#Metalworks Merfolk
lovelywingsart · 10 months
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Lil thing for the Merfolk again because it has me in a chokehold 💙
One of the only times Karl had a logical response to something.
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comicaurora · 2 years
How do the Merfolk and Sekrai get along? Was there any friction when the Sekrai first descended?
It strongly depends! The ocean is a very big place. Some parts of it allow for the construction of underwater cities or floating structures favored by the Sekrai, but in others the seafloor is so deep that they're really only inhabitable by pastoralist types that move around in the mid-level water without settling down. The majority of Sekrai typically favor the comparative shallows where they can actually put down permanent structures, and these areas tend to be less popular with Merfolk, who are much more at-home in entirely free-floating or mobile communities that follow the currents and don't really thrive in environments designed for people with legs. The farther you get from land or shallow water, the more likely you are to find more Merfolk than Sekrai. Unattached pirate communities and raiding parties are typically mostly Merfolk, though Sekrai pirates are also found a little ways out from most coasts, but there are some citadels far from the coast or anchored near very small islands where the Merfolk have full established communities. Since the Sekrai and Merfolk can live in the same environments it's most common to find a mix in any given community, but the population distributions aren't the same.
There was definitely friction when the Sekrai first descended. I mean, an entire city fell into the ocean and everyone who survived underwent a rather traumatic internal restructuring to be able to not drown. They weren't at their best, basically, and it's hard for any interaction with that kind of thoroughly traumatized community to be 100% chill. Some of the merfolk provided invaluable assistance early on, though - guiding the newly aquatic humans on how to find shelter, how to navigate the currents, what plants they could farm and how to reorder their food needs now that fire was kind of a no-go. It was a tumultuous situation and, like any culture collision, parts of it were good and parts were bad. The Sekrai mostly stayed close to the semi-familiar environments of the seafloor and shoreline, because that is a hard mindset to break and there were still valuable resources to be harvested from the ground. Metalwork, textiles and and woodwork were tough sciences to lose access to, but stone, leather and bone made halfway decent replacements and allowed for the construction of a lot of parallels to technology the humans had previously relied on that the Merfolk had never needed to develop. Some Sekrai mages shortcutted various parts of the process, raising stone buildings from the seafloor or growing organic foundations from seaweed and coral, which was another thing the Merfolk had never had access to. On the flipside, the Sekrai didn't have to start from scratch when they needed to find replacements to all their ground-based technologies that didn't work underwater. Without the Merfolk, they would have had a much harder time adjusting. In those early years, the primary clash was that the Merfolk were happy while the Sekrai had just lived through an apocalypse. Even now, remnants of that old angst sometimes linger - the Merfolk are perfectly content and suited to their world, but many of the Sekrai on some level feel that the surface was taken from them, and all their unique wonders are just concessions made to make up for that loss.
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ainews · 4 months
As mermaids and mermen become increasingly popular in the world of fashion and fantasy, it's no surprise that their unique needs and wants have also gained attention. One of the latest fashion trends for merfolk is the use of high-rise vises for their cleats, and the reasons behind this choice can be traced back to their aquatic home.
First and foremost, it's important to understand what vises and cleats are and their purpose. Vises, also known as vices, are tools that hold objects in place securely while they are being worked on. They are commonly used in carpentry, metalworking, and other trades. On the other hand, cleats are a type of shoe or sandal with ridges or projections on the sole, providing additional grip and traction. They are commonly used for outdoor and water activities, such as boating, sailing, and fishing.
So why would merfolk need vises for their cleats? The answer lies in their underwater lifestyle. Since they spend most of their time in the water, merfolk need shoes that can withstand the pressure and constantly changing conditions of the ocean. Cleats provide the necessary grip and stability for underwater activities, but the addition of vises takes it a step further.
High-rise vises for cleats are designed to keep them securely in place, even in strong currents or while swimming against the tide. As merfolk are prone to quick movements and acrobatic maneuvers, having their shoes securely fastened is crucial for their safety and performance.
Moreover, the high-rise design of the vises also offers protection for the feet. In the ocean, there are slippery rocks, sharp corals, and other hazards that can cause injuries. By having vises that cover a significant portion of their feet, merfolk can avoid potential injuries and stay comfortable while exploring their underwater world.
But vises for cleats are not just functional, they also add to the aesthetic appeal of merfolk fashion. The sleek and streamlined design of the vises complements the overall allure of merfolk attire, making them look even more elegant and charming.
In conclusion, the combination of high-rise vises and cleats for merfolk is a practical and stylish choice. It provides the necessary grip, stability, and protection for their underwater lifestyle, while also adding a touch of flair to their appearance. With the growing popularity of merfolk fashion, it's safe to say that high-rise vises for cleat will continue to be a staple in their wardrobe.
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royalreef · 2 years
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@spkyscry​ inquired: "Oh, Miranda, do you have a moment?" Oh, here comes the local Coven 'leader' Joy, carrying a small, thin wooden box with a bright pink ribbon tied around it. "I was going to give this to you later but, well, it's already finished and it's going to be calling for snow soon of all things."
A roll of eyes at the acknowledgement of the encroaching weather, holding the box out for the other to take. Inside's a simple-looking necklace, just a notably long leather string to ensure it could go around the other's neck with length to spare, all to hold a charm at the end. Fancy metalwork around a gem, all inscribed with runework that looked like it ought to be out of the witch's usual ballpark, the bright blue gem inside alight with magical energy stored within that was being put to work by the metal around it.
"I didn't know what jewelry would work, so you can take it off the string and attach it to something else-- but, ah, it should help. I know the cold alone must be bad so I can't imagine how the snow must be- getting sidetracked, sorry. I've tested it and it works on the magically-induced variety, so it should do exceptionally well on the mundane. If you're wearing it, snow shouldn't be able to get within fifteen feet of you all around, so there's not even a risk of it falling atop you."
A pause, letting out a bit of a laugh, "and before it's said, this isn't work, this is purely a personal gift. I hope you like it. I tried to pick the crystal out so it would suit your wardrobe taste."
(I lied, Joy grabbed me by the throat for the spoon privileges briefly.)
      She stops mid-step, blinking a little, like Joy broke Miranda out of a daydream. In a way, that’s not so far from the truth either — she always gets like this, when it gets real cold. Walking around like she’s perpetually asleep, eyes half-lidded, sometimes switching out her coat for a blanket, always on the verge of total distraction. It’s hard to stay awake, even inside, when she’s far away from a hot pad. Resembling, just as much as any of her classmates, one of the walking dead, always too slow to respond and too slow to speak, one misstep away from falling into a sleep like the grave.
      It was almost an insult, in the cosmic sense. Below, beneath miles of ocean water and beyond the forever reach of the sun, the world forever remained just above freezing, warmed only by the earth’s molten heart that lay below. Too cold for some other merfolk, even before you added in the pressure and the total lack of light. Her body had accounted for this, had rearranged her veins to pass warm blood over cool, heating that which was too cold and cooling that which was too hot, had genes to make her grow large so that there might be more warmth for her to hold onto. She had antifreeze in her blood, preventing ice crystals from forming inside her cells and leaving patches of dead tissue in its wake. And in the water, she was as comfortable as she could ever be, using thermodynamic tricks to keep herself going without having to waste the energy on heating herself, on trying to fight equilibrium.
      The land got too cold, too quick. She passed the same warm blood, heated by her core, over the cooler blood closer to her skin, but it didn’t warm up like she needed it too, and the freshly warmed blood from deeper inside her body couldn’t heat her outermost edges while the cooler blood chilled her core. The antifreeze still worked, but that was a pitiful condolence, merely preventing her from getting frostbite while her body cooled and cooled and dipped into unlivable levels, her body slowing down to match. Her heartbeat same slow, then slower, and then slower, and that pulse of blood and hot over the cold began to still, which made her colder, and so on until someone panicked and brought her inside, into the warmth.
      All of that effort. All of that careful adaptation to belong someplace beyond all others for its cold, and Miranda was done in by every cold front that rolled through, every minor flurry turning into a crisis.
      At least it was better than what snow did to her. What the combination of the cold and freshwater could do to her gills, to her fins, the kind of thing that Miranda had nightmares about, sometimes. Even if she didn’t like to talk about them, because it was nicer to think about how much good the land did her, and not what risks came with that good, and she didn’t want to tell her friends about the nightmares she had where they just watched her die.
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      There’s a curious chirrup from Miranda, only now registering that Joy’s talking to her, and then the box is in her hands. Miranda can’t remember taking it, but that’s to be expected, at least. Memory comes and goes, and if the staff expects Miranda to be slow to respond during this time of year, then surely everyone else is well past catching on. She blinks again, trying to find her words, opening and then closing her mouth, dry and uncomfortable. Give her a moment. It’s hard to think once the temperature slips beneath freezing.
       “Oh,” she starts dumbly, tongue sticking against her teeth, her fins too slow to rise. She hopes Joy forgives her for that. Even with the heated lining of the blanket tossed over her shoulders, it takes a monumental effort to even be disappointingly drab. “Oh- oh!!! I- thank you, you did not have to-”
       Even her appreciation felt like it too was sticking inside her mouth, which Miranda hoped Joy didn’t mind too much. Her hands were still careful as she opened the box, if slower than usual to ensure that she would not drop it. Too much experience for that to come out of Miranda so easily, too much time spent handling crown jewels and finery worth more than other people’s entire worlds, and even now, she was taking care not to drop it.
      Her claws wind carefully around the leather strap, working it between her fingers so that she can lift it up and examine it more. There’s another blink, another tiny lift of her fins, where Miranda is too tired for a grander gesture.
       “Oh, yes, it should be long enough.” She speaks soft, a touch more purposeful now, nearly awe-struck, eyes wide as they look at the gem, examine the runework. The light encased inside caught in Miranda’s eyes as she lifted, pooled in her rounded pupils, reflecting back in vibrant electric blue like someone struck a match inside of Miranda’s head. Joy can see her gaze as she traces the pathways, observe the workings and all of its terminal ends, the way it circles back on itself, the careful language of magic as it is taken from origin to creation. To speak in such a way, to have such an affect on reality, is a delicate undertaking, with many potential avenues for disaster to breed. Miranda is quiet as she watches and observes, as she sees the brim of magic within, the thrum.
        It’s funny, that. Miranda doesn’t usually betray an interest in magic, and that’s quite a bit of analyzing she’s doing. It would require a certain degree of knowledge, to know off the top of her head what every piece of the work did, the reason for every flourish and the placement of every rune.
     And then she breaks the silence, fins flicking up as much as they can and wiggling their tips, Miranda’s eyes closing in contentment. There’s a purr, vibrating in Miranda’s throat as she ties the necklace back, around her neck, with plenty of room to spare. Joy had measured correctly — but Miranda leaves little room for celebration, as her arms open up and she’s sweeping Joy into a hug.
      “Thank you, thank you,” she breathes, still purring, even as her voice begins to take on that dream-like quality again, lured by Joy’s warmth, “let me know if there is anything I can do to repay you, it does mean a lot to me.”
      She’s leaning a little more on Joy now. Her head is resting on Joy’s shoulder, close enough to feel the warmth of Miranda’s heated blanket, feel the purr in her chest and her throat as she clings. A little more, a little more, and— ah. The princess is falling asleep on Joy. That seems about right, even if it wasn’t the typical way that someone showed appreciation, but it was to be expected from Miranda.
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ooccoo · 2 years
maybe the hill dwarves, mountain humans and coastal elves have a symbiotic relationship with the merfolk: the mer will bring them fish and oysters and coral and seaweed (all the organic bounties of the sea) and keep the waterways clear from aberrations and sea monsters, and in exchange the Keligurn folk provide them with metalwork, magic, food preservation, and other things. you could have huge coastal cities that are filled with waterways, and markets that have stalls which on one side serve the waterway and on the other serve the road........... yeah fuck yeah lets do this
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
since aliens and merfolk are my two fave fantasy races what if: a race of fin-tailed humanoids who originate from a planet 100% covered in ocean and all their tech is selectively-engineered aquatic organisms due to the lack of fire, electricity or metalworking underwater, and interact with land-dwelling races using a sort of "mobile fishbowl" pod
Love it!! I actually answered the wrong ask with SPACE MERMAIDS because I’m tired and a bit loopy on cold meds... sorry anon!
For more space mermaid goodness check out these arty idea posts by the lovely @cozycryptidcorner
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desainn · 4 years
83 Mythical Creatures & Descriptions
This list does not include…
Sci-fi races (sullustian, eldar, sangheili, duros, etc.)
Half-breeds (half-orc, half-elf, etc.)
Sub species (Mirrodin vedalken, hill dwarf, mountain dwarf, etc.)
Types of giants (human giant, giant spider, giant worm, etc.)
Literally thousands of mythical or divine beings I did not think of
1. Saproling - A diverse race of plant entities that dwell in the forests of Dominaria.
2. Dwarf - There are two main races of dwarves (According to WoTC): hill dwarves, and mountain dwarves. They are fairly self-descriptive, however mountain dwarves have improved vision in dark environments. Dwarves are known for their metalworking abilities, short stature, and sturdy build. Some sources claim they can live for an average of 400 years.
3. Elf - A highly debated race prominent in tales ranging from Santa Claus, to MTG. Ignoring the idea of the tiny shoemaking elves of Earth, elves are human-height, thin, agile, stealthy, and in-tune with nature. Warriors of this species often use light swords, long bows, daggers, and staffs.
4. Vedalken - Tall, blue-skinned, knowledgeable beings from MTG and D&D, but most prominently the former. Vedalken have six fingers on each hand. Mirrodin Vedalken have four arms, but that trait is reserved to only members of the Vedalken race from that plane. Believing perfection to be inachievable, Vedalken. Jew progress as a never-ending march to a state of perfection that can never be achieved.
5. Merfolk/Merrow - Female merfolk are commonly known as mermaids- the aquatic (or sometimes amphibious) race of blue- or green-skinned humanoids with fish tails, and oceanic jewelry.
6. Elemental - A diverse group of magical beings centered around a specific element. These are most commonly fire, life, ice, water, and lightning.
7. Angel - Heavenly, winged humanoids. Disregarding Christian ideas of angels, they can be skilled healers, or marksmen. You already know about this one.
8. Demon - The unholy counterpart to angels. Often winged, demons pocess magic capabilities encompassing fire, death, and anger. These beasts reside in the underworld, or hell.
9. Specter - Cloaked figures armed with scythes, who ride undead beasts through the sky. Opposed to flesh, many specters are made of black mist enveloped in dark cloth.
10. Goblin - Thieves, hooligans, and mechanics. Goblins are often in the background committing some silly crime. They can be utilized as comic relief, or cannon fodder, whichever results in their death the quickest (because seriously, these dudes have the highest death rate of anything in this list)
11. Orc - Large, lean warriors wielding clubs, or other blunt weapons. Orcs are commonly portrayed with green skin, and two large stubs of teeth on their lower jaw, sticking out of their mouths.
12. Giant - A collection of large, clumsy humans, spiders, worms, or serpents.
13. Centaur - A mythical Greek idea of a man (or woman) made of a horse from the waist down. Skilled with a bow, or lance.
14. Siren - Two ideas. One: mermaids that sing to lure unwitting sailors into treaterous seas. Two: humans with light blue wings on their arms.
15. Nymph - Nymphs wander in forests, disguised a women. When a traveler approaches, sword sheathed, and shield lowered, the nymph allows its illusion to fade, revealing an evil monster beneath.
16. Minotaur - A bipedal bull with two arms, and two legs that runs around in mazes. “Minotaurs hate tar tar sauce. They’re deathly allergic to tar tar sauce”.
17. Screecher - A flying zombie-demon that screams as it glides.
18. Fairy - Tiny winged humans that flutter through forests. Often times, they will betray travelers, and loot them.
19. Pixie - A fairy that doesn’t lie about being evil, it just accepts that it is. Occasionally, pixies will catch something on fire.
20. Unicorn - A mystical white horse with a golden or ivory horn on its forehead, often bearing pink or blue tails and manes. They love to plunder their horns into tourist’s chests’.
21. Ogre - Either Shrek, or a dungeon-dwelling humanoid with ten blue tentacles, each wielding a different weapon.
22. Troll - A small, dirty man who will collect tolls for crossing bridges. Nothing a crossbow can’t fix.
23. Zombie - The reanimated corpses of lost ones through the use of magic.
24. Fomori - An advanced aquatic race, that builds beautiful cities under the sea. In addition this, they possess vast arsenals of explosives.
25. Stitcher - A zombie made from parts of many deceased creatures.
26. Djinn - Blue- or gray-skinned, mountain-dwelling monks with the ability to levitate themselves.
27. Thrull - A beast faintly resembling a gray-skinned, Balt ox with no horns. The Orzhov Syndicate of Ravnica utilized thrulls as pack animals for transport, and as a container for storing mana, until it would be sucked out of the creature.
28. Rendhorn - A cross between a rhino, and a wolf.
29. Arynx - A large wild cat.
30. Aven - Humanoid birds that live on Dominaria.
31. Semicore/Wierd - An artificial creature that contraditicts its own existence. For example, a membrane of water, and an interior of fire.
32. Naxie - Merfolk-like, semi-humanoid, aquatic and residing in unusually deep forest ponds and lakes, groups of naxies drag travelers stopping for a drink, into the water to eat them.
33. Dragon - A fire-breathing, reptilian beast with near-impenetrable scales. Dragons also boast wings, enabling them to fly.
34. Drake - Similar to a dragon, but leaner.
35. Draco - A serpent dragon that cannot breath fire.
36. Serpentine - A humanoid shake.
37. Truffle - A mushroom person.
38. Hydra - A three-headed dog from Hades.
39. Kobold - Small dragonic men from D&D.
40. God - Magnificent, holy, divine beings. No one knows for sure. Let’s keep it at that.
41. Ent - Tree-like golems that reside in forests. Some ents offer wisdom, others kill travelers.
42. Reaper - A cloaked, reanimated skeleton armed with a scythe, and wielding death magic.
43. Reanimated Skeleton - A skeleton made living through the use of necromancy. Can be destroyed with a hard push.
44. Golem - Living rock or metal creature, sometimes tasked with the defense of an area.
45. Gremlin - A red-skinned animal on Kaladesh with an appetite for Aether.
46. Cyclops - A one-eyes humanoid, sometimes appearing to be human, but other times as large as an orc.
47. Pegasus - A winged horse.
48. Titan - A god-like creature with great strength, and power. Not quite a god, but not a mortal either.
49. Ghoul - A ghost that retains some remnants of it’s past body.
50. Ghost - A spirit that escaped it’s body after death.
51. Phantom - A formless ghost that remains in the mortal realm.
52. Harpy - A colorful bird with a woman’s face.
53. Manticore - A powerful demon lion,
54. Werewolf - Werewolves are sometimes thought of as humans that morph into savage wolf humanoids, in the presence of a full moon. Other times, they remain wolf beings at all times.
55. Elephantine - Humanoid elephants.
56. Wyvern - A sky-dwelling dragon that resides on floating islands, that is sleek, white-, blue-, or green-skinned, and about a three-fourths the size of dragons.
57. Dragonborn - A powerful dragonic man, also called a half-dragon. Skilled with blades of all sorts.
58. Aetherborn - Aetherborn are gray-skinned, black-eyed humanoids spawned spontaneously as a byproduct of the Aether refinement process on Kaladesh. The Aether that makes up heir bodies is gradually returned to the Aethersphere, and in only 3 to 4 years, they have dissolved entirely. One adult human contains enough Aether to allow a single Aetherborn to survive 12 more days. Some members of this race with questionable morals (most notably Gonti) will kill humans in scores, to preserve their own lives.
59. Spirit - A shapeless ghost that retains the ability to communicate with the living.
60. Haunt - A spirit visible as a cloud of thin, black mist, a faintly glowing core, and often wearing a tattered gray cloth.
61. Mimic - Mimics hide in dungeons as chests, or doors. When an unwitting dungeoneer opens the mimic’s disguise, a purple-tongued, toothy beast attacks them. Chest mimics are able to hop around.
62. Vampire - Pale-skinned humans with two pointed fangs, yellow or red eyes, a black cloak, the ability to live forever, a fear of sunlight, and a thirst for blood. Some sources claim that humans bitten by vampires become vampires themselves, however this is unlikely. Weaknesses include silver, wooden stake to the heart, and garlic.
63. Humonculus - One-eyed, blue-gray skinned humanoids created artificially. Though stichers in a technical sense, Humonculus are alive.
64. Devil - Red-skinned, long-horned humanoids that explode upon death.
65. Skywhale - Long-finned whales that float through the atmosphere effortlessly.
66. Griffin - A lion with an eagle’s head, wings, and feet.
67. Abzan Hound - A humanoid dog, skilled with a bow.
68. Leviathan - A large sea serpent whose size is comparable to that of a whale.
69. Nice
70. Naga - A large snake with human arms and facial features near the head.
71. Slime - Gelatin creatures that bounce around. Slimes retain their shape as a flat gumdrop.
72. Horror - Mutant creatures merged together. Mutants have multiple of everything, are terribly boney, and are encased in a loose and thin sheet of skin.
73. Myr - Drones crested by the Mirrodin, that could do nothing but watch the corruption of their planet at the hands of the Phyrexians.
74. Chimera - A winged lion with an eagle’s head, and a snake for a tail.
75. Ooze - An acidic, shapeless slime.
76. Nim - A corrupted zombie reanimated without the use of magic.
77. Hobbit - Short humanoids somewhat resembling a cross between dwarves and humans. They live in houses built into the hillsides, in the Lord of The Rings.
79. Sky Manta - A stingray that flies in the sky.
80. Souleater - A demonic creature that comsumes souls opposed to organic matter.
81. Dementor - From the Harry Potter series, dementors have no legs, wrinkled gray skin, a circular mouth, and “look like something that decayed in water”. They guard the Azkaban Prison.
82. Eternal - A zombie transferred into an artificial body to make it stronger, live forever, and travel through planar gates.
83. My gf
Tell me anything I missed; it will only cause this list to grow stronger, much like any attempt at killing a semicore with pyromancy.
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anomaly00-archive · 4 years
Happy World Building Wednesday from Inky-Duchess 💜 Are there are any mythical creatures in your world? If so, what is their status? Are they considered normal or something to fear?
There are many mythical creatures in the world of When Comes the Dawn, though most tend to shy away from human settlements unless domesticated. One of the few mythical species that people (maritime traders specifically) interact with are the merfolk. I believe I’ve touched upon this a little in a previous ask, but I got a bit of inspiration today (it is mermay for the artists after all) so please excuse the rambling. 
The merfolk have somewhat similar features to what we are familiar with in the real world, with a human torso and fishtail ‘legs’ so to speak. They are noted to be beautiful-- in a strangely unsettling way. Their eyes are larger, rounder, and as one sailer put it: “blacker than the deepest pits of the abyss.” They have finlike ears and sharp teeth; their scales coming in every color beneath the sun. Most treasure long hair. A sign of their strength at maintaining such a disadvantage in battle and winning all the while, for the merfolk have only just recently started recovering from their own wars.
Merfolk themselves don’t often come to city harbors to trade, though there are certain small islands that they use to buy and sell wares. One of the most famous of these trading “posts” features a unique structure that allows land-dwellers to go underwater and trade with merfolk using reinforced glass and special mechanisms to do transactions (the trading place itself looks a bit like the underwater tunnels in aquariums). The merfolk trade for things like medicinal herbs that can only be found/cultivated on land, special boats that are buoyant at certain levels in the sea for ease of transportation, building materials, information, metalwork, ceramics, nets, and really anything that requires fire to be made, etc. In return they offer fish, seafood, pearls, underwater plants, information, and even military/mercenary support for any maritime warfare. Some merchants would even pay an exorbitant sum to merfolk to retrieve and return the cargo of any ship lost to a storm. 
While they are not necessarily revered or feared in any way, their presence aren’t considered a regular thing to most people. There have been many points throughout history where humans and merfolk would use each other in battles and wars to gain an advantage over their enemy, which may cause some resentment between certain groups. Though in the grander scheme of things, humans and merfolk have enjoyed a rather fruitful partnership with each other. 
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nehebthewordy · 5 years
EDH Budget Tech: Sai, Master Thopterist
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Welcome back to our weekly budget brews. This week we’re expanding on our usual article to give a more thorough list of how I’d build this particular legend on our budget. As always, we’ll be looking at no cards above $5 and no more than three above $2.
For our list today we’ll be looking at core packages and listing a few cards which play into that area efficiently. The deck itself will be built to take advantage on Sai’s token generation ability, using a mass of fliers as both a win condition and means to produce more value.
Starting off our list, we’ve got our RAMP package. This is how we’ll accelerate our mana curve to play more, bigger spells early. As playing with Sai’s ability, our ramp is mostly tied to mana rocks. Mind Stone, Star Compass, and Burnished Hart all either produce mana or find additional lands. Our real strength though comes from Worn Powerstone, Hedron Archive, and Firemind Vessel; all of which can be abused for enormous amounts of mana through Clock of Omens.
Our next priority is figuring out our deck’s CARD ADVANTAGE. Having a lot of mana doesn’t accomplish much if you don’t have the means to draw spells to cast, so we’ll be looking to cards like Sage of Lat Nam, Trading Post, and Thoughtcast. For additional draw power, consider also using looters like Merfolk Looter, Riddlesmith, and Monastery Siege. Once you have a substantial board, Merchant’s Dockhand can help you dig deep for just the card you need.
Now that you have the basis of a deck, you should consider what sort of ANSWERS you’ll need. Meteor Golem, Duplicant, Unstable Obelisk, and Brittle Effigy all play within your mechanical archetype, while Reality Shift is an efficient and powerful kill spell. In addition, you’ll want some counterspells to protect your board; Counterspell itself is powerful and efficient, while Dissipate, Void Shatter, and Insidious Will are all highly effective at dealing with threats.
With your three core archetypes dealt with, it’s time to look into PERSONAL inclusions. Etherium Sclptor, Foundry Inspector, and Jhoira’s Familiar can all help reduce the cost of your artifacts, enabling you to cast more in a turn. Artificer’s Assistant is effective at filtering your draws to keep digging for value, while Scrap Trawler can help protect some of your board when you start losing artifacts. In following with Sai’s ability, you’ll want to include Efficient Construction and Mirrodin Besieged for both redundancy and the stacking effect, while Golem Foundry and Thopter Spy Network can give you an additional means of token production.
Now it’s time to end the game, which means you’ll need some substantial CLOSERS to bring down your surviving opponents. Darksteel Juggernaut, Traxos, Scourge of Kroog, and Metalwork Colossus can all punch for substantial damage, while The Antiquities War and Vedalken Humiliator can turn your army into a significant advantage. Your big beaters will also need some evasion: Whirler Rogue and Key to the City can ensure they won’t be blocked.
Now that you have the basics, you can fill in the rest on your own. For your ramp and acceleration you’ll want to look into more mana rocks and draw spells, and you may need to include more removal and counterspells if your meta is answer-light. Just keep churning out thopters and accumulating value. Until next time, see you on the battlefield.
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babe-of-swoles · 5 years
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Ok I saw this and HAD to write a response because...well LOOK at it.
Let's start with Serfdom.
People discovered they could grow the plants that made food close together, and not have to wander the whole forest searching. Shazam! *Jazz hands* you're farming.
People discovered thst by being nice to animals you could tame them, and then raise them and eat some and not have to chase them. *Jazz hands* livestock.
People discovered they could force other people to do the farming and livestock rearing while they stole from them and fought wars "to protect them". *Jazz hands* government.
The people doing the work were considered the property of the Lords who "owned" the land. That basically mase THEM livestock. It some cases it DID literally, *jazz hands* slavery.
Males were prized for their ability to work longer harder hours than females, who were desireable only for their ability to birth and raise more males, and their fine motor skills in some cases. Like, some could embroider really well, or we're pretty enough to keep as pet -erm- companions for rich ladies.
To signify their superiority, nobles did all sorts of weird things. Men wore high heels to look taller. Women wore ginormous dresses to make their waists look tiny. Both wore long curly wigs because why not? Some put literal live birds in their hair, and chained them there, as decoration. They wore live beetles too. What's the smallest animal you can reliable skin? A mink. Let's make clothes out of those. Because fuck you that's why. They also grew their nails out to as long as TWELVE INCHES to signify that they did not and would not ever work.
Let's be clear. With twelve inch nails you've got to have a servant to wipe your ass.
Moving on, ancient people believed a great number of lies. Like, that some fourteen year old jewish girl birthed the child of the creator of the universe, and he was blonde and white, and that they had bottled up her breastmilk to sell to YOU to cure warts or whatever. And that Jews ate babies (ironic considering). And that sailing too far would get you eaten by dragons and merfolk.
You wanna talk senseless wars? Try fighting to put Jack on the throne instead of John because Mary was too damn lesbian to have kids of her own, but Jack is her cousin, while John is the cousin of her husband, who was also her cousin - *while jack is hiding in france and writing letters home daily saying please God no I don't want to be King*.
Of course, it might have been the cousin thing, and not the lesbian thing that meant Mary had no kids...
Ah yes, but AboRTioN!!!
King Tut was buried with his condom. His *used* condom. He was like twelve.
If the twelve year old descendent of the literal sun, an owl, catman, and i think probably crocodiles? (ancient egyption pantheon is a bit beyond me tbh) could wrap it before he tapped it so can you.
And also, it isn't murder for a human to decide that their life is more important that an unthinking parasitic entity that cannot survive outside their body, but could kill them, will ruin their chances of employment, cost literal millions, and might inspire any of the various men in their life (parent, lover, etc) to murder them. Not sorry. Never sorry. Fuck you.
Did you know neaderthal buried their dead with flowers but early homo sapiens never did? Turns out humans adopted the practice when they started interbreeding with neaderthal.
Did you know scalping was originally french? It was to signify that my people were animals, and so could be skinned for their pelt.
Did you know that the word "barbarian" refers originally to the Berbers who were believed to be the direct descendents of Noah (flood Noah) and who were renouned for their pottery, metalworking, and advanced agriculture.
Their influence is seen in surrounding cultures from Greece and Rome to the Arab peninsula to even Morrocco.
But they were considered animals because - wait for it - they treated women with dignity and respect and afforded them leadership roles.
Heaven forfend.
Last thing. Last thing I swear.
Rape, pillage, and plunder are white people occupations. Specifically, Anglo-Saxon white people. Like the British. And those who became American.
Sure, all peoples did it at some point, but most evolved past that around the time that they learned you could make machines. Whites didn't. They expanded their efforts, colonizing other countries and continents well into modern times.
So don't fucking try to sell me some but about my ancestors seeing me as livestock for accepting other peoples and other ways of life, or threaten that brownskin "foreigners" will bring ruin. Because you have 100% of that 100% backwards.
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carrotzone · 5 years
Glyffor, City of Steel
On the hubward edge of the Bay of Dolor, at the mouth of the River Nadir, sits Glyffor, the City of Steel.
Ships’ bells herald the arrival of dual-hulled whaling vessels coming in to the harbor. Crude submarines cast off, ready to plumb the frigid depths of the sea for sunken treasure. Sea captains barking orders drown out the clamor of hammers banging on anvils downtown. A light coating of snow covers the cobblestone roads.
Glyffor is in the middle of an intersection between an industrial revolution and a golden age of sailing. The Wake is upon us, its enlightening influence wrapped around the minds of the people like manacles.
Powering the industrial revolution is the whale-oil that whalers bring in from the Ivory Sea. There is a fortune to be made in whaling, and capitalist shipmasters seem intent on extracting every bit of whale from that sea. Not just the whale-oil, but also the ambergris, ivory, bone, leather, and meat of the whales. Practically no part is wasted.
Meanwhile, inventors think up what many see as insane contraptions. Metalworkers never go hungry in Glyffor; there is always some crazed scientist or eccentric miser who will commission steel parts for their latest machine.
Glyffor is also notable for being the seat of the Irtonic Church, the dominant religion of the local region. The church is responsible for governing Glyffor, a duty which includes levying tithes, maintaining the Silverglow Temple, and keeping the Militia fed and equipped.
Possible future posts:
The more fantastical elements (merfolk, alchemists, miracles)
Inventions of Glyffor(the marine chronometer, the difference engine)
The Irtonic Church
Overseas cities for trading
Surrounding settlements
District: Iron Mines
District: Residential
District: Ports with temple
Other Districts
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lovelywingsart · 10 months
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Oh? What's this? A surprise third?
How other see Pup!Adalwulf vs.... How others ALSO see him.
Fun fact about him, he is both.
With a hybrid, you get the dual factors of both- and when the two species are a Leopard Seal and a Tiger Shark, you're in for an interesting ride...
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ainews · 4 months
Mermaids and mermen have long been depicted as elegant and mysterious creatures, often associated with beauty and magic. As such, it's no surprise that even the smallest details of their existence, such as their clothing and accessories, are carefully crafted and thought out. This is where vises, often used as a tool in metalworking, come into play.
Vises may seem like a peculiar choice for buttons in the world of merfolk fashion, but their highfalutin qualities make them a perfect fit for this underwater species. Here are some reasons why vises are the go-to choice for buttons for mermen and why they add an air of sophistication to their attire.
Firstly, vises are known for their strength and durability. As merfolk reside in the depths of the ocean, they need to withstand strong currents and the harsh saltwater environment. This is where the robust nature of vises comes in handy. Compared to regular buttons, which are often made of plastic or wood, vises are made of sturdy materials such as metal or steel, making them more resilient and long-lasting.
Moreover, vises have a sleek and polished look, making them aesthetically pleasing and fit for royalty. Mermen are often depicted as regal and powerful creatures, and their attire should reflect that. The shiny surface and intricate designs of vises add a touch of sophistication to any outfit, making them the perfect choice for buttons on their garments.
Additionally, the range of sizes and shapes of vises allows for versatility in merfolk fashion. From small round vises for delicate and understated buttons on a mermaid's gown to larger and more intricate vises for a statement piece on the chest of a merman's tunic, the possibilities are endless. This variety allows merfolk designers to be creative and use vises in various ways, adding depth and uniqueness to their fashion designs.
Finally, vises are associated with precision and attention to detail, making them a perfect match for the merfolk's meticulous nature. These underwater beings are known for their attention to detail and perfection in all aspects of their life, including their appearance. The use of vises as buttons showcases the merfolk's dedication to their craft and the importance they place on even the tiniest details in their fashion.
In conclusion, vises may seem like an unconventional choice for buttons in human fashion, but for mermen and mermaids, they are the epitome of highfalutin. Their strength, elegance, versatility, and attention to detail make them a natural fit for the enchanting creatures of the sea. So next time you see a merman or mermaid with vise buttons on their clothing, remember that even the tiniest details are carefully thought out and add to their overall alluring aura.
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royalreef · 3 years
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@bestconqueror​ inquired:  🍼 // I MUST! Ship Children - Accepting
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(( Demon-merfolk hybrids were a complicated issue to consider, at first. Mer development is a strange, unusual thing on its own - payment for being a sentient species that’s both powerful and long-lived. And yet, at the same time, it was reasonable enough to fear a hellfire heartbeat combined with mere flesh and blood and bone. But in the end... Those were problems that could be met, questions that could be answered.
They retain powder-blue scales for all of their life, even while Miranda’s scales go deep red with age, and even though they get fully hit by the combination of Miranda’s neglected genes for gigantism and Dahlia’s own size, they’ll never quite get over their moms calling them their baby. Their tail takes on an inverse-spade shape, closer to the fishlike silhouettes of other species of merfolk, but their fins stay long and fluffy, though a bit droopier than Miranda’s own.
The biggest surprise is their hooves. They aren’t the hooves of true bovines, but rather, the blunt, strange claws of boverisuchus - becoming hoof-like and tipping each digit, almost in mirror to early horses. For that, there’s an awkwardness in how they move in water, but on land, they are far more comfortable than any trueblooded mer, and easily keep up with Dahlia. Their horns start nubby, but then too, they grow long and curve backwards, as their osteoderms also take on taller points. Neither Miri nor Dahlia expected their tusks to nearly replicate a Foo Dog’s in shape, but it adds a further uniqueness to their smile.
For as imposing as they can be, though, they are much more gentle at heart. Not always the first to pick up on the intricacies of social life, they prefer taking things at their own pace, taking their time to focus and refine their own interests. Add in a natural heat resistance, and they found a great passion in metalworking, able to create something solid and yet beautiful. Slow to open up but never to forget kindness, they’re loyal to a fault to those who’ve earned it from them, and treasure the little things in life.
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For the Descendants/Disney world what are the types of Fae or half-faes that have/could appear in Descendants? I keep thinking about if the magic ban didn't exist or was lightened up on, we could see lots more faes or half faes, but I can't for the life of me think about what would constitue as a fae or half fae with the Disney/descendants world.
LONG list below.
Faeries – Rangingfrom the highest level of “Full Faerie” which are humanoid inappearance and have the greatest amount of magical power andoftentimes skill, “Pixies” which can be humanoid in appearancebut vary in size from regular humans to just a few inches likeTinkerbell, to “Sprites,” moving, semi-intelligent concentrationsof magic.
Dwarves – Alargely subterranean species of Fae, humanoid in appearance, buteasily distinguished by their incredibly compact and muscular bodies.Frequently found mining gem and precious metal deposits, alongsidepracticing metalworking and architecture, though curiously, they justtend to be stockpiled and stored without any sort of exploitationaside from making more tools to keep on mining.
Goblins – Adistant cousin of Dwarves, also largely subterranean. Have gotten arather negative reputation due to their scavenging and mischievousways, raiding the food stores of animals, wild fae, and humans alike,and sometimes even making off with the beings themselves for whateverpurpose, so long as they happen to be near their massive undergroundcolonies. Only really exist on the Isle nowadays, due to very manyvillains, criminals, and overlords using them as a cheap andconvenient minions, and most every other citizen seeing them aspests.*
Undersea Folk – Ablanket term for all half-humanoid aquatic dwelling species in thesea, especially in Atlantica, covering that of the Merfolk(half-fish), Scylla (half-octopus), and all the other exotic speciesnot usually seen, such as the “Crab People.” Outside of FaeTaxonomy, may also be used to refer to the intelligent aquaticcreatures they interact with on a daily basis.
Demons – Anotherblanket term for beings summoned from other worlds, or existed in aparrallel dimension to that of a mortal plane, such as the Underworldof Greece or the Spirit World of China. Includes many, many, manysubspecies, such as Djinn like Genie, Jordan, and Eden, Imps like Painand Panic, Revenants like the Horned King, formerly mortal souls whohad used dark magics to avoid death and now live in a state ofunliving (“zombification,” in popular slang,) and the Loa,otherwise known as Dr. Facillier’s “Friends From The Other Side.”
Greek Fae/Grecian Demi-Humans – For the SHEER NUMBER OF VARIETY, and because theyhave their own dedicated list, this refers to any sort of Fae,humanoid or otherwise, frequently of divine origin, who live or originated from Greece, including but not limited to Lamiae (half-snake, half-human),Satyrs (half-goat, half-human), Minotaurs (half-bull, half-human),and Centaurs (half-horse, half-human.)
The Greek Pantheon –The Gods and Goddesses of Greece, lead by Zeus.
Elves – May referto either the “High” Elf who closely resemble humans in height,stature, and society, save key differences like lifespan, physicalcapability, and the shape of their ears, or “Maker” Elves who area diminutive species of humanoids oftentimes found specializing inand participating in some form of industry, be it creating shoes,baking goods, or crafting toys, for some bizarre reason. Please notethat while the same term is used for both, they have no significantrelation, except for superficial similarities like the pointed ears;how much they do have in common is still under study and much speculation.
Trolls – Massive,hulking, and generally unintelligent humanoids, known for theirincredible muscle mass and physical strength, their fearsomeappearances and even fiercer territorial behaviour, their omnivorousdiets that frequently include sentient beings like humans, and theirsmell. Like Goblins, generally only exist on the Isle as they wereeither frequently conscripted by unsavoury folks, or seen as a dangerto civilian populations.
Dryads – Physicalmanifestations of a forest or other environment’s health, stemming from anexcess of magic in the ley lines. Oftentimes appear humanoid exceptfor distinctly plant-like appearances, or animalistic features,sometimes with the ability to fully shift into one. Famously known asthe guardians and caretakers of their homes, but most just act asanother part of their ecosystem alongside the predators, the prey,and what have you.
Dragons –Reptilian creatures of varying sizes and shapes, very manysubspecies, and existing across a number of realms. Oftentimes areimbued with incredible levels of magical capability due to absorbingit from their environment, such as “gem eaters” having digestivetracts that absorb the mana inside magically-resonant crystals, manifesting intraits such as fire breath, magical healing powers, or greatinfluence over their environment. Generally independent and wild,though servant dragons are not unheard of.
Demigods –Children born of the union of a divine deity and a mortal being suchas a human, or a divine deity stripped of most but not all of theirpower. An example of this would be Hercules and his son, Herakleides,AKA “Herkie.”
Half-Faeries –Children born of the union between a full-Faerie and a mortal human.Generally longer-lived than their purely mortal counterparts,oftentimes have incredible magical potential, but otherwise not thatdifferent, and lack many of the incredible advantages of theirenchanted half, like infallible memories. An example of this would be Mal, who is categorized as a “Pixie.”
Half-Dwarves –Children born of unions between a Dwarf and a mortal human. UnlikeHalf-Faeries above, don’t have much to distinguish themselves fromtheir fully-human counterparts, lacking many of the magical instinctsof dwarves or their incredible strength, or at least, not withoutconstant and diligent training, exercise, and nutrition. An example of this would be Doug and his cousins.
Half-Undersea Folk –Children born of unions between any of the subspecies of UnderseaFolk and a mortal human. Generally take on the characteristics of oneor the other parent, depending on gene dominance, but oftentimes lackthe full strength of magical abilities and instincts such as theability to talk to underwater creatures. Frequently feel a greatattachment to the sea, and some may even require regular exposure to sea water or other saline solutions to maintain proper health.
Half-Demons –Children born of unions between any beings classified under the“Demon” category and a mortal human. Vary as much as theindividual species of their Fae parents, though it’s not uncommonto see unusual physical features such as red eyes and naturally whitehair, the sprouting of horns, tails, and wings, and some if notparticularly notable magical potential. The jury is still out about whether the frequently eccentric behaviour is genetic or a product of their unusual upbringings.
Half-Greek Fae –Children born of the unions between any Fae beings from Greece.Generally mostly human in appearance, with some traits andcharacteristics from their Fae parents like children of Sirens havinggreat singing voices, but without the supernatural hypnosis.
Half-Dryads –Children born of the unions between any Dryads and mortal humans, orsometimes, the influence of living in a certain environment for anextended period of time. Generally human in appearance, but canmanifest certain characteristics of their Fae parents, such as a tuftof feathers on the forehead and nowhere else, long hair resemblingthat of plant vines, or the ability to speak to trees and plants.
Half-Elves –Exclusively used to refer to children born of the unions between“High” Elves and mortal humans. Almost exactly similar toHalf-Faeries, except for magical potential.
Half-Dragons –Children born of the unions between a dragon and mortal humans,either through enchanted means like blessings, or extremely, ah,“creative” methods. Also referred to as “Dragonborn.” Mayappear completely human except for magical traits such as the abilityto breath fire or incredible magical potential, or have distinctlyreptilian traits such as patches of scale-like skin on areas like theneck, cheeks, hands, and feet.
Half-Trolls – Theproducts of long-banned and reviled experiments in the creation of“better” servants and minions by evil overlords. Ideally, appearas larger and stronger than usual humans about 7-9 feet tall withincredible strength and muscle mass, sometimes with features likehorns and manes. Much more frequently, as misshapen and grotesquelyproportioned humanoids, with incredibly long and gangly limbs, toosquat and compact bodies, fang like protrusions misaligning jaws, orincredibly poor and disease-prone skin resembling leathery hides.Gradually becoming extinct.
There are noHalf-Goblins. The only detail I will give you is that Goblins always produce more goblins.   
* How Dwarves and Goblins descended from a common ancestor remains a mystery, though both sides share a mutually agreed upon mythology about some ancient, legendary brothers: an industrious worker and his lazy, opportunistic sibling who were apparently the patriarchs of both species.
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Lore Dump
Warning: Long ass post ahead
Timeline #1
Mostly the same as our own. Ancient cave peoples develop sympathetic magic, which continues to evolve and be commonly used as a belief system. One day, an indie game developer writes the story outline for his new RPG, and comes to the stunning realization that the story he’d written is now retconned into real-world history. The fantasy elements he had written are also now undeniably real.
Timeline #2
Ghosts of any living being remain asleep for as long as said being had lived. Once awake, they can fly, go through any wall that conducts electricity, and fuse with the ghosts of other beings, living or dead. However, they cannot touch, be seen, or be heard by anyone other than a fellow ghost. One can awaken their soul briefly during sleep, by practice of astral projection.
Early hominids discover this, and their ghosts fuse with those of sleeping plants and animals, as well as those of willing hominids. This changes the genetics of the host to take on all of the strengths, abilities, and weaknesses of the ghost, as well as its own. These flora, fauna, and mediums all grow into the first plantfolk, beastfolk, and giants.
The existence of monsterfolk sets off a chain of events. The main consequence is that some hominids develop mining tools far quicker than humans did in Timeline #1. They burrow deep underground, surviving off of very little food, until their bodies evolve to fit that lifestyle. With a short stature, enhanced senses, and sickly green skin, their descendants are affectionately called “goblins.”
The goblins discover metals and magic stones. (More on that in a later post.) They begin selling these to humans and monsters on the surface. The humans and monsterfolk learn metalworking as well as energy and summoning magics.
Meanwhile, in space:
A planet called Haven exists on the outer edge of the galaxy. On this planet exists a species called the angels. Angels are fully-biological bipeds, with three eyes, two wings, goat-like legs, and purple bones including razor-sharp teeth and claws. They can shoot fire from their palms, send electricity between their claws like a taser, and regenerate. Their bones constantly generate energy to allow for this, but decay slightly as they do so. This material can be replaced through a copious amount of eating.
The angels’ regeneration makes it so that they never age past their prime or die of natural causes, effectively making them immortal. They do have weaknesses, however. They starve very quickly, they cannot heal cells that have been burnt or cauterized, their bones are hollow, cracking very easily, their regeneration cannot start their hearts or restore memories, and certain metals on their planet are poisonous enough to counteract their healing.
One such poisonous metal, adamantine, is discovered. After the first adamantine-related death, one angel, Ehl, uses his scrap of the metal to keep all the others in fear, eventually becoming the king of Haven.
King Ehl, now even more power hungry, proposes a new agenda: all social or technological progress that could be used to bring back the dead and/or overthrow him is punishable by death. Any progress that enables him to find other planets to conquer is encouraged and funded.
Millennia pass. Angels build colonies on the planets of nearby stars. The souls of the dead secretly convene underwater to become angelic merfolk, and wait to rise up against their oppressors.
Two very important characters, Rukef and Mohdiz, are born. They become best friends in elementary school and stay in-contact well into adulthood. Rukef grows up to work in the adamantine mines, while Mohdiz becomes a famous scientist.
One day, Rukef dies in a tragic mining accident, in which the fracking explosives send a chunk of adamantine straight through his chest.
Mohdiz takes some time to mourn, but then continues her work, developing a device that would help electricians and engineers see pure electrical energy as it flows. While testing a prototype, she notices angel-shaped figures floating about, lying in the air as if unconscious.
She immediately puts two and two together, and instead of releasing this device, uses it to find Rukef’s ghost, so she can retrieve him and build him a robotic body.
She does just this, but it takes a while, and the higher-ups get suspicious at her lack of productivity. They investigate to find out about what she’s doing. Once they figure out that her new AI is, in fact, not artificial at all, they immediately stick the feds on both her and Rukef.
The two fight their way through swaths of royal guards, eventually stealing a government spaceship and blasting through the stars, looking for a place to hide.
They hop from planet to planet, hiding place to hiding place, and get found every time. Eventually, they come across a planet called Earth.
Back on Earth
Rukef and Mohdiz meet the various people of Earth. After learning of Earth’s magic, they steal an idea from the goblins, and burrow even further underground. They find more magic materials, leading to transfiguration and energy-storage magics. The tunnels’ proximity to magma make them highly uncomfortable to live in, so Mohdiz makes some modifications to herself and Rukef to make life in the tunnels more bearable. This new land is entitled “Hell,” and is ruled over equally by Rukef and Mohdiz. Mohdiz also creates a system that brings in the sleeping ghosts of the dead.
Mohdiz creates a structure out of angel bone and summoning materials, equally decaying and healing at the same time. Because of how magic stones work, any spirit passing through this structure will be given a new body, albeit causing the bones to decay a bit more than they are healed. The two rebel angels clone themselves, so they can supply more bones as this happens.
Ehl and his army show up. They see the monsterfolk and disagree with them cheating death. The angels brand the monsterfolk as “evil” and wage a full-scale war on them. Despite being able to respawn, the monsterfolk give up and retreat to Hell as the angels take control over the planet.
During their takeover, they begin Project: Eden to determine how well humans react to living in captivity. One of the two humans captured, now known as Lilith, steals some genetically modified fruit and escapes.
The other captive human, known as Adam, is cloned, the clone being modified to create Eve. They, too, eventually break out with Rukef’s help, after he is informed of this capture by Lilith.
The angels discover Rukef and chase him all the way to his and Mohdiz’s hideout. Seeing the vast army of fallen humans and monsters living in Hell, the angels agree to a negotiation.
It is decided that, to prevent a full-on war, Rukef, Mohdiz, and the entirety of Hell will be allowed to live. The angels will also remove their hard control over the planet in favor of letting the earthlings do their own thing, with only minor interference. In exchange, those revived by means of Hell will not be allowed to leave. If they do, they are to be executed. Those revived through means of astral fusion are to be put on a watch list. The leaders of Hell are also allowed to modify their subjects to suffer less in their magma-filled environment, but only after they have suffered for their surface world misdeeds, as defined and catalogued by the angels.
Angel worship continues as it did in Timeline #1.
Against the wishes of King Ehl, a half-angel named Yeshua is born. Yeshua rejects the conquest perpetrated by the angel side of his family, and instead uses their presence to spread his ideals of love, compassion, and rebellion. He is killed for his troubles.
Yeshua makes a deal with Mohdiz: after he’d served his time, without the knowledge of the angels, he would be returned to the surface with a more human appearance, and attempt to spread his ideals once more. In exchange, he would no longer be allowed to speak ill of either Modiz or Rukef in his activism. This cycle would happen many times over the next few centuries. This deal catches on and is made by many others.
Monsterfolk societies resurface on the surface. They are still persecuted by and segregated from the humans, due to the humans’ loyalty to archaic angel laws. Monsterfolk leaders too powerful for vanilla humans to fight are hidden from view and erased from history.
England rises in power and becomes a corrupt empire as it did in Timeline #1. This progresses into Medieval England, (or the game dev’s rough depiction of it) where the game’s MCs’ backstories happen.
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