jamnickowa · 7 months
Szczęście. Moje.
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Dodaję cytat. Dziecko nie może myśleć "jak dorosły", ale może dziecięco zastanawiać się nad poważnymi zagadnieniami dorosłych; brak wiedzy i doświadczenia zmusza je, by inaczej myślało. - Janusz Korczak Myśli dziecka są niewiarygodne. Dzieci myślą nieschematycznie. W pewnym momencie ich życia to przede wszystkim szkoła wpycha tym wspaniałym, wolnym osobom schematy. Niech to się skończy.
Podziękowania dla WCTD ❤️
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veneritia · 1 month
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when comes the dawn monthly update {4.30.2024}
not me being massively late in posting this and also ignoring my draft oops lets all pretend i posted this in april
the draft → 44,247 words words written this month → 6,441 words total words written this year → 35,384 words hours spent writing this month → 9 hours
6,441/15,000 words written. As always...nano's schedule is so not student friendly lmao.
Rewrote the aftermath of the banquet scene twice. Still not totally satisfied with what I went with, but at least it won't overcomplicate and derail the plot
Expanded more on Marius Tracellis. He now has a secret librarian boyfriend <3
Added a new scene towards the beginning of the draft and rewrote the aftermath of Titania's funeral. I'm planning on adding a scene between Dantalion and Fenice that's....not quite family bonding but it's certain something.
I got burned out during the majority of April between final exams and nano, so I'll be taking a short break on the wctd draft and will be focusing on lighter stuff like character studies and the like.
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I might also take a hiatus from posting the weekly updates, since there really isn't all that much to update on
TAGLIST UNDER THE CUT [ask to be +/-)
@bloomingwrites @writinglyra @zmwrites @trapped-inadystopianovel @inky-duchess @aalinaaaaaa @seasteading @kaatiba @lazulis-stuff @serpentarii @sourrcandy @charlesjosephwrites @marrowwife @forever-and-almost-always @halcionic @caninemotiff @socialmediasocrates @zorya-km @smolandweirdwriter @floweryprosegarden
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carpediemocaptains · 2 years
we are the dancers, we create the dreams update
hi loves, 
i know i’ve been gone awhile and for that i’m sorry. 
i was quite sick when i posted the last chapter and it took me a while to really shake that. but since then i’ve also started back at uni doing a masters while still having work and life commitments to juggle. so i’ve been plugging away at the fic whenever i get a spare moment (which hasn’t been often). 
i was almost finished with the final three chapters and intended to post them all at the same time as a kind of peace offering for making you all wait so long for an update. 
unfortunately my google docs got corrupted and i lost everything with no hope of recovering it. i lost not only these three chapters, but everything else i had in my drafts. 
it’s very demoralising. so this post is just to say i may return to it, but i also might not. i don’t know where to even begin with rewriting everything. 
i’m sorry.
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0tjdkim · 5 days
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queenofraw · 9 months
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Join us on October 5th for World Circular Textiles Day to celebrate the companies, organizations, and individuals working towards full textiles circularity by 2050.
REGISTER: https://worldcirculartextilesday.com/wctd-2023/
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anomaly00-archive · 4 years
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I’ll be updating my worldbuilding posts here and there for WCTD since, well, a lot of things have changed concept/worldbuilding wise and posting it gives me a good way to archive my worldbuilding. Though out of every concept, magic and arcana have had the biggest overhaul on their content and function to better suit the rest of the worldbuilding. 
Part I | Terms and Concepts
Arcana | (N.) Secrets or mysteries. 
— In reference to the Arcane Arts, a practice that involves the learning and understanding of magic as to better appeal to and manipulate it. 
Magic | (N.) A natural, sentient energy that exists within all things. Depending on the element it inhabits or the condition it is in, will exhibit a different reaction. Magic can neither be created nor destroyed, only conserved. 
Classifications of Magic
Scholars tend to classify magic into two groups. Natural Magic refers to the energy existing within non-sentient elements such as earth, water, air, fire, and even plants to an extent. This is the most common variant of magic that is drawn upon. Animus Magic refers to the intrinsic energy of what is generally believed to be the ‘soul.’ It is the ‘soul’ that exists within sentient organisms that allows for the manipulation of natural magic as well as their own physical form*. 
— The basis of healing is rooted in the study of animancy. Healers use the energy within their own ‘soul’ to manipulate their patient’s ‘soul’ into treating their physical ailments. 
*In theory, a person born without Animus Magic would be incapable of using any kind of magic no matter how much they applied themselves in the Arcane Arts. Being born without Animus Magic is not unheard of. Uncommon-- extremely uncommon-- yes, but not entirely unheard of. Infants born without a 'soul' are either stillborn or experience Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. There is no formal name for this phenomena, though the inevitable death of its young victims eventually led to many calling these unfortunate souls “deadbornes.”  No Deadborn has ever lived past a few months.
None except one.
The Psychology of Magic
Magic, as stated earlier, has a degree of sentience. It does not like changing its natural or present state, and if prompted to do so, usually chooses the path of least resistance.  It can feel and sense its surroundings and what is being done to itself and has even been observed to have specific behaviors depending on the element/object and the conditions surrounding it. 
Many of academies and the most educated alfaras like to describe Magic as having a personality; a wild animal with all the awesome force of nature simmering just beneath the skin. Taking this analogy, each element would be a different animal with their own set of behaviors, characteristics, etc. The more a caster is educated about an animal’s (magic’s) characteristics, the more able they are to be able to handle them and ‘teach them tricks,’ albeit crudely put. 
But how casters cast magic in the first place? 
How does one communicate with another? Through words. Incantations are the most widely used medium of casting as it helps with the focus and precision required with casting. The specifics of that, however, will be covered in Part II of A Brief Intro to the Arcane Arts
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inky-duchess · 3 years
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Happy Holidays to my dearest Maddie 💜🎉🎊💐🎄
I could not decide on who to portray but I finally decided on my son Sola. May this holiday period be a happy time for you and thank you for the support and love this year @anomaly00
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authoressasusual · 5 years
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Okay, so I’ve been working on this for a while now as part of the writeblr positivity week and I had a LOT of fun doing it - a moodboard for @anomaly00​ because WCTD is one of the best WIPs out there :)
Introducing the moodboard with one of her favorite lines from the story:
“Here, in the marbled garden of the gods, fester and breed generations upon generations of wolves and vipers. Of lie-smiths and truth-spinners so proficient in the language of double-speak that it should make even the fallen god Helius weep in envy. Dwelling here, in the innermost sanctum of the palace, are the worshipers of gold and titles; where pragmatism joins hand-in-hand with fortune as rulers of this debauched society.“
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Cuomo Approves $100,000 For ‘We Connect The Dots’
Cuomo approves $100,000 for ‘We Connect The Dots’ STEAM Research & Education Center
Funds will support the construction of a STEAM Research & Education Center Carey leading and interacting with students during We Connect The Dots’ BuildingSTEAM program at Plainview Old Bethpage School District. (Photos courtesy of We Connect The Dots)
We Connect the Dots (WCTD), a national educational organization based on Long Island, has been awarded a $100,000 grant from Governor Andrew M.…
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minhcongngheso-blog · 7 years
LẮP CAMERA HIK DS-2CD2685FWD-IZS 8MB - Tiêu cự : 2.8 to 12 mm - Khoảng cách từ con cam đến cổng : 40m, cao 8m, lắp ngoài trời. Yêu cầu độ chống nước, thời tiết.
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jamnickowa · 8 days
Pani prezes Małgorzata Strońska, założycielka fundacji Wrocławskie Centrum Twórczości Dziecka, podarowała mi tę cenną pamiątkę ze swojej podróży.
Jestem niezmiernie wzruszona. ♥️
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veneritia · 2 months
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when comes the dawn monthly update {4.2.2024}
This was supposed to be posted yesterday but considering I posted like 2 wip things that day + the april fools boopfest, I thought it'd be better to hold off till today lol
the draft → 39,251 words words written this month → 8,008 words total words written this year → 28,943 words hours spent writing this month → 12 hours
my struggles this month were centered around 2 major and somewhat lengthy scenes: the poisoning scene at the banquet and Sola's introduction
Reworked the poisoning scene. Changed the route of the poison, and instead of Fenice noticing and successfully avoiding the assassination attempt, she notices the poison a second too late
Aspects of Sola's introduction were also changed. Instead of Sola successfully escaping Fenice and Leda at the banquet and necessitating his search to have a second meeting, Leda prevents Sola from escaping allowing Fenice to make a deal with him then and there
Added an interlude between Dantalion and Andras!
Rethinking some stuff about my current magic system. No concrete changes just yet, but I know that I definitely want to change it
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I'll be participating in camp nano! You can find my powerpoint wip intro here
Camp nano updates will be weekly and tagged with #event.camp nano april 2024 It'll be posted along side my usual weekly progress updates
Aretos had his birthday on April 1st! You can find the post here
(ask to be +/-)
@bloomingwrites @writinglyra @zmwrites @trapped-inadystopianovel @inky-duchess @aalinaaaaaa @seasteading @kaatiba @lazulis-stuff @serpentarii @sourrcandy @charlesjosephwrites @marrowwife @forever-and-almost-always @halcionic @caninemotiff @socialmediasocrates @zorya-km
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carpediemocaptains · 2 years
we are the dancers, we create the dreams. 
chapter 1 - Kate and Anthony’s meeting from Kate’s point of view.
A/N: thank you everyone that has shown love to this fic so far and for your patience while i deal with things in my real life. i will be updating the actual fic soon now that i have time to spend writing it again. i hope this will tide you all over until i can get that done. 
if there are any other scenes from watd,wctd you would like to see from the opposite point of view please do let me know!
“Lady Danbury.”
Kate stopped in what she was saying to Edwina. She recognised the voice that had just spoken, though she could not place where. There were not many people she had interacted with since their boat docked in England, and there were certainly even less in London society.
“Viscount Bridgerton,” Lady Danbury said with a lilt to her voice that Kate thought meant she was scheming. This viscount must have been close with her late husband for her to be able to speak to him in such a way. “Allow me to introduce my guests for the season.” 
Kate smoothed her hands over the skirt of her dress. It was not wrinkled or out of place in any way, but that did not mean she did not want to be at her most presentable. She knew the importance of first impressions, and if she was going to see her sister married by the season’s end, she could not allow a single hair to be out of place for one moment.
She felt her heart stop as she looked up from her dress to see the viscount stood before Lady Danbury. 
It was the man from the woods, the one that had chased her down thinking she was in trouble then swiftly began to race her when he realised she was not. His features did not look as soft as she remembered them. His mouth was a harsh line, turned down slightly at the corners, and there was a wrinkle between his eyebrows she was certain was not there the other morning. 
He did not look old enough to be a viscount either. Which only meant one thing, a dead father. 
Kate knew that pain better than most. The crushing weight of responsibility being foisted upon oneself at such a tender age. The harsh lines on his face began to make sense, this was not just a ball to enjoy for him, it was a business meeting of sorts. It was a place where agreements were brokered and more official meetings planned. 
The woman on his arm shared the same eyes, though hers were much softer; both with age and emotion. She appeared to be a similar age to her mother. 
Her suspicions were confirmed when she dropped her son’s arm to reach out to her mother to say, “Lady Mary, it is so good to see you again.”
Kate felt her lips twitch slightly as she saw Lady Bridgerton elbow her son lightly to get him to say something to those he was being introduced to. 
Viscount Bridgerton pulled his gaze away from her, making her realise she had been frozen in place by it. Her stomach had twisted in knots and her palm grew clammy underneath her elbow length silken gloves. 
“And this is Miss Kate Sharma,” Lady Danbury motioned to her with a flourish. 
It took all of Kate’s mental strength to cast her eyes downwards and dip into a curtsy as she knew was proper for introductions. She knew hers was not as steady and beautiful as Edwina’s was, her legs shook slightly as she bent them and she struggled not to look up to meet his eye as she had the other morning.
Lady Danbury introduced Edwina next, but the viscount did not appear to be listening to her. He hardly glanced at Edwina.
“Miss Sharma,” He said, interrupting his mothers welcoming words to Kate’s family. 
Kate did her best not to let her surprise so on her face at his less than perfect manners. The slight smile that showed on Lady Bridgerton's face told her that this was not a regular occurrence, so she believed she would not hold it against him. 
This was more like the man she met the other morning. A man that did not care for the lack of propriety being unchaperoned with an unmarried woman, and one that did not let official introductions stop him from saying what he was thinking.
Laughter bubbled in her chest that she had to bite her tongue to hold onto. She thought that if it were not for his pleasing smile that she would find him to be insufferable.
“Would you be so kind as to honour me with a dance this evening?” 
Kate did let her surprise show then. She had not expected him to ask her to dance, perhaps only mention their accidental meeting. Though she was grateful he did not, she was not interested in being on the receiving end of a lecture from her mother about being careful and treating Lady Danbury’s hospitality with respect. 
The encouraging smile he gave her as she mulled over her answer did little to soothe her. Surely there were women much more suitable than her for him to dance with.
But she remembered Lady Danbury’s words about not refusing eligible men a dance. So she tipped her face up slightly, showing an arrogance that she did not quite feel and offered her dance card out to him. 
“Of course, my Lord.” 
“Tell me,” he said as he took the card, dipping into his pocket for a pencil as she had removed the one attached to her card as soon as she took hold of it. She did not let herself smile at his preparation.
“Which is your favourite dance?” 
Kate frowned slightly. He had yet to do anything that she had been expecting of him since they had been officially introduced. 
“I have not danced in society before, my Lord,” She said honestly.
The viscount inclined his head, looking confused by her answer, but quickly schooled his features into something less rude.
“Then I would like the first dance.” He quickly scrawled his name in the first opening. “I shall have hope it becomes your favourite.” 
Kate felt her lips twitch, her tenuous grasp on the laughter bubbling in her chest slipping. Again, he caught her off guard. 
She did not have much experience with the opposite sex, but with what she did have she knew that Edwina was the more desirable match in every way. She was petite and beautiful, knew how to smile and laugh, and was not approaching spinsterhood as Kate was. 
Yet she was still a woman that wanted to be treated as if she were the most precious jewel on earth, and this was the first time that she may have considered it an option for herself. 
“I’m not sure I will have anything to compare it to,” Kate replied. She took her dance card back from him, their fingers brushing against each other as she did so. 
She did not gasp as their fingers brushed together. She could do little of anything. An inexorable heat burned through the fabric of her glove to curl around her skin and into every nerve in her body. It stayed burning in her chest. 
Their eyes met. Kate thought he must feel it too, something burned in his eyes as he said, “I would like to dance every other with you, so you are able to compare.”
“Are you asking me for more than two dances this evening, my Lord?” She could not help the teasing lilt in her voice, she wanted to see him smile as he did in the woods. 
His chuckle was just as charming as the rest of him. He shook his head, the chuckle still colouring his words as he said, “Only that you might save a space for me on your dance card at upcoming balls if you will permit it.” 
The laughter in her chest, the giddy feeling of being a girl shown interest by a man, could not be tempered down any longer. 
Kate snorted.
She ducked her head in embarrassment— away from the stare of abject horror from her mother and sister— covering her mouth with her hand. She tried to push the laughter back into her mouth, back into her lungs. 
She had not felt this way since the Maharaja her father worked for in India bid his son to take her on his riding lessons. It was a kind of weightlessness. A feeling that her feet would never touch the floor again.
“I will find you before the first dance, Miss Sharma.” He offered his arm out to his mother and bowed to the other ladies. “Please excuse us.”
Kate felt as if she could breathe properly again as she watched him walk away. But she also found that she did not want to. She wanted to choke on her words and her heart some more.
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jamnickowa · 8 months
Przeżyłam wczoraj tak...
... przemiłe chwile we Wrocławskim Centrum Twórczości Dziecka, że nie wiem, jak je objąć słowami. Odnośnie obejmowania. Młodzi, wspaniali ludzie mnie objęli. 🤗 Miejsce magiczne.
Za każdym razem, gdy tam przybywam jestem pozytywnie zaskakiwana. ❤️
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jamnickowa · 2 months
1. Libra dostała kolejny lek. Biedna leci na różnych lekach od dłuższego czasu. Za butelkę przypominającą tę od syropu poszły prawie dwie stówy. Robimy wszystko, żeby Jej pomóc.
2. Ja zaś znów kuśtykam. Co tu się odpierpapier? Nie wiem. Dziś po południu chcę dotrzeć do WCTD i pomóc D. Bardzo chcę! Tak napisałam na fejsbruku. I dodałam gifa.
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jamnickowa · 7 months
PS Cytat widniejący na zaproszeniu.
Na zaproszeniu na obchody jubileuszu XXV-lecia Wrocławskiego Centrum Twórczości Dziecka, które otrzymałam i jestem z powyższego faktu dumna i za które bardzo dziękuję, a który to jubileusz odbędzie się 24 listopada 2023 br. widnieje cytat:
Piękno należy wspierać, bo tworzą je nieliczni, a potrzebuje wielu. - J. W. Goethe
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