babe-of-swoles · 2 years
The "victims" of art forgery crimes are so funny bc they're like I fell in love with this painting right away it took my breath away so I spent $12 million dollars on it bc money is no object to me but now that I know it's not by some famous dead guy I feel robbed because I never actually cared about the art itself 💔🥺
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
The innocent college students setting up a tent to hand out snow cones today: Let's set up our syrup station near the garden :) a lot of people pass by this part of campus!
Over 900 bees:
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
My dear lgbt+ kids,
"Women had to fight for their right to wear pants - and now "trans rights activists" destroy all our hard work by telling young girls that they must identify as a boy to be allowed to wear pants!"
On a somewhat related note, we made a lot of progress with fire safety - and now my neighbor's chihuahua totally thinks arson should be legal.
Trans rights activists (and chihuahuas) sure sound dangerous here - and that's because you can make anyone sound scary if you just make up stuff about them.
Arguments like the one above do not reflect reality. The people using them invent a person who doesn't exist, assign extreme opinions that they themselves made up to this non-existent person and then get mad at real people over that. It'd be almost funny if it didn't actively endanger real people.
And yet, it can be so difficult to argue against these types of arguments. After all, how would you prove that my neighbor's chihuahua is NOT a big fan of arson? How can you prove that trans rights activists are NOT secretly all motivated by misogyny?
Proving a negative is incredibly difficult, if not impossible - especially if I desperately want to believe in the evilness of someone and will twist everything you say to fit my worldview.
There is also the issue that, well, this is the internet. If we really want to, we can surely dig up some bad opinions by members of any group... or, in a pinch, just tear some quote out of its original context to make it sound bad. Of course, those posts may just be the isolated opinion of one person and not reflect any widespread belief among the group. They may have been written in a sarcastic way or just have been badly worded. They may be faked entirely by transphobic trolls. But if we ignore all that, I am sure we can actually find enough "evidence" to make it believable that trans men want to take away women's rights or that chihuahuas want to burn down buildings.
If you find yourself investing a lot of time in disproving something like that, remember that you do not even know if I even have a neighbor with a chihuahua.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
A very rare Andean cat stretching out in front of wildlife cam 
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
literally if you’re new to tumblr: reblog shit
“it wont fit my aesthetic” make a sideblog. reblog to it.
“i hate tagging” don’t tag then. reblog it anyway.
“but my likes are public” ppl here dont fucking look at your likes. they dont do anything anyway. reblog it.
“you just want attention” jokes on you, I dont make shit anymore. I’m talking about other artists.
“it’s embarrassing” tumblr is an anonymous platform. make a sideblog if you’re too cowardly
“but on twitter its fine to have lurk accounts” well they suck ass here and are assumed to be bots. reblog.
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
I still remember being asked by a client (I work in juvenile justice) what I actually wanted to be when I grew up as a kid.
And not having an answer because I didn't want to grow up
Not in the peter pan sense. In the first-suicide-attempt-at-age-eight sense
And I almost broke down thinking of all the things I never did because I was so focused on death, because I couldn't fathom a reality outside of the abuse
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
Unsure if shipping or trans positive
Keep seeing pronoun positivity posts is about he/they and she/theys. That's cool and all but this one's for the she/hes. If you're a she/he I love you and you can take as much mint as you want from our garden
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
I hate correcting customers who call me ma'am and miss and honey over the phone, because only about 30 percent of the time do they apologize and start calling me sir, while 70 percent of the time they double down assuming I was trans and continue misgendering me on purpose to show how little respect they have for me as a human being. "Thank you, MISS."
I'm a cis man, for the record.
Whenever I correct someone and they keep it up, I simply refuse service. "Oh, I'm sorry, we're completeley booked up the day you wanted. Yeah, no, we're booked up on your backup dates too. Looks like our next opening isn't until, hmm, mid-November. Oh, but it doesn't have enough beds for your party. We could probably fit you in around New Years, but you'd have to change rooms every day. You might wanna try [more expensive motel] a few blocks north of us, they might have vacancies. Have a good day."
I've been able to dodge what few complaints we've gotten so far because they all tell my boss that they just spoke to a very nasty woman, and she has no idea who they're talking about. "You must have dialed the wrong number, because I'm the only woman here, and I didn't talk to you." That PISSES THEM OFF, and she doesn't understand why they respond with "well we've been staying there for years, but we're never coming back." They think she's protecting me, an afab trans man, and are disgusted by it, but from her perspective they're just crazy people who are complaining about made up bullshit; it doesn't even cross her mind that they're talking about me. Why would it?
My boss is like 70 or 75, and was a Republican until 2016. It's never come up in conversation, but something tells me she wouldn't exactly be a trans ally. I'm in a weird position here, and it's hilarious.
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
That halo
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Chance would’ve inspired some dope Renaissance paintings 👼🏼
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
ash, lightly touching pikachu with the side of his foot: pikachu move out of the way please so i don’t trip on you
pikachu, his eyes enormous: you KICK pikachu? you kick his body like the football? oh! oh! jail for father! jail for father for One Thousand Years!!!!
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
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And so, Muslim women in France can't even cover their bodies fully to swim in public if they want to now... atrocious beyond words.
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
Somebody has learned I was keeping the paper towels on top of the fridge and then taught herself to jump on top of my cabinets so my paper towels are no longer safe
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babe-of-swoles · 2 years
i dont care how corny iris by the goo goo dolls is bc i love iris by the goo goo dolls and i will continue screaming iris by the goo goo dolls from the top of my lungs every time i hear iris by the goo goo dolls for the rest of my miserable life 
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