#dammit ghosti
jaxon-exe · 1 year
Dp x dc prompt
One day John Constantine decides to check in on the known ghost hotspot that is Amity Park and find it over run with ghost of all sorts. After over coming his first thought of “just walk away, not your problem” and deciding that it is his problem he started investigating from the shadows and finds out about Phantom. His first conclusion is that maybe phantom is the one releasing the ghost. He can obviously tell that phantom has some sort of savour complex and thinks “is this kid releasing the ghost so that he can hunt them down and save the town??” and starts looking into phantom.
That is until one day he sees phantom at the end of a rather long day. Multiple ghost having attracted throughout the previous night and all day long leaving Danny at the end of his rope, running on no sleep in the last 24 hours, utterly exhausted and he just breaks down in a back alley. John sees this from a distance and is like “ok this kid isn’t the cause of this. He’s just doing his best.”
So with phantom removed as a suspect John investigates other leads as to what might be causing the sudden spike in ghosties when the nest ghost attack happens. Up until this point he’s been following a “not my circus, not my monkeys” mentality and just letting phantom deal with the ghost and was gonna do the same thing, had turned around and started to walk away to…
… but god dammit the kid seems to be struggling.
So John reluctantly joins in the fight and helps phantom, revealing his presence to the kid for the first time. Now that phantom knows about him tho he can’t just walk away from any of the other fight so John ends up helping him out a lot. After a while of this John gets the bright idea of “hey the kid might not be the ones freeing the ghost but he might know the cause of it” and ask phantom about it.
Danny however being slightly paranoid clams up at the question not wanting himself or his parents in trouble and says he doesn’t know anything. U know like a liar 
Thing is Danny’s shit at lying and John sees right threw that but dammit he doesn’t know how to deal with kids???? Let alone teenagers!! Let alone dead teenagers!! The fucks he supposed to do??????
After thinking about it for awhile he could only thing of one thing.
*ring* *ring*
*ring* *ring*
Batman: John…
John: yeah good to hear from you to mate, lesson I got a question
Batman: hmm
John: hypothetically, if you had a case where your only lead is a kid that knowns something they probably shouldn’t and is very reluctant to tell you said thing, what would you do??
Batman: how old
John: 13-14??
Batman: buy them a burger. Earn their trust. Reassure them they aren’t in trouble.
John: how bloody long is that gonna take??
Batman: your in for the long hall *hangs up*
John:…. Shit
Cut to John sitting on top of a water tower with a bag of take out, felling strangely like he’s trying to coax out a stray cat, as he waits for phantom to drop his invisibility and just come eat with him. 
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ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
I’ve always headcannoned ghost as not wearing his mask when he’s off duty. Idk I just think that he whould want to separate the two, maybe trying to find his identity as Simon back.
Love your storys btw there so *chefs kiss*
Can we get some married headcannons with our beloved ghosty. ❤️❤️❤️
I like to imagine that, too. Or at least that he doesn't wear his mask in the safety of his own home, he probably stays masked out in public (if he's ever in public). And thank you 🥺 I'm so grateful you enjoy my stories!
Ghost as a Husband Headcanons
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At first, he was scared of marriage. Didn't want to risk anything happening to you, God forbid an enemy got intel of your name and location. He'd walk through the gates of Hell himself if you got hurt.
But, he knew from the moment your relationship started that he did want to marry you- you were the one, and he just knew it.
He's a big softie, you get princess treatment FORREAL. He doesn't let you carry anything heavy AT ALL, even if you are fully capable of doing it. And if he catches you carrying anything too heavy, he's scolding you (playfully).
If you're on a walk and come across a puddle, he's carrying you bridal style over it, no if's, and's, or but's about it.
He carries all of your bags around for you when you're out and about shopping.
And dammit, he will walk around almost every store with you. Even when he's sighing from exhaustion, nothing compares to the smile on your face when you're getting what you wanted.
Dreads going on deployment. Hates knowing you'll be alone even though he's taught you everything you needed to know about self defense. You know where all the guns, knives, and everything you can use as a weapon are in your shared house.
Loves, loves, loves coming back to you. Back home to your home cooked meals and tender environment, a safe place. A safe place to separate Ghost and Simon. Unmasked, and himself around you.
When he's on deployment, he stays up late at night thinking about you. Looking at pictures he has saved of you in his wallet, rubbing over it, cherishing what he gets to return home to. Sometimes Soap barges in his room while he's hunched over the side of the bed staring at the picture. Soap definitely playfully teases him about it.
If he returns home in the middle of the night when you're asleep, he doesn't want to wake you, or try to. He likes to watch you, your perfect face in such an innocent state, peaceful. He'll rub your cheek, soothingly rub your back until your eyes flutter awake.
Oh, how he just loves watching you groggily recognize him, you jump up no matter how tired you are, into his arms, squeezing him so hard. It just feels nice to know that he was missed.
You always cook him a big breakfast the morning after. He'll come up behind you, placing sweet kisses at the back of your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist. He shuffles his huge body with you as you move around, causing you to giggle.
"Simon! I can't cook that well with you up on me like that!" you laughed.
"I just missed you s'much, luv," he kissed the back of your head. "Need to be up on you."
And even though he refuses to talk about his missions, his work, you didn't need to know that, he didn't want your perfect little head to worry about it, he loved to hear you ramble about what you did to the house, the garden, things you did with your friends, etc.
Almost cries when you bring out the gifts you got him while he was away, surprised that someone loves him enough to think about him like this.
A/N - I swear here lately I'm half asleep working on requests lol, I hope you enjoy these <3
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meowmeowriley · 27 days
Holy shit the first chapter of watership down bad is so good!!!! It’s even better then I was anticipating and Resi did a great job as beta. I love that Soap isn’t hiding the fact that he’s trying to figure Ghost out and that he genuinely is excited and respects him enough to take his self appointed task seriously. Ghost is playing along for the drama and chaos… and people think he doesn’t have a sense of humour lol he’s the funniest mother fucker on base.
Is that family lore I see 👀 “never trust a MacTavish” huh. I wonder what Jason’s gonna think about Simon’s “friendship” with Johnny?
Soap: I love rabbits, and everything about them, also I eat them. 🤷🏻
Fun fact, Soap being super in love with rabbits despite the fact that his family makes a living raising and butchering them is based on my own experience growing up on a cattle farm. Sure, we eat them, but I can and will tell you why I love cows, how they're just 1400lbs dogs, and incredible creatures that deserve our love and respect dammit!
Soap wants to know what Ghost is, sure, who wouldn't, but he respects Ghost above all else, and feels that if Ghost thought he needed to know, he'd tell him.
And Ghost, he's here for the drama. He thinks he's hilarious, and I think we all agree. 😂 Ghost saw this man, who is his own personal boogeyman, and said "But what if I made him my bitch?"And proceeded to befriend the scary MacTavish boy. What Ghostie doesn't know, is that they're gonna fall in love. Cause I said so.
"Never trust a MacTavish" oooh boy, do I have shit in store for these men. I won't tell you though. Gotta stay tuned and find out as the story unfolds! 😘
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samdeancass · 8 months
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Requested by Anonymous
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Halloween Event
Halloween Masterlist
"Why on Earth you insist on us going to a real haunted house, I will never know. You absolutely hate anything paranormal, Buck, so what makes you think you'll enjoy this experience?"
You stood in the doorway of the room you shared with Bucky, leaning against the doorway with your arms crossed over your chest. Bucky came out of the ensuite, flashing you a wide grin.
"With all of the spooky crap we've had to deal with, I'm sure a bunch of ghosts aren't gonna scare us. C'mon, babe. Please?" He flashed his puppy eyes at you, which he knew you couldn't resist. "Oh, alright." He walked over and kissed your cheek before making his way down the stairs and out of the door, you following him.
"This is seriously not what I was expecting!" Bucky whispered in your ear as you followed your group around the house. You chuckled to yourself and shook your head. "I knew you wouldn't like it but you never listen to me."
Your group was about to go into the 'most haunted' room of the house when Bucky stopped suddenly. "Err, Y/N. I really don't wanna go in there." You turned and faced him, hands on your hips. "You can't drag me all the way out here, go through most of this house and make me leave as soon as we get to the best bit. Absolutely no way."
"Dammit. Well then, can I hold your hand?" He jutted out his bottom lip and widened his eyes like a small child would. You just couldn't resist his cuteness; smiling softly, you held out your hand for him to take and guided him towards the room.
"Don't worry, Buck, I'll protect you from the ghosties. You know, the things that can't hurt us." "Oh shut up".
Marvel Taglist:
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RECOMe again?
The reader must navigate interacting with their fellow recoms despite having betrayed them as a human! Does anyone know their secret?
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Chapter 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6
Notes: Y/N (Your name), Y/LN (Your last name), na'vi dialogue in bold, fic will contain swearing, violence, gore, and especially for this one SMUT, including multiple partners, penetration, oral (male receiving), threesomes
If there are any specific triggers people would like warned for let me know (^・ω・^ )
Tag list: @buzzing-honeybee @lazyassmermaid @secretflowerobservation @hihhasotherfixations @perseny @ratchetprime211 @symptoms-of-moonlight @totesnothere04 @bxnnywriting @itsyoboysparkel @graysonmalik2550 @sssophia0-0 @genderless-ghosty-boi
Chapter 7
You awoke to pain. Your head felt like it would burst and your face and sides ached. Clearly they'd been rough with your unconscious form.
You kept your head low, trying to access your surroundings without alerting anyone to your awakened state. With eyes still shut you couldn't tell a lot. Your hands were cuffed to a railing but your feet were free. There was some kind of gag in your mouth, likely to stop you biting anyone.
Around you there were sounds of frantic movement. People rushing to and from across metal grating. The loud clunk of their boots rattling it. You must be on a railing of a mining outpost but why? Why hadn't they taken you to a more secure base yet.
You peaked slowly, only opening your eyes millimeters at a time. One of the abandoned mining facilities. A larger one too, you were in a control room overlooking the quarry shackled to the railing leading down to the catwalks.
The human's looked like RDA, mainly military types. They scrambled to get into positions as an alarm blared out. Distantly you could hear gunfire and it was approaching.
"God dammit!" A man screamed and stormed in from your left. You closed your eyes again. "Can anyone get me a location!? Huh!?" The voice wasn't familiar to you. His steps approached, stopping in front of you.
He cracked something against the side of your face, yelping you opened your eyes to glare at him. He stood in front of you, gun in hand but not pointed directly at you. Your eye ached from the impact, the feeling of blood trickling down from your brow. He didn't say anything as a new alarm caught his attention and he stormed off.
Looking past him there was a wall of screens. He frantically searched each the for something. It was hard to tell from the shaking movements and darkness what was happening but they were direct feeds from the soldiers outside. It seemed to be raining heavily and the flash of gunfire was they only thing that lit up the night.
As you both watched the screens started to blink out. Each solider that fell leaving a blank space on the wall. You caught it then, through the camera feed. Quaritch slamming into a solider before turning and gunning the man watching him.
You froze, blood stilling in your veins. Where they really that desperate to kill you? That they'd go against General Ardmore, attack their own just to end things themselves.
The man turned back to you. Frantically he crossed the room towards you, barking orders. His men moved to cover the entrances as he approached. He fumbled with your cuffs, tugging you by them towards the center of the room. You were heavier than he could easily manage. He swore repeatedly under his breath, grabbing at your queue to pull you.
You screeched through your gag, the painful grip and pull against such a sensitive part unbearable. He smacked the gun against your face again.
"Shut up, shut up!" He repeated. His face slick with a cold sweat as he and his men looked panicked.
It had gone painfully quiet now. The pitter patter of rain on metal the only sound in the night. You could feel your own heart racing. Was it better to have died with them or now by your own teams hands.
Something grabbed the gun of the man standing closest to the door. Pulling him up and out of sight with a quick yelp. The rest swiveled to where he'd been. Behind the man on the other side of the room a dark outline jumped down. A long knife went right through him, causing him to fire into the open room.
His spray took down a couple of men, the rest diving for cover. The man held your queue tight, ducking behind your form. They returned fire but the shape had vanished. Quiet settled again, only broken by panicked breathing and rain.
They appeared from the catwalk you'd been cuffed too. Firing out they took out the last of the soldiers in the room. They called clear to the rest.
Zdinarsk and Mansk appeared up the catwalk steps guns drawn and pointed to you. Lyle and Prager came in from the side, water dripping down serious expressions. Miles came in last, soaked in more than rain and face furious.
You could feel your lip quiver at the sight of them. You'd never thought what it must have been like to be on the receiving end of their skills. Lyle and Mansk were too playful for the violence they'd wrought. Prager and Zdinarsk had always been so kind to you, their faces alien now.
You'd always known how dangerous your colonel was. Your first day you'd been terrified in the safety briefing. You'd been a nervous wreck after the stories you'd heard. He'd been so much more since then, kind, funny, thoughtful but it all seemed to slide away now.
He stalked closer, muscles twitching for violence. His was not the only tail that swished back and forth, eager for the kill? Though with the rain heightening the scent, they smelt agitated and afraid? Cold sharp pain hit your queue. You winced through the gag, the man behind your holding a blade firmly to it.
"Back off!" He screeched, a manic sound. "I swear I'll kill her, just back off." Your former friends stilled. Miles lowering his weapon a little, the others following suit. Glances past between them, worried looks? Miles eyes darted across your form, fixing on the blood you could feel run down your neck from your queue.
The man dug the blade in further and Miles fully dropped his weapon, the clattering of other guns hitting the metal rang out.
"Good...good. We do this nice and easy now." He stood, voice trembling. You were tugged up with him, stuck in an awkward half crouch in front of him.
"I'm gonna back off here and we go our separate ways. No harm done." He shuffled back, bumping against bodies but refusing to look from the others. Miles eyes darted back to your brow as he finished his sentence. His nose flared, furious expression still in place. Even from across the room you could here the growl in his throat.
You didn't want to go with him. There was no escaping your former friends, not at this disadvantage. Still you were sure you'd meet a better death with them than back at base.
He didn't expect your movement, flinging your head back to hit his nose. He howled, dropping the knife. You rolled forward, away from him. Quaritch wasted no time, barreling forward and knocking the man to the floor. He screamed and kicked as his tiny head was held between giant blue hands. With a sickening crack his skull gave in and his legs stopped moving.
The room was still for what felt like hours. Breathing slowed and settled around you, scents becoming calm, happy even. Your own agitated tail drooped, as did your ears. You sat there, kneeling on the metal, awaiting your fate.
Miles stood, wiping his hands first against the man's own shirt. You looked up at him, his face now a line, unreadable. He held out a hand and you took it. No reason to try anything, you just hoped it'd be over quick. He brought you to your feet, other hand brushing near your head wound. You winced as he made contact, that hand flinching away. He was being so delicate with you, when his eyes met your own you felt the tears falling.
"I..." You were cut off, suddenly pulled into his chest. He held you close, squeezing you in but not crushingly so. You wept, not understanding what was happening anymore. More bodies crushed around you, hands reaching to ruffle your hair or just to hold you.
When he finally pulled away you'd regained some composure. Looking around at the grinning faces. Lyle was next to Miles, reaching out to hold your waist. He whistled, twisting your hips in a swaying motion.
"What on Earth are you wearing?!" You couldn't help but laugh. Of all the questions you and them must have, of course Lyle's was about your lack of clothing. Others seemed to share this, laughing along with you.
In the end questions had to wait. Back up would arrive soon and you had to be clear of danger. Miles had kept you close, holding you against him as you made your way back to the trees. To your great shock, Ikrans awaited you. Mansk had laughed at your scream, stopping to lift you up onto Miles' banshee.
He held you close as you flew, hand against your bare stomach, holding you flush to his chest. He spoke into your ear telling you where you were headed, base camp. You recognized it though only through pictures. Grace's old school building, still standing strong amongst the trees. They'd been using it for a while now.
Once inside and with everyone, you told it all. Every secret you'd kept from before you were brought back to now. You expected something then but still your friends didn't anger. Well Mansk did seem irritated that you'd stolen his sunglasses back in the locker room but had forgiven it.
Lyle insisted he knew something was up but that he'd honestly not guessed that it was that. Zdinarsk too seemed to have a look of realization when you'd mentioned testing to see if she'd be open to helping. Only Miles remained entirely silent.
"I can't say I'm not pissed." You stared at him, feeling everyone else's gaze dart between you both.
"None of us can go back now." He stayed leaning against the wall, everyone else sat in na'vi sized chairs around the table you'd sat on.
"What?" You asked, still not really understanding what had happened.
"We broke off communication, went after you, against orders. Ardmore's pissed called for us all to get captured, reprogrammed or somethin'. Met a few squads before we heard they had you. Picked up the banshees by then, nomad tribe passed through. Been givin' us some heads up about stuff out here." Miles explained, eyes never leaving yours.
"Yeah should have seen him when he heard they'd caught you. Went all rambo on their asses. Full berserk..." Prager snapped his mouth shut as Miles shot him a look. Still you couldn't help the emotion that swelled inside you.
They'd never wanted you dead, they'd been looking for you. Trying to get you back and safe with them. You hopped down, rushing over to Miles. You wrapped your arms around him, burying yourself in his chest.
"I'm so sorry." You spoke, loud enough for all. His hand came up, stroking your hair as you smushed your face in deeper.
You fell into a routine out here. Using the skills Spider had taught you and teaching them in turn. The land was fruitful, plenty to hunt and gather around here. You'd likely need to move again if RDA got a whiff of you here but until then this was home.
You'd had a chance to talk to Miles about Spider. Being honest about how you'd grown close to him. How he'd ultimately wanted to be with the Sullys, well more specifically Kiri. You wondered if there would be a place with him in the future. If the na'vi would ever come to accept you all now. Maybe one day, but for now this was home and Miles was content.
You ate Lyle's kill around a fire that night. His first clean hunt and he was so proud. Mansk had taken to the fire to prepare and cook the meat, Zdog hanging around for first dibs.
Miles tugged you down into his lap, caging you in with strong arms while he spoke to Lyle. You tried to keep up with the conversation but his hands kept running up and down your bare thigh. Then to your hip where he pressed your barely covered ass to his crotch. Rolling you against his hardening member. You could so easily feel the outline through his trousers when he'd been soft but now it was unbearable.
You were distracted by a moan across from you. Zdog was between Prager and Mansk, the latter kissing at her neck while Prager kissed her lips. He broke away kissing down her collar to where he was fondling her breast. You felt heat pool at the sight before a sharp tug brought you back to your own situation.
Lyle watched you with hooded eyes as you felt Miles undoing his belt behind you. You moved your head to get a look at what he was doing but Lyle took your face in his hands. Turning you back to him and kissing you. It was soft and slow, his tongue lazily swiping your lip before entering your mouth. He moaned into you as you felt Miles hands kneading your hips.
His fingers tucked under the thin fabric, shifting it to the side as you felt the tip of his head against you. Arousal shivered through you, bucking back against him.
"Eager huh?" You felt him whisper into your ear. "Aww Lyle do you think they deserve it huh?" He rubbed his tip back and forth, circling you.
"Ah I dunno boss...been slacking around here." Lyle had broken from you, spit stringing between yours and his lips. His hand ran across your torso as he spoke, leaning forward to nip at your now exposed nipples.
"Hmm I think you're right, gonna have to earn it." Lyle leaned back, unbuckling his own belt and removing his trousers. You reached towards him, eager to help, to touch. Miles caught your wrists, bringing them back and behind you. He held them in one hand as the other lightly slapped your behind.
"nuh-huh, you don't get to play just yet." Miles groped and squeezed your ass before slapping it again, earning a yelp. He smirked at you, turning your head back to Lyle. He was bare infront of you now, kneeling with his cock hard and at attention. Miles' hand ran down your spine then pushed.
You fell forward, Lyle's hands catching you, before positioning you at his head.
"Careful boss" he hissed before his head lulled back. You'd taken the opportunity to run your tongue up his balls. Nudging them slightly with your nose before placing light kisses up his length. You felt him shudder, a low moan escaping.
"See, they know what their doing." He drawled behind you, his hand running down lower to hold your tail. It wrapped its self around his arm and he chuckled.
You wondered if Lyle had fantasized about this before. You'd heard he and Mansk had fooled around a bit but considering how much he liked being bossed around he must have. You took his head into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip before taking him in further. He hissed again, hand moving to grip into your hair.
You sucked him further before you felt Miles tugging you back by the tail. You couldn't complain, mouth still full of Lyle, so instead you just sucked. Lyle gripped you back down bobbing your head in a slow rhythm, careful not to push too far.
Zdog's own moans felt miles away right now. The lewd sounds across the way their own other world. You felt Miles again, running his tip down your ass, lining himself up.
"Good..." He purred, sliding inside pushing you further against Lyle. You gagged a little, recovering quickly before he was shoved deeper by Miles thrusts. Lyle was lost in his own pleasure, balls slapping against your chin as Miles set the pace behind you.
Lyle dropped lower onto his knees, arching you up, Miles now hitting deeper into you. His hand traced down your queue, you felt the familiar tingle as the fibers locked together. Only it shot through you with far more intensity than before. You felt blinded by the pleasure, every nerve burning with it. It was almost too much to bear, tears pricking your eyes but it felt too good to stop.
As best you could see Lyle's own queue was forward too, all three resting on your back and bound. You didn't even know they could do that but it felt amazing, being connected to them both like this.
You moaned around Lyle as you felt his release fill your mouth. He slipped out of you allowing your own pleasure to become more vocal as his seed spilled from your lips. He seemed transfixed on your face as it did.
Miles pulled you up, hand slipping up your chest to your throat. He groaned and growled behind you loosing himself in the pleasure of it all. Now bouncing in his lap, Lyle watching as the pleasure was still flowing back to him through the neural connection.
"How 'bout you help our love," Miles practically groaned out, not a question but an order. Lyle moved quickly, his mouth joining Miles between your legs.
Between the sensations and feedback through the queue you weren't gonna last much longer. Twitching and screaming through the strongest orgasm you'd ever felt. Your own pleasure slamming back into Miles and tipping him over the edge too. His hips stuttered and he road out his own climax as he moaned in your ear.
He slipped out, still holding your limp body against his. Queues all still connected, firing the content feeling through you all. You could feel Miles possessiveness humming away "mine mine mine" and Lyle's pride pushing at your own chest. Zdog and the others had made their way over, Prager looking particularly spent.
"Aww come on baby, surely your up for round 2." Zdinarsk kissed your knee smirking.
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rottonfishie · 2 days
The Ivory Girl AU Fic will be posted on Ao3 and Tumblr.
Ivory Girl AU : A Hero Is Born
"The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey."
Rising from the sea, The Dragon King Of The West attacked a defenceless village. No one could stop him. No one could resist him. No one expect.. The Legendary Lady Ivory. The Lady Ivory, with her mythical skeleton key, that no other being could bend to their will, created a powerful seal trapping the Dragon King beneath the sea he once reigned over.
With the battle won, The Lady Ivory vanished, never to be seen again. Legend says that the key lies buried, forgotten, never to be found. Being the one thing keeping our world from total devastation. And, with the Dragon King Of The West gone, civilization was able to advance into the amazing city we live in today. A world of elegant cultures, gentle loving people, a city brimming with delicious sweet treats...
"And, all because of the Lady Ivory!" The woman finished her tale, folding her hands onto her lap, covered by a long dark violet skirt that draped modestly over her legs. Her lavender cardigan was buttoned up over her mint green top. She looked over to her one-person audience, who was grinning widely back at her. The young girl's deep chestnut eyes gleamed with pure excitement.
"Oh!! That was so awesome!" The young girl cheered, hopping off of the table she was sitting on. "Lady Ivory's so cool! She's so intelligent and beautiful–"
"Oh, I would've assumed you knew all of Lady Ivory's stories, Bai he" The woman cut in before the young girl could continue her fawning. The woman's eyebrow arched in question, challenging the young girl's knowledge.
"Of course, I know all of Lady Ivory's stories!" Bai he proclaimed, pulling out a cyan book with a skull and bones drawn on the cover. "I got her whole life documented extensively in this unauthorized autobiography of Lady Ivory."
"Written and illustrated by yours truly." Bai he added, pointing to her name written on the corner of the book. "Like I knew she was born from the bones of a beautiful woman, and how she lives in a lost empire that she stole from a tyrannical ruler with all her ghostie friends!" Bai he explained, swipping quickly through the pages. "And- and- and- Oh!"
"Bai he." The woman said, gaining the young girl's attention as she pointed down at the pile of loose pages on the floor. "The pages are falling out."
"Ah, Dammit!" Bai He exclaimed, plopping the book onto the woman's lap before dropping to her knees to pick up the fallen pages.
The woman chuckled at the muttered curses coming from Bai he as she gathered up the pages. "Im glad to know that someone else still has interest in these stories." The woman commented, skimming through the book. "Even if their a tad bit biased.." She muttered under her breath, looking at one of many loose drawings of the Lady Ivory.
"What was that?" Bai He asked, standing up with a messy pile of pages in her hand.
"Nothing!" The woman quickly replied, clearing her throat. She handed back the book to Bai he, who unceremoniously shoved back in the loose pages. "Now, you know the deal, I give you stories of wisdom and you give me..."
"A free box of mint ice-cream filled Gua Bao." Bai he finished the woman's sentence, already walking behind the display case where freshly made Gua Bao were sat enticingly inside. She grabbed a lavander box with a mint ribbon tied into a bow, a spider broach sitting in the middle.
"So how heavy do you think the WHOLE sea is?" Bai he asked, pushing open the sliding door into the display case. "Like compared to like– OW!" A sharp pain erupts through through her hand, causing her to recoil.
"Ah! What the fuck–" Bai he growls, quickly changing her demeanour when she sees the lavander skinned spider demoness standing behind her with a pair of metal tongs. Her lime green eyes staring down at down at Bai he, who glupped and gave her an innocent smile.
"Free? Nobody gets anything for free!" Queenie asserted, taking the empty box from Bai he and slapping it back down into its rightful place. "This ain't Queenie's Charity, it's Queenie's Bakery!" She snapped, her glare landing on the women, who waved innocently at the raging demoness.
"And I'm sure you're aware, I'm not running no charity service, Xiezi." Queenie stated, walking over to where the women sat off in a small booth by herself. "So, cough up the money, yeah, freeloader!" She spat.
"Ah, but, Queenie, I was paying wisdom." Xiezi explained, wiggling her fingers for dramatic affect. Queenie didn't seem very assumed by her display.
"Yeah? Well, wisdom doesn't pay the rent." Queenie retorted, returning her attention to Bai he who was attempting to sneak out. "And you!" She pointed out Bai he who froze in her tracks.
"You've been slacking off all morning! I've got a dozen orders that need to go out!" Queenie ordered, throwing Bai he her lavander fanal shirt with mint sleeves.
"Well, you see, I was about to take my break, so..." Bai he informed, carefully sidestepping closer to the exit with her work shirt in her arms.
"Break? Break!? There's no time for breaks!" Queenie claimed. "I need workers, soliders in the name of Queenie's Bakery!" She stated.
"How else am I going to expand my business into the enemies territory!?" Queenie asked, glaring out the large window of the bakery.
"Uh, do you mean across the street?" Bai he asked, pointing at the bakery across the street with a bird demon with colourful feathers, making bird in view of her window. She locked eyes with Queenie, gathering tension almost instantly before Queenie looked back to Bai he.
"I stand by my statement!" Queenie declared, placing her hand on her hip. "Now, hurry up, I want not a signal call about ice cream being melted." She warned. As Bai he quickly pulled off her pastel yellow cardigan, replacing it with her flanal shirt.
"Yes, ma'am!" Bai he replied, throwing her cardigan into an empty booth as she ran out the door. Queenie watched as Bai he darted out to her scooter, sighing as she picked up the cardigan that was carelessly sprawled over the seats.
"That girl, I swear." Queenie muttered as she folded the cardigan onto her arm. She looked back at Xiezi, who was busy guiltless stuffing her face with Gua Bao. Xiezi slowly looked over to Queenie, whose eye twitched in anger.
Queenie snatched a pair of metal tongs from behind the counters attached to the display case. "We can talk about this..." Xiezi suggested, hopping up out of the booth as Queenie menacingly approached.
"Yeah, yeah we can talk, FREELOADER!!!" Queenie replied, Hopping over the table of the booth. She chased Xiezi around the bakery. throwing things as she yelled.
"Get back here coward!"
"No, Queenie!"
Bai He listened to the chaos that was erupting from the bakery and made a quick decision. "Sorry, Ms. Xiezi, but everyman for themselves.." She muttered, slipping in her cat shaped earphones as she started up her lavander scooter. Driving away into the impressive city that was Megaprolis.
Bai he follows the directions shown on her phone, driving her scooter through the twists and turns deeper into the construction zone of the city. Planks and metal beams stood tall around, leading her way to a mechanical elevator where she parked her scooter in front of. She hopped off of her scooter, grabbing the delivery out of the portable freezer on the back.
Bai he stepped into the elevator, bopping her head up and down to the beat of her music. She smacked her fist into the large red button, which began the descend of the elevator into the underground.
The sound of the elevator stopping echoed through the cavern. Bai he pulled her earphones from her ears, shoving them into the pocket of her bubblegum coloured skirt as she stepped out into the cavern. The muddy floor squashed against her shoes, sticking to the soles of her feet.
"Ugh.." Bai he moaned, lifting her foot off of the sticky mud. "Who wants to eat anything here?" She wondered, walking further into the cavern. Looking around at the unfinished construction, she heard distant chatter and walks towards its. Hiding behind a pile of rubble, she peers over the edge.
She sees two women, one with black hair cut into a clean black chin-length bob. She wore a green floor length, elegant dress that had lighter green flame design on her sleeves. She stood beside a younger looking woman who starkly contrasted her clean appearance.
She had spiky black hair, tied into two ponytails with the rest at chin length. The tips of her hair were dyed, a bright green. She wore a punk look that made her impressive cyber-esc gear stand out. They almost looked human expect, for the older woman moved, revealing her bottom half of snake.
Bai He gasped, shoving the delivery underneath her arm as she crawled up the knocked over supports up onto the pipes. She listened closely to the conversation between the creatures.
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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lycheefruiit · 9 months
Ghosties have come crying into Foolish's chat a lot before, but god fucking dammit this one really hurt and we got sent to Etoiles. Bad needs to stop being good at doing angsty shit (I actually wishes he never stops - I live for this shit)
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Monoconscious system (…probably) culture is realizing you’re probably a monoconscious system, finding and reading through this blog to help confirm it/help kill the self-doubt and then having to just lie flat on the floor for a while because yeah. yeah. dammit
welcome to monoconsciousness, I promise it gets better. -ghostie
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pawseds · 6 months
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Sturdy Ox Shipping: making impossible deliveries a reality. In this ever-shifting landscape of time, it is easy to slip off-track. That's why our deliveries are here to nudge you in the right direction with personalised packages you never asked for but have always needed. With our customer-first attitude, we ensure to know you to the fullest to best suit your needs by learning your full name, address, social insurance number, and more - free of charge! No matter how high the security, and no matter how twisted the fabric of reality becomes, nothing will stop us from delivering your package at your doorstep. Interested? We know you are, and we will find you soon! (Tax rates may apply)
Little advertisment drawing thing of the shipping company that keeps messing with our PCs (dammit, Nyarlathotep), featuring the little ghosties and weird monstrosities we've faced in our M-EPIC/Delta Green campaign!
This was originally made for the TopOC contest over on Instagram. Also over on Instagram is a jingle that my friend Liam also made based on this! (I don't have the video file so here's the IG link lol)
(Whoo alt version + sketchbook planning, had to work with the colour limit laid out by the contest's prompt)
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amorphousblobqueen · 5 months
Right now I'm sitting awake at 2:23(ish) am uk time, when I really should've gone to sleep (much more than) an hour ago atm. I've always been the creative type, just as much as I've always enjoyed science and discovery. Game development/design was always something that I had toyed with growing up, much more seriously again in the last few years as University applications have come into view. I realized recently that it could be theoretically possible soon to start a small indie dev team, register as a company and make and publish games. The company side of things needs to wait a little while longer right now, but me and my friends xould in theory form an unofficial team right now!
So we did.
The following bits are as things stand right now/in my head atm:
- 3 people: Me (Ashley), @picknnix, Ghostie
- Several game ideas: see below
- A little bit lost on certain things
- Fuck all resources and money except for a couple of computers maybe lmao XD
As for the game ideas: Let's not spoil too much at the moment, but there are many right now, lots of with I hope atm can become reality at some point.
But there is one rn that I can go into at the moment:
Aaaaannnnnndddddd cliffhanger lmao XD
Unless shit hits the fan, I hope that at the moment this blog should get updated daily(ish), basically if this goes quiet for more than a couple of days assume that (at the very least) the shitshow that is my personal life right now has intenisified somewhat lmao XD
If you guys read this far, then share it dammit!!!!
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lemonpepperseed · 1 year
The DBD quote book but in character (pt 1)
Pov: you’re a ghostface simp in a lot of these
Claire: [loading up dbd] guess what time it is! Oh never mind it’s a crash report.
Wesker: shit the main menu broke my coat again
Nea: if it’s a Michael I swear to god- [tier 2] OH MY GOD IT’S A MICHAEL
Feng with the gametag, fuck me ghostface: DADDY! [gets stabbed by ghostface]
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Feng: I hear a Michael.
Steven: I’m surprised he left me the hell alone
Feng: [gets grabbed] OH MY GOD IT’S TOMBSTONE!!!
Steven: what?
Leon: I’m simply just a pretty himbo
Jake: I think you’re just an idiot
Claudette: [falls sideways in the gate] I fucked up
Steven and feng: [already gone] wha-
Claire: ok we can finally ready up- ANOTHER CRASH REPORT
Nea: [joking] I’m sorry, it’s my fault, I’m the entity lol
Computer: [bluescreens]
Nea: I’m sick these crab claws trying to fuck me in the ass
Jill: wassup sexy~
Leon: sorry I’m dating wesker
Claire: [on hook] I don’t think he liked it when I stopped him from tunneling nea
Knight: [face camping claire]
Later in the match
Nea: OH THATS NOED [leaves rando Steven to die]
Feng after getting a selfie with ghosty: go find my body there’s a medkit
Ghostface around the corner: hello there
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Nea: ya see he has the whole pinhead TLC
feng: TLC? [visible confusion]
Nea: I said DLC
Feng: [pulls out voice memos]
Nea: you bullied a baby onryo
Claire: sheva bullied her more! She got more points
Nea: she had no perks!
Claire: . . . Oh hey I got my challenge!
Ghostface: oh I can do this- THATS A LOBBY FULL OF MEGS! Let me out let me out let me out!!!
Yui: stop making them dc!!!
Claire: I didn’t mean too!!
Pinhead, crying in the distance: no more pallets!
Kate: so why don’t you [-] anymore?
Claire: well you see [goes on to explain]
Kate: … huh? I’m sorry I spaced out
Jake: they really opened up to you just then and you spaced out!
Leon: hey! hey Claire! Wanna see a magic trick?! [flashbangs claire]
Claire, sick: I sound like bill!!
Bill: [loud coughing in the background]
Dyslexic Feng, typing in chat: “where where “ you- oh wait. “Were were you” shit. “Were where-“ DAMMIT!
Nea, taking the computer: “where were you?”
Feng: Danny resonates Florida energy
Leon: care to explain?
Feng: no.
Feng, nea, vittorio, élodie: [doesn’t even finish loading in]
The knight, seeing it’s crows eye: nope. [DC’s]
Jill: so anyways before we load in-
Feng [hears a child outside]- EW!
Jill- your windows open
Haddie: have you ever read the perk stuff for solidarity? It says-
The entity- SILENCE
Nea- so uh- as you where saying?
The entity- [loads haddie and nea into a match]
Haddie: god dammit!!!
Nea- wesker is AFK!!!
[feng and nea proceed to crouch in front of him]
[the exit gates are powered and neither of them plan to leave]
Feng- I’m gonna die doing what i do best. Grabbing dick and sucking ass [circles wesker crouched]
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nani-nonny · 2 months
Ooooooh, I have another curiosity about your old men.
How would they react to someone being romantically interested in them? Who would be flabbergasted? Who would reject wholesale? And who would be so dumbass-headed and dense that they wouldn't even notice until the potential S/O shouted in their face that they were FLIRTING GOOD DAMMIT, WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME
Oh! I don’t think I’ve gotten a question like this? Maybe? I think there was a question if they would have a past lover/partner, idk I’ll have to check
Reunion would react one of two ways: either be flattered and flirts back without any intention of dating or shifts the topic swiftly to avoid any further discussion. He’s a silly ol’ guy who’s too old to bother with dating (that’s his excuse anyway)
DMD would flat out reject it. He’s got a lot on his plate as a stand-in parental-figure to the present-turtles and Casey Jr, and as the ongoing Battle Nexus champ. (That’s also his excuse but it’s more valid than Reunion’s.) Although, in reality, it’s more he wants to focus on his mental health. He knows that because of his mentality, he won’t be able to be the partner someone else needs and deserves.
LCD would be disgusted that the other person is into him. He’d be so rude as to leave immediately after saying “No”. Heavy judging from him, solely due to the fact that he’s the infamous mass-murderer of the Hidden City. Why would you want to date him? He’s not mentally stable enough for a relationship, and is fully aware that a significant other in his life would only hurt them in the end. He doesn’t exactly plan on putting effort into healing his mental scars any time soon, so that adds another no-no to his long list of no’s. He also doesn’t have much heart left in him to love, which he is also aware of.
WDS is the dum-dummy head that won’t realize someone is romantically interested. His head is too far in the “clouds” aka in his mystic wonderland with his ghosty siblings lol. His thoughts are full of his babies (the teens don’t like that nickname for themselves) that he needs to protect. F!Mikey would be the first to realize that someone is romantically interested in F!Leo but wouldn’t bother to tell hehe. But by the time F!Leo finally realizes, or the interested person tells him, he’d be too embarrassed to accept because his siblings are quite “alive” in his mystic core lol.
Bonus: (honestly at this point he should be included with the peepaws lol)
(A)PAF is too paternally infatuated with his baby to care about someone being romantically interested. And he has CJ practically glued to his hip, so that also distracts him. The interested person would have to spell it out to him, then to CJ to relay the message again lol. Hell, relay the message to the baby too, because nothing is getting me through those tinted glasses.
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devilsrecreation · 2 years
Headcanons for how the Coven heads behave during the coven day parade:
Darius-Smiles and waves normally and looking fabulous while doing it. Secretely boo’d by Alador?
Eber- Jumping up and down while frantically waving in excitement. Def had a ratworm with him. Summoned a beast for every beast-keeper he saw like freakin Oprah
Raine- Pretty sure we all know, but they had the most awkward grin on their face while waving
Terra-Had that “kind grandmother” facade while secretly thinking “I could kill all of you if I wanted to”
Hettie- Waved normally, but also did sort of a cute pose at her fellow healers
Vitimir-Didn’t get the memo that he had to wave, so he was just there stirring a potion and tipping his hat every now and then. Got some weird looks when he pulled his mask a bit to taste the potion
Osran- Calmly waved while keeping his straight face. Had his ghosty friends on his float that also waved to everyone and sometimes jump-scaring the kids (Dammit guys, Ozzie told you all to knock it off!)
Mason- Arms crossed. Nodding in acknowledgement, but also may or may not have lowkey flexed for people
Adrian- Bowing and waving and blowing kisses like he was in a damn curtain call and genuinely being all full of himself, even saying he’ll sign autographs
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infectedpaul · 1 year
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ALRIGHT **kurtis conner clap** i did it lets. Try and explain this Under the cut
hiyoko - kazuaki: lovesick losers, in their prime and worried about a life that isnt shared with others. even if its smth hiyoko wont admit it, and she knows that this is the way of things and its better to live a life worth the harm of the end of a story, its still tragic and terrifying because shes already lost her life practically and is only now building it back up. the idea of losing everyone is worse than death itself for these two, (the key difference is hiyoko wouldnt have her Royalty arc because shes got infinite respawns :[ ). also in the whole Arc shes very much the kazuaki of her relationship with nageki, the key difference here as well is the both of them actually Talk through shit. 
relationship - well we know she just outright bullies him and calls him a fucking waste of space in the shrine date but thats her weird teacher shed casually threaten to beat up anyone that tried inflicting actual harm on, shes a Hero dammit
hiyoko - hitori: DO I HAVE TO SAY IT i say it quite a bit. about how theyre both war orphans (that lost like most/all their family in the same incident) and are both so attached and scared of losing that they have left and would do ANYTHING for them , literally would fight god. also are copresidents in the Nageki protection squad. 
relationship - practically a family already. he would adopt her in a heartbeat and let her know she doesnt need to fend for herself all the time. shes a warrior but shes also 16. you go hang with your friends ill cook up the bison meat you brought home, sweetie
hiyoko - nageki: dead friiiends, ghosty friends. both are integral to the plot in ways theyll never understand, catalysts taken advantage of by powers far greater than their humdrum, silly lives. to the powers that be, theyre tools to ignite a new world, but theyre loved and important to those around them, and thats what no one expects, that theyre People first, not weapons, and their greatest strengths lies in the people that love them, just like they give strength to them, even if they show it in different ways 
relationship: something akin to siblings, mabe not exactly that, i mean if hitori adopts her technically nageki would be her uncle? but they definitely care for each other thats not necessarily romantic in nature, and would do anything for each other no matter the cost, because they know they dont do anything alone. theyre like jam buds ^u^
nageki and kazuaki - again, do i gotta say it because the game does a scary good job at paralleing these two, in what i like to call the uzune curse - do not get attached to this guy Or Else You Will PErish. 
relationship - i mean we know for a fact in mirror these two are just Perpetually awkward, right. like hitori brought home a sopping wet man like “Hesmy blorbo” and nageki will just nod and try not to think about that of all freakin people hitori got himself attached to its This Guy but i think theyre friendly, they probably talk about literature and both get really autistic and get more talkative about that than anything
hitori and kazuaki - OH BOY. okay, sad, SAD little men that literally have no one else, and for one reason or another, are surrounded by death, be it **motions at hitori** or **motions at THE GHOST LIVING IN KAZUAKIS HOUSE DID WE FORGET THAT**. theyre both sad and very, VERY worrying, have vengance streaks and dearly want to take care of others in more and more worrying ways, at their worst rhey can act like they know it all and you shouldnt worry. its funny how much the king despises hitori cause i think they share a lot of really toxic traits
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Are you just not writing at the moment or are you working on something like a commission where it wouldn't be shared/postted until your done? Sorry for asking I'm just wondering what may caused you to not put more story up (Big Red specifically)
I'm writing less and less for this blog just because I find I have much less energy to give. Prior to Ghosti's Great Burnout of 2020 (when I had to mothball my Patreon and stopped writing altogether for months and monthd), I was churning out stories on here and on Patreon like a factory production line, but I don't have those kind of reserves anymore, so I just share what I have when I feel like it.
In the background I've got a very tropey but still fun? male vampire x female human story partly set in Florence, a poly (m/m/f) selkie x bucca x human story set in 18th century Cornwall, and one or two others, but I have no 'set finish date' in mind for any of them.
I also want to re-edit/re-write Gabe & Odessa's story (and find a proper title for it, dammit!), and write the interlude in Gabe's POV and then Season Two... so I have to allocate my 'writing spoons' carefully.
Big Red is somewhere on the list too, and just needs that final chapter doing, but it depends on what I feel like doing, since all of the above is unpaid and done in my free time...
Hope that answers some of your questions!
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 009 - Aria, pt. 1
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[ Masterlist ] [ Read on AO3 ] [ Raws ]
Narr: The ghost had been a resident of Mater, they said. Narr: Bitter resentment for his people, who had abandoned the city and moved away, twisted his face into terrible ugliness. Narr: To ease his loneliness, he dragged in any children who came too near the city.
sfx: goooo [train barrelling down the tracks]
Allen: Er...
sfx: tan [hand slaps onto railing]
♦ 26
Allen: There's just one thing I can't make sense o—
sfx: dan [jumping off the bridge]
Kanda: Focus on the damn train—
Toma: Look sharp, gentlemen, it's here—
sfx: goooooo [barrelling right along]
Allen: Wait, we're getting on that!?
sfx: bah [jump again]
♦ 27
sfx: DAN [party slamming into roof of train at speed]
Allen: Boarding on the fly....
Toma: Entirely routine, sir.
Narr: Aria of an Old Clay Man and Lonely Nights ①
♦ 28
Conductor: Dear guests, this is most irregular! Conductor: This is the first-class car! Regular passengers go in the second-class car... Conductor: Not to mention your choice of entrance—
Toma: We're with the Black Order. We'll be needing a cabin.
Conductor: The Black—!? Conductor: My deepest apologies! sfx: pekori [swift reflexive bow]
♦ 29
sfx: patatatata [footsteps] sfx: TAN [louder clank, possibly switching tracks]
Allen: What's all this about?
Toma: The Rose Cross3 on your lapel will get you into many places on the Vatican's authority.
Allen: That so....
Toma: By the way, sfx: gasha [door to cabin opening] Toma: my name is Toma. I am a Finder, and will be accompanying you to Mater. Toma: Very pleased to make your acquaintance.
sfx: gatakon gatakon [train noises]
Allen: So, Allen: that question I had—
♦ 30
Allen: How are this mysterious legend and the Innocence connected?
Kanda: What a pain. Kanda: Tch. Kanda: So, like, the thing about Innocence...
Allen: Did he just click his tongue at me?
Kanda: Over the years between the Flood4 and our time, it's adapted itself to all kinds of circumstances. Kanda: At first, it was all buried underground or lying at the bottom of the sea... Kanda: But that "mysterious power" the stuff5 has seems to help human beings find it. It comes in all sorts of shapes and guises.
♦ 31
Kanda: Once found, it always causes some kind of weird phenomenon, Kanda: for whatever reason.
Allen: So Innocence might be behind this "Ghost of Mater"?
Kanda: Yeah. Kanda: "Where there's weird, there's Innocence." Kanda: So the Order goes over strange places with a fine-toothed comb, and if they figure chances are good, they send us in.
Allen: "Strange".... Allen: "Its mere presence radiates enough energy to affect its surroundings. In the possession of an Accommodator, it can also become an anti-Akuma weapon", huh. Allen: What a mysterious substance6.
♦ 32
Allen: If the presence of Innocence gives rise to strange phenomena... Allen: then the Ghost of Mater might...? Allen: !
Kanda: It's—
Toma: Indeed. Toma: I7 was present during the investigation, so I saw it with my own eyes. Toma: The "Ghost of Mater" is, in truth—
♦ 33
Akuma: Now where you could you be, Akuma: sweet Ghost of Mater?
♦ 34
Akuma: This place is such a maze. Akuma: And so cramped! Akuma: It's fun if I think of it like a treasure hunt, though. ♥ sfx: ke ke ke [harsh cackling laughter] Akuma: You know I'll find you, ghosty-poo!
Finder 1: Dammit... We're backed into a corner here....
Finder 2: It's only a matter of time till it finds us....
Guzol: Lala, run....
Lala: No, it's all right. I'd rather stay with you, Guzol. Lala: You're the only one who accepts me for myself.
♦ 35
sfx: gii— [Akuma notices them] Akuma: Theeere you are!
Room occupants: !!
♦ 36
sfx: zah [party running at high speed past the "camera"]
sfx: zazazaza [camera catches up to party and hears each footstep]
Allen: So the Ghost of Mater is only a doll....
♦ 37
Narr: They called Mater "the land God forsook". Those who lived there eked out a meager existence amid the arid rocks. Narr: To distract themselves from the misery of their lives, they created dolls; Narr: delightful dolls that danced and sang. Narr: Eventually, they tired of the dolls and departed for other lands, Narr: but the dolls they left behind were still animate. Narr: And now, five hundred years later....
Kanda: If they made a doll using Innocence, it's not impossible.
♦ 38
sfx: KU BA [Kanda and Allen sense something]
sfx: kiiiiii [high-pitched whistle, perhaps the wind but perhaps a scary violin note]
sfx: piri piri piri [pebbles rolling down the slope as they slide toward the town]
Allen: Why've I got such a chill suddenly? Allen: The Finders should be here somewh—
♦ 39
Kanda: Tch. We came as soon as we got Toma's message, but... Kanda: They're already dead.
Allen: ......
Kanda: Hey. You. Kanda: Before we go down there, listen up. Kanda: I don't care if you're this close to getting wasted by the enemy. If I think you're a liability to the mission, I'll stand back and watch. Kanda: Casualities are a given in war. Don't go thinking we're "comrades" or whatever.
Allen: Such a nasty way with words.
♦ 40
sfx: DO [explosion down in the town]
Allen & Kanda: !
sfx: dododododo [Akuma gunfire]
Akuma: Fire, fire away!
sfx: guni [pressure added to foot on Finder's back, ribs creaking]
Finder: Nghf....
Akuma: Nasty little humans. sfx: shuuuuuuu [dust rising from the impact crater forming around the barrier cube] Akuma: Very clever, setting up a barrier with the doll and those gadgets inside.... Akuma: This might take a while.
♦ 41
Finder: W-We'll never let you Akuma have the Innocence....
sfx: guu [Akuma stomps down]
Finder: GYAA sfx: bushu [blood splats]
Akuma: Maybe I'll play with your skull to kill some time.
Allen: Stop! sfx: DON [Allen's arm slams into Akuma]
♦ p42
Guzol & Lala: !?
sfx: pii [Allen's eye spinning up] Allen: !! An Akuma!?
sfx: niko [Akuma grins]
sfx: dokun [Allen's heart turns over]
Akuma: What are you?
♦ 43
sfx: go [Akuma kicks Allen] Akuma: Spit it out!
sfx: don [Allen slams into nearest wall] sfx: garagaragara [stones clattering]
sfx: gari [booted foot lands on stone] sfx: zah [dramatic effect]
Kanda: That idiot.
♦ 44
Australian | 26 years old Height: 185cm | 6'1 Weight: 75kg | 165lbs Birthday: September 8th Virgo, blood type A
can: FIZZ arrow: cola
Can't actually handle booze or tabacco. Despite the way Komui's always selfishly dragging him around, Reever (kinda sorta) respects him. That said, he's been thinking somewhat seriously about a career change lately, being 26 years old.
無人化 mujinka is the process of an operational facility becoming unmanned, usually because personnel are being replaced by automation. A city is a very odd thing to refer to this way. [ ♠ ]
棲んでいる sundeiru is homophonous with "lives (there)" but means "nests", in the animal sense. [ ♠ ]
The Rose Cross has a long and varied history, mostly as a symbol of the various Rosicrucian orders. Aleister Crowley was tied to one of those, which will be a fun callback later. [ ♠ ]
Kanji: 大洪水 daikouzui = the Great Flood Furigana: ノア noa "Noah", or "the Noah (family)" [ ♠ ]
Kanji: 結晶 kesshou "crystal(lization)" Furigana: いし ishi "rock, stone" [ ♠ ]
Kanji: 結晶 kesshou "crystal(lization)" Furigana: モノ mono "thing" [ ♠ ]
Toma uses his own name as his first-person pronoun, which generally reads as kind of... cutesy, even childish? I've seen it most often with either literal children or like, female J-pop idols. "Toma is here. Toma is happy! Toma will be careful."
It carries much the same connotations in English, though it's used much more rarely (which is why I didn't translate it directly; it would come off much weirder than it actually is, like he's a Teletubby or something). [ ♠ ]
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