#My friend (who was sitting next to me on said road trip) says that me and nog are trama bonded and thats why im wired about him
searchingsomewhere · 3 days
All Too Well, Part 9
{"Mom, I'm tired. Can I sleep in your house tonight?"}
Part 1
It seemed like everything was falling to place for her. It was quite cool outside, but Miho didn't mind. Her hand was warm, interlaced with Suguru's. The six of them had taken a day trip to Shibuya. Her breath fogged in the air. Laughter rang out in the crisp fall air. Satoru was charging straight ahead, tossing his shopping bags to Kento, who threatened to drop them on the ground.
"I can't believe it's almost time to go home," Yu said, stretching his arms over his head, "Where are you guys going for the holiday?"
"We still have like three weeks," Miho said.
"I gotta go see my parents," Shoko sighed.
Yu and Kento both voiced similar plans. Satoru made a face. "I'll probably just go to Suguru's like last year."
"Don't you think you should ask first?" Kento asked.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because it's polite!"
The six teenagers stopped at the crosswalk. Suguru nearly stepped out, having been watching Miho the whole time. Satoru grabbed the back of his jacket just in time to keep him from walking out into traffic, snickering, "Eyes on the road, lover boy."
"What about you, Miho?" Yu asked.
Miho blinked at him, "Oh, I'll just be at the school."
"What about your parents?"
She shrugged, " Administration won't let me leave. I haven't seen them in almost two years."
Satoru pursed his lips, looking over at his friend. Suguru squeezed her hand. "We'll ask if they'll let you go this year. I'll go with you."
"What am I supposed to do?" Satoru whined.
Just as Suguru was opening his mouth to answer, a cell phone rang. Everyone checked their phones. It was Miho's.
"Speaking of my parents," she muttered, flipping the phone open, "Hey, mom."
The crosswalk light turned green. Her friends began walking forward. Suguru started, but stopped when she didn't follow. Miho was rooted to her spot. Her glassy eyes began to swell with tears. Suguru called out to their group before turning to her again. Her voice shook as she spoke.
Two hours later, she was sitting in a Nagano hospital waiting room. Miho stared forward, hands clasped tightly together. Her knee bounced rapidly. Suguru sat next to her, arms crossed. He reached over to grab her hand. She squeezed it tightly.
The hospital was full of lower grade curses. Nothing major, just the typical small fries often associated with the grief found there. She wasn't worried about them.
"Did they say how far the cancer progressed?" Suguru asked quietly.
"It's eaten up her insides," Miho said numbly.
He could only nod.
A man walked out, wearing a dress shirt and pants. He was a foreigner, most likely American if Suguru had to guess. A typical salary man, clean cut with short dark hair and green eyes. You could see the fatigue in his gaze from endless nights at the hospital, the deep wrinkles in his clothes from coming straight from the office.
Miho stood. Suguru followed.
"Dad," Miho barely managed.
Miho's Dad hugged her tightly. His face crumpled in grief, suddenly seeming much older than it really was. The man held his daughter as if the world were collapsing around them, as it surely was, as his only connection to his dying wife was suddenly tangible and in front of him. He kissed Miho on the top of her head.
Suguru kept his gaze down, silently standing so they could have a moment together. His phone buzzed quietly in his pocket. Suguru stepped to the side to answer. It was Yaga.
"Hello?" Suguru said in a low voice.
"Where the hell is Miho?"
"She's with me. In Nagano."
"She can't leave the school grounds without permission-"
Suguru lowered his voice, turning away. "Her mom is dying. We had to go."
Silence on the other end. Finally, Yaga said, "I'm sending Satoru. Just to keep the higher ups from pitching a fit. Do not allow her to use her technique-"
Suguru closed his phone and returned to the matter at hand.
"Dad, this my boyfriend," Miho said, gesturing to him.
Suguru smiled and bowed politely. "Suguru Geto. I'm sorry we're meeting under such circumstances."
Her dad returned the bow and reached to shake his hand. "Ray Tsukiyomi. I am too. Thank you for coming." He turned to Miho and sighed heavily. When he spoke again, it was in English. He asked Miho for help filing paperwork.
Her mother passed just hours later.
Suguru closed his phone, having just sent Satoru the address to the hospital. He stood outside of the hospital room, listening to Miho's quiet sobbing.
What a strange feeling it was. To hurt so much for someone, and yet be unable to do anything to help. Death was a natural phenomenon. They both faced it often in the field as Jujustu Sorcerers. But somehow it was entirely out his grasp how to make everything alright for her. They had only been dating a month. He wasn't close enough to be in there with her. But he was too close to simply stand in the hallway.
She stepped out while her dad went to tell the nurse. Suguru met her with open arms. He rested his chin on the top of her head as she sobbed into his chest. His arms enveloped her whole, like a life vest keeping her afloat. His heart ached with every sob that left her.
Satoru was rushing over to them as they exited the hospital, flowers in hand. He pulled Miho into his arms as soon as he was close enough.
"I'm sorry," he said into her hair, "I'm so sorry, Miho."
"Why didn't anyone tell me she had cancer?"
Trees whizzed by the train window. Miho stared at the passing scenery. She gritted her teeth, moving her hardening gaze to the empty plate in front of her as if she could shatter it with her mind.
Only a few hours until they were required to return to Tokyo.
"We told the school as soon as we found out. They said they would tell you." Her dad had said. "About six months ago."
Satoru was watching her from across the aisle. His glowing gaze flickered from her stony face to Suguru's. Thank goodness they had gotten a private booth seat. Miho was thankful for that. She didn't want to speak to anyone.
Her Cursed Energy was spiking. Suguru reached over to place his hand on her knee. It was both a warning, and a comforting gesture. Calm down. We're here for you.
At that very moment, she didn't want to be calm. She wanted to kick. And scream. And claw. She wanted to dig her fingernails into flesh and tear away at bone. As trees faded into buildings, Miho felt a deep anger simmering over her.
At that very moment, if given the chance, she would have killed every person in administration.
Part 1
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cosmicvaca · 2 months
I really need to reread the ds9 millennium trilogy again. Last time I read it, it was on a 14 hour road trip to Tennessee in December 2021. I don't really remember much of it mostly because I was having a claustrophobic panic attack because we were in a 15-passenger van and had filled all the sets. The only thing I remember was the future Nog bit and it generally being fucking insane.
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henry7931 · 14 days
Beach Trip As My Friend’s Uncle
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This is by far the best idea Zach and I have ever had! A few weeks ago, my best bud Zach begged his parents to let me come on their family beach trip but unfortunately they wanted to keep it a family trip.
That’s when Zach and I got a little creative. We decided to ask his cool Uncle Derek if I could swap bodies with him for a week. Now Derek isn’t your ordinary uncle, he’s pretty adventurous, single, likes to party, and is always down for some shenanigans. So when we asked if he’s willing to swap with me, he immediately said yes! He seemed to be just as excited to be me since he’s getting out of the family trip all together.
So we all met up that morning at Derek’s place. Zach already told his parents that he’s riding down with Derek. And when I arrived Derek already had a bag packed for me.
We quickly swapped bodies and it felt so cool being so much bigger.
I grinned at Derek in my body who also looked super happy. He pulled me in for a hug which felt so weird, I could have easily picked my body up like it was nothing.
As I hop into Derek’s nice truck, he says to us, “You boys have fun! And doing anything too crazy in my body!”
“Thanks Uncle Derek!” said Zach.
“Yes thanks again Derek, I’ll take good care of your body I promise!”
“Good and hey I packed condoms just in case things get too crazy. Don’t need my body coming back with anything.”
Zach rolls his eyes while I felt a warm sensation in my stomach. It just hit me that not only do I have Derek’s body for a week but I also have control of his massive package.
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We get on the road and I pull off Derek’s shirt just to show off his tattooed pecs.
Zach’s sitting next to me so excited and says, “God this is so crazy! I mean look at you dude you’re inside my uncle right now.”
“I know man, this is about to be the best trip ever!”
When we arrive to the resort, Zach and I head to check in. We run into his family. We say our hellos to everyone and I’m surprised by how good of a job I’m doing at pretending to be Derek.
We get our room keys and head up. The room is huge! We even have our own bathrooms along with a balcony.
I put Derek’s bags on the bed and open them up to see what clothes Derek packed for me. But when I get to the bathing suits only two of them are normal ones— the rest are all speedos.
Zach pops in already in his bathing suit and says, “you about ready?”
“Uh no not yet give me a few,” I say to him.
“No rush bro! I’m gonna head down, I’ll see you in a few.”
As soon as Zach walked out of the room, I immediately got naked.
I look at Derek’s nude body, that’s when my eyes focus on the thick long dick that I now control.
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I try my best to control my eager to touch it, laying back on the hotel bed. I didn’t want to risk Zach walking but I feel like I only have so much alone time with it.
I look down at Derek’s sexy size 11 feet, they’re beautiful and manly. I trace his fingers along his chest down to his cock and balls.
His dick is already hard, I start to stroke it and it feels amazing. It’s my first I’ve ever jerked off in someone else’s body. And it’s so different from mine.
I sit up and bring Derek’s big foot to my face smelling his toes as I wiggle them. I start licking his foot, still jerking his dick with my other hand.
I feel so close, I knew I was going to bust any minute. I let out a loud powerful grunt, inhaling his sole before cum bursts out all over.
I look over the mess I just made, damn that felt great. I whip some off of his chest and taste it. It taste’s so good.
I clean off his chest with a shower towel and grab one of his speedos.
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I take a pic of myself to send to Derek and say, “you only packed speedos?”
I get a response a few minutes later, “well you look sexy in them. Send me more pics 😜”
I feel Derek’s cock start to get hard again from his text. Is he flirting with me?
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bitchinbarzal · 1 month
Happy Never After | T Meier
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summary: not everything has a happy ending
this is a re-write
"I don't understand you sometimes!"
"What's not to understand Timo?! I drop everything for you all the time and you just don't care-"
"I care!"
"No you don't! I dropped everything for you when you were traded to Jersey, I left my job and sold my apartment to follow you and I put up you you being absolutely miserable every single day because of it! I moved around the country now we’re in Jersey without my home and job!"
A weight lifted off your shoulders, finally speaking your heart. Timo shifted awkwardly infront of you.
"Glad you got that off your chest" he grumbled, angrily
"you're not the only one who sacrificed stuff you know?"
You laughed humourlessly "what could you have possibly had to give up?"
It was like he was searching for something to say "| missed out on like everything it was to be a rookie because I was tied down to, to you!"
Your eyes went wide and Timo bit his lip, regretting how he'd said it.
"You 'missed out'?" You put air quotes around your words and quirked your eyebrow
He gulped
"On what exactly? The drinking and partying? The hooking up every other night? Every Sunday I came over Kevin had a new girl in his bed! Is that what you want?"
"What? No-"
"That's what you said! You just said that!" You wave your hands around with no reason, just feeling frustrated.
"You know that's not what I meant!"
"That's what you said!" You screamed, as if raising your volume would get the point across better.
He ran a hand over his face and sighed "God would you stop being such a bitch-"
The sound of your palm meeting the side of his face sounded through his apartment. He grabbed his cheek which was turning red now while you stumbled back, tears in your eyes and gasped.
"Don't you dare, don't you dare call me names!" He reached out for you, to console you but you pulled away "No, No don't! Don't touch me! God, I can't even look at you"
"Babe, please just listen I didn't - woah what are you doing?" He rushed, watching as you picked up your coat and bag.
"I'm leaving, I'm going home"
"Please don't leave! C'mon I'm about to leave on a two week long road trip let's not do this"
You looked at him, breaking his heart as he took in your red nose and tear stained cheeks while you sniffled
"I can't Timo"
When the door shut he stood in the silence wondering
what the fuck just happened?
When he woke up the next morning he had hoped you were there, you weren't. You hadn't answered any of his calls and texts.
The devils were about to leave for a two week road trip and he didn't want to leave this on a bad note but he had no time before the flight was due to leave.
Before take off you received a text
Timo 🤍
i love you and I'm so sorry. please just call me, I wanna hear your voice.
You read the text, like all the others but never replied.
Instead simply throwing your phone away to sit and sulk.
Day four of the trip and he still hadn't heard from you.
The first sign of life was when Jack's girlfriend posted a photo on her instagram stories of a bunch of denim jackets with the boys names and numbers on the back for the wags annual brunch.
He spotted his own name on a jacket, heart content to know you were there. However a couple of hours later he saw another story post of the same brunch and could see that same table with one jacket lay on it, the number twenty eight standing out to him clearly.
It had started taking a toll on his play around Vegas.
Nico spoke to him but was shut down quickly as Timo insisted there was nothing wrong and that he was sorry. Nico didn't care about his play, he was worried about his friend.
A week into the trip you visited Timo's apartment with a cardboard box in hand. Packing up everything you wanted to take with you. At some point you'd gotten so emotional you sat down on the couch to breath and turned the tv on.
It flickered to the last channel it was on, hockey. You watched the screen as it panned across the devils and the canucks. You watched as the screen showed Timo, holding his chain in hand and kissing the pendant that hung on it - your pendant.
"Oh T..." you sighed, biting your lip and turning the TV off.
When the road trip ended Timo couldn't wait to get home and see you, try to resolve this clear issue.
Opening the door, he immediately felt off. His eyes darted around the room trying to figure out what was different.
Your favourite blanket that hung over the couch was gone.
Your shoes weren't littering the floor next to the front door.
You weren't there.
Timo scrambled for his phone, calling you and texting you to be hit with the voicemail.
37 voicemails.
146 text messages.
27 instagram DM's.
6 twitter DM's.
1 email.
You never replied.
It wasn't until a few days later you called him when you knew he'd be at practice unable to see his phone so you could leave a message.
When he returned to the locker room and saw his missed call he cursed, rushing to listen to the voicemail.
"hey timo, I know it was shitty to ghost you like that but I feel like if I didn't do it this way I would make it worse for everyone. I feel like we need time apart, you made it clear that being in this relationship made you miss out on things so I want to give you the chance to explore that lifestyle! I'll always be your biggest fan, from San Jose to Jersey I've got you but I think I just gotta have you from afar for a little while"
Timo looked at his phone for a moment before he threw the phone onto the floor and stood on it repeatedly.
Completely unaware everyone was watching the scene he was causing.
It was Jonas’ hands on his shoulders that snapped him out of his bubble "C'mon man, let's go some-"
"She left me"
"Okay, come on buddy not here"
He looked up at his friend and let out a soft, shaky breath before he shoved his head on his shoulder and began to sob.
"You're alright, it's alright"
The pounding on your front door that night startled you, leaving your desk to answer the clearly urgent guest
The door wasn't even open enough to see you before you heard "What the fuck is going on?!"
"Hi Lauren, come in, lovely to see you" you joked, rolling your eyes as she barged into your apartment.
"Timo is on my couch right now crying, what is going on? More importantly are you ok?" She asked, eyes fluttering over you to check.
You smiled softly "I'm okay Laur, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you l just - my head has been fried"
Her eyes softened "hey listen, I'm here for you okay? I just don't understand what's going on? Jonas brought him home and we are both as clueless as each other"
"I broke up with him"
"You What? This is a joke right?"
"Laur, i feel bad enough please don't make me feel worse" you groaned.
She stood there looking at you "I don't get it, you're Timo and Y/N. You don't break up"
"Yeah well.." You trialled off.
You went into all the details. Explaining the cause of the fight and all the things he said to you amidst it all.
By the end you were both in tears and when Lauren hugged you, you felt relaxed for the first time in a long time
"We love You, so much! and we support you always-"
"But Jonas-"
"But Jonas nothing, you are our friend too and it'll take some getting used to but we support our friends"
When Lauren returned home that night she didn't speak to either of the boys. Clearly seeing how much Timo was hurting right now that being angry at him wasn't an option.
He returned home, to an empty house on day three.
He felt like he was becoming a burden in their home.
So he moved the pity party back to his place.
Life carried on as normal as it could, he played hockey, he practiced and he slept. He did everything he would usually without you. He tried not to think about you too much but it was hard living in the place he had never been without you.
The days and month kind of moulded into one.
Halloween passed, Christmas passed, New Years all without you.
Timo downloaded tinder and bumble. He let his friends set him up. Nothing was working. He hated this.
The next time he saw you was New Year's Day.
Lauren had asked for you to come along to the game with her as the Devils were playing the Flyers in the stadium series and her future in-laws would be present.
You'd been friends with Jonas since high school and his parents always enjoyed seeing you.
Jonas obviously hadn't passed on your news to his parents.
"We're super excited for the wedding! And you must be too sweetheart, oh you and Timo will be next huh?"
Your face went red and you stuttered until Lauren replied "actually, Nutchara. Timo and Y/N broke up in September"
She looked shocked "Oh no, sweetheart I'm so sorry ! didn't know!" Pulling you into a hug to console you.
The hug was showcased on the jumbotron, Timo watched from the bench, his heart in his throat.
After the game the Siegenthaler’s were gathered together with you chatting away and Timo overheard Nutchara speaking as he passed.
"Oh now you're single maybe we can finally set you up with Nico, he's a bit hopeless with romance"
You laughed, making a comment about "Poor Neeks" Timo about-turned bumping into his teammate behind him and poking a finger into his chest before grumbling "If Nico puts his hands near my girl, tell him he's a fucking dead man"
You did not go out with Nico. Jonas made sure his parents didn’t meddle.
January passed and the rest of the months ran quick.
You were helping Lauren out with wedding stuff, constantly flying back to Canada to visit the venue, speak to catering, order flowers. You name it.
The devils never made it to play offs.
You watched them the night they failed to qualify.
You wrote out a text to Timo
i'm sorry. you deserved that one.
You didn't send it.
The wedding planning soon started coming into play.
Bachelorette parties and Bachelor weekends commenced before the big day.
You spent the week before trying to fix everything to be perfect for their big day.
The Friday night was everyone flying into town. You couldn't be there to pick people up as your own flight out of Newark had been delayed but the team pulled through with Nico and Jack taking point as welcome committee.
Your new flight landed hours later, while everyone was supposed to be at dinner. You texted Jack to ensure someone could pick you up and he told you he had it it sorted.
You wanted to kill him when you exited the airport and you saw Timo waiting for you in the loading zone.
He was leaned up against his car, rushing forward for your bags when he saw you
"I thought Jack was picking me up"
"He ran out of fuel and I had a full tank so he sent me"
Your sighed "Well alright then"
The ride back to the hotel was quiet and awkward.
Nobody tried to make small talk.
When you arrived at dinner you swiftly knocked Jack's head and said "Never do that again"
Saturday was the rehearsal dinner and you weren't feeling so great.
You had put on the dress and headed across to the venue. You did your due diligence and welcomed in both Lauren and Jonas’ families.
Jonas was mingling with people but didn't miss how Timo’s stare hardened when Nico walked up to you and hugged you hello.
"Please don't murder him, this is my wedding after all"
Timo took a drink and grumbled "I make no promises but I'll at least hold off until after his speech" continuing to watch your interaction.
Jonas laughed and walked off with a "Thanks bud"
Timo kept an eye on you all night long, feeling something was off.
You didn't look right.
After everyone was sat for the meal and speeches had been done you wandered off to the bathroom and hadn't returned for quite a while.
A break in the meal service gave him the opportunity to slip away to find you.
He found the ladies bathroom, he knocked and said
"Y/N, you in there?"
"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" You croaked. Timo frowned before saying "I'm coming in"
"Timo, no-" it was too late, he'd already made his way into the bathroom to find you on the floor hunched over the toilet.
He walked over, pulling his suit jacket off and draped it over your shoulder and then pulling your hair back into a makeshift ponytail to the best of his ability.
"You don't have to-" "Just hush, I'm here"
You were silent but grateful, continuing to spew for the next twenty minutes.
"I think I just ate bad chicken on the plane" you mumbled, defeated and laying against the tile wall.
"Let's get you to bed" he decided, pulling you up from the wall. Your body, weakened, fell into him and you groaned
"But the dinner " "can be done without you come on"
He slipped the two of you out the back door and called a cab back to the hotel. For a moment you forgot your situation, opting to think this was all normal.
When Timo took you up to your room and helped you get ready for bed, all normal.
You knew you shouldn't have but when Timo tried to leave you cried out "Please stay, I can't be alone like this"
It didn't take an awful lot of convincing, Timo knew you and he knew you were right. You never really got sick but when you did you always needed help.
He stayed.
He stayed all night while you slept, his fingers tangled in your hair scratching lightly at your scalp to soothe you.
At five that next morning he left you in order to return to his room and get ready for the wedding.
When you woke up, slightly confused you found a note on the pillow next to you.
morning, I had to go get the boys up. hope you're feeling better, I'm sure you'll look beautiful today. advil and water on the nightstand < 3
You smiled lightly, looking over to see a plastic water bottle and the aforementioned pills waiting for you.
You picked up your phone from the other side, a few texts from people checking you were ok was all along with a message in the bridesmaid group chat about getting ready together.
"She's alive!" Was yelled when you entered the room.
You smiled "Yes, yes I'm here I had food poisoning"
"Timo took care of you though, that was sweet" one of the other bridesmaids said, curling her hair and looking at you in the mirror.
You nodded, picking up a champagne glass from the table "Yeah, he left to go get Jonas up this morning-"
"Wait, wait, wait!" Lauren yelled "He stayed over?!" Yeah nodded sheepishly "Uh yeah, I guess I asked him too when I was tired I think I was just used to him helping me out when I'm sick"
Lauren gave you a look but you didn't press it further, after all it was her wedding day.
The ceremony didn't last long, Lauren had always said she didn't want people being bored and just wanted to party.
You'd found your space at the head table, right next to Nico and you couldn't help but think Jonas’ mom had something to do with the table plans.
You were talking after dinner with Nico about everything going on in his life when you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders.
You turned to see Timo smiling down at you "Hey Neeks, mind if I steal her for a bit?"
Nico smiled "Nah man, she's all yours. I'll see you in a bit y/n"
You smiled back before pushing the chair out and grabbing Timo’s hand to be directed onto the dance floor.
You didn't speak for the first few minutes, just basking in each other's company until you said "Hey thanks for last night you didn't have to do that"
"I couldn't leave you to fend for yourself"
"I'm not your problem anymore T"
"Not by my choice" he noted and you huffed "Timo-
"No, please just hear me out because l've been waiting for the right time to speak to you and I mean what are weddings for if not love, eh? Whatever that stupid fight we had was about was not worth loosing you over. I hate myself for that and the things I said because I love you so freaking much and I was so stupid for allowing myself to loose you. When you left me I was broken"
You sighed, looking up at him for any sign of a lie.
There was none "Timo... I miss you too but you know it's not that easy to just get back together"
"I know, I just needed you to know how I felt" he nodded.
"Well Thank you, i appreciate it. Maybe we can talk again whenever we're back home in jersey?"
"I like the sound of that"
You nodded, Timo twirling you out in the dance and when he pulled you back in he said "You do look beautiful tonight I guess I predicted that right"
Back in Jersey come the fall it had been a while since that night at the Siegenthaler wedding.
The devils home opener was packed with fans.
You were sat with a beer in hand, looking out on the ice at the red jersey's looking at all the new names around.
Your thoughts were broken when you felt something drape over your shoulders, turning you saw Lauren alongside other girlfriends and wives all smiling at you.
"Hey sweetheart we didn't think we'd see you here, we saw you from the box" Lauren points up to the 'wags' box.
You blush "Yeah, i uh haven't been up there in a while"
"Well we thought you might want this back, a little birdy told me you might need it" you pulled the jacket draped over your shoulders off and looked at it.
The black denim jacket displayed the number twenty eight alongside Meier so nicely.
You smiled "That little birdy would be correct" you answered and the girls all cheered.
"Ugh, finally they're back together! We're so happy for you"
"Thank you guys honestly, it's been a massive journey but we're here now!"
Come the end of the night the boys were on a winning high and Timo didn't think it could get better than this.
That was until he came out of the locker room to find you with your back turned to him he saw the name and number on your jacket.
He groaned "Oh god I forgot what a beautiful sight this was" slipping behind you, arms travelling around your front to land on your abdomen and kissing the side of your head.
You leaned into him "You like it?"
"Like it? I love It" he announced, leaning in closer to your ear to whisper "I'd like it better on our floor”
You straightened up "Oh we've gotta go guys! We've got stuff to do. See you all next week!"
You were halfway out the door when someone shouted
"they really never changed!"
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AITA for telling my best friend’s girlfriend that she takes up too much of his time?
So my best friend Joseph (22M) has been dating this girl Victoria (21F) for about 2 years now, but our friend group has known each other since we were all 16/17, and we've been through a lot together so I'd say we have a pretty good bond even if just through shared experiences.
Victoria has always demanded a lot of Joseph's attention though, especially when he's hanging out with the rest of us. It's like she can't handle whenever he's not spending literally every moment of his spare time with her. They even live and work together, so they're already spending pretty much every waking moment with each other since their workplace has them working really closely with one another. Joseph is essentially just Victoria's assistant and does all the menial stuff like getting lunch and office supplies and stuff like that.
Anyway, our friend group decided to go on a road trip together and we all agreed to just rent one big car instead of driving separately. Only a few of us are able to drive, so it was between Victoria, Joseph, and our other friend Stan (21M) to take turns driving.
On the day we left, though, Victoria insisted on driving for most of the trip. She also insisted on having Joseph up there with her the whole time and wouldn't even let him switch seats with Stan, who was sitting next to me in the middle row. She claimed that she needed Joseph with her "for directions", even though she's always been this overachieving Girl Scout type who knows how to read actual paper maps and stuff and definitely doesn't need help remembering where to go, since she's always talking about how impeccable her memory is.
I got annoyed that she insisted on having Joseph with her the whole time, and I pointed out that he could remind her of the directions from the middle seats just as well as he could in the front. Besides, our friend Stan is also good with directions and could also help her just as easily.
But Victoria stuck to her guns and kept insisting on having my best friend sitting with her, citing the fact that they were dating and should get to spend time together on the road trip as well. I just got fed up and snapped that she hogs all of Joseph's time anyway, so it wouldn't kill her to give him up for a while. Especially since we're all going to be in one car for hours at a time anyway, so it's not like Victoria wouldn't be seeing him for the whole car ride.
Victoria appeared to be pretty upset after I said that, and Joseph seemed awkward like he didn't know what to do, but Stan said I got too mad at Victoria and that I was in the wrong for getting upset with her. I don't think it was that unreasonable to ask that she let Joseph spend some time with the rest of us in the car, too, though, especially since she already spends so much of her time with him. So...AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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hischierdevils · 1 year
Uh-Oh Pt 2 | J.H.
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note: I wrote this and re-wrote this at least three times. I’m still not happy with it but you guys have been waiting so here you go :)
summary: the highly requested part two to Uh-Oh. You can read part one here. 
warnings: explicit content, semi-public sex & unprotected sex
wc: 3.2K
Jack drops you off at your apartment the next morning like he said he would. When he leans in to kiss you goodbye, you turn your head giving him your cheek. “Y/n, don’t be like this.” He pouts as you reach for the door handle. 
“I don’t want to do this anymore, Jack.” Your heart is heavy as you say it but you know you need to. “I’m tired of the back and forth.” 
“I told you from the beginning that we couldn’t be anything more.” His voice cracks as he watches you but you refuse to look him in the eye. 
“I know you did.” You confirm as your eyes sting with unshed tears. “I know i’m the one who fucked up and caught feelings but I can’t keep sleeping with you and pretending I don’t want more.” 
You shake your head as he reaches for you and his hands stop in mid air. “Please, don’t.” He always convinces you to come back to his bed. He’s your kryptonite and you know you’ll give in again if he touches you. 
“So, what? We’re done?” It surprises you how quickly his voice turns to anger. “You’re going to fuck other guys now?” 
“Haven’t I been free to fuck other guys this whole time?” You question his logic. He told you from the beginning that it was just sex between the two of you, that you weren’t exclusive. 
Jack practically growls. “Have you?” 
Shaking your head, you finally open the car door. “Goodbye, Jack.” It feels final as you walk away from him and you hold your tears in until you make it to your room. 
Feel your eyes watchin' me So I'm movin' on him just so you can see Told you I was gonna get you right back Oh, you don't really like that?
Avoiding Jack is easy considering he left for a nine day road trip the day after you told him you were done. He’s texted you a couple times but you’ve deleted the messages before you could read them. Your friends try to distract you, taking turns keeping you occupied so you don’t have time to think about Jack.
He calls you the day he lands back in New Jersey but you send him to voicemail, not wanting to hear his voice. He then texts you, offering you tickets to his home game that night. You almost reply before your friend takes your phone. Your friends decide to take you to your favorite club for a girls night, telling you that you need to get back out there. 
You sit in a booth sipping on your drink as you constantly check the score of the game. Jack played well, getting two goals and an assist but the Devils ultimately lost in overtime. You smile to yourself, knowing that Jack likes to go home alone after a loss and lick his wounds. If they had won, you would’ve been questioning all night if he had taken another girl home. 
“Y/n, that guy has been eyeing you all night.” Your friend gets your attention a little while later, tilting her head toward the tall blonde man on the dance floor that keeps glancing over at you. 
“He’s not my type.” You shrug, turning your attention back to your drink. You grudgingly joined your friends on the dance floor but have yet to actually start dancing. 
“Oh my god! Is that-” One of your other friends nudges your shoulder and points toward the door. You look up in time just to see Jack Hughes make his way inside. He’s still wearing his game day suit with a hat backwards on his head and you know he came straight from the Prudential Center. 
“What the hell is he doing here?” You panic as you turn around to look at your friends. “He usually goes home…” 
“It looks like he’s looking for someone.” One of your friends tells you as she watches Jack out of the corner of her eye. 
Another friend pushes you toward the blonde man. “Go dance! Look happy!” 
You stumble into the man, who puts his hand on your waist to steady you. “Hey, I'm Eric.” 
“Y/n.” You respond nervously. “Mind if I dance with you?” 
“I’ve been waiting for you all night.” He gives you a look that makes your stomach turn sour but you wrap your arms around his neck anyway and begin to sway your hips. You can feel the moment Jack finally lays his eyes on you, his gaze practically burning a hole in your back. 
Eric spins you around, pressing your ass into his front. You make eye contact with Jack as you grind on Eric and the anger on his face is unmistakable. He stands with his arms crossed over his chest and watches as you put on a show for him, showing him exactly what he’s missing. 
I'm yours again when you walk away You know if you leave, I ain't gonna stay When I'm doin' good, you get me off track And I guess I kinda like that 
Eric, unaware that he’s being used as a pawn in this chess game between you and Jack, gets into the dance and begins trying to kiss your neck. You try to push him away but Jack is already shaking his head and walking away. 
Letting him go is what you should do, it’s the smart decision, but you find yourself pushing through the crowd to follow him anyway. Eric calls out your name as you get further away from him. Jack never looks back to see if you’re following him but he doesn’t have to, he knows you are. 
“Are you having fun?” Jack asks as he wraps his hand around your elbow and pulls you into the private bathroom with him. 
“How did you know where I was?” You cross your arms over your chest as he locks the door. 
“Snap map.” He responds easily. “Who was that?” He’s still angry but you can tell he’s fighting a smirk by the way he keeps biting his lip. 
Your friends told you to block him on everything, you should’ve listened. Being this close to him after not seeing him for almost two weeks has your brain going hazy. His hair is still wet from his post-game shower underneath his backward hats and he looks so good you can’t help but want to taste him. 
You lick your lips before responding, “Eric.” 
Jack steps closer to you, the warmth of his body enveloping you as you hold his gaze. “Is Eric why you’ve been ignoring me?” 
You roll your eyes at him. “I told you we were done, Jack.”
He brings his hand up to your face, gently running his fingers over your lips. “Tell me to leave right now and I will.” He says. “You’ll never hear from me again.” Your eyes widen in surprise as you look at him for any sign that he’s bluffing. Could he really disappear from your life so easily? Did you want him to?
“Jack, I-”
“Say it, y/n.” He presses your back into the wall as he keeps his hand on your face, the other falling to your hip. His eyes stay on your lips as he waits for you to speak. “Tell me what you want.” 
“I want-” You can’t think straight as he looks down at you. You’re so intoxicated by him that you’d do anything he asked you to right now. “I want you to kiss me.” 
He crashes his lips on yours before you fully get the sentence out, as if he’s trying to devour your mouth. You hungrily push back, not realizing how much you missed the taste of him until now. The bristles of his scruff scratch against your soft cheek as he holds your face firmly, as if to keep you from escaping. Your tongues battle for dominance, both craving more from each other. 
Your hands make quick work of finding his belt and undoing it before his mouth moves to your neck. “Needy girl aren’t you?” He grins against your skin as you undo his pants next. 
“You're the one that’s needy, Jack.” Your voice is breathy as you finally get your hand around his already hard cock. 
He thrusts into your hand as he continues his assault on your neck, sucking enough to leave marks but then kissing the sensitive skin. “What are you going to do about it?” 
There’s a desperation in his voice that you haven’t heard before and you push at his chest so he’s forced to take a step back. He worries for a moment that he said the wrong thing before you drop to your knees in front of him and take his eager member in both of your hands. 
“Y/n…” You put him in your mouth before he can finish speaking, not wanting to hear whatever he has to say. “Fuck.” His hands cup the back of your head as you bob up and down on him, circling his dick with your tongue. “Forgot how good you are at this.” The sounds he makes cause wetness to pool at your core and you eagerly pump him with your hands as you lick his tip. 
You moan as he starts fucking your mouth, holding your head steady as he thrusts into you. He tugs at your hair and you wonder if you can orgasm without him actually touching you. The loud music on the other side of the door is hopefully covering the string of curse words that fall from Jack’s lips as you let him use your mouth. 
“Stand up baby.” He says suddenly as he pulls out of your mouth. He helps you to your feet and then spins you around so you’re facing the wall. “It’s been too long since I've felt you.” He says as he lifts your dress over your hips. He pulls your panties down your legs and you step out of them before he places them in his pocket. 
“Jack, please.” You beg as you arch your back, pressing your ass into his erection. 
“Please what?” You can’t see his face but you know that he’s smiling. He runs a finger over your folds before pressing on your clit. You jump in surprise before pressing down against his hand. “Tell me what you want, pretty girl.” 
Your eyes nearly roll back in your head from the pleasure as he rubs your clit. “I want you to fuck me.” He moves his hand away and you want to cry from the loss of contact. “Please.”
“I don’t have a condom.” He sighs from behind you as he starts touching you again. 
“I don’t care.” You moan as you press your upper body against the wall so he can have better access to you. “I just want you inside of me.” 
That’s all the encouragement he needs before he’s lining himself up and pushing into you. “Fuck baby you’re so wet.” He groans as he holds your hips tightly and kisses the back of your head. He gives you a moment to get used to the size of him before he starts thrusting into you. 
“Oh my god, yes.” You moan as he slaps your ass and you grip the wall as best you can. 
“Who made you this wet baby?” He asks as he wraps an arm around your chest and pulls you closer to him. “Hmm?”
“You.” You gasp as you feel yourself getting close to the edge. “You did.” 
He kisses the side of your head as he continues to fuck you against the wall. “That’s right baby, I did.” He reaches his other hand around and begins rubbing your clit. “Who’s pussy is this?” 
“Yours.” Your voice is breathy and you’re barely capable of forming a coherent thought as he brings you closer and closer to pure bliss. 
He removes his hand from your clit just as you’re about to climax and you groan in frustration. “Who’s?” He prompts again, not liking your first answer. 
‘Yours, Jack.” His hand returns as he picks up his pace and it’s just what you need to send you over the edge. “Fuck.” 
Jack continues with his movements as you ride out your high, groaning as you clench around him. Once he’s sure you’re finished, he pulls out of you and continues pumping himself with his hand. “Gonna cum.” He warns you as you turn around to face him. 
You drop to your knees again as you pull your dress down and pull him into your mouth. You look up as you swirl your tongue around him and once you make eye contact with him, you feel his warm cum coat the back of your throat. 
When he’s finished he steps back and fixes his pants. You stand and straighten your dress out as he tightens his belt. You watch him quietly, not sure what to say or do now that the tension has evaporated. When he looks at you and notices the hesitant look on your face, he pulls you into him. “C’mere.” He envelopes you in a hug, pulling you close to his chest as he kisses your forehead. 
You said, "Can we leave now?" I don't think we should Through the back door  That won't end good Then I'll follow you out Hope nobody looks
You break apart when someone pounds on the door, telling you to hurry up. Jack laughs as he takes your hand in his. “Let’s go home.” 
You’re not even sure what that means but you find yourself shaking your head. This isn’t going to end well and if you have to say goodbye to him one more time you know it will break you. “But Eric…” 
“Fuck, Eric.” Jack growls as he holds your hand and pulls you toward the door. “You’re my girl and I’m taking you home.” 
He’s said the words before when he was balls deep inside of you, but they hit differently now as he opens the bathroom door to a hallway full of angry patrons. You want to ask him what he means but he’s pulling you down the hallway before you can ask. You get a glimpse of your friends before Jack is pulling you out a side door to the street.
You’re both quiet as he drives to his apartment building but he can’t seem to keep his hands off of you. He runs his right hand up and down your thigh squeezing occasionally at red lights. “Why did you come looking for me?” You finally ask, the silence becoming more than you can bear. “You normally want to be alone after a loss…”
“You watched the game?” He glances over at you in surprise. 
“Yeah, on my phone.” You realize what a hypocrite that makes you and chuckle to yourself. “I’m just continually hurting myself, aren’t I?” 
“What? No, y/n.” Jack shakes his head as he lifts his hand up to hold yours. “All I wanted after we lost tonight was you.”
Your heart squeezes as the oxygen suddenly gets sucked out of the car. “You need to stop saying things like that.” You warn as he pulls up in front of his building. He’s already gotten what he usually wants from you, he doesn’t need to manipulate your emotions anymore.
“We need to talk.” He says as the two of you get out of the car and Jack hands his keys to the valet before leading you inside. He holds your hand in the elevator as you quietly try to organize your thoughts. Did he track you down at the club just so he could be the one to end things? Would he really be that cruel?
“I’ll get you some clothes.” Jack tells you once you’re both in his apartment. He disappears into his bedroom and comes back out a few minutes later wearing sweats and a hoodie. He hands you some sweatpants and a t-shirt to change into. 
“Thank you.” You smile at him awkwardly, not wanting to change in front of him even though you just let him fuck you in a public bathroom. 
“No problem.” He smiles nervously at you. “Uh, you can change in my room.” You nod before walking into his room and quickly changing out of your tight dress to his comfy clothes. The suit he was wearing is carefully laid out on his bed and you realize this is the first time you’ve come over and haven’t gone straight to his bedroom. You didn’t always sleep with him, sometimes he called you to just come over and cuddle. Those nights fucked you up more than anything. 
He’s sitting on the couch when you come out of his room and he gives you a sheepish smile as you sit down beside him. He opens his mouth like he’s going to say something but then shuts it quickly. “Jack, you don’t have to do this.” You tell him as he tries to figure out what to say. “I can just go.”
“No!” He reaches out and grabs your wrist before you can even stand up. “I don’t want you to go.” 
You tilt your head to look at him, trying to figure out what he means. “Jack you’re the one that said-”
“I know what I said, okay? I was stupid.” He sighs and adjusts the hat on his head as he searches for the right words. “I know I told you we couldn’t be more but it wasn’t because I didn’t care about you.” He plays with your fingers as he talks and you lean into him, encouraging him to keep going. “I’m a professional athlete, y/n. My schedule sucks. I’m at the rink or on roadies all of the time. It wasn’t fair to put you through all that and make you wait for me. Not to mention all the hate you’ll get just for being seen with me.” 
He finally makes eye contact with you but your heart is pounding so loud in your ears you’re not sure if you heard him correctly. “What are you trying to say, Jack?” 
“You didn’t talk to me for nine days and I was losing my mind. My game was shit and I didn’t even care. All I could think about was you.” He admits. “When we lost tonight, the only thing I could think about was coming home and cuddling with you.”
“Jack…” You move closer to him, practically sitting in his lap. “I told you I had feelings for you months ago.” 
“I know.” He presses his forehead against yours. “And I know it wasn’t fair to keep calling you after you were honest with me.” He pulls back to look into your eyes. “I’m in love with you, y/n. I don’t want to go another day without you.” 
Your heart is so full it’s threatening to burst as you tilt your head to kiss him. “I love you too, Jack.” He smiles and holds you tightly in his arms. 
“You think we should try this relationship thing out?” 
You laugh and kiss the tip of his nose. “I think we can figure it out together.”
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zegrasdrysdale · 7 months
Hi! I wanted to ask if you could write a request for cole caufield! So him and reader are like newly public but have been dating for a couple months, but she’s getting hate on the internet bc her ex is someone who’s famous (idk who lol) but anyways she goes onto like a podcast and talks about how much better of a boyfriend cole was to her than her ex and when she gets home he’s just so in awe of her and the way she feels and speaks about him (I’m so sorry if this didn’t make sense) 😭
[ to love and to be loved ] c. caufield
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paring : Cole Caufield x influencer!fem!reader
summary : tired of the hate she's been getting, (Y/N) goes on a podcast to talk about her life, her past relationship, and her new public relationship with Canadians star Cole Caufield
warning(s) : language, mentions of cheating
author’s note : my first time ever writing for cole so pls tell me if i did okay :)
She didn't know what she thought would happen when she and Cole went public with their relationship a few months after they started dating. There were a few hours where all she saw was support, until her TikToker ex decided to say something about the announcement she and Cole made.
All she sees right now is hate from thousands of people after her ex's comments on his Instagram story. He called her a bitch and said she used him to gain fame and use his money to get what she wanted. He even tagged Cole in a second Instagram story to warn him about her "manipulative ways". His millions of fans agreed with him and have started to flood her feed with hate and negative messages.
She can't even imagine what Cole's comments and DMs look like.
It's been a week since that day, and she's only grown tired of seeing all the hate. She's hasn't spoken out about her ex's accusations about her despite her having more serious accusations about him and his own girlfriend.
As soon as she was invited to go on one of her friends' podcasts, she jumped at the opportunity to speak out about what's been going on. It's time to speak out, and that's the reason her friend invited her on to the podcast.
The set is comfortable. She sits on the couch next to her friend and her friend's podcast partner. A microphone sits in front of her on a stand. A table sits at her feet that holds cups of coffee for the three of them. It's a cozy set up.
"Thank you for inviting me," (Y/N) says to her friend. "I'm sorry Cole wasn't available to come on with me. He flew in this morning from his road trip and has practice today. He didn't want to risk being late to the rink."
Her friend Demi says, "It's not a problem. I understand that he has a busy schedule. Thank you for agreeing to come on."
"It's time I spoke up about this," she tells her friend. "Don't be afraid to ask the hard questions. I'll happily answer any of them."
One of the crew members tells them they're going live in less than a minute. (Y/N) throws her curls behind her shoulder and sits back to get comfortable on the couch.
The same crew member counts down from five before pointing at Demi and her podcast partner. Demi is the one that gives this episode's greeting.
"Welcome back to TikTok Stuff You Should Know," she says into her own microphone. "To my left is Payton, which is not surprising at all because she's glued to my side. Today we have a very special guest joining us. She is a very close friend of mine who has been dealing with a lot of hate recently after launching her relationship online last week. Please welcome (Y/N) (L/N) to the podcast."
Payton looks over at (Y/N) and speaks. "Welcome, (Y/N). We're very happy you're able to join us today."
"Happy to be here."
Demi smiles at her and says, "So, we're all dying to know. How is your relationship with Cole Caufield? How have the two of you been dealing with the past week?"
There it is. Starting out strong.
"Cole has been super supportive of me," she replies. "He's been doing his best in trying to distract me over the past week. I think we've both been trying to stay off social media this week and focus on making sure we're both okay. He's been playing really well recently too, which makes it very easy to distract myself from everything that's been happening on social media. I think he's been using hockey as his own distraction."
Payton nods along as (Y/N) speaks. Demi's eyes are on her. They're both listening to everything she's been saying.
That's only a fraction of what's been happening.
(Y/N) has been in tears almost every night, especially since Cole has been on a roadie for the past four days. The first three days after all hell broke loose were perfect. She laid in Cole's arms every night and woke up next to him every morning. It made the days a lot easier.
Since he left, she's been in tears on FaceTime with him. It hasn't been as easy without him near her. It actually kind of sucks. She didn't even get to see him before she left.
"What made you want to come out about your seemingly new relationship with him?" Payton asks. "Did you think that Ethan would say something about it when you and Cole posted about it?"
She shakes her head. "I always thought Ethan was a really nice guy," she explains. "I certainly didn't expect this out of him. Especially after everything he did throughout our relationship. Cole and I really love each other and we both got tired of hiding that from the public. It was his idea to make out "
"That's an interesting comment," Demi slowly says like she doesn't know what her ex did. "What did Ethan do during your relationship?"
(Y/N) bites her bottom lip for a second. "He cheated on me," she tells the two of them. "All the time at the end of our relationship. Actually, his new girlfriend is just one of the girls he fucked while we were in a relationship. He would have a new girl every weekend and I would look the other way because I loved him."
"It wasn't because you didn't want to lose your constant source of followers and money?" Payton asks. "I'm not taking a shot, by the way. He accused you of using him for fame and money so I just want you to be able to clear the air."
"No, I understand," she replies after being caught off guard by the way the question was worded. "Um, no. I never once used him for followers or money. I made my own money by posting my own content across social media. I stayed with him because I wanted to believe he was a better person and that he could change. I truly loved him and I wanted a future with him. After nearly three months of this, I couldn't do it anymore and I ended things with him."
She notes that Payton looks genuinely surprised by her words. Demi looks annoyed because she and (Y/N) are actually very close friends so she was one of the first people that she told what was going on. She was one of the people that told (Y/N) to end the relationship when Ethan started cheating on her.
"That's crazy," Payton drawls. "Holy shit." She looks over at Demi. "Did you know about all of this?"
"(Y/N) is one of the most genuine people I have ever known," Demi says. "I hated seeing her in that relationship at the end, and I hate that she's being accused of using someone for followers and money. There was a reason she rarely ever posted Ethan on any of her social media. She didn't want to constantly post him because she was afraid to be labeled as a user. She loves creating content and videos. She's so much happier now."
A small smile forms on her lips as she thinks about Cole. She thinks about how he actually loves her and isn't afraid to show it.
"I am so much happier now," she echoes. "I mean, Cole is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He was so patient with me at the beginning of our relationship because I was still healing from my last relationship. He spent so long trying to show me that it's okay to love and be loved by someone that I gave my heart to him. I trust him with my everything, which is not something I would've said this time last year."
Demi smiles at her and Payton mirrors it. "That's so good to hear," Payton says. "Sounds like you caught a good one, (Y/N)."
"I absolutely did," she replies with a smile on her own face. "He is the best boyfriend. I've been so emotional this past week and he has made sure to be there for me the entire time. He checked in on me while he was on the road for the past few games. I am so in love with him, and he helped me believe in love again. I am so grateful for him."
One of the crew members tells them to begin wrapping up. Payton takes over. "Well, thank you for talking with us, (Y/N)," she says. "Where can we find you and Cole?"
"You can find Cole on the ice tomorrow night at seven when he and the Canadians take on the Calgary Flames," she says. "You can find him on social media at colecaufield. You can find me on social media as well at yourusername. Or you can find me somewhere in the stands at Cole's home hockey games."
It feels like an eternity since she's been home when she walks into her apartment in downtown Montreal. She shuts the door behind her with a sigh and leans against it.
When she throws her keys in the bowl by the door, she sees Cole's car keys. "Coley?" she calls. "Are you here?"
She walks into the living room to see Cole sitting on the couch. He looks back at her and smiles. "You are freaking amazing, baby," he tells her. "I listened to the podcast on the way home and holy shit. I have never heard anyone talk about me the way you do. I swear I fall in love with you more every single day."
"You listened?" she asks.
Cole stands up with a nod. "To the whole thing," he replies. "I helped you believe in love again?"
"Yeah," (Y/N) breathes out. "You did. You showed me that it's okay to love someone without being afraid they're going to hurt you. I thought that for a long time, Cole. You helped me realize that it's okay to love someone again."
Without realizing it, tears begin to roll down her cheeks. She tries to wipe them away quickly but Cole notices them before she can wipe them away. He walks around the couch to get to her and he envelopes him in a hug. "I'm so proud of you, baby," he whispers in her ear.
She lets out a quiet sob and buries her face in his chest. "I'm so grateful for you," she replies.
"You're so brave for talking about the whole situation," Cole tells her. "I can't believe how well you're handling it. I'm in awe, (Y/N). I wish I had your strength. I wish I could've been there to witness the whole podcast."
"I'm only brave because you're here," she admits as she pulls her face out of his chest. Cole moves his hands to her jaw and his thumbs wipe away more tears that escaped. "I don't know where I'd be if you weren't here. I don't know if I'd even be here if you weren't, Cole."
Cole presses a kiss to her forehead and mumbles, "I love you. More than you'll ever know. You're so strong."
She closes her eyes and whispers, "I love you too."
(Y/N) isn't afraid to say those three words anymore. Not like she was last year. Cole has showed her that she doesn't need to be afraid anymore.
have a request ? check out the guidelines !
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ilwonuu · 3 months
good for me. part one | two | three
jeon wonwoo
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꧔ pairing- friend!wonwoo x reader
꧔ summary- you going on a trip with your friends is something you’re beyond excited for. you can help but think of your friend in ways you shouldn’t. he’s so shy with you. you just want to ruin him. well not before he ruins you first.
꧔ warnings- friends to lovers, wonwoo is in love with reader, reader is in LOVE with wonwoo, fluffy, they are in so much love( OKAY FUCK ALREADY), sweetheart!wonwoo, little bit of crack, lmk what else
꧔ a/n- random story i came up with…others parts coming soon!! HAPPY 400 THANK YOU FOR ALL THE REQUESTS<3
a road trip to california with your closest friends. seokmin, wonwoo, and mingyu. you are beyond excited to spend time with them. you four are always together.
you love them more than anything. . waiting for mingyu to pick you up. your mind naturally fading to the pretty boy who never leaves your mind. you’re imagining how his glasses is sitting against his face. you remembering his deep voice in your ear.
“it’s good to see you.” he says giving you a quick hug. “you too wonwoo.” you smile at his touch. breathing in his scent being so close. thinking about last night’s events at mingyu’s. seeing him against the couch. laughing at something seokmin said before shifting his gaze to you. his mind thinking how beautiful you look.
he just wants to fuck you- and mingyu’s here to pick you up. pulling you out of your day dreaming. sighing quietly as you grab your bags walking to the car. you smiling at the fact you are gonna be sitting next to wonwoo for the drive. spotting seokmin in the front as you walk out to the car. getting in the car.
“our final person. we’re officially ready to go!” mingyu announces. smiling at you getting in the car. “woohoo! im so excited for the beach. let’s go!!” seokmin shouts behind mingyu’s words.
you just laugh at the two boys in the front. looking over to the boy beside you. “i’m happy your my backseat buddy.” wonwoo says smiling at you. you laugh slightly at his cheesy words. “me aswell.”
you smile back at him. mingyu and seokmin obviously noticing the exchange. not mentioning it giving eachother an amused glance.
you and wonwoo chatting and laughing over simple things during the car ride. the music low as mingyu is focused on driving and seokmin decided to nap a little bit. he is such a sweet talker.
you find yourself smiling so much more than usual. well you’re not gonna pretend he doesn’t make you feel things-. you are enjoying his company. his eyes shifting down your body as he listens to you talk.
smiling to himself thinking how pretty you are. whew this is gonna be a long trip. upon arrival to your airbnb you two we’re informed you’re going be sharing a room. it had two beds its fine. you were way more excited then you should be. he feels the same way.
not giving himself away. “you can pick which bed you want first.” he just gives you a small smile. you appreciate his kindness at letting you choose first. you pick you bed moving your stuff to the bed area. setting in changing into something more comfortable.
wonwoo exploring the kitchen of the house grabbing a drink. seokmin joining him in the kitchen momentarily. “it’s nice in here huh?” he says to wonwoo. his only response being a nod. “you okay?” seokmin asks suddenly. wonwoo just nodding slowly.
“why do i seem not okay?” seokmin shakes his head. “you and y/n are just acting..weird. like is everything alright?” wonwoo is shocked at the boldness of the situation. “don’t say- anything i just like her-“
he says quietly. loud enough for the third boy entering the room to hear. “what the- fuck did i walk into.” mingyu says chuckling slightly. “guys can you please just- shut the hell up!” wonwoo says rolling his eyes.
you finally join your friends in the kitchen. in your shorts and your bathing suit. all of the boys shifting at your sudden appearance. “what are you guys yelling about?” you laugh.
wonwoo looks at you. taking in your new appearance. “n-nothing it was stupid.” wonwoo hates that he stuttered. he wants to just pull down your shorts and eat- “so how about the beach?”
mingyu breaks the silence. you nodding quickly. “please i want to go so bad.” you’re begging for something so innocent yet wonwoo is just full of filthy thoughts. seokmin agreeing with the two of you.
“wonwoo?” your voice calling his name has his dick hard. he shook that feel away nodding. “sounds great!” he thinks he fooled you well enough. you smiling turning back to look at mingyu.
“okay then the car we go- go!” mingyu said groaning as he grabs some of the snacks you guys brought. wonwoo can’t help but think is he pervy? he feels slightly shitty. trying his best to not thirst over you. he grabs a sucker he had stored in his pocket.
opening it sucking on it as you follow him to the car. you watch as his tongue wraps around the hard candy. your thighs squeezing together as you watch him climb in the back seat of the car. you following behind shortly.
your eyes not leaving his mouth. you want him so bad. he is isn’t looking at you as you two wait for seokmin and mingyu. he looks at you suddenly. see you already looking at him. his dick constantly wanting you. “wonwoo do you have another one?” you pretend to ask looking closer at him. “sorry no i don’t-“
mingyu and seokmin arrive at the car suddenly cutting wonwoo off. “lets fucking go!” seokmin yells getting in the driver seat. “okay there better be hot people there im horny ngl..” mingyu laughs. wonwoo shaking his head. “did not need to know that” he laughs as he sees you laughing.
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nar-nia · 2 months
Tumblr media
jake x fem!reader
word count: 4.5k
warnings: none
As soon as you opened the door Jake almost jumped onto you, unable to hold still.
“Are you ready??”
You just giggled as you held up your bag, only seconds before Jake grabbed it and basically jumped back to the car.
“I didn't know you looked this much forward to the roadtrip,” you smiled as you followed him .
“I’m just excited I guess. It's been so long since I actually had time to do something adventurous.”
You nodded. “I know how you feel. It's really nice to get out again.”
“See.” Jake grinned, one arm wrapped around your shoulders. “You just get me. That's why we're such a great team.”
He watched as your eyes scanned the car, trying to steal glances into the driver's seat.
“I’m driving,” he declared proudly. “Which is why you will sit right next to me - I want nice company.”
Jake wasn't sure, but he thought he saw you blushing at that statement. The corner of his lips moved involuntarily up, but that quickly stopped when he looked into the car. Everyone was greeting you - except for Sunghoon, who just smirked at Jake. The latter shot him a glance before he sat down in his place, his hands gripping the wheel.
“Okay everyone, are we ready?”
He was met with excited chatter that revealed a yes from all of you, feeling happier and happier as he started the car and led it to the next big street. “Mission roadtrip can begin!”
It didn't take long for everyone to feel relaxed, smiling faces humming or singing along to the special road trip playlist Jake had created. It made him feel all giddy, especially when he saw you nodding along to it while you tried to figure out the lyrics. You had been friends for a while now, but it still surprised him how much even the small things you did could fascinate him.
“Oh!” you suddenly exclaimed, ripping him out of his thoughts. “I know that one!”
He couldn't help but grin more as you began to sing along, trying his best to keep his eyes on the road and not on you. And especially not on the mirror, Sunghoons smirking face clearly visible in it. Instead he decided to join in, almost freezing when he suddenly felt your hand on his shoulder. You grinned at him, both trying to sing louder than the other, putting all your drama into the song. He could feel his heart skip a beat, quickly looking back onto the road, hoping no one noticed. And that especially you didn't notice how he wished you would just leave your hand there. But the song ended, and you leaned back in your chair again, your cheeks a soft red.
“This was fun.”
“You're a great singer,” Jake smiled.
“And you're a horrible liar.” Jakes ears turned as red as your cheeks when he heard you giggle.
“I mean it! You did well.”
“Thank you Jakey,” you mumbled, your hand briefly touching his arm again. He didn't know why but he suddenly got goosebumps, like little sparks of electricity between you two. He tried to shrug it off, but he held the thought for a minute. This wasn't the first time this happened, that he felt something else when you touched him. And he didn't want you to take away your hand.
“Shouldn't we have turned left here?” Sunghoon spoke up.
“Oh!” You quickly turned your attention towards the map in your hands, and Jake shot a glare towards his friend - who only smirked in return. “We should have, I’m so sorry. But we can just take the next one left instead.”
“Maybe Jake should focus more on the road instead of the company.”
Jake wanted nothing more than to kick Sunghoon out of the car, but before he could say anything you had already turned around and swung the map at him. The boy just laughed, holding up his hands while he grinned at you. “I’m just saying. Maybe you should both focus more on your task and not each other.”
“Or maybe you let me enjoy the company of my friend who I clearly don't see often enough,” you huffed.
Friend. Jake didn't know why he suddenly minded this little word so much. It bothered him, and it also bothered him how casually you had said it. He stayed quiet, but this time he could feel Jays stare on his back, a sympathetic smile on his face.
Soon you had reached the highway, windows wide open to let in some fresh air. You had dozed off next to Jake, your head resting on the edge of his shoulder. He was surprised that his movements didn't wake you, but he was also grateful for it. Just another opportunity for his heart to speed up, one more chance that you might not pull away any time soon.
“So,” he heard Sunghoon from behind,” will you admit it now?”
“Admit what?” Jake mumbled back, worried that speaking up might wake you.
“That you have a crush on her.”
“I don't.” The words came out a little too rushed, but Jake hoped no one would notice. “We're friends.”
“Sure, that's why you kept grinning and being all giddy when she agreed to join this roadtrip.”
“Exactly - we're friends. Of course I am happy that I get to spend time with her.”
“Sure.” Sunghoon huffed. “Keep telling that to yourself. But I think you have the biggest crush on her, and I bet on my old ice skates that you will realize it on this trip.”
“Well I bet on my new Lego set that I do not have a crush.” Jake glared at Sunghoon. “We're friends and that's all.”
“Sure. Let's see who wins then,” Hoon smirked as he leaned back into his seat. “I can't wait to get the Lego set.”
Jake wanted to say something else, but in that moment you decided to snuggle your face closer into his shoulder, and he didn't dare to move.
“I feel sorry for Jake,” he heard Sunoo whisper. “He's definitely going to loose that lego set.”
“I will not!” Jake didn't mean to speak up, but he did and now you stirred awake on his shoulder, eyes lazily opening.
“Sorry,” he whispered, almost holding his breath. But all you did was mumble a quiet don't be before you closed your eyes again.
“Can you drive like this?” It took Jake a second to realize that you meant your head on his shoulder, but when he did he was quick to agree and assure you that it was no problem. With a smile you allowed yourself to rest again - oblivious to the rush of happiness that was flooding through Jake right now. You didn't pull away, you were actively choosing to stay close to him. He was beaming.
“I will win,” Sunghoon whispered from behind, but Jake couldn't care less about it in this moment.
“The air is already so much different here,” you mumbled, your head halfway out the window.
“Nature,” Sunoo huffed. “The only good thing about it is the smell.”
You giggled while you looked at him, but your attention was quickly back on the woods around you. “Are we almost there? You said the camping site was in the woods, right?”
Jake nodded. “We should be there in around 10 minutes. You almost slept the whole ride through.”
What caused you to pout caused Jake to smile. You had spent almost all of the trip leaned against Jakes shoulder, your breath soft against his skin, causing him to get goosebumps over and over again.
He was ripped out of his thoughts when you suddenly leaned out of the window, your hair flowing in the wind. Like a reflex he grabbed the back of your shirt, holding you tight so you wouldn't fall out of the car - ignoring that you were also held back by your seatbelt. You shortly looked back at him and Jake could swear that he saw something like a blush on your face. It wasn't long though before you turned back around, your face stretched towards the sun rays that beamed through the trees. Jake had to force himself to look at the street and not at you, peacefully smiling while you took in the view, your hair by now a mess around your head. He almost considered taking a wrong turn somewhere just to enjoy this view for longer… which was completely normal. He adored his friends, of course he would like them to be happy for longer if he could. That's all this was.
“I’ll help Jake!” You almost shouted when it was time to coordinate what to do first at the campsite.
“Of course you will,” Sunghoon grinned. “What do you two want to do?”
“I think we’ll set up the tents,” Jake mumbled. You nodded along, grinning as the others went to do their own tasks.
“Sunghoon is weird today, don't you think?”
Jake looked up from the manual, trying to appear casual while his heart was beating loudly in his chest. “What do you mean?”
“I never saw him grin this much. And his obsession with you today…”
“Really? I didn't notice. He's always obsessed with me.”
You chuckled, softly punching Jakes shoulder. “Sure. You're weird today too.”
“Me?” Jake froze again, his voice a pitch higher then usual.
“Yes, you. This just proved it. You're really fidgety and nervous today.”
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Sure you don't. But it does make me curious, you know.”
“Curious?” Jake knew that avoiding to look at you only proved your point more, but he couldn't help it. He didn't really know what was happening himself, only that his heart was beating loudly in his chest and he felt incredibly nervous.
“What your secret is. But don't worry, I will find it out soon enough,” you grinned. “We will spend a lot of time with each other after all.”
He huffed, trying to appear non-chalant as he pressed a few sticks for the tent in your hands. “Good luck with that. There is nothing weird about me.”
“I disagree. And besides - would you look at me for once please?”
Jakes cheek turned a deep red, he felt almost a little embarrassed, but he finally looked at you. You had a wide smile on your face and suddenly his heart wasn't beating out of fear, but it almost… fluttered. He wanted to keep looking at you, to maybe push that little strand of hair out of your face, maybe-
“And now you're not even listening to me!”
Your words ripped Jake out of his thoughts. Startled, he tried to say something, tried to tell you that you were wrong, but all that came out was a “You're pretty.”
“Oh.” Your cheek turned just as red as Jakes who was mentally scolding himself. “Thank you.”
“It’s just the truth.”
“You're quite handsome too.” Your voice was barely audible, but Jake heard you. His cheeks turned just as red as yours as he looked at you, his heart by now making somersaults. Maybe Sunghoon had actually been right… no. He was just excited over this compliment. You two were friends, and that's it. He shook his head, disagreeing with himself but you seemed to think he was disagreeing with you.
“You are! You have such a handsome face, and don't even get me started on the hair. Man, please don't cut it ever again.”
“If I don't cut it you can call me Rapunzel in a few months,” Jake chuckled. But he loved the way you talked about him, each word making him blush more.
“It really doesn't grow that fast,” you laughed. “But it would be fun! We could braid each others hair.”
“I can braid yours now,” Jake shrugged. “I know how to.”
“Not sure if I believe that. But you're lucky - I love getting my hair braided.”
“Oh don't worry, I will prove it to you,” Jake grinned. “I am very talented.”
“I can't wait but let's build up those tents first.”
Jake nodded, and once he was able to focus again you got it done pretty quickly, both of you admiring your hard work.
“I think we're a great team.” You playfully pushed against his shoulder again. “We should do that more often.”
“Building tents?”
“Yeah!” Now it was your turn to look away, your hands fidgeting. “And going camping together. Maybe just the two of us, that could be fun too…”
“I’d love that.” Jakes mouth was quicker than his brain, but he didn't mind when he saw a wide smile spread on your face.
He was just about to speak up again when he noticed a movement along one of your tents, your attention wandering towards it too.
“Did the others come back?”
Jake just shook his head, his whole focus on the tent in front of him. “I don't think that's them.”
You suddenly let out a squeal, your hand grabbing Jakes. “A squirrel!”
Jake didn't know what information he should process first, your hand in his or the squirrel that was running over the lawn towards you. Far too quickly you let go of his hand to crouch down, quietly trying to convince that squirrel to get closer. It didn't, but at least it didn't run away either, hogging your whole attention. It was… cute. Jake had no other way to describe it, other than that he found you incredibly cute in that moment. And he could feel his heart flutter again. He didn't know what was happening, but you were occupying more and more of his thoughts. Of course he had thought about you often before this trip too, you were friends after all, but now it was just… different. He had felt more excited than usual about your presence on this trip, getting all giddy when he thought about it. And now this. He was almost craving to be close to you, wanting to be recognized. He slowly had to admit that this wasn't just friendly feelings anymore, that Sunghoon might have actually realized something before he did realize it himself. He liked you.
“Earth to Jake, are you okay?” Your voice ripped him out of his thoughts, his head snapping upwards to see you and the rest of the guys staring at him.
“Sorry - yeah. I was just thinking about dinner.”
“Oh! I’m hungry too, so we should start cooking right away.” You nodded before you grabbed Sunoo and Jay, discussing what you could make today. Jake on the other hand grabbed Sunghoon, pulling him away from the rest.
“Can we talk?”
“Do you finally admit you like y/n?”
“I do.”
“Oh.” Sunghoon stared at him. “I didn't expect that.”
“Well, I guess you get my lego set,” Jake sighed. “But yeah - you were right about my feelings.”
“Forget that Lego set. How are you feeling about this?”
Jake sighed again, his eyes wandering around, getting stuck on you. He could feel himself getting nervous, his heart once again beating loudly in his chest. “Scared, I think.”
Sunghoon nodded. “You don't want to ruin the friendship.”
“Not just that.” Jake took a second to gather his thoughts. “I just can't stand the thought of her not being around anymore.”
It was quiet for a bit. Jake couldn't stop his eyes from searching for you, a small smile spreading on his face. You were arguing with Jay about something, a wide smile on your face. Suddenly your eyes were on his, the smile turning into a sincere one, your cheeks slowly turning pink. And for a second it felt to Jake that you might be behaving differently than normal too.
“What if she feels the same way?” Jake turned towards Sunghoon again, whose eyes were also focused on you.
“What if y/n might feel the same way.”
“I don't think she does.” Jake shrugged. “We're friends after all.”
“Yeah but that didn't stop you from falling for her,” Sunghoon chuckled. “I’m just saying. This camping trip was the only thing she talked about ever since you invited her. And only in relation to you - Jake invited me, I wonder what Jake has planned, do you think Jake will like this snack… it could as well have been a trip between just the two of you.”
Jakes eyes snapped back towards you, his thoughts racing. Could you…
“Today too. You should have seen the smile on her face when you said she’ll sit next to you. Or how she kept looking at you when you were driving. Wanting to stay close to you when we settled on the tasks today…”
“That could just be friendly behavior though…” Jake almost felt dizzy trying to process all of that information. He just figured out that he liked you, and now you might even like him back? He didn't know how to handle that.
“I think it's more than that. And I especially think that she doesn't want to lose you either. You should just talk to her.”
“Thank you, Sunghoon.” Jake nodded. “I should - I will. Tomorrow. When my thoughts are a bit more clear.”
“I wish you all the best, Jake.” Sunghoon smiled. “We all do. You're so happy when you're around her, friends or not. You deserve it.”
Jake almost teared up if you hadn't called them for dinner in that exact moment. Jake took a deep breath and tried to shake off his nerves, Sunghoon giving him a small clap on the back and a supportive smile before both boys went towards your tents again, the smell of food in the air.
Jake couldn't sleep. He didn't know how long he had tossed and turned around by now, but nothing could calm him down. With a quiet groan he finally decided to give up, put in his shoes and grabbed a blanket before he exited his tent. He wanted to sit down at the fireplace, hoping to gather his thoughts, but there was already a person sitting there. You.
“Hey,” Jake whispered. “What are you doing here?”
You flinched at first, but calmed down quickly when you realized who was talking to you. “I could ask you the same thing.”
“Well I asked first.” Jake sat down next to you, and you probably didn't even notice but you instantly scooted closer.
“Okay,” you giggled. “I can't sleep.”
“Do you know why?”
You shrugged. “There are just a lot of thoughts in my head I guess.”
Jake nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don't think I should,” you whispered. “Don't worry about it.”
“I always worry about you.” Jake reached for your hand, softly squeezing it. “You mean a lot to me.”
“You mean a lot to me too.” Your voice had gotten even more quiet, your eyes staring at the fire in front of you. “Do you want to talk? You're awake in the middle of the night too - and I still think you were weird today.”
“I guess I just have a lot on my mind too,” Jake shrugged. “Hey, but I have an idea. Sit in front of me please, back towards me.”
You didn't even hesitate, instantly following his instructions. “What is your idea?”
“I’m going to braid your hair.” Jake grinned, proud of himself for this idea. “You can relax and I can distract myself.”
“Sounds perfect.” He could hear the smile in your voice. When he gathered your hair, accidentally touching your back during it, he could see a shiver going through you.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
“Don't be. I like it.”
Jake could feel himself blushing at your words, and he had to admit that he liked it too. So who could blame him when his fingertips kept touching your neck as he gathered more hair, only causing you to shiver more.
“Now you're just doing it on purpose.”
Jake chuckled as he moved a bit closer to you. “Oh, but you like it,” he whispered in your ear.
He could hear your breath slightly hiccuping, goosebumps spreading over your skin. Oh. You didn't answer, but you didn't have to. Jake already knew it. And he couldn't resist to keep his fingers on you while he braided your hair. It was interesting. You seemed to both relax and freeze at his actions, your breathing picking up.
“Yes?” he hummed as he finished your braid. He had to admit he was proud of his work, it didn't look too bad and it suited you. But when you turned around and Jake saw tears glistening in your eyes your braid didn't matter anymore.
“Hey, are you okay? What happened?” He instantly wrapped his arms around you, one hand placed on top of your hair to keep you close.
“Why are you doing this?” Your voice broke Jakes heart. He did this to you?
“Doing what?”
You didn't answer at first, but you moved out of Jakes embrace to look at him. You looked hurt, but you mostly looked confused. You looked just like Jake did earlier, when he had the talk with Sunghoon.
“What are we?”
Now it was Jakes turn to freeze. He stared at you with wide eyes, trying to figure out what to say. “I- what do you mean?”
“Please don't play dumb, Jake,” you whispered. “Not right now.”
“I’m sorry.” So this was it. He could either lie and be forced to go through with it… or he could be honest and risk losing you. He was terrified. “I like you, y/n. I guess I realized I like you more than just a normal friend. I’m falling for you.”
Jake didn't know what he expected. Maybe for you to leave? Or to laugh at him? What he didn't expect was you grabbing his hands, squeezing them reassuringly. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being honest.” You smiled at him, and Jake couldn't help but smile along. He was still scared of your reaction, but he felt strangely comforted - if you smiled it couldn't be that bad, right? “I like you too.”
“Oh.” Jake couldn't help but let out a tiny laugh, one that was filled with so much happiness and relief. “Wow.”
“I just-” You took a deep breath. “You braiding my hair and all those tiny touches… I couldn't deal with it if it was just meant in a friendly way.”
“It wasn't.” Jake pulled you closer again, and this time your arms wrapped around him too. “I just couldn't hold back, I’m sorry.”
“It's okay.” You chuckled. “I’m just happy we actually feel the same way.”
Jake nodded. “Since when did you… you know. When did you realize you had a crush on me?”
You laughed, and Jake couldn't help but join in. “I think I got a bit too excited about this camping trip. I couldn't shut up about it - and even less about you. And then during this trip I just realized that I didn't want to be apart from you.”
Now Jake really had to laugh. So Sunghoon had been right - he needed to say thank you the next morning. “Would you believe me if I said it was the exact same for me? I think we're already meant to be.”
“I actually don't doubt that,” you mumbled, pulling him closer. “We're perfect for each other, huh.”
“We are.” There was so much Jake wanted to say, but suddenly he felt so tired and exhausted, all the stress evaporating and leaving him slumped in your arms, simply giving you a small kiss onto the top of your head. “Should we lie down? We can talk about it more tomorrow.”
He could hear you yawn, a new smile spreading on his face while you agreed. “Do you mind if I sleep in your tent tonight? I always slept better around you.”
“I would love that,” he whispered before he pulled you up, holding your hand tightly as he walked you towards his tent.
“Hey, Jakey?”
He barely had time to turn around before you pulled him closer, your hand letting go of his to grab his cheeks. You carefully moved his face towards you, your eyes focused on it. “Is it okay if I kiss you right now?”
Jake nodded, and right after your lips were on his. It was soft, it was sweet, and Jake realized that he was right. He was falling for you, and now even more than before. You were just perfect, and he was so, so lucky that the night had developed like this. Your laughter brought him back to reality as he looked at you starstruck, still trying to comprehend the kiss.
“So do I call you boyfriend now? Baby? The boyfie?”
“Ew,” Jake laughed. “No boyfie please.”
“Okay, boyfie.” You shrugged, but shortly after you let out a tiny squeal as Jake picked you up and carried you inside the tent.
“Call me boyfie again and I will…” He couldn't think of a good punishment, only causing you to giggle more. “Oh come here.”
He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you closer until his face was buried in your neck, pressing a small kiss against it - effectively shutting you up. He could feel you wrapping yourself around him, your hand intertwined in his while he closed his eyes.
“Thank you,” he heard you whisper. “You made me very happy today.”
“You did too, y/n,” he answered. “You're a dream come true.”
The next day started with lots of excited shouting and a grinning group of six boys, Sunghoon right at the top when Jake and you got out of his tent together.
“Yeah yeah,” you huffed. “You will get your lego set, shut up.”
Jake froze in his steps, staring at you. “How do you know about the lego set?”
“Hm?” You looked at him, eyebrows furrowed. “Sunghoon and I made a bet. He said I have a crush on you, I said I didn't, and now I own him a lego set.”
“That little-” Jake couldn't help but grin. “We made a bet too. I also own him a lego set.”
You started laughing, looking at him in disbelief. “We need to get back to him on that.”
“Hey!” Sunghoon intervened. “Looks like I got you together that way, didn't I? So technically you should even get me a third lego set!”
It only took Jake and you two seconds of eye contact to make up a plan. You both ran towards Sunghoon, Jake grabbing him under his arms while you grabbed his legs. There was a little pond where you carried him to, followed by the loud laughs and cheers of your friendgroup. They were effectively drowning out Sunghoons laughs and pleas for mercy, followed by his scream as you dropped him into the pond. With a snort he came back up again, grinning at you two.
“Okay okay, then no third lego set. But seriously, I am happy for you. Just be aware that there are 6 other guys around you, okay? No excessive kissing please.”
Two seconds later Jakes lips were onto yours, trapping you in a kiss that you both planned to last forever - if it wasn't for said 6 other guys pushing you into the pond.
this took me so long but i hope it was worth it and you all enjoyed it 🩷 i would love to hear your feedback and opinions about this so please don't hesitate to reach out.
requested by @blackberryrains (thank you for the cute prompt <33)
permanent taglist: @suneonu @soobin-chois @sjyuniverse @taekbokki
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swaps55 · 11 months
I lost my friend to cancer yesterday.
I’d really like to tell you about her.
We meet people throughout our lives who change it, in big ways and small ways, and ways we will never forget. Sara/ @dearophelia was one of those people for me.
I met her here, on tumblr, about 10 years ago. I wish I could remember what piece of writing I stumbled onto first, but she was such a gifted writer that I immediately wanted to see more. I somehow wound up following her live blog of a road trip, which was full of uproariously snarky jokes about Ohio. I had the courage to reach out and tell her how funny I thought she was, and how great her username was to this fellow Mass Effect fan who lived right down the road in Kentucky and got all the Ohio jokes.
We talked. We chatted. I introduced her to a group of people I played Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer with. She grew from a level one first-timer to a total badass who could carry a team and taught other people how to do the same thing.
And then my life fell apart.
Everything fell apart for me. Turning to my family wound up being a catastrophe, and I didn’t have local “real world” friends I could turn to.
So I texted Sara. Told her I needed somewhere to go, and asked if I could stay with her that weekend.
She texted back, “Yes.” Sent me her address, and said to ping me when I got there. She didn’t hesitate. She didn’t ask why. She just gave me shelter. So I showed up on her doorstep, and she listened while I told her everything. She didn’t judge me. She didn’t think I was insane. She had every right to think both things. Instead, she gave me safe harbor at a time when I had no control over my life and didn’t know what was going to happen to me.
For the next several months, I made frequent trips up I-75 to Ohio. She kept an air mattress out for me. We played multiplayer. We talked about Mass Effect. We talked about life. We bitched about all the people who hated on one of our favorite characters. She introduced me to Babylon 5. I have so many memories of sitting on the couch in her apartment, with her cat Odo crawling around behind my head. When I eventually pieced myself together enough to leave Kentucky and start the work of starting over, it meant leaving behind that sanctuary with her in her apartment, and it was something I had to grieve along with everything else.
And now I am grieving it again, and so much more. I am so lucky I was able to fly back to Ohio a few weeks ago while I had the chance. Hugging someone goodbye, knowing it’s the last hug you’re going to get….well, it sucks.
But I got that hug.
Sara was so many things. She was a gifted storyteller with entire worlds in her head. One of the weekends I stayed with her, she had recreated the Mass Effect galaxy map on her wall with notecards and string to help her tell a story. She could create a character and make you fall in love with them in a matter of sentences. Because of her stories, I binge watched all ten seasons of Stargate SG-1.
She was also not afraid to unapologetically be herself. I had a lot of things to learn and unlearn about the world, feminism, gender, and sexuality, especially in those days. Listening to her fight for her space in the world and refuse to be told she was anything less than who she wanted to be helped me learn some of the things I needed to learn, and embrace the things I discovered about myself.   
She loved music. She made the best fucking playlists. She taped inspirational notes around her condo. She sent me a set of coasters that say, “Fuck It,” and “Nah,” and I use them every single day. Her smile was gorgeous. She lit up a room.  
And now she’s gone. I won’t see her in my tumblr notes anymore. I won’t see her on my dash. I won’t get pinged with new Odo photos. She won’t get to hear the new music I listen to that shows up in our Spotify blend. I won’t get to talk about the next Mass Effect game with her. I won’t get any more Ao3 updates in my inbox.
I wanted you to know about her – this pocket friend of mine who impacted my life in ways that I won’t ever forget.
I hope you will read her stories. Listen to her playlists. She was a brilliant human being. She should still be here. She isn’t.
And I miss her.  
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We're Shit Out of Luck, Munson
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Eddie Munson x gn!reader
Masterlist Part Two
Summary: You're excited to take a trip north to Steve's cabin with all your friends. That is, until you're snowed in alone with Eddie.
Word Count: ~10.5k (I'm sorry)
Warnings: Swearing. Fluff. Improper knowledge of how a fire stove works. Sort of strangers to lovers? One Bed Trope!!!
A/n: This took way longer than I'd like to admit. I just couldn't get it work, but I hope it's good enough now :) Please let me know your thoughts! Love hearing from you all, and thank you for reading <3
The wheels of Nancy’s car churned up snowy roads under drifting clouds and floating snowflakes from above. In the rumbling backseat of her car sat you in the back, your head leaning toward the window. She drove, her bracelets jingling whenever she turned the wheel, while Jonathan sat in the passenger seat.
Some Fleetwood Mac song played through the old speakers, your head bobbing along as your eyes danced along the white landscape leading your way north – away from Hawkins and away from regular day-to-day life for just a few days. The three of you were planning to meet Steve, Robin, and Eddie there for an extended weekend away at a rarely used cabin Steve’s family owned. 
A knit hat hugged against your head, a heavy coat weighing along your body as you thought toward spending time with some you knew well – missing the days of standing doubled over again in laughter together every other day – and others you were excited to get to know better. 
Like Robin, who Steve had talked endlessly about how great the two of you would get along – though he seemed to especially say it after you teased or annoyed him. Or maybe like Eddie, your face quirking just a little at the thought.
You didn’t have anything against him, though you had only met him once. But it was just that you weren’t someone who would climb on cafeteria tables like he did back in high school or speak the way he did. You weren’t sure just yet whether his unashamed self put you off or impressed you.
Once your body had begun to ache from sitting for so long, you leaned forward, pushing yourself past the supplies containing clothes, food, movie, board games to rest a hand along Nancy’s shoulder. “Hey, we’re almost there, right?” you asked, peering at the map stretched across Jonathan’s lap.
He cleared his throat, stretching his legs before muttering, “Yeah, we should be there soon. It’s at the end of the road after we turn onto Lake Street.”
“Oh, is there a lake? Maybe we’ll do some ice fishing,” you suggested, humor in your voice as you leaned back into your seat.
Nancy let out a soft laugh, raising her eyebrows in a “maybe” sort of gesture and glancing to Jonathan.
He merely put his hands up. “You two feel free, but I think I’ll stick inside with all of my fingers warm and still connected to my body.”
With a smile, you returned to the view outside, watching it slowly change from straight county roads to winding dirt ones with trees growing thicker on each side. Swaying branches dusted off snow with each passing breeze.
Old brakes squeaked as Nancy pulled the car next to the cabin. Just as you thought about where the others were, Nancy muttered, “They’re probably not getting here until dark, if it’s those three trying to leave on time.”
You put down “chronically late” into your mental descriptions of Eddie and Robin, imagining Steve standing next to the car and waiting for them like the mom he often acted as. Spending time with the kids sometimes required a small escape like this, or at least it certainly seemed from Nancy’s urging to get away from Mike.
She huffed while getting out, but you just took it as a chance to get first pick at the cabin rooms. Grabbing your bag and hauling along food, you walked to the door as Jonathan asked, “Are we sure this is the right place?”
Glancing down, you saw a snowy welcome mat that said, “Live, Laugh, Love” – you turned around and shouted a giggly “Oh yeah.” Though all laughing died down as you tried turning the knob to open it… but nothing. Of course.
“Hey Nancy,” you called back to her at the car’s trunk, “Did Steve happen to give you a key to getting into this thing?”
You pressed your coat closer against your chest, trying to shield yourself from the wind, though the noisy breeze did nothing to hide Nancy’s sigh. “No, he didn’t. He said they’d be here in time, so it’d be okay.”
Pursing your lips, you nodded at the solemn information. Your breaths out made swirling white in the air in front of you as your boots creaked down the wooden steps. You searched around for a window that could be propped open and crawled through, but most seemed too high off the ground. The others refused to budge, even with all three of you trying to pull. Either they were locked or frozen shut out here.
A thud sounded out when your head rested against the cabin, slowly coming to terms with the rocky start to the getaway. Instead, you all were left inside the car, intermittently turning the car on to get enough heat going without wasting all of the gas. 
“Go fish,” Jonathan told you for what seemed like the hundredth time, making you mutter under your breath.
Your cursing only increased when Nancy asked you, “Got any eights?” You shoved your eight into her hands, ignoring her smug smile and ready to give up on this game. It’d been a couple rounds of her winning every single one.
All of your heads popped up at the same time as rumbling came from behind, eyes catching a large van pulling up on the other side of the front of the cabin. You breathed a sigh of relief at the unmistakable flowing hair of Steve through the passenger seat window after what felt like an hour. “Thank the lord,” you whispered before the three of you clambered out.
Nancy was the first to speak, her nose red like yours. “Steve, if you don’t open this cabin right now, we’re stealing it from you and locking you out.”
You guessed he would’ve had wide eyes and a surprised response, but he looked tired, nodding with a straight mouth. “Yeah, sorry about that,” he said, tossing the keys to her.
The wave and smile Steve your way had you returning them as you went to hug him quick. “You’re so lucky that’s all you’re getting from Nancy. Another half an hour, and you’d be getting much worse threats from me,” you laughed. 
As you turned to grab your things and finally find a warm blanket or bed or shower – something – he sighed out, “Hey, don’t blame me. Eddie here woke up late and was supposed to be the one picking us up. But I appreciate your kindness.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s good to see you though.”
“Good to see you too,” you said, patting his shoulder. And you meant it. That contagious smile and corny jokes were well-missed by you.
Making your way inside with your things, you wrapped your arms around yourself and grumbled under your breath things about Eddie that certainly didn’t help in his favor toward impressing you.
Stomping off the snow from your boots and slipping them off, you rushed through toward the rooms. You found three, which it didn’t take much mental math to figure out it’d have to be two people per room. Jonathan and Nancy would take one of them, leaving you with Steve, Robin, or Eddie. In the moment, though, you didn’t care too much as you picked a room at random and muttered your way into the bathroom with fresh clothes for a hot shower.
The steaming water dripped along your body, slowly warming your frigid fingers and toes. A long breath emptied from your lungs toward the smooth shower tiles, sending a warm shiver through your body. You weren’t sure how long had passed before you eventually turned the shower off, the leaky shower head dripping water droplets over and over again as you stepped out and dressed. 
You exited the bathroom expecting your bags to be right on the bed where you had set them. You had no reason to expect otherwise, until you were met with the chaotic sight in front of you.
Technically, your things were still where you had set them, but they – along with the rest of the bed, most of the floor, the wooden dresser – were covered in clothes, candy wrappers, toiletries, and… were those mini figurines? You only took one step into the room, making the floor creak below you, before a wild wave of hair popped up from the other side of the bed. 
Wide eyes stared into yours, big brown ones that nearly made you forget about the mess. That is until Eddie spoke up. “I uh, lost my Walkman. Tryin’ to find it before I go insane listening to their music.” He motioned his head toward the door with an unamused look on his face.
Listening for a beat, you heard music coming from the living room – which seemed to be “Material Girl” playing. Nodding, you looked around while asking, “Are you sleeping here?”
Eddie still rummaged through his bag as he muttered, “By the time I got in this woodsy cabin, everywhere else had been picked, and Robin was already nearly started the place on fire trying to start the wood stove before Nancy stepped in. So I guess?” He turned to you then. “Are we roomies?”
Between his lateness that caused you to sit in the car and freeze your ass off and having to now dig your things out from his mess, you pressed your mouth tight while thinking of your options. “I’ll be right back,” you told him, flashing a flat smile.
You didn’t give him time to answer before you left, seeking out Steve. You found him in the kitchen unpacking some of the refrigerated food. Walking right next to him, giving him a sweet look, you helped him put away some things.
His sigh filled the quiet space between you two. “What is it?”
“Have I ever told you how good your hair looks, Steve?” you asked.
“Of course. Now, what do you want?”
Groaning, you whispered, “I did not sign up for having Eddie Munson as my ‘snowy getaway’ roommate. Please switch with him. Or with me, I’m sure Robin is better.” You looked at her laughing in the living room while watching Nancy try to teach Jonathan to dance, unsuccessfully.
Steve let out a breathy laugh. “If you find uncontrollable snoring and sleep talking better, then maybe. But I already promised Robin I’d room with her. And you have those freezing fingers that I don’t want to wake up with on my back.”
“I promise I won’t do that, even if you are the greatest furnace I’ve ever known,” you begged.
He looked at you, stopping his unpacking and tilted his head. “What’s wrong with Eddie as your roommate? He’s not all that bad.”
You glanced back to your room to make sure he wasn’t listening. “I’m sure he’s not, but he’s been in there for two minutes and already trashed it. And I’m not exactly the type to share a bed with a stranger.”
“Well you could just talk to him. Or get to know him so you’re not strangers,” he offered, glancing toward the room. Your eyes followed, seeing that Eddie was walking out. You had meant what you said, that he wasn’t terrible – maybe you’d even like his sense of humor or laidback personality. But you already liked the rings wrapped around his fingers and the crinkles around his eyes – and all of that mixed with having to lay mere inches from him all night had you hesitating.
You quickly gritted out, “He could just sleep on the couch though” while bringing a smile to your face as Eddie approached.
Steve looked the same, leaning over to whisper, “Or you could.”
You’d seen the couch, a fancy one that looked as if it hadn’t ever been sat on. Your back hurt from just thinking about using it as a bed. There were no other quiet protests you could give before Eddie made it to you two, the chain on his jeans jingling with each step.
“Harrington, you seen a Walkman around here or in the van?”
Steve shook his head, sending his hair swishing along his face. “I’m sure you just missed it when shoving nearly everything you own into a single bag, Munson.”
“Except for extra underwear. I did forget those,” Eddie said with a sad sort of grin, though it turned happy at seeing your twisted face. “Just messing with you, roomie. Though I did forget toothpaste.” He pretended to bat his eyelashes, silently begging for you to share yours and only stopping once you gave in.
His hand patted Steve’s shoulder before walking away to ask the others whether they’d seen his Walkman. With a tight mouth, you just looked at Steve with pleading eyes.
“He can borrow some of mine,” he offered. 
You leaned your head against his shoulder in a silent “thank you” before making your way back to the room, planning to unearth your bag to settle in. To your surprise, most of Eddie’s things were cleaned up – or at least shoved to one side of the bed, which you appreciated as you opened up your bag, putting away your things into the drawers. 
This was okay. You’d only spend the nights in here, and that was only part of the day. You’d be having fun elsewhere the rest of this time out in the snow or sitting among friends in a nice cabin. This was still going to be a great getaway, no matter what came.
“Oh shit.”
Your head jerked up at the sound, your heart sinking for a moment at hearing Steve say those words. The music quieted down a little, sure someone had turned it down at the outburst. Making your way back, you found everyone else staring at Steve as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Anyone seen the packs of beer?” he asked, his voice low like he already knew the answer.
At everyone shaking their heads, Robin spoke up. “I thought you were bringing them.”
He nodded, putting his other hand on his hip – his classic mom pose. “Yeah, yeah I was. Except they’re back at my house, just sitting on the counter,” he sighed out. “I forgot them when running out of the house when Eddie pulled up.”
Groans echoed out in the space, a quiet “Way to go, Steve” from Robin joining them. 
“Well, how about a trip into town? That could be nice,” Nancy offered, clasping her hands together. “Grab some beer, check out the stores too.”
Jonathan peered out the window, pulling open the blinds. “It’s stopped snowing for a bit. Is it supposed to pick back up?”
You shrugged your shoulders like the others, none of you having bothered to check the forecast. “I’m sure it’s fine. Let’s get this road trip going,” Robin said with a toothy grin.
“We already had a road trip,” you said with a laugh.
“Well, a mini road trip then. Maybe there’s a Family Video there, Steve. We could use our double employee discount to get The Apartment for basically free.”
“Robin, you’ve already seen that literally a hundred times,” he responded.
“But not a hundred and one times.”
You smiled at the sigh he gave as opened up his hand to Nancy. “I can drive.”
Nancy nodded, digging out her car keys before throwing them to him. Most of the others started making their way to the door. Though it wasn’t snowing, you weren’t yet ready to weather the cold so soon again. 
“I might stick back here, if that’s okay. Stay warm for a little longer,” you told them, giving a small smile.
“Want us to pick you up anything?” Robin asked as she shoved a winter hat on her head. 
You waved them off, happy enough to just have the place to yourself for a bit of quiet before everything got going. But your body stilled when Robin turned to look past you, asking, “What about you, Eddie?”
“Besides beer? Nah, I’m good,” his voice sounded. You began to chew on the inside of your cheek, suddenly debating on joining the group after all. Your chances of relaxing went down to zero, instead launching in the other direction of keeping you on edge.
But Steve gave you a pointed look, as if telling you to stay and get along with Eddie. Between his flared nostrils and a breeze pushing through as the front door opened, a fresh wave of frigid air coming through, you just swallowed hard and nodded. You gave them a wave and locked the door after they left, soon watching it pull away.
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you slowly turned around, preparing yourself to say something to the near-stranger you shared this cabin (and bed) with. But all you saw was the tail-end of the towel sticking out of Eddie’s back pocket as he walked into the shared room, calling back, “Taking a shower” right before the door shut.
Standing in the middle of the cabin, staring at the space where Eddie had just been, your stomach twisted. This wasn’t going to be as easy as you thought. Leaving you with the empty rooms of the rest of the place, you grabbed a snack from the kitchen and the book you’d left on the counter. Taking a blanket thrown over the back of the uncomfortable-looking couch, you sat in a La-Z-Boy next to it, tucking your feet under yourself.  You weren’t sure how many pages you made it through before leaning your head back and slowly drifting off into sleep, the crackling of the fire and winds gusting outside weighing on your eyelids.
The second Eddie shut that door to shower, his mouth opened in a silent scream as his palms came up to his face. Only once he started the shower did he release a groan, fingers coming up to wind through his hair. He trashed the room of one of the most beautiful people he’d ever seen? God, he must’ve looked so dumb and selfish looking for his Walkman.
Where did he put that damn thing anyway?
And he saw the way you talked with Steve right after, probably begging him to switch rooms. A sharp pang ran through his chest thinking of you running to mother hen Steve to tattle on Eddie – all spiraling because he’d forgotten to set his alarm last night. He deserved a little slack, right?
He would’ve tried to make a better introduction if he knew he’d be meeting you. He was sure someone had mentioned it earlier, but after hours of listening to whatever Steve and Robin deemed “music” in his van before being unable to escape it even here, his mind wasn’t altogether there.
He’d stayed back from the beer run to shelter from more musical soundtracks, but he hadn’t expected you to stay too. So here he was, standing in the bathroom, head resting against the tiled wall as he thought of the least annoying way to share this room – or at least not make you hate him during this weekend. 
Eddie’s shower burned against his skin, scalding water dripping down him and washing away the bad start. The curls of his hair grew heavier as he washed it. At least this place had hot water. 
As he dried off and dressed, his lungs filled deep with breaths and emptied them fully, preparing himself to face you again. Silently opening the door, squeezing his dripping hair with a towel, he padded across the floor back and forth for a while. He wasn’t sure how long he’d spent arguing with himself on how maybe hash this out, occasionally taking breaks to tidy his things further – maybe that’d help? As the sun began to dip toward the horizon, he threw down his towel he’d somehow picked up again to find you and fix this. And find you he did.
His breaths grew much shallower, quieter, at seeing you curled up in that plush chair, blanket and book resting against your body. Though he knew if you woke up to see him staring at you, there was no way you’d stop hating him. But your chest rose and fell in even waves, your eyelids twitching once in a while, your fingers intertwined with one another. And as he was about to turn around and go back into the room to leave you asleep and content – without him – his eyes returned to yours one last time to find them already staring at him.
The scream you let out rang through the air, echoed by expletives from Eddie. Hand clutched to your chest, you gritted out, “Why were you staring at me? You scared the shit out of me!”
His teeth clenched together, eyes wide, as he nearly yelled, “You? You scared the shit out of me. Jesus… just came out to check on you, got a fucking heart attack instead.”
Eyebrows screwed downward, you replied, “Is that how you check on people? By staring at them until they wake up?”
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes, though not quite as menacing as it could have been. “I’ll leave you out here to die next time, sweetheart.”
“Die? From what? The only thing that’s made me fear for my life was finding a mysterious man standing over me,” you scoffed, a hint of an incredulous smile across your face.
That made his face change, a growing smirk replacing his grimace. “Ah, so you think I’m mysterious,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. He’d changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants, and your eyes flicked down to his forearms more than once. And maybe at the way his damp hair curled against his shoulders.
“Mysterious like a man wearing a trenchcoat at the end of an alleyway, maybe,” you told him with a hint of laughter in your voice, your gaze rising up to see his face screwed tight.
“Yeah, well at least–”
Whatever retort Eddie had fell flat as the phone rang right next to you. Your gaze went between it and Eddie’s for a brief moment before you threw off the blanket and your book just as he scrambled to it as well. But your hand reached it first, your other pushing him away from getting it.
Your fingers grasped the handle, rasping into it, “Hello?”
“He- hello? Can you hear us?” The voice crackled through the receiver, though it sounded familiar. But Eddie by your side whispered, “Who is it?”
“Robin?” you asked, ignoring him.
“Where are you all? You’ve been gone awhile,” you said, though only guessing from how much darker it seemed outside.
“Oh yeah, about that. We’re in the middle of butt-fuc– Hey!” The sound of rustling and distant voices talking over one another on the other end erupted into your ear before Nancy’s voice came into focus.
“Still there?” she asked, a bit out of breath.
“Still here, Nance,” a smile evident in your voice.
She huffed out a breath before speaking up again. “We’re stuck here in town. Snow blocked my car in while we were shopping – we can’t get it unstuck no matter what we try–” More noise comes from behind before Nancy’s voice comes from farther away as she says, “We are not using Steve for traction.”
You assumed she said that to Robin, and you’d laugh if you weren’t waiting for the other shoe to drop. Nancy let out a long sigh. “No one can come get out to us today… or even a few days if the storm stays this bad.”
Your eyebrows lowered into a deep valley. “Storm?” you asked. You craned your neck toward the nearest window, unable to see much outside with the sun far down now. As you did, you caught Eddie’s face in the reflection looking stern, making you turn to him. 
He waved a hand at you, mouthing something that you only caught every other word of. You mouthed back “What?” but held up a finger as Nancy began speaking again – leaving Eddie with his arms crossed and jaw tightening.
“Yeah. Ugh, I was stupid not to check beforehand. But we’re not making it back tonight.”
“Not at all?” You knew the question didn’t quite make sense, but your eyes flicked to Eddie for a moment, your heart crawling up your throat. All it did was make him whisper-yell at you to tell him what was happening. “What about all of your things here?” you asked, your voice much quieter. There was no way they’d be able to walk all the way back, especially if this snowstorm was as bad as she was saying.
You could practically hear the frustration laced through Nancy’s words. “After we walk to the one motel this town has, we’re going to buy toiletries and things. We’ll try again tomorrow and call you, but in the meantime, are you two okay by yourselves? I know you and Eddie don’t know each other too well.”
Glancing at Eddie again brought his patience to an end, his legs bringing him to your side and holding the receiver between both of your heads to listen. The proximity of his body so close to you all of a sudden had you stepping back, eyes merely blinking at him as you tried to answer, but the way he looked at you didn’t make words come any easier. Eventually, you let out, “Uh, yeah, we should be okay. We brought enough food to last us.”
His gaze held yours, his eyebrows raising high at your words. He mouthed, “Why?” but Nancy responded first.
“Good, good. Okay,” she breathed out, “Sorry about all this, but we’ll hopefully see you tomorrow then.”
You didn’t think Eddie’s face could’ve twisted further in confusion, but you were mistaken. “Yeah, see you, Nance,” you said, your own voice feeling distant from where your mind was at. The line clicked to an end after saying goodbye, the receiver falling limply with your hand.
Before you could even collect your thoughts, Eddie spat out, “Can you finally tell me what the hell is going on?”
Your head jerked back just an inch before your eyes rolled. This was going to be a longer weekend than you ever thought. Instead of answering him, you walked to the cabin’s front door, pulling it open carefully so the wind didn’t fling it off its hinges. Standing there, gazing out into the world, you felt Eddie’s feet walk across the floor until they stopped next to you.
With the front porch lights illuminating the way, you could see heavy flakes pelting down onto growing piles of snow. It wasn’t nearly as much of a surprise as to how their car had gotten buried so fast after seeing how much snow blanketed the world.
“They’re stuck – staying in town tonight,” you finally muttered. “They’re shit out of luck.”
He rubbed a hand down his face, fingers tangling in his hair as a groan rumbled up his throat. “No, we’re shit out of luck. Jesus.”
Despite the view of endless stars littering the sky, goosebumps started littering your skin. Your hands grasped the door handle and pushed it shut and locked before resting your head against the thick wood. 
“Well,” Eddie said from behind, making you turn and watch him shift from one foot to the other, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “At least we don’t have to share a bed anymore.”
You let out a mostly unamused snort, lifting your head to shake it back and forth. “That’s the least of your problems. They had all the beer.”
The two of you had nearly started a fire and a fistfight in the kitchen while trying to make a late-night dinner. This cabin felt ancient, none of the appliances working how either of you thought they would. Eddie tried to come in to help, hoping it’d mend some sort of relationship between the two of you, but he ended up pulling off one of the dials. Instead, while he piled up logs high into the wood stove for the night, not knowing if any of what he was doing was right, you rummaged through food to make a couple sandwiches.
In silence, you two sat at a creaky dining table and ate a meal that wouldn’t fill you up and that would have you searching for snacks in the middle of the night. But he was having dinner with you, trying to not stare at you too much – though, part of him thought “How could he not?” There was a way you spoke, lived, breathed that had him strangely captivated and wanting to know more.
“So…” he started saying in between bites of his surprisingly delicious sandwich, “do you forgive me yet for scaring you?” He tried to sound sincere, but a wry smile rose along his cheeks.
Tilting your head, you told him, “Might be my memory, but I don’t quite remember you apologizing for it, Eddie.”
As his name rolled off your tongue, he couldn’t stop his face from flushing for a second. But his grin came back almost immediately. “Think it’s your memory then.”
“While how about you refresh it for me,” you said, looking at him expectantly. The crackling of the fire filled the air between you, its heat wrapping around his body while you waited.
A few emotions crossed his face, determining the right way to do this, before he finally said, “Sorry about it.” He shrugged. “Not sure you could blame me for staring me for staring at you, though I didn’t realize you were so jumpy.”
Eddie’s throat felt tighter as he swallowed down the risk he took to say that, but he’d say it a million more times if it meant to see the way you paused, your face turning shy as you looked away. 
“See…” you said, your voice returning to you as you pointed at him with your sandwich, “I don’t think that’s a very good apology. Not sure why it’d make me forgive you.”
“It came from my heart.” His hand came to rest on his chest, right above his heart with a solid thump. His fingertips felt the way it beat just a bit too fast for his liking. His apology wasn’t good, but it got you to talk to him some more, and that felt like enough.
Flat-toned, you told him, “Sounds like you should go to a cardiologist, cause your heart gives shit apologies.”
Dramatically, he pretended to stab a stake through his chest. “Great, now you’ve wounded me.”
“Clean up dinner and I’ll forgive you, okay?” You stood up with a smile you tried to hold back, only moving to the living room once he wordlessly nodded. “Thanks.”
He felt glad you weren’t watching at how fast he put the few ingredients away and tidied up the table. He glanced at you while you gathered up your things, your face a bit shyer as you approached him.
“Gonna get ready and head to bed. See you in the morning, yeah?” you said, making a pang hit his chest in a way that left him confused and nearly breathless. 
“Yeah, sleep well,” he muttered, hands back in his pockets and playing with the coins left in there. 
Standing in the cabin alone as your door shut, only accompanied by the hot fire and chilling winds outside, had Eddie walking to bed with too-loud thoughts. Had he won you over? The way his body seemed to care so much about the answer to that question didn’t help his tiredness as he climbed into bed.
Despite the constantly creaking house under the harsh force of the storm’s wind, the night passed quietly at first, only accompanied by your occasional tossing and turning. You went to Steve and Robin’s bed that night, leaving Eddie in the one you were supposed to share with him. You thought of your friends and hopefully what plans they had in store for all of you once they made it back tomorrow.
Robin had a million movie recommendations for the group to watch. Nancy brought games for you all to play. Mostly, you just wanted to catch up with everyone that you hadn’t seen in awhile, happy to finally find a time to be together, but look where you were…
Sleep came and went, and came and went again until you woke up a few hours later with a chill climbing up your spine. Your weary blinks barely did anything, the room soaked in dark. Though if you had been able to see, you would’ve expected to see your breath billow out into the air. 
How did it get so cold? Squeezing your eyes shut, you willed yourself to curl tighter against yourself and fall back asleep. But it evaded you, slipping away through chilled fingers and goosebump flesh. 
No part of your body agreed, but you slid out of the bed with a blanket wrapped around you. Your feet curled against the cold floor as you made your way to the fire stove, doing your best to not run into anything. 
In the dark, you could spot the last embers in the fire stove still dying out. Shit, you hadn’t been paying attention to where Steve’s family kept the logs. While searching in the dark for a light switch or the logs, pain erupted through your toe as you stubbed it against something. 
A subdued groan stuck in your throat, one hand over your mouth while the other went to your toe as you bent down. Breaths came from your nose in rough bursts, the cold air only making the pain worse. 
Feeling around, you vaguely recognized what you ran into as Eddie’s bag he’d brought out at some point last night. You silently cursed him before making your way to his room, exhaustion fueled by the cold weighing on your eyelids and shoulders, slowing you down.
Fingers wrapped tight around the blanket still, you knocked on his door once, twice, three times… you lost count when he didn’t answer. Fed up, you creaked the door open and whispered, “Eddie?”
Only once you repeated his name louder did he stir, his mouth releasing a groan from beneath the sheets.
“Hey, Munson. Where’s the firewood?” you asked, walking closer to him.
His hand came up to rub at his eyes. “Jesus,” he mumbled, “it’s freezing in here.”
He couldn’t see you roll your eyes, but that didn’t stop you. “Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. The wood stove burned out, where’s more firewood?”
“I used the last of it when I filled it. Thought it’d last us awhile.”
You didn’t want to absolutely lose it on Eddie, but the heat of your frustration felt welcome in your cold body. “You used the last of the firewood in a winter storm? Are you trying to get us killed?”
He sighed out, “I’m sure there’s more somewhere.”
“How should I know?” he asked, sleep still laced through all of his words. You envied him and wanted to strangle him. “We can look in the morning or call Harrington, okay?”
“And what, do we freeze until then?” you asked, pulling your arms in closer to your body. You weren’t sure you had enough layers to last you that long.
Shifting himself over, Eddie offered, “You could join me to share body heat or whatever, or you could leave. Either way, I’m falling asleep in the next 60 seconds.”
Your face twisted, nails digging into the softness of your blanket. Part of you wondered whether freezing during the night would’ve been better than sharing a bed with Eddie, the first thing you tried to avoid after getting here.
But his hand flopped over near you, and you could feel the warmth of him washing onto your thigh. With a final shiver through your spine that you blamed on the cold and nothing else, you grumbled, “Let me in. And watch your hands.”
He held up his hands as if to show you he wouldn’t dare, not that you really expected him to. Climbing into the bed, your body relished in being near him. Your tired muscles loosened with the heat as you curled against him while he laid on his back. 
“Shit!” Eddie nearly yelped as your cold feet accidentally brushed against the skin of his legs. 
“Oh suck it up and warm me, Munson.” You pressed closer to him still despite his protests, and despite the nerves firing inside you. Your blanket stayed wrapped around you like a burrito, acting as a barrier between your bodies at least a little bit. Maybe it’d be enough to let you fall asleep without overthinking all of this.
But the blanket constricted your upper half, so as you wiggled against Eddie to get comfortable, you brought your arm across his chest. Hoping that didn’t go too far, you began to ask him, “Is this oka– are you not wearing a shirt?”
Pulling back a bit, you tried to look him in the eye… and maybe lower. But the darkness obscured any glimpse. 
“Got warm when going to bed. Shirt’s somewhere on the floor. S’that okay?” For once, his voice sounded void of teasing. Instead, you could tell he angled his head to try and get a look at you as well.
Settling back against him, laying your head against his shoulder and pressing your body to his, you nodded. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, of course.” Was it okay? Your fingers rested along his ribs and unable to get the feeling of his bare chest out of your body’s memory.
The weight of his hand resting against your back and the slight tickle of his wild hair brushing along your face warmed more than just your skin. All of this breathed intimate, made you close in more than a physical way.
“Good night, Eddie,” you whispered. Your body began to relax as the chill left in favor of the blooming warmth he provided you.
Against your head, he whispered back, “Good night, sweetheart.” 
You thought sleep would be impossible while wrapped together with him, and while calling you those pet names, but the comfort of your breath falling in line with his had you tipping toward exhaustion. And though you seemed to be bursting with thoughts and questions, Eddie had vowed to go back to bed soon, so you shut your eyes to let him sleep, falling into unconsciousness within moments.
Eddie did not fall asleep soon, not even close to the 60 seconds that he had told you. Not with you snuggled this close to him, your soft breath sliding against his skin with each exhale. He was sure you’d fallen asleep then, little noises sounding from the back of your throat kept his mind racing and his body all too aware of yours.
When your thumb had rubbed back and forth along his skin, his brain went blank then burst back online when his stomach tingled. Did he really have god damn butterflies from that? At least it seemed he’d won you back over from pure annoyance to mild tolerance. 
He hadn’t told you, but he’d been cold too. Eddie absolutely wouldn’t have told you about the way his heart lept into his mouth when asking you to stay in the bed together. Or how wide his smile had gotten when you actually said yes. Each time you twitched, he feared you had gotten cold again or had some bad dream. But there you stayed, in his arms.
No part of him could tell what time it was by the time his tingling nerves finally settled and warmed. Dipping toward unconsciousness, he knew he’d sleep better than he had in a long time. And he did, with you pulled tight against him and refusing to let go.
The sun peeked its body up above the horizon. Light streaming in painted the frosting swirls adorning the window in a rainbow of shades. The absolute silence out here in the winter felt welcome against your ears. Through everything this trip had brought, at least you had time to sleep in. 
And Eddie took full advantage of that. As your eyes blinked open, you found him out cold – but he certainly didn’t feel cold. The first thing touching your awareness was the feeling of Eddie pressed against your back, the rising of his chest and pounding of his heartbeat. His arm wrapped across your ribs and came to rest his hand on top of yours. 
Silently, a soft smile rose on your face as his nose nuzzled against the back of your neck. Who knew he loved to cuddle so much? As each quiet minute passed, you seemed to care less and less about the minor ways he had annoyed you through this trip so far. Well, not completely – but at least this was nicer than bickering with him or being stuck outside.
Despite the chill still in the air, your body ached to stand and stretch. As you slipped from Eddie’s grasp, you glanced back at him. In the morning light drifting past the curtains, you could get a better look at him. But only a short one, not wanting a repeat of what he’d done to you yesterday. Facing you, your gaze took longer than you’d like to escape from staring at his arms and chest or how his hair cascaded across his face and onto the skin of his shoulders.
 He had nice shoulders.
Shaking your head, you opened the door to let him continue resting, which apparently he really needed. While he slept in through most of the morning, you’d managed to make breakfast, get washed up and ready for the day (and covered in many, many layers) and actually read this time – with the record player on its lowest volume. Through the busyness of work and college, you found it hard to capture (let alone appreciate) moments like these anymore.
You’d checked outside again and again to see whether the snow had miraculously melted since you last looked. But each time you pulled back the curtains, the blanket across the land still sat there – though snow continued to fall, it drifted slower now. Its quiet and undisturbed body looked peaceful, comforting in a way despite everything.
Though not unwelcome, the soft air broke once the phone rang. With quick footsteps, you went to it and picked up, rushing out, “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s Nancy again,” the voice on the other side breathed through the receiver.
Maybe you should’ve asked how she was or how she slept, you skipped past any pleasantries. “Any good news?” you asked.
The sigh Nance let out told you the answer before her words did. “Wish I had some. Everywhere within a hundred miles is facing exactly what we are. No one’s getting anywhere for a bit, barely even plows.”
You swallowed down a deep groan, your fingers tightening around the phone. “There’s no way you’re getting here today?”
“Maybe, if we’re lucky. I’m sorry.” And she did sound sorry, but she was the one stuck in a motel room in a tiny town buried in snow.
“Don’t worry… I’m sorry you’re roomin’ it in that motel for the time being. And with those two children,” you laughed out, breathing easier when hearing Nancy’s laugh too. You vaguely heard her say something else, but you turned to look at Eddie’s room to see the door open.
Your eyes roamed across his sleepy state as he walked toward you, the back of his hand coming up to rub against his eye as he yawned. His hair laid at odd angles, the curls raining down on a faded Judas Priest shirt he now wore, which hung down onto a pair of black sweatpants. You couldn’t quite look away, a warmth in your chest at seeing him in such a state. Only hearing your name through the phone brings you back.
“Sorry Nance, what was that?” you ask, shaking your head and keeping your gaze elsewhere.
“Just wishing you luck on your extended vacation with Eddie,” she said, a slight humor in her voice, almost as if she knew what just went through your head.
You nodded even though she couldn’t see – maybe she could apparently, or you were just that obvious – but you followed up with, “Yeah, good luck too. Keep us updated?”
“Of course,” she said, and your mouth pressed tight. Perhaps from missing out on this time with her or perhaps from the impending conversation with Eddie in a second. 
“Oh wait!” you said louder, “Please ask Steve where the extra firewood is. We’ve burnt through it.”
Nancy mused out loud, “We should’ve had one of you there when he explained all this. One second, I’ll ask.” You imagined her whispering to Steve while Robin was still asleep.
While sounds of shifting and moving went through the background, you watched as Eddie grabbed the blanket you’d been using on the couch and wrapped himself in a burrito. You turned away to hide your smile, thankful Nancy came back.
“Hey, he says it’s out back in a log rack. And that you only need to put some in the stove at a time, not too many or it’ll burn out faster,” she explained to you. 
You thanked her, and the click of putting the receiver back echoed through the room. A silence settled before Eddie finally asked, “They on their way back yet?”
Leaning back against the kitchen counter, you angled toward him as you answered, “Uh, no. Quite the opposite, actually. There’s a small chance they get back today.” Gesturing to the window with the head, you followed with, “Snow’s probably not stopping soon.”
You allowed yourself to glance back at him while he looked past the curtains, knocking his head against the glass with a groan. “This storm has a vengeance against my quest for beer.”
Letting a laugh out through your nose caused him to stare at you, eyebrows furrowing in a way to ask you what was so funny. Shrugging, you told him, “You certainly have a flair for dramatics.”
He crossed his arms as he stood tall. “Maybe you’re not being dramatic enough. We’re stuck here for a whole weekend.”
With wide eyes, you asked, “Oh, having to stay here with me calls for melodrama and agony?” Eddie’s face looked hesitant, even speechless for a second, until you were unable to hold back your smile anymore.
His eyes roll back, his usual demeanor coming back quickly. “You’re the one that didn’t want to share a bed with me, sweetheart.”
Your fingers came to pick at the hem of your shirt, eyes drifting downward. Your grin fell, throat tight as you struggled to explain yourself. “I, uh…”
His shrug followed with, “S’alright. We made up for it last night.” He let out a small laugh, one that didn’t quite ease your embarrassment. “Where’s this firewood though? Freezing my tits off here.”
That did get a giggle from you and let your shoulders ease a little. If Steve were here, he’d give you an “I told you so” about communication or whatever, but you were just glad Eddie wasn’t too upset.
Still, you couldn’t stop your sigh as you told him, “Firewood’s out back in some log rack apparently.”
Raising his eyebrows and pulling his blanket tighter, all he offered was, “Well, good luck. Have fun with that. I’ll be here to warm you up again when you get back.”
“Ahh… no. You’re the reason it burned out in the middle of the night. So if anyone is going out by themselves, it’s you, Munson.” You crossed your arms, letting the silence grow louder as you two stared each other down.
“Fine! We’ll both go,” Eddie gritted out, shuffling back to his room. You slipped on boots, a hat (or two), gloves, and your coat. You were plenty tired of the all too familiar chill aching through your body.
But as Eddie came back out, you barely contained an explosive laugh at seeing him covered up. A ratty sweatshirt bulged against him, clear that he wore many layers beneath it. And he at least had on two pairs of pants. 
“Not one word,” he muttered, about to grab his shoes when you convinced him to wear Steve’s boots he’d left here. You also spent too long forcing him to put on a hat – it would “ruin this perfect hairdo” he told you, but you won out.
You were sure the two of you resembled young children bundled up and unable to move well by the time you opened up the front door. The porch allowed you to open it at all, unlike the back door that had a growing wall of snow barricading it.
Both of your boots crunched as you walked around the cabin. Despite trying to shield your face from the wind that seemed to come from every direction, the view you had certainly didn’t get old. Thick trees weighed down with fresh snow all spanning for miles, looking like a scene out of an old Christmas movie.
Nearing the other side, you spotted a rack with a tarp over it, sure to be piled high with logs. Your freezing fingers clenched at the promise of warmth soon. Just as you were about to look for the logs, you felt a thud against your back along with muffled laughter. Eyes narrowed and jaw tight, you turned around to see Eddie very obviously looking away from you, pretending nothing happened – like he didn’t just pelt you with a snowball. 
But in his act, he didn’t see you bend down to form your own snowball between your gloved hands. Packing it tight, you pulled back your arm and let it fly, hitting him square in the chest as he turned toward you at the last second.
There was no stopping the shit-eating grin on your face at his mouth dropping open or the way his gaze steeled. The look pierced past all the ridiculous layers, making you feel a little less cold out there. The way his head tilted to the side, awaiting him to make some cocky comment that’d have you internally stuttering – it kept you still, even as he bent down.
“Oh, you are so fucked,” he told you, packing another snowball.
He had no idea how right he was.
The second he stood back up with his ammo, your legs took off in the other direction, feet slipping through the snow as you ran from him. Though the icy air sharpened against your face, your grin stayed, now accompanied by uncontrollable laughter as Eddie chased you.
Rounding the next side of the house, you slipped around the corner to press against the wall, hiding from his view. His own laughter grew louder as he followed, making your teeth sink into your lip to stop from letting out any noise.
As he ran full speed around the corner, which wasn’t that fast in knee deep snow that wormed its way into your boots, you jumped out at him. Your hands landed on his shoulders with a slap, forcing a scream from his throat and his hand to release the snowball.
But he flew back in surprise, his legs tangling with yours and bringing you both down into the sea of snow. White powder billowed up and around your bodies, some of it wiggling into your exposed neck and wrists.
And yet, you weren’t complaining as you landed with your body pressed against Eddie’s, half of your chest on top of his – your faces only a breath apart.
Perhaps you should’ve scrambled back, apologized, or even laughed at him for screaming, but you admired the snowflakes littering his dark hair like constellations against a night sky. Then you glanced to the soft red covering his cheeks and nose, sure that it came from the cold but hoped it grew from something more.
Eddie’s breathing rose and fell beneath you, pressing close and then all too far a second later. You thought you might’ve caught his doe eyes glancing toward your mouth, yours doing just the same, but as he shifted closer, more snow dipped on the back of his neck and down his coat.
“Shit!” he yelled, flying up to try and shake it out, breaking whatever had held you two together for that all too brief moment. 
You sat there with a smile, watching him scramble to rid himself of the quickly melting snow. Letting out a long sigh, you stood up and waited until he calmed before nodding your head back toward the logs.
Moment broken indeed as you began to sweat trying to grab as many logs in your arms as possible – no part of you wanting to trudge back out here. Between the two of you, there stood (balanced precariously, really) a sizable amount of logs to fuel the wood stove for a while.
Your body felt a little lighter as the layers of clothes dropped to the floor, your cold cheeks beginning to warm up back inside and out of the wind. This time, you loaded the logs and set the stove ablaze, declaring the spot directly in front as yours for the next half hour.
Eddie, of course, had none of that. He plopped himself next to you, pressed against your side – claiming “it had the most heat, stop hogging it.”
You didn’t stop, not when the still-warming skin of your arm goosebumped as it touched his. The veins running along his forearm occupied most of your thoughts while you two sat there in silence, only interrupted by occasional complaining of a different body part being cold and cursing of this storm.
“You warmed up?” Eddie asked, turning his head to look at you. 
If you turned to him, you’d get caught up in the deep brown of his eyes or how soft his lips looked, so continued staring at the flames in front of you. You’d been plenty warm for some time now, but if you told him that, then you’d have to leave his side.
But before you could speak, he brought a hand up to scratch at his neck as he continued, “Cause I was thinking we could watch one of those movies Robin brought.”
Oh, that you could do. “Yeah. You can pick, I’ll go search for that popcorn Nancy put somewhere,” you said, getting up and finding it before he noticed how scattered your brain was becoming. 
The TV came to life as kernels popped in the pan you shook on the stove. As you watched each one burst, the nerves of being with Eddie settled back in your body, sleeping against your spine. This weekend hadn’t gone as any of you expected, especially not with seeing this near stranger as cute, charming even – not that you’d tell him that.
And rather than watch The Apartment as planned, you realized you didn’t want Eddie to be a stranger anymore. So you pestered him with questions, not that he seemed bothered. You loved hearing about Uncle Wayne and the auto shop Eddie worked at, or his D&D campaign he was planning at the moment.  Not with that smile when you told him about your family, friends, and how work was going. He even vowed to fight your annoying coworker if he ever saw him in public – like you had promised to check out Corroded Coffin when you made it back.
“Like, I know we fight literal demons in our game, but are you sure Tanner isn’t one of them? I mean, who falls asleep in the only bathroom? And locks it!” Eddie said, shaking his head as he filled his mouth with more popcorn.
“Right?” you said in between salty bites, “But as long he doesn’t show up at The Hideout, I’m coming for your show next month.”
And you’d give him a million more promises if it meant making that look spread across his face again – excited grin, cheeks squishing up to make his shining eyes shut. Wow. Maybe you’d put too many logs in, the air feeling much warmer now.
But it was easy, so surprisingly simple to spend the day with Eddie. He played you some of his favorite songs while you both laid on the ground, heads next to each other but feet pointing opposite directions. Every time he bopped his head to the beats, his hair brushed against you. The way his hands shot up to play an imaginary guitar and softly mouth the lyrics had you holding back giggles. 
This time, he tried making you dinner. And he did make a surprisingly good plate of pasta – without burning the whole place down. While eating, he nodded along to what you said as if every word quenched some sort of thirst he had for listening to you, for learning everything there was about you. He had this air about him of confidence, but past that, in those soft moments, you saw him settle into a quieter form of himself – one that calmed you too.
And reaching the end of the night, you awaited his question. Whether you’d be staying in his bed again. The fire was fixed; it’d stay lit throughout the night. But the two of you threw on another movie, maybe just so you didn’t have to confront that just yet in case you would separate ways. Your eyelids drooped and you yawned so hard it shook through your body. And that tiredness made your decision just a little easier.
“Hey,” Eddie whispered, resting his hand on your arm and shaking it gently. “Let’s get to bed, alright?”
Your head had drifted down until it rested against his shoulder, so it ruffled his shirt as you gave him a few sleepy nods. Shutting the TV off, he grabbed your hand and led you toward the bedrooms. As he slowed at the split between the two doorways, you kept shuffling your feet, pulling him into his room. Not bothering with getting ready, afraid it would break the unspoken moment between you two, you climbed into the bed and took the leap, holding out your arm as he had the night before.
God, he took the space next to you so quick. But he kept his movements gentle, not wanting to rock you out of your sleepy state in case it woke you from this dream you’d created. Eddie settled in, wrapping himself around you and under the covers. Jesus, he spent all night working up a way to ask you for this.
A deep sigh loosened from his lungs that you had done it instead. Maybe it’d been the way your eyes lit up whenever he made you laugh before they shut as you turned breathless, clutching your stomach. Or how excited you got talking about your favorite show at the time, your hands flying through the air. 
It’s not that you were intimidating, but you sure made him feel intimidated – nervous that he’d say the wrong thing and make that beautiful smile drop. But it didn’t. He could still see it in the faint light coming from the hallway, and it only grew as he pressed his body against yours.
Eddie really wanted to stay awake, on purpose this time. To enjoy this time as he stroked a thumb along the soft skin of your hip peeking out from under your shirt. But your heartbeat pumped against him, your breath made his fall in line to yours like a steady conductor – leading him right into sleep along with you. And he followed you without question.
It was in the late morning that you it happened, it finally came together. Half-awake, you laid your arm on the one wrapped along your stomach. It pulled against you, bringing you closer to the chest behind you. You weren’t yet aware enough to recognize that you weren’t dreaming, that it was Eddie also on the cusp of sleep holding you.
Not until did his lips connect to the point where your neck slopes into your shoulder did your eyes shoot open, any bit of tiredness inside you disappearing in a moment. Your head turned back to look at him, seeing his own eyes shut before also blinking open at your sudden movement.
He glanced between where he’d just kissed and your face, a blush rising to his cheeks as his mouth opened and closed wordlessly. “I, uh… I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, um…” he stammered out before pulling his arm and scooting back until no part of him touched you anymore.
You’d done it – you’d broken the tension in the ugliest way, and you felt cold without him there. Turning to fully face him, you rambled to try to fix this in some way. “No, no, it’s okay. Don’t be sorry, really I should be the one sorry for taking your bed and forcing you to sleep next to me–”
“You didn’t force me–”
“But it’s really okay because it was cold that first night and so it made sense. And we both weren’t really awake just now, and–” You’d gotten up now to pace, unable to look him in the eyes anymore. You didn’t want that extra space between you, but he’d done it first and maybe that’s what he actually wanted.
Shit. Shit. Shit. How could he kiss you in his sleep? What a god damn idiot. Though he understood why he did it, watching you pace and float through the room like some angel he felt undeserved to kiss.
As you glanced at him for just a second, you saw the way his fists squeezed the blanket between his fingers. Oh, how could you have been so stupid to misinterpret things, and now you’ve made him uncomfortable.
Taking a long breath, you finished with, “I’m sorry, Eddie.” Your hand clasped onto your other one as you shifted from foot to foot.
With a hand rubbing down his face, he shook his head. “I’m the one that kissed you, and you’re apologizing,” he laughed out. “I didn’t mean to do that, especially without asking or something first, Jesus.”
You barely heard his next words that he spoke to himself, but your ears held on to every word. “Maybe my subconscious had gotten into my thoughts…”
Your teeth dug into the inside of your cheek as you contemplated your next sentence, the rabid butterflies ravaging your stomach. Pursing your lips, you quietly asked, “So… you would have wanted to do that if we were both awake?”
And his face shot up, those eyes the color of melting chocolate meeting yours. He climbed from his side of the bed, shuffling toward you – one of his steps for every three of your racing heartbeats. “Yeah, of course. But I didn’t even ask if you wanted that…” he said, leaving his unspoken question hang in the air.
Fighting the smile trying to rise up, you said, “So, you should probably ask then, Munson.” And the kind light shining from his eyes turned brighter into a tall flame threatening to burn you both. There it was, that cocky way he had.
His hand reached to grab yours, giving it a squeeze before he finally said it. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered, gaze unsure of where to stay, definitely your mouth it seemed.
You tried to come up with a million different ways to say yes, to tell him that you couldn’t stand another second without him being pressed against you again. As your mouth opened, a creaking noise came from the front of the cabin, followed by voices.
“We’re alive!” Steve shouted as the group walked through the door and stomped off snow from their shoes. Other words shot through the air, destroying the haven the two of you had made. Dropping your forehead against Eddie’s, you sighed out a breathless “Yes” that fell flat against his cheek.
Fuckin’ Harrington.
A/n: ​Thank you so much for reading. Reblogging and commenting make my day (and make me love you), so I’d love to hear what you thought! <3
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babiebom · 1 year
I'm happy to see a new writers blog (^з^)-☆Chu!!
Is it ok if I request Stardew Valleys favorite adhd golden retriever Sam protecting y/n from some Dudes at the Saloon who make her feel uncomfortable (no matter if platonic or romantic) or just him teaching them how to play the guitar :)
A/N: oooh my first request on this account! Thank you for taking the time to request this from me:) i’ll be doing both requests so check back sometime to see if I did! I tried to do this as ambiguously as I could(gender neutral reader, can be read as romantic or platonic)
Tw: catcalling, harassment,cursing, threat of violence
Word count:1.3k
Laughter and shouts filled the Saloon as they usually did on Friday night’s. Your eyes raked over everyone’s form in amusement as you waited for Emily to return with your and Sam’s drinks. Pam was swaying in her seat as usual, chatting up some stranger who had wandered into Pelican Town the previous day. His face was still, a smile frozen on his lips as he listened to her flirt with him loudly, though no one else in the Saloon paid her any attention. His friends laughed behind him and hollered everytime Pam had said something that was slightly dirty. Rolling your eyes in amusement at the sight you sigh and watch someone else to pass the time.
“I am so sorry!” Emily looked slightly sweaty as she set the drinks down a little too harshly. You shrugged and took hold of them, gripping them tightly to counteract the spilled liquid making them slippery. 
“No big deal.”
“Those guys over there,” she justs her chin in their direction, something close to a glimmer of annoyance in her eyes, “they’ve been keeping me busy all night.” It was the first time you’d seen her be anything close to upset.
“It’s cool…hey did they say anything about where they’re from, or why they’re here?”
“They came here from Zuzu City, something about a road trip…” she sighs and shakes her head as one of the strangers calls her over again. Raising your eyebrows you take the drinks from the bar and head over to the game room. From the looks of it, Sam had lost to Sebastian (again), and was now sitting sulking on one of the couches while Abigail replaced him in playing. Handing him his drink, you sit down next to him, sipping on yours, content with how your life had turned out. 
“You did not!” Abigail exclaims,smacking the pool table while Sebastian shrugs, a smirk on his face, you weren’t really paying attention to what had happened, but already knew that he was winning. 
“I don’t know why you challenged him, Abby,” you laughed out, “he beats all of us every time!” 
“One of these days…”she frowns, lining up her next shot. 
As soon as she goes to hit the ball, a loud yell startles all of you, the sound coming from a place that was way too close to your little bubble. Turning your head to spot who yelled, you’re taken aback by the sight of the guy who was talking to Pam earlier, having abandoned his group of friends in favor of bothering your group, leaning against the doorway to the game room. While it wasn’t illegal or not allowed, you felt annoyed that he had decided to come in and disrupt the vibes you were coasting on. 
“Aw, fuck!” Abigail stomped her foot, after having missed the shot due to the guys’ disruption. The drunken man let out a low whistle, eyes raking over Abigail’s form. She frowned at him, and turned back to the game, ignoring his presence. Sebastian had already taken to continuing to play the game. Silently you decided to do the same, focusing your eyes on the pool table in front of you, uncomfortable. 
“Say, girl, you got a man?” The man called out to Abigail who promptly turned to glare at him, she clutched the cue stick so tightly that her knuckles had turned white. For a second you thought she was going to swing at him with it.
“Say, man, do you wanna keep your balls?”
You snorted at her words, the man putting his hands up in mock surrender. “Okay, okay…what about you, sweet thang?” He turns to you
You stare at him in shock at how he turned so quickly from hitting on her to hitting on you, and while you did not have as quick of comebacks as Abigail, you still wanted to deter him from speaking to you again. “Same as she said,'' you jut your chin at Abigail and take a sip of your drink, “not interested”.
“Come on, you sure?” he moves closer to you, so in turn you scoot closer to Sam almost sitting on top of him. “Looks like your little boyfriend there wouldn’t treat you right…not like I could.” His drunken slurring made you cringe, and his attempt at chatting you up just seemed sad as he stumbled forward. Still, you weren’t one to be mean, you wouldn’t have gotten to where you are by being mean, and so you attempt to discourage him again, only to be ignored. 
“They said they aren’t interested,” Sam’s voice makes you jolt, “so that means go away…y'know...fuck off.”
Surprised at his words, you turn in your seat to gawk at him. He wasn’t the type to curse. Sure he said ‘shit’ or ‘hell’ sometimes, but other things were rarely heard from him. “What? Did I hurt your feelings dude?” The man speaks again, now his attention now focused on Sam instead of you. “Say, we could even let you watch as I-”
Sam stands, and you follow behind him, not really wanting him to resort to violence, but at the same time wanting the man to get decked one good time. The man chuckles and looks over Sam’s shoulder to peer at you, “change your mind, doll?” you scoff and ignore him, focused on whatever moves Sam was going to make. 
Sebastian and Abigail watched silently from the pool table, neither making any moves to either stop or help Sam, which only made you think that either he wasn’t going to do anything, or that they thought he wouldn’t need help in kicking this guy’s ass. Sam takes a deep breath and walks past the guy.
“See, he wasn’t going to do anythi-” the man is yanked backwards in the middle of speaking, and in shock you follow Sam who was now dragging the man out of the game room and across the saloon. 
The drunken man struggled to regain his footing, knocking over stools as they passed them, yelling out protests and profanities the longer that Sam dragged him by his shirt. You stifled a laugh as you trailed behind them. The rest of the saloon died down, everyone’s eyes moving over to Sam and the guy, and by extension you as you three made your way up to the group of strangers who were still sitting and laughing by the bar. 
Sam pats one of them on the shoulder, waiting until he turns around to drop the drunken man’s shirt, parking him next to the guy. “You lost this.”
Now you laugh, it’s choked out and out of surprise, and it gains the attention of the guy and his friends plus the rest of the town who were trying to not be nosy. You put your hands on your knees, and Sam leads you back to the game room, both of you plopping down on the sofa, your group returning to your activities. Turning to look at Sam, you snort again. He still looked very pissed, and was now gulping the rest of his drink. You can hear the group of guys loudly chastising their friend.
“You lost this?” you repeat back to him, amused and thankful for his help. He shrugs and puts his drink down, his face morphing from angry to embarrassed.
“I didn’t know what else to say!” he whines and leans against you. 
“Honestly, I’m surprised Sam,” Sebastian starts, hitting a ball, “I thought you were going to kick that guy’s ass for a minute.” Both you and Abigail snort, causing Sam to move deeper into the couch, face now red.
 For a moment you sit there, taking in the vibes and the air around you. Times like these were few and far in between, but God did it make you appreciate living in a small town like this one.
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getmeoutofhell · 7 months
Ghostface killers texting with y/n part 2!!
This is for @randymeeksistheloml
Summary: basically leaving off from last chapter. Enjoy! 🤗 part 1: chat
Warnings: Ethan gets in a argument with Billy/cussing
Roman: what did I just come back to?
Y/n: don’t worry about it. It’s just them being weird as usual
Amber: Ethan’s such a L 😭😭
Y/n: imma add him back
Quinn: why? You like my brother or something 🤨
Y/n: what? No I just wanna add him back lol
Quinn: yeah sureeeee
*y/n adds Ethan back in the chat*
Amber: aww you added him back
Y/n: 😐
Ethan: why am I back in here?
Y/n: because I added you back lmao
Ethan: oh thank you y/n ❣️
Quinn: OH?!?! Now do you believe me y/n?? 🤨
Stu: 👀👀👀
Billy: maybe E won’t be a virgin sissy no more
Y/n: replying to quinn: wdym?? He literally just said thanks. Y’all really getting on my nerves. Dead ass.
Y/n: replying to billy: bro wtf
Ethan: replying to billy: wtf are you talking about?? Stfu
Billy: little bro don’t start with me
Amber: fight fight fight!!
Quinn: lemme get the popcorn 🍿
Y/n: oh shit…
Ethan: replying to billy: no because your weird for saying that. You need to stfu
Mickey: holy shit what’s going on
Roman: right I just got out the shower and all I hear is my phone dinging
Quinn: @ Richie you need to see this
Richie: see what?
Richie: replying to billy: 😂😂😂
Billy: replying to Ethan: make me bitch boy
Stu: uh oh 😰
Ethan: piss off
Y/n: everyone chill out please.
Billy: No this virgin boy mad he gets no play. He ain’t gonna do shit
Billy: @ Ethan, ain’t this you?
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Amber: LMFAOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Y/n: oh my fucking gosh…
Ethan: @ amber: bitch ain’t this you?
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Y/n: 💀
Ethan: and billy bob, ain’t this you?
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Amber: replying to ethan: 🖕🏻
Amber: you just mad y/n doesn’t want you
Roman: hey can y’all stfu, imm tryna watch this movie and y’all keep interrupting
Mickey: this shit is so fucking funny
Billy: replying to Ethan: make sure to lock your windows tonight bitch boy
Billy: replying to Quinn: it’s not that damn funny
Quinn: yes it is
*ethan left the chat*
Billy: bitch
Stu: guys, why are we fighting?? 🥺
Billy: Stu shut the hell up
Stu: where’s Charlie??? He barley texts in here. Also billy stop being mean to me 😔
Jill replying to Roman: you can literally turn your phone notifications off dummy
Amber: where the hell you come from?
Roman: don’t start with me Jill. I’m not in the mood
Jill: replying to amber: I’ve just been enjoying reading y’all going back and forth
Quinn: weirdo.
Jill: what bitch?
Charlie: hey y’all…wtf has happened while I was gone?
Roman: a bunch clearly. Where have you been?? I was trying to call you all damn day charlie. It’s your turn to do the dishes
Charlie: chill I was with my friend. You know the one I went on a date with?
Stu: are you gonna tell us who it is yet?? 👀
Charlie: no
Billy: bro just tell us
Y/n: y’all he doesn’t have to if he don’t want to
Stu: why do you care y/n? Sus
Billy: no damn way you just said the word sus
Amber: anyways, where are we heading to next week?
Quinn replying to billy: lmaoo 😭
Y/n: were supposed to be going on a trip to Hawaii
Charlie: yeah
Roman: oh yeah the trip. I’m driving. Also please put Mickey in the damn back of the van.
Mickey: why do I have to be in the back
Roman: because you’re very aggravating sometimes and I can’t have that while I’m driving
Quinn: I’m so excited for the trip. Also who’s buying the snacks for the road???
Billy: make Ethan’s ass do it
Y/n: lol I’m buying snacks for the road
Richie: where am I sitting in the van? Don’t put me by Quinn. I still remember that piece of melted candy I had stuck on me all those years ago from her
Quinn: dramatic
Y/n: how about you guys come over and we can all watch a movie and order pizza? Just stop arguing about every damn thing
Billy: I’m not going around that virgin sissy
Stu: y/n can I got to the store with you when you get the snacks? 🤗
Y/n: ofc!! 😊
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I hope you enjoyed this!! I plan on writing headcanons and maybe a whole fic about you and the group all on a road trip to Hawaii. Send in questions, I like them. 🤭
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lesbianslvt666 · 1 year
Please please part two of road trip, I crave it
Road Trip?
College au!
Mean! athlete!Ellie x trying to stand up for herself! Kind of an art major?(f)reader lmao
Ofc not proof read
(Btw, I don’t know the credits of the photos I use for these, so if they are yours or you know who are these from, pls dm so that I can add them, thanks <3)
pt 1 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5
Synopsis: Ellie and you are roommates in your shared dorm, both in different majors, you ever see each other when it comes to be at the dorm, on parties or with Dina, your shared best friend. At first Ellie was nice, always kept to herself but never mean, until she got her first college girlfriend, everyone keep telling you how much she looked like you, including Dina. So when Ellie "cheated" on her ex, her reputation went from friendly reserved football player, to fuck girl, "I got all the girls" asshole, or so it seemed to you…
Aight, I have been writing this while being in exam season, sooooo, sorry if this is shit lmao.
Also, another thing to note here is that there are some outfits on the future for YN here that I describe, normally don’t like to do that, cause maybe you don’t feel like that style fits you or whatever, so feel free to change that in your mind (also I don’t mind if you tag me on your own fit inspos, or send them 2 me?? I love fashion lmao) however, I do describe some for story purposes orrrrrr just cause I imagined YN waring something like that?? Idk lmao that’s it, I am just nervous lol.
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I put up my yellow tinted glasses in my head while I entered the ban.
"holly fuck" I looked to my right, the small kitchenette, the drivers cabin.
to the left a very spacious corridor with a couch that could be built as a bed. in front of it, a tv that you could hide behind some cabinets.
further left, there was a small room. I approach the door to open it, a toilet, and a shower, very small, but better than nothing.
there was a door past that. Opening the door showed a big king sized bed. underneath space for storage, and some pretty reading lights to the sides of the bed. how the fuck are we four gonna fit here?
"fuck, it's so big right" Dinna was dancing around throwing herself in the spacious couch.
"bigger than my dorm for sure" I plop beside her.
Ellie, who had insisted on taking my luggage. Entered the van breathless from coming downstairs with it.
"you know, when you told me it was heavy? I thought you were joking" I rolled my eyes, standing up to help her get both our suitcases up the van.
"so... Jesse and I have already use some of the storage underneath the bed for our own things... there is some more beside de bathroom, and even more underneath this couch." her face showing a bit of remorse. giving away the fact that they had already claimed the room for themselves.
"look, we are gonna be here for two weeks, we can change the room to the sofa after the first week, yall get the grand finale!!" she was looking Ellie, with an innocent smile, her eyes tilted downwards a bit.
"is not all bad tho, look!" Jesse drew the couch revealing a queen sized bed. "see? Is not that big as the king, but yall get it next week." with a cheeky smile, he hold Dina from behind towards him and jumped in the couch. "umm… so comfortable…" I looked from Dina, to Jesse, to Ellie, I raised an eyebrow. "so… we'll be sharing bed?" I pointed back and forward, from Ellie to me, back to Ellie, back to me.
"well, yeah, unless one of yall wanna sleep on the passenger seat"
when Jesse was saying that, Dina pushed me to the room, and closed the door behind her. she was fidgeting with her fingers, "look, baby, I know you don’t like Ellie, and its gonna be a bit uncomfortable." she said while guiding me to the bed, sitting down and patting the space beside her.
"Jesse and I want some privacy... we are a couple after all." she was now bouncing her leg up and down, cleaning the sweat from her hands on her denim short shorts.
"look I am sorry… pretty please? I know Ellie is not a bad person and she won't hurt you, and if she tries something you know you can always tell me and-"
my mind was going 100 miles per hour, does she thinks I am kid? Of course I know that she was going to sleep with her boyfriend. I stopped her on her rant with my hand on her knee, also to calm down the bouncing.
"Dina, I am an adult not a kid. I knew you where gonna sleep with you boyfriend and I wasn’t expecting anything else, why are you-" she cut me off now. "is just, I don’t want you to not wanna come with us, and that you feel like I let Ellie drag you here for me. even tho it was her idea... I mean I do want you here but I-"
I put my hand in her mouth. my head was now spinning, "first of all Dina, I am not here cause Ellie dragged me, I wanted to come… with you…?" the last part sank in "her idea you said?" my eyebrow raised, my hand fell from her mouth "didn’t she told you?" her eyebrows curbed up, her face hit up, "she said it was your idea Dina…" silence fell "oops…?"
"Hey Dina! YN! I am driving to the nearest 7/11 to get some snacks, want something?" as soon as jesse said that, Dina jumped out of the bed, running towards the passenger seat, connecting her phone to the speakers and playing some music, I was left thinking, and soon enough we arrived to the 7/11, both Dina and Jesse went to get us things, Ellie went down to load some gas
I went out of the room, starting to put my clothes away, underneath the storage cabinets of the couch/bed. soon enough ellie was back
Why did she lied? There was no reason to do so, could've just say something like. "look we might be roommates for the next three years to come and I wanna make the passes with you. or, hey I wanna start again, let's be friends. or, we want to be four instead of three to split the bills more evenly" or whatever.
"fuck YN, what happened, are you okay?" Ellie kneeled down beside me. her eyes fell to my hands, the sting growing.
"crap, yeah I am fine, I caught my finger in the drawer when I closed it."
Ellie tried to take my hand but I sat down, gaining some distance from her. "I am fine, don’t worry, I was just distracted."
Ellies veiny hands were now stroking up and down her strong forearms. "shit, let me help you, you have any more clothes to put away?" her eyes where scanning still over my body, I came back to my posture, my hand hurting less and less. "don’t baby me Williams. I am fine, for real."
she rolled her eyes at that, planting on her feet when she stood up, looking down at me. "whatever, you are such bitch when you want to"
I rolled my eyes at her, my face felt hot. how fucking dare she call me a fucking bitch? I didn’t even said it in a mean tone... or did I?
I frowned my eyebrows, standing up and getting closer to her face. "fuck you, like you aren't worse than me."
she came closer this time, mare inches from me. I could smell her incredible scent, some of my baby hairs tickling her face from the proximity.
"I was just trying to be nice. tell me doll, a time I was more dreadful than you." well shit, if you ask!
I crooked my head to the side, looking at her eyes. expecting for her to be looking at me challengingly, but, her eyes were on my lips. I licked them drawing her attention back to my eyes afterwards
"the time where you ask me to get out of my class to bring you another pair of "cleats"." my fingers up making emphasis on the name. "well maybe if you didn’t doll yourself up with your pretty little high knee boots on a rainy weather." she interrupted me before I could finish.
Fall was starting. the weather in Seattle cold and humid. my brown leather boots splashing underneath the glistening floor. the splashes of the water beneath my soles weting the hem of my bell jeans. I was sprinting now, trying to get to Ellies practice on time. I looked at my watch, flicking my left wrist to my sight line, fuck, I am so late, I am so late.
From afar I could see her figure coming with her teammates. their chat was loud and I could hear their bright laughs from across the campus.
Ellie seamed mad, she wasn’t talking to none of the other girls. walking straight ahead with a look that could bury six feet deep, "Ellie! Fuck, I am sorry I am late, shit!" I came running as fast as I could, getting closer to her. "I don’t need you anymore" her eyes weren't even looking at me. "well damn, I was in class when you called me... came running all the way here while raining and trying not to fall" I was gasping for air. "whatever, your hero run is useless, the match is over." she tried pushing past me. I put a hand on her shoulder. "fuck you! here, your fucking trainers." I put her shoes on her chest, the nasty look she gave me would've intimidate me if I wasn’t so mad. I started to walk, "cleats" she said loud so that I could hear her "what the fuck?" I turned. I could feel hot air coming out of my god damn ears and nose. "they are not shoes, they are called cleats." her smug know it all smirk was enough for me. walking fast to get mare inches from her face, trying to reach upwards so that we could be in front of each other. "fuck you Williams. next time you call me in the middle of the class to go all the way from my class hall to the fifteen minute walk towards the dorms... on the fucking rain! and then come all the way to the courts! which mind you. is a thirty minute walk... make sure to call me at least forty five minutes in advance." she was quiet.
"and not to get mad at me when I can't get your fucking things in ten minutes" i said a bit les loud.
"well princess. next time don’t be so fucking slow, maybe if you did some exercise once in a while you could've done it faster" oh she did not…
"or what about the time you call me to pretend to be your date at that party to scare off your stalker and turned out on me. you left me half the party alone when you went smoking with your friends"
"or the time that one girl thought we were together after you fucked her at another party... and when she came crying and screaming you let me to solve your! fucking! problem! with her." her eyes grew, the memory flooded her vison. "fuck well that was different, I told you I didn’t had sex with her! she kissed me and then told the entire school that I dick and dash!" "YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE A DICK!" "well not a real one, but that is exactly my point too!" her voice was a bit more high pitch, her hands going straight for her hair, "shit fine, I know you’ve got more, we are even…"
"why where you so upset tho? So distracted?" ellie now looking out the window, checking on Dina and Jesse that where still picking things up.
"i don’t know, I mean yeah I do know, but I am confused…" I was looking from my hands to the window avoiding her. "what do you mean?" she looked at me, her eyebrows furrowed. "just something that Dina said that took me by surprise" Ellie looked so confused, her eyes scanning my face. "she said that… me coming wasn’t her idea" Ellies eyes opened wide "it was yours?" silence fell between us. Her eyes now everywhere but me, her hands fidgeting and her feet bouncing "no, I mean, yes but not, well technically yes?" I interrupted her "why did you lied tho? I mean, why not tell me you wanted me here, maybe, I don’t know, you wanna make up from you being mean, or you just wanted to be nice?" I was now the one coming closer to her, stepping with every word until our shoes touched, she was looking at me. " I don’t wanna be nice to you princess. I didn’t wanted you to come with us, I offered it to Dina because I am a nice friend, that’s all."
her eyes went from my lips to my eyes, back and forth, her voice trembling, her veiny hands traveling to my hips.
the words she spoke would've hurt me if I didn’t knew her enough. without thoughts my own hands went straight to her waist. she pull me in closer, her grip stronger, our breaths getting more agitated. Our chest rising and falling so that sometimes our clothed breast slammed together. I might hate Williams, but she looked just so good... the last sunlight making her skin glow in a very delicate way. her freckles shining so preciously, highlighting all her features. her rough eyebrows with her sexy slit, her delicious lips that I longed to kiss since the last time.
"wanna kiss me Williams?" my voice sounded way smaller than I expected, but she heard it. "I wanna do more than that to you doll." she was so close, her lips almost touching mine, I wanted to close the kiss so bad but I was gonna make her work for that. I slowly moved my head a bit backwards her own face starting to chase after me. when she realised what I was doing she groaned, her hands roughly reaching for my ass, groping it hard. I let out a whimper, my cheeks glowing red but I didn’t care, she was so close to kissing me, I didn’t let her.
I went straight to her neck, placing warm and wet butterfly kisses all over it. Ellie let out some soft breaths, she was trying hard not to show how much she was enjoying. my grip on her waist softened, my hands travelled towards her breast. softly stroking them on top of her shirt. "fuck" now we were talking.
as soon as she let that moan out I smiled on her neck, and she took that opportunity to take me from my own. her large hand covering almost all of it, pressing hard. "Ellie…" shit. her smug face was so close to kissing me. she knew I liked being choke, hell, she knew almost all my fantasies. oversharing after parties and smoking weed together before she started to be mean. earned some very explicit talks.
"what the fuck?" the door opened fast and aggressively. "I can't believe it!" Ellie and I jumped from each other. I stumble to the couch and Ellie went walking to the little kitchen. I sat down crossing my legs, there was no other way to do so cause the ache between my legs was too painful, too good…
"LOOK! NINE DOLLARS. NINE FUCKING DOLLARS. FOR ONE, ONE! PACK OF MALVOROS!" Dina was screaming. furious, seemingly not realizing what just went down between Ellie and I. "damn, how many did you bought?" Ellies question earned a chuckle from Jesse. "four packs." Jesse said "and nothing less than two lighters." Dina plopped down on the couch. letting the plastic bags on the little table in front of it. grabbing one of the packs and a pink lighter "it was good deal okay? 25 cents each lighter? You kidding?" she lit the cigarette in between her speech. passing the pack to me, I took one, I was going insane from earlier and I needed some relief.
"well ladies, I am gonna take a pack to the front, yall can keep the other three" Jesse took the opened pack taking one cig in his lips, extending the hand to Dina "my lady, would you like to be my co-pilot for the evening?" the cig hanging from his lip.
Both took off for the driving cabin, I stood there smoking and looking at the window, Ellie doing the same, sitting on the other side of the couch, the music blasting.
After a couple of minutes, two beers down and half a pack of cigs, both Ellie and I were just dancing to Dinas music, the ambiance was beautiful, the sunset beaming through the windows, satanist by boygenious playing, the four of us singing so loud, Ellie took my hands on her, her feet bouncing side to side, my own trying to pick up on her poor dancing skills, I could hear Dinas laugh from behind us, our ugly dance moves making her laugh even harder.
One hour passed, I wanted to keep on dancing but I my feet were screaming for me to sit down, for at least a few minutes, Ellie, like a psychic, came closer to me, placing a water bottle in front of my face, I took it while looking at her beautiful eyes, the blue hour tinting everything beautifully, it felt like I was In a dream, and I did not wanted to wake up from it. 
This was supposed to be longer but I didn’t wanted you guys to wait more, I love writing this story, is so warm and flirty. Also I choose for it to be 5 parts cause I want all the smut in individual chapters, so you know where to go when you wanna read them :))
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newtthetranswriter · 7 months
heLLOOOOO can i ask for some baji scenario?? a fluffy one, where baji and reader have to babysit some relative's child and then the child starts to have fun with baji's hair? yk the braids, some cute clips etc... and then baji shows up to the gang's meeting with the new hairstyle....
rest is up to you!!!! it doesn't have to be romantic tho, i see it as a more platonic/friendly scenario?
Word count:982
Warning:none I think other than people may be a little ooc as I haven't written much for Tokyo revengers but I do want to do more.
Pairing: Keisuke Baji x reader (platonic)
A/n: Hello Ness, thanks for requesting, I enjoyed writing this even if it seems a little clunky. I gotta say writing on my phone on a long ass road trip is a little difficult but I hope you like it. Also in this everyone is alive and well. The kids in the story are modeled after my own niece and nephew, who I will hopefully see on this trip. Let me know if you like it or want more. My requests are still open. Anyway, remember to hydrate or diedrate, and have a good day.
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It was supposed to be a relaxing weekend hanging out with my best friend Baji, but unfortunately my older sister decided she wanted an afternoon without her kids. Being the only one without 'important' plans, I was volunteered to take care of them for the afternoon. Being busy with a nine year old and a six year old I forgot to cancel my plans with Baji.
While trying to get my nephew to sit and watch a movie with his sister, I heard a knock at the door. I quickly ran to the door hoping it was nothing, only to be greeted by a slightly upset Baji.
"Oh shit, Keisuke I'm so sorry. I was in the middle of getting ready to meet up with you when my parents told me I had to stay home to watch my sister's kids and they haven't stopped running around since. I completely forgot to text you." I ramble out my explanation.
As he was about to speak my nephew ran up behind me grabbing my arm. "Y/n, Amara took the remote and won't put it back. She's trying to buy movies." The nine year old tattled on his younger sister.
"Sorry I have to deal with this, you can come in if you want." I said moving back to the living room and grabbing the remote from my niece's hand. "I will put on a movie and that's what we are gonna watch." I said turning on Frozen, knowing it'll keep the kids attention for at least a little while.
I then remembered Baji was here and turned back to him. "So, we can reschedule or you can chill here with this circus, it's up to you?" I asked.
He paused for a moment before responding. "I can help you watch them, it can't be much different than keeping Chifuyu and Kazutora out of trouble." Baji then sat on the couch next to my niece and started talking with her about the movie.
After finishing both Frozen movies, I got the kids a snack before they decided they wanted to play with some of the toys they keep here. My niece immediately grabbed a brush and butterfly hair clips from her little makeup kit.
She ran up to Baji with the cutest smile before asking her questions."Mister, could I do your hair? It's so pretty, like a princess." She was so sweet but knowing Keisuke isn't a fan of people messing with his hair I was about to tell her to find something else to do, when he spoke first.
"Sure why not. Just don't pull any out, get it." He said picking her up and placing her where she could get to his hair.
After about twenty minutes of My niece doing Baji's hair, she proudly announced she was done. Baji accepted the little hand mirror he was offering inspecting what had become of his hair. "I love it thank you, Amara, it looks wonderful. Don't you agree Y/n?" He asked, turning for me to see.
I held back a laugh as I took in what my niece had done to his hair. The longest part of his hair was in what looked like the best attempt at an Elsa braid my niece's little hands could manage, while there were also different colored butterfly hair clips throughout the braid and his bangs. "It really suits you Kei." I complimented.
At that moment my nephew then grabbed Baji's arm and pulled him to help him play a video game, saying something about it being 'his turn with Baji'. I smiled glad my friend was here to help me with these two.
Eventually the kids decided they wanted to sit at the table and color. Keisuke and I both seemed to space the fact that his hair was still in the messy style my niece had done. We also lost track of time because it was starting to get dark out and a sharp ringing blared through the dining room.
Realizing it was his phone, Keisuke excused himself saying he'd be right back. Only a moment later he walked in and explained he forgot there was a Toman meeting tonight and that the phone call was Chifuyu trying to figure out where he was. After saying goodbye to my niece and nephew he said a final good night and hopped on his bike to the meeting.
P.o.v change to the Toman meeting
As Baji arrived at the shrine he realized his hair was still in the messy braid and full of butterfly clips. He sighed as he decided the best way to prevent him tearing out his hair was to wait till he could take it down when he got home. With one last sigh, he made his way to the meeting ready to deal with the inevitable jokes to come.
"Nice butterflies dude, finally decided to spice up the look for once" Came the slightly teasing voice of Chifuyu as he noticed Baji had arrived.
The brunette just rolled his eyes and shoved the blonde's shoulder. Walking to his place towards the front of the meeting, ignoring all the comments being thrown his way.
When the meeting was dismissed it seemed all of the division captains decided to make their own jokes.
"I like the braid but the butterflies are too much. Maybe try a bow next time dude." Came Kazutora's jest at his best friend.
"Hook me up with your stylist, they did a great job" was shouted by Smiley as he laughed walking away with his twin.
Mikey even made a few comments about the look. But Baji just brushed the comments off, he had a fun afternoon sure it was what he had originally had planned but it was fun. The guys can make all the jokes they want.
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 745: At the window seat
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Pag 1
1: The last
2 / 3: 200m!!
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Pag 2
1: 150m!!
2: Sugimoto is still ahead!! Danchiku is behind!!
6: There are
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Pag 3
1: 100m left!!
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Pag 4
1: Issa.... are you watching, Issa
2: I've always been timid
3: I always pushed your back with all my strength
4: And then watched you being all frolic
5: I was satisfied
Piece of cake!
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Pag 5
1: When I was little, during school trips, on the bus
2: I won the window sit
I got it!!
3: I enjoyed looking at how the scenery changed outside the window
Oh, there are cows!!
4: The window seat is super nice!
But I was pushed by my friend
Neh, Danchiku, let's swap seats! Come on, Danchiku
6: Okay
I gave up my seat
7: In the end
Amazing! What's that tower?
8: our seats stayed like the whole time
9: People also often cut the line in front of me
Sorry, Danchiku!
No, but the line....
Ah, you're so nice, Danchiku, so nice!!
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Pag 6
1: After that, the girls scolded me, too
You're too nice, Danchiku!
Yes, yes
At times like that, you need to flat-out reject them!
Yeah, you're a guy after all
Yeah... you're right... indeed....
2: It bothers us, you know
Is it... my fault...?
3: Is it me....
4: I also yielded with bicycles
Move, slowpoke!!
5: “Move”.....
Ye... yes
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Pag 7
1: If you don't want to win, then don't run in races!!
3: Riding was fun, so I started running with bikes, but
4: Indeed....
Want to win.... huh
5: I'm nervous....
I was even late for the start the other day
And I couldn't move forward.....
6: I guess I'll cancel my entry on the next race, then....
I thought I should stop
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Pag 8
1: Oi, you
2: At that time....
Ah- ah
My bad....
3: I was thinking while walking... and since the street is narrow
You want me to give way!?
4: Even though I was just walking on the side of the road
5: No
6: You don't have to give up anything
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Pag 9
1: Huh
2: You said “my bad”, but you're not at fault
3: I heard there's a guy who goes to the same school as me and who ride bicycles
A guy who runs seriously and practices properly!!
4: I'm looking for that guy
Looking for....
5: He called out to me so self-importantly
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Pag 10
1: That guy was Kaburagi Issa!!
Team up with me, and let's become the best in Japan!!
2: The strongest local club team here is called “Team SS”
First, let's join it and train!!
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Pag 11
1: That guy was saying things that made no sense, but he had said the two things I wanted to hear the most at that time
2: “You don't have to give up anything”....
“You're not at fault”......
3: So, too suddenly and without really understanding, I said yes
Huh.... yes
Alright, it's decided
4: Danchiku!? It's an unusual name, and that's important!!
It's important?
'cause it sounds kinda cool!!
5: I still think it wasn't a mistake
What a weird guy....
6: Because Issa never stole my window seat
7: And didn't cut the line in front of me
Waa Danchiku, I'm so behind you!
Lucky you, dammit
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Pag 12
1: And with an overwhelming accuracy, he gave me instructions to move forward!!
Here, Danchiku, move forward!!
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Pag 13
1: It's SS!!
Kaburagi from SS is jumping forward!!
Danchiku is pulling him, that's bad!!
2: Let's win this race!!
5: That's why I always dreamed of making you “frolic”
6: I pulled you, and you took the finish line
7: That was enough for me
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Pag 14
1: But then, after he joined Sohoku, Issa started to say those things
2: Now!! You're next!! Get stronger!!
3: I had no confidence
….. yeah
I wasn't selected for the Inter High during our first year
4: And even when I was chosen for the “Minegayama” race during fall
5: Don't worry, you can win
6: Even though Issa cheered for me, I doubted myself
7: Practiced hard, I ran on Minegayama, and somehow I won
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Pag 15
1: But right after that, my condition got bad
3: As expected..... right....
Alone, I convinced myself I didn't have what it takes
4: I didn't rely on my heart
It was probably small enough to fit in the palm of my hand
5: I read so many books, trying to make it bigger
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Pag 16
1: You can do it, don't worry, you have me with you
I can't wait for the Inter High...!!
You're making so many grains of rice fly around
2: Hahaha
3: When the training camp started, Touji-san gave me a new bike
4: And I became your buddy
5: There's something I noticed
Let's make a special technique
You can do it now!!
7: Ah....
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Pag 17
1: I remember something I read in a book
2: “Four things necessary for a person who wants to build up self-confidence”
3: “Find the amazing within you”
“Praise yourself for it”
“Don't deny it”
“Keep polishing it”
4: These are ideals... there's no way anyone can do it
6: I want to meet someone like that, bring them to me...
I thought so, and so that time I put down the book
7: But
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Pag 18
1: He was there, right in front of my eyes!!
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Pag 19
1: It's been right in front of my eyes the whole time!!
2: The guy who finds the “amazing” in himself, who praises himself for it, and never denies it!!
3: I realized I've been with him for many years!!
4: So I feel like I'm starting to see the process to gain confidence in myself, Issa!!
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Pag 20
1: Please look at me, Issa
I'll go to the Inter High!!
2: To prove that my heart is getting bigger, little by little
3: And to make you, who believed in me, even more frolic!!
5: Danchiku is shouting!!
6: He accelerated again!!
7: I'll become much stronger!!
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Pag 21
1: Garuaaa!!
2: 50m left!!
They're neck and neck!!
(Thank you @monkeyingaround for beta-ing this chapter!! <33)
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