wholesomefluffdaddy · 6 hours
Enid: Wednesday, go apologize to Thing or I won't help you.
Wednesday: Yes, querida.
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Enid: Wednesday, I made a black cat costume for you.
Wednesday: Yes, querida.
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Enid: Wednesday, I made us matching snoods!
Wednesday: Yes, querida.
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Enid: Wednesday, please get rid of your creepy crime board.
Wednesday: Yes, querida.
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Enid: Wednesday, please hold me in your-
Wednesday: Yes, querida.
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Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 12
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous 🌔
I have had multiple sessions with my therapist between this entry and the previous as I try to come to terms with what happened on the day of the first quarter moon. I cannot fathom how I could utter the words I have come to despise from my parents' overuse. Calling Enid 'cara mia' has haunted me ever since. Strangely, my therapist found my spontaneous sexual arousal with Enid to be a more pressing matter, as did Enid. While I agree it did have importance, my primary concern was my utterance of my parents' so loathsomely frequent term of endearment and the fact that I had let it slip many more times since then when conversing with Enid.
Though I suppose she may have wanted to explore a possible connection between my sexual arousal and use of the words. I'll admit it was rather shocking to discover I could have such a feeling, especially while in contact with my werewolf Enid. She presented me with a handful of options and asked how I would like to proceed.
Firstly she asked if I would like to have Enid join in a session, so as to have everything out in the open. I declined as Enid did not need to see my ineptitude in navigating such matters. Second, she offered that we explore the history of my romantic partners. I failed to see its relevance and, likewise to the first proposal, I declined. Third, she strongly suggested we, at the very least, discuss the physiological and psychological aspects of sexual arousal and course of action on how to address it when such occurrences arise. Finally, she posited that it may be prudent to traverse my abhorrence towards my parents' incessant outward displays of affection. I found these last two options sensible and agreed to pursue them.
With our objectives set I was suddenly thrust into what one might call a 'crash course' of sexual education. I was somewhat surprised to learn that we would not be covering reproduction however. This was most perplexing. Is sexual arousal not a symptom or byproduct of an instinctual desire to reproduce? My therapist asked if sexual intercourse was solely for the purpose of producing offspring. I felt conflicted. My first answer was yes. People are driven by a base instinct to reproduce whether they wish to have offspring or not. She questioned my reasoning by asking what the point of contraceptives would be then. I stated that some at least have the foresight to see that they are incapable or are presently unable to care for their would-be spawn.
She asked if I knew about homosexuality. I had to rescind my previous answer. Sexual intercourse was also something that could be done to affirm social bonds. She questioned what my views were on both answers I had given. I had to pause to consider my thoughts. I stated that I had no desire to bare spawn and find reproduction to be highly unnecessary given the current state affairs and rapid destruction of the Earth. I was not surprised by her hypothetical question of if my views would be different if the world wasn't experiencing such turmoil. My answer remained the same.
Her follow-up was to have me speculate why I felt sexual arousal while Enid and I exchanged oral greetings. I pondered this before returning to my second answer. I clearly wished to affirm my social bond with Enid as packmates. She asked if I wanted to affirm social bonds with any others, such as acquaintances or friends. I frowned. I had no desire to, plus the symptom only occurred when I was in the presence of my werewolf companion. She asked why I thought that was. I had no answer other than that I feel close to Enid, which is natural considering our status as packmates.
Next I was instructed to take my time and reflect on the nature of my physical and emotional attractions to others. There was nothing to consider. I felt attraction to no one. She brought up my previous relationships and asked me to explain them if I felt no attraction. I was troubled by the question. Why did I court and let myself be courted? I thought about the wretched date with the Hyde creature. It was in a location Enid had once selected for a surprise birthday party. I remarked with fondness that Enid understood I would find a crypt intriguing (though admittedly I was too distracted by my ongoing murder investigation to fully appreciate it). She pressed further, why did that particular date come to mind?
I thought harder. I recalled watching the torturous movie about an annoyingly bubbly and yet surprisingly intellectual blonde overcoming substantial obstacles. Not too dissimilar from another blonde I know. She asked me to think about Tyler. What was he doing during that date that I liked? What was I thinking or feeling about him at the time? Why was that date so memorable that it popped into my mind first? I found this line of questioning to be unusually difficult to answer and grew rather frustrated. For whatever reason Enid kept drifting to the forefront of my mind.
We had been fighting at the time the date had occurred. Though I was too stubborn to admit it then, I confessed that I missed Enid horribly. For the first time in my life solitude had become torture; as I had grown most accustomed to the werewolf's presence and warmth. I rambled aimlessly about how I desired nothing but death after the argument with Enid and her request to room with the mosquito Tanaka. It was under this state of woeful anguish that I became increasingly more impulsive, as if nothing really mattered with Enid's absence. I posited that for being the only reason I agreed to the wretched date with the Hyde. The crypt reminded me of Enid, the fairy lights strung across it reminded me of Enid, the movie reminded me of Enid. Evidently I was trying to fill an Enid shaped hole with whatever creature, no matter how foul, would take me after her departure.
My therapist took great interest in my wandering thoughts. I did not. I requested that we return to discussing the means of dealing with sudden and unexpected sexual arousal. She raised no further questions on the matter and suggested we take a short break before we switched back to said topic. The respit was rather beneficial as it allowed me time to recompose myself. I was taken aback by how affected I was from retelling such events from the past.
Once the respit concluded we dove straight into the topic of my spontaneous sexual arousal. She asked if I knew of any ways to address such a physical malady. I admitted that I paradoxically both did and did not. She had me extrapolate. I suggested self stimulation. She asked why I didn't sound confident in my answer. I explained that while I knew of the actions' existence I never studied or practiced it, for I had no need until recently. The matter was subsequently discussed in greater depth with more technical terms. I was reassured that there was no pressure to 'masturbate' and that I should address that matter however I saw fit.
The conversation was uncomfortable but informative. I must find a way to ask Enid for us to pause our greetings so that I may deal with my physical needs in private should they become too overwhelming. Perhaps I shall also inquire as to whether she too experiences sexual arousal when we greet, and if so, how does she deal with it?
We then reached the final topic for today's session, my parents. She asked fewer questions as she wished for me to simply share my experiences and thoughts on them. I began by listing the numerous ways my parents display affection. I likened them to exhibitionists, for they drape themselves over each other so shamelessly regardless of the setting. Their sickening pet names are uttered with such frequency I truly wonder if they have forgotten their own names. They seem to have the uncontrollable desire to broadcast their relationship to every unfortunate soul within their immediate vicinity.
I expressed my displeasure at this very performative display. For whom are they trying to convince of their unwavering devotion and adoration? If I had a person for whom I cared deeply I would not vaunt of it for all the world to see. It would be a rather personal and private matter. My expressions of love would be for their eyes only, because only they would be worthy of such vulnerability, and that would make it all the more intimate. Our love would not need to be proven to anyone. It is our love and thus would be held privy only to us like a pearl hidden within an oyster.
My therapist posed a question, though she informed me she had a feeling as to its answer already, would I keep my love hidden because I was ashamed of it or my partner? I frowned. I would be ashamed of nothing nor my partner. She nodded thoughtfully and asked if I would deny to myself if I was in love; out of feelings of resentment towards my parents' very public displays of love and affection. I dismissed such a childish notion. If I was experiencing feelings of great attraction I would not lie to myself. She asked if I really thought that was true. I scoffed. I reiterated that I have no attraction to anyone at present. I only wish to be a good packmate / partner to Enid and that it was more than enough for me.
She seemed to repress a heavy sigh and glanced at the clock. It appeared that our session was over. I thanked her for the relevant information and exited the room. Enid bounded towards me as I reached the foyer and we shared a quick greeting upon the lips before heading out.
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Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
CW: Sexual arousal (nothing too explicit)
Entry 11
Current Moon Phase: First Quarter 🌓
Enid has agreed to share some of her experiences on to how the different phases of the moon affect her. Had I known sooner that all I need do was ask - I digress. Enid explained how her canis lupus senses heighten as the moon waxes. I asked for her to elaborate further and provide examples; She decided to provide a demonstration.
As we sat upon her bed she suddenly sprung upon me and pinned me down. After the initial shock of the ambush subsided I calmly demanded an explanation and asked if she wished to be turned into a wolf skin rug. My threat was evidently ineffective, for she had a smug look about her. She informed me that she could 'smell' my mood and my bluff. I felt rather indignant at the accusation that I would make such an idle threat. She appeared not to take me seriously, for she rolled her eyes and did not release me.
I contested her assumption. She raised her eyebrows and leaned closer. I suddenly became aware that I was experiencing heart palpitations. She posited the query that if I didn't enjoy the current position; why had I continued to allow it? I was temporarily at a loss for words, perhaps because my mind was too preoccupied with the werewolf's lips, which I knew concealed a set of deadly fangs that could tear me to pieces. I begrudgingly had to admit I did not mind the physical arrangement. She asked me to extrapolate. I did not, for she did not need to know how being in the clutches of a formidable creature such as herself excited me. My werewolf is evidently growing bolder now that we are mates packmates.
She moved closer, while still maintaining her grip on my wrists. I caught the scent of peppermint as her breath rolled across my skin. She proceeded to initiate a typical werewolf greeting, one I have become most accustomed to over the past few weeks. However, she seemed to have miscalculated her aim as her lips landed upon my own instead of my cheek, which has been customary. My body, clearly fearing for its life, began preparing for a grand escape. I was keenly aware of my increased body temperature and growing tension in my lower abdomen. Likely sensing my distress Enid asked if she could 'continue?' I nodded for I appeared to be temporarily struck dumb. She greeted me several more times. Her aim was as equally bad as the first.
The way her lips crashed against my own, like the waves of the sea against the shore- Not wishing to be rude, and also hoping to affirm our bond, I greeted her back. I realized I must not be too harsh on Enid for missing my cheek, as my aim fared no better. I accidentally set my lips upon hers several times. The feeling was not unpleasant. Her lips were soft and supple and had faint traces of artificial cherry flavoring. I felt her grip tightened on my wrists. She asked if she could 'try something?' I acquiesced. She parted her lips as she pressed them once again to mine. Subconsciously, I began to mirror her, parting them ever so slightly. I was both surprised and not as her tongue ventured past my lips. With her heightened senses I assume she wanted to check my health; No doubt since I have been experiencing spontaneous fits of madness. Her tongue was most thorough in its inspection of my mouth, though it appeared to primarily focus on my own tongue. It seemed she wanted to wrestle it for dominance. I allowed it, for I assume it to be part of werewolf culture and provide her with further information.
As I submit to her tongue a new symptom suddenly overcame me that I couldn't quite place; a heightened sensitivity in my pelvic region. Though I was not within the predicted range of beginning my next menstrual cycle I felt a certain dampness becoming present. Enid's subtle placement of her knee between the fork of my legs only exacerbated the symptom. The feeling was not unlike an itch, however, I knew not how to 'scratch' this new sensation.
Having completed her inspection Enid withdrew and continued to greet me on the cheek. Perhaps driven by some other instinct, or werewolf custom, her lips soon trailed down to my neck. What I can only surmise to be a silent scream attempted to escape my lips as the apex predator osculated along my jugular.
Enid pressed closer as I involuntarily arched my back. I closed my eyes so as to focus through my other senses. I could hear Enid begin to growl subtly as she devoured my neck. I gasped for air as I realized I was forgetting to breathe. I felt her fangs drag across my skin as she opened her mouth. I waited on tenterhooks for an inevitable bite. 'Willa?' She had stopped. 'Am I going to fast again?' I was perplexed at her query and opened my eyes to check. From my vantage point I was able to confirm that we had remained stationary upon her bed. 'What?' I asked numbly. Her smile appeared nervous as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
'I just wanted to check because you seem like really conflicted or confused about something.' She stated. I blinked in surprise. Could she smell such a thing? Or perhaps taste it? (Would it be the levels of noradrenaline? Acetylcholine?) That aside, what would I possibly be confused about? As I pondered this she softly caressed my cheek. I closed my eyes at her touch, but for why, I do not know. It was obvious that I needed to keep my eyes open and fixed upon such a potentially dangerous creature. As I forced myself to open them an overwhelming pang of yearning suddenly gripped my chest as I was captured in the werewolf's cerulean gaze. I do not know for what I yearned, but it spread through my entirety, like a burning poison that set my senses ablaze.
The unexplainable madness had once again hijacked my body. My hand, under its volition, took Enid's and pressed it to my lips. The werewolf's eyes widened and color flushed her face. I tried in desperation to voice that I was not in control but the words that left my lips were 'I need something.' The increased heat radiating off the werewolf was quite noticeable. 'You need…?' For whatever reason her eyes trailed south. 'Oh!' She exclaimed quietly as her eyes darted back to mine. 'W-what do you need?' Her voice was somewhat timorous. I was flummoxed at my own question. What did the madness crave? 'I don't know.' Was my dissatisfying answer. The werewolf looked nonplussed. Finding her voice she asked 'Do you want me to-?' She made a foreign gesture with her hands. I furrowed my brow in response. 'You're horny, right?' She whispered the second word. My insanity was apparently contagious. 'I do not possess horns nor do I feel as if I am being prodded by any.'
Enid stared at me with her mouth agape. 'Willa, have you-? Have you never been horny before?' 'What?' I responded. Enid ran a hand through her hair. 'Have you ever had a certain, um, 'amorous' feeling before?' She asked with hesitation and possible embarrassment. 'What do you mean a 'certain amorous feeling'?' I requested for further clarification. 'You know, uh… When you feel- When your body feels 'hot' down there.' She seemed to be struggling with how best to phrase her explanation. She pointed downwards, toward my pelvic region. 'It feels tense and damp.' I stated. 'And yet I am not due to start my menstrual cycle for at least another two weeks or so and I don't appear to be incontinent.' More blood appeared to rush to the werewolf's face. In apparent self consciousness she covered it. 'Wednesday! You can't do this to me right now!' She exclaimed behind her hands.
'Do what? I have done nothing.' I frowned at her. 'Wednesday Addams!' She said sternly as she lowered her hands. I swallowed at the sudden change in her tone. I also observed that she had pinned my wrists down once more. Her lips captured mine and her tongue demanded entrance to my mouth. I allowed it without question. Clearly she needed answers that I couldn't provide in my current mental state. An unfamiliar sound rose up inside me as she pressed her knee more firmly between my legs. I struggled to escape her grasp and she released my wrists at once. She drew back, watching me closely. I was not done greeting her and pulled her back in.
The madness was evidently satiated by maintaining a physical closeness with my packmate. Out of curiosity I slipped my tongue past her lips. While I lack the canis lupus genes I still wondered if I could collect any information from the inside of her mouth. Enid allowed its exploration and decided to do some exploration of her own. I felt her hands trail along the sides of my body. For whatever reason the madness rejoiced at the contact and demanded more. I felt myself grip Enid tighter in an attempt to appease it. After a moment or two the werewolf had apparently finished greeting me and pulled away.
I was left panting for some reason, and my body screamed in protest at being separated from the werewolf. I tried to pull her back but she withdrew from my touch. 'Willa, as much as I want to continue, and I really want to continue, I can't.' She said seriously. 'Not while you don't know what 'that' is.' She gestured to my lower half. 'I feel like I'd be taking advantage of you.' I propped myself up and to my horror found that the dampness between my legs had grown exponentially. 'I shall see a doctor at once.' I informed her as I carefully climbed off her bed.
'Call your therapist.' She said bluntly before laying back down and covering her face with a pillow. 'Yes, of course, cara mia.' I froze as I realized what jeopardous words had been born from my lips. I quickly covered them to prevent any more folly. '…What was that?' Enid had begun to ask as she lowered the pillow. I fled the room.
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Must be a fur thing
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Ayt imma drop another short scenario before I once again disappear.
Wednesday comes back to their dorm after a long day of being a menace to society. Enid is on her laptop streaming the latest release of her favorite kpop group.
“You seem exhausted.” Enid comments.
“I regret that I have used too much energy today. I’m not fond of using too many hours on sleep.” Wednesday grumbles.
“You still need to though.”
“Don’t worry about my sleeping habits, Enid. I tend to wake up the same time everyday no matter how little hours I sleep so not a day is wasted.”
Enid ponders for a moment. Wednesday can obviously take care of herself but that doesn’t mean Enid doesn’t worry every time her girlfriend is sleep deprived or forgets a meal. She thought of a plan to get her to put in more sleep hours just as she saw Wednesday about to go to her desk instead of her bed.
“I’m getting pretty sleepy myself.” Enid started. “But umm…”
Wednesday turns to her.
“I was gonna ask you something but you seem busy.”
Wednesday walks over to Enid. “I apologize I spend too much time away from you, mon loupe. But please never be embarrassed to ask me of something.” She said as she caressed the werewolf’s cheek.
“Could we maybe cuddle? Just until I fall asleep then you can go back to whatever you need to do.”
“Very well.” Wednesday gives her a small reassuring smile.
They settle on Enid’s bed with arms around each other and legs tangled. Enid sighs contentedly but feigns sleep. Thanks to her sharp werewolf senses she notices Wednesday’s heartbeat slow down. She peeks and sees her girlfriend has fallen asleep first. She smiles to herself and settles once again to join her mate in slumber.
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I picture Wednesday as this absolute fool in love who just blue screens every time Enid flirts with her. She's not switching to another language to speak to Enid because she's trying to be suave, no no. She switches languages because her brain short circuit and she forgets how to speak English. Her brain just goes blank.
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First day back home and Wednesday can finally relax now
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Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 10
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent 🌒
While the topic of packmates was brought up and it was confirmed that we are indeed packmates, Enid and I have yet to define it's parameters. I plan to discuss the matter with her prior to her accompanying me to my appointment. I shall have to remember to record our agreed upon definition upon my return as I have found my current affliction to cause me to forget things, along with temporarily losing my ability to converse in English.
-YourFavoriteFruitBat is now livestreaming-
"What's up my LGBTs! And by that I mean Lycans, Gorgons, Babes, and Transylvanian Transplants! Today I'm here with an update on Nevermore's hottest slowburn of the century: Wenid Watch! But seriously guys, we need to come up with a better ship name than that. Moving on! What's new with everyone's favorite golden retriever good girl and bad tempered black cat? Let's find out!"
"And while we're on the hunt for our clueless couple, our would-be werelovers, let's check in with chat. Scales_of_Sapphire says 'You're going to get a stake to the heart.' Hey, that's the price of journalism baby. Ston3dGaz3r says 'That's my ex' frowny face. Oof sorry Ajax but the people want what the people want! And it looks like we have time for one more-! Oh shit, my girl just texted me. Give me one minute chat… DIV! You can't send me these kind of pics during a livestream!"
"Chat if only you knew the kind of tail I was getting. Let's just say this fruit bat has a thing for sashimi if you know what I mean. Wait, hold on chat, I think we've spotted one half of our hapless duo. There she is, the one black cat you certainly don't want crossing your path, Wednesday Addams. What's she up to? Let's sneak over while still maintaining a safe distance. Goth girls like these could go off at any moment without the slightest warning and- Shit! Sorry! Almost didn't see you there Enid!"
"What are you doing Yoko?"
"Just showing the lovely people of Nevermore the latest drama around the quad. Isn't that right chat?"
"How do you have so many viewers right now?"
"Ah, well, you know how everyone loves the latest gossip."
"What gossip? Wait. Oh my god-! Did Cario and CC get back together?"
"Girl, who-? Nevermind. Hey, I saw Wednesday sulking off in the corner over-"
"Oh, she's not sulking. She's just waiting for her mate."
"…Her WHAT? Enid! Get back here! Chat, you heard that too, right? What in the-?"
"Hey Willa."
"Oh my god. Chat, are you seeing this!? Did these two actually find a map to navigate themselves out of denial? I don't believe it. I've got to get closer."
"I hope that was an adequate enough greeting."
"More than adequate, silly."
"I see. Dos besos. I shall commit it to memory."
"So what did you want to talk about? Don't you have your appointment soon?"
"Sí, I mean yes, that is precisely why I must discuss this with you. It was my assigned homework and I do not wish to return with it incomplete."
"Okay, so what's up?"
"Our… relationship. I must request your assistance in defining it."
"What is it that you require of me?"
"Require of you?"
"Yes, what duties shall I be expected to complete?"
"Willa, I don't… I'm not expecting you to do anything other than being yourself. That's what I like most about you."
"…You want a checklist, don't you?"
"That would be greatly appreciated, yes."
"Okay, well, um, what do you think you need to do in our relationship? Maybe we could go from there?"
"Ah, yes, I assume that is as good a starting point as any. I believe I have a duty to protect you to the best of my abilities."
"Okay and?"
"And I should bring you sustenance, seeing as you have for me."
"And I shall continue to demonstrate my hunting prowess, perhaps with prey larger than the current ones I have been offering."
"Wait, you've been hunting?"
"Yes, I- Have the spiders really been so unsatisfactory?"
"That's why you've been bringing me spiders!?"
"I- I apologize if their size has been too meager, if you do not even consider them prey. I can-"
"Willa, I'm going to stop you right there."
"Yes, of course."
"Okay, so we don't have time to unpack all of that. Maybe that's something you can do at therapy today. Anyway! Wednes, why do you think you need to hunt for me?"
"I… Lo siento- I am deeply sorry for offending you, mi loba- Enid. I understand that you are perfectly capable of hunting greater prey than the pittance I foolishly deemed fit to bring you."
"How may I make up for this egregious error on my part?"
"You don't."
"Wednes, you didn't make a mistake. I mean, you did, but not in a thoughtless or mean way."
"But I have incorrectly assumed-"
"Yeah, you tend to do that a lot without checking."
"Please, help me understand my misstep. I want to know exactly where my misplaced presumption lies so that I do not make it again."
"Okay so, uh, let's see… First of all, you don't have to hunt for me. And not because I think you're bad at it or because the 'prey' isn't big enough because, holy shit Willa, some of those spiders were massive! But that's not the point. I don't need you to hunt for me because I don't need it. I don't hunt."
"But the night of the Hunter's Moon-"
"That was like, uncontrollable instinct. I don't hunt. I don't need to. Everything I need I can just get here."
"I see."
"But I think that it was a very sweet gesture, you hunting for me and everything."
"Than I shall-"
"No more spiders! Willa, please, if you have to hunt for anything please let it be like chocolate or steak tartar or cute plushies."
"Noted. I find it fascinating that you are able to consume chocolate despite your canis lupus genetics."
"Yeah, well, I can't have as much of it the closer it gets to the full moon or I get really bad tummy aches."
"I shall keep that in mind, mon loup."
"Hey Willa? Can I ask you something?"
"But of course."
"Why do you keep doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"Speaking in different languages when you get flustered?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"No, no! Don't get upset! I think it's really cute!"
"Muy linda! Me insultas! Qué he hecho para merecer esto?"
"Willa I have no idea what you're saying but you look adorable."
"Adorable? Je suis tellement en colère que je ne peux même pas parler!"
"Aw, Wednes."
"Cosa fai? Liberami, lupa crudele!"
"Let's get you to your appointment, πουλάκι μο."
"You don't know Greek?"
"Well, maybe I could teach you some Greek words on the way and maybe you could teach me some words in… whatever language you slip into the most?"
"…I find your terms agreeable, mia lupa."
"Holy shit chat! Did you catch all of that? Wait, what do you mean I'm muted? Fuuuuuck!"
-YourFavoriteFruitBat has ended the livestream-
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In Wednesday S2 our favourite girls realised that bedtime cuddles work really well for their shared PTSD following the Crackstone night.
After a couple of days Wends says “I have read that to calm newborn babies skin on skin contact is preferred, maybe that would work for both of us to speed up our recovery?”
Enid: “S-so y-you are saying we should take our clothes off Willa?”
Wends: “Yes Enid all of them to gain the maximum benefit. I can get the scientific papers to prove it to you if you would like.”
Enid: “So are you saying this is just science to you?”
Wends, smiling very very slightly: “Yes Enid. Science.”
Enid, ripping off her bra: “I fucking love science.”
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I really love the idea of Wednesday and Enid becoming so close and comfortable with each other, before they get together, that they don’t really hold up any pretenses with each other anymore. Which is pretty much how everyone else figures out that they’re dating before they do.
But seriously, they don’t have any issue with holding hands just as a basic comfort thing. It helps remind them that they’re both still alive, and they’re safe now. They obviously hug quite a few times, though that’s a rarer thing for them due to Wednesday’s aversion to touch. And sitting pressed against each other is their version of cuddling, again due to Wednesday’s aversion to touch, and so they do it all the time.
And over time, they grow more and more lackadaisical about wearing clothes around each other. At first, it’s nothing too wild, just Enid wearing boxers and a loose shirt and Wednesday wearing clothes that don’t hide all her skin. But in barely any time at all, they’re both going full days without whole articles of clothing. Hell, one time Enid went a whole weekend without wearing any pants or underwear and neither of them paid any mind to it.
And of course, their favorite, and after some point, their only way to sleep was together in one of their beds and completely naked.
Really, it reflects their budding vulnerability with each other. They’re not embarrassed to show themselves fully to the other, neither emotionally nor physically. And I think that’s special. Because even in the show, it’s established pretty quickly that neither of them is afraid to tell the other how it is straight to their face. I mean, that whole back and forth they had that totally wasn’t flirting (🙄) just shows how strong their relationship is, before any feelings are even formed.
And I think it’s way more of a stretch to say that there isn’t any chemistry between them. But that’s just me lol.
Anyway, I’m rambling now, so I’ll shut up lol
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 10 days
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 11 days
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y’all… let’s talk about the gay tension in this scene PLEASE. wednesday letting enid grab her arm and drag her LITERALLY wherever tf she wanted, enid staring at wednesday’s lips with that fucking oh-my-god-i’m-so-attracted-to-you lesbian ass look, both of them about to fucking STEP ON EACH OTHER WITH HOW CLOSE THEY’RE WALKING-
also it makes me so soft to think about even though enid was celebrating, she immediately realized wednesday’s absence and went to find her. there’s something so gay about that, like. she just wants to be with her pretty roomie all the time, so what if she’s planning their wedding in her head?? so WHAT if all she can do is stare like 0_0 at her lips and think about kissing the mess out of her??? she literally can’t help it. not her fault she’s a raging queer.
and then there’s this…
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i feel like i’m intruding-
wednesday isn’t even subtle, she wants to kiss. so bad. and those EYES? my gOD SHE’S ACTUALLY IN LOVE. AND THE WAY SHE WATCHES HER LEAVE?? WENS YOU’RE A HOMO, BABE. A 🗣️HOMO. also her saying that she’ll think about hanging out with enid and her friends because she’s fucking SOFT for enid and she’s willing to try uncomfortable things for her and she doesn’t want to hurt her feelings by saying no because she CARES. WEDNESDAY ADDAMS CARES ABOUT ENID SINCLAIR AND I WON’T SHUT UP ABOUT IT. TRY AND MAKE ME.
ugh. they’re both disasters, and it makes me a disaster, and i just want to protect them forever and ever and ever.
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 11 days
Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 9
Current Moon Phase: New Moon 🌑
Before I record my new findings I must confess that I may have panicked when Enid placed her lips upon my skin. I am aware that it was illogical but I seem to be in a rather illogical state of mind as of late. I shall have to discuss this with my therapist at our next session.
Once my brain chemistry had returned to normal levels I was able to rationalize Enid's actions. As I continue to document my subject I have found it prudent to study the social behavior of wolves, as there is much overlap between them and their lycanthropic kin. I have learned that wolves will lick or 'kiss' the muzzles of their packmates as a form of greeting. This shouldn't have been surprising as some human cultures have a similar custom. Clearly Enid was greeting me in a typical werewolf manner and nothing more. Not that I would assume there to be anything more; for what more could there be?
While this new form of greeting was rather startling I feel that I could grow accustomed to it, especially as I have learned there is a much more invasive way of greeting among wolves. I have read how wolves will oftentimes stick their tongues in the mouths of their fellow packmates to gain information about them such as mood, hormonal changes, and so on. While I understand it is a simple formality I would not be ready for such a greeting yet. Perhaps Enid took this into consideration on my behalf? I shall have to ponder this later.
Seeing as I was unable to discuss the matter of being packmates the previous week I once again devised a plan for discussing it. I also wished to observe the effects, or possible lack thereof, of the new moon on my werewolf companion. With both goals firmly in mind I made a request of Enid to join me for a coffee in town. I chose this setting as to allow for greater privacy, as I did not wish to have an audience. I also did not want to catch Enid off guard so I informed her via my mobile telephone that I desired to discuss something of great importance with her.
Enid seemed very enthusiastic about receiving my message, for she sent many more in response. I assume her promptness in which she wanted to respond was the reason for her abbreviations and misspelling of many words as well as the addition of several unnecessary punctuation marks. I wrote her back informing her that her questions would be answered to the best of my abilities and that she could answer mine in turn.
Enid arrived at the Weathervane ten minutes prior to our agreed upon meeting time. She appeared to be somewhat anxious. Perhaps something had occurred during her commute? Either way she wasted no time ordering and promptly sitting down across from me at the booth I selected. She was quick to inquire as to what I wanted to discuss. I considered her for a moment. She still appeared distressed. I attempted to ease the tension by complimenting her appearance. However, my mind had once again abandoned me and I spoke not in English.
'But I already shut the door?' Enid had responded in confusion, glancing back at the entry to the Weathervane. I was most perplexed and blinked slowly. 'Why'd you ask that in a French accent?' She asked. I appeared to be speaking French this time but could not recall what I had said. Enid rose slowly as her name was called to retrieve her order. I began to panic slightly. Would I be able to discuss our status as packmates? What if this lapse in cognitive function made it infeasible to converse in English? As Enid returned to the table I quickly stood up. Perhaps I could right some of these errors with a simple werewolf greeting?
I placed my hands on Enid's arms and stretched upwards to place a quick kiss upon her cheek. Having completed the greeting I pulled back. Enid stared at me with wide eyes as she fluffed out. I was gripped with an even greater anxiety. Had I greeted her incorrectly? Enid continued to stare at me as she sat down. I hurried to mirror her and sat down as well. I prepared to intercept her question just as she began to open her mouth. Misfortune seemed to have taken favor with me, for in my haste I bungled my words. I had meant to ask 'What are we as packmates?' However, I instead asked 'Are we mates?'
Enid spat out a fair amount of coffee. Evidently she had gone to sip her drink rather than ask me a question. Her cheeks flushed with color as she wiped her mouth. I felt my own grow rather hot at my verbal faux pas. I tried again. 'S'il te plaît, pardonne-moi' I began then stopped as I was once again cursed to speak in tongues that were not applicable to my current situation. 'Willa, why do you keep talking like that?' Enid whispered. 'Je ne sais pas!' My mind was waging war against itself in an apparent attempt at self sabotage. 'Lo siento.' I had managed to switch languages but not to my intended one. I gripped the table and considered making a retreat until my sanity saw fit to return to me.
I nearly jumped as I felt Enid's soft warm hands envelope my own. 'Willa-?' She shook her head. 'Wednesday' She had begun in a much more serious tone. Without stating it directly she had commanded me to look at her. I felt trapped in those cerulean eyes as if I were stranded in the middle of the ocean without a life preserver. She applied a steady pressure to my hands. 'Do you want to be mates?' I was beginning to drown in those pools of piercing blue. I numbly felt my body act without my volition. It was as if I was a specter observing from afar. I saw myself nod but was too numb to feel it. I wanted to scream for correction; to clarify any possible misunderstanding.
'Estoy asustada.' Was all I could manage to muster. The shock of saying something so obviously against my nature was enough to break me from my paralytic state. I blinked and tore my eyes away from the wolf to scowl at myself. 'Willa, what are you saying?' She asked. 'I don't know. I think I'm going mad.' I replied earnestly. There was a moment of silence. I looked down at my captured hands. Enid was stroking them gently with her thumbs. This brought some sort of comfort. Perhaps because a formidable predator had me restrained and could end me from suffering even further embarrassment.
'I think you're having a panic attack.' The werewolf informed me. I swallowed. The shame I felt was incredible. How could I be so weak? I balled my hands into fists, or at least tried to while in the werewolf's grasp. 'Can I try something? To help you out of it?' She offered. I nodded again. 'This might hurt a little.' She said. My curiosity was piqued and then I felt it, a sharp prick. I looked down to see the werewolf digging her thumb claws into my hand. The rush of clarity and relief from my panicked state was immeasurable. I looked up at her with gratitude but for some reason my heart palpitations continued.
Enid did not catch my eye this time as she instead kept them fixed upon the hands of her captured prey. She frowned at the small beads of blood she had drawn but kept her claws in. 'I want to be mates too.' She said lightly. I felt a sudden elation I couldn't place. Obviously she meant packmates, because she knew the nuances of the situation. She was choosing to abbreviate the term as I had done, likely as a way to comfort me and my disastrous initial attempt at beginning the conversation.
'I want to take things slow but I don't know if I can, with you.' She had said with a shy smile. I too felt the hint of a grin tug at my lips until her eyes pounced upon me again. I froze like a mouse before a cat. I remained trapped in her gaze as she once again applied pressure to my hand with her claws. A discomfiting sound escaped my lips which I shall not elaborate on further. I wanted nothing more than for my packmate to maul me in that moment. I believe some part of her desired that as well for the look she gave me not so subtly indicated a deep hunger. As if anticipating death, or at the very least a light maiming at her hands, I felt myself lean forward slightly.
A heard the quietest of growls escaped her as she leaned closer in turn. Her lips began to part and I felt my own reciprocate. My mind began to fill with a suffocating haze and my heartbeat thundered deafeningly in my ears. Just as I thought she was about to close the gap between us she paused. 'Wens?' The concern in her voice struck me like a slap across the face. What had I done now? I followed her gaze downward. I appeared to be gripping her hands for dear life. My body also seemed to be experiencing mild tremors, likely a new symptom manifesting from the current madness engulfing me.
I quickly released her hands and withdrew. I looked out the window in an attempt to quell my mind and conceal my illness. 'Sorry.' I heard the werewolf murmur. 'I guess that was a little too fast, huh?' Yes, perhaps it was too soon for a mauling and a public setting such as the Weathervane felt rather inappropriate for such an intimate matter. I agreed and kept my eyes averted. I was unable to complete any further research.
Dear Diary,
So I know last time I said this but - you are NOT going to believe what happened today! 😳 Okay, so first of all Willa asked if we could go grab coffee with the most ominous text ever 😰
Enid, I humbly request your presence at the Weathervane this morning at 9am sharp. We must discuss an important matter regarding the status of our relationship that can no longer be avoided.
I thought I was going to DIE! 😵 That was somehow so much worse than just 'we need to talk.' And of course she didn't elaborate on in further when I started panic texting her back I was so worried that I misread her signals (which, like, can anyone read her signals? Is she even sending signals?) when I kissed her last week. I was scared that I messed up and she was going to ask to move out or something 😥
But! I noticed she's kept the wolf stuffed animal I left her so I figured there was maybe a 50/50 chance she just maybe, possibly, wanted to ask me out? Anyway, I showed up early (because I was losing my mind!) I order, I go over to her, I ask her what's up and she says 'Jhut da door'? Maybe it was French? (I don't know, I never paid attention in that class) And I was so confused and then they called my order -
Anyway! I get back, Willa gets up, and OHMYGOD. SHE. KISSED. ME. (on the cheek) 😵 I didn't know what was going on but at least I wasn't worried about her asking to move out anymore But it didn't stop there - I go to have a sip of my coffee and Willa just blurts out 'Are we mates?' OMG I thought I was going to shoot coffee out my nose - Were we dating this whole time and I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT?
I started freaking out - Willa started freaking out - we were both freaking OUT 😨😨 Willa starts speaking in French and maybe some other language at some point. I ask what's going on and she looks like she's about to run. I take her hands to try and calm her down. I have to have an answer! I have to try to calm down so I can ask if she wants to be mates, because Willa-! Do you know what you're asking? 😳😳😳 She has this terrified look in her eyes but nods. I feel like I'm about to wolf out in the middle of the Weathervane, she looks like she's screaming internally, and then she whispers something. (Willa! What are you saying?) I ask her what she's saying and then she just gives me this dead-eyed look and is like 'I think I'm going mad.' OMG. Willa. You're not mad - just emotionally constipated!
But then I noticed something really going wrong. I could smell her adrenaline and cortisol levels going through the roof. I think that took everything out of her just to ask if we are romantically involved 😥 I just kept holding her hands and let her know that I think she's having a panic attack. Her panic only seems to get worse and now she looks like she wants to die. 😰 I know suggesting breathing exercises, and talking it out aren't going to work at that moment so I went with the next best thing… I dug my claws into her hands. 😔 I know that pain is one of the few things that could pull her out of a panic attack but I don't like it.
Once I start drawing blood… I could smell that it stopped. I told her that I wanted to be mates too... She didn't say anything but her response was obvious. However, when I went to look at her she became immediately frightened. Worried that she might have another panic attack, I squeezed her hands again. She, uh 😳 She made an interesting noise! I couldn't take my eyes off her now and she started leaning forward. Just as I start leaning forward to share our 💕 first kiss 💕 she starts shaking like a leaf! 😣💔 I stop and she pulls away like she's terrified. She practically curled up into a ball! I apologized for taking things too fast. (I just really wanted to kiss her )
She didn't talk much after that. I felt so bad. 😢 I know Wednesday can get overwhelmed really quickly from anything having to do with emotions or expressing them openly. I told her I was going to leave, you know, to give her some space if she needed, but she shook her head, got up and took my hand saying that she was going with me - with her mate ❤️
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 15 days
Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 8
Current Moon Phase: Waning Crescent 🌘
I decided it was time to broach the subject of being packmates with Enid but fate evidently had other plans. My plan was to wait for Enid to wake, accompany her (as per usual) down to the cafeteria, and discuss the topic over breakfast. However, upon waking I discovered that Enid wasn't present. Instead I found a note tied around the neck of a stuffed animal. The stuffed animal, a small wolf to be exact, had been tucked into my bed next to me. The message informed me that the werewolf was attending one of the numerous extracurricular activities she is involved in. She would be gone for most of the morning but promised to return before noon with a 'special treat' for me.
I was admittedly forlorn at her absence. My daily routine typically includes watching over Enid until she awakens - purely for academic reasons of course, as much can be learned from observing a sleeping werewolf. In my time observing her slumber I have noticed her 'wolf out' or shift unintentional in minor ways; growing claws, lengthening fangs, increased body hair, slight extensions of limbs, etc. I can only assume these are akin to talking or walking in one's sleep. Enid is oftentimes growling while she shifts, I assume in response to any dreams or nightmares she may be experiencing. The sound sends the most marvelous shivers down my spine, not to mention how prepossessing she looks during her slumber.
With my plans dashed I decided upon my next course of action. Enid's note indicated she would be bringing me a treat (likely sustenance of some sort) and I wished to return the favor. I considered hunting down another spider but unfortunately I appear to have decimated the entire population that once lived in our dorm. Somewhat disappointed, I contemplated an adequate alternative as I headed down to the cafeteria.
Unsurprisingly I was ambushed by the troublesome bloodsucker Tanaka while I attempted to enjoy my breakfast in solitude. She asked as to Enid's whereabouts, quipping that we must have had a spat if I was off 'sulking' on my own. I corrected her vexatious assumptions by stating Enid was attending to one of her countless extracurriculars and she was, in fact, not upset with me as she would be bringing me a gift upon her return. The vampire appeared to be lost in thought after my answer (However, that would be operating under the erroneous presupposition that the irritating leech was capable of thought). She then asked if I had anything in mind that I wanted to give Enid in return.
I considered her question before erroneously assuming it would be inconsequential to inform her. I shared my thoughts about catching another spider for her. Unfortunately, the two sirens, Portokalos and Barklay, happened to be passing by as they heard my proposal. They joined my table without invitation and began questioning me at once. The vampire quickly explained my current quandary. I did not care for their responses 'of fucking course.' I do not understand their frequent use of the expletive as a superfluous word but I digress. Their looks of incredulity made me question my would-be bestowal. Was a spider really such a common gift? Their expressions appeared to indicate such.
Against my better judgment I invited their recommendations on gifts for Enid. Portokalos suggested a stuffed animal, Tanaka an illicit substance, and Barclay a handmade gift. Of all the terrible propositions, Barclay's seemed the most acceptable. I voiced this opinion. Barclay added the stipulation that 'if you have to go with something weird, go with kooky rather than spooky.' While I did not ask for any further input they began discussing the matter amongst themselves as to what I should make for Enid. I found it most irksome and made to leave but they joined me, continuing their conversation. As I wandered the halls they proceeded to pester me with their dreadful ideas.
I decided to head for the library, in that if they insisted on following me they would at least have to quiet down. It was only somewhat successful. A proposal was made that I should write Enid a poem. The idea was tempting, until they began to squabble about the type of poem it should be; haiku, limerick, or free verse. I personally had a preference towards a sonnet but I felt that a haiku would be adequate.
Moonlight, blonde, pink, blue,
Your howls disrupt my slumber,
Simple, joyous wolf
Apparently my haiku was the cause of much merriment among my unwanted companions. I did not care for their criticisms. As I prepared to leave I was joined by evermore undesired company; the siren Kent Portokalos and a certain dimwitted and detestably wretched gorgon. The bothersome mosquito informed them of my predicament. Apparently Nevermore students love nothing more than to stick their noses into the business of others.
In an attempt to escape the mass of meddlesome busybodies I headed for the hives. The swarms of bees unfortunately did not dissuade them from following. Eugene appeared startled and most perplexed at the invading crowd. I made to inform him of my plight but once again the bloodsucker felt the need to expose my personal matters. Eugene seemed both surprised and not at my dilemma. He was most generous in offering a jar of recently harvested honey. The jury behind me evidently could not come to a consensus as to whether this gift was suitable. Ignoring their persistent and unsolicited advice I pocketed the honey and continued on my ever maddening quest.
It was not long before a mob soon amassed and began tormenting me with a barrage of never ending suggestions. Evidently I have been woefully unaware how invested the students of the academy were with my trivial pursuit of appeasing Enid with a simple offering. I was left with no option but to make a hasty retreat back to my dorm room.
Once I returned I began to pace as I tried to come up with a suitable gift to bestow upon my werewolf. I rewrote my poem but I felt that it alone wasn't enough. I considered expressing my gratitude through a painting. However, I lacked the necessary materials and was not keen on leaving the quiet sanctuary of my dorm. I noticed Enid's crafting supplies out of the corner of my eye. An idea came to mind as I glanced between it and the stuffed animal still sitting in my bed. While I lack the knowledge of knitting and crocheting, I at least know the basics when it comes to sewing (Albeit from stitching up superficial wounds but I believed the same principles would apply).
With a clear vision in mind I set to work. However, it soon became clear that while there was indeed an overlap when it came to stitching, it did not make up for my lack of stuffed animal design skills. I have never constructed such a soft sculpture before and the task was more difficult than anticipated. Panic soon gripped me as I glanced between my unfinished work and the time. I had but an hour left before her return. I tried my best to ignore it and press on.
Without my awareness, many hours had soon passed and all I had to show for it was a crudely made amorphous dragon. Thoroughly disappointed in myself I checked the time once again. I was alarmed to see how late it had gotten. I was even more so worried that Enid had not returned. Her note had clearly stated that she would return prior to noon. It was well past noon and yet she was still absent. I spun around in my chair as I heard the door to our dorm open. The relief I felt was immeasurable as the boisterous werewolf blithely bounced in.
I scrambled to my feet and hurriedly gathered the fruits of my labor. She glided over without a care in the world and informed me that her activities had run longer than expected and she was most apologetic for being late. She placed what smelled like a latte with four shots of espresso onto my desk.
For some unknown reason my mind became blank. I unceremoniously shoved my gifts for Enid into her arms and blurted 'for you' - except I couldn't seem to recall the words in English. Enid was blinking slowly in obvious confusion as she tried to process my unusual behavior. She echoed back my words 'para ti?' I tried once again. 'Lo hice para ti.' I had said and pointed. Enid looked down at my poor attempt at a thoughtful gesture. For a painfully long moment there was silence. She looked at each item in turn, the poem, the jar of honey, and the lumpy dragon.
When I saw tears begin to form in her eyes I felt wretched. My pittance of a gift had obviously offended her greatly, or so it seemed at the moment. Before I could apologize I felt Enid's lips press against my cheek…
I had many thoughts and yet no thoughts at all. Enid pulled back and thanked me for the 'wonderful gifts.' I had no words yet I seemed to have mumbled something, I believe in Italian this time. My grasp of the English language was eluding me for some unknown reason. I returned to my bed, in the hope that sleep would return me to my senses. To expedite my slumber I buried myself under the weight of numerous blankets.
Dear Diary,
You will not believe what happened today! I think Willa tried to ask me out? 😳 When I got back from my yearbook committee meeting she gave me a bunch of stuff and said something in another language. (I think it was Spanish?) Anyway, she gave me like this little jar of honey, a beautiful poem, and the cutest derpy dragon I've ever seen (I think she made it herself 😲) I've taped in the poem she wrote.
Golden fur a glow,
Moonlit nights, a wolf's embrace,
Blonde, wild, untamed grace
Oh. My. God! It was so romantic! It was so sweet and I thought I was going to cry! 😭 Willa looked so adorably nervous too! And then I, um, kissed her on the cheek 😖 I don't know what I was thinking! Am I moving too fast? I think I must be because after the kiss Willa mumbled something, ran back to her bed and hid under the covers the rest of the day. Diary what should I do?
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 15 days
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Eepy, a trilogy
Detective au
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 18 days
about Morticia Addams
she is the perfect Addams
dark, gloomy, in love with all of the darker things in life.
she raises man eating plants and cuts the heads off of her dolls.
but she married into the family, she was originally a Frump.
she didn’t change who she was to become an Addams, she didn’t leave her family behind because they didn’t understand her or her love.
she wasn’t the black sheep of the family, no, the Frumps are strange and unusual too.
the Frumps are witches, the Frumps are dark and kooky.
the Frumps adore the Addamses and the Addamses adore the Frumps. Gomez and Morticia fit together like they were always meant to be. like the two families were always meant to be one.
this is though is the exact opposite for Enid and Wednesday.
Enid is a Sinclair.
the Sinclairs do not fit in with the Addamses or Frumps. they are hateful, they are cruel, they are biased, they are stuck in their ways.
Esther is bossy and mean, Murray is quiet and submissive.
these things do not fit in the Addams family. (not for the lack of trying, because the Addams truly tried to make peace for Enid’s sake. they eventually realized that the girl was much happier far away from the family that she was born into. they made sure to shower her with love. they made sure to show Enid that she would always have a supporting family in them)
Enid isn’t the black sheep of the sinclair family but instead the pink one.
Enid’s family never appreciated her because of her incapability to turn into a monster. Enid paints her claws vibrant colors, she straightens and dyes her hair, she adores k-pop.
she dances like nobody is watching, she sings her heart out, she cries over silly youtube videos and the one commercial about the deaf boy feeling the vibration of a waterfall.
Enid Sinclair is full of personality, full of feeling and love, she was never understood by her family. always seen as too loud, too sensitive, not a good enough werewolf.
Enid’s family threatened to send her to a conversion camp because she is so different from them.
she’s different from the Addamses too. she doesn’t find enjoyment in all of the things the Addamses do, she doesn’t wear black or want to dye her hair.
they don’t understand her emotions, they don’t understand her love for color.
but, god, do they absolutely love her.
she is the pink sheep of the Addams family too. they adore her, exactly the way that she is.
she is weird to them. she is strange and kooky.
they cannot get enough.
weird, strange, kooky, it is everything that makes an Addams.
they see her for her pastel clothing, her bright eyes, her loud dancing and strange idioms, they are changed by her for the better.
they take her light and let it bathe them, like dragons to the sun.
Enid is a breath of fresh air in their dusty home, there was nothing wrong with the dust but the fresh air is so nice to have.
they are all just as strange as Enid herself is, it is in different ways but they all love and respect that.
Enid is not a Frump, and she isn’t yet an official Addams, but she fits perfectly.
she has a family in them. she always will.
and one day, when she officially takes the name, it feels like she was never anything else.
Wednesday kisses her wrist and and calls her “miss Addams”, Enid swoons. Enid will never get tired of hearing that, especially from the lips of the woman she loves and the family that took her in so easily.
she’s where she was always meant to be.
the Addamses have a pastel werewolf, a piece of the puzzle that they didn’t know was missing, the piece that brings the whole masterpiece together.
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 19 days
Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 7
Current Moon Phase: Third Quarter 🌗
Enid accompanied me on my way to my therapy session. She stopped outside the door and said she would wait for me. I told her there was no need but she insisted. She then gave a cryptic statement about having something for us to do after. I would have questioned her further but I did not wish to be late. Just as I was about to grab the door handle she pulled me into an unexpected embrace. Admittedly my mind went blank for a moment. This is understandable as I was in the clutches of a quite formidable werewolf.
Just as soon as the embrace began it ended. In my dazed state I mumbled something incoherently before quickly entering. I cannot recall what I said, for I was clearly in a state of fight or flight. I sometimes foolishly forget that my subject of study is an unpredictable apex predator. Had we not been packmates I am most certain she could have mauled me on the spot. That is not to say I wouldn’t have put up a fight, merely that my complacency could easily lead to my undoing.
I was too lost in thought from the unprompted pseudo attack to realize my therapist was waiting for me in the foyer. She asked if I was ‘okay’ and said that I looked ‘panicked.’ I took a moment to regain my composure before assuring her that I was perfectly fine and that I had just survived a sudden ambush from a werewolf. She nodded her head towards the window and asked ‘is that the werewolf?’ I turned around to see Enid waving from the other side. I closed the curtains with haste and made a disapproving remark about her irresponsibly lackadaisical attitude towards her clients’ confidentiality.
She asked if I wanted to invite my ‘friend’ to sit inside to wait for me. My immediate response was ‘no’ but I was once again gripped by the irrational fear of Enid suddenly disappearing. I changed my answer before peeking back through the window. Enid was casually pacing back and forth, likely on guard. I opened the door and extended the offer. She took it up at once, I assume because she could protect her packmate with greater efficacy by being inside the same building. She found a seat and promptly sat down. Pleasantries were exchanged and soon we retreated into the other room while Enid stayed in the foyer.
I inquired as to how well the room in which we conducted our sessions was soundproofed. After I received her assurance I dove into the matter that had been eating away at my sanity for the past two weeks. She seemed surprised but did not interrupt my recollection of the night of the Hunter’s Moon. After I finished my story there was an extended pause. She seemed to be considering her answer, or lack thereof, for a time before she asked why I would be afraid of Enid leaving. What a foolish question. I was almost too incensed to speak. Her expression appeared neutral but I could tell she was most pleased by my strong reaction to such an impertinent question.
I could have ranted and raved for hours as to why Enid’s absence would distress me, not least of which that we were now packmates. She asked me to clarify what ‘packmates’ meant. It felt ridiculous to have to explain that Enid was a werewolf. Was she truly that inattentive or oblivious when I recounted the events of the Hunter’s Moon? I expounded as to how Enid and I were a pack. She asked how many were in our pack. I mentioned that as of present it is just the two of us. She asked if I wanted any more packmates. I said that it was not my decision but Enid’s. She asked how I’d feel if Enid added someone else to our pack.
I could not understand her erratic line of questioning. I came in with a clear problem and asked for a clear solution. Yet we were discussing this. I responded that I didn’t mind who Enid added as long as they were up to my standards and could truly protect Enid. She proceeded with her inane queries, asking who I thought would be a worthy packmate for Enid. I considered the question as I thought of the student population at the academy. I stated no one at present. She asked why I thought I was a good packmate for Enid.
I went on to elucidate my qualifications. She seemed to suddenly recall my whole purpose for being there and asked if I still thought I was a worthy packmate after the incident of the Hunter’s Moon. I was simply dumbfounded by the question. It took me some time to come up with my answer. I was ashamed but I owned up to my own idiocy. Perhaps I was not as meritorious. She asked why I thought Enid kept me as a packmate then. I was suddenly perplexed. Why did Enid decide to keep me as a packmate after my magnificent display of ineptitude that night?
I had no answer other than it was Enid’s choice. She posited that if Enid chose to keep me as a packmate, wouldn’t she also choose to come back if she disappeared? I begrudgingly had to admit her reasoning was logical and I did feel a slight ease in my tension. She suggested I talk to Enid about my fears and allow her to explain her actions to address it as a packmate. I argued that Enid didn’t owe me a solution to my own irrational problems. She posited another query; if Enid had a concern that involved me, would I not like to be informed of it so as to ease her mind? Once again I could find no fault in her logic.
There were but a few minutes left in the session when she asked one follow-up question from earlier. She wanted further clarity on whether being packmates with Enid made me view her as a sister or something else. I would have to go with the latter. I… care for Enid but not in a familial sense. It is best described as like a friend but also not. It is more complex and less easily defined. My ‘homework’ between sessions is to discuss with Enid my irrational fear of her disappearing and what it means for us to be packmates. I said I would consider it. She reminded me that I could call her at any time.
As I left the room and reentered the foyer I saw Enid sitting exactly where I left her. Her eyes lit up like that of a puppy’s as she got to her feet. I had been gone for an hour and yet her demeanor was as if I had been gone for days. For whatever reason I felt compelled to complete the first half of my assigned homework. I took her hands and forced myself to look straight into those cerulean eyes. I felt a lump form in my throat unexpectedly. Enid looked taken aback and a little nervous. I swallowed hard before stating the simple fact that I had developed an irrational and foolish fear of her leaving unexpectedly.
My eyes began to burn, likely from the cool dry air and dust. I blinked a few times as my body began to overcorrect for the dryness. Enid squeezed my hands in response before assuring me she wasn’t about to vanish. I restated that I knew my fear was asinine and unfounded. She shook her head before asking why I didn’t tell her sooner. I repeated my previous answer. I was once again pulled into her arms in a tight vice-like grip. The pressure was admittedly soothing. I returned the gesture, out of common courtesy. There was so much warmth radiating off of her that I wondered how she did not overheat. She smelled of jasmine and vanilla…
She asked if I wanted to go back home to our dorm to talk more. The idea of opening up any further and sharing even more than I already had was overwhelming. I declined before reminding her that she had alluded to an activity after my session. The embrace broke and from within a jacket pocket Enid retrieved two tickets to the local community theatre’s production of “Macbeth.” I had no words but Enid didn’t seem to need them. I let her lead me by the hand back out into the crisp Autumn air.
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