#Like I hate pop up ads anyway but those ones are true evil
thealienarchivist · 8 months
I’m being fully serious when I say that those ads that don’t let you hit the x and instead send you to the download page should be illegal
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beginningobserver · 4 months
TTRPG with 02 Kiddos ft Rui-kun
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[AO3 Version]
• Canon compliant (KenMiya/Kenyako) + 02 group and Rui-kun (also includes DaiLui) • Comedy; Teen/Adult audiences.
Story: Takeru liked to read storybooks as a kid. He really enjoyed those stories from different places and cultures, myths and folktales. It’s not a surprise he was aiming to be a professional writer, and it was also working on his childhood memories alongside the digimon and the Chosen Children. It’s also not a big surprise that he would find fun in writing TTRPG sessions with friends -- yes, Hikari, Iori, Daisuke, Ken and Miyako. But this time he prepared something extra fun for their new friend, Rui.
The group of fearless warriors kept walking through the forest looking for the great evil who is trying to destroy their world and kingdom. In this group they had…
“Hey, Takeru quit narrating everything and hurry up! The kingdom won’t be saved if you keep doing monologues!!”
“Ah… But you see, I’m--”
“He’s right,” V-mon pouted, “Don’t you want to save the kingdom ruled by our king!?”
“Who was the king again…?” Patamon blinked.
“YOU FORGOT WHO’S OUR KING!?” Daisuke and V-mon gasped dramatically.
“... Did we mention a king before?”
“It’s Taichi-san,” Takeru explained, “Since he’s working in a Digital World-related department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs… Makes sense for him to be a king, right?”
“True,” Patamon nodded sagely.
“Y’ALL ARE WASTING OUR TIME!!” Daisuke interrupted them again, “Taichi-san will be mad if we don’t beat the great evil!”
“Huh, what’s ‘the great evil’ again?” Miyako popped in.
“The great evil, Ow the Edge. ”
“What?” Iori squinted his eyes, “I thought you would put Ichijouji-san as the enemy.”
“Excuse me…?” Ken looked at them, frowning, “My days of villainy have ended a long time ago, I don’t want to be the bad guy anymore.”
“Besides, I don’t want to date the villain!” Miyako pouted, “Unless you want an evil couple.”
“Here she goes, talking about her relationship status again,” Daisuke muttered in a growl. He hated the fact he’s still unable to confess his feelings for Hikari.
“What did you say, Dai-su-ke?” Miyako grabbed her guitar in hands, ready to smash it into Daisuke’s head.
“N-nothing??!” He babbled, wavering.
“I think we’re going off-topic,” Tailmon interrupted them, unamused.
“Who’s Ow the Edge, Takeru-san?”
“Ow the Edge…” Daisuke squinted, “Ain’t you making fun of Sh※d※w the H※dg※h※g, are ya!?”
“No, it’s definitely not related to Sh※d※w the H※dg※h※g. It’s just Ow the Edge.”
Daisuke’s brain couldn’t tell if Takeru was trolling them or being serious.
“Anyway, Ow the Edge is the evil guy and we’re going to beat him right now.”
“Wait a second,” They all looked at the seventh human there on the table, Rui.
“What is it, Rui-kun?” Hikari asked.
“I… I don’t understand why Takaishi-kun gave me this paper and told me to memorize it…”
“Oh I just made up something for you, to read. Don’t worry~”
Daisuke whispered to Rui, “When he says that, get ready for something terrible happening to your character. Trust me and Ken, we’re his favorite victims.”
Ken nodded in silence, agreeing with Daisuke. Rui was still not sure what that meant though….
“Where were we again?” Takeru said, then he cleaned his throat and proceeded with the story.
The group had the most loyal knight of the kingdom in the lead who wielded a glaive, a magician and a bard couple (the bard girl had an axe which was also her guitar, the magician boy a twin spear with the ability to turn enemies into allies when touched by its edges), a duo of archers wielding crossbows and a swordsman (the youngest of them!)
They were going into the Forbidden Forest and--
“One question,” Wormmon stopped the group, “Why is it forbidden?”
“You see, little familiar, the forest is forbidden because it’s off the kingdom’s domains.”
“So we would be violating by trespassing, am I correct?” Iori deadpanned.
“But we’re six people and six digimon,” Armadimon added, “To not be trespassing we should just let two people pass.”
“... Makes sense” Daisuke and V-mon mused.
“No, it makes no sense at all,” Ken sighed.
“Can you please let Takeru continue?” Tailmon stared at them.
“Ahem,” Takeru cleaned his throat again,
They were going into the Forbidden Forest and suddenly… It started raining. Then, the knight said…
“Alright, leave it to me, I’m a master of the lightning spells!”
“Is he really the right person for that?” Miyako whispered to Takeru, “Letting Daisuke play with fire is not a smart idea…”
“HEY, I have the Digimentals of Courage and Friendship!” Daisuke snapped, “It’s obvious I’d be experienced in fire and lightning magic!”
“True,” V-mon nodded, “It’s not like Daisuke had exploded things while cooking!”
“Yeah it’s not-- HEY!!” Daisuke stared at V-mon, angrily.
“I think I should use the power of my Digimental” Iori looked at his sword, “Why would we need The Digimental of Friendship if there’s no Lightnin--”
A strong lightning crashed into their direction, but the knight’s Lighdra-glaive’s spells protected the group.
“... Nevermind,” Iori blinked.
“Are you okay, Miyako-san?” Ken asked Miyako, who he was shielding with his own body.
“Y-yeah… I am, thank you Ichijouji-kun” she answered with a smile.
They were going to kiss, but--
“But you’re protecting us from the lightning, not from the rain,” Hawkmon corrected him.
“It’s Iori who is protecting us from the rain” Tailmon gestured to the boy using the Submari-Sword to keep them dry.
“But we’re not like third wheels for their romance!” Daisuke pouted.
“We’re six digimon and six humans, so we would’ve been the third, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten wheels” V-mon said as he counted in his fingers.
“I don’t mean it literally!! ”
“I don’t mind that,” Iori said, then he and the group kept walking in the rain, but the sword was generating a force field protecting them from the water.
“Fine, fine… But stop flirting while we’re working!” Daisuke growled, and then kept using his glaive to control the lightning away from them.
“But…” Rui interrupted them again,
“Was it, Rui?” V-mon asked this time.
“Wouldn't it be more effective if they could seek a place to stay and wait for the rain to stop?”
They looked at each other and then to Rui…
“Are you criticizing Takeru’s story?” Patamon stared at Rui.
“ANYWAY!!” Takeru said quickly, before they could get into a fight.
The group kept going through the dense and eerie Forbidden Forest,
“Why is it raining here though?” Wormmon asked, still on Ken’s back.
“Because of a spell casted by Ow the Edge” Takeru explained, “Human beings are not allowed in his territory.”
“Well, we should be closer!” Daisuke seemed fired up, then he pointed at the lair in the horizon, “THERE IT IS, THE… THE…”
The Lair of the Great Evil -- The LOGE.
“The Loge?” Hikari tilted her head.
“Are we going to a theater then?” Miyako blinked.
“No, the LOGE, not loge” Takeru corrected them, “It's an abbreviation of the ‘Lair of the Great Evil’.”
“Shouldn’t it be ‘LOTGE’ then?” Ken asked, unfazed.
“Lodge?” Daisuke frowned.
“No, it’s LOGE, we shouldn’t count ‘the’ there!” Patamon snapped.
“Why would you name it with a HARD abbreviation like that!?” V-mon complained.
“Oh I like to see your reactions” Takeru smiled.
While the knight, the magician and the aspiring writer who’s also an archer were in a heated discussion about the lair’s name and abbreviation…
The mysterious and nefarious Ow the Edge appeared in front of them!!
“...?” Rui looked at Takeru on the table, confused.
“Ahem, Rui-kun it’s your turn.”
“The paper I gave you, it’s your character” Takeru gestured to the paper in front of Rui on the table.
“Wait,” Daisuke squinted his eyes at Takeru again, “Don’t tell me you…”
Like, I said… The mysterious and nefarious Ow the Edge appeared in front of them!!
“Oh ho ho ho… I’m Ow the Edge, the villain of this game…” Rui was… reading the paper normally?!
“Ow the Edge is Rui-kun??” Miyako exclaimed in confusion.
“Well… I’m--”
“You’re not taking it seriously enough…” Takeru sighed.
“Not enough…?”
“No offense but you’re reading and not acting, dagya.”
“Yeah, you have to put some feelings on it!!” Patamon added.
“Hey guys, we shouldn’t go too harsh on Rui” Daisuke argued, “He’s still learning how to play!”
“True, I hate doing this but… Takeru-kun, can I simply give him an example?” Ken asked, politely and gently.
“Sure, you’re like a pro!” Takeru chuckled.
“Are you plannin’ to…” Daisuke raised an eyebrow.
Ken cleaned his throat and then…
“Huhu…HAHAHAHAHA, I’m the Digimon Kaiser, the one who controls the power of the darkness! I will dominate the Digital World and make you all OBEY me. CHERISH me. And LOVE me. Say, you dare to face me? HAH! Pathetic human beings, I’M THE PERFECT CHOSEN ONE! And ONLY ME can come here and PLAY this game!”
“Yeah, he just got overboard again…” Daisuke shrugged.
“Is he okay?” Rui was petrified by that 180º flip while the rest of the group was shaking their heads.
“Yeah, he got a little rusty since it had been like, 10 years since he was some edgelord throwing tantrums in the Digital World…” V-mon shrugged.
“Oh, that’s why Takaishi-kun said ‘like a pro’ when he asked permission to give an example…”
“R-rusty…??” Wormmon and Ken said, intrigued.
“I guess you unlearned how to be an edgelord, Ken…” Tailmon commented, shaking her head.
“I’m rusty…” Ken repeated it, quite disappointedly…
“Didn’t the Kaiser say ‘insects’ all the time?” Patamon mused.
“And he also used a whip,” V-mon added.
“He still uses the whip,” Wormmon and Hawkmon said out of the blue.
“Huh?” the others blinked. Ken and Miyako blushed awkwardly though.
“Are you sure this is the right hour to Talk about--” Daisuke squinted his eyes once again, this time at Ken, Wormmon, Miyako and Hawkmon.
“A-alright… I guess I can try again” Rui nodded.
Then, Ow the Edge appeared in front of them, laughing maniacally and stomping his cane-staff on the ground!
“...OHOHOHO! I’m Ow the Edge, the great evil of the world! You peasants are stepping on my yard and you will regret it.”
He looked at Takeru, “Is it better…?”
“Yeah, a little better 👌” Takeru smiled.
“I’m rusty…” Ken was still sulking in the corner.
The warriors wielded their weapons, ready for an imminent clash--
“Hold on, I don’t think it’s right to fight him,” Daisuke interrupted them all.
“? Why not?” Hawkmon asked, “Isn’t he the source of all evil?”
“No, I’m the great evil, not the source of all evil” Rui said, deadpanned.
“Isn’t that the same thing!?” Patamon babbled.
“I mean we can’t fight Rui, he’s our friend!” Daisuke argued back, “I can’t believe you did that to him, Takeru!”
“Daisuke, you're taking it too seriously now” Takeru chuckled nervously.
“No, you were just--”
“Or are you afraid of fighting me, Daisuke-kun?” Rui said it in a very seductive way with a smug smile.
“I… I don’t want to fight you, that’s all” Daisuke blushed and turned his face.
“Ok, I think he really got the spirit, dagya” Armadimon commented with the others, perplexed.
“Why not? You fought Ichijouji-kun in the past, didn’t you?” he scoffed.
“Yeah, but Ken was not our friend back in time!” Daisuke snorted, “So no, cut it out. I refuse to fight you!!”
“I guess you don’t care about your pathetic kingdom then,” Rui shrugged, “I’m the great evil, will you let your people perish only to spare me?”
“I’ll save you too then!” Daisuke stomped his foot on the floor.
“Where did I see this scene before…” Tailmon mused.
“Uh… It was when you confronted Ken-chan, I guess” Wormmon replied.
“So, will you accept defeat, Daisuke-kun?”
“No, I won’t!” Daisuke snapped, cupping Rui’s face “I will come after you no matter what you say, no matter what Takeru makes you do! You’re MY friend and I refuse to fight you!!”
“... W-what??” Rui blushed.
“HOLD ON!!” Miyako shouted, and interrupted their game.
“Daisuke, what’s wrong with you?” She looked at Daisuke, seriously, “This is just a game, a harmless game, no one is going to fight for real here!!”
“But I.. I… * ahem * I was also acting, yeah… Uh… yeah,” he immediately took his hands off Rui’s face, babbling.
Though Rui was… also blushing awkwardly.
“I guess someone is not into Hikari anymo--” V-mon had Daisuke covering his mouth again.
“Uh, what?” Hikari blinked.
“... Did I do something wrong?” Rui frowned.
“No, you just managed to beat Daisuke-kun without fighting him,” Takeru said awkwardly, “Don’t take it seriously.”
“Oh… Okay…?”
With the knight and his familiar out of the battle, Ow the Edge smirks and turns into the rest of the group and says:
“One down, Five left.”
“... You can touch me, really. I’m untouchable.”
“What do you mean?” Iori raised an eyebrow.
“... I’m cursed, remember? Great evil… We need an excuse for Daisuke-kun’s absence, sorry.”
“Ooh…” Armadimon exclaimed, “That’s clever.”
“We shouldn’t touch him then!” Hawkmon nodded.
“Alright,” Takeru said with a serious gaze, “if Daisuke is not here, the second-in-command is Ken-kun so--”
“... I’m rusty.”
Everyone looked at Ken, who was still sulking like a kid in the corner.
“Ichijouji-kun?” Miyako blinked, “What’s wrong?”
“You guys said I’m rusty… I don’t like to be the Digimon Kaiser anymore, but it’s still part of me… I created him and now I’m… I’m unable to be him even for a simple TTRPG sample!!”
“Y-you’re upset that you can’t do the Digimon Kaiser anymore!?” the five babbled, intrigued.
“... 💧” Rui blinked, still not sure what was going on.
“I guess we accidentally beat Ken,” Patamon shook his head.
“Two down…?” and yet Rui is still confused about this entire game.
“I think I need a break” Ken sighed, and then he and Wormmon left the table.
“Ah, wait…!” Miyako called him, but then she turned to the rest of the group, “I will calm him down and we will be back! Let’s go, Hawkmon!”
“Right, Miyako-san!”
Then Miyako and Hawkmon went after Ken and Wormmon. Rui frowned, he was thinking maybe he was just really bad at playing tabletop games…
Takeru sighed, “Well, I guess it’s only the four of us now… And our digimon partners, of course.”
“If you… want to stop I’m okay with it” Rui was feeling very awkward right now.
“Are you guys still up to it?”
“I’m curious about how it will end,” Iori mused.
“I don’t mind continuing it…” Hikari added.
“They might come back, didn’t they say it?” Armadimon asked, looking at the entrance of the apartment.
“Hmm… We’re at Daisuke’s house, so it would be odd if he just left” Tailmon replied with a shrug.
“I wonder where he went…” Patamon said, looking at Takeru.
With the couple down, our brave group was reduced into three members and their familiars. The heavy atmosphere of the heated battle against Ow the Edge and our heroes intensified second by second.
“I guess you can’t beat me.”
Said the great evil with a shrug. His cocky attitude and malicious grin were making the last hope of the Kingdom weaver, but FEAR NOT! The good guys had a trump card in their hands.
“Trump card??” Rui, Hikari, Iori and the digimon exclaimed, confused.
“Oh trust me, being an amateur writer means I need to make the story a little exciting.”
“But what’s that trump card, dagya?”
“It’s a secret.”
“What does it supposed to mean!?” Hikari and Iori exclaimed.
“So… To be sure,” Rui approached them, “What happens if I beat you three? Do I win?”
“Technically yes,” Iori explained, “But this is an ongoing game, we have sessions and turns, so you could say you would win a turn or session.”
“The others can come back, can’t they?” He was worried about Daisuke and Ken’s reactions to that game though…
“Yup,” Patamon nodded, “They’re not dead in this game, unless the Game Master kicks them off the game.”
“Oh… So I didn’t kill them in-game…” he sighed in relief.
“Yeah, but don’t worry about that!” Tailmon smiled, “Takeru will find a way to add them again once they’re back.”
“But what is that trump card, dagya??” Armadimon pouted.
The aspiring writer and archer then summoned… A jar of sugar.
“A JAR OF SUGAR!?” Hikari exclaimed.
“Isn’t Rui-san…” Iori looked at Rui.
“Uh… Am I supposed to… do some dramatic reaction at the fact he got a jar of sugar?”
“Wait, I thought you hated sweets,” Patamon blinked.
“Yes, I do.. So… Uh… * ahem *”
“NO, MY ONLY WEAKNESS…!! SUGAR!!” He dramatically knelt on the floor, using the cane as support, “I’M DYING… NOOOO!!”
“We haven't used it yet” Takeru looked at him, deadpanned.
“Oh… Ok.”
The aspiring writer and archer then showed the jar to Ow the Edge, and with a firm tone of voice he threatened:
“We will end your days of evil with the HolyAngemon Sugar Brand! UNLESS!!”
“Wait, are you sparing me too??”
“No, I’m proposing a deal!”
“Ah, I see… You want something in return…”
“We won’t use the sugar if you stop threatening the kingdom,” Iori explained.
“You will undo the evil deeds you caused to us,” Patamon added.
“What evil deeds…?” Rui then took the paper and started checking the text, “Uhh… Fine, fine.”
“And you will turn all the sweets you turned into dust back to normal, dagya!”
“Wait… Did I go this far before…? 💧”
“No, Armadimon is just doing an ad-lib right now,” Tailmon shrugged.
“I suppose it’s because you don’t like sweets,” Hikari added, “You would turn them into dust.”
“... I might not like sweets but I have no problem with them,” Rui shrugged, “It’s just… I don’t like it that much…”
“Oh… I’m sorry” Armadimon bowed his head awkwardly.
“It’s okay, no hard feelings.”
And then the warriors stopped the great evil and everyone lived happily after.
“So we--”
“AH CRAP, I REALLY OVERCOOKED IT!!” They heard Daisuke’s voice from the kitchen.
“Daisuke, are you okay--” Takeru said and he and the others ran to the kitchen.
“Noooooooo… MY RAMEN!!” he dramatically cried.
“He really left his ramen on the stove…” Patamon commented.
“You thought we were joking!?” V-mon snapped, “It was our dinner!! For the night of games!!”
“Oh… Oh no” Armadimon sniffed, “Our dinner…”
“It’s okay everyone!!” They heard Miyako’s voice from the entrance of the apartment, “Our girl Miyako and her boyfriend had brought some dinner for us all!!”
“Miyako and Ken saved our dinner, dagya!!” Armadimon chirped.
“Hmm… Yeah, maybe we can eat ramen another day” Daisuke smiled, "Alright folks! Let’s clean the table and eat!”
“Alright!!” They all said together.
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frazzledsoul · 3 years
So I thought I'd talk a bit about the Eternals "leak" that popped up on Reddit a few weeks ago.
don't say I didn't warn you
So the main thing that bothers me about this leak is that the Reddit mods were power-hungry dicks about the entire situation. Marvel spoiler culture isn't as toxic and competitive in the same way that I think say, GoT fan culture is but it still is kind of a rat race between scoopers with varying degrees of believability who compete for clicks and nerd credibility and Patreon bucks and since Marvel stans can be very gullible most of the rumors they spread are absolute crap.
That said, the mods stepped into it big time with this one because this came out after the Wandavision disappointment where a lot of Marvel fans got hyped up on a lot of crazy promises they thought the show was making to them and blamed them when none of them came true. A lot of scoopers said some things would happen in that finale that didn't actually happen and the mods started manually approving posts so that only stuff they could trust would show up. The problem is after the Wandavision situation where so many scoopers that were deemed reliable had been wrong putting up a plot summary like this with nothing more reliable than "just trust us, bro" doesn't cut it. And then the Reddit mods cozied up to a con artist on Twitter who pretended to work for Marvel (but didn't) as "proof" that this leak was real (he turned out to be stealing someone else's identity). When I pointed this out on the sub, people got angry because no one was supposed to question the word of the mods. But for those reasons alone, I'm doubtful this leak is real.
That said, could this be true? Sure. I hate to burst the bubble of Kit Harington/Black Knight fans, but he has never publicly been identified as Black Knight in any official media for this movie and he has been left off all of the leaked merch as well as the cast list shown at the expo several months ago, even though he has been listed as part of the cast by official sources. He did not film long with the rest of the cast in Spain (this is where they filmed most of the pre-modern stuff) although he was allegedly flown in and out there: Salma also was not with them the entire time they were filming there. The public footage we've seen of him in London is entirely modern-day stuff with Gemma that seems to focus on the love triangle. This isn't to say that Black Knight can't be a thing later on, but it may not be a thing right away. There have also been rumors that he was part of Dr Strange 2, which has been filming in London the past few months: security has been really tight on that set and no one seems to know anything. He did move with his wife and child to NYC in the last couple of weeks of filming but that doesn't mean he didn't film something in London before then.
As far as Ajak goes, every single leak I have read about Eternals has her dying. I don't see her surviving the movie no matter what else happens.
Evil Ikaris? I love it. Bring it on.
Harry Styles showing up at the very end? Gawd no. It doesn't strike me as a coincidence that the people who have most heavily pimped this leak are obsessed with Harry Styles.
I don't think the footage today proved or disproved this leak any: there were several characters who were missing or barely there, and the only thing that really stands out is the camera crew following Kingo, which was in the comics and isn't that far-fetched given how much Kumail has talked about his character being a Bollywood star. So the jury's still out.
The shakiest part of all of this is the claim that post-credit scenes were shown to the audience even though the music and the VFX were unfinished (and Zhao is still editing the film). That never happens in test screenings. Also this screening allegedly happened a few weeks after reshoots took place in LA (again, not clear if Kit was involved but because his son seems to have been born shortly beforehand and he didn't seem to initially film in LA other fans have doubted it). It just doesn't add up to me because it would have been too soon. Also bear in mind that there lots of rumors for ages that his superhero suit wasn't "working" and had to be added in post-production. There is a lot here that's iffy. After seeing Nomadland recently I also am dubious that Chloe Zhao is behind a plot where aliens don't want to save humanity anyway.
The other thing I want to address is the ugly rumors that Kevin Feige decided that Gemma Chan was too "difficult to work with" and demanded that Zhao reduce her screentime in order to highlight Richard Madden. The "scooper" who was spreading this rumor around has also claimed that this leak is true even though her role doesn't change and Ikaris is secretly a villain. They wanted to focus on Ikaris more by making him....the bad guy instead of the hero? Even after Kevin Feige went out and said that Sersi is the main character, the scooper still claimed that he was right and that the ending was changed and also that Gemma was always the lead (so did they reduce her screentime or didn't they? How can it be reduced and this leak also be true? Is he arguing that the film wanted to highlight Madden more by making his character evil? Pick a misogynistic side and stick to it, dude). The footage we saw today definitely did not highlight Madden at the expense of anyone else, so it seems that claptrap was always fake.
As for the rest of it, I guess we'll see.
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Only Human
Chapter 10: Downtime
Authors note: Apologies for the long delay. Schoolwork has been burying us and stress from Covid-19 has been at an all time high.
Within three days, Marcus’s mood had significantly improved. With two new allies by his side, he felt markedly more secure in his surroundings, although he still occasionally looked above him from time to time out of instinct. 
He was in the back of Spyper’s van with Ari and Cally, quietly playing a game of Uno amongst themselves. 
Looking up at Intelligent, he said, "Yo, big guy. You look like you wanna ask us something." 
“I do, actually,” Intelligent said, setting aside his book. “You three seem really close. How long have you known each other for?” 
"Six years and 348 days," Cally answered, setting down her cards. 
"Technically, longer," Marcus added, "But we officially met during the summer." 
6 Years and 348 Days Ago… 
The rec center was alive with activity during the summer. It made sense that three random 10 year olds would be here. Marcus, Cally, and Ari were all there, going about their business. Marcus was busy taking boxing classes, Ari was attending choir lessons, and Cally intently watched a lecture on computer programming. 
The classes all ended early that day, leaving the three kids not knowing where to go. So they all ended up in an empty tennis court, sitting and waiting for their parents. 
To kill time, Ari fatefully began chatting with Marcus.
“Hi. My name’s Ari,” He greeted, waving to Marcus. “What’s your name?”
“Marcus. Aren’t you that short kid who sits in the front of the class?” 
“Yeah, that’s me. You’re the kid who’s taking boxing lessons, right?” 
“The one with anger problems,” Cally chimed in from the corner, reading a book. “Yeah, that’s him.” 
Marcus threw a candy wrapper at her. 
“Hey, be nice!” Ari frowned at Cally.
“It’s true, isn’t it? No point saying anything that isn’t true for the sake of one’s feelings.” 
“You sound really mean.” 
"I heard that once you get smart enough you stop having emotions," Marcus shrugged. 
"That's a lie," Cally hissed. "I just don't see the value in being dishonest." 
Marcus rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and the fact that I called you a loser that one time has nothing to do with it." 
"I just refuted your theory on my lack of emotions. I can hold a grudge." 
“How do you even know he has anger issues? Because he boxes?” Ari asked. 
"My mom is the school secretary. She has me do a lot of the paperwork so she can go out. Some of that paperwork got Marcus to see the school therapist." 
“Why does the secretary have a 10 year old doing her work? Isn’t that against the rules or something?”
"Not if the principal doesn't find out." 
“So you’re being mean to Marcus even though you’re the one breaking the rules?” 
“Look. Ari, right? If the people who fed and sheltered you and could kick you out if they felt so inclined and barely gave a crap about you told you to do something, would you do it?” 
“Isn’t it against the law to kick a kid out of the house?” 
“Probably. Wouldn’t stop my parents.” 
“You sound like you have issues. Maybe you should see the school therapist.” 
“I don’t want to get landed in foster care. Too much of a risk to my psyche.” 
“And being treated like sh_t by your parents isn’t?” Marcus asked. 
Ari and Cally stared at Marcus. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Cally asked. 
“Yes, actually.” 
Ari whined. “Isn’t cussing bad?” 
“Eh. Some people don’t like it, and my parents don’t let me swear when we’re in restaurants and things like that.” 
“Wouldn’t the community rec center count as a place you shouldn’t swear?” Cally asked dryly. 
“I guess, but there aren’t any adults around.” 
Cally deadpanned. Ari pouted. 
Leaning back, the intelligent kid pulled out some gum. “Want some?” 
“What flavor is it?” 
“Eh, sure.” 
“I love mint!” Ari beamed. 
“Not my favorite, but I’ll take it over 5gum,” Marcus added. 
“Ugh. 5gum.” 
“What’s wrong with 5gum?” Ari inquired, popping a piece of gum into their mouth.
“Tastes like trash,” Marcus groused. 
“It’s an insult to gum.” Cally sat. “The least horrible flavor is mint.” 
“And even then, this spearmint gum beats it by a mile,” Marcus added. “I don’t see how anyone can enjoy 5gum. It’s like eating plastic.”
“Better than nothing.” 
“I’ve never had 5gum before, but I’ll take you on your word,” Ari said. 
“So, yeah. That was fun.” 
“So you three started out arguing with each other, and now you three are basically inseparable,” Intelligent remarked, leaning back in his seat. “A lot must have happened in those six years.” 
“Yeah. For one thing, we became study partners. I had to tie Cally to a chair to keep her from doing all the work for us.” 
“I was not that bad, Marcus.” 
Ari winced. “Well...” 
3 Years Ago… 
“Cally, this is a GROUP project! That means we ALL have to work on this!” Marcus shouted, taking the papers away from Cally. 
“You guys did a lot of the research. And you know I’m a better writer than you,” Cally reasoned, reaching for the papers again. 
“Yeah, right! You were the one hogging all the research, and you’re the one who’s been doing all the writing so far! I know you’re a good writer, but you can’t just hog the entire project!” Marcus protested, holding the papers out of Cally’s reach. “Just about the only thing you haven’t tried to do yourself are the visual aids!”
"Ari can do those." 
“Exactly! That’s the only thing Ari’s been able to do with you hogging everything else!” 
“I just want us to get a good grade!” 
“And we will get a good grade! But ya gotta let us help, too!” 
Cally sighed, sitting back down. “Alright, alright.” 
“Thank you. Now let's get on with this,” Marcus said, dividing the papers equally between himself, Cally, and Ari.
"Okay, maybe I was a little too overbearing. But my grade was on the line!" 
“Cally, calm down. We got a perfect A on that assignment,” Marcus assured. 
“I know,” Cally granted. “And then you almost got suspended three months later.” 
Marcus scowled and grumbled to himself, folding his arms at the memory. 
“I still think punching that guy in the face was overkill,” whined Ari. 
“It was not!” Marcus protested.
Cally raised an eyebrow. 
2 Years and 9 Months Ago… 
“Violence was unnecessary,” Cally pointed out as she wrapped up Marcus’s hand. 
“Then that kid shouldn’t have ran off with my notebook!” Marcus snapped, wincing as Cally tightened the bandages around his hand. 
“You could have taken it back. Most everyone is scared of you anyway, given how your fight with Albert ended.” 
“That kid wouldn’t give me it back, even after I asked!” 
“And you decided to punch him in the face instead of just snatching it,” Cally added. 
“Both of those are mean,” complained Ari. 
“It was MY notebook!” 
“Still,” Cally frowned. “Your temper could get you hurt.” 
Marcus grumbled something, hissing as Cally started patching up another scratch. 
“Please stop moving.” 
“But it hurts!” 
“And?” Cally deadpanned. 
“Cally,” Ari pouted. 
“I know. Sorry, Marcus. I’m just worried, you know? I don’t want your temper getting you hurt one day.” 
“I know, I know. But I’ve got it covered, alright? I’ll be fine. I can handle it,” Marcus assured. He grunted and rolled his shoulders once Cally was done bandaging his wounds. “F_ck, I’m gonna be sore in the morning…” 
“Yeah, you are,” Cally sighed. “And try not to swear in front of Ari. You know he hates it.” 
“Sorry Ar, force of habit,” Marcus apologized. 
Ari hugged Marcus. “It’s okay.” 
“And now here we are. Honestly, I wish all our problems were that I was a control freak over grades and Marcus punched people out.” 
Marcus nodded. “Preach.” 
“But they aren’t. Superbeings want to rip our guts out because we apparently can stop a world-ending event,” Cally sighed. 
Marcus folded his arms and thought for a moment. “What are we even supposed to do to stop it, anyways? Is there a superweapon we have to stop? Do we have to go to space and bring down a spaceship or something?” 
“I dunno.” 
“Hmmm...Hey, big guy! Do you know?”
“Sorry, I have no idea what the others are planning. Me and Spyper have barely heard anything about this whole situation,�� Intelligent sighed.
“Well, what have you heard?” Ari asked earnestly.
Intelligent paused for a moment and closed his book. “I don’t know if it’ll help much, but I have heard that the Freaks found something they could use to turn everyone on the planet into Freaks. What that thing is, where it’s being kept, or if it can be destroyed, I don’t know.” 
"Sh@t. Anyone you know who may know something?" 
Spyper glanced to the back of his van. “We do know someone who may know. She works for HECU.” 
"I count four who fit that description," Cally said, eyes taking on a pink tint. 
Spyper paused. “Is Rudra included in that count?” 
"Yes. So is the scientist everyone is scared of for some reason." 
“Oh. Yeah, that would be Anita.” 
"What's her deal?" 
Ari shifted. “Is she evil?” 
“Well...I wouldn’t say she’s evil, but she is crazy,” Spyper shrugged. 
“How crazy?” 
“She builds weapons of mass destruction for fun.” 
“And wants to dissect us for ‘science.’” 
“Hmm… don’t like that,” Marcus winced. 
“Don’t worry, she’s not as evil as Brutal and his pals.” 
“That’s good,” Ari nodded. 
“But enough about that. We need information. And to get to safety. Spyper?” Intelligent turned to his buddy, who grinned and started his van.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
“Revenge of the Trix” Thoughts
Diving into this second special and I have to say that I am actually quite excited to see how this will go. It was fun comparing the first special to season 1 even though I kinda expected to be angered. But good news! I wasn’t. Not so much at least and I really hope that pattern will continue.
- I am not quite sure but I think they changed the timeline a little bit. Though, if it means I get the festival of the rose or that battle with the witches in Magix, I am down! I doubt it but I will hold on to my hopes until they get dashed!
- I am still puzzled by Faragonda’s remark about the “powerful forces here at work”. What does that mean? Who is she talking about? She can’t be wary of Daphne so what the hell is happening? Was she concerned at the possibility of Bloom having Dragon Fire? I really hope they will explain some of this. But I like that they added the fact that Daphne was the princess of Domino. It wasn’t in the original of this scene and I am glad they changed that.
- Okay, without the bike rescue and the way the dialogue in that scene is reworked, the Riven and Darcy stuff is way more disturbing than it used to be! She straight up spelled him without any connection being made outside of that and it just looks way too creepy. Not to mention that it does a disservice to Riven’s character as well because if Darcy never rescued him, he has no other reason to be meeting her other than “I don’t care about my friends, just about being great”.
- Spring break? Wow! We really sped through that school year.
- Was that montage from Gardenia in the original? I don’t quite remember that but it is cute as hell! And to end it with Mike and Vanessa hugging while happily watching their daughter? I will go sob now if you’ll excuse me. Beautiful.
- Wait, she’s dreaming of the night Mike saved her from the fire (instead of, you know, the fire in the flower shop)? And by the looks of it, in this she doesn’t know that she’s adopted like she did in 4kids season 1... I am actually in trepidation over this next scene.
- Well, that scene went better than I thought it would. But she really didn’t know about being adopted. I am just glad that she didn’t get mad they hadn’t told her the truth. It would have broken my heart. And they are her parents anyway.
- Omg, Bloom is asking all the right questions! I cannot believe it! I am absolutely ecstatic that they changed that part because now it is really making sense (I had given up on ever saying that in regards to Winx Club again so I vote my decision to watch the specials “fucking spectacular”). She connected the dots about getting her powers from her birth parents! I have been so salty about her not asking that in season 1 but they fixed it! Imma go happy sob again.
- Faragonda is showing her stuff now? Of her own volition? Nice! I just don’t think the “Daphne lived in a lake” thing makes sense. Didn’t her soul go there after her body was destroyed by the curse of Sirenix? That is different! And considering Faragonda’s past with the Company of Light, that is not all that she knows about Daphne so she’s kinda lying.
- Now that she saw the crown, does that mean that they don’t get to waste time going to Domino even though her powers were inside her all along? I really, really hope so! And the way Daphne presented the crown to her could be taken as symbolism about Daphne passing it down to her now that Bloom is the only living heir to the throne of Domino. That was a cool detail and a great change imo (especially if they aren’t gonna go to Domino).
- Well, Lucy’s PoV was kinda made more... understandable, I guess? Like, the wording was better... right before the very end of that argument between her and Mirta. That was somehow meaner than what happened in s1. But I actually like the change to the scene with Mirta casting her spell to spy on the Trix. I think it makes more sense than the way it was done in s1.
- How does she know there is an archive in Cloud Tower when she has never been there? I think this scene suffers from the changes. And it is also really convenient that she decided to break into CT just in time for the Trix to trick her. I think those scenes were backwards in s1 and it was after the Trix saw her in CT that they came up with their plan which was better because it didn’t look so staged. Also, “What are friends for?” Yeah, right, Sky. Friends. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. And you weren’t totally on a date.
- That scene with the Specialists was pretty intense considering its length. Since when is Brandon being the cautious one? While Timmy is like “Sure I’ll help you commit major offense against school rules, no probs”? I could take Brandon’s behavior as a best friend’s worry and Timmy’s as a friend’s desire to help out but it still seems a bit out of place. I am just glad that Sky is taking care of the tactics instead of just throwing himself at it.
- And there is no defense system or anything here. I can’t tell if that’s good or bad. It was kinda random when it popped up in s1 (never to be seen again, mind you) but it seems a bit illogical for the school to not have some kind of protection (especially if it has powerful spells inside). Idk.
- I am stunned by Sky’s absolute dumbassery that is bordering on being an asshole (and even tipping right into it). What does it matter if she’s a witch? She is still the same Bloom she was before she learned it, wtf, dude? (Not to mention that this pisses me off greatly because it implies that all witches are pure evil.) I just can’t understand why Bloom didn’t wonder how she has a fairy form then. She can turn into a fairy and that is pretty solid proof that she isn’t a witch. Why didn’t she question it?
- Awww! I love how worried Winx are for Bloom! And I think they’re skipping classes (and risking to get in big trouble with Griselda) to go look for her. True friendship!
- What is she doing sleeping in the bushes? And why doesn’t she just try to fly there? You know, get some proof for herself that she’s a fairy since she has the wings and all?
- Why is Stormy just setting random patches of grass on fire? I agree with Darcy, it can be dangerous if she sets the whole forest on fire.
- “Why would we be so cruel? For giggles.” XDDD
- They changed Mirta’s powers to transforming emotions into energies? That is kinda cool but isn’t that what all magic does?
- The Dragon just swept the Trix away? Is that what happened? It looked like it just fucked off into the sky without doing shit but I digress. But aww at the way Tecna scooped up Bloom so carefully! It was adorable!
- If I were Bloom, I would leave Sky a very angry message and he’d have to give a real good apology for me to take him back. The moment she appeared to be something he didn’t expect, he pulled away from her. That is not someone you want to be in a relationship with. I just wish Bloom would figure out that she can do better. If he shallow like that, you don’t need him, hon. (But hey, don’t blame Kiko! And that wasn’t bad advice! If you want to talk to someone, you should fucking call them! That was good advice.)
- Oh, no! No, no, no, no! Please, not the Day of the Royals! I beg of you! Though, it will have to happen because that is what makes Bloom go back to Gardenia where the Trix corner her. But what will happen with the Diaspro story? Bloom knows that Sky is Sky. Though, he still didn’t tell her he was engaged so I guess there can be drama over that. Ugh, why?
- “That’s a relief”? Fuck you, Sky! So her not being a witch is what makes or breaks this relationship - actually, pardon me, THIS FRIENDSHIP according to his own definition - and not, you know? Her goddamn personality maybe? Damn, what a fucker. Seriously, he is so much worse than in s1. Bloom should really stop wasting time on his sorry ass and go snatch Diaspro for herself instead. Why does he have a picture of Diaspro btw? He does not really care for her... like, at all. Not that he cares for anyone, apparently.
- Oh, so now he loves Bloom? Also, great going, Timmy! Yeah, just suggest breaking off a royal engagement. Without even asking what the political situation is. That is not the best idea. I mean, there was the possibility that Eraklyon needed that marriage. Which, of course, they don’t but still. It ain’t that simple. (God, I hate giving Sky an excuse but this really is a complicated situation. Though, he could have just told Bloom about the arranged marriage instead of lying to her.)
- She could have just waited instead of going for the option of getting them all in trouble. It was only one day. But at least Winx tried to talk her out of it instead of being right there with her in the impulsiveness. And yet, they still decided to support her like friends do. That is cute!
- “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Ya think? And yes, being around Erendor and Samara is definitely not a great experience.
- Ooh, she saw Sky directly with Diaspro! Damn, that changes things. And I hate to admit it but it makes more sense because at least now she has a solid reason to jump to conclusions.
- Oh, no! She thinks it is the Trix again. Honestly, I just wish she would have seen Sky for the lying piece of shit that he is! It would have saved so much trouble. I feel bad for Diaspro, though. She just got attacked without having done anything to deserve it. Shocking, I know. But none of this was her fault.
- Sky really did that with Riven? I thought he would be more mature than Riven but nope. He is really campaigning for asshole of Red Fountain. I know Riven started this but Sky has previous offenses against both Bloom and Diaspro so he takes the cake.
- Codatorta was very quick into action. It was kinda impressive. I see that the conflict between Griffin and Faragonda is non-existent here. “I see it’s not just my students who can behave badly”? This coming from Griffin? That has the exact opposite tone of her line in the original. It’s kinda like “Well, we’re in this together because obviously neither my, nor your students know what the hell they are doing.” Though, it can still be taken as a subtle dig as in “You thought you had the high ground when you sent me back the Trix but look at what your fairy has done!”. That actually sounds more like it, though her tone of voice was still a bit too soft for a confrontation.
- Hey, no nightmare monster? But does that mean that the Trix don’t get expelled from CT?
- Aww, I wish she wouldn’t just leave her friends behind! And that montage of memories. (But what the heck is Tecna doing at that fountain? Get down from there, Tecna! I thought you were the reasonable one!)
- How do the Trix know Bloom is from Gardenia? It sounds like they are the bestest of friends with her instead of mortal enemies.
- Awwwwww! Mike and Vanessa keep being so supportive! I love it!
- I actually think I like how they reworked this scene! Icy dropped them in the portal thingy (whatever the hell it was) to force Bloom to transform and lower her guard at the same time and I think it made some more sense than the original did.
- “Our ancestral witches”? That sounded kinda weird. I was just about to say in my conclusion for this special that they dropped the Daphne storyline halfway through this but I see they haven’t. I am pleasantly surprised! And Bloom actually learns that she is her sister (which for some reason was missing from the 4kids dub) as well as all the stuff about Domino. Well, all in very vague terms but still.
- I actually prefer the original way they plucked the fire out of her. It was more jarring while here the animation was just a tad bit too smooth for what it needed to accomplish.
- Oh, and here her fairy form just vanished after they took the flame? I love that! It was the one thing that instantly told me that she still had her powers in s1 because she still had her winx for a while after they took it from her. But here it disappeared the moment the Trix took off with her power. I am curious to see if it is actually gone. Though, I can understand how believing she doesn’t have it anymore can get in the way of her transforming because magic comes from emotions.
This was actually better than I thought it would be and I went in with some expectations because of the first special! I am so pleasantly surprised! The plot carried well throughout this one as well and I supported about 95% of the changes they made from the original storyline which is a lot more than I expected! There was a thing or two that didn’t make much sense, but overall, this was pretty logical! My nitpick would be with the title of this special because the Trix weren’t all that central to it and there was no revenge whatsoever here. I would call it more of a hunt, really. So that would’ve been better if it had been something else having to do with Bloom since she remained at the front and center the whole time... And that didn’t annoy me at all. Wow! I kinda wish they will rework all the seasons into specials now if they can make me like Bloom (though, I admittedly had my moments of that in s1 as well. It is just that the later on we go, the more I can’t stand her). Now I am hyped about the next one and I really hope I won’t be disappointed because it will be such a shame after the good work in this one. (Oh, and the rest of Winx didn’t have much role in this one but I was actually so absorbed in the Bloom storyline that I didn’t notice until this very moment. Man, these specials are really working a miracle here!)
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love-fireflysong · 4 years
Day 20: Dare
Fandom: Until Dawn Character(s): Beth Washington, Josh Washington, Hannah Washington Words: 1728 Rating: General (minor language, plans to poison your best friends and yourself!) Author’s Notes: Super late holy shit. But it’s fine. Have some cookies. Just don’t take any from Josh...
This fic is not sponsored by Dare Cookies. Honestly, that’s probably a good thing.
When Beth walked into the kitchen that morning, to say that she had not expected the sight before her would not be a lie. There were many things she anticipated seeing when walking into her kitchen, Josh covered head to toe in white powder was not one of them. Well, that was a lie actually. Truthfully, Josh was exactly the type of person she could see running a secret coke lab, just not from the family kitchen. At least, she really hoped not. Reporting her brother for running a cocaine lab in the middle of their kitchen was not what she intended to start her day with.
“Are you, are you covered in flour?”
While Josh didn’t move from where he was standing at the counter, he did look over his shoulder at her affronted. “Um excuse me. This is cornstarch, not flour. Learn the difference Beth, god.” He gave a disdainful sniff, and then proceeded to sneeze violently into his arm.
Beth rolled her eyes. “Sorry. Cornstarch. Why in the world are you covered in cornstarch then.”
“Making cookies.”
Beth just stopped to stare at her brother with narrowed eyes, mouth opening and closing as she tried to find some form of words, only to groan and rub at a spot between her eyes. Words were quite literally failing her right now, and she didn’t even know where to start.
“Hey Beth, what’s taking so long—why is Josh covered in flour?”
Beth turned to see Hannah behind her, who stopped to stare at Josh in turn. Before she could figure out how to even start answering her question, Josh had butted in with exasperation. “It’s cornstarch, people! God, does no one in this house know what basic fucking baking supplies look like?”
Beth ignored Josh, an easy feat when he’s been part of their everyday lives since before they could talk, and gave her twin a flat, unimpressed look. “He’s making cookies. Apparently.”
Hannah’s forehead creased in confusion. “But, cookies don’t need cornstarch...”
Beth nodded slowly in agreement, her next words coming out as a tired sigh. “They also don’t need soy sauce, mustard, and mayo, and yet, here we are.”
True to her words, surrounding Josh on all available surfaces were bags upon bags filled to the brim with numerous bottles of soy sauce, mayonnaise, and two(!) kinds of mustard. All of this was ignoring the dozen boxes of cookies scattered around the kitchen and the roughly four bags filled with cornstarch alone. There were questions out there that Beth never wanted the answers too, and this right here was roughly seven of them.
Unfortunately for her, Hannah didn’t share the same thoughts. “Do I want to know what kind of cookies you’re making?”
“No, no you don’t. I don’t want to know. Neither of us want to know. So let’s just grab our shit from the fridge and get back upstairs where it’s safe.”
Josh ignored Beth just as easily as she did him earlier, instead reaching over to grab one of the bottles of soy sauce and proceeded to dump almost the entirety of it into what she hoped was a bowl. A bowl of what, she didn’t want to know. “Special cookies, Han. For three very special people.”
“...if those cookies are for us, I will end you here and now Josh, don’t think I won’t.”
Josh snorted as he lifted his whisk to inspect the consistency of his soy sauce/cornstarch concoction. “Oh please Beth. We both know that you could probably snap me like I twig.” He grimaced for a second, seemingly unhappy with the thickness, and added some more cornstarch. He coughed at the rising cloud of white that erupted from the bowl. “Nah, these are for me, Chris, and Ash later.”
“Alright. Gonna be honest here. Was not expecting to have to call the police because there was a murder-suicide pact tonight.”
“Sad thing is, probably the least exciting call they’ll ever have coming from our house.” Hannah gave a long-suffering sigh as she reached for one of the empty boxes of cookies on the table nearby, this one Ultimate Maple Creme.  “Is there a reason you bought like, a million boxes of four different flavours of cookies?”
Josh shrugged nonchalantly at the question, and reinspected his brown sludge. Happy now with the results, Beth and Hannah watched him reach of a plate of what they recognized to be the cookie halves of the Ultimate Fudge Chocolate. “We’re playing truth or dare tonight.”
Hannah held up the empty box of Dare brand cookies higher. “I don’t think that when people play truth or dare, they mean the cookie brand.”
“Yeah, well, that’s because you don’t share my brilliance. See, this is how we can tell that I was the only one who got any imagination in this family.” Josh started to carefully take his thick sludge and began to ice the cookies with them.
Hannah was a little more hesitant with her next question. “What exactly are you doing to all these cookies anyways?” Once again, not a question Beth wanted the answer to.
This time, Josh did fully turn to face the two of them, and oh boy was he a sight. He was almost completely covered in cornstarch with random flecks of soy sauce and mustard covering his hands and the apron he had probably stolen from the home-ec room at school. In one arm was a bowl filled with what Beth assumed to be the unholy amalgamation of soy sauce and cornstarch and the other held the whisk, covered in said mixture. The large, maniacal grin on his face and insane look in his eyes was enough to complete the image that their brother had officially snapped. “Oh, am I glad you asked, Han! You see, this is where my brilliance comes into play! I am slowly and painstakingly replacing the creme in every single one of these cookies with my own!” He waved the whisk wildly and Beth backed up to hopefully avoid the spray of brown, but it was thick enough that nothing actually flew thankfully.
Beth hated herself for the words coming out of her mouth, but they were out into the world before she knew it. “And what kind of cream is that?”
Josh changed the tone of his voice so resembled that of a teacher giving a lecture. “It changes for every cookie of course, but they all start with the same cornstarch/water base as a thickener. From there, it all changes! For the maple, I add some dijon mustard for color. Chocolate gets soy sauce. Lemon, just a smidgen of regular mustard.” Josh turned back to the row of chocolate cookies on the counter. “And the coconut gets mayo, simply because an icing of just cornstarch is boring and I am not all about that life.”
“Kind of making it sound that your not all about life in general right now.”
Josh didn’t give much of an answer other than a shrug. “That’s because you don’t understand my genius.”
“Evil genius more like.”
“Is there any better?”
God help her, but Hannah moved closer to watch over Josh’s shoulder as he continued to ice the cookies. “And what are you doing with the normal fillings?”
Without looking, Josh pointed towards a couple of containers to the left of him. “Failures and fillings are over there if you want them.”
Beth was definitely more then a little hesitant when she looked in the bowl of ‘failures’. Only to sigh in relief at the sight of what was just a bowl of broken cookies that Josh hadn’t managed to separate properly. Which wasn’t a surprise. These weren’t exactly Oreo’s he was dealing with, so it was probably harder to split these without one or both sides of the cookie shattering. The other container was just filled with maple and chocolate creme centers as he promised. She reached into the first bowl and picked out a maple one that was missing about a third of the cookie on top, popping it into her mouth as she handed Hannah a similar chocolate one.
“Surprised that these are even here. Thought you would have eaten every single mistake.”
The look that Josh gave her was so unimpressed that she almost choked on the cookie in surprise. “Beth. I have been at this for literally hours. Trust me, I got sick of these things like two hours ago. There were so many mistakes.”
Hannah stuck her hand in a bowl to grab another broken chocolate fudge, but carefully added some of the discarded maple creme on top. “So how exactly is this game supposed to work? Whenever someone picks dare they have to eat a cookie?”
Josh shook his head in clear disappointment as he gestured at himself. “Oh Hannah. Hannah, Hannah, Hannah. Once again, only one who has any imagination, right here.” He returned back to his tray of cookies, carefully placing the other half back on top of the soy sauce creme, cleaning up any that leaked over the edge as he did so. “Of course not. It’s very simple really. Someone picks either truth or dare, and the person asking asks their question or gives their demand. The fun comes in refusing! If anyone refuses to either answer the truth or do the dare, then they have to eat a cookie as repentance.”
Beth watched Josh put the tray of now completed ‘chocolate fudge’ cookies into the fridge to harden as she ate a piece of maple creme from the bowl. She noticed that there was already a couple of other trays in the fridge and made a note to warn Sam not to touch a single cookie when she came over later in the afternoon. “And are Chris and Ashley aware that there are going to be cookies?”
She sighed. “Are they even aware that they’re gonna be playing truth or dare tonight?”
The pop of the p was so self-satisfied that Beth turned to look at Hannah, but saw that she was already on her phone before she could open her mouth.
“Already putting Poison Control on speed dial.”
“Probably a good idea honestly.” Josh didn’t even pause from grabbing the four boxes of lemon creme’s, another four containers of cornstarch, and two bottles of regular mustard as he replied.
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lavender-rebellion · 5 years
The Reality of Existence  Chapter one
AO3 Link
Ships: Analogical and Royality
Description: "Thomas looked around his living room and felt a stone in his gut. He had four freshly human sides before him. Four human, terrified, grown adult men who had never lived a day in the real world. Four men who didn’t legally exist, permanently in reality. They were in his care now, and that dormant panic made itself known once more.“ A story about learning to live and learning to love. But also about being roommates, first jobs, being an adult, and that friendship really is the strongest force on earth. They all have things to teach and things to learn, but that’s part of being human. (They have to learn how to do that too, though)
TW for a panic attack and what can be seen as depression symptoms.
Thomas closed the door noisily behind him, letting out a heavy sigh and quickly making his way over in front of his TV, the familiar spot lending him some comfort and he could feel most of the anxious energy fall from his shoulders. He took a moment to take in the new perspective of his living room the spot gave him, before rolling his shoulder and finding the threads inside him. Thomas tugged at the one thrumming with more nervous energy than usual, watching Virgil appear on the stairs nearly immediately. Seems he was waiting for him, which was fair considering that Thomas had been thinking of this all day.
“It’s bad.” Virgil agreed quickly, wrapped up tight in his hoodie with darker bags than usual. Thomas still wasn’t sure if they were natural or makeup, and Virgil always dodged the question. Honestly, he didn’t know which one was more troubling, if Virgil apparently hadn’t gotten a good days sleep ever or if he thought it was a good fashion choice. Speaking of bad fashion choices…
“I knew it, they hated it!” He despaired, running a hand through his hair. Virgil nodded solemnly.
“There is an unusual amount of icky-sticky energy in here.” Patton rose up, hands on his hips. “If I didn’t know better I’d think your name was Vicky!”
Thomas let out a small chuckle at the Fairly Odd Parents joke because while it wasn’t Patton’s best it was clear that he was trying to cheer him up. Virgil sent a tense smile at the other side, who seemed to pick up on the mood and clapped his hands together.
“Alright then, what’s the problem, kiddo? I’ve got my listening ears on and I’m ready to ear you out!”
“It’s his new shirt!” Virgil chimed in, gesturing. Patton looked confused.
“My friends hated it!” Thomas clarified, “I looked awful all day, and they kept sneaking looks at it with this look on their face..”
“Thomas have we not already gone over your cognitive distortions? It was only a few months ago, surely you remember?” Logan rose up, flipping through a planner. He looked up to give Thomas a disapproving look, before returning Patton’s wave and sharing a smile with Virgil.
“Well yeah, but this is different.” Thomas insists, feeling a little silly but mostly like he needs to change his name and go into hiding.
“Look, Thomas, there is only one option and you know it. It’s time to move away to a remote village and become a hermit, never showing your face again.” Virgil cut in, chopping his hands down to emphasize his point. He nodded along, crossing his arms and wondering how long it would take to pack up his entire house and buy a new one. One without internet access, he couldn’t ever go online again.
“Uhhhh….” Patton looked up at Virgil dubiously. Logan shot him a similar look.
“That’s a bit of an overreaction, is it not? We can’t just go into hiding over a bad ‘look’.”
“Watch me.”
“What’s wrong with his shirt, again? I’m lost.” Patton asked.
“And why are you reacting so strongly to this, it’s hardly the worst thing you’ve worn out of the house,” Logan added, and Thomas clutched at his chest, offended. What could he possibly be talking about, and why was he so quick to remember it? Was it recent? Had Thomas just been walking out of his house looking like he got dressed in the dark for ages?
“Not helping, Lo!” Virgil ran his hands over his face, dark bags still perfect afterward which lent weight towards the natural theory..what were they arguing about again? “Anyway, that’s not the point, the point is that Thomas looked ridiculous all day and it’s all on camera!”
Oh right, that.
“OH! That’s right, you were filming that collab today weren’t you?” Patton jumped, clapping his hands together again. “How did that go?”
They all looked over at him, disbelieving, before turning back to the conversation.
“Everyone is going to see my stupid shirt and laugh, and screenshots are going to be all over Tumblr and there will be memes-”
“Are you really that worried about a bunch of 13-year-olds making fun of you?” Logan interrupted. Thomas ignored him.
“-and people are going to think I’m silly and then they’re going to realize that I’m a weird 30 year old who records himself talking to himself and posts it on Youtube-”
“Tumblr is not just a bunch of 13-year-olds, there’s plenty of young adults and adult adults. I mean, we’re on Tumblr, and so is Joan.” Virgil argued.
“Plus 13-year-olds are really mean,” Patton whined. Still ignoring them.
“-and they’re going to stop watching my videos which means I’m going to steadily lose money until I’m making none and then I’ll have to get a stuffy desk job-”
“That’s true. It’s like the John Mulaney skit, ‘13-year-olds are the meanest people in the world because they will make fun of you, but in an accurate way’.” Virgil quoted.
Patton gasped, “Oh I love John Mulaney! He is a very funny man.”
“That’s ridiculous, there’s no factual evidence that 13-year-olds are meaner or more observant than any of the ages near them.”
“Clearly you’ve never spoken to a 13-year-old.”
“-and I’ll spend the rest of my days living in a grey, unfulfilling haze where my coworkers make fun of me and send office emails around full of my earliest vines and those awful screenshots-” Ignoring them, just continue ranting.
“We are both sides, I’ve met every 13 year old you have.”
“And you’re still defending them?”
“Yeah, I’m on Virge’s side in this, Logan. 13-year-olds are just cruel.”
“I’m not defending them, I’m simply saying that there’s no logical reason-”
“There’s no logic in pre-teens-”
“Not even a teen- sy bit-”
“-and that will be my life, mockery and the cold confinement of office routine, no friends or boyfriends and I’ll die alone, without even a cat for company because I have this stupid allergy-”
They all went quiet, echoing the clap and looking over at Roman, who had appeared a second ago while they were bickering.
“How am I supposed to practice my one-man duets if you are all making a racket?” Thomas squinted at the gaudy necklace he was wearing, a giant ruby pendant resting in the center of his chest. While he watched, it flashed a dim red light. Must have been the light catching the gem.
But everyone else glanced at it as well, including Roman. He looked pleasantly surprised.
“I didn’t know it did that. Neat!”
“What on earth are you wearing?” Logan sighed, glaring at the necklace in suspicion.
"Oh, it’s a best friend necklace! The Dragon Witch gave it to me-”
“The Dragon Witch?” Virgil interrupted, looking at him like he was crazy. Roman glared at him, but it lacked any real heat. He placed a hand on his hip and popped it dramatically.
“Yes, the Dragon Witch. We totally patched things up and are now great friends! Honestly, it was super judgy of me to declare her as evil just because she happens to be a dragon and a witch. She can’t help that! And there are good witches and dragons! Like Sabrina, or the characters from Dragon Tails!” Roman argued, waving his hand around. Patton nodded along, looking proud.
“That is so true! That’s so cool of you, Roman! And may I just say it is be- ruby -ful!” He beamed.
“Ayyyyyyy-” Roman pointed at him, looking delighted. Thomas hid his laugh behind his hand.
“That feels ill-advised,” Logan argued, Virgil gesturing at him in agreement, looking baffled. Personally, Thomas didn’t see the problem with it. But they were once again off track, and Thomas’s problem still hadn’t been solved, so he shrugged and decided that there were no real arguments against Virgil’s idea and that must mean it was fine. He turned and moved to grab his suitcases out of the hall closet.
“Maybe you should evaluate why you hate dragons and/or witches because it’s not her problem that you have a bias.” Roman sassed.
“I have no problem with either of those things, I’m simply saying that prior behavior suggests- Thomas where are you going?” Logan cut off, confused. Thomas blinked and jerked his thumb over his shoulder.
“Gotta pack, so I can become a hermit.”
Logan sighed and adjusted his glasses. “You are not becoming a hermit.”
“I’m not?” “He’s not?”
Logan glared at Virgil and Patton. “No, you aren’t. Thomas, I know you remember our conversation about cognitive distortions so I’m not going to bother rehashing it, and instead let’s get to the root of this problem. Yes, you may have looked silly today, and your friends may or may not have noticed it. Your outfit will certainly be in the video, and others may or may not make fun of it. But we both know that is where it will end, and that it is a minor problem. So why are you making such a big deal about it?”
“Yeah, buddy, it’s not like you to make mountains out of mole-hills.”
It was Thomas’s turn to sigh, body slumping out of its tense position. “You’re right- (“I’m always right.”) - I’m overreacting. I’m just worried about Cartoon Therapy.” He admitted.
“That’s the new script you and Joan are working on, right?” Patton wondered.
“Yes! It’s going to be amazing, you are just going to love the therapist, Pat!” Roman gushed.
“But that’s the thing, what if it isn’t amazing? What if it sucks? I’ve never made such a long scripted episode, what if it gets boring or repetitive? What if people don’t like the new characters? I mean it isn’t like I made you guys up, and I don’t write our scripts from scratch-”
“Take a deep breath, Thomas.” Virgil soothed, looking a little frazzled but much more relaxed compared to earlier. Thomas hadn’t even noticed his anxiety ebb into a dull static. He did as he said, sharing a smile with him at the reference.
“Thanks.” He murmured quietly.
“Give yourself some credit, you’ve created characters people have loved before, in much shorter bits. Take your personification of Sleep, for example. He is well-liked and barely fleshed out. I’m sure characters you can take your time establishing will be just as well received.”
“And if you can’t give yourself credit, give some to Joan. We all know they are a creative genius.” Patton added, speaking softly. “The script will be fine, and the characters will be great. All you can do is give your best try when writing, and watch it come to life.”
“For now, distract yourself and allow yourself to calm down. Put on Parks and Recs! It’ll work out.” Roman suggested. Thomas nodded, feeling much calmer than when he came in. He took another deep breath and grinned at his sides.
“Thanks, guys.”
“It was no problem, I a- shirt you.” Patton shot him finger guns and winked, and then-
Just stood there. Thomas’s brow creased in confusion, watching panic slowly bleed into his expression.
“I-uh,” The others were looking at him in concern now, “I can’t sink out.”
“I can’t sink out.” He stressed, and Logan fidgeted with his glasses.
“How is that possible, Patton-”
“I don’t know!” Patton snapped, looking very upset. “I just know I can’t!”
“I can’t either.” Virgil blurted out, his voice layering.
“This is probably nothing. Lets just all take our own deep breaths, close our eyes and focus on the living room.” Logan said, terse. Thomas watched them all do so, fear rising inside of him at an alarming rate. None of them sunk.
“What’s happening?” He asked. They all looked a little crazed, wide eyes darting around.
“I don’t know, this shouldn’t be possible! What could have-” Logan’s head darted up from where it was buried in his hands. “Your necklace!”
Roman jumped, alarmed at the outburst. A lightbulb went on over Thomas’s head.
“It flashed earlier! When you arrived!”
Roman looked even more alarmed, hands going to the chain and frantically yanking it up over his head, tossing it to the ground. There was a split second of relief on all of their faces before the ruby once again lit up, this time with a blinding red light that filled the entire room, too bright to see through. Thomas could hear the sounds of bodies thumping to the floor and he blinked rapidly, trying to clear the spots from his eyes.
Four men were crumpled on the floor (and stairs), but they weren’t the men who were there just a minute ago. They were all dressed like his sides, but it wasn’t his face looking back at him. He could feel his breath hitching in his chest, his lungs empty and his chest burning. He sunk to the floor and curled up, sticking his head between his legs. He could fuzzily recognize this as a panic attack, though he had never had one this severe, and clumsily went through tactics he remembered reading when researching Anxiety. It took him a while, but eventually, he was back to being aware. The men were still on his ground.
In Patton’s place was a man with curly blond hair and a scattering of freckles across his rounder cheeks. He was a bit softer all around, and round glasses lay on the ground next to him. Roman had been replaced with a tanner version of him, a face that was similar to Thomas’s, but his hair was a dark ginger and thicker, his swoop larger than usual. He seemed broader than usual as well, but he was crumpled oddly and Thomas couldn’t be sure. Instead of Virgil, there was a slight man with wild purple hair, lightly curling around his face. It looked like there was a suggestion of freckles on his pale skin as well, but he was too far away and the maybe-freckles were light if they were there at all. His makeup -or not?- was gone, replaced with very real eye bags that were much less severe but still noticeable. And not-Logan was, well, tall. Not giant, but he appeared taller than before, with black hair neatly styled out of his face, which also looked much like Thomas’s own. Actually, they appeared like they could be siblings, and not-Logan looked the most like who he should be. Does that make sense? Thomas didn’t really care, he was still panicking.
Not-Patton looked the least like Thomas, with not-Virgil hovering somewhere between him and not-Roman. There was a strong suggestion of Virgil’s features but they were more…delicate somehow. Like a distant relative of Talyn’s and a less distant relative of his. Patton didn’t look much like him, while Roman could be a cousin and  Logan could be his brother. Because that’s who they were, he knew it and he had to stop lying about it. Those were his sides, only they weren’t very side-like at all.
A low groan came from Logan, the body shifting on the floor and pushing up into a sitting position. Thomas froze, looking at the strange frame which suddenly felt like it was sitting much too close to Thomas’s own. He scooted back, tense. Logan blinked the spots from his eyes as well, before freezing. He was looking straight at Patton. Thomas was sure he was just as startled as he was, but then Logan relaxed and leaned back against the wall.
“Oh good, we’re back.” He hummed quietly to himself.
“Uh, what the fuck ?” Thomas blurted, feeling somehow more confused and nervous. Logan nearly jumped into the air, head whipping around to face him, dark blue eyes blinking once more at him. His brow drew down in confusion.
“Thomas? But how did you- maybe the light….no, because we never appear like this with you around…” He muttered. They were both interrupted by movement on the staircase, Virgil righting himself on the steps, holding his head. His face was scrunched tight in discomfort, and Logan’s attention snapped to him.
“Are you alright?” Logan asked Virgil, lowly. Virgil nodded, eyes clearing the last of the light and locking with the other sides.
“Fine, Lo. We’re back then?” He noticed the tight line of Logan’s mouth and suddenly Thomas was staring into green.  Virgil’s eyes aren’t brown anymore, either, a grey-green color replacing the familiar warmth. They narrowed.
“That’s not right…”
“What is going on?!” Thomas asked forcefully. He doesn’t get an answer, Patton stirring by the curtains interrupting them. He fumbled for his glasses, clumsily shoving them back on his face and opening his eyes.
“Well, that sure was a pain in the neck , very ruby of that Dragon Witch if you ask me.” Patton joked, though it lacked humor. Just like the other’s his body went slack when he noticed the others, but straightened as he immediately took note of Thomas. He absentmindedly noticed that Patton’s eyes were a sky blue. “Why are you in our living room?”
“I-what-” Thomas spluttered. Patton’s attention shifted just as fast as it came, and he let out a little gasp when he noticed Roman’s unconscious form.
“I don’t think he’ll be waking up for a couple of minutes, at least. It appears we woke up based on how close we were to the initial blast.” Logan offered, his eyes darting back to Virgil every so often, who was also watching Roman with concern.
“What happened?” Patton asked, distressed, and Thomas could have laughed.
“That’s what I’ve been fucking asking!” He burst out, earning a startled expression from Patton.
“That is the least of our problems, Patton! You all knocked out and you aren’t you and you’re still in my living room and no one is telling me what’s going on so take your language and shove it. ” He snapped, and his sides reeled back in shock. He felt a little hysterical, he might laugh anyway. It was either that or scream, because one of them was climbing up his throat.
“We don’t know what is going on, any more than you do,” Logan said.
“But, you- you look!”
“This is how we appear in the Mind Space. When you manifested us for the first time you did so with an image in your mind, so that’s how we appeared.” Virgil explained carefully, looking wary after Thomas’s outburst. “In fact, we look like the short’s characters you imagined us as, so while some features you seemed aware we had, like glasses, the rest of it wasn’t originally us.”
What? “So I decided your faces and clothes and personalities, and forced it on you?”
“Not quite. Admittedly, we dressed very similarly before manifestation, and our personalities have been ours since we started existing. You’ve always been aware of those things, just like you’ve always known our functions and of our existence.” Logan corrected.
Patton piped up, though he wasn’t meeting Thomas’s eyes. “It’s just part of being a manifester, kiddo. Well, we assume so, there isn’t exactly a guidebook on it.”
He suddenly felt bad about his outburst, the metaphorical wind leaving his metaphorical sails. “I’m sorry, Patton, I shouldn’t have yelled at you. At any of you.”
“It’s fine! We’re all freaking out, I can understand your reaction.” He was warmer this time, and Thomas sighed.
Roman let out a dramatic groan and made to sit up against the TV stand, body swaying unsteadily as he adjusted to being conscious. These eyes were familiar and comforting, even squinting suspiciously at him. “You aren’t supposed to be here.”
Patton tapped the ground to get his attention and quietly started filling him in on what little had happened, while Logan started looking around the living room.
“Earlier, you said we were still in your living room,” Virgil commented, watching Logan. He nodded, and Logan mirrored it.
“He’s right, this isn’t our living room. The pictures are wrong, and things are displaced. Like, look, your blankets are not on the couch, and my book and our tea are missing from the table.” He pointed out, and the other three glanced around.
“We didn’t sink out.” Patton devastated.
“And we’re in our real forms, which shouldn’t just happen out of the Mind Space,” Virgil added, grave.
“Something is very wrong.” Roman finished.
“Nothing would be wrong if you hadn’t worn a necklace from the Dragon Witch.” Logan pointed out, edgy. Roman looked a mix between guilty, stricken, and offended, and it twisted his face into something that could have been funny outside of the circumstances. Thomas still wanted to laugh, but that might be the shock setting in. Was this shock? He thought for a second and decided it didn’t really matter. But maybe he should get a blanket?
As the sides began some tense arguing, he spotted his phone lying where he dropped it in his panic attack and realized what would help even more than a blanket. He grabbed it and opened up the call feature. (When was the last time he did that, honestly?)
“It was a gift given of good will, I had to wear it! How could I have known she would do this?”
“Maybe because she was the Dragon Witch ?!”
“Listen, just because she’s the only female in the Mind Space doesn’t mean she has to be the villain!”
“No, she’s the villain because she’s evil! ” Virgil argued.
“He has a point though. Why is the only woman in our realm a villain?” Patton offered, hesitant.
“Roman created her. And he accepted the necklace that got us into this mess!”
“Are you saying this is my fault, Virgil?”
“I’m not not saying that.”
“What, Patton? I’m not wrong.”
“But you shouldn’t say it..”
Thomas hung up and clapped to get their attention. They went quiet once more. “Joan is on their way. Maybe they’ll have some ideas on what’s going on.” And they can tell me I’m not going crazy, he thought, but maybe that was preferable to this situation.
For the first time in his memory, they all lapsed into uncomfortable silence, Virgil tossing his hood over his head and withdrawing into himself while Patton wrung his hands, Roman sulked, and Logan fumed. He had never seen them like this, never known them to be this upset, especially with each other. Things have gotten tense, people have gotten upset or argued, but this disconnect? It was new and somewhat frightening. Minutes passed like snails, slow and dragging, leaving a film behind. Maybe that was the shock.
Finally, a knock on the door drew them out of their heads, and Thomas got up to let them in. They were in their pajamas, and it was only then he thought to check the time. Midnight.
“I’m sorry for dragging you out this late.” He said automatically, but Joan waved him off.
“It’s clearly important, and what are best friends for if not traveling across town at midnight when something important happens?” Joan joked, but Thomas could only give him a weak smile. “You said something happened with the sides?”
He gestured them in, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not good. I was just chatting with them after I got home, everything was normal, and then they couldn’t sink out.”
“They couldn’t leave?”
He shook his head, hovering by the door and speaking quietly. No point in causing the arguing to start back up before it was necessary. “Roman came in wearing this necklace the Dragon Witch gave him-”
“The Dragon Witch?”
“Apparently they made up recently. Today, I think, the others didn’t seem to know about it. Anyway, they figured that was what was preventing them from leaving so Roman took it off. But it let out this bright light, completely blinded us. I heard them all fall and when I could see again they were unconscious and in their real forms.” At their look he tried to explain, feeling jittery and uncomfortable. That was the panic. Shock? “They look different in the Mind Space, they said. They’ve never looked like this outside of it, apparently, they actively control the change. They still can’t sink out, and they keep arguing..”
Joan placed a hand on his arm, seeing him start to panic (had he ever stopped, though?) and Thomas lent into the steadying touch. He smiled at them, thankful. Finally, they moved into the living room, where the sides were waiting. If their new appearances startled them, they didn’t react.
“So you guys are stuck.”
“Understatement of the year,” Virgil grumbled, and Thomas gave him a disapproving look.
“Don’t be mean to Joan. They are just trying to help.”
“Sorry.” He looked guilty, but Joan waved him off.
“Everyone is upset and tense, I understand. But arguing isn’t going to help anything so can we leave that for when this really bad thing isn’t happening?”
They all nodded, and Joan clapped their hands. “Alright. So, once again, you’re stuck. You’ve all attempted to sink out after you woke I’m assuming?”
“Yeah. Before I felt a barrier, almost. I didn’t notice it at first but looking back it was definitely there. But now…now I don’t feel anything at all.” Patton answered, looking down at where his hands were fidgeting in his lap.
“It’s like the Mind Space is just gone.” Virgil agreed. Logan messed with his glasses again, looking agitated.
“But that’s not possible, unless Thomas had something severe happen to his brain or…he wasn’t breathing anymore. Clearly, neither of those things have happened.”
“Yeah I haven’t bonked my head recently, and I’m still kicking. I think?”
“You are,” Joan assured him, seeing the distress in his eyes. “So that means you’ve all lost your connection with the Mind Space, most likely. Can you still conjure things, or access any of your Mind powers?”
They all waved their hands around to no avail, looking crazy. Frustration was clear to read in all of their expressions. Joan grimaced.
“And my shadows are gone,” Virgil said, rubbing his thumb under his eye. “I’ve always had them, I don’t..”
“So, no powers, no shadows, no connection to the Mind.” Joan ticked off. “Forced appearances, as well. Thomas,”
He looked up. “Yeah?”
“You once mentioned you could feel the connections to them, like strings tying you together. Are those still there?”
Oh. He reached deep into his chest, where the strings he had used to call Virgil had always lied. There was just empty. He couldn’t recall ever feeling this empty. The tightness in his throat returned, and his face fell. A sob burst from his lips. “No. No, they aren’t there anymore. I can’t feel them, I can’t feel you guys.” Tears welled up in his eyes but he didn’t care, struck by the realization. “It’s all empty. I thought that was shock, but..”
Joan looked upset, and he distantly felt bad about bringing them into this, but now he was crying and he couldn’t stop. He was reeled into an embrace, and he went willingly.
“It might be shock, from having the connection broken,” Joan admitted, before looking over his head. “Do you guys still feel..”
It was clear from how they trailed off that the answer was no. They couldn’t feel Thomas anymore, and that wrung another shaking sob from him. It took him a few minutes to gather composure, but eventually, he straightened from the awkward hunched position he had had to make, making a small wince at the wet spot on Joan’s chest. A glance at the other sides showed that he wasn’t the only one crying though. He wiped his eyes.
“So, you have no connection to the Mind, or Thomas. But you’re still corporeal, I can see and hear you. Maybe….you’ve become real people. Somehow.”
Oh. He had been so wrapped up in what had happened, he never stopped to think about what it meant. The others looked just as gobsmacked.
“That’s impossible, though,” Logan whispered, but it was obvious to himself.
“Let’s test it. Have any of you moved from your spots?”
“I’m just so used to not being able it didn’t even occur to me,” Virgil admitted, getting to his feet. He swayed a bit, but didn’t fall. The rest rose as well. Patton took an unsteady step forward, likely stiff from hours sitting, and when he didn’t hit a barrier he took another. Virgil climbed down the stairs to meet him in the middle, and Roman stepped forward too. Patton’s eyes brightened slightly, and he reached for Roman.
“I wonder…” He grabbed Roman’s arm and pulled him into a hug. Roman gasped, eyes going wide, and when Patton pulled back he gave Roman a wobbly smile, face brighter.
“You felt it, right?” He asked, before gesturing Virgil to come closer and pulling him into a hug as well. Virgil let out the same surprised gasp and gripped Patton tight.
“Everything feels like it’s dialed up to, like, 15. Lo, come feel this!” He held out a hand to Logan, who placed his own on top and wove their fingers together. His eyes widened. Patton released Virgil and moved hesitantly in front of Joan.
“May I?” They nodded and suddenly Joan had an armful of Patton, who was beaming like it was Christmas.
“I can touch you,” Joan exclaimed, looking shocked. While they had always been able to see the sides, they had never been able to touch them before. Their hand had always gone right through them, like ghosts.
Thomas looked around his living room and felt a stone in his gut. He had four freshly human sides before him. Four human, terrified, grown adult men who had never lived a day in the real world.
“Is this permanent, do you think?” He asked.
“I think, Logan said haltingly, unsure, “ That we have to assume it is. Go into this with a ���worst-case scenario’ mindset.”
Four men who didn’t legally exist, permanently in reality. They were in his care now, and that dormant panic made itself known once more. He couldn’t take care of them. He didn’t have the space, let alone the funds. And again, they didn’t legally exist. And how was he going to explain this? Only Joan and Talyn knew he was a manifester!
He caught Virgil’s eye and could tell he was thinking the same thing, saw him work himself into a similar panic.
“How can we live? We don’t exist in the eyes of the government, we have no papers! And without papers, we can’t get jobs! Where will we live? What will we do?” Virgil echoed his earlier thoughts, and Patton’s face fell. Roman was still quiet, arms wrapped around himself and staring at the ground. Logan looked deep in thought, lips moving silently. The tension in the room was back, and suddenly Thomas felt exhausted down to his bones. He just wanted to sleep, and let everything disappear. Just for a little while.
Joan seemed to pick up on this, and as frazzled as they now looked, standing in the center of Thomas’s living room in their pajamas at nearly 1 am, they once again smiled. “It’s late. Let’s order a pizza, I’m sure we’re all hungry, and then call it a night. We aren’t going to get anywhere tonight. Figure it out tomorrow.”
They all sagged, and while Joan quietly ordered they all moved to sit. The sides collapsed, leaning against each other, on one part of the coach while Joan and Thomas sat on the smaller side. He absently thought how lucky he was his couch was too big, but mostly he thought about how comfortable it was, and once again how much he wanted to sleep. There was quiet while they waited for food, but it was born out of exhaustion instead of anger.
Once they started to eat, however, some energy managed to fill them again, and quiet chatter started up. Roman mentioned quietly to Patton how cool it was to have a full sense of taste, while Joan struck up a conversation with Virgil and Logan on living in the Mind Space. He listened to them talk about the bookcase filled with books Thomas has read, about their rooms and the emotions connected, but only when Thomas was with them or they were feeling heightened. Roman chimed in with talk about his Realm filled with creativity and stories, while Patton mentioned the dog they had conjured and kept for a couple of weeks.
By the time the food was gone Thomas was nodding off, but he managed to get up and gather four sets of pajamas, mismatched and some grabbed simply because he didn’t know what would fit them. Like Virgil, who seemed too small for his pants and instead got a pair of boxers he bought a size too small, and Patton who he had to dig out one of his slightly larger shirts for. He wandered back to the living room on autopilot and took them all up to the spare bedroom.
They took the clothes from him and Patton grabbed a bunch of spare blankets, setting up two beds on the floor. They looked as out of it as him, and the chorus of “Goodnight, Thomas”’s were more mumbles than speech. He closed the door behind him and went back down to Joan, who was dozing on the couch.
“Thank you for coming over.” He said softly, “And thank you even more for being so helpful. I couldn’t have made it through tonight without you, and I’ll never be able to express how much it meant to me.”
“Everything is going to be alright, Thomas.” Joan insisted, and he smiled.
“Yeah, it probably will. But would you do me a favor and spend the night, so I know it’s not all some crazy dream tomorrow when I wake up?”
They took the hand he offered and pulled themselves up, giving him a teasing grin.
“What, you thought I was going to leave? It’s nearly 2 am, you owe me a place to sleep, dude.”
They headed sluggishly to bed, and everything else was tomorrow’s Thomas’s problem.
(tagging @strickenwithclairvoyance because they told me to, and they inspired me. Hope you like it! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters! (Also bold of you to assume there won’t be Deceit because he wasn’t ejected.))
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emmvline-blog · 4 years
˙ ˖ ✧ jennie kim, twenty-three, cisfemale, she + her // was that EMMALINE BYUN stepping aboard the GUCCI jet? oh now it’s a party! we all know they can be pretty INSOUCIANT, but also pretty OPEN-MINDED on a good day, just like an ARIES. they’ll be blasting STORMY WEATHER BY TINASHE for most of the plane ride, i can already tell. i think they added IBIZA, SPAIN to the list of places to visit this year. let’s pop the champagne and get going!
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trigger/content warnings: divorce, child neglect
hi babes! i’ve been so excited for this group to open so i could bring my absolute awful trash princess to life.  she’s a total sasshole & is basically the product of money and a ton of trauma. a good fourteen years of her life were spent in the middle of a bitter divorce battle between her parents. her father was an exec for a record label, and her mom was a former model who seemed to know where every single skeleton in her ex-husband’s closet was located. that fact alone kept hefty alimony payments sent her way, and a blood feud between them that seemed never ending.
half the time, emmaline felt more like a pawn in their games rather than their actual daughter. any time spent with either of her parents would always wind up the same way: they’d grill her for information about the other, and create some sort of horrific narrative of them that emmaline was far too young to hear. fortunately, she spent more time with nannies and other employees of her parents’ than them, and whenever she’d question it, they’d just shower her in opulence any child would wish upon stars for. she knew nothing but being rewarded for venom and toxicity for much of her life, and the bulk of her behavior began to reflect the things she witnessed.
she constantly acted out in school; taking things from other children because she felt she was entitled to them, trying to embarrass any teacher who gave her a bad grade, her demeanor only growing colder as she aged. her parents didn’t do much to correct it, they’d only give her more presents to keep her quiet. as unfazed as she appeared to be, the fact that her parents didn’t seem to care about being around her or getting to know her was deeply hurtful. she figured if she had to feel that way, why not spread the misery around? of course it wasn’t the right thing to do, but the very people who were supposed to set an example did nothing but tear each other down. and she was nothing if not her parents daughter.
here are some skuhtistics
name: emmaline hana byun age: twenty - three gender/pronouns: cisfemale & she/her occupation: LOL like this bitch works sexual orientation: bisexual romantic orientation: biromantic social class: upper height: 5 ft 2 in weight: 116 lbs hair color: dark brown eye color: brown aesthetics: shimmering lipsticks, worn out credit cards, butterfly doors, corinthian column bed frames, black marble, gem encrusted high heels, lace bustiers, getting drunk in high end boutiques, backstabbing, twin holidays. hogwarts house: slytherin alignment: neutral evil mb: isfj favorite food: duck confit favorite cocktail: flaming volcano (will 100% try to house it by herself) favorite movie: st. elmo’s fire
i would really love any of the following connections for her!!
best frenemies - heavily inspired by this gifset. these two are each other’s closest friends and most bitter enemies. emmaline is extremely competitive and has a major inferiority complex so while she’ll smile in this person’s face and gossip with them about other people and do all the things annoyingly self-centered best friends do, she’ll also trash them behind their back, sabotage them at every turn and get extremely jealous anytime they get something she doesn’t, and vice versa honestly. i just want a super toxic dynamic where they both lowkey hate each other, but keep each other close regardless. whatchamacallit - inspired by this post, this post. romance has always just been a game to emmaline. her sexual partners are nothing more than toys for her to pass her time with. she is a legit fuckgrrl. this (and most of her other issues) stems from trauma she suffered as a child due to her parents’ highly tumultuous divorce that took up her formative years and beyond. she was used as a pawn in their battles with each other for over a decade, and it dealt a tremendous blow to her comfort with herself. she deflects this with an inflated ego and a lot of big talk, but i would absolutely love for there to be someone around her who renders those fort knox defenses completely inoperable. for her to have finally met her match, after years of playing cat and mouse with people’s feelings. to actually, maybe, possibly care for someone; another actual human?? and for it to make her so angry inside that she can barely stand to be around them, or she’ll get too flustered and start cussing someone. *chef’s kiss*
get in loser, we’re going shopping 1/?? - based on this post. just a big ol’ squad? THE BIGGEST SQUAD OF FRIENDS/ACQUAINTANCES PLS? emmaline is insecure, she literally always has to have people around her. shopping trips, yacht excursions, tropical vacays, ski weekends. what fun is any of it if you can’t invite ten of your dearest friends, half of whom’s name you can’t remember?? funding or planning the party has always been one of emmaline’s most tried and true ways of getting people to stick around, so a lot of superficial “friendships” based on that would be cool! - @guerrcros​
thought you were bae, turns out you were just fam - a relationship that actually ended amicably for emmaline? the fuck you say. no, it really did happen, and they’re still pretty cool with each other to this day. this person knows all of her dirty laundry anyway, so it’s not like she can just dip, right?? nah but she can actually let down her defenses a bit with this person since they (for some god forsaken reason bless their heart) bothered to try and get to know her despite her treatment of them in their relationship. they learned that emmaline wasn’t all bad, she just hated feeling inferior or unimportant, and it often presented as rude comments and other venomous behavior. they also came to find that a lot of her treatment of others was a direct result of the things she’d seen her parents do to each other and say to and about one another. these things had almost been normalized in her brain, and this person actually takes the time to try and work with her on it. they have hope she’ll wake the fuck up one day and stop emulating the bad things she once saw.
and honestly maybe exes that ended badly, people she’s connected to through her parents, flirtationships, friends who constantly roast each other, neighbors who hate each other are some other things i’d love to ddu-du ddu-du. i’m honestly down for whatever so pls do lmk if you’d like to plot with this gucci garbage pail <3
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empyreanwritings · 5 years
Long Way Home
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Pairing: Bucky x assassin!Reader
Warnings: Some language, mentions of murder, mentions of rape (no details, just saying someone was raped), and killing a pedophile by beating his face in with a phone. 
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: I let myself really get away with this one, and I’m very happy with it. I hope yall enjoy it! Maybe there will be a part two? I left it open for a reason! Just let me know what you think :) x
          The sun started to set, leaving streaks of dark pink and purple in the sky. It felt like a whole day passed since we started driving, but it had only been six hours. My legs cramped up more than once, and I was pretty sure I lost feeling in my butt two exits ago. Bucky swore up and down that we weren’t lost, but when he refused to let me turn on a GPS, I knew he was trying to cover himself. We were definitely lost. What was it with men and asking for directions? Being openly lost should hurt an ego more than stopping and asking for help!
           Fury sent Bucky and I on a mission to gather some intel on a possible HYDRA hideout popping up. We spent three days staking out for no reason. The hideout wasn’t HYDRA personnel at all; it was a group studying Bigfoot sightings in the area. When I found out, I wanted to shoot all of them even if it wasn’t their faults. If Bucky hadn’t pulled me out as soon as my hand touched my gun, I might have.
           Three days of eating nothing but protein bars and getting only two hours of sleep each night for Bigfoot? I was a little touchy.          
           “Hey, so, I know we’re not lost or anything. . .” Bucky gave me a sideways look, and I forced myself to not smile. “But can we hop off the highway and get something to eat? I’m starved.”
           He didn’t say anything, but in the dim light I could see a small smile playing on his lips. We had an odd relationship dynamic. I liked to tease him and point out when he was being a stubborn ass on a daily basis. He never entertained my antics, though. He’d smile or roll his eyes, which always drove me crazy. Why didn’t he ever respond the way I wanted him to? I’d push his buttons as many times as I could, and he’d stay perfectly calm. Never an outburst. Never a fight. I’m not exactly sure what I was looking for, but damn, I wanted something!
           I read the exit signs as we passed them to see what places sounded good. Every suggestion I made, Bucky would crinkle his nose and turn it down. We eventually settled on stopping at Waffle House because he had never been to one before. Their food was mediocre at best, but I was so hungry that I could have eaten a bowl full of grease.
           Odds are that’s what we were about to be served.
           It wasn’t that late, but we were the only ones in the diner. Bucky chose the booth in the farthest corner possible. I wanted to tease him about making us seem dark and mysterious, but my stomach growling kept distracting me.
           “Oh my god,” our waiter gasped when he came over to our table. “You’re the Winter Soldier.”
           I could visibly see Bucky tense as soon as he said this. People had mixed views of him because of the media. Some thought he was a damaged hero with a heart of gold. Others looked at him and saw “MENACE” written across his forehead in bright red letters. He never admitted it out loud, but I know it got to him. How the hell could people judge someone they never met? Sure, they’d see whatever the news wanted to post, but it was all political bull anyways. They knew nothing about the real James Buchanan Barnes.
           The waiter, Tom, didn’t look older than twenty-one, but I couldn’t believe he’d be that stupid.
           “Is it true HYDRA mind controlled you into killing a ton of innocent people?” He sounded so enthused, I wanted to punch him.
           I slammed my hand against the table to get his attention. “Are you seriously that stupid?”
           “Let me tell you what you’re not going to do.” I was seething at this point, and it didn’t help that I was hangry already. “You’re not going to ask any questions that aren’t related to our food. I’ve killed more people than Sergeant Barnes has, and I’m not above adding you onto that—“
           “Just get us coffee for now, please,” Bucky quickly interrupted.
           Tom practically ran away once he said that. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel Bucky’s eyes on me as I did. I didn’t want to look at him cause I know he’d be smirking at me over my outburst.
           The biggest reason I hated people’s perception of Bucky was due to the fact I lived much worse. I didn’t have to be brainwashed to kill people, and my list grew past the hundreds. Bucky had some of the best intentions. He had no control over the evil he did when he was with HYDRA. But me? Everything I did, every life I took was on me and me alone. If Fury hadn’t sent Nat to find me, I don’t know if I’d ever let myself out of that evil lifestyle.
           “Just order me a waffle and a side of bacon,” I mumbled. “I need a second.”          
           The temperature dropped significantly since we’d gotten there. The crisp air felt nice against my face. I could literally feel the anger bubbling inside of me and needed to take a breather. If that dumb ass inside made another rude comment before I calmed down, I’d end up putting his face through a window. And I didn’t care how awful that sounded.
           My eyes stung with tears threatening to come out. I hated how emotional I was feeling.
           I felt Bucky approaching before I heard him. He stood behind me, his chest barely grazing my back. We stayed quiet for a moment. He knew his presence was all I needed right now. Even the way his fingers gently grazed the back of my arm was enough to pull me back into reality. The mutual understanding between us spoke a thousand words.
           “I’m fine,” I whispered.
           Bucky rested his chin on top of my head. “I know you are.”
           I turned around and looked into his eyes, searching for any signs of disgust at my outburst. There was none. He held my gaze and reassured me with a smile. I was okay. We were okay. Nothing could ever change that, especially a minor freak out in a Waffle House.
           “You should eat something.” His voice was so warm and calming. I wanted to listen to him talk for hours.
           “I could just use a hug right now.”
           He didn’t hesitate to envelop me into his arms. My nose pressed against his chest, and I couldn’t stop myself from inhaling his scent. He smelled faintly of pine needles and new car. This wasn’t his usual smell—which was vanilla, if you were curious—but it worked for him. My fingers clutched onto the back of his shirt. I feared that if I loosened up for even a second, he’d disappear.
           “I hate how people see you, James,” I mumbled against him. “You don’t deserve it.”
           “You don’t deserve thinking you’re somehow worse than me, doll.”
           I didn’t have a response to that. Bucky always managed to find the good in me no matter the situation, even when we first met. We had a silent connection in knowing all the evil we both committed. Neither of us had to say anything, we just knew. When Nat first brought me back to the compound covered in someone else’s blood, he was the only one who didn’t feel wary of my presence. There had been a debate over whether I was stable enough to be a part of the team, and he and Nat had been the first to defend me.
           I sat on the edge of the tub, scrubbing furiously at my arms with a washcloth. Blood was caked on my arms, on my hands, and under my nails. Specs of it scattered my face, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it somehow got in my hair. Flashes of beating the man’s face in with his office telephone kept going through my mind. I scrubbed harder, trying to distract myself from the images, but nothing worked. Before I knew it, I scrubbed my skin raw and tears streamed down my face.
           I focused so hard on scrubbing that I hadn’t heard someone come into the bathroom until he kneeled in front of me and wrapped his hands around mine. I stared down at my lap, refusing to make eye contact with the man. I could hear Tony Stark and Steve Rogers debating over me just outside the hall. The last thing I wanted was for another person to think I was a monster. Deep down I knew I was, but I didn’t want this stranger knowing.      
           “Nat says he forced an underage girl to marry him,” he whispered to me. “You saved her from a life of torture.”
           He didn’t say anything after that. He simply took the cloth from my hands and began gently washing the blood away from my skin. If he saw me crying, he didn’t say anything about it. I knew were connected in a dark way. We remembered every life we took vividly. I didn’t need to look into his eyes to know the pain, the secrets, and the blood behind them. I remembered the name of every person I murdered; I kept a list written in small journal. Somehow I knew he did as well.
           “He raped her.” My voice was hoarse from all the screaming I had done during the fight. “He would have killed her. I know men like him all too well.”
           “I know, doll. I know.”
           We stayed in each other’s arms for at least ten minutes. I only managed to pull myself away when the sound of his stomach growling interrupted the silence. There was nothing left for either of us to say, so we headed back inside to finally eat.
           This was always the dynamic between us. We’d have a tender moment that only ever stayed between us. After the moment was over, we’d never talk about it again. There were nights I’d let him sneak into my room because we both had nightmares keep us awake. In the morning, he’d be gone. I never felt the need to bring it up either. What we shared in those moments was our business. No one else needed to know. And even if they did, they knew not to say anything.
           I stared out the window as I ate. Cars sped through the empty roadways like they didn’t have a care in the world. I wasn’t ready to go back to the compound. As much as I’d like to sleep in my own bed, I wasn’t ready to embrace reality. Fury liked to keep up busy because he knew we’d get ourselves into something we shouldn’t if we got bored, so as soon as we’d get back, there’d be another assignment waiting for us. I’d like one day to turn my brain off. I wanted to lounge around the compound in pajamas with a cup of tea. One day was all I needed.
           “I was thinking,” Bucky’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. “We’re technically not due home for another three days.”
           I looked over at him and raised my eyebrows. Did he read my mind or something?
           “We should rest for the night and find a decent motel. Maybe take a day to just relax.”
           I nodded, trying my best to hide the grin sneaking onto my face.
           He always looked out for me, even when I didn’t understand why. I think he knew what I wanted before I did. Hell, maybe that’s what he wanted and used me as an excuse. I was okay with it either way. It wouldn’t be the first time we had to share a room.
           The mission was supposed to be easy and only take a night. None of us expected our target to hide in a hotel for most of it. We weren’t allowed to barge into his room without probable cause, and he refused to meet us outside. He must have known he pissed off the wrong people. Once you get on Tony Stark’s bad list, you weren’t going to get off easy.
           Nat suggested we all stake out in rooms surrounding our target. She and Steve took the room to the left; Tony and Sam were across the hall; and Bucky and I were on the right. We agreed to take sleeping shifts every three hours so at least one room was awake in case something happened. The plan was to catch him doing something that allowed us to break in his door, but I had a feeling he was too smart to fall for that.
           Bucky and I volunteered to take the last shift. We both enjoyed the six hours of sleep that he hadn’t had in a long time. When it was our time to stay awake, we were wide awake and ready for action that never came.
           “If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?” I asked as I propped myself up against the headboard.
           “I want to see the northern lights,” Bucky admitted. He walked back over to the bed and lay down in the spot next to me. “What about you?”
           I thought about giving him an honest answer. I’ve always wanted to go to Egypt and explore the pyramids or their ruins. The knowledge that they provided the world with was monumental. To be in that environment and experience it hands on would be amazing. But I wasn’t ready to fully open up to him like that, so I had to give him a goofy answer instead.
           “If I say your arms, would you hold it against me?” I flashed a smirk his way.
           Bucky rolled his eyes and pulled the pillow from under his head to smack me with it. I swiftly caught it before he could and threw it towards the end of the bed. For a split second, I could see his face fall. Whenever I evaded answering a deep question, he’d make that same face. I began to wonder if he wished I was honest with him for once. I trusted him more than anyone on the team, I just hated feeling vulnerable. Maybe that thinking hurt him more than I thought.
           “Egypt,” I answered after a beat of silence. “There’s so much history there. I want to know all of its secrets.”
           He laid there for a moment, staring at me in shock. Never had I ever given him a straight answer like that, and I think it was going to give him a heart attack.
           “What would you want to see first?” His voice was soft and full of worry that I would shut him out again.
           I slid down so I was lying next to him, our faces just an inch away from each other. “They say there was a library in Alexandria that the Christians burned down during their ‘I hate pagan temples’ escapades. I’d like to try and find its ruins. They say so much knowledge was lost that day, I can’t imagine what it would be like to find something.”
           Bucky hummed in content at my response. He wasn’t going to push anymore, and I appreciated it. Surprisingly, though, opening up to him wasn’t all that hard. His eyes had been so inviting, I was ready to spill all of my secrets to him. Of course, I couldn’t do that. Some secrets aren’t meant to be talked about, but he certainly made me feel like they could be.
           “Bucky?” I looked over to see him fast asleep. We were supposed to stay awake for the mission, but he looked so peaceful. I reached over and brushed a stray hair off his forehead. My fingers lingered against his skin, and I silently prayed he wouldn’t wake up. “Thank you.”
           “Are you sure getting the motel isn’t your way to try and cover up the fact we’re lost?” I pondered.
           He leaned his head back against the booth and groaned, which prompted me to smirk. I could hear victory trumpets playing in my head. Celebratory fireworks were being set off somewhere in the distance. I finally got him to crack. I didn’t think I’d ever get him to do it, but tonight I finally won. Was it pride filling my heart? Absolutely. I deserved a gold medal for this occasion.
           “We’re not lost,” he grunted. “We’re taking a scenic route. The long way home, if you will.”
           I wiggled my eyebrows at him, not believing his words for a second. Men really hated admitting when they were wrong, huh? He huffed and threw enough cash on the table to cover the bill and a tip before heading outside to the car. I laughed so loud; I knew he could hear me even when the door closed behind him. I didn’t want a gold medal for the this—I wanted three.
           Before I could follow him, the waiter called to me from behind the counter. When I turned, I felt my heart sink to see how terrified he looked. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down several times, and I’m sure there was a sweat bead trickling down his forehead. I guess I had been a little scary.
           “I wanted to apologize,” he stammered. “Sometimes I get so excited that I say horrible stuff without thinking.”
           I shrugged. “Sometimes I get overly protective and threaten to kill people when I shouldn’t. Consider us even.”
           “Honestly, I’m okay with it.” This made us both laugh. “I wish I had a girlfriend as protective as you. He’s lucky.”
           “Oh, I’m not—“
           I stopped myself and glanced back at the man leaning against the car. His arms were crossed against his chest, and he was kicking at something on the ground. My biggest secret that I swore to never tell? I wish I was his girlfriend. The way he looked at me made me feel perfect despite being the complete opposite. The more time we spent together, the more my heart ached for him. If a waiter I’d never met before now could see that, why couldn’t he?
           “Tell him that,” I replied sadly and stepped out to meet Bucky.
           There was only one time I ever thought about confessing my feelings to Bucky. It was during the New Year’s Eve party Tony was hosting. Bodies packed so tightly into the compound, I thought we were a can of sardines. Whenever I walked somewhere, I had to walk sideways and hold my drink in the air so it wouldn’t spill.
           Bucky stood off to the side, awkwardly tugging at the tie Steve made him wear. Tony wanted all of us to be formal. I’m not sure why, but he insisted. I had to admit, he looked fantastic tonight. His deep red button up was a little too tight for him, but I was not complaining. I could see every ripple of his muscle underneath the fabric. I was surprised he hadn’t torn the sleeve off to expose his metal arm and loosen up the shirt a bit.
           Now that would have been a sexy sight.
           I walked over to join him and held out the glass of champagne I snagged for him. He took it gratefully and downed it, which made me chuckle. Parties never got easier for either of us. We hated having to fake enthusiasm for whatever crazy show Tony tried to put on. I especially hated how many girls would be there trying to get into one of the guys’ pants. They’d twirl their fake hair and bat their fake eyelashes at anyone who paid attention to them for more than a minute. I wanted to hurl.
           Thankfully, Bucky was infamous for blowing off a woman’s advances so they avoided him all together at parties now. I loved being able to spend time with him in peace.
           “Nice dress,” Bucky complimented while stealing my glass of champagne. “Did you purposefully try to match me?”
           I looked down at my dress and laughed. I wore a floor-length, off-the-shoulder dress that was the same shade of red as Bucky’s shirt. It was very tight at the waist and had a plunging neckline, but I hadn’t actually picked it out: Nat did. She told me she wanted me to look capital H hot. I wondered if she knew what Bucky planned on wearing and coordinated.
           “You caught me,” I responded sarcastically. “I snuck into your room just to see what you were wearing tonight and picked my outfit based on that.”
           Bucky rolled his eye playfully. “I knew it. You’re so in love with me, doll.”
           I am.
           God, I wanted so badly to tell him. The words danced on the tip of my tongue. If I told him now, it would make everything easier on us. We’d be able to move past this will-they-won’t-they game and just be. I’m not sure when I wanted that change, but it hit me so strongly just now. Would it be so bad to admit it? The answer was yes. I couldn’t risk everything I had with him for love.
           “You wish.”
           He scoffed and downed what I had left of my drink. He was lucky his metabolism burned off alcohol quickly. If I drank the way he did and as fast, I’d be on the floor within the hour. I may be a tough assassin, but I was unable to hold my liquor. It was absolutely embarrassing to admit, so I tried not to drink a lot in public if I could help it. Sometimes I’d participate in drinking competitions with Sam, but those were the only times I’d let myself get a little out of control.
           Every time I got to that level, Bucky was there to take care of me. It was sweet.
           “You better get me another drink,” I ordered as I poked his stomach. “It’s five minutes to midnight, and I need something to kiss. Alcohol is the only option.”
           “Is it the only option?” He challenged.
           I hesitated for a moment, trying to read whether or not he was joking. Maybe the alcohol was getting to him a little more than I thought. His eyes trailed down my body, and I didn’t miss him biting his lip. I sucked in a breath. Was he attracted to me? After all of the things he’d seen me do during my time with them, did he really feel something for me? No, he couldn’t. I had to be reading into it.
           “You know I can’t handle kissing some stranger here,” I laughed off the heat rising in my cheeks. “You, on the other hand, should go find someone to make out with. We both can’t start our New Year off pathetic.”
           I stepped to the side to begin my journey back to the bar when Bucky moved to block my path. I let out a small gasp and looked up at the man in front of me. His jaw was set, but his eyes were bright as he looked at me. He never acted like this around me before. The little alcohol in his system couldn’t have made him this bold. It must have been something else; I just couldn’t read into what it was. My brain turned to mush under his gaze. I had so many questions, but nothing came out.
           “I don’t want some stranger, Y/N,” he mumbled. He spoke so quietly, I thought I had imagined it.
           Tell him you idiot, I thought to myself. Tell him how you really feel just as the ball drops. There’s nothing wrong with starting off the new year happy.
           “James, I—“
           “Just be honest with me about your feelings, doll. Just this once.”
           “I-I can’t,” I whispered and brushed past him without another word.
           He never told me so, but I knew that would be the last time he’d ever try to get me to admit my feelings. I ruined my one chance, and I’m not even sure why.
           Bucky seemed lost in thought when I approached him. The way he clenched and unclenched his jaw, I knew he was annoyed about something. I figured it had to do with the whole being lost thing, so I didn’t comment on it again. He looked up at me when I leaned on the car next to him.
           “What did he want?” Bucky nodded his head in the direction of the restaurant.
           “Oh, he wanted my phone number,” I sighed in a fake dreamy content.
           “What?!” He yelled—practically roared.
           I jumped at the volume of his voice. Usually when I said something like that, he’d brush it off. I guess I had been picking on him too much tonight. I really needed to learn boundaries.
           “James, I’m just kidding.” I tried my best to keep my voice steady.
           His nose flared as he took a deep breath. The anger practically rolled off of him in waves. I suddenly became very aware that I may have gone too far tonight and didn’t even realize. I actually felt bad.
           “Why do you do that? Why can you never give me a straight answer?” Bucky snapped. “You’re so-so—“
           “Don’t finish that,” I begged quietly. I refused to know what he really thought of me. “Let’s go. I think there’s a motel at the next exit.”
           I headed towards the other side of the car, but Bucky’s hand grabbed mine to stop me. I didn’t turn around, and he didn’t pull me closer. We just stood like that with our fingers interlocked for what felt like hours. The air around us felt like electricity. If one of us moved, a fire would probably spark. At least that’s what it felt like.
           “I just want to know what you’re thinking.” His statement came out more like a plea. “You’re such a mystery to me. I let myself believe that there is something between us and then you shut me out.”
           His grip tightened on my hand, and he pulled me back to face him. Our chests bumped into each other, and his breath fanned my face. I felt intoxicated by his presence. My heart hammered so hard in my chest, I’m sure he could hear it.
           “What are you so afraid of?”
           His eyes scanned mine. Every inch of him pleaded me to be honest for once. What was I afraid of? Everyone I loved usually died, sometimes by my hand. I trained most of my adult life not to love because it was easier. I never knew where life would take me or force me to do, and I couldn’t risk being attached to anyone. But that was years ago, long before I met the beautiful man with the metal arm. The day he washed blood off of my body and didn’t flinch, I knew I was screwed. My life, my opinions on love and friendship, would never be the same.
           I wanted so badly to tell him, but I was terrified. Terrified he’d stop loving me one day. Terrified my past was too dark for him to handle.
           I didn’t want to be scared anymore, though. I didn’t want to walk away from this man who made me feel so alive. I wanted a life filled with happiness. I wanted to let myself feel like home in his arms. My past was dark and filled with images of blood, but that didn’t mean I had to be unhappy in my future. I needed him. I needed this.
           “I love you,” I blurted out.
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I’m getting older too [winterspider cult AU - T]
Chapter warnings: guns, descriptions of physical violence and blood, descriptions of cult-like gaslighting
[Part 1]
Group therapy was hell.
All it had taken was one crazed man grasping for straws, and before long everyone knew Bucky’s life. ‘Negligent, selfish, violent’, they chanted. ‘Abandoned your sister, lost your way, purposeless and useless’. It wasn’t a unique treatment. Everyone got ‘broken down’ like this, everyone was debased and humiliated in front of the whole room. It was supposed to be part of the healing process, Emrys insisted. Only by breaking one down to his core vulnerabilities could he be rebuilt. “Today,” he said, cupping Bucky’s face in his withered old hands, “is the first day of the rest of your life.”
Gazing up at Emrys through blurred tears, Bucky ground his teeth hatefully and wished him death. It was hard to not let their words get to him, and there was only so much violent brainwashing he could withstand.
Having Sam and Peter around helped - to a degree. Peter had been able to pull some strings and get Bucky moved to their cabin, and just having a safe place away from the pervasive cult mentality was a relief. But the group therapy sessions didn't seem to hit the other two nearly as hard.
"Just let it roll off you man," Sam said, not unkindly. "Water off a duck's back."
"They don't actually know you," Peter added. "Nothing they spout in there is true. You're stronger than them, Bucky."
And yet, Bucky only felt weak and broken after group therapy. Rebecca had always been the stronger of the two of them and he felt certain that his little sister, all four feet nine inches of her, would have laughed in everyone’s faces and let their words bounce off her like so much wasted breath.
On one night after a particularly rough group therapy session, Bucky had laid sullen in his bunk, useless tears slipping down his cheeks as he thought of Rebecca and how badly he’d failed her.
He wasn’t expecting it then, when a soft voice broke the silence. “We’ll get out of here.”
“What?” he said, hating how his voice came out a little nasally, betraying his weakness.
“This isn’t forever.” Peter’s head popped down from the bunk above, his brown hair flopping messily around his face as he gazed at Bucky upside-down. “This place is designed to break you. But we’re gonna get out of here.”
“I know,” Bucky said automatically, wiping the wetness from his eyes and sitting up in bed.
Peter stared at him for a long moment, cocking his head to one side. He nodded to himself and, with a little ‘oof!’, swung down from the top bunk and fell gracelessly into Bucky’s lap, long legs smacking him in the face. “Scoot,” he whispered, thankfully blind to the way Bucky was suddenly flushed bright red at their positions.
Bucky pressed himself against the wall, staring quizzically as Peter laid down next to him, his body a line of warmth against his side.
“Hi,” Peter said, tucking his toes under Bucky’s calves and giggling when the older boy tried to squirm away. “What’re you gonna do when we get out of here?” He asked conversationally, keeping his voice down as to not disturb Sam who was snoring gently in the other bunk.
“Oh, I dunno.” Bucky murmured, throwing half of the blanket over Peter’s legs. When Peter just nudged his shoulder patiently, Bucky sighed. “I’m gonna find my sister. I’m getting her out of the foster home and we’re gonna take care of ourselves.”
“That sounds nice.” Peter curled into a little ball on his side, dark eyes blinking at Bucky. “You’re a good brother.”
Bucky shrugged, staring at the underside of the top bunk. He didn’t feel like he was. “How about you? Did you ever live… not here?”
Peter nodded, his fingers tracing an unidentifiable pattern on the sheets between them. “With my aunt and uncle. They were good people, took me in after Dad split. But they died a few years ago, so I got sent here to live with him anyways.”
“You don’t seem anything like him,” Bucky mused. “You’re not… not as--”
“Evil? Maniacal? Power-drunk?”
Bucky laughed. “Yeah. All of those things.” He turned to look at Peter, his heart rabbiting in his chest at the way the kid stared at him, curious and unguarded. “What about you?” he croaked. “Where are you going?”
“Dunno,” Peter said, tearing his eyes away from Bucky. “Always wanted to go to school, but… That’s probably not realistic. Not for awhile, anyways.”
“You never know,” Bucky murmured, pushing down the fear of uncertainty rising up his chest. “You’re smart, Queens. You could figure something out.”
Peter gave him a tentative smile, nodding and burrowing into the blankets. “Yeah,” he said softly. “I’ll figure it out.”
“Hey, Brooklyn.”
Bucky looked up from the potato he was scrubbing. Peter was leaned up against the steel worktable in the commune kitchen, grinning at him and holding up a peeler.
“What’re you doing here?” He didn’t see much of Peter around the farm during the daytime - while he and Sam were relegated to the kitchens or the garden, Peter was usually put to work in the infirmary or helping out with the weekly task scheduling.
Peter bumped his hip, grabbing the thoroughly scrubbed potato from his hand. “Got done with stuff. What, can't I just wanna see your pretty face?”
Bucky grinned, glad for the company. “You're a terrible liar, Parker.” He dumped another basket of potatoes into the sink, setting to work scrubbing that batch too. Looking around the kitchen to be sure everyone else was heads down on their own tasks, Bucky said in a low voice, “Everything set?”
“Yeah.” Peter smiled sincerely at him, managing to look completely charming while elbow-deep in potato peels. “Got you on the schedule as a delivery hand tomorrow, and Sam for later today. Once you’re in the rotation, the Guard will be more relaxed about letting you guys out on runs.”
Security had gotten considerably tighter after the first riot. Emrys formed a militia called the Community Guard and equipped them with rubber bullets and police grade batons, and of course every violent cult member with aggression issues had immediately signed up to enlist in the Guard.
Within a week of the Guard’s formation, six more teenagers were sent to the infirmary with severe concussions and there was no more whisper of escape attempts. At least, not outside of their cabin.
It felt like a slice of normalcy, sitting on Peter’s bed while the three of them talked through their plans and what they'd do afterwards - laughing and talking quietly amongst themselves, like they were normal kids instead of planning a secret escape from an isolated cult. Bucky didn't know what would become of their friendships once they got out. Sam had parents he wanted to return to, and Bucky had Rebecca. He thought about asking Peter to stick with him - at least until he figured something more permanent out. But whenever Bucky thought to mention it, his tongue sat heavy in his mouth and he couldn't quite summon the words. He'd wait until they actually managed to escape, he told himself. Get out of this hellhole first, then they'd figure out where to go.
Their plan moved forward into action. With Peter pulling the strings behind the work schedule, Bucky and Sam became regulars on the delivery rotation.
It was dull work mostly - perched in the back of a pickup truck with another farmhand, Bucky was responsible for hauling produce to the various farmers’ markets and isolated towns far flung from the rest of civilization. The buyers never looked at Bucky, didn’t even really like interacting with the drivers, it seemed. They’d fork over a wad of cash and take the bags of produce without so much as a ‘thank you’, all adhering to some unspoken rule not to engage with anyone from the compound more than was absolutely necessary.
On one occasion, the farmhand Bucky was working with - another kid who’d been discarded from the juvenile center - dared to ask a woman at the market to use her phone. She had looked nervously between the boy and the pickup driver, and made up some excuse about not having her phone on her. (Bucky didn’t miss the faint rectangular outline in her apron pocket.)
When they got back to the compound, the driver grabbed the kid and marched him in the direction of Emrys’ quarters, and when Bucky reported on what he’d seen, Peter confirmed grimly that he’d been asked to pull the kid’s name from any future delivery rotations.
Sam and Bucky kept their heads down, did as they were told while out on delivery, and they pretended to swallow Emrys' lies. It was all to get back to Rebecca, Bucky told himself firmly. It wasn't forever.
Their opportunity finally came a week later. "Schedule's set," Peter said breathlessly, bursting into the cabin after the nightly sermon, his face pink from running across the compound. "You two are out on delivery with Joe tomorrow, but I'm gonna take care of him during breakfast."
Sam sprung up from his bunk in excitement and ran at Peter, hugging him and twirling him around in a celebratory circle. "Thank God!” He bellowed, and Peter batted at his shoulders, laughing even as he shushed him.
“We’re getting out,” Bucky said in amazement, sitting stunned at the edge of his bunk. “This time tomorrow, we’re gonna be out of here.”
Once Sam let him down, Peter crouched down on the cabin floor and pulled a folded sheet of paper from his back pocket. “Okay, it’s not the prettiest,” he said, flattening the sheet, “but this is a general map of where we oughta go tomorrow. The first market stop is here,” he pointed to a dot on the traced map. “And the closest town is fifty miles south of that, Clear Creek. All we gotta do is make it to Clear Creek, then they can’t touch us if we’re in someone else’s jurisdiction.”
“How do we know Clear Creek’s law enforcement won’t just turn us back over?” Sam asked, looking down at the sketch.
“We don’t,” Peter admitted, looking up at them. “So we try not to get caught and keep going if we can. Think of Clear Creek as our waypoint marker.”
“Sounds risky,” Bucky said, meeting Peter’s eyes. “Let’s try not to get caught then.”
Peter grinned. “That’s the plan.”
The following morning, Bucky was thrumming with nerves and anxiety. He made his way to the dining hall through a light misty rain, keeping his head down low and flicking his eyes from side-to-side, terrified that any moment, a Community Guard would pull him aside, their plan discovered.
The morning sermon went on without incident though - as he filed through the breakfast line, Peter gave him a little smile before slopping some oatmeal on his tray, but that was the only acknowledgment they made to one another.
Rain was still falling light and dewey across the compound, shallow mud puddles squelching underneath his boots as he made his way to the car port. He caught sight of Sam already hauling burlap sacks of carrots, sweet potatoes and onions into the bed of a dirty white pick-up and began helping out, neither daring to speak to the other just yet.
Peter ducked out of the car port a moment later, shielding his face from the rain. “You boys ready?”
Bucky bit back a nervous laugh and nodded. Sam jumped up into the bed of the truck and perched himself among the burlap sacks of produce, extending a hand down to help Bucky up as well. Catching his eye, Sam gave him an anxious grin and squeezed his hand reassuringly.
“Let’s go,” he called, knocking the top of the cab.
Peter got up into the truck cab and turned the ignition over, looking up into the rearview mirror. His eyes locked with Bucky's in the mirror, and then they drove off.
Mud splattered thick and viscous all around them as Peter drove through the compound, caking the wheels and leaving deep wet tracks in the earth behind them. The rain drizzled on, flattening Bucky's hair against his face and he had to squint to see more than a few feet in front of the truck, so his fingers tightened around the edge of the truck bed when he felt them rolling to a stuttered stop.
"Hold up," called a voice, and Bucky felt his stomach plummet as a Community Guard strolled up to the cab, rapping his rubber baton against the hood.
Peter leaned across and cranked the window down, smiling at the guard. "Hey!" he greeted him cheerfully, fingers wrapped tense around the steering wheel.
"I didn't think you were cleared for driving," the guard said in a gruff voice, squinting back to where Bucky and Sam sat in the pickup bed.
"Yeah, just got trained," Peter said.
"Is that so?" The guard's eyes lingered on Bucky, then on Sam, taking in their stiff posture and nervous silence.
"We got a couple deliveries to make, can we go?" Peter asked, an edge of impatience creeping into his voice.
"Hold on." Bucky watched with mounting dread as the guard's hand strayed down to the gun at his belt, a clear threat. "I don't want you driving out in this weather if you're new at this. I'm gonna check the schedule, see if someone can switch shifts."
Sam and Bucky exchanged a panicked look. "We already asked," Sam shouted quickly. "Clint was gonna, but he said he wasn't feelin' too good. Something about stomach cramps.” When the guard gave him another dubious look, Sam said, “Look, we're already gonna run late with the rain, but if we slow down anymore, half these people won't even buy this stuff. You know how they hardly trust us," he added ruefully, with a commiserating shake of his head.
The guard gave an annoyed sigh, but his hand lowered from the gun at his belt. “I still don’t like you driving out in the rain,” he scowled. “Let me drive ‘em, your dad’ll kill me if I let you get into a wreck.”
For a hair of a second, Bucky saw Peter’s eyes flick up to the rearview mirror again and meet his, terror communicated between them wordlessly. “Please Rollins, c'mon," he pleaded, pasting on a charming smile. "If I never drive in these conditions, how'm I supposed to learn?" When the guard's forehead furrowed in doubt again, Peter leaned forward, throwing out their last hail Mary. "Come along for the ride. Just let me practice," he wheedled.
Rollins chewed at his lower lip thoughtfully, then sighed, his shoulders slumped in defeat. It worked. "Yeah, okay," he relented. "Budge over."
Peter gave him a winning grin and threw the car door open, letting him in.
The door slammed shut behind them and Rollins cranked the window back up, leaving Bucky and Sam to stare at one another in quiet dismay as the rain fell around them.
Slowly, the pickup drove on away from the compound, the fields and shacks of the isolated community fading into the gray afternoon mist as they went on with their escape, complications and all.
"What are we gonna do?" Sam murmured in a low voice, his fingers clenched tense around his knees.
"We gotta get rid of him along the way. Maybe… Maybe make some emergency, so he has to get out of the cab." Bucky dug around the truck bed, looking for some kind of tool. "Fuck, should've brought a shovel or something," he mourned.
"We could use a big carrot," Sam said drily.
"Come on, Sam," Bucky said fretfully, but as he looked around the truck, wielding produce seemed more and more like their only option. "Fuck," he said again.
All too quickly, they made it into their first stop, a small market far flung from the compound and still well beyond any incorporated town to speak of.
Sam and Bucky got to work hauling bags of produce off the truck, unable to speak with Peter with the guard sitting idly in the truck cab. It was as Bucky was summing up the price that he saw Sam fiddling with one of the vendors' wooden stalls. Sam was leaned casually against the post like he was just sheltering himself from the rain, but Bucky caught his fingers twisting something under the wooden slats of the stall.
His heart pounding in his chest, Bucky stuttered over the numbers, losing count. "Shit, sorry," he mumbled, scrubbing his face and smiling apologetically at the vendor. "Never was good at numbers."
The vendor made a derisive sound under her breath but just tapped her foot impatiently while she waited for Bucky to count again.
He summed the prices up, watching Sam out of the corner of his eye. Sam tucked his hands into his pockets and headed back to the truck, stooping to retie his boots. Only when he had hopped back up into the truck bed did Bucky give her the total, holding back his sigh of relief.
The vendor scanned over the numbers doubtfully, but finding no flaw, sneered and handed over the cash.
Bucky smiled and thanked her, and jogged back to the truck, joining Sam among the sacks of produce.
“What took you so long?” Rollins asked in an annoyed growl, jerking the passenger side door open just enough to take the wad of cash out of Bucky’s hand.
“Bad at math,” Bucky shrugged.
“Fucking delinquents,” Rollins muttered scathingly, slamming the door again as the truck rumbled on.
“Thanks, man,” Sam said quietly.
As Peter drove them on, Bucky tilted his head to the side, hearing an odd metallic clanking like something was rattling underneath the truck. “What did you do?” he asked.
Sam grinned, uncurling his fingers and showing Bucky a long, rusted screw. “Messed with the exhaust pipe,” he murmured. “Mostly harmless, but it’ll sound like something bad is fucked up - hopefully fucked up enough that Rollins gets out to check.”
Bucky grinned at him.
Sure enough, Rollins started shifting in the cab, looking around in annoyance and at points, leaning over the dash to check what he could see.
Not wanting them to get too close to the second stop, Bucky rapped on the back window of the cab. “Hey!” he called, and the truck rolled to a slow stop, tires squelching in the mud.
The rain was falling harder now, a consistent downpour that soaked Bucky and Sam to their bones, although the adrenaline pumping through him kept the cold at bay. Rollins reluctantly opened the cab door and got out, hunching himself under his jacket. “You guys hear that rattling too?”
“Yeah,” Sam said, wiping the rain from his face. “It sounded like it’s comin’ from underneath the truck, I think.”
Rollins scoffed, looking disgruntled as he circled the vehicle. “Yeah, that’s where all the car parts are, genius. ‘Course it’s coming from underneath the truck.”
“I know something about cars,” Bucky volunteered, hopping out of the bed. Rollins raised an eyebrow but stepped back to make room for him. “Probably something with the, uh, serpentine belt,” he fished, wincing when Sam gave him an unimpressed look. Thankfully, Rollins didn’t call him on his bluff.
Feeling a little emboldened, Bucky crouched by the side of the truck, his eyes flicking up to where Peter was sitting in the cab, brown eyes blinking curiously at him. “Here, I’m gonna try tightening the muffler valve. Can you get close to the exhaust pipe -- yeah, just kinda next to it, and can you tell me if you hear something hissing?”
Rollins grimaced, clearly not relishing the thought of taking orders from the new kid, but he went to the back of the truck, stooping just a bit.
Bucky seized his opportunity. Jumping up to his feet, he kicked at the wet earth, spraying thick mud into Rollins’ face and making him roar.
Sam hefted up a sack of carrots and flung it at Rollins, knocking the man off balance and flat into the mud. “Go, go, go!” he roared, just as Bucky grabbed onto the passenger side door, barely hauling himself into the cab in time as Peter slammed on the gas pedal.
“Fuck!” Peter cried, but he was laughing hysterically as they peeled away, tires spitting up mud in their wake.
“Tighten the muffler valve!” he could hear Sam howling, his own laughter bubbling out of his throat in amazement.
As he watched Rollins stumble to his feet in the rear mirrors, he swore as he realized Rollins was pulling his gun from his holster. A loud crack rent the air and Bucky ducked his head instinctively. “He’s fucking shooting at us,” he shouted indignantly.
“Don’t worry,” Peter called back, “they’re rubber bullets! Shit, I dunno where we’re going, can you get my map--”
Another crack sounded, this one louder than the last. Bucky’s ears were ringing, and he realized with almost slow-motion comprehension that glass was sprayed all across the truck cab, shards of it discarded across the peeled leather seats.
He hauled himself upright, staring as Peter’s eyes found his, wide and frightened. “You’re okay,” he said instinctively, wanting to comfort the other boy, and then the truck veered to the side, too fast for country roads and Peter slumped bonelessly into his lap.
Bucky’s hands went to cradle his head, adrenaline dragging time to a crawl. “Hey,” he started, his fingers slick and wet in Peter’s hair. He didn’t understand - Peter hadn’t gone in the rain, why was he wet - and as he pulled his fingers away, he stared uncomprehendingly at the thick red rivulets running down his palm.
“Bucky!” Sam roared behind him. “Drive!”
“Oh god,” he heard himself say, and when another crack sounded through the air, Bucky snapped back to himself. He cradled Peter’s head as best as he could and slid into the driver’s seat, his body twisted awkwardly as he rammed down on the gas pedal while trying to keep Peter in his lap.
Another two gunshots rang out, one embedding itself in the metal of the truck, but Sam kept screaming, “Drive, don’t stop driving!” so he curled his arms tighter around Peter’s fragile body and kept on the gas, numb and trembling until his vision was blurred with the pouring rain.
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willel · 5 years
Ok, what do you like about this show? Most of your posts are criticisms (I agree with most of them.) Like obviously you like this show because you have a blog about it, but you dont write much about what you like.
You can read my blog to learn what I love about this show. 8D But I’ll indulge. This month I have posted 125~ posts. Of these posts not including me adding reblogging my own posts, 18~ were negative. About 7 of them were about the fanbase being annoying not the show, and 1 of them was me stating I hate Lonnie. What a prick. I hope they all get to kick his but. That’s about 10~ out of 125~ critiquing the show.
Let’s look at July. That’s 541 posts. Of those posts... ok, that’s way too many posts for me to go through. But, most of the ‘negative’ posts are me processing what happened and trying to figure out why they were written the way they were. A logical thing to do. And I’m sure if I went through last month, again, most of the negative posts will be me being annoyed at fanbase being dumb. 
Anyway, a lot of my time is spent on this secret project (not really a secret, I spill stuff about it all the time):
Tumblr media
I’ve also spent about...... $150 this month of Stranger Things specific art commissions, all of my entertainment money to produce the kind of content I love. Actual moolah. 
I have a whole Ao3 fic list dedicated to my favorite Stranger Things fics and praise the writers on this blog as soon as I finish reading their fic. I anon drop ideas in peoples inboxes all the time like the sneaky sneak I am.
I have a multitude of gifsets I make when inspiration comes to me. I’d love to do more drawing, but I’ll be honest, I’m lazy as hell. 
I have a couple of theory videos in the works, I even recorded one of them but decided to redo because I suck. 
I have new headcanons every day all day and discuss it publicly and privately on this blog all the time. Some I keep to myself for the secret I mentioned above.
Not to mention I reblog other peoples gifsets, headcanons, fanfictions, and art and sometimes I’m left howling in the void over peoples fantastic headcanons and ideas, I wish I could absorb them into my body. 
Despite it all, I’m still hopeful season 4 will be great. 
Every day that goes by, my hope that the Duffers can return to form and write interesting stuff again gets stronger and stronger. You see, I do love the characters and the show, but anyone would get agitated when you feel like they’re missing too many cool opportunities. I’m not even talking about WillEl though that was a big missed opportunity.
The first and second season introduced some pretty cool supernatural elements and fully capitalized on them when they could. I love horror movies and paranormal movies and stories and stuff, so at the end of the day, it’s the part I’m most looking forward to. Season 3 just... didn’t do it for me. They were more concerned with being gross than spooky and mysteriously dangerous. For me there’s a difference though I know it’s not the same for everyone.
Season 1 we had the Demogorgon who ran on instinct and ate whatever it could reach... except Will for some reason. It took multiple attempts to kill the thing and it introduced us to a whole new world, the Upside Down. For it to just... pop out, take someone, and they’re just gone? And to think about how it stalked Will in the Upside Down for a whole week like some kind of game? It even took its time to eat and hunt other people. It was JAWS in true monster form.
Season 2 we have the Mind Flayer stalking Will Byers, the boy previously taken last year. Our characters are left scrambling when one of their own basically turns evil. It’s a battle of minds trying to outsmart this ancient being of doom out to destroy their world. Brings up more questions. Why Will? What is the Upside Down exactly, is everything a part of it? Are there more of them or is it the ultimate being? How do they get it out of him? What is he trying to do? Oh boy, he’s so mad he got locked out. What underhanded tricks will he do next season to get revenge.
Season 3 we’ve got the Flayed, which is SUCH a cool concept. Anyone could be the monster, even the guy you’ve been hanging out with this whole time. So spooky, honestly scary. Reminds me of The Thing which is the one horror movie that really gets me on edge. Cool concept... shaky execution. They just... all became goop? We got a split second of what I wanted with Billy acting like a sweet dude and then helping Heather take her parents. After that, nothing. Just nothing. They went after Jonathan and Nancy and that’s pretty much it before it just became a big monster which wasn’t really that spooky, ya know? The smoke monster even though it wasn’t a physical threat was much spookier.
So when you see me criticizing the show, it’s because I want be one of the few voices out there telling the Duffers, “Hey, you could’ve done this a little better. Next time can you put a little more thought into it like you did before?” If all people do is sing praises... we’ll end up with another season 3. Advertisements for Coke and Burger King. Even more Mom Steve memes. Some characters going 100% OOC for the sake of a joke. 
I mean, we didn’t even get a special name for the monster this season. Just “The Flayed”, which is just The Mind Flayer. I’ve started calling him Mind Flesher. 
My criticism comes from a place of, “I miss the supernatural mystery we had, I hope we get more of it.” or “Why do keep putting these Coke ads in the middle of the show?? This is straight up bad don’t do this crap.” or “You’re taking this joke too far and it’s becoming annoying, please use this screen time on interactions that have more meaning because we literally didn’t get any whatsoever and these characters are supposedly close.”
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chaosbrewing · 5 years
your fault
okay, brief message before you read on:
I wrote this at like three in the morning. It’s horribly ooc, doesn’t quite fit the time period, absconds from the storyline, and some of it is incoherent, but I want to start posting more of my work. With that in mind, I’ve totally fallen in love with The Glass Scientists/ @glass-scientists y’all need to read it bc you just need to. anyways here’s my really bad writing.
Those of the lodgers that were not already at the balcony darted to its edge in order to better observe the conflict that was unfolding. Even Frankenstein had descended from the attic to watch, albeit with a disapproving look on her face.
“Is that Hyde?” Rachel blinked, rushing to the edge.
“I dunno,” Jasper replied, quickly following her. “It sounded like…”
“...Dr. Jekyll?”
The man in question was standing in the middle of the atrium, panting. His normally perfectly quaffed brown hair was frizzy and standing on end. His eyes, which Rachel realized for the first time were not a saturated shade of brown but of deep red, were bloodshot and red.
“I have had it up to HERE with this!” Jekyll hissed. Gone was the collected gentleman, continuously charming his way out of sticky situations; in his place was a firecracker, a ticking time bomb, a lit fuse.
“Ever since the Society was founded, it has been my job to keep you all safe. I’m the one keeping a roof over your head. I’m the one who deals with every problem that arises!”
“Henry, you forget yourself,” Lanyon growled. As always, he was the picture of a perfect gentleman in his deep indigo suit, cool and collected.
“No, Lanyon, I am perfectly capable of voicing my feelings,” Henry replied coldly.
“You lot don’t want to do an exhibition, do you? Well fine! But I don’t have any more money to keep this place running, and Lanyon’s father refuses to fund us any longer!”
Every expression in the room was unreadable, but for the doctor’s. His chest was rising and falling at an alarming rate; beneath his freckles, his normally pale face had gone bright red.
“We. Have. No. More. Money. I am up to my EARS in bills! Without an exhibition, without gaining patrons, you’ll all be back out on the streets in a week’s time. And what do I get for what I do?”
Jasper swallowed hard, staring at Dr. Jekyll.
“You lied to me about Hyde!” Rachel called out boldly, hands on her hips. “You’ve penned us all in! You don’t care about science, you just want a profit!”
Henry’s glare turned cold.
“So that’s it, then, isn’t it?” he chuckled bitterly. “You lot hate me. I can’t say I haven’t suspected it all along.”
“You want Hyde? You’ll get Hyde. And I won’t be coming back.”
From the inner pocket of his red vest, he pulled a vial filled with gleaming green liquid. The potion seemed to have an aura of evil about it; everyone recoiled slightly.
Henry popped the cap from the vial and drained it.
“HENRY!” Lanyon screamed, rushing toward him.
As his friend was held back by the others, Jekyll collapsed to the floor and began to convulse. The vial shattered next to him; Henry was clutching at his head in evident agony. The room watched in quiet horror as the man before them twitched and contorted.
Cackling filled the silence, vile and cruel and ever-so-familiar. Jekyll had stopped twitching. The man began to sit up; there was green liquid leaking from his eyes and mouth. He ran a hand through his blonde hair, prompting Rachel to gasp.
“His...His clothing’s changed,” Jasper blinked. “And his hair? What’s that on about?”
“I’m baaaaaack,” Hyde smirked evilly, glaring at the lodgers with a pair of bright green eyes.
A collective gasp issued forth. Lanyon looked horrified.
“Mr. Hyde!” Rachel cried, aghast.
“Hello, Rachel,” Hyde replied, sneering.
“But—But Dr. Jekyll was—how are you—what are you?!” Jasper yelled.
“I am the product of many years of study by your wonderful friend, Dr. Jekyll,” Edward replied. “Or perhaps friend is not the term? I believe you voiced your hatred of him earlier...how unfortunate…”
“What have you done with him?” Lanyon cried softly. “Bring him back this instant!”
“Oh, it was no choice of mine,” Hyde blinked, giving Lanyon an owlish stare. “You see, Jekyll makes those choices. And it seems you finally pushed him over the edge.”
He ran a hand through his unruly blonde hair, reveling in the attention he was receiving.
“When Henry was nothing more than a lad, science delighted and distracted him from the rest of the world. He devoted hours to his studies—I’d say he accomplished more by age ten than most men by age thirty! But he was constantly craving approval...his mother denied him, his friends called him crazy, even the citizens of the city! So he gave up on the sciences.”
All were captivated as the blonde demon spun his story, pacing about the room in an energetic sort of way. It was almost as if he found the telling of the tale to be an exciting journey.
“Henry came to London, where he found dear Lanyon,” Hyde hummed. “Oh, Lanyon….how he yearned for a friend! And you, you were so much more than a friend to him. He wanted praise. He longed to be accepted. He sought to become a true part of society, and you took him under your wing. You didn’t even notice how in love he was with you,” he cackled.
Lanyon’s tan skin paled to a shade one might have thought impossible for a person of his complexion.
“In—In love?” he stammered.
“Oh, he was head over heels,” Hyde giggled. “He would have done anything for you, Lanyon! Why, in our mind he created a version of the perfect English gentleman—it’s you, Lanyon! You in all your fine glory. Your mannerisms, even your physical appearance! He looked up to you, he adored you, he loved you.”
The simpering smile on Edward’s face turned to a scowl.
“I find you a pest,” he hummed boredly. “An annoying brat. I’ve no clue what he saw in you.”
“But I’ve digressed, haven’t I? The times began to shift—people turned against science, and Henry sought to protect it in the one way he knew would work.”
“By giving it all the titles and airs of a respectful high society organization,” Jasper breathed.
“Excellent, my dear boy!” Hyde crowed.
“Yes, indeed! He formed the society to keep you all safe. To foster the opportunity for you all to grow and use your skills, a chance he never had.”
“But where do you come in?” Rachel asked quietly.
“Ah, see, I come right after the society’s creation,” Edward chuckled sinisterly. “Henry picked up the chemicals in one last burst of creativity. A few exotic powders, a few oils, a few extracts...and a pinch of one rare salt. The first sip was painful. The bloody thing tasted like shit, and then he had to go and collapse from the horrific pain. But he’d truly done it! He’d separated the good from the evil in his soul, and I finally had free rein.”
He tipped his hat in Frankenstein’s direction. “Here’s your proof, m’lady.”
The scientist in question was observing with a cold expression on her face.
“And Henry, once he’d regained control, swore to never tell a soul! I spent each day torturing him, oh yes,” Hyde smirked. “I brought up his worst memories...his deepest fears...he always thought you’d see right through him. He was constantly terrified you’d see him for who he really was, that you’d see him for me, and abandon him! Greedy, pathetic little Jekyll...he constantly hungered for praise. Of course, having lacked it in our childhood, I can’t say I blamed him.”
“What are you saying?” Lanyon whispered.
“You, my dear Mister Lanyon, were to never find out,” Edward hummed. “Oh, the agony of Henry’s dearest companion learning of his wicked alchemy! The profound corruption of his soul!”
He cackled.
“And, bit by bit, your little comments wore him down. Your critiques, both gentle and harsh. Being called a slut, by Auntie Frankenstein over there, was quite a blow, as well. And now...well, your hatred pushed him over the edge,” Hyde shrugged. “He relinquished every last bit of control to me, and I don’t intend to give it back. He could not handle the pain any longer.”
“So he’s gone forever?” Jasper whimpered.
“Don’t snivel, boy!” Hyde growled. “Pathetic, you are—just like he was! Poor, pathetic, anxiety-riddled, unlovable Henry Jekyll, who could never see past his oh-so-obvious flaws and would never make it in this world!”
Lanyon was crying silent tears. They streamed over his cheeks, dripping from the end of his chin and onto the floor.
“Don’t call him unlovable,” he whispered coldly.
“I loved him. Perhaps I did not realize it before, but…”
Every tender moment they’d shared. Every awkward emotional gaze.
“I taught him to dance,” he whispered. “I can still remember how he trembled in my arms...how he blushed and giggled when I bowed to him and kissed him on the hand…”
“He always gave me advice,” Rachel said quietly. “He even let me pull him away from important conversations.”
“He taught me how to present. He cried when I told him I wasn’t giving up like everyone else,” Jasper whispered.
Soon the other lodgers were all nodding and adding their own stories, recalling how much Dr. Jekyll had given of his own time just to preserve theirs.
“I vas...too hasty in my assessment of him,” Frankenstein said quietly. “A most honorable man he vas, it seems.”
An expression of determination crossed Lanyon’s face. He drew a dagger from the inside of his pocket.
“I may have been blind before, but I will not let Henry’s memory be tarnished,” he said firmly. “He did far more for us than I ever thought. And keeping all of that bottled up inside…”
“The perfect recipe for chaos,” Hyde cackled. “Just as I like it!”
“This is for Henry,” Lanyon hissed, shoving Hyde against the wall with enough force to at least bruise his head.
“So, the pretty boy is strong?” Edward smirked.
Lanyon stabbed him in between the ribs; Hyde’s eyes widened as blood began to pour down his front.
“No...no, no, NO!”
His last word was an ungodly screech, echoing painfully around the atrium. Blonde hair darkened into brown; vivid green eyes became harsh red, then a softer shade.
Henry coughed weakly. Blood trickled down his chin from the corner of his mouth. He placed a hand to his bleeding chest, where Lanyon was now applying compressions.
“It’s no use, Lanyon,” he said quietly, before coughing. “It’s no use. And it’s for the best, really. Don’t even bother.”
“I’m not letting you go, Henry Jekyll,” Lanyon said fiercely, tears filling his eyes.
“The world needs more brilliant men like you. Too many of us are stuck up. Trapped in our shells. Unable to see beyond, like you can.”
“Ve need more people to protect our craft, as you have,” Frankenstein nodded.
A weak smile crossed Henry’s face; it was quickly broken by a hacking cough.
“I’ve always...always wanted to be complimented by you,” he whispered. “Thank you…”
“Don’t leave me, Henry!” Lanyon cried. “Please, Henry! Please!”
With one arm under his friend’s head, he cradled him close to his chest. His tears spilled down onto Henry’s face, mingling with the brunette’s own tears.
“I love you, Lanyon,” Henry whispered. “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t enough.”
“You’ve always been enough, Henry,” Lanyon shook his head. “You’ve always been more than enough! I was foolish to not see that before. You’re everything to me. Everything! I need you, Henry. You better not leave me!”
He stopped.
“I—I love you! I love you, Henry!”
The room was utterly silent.
Henry had stopped breathing.
A ragged wail tore itself free from Lanyon’s lips as the man caved in on himself. He was still cradling Henry’s body; it took the aid of several lodgers, all of whom had come down to gather around the doctor, to pry the two away from each other.
“No, Henry, please,” Lanyon whispered. He closed his eyes; the tears continued to flow hot against his cheeks.
“I didn’t get to tell you…”
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mininky · 6 years
The Water Cooler
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Summary: Life works in mysterious ways. Really shitty ways too, might you add. After a series of unexpected incidents you find yourself living with your office enemy.
Pairing: Office Worker!Kihyun x Reader
Genre: Fluff, crack/comedy, romance
Warnings: Cussing, some sexual mentions but no graphic scenes, drunk Minhyuk loves to pole dance, Changkyun hates hikers, cheating
Word Count: 9.9K
     There are a lot of ways that you could describe Yoo Kihyun. Obnoxious. Nagging. Uptight. Know it all. Arrogant. Self-serving. Pretentious. Annoying. Loathsome. Short with an even shorter temper. Smug. Cocky. An insufferable pain in the neck. God how you wanted to just break his fucking neck. You aren’t sure how exactly your disdain for the tiny man started, but you did know that he’s currently testing the one last nerve you have before you snap and murder him and have Minhyuk help you hide the body. Hyungwon would probably help too as long as he didn’t have to expel any energy on that matter, at the very least he would root the two of you on.
 You can feel the vein in your forehead pop and throb as he continues to talk about his oh-so-perfect reports that will probably land him a promotion. You’d bet your measly savings that Yoo Kihyun was also a former teacher’s pet. “You know what Kihyun, I hope you do get a promotion.” Everyone in the breakroom turns to look at you with confusion. Wonho almost chokes on his coffee before shouting about it burning. Hyungwon actually stops chewing his bagel to give a look of pure horror at you.
 “Really, thanks (y/n). You know I always knew-” Kihyun is giving a pompous smile at you as he speaks and you feel that last nerve snap like a twig.
 “And I just really hope that it involves a transfer to the middle of nowhere so I never have to deal with your Napoleon complex ever again.” Minhyuk is giving a high pitched wheezing laugh, he’s doubled over in the back shaking as he tries to squeeze out an unintelligible sentence in reply to you.
 “Na-napoleon complex?! I’m not even that short! I’m average height!” Kihyun is crushing the water bottle in his hands and you feel your headache abate at the rage you’ve inflicted on him. Serves his smug ass right.
 “And so was Napoleon for his time. For someone who deems himself all knowing you would think that you would have already known that. Well anyways, as pleasant as it was listening to you kiss your own ass for thirty minutes I have some papers to work on. Oh and Kihyun, don’t let the door smack you on the way out to that promotion.” You pick up your fresh cup of coffee and blow a kiss at him as you walk back to your cubicle and laugh under your breath as you begin sifting through the spreadsheet from hell you’re currently working on.
 Working in a painfully boring office was not how you imagined your life, it’s certainly not how you intended to use your degree in psychology but considering that you only have a bachelors the best use that you have for it is as an overpriced decoration in your cubicle that collects a copious amount of dust for the sake of making Kihyun shudder each time he sees it. Thank god for that minor in accounting or it really would be completely worthless. Life is just that way, sometimes things just don’t work out as you planned. Still, it could be worse. At the very least you have a decent paying job and for the most part, you enjoy the people you work with (the main exception being Kihyun although when Minhyuk goes full dolphin mode he too is in the doghouse with you) and your boss Shownu was one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met.
 All in all, things weren’t that bad. Boring, monotonous, a bit like groundhogs day sure. But at the same time, you had bills to pay and adult things to do like pay said bills. Oh, how the capitalist system sucks for everyone but the filthy rich. But once again, on days like today when your temper has flown out the window, you can’t help but wonder how you got here. In a long-term relationship with a guy who you live with who still looks at you like a deer in headlights the moment anyone brings up the word marriage, committed to a job where you deal with numbers and papers and other tedious tasks every day. This certainly isn’t the fabulous life of jet-setting and hanging out with hot cabana boys that feed you grapes that you’ve envisioned for your life.
 The rest of the day goes by painfully slow and unfortunately, it’s just as dull as you figured it would be. The most interesting part of the day had been your earlier tussle with Kihyun and watching Hyungwon almost unhinge his jaw as he tried to fit the largest burger you’ve ever seen into his mouth because Jooheon dared him to do it. But it’s Friday, and that means that you can be out of this humdrum hell for two days so when the clock hits five you’re quick to save your work and get the hell out of dodge.
 Changkyun is already standing in the elevator when you fly into it. “'Sup (y/n). Got any plans for the weekend?”
 “Nah, not unless binge-watching Netflix in my underwear counts. You?”
 “Sexy. Eh, I’ve got a date with this chick from tinder but I dunno man. She’s into nature and shit and those hiking people usually give me hives you know. Its like, calm down man you can see all that shit on Instagram why be so active? Plus they get all holy about it, they act like your couch is a den of evil. But she’s pretty hot so I’m willing to risk it.”
 “Well, I hope the risk is rewarding for you. Best of luck kid.” You spring out of the elevator and out of the building with more energy then you’ve displayed all week. It’s true, you don’t really have any plans for this weekend except for meeting up your boyfriend for dinner right now but my god, you get to sleep in and isn’t that all that really matters?
 You’re contemplating picking up the glass of wine you’re clutching to and hurling it into Matt’s face. Or maybe you’ll take the steak knife and drive it through his heart. Or take the candle sitting on the table and light him on a tiny fire before cramming it up his ass. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you right. Did you just say you want to break up with me?”
 “Listen (y/n), it’s not me it’s you.”
 “I’m pretty sure that it’s supposed to be the other way around.” You grit out the words with venom. God, what did you ever see in this loser?
 “Oh, yeah right. I always forget how that goes. My bad. Listen, it’s just you know I need something else in my life and well things have just gotten kind of boring. Like, I’m glad you finally let me try anal and all but you know I just think it’s time we go our separate ways. We’ve had a good six years and all, but you know I mean…I think we’ve pretty much done everything now. You’re a great girl, I’m sure you’ll find someone decent. And we’re still young I mean we’re not thirty yet! Anyways, listen I’ve already packed up most of your things for you so-”
 “You’ve packed up my shit? Let me get this right you’re breaking up with me and you want the apartment?” You can feel the entire restaurant turn to watch as you raise your voice but you couldn’t care less. Your life is already crumbling before you so why not give a few spectators a free show to it?
 “Yeah, well you know I mean it’s just so close to my work and it’s really hard to find a place with so much natural lighting for my garden.” Seriously, you slept with this guy for six years? This guy? This was the guy you were actually thinking about settling down with? Good god, you needed to see a shrink because clearly, your measly bachelor’s degree in psychology didn’t cover your own neurosis.
 “You have a succulent garden, they actually don’t do well under direct-no you know what. Fucking fine, I’ll figure something out.”
 “Great, great. Well, now that that’s settled I’m just going to see myself out. You know (y/n) I just want to say-”
 “Save whatever you’re going to say and shove it up your fucking ass Matt.” You glare at him as he gulps uncomfortably, his hand sticking out awkwardly as if to give you a consolation handshake before he finally runs his hand through his hair and walks out of the restaurant. Indignation and bitterness consume your thoughts as you chug down your wine and grab the glass he didn’t even touch before chugging that one down too. The food hasn’t even arrived yet and you know that soon you’ll be feeling the effects of the alcohol but really, right now you need to be a bit drunk to get through all of this.
 An exasperated sigh leaves you as you see someone slide into the seat where Matt just was. You slowly look up to see Yoo fucking Kihyun in all his glory having the audacity to look concerned. “The fuck do you want?”
 “Hey, woah, calm down. I just…well I saw how that whole thing played out and I was wondering if you’re okay.” You take a moment to glare at him. His hair is slightly disheveled after the long day at work, white button-up sleeves rolled up but still buttoned all the way to the top, his eyes scream ‘I pity you, you sad sack of shit.’ Of course one of those people who had to watch everything burn just had to be him. Why not also have Matt come back to tell you that your dog died too? (You didn’t actually have a dog, but somehow it would be fitting.) What more could possibly be added to this? God, when will this day end? “Ouch, listen I mean I get that you don’t want anyone to see that. I know I wouldn’t but I mean, you look like you need someone to talk to and I’m here for you. I mean it, I’m just trying to help.”
 “How much of that did I say out loud?”
 “'Of course one of those people who had to watch everything burn down just had to be me.’ That part. You know, I’m just going to take this, I think you’ve had enough.” Kihyun reaches for your glass but you guzzle back the remnants before giving him a childish smirk. “Or not…” You watch him chew on his bottom lip for a moment before he speaks again slowly as if afraid he’s speaking to a wounded territorial animal. “Do you…do you have anywhere to go? Any friends or family in town?”
 “Nope, I moved here to the city last year for Matt’s transfer.” God seriously, what were you going to do for a place. If you walked back into your apartment you’ll be wearing an orange jumpsuit for the rest of your life and buying protection from a woman named Bertha so clearly that isn’t an option right now.
 “Yeah I don’t know about that Bertha part, but I mean I don’t think murder is the solution.”
 Great you spoke out loud again unless… “Are you a mind reader? Nah…nah if you could read my mind then you would know that Hyungwon and I have entertained the notion of giving you those awful diet aka laxative teas before.”
 “I…I’m never going to drink anything you ever give me. Or Hyungwon for that matter.” You relish in the sheer horror that runs through his face. Yes, you’re petty and yes for whatever reason the office hamster is trying to be kind but really you just want to bludgeon your head on this table in peace and away from prying eyes that might report your mental instability to HR.
 “Wise choice little man. But we still have our ways.”
 “Back onto more pressing matters…so you don’t have anywhere that you can go?”
 “Does sleeping under my desk count?”
 “Of course not!”
 “Then no.”
 Kihyun looks like he’s in physical pain as he wrestles with some internal monologue that he’s unfortunately too sober to say out loud unlike you. With a weary sigh, he looks up at you. “My roommate just moved out yesterday, and I don’t have anyone else lined up. You can stay at my place until you figure something out.”
 “Why on god’s green earth would I do that? Are you trying to get me to kill myself? Is it not bad enough that I was just broken up with publicly but now you want me to live with you?”
 You watch his eye twitch before he gives a deep breath to calm down. “Do you want to be homeless?”
 “Good point. Fine, I’ll do it. Save me Kihyun! Oh, my knight in shining armor! Oh, my tiny tiny savior!”
 “What are you doing?”
 “Getting your food to go and hoping that I don’t regret my life choices more than I already do.” You tamp down on any snarky remarks and just look at him instead, the wine allowing you to do so with no shame. You hate to admit it, but Kihyun is attractive. From the small nose, tiny pout to his lips, flawless skin, meticulously groomed eyebrows. It’s a shame really, that he has to be such a complete and total stickler because otherwise maybe you’d-nope, gross that’s totally never going to happen. Ever. EVER. You watch the waiter scurry over and nod as Kihyun speaks before pulling out a check and handing it over before running back away.
 “Here.” You fish out a handful of cash and wave it when he just gives you a pointed look.
 “Listen, you’ve dealt with enough crap tonight. Just let me get the food. Besides, I’m eating whatever that asshat ordered.” Kihyun pulls out his card and places it back just as the waiter runs back over with a bag of your food. It only takes another two minutes before you’re stumbling out the door with Kihyun gripping at your elbow. Drinking two large glasses of red wine on an empty stomach was clearly not the smartest of decisions, and by the slight acidic churn you’re feeling you’re sure that you’ll regret it more than you already do soon enough. You’re grateful that Kihyun allows you to make the trip back to his apartment in silence, leading you slowly on the short trip with a steady arm. The only thing he says is that he doesn’t live very far and it’s just a short walking distance away.
 By the time you reach his apartment you’re already feeling a wee bit more sober, and now you’re not sure if that’s a good thing because it just makes the weight of everything come crashing down. You feel like a complete and total fool, and you feel like a major bitch for how you treated Kihyun for trying to be decent, but most of all you just feel like a failure. Nothing in life can ever seem to go the way that you planned. Your eyes are glued to Kihyuns feet as he pads through his apartment and starts setting down the food at his coffee table.
 Not surprisingly his apartment is immaculate. Everything seems to have its own place and you’re pretty sure that you could safely eat off the floor. Various photographs, ones that look professional more than personal, line the walls. His furniture is leather and looks lived in but still in great shape. Clearly, he has a knack for decorating by the way everything is perfectly color coordinated in the room. There are pops of navy blue floating around the living room found in pillows, throw blankets, rugs, and candles. HGTV worthy in a way that you could only dream of but never be able to fully recreate. Seem’s like the office maid is also a mini Martha Stewart.
 “Are you gonna come eat or not?” Kihyun is gesturing over to your food before he starts cutting into his steak.
 Slowly and cautiously you make your way through the room and stare down at your fettucini alfredo for a minute before twirling it around your plastic fork. “Thank you…Kihyun…” Your words come out small, wobbly, uneasy before you shove a too large forkful of noddle into your mouth and try to blink away the tears threatening to form.
 Kihyun stops chewing for a moment, and you hate that he gives you a heartwarming smile. Its a smile that says, ‘of course I’ll help you, you big pathetic buffoon, someone has to do it.’ He chews slowly, head tilted slightly as he gazes at you and while normally you would shrink away from someone staring at you so intently and obviously analyzing from you instead you just let him. You’ve been through enough tonight and exhaustion has stripped you of your defenses. “What did you ever see in that guy?”
 “I’d like to know that too. You know, I really thought that maybe he and I would get married someday? We met in college and I knew he wasn’t everything I wanted but I think I just settled anyways. And the older we got the less of a chance to find anything better than each other. It was stupid, we should have broken up a long time ago, but I was too afraid.  I don’t think I’ve been in love with him for a long time if I’m honest.” You don’t even look up at Kihyun as you speak, shoving another pile of pasta into your mouth and chewing quickly before you continue. “I’d like to lie to you and say he wasn’t always this bad, but he pretty much always has been. He never grew out of his douchey frat boy phase like I hoped he would. And then I just started getting scared you know? Who would want me? I didn’t feel good enough for more than him so I figured, fuck it I’ll make it work. But neither of us were really happy. I’m actually not even mad about the breakup, relieved really. I’m just mad about the way how he did everything.”
 “Yeah, telling you he’s taking the apartment is a supreme dick move.” You shoot a smile at Kihyun before breaking into a fit of giggles.
 “You know, you know he seriously thanked me for letting him try anal? Like that was his consolation to me. ‘Sorry I’m breaking up with you but thanks for letting me do your butt but now there’s really nothing else for us.’ Like what even?” Kihyun is roaring with laughter after he chokes down his steak.
 “Oh my god, who the fuck does that? Seriously?? Wow. You know, a woman like you can get a hundred guys better than him! No-don’t give me that look, I’m serious (y/n)! That guy will just be something you laugh at in the future. One of those ‘why did I ever think I needed to settle on that idiot’ moments. You’ll find someone else, someone better. And if you ever try to settle for a dick like him again I’ll tell you that he’s not worth your time. I can go all angry dad mode on him for you and be like ‘excuse me sir but I’m not afraid to go back to prison for my little girl.’” You know he’s trying to make you laugh again, but instead, you feel tears starting to spring to your eyes. Kihyun, the man you torment on a daily basis, is being genuinely kind and is just trying to help you get through this. He’s a better person than you, that’s for sure. Surprisingly Kihyun just lets you cry, he doesn’t try to stop you. He does occasionally pat your head and rub soothing circles on your back, but other than that he makes no mention of your clearly crumbling pride.
 He flicks on his TV and settles on pulling up Friends and after a couple of episodes and consuming nearly your weight in carbs you’re starting to feel a bit better. You’d make sure to pay Kihyun back for all of this. Quietly, of course. In a way that wouldn’t be grandiose or hurt your rapidly shrinking pride. After the third episode, Kihyun is suddenly up on his feet and silently walking around the apartment. You can hear doors opening and shutting, rustling echoing through the otherwise silent apartment before he comes back with a few things in his hand.
 “Here, you’ll need something to sleep in.” He almost looks timid, bashful you might say, as he places the clothing next to you on the couch.
 “Thank you.” The words come out just a whisper as you pick up the t-shirt and sweatpants and hold the soft material in your hands tightly. Where would you be right now had it not been for Kihyun? Some shitty motel with a cheap bottle of wine for your sole company? Maybe crying loudly at the table at the restaurant still? “Thank you.”
 Kihyun just gives a soft smile at you, scratching his head for a moment before nodding his acknowledgment. “No problem. So the bathroom is the first door on the left and your bedroom is right next to it. I’m going to go ahead and get to bed, but if you need anything just let me know. Feel free to watch whatever you want on Netflix.”
 You listen to his footsteps walk away, misty eyes still glued to the white t-shirt your clutching. “Good night Kihyun.” You’re almost certain you spoke too softly to be heard, but you hear Kihyun stop for a moment.
 “Good night (y/n). Get some rest.”
 You wake up with the feeling of your skull trying to split itself away from your brain, the headache dulling your senses. You stared up at the white ceiling as the panic sets in until the crashing realization of why you weren’t home settled in. You’d really have to thank Kihyun, especially for the extra toothbrush and toothpaste he’d set out for you along with an entire arsenal of luxury skincare. With a groan, you rolled yourself out of bed and looked over at your phone. At least you always carried a charger in your purse, but you’d have to go back to your apartment today to start picking up everything that the idiot (you refuse to even think of his name) had packed for you. Slowly you made your way through the apartment, following the dulcet noise of what had to be Kihyun singing.
 You found him singing into the spatula like a microphone over the omelets he just placed on two separate plates. Clearly, by the sheer enthusiasm and volume, he hadn’t yet noticed you. His face was scrunched up in concentration, little dimples under his eyes showing as he finished off the song. “You have a great voice.” You watched the spatula fly out of his hand and clatter into the sink as he jumped a few feet in the air.
 “You scared the shit out of me!”
 “Okay, Jooheon.” He glared at you, mumbling something about how he wasn’t ‘that bad’ before opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of Gatorade for you.
 “Drink this, I’m sure you’ll need it.” You stare dubiously at the drink before slowly opening it and taking a swig.
 “Why are you being so nice to me?” You slowly make your way over to the stool at the kitchen bar, hungrily looking at the cheese covered eggs before sinking into it.
 “Because I’m actually a nice person?”
 “Unlikely. Based off of all the calculations I’ve done on you in the last year that doesn’t match up.” Kihyun shoots a pointed look at you as he sits down next to you.
 “Well, your calculations were wrong. Besides, even if you don’t think I’m nice, which I am, by the way, I’m not some heartless monster who would watch a friend…albeit a bitchy one…get her heart stomped on and just leave her there to fend for herself. And don’t even pull that tiny savior shit again, it’s too early for that crap.”
 You snort but hold your tongue for a minute. “Friend huh?”
 “Yeah. I mean, sure we don’t hang out outside of work and we’re usually at each other’s throats but I mean, we’re friends, right? I mean, you never did actually give me that laxative tea so that’s gotta count for something.”
 “I can’t tell if you’re just really sweet or really naive.”
 “Probably both.” There’s a bitter note to the words, and it makes you want to force him to elaborate but you sense that it’s something he’s trying to keep covered up.
 “Yeah, but that’s not so bad. It’s better than being a bitch who was stuck in a shit relationship for six years to a complete moron out of fear. You might be sweet and naive, but I’m just bitter and tired and afraid.”
 “You know if you combine us we might make a decent dark chocolate recipe.” You can’t help but laugh, guzzling down the rest of your food in comfortable silence before picking up your plate and washing it.
 “Well, I suppose I should head out to my apartment in a bit. Do you have a copy of the key by any chance so I can just let myself in?”
 “Oh, yeah.” Kihyun grabs a key off a hook on the wall and tosses is it over to you. Unfortunately, he misses and it falls somewhere in between the fridge and the cabinet. “Fuck, I am so sorry. I need to get better aim.”
 “It’s okay, I suck at catching anyways.” You start rooting around on the floor, blindly searching for the keys before finally fishing them up. God, even the crack in between his fridge was spotless. What does he do, move the fridge to clean it once a week? Probably. Oh lord, how you pray he doesn’t make you clean that much.
 “Hey, if you want I can go with. I have a car anyway, so it’ll help make the move easier.”
 “You have a car?”
 “You live right by the station though! Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just take the subway to work every day?”
 “Probably, but I enjoy having a car. It’s nice to be able to just go when I want to go without relying on some form of public transportation. So, what do you say? Want me to come with?”
 You fiddle with the key in your hand for a moment. “I don’t want to interrupt any plans you have.”
 “Nah, I was just planning on cleaning and shopping today so no worries about that.” You blink up at Kihyun, twirling the key around before finally nodding.
 “'Kay. Well, let me just take a shower first and then we can head out.”
 The drive to your apartment…former apartment…has your stomach in knots. Anxiety has consumed you and twisted you into a nervous mess. You probably should have texted the idiot but fuck it, who cares if you’re ruining his plans? He can deal with your intrusion and kiss your ass if he doesn’t like it. Oh god, oh god what are you going to do?
 “Hey, calm down. It’s going to be okay.” Kihyun gives a small pat to your head and you fight off tears at the soothing touch. To think Yoo Kihyun would be of comfort to you. The world is a cruel, sad, obscure shit show of a place.
 Your hands tremble for just a second as he pulls into a parking spot in front of your apartment before your willing yourself to move. It’ll be fine, it’ll be totally fine. After all, what more could possibly go wrong? You take a deep breath as you stand in front of the door of the apartment and knock rather timidly before Kihyun just gives one sharp wrap after you. The two of you wait in silence for a minute before Kihyun’s impatience gets the better of him and he tries the door handle. “You brought your keys right?”
 “Yeah, give me a second.” You fish around the bottom of your purse through a sea of papers, loose lipglosses that fell out of your makeup bag ages ago, and a handful of pens you’ve swiped from the office before you finally find your keys. You look up to see Kihyun staring at your purse dubiously before you shrug and open up your apartment. The first thing you notice is the two sets of shoes sitting at the entrance. One of the shoes you recognize as the idiots. The second set is clearly a female’s with ridiculously small feet and a penchant for pain judging by the wafer-thin stilleto. You’re not sure what hits you first whether it’s nausea or rage but it’s clear that animosity takes a hold of you the most once you start moving again.
 You step through the apartment swiftly, the sound of the idiot and the unknown woman are drowned out by the blood rushing through your ears as you kick open the bedroom door. She’s pretty and young and she’s also the intern you’ve met at his company Christmas party last year. “Really? Really? This bitch?” Your voice comes lashing out in thick dark waves growing in decibel.
 “What the fuck? What are you doing here?” The idiot is scrambling under the bed sheets, the girl is staring at you with terrified doe eyes.
 “Picking up my shit you nit-wit!” Kihyun rounds the corner at this exact moment, a low whistle coming out as he takes in the sight.
 “You were fucking someone else?” Matt, no wait the cheating idiot (he no longer deserves a name), has the audacity to bawk at the sight of Kihyun and it’s around that time that you almost black out in rage.
 “You think you have the right to say that to me? I never fucking cheated unlike you, he’s my friend you lying sack of shit!” You throw the painfully expensive flat screen onto the floor before going through his closet and grabbing a fist full of ties that you toss into the toilet. In the midst of all your chaos, everyone is standing (well Kihyun is standing the two idiots are still laying in bed) stock still when you stand back in the center of the room panting. “Fucking help me Kihyun!”
 “Right!” Kihyun looks around the room before dashing out to the living room where you hear multiple loud crashes that sound suspiciously like the breaking of electronics and glass followed by a few manic cackles.
 “Kihyun, I meant grabbing my boxes!”
 “WHAT?” You hear his footsteps before he turns back into the room, she who will not be named and the cheating idiot are still unmoving in a state of shock as you hand Kihyun two of the boxes you found in the closet.
 “What did you do with all of my makeup?” The idiot points to a box sitting by the bathroom door that you swiftly grab before adding that he hasn’t had time to pack up any of your books. He watches nervously as the two of you make trips back and forth to the front door with more boxes until you’ve gathered just about everything. She who will not be named tries to slink into the bathroom as you grab the last box.
 “And you! You can do so much better than this cheating sack of shit! Don’t waste your time on him. And you, you complete fucking moron,” You turn on your heal to see the idiot shrinking under the blankets like a small child trying to hide from the monster in the closet “it’s not fucking normal to cum that fucking fast all the time! That’s right, for six years I fucking lied because I’m a nice fucking person but let me tell you cumming after entering is only normal for fucking virgins!” With that, you stomp out of the apartment with Kihyun chasing after you.
 The two of you organize everything in the trunk before making a drive back that’s nearly silent with the exception being Kihyun humming. Normally his humming at the office makes you want to strangle him, but for once it’s nice. There’s no pressure to discuss any of whatever it was that just transpired back there, and it’s almost soothing to listen to his voice melt with the road noise. It takes a minute to register that you’ve finally parked, both of you still sitting in the car without a word.
 “Um, Kihyun, thanks…you know for helping. Also, good work on destroying the x-box and coffee table.”
 “The coffee table was an accident. I told you, I have bad aim. You don’t think he’s going to call the cops on us, do you?”
 “Nah. He’s a lot of things, but not a narc.”
 “Oh thank god. I got all caught up in the moment, it was just so addictive!”
 “You wanted to clean everything up right after didn’t you?”
 “You need help.” You shoot a smile at Kihyun, ruffling his hair before stepping out of the car to grab your boxes. Had you stayed a moment longer you might have seen his lips twitch into a grin as his hands touched his hair.
 The weekend was spent with you unpacking the necessities and watching Netflix with Kihyun. There’s a lot that you’ve learned about him over the two days. For one, he sings constantly. And you wouldn’t complain about it if it weren’t for the fact that it gets stuck in your head every damn time. Another thing that you’ve learned is that he cleans constantly while grumbling the entire time. He’s also a damn good cook. And you’re happy to say that unlike at work, he’s pretty chill at home. He’s not constantly bragging or boasting, and he’s a bit of a couch potato like you. He’s also kind enough to not bring up the breakup for the rest of the weekend, and when you break down randomly he just hands you random sweets and a blanket. You’re pretty sure you’ve wiped out his entire candy stash at this point.
 By the time Monday rolls back around you’re actually excited to get to work, something mundane and normal. As you settle into your cubicle with a fresh cup of coffee Minhyuk is swiftly spinning his chair over to you. “How was your weekend?”
 My entire life is falling apart. The man I thought I was going to marry not only broke up with me but he was also cheating on me. Oh and I now have to live with Yoo fucking Kihyun and I’m actually starting to think he’s not that bad of a roommate. What little bit of sanity I have is being glued together by coffee. “Boring.” There you go, a lie is so much easier to spit out. Also, you won’t be chucked in a looney bin.
“Same. Oh, but man listen to this. So Wonho and I went out to that new gay bar and we scored like 10 free drinks from this totally cool bear because Wonho took off his shirt. You should come with us the next time we go out! Oh and get this-” You glaze over, nodding randomly as Minhyuk continues to speak a million words a minute before Shownu finally comes out of his office to politely remind Minhyuk that he has three different projects he’s behind on.
The rest of the week tends to amble on much the same way as Monday, monotonous and tedious. And you’re starting to itch with each repetitive conversation. You need something different, you need something to change. Granted, you’ve had a lot of change in the last week. But it’s opened up your eyes to something, the realization that you were just living for the sake of living. Wake up, shower, eat, brush your teeth, go to work, commute home, watch TV, go to sleep. Really what was even the point anymore? You’re beyond apathetic. Too old for this emo shit, too cynical to fall for the hippie-dippie idea of just ‘do what you love.’ Now you’re stuck somewhere in between. Rather lost and craving something, anything, to make you feel alive again. As long as that anything won’t be too expensive. Or too dangerous. Or too annoying. Or too physically exhausting. Which is exactly why when the entire team went out for drinks on Friday you decided to join for once.
You should have known that it was a terrible idea from previous horror stories Hyungwon has told you. He comes solely to watch the world burn as his coworkers all turn into drunk mutants. Everything had seemed fine until you reached the second bar of the night. At this point, Jooheon is speaking only in English and is constantly trying to find ways to rhyme orange. Wonho has lost his shirt or tore it on the dance floor, you aren’t really sure what exactly happened. Minhyuk has been dancing on a column as if it’s a pole and Hyungwon has been discretely pocketing the money that keeps being randomly thrown in Minhyuk’s general direction. Shownu has been in various competitions with strangers, all of them varying in degrees of physical difficulty including the longest headstands that promptly got you kicked out and sent to the third bar.
You’ve lost Changkyun somewhere in the madness, and you’ve been screaming for him as if he’s your lost child until you finally find him hitting on a poster (you’d like to add that the poster was of some foreign film with no people in it) with only one shoe on. Wonho is now clinging onto Kihyun as he sobs about ramen with so much strength you’re afraid Kihyun might not be getting any air. Jooheon has been playing Gucci Gang on repeat while Minhyuk has been trying to blast The Internet over it until the noises have morphed together into some unintelligible and painful to listen to concoction. Hyungwon has somehow found his way behind the bar and is now making drinks for people, none of the other bartenders have noticed that he’s infiltrated yet.
You have a raging headache and your feet are in blisters from all the running around you did to find Changkyun. You feel vaguely out of body as you begin to start screaming for everyone to stop at around the time that Minhyuk starts trying to give lap dances. (You have to admit, he was in the wrong career field. Boy could make a killing off of being a stripper.) Unfortunately, all of them are too far gone to pay attention with the exception of the also painfully sober Kihyun who looks like he’s going to stab Wonho if he doesn’t let go of him.
It just takes Kihyun mouthing ‘help me’ for you to finally make your break. “This rounds on me guys!” You slam down a couple of twenties and use the diversion to grab Kihyun and run out of the bar. Sweet, sweet freedom is obtained at last.
“Thank you! Oh my god, I thought that Wonho was going to smother me!”
“You know, a lot of gals and guys would die happily that way. So, where to now? Do you just want to go home?” You start looking around for some cabs as you speak, wandering down the street slowly now that you’re far enough away from the bar to not be caught.
“Eh, I mean, the night is still young. Besides, I was too afraid to join their league of mutiny to even drink. I know this bar right across from my place. We’re just a couple of blocks away from it right now. What do you say?”
The blisters on your feet say no. The thought of possibly convincing Kihyun to do a couple of shots has you saying, “Sure, why not?” Perhaps you could get him drunk enough to give you an arsenal of secrets to use at your disposal. Then again, you’ve both survived war this evening so by the time you’re finally sitting at the bar with a strong cranberry vodka in your hand you decide to give him a break. (You will never, ever tell Minhyuk and Hyungwon know of this momentary lapse of kindness though.)
“I’d like to lie to you and say that the guys aren’t always this way when we all go out, but…honestly, I’ve seen things get even crazier. It was really nice though to not be the only sober-”
“Kihyun?” Both of you switch your attention over to the woman staring at Kihyun. You see a flash of shock morph into a bitter rage as his jaw clenches. You���d bet your measly savings that the girl was an ex. And a bitch. But the last part is personal conjecture. You want to blame the alcohol for what you do next, but you don’t have enough liqueur in you for it to be the real cause.
“Kihyun, baby, who’s this?” You wrap your arm around Kihyun’s shoulder and give a pointed glare at the other woman.
“Baby? You’ve already moved on? It’s only been, like, three fucking weeks.”
“Well, at least I didn’t move on by cheating on you with my roommate.” Kihyun’s words are angry, and suddenly things start falling into place. That’s why he needed a roommate. That’s why he had been so good at comforting you. That’s why a few weeks ago for the first time he had been late. (Not that you pay that close of attention to him. Nope. You just so happened to notice, and you just so happened to remember.)
“Wow. Wow. You’re such a-”
“I’d step off bitch before I break this glass over your head. Come on baby, let’s go home.” You tug on Kihyun’s hand and leave the bar with her still shouting insults at the two of you. You make the trek back to the apartment in silence, and it isn’t until you actually step through the doors that you realize you’re still holding hands. “Um, sorry about that. I know I just kind of inserted myself in there, but I mean…I get how it feels. We’ve…been through basically the same thing at around the same time. And I just-”
“Thank you.” Kihyun ruffles your hair before suddenly stopping and stepping in closer to you. “I…” His words die out, choked up in his throat with emotions you can’t quite pinpoint swirling just beneath the surface.
“No worries, that’s what friends do right?” You’re not sure if you’re saying that to him or more as a reminder to yourself. He’s just a friend. Right? Right?? His face almost seems to fall for a moment, but it must have been your imagination because suddenly he’s smiling and nodding back at you. Awkward silence ensues and you’re not sure why but you feel a need to break the moment by pulling him into a tight hug and then stepping back. “You know, if you ever want to talk to me about anything, I’m here for you.”
Kihyun nods silently again and gives another small pat to the top of your head before he takes off for his room. Well, that was odd. Then again, that was probably the most normal thing you’ve witnessed all night. Note to self, never go out with the guys ever again.
Months go by and you’ve fallen into a comfortable routine at Kihyun’s. At first, you tried looking for other places, but rent in the city is painfully expensive and well if you’re honest…living with Kihyun isn’t that bad. In fact, it’s wonderful. And much to Minhyuk and Hyungwon’s dissatisfaction, your new friendship with Kihyun has stopped you from pulling as many pranks on the office hamster. It’s not that you don’t still, it’s just that you’re not out for blood anymore.
You’ve learned a lot about Kihyun. About the type of music he listens to. About how he’s a perfectionist even when he plays games. And how his skin care routine is at an almost religious level. And how when he cleans he mutters the entire time to himself until you join in. And how he’s a dog enthusiast who melts any time there’s one nearby. But there’s still one thing you don’t know much about and for some reason, it constantly plays in the back of your head. Why did that girl cheat on him? How could she not see how good of a guy Kihyun is? And why isn’t he trying to get back out there? A catch like him doesn’t come around every dynasty.
You’ve come to understand why your relationship with the idiot failed. You know that he was horribly wrong for cheating and that he should have left and just said he wasn’t happy a long time ago. But you’ve also come to the conclusion that you hadn’t been working on your own happiness in the relationship enough. You had just at some point stopped trying at almost everything. But Kihyun? Well, he’s certainly not that type. Sure he goes between being either really hard on himself or thinking too highly of himself, but he’s got a heart of gold. He knows his worth, and he treats women like queens. (At least if his interactions with his mother over the phone are anything to go by.)
You’re pulled back out of your thoughts by Kihyun walking back into the apartment and the smell of food wafting over. “Ooh, takeout! Did you get me anything?”
“At first I was going to torture you and get something for just myself, but then I realized that my meal would be ruined by you complaining loudly the entire time. I got you some curry.”
“Awesome, thanks babe!” Both you and Kihyun freeze at the nickname. Perhaps you’ve gotten too comfortable once again. Yep, that’s all this is. An innocent mistake caused by being comfortable. Yup. Nothing to see here folks. Nothing at all. “Uhh, I’m not sure why I said that…I’m uh…”
“Nah it’s uh, it’s all good. Babe.” Kihyun cackles loudly before you see him disappear below the kitchen counter. You’ve noticed that when he’s embarrassed he just kind of…runs out of eyesight. It’s endearing, but right now you’re too mortified by your slip of the tongue to even laugh with him. Babe? Really, babe? God, you needed to get out there before you start seeing Kihyun as a possible interest. Nope, never ever going to happen. Absolutely not. It was just a mistake. It meant absolutely nothing.
Dinner goes by quietly after that, the two of you making awkward small talk while pretending to pay attention to some show in the background. By the time dinner is over you’re taking a deep breath and finally setting up a tinder account. Clearly, you need to start moving on, doing something more with your life. You deserve better than that shit show of an ex, and you also deserve some fun. Life has become too routine, and you refuse to turn into a spinster cat lady with a hamster as a roommate.
A week later and you’re meeting up with a guy you met on tinder, praying you aren’t going to get murdered by some psycho. You’ve never used dating apps, and while you were kind of leery about the situation the conversations you’ve had with him have seemed pretty normal. Albeit boring, but you were never the best at making small talk so you’ll take some of the blame for that. He’s good-looking, you’ll give him that. But as the night wears on it becomes painfully apparent that that’s all he is. He’s good looking and he’s got a stable job, but the best way to describe his personality is monotone.
“Yes, so anyway, enough about the bank. What is it that you do again?” You take a large gulp of your wine before speaking, and you don’t miss the way he cocks his eyebrow as if to say ‘are you really going to drink like that?’
“Oh, nothing special. I’m an accountant for a salon and spa software company.”
“Does that make good money? If you’re an accountant we could actually use someone like you on our team and I’m sure it would be better pay…” Blah blah blah, your eyes glaze over as he keeps talking. What’s this guys name again? God, you can’t even remember. You forgot after six years of being with the same guy how boring dates could be. Well, to call all dates boring isn’t exactly fair. You’re sure that not every guy would be this boring, or hell, turn into some sort of weird job offer. Kihyun would be a lot more interesting. You’d probably be out doing shots and karaoke by now. Or maybe you’d go to a cooking class with him. Or you might be out at that fried chicken place he swears is heavenly. Or maybe he’d be animatedly discussing the best cleaning products with you. Okay, so that would suck, but you’re pretty sure he would never discuss that on a date. Unless it was with a maid or cleaning lady. Wait, why are you thinking about Kihyun right now? Oh…oh fuck. Fuck almighty, you like Kihyun.
You try to pay attention to the one-sided conversation, but really he’s so busy talking about himself he doesn’t even notice you zoning out. How long have you liked Kihyun? Probably longer than you care to admit. Maybe the first time you met him. Maybe that’s why you always found a way to poke fun at him. You always were shit at being honest with yourself. How pathetic though. You keep saying you’ve grown after a terrible six-year relationship, but you’re still just as pathetic at being honest with your own emotions. Blunt sure, but honest? Well…honesty requires vulnerability and courage. A potent mixture that you can barely handle. And that’s why you stayed around some dude you weren’t that interested in. But what about now? Will you be honest? Will you go for it?
You grab your phone as it buzzes, just some app unfortunately and not a getaway ticket. But your date doesn’t know that. “I’m so sorry, but it looks like my cat just went into labor and I think she really needs my support.” You pull out some cash and slap it on the table before he can respond and try your best to run out of there. You’re pretty sure he’s saying something to you as you leave, but you’re moving too quickly to hear him for long. Cat going into labor? And she needs your support? Jesus, you need to get better at lying.
By the time you’ve finally reached your apartment, you’re in near hysterical giggles. Of all the things you could have said to get away from the date, I mean that’ll go down in history as the strangest lie you’ve said. It’s at least entertaining enough to keep the sinking realization that you like Kihyun at bay. Until you finally step foot in the apartment and come face to face with him that is. He’s lounging on the couch, reading a book. His hair is still slightly damp from a shower and the scent of his body wash lingers in the air.
“Oh hey, I was going to…” Kihyun looks up and stops speaking as he analyzes you. His jaw tightens slightly before he gulps and continues speaking, “I was going to ask you to pick up some food but I wasn’t sure what you were doing.”
“Trying to flee a really awful date actually.” You fling yourself onto the chair next to him and kick up your feet on the coffee table, ignoring the look of disdain he gives you at your action.
“That bad?” You don’t miss the way his words sound a little clipped, slightly agitated.
“Bad enough that I told him my cat went into labor and then ran away.” You can’t help but join him as he starts to laugh, his annoyance melting away. It feels so nice to be home with him. It feels so normal and so right. But it kind of hurts, your heartaches and stomach drops as you gaze fondly at him. Kihyun has been such a good guy to you, and you’re pining after him. And you didn’t even notice it until you went out with some schmuck from tinder. How lame could you get?
“How bad could the date possibly have been that you went with that half-baked lie?” He wasn’t you. It’s just that simple, that’s why I gave him that half-baked lie.
“Well, …he was a banker. I think that’s enough said, right? At least he wasn’t a lawyer though. You know the weirdest part about the date though was that all he did was talk about work, and when I explained that I work in accounting he tried to offer me a job. It felt more like I was at an interview than a date. And here I thought tinder was for random flings.” You hate the way your heart flutters at the smile he sends your way as he ruffles your hair in consolation for your bad date. You hate the way that his touch feels so right, so natural. But you mostly hate the way that you can’t stop dwelling on it and how you know that you’re being a coward by not coming clean. But what exactly were you supposed to say? Hey Kihyun, being roommates isn’t enough anymore I’d like to hold your hand and tell you that you’re super cute and maybe screw your brains out? Yeah, probably not going to go down well. Both of you just got out of relationships. You work together. You live together. The last thing you need is to make things awkward.
At the same time though, you know you like him. You’re both grown adults. If things don’t work out then you’ll move on. But if you just allow these feelings to keep festering it’ll become unbearable. So you take in a deep breath and you finally say it before you can chicken out. “You know, Kihyun that isn’t actually the real reason why I left the date though. I mean, I’ve been on worse ones I could’ve stuck it out till the end but I didn’t exactly give him a fair chance. You see, I kind of already like someone.” You can’t make eye contact with him as you speak, but you can hear him shift on the couch presumably to move closer to you. It’s now or never. “Maybe I’m a complete idiot to not realize it sooner, but the entire time I was on that date I kept comparing him to you. And I kept thinking about what we would’ve done on a date, and how you wouldn’t have taken me to some pretentious French place only to talk my ear off about something as lame as work. And how you definitely would’ve called me out for saying some lame excuse. And I…”
“You like me?” You’re staring pointedly at the ground, still too afraid to look up. Your bravery can only go so far, and actually seeing his reaction might just kill what little of your fragile ego you have left in you. “You…like…me?”  There’s a pregnant pause before you suddenly see him in your line of vision, crouched down in front of you and his hands cup your cheeks gently. “You don’t know how happy that makes me. I really really like you (y/n). I mean I think I have from the moment you first sassed off to me. I actually got into a fight with my ex once because when I first started working with you I kept talking about you.”
“What? You didn’t hate me? I was a total bitch to you!” God, what kind of masochistic shit is this? You always knew he had a few screws loose, but I mean, is this his version of some kind of a sick joke? You’re pretty sure it’s not based on his expression. He’s looking at you so fondly, so happily. It’s the same face he makes when he sees dogs, pure joy.
“Well, sure. But it was funny the way how everything I did set you off. And it was awesome how you didn’t back down. I mean you never took my shit, you always threw it back at me. But it was never malicious. It was always very honest. Blunt and to the point. I think the thing I appreciate most about you is that you always say what’s on your mind. I don’t have to guess with you, you just come right out and say it. And it’s refreshing. And then when we moved in and I started to see the softer sides of you I knew I was a goner. I knew you had me wrapped around your little finger. I’ve just been hoping that maybe, somehow, you’d like me as much as I like you.” Silence fills the room, but it’s not uncomfortable. The two of you are just gazing at each other, basking in warm serenity.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Kiss me already you fool.” You love the way he laughs, it sets off butterflies in a frenzy before he finally pulls you into a soft kiss. His beauty routine clearly extends to exfoliating his lips because wow, they’re so soft. So perfect, so warm. At first, it’s feather light, but when your hands cup his face it moves into something deeper. His tongue swipes your lower lip and you taste a hint of peach as they tangle together.  His hands weave into your hair and push the two of you closer until finally, you fall in a pile of tangled limbs on the floor, both of you refuse to break the kiss as hands roam each other in a greedy frenzy before he finally pulls back slightly sheepish.
“Sorry, I got a little carried away there. I guess before I do anything else I should probably officially ask you to be my girlfriend shouldn’t I?”
“God, you’re such a dork. But I guess you’re my dork now aren’t you?” Your breath hitches slightly at the grin he gives you as he moves your hair out of your face gently. He’s so beautiful. His cute little mole, flawless skin, sharp jawline. You trace over his features silently as your brain tries to wrap around everything. He’s yours. You're his. And it just feels right. If a few months ago someone would’ve told you that you’d be hopelessly in love with the office hamster you would’ve laughed in their face. But the world works in mysterious ways, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
There’s a lot of ways that you’d describe Yoo Kihyun. An insufferable nag. Confident. Handsome. Great singer. Pretty good cook. A bit of a Napoleon complex. Ridiculously kind. A total softy. A fantastic kisser. The love of your life. Yeah, that’s Yoo Kihyun for you.
A/N: I know the ending is kind of rushed, sorry about that. I’ve actually had this in my WIPs for a couple of months now and I just really wanted to share it. I hope that you enjoyed it! This was a lot of fun to write.
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jellybeanbeing · 5 years
Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare
WARNING: It’s gon’ be long.
What if damnation is the price of true love?
Innocent blood has been spilled on the steps of the Council Hall, the sacred stronghold of the Shadowhunters. In the wake of the tragic death of Livia Blackthorn, the Clave teeters on the brink of civil war. One fragment of the Blackthorn family flees to Los Angeles, seeking to discover the source of the blight that is destroying the race of warlocks.
Meanwhile, Julian and Emma take desperate measures to put their forbidden love aside and undertake a perilous mission to Faerie to retrieve the Black Volume of the Dead. What they find in the Courts is a secret that may tear the Shadow World asunder and open a dark path into a future they could never have imagined. Caught in a race against time, Emma and Julian must save the world of Shadowhunters before the deadly power of the parabatai curse destroys them and everyone they love.
Queen of Air and Darkness was INTENSE. My goodness... There was so much stuff that happened and were packed into this book. It was amazing and so well done with some exceptions but I’ll get into it later on. Overall, it was so emotional, dynamic, and great! And since this book was so big, I’m gonna try to go over every storyline(?) or significant character.
Starting off with Ty/Kit/Dru. I knew that some necromancy was gonna happen and I was prepared for it, BUT I thought that Livvy’s ghost was gonna pop up and say “stop it” and then everything would go back. Apparently, that’s not what happens. Ty now has to face his consequences which I’m pretty sure we’re going to see in The Wicked Powers. I wasn’t so invested in their story line, mostly because it didn’t have a big relation with the bigger story line. I felt like it was all set up for Kit and Ty’s story. I did really enjoy it though. We get to see more layers of Kit and Ty, and even Dru. I really loved getting to know Dru more. She has such a great voice and seeing things from her perspective was so interesting. I’m really excited to get more from her because what we did get from her in QOAAD, I really liked. She’s so smart, strong, and has a lot of potential to grown and be an even more amazing character.
I am loving Kit even more as we get to know him and the complexity of his character. I can understand his decision at the end when he wants to leave with Tessa and Jem without saying goodbye to the Blackthorns (especially Ty). Since Livvy’s death, all Kit did was be there for Ty even if what he was doing was really wrong. But when they both were at Lake Lyn and Livvy’s ghost came up, Ty was saying how there was nothing for him if Livvy wasn’t there, and that hurt Kit. So I can understand Kit’s decision. On another note though, KIT IS THE DESCENDANT OF THE FIRST HEIR? And that scene where he and Emma are with the Riders and magic just bursts out of him? How did that even happen? I need to know what is up with that. Again, on another note, I am always loving how Kit is accepting the fact that he’s a Shadowhunter. I love a good character development, and Kit’s development is so good. When he has that conversation with Jace, Kit wants his own weapon of choice and it was such a precious scene. We can really see Kit’s growing love of being a Shadowhunter.
We didn’t get a Ty perspective AT ALL in QOAAD so I’m really thinking Cassandra Clare is saving his voice for TWP which I’m all for. We’ll get to hear his voice and it’ll be so great. Ty was really something in this book though. I was lowkey kind of getting Julian-ish vibes from him. Ty was so determined to fix himself and his family that he completely forgot the logistics of everything and tried to do the almost impossible. We saw that Blackthorn stubbornness in him and I wasn’t all about it. I JUST NEED HIS PERSPECTIVE because when he got that letter from Thule Livvy, it seemed like he didn’t care. Not even a tiny bit. I just... I need TWP now. On a side note, holy mole. What if the Thule Jace coming to the normal Shadowhunter world is the consequence for Ty trying to raise Livvy? The necromancy could’ve opened a portal and let them pass through. Oh shit. DAMN IT. That means Ty will have to face this consequence and there’s gonna be another war. Are you kidding me?
I want to explore the Scholomance more. With just the small scenes we get of it, it seems so interesting. They weren’t happy or jolly scenes but something about it makes me want to delve in the Centurions lives more. I’m hoping that in The Wicked Powers, we will get to see more of the Scholomance. Especially since Ty is going to become a Centurion which WOW. I can’t wait for it. 
Moving onto Diana/Jia. Seeing things from their perspectives was pretty interesting considering that they are really the only adults here besides the TMI gang. We really saw the politics during their parts and it was unsettling because of the parallels it had with our real world politics. That was one thing that scared me. We know how things have gone in the real world when hateful people and extremists have power and influence. With those parallels, we can kind of grasp at how high the stakes are within the Shadowhunter government. There was that scene where Diego, Divya, and Rayan are brought upon the council and have the runes of Quietude put on them so they can’t speak. This hit me hard and made me tear up because it was so real. They, who are still basically children, aren’t given the chance to speak for themselves and are imprisoned. It was so heartbreaking to read that scene. But overall, I didn’t really care for Diana/Jia’s story line because nothing really happened.
There was that one badass scene where Diana was talking to Horace and he’s trying to convince her to side with him. I was so nervous that Diana wouldn’t have a way out of it and when she agreed to it, I was like, WE ARE FUCKED. But no. Diana grabs Horace’s sword, chops his arm off, and busts out the window like a BADASS. I was livid. 
And then the hot faerie threesome aka Cristina/Mark/Kieran. This was a pretty wild one. I absolutely loved the character development with every one of them. Not really Cristina because her character arc wasn’t that big or different. Mark and Kieran have come so far from being these broken faerie warriors to these strong and amazing people. It makes my heart ache and feel so happy. Oh my gosh, that last scene with the three of them at Magnus and Alec’s wedding, killed me. There’s that recurring line “Remember that none of it is real.” and at the end, Mark says, “Remember that all of this is real.” RIGHT IN THE FEELS.
I need to know more about the relationship between the Rosales family and faeries. There are so many unanswered questions with this. Why does Cristina have that time medallion thingy and the Rosales have the Eternidad? And I’m pretty sure there’s something sketchy about all of that. I need answers...
Speaking of the Rosales, Diego and Jaime? I actually really liked them in this book. I was pissed at Diego for lying to Cristina but he kind of redeemed his character. He showed his compassion and kindness which I really liked, and he apologized to Cristina. He confronted the situation and knew what he did was really shitty. Side note: I really ship him with Divya and I’m hoping to see them both in TWP at the Scholomance with Ty. ALSO, Diego was asked to take the spot as Inquisitor????? Would’ve never thought of Diego as the Inquisitor but I’m not mad. Yay, Diego. Jaime literally didn’t have a huge role in here and I felt like he was just there to set up TWP story line. For a second when Diego and Jaime were in the cell together, I thought that Jaime was going to die. I think it would’ve added so much more drama if he did die and given them something to hold against the Cohort but it’s okay. Jaime lived so yay.
Really quick before we get into Emma and Julian’s part, Aline was probably one of my top favorite characters in QOAAD. She was so sassy and always stood up for Helen. She was also so understanding and logical. Aline is quick to catch onto things and I’m hoping we get to see more or Helen and Aline and their POSSIBLE BABY.
Now let’s get to Emma and Julian. I was kind of disappointed in their characters, not gonna lie. I was really liking them in the beginning but towards the end, I was beginning to not really care if they lived or not. It just makes me sad because they’re the main characters. But if I’m gonna be REAL HONEST here, I didn’t really care for anyone’s story line. This pains me to say SO MUCH because this is my favorite series in the entire Shadowhunter Chronicles. 
Anyways, back to Emma and Julian. I was really liking borderline evil Julian. He was really living up to his ruthless title and it was so interesting. I seriously thought that his character would just continue to go downhill and no one was going to or could save him from it. That scene where Emma and Julian find out that Dane Larkspear was following them and then Julian MURDERS HIM sent chills down my spine. Julian was so cold and heartless in that moment and I kind of liked it. Also, call me heartless too but Dane deserved it. When he decided to go fetch the Black Volume by himself, he was asking to be killed. Back to Julian, though I liked borderline evil and emotionless Julian, he was such an asshole. Not only did he lie to and hurt Emma, he also did the same thing to his siblings. What the fudge nuggets, Julian? I was so glad that Magnus took that spell off of him because I was low key getting irritated. BUT that spell should have never been put on him in the first place, just saying.
I still think Emma is such a great strong female lead character. As I said in my Lady Midnight review, she is strong both mentally and physically but she has emotions. She expresses those emotions and shows her vulnerabilities. She ain’t no stone cold badass who welds a sword around, threatening people all the time. She’s a cool badass and I love it. One thing I really liked was how when Emma and Julian are in Thule and Julian tells Emma that he can feel again, she doesn’t just jump at the chance to be with Julian. He hurt her and lied to her, and she ain’t about that. Even when they returned from Thule, Emma knew Julian wasn’t himself and restrained herself from getting hurt by him again. 
That battle scene in the Unseelie Court was probably one of the most epic scenes in this book for me. We get Jace and Clary back, Mark and Kieran are there in chains, about to die, and there’s also Adaon, Julian, Emma, and Cristina there. I almost forgot that ASH, ANNABEL, AND THE SEELIE QUEEN WERE THERE TOO! Everything just went to shit but Kieran killed the Unseelie King, the Seelie Queen stole Adaon, Ash and Annabel jump through that portal, and soon after when the building is in flames, Julian and Emma jump through the portal too. It was absolute chaos and I loved it. And you know what scene I lived for during this whole thing? It’s when Julian is stabbing the shit out of Ethna with Simon’s D&D figurine. Amazing.
This book made me realize how crucial or very helpful it is to have read The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. I feel like if you’ve only really read TID and TDA, you won’t be able to grasp the how high the stakes are in Queen of Air and Darkness. Especially the whole deal with the Mortal sword and the Dark War.
Speaking of the Dark War.. when Emma and Julian went to Thule, I didn’t know what to expect but I was not expecting what we got. It was so different from what we know of the Shadowhunter world and it felt like a short novella inside QOAAD. But again, being honest here, that was the best part in this entire book. I was so captivated and entertained by this alternate dimension. Seeing Livia grown up and being a leader was just so nice to see, but it was also heartbreaking. 
Y’all, Cameron deserved so much more. I don’t know about you guys but I didn’t really care or like Cameron because we got the bare minimum of him. I also don’t know if it was mentioned in the other books about how he was as a person but the way Emma described him in QOAAD, he seemed like a sweet and goofy guy. I mean, this boy sent Emma llama pictures when he was sad. How precious is that? He was done dirty in this book. He was locked in the city of bones while fighting for his life by his girlfriend Livvy, got stabbed by his own cousin, and was ridiculed by his entire family. Cameron needs a hug.
I am so loving how the writing and characters in this book are getting so (dare i say) “rebellious”. Cassandra Clare isn’t sugar coating ANYTHING OR ANYONE anymore. I just want to appreciate the appearance of curse words whether its in English or another language. My rebellious heart loves it. I think this also ties into the fact that a lot of these characters are so done with the bullshit that’s been thrown at them that they just don’t care about censoring themselves anymore.
Zara and the entire Cohort can go choke. That’s all I’m gonna say about them.
That last battle scene was just intense. And the build up for this scene was equally as intense. I just absolutely loved how Julian got his shit together and remembered who he was. He is a motherforking genius. He contacted everyone he knew and set up that meeting. This seventeen year old boy did that. He was also smart enough to know that there was obviously going to be spies at the meeting so he had a secluded one after the majority of people left. I knew the Cohort was screwed from there on out, even when it was revealed that “Oskar” was Annabel. I was shocked but I knew they were gonna be in deep shit. But back to that last battle scene. What the fork? Everything was going pretty smoothly until someone just had to throw the knife and kill someone. I was living for that scene with the Mortal Sword. Everything was coming out and it was so amazing. But shit happened, so there’s that. 
The ending for this battle scene was a different kind of battle scene that I’m used to reading. Usually the perspective stays within the battle but Cassandra Clare included ALL perspectives of this battle, on field and out. I seriously thought that after Emma and Julian became giants, they were going to die or have all of their marks stripped. I really didn’t think they were have a happy ending. I mean, I’m happy they did but, it just doesn’t make sense. Also, I was not expecting Emma and Julian to become giants. Was it only me who imagined them as the Green Giant from the frozen vegetables thingy? Haha, yeah, just me.
I did really like how we saw so many perspectives of the battle. It made for a really good battle scene, but I guess I was a bit underwhelmed by the entire ending of this book.
THAT EPILOGUE? I was kind of expecting to get an epilogue similar to the one in Clockwork Princess. In Clockwork Princess, we get closure and I felt satisfied with the entire story but THE QOAAD EPILOGUE? I’m unsettled and I have to wait until around 2022 FOR ANSWERS. My heart will be unsettled for about 4 years. Okay. Cool.
Just the fact that this whole situation is coming full circle back to TMI but with it being more complex, is making me so tired of these assholes coming back to fuck shit up. Let these children be, goddamn it. 
I seriously thought I would feel at ease when I finished QOAAD but I don’t. That’s the one thing that bothers me. This book is so big yet we have SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS AND LOOSE ENDS. Please fucking yell at me if this was also the situation for COHF because it’s been a hot minute since I’ve read it.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed some aspect of this even if it’s complete shit.
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spectrumscribe · 6 years
Hey!! I am in a mood and I would like to ask for some cuddle piles with the rottmnt boys. Ooh maybe like a hurt comfort thing cause one of them got injured or something in one of their fights (love those boys and they're trying their best but they aren't the best fighters out there), and like after they get home and their like bandaged up they end up piling on them (bonus points if you squeeze in some good dad splinter). thanks!!!!
i love hurt/comfort, but i think this ended up a little more fluffy than intended. enjoy anyway, and everyone please remember urban exploration is more dangerous than you’d think it is (even in our universe, lmao).
thanks for the great prompt!
“A twisted ankle, a buttful of quills, and a goose egg to the head are an impressive collection ofinjuries, bro,” Leo says to Raph. He shakes his head. “I don’t know how youmanaged those all at onc- JESUSFFFUCKIN-!Donnie! What the fuck, I wasn’t ready!”
“Sorry, thought you were,” Donnie says in monotone,absolutely unapologetic with hisapology. He drops the quill he’s just yanked out of Leo’s scales into bowlbeside them on the floor. “There. You’re all done, no more whining. Raph, holdstill. It’s your turn.”
Raph whimpers into the pillow he’s face down on. Leo rubshis own injuries sympathetically, glancing at the dozens of quills stuck in Raph’sbackside and thighs. At least Leo got out of things with just eight quillsstabbed into him; Raph went and saton the pissed off mutant porcupine. It happened something like Raph’s footgoing through a rickety floorboard, his ankle twisting in a way it shouldn’t,him falling backwards onto the tenant of the thought-to-be abandoned building, resultingin a panic/pain induced sprint right into an exposed ceiling pipe.
Sometimes, Raph is a relatively decent ninja. And sometimeshe does things like that. They’re all still in need of further training fromtheir father.
“Dude, stop smearing the blood around,” Mikey scolds Leo. Hepulls Leo’s hand away from his forearm, taking a disinfectant cloth to thebleeding divots. After they’re all clean, he delicately tapes a band-aid overeach tiny, if profusely sore wound.
Leo brings his arms close to his face, turning them toexamine each band-aid. Anakin Skywalker, Ashoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi stareback at him. “The Clone Wars, nice.”
“I’ve been waiting for a reason to break these bad boys out,”Mikey says, holding up the battered cardboard box proudly. He’s only got threeband-aids on his person, since he’d been smart enough to start hightailing itbefore the rest of them finished processing the angry cursing being shouted atthem.
“We should visit that drugstore dumpster again, they hadsome good stuff,” Leo agrees. He starts to stand and winces as Raph makes amuffled scream of pain into his pillow. Donnie and his pliers- the mostmerciless combination possible. “I’m… gonna go grab some tea and painkillers.And ice, for Raph. Anyone got requests for flavors?”
“Orange pekoe!” Mikey says.
“Sugarplum spice,” Donnie says.
“—-!!” is Raph’sanswer, which is a high pitched scream akin to a dog whistle.
“I’ll get you sleepy time tea, Raph,” Leo says, grimacing atRaph’s ongoing treatment. “Also- Donnie, you drinking Christmas tea in themiddle of the year is just plain wrong feeling.”
“A mutant wants what he wants,” Donnie says with a shrug,and yanks another quill out of Raph’s leg. “Oh quit screaming so much, Raph. It’llbe over before you know it.”
“You’re- evil!”
“I resent that remark. I’m chaotic neutral at most.”
“Nah, you’re at least neutral evil right now, Dee,” Mikey says.Donnie’s goggles on his face gleam eerily as he turns a flat look on theiryoungest sibling, which doesn’t help his case. That, and he pulls yet anotherquill out of Raph without even looking.
Leo gladly escapes the scream filled atrium, scurrying offto the kitchen for their tea. The medicine basket is on top of the fridge, too,filled with general medications and vitamins. Leo digs through the pill bottlesand little cardboard boxes while the electric kettle heats up. The extrastrength Tylenol and ibuprofen should be good, right? They’ll need a coupleeach, since their systems eat up calories and medications like the breeze.
Pouring the boiled water into four individual mugs- one ofthem a soup mug with two tea bags for Raph, since he needs bigger portions thanthe rest of them- Leo puts them all onto the beaten up plastic platter he digsout from the back of the floor cupboards. He piles on the pill bottles, too, and turns to leave. A figure is directly in his path and Leo shrieksand leaps away.
Splinter catches the platter without even blinking- not adrop spilled from the sloshing mugs as he balances it on his coiled tail. Leo’sfather looks up at him, squinting.
“I see your reflexes are improving, blue,” Splinter says tohim.
“Hi, pops,” Leo says, a little breathless.
“Hm, yes, hello. Are you going to keep your injured brotherswaiting? Get off the fridge already.”
Leo grumbles as he hops off the top of the fridge; which is wherehe’d been tensely perched, hand halfway to drawing a sword he’s not carryingright now. “You did that on purpose,” he complains to his sneaky ninja master father.
“I do not know what you are talking about,” Splinter says witha perfectly straight face, though his whiskers are twitching with silent humor.He lifts his tail, boosting the platter up to Leo to take again. “Get me a mugbefore you go, I want the nice grey one for my tea- which, you did not remember to pour me some of.”
“Sorry,” Leo says honestly, opening the top cupboards againand standing on tiptoe to get the requested mug. He doesn’t mind doing so, andhe really needs to remind Raph to stop putting the dishes away like this. Theirfather can’t reach the same shelves as the tallest member of their family.
“Ah, I do not really mind,” Splinter says, taking the mug. “Ijust hate getting the stool to do this myself.”
“Yeah, no, I get that. Jasmine, or…?”
“Jasmine, yes.”
Leo hands his father the box of tea, still balancing theplatter in his other hand. “Can you bring the ice in? I just realized I almost forgotit.”
Splinter shoos him away wordlessly, agreeing. Leo leavesbefore his father changes his mind and makes carrying everything at once into a balancingexercise.
“Okay, pekoe- sugarplum- and sleepy time,” Leo says as hehands out the drinks, setting Raph’s a bit away from him in case he startsthrashing. Donnie puts his aside for when he’s done tending to Raph, while Mikeytakes a happy gulp from his mug. Leo sits down and passes around somepainkillers, too; knocking back a few with a drink from his true blueberry tea.
Splinter arrives towards the end of Raph’s treatment,bringing with him bags of ice and a towel to wrap around them. So it’s notunbearably cold against Raph’s scales, since they get chilled easily. By thatpoint, Raph has mostly stopped screaming, but remains face down on his pillow. Mikeyand Leo are leaning against his side, offering comfort as Donnie steadilyworks.
Leo reaches over and massages Raph’s neck as their fatherlifts the twisted ankle up from its elevating pillow. His brother makes aseries of miserable sounds as his ankle is iced.
“Almost done, Raph, I promise,” Donnie says, and since he’sadded real emotion behind those words, it means he’s slipping out of the zoneand coming back to proper reality. It’s not that their brother is heartless; it’sthat Donnie shuts down emotions when he’s stressed out. Pulling porcupinequills out of your big brother will do that to anyone.
Splinter comes around to sit next to Raph’s head, undoinghis son’s mask and placing ice to the large bump on Raph’s forehead.  “I could give you acupuncture,” Splinteroffers as Raph takes the ice and puts it between him and his pillow. “It willease the pain of you ankle.”
“No, no more needles,”Raph mumbles mournfully into the soon to be damp pillow. Leo pats his brother’sshell while Mikey coos sympathetically. Splinter shrugs, nonplussed, and sipshis tea. His tail curls around Raph’s elbow without a word; a familiar and oldsort of comfort they’ve been given since childhood.
Their father isn’t big on expressions of affection- Donnie issimilar in that, like Mikey is similar to their father in that he sneaks up on people without warning andscares them, little shit he is. But, when they really need their pops, like right now- Splinteris there.
Raph removes his hand from his folded arms and grips theirfather’s tail. Splinter winds the tip around Raph’s knuckles, holding tight as Donniepulls out the needles.
Soon enough, Donnie sits back from his task. “Aaaand done,we’re done. Good job, Raph. Thanks for not kicking me across the room like thattime with the cactus,” Donnie says, stepping away with a full bowl of porcupineneedles and his thoroughly used pliers. Mikey takes his cue to swap positionsand clean up the wounds; letting Donnie take his place against Raph’s side.
Donnie drains his mug of lukewarm tea in one long gulp, and thenslumps bonelessly. Leo belatedly offers a bottle of Tylenol to his brother,seeing as Donnie hasn’t stopped to take care of himself beyond yanking his ownquills out and slapping band-aids on the wounds. Leo had yelped and felt hisstomach do swoops, seeing his brother expressionlessly pull the needles out hisown scales. Donnie’s shell is possibly the onlything that’s soft about him; besides that he can’t resist a sob story, or Leo andMikey’s combined begging eyes.
“I ran out of Star Wars band-aids, so you got a coupleFinding Nemo ones, Raphie,” Mikey says when he’s done his job.
“Mgh,” Raph says miserably, unconcerned by the mixed mediabandages. Mikey clambers up onto their biggest brother’s shell, patting itgently.
“You’ll heal up in no time, bro,” Mikey says kindly,sprawling the way he tends to on top of Raph. Somehow, in a way that eludes Leoto this day, he can do it without scratching himself on the sharp spines oftheir sibling.
Raph replies with another,“Mgh.”
“You feel like moving to your bed yet?” Leo asks.
“No,” is Raph’sempathetic answer. Which is fair. If Leohad sat on the porcupine mutant, he probably wouldn’t want to move aroundeither.
“Guess we’ll all lie really still here for a while,” Donnie saystonelessly, not seeming all that upset about that. He’s practically a meltedpuddle of turtle, looking exhausted from treating them all.
Leo glances over at their father, who is still acting as Raph’ssecurity blanket and doesn’t show any inclination about leaving. Leo shrugs,and leans back again to join the cuddle pile on the concrete of their atrium skatepark. If you can’t beat ‘em, or something.
Not the best evening ever, but it definitely could haveended a lot worse than them curled up together like this.
Commission info & Kofi link.
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hurr-rae · 6 years
Teen Titans vs. Young Justice
This in no way hates on one or the other team, but it was my response to a video that pit these teams against each other. Which is the better show for you? Teen Titans or Young Justice?
I’d have to answer: Teen Titans
Here it goes... all under the cut.
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Personally, since the show focused mostly on the main five, you got to know the characters better. Each character had an arc (except for Starfire, sadly) and that allowed the viewer to understand each member's struggle and personal demons. We had Robin in S1, Terra for S2, Cyborg S3, Raven S4, and Beast Boy S5. It also went on a lot longer meaning you got to know and love these characters based on interactions and reactions throughout the whole show.
My problem with YJ is that the characters aged up by 5 years for Season 2, and we didn't get to know the main group of season 1 well enough. I don't know if it's just me, but the addition of so MANY new characters in season 2 that popped out of nowhere is just overwhelming. And we have no idea how crazy their lives got in those 5 years. What did they experience? Tula DIED? How important was she anyways? Wally and Dick's friendship is a little hostile? Kaldur's with the dad? There is just too many blanks to fill and I didn't grow up with them throughout the seasons. I didn't get a chance to resonate with them before they grew up. 
Unlike Teen Titans, because their group is always just 5 despite them adding more honorary titans to their ranks, by Season 5, when Beast Boy leads and shouts "Titans Together!" you know they grew up as characters and as a team. No time jumps, no surprise bombs, no nothing. Just great consistent character development.
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Let's be honest, their theme song is great! So what if it has lyrics? When anyone hears the song, they get hyped! It's electric guitar! And because it's so catchy, people get nostalgia from hearing it! It's a win-win, and the problem with a jingle is that it's not memorable (unless it's really just THAT great, which YJ's was not). Also, can we get some recognition for that terrific soundtrack during the amazingly choreographed fighting scene against the Brotherhood of Evil? And THEMES IN GENERAL! You cannot say that each episode of the series didn’t have some theme or moral lesson attached to it. Even the filler episodes had lessons, and that in particular is something YJ lacked for me.
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Yes, YJ had more drama, more romance, angst, betrayal and whatnot, but Teen Titans had that too! TT gets discredited when it comes to this. That's because it has pure funny fill-in episodes. But what some don't get is that these episodes do actually have a purpose. It provides a break when something dramatic or BIG happens. It also adds character development, so it's not completely for nothing. The fact that they do this actually makes the drama, the betrayals, romance and angst even more important. Because the presence of fun, light-hearted episodes make incredibly heavy scenes have MORE meaning and a BIGGER impact to the viewers. For example, "Crash" was a pretty fun episode, but then the ball just completely DROPPED when it came to the "Haunted" episode. Slade hadn't been mentioned for a while, and all that angst and drama just came out of nowhere, which made it all the more memorable.
Also to the argument that says you can just drop by whatever episode to watch  of TT (not really following a story), I wholeheartedly disagree that it makes the show worse compared to YJ. Since you can drop by any episode to watch (which isn’t entirely true anyways), it makes Teen Titans easier to enjoy because you can have fun watching any episode whenever without having to worry about: What happened before? Why is this happening? It makes new watchers who decided to watch it on TV one day to get into it.
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Also the secret identity thing: Glen Murakami (maker of the show) said they decided to do that so the younger audience wouldn't be confused about who's who. It's simple and straight to the point. Another plus about the whole secret identity thing not being mentioned is: it makes for some really good fics and storylines in the comics (based on the show). Another thing I'd like to mention is the completely SOLID friendship between the Titans. Watching the series, you really understand and feel the friendship between each of the characters. They lived together and you got to see the domestic-ness from that. I saw the friendship too in YJ but I never felt it full-force the same way I did watching the Titans. It didn't feel like a family, it just felt like a group. The Teen Titans made me feel like they really WERE family, the same way F.R.I.E.N.D.S. did. **And GOD! Their interactions are so PURE! You’re always reminded as a viewer that at the end of the day, they’re still teens who know how to have fun (refer to the gif above^^)
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Lastly, the Titans' independence was just the cherry on the top. I know many appreciate YJ's "realness" when it comes to working with their mentors, but there's just something truly admirable about the Titans working on their own. They have a HUGE group completely made out of teenagers! They went to space on their own! They have Titans East, North and South (the originals being West)! That is an INCREDIBLE achievement. That's all THEM. They learned through their failures as a group, but because of those experiences, they were successful in making a worldwide superhero team. They didn't need the League or adults because they have each other. Compare that to YJ. Yes, we get parental!Batman and dick!Superman, but the YJ during season 1 gets treated like kids often despite already being their own group. And imagine that, the JL and Titans are two different groups. The Titans have always been all about independence, so if you want to learn more about yourself, without adults interfering, you go to the Titans. It's a great concept that should give the show plus points.
**Also a much more elaborate and well-explained article from CBR: https://www.cbr.com/15-ways-teen-titans-is-better-than-young-justice/
THAT'S IT! That's the end! This in no way was made to bash on YJ, they are just personal opinions, so please don't take it to be against you if you're a YJ fan. I admit that YJ has a more infamous line of villains, and the way they fooled the Light was great! It's just.. TT meant more to me. Feel free to share your experiences whether you're a YJ fan or TT fan. Both shows are great in their own ways, and both shows are getting another season! Good news all around!
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