#(( i write something down very quickly as i keep this in mind for Later Plans-
royalreef · 2 years
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@spkyscry​ inquired: "Oh, Miranda, do you have a moment?" Oh, here comes the local Coven 'leader' Joy, carrying a small, thin wooden box with a bright pink ribbon tied around it. "I was going to give this to you later but, well, it's already finished and it's going to be calling for snow soon of all things."
A roll of eyes at the acknowledgement of the encroaching weather, holding the box out for the other to take. Inside's a simple-looking necklace, just a notably long leather string to ensure it could go around the other's neck with length to spare, all to hold a charm at the end. Fancy metalwork around a gem, all inscribed with runework that looked like it ought to be out of the witch's usual ballpark, the bright blue gem inside alight with magical energy stored within that was being put to work by the metal around it.
"I didn't know what jewelry would work, so you can take it off the string and attach it to something else-- but, ah, it should help. I know the cold alone must be bad so I can't imagine how the snow must be- getting sidetracked, sorry. I've tested it and it works on the magically-induced variety, so it should do exceptionally well on the mundane. If you're wearing it, snow shouldn't be able to get within fifteen feet of you all around, so there's not even a risk of it falling atop you."
A pause, letting out a bit of a laugh, "and before it's said, this isn't work, this is purely a personal gift. I hope you like it. I tried to pick the crystal out so it would suit your wardrobe taste."
(I lied, Joy grabbed me by the throat for the spoon privileges briefly.)
      She stops mid-step, blinking a little, like Joy broke Miranda out of a daydream. In a way, that’s not so far from the truth either — she always gets like this, when it gets real cold. Walking around like she’s perpetually asleep, eyes half-lidded, sometimes switching out her coat for a blanket, always on the verge of total distraction. It’s hard to stay awake, even inside, when she’s far away from a hot pad. Resembling, just as much as any of her classmates, one of the walking dead, always too slow to respond and too slow to speak, one misstep away from falling into a sleep like the grave.
      It was almost an insult, in the cosmic sense. Below, beneath miles of ocean water and beyond the forever reach of the sun, the world forever remained just above freezing, warmed only by the earth’s molten heart that lay below. Too cold for some other merfolk, even before you added in the pressure and the total lack of light. Her body had accounted for this, had rearranged her veins to pass warm blood over cool, heating that which was too cold and cooling that which was too hot, had genes to make her grow large so that there might be more warmth for her to hold onto. She had antifreeze in her blood, preventing ice crystals from forming inside her cells and leaving patches of dead tissue in its wake. And in the water, she was as comfortable as she could ever be, using thermodynamic tricks to keep herself going without having to waste the energy on heating herself, on trying to fight equilibrium.
      The land got too cold, too quick. She passed the same warm blood, heated by her core, over the cooler blood closer to her skin, but it didn’t warm up like she needed it too, and the freshly warmed blood from deeper inside her body couldn’t heat her outermost edges while the cooler blood chilled her core. The antifreeze still worked, but that was a pitiful condolence, merely preventing her from getting frostbite while her body cooled and cooled and dipped into unlivable levels, her body slowing down to match. Her heartbeat same slow, then slower, and then slower, and that pulse of blood and hot over the cold began to still, which made her colder, and so on until someone panicked and brought her inside, into the warmth.
      All of that effort. All of that careful adaptation to belong someplace beyond all others for its cold, and Miranda was done in by every cold front that rolled through, every minor flurry turning into a crisis.
      At least it was better than what snow did to her. What the combination of the cold and freshwater could do to her gills, to her fins, the kind of thing that Miranda had nightmares about, sometimes. Even if she didn’t like to talk about them, because it was nicer to think about how much good the land did her, and not what risks came with that good, and she didn’t want to tell her friends about the nightmares she had where they just watched her die.
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      There’s a curious chirrup from Miranda, only now registering that Joy’s talking to her, and then the box is in her hands. Miranda can’t remember taking it, but that’s to be expected, at least. Memory comes and goes, and if the staff expects Miranda to be slow to respond during this time of year, then surely everyone else is well past catching on. She blinks again, trying to find her words, opening and then closing her mouth, dry and uncomfortable. Give her a moment. It’s hard to think once the temperature slips beneath freezing.
       “Oh,” she starts dumbly, tongue sticking against her teeth, her fins too slow to rise. She hopes Joy forgives her for that. Even with the heated lining of the blanket tossed over her shoulders, it takes a monumental effort to even be disappointingly drab. “Oh- oh!!! I- thank you, you did not have to-”
       Even her appreciation felt like it too was sticking inside her mouth, which Miranda hoped Joy didn’t mind too much. Her hands were still careful as she opened the box, if slower than usual to ensure that she would not drop it. Too much experience for that to come out of Miranda so easily, too much time spent handling crown jewels and finery worth more than other people’s entire worlds, and even now, she was taking care not to drop it.
      Her claws wind carefully around the leather strap, working it between her fingers so that she can lift it up and examine it more. There’s another blink, another tiny lift of her fins, where Miranda is too tired for a grander gesture.
       “Oh, yes, it should be long enough.” She speaks soft, a touch more purposeful now, nearly awe-struck, eyes wide as they look at the gem, examine the runework. The light encased inside caught in Miranda’s eyes as she lifted, pooled in her rounded pupils, reflecting back in vibrant electric blue like someone struck a match inside of Miranda’s head. Joy can see her gaze as she traces the pathways, observe the workings and all of its terminal ends, the way it circles back on itself, the careful language of magic as it is taken from origin to creation. To speak in such a way, to have such an affect on reality, is a delicate undertaking, with many potential avenues for disaster to breed. Miranda is quiet as she watches and observes, as she sees the brim of magic within, the thrum.
        It’s funny, that. Miranda doesn’t usually betray an interest in magic, and that’s quite a bit of analyzing she’s doing. It would require a certain degree of knowledge, to know off the top of her head what every piece of the work did, the reason for every flourish and the placement of every rune.
     And then she breaks the silence, fins flicking up as much as they can and wiggling their tips, Miranda’s eyes closing in contentment. There’s a purr, vibrating in Miranda’s throat as she ties the necklace back, around her neck, with plenty of room to spare. Joy had measured correctly — but Miranda leaves little room for celebration, as her arms open up and she’s sweeping Joy into a hug.
      “Thank you, thank you,” she breathes, still purring, even as her voice begins to take on that dream-like quality again, lured by Joy’s warmth, “let me know if there is anything I can do to repay you, it does mean a lot to me.”
      She’s leaning a little more on Joy now. Her head is resting on Joy’s shoulder, close enough to feel the warmth of Miranda’s heated blanket, feel the purr in her chest and her throat as she clings. A little more, a little more, and— ah. The princess is falling asleep on Joy. That seems about right, even if it wasn’t the typical way that someone showed appreciation, but it was to be expected from Miranda.
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bad268 · 7 months
Hey. I love your blog. It's amazing. Is it possible for you to write about actress reader x colby brock. Like they are each others favorite and Sam and colby invite her to one of their investigations. Like in one of her interviews found out that their her favorite YouTubers and colby might ask her on a date?
Thank you so much 💗
Tweets (Colby Brock X Actor! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Sam and Colby & Co.
Requested: Clearly (I had a little too much fun with this one lol)
Warnings: none.
Pronouns: First person (I/me)
W.C. 1087
Summary: An unearthed tweet leads to shocking revelations (with a best friend's intervention).
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^@/Colby's insta from November 16, 2023)
It all started with a resurfaced tweet from 2015…
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I can’t say it was a lie, but it was before my big break, and I didn't have a manager running my social media accounts 24/7. I was just a normal teenager on Vine with time to kill. And now, I thought it was coming back to haunt me, pun intended.
That was until I received a DM from Colby himself asking me to be a part of their yearly tradition, Hell Week. At first, I was starstruck, but I would have been crazy to decline.
So that’s where we are now: preparing for the Conjuring House. A place of extremes. A place I told myself I would never go to because of how insane it is, yet here I am. And, of course, it’s going to be for a week. 
I was invited to Sam and Colby’s place to go over the specifics of the trip. I had just finished filming my latest movie, which was coincidentally being filmed in Las Vegas, so as soon as my scenes were wrapped up, I set off for their house.
By the time I got there, everyone else who was invited was already there. At least, I assumed with the number of cars in the driveway. I was still in stage make-up, but thankfully, I had changed into something more comfortable before I left the set. I grabbed my backpack before jumping out of my car, locking it, and walking up to the door, ringing the doorbell.
Almost immediately, the door is being opened, and I am face to face with Colby. After a beat of us just staring, speechless, at each other, I cleared my throat. I chuckled nervously before saying, “Hi, apologies for being late. Filming ran a little longer than I originally planned. I hope I didn’t hold you all up too long.”
“Nah, don’t even worry about it,” he dismissed quickly as he stepped aside and ushered me inside. “Come in, and I’ll show you where you can put your stuff. You’re staying and going with Sam, Seth, and me to Rhode Island, right?”
“If that’s still alright with you guys,” I replied, walking in step with Colby up the stairs. “I don’t want to impose on your personal spaces. I can go home, just say the word.”
“I would never kick you out,” he laughed, leading me down the hall and stopping just before the end. “Here is your room. There is a bathroom attached. It’s right next to the closet, and if you need anything, my room is right there.” He paused as he pointed to the room at the very end of the hall. “I don’t care if it’s the middle of the night. If you need anything, let me know.”
“I’ll feel bad if it’s the middle of the night, but I will keep that in mind. Thank you,” I replied as I walked in to set my bag down on the vanity. “I’m just going to take my make-up off and meet you guys downstairs if that’s alright.”
“No problem,” he said, “We’ll be in the living room and we’ll either order food later or go out. We’ll see how everyone feels.”
“Ok, cool, thank you!” I said enthusiastically as he left down the hall. I closed the door over as I walked deeper into the room. I grabbed out my micellar water, cotton pads, and hydrater before walking into the ensuite to clean my face. As I set them on the counter, I noticed a piece of paper.
It was a printed screenshot of Twitter. A specific tweet from Colby in 2016 read, “Give me a chance y/n.” The back of the paper had its own handwritten note.
“You have been Colby’s celebrity crush for years. I know you posted a tweet in 2015 asking if he was single, and I don’t know if it was a joke or not. I didn’t show him the tweet, but I can say he’s single now if that tweet is still true. Please just get him to shut up. -Sam”
I chuckled at the note before quickly cleaning my face to head downstairs. Everyone was sitting on the couch or on the floor facing the TV. Everyone except Colby. I glanced around the room, trying to find him, only to see him standing in the kitchen. He was looking through the fridge, so I walked up behind him.
“Can you hand me a water?” I asked, startling him in the process. He jumped up straight, sucking in a quick breath as he snapped around to look at me. “Did I scare you or is that residual energy from the Conjuring House?”
“No, I just…” he trailed off for a second. “Yeah. I wasn’t expecting you down here just yet.”
“Kinda like how you didn’t expect me to see this?” I teased as I pulled the paper out from behind my back. Colby’s eyes grew wide as his jaw dropped. He stammered, trying to come up with a reason behind it, but he could not get a cohesive thought out. “Don’t worry. I’d give you a chance.”
Colby stopped entirely. I could see the gears turning in his mind before he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He opened his eyes, immediately meeting mine as he reached out to take the paper from my hands, setting it on the counter. He held my hands in his as he closed the distance between us. 
“Y/n, will you go out with me?” Colby whispered as he bit his lip in nervousness.
“Of course, I will,” I whispered back as a smile spread across both of our faces. 
“How about after this meeting we get out of here and do mini golf and dinner?” He offered, leaning his head down to rest our foreheads together.
“I will take you down,” I laughed as I leaned more into his body. “Truth be told, I’m great at mini golf.”
“Okay, lovebirds, we get it,” Sam interrupted from the living room. “We get it.”
“Shush, Sam,” I quipped back as I snapped my head to look at the group on the couch, still holding Colby’s hands. “You’re the one that left the note in my bathroom.”
“Wait, there’s a note?!” Colby shouted as he immediately let go of one of my hands to flip the paper over, reading through the note. “Sam, I told you this in confidence!”
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beetlejuicyy · 8 months
Bruises | Bada Lee x reader
Bebe Gang AU
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Pairing: gang member! Bada x reader
Synopsis: you take care of Bada after a fight. things get steamy (literally) by the end
Warnings: none i guess it's mostly fluff
Note: i had this idea for days in my head and had to write it down. at some point i even thought about a backstory about the first date to this but i was getting too messy and confusing. maybe i'll write it separately. hope you enjoy~
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It was on your third date when Bada blurted out that she was part of a gang. It was a very much needed refreshing summer night after a scorching day that you spent at work. Bada texted you unexpectedly, saying she happened to be around you neighborhood. You were both in front of the convenience store close to your apartment, munching on some ice cream. Her treat, she said. She was sitting on the plastic chair, her hair braided loosely falling over her shoulder. You were standing up, leaning against the table. You had been sitting on a chair all day, you told her when she asked you to sit next to her. And it wasn’t a lie. But more than that you loved the few moments you could see her from above and from afar, admire her lean and athletic figure as a whole. You were focused on her lips, though. She was wearing a white cap that covered her eyes, but you could clearly see her freezing and glistening lips in the streetlight as she was taking another bite. You had been stealing glances now and then, thankful for her cap otherwise she would have seen that ever since you met your mind was clouded with fantasies about her. And you hadn’t even kissed yet.
“Do you mind?” She asked. It was obvious she hadn’t planned it. She later confessed that the thought of you hating her because of it was too agonizing to keep on hiding.
“I... don’t mind.” You mumbled, embarrassed by the thought of being caught almost drooling over her. The shock of the new information wiped that feeling away quickly. “I really don’t.” You said again after getting hold of yourself. The distant city lights were pretty but not pretty enough to take your eyes off Bada.
“You might.” She said with a half smile, a mixture of both worry about the future and relief about the present.  A smile that always made your heart shrink and almost explode into a million pieces.
And she was right. You knew it even in that moment that it was something you should put more thought into. Some would even call it a red flag, maybe a deal breaker. But it was too late for you by then. Anytime would have been too late. You thought about it on many nights like these, when she was late and you were waiting for her full of worry. The third date was actually a pretty decent moment to choose. The first date would have been too early, it would have ruined the mood. By the second date you were still trying to figure out if you could be a match, talking things like movies and childhood stories. Thinking about it, that night didn’t even qualify as a date, though every occasion you had to meet was a date to both of you.
You had had a crush on Bada for a long time before. She was the friend of a friend you happened to run into a couple of times. You never exchanged more than the usual greetings and small talk, but you couldn’t get her out of your mind since seeing her for the first time. It was a silly little crush that you were not going to do anything about, even though you felt butterflies in your lower stomach at the mention of her name.
We have to cancel tonight. I’ll be late.
She was already half an hour late when you got the text. Tonight was supposed to be a chill date at her place after a long time of both of you being busy and unable to see each other. Having a spare key, you got there earlier anyway, excited to see her.
I’m here already. See you later.
You knew it had to be something dangerous when she didn’t even say sorry for cancelling plans. She was always a baby, sulking and apologizing countless times when she wasn’t able to make it. That’s when you started to worry.
You looked for a movie to keep your mind busy while you waited for your girlfriend to come home. However, it was only a background noise in the empty apartment. All you could pay attention to was the ringing ambulance or the barking of a dog outside. Every notification you got on your phone you hoped it was another message from her. Your heart was beating faster full of worry, mind running to all the bad things that could happen.
I don’t mind. You told her that night but she knew you would. It was unfair to keep you waiting like this, have you worry every time she was late in case someone ganged up on her or she got into a conflict for her friends.
I know how to fight. Bada had tried to comfort you when you would inspect her bruises.
That’s the problem. You said. If you know how to fight you get into fights. She only half smiled like she did that night in front of the convenience store. That coy smile with only one corner of her mouth curled up that you found so attractive yet so annoying sometimes. You wanted to hit her too.
Yet, you never complained about it. You liked her too much.
After about an hour you heard the familiar beep of the front door being unlocked. You jumped from the bed where you had been scooping under a fluffy blanket, the cold air hitting your bare legs. You were wearing one of her oversized T-shirts.
Bada just got in by the time you stopped by the door in the hallway. She was taking her sneakers off and, as she leaned over to get her slippers she winced in pain, standing back up slower than usual. That’s when she saw you waiting for her. She smiled gently, opening her arms and gesturing for you to come closer. You rushed in her arms, holding her tightly. The T-shirt you had been wearing had only a faint memory of her scent but now you could feel it clearly. She winced once again when you hugged her and you wanted to pull away, scared that she is in pain. She only held you tighter, slender fingers brushing through your hair.
“Sorry I’m late.” She said in a low voice.
“Are you hurt?” You asked when she finally allowed you to pull away and have a look at her face. Even though she wanted to brush off the question, you noticed the scratch on her cheek and frowned.
“I’m fine.” She took off her jacket. That’s when you noticed it was way dirtier than when she left. “Are you mad at me?” Bada asked as you grabbed the jacket from her hands and looked at her with rather cold eyes.
“Of course I am.” Bada raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Look what you did to your pretty face! Do you know how much money I’ll have to spend on skincare to fix it?” She started giggling and touched her cheek carefully. It did sting. The more you looked at her entire body the more you started noticing details that you didn’t see at first. Bruises here and there, dirt and even some dark red on her T-shirt and chest. Your brain immediately realized it’s dried blood and your expression changed, feeling nauseous.
“It’s not mine.” She sighed, noticing your distress. You took a deep breath and turned around on your heels, feeling the need of fresh air.
“I’ll run you a bath. You get rid of these dirty clothes.” You said as you made your way to the bathroom.
“You’re so wifey today.” Bada teased as she followed you around the apartment. She stopped by the bathroom door, taking her clothes off as you instructed, leaving them in a pile next to the washing machine.
“Even I could beat you up in this state miss Bada Lee.” You rolled your eyes as you checked the temperature of the water and tossed in some scented liquid for bubbles.
“Really?” She asked. She took off her T-shirt and cargo pants, only her underwear left on. You didn’t hear her coming in the bathroom right behind you because of the running water. As you sat up and turned around, ready to say another sassy comeback to her teasing, you stopped and almost chocked on air. She was right in front of you, inches away, towering over your smaller figure. The top of your head barely reached past her shoulders and you looked up and down her body, not daring to look up in her eyes. Dried blood was staining her skin too, on her tummy and up her neck. Your eyes followed the lines of her tall and toned body, barely covered. You felt blood rush through your veins and you knew your face was undeniably red. Bada grinned, knowing how easily intimidated you were whenever she took advantage of the difference in height between the two of you. After a few moments that felt like an eternity you finally mustered up the courage to move away.
“I’ll get something for your face.” You mumbled, trying not to show how flustered you were. Bada’s tongue pushed against the inside of her cheek as she let you leave the bathroom quietly. After you closed the door rather loudly behind you she let out a giggle that she had been holding inside for your sake. You were so cute when you were all worked up like that. Because, as much as it was dangerous, Bada knew few things turned you on more than seeing her roughed up a bit. Maybe you had a savior complex. Or you were simply horny.
Nonetheless, as she waited for the bath to fill up, Bada inspected her body in the mirror. It was nothing serious, she had been through worse. Ignoring the dirt she guessed she would look perfectly fine after the much needed bath, leave two or three bruises that would only show their purple color the next morning. The wound on her face was indeed nasty, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed.
You came back after a while, after her body was warmed up and soaked in the vanilla scented water you had prepared for her.
“Thought you forgot about me.” She said, not bothering to open her eyes. Her hair was up in a messy bun so it wouldn’t get wet. Only her bangs were sticking to her forehead as her head was leaned back against the edge of the tub.
“I had to go buy some stuff we ran out of last time.” You said as you crouched next to her on the floor.
“It’s not that bad anyway. If I just wash my face a bit more carefully it’ll go away in no time.” Bada lazily opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. The bubbles in the water were covering up to her collarbone. “Why don’t you get in with me?”
“In your dirty water? No thanks.” You grinned and reached for the hair roller. Leaning over the bath tub you gently brushed her bangs before rolling them up so you could clean her face. “You should have washed your hair too.” You hummed.
“Wash it for me?” She asked, standing still like a doll letting you do your thing. A very pretty doll, you thought.
“Tomorrow.” You sighed and she smiled.
You gently wiped her face clean and disinfected the wound. She would hiss in pain at times but nonetheless it was a minor thing. You’ve seen her through worse. All while you took care of her Bada had her eyes closed, enjoying the pampering. Her body had relaxed completely and her muscles felt like jelly. She didn’t want to get out anytime soon, although the water was getting cold and was indeed dirty.
You didn’t want to admit it but she was right about her face. It wasn’t something that needed extra care and she could have handled on her own, washing around the scratch and covering it with a band aid. But you loved to take care of her. You loved to treat her gently, run your fingers over the curve of her jaw, observe every detail of her face. You watched as her lips moved and curled as you touched sensitive spots and her brows furrowed then straightened back in a calm expression. After you were done with the skincare and the products were well absorbed into her skin you took the roller out of her bangs and gently arranged the strands of hair on her forehead. Your eyes traveled lower, to her neck down her collarbones and her chest that was lost in bubbles. You didn’t notice when she peeped at you through her lashes, a bright gummy smile plastering all over her face.
“You’re so in love with me.” Bada said.
“Mhm.” You only agreed to her teasing, placing your forearms on the edge of the tub and resting your head on top of them. You weren’t even going to deny it or mind that your eyes were an open book for her. One of her hands made its way out of the water to touch your face gently. Foam and water was running down her fingers over the bruised up knuckles. “Does it hurt?” You asked and she moved her hand away to inspect it from afar. She tried to clench her fist then release, feeling the stinging sensation of bare flesh. You extended your arm too so you could reach her hand and carefully intertwine your fingers with hers.
“Hmm… My hand is bigger than yours.” She said and you chuckled.
“Fuckboy 101. Any other pickup lines from the streets?” You said sarcastically but a part of you was excited by all of these gentle touches between the two of you. So excited that, if you would let your intrusive thoughts win, you’d take her hand and place it around your throat-
“Only that you’re so pretty.” Something about the way she emphasized the last words only contributed to your excitement. It wasn’t the usual affectionate tone when she complimented your makeup, your outfit or simply your features out of pure love. It was something deeper and darker than that, almost like when she would call you pretty in bed when you’d be on top of her-
“Whatever gang fight you got into must have messed with your adrenaline levels and got you horny instead.” You tried to hide the fact that your mind had started to create fantasies in real time.
“Me?” Bada asked sheepishly as she pulled your hand closer and pressed her lips gently against it. You felt a very familiar sensation in your lower stomach. It was very entertaining to her, seeing you fight to hide what was obviously hiding behind your eyes when you would stare blankly at her. Maybe you were right about it and adrenaline really was to blame. Or maybe seeing you wearing her clothes did something to her.
Bada leaned forward, shivering when the colder air hit her bared back. She was about to get out of the water.
“This is going to be all green and purple tomorrow.” You said, the tip of your finger barely touching a spot on her back. She instinctively moved away from your touch. You were right, it really hurt. “You’re so sensitive I can’t even ride you properly yet you’re teasing me.” You teased back.
It was her time to blush. At least she could blame it on the hot water.
“So you have been thinking about it. Pervert.” You rolled your eyes at her. This bickering and teasing was something usual in your relationship. You sat up to grab the towel for her. When you turned back you froze in front of her for the second time that night. She had stood up, this time completely naked in front of you, water dripping down her body. It took all the strength inside you to simply swallow. You could feel the heat coming out of her body but there was another kind of heat coming from within you. As if you weren’t flustered enough, her fingers gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up this time. Her touch was warm and wet and arousing. “I’m cold.” She said as if she didn’t notice, as if she didn’t intend to make you feel like this. You knew and she must have known too that you were getting wet just because she barely touched you. “My towel?”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You let the towel fall on the floor and placed your hands on her waist, pulling her closer. The water on her body wetted your T-shirt too but it didn’t matter. Standing on you tippy toes to reach her, you pressed your lips against hers, finally getting what you wanted since she got home. Her lips moved along with yours as your fingers dug into her skin, hungry to posses as much of her as possible. Her hands cupped both your cheeks as she took control of the kiss. Your fingers glided softly all over her skin from her hips to her waist to her breasts and-
“Ouch.” She breathed against your lips when you pressed against a bruise.
“Sorry.” You mumbled. She brushed her lips lightly against yours.
“Let’s take this out of here.” Bada said and you grabbed her hand in excitement, rushing her to the bedroom.
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noisyquokka · 9 months
Bro you write Felix so well! I have an idea for a request if you're willing ^^
He buys the reader flowers a lot and keeps one from each bouquet so he knows when the rest are dying and he can buy them more! It doesn't have to be boyfriend!felix, I'll leave that up to you! Just something super cute and wholesome, love that!!
A Lesson in Gift-Giving
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PAIRING - Felix x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS - Sometimes gift-giving doesn't go as smooth as you plan. Felix realizes the error of his ways after months away on tour.
WARNINGS - Fluff, humor, newly-established relationship, which means there's a little miscommunication, but we get through it like champs ✊🏻
A/N - I love this idea so much! Got a little inspo just from your request, which I added in, hope you don't mind 😅 Wrote it as bf!Felix just cause it's a vibe.
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"This is... definitely not getting out of hand."
You mutter these words to yourself as you stare down the latest delivery of fresh cut flowers sitting on your kitchen counter. Pink and white mini-carnations stare back at you in all their ruffled-petal glory, their sweet scent wafting through your personal space. The handwritten note between your fingers is cheesy and adorable; so very Felix. You scratch the side of your head in bemusement.
Most would say such a reaction to a bouquet of flowers was rude, considering it came from your boyfriend. But as you sit here amongst the variety of florals in your home, you think you've had enough to sustain you for the rest of the year.
It all began with one trip to a local Flea Market. You had stepped inside one of the mini shops on the way out only to catch the dashing white orchids in their pot on the shelf. Felix had offered to buy them for you as a little gift, and with hearts in your eyes, you had accepted. You stare at it now - a glorious centerpiece of four months that is absolutely thriving in its own right.
Then came the fresh cut peonies.
You were over the moon when Felix had surprised you with the first bouquet two weeks later, but you never could've imagined the deluge of flowers that would follow like clockwork. And you accepted all of them with the utmost gratitude. You'd also developed an odd relationship with the delivery guy over time; saying nothing verbally, but everything with the great art of facial miming, if that was even a thing.
The only thing about such a gift is that your place was beginning to look less like a home and more like a florist's shop. Your kitchen island not only held your thriving orchid display, but those same lush peonies, now dried in hues of dusty pinks. As your collection of flowers grew, so did your creativity. The flourishing arrangement of blooms that you had gotten for your four month anniversary had been carefully pressed between paper-towel-lined book pages for roughly two weeks before you were able to proudly display them in the frame above your bed.
It's safe to say you've turned just about every blank space in your home into a floral oasis over the last few months.
What was supposed to be a simple, romantic gesture was quickly derailing. Only problem was you had to be the one to stop it. After being with Felix for six months, you'd think such a simple conversation would be... well, simple. And yet, you stand here in a state of blooming panic.
A knock at the door brings you back to your current predicament. Your fingers twitch around the cardstock, crumpling the edge as your feet move in short strides toward the entrance. You're half expecting the delivery guy again, but as you swing the door open, you're even more surprised to find your boyfriend standing there with a smile that rivals the sun and-
"More flowers...!"
They're Dahlias this time - an arrangement of small but vibrant Orange Button blooms that compliment their larger, blushing Café au Lait companions. The contrast between them in both size and color is stunning; warm candle flames licking at the edges of whimsical ivory bones.
"Special delivery!" Felix's bubbly voice sets your heart in motion, and although you're seeing flower petals behind your eyelids, you can't help but smile at the cellophane-wrapped bouquet in his hand. A tote bag hangs off his other arm, filled to the brim with you can only guess what.
"Felix!?" You shake your head but lunge at him with open arms, a mix of confusion and excitement crossing your face. "Tour doesn't end for another three days. What are you doing here?"
"Last stop was canceled so I pulled some strings and caught a red-eye." He murmurs, burying his nose into your scalp. You feel him sink into your touch, a deep release of breath that says he's happy to be back home. God, did he miss you.
You pull away, ushering him inside and taking the flowers with the utmost care.
"Dahlias aren't even in season yet, where'd you get these?!"
You miss the furrow of his brow as he slugs his shoes off at the mat, following you through the immediate hallway.
"I may have pulled some more strings..." Felix trails off, footsteps faltering once he's in the open space of the kitchen and living room. He hears your laugh, lips quirking into a lopsided grin as he takes in the familiar centerpiece on the island. When you turn around, you catch those brown eyes shift from the orchids to the peonies that sit beside them. He points at the mummified bouquet with a tilt of his head.
"Are those~" He blinks, setting the tote bag down on the cool marble. "Are those the peonies I bought you for our one month?"
You hum an affirmative, lips thinning as you disappear down the hallway in search of a vase. Every single floral in your house is like a bright red flag in the apartment; waving rampantly in your peripheral as you pass through the living room. Good god, Felix hasn't even noticed those yet. The thought has you losing focus, fingers mindlessly shuffling through the vast collection of vases in the hall closet.
The crumpled petals in their muted pinks and creams stare back at the man as he leans against the kitchen island, chin resting in the palm of his hand with narrowed eyes. Felix would've expected these to be long gone by now. The peonies that had once been so vibrant and alive are nothing more than dried stems and petals in a ceramic vase. To him, they look less-than-lively in their current state. The sound of socked feet padding back into the living room shifts his attention. He doesn't even notice the other displays behind you, too focused on your presence alone.
"I'm no florist, Love, but these look like they're past their prime." There's a hint of a smile on his lips when he finishes his quip, and you can't help but chuckle. Twitchy fingers reach for the junk drawer handle, pulling it open with a lazy arm.
"I know they're not as beautiful as when you first gave them to me," You say, grabbing the set of pruners and scissors that rest among snack clips, rubber bands and the like, "but trust me when I say that they're still pretty."
"They look dead." He deadpans, padding around the island in few strides. He watches you work intently, leaning against the countertop as you cut the wrapping away and cut back the stems. The tap runs in the sink, cooler for the delicate blooms in your hands.
"They're not-" You start, filling the chosen vase a quarter of the way and mixing the food packet in. Your cheeks feel warm from the comment and you dip your head as you work. "Well, I guess they are technically dead..."
You hear the chuff of a laugh from your boyfriend and glance over your shoulder, quickly looking forward again when you find citrine eyes already on you. The grin on Felix's face is soft and yet you feel your face heat up even more. If he's teasing me about the peonies, what's he gonna say about the others?
"I dried them, so to me, they're just... frozen in time." You say, pruning the few leaves from the lower stems.
"You dried them?" He sounds surprised. You nod, placing the flowers into their yellow porcelain vase, fiddling with the placement of each blossom more than you should.
It's now, when you're preoccupied, that Felix's eyes rove over the island to the living room and his eyes widen. The Gladiolus bouquet from almost two weeks ago sits on the coffee table as a centerpiece, still alive by some miracle. Even more surprising, the Hydrangeas from a week and a half ago sit in a glass jar on the console table behind your sofa. The water in the makeshift vase is just about gone, settled in the base of the jar touching just the tips of the clipped stems.
"Baby, how are these still alive?" He asks, walking around the island towards the displays in the living area. Your attention shifts, following his movements as he stands there baffled by the still pristine blooms on the coffee table. Felix turns his head to you, your fingers laced in front of you as you move away from the Dahlias in their yellow porcelain vase.
"Felix, I have to tell you something."
Dark brows knit at your tone, voice mumbling and awkward as you tap your index nail onto your opposite ones.
"What, Love?"
"It's just- ah-" You let out a tense exhale, your heart beat picking up in your chest. "It's a little embarrassing to say, and I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but the flowers have gotten a bit out of hand... and..."
You pause in your ramblings, glancing up to your boyfriend who is still fascinated by the week old flowers. He picks up the jar of Hydrangeas with a careful hand, eyeing the petals that have begun their wilting and drying process. Observing. Analyzing. For a moment you believe he's so focused on them that your words have gone unheard, but he shifts his gaze to yours with arched brows and narrowed browns.
"How'd you manage to keep these fresh so long? The florist's site said they'd last a little under a week if you were lucky."
You tilt your head toward the ceiling, pressing your lips together as you scratch at the nape of your neck.
"I may or may not have some background in floristry..." You trail, voice going higher as you speak. Your fingers clench over your thumb as your eyes flicker about the living space, avoiding eye contact. "It's part of why I'm telling you. I love the flowers, Felix, I really do. But, it's just becoming a bit much."
"Love," Felix sets the flowers down with a sigh, and you keep your eyes on the far wall out of shame. He's mad, disappointed... he's something! And it's not a good someth-
You startle at the feeling of warm hands cupping your cheeks and your wide eyes dart forward to meet his. He takes in your expression, noticing the nervous shifting and fidgeting. Felix offers you his full attention - a warm smile and warm eyes, those familiar crescents.
"Why are you so nerved up? There's nothing to be ashamed of, you know I support you in everything." He leans forward and in an instant you feel him press a kiss to your forehead. Your chest lightens at the gesture.
"So you're not mad?"
"Never! Though I wish you would've told me that you were knowledgeable in fresh cut flowers. I only sent you new ones after the flower I took from each bouquet wilted on me."
His confession makes you laugh, your eyes closing as you shake your head.
"I was wondering why one was missing from every delivery. I thought someone was shortchanging you!"
"No, I wanted you to have something to brighten up the place when I'm gone. I guess I didn't consider the idea of you knowing anything on flowers..." He trails, chuckling to himself. His hands leave your face, taking their familiar place wrapped around your waist as he pulls you into him. Felix's chin rests atop your head, and you bring your own arms around his torso, nails scratching lightly against his shoulder blades. You press your face into his chest.
"So, where'd you learn all your magical floristry skills from?" He asks, glancing around the place for any other old bouquets he'd gifted you.
"My grandfather." You murmur, tilting your head up to catch his eye. Your arms tighten around him. "He was always out in the garden, spent most of his lifetime caring for his flowers out there, I'm pretty sure. Everything he'd taught me was through his own trial and error."
"Well, sure seems like you've perfected some of his teachings." Felix muses, grinning down at you. A scoff leaves you and you wave away his high praises.
"It's nothing, really. I just enjoy the process." You feel your cheeks heating up again, so you press your face back into the fabric of his hoodie.
"It's nothing?" Felix's arms tighten around your waist, lifting you easily and sitting himself down on the couch so you're draped over his lap. You settle your face in the crook of his neck, feeling him huff out a content sigh as he relaxes into the cushions. "You are so humble... but you have to admit, you're a natural at this. Maybe we should open up a flower shop together, hm? I'll take the orders, you just do your thing with this beautiful mind of yours." He nuzzles his chin into the side of your head with a chuckle, fingers cascading over the skin of your hip.
"You gonna take orders on tour, too?" You tease, fighting back a grin.
"You betcha! Your talent can be shipped worldwide." He glances down to gauge your reaction, the corners of his lips curled up in a smug amusement. Though there's that genuine affection seeping through as well. The kind that makes your heart flutter. You roll your eyes, but your hostility is lost with the curl to your lips. You press a soft kiss to Felix's neck, his expression shifting as he rests his head against the back of the couch.
"You really think I could open a flower shop?"
"You could be anything you wanna be, Love." He says, shifting so that you're facing each other. He draws you closer, hands moving to the curve of your shoulders. You can feel his heart beating against your own, missing that skin-to-skin contact that he's been craving for the past few months on tour. The living room settles into contentedness for a moment; just fingers brushing skin and shallow breaths as you both keep your eyes on one another.
"I love you," Felix whispers, lips brushing against yours once, twice, until they fully connect in a sweet kiss.
"And I love you," You mumble, smiling against him. "but I'll happily take your brownies every week for the next year."
"No more flowers, then?" You scrunch your nose at his question, pressing your lips together to stop yourself from laughing at the ridiculousness of your situation.
"You are the biggest rom-com protagonist I've ever laid my eyes on."
Felix's eyes light up with a playful spark as he tilts his head to the side, a deep chuckle rumbling his chest.
"What can I say, I try." He's oh, so humble about it; eyebrows arching in a cocky manner, a lopsided grin on his lips. He presses another kiss to your lips, slow and lingering as his hands slip to your lower back. You can't help but smile against his mouth, bringing a hand up to tangle in the dark tresses of hair. He hums before pulling back, suddenly remembering something.
"Speaking of being the best boyfriend alive-"
"Your words, but sure-"
"-I brought some takeout and a few other gifts from overseas... but you said you wanted brownies soooo..." He looks off elsewhere, and you roll your eyes.
Felix laughs, the sound a gentle melody to your ears. Your eyes meet again and he shoots you a loving smile, nodding toward the bag sitting on the counter.
"They're yours, Love." He murmurs, fingers tapping the side of your leg to usher you off the couch.
"C'mon. The quicker we eat, the quicker I get to cuddle you to sleep."
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Psst!! If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my work 💕 I appreciate you!
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readychilledwine · 7 months
Hi there! Your writing is incredible! Can I please request a Cassian x reader fic where they were together for years but broke up but still secretly love each other and have to be around each other constantly
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A/N - I had a fairly similar Cassian piece planned like this request. Only instead of them constantly seeing each other, it was distance and a chance meeting that caused it all to come crashing down. I had planned on tweeking it more to fit the request a little better, but there was something about this that made me keep it fairly similar. Hopefully that's okay ❤️
PS it's the first day of birthday celebrations! Peep what's coming this week here
Summary - Years have passed since you two parted ways, but your mind is still stuck on a certain General. Little did you know, his was stuck on you too.
Warnings - mutual pinning, angst, mentions of a toxic friend group
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"Do not," Rhys growled softly to Cassian. "Wait." Cassian felt his jaw grow tight, a heavy breath leaving his chest.
He had only seen you in his dreams since you two broke up right before the High Lords were trapped below the mountain. He regretted the choice that same day, having planned on flying to your house once Rhys returned. Only, Rhys didn't return until almost 50 years later.
Now, by some cruel turn of fate, you were at Rita's with your friends he always hated. And you just had to wear that tight black dress that showed off your figure and breasts perfectly.
Rhysand's eyes were glazed over as the two of them continued to watch a male flirt with you, on of his hands placed firmly on your hip and the other running your arm.
It made Cassian feel sick. How many males had touched you in the past 50 years? How many of them had you shared tender moments with? Was it just this one? Had you moved on from him? His heart shattered at the thought. Without you, Cassian truly felt there was a piece of him missing, and he always thought you had felt the same.
"She let me in. They are not together, she does not know him, and she is very uncomfortable but being polite," Rhysand finally sighed. "Go ahead."
Cassian moved instantly, approaching you from behind. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you into his side. "I finally found you! We've been looking for you all night, sweetheart!" Your breath stilled. Eyes looking up at the tanned face of the Night Courts general and commander. "Cassian," you whispered.
He smiled down at you and nodded towards the male who had kept his hands on you for over an hour now. "Who's this?" Your face was his clear answer, and he turned his attention to the male. "You can go." Cassian turned to lead you back to your friends. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you turned in his arms, moving quickly to the door while he called after you and instantly started your walk home. The real answer was no. No, you weren't okay seeing him again. Those feelings had never left, and you felt ridiculous for that.
50 years. 49 of which Rhysand had made it so you couldn't even remember Cassian, but all that had left you with was a longing you had not been able to describe to anyone until that shield dropped.
And when it did, all you could do was cry.
Cassian breaking up with you was one of the hardest things you had gone through. It had been a stupid argument on both of your sides. A stupid petty ugly argument that led to all this time apart.
And you would never forgive yourself.
You ignored him yelling for you, picking up pace as you wrapped your arms around yourself in a tight hug. Shadows trailed you and you did not have to even question who they belonged to nor what they were doing. They were keeping track of every twist and turn, every house number, every cobblestone you walked over.
They were relaying exactly where you going, and blue siphons seemed to appear in the corner of your eye. You watched the owner of them without opening your door. "I'm not leaving until I know you are home safe. He will never forgive me if I do," a cold familiar voice said. "Go inside, y/n."
Cassian gave you 3 days after that. 3 days to collect your mind, 3 days to process your feelings, 3 days of relative silence that you had spent staring out a window, watching it rain from your high flat in Velaris. On that third day, he finally knocked. He waited, breath held tight in his throat. He knocked again after a few moments of silence. He heard you move slowly, and then the lock unclick. He opened the door without waiting for you, closed it behind him, and stood there.
You and Cassian stared at each other, silence falling between the two of you that had your skin crawling.
Your relationship was never silent, and you hated that it was now.
"I never stopped thinking about you," he said quickly. "I never once stopped loving you."
The confession threw you, causing you to still completely, eyes wide as you stared at him. He continued, taking the lack of a response as an invitation to keep going. "I meant to find you that same night. To apologize. To beg you to take me back, but Rhys was trapped and shielded us to the House. I spent 30 years trying to get through that shield, pounding it every damn day, praying I would get to you."
He moved to you, raising a hand to your cheek, his thumb stroking your cheekbone as he stared into your eyes. "I didn't get the chance to say it all those years ago, so I am going to now, and you can force me out after." He took a deep breath. "I hate your friends because they treat you poorly, and I expressed that the wrong way. As soon as we started dating, several of them started getting close to Azriel, to me, and to Rhysand like worms, y/n. We overheard them many times bragging about how blind you were to their treatment, and Rhysand is more than willing to show you the memories of that."
"I attacked you when you questioned me. I handed it wrong because I never once thought you wouldn't trust me. I should have been more gentle with you and your feelings. I know how growing up alone is. I should have been more sensitive, and I am so sorry, y/n."
You nodded. "You made me feel like I had topicking, but then didn't let me pick. You just-"
"I know. I decided for you instead of talking with you. I treated you like a child and not a grown female. No words will ever truly make you understand how much I regret that day."
You confessed softly. "The second the shield lifted, you were all I thought about. I thought about how much I missed you, how I still loved you, how much I hated how we left things."
Cassian visibly relaxed, moving closer to you and raising his other hand to tilt your face to his. "And now?"
"I still feel the same. I still miss you. I still love you. I hate waking up in that giant bed you forced into my house without you. I hate going to sleep without you. I hate knowing now that empty feeling I felt all those years without you was me missing you."
He leaned his forehead against yours, releasing a breath he hardly knew he was holding. "Can I take you to dinner?" Instead of answering him verbally, you kissed him softly. "I'll take that as a yes."
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jiggy-manda · 4 months
please write about Amanda Young x fem!reader :)
she gets very jealous and furry when someone flirts with us :)))))
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jealous!amanda young x fem!reader
warnings: none… age gap kinda? obv amanda is in her 30s but reader is in her 20s so just take that how you will
wc: 1.6k
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your situation with jigsaw and the apprentices was… different.
you weren’t an apprentice, per se, but you also weren’t completely a victim; you floated around somewhere in between. like a middle-man, almost. you were never directly involved with the crimes, though you were definitely knowledgeable of them. you’d been tested as well, but for some reason it seemed like your test wasn’t… as brutal.
you’d talked to amanda a few times, mainly when you were begging to be let go and she was busy laughing at you. some part of you kind of thought she went easy on you, but you couldn’t tell if that was true or if it was just you making up things to cope with what had happened.
ever since your test, you’d been staying with john and the apprentices— which you later learned was not normal for other jigsaw victims. you never found out why, but there was always a slight feeling in your brain that the lingering looks from his female apprentice had something to do with it.
either way, it was something you chose not to dwell on because you knew it would only lead to more questions and more disappointment.
it felt pointless to continue stewing over it, so for the next few minutes you continued on in your notebook, writing down different plans john or the apprentices had mentioned over time and looking over the new list of people and their offenses.
you were so busy reading a file on some new contraption that you didn’t even notice the shadowy figure suddenly hovering above you.
mark hoffman was perched on the side of your desk with one leg hanging off the edge. “what are you working on?”
amanda quietly scoffed at his presence from her makeshift bedroom, a bit in shock that you would even entertain the man. you, on the other hand, were just looking for a way to exit the conversation with him.
looking up at mark, you quickly realized he was way too close— you could smell his cologne, or lack thereof.
she tried not to keep looking at you, but amanda couldn’t help but stare. she smirked as she watched, noting how you subtly crinkled your nose when he leaned towards you.
amanda has never liked hoffman. hoffman, not mark— she’d never dare give him the pleasure of addressing him by his name. she never liked him, but she disliked him even more when he interacted with you. in the back of her mind, a small part of her thought he just continued to talk to you simply to piss her off. he’s not completely clueless; he knows how to push amanda’s buttons. he’d probably talk to you even if he didn’t like you just to fuel his vendetta against the small brunette.
she didn’t like it when he was around you.
“…oh, you know. just, traps and stuff, i guess…”
“you guess?” he laughed at that. “c’mon sweetheart, you gotta have more confidence than that.”
you sighed, setting down the pencil you’d been holding to look up at him. “do you need something, mark?”
“oh come on, don’t be like that,” he replied. “you barely talk to any of us! i’m just trying to get to know you.”
you looked down at the hands you had eventually clasped and set against your desk. you then gave him a tight smile. “okay… what do you want to know?”
he grinned. “you got a boyfriend?”
you instinctively recoiled back, hoping the disgust you felt didn’t show on your face. if you asked amanda, she would’ve said it did— but she wasn’t even watching, of course not.
taking a moment to clear your throat, you met his gaze to respond. “no, i don’t.”
the brooding woman in her makeshift bedroom finally spoke up, sarcasm dripping from her voice. “but i’m sure she’d love to hear a proclamation of love from a man twice her age.”
he turned his head towards amanda, the force of his movements causing even his body to shuffle. “can’t you just mind your business?” he shot back.
you were planning on jumping in, eventually— but the decision of what to say was still playing around in your mind. to be fair, you were in a borderline cult of serial killers, so your sexual preferences really should be the least of their concerns.
“whatever you say, old man. im just pointing out the obvious, that’s all. i don’t think a woman your age would even go for you, honestly.” the corner of amanda’s lip turned into a grin when she saw mark’s hand twitch.
“you know what, smartass?” he said, slamming his palms on your desk as he stood up. “you wanna say that again? what the hell is your problem?”
amanda pushed herself off of the perch she called a bed. “you’re my problem, asshat. you think you’re so much better than me and everyone else just because you’re some high class detective who’s never failed a drug test in his life,” she spat out.
mark got closer to amanda, nearly backing her up to one of the desks close by. at this point, your brain had finally started working again, so you rushed to get between the two.
“okay, can we please be a bit rational here?”
you were facing mark, watching as the upper part of his mouth twitched, and you just managed to keep a straight face when amanda mumbled something about ‘his lip injections going haywire.’
“and can you please sit down?” you finally addressed both of them. they both grumbled as they made their own separate ways to take their places.
clearing your throat, you returned to your seat and ran your hands through your hair. “she’s not completely wrong,” you said as you faced the man who’d started this whole thing. “i don’t mind if someone’s older than me,” you started, looking back at amanda to correct her comment.
you looked back at mark, studying his face before finishing your statement. “but i don’t date men.”
amanda, for once, was happy your attention was focused on mark and not herself. she did not need you to see the shock (intrigue) on her face at that revelation.
mark just stared at you for a few moments, not quite sure what to say.
“yeah,” you started, your face starting to heat up at all the attention on you. it didn’t help that the topic of the matter was your sexuality and love life. “so. um… yeah.”
“then… you got a girlfriend?”
amanda perked up at this, wishing she could appear less interested.
“nope,” you let out with a sigh. “but it’s whatever. i like it here anyways, working on traps and helping out.”
“sure,” he said, scanning the room. it seemed like he didn’t really know what to do at that point… it was clear that flirting with you was his only objective, so it’s not like you had anything else to talk about. “i’m gonna go ask john about one of the next traps but i’ll be back soon.”
you nodded, while amanda gave a “yeah, whatever.” you tried not to laugh at their back-and-forth demeanor. it was clear they didn’t like each other— though, you weren’t a very big fan of mark either. you had a hard time believing anyone was, really.
amanda, however… you weren’t quite sure how to feel about her. you never interacted much; mark made more of an effort to talk to you, and you didn’t even like him. if anything, you were confused by amanda.
she didn’t really talk to you, but for some reason it was like she didn’t want anyone else talking to you either. on the rare times that she did give you more than a few minutes of her attention, she would snap at anyone who interrupted the conversation— anyone besides john, of course.
“so you’re gay?”
the question struck you out of your thoughts, nearly making you jump. you turned and faced amanda completely, pausing a few minutes to take in her presence.
a few silent seconds passed before amanda spoke again with a slight smile playing at her face. “me too.”
“yeah?” you tilted your head, meeting her eyes.
“yeah… and i really didn’t like seeing hoffman flirt with you,” she replied.
you paused, not sure whether you should push it any further. “amanda young,” you said with a dramatic gasp. “were you… jealous?”
she immediately scoffed, rolling her eyes where she stood. “you wish.”
“i think you were,” you replied, taking a step closer. you tilted your head to the side and looked into her eyes. “i’m not stupid, amanda. you’re not subtle in the way you snap at everyone who tries to interact with me.”
her face slightly flushed at that. “that’s not true,” she sputtered out. “i snap at everyone.”
“pfft, yeah, whatever,” you let out.
“im serious,” she said, taking hold of your arm. you looked down at your arm and then back up at her, raising your brow. she quickly let go of it and brought her arm back. “i just don’t like people,” she reasoned. “it’s nothing personal.”
“whatever,” she huffed out. if looks could kill, you would’ve been six feet under by now. you didn’t know a small body could hold so much rage, but you figured you’d save the psychoanalytics for later.
it was clear that you’d gotten under her skin, and a small part of you felt a bit of pride that you’d gotten the usually stoic girl to stutter and blush.
you grinned, making your way back to your desk covered in blueprints and plans. “and amanda,” you started. “let me know if you ever want to… collaborate.”
a/n: yayyyy more amanda fics 😙😙 this was really fun to write <3 i might make another part? idk i feel like leaving the ending open was kinda fun 🫣
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teyamsatan · 1 year
Illicit Affairs | Chapter II: Right Where You Left Me
Pairing: Neteyam x Human!Reader (later Avatar!Reader)
Chapter I Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X
Synopsis: You were one of two kids stuck on Pandora after the war took all the Sky People back to Earth. After a series of events left deep scars behind, you are now forced to deal with your trauma - and your lingering resentment towards Neteyam - head-on.
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, blood, injury
Word Count: 4,7k words
A/N: So I didn't expect the last chapter to do so well, but I am happy so many people enjoyed it. I have really enjoyed writing this and I am happy to say I am almost done with Chapter III, as well. I am feeling all the feels doing this, and I hope you do, too.
“I cause no harm, mind my business If our love died young, I can't bear witness And it's been so long But if you ever think you got it wrong … I'm right where you left me”
The next couple of weeks were uneventful. You haven’t seen Lo’ak since that afternoon, although Kiri’s dropped by a couple of times to keep you company while you worked. Getting her to put on a lab coat and goggles was an adventure in itself, but she eventually relents and does as she’s told. 
She’s shooting you a sly smirk as you are busy pipetting a reagent on your samples under an aseptic hood. “Your birthday’s coming up soon, do you have any plans?” You could hear the smile in her voice, which you found odd. You pushed the feeling aside. Kiri’s odd, and the things that bring her amusement sometimes elude you, and you love her for it. 
“Oh yeah, big party planned, I was thinking pres in the gym, then main party in the dining area and a wild after party in the lab.” You roll your eyes. Birthdays seem fun in movies and TV shows, but it really isn’t the same stuck in a tiny confined space with nothing to do. You were turning 18. Not of much significance to you, although this birthday does seem to hold some relevance back on Earth. 18 is the age you become an “adult”, where you become legally allowed to do all sorts of human things, like drink, smoke, vote, be held liable for your actions (this one still confuses you), get married, drive and so much more. It seemed strange to you that so much weight was placed on this day, and you wondered if when the clock struck midnight a few days from now, you will feel different, like something in your brain will click and you will have answers to all the questions you have been silently asking yourself at night. 
“Thought so. Well, we do have a surprise for you.” She says, still smiling from ear to ear.
Has everyone you loved collectively decided to forget that you hate surprises? With a groan, you got up from your chair, removed the samples that you quickly placed back in an incubator, shut the hood and motioned for Kiri to follow you out of the lab. 
It was later than you expected when you finished, and you knew Kiri would have to leave soon so she can make it back home in time for curfew. 
“Anywayyy…” she says, refusing to let your sour mood damper her own, “I was thinking you could join us at the home tree for your birthday party. The family prepared something for you and you haven’t visited in so long, everyone misses you, especially Tuk.” 
“Kiri…” You wanted to go, and were touched that it seems that the family actually wanted you around, but you were scared. You knew it was stupid, but deep down the guilt of what your species did, what your own dad might have done, eats at you every night. You knew that whilst the Sullys and maybe other Na’vi as well were more than welcoming, others regarded you as a curse, an alien with demon blood that should have been sent to her dying world long ago. You couldn’t deal with knowing your very existence was a reminder of their lost family, their destroyed home, their battle scars. 
“Come onnn, girl, you can’t spend every damn day of your short human life in this place. I mean, I like this place, don’t get me wrong, but if I had to spend every minute of the day here, I’d kill myself. I mean the foooood, the artificial lightinnggg, the stuffy aiiiiir…” she dramatically dragged every word to make her point, and despite everything, you couldn’t really argue with her. 
“I’m not leaving ’til you agree.” 
“I mean I just have to wait long enough that curfew begins, and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna see you run out of this place leaving a Kiri-shaped hole in the wall of the lab.” you said, laughing at the frown that settled on her face at your stubborness. “Fine, Kiri, my God, I will be there.” 
“Yay! Thank you, you won’t regret it, I promise!” You couldn’t help crack a smile at her enthusiasm, and you hugged your friend that was sitting on a chair, short enough this way to enable you to do so. 
“Do you want to see Grace before you go?” 
You forget sometimes Kiri isn’t Jake and Neytiri’s biological daughter. I wonder if they forget, too. Kiri is a miracle child, of sorts. Born out of Grace’s avatar, she was like a gift from Eywa herself. She always visits her Ma when she comes to see you.
Kiri shifts uncomfortably in the chair, prompting you to raise an eyebrow. Strange, you think to yourself. 
“No, I should really go, I don’t want to be late getting home and I want to pick some herbs I saw on the path on the way here. I think they’ll be good for the illness going around.” 
You wanted to push, but decided to let it go. You couldn’t blame the girl for maybe not wanting to be reminded that as well as Spider and yourself, she, too, was an outsider. 
You said your goodbyes, and deciding against dinner with everyone in the lab, you made your way back to your room. You picked a book from the shelf of your mum’s old book collection; another thing that apparently became obsolete on Earth with time, your mum revelled in collecting them. She said the only way to properly experience a story is with a physical copy of it in your hands. You agreed. There were a lot of electronic copies of books in the directory, and while you spent so much of your life dedicating yourself to them, nothing compared to the feeling of holding a book, that you know has been held and experienced by another human. You found notes and dried up tears on the pages of these books even to this day, and every time, it brings you closer to your mum, to your grandparents, to a home you’ll never know for yourself. You fell asleep with one of the poems you read that night still fresh in your mind. 
“I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,
And Mourners to and fro
Kept treading - treading - till it seemed
That Sense was breaking through -“
You woke up in the forest. You recognised the place immediately. Secluded from the village and near enough to the lab that even a child could find their way back, it was the perfect hiding spot for little Y/N. You didn’t go there anymore, you’ve barely allowed yourself to even think about it these days, but your dreams spoke to something deep inside you, a yearning you couldn’t drown out no matter how hard you tried. You looked towards the clearing, where the riverbank was almost unrecognisable past the foliage and rocks and allowed yourself a moment of respite. You were startled by a high pitched laugh, and turned your head towards its origin. A little girl, no older than 10, was running towards the bank holding on to an oxygen mask pack, giggling as she looked behind her to an emerging second figure. She was so happy, so…alive. 
Her eyes were glossy from unshed tears, happiness so loud it expressed itself physically. A second child emerged from the shadows, just behind where you stood. A boy, tall and blue, with the same innocence behind his eyes, quickly caught up to where the girl now lay on a rock by the river. 
“I won, Neteyam! I beat you!” The girl says, panting, laughing and crying all at once. The boy’s expression softened, and as he took his place next to the girl on the rock, gave her a small smile.
“You did! I didn’t try that hard, though. I want a rematch.” 
“You’re on!” 
The two kids sat in silence for awhile, enjoying the peace and quiet, the hushed whisper of the water and the bustling chirping of insects and birds hidden from view. 
“I have something for you.” The boy suddenly said with a gummy smile. 
From behind his back, he retrieves a bracelet. It was green, made up of numerous beads and tiny rocks that complemented each other so well, it seemed they were put on this planet for the very purpose of adorning a Na’vi’s body. 
You recognised the bracelet and the sight of it tugged at your heart. You felt your eyes tear up and cursed your mind for putting you through this again. 
“This is like your bracelet!” The tiny girl says, with a wide smile. 
“Yes, I told ma I lost mine and asked her very nicely to make me another and she did! I want you to have it. This way I have one and you have one. Just you and me.” 
Just you and me. Just you and me. Just you and me. 
You woke up in tears, eyes locked on the bracelet in question that was still residing on your nightstand. You didn’t wear it anymore, but couldn’t find it in your heart to part with it fully. It now lay next to your head, a bitter reminder of yet another road not taken. You cursed Neteyam for coming back into your life, if only briefly, just to resurface hurt you are yet to deal with or even acknowledge fully. You curse him for the bracelet, and the memories and yet another pain you have to deal with on your own. Always on your own.
The next few days went by in a blur. You spent the days buried in work, and the nights exercising and field stripping weapons. You refused to think, or sleep, or read or play music or really anything to would give your heart the opportunity to take over again. You passed out last night in the gym, but it was a dreamless slumber, which you were grateful for. This night was your last night at 17. You were waiting patiently for the clock to strike midnight as you were finishing up your last experiment for the day. You glanced at the clock, once, then twice, then three times. Eventually, it happened. And then nothing. No answers, no epiphanies, no nothing. Disappointed, but not entirely shocked, you chuckled at yourself for thinking life would give you an easy way out. After all, it never did. A little after 1AM, you made your way to your bed. You took one last look at your empty nightstand, then passed out. 
Your entire body snapped in an upright position at the sudden auditory onslaught. Your face settled in a deep frown as you were trying to make sense of the scene in front of you. At the edge of your bed on all sides were people. Kiri, Lo’ak, Norm, Max and Spider. They all had big smiles on their faces, a big contrast to your own. You actively tried to remove the frown from your features, and found it easy enough when you realised these people, these people you loved were here, for you. 
“Thanks guys. Anyway, could I get some privacy so I can put some clothes and thank you properly??” 
With a grunt that definitely came from Lo’ak, they all left you to get ready for the day. When you appeared in the dining room, you found a big basket filled with incredible Pandoran food, and you were happy to see your favourites as the most prominent. 
“Oh my GOD, Banana fruitsss!! How did you guys find these??” 
“Lo’ak may or may not have spent an inordinate amount of hours waiting for a couple to drop out of the push fruit tree that grows a few clicks from the village.” Kiri said, laughing and poking Lo’ak sides with her fingers.
You felt a lump in your throat form at the admission. God, you were so grateful for this boy. You could live a thousand lives and still not deserve him. Feeling you getting emotional, he dropped to his knees and opened his arms. You made your way to him and hugged him, as tightly as you could. You were not great with words, but you put all of your unspoken thoughts in that hug. Your size difference made both of you snicker, and with one last tug, you let go.
“Thank you, guys. You are great, really, I couldn’t ask for better people to be around today.”
“Come on, let’s eat. We have big plans awaiting.” 
You spent the morning eating and talking, Lo’ak complaining about the training and the ass kicking he got from his dad after your last meeting. You were laughing at his exaggerated manner of speaking, excited to finally have him around to get you out of your funk. 
“You guys always want me to sing, you need to pay me if you’re gonna treat me like a jukebox, you know?” 
You picked up the guitar that Norm brought for you out of the recreation room. You took it in your arms and strummed the chords, making sure they were tuned correctly. You thought long and hard about a song, and you found it eventually, buried in your brain, along with the memory of your mum singing it to you as a child with tears streaming down her face. 
“… Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be"
You felt the tears coming, but you willed them away. Your heart was strong, but it couldn’t contend with your mind. You continued, pouring all of your frustrations with Neteyam, with yourself, with this life in the song.
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
Break-ups happen every day, you don't have to lose it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy and you're sitting in front of me"
You looked across the room and felt weird, sick ecstasy at the faces of the people around you, all of which looked sad and glossy-eyed. You didn’t want to make anyone sad, but you loved the power that music held. You loved that it brought people together, no matter the species, the language, the tone, the mood, you could always rely on music to provide unison.
If our love died young, I can't bear witness, and it's been so long
But if you ever think you got it wrong, I'm right where you left me
As you played the last chord of the song, you looked up and froze at the sight of Neteyam sitting by the door of the room, an unreadable expression marking his features. You registered people talking in your direction, but couldn’t decipher the words as you lay there, on the ground, guitar in hand, staring at the beautiful boy who did not allow your eyes to leave his own. You swear you saw a flicker of sadness in his big, yellow eyes you used to know so well, but as you were trying to decipher them, Spider’s oh-so-human face flooded your line of sight. 
“Hello!! Earth to Y/N”
“It’s concerning how many times this happens”, Lo’ak intercepts.
You finally focus on the people who have come here for you, and put the guitar down with a small laugh.
“Sorry, guess I got way too into the song.”
“Yeah, what the hell’s up with that? It’s your birthday, it’s supposed to be a celebration and you’re making us depressed, instead.” Spider says, frowning. 
“Sorry!” You whine, hoping the childish tone would earn a quicker forgiveness. 
They all somehow roll their eyes simultaneously, which you find amusing.
“Mum and dad say it’s time.” It takes a second for your brain to register the Na’vi sentence. The deep voice breaks through the chatter and everyone turns their heads towards the oldest Sully sibling. 
“Right!” Lo’ak says, patting his knees and getting up suddenly. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!’
You knew it was dumb, but you were nervous, too nervous, to make your way to the Home Tree after so much time. It’s been years since you have been there, maybe since you’ve been anywhere, and it scared you more than you wanted to admit to yourself, or to anyone around you. Nevertheless, you put on your mask and secured your oxygen cartridge behind your back. 
You bid a swift goodbye to Norm and Max, who said they will try to make it to the celebration later in the evening. You then stepped outside, eyes finding it hard to adjust to the natural brightness of Pandora. You found the mask uncomfortable, having been so long since you needed it last, and took a deep breath in your attempt to calm down and take it one step at a time. 
Lo’ak was, as always, Neteyam thought, leading the pack. Spider followed suit and you and Kiri maintained a steady pace behind the two boys. Neteyam was quietly walking behind you. He was deep in thought, not being able to shake the image of you playing guitar and singing that song he had never heard before. He hasn’t heard you sing in so long and hearing it again opened a hole in his chest that he thought was long closed. His eyes followed you closely, taking in all the details about you he hoped he wouldn’t notice. Your hair was lighter than he remembered, not by much, but enough that it was there, present for him to see. You were tall, taller than you used to be, and taller than most human women he’s seen. You were wearing a skirt, he thinks it’s called, that flows every time the wind touches it. It’s black and it looks soft, and Neteyam can’t help but want to feel it for himself. Your top is braided and beaded, and it seems like a mix between human clothes and Na’vi wear. You back is completely bare short of a string that ties the top together and the man feels his heart picking up pace at the sight. Cursing under his breath, he moves his gaze on a piece of jewellery adorning your arm. A intricate bracelet, green and red, definitely Na’vi make. He remembers briefly Kiri making it for one of your previous birthdays and smiles sadly at the thought. Finally, his eyes settle on a deep scar on the back on your left leg. Before he can help himself, the memories flood his being…
Neteyam found himself once again, waiting outside the big metal building for you to come out. He was excited for today, too excited to put into words. It always took convincing for you to come out, especially recently, but he loved that you said yes to him, and not to Lo’ak or Kiri, for once. He knew you have been sad for a while, and was happy to do anything in his power to help. He jumped out of his skin when the door opened, and you laughed at him for being what you called a “scaredy cat”. 
“I’m happy to see you, Neteyam”, you said, in Na’vi. He smiled to himself at your accent, but loved how hard you tried to speak to him in his own tongue. “Not happy you’re dragging me out, but if it means spending some time with you, I guess I will let it slide” You continued in English.
“I think you will be happy to be out for this”, Neteyam interjected. You walked together in comfortable silence, only speaking when you found a plant or animal you didn’t know the name of. 
“Oh my God, this is so pretty, what’s it called?” You ask, enthusiastically.
“A’o” Neteyam answers you, smiling softly, never getting bored of your incessant line of questioning. Like with the language, he was just happy you cared. 
“What are you wearing?” Neteyam asks, unable to stop himself. 
“Oh, this?” You say, looking down at your choice of attire. “It’s just an old T-shirt I found in one of the drawers of the living quarters. I’m not sure whose it is, but I assume a big old man’s, cause it’s more a dress than a t-shirt at this point.” 
“A T-shirt…” Neteyam said, contemplatively. He looked at it closer and saw an image he couldn’t quite understand on it and the word “Metallica” written on it. He didn’t know what it meant, so he dropped it. At least he learnt a new word today. 
You walked like this for over an hour, but eventually reached the end of a cliff, that overlooked a beautiful waterfall. Neteyam thought this sight alone will make you feel better, but he had bigger plans in mind. 
“Wow, this is beautiful! This was almost worth the fresh hell I felt when that bug went in my nose like 20 minutes ago.” 
Neteyam laughed, and he revelled in the way only you seemed to be able to make him feel like this. Free and alive. 
Standing on the edge of the cliff, Neteyam let out a high pitched yell, then turned around to look at you with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. He smiled as he heard the trees on the other side of the cliff ruffle, and watched with pride as a big bundle of green, yellow, red and blue emerged from the foliage and landed in front of him. He turned to you and let out a big laugh when he saw your face, jaw dropped in horror and amazement, eyes wide with the glint of curiosity he’s come to love so much. 
“You did it!! I’m so so so proud of you, Neteyam!” You screamed, running at him and launching yourself as high as you could, knowing he would catch you in his arms. “And at 13, too! This has to be some sort of record, right?” 
“I doubt it, but it still felt good doing it. I was shocked Mum and Dad even let me try it. Anyway, I wanted you to meet her.” 
He swung you in his arms with ease, not weighing a lot more than his baby sister, who was just around 3 years old. He finally placed you back on the ground with care, right in front of the Ikran. He made tsaheylu and waited patiently as you were building it up the courage to approach the mighty being that was lowly cooing and nudging its head against Neteyam’s. He felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of your beautiful face, and said a silent prayer, thanking Eywa for still being able to bring that expression to your otherwise crestfallen figure. 
Once it seemed you became comfortable enough around her to pet, he clicked his tongue and motioned for you to get on. You let out an incredulous laugh and shook you head.
“No way in Hell, are you insane??” 
“Come on, Y/N. I never pegged you for a coward.”
After this many years, he knew how to push you buttons. He saw your smile drop and your eyes take on that expression that almost frightened him. Thank the Great Mother you were human, cause you would be a force to behold as a Na’vi. 
“Damn you, Neteyam.” You said, slowly getting up on the banshee and making yourself comfortable in front of the boy. He felt your back flushed against his bare chest, and suppressed a shudder that threatened his body. 
“It will be fun, you will see. Here, hold on here, and don’t let go. I will have my arms around you at all times, and I promise to make her go slowly.” You refused to acknowledge him, and he found himself laughing, again. 
Without any other words, he willed the ikran to take off. You let out an involuntary yelp, but otherwise you were brave and strong, just like he knew you to be. Once you were above the forest, he found you staring in awe beneath you, his gaze locked on the side of your face and on the smile that made him happy to be alive at the same time as you, just so he can experience it over and over. You flew like this for a long time, just taking in the beauty of this world that you both called home. A beauty that he knew you never got to experience, not the way you should have, not the way you deserved. He saw a tear escape your eyes and make its way down your cheeks and settle in between your lips, and cursed himself for not being able to take it away, the pain he knew clawed at you every waking moment since your mum died. You have never been the same since. 
“Thank you for this, Neteyam.” You said, softly. “I wish there was a way to show this to her, a way to share this experience. I know she would have loved it as much as I do, maybe more.” You settled comfortably on his chest and sighed. 
He didn’t get a chance to formulate a response, though, as a loud shriek came from his Ikran and he felt the panic overtake him as the tsaheylu made the feeling echo in between them. Looking up, he saw what no man wants to see: Toruk, his dad’s former pet, launching itself at the two teenagers and their ikran. Clearing his mind, Neteyam removed a hand from the reigns for balance and banked left abrubtly, diving straight for the trees, that were fortunately not too far below them. As if life suddenly stopped to a halt, he was able to experience the next harrowing moments in slow-motion - the diving, the terror of watching your frame slowly disappear from his line of sight, your voice screaming his name as you dropped towards the ground, his own voice getting caught in his throat trying to call for you, willing his Ikran to go faster than he thought was possible in an attempt to catch you, the pool of red liquid spilling from your frame as you impaled your leg on a broken Pxiut hitting the ground. He quickly removed himself from the Ikran and ran to you, picking you up in his arms, trying to ignore the way the blood was spilling down his torso and dripping on the ground. He looked at your unconscious body in his arms and felt the first crack in his heart form, a crack yet to be healed to this day. He pushed back the tears that were starting to pool and got back on the Ikran, flying as fast as he could through the foliage. As soon as he could see the outline of the metal building, he stopped the animal and got off, running with you in his arms. It’s all a blur afterwards. He remembers going home, your now-dried blood still marking his skin like a tattoo, he remembers crying in his mum’s arms, he remembers the guilt that poisoned his mind and heart and he remembers sitting on a cold floor next to what humans called an operating room, waiting to hear if the damage he has caused you will plague you for the rest of your life.
His eyes never left the scar on your leg, and, as he forced himself out of the torturous memory, couldn’t help noticing the slight limp with which you walked towards the village.
Tag list :-): @mashiromochi
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dear-sigyn · 4 months
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𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1.4k 𝒂/𝒏: starting to write this during my exam period wasn't my brightest idea, nor was finishing it at 2am, but hey, better inspiration always comes late at night ;) 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: none (that I think of)
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You knew it was getting late, very late, and a quick glance at your watch confirmed that it was indeed already past 4am. The storm that showed up earlier in the evening was still raging outside, and each thunderclap resonated like a drum in your heart, preventing you from falling asleep.
At first, you told yourself that it was just the excessively loud noise keeping you awake, but the way your breath caught every time lightning tore through the sky told a different story: you were scared. Worse yet, you were terrified, and there was no use pretending otherwise - you wouldn’t find sleep tonight.
With a long sigh, you dragged yourself out of bed, moving around your room in search of the notebook where all your notes from yesterday are written. ‘If I have to pull an all-nighter, it might as well be a productive one,’ you thought.
However, as you turned your room upside down for your precious writings, you quickly realized they were nowhere to be found. Anxiety slowly began to grow in your chest, and suddenly, felt the weight of your worries about the upcoming heist bearing down on your shoulders.
In reality, it’s been a few days since you’ve started to dwell on everything that could go wrong. Even though the Professor's plan seems perfectly laid out, there are always external factors that we can't predict, right? But now is not the right time to worry about that.
Taking a deep breath and refocusing your thoughts, it only took 2 seconds to remember where they were, or rather, who had them.
And it was quite simple, really. After another ‘lesson’ with the Professor, Berlin asked you - not without adding a few inappropriate remarks throughout the conversation - if you could lend him your notes.
Despite his peculiar character, you got along quite well at your first encounter, and you quickly grew closer over the weeks spent together - perhaps a bit more than you should have knowing the rules - so you didn’t think too much before handing him your notebook. You had planned to pick it up later in the evening, but with the storm intensifying, you promptly retreated to your room without a word, hiding your head beneath your pillow to drown out the unsettling rumblings. It would certainly be very rude to disturb him in the middle of the night just to come pick them up, but that was the least of your concern at the moment, and the lack of sleep wasn’t making you think rationally anyway.   
So without thinking too much about the consequences that your next decision might entail if you were ever caught, you decided to leave your room, quietly closing the door behind you, and tiptoed across the hallway. 
As you arrived at his door, doubts began to form in your mind, but before they could consume you entirely you softly knocked on his door, being careful to make as little noise as possible to avoid waking others, while already anticipating his remarks about why you had come to see him this late at night.
And sure enough, when he finally opened the door the first thing you saw was a mischievous - and  tired - smile forming on his lip as his eyes met yours, “Well, who do we have here? To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit at such a late hour, cariño?”
You took a breath to pull yourself together and smiled weakly back at him “Well, you see I’m sorry to bother you at this hour but it occurred to me that you have something of mine in your possession”. He raised an eyebrow, amused, “Is that so? And what could be so important that you must come knocking at my door at …” he glanced at his watch, “... almost 5 in the morning?”
His subtle sarcastic tone didn’t escape you; he knew exactly what you were talking about. Usually, you weren’t opposed to playing along with his little games, but the thunder that continued to rumble outside and the looming threat of another lightning strike approaching made your patience wear thin, “My notebook Berlin, I need my notebook now”, at that you saw his eyebrows furrowed, maybe your tone was a little too harsh, “... please.”
“Oh, you wound me, nena. Why the rush?” he said, feigning offense. But realizing that you were definitely not in the mood, he sighed and continued in a dramatic tone. “For your information, cariño, I had planned to return it to you last night. But that was before you dashed to your room like a flash, without even saying goodnight.”, he said, raising his hand to his heart. “Are you aware of the pain it caused me?”
At that, you scoffed, “Don’t you think you’re exaggerating? Don’t tell me you’re sulking because I didn’t say goodnight; that doesn’t sound like something you would do.” He shrugged and replied, “Maybe I am.”
You were about to retort when suddenly a particularly loud thunder was heard, making you jump and utter a cry. Feeling panic starting to overtake you, you were about to glance down the hallway to check if your reaction had woken anyone up, but you didn’t get the time. With a firm grip on your shoulders, he ushered you into his room, closing the door behind you. 
You're unsure of what caused you to break down first—the sound of thunder that led to a completely ridiculous reaction in front of Berlin, his reluctance to return your notebook, the sleep deprivation, or the near-miss of being caught standing in the hallway in the middle of the night just to retrieve some notes. But you felt the first tear roll down your cheek, followed by a second, then a third, until cascades were flowing from your eyes.
When he realized the distress you were in, he tightened his arm around your shoulders, the other coming around your waist, enveloping you in a tight embrace. It was just what you needed to fully let go and release all your pent-up emotions.
While your cries increased, he gently hushed you, running his fingers through your hair. And after taking a few minutes to calm down, you finally spoke again, your voice muffled against his chest. “ … I don’t like storms,” you murmured, to which he responded with a low chuckle, “You don’t say, cariño.”
He loosened his grip to observe your face, but still feeling a bit embarrassed by the whole situation, you kept your head tucked against him. “Hey …” his hand delicately rested on your cheek, guiding your gaze toward his. “That’s it, look at me.”
“It’s not only the storm, is it?,” his fingers tenderly brushed away the remnants of your tears in a soothing gesture. You nodded slowly and tried once again to speak, but your throat tightened, preventing you from doing so, no sound coming out.
“Oh no, you don't have to tell me right now, but please don't shut yourself off from me or even the others like that anymore, hm ?”, he brushed aside a strand of hair that had fallen over your eyes, “It’s not good for you.” You nodded once again, leaning your head gently against his chest as you closed your eyes, lulled by the rhythm of his breathing. You then felt your own breathing becoming steadier and the tension gradually leaving your body.
You stayed in this position, in the middle of his room, for a moment, and as you were miraculously beginning to fall asleep, the sound of his voice snapped you out of your reverie. "You can stay and sleep here, if you want”, his suggestion was made in a quiet voice, as if he didn't want to rush you.
It was certainly a bad idea, but at the moment, it was the least of your worries. You felt so relaxed, so peaceful, that you murmured a nearly inaudible 'yes' to him but due to your proximity he heard it. Berlin carefuly guided you to his bed, settling you in, and pulled the covers up to your shoulders before settling in on the other side.Finally, you felt sleep starting to kick in. But before fully succumbing to it, you sensed arms embracing you, a soft kiss tenderly placed in your hair and a hand covering your ear blocking the sounds of the thunder outside. A faint smile appeared on your lips, for the first time since the storm began, you felt safe.
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first writing done!! english is not my first langage so my sincere apologies for any mistakes I tried to be careful <3
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That Time of The Month - Touya Todoroki x Reader
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Authors Note: I am on my period and the only thing keeping me sane is writing this. Reader is gender neutral in this fic.
Word count: 889
Summary: Touya takes care of his partner on their period.
Content Warning: Some cursing, reader has a uterus, that's it. Just fluff.
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Waking up to the obnoxious ringtone my new boyfriend picked for himself was not in my plans on this fine Saturday morning. Well, afternoon. It took a moment of feeling through the sheets to finally find the damn thing and my thumb quickly found the “Answer” button.
“Good afternoon doll face,” Touya’s voice immediately came through. I rubbed my face with my free hand. I gave him a grumble in response. The dull ache in my lower back wormed its way to the front of my attention. “You alright? I know you said last night that you started.”
“Yeah, I’m okay, I think. Just in a bit of pain.”
“Well, that’s no good. Come let me in doll.”
Suddenly I am very awake. “Touya! You can’t see me like this! I just woke up and I feel gross as fuck.” I sit upright and wince as pain shoots up my back.
“Don’t make me pick the lock. Let me in please.”
“Fine just give me a second.” I hung up without giving him time to answer. My legs feel heavy as I swing them over the side of the bed. I quickly make my way to the bathroom and wet my toothbrush, shoving it in my mouth and brushing my teeth as quick as I can get away with.
I pad my way to the front door to my small apartment and open the door. “Touya?” Is all I can get out as I see my favorite coffee order in his tattooed hand along with what looks like a grocery bag ready to break apart. “Hey Doll, took you too long.” He smirked as he looked down at me. For some reason, this combination of seeing my favorite drink and my favorite blue eyes at the same time must’ve been the most beautiful thing in the world to me. The floodgates let loose. My vision blurs and it’s almost comical how my tears fall like a literal waterfall. Touya’s face instantly switched from downright handsome devil to panicked.
“Oh fuck, oh what the fuck, (Y/N) what happened? I’m sorry, did I do that?” He shuffled his way past me, plopped everything on the kitchen counter, and instantly turned back and embraced me. “Hey, it’s okay doll. I’m sorry for showing up like this. I wanted to surprise you.” His hand rubbed soothing circles over my back.
“It’s okay,” I sniffled, “I just wasn’t expecting it. You’re such a sweetheart. You didn’t have to do this for me.”
“I want to make you feel comfortable. I know you have a hard time with your period. I don’t get it, but I figured I should do something for you. I got a few things.” He did a smooth spin now holding my favorite drink in hand and passed it to me. I took a long, savoring sip. I’m sure the look on my face was equal to that of an orgasm because when I opened my eyes again Touya’s cheeks were tinted pink. Maybe it was just the embarrassment of him actually being sweet to someone. Who knows? “I also brought you some tampons and pads. I wasn’t sure what size cat you got but I figured you might need some.” He quirked his brow as I huffed a small laugh at the comment. “The other stuff can wait for later.”
My brows pinched together as that ache made its way back to the front of my mind. I refuse to let these cramps interrupt this sweet moment. My arms snaked around Touya’s neck as I stood on my tip toes. Unfortunately, my body had other plans because right before our lips met a jolt of pain shot up my back causing me to fall back to the flats of my feet. I nestled my face in his chest and gasped.
“Woah, woah Dollface! You alright?” I nodded lightly with my eyes squeezed tight. “No, you aren’t. Come on let’s get you in bed.” With a quick movement I was whisked up bridal style and being carried back down my hallway. It was just a moment before he was placing me on my bed and he was covering me in my blanket.
“Are you for real tucking me in? I’m not dying you know. If you’re making me lay in bed all day, then you better join me.”
“Of course, why did you think I showed up?” There was that dumb smirk again. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. “So what movie we watchin?” After picking the first remotely interesting thing on Netflix, Touya disappeared down the hall for a moment. He reemerged holding the bag again quickly dumping the contents on the bed in front of me. “Period’s make you hungry right?”
The snacks that covered my bed instantly had me salivating. Chocolate, candy, chips, and a few other little sugary snacks took hold of my attention. “T,” I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts. “Just get in the bed.” Touya did just that.
The rest of the day was filled with cuddling, movies, snacks, and Touya muttering sweet nothings while I cried way too hard during the sad parts of the movies. At the end of the day I looked into those blue eyes again wondering what I did to deserve such a man.
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Thank you for reading!
This is my first time writing fanfiction please be nice or I'll cry.
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badperson-8 · 3 months
Hello, you can write that Thirteen turns M!MC into a Tiger because MC was very mischievous and provocative and bully.
You guys are really getting creative with these ones, huh. All right then, can't say I don't like your energy. MC here is not exactly mischievous or provocative, but kind of a bully.
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This is it. This is the day Thirteen will finally catch Solomon in her trap. The reaper giggles excitedly, setting up the snare. She was too concentrated on improving her creations, instead of focusing on what's really important: time and place. Being the genius she is, it wasn't hard to notice changes in Solomon's behavior after he spent time with MC. All those dreamy smiles and barely visible blushes. The sorcerer let his guard down around MC.
So what does that mean? That's right! That Thirteen needs to intrude into the House of Lamentation, pretending to want to work on the homework together, and set up a trap right in MC's room! She carefully chose the day when she knew the sorcerer would be visiting MC later that evening. And since she's setting up the snares right in MC's room, there are not many chances for the demons to accidentally stumble upon them and ruin everything. MC could get caught instead of Solomon, though... Whatever, Thirteen doesn't mind a bit of collateral damage. She just needs to set up two snares instead of one!
The first part of the plan went smoothly; she successfully infiltrated MC's bedroom. But it all went downhill when MC entered the room at the exact time Thirteen was setting up the trap.
"What the...?" MC stops in his tracks, witnessing the reaper crouching on the floor of his bedroom. It takes him two seconds to realize what's happening. "No! Nuh-uh! No traps in my bedroom, Thirteen! Get this shit out of here!"
"No-no-no, wait!" Thirteen quickly stands up, feeling surprisingly embarrassed about being caught. "Don't you get it? We can finally catch this slippery sorcerer! This is the perfect place and..."
"I don't want to hear any of it! Your traps are too destructive! I just fixed my bedroom after Levi flooded it with his damn Lotan, and now you want to ruin it again? I don't think so, get out!" MC gets angrier the longer Thirteen refuses to leave his room. He remembers too well how her last creation blew up the wall of RAD. His private space gets destroyed by the Demon Brothers too often, so he'll be damned if he lets it happen again. MC impulsively grabs Thirteen's arm, dragging her out.
The reaper is too shocked by the fact that someone dared to use force against HER. She lets MC shove her out of his room at first, but then she comes to her senses.
"You..." Thirteen's face twists in rage; she can still feel the heat from MC's grip on her arm, even after he let her go. "How dare you!... You think I'll let you treat me like this?!" She takes something out of her pocket and raises her arm, prepared to strike. "Eat this: Animalistic Bomb 3000!"
"Bomb?!" MC has no time to react before the explosive object flies right into his face. The whole space gets filled with steam, but Thirteen doesn't stay to witness the result of her attack. She runs away, trying to hold back unexpected tears. MC was usually supportive when it came to her creations, so such sudden rejection really hurts. Thirteen is quite confused by her own reaction, but she'll think about it later, when she gets to her cave.
If she had stayed for a while, she could've heard a rather interesting discussion inside the house.
"What the hell was that?! Guys! There's a tiger in MC's room!" Mammon yells, gathering the rest of the inhabitants.
"Tiger?!" Satan arrives first, sounding a little too excited.
"Hm, it kind of looks like MC..." Levi murmurs, keeping his distance.
"Did someone leave some cursed object in his room again?" Lucifer asks, sounding incredibly tired.
Asmo tilts his head, observing the graceful beast. "Is that just me, or does the tiger look... restless?"
"Oh, I think I know that look." Beel joins the conversation.
"Yeah?" Levi asks with hesitation as he watches Satan's attempt to sneak up on the tiger and pat its huge head.
"Yeah, I'm sure. He's hungry."
"What?!" Mammon exclaims, but it's already too late: tiger has already jumped on Satan, pinning him to the floor. "Ya idiot! Get away from this thing!"
"No, no, it's alright." Satan sounds way too calm for a person who is seconds away from getting mauled by a tiger. "If that's how I'm going to die, I'll accept it. Guys, you really should touch this fur, it's so soft!"
"Satan, I swear, you're even scarier than this tiger!" Asmo shouts at him in panic.
"I'll go check the fridge, maybe we have some meat..." Belphie sighs heavily, waddling away from this shitshow.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
so in the delta squad masterlist (my autocorrect wanted to write masterpiece….not wrong…) we’re missing Fixer and this is a pity. So I would like to request something for him. Maybe the reader once saves his life and he’s like super mad because ItS aGaInSt ThE rEgUlAtIoNs or something but then some time later it’s the other way around and he does not hesitate to save the reader (and break the rules) because surprise! He’s madly in love
that would be nice…🫣
The Delta's Jedi
Summary: You've been working alone for the majority of your career, so when you're assigned Delta Squad, you're less than thrilled. But your opinion quickly changes.
Pairing: Clone Commando Fixer x Jedi!Reader
Word Count: 2548
Warnings: Mentions of torture (nothing detailed)
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, my plan had been to write my normal four stories for today, but this idea had me in a stranglehold, so this is the only other thing I'm going to write today. Also, there might be a minor implication that the reader is also in a relationship with the other members of Delta, but it could also be seen as just being a close friendship.
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When you were assigned to assist Delta Squad, you weren’t sure it was a good idea. Mostly because as a Jedi Shadow, you’ve always been better suited to working alone, and partly because you were pretty sure that your specific skill set wouldn’t mesh with theirs.
And, by and large, you were right.
You specialize in information gathering. A spy, for lack of a better word. And while you are handy with a saber, the truth is you rarely use yours and you actually have a preference towards blasters.
After all, lightsabers are the opposite of stealthy. 
And Delta Squad already had an intelligence person. In the form of Fixer. So you argued against it, at length. But you were overruled. Of course, you’ve never been one to follow orders directly.
So, here you are. Ostensibly on the same mission as Delta Squad, just…not attached to them directly. In fact, you’re pretty sure that they aren't aware that they have a Jedi yet.
Yikes. You’re going to write a stern letter to the Council about important information slipping through the cracks.
But, that’s a problem for later.
You absently reach out through the force, pinging the four men under your care almost absently, so you’re able to keep track of where they are and if they’re in danger, and then you slip into the ventilation shaft and silently enter the facility.
You manage to secure the information you need, plus some extra, and you’re about to leave the facility to wait at the ship for Delta, when you get a ping from the force string you attached to the four men. 
Three of them, Boss, Sev, and Scorch, are fine. Stressed and worried, but largely fine, but Fixer has been separated from them, and appears to be going down.
On the one hand, you could trust his brothers to save him. On the other, however-
You slip your comm extension into your ear, and effortlessly slice into Delta’s comms, “Pull back to the drop ship,” You order as your gaze tracks Fixer’s location, “
There’s silence for a moment, and then a deep voice, “Who’s this?”
“What, you weren’t told you were getting a Jedi?”
“No,” Boss said, sounding annoyed, “We weren’t.”
You hiss out a sharp breath as you jump back into the vent and start navigating your way down, “This war is a hot mess,” You bitch under your breath, “The left hand doesn’t know what the right is up to.”
“We can’t just leave,” Scorch, your mind provides, says irritably, “We haven’t gotten the intel, and they have Fixer!”
“Relax Scorch.” You hear his sputter, “I have the intel plus some bonus intel. And I’m heading to Fixer as we speak.”
“We can be your backup.” Sev offers.
“You can go back to the ship,” You silently drop down a floor, and then pause to get your bearings, “Listen. You’re all very good. But so am I. They didn’t assign just any old Jedi to Delta. Ah, there it is.” You turn and crawl down a vent, “Fixer isn’t going to be able to get out the way that I got in, which means I need you all to make some noise.”
“A diversion.” Boss says thoughtfully.
“Just so. I’m very good, but I’m not ‘take on a whole army solo’ good. Not with someone to protect, at least.” You grimace as you slide through a suddenly smaller section, “So, I’m thinking a series of explosions-”
“Based at different locations-” Scorch continues.
“And with me keeping the crowd thin-” Sev adds.
“That might just work,” Boss agrees, “You’ll get Fixer out?”
“You have my word.”
“Alright General,” You make a face at the title, “Happy hunting.” And then the comm cuts out, and you heave out a sigh as you continue your trek downward.
Eventually you find the small room that Fixer is being held in. A handful of droids, some Geonosians. Nothing too bad. Aside, of course, from the entire army standing between you, Fixer, and the dropship.
Oh well.
You carefully balance yourself on the vent opening and then you kick down.
All attention turns to you, and you casually, as though you don’t have a dozen blasters aimed at you, cross the room and pick up Fixer’s helmet. And then you turn to the room at large and you smile. 
You lift your hands, Fixer’s helmet hanging from your fingers, and you push-
The droids slam into the wall with enough force that they shatter, the Geonosians, tragically, do not. So you draw your saber, and you move. 45 seconds later, the three Geonosian guards are no longer a threat, and you’re kneeling behind Fixer to free him from his manacles. 
“Who the kriff are you?” He asks as you hand him your helmet.
“I’m Delta Squad’s Jedi General. Nice to meet you.”
He blinks at you, twice, and then he frowns, “Regulations dictate that any clone captured by the enemy get left behind.”
You move so you’re crouching in front of him, “I cannot emphasize this enough, but fuck regulations.”
Fixer scowls, “I think I hate you.”
“So long as you’re alive at the end of this, you can hate me as much as you like.” You stand and pull a second saber off your belt and you press your finger to your comm, “Boss? I have Fixer, just waiting for an opening.”
“Copy that, General.” Boss says steadily, “One distraction in 3…2…now!”
The building shakes as there’s a massive explosion somewhere above you, “I found a fuel tank,” Scorch sounds far too pleased with himself.
“We’ll see you both at the drop ship,” Boss says, “Good luck.”
One hour later, you’re safely sitting on the gunship, your lightsabers stowed at the small of your back once more, and you’re wrapping your hand in bacta infused bandages.
“So, why didn’t you tell us that you were on the mission to begin with?” Boss asks, his arms folded over his chest.
You flex your hand, grimace, and unwrap the bandage to try again, “I’m not used to working with other people. I figured that I would just work tangentially alongside you until I was able to convince the Council that you didn’t actually need a Jedi.”
“And then Fixer got snatched.”
“And then Fixer got snatched.” You agree, “I’m a Jedi, it’s not in my nature to leave people behind.” This time, when you flex your hand, it doesn’t feel half as bad, so you leave the bandage as is, and then you flash a small grin and introduce yourself.
Contrary to your worries, you actually fit in pretty well with Delta squad. Sure, there were a few bumps to work out, but it didn’t take long before you developed a strong working relationship with the group. Which very quickly turned into a genuine friendship.
Well. With most of them.
Fixer doesn’t like you. At you, you don’t think he likes you, he’s kind of hard to read in the force, and, well, you don’t like prodding at emotions in the force. It makes you feel guilty.
So you make due with a professional relationship Fixer. He knows his stuff, after all. And your specialties tend to cross in some ways, so you actually end up working together a lot.
And sometimes you might think that he actually likes you, when you’re talking about the latest advances in tech and cybersecurity, and then it’s almost like he suddenly remembers who he’s talking to, and he goes cold again.
Honestly. Fixer’s just confusing.
It is too bad. He’s cute, and you are nursing a small crush on him. But that’s your problem to deal with, and if he’s not interested then he’s not interested.
So you put it aside and focus on building a strong work relationship.
And you think it’s working, none of the missions you go on with Delta go horribly wrong, after all.
And then the Council assigns you a solo mission.
And while Delta Squad argued against it, claiming that having back-up is important, you do manage to talk them into letting you go on the mission solo. They’re just protective. It’s adorable.
After all, it’s just a simple intel gathering mission. You’ve been doing them solo since you were a child.
Famous last words, so to speak.
“-eneral. General, can you hear me?”
You groan as pain shoots through your entire body, “F’xer?” You slur his name out, the mixture of pain, drugs, and suppressors making it incredibly difficult to focus. 
“Oh, thank the force.” He sounds relieved, “General, are you alright?”
“Depends,” You manage to get out, your voice slightly clearer.
“Oh what?”
“Your definition of alright.”
“Are you injured?” Fixer asks.
“Yeah. P-pretty badly, by the feel of it.” You grimace as you try to keep your balance. You’re not quite hanging from the middle of the cell you’re in. Not quite in the sense that the chains holding your arms over your head are just long enough that you can balance on your toes, but they’re also too short for you to actually be able to relax.
And you’ve been hanging here for a while, based on the ache in your shoulders, and the fact that you can’t feel your hands.
“General,” Fixer’s voice cuts through the haze, “Look around you, what can you see?”
“I’m…in a cell. Underground maybe. There are no windows.” You answer, “Fixer, what are you doing here?”
“It’s not just me. We’re all here.”
He’s quiet for a moment, “It’s been almost a month, General. Did you think we wouldn’t come for you?”
“I thought that regulations said that I was supposed to be left behind.” You joke weakly.
There’s a long moment of silence, before he sighs softly, “I would never. Even if it is regulation.”
You release a slow breath, “Well…that's good to know.”
“We’re going to be there soon, General. Just…just hold on, okay?”
“Copy that. I’ll just…hang out.” A delirious giggle bubbles from your lips, and you can hear Fixer’s concern over the comm. It’s fine, when they get here they’ll realize it’s hilarious.
You must have blacked out again, because the next thing you’re aware of is rapid gunfire, and shouting. And then your cell door slams open. You blink blearily at the man standing in the door. You can’t see clearly, but you’re pretty sure you see white and green, which means Fixer.
He crosses over to you and reaches up to pick the manacles holding your hands over your head. And he catches you when you fall into him. “I have you General. I have you. We’re going to get you home, and you’re going to get a nice bacta bath.”
You blink up at him, hazily, and he curses, “What did they give to you?”
“Just about everything, I think.” You admit, and then, when the world spins nauseatingly, you press your forehead against his armor, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk.”
And you think you’re imagining it, but you swear you feel his gloved hand press against the back of your head, “That’s alright, we brought a stretcher.” He turns away from you, long enough to pull the hover stretcher into the room, and then he carefully sets you on it.
Just before you slip back into unconsciousness, you feel the prick of an IV sliding into your arm, and you hear Fixer’s voice, “Everything’s going to be fine, General. We’ll take care of you now.”
The next time you wake, it’s to the annoying beep of a heart monitor, and the sharp smell of antiseptic.
“Welcome back to the land of the living,” You turn your head slightly and see Fixer sitting next to the bed you’re in, “Good morning, General.”
“Morning,” You mumble, “We’re back at base?”
“We are. You’ve been in a bacta tank for two weeks. And you’ve been under 24 hour watch since you were pulled out a day ago.” Fixer explains, “It…it was pretty close there, for a bit.”
You press an arm over your eyes, “Sorry.”
“Not your fault. You shouldn’t have been sent alone.” He hesitantly takes your hand, the one closest to him, “It’s not going to happen again.”
“Boss called the Jedi Council after we got you back and there was no small amount of threatening done.” Fixer sounds amused, “And when the council asked about the intel rather than you, Sev and Scorch exploded on them too.”
“And that worked?”
“It was accepted that Delta Squad is far too valuable to risk us going AWOL due to losing you.” Fixer says dryly.
You laugh weakly, “You would never.”
“If we lost you, we just might.”
You shook your head, and smiled at him, “You’re loyal soldiers.”
“We are. Loyal to the person who expected us to be more than soldiers. To the person who expected us to use our best judgment rather than mindlessly following orders.”
You drop your arm and blink at him in surprise.
“You seem surprised.”
“I would expect this kind of talk from Scorch or Sev…not so much you.” You admit.
He chuckles, “The 212 is fiercely loyal to their Jedi, as is the 104. Is it so surprising that we’re just as loyal to our Jedi?”
You sigh and sink back against your pillow, “No. I suppose not.”
“Good.” He pauses and his grip around your hand tightens, “I need to tell you something.”
“Go ahead.”
“I don’t hate you. I know I’m not as…overtly affectionate with you as, say, Scorch is, but I don’t hate you.” Fixer explains quietly, “It just took me some time to figure out what it is I do feel for you.”
“And what’s that?”
He smiles wryly, “I’m afraid I’m in love with you. And I know you’re a Jedi, and I know it’s not allowed, but-”
You laugh softly, “I’m a Shadow, Fixer. The rules don’t necessarily apply to me like they do with most other Jedi.” Slowly, painfully, you roll onto you side and you reach out to lightly touch his cheek, “For what it’s worth, the only reason everyone knows that Jedi don’t do relationships is to protect us from people trying to use sex or romance to influence us.”
He blinks, twice, and then huffs out a sharp breath, “That makes so much sense. The Jedi are seen as incorruptible because they can’t be bribed.”
“The ancient Jedi were clever assholes. There are those who have decided to adhere to that rumor as the truth, but you won’t find a single Shadow who views it as anything more than rumor.” You smile softly.
“So,” You continue, “I’m willing to take a relationship a day at a time with you, if that’s agreeable to you?”
“Very agreeable.” He pauses, “Does that mean I can kiss you?”
“I taste like bacta.”
“Don’t care, and also not an answer.”
You smile at him gently, “Yes, you can kiss me.”
Fixer leans in and gently, very gently, brushes his lips against yours. And then he pulls away, “I’ll kiss you properly when you’re not still laying in a hospital bed.”
You laugh softly, and settle back on your pillow, “Alright, give me an update. What’s been going on the last…month and a half?”
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part twenty-six: "The Big Win"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Nelson, Murdock, and Page obtain a big win on a court case that makes the news. You were planning to go out and celebrate with everyone at Josie’s until you unexpectedly overhear something that keeps you at home and in tears.
Your mind mentally spirals telling you that you’re not good enough for Matt.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 4.3k
a/n: This is a light angst installment with some comfort at the end! I am still steadily trying to bring all 75 (soon to be 76) installments over to tumblr but there are SO many. You can find the list of installments that are on tumblr for this series here. Also, always feel free to chat and leave some love, it is always much appreciated!
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Eyes scanning the menu above the register as you waited in line, you tried to decide what you wanted to grab for dinner. You'd stopped inside a Vietnamese restaurant near The Bulletin after you got off work, starving and in a hurry.
Matt had invited you out to celebrate at Josie’s tonight with Karen, Foggy, and Marci. Their firm had won a huge case yesterday–so big of a win that it had made the front page of most print and digital news outlets in the city. Bianca was the one who'd written the piece for The Bulletin, Ellison claiming you were a little too close and therefore too biased to write the article. But you'd smiled at the front page this morning, eyes focused on the image of Matt’s smiling face next to Foggy and Karen on the courthouse steps. 
When you'd spoken to him on the phone at lunch he'd been so excited. He had been talking animatedly to you about all the calls their office had received today as you listened with a large smile on your face. You were proud of him and eager to share in his excitement tonight.
Which was why you'd decided to swing by the restaurant to grab some takeout. Your plan was to rush home and eat before changing into something less business casual and just plain casual before celebrating with your friends. And thankfully it was a Friday night, which meant you all didn't need to hold back with your celebrations. 
As you were very much considering ordering some beef pho to eat and warm you up before your walk to Josie’s later, your eye caught sight of Matt’s face on the woman's phone in front of you. Smiling, you saw it was the article about their firm and pride flooded you again. 
But it quickly left you when the young woman gasped loudly and shook her friend's arm, drawing her attention to the image.
"Oh my God," she hissed, her finger pointing at Matt’s face. "That's the sexy lawyer I told you about!"
You saw her friend glance over at the phone screen, her brows quickly rising high on her forehead at the sight of Matt’s picture. Your stomach felt like it sunk to your knees, a strange feeling washing over you. You knew you shouldn't be eavesdropping, but with what came next, you couldn't stop.
" That's the hot blind lawyer you fucked?" the friend asked in awe.
It felt like time had slowed down just as someone punched you in the gut. She slept with Matt? Your Matt? 
"Yeah, a couple of years ago when their firm just opened. I see him around the courthouse sometimes when I'm there," she continued. "Seriously, that man's tongue is magic . And his stamina is insane."
You flinched, a sick feeling swirling in your stomach. Jaw tightening, you tried to fight back the nauseous feeling in your gut thinking about her hands on Matt’s body and his hands on hers–the same hands he tenderly touched you with. 
"I actually saw him the other week," the woman continued on, entirely oblivious to your world falling apart behind her. "Was hoping to get another night with him. I mean, no one has compared since that night I had with him. And he somehow looks even more fit now under those dress shirts. But apparently he has a girlfriend? Says he's not like that anymore."
"Well whoever she is, she sounds like a lucky bitch," the friend said, eyeing the photo of Matt appreciatively again. 
Yeah, you definitely felt like you were going to be sick.
"That man is wasted on one woman," the other woman grumbled. "There's no way he's satisfied with her. Unless she's like, some sort of sex goddess rolled into a model's body."
Flinching again, you involuntarily took a step back from the pair of them. You did not want to hear this. You did not want to think about this. 
"Why would that matter? It's not like he could see her," the friend pointed out. 
The other woman laughed as if Matt’s blindness was some sort of joke. The sound grated on your nerves, your teeth grinding together. Suddenly you found yourself no longer even remotely hungry. 
Turning on your heel, you sidestepped the person behind you and headed straight for the exit. You felt like you couldn't breathe as you pushed out of the restaurant door, tugging at the collar of your coat and your blouse. For a moment, all your brain could conjure up was the sound of that woman's irritating voice moaning Matt's name. 
Tears stung at your eyes and you roughly wiped the heel of your palm over them, exhaling a rough breath and heading in the direction of your apartment. 
You just wouldn't eat dinner before going out tonight–not the end of the world.
But as you walked back to your building, you couldn't shake that gross feeling in your stomach. It was churning and twisting and at one point you were positive you were going to dart down an alley and throw up. 
You told yourself the reaction you were having was ridiculous. It's not as if Matt cheated–he had slept with that woman before he'd even known you. Years ago. And when she'd apparently propositioned him recently, the thought making you cringe, he'd turned her down. Which was good. That was not something to be upset about. 
And it's not like you didn't know Matt had a past. You'd sure as hell watched the flirting on the sidelines for the year you'd been pining for him. Foggy sure as shit had made enough comments about Matt ever since you'd known them about how Matt had been a huge flirt since his college days. Hell, you only had to look at Matt to know he attracted attention. 
It's not like you didn't have a past, either. Matt sure wasn't your first relationship or the first person you'd ever slept with. Sure, the number difference between the two of you was probably vast and you'd never had the nerve–or maybe it was also the lack of charm–to have one night stands, but you had a past, too. So it shouldn't even matter.
Though none of that logic remotely quelled the jealous and insecure beast rearing its head inside of you. Because knowing all of that didn't change the fact that you'd just had to see one of the women Matt had slept with and then hear her talk about just how great in bed he was. Your Matt. The one who held your hand and would walk you home from Josie’s, or who clung half-naked to you on an almost nightly basis. The one who you had been slowly stepping out of your comfort zone with, who made you feel safe and secure. 
As you entered your apartment building, you wondered just how you were supposed to go out to Josie’s tonight and look Matt in the face without picturing him between that woman's legs. Without thinking about that beautiful mouth–the same one you'd spent so long dreaming about kissing and now actually being able to kiss whenever you wanted for the past few months–kissing her .
You rubbed the heel of your hand over your eyes again, wiping the dampness away.
No, this was stupid. You weren't going to think about that. You loved Matt and you were happy for him and you wanted to go out and celebrate him and your friends' success. 
Crossing your arms over your chest, you made your way into the elevator. As you waited for it to ascend to your floor, you told yourself you'd stop thinking about it. 
…but you did often find yourself worrying lately that you weren't enough for Matt. He had slept around a lot before you came into the picture, clearly he had never been satisfied with just one woman. So what made you think Matt was really going to be content to just settle for you? You weren't like those confident women he always went for, which certainly translated in the bedroom. You weren't as timid with him as you used to be, but you were sure he never had to reassure those other women he had slept with. Was it just something different for him, sleeping with the shy, awkward chick? Getting you to let loose and then eventually losing interest in you when you weren't as nervous?
Your heart ached at the thought, your chest feeling like it was constricting as you unlocked your apartment door. 
No, Matt wouldn't do that. 
…but maybe it wasn't intentional. Maybe he didn't realize that's why he'd been drawn to you in the first place and when you were no longer so damn nervous and timid in the bedroom he wouldn't find you as appealing. Maybe he'd go back to the confident women he was always getting hit on by. Or maybe he'd find another awkward woman.
You were crying by the time you locked your door behind you, tears steadily streaming down your face as your mind continued to spiral. You couldn't make the thoughts and fears stop once they'd started coming. There was no way you could go out to Josie’s tonight, not like this. You'd ruin everyone's night. 
Rushing forward you flung yourself on your couch, burying your face in the cushions and crying. Your mind kept telling you this was ridiculous, that you were drastically overreacting to what had happened, but then it would moments later throw wave after wave of insecurity at you. You almost hadn’t heard your phone ringing with how hard you’d been crying into your couch cushions.
Sniffling and trying to control your sobs, your head rose from the cushions. You noted the obvious darkened and damp spot your tears had created on the gray fabric before your attention shifted to your ringtone loudly cutting through the silence in your apartment. Sliding your phone out of your dress pants pocket, you glanced down at the screen. You were grateful that it was Karen’s name you saw instead of Matt’s; you didn’t think you could manage a conversation with him right now. Clearing your throat, you tried to will the tears to stop.
“Hey Karen,” you nervously greeted, your voice cracking ever so faintly.
“Hey!” she greeted back excitedly. “Just calling to let you know I’m on my way to Josie’s, but Matt is finishing something up at the office for a minute. Foggy went to stop by Marci’s work and grab her before they headed over. Just didn’t want you to be alone wondering where everyone is at.”
“Oh, uh,” you answered hesitantly, the lie coming out of you before you knew what was happening, “I have a lead I need to follow up with tonight. For a–a story.” You hoped she didn’t catch the way your voice had broken as you spoke.
“Oh, I…thought Matt said you were coming out?” she said slowly. 
You heard the phone shift as Karen called back to Matt, who was most likely in his office. A moment later there was more shifting before you heard Matt on Karen’s phone.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Matt began, your eyes closing and fighting down another surge of tears, “I thought you were coming out to celebrate with us? Did something happen?”
“No,” you answered, voice barely audible. Clearing your throat again, you tried to sound normal. “Something just–just came up at the last minute. I need to–to follow a lead. For a story. I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ll make it.”
Fuck, you felt like a huge asshole, especially with the dejected sigh you heard over the line.
“Oh, okay,” he said slowly. “I’ll stop by after Josie’s then? I won’t stay late.”
“No!” you answered quickly, cringing when you did. “No, you just celebrate with your friends. Have fun, okay? I’ll uh, I’ll talk to you later.”
You had to hang up, tears already starting to pour back down your cheeks again. You were a monumental asshole lying to Matt like that. A shitty girlfriend for not going out and celebrating a huge win for him and a shitty friend for not celebrating your friends. 
It was better off this way, though. You would certainly bring everyone down tonight if you came out. There’s no way you wouldn’t break down at just the sight of Matt, thinking about all those other women he slept with. Thinking about how you’d never be good enough. How you’d just plain never be enough for him.
No. You needed the night in to cry out your insecurities and get your head on straight before you saw him again. You wouldn’t ruin everyone’s night, just your own. 
Pulling yourself up off of the couch, still softly sobbing like a pathetic mess, you made your way to your bedroom. You changed quickly into a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a large, comfortable shirt before turning your phone on vibrate and tossing it onto your nightstand. Then you proceeded to draw back the sheets of your bed, forgoing dinner and everything else as you buried your face in your pillow and cried.
Something was buzzing near your head and you groaned, rolling over on the mattress. You had a killer headache and as you opened your eyes to the darkened room, you realized your eyes were burning, too. 
From crying yourself pathetically to sleep, you remembered a moment later. Another groan left you as all of your stupid thoughts came rushing to the surface now that you were conscious again. 
Realizing your phone was vibrating on your nightstand, you threw a hand out and grabbed it. It was barely ten at night, you’d passed out in your bed for a couple of hours apparently. 
And of course it was Matt that was calling you. That insecure feeling swirled and twisted uncomfortably in your stomach at the sight of his name on the screen. With a sigh, you answered the call, pulling the phone up to your ear.
“Matt?” you asked, voice a little thick with sleep. “Something wrong?”
“Yeah,” he answered briskly. “Why were you lying to me?”
Your eyes narrowed at his question. How did he know?
“What?” you asked him.
“You sounded off but I tried to ignore it,” he explained quickly. “Figured you were busy and distracted. So I went out to Josie’s, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. So I thought I’d stop by and see if you were back from following your lead–but you’re asleep. I’ve been knocking on your door for the past five minutes. Did you even have work?”
Biting your lip, you knew you couldn’t lie. He was outside your front door after all, he’d certainly be able to hear your heartbeat.
“No,” you whispered.
There was a sharp exhale from Matt over the line before his tone softened into something timid. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked next.
“No,” you answered quickly. “No, you didn’t.”
There was a long pause, one that only grew that uncomfortable feeling in your gut. You felt nauseous waiting for Matt to respond, your palm sweating against the phone.
“You know I can hear your heart, right?" he told you. "That wasn’t entirely true." He paused a moment as your brows furrowed. "What did I do wrong, sweetheart?" he asked nervously. 
"Matt, you didn't do anything," you answered firmly.
Throwing your sheets off of you, you climbed out of your bed and headed down the hall. He was silent on the line as you moved, probably more focused on you making your way through your apartment towards the front door.
Quickly unlocking it, you swung it open to reveal Matt before you. His glasses were hiding his eyes but you could see the downturn of his mouth. You both lowered the phone from your ears, hanging up. Stepping aside, you let Matt into your apartment. You really felt like you were going to be sick now with him standing in front of you and closing the door behind himself.
"Why did you lie?" he asked, his cane gripped tighter in his hands as he gazed down at you. "What happened? Why did you–"
He abruptly paused mid-sentence, head tilting to the side. Your own head cocked to the side, wondering what had interrupted him. As you watched him, you saw his hands grip the cane even tighter, his lips pressing firmly together like he was fighting something down. His head shifted back towards you, his expression still partially hidden behind the glasses.
"Sweetheart, why were you crying?" he asked slowly. 
You blinked hard a few times. How the fuck could he know that?
"I can taste it in the air," he answered as if he could read your mind. "Tell me the truth, what happened? What did I do?" 
"I told you, you didn't do anything," you answered, voice wavering. You could feel the tears starting again.
Matt raised a hand and pulled his glasses off his face. The sight of him only had your tears spilling back out of your eyes. He looked so pained . His bottom lip was starting to tremble as he gazed down at you, his own eyes beginning to glisten with tears. 
"Talk to me," he begged. "Please."
"It's–it's stupid," you muttered.
Matt shook his head roughly, taking a step towards you. "No it's not. You're clearly upset," he said.
"I–" you broke off before you even began.
What the hell were you supposed to tell him? That you couldn't stop mentally picturing him with other women? That you felt less than? That you were afraid he was going to break your heart and leave you?
"Hey," he said, tentatively brushing his fingers along your shoulder almost as if he was too afraid to touch you. "Don't get lost in your head. Talk to me. You can always talk to me."
Wiping your hands across your eyes, you turned, making your way to your couch and sitting down. Matt hesitated a moment before he followed, leaving a bit of space between the two of you that you most certainly noticed.
"Are you–" he began nervously, clearing his throat and glancing down at his fidgeting hands, "–thinking about ending…things?"
Your eyes went wide, jaw dropping at his question. "No!" you shot out. "No, that's not it." 
He glanced back up at you, his expression still tortured, his own eyes still watering. "Then what?" he asked.
You grimaced, your gaze dropping down to your lap, hands twisting the fabric of your sweatpants. "I was planning to grab something to eat before meeting you all at Josie’s," you mumbled. "And there were these two women in front of me, and one of them recognized you from that picture in the article."
You swallowed hard, recalling what she'd said. Those mental images fought to resurface with him sitting beside you and your eyes snapped shut. 
"Recognized me?" he prompted.
"From when you…slept with her," you whispered. 
Matt shifted on the couch, moving more towards you. "Sweetheart, I didn't–"
You shook your head quickly, cutting him off. "No, I know. She meant a while ago. Before we even knew each other. But I had to listen to her talk about how great in bed you were," you said with a cringe. "How she tried to sleep with you again the other week. And when she said that you had told her you were with someone, she made a comment that you'd–you'd never be satisfied with one person."
"What?" he asked, brows creasing together.
"And I knew it was stupid, and I tried to leave and forget about that even happening," you continued, a few tears still sliding down your cheeks, "but I couldn't stop picturing you with her. And then I was thinking about what she said, and I worry that she's right. That you won't be satisfied with me." Your voice picked up speed as you began blurting your fears out. "That you'll get bored of me. Or that you'll miss sleeping with someone new whenever you want. Or that you'll get tired of having to reassure me–in and out of the bedroom. Or maybe I won't be as timid in the bedroom and I'll lose whatever novelty I had for you and–"
"Stop," Matt said, firmly cutting you off. "Just stop, sweetheart. Take a breath."
Your heart was hammering away in your chest, your hands twisting the fabric of your sweatpants even faster between your fingers. 
"I'm sorry you had to overhear that," he began after a moment. "I certainly wouldn't have wanted to hear someone talk like that about you, either. But sweetheart, I love you. You're not some novelty. You're not boring. And you are more than enough." 
His hands reached out, grabbing your shoulders in a tight grip. You glanced up at him, taking in the earnest expression on his face as his eyes fixed along your left cheek. 
"I slept around because I was lonely and young and I liked the attention," he admitted. "But ever since you've been in my life, especially as my girlfriend, I have been far from lonely. I don't want anyone else. I just want you." One of his hands reached up, cupping your cheek gently. "I love you. I've told you before but I'll say it again–I have wanted you since the night your friend who's far too interested in my ass told me to buy you a drink at Josie’s. Please believe me when I tell you that I don't want to lose you."
You swallowed hard, a light laugh falling out of you at his comment about Katy. Matt's thumb gently wiped the tears off of your cheek, the rough pad stroking your skin. His words had soothed that jealous, insecure beast in your gut, but now you just felt guilty for letting those fears cloud your mind this evening.
"I'm sorry," you whispered. "It was stupid, I told you it was stupid. And I should have come out but I didn't want to ruin everyone's night. I figured if I stayed in I could just wallow and maybe push it all down and tomorrow I’d be fine."
"Sweetie, don't push those feelings down," he urged. "Because that's when it comes out like this; you shove it down and then push me away instead of just talking to me."
"I'm sorry," you whispered again, shame burning in you now. "I shouldn't have. My mind just started spiraling and I couldn’t make it stop."
Matt's hands pulled you in towards him, wrapping you in his strong arms. Immediately you buried your face in his dress shirt, eyes closing as you inhaled the comforting scent of him. Your own arms hesitantly wrapped themselves around Matt’s waist in return.
“I’m sorry I ruined your night, Matt,” you apologized again into his shirt. “I’m sorry I didn’t come out and that I lied and–”
“Shh,” he shushed you, one of his hands stroking down your hair. “Stop apologizing. Just next time something like this starts growing in your mind, tell me. Please?”
You nodded against him, the tears finally stopping. Shifting above you, you felt him slowly draw you away from his chest, both of his hands coming up to hold your face gingerly in his large palms, tilting it up towards his. He smiled warmly at you, his eyes creased at the corners and filled with so much affection that you felt even more stupid for your earlier thoughts. 
“I don’t regret buying you that drink at Josie’s,” he murmured. His forehead lowered to yours, his gaze almost meeting your own. “There’s not a number far enough away from one, remember?”
Your smile grew at the little saying you’d both steadily picked up over the past few weeks about how neither of you regretted that situation Katy had practically forced on the pair of you.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too,” you whispered back.
Closing the distance, he brought his soft lips to yours. He kissed you with so much feeling in the way his mouth moved, it was as if he wanted you to never question his love for you again. Your hands that were still on his back gripped his dress shirt tight and pulled him in further towards you, closing that little distance there had been between you on the couch. His hands still held your face firmly to his, even as he gradually and almost reluctantly broke away from your mouth. He rested his forehead against yours, a small smile on his lips.
“Did you eat dinner yet?” you asked.
He huffed out a laugh, lightly shaking his head against yours. “That is definitely not what I thought you were going to say,” he told you. “But no.”
You grinned, leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips. “I can’t celebrate with Foggy and Karen, but I can try to make it up to you. I’ll order us dinner and we can celebrate here,” you offered.
Matt straightened beside you, that smile growing on his mouth. "I'd like that," he replied. "But only if I get to reassure you after dinner one more time." He shot you a wink that had you giggling. "Or maybe two more times."
Still laughing lightly, you slid a hand out from behind his back and grabbed Matt by the back of his neck, drawing him into you for another kiss. His own hands quickly dropped to your hips, pulling you onto his lap and causing you to quickly catch your balance, both legs now straddling his lap.
"And maybe–" he mumbled against your mouth between a kiss, "–one time–" his mouth landed back on yours, "–before dinner."
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 2 months
Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 9
Current Moon Phase: New Moon 🌑
Before I record my new findings I must confess that I may have panicked when Enid placed her lips upon my skin. I am aware that it was illogical but I seem to be in a rather illogical state of mind as of late. I shall have to discuss this with my therapist at our next session.
Once my brain chemistry had returned to normal levels I was able to rationalize Enid's actions. As I continue to document my subject I have found it prudent to study the social behavior of wolves, as there is much overlap between them and their lycanthropic kin. I have learned that wolves will lick or 'kiss' the muzzles of their packmates as a form of greeting. This shouldn't have been surprising as some human cultures have a similar custom. Clearly Enid was greeting me in a typical werewolf manner and nothing more. Not that I would assume there to be anything more; for what more could there be?
While this new form of greeting was rather startling I feel that I could grow accustomed to it, especially as I have learned there is a much more invasive way of greeting among wolves. I have read how wolves will oftentimes stick their tongues in the mouths of their fellow packmates to gain information about them such as mood, hormonal changes, and so on. While I understand it is a simple formality I would not be ready for such a greeting yet. Perhaps Enid took this into consideration on my behalf? I shall have to ponder this later.
Seeing as I was unable to discuss the matter of being packmates the previous week I once again devised a plan for discussing it. I also wished to observe the effects, or possible lack thereof, of the new moon on my werewolf companion. With both goals firmly in mind I made a request of Enid to join me for a coffee in town. I chose this setting as to allow for greater privacy, as I did not wish to have an audience. I also did not want to catch Enid off guard so I informed her via my mobile telephone that I desired to discuss something of great importance with her.
Enid seemed very enthusiastic about receiving my message, for she sent many more in response. I assume her promptness in which she wanted to respond was the reason for her abbreviations and misspelling of many words as well as the addition of several unnecessary punctuation marks. I wrote her back informing her that her questions would be answered to the best of my abilities and that she could answer mine in turn.
Enid arrived at the Weathervane ten minutes prior to our agreed upon meeting time. She appeared to be somewhat anxious. Perhaps something had occurred during her commute? Either way she wasted no time ordering and promptly sitting down across from me at the booth I selected. She was quick to inquire as to what I wanted to discuss. I considered her for a moment. She still appeared distressed. I attempted to ease the tension by complimenting her appearance. However, my mind had once again abandoned me and I spoke not in English.
'But I already shut the door?' Enid had responded in confusion, glancing back at the entry to the Weathervane. I was most perplexed and blinked slowly. 'Why'd you ask that in a French accent?' She asked. I appeared to be speaking French this time but could not recall what I had said. Enid rose slowly as her name was called to retrieve her order. I began to panic slightly. Would I be able to discuss our status as packmates? What if this lapse in cognitive function made it infeasible to converse in English? As Enid returned to the table I quickly stood up. Perhaps I could right some of these errors with a simple werewolf greeting?
I placed my hands on Enid's arms and stretched upwards to place a quick kiss upon her cheek. Having completed the greeting I pulled back. Enid stared at me with wide eyes as she fluffed out. I was gripped with an even greater anxiety. Had I greeted her incorrectly? Enid continued to stare at me as she sat down. I hurried to mirror her and sat down as well. I prepared to intercept her question just as she began to open her mouth. Misfortune seemed to have taken favor with me, for in my haste I bungled my words. I had meant to ask 'What are we as packmates?' However, I instead asked 'Are we mates?'
Enid spat out a fair amount of coffee. Evidently she had gone to sip her drink rather than ask me a question. Her cheeks flushed with color as she wiped her mouth. I felt my own grow rather hot at my verbal faux pas. I tried again. 'S'il te plaît, pardonne-moi' I began then stopped as I was once again cursed to speak in tongues that were not applicable to my current situation. 'Willa, why do you keep talking like that?' Enid whispered. 'Je ne sais pas!' My mind was waging war against itself in an apparent attempt at self sabotage. 'Lo siento.' I had managed to switch languages but not to my intended one. I gripped the table and considered making a retreat until my sanity saw fit to return to me.
I nearly jumped as I felt Enid's soft warm hands envelope my own. 'Willa-?' She shook her head. 'Wednesday' She had begun in a much more serious tone. Without stating it directly she had commanded me to look at her. I felt trapped in those cerulean eyes as if I were stranded in the middle of the ocean without a life preserver. She applied a steady pressure to my hands. 'Do you want to be mates?' I was beginning to drown in those pools of piercing blue. I numbly felt my body act without my volition. It was as if I was a specter observing from afar. I saw myself nod but was too numb to feel it. I wanted to scream for correction; to clarify any possible misunderstanding.
'Estoy asustada.' Was all I could manage to muster. The shock of saying something so obviously against my nature was enough to break me from my paralytic state. I blinked and tore my eyes away from the wolf to scowl at myself. 'Willa, what are you saying?' She asked. 'I don't know. I think I'm going mad.' I replied earnestly. There was a moment of silence. I looked down at my captured hands. Enid was stroking them gently with her thumbs. This brought some sort of comfort. Perhaps because a formidable predator had me restrained and could end me from suffering even further embarrassment.
'I think you're having a panic attack.' The werewolf informed me. I swallowed. The shame I felt was incredible. How could I be so weak? I balled my hands into fists, or at least tried to while in the werewolf's grasp. 'Can I try something? To help you out of it?' She offered. I nodded again. 'This might hurt a little.' She said. My curiosity was piqued and then I felt it, a sharp prick. I looked down to see the werewolf digging her thumb claws into my hand. The rush of clarity and relief from my panicked state was immeasurable. I looked up at her with gratitude but for some reason my heart palpitations continued.
Enid did not catch my eye this time as she instead kept them fixed upon the hands of her captured prey. She frowned at the small beads of blood she had drawn but kept her claws in. 'I want to be mates too.' She said lightly. I felt a sudden elation I couldn't place. Obviously she meant packmates, because she knew the nuances of the situation. She was choosing to abbreviate the term as I had done, likely as a way to comfort me and my disastrous initial attempt at beginning the conversation.
'I want to take things slow but I don't know if I can, with you.' She had said with a shy smile. I too felt the hint of a grin tug at my lips until her eyes pounced upon me again. I froze like a mouse before a cat. I remained trapped in her gaze as she once again applied pressure to my hand with her claws. A discomfiting sound escaped my lips which I shall not elaborate on further. I wanted nothing more than for my packmate to maul me in that moment. I believe some part of her desired that as well for the look she gave me not so subtly indicated a deep hunger. As if anticipating death, or at the very least a light maiming at her hands, I felt myself lean forward slightly.
A heard the quietest of growls escaped her as she leaned closer in turn. Her lips began to part and I felt my own reciprocate. My mind began to fill with a suffocating haze and my heartbeat thundered deafeningly in my ears. Just as I thought she was about to close the gap between us she paused. 'Wens?' The concern in her voice struck me like a slap across the face. What had I done now? I followed her gaze downward. I appeared to be gripping her hands for dear life. My body also seemed to be experiencing mild tremors, likely a new symptom manifesting from the current madness engulfing me.
I quickly released her hands and withdrew. I looked out the window in an attempt to quell my mind and conceal my illness. 'Sorry.' I heard the werewolf murmur. 'I guess that was a little too fast, huh?' Yes, perhaps it was too soon for a mauling and a public setting such as the Weathervane felt rather inappropriate for such an intimate matter. I agreed and kept my eyes averted. I was unable to complete any further research.
Dear Diary,
So I know last time I said this but - you are NOT going to believe what happened today! 😳 Okay, so first of all Willa asked if we could go grab coffee with the most ominous text ever 😰
Enid, I humbly request your presence at the Weathervane this morning at 9am sharp. We must discuss an important matter regarding the status of our relationship that can no longer be avoided.
I thought I was going to DIE! 😵 That was somehow so much worse than just 'we need to talk.' And of course she didn't elaborate on in further when I started panic texting her back I was so worried that I misread her signals (which, like, can anyone read her signals? Is she even sending signals?) when I kissed her last week. I was scared that I messed up and she was going to ask to move out or something 😥
But! I noticed she's kept the wolf stuffed animal I left her so I figured there was maybe a 50/50 chance she just maybe, possibly, wanted to ask me out? Anyway, I showed up early (because I was losing my mind!) I order, I go over to her, I ask her what's up and she says 'Jhut da door'? Maybe it was French? (I don't know, I never paid attention in that class) And I was so confused and then they called my order -
Anyway! I get back, Willa gets up, and OHMYGOD. SHE. KISSED. ME. (on the cheek) 😵 I didn't know what was going on but at least I wasn't worried about her asking to move out anymore But it didn't stop there - I go to have a sip of my coffee and Willa just blurts out 'Are we mates?' OMG I thought I was going to shoot coffee out my nose - Were we dating this whole time and I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT?
I started freaking out - Willa started freaking out - we were both freaking OUT 😨😨 Willa starts speaking in French and maybe some other language at some point. I ask what's going on and she looks like she's about to run. I take her hands to try and calm her down. I have to have an answer! I have to try to calm down so I can ask if she wants to be mates, because Willa-! Do you know what you're asking? 😳😳😳 She has this terrified look in her eyes but nods. I feel like I'm about to wolf out in the middle of the Weathervane, she looks like she's screaming internally, and then she whispers something. (Willa! What are you saying?) I ask her what she's saying and then she just gives me this dead-eyed look and is like 'I think I'm going mad.' OMG. Willa. You're not mad - just emotionally constipated!
But then I noticed something really going wrong. I could smell her adrenaline and cortisol levels going through the roof. I think that took everything out of her just to ask if we are romantically involved 😥 I just kept holding her hands and let her know that I think she's having a panic attack. Her panic only seems to get worse and now she looks like she wants to die. 😰 I know suggesting breathing exercises, and talking it out aren't going to work at that moment so I went with the next best thing… I dug my claws into her hands. 😔 I know that pain is one of the few things that could pull her out of a panic attack but I don't like it.
Once I start drawing blood… I could smell that it stopped. I told her that I wanted to be mates too... She didn't say anything but her response was obvious. However, when I went to look at her she became immediately frightened. Worried that she might have another panic attack, I squeezed her hands again. She, uh 😳 She made an interesting noise! I couldn't take my eyes off her now and she started leaning forward. Just as I start leaning forward to share our 💕 first kiss 💕 she starts shaking like a leaf! 😣💔 I stop and she pulls away like she's terrified. She practically curled up into a ball! I apologized for taking things too fast. (I just really wanted to kiss her )
She didn't talk much after that. I felt so bad. 😢 I know Wednesday can get overwhelmed really quickly from anything having to do with emotions or expressing them openly. I told her I was going to leave, you know, to give her some space if she needed, but she shook her head, got up and took my hand saying that she was going with me - with her mate ❤️
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You didn't actually think I would miss this, did you? (Tobin Heath x Reader)
Just a short little fic for Tobin's birthday. Not really edited so mind any mistakes. Hope you enjoy!
Between work getting busy and studying, life has been busy lately so writing has unfortunately been put on the back burner so fics might take longer than usual. My final essay is due in less than 2 weeks so hopefully I'll have more time to write after that!
Words: 1.4k
Y/n: Nobody on earth can make me feel the way you do. Everyday I wake up you continue to amaze me in every way possible. Your kindness, empathy and compassion are what make you the most amazing woman I've ever known. Please never stop being the beautiful, confident and sexiest person that I am madly in love with. Everyday I am blessed to have you by my side. I hope today is filled with love, friendship, surprises and fun. Thank you for going through life with me. Happy birthday my love. I love you today and always.
Toby: Thank you baby. There's no one I'd rather go through life with than you. I love you so much.
Toby: I wish you were here with me today... I miss you
Y/n: I miss you too Toby. We'll see each other soon. I'm sure you'll have an amazing day regardless. I wanted to have this text ready for you to wake up to, but I got busy :(
Toby: It's okay, facetime later?
Y/n: Wouldn't miss it. I have to go, but I'll message you a bit later. I love you
It was Tobin's birthday today. We had been together for 7 years and this was the first birthday that we would be apart for. Since we started dating, we had always made sure to be with each other on our birthdays. This year though, I was playing in Europe meaning I couldn't be there this year. Well that's what she thought anyway. I was out for a couple of weeks with an injury and coach had agreed that I could return to the states as long as I kept up with physio. 
Tobin's birthday happened to fall in the middle of a national team camp. One that I couldn't attend due to being injured. I knew they would be planning something so I had reached out to Ali to let her know I was surprising Tobin. I trusted her to not let it slip and she was able to keep me updated on their plans so I could surprise her. I didn't want to miss her whole birthday, instead I had found a flight that would get me there in time to surprise her at lunch. 
I got through security as quickly as possible. Knowing I was so close to seeing Tobin again was making me impatient. This was probably the longest we had gone without seeing each other. I hated it, but playing internationally had always been a dream of mine. They had organized lunch in the meal room at the hotel seeing as there were so many of them. I quickly dropped my stuff in Tobin's hotel room and cleaned myself up a bit before heading down to the meal room. 
Ali had organized a game of guess the person. Tobin was blindfolded and had to guess who was in front of her based on the feel of their hands and face. The girls smiled widely when they saw me, somehow managing to not completely freak out. I watched Tobin go through a few more of them. There was a wide smile on her face, the corners of her eyes no doubt crinkling. I knew pretty much all of Tobin's expressions at this point, even without properly seeing them. It made me happy knowing that even though she was missing me, she was still able to have fun and be genuinely happy. 
After a few minutes, I stepped up to Tobin, placing her hand on my arm first then my face. I knew there was a high chance that once she felt either of my hands she would know it was me. Besides the years of almost constant hand holding, I had a scar on one of my hands that was very noticeable.
I lent into her touch, enjoying the feeling after almost six months away from her. That must have been a give away, because her hand froze briefly before moving to my eyebrow that also had a scar then my left hand. She ripped the blindfold off, eyes wide as she stared at me in shock. 
"Y/n!" Tobin pretty much squealed, jumping up, arms wrapping around me as she jumped up, legs around my waist, "You're here, you're actually here."
"You didn't seriously think I would miss your birthday did you?"
Tobin kissed me hard, filled with passion and love. I knew the team were watching, fake gags coming from them, but I did care as I cupped the back of her head, not letting her move until we were both out of breath. Tobin watched me for a few seconds before speaking, "I love you so much. How long do I have you for?"
Reluctantly, I put her down, feeling my knee starting ache, "A couple of weeks. Pretty much until I'm ready to join practice again as long as I keep up with physio here."
Since there weren't any real plans for after lunch, Tobin and I snuck off to the room. We didn't do anything other than cuddle and make out a little bit. I was exhausted from my flight, all I wanted to do was hold her after months apart. When Tobin eventually had to go to the bathroom, I got the piece of paper and ring box from my bag. I quickly hid the ring box as Tobin came back into the room. I still wasn't sure if I was going to propose right now with just the two of us or do something with the team later. I wanted to have it with me for when I decided the time was right.
"I got you something."
"You didn't have to, just being here is enough."
"Shush and take it. I think you're going to like this."
I handed her a piece of paper. She read over it slowly before jumping on me, peppering kisses across my face, "You're coming back?!? We get to play together again?"
"I'm coming back. I still have to be there for a couple more months though. I love playing for arsenal, it's been a great experience, but it's not worth how much I miss you." 
A few tears fell down her cheeks as she kissed me slowly before a smile stretched across her face, interrupting the kiss. Her smile was one of my favourite sights so I wasn't mad about it, "You are amazing, I love you Y/n."
"I love you Toby." 
Once again I found myself watching her. Taking in her smile, the way her eyes crinkled, the dimples I was obsessed with, her beautiful eyes that I could look at forever and the short hair that drove me crazy. It was my first time seeing it in person, I had ran my fingers through it countless times already and was currently resisting the urge to do it again. I loved her more than I thought it was possible to love another person. She was the person I craved, the first person I thought of when I woke up or before I went to sleep, the first person I wanted to tell when anything happened. She was the person I wanted by my side for the rest of my life. 
"I meant what I said in my text."
"Which part?"
"All of it. Even after 7 years, you still make my heart race, butterflies and sparks to explode at even the slightest touch. No one has even made me feel the way you do and no one else ever will. I thank everything in this world that you chose me, that I get to be with you and love you every day. You are the only person I want by myside through everything life throws our way. The good, bad, funny, messy, whatever it is, it will be okay because I have you. I am so madly in love with you Tobin Powell Heath, I want to do life with you for as long as you'll have me. Will you marry me?"
Tobin launched forward before I could even get the ring box. She hugged me tightly, tears landing against my neck, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I love you so fucking much Y/n."
My own tears fell, the happiness bubbling over as I chuckled, "Can I get the ring now?"
"You got me a ring?"
I reached under the pillow for the ring box, opening it for Tobin to see. It was just a simple rose gold band, it fit who she was and the type of style she liked. She grinned widely as I easily slipped it onto her finger, "Of course I did. I've been planning to do this for months now. Only the best for my girl or should I say fiancé?"
"God I can't wait to marry you Y/n."
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kaeyas-beloved · 10 months
Hello Val, it's me again lol. Could I please request [ 💐 ] - buying them flowers, just because for either Kaveh or Childe? Just pick the character that inspires you more for this prompt and take your time. <3 I'll be patiently waiting because your fics are always worth waiting. - Lots of love, JJ <3
(Hi me again I’m Val)
Hello JJ!! I decided to do both characters because a) I love them and b) I wanna write something for Kaveh but I also wanna provide you with some yummy Childe fluff ❤️ (also I just know Mr. Ginger Man (affectionate) would give you the biggest god damn bouquet he could get his hands on). Sending love right back at you and thank you for your patience!!
CWs: gn!reader (you/your), a smidge of angst in Kaveh’s, spoilers for Childe’s real name, Kaveh’s is shorter I’m sorry
acts of service prompts: open!
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There are moments in his day where his love for you makes his heart constrict painfully and his lips form the stupidest, lovesick of smiles, his emotions consuming him whole. When he’s at work he has to put down his pen and drop his head in his hands as he fights to calm himself down from this high, because no matter how much he doesn’t want to, he has to in order to finish and return home to you.
Even then though, sometimes Childe’s feelings resurface on his walk home and suddenly he’s walking a little faster and faster and faster until he’s practically running. He told himself he’d keep going until he reached home, that nothing else was to distract him from his mission at hand, a task that goes out the window when his eye catches a lone stall.
Scanning over it an idea popped into his head, one that makes him smile and mutter a small perfect under his breath. The more his newfound plan stewed in his mind, the clearer the picture of your expression became. It would be a happy expression, one of the brightest he’s ever seen, one that makes him think that going through with this shouldn’t be a question at all. Settling his sights on the shopkeep, the male changes course, intending to be quick as to not make you wait.
No more than forty minutes later does a knock echo off your front door. Expecting the loving and boyish face of your lover, your reaction to coming face to face with a wall of flowers is justified. That is to say, your reaction being to stumble back from the door.
Quietly, as if unsure, you call his name, taking a guess that it’s him behind this grand gesture. Honestly, who’s rich enough in Snezhnaya and fancies you enough to do this besides him anyway? Regaining some composure, you hesitantly move past your entryway to just in front of the bouquet, lifting a hand up to brush again the flora.
How soft, is your first thought, the petals as delicate as your touch. Your second thought was about how gorgeous a sight it was to see flowers of all things in the unforgiving cold.
“Do you like them?” Arms encircle you, but there’s no fear in you as you rest your arm against his, the familiar red scarf hanging in the corner of your vision and his soothing voice are plenty familiar to you.
Humming in response, you look behind you, finally getting to see him after being apart all day. His nose and cheeks were a little red, and his scarf was loose to the point it could slide off his neck at any point, but other than that he appeared content as ever. “They’re very pretty, Ajax, thank you. What’s the occasion though?”
Instead of a response, be it in the form of words or a joyous laugh, his lips simply meet yours as a replacement, soft and gentle as they move against yours. Your shock is over quickly, leaning in to return his affection. Pulling you just a little closer, the male drops his voice to a whisper, breath hot against your skin, “I got them because I love you. What other reason should there be?”
For the most part, money is scarce for the architect. He can’t always go spending it on whatever he pleases, whenever he pleases. However, Kaveh is also a romantic at heart and has an eye for beauty. So, who really needs to budget when they see something pretty that their lover would like?
Well, turns out Kaveh does, as he finds out. Even though the blond stands before you, a single pale Padisarah in hand, all he can embarrassingly think about is how he was short by about 400 mora at the checkout. The only reason he even got a flower was because the old woman at the counter was kind enough to let him have it.
“I know it’s not much,” he begins, voice betraying how he truly felt about his lack of grandeur, “but I still wanted to get you a little something. I… hope you like it.” The man before you now seems so small compared to his usual loud and passionate self, even his hands twitch with nerves as he presents what he believes is a sorry excuse of a gift.
But you, oh, you welcome it with a smile and an eager acceptance, nose falling into the center of the bloomed plant. Just your reaction alone eases his tense shoulders, eyes the colour of fire in a sunset watching as you hurried to place the delicate thing in a safe spot. When you were done you rushed back to his side, grabbing each of his hands in yours and bringing them to rest on your cheeks, your hands remaining over his, “thank you thank you thank you Kaveh! You’re the best!”
Pressing a quick yet firm kiss to his forehead, you wrap your arms around him tight, giving him no room to return your affection… not that he could with how overheated his body was feeling. It definitely didn’t help when you tilted your head so you could whisper in his ear. However, the moment he registers your words he’s snapped out of his embarrassed state, eyes widening a fraction before softening.
“I really do love it. If you buy me one or one hundred, it doesn’t matter to me. The greatest gift is your love, no matter what form it takes.”
Truth be told, in that moment as he returns your embrace, he couldn’t have asked for a better lover than you.
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Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @saishin-michiyoshi // @ajaxstar // @genshin-impact-writings // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @lemontum // @akiria12167 // @ari-the-wr1ter // @dontmindmebeing // @xiaos-wife // @irethepotato // @milkwithspiceyicecubes // @stygianoir // @stage-lucida // @kaeyaloml // @leena-shi
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
Event batch 4
a little later than i anticipated, but the next batch is here!! only two batches left 🤗🩵 thank you to all my requesters!! and apologies if i deviated from your original prompt these things really take on a mind of their own when i write 🫡
🩵 Check out my other event requests! 🩵
for Anon || Scaramouche x Reader - Modern AU, urban fantasy, monster hunters (not main characters), rivals to friends (implied potential for more)
for @resident-cryptid || Foul Legacy x Reader - SAGAU, imposter hunt
for Anon || Tighnari x Reader - Canon setting, Tighnari x reader, Life & Death trope, reader is a mortician, mention/discussion of deaths
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Of the Night
You clutch your side as you dart down the nearest alleyway, foot splashing into a murky puddle. You haul yourself up the fire escape with one arm, doing your best to move quickly. Once you reach the roof, it’s just a matter of speed.
You jump from building to building, hoping beyond hope that your pursuers aren’t parkour experts. There’s only one place that you can think of, the only place nobody will look for you. Your chances of survival either way seem slim.
You find the building you’re looking for, sliding as quietly as you can off the roof and onto the tiny balcony you hope belongs to the correct apartment. Keeping your fingers crossed, you knock on the window of the sliding glass door.
There’s a shuffle of movement inside, and then the blackout curtains move to the side just enough to let a blade of light hit the corner of your eye. You squint into the brightness, offering an apologetic smile around your elongated canines.
The door slides open and a pale hand reaches through to grab you, yanking you inside. You stumble over the door track, whimpering as the movement jostles the arm that’s holding your wound.
“What the hell happened to you?” Scaramouche hisses, his nose wrinkling at the stench of wolf blood.
“... Hunters afoot,” is all you can say before you collapse from exhaustion.
You awake some time later, probably not all that long, with a thick padding of bandages around your torso. You sit up, ignoring the screaming pain from your injury, to take in your surroundings. The room is dark, hardly any decorations on the wall, and the bed you’re stretched out on is plain and uncomfortable, as if it’s never been used.
Scaramouche sits at the end of the bed, wiping blood from his hands with a wet cloth. You snort, drawing his attention. His eyes are electric in the low light.
“I’m surprised you didn’t sneak a little taste, leech,” you taunt. The vampire’s expression darkens and he throws the soiled rag in your face.
“As if I want to know what dog tastes like. That’s the thanks I get for patching up your clumsy ass, mutt?” he demands, his insult not quite landing with how worried he looks. “How did you even let it get this bad? Why didn’t you, y’know, wolf out or something?”
“You can’t climb fences with paws, dummy,” you tell him, wiggling your thumbs in front of his face. He pushes your hands back down with a look of annoyance, the tip of his fangs peeking out over his lip with the expression.
It’s the city’s favourite public scandal, that senator Ei and her son are creatures of the night. Due to their standing, and some pretty hardworking PR agents, they’ve been working on fixing the reputation of monsters year by year. Despite some of the new anti-discrimination laws in place, nothing will stop a very determined hunter from going after random citizens they decide aren’t human enough.
Beastfolk like Doctor Tighnari, and Ei’s own partner Miko, don’t get nearly the same kind of bad rep as werewolves. People like you are still heavily stereotyped, despite the countless arguments that you all retain your sound mind during the transformation.
That’s why you’re here, in your old highschool rival’s apartment on a full moon night instead of running around in the park like you’d originally planned. Everybody knows of the age-old feud between vampires and werewolves. Plus, it’s been years since you last saw each other, nobody will associate you with him these days. Nobody will think to look for you here.
You look at the curtained window, then at Scaramouche, who’s still sitting on the bed. His back is to you, a little bit broader than he used to be when you kicked his ass at track and field. You don’t resist the urge to extend your hand, shifting your nails just a tiny bit, to touch the sharp angles of his shoulder.
You don’t make it, of course. Little bugger had lighting reflexes in school too, even if you were the faster runner. He turns and grabs your wrist before it even comes close to touching him. With surprising strength, he pulls you close by your arm until your noses are almost touching.
“Paws off,” Scaramouche mocks you, his slit-like pupils barely visible with his narrowed eyes. He gives you a smirk. “Bad doggie.”
You snatch your hand back quickly, growling softly under your breath. You look down and test the bandages, finding them to be holding firmly.
“... So when d’you want me to get out of your hair?” You ask, knowing that you’ve definitely overstayed your welcome by now.
“You can hide here for the rest of the night,” his answer comes, much too quickly to be anything other than impulse. You raise your eyebrow at that, knowing he definitely sees you with his night vision. He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s just say you owe me one later, okay?”
You whuff and kick him gently, which earns you a pillow to the face.
Tomorrow morning he’ll make you breakfast, and you’ll probably eat enough to put him out of house and home, and you’ll tell him all about the hunters who chased you down last night, and sometime over the week you’ll hear through the grapevine about some college kids going missing but you won’t think anything of it.
Sometime during the week, you’ll get a text from an unknown number telling you to use the front door next time, and a six digit passcode for an apartment building security system.
But tonight, you let Scaramouche baby you (as much as he denies it) and you fall asleep in his dumb, uncomfortable bed to the sound of him saying you haven’t changed a bit.
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Blood in the Water
You don’t have gold blood, or super strength, or special powers. What you have is the clothes on your back, a pocketful of change for your bus fare, and a dead phone.
And the face of Teyvat’s omnipresent god, apparently. Not that that’s done you any favors since you got here. There’s been an order to bring your head to this Creator person. Preferably on a silver plate. Maybe a spike, if they’re feeling artistic.
That’s how you find yourself being chased by dozens of people who you thought were your favourite videogame characters. You surely regret it now, having upgraded them and kitted them all with best-in-slot weapons and artifacts. You’re not sure you want to test whether or not you’ll revive like the traveler, so you just run.
You’ve accumulated a plethora of wounds, doing your best to keep them clean and wrapped until you can figure out how to get back home. You move only at night, taking care to avoid places you distantly remember being inhabited. You even avoid the monsters, too afraid that they’d cause a ruckus and attract attention.
You find a cave. It’s not much more than a hole between the cliff face and the ground, but it's a shelter at the very least. You tuck yourself into it eagerly, hoping that the unremarkable location will save you from waking up to a knife pointed at your face.
You wish you could say you slept well, but you woke up barely an hour later to the sound of something scraping against the dirt outside. You risk a peek, and immediately shriek and retreat to the back of the cave.
Just outside, trying to dig his way in, is Childe’s Foul Legacy form. You briefly send a thought to whatever powers that be, hoping you can somehow get out of this alive.
The man stops his scratching, face leaning down to peer into your burrow. You can’t see him, but you get the sense that Childe is smiling behind his mask.
“Wakey wakey, little impostor,” he sings, reaching in to claw at the walls of your hideout. “Come on, I wanna play a little before we bring you in!”
Just as he finishes saying that, he gives a strange choked noise and yanks his arm out of the hole, clutching at his head. You don’t question it, taking the opportunity to make a break for it. You hear a frustrated snarl behind you, and the sound of heavy footsteps quickly follows.
You don’t stick around to find out what happened.
You’re not sure which direction you’re going anymore, your sense of direction completely messed up now that you’re seeing Teyvat in person. As a result you’re not paying attention to where you’re going, which is a nice way to say you Wile E Coyote’d yourself straight off a cliff.
You let out an undignified shriek, limbs flailing as you plummet down toward the frothing ocean below. Is it better to drown than to be stabbed, you wonder? You glance over your shoulder and watch in dread as Childe leaps down after you, arms outstretched. You close your eyes, and pray it will be fast.
You open your eyes one at a time, mostly surprised you’re still alive to do so. You take quick stock of yourself, and find that you miraculously still have all your limbs and belongings. Next, you look around for-
There he is, sitting on a rock behind you. Childe watches in silence as you check yourself over, which you think is a little bit creepy. You wave hesitantly, offering a wonky smile.
“Your Grace,” a deep, raspy voice emits from Foul Legacy, definitely not Childe’s.
A little stupidly, you look around and behind yourself, before turning back to Foul Legacy and pointing at your own chest. The creature nods.
“We have been waiting.” it rumbles, standing up and walking toward you. It’s much more imposing now that you have a good look at it, and you shrink back instinctively. “Be not afraid, Your Grace. The people of Teyvat are ignorant of your status, but the Dark knows.”
“What… what does that mean?” you squeak as Foul Legacy finally stops in front of you, talons reaching up to gently caress your face. You freeze, unable to will yourself to move when you’re so close to getting your head sliced off.
“You are the true Creator,” Foul Legacy says, surprisingly patient. “It is difficult to tell, as your divine presence is faint, but those who know will recognize it immediately.”
The creature reaches into your pocket with its thumb and forefinger, pulling out your dead phone. It gives the phone to you, so you take it mutely. You watch as Foul Legacy activates Childe’s electro Delusion, tapping the black screen with one claw.
Immediately, your phone blinks to life.
“Woah! That’s useful,” you gasp, unable to help your surprise.
“Your divine focus, Your Grace,” Foul Legacy nods. At its encouragement, you open up the lockscreen.
It loads into the Genshin Impact game immediately, and the first thing you notice is the plethora of new buttons available to you. You look up at Foul Legacy curiously.
“Teyvat is yours to command,” it states, then stiffens and flexes its hands. “I cannot hold him at bay for much longer, this is where I take my leave.”
‘He’ must be Childe, trapped inside the living armor of Foul Legacy. Internally, you wince at how lowkey degrading that must be. You wave as Foul Legacy bounds up the cliff, taking Childe somewhere far away from you.
Once the creature is gone, you open your phone once more and stare at the new UI. Well, you think, might as well give it a shot.
Your thumb presses down on a button.
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Memento Mori
Many people question how Tighnari can stand to be so close to you. He, who’s study in biology brought him into the light, into an affinity with all things life. Meanwhile you, who studied the same Amurta major as he did, delved into the field of sickness and decay and death.
You chuckle and close the icebox, letting the body of a departed grandmother rest before it is her time to be returned to the earth. As one of Sumeru’s few morticians, it’s your job to respect a good death, and to help the family in their time of suffering.
But there is also beauty, and life, in death. You see it every day, when people come to visit their loved ones at their gravesite. There is much love and sadness, yes, but there is blossoming and growth in it as well. They plant bushes and flowers to mark the resting places, and with each new shoot the visitors continue to grow as time passes.
Likewise, Tighnari knows that his job as a forest ranger is not just about preserving life, as much as he tries his best to keep fools on the right path. To preserve life, you must also respect death. The bodies of dead animals will feed their peers for days, and the decomposition of fallen trees will nourish the soil for years to come.
People don’t know how you and Tighnari can coexist so well, and it’s because they don’t realize that the two of you are each other’s perfect mirror. You balance each other out; where Tighnari is strict and hotheaded, you are patient and soothing. When Tighnari laments the decline of a species, you are the one who brings him the skull of their ancestors to show him that these creatures have come a long way and will persist under his care.
When the two of you come home after a long day apart, you share stories and gripes about your daily work, smushed together on your too-small couch and watching over Collei as she studies her letters.
“I had to stop a would-be explorer from wandering into the Withering zone again,” Tighnari sighs, his ear flicking down to brush the top of your head.
“Unfortunate,” you muse. “I’m assuming you succeeded, given you’re in a relatively good mood.”
“Oh, of course,” he waves his hand at the notion. “No thanks to the idiot’s lack of compass, or common sense. How about you? You are terribly lucky you don’t have to suffer fools the same way I do.”
“A grandfather who passed last week was visited today,” you tell him. “His family requested that he be cremated, and have given me a pouch of his late wife’s ashes to send with him on his final journey.”
“That’s very kind of them,” Tighnari replies, the pad of his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand. Despite your love and respect for your job, and how many requests and wishes you fulfilled, there is always a vague sense of melancholy that follows you home.
“His granddaughter will be enrolled in school this year,” you continue, holding his hand in yours. “Her father said she seems to take an interest in her grandfather’s old books. She likes the pictures.”
“The cycle keeps moving,” Tighnari nods. The two of you are distracted as Collei exclaims in joy, leaping up from where she’s sitting on the floor (and isn’t that amazing? She regains a bit of her strength every day) running to you to show you the perfect score she’d gotten from her homework.
Yes, many people question how Tighnari can stand to be so close to you, but who else besides you two can perfectly balance life and death?
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