#Morticia and Cleopatra
inkdheart17 · 11 months
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They would be best friends just hanging out talking about their carnivorous plants 🥰
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vonplundercat · 1 month
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Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers out there! Keep it Creepy, keep it Kooky, stay mysterious and stay spooky!
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millennium-queen · 7 months
Trick or treat! Dealer's choice or a prompt: Katniss and Peeta's couples costume.
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I went through so many different options for this before settling on Gomez and Morticia haha but let’s be real Everlark are Addams levels of obsessed with eachother sooo … perfect costume!!
Also it gives Peeta an excuse to be super lovey dovey and cover Katniss in little kisses all night
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stuccobaby · 1 year
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kahlopatra halloween edition! couple costumes weeeeeeeeeeeee
also frida is so Gomez coded it’s nuts.
there’s an extra scene from the movies under the cut!
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nayialovecat · 8 months
The Ink Demonth 2023 - Day 29. Meat
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Day 29. Meat Crossover: The Addams Family Finally, Bendy has the family he fully deserves and fits into! Joey Drew is so dead at the moment... :] The Addams family are one of the most supportive and helping each other families in pop culture!
I love The Addams Family! I'm a really big fan and so far there hasn't been a series that would discourage me (yes, I watched the latest animations, yes, they are embarrassing in places and don't fully capture the spirit of Addams, but they are not so tragically bad that I would suffer while watching them ). The only thing I haven't seen at least partially yet is theatre performance about The Addams Family. But they've been playing it since November at the Syrena Theater in Warsaw, so maybe I'll go there soon :)
Everyone has or has had some unrealistic patterns or models in their lives that they have tried to equal on. Whether it was the figure or appearance of a model or actress, the perfect boyfriend you want to meet from a TV show, or amazing skills in reality show... I had such an ideal - a perfect marriage. And it was Gomez and Morticia Addams. For me, they are the model of a perfect couple who complement each other perfectly and love each other, and are also really charming separately. Few people remember it, because newer productions have lost it, but in older series Morticia devoted herself to the hobby of growing dangerous and beautiful plants, such as carnivorous plants, poison ivy - and roses (because of the thorns; but she always cut off the flowers). She was also a painter and an excellent fencer (the only one to defeat Gomez in this field). And at the same time a loving and supportive mother and wife. At the same time - an icon of sexuality, charm and grace - simply an ideal woman and for me - an unsurpassed role model. I love her character - and that's why her presentation in these two parts of the newest animation hurts me the most, where they turned her into an anorexic skeleton with a domineering, uncompromising character. What happened to my sensitive and supportive Morticia, who likes to be tortured from time to time? Eh...
I also like Wednesday, Lurch (by the way, until I saw the spelling of his name, I was sure his name was Large), Thing, Fester... well, there's actually no character I don't like. Seriously, I'm a huge fan. So when it turned out that I no longer had room for any Addams-related entry, I was a bit sad. And then I said: hell no! I can eliminate Adventure Time (which pissed me off with the ending of the main plot of the series), move Cult of the Lamb in its place, and in ITS place present Morticia in her natural environment! Of course, feeding raw meat to her beloved Cleopatra. Ta-da!
Style of drawing characters was based primarily on the cartoon from 1992 (Hanna-Barbera studio), but I tried to give them a bit of my own style. If I wasn't pressed for time, I would probably colour this art entirely in shades of gray - but I only have one day left and about 1.5 pictures to colour, so... I'm giving it to you as it is - and I think it's great anyway.
Bendy and the Ink Machine (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc. The Addams Family (c) Charles Samuel Addams Sammy and the Ink Machine (c) Nayia Lovecat
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writerswho · 1 year
Weems doesn't die at the end of the season. Nevermore needs a new botany teacher, since the last one was a homicidal maniac, Weems can't find anyone for the position — she distrusts everyone who applies for the position and is afraid to hire another homicidal maniac. With the new school year knocking on the door and Weems still undecided on whom to hire, she decides to do the most unimaginable thing possible, she offers the position of botany teacher to Morticia. The story unfolds in drama, betrayal, longing, polyamory and Wednesday learning how to be decent and treating Morticia with the love, respect and care she deserves.
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jiminysjournal · 2 years
Plot wishlist/theories for S2:
Ajax is the stalker.
Morticia will take over the botany position, and Cleopatra will show up.
Pugsley will join Nevermore (thanks to Darklight 23 on TVTropes, for that one), bringing Aristotle with him.
Gomez will run for Mayor.
Nicole, Chloë, or Lisa cameo/recurring role, perhaps?
More Sophia Nomvete!
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medicaldoctordana · 2 years
The Addams Family fanfic, my first. Cleopatra falls in love with Gomez and makes Morticia jealous.
Cleopatra loved to twirl around Morticia’s velvet sleeves but had a penchant for curling around men’s necks. The guests that Gomez frequently entertained were purposefully brought through the conservatory just to torture the poor creature. If she were lucky, they’d pause right in front of her to innocently gander at her beauty. It was then that she’d twirl herself over their shoulders and go in for the kill. She resented Morticia each time she was coaxed off her dinner’s frame.
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syls-chaos · 7 months
Wednesday Addams comes down for dinner with their braids cut off. Oh, Wednesday, how could you! Morticia cries. How could you come up with something so beautifuly horrifying? She ruffles their hair and offers to go shopping for new clothing if they don't like what's in their closet anymore. After all, with a ominous hairstyle like that, one simply must have the closet to match
Pugsley shyly brings a 'friend' home one evening. Thing catches them kissing on the stairs. Gomez sits Pugsley down and starts explaining how to court a man.
One of their grandchildren goes by different pronouns every time they visit. They call the child beautiful and give the child knives engraved with each version of the child's name
Wednesday expresses worry about someone they met, alone, struggling to make ends meet, who eventually admits that they were disowned for getting top surgery. There's an extra seat at the Thanksgiving table that year, and showers of compliments on how handsomely their new child has dressed
A grandchild admits that they don't know why they haven't fallen in love yet. That they don't feel normal. "That's alright," Morticia assures them. "Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is a calamity for the fly."
The family goes to Pride, all of the mismatched, odd, terrifying limbs of it. Morticia helps Wednesday paint a rainbow on their cheek
Gomez joins a line of parents wearing white angel wings, his dripping in glorious black, standing between crowds of yelling protesters, a physical wall between the slurs and the hate and his children, his children, as old as the children are. Many protesters are challenged to duels. None of them dare respond.
Morticia sees someone wearing a t-shirt that says 'Free Mom hugs', watches everyone that walks up and clings to them as though it's their only chance at parental contact for months. She marches over and demands one, as much as she loathes t-shirts-- tacky, normal things, they are-- and every child, young or old, there that day gets a hug, an assurance that they are simply stunning, and an offer of newt wing pie and an evening reading Edgar Allen Poe to Cleopatra, should they ever be lonely or afraid.
Morticia reminisces with Wednesday about a girl she once dated, oh the glorious days, and Wednesday smiles slightly, knowing they never have to be afraid to bring someone home. The truth about what girls and boys and non-binary friends they've kissed hovers on the kiss of their tongue They know, too, if they explain that none of it was romantic, that they've never wanted what their parents had, Morticia will listen. She might not understand, no, but will let her child be, to form whatever relationships seem best. After all, how can you raise an incredible child and then not trust their judgement?
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vera-deville · 11 days
I told you I would send in a request, so here it is! This is an Obey Me one, if that's alright!
First off, have you ever seen Little Shop of Horrors? If not, please do! One, it's essential for this ask and it's also just a great movie! No pressure though!
Now, onto the real ask! So, if possible, I'd like to request a florist!MC. But a florist who's kind of like Seymour.
(Here's where the whole Little Shop of Horrors thing really comes in)
They come to the Devildom with Audrey II. It's got its roots wrapped around the MC's waist, and it's vines wrapped around their arms while snug. Of course, it's heavily off-putting because.. well. There's a humongous and terrifying plant just.. attached to this human.
But the brothers don't mind it, until months into the MC's stay as an exchange student when Audrey II starts talking. Then, they're all freaked out. They're even more freaked out when the MC is not only fine with it, but is willingly talking to it like it's normal!
(Bonus if they see the MC prick their finger and then just.. let Audrey II clean It off.)
(Yes, this came to me in a dream in the middle of a 20-minute-nap.)
So, what would the brothers think of this?
Feed Me Seymour!
05/17/2024 - 05/30/2024
Pairing: No pairing (you can think of the interactions as either platonic or romantic) Word Count: 3,351 Warnings: Reader pricks their finger, but they'll be alright; mentions of chapter 16 Gender: Gender Neutral (as it was not specified in the request) Tags: @g0dwat3r (if any of you would like to be added to my Obey Me taglist, please let me know)! Notes: Okay, I really love your brain Touya, because this is already a fantastic idea, but you know what I started thinking about? Morticia Addams. I don't know if you've seen the old Addams Family series, but Morticia has a carnivorous plant called Cleopatra, and I really wanted to include her in the story. I didn't, but I'm definitely thinking about writing it.
In which Y/N has a rather interesting plant friend(?)
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We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Royal Academy of Diavolo.
Please return this letter with your sign to confirm your participation.
We are looking forward to welcoming you as part of our new exchange program.
Yours sincerely,
Huh? Royal Academy of Diavolo? Exchange Program? What was happening?
You tried to open your eyes, but there was nothing to see. Just pitch-blackness. It would have been more terrifying, but the soothing presence wrapped around your waist and arms helped. Quite a bit, at that. Clutching the stem of rice flowers close to your chest (although careful enough to not break the stem), you kept trying to see through the darkness for something, anything.
Soon enough, there was a voice. "We welcome you, human, to the demon student council."
The voice was stern, but pleasant, drawing your attention away from the darkness and to a room that was materializing in front of your eyes. It looked like a really goth courtroom, and you truly would have spent more time admiring the place if it wasn't for the ridiculously tall man who arose from the chief judge seat.
The man in question was handsome. Very much so. With burgundy hair, and a well-fitted suit, and skin so coppery sweet, it was no wonder that you couldn't help but stare.
And if you weren't so caught up in the man's appearance and the fact that you had no idea what on Earth was happening, perhaps you would have noticed that you weren't the only one staring.
You had to physically will yourself to pay attention not only to the man when he started speaking but the others in the room as well.
"Welcome to the Devildom, Y/N."
Astonishment enraptured your being for the simple reasons that this complete stranger somehow knew your name, and that every single person in the room was blessed with extremely good looks. The astonishment, unfortunately, did not go unnoticed.
"...Oh pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we?" Asked the man with red hair. "Well that's understandable. You've only just arrived, after all." Arrived? Arrived where exactly? "As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom."
Okay yeah, this was some sort of really weird dream induced by your lack of sleep this past week. That's why there were really handsome dudes and that's why one was telling you weird stuff. Since it's a dream, there was no problem with going along with it, right?
"The Devildom?" You ask, feeling yourself relax a little more, now knowing that this is a dream.
"Yes, exactly, the Devildom. I see that you catch on quickly. Excellent." He replied.
Well, that didn't really answer anything.
You were about to ask for a better reply than that when he said, "I suppose I should start by introducing myself." Curious, you give him his moment. "My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of of all demons, and all here know me." Cool. The dude's a demon king. Still not the weirdest thing you've ever dreamt. "And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom." Oh, he wasn't king yet. Then how's he a ruler already? You know what, it's probably best not to think too hard about it.
The so called ruler of the so called Devildom proceeded to explain about a school called R.A.D. and about a bunch of other stuff. The other demons (plus one that came in really late) introduced themselves as different demons of different avatars, and the more they spoke, the more you couldn't shake off a particular feeling.
It all felt too...real. You'd dreamt all sorts of things before, but a part of you somehow always knew that it was just a dream. But you didn't feel that this time. It felt far too real. The anxiety slowly crept back into your bones, a chilling effect settling over your being as your throat seemed to have something invisible lodged in it.
You tried telling them that you weren't meant to be here. That you were meant to be back home. You still had to finish your bouquet for Mrs. Harris, and you had a new shipment of peonies arriving in an hour. You hadn't finished watering all your plants. You hadn't cleaned up the shop. You still had so much left to do! You couldn't just be whisked away to some other world (that you still weren't entirely sure was a dream or not).
But alas.
You were told that there was no way they could send you back.
And if that wasn't bad enough, you had to go to school. You had assignments. You had tests. Oh and you were in what was basically hell.
Ain't that swell?
Throughout this whole ordeal, the plant around your waist remained dutifully wrapped around your figure, even nuzzling against your neck when she felt your discomfort.
Without much of a choice, you steeled yourself for the days in this foreign world that awaited you.
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The latest human addition to R.A.D. was a little...odd. None of the brothers nor the demon prince in the room wished to point out the very large plant that had wrapped itself around the human like some manner of serpent, especially since the human was completely unbothered by it.
Most of the brothers found it odd, of course. Solomon never walked around with a giant plant stuck to him, but then again, Solomon wasn't necessarily normal himself. A few of the brothers didn't find it in themselves to keep their thoughts quiet. Mammon in particular straight up screeched when he saw the plant, and maintained his distance (both emotionally and physically) and still the human did not seem to mind the plant.
Asmo found the plant ugly.
That was really the only way he could describe it.
It was ugly.
Satan had read stories of plants like this. In one book he read, the plant ended up eating a whole bunch of people. He only hoped that this was not a case like that story.
Beelzebub didn't really have an opinion on the plant. He could eat it, but it didn't really look too appetizing.
Diavolo himself was worried at first, because he was sure that humans didn't simply walk around with giant plants attached to them. When he told Barbatos about this odd situation, the ever loyal butler offered to look into the matter discreetly.
He found nothing.
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It had been many months since you had been whisked away to the Devildom (which you are now infinitely more familiar with). It was strange at first, and it took some getting used to, but you did it. Now, whenever you woke up to face the day ahead of you, you didn't do so in fear or anxiety or anything else.
You had grown accustomed to this new world.
In fact, you'd go so far as to say that you'd grown fond of the place.
Audrey II seemed to agree with this. Every morning, Audrey demanded a large meat dish to satisfy her hunger. The brothers assumed that you were a very hungry individual (Beel felt a deep hunger coming from you at all times), and didn't think much more of it. Every now and then, Audrey would crave a Backstabbing Sandwich (apparently it was particularly delicious), and you, having no other choice, entertained her food whims. What's the worst that could happen?
It was after the whole incident with Belphegor that you brought Audrey with you more often wherever you went. Though you and the brothers had slowly gotten past the incident, the trauma it left behind did not magically go away. Audrey II being the sweet thing she is, had no qualms to being carried around the Devildom (despite the lingering stares and questions that were thrown your way).
Today was a day that Audrey II would be coming with you. You were heading off to the flower shop you owned on Dogma Street. You originally were looking to open the shop at Silent Street, but Dogma Street caught your eye. The street itself was the biggest electronic district in the Devildom, and when you first proposed the idea to the brothers (and Diavolo and Barbatos) to open a flower shop there, they were quick to advice you not to. Why would you open a flower shop at a street primarily known for its electronics?
Still, you managed to push through, and you ended up becoming the quaint owner of a little shop next to an eatery on the street.
And wouldn't you know, it actually did pretty well.
Of course, since you were a student, you couldn't be at your shop full-time, and that's where two lesser demons come in - Terror and Dolor - a pair of siblings who often fought, but shared an interest in flora. They would take care of the shop in shifts, and seeing as you gave them the housing area right above the shop to stay in, you could make sure that they would be at your precious flower shop at (mostly) all times.
Today was planned to be their day off, which was fine by you, seeing as you hadn't been to the shop in a week and you desperately wanted to see your babies (plants) again.
You opened the door, causing a sweet bell to ring, signifying your arrival to your empoyees.
"You're back!"
Smiling, you greet your employees, Audrey still wrapped around you.
Terror and Dolor fawned over Audrey (they're really the only ones in the Devildom who do that apart from you) while you went inside to get your apron. Working at the flower shop had quite a few benefits. You could make your own money, go to work at your own time, and most importantly, you could be surrounded by the things that you love the most - flora (and Audrey).
Your flower shop was quaint (despite its large capacity). Many customers have complimented it, saying that it felt homely (which is exactly what you were going for, so mission accomplished successfully you supposed). Even Asmo loved the place, and oftentimes would post selfies from just about everywhere in your shop.
"Dolor, how's that order with the Bloody Acokanthera Oblongifolias going?" You asked the demon pruning Audrey II.
"Just finished it this morning! We shipped it along with the invoice for the flowers. The customer notified us that they would be making the payment by the end of today." Dolor replied.
Shooting a smile of satisfaction at him, you shooed the brothers out your shop, wishing for them to have a lovely day to do...well, whatever it was they did outside the shop. Right before they left, Terror told you that a certain demon butler had visited the shop earlier and left a letter for you, and how she placed it in your office.
With that in mind, you walked back into your shop, petting Audrey II as she sat on a table before walking into your office and grabbing the aforementioned letter.
Even without the knowledge from the siblings that Barbatos had delivered this letter to you, you would have been able to tell that it was he who wrote the letter. By this time in your adventures in the Devildom, you had come to recognize the handwriting of those you know. And while a few had impeccable writing (in cursive too), no one's writing was as elegant as Barbatos - not even Lucifer.
The letter read:
"Dearest Y/N, I am pleased to inform you that Lord Diavolo requires a fresh shipment of Dark Roses for an upcoming event at the castle. I sincerely apologize for the short notice, but please note that the master and I truly would have given you more time to prepare the notice had we been able to do so. We shall need enough roses to fill out the Crimson Room. I estimate that the number be around 50. We will need the roses delivered by tomorrow. Thank you, Barbatos"
You smiled, already having a good idea as to why the roses were needed. Some of the higher officials (not including the brothers you lived with) had been a little too finicky with their positions and though not a threat to the heir of the Devildom, they were starting to get on his nerves.
No matter.
Despite how sweet Diavolo seemed (and actually is), even the Crown Prince of the Devildom had his limits. Oh well. Those officials would get what was coming to them.
Your job was to simply provide the best roses for such an event.
With a newfound vigor, you made your way next door (you had originally bought two plots in the street and simply joined them together to create one shop. This area was where you kept some of your best grown flora (the rest were in an undisclosed location only you and a few others knew about). Typically, you the plants you grew in this area were popular - loads of customers would buy them. The rest of your plants were grown in the aforementioned undisclosed location. Despite this, there was one type of flower you grew in your shop which was by no means popular, but rather extremely rare.
Dark roses.
You fondly recall you and Barbatos planting a fresh batch of dark roses at the Demon Lord's Castle, and how he had given you some seeds to grow for yourself. What started off as a few roses quickly became much more, and now you were the exclusive propagator of dark roses in the Devildom. It was a monopoly you gladly encouraged (something Mammon also did).
The first step was to cut the roses. The roses had to be cut in a specific manner - a 45-degree angle and they had to be put in water immediately. This same method was used with roses back in the human realm (and gardeners would use the stems to grow new roses out of), but there was one key difference between the roses from back home and the dark roses in the Devildom. One of them could actually survive a little while without having to be immediately placed in water.
The other could not.
And that's part of the reason why dark roses were so rare in the Devildom. They were ridiculously hard to grow in the first place, but cutting them was an even bigger pain.
Luckily, you had loads of experience with these finicky things, so you had this in the bag.
After some time, you'd harvested almost 60 roses (some extras, just in case), and it was time to remove the thorns from their stems. Removing the thorns from the roses could be done using one of two different tools you had available in your shop. The first one were rose thorn cutters (made specifically for that purpose) that didn't look too different from a pair of nail cutters. The logic was that you'd slide the tool up to the top of the stem, press down on the handles gently, and then drag it down the stem, thus cutting off the thorns.
Though very efficient, the second tool was your favorite - a simply knife. Roses were woody in nature, so all you had to do was simply slice all around the stem of the flower. Admittedly, this took a lot more time than the thorn cutters, but in a way, it was stress relieving. You were sure that you'd end up using the thorn cutters, but you'd enjoy using the knife for as long as you could.
And so you got to work - de-thorning all 60 something roses by hand.
You'd gotten through more than half of the roses when you heard the bell of your shop jingle. Turning around, you saw none other than the brothers you shared a house with. But in doing so, you'd accidentally run the blade of the tool you were using right across your finger.
Hissing, you pulled your gaze from the brothers and back to your finger. You could see the cut, but it took a moment for the blood to come out. It was painful, and you weren't too good with cuts (a little ironic, considering your profession), but before you could whisk your finger away to wash off the blood, Audrey II yelled, "Feed me! I'm starving" before she chomped down on your finger.
Of course, she didn't actually bite off your finger, but she sucked the blood out, and it made your finger more sore than it was already.
It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, of course. You'd gotten hurt loads of times when working (and even when you weren't working), and if there was blood (which there usually was), Audrey would just lick it off for your. Same old.
The brothers had seen you talk to Audrey II plenty of times before, hell (literally), you'd talk to just about every plant you came across, but never had they seen Audrey II talk to you.
If that wasn't shock enough, you just wiped your hands down on your apron before turning back to face the brothers and greet them with a smile as though you hadn't just nicked yourself and had your plant(?) lick your finger for you.
Of course, the greeting faltered on your tongue as soon as you saw the faces of the brothers.
Asmodeus spoke up first.
"Sweetie, your plant just talked!"
"Yeah?" You asked rhetorically. "What about it?" You watched as the brothers tried (and failed) to come up with words to say, although you didn't really understand why they were struggling so. Even Levi was stunned. In an attempt to make a joke (and to stifle the stifling atmosphere), you said, "It's not like you guys didn't know that Audrey could talk."
One look at their faces, and you knew that you were wrong.
"Wait, you guys actually didn't know that Audrey could talk!?" You asked, stunned at this new revelation.
At last, Lucifer gathered himself. "Ahem. We were not made...aware of the fact that your plant was sentient." He sure looked uncomfortable trying to explain his mind without offending you or Audrey.
"What do you think all that meat was being delivered for every morning Lucifer?" You asked sardonically.
"Wait, I thought that yer the one eatin all that meat!" Mammon exclaimed. Bewildered, you shot him a look conveying as such.
"How the hell would I eat 2 whole pounds of meat every single day genius?" You retorted.
"We just thought you were hungry." Beel offered.
"I'm a human. I'd literally die if I ate that much meat every. single. day." You enunciated the last words.
"I'm rather fascinated by Audrey II. How did you come to meet? Was she always this size? Did she always have a deep carnivorous craving?" Satan asked consecutively. Before you had a chance to answer any of them though, he continued, "Actually, now that I think about it, it makes sense! I've been an utter idiot! All the signs were there, and I've read about these kind of plants in A Complete Guide to Carnivorous Plants and How to Care for Them!"
You didn't even bother reminding him that you were the one who recommended the book to him.
Belphegor seemed to be the most chill (although you could still see some semblance of surprise on his sleepy visage).
Figuring that this was probably going to take a while, and you had a whole bunch of Dark Roses to prepare, you invited everyone to grab a chair and sit while you worked.
It turned out to be a good choice, because you ended up finishing a few hours after you'd originally thought you'd finish, and by the end of the day, Audrey had made (official) friends with each of the brothers. In fact, you would say that Audrey and Asmo got along particularly well.
And yes, the roses turned out spectacularly, and the House of Lords were reminded once again of who was truly in charge.
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Author's Note: I took some liberty with the Reader's personality in this fic. Seymour's a very timid guy, and (spoiler alert), that's what ultimately lead to his demise (in my opinion). Being thrust into a world full of demons, I think you're gonna need a little more tenacity that Seymour, so I made the Reader timid, but not Seymour-level timid (if that makes sense). The second thing I took a decent amount of liberty with is making Audrey II not entirely evil. She is after all a villain in the original story, but I made Audrey a little bit like Cleopatra. (Sorry if that's not what you wanted)! Masterlist
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ficsofabotchedmind · 5 months
Bye-Bye my blue baby
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Summary? Nope, ehehhe. 🤭
Warnings? God yes.; Talks of death and stabbing, Larissas death, graphic depiction of Larissas death, Morticia in great pain, a shitton of angst
Morticia was in her conservatory when her crystal ball started to glow, being excited knowing it was her daughter, answered, “Hello, my little bat! Why are you covered in blood and who was it?” 
Wednesday stared at her mother for a second trying to work through a way to tell her that Larissa Weems was no dead, so she took a breath and said, “Marylin is Laurel Gates, Laurel killed Weems, she and Tyler kidnapped me, stabbed me but Goody saved me, then Tyler transformed into the Hyde and tried to kill me again, Enid saved me, Crackstone came back to life and tried to annihilate all out casts but I killed him with help, and then I nearly beat Laurel to death with a shovel.” 
Morticia didn’t hear the rest, all she heard was that Larissa, her ex roommate, friend, and girlfriend, was now dead. She didn’t realize she was staring at that Wednesday was calling her. 
Wednesday let out a sharp and loud, “Mother!” 
Morticia snapped back, “Yes, my darling?” 
“Are you okay, Mother?” Wednesday, who was actually worried, asked 
Morticia, while smiling a smile that was clearly faked, said, “I’m alright, my little death trap. How was dear Goody Addams?” 
Wednesday, not buying but humoring her mother, snarked, “Incredibly stupid but now inside of me somehow, she healed me by becoming a part of me.” 
Morticia, who was still clearly focusing on that one detail, merely hummed and said, “Well, as long as you showed no mercy and caused great pain then I am very delighted.” 
Wednesday, deciding to give her mother alone time, said, “I need to go mother, the teachers here are incompetent and have no clue what they are doing. Will you be alright?” 
Morticia, swallowing around the lump in her throat, said, “Yes, I will be quite alright, my little bat. Now go show them what you are made of my darling.” 
And with that, both of them hung up. Morticia stared at the ball and then spoke, “Show me the last moments of Larissa Weems.” 
The ball spoke, “Child, I do not wish to show you that of which will hurt you.” 
Morticia let out an inhuman noise and spoke, “Show me the death of Larissa Weems.” 
The ball made a noise but compiled, and so began an hour long journey of Morticia watching Larissa get injected with Nightshade, drop to the floor, convulse, and ultimately die. Morticia just kept staring into Larissa’s eyes and watching how they shone with confidence, anger, fear, and then ultimately drained of all life. 
Morticia swiped her hand over that ball over and over and over again, tears dripping down her cheeks as she watched the woman she loved die, repeatedly. 
Morticia, no longer able to stand, faltered as Larissa faltered in her last moments, tears now streaming, a scream unlike anything ever heard ripping its way out from deep within. The scream echoed throughout the conservatory, through the halls of the manor, through each room, reaching the ears of Pugsley and Gomez.  
Gomez wisely told their son to stay behind and as he trekked through the hall of the manor, the paintings were weeping with his beloved. He made his way into the conservatory where he saw Morticia, on her knees, one hand clutching her chest and the other her stomach, screaming in pure pain.  
He looked up and was greeted with the sight he never wished to see, a friend who now lay dead upon the ground. Gomez then looked around, even the plants were weeping with their caretaker and Morticia's beloved Cleopatra trying to get to her caretaker to be of some comfort. 
Gomez then snapped out of it and stopped the ball, he made his way towards Morticia but as soon as he tried to gather her in his arms, she let out a piercing cry and sobbed out, "Just leave. Please, leave me here. Walk out and shut the door and leave me to grieve." 
Gomez being Gomez obeyed his wife's orders, he walked out, shut the door, and gathered Pugsley and went for a walk to give his wife space while he did his own grieving for a lost friend. 
Morticia laid on the floor of the conservatory for hours, head lying on the marble flooring, tears streaming down her cheeks, arms curled around herself, broken cry's ripping their way from her body. 
She doesn't know how long had passed when she then felt a hand upon her shoulder and heard a voice, "Really, Mo? I thought you had more composure than this." 
Morticia gasped, whirled around, spotted through her tears Larissa Weems, and let out another broken cry of despair but then spoke in a shaky voice, "Issa! Oh Issa! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I couldn't help you, I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I left. I'm so sorry." 
Larissa, no longer blinded by her own pain and anger at Morticia, carefully approached, "Oh Mo, I forgive you. Gomez and I should never have put you in such a position. Come here, my porcelain dove." 
With that Morticia crumbled into the arms of her love. Yes, even after the years she still loved the woman for she had never stopped. Morticia, clinging to the blonde beauty, howled in pain but Larissa just cradled the woman, rocked her, and combed her fingers gently through the raven locks. They stood there for what seemed like hours but in reality, it was just a mere 15 minutes.  
With much pain, Larissa pulled back a little, "Look at me, my dear dove." 
Morticia looked up and into Larissas eyes, they were white. Morticia cried out and looked away once more and Larissa, realizing what happened, altered her eyes back to the gorgeous blue they once were  
"Is that better, my love?" Larissa softly asked 
Morticia, peering once again through tears, spotted the blue eyes she knew and still loves, "Yes. Yes, it's much better, thank you." 
"Morticia, while I did not want to go, I'm glad it was me instead of that hell spawn you call a daughter." Larissa let out with a light chuckle 
She continued, "My love, I forgive you now. I hold no hate, no anger, no bitterness of any kind any longer. My last wish is for you to no longer beat yourself up over the past but live for now." 
Morticia, knowing this was a possible goodbye forever, said, "Alright, I can't promise anything, my stately Sequoia but I can try." 
Larissa smiled, "That's all I ask, my dear. That's all I ever ask. Although I do have to admit I did tear your picture out, not my finest moment but well, no take backs." 
Morticia let out a wet a broken laugh, "I know, but you were always rather beautiful when angry." 
Larissa smiled gently, knowing their time together was nearing the end, gave a gentle smile, "It's coming to an end, Mo. I have to go, my darling. Morticia, I love you, I will always love you, and I will be by your side no matter where you go. I'll always be there Morticia, you may not see me, but I will be there." 
Morticia, holding in a scream of despair, asked, "Can I kiss you one last time, my darling?" 
Larissa smiled and nodded, "Of course you can, my love." 
Morticia gently cupped Larissas cheeks, looked in her eyes one last time and said, "I love you, my shifty shifter." And placed a soft kiss upon cold lips. 
With that Larissa faded and the last thing Morticia heard was, "I love you too, my darling dove." 
Morticia collapsed to her knees, tore her eyes open, glared at the heavens, face crumpling in anguish, then she let out a gut wrenching cry of despair that made even the devil shed a tear. 
Wrapping her arms around herself and collapsing to the floor, Morticia lay there screaming in pure agony, tears streaming down her face and all she could think was, "My love is gone, never to return." 
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allergictocolor · 17 days
Character Profile - Morticia Addams
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“The real head of the house and moving force behind it. Low-voiced, incisive, and subtle; smiles are rare. This ruined beauty has a romantic side, too, and is given to low-keyed rhapsodies about her garden of deadly nightshade, henbane and dwarf’s hair. Generally indulgent [of] the often sinister activities of the children, but feels that Uncle Fester has to be held in check. Her costume is always the same - the form-fitting black gown, tattered or cut to ribbons at the elbows and feet. Occasionally, she will wear a shawl. Her voice is never raised, but has great range. Contemptuous and original and with a fierce family loyalty. She never uses a cliché except to be funny. She is a thoughtful hostess in her way and, if a guest needs anything, he is advised to scream for it. The children are instructed to observe the amenities and always kick Daddy good night.” - Chas Addams
Charles Addams claimed to have thought up her name while leafing through the yellow pages in a phone book (they used to deliver books full of local phone numbers to our houses!) when he stumbled upon the listings for Morticians. People speculated as to whether she was based on any of his three wives, but he denied that vehemently. He just happened to love thin, pale women with dark hair, and managed to marry the woman of his dreams three times. Though he did marry his third wife in an Addams family-themed wedding in a pet cemetery, so make of that what you will.
Carolyn Jones was cast in the 1964 TV series, despite not being taller than their Gomez, John Astin. He wasn’t a tall man by any account, so I’m assuming she was the best Morticia in the auditions and had the best chemistry with their leading man. Their chemistry on screen was excellent, but also the right amount of comical. While Gomez was frequently overcome with passion whenever Morticia spoke French, or any other foreign language, Morticia often brushed him off. There were other things to do. They could get carried away later.
She called him “Querido”, “Mon Cherie”, and “Bubele”, a yiddish nickname that wasn’t continued with subsequent Morticias. The show established that Morticia held Gomez in the palm of her hand (left, below). Unfortunately, both because it was a sitcom and because it was the 1960s, there had to be hilarious misunderstandings that undercut her power over him somewhat. In more than one episode, she was given reason to doubt that Gomez really loved her, and was driven into the trope of the worried housewife, fretting over what to do. It always worked out in the end, of course. Sitcoms always do.
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The TV show is where Morticia started the habit of cutting the heads off of roses, making bouquets of only the stems (right, above). She spent a lot of time tending her various plants. She had an African strangler named Cleopatra, which continued in other incarnations later on. In the show, she fed it “hamburger meat”. On camera, it looked like meatballs or very small burgers. It threatened to eat a few people, but Morticia assured them that humans gave Cleopatra heartburn.
1960s Morticia indulged in painting more than later versions of her. They didn’t always show what she was painting, but often showed her behind an easel, working on something. When they did show the painting, it was something unusual. More frequently, they simply said what she was painting.
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She was also seen knitting frequently. Sometimes she would be knitting a scarf that was well over 20 feet long, looping around the living room furniture. Other times, it would be a sweater with a very long neck or extra limbs, likely a reference to the comic below, which was also referenced in the 1993 movie Addams Family Values.
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While her mother, Hester Frump, was played by Margaret Hamilton (the wicked witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz), and Morticia herself was described as a witch in the series, the witchcraft was mostly implied. She was shown “smoking”, producing smoke by simply crossing her arms and concentrating, but she didn’t tell fortunes or mix potions like her mother-in-law Grandmama Addams does. Once they got to 1991, Anjelica Huston’s Morticia stated that she was a witch, and that in school she majored in “spells and hexes”.
Huston’s Morticia is level-headed and fully assured of herself. When things go badly for the family, she’s the one who holds everything together. Like her co-star Raul Julia, she is my generation’s gold standard for the character.
I think Morticia takes a little step backwards in the musical, suddenly being unsure of herself because she’s showing a few wrinkles. Bebe Neuwirth was amazing on Broadway, but Gomez would never be bothered by his wife showing her age. He loves everything, and he loves his wife even more. She should know that.
The 2019 animated version of Morticia is wickedly wonderful. Here, she does show some kind of magical powers, unless producing thousands of spiders to make a walkable bridge is just gross and not actually magical. She also talks to her deceased parents on a crystal ball, a form of communication repeated in the 2022 Netflix series.
In the Netflix series, Catherine Zeta-Jones’ Morticia is a side character so far, so we only see her in a few episodes. We know she has psychic visions that are positive, the polar opposite of her pessimistic daughter, but we haven’t seen any of her visions. She’s also madly in love with Gomez and as easily carried away as he is, which is a problem for their embarrassed children. We’ve been told we’ll get a better look into Wednesday’s home life in season 2, so it’s likely there will be even more of Morticia there. Maybe we’ll even see Cleopatra!
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mask131 · 2 years
The evolution of Morticia Addams (2)
Step two of Morticia’s “life” : the 60s television series. Here is the sitcom Morticia, as played by Carolyn Jones.
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Of course, due to being played by Carolyn Jones, Morticia couldn’t keep the “ruined beauty” and withering style of the original cartoon. Her appearance still stayed the same - thin, tall, pale, with long dark hair, and a tight-fitting hobble black dress. But she is now much more conventionaly beautiful, as well as much more “glamorous” in design. Her robe doesn’t look as much torn out as elegantly cut, her hair is much more lush than in the drawings, and we can also note the addition of a few jewels: a jeweled ring on the finger, a small necklace on the collarbone... This is a much more classicaly elegant gothic lady, a more... “aristocratic” look. They even hint at her paleness not even being natural: she rather uses baking powder as makeup! 
On a similar note, for the sake of acting, this Morticia lacks the emotionless of the original cartoons. She isn’t a perpetual blasé as Charles Addams conceived her: she is a pleasant, charming, happy woman/wife/host who smiles and laughs (though quietly). She can be prone to anger or jealousy sometimes, and we see her shed tears. She is emotive (though not much more emotive than regular people - just more emotive than her original incarnation). But despite these emotions, she stays the calm and quiet member of the family - in front of her husband’s reckless, enthusiastic, extravagant behavior (or Uncle Fester’s), she is a voice of prudence and reasons who advices caution and is always ready to prepare a nice cup of henbane to soothe people’s nerves. Even her movements are restrained by her tight-fitting dress (which makes her only more “elegant” in gestures). In fact, it is this quietness that makes her bizarre in the eyes of normal people: where the original Morticia’s lack of visible emotions made her eerie, Jones’ Morticia disturbs people because of how calmly, quietly and normally she reacts to the most unusual or distressing things. 
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The Morticia of the 60s television series was designed to be the opposite of the “classical” couples seen on television. She was designed to not fit in the classical “bickering couples” seen so much on sitcoms: she deeply loves and cares for her husband and family, she is the one that easily gets worried for them whenever something seems to go “wrong”, but she is also willing to make sacrifices or changes for the good and well-being of others. Her feuds with Gomez are rare and memorable, and most of the time just based on misunderstandings easily solved. This is part of Morticia’s general kind and caring behavior: she is always displeased by seeing people unhappy, and always ready to help them... in her own ways. She can still be stern and firm though, for example if someone tries to flirt with her (she reminds them that she is married and a faithful wife), or if someone is rude to her or her family.
On the other hand, Morticia does fit a lot of the classical tropes of the 50s and 60s sitcoms, notably by fitting (in her own way) the “housewife” role. Unlike in the original cartoon, for example, she is seen cooking and preparing all sorts of things for the family: meals of unusual meats (such as alligator’s), stews with unusual ingredients (eye of newts and other bizarre things), or cups of henbane instead of cup of teas. Like her original version she likes knitting, but here she knits sweaters for various members of the family (she likes to send gifts to distant cousins, aunts and uncles) ; and her passion for plants of the old cartoons is translated here into a full passion for gardening. But unlike a traditional 50s housewife front-lawn garden of little flowers, Morticia feeds regularly a greenhouse of exotic carnivorous plants with pieces of meat, her favorite (and most notorious) being Cleopatra, an “African Strangler” often seen bothering the Addams’ guests. And unlike traditional gardeners, when she picks a flower about to bloom, it is to cut its bud off.
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Despite playing several of the classical “housewife” tropes, Morticia is also quite unique as she is a very talented and cultivated woman with talents for various domains : a recurring topic of the television series is her picking on a new hobby or a new occupation, and excelling at it, but sometimes getting too passionate and neglecting her husband or family as a result. As such she has been seen to be a very talented writer of children stories, an excellent painter, and a quite gifted sculptress - she fits very well with the “strange bohemian family of artists in a little traditional suburban neighborhood” vibe the show intended to display. Among the many talents of this woman are also musical ones: she is from time to time seen playing music, notably with a Japanese shamisen. (Because you know, back in 60s America everything that was too foreign in nature was just weird and bizarre). 
While the show did not made Morticia as ghoulish as her original incarnation, they still tried to kept little hints at her inhuman nature here and there - notably with the most memorable joke of her character. “Can I smoke?”. Morticia loves to “smoke”, but what she means by that is crossing her arms, and having smoke come out of her body. Several details and elements of the show also strongly hint that Morticia is actually a witch (ranging from her wearing a pointy witch hat from time to time, to her ancestry going back to Salem, and the witchy nature of her immediate relatives - because in this show she is the “outsider” part of the Addams clan, due to being born in the Frump family, close friends to the Addamses, but still not of the same bloodline). 
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adrienneleclerc · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if you could an Xavier Thorpe x addams!reader fic where there's a Addams family reunion and she's introducing him to everybody
It’s an Addams Family Reunion
Of course I can! Hope you like it, mi vida. My first Xavier Thorpe x Addams!Reader fanfic
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Addams!Reader
Summary: When Y/N is getting ready for the Addams Family Reunion, Xavier decides to pay her a visit
Warning: probably none
Y/N Addams is Wednesday's younger sister by a year. Much like Morticia, she sees positive things in her visions and has a more optimistic outlook on life. She has been dating Xavier Thorpe for a few months, when the fall semester ended early, Xavier have cellphones to both Addams girls. They are currently FaceTiming each other.
"What are you doing tomorrow, sweetheart?" Xavier asked as he was sketching.
"Well...I have a family reunion this weekend, tomorrow we have family flying out so I gotta make sure the house still has cobwebs and I need to feed Kitty and Cleopatra." Y/N said casually.
"There are more Addams? Who are Kitty and Cleopatra?” Xavier asked.
"Yes, there are a lot of us, and Kitty is our pet lion, Cleopatra is one of my mom’s plants. But I'll be busy tomorrow and the weekend, I'm sorry, pretty boy." Y/N said and she watched Xavier blush.
"It's fine, my love. Does the reunion start on Friday?" Xavier asked
"I think it does, yea. Pugsley is going to be playing with dynamite with our Uncle Fester when he stays in our house. Before you say anything, yes, it's perfectly safe...for us anyway." Y/N said.
"You Addams really are kooky." Xavier stated.
"Wednesday prefers spooky, but I agree. I need to walk Kitty, gotta go, okay." Y/N said.
"Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow." Xavier said and they hung up. There was a knock on her bedroom door.
"Y/N, darling, Can i come in?" Morticia asked.
"Sure mom, come in." Y/N said, putting away her phone.
"Were you talking to your boyfriend? The Thorpe boy?" Morticia asked.
"Yes mom, I've been talking to him. What did you what to talk about?" Y/N asked.
"Is he going to come over? I haven't seen him since Parent's Day.” Morticia said.
“I’m not sure, actually. Does Kitty need a walk?” Y/N asked.
“Your father is already walking Kitty so don’t worry. Tomorrow Cousin Itt and Uncle Fester are coming along with your grandmama, okay.” Morticia said.
“Okay, mom.” Y/N said, when Morticia left the room, Wednesday came in.
“Sister, when was the last time we saw the whole family?” Wednesday asked Y/N.
“It was for Pugsley’s Mazurka 2 years ago. Is the house even big enough to have the family reunion here?” Y/N asked.
“Maybe it is, it would be great to see Uncle Fester again though.” Wednesday said.
“Yeah i know, you’ll see him tomorrow.” Y/N said and with that, Wednesday left Y/N’s room.
Skip to Friday, with Gomez Addams being old money rich, their house was enormous and fit all the relatives. Everyone was sitting down, eating the food that Lurch had prepared for them. Then Y/N heard a knock on the door.
“I’ll get it!” Y/N yelled and when she opened it, she was surprised to see Xavier standing there is nice-ish clothes. “Xavier, I can’t believe you’re here, come in.” Y/N said, stepping aside to allow Xavier to come inside.
“Wow, your place and family are bigger than I thought. And there’s just a lion walking around, cool, no need to be scared at all.” Xavier said nervously.
“Um yeah, my dad makes a lot of investments and deals, he makes a lot of money without even trying, it’s his gift.” Y/N commented offhandedly. “Is it okay if I introduce you to everyone? I don’t want them asking questions.”
“Yeah sure, I can’t believe im meeting your entire family in one day, this is getting serious.” Xavier said.
“Oh yes, very serious, i expect a promise ring next month.” Y/N said teasingly, trying to calm his nerves but it didn’t work. “Im kidding, let’s just go.” Y/N looped her arm with Xavier’s to introduce him to everyone. “Mom, dad, Pugsley, you remember Xavier, right?”
“Oh yes of course, you gave the girls phones, I assume they are on your phone bill.” Gomez said.
“Yes, yes they are, don’t worry Mr. Addams.” Xavier said.
“No need for formalities, hijo, Gomez is fine.” Gomez said.
“Would you like to play with explosives my Uncle Fester gave me?” Pugsley asked Xavier, trying to be friendly.
“Not right now, Pugsley, I have to introduce him to everyone.” Y/N said,
“Maybe after.” Xavier said, making Pugsley smile slightly. Then they went to another family member.
“Cousin Itt, this is my boyfriend Xavier, Xavier, Cousin Itt.” Y/N said.
“Nice to meet you.” Xavier said and Cousin Itt chittered in reply.
“He said nice to meet you too and he likes your hair.” Y/N ‘translated’ for him.
“I like your hair too.” Xavier told Cousin Itt.
“He says thank you, I’ll talk to you later Itt.” Y/N said and then walked away.
“Is he made out of hair or does he just have really long hair?” Xavier asked Y/N.
“I Don’t know how to explain it…he has arms and legs so I guess he just has really long legs.” Y/N said.
“Can you understand him when he talks?” Xavier asked.
“Yes I do, it’s an Addams thing.” Y/N said. She later spots her Grandmama and Uncle Fester, deciding to introduce them to Xavier. “Grandmama, Uncle Fester, this is my boyfriend Xavier.”
“Oh wow, you are so very handsome, and tall too, you bagged a good one, Y/N.” Grandmama said and Y/N looked embarrassed while Xavier laughed a little, feeling flattered.
“Thank you, grandmama.” Xavier said.
“Call me Eudora.” Grandmama said.
“I hear Y/N talk about you a lot, it’s nice to see you in good lighting.” Uncle Fester said.
“Yeah, he was in the Nightshades library when you were there with Wednesday.” Y/N explained to Xavier.
“Oh, It’s nice to out a face to the name then.” Xavier said. Y/N has introduced Xavier to everyone from Ophelia Frump to Dr, Flambe, Uncle Knick Knack, Great Auntie Sloom, Aunt Petunia, and the spirits of Granny and Grandpa Frump (yes I googled the extended Addams Family). “I met everyone, right? Please tell me I met everyone.”
“You met everyone, guapo, trust me, you met everyone. Wednesday is currently dancing with Cousin Lumpy and Monday Jones.” Y/N said, looking at Wednesday dancing with their cousin.
“Do you want to dance?” Xavier asked.
“Really? Right now?” Y/N asked,
“Consider it…a do over from the Rave’N.” Xavier said, having his hand out for Y/N to take it. She took it and began to dance to the harpsichord that Lurch was playing.
“Thank you for coming to the reunion, you didn’t have to.” Y/N said.
“You were busy yesterday so I figured why not come over today. Is it okay if I sleep over though? That way I can get on your family’s good side.” Xavier said.
“Why would you need to be on their good side?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t know about you, but I see this relationship lasting at least a year, maybe more.” Xavier commented.
“You do, huh? Well…what if I told you the same thing? That I can see our relationship lasting i graduate from Nevermore. What would you say?” Y/N asked Xavier. Xavier made a pensive face, spun Y/N out, then spun her back towards him.
“I would say that’s great, because I love you.” Xavier said. It’s the first time he said it too.
“I love you too, Xavier.” Y/N said, and they leaned in to kiss each other.
“My life has become so much better since you and Wednesday started Nevermore.” Xavier commented.
“Even after Wednesday accused you of being the Hyde and getting you arrested?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, even then, because you were by my side every step of the way, I liked that you visited me in the police station.” Xavier said.
“Of course, I wasn’t going to let my boyfriend go through such a tough time alone.” Y/N said, kissing his cheek.“My life has also become better since I met you.”
“I think I should go play with Pugsley’s new explosives. Hey Pugsley, I’m ready to play now.” Xavier shouted when he saw Pugsley playing outside. So now Xavier and Pugsley are both outside playing with the explosives Uncle Fester got him and Y/N was just watching them have fun. She then felt a presence near her.
“You really like him, do you?” Wednesday asked.
“I love him. We love each other actually.” Y/N said.
“And he met the entire family, he didn’t faint when he saw Kitty, I was hoping he did though. He handled our family really well, I must say.” Wednesday commented. “He could definitely be an Addams.” Wednesday said.
“Yeah, I think he could be an Addams too.” Y/N commented, looking at how Pugsley hugged Xavier after blowing up something with his hand grenade.
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badass-bitch-polls · 1 year
Morticia Addams canonically has a degree in Hexes and Spells, she’s the best parent, she’s the best person since she’s very understanding and won’t judge you (unless you hurt her family). Just all around the baddest bitch for being the best person (won’t judge if you don’t vote for her). Also has a carnivorous plant named Cleopatra, and one of the Salem Witches
YOOOOOO EPIC! we absolutely stan a girlboss mum!
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vampsveux · 14 days
Gomez : How long has it been since we've waltzed? Morticia : Oh, Gomez... hours.
Gomez : Cara mia. Morticia : Mon sauvage.
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