and doesn’t like being out in public with people for very long, it feels rather claustrophobic to him. If it’s too much for him, Terios rapidly flees and retreats to his safe place to breathe. Blue often finds him near the beach watching the waves crash to calm down. They sit for hours in silence watching the wave.
With that being said, Terios is claustrophobic. Much like his irrational fear of claustrophobia, Terios has a fear of heights and falling.
Droids do exist during the time period that Terios meets Blue and the other Ancients. He befriends a droid named “OMEGA,” an organic rock golem-like droid crafted by the Yellow Ancient and powered by a Chaos Crystal. The only thing that remains of OMEGA a thousand years later after Blue’s sacrifice is his functional head, which acts as a travel companion for Terios.
For the longest time Terios never had a name. When he was created by Lyric, he was only seen as an object. Terios went years without an identity until Blue was able to rescue him while fleeing his creator. Blue named him “Terios” due to the name symbolizing his reflection of self. When Terios was given a name, he broke down and cried. He finally had something of his own.
Speaking of names, Terios never once called himself “Shadow” when he came to live in the present time. That was a name that others gave him, one that he accepted as a form of punishment. When Blue sacrificed himself to save the planet from Lyric’s reign of terror, Terios was sealed away in a cave for a few hundred years—by accident—and was left to wander around the world in search of finding his soul mate after he was freed. When he tried to find Blue, he found that the beautiful world that Blue had created was in ruins from the war between them and Lyric. Terios was left alone for several hundred years in search of any Ancient technology and magics that could be used to find Blue. Upon his travels, many anthros and humans found Terios and accused him for Blue’s disappearance. Terios lived in the shadows for years, only coming out when needed to. It was at the point where people would characterize him as a shadow due to how well hidden he was from the naked eye. He eventually accepted that it would be his modern alias, but never his identity.
Terios was created by Lyric with intentions of being the perfect soldier for his army. Due to Lyric’s belief in conquering the world and all the lifeforms that Blue created, Lyric sought revenge by creating an unstoppable army to fight the other Ancient. Terios was the only creation that Lyric made that was successfully organic, but found that Terios possessed too much free-will to critically think and strategize. Due to this, Lyric made sure to keep him under close eye and constantly redirected him. Terios eventually fled his his creator in search of the Ancient with all of Lyric’s plans to conquer the world.
Terios is a skilled swordsman and hand-to-hand combat warrior. He learned all of his fighting skills from his sessions with Blue. They do not spar with each other, but they have done so in the past for a demonstration of Terios’ growth after leaving his creator.
Terios is very poetic. He’ll write a few poems down on scrap parchment and save them. The Rosé Ancient found them once in Terios’ kept journal and encouraged him to talk to Blue about what he wrote.
Terios is the reason why blobfish exist in the world. It was an accidental creation.
Terios and the Red Ancient do not get along. They’re constantly fighting with each other. He thinks that Red is naïve and self-centered.
Terios learned how to control his Chaos abilities when he met Blue. Blue’s magics are along the powers of chaos energy, therefore he teaches Terios how to control and call upon chaos when he needs them.
Terios originally had an accent when he first met Blue. However, Terios’ transatlantic accent faded away over the years after Blue’s sacrifice. When they reunite nearly a thousand years later, it’s one of the first thing that Blue notices.
Terios expresses angrier more towards the world and himself rather than the people on the planet. When he spends his time wandering the planet in search of Blue, he grows angry towards himself for not protecting Blue during their battle with Lyric.
Along with his anger and frustration, Terios is furious with Sonic. Terios doesn’t hate Sonic, he hates that Blue doesn’t remember him, ergo giving Terios the impression that Sonic replaced Blue completely. Blue takes on the persona of Sonic accidentally when his reincarnation process was done hastily. Terios understands that both Sonic and Blue are two different people, but it still hurts his heart when he looks into Sonic’s eyes and see Blue looking back.
Blue Ancient/Sonic:
The Blue Ancient is ageless, but his physical appearance makes him look to be late teens/early twenties.
Blue is a genderless God, but uses he/him/his pronouns.
Blue’s physical form is actually made entirely out of light. He doesn’t have flesh and blood like Terios, but his form can have mass to it. (This works in favor with Terios, considering he likes to hold Blue’s pinky when they walk).
Blue is an Ancient, but his characteristics are along the lines of him being a God. He’s created the planet and life upon it—he is the main figurehead. He does have siblings as well, Yellow (Tails), Red (Knuckles), Rosé (AmyRose), and Lyric.
Blue and Lyric fought constantly over how to govern the organisms on the planet. Lyric wanted the lifeforms to fear the gods wrath and make the world calculated, Blue insisted on freedom and diplomatic beliefs. This caused Blue to banish Lyric from the realm and to live in solitude. They continue to fight to this day.
Blue has an unhealthy obsession for cake and forks.
Blue loves his creations, he loves the people that exist on the planet with all of his heart. He created a city—called Sanctuary—where the Ancient and all of the mortals could coexist with one another. Blue often stops to converse with the mortals that he created and keeps some of the inventions that they make in his personal library.
Wherever Blue walks barefoot, or touches with his hands, flowers grown in sight.
Along with his other magical abilities, Blue also possesses the power of healing tears. This has helped many of Blue’s creations in the past.
Blue possess the power of clairvoyance—he views this ability as a curse.
Blue can heal the sick and revive the dead, but it only works if there is an agreement and consent between the two.
Blue’s emotions also reflect the weather. Whenever he’s happy, the crown on his head glows like the sun. Whenever Blue is sad, the light from his body fades and it rains. Whenever he’s angry, he glows ruby red and lightning crackles.
Blue’s reincarnation process was rushed. Because he was quick to fix his physical form to be with Terios, Blue lost all of his memories and caused his magics to become chaotic. Due to this, Blue’s magics give him his super speed and other abilities. When he awakes, he has no memory of who his is and why he was left alone in the forest. Blue eventually makes his way to Bygone Village and takes on the alias of “Sonic.” He continues with his life as “Sonic” until he encounters Terios.
When Blue’s memories are restored, he has the memories of both himself and when he was Sonic. Blue apologies immensely and tries in any way that he can to make it up to Terios.
Blue and Terios:
Both of them hold each other’s pinky instead of hold each other’s hands. Hand holding happens more frequently when Blue reincarnates.
Terios was there to witness the creation of humans when Blue made them. Blue insisted that it was a side project, but Terios thought that Blue’s curiosity for creating a new species was intriguing.
Blue makes it a point to show Terios that the world can be a good thing. For years Terios was kept from knowing about the world and was only taught of the unfairness of it from Lyric. Blue makes it a point to show Terios that there is beauty everywhere and that there can be good from others.
Blue and Terios fluctuate in height throughout the years. When they first met, Blue easily towered over Terios’ 1.2 meter (4 foot) frame. When Blue reincarnated into the present era, he drastically shrunk to 1.2 meters. Terios is barely taller than him. If not for the hover skates, they’d be the same height.
There are plenty of glyphs across Bygone Island that detail the unbreakable love and connection that Blue and Terios have for each other. There have been newer additions along the way that Terios scribed, but the general idea concerns the good that the two bring.
They don’t wear wedding rings, but they do wear matching sarongs that compliment each other.
When Blue regains his memories and reincarnates, he and Terios help AmyRose—who’s a linguistic anthropologist—piece together some of the written documents that detail the history of the Ancients. Blue and Terios often get off-track when transcribing the documents due to sharing epic stories of the past, but AmyRose doesn’t mind. She loves hearing what the past was like and tries to make sense of some historical documents from the past.
Blue is needed by Terios, Terios is wanted by Blue.
Blue and Terios are soul-bounded; they are not married. There is a difference. The process of soul-bonding is exchanging bits and pieces of their souls with one another to have a part of them in their hearts. They can feel each other’s presence, emotions, sense their thoughts, and feel the love that they have for each other. It’s a spark and comforting connection that the two have with each other. It’s as if they’re never alone.
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Of Fire and Love Pt. 4
(Dragon! Yoongi x  Reader)  (Ft. Baby! Jungkook and Baby Dragon! Hoseok, Fairy! Jimin x Dragon! Namjoon)
W/c: 20.0k
Tags: Genderfluid! Jimin, changing pronouns, Questioning! Hoseok, non-sexual talk about dicks and pussys, knotting, mentions of overstimulation, Touch of breeding kink, Mentions of infertility, War, bullying, mild angst, Heaps of domestic fluff, Koo and Hobi grow up, violence/blood gore warning, time leaps, 
A/N: you guys are gonna be mad at me for the end of this but keep in mind the length of this chapter, and the fact that I will not be able to update for a little while. At the beginning of this part Hoseok and Jungkook are 8 and 10, and but the end of it they are 13 and 15. 
Series Masterlist 
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- The second after a very naked fairy pops in an out of view is nearly unbearable in its awkwardness. Namjoon splutters for something to say and you try to take a sip of tea but end up choking on it. A moment later Jimin returns wearing a floor-length cloak of ebony silk beautifully embroidered. It matches the black lace intricacy of the dragon-fly wings that stick out of his back. They’re folded down towards the floor, iridescent and fluttering.
- He apologizes, much to Namjoon’s bright red-faced embarrassment, And Namjoon mentions that it’s just not in his nature to wear clothes much- gets in the way of flying and all. It’s a flimsy excuse- one that all of you are happy to leave unpunished.
- The fairy is pretty, his blonde hair curling over his forhead delicatly. He smiles and cups your cheeks when Namjoon introduces you and Yoongi stifles a smile to see you retreat at the sudden touch- it seems this level of physical contact is normal for Jimin. “Oh, you’re a pretty thing aren’t you- like a ranunculus or a tiger lily!”
- “Uhm,” you say, blushing as red as the flowers he calls you, “thank you?”
- “Do you spend much time in the fairy realms these days Jimin?” Yoongi asks after the fairy has fluttered over to pepper a kiss to his forehead, which Yoongi groans about. It shouldn’t surprise you- but somehow it does.
- Jimin cracks a feral smile- showing his sharper than seems human teeth, “You know I’d never resist the chance to terrorize my brothers and sisters Yoongi.” Jimin slaps him over the shoulder- your mate gives a little yelp looking scathed.  “What was that for!?” “For not visiting sooner you bastard-”
- “Uhm, darling?” Namjoon asks, hand over his face, the same second Hoseok pipes up, “why did you call him a bastard!?” “Yeah what’s a bastard!?” Jungkook joins in. Yoongi runs a hand over his face, trying not to laugh, then reaches across the table to squeeze your hand. 
- Although it takes the majority of the morning, once Jimin gets over his embarrassment (and once he apologizes for cursing in front of your boys) your two boys are absolutely enthralled with the fairy. Expressing interest in seeing Jimin fly. He buzzes happily and lifts off the floor- the action as natural as breathing. He touches down after a moment. Jungkook lifts one of them up and giggles at you through the mottled surface, completely ignoring Jimin’s “Aish little bug- these are delicate!”
- Jimin and Namjoon lean in close, Namjoon running a wide hand through Jimin’s blonde hair, and they tell all of you that flying is actually how they met. “You almost knocked me out of the sky!” Jimin cries. But he looks at Namjoon with something like terribly fond love instead of indignance like his tone might suggest.
- They’re something of a match made in heaven, the dragon whose hoarded object is plants, and the fairy that makes the plants sing with a twitch of his finger. You notice instantly- how all of the roses turn in Jimin’s direction when he walks, the flowers on the patio perking up. 
- Jungkook is especially curious about Jimin and asks him countless questions about his kind and others. Hoseok too- his eyes lighting up when Jimin effortlessly hovers up and off the floor. As someone who wants to learn how to fly but can only glide for a few feet- picks his brain too. 
- You can see the jealousy in Jungkook’s face- that boy has always wanted to fly- ever since he was little. And now that he sees someone human looking like him who has wings. You feel as though Jimin may have opened up a whole new vein of curiosity in your son. All of a sudden he’s asking you how many other types of things can fly. The world isn’t only birds and dragons anymore: now Jungkook’s world includes; birds, dragons, and Jimin.
- To answer his question- Jimin takes Jungkook to see their library on magical species. It’s the most complete in the city or so Jimin boasts. “Is he far along in his schooling?” he asks you, eyeing the way that the 7-year-old is pulling out some tombs’ from the shelves, only to cause a mini avalanche- Hoseok giggling as he clears Jungkook’s face from the debris. Dust coating both of them.
- “When he says ‘he can’t wait to read them’ he just means he can't wait to have me read them to him” that tempts a laugh from Jimin’s mouth. “Very well then, I better show you a few that you’d both enjoy” He even sends Jungkook and you off with a little parcel of them for his own collection. Impervious to your thanks that only make the fairy shy.
- Jimin and Namjoon are the best hosts, ready to take your sons down to the sea cliffs the moment they beg- though really- Jimin has hardly even had breakfast. the narrow steps lad to a beach with soft sands. Where Hobi can ripple and curl through the water- Jungkook and you walking along the beach collecting shells, Hobi piercing the top of the waves with a splash His claws digging into the sand as he happily trots after you- only to be tempted back into the water by the sight of a fish. 
- He actually does manage to catch one at one point. A shiny thing with dark scales.  He lets out a happy little roar, summoning the rest of you too him, Namjoon and Yoongi trot down the beach, neither of them wearing shoes, Jimin flutters over quick. “That’s a good one!” Namjoon says appreciatively, trotting to the edge of the waves and taking it from Hoseok’s little mouth, holding it up to show the others. “We can definitely cook this for dinner,” 
-“Good job my little hunter” Hoseok nibbles affectionately at Yoongi’s hand as it passes over his we head- and it makes you a little stupidly proud, Yoongi too- has his chest a little puffed up. Hoseok does a quick circle, snapping his wings free of water before he bounds back off in the direction of the waves.
- Unfortunately, his enjoyment is only temporary- because as soon as he gets tired with fishing and really starts to dry off his feathers curl from all the salt. Some sand sticking here or there much to his discomfort. Even when he shifts back he’s fidgety, says he can still feel the sand in weird places.
- That night, after your bellies are full of Hoseok’s fish (he caught two more- you’re both so proud) you curl up at the edge of their large fireplace. Hobi sits in your lap your brush in your hand. Combing him through like always. Letting out little grumbly whines when you have to switch out the water once it fogs up with the salt He fidgets, his claws scratching through his feathers to try and get some of the sand out. 
- A few feet away Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jimin play some sort of betting game, jimin in a pair of thin trousers and a long billowing silk shirt in the style of ages passed. Your son perched on Namjoon’s lap next to him. They’d invited you to play- but whatever game it was it seemed complicated enough for you to bow out without much of a fight. You were far too content to see them all a little riled up, punch drunk and sleepy- a little irate when the others played a card, their banter years in the making and kind of fun to listen to from an outsider's point of view. 
- Mostly though- you just appreciate the sight of your mate; sitting with his legs propped up, his shirt unbuttoned nearly down to his navel. He catches you watching sometimes, leveling you with a heavy look that just won’t abate, his dark eyes flickering in the light of the fire. 
- “I’m telling you that move won’t pay off” Namjoon’s deep but gravely voice croons. Next to him, Jimin uses his hand of cards to hide his smile. But Jungkook just eggs him on- only to be laid bare a few minutes later much to your mate’s groan. Jimin throws his head back to laugh, as he collects the pot in the middle (they don’t gamble with real money- but still- he looks like a dragon circling a new treasure)
- More than once that evening, you catch Jimin looking at your two sons with a hint of sadness. His gaze flickering down to Hoseok asleep in your lap. Especially when you stand and move to sit at the table, Hoseok shifting- finally more comfortable. You pout down at Hoseok and say fondly, pushing at his shoulders playfully. “You need to stop growing, pretty soon you’re going to reach my waist and that’s just not okay- you need to stay small forever.”  
- You sit next to Yoongi, your mate leaning back in his chair to put an arm around you- a comforting hand on the back of your neck. Namjoon’s gaze hovers of Hobi, sitting in your lap before you catch him looking, and his gaze somehow feeling chastise, flutters away.
- “Uncle Minnie’s winning so I wanna be on his team” When Jungkook sits in Jimin’s lap he goes ramrod straight- hands hovering and eyes wide, Jungkook oblivious to his surprise. Unsure how to hold the youngster. Eventually loosely holding him around the waist to keep Jungkook from sliding off.
- Namjoon see’s his mate hold the youngster's hand, Jimin’s own so large in comparison. The two of them sharing a pained look, all you know is that one-moment Jimin seems fine- and then the next he’s trying not to cry, looking heartbroken but happy to have Jungkook in his lap.  
- Jungkook is nearly asleep when you take him from Jimin, his hands hovering on your son’s small waist like they don’t want to let go. As you bid each other goodnight you could swear you saw longing and jealousy in his eyes, Namjoon’s too, but also something so sad- so wanting. From the top of the stairs, Hoseok asleep in Yoongi’s arms and Jungkook in yours you see Namjoon wraps his arms around Jimin's shoulders, the shorter fairy turns his face into Namjoon’s to hide his suspiciously glassy eyes.
- Later you’ll ask Yoongi about it, curled up close in your bedroom upstairs, his long fingers stroking delicate lines down your sternum, your hands connecting the dots on his many freckles while you talk the way that lovers do. Words pressed thin between the blanket of sky and wakefulness. Yoongi’s voice a low hush, like music on the salty wind meant just for you.
- You think you could like it here by the ocean if you decided to stay.
- “Hoseok and Jungkook just remind them of what they can’t have,” Yoongi informs you that Namjoon and Jimin have wanted kids for the last century (you splutter at that- because you hadn’t realized that they were quite so old- Jimin especially had more of an air of a youthful sprite than someone older than Yoongi).
- And despite the fact that all fairies’ can bear children, Namjoon and Jimin had failed to have any children of their own, and have all but given up on it. “That’s why you didn’t want to visit- not at first.” Yoongi hums in affirmation, and you feel it in the cheek that you rest on his chest. His arm encircles your back and his hands rub over your spine soothingly. 
- You’d notice- how could you not- how Jimin seemed as much a woman as he was a man. Though you’d heard Namjoon refer to Jimin as “he” enough to be content with using those pronouns, there where other moments, moments when Jimin’s hair seems a little longer, his lips a little redder and plusher, the curve of his jaw softer.
- The fairy seems just as comfortable in a pair of tight flying pants as she is in one of her many long and semi-translucent robes, that Jimin seems to prefer on the days that they don’t have to fly.
- He pops up one morning wearing a full-on dress- gauzy and white- and Jimin’s chest- definitely ampler than it was the day before.  You’re a little perplexed over the change, trying not to let your surprise show until Yoongi leans over to whisper in your ear. “It’s just the magic- she must be feeling more like a girl today.”
-  Neither of your sons mentions anything weird about Jimin- though Hoseok does look at him a little wide-eyed. A question hovering on his tongue, probably the same one that you want to ask- but are too shy too (it’s not even really any of your business to ask in the first place- but your kids are a curious bunch- and you know they’ll probably ask at one point)  
-  Namjoon and Jimin give you a tour of the outside gardens (namjoon- cryptically- says that the greenhouse is best appreciated at night). Hoseok and Jungkook climbing up on one of the rock walls, balancing precariously until yoongi tells them to come down, Hoseok reaching for Jimin to help him, ending up in his arms, he’s a little heftier than Jungkook- but Jimin easily holds his weight as he transfers him from the high wall to the ground. 
- Yoongi does the same with Jungkook, though the younger quite literally just- jumps off the wall into his arms instead of waiting to be carefully transferred like Hoseok- not an ounce of fear or hesitation in his little body.
-“Your hair is pretty,” he says, hands coming up to touch at Jimin's longer curls  Jimin looks surprised, but his red button mouth is nothing but kind as he smiles and thanks your son.  
-  Neither of your sons mentions anything weird about Jimin- though Hoseok does look at him a little wide-eyed. A question hovering on his tongue, probably the same one that you want to ask- but are too shy too (it’s not even really any of your business to ask in the first place- but your kids are a curious bunch- and you know they’ll ask at one point)  
- He finally asks later- once night has fallen and they can finally show you the greenhouse. The room seems to have some sort of magic expanding it beyond its physical bounds because while it’s normal-sized on the outside- on the inside trees grow dense and thicker than seem possible. A mess of pots and plants blocking out the slate floor more often than not With moss growing up between the cracks or pushed up by the roots of trees that seem too tall for the greenhouse. 
- You’d stumble and almost trip over a vine and Yoongi catches you around the waist. “Are any of these poisonous?” you asked, and Namjoon rubs a hand down the back of his neck suddenly looking a little worried. “Maybe like- stay away from anything that looks too vibrantly colored? Wait! Jungkook! That definitely not edible even though it smells like chocolate!”
- At night- the flowers are particularly gorgeous. night-blooming cereus flowers that glow brilliantly in the darkness. Pink Flowers that look like little jellyfish and seem to flutter on their own hang in great swathes from the high ceilings. Bright blue lilies hanging, large enough for Jungkook to stick his head inside of them. 
- Each of them let out a little tinkle of stars, little bright specks of light that glow brilliantly- like little stars. It’s only pollen Namjoon explains when it falls onto Jungkook’s face and makes his dark hair glitter like the night sky.
- Your sons have a good time after that- scooping up the pollen from the floor and shoving it in each other's faces, even Yoongi joins in, rubbing it all up and down Hobi’s face- much to the shrieking giggles that echo off the high glass walls. “Oh no you don’t! Hobi! Hobi” you chide when he giggles, running forwards to press his hand to your dark pants, leaving Hoseok sized glowing handprints on the fabric. 
- Later you and Yoongi get a chance to slip away. Sitting in one of the large isles on one of the stone benches. Yoongi tucking a large flower behind your ear, kissing the little stars of pollen that has gathered on your face. “We haven’t talked about when we’re leaving yet- how long do you want to stay?” he can tell (he always can) when you’re getting a little overwhelmed. And you are- but maybe you’d want to leave more if things weren’t so new- so bright and fantastic. Getting to be apart of this world that you’d never known existed.
- The world that you’d grown up in starts to feel terribly small, Even more so than it had before. You and everyone you’d ever known had only ever thought that there where dragons and humans. Maybe an odd sorcerer or witch and wizard in the world. But this- this world of glowing flowers, of scales and magic, boys with fairy wings- was a lot to take in. And you were still struggling to piece together what this meant for you, and your little family.
- You’d been deep in conversation with Namjoon minutes ago, about which of his plants in his greenhouse could be used to cure various ailments. He’d given you a few- and put out other samples for you to dry. Showing you plants with uses you’d never dreamed of. This one to stop clotting- these small berries to stop pregnancy and it’s roots to help one take. A brightly glowing fern to heal a burn, and another to heal a magical burn. so many different plants you’d never even heard of. 
- Suddenly- you’d been consumed with the realization that you’d kind of stopped being a healer after Jungkook had come into your care. Still- you’d kept most of your skills up to date, tried to make sure you didn’t forget what you’d learned.
- And yet- you kind of missed it. You missed how you’d used to help the people in your old little town. Regardless of the fact that they’d never properly thanked you for it. And though you felt a deep satisfaction over being a parent with Yoongi- and wouldn’t trade that for the world- you missed it still. Missed how you’d been able to look at the human body as a problem with something to fix.
- You’d love to find a way to continue to use your gifts healing- helping others- but you don’t exactly have that many opportunities too- given where you live in the mountains. And your children- which are getting easier to take care of now that they’re getting a little older- but still- they require a great deal of your time. You let the melancholy in your heart slide away as Yoongi thumbs across your jaw, bringing you back to him, sitting in Namjoon and Jimin's greenhouse.  
- “I think- it will be okay to stay for a little while longer? I think the boys enjoy Namjoon and Jimin- and I like them too even if Jimin is a little” Yoongi suck’s his lower lip into his mouth- deciding that whatever had made you look so sad- if you’re not ready to tell him yet- then he’ll let it go. 
- “He’s very different- I know, but I’m glad you like Namjoon and Jimin” “They’re your family Yoongi- of course, I like them” Yoongi leans close, pressing a kiss to each of your knuckles. “But you’re my family too.”
- Despite your initial misgivings about Jimin (really it’s only shyness you swear) you do end up spending a fair bit of time with him that night. Especially when you start quiz Namjoon about the ways he propagates some of his plants.  And he says, “Actually- Jimin knows more about the specific uses- he’s the real grower here after all.”
- You walk with Jimin in the gardens- you children winding this way and that around you- Yoongi and Namjoon trying to wrangle them. Namjoon reluctantly letting them pick whatever flowers they want. Even heaving Jungkook up onto his shoulders at one point so that he can reach a tall bloom, a dimply smile brighter in the half-light of all the glowing flowers.
- When Jungkook has Retrieved his prize he scampers off of Namjoons shoulders dashing away through the underbrush calling, “thanks uncle Namjoon!” making Namjoon choke. Yoongi gives him a withering look, deadpan “you’ve been forcefully adopted.” 
- Behind you- Jimin waves his hand and more pop up, every plant in the greenhouse standing to attention blooms popping open for your children to pick. Yoongi sends him a thankful glance. 
- The longer you walk- the quieter Hoseok gets. You know it’s just him getting sleepy. And as always, when he gets a little more tired he hangs closer to you, holding your hand as you walk side by side with Jimin. He almost trips on Jimin's long silvery grey robes. Sometimes when he gets so tired- he accidentally shifts- and you can tell from the way his little feet are dragging that he’s close to that now.
- More than once in your conversation Hoseok looks up- words almost leaving his mouth before he falls silent. Near the end of the tour of the garden, Jimin catches him- touching him gently on the shoulder.  “I can tell you have a question for me little sprout- go on- you can ask.”
- Hoseok must be feeling a little shy because it takes a moment for him to respond. “Are you a boy- or are you a girl?” it’s just childlike curiosity. But you almost want to stop him. Tell Jimin he doesn’t have to answer. But before you can- Jimin leans down to Hoseok’s level.
- “To tell you the truth, being a girl or a boy doesn’t matter much in our part of the world. What matters is that you’re good to the people who need you and kind to the people that don’t when you meet, do you think you’re kind Seokie?”
- It’s kind of riveting, seeing the way your son tilts his head at the fairy, thinking softly to himself- the flowers around you almost seem to lean in to listen closely.  you too, want to see how he responds. “Well, I always try not to step on flowers when I see them?” he says, eyes flickering to the flower behind Jimin's ear and the many around him. 
- Both of you bark out a laugh, the plants seem to shiver in delight at his words in time with the shaking of Jimin's shoulders. Jimin urges Hoseok on with a hand at his back, “then you must be incredibly kind- go- find your brother. I think its time for both of you to get to bed.” Hoseok’s curls bounce as he runs down the aisle, calling Jungkook’s name. Jungkook does not call back- instead, his voice echoes sing-song- “flower! flower flower flower~” some sort of song he’s made up for himself on the other side of the greenhouse. 
- Jimin straightens, and for the first time- the two of you find yourselves alone together. “Sorry- I didn’t mean to overstep” Jimin looks a little shy. A little worried at being chastised.  You're quick to reassure him- “No it’s fine- please, it was bound to happen. There are so many new things here- even for me, I’m not sure I know how to navigate them, it’s better that he learns now.”
- Jimin laughs, “Is that why you’ve been tiptoeing around me?” you blush, Jimin’s words kind of stinging your chest because- he’s right- you have been a little shyer around him. But that comes more from a fear of being rude than anything else, overstepping some line only because you don't know it’s there.  
- “It’s okay- I know this must be a lot for you- I’m a lot.” “No-no- that’s not it at all! Please don’t think that Jimin” your grab his hands in yours and under his skin- you can almost feel something humming- something that feels an offal lot like magic. He looks down at you sucking on his lip.
- “We’re pretty similar- you and I- aren’t we? Neither of us likes it when someone else is uncomfortable at our expense,” Jimin’s voice is soft like honey, almost shy and he fails to meet the gaze whey you try and catch it. “Maybe” you agree, picking up your pace from where you’d stopped, ducking under a wide leaf that crosses the path. 
- “I’ve known Yoongi for so long- Namjoon and I have always wondered who Yoongi would choose as a mate- what kind of person they’d be- he’s so hard to get to know. But I’m glad he found you. You’re very well matched.”
- He means your shy nature probably, but it’s a compliment. “He’s my mate,” you say softly. You happen upon a wider stretch of stones, the little clearing that you where you came in before. On one side you can see your family- all of their heads pressed close over a flower- a massive red bloom- little fish swirling around in the pool collected in its stamen. 
- Jimin nudges your shoulder- his smile turning devilish, “Probably can’t say you’re mad about that- what is it about dragons that’s so big-“ you choke on your spit, suddenly looking at him wide-eyed, Jimin gives you a few hearty thumps on the back waiting for you to get your breath- cringing internally.
- “I’m sorry I’m so crass, talking about sex is normal in my culture” You swallow thickly, “that seems a little…understandable considering?”
- “Considering what?” “Well…” you gesture to all of him, Jimin grins showing his sharper than seem safe teeth. The fairy leans in, his charming face swallowed with mirth- you feel his words as if they where whispered in your head, it must be the magic you tell yourself. Jimin laughs at your flustered expression.
- “Are you asking me which one I’ve got? a pussy or a cock?” you try to ignore the blush that sparks on your cheeks when you nod, their pale wings fluttering behind him in the inviting spring breeze, “god you’re fun to tease” you slap Jimin's arm good-naturedly and they lean into the touch, eyes disappearing when they smile. 
- Namjoon must sense his mate, because he turns and gives Jimin a happy little smile, his eyes disappearing, dimples flashing. In his hair, Namjoon’s horns turn a little pink. The look in Jimin’s eyes as he gazes at his mate is almost feral, “I can have whichever one I want.”
- The six of you retire to your separate rooms, not before Jimin pulls you close- “just so you know- all of the rooms in this house have a soundproofing spell attached to them” Yoongi hears- so does Namjoon- and he has the good nature to cuff his mate over the back of the head and drag him away with a panicked ‘good night’ before he can be any more suggestive.
- That night you do end up taking advantage of the supposed soundproofing spell. Once you tell Yoongi he can’t seem to keep his hands off of you, nearly ripping your dress in an effort to get it off of you. You’d fooled around last night but Yoongi doesn’t often get the chance to knot you given on account of how vocal that makes you and how long it takes to go down
- You do have to admit- you tend to go at it like rabbits whenever you have the chance, as privacy is hard to come by with your children around you nearly always. Especially in your mountain home when you all sleep in the same space. 
- You end the night with your legs thrown over Yoongi’s thighs, sitting sideways in his lap. You’re back against the bed. Yoongi’s knot tugging at your entrance, unable to keep your breathing steady with how he’s stretching you. You always forget how overwhelming it feels to have him so close, so fully and completely inside of you so that barely any thoughts remain. Yoongi props himself up on an elbow so he can watch you and run his fingers gently up and down your sternum.
- He leans in close and kisses you through your breathlessness, his tongue tracing along every inch of your mouth, drinking down your gasps, the way you say his name again and again- your walls quivering around him. A nearly feral growl building in his chest, leaning in to lick at the over-stimulated tears that start to bud as you let out little sobs at the pleasure still rippling through you with every pulse and lash of thick heat.
- His hands smoothing up and down your quivering thighs, jerking when he decides to tease you further and slide his hand slowly up and down your core. Stopping when you start to jerk, only to start up again when you calm down a little. A satisfying feeling filling him at how wrecked he can make you- at how well he can please his mate.
- His knot deflating isn’t an instantaneous process, but once it gets a little smaller he lazily grinds his hips closer. Letting it tug and rub against your walls in a slow push and pull making you gasp louder. Usually, you’d be biting the pillow to keep your noises down, but now you don’t have too. 
- His words are almost a growl. “More?” you grab at him- pulling him back in for another kiss. You drop your face to his throat as he starts up again. It’s wet and messy and slick- and you’re going to have to apologize to the servants tomorrow for the ruined bed sheets but- you can’t help it.
-  He’s insatiable, hands hungry over your stomach, he always gets a little laconic when he’s like this- a little closer to his more dragon headspace, hands possessive when he clutches over your stomach. Probably intent on fucking you full until it’s a little tighter than usual, a little swollen, the drive to breed you full a primal instinct.
- He kisses you again- a loud- feral growl rippling out as you kiss him back, messy and sloppy but he loves it. Needless to say- you’re glad that Jimin told you about the sound canceling charm by the end of the night. Even if your legs feel like jelly until noon the next day. 
- You hand the sheets over when their housekeeper comes by to your room. trying to hide your blush. She’s understanding, mutters to you “you should see mistress Jimin’s sheets” Yoongi can’t help but laugh behind you. 
- You’re happy to stay mostly at the manor house where it’s quieter. Content to spend a few days relaxing with your sons, joined mostly by Yoongi and Jimin and by Namjoon in the afternoons after his council duties have finished. But you are curious to see more of the city, if not for your own curiosity then for your children's. 
- Hoseok is anxious about the possibility of school- and so are you. It will be good to see it before he actually attends. You decide to take a day trip into the city to see the school and one of the markets.
- The school is on the edge of the city on account of how much space it requires for flying lessons, rolling hills surrounded by high walls made of a sandy-colored stone. Namjoon arranges with the headmaster for the four of you to see a tour. 
- The students are of every kind, color, and age group. clad in the school's simple uniform: a white robe with sleeves that only go to the elbow,  and grey pants. the school's emblem, a firey leaf emblazoned over each of their chests. It will be a few more months until Hoseok needs them so you decide to forgo purchasing them yet, he’s still growing so much, they probably wouldn’t fit him by the time he starts. 
- “This place is still the same,” Yoongi says as you watch a flying lesson between a small feathered dragon and a larger less birdlike instructor. Hoseok watches curious, you too- had never known there where dragons with beaks. “You went here?” you ask, and Yoongi nods, “it was more a military school back then.” The wind shifts, casting your scent in the direction of the students. At the smell of a human on the air, all of them turn and look in your direction- regardless of how their instructors shout at them to stay concentrated. 
- “Can we go to the market now?” Hoseok asks, smelling you discomfort and looking up at you with a panicked glance. “Please?” 
- The canals that run through the city are populated with sea serpents and small boats from the few traders that are allowed in. Wide mountains shroud the city from any attack by land. its walkways are crowded with dragons, most of them walking in human form but here and there, thick legs and wings scramble over the cobblestones.
- You see more than a few children as well, smaller dragons mostly preferring to be in their shifted forms who send Hoseok curious looks. Bumping him in the chest with their snouts and cocking their heads at him- like an invitation to play, only to hiss and scramble back to their parents when Jungkook comes near.
- You’re careful to hold his hand to keep him from running off, even when he pouts looking close to tears at being hissed at. “It’s okay Kookie! I’ll play with you when we get back to uncle Joonie’s house” Hoseok looks up at you for approval and you smile down at him, running your fingers through his hair in thanks.
- There are a few humans that live in the city- usually apart of one dragon’s hoard or even in rare cases, mated to a dragon-like you are to Yoongi. But they’re few and far between. You see a few of them, men and women who walk dripping in pearls or diamonds and carefully kept close by whatever dragon they’ve sworn themselves too.
- “Keeping humans against their will isn’t allowed don’t worry” Yoongi notes when you look at one young human who actually has a collar of sapphires around their delicate throat.  The humans themselves smile and greet you and Jungkook, eyes lighting up to see another human, and the other dragons- just stare.
- Yoongi takes you to the market and the three of you ogle over the wears and fine silk clothes burnished to look like gold, thin gauzes that shimmer one color in the light- only to turn opaque when you bring it into the shadow. Your sons make a game out of bringing you fabric scraps that you might like- while a salesman talks to Yoongi about tailoring prices and ready-made gowns that would fit you. Yoongi grumbles and internally bemoans the loss of the quiet in his mountain den. Yoongi is defiantly not a city person.
- You do need new clothes though- and the staff here is far better made than the rough mountain clothing you’ve come to favor over the last few years- it’s nice to get a few more things- pretty things. Yoongi lightens up substantially when you try on a soft blue dress patterned with crises crosses of dark blue embroidery, a thick soft skirt, a shirt that hangs on your frame well- in a way that makes Yoongi want to growl and hide you from any prying eyes.
- It makes him happy too- to see the way you twirl and appreciate the fine fabric. Yoongi has always been a provider, and if the simple blue dress that you choose makes you smile- then that’s a price he will gladly pay. He smiles when you look up at him, “are you sure?” his hand on your waist reassuring, “you’re forgetting I get to see you in these- they’re basically a present for myself.”
- It’s at the market that a salesman who has bright golden scales dotting his face eyes Jungkook the same way that any dragon would eye a piece of his hoard. And Yoongi’s attention is immediately diverted from you. He feels the prickle at the back of his neck before he turns, he’s is careful to step close when the stranger talks to his sons even as Jungkook- always overly friendly, introduces Hoseok as his brother.
- Yoongi feels his heart warms at that, but keeps a steely gaze with the other dragon until he shrinks away from Yoongi’s intimidating gaze, disappearing back into the crowd. Yoongi can’t wait to leave the dragon city after that.
- Summer is edging into fall- and by winter- Hoseok will attend daily classes. Yoongi agrees to part with some of his hoard of jewels to buy some sort of residence, there’s no way that you’d ever let Hoseok live in the city alone, or even stay in the dorms at the school. 
- But because of that, you’ll need to linger longer than you’ve planned. Your cave is almost a weeks flight away from the dragon city- and when it comes to procuring a residence, its easier to do a short tour here and there and try to find something while you're close to the city rather than try to make the trip back to your secluded cave in the mountains.
- Yoongi assures you that it’s not uncommon for the dragons that live in the countryside to send their children to school only during the winter session so Hoseok won’t feel too out of his element or like an outsider. And honestly- you’ll be glad to get out of the mountains during the worst part of the winter, escaping to the more mild countryside where it rarely even snows- nothing compared to the deluge that you’ve grown used to.
- Namjoon and Jimin understand entirely and are only too happy to have you linger. Both of them have grown a little attached to your boys, and your boys attached to them in kind. Many an afternoon will Namjoon come back from the council only to immediately be happened upon by Jungkook- hurling himself into Namjoon’s arms and Hobi- nibbling at his robes and tugging him away to the Ocean. 
- And Of course on the days when you have a new possible residence to tour- Hoseok and Jungkook are eager to explore their new possible home. Giving you their rating on how much they like it or don’t. “I don’t like the rooms in this one- they’re too stuffy” “But come on Hobi that one has a stream! You can’t say you don’t like the idea of that?” 
- The first few homes you tour are either too close to the city- or too far away, or on the other side of the city from namjoon and Jimin- and you can tell Yoongi likes the idea of seeing his friends more often. But eventually, you find it, a manor house that is actually more of a castle in an old section of forest. It’s in-between one of the first small towns in the countryside and the city. Barely an hour’s flight from the city and a half hour’s flight from Namjoon and Jimin’s home by the sea.
- Here the ginkgo trees are thick and yellow- a forest of gold spotted with weeping red maples that grow taller and thicker than any you’ve seen. Citrine and carmine leaves dotting the forest floor, impossibly bright. It’s the fifth home you’d seen, and the only thing you’d really disliked about the last place is how close you were to your neighbors.
- You know the second you see it it’s the one- it’s roof tiled in blue-green slate- windows tall and narrow with shutters to keep out the snow and wind. It’s so large- it’s nearly a small castle but that wasn’t a surprise; houses here needed to be larger on account of there more often than not- large and scaly residents. you hadn’t been surprised to find out that most residences here are built to be that large because of how much larger dragons tend to be.
- It’s old too, the single spire caved in a little and decrepit, vacant for about a year. once a secluded private residence of some wealthy merchant who lived in the city abandoned after a storm had damaged the spire. Dust hangs thick over every surface, but the furniture comes with it. Including a generous four-poster bed and balcony on the second floor that you and Yoongi claim as your room.  Happy that you can finally close the door and have privacy between the two of you- something you’d lacked in your other home. 
- there’s a small library as well, that Jungkook wants to tear through the second he sees it. Yoongi shows you the cavern below as well, accessed through the slightly hidden stairwell and an iron door with a formidable lock. its ceilings aren’t rough to warn- but High vaulted, it’s green-tiled floor slippery. It’s a hoard chamber, which yoongi tells you is the staple in many a dragon home. it’s the only room in the house that must have been cleared when its previous owner left. typical.
- But it might impress you a little bit your world view shifting a little. Of course- you’d seen Yoongi’s hoard- knew the size of it- had let him show you it long ago- back when your love was new and blooming, his face blushing and shy when you’d complimented it. But this was putting it in perspective- this room could fit barely a tenth of the treasure hidden in your mountain home. 
- There is also a wide dance hall next to the kitchen, a balcony ringing it, skylights glittering above, one cracked in but easily fixable. It’s large- but barely large enough for Yoongi to shift in as long as he’s careful. it turns into a second bedroom of sorts, only used when Yoongi feels like he needs to sleep in his dragon form (it takes a fair amount of energy for him to stay in his human form all the time- and it’s much more restful).
- Hoseok and Jungkook have separate rooms on the other side of the manor, though you know that they don’t prefer to sleep separated from each other, you went into Jungkook’s room one morning and found it piled with pillows and blankets too- and both of your sons piled in the Centre of it. Forgoing the bed entirely.
- You sleep in your bed often, but still some nights, Hoseok will come trotting into your room in dragon form around bedtime, unable yet to sleep in his human form the way Yoongi does. Jungkook following sleepily behind holding the pillows from their beds in his hands. 
- And regardless of the fact that it’s after their bedtime, the four of you will together every single couch cushion and throw pillow in the house, making a game over who can get the most the quickest. You pile it into the dance hall so that Yoongi can shift- and you sleep like dragons do, all soft and heaped together, surrounded by Yoongi and his warmth. 
- It’s those mornings that Yoongi wakes feeling the most fulfilled, the happiest he’s ever felt. All of you safe here between his clawed arms. Your hands reaching up to sleepily scratch his scaled cheek. His head close to your resting form. Resisting the urge to lick out and groom you and Jungkook the way that Hoseok barely tolerates (dragon slobber is still gross- even if it is affectionate in its nature) 
-  It’s the safest place for your little family to live, in this part of the world where dragons are common and mixed settlements dot the old woods, and Yoongi tells you that werewolves aren’t that uncommon in this part of the country.
- “Werewolves???” You ask scathed, because honestly- the things your mate doesn’t tell you exists in the world- it astounds you sometimes. “They’re harmless really- unless you’re small and like- a dear or something?” “Do they ever attack or are they violent?” you’re worried, “no-no- they’re more like the ‘lets farm this land and live with the land’ type of people.”
- The rough dragon folk in the nearby town are different and smaller than their jewel-toned and massive counterparts that inhabit the city and other niches of the world. No- the dragons that live around your home are scaled in every shade of green, some more yellow. Their scales changing with the color of the season and the color of the leaves- not true chameleons- but they might as well be. In their human form, most of them have claws instead of hands. Most of them live in houses like your own, or underground hovels, or tree houses that dot the largest of trees they don't seem picky. 
- Your neighbors, dragon and otherwise, aren’t all that perplexed or hostile towards your family like you’d initially been worried about. Mostly just curious and a little bit afraid or they pretend like you’re not there. You meet the werewolf pack that lives on the other side of the woods from you- easily your closest neighbors. They’re a rough folk, but the matriarch is kind to you- saying if anything ever happens to just howl and she’ll hear.
- You don’t know if you’ll ever need to do that- but it’s the thought that counts you suppose.
- You decide to spend a month there before Hoseok starts school (something he is definitely not excited about) to really adjust and get the place cleaned up a bit. With the extra month added to your time, you’ll spend a total of 4 months there, avoiding the worst of the winter at your mountain home. The manor house has more than a few repairs, the leaky south corner of the roof that Yoongi repairs- but not without nearly breaking one of his fingers with a hammer.
- You spend the evening letting him pout and act like a big baby, and he’d never admitted it or do it around the others- or even Hoseok and Jungkook who have finally gotten to the age where any affection between you two is decidedly gross, but it’s nice when he gives you a little pout and you tease, “Want me to kiss it better?” no matter if your children groan and hiss saying “don’t be gross mom” 
- He waits until later to pin you against the low table in the kitchen, both of your sons already put to bed. “I’ve got something else that hurts” you raise your eyebrows before you pull him close by the collar of his shirt, pressing your lips to his slow, deepening after a moment, “better?” you ask when you pull away breathless. “Nearly- might need you to try again.”
- There are more than a few empty corners in your house, a quiet secluded room where you and Yoongi retreat to, giggling like school children, the wide fireplace in the sitting room with the comfortable Fur rug that feels soft against your bare skin, your bedroom with its balcony, the butcher block table in the kitchen than Yoongi pins you to, getting to his knees to pleasure you like you’re his last meal, anything will do.
- You might ask a favor of Jimin- and have him come to your home to put a few of those noise-canceling spells on your place- just for good measure. Though your sons are busy often enough exploring the woods it’s still nice to not be worried about being overheard. They know not to go too far, and it’s safe here, for both of them. 
- As the month continues before Hoseok goes to school there are many repairs that need to be made on your house, little things here and there- Yoongi makes the trip to gather a portion of his hoard to fill the cavern below the house- nothing compared to his hall of jewels back home but still- it’s something. But there is also the matter of the tower and its spire- which leaks into the kitchen area. You have half a mind to turn it into something of a study for you- if you ever had time to work on it when it came to the upkeep of the house.
-  You keep it as clean as you can but it’s so large Jungkook and Hoseok help but they’re more interested in playing “knights and dragons” than in cleaning no matter how Yoongi might growl at them. He helps too- does as much as you if not more with how he’s constantly flying here and there, to pick up Hoseok’s books, and his new school uniform, and food for all of you.
- Eventually, the cleaning and upkeep needed to get the house in working order are too much for you. You and Yoongi talk and eventually you agree to hire one of your neighbors, a young werewolf girl (who should be in school) to stop by a few days a week and clean the house. The aforementioned werewolves aren’t nearly as hostile or as concerning as your worst anxieties have made them out to be you’re extraordinarily glad to have the help as Hoseok finally starts school.
- You lament the ease of which you used to clean your old tiny cabin. Though the amenities here are far more comfortable- trust the dragons to figure out an efficient system for Heating water. they also have really nice pillows, but you have a feeling that might be a nesting thing. 
-The aforementioned werewolves aren’t nearly as hostile or as concerning as your worst anxieties have made them out to be you’re extraordinarily glad to have the help as Hoseok finally starts school.
- Hoseok’s first day of school looks something like this- the new white robes bunched at his arms and his legs, the new pouch over his side where you’d packed his lunch, the red sigil of the school standing smart over his heart. You’d gotten him ready for school, combing his hair and making sure he had enough lunch.
- He’d been unwilling to part The black scarf that you’d gotten him to match Jungkook’s red one. You fuss with it, turning to Yoongi “You sure his teachers won’t have a problem with it?” yoongi shakes his head. “They were stricter when I was there, the worst they’ll do is make him put it with his things.” 
- Hoseok looks worried and anxious and like he might be sick. He holds on tight around your waist when the four of you fly to the dragon city. You’re not the only ones who look like they’re making the trip- other families are traveling to the city at this early hour too. children tagging along on their parent's backs, or flying behind them, their small bodies dipping and jumping with the force of each flap. 
- Jungkook is so sleepy but excited as you wave with him and watch Hoseok go through the gates hand in hand with Yoongi- whose only going in to make sure Hoseok gets to the right room. You and Jungkook waiting out front as Yoongi goes in and gets him situated. A few dragons give you weird looks- but most of them are too sleepy to be curious. 
- You basically have to hold Jungkook back from wanting to follow. And the farther away he gets, the more Jungkook’s smile falls until he’s unusually quiet. “You okay Koo?” you ask, and he nods, his curls bobbing, hand rubbing at his eye. “I’m hungry- can we get some breakfast before we fly back?” Jungkook is unusually quiet the whole morning and by midday, you're starting to get worried. 
- He gets better the second you return to pick Hoseok back up from school his face lighting up when you spot a redhead in the schoolyard, both of them running forward to collide with him, holding closely around his waist, and tucking his face close under his shoulder. Hoseok too- scent marks rapidly along Jungkook’s shoulder. Obviously having missed him too. 
- He looks much less anxious than he did before, even waving goodbye to one girl with bright blue wings and a boy whose tongue flicks out, split down the middle. Hoseok crashes into your legs scent marking you before he can even speak. Jungkook behind him still hanging on. Unwilling to let him go again now that he’s back. “Did you have a good first day of school? I want to hear all about it Hobi!”
- “It wasn’t as bad as I thought- but I missed you guys the whole day” Jungkook looks almost pouty, “good” later that night you treat both of them to sweet rolls (you may have shown up a little early to go to a food market before picking Hoseok up from school- for a special treat) you and Yoongi overhear them playing in front of the fire.  “I was lonely the whole day Hobi- You’re going to find better friends and leave me” “Of course I won’t Kookie- you’re my family”  
- It’s a good thing that every 6th-day Hoseok has a day off from school- It’s your savior actually- on those days that Hoseok and Jungkook can explore the surrounding area of your new home as much as they want to. It lets Jungkook get his zoomies out, his need for adventure contained into one day as Hoseok is often too tired for much when he gets home from school. 
- He does have enough energy usually to show Jungkook what he learned. gathering in the field in front of your house, you and yoongi watching from the stone steps. He’s learned how to glide better recently- the way his wing sits into the wind different than before. It has Yoongi smiling showing his gums excitedly- apparently, Hoseok is only a few weeks away from learning true flight. 
- The day he does finally fly- the four of you meet up with Jimin and Namjoon- who have heard the good news from Hoseok’s teacher. Their gift is opulent, you try to refuse- tell them its too much, but Namjoon just touches your arm “please- it’s the uncle's job to spoil their nephews.”  
- They take the four of you out for a well-known sweets house on the fancier side of the city. The kind that the fancy lords and ladies take their children too for mid-morning tea. You borrow one of Jimin’s fancier dresses for the occasion a gauzy thing that's a little too risque for your tastes- but is in style. 
- Jimin has to fight with you to get you to wear it “I swear if you don’t start acting as pretty as you are I’m going to take it for myself” you'd jolted, looking at her face through the mirror, “can you really do that?” you know Jimin is powerful, can use magic in a way that only sorcerers can, but even that seems a little excessive. She puts her hands on her hips, “are you sure you want to find out the answer to that question?” 
- But in the end, you’re glad you did. Yoongi can’t take his eyes off of you the whole night. You get more than a few stares at the establishment- though more due to the nature of your mixed party. It’s not often they serve a fairy, a well-known war hero, and two humans. but they never let their shock show- especially in front of a councilman. 
- The staff is nice enough- They bring Jimin a Stool so that his wings won’t get crushed against the back of the chair, his dress low and backless. You’d tried to convince your boys to both go without their mismatching scarves- but they’d been insistent, even if the edge of Jungkook’s is getting a little ragged with age. 
- Both of them gorge themselves on sweets and savory cakes the whole evening. Jungkook is almost unmovable by the end of the evening, both their cheeks sticky- how the hell Hoseok got syrup in his hair- you have no idea. if being messy was a field you could be accomplished in- your sons would already be experts. 
- but as the school year continues, and Jungkook gets used to Hoseok being gone all day he becomes forlorn. Following Yoongi around or following you around and helping as he can with you trying to get the house together. You and Yoongi are still trying to get the tower in working order. Jimin is coming by later- to help install some windows and the glass pains already sit out in front of your house.
-  Without his companion- Jungkook just doesn’t know what to do with him. Sitting and pouting no matter what you try to do. “I want to go to dragon school too” “there is a school in town you could go to if you wanted to” “No! I want to go to Hobi’s school!”
- “Jungkook” Yoongi cautions and it’s not like he exactly rules them with an iron fist but you do have one rule: listen to your mother. And Jungkook isn’t doing a good job of that right now. He ends up huffing and walking away- disappearing to who knows where. 
- Later he comes back and apologizes to you for raising his voice. And it’s quite well thought out an apology for an 8-year-old you do have to admit. He brings you a clutch of dandelions he must have picked from somewhere nearby. Later you catch Yoongi congratulating him and you think maybe he’d had a talk with him.
- Dandelions- it reminds both you and Yoongi of the first time you ever saw each other- or at least- the first time you met face to face. Jungkook- a baby, sat in a wildflower field with you- so many years ago now. You keep the dandelions by your bedside the same vase stuffed through with red feathers from Hoseok’s molting. He likes to keep them to give them to you- the longer ones that are almost the length of your forearm.
- Yoongi putting one behind his ear to make you laugh. Though he still leaves to raid every now and then- he spends as much time as he can at home. Sometimes- he gets called upon by Namjoon- and leaves with Hoseok in the morning only to return with your son later in the day. Honestly- Yoongi would tell the council to fuck off if it wasn’t Namjoon asking. But wherever he goes- he sees dandelions and thinks of home.
- You don’t mind much- even if you, like Jungkook- get lonely. You repair your house with some sort of zeal- painting the room’s different colors, fixing things here and there. It’s been a while since you really had a place to make your own. You flourish a little excitedly setting your house in order. 
- But then Yoongi comes upon your old medical things in the belly of the spire one morning, turning over the few old medical texts and the herbs that Namjoon had set you up with. Here there are a few dried herbs, from namjoon’s garden and from the woods- well-known ones that even he recognizes. 
- he hovers on that disconcerting feeling again, the same one he’d had in Namjoon’s greenhouse more than two months ago. but before he can ask- you slide away again asking him something else- and he can’t bring it in himself to bring it up. And before anything can really get better or get worse- Hoseok’s school year-ends. And so does the extraordinarily mild winter. And the four of you head back to your mountain home and whatever unhappiness you feel seems to dissipate once you have both of them to look after all the time again. 
- It’s probably fate that he’s in town that morning, it’s only been two weeks since you got back into town for the next winter session. Hoseok is a little more interested in it this time around, growing less shy as a 12-year-old. A little excited to see the few friends he made last year- and get reacquainted with his flying teacher. Jungkook, by comparison, is even more twitchy and restless this year. Now 9 years old (neither of you can quite believe it).
-  It’s a small errand- but he’s honestly just picking up some bread for dinner from the baker when he hears the shout. And sees the crowd of people hovering around a young werewolf behind a wagon, His arm to the side, bent at a weird angle, the bone popped through the skin. 
- The mother spots Yoongi- and internally he cringes. He knows you’d created something of a buzz when you moved into the manor house- and the people here know he was a commander at one point and used to serve the people. Her hand is clawed and furry when she places it on his arm “can you take him to the city? We don’t have a healer here-”
- “No, but my mate used to be a healer- she can help him, come with me” everyone knows who you are- that you’re his human. Though there are a few mutterings about that. Yoongi ignores them and so does the mother- desperate to help her pup who hasn’t stopped howling in pain the whole time. his cries echoing loudly probably making the hair of every wolf in a mile radius stand up on end. 
- Two of the wolves’ older brothers heave the little one up between the two of them- and he howls out in pain the ears on top of his head flicking in pain when they move his arm. The mother and what feels like half the town follows Yoongi down the trail- a half-mile from your home. 
-  you’re just clearing out some of the old books in the library Hoseok and Jungkook helping you. All of you are covered in dust- a silk blue handkerchief tied over your mouth.  “Uhm- mom?” Jungkook tugs at your sleeve, looking out the winds to where you can see the crowd of people, worried for a moment before you see Yoongi at the front. 
- The three of you rush to meet them out ion the front steps. Yoongi hops up the steps two at a time he puts a hand on your arm. “There was an accident in town- I thought you might be able too-“ the wolf boy behind you lets out a howl and you turn- the change is almost instant, your attention diverted from Yoongi to the patient that needs your care. 
- The way that Yoongi see’s your brain starts moving, working as you come close, tugging up the covering over your mouth and behind your ears to keep back your hair. The mother launches into what happened- and also bursts into tears. “This way- the dining room table should be wide enough.” The rest of the town seems to hover outside as you and the family head inside. Hoseok shifts and curls up around Jungkook in the hallways outside, Yoongi trying to field some of the questions of the town as best he can without losing control of his temper. 
- “How long was she a healer- can she really be trusted?” Yoongi lets out a growl at that one- “she healed Hobi’s wing!” Jungkook pipes up. Hoseok gives a little flutter- flapping them to show that they’re alright. One of the younger shifted wolf pups comes close, so much smaller than Hoseok- the dragon back-peddling wildly. Jungkook curious- upset that the wolf pup isn’t as curious about him as he is about the dragon.
- The town has dispersed within the hour, and Yoongi manages to keep Jungkook and Hoseok away from the kitchen for long enough. A muted scream punctuated by some sobbing. You must have managed to crack his arm back then. When they finally leave it's with the youth still held by his older brother. This time in a piggyback. His arm back into place and braced with two of the wooden spoons from your kitchen. The mother thanking you profusely, again and again, clutching your hands.
- When they finally leave you to hover by the door watching them go winding the silk scarf over your hands, again and again, your hair spilling out unbound. “darling?” Yoongi asks. You turn to him, lower lip quivering before you lean forward, taking his face in either of your hands pressing kiss after kiss to his cheeks to his brow, peppering his face with countless kisses, Yoongi can’t help but smile.
- “How do you always know what I need? What I want? I didn’t want to say but-” yoongi understands, understood the second he saw the injured pup. the thing that you’d been sad over was this. “I know honey- I’m sorry it took me so long to realize what you were missing.” 
-“You mean-“ you break off, looking down as Yoongi cups your cheeks, “you don’t mind?” he presses his forehead against yours, making sure you look at him, see every inch of his eyes and the truth held there, “Darling listen to me: I promise I won’t ever mind something that makes you happy.” 
- He smiles and pulls you against him around your waist, tugging on the loose ends of your hair. Your kisses taste of smiles and of a giddy kind of joy he hasn’t seen in you in a long time. Who knew all you needed were a few broken bones to make you happier.
- You forgot how much you loved this- helping people. 
- You’re happy- how could you not be? Especially when more and more of the town start coming to you with injuries of their own accord, not willing to make the flight into the city- or in other cases unable too. It’s the exact opposite of how it was in your old village. 
- you make it clear that you won’t take their payment for your services (Yoongi takes care of you so well you want for very little). But they’re insistent and always come back the next day or later.  bringing the freshest of food or a bushel of fresh peaches in thanks. The orchards around here are plentiful- even in the winter- there are always sweet things here and there. 
- When you go into town, fewer people stare, fewer people shoot you uncomfortable looks, and more greet you by name. Older dragons with holes in their wings coming out of their houses to see if you have any more of that ache relieving cream- a little dragon girl holding up her finger to you saying “I got a booboo” you giggle- her mother ushering her away and apologizing for taking up your ‘invaluable’ time. 
- But really you don’t- it’s been a while since Jungkook was that small- you miss it. The other children, both dragon and wolf alike run up to you when you’re in town- usually- they’d retreat if Jungkook was there. But now they call his name too- asking if he’d like to play in the square while you tend to your errands. 
- There are a few here still, that lock your doors when you come into town. that hold their children close when you and Jungkook walk by. Yoongi assures you that anti-human sentiment isn’t strong enough here as it is the closer you get to the south. But still- the wounds of war linger in every lingering look. 
- Suddenly the stakes have changed, now- It’s harder to leave, not that you don’t still want to go back to your mountain home. But with a new town to take care of- people depending on you to be there for them. It’s hard to constrain your stay to only the time when Hobi has school. 
- And Yoongi might dislike the countryside a little more than he does the mountains, but at the end of the day- if it keeps a smile on your face- then it’s nothing he won’t absolutely inflict upon himself- with gusto- as many months out of the year as long as it keeps you happy. 
- You decide to split the year. You spend the milder- and less balmy fall and winter months at your manor house, and the spring and summer months in the mountains. Jungkook is glad to spend a little more time in the village where things are a little more entertaining and interesting to explore- even if that does mean surrendering his favorite person half of the time. 
- You get to see namjoon and Jimin more often too- something your son’s love. they love spending sleepovers at Namjoon and Jimin's house- after evenings where it’s gotten too late to fly home. it’s sweet- the first time namjoon hovers near you awkwardly. both of your sons have already done the peculiar forehead touch- symbolic of dragon familial ties.
- One moment you’re just talking and the next, namjoon ducks quickly to press his forehead against your shoulder, chickening out at the last moment. “You’re so awkward joonie” Jimin chides, both him and yoongi laughing at Namjoon’s bright red horns. but you don’t mind at all- you’re glad that Namjoon and Jimin see you as a family- and feel comfortable enough to accept you into their little cadre. 
-  Hoseok suffers through more schooling with Jungkook in mind, the younger always picking his brain whenever he comes home. And really he doesn’t mind it much. He likes the city even, likes the little freedom that he has when his teacher cuts him some slack during lunch and he can go get a sweet pork bun from the stall outside his school, eat it on the parapet looking over the training grounds. 
- The other dragons there have always been a little wary of him- he always smells a little bit too much like a human. But there isn’t much opportunity for free time and making friends with the other students, he isn’t good at it- too quiet and shy to make any close friends. 
- It hurts him a little- that he dosent fit in, something about him that just isn’t dragon enough for his classmates. But Hoseok has people he wants to be with at home- who understand him- where he doesn’t feel strange and like he’s caught in the middle. 
- besides, all of the dragons here his own age never seem to like Jungkook much when they meet him when Jungkook finds Hoseok in the crowd hissing at him and growling. Hoseok has decided long ago- that anyone who dislikes Jungkook on the basis that he’s human isn’t someone Hoseok wants to be friends with. 
- It gets worse when they approach the more historical part of their schooling. their teacher announces they’ll have a history lesson on the human dragon war. And Hoseok wants to sink so far down in his seat when his teacher starts talking about the humans. The humans that live on the other side of the wall- bloodthirsty and hungry for food. Who doesn’t know enough about their land to take care of it- who depletes the soil and then search for more land to ruin- selfishly destroying the earth. 
- He wants to stand up to defend you and Jungkook- you’re definitely not selfish, definitely not untrustworthy like his teacher is saying. He tries to speak up at one point- face as red as his hair, but one of the older students in his section- turns around and growls at him. Later- he volunteers the information that his grandfather died in the last war, and Hoseok understands- he must not like the fact that Hoseok smells like a human. Has obviously been scent marking one in the last 24 hours.
- The discomfort- the feeling like he’s an outsider- creeps up on him, Hoseok feels uncomfortable and unwelcome and like he wants to leave but can’t bring himself too. 
- A little bit of a Reprieve comes from he next section they cover, a list of important generals during the war- Yoongi’s name at the very top of the page in the textbook, a small blurb on his accomplishments. his teacher reads it off “There are very few of the Tahsuya breed left in the world as a result of the war- known for their dark scales and their massive size, this kind of dragon is the reason why dragon kind was able to win against old king henry and his army of enchanted warriors.” 
- Hoseok sees the picture on the page, the wings that seem to blackout the sky, human warriors with all-black eyes raising their shields against the fire- running screaming. He raises his hand, then takes it back. The teacher catches it though- and Hoseok will not remain unscathed.  
- “I thought you would know all about the war Hoseok, seeing as General Min is your guardian” every single student in the room turns to start at Hoseok- and all he wants to do is sink into the floor. Suddenly everyone’s asking him questions- “is he really that big?” “Is it true he ate the last king?” 
- “Why do you always smell like a human if your father killed so many of them?” Hoseok is overwhelmed. Wants to turn away and run, because he doesn’t know- doesn’t understand where all of this hatred comes from. A few of his classmates are sniffing the air in disgust. 
- Hoseok himself is soul bonded to a human and they’re nothing like everyone is saying- when he thinks about anyone eating you and Jungkook it just makes him feel like he wants to hide and hold you close forever- not joy like one of his classmates is saying- how good it must have felt to defeat the armies. To kill. 
-  Hoseok feels like he’s going to be sick- the only thing he manages to say, “he’s not my fathe-“ but he can’t even manage to say that- because it’s not really true. He might not call you and Yoongi mom and dad yet- but- you’ve looked after him for 7 years at this point. You have protected him and held him through his nightmares, took care of him after his first parents died. And though He never wants to forget his mama omega and alpha dad, but…
-  But You and Yoongi- if anything like that happened to either of you- Hoseok doesn’t know what he would do. It would feel the same as losing his first parents. Only he wouldn’t have you both to hold him through it- to make sure his pains were eased, that he was cared for when he needed it the most. His classmates don’t know what they’re talking about, they don’t understand. 
- He doesn't want to forget his parents, but he’d already made the mistake of not appreciating what he had before it was gone. (If you were able to hear his thoughts- you’d tell him to cut himself a break- he was only six after all)  
- When Hoseok was younger- his mother and his older sister would groom him, their tongue dragging through his feathers. And now you do the same- albeit in a different way, any night that Hoseok asks- you’ll smile and pat your lap and brush him through, no matter how big he gets- no matter that he’s not a fledgling anymore. 
- Whenever he craves comfort you give it to him. It feels the same when it thinks of his mother, and when he thinks of you- it’s the same.  Hoseok shoots up, his chair falling back, stumbling as he rushes out of the room- only stopping to take his scarf from the hook. Furious tears budding at his eyes as he runs despite the fact that he can hear his teacher shouting after him. 
- It’s uncle Namjoon that finds him- having been called to the school for some reason or another- he’d probably found out from one of his teachers that Hoseok had been AWOL. It’s not every day that someone on the dragon council takes a special interest in a student. (Namjoon may have gone to the teacher personally and asked to be updated at the beginning of the school year- but really- it’s only the concern of an uncle and not of the council that drives him to do this). 
- Namjoon finds him sitting on one of the towers, the door opening behind him. “I figured you would have found the tallest place,” he says as he comes over to sit by Hoseok, his blue councilman’s robes rustling in the wind. Hoseok keeps his scarf tight and up around his nose, the sent of his family slowly soothing him and his panic. 
- “Did Yoongi really do all of the things in my teacher said he did? Is that why everyone knows his name?” he asks, has to struggle not to call him dad. “He did, but you have to understand Hobi- the king back then was the one who killed his whole family.” That kind of grief- Hoseok understands. And he thinks now- if anyone hurt Jungkook he would more than rip them limb from limb, he would burn them to dust. 
- Namjoon ends up taking him home early that day, Jimin joining them- the tiny fairy buzzing by Hoseok who only tries to keep up, needing to pause to rest halfway through the flight and have Namjoon carry him the rest of the way. Yoongi is surprised when both of them turn up but not for long, all he has to see is Hoseok’s bloodshot eyes before he’s dropping it. 
- Before he knows it- you’re there pulling him in for a hug. Hoseok has grown so much, he’s nearly as tall as you now Doesn't have to get up on his tippy toes to press his forehead to your neck and scent mark you. “oh Seokie” you say, as he starts to cry again. Yoongi behind him with a hand on his shoulder. He and Namjoon make eye contact- Namjoon shaking his head, Jimin looking small next to him- equally as concerned. 
- And it’s good to have them both over for dinner. Eating dinner and Making Hoseok laugh with a round of games. His aching heart soothed by good food, bread from town, meat that you cook over the fire and eat all together with chopsticks. Jungkook knocking into his elbow telling Hoseok animatedly about the new forms his master had shown him. 
- later the four of you wait up late into the night, enjoying a glass of sweet wine together, you’re concerned by what Namjoon tells you- and it’s not like you hadn’t suspected it would one day have this effect on Hobi. Yoongi told you long ago the role he’d had in the war. But it seemed like it bothered Hoseok in some way. You hadn’t missed tonight how he’s seemed attached to your hip, scooting closer to Jungkook at the dinner table. 
- “I think it just scared him, hearing about how many people died- though he said something about his classmates” you shake your head, leaning your cheek on your hand, knees brought up close to your chest. Across from you, Namjoon sits with Jimin’s feet in his lap. You recline against Yoongi’s chest your front warmed by the fire but your back warmed by him. Playing with his long fingers absentmindedly. “We should ask him tomorrow,” Yoongi hums, looking concerned.
- Jimin and Namjoon leave soon after that, you tease jimin about how dangerous ‘sleepy flying’ can be. “Uhm, actually- can I talk to you for a moment yoon?” Namjoon asks, Yoongi touches your shoulder and tells you to go to bed, he’ll be there in a moment. Jimin is standing out in the middle of the field, and from the open door, Namjoon and Yoongi watch them. Jimin’s face turned up to the moon, eyes closed like they’re a flower in the sunlight recharging their energy. And Yoongi knows that by tomorrow morning, a ring of toadstools will ring the spot where Jimin now stands. 
- “Spit it out” The younger dragon looks nervous and anxious, “in the last few weeks- we’ve gotten reports of discontent in the human realms” “is it another famine again?” “No- quite the opposite- but apparently they’ve had a few good years, and the current king is wonder if he should strike while the iron his hot.” Yoongi stiffens, thinking about the possibility of another war. 
- Long ago- when they used to fight side by side before Yoongi would often level Namjoon with one question, “odds?” he’d ask. And Namjoon would answer what he thought the likelihood of them surviving the next hours would be. 
- “The council dosent want to believe it, but I put the odds of war at 50/50,″ “How long?” that’s all Yoongi wants to know- how long until he has to take you, Jungkook, and Hoseok and run with you to the farthest edge of the world- because he won’t have his family caught up in another war- he won’t lose them. No matter how the council will try and talk him into commanding their armies again.
-  “Probably a few years until we know- but the snow isn’t falling as hard as usual in the mountains, the passes are staying open for longer, we expect an increase in attacks at the very least.” More hunters getting through the mountains means more calls from the council for- and less time with his family. 
- That night, when Yoongi crawls into bed next to you- you curl into his warmth seeking his familiar form out in your sleep and settling your body more fully against him. He makes a noise in the back of his throat but You don’t respond- you must really be asleep. That night- Yoongi holds you and doesn’t sleep a wink.
- After the incident, Namjoon stops by and watches Hoseok more and more- keeping an eye on the goings-on at the school. And all the rest of his classmates will stand- their backs straight as rapiers while Namjoon patrols the lines. Nodding officially to his teacher, shooting Hoseok a look that has him giggling and being scolded by the teacher's assistant.  
- Namjoon’s check-ins might have something to do with Yoongi asking the older dragon to keep an eye on Hoseok when he’s in the city after the incident. And Namjoon takes his role as uncle very seriously. Jimin even more so- always making sure that Namjoon comes with extra lunch- some sweet fruit or fancy fish from the ocean for Hoseok. A little spare baggy left to bring home for you and Jungkook. 
- “What about da-Yoongi” Hoseok catches himself at the last moment one afternoon- talking with Namjoon. Namjoon’s smile is a little abashed, “Jimin has some very choice words for him- apparently something about accidentally burning a hole through his favorite robe again.” 
- Jimin and Namjoon are always glad to have you come for a visit, day trips close to the city so you can pick up Hoseok, he and Yoongi coming back to Namjoon and Jimin's house instead of your own for dinner. You and Jimin take day trips into the city when Yoongi is called in on some council business with Namjoon, Jungkook tagging along when he wants too. 
-  They’re always upset to see you go when you have to return to the mountains in the summer months (if you didn’t- Yoongi thinks he might actually go insane) But you become friends, a little closer than that even. You know they view Jungkook and Hoseok as their own children- or something as close to that as they’ll ever be able to have. 
- It’s shortly after the summer solstice the next year when Jungkook finally managed to articulate the words that have been bothering him- for longer than he’d been willing to admit. You’re sat at the lip of the cave together reading. Yoongi and Hoseok dive-bombing each other and play flying- trying to keep their skills honed in preparation for the looming school year. 
- Hoseok has grown bigger in the last year or so and hit his second growth spurt. His head now coming up to your stomach (which he abuses, constantly nudging into your stomach for more food- you swear- with the amount they eat between the three of them- you and Yoongi have the work cut out for yourselves.)
-  He’s finally mastered flying- maybe not all of the more complicated maneuvers, and he can’t yet fly for more than 45 minutes before his stamina runs out- but he’s getting there. Every day he pushes himself farther gets a little stronger. This next year- it’s likely that he won't need Yoongi to fly him too and from the dragon school anymore. (Though he still will- just a safe distance above- he just wants to keep an eye on his son)
- Jungkook looks melancholic and conflicted, now almost 11 years old and sitting next to you- fingering one of the books that Jimin had given him on their last trip. One about an adventurer that had crossed the ocean and discovered a whole new species of sea serpent- he’s read it probably about a dozen times since you came back to the mountain for spring and summer. “I can’t help but feel like- like Hobi is leaving me behind,”
- “He’s not Kookie- he could never leave you, you’re his best friend- and I know you read all of his school books to help him study for his tests.” “Yeah but still- he gets to go to school to learn how to be a dragon, what am I learning? who am I learning to be?” your boy has always been sensitive and emotional and you realize now more than ever, how much he’s grown. “You know we’re just- trying to make sure he’s getting exposed to everything he would have with his other family. And they’re the pressure from the council”
- “I remember,” Jungkook looks thoughtful, sucking on his lower lip, wanting to ask but being unable too- because- because he knows how Yoongi has been about this in the past. He remembers how his father had snarled at the council- my child will never learn how to fight.
- But what if that’s exactly what Jungkook wants? “I want to learn how to be a swordsman, like in the books-“ your gaze slides a little, you raise your eyebrow and he can tell just by your look that you’re not going for it- it’s the same one you’d given him countless times- each time he and Hoseok had tried to convince you to let them camp out with the wolves on the full moon- or assured you that really- riding the giant forest spirits wasn’t nearly as dangerous as dad said it could be. - Jungkook is indignant, however- “if Hoseok gets to learn how to fight- then I should too! He might not always be there.” you put your hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. Despite how much you shudder to think of either of your sons need to know how to fight you understand. And you have to admit; even you might feel more comfortable if Jungkook did at least learn the basics.
- “No” the finality of Yoongi’s words rings in the chamber when you ask. You’re glad that Hoseok and Jungkook are off lounging in the afternoon sun outside so that they don’t have to see the way their father instantly starts shooting smoke from his nose. “I won’t allow him that- you know what this means to me. It’s too dangerous- and why would he need to? We’re safe!” I made the world safe. 
- Yoongi has had a lot of time to think about the war, about how after his parents had died- he’d pursued it for the sake of revenge- or so he’d thought. but now he thinks that maybe he’d known that one day he would want the world to be safe for a particular reason. And now he has that reason: his family- which would always be torn between these two worlds and any war that might come. 
-  He’s pacing, unable to stop his hands from shaking- memories of carnage and war coming to the forefront of his mind- what’s more- the memories of the night where Yoongi had burned down Jungkook’s village. The men rushing forward with their swords- only to die by fire- his fire, and then the idea of that position being reversed Jungkook fighting others- getting hurt. Makes Yoongi’s hands shake. 
- “do you really think it’s such a bad idea, or are you just worried that he’ll turn into what you took him from?” Yoongi flinches, it’s not usual that you surprise him- or that your arguments get so heated. But you don’t talk about the beginning of you- what brought Jungkook into your care very often- and you know how guilty Yoongi feels. How much it weighs on his shoulders like a lead weight. But you’re right- he is afraid. The words aren’t meant to be cruel even if they do sting.
- He remembers raising Jungkook- both of you do- how instantaneously he’d become a protector, of your old chickens in the coop, of Hoseok when he’d come to stay. He’s always been making play swords out of sticks and asking Yoongi to please read that one night story again- the one where a knight defeats the scary mountain troll- that’s always been Jungkook’s favorite.
- You touch Yoongi’s cheeks, “when do you think we should tell him?” you’d always left this up to him. Deciding when exactly to tell Jungkook where he came from. Luckily that’s not a question he asks very frequently but it’s only a matter of time until he asks again. And each time it gets harder to dodge and avoid giving him a real answer. 
- Both of you are scared- so scared- for both Hoseok and Jungkook. How will Jungkook react when he finds out that Yoongi is the one that killed his family? What will happen to Hoseok when he finds out that his best friend came from a family of dragon hunters? The same kind that killed Hoseok’s parents? 
- The wounds of his loss are still there but healing with your love and support. He no longer wakes up so many nights from nightmares. And even if he does Yoongi is there for him, all of you are. More than once you’ve woken to Hoseok curled up around you. And though while he’s never called you ‘mom’ before, you know he loves you and cares about you as much as Jungkook does. 
- Even if he suddenly decided he didn’t want much to do with you- probably a poor replacement for the mother he lost (if Yoongi ever heard you say these words out loud he would probably growl at you for thinking so), you’d accept it- and love him still. 
- Not that that kind of thing has ever been in Hoseok’s nature. He’s turned into quite the little sunshine the last few years. Bolder, and curious about the world in the same way Jungkook is, always ready to laugh and be silly to amuse the younger.  When he wakes in the morning he follows Yoongi’s lead, bringing a cloth up and over his curling golden horns, burnishing them to polish- the same way you might expect someone to learn how to shave from watching their father. 
- He even has a few feathers that have started to appear on his human form- a mark of his growing age. They poke out of his hair- long and leggy. He never fails to slap Jungkook’s hand away when they younger reach over to try and play with them. “Koo that feels weird-“ “Sorry they’re just so soft.” He never gets too angry- even when Jungkook absentmindedly starts playing with them again a few moments later. 
- One day- you catch them fiddling with one of the many feathers that Hoseok loses (it’s natural- he looses a few every time he shifts) and both of them had come to you- happy- Jungkook showing you the Tiny feather they’d managed to fasten to his hair on the back of his neck. The bright red feather sticking out harshly among the black. The 11-year-old had been so so happy- even if getting it out had been hell later. 
- You don’t think their bond could be damaged by anything- but still- you’re worried what kind of friction it could cause- if the information wasn’t revealed at the right moment. 
- “This year? Maybe next year? Who knows- when he’s ready” you roll your eyes a little at this- and Yoongi knows- can hear your words before you say them “that’s such a nebulous thing to say- try again love.”
- “Can we talk about the learning to fight thing another time?” Yoongi says against the palm of your hand, tugging you in close. Peppering kisses across your palm. The scent of disquiet clings to you- makes him anxious- makes him want it off of you. And maybe it’s stupid to ignore this problem. When it could very easily rear its ugly head.
- Maybe Yoongi is just scared of losing you- scared of losing this. He finds himself a little too choked up when he pulls you to lie against him your back against his chest. Your fingers hooking around the back of his neck to run your fingers through his hair while you look up at him. And his hand is free to run up and down your stomach and sides. Simple and lovely in the light of golden hour, the birds chirping, the muted laughter and shouts of your sons outside. Absolutely peaceful were it not for the rolling worry in both of your heads.
- When you return back to the countryside for the next season, Yoongi surprises Jungkook with his first sword. It was easy to get it made during one of the many trips Yoongi had taken with you into the city- mostly to meet with Hoseok’s teachers. Jungkook dropped off at Jimin’s library yet again- his uncle happy to see him and watch him for the day after so many months apart.
- Jungkook’s eyes are wide his smile incandescent when Yoongi hands him the thin hand and a half blade. it’s no larger than Yoongi’s forearm, but still- Jungkook’s narrow arms struggle to hold it up. “This is a practice blade, I’ll get you a sharp one after you learn the basics.”
-When it comes down to it- Yoongi is of little help when it comes to teaching Jungkook how to fight- it’s not that he can’t it’s just that he’s only ever fought in his full-bodied scaled form. And Jungkook while- he can’t shift, Though he’s no longer quite as put out as he once had been. finally, come to terms with the fact that- yes- his wings are never going to come in. Now to soothe that hurt- he just learns as much as he can about magical creatures. 
- It never fails to amaze you how easily he talks to the other people in town, the werewolves, and the rough dragon folk- grown almost fond over him in the past few years you’ve been popping in and out of their lives. one day when you’re tidying up- you come across a little booklet- little notes scrawled here and there about dragons and other magical creatures things Jungkook wants to remember. 
- It's in the town that Yoongi finds him a teacher- an old werewolf by the name of Jagged claw (werewolf customs- Yoongi rolls his eyes at the strange name) one of the last students who ever attended the military school in the city before it was closed to outsiders and turned into the flight school. He’s old and hobbles about on a roughly worn staff, teaches Jungkook and two other dragon hatchlings the way of the sword four mornings out of five. 
- There is also a condition to Jungkook’s schooling, for every lesson he attends with his instructor; he’s going to have to spend a day with you- learning the healing arts instead. It seems a fair trade- both of you decide. Though he already knows a fair amount. Jungkook looks a little frustrated but you hold up your hand to stop his words, Your expression is uncompromising. “If you’re going to learn how to hurt others- and only when you need it- then you need to learn how to heal them too.”
- Every morning you and Yoongi see both of them off Hoseok shifting and taking off to fly most of the way with Yoongi- and you and Jungkook left to walk through the woods in the direction of the wolf’s cabin. An apple and some other yummy treat wrapped in his scarf for lunch. His sword strapped to his narrow waist. 
- on your walk through the forest, you’ll take the time to quiz him on the medicinal plants there. “That one is- nic- octos- ugh!” he’s frustrated, glaring down the blue-purple bloom like it will surrender all of its secrets easily. 
- “It begins with an A” you remind him as he investigates the flowers their leaves too.  “Aconitum!” he shouts when he gets it, turning to look for your approval. You side-eye him for his early success- but he’s only half what there, “uses?” you prod, “fever reducer-” 
- “But-“ you tilt your head expectantly.  “Basically everything is a fever reducer- and this one can be dangerous so- only use it as a last resort” “you’ve got it-“ you finally give in, ruffling his curly hair affectionately- taking care to step over a gnarled root. Jungkook almost trips- too busy looking around for other plants in the underbrush. 
- But before long- the swordmasters cabin comes into view. The old wolf standing on his porch looking about ready to smack Jungkook for being late. His other students are already running forms in the cleared fighting circle out front. You smile at him in greeting as Jungkook rushes to take his place, bowing and apologizing. You ask if his joints are holding up and he nods sagely. 
- When you return home Yoongi is already waiting for you. Both of you ready for a little privacy, maybe you’ll be interrupted by someone in the town needing your help. But if it’s a calm day- you’ll make each other lunch knocking elbows.  and maybe you’ll sit out in the grass with it later, Yoongi’s head in your lap. 
- Maybe you’ll decide to split a sweet orange from the orchard a few miles over, Yoongi will peel it and give you most of it while he only takes a piece. And your kisses will be sweet and sticky and even sweeter still when he asks if you’ll sing for him. 
- Maybe you’ll fall asleep and be woken in the afternoon by Hoseok touching down softly next to you- shifting and collapsing into the grass on the blanket you and Yoongi have set out. “God today was exhausting- they had us running stamina tests all afternoon” “how long did you fly for?” 
- “3 hours and 45 minutes-“ his grin is already proud. “The longest in the class.” Yoongi’s grin is happy too, as you congratulate him and pull him close, Hoseok scent marking along either of your shoulders- he’s always a little more cuddly than usual when he gets home. You’ve asked him before and he says he doesn’t like not smelling like you guys. 
- Hoseok offers to make the short walk to pick up Kookie and a few minutes later- both of your sons come through the woods, laughing and slapping each other on the back. A new bandage on his arm- “I promise he didn’t mean it- I was the one who fell during practice, it wasn’t master’s fault.” 
- “Really you need to be more careful,” you say, angrily bandaging his arm later while Hoseok and Yoongi recline in front of the fire playing a game of cards. “I’m going to get more than one scar you know, and besides I already have one on my face so what does it matter?”
-You freeze; Yoongi goes ramrod straight- the fire in the hearth spluttering before it roars back to life. And you exchange a glance. It’s barely quick enough for either of them to catch. And you launch into an explanation of why he should care enough to be careful because it will quite literally give his mother a heart attack if he comes back with another cut like this.
- You and Yoongi think you’ve been quick enough to conceal your surprise. Both of you thinking about the scar on Jungkook’s cheek- the one he’d gotten the night Yoongi had attacked his Family. The night that had cascaded and affected both of your lives forever. But Without that night and without that bloodshed none of the joy and love you have would exist.
- But Jungkook doesn’t know that. Not yet away. That next day, Jungkook touches the mark trying to remember when he got it but he can’t, doesn’t know where the scar that marks his face came from.
- Hoseok finds him pouring over his reflection in the mirror. “Something bothering you Koo?” Jungkook fingers the scar again, Maybe he should ask you- he didn’t know if memories could disappear out of the blue- but he’s only 12, Maybe you know.
- He remembers how he got the scar on his palm; from sliding down Yoongi’s wings and missing the pillow pile in your winter home, and the one on his elbow- accidentally tripping over Hoseok’s tail the one time at uncle Namjoon’s house. But the mark on his face bothers him for some reason- lingers in the back of his mind.  
-“It’s Nothing,” he says, but at this point, he’s sure it’s something. Hoseok can feel the lie when it leaves Jungkook’s mouth- but like most things with the soul bond, he just leaves it. He’ll find out sooner or later what’s bothering him when Jungkook inevitably gets fed up with keeping secrets, if he’s not ready then he’s not ready.
- Over the last few years- they’ve developed a delicate balance, their souls might be intertwined together closely but there is a place where Hoseok begins and Jungkook ends. An understood barrier that needs to exist or else they’d both probably fight a lot more than they do.
- After all- Jungkook isn’t the only one who doesn’t always tell Hoseok what’s going on in his head. Hoseok has more than a few things that he just…doesn’t feel like he can voice out loud yet. Part of him is afraid, what if he’s misinterpreted this feeling? what if it’s temporary? he tells himself to wait it out- to wait until he’s sure (even though he knows he already is).
- Sometimes Hoseok thinks about uncle Jimin- who is often more than not aunt Jimin. How when he’s feeling like more of a she- her hair gets a little longer, cute and shoulder length, her hips more curvy than usual. About how Namjoon loves Jimin- no matter what skin they want to inhabit that day.
- Hoseok wonders what he would look like with hair like that, if he’d look pretty. “I’ve been thinking about growing out my hair- what do you think?” he asks, keeping his eyes on the mirror- not meeting Jungkook’s gaze. “I think it would be fine? why wouldn’t it be? My hair gets long some time too the trouble will be when mom tries to convince you to cut it short?” he says, confused like he’s wondering why Hoseok is asking- why Hoseok doesn’t know this.
- Anything that Hoseok does Jungkook will be on board with and will support 100%. Hoseok knows this- because the same is true in reverse. “It’s nothing-  forget I said anything.” Both of them look in the mirror- seeing something missing, but not knowing quite what.
- Hoseok resolves to ask Jimin a few more pointed questions the next time they visit, maybe corner them on the beach or in the greenhouse. Trying to ignore the weird stinging rotten feeling in his chest when he looks in the mirror and sees himself. 
- Jungkook forgets about it too wrapped up in his training forms. Trying to recognize the new ones because he knows master jagged fang will quiz him. But the confusion- the wanting curiosity- lingers in the back of his mind. A feeling like he’s missing something. 
- Jungkook easily becomes proficient in the blade, soon overcoming most of his classmates. And there is something about the way that the blade feels in his hands that feels- almost too purposeful.
- Fate is a hard thing to avoid. Being a warrior was in Jungkook’s blood from the day he was born, and he might not have been raised to hate as much as his ancestors, but his natural inclinations and the warrior's instincts are still there.
- Both of your sons get older- growing bolder and more interested in the outside world. On the days when Hoseok isn’t going into the city for classes, they take the world by storm. Hoseok isn’t old enough to fly with Jungkook on his back like you and Jungkook do on Yoongi’s but he’s getting there. Now the size of a horse when he shifts, his face eye level with your own. His claws scratching the stone floor in your house when he decides to muscle his way through the door. 
- They already give you both a run for your money and a short run on your nerves by the amount of mischief they get up to in their free time. Yoongi assures you that it's normal for a dragon of Hoseok’s age to want to test their bounds- push outside the nest and explore. And wherever Hoseok goes Jungkook follows.
- Even after all this time- they’re still each other’s favorite person. Whatever friends Hoseok might make eventually in school- don’t matter when it comes to Jungkook, No one comes even close.
- Jungkook and Hoseok manage to get into trouble more than a few times on their adventures. Exploring the woods, the edge of the mountains, the city less because Namjoon keeps a very close eye on them both. They bring back things for you- Hoseok especially likes too. Yoongi almost wants to cry the first time Hoseok brings back a large shiny rock- the first piece of what will one day be Hoseok’s hoard.
- Hoseok puts it on the shelf in his bedroom, Jungkook sitting on the floor looking at him, “Wanna go try to find something else Hobi?” Hoseok feels a certain fire in his chest, one that he hasn’t known before- something greedy and wanting. “Yes please.”  
- Most of the trouble they get into comes in the name of Hoseok and Jungkook finding things for their hoard, they try to steal a silver egg from a cockatrice and Jungkook gets pecked on his arms so deeply that it needs stitches. “What did you learn?” you ask, already having given them a stern talking too when they’d turned up on your doorstep Hoseok clutching at Jungkook’s arm crying like he’s the one whose been hurt.
- You sit in front of the fire that night, stitching him up- Jungkook is a little trouper, barely cries at all, Hobi lies across his lap in dragon form, little tears dripping out, licking at Jungkook’s wound making little distressed noises- you don’t begrudge him for his sensitivity- you know he can feel it too when Jungkook gets hurt. “That we should be more careful around things we haven’t seen before.”
- They try to take a pearl comb from a batch of selkies who have taken up residence in a nearby lake and you make them go and return it. Both of them hiding behind you a little as you hover by the edge of the lake. “Sorry about this,” you say, as one of them rises out of the water, their faces sunken, skin green and oily, hair flowing like algae, black stones where their eyes should be. Their voices send a shiver down your spine- “it’s okay- happens all the time!”  and you shiver as they sink back into the water.
- “What did you both learn this time” “unless they’re bad people you shouldn’t steal” “not quite, try again” “stealing is wrong?” “but isn’t that what dad does?” you wince internally- maybe you should have a more concise talk about this with Yoongi later.
- Time passes, and Yoongi finds himself waking up happy every morning, cuddled with his family. Or sometimes just with you, his nose pressed to the nape of your neck, heart thrumming with happiness at being close to his mate. he thinks that if he had this- every day for the rest of his existence he’d be fine- be more than fine.
- As both boys get older and turn from children into gangly teens, Hoseok starts to learn how to breathe fire, though he’s still only capable of blowing smoke and sparks on the best of days. He won’t for a few more years- that doesn’t stop him from trying and bugging Yoongi to show him how he breathes fire, “please just show me one more time dad I promise, I think I can get it this time” no matter how many times Yoongi assures him that he shouldn’t rush fire breathing.
- It’s a few months after their last trip to the dragon city when the council- Namjoon specifically calls him on something. Though it’s sooner than he would have expected given the last call it’s not really that big of a deal. Just a report of a nearby dragon den that had gone into early hibernation and tempted concern. But Yoongi just finds them all sleepy and cuddled over each other, the alpha lifting his head at Yoongi’s appearance at the caved entrance, sleepily asking what council business he’d been called on and why it couldn’t wait until spring.
- Yoongi might only be gone for a day, but it’s enough for them to find you.
- The hunters find the hidden manor house only a few hours after Yoongi leaves. This close to the dragon city they’re looking for an unguarded hoard and find it in your home. Because a hoard guarded by two humans and an unmatured dragon shouldn’t be too much of an obstacle. What they’re doing so far into dragon lands- how they’ve managed to come so far undetected- you don’t know.
- A dozen of them that surprise you. it’s a lazy easy day, Jungkook already home from practice. Eager to go out after lunch and explore with Hoseok since he didn’t have school today either. They complain about the chores you make them do before they go out- but since you have your housekeeper in today you're intent on more maintenance. and that includes cleaning the floors which means all the furniture needs to move off the rugs. 
- It’s then that you hear a knock on the door- your housekeeper running to get it while you and your sons follow,  both of them internally glad at a visitor- if it’s someone from the town looking for your healing abilities that means they’ll be free for the rest of the day! 
- Imagine your surprise when your housekeeper answers the door only to receive a sword deep in her gut, falling backward, the light leaving her eyes before she hits the floor. 
- They’re after Yoongi’s hoard (hidden in the cavernous basement) but they’re aiming for Hoseok first as they spill into your entranceway to eliminate the greatest threat, and Jungkook lunges in front of him- stupid. The smaller boy easily muscled to the side by one of them, 3 more waiting at his back to storm into the room and more behind them. Jungkook clutches at his side, blood on his hands and pain in his face- and no- Hoseok will not stand for that- not his Jungkook. The second pain radiates down the soulbond Hoseok shifts. 
- You lunge for him before Hoseok can, You’re feral when he aims his knife in their direction. “not my sons you ugly bastard-” you cut your hand and it gets in his eyes as you wrestle the knife away from him, he doubles over after connecting your knee to his groin. 
- Hoseok rears up and attacks. His fear gone- only action, bearing his teeth and using them. Head striking out like a snake- only blind rage in his heart and head- all at the sight of Jungkook- bleeding for him. No one hurts his family like that- one of them tries to run, and Hoseok peruses them. 
- Jungkook shakes it off- it’s not a bad wound- he’s honestly gotten worse in practice. his sword is by the entryway, laid their carelessly after his lesson (how many times had you reminded him that his weapons belong in his room- asked him to pick them up along with his shoes- you’d never imagined you’d be glad for his carelessness).
- Though his practice blade is dull- master long fang has taught him well enough that he can use it to get a sharper sword away from his opponent, the new weapon is absurdly heavy in his arms, and it sends vibrations that rattle to his core when Jungkook brings it up to block a strike. 
- The adrenaline thudding in his veins as he faces the hunters down erases the soreness from his earlier sparring session. The second the sword is in his hands, a chilling calm set over him, and he falls right back into what's been thought through countless hours of practice. keep your shoulders down, elbows tense, step with commitment- he can almost hear his master scolding him for a poorly parried lunge. Around him Hoseok bobs and weaves, using his wings as much as his claws and neck. 
- Jungkook vaults over his back to defend against his side from another attacker. They move like they’re talking- like the countless hours they’ve spent exploring together, like the way they hold each other at night, one part of the same soul, predicting the other's movements- you too, 
-  Though the dagger in your handshakes you hold your own. It helps that these men don’t seem like trained soldiers- more thuggish than that. Their axes are no match for Jungkook’s quick movements. their movements slow and brutish. No match for Hoseok’s bite. 
- Jungkook has the first kill- more dumb luck than anything else.  He feels the man die by his hands, He sees the blood hot and smelly, soaking into the little lines of his fingertips, And immediately decides he doesn’t want to be a warrior after all of this- not if it’s like this. Jungkook would lose it- start crying and sobbing if it weren’t for Hoseok at his side, the brush of his feathers- the way the wind hugs him and buffers Jungkook when he moves. Hoseok is the only soothing thing he can hold onto. 
- Hoseok manages to mortally wound one and send another through the window with a swipe of his tail and it scares the rest off. They might have thought they could handle you and Jungkook- but Hoseok is a force to be reckoned with- all of those lessons paid off. Now Hoseok knows how to handle his larger scaly body- how to make himself lethal and feral. 
- You are just pausing; chest heaving in fear, just as the other two retreats and run out of the house, deciding that the hoard must not be worth losing their lives. Hoseok and Jungkook are shaking with adrenaline, your hair bloody and free of its braid. 
- Hoseok shifts back to human form reeling from the bloodshed. His mouth as red as his hair. You wipe it away with your sleeve crying as you touch his head, Jungkook’s too, needing to make sure both of your children are safe. To touch them and make sure they’re there. Jungkook is the only one injured a little cut on his side that isn’t bleeding too much. “I’m fine mom- I’m fine-” 
- You verify they’re okay before you go to your housekeeper- touching her neck to feel her pulse- only to find out she’s already gone. You move her to the side so you can close the door and lock it with the deadbolt. Dead men litter your entryway, some of their chests still rising unevenly with death rattle breath. It has been a long time since you’ve been around dying men and it doesn’t feel any better knowing they deserve it- that you were fighting for your life. 
-And in the Centre of them, Hoseok holds Jungkook close, sends you a pained glance, crying, touching Jungkook’s side, blood all over both of them. they’re 13 and 15 now but at that moment- they look like the same scared little kids you raised.  
- You go to them, clutching them close, Jungkook is crying, Hoseok looks too shaken- like he can’t breathe around the adrenaline- but you can still hear distantly the other men in the woods running and starting to regroup. So you need to push them away urging them in the direction of the basement, “Head to the hoard- they won’t be able to get through the door-” they hesitate, “just go- your father will be back soon and he’ll-“ 
- Jungkook will remember the next moment for the rest of his life; 
- Hoseok doesn’t see- the exact moment it happens, head turned away just slightly- but Jungkook does. Jungkook sees every moment of it. 
- He’ll remember The way you’d paused, made a choking noise- only to look down at your stomach. Jungkook remembers when Yoongi had bought you that dress- the one with the little blue flowers on it, that day in the dragon city. Now turning blood red, the stain seeping outwards too fast from your belly.
-  You stumble trying to keep your feet under you, the dagger in your hand clanging to the floor. Revealing the man behind you- his sword shining with your blood.
-“Mom!” Hoseok shrieks, as you crumple to the floor.
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
So, that time Rebel Alliance pilot Luke Skywalker was on patrol with Wedge  sometime between ANH and Empire and had a run-in with a pre-Imperial gunship registered as the Razor Crest???
Pew-pew dogfight in which the Crest didn’t fire on them which is always nice, but it sure as hell attempted to evade - Luke and Wedge being like, oh, they’re good - and then surprise!Imperial ships, because I cannot not do ridiculous Drama.
Razor Crest and Luke’s X-wing both get hit, go down over a thickly forested nearby planet. Wedge is forced to break off and report back to the Allince - Imperial ships this close to their Rebel base? Apparently more likely than you’d think.
Meanwhile Luke is surveying the wreckage of his X-wing trying to see what he can salvage and whatnot. He has faith Wedge got away safely, because it’s Wedge and he’s one of the best pilots in the Alliance, but any rescue efforts won’t arrive for days, so.
He manages to get Artoo onto solid ground, tries not to smile as Artoo keeps up a steady stream of complaints the whole time because Skywalkers!!1!, kind of the worst, really.
Sometime later he hears blaster fire and looks toward the direction it seemed to come from, and is like.
Because the Razor Crest and if he survived a crash landing on this planet it’s possible the other pilot did too. (Mainly the blaster fire though, seeing as the planet seems largely uninhabited, and anyway. What are the odds it would be anyone else when they went down in roughly the same area.)
Luke could make camp here, stick close to his X-wing which would make it easier for anyone to come looking for him, but also, also.
The surprise!Imperial ships who shot him down and might come looking to finish the job, and anyway, anyway, he’s got one of his Feelings he should search out the other pilot.
Which, you know, he does.
In spite of Artoo’s protests and predictions of gloom and doom, and anyway, it’s better than doing nothing, so.
Off they go, having little adventures here and there because local flora and fauna and that time Luke had to rescue Artoo getting stuck in a giant spiderweb the two of them getting the hell out of there before whatever made it comes to check on it.
They have to stop to make camp for the night and it’s while Luke’s setting up a fire that they hear blaster fire again, something roaring, and other such ounds that indictate someone is possibly having a worse day than they are.
Luke goes to see what it is, Artoo like what, why, and also Skywalkers >:((((((((( but follows Luke anyway because no way is he going to be left behind.
A rescue is attempted, but Din is being attacked by a large predator (I’m picturing something like a cave bear, but maybe  little bigger???) that seems to be impervious to blasters and determined as hell, and would you look at that? There’s  a handy little cave right over there with an entrance large enough for them and Artoo to fit through but too small for the large predator, and anyway, they’re not dumb.
Luke points the cave out, Din is like ??? because where the hell did he come from, but then the Alliance flight-suit and oh, right, and anyway. Din’s the one in armor so it makes sense that he covers Luke’s run to the cave.
And when the large predator takes a swipe of Din that sends him flying, Luke scrambles to get him into the cave and maybe kind of taps into his Force abilities to knock the large predator away long enough for them to get to safety.
Plot Reasons and all.
From there it’s Luke ~fretting over an unconscious Mandalorian while Artoo mutters to himself and overall it a very odd day indeed.
Luke’s exploring the cave, looking for another way out seeing as how the large predator is still outside and looks like it’s going to wait the out when Din wakes up.
He finds several dead ends and a pool fed from snow melt from the look of it, so they won’t have to worry about water, which is the first bit of good news.
(Rebel Alliance and survival courses and having to relocate bases whenever the Imperials find them so he’s picked up some things since leaving Tatooine, so yes.)
Luke makes his way back to the main room of the cave to find the Mandalorian and Artoo in a  standoff of some sort.
“Oh, good,” Luke says, careful to keep his hands in clear view, and doesn’t make any sudden moves. “You’re awake.”
Din is like.
He’s tired and sore, got knocked around in the crash and then had the bad luck to run afoul of the large predator and now this.
(Also, he’s pretty sure he has a concussion on top of everything, so.)
No love for the Empire and all, but no desire to fall in with the Rebels either, he just wants to go about his own business, live his life and so on.
He wasn’t even doing anything questionably legal when the X-wings slid up alongside the Crest. Was minding his own damn business and just.
Bad day all around.
Still, at least the Rebel pilot didn’t remove his helmet - one of the first things he made sure of, because of course he did.
They muddle their way into a truce/understanding between them for the time being seeing as how they’re stuck in the cave and all.
Din is sure he can handle the large predator, but concussion and all, and anyway, he’s still tired enough that the Rebel’s suggestion he get more rest before he throws himself at it doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
Luke shares rations from his emergency kit, and Din likewise salvaged what he could from the Crest before he ran into the large predator.
The good news is they have food and water that should last long enough for any search parties sent for Luke -
And, okay, Luke’s not stupid. Notices the way the Mandalorian goes so very still when Luke says that, just thinking out loud as you do, and sighs.
Guy probably falls more on Han’s side of legal activities than Luke’s, has no reason to be happy about the Rebels coming to the rescue, but he doesn’t know what to about it for now.
(Thinks in the back of his mind that if worst comes to worst, he can always get Han aboard for a tiny little jailbreak. Probably.)
There’s not a lot of talking from them, but it’s not as awkward as Luke thought it might be. The Mandalorian actually answers his questions, when he feels like it
By the third day Luke wouldn’t cal them friends, but they’re not quite enemies and that’s better than he was expecting given the circumstances.
And then there’ the thing where they think it’s safe to leave the cave, but surprise, it’s not!
Large predator is still around and there is a fairly epic fight to chase it off or kill it if that’s what it takes, but Din’s leg gets a little broken and Luke gets a little knocked around and Artoo doesn’t have a great time of it either, what with getting tossed around like a chew toy when he caused a distraction to save the humans.
Anyway, anyway, they end up killing it thanks to teamwork and then it’s a matter of sorting everything out.
Luke’s got bacta in his emergency kit, but not enough to help with Din’s leg or other injuries between them, but Din, okay, Din.
Might have some back on the Crest, but he’s in no shape to make it there now, and no knowing if there are more of those large predators around, and Luke is like.
He’s still mobile, he’ll go.
Din is like, are you that stupid? To which Luke is like, kinda, yeah.
He knows Din’s not fond of droids, hasn’t made it a secret, but the terrain is tricky enough as it is for Artoo, and he’s worried about Din, and just.
He leaves Artoo with Din and goes off on his little trek to the Razor Crest.
Takes him half a day before he gets there and when he does it’s clear the ship has seen better days, but he’s pretty sure it can be fixed made flyable again.
If, you know, Din could get his hands on metal plates to patch up holes in the Crest’s hull.
(Conveniently, Luke happens to know where there’s a crashed X-wing that could be salvged for parts, allow Din to make his way off-planet without having to deal with the Rebel Alliance at all, but that’s a thought for another day.)
Luke finds the bacta and heads back to the cave. Treats Din’s lefg first, the most serious injury to deal with -
“No,” Din says, when Luke’s about to use it all on Din’s leg, because Luke’s got some nasty injuries himself and they’re likely to get infected if he doesnt do something about them, and anyway, it’ll take longer for Din’s leg to heal than any of their other injuries, don’t waste the stuff like that.
And then!
Luke broaches the possibility of fixing the Crest by cannibalizing his X-wing, which has Din looking at him sharply.
The whole Rebel Alliance and underdogs who probably can’t afford to just waste resources, but Luke, okay, Luke.
He just looks at Din and is like, no, no, it’s fine.
(Because the whole survival situation they’re in and risking their lives for one another and this the leas Luke can do for him, alright? So just accept it already.)
Also, it’s been...a little too long since they crashed on this planet and at the very least the Alliance should have contacted him, but it’s been radio silence and Luke would rather not think about why that is. (Yet, anyway, yet.)
Anyway, the next morning Luke sets off to his X-wing to strip it for parts for the Razor Crest. Apologizes, because she’s been good for him, kept him alive since Yavin and the Death Star and thinks she understand, hopes she would anyway, because he owes Din this much, and anyway, anyway, yes.
It takes most of the morning to get everything he can off his X-wing, and then a little longer to fashion a sled to carry parts and whatnot to the Crest.
Stops at the cave to check on Din and Artoo and have lunch. Tell him how it’s going and so on, and Din is quiet as he does.
A little too much, really, even though he’s still not the chatty sort.
“I’m going with you,” he tells Luke when Luke gets ready to head back to the Crest with parts from his X-wing.
When Luke tells him why that’s not a great idea - number one reason being that Din’s leg is still broken - Din shuts him down by saying “It’s my ship.”
Which, not what he means, but Luke gets it, he does.
Thinks Din’s an idiot, but also knows he’d just follow Luke on his own if he doesn’t help him, and just.
It’s less trouble to agree help him hobble along with him rather than risk Din making his leg worse, so.
He has Artoo tow the sled with the parts while he plays human crutch for Din and they make their slow, awkward way to Din’s ship.
It takes a while, because of course, the three of them reaching the Razor Crest at dusk. Thankfully the ship is safe enough to use it for shelter, and Luke lets Din rattle around inside while he secures the parts outside.
Dinner is a quiet affair, Luke and Din exhausted after a long day, but comfortable.
Luke talks about his plans to bring the rest of the parts back the next day, and Din doesn’t quite fidget but it’s pretty obvious he’s not entirely comfortable with this. (Being indebted to Luke, which this isn’t about that at all, but it feels like it is.)
Anyway, next day Luke goes off to his X-wing for the last of the parts and whatnot, and is like oh, no, when he sees TIE fighters in the distance, like they’re looking for something.
Seem to be headed in the opposite direction from Din and the Crest, but he knows better than to think that will be the case for long. Hurries back to Din adn Artoo as fast as he can to find they’ve already started on the repairs.
Luke tells Din about the TIE fighters and it isn’t as though they hadn’t considered it, the Imperials searching the planet for them, or course not. Just. That hope the Imperials dismissed them as not worth the effort to hunt down and the whatnot.
They focus on repairing the ship, working through the night and such in a Montage Sequence, because of course there’s one.
There’s a short test flight just in case, Din letting Luke fly the ship because Plot Reasons, and there’s actual light-hearted bantering going on - Luke, Mr. Fancypants fighter pilot giving Din and his clunky heavy gunship grief while Din may or may not be rolling his eyes at him and enjoying his company - TIE fighters show up.
And it’s like, well, this is unexpected, but also not.
Another exciting pew-pew dogfight takes place, this time with Luke flying the Crest and Din is so conflicted because his ship??? But also Luke is doing a dam fine job of flying it even though he’s not used to the way it handles or its limitations and anyway, anyway.
They get rid of the TIEs and share a look like oh my God, we’re still alive??? which is when a second wave of TIEs show up, and there are so many of them and they’re not going to make it?
So they decide to make a push for space, se if they can jump to hyperspace and all, but there’s an star destroyer in space and entire squadrons of TIEs and it’s not looking great for them?
Which of course is the perfect moment for the cavalry in the form of the Rebel Alliance to pop up.
Or, like. The rest of Rogue squadron and one Corellian freighter and Luke has never been so glad to see them as they keep the TIE fighters off their back long enough for everyone to make the jump to hyperspace.
They make several quick hops to avoid leading the Imperials back to the new Rebel base - they had to relocate yet again after Wedge reported back, too risky not to, which was what took them so long to come back for Luke.
Poor Din is Not Happy at the fact they have a squadron of X-wings flying escort with the Falcon - he is also Not Thinking about who the owner of that ship is or why Luke seems so happy to see them and what even is going on with the Alliance these days - because the whole thing of how this whole mess started?
So Luke is like, “Hey, so,” to Han and the others, and the Rogues stay on guard in space as he lands the Razor Crest on a nearby planet, Han and Chewie following in the Falcon.
Luke is like, so that was fun, right? as he gives Din this little smile, kind of awkward because the Rebels could use someone like him but Din’s made it clear he’s not interested, and anyway, that’s not the point, really.
They say their goodbyes and Luke goes over to join Han and Chewie and Din is like. He doesn’t know what, but following the Falcon out of atmo and getting an X-wing escort until he umps into hyperpace to wherever wasn’t it.
Also, don’t think he doesn’t notice the way Alliance ships leave him and the Razoe Crest alone after that, Skywalker, Din’s onto you.
But yes.
Din goes back to doing his thing and maybe thinks about that whole standed on a random planet with a Rebel Alliance pilot when he sees the mismatced panels and whatnot on the Crest that came from a cannibalized X-wing.
(Also, the little metal ball Grogu is fixated on may or may not have come from Luke’s X-wing in a please let me have this kind of moment of sentimental nonsense what with it surviving the destruction of the Razor Crest and all, memento with double the sentimental nonsense for Din because reasons.)
They don’t see one another again until Gideon’s cruiser, but every so often Luke hears about this one Mandalorian and a pre-Imperial gunship Adventuring about. Din hears about this guy named Skywalker, and when most people scoff and say the stories must be exaggerated, Rebel propaganda, Din wonders, doesn’t put it past Luke to be honest.
And then!
Gideon’s cruiser and “Are you a Jedi?” and Luke is like  “I am,” and Din is like, okay, but when did that happen because I don’t recall that being a thing before. Grogu is like !!! and :DDDDDDDDD because Luke’s a Jedi like him and dad is all warm and squishy feelings in the Force right now, and so on.
Luke is like, well this changes things because he can’t just take Grogu and scurry off now that he’s seen what a strong bond he has with Din, and also Din, so he invites Din to come with them to his Jedi school and Din doesn’t have to think twice about it, you know?
The three of them scurry off to Luke’s Jedi school somewhere, Din taking one of the shuttles.
It’s all kinds of awkward on the trip there, Din a little concerned about how this is going to work out, but turns out he didn’t need to worry because Luke is still Luke after everything.
Still that pilot he met way back when, the one who traded off with Din on the saving one another’s lives thing and sacrificing his ship to give Din his and so on, and it’s like.
He never expected to see Luke again - fighter pilot’s life expectancy in a war and all - but here they are and it’s kind of nice actually.
No survival situation now, so the return of that awkward flirting thing that was barely an idea the by end the first time they met, both of them aware of how ridiculous they’re being but hey, not like anyone’s there to see it.
(Aside from Grogu and Artoo, but shhh, Luke and Din are pretending the two of them aren’t laughing at them all day everyday.)
the awkward flirting intensifies until the day Din presses his forehead against Luke’s, no big dramatic moment leading up to it, just this instinctive little thing, warm and comfortable and natural as anything.
When Din moves away, Luke looks up at him with this expression on his face, little smirk forming, and Din knows, okay, he knows Luke -
“I admit my understanding of Mandalorian culture is lacking, but doe this mean we’re married now?”
And it’s like.
The man is so infuriating? But they’ve also been co-habitating and co-parenting Grogu for almost a year now, become familiar with one another’s habits and quirks and somehow haven’t killed one another over the most annoying ones.
Luke’s friends and family who stop by to check in on him - them - almost definitely have a betting pool on them. (Solo for sure, even if the man still does the I’m Watching You thing to Din every time he visits.)
“Yes,” Din answers, dry as anything, because when it comes down to it they pretty much already are.
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champion-prism · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet- Kirishima Eijiro
 Anon requested Kiri headcanons and I procrastinated so much, here’s a whole alphabet to make up for it :)
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Being manly together is his favourite ting :)
Seriously though, he loves working out with his s/o. Whether you’re big on going to the gym or a total couch potato, he’s going to rope you into coming with him, even if you just want to sit around and stare at his muscles. He also loves soft dates, like the kind where you get ice cream and pick wild flowers and sit on park benches talking.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your skin- he just loves drawing shapes and patterns on you with his fingers, revelling in how you feel, occasionally peppering soft kisses on you.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Instinctively gets hard. Not in that way, his quirk activates when he sees you upset or crying or heaving. Eijiro is great at being a comforting presence. He might not always know what to say, but he has a determined, optimistic vibe about him and when he tells you he believes in you, you trust him to be truthful.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He pictures both of you learning and growing together, becoming strong and complementing each others’ strengths. He hasn’t really thought about getting married yet, but he’s taken it as a given that you two are in it for the long run. Stream “the long run” by eagles.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Neither. Eijiro is respectful, respectful enough to be conscious of the fact that he doesn’t want to be domineering, at least. But he’s not one to be pushed over, either. Overall, he’s very respectful.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
This is tricky. He tends to bolt up a bit, retreat into himself and pretend he’s not hurt. He’d like to think he’s as emotionally impervious as he is physically, but it only leads to repression. He will forgive you easily on the spot, but he’ll carry the hurt and resentment until one day he spews it all out.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Quite grateful, and he’s quick to always return the favour, either through getting you food or taking care of you.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He definitely hides his fears and worries.He doesn’t like being seen as having any sorts of weaknesses.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You help him become slightly more accepting of his own weaknesses- help him learn not to berate himself too much, help him learn that the conviction to become better is only hurt by self deprecation.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He does get jealous easily. He’s a bit insecure, in some ways, and if he sees someone hitting on you it’s going to rub him in a way he doesn’t quite understand- a cold trickling in the back of his neck, his hands hardening as he tries to catch his breath and try to understand why he’s so upset. He feels guilty about it because he doesn’t want to show mistrust in you, so he bottles it up.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s a very gentle kisser. He loves how soft your lips are, melts into your touch.  First kiss was awkward, a bit sloppy at first, but he got into the rhythm of it quick.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He’d be a bit cliche about it, I feel. Ask you on a coffee date, bring you a flower. Walk you home, stand by your door and bite his lip and softly tell you how he’s falling for you, and he hopes you feel the same.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Hasn’t thought about it yet, but when he does, he will want to marry you. He’ll do a dumbass thing and forget to hide the ring properly when he gets it, so you accidentally find a ring box with a handwritten note in his scratchy handwriting you always insist is cute. He’ll be taking a shower before bed while you stand dumbly in your shared bedroom, staring at the note that addresses you by name, telling you how much he loves you and why, and how happy he’d be if you agreed to marry him. He’ll come out of the shower wrapped in a fluffy towel, see the box and note in your hand, and hurriedly begin to explain himself and how he forgot to hide the ring until the proposal, before you shut him up with a “yes”.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He calls you baby shark. Periadt.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’ll be a bit spacey, blush easily, but be eager to show off. It’s obvious to the people who are close to him that something is up.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Quite upfront. He has nothing to hide- he’s so proud you’re his! Chaste kisses in public, hugging, hand holding, he’s good with it all. He’s not really fond of full making out in public, though he won’t hide any hickies or love bites you give him. It’ll also make him proud if you let your hickies and love bites be on display.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Q u i r k? His quirk is hardening I’d think that’s quite beneficial in a relationship-
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Cliche but he’s very cute about it. He just wants to show you he loves you. Very romantic, the sort of dude who’ll bring you flowers weekly.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
You are just so manly and strong and he believes in you so frigging much. You can do a n y t h i n g. If it’s in his power to do anything to help you achieve your goals, he’ll do it. The more passionate you are about it, the more he gets into it too.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He doesn’t say no if you want to do something new and fun, but he likes the security of routine. His work life is hectic and quite thrilling as it is.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He makes it a point to carefully store all factual information about you that he happens upon. Emotional understanding takes time, but he’s certainly trying very hard to be as empathetic as he can.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You as a person are very important to him, but the relationship takes a backseat to your ultimate wellbeing and his hero career. If he feels he’s genuinely not good for you, he’ll end things.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Loves kisses on his eyelids and jaw. If you kiss him and tell him he feels soft he’ll lose it. He’s never been told that in his life.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Loves to kiss and cuddle, yas! He loves to tickle, too, so watch out! He’s very open to physical affection, and always has an arm around you in public.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Sends you selfies of himself pouting. Sometimes he’ll write your name on his bicep in marker and send you a video of him flexing it. You’re not sure what it means but it’s cute-
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s a hero, so he’ll pretty much sacrifice his life for you. He’s willing to protect you no matter what, and he’s kind of a simp, so he will (within reason) work on any aspects of himself that may be detrimental to your relationship, once brought to your attention.
Requests are open! :D
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totallytododeku · 4 years
☁ studying together ( x reader hc's) ☁
characters: midoriya, bakugou, todoroki, kirishima, yaoyorozu, uraraka, + ashido
genre: fluff  <33
I. Midoriya 🌳🍀🌻
this poor boy is so excited to be spending time with you
but he will not take his nose out of his textbook
he can't help it
he's so happy to be in the hero course he takes his schoolwork a little too seriously
however, you can use this to your advantage ;)
normally you're almost as invested in his journey to becoming the next Symbol of Peace and achieving his dream as he is
and you would never dream of doing anything that could jeopardize it
So you were silently bouncing off the walls with glee when you realized he was impervious to distractions when it came to studying
literally anything is fair game
which is why studying with him is your new favorite time of day
pet his hair
kiss his cheeks
climb into his lap
pat his head
hold his non-dominant hand
hug him from behind his chair
rest your head on his shoulder and take a nap
do whatever you want
you can basically do anything to him while he's studying without having to worry about distracting him
he will blush a little bit of you kiss him but but you think it's adorable
lol turn on whatever tv or music you want
but only if you're done with your work!!
hes very adamant that you keep up with your work as best you can do you can graduate side by side and be pro heroes together someday
K. Bakugou 💣💥 📢
he would totally be the one to invite you to study and he would probably want to study in his dorm
it's super quiet and nobody will bother you guys because they know it's that spiky gremlin's room
overall his room just has a really relaxing atmosphere
you love being near him as much as possible
and he's much more affectionate in the comfort of his dorm room
but that doesn't mean he's gonna go easy on u ;-;
he still has his gruff attitude and will make sure you're studying every day
or else he will call u baka and force you to sit down and study until you know all your material
he's actually a great tutor tho
he writes out all the work for each problem and explains them thoroughly
all while holding in you in his arms while you sit in his lap
sometimes you can convince him to play a game with you where every time you get an answer right he gives you a kiss
but you whine when you get one wrong and he won't kiss you
he huffs before giving you a kiss while still trying to look annoyed
stupid girl he mutters
but he pulls you a bit closer to him to hide his blush and moves on to the next problem despite your giggles
S. Todoroki ❄🔥🍜
he doesn't really need to study but he doesn't know how to just .. relax
like he doesn't know how to not do what his dad tells him to do
and his dad wants him to study
it's just easier for Todoroki to do what his dad wants than to rebel
that is, it was
Until he met you and the dekusquad
obviously everyone cares about their homework and wants to graduate well and go Plus Ultra!
but study sessions with Todoroki usually end up just being you guys trying to help him be less hard on himself while you have him as a captive audience
he doesn't really mind, though, especially when it's just you two
the intimacy of studying together in comfortable silence and just
enjoying each other's company
makes his heart go (* ̄∇ ̄*)
like i said he doesn't really need to study so he'll just end up helping you review material
please just ... hold his hand :)
after you're done studying for the day just pull him into a hug and over to your bed
he needs a nap
you feel warm fuzzies inside from how caring he's been to sit with you while you finished your homework and bring you warm tea
you don't even think you just
Time for cuddles :3
it becomes your daily ritual to study together and then cuddle
he always falls asleep in your arms with a small smile
E. Kirishima 🗿🗿🗿
"Okay, Y/N, let's study hard and do our homework like men!" *fist-pumping the air and grinning like an idiot*
"...what's so funny? "
he doesn't care if you're not a man it's his trademark
he likes to study at his desk because he says it's "important to stay focused and work diligently"
generally he is the least focused person, ever. besides kaminari.
however, he's so energetic and enthusiastic that once you sit down and start studying he'll be able to keep your motivation up until you've finished all your homework
GREAT at studying for tests and quizzes (in theory)
he will never give up
like I said he could keep studying for hours once he sets his mind to it
So you have to compromise and get him to study in short bursts throughout the day to help him have a better chance of remembering anything ;-;
his memory is not great but it's kinda cute
you, being the smart cookie that u are, realized the best way to help him memorize things was to study with flashcards frequently throughout the weekend while doing other activities
so you plan to hang out together and do something fun every week while having your study material on index cards in your back pockets
it's a literal study date.
a weekly date out to the mall or the park or a little coffee shop but with math trivia thrown in randomly throughout the afternoon!! :D
Of course he was ready to turn it into a game he's a literal puppy
he just wants to show you you can be proud of him
you giggle lightly when you hear him say that and let him know that you'll always be proud of him, no matter what
M. Yaoyorozu 👑🏆☕
studyblr wants what u have.
studying in momo's room makes you feel like a Victorian young lady studying moral philosophy, writing poetry about the mourning doves outside the garden window, and waiting for her husband to come home from sailing the seven seas
it's your Belle moment where she's in the royal library except it's every day
stacks of beautiful, old books
the smell of the crisp, white pages
soft classical music floating through the air
the window cracked open slightly
and you are the luckiest student in all of UA because you get to study with the smartest girl in the whole school
she's also gorgeous and sweet and perfect which def doesn't hurt
u know that joke that ur teacher can spend a year explaining something and u never understand but then a random indian guy on YouTube explains it in 2 minutes and you finally get it
she is that random indian guy
you will never struggle with a single concept after you start studying with her
And she's so proud of you for every little question you answer correctly
(even thought she's the one that explained it all so well in the first place)
it's the definition of comfortable silence
she insists that neither of you study too hard and that you take lots of breaks to stretch
she says its to help you stay concentrated but really she just wants to feel your gentle hands on her shoulders as you massage out the knots
you take turns kneading the tension out of each other's shoulders
you feel a pleasant tingle down your spine at the feeling of her soft breath on the back of your neck
She pulls away and you share awkward smiles, neither of you realizing the other one of blushing, too
O. Uraraka 🌜🚀🙏
ur actually super productive study buddies
Like u started studying together and then all of a sudden you were almost at the top of your class
she's just so sweet that being with her gives you the energy you need to write that essay all in one sitting instead of procrastinating like a normal person
Shows up at your dorm with snacks and drinks to keep your energy up!! :D
even though she's still going to end up getting sleepy anyway later in the afternoon
You get most of your studying done at the beginning of your study date so it's not really a problem
you know she doesn't have a lot of money to be throwing around so you pay for dinner every night
It's usually takeout but sometimes you guys make your own dinner for fun!
it always turns out almost inedible and burned because neither of you were paying attention to the stove
don't let baku see it or he'll start screaming about how you need to try your best at everything so he can beat you fair and square and that includes cooking too
neither you nor uraraka can handle spicey food so you never eat what Bakugou cooks for the class
You grab a few bags of chips and some sushi and shut yourselves in your dorm to pull an all-nighter study session about once a month
it should make you tired but, again, studying with her is so enjoyable that you don't mind
u two enjoy each others company in studying so much that you sometimes read ahead in your textbooks just to be able to study more
overall, hanging out with her is just lighthearted and filled with giggles
and you just so happen to get all your homework done along the way
M. Ashido 👾👽🚿
"studying" with her is so much fun
Hanging out with Mina in general is so much fun
it's impossible not to smile when she's around so even if you have a huge exam tomorrow, all your worries fade away just from being with her
She is pretty distracting in cases where you actually wanted to get stuff done
But you don't care
Change of plans
you're doing mani pedi's with Mina
No more studying
it's not as bad as it sounds though
You're not slacking off or anything and you can still keep your grades up with help from your other friends like Momo and Iida
you guys are just goofing off in the privacy of your dorm room when you should be studying
"It's not a crime to be young, Y/ N ;)"
she's just so energetic and happy like a little pink ball of sunshine
you can't help but laugh at her silliness and cute antics after a long day of classes
she makes your heart beat faster like you're on a roller coaster but without the nerves
somehow you feel giddy and comfortable in her presence at the same time
it doesn't matter what you two are doing, you always have fun
make sure she goes to bed on time, though, or she might end up baking a seven-tier cake at 3 am and Bakugou will scream at you for waking him up
don't feed her after midnight lmao
i started writing this after i almost died of boredom in my online calc class. my senioritis is already kicking in and it's still September (。-ω-)  
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