#Okay gotta go find my next mode of transport -
Could you write a little something about the reader walking in on Niall recording "Steal My Girl" in his underwear? Your choice on how they know each other. I just think it's funny as hell!
What Did I Miss?
Niall Horan x Fem!reader!
Note: Thank You for requesting this, anon! I hope I did your request justice! I tried my very best!
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It was a long day, and all I wanted to do was see my boyfriend, so that’s exactly what I decided to do. Since he’s in town with his band, I took advantage of the rare opportunity that I do have with him.
I look down at my phone, looking at the text he sent me just a little while ago.
Irish Blondie💚
Hey, Petal! We’re just doing a bit of recording. I’ll be in room 647! Just knock! Everyone knows you’re coming!
Okay, sounds good babe! I’ll be there soon!
I look back up as I walk through the hallway and I manage to find the room. I knock on the door and step back, waiting for the door to open.
Not even a minute later, the door opens to reveal Louis. His eyes light up when he sees me and he pulls me into a hug.
“Mrs. Neil! Great to see ya, love. How’ve ya been?”
He lets me go and we go inside, Louis closing the door behind us.
“I’ve been good Lou. Just been itching to see Niall.”
He nods in understanding.
“He’s been itching t’ see you too, Y/N. Believe me. Yer all he’s been talkin’ about.”
I blush as I follow him through the room and my mouth gapes, unprepared for what’s in front of me.
“I don’t exist if I don’t have her, the sun doesn’t shine, the world doesn’t turn, alright.”
Before my eyes is my boyfriend. Dancing around. In his underwear. Next to me, Louis bursts out laughing and Niall turns around, his face burning bright red as soon as he sees me.
“Y-Y/N! I-I’m sorry Petal! I’ll um… Just give me a minute to um… Get some clothes on…”
I nod, averting my eyes as I turn around, my face burning just as bright as his. As Niall gets dressed, I chat with Zayn.
“Ya should’ve seen your face, Y/N! You and Nialler! Looked like a couple o’ tomatoes! Lou! Did you get that on video! We gotta show Payno and Harry!”
I cover my face with my hands in an attempt to hide my embarrassment and the two laugh, Zayn pulling me into a hug.
“Stop laughing, you two! It’s not funny! I’ve… Never seen him like that before… He just kind of surprised me… But I told him I was coming! Why was he in his underwear?!”
Both men just shrug when John, one of the producers chimes in.
“That might be my fault. He was in the middle of changing and I sort of had an idea for one of his verses and I distracted him. He’s been like that for about an hour and a half.”
I nod, beginning to understand. It took me a while to get to the hotel since I live about an hour away and my car is in the shop, so my only mode of transportation was the bus.
Zayn pats my back with a smile before he lets me go.
“Don’t look so nervous. He’s Niall, I’m sure this won’t be the last time you see him naked.”
Louis bursts out laughing again and everyone leaves the room as I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see Niall, now dressed and ready to go.
“Sorry about that Y/N, guess I just got a bit distracted… Promise it won’t happen again.”
He holds his hand out to me and I take it with a smile, although the blush is still visible on my face.
“It’s fine, Niall. But you should know, Louis got it on video. He and Zayn and probably showing it to Harry and Liam as we speak.”
His eyes widen and his cheeks tint again and he pulls me out of the hotel room.
“Tommo! Delete that video, ya fucker!”
Niall lets go of my hand and begins to chase Louis down the hall of the floor, laughs echoing as the video goes around to all. I sigh and shake my head, somehow only falling more in love with him.
WC 700
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 23 - Presents and Portals (Part 2)
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Hiro, Varian, and Fred stood inside BH6's headquarters and watched surveillance footage of a recent robbery with Sirque. She threw the metal balls into the air and then jumped through a portal that appeared between them.
"It's an interesting idea," Varian mused as he cupped his chin in thought,"but it doesn't look very practical. You'd eventually run out of those magnets like that."  
"It's also not very stable." Hiro added. "Remember this is based off the Silent Sparrow project, same as your work. Every time Krei's portal tech has been used, it's resulted in either a blow back or someone getting trapped in the void. If Sirque keeps using these portals it's going to cause another implosion, even bigger than the last one."
Fred picked up one of Hiro's electromagnet gloves and began to play with the magnetic balls. They strung together as if on some invisible string. "So what's your idea?" He asked them.
"I could use my electromagnetics to stabilize the portal but that requires finding a way to follow her." Hiro replied.
"I might, could whip up my own portable portal, but I'm having trouble getting the coordinates right on just the stationary one. I doubt she has any directional controls on hers either." Varian said.
"So no way to track it then, and no way to reliably follow her using our own portals." Hiro hummed in thought. "I guess I could follow after her directly if I added rocket boosters to my suit."
"What!?" Fred dropped the magnets in shock. "You can't go back in there!" He protested.
"Why not?" Asked Varian.
"Look with rocket boosters I could maneuver through the void." Hiro argued. "Not unless you got any better ideas."
"The void? You mean where Abigail got trapped?" Varian started to understand Fred's protests.
"I am receiving a call from Gogo." Baymax interrupted.
"Put her on." Hiro answered.
Baymax casted a video call to the viewing screen upon the wall.
"Guys, we have a major problem." Gogo said with deadly spaciousness.
"Wasabi and Karmi's gone missing." Honey Lemon cried over Gogo's shoulder.
Hiro's stomach dropped. "What do you mean?"
"We found the destruction of another implosion. We asked around and someone caught the event on their phone." Gogo held up a phone, the screen facing her own phone. The guys could just make out the blurred images of a green car being sucked into a portal.
They all stood still as fear gripped them.
"I'm going ahead and building the rocket attachments." Hiro finally said in determination.
"And I'm going to study these portal magnets to reverse engineer them." Varian added.
"And I'll… I'll…" Fred faltered as he couldn't think of what to do.
"You'll keep watch of the viewing screens as you and Baymax scan the city for any odd energy spikes or anomalies." Hiro told him. "Gogo, you and Honey Lemon keep patroling the city and be on the lookout for Sirque. When she shows back up, notify us. She's the only hope we have of saving Wasabi and Karmi right now."
With their orders known the team dispersed to take care of each of their tasks.
"We got an energy spike in front of the art museum...wait no...hold on…it's now in front of the bank in downtown." Fred announced.
"It must be Sirque. She's using the portals again." Hiro replied as he screwed in the last repulser onto his suit.
Gogo called in.
"Sirque just appeared at the first national bank. She's busy robbing the place, so if you've gotta a plan, now's the time to come on over."
"We'll be there shortly, but don't engage Sirque until we get there. Only intervene if she starts to leave before we arrive." Hiro ordered.
"Got it." Honey Lemon confirmed and the two girls ended the call.
"I wish we had more time to field test this stuff." Varian said irritably as he scooped up the portal magnets and placed them in his coat pocket.
"I know, me too, but we gotta take this opportunity while we have it,"and with that said Hiro began to put on his new rocket suit.
Hiro and the rest of the guys joined Gogo and Honey Lemon on top of the roof of the bank. Varian rode on Baymax's back while Hiro took the opportunity to test out his rocket boosters.
The flight over had been easy enough, after some quick adjustments to the stabilizers, but the landing was a little trickier. Hiro couldn't stop himself from falling flat on his butt after cutting off the replusers.
Fred was seconds behind him and helped to hoist him back up. "You okay?"
"Yeah." Hiro answered.
"Well you better be," Gogo chimed in, "cause Sirque just scared off the last of the police. She's about to leave."
They all peered over the edge to see Sirque throw her customary magnets into the air and then jump through the writhing window that appeared.
"Okay. Here I go." Hiro steadied himself and with a deep breath, turned the rocket boosters back on.
"Be careful!" He heard Honey Lemon call after him as he flew down and dove into the portal before it closed.
The first thing Hiro noticed was not the void, but a shop sign. Sirque's portal had cleaning transported them on a street corner. Where, he didn't know.
Sirque turned around and gave an annoyed scowl upon seeing him. She threw another hand full of magnets into the air and jumped through yet another portal.
And so the chase began. Portal after portal, Hiro flew after her. However, each subsequent gateway was less stable than the last. After about the fourth or fifth jump, Hiro finally found himself inside the void that haunted his nightmares. The exit portal rushed up to meet them and Sirque flew through it, barely registering the change. But Hiro kicked back his thrusters to halt his momentum. He desperately looked around.
Fortunately he spotted Wasabi's car floating nearby. He flew over to it hoping against hope that his friends were alright.
They were. Wasabi had the forethought to convert his vehicle into its submarine mode once it flew into the void. It was air tight, and while no doubt uncomfortable, he and Karmi remained safe. He waved to Hiro through the windshield and excitedly woke up the sleeping Karmi seated next to him.
Hiro sighed in relief and thanked the stars that he and Gogo had installed the sub feature months ago. He used his electromagnet whips to latch onto the car and used his rocket boots to pull them towards the exit.
It was slow going but ever so surely they inched their way along. However, to Hiro's horror he saw the portal shrink and then close.
Sirque wound up right back where she started from, in front of the bank. She looked back to see if the annoying superhero had followed her yet again, but he made no appearance.
Confident that she had finally managed to shake her pursuer, she turned around only to be greeted by more armoured vigilantes.
She rolled her eyes in exasperation. She just couldn't catch a break today.
"Hold it right there, circus lady!" The one dressed like a lizard yelled.
She took a defensive stance, but soon all were distracted by the tall armored girl who let out a scream.
"Noooo! The portal!" She yelled.
Sirque looked behind her and saw the portal close. She didn't understand what the big deal was about the portal shutting down. It'd be more of a problem if it hadn't done that.
She shrugged and while they were still fretting over the lost gateway, she attempted to make her escape.
She cartwheeled away and threw some more magnets into the air. Once again, she made herself ready to jump into the portal, but this time something went wrong.
The swirling blue vortex turned red and the electricity that connected the magnets twisted and writhed. The wind picked up and started to suck things into the portal. Soon she felt her own feet give out from under her and she was lifted off the ground.
She would have been sucked into the void if not for the yellow suited girl who tackled her and then pulled her out of the way of the gaping maw.
Hiro saw a second portal open up just to the right of him and he turned and started heading towards that one instead. Only something was wrong.
Debris was flying through the opening and Hiro felt a strong force of wind push him and the car back. He tried to divert power from the lights of his helmet to give the rocket boosters on his boots more thrust, but it didn't help.
They were still being pushed back. Hiro had to pull them out of the way of the portal or risk being swept away into the void for good.
"What'll we do?" asked Honey Lemon frantically. "Can Hiro make it through the other portal?"
"No," yelled Varian over the howling wind,"that portal is too unstable. It's sucking everything into it. He'd have to fight the current to get out."
The portal crackled and fizzled and the gang felt the earth tremor underneath them.
"Okay, that didn't sound good." said Fred.
"It is the portal." Sirque warned with a heavy French accent. "It's deteriorating. If it does not close soon, the portal will implode. We must leave."
"Not without Hiro." Gogo said, still holding tight to Sirque so that she couldn't run away.
"But… but I do not have a way to shut it down!" She protested.
"You mean you didn't build an off switch!?" Fred yelled incredulously and all Sirque could do was look sheepishly at him. She had been so sure of her skills and her tech that she hadn't anticipated this problem.
"Fortunately, I did." Proclaimed Varian as he finished fishing out the last of the portal magnets from his coat pocket. He threw them into the air and then pulled out a controller that he'd built for them. He pressed the button on the remote and the magnetic balls began to spin in the air as they linked up with one another.  He adjusted a dial and a portal began to open.
At first the portal showed only the other side of the street, at the stoplight just a block away. The gang could see it's mirroring window shimmering off in the distance. Varian turned the dial once more and the scene changed again while the exit portal at the end of the street disappeared. This time the portal showed a cafe, they couldn't tell where exactly,  but sunlight streamed through the opening out into night filled street, as the cafe's patrons scattered away in fright of the strange sight.
Varian readjusted the dial once more and finally the formless colors of the void appeared. And there was Hiro pulling along Wasabi's car.
"You did it!" Honey Lemon cheered.
"You used centripetal force to steady the portal." Sirque said, clearly impressed. "What did you use for navigation?"
Gogo shut her down. "Save the physics questions for another time."
Hiro glanced back over his shoulder desperately to see if his friends were still alright. Karmi silently met his gaze. Her eyes wide with worry and fear. He gulped as he racked his brain for a plan.
Just then Hiro spotted another portal opening off in the distance. He quickly changed course and started yet again to pull them all out.
While it remained quite a distance away, the new portal held a steady shape and offered no resistance winds. Hiro couldn't help but give a smile when he looked up ahead and saw Varian on the other side intently looking at a remote control. This was his work, Hiro knew, and he'd never felt so relieved to see the goggle-wearing teen.
"There he is! I see them!" Fred joyously yelled.
Baymax ignited his thrusters and dove into the portal to assist. It took a minute, but the robot finally reached them and went behind the car to help push it along faster. Though they still had a ways to go.
Just then the controller in Varian's hands began to admit smoke.
"Oh no. This is bad." He warned.
"What is it?" Gogo worried.
"The device is overheating. The magnets can't stand the friction much longer. They need to get out of there quicker before the portal breaks."
Honey Lemon ran up beside him and pushed some buttons on the side of her purse. Out popped two red balls. She smashed them together and when they pulled apart they created a goopy, sticky, stretchy rope like substance. She threw one end to the ground and hurled the other end into the portal. It attached itself to Hiro's waist. She then repeated the process two more times, attaching those ends to the car. Once secured, she grabbed the ropes and started to pull.
Fred joined her in her efforts. While Varian tried his best to keep the portal going, desperately fiddling with remote. Soon Gogo let go of Sirque to help her friends.
Sirque paused for a moment. She was free to leave, and that would have been the smartest course of action, but she found herself running over to help the struggling group of heroes anyways.
Never let it be said that she didn't pay her debts, Sirque thought to herself as she grabbed hold of the rope as well.
Finally, after much effort, Hiro flew out of the portal followed closely by Baymax who carried the car that held Wasabi and Karmi.
"They made it!" Varian whooped which then quickly turned into an "ouch" as the controller he held caught fire. He tossed it to the ground and the magnets sparked, slowed, and then fell away as the portal died.
Baymax and Hiro gently lowered Wasabi's vehicle, which was now out of its submarine mode, onto the ground below. As soon as the wheels touched the pavement, Wasabi jumped out of the car, got on his hands and knees, and kissed the street, just thankful to be out of void and finally on solid ground once more.
Karmi's reaction was far less dramatic. She stumbled out of the car and simply stood there, reassuring herself that there was ground underneath her feet and that she was indeed back. She looked shaken but otherwise unharmed.
Hiro couldn't rush to her to comfort her in that moment though, for as soon as he touched ground himself the earth began to tremble violently.
There was still the other portal to take care of.
Hiro rushed over to the gaping maw that hung the air. It wiggled and writhed, the electric currents that connected the magnets twisting into erratic shapes. Hiro launched one of his electromagnetic whips to latch onto one of the magnets, then another and another, until all four 'corners' of the portal were secured. He then started to pull with all his might realigning the magnet balls into their proper positions.
As he did this the portal slowly changed from its angry red to a more calm blue. Yet the wind only picked up more speed and Hiro found himself lifted off of the ground. His friends rushed to him to grab him. Together they formed a human chain holding him in place as he finished fixing the portal. Even Karmi and Srique joined in.
Finally, with great struggle, Hiro pulled the last of the magnets into place and the portal calmed down once more. The wind died and Hiro found himself falling to the ground in a heap. His friends closest to him following after, suddenly losing their balance without any wind to fight against.
Sirque took this opportunity to break away from the group and ran towards the portal. She only stopped long enough to give a little wave and yell "Au revoir" before backflipping through the shrinking window. Once through, the portal disappeared and the deactive magnets fell to the ground.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, Sirque had gotten away, but everyone was safe and the deadly portals had been dealt with.
As Hiro picked himself up and dusted himself off he heard Karmi yell his name.
"Hiro!" She shouted before rushing to him and flinging her arms around his neck.
Hiro just stood there in shock. She'd just called him by his actual name, not 'Captain Cuite', not 'Big Hero Six', but Hiro .
He pulled away from her embrace and stared at her. She stared back in equal surprise as if suddenly realizing what she'd just done.
However, before either could say anything to the other, they heard sirens blare as law enforcement and other emergency vehicles began to arrive.
Everyone scattered. Varian hightailed it back to the car, dragging Wasabi along with him. Gogo and Honey Lemon frantically skated away while Fred bounced his way up the side of a building. Hiro hopped on to Baymax's back and held his hand out to Karmi. She took it and crawled onto the robot's back as well, sitting right behind Hiro.
"Hang on tight." He told her and off they flew before the police could stop them.
Hiro flew Karmi back to the dorms. His mind was racing. He couldn't wait to land and get some answers from her. Yet he also didn't want to face the inevitable awkwardness that would follow.
So he took his time, sweeping across the city's rooftops. He couldn't help showing off just a little bit; making sure to take a more scenic route that displayed the beautiful cityscape. Nor could he resist pulling a few trick maneuvers with Baymax.
He felt a giddy thrill whenever Karmi would gasp in awe or giggled with surprise as he took her past a towering landmark or pulled off an impressive dive. He also couldn't help but notice that every time she did this she would also grip his waist just a little tighter. Which only furthered encouraged his antics.
Finally the dizzying flight came to an end and Hiro landed them on the grass within walking distance of the dorms. Karmi slid off and made a show of smoothing out the bottom of her skirt, refusing to look at Hiro.
Hiro also dismounted and steeled himself for what was to come.
"So how long have you known?" He asked.
Karmi paused in her preening but still didn't look directly at him nor did she give an answer.
Hiro removed his helmet and continued his prodding, "about me being with Big Hero Six."
She finally looked at him unable to ignore him now that he had his helmet off, as if he had removed the last vestige of whatever fantasy she'd held in her mind. But still she wouldn't answer, only biting her bottom lip in response.
Hiro gave a deep sigh. "Did Wasabi tell you?"
"No." She said and she turned her head away from him, hugging herself with one arm.
"Then, how?"
"You told me; remember?"
Hiro did remember. Karmi had taken his photograph while he had been fighting some supervillain or other. He had agonized over it until confessing to her the truth, but she had only scoffed at him and refused to believe he was the famous superhero.
"I didn't want to admit it." She continued."I mean, I saw the photo and I know you told me outright, but I was just too embarrassed and angry to accept it. You'd seen my notebook, with my drawings, and...and well….sometimes you're just the most annoying jerk, not superhero like at all."
She stamped her foot at that, as if it was all his fault for not living up to her imagined expectations. Yet, she couldn't hold on to her anger. She sighed and continued on.
"But you also saved me from Liv, or Di, or whatever she calls herself. I could still hear you fighting with her. I just couldn't control what I was doing.. When she… when I was… like that ."
Karmi grimaced as she remembered how her former employer had turned her into a monster. A freakish science experiment, just to lure Hiro into a trap.
"Hey, no. You weren't responsible for what she did to you." Hiro placed a comforting hand onto her shoulder and Karmi finally looked him in the eye.
"I still didn't want to admit it even then, but here you are saving me yet again." She gave him an apologetic smile. "You may be a jerk sometimes but you really come through whenever I need you to."  
With that she gave him another hug. He returned it this time.
"Hey no problem. What would Capitan Cutie be without Lab Lady ." He teased into her ear.
She backed away quickly as her cheeks grew beet red and she covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. She then peeked through her fingers and groaned.  "Oh my gosh. You must think me soooo stupid. My fanfiction is total cringe."  
"Ehh..a little cringe," He admitted, "but no, I don't think you're stupid at all. You're a great writer, and for what's it's worth, I enjoyed your essay at least, and the other research papers you've posted."
"You...you read those? I thought no one saw them. I just threw them up on the student website."
He nodded, "Yeah, you should try submitting some of them to like a science journal, or something. They're really good."
Karmi finally lowered her hands from her face and looked at him guiltily. "I promise no more fanfiction. I'll take it all down. I..I didn't mean to … I didn't.. It's not like I actually thought of you, when writing that… well I mean sort of you.. But not you , you."
Hiro had to smile and shake his head at seeing the normally so self-assured Karmi fumble with her words. He interrupted her ramble by pushing a stray strand of her bangs out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. He then immediately stopped and jerked his hand away as soon as he realized what he was doing. He feigned a cough and awkwardly rubbed the back of his head as she looked back at him in surprise.
"You don't have to stop writing fanfiction completely, just maybe a different subject." He suggested. "Like, I don't know, something not real life related. I know Honey Lemon will appreciate not being called 'Tall Girl' anymore." He joked.
Karmi rolled her eyes at that. "Then why does she wear those platform heels all the time?"
"Who knows." He shrugged and they both broke into snickers.
Once the laughter subsided Hiro spoke again. "You..you won't tell anybody else, will you? About us being Big Hero Six?"
"No, of course not!" She scoffed. "What do you think I am? A snitch?"
"No.. I didn't mean it that way." Hiro tried to protest but Karmi interrupted him.
"Hiro Hamada, you're really the most aggravating person ever. Like I'd tell anybody that I wrote fanfiction about you of all people. You know, for a genius you sure are dense sometimes."
With that she turned on her heel and started to storm off, leaving Hiro utterly confused as to what had just happened.
She'd only made it halfway across the yard though, before stopping. She turned around and flashed him a huge grin.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow." She shouted before sprinting the rest of the way to the dormitories. She paused again once she had reached the front door, smiled, and waved goodbye to a dumbstruck Hiro before leaving for good.
Hiro stood there for a few moments looking at the place where she had stood. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears and his mind tumbled with confusion. What the heck was that? Did she just flirt with him or did they have another fight? And why was his cheeks feeling flushed again?
To his embarrassment, Baymax answered that last question for him without any prompting.
"You are experiencing an increase in heart rate. A scan indicates that this is being caused by a sudden release of hormones, including testosterone…"
"Yes, Baymax! I know!" He interrupted the robot. "Let's just get home."
He climbed upon Baymax's back again, but he couldn't help but steal another glance at the door Karmi had entered through and smiled to himself as they took off.
Hiro finished hooking up Baymax to his charging case and the robot powered down for the night. Hiro stretched and yawned. He'd had a long day and was ready for bed himself. However, before he could crawl under the covers Varian showed up at the door carrying several presents in his arms.
"You didn't get a chance to open these." He said as he came in.
"Oh yeah, I forgot." Hiro remembered the implosion from earlier today and how his party had been interrupted. "I guess I could open them now real quick."
"Well you were in the middle of opening this one first." Varian handed him a half unwrapped gift.
"It's from Karmi." Hiro sat on the edge of his bed, tore the rest of the package open, and pulled out a phone case. It was solid white but she had drawn the image of Baymax on the front with a black marker. It was kind of cute, he thought. "I'll have to thank her later."
"And this one is from me." Varian announced with a confidante smile as he handed  Hiro the next gift.
Hiro opened it to find a spray bottle full of some sort of light purple goop.
"What's this?" He asked as he held it up to the light to inspect it.
"Magnetic spray paint! I invented it myself. It's made of an adhesion of iron, and other pliable ferromagnetic metals that should, once sprayed upon any surface, adhere to the electromagnets in your suit. I call it… Hironite!"
"Why not just call it metal paint?"
"Cause Hironite is cooler."
"Yeah, I'm not ever calling it that."
Varian placed his hands upon his hips in a huff. "Fine, don't appreciate having a cool new compound named after you."
Hiro laughed. "Well I'm sure I'll appreciate it more when I'm out in the field actually using it. Thanks, man. This should come in real handy."
He went back to inspecting the strange substance but was interrupted when Varian spoke back up.
"Oh, and...there's one more gift."
Hiro looked at him confused as Varian handed him a small package with an envelope attached that read 'Happy Birthday Hiro' on the front. It was Tadashi's handwriting.
"I found it a couple of weeks ago when I was moving in. It was hidden in the bottom drawer of the dresser. I held on to it and was just going to put it with your other presents on the table."
Hiro didn't answer him, he was too busy staring at the gift in his hands. Varian went on, apologizing for not giving it to Hiro sooner.
"I didn't know who it was from until you mentioned looking for it earlier today, and by then I didn't know if telling you about it would've helped or not." He sheepishly admitted. "I figured you'd rather open it without everybody else looking on so I kept it and figured I give it to after the party. But then all this happened and.. and well…"
Varian sighed in frustration, feeling like he had once more intruded upon Hiro's grief and accidently trampled all over Tadashi's memory without meaning too.
"It's okay." Hiro assured him, but his own voice sounded far away and his eyes never left the package in his hands.
Varian stood there for a few moments more, swinging his closed hand against his leg unsure what to do.
"Well, I'll…give you some privacy then." He suddenly said and then turned to leave, but was stopped by the sound of Hiro's voice.
"I don't know if I should open it." He whispered, eyes still never leaving the gift.
Varian paused and looked at Hiro questingly. Hiro looked back up at him, finally tearing his gaze away from the present.
"If I open this, it'll be the last thing I'll ever get from him." Tears filled his eyes. "That'll be it. He won't come back. I'll never see him again, or hear from him, or … or … he's gone I know, but for a while there I could pretend like he was just on a trip or something. Like the presents and video footage he left behind, or the delayed messages that would pop up on my phone or his Twitter account were just gifts he sent from wherever he was." He swallowed hard. "But opening this makes it all real, somehow. I won't be able to just go on ignoring it like I have been."
Varian didn't know what to say to that. He could on some level understand Hiro's grief. He knew what loss felt like, but he'd never had the luxury of pretending as if things were still normal. Not with his father's corpse displayed in the middle of his laboratory constantly reminding him of what was at stake if he failed. Accepting that his dad was gone for good was just not an option to Varian's mind, and so he couldn't imagine what kind of pain Hiro must be going through in this moment. All he knew was that he hated being left alone when grieving; so he stood by patiently, hoping that just being near would be of some help.
"You open it." Hiro suddenly said and Varian was taken aback.
"What? I can't do that. It's meant for you"
"I can't do it on my own." He pleaded. "But I also can't leave it lying around unopened. It'd drive me nuts."
He held the gift up for Varian to take it. "Please, just unwrap it for me?"
Varian sighed in defeat. "Okay, but you gotta be the one to read the card."
Hiro nodded his agreement and Varian took the present from him. He unwrapped it and the lid to the box fell away. Varian peered inside confused.
"Well, what is it?" Hiro asked with baited breath.
"Well, it'll go real well with the gift I got you." Varian stifled a snicker and held the box up for Hiro to see. "It's a magnet."
It was a simple hand made device made from a large battery and a long iron nail. There was copper wire wrapped around each and attached to a simple switch made of plywood and a misshapen paperclip.
Hiro looked at it in surprise before bursting into both laughter and tears.
"That sentimental dork." He laughed through his sobs."That's the first magnet I ever made. Tadashi showed me how to build it when I was like, five. He probably meant it as a joke gift."
He broke down into more giggles and even Varian could help but chuckle.
"Sounds like a funny guy." He quietly said.
Hiro wiped his eyes as he tried to gain his composure. "Oh boy, he'd be so smug right about now. I wasn't expecting that. He got me good." He laughed again and went to open the envelope.
He pulled out a birthday day card and started to read it out loud.
"Dear Hiro, happy 15th birthday. I'm so glad that you decided to make something of yourself and to further your education. So assuming you don't do anything stupid and land your butt in jail again between now and me writing this, you should undoubtedly be finishing your first year in college. Never mind, we both know you'll do something stupid anyways, but hopefully is won't mess with your grades. You're super smart. The smartest guy I know, and I'm sure you'll make it into the program. So to commemorate the occasion I dug up your very first invention from the attic. That way you can look back and see how far you've come. I'm proud of you. From your best brother ever, Tadashi. P.S. There's probably a real gift for you as well. I just don't know what yet, as I haven't bought it. Just nag future me for it instead of getting mad, okay?"
Hiro gave one more breathless laugh which quickly turned into a sob. Oh how he missed Tadashi's stupid irritating face and dumb jokes. But mostly he wished his brother could really see him now, see how well he was doing, see how much he had accomplished, see how he had done something truly worthwhile with his life.
He cupped his hand over his mouth as he stared out into the distance while silent tears rolled down his face.
Finally he inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled as he tried to let go; let go of the tension in his body, let go of the pain, let go of the distant fading hope that one day Tadashi would suddenly appear as if he had never left. He sniffled and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. Then he turned to look back at Varian who just stood there with worry in his eyes.
Hiro couldn't help but chuckle dismissively. "It's okay. I'm okay. You don't have to look at me like that."
Varian straightened as if caught doing something wrong. "Well if you don't need me for anything else, I guess I'll go on to bed. I got a test in the morning."
He laid the gift on the bed next to Hiro and started to leave once more. Hiro chased after him.
"Hey, thanks." He said. Varian paused and turned to look at him. "Thank you for finding Tadashi's gift and thank you for helping me open it. And just...thank you for just being there. I know people mean well, but so often they just stumble over themselves trying to be comforting and it just makes you feel uncomfortable sometimes, you know. Like you feel guilty for being sad and making other people upset. But you never do that. You're just... well you're just there, you know, and I'm really glad you came to stay with us."
Varian blinked in surprise. He didn't know how to respond to that. He had always thought that Hiro was annoyed with him for living with them. He sniffled back his own tears and gave Hiro a small smile.
"Well, I'm..glad I could help."
Hiro returned the smile, also unsure how to carry on the conversation.
"Well, good night and good luck with your test in the morning." He nervously said, now feeling self conscious about his recent confession.
"Night." Varian relplied and turned around once more, but stopped at the top of the stairs, "Oh, and happy birthday, Captain Cuite." He smuggly called afterwards before dashing down the stairs as Hiro half heartedly threw a pillow at him.
Sirque stood nervously inside a well furnished room. The large office space was decorated in expensive decor from around the world. Ancient artifacts and historic weaponry lined the walls and display shelves. From the vaulted ceiling hung decorative tapestries and the desk at the front was placed upon a raised dais. So that it’s occupant could better look down upon its visitors.    
“As you can see, the tests were not fully successful, but I’ve learned a great deal from the experiment and was able to procure some interesting stuff for your collection, no?” She smiled hopefully as she placed an ornate dagger on the desk that she had stolen from the museum. Her employer was known to enact harsh punishment for failure, but Sirque hoped that the offering would appeal to the crime lord’s expensive tastes and buy her some lenacy.
The figure behind the desk was shrouded in shadow, save for a withered and gnarled hand that impatiently drumed its fingers upon the desk.
Sirque gulped. Flanked behind her were two muscled guards who stood at attention next to the door, blocking her escape. They were smartly dressed in business suits and wore sunglasses to help hide their eyes. They looked unarmed, but Sirque knew better. She might, could out maneuver them, but not a bullet.
“So my dear patron, if you could afford me a little more time and resources I’m sure I could have a working portal for you as per your request.” She shifted her weight from foot to foot and gave a small nervous laugh when her boss failed to give an answer. “Hee, you wouldn’t want to miss out on the opportunity of being the owner of the world's first working portal would you?”
The ageded hand paused in its drumming and then gestured for one of its guards to come forward. Sirque stiffened with fear. The muscled bound goon loomed over her and she backed away quickly. He reached into his jacket and Sirque closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable. But it never came. Instead of a weapon the bodyguard pulled out a stack of money and roughly shoved it into her chest which she adjusted quickly to catch from falling.
“My master would like for you to continue with your experiments, and so long as you’re able to fulfil your lofty promises there will be more payment forthcoming.”
Sirque looked down at the pile of cash cradled in her hands in surprised delight.
“Why, yes, but of course!” She gained composure long enough to give a respectful bow towards the podium and it’s resident.”Merci, patron. I shall not disappoint.”  
Smiling to herself, she counted the dollar bills as she left. Yes, her tech hadn’t worked as well as she had hoped, but it had worked; and her run in with Big Hero Six had only given her some even better ideas. The next time she met with those meddlesome heroes, she’ll be able to show them up instead.
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beetlejuicelover · 4 years
Another Night In Part 3
Summary: Steve has a plan, and it's finally time to put it into action.
Rating: E 18+ Only!
Word count: 1,477
Warnings:  Motorcycle sex, fingering, Dirty talking Steve, Possessive!Steve 
Pairing: Steve x Reader
A/N: This almost ended up as a stand alone because well, they aren’t in this time
**I do not consent to my work being shared on any other site than it’s original posting by me. Reblogs are accepted and food for my soul.**
Another entry for @jtargaryen18​‘s #30daysofChris2020
Part 1 Part 2
"You have a bike?" Steve smiles. He's been waiting for you to notice the helmet.
"Yeah, it's the best way to get around town. You ride?" Your eyes widen and shake your head. "Why not?"
"I haven't really had the opportunity. Plus, not the safest mode of transportation." Your voice raises at the end.
"Wanna go for a spin? I'll keep you safe." Steve holds out the helmet. 
Biting your lip you look down at your skirt and sandals. Your mind briefly flashes to the gif you saw the other night and you shake the thought away.
"I'd need to change." Steve's eyes run down your body and your heart skips a beat.
"Yeah, sneakers would be a better choice." You tilt your head at him but stay silent as the elevator doors open and you both make your way towards your apartment. Unlocking the door you head inside going straight to your room. Slipping on some jeans and pulling out a pair of socks you head back into the living room.
"You sure you have time?"
"All the time in the world." He shoots you one of his boy scout smiles. Rolling your eyes you quickly pull on your socks and shoes before standing up. 
"Ready?" You nod, trying to ignore the butterflies that have taken up residence since the elevator. Steve leads you back downstairs and its only a short walk to the bike.
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"Oh, thank God." Its said so low you're surprised when Steve looks at you confused. "Sorry. It's just my dad would be turning in his grave if I rode something other than a Harley. He use to say he rather push a Harley then ride anything else."
"Well then," Steve climbs on and hold out his hand. "Let's not upset him." That smile is back and you place your hand in his as he helps you climb on. "Put your feet there." He points to the pegs and then hands you the helmet.
"What about you?" He laughs and shakes his head.
"You're a lot more breakable then I am." 
Taking it, you raise your chin and quip, "Thought you weren't going to let anything happen to me." You put the helmet on and quickly snap it closed. He turns more fully, making sure to have eye contact before answering, "Baby girl, I'm never going to let anything happen to you. If you want to ride with no helmet though, you've gotta be up front. Maybe on the way home."
You blink as he turns back around. Wrapping your arms around his waist you stiffly lean in.
"Relax!" He yells back as he revs the bike up. Turning back to look towards the apartment you spy Stephanie staring at you from the sidewalk. Once you catch her eye she gives you a quick thumbs up. "Ready?"
Sliding the visor down you nod. Squeezing him tighter, you expect him to gun it, and are surprised when he slowly moves into traffic. Mostly obeying the speed limits as he weaves through vehicles. Heading further out of the city he starts to open her up.
You have been riding around for about 15 minutes when you start to relax your hold on the man in front of you and if your hand happened to slip under his shirt to steal some of the warmth from his hard abs well, that wasn't your fault. No one warned you it'd be this cold or he'd be so well-defined. A moan may have slipped out when your fingers traced his abs and you pray the wind stole it away before Steve heard.  
You have no idea how far you've ridden, barely even paying attention to your surroundings. Just enjoying the feel ride and the man in front of you. Eventually Steve starts to slow down and pulls over to the side of the road. Putting the bike in neutral. "You good?"
"Wanna sit up here?" Biting your lip you figure what the hell and nod. Steve helps you slide off the bike and you take the opportunity to stretch. "You okay with taking the helmet off? It'll be easier for me to see around you." Taking it off you hold it out to Steve, who quickly puts it in the saddle bag. 
"You're not going to wear it?" He just smirks and scoots back a little. 
"Ready?" Looking at the small space between him and the bike you raise an eyebrow at him. "Trust me?" Stepping closer you squeak as Steve picks you up. 
"Hey!" You slide down him and your breath catches as he molds to your back
"I didn't want to get kicked, I know how clumsy you are." His voice is right in your ear. "Put your hands next to mine." Leaning forward to grab the handlebars you can't fight the small moan as the vibrations of the bike hit you in all the right places. "Good Doll?"
"Yeah," Your voice is a bit breathier then normal and the smile against your neck tells you he heard it. You shift back a bit, trying to pull away from the sensation only to push into a distinctive bulge pushing against your rear. "Steve," The hand on your hip squeezes. 'Wait when did he put that there?'
"Just enjoy it, I've got you." He tilts you forward again, leaning with you to sandwich your lower half between him in the bike. The hand on you waist skirts up, brushing the outside of your breast before pulling away. Slowly Steve grinding against you.
"Oh God." You close your eyes, head dropping. A hand teases your stomach. Slowly sliding up but never far enough to satisfy. "Please?"
"Please what Doll?" His voice gruff in your ear. He nuzzled into your hair and kisses his way down your neck. When he bites down lightly you bucked against the bike.
"Touch me." He smiles against your neck. 
"Like this?" Hands inch up to slowly cup your breast. Squeezing them before focusing on your nipples. "Or like this? Tell me what you need?"
"Steve," You whimper as hands abandon your breasts. Pulling back Steve unhooks your bra before sliding his hands back around you.
"These are mine!" He growls in your ear. "Do you think Josh or Todd or any of them could give you this?"
You shake your head, unable to speak.
"I can't hear you." He pulls away again and you whimper.
"No, what?"
"Not theirs. Never theirs." 
A dark chuckle comes from behind you, "Too bad you put on jeans, just think of all the fun I could have had." One of Steve's hands wiggle their way between you and the bike. Sliding into the waist band of your jeans. He pauses when he realizes you don't have on any underwear.
"Naughty girl." Sliding between your lower lips Steve groans at the wetness he finds there. Skirting past your clit he easily slides a finger into your heat. "Can't wait to feel you wrapped around me. You going to let me in?" Another finger joins the first and you groan.
"Yes, Steve. Please!"
He hums, "Maybe next time." He withdraws his fingers, savoring your whimper. Circling your clit, he sends sparks straight to your center. Spreading you open he pushes his hips into yours again. The jeans doing nothing to shield against the vibrations.
It doesn't take much to push you over the edge and you scream Steve's name. Sitting back he holds you to him as you come down. The hand inside your jeans slip out and you hear him groan as he sucks your juices from his fingers. The other lightly runs up and down your stomach. Once you catch your breath you open your eyes and look up at him.
"Better than that toy of yours huh?" You narrow your eyes at him but don't say anything. "I meant what I said. Your mine. No more dates, no more dating apps, none of it. You hear me?"
You nod and shift, still feeling him hard behind you. "What about you?" Steve watches you before turning your head up to his, laying a soft kiss on your lips. 
"I plan to cum inside you and while I'd love to fuck you here, I think a bed might be a bit more comfortable." You whimper, and he smirks, "Did you think I was done with you?" He shakes his head as he hooks your bra back together. You take a second to adjust yourself in the cups and then Steve kicks up the kickstand. 
"You ready?" Nodding you carefully place your hands back on the handlebars making sure not to tilt your hips too much and you feel he laugh. "Good?" You nod, and he walks the bike around until it's facing the other direction. Twisting the throttle Steve steers you back towards the city.
Tag list: @denisemarieangelina​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @captainchrisstan​
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marvinswriting · 4 years
Chapter One-TSS
Previous chapter, here; Masterpost; here
Janis-centric, TW: none yet
"Janis you start the story." Regina said. The library was beginning to empty out as it got later in the day and we didn't wanna have to cut the story short because it closed.
"I had a very love-hate relationship with my tiny classes. It felt nice to be able to sit at a desk in a classroom with people of the same size, but I didn't know many people in the class. And the people I did know, well- it wasn't because we had the best relationship." I start. 
"But who could have known all this would come from seating charts?" Aaron said, laughing like it was some inside joke.
Seating charts.
There had to be fucking seating charts. 
Our teacher left on medical leave yesterday and Janis already hated her replacement.
Why seating charts?
Normally Janis sat in the back, alone at a desk meant for two people. But now she was seated in the middle of the classroom, next to Aaron Samuels. 
Which, isn't bad.
But Regina George is placed right behind her.
Janis could already feel a ghost pen jab into her back.
I guess I can add global studies onto the list of classes I'll get in trouble for skipping a lot. She thought glumly.
The bell rings, and Janis sits in her seat regardless. It's a tiny class, so it's a small group, maybe twelve of them. Janis doesn't turn around to count though, not with Regina right behind her.
"Janis." Aaron whispers. "Do you have a pencil?"
She nods, silently passing him one. 
"No problem."
The teacher begins her lesson, talking about how she's the new long term sub and the class will have to listen to her if they want this course to go by smoothly. 
Basic stuff.
The period drags on, with minimal disruption from Regina. 
Well, actually- no disruption from Regina. 
Janis almost wanted to run around and make sure she was indeed sitting in front of Regina George.
When the bell rang, Janis scooped up her backpack and made sure to be one of the first out of the classroom, trying to avoid as much interaction with her peers as possible.
Damian, as always, had beaten her to the landing, a smile finding its way onto his face when he saw her.
"Hey!" Janis said, pushing herself onto Damian's hand. 
"How's your new teacher?" Damian asks, lifting his hand to his shoulder for Janis to hop on. 
"She gave us assigned seating." Janis groaned.
"Is that your class with Regina?"
"They all have Regina."
Northshore's tiny population was- well, tiny. Her classes that weren't co-sized consisted of the same students, all in her grade, the only exception being upperclassmen who maybe failed a class. 
Damian laughed, his shoulder shaking ever so slightly. "New question, do you sit near Regina?"
"Infront of her." Janis said glumly.
Damian tsked. "Poor baby."
"I'm not a baby."
"No, I'm feeling bad for Regina, you a nuisance to sit by in class." Damian teased. "You can't sit still if you're life depended on it."
"Hey!" Janis hit the shoulder underneath her playfully, making Damian laugh again. 
They made it to their last class of the day, laughing about anything and everything. 
"Oh, Damian?" Janis said suddenly remembered she had to stay after. "You don't gotta drive me home, I'm staying for extra help in English."
It was the tiny class she skipped the most, and the consequences were started to pile up.
Damian shook his head as he placed Janis on his desk. "I'll wait after. Don't want you to have to take the tiny bus."
The tiny bus was, as the name would suggest, the mode of transportation for tinies. It was a last resort for most because it took so long. It took backroads to avoid giant areas of town and overall just took longer to travel the same distance as a normal bus would. 
"You sure?" Janis asked. "It's safe, it just takes a while."
Damian nodded. "I'm positive."
Janis eyed him, not because she didn't believe him, but she didn't wanna get in the way. Damian recognized the look and shook his head.
"I've made up my mind, Janis."
"But you don't have too-"
Any protest Janis had was cut off when the bell ring. Damian rested his forearm on the desk as the teacher passed out papers for both sizes. Janis leaned back, feeling Damian's jacket against her back. It was a small comfort to know he was right there, one Janis isn't even sure Damian knew he brought her. 
The period drifts by slowly. Worksheets were Janis's least favorite thing to do.  The packet never seems to grow smaller no matter how many pages Janis turned. The work wasn't hard, just plentiful.
She sighed, leaning back further to look up at Damian. He had earbuds in, working diligently on his own packet. They made eye contact and Damian raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything, just going back to work.
Janis figured she should do the same, turning back to her packet to try and get as little homework as possible.
When the class ended, Damin dropped Janis back off at the tiny landing with a promise of returning in an hour. Janis still felt bad about making him stay later, but Damian insists its not a big deal.
She makes her way through the 'halls' to her English classroom, freezing when shes see Regina and Aaron sitting there, with no teacher. 
"Is she-" Janis motioned to the empty desk upfront.
"Ninty nine percent sure she bailed." Regina snarks, typing away on her phone.
Janis nods, but walks into the classroom anyway, taking a seat in the back. She can wait a bit. 
"Oh, Janis!" Aaron says suddenly, getting up from his seat across the room and walking over. When he's a few feet away he tosses her a pencil. "Never gave this back to you."
"Oh," Janis says, twirling it in her fingers. She hadn't expected it back, to be honest, most of the time when you hand a pencil off you'll never see it again. "Thanks."
"Of course." Aaron nods, sitting back at his desk. 
Janis was never close to Aaron. He started dating Regina long after the locker incident. He never went out of his way to harass her and she never went out of her way to talk to him. He didn't seem that bad of a guy and Cady seemed intent on befriending him. Janis always assumed preppy rich boy who dated Regina meant bad news, but maybe not?
Regina stood up her chair suddenly. "Whatever losers, if this teacher is a no show I'm going home."
"You won't be missed." Janis mumbles. Aaron chuckles and Regina either ignored her or didn't hear it. The plastic stalks out of the room and Janis scoops up her bag too. "I don't wanna be here longer then I have to be."
Aaron nods. "Bye then."
"And that was that." I say, looking at our friends.
Gretchen makes a face. "That's what set in motion weekly hangouts that were private? Top secret we can never tell?"
Regina nods. "Technically. There is a lot more in play as you'll see, but if Janis didn't share that pencil, where would we be right now?"
"Probably not in the giant library telling out story." Aaron remarks. 
"Okay, you two," I say. I'm sitting in between them and I don't wanna get caught in the middle of a battle. "I'm gonna continue."
tag list: @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce
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sighingstarbeam · 4 years
Spies and Gods - Chapter 10
Summary: You and Loki head out on a night on the town. But you need to make a pit stop along the way.
Word Count: 3,245
A/N:  It's finally here! I'm finished with my classes and I have some time to write. With everything going on in the world right now, I'll try my best to upload more chapters, hopefully I can pry one out every week and get a schedule up and going. Thanks for the patience and stay safe!
Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
The next hour you debated if your decision was right. Your mind kept weighing the polar opposite options yet you put on your makeup as if you already made your choice. Every time you thought about going back to Loki’s room and calling the deal off you lingered to how you deserved a night out with your friends, even if Loki was in the background. On the other hand, when you thought about how much you wanted to leave the facility, what would happen if you got caught? New York was big, yes, and you never told anyone which nightclub you were going to specifically as there were hundreds just in the city alone, but if someone saw you leave and grew suspicious who’s to say what would happen? So many scenarios scattered in your brain. That person would rat you out to the team, they’d shun you for the rest of your life, Tony would kick you out immediately, he would second guess why he let you stay in the first place, which was something you never quite fully understood. If worse came to worse, you could always move back in with Lilly and Maya. But what if they thought you abandoned them? You didn’t mean to. In fact, you were forced to leave your current living situation. They wouldn’t lea- Before your headache could grow any larger, you heard a knock on your bathroom door. Your breath hitched when a familiar voice spoke up, “It’s me,” Tony said, “I’m sorry about before, but we really need you to do this. We’ll celebrate with a restaurant, your choice, just us two to get to know each other. Maybe Pepper. No, not Pepper.” You could practically hear his head rushing with what he was trying to spit out as he hesitated, “What I’m trying to say is we’re heading out. Don’t let Loki… Honestly don’t let him do anything but breathe and blink. Steve and his squad should be back tomorrow from their mission. Hang tight until then.” You didn’t say anything, you were processing the fact that Tony actually said the words “I’m sorry” to you. On top of that he wanted to take you out to dinner and have a real conversation. Not just the chats you have in the lab about his works, but about both of your lives, something you have secretly been yearning since day one. “O-Okay.” You stammered, careful not to burn yourself on the curling rod, “See you later.” Great, now you’ll feel some guilt for sneaking out. To be fair, it was Tony’s own fault for not letting you live your life. About an hour later you were dolled up in makeup and a form fitting maroon dress with off shoulder sleeves that Maya helped you pick out a few months back. It was already 8:00 and you promised you’d arrive at that time. You quickly texted Maya and Lilly that you were heading out and you had to “pick up a friend”. Speaking of which, you needed to tell Loki you were ready. Peeking your head out of your door, purse in hand, you checked the hall if anyone was around. Your heels clacked on the linoleum tile as you crossed the few feet to Loki’s door. You knocked sharply, waiting for him to emerge. A part of you wanted him to not answer, for him to end his own deal so you could have a reason to stay home. Or you could leave him alone and go by yourself and deal with the repercussions later. Well, somebody was listening and decided to pull a joke on you as Loki opened the door. You would’ve noticed him looking at you surprised by how you were dressed if it weren’t for the fact that you were too distracted by his attire. He went with his usual Asgardian wear of green, gold, and black leather outfitted with actual gold bands. “What are you wearing?” You asked. “What do you mean?” Loki questioned. “We’re going to a party in a club, not a renaissance fair.” Loki was taken aback from your comment, “I am dressed for a party. In Asgard this was standard attire for events our family held.” You rubbed the bridge of your nose out of frustration, “You’re on Earth now. You got to own something like a suit.” In almost an instant a shimmer of gold surrounded his head as a helmet with long horns manifested on Loki’s head, “How is this?” He mused. You crossed your arms, “If you can do that, you can illusion yourself human clothes.” Loki stared you down, then sighed rolling his eyes, knowing he wouldn’t win this situation. The golden shimmer surrounded him as he changed into the black suit he wore on the first day you saw him. “This should suffice, but know this; ” He leaned in, a little too close for comfort, before hissing his next words, “this night will not grant you permission to treat me like a cornered dog. Just because this is your planet does not give you access to order me whenever you please. I am a god in this realm- and for a moment your divine ruler.” You resisted the urge to step back from his proximity, for doing so would only pin you against the wall. Instead you stood your ground, trying to match the intensity of Loki’s glare. “If you say so. But if you do anything that raises any red flags while we’re out, I won’t hesitate to drag your ass back here early.” You pulled your phone out, it was a few minutes after you were supposed to meet up, plus you needed to pick up a gift. “We gotta go. Does the divine ruler want to stop for some fast food on the way?” You asked sarcastically. Loki’s manner transitioned from his intimidating look to amused as he let out a soft chuckle. 
Getting to the garage was a lot easier than you expected. With practically everyone gone nobody saw you and Loki made it to the rows of cars that were perfectly lined up. When you were first moving in Tony explained to you that most of the vehicles had keys hung up accordingly on a grid wall. Most of that conversation he mostly bragged that at least three-quarters of the cars belonged to him personally, which at least gave you a wide variety to choose from. “Got a preference?” You asked Loki, perusing the key selections. Loki looked back at the cars with a sour look, “Please tell me we are not driving any of those.” You were bemused at his remark, “What’s wrong with them? I mean, sure they’re a bit pretentious like that Ferrari- and those other two Ferrari's… but there are a few cool ones we could borrow.” You scanned the row, a black car caught your eye. “How about this Tesla? I heard they’re pretty cool.” Part of you knew that taking a car that glamorous would catch a few eyes, but if you were going to break the rules might as well go all the way in style. “Whatever you think is best.” Loki responded, “Personally I would never be caught dead in any of these, but if this is the only mode of transportation, then it will be adequate for the night.” No matter what you said to the man you could never seem to satisfy him, even if it was for a moment. You plucked the key from the slot and the two of you made your way to the sleek Tesla. Simultaneously you both entered the car. When you turned the key in the ignition you expected the screen in the dashboard to show different selections, except you were greeted by the display illuminating a video of a lit fireplace. A wave of warmth flooded the car as if the fire actually gave out heat from the heating system. The speakers blasted a funky tune of smooth jazz music, and without warning both yours and Loki’s seat reclined backwards. “Well well well, I didn’t realize this was your true intention for the night.” said Loki, showing off a wicked grin. “If you wanted to go a different route, we could have stayed upstairs.” “What? No! I didn’t-” Your face went beet red. You shot up away from the reclined seat when you tried to fiddle with the controls. After a few buttons pressed and smacks on the screens the fireplace video and heat turned off as well as the music. You readjusted your seat before selecting the maps to enter in the location of the club. God I hope they cleaned in here before we got here. You thought to yourself. “We’re never going to talk about this again.” You only heard a chuckle from the god next to you, your heart was beating out of your chest. Why was it doing that? Maybe it was because you were still in shock by the unexpected romance mode the car was set to. Yes, that was it.
Driving in downtown New York at night always brought a sense of surrealistic peace to you. The way the lights lit the structures in the distance, the ambiance, the shadows bent in contrast, everything melded together perfectly. You have only lived in New York for less than a year, but you would consider it to be one of the only few places you enjoyed residing in. After the incident in 2012, you fled as far as you could until you reached Maine. For a year it was your shelter, then Pennsylvania for six months, then Vermont for two years, and so on. You jumped from state to state in the northeast area for five years. For even longer you knew that Tony could be your biological father. At any time you could have gone to Stark Tower, to follow the only lead you had read once in a file years ago. Yet you didn’t. Instead you hid from the past of who you were and what you were forced to do. If it wasn’t for the voice in the back at your head screaming you would have left the country the second you had the chance. When you finally had enough of the voice there was only one remedy you knew that could soothe the coarse yells that have been echoing in your ears. The moment you stepped foot in front of the tower, the voice ceased. Now you wished there was another voice to tell you what to do now. Originally your plan was to leave the country, perhaps Paris, find a cozy cottage on the outskirts of town away from the population. Maybe get a cat or two, maybe a bird. The point was to finally be free and forget the past, to finally be alone. But there was a tug in a different direction. The direction that kept you with your friends, Maya and Lilly. A chance to be part of a family with the Avengers, who’s trust you have gained from most of the team the near two months you’ve been there. Even Bucky was slowly starting to initiate conversations with you. Even with the new, unexpected life that was thrown your way, making the decision to leave it behind or stick with it was a sea of voice in your mind. For tonight however, you were going to drown out the voices with liquor, loud EDM, and dancing. All of course while keeping an eye on the Asgardian prince. Speaking of which, you thought that he has most likely never been to an earthling party. “So…” you droned out, Loki’s gaze still out the window, “I’m sure you probably haven’t been to a club on Earth before, so I’m giving you a heads up that this is going to be different than whatever parties you’re used to.” Loki cocked an eyebrow, finally turning his head to you, “And what parties would that be?” “I don’t know. I thought it was more like royal stuff with balls and fancy dresses.” Considering he was a prince and the stories Thor told you about Asgard (not to mention Thor and Loki’s choice of fashion and speech), you only assumed Loki had only been to medieval like parties. Loki smirked, almost as if he was reminiscing about the memories, “We did have parties similar to those on Asgard. However I have observed and even participated in Midgardian-like events.” “Oh yeah? When was the last time you partied or to put it in simpler terms, ‘go out’?” Loki thought for a moment, “The most recent I recall was on Sakaar. True the ruler was a clueless sociopath who wanted everything his way, but he did throw marvelous events.” “He sounds like somebody I know.” You teased, not getting a very positive response from Loki. You changed the subject before an awkward silence could interfere, “We need to make a pit stop before we get to the club.” “What for?” “I didn’t have time to get my friend a gift.” It was only five minutes later when you got to the store Lilly loved. It was a small spiritual shop that sold crystals, candles, all sorts of things that Lilly had interest in. She’s a self-proclaimed witch, which didn’t bother you, except for certain incense she burned that filled the entire apartment, nearly setting the smoke alarm off. Hopefully they sold something that Lilly would like and didn’t have. You turned off the car and unbuckled when you noticed Loki wasn’t moving, “Come on, I’m not leaving you alone.” Loki gave an annoyed look, but quietly obeyed and exited the car. The store was small but had a lot of aisles to peruse. You and Loki definitely were out of place, with it’s dark wood floor and even darker concrete walls. Actually, with Loki’s black suit and demeanor he could fit right in. But you were only there for five minutes tops, not wanting to waste any more time. Going through each aisle you took note of what Lilly would enjoy. Most of the items you knew she already had, except for a few mugs that were cheesy like “Witch Please” or “Witches Be Crazy”. The first thing you needed to do was pick out a birthday card, which thankfully the store had a small display on the side. While reading through the cheesy ones, you settled on a card that had a cat on the cover, but had a thoughtful message on the inside. Looking over to Loki, you found him perplexed at not only the greeting cards, but the general atmosphere of the store. “So this friend, she actually is a witch?” “Yeah, but she doesn’t practice a lot of spells. She mostly does tarot cards and sage burnings.” You didn’t fully understand her lifestyle, but you respected it nonetheless. Loki furrowed his brows before continuing down the aisles. After finding Lilly’s card, you skimmed down the aisle until a book caught your eye. The title read: 101 Love Spells to Spice up Your Relationship. You picked up the book, examining the cover and flipped through a few of the pages, taking notice of the more sensual spells. You actually considered buying it as a joke, until a familiar voice rang in your ear. “I didn’t realize Midgard had spell books, especially of the sultry design.” You jumped from the sudden lack of personal space. Loki was leaning towards your ear, observing the book from your hand. “I’m not buying it.” You blurted, taking a step away that ended more like a shuffle, “I mean, this is just a gag book. I wasn’t actually considering it.” If only you had a mirror to prove to yourself your face was red. You tossed the book back onto the shelf with a thud. Next to it was another book, Spells For Self Care. Flipping through the pages this was the perfect book for Lilly. D.I.Y. organic face masks, spells to calm your mind, even some advice on how to deal with stressful energies. You tucked the book under your arm along with the card, “Let’s get out of here,” you said to Loki, determined for you and him to forget about the conversation prior. The two of you checked out the items along with a gift bag and some colorful tissue paper. You were in there a little over five minutes, but you would still make it to the club in time. The drive was short, but the silence made it feel longer. You didn’t know what to talk about to a literal demigod, and small talk wasn’t your forte in the first place. If it weren’t for the traffic you would speed just a bit faster to get to the club even sooner. What else could you talk about with Loki? So what’s your favorite color? Your hopes and dreams? If you had to marry, kill, or f- “Y/N?” Loki asked. “Hm?” You were so lost in thought you didn’t realize you arrived. “Oh, yeah I’m just looking for a spot.” You pulled into a parking garage a few blocks away. The only space you could squeeze into was on the third story, and just your luck the elevator was out of service, forcing the two of you to walk down the concrete stairs in your heels. When you finally made it to the front of the club, the line wasn’t extremely long, but you remembered Maya saying something about telling the bouncer your name and you were in Lilly’s party. So just as Maya said, the bouncer pulled away the velvet rope, but not before asking about Loki. “He’s with me.” You stated. The bouncer gave a questioning glare, but let him through as well. Before you opened the doors to the club itself, you pulled Loki aside in the lounge. “Before we go in, there are a few ground rules.” Loki rolled his eyes, “I thought we already settled those earlier.” “Yes and no. First off, you’re not allowed out of my sight. If I need to go to the bathroom, my friends are in charge of you. Second, don’t try anything funny. Thor told me you like to play tricks, but not tonight. Are we clear?” He grinned ear to ear, placing his hand on his chest, “I give you my word I will not play a trick on your friends.” “Great.” You nodded, averting your gaze, “And one question, do you think anybody will recognize you?” Loki’s grin slowly faded as he tilted his head, “What do you mean?” “Your reputation isn’t exactly… favorable. I don’t know how much you made the news.” “You didn’t know who I was when we first met.” He had a point, you were a bit busy escaping with your life from actual creatures. “Not many people cared to memorize this face. I’ve been here long enough and nobody bats an eye. Now I must ask you the same question.” You tilted your head this time, “I was told of your predicament. Are you sure no one will recognize you?” To be honest, you didn’t know. You’ve been really good about keeping out of trouble, and you haven’t seen any agents in years. “I’m sure we’ll both be fine.” Loki’s grin curved its way back in, “Great.” You sure as hell hoped you sounded convincing. Not just for him, but for yourself.
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spideymjlove · 5 years
Avengers’ Complex - Requested
It was a hot day in New York, temperatures never seeming to drop no matter what time of day it was. Michelle found herself having to fan herself with her boyfriend’s finished math worksheet as she and Peter rode in the backseat of Happy’s SUV. Even though Happy had the air conditioning on high, the two teens were more than ready to get into the large building that they could see about a half a mile away. 
“Now you’re positive they’re okay with you bringing your girlfriend here, Pete? I’m not breaking any rules by driving you two, am I?” Happy questioned for what felt like the hundredth time since Peter and Michelle had first entered the vehicle at Midtown High School. “‘Cause knowing Sam, he’s not gonna be too pleased if--”
“They’re fine with it, Happy.” Peter quickly cutoff, biting his inner cheek and cursing at himself mentally for lying. “You can just drop us off at the entrance--if that’s cool.” 
“Fine with me. I’ve gotta head to Pep’s place to babysit Morgan for her while she’s at the tower.” Happy replied as he drove the SUV up to the front doors of the Avengers’ complex. He pressed on the breaks, making Peter and Michelle jolt slightly, before putting the vehicle in park mode. “Alright, have fun. I’ll pick Michelle and you up at six, and no later.” 
“Um, I go by MJ.” Michelle corrected quietly as she and Peter opened their doors and began to climb out of the SUV. 
“Oh, sorry, forgot.” Happy apologized sincerely. 
Once on their feet outside, Michelle and Peter waved goodbye to Happy as he drove off. A few moments passed of the teens watching the SUV disappear, before Peter took Michelle’s hand and offered her a smile. “You’re gonna love it here. It’s super cool.” 
“As long as it’s air conditioned, I’ll be happy.” Michelle practically panted, walking up the steps with Peter and opening the large glass door, frowning when it felt warmer inside the building than it did outside. “I thought you said this place was fancy.” 
“It is! I guess the Avengers haven’t put on the air conditioning yet.” 
“It’s evening.” 
“Sooooo they should have it on. It feels like this place is on fire, eating away at out flesh and guts.” Michelle stated bitterly, following Peter down the hall and furrowing her eyebrows when he seemed to stop in his tracks repeatedly. It took her a few seconds to piece two and two together, and couldn’t help but widen her eyes at him when he glanced at her. “They don’t know I’m here, do they?” 
“Well, not exactly--no, no they don’t.” Peter confessed, running a hand through his curls with a huff. He took a moment to try to detect any sounds nearby, happy to report that he didn’t hear any after a little while of intense listening. “Sweet, I think they’re out. That’s probably why the air isn’t on yet.” 
“Cool, so what was it you wanna show me?” Michelle asked patiently, hands in her jacket pockets and blowing her hair out of the side of her face from her ponytail. 
“Oh right, follow me!” Peter grinned, running further down the hall and making a sharp turn to the right, sneakers squeaking on the hard flooring. Not wasting a second, he bolted to the closet of the rather cluttered room, opening the door and reaching his arms to the top shelf, taking out a cardboard box with the words ‘Star Wars’ on it. He chuckled when he saw Michelle enter the room herself, her dark eyes widening all the more at what she saw. “This is my room that they made for me. Well, Mr. Stark gave it to me before...well, you know…” 
“I can tell. Lots of Star Wars and Legos.” Michelle nodded her head slowly, taking notice of the Lego constructed playsets and Star Wars posters hanging from the walls on each side of the room. She staggered back in surprise when Peter pressed the cardboard box he was holding to her chest, wanting her to take it, which she did by instinct. “What’s this?” 
“The figures I wanted to show you! They’re vintage.” Peter explained excitedly, taking out a Yoda and Stormtrooper figure. “Someone left the Yoda one in the dumpster down the street from my apartment. Can you believe that? These things are so old! They should be kept in glass cases if you ask me, but I’m not rich, so I can’t afford that.” 
Michelle couldn’t help but laugh out loud at her boyfriend, finding his enthusiasm quite humorous. “So let me get this straight: You snuck me to the Avengers’ complex so you could show me your Star Wars figures?” 
“Yeah, plus I wanted you to see all my Legos Ned and I have built throughout the years--I would have transported them to the apartment, but I didn’t wanna take a chance on breaking any of them--”
“You’re such a dork.” Michelle giggled fondly, setting the box of Star Wars figures down on the floor and pecking Peter on the cheek lovingly. “But somehow I still love you.” 
“Well well well, what do we have here?” 
Peter and Michelle whipped their heads to the doorway, hearts beating fast when they saw Clint staring at them with a smile. He took a few steps forward, chuckling when Peter and Michelle stepped back a little. “Relax, I’m not here to yell at you two or anything. I’m just surprised Peter brought a girl here. Especially without asking permission.” Clint explained casually, glancing at Peter, who looked down at his shoes. 
“He was worried you wouldn’t say yes--he just wants to show me his Legos and Star Wars stuff.” Michelle defended matter of factly, swallowing thickly when Wanda, Sam, and Rhodey appeared behind Clint, all wearing slightly confused expressions as they stared at her and Peter. “My name is Michelle, but people call me MJ.” 
“Well it’s very nice to meet you, MJ. Are you a friend of Peter’s?” Rhodey asked, walking past Clint and taking out his hand for Michelle to shake, which she did quickly. “Or are you two more than that?” 
“She’s, she’s my girlfriend--” Peter began, cheeks becoming flushed when Clint made an ooing sound. “We’ve been dating for a few months--ever since the trip to Europe I told you guys about.” 
“I like her.” Wanda spoke up, crossing her arms and staring at Michelle, as if analyzing her. “She’s strong. I can tell.” 
“Sometimes stronger than Spider-Man.” Michelle teased, giggling when Peter casted a small glare her way. 
“Oh wow, those are strong words. Wanda’s right about you.” Sam agreed, shaking Michelle’s hand with a smile before looking at Peter, who was staring at him worriedly. “Next time, just ask. We trust you, which means we know you won’t bring someone bad in here.” 
“Thank you, and I’m sorry. I promise I’ll ask from now on. I guess I was just too excited to show her my collectibles--”
“They are quite impressive, I will admit.” Clint replied fondly, glancing about the teen’s bedroom before turning around on his heels, the rest of the Avengers following behind him. “Let’s let Peter finish showing his collection while we fix the air conditioning. I’m burning up.” 
Once Peter knew they were gone, he turned to Michelle--though furrowing his eyebrows in confusion when he didn’t see her. “MJ?” He asked, smiling when he saw her laying in his bed, one thin blanket over her. “I thought you were hot. Why do you have a blanket on?” 
“‘Cause my pants are off, dork. Sweatpants are not the best thing to wear when it’s over a hundred degrees.” Michelle explained casually, pointing at her black sweatpants, which were in a pile on the floor against the bed frame. “Show me the Legos.” 
“Oh, right! Um, let’s start with the Death Star.” Peter decided, running to the other end of the room and grabbing the large Lego piece with both arms, carrying it to the bed. “Ned and I built this together a while ago.” He explained, sitting down beside Michelle and holding the piece so that his girlfriend could take a good look at it. “See how many pieces we had to put together? It took us a long time, but we did it, and Ned and I agree that this was the best one we have ever built.” 
“That’s pretty neat.” Michelle admitted, laying her head on Peter’s shoulder and watching as he slowly spun the circular Lego piece so she could see and admire every angle. “It’s cool. Like, really cool.”
“Yeah, Ned and I are proud.” Peter said, setting the Death Star on the side table carefully before glancing down at Michelle, whose head was still on his shoulder. “So, you want a tour of the place? I don’t wanna bore you with my stuff--”
“I don’t have pants on, and I refuse to put them back on until they fix the air conditioning.” Michelle stated simply, giggling when Peter gave a small snort of laughter. “Oh my gosh, you sound like a pig!” 
“I’m sorry, you’re just really funny.” Peter chuckled, kissing the top of Michelle’s head lovingly, inhaling the scent of her shampoo in her hair before pulling back, “So, you wanna watch a movie maybe then?” 
“Depends. What are our options?” 
“Star Wars, um, uh…..” Peter struggled to think of any more movies he happened to have on DVD, realizing that he most likely didn’t have any more for now. “I think that’s all I have...sorry.” 
“I like the one with the Teddy Bears.” Michelle replied, snickering when she succeeded in annoying Peter, his gaze turning into one of shock and hurt. “Relax Parker, I know they’re called Ewoks. Let’s watch that one.” 
Peter jumped off the bed, grabbing the DVD from his closet and walking to the large TV at the front of the bed, turning it on and setting the movie up. Michelle couldn’t help but admire the way Peter seemed to always be so much more excited and joyful when he was around her, and even more so when they watched his favorite movie series together.
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a-nerd-obsessed · 5 years
Yet Another Long, Unnecessary, and Obvious Star Wars Trailer Breakdown (Read: Fangirl Blathering) that Literally No One Asked For
Yup. I’m doing it again.
(My other breakdown for the first trailer is here.)
So this time we start with Rey in training mode. Apparently, she’s following Obi-Wan’s training regimen by using that remote that Finn found on the Falcon in TFA and the helmet with the blast shield that Luke used in ANH. 
But something happened to call her away, which is why she drops everything (except the lightsaber, thank goodness) and starts running through the jungle. I assume she’s headed back to the Resistance base of operations, which we see more of later in the trailer. 
Is it too much to assume this might be Endor’s forest moon? That would connect with the Death Star wreckage and how they end up on the Death Star.
Then we’re on the Death Star, with Rey jumping across a chasm, one that I believe is the same where the Emperor fell to his “death” in ROTJ. Behind her you can see the turbolift where Luke and Vader arrived before approaching the Emperor, which would mean she’s looking towards his throne.
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Finn’s been giving the voice over thus far, speaking about how “the Force brought us together.” The shot we get of him looks to be from the planet where the Knights of Ren will be making an appearance, along with the chase scene from the first trailer, and the ultra-awesome TIE Fighter FlipTM.
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What’s he looking at? No idea. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if he’s looking at Kylo’s TIE Whisper with Rey riding on the back and he’s just like... wtf?
More running Rey... presumably a continuation of the previous shot
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And we get more Lando!!! I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see what they have in store for Lando’s part in this film. Again, we haven’t got much of anything, but based on the way this scene is set up, it looks like he just showed up at the Resistance’s base. Everyone knows who he is, of course, and they all turn out to see the old Rebellion hero.
We’re not alone
From Poe’s voice over and the visual we see here, I think Lando’s going to bring something to the Resistance - a game changer. I mean, besides himself.
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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Lando Calrissian = the best part of the Solo movie. And let’s be real, I’ll take any more Lando content I can get.
And then we see Rose, looking tired and burnt out. Behind her, Connix doesn’t look much better. Also, shit’s going down in the background. It looks like the base is being attacked and they’re having to evacuate. 
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But wow, I really hope that we get more of Rose’s character arc. Along with Finn and Poe, they’re the ones who grew the most in TLJ. Rose didn’t have a lot of confidence at the start of the last movie, but she became stronger by the end. And of course it’ll be interesting to see how they choose to proceed with her and Finn’s relationship.
And then it’s my boys!!!
Good people will fight if we lead them
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I don’t know if this is a line Poe actually says in the movie, but I like that they chose him to say it. He’s been learning this whole time how to be a leader and I think we’re going to see that growth come to fruition here. Not that he can’t do a bunch of crazy stuff or get in trouble (because goshdarnit I freaking love that) but he’ll be more aware of the consequences for the people he’s leading.
Also, what are they looking at? Maybe it’s Rey busting out of the jungle because she knows they’re in trouble. I’m not 100% sure this is connected to the earlier bits with the base getting attacked but the guys in the background look like they’re trying to get outta there ASAP. 
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The next shot appears to be some sort of Resistance transport taking off... or landing... or crashing. Still I feel like the theme is we gotta go.. 
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People keep telling me they know me...
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...no one does
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But I do
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This. Is everything.
Like, who needs the movie?
Just kidding. I do. Desperately.
But guys, this is exactly it: they are the only ones who know what the other person is going through, understand where they’ve come from, and seen where they’re going. 
This is going to sound cliché and dramatic af, but their fates are intertwined. They are going to bring balance to the Force. Like, that’s fact at this point. Don’t @ me.
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Next we see TIE fighters coming up on this icy island, which appears to be free-floating? I don’t know if it’s orbiting a planet or if it’s by itself in space, but it’s not a reflection over water like I thought the first time I saw the trailer. 
Again I’m assuming it’s that same icy, mountainous city we saw in the first trailer where our Resistance heroes are going to meet up with Zori Bliss (who we also see later for the first time live!) And it seems they’re going to be rousted from here as well as the jungle planet where their base was located - the First Order is closing in.
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Long have I waited...
Okay, Palps. We get it. Your throne is super menacing. We know you’re all creepy and evil. Let’s just hope that Rey and Kylo kill him for good this time. Although as Luke says, no ones ever really gone... so yeah.
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This Star Destroyer is breaking out of the ice somewhere - so maybe Palpatine pulled a Steve Rogers and went into deep freeze for a few decades?
(And yeah I’m pretty sure it’s ice, people, not water - I’ve watched it in slo-mo SEVERAL TIMES OKAY)
*insert March of the Resistance*
The Millennium Falcon!!!
You know what I might miss the most about the saga ending? This old ship. Okay, not really, but it is very near and dear to my heart.
Ok, pause for a second with me. Can you imagine this: 
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Versus this?!?
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Like, HELL YES. This is the ultimate showdown, baby! BRING IT ON!
I like how the Resistance’s side is a bunch of random ships as compared to the First Order. I’d like to think that this is an Avengers: Endgame style battle where literally EVERYONE shows up, even if they’re not in the Resistance. They just know that Palpatine/First Order is the ultimate evil that needs to be taken down at all cost and risk to self.
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...and now your coming together...
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Interesting that they chose to impose Palpatine’s words over both our classic heroes together in the Falcon and over Rey and Kylo “fighting.” I say “fighting” because are they really opponents? Really? Not in this story. Obviously they’re not yet on the same page, but their relationship been a rollercoaster thus far and I feel like we’ve got some abrupt twists still to come.
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Something goes boom. No idea what, but with a Star Destroyer lurking in the background, something sinister is afoot.
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Poe to the rescue!! Is there someone else in there? I can’t see for sure, but he’s headed to the Death Star, where we know Kylo and Rey end up at some point. 
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Then they give us this HEART-WRENCHING SCENE of C-3PO saying goodbye to his friends?!?! Like, what does this mean? Without context, we can’t be sure, but it sounds like he’s going away - permanently. I never expected it - which is great for plot - but I don’t know what to think about this.
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Also could be a total red herring. He could be risking his life and he’s saying goodbye just in case. Or he’s getting a reboot - maybe he knows too much, or maybe forgot something when his memory was wiped in ROTS and he needs to remember. I literally have no idea, but even D-0 looks concerned. (I love him already)
Also note Zori Bliss in the left corner of this shot! I cannot WAIT to know what her role is going to be in this story. And we can tell they’re where they first meet up with her in the snowy city because they’re all wearing thick insulated gear. So I feel like this would be earlier in the film...?
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This guy’s gone through so much. Please just give us Ben Solo redeemed just for his sake.
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Chewie’s had so much practice running through corridors taking out stormtroopers. Hopefully this is the last time...
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Every time.
Now with more footage of the Resistance’s jungle base and their evacuation... why are they hugging here? Is Leia staying behind? Are they splitting up? Rey has clearly become close to Leia, which I’m thrilled by. I’m curious to see how they play this. 
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We don’t see much of Pasaana in this trailer, but we do find out who threw up that smokescreen for our Resistance friends during the chase sequence. BB-8 is a trouble-maker. Honestly he’s worse than Poe, but he doesn’t get the proper fear he’s due because he’s just so gosh darn adorable. And with everyone encouraging him, he’s not liable to get better.
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Of course we can’t have Lando in this movie without having him pilot the Falcon. I kind of love that even though it’s Han’s ship (sorry Lando) everyone has some kind of connection to this old freighter. Again, I love the Falcon.
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Then we see a Y-wing taking on a Star Destroyer, with more in the background. Part of that epic showdown?
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Finn has joined with Jannah, another new (female!) character that I can’t wait to meet. They’re mounted on charging orbaks, which are from Pasaana. Does the final showdown take place in the sky above the desert planet? Is this part of the emergence of that Star Destroyer from the ice?
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Cut back to the Death Star wreckage, where Kylo and Rey are facing off - note Kylo’s saber isn’t lit. Rey doesn’t trust him for obvious reasons (cough, cough, failed proposal in the throne room).
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My gut instinct says they didn’t know the other was coming here. But something drew them both here - maybe this is Palpatine’s influence bringing them together.
Or is this a Force bond vision? Is the bond still a player in this chapter?
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Back to the outside - Finn runs up and calls Rey’s name, probably interrupting their duel. As much as I’d like it, I feel like the alignment of Kylo and Rey’s objectives doesn’t happen until Pasaana - and yeah I’m kind of putting the events of Pasaana after the Death Star. Do I have solid evidence for this? Nope. Just my current interpretation of the absolute lack of plot we can get from the footage we have so far. 
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That said, I have no idea where this shattering of the Dark Side artifact would fit in. But yes they’re working together here. They’re very clearly attacking the ugly black thing (it looks a lot like Vader’s mask again) and not each other based on their stance and movement. 
Also, theory time: 
We’ve seen dark Rey in the previous trailer. She seems very rigid and emotionless - like a vision, perhaps, not a flesh-and-blood Darksider.
IWe also see this shot of Rey at the end of the trailer:
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She’s also pretty emotionless, and the background is out of focus. This could be from another segment of Kylo’s (or Rey’s?) vision. With them shattering the Dark artifact together... could it be them breaking free of the trance? We never see this location in any of the other footage. This could be a part of the vision, too.
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Back to the trailer sequence: We see more of the Resistance heroes and that (final?) battle. This just points out that they’re in some kind of atmosphere if Finn and Co. are running along the outside of a Star Destroyer. 
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Back on the Death Star: Kylo’s intense gaze that communicates so much. 
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We can’t see what he sees, but it’s like every other time he looks at Rey - he knows what he wants. It liquidizes my mind every time. 
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Kylo better figure out whatever is keeping him from helping Rey out and get his butt over there. Only together can they do this.
The Force will be with you
Interesting how they give us almost no plot that we had already, huh? And I like it that way. 
We don’t see Hux or the Knights of Ren at all - which is a significant omission.
I have an idea of the sequence of what I think is going to happen, but honestly I’m probably all wrong. Still I trust them to finish the saga in a satisfying way. 
What are your thoughts on the trailer?
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wordscorrupt · 5 years
Shattered Snow (1/2) - Superfamily
It was eerily quiet on the lonely stretch of road, the moon being the only source of light until the headlights of the car racing down the path came around the corner, disturbing the layer of snow that had built up on the road for hours.
Inside, Steve let out a yawn, fighting to keep his eyes open. He glanced over to the passenger side, smiling as his eyes landed on his thirteen-year-old son, Peter, tucked away underneath a blanket and Steve’s coat, sleeping soundly. His soft curls bounced around to the vibration of the car and Steve reached over, gently smoothing back his son’s hair, frowning at how cold his son was to the touch.
He had wanted to at least get another fifty miles or so on the road before stopping for the night, not knowing that he was going to hit a stretch of land that was going to offer no reprieve for at least two hours.
No gas stations. No rest areas. No hotels either.
It was an isolated area, with the road swerving underneath, over and through snow clad mountains. It was in this moment he wishes he didn’t choose this mode of transportation. They had flown over from New York to stay in the mansion in Malibu over Peter’s winter break. After a few days there, they surprised Peter with a ski trip to Colorado.
However, the day before they were flying out, there was an emergency meeting regarding the company and Tony realized he wasn’t going to be able to fly out with them.
 While Tony had been on the phone, instructing Pepper to purchase first class tickets for Steve and Peter, Steve introduced the idea of driving to the resort with Peter.
  “Hon, I don’t know. The roads aren’t the greatest and there’s the talk of a blizzard as well,” Tony began to argue and Steve pacified him with a soft kiss before explaining his reasons.
  “I’ve always wanted to take a little road trip with Peter and there’s no better time than now. We’ll reach there around the same time and me and Peter will get a little sight-seeing in. What’s the worst that could happen, Tony?”
  “I think I just spelled some out for you, didn’t I? Blizzard? Bad roads? Ring a bell to you, babe?”
  Steve had waved those off because they wouldn’t even be spending more than one night on the road.
Now, with the gas tank slowly diminishing and no cellular reception, Steve was regretting this entire plan of his.
“Papa?” Peter’s soft voice interrupted his thoughts and Steve reached over to run his fingers gently through his baby’s curls.
“Go back to sleep, Petey. We’ll be there soon.”
“It’s cold, Papa,” Peter whined, shuffling around in his seat to try and cozy himself deeper in the makeshift blankets.
Steve sighed softly, eyeing the fuel gauge. He couldn’t take the risk of increasing the heat in order to save fuel, not knowing when the next gas station would be. Nonetheless, hearing his son’s teeth chatter beside him broke his heart, knowing he was the reason they were in this predicament now.
“I know, honey,” Steve soothed, reaching over to clasp both of his son’s tiny hands in one of his, starting to rub them gently, hoping to generate some warmth. The cold didn’t affect him nearly as much, mostly due to the serum coursing through his veins. His son, however, was a child. His baby, who always seemed to be affected by the slightest dip in temperature.
“I think there’s another blanket hiding away in the backseat, baby, if you can find it. I gotta keep my eyes on the road, bud.”
Peter grumbled softly and Steve offered him a reassuring smile.
Peter turned towards the backseat, then quickly realized he wouldn’t even be able to reach anything unless he took his seatbelt off and told his dad that.
Steve bit his lip before answering, “That’s okay, Petey. Just make it quick, okay?”
Peter nodded his head, sliding his seatbelt off before bending over towards the backseat, arms searching around in the dark to find the blanket.
Steve placed a hand on Peter’s back steadying him as they reached a ragged portion of the road that seemed to accumulate a larger portion of the snow. He tried to ease the car into a slower pace, but that only seemed to swerve the car around and Steve struggled to maintain control of the car.
“Papa!” Peter yelled as a particular hard swerve threw him off balance and he tumbled towards the backseat, hitting the side of his head on a suitcase that Steve had placed on the floor earlier.
Steve winced as he heard his son’s head collide with the suitcase and he instinctively darted his eyes towards the back, checking to see if his son was alright.
That small gap in attention away from the road was one he’d quickly come to regret as he started to lose full control of the car.
“Shit!” Steve cursed, desperately trying to control the steering wheel as the car veered wildly off course.
The last thing he heard was a desperate cry from his son as the car tumbled off the road, rolling and crashing into a ditch about a hundred meters off the road.
Sounds returned first. Then pain.
Steve groaned as he struggled to peel his eyes open. His vision was clouded and he blinked a few times to get rid of the blurriness. Once he regained most of his vision back, his scrambled mind worked quickly to figure out what had happened in the first place and it wasn’t long before he figured out the puzzle. And then there was only one thing in his mind.
“Peter!” Steve shouted, twisting his body around in the mangled car in hopes to catch a glimpse of the mop of curls he loved so much. He only managed to find the backseat in a disarray, clothes and other items from the suitcase thrown around, mixed in with shattered glass and snow that had fallen inside.
Oh god, he hadn’t been wearing his seatbelt.
“Peter!” Steve cried out, tearing his seatbelt off before practically throwing the car door off.
Steve moaned softly as his head and ribs reacted harshly against the sudden movement but he had more important matters at hand.
He stumbled out of the car, falling into the cold snow and he took a few seconds to gain his footing.
“Peter! Peter, baby, where are you?” Steve called out as he staggered away from the car. He could hardly see anything in the darkness and he searched desperately in his coat pocket, grabbing his phone, using it as a light source.
“Peter!” Steve went around the back of the car, shining the light towards the ground, desperate to find his son, at the same time horrified at what could be waiting for him. His son was so tiny, just the smallest thing and if he had been thrown from the car…
“Oh God,” Steve whispered as his eyes landed on his son’s tiny body, the frigid snow surrounding him stained heavily with blood.
“Oh God. No, no, no, no,” Steve cried, falling to his knees and practically crawled the rest of the way towards his son’s body.
Peter’s eyes were shut and blood streaked down his face which was marred with cuts and bruises. Most noticeable was the bulky piece of metal that was embedded in his right side while his left leg was deformed, the piece of broken bone threatening to break out of the skin.
“Please, God. Please, not my baby. Not my baby. God, take me instead, please,” Steve moaned in despair, shaking fingers reaching out to place gently on his son’s neck. Steve let out a wet sob, feeling his baby’s pulse beneath his fingers. Weak, but it was there and that’s all Steve needed to know.
“It’s okay, baby. Papa’s right here, honey and he’s gonna take care of you,” Steve whispered, reaching down to press a tender kiss to Peter’s head, his tears mixing in with the dried blood caking most of Peter’s face.
Steve let his lips linger on Peter’s skin for a few movements as he thought through a plan. He knew there was no way to contact help from his phone and from the looks of it, they had landed in a steep ditch, far away from the road and Steve couldn’t risk leaving his son by himself to try and track down a car. There were few cars that drove around here in the first place. He could try and walk towards the nearest gas station, but God knows only how far that would be. Plus, he wasn’t going to leave Peter but at the same time he couldn’t risk moving his son. For all he knew, he could have a spine injury that Steve would only make worse by moving him.
It was only then the realization came about that he had no plan but he refused to do sit and do nothing, watching his son die in front of him.
“Papa’s gonna be right back, baby,” Steve promised his son before he got up and stumbled towards the car. He grabbed the first aid kit in the trunk before grabbing as many heavy pieces of clothing and blankets he could find. He might not have a plan now, but until he did he needed to keep his baby stabilized and warm. Peter had already lost a lot of blood and his lips and fingers were tinged blue from the cold.
From the limited medical knowledge he was taught, he knew he couldn’t remove the metal from Peter’s side and risk Peter bleeding out. Instead, he wrapped heavy gauze around it, to keep the piece from moving further and causing more damage. From there he covered the large gash on the side of Peter’s head before focusing on his leg. He peeled Peter’s sock back just a little to feel for a pulse and was relieved to find it was still there. There was still blood circulating through his son’s leg but he knew he would need to straighten it and stabilize it soon or risk Peter losing his leg. But first, to get his son covered up.
“There you go, honey,” Steve murmured when he was done tucking everything he could around Peter before he placed his fingers over Peter’s pulse once more, letting a deep breath as he still felt the same weak pulse. He pressed a few more kisses to Peter’s head before focusing on his son’s leg.
It was only when Steve pulled carefully at Peter’s leg to straighten it out did a whimper enter his ears.
Steve gasped and crawled towards Peter’s head.
“Peter?” Steve called out, a gentle hand cupping Peter’s cheek. He watched as his son’s eyes fluttered open before hearing one of the most wonderful sounds – his son’s voice.
Steve gave off a watery smile before nodding his head, leaning down so he was closer to Peter’s face.
“Papa’s right here, sweetheart.”
From the way that Peter’s eyes darted around before landing on Steve and how hard it was for his son to focus on him, Steve knew Peter was far from okay. Steve watched as Peter opened his mouth, but rather than speaking, a harsh cough came out instead which aggravated all of Peter’s injuries.
“Papa, hur’s,” Peter cried, large tears running down his cheeks.
Steve sniffled, gently running his fingers through Peter’s hair, “I know honey. I’m trying to make it better, sweetheart.”
His words seemed to have no effect though as Peter continued to sob, only working to make his condition worse.
“I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry,” Steve cooed, trying desperately to comfort his son over the boy’s cries. There was a tiny part of him that wished Peter was still unconscious because Steve’s heart couldn’t bear to listen to his son’s pained cries.
“W’nt d’ddy,” Peter wailed and Steve couldn’t help but feel the same way.
“So, do I, baby. So do I,” Steve whispered.
“What do you mean they haven’t checked in? They were supposed to arrive here this morning!” Tony’s voice resonated loudly throughout the lobby and the resort manager tried desperately to placate the man.
“Mister Stark, please. I understand your frustration, but if you could keep your voice down, that would be appreciated. You’re disturbing the other guests.”
“Oh, am I? I’m sorry, I don’t know how to react when I get told that my husband and son haven’t checked into the hotel they were supposed to over six hours ago!”
The manager opened his mouth to reply but Tony ignored him, turning to his phone and focused on trying to get in contact with Steve again. He wouldn’t lie if he said the rapid pounding of his heart against his rib cage was starting to get painful and the range of emotions, from panic to fear to anger to desperation was doing very little to calm his heart.
There were very few reasons that Steve and Peter could be late, but most of them were painting an awful picture in his head, ones that chose not to dwell on too much. Other less horrific reasons were quickly displaced with a dispute. If there was any delay, any what so ever, Steve would have texted or called him. The last text he received from Steve was letting him know they there way about five hours away from the resort and he was going to stop for the night. Tony replied to let him know where they were staying at for the night, but never got an answer back.
When the call went to voice mail again, Tony cursed. Without another thought, signaled for his suit to fly to him. He had promised Steve not to bring it on the trip with him, but it was moments like these he regretted listening to anybody but himself.
Steve groaned as he fought to keep his eyes open. While his body was adapted to harsher climates, his healing still had slowed down and coupled with the exhaustion and stress he suffered throughout the night, he could feel his body starting to shut down. He was curled around his son, the boy’s small wisps of breath brushing against his cheek. His fingers were placed permanently against his son’s pulse, counting the beats, noticing the fact that his pulse had slowly been decreasing. It was a fact that Steve couldn’t dwell on too much, thinking instead of that fact that Tony would have noticed by now that there were not at the resort and was more likely than not already tracking them down.
Peter had calmed down, only due to the fact that he didn’t have the energy anymore. Steve tried to talk to him through the night, to get Peter to respond but other than the occasional whimper or moan, he didn’t get anything else in return. When his son’s eyes weren’t closed they were staring straight ahead, focusing on no object in particular. They just looked empty, diminished of any light that once shined heavily.
After Steve had done all he possibly could for his son’s injuries he had curled up next to him, but refused to sleep, needing to be awake in case help arrived or Peter needed him.
“Daddy’s gone be here soon, Peter, I promise,” Steve whispered into his son’s ear, Peter giving off no sign that he registered anything.
“We’re gonna get you warmed up, baby and we’re gonna get the best people in to take care of you, sweetie. Get you back on your feet just in time for Christmas, honey. Daddy, you and I will snuggle all day on the couch. We’ll watch all the movies you want and Papa will make his famous hot chocolate every night. You just gotta hang in there a little while longer for me, baby.”
Peter let out a wheeze in response. Steve scrambled to press his ear to his son’s chest, listening to the rattled sounds coming from his lungs. He could feel Peter’s chest caving in, his lungs desperately trying to get more oxygen in.
“Come on, baby,” Steve begged turning to grab Peter’s face gently, fingers brushing against his son’s blue tinged lips, “You got to keep breathing for me baby.”
But Steve knew, coupled with the hypothermia his son was suffering and the metal that had pierced his side, it was a miracle that Peter had made it this long.
“Come on, baby, please,” Steve sobbed as Peter’s breathing continued to get more ragged, his lungs getting more desperate for air. He pressed his forehead to his son’s, trying to control his sobs. He couldn’t lose control, not now, but hearing his son struggle to breath was destroying him from the inside out.
One second he was focusing on trying to control his cries and the next second he heard a loud thud, and the feeling of snow brushing against his face.
He looked up, a wave of relief crashing his body and coursing throughout his veins as he saw the armor of his husband’s suit retract, and his husband rushing out not a moment sooner.
“Tony,” Steve whispered, chapped lips forming a smile as Tony ran towards them, a wide, terrified look across his face.
“I’m here, Steve. God, I’m here,” Tony called out as he fell next to his husband and son. He heard the sound of the medical helicopter flying above them, slowly descending.
“I’m sorry,” Steve murmured as he fell against Tony. God he was exhausted. But Tony was here. He was going to make sure everything as okay now. He was gonna take care of Peter.
“Don’t. Don’t be, hon.” Tony wrapped his arms around Steve, gently laying him back down on the ground, not being able to take all of his weight.
“We’re gonna get him taken care of, Steve. You and him, love.” Steve felt Tony’s fingers caressing his cheek and he lamented in the warmth of Tony’s touch.
“Good. Knew you’d come.” Steve’s eyes starting flickering shut and he could feel Tony’s voice get more distant and before he finally lost consciousness, he heard one last thing.
When Steve came to, the rhythmic sound of a beeping was the first thing that entered his mind. That and the noticeable warmth that surrounded him. Opening his eyes, it didn’t take long for him to register the hospital room he was currently in.
“Hey, hon,” A soft called out and Steve turned around to welcome the sight of his husband, a worn look on his face.
“The one and only, babe,” Tony replied before leaning down to press a kiss to Steve’s lips. Steve sighed softly, relishing in the soft touch of his husband’s lips.
“Where’s? Where’s?” Steve struggled to form the words around his dry mouth but he didn’t need it.
“He’s right over here,” Tony replied pressing a kiss to Steve’s forehead before turning around to walk towards the other bed in the room and Steve’s eyes followed, watching as Tony leaned over the side of the bed.
“He’s been sleeping ever since we got here. He’s in rough shape, but he’s gonna recover fully,” Tony spoke softly, fingers gently brushing through their son’s curls. He then leaned in further, peppering his son’s forehead with kisses being careful to avoid the bandages.
He turned around when he heard the sound of feet landing on the floor and he hurried over to Steve who looked about ready to catapult himself towards Peter’s bed.
“Jesus, Steve, take it easy,” Tony reprimanded, wrapping an arm around Steve’s waist to steady him. Steve however paid no attention as he staggered over to Peter’s bed, tears pooling in his eyes.
“Oh God, he’s alive. My baby,” Steve breathed heavily as he finally reached Peter and gently threw himself over his son.
“My baby. My baby,” Steve cried as he grabbed Peter’s hand, pressing kisses to his knuckles, then his hand, up his arm until he reached Peter’s face and peppered it with kisses instead.
He was warm.
Warm and soft and alive.
Part 2 is all about healing and if you thought that this was fluffy, just wait until the next chapter. Ya’ll have no idea what I’m capable of.
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bethhxrmon · 5 years
All I Ask of You Pt. 34
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“I can never go back, never look back anymore” - “I Can Do Better Than That” from The Last Five Years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female OC
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: They’re going back to Seattle!
Warnings: Idk rushed writing????
A/N: So we’re getting to the last stretch of stuff before the end of the story! And if that’s the real truth then this would be the first story I’ve ever finished???? Anywho I may have this done around when Endgame comes out! As always, I love feedback and my masterlist is in my bio!
After nearly a week of preparations, Annie still hadn’t seen her new suit. Harper was insisting on keeping it a secret until they got to Seattle. It left Annie apprehensive, but excited all the same. While there was plenty to worry about, Annie finally took the time to realize that it wasn’t her job to be worried.
It wasn’t her fault that Carnival was going crazy all over New York, he was the one who managed to follow her. Just like it wasn’t her fault that Tony was possibly her biological father. At least, that was what she had learned thanks to the therapy session she’d gone through in the last week.
While she wasn’t sure she wanted to admit it, there was something that Annie loved about therapy that she just couldn’t get from everyone else. It was the one time she was finally sat down and given the chance to sort out her thoughts. Obviously the bad dreams and overall declined mental state weren’t going to be fixed by a few therapy sessions. There was a lot to be done, but Annie didn’t mind that as much.
“You know, I’d wager that you didn’t finish this suit until last night and that you knew this was going to happen,” Annie said, shrugging a bit as they piled into a small private plane.
Harper rolled their eyes, “Whatever you say, but it’s so awesome that it’s getting its own space in the tiny overhead bin. You’re so going to love this!”
“Look, you guys can keep bickering over the new suit, but I’m trying to figure out why we can fly to Seattle but we had to drive here in the first place,” Ned interjected, sitting down.
Harper shrugged, “Who knows, I definitely don’t.”
“Different modes of transportation makes it less likely for you to be tracked. No one’s going to think we’d be in Seattle if we’re operating over here,” Tony explained.
Peter sat down, “You know, I didn’t mind the road trip too much.”
“Says the person who got car sick on the way,” Annie pointed out, sitting next to him.
Tony and Pepper sat a little bit away from the teenagers who were quickly getting into a conversation about whether or not the road trip qualified as a good time. It was clear Harper was the most adamant about their distaste on being stuck in a car for the better part of a week. Which quickly turned into Annie trying to figure out more about her new suit.
“Is it mostly white or is it mostly silver? And if it’s silver is it too flashy?” Annie pressed.
Harper laughed, “You’re acting like I would let you walk out looking like a human disco ball. I would never do that to a friend!” “But it has both colors! And more, it’s so awesome and I think you’re gonna love it!” Ned exclaimed, “Like there’s this one part that-”
“Ned, shut it! I want her to be surprised! It’ll be way more satisfying to see Annie freak out over it in around… well I don’t know how much time, but it’ll be worth it,” Harper claimed.
Peter shook his head, “I’m with Annie, I definitely think you guys didn’t have it done until last night.”
“See? It looks fishy! Thanks, Pete,” Annie said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
Harper sighed, “You know what we’re gonna have you two do?”
“Annie, you’re gonna take your boyfriend on a date today and show him around the city. Ned and I are gonna take care of my parents. This way, you two can get out all your annoying PDA and it’s all good,” Harper replied.
Ned laughed, “I don’t think that’s gonna do it.If anything, I feel like it's just gonna make them worse."
"Well, that's rough. I don't have to deal with it when we get back. I'm going to a totally different school from you guys," Harper responded.
Ned pouted, "You wouldn't just leave me alone with them like that, would you? That's so mean!"
"Well, when you put it that way... yes, I would definitely leave you to deal with them on your own. You can take it!" they said with a wink.
Annie rolled her eyes, "You know Peter and I hear everything you're saying, right?"
"You know you guys are so cute it's painful to watch, right?" Harper retorted.
It didn't take much time for them to reach Seattle. Odds were, it was the shortest plane ride Annie had ever been on. Granted, she had only needed to fly once and that was from moving to New York. She seemed to be the one that was waiting for the plane to land. Her nose was pressed against the window, trying to catch a glimpse of something. Though, there wasn't anything to be seen through the clouds.
Peter shook his head, "I don't get it, it's so cloudy."
"That's the best part!" Annie replied excitedly.
He tilted his head to the side, "Yeah? Why's that?"
"I mean, it's almost always cloudy and then it gets rainy and the smell of the rain, that's freaking amazing! And then it's cloudy, but not, like, an oppressive cloudy? And then it gets sunny sometimes, but not so much that it's obnoxious. I don't know... it's just home," Annie explained, turning to face him.
Peter kissed her forehead, "You should get excited like that more often, it's cute."
"Okay, we've had enough of the cute coupley thing, let's get you to see this suit!" Harper exclaimed, rushing off of the plane.
Ned grinned, "It's so awesome, you don't even understand what kind of work we had to put into this thing. It is the best science project I've ever had to work on."
"Meaning we failed. A lot. That's why it took a hot minute, but it was so worth it because you're going to flip your shit, come on, we gotta show it to her!" Harper called out, hoping that would make Tony and Pepper hurry up.
Tony and Pepper eventually got off of the plane, "Well, we can't exactly do that right now. We gotta find somewhere private. Remember how we don't want anyone thinking that there's any reason to suspect us of doing anything?"
"Also meaning that we just don't want anyone thinking that I have powers. Do you guys know how rough that'd be if people figured out I was just born with crazy energy and electricity powers? I'd probably get imprisoned by the government and be forced to live out the rest of my days as a living physics equation," Annie pointed out.
Pepper raised an eyebrow, "Where'd you get that from?"
"Can't trust the government, obviously," Harper explained.
Annie nodded, "And it's easily my number one, absolute worst fear of all time."
"Hey, you don't need to worry about that happening. I wouldn't let it happen," Peter insisted, reaching to hold her hand.
Annie squeezed his hand, "I know."
"Okay, maybe we need a better vibe than this for unveiling a hella cool suit," Ned said, looking at the others.
Harper grinned, "Yep, this is gonna be so great. It's everything I've always wanted to make for you, but didn't have the chance to because I couldn't get the right material without drawing massive suspicion to the both of us."
"I've seen it, and I think it's something that might work," Tony told them.
Harper scoffed, "Might work? It's easily the best thing that you've ever seen in your life. I believe you were about two steps away from offering me a job for my design skills, no?"
"Not happening. I don't need a suit maker," he replied.
They shrugged, "Okay, but those shades of purple clashed so hard when you were wearing a suit that one time. Just saying. You need to do complimentary or the exact same shade for ties and pocket squares. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them."
"Are you trying to get a job or get shipped back to New York?"
"Both," Harper claimed, "Now where's the cool little side room place we can go to?"
Tony sighed, "If you'd keep quiet, maybe we'd get there faster."
"It definitely doesn't work like that."
After what felt like forever to Annie, they finally got to a room where they could unpack the small briefcase that held the new suit. Harper also looked like their hands were shaking just a little bit. They set it on an empty table.
Annie stared at the brown, leather briefcase and didn't move. How was she supposed to even begin to open it? If she did, that was almost too much of a move for her in some way. She'd have to leave behind the old suit. Which was for the best, but was she even ready to test it out? It was only then that she realized she hadn't tried being a superhero since everything with Carnival. There was no way she'd be ready.
Harper looked at Annie and then back at the briefcase, "Um... you gonna open it?"
"Y-yeah, sure," Annie replied and stepped up to the table and unlatched the briefcase.
Once the briefcase was opened, Annie's dark eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands. She jumped up and down screaming and hugged Harper tightly. The suit was a blend of white and different shades of grey. Somehow it was exactly what she had always imagined whenever she tried to think about what she wanted to look like when gliding around the city.
Harper laughed, hugging back their friend, “You know? I think this means I was successful. See, I wanted to keep the original look we had going. I wanted to have the same half-face kinda domino mask where everyone sees your eyes, but I had no clue what to do with the hood. That’s mostly aesthetic and you can choose if you want it up or not.”
“It’s perfect, I-I can’t… you thought of everything!”
“Um… actually that’s my job. You have an amazing AI and it’s synced up to your phone so you can contact whoever,” Ned explained.
Annie grinned, “Wait, so I get to have a little, like… Siri type of thing?”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t have to be named Siri, it’s whatever you’d wanna name it. Keeping in mind I programmed it so that it kind of sounds like Idina Menzel,” he said.
Annie’s jaw dropped, “You’re kidding! I owe you both big time!”
“Hey, just go out there and patrol the city one last time, that’s all you gotta do,” Harper said, “And one more thing… you know the feathered texture around the sleeves?”
“They’re secret pockets and I stashed some knives in them for you in case things get out of hand,” they explained, “But anyways, get suited up and test it out!”
Before Annie really knew what she was doing, she was in the middle of the city, feeling the new suit clinging to her body. It had been quite a few months since she had last been in the city, but it didn’t take long for her to get to the top of a building and start almost right from where she had left off.
It was just an average day, no major crimes, but that didn’t change the fact that Annie was more than happy to do what she could. Even if it was something as simple as helping a lost kid find his parents, that was better than nothing.
After a couple of hours filled with testing out the new suit was when Annie’s AI decided to start talking.
“Harper is contacting you, would you like to answer?” asked a voice.
Annie nearly dropped from the rooftop she was on, “Um, not yet, hold on, you’re the suit AI?”
“Yes, I have been programmed to mesh with your personality as needed.”
“Do you have a name?”
“Oh, can I give you one?”
“I suppose.”
“I’m gonna name you Eve!”
A little while later, Annie caught up with Peter when she learned Harper and Ned were still trying to get back the same designs they came to get in the first place. Not that Annie minded, they could take as long as they wanted to. She just wanted more time in Seattle, but she knew that no amount of time was going to prepare her to leave.
“Hey, you said you wanted to show me something?” Peter asked once she was back in normal clothes.
Annie nodded, “Yep! Only the best coffee house in this entire city. There’s a lot of coffee places, but this one is the best. I’ve tried all of them.”
“Yeah? You seem almost obsessed.”
“Well, in my defense… yeah, it was a huge obsession. But it was something my dad and I used to do. But since he can choke, you’re gonna come with me instead,” she replied with a small smile.
As they walked, raindrops started to hit both of them. Peter started to move a little bit faster, but Annie still went at the same pace.
“It rains in Queens too, you know,” Peter said.
She shook her head, “It’s not the same, I don’t know how to explain it.”
“You know… you don’t need to. This is the happiest I’ve seen you in months,” he told her, squeezing her hand.
Annie’s eyes lit up, “Hey, maybe this is super weird, but am I the only one who’s always wanted to kiss in the rain?”
“I feel like you’ve done that already.”
“Not with you,” Annie pointed out.
Peter laughed a bit before pressing a quick kiss to her lips, “Now let’s get out of the rain!”
“Well, we’re basically here,” Annie replied, opening the door of the coffee shop.
“Annika Hardwick, you’ve got a lot of nerve coming here,” said the barista.
Annie stopped, “Um… I’m just wandering around.”
“With… I wanna know who your new boy toy is,” she responded, batting her eyes.
Annie sighed, “Peter. He’s a friend.”
“Who I just saw you kissing two seconds ago.”
“I just wanted to order some coffee,” Annie said, “So maybe we should just get this over with.”
“But you’ve been gone so long! How many more relationships did you screw up?”
Peter opened his mouth before Annie spoke up, “That wasn’t me, you know that. Anyways. I’ll have one caramel latte and one green tea latte.”
Maybe Annie wasn’t going to miss Seattle as much as she had originally thought she was going to. If she had known what was going to happen, or who would be there, she would not have gone.
Tag List (if you want to be added, please ask!): @flushings-here / @gaypanda / @twilightparker / @parkerpuff / @ganseysblues / @dolphinsarecuteandstuff / @buzzinglee / @lcy-thot / @moonstruckholland
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peetabreadgirl · 6 years
Writer’s Block, THE LAST CHAPTER!!
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Here it is, y’all! Later than I thought, but you’ll be happy. I added 800 words of extra smut. ;) Read it on AO3 or FFnet. And thank you SO MUCH to @burkygirl @xerxia31 and @katnissdoesnotfollowback for seeing me through this one! Heart you girls more than you know! I hope you all enjoyed the ride! Talk to me... Pbg
At the sight of Cato on the property, my rational thought process shuts down. I can’t think of another plan if Peeta doesn’t show. I can walk out with the other three employees here, but beyond that? I scold myself for not telling him that I’m seeing Peeta and that he wouldn’t be okay with another guy driving me home. Seems like my thought process shut down hours ago.
 If I was teetering on the edge of the fear cliff, that definitely sends me over. I am so not used to the boyfriend/girlfriend thing. I can’t let Cato buy me dinner or drive me home or any of the other things he so grossly ‘suggested’, not only because I don’t want to, but because it would upset Peeta. I remember how angry he got when I left his place that first night, and we were barely even friends then. He would wonder why I didn’t ask him to come get me. I did, technically - as an afterthought - but far too late in the game to expect him to show up.
Would Cato even believe that I have a boyfriend now? He might think I’m just trying to get rid of him. The thought of an angry blonde hulk does nothing to settle my nerves.
 The concession area is spotless when I’m done and I consider letting Marv lock me in and staying the night. Or at the very least, waiting Cato out.
 “Locking up,” the boss calls to the rest of us. I guess it's too late for that idea. I grab my things and chew on my bottom lip while we walk, preparing the speech I’m going to unload on Cato.
 Sure enough, he’s waiting at the curb when we walk out the doors, hands in his pockets, toeing something on the ground with his shoe. He looks normal enough. But then he looks up at me and I find myself wishing those blue eyes were set in a different face. A face with a kind smile and warm eyes. Someone a little shorter with ashy blonde waves falling across his forehead instead of spikes of platinum blonde.
 “You ready?” he asks. I take my time walking towards him after my tiny group of safety disperses to their own modes of transportation. No one said goodbye or asked if I’d be okay. They never have, and I normally don’t mind, but tonight I wish things were a different.
 I raise one finger. “Actually, I-”
 “Oh, come on, Everdeen,” he huffs like a temperamental child, hands going up then down in exasperation, slapping his massive thighs. “Don’t tell me you changed your mind after I came all the way back here. It’s just a ride and some conversation.”
 Both things I’m worried about.
 He crosses his arms over his chest in determination. “What do I have to do to convince you I’m not a bad guy?”
 You can’t, I think, wanting to say something about having to change his name to Peeta, brighten his eye color, shrink a few inches and learn how to look at me without making me feel skeezy - all things that are impossible for him - but instead I say, “I don’t think you’re a bad guy. You’re just not the guy for me.”
 His face screws up in irritation at being rejected - I guess it doesn’t happen often enough - and it’s almost funny to watch. Almost. If I weren’t standing out here in the dark with someone three times my size that makes my skin want to turn itself inside out just so it can hide.
 “I think you should find out before you judge, Everdeen,” he replies with some irritability. Then the side of his mouth lifts in a coy smile that makes my stomach turn. “You know, this whole semester I thought you were a frigid, stuck up prude, but after reading your story I’m starting to think there’s a little kink inside you trying to get out. You just need the right partner.” He takes a step closer and the hairs on the back of my neck raise like a cat cornered by a much larger dog.
 My eyes flash to headlights that illuminate the area and I see Peeta’s Jeep start to cross the parking lot diagonally. Praise the Heavens! My heart skips a beat and my fear shrinks, relief and gratefulness ballooning in its place.
 I know the minute he sees Cato because I hear the engine rev and the Jeep speeds up, stopping right in front of the curb. Peeta hops out and walks to me casually but quickly, casting a frosty glance at Cato.
 “Sorry I’m late,” he says, stopping at my side. He doesn’t put his arm around me or anything possessive, but Cato’s eyes narrow at us anyway, making me think he’s using that pea-sized brain. Hopefully doing some easy math - one plus one makes a couple.
 “What’s up?” Peeta asks nonchalantly.
 “Cato wants to give us a personal review of our story,” I inform him, stepping into his side just a hair more.
 “Can we do it tomorrow, man? I’m beat and I gotta get my girl home.” Peeta puts his hand on the small of my back and starts guiding me to his still-running Jeep. He opens the door and calls over his shoulder at Cato, “You’ve got my number.”
 He shuts the door and I watch him walk around the front of the car. He stops and turns back to Cato, who’s saying something to him. I can’t make out what it is, but Peeta answers back. There’s an exchange. It doesn’t look heated or necessarily unfriendly, but when it’s over Peeta hops in and slams the door hard enough to make me think something Cato said has upset him.
 He shoves the stick shift into first and peels out, yanking the Jeep around and heading towards the exit. He’s definitely peeved. I’m not sure if I want to ask him about it. He stays silent on the short drive. It’s uncomfortable, but when he passes the turn to my place I finally speak up.
 “Where are we going?”
 “My house.” His response is clipped. His jaw is clenched. A muscle in the side of his cheek ticks like the second hand on a clock. I’m starting to wonder if it’s me he’s mad at. I can’t fathom the reason why. Cato was the one approaching me, not the other way around.
 We pull up in his driveway and I can’t stand the silence anymore. “Did I do something?”
 He gets out without answering and swiftly walks to my side of the car, opening the door. I slide out. He gives me a cursory glance, taking my bag for me. His behavior is starting to piss me off. I deserve to know what Cato said to him, especially if he’s going to take it out on me.
 He unlocks the door to his duplex and waits by it, intending for me to enter first, I guess. I don’t. I stand there in defiance, waiting for him to catch on that I’m not going to just do what he says without an explanation of what’s going on, why he’s so angry with me.
 He sighs heavily, understanding what I’m doing without me having to say a word. The muscle in his jaw continues to tick as he grinds his teeth together. It’s got to be five minutes worth of jaw workout.
 We’ve been a real couple for all of two days and we’re about to have our first fight. I can feel it. The tension swirling around is not the kind I’ve been used to feeling around him lately.
 “Will you please go inside?” he asks patiently, no trace of the stress that’s radiating from his body language in his tone. I wonder if that was as difficult for him as it would be for me. I decide if he can ask nicely, then I can reciprocate. Besides, whatever we’re going to talk about probably doesn’t need to happen outside.
 I breeze by him, taking a seat on the sofa where it all started. Peeta sits across from me, not next to me, and it feels like rejection. It hurts.
 “What was Cato doing there?”
 “I told you, he wanted to talk about the story.” I’m a little sore that he’s questioning me. “Why are you mad about that? I didn’t ask him to come, you know. He just showed up. I’m not his keeper. I can’t tell him where to be and not to be.” I cross my arms defensively.
 “I get that, but you didn’t tell him we’re together. That’s what he told me. That he had no idea, and that you told him to come back when you got off work to give you a ride home. And you send me a message to come get you, even though you asked him to? I just don’t understand, Katniss. And I really, really want to.”
 He shrugs, looking wounded. Part of me wants to wipe it away while the other part wants to defend myself. Choosing the second option, my hands go up in frustration.
 “I told him to come back at eleven because I was supposed to get off at nine. I would have been long gone by the time he got there but, as my luck would have it, I ended up having to close. So it backfired on me.” I let my hands fall to my sides, a hard slap on the soft couch.
 Peeta processes the information, his tension melting a little, until I say, “Besides, he’s been pestering me for weeks now. It almost doesn’t surprise me that he showed up like that.”
 “He’s been what?” Peeta’s voice is even and low. Eerily calm. Eyes unblinking.
 “He’s been… kind of harassing me. About the story. Making comments and stuff. That’s why I was freaked out about partnering up with him.”
 “Why didn’t you say something? God, Katniss!” He half-shouts, running both hands through his hair, pulling so hard I think he’s going to lose a patch of blonde to his own strength. “I would never have let him partner with us. I would have told him to go fuck himself!”
 My eyebrows fly up to my hairline. I’ve never heard him say anything like that at all. Peeta Mellark doesn’t say ugly things to people. He’s kind and caring. Not angry and vulgar.
 “Hell, I would have taken a lower score to keep him away,”  he adds, finally letting his hands drop tiredly to his lap.
 “I’m sorry. I didn’t think to tell you. I figured, you know, he’d just take the hint. I kept running away and ignoring him…”
 He sighs. “It’s not your fault. Guys like him don’t take hints easily.”
 “How do you know?” I ask, curious about what insight he might have into ‘guys like him’.
 His shoulders drop and a pained look crosses his face. “My cousin was a sophomore when I was a freshman.”
 Madge. I remember her vaguely. She was a year ahead of us in high school. The female version of Peeta. Practically perfect in every way. Smart, outgoing, conventionally beautiful. President of everything. I remember she got a scholarship as well, to a different school, but I haven’t thought about her in years until now.
 “She went to a party. This guy that had been after her for weeks finally saw his chance. He got handsy and when things were going too far she said no. He backed off, but the next thing she knew, she was being led to a room because she was too drunk to drive home, even though she’d only had two drinks. He had to have slipped something into that second drink. Anyway, the next morning she woke up with her clothing ripped off, laying on top of a pile of coats. Ten months later she had a son.”
 My eyes are about to pop out of my head. I had no idea. “Did she go to the police?”
 Peeta shakes his head slowly, his expression sad. “By the time she came to grips with what happened, it was two months later, and she doesn’t remember much about that night. She says it could have been anyone. She doesn’t even remember a shadow of a profile she was so out of it, but she dropped out and went home to her parents and they took care of her.”
 “What about a paternity test?” I’m surprised and a lot disappointed no action was taken. People who do wrong should pay for their crimes, but Peeta just shakes his head again, defeated.
 “She doesn’t want the father, whoever he may be, to be involved. Doesn’t want her son to have a rapist for a dad. They’re better off without him, and after she explained that to me, I got it. Still pissed as fuck, but I got it.” This is absolutely the wrong time to notice, but it’s so odd to hear him use that word I can’t help it. I find myself not hating his potty mouth.
 “Something unfortunate happened to her, with a consequence that she now loves and protects with her life, and part of that protection is shielding him from a horrible dad.” He breathes deep and waves it off. “Besides, she’s seeing a great guy who loves Jaden and she’s happy now, but Madge’s current life isn’t the point, Kantiss. The point is…” he pauses, his shoulders visibly sagging with weight, “it could have been you tonight.”
 He hits me with a pointed look. It goes straight to my gut. The same fear I felt when I saw Cato comes roaring back.
 “And as much as it angered me when I found out my cousin was raped…” he trails off for a second. His jaw starts ticking again and there’s a hint of something in his eyes that looks like rage. “I couldn’t handle it if it were you. If he put his hands on you, I’d go insane. Just knowing that he’s even thought about you is making me crazy.”
 He stands with renewed vigor and paces to the far wall. “That he has read our story?” He knocks a clenched fist into it before he turns around to face me. His eyes are wild, cheeks and neck splotchy red, chest heaving angrily. “I told him to talk to me about it and he sought you out. You. Not me. I gave him my information and he found you at work. Waited for you to get off so he could be alone with you.”
 My mouth hangs open like a gaping fish. His words and behavior, along with the revelation of Madge’s story sinks in faster than a rock through water, hitting bottom with a thud. I think I’m going to be sick and close my eyes to will the nausea away. I breathe deep a time or two, stick my head between my legs, calming the nerves and trying not to think about what could have happened if Peeta hadn’t shown up. I could have been Madge 2.0.
 Hands land gently on my shoulders, lifting my torso upright, then move to my thighs. When I open my eyes Peeta is kneeling in front of me. His imploring gaze stabs at my heart and I want to wipe the worry from his sky-blue eyes.
 I remember to address his other concern before we move on because, yes, I realized too late that I should have told Cato I was with Peeta. “And no, I didn’t tell him about you but not because I didn’t want to. I just forgot.” I quickly realize how that sounds, Peeta’s expression confirming I’m right, and ramble on, “Not like I forgot you. I’m just used to being single. Independent. It didn’t cross my mind to mention you as a way to get him to back off, that’s all. And when I did think of it, it was too late. I tried to reach you, but Hangouts was really my only option since I don’t have a phone.”
 The last few words sound pouty to my own ears, but the previous hours have drained me. I want nothing more than to collapse on the couch and go to sleep with Peeta next to me. I don’t want to argue. I lean back on the cushions and close my eyes.
 I'm so tired I don’t even crack one open when he squeezes my thighs and says, “I want to go down and get you a phone first thing tomorrow.”
 “Not in the budget right now,” I say, a deep breath leaving me, my head still relaxed on the back of the couch.
 “I’m paying for it.”
 “What? No!” I deflect the offer immediately, my head shooting up so fast I feel dizzy. There’s no way I’m letting him buy a cell phone and pay for the monthly plan. I’ve looked into those things and they’re expensive. It’ll just have to wait. “You can’t do that, Peeta.”
 “I can,” he grinds through his teeth. I sense he wants to say more, but he doesn’t. He runs a shaky hand through his already disheveled hair and his chest expands and deflates with  exasperation. “You need one. Especially when you’re walking home late at night. Katniss, if something happened to you and I-” I put my finger to his lips to silence him.
 “I’ve made it four years without a cell phone. I can make it a little longer, Peeta. I’m about to get a raise. I’ll get one then.” My words are not reassuring to him.
 He talks over my finger muzzle. “And between now and then? If something happens?” If our conversation weren’t so serious, I’d laugh. I remove my finger to avoid the temptation, and lower my voice so he knows I’m serious about this, too.
 “It won’t. I’ll be more careful. I’ll tell Cato to fuck off.” I give him a half smile he doesn’t return. His eyes are still full of worry.
 “Do you remember the other night when I was sick? And I was going to take you home and you told me no, that I was too sick to drive. And then you stayed and took care of me?”
 I nod, glancing down at my lap. I feel like a tool. He’s only trying to help me.
 “We’re the same, you and me. We protect what we care about - each other. And it would mean the world to me if you would allow me, your boyfriend,” he ducks his head to find my eyes, his face finally brightening a little and sucking me into his request, “to get you a cell phone.”
 He does makes a good point. And it’s not that I’ve never thought of having one. I just didn’t really need one until now. And if having one makes Peeta feel better, then I should do it. Damn. How does he get me to change my mind so easily? If he weren’t so angelic I’d think he had the persuasion of the devil in him. He could definitely use his power for evil if he put his mind to it.
 “Okay,” I relent, but only because of the ‘we protect each other’ part - at least that’s what I tell myself - and then point my finger at him, “but it has to be a cheap phone! Nothing state of the art. A flip phone, even.”
He snorts, grabbing my finger and biting the tip playfully. I don’t know if he meant it to affect me, but it sends a zing straight to my lower belly. “They don’t even make those anymore,” he says.
 “A used one then. Whatever’s the least expensive. You’re not my sugar daddy.”
 He quirks and eyebrow as he sits next to me on the couch. “I know someone looking to get rid of an old one and it’s only $10 a month to add a line to my plan. Problem solved. Besides, I would never dream of being your sugar daddy. Your independence is one of the things I like most about you.”
 His arms wind around my waist and he tugs me into his lap. I find myself in the exact same position as the first time I was here - face to face, one leg on either side of his thighs, only this time I know what to do.
 I scoot up a little until our centers are aligned and Peeta sucks in a sharp breath. He leans his head back, eyes close, opening again halfway. I watch them dim from the color of vibrant, noon skies to shades of midnight.
I place my hands against the couch cushions on either side of his head and stare down at him, deciding what to kiss first. His lips are at the top of the list - soft, plump, inviting. His perfectly pert nose with the slightest dash of freckles across the bridge. His cheeks - still ruddy from his earlier outburst. Even his ears are attractive.
 I tip his head to the side with one finger after I decide to start there, at the base of his ear, and work my lips along his jaw to the adorable cleft in his chin. His hands glide leisurely up and down my thighs. He stills when my tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip, testing the waters of what he likes. I press my open mouth against his and suck his bottom lip in, tugging on it as I retreat. His hands tighten on my thighs, then move up to my hips. Fingertips pressing into my flesh.
 I rake one hand through his hair, watching him. Waiting to see what he’ll do.
 He’s patient, watching me right back.
 When I can’t take his stare anymore, I lean in and brush my lips against his. A sigh escapes us both, warm breath mingling between us. There’s a cool dampness in the fabric between my legs that alerts me to the fact that, in my effort to turn him on, I’ve done it to myself.
 His hands wander up my back, slow and torturous as we kiss unhurriedly. Fingers reach the nape of my neck and massage their way into my hair, pressing us closer. His tongue parts my lips, entering, tangling with mine. In no time at all our bodies are doing that thing again - writhing against each other. My body is heating up quickly. I know he said we’d go slow, but I’m not so sure I want to now.
 “Peeta?” I ask in between long, luscious kisses. His response is a low moan that I feel in my chest.
 “Do you have… you know?” He breaks away just a hair, eyes half-lidded, lips parted. His hair is a mess from my hands and his mouth is pink all over. My eyes stray to the top button of his shirt, undone. To busy myself, because I feel silly asking him to have sex with me already, I focus on getting the second button through the hole. My fingers fumble at first, but then I get it and move to the third. By the time I’m at the last button and push the fabric aside, his chest is rising and falling rapidly.
 When I look up at him, he looks so serious, not a trace of humor to be found. “You want to…” he trails off, one eyebrow hooking up in question. He swallows visibly, and I pull my lower lip between my teeth and bite down, looking at him. I feel completely vulnerable. All my feelings exposed.
 His eyes drift to my mouth and he uses his thumb to release my lip from the death grip my teeth have on it.
 “It’s completely up to you. I won’t do anything you’re not okay with.” He brushes back a few strands of hair, cupping the side of my face, making sure our eyes meet before he says, “Got it?”
 I nod my head, nerves settling in now that I’ve decided we’re doing this. “H-have you… ever?” I can’t look at him when I ask if he’s done this before, so I glance off to the side. A large part of me is sure he has, but there’s a slim part that hopes he hasn’t. Doesn’t want him to have done this with anyone else. Selfish? Maybe. Insecure? Definitely.
 He touches my chin with his fingertip, guiding our eyes to meet. He nods hesitantly, and if I’m reading him right, there’s remorse etched in the downturn of his lips and the crease in his forehead.
 “I wish I hadn’t. I wish you were my first, Katniss.” He pulls me down and gives me the softest, sweetest kiss, almost an apology, whispering, “My only,” when he’s through. Our heads rest against each other, and while my stomach bobs a little, it doesn’t sink entirely. Even though I’ll never be ‘his only’, I can be his now. His future. His last, even.
 I can’t believe I’m thinking like this. I want to tell myself to shut up, but the way he’s looking at me, it’s as if he’s reading and consenting to my every thought - that we aren’t just a here and now thing.
 It’s what compels me to rise from his lap and hold my hand out to him. He takes it, stands and follows me into his bedroom, where we undress before each other. His eyes devour every inch of flesh I expose to him. Mine do the same, hungry for anything he’ll give me.
 I sit on the bed, crawling backwards until I’m in the middle, and lay back while he reaches into the drawer of his nightstand, for the condom I assume. I watch, even though I’m a little embarrassed by our nakedness. I won’t let it keep me from experiencing something amazing with him.
 “Wait-” I say, reaching for his arm, and he halts immediately, eyes swinging to mine.
 “Yes?” In that one word I can sense that he fully expects me to turn this in a different direction. And that’s exactly what I’m doing. I can also see in his expression that he’d be totally okay with waiting if I asked. But I’m not going to make him, or myself, wait tonight.
 “Would you want to… um... “ I close my eyes tight. Shyness taking over.
 “It’s okay. Just ask. Whatever you want,” he soothes my nerves with a voice that coats like warm oil.
 “Will you, go down on me?” After reading a few articles on the subject, I’m more than a little curious about it. And there’s no one I trust more than him to be honest with me. If he doesn’t want to, then we’ll just move on.
 He tosses the unopened condom on the bed next to me and walks to the end of the bed. “There is literally nothing I’d rather do in this entire world.” His hands finger my toes as his lip curls up deliciously to one side. He sweeps his hands lightly up my shins, then dips around my knees and yanks me to the end of the bed. I squeal at his growing smile and the feeling that I’m about to be his next meal.
 I’m a bit nervous so I try for something lighthearted. “Nothing?” I mock with feigned innocence. An innocence I’m quickly letting go of.
 “Ask me that question after I’m done, Smartass.” I finally let go and chuckle at his language, but he promptly shuts me up when his nose brushes my center. A groan starts, turning to a high pitched shriek when his tongue licks straight up my slit, flicking the little nub when he gets there.
 “Oh, fuck. Me,” I moan as my hips raise into his face. More. Of that. Please, God!
 “We’re getting there,” he answers with an amused grunt. He doesn’t utter another word. He’s too busy using his tongue to make me a writhing, boneless mess. When I feel it building, I put my hands on my breasts. He lets out a groan alongside my repeated cries of “Don’t stop!”
 When I finally topple over the peak, my thighs squeeze together so tight Peeta has to pry them from around his head. I’m panting, exhausted, when he crawls on top of me, the mattress dipping with his weight. I open one eye lazily, too tired to make the other obey.
 “So?” he asks with a wry grin. A grin I will wear very soon. Every oral article I read mentioned reciprocation, and while I haven’t a clue what I’m doing other than putting my mouth on it, the males that gave their opinion frequently said there’s not a lot of wrong ways to do that, and they love it when a girl goes down on them even if she doesn’t know what she’s doing.
 “Your turn.” I push him over and, while it takes effort to get my body to comply, I’m on top of him quickly, staring down at his wide eyes.
 “You? Want to… do that?” I half-smirk, still deliciously dazed from my orgasm. Someone lost their ability to use words.
 I acknowledge his question by taking his erection in my hand, smoothing it up and down, getting a picture in my head for what to do. I test the feel of his hard, silky flesh with a lick to the tip. He hisses, but I know that’s not a bad thing. It spurs me to take more of it in my mouth. Just half, since I read about gagging and want to ease myself into this, not embarrass myself in front of him.
 I come back up, and dip down, getting in a rhythm that has him breathing heavy and raising his hips slightly into my mouth a few times. I can tell by the way he’s fisting his sheets that he’s trying not to. It’s more of a turn on than I thought it would be and I find myself wanting to do more, so I focus on the patch of hair at the base and try to make my lips reach all the way. The tip of his cock touches the back of my throat, but I haven’t gotten all the way there yet. I’m determined to make him feel as good as he made me. On the next pass I open my jaw and take as much of him in as I can and just when I’ve almost made it he pushes me off.
 “Stop. You have to stop,” he pants.
 I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, my heart leaping to my throat. “Was it bad?” Shit. I almost don’t want to hear the answer. I feel like diving under the covers and hiding until he goes to sleep, then slinking back to my place.
 “God, no. It was amazing. But if you want to have sex then you have to stop or I won’t be able to right away.”
 He pulls me down to kiss me, then flips me to my back. His hand begins to run over my body, starting at my lips, down my neck to my chest. Circling one nipple, then the other, blazing a trail to my belly button and lower. He traces the creases of my inner thighs, then pushes one leg to the side.
 “You are so beautiful.” The reverence in his tone is unmistakable. Every syllable of his words hold some underlying secret. A secret that will be just between us. “And I really want to be inside you tonight. That is, if you still want to?” he asks, his gaze fastened to mine as he slips the condom on, waiting for my answer.
 Had I had these experiences before, I never would have had the writer’s block that plagued me in the story. The things he says, the way he looks at me, protects me, gives me so much promise. I know I’m ready.
 I bring his lips to mine and before I kiss him, I whisper, “Yes.”
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stargleeksil-blog · 6 years
Criminal Minds S07E07 “There’s No Place Like Home”
Episode 07 – There’s No Place Like Home
Hey guys!
So, I am kind of excited about this episode, because the title is implying tornadoes, storms and chaos, oh my. And also some amazing references that I am hoping will crop up - fingers crossed ...
So without any further ado, my pretties.
Let’s see what unfolds and let’s prance down the yellow brick road towards murder.
“Finally got him down.”
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“The Ibuprofen must have kicked in.”
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“It’s about some missing kids.”
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“Please don’t walk away like that.”
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“We’ve talked about this.”
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“I know this is hard on you. On all of us.”
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“Look, if I had someone to cover my shifts, I would.”
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“What if it was Henry?”
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“What if it was?”
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“You’d want someone out there looking for him.”
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“I wasn’t helping anyone there, Will.”
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“Fine, I’ll tell them I can’t come in.”
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“I was supposed to have time off.”
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“Henry’s not feeling well.”
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“You don’t have to be here.”
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“Ah, I get antsy when I’m gone too long.”
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“And thanks for the team’s donation to ALS in Carolyn’s name. She would have appreciated it.”
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“So how are you doing?”
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“I’m okay. It’s funny, though. We were divorced 20 years. And I never missed her as much as I do right now.”
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“Hey, you. Welcome back.”
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“Good to be back, Penelope.”
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I love their friendship.
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“We’re ready when you are, sir.”
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“The bodies of two unidentified boys were found near Wichita, Kansas, a week apart.”
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“Both were Caucasian  and between the ages of fifteen and seventeen.”
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“They were each found mangled in the aftermath of a tornado.”
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“Yeah, but that’s not what did them in. The ME has determined that the case of death was blunt force trauma to the head before the storms hit.”
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“Well, the death blow in each case was in almost exactly the same spot.”
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“Now, what about all the other damage to their bodies? Some of their limbs are missing.”
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“Yeah, victim number one, his right leg was taken off. Victim number two, both arms were severed. But was that because of the tornado or the unsub?”
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“The ME still hasn’t discovered that. He’s a busy guy. Major storms have hit the area. 23 dead. The morgue is slammed.”
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“It fits the unsub. He’s got a hell of a sadistic streak.”
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“Well, a tornado would clear the air and give the unsub the privacy to do his thing.”
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“He may be using the storm as the body disposition modality. Forensic countermeasure, wind, hail, rain, mother nature destroys the crime scene.”
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“Or he wants us to think mother nature actually committed the murders.”
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“What concerns me is the brief periods between kills.”
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“Only a week. He’s moving fast.”
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“We need to move faster. Garcia, get me IDs on all the victims.”
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“I’m a gale-force wind.”
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“Wheels up in thirty.”
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“Oh, and pack for foul weather.”
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“The forecast is nasty.”
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George Gissing: “For the man sound of body and serene of mind, there is no such thing as bad weather. Every day has its beauty. And storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously.”
“Right in the middle of tornado alley.”
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“If this unsub is using tornadoes as a forensic countermeasure, then Kansas certainly is the ideal setting.”
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“Tornadoes do pose a significant threat.”
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“During this year’s super outbreak back in April, there are 336 confirmed tornadoes in just several days, resulting in over 300 lives lost.”
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Ding dong
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“Hey. Tell us something good, mama.”
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“Okay, I’ve IDed your victims. I’m putting this all on your tablets if you’d like to follow along.”
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“First up is Jason Meredith, 16-year-old runaway from Garden City, Kansas. Mom said he took off over a year ago.”
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“Next up is Eric Janelle, 15-year-old kid form Wichita. He’s been gone three weeks.”
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“Oh, both of these kids have records for possession and prostitution.”
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“They were street hustlers.”
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“At-risk teens. This could be a sexual predator.”
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“An extremely violent one if the unsub is responsible for the damage done to the bodies, especially those missing limbs.”
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“Well, now, he could be keeping the body parts for some sort of fetish.”
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“Oh, okay, eew. That is my cue.”
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“I’m here if you need me with my binary machines that don’t say gross things.”
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She’s so cute!
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Is he praying? Oh Rossi.
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“I didn’t know you were a bad flyer.”
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“I’m not. I just hate turbulence.”
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“You know, turbulence very rarely causes planes to crash.”
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“That does me absolutely no good at the moment.”
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“Thank you.”
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“What we really need to worry about are microbursts, sudden downbursts of air associated with thunderstorms.”
Tumblr media
Someone needs to shield my poodle from this angry stallion.
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“But a small craft like this, if we hit one of those at the wrong attitude
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Oh Reid.
“I beg of you to make him stop.”
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JJ already has Will and Henry to deal with, why add poodle to her list of worries?
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“Well, the unsub definitely has his own mode of transportation. This is way up the beaten path.”
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“And the first victim, Jason Meredith, was found over thirty miles away.”
Tumblr media
“You say you were able to clear this place before the storm hit?”
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“I didn’t know you could do that for tornadoes.”
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“Okay, so the unsub either found a way in or he was already here and he hid during the evacuation.”
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“That, or the body got sucked up into the funnel cloud and was thrown there from someplace else.”
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“Either way, he came into close contact with this storm. Maybe even close enough to put himself in danger.”
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“Or he waited someplace safe for it to pass and came back and dumped the body.”
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“No, I think the storm itself actually means something to this guy.”
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“You don’t think he’s just using it to cover his tracks?”
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“I played ball in college with a guy from Indiana. He said he and his boys used to get drunk and then chase storms. Said it was the closest they could get to the true power of God.”
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“Okay, so he’s impulsive, probably young, maybe a loner with nothing to lose.”
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“We should be looking at actual storm-chasers.”
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“Where can we find them?”
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“They mostly work with the university.”
Well, crap. 
“You think this guy’s educated.”
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“Well, he knows enough about the weather to use it to his advantage.”
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“So far it’s working.”
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“Here you go.”
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“When was the last time you saw Jason?”
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“Do you know why he would leave home?”
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“And how did Jason cope with that?”
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“So it sounds like you and Eric were pretty good friends.”
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“Your foster mom said that you used to get in a lot of fights before Eric got there.”
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“So he looks out for you.”
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“When was the last time you saw him?”
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“We found him a couple of days ago.”
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“He took the news about Eric pretty well.”
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“Tough kid.”
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“I guess they have to be. They’re all alone.”
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“Each of the victims had a strong protective instinct and was looking out for somebody else besides themselves.”
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“Maybe the unsub is keying on that.”
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“Boys like that are hard to fool.”
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“What if he used to be one of them?”
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“I mean, those kids would see right through someone trying to be a poseur.”
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“If his MO is connected to the weather, he’s gonna try to grab another boy soon.”
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“Identical blows to the head.”
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“They had alcohol and dextromethorphan in their systems?”
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“It’s cough syrup.”
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“It’s a cheap high, if you can steal it.”
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“And these two had a whole lot of it on board.”
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“What were you able to from all the damage to the bodies?”
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“I’m guessing with an axe or a cleaver.”
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“Cut off postmortem.”
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“They both have ligature marks on their wrists and ankles, at least what they have left of them.”
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“He held them before the kill.”
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“Was there any sign of sexual assault?”
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Nope. Even if there were, the tornado probably cleaned it up real good.
“So, he guts them drunk and high, he restrains them, kills them, and cleaves off a limb as a souvenir.”
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“Then he dumps the body and lets the storm clean up his mess.”
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“But why the souvenir?”
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“What or who, exactly, is he trying to remember?”
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“Okay, time to go.”
And get out of that creepy morgue with the sandwich-eating ME who handles dead people and eatsd in the same room .... gross.
“Name’s Gary Dyson. Sixteen. Runaway from Kansas City.”
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“This particular area get hit with a tornado last night?”
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“The weather’s gotta be the trigger.”
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“He’s following the patterns.”
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“We track the storms, we find the unsub.”
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“Forensic evidence has been washed away. But behaviorally, it’s the most intact crime scene we’ve encountered so far.”
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“It’s the same blow to the head, but no cuts, no abrasions.’
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“Except he’s missing his torso.”
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“It was only a matter of time before he missed one.”
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“Tornadoes are extremely unpredictable and sometimes last only a matter of minutes before they dissipate.”
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“The fact that he was able to leave his previous victims directly in the path of one is astounding.”
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“So the conditions were perfect last night, but his tornado never came.”
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“It’s only been four days.”
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“He’s accelerating.”
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“And the weather’s driving him to do it.”
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“Guys, we know that fetishists are loyal to the body parts they take, but I think that this unsub is loyal to the whole of these parts.”
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“If you were to take the missing pieces from all the victims so far, you could almost assemble an entire body.”
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“So he’s not taking bodies apart, he’s putting one together.”
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“We’re looking for a white male in his mid- to late-20s. He’s mobile and he travels great distances to follow storms.”
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“He’s probably in a tuck or a van.”
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“We believe he may live in that vehicle. It’s probably beat up, maybe rusted from the elements.”
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“Jeffrey Dahmer, serial killer, was under the illusion that he could create young male sex zombies that wouldn’t resist his advances.”
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“And when Dahmer’s test subjects died, he kept their body parts souvenirs.”
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“Skulls, hearts, even genitalia.”
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“Restoring body parts is no small task. They’re gonna get ripe fast.”
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“He needs lots of ice, salt, maybe, something to preserve them.”
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“And he’s paying for all that stuff somehow. Gas, too.”
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“He doesn’t have the social skills to hold a job for long, so he’s most likely a day laborer, handyman, anything transitory.”
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“We think he’s using the weather as a forensic countermeasure to destroy evidence, but we also think he might be some sort of symphoraphiliac.”
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“Sorry, symphora what?”
I’m with that cop.
“Uh, excuse me.”
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“Symphoraphiliacs – they’re sexually aroused by disasters.”
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“Usually fires or traffic accidents. In this case, the weather must enhance his excitement.”
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“He hunts street kids, so he may be from a similar background.”
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“And he’s most likely uneducated, but he’s still charming enough to engage his victims.”
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“We’ll talk to the press.”
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“You should warn any transient kids you might know.”
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“As this weather gets worse, so will the unsub.”
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“Since when is a seizure fine?”
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“But his fever broke.”
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“Did you give his medicine this morning?”
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“Did he feel warm?”
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“Well, you checked, right?”
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“Nothing. I … where is he now?”
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“Okay. I’ll call you when my flight arrives.”
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“Henry’s sick. I’m coming home.”
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“Call you later?”
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“What’s wrong?”
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“Uh, it’s Henry. He had a whole seizure.”
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“Will took him to the ER. He … he’s fine.”
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“Apparently, it’s totally normal.”
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“Look, I gotta get back home.”
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“Of course.”
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“Anything I can do?”
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“Can I borrow the jet?”
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“I think the budget oversight committee might not appreciate my generosity.
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“Yeah, well, worth a shot, right?”
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“Check in and let us know everything’s all right.”
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“Okay. Thanks.”
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“Hey, Hotch.”
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“I’ve been thinking … the vast majority of unsub with this type of MO aren’t driven by the killing.”
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“They’re really fascinated by the body parts.”
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“Psychologically they exist in a realm where fantasy meets delusion. It’s basically the perfect blueprint for the creation of a serial killer …”
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“I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
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“Should probably get to the point.”
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“I think I know how this unsub may have gotten started.”
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“All right, the first victim was found missing his right leg, the second, both arms, and the third had no torso.”
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“So that leaves the left leg unaccounted for.”
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“We can assume the head would be the most difficult piece to find.”
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“That part would have to fit an unsub’s fantasy perfectly.”
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“So he’d most likely save it for last.”
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“Now, what that tells us is there’s a victim out there we haven’t found yet who’s missing his left leg.”
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“Or the unsub hasn’t acquired it yet.”
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“True, but most body part collectors evolve to this level, and in many cases they  exhume bodies for parts before they start killing.”
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“All right, let me call Garcia.”
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“So you think our unsub did the same thing.”
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Was my poodle’s lecture unclear?
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“PG at your service, don’t let the name fool you.”
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“Baby girl, you’re on speaker.”
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“Garcia, can you look for grave robberies in tornado alley over the last five years?”
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“Oh. That’s a shockingly big list.”
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“Who knew grave-robbing was so on trend?”
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“How many of those involve the bodies of teenage boys?”
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“Uh …”
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“What about morgues and funeral homes?”
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“Momentito …”
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“Again, that is a list that should not be that big.”
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“Mostly stolen embalming fluid, though.”
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“It’s often used like PCP, Garcia.”
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“I’m feeling optimistic about the youth of America.”
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“There are no teenagers involved in this either.”
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“All right, try looking for thefts involving body parts, specifically left legs.”
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“Okay, ew! See, this is why I can’t talk about how my day was at dinner.”
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“Breakfast, lunch.”
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“Spencer, you scare me.”
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“Join the club.”
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“A left leg was stolen off a body a year ago at the Riggio Funeral Home in Tulsa.”
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“They never found who did it.”
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“Garcia, what was the weather like in the area at the time?”
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“Uh, thunderstorms and tornadoes.”
“An F2 cyclone hit right around there, and then the robbery took place after they evacuated.”
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“It’s gotta be our unsub.”
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“Wait, there’s more.”
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“The guy whose leg was stolen, he was a 47-year-old father of two who died of leukemia.”
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“That’s a huge jump.”
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“Preferential child sex offenders don’t usually stray from their preferred age range.”
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“It’s not about the sex at all.”
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“He used the body from the funeral home to develop his MO so he could live out his fantasy and kill in a storm.”
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“Whatever it is, this unsub won’t stop until he finds a perfect head.”
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“That’s the final piece to his puzzle.”
Tumblr media
“Hey. Thought you were out of here.”
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“Flights are canceled ‘cause of the weather.”
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“How’s Henry?”
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“He’s headed home. Finally released him.”
“That’s great news.”
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“Where are you guys off to?”
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“To the university to talk to some storm chasers.”
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“Stay dry.”
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“Yeah, right.”
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“Who’s that with Hotch?”
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“There’s been another abduction.”
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“A boy named Shaun Rutledge. That’s his younger brother Billy.”
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“He says a young white guy with an RV attacked him with a crowbar in the rain.”
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“He’s also changed his victim selection criteria.”
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“The boy he grabbed gets straight As, plays football, even volunteers at his church.”
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“So he wanted him so badly, he was willing to leave a witness?”
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“Which suggests he’s losing touch with reality and his delusions are starting to take over.”
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“What is it about this kid that was so attractive to him?”
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“He was teenage and Caucasian like the others, right?”
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“We also think that a sexual element may actually not be at play.”
Tumblr media
So then what the hell is driving this guy?”
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“Maybe it’s love.”
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“What if he’s trying to recreate someone he loves?”
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“It is an emotion that drives us to extremes.”
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“If he’s trying to recreate someone, it’s probably somebody he loved and lost.”
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“Wait. You said he was with his big brother, right?”
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“Holla at your girl.”
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“Baby girl, I need those great big beautiful brains of yours.”
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“Jazz hands ready. Gimme.”
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“Okay, look at all the teenage male victims or tornadoes in the last ten years. Same geography as before.”
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“That would be male, 13 to 18 … 42.”
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“How many victims had younger brothers that survived/”
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“Uh … ten.”
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“The unsub might have been a high-risk kid.”
No shit.
“Garcia, how many of the survivors have criminal records?”
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“I got two for you.”
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“First up is 27-year-old Justin  Harris, had a DUI in 2008. Next is 22-year-old Travis James.”
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“Ooh, little troublemaker. Shoplifting, possession, and prostitution. Oh, my.”
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“And all when he was a minor.”
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“You got a home address or a vehicle registered in his name?”
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“Uh-uh. None.”
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“You got a photo on this guy?”
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“It’s on your tablet right now.”
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“All right, this is a composite sketch from the description the kid gave.”
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“Old school.”
Huh? What’s going on?
“Oh, my God. This poor kid.”
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“In 2001, Travis James lost his big brother Tucker and his mom Jan when a tornado hit the McCleary Trailer Park in Enid, Oklahoma.”
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“So our guy’s a local.”
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“Oh, that’s great.”
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“Hang on, Garcia. The power just went out.”
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“Garcia, I think we’re good. Keep going.”
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“Sometime before this evil tornado touched down, Travis, along with five other boys, testified against a one Roscoe Gulch.”
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“For what?”
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“It appears that this Gulch character was a notorious pedophile in the area, and he was a resident of the same trailer park as Travis and his family.”
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“It looks like brother Tucker had confronted this Gulch person lots of times. He even broke the creep’s nose once.”
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“He was protecting his little brother.”
“Oh. And then the plot thickens. According to a statement from Travis, right after Gulch was acquitted, he and his brother went to Gulch’s mobile home.”
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“Travis said he saw the mobile home get swallowed up by the tornado. And when he came out there was nothing left.”
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“He was found in pieces. It took his DNA and dental records to ID him.”
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“Travis went into foster care and he was reported missing in 2003. He ran away.”
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“Ten years ago his brother got ripped apart, and now he’s trying to put him back together?”
Frankenstein, anyone?
This reminds me of something.
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“But why start killing now?”
Good question.
“Garcia, send me current weather reports for the area, including radar images if you have them.”
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“Ask and you shall receive.”
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“It is on your tablets.”
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“With the weather in the area, he’s going to be so excited, he won’t wait.”
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“He’ll take the boy to the closest area with the most activity.”
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“That’s right around here, just southeast of us.”
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“It’s Frankenstein.”
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“The unsub isn’t trying to put his brother back together, he’s trying to bring him back from the dead.”
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“He believes that tornadoes have the power to take life, so conversely, they should have the power to restore it.”
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“We’ll pick up Rossi and Prentiss on the way. Let’s go.”
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“Garcia, what have you got?”
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“Sir, I found your trigger.”
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“A year ago, a tornado ripped through a cemetery near Tulsa. One of the 53 graves that was disturbed was that of Tucker James.”
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“His brother was killed by a storm, then his memorial was destroyed by one.”
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“Now he’s using both to build a memorial of his own.”
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“Now that he has that boy’s head, the delusion will completely to take over.”
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“Garcia, those storm chasers at the university we talked to, they should be out in full force.”
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“I’m sending you their number now. Tell them to be on the lookout for the unsub’s RV.”
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“And, Garcia, patch into their radio chatter.”
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“They’ll know where the storms are.”
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“On it, my pretties.”
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“We need to head into those areas with the most precipitation.”
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“So make a right at the next intersection.”
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“It should be Pawnee Road.”
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“Hey, how exactly are we supposed to chase this storm?”
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“The unsub won’t actually chase the storm.”
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“To get close to it, you have to get in front of it.”
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“It’s a little like playing chicken.”
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It’s official, I iam un-American ... I have no idea what playing chicken is ... is that like when a kid is being stupid an drunning after something that might hurt it andx then running away? Oh, I get it, cuz chickens are stupid ... oh my god ,I cannot believe I had to actually think about this.
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“It’s frozen.”
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“Hey, Hotch. We just lost the internet.”
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Worst thing to ever happen.
“I���m frozen up, too.”
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“The weather must be affecting the upload.”
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“I’m patching Garcia in.”
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“Yes, boss.”
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“Garcia, we just lost our internet and we need you to guide us into the storm.”
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“Consider me your eyes and ears, sir.”
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“Okay, guys, a twister has been spotted near Rose Hill just south of your position. The storm-chaser dudes are calling it a landspout.”
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“We don’t want that one. Landspout tornadoes are relatively insignificant.”
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“Where to, then?”
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“Garcia, look for hook echoes on your monitor.’
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“Hey, hook echoes.”
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“Yeah. Okay, I’m gonna do that.”
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“Just tell me what they are.”
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“They’re swirling hook-like radar signatures that look surprisingly like what you’d expect them to.”
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“Okay. Uh …”
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“No, I don’t see anything like that.”
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“They’ll likely form in those red and violet areas on the map.”
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“I don’t see anything that looks even remotely like that.”
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“Okay, they shouldn’t be too far from our current positions. He’s close.”
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“Oh, God.”
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“No, wait ...”
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“Wait, yes!”
Tumblr media
“Yes, I see it.”
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“Oh, that’s gotta be it. Yes, ye…”
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She’s just the cutest thing ever!
“Where, Garcia?”
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“Oh, no, no.’
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That’s never good.
“What? What is it?”
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“There are two.”
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“We’ll have to split up.”
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“Which way, Garcia?”
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“Uh, okay. Half of you can stay in your current heading.”
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“The other half, make a … right on Meadowlark Road.”
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“Morgan, take Meadowlark Road. We’ll keep going.”
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“Got it.”
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“Hey, I just got a hit from the storm-chaser dudes on the RV. You guys are the closest.”
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GPS - Garcia Positioning System ... sorry .. I just couldn’t help myself.
“Where are we talking, Garcia?”
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“Heading east on Summer Road just north of your position, make a left on Prairie Creek.”
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“It’s the next left.”
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“You got it.”
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“Hang on, guys.”
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Uh oh, reckless Derek driving!
“What’s that up there? Near the old house.”
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Whoops, poodle spotted something with his little eye.
“Travis James, FBI!”
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“Put the weapon down!”
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“We can’t do that, Travis.”
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“Just let Shaun go and we can work this out.”
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“That’s his name, you know.”
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“He has a little brother, too.”
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“We know you saw them when you attacked them.”
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“Travis, Tucker would not want this. He would want to protect you like he did with Roscoe Gulch. Just let him go and we can help you.”
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“I’m telling you, we need to cover now!”
Yeah, no kidding, dude!
“Come on, man, put the weapon down!”
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“Put it down!”
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.... The fuck did we just witness?
Did that twister just sweep a dude? FUCK!
At least they saved the kid.
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Here’s how my honeys deal with a Gale-force twister:
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Arthur Golden: “Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.”
Aww, momma bear is callin ghome, I love JJ so much.
“So the weather’s supposed to break tomorrow. I should be home sometimes in the afternoon.”
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“I’ll call and let you know for sure.”
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“Yeah. Sort of. It’s kind of weird.”
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“I’m … I’m fine. It’s just … been a really long day.”
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“Listen, I’m really sorry about everything.”
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“So, uh, is he still up?”
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I love this kid!
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“Hi! Hi, little man.”
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“How … how are you?”
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“I heard you, um, you went to the doctor.”
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“Not yet, buddy. Tomorrow. I promise.”
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“So, are you ready for story time?”
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“Yeah? Okay.”
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“Daddy, you ready?”
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Daddy is ready.
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“Bedtime for Baby Star.”
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“Once there was a Baby Star, he lived up near the sun. and every night at bedtime, that Baby Star wanted to have some fun. He would shine and shine and fall and twinkle, oh, so bright, and he said, ‘Mommy, I’ll run away if you make me say good night’. And then his mommy kissed him on his sparkly nose and said, ‘No matter where you go, no matter where you are, no matter how big you grow, and even if you stray far … I’ll love you forever, ‘cause you’ll always be my Baby Star’.”
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“Good night.”
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This is the cutest kid in the world! (Aside from Jack Hotchner)
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So this episode was all over the place - I was fearful for Henry’s health, for my pretties handling that weirdo in the tornado - that dude getting torn apart by that twister! Oh my! Also, the many - many - references from Garcia just made my day and the reference to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was pretty cool ... and lest we not forget that all the parents awards go to JJ and Will ... they really should tie the knot, they’re so cute together!
As ever, thank you ever so much for keeping up with my inconsistency in publishing these posts ... I’m just trying to get my shit together with these and I’m seriously lagging behind because my work (currently a call center representative taking messages for over 5,000 different companies) is demanding and toll-taking and sometimes I’m just not in the mood to review my facve show ... BLASPHEMY!
So I’mt rying to get back on track.
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justkeepcalibrating · 7 years
Getting to Know You
Totally written at the last minute for #turianweek because I will find any excuse to write Garrus related stuff and I need an excuse to fill in some Shakarian time. Day one was introductions. This may not be their official introduction, but it's when they first started to get to know each other so I think it counts.
“Garrus,” Melody Shepard called out as she peeked her head around the corner of the elevator.  Noticing the pair of turian feet under the Mako, she became curious enough to investigate.  She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about this turian she had just met already feeling around in the underbelly of their primary mode of transportation, but it seemed as if it were already too late.  With no one around to watch this alien aboard the Normandy, parts of the Mako lay strewn along the ground around him.  She shrugged.  It wasn’t like he was going anywhere anytime soon.
She bent over, strands of hair covering her eyes, a smirk sliding across her face.  “Garrus?  If you’re looking for the kitchen, you’re not going to find it down there.”
After a moment of silence, he pulled himself out and dusted himself off.  "I was just um…calibrating your vehicle.  I was only going to take a look, but I noticed something and I…”  He paused, pushing himself to his feet, his eyes scanning her reaction, obviously realizing that he had made assumptions too soon.  “I…realize now that I probably should have gotten your permission before…”  His eyes fell back down to the mess he created around the Mako.  “I’m sorry.”
Melody put her hands behind her back, her smile only growing in her failing attempt to play nice with the new guy.  She had only interacted directly with aliens a handful of times, but she knew nothing about them.  Commanding them was a chance for her to get to learn.  If only she could shake this impending awkwardness that he could no doubt pick up on.  “Nono, it’s fine.  You’re part of the team now, so feel free to do what you gotta do.”  
“Oh…well, I appreciate that.  Just let me know if you don’t like any of the changes that I add and I can have them removed right away.”  Garrus said casually, obviously just as lost for words as she was.  
“Sure…”   The awkwardness only seemed more and more evident to both of them as the silence between them only grew with each moment.  The two of them stood there for what felt like an eternity.  Her reason for being here completely disappearing in her mind after the presumptuous action had taken her off guard.
Garrus was the one that finally broke the silence.  “Was there…something that you needed me for Commander?”
She smacked herself on the top of her head.  “Oh, right!  I heard from some of the C-SEC guys that you were a pretty good shot.  I was coming down here to see if you wanted to see if you were up for a bit of a challenge.”  Her grin spread as she folded her arms in front of her chest.  “I’ve been told I’m one of the best snipers in the Milky Way.”
Garrus scoffed at the comment, his eyes giving her a quick once over.  “You?  You’re a little small to be holding up something that large.  Pistol, I’m sure, but a rifle?  I don’t think so.”  He tilted his head to the side as he watched her.
“Well then, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is, Vakarian?  Let’s get a couple rounds in at the shooting range and the winner buys lunch.”  She playfully smacked his armor, confidence oozing out of her very core.  Garrus didn’t look impressed.  “It could…also, give us a chance to get to know each other.  I’ve never really spent a lot of time around a turian.  This could be fun.”
“A free lunch, eh?  I suppose I can make some time.”  
“Well Shepard, same question.”  Garrus grinned, his head looking over in her direction after hitting another target.  Their little game had become more entertaining than Melody had expected.  With each hit, the shooter got to ask the other a personal question.  The officers weren’t wrong.  Garrus was a good shot, but who was better?
“I have three brothers and a sister,”  Shepard responded as she set up her next shot.  “I have one brother that’s older than me, and everyone else is younger.”
“That’s a pretty big family.”  Garrus laughed, watching her intently.  “How do you keep up with them all?”
“No way.  You get one question per shot, Vakarian.  Those were the rules.”  Melody closed her left eye, the other looking through the scope as she lined up her shot.  She took a deep breath and let the bullet fly continuing her perfect score.  Upon realizing at how good a shot both of them were, the game quickly became who would miss first. 
The turian laughed as he inspected the target.  “A human that can shoot, I’m almost impressed.”
“Well, don’t get too cocky.  I’m just getting warmed up.”  She sat back on her bum and crossed her legs, thinking hard about her next question.  “Okay okay, I got one.  Are you closer to your mom or dad?”
“I was closest with my mother.  I haven’t really kept in contact with my father and I’d like for it to stay that way.”
“How come?”
Garrus shot a look over at her, a smirk on his face as he lined up his next shot.  “Now look who’s trying to break the rules.”
Shepard placed another bullet in the chamber as she looked down the target practice hall.  “I was only curious,” she mumbled.
Another shot rang out from the hall followed by the noise the target made as it flipped backward.  “My father is just a rules man.  I’ve tried to make him happy, but every step forward only seems to get me two steps back.  I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve stopped trying.”  
The hall fell silent.  Obviously, that question was a lot heavier than she had meant for this session to go, but it only brought out more questions.  “And your mother?  What does she say?  Maybe she can say something to him.”
“She’s gone,”  Garrus said matter-of-factly.  He quickly cleared his throat as he stood.  “You got three answers.  You owe me,” he chuckled followed by silence.  “You must be really close with your family.”
Melody’s mouth fell open as she kept her eyes trained on him.  “I suppose.  I’m also more close with my mother.  I followed in her footsteps when I joined the Alliance.  With everything that has happened, I’ve gotten distracted.  I haven’t talked to her in a while.”
His eyes fell, but a smile formed as his fixed his eyes straight ahead.  “You should.”
“I’m sorr-”  Garrus held up a hand stopping her, placing the butt of his sniper on the ground as he looked over to her.
“Don’t be.  It’s been a while.”  The two were silent for a few moments as Garrus came up with his next question.  Melody sat there flabbergasted.  She had no idea what to say to him.  She couldn’t even imagine what her life would be like if her mother was gone.  The thought alone… “Did you always want to join the Alliance?”  Garrus finally continued, obviously used to the silence that followed that fact.
Melody smiled as she remembered her childhood.  The memories flooded back to her as she lined up her next shot.  Another shot rang out.  “My mother and father did want me to go into the Alliance.  They would dress me up in the uniforms when I was small and did everything they could to make me interested in joining.  They were probably a lot more strict on me because their attempts didn’t work on my brother.”  She leaned her head back, thinking back to answer his question.  
Garrus lined up his next shot, awaiting his answer.
She thought for another moment before her face lit up.  “Once I learned about the different types of aliens, there was a time that I wanted to grow up and be an Elcor.  I liked the way they talked,” Melody said.  Her life long dream obviously dashed as she grew up.
Garrus laughed, a sudden shot quickly followed, but this time no target was hit.  Both of their eyes went wide as the realization slowly hit them.
“I won!”  Shepard jumped up.  “Ha!  In your face!”
“Pbbt, my finger slipped.  You can’t expect me to keep a straight shot after a reveal like that.”  Garrus placed his rifle on his back, his arms crossing as he turned to her.
“The only thing I wanna hear out of you is ‘You are the best sniper in all the galaxy’.”  She made her way over to the turian, a smug grin crossing her features.
Garrus walked by her, not even making eye contact.  “I’m not saying that.  The deal was lunch, not admitting defeat.”
Melody ran up beside him and looked up at him.  “But you are admitting it.”
“We are going to have a rematch and that’s final.”
“Name the time and place.  I’ll take you on anywhere!”
If you like what you’ve read, feel free to read my other Shakarian fics here!
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avannak · 7 years
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Preface: It’s the 1940s, Gridewald’s gaining influence and the World Wars are creating weapons and conflict in both the muggle and wizarding worlds. Amidst all the desperate inventions and technology, muggles – those in power, aware of magic’s existence – are finding a way to defend against wizards. What started with Chamberlain fast-tracked under Churchill... only to abate along with the wars.
“The Project” is revisited by the early 1980s as a new magical threat -- Voldemort -- takes form. Twice threatened within a century, muggle governments keep a permanent eye on handicapping Wizards with the sudden reminder that they can be a more threatening form of human. Research and Development continues, silent and deep, even after the threat is abruptly eliminated in 1981.
When Fudge meets with the muggle Prime Minister, all but admitting he’s been ousted for incompetence, with the knowledge that this Voldemort is coming back, and that terror upon muggles will be renewed…the muggle Prime Minister decides then and there that THIS TIME nonmagicals weren’t going to be another mass grave... They would not be victims, nor perceived as such. Magic had to be dismantled. The Project is pulled up from underground and presented to the right channels to be thrown into action.
Fast forward near the end of Harry’s sixth year, where, on the deep political muggle-end of things, a red button is pushed. A year of watching families attacked, disappear, a hearty remind of what wizards are capable of, quiets the majority of nay-sayers to this Project.
The Project is unleashed... perhaps prematurely. Well-tested (though, not thoroughly enough for some) radioactive energy intended to create polarizing waves upon contact with magic. Ideally, when a human manifests magic, there are explosive, adverse effects. It’s released it into the very air to step on the throats of wizards, no matter what sort of magic they intended to preform. Any focal of magic (be it wand, wave, or broom) is explosive.
It was muggle advancement and science at its finest. And, like all human creations, its prone to human error, and the prolonged exposure to what could basically be classified as biochemical warfare incited a goddamn zombie apocalypse.
Basically, the second wizarding war is halted in its tracks thanks to a third player they never saw coming: muggle science. And, in its place, came a zombie apocalypse where wizards now have to survive without magic, because they may literally explode if they try to use it.
So we have Harry -- (and I can picture this opening scene so clearly) -- we have Harry coming back from school… Dumbledore’s dead. He has a head full of horrible Voldemort-knowledge, a secret plan to run off with his friends and abandon his studies, and the weight of this war and horcruxes on his shoulders.
Less than a fortnight into the summer and the only news he’s getting at first is odd, odd sickness on the muggle telly and no wizarding post. There’s stories of self combustion on the news. Then cannibalism. Just a couple, at first. Very weird. Enough for Harry to wonder if it’s Inferi or some sort that have been let loose (cannibalism? Really?).
Halfway through the third week of summer vacation, it comes straight to Privet Drive.
Harry almost uses magic but he feels wrong when he tries. He grips his wand and there’s an ill-boding vibration. He receives a letter from Hermione, Hedwig returning—finally—after his inquiries over what’s going on in the wizarding world (and if the bloody Order stopped his post for some reason, so help him…)
What he gets instead of excuses is a DESPERATE warning not to use magic.
That wizards are dying, and its naught to do with Voldemort. That there’s chaos in the wizarding world beyond the war. That they should try and get to St. Catchpole, to reconvene with the Weasleys.
Voldemort remains a quiet mystery for awhile, because as Harry’s reading Hermione’s letter, chillingly remembering the “self-combustions” mentioned on the muggle telly, he hears a scream.
He stumbles down the stairs as his Aunt runs inside, from Mrs. Across the Street’s tea party, clutching her neck, claiming Margaret attacked her. Attacked all of them. They had to relocate their tea to Margaret’s house, you see, as she was feeling under-the-weather and they were SUCH accommodating friends. Margaret was feeling particularly ill, went to the bathroom, and returned, half an hour later, only to chomp down on Mrs. Linden’s collar with not a word uttered.
Vernon’s still at work. Dudley’s shrieking. Harry’s shoving his aunt in a chair and holding a cloth to her neck. He barks at Dudley to take over with the cloth when he sees Mrs. Linden limping across their lawn, blood coated down her clothes.
Dudley follows his line of sight and cries out. Petunia notices too and starts crying again. Harry’s in survival mode and shouting at them to shut up, that he’ll take care of it, Hermione’s haunting words not to use magic ringing in his head.
And, the worst part is, he can feel it — when he’s about to use magic. The ill-boding crackling. It’s a hard instinct to clamp down on, but he’ll have to rely on muggle methods.
As he’s running out the kitchen side door into the garage, Dudley calls out behind him: “You need to take out her head!”
Because it’s DUDELY with all his video games and muggle culture and physical know-how, that understands what’s happening before Harry ever does. Harry, who knows of Draugrs and Infirius but still thinks things like Zombies could be mythological until proven otherwise…
When Harry exits the kitchen, kicking the door closed behind him, Mrs. Linden is clawing at the kitchen windows with unfeeling fingers, his Aunt’s frightened shrieks only serving to stir her attention. So Harry calls to her. She sees him, though her milky eyes tell a different story, and staggers in his direction, mouth gaping, teeth bared, a large chunk of her neck missing and blood coating her front.
The first thing Harry grabs is a shovel and strikes her. It knocks her back, but it’s not enough. Harry, you see, had been neglecting his health, as had always been a bad habit when he had too much on his mind.
From the corner of his eye, he sees movement. A family across the drive is scrambling into their car, dropping haphazard belongings as mindless figures enclose on them.
His line of sight shows a neighbor eating the gardener. As though sensing an audience, the man looks up, entrails hanging from his mouth, and that pale stare zeroes in on Harry.
Harry’s attention is drawn to the immediate threat when Mrs. Linden lunges at him again. He stumbles, and barely manages to shove her off with the shovel but somewhere in his mind he knows…the shovel’s not going to be an effective weapon for him. Not now. Not in this condition. If only he could get her on the ground and just bash her head in…
But then the other neighbor, the one he made eye-contact with, is coming at him too… So he kicks her back a third time, and glances around the garage, and leaps at something far more accurate – a pair of ice climbing picks his Uncle once bought Dudley for his 14th birthday. Never used.
As soon as one’s in hand, Harry swings it around with desperate accuracy and it easily pierces Mrs. Linden’s ear. She drops. By then the other neighbor is stumbling into the garage and Harry’s hardly aware of the rise in screams outside or how silent the inside is, and he uses the icepicks to kill the second zombie. His arms don’t start shaking until after he struggles to get the icepick out of Mr. Montaugh’s head.
That’s when the kitchen side door opens and Dudley comes out, cheeks wet, and for a moment neither he nor Harry speak to each other because they’re both fully aware of what’s currently happening, and what they’ve both had to do, and it doesn’t matter why or how its possible, but that it’s happening.
Harry silently offers Dudley one of the icepicks, and Dudley shakes his head, gives a wobbly, empty chuckle, and says, “That’s not my style in this game”. Then he starts to cry. Really crying, with a bloody hand over his face and great heaving shoulders. Harry awkwardly steps forwards and pats his back, trying not to look through the door behind his cousin’s broad back, where his Aunt is dead—dead by some method Dudley had to employ and would likely never forget.
Eventually, Harry says something about how they have to leave (his mind is still on St. Catchpool and Hermione’s warning and how everyone is faring) and Dudley says he can’t – that his dad is still out there, that they might be safer in the house, that they don’t even have a car at the moment... Dudely firmly believes his father will come home as soon as possible, especially if shit is hitting the fan everywhere, and Harry warns him that this is escalating too quickly, that his father might not make it back in time, that they should find their own transportation…
That’s when an obnoxious red truck jumps the curb, right onto Mrs. Dursley’s pristine lawn.
It’s Malcolm, Dudley’s friend, and he’s swearing up a storm – Shouting at Dudley, that, if he’s okay then they gotta get out, that people are getting violent looking for cars, that everyone’s heading to the country side…
Two more of Dudley’s friends are in the back; they’re screaming about another zombie coming at them. An older woman and a small girl are in the back as well. From what Harry can immediately gather, Malcolm stole his shit-head stepfather’s truck and took off with two buddies from Dudley’s gang. They’re heading to Pierce’s next, and picking up all their friends and friends’ family that they can. Malcolm calls for Dudley to get his mother and get in (probably knowing Mrs. D doesn’t work, assuming she’s in the house). Dudley can barely get out the words so Harry cuts in and explains, “she’s gone”.
THEN things get awkward, because Harry’s like “Dud, this is the best opportunity to survive right now” and he knows this. He knows it in his gut. He’s got experience with survival. It’s, arguably, his one life skill. And Malcolm’s like, “Look mate,” (which is a laugh because he’s never treated Harry as a mate), “there isn’t much room.” To which Dudley decides THEN to be a noble idiot and say “If Harry’s not going I’m not.” And Harry’s just like, “It’s fine, it’s fine!”
So there’s a small tiff, the zombies are encroaching on the truck, and Malcolm’s just breached “Fuck it!” so he starts to go and Harry leaps in front and yells at Dudley to get in the fucking truck.
“What about you?”
It’s almost emotional for the two cousins who had about 1.6 minutes of bonding. “Don’t worry,” Harry insists, “I’m really good at escaping assholes.” (which makes most present feel a bit awkward at the jab) and then he turns to Dudley and offers, “Maybe we’ll see each other again someday. You just gotta survive.” They shake hands and Dudley says, roughly, “yeah, you too.”
And that’s the last they see of each other for the next two years: Dudley in the back of an obnoxious red truck with three members of his former gang, someone’s mother and someone’s little sister…
And Harry, in the street, zombies tripping around him, two ice picks held loosely in his hands.
From there, it’s basically Harry on his own. A Solo Player for a while. As a child he utilized parkour a lot, especially when escaping the ‘gang’, hence why teachers so easily believed he got on the roof of his own volition
He doesn’t trust easily. He’s joined a couple of Groups™, but for the most part strikes out when he can. He’s seen more Groups™ fall apart than stick together.
“Call me Jim”, is how he introduces himself. He wanted to disappear and let the world think Harry Potter was consumed by zombies for a bit. It was safer if he could shed that identity lest he was left fighting both zombies AND deatheaters. He wears a trucker cap and a hoodie and he’s pretty damn fast. Almost supernaturally fast (later on) as he slowly employs magic… merely keeping it within.
He initially tries to make it to Ron’s house, but the horrors he sees along the way, the responses he no longer gets from the wizarding world, dissuades him into focusing on his own survival.
Harry names his icepicks Glinda and Elpheba. His girls.
I call it “The Runner” in my Head, because that’s pretty much what Harry does. Free Running. And Running from, well, everything. He acts as a Group™ runner too, whenever he gets suckered into staying somewhere. When communities start to form, he acts as a contract runner. Basically, does supply runs for pay. He’s good at getting in and out of places and hauling loot. Especially on his own, especially with an increased exercise in parkour. 
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mbtizone · 7 years
Genie (Aladdin): ENFP
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Dominant Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: The Genie’s brain is a parade of ideas and possibilities. One thought leads him to an idea, which leads him to another, and so on, which can make it a challenge to keep up with him. When he first emerges from the lamp and introduces himself to Aladdin, he goes through a series of nicknames for him, such as Al, Din, and Laddi). When he says “Laddi” he automatically think of a Scottish dog. The Genie talks extremely fast because of how quickly his mind jumps from one thought to the next. He’s very creative and enjoys designing Aladdin’s prince outfit. He thinks that Aladdin needs a mode of transportation, and instantly decided to transform Abu into another kind of animal to get the job done, turning him into a camel, a white horse, an ostrich, and several others animals (and even a car) before deciding to turn him into an elephant. The Genie’s ability to think of connections quickly allows him to come up with impressions or props that highlight whatever he says in the moment. His brain moves so quickly that he doesn’t even need time to think about what he’s going to do next.
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Auxiliary Introverted Feeling [Fi]: The only thing the Genie really wants is to be free. He wants to be his own master and doesn’t want to follow anyone else’s orders. He won’t kill anybody, force people to fall in love, or bring anyone back to life, though we don’t know for certain if he physically can’t or chooses not to for moral reasons. Genie values honestly and repeatedly encourages Aladdin to tell Jasmine the truth. He wants Aladdin to just try being himself. Although the Genie wants to be free more than anything else in the world, he is willing to sacrifice his freedom to allow Jasmine and Aladdin to be together because he cares about Aladdin’s happiness and is extremely loyal to him. Even though Aladdin technically needs to make a wish for Genie to do anything, he saves Aladdin’s life while he’s underwater anyway, even though no wish was actually made. He’s very hurt when Aladdin tells him he can’t follow through on his promise to wish him free. He’s upset that he lied to him, just like he lied to everyone else. The Genie doesn’t like serving others. He doesn’t want to spend his life asking what other people need – he wants to meet his own needs!
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Tertiary Extroverted Thinking [Te]: Although the Genie is fun-loving and compassionate, he does have a firm set of rules that he adheres to. He takes his numerous brainstorms and brings his ideas to life. Although he’s creative, his logic is more grounded. He’s unable to see a way out of their predicament because he has to work for Jafar now. He has the lamp and those are the rules, so what can they possibly do to save themselves? It’s Aladdin’s ability to generate solutions on the spot that saves them from Jafar. He’s also unable to see where Aladdin is going (manipulating Jafar into wishing to become a Genie himself, so they can trap him in the lamp) and doesn’t understand why Aladdin is bringing him into things. It’s harder for the Genie to see beyond the facts of the situation, making it more difficult for him to work around them.
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Inferior Introverted Sensing [Si]: Genie sometimes compares the past to the present and doesn’t believe that Aladdin will actually wish him free because nobody’s ever done it before, so that means nobody ever will. One of the first things he says after seeing Aladdin is that he’s “a lot shorter than his last master.” He hates the same old routine of getting out of the lamp, meeting a new master, granting three wishes, and repeating the cycle. He wants to explore the world! He wants to charter his own path! He’s very good at making references and doing impressions, which he typically busts out for comedic purposes. Even though he was very excited about having his freedom, he didn’t stop to think about how he would miss Aladdin when it was actually time for him to go, which made him briefly sentimental before he reverted to his optimistic, cheerful self and took off.
Enneagram: 7w6 9w1 2w1 Sx/So
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Genie: Hello, Aladdin. Nice to have you on the show. Can we call you ‘Al?’ Or maybe just ‘Din?’ Or how bout ‘Laddi?’ [Genie disappears, then a dog wrapped in plaid jumps in.] Sounds like ‘Here, boy! C’mon, Laddi!’
Aladdin: Fair deal. So, three wishes. I want them to be good. What would you wish for? Genie: Me? No one’s ever asked me that before. Well, in my case… Ah, forget it. Aladdin: What? No, tell me. Genie: Freedom. Aladdin: You’re a prisoner? Genie: It’s all part-and-parcel, the whole genie gig. Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space. Aladdin: Genie, that’s terrible. Genie: But, oh – to be free! Not have to go “Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need?” To be my own master, such a thing would be greater than all the magic and all the treasures in all the world! But what am I talking about here? Let’s get real here. It’s not gonna happen. Genie, wake up and smell the hummus. Aladdin: Why not? Genie: The only way I get outta this is if my master wishes me out. So you can guess how often that’s happened. Aladdin: I’ll do it. I’ll set you free. Genie: [Head turns into Pinocchio’s with a long nose] Uh huh. Right. Whoop! Aladdin: No, really. I promise. [He pushes the nose back in and Genie’s head returns to normal] After I make my first two wishes, I’ll use my third wish to set you free. [He holds out his hand.] Genie: Well, here’s hopin! [Shakes Aladdin’s hand] Okay. Let’s make some magic!
Genie: Here he comes, [Aladdin and Genie are on a game show set, where ALADDIN stands behind a podium with “AL” on it.] And what better way to make your grand entrance on the streets of Agrabah, than riding your very own brand new camel! Watch out, it spits! [A door bearing the Genie’s head on it opens, where ABU is transformed into a camel. He spits out the side of his mouth on cue. But the Genie’s not sure.] Mmm, not enough. [He snaps his fingers and Abu turns into a fancy white horse.] Still not enough. Let’s see. What do you need? [The Genie snaps his fingers repeatedly, turning Abu into: a duck, an ostrich, a turtle, and a Cadillac, with license plate “ABU 1.” Finally, he’s returned to normal.] Yes! Esalalumbo, shimin dumbo! Whoa!! [Abu turns into an elephant.] Talk about your trunk space, check this action out!
Aladdin: Genie, I need help. Genie: [as Jack Nicholson] All right, sparky, here’s the deal. You wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter, do ya follow me? Aladdin: What? Genie: [Back to normal, wearing a mortarboard. He points out his words on a blackboard] Tell her the…TRUTH!!! Aladdin: No way! If Jasmine found out I was really some crummy street rat, she’d laugh at me. Genie: A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh! Al, all joking aside, you really oughtta be yourself. Aladdin: Hey, that’s the last thing I want to be. Okay, I’m gonna go see her. I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. How do I look? Genie: Like a prince.
Genie: Al? Al! Kid, snap out of it! You can’t cheat on this one! I can’t help you unless you make a wish. You have to say “Genie, I want you to save my life.” Got it? Okay? C’mon, Aladdin! [He grabs Aladdin by the shoulders and shakes him. His head goes up, then falls.] I’ll take that as a yes. [Genie’s head turns into a siren.] Wooga! Wooga! [He turns into a submarine.] Up scope! [On the surface, a giant water spout emerges and lands on top of the cliff. Aladdin reawakes and coughs the water out of his lungs.] Don’t scare me like that! Aladdin: Genie, I–uh, I-uh… [They hug.] Thanks, Genie. Genie: Oh, Al. I’m gettin’ kind of fond of you, kid. Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything.
Genie: [After Aladdin tells him he can’t wish him free.] Hey, I understand. After all, you’ve lied to everyone else. Hey, I was beginning to feel left out. Now, if you’ll excuse me, master.
Jafar: Without the genie, boy, you’re nothing! Aladdin: The genie! The genie! The genie has more power than you’ll ever have! Jafar: What! Aladdin: He gave you your power, he can take it away! Genie: Al, what are you doing? Why are you bringing me into this? Aladdin: Face it, Jafar – you’re still just second best! Jafar: You’re right! His power does exceed my own! But not for long! Genie: The boy is crazy. He’s a little punch drunk. One too many hits with the snake. Jafar: Slave, I make my third wish! I wish to be an all powerful genie! Genie: [reluctantly] All right, your wish is my command. Way to go, Al.
Aladdin: Jasmine, I’m sorry I lied to you about being a prince. Jasmine: I know why you did. Aladdin: Well, I guess…this… is goodbye? [GENIE pokes his head around the corner shocked at what he is hearing.] Jasmine: Oh, that stupid law. This isn’t fair… I love you. Genie: [Wipes away a tear] Al, no problem. You’ve still got one wish left. Just say the word and you’re a prince again. Aladdin: But Genie, what about your freedom? Genie: Hey, it’s only an eternity of servitude. This is love. [He leans down next to her.] Al, you’re not gonna find another girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I know. I’ve looked.
Genie: Heh, heh! I’m free. I’m free. [He hands the lamp to Aladdin.] Quick, quick, wish for something outrageous. Say “I want the Nile.” Wish for the Nile. Try that! Aladdin: I wish for the Nile. Genie: No way! [Laughs hysterically. He bounces around the balcony like a pinball.] Oh does that feel good! I’m free! I’m free at last! I’m hittin’ the road. I’m off to see the world! I- [He’s packing a suitcase, but looks down and notices that Aladdin looks sad. He also looks sad, realizing that this means he has to leave Aladdin] Aladdin: Genie, I’m – I’m gonna miss you. Genie: Me too, Al. No matter what anybody says, you’ll always be a prince to me.
Genie: Oh, all of ya. Come over here. Big group hug! Mind if I kiss the monkey? [He kisses Abu.] Ooh, hairball! Well, I can’t do any more damage around this popsicle stand. I’m outta here! Bye, bye, you two crazy lovebirds. Hey, Rugman, ciao! I’m history! No, I’m mythology! No, I don’t care what I am – I’m free!
Genie (Aladdin): ENFP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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The Best Mistake (Delsin Rowe x Reader)
Chapt 1. Bonnie and Clyde
1 and a half years ago, Salmon Bay...... It’s not often that you tread on the sand and soil of the Akomish reservation in Salmon Bay. Yet every time you come by, the scene seems to always be on a constant repeat of serenity. The seagulls are flying about and the sun, not yet setting, is decorating the sky with hues of orange and blue. All is more or less the scene you are used to seeing, however today the setting is being accommodated with a strange notion in your gut that today is not just an average day. The foreign sensation is not a bad sensation so to speak but try as you might you just can’t seem to shake it off.
Originally you had planned on going to the bay by yourself in your parent's’ car but evidently enough they took off earlier that morning and left you home with no mode of transportation. You then decided to take the bus to the reservation but luckily your cousin was feeling generous and offered to drop you off at your desired destination. They understood that you wanted to be alone and so they agreed to take you home once you were done pondering. Seeing as to how they had errands to run in the next town nearby, they had no problems with the arrangement.   Thus now you are walking by the bay, admiring the sun's reflection glistening amongst the water creating the perfect leisurely scene for you to reflect your thoughts. The gentle swooshing sounds of the tides only do more justice to ease your mind. Surprisingly enough, the echos of the seagulls aren't bothering you much at all. Minus the occasional ducking when the seagulls fly by a little too close for comfort,, you are in complete bliss. Until suddenly you hear a strange sound. "TSSSSSSST TSSSSSSSTT TSSSST" "What in the-?" you halt in your steps. Your curiosity intensifies as you keep hearing the sound from a nearby distance. "TSSST TSSSSSSST TSSSSST TSST" "Is that.... a spray can?" Intrigued by the sound, you begin to follow it, leading you to God knows where but you don't care. Like a moth to a flame, you continue to follow the sound as if in some trance. Your walking comes to a halt as you hear the sound of a metal ball clashing and shaking within a small container, pulling you out of your trance, and you finally meet the source of the sound. As you guessed, the sound was in fact coming from a spray can but as that mystery was solved a new one unraveled right in front of you. Before you is a man who appears to be spray painting an owl, coincidentally enough a creature you are very fond of, on a very large boulder. The man is still unaware of your lurking presence so you use that to the best of your advantage and take a seat on a nearby log to observe his work. You've been to several art galleries and have seen many famous paintings. Yet all branches of visual arts are very distinct from one another and you of all people knew that. Street Art just so happens to have always been a secret favorite of yours. It’s spunky and illegal. After several minutes of continuous spraying sounds the mysterious man is still not aware of your loitering form behind him. That is until he finally turns around and is immediately greeted by your unanticipated form.
His eyes go wide with surprise, then his lips curl into a small smirk admiring your craftiness, then he goes back into a slight panic mode again as he realizes he’s just been caught vandalizing a defenseless boulder. "Woah, okay how long have you been sitting there?" he nervously asks.
"I don't know. Long enough," you shrug your shoulders. He takes a glance at you, then at his recent tag, then at you once more and releases a sheepish laugh, "Any chance you could just pretend you didn't see me...or this?" he motions to his freshly painted owl. "Why wouldn't I wanna see this?" you ask, feeling perplexed. "I actually really like it." "Really?" now it’s his turn to be confused. "So you're not gonna call the cops-if you didn't already?" You shake your head side to side as you faintly chuckle, "I've seen and been around enough authority for one life to care about reporting you to the cops. Especially for something like this, I mean it's really good. Wouldn't wanna see you get in trouble for something this small and definitely wouldn't want them to paint over it or something." It’s at that moment when you finish talking that you really get a chance to get a good look at the man. He’s wearing black shoes and regular dark blue jeans which actually compliment his tall frame. He sports a red white and blue plaid shirt topped off with a burgundy beanie and a black hoodie with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing an interesting green Navajo tattoo on his left forearm. He has a tan complexion and one of the most attractive faces you have ever seen. The more you look at him the more appealing he becomes. It'd be hard for anyone not to stare, and unfortunately he catches you in the act. "Like what you see?" he smirks. You instantly feel your cheeks heat up, lighting your face a bright red. In attempt to regain your cool composure you release a playful scoff, "Shut up, I just happened to get lost in thought is all...on your face...I-I just tend to daydream a lot randomly. That's what I was trying to say," you sigh. 'Smooth.' To your surprise the man only chuckles and takes a seat next to you on the log, "I think it's cute. And don't worry about getting 'lost in thought' on my face," he winks. "Oh and thanks for not calling the cops on me, you'd be one of the first ." "Really?" "Really. My brother is one of the Salmon Bay boys in blue and needless to say the people here know us, and they know especially of my tagging 'habits," he cocks his head to look at you. "Speaking of which, I know I definitely would've noticed you if you lived around here. What brings you around?" A light shade of pink begins to highlight your face again,"Is that what you're known for?" you ask, implying to his flirting. "Well that and my amazing tagging skills," he grins as he extends his hand out to you. Though you have only met the man you could already presume that smirking was another unbreakable habit of his. "Delsin Rowe. A devilishly handsome tagger, destined for greatness." You shake his hand and bluntly say your name. "What no intro?" he frowns. "What do you want me to tell you?" "Anything. What's something you like to do?" "Okay. Well uh I like photography and I like to draw," you say with a simple shrug of your shoulders. You never really thought much about your hobbies. Didn't often do things out of the ordinary. Boy was that about to change. "Really?" Delsin asks, seemingly interested. "Uh-yeah. I mean I've never done street art but I don't judge. I appreciate all forms of art that there is and I believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder," you stand up from your previous seat from the log and make your way to the owl tag to examine it, Delsin's eyes following your form. "I really like this owl you did. Figured out what you're gonna call it yet?" "You wanna give it a shot?" he casually asks. You turn around and give Delsin shocked expression, "Seriously?" "Yeah, go for it. Wanna see how you think," he positions himself so his arms are now resting atop of his knees. You turn back around to look at the tag and release a hum in thought,"How about....word to the wise?" you glance at him." 'Cause the owl represents wisdom and all...what do you think?" you gave a shy grimace. "Hmph I like it. Word to the wise," he repeats. "So is that why you like it so much? Because the owl represents wisdom?" he stands up and walks to approach your side. "Yeah. My dad is super strict. He expects me to follow a certain path that’s he’s basically been aligning for me since like forever so he doesn't allow mistakes, won't even tolerate the mere thought of one," you rolled your eyes. "Living like that leaves you with a of pressure y'know, which is why I came out here. Basically to escape him for a bit.” "Well y'know we're only human. Saying you'll never make a mistake is like saying you'll never catch a cold. Saying that you won't permit one is just plain ignorance." "You try telling him that," you scoff. "Oh I wouldn’t mind," he simpers, "But something tells me that you would rather have the honors to do that yourself." "Damn right." "But," he adds, “keep in mind that there are bad mistakes and also good mistakes." Puzzled, you turn your head to face a grinning Delsin and you urge him to continue explaining.
"Well me, for instance. My brother is a pretty well known cop here so maybe vandalizing a defenseless boulder wouldn't have been the wisest of decisions." “I’ll say,” you lightly chuckle. "But,” he points out, “I gotta find some way assert my talent and express myself. Some might say it was a total bad idea or foolish mistake but I say it was a pretty damn great mistake you wanna know why?" "Why?" You curiously ask as he steps closer to you.
"Beca-" Just as Delsin was about to finish his explanation, police sirens start echoing from a distance. The sound gets closer and closer by the second alerting you both as you frantically turn your heads towards the direction of the sound. "Wh-what was that?" you panic.
"Our cue to get the hell out of here, come on!" Fast on his feet Delsin grabs your hand and together you two run. ~ You lost count of how many turns you made. All that was on your mind was getting away and not getting arrested. Never have you ran so fast in your life before and never have you ever experienced such a thrill as this. Running away from the authorities, a mission to escape. Even your new Akomish friend noticed your excitement. He grins at you as he looks back to make sure you are still behind him, "This way, we should be able to just hide in here for a bit," he said as the both of you near a fish cannery. The smell doesn't make you a fan of the place but beggars can't be choosers. Especially with a cop chasing after you.
All seems to be going accordingly to the plan. That is until a very tall and very angry man in a police uniform storms out of the fish cannery and walks straight over to Delsin. "Aw c'mon, how the hell did you know we were coming here?" Delsin glares at the cop. "First of all, you were trying to outrun a pickup truck. How exactly did you expect to win that race?" 'Huh....alright good point.' "And second, we have a GPS link on our phones so obviously I already knew where you were heading!" The officer looked really mad as he spoke to Delsin. Something about the way he scolds him reminds you of how a parent would do so to their child. After that deduction it doesn't take you long to figure out that this is the cop brother Delsin was talking about and that this is most likely not Delsin's first time getting caught by him. "Okay but was this really worth your time to come and arrest me? Is this really the worst 'crime' a person can commit?" Delsin argues. "For God's sake Delsin, no tagging anything during all hours of the day. How hard is that to understand and obey?" The fighting continued for what felt like hours but it in reality only about two minutes had past. Yet who knows how long the two Rowe brothers could've gone at it. Standing idly by the two arguing brothers is not how you'd prefer to spend your free time. "Uh guys?" both brothers turn their head to face you, "I'd hate to interrupt a live family feud episode but I gotta go-" "Oh how nice, Delsin. You managed to find yourself an accomplice," the officer snarls. "Wait-what?" you frown as the officer grabs both your wrists and takes out his cuffs. "Wh-what are you doing?!" Knowing what  his actions are leading to, you attempt to break free from his grip but to no avail. "Reggie don't, she's got nothin' to do with this," Delsin beckons. "We literally met a few minutes ago, stop being such a dick!" Reggie looks at both you and Delsin as if contemplating on something but no further actions are committed. "Reg..... C'mon brother, please?" Delsin attempts once more to convince his brother to let you go. "Look officer....Rowe, please don't do this. I've never gotten arrested before and my parents would totally kill before I could even get to court," you plead. Reggie looks at you once more and senses your honesty. He sighs and finally unlocks your cuffs to set you free. You rub your wrists as you mumble a quick thanks as you walk over to Delsin still feeling a bit anxious. "What's your name?" he asks. "(F/-" "(F/N) (L/N)," Delsin interrupts. The three of you share a few quick awkward glances before Reggie decides to speak up again. "(L/N)," he repeats. "Why does that sound so familiar." "It's not... it’s just quite common is all. I- uh I should really get going," you say as you give a small wave of your hand and start to walk back to the spot you first dropped off at. However, before you could get very far, Delsin grabs your arm effectively halting you, "Wait, do you need a ride?" "No it's okay, I was just about to call my cousin to pick me up," you honestly reply. "You sure?" he asks as he releases your arm. "We could give you a ride, Reggie won't mind." Reggie sends Delsin a quick death glare, "Yeah thanks for asking by the way." "Dude," Delsin returns the glare. "It's cool guys. I'm just gonna-" "(Name) I won't mind. Really. Think of it as an apology for the whole handcuff thing," Reggie solemnly speaks. "You sure?" you ask still feeling unsure. He only nods and gives you a small genuine smile. Though it’s a small gesture you could feel the sincerity and gladly return the kind gesture. Delsin on the other hand only uses the short exchange between you and his brother to sneak his way closer to you. Frankly you weren't aware of his actions or how close he was getting until you heard him speak up. "I call sitting next to (Name)," he ardently proclaims.
Reggie mumbles a quick, "Fine by me," as he steps into the driver's seat of his car. Meanwhile you make you way to the backseat with a grinning Delsin by your side. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Reggie pulls up his car by your house and you thank him for the ride as you exit the car. Delsin follows you out and up the steps to your doorstep until you both come to a halt when you finally reach the top. "See, I told you there'd be no robbers or kidnappers waiting for me at home. I appreciate you escorting me to my doorstep though," you sarcastically say to him since he insisted on escorting you up the steps for "protection". An excuse you admittingly find somewhat lame and somewhat cute. "Anything for you," he winks. You chuckle, "Good night, Delsin." "Good night (Name)," he says as he begins to slowly descend the steps of your porch.
As you watch him leave your porch you can’t help but not want the interaction to end. You also notice how sluggish he’s walking and wonder if it’s because he’s thinking the same thing too. As you ponder your options, you take in a big breath before finally deciding on what to do.
“Hey Delsin, wait,” you call out to him.
Immediately he turns to face you,"What, you miss me already?" he gleefully remarks. “Ha, and you’re funny too. Actually I uh….,” you freeze as you realize you didn’t fully think through what you were going to actually say. “Um… I-uh, oh! I just remembered…. you never did tell me why that mistake you made earlier, with the graffiti and all, why it was such a pretty damn good one.” "Really? How forgetful of me,” he complacently states as he goes up two steps. “Why don't I tell you tomorrow?" "Where?" "Anywhere." You hum a bit before finalizing the location, "How about the Latte Owl? Four o'clock?"
“Okay. Just one question.”
“Yeah?” You frown in curiosity.
“Do you go to that cafe for the aesthetics or do you actually genuinely like their coffee?”
You burst into a mini laughing bit before answering,”Honestly, a little bit of both.”
At your answer Delsin starts to chuckle.
“What? C’mon I’m a photographer so of course aesthetics comes with the gig. And their coffee is actually pretty good,” you cross your arms
“Hey no judgement,” he shrugs his shoulders and smiles. “I will definitely be there tomorrow.”
“Can’t wait.”
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chisslady · 7 years
Al’fyo’sabosen/Fyo’s sassy rant about...Stuff.
*Transmission starts*
*Looks in the background a bit* Why did I choose to do this at this hour again? Ooooh I forgot I’m pissed...At 2 in the kriffing morning.... *Narrows lips*
Hey guys, so I’m just gonna jump right into it and just say that this is all my personal opinion on...Stuff, but there’s some kriffing shit I need to address. As most of the holonet doesn’t know that I’m a full blood Chiss, and yeah there have been accounts of Chiss being half human, but it’s rare.
Another is that, I get a ton of comments around my office of my small business practices. As many of you don’t know, I’m a professionally trained businessman. I’ve started studying math and government since I was six, and I’m hear to clear some of the bullshit that was goin’ around. A lot of these misconceptions have come from humans. So Imma education you all.
One question I get a lot is, is your age really real?
I think this is something I don’t really talk about, BUT. I’m sixteen years old, shocker, but I do have the mindset of a human adult. We start to go through puberty at the age of 8 for female chiss and 9 for male chiss. As we get older, the more our brains grow. Chiss have much larger brains than humans, I know...Super obvious. It’s mostly at this age where our careers are already successful. By 14 years old, we’re pretty much adults hehe. A 14 year old chiss can appear like that of a 21 year old and this is true. Aging as well is also something that is lost and I LUV IT! I need to keep my beautiful face. *Feels it and sasses a bit*
K the next is, why you have three names?
*Takes a quick exhale through the nose*
Let ol’ Fyo explain to you how Chiss society works. Once you are born, you are given up for adoption. After that, you are given to your main clan, my main clan is Al but my house name is Sabosen. Reason being, I’ll get to that in a minute. You're now placed in a school where you have to now know where your career is going to start. After a few years, you are now given the Ryan exam and Oh MA STARS It’s hard as balls. This exam is pretty much hell for us young Chiss HAHA! I remember crying like a little bitch cause I thought I was gonna fail. Then my ass got a perfect score as I thought I would. *Wiggle dances and puts his hands behind his head* After that, you're now pretty much a shadow child for the ruling family that you’re in. There are four main houses you can be in. 
One is my Family Sabosen. We control all the social issues like Justice, Health, and Education. Now you know why Fyo’s super smarts but I no longers is aparts of this families.... *Derp face*
Next is Ironiki. They control Industry and Science. I wanted to be adopted into the Ironiki family cause I love math, BUT! *Clapped hands* Ya boi Fyo had to land himself in the Sabosen family.
House Csapla; They manage Colonial Affairs, Agriculture, and Redistribution of Resources. Many of them are a bunch of self centered assholes but some of them are cool. 
Finally House Nuruodo is Military and Foreign Affairs. You can imagine the cute soldiers. I mean most of them are super cute and awkward cause we’re all disciplined. 
I mean I was disciplined to the core. If your ass gets grounded. Don’t expect the sun to be a dwarf star anytime soon. Making a mistake and being in the ruling families is tough...Like really tough. You're expected to make an example of yourself. If you slip up, that like goes on your permanent record. That kriffing shit like goes in the archives!
‘Nother is that. You can be adopted as a meir adoptive in the families like, Chaf, Mitth and Sev. Those are the families that wanted their smart kids to grow up in. Not me, but some of my friends where; I know two of them are adopted sisters, and they get along just fine. Another is, I know very few who were in the Mitth family due to the family being old AF! Cause they are old af! HAHA. Okay what was I saying?
Right adoptive families. 
We are also forced to add more to our native language of Cheunh, which was already hard enough. I mean, I learned basic in like five weeks. That’s really how smart we are haha. *Slumps in his chair*
Another I get asked a ton is that, how is it that you can say your friends full names? And I facepalm more and more at this question.
Look. We’re Chiss. We’re disciplined to the core. We’re not allowed to show emotions. We’re not allowed to show off our hobbies and we’re not allowed to have frivolous desires. So yeah, being here on Coruscant is a great place. There will be a point in time where someone looks at me on the transporter like. What are you speaking? HAHAAAAAAA! I just keep on speaking it to fuck with people. I love seeing protocol droids try their best to translate what I say. One of them I think had a malfunction and the driver had to kick the owner and the droid if it blew up. 
We do have core names, if you were wondering. My full name is Al’fyo’sabosen. My Core name is Fyo. Some Chiss like to give their names a twist and that’s fine. We have some weird names for some and I thought I was alone HAHA!
OH OHHH! Here’s another. 
We hardly use droids in the Chiss Ascendancy. *Pauses* That’s the big reveal. Go home now! Transmissions over! *Playfully walks away*
*Back to sitting* Another question I hate is, can Chiss like...Get out of isolation.
*Bangs head on table*
It’s not that simple. We’ve been in isolation for thousands of years. Before then, the rumor goes is that we as a species evolved from humans. I pretty much take that as a complement than scientific. 
And that we’ve remained on a world that was nice and shit, before an ice age plunged us and we’ve become whatcha see here. *Gives a handsome face gesture and flips his hair.*
I mean. We’re a pretty species. Most of the Chiss that I know from the core worlds are super nice, they’re respectful, and they wanna live amongst humans. Back on Csilla uhhhh bitch how’d you get there?!
Chiss on Csilla will turn your ass around once you enter Chiss space. We got no businesses nor bullshit from outsiders. We’ve remained so much in isolation that we’ve forgotten that there’s different colonies that want to learn more about us, and there’s still some misinformation that needs to be updated. So me and my friends are wanted to change that shit up, pronto. Okay? Okay.
*Mumbles something in Cheunh in the background* 
I think the last one that needs to be said is, why are Chiss...Super horny?
*Snorts* Yeeeeaaaah um. We blame our hormones. We grow way too fast, yo dick hurts when you turn 11. So naturally, we’re going to be horny muther fuckers. That and being gay just means to us is that, we have different sexualities that we do accept in our society. Some of us may be bi, gay straight asexual whatever. That’s just what we lived by. A lot of the times, we’re mostly masturbating too much when we get to that age, and yeah...It still hurts. Especially Chiss reproductive organs. 
Now it’s time for the Chiss birds and the bees. *Sings a choir chorus*
I should probably add an age restricted mode to this recording, that way I don’t get flagged and removed because I’m a Chiss talking about sex.
So! *Claps hand* Chiss sex.
Chiss sex is fairly different than to what humans have. Hormonally, we have the usual male and female. No intersex, we’re super humans remember. We believe that gender isn’t a social construct and that we’re made to evolve with the Chiss we evolve from and that we as a species have very pragmatic minds. We don’t have time to dress a certain way, but unlike me. I dress in whatever the kriff I want. Another is that female and male Chiss have the same brain size and the same level of IQs. No sex is the weakest, we’re all the same except for genitalia and hormones. As stated before that our hormones play a big part of growing up. Males penis sizes grow...Pretty large. *Winks* And female breasts also expand more. 
That comes with muscles hurting and our minds trying to not go and fuck the Chiss nextdoor. We try to keep our composure when it comes to sex. It is believed that by evolution, we as a species mostly had sex at the age of 12. It wasn’t that simple for us now since we have to try and keep it in our pants. So we end up with tons of sexual frustration. By 14...It’s pretty much gone, but that doesn’t mean we’re guilty of having sex. Most of us lose our virginity by the age of 12 or 13 and finding a mate that will be with us is very hard. Marriages are hardly a thing in the Ascendancy cause we’ll fuck the next person and that’s that. 
This goes the same for me. I’m a homosexual. Easy and simple. We do in fact sleep with different species. We do sleep around with humans. I of course am not guilty of it. Sex is fun. So...*Wiggles around again* If you wanna come over, you could say hi.
A bonus is that I do have rules in my bar. Yes it is a gay bar.
The LGBT Community here has a lot of hypocrisies concerning alien LGBT people. Most of the ones that I’ve been in kicked me out simply because I was a Chiss. Since I own a gay bar, I have a set of rules that makes sure that all patrons are treated equally. In other bars, you can be gay but you can’t be with an alien...*flails hands* I know...Bullshit.
Other systems that I’ve been on are much more harsher. One time I went to Corellia and I got kicked out of a bar because I was flirting with some girls man. Like I understand being with someone, but your ass gotta kick me out cause I’m Chiss is still bullshit.
*Slumps in chair and wines.*
I think I’m done. I really am. Addressing these rumors will help you the viewer understand us Chiss. We’re a very unknown species due to our isolation. We’re not all what we seem. Most of it was just stereotypes and stuff that I get a lot. The other is that I don’t get tons of hate for my work, but humans hate me because I’m a Chiss. *Crosses his eyes together* Like that’ll ever stop.
So I hope this transmission to the holonets social system media gets to some systems here in the core worlds. I know this transmission was long as hell, but I did clear a ton of misconceptions, rumors, and Chiss...Stuff.
I guess I should end this now. So byeeee~ *Blows a kiss and the transmission stops and goes to another holonet sight*
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